Tag Archives: Developer Tools

Reimagine Software Development With CodeWhisperer as Your AI Coding Companion

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/reimagine-software-development-with-codewhisperer-as-your-ai-coding-companion/

In the few months since Amazon CodeWhisperer became generally available, many customers have used it to simplify and streamline the way they develop software. CodeWhisperer uses generative AI powered by a foundational model to understand the semantics and context of your code and provide relevant and useful suggestions. It can help build applications faster and more securely, and it can help at different levels, from small suggestions to writing full functions and unit tests that help decompose a complex problem into simpler tasks.

Imagine you want to improve your code test coverage or implement a fine-grained authorization model for your application. As you begin writing your code, CodeWhisperer is there, working alongside you. It understands your comments and existing code, providing real-time suggestions that can range from snippets to entire functions or classes. This immediate assistance adapts to your flow, reducing the need for context-switching to search for solutions or syntax tips. Using a code companion can enhance focus and productivity during the development process.

When you encounter an unfamiliar API, CodeWhisperer accelerates your work by offering relevant code suggestions. In addition, CodeWhisperer offers a comprehensive code scanning feature that can detect elusive vulnerabilities and provide suggestions to rectify them. This aligns with best practices such as those outlined by the Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP). This makes coding not just more efficient, but also more secure and with an increased assurance in the quality of your work.

CodeWhisperer can also flag code suggestions that resemble open-source training data, and flag and remove problematic code that might be considered biased or unfair. It provides you with the associated open-source project’s repository URL and license, making it easier for you to review them and add attribution where necessary.

Here are a few examples of CodeWhisperer in action that span different areas of software development, from prototyping and onboarding to data analytics and permissions management.

CodeWhisperer Speeds Up Prototyping and Onboarding
One customer using CodeWhisperer in an interesting way is BUILDSTR, a consultancy that provides cloud engineering services focused on platform development and modernization. They use Node.js and Python in the backend and mainly React in the frontend.

I talked with Kyle Hines, co-founder of BUILDSTR, who said, “leveraging CodeWhisperer across different types of development projects for different customers, we’ve seen a huge impact in prototyping. For example, we are impressed by how quickly we are able to create templates for AWS Lambda functions interacting with other AWS services such as Amazon DynamoDB.” Kyle said their prototyping now takes 40% less time, and they noticed a reduction of more than 50% in the number of vulnerabilities present in customer environments.

Screenshot of a code editor using CodeWhisperer to generate the handler of an AWS Lambda function.

Kyle added, “Because hiring and developing new talent is a perpetual process for consultancies, we leveraged CodeWhisperer for onboarding new developers and it helps BUILDSTR Academy reduce the time and complexity for onboarding by more than 20%.”

CodeWhisperer for Exploratory Data Analysis
Wendy Wong is a business performance analyst building data pipelines at Service NSW and agile projects in AI. For her contributions to the community, she’s also an AWS Data Hero. She says Amazon CodeWhisperer has significantly accelerated her exploratory data analysis process, when she is analyzing a dataset to get a summary of its main characteristics using statistics and visualization tools.

She finds CodeWhisperer to be a swift, user-friendly, and dependable coding companion that accurately infers her intent with each line of code she crafts, and ultimately aids in the enhancement of her code quality through its best practice suggestions.

“Using CodeWhisperer, building code feels so much easier when I don’t have to remember every detail as it will accurately autocomplete my code and comments,” she shared. “Earlier, it would take me 15 minutes to set up data preparation pre-processing tasks, but now I’m ready to go in 5 minutes.”

Screenshot of exploratory data analysis using Amazon CodeWhisperer in a Jupyter notebook.

Wendy says she has gained efficiency by delegating these repetitive tasks to CodeWhisperer, and she wrote a series of articles to explain how to use it to simplify exploratory data analysis.

Another tool used to explore data sets is SQL. Wendy is looking into how CodeWhisperer can help data engineers who are not SQL experts. For instance, she noticed they can just ask to “write multiple joins” or “write a subquery” to quickly get the correct syntax to use.

Asking Amazon CodeWhisperer to generate SQL syntax and code.

CodeWhisperer Accelerates Testing and Other Daily Tasks
I had the opportunity to spend some time with software engineers in the AWS Developer Relations Platform team. That’s the team that, among other things, builds and operates the community.aws website.

Screenshot of the community.aws website, built and operated by the AWS Developer Relations Platform team with some help from Amazon CodeWhisperer.

Nikitha Tejpal’s work primarily revolves around TypeScript, and CodeWhisperer aids her coding process by offering effective autocomplete suggestions that come up as she types. She said she specifically likes the way CodeWhisperer helps with unit tests.

“I can now focus on writing the positive tests, and then use a comment to have CodeWhisperer suggest negative tests for the same code,” she says. “In this way, I can write unit tests in 40% less time.”

Her colleague, Carlos Aller Estévez, relies on CodeWhisperer’s autocomplete feature to provide him with suggestions for a line or two to supplement his existing code, which he accepts or ignores based on his own discretion. Other times, he proactively leverages the predictive abilities of CodeWhisperer to write code for him. “If I want explicitly to get CodeWhisperer to code for me, I write a method signature with a comment describing what I want, and I wait for the autocomplete,” he explained.

For instance, when Carlos’s objective was to check if a user had permissions on a given path or any of its parent paths, CodeWhisperer provided a neat solution for part of the problem based on Carlos’s method signature and comment. The generated code checks the parent directories of a given resource, then creates a list of all possible parent paths. Carlos then implemented a simple permission check over each path to complete the implementation.

“CodeWhisperer helps with algorithms and implementation details so that I have more time to think about the big picture, such as business requirements, and create better solutions,” he added.

Code generated by CodeWhisperer based on method signature and comment.

CodeWhisperer is a Multilingual Team Player
CodeWhisperer is polyglot, supporting code generation for 15 programming languages: Python, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, C#, Go, Rust, PHP, Ruby, Kotlin, C, C++, Shell scripting, SQL, and Scala.

CodeWhisperer is also a team player. In addition to Visual Studio (VS) Code and the JetBrains family of IDEs (including IntelliJ, PyCharm, GoLand, CLion, PhpStorm, RubyMine, Rider, WebStorm, and DataGrip), CodeWhisperer is also available for JupyterLab, in AWS Cloud9, in the AWS Lambda console, and in Amazon SageMaker Studio.

At AWS, we are committed to helping our customers transform responsible AI from theory into practice by investing to build new services to meet the needs of our customers and make it easier for them to identify and mitigate bias, improve explainability, and help keep data private and secure.

You can use Amazon CodeWhisperer for free in the Individual Tier. See CodeWhisperer pricing for more information. To get started, follow these steps.


Running GitHub Actions in a private Subnet with AWS CodeBuild

Post Syndicated from original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/running-github-actions-in-a-private-subnet-with-aws-codebuild/

Last week the Developer Tools team announced that AWS CodeBuild now supports GitHub Actions. AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed continuous integration service that allows you to build and test code. CodeBuild builds are defined as a collection of build commands and related settings, in YAML format, called a BuildSpec. You can now define GitHub Actions steps directly in the BuildSpec and run them alongside CodeBuild commands. In this post, I will use the Liquibase GitHub Action to deploy changes to an Amazon Aurora database in a private subnet.


The GitHub Marketplace includes a large catalog of actions developed by third-parties and the open-source community. At the time of writing, there are nearly 20,000 actions available in the marketplace. Using an action from the marketplace can save you time and effort that would be spent scripting the installation and configuration of various tools required in the build process.

While I love GitHub actions, I often what to run my build in AWS. For example, I might want to access a resource in a private VPC or simply reduce the latency between the build service and my resources. I could accomplish this by hosting a GitHub Action Runner on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). However, hosting a GitHub Action runner requires additional effort to configure and maintain the environment that hosts the runner.

AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed continuous integration service. CodeBuild does not require ongoing maintenance and it can access resources in a private subnet. You can now use GitHub Actions in AWS CodeBuild. This feature provides the simplified configuration and management of CodeBuild with the rich marketplace of GitHub Actions. In the following section, I will explain how to configure CodeBuild to run a GitHub Action.


In this walkthrough, I will configure AWS CodeBuild to use the Liquibase GitHub Action to deploy changelogs to a PostgreSQL database hosted on Amazon Aurora in a private subnet. As shown in the following image, AWS CodeBuild will be configured to run in a private subnet along with my Aurora instance. First, CodeBuild will download the GitHub action using a NAT Gateway to access the internet. Second, CodeBuild will apply the changelog to the Aurora instance in the private subnet.

Architecture diagram showing CodeBuild and Aurora in a private subnet with internet access provided by a NAT gateway

I already have a GitHub repository with the Liquibase configuration properties and changelogs shown in the following image. Liquibase configuration is not the focus of this blog post, but you can read more in Getting Started with Liquibase. My source also includes the buildspec.yaml file which I will explain later in this post.

GitHub repository with Liquibase change set

To create my build project, I open CodeBuild in the AWS Console and select Create build project. Then I provide a name and optional description for the build. My project is named liquibase-blog-post.

If you are note already connected to GitHub, you can connect using a personal access token as shown in the following image.

GitHub configuration in CodeBuild showing the GitHub personal access token

Once I have successfully connected to GitHub, I can paste the URL to my repository as shown in the following image.

CodeBuild configuration showing the GitHub repository URL

I configure my build environment to use the standard build environment on Amazon Linux 2. GitHub actions are built using either JavaScript or a Docker container. If the action uses a Docker container, you must enable the Privileged flag. The Liquibase image is using a Docker container, therefore, I check the box to enabled privileged mode.

Environment configuration showing the standard image on Linux and the privileged flag enabled.

For the VPC configuration, I select the VPC and private subnet where my Aurora instance is hosted and then click Validate VPC Settings to ensure my configuration is correct.

VPC configuration with private subnet selected

My Buildspec file is included I the source. Therefore, I select Use a buildspec file and enter the path to the buildspec file in the repository.

Buildspec configuration with Use a build spec file selected

My buildspec.yaml file includes the following content. Notice that the pre_build phase incudes a series of commands. Commands have always been supported in CodeBuild and include a series of command line commands to run. In this case, I am simply logging a few environment variables for later debugging.

version: 0.2
      - echo $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
      - echo $URL
      - uses: liquibase-github-actions/[email protected]
          changelogFile: changelog-root.xml
          url: ${{ env.URL }}
          username: postgres
          password: ${{ $env.PASSWORD }}
          headless: true

Also notice that the build phase incudes a series of steps. Steps are new, and are used to run GitHub Actions. Each build phase supports either a list of commands, or a list of steps, but not both. In this example, I am specifying the Liquibase Update Action (liquibase-github-actions/update) with a few configuration parameters. You can see a full list of parameters in the Liquibase Update Action repository on GitHub.

I want to call you attention to the environment variables used in my buildspec.yml. Note that I pass the URL and PASSWORD for my database as environment variables. This allows me easily change these values from one environment to another. I have configured these environment variables in the CodeBuild project definition as shown in the following image. The URL is configured as Plaintext and the PASSWORD is configured as Secrets Manager. Running the GitHub Action in CodeBuild has the added advantage that I easily access secrets stored in AWS Secrets Manager and configuration data stored in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store.

Environment Variables used to configure the URL and PASSWORD.

It is also important to note that the syntax use to access environment variables in the buildspec.yaml is different when using a GitHub Action. GitHub Actions access environment variables using the environment context. Therefore, in the pre_build phase, I am using CodeBuild syntax, in the format $NAME. However, the in the build phase, I am using GitHub syntax, in the format ${{ env:NAME}}.

With the configuration complete, I select Create build project and then manually start a build to test the configuration. In the following example you can see the logs from the Liquibase update. Notice that two changesets have been successfully applied to the database.

##   _     _             _ _                      ##
##  | |   (_)           (_) |                     ##
##  | |    _  __ _ _   _ _| |__   __ _ ___  ___   ##
##  | |   | |/ _` | | | | | '_ \ / _` / __|/ _ \  ##
##  | |___| | (_| | |_| | | |_) | (_| \__ \  __/  ##
##  \_____/_|\__, |\__,_|_|_.__/ \__,_|___/\___|  ##
##              | |                               ##
##              |_|                               ##
##                                                ##
##  Get documentation at docs.liquibase.com       ##
##  Get certified courses at learn.liquibase.com  ##
##  Free schema change activity reports at        ##
##      https://hub.liquibase.com                 ##
##                                                ##
Starting Liquibase at 18:33:23 (version 4.21.1 #9070)
Liquibase Version: 4.21.1
Liquibase Open Source 4.21.1 by Liquibase
Running Changeset: changelogs/changelog-1.0.0.xml::1::BobR
Running Changeset: changelogs/changelog-1.0.1.xml::2::BobR
Run: 2
Previously run: 0
Filtered out: 0
Total change sets: 2
Liquibase: Update has been successful.
Liquibase command 'update' was executed successfully.
Phase complete: BUILD State: SUCCEEDED
Phase context status code: Message:
Entering phase POST_BUILD

If I connect to the Aurora database and describe the tables you can see that Liquibase has created the actor table (as defined in the Liquibase Quick Start) along with the Liquibase audit tables databasechangelog and databasechangeloglock. Everything is working just as I expected, and I did not have to install and configure Liquibase!

mydatabase=> \dt
List of relations
Schema  |         Name          | Type  |  Owner
public  | actor                 | table | postgres
public  | databasechangelog     | table | postgres
public  | databasechangeloglock | table | postgres
(3 rows)

In this example, I showed you how to update an Aurora database in a private subnet using a the Liquibase GitHub Action running in CodeBuild. GitHub Actions provide a rich catalog of preconfigured actions simplifying the configuration. CodeBuild provides a managed service that simplifies the configuration and maintenance of my build environment. Used together I can get the best features of both CodeBuild and GitHub Actions.


In this walkthrough I showed you how to create a CodeBuild project. If you no longer need the project, you can simply delete it in the console. If you created other resources, for example an Aurora database, that were not explained in this post, you should delete those as well.


The GitHub Marketplace includes a catalog of nearly 20,000 actions developed by third-parties and the open-source community. AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed continuous integration service that integrates tightly with other AWS services. In this post I used the GitHub Action for Liquibase to deploy an update to a database in a private subnet. I am excited to see what you will do with support for GitHub Actions in CodeBuild. You can read more about this exciting new feature in GitHub Action runner in AWS CodeBuild.

Automated Code Review on Pull Requests using AWS CodeCommit and AWS CodeBuild

Post Syndicated from Verinder Singh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/automated-code-review-on-pull-requests-using-aws-codecommit-and-aws-codebuild/

Pull Requests play a critical part in the software development process. They ensure that a developer’s proposed code changes are reviewed by relevant parties before code is merged into the main codebase. This is a standard procedure that is followed across the globe in different organisations today. However, pull requests often require code reviewers to read through a great deal of code and manually check it against quality and security standards. These manual reviews can lead to problematic code being merged into the main codebase if the reviewer overlooks any problems.

To help solve this problem, we recommend using Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer to assist in the review process. CodeGuru Reviewer identifies critical defects and deviation from best practices in your code. It provides recommendations to remediate its findings as comments in your pull requests, helping reviewers miss fewer problems that may have otherwise made into production. You can easily integrate your repositories in AWS CodeCommit with Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer following these steps.

The purpose of this post isn’t, however, to show you CodeGuru Reviewer. Instead, our aim is to help you achieve automated code reviews with your pull requests if you already have a code scanning tool and need to continue using it. In this post, we will show you step-by-step how to add automation to the pull request review process using your code scanning tool with AWS CodeCommit (as source code repository) and AWS CodeBuild (to automatically review code using your code reviewer). After following this guide, you should be able to give developers automatic feedback on their code changes and augment manual code reviews so fewer problems make it into your main codebase.

Solution Overview

The solution comprises of the following components:

  1. AWS CodeCommit: AWS service to host private Git repositories.
  2. Amazon EventBridge: AWS service to receive pullRequestCreated and pullRequestSourceBranchUpdated events and trigger Amazon EventBridge rule.
  3. AWS CodeBuild: AWS service to perform code review and send the result to AWS CodeCommit repository as pull request comment.

The following diagram illustrates the architecture:

Figure 1: This architecture diagram illustrates the workflow where developer raises a Pull Request and receives automated feedback on the code changes using AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild and Amazon EventBridge rule

Figure 1. Architecture Diagram of the proposed solution in the blog

  1. Developer raises a pull request against the main branch of the source code repository in AWS CodeCommit.
  2. The pullRequestCreated event is received by the default event bus.
  3. The default event bus triggers the Amazon EventBridge rule which is configured to be triggered on pullRequestCreated and pullRequestSourceBranchUpdated events.
  4. The EventBridge rule triggers AWS CodeBuild project.
  5. The AWS CodeBuild project runs the code quality check using customer’s choice of tool and sends the results back to the pull request as comments. Based on the result, the AWS CodeBuild project approves or rejects the pull request automatically.


The following steps provide a high-level overview of the walkthrough:

  1. Create a source code repository in AWS CodeCommit.
  2. Create and associate an approval rule template.
  3. Create AWS CodeBuild project to run the code quality check and post the result as pull request comment.
  4. Create an Amazon EventBridge rule that reacts to AWS CodeCommit pullRequestCreated and pullRequestSourceBranchUpdated events for the repository created in step 1 and set its target to AWS CodeBuild project created in step 3.
  5. Create a feature branch, add a new file and raise a pull request.
  6. Verify the pull request with the code review feedback in comment section.

1. Create a source code repository in AWS CodeCommit

Create an empty test repository in AWS CodeCommit by following these steps. Once the repository is created you can add files to your repository following these steps. If you create or upload the first file for your repository in the console, a branch is created for you named main. This branch is the default branch for your repository. If you are using a Git client instead, consider configuring your Git client to use main as the name for the initial branch. This blog post assumes the default branch is named as main.

2. Create and associate an approval rule template

Create an AWS CodeCommit approval rule template and associate it with the code repository created in step 1 following these steps.

3. Create AWS CodeBuild project to run the code quality check and post the result as pull request comment

This blog post is based on the assumption that the source code repository has JavaScript code in it, so it uses jshint as a code analysis tool to review the code quality of those files. However, users can choose a different tool as per their use case and choice of programming language.

Create an AWS CodeBuild project from AWS Management Console following these steps and using below configuration:

  • Source: Choose the AWS CodeCommit repository created in step 1 as the source provider.
  • Environment: Select the latest version of AWS managed image with operating system of your choice. Choose New service role option to create the service IAM role with default permissions.
  • Buildspec: Use below build specification. Replace <NODEJS_VERSION> with the latest supported nodejs runtime version for the image selected in previous step. Replace <REPOSITORY_NAME> with the repository name created in step 1. The below spec installs the jshint package, creates a jshint config file with a few sample rules, runs it against the source code in the pull request commit, posts the result as comment to the pull request page and based on the results, approves or rejects the pull request automatically.
version: 0.2
      nodejs: <NODEJS_VERSION>
      - npm install jshint --global
      - echo \{\"esversion\":6,\"eqeqeq\":true,\"quotmark\":\"single\"\} > .jshintrc
      - CODE_QUALITY_RESULT="$(echo \`\`\`) $(jshint .)"; EXITCODE=$?
      - aws codecommit post-comment-for-pull-request --pull-request-id $PULL_REQUEST_ID --repository-name <REPOSITORY_NAME> --content "$CODE_QUALITY_RESULT" --before-commit-id $DESTINATION_COMMIT_ID --after-commit-id $SOURCE_COMMIT_ID --region $AWS_REGION	
      - |
        if [ $EXITCODE -ne 0 ]
      - REVISION_ID=$(aws codecommit get-pull-request --pull-request-id $PULL_REQUEST_ID | jq -r '.pullRequest.revisionId')
      - aws codecommit update-pull-request-approval-state --pull-request-id $PULL_REQUEST_ID --revision-id $REVISION_ID --approval-state $PR_STATUS --region $AWS_REGION

Once the AWS CodeBuild project has been created successfully, modify its IAM service role by following the below steps:

  • Choose the CodeBuild project’s Build details tab.
  • Choose the Service role link under the Environment section which should navigate you to the CodeBuild’s IAM service role in IAM console.
  • Expand the default customer managed policy and choose Edit.
  • Add the following actions to the existing codecommit actions:

  • Choose Next.
  • On the Review screen, choose Save changes.

4. Create an Amazon EventBridge rule that reacts to AWS CodeCommit pullRequestCreated and pullRequestSourceBranchUpdated events for the repository created in step 1 and set its target to AWS CodeBuild project created in step 3

Follow these steps to create an Amazon EventBridge rule that gets triggered whenever a pull request is created or updated using the following event pattern. Replace the <REGION>, <ACCOUNT_ID> and <REPOSITORY_NAME> placeholders with the actual values. Select target of the event rule as AWS CodeBuild project created in step 3.

Event Pattern

    "detail-type": ["CodeCommit Pull Request State Change"],
    "resources": ["arn:aws:codecommit:<REGION>:<ACCOUNT_ID>:<REPOSITORY_NAME>"],
    "source": ["aws.codecommit"],
    "detail": {
      "isMerged": ["False"],
      "pullRequestStatus": ["Open"],
      "repositoryNames": ["<REPOSITORY_NAME>"],
      "destinationReference": ["refs/heads/main"],
      "event": ["pullRequestCreated", "pullRequestSourceBranchUpdated"]
    "account": ["<ACCOUNT_ID>"]

Follow these steps to configure the target input using the below input path and input template.

Input transformer – Input path

    "detail-destinationCommit": "$.detail.destinationCommit",
    "detail-pullRequestId": "$.detail.pullRequestId",
    "detail-sourceCommit": "$.detail.sourceCommit"

Input transformer – Input template

    "sourceVersion": <detail-sourceCommit>,
    "environmentVariablesOverride": [
            "name": "DESTINATION_COMMIT_ID",
            "type": "PLAINTEXT",
            "value": <detail-destinationCommit>
            "name": "SOURCE_COMMIT_ID",
            "type": "PLAINTEXT",
            "value": <detail-sourceCommit>
            "name": "PULL_REQUEST_ID",
            "type": "PLAINTEXT",
            "value": <detail-pullRequestId>

5. Create a feature branch, add a new file and raise a pull request

Create a feature branch following these steps. Push a new file called “index.js” to the root of the repository with the below content.

function greet(dayofweek) {
  if (dayofweek == "Saturday" || dayofweek == "Sunday") {
    console.log("Have a great weekend");
  } else {
    console.log("Have a great day at work");

Now raise a pull request using the feature branch as source and main branch as destination following these steps.

6. Verify the pull request with the code review feedback in comment section

As soon as the pull request is created, the AWS CodeBuild project created in step 3 above will be triggered which will run the code quality check and post the results as a pull request comment. Navigate to the AWS CodeCommit repository pull request page in AWS Management Console and check under the Activity tab to confirm the automated code review result being displayed as the latest comment.

The pull request comment submitted by AWS CodeBuild highlights 6 errors in the JavaScript code. The errors on lines first and third are based on the jshint rule “eqeqeq”. It recommends to use strict equality operator (“===”) instead of the loose equality operator (“==”) to avoid type coercion. The errors on lines second, fourth and fifth are based on jshint rule “quotmark” which recommends to use single quotes with strings instead of double quotes for better readability. These jshint rules are defined in AWS CodeBuild project’s buildspec in step 3 above.

Figure 2: The image shows the AWS CodeCommit pull request's Activity tab with code review results automatically posted by the automated code reviewer

Figure 2. Pull Request comments updated with automated code review results.


In this blog post we’ve shown how using AWS CodeCommit and AWS CodeBuild services customers can automate their pull request review process by utilising Amazon EventBridge events and using their own choice of code quality tool. This simple solution also makes it easier for the human reviewers by providing them with automated code quality results as input and enabling them to focus their code review more on business logic code changes rather than static code quality issues.

About the authors

Blog post's primary author's image

Verinder Singh

Verinder Singh is an experienced Solution’s Architect based out of Sydney, Australia with 16+ years of experience in software development and architecture. He works primarily on building large scale open-source AWS solutions for common customer use cases and business problems. In his spare time, he enjoys vacationing and watching movies with his family.

Blog post's secondary author's image

Deenadayaalan Thirugnanasambandam

Deenadayaalan Thirugnanasambandam is a Principal Cloud Architect at AWS. He provides prescriptive architectural guidance and consulting that enable and accelerate customers’ adoption of AWS.

A New Set of APIs for Amazon SQS Dead-Letter Queue Redrive

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/a-new-set-of-apis-for-amazon-sqs-dead-letter-queue-redrive/

Today, we launch a new set of APIs for Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS). These new APIs allow you to manage dead-letter queue (DLQ) redrive programmatically. You can now use the AWS SDKs or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to programmatically move messages from the DLQ to their original queue, or to a custom queue destination, to attempt to process them again. A DLQ is a queue where Amazon SQS automatically moves messages that are not correctly processed by your consumer application.

To fully appreciate how this new API might help you, let’s have a quick look back at history.

Message queues are an integral part of modern application architectures. They allow developers to decouple services by allowing asynchronous and message-based communications between message producers and consumers. In most systems, messages are persisted in shared storage (the queue) until the consumer processes them. Message queues allow developers to build applications that are resilient to temporary service failure. They help prioritize message processing and scale their fleet of worker nodes that process the messages. Message queues are also popular in event-driven architectures.

Asynchronous message exchange is not new in application architectures. The concept of exchanging messages asynchronously between applications appeared in the 1960s and was first made popular when IBM launched TCAM for OS/360 in 1972. The general adoption came 20 years later with IBM MQ Series in 1993 (now IBM MQ) and when Sun Microsystems released Java Messaging Service (JMS) in 1998, a standard API for Java applications to interact with message queues.

AWS launched Amazon SQS on July 12, 2006. Amazon SQS is a highly scalable, reliable, and elastic queuing service that “just works.” As Werner wrote at the time: “We have chosen a concurrency model where the process working on a message automatically acquires a leased lock on that message; if the message is not deleted before the lease expires, it becomes available for processing again. Makes failure handling very simple.

On January 29, 2014, we introduced dead-letter queues (DLQ). DLQs help you avoid a message that failed to be processed from staying forever on top of the queue, possibly preventing other messages in the queue from processing. With DLQs, each queue has an associated property telling Amazon SQS how many times a message may be presented for processing (maxReceiveCount). Each message also has an associated receive counter (ReceiveCount). Each time a consumer application picks up a message for processing, the message receive count is incremented by 1. When ReceiveCount > maxReceiveCount, Amazon SQS moves the message to your designated DLQ for human analysis and debugging. You generally associate alarms with the DLQ to send notifications when such events happen. Typical reasons to move a message to the DLQ are because they are incorrectly formatted, there are bugs in the consumer application, or it takes too long to process the message.

At AWS re:Invent 2021, AWS announced dead-letter queue redrive on the Amazon SQS console. The redrive addresses the second part of the failed message lifecycle. It allows you to reinject the message in its original queue to attempt processing it again. After the consumer application is fixed and ready to consume the failed messages, you can redrive the messages from the DLQ back in the source queue or a customized queue destination. It just requires a couple of clicks on the console.

Today, we are adding APIs allowing you to write applications and scripts that handle the redrive programmatically. There is no longer a need to have a human clicking on the console. Using the API increases the scalability of your processes and reduces the risk of human error.

Let’s See It in Action
To try out this new API, I open a terminal for a command-line only demo. Before I get started, I make sure I have the latest version of the AWS CLI. On macOS I enter brew upgrade awscli.

I first create two queues. One is the dead-letter queue, and the other is my application queue:

# First, I create the dead-letter queue (notice the -dlq I choose to add at the end of the queue name)
➜ ~ aws sqs create-queue \
            --queue-name awsnewsblog-dlq                                            
    "QueueUrl": "https://sqs.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/012345678900/awsnewsblog-dlq"

# second, I retrieve the Arn of the queue I just created
➜  ~ aws sqs get-queue-attributes \
             --queue-url https://sqs.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/012345678900/awsnewsblog-dlq \
             --attribute-names QueueArn
    "Attributes": {
        "QueueArn": "arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:012345678900:awsnewsblog-dlq"

# Third, I create the application queue. I enter a redrive policy: post messages in the DLQ after three delivery attempts
➜  ~ aws sqs create-queue \
             --queue-name awsnewsblog \
             --attributes '{"RedrivePolicy": "{\"deadLetterTargetArn\":\"arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:012345678900:awsnewsblog-dlq\",\"maxReceiveCount\":\"3\"}"}' 
    "QueueUrl": "https://sqs.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/012345678900/awsnewsblog"

Now that the two queues are ready, I post a message to the application queue:

➜ ~ aws sqs send-message \
            --queue-url https://sqs.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/012345678900/awsnewsblog \
            --message-body "Hello World"
"MD5OfMessageBody": "b10a8db164e0754105b7a99be72e3fe5",
"MessageId": "fdc26778-ce9a-4782-9e33-ae73877cfcb2"

Next, I consume the message, but I don’t delete it from the queue. This simulates a crash in the message consumer application. Message consumers are supposed to delete the message after successful processing. I set the maxReceivedCount property to 3 when I entered the redrivePolicy. I therefore repeat this operation three times to force Amazon SQS to move the message to the dead-letter queue after three delivery attempts. The default visibility timeout is 30 seconds, so I have to wait 30 seconds or more between the retries.

➜ ~ aws sqs receive-message \
            --queue-url https://sqs.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/012345678900/awsnewsblog
"Messages": [
"MessageId": "fdc26778-ce9a-4782-9e33-ae73877cfcb2",
"ReceiptHandle": "AQEBP8yOfgBlnjlkGXjyeLROiY7xg7cZ6Znq8Aoa0d3Ar4uvTLPrHZptNotNfKRK25xm+IU8ebD3kDwZ9lja6JYs/t1kBlwiNO6TBACN5srAb/WggQiAAkYl045Tx3CvsOypbJA3y8U+MyEOQRwIz6G85i7MnR8RgKTlhOzOZOVACXC4W8J9GADaQquFaS1wVeM9VDsOxds1hDZLL0j33PIAkIrG016LOQ4sAntH0DOlEKIWZjvZIQGdlRJS65PJu+I/Ka1UPHGiFt9f8m3SR+Y34/ttRWpQANlXQi5ByA47N8UfcpFXXB5L30cUmoDtKucPewsJNG2zRCteR0bQczMMAmOPujsKq70UGOT8X2gEv2LfhlY7+5n8z3yew8sdBjWhVSegrgj6Yzwoc4kXiMddMg==",
"MD5OfBody": "b10a8db164e0754105b7a99be72e3fe5",
"Body": "Hello World"

# wait 30 seconds,
# then repeat two times (for a total of three receive-message API calls)

After three processing attempts, the message is not in the queue anymore:

➜  ~ aws sqs receive-message \
             --queue-url  https://sqs.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/012345678900/awsnewsblog
    "Messages": []

The message has been moved to the dead-letter queue. I check the DLQ to confirm (notice the queue URL ending with -dlq):

➜  ~ aws sqs receive-message \
             --queue-url  https://sqs.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/012345678900/awsnewsblog-dlq
    "Messages": [
            "MessageId": "fdc26778-ce9a-4782-9e33-ae73877cfcb2",
            "ReceiptHandle": "AQEBCLtBMoZYVMMq7fUGNHeCliqE3mFXnkuJ+nOXLK1++uoXWBG31nDejCpxElmiBZWfbcfGJrEdKj4P9HJdrQMYDbeSqB+u1ZlB7CYzQBiQps4SEG0biEoubwqjQbmDZlPrmkFsnYgLD98D1XYWk/Ik6Z2n/wxDo9ko9rbZ15izK5RFnbwveNy8dfc6ireqVB1EGbeGkHcweHGuoeKWXEab1ynZWhNqZsQgCR6pWRkgtn59lJcLv4cJ4UMewNzvt7tMHH69GvVjXdYDYvJJI2vj+6RHvcvSHWWhTNT+CuPEXguVNuNrSya8gho1fCnKpVwQre6HhMlLPjY4wvn/tXY7+5rmte9eXagCqLQXaENB2R7qWNVPiWRIJy8/cTf37NLYVzBom030DNJlH9EeceRhCQ==",
            "MD5OfBody": "b10a8db164e0754105b7a99be72e3fe5",
            "Body": "Hello World"

Now that the setup is ready, let’s programmatically redrive the message to its original queue. Let’s assume I understand why the consumer didn’t correctly process the message and that I fixed the consumer application code. I use start-message-move-task on the DLQ to start the asynchronous redrive. There is an optional attribute (MaxNumberOfMessagesPerSecond) to control the velocity of the redrive:

➜ ~ aws sqs start-message-move-task \
            --source-arn arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:012345678900:awsnewsblog-dlq
    "TaskHandle": "eyJ0YXNrSWQiOiI4ZGJmNjBiMy00MmUwLTQzYTYtYjg4Zi1iMTZjYWRjY2FkNmEiLCJzb3VyY2VBcm4iOiJhcm46YXdzOnNxczp1cy1lYXN0LTI6NDg2NjUyMDY2NjkzOmF3c25ld3NibG9nLWRscSJ9"

I can list and check status the of the move tasks I initiated with list-message-move-tasks or cancel a running task by calling the cancel-message-move-task API:

➜ ~ aws sqs list-message-move-tasks \
            --source-arn arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:012345678900:awsnewsblog-dlq
    "Results": [
            "Status": "COMPLETED",
            "SourceArn": "arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:012345678900:awsnewsblog-dlq",
            "ApproximateNumberOfMessagesMoved": 1,
            "ApproximateNumberOfMessagesToMove": 1,
            "StartedTimestamp": 1684135792239

Now my application can consume the message again from the application queue:

➜  ~ aws sqs receive-message \
             --queue-url  https://sqs.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/012345678900/awsnewsblog                                   
    "Messages": [
            "MessageId": "a7ae83ca-cde4-48bf-b822-3d4bc1f4dcae",
            "ReceiptHandle": "AQEB9a+Dm2nvb3VUn9+46j9UsDidU/W6qFwJtXtNWTyfoSDOKT7h73e6ctT9RVZysEw3qqzJOx1cxblTTOSrYwwwoBA2qoJMGsqsrsRGGYojBvf9X8hqi8B8MHn9rTm8diJ2wT2b7WC+TDrx3zIvUeiSEkP+EhqyYOvOs7Q9aETR+Uz02kQxZ/cUJWsN4MMSXBejwW+c5ivv5uQtpfUrfZuCWa9B9O67Kj/q52clriPHpcqCCfJwFBSZkGTXYwTpnjxD4QM7DPS+xVeVfTyM7DsKCAOtpvFBmX5m4UNKT6TROgCnGxTRglUSMWQp8ufVxXiaUyM1dwqxYekM9uX/RCb01gEyCZHas4jeNRV5nUJlhBkkqPlw3i6w9Uuc2y9nH0Df8nH3g7KTXo4lv5Bl3ayh9w==",
            "MD5OfBody": "b10a8db164e0754105b7a99be72e3fe5",
            "Body": "Hello World"

DLQ redrive APIs are available today in all commercial Regions where Amazon SQS is available.

Redriving the messages from the dead-letter queue to the source queue or a custom destination queue generates additional API calls billed based on existing pricing (starting at $0.40 per million API calls, after the first million, which is free every month). Amazon SQS batches the messages while redriving them from one queue to another. This makes moving messages from one queue to another a simple and low-cost option.

To learn more about DLQ and DLQ redrive, check our documentation.

Remember that we live in an asynchronous world—so should your applications. Get started today and write your first redrive application.

— seb

Optimize software development with Amazon CodeWhisperer

Post Syndicated from Dhaval Shah original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/optimize-software-development-with-amazon-codewhisperer/

Businesses differentiate themselves by delivering new capabilities to their customers faster. They must leverage automation to accelerate their software development by optimizing code quality, improving performance, and ensuring their software meets security/compliance requirements. Trained on billions of lines of Amazon and open-source code, Amazon CodeWhisperer is an AI coding companion that helps developers write code by generating real-time whole-line and full-function code suggestions in their IDEs. Amazon CodeWhisperer has two tiers: the individual tier is free for individual use, and the professional tier provides administrative capabilities for organizations seeking to grant their developers access to CW. This blog provides a high-level overview of how developers can use CodeWhisperer.

Getting Started

Getting started with CodeWhisperer is straightforward and documented here. After setup, CodeWhisperer integrates with the IDE and provides code suggestions based on comments written in the IDE. Use TAB to accept a suggestion, ESC to reject the suggestion ALT+C (Windows)/Option + C(MAC) to force a suggestion, and left and right arrow keys to switch between suggestions.

CodeWhisperer supports code generation for 15 programming languages. CodeWhisperer can be used in various IDEs like Amazon Sagemaker Studio, Visual Studio Code, AWS Cloud9, AWS Lambda and many JetBrains IDEs. Refer to the Amazon CodeWhisperer documentation for the latest updates on supported languages and IDEs.

Contextual Code Suggestions

CodeWhisperer continuously examines code and comments for contextual code suggestions. It will generate code snippets using this contextual information and the location of your cursor. Illustrated below is an example of a code suggestion from inline comments in Visual Studio Code that demonstrates how CodeWhisperer can provide context-specific code suggestions without requiring the user to manually replace variables or parameters. In the comment, the file and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket are specified, and CodeWhisperer uses this context to suggest relevant code.

Image depicts a person typing on a computer keyboard, with a code editor window on the screen. The code shows a function for uploading a file from a local directory to an Amazon S3 bucket

CodeWhisperer also supports and recommends writing declarative code and procedural code, such as shell scripting and query languages. The following example shows how CodeWhisperer recommend the blocks of code in a shell script to loop through servers to execute the hostname command and save their response to an output file.

Image is a gif of a person typing on a computer keyboard, with a terminal window on the screen displaying a shell script named 'shell_script.sh.' The code defines a list of servers and outputs the file path. As the person types, the code updates with the output path displayed below.

In the following example, based on the comment, CodeWhisperer suggests Structured Query Language (SQL) code for using common table expression.

"Image is a gif of a person typing on a computer keyboard, with a code editor window on the screen displaying a SQL query. The query uses common table expressions to find the age of a product from an inventory table. As the person types, the query updates with the output displayed below in the form of SQL code. The background is a blurred office environment

CodeWhisperer works with popular Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), for more information on IDE’s supported please refer to CodeWhisperer’s documentation. Illustrated below is CodeWhisperer integrated with AWS Lambda console.

"Image is a gif of a person typing on a computer keyboard, with an AWS Lambda console on the screen. The person is entering a prompt to list all the Amazon S3 buckets. As the person types, the console updates with the output code displayed below, which can be executed to show all the S3 buckets."

Amazon CodeWhisperer is a versatile AI coding assistant that can aid in a variety of tasks, including AWS-related tasks and API integrations, as well as external (non AWS) API integrations. For example, illustrated below is CodeWhisperer suggesting code for Twilio’s APIs.

"Image is a gif of a person typing on a computer keyboard, with an integrated development environment (IDE) on the screen. The person is entering a prompt to write a code that uses the Twilio API to make a voice call. As the person types, the IDE updates with the output function displayed below, which can be executed to make the voice call."

Now that we have seen how CodeWhisperer can help with writing code faster, the next section explores how to use AI responsibly.

Use AI responsibly

Developers often leverage open-source code, however run into challenges of license attribution such as attributing the original authors or maintaining the license text. The challenge lies in properly identifying and attributing the relevant open-source components used within a project. With the abundance of open-source libraries and frameworks available, it can be time-consuming and complex to track and attribute each piece of code accurately. Failure to meet the license attribution requirements can result in legal issues, violation of intellectual property rights, and damage to a developer’s reputation. Code Whisperer’s reference tracking continuously monitors suggested code for similarities with known open-source code, allowing developers to make informed decisions about incorporating it into their project and ensuring proper attribution.

"Image is a gif of a code editor window displaying a counting sort function, with a section of the code highlighted. The highlighted section is the implementation of counting sort by digit, suggested by CodeWhisperer. The gif includes a caption mentioning that the implementation is being referenced from MIT. This showcases the capability of CodeWhisperer's reference tracking."

Shift left application security

CodeWhisperer can scan code for hard-to-find vulnerabilities such as those in the top ten Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), or those that don’t meet crypto library best practices, AWS internal security best practices, and others. As of this writing, CodeWhisperer supports security scanning in Python, Java, and JavaScript languages. Below is an illustration of identifying the most known CWEs (Common Weakness Enumeration) along with the ability to dive deep into the problematic line of code with a click of a button.

"Image is a gif of a code editor window displaying a code to download a file, with a section of the code highlighted. Below the code, there is an illustration of the identification of the most common Common Weakness Enumerations (CWEs) found in the code. However, it is mentioned that not all CWEs have been identified. Additionally, the illustration showcases the feature of being able to dive deep into the problematic line of code by clicking a button."

In the following example, CodeWhisperer provides file-by-file analysis of CWE’s and highlights the top 10 OWASP CWEs such as Unsensitized input is run as code, Cross-site scripting, Resource leak, Hardcoded credentials, SQL injection, OS command injection and Insecure hashing.

Image displays a screen with a proceeding from CodeWhisperer. The text highlights the file-by-file analysis of Common Weakness Enumerations (CWEs) and emphasizes the top 10 OWASP CWEs. These include CWE-94, CWE-95, and CWE-96, which pertain to the unsanitized input being executed as code. Additionally, CWE-20, CWE-79, and CWE-80 are related to cross-site scripting. Furthermore, CWE-400 and CWE-664 are associated with resource leaks, while CWE-798 relates to hardcoded credentials. CWE-89 refers to SQL injection, and CWE-77, CWE-78, and CWE-88 are connected to OS command injection. Lastly, CWE-327 and CWE-328 relate to insecure hashing.

Generating Test Cases

A good developer always writes tests. CodeWhisperer can help suggest test cases and verify the code’s functionality. CodeWhisperer considers boundary values, edge cases, and other potential issues that may need to be tested. In the example below, a comment referring to using fact_demo() function leads CodeWhisperer to suggest a unit test for fact_demo() while leveraging contextual details.

"Image is a gif displaying a code editor window, with a section of code highlighted. A comment within the code refers to the use of the fact_demo() function. CodeWhisperer is seen suggesting code for unit testing, leveraging contextual details related to the fact_demo() function. The background is a blurred office environment."

Also, CodeWhisperer can simplify creating repetitive code for unit testing. For example, if you need to create sample data using INSERT statements, CodeWhisperer can generate the necessary inserts based on a pattern.

"Image is a gif of a person typing on a computer keyboard, with an integrated development environment (IDE) on the screen. The person is entering a prompt to insert sample users into a table, with details such as username, password, and status. As the person types, CodeWhisperer builds out the insert query for the user. The IDE updates with the output query displayed below, which can be executed to insert the sample users into the table."

CodeWhisperer with Amazon SageMaker Studio and Jupyter Lab

CodeWhisperer works with SageMaker Studio and Jupyter Lab, providing code completion support for Python in code cells. To utilize CodeWhisperer, follow the setup instructions to activate it in Amazon SageMaker Studio and Jupyter Lab. To begin coding, see User actions.
The following illustration showcases CodeWhisperer’s code recommendations in SageMaker Studio. It demonstrates the suggested code based on comments for loading and analyzing a dataset.

"Image is a gif of an illustration showcasing CodeWhisperer's code recommendations in SageMaker Studio. The illustration shows a code editor window with a section of code highlighted. The code pertains to loading and analyzing a dataset. CodeWhisperer is seen providing code recommendations based on comments within the code. The recommendations appear in the form of a pop-up, with suggested changes displayed."


In conclusion, this blog has highlighted the numerous ways in which developers can leverage CodeWhisperer to increase productivity, streamline workflows, and ensure the development of secure code. By adopting Code Whisperer’s AI-powered features, developers can experience enhanced productivity, accelerated learning, and significant time savings.

To take advantage of CodeWhisperer and optimize your coding process, here are the next steps:

1. Visit feature page to learn more about the benefits of CodeWhisperer.

2. Sign up and start using CodeWhisperer.

3. Read about CodeWhisperer success stories

About the Authors

Headshot of a person in a black background with natural experssion

Vamsi Cherukuri

Vamsi Cherukuri is a Senior Technical Account Manager at Amazon Web Services (AWS), leveraging over 15 years of developer experience in Analytics, application modernization, and data platforms. With a passion for technology, Vamsi takes joy in helping customers achieve accelerated business outcomes through their cloud transformation journey. In his free time, he finds peace in the pursuits of running and biking, frequently immersing himself in the thrilling realm of marathons.

Headshot of a person in a black background with a smile wearing a navy blue tshirt with stripes

Dhaval Shah

Dhaval Shah is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS, specializing in Machine Learning. With a strong focus on digital native businesses, he empowers customers to leverage AWS and drive their business growth. As an ML enthusiast, Dhaval is driven by his passion for creating impactful solutions that bring positive change. In his leisure time, he indulges in his love for travel and cherishes quality moments with his family.

Headshot of a person in a black background with a grey shirt and spectables with natural experssion

Nikhil Sharma

Nikhil Sharma is a Solutions Architecture Leader at Amazon Web Services (AWS) where he and his team of Solutions Architects help AWS customers solve critical business challenges using AWS cloud technologies and services.

DevSecOps with Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer CLI and Bitbucket Pipelines

Post Syndicated from Bineesh Ravindran original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/devsecops-with-amazon-codeguru-reviewer-cli-and-bitbucket-pipelines/

DevSecOps refers to a set of best practices that integrate security controls into the continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) workflow. One of the first controls is Static Application Security Testing (SAST). SAST tools run on every code change and search for potential security vulnerabilities before the code is executed for the first time. Catching security issues early in the development process significantly reduces the cost of fixing them and the risk of exposure.

This blog post, shows how we can set up a CI/CD using Bitbucket Pipelines and Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer . Bitbucket Pipelines is a cloud-based continuous delivery system that allows developers to automate builds, tests, and security checks with just a few lines of code. CodeGuru Reviewer is a cloud-based static analysis tool that uses machine learning and automated reasoning to generate code quality and security recommendations for Java and Python code.

We demonstrate step-by-step how to set up a pipeline with Bitbucket Pipelines, and how to call CodeGuru Reviewer from there. We then show how to view the recommendations produced by CodeGuru Reviewer in Bitbucket Code Insights, and how to triage and manage recommendations during the development process.

Bitbucket Overview

Bitbucket is a Git-based code hosting and collaboration tool built for teams. Bitbucket’s best-in-class Jira and Trello integrations are designed to bring the entire software team together to execute a project. Bitbucket provides one place for a team to collaborate on code from concept to cloud, build quality code through automated testing, and deploy code with confidence. Bitbucket makes it easy for teams to collaborate and reduce issues found during integration by providing a way to combine easily and test code frequently. Bitbucket gives teams easy access to tools needed in other parts of the feedback loop, from creating an issue to deploying on your hardware of choice. It also provides more advanced features for those customers that need them, like SAML authentication and secrets storage.

Solution Overview

Bitbucket Pipelines uses a Docker container to perform the build steps. You can specify any Docker image accessible by Bitbucket, including private images, if you specify credentials to access them. The container starts and then runs the build steps in the order specified in your configuration file. The build steps specified in the configuration file are nothing more than shell commands executed on the Docker image. Therefore, you can run scripts, in any language supported by the Docker image you choose, as part of the build steps. These scripts can be stored either directly in your repository or an Internet-accessible location. This solution demonstrates an easy way to integrate Bitbucket pipelines with AWS CodeReviewer using bitbucket-pipelines.yml file.

You can interact with your Amazon Web Services (AWS)  account from your Bitbucket Pipeline using the  OpenID Connect (OIDC)  feature. OpenID Connect is an identity layer above the OAuth 2.0 protocol.

Now that you understand how Bitbucket and your AWS Account securely communicate with each other, let’s look into the overall summary of steps to configure this solution.

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Configure Bitbucket Pipelines as an IdP on AWS.
  3. Create an IAM role.
  4. Add repository variables needed for pipeline
  5. Adding the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI to your pipeline
  6. Review CodeGuru recommendations

Now let’s look into each step in detail. To configure the solution, follow  steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Fork this repo

Log in to Bitbucket and choose **Fork** to fork this example app to your Bitbucket account.


Fork amazon-codeguru-samples bitbucket repository.

Figure 1 : Fork amazon-codeguru-samples bitbucket repository.

Step 2: Configure Bitbucket Pipelines as an Identity Provider on AWS

Configuring Bitbucket Pipelines as an IdP in IAM enables Bitbucket Pipelines to issue authentication tokens to users to connect to AWS.
In your Bitbucket repo, go to Repository Settings > OpenID Connect. Note the provider URL and the Audience variable on that screen.

The Identity Provider URL will look like this:

https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/workspaces/YOUR_WORKSPACE/pipelines-config/identity/oidc  – This is the issuer URL for authentication requests. This URL issues a  token to a requester automatically as part of the workflow. See more detail about issuer URL in RFC . Here “YOUR_WORKSPACE” need to be replaced with name of your bitbucket workspace.

And the Audience will look like:

ari:cloud:bitbucket::workspace/ari:cloud:bitbucket::workspace/84c08677-e352-4a1c-a107-6df387cfeef7  – This is the recipient the token is intended for. See more detail about audience in Request For Comments (RFC) which is memorandum published by the Internet Engineering Task Force(IETF) describing methods and behavior for  securely transmitting information between two parties usinf JSON Web Token ( JWT).

Configure Bitbucket Pipelines as an Identity Provider on AWS

Figure 2 : Configure Bitbucket Pipelines as an Identity Provider on AWS

Next, navigate to the IAM dashboard > Identity Providers > Add provider, and paste in the above info. This tells AWS that Bitbucket Pipelines is a token issuer.

Step 3: Create a custom policy

You can always use the CLI with Admin credentials but if you want to have a specific role to use the CLI, your credentials must have at least the following permissions:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
                "arn:aws:s3:::codeguru-reviewer-cli-<AWS ACCOUNT ID>*",
                "arn:aws:s3:::codeguru-reviewer-cli-<AWS ACCOUNT ID>*/*"
            "Effect": "Allow"

To create an IAM policy, navigate to the IAM dashboard > Policies > Create Policy

Now then paste the above mentioned json document into the json tab as shown in screenshot below and replace <AWS ACCOUNT ID>   with your own AWS Account ID

Create a Policy.

Figure 3 : Create a Policy.

Name your policy; in our example, we name it CodeGuruReviewerOIDC.

Review and Create a IAM policy.

Figure 4 : Review and Create a IAM policy.

Step 4: Create an IAM Role

Once you’ve enabled Bitbucket Pipelines as a token issuer, you need to configure permissions for those tokens so they can execute actions on AWS.
To create an IAM web identity role, navigate to the IAM dashboard > Roles > Create Role, and choose the IdP and audience you just created.

Create an IAM role

Figure 5 : Create an IAM role

Next, select the “CodeGuruReviewerOIDC “ policy to attach to the role.

Assign policy to role

Figure 6 : Assign policy to role

 Review and Create role

Figure 7 : Review and Create role

Name your role; in our example, we name it CodeGuruReviewerOIDCRole.

After adding a role, copy the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role created:

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) will look like this:


we will need this in a later step when we create AWS_OIDC_ROLE_ARN as a repository variable.

Step 5: Add repository variables needed for pipeline

Variables are configured as environment variables in the build container. You can access the variables from the bitbucket-pipelines.yml file or any script that you invoke by referring to them. Pipelines provides a set of default variables that are available for builds, and can be used in scripts .Along with default variables we need to configure few additional variables called Repository Variables which are used to pass special parameter to the pipeline.

Create repository variables

Figure 8 : Create repository variables

Figure 8 Create repository variables

Below mentioned are the few repository variables that need to be configured for this solution.

1.AWS_DEFAULT_REGION       Create a repository variableAWS_DEFAULT_REGION with value “us-east-1”

2.BB_API_TOKEN          Create a new repository variable BB_API_TOKEN and paste the below created App password as the value

App passwords are user-based access tokens for scripting tasks and integrating tools (such as CI/CD tools) with Bitbucket Cloud.These access tokens have reduced user access (specified at the time of creation) and can be useful for scripting, CI/CD tools, and testing Bitbucket connected applications while they are in development.
To create an App password:

    • Select your avatar (Your profile and settings) from the navigation bar at the top of the screen.
    • Under Settings, select Personal settings.
    • On the sidebar, select App passwords.
    • Select Create app password.
    • Give the App password a name, usually related to the application that will use the password.
    • Select the permissions the App password needs. For detailed descriptions of each permission, see: App password permissions.
    • Select the Create button. The page will display the New app password dialog.
    • Copy the generated password and either record or paste it into the application you want to give access. The password is only displayed once and can’t be retrieved later.

3.BB_USERNAME  Create a repository variable BB_USERNAME and add your bitbucket username as the value of this variable


After adding a role in Step 4, copy the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role created:

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) will look something like this:


and create AWS_OIDC_ROLE_ARN as a repository variable in the target Bitbucket repository.

Step 6: Adding the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI to your pipeline

In order to add CodeGuruRevewer CLi to your pipeline update the bitbucket-pipelines.yml file as shown below

#  Template maven-build

 #  This template allows you to test and build your Java project with Maven.
 #  The workflow allows running tests, code checkstyle and security scans on the default branch.

 # Prerequisites: pom.xml and appropriate project structure should exist in the repository.

 image: docker-public.packages.atlassian.com/atlassian/bitbucket-pipelines-mvn-python3-awscli

    - step:
        name: Build Source Code
          - maven
          - cd $BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR
          - chmod 777 ./gradlew
          - ./gradlew build
          - build/**
    - step: 
        name: Download and Install CodeReviewer CLI   
          - curl -OL https://github.com/aws/aws-codeguru-cli/releases/download/0.2.3/aws-codeguru-cli.zip
          - unzip aws-codeguru-cli.zip
          - aws-codeguru-cli/**
    - step:
        name: Run CodeGuruReviewer 
        oidc: true
          - export AWS_ROLE_ARN=$AWS_OIDC_ROLE_ARN
          - export S3_BUCKET=$S3_BUCKET

          # Setup aws cli
          - export AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE=$(pwd)/web-identity-token
          - echo $BITBUCKET_STEP_OIDC_TOKEN > $(pwd)/web-identity-token
          - aws configure set web_identity_token_file "${AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE}"
          - aws configure set role_arn "${AWS_ROLE_ARN}"
          - aws sts get-caller-identity

          # setup codegurureviewercli
          - export PATH=$PATH:./aws-codeguru-cli/bin
          - chmod 777 ./aws-codeguru-cli/bin/aws-codeguru-cli

          - export SRC=$BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR/src
          - export OUTPUT=$BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR/test-reports
          - export CODE_INSIGHTS=$BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR/bb-report

          # Calling Code Reviewer CLI
          - ./aws-codeguru-cli/bin/aws-codeguru-cli --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION  --root-dir $BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR --build $BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR/build/classes/java --src $SRC --output $OUTPUT --no-prompt --bitbucket-code-insights $CODE_INSIGHTS        
          - test-reports/*.* 
          - target/**
          - bb-report/**
    - step: 
        name: Upload Code Insights Artifacts to Bitbucket Reports 
          - chmod 777 upload.sh
          - ./upload.sh bb-report/report.json bb-report/annotations.json
    - step:
        name: Upload Artifacts to Bitbucket Downloads       # Optional Step
          - pipe: atlassian/bitbucket-upload-file:0.3.3
              FILENAME: '**/*.json'
    - step:
          name: Validate Findings     #Optional Step
            # Looking into CodeReviewer results and failing if there are Critical recommendations
            - grep -o "Critical" test-reports/recommendations.json | wc -l
            - count="$(grep -o "Critical" test-reports/recommendations.json | wc -l)"
            - echo $count
            - if (( $count > 0 )); then
            - echo "Critical findings discovered. Failing."
            - exit 1
            - fi
            - '**/*.json'

Let’s look into the pipeline file to understand various steps defined in this pipeline

Bitbucket pipeline execution steps

Figure 9 : Bitbucket pipeline execution steps

Step 1) Build Source Code

In this step source code is downloaded into a working directory and build using Gradle.All the build artifacts are then passed on to next step

Step 2) Download and Install Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer CLI
In this step Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer is CLI is downloaded from a public github repo and extracted into working directory. All artifacts downloaded and extracted are then passed on to next step

Step 3) Run CodeGuruReviewer

This step uses flag oidc: true which declares you are using  the OIDC authentication method, while AWS_OIDC_ROLE_ARN declares the role created in the previous step that contains all of the necessary permissions to deal with AWS resources.
Further repository variables are exported, which is then used to set AWS CLI .Amazon CodeGuruReviewer CLI which was downloaded and extracted in previous step is then used to invoke CodeGuruReviewer along with some parameters .

Following are the parameters that are passed on to the CodeGuruReviewer CLI
--region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION   The AWS region in which CodeGuru Reviewer will run (in this blog we used us-east-1).

--root-dir $BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR The root directory of the repository that CodeGuru Reviewer should analyze.

--build $BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR/build/classes/java Points to the build artifacts. Passing the Java build artifacts allows CodeGuru Reviewer to perform more in-depth bytecode analysis, but passing the build artifacts is not required.

--src $SRC Points the source code that should be analyzed. This can be used to focus the analysis on certain source files, e.g., to exclude test files. This parameter is optional, but focusing on relevant code can shorten analysis time and cost.

--output $OUTPUT The directory where CodeGuru Reviewer will store its recommendations.

--no-prompt This ensures that CodeGuru Reviewer does run in interactive mode where it pauses for user input.

-bitbucket-code-insights $CODE_INSIGHTS The location where recommendations in Bitbucket CodeInsights format should be written to.

Once Amazon CodeGuruReviewer scans the code based on the above parameters, it generates two json files (reports.json and annotations.json) Code Insight Reports which is then passed on as artifacts to the next step.

Step 4) Upload Code Insights Artifacts to Bitbucket Reports
In this step code Insight Report generated by Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer is then uploaded to Bitbucket Reports. This makes the report available in the reports section in the pipeline as displayed in the screenshot

CodeGuru Reviewer Report

Figure 10 : CodeGuru Reviewer Report

Step 5) [Optional] Upload the copy of these reports to Bitbucket Downloads
This is an Optional step where you can upload the artifacts to Bitbucket Downloads. This is especially useful because the artifacts inside a build pipeline gets deleted after 14 days of the pipeline run. Using Bitbucket Downloads, you can store these artifacts for a much longer duration.

Bitbucket downloads

Figure 11 : Bitbucket downloads

Step 6) [Optional] Validate Findings by looking into results and failing is there are any Critical Recommendations
This is an optional step showcasing how the results for CodeGururReviewer can be used to trigger the success and failure of a Bitbucket pipeline. In this step the pipeline fails, if a critical recommendation exists in report.

Step 7: Review CodeGuru recommendations

CodeGuru Reviewer supports different recommendation formats, including CodeGuru recommendation summaries, SARIF, and Bitbucket CodeInsights.

Keeping your Pipeline Green

Now that CodeGuru Reviewer is running in our pipeline, we need to learn how to unblock ourselves if there are recommendations. The easiest way to unblock a pipeline after is to address the CodeGuru recommendation. If we want to validate on our local machine that a change addresses a recommendation using the same CLI that we use as part of our pipeline.
Sometimes, it is not convenient to address a recommendation. E.g., because there are mitigations outside of the code that make the recommendation less relevant, or simply because the team agrees that they don’t want to block deployments on recommendations unless they are critical. For these cases, developers can add a .codeguru-ignore.yml file to their repository where they can use a variety of criteria under which a recommendation should not be reported. Below we explain all available criteria to filter recommendations. Developers can use any subset of those criteria in their .codeguru-ignore.yml file. We will give a specific example in the following sections.

version: 1.0 # The version number is mandatory. All other entries are optional.

# The CodeGuru Reviewer CLI produces a recommendations.json file which contains deterministic IDs for each
# recommendation. This ID can be excluded so that this recommendation will not be reported in future runs of the
# CLI.
 - '4d2c43618a2dac129818bef77093730e84a4e139eef3f0166334657503ecd88d'
# We can tell the CLI to exclude all recommendations below a certain severity. This can be useful in CI/CD integration.
 ExcludeBelowSeverity: 'HIGH'
# We can exclude all recommendations that have a certain tag. Available Tags can be found here:
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codeguru/detector-library/java/tags/
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codeguru/detector-library/python/tags/
  - 'maintainability'
# We can also exclude recommendations by Detector ID. Detector IDs can be found here:
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codeguru/detector-library
# Ignore all recommendations for a given Detector ID 
  - detectorId: 'java/[email protected]'
# Ignore all recommendations for a given Detector ID in a provided set of locations.
# Locations can be written as Unix GLOB expressions using wildcard symbols.
  - detectorId: 'java/[email protected]'
      - 'src/main/java/com/folder01/*.java'
# Excludes all recommendations in the provided files. Files can be provided as Unix GLOB expressions.
  - tst/**

The recommendations will still be reported in the CodeGuru Reviewer console, but not by the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI and thus they will not block the pipeline anymore.


In this post, we outlined how you can set up a CI/CD pipeline using Bitbucket Pipelines, and Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer and  we outlined how you can integrate Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer CLI with the Bitbucket cloud-based continuous delivery system that allows developers to automate builds, tests, and security checks with just a few lines of code. We showed you how to create a Bitbucket pipeline job and integrate the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI to detect issues in your Java and Python code, and access the recommendations for remediating these issues.

We presented an example where you can stop the build upon finding critical violations. Furthermore, we discussed how you could upload these artifacts to BitBucket downloads and store these artifacts for a much longer duration. The CodeGuru Reviewer CLI offers you a one-line command to scan any code on your machine and retrieve recommendations .You can use the CLI to integrate CodeGuru Reviewer into your favorite CI tool, as a pre-commit hook,   in your workflow. In turn, you can combine CodeGuru Reviewer with Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) and Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tools to achieve a hybrid application security testing method that helps you combine the inside-out and outside-in testing approaches, cross-reference results, and detect vulnerabilities that both exist and are exploitable.

If you need hands-on keyboard support, then AWS Professional Services can help implement this solution in your enterprise, and introduce you to our AWS DevOps services and offerings.

About the authors:

Bineesh Ravindran

Bineesh Ravindran

Bineesh is Solutions Architect at Amazon Webservices (AWS) who is passionate about technology and love to help customers solve problems. Bineesh has over 20 years of experience in designing and implementing enterprise applications. He works with AWS partners and customers to provide them with architectural guidance for building scalable architecture and execute strategies to drive adoption of AWS services. When he’s not working, he enjoys biking, aquascaping and playing badminton..

Martin Schaef

Martin Schaef

Martin Schaef is an Applied Scientist in the AWS CodeGuru team since 2017. Prior to that, he worked at SRI International in Menlo Park, CA, and at the United Nations University in Macau. He received his PhD from University of Freiburg in 2011.

Amazon CodeWhisperer, Free for Individual Use, is Now Generally Available

Post Syndicated from Steve Roberts original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-codewhisperer-free-for-individual-use-is-now-generally-available/

Today, Amazon CodeWhisperer, a real-time AI coding companion, is generally available and also includes a CodeWhisperer Individual tier that’s free to use for all developers. Originally launched in preview last year, CodeWhisperer keeps developers in the zone and productive, helping them write code quickly and securely and without needing to break their flow by leaving their IDE to research something. Faced with creating code for complex and ever-changing environments, developers can improve their productivity and simplify their work by making use of CodeWhisperer inside their favorite IDEs, including Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA, and others. CodeWhisperer helps with creating code for routine or time-consuming, undifferentiated tasks, working with unfamiliar APIs or SDKs, making correct and effective use of AWS APIs, and other common coding scenarios such as reading and writing files, image processing, writing unit tests, and lots more.

Using just an email account, you can sign up and, in just a few minutes, become more productive writing code—and you don’t even need to be an AWS customer. For business users, CodeWhisperer offers a Professional tier that adds administrative features, like SSO and IAM Identity Center integration, policy control for referenced code suggestions, and higher limits on security scanning. And in addition to generating code suggestions for Python, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, and C#, the generally available release also now supports Go, Rust, PHP, Ruby, Kotlin, C, C++, Shell scripting, SQL, and Scala. CodeWhisperer is available to developers working in Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA, CLion, GoLand, WebStorm, Rider, PhpStorm, PyCharm, RubyMine, and DataGrip IDEs (when the appropriate AWS extensions for those IDEs are installed), or natively in AWS Cloud9 or AWS Lambda console.

Helping to keep developers in their flow is increasingly important as, facing increasing time pressure to get their work done, developers are often forced to break that flow to turn to an internet search, sites such as StackOverflow, or their colleagues for help in completing tasks. While this can help them obtain the starter code they need, it’s disruptive as they’ve had to leave their IDE environment to search or ask questions in a forum or find and ask a colleague—further adding to the disruption. Instead, CodeWhisperer meets developers where they are most productive, providing recommendations in real time as they write code or comments in their IDE. During the preview we ran a productivity challenge, and participants who used CodeWhisperer were 27% more likely to complete tasks successfully and did so an average of 57% faster than those who didn’t use CodeWhisperer.

Code generation from a comment in CodeWhisperer
Code generation from a comment

The code developers eventually locate may, however, contain issues such as hidden security vulnerabilities, be biased or unfair, or fail to handle open source responsibly. These issues won’t improve the developer’s productivity when they later have to resolve them. CodeWhisperer is the best coding companion when it comes to coding securely and using AI responsibly. To help you code responsibly, CodeWhisperer filters out code suggestions that might be considered biased or unfair, and it’s the only coding companion that can filter or flag code suggestions that may resemble particular open-source training data. It provides additional data for suggestions—for example, the repository URL and license—when code similar to training data is generated, helping lower the risk of using the code and enabling developers to reuse it with confidence.

Reference tracking in CodeWhisperer
Open-source reference tracking

CodeWhisperer is also the only AI coding companion to have security scanning for finding and suggesting remediations for hard-to-detect vulnerabilities, scanning both generated and developer-written code looking for vulnerabilities such as those in the top ten listed in the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). If it finds a vulnerability, CodeWhisperer provides suggestions to help remediate the issue.

Scanning for vulnerabilities in CodeWhisperer
Scanning for vulnerabilities

Code suggestions provided by CodeWhisperer are not specific to working with AWS. However, CodeWhisperer is optimized for the most-used AWS APIs, for example AWS Lambda, or Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), making it the best coding companion for those building applications on AWS. While CodeWhisperer provides suggestions for general-purpose use cases across a variety of languages, the tuning performed using additional data on AWS APIs means you can be confident it is the highest quality, most accurate code generation you can get for working with AWS.

Meet Your new AI Code Companion Today
Amazon CodeWhisperer is generally available today to all developers—not just those with an AWS account or working with AWS—writing code in Python, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, C#, Go, Rust, PHP, Ruby, Kotlin, C, C++, Shell scripting, SQL, and Scala. You can sign up with just an email address, and, as I mentioned at the top of this post, CodeWhisperer offers an Individual tier that’s freely available to all developers. More information on the Individual tier, and pricing for the Professional tier, can be found at https://aws.amazon.com/codewhisperer/pricing

Using Porting Advisor for Graviton

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/using-porting-advisor-for-graviton/

This blog post is written by Ryan Doty Solutions Architect , AWS and Vishal Manan Sr. SSA, EC2 Graviton , AWS.


AWS customers recognize that Graviton-based EC2 instances deliver price-performance benefits but many are concerned about the effort to port existing applications. Porting code from one architecture to another can result in a substantial investment in time and effort. AWS has worked continuously to improve the migration process for customers. We recently introduced the Porting Advisor for Graviton as a tool to further simplify the migration process. In this blog, we’ll walk you through how to use Porting Advisor for Graviton so that you can learn how to use it.

Porting Advisor for Graviton is an open-source, command-line tool that analyzes source code and generates a report highlighting missing or outdated libraries and code constructs that may require modification and provides a user with alternative recommendations. It helps customers and developers accelerate their transition to Graviton-based Amazon EC2 instances by reducing the iterative process of identifying and resolving source code and library dependencies. This blog post will provide you with a step-by-step implementation on how to use Porting Advisor for Graviton. At the end of the blog, you will be able to run Porting Advisor for Graviton on your source code tree, generating findings that will help simplify the effort required to port your application.

Porting Advisor for Graviton scans for potentially unsupported or non-portable arm64 code in source code trees. The tool only scans source code files for the programming languages C/C++, Fortran, Go 1.11+, Java 8+, Python 3+, and dependency files such as project/requirements.txt file(s). Most importantly the Porting Advisor doesn’t make any code modifications, API-level recommendations, or send data back to AWS.

You can utilize Porting Advisor for Graviton either as a Python script or compiled into a binary and run on x86-64 or arm64 systems. Therefore, it can be easily implemented as part of your build processes.

Expected Results

Porting Advisor for Graviton reports the following issues:

  1. Inline assembly with no corresponding arm64 inline assembly.
  2. Assembly source files with no corresponding arm64 assembly source files.
  3. Missing arm64 architecture detection in autoconf config.guess scripts.
  4. Linking against libraries that aren’t available on the arm64 architecture.
  5. Use  architecture specific intrinsics.
  6. Preprocessor errors that trigger when compiling on arm64.
  7. Usages of old Visual C++ runtime (Windows specific).

Compiler specific code guarded by compiler specific pre-defined macros is detected, but not reported by default. The following cross-compile specific issues are detected, but not reported by default:

  • Architecture detection that depends on the host rather than the target.
  • Use of build artifacts in the build process.

Skillsets needed for using the tool

Porting Advisor for Graviton is designed to be easy to use. Users though should be versed in the following skills in order to take advantage of the recommendations the tool provides:

  • An understanding of the build system – project requirements and dependencies, versioning, etc.
  • Basic scripting language skills around Python, PowerShell/Bash.
  • Understanding hardware (inline assembly for C/C++) or compiler specific (intrinsic for C/C++) constructs when applicable.
  • The ability to follow best practices in the AWS Graviton Technical Guide for code optimization.

How to use Porting Advisor for Graviton


The tool requires a minimum version of Python 3.10 and Java (8+ to be installed). The installation of Java is also optional and only required if you want to scan JAR files for native method calls. You can run the tool on a Windows/Linux/MacOS machine, or in an EC2 instance. I will show case usage on Windows and Amazon Linux 2(AL2) running on an EC2 instance. It supports both arm64 and x86-64 processors.

You don’t need to be on an arm64-based processor to run the tool.

The tool doesn't need a lot of CPU Horsepower and even a system with few processors will do

You can run the tool as a Python script or an executable. The executable requires extra steps to build. However, it can be used on another machine without the need to install Python packages.

You must copy the complete “dist” folder for it to work, as there are libraries that are present in that folder along with the executable.

Porting Advisor for Graviton can be run as a binary or as a script. You must run the script to generate the binaries

./porting-advisor-linux-x86_64 ~/my/path/to/my/repo --output report.html 
./porting-advisor-linux-x86_64.exe ../test/CppCode/inline_assembly --output report.html

Running Porting Advisor for Graviton as an executable

The first step is to build the executable.

Building the executable

The first step is to set up the Python Environment. If you run into any errors building the binary, see the Troubleshooting section for more details.

Building the binary on Windows

Building Porting Advisor using Powershell

Building Porting Advisor binary

Building the binary on Linux/Mac

Using shell script to build on Linux or macOS

Porting Advisor binary saved in dist folder

Running the binary

Here you can see how you can run the tool on Linux as a binary for a C++ project.

Porting advisor binary run on a C++ codebase with 350 files

The “dist” folder will have the executable.

Running Porting Advisor for Graviton as a script

Enable the Python environment for the following:


$. python3 -m venv .venv
$. source .venv/bin/activate


PS> python -m venv .venv
PS> .\.venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1

The following shows how the tool would work on Windows when run as a script:

Running Porting Advisor on Windows as a powershell script

Running the Porting Advisor for Graviton on Linux as a Script

Setting up Python environment to run the Porting Advisor as a script

Running Porting Advisor on Linux as a script

Output of the Porting Advisor for Graviton

The Porting Advisor for Graviton requires the directory parameter to point to the folder where your source code lives. If there are multiple locations, then you can run the tool as part of the script.

If no output file is supplied only standard output will be produced. The following is the output of the tool in HTML format. The first line shows the total files scanned.

  1. If no issues are found, then you’ll see an output like the following:

Results of Porting Advisor run on C++ code with 2836 files with no issues found

  1. With x86-64 specific intrinsics, such as _bswap64, you’ll see it flagged. arm64 specific intrinsics won’t be flagged. Therefore, if your code has arm64 specific intrinsics, then the porting advisor will only flag x86-64 to arm64 and not vice versa. The primary goal of the tool is determining the arm64 readiness of your code.

Porting Advisor reporting inline assembly files in C++ code

  1. The scanner typically looks for source code files only, but it can also look for assembly files with *.s extensions. An example of a file with the C++ code with inline assembly code is as follows:

Porting Advisor reporting use of intrinsics in C++ code

  1. The tool has pointed out errors such as a preprocessor error and architecture-specific intrinsic usage errors.

Porting Advisor results run on C++ code pointing out missing preprocessor macros for arm64 and x86-64 specific intrinsics

Next steps

If you don’t see any issues reported by the tool, then you are in good shape for doing the port. If no issues are reported it does not guarantee that it will work as port. Porting Advisor for Graviton is a tool used best as a helper. Regardless of the issues reported by the tool, we still highly suggest testing the application thoroughly.

As a good practice, we recommend that you use the latest version of your libraries.

Based on the issue, you can consider further actions. For Compiler intrinsic errors, we recommend studying Intel and arm64 intrinsics.

Once you’ve migrated your code and are using Gravition, you can start to look at taking steps to optimize your performance. If you’re interested in doing that please look at our Getting Started Guide.

If you run into any issues, then see our CONTRIBUTING file.


  1. How fast is the tool? The tool is able to scan 4048 files in 1.18 seconds.

On an arm64 Based Instance:

Porting Advisor scans 4048 files in 1.18 seconds

  1. False Positives?

This tool scans all files in a source tree, regardless of whether they are included by the build system or not. Therefore, it may misreport issues in files that appear in the source tree but are excluded by the build system. Currently, the tool supports the following languages/dependencies: C/C++, Fortran, Go 1.11+, Java 8+, and Python 3+.

For example: You may have legacy code using Python version 2.7 that is in the source tree but isn’t being used. The tool will scan the code base and point out issues in that particular codebase even though you may not be using that piece of code.  To mitigate, either  remove that folder from the source code or ignore the error pointed by the tool.

  1. I see mention of Ruby and .Net in the Open source tool, but they don’t work on my tool.

Ruby and .Net haven’t been implemented yet, but please consider contributing to it and open an issue requesting support. If you need support then see our CONTRIBUTING file.


Errors that you may encounter while building the tool binary:

PyInstaller needs a shared version of libraries.

  1. Python 3.10+ not having shared libraries for use by the PyInstaller tool.

Building Porting Advisor binaries

Pyinstaller failed at building binary and suggesting building Python configure script with --enable-shared on Linux or --enable-framework on macOS

The fix for this is to build your version of Python(3.10+) with the right flags:

./configure --enable-optimizations --enable-shared

If the two flags don’t work together, try doing the build with each flag enabled sequentially.

pyinstaller tool needs python configure script with --enable-shared and enable-optimizations flag

  1. Incorrect Python version (version less than 3.10).If you aren’t on the correct version of Python:

You will get errors similar to the ones here:

Python version on host is 3.7.15 which is less than the recommended version

If you want to run the tool in an EC2 instance on Amazon Linux 2(AL2), then you could try upgrading/installing Python 3.10 as pointed out here.

If you run into any issues, then see our CONTRIBUTING file.

Trying to run Porting Advisor as script will result in Syntax errors on Python version less than 3.10


Porting Advisor for Graviton helps customers quantify the amount of work that is required to port an application. It accelerates your ability to transition to Graviton-based Amazon EC2 instances by reducing the iterative process of identifying and resolving source code and library dependencies.


To learn how to migrate your workloads to Graviton-based instances, see the AWS Graviton Technical Guide GitHub Repository and AWS Graviton Transition Guide. To get started with Graviton-based Amazon EC2 instances, see the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), and AWS SDKs.

Some other resources include:

Announcing Amazon CodeCatalyst (preview), a Unified Software Development Service

Post Syndicated from Steve Roberts original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/announcing-amazon-codecatalyst-preview-a-unified-software-development-service/

Today, we announced the preview release of Amazon CodeCatalyst. A unified software development and delivery service, Amazon CodeCatalyst enables software development teams to quickly and easily plan, develop, collaborate on, build, and deliver applications on AWS, reducing friction throughout the development lifecycle.

In my time as a developer the biggest excitement—besides shipping software to users—was the start of a new project, or being invited to join a project. Both came with the anticipation of building something cool, cutting new code—seeing an idea come to life. However, starting out was sometimes a slow process. My team or I would need to update our local development environments—or entirely new machines—with tools, libraries, and programming frameworks. We had to create source code repositories and set up other shared tools such as Jira, Confluence, or Jenkins, configure build pipelines and other automation workflows, create test environments, and so on. Day-to-day maintenance of development and build environments consumed valuable team cycles and energy. Collaboration between the team took effort, too, because tools to share information and have a single source of truth were not available. Context switching between projects and dealing with conflicting dependencies in those projects, e.g., Python 3.6 for project X and Python 2.7 for project Y—especially when we had only a single machine to work on—further increased the burden.

It doesn’t seem to have gotten any better! These days, when talking to developers about their experiences, I often hear them express that they feel modern development has become even more complicated. This is due to having to select and configure a wider collection of modern frameworks and libraries, tools, cloud services, continuous integration and delivery pipelines, and many other choices that all need to work together to deliver the application experience. What was once manageable by one developer on one machine is now a sprawling, dynamic, complex net of decisions and tradeoffs, made even more challenging by the need to coordinate all this across dispersed teams.

Enter Amazon CodeCatalyst
I’ve spent some time talking with the team behind Amazon CodeCatalyst about their sources of inspiration and goals. Taking feedback from both new and experienced developers and service teams here at AWS, they examined the challenges typically experienced by teams and individual developers when building software for the cloud. Having gathered and reviewed this feedback, they set about creating a unified tool that smooths out the rough edges that needlessly slow down software delivery, and they added features to make it easier for teams to work together and collaborate. Features in Amazon CodeCatalyst to address these challenges include:

  • Blueprints that set up the project’s resources—not just scaffolding for new projects, but also the resources needed to support software delivery and deployment.
  • On-demand cloud-based Dev Environments, to make it easy to replicate consistent development environments for you or your teams.
  • Issue management, enabling tracing of changes across commits, pull requests, and deployments.
  • Automated build and release (CI/CD) pipelines using flexible, managed build infrastructure.
  • Dashboards to surface a feed of project activities such as commits, pull requests, and test reporting.
  • The ability to invite others to collaborate on a project with just an email.
  • Unified search, making it easy to find what you’re looking for across users, issues, code and other project resources.

There’s a lot in Amazon CodeCatalyst that I don’t have space to cover in this post, so I’m going to briefly cover some specific features, like blueprints, Dev Environments, and project collaboration. Other upcoming posts will cover additional features.

Project Blueprints
When I first heard about blueprints, they sounded like a feature to scaffold some initial code for a project. However, they’re much more! Parameterized application blueprints enable you to set up shared project resources to support the application development lifecycle and team collaboration in minutes—not just initial starter code for an application. The resources that a blueprint creates for a project include a source code repository, complete with initial sample code and AWS service configuration for popular application patterns, which follow AWS best practices by default. If you prefer, an external Git repository such as GitHub may be used instead. The blueprint can also add an issue tracker, but external trackers such as Jira can also be used. Then, the blueprint adds a build and release pipeline for CI/CD, which I’ll come to shortly, as well as other integrated tooling.

The project resources and integrated tools set up using blueprints, including the CI/CD pipeline and the AWS resources to host your application, make it so that you can press “deploy” and get sample code running in a few minutes, enabling you to jump right in and start working on your specific business logic.

Project blueprints when starting a new project

At launch, customers can choose from blueprints with Typescript, Python, Java, .NET, Javascript for languages and React, Angular, and Vue frameworks, with more to come. And you don’t need to start with a blueprint. You can build projects with workflows that run on anything that works with Linux and Windows operating systems.

Cloud-Based Dev Environments
Development teams can often run into a problem of “environment drift” where one team member has a slightly different version of a toolchain or library compared to everyone else or the test environments. This can introduce subtle bugs that might go unnoticed for some time. Dev Environment specifications, and the other shared resources, that blueprints create help ensure there’s no unnecessary variance, and everyone on the team gets the same setup to provide a consistent, repeatable experience between developers.

Amazon CodeCatalyst uses a devfile to define the configuration of an on-demand, cloud-based Dev Environment, which currently supports four resizable instance size options with 2, 4, 8, or 16 vCPUs. The devfile defines and configures all of the resources needed to code, test, and debug for a given project, minimizing the time the development team members need to spend on creating and maintaining their local development environments. Devfiles, which are added to the source code repository by the selected blueprint can also be modified if required. With Dev Environments, context switching between projects incurs less overhead—with one click, you can simply switch to a different environment, and you’re ready to start working. This means you’re easily able to work concurrently on multiple codebases without reconfiguring. Being on-demand, Dev Environments can also be paused, restarted, or deleted as needed.

Below is an example of a devfile that bootstraps a Dev Environment.

schemaVersion: 2.0.0
  name: aws-universal
  version: 1.0.1
  displayName: AWS Universal
  description: Stack with AWS Universal Tooling
    - aws
    - a12
  projectType: aws
  - id: npm_install
      component: aws-runtime
      commandLine: "npm install"
      workingDir: /projects/spa-app
    - npm_install
  - name: aws-runtime
      image: public.ecr.aws/aws-mde/universal-image:latest
      mountSources: true
        - name: docker-store
          path: /var/lib/docker
  - name: docker-store
      size: 16Gi

Developers working in cloud-based Dev Environments provisioned by Amazon CodeCatalyst can use AWS Cloud9 as their IDE. However, they can just as easily work with Amazon CodeCatalyst from other IDEs on their local machines, such as JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, PyCharm Pro, GoLand, and Visual Studio Code. Developers can also create Dev Environments from within their IDE, such as Visual Studio Code or for JetBrains using the JetBrains Gateway app. Below, JetBrains IntelliJ is being used.

Editing an application source file in JetBrains IntelliJ

Build and Release Pipelines
The build and release pipeline created by the blueprint run on flexible, managed infrastructure. The pipelines can use on-demand compute or preprovisioned builds, including a choice of machine sizes, and you can bring your own container environments. You can incorporate build actions that are built in or provided by partners (e.g., Mend, which provides a software composition analysis build action), and you can also incorporate GitHub Actions to compose fully automated pipelines. Pipelines are configurable using either a visual editor or YAML files.

Build and release pipelines enable deployment to popular AWS services, including Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), AWS Lambda, and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). Amazon CodeCatalyst makes it trivial to set up test and production environments and deploy using pipelines to one or many Regions or even multiple accounts for security.

Running automated workflow

Project Collaboration
As a unified software development service, Amazon CodeCatalyst not only makes it easier to get started building and delivering applications on AWS, it helps developers of all levels collaborate on projects through a single shared project space and source of truth. Developers can be invited to collaborate using just an email. On accepting the invitation, the developer sees the full project context and can begin work at once using the project’s Dev Environments—no need to spend time updating or reconfiguring their local machine with required tools, libraries, or other pre-requisites.

Existing members of an Amazon CodeCatalyst space, or new members using their email, can be invited to collaborate on a project:

Inviting new members to collaborate on a project

Each will receive an invitation email containing a link titled Accept Invitation, which when clicked, opens a browser tab to sign in. Once signed in, they can view all the projects in the Amazon CodeCatalyst space they’ve been invited to and can also quickly switch to other spaces in which they are the owner or to which they’ve been invited.

Projects I'm invited to collaborate on

From there, they can select a project and get an immediate overview of where things stand, for example, the status of recent workflows, any open pull requests, and available Dev Environments.

CodeCatalyst project summary

On the Issues board, team members can see which issues need to be worked on, select one, and get started.

Viewing issues

Being able to immediately see the context for the project, and have access to on-demand cloud-based Dev Environments, all help with being able to start contributing more quickly, eliminating setup delays.

Get Started with Amazon CodeCatalyst in the Free Tier Today!
Blueprints to scaffold not just application code but also shared project resources supporting the development and deployment of applications, issue tracking, invite-by-email collaboration, automated workflows, and more are all available today in the newly released preview of Amazon CodeCatalyst to help accelerate your cloud development and delivery efforts. Learn more in the Amazon CodeCatalyst User Guide. And, as I mentioned earlier, additional blogs posts and other supporting content are planned by the team to dive into the range of features in more detail, so be sure to look out for them!

Introducing AWS Resource Explorer – Quickly Find Resources in Your AWS Account

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/introducing-aws-resource-explorer-quickly-find-resources-in-your-aws-account/

Looking for a specific Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) task, or Amazon CloudWatch log group can take some time, especially if you have many resources and use multiple AWS Regions.

Today, we’re making that easier. Using the new AWS Resource Explorer, you can search through the AWS resources in your account across Regions using metadata such as names, tags, and IDs. When you find a resource in the AWS Management Console, you can quickly go from the search results to the corresponding service console and Region to start working on that resource. In a similar way, you can use the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) or any of the AWS SDKs to find resources in your automation tools.

Let’s see how this works in practice.

Using AWS Resource Explorer
To start using Resource Explorer, I need to turn it on so that it creates and maintains the indexes that will provide fast responses to my search queries. Usually, the administrator of the account is the one taking these steps so that authorized users in that account can start searching.

To run a query, I need a view that gives access to an index. If the view is using an aggregator index, then the query can search across all indexed Regions.

Aggregator index diagram.

If the view is using a local index, then the query has access only to the resources in that Region.

Local index diagram.

I can control the visibility of resources in my account by creating views that define what resource information is available for search and discovery. These controls are not based only on resources but also on the information that resources bring. For example, I can give access to the Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of all resources but not to their tags which might contain information that I want to keep confidential.

In the Resource Explorer console, I choose Enable Resource Explorer. Then, I select the Quick setup option to have visibility for all supported resources within my account. This option creates local indexes in all Regions and an aggregator index in the selected Region. A default view with a filter that includes all supported resources in the account is also created in the same Region as the aggregator index.

Console screenshot.

With the Advanced setup option, I have access to more granular controls that are useful when there are specific governance requirements. For example, I can select in which Regions to create indexes. I can choose not to replicate resource information to any other Region so that resources from each AWS Region are searchable only from within the same Region. I can also control what information is available in the default view or avoid the creation of the default view.

With the Quick setup option selected, I choose Go to Resource Explorer. A quick overview shows the progress of enabling Resource Explorer across Regions. After the indexes have been created, it can take up to 36 hours to index all supported resources, and search results might be incomplete until then. When resources are created or deleted, your indexes are automatically updated. These updates are asynchronous, so it can take some time (usually a few minutes) to see the changes.

Searching With AWS Resource Explorer
After resources have been indexed, I choose Proceed to resource search. In the Search criteria, I choose which View to use. Currently, I have the default view selected. Then, I start typing in the Query field to search through the resources in my AWS account across all Regions. For example, I have an application where I used the convention to start resource names with my-app. For the resources I created manually, I also added the Project tag with value MyApp.

To find the resource of this application, I start by searching for my-app.

Console screenshot.

The results include resources from multiple services and Regions and global resources from AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). I have a service, tasks, and a task definition from Amazon ECS, roles and policies from AWS IAM, log groups from CloudWatch. Optionally, I can filter results by Region or resource type. If I choose any of the listed resources, the link will bring me to the corresponding service console and Region with the resource selected.

Console screenshot.

To look for something in a specific Region, such as Europe (Ireland), I can restrict the results by adding region:eu-west-1 to the query.

Console screenshot.

I can further restrict results to Amazon ECS resources by adding service:ecs to the query. Now I only see the ECS cluster, service, tasks, and task definition in Europe (Ireland). That’s the task definition I was looking for!

Console screenshot.

I can also search using tags. For example, I can see the resources where I added the MyApp tag by including tag.value:MyApp in a query. To specify the actual key-value pair of the tag, I can use tag:Project=MyApp.

Console screenshot.

Creating a Custom View
Sometimes you need to control the visibility of the resources in your account. For example, all the EC2 instances used for development in my account are in US West (Oregon). I create a view for the development team by choosing a specific Region (us-west-2) and filtering the results with service:ec2 in the query. Optionally, I could further filter results based on resource names or tags. For example, I could add tag:Environment=Dev to only see resources that have been tagged to be in a development environment.

Console screenshot.

Now I allow access to this view to users and roles used by the development team. To do so, I can attach an identity-based policy to the users and roles of the development team. In this way, they can only explore and search resources using this view.

Console screenshot.

Unified Search in the AWS Management Console
After I turn Resource Explorer on, I can also search through my AWS resources in the search bar at the top of the Management Console. We call this capability unified search as it gives results that include AWS services, features, blogs, documentation, tutorial, events, and more.

To focus my search on AWS resources, I add /Resources at the beginning of my search.

Console screenshot.

Note that unified search automatically inserts a wildcard character (*) at the end of the first keyword in the string. This means that unified search results include resources that match any string that starts with the specified keyword.

Console screenshot.

The search performed by the Query text box on the Resource search page in the Resource Explorer console does not automatically append a wildcard character but I can do it manually after any term in the search string to have similar results.

Unified search works when I have the default view in the same Region that contains the aggregator index. To check if unified search works for me, I look at the top of the Settings page.

Console screenshot.

Availability and Pricing
You can start using AWS Resource Explorer today with a global console and via the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and the AWS SDKs. AWS Resource Explorer is available at no additional charge. Using Resource Explorer makes it much faster to find the resources you need and use them in your automation processes and in their service console.

Discover and access your AWS resources across all the Regions you use with AWS Resource Explorer.


Using CloudFormation events to build custom workflows for post provisioning management

Post Syndicated from Vivek Kumar original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/using-cloudformation-events-to-build-custom-workflows-for-post-provisioning-management/

Over one million active customers manage application resources with AWS CloudFormation every week. CloudFormation is a service that helps you model, provision, and manage your cloud resources by treating Infrastructure as Code (IaC). It can simplify infrastructure management, quickly replicate your environment to multiple AWS regions with a single turn-key solution, and let you easily control and track changes in your infrastructure.

You can create various AWS resources using CloudFormation to setup an environment for your workloads. You continue to interact with and manage those resources throughout the workload lifecycle to make sure the resource configuration is aligned with business objectives such as adhering to security compliance standards, meeting required reliability targets, and aligning with budget requirements. The inability to perform a hand-off between resource provisioning actions in CloudFormation and resource management actions in other relevant AWS and non-AWS services poses a challenge. For example, after provisioning of resources, customers might need to perform additional tasks to manage these resources such as adding cost allocation tags, populating resource inventory database or trigger downstream processes.

While they are able to obtain the logical resource grouping that is tied to a workload or a workload component with a CloudFormation stack, that context does not extend beyond CloudFormation for the most part when they use various AWS and non-AWS services to conduct post-provisioning resource management. These AWS and non-AWS services typically offer a resource level view, or in some cases offer basic aggregated views such as supporting a tag group, or an account level abstraction to see all resources in a given account. For a CloudFormation customer, the inability to not have the context of a stack beyond resource provisioning provides a disjointed experience given there is no hand-off between resource provisioning actions in CloudFormation and resource management actions in other relevant AWS and non-AWS services. The various management actions customers take with their workload resources through out their lifecycle are

CloudFormation events provide a robust way to track the status of individual resources during the lifecycle of a stack. You can send CloudFormation events to Amazon EventBridge whenever a create, update,  or drift detection action is performed on your stack. Then you can set up additional workflows based on those events from EventBridge. For example, by tagging the resources automatically, you can reference that tag group when using AWS Trusted Advisor, and continue your resource management experience post-provisioning. CloudFormation sends these events to EventBridge automatically so that you don’t need to do anything. One real-world use case is to use these events to create actionable tasks for your teams to troubleshoot issues. CloudFormation events published to EventBridge can be used to create OpsItems within AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter. OpsItems are the work items created in OpsCenter for engineers to view, investigate and remediate tasks/issues. This enables teams to respond and resolve any issues more efficiently.


To set up the EventBridge rule, go to the AWS console and navigate to EventBridge. Select on Create Rule to get started. Enter Name, description and select Next:

Create Rule

On the next screen, select AWS events in the Event source section.

This sample event is for the CREATE_COMPLETE event. It contains the source, AWS account number, AWS region, event type, resources and details about the event.

On the same page in the Event pattern section:

Select Custom patterns (JSON editor) and enter the following event pattern. This will match any events when a resource fails to create, update, or delete. Learn more about EventBridge event patterns.

    "source": [
    "detail-type": [
        "CloudFormation Resource Status Change"
    "detail": {
        "status-details": {
            "status": [

Custom patterns - JSON editor

Select Next. On the Target screen, select AWS service, then select System Manager OpsItem as the target for this rule.

Target 1

Add a second target – an Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) Topic – to notify the Ops team whenever a failure occurs and an OpsItem has been created.

Target 2

Select Next and optionally add tags.

Select next to review the selections, and select Create rule.

Now your rule is created and whenever a stack failure occurs, an OpsItem gets created and a notification is sent out for the operators to troubleshoot and fix the issue. The OpsItem contains operational data, such as the resource that failed, the reason for failure, as well as the stack to which it belongs, which is useful for troubleshooting the issue. Operators can take manual actions or use runbooks codified as Systems Manager Documents to take corrective actions. From the AWS Console you can go to OpsCenter to see the events:

operational data

Once the issues have been addressed, operators can mark the OpsItem as resolved, and retry the stack operation that failed, resulting in a swift resolution of the issue, and preventing duplication of efforts.

This walkthrough is for the Console but you can use AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), AWS SDK or even CloudFormation to accomplish all of this. Refer to AWS CLI documentation for more information on creating EventBridge rules through CLI. Furthermore, refer to AWS SDK documentation for creating EventBridge rules through AWS SDK. You can use following CloudFormation template to deploy the EventBridge rules example used as part of the walkthrough in this blog post:

	"Parameters": {
		"SNSTopicARN": {
			"Type": "String",
			"Description": "Enter the ARN of the SNS Topic where you want stack failure notifications to be sent."
	"Resources": {
		"CFNEventsRule": {
			"Type": "AWS::Events::Rule",
			"Properties": {
				"Description": "Event rule to capture CloudFormation failure events",
				"EventPattern": {
					"source": [
					"detail-type": [
						"CloudFormation Resource Status Change"
					"detail": {
						"status-details": {
							"status": [
				"Name": "cfn-stack-failure-test",
				"State": "ENABLED",
				"Targets": [
						"Arn": {
							"Fn::Sub": "arn:aws:ssm:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:opsitem"
						"Id": "opsitems",
						"RoleArn": {
							"Fn::GetAtt": [
						"Arn": {
							"Ref": "SNSTopicARN"
						"Id": "sns"
		"TargetInvocationRole": {
			"Type": "AWS::IAM::Role",
			"Properties": {
				"AssumeRolePolicyDocument": {
					"Version": "2012-10-17",
					"Statement": [
							"Effect": "Allow",
							"Principal": {
								"Service": [
							"Action": [
				"Path": "/",
				"Policies": [
						"PolicyName": "createopsitem",
						"PolicyDocument": {
							"Version": "2012-10-17",
							"Statement": [
									"Effect": "Allow",
									"Action": [
									"Resource": "*"
		"AllowSNSPublish": {
			"Type": "AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy",
			"Properties": {
				"PolicyDocument": {
					"Statement": [
							"Sid": "grant-eventbridge-publish",
							"Effect": "Allow",
							"Principal": {
								"Service": "events.amazonaws.com"
							"Action": [
							"Resource": {
								"Ref": "SNSTopicARN"
				"Topics": [
						"Ref": "SNSTopicARN"


Responding to CloudFormation stack events becomes easy with the integration between CloudFormation and EventBridge. CloudFormation events can be used to perform post-provisioning actions on workload resources. With the variety of targets available to EventBridge rules, various actions such as adding tags and, troubleshooting issues can be performed. This example above uses Systems Manager and Amazon SNS but you can have numerous targets including, Amazon API gateway, AWS Lambda, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) task, Amazon Kinesis services, Amazon Redshift, Amazon SageMaker pipeline, and many more. These events are available for free in EventBridge.

Learn more about Managing events with CloudFormation and EventBridge.

About the Author

Vivek is a Solutions Architect at AWS based out of New York. He works with customers providing technical assistance and architectural guidance on various AWS services. He brings more than 25 years of experience in software engineering and architecture roles for various large-scale enterprises.



Mahanth is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS). As part of the AWS Well-Architected team, he works with customers and AWS Partner Network partners of all sizes to help them build secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient infrastructure for their applications. He spends his free time playing with his pup Cosmo, learning more about astronomy, and is an avid gamer.



Sukhchander is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He is passionate about helping startups and enterprises adopt the cloud in the most scalable, secure, and cost-effective way by providing technical guidance, best practices, and well architected solutions.

Hazard analysis and Chaos engineering at Vanguard Group

Post Syndicated from Jason Barto original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/hazard-analysis-and-chaos-engineering-at-vanguard-group/

Anticipating events that can cause a disruption to your system’s service is critical to building highly available, reliable systems.  Hazard analysis gives you a method to identify such events.  Chaos engineering gives you a method to confirm that a system behaves as expected in adverse conditions.  By combining these methods, Vanguard is building reliability into their systems.

Vanguard engineering teams perform hazard analysis on their systems and capture the identified events as failure scenarios.  They use the identified failure scenarios to create hypotheses to support chaos engineering experiments.  These hypotheses predict how the system will respond to failures and each hypothesis is then confirmed through experimentation to increase the team’s confidence in the system’s reliability.

In this article we will walk you through how Vanguard uses hazard analysis and chaos engineering.  We will also provide guidance on how you can employ these techniques on your applications.

Failure Mode & Effects Analysis

A hazard analysis can be performed using different methods.  At Vanguard, they have adapted the failure mode & effects analysis (FMEA) method to support their important services.

FMEA is a bottom-up approach to analyse an architecture and focus on the impact to system functions when one or more components of the system are disrupted. Members of the engineering team and architects responsible for designing and building a system brainstorm possible failure scenarios or failure modes, and document the impact of these failures on the system. Combined with a quantitative method for ranking the failure modes, the analysis process produces a prioritised list of failure modes which describes how the system would respond to individual or combined failures in its component parts or dependencies.

For each failure mode the team conducting the analysis will highlight what protections exist within the system to guard against the failure mode.  Sometimes, fault isolation boundaries have been put in place to prevent client impact in failure scenarios. In other scenarios, for one reason or another, there are hard dependencies in place for which the engineering team has decided not to build in fault tolerance. For example, a team responsible for a less-critical function may have architected its system to operate across multiple availability zones, but could decide not to implement other mitigations to prioritize cost over increased resilience.

The FMEA method has been in use by engineers in the automotive, aeronautical, healthcare, and military industries for more than 60 years.  Over that time, FMEA has been modified to best suit the organization and the field in which it was applied.  In many variations the FMEA measures each failure mode with a risk priority number (RPN), which is intended to quantitatively rank the failure mode based upon:

  1. The failure mode’s impact to the system as a whole
  2. The probability of the failure mode’s occurrence
  3. How easily the failure mode can be detected

Vanguard have adapted the FMEA process to serve their own specific requirements and processes.  Vanguard have decided not to adopt the RPN element of the FMEA process, as teams found they spent a lot of time debating the impact, probability, and detectability of individual failure modes.  To perform an FMEA more quickly, teams instead focus on the failure modes and system impact only, documenting a mental model of system performance which can be experimented through chaos engineering.

An excerpt of a Vanguard FMEA output is provided as an example in the following table:

The “Process Step” in the table above refers to a business function of the system being analyzed, for example “Request to retrieve stored data”. As part of the analysis, the team identifies the system components needed to perform the Process Step and considers the interactions of those components Focusing on a Process Step makes it easier to anticipate the failure scenarios that would affect the system in performing this particular business function. Also, the Process Step will imply an importance or criticality which can be a factor when prioritizing mitigations.

After selecting a Process Step, you walk through the system components involved and identify how component failures or disruptions will affect the wider system. Such component failures may involve individual components or a combination of components and are captured as “Failure Mode”. This identifies the component or components that are disrupted and their behaviour; for example, “Microservice is unavailable or returns an error”.

“Expected Behaviour” describes the effect of the failure mode on the wider system, in the context of the Process Step. This captures what other system components are affected by the Failure Mode and why, and how this impacts the Process Step as a whole.

Lastly, the “Hypothesis” column forms the basis for the chaos experiments that will follow from the FMEA to confirm that the system performs as expected.

At Vanguard, all mission-critical product teams are conducting FMEAs for their production applications. The outputs of these sessions are maintained over time and serve multiple purposes:

  1. When onboarding new team members, it is helpful to provide the FMEA document alongside an architecture diagram and narrative. It will paint a more robust picture of how the system is intended to operate in both “happy path” and “unhappy path” scenarios.
  2. When troubleshooting incidents, an FMEA document can help on-call engineers – especially those less experienced with debugging – to match up the documented expectations to the observed system behavior.
  3. Site Reliability Engineers (SREs) looking for opportunities to improve the resilience of a system might look to FMEA documentation to understand the existing fault isolation boundaries and introduce additional resilience mechanisms through automation and system changes.
  4. Finally, when selecting scenarios for experimentation with Chaos Engineering, the FMEA document provides a list of conjectures that have been mapped to hypotheses, ready to be validated through experimentation. This input into the Chaos Engineering workflow is the primary use of FMEA documents for Vanguard product teams.

There are many resources available online to learn more about how FMEA is used and applied in other organisations. In Failure Modes and Continuous Resilience, Adrian Cockcroft introduces FMEA as a method for anticipating failure scenarios. The NASA Software Engineering Handbook details how FMEAs are conducted as part of their engineering process. The Automotive Industry Group has also formally documented the use of FMEA in the Automotive Industry Action Group FMEA Handbook.

Chaos Engineering

After failure modes have been identified and mitigated through system design, it’s time to understand how resilient the system’s implementation is to those failure modes. Chaos engineering can be used to explore a system and validate that a system’s implementation meets business resiliency objectives.

Chaos engineering helps to improve a team’s mental model about the system under experimentation and provides insights into how a complex system behaves under adverse conditions. It also enables an engineer to find the unknown unknowns and the known unknowns through experiments that are built on top of the hypothesis. These experiments should simulate real world events, such as network degradation and increased client requests, and the outcome of the experiment should not be known. In other words, an experiment is not an experiment if it’s known that the conditions will cause the system to fail.

Prerequisites to Chaos Experiments at Vanguard

At Vanguard, there are some necessary prerequisites to running a chaos experiment. Firstly, the system under experiment must be set up with some basic observability tooling that will allow teams to monitor the state of the application during the failure injection. This could be as simple as an Amazon CloudWatch dashboard and some associated alarms, or as elaborate as a dedicated dashboard set up in a vendor tool.

Secondly, teams must be able to drive load to the application during the experiment; depending on the experiment type, the level and type of load may vary. The load generator can be as simple as a script on someone’s machine, or a fully automated load test depending on the requirements of the hypothesis.

Finally, teams need to have a good understanding of what the application’s “steady state” looks like. I Ideally, this takes the form of some metrics such as expected error rate, expected latency, and/or a service level objective (SLO) that can be monitored throughout the duration of the experiment. For example, a service level objective for a RESTful API might be that 90% of requests should receive a response within 100 milliseconds.

With the prerequisites met and a completed FMEA, teams can then experiment with their hypothesis using various experiment templates defined by Vanguard’s Climate of Chaos tooling.

Vanguard’s Climate of Chaos

At Vanguard, ensuring its software systems are resilient to adverse events is a critical part of its ongoing mission to provide world-class service to their clients. Vanguard believes that in order to develop high quality software, one must plan for the inevitable “stormy weather” events that occur in a distributed system.

Over the past 2 years, as a response to this need, Vanguard has developed in-house tooling called “The Climate of Chaos” to give teams easy access to common experiment templates, along with a friendly UI interface. The Climate of Chaos helps developers experiment on their systems and validate the hypotheses generated from FMEAs. It also provides the tooling for them to simulate the most common failure scenarios on Vanguard’s most commonly utilized AWS infrastructure, including Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), AWS Fargate, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), AWS Lambda, and others.

The Climate of Chaos was created prior to Amazon’s release of the AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS), and today there is a lot of overlap with the experiment capabilities available in FIS. The Climate of Chaos has also been enhanced with company-specific features and integrations that make it easier for Vanguard developers to run chaos experiments in a controlled and predictable manner.

The Climate of Chaos includes important safety features such as an “emergency stop” function. This feature enables teams to terminate the experiment immediately if unintended side effects are encountered, rolling back the events simulated to resume steady state operation. The Climate of Chaos has been coupled with other systems like an in-house load testing tooling and added features like the ability to monitor CloudWatch alarms. Vanguard also offers teams the ability to schedule experiments to run at their convenience. Soon, Vanguard hopes to make running chaos experiments even smarter, introducing tools that will help teams run bulk experiments that systematically inject failures on a group of related applications to help pinpoint more complex failure modes.

Next Steps

Failure modes and effects analysis is a hazard analysis method which can help you identify single and combined points of failure in your system so you can prioritize the failure modes. To learn more about the FMEA process, you can read the NASA Software Engineering Handbook which outlines how they perform FMEA on their software-based systems. The AWS Whitepaper Building Mission-Critical Financial Services Applications on AWS provides example forms and suggestions for severity, probability, and detectability rankings. Appendix F in the whitepaper suggests a 1 to 10 ranking for each Risk Priority Number input, and the example spreadsheets recommend performing FMEAs for the application, platform, infrastructure, and operation layers of the system. Using these examples, you can perform an analysis of your own systems and generate hypotheses.

To experiment on your systems and validate your own hypotheses, you can use the AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS) mentioned earlier in this article. FIS provides you with a framework for performing controlled chaos experiments on your AWS workloads. It helps you to safely manage your experiments by providing tooling to monitor, rollback, and orchestrate chaos experiments. FIS provides the fault injection mechanisms that you will need to experiment upon your system’s implementation and resilience to identified failure modes. You can start by running experiments in pre-production environments, and then step up to running them as part of your CI/CD workflow and ultimately in your production environment. To learn more about FIS, you can read the FIS User Guide and FIS tutorials.

By using FMEA to anticipate the failures and experimenting on your systems with chaos engineering, you will gain confidence in the reliability of your system.

The content and opinions in this post are those of The Vanguard Group and AWS is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this post.

About the authors:

Tory Benya

Tory works as a Chaos Engineering Tech Lead at Vanguard.  She is passionate about automation, data, and making software work for people.  She likes to automate, integrate, and improve processes and technology.  Tory makes data-driven decisions to make a difference as part of her team at Vanguard.

Christina Yakomin

Christina works as a Senior Site Reliability Engineering Specialist in Vanguard’s Chief Technology Office. Throughout her career, she has developed an expansive skill set in front- and back-end web development, as well as cloud infrastructure and automation, with a specialization in Site Reliability Engineering. She has earned several Amazon Web Services certifications, including the Solutions Architect – Professional. Christina has also worked closely with the Women’s Initiative for Leadership Success at Vanguard, both internally at the company and externally in the local community, to further the career advancement of women and girls – in particular within the tech industry.

Jason Barto

Jason works as a Principal Solutions Architect at AWS where he works with customers to design resilient system architectures and develop chaos engineering practices. Prior to joining AWS Jason was designing and building distributed systems for complex event processing and real-time telemetry analytics.

John Formento

John is a Solutions Architect at AWS. He helps large enterprises achieve their goals by architecting secure and scalable solutions on the AWS Cloud. John holds 7 AWS certifications including AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional and DevOps Engineer – Professional.

Jenkins high availability and disaster recovery on AWS

Post Syndicated from James Bland original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/jenkins-high-availability-and-disaster-recovery-on-aws/

We often hear from customers about their challenges architecting Jenkins for scale and high availability (HA). Jenkins was originally built as a continuous integration (CI) system to test software before it was committed to a repository. Since its beginning, Jenkins has grown out of necessity versus grand master plan. Developers who extended Jenkins favored speed of creating functionality over performance or scalability of the entire system. This is not to say that it’s impossible to scale Jenkins, it’s only mentioned here to highlight the challenges and technical debt that has accumulated because of the prioritization of features versus developing towards a specific architecture. In this post, we discuss these challenges and our proposed solution.

Challenges with Jenkins at scale and HA

Business and customer demand are forcing organizations to increase the speed and agility at which they release features and functionality. As organizations make this transition, the usage of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) increases, which drives the need to scale Jenkins. Overlay this with an organization that commits hundreds of changes per day and works around the clock, with developers dispersed globally, and you end up with an operational situation where there is no room for downtime. To mitigate the risk of impacting an organization’s ability to release when they need it, developers require a system that not only scales but is also highly available.

The ability to scale Jenkins and provide HA comes down to two problems. One is the ability to scale compute to handle additional jobs, and the second is storage. To scale compute, we typically do it in one of two ways, horizontally or vertically. Horizontally means we scale Jenkins to add additional compute nodes. Scaling vertically means we scale Jenkins by adding more resources to the compute node.

Let’s start with the storage problem. Jenkins is designed around the local file system. Anyone who has spent time around Jenkins is aware that logs, cloned repos, plugins, and build artifacts are stored into JENKINS_HOME. Local file systems, while good for single-server designs, tend to be a challenge when HA comes into the picture. In on-premises designs, administrators have often used Network File System (NFS) and Storage Area Networks (SAN) to achieve some scale and resiliency. This type of design comes with a trade-off of performance and doesn’t provide the true HA and inherent disaster recovery (DR) required to meet the demands of the business.

Because of the local file system constraint, there are two native families of storage available in AWS: Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) and Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS). Amazon EBS is great for a single-server design in a single Availability Zone. The challenge is trying to scale a single-server design to support HA. Because of the requirement to assign an EBS volume to a specific Availability Zone, you can’t automatically transition the EBS volume to another Availability Zone and attach it to a Jenkins instance. If you don’t mind having an impact on Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO), a solution using Amazon EBS snapshots copied to additional Availability Zones might work. Although EBS snapshot copy is possible, it’s not a recommended solution because it doesn’t scale and has complexities in building and maintaining this type of solution.

Amazon EFS as an alternative has worked well for customers that don’t have high usage patterns of Jenkins. All Jenkins instances within the Region can access the Amazon EFS file system and data durably stored in multiple Availability Zones. If a single Availability Zone experiences an outage, the Jenkins file system is still accessible from other Availability Zones providing HA for the storage layer. This solution is not recommended for high-usage systems due to the way that Jenkins reads and writes data. Jenkins’s access pattern is skewed towards writing data such as logs, cloned repos, and building artifacts versus reading data. Amazon EFS, on the other hand, is designed for workloads that read more than they write. On high-usage workloads, customers have experienced Jenkins build slowness and Jenkins page load latency. This is why Amazon EFS isn’t recommended for high-usage Jenkins systems.

Solution for Jenkins at scale and HA

Solving the compute problem is relatively straightforward by using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). In the context of Jenkins, an organization would run Jenkins in an Amazon EKS cluster that spans multiple Availability Zones, as shown in the following diagram.

Diagram showing Jenkins deployment in Amazon EKS with three availability zones inside a VPC

Figure 1 –Jenkins deployment in Amazon EKS with multiple availability zones.

Jenkins Controller and Agent would run in an Availability Zone as a Kubernetes pod. Amazon EKS is designed around Desired State Configuration (DSC), which means that it continuously make sure that the running environment matches the configuration that has been applied to Amazon EKS. In practice, when Amazon EKS is told that you want a single pod of Jenkins running, it monitors and makes sure that pod is always running. If an Availability Zone is unavailable, Amazon EKS launches a new node in another Availability Zone and deploys all pods to meet any necessary constraints defined in Amazon EKS. With this option, we still need to have the data in other Availability Zones, which we cover later in this post.

The only option of scaling Jenkins controllers is vertical. Scaling Jenkins horizontally could lead to an undesirable state because the system wasn’t designed to have multiple instances of Jenkins attached to the same storage layer. There is no exclusive file locking mechanism to ensure data consistency. For organizations that have exhausted the limits with vertical scaling, the recommendation is to run multiple independent Jenkins controllers and separate them per team or group. Vertical scaling of Jenkins is simpler in Amazon EKS. Node sizes and container memory are controlled by configuration. Increasing memory size is as simple as changing a container’s memory setting. Due to the ease of changing configuration, it’s best to start with a lower memory setting, monitor performance, and increase as necessary. You want to find a good balance between price and performance.

For Jenkins agents, there are many options to scale the compute. In the context of scale and HA, the best options are to use AWS CodeBuild, AWS Fargate for Amazon EKS, or Amazon EKS managed node groups. With CodeBuild, you don’t need to provision, manage, or scale your build servers. CodeBuild scales continuously and processes multiple builds concurrently. You can use the Jenkins plugin for CodeBuild to integrate CodeBuild with Jenkins. Fargate is a good option but has some challenges if you’re trying to build container images within a container due to permissions necessary that aren’t exposed in Fargate. For additional information on how to overcome this challenge with Jenkins, refer to How to build container images with Amazon EKS on Fargate.

Now let’s look at the storage layer and see how LINBIT is helping organizations solve this problem with LINSTOR. LINBIT’s LINSTOR is an open-source management tool designed to manage block storage devices. Its primary use case is to provide Linux block storage for Kubernetes and other public and private cloud platforms. LINBIT also provides enterprise subscription for LINSTOR, which include technical support with SLA.

The following diagram illustrates a LINSTOR storage solution running on Amazon EKS using multiple Availability Zones and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for snapshots.

Diagram showing LINSTOR storage solution running on Amazon EKS across three availability zone with snapshot stored in Amazon S3.

Figure 2. LINSTOR storage solution running on Amazon EKS using multiple availability zones and S3 for snapshot.

LINSTOR is composed of a control plane and a data plane. The control plane consists of a set of containers deployed into Amazon EKS and is responsible for managing the data plane. The data plane consists of a collection of open-source block storage software, most importantly LINBIT’s Distributed Replicated Storage System (DRBD) software. DRBD is responsible for provisioning and synchronously replicating storage between Amazon EKS worker instances in different Availability Zones.

LINSTOR is deployed via Helm into Amazon EKS, and the LINSTOR cluster is initialized by the LINSTOR Operator. Once deployed, LINSTOR volumes and volume snapshots are managed via Kubernetes Storage Classes and Snapshot Classes in a Kubernetes native fashion. LINSTOR volumes are backed by LINSTOR objects known as storage pools, which are composed of one or more EBS volumes attached to each Amazon EKS worker instance.

LINSTOR volumes layer DRBD on top of the worker’s attached EBS volume to enable synchronous replication between peers in the Amazon EKS cluster. This ensures that you have an identical copy of your persistent volume on the EBS volumes in each Availability Zone. In the event of an Availability Zone outage or planned migration, Amazon EKS moves the Jenkins deployment to another Availability Zone where the persistent volume copy is available. In terms of scaling, LINBIT DRDB supports up to 32 replicas per volume, with a maximum size of 1 PiB per volume. LINSTOR node itself can scale beyond hundreds of nodes, as shown in this case study.

LINSTOR also provides an HA Controller component in its control plane to speed up failover times during outages. LINSTOR’s HA Controller looks for pods with a specific label, and if LINSTOR’s persistent volumes replication network becomes interrupted (like during an Availability Zone outage), LINSTOR reschedules the pod sooner than the default Kubernetes pod-eviction-timeout.

LINBIT provides a detailed full installation for Jenkins HA in AWS. A sample of LINSTOR’s helm values supporting these features is as follows:

      - name: lvm-thin
        thinVolume: thinpool
        volumeGroup: ""
        - /dev/nvme1n1
    kernelModuleInjectionMode: Compile
  enabled: false
  enableTopology: true
  replicas: 3
  replicas: 3

After LINSTOR is deployed, you create a Kubernetes StorageClass supporting persistent volumes with three replicas using the following example:

apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
  name: "linstor-csi-lvm-thin-r3"
provisioner: linstor.csi.linbit.com
  allowRemoteVolumeAccess: "false"
  autoPlace: "3"
  storagePool: "lvm-thin"
  DrbdOptions/Disk/disk-flushes: "no"
  DrbdOptions/Disk/md-flushes: "no"
  DrbdOptions/Net/max-buffers: "10000"
reclaimPolicy: Retain
allowVolumeExpansion: true
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer

Finally, Jenkins helm charts are deployed into Amazon EKS with the following Helm values to request a PV from the LINSTOR StorageClass:

  storageClass: linstor-csi-lvm-thin-r3
  size: "200Gi"
  serviceType: LoadBalancer
    linstor.csi.linbit.com/on-storage-lost: remove

To protect against entire AWS Region outages and provide disaster recovery, LINSTOR takes volume snapshots and replicates it cross-Region using Amazon S3. LINSTOR requires read and write access to the target S3 bucket using AWS credentials provided as Kubernetes secrets:

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: linstor-csi-s3-access
  namespace: default
type: linstor.csi.linbit.com/s3-credentials.v1
immutable: true
  access-key: REDACTED
  secret-key: REDACTED

The target S3 bucket is referenced as a snapshot shipping target using a LINSTOR S3 VolumeSnapshotClass. The following example shows a VolumeSnapshotClass referencing the S3 bucket’s secret and additional configuration for the target S3 bucket:

kind: VolumeSnapshotClass
apiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1
  name: linstor-csi-snapshot-class-s3
driver: linstor.csi.linbit.com
deletionPolicy: Delete
  snap.linstor.csi.linbit.com/type: S3
  snap.linstor.csi.linbit.com/remote-name: s3-us-west-2
  snap.linstor.csi.linbit.com/allow-incremental: "false"
  snap.linstor.csi.linbit.com/s3-bucket: name-of-bucket-123
  snap.linstor.csi.linbit.com/s3-endpoint: http://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
  snap.linstor.csi.linbit.com/s3-signing-region: us-west-2
  snap.linstor.csi.linbit.com/s3-use-path-style: "false"
  # Secret to store access credentials
  csi.storage.k8s.io/snapshotter-secret-name: linstor-csi-s3-access
  csi.storage.k8s.io/snapshotter-secret-namespace: default

Jenkins deployment persistent volume claim (PVC) is stored as a snapshot in Amazon S3 by using a standard Kubernetes volumeSnapshot definition with LINSTOR’s snapshot class for Amazon S3:

apiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: VolumeSnapshot
  name: jenkins-dr-snapshot-0
  volumeSnapshotClassName: linstor-csi-snapshot-class-s3
    persistentVolumeClaimName: <jenkins-pvc-name>


In this post, we explained  the challenges to scale Jenkins for HA and DR. We also reviewed Jenkins storage architecture with Amazon EBS and Amazon EFS and where to apply these. We demonstrated how you can use Amazon EKS to scale Jenkins compute for HA and how AWS partner solutions such as LINBIT LINSTOR can help scale Jenkins storage for HA and DR. Combining both solutions can help organizations maintain their ability to deploy software with speed and agility. We hope you found this post useful as you think through building your CI/CD infrastructure in AWS. To learn more about running Jenkins in Amazon EKS, check out Orchestrate Jenkins Workloads using Dynamic Pod Autoscaling with Amazon EKS. To find out more information about LINBIT’s LINSTOR, check the Jenkins technical guide.


James Bland

James is a 25+ year veteran in the IT industry helping organizations from startups to ultra large enterprises achieve their business objectives. He has held various leadership roles in software development, worldwide infrastructure automation, and enterprise architecture. James has been
practicing DevOps long before the term became popularized. He holds a doctorate in computer science with a focus on leveraging machine learning algorithms for scaling systems. In his current role at AWS as the APN Global Tech Lead for DevOps, he works with partners to help shape the future of technology.

Welly Siauw

Welly Siauw is a Sr. Partner Solution Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS). He spends his day working with customers and partners, solving architectural challenges. He is passionate about service integration and orchestration, serverless and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). He authored several AWS blogs and actively leading AWS Immersion Days and Activation Days. Welly spends his free time tinkering with espresso machine and outdoor hiking.

Matt Kereczman

Matt Kereczman is a Solutions Architect at LINBIT with a long history of Linux System Administration and Linux System Engineering. Matt is a cornerstone in LINBIT’s technical team, and plays an important role in making LINBIT and LINBIT’s customer’s solutions great. Matt was President of the GNU/Linux Club at Northampton Area Community College prior to graduating with Honors from Pennsylvania College of Technology with a BS in Information Security. Open Source Software and Hardware are at the core of most of Matt’s hobbies.

Multi-Region Terraform Deployments with AWS CodePipeline using Terraform Built CI/CD

Post Syndicated from Lerna Ekmekcioglu original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/multi-region-terraform-deployments-with-aws-codepipeline-using-terraform-built-ci-cd/

As of February 2022, the AWS Cloud spans 84 Availability Zones within 26 geographic Regions, with announced plans for more Availability Zones and Regions. Customers can leverage this global infrastructure to expand their presence to their primary target of users, satisfying data residency requirements, and implementing disaster recovery strategy to make sure of business continuity. Although leveraging multi-Region architecture would address these requirements, deploying and configuring consistent infrastructure stacks across multi-Regions could be challenging, as AWS Regions are designed to be autonomous in nature. Multi-region deployments with Terraform and AWS CodePipeline can help customers with these challenges.

In this post, we’ll demonstrate the best practice for multi-Region deployments using HashiCorp Terraform as infrastructure as code (IaC), and AWS CodeBuild , CodePipeline as continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) for consistency and repeatability of deployments into multiple AWS Regions and AWS Accounts. We’ll dive deep on the IaC deployment pipeline architecture and the best practices for structuring the Terraform project and configuration for multi-Region deployment of multiple AWS target accounts.

You can find the sample code for this solution here

Solutions Overview


The following architecture diagram illustrates the main components of the multi-Region Terraform deployment pipeline with all of the resources built using IaC.

DevOps engineer initially works against the infrastructure repo in a short-lived branch. Once changes in the short-lived branch are ready, DevOps engineer gets them reviewed and merged into the main branch. Then, DevOps engineer git tags the repo. For any future changes in the infra repo, DevOps engineer repeats this same process.

Git tags named “dev_us-east-1/research/1.0”, “dev_eu-central-1/research/1.0”, “dev_ap-southeast-1/research/1.0”, “dev_us-east-1/risk/1.0”, “dev_eu-central-1/risk/1.0”, “dev_ap-southeast-1/risk/1.0” corresponding to the version 1.0 of the code to release from the main branch using git tagging. Short-lived branch in between each version of the code, followed by git tags corresponding to each subsequent version of the code such as version 1.1 and version 2.0.”

Fig 1. Tagging to release from the main branch.

  1. The deployment is triggered from DevOps engineer git tagging the repo, which contains the Terraform code to be deployed. This action starts the deployment pipeline execution.
    Tagging with ‘dev_us-east-1/research/1.0’ triggers a pipeline to deploy the research dev account to us-east-1. In our example git tag ‘dev_us-east-1/research/1.0’ contains the target environment (i.e., dev), AWS Region (i.e. us-east-1), team (i.e., research), and a version number (i.e., 1.0) that maps to an annotated tag on a commit ID. The target workload account aliases (i.e., research dev, risk qa) are mapped to AWS account numbers in the environment configuration files of the infra repo in AWS CodeCommit.
The central tooling account contains the CodeCommit Terraform infra repo, where DevOps engineer has git access, along with the pipeline trigger, the CodePipeline dev pipeline consisting of the S3 bucket with Terraform infra repo and git tag, CodeBuild terraform tflint scan, checkov scan, plan and apply. Terraform apply points using the cross account role to VPC containing an Application Load Balancer (ALB) in eu-central-1 in the dev target workload account. A qa pipeline, a staging pipeline, a prod pipeline are included along with a qa target workload account, a staging target workload account, a prod target workload account. EventBridge, Key Management Service, CloudTrail, CloudWatch in us-east-1 Region are in the central tooling account along with Identity Access Management service. In addition, the dev target workload account contains us-east-1 and ap-southeast-1 VPC’s each with an ALB as well as Identity Access Management.

Fig 2. Multi-Region AWS deployment with IaC and CI/CD pipelines.

  1. To capture the exact git tag that starts a pipeline, we use an Amazon EventBridge rule. The rule is triggered when the tag is created with an environment prefix for deploying to a respective environment (i.e., dev). The rule kicks off an AWS CodeBuild project that takes the git tag from the AWS CodeCommit event and stores it with a full clone of the repo into a versioned Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket for the corresponding environment.
  2. We have a continuous delivery pipeline defined in AWS CodePipeline. To make sure that the pipelines for each environment run independent of each other, we use a separate pipeline per environment. Each pipeline consists of three stages in addition to the Source stage:
    1. IaC linting stage – A stage for linting Terraform code. For illustration purposes, we’ll use the open source tool tflint.
    2. IaC security scanning stage – A stage for static security scanning of Terraform code. There are many tooling choices when it comes to the security scanning of Terraform code. Checkov, TFSec, and Terrascan are the commonly used tools. For illustration purposes, we’ll use the open source tool Checkov.
    3. IaC build stage – A stage for Terraform build. This includes an action for the Terraform execution plan followed by an action to apply the plan to deploy the stack to a specific Region in the target workload account.
  1. Once the Terraform apply is triggered, it deploys the infrastructure components in the target workload account to the AWS Region based on the git tag. In turn, you have the flexibility to point the deployment to any AWS Region or account configured in the repo.
  2. The sample infrastructure in the target workload account consists of an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role, an external facing Application Load Balancer (ALB), as well as all of the required resources down to the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). Upon successful deployment, browsing to the external facing ALB DNS Name URL displays a very simple message including the location of the Region.

Architectural considerations

Multi-account strategy

Leveraging well-architected multi-account strategy, we have a separate central tooling account for housing the code repository and infrastructure pipeline, and a separate target workload account to house our sample workload infra-architecture. The clean account separation lets us easily control the IAM permission for granular access and have different guardrails and security controls applied. Ultimately, this enforces the separation of concerns as well as minimizes the blast radius.

A dev pipeline, a qa pipeline, a staging pipeline and, a prod pipeline in the central tooling account, each targeting the workload account for the respective environment pointing to the Regional resources containing a VPC and an ALB.

Fig 3. A separate pipeline per environment.

The sample architecture shown above contained a pipeline per environment (DEV, QA, STAGING, PROD) in the tooling account deploying to the target workload account for the respective environment. At scale, you can consider having multiple infrastructure deployment pipelines for multiple business units in the central tooling account, thereby targeting workload accounts per environment and business unit. If your organization has a complex business unit structure and is bound to have different levels of compliance and security controls, then the central tooling account can be further divided into the central tooling accounts per business unit.

Pipeline considerations

The infrastructure deployment pipeline is hosted in a central tooling account and targets workload accounts. The pipeline is the authoritative source managing the full lifecycle of resources. The goal is to decrease the risk of ad hoc changes (e.g., manual changes made directly via the console) that can’t be easily reproduced at a future date. The pipeline and the build step each run as their own IAM role that adheres to the principle of least privilege. The pipeline is configured with a stage to lint the Terraform code, as well as a static security scan of the Terraform resources following the principle of shifting security left in the SDLC.

As a further improvement for resiliency and applying the cell architecture principle to the CI/CD deployment, we can consider having multi-Region deployment of the AWS CodePipeline pipeline and AWS CodeBuild build resources, in addition to a clone of the AWS CodeCommit repository. We can use the approach detailed in this post to sync the repo across multiple regions. This means that both the workload architecture and the deployment infrastructure are multi-Region. However, it’s important to note that the business continuity requirements of the infrastructure deployment pipeline are most likely different than the requirements of the workloads themselves.

A dev pipeline in us-east-1, a dev pipeline in eu-central-1, a dev pipeline in ap-southeast-1, all in the central tooling account, each pointing respectively to the regional resources containing a VPC and an ALB for the respective Region in the dev target workload account.

Fig 4. Multi-Region CI/CD dev pipelines targeting the dev workload account resources in the respective Region.

Deeper dive into Terraform code

Backend configuration and state

As a prerequisite, we created Amazon S3 buckets to store the Terraform state files and Amazon DynamoDB tables for the state file locks. The latter is a best practice to prevent concurrent operations on the same state file. For naming the buckets and tables, our code expects the use of the same prefix (i.e., <tf_backend_config_prefix>-<env> for buckets and <tf_backend_config_prefix>-lock-<env> for tables). The value of this prefix must be passed in as an input param (i.e., “tf_backend_config_prefix”). Then, it’s fed into AWS CodeBuild actions for Terraform as an environment variable. Separation of remote state management resources (Amazon S3 bucket and Amazon DynamoDB table) across environments makes sure that we’re minimizing the blast radius.

A dev Terraform state files bucket named 

<prefix>-dev, a dev Terraform state locks DynamoDB table named <prefix>-lock-dev, a qa Terraform state files bucket named <prefix>-qa, a qa Terraform state locks DynamoDB table named <prefix>-lock-qa, a staging Terraform state files bucket named <prefix>-staging, a staging Terraform state locks DynamoDB table named <prefix>-lock-staging, a prod Terraform state files bucket named <prefix>-prod, a prod Terraform state locks DynamoDB table named <prefix>-lock-prod, in us-east-1 in the central tooling account” width=”600″ height=”456″>
 <p id=Fig 5. Terraform state file buckets and state lock tables per environment in the central tooling account.

The git tag that kicks off the pipeline is named with the following convention of “<env>_<region>/<team>/<version>” for regional deployments and “<env>_global/<team>/<version>” for global resource deployments. The stage following the source stage in our pipeline, tflint stage, is where we parse the git tag. From the tag, we derive the values of environment, deployment scope (i.e., Region or global), and team to determine the Terraform state Amazon S3 object key uniquely identifying the Terraform state file for the deployment. The values of environment, deployment scope, and team are passed as environment variables to the subsequent AWS CodeBuild Terraform plan and apply actions.


We set the Region to the value of AWS_REGION env variable that is made available by AWS CodeBuild, and it’s the Region in which our build is running.


The following is how the Terraform backend config initialization looks in our AWS CodeBuild buildspec files for Terraform actions, such as tflint, plan, and apply.

terraform init -backend-config="key=${TEAM}/${ENV}-
${TARGET_DEPLOYMENT_SCOPE}/terraform.tfstate" -backend-config="region=$AWS_REGION"

Using this approach, the Terraform states for each combination of account and Region are kept in their own distinct state file. This means that if there is an issue with one Terraform state file, then the rest of the state files aren’t impacted.

In the central tooling account us-east-1 Region, Terraform state files named “research/dev-us-east-1/terraform.tfstate”, “risk/dev-ap-southeast-1/terraform.tfstate”, “research/dev-eu-central-1/terraform.tfstate”, “research/dev-global/terraform.tfstate” are in S3 bucket named 

<prefix>-dev along with DynamoDB table for Terraform state locks named <prefix>-lock-dev. The Terraform state files named “research/qa-us-east-1/terraform.tfstate”, “risk/qa-ap-southeast-1/terraform.tfstate”, “research/qa-eu-central-1/terraform.tfstate” are in S3 bucket named <prefix>-qa along with DynamoDB table for Terraform state locks named <prefix>-lock-qa. Similarly for staging and prod.” width=”600″ height=”677″>
 <p id=Fig 6. Terraform state files per account and Region for each environment in the central tooling account

Following the example, a git tag of the form “dev_us-east-1/research/1.0” that kicks off the dev pipeline works against the research team’s dev account’s state file containing us-east-1 Regional resources (i.e., Amazon S3 object key “research/dev-us-east-1/terraform.tfstate” in the S3 bucket <tf_backend_config_prefix>-dev), and a git tag of the form “dev_ap-southeast-1/risk/1.0” that kicks off the dev pipeline works against the risk team’s dev account’s Terraform state file containing ap-southeast-1 Regional resources (i.e., Amazon S3 object key “risk/dev-ap-southeast-1/terraform.tfstate”). For global resources, we use a git tag of the form “dev_global/research/1.0” that kicks off a dev pipeline and works against the research team’s dev account’s global resources as they are at account level (i.e., “research/dev-global/terraform.tfstate).

Git tag “dev_us-east-1/research/1.0” pointing to the Terraform state file named “research/dev-us-east-1/terraform.tfstate”, git tag “dev_ap-southeast-1/risk/1.0 pointing to “risk/dev-ap-southeast-1/terraform.tfstate”, git tag “dev_eu-central-1/research/1.0” pointing to ”research/dev-eu-central-1/terraform.tfstate”, git tag “dev_global/research/1.0” pointing to “research/dev-global/terraform.tfstate”, in dev Terraform state files S3 bucket named <prefix>-dev along with <prefix>-lock-dev DynamoDB dev Terraform state locks table.” width=”600″ height=”318″>
 <p id=Fig 7. Git tags and the respective Terraform state files.

This backend configuration makes sure that the state file for one account and Region is independent of the state file for the same account but different Region. Adding or expanding the workload to additional Regions would have no impact on the state files of existing Regions.

If we look at the further improvement where we make our deployment infrastructure also multi-Region, then we can consider each Region’s CI/CD deployment to be the authoritative source for its local Region’s deployments and Terraform state files. In this case, tagging against the repo triggers a pipeline within the local CI/CD Region to deploy resources in the Region. The Terraform state files in the local Region are used for keeping track of state for the account’s deployment within the Region. This further decreases cross-regional dependencies.

A dev pipeline in the central tooling account in us-east-1, pointing to the VPC containing ALB in us-east-1 in dev target workload account, along with a dev Terraform state files S3 bucket named <prefix>-use1-dev containing us-east-1 Regional resources “research/dev/terraform.tfstate” and “risk/dev/terraform.tfstate” Terraform state files along with DynamoDB dev Terraform state locks table named <prefix>-use1-lock-dev. A dev pipeline in the central tooling account in eu-central-1, pointing to the VPC containing ALB in eu-central-1 in dev target workload account, along with a dev Terraform state files S3 bucket named <prefix>-euc1-dev containing eu-central-1 Regional resources “research/dev/terraform.tfstate” and “risk/dev/terraform.tfstate” Terraform state files along with DynamoDB dev Terraform state locks table named <prefix>-euc1-lock-dev. A dev pipeline in the central tooling account in ap-southeast-1, pointing to the VPC containing ALB in ap-southeast-1 in dev target workload account, along with a dev Terraform state files S3 bucket named <prefix>-apse1-dev containing ap-southeast-1 Regional resources “research/dev/terraform.tfstate” and “risk/dev/terraform.tfstate” Terraform state files along with DynamoDB dev Terraform state locks table named <prefix>-apse1-lock-dev” width=”700″ height=”603″>
 <p id=Fig 8. Multi-Region CI/CD with Terraform state resources stored in the same Region as the workload account resources for the respective Region


For deployments, we use the default Terraform AWS provider. The provider is parametrized with the value of the region passed in as an input parameter.

provider "aws" {
  region = var.region

Once the provider knows which Region to target, we can refer to the current AWS Region in the rest of the code.

# The value of the current AWS region is the name of the AWS region configured on the provider
# https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/region
data "aws_region" "current" {} 

locals {
    region = data.aws_region.current.name # then use local.region where region is needed

Provider is configured to assume a cross account IAM role defined in the workload account. The value of the account ID is fed as an input parameter.

provider "aws" {
  region = var.region
  assume_role {
    role_arn     = "arn:aws:iam::${var.account}:role/InfraBuildRole"
    session_name = "INFRA_BUILD"

This InfraBuildRole IAM role could be created as part of the account creation process. The AWS Control Tower Terraform Account Factory could be used to automate this.


Minimize cross-regional dependencies

We keep the Regional resources and the global resources (e.g., IAM role or policy) in distinct namespaces following the cell architecture principle. We treat each Region as one cell, with the goal of decreasing cross-regional dependencies. Regional resources are created once in each Region. On the other hand, global resources are created once globally and may have cross-regional dependencies (e.g., DynamoDB global table with a replica table in multiple Regions). There’s no “global” Terraform AWS provider since the AWS provider requires a Region. This means that we pick a specific Region from which to deploy our global resources (i.e., global_resource_deploy_from_region input param). By creating a distinct Terraform namespace for Regional resources (e.g., module.regional) and a distinct namespace for global resources (e.g., module.global), we can target a deployment for each using pipelines scoped to the respective namespace (e.g., module.global or module.regional).

Deploying Regional resources: A dev pipeline in the central tooling account triggered via git tag “dev_eu-central-1/research/1.0” pointing to the eu-central-1 VPC containing ALB in the research dev target workload account corresponding to the module.regional Terraform namespace. Deploying global resources: a dev pipeline in the central tooling account triggered via git tag “dev_global/research/1.0” pointing to the IAM resource corresponding to the module.global Terraform namespace.

Fig 9. Deploying regional and global resources scoped to the Terraform namespace

As global resources have a scope of the whole account regardless of Region while Regional resources are scoped for the respective Region in the account, one point of consideration and a trade-off with having to pick a Region to deploy global resources is that this introduces a dependency on that region for the deployment of the global resources. In addition, in the case of a misconfiguration of a global resource, there may be an impact to each Region in which we deployed our workloads. Let’s consider a scenario where an IAM role has access to an S3 bucket. If the IAM role is misconfigured as a result of one of the deployments, then this may impact access to the S3 bucket in each Region.

There are alternate approaches, such as creating an IAM role per Region (myrole-use1 with access to the S3 bucket in us-east-1, myrole-apse1 with access to the S3 bucket in ap-southeast-1, etc.). This would make sure that if the respective IAM role is misconfigured, then the impact is scoped to the Region. Another approach is versioning our global resources (e.g., myrole-v1, myrole-v2) with the ability to move to a new version and roll back to a previous version if needed. Each of these approaches has different drawbacks, such as the duplication of global resources that may make auditing more cumbersome with the tradeoff of minimizing cross Regional dependencies.

We recommend looking at the pros and cons of each approach and selecting the approach that best suits the requirements for your workloads regarding the flexibility to deploy to multiple Regions.


We keep one copy of the infrastructure code and deploy the resources targeted for each Region using this same copy. Our code is built using versioned module composition as the “lego blocks”. This follows the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle and decreases the risk of code drift per Region. We may deploy to any Region independently, including any Regions added at a future date with zero code changes and minimal additional configuration for that Region. We can see three advantages with this approach.

  1. The total deployment time per Region remains the same regardless of the addition of Regions. This helps for restrictions, such as tight release windows due to business requirements.
  2. If there’s an issue with one of the regional deployments, then the remaining Regions and their deployment pipelines aren’t affected.
  3. It allows the ability to stagger deployments or the possibility of not deploying to every region in non-critical environments (e.g., dev) to minimize costs and remain in line with the Well Architected Sustainability pillar.


In this post, we demonstrated a multi-account, multi-region deployment approach, along with sample code, with a focus on architecture using IaC tool Terraform and CI/CD services AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodePipeline to help customers in their journey through multi-Region deployments.

Thanks to Welly Siauw, Kenneth Jackson, Andy Taylor, Rodney Bozo, Craig Edwards and Curtis Rissi for their contributions reviewing this post and its artifacts.


Lerna Ekmekcioglu

Lerna Ekmekcioglu is a Senior Solutions Architect with AWS where she helps Global Financial Services customers build secure, scalable and highly available workloads.
She brings over 17 years of platform engineering experience including authentication systems, distributed caching, and multi region deployments using IaC and CI/CD to name a few.
In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, sight seeing and backyard astronomy.

Jack Iu

Jack is a Global Solutions Architect at AWS Financial Services. Jack is based in New York City, where he works with Financial Services customers to help them design, deploy, and scale applications to achieve their business goals. In his spare time, he enjoys badminton and loves to spend time with his wife and Shiba Inu.

Now in Preview – Amazon CodeWhisperer- ML-Powered Coding Companion

Post Syndicated from Jeff Barr original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/now-in-preview-amazon-codewhisperer-ml-powered-coding-companion/

As I was getting ready to write this post I spent some time thinking about some of the coding tools that I have used over the course of my career. This includes the line-oriented editor that was an intrinsic part of the BASIC interpreter that I used in junior high school, the IBM keypunch that I used when I started college, various flavors of Emacs, and Visual Studio. The earliest editors were quite utilitarian, and grew in sophistication as CPU power become more plentiful. At first this increasing sophistication took the form of lexical assistance, such as dynamic completion of partially-entered variable and function names. Later editors were able to parse source code, and to offer assistance based on syntax and data types — Visual Studio‘s IntelliSense, for example. Each of these features broke new ground at the time, and each one had the same basic goal: to help developers to write better code while reducing routine and repetitive work.

Announcing CodeWhisperer
Today I would like to tell you about Amazon CodeWhisperer. Trained on billions of lines of code and powered by machine learning, CodeWhisperer has the same goal. Whether you are a student, a new developer, or an experienced professional, CodeWhisperer will help you to be more productive.

We are launching in preview form with support for multiple IDEs and languages. To get started, you simply install the proper AWS IDE Toolkit, enable the CodeWhisperer feature, enter your preview access code, and start typing:

CodeWhisperer will continually examine your code and your comments, and present you with syntactically correct recommendations. The recommendations are synthesized based on your coding style and variable names, and are not simply snippets.

CodeWhisperer uses multiple contextual clues to drive recommendations including the cursor location in the source code, code that precedes the cursor, comments, and code in other files in the same projects. You can use the recommendations as-is, or you can enhance and customize them as needed. As I mentioned earlier, we trained (and continue to train) CodeWhisperer on billions of lines of code drawn from open source repositories, internal Amazon repositories, API documentation, and forums.

CodeWhisperer in Action
I installed the CodeWhisperer preview in PyCharm and put it through its paces. Here are a few examples to show you what it can do. I want to build a list of prime numbers. I type # See if a number is pr. CodeWhisperer offers to complete this, and I press TAB (the actual key is specific to each IDE) to accept the recommendation:

On the next line, I press Alt-C (again, IDE-specific), and I can choose between a pair of function definitions. I accept the first one, and CodeWhisperer recommends the function body, and here’s what I have:

I write a for statement, and CodeWhisperer recommends the entire body of the loop:

CodeWhisperer can also help me to write code that accesses various AWS services. I start with # create S3 bucket and TAB-complete the rest:

I could show you many more cool examples, but you will learn more by simply joining the preview and taking CodeWhisperer for a spin.

Join the Preview
The preview supports code written in Python, Java, and JavaScript, using VS Code, IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm, and AWS Cloud9. Support for the AWS Lambda Console is in the works and should be ready very soon.

Join the CodeWhisperer preview and let me know what you think!


Build Health Aware CI/CD Pipelines

Post Syndicated from sangusah original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/build-health-aware-ci-cd-pipelines/

Everything fails all the time — Werner Vogels, AWS CTO

At the moment of imminent failure, you want to avoid an unlucky deployment. I’ll start here with a short story that demonstrates the purpose of this post.

The DevOps team has just started a database upgrade with a planned outage of 30 minutes. The team automated the entire upgrade flow, triggered a CI/CD pipeline with no human intervention, and the upgrade is progressing smoothly. Then, 20 minutes in, the pipeline is stuck, and your upgrade isn’t progressing. The maintenance window has expired and customers can’t transact. You’ve created a support case, and the AWS engineer confirmed that the upgrade is failing because of a running AWS Health incident in the us-west-2 Region. The engineer has directed the DevOps team to continue monitoring the status.aws.amazon.com page for updates regarding incident resolution. The event continued running for three hours, during which time customers couldn’t transact. Once resolved, the DevOps team retried the failed pipeline, and it completed successfully.

After the incident, the DevOps team explored the possibilities for avoiding these types of incidents in the future. The team was made aware of AWS Health API that provides programmatic access to AWS Health information. In this post, we’ll help the DevOps team make the most of the AWS Health API to proactively prevent unintended outages.

AWS provides Business and Enterprise Support customers with access to the AWS Health API. Customers can have access to running events in the AWS infrastructure that may impact their service usage. Incidents could be Regional, AZ-specific, or even account specific. During these incidents, it isn’t recommended to deploy or change services that are impacted by the event.

In this post, I will walk you through how to embed AWS Health API insights into your CI/CD pipelines to automatically stop deployments whenever an AWS Health event is reported in a Region that you’re operating in. Furthermore, I will demonstrate how you can automate detection and remediation.

The Demo

In this demo, I will use AWS CodePipeline to demonstrate the idea. I will build a simple pipeline that demonstrates the concept without going into the build, test, and deployment specifics.

CodePipeline Flow

The CodePipeline flow consists of three steps:

  1. Source stage that downloads a CloudFormation template from AWS CodeCommit. The template will be deployed in the last stage.
  2. Custom stage that invokes the AWS Lambda function to evaluate the AWS Health. The Lambda function calls the AWS Health API, evaluates the health risk, and calls back CodePipeline with the assessment result.
  3. Deploy stage that deploys the CloudFormation templates downloaded from CodeCommit in the first stage.
The CodePipeline flow consists of 3 steps. First, "source stage" that downloads a CloudFormation template from CodeCommit. The template will be deployed in the last stage. Step 2 is a "custom stage" that invokes the Lambda function to evaluate AWS Health. The Lambda function calls the AWS Health API, evaluates the health risk and calls back CodePipeline with the assessment result. Finally, step 3 is a "deploy stage" that deploys the CloudFormation template downloaded from CodeCommit in the first stage. If a health is detected in step 2, the workflow will retry after a predefined timeout.

Figure 1. CodePipeline workflow.

Lambda evaluation logic

The Lambda function evaluates whether or not a running AWS Health event may be impacted by the deployment. In this case, the following criteria must be met to consider it as safe to deploy:

  • Deployment will take place in the North Virginia Region and accordingly the Lambda function will filter on the us-east-1 Region.
  • A closed event is irrelevant. The Lambda function will filter events with only the open status.
  • AWS Health API can return different event types that may not be relevant, such as: Scheduled Maintenance, and Account and Billing notifications. The Lambda function will filter only “Issue” type events.

The AWS Health API follows a multi-Region application architecture and has two regional endpoints in an active-passive configuration. To support active-passive DNS failover, AWS Health provides a global endpoint. The Python code is available on GitHub with more information in the README on how to build the Lambda code package.

The Lambda function requires the following AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions to access AWS Health API, CodePipeline, and publish logs to CloudWatch:

  "Version": "2012-10-17", 
  "Statement": [
      "Action": [ 
      "Effect": "Allow", 
      "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:replaceWithAccountNumber:*"
      "Action": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Resource": "*"
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": "health:DescribeEvents",
        "Resource": "*"

Solution architecture

This is the solution architecture diagram. It involved three entities: AWS Code Pipeline, AWS Lambda and the AWS Health API. First, AWS Code Pipeline invoke the Lambda function asynchronously. Second, the Lambda function call the AWS Health API, DescribeEvents. Third, the DescribeEvents API will respond back with a list of health events. Finally, the Lambda function will respond with either a success response or a failed one through calling PutJobSuccessResult and PutJobFailureResults consecutively.

Figure 2. Solution architecture diagram.

In CodePipeline, create a new stage with a single action to asynchronously invoke a Lambda function. The function will call AWS Health DescribeEvents API to retrieve the list of active health incidents. Then, the function will complete the event analysis and decide whether or not it may impact the running deployment. Finally, the function will call back CodePipeline with the evaluation results through either PutJobSuccessResult or PutJobFailureResult API operations.

If the Lambda evaluation succeeds, then it will call back the pipeline with a PutJobSuccessResult API. In turn, the pipeline will mark the step as successful and complete the execution.

AWS Code Pipeline workflow execution snapshot from the AWS Console. The first step, Source is a success after completing source code download from AWS CodeCommit service. The second step, check the AWS service health is a success as well.

Figure 3. AWS Code Pipeline workflow successful execution.

If the Lambda evaluation fails, then it will call back the pipeline with a PutJobFailureResult API specifying a failure message. Once the DevOps team is made aware that the event has been resolved, select the Retry button to re-evaluate the health status.

AWS CodePipeline workflow execution snapshot from the AWS Console. The first step, Source is a success after completing source code download from AWS CodeCommit service. The second step, check the AWS service health has failed after detecting a running health event/incident in the operating AWS region.

Figure 4. AWS CodePipeline workflow failed execution.

Your DevOps team must be aware of failed deployments. Therefore, it’s a good idea to configure alerts to notify concerned stakeholders with failed stage executions. Create a notification rule that posts a Slack message if a stage fails. For detailed steps, see Create a notification rule – AWS CodePipeline. In case of failure, a Slack notification will be sent through AWS Chatbot.

A Slack UI snapshot showing the notification to be sent if a deployment fails to execute. The notification shows a title of "AWS CodePipeline Notification". The notification indicates that one action has failed in the stage aws-health-check. The notification also shows that the failure reason is that there is an Incident In Progress. The notification also mentions the Pipeline name as well as the failed stage name.

Figure 5. Slack UI snapshot notification for a failed deployment.

A more elegant solution involves pushing the notification to an SNS topic that in turns calls a Lambda function to retry the failed stage. The Lambda function extracts the pipeline failed stage identifier, and then calls the RetryStageExecution CodePipeline API.


We’ve learned how to create an automation that evaluates the risk associated with proceeding with a deployment in conjunction with a running AWS Health event. Then, the automation decides whether to proceed with the deployment or block the progress to avoid unintended downtime. Accordingly, this results in the improved availability of your application.

This solution isn’t exclusive to CodePipeline. However, the pattern can be applied to other CI/CD tools that your DevOps team uses.


Islam Ghanim

Islam Ghanim is a Senior Technical Account Manager at Amazon Web Services in Melbourne, Australia. He enjoys helping customers build resilient and cost-efficient architectures. Outside work, he plays squash, tennis and almost any other racket sport.

Simplify and optimize Python package management for AWS Glue PySpark jobs with AWS CodeArtifact

Post Syndicated from Ashok Padmanabhan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/simplify-and-optimize-python-package-management-for-aws-glue-pyspark-jobs-with-aws-codeartifact/

Data engineers use various Python packages to meet their data processing requirements while building data pipelines with AWS Glue PySpark Jobs. Languages like Python and Scala are commonly used in data pipeline development. Developers can take advantage of their open-source packages or even customize their own to make it easier and faster to perform use cases, such as data manipulation and analysis. However, managing standardized packages can be cumbersome with multiple teams using different versions of packages, installing non-approved packages, and causing duplicate development effort due to the lack of visibility of what is available at the enterprise level. This can be especially challenging in large enterprises with multiple data engineering teams.

ETL Developers have requirements to use additional packages for their AWS Glue ETL jobs. With security being job zero for customers, many will restrict egress traffic from their VPC to the public internet, and they need a way to manage the packages used by applications including their data processing pipelines.

Our proposed solution will enable you with network egress restrictions to manage packages centrally with AWS CodeArtifact and use their favorite libraries in their AWS Glue ETL PySpark code. In this post, we’ll describe how CodeArtifact can be used for managing packages and modules for AWS Glue ETL jobs, and we’ll demo a solution using Glue PySpark jobs that run within VPC Subnets that have no internet access.

Solution overview

The solution uses CodeArtifact as a tool to make it easier for organizations of any size to securely store, publish, and share software packages used in their ETL with AWS Glue. VPC Endpoints will be enabled for CodeArtifact and Glue to enable private link connections. AWS Step Functions makes it easy to coordinate the orchestration of components used in the data processing pipeline. Native integrations with both CodeArtifact and AWS Glue enable the workflow to both authenticate the request to CodeArtifact and start the AWS Glue ETL job.

The following architecture shows an implementation of a solution using AWS Glue, CodeArtifact, and Step Functions to use additional Python modules without egress internet access. The solution is deployed using AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), an open-source software development framework to define your cloud application resources using familiar programming languages.

Solution Architecture for the blog post

Fig 1: Architecture Diagram for the Solution

To illustrate how to set up this architecture, we’ll walk you through the following steps:

  1. Deploying an AWS CDK stack to provision the following AWS Resources
    1. CodeArtifact
    2. An AWS Glue job
    3. Step Functions workflow
    4. Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket
    5. A VPC with a private Subnet and VPC Endpoints to Amazon S3 and CodeArtifact
  2. Validate the Deployment.
  3. Run a Sample Workflow – This workflow will run an AWS Glue PySpark job that uses a custom Python library, and an upgraded version of boto3.
  4. Cleaning up your resources.


Make sure that you complete the following steps as prerequisites:

The solution

Launching your AWS CDK Stack

Step 1: Using your device’s command line, check out our Git repository to a local directory on your device:

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/python-lib-management-without-internet-for-aws-glue-in-private-subnets.git

Step 2: Change directories to the new directory Amazon S3 script location:

cd python-lib-management-without-internet-for-aws-glue-in-private-subnets/scripts/s3

Step 3: Download the following CSV, which contains New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) Trip weekly trips. This will serve as the input source for the AWS Glue Job:

aws s3 cp s3://nyc-tlc/misc/FOIL_weekly_trips_apps.csv .

Step 4: Change the directories to the path where the app.py file is located (in reference to the previous step, execute the following step):

cd ../..

Step 5: Create a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv .env

python -m venv .env

Step 6: Activate the virtual environment after the init process completes and the virtual environment is created:

source .env/bin/activate


Step 7: Install the required dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Step 8: Make sure that your AWS profile is setup along with the region that you want to deploy as mentioned in the prerequisite. Synthesize the templates. AWS CDK apps use code to define the infrastructure, and when run they produce or “synthesize” a CloudFormation template for each stack defined in the application:

cdk synthesize

Step 9: BootStrap the cdk app using the following command:

cdk bootstrap aws://<AWS_ACCOUNTID>/<AWS_REGION>

Replace the place holder AWS_ACCOUNTID and AWS_REGION with your AWS account ID and the region to be deployed.

This step provisions the initial resources, including an Amazon S3 bucket for storing files and IAM roles that grant permissions needed to perform deployments.

Step 10: Deploy the solution. By default, some actions that could potentially make security changes require approval. In this deployment, you’re creating an IAM role. The following command overrides the approval prompts, but if you would like to manually accept the prompts, then omit the --require-approval never flag:

cdk deploy "*" --require-approval never

While the AWS CDK deploys the CloudFormation stacks, you can follow the deployment progress in your terminal:

AWS CDK Deployment progress in terminal

Fig 2: AWS CDK Deployment progress in terminal

Once the deployment is successful, you’ll see the successful status as follows:

AWS CDK Deployment completion success

Fig 3: AWS CDK Deployment completion success

Step 11: Log in to the AWS Console, go to CloudFormation, and see the output of the ApplicationStack stack:

AWS CloudFormation stack output

Fig 4: AWS CloudFormation stack output

Note the values of the DomainName and RepositoryName variables. We’ll use them in the next step to upload our artifacts

Step 12: We will upload a custom library into the repo that we created. This will be used by our Glue ETL job.

  • Install twine using pip:
python3 -m pip install twine

The custom python package glueutils-0.2.0.tar.gz can be found under this folder of the cloned repo:

cd scripts/custom_glue_library
  • Configure twine with the login command (additional details here ). Refer to step 11 for the DomainName and RepositoryName from the CloudFormation output:
aws codeartifact login --tool twine --domain <DomainName> --domain-owner <AWS_ACCOUNTID> --repository <RepositoryName>
  • Publish Python package assets:
twine upload --repository codeartifact glueutils-0.2.0.tar.gz
Python package publishing using twine

Fig 5: Python package publishing using twine

Validate the Deployment

The AWS CDK stack will deploy the following AWS resources:

  1. Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC)
    1. One Private Subnet
  2. AWS CodeArtifact
    1. CodeArtifact Repository
    2. CodeArtifact Domain
    3. CodeArtifact Upstream Repository
  3. AWS Glue
    1. AWS Glue Job
    2. AWS Glue Database
    3. AWS Glue Connection
  4. AWS Step Function
  5. Amazon S3 Bucket for AWS CDK and also for storing scripts and CSV file
  6. IAM Roles and Policies
  7. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Security Group

Step 1: Browse to the AWS account and region via the AWS Console to which the resources are deployed.

Step 2: Browse the Subnet page (https://<region> .console.aws.amazon.com/vpc/home?region=<region> #subnets:) (*Replace region with actual AWS Region to which your resources are deployed)

Step 3: Select the Subnet with name as ApplicationStack/enterprise-repo-vpc/Enterprise-Repo-Private-Subnet1

Step 4: Select the Route Table and validate that there are no Internet Gateway or NAT Gateway for routes to Internet, and that it’s similar to the following image:

Route table validation

Fig 6: Route table validation

Step 5: Navigate to the CodeArtifact console and review the repositories created. The enterprise-repo is your local repository, and pypi-store is the upstream repository connected to the PyPI, providing artifacts from pypi.org.

AWS CodeArifact repositories created

Fig 7: AWS CodeArifact repositories created

Step 6: Navigate to enterprise-repo and search for glueutils. This is the custom python package that we published.

AWS CodeArifact custom python package published

Fig 8: AWS CodeArifact custom python package published

Step 7: Navigate to Step Functions Console and review the enterprise-repo-step-function as follows:

AWS Step Functions workflow

Fig 9: AWS Step Functions workflow

The diagram shows how the Step Functions workflow will orchestrate the pattern.

  1. The first step CodeArtifactGetAuthorizationToken calls the getAuthorizationToken API to generate a temporary authorization token for accessing repositories in the domain (this token is valid for 15 mins.).
  2. The next step GenerateCodeArtifactURL takes the authorization token from the response and generates the CodeArtifact URL.
  3. Then, this will move into the GlueStartJobRun state, which makes a synchronous API call to run the AWS Glue job.

Step 8: Navigate to the AWS Glue Console and select the Jobs tab, then select enterprise-repo-glue-job.

The AWS Glue job is created with the following script and AWS Glue Connection enterprise-repo-glue-connection. The AWS Glue connection is a Data Catalog object that enables the job to connect to sources and APIs from within the VPC. The network type connection runs the job from within the private subnet to make requests to Amazon S3 and CodeArtifact over the VPC endpoint connection. This enables the job to run without any traffic through the internet.

Note the connections section in the AWS Glue PySpark Job, which makes the Glue job run on the private subnet in the VPC provisioned.

AWS Glue network connections

Fig 10: AWS Glue network connections

The job takes an Amazon S3 bucket, Glue Database, Python Job Installer Option, and Additional Python Modules as job parameters. The parameters --additional-python-modules and --python-modules-installer-option are passed to install the selected Python module from a PyPI repository hosted in AWS CodeArtifact.

The script itself first reads the Amazon S3 input path of the taxi data in the CSV format. A light transformation to sum the total trips by year, week, and app is performed. Then the output is written to an Amazon S3 path as parquet . A partitioned table in the AWS Glue Data Catalog will either be created or updated if it already exists .

You can find the Glue PySpark script here.

Run a sample workflow

The following steps will demonstrate how to run a sample workflow:

Step 1: Navigate to the Step Functions Console and select the enterprise-repo-step-function.

Step 2: Select Start execution and input the following: We’re including the glueutils and latest boto3 libraries as part of the job run. It is always recommended to pin your python dependencies to avoid any breaking change due to a future version of dependency . In the below example, the latest available version of boto3, and the 0.2.0 version of glueutils will be installed. To pin it to a specific release you may add  boto3==1.24.2   (Current latest release at the time of publishing this post).

{"pythonmodules": "boto3,glueutils==0.2.0"}

Step 3: Select Start execution and wait until Execution Status is Succeeded. This may take a few minutes.

Step 4: Navigate to the CodeArtifact Console to review the enterprise-repo repository. You’ll see the cached PyPi packages and all of their dependencies pulled down from PyPi.

Step 5: In the Glue Console under the Runs section of the enterprise-glue-job, you’ll see the parameters passed:

Fig 11 : AWS Glue job execution history

Fig 11 : AWS Glue job execution history

Note the --index-url which was passed as a parameter to the glue ETL job. The token is valid only for 15 minutes.

Step 6: Navigate to the Amazon CloudWatch Console and go to the /aws/glue-jobs log group to verify that the packages were installed from the local repo.

You will see that the 2 package names passed as parameters are installed with the corresponding versions.

Fig 12 : Amazon CloudWatch logs details for the Glue job

Fig 12 : Amazon CloudWatch logs details for the Glue job

Step 7: Navigate to the Amazon Athena console and select Query Editor.

Step 8: Run the following query to validate the output of the AWS Glue job:

SELECT year, app, SUM(total_trips) as sum_of_total_trips 
GROUP BY year, app;

Clean up

Make sure that you clean up all of the other AWS resources that you created in the AWS CDK Stack deployment. You can delete these resources via the AWS CDK Destroy command as follows or the CloudFormation console.

To destroy the resources using AWS CDK, follow these steps:

  1. Follow Steps 1-6 from the ‘Launching your CDK Stack’ section.
  2. Destroy the app by executing the following command:
    cdk destroy


In this post, we demonstrated how CodeArtifact can be used for managing Python packages and modules for AWS Glue jobs that run within VPC Subnets that have no internet access. We also demonstrated how the versions of existing packages can be updated (i.e., boto3) and a custom Python library (glueutils) that is developed locally is also managed through CodeArtifact.

This post enables you to use your favorite Python packages with AWS Glue ETL PySpark jobs by modifying the input to the AWS StepFunctions workflow (Step 2 in the Run a Sample workflow section).

About the Authors

Bret Pontillo is a Data & ML Engineer with AWS Professional Services. He works closely with enterprise customers building data lakes and analytical applications on the AWS platform. In his free time, Bret enjoys traveling, watching sports, and trying new restaurants.

Gaurav Gundal is a DevOps consultant with AWS Professional Services, helping customers build solutions on the customer platform. When not building, designing, or developing solutions, Gaurav spends time with his family, plays guitar, and enjoys traveling to different places.

Ashok Padmanabhan is a Sr. IOT Data Architect with AWS Professional Services, helping customers build data and analytics platform and solutions. When not helping customers build and design data lakes, Ashok enjoys spending time at the beach near his home in Florida.

Automating detection of security vulnerabilities and bugs in CI/CD pipelines using Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer CLI

Post Syndicated from Akash Verma original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/automating-detection-of-security-vulnerabilities-and-bugs-in-ci-cd-pipelines-using-amazon-codeguru-reviewer-cli/

Watts S. Humphrey, the father of Software Quality, had famously quipped, “Every business is a software business”. Software is indeed integral to any industry. The engineers who create software are also responsible for making sure that the underlying code adheres to industry and organizational standards, are performant, and are absolved of any security vulnerabilities that could make them susceptible to attack.

Traditionally, security testing has been the forte of a specialized security testing team, who would conduct their tests toward the end of the Software Development lifecycle (SDLC). The adoption of DevSecOps practices meant that security became a shared responsibility between the development and security teams. Now, development teams can, on their own or as advised by their security team, setup and configure various code scanning tools to detect security vulnerabilities much earlier in the software delivery process (aka “Shift Left”). Meanwhile, the practice of Static code analysis and security application testing (SAST) has become a standard part of the SDLC. Furthermore, it’s imperative that the development teams expect SAST tools that are easy to set-up, seamlessly fit into their DevOps infrastructure, and can be configured without requiring assistance from security or DevOps experts.

In this post, we’ll demonstrate how you can leverage Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer Command Line Interface (CLI) to integrate CodeGuru Reviewer into your Jenkins Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. Note that the solution isn’t limited to Jenkins, and it would be equally useful with any other build automation tool. Moreover, it can be integrated at any stage of your SDLC as part of the White-box testing. For example, you can integrate the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI as part of your software development process, as well as run it on your dev machine before committing the code.

Launched in 2020, CodeGuru Reviewer utilizes machine learning (ML) and automated reasoning to identify security vulnerabilities, inefficient uses of AWS APIs and SDKs, as well as other common coding errors. CodeGuru Reviewer employs a growing set of detectors for Java and Python to provide recommendations via the AWS Console. Customers that leverage the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI within a CI/CD pipeline also receive recommendations in a machine-readable JSON format, as well as HTML.

CodeGuru Reviewer offers native integration with Source Code Management (SCM) systems, such as GitHub, BitBucket, and AWS CodeCommit. However, it can be used with any SCM via its CLI. The CodeGuru Reviewer CLI is a shim layer on top of the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) that simplifies the interaction with the tool by handling the uploading of artifacts, triggering of the analysis, and fetching of the results, all in a single command.

Many customers, including Mastercard, are benefiting from this new CodeGuru Reviewer CLI.

“During one of our technical retrospectives, we noticed the need to integrate Amazon CodeGuru recommendations in our build pipelines hosted on Jenkins. Not all our developers can run or check CodeGuru recommendations through the AWS console. Incorporating CodeGuru CLI in our build pipelines acts as an important quality gate and ensures that our developers can immediately fix critical issues.”
                                           Claudio Frattari, Lead DevOps at Mastercard

Solution overview

The application deployment workflow starts by placing the application code on a GitHub SCM. To automate the scenario, we have added GitHub to the Jenkins project under the “Source Code” section. We chose the GitHub option, which would clone the chosen GitHub repository in the Jenkins local workspace directory.

In the build stage of the pipeline (see Figure 1), we configure the appropriate build tool to perform the code build and security analysis. In this example, we will be using Maven as the build tool.

Figure 1: Jenkins pipeline with Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer

Figure 1: Jenkins pipeline with Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer

In the post-build stage, we configure the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI to generate the recommendations based on the review.

Lastly, in the concluding stage of the pipeline, we’ll be analyzing the JSON results using jq – a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor, and then failing the Jenkins job if we encounter observations that are of a “Critical” severity.

Jenkins will trigger the “CodeGuru Reviewer” (see Figure 1) based review process in the post-build stage, i.e., after the build finishes. Furthermore, you can configure other stages, such as automated testing or deployment, after this stage. Additionally, passing the location of the build artifacts to the CLI lets CodeGuru Reviewer perform a more in-depth security analysis. Build artifacts are either directories containing jar files (e.g., build/lib for Gradle or /target for Maven) or directories containing class hierarchies (e.g., build/classes/java/main for Gradle).


Now that we have an overview of the workflow, let’s dive deep and walk you through the following steps in detail:

  1. Installing the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI
  2. Creating a Jenkins pipeline job
  3. Reviewing the CodeGuru Reviewer recommendations
  4. Configuring CodeGuru Reviewer CLI’s additional options

1. Installing the CodeGuru CLI Wrapper

a. Prerequisites

To run the CLI, we must have Git, Java, Maven, and the AWS CLI installed. Verify that they’re installed on our machine by running the following commands:

java -version 
mvn --version 
aws --version 
git –-version

If they aren’t installed, then download and install Java here (Amazon Corretto is a no-cost, multiplatform, production-ready distribution of the Open Java Development Kit), Maven from here, and Git from here. Instructions for installing AWS CLI are available here.

We would need to create an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket with the prefix codeguru-reviewer-. Note that the bucket name must begin with the mentioned prefix, since we have used the name pattern in the following AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions, and CodeGuru Reviewer expects buckets to begin with this prefix. Refer to the following section 4(a) “Specifying S3 bucket name” for more details.

Furthermore, we’ll need working credentials on our machine to interact with our AWS account. Learn more about setting up credentials for AWS here. You can find the minimal permissions to run the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI as follows.

b. Required Permissions

To use the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI, we need at least the following AWS IAM permissions, attached to an AWS IAM User or an AWS IAM role:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow"

c.  CLI installation

Please download the latest version of the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI available at GitHub. Then, run the following commands in sequence:

curl -OL https://github.com/aws/aws-codeguru-cli/releases/download/0.0.1/aws-codeguru-cli.zip
unzip aws-codeguru-cli.zip
export PATH=$PATH:./aws-codeguru-cli/bin

d. Using the CLI

The CodeGuru Reviewer CLI only has one required parameter –root-dir (or just -r) to specify to the local directory that should be analyzed. Furthermore, the –src option can be used to specify one or more files in this directory that contain the source code that should be analyzed. In turn, for Java applications, the –build option can be used to specify one or more build directories.

For a demonstration, we’ll analyze the demo application. This will make sure that we’re all set for when we leverage the CLI in Jenkins. To proceed, first we download and install the sample application, as follows:

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-codeguru-reviewer-sample-app
cd amazon-codeguru-reviewer-sample-app
mvn clean compile

Now that we have built our demo application, we can use the aws-codeguru-cli CLI command that we added to the path to trigger the code scan:

aws-codeguru-cli --root-dir ./ --build target/classes --src src --output ./output

For additional assistance on the CLI command, reference the readme here.

2.  Creating a Jenkins Pipeline job

CodeGuru Reviewer can be integrated in a Jenkins Pipeline as well as a Freestyle project. In this example, we’re leveraging a Pipeline.

a. Pipeline Job Configuration

  1.  Log in to Jenkins, choose “New Item”, then select “Pipeline” option.
  2. Enter a name for the project (for example, “CodeGuruPipeline”), and choose OK.
Figure 2: Creating a new Jenkins pipeline

Figure 2: Creating a new Jenkins pipeline

  1. On the “Project configuration” page, scroll down to the bottom and find your pipeline. In the pipeline script, paste the following script (or use your own Jenkinsfile). The following example is a valid Jenkinsfile to integrate CodeGuru Reviewer with a project built using Maven.
pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Build') {
            steps {
                // Get code from a GitHub repository
                git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-codeguru-reviewer-java-detectors.git

                // Run Maven on a Unix agent
                sh "mvn clean compile"

                // To run Maven on a Windows agent, use following
                // bat "mvn -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true clean package"
        stage('CodeGuru Reviewer') {
                sh 'ls -lsa *'
                sh 'pwd'
                // Here we’re setting an absolute path, but we can 
                // also use JENKINS environment variables
                sh '''
                    export BASE=/var/jenkins_home/workspace/CodeGuruPipeline/amazon-codeguru-reviewer-java-detectors
                    export SRC=${BASE}/src
                    export OUTPUT = ./output
                    /home/codeguru/aws-codeguru-cli/bin/aws-codeguru-cli --root-dir $BASE --build $BASE/target/classes --src $SRC --output $OUTPUT -c $GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT:$GIT_COMMIT --no-prompt
        stage('Checking findings'){
                // In this example we are stopping our pipline on  
                // detecting Critical findings. We are using jq 
                // to count occurrences of Critical severity 
                sh '''
                CNT = $(cat ./output/recommendations.json |jq '.[] | select(.severity=="Critical")|.severity' | wc -l)'
                if (( $CNT > 0 )); then
                  echo "Critical findings discovered. Failing."
                  exit 1
  1. Save the configuration and select “Build now” on the side bar to trigger the build process (see Figure 3).
Figure 3: Jenkins pipeline in triggered state

Figure 3: Jenkins pipeline in triggered state

3. Reviewing the CodeGuru Reviewer recommendations

Once the build process is finished, you can view the review results from CodeGuru Reviewer by selecting the Jenkins build history for the most recent build job. Then, browse to Workspace output. The output is available in JSON and HTML formats (Figure 4).

Figure 4: CodeGuru CLI Output

Figure 4: CodeGuru CLI Output

Snippets from the HTML and JSON reports are displayed in Figure 5 and 6 respectively.

In this example, our pipeline analyzes the JSON results with jq based on severity equal to critical and failing the job if there are any critical findings. Note that this output path is set with the –output option. For instance, the pipeline will fail on noticing the “critical” finding at Line 67 of the EventHandler.java class (Figure 5), flagged due to use of an insecure code. Till the time the code is remediated, the pipeline would prevent the code deployment. The vulnerability could have gone to production undetected, in absence of the tool.

Figure 5: CodeGuru HTML Report

Figure 5: CodeGuru HTML Report

Figure 6: CodeGuru JSON recommendations

Figure 6: CodeGuru JSON recommendations

4.  Configuring CodeGuru Reviewer CLI’s additional options

a.  Specifying Amazon S3 bucket name and policy

CodeGuru Reviewer needs one Amazon S3 bucket for the CLI to store the artifacts while the analysis is running. The artifacts are deleted after the analysis is completed. The same bucket will be reused for all the repositories that are analyzed in the same account and region (unless specified otherwise by the user). Note that CodeGuru Reviewer expects the S3 bucket name to begin with codeguru-reviewer-. At this time, you can’t use a different naming pattern. However, if you want to use a different bucket name, then you can use the –bucket-name option.

Select the Permissions tab of your S3 bucket. Update the Block public access and add the following S3 bucket policy.

Figure 7: S3 bucket settings

Figure 7: S3 bucket settings

S3 bucket policy:

         "Resource":"[Change to ARN for your S3 bucket]/*"

Note that if you must change the bucket’s name, then you can remove the associated S3 bucket in the AWS console under CodeGuru → CI workflows and select Disassociate Workflow.

b.  Analyzing a single commit

The CLI also lets us specify a specific commit range to analyze. This can lead to faster and more cost-effective scans for the incremental code changes, instead of a full repository scan. For example, if we just want to analyze the last commit, we can run:

aws-codeguru-cli -r ./ -s src/main/java -b build/libs -c HEAD^:HEAD --no-prompt

Here, we use the -c option to specify that we only want to analyze the commits between HEAD^ (the previous commit) and HEAD (the current commit). Moreover, we add the –no-prompt option to automatically answer questions by the CLI with yes. This option is useful if we plan to use the CLI in an automated way, such as in our CI/CD workflow.

c.  Encrypting artifacts

CodeGuru Reviewer lets us use a customer managed key to encrypt the content of the S3 bucket that is used to store the source and build artifacts. To achieve this, create a customer owned key in AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) (see Figure 8).

Figure 8: KMS settings

Figure 8: KMS settings

We must grant CodeGuru Reviewer the permission to decrypt artifacts with this key by adding the following Statement to your Key policy:

   "Sid":"Allow CodeGuru to use the key to decrypt artifact",
            "YOUR AWS ACCOUNT ID"

Then, enable server-side encryption for the S3 bucket that we’re using with CodeGuru Reviewer (Figure 9).

S3 bucket settings:

Figure 9: S3 bucket encryption settings

Figure 9: S3 bucket encryption settings

After we enable encryption on the bucket, we must delete all the CodeGuru repository associations that use this bucket, and then recreate them by analyzing the repositories while providing the key (as in the following example, Figure 10):

Figure10: CodeGuru CI Workflow

Figure 10: CodeGuru CI Workflow

Note that the first time you check out your repository, it will always trigger a full repository scan. Consider setting the -c option, as this will allow a commit range.

Cleaning Up

At this stage, you may choose to delete the resources created while following this blog, to avoid incurring any unwanted costs.

  1. Delete Amazon S3 bucket.
  2. Delete AWS KMS key.
  3. Delete the Jenkins installation, if not required further.


In this post, we outlined how you can integrate Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer CLI with the Jenkins open-source build automation tool to perform code analysis as part of your code build pipeline and act as a quality gate. We showed you how to create a Jenkins pipeline job and integrate the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI to detect issues in your Java and Python code, as well as access the recommendations for remediating these issues. We presented an example where you can stop the build upon finding critical violations. Furthermore, we discussed how you can specify a commit range to avoid a full repo scan, and how the S3 bucket used by CodeGuru Reviewer to store artifacts can be encrypted using customer managed keys.

The CodeGuru Reviewer CLI offers you a one-line command to scan any code on your machine and retrieve recommendations. You can run the CLI anywhere where you can run AWS commands. In other words, you can use the CLI to integrate CodeGuru Reviewer into your favourite CI tool, as a pre-commit hook, or anywhere else in your workflow. In turn, you can combine CodeGuru Reviewer with Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) and Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tools to achieve a hybrid application security testing method that helps you combine the inside-out and outside-in testing approaches, cross-reference results, and detect vulnerabilities that both exist and are exploitable.

Hopefully, you have found this post informative, and the proposed solution useful. If you need helping hands, then AWS Professional Services can help implement this solution in your enterprise, as well as introduce you to our AWS DevOps services and offerings.

About the Authors

Akash Verma

Akash Verma

Akash is a Software Development Engineer 2 at Amazon India. He is passionate about writing clean code and building maintainable software. He also enjoys learning modern technologies. Outside of work, Akash loves to travel, interact with new people, and try different cuisines. He also relishes gardening and watching Stand-up comedy.

Debashish Chakrabarty

Debashish Chakrabarty

Debashish is a Sr. Engagement Manager at AWS Professional Services, India with over 21+ years of experience in various IT roles. At ProServe he leads engagements on Security, App Modernization and Migrations to help ProServe customers accelerate their cloud journey and achieve their business goals. Off work, Debashish has been a Hindi Blogger & Podcaster. He loves binge-watching OTT shows and spending time with family.

David Ernst

David Ernst

David is a Sr. Specialist Solution Architect – DevOps, with 20+ years of experience in designing and implementing software solutions for various industries. David is an automation enthusiast and works with AWS customers to design, deploy, and manage their AWS workloads/architectures.

Use the AWS Toolkit for Azure DevOps to automate your deployments to AWS

Post Syndicated from Mahmoud Abid original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/use-the-aws-toolkit-for-azure-devops-to-automate-your-deployments-to-aws/

Many developers today seek to improve productivity by finding better ways to collaborate, enhance code quality and automate repetitive tasks. We hear from some of our customers that they would like to leverage services such as AWS CloudFormation, AWS CodeBuild and other AWS Developer Tools to manage their AWS resources while continuing to use their existing CI/CD pipelines which they are familiar with. These services range from popular open-source solutions, such as Jenkins, to paid commercial solutions, such as Azure DevOps Server (formerly Team Foundation Server (TFS)).

In this post, I will walk you through an example to leverage the AWS Toolkit for Azure DevOps to deploy your Infrastructure as Code templates, i.e. AWS CloudFormation stacks, directly from your existing Azure DevOps build pipelines.

The AWS Toolkit for Azure DevOps is a free-to-use extension for hosted and on-premises Microsoft Azure DevOps that makes it easy to manage and deploy applications using AWS. It integrates with many AWS services, including Amazon S3, AWS CodeDeploy, AWS Lambda, AWS CloudFormation, Amazon SQS and others. It can also run commands using the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell module as well as the AWS CLI.

Solution Overview

The solution described in this post consists of leveraging the AWS Toolkit for Azure DevOps to manage resources on AWS via Infrastructure as Code templates with AWS CloudFormation:

Solution high-level overview

Figure 1. Solution high-level overview

Prerequisites and Assumptions

You will need to go through three main steps in order to set up your environment, which are summarized here and detailed in the toolkit’s user guide:

  • Install the toolkit into your Azure DevOps account or choose Download to install it on an on-premises server (Figure 2).
  • Create an IAM User and download its keys. Keep the principle of least privilege in mind when associating the policy to your user.
  • Create a Service Connection for your project in Azure DevOps. Service connections are how the Azure DevOps tooling manages connecting and providing access to Azure resources. The AWS Toolkit also provides a user interface to configure the AWS credentials used by the service connection (Figure 3).

In addition to the above steps, you will need a sample AWS CloudFormation template to use for testing the deployment such as this sample template creating an EC2 instance. You can find more samples in the Sample Templates page or get started with authoring your own templates.

AWS Toolkit for Azure DevOps in the Visual Studio Marketplace

Figure 2. AWS Toolkit for Azure DevOps in the Visual Studio Marketplace

A new Service Connection of type “AWS” will appear after installing the extension

Figure 3. A new Service Connection of type “AWS” will appear after installing the extension

Model your CI/CD Pipeline to Automate Your Deployments on AWS

One common DevOps model is to have a CI/CD pipeline that deploys an application stack from one environment to another. This model typically includes a Development (or integration) account first, then Staging and finally a Production environment. Let me show you how to make some changes to the service connection configuration to apply this CI/CD model to an Azure DevOps pipeline.

We will create one service connection per AWS account we want to deploy resources to. Figure 4 illustrates the updated solution to showcase multiple AWS Accounts used within the same Azure DevOps pipeline.

Solution overview with multiple target AWS accounts

Figure 4. Solution overview with multiple target AWS accounts

Each service connection will be configured to use a single, target AWS account. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Create an IAM User for every AWS target account and supply the access key ID and secret access key for that user.
  2. Alternatively, create one central IAM User and have it assume an IAM Role for every AWS deployment target. The AWS Toolkit extension enables you to select an IAM Role to assume. This IAM Role can be in the same AWS account as the IAM User or in a different accounts as depicted in Figure 5.
Use a single IAM User to access all other accounts

Figure 5. Use a single IAM User to access all other accounts

Define Your Pipeline Tasks

Once a service connection for your AWS Account is created, you can now add a task to your pipeline that references the service connection created in the previous step. In the example below, I use the CloudFormation Create/Update Stack task to deploy a CloudFormation stack using a template file named my-aws-cloudformation-template.yml:

- task: CloudFormationCreateOrUpdateStack@1
  displayName: 'Create/Update Stack: Development-Deployment'
    awsCredentials: 'development-account'
    regionName:     'eu-central-1'
    stackName:      'my-stack-name'
    useChangeSet:   true
    changeSetName:  'my-stack-name-change-set'
    templateFile:   'my-aws-cloudformation-template.yml'
    templateParametersFile: 'development/parameters.json'
    captureStackOutputs: asVariables
    captureAsSecuredVars: false

I used the service connection that I’ve called development-account and specified the other required information such as the templateFile path for the AWS CloudFormation template. I also specified the optional templateParametersFile path because I used template parameters in my template.

A template parameters file is particularly useful if you need to use custom values in your CloudFormation templates that are different for each stack. This is a common case when deploying the same application stack to different environments (Development, Staging, and Production).

The task below will to deploy the same template to a Staging environment:

- task: CloudFormationCreateOrUpdateStack@1
  displayName: 'Create/Update Stack: Staging-Deployment'
    awsCredentials: 'staging-account'
    regionName:     'eu-central-1'
    stackName:      'my-stack-name'
    useChangeSet:   true
    changeSetName:  'my-stack-name-changeset'
    templateFile:   'my-aws-cloudformation-template.yml'
    templateParametersFile: 'staging/parameters.json'
    captureStackOutputs: asVariables
    captureAsSecuredVars: false

The differences between Development and Staging deployment tasks are the service connection name and template parameters file path used. Remember that each service connection points to a different AWS account and the corresponding parameter values are specific to the target environment.

Use Azure DevOps Parameters to Switch Between Your AWS Accounts

Azure DevOps lets you define reusable contents via pipeline templates and pass different variable values to them when defining the build tasks. You can leverage this functionality so that you easily replicate your deployment steps to your different environments.

In the pipeline template snippet below, I use three template parameters that are passed as input to my task definition:

# File pipeline-templates/my-application.yml

  deploymentEnvironment: ''         # development, staging, production, etc
  awsCredentials:        ''         # service connection name
  region:                ''         # the AWS region


- task: CloudFormationCreateOrUpdateStack@1
  displayName: 'Create/Update Stack: Staging-Deployment'
    awsCredentials: '${{ parameters.awsCredentials }}'
    regionName:     '${{ parameters.region }}'
    stackName:      'my-stack-name'
    useChangeSet:   true
    changeSetName:  'my-stack-name-changeset'
    templateFile:   'my-aws-cloudformation-template.yml'
    templateParametersFile: '${{ parameters.deploymentEnvironment }}/parameters.json'
    captureStackOutputs: asVariables
    captureAsSecuredVars: false

This template can then be used when defining your pipeline with steps to deploy to the Development and Staging environments. The values passed to the parameters will control the target AWS Account the CloudFormation stack will be deployed to :

# File development/pipeline.yml

container: amazon/aws-cli

    - master
- template: ../pipeline-templates/my-application.yml  
    deploymentEnvironment: 'development'
    awsCredentials:        'deployment-development'
    region:                'eu-central-1'
- template: ../pipeline-templates/my-application.yml  
    deploymentEnvironment: 'staging'
    awsCredentials:        'deployment-staging'
    region:                'eu-central-1'

Putting it All Together

In the snippet examples below, I defined an Azure DevOps pipeline template that builds a Docker image, pushes it to Amazon ECR (using the ECR Push Task) , creates/updates a stack from an AWS CloudFormation template with a template parameter files, and finally runs a AWS CLI command to list all Load Balancers using the AWS CLI Task.

The template below can be reused across different AWS accounts by simply switching the value of the defined parameters as described in the previous section.

Define a template containing your AWS deployment steps:

# File pipeline-templates/my-application.yml

  deploymentEnvironment: ''         # development, staging, production, etc
  awsCredentials:        ''         # service connection name
  region:                ''         # the AWS region


# Build a Docker image
  - task: Docker@1
    displayName: 'Build docker image'
      dockerfile: 'Dockerfile'
      imageName: 'my-application:${{parameters.deploymentEnvironment}}'

# Push Docker Image to Amazon ECR
  - task: ECRPushImage@1
    displayName: 'Push image to ECR'
      awsCredentials: '${{ parameters.awsCredentials }}'
      regionName:     '${{ parameters.region }}'
      sourceImageName: 'my-application'
      repositoryName: 'my-application'
# Deploy AWS CloudFormation Stack
- task: CloudFormationCreateOrUpdateStack@1
  displayName: 'Create/Update Stack: My Application Deployment'
    awsCredentials: '${{ parameters.awsCredentials }}'
    regionName:     '${{ parameters.region }}'
    stackName:      'my-application'
    useChangeSet:   true
    changeSetName:  'my-application-changeset'
    templateFile:   'cfn-templates/my-application-template.yml'
    templateParametersFile: '${{ parameters.deploymentEnvironment }}/my-application-parameters.json'
    captureStackOutputs: asVariables
    captureAsSecuredVars: false
# Use AWS CLI to perform commands, e.g. list Load Balancers 
 - task: AWSShellScript@1
    displayName: 'AWS CLI: List Elastic Load Balancers'
    awsCredentials: '${{ parameters.awsCredentials }}'
    regionName:     '${{ parameters.region }}'
    scriptType:     'inline'
    inlineScript:   'aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers'

Define a pipeline file for deploying to the Development account:

# File development/azure-pipelines.yml

container: amazon/aws-cli

- name:  deploymentEnvironment
  value: 'development'
- name:  awsCredentials
  value: 'deployment-development'
- name:  region
  value: 'eu-central-1'  

    - master
    - dev
    - "${{ variables.deploymentEnvironment }}/*"  
- template: ../pipeline-templates/my-application.yml  
    deploymentEnvironment: ${{ variables.deploymentEnvironment }}
    awsCredentials:        ${{ variables.awsCredentials }}
    region:                ${{ variables.region }}

(Optionally) Define a pipeline file for deploying to the Staging and Production accounts

<p># File staging/azure-pipelines.yml</p>
container: amazon/aws-cli

- name:  deploymentEnvironment
  value: 'staging'
- name:  awsCredentials
  value: 'deployment-staging'
- name:  region
  value: 'eu-central-1'  

    - master
    - "${{ variables.deploymentEnvironment }}/*"  
- template: ../pipeline-templates/my-application.yml  
    deploymentEnvironment: ${{ variables.deploymentEnvironment }}
    awsCredentials:        ${{ variables.awsCredentials }}
    region:                ${{ variables.region }}
# File production/azure-pipelines.yml

container: amazon/aws-cli

- name:  deploymentEnvironment
  value: 'production'
- name:  awsCredentials
  value: 'deployment-production'
- name:  region
  value: 'eu-central-1'  

    - master
    - "${{ variables.deploymentEnvironment }}/*"  
- template: ../pipeline-templates/my-application.yml  
    deploymentEnvironment: ${{ variables.deploymentEnvironment }}
    awsCredentials:        ${{ variables.awsCredentials }}
    region:                ${{ variables.region }}


After you have tested and verified your pipeline, you should remove any unused resources by deleting the CloudFormation stacks to avoid unintended account charges. You can delete the stack manually from the AWS Console or use your Azure DevOps pipeline by adding a CloudFormationDeleteStack task:

- task: CloudFormationDeleteStack@1
  displayName: 'Delete Stack: My Application Deployment'
    awsCredentials: '${{ parameters.awsCredentials }}'
    regionName:     '${{ parameters.region }}'
    stackName:      'my-application'       


In this post, I showed you how you can easily leverage the AWS Toolkit for AzureDevOps extension to deploy resources to your AWS account from Azure DevOps and Azure DevOps Server. The story does not end here. This extension integrates directly with others services as well, making it easy to build your pipelines around them:

  • AWSCLI – Interact with the AWSCLI (Windows hosts only)
  • AWS Powershell Module – Interact with AWS through powershell (Windows hosts only)
  • Beanstalk – Deploy ElasticBeanstalk applications
  • CodeDeploy – Deploy with CodeDeploy
  • CloudFormation – Create/Delete/Update CloudFormation stacks
  • ECR – Push an image to an ECR repository
  • Lambda – Deploy from S3, .net core applications, or any other language that builds on Azure DevOps
  • S3 – Upload/Download to/from S3 buckets
  • Secrets Manager – Create and retrieve secrets
  • SQS – Send SQS messages
  • SNS – Send SNS messages
  • Systems manager – Get/set parameters and run commands

The toolkit is an open-source project available in GitHub. We’d love to see your issues, feature requests, code reviews, pull requests, or any positive contribution coming up.


Mahmoud Abid

Mahmoud Abid is a Senior Customer Delivery Architect at Amazon Web Services. He focuses on designing technical solutions that solve complex business challenges for customers across EMEA. A builder at heart, Mahmoud has been designing large scale applications on AWS since 2011 and, in his spare time, enjoys every DIY opportunity to build something at home or outdoors.

Smithy Server and Client Generator for TypeScript (Developer Preview)

Post Syndicated from Adam Thomas original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/smithy-server-and-client-generator-for-typescript/

We’re excited to announce the Developer Preview of Smithy’s server and client generators for TypeScript. This enables developers to write concise, type-safe code in the same model-first manner that AWS has used to develop its services. Smithy is AWS’s open-source Interface Definition Language (IDL) for web services. AWS uses Smithy and its internal predecessor to model services, generate server scaffolding, and generate rich clients in multiple languages, such as the AWS SDKs.

If you’re unfamiliar with Smithy, check out the Smithy website and watch an introductory talk from Michael Dowling, Smithy’s Principal Engineer.

This post will demonstrate how you can write a simple Smithy model, write a service that implements the model, deploy it to AWS Lambda, and call it using a generated client.

What can the server generator do for me?

Using Smithy and its server generator unlocks model-first development. Model-first development puts your customers first. This forces you to define your interface first rather than let your API to become implicitly defined by your implementation choices.

Smithy’s server generator for TypeScript enables development at a higher level of abstraction. By making serialization, deserialization, and routing an implementation detail in generated code, service developers can focus on writing code against modeled types, rather than against raw HTTP requests. Your business logic and unit tests will be cleaner and more readable, and the way that your messages are represented on the wire is defined explicitly by a protocol, not implicitly by your JSON parser.

The server generator also lets you leverage TypeScript’s type safety. Not only is the business logic of your service written against strongly typed interfaces, but also you can reference your service’s types in your AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) definition. This makes sure that your stack will fail at build time rather than deployment time if it’s out of sync with your model.

Finally, using Smithy for service generation lets you ship clients in Smithy’s growing portfolio of generated clients. We’re unveiling a developer preview of the client generator for TypeScript today as well, and we’ll continue to unveil more implementations in the future.

The architecture of a Smithy service

A Smithy service looks much like any other web service running on Lambda behind Amazon API Gateway. The difference lies in the code itself. Where a standard service might use a generic deserializer to parse an incoming request and bind it to an object, a Smithy service relies on code generation for deserialization, serialization, validation, and the object model itself. These functions are generated into a standalone library known as a Smithy server SDK. Using a server SDK with one of AWS’s prepackaged request converters, service developers can focus on their business logic, rather than the undifferentiated heavy lifting of parsing and generating HTTP requests and responses.

A data flow diagram for a Smithy service


This post will walk you through the process of building and using a Smithy service, from modeling to deployment.

By the end, you should be able to:

  • Model a simple REST service in Smithy
  • Generate a Smithy server SDK for TypeScript
  • Implement a service in Lambda using the generated server SDK
  • Deploy the service to AWS using the AWS CDK
  • Generate a client SDK, and use it to call the deployed service

The complete example described in this post can be found here.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

Checking out the sample repository

Create a new repository from the template repository here.

To clone the application in your browser

  1. Open https://github.com/aws-samples/smithy-server-generator-typescript-sample in your browser
  2. Select “Use this template” in the top right-hand corner
  3. Fill out the form, and select “Create repository from template”
  4. Clone your new repository from GitHub by following the instructions in the “Code” dropdown

Exploring and setting up the sample application

The sample application is split into three separate submodules:

  • model – contains the Smithy model that defines the service
  • Server – contains the code generation setup, application logic, and CDK stack for the service
  • typescript-client – contains the code generation setup for a rich client generated in TypeScript

To bootstrap the sample application and run the initial build

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the sample application
  2. Run the following command:
    ./gradlew build && yarn install
  3. Wait until the build finishes successfully

Modeling a service using Smithy

In an IDE of your choice, open the file at model/src/main/smithy/main.smithy. This file defines the interface for the sample web service, a service that can echo strings back to the caller, as well as provide the string length.

The service definition forms the root of a Smithy model. It defines the operations that are available to clients, as well as common errors that are thrown by all of the operations in a service.

@sigv4(name: "execute-api")
service StringWizard {
    version: "2018-05-10",
    operations: [Echo, Length],
    errors: [ValidationException],

This service uses the @sigv4 trait to indicate that calls must be signed with AWS Signature V4. In the sample application, API Gateway’s Identity and Access Management (IAM) Authentication support provides this functionality.

@restJson1 indicates the protocol supported by this service. RestJson1 is Smithy’s built-in protocol for RESTful web services that use JSON for requests and responses.

This service advertises two operations: Echo and Length. Furthermore, it indicates that every operation on the service must be expected to throw ValidationException, if an invalid input is supplied.

Next, let’s look at the definition of the Length operation and its input type.

/// An operation that computes the length of a string
/// provided on the URI path
@http(code: 200, method: "GET", uri: "/length/{string}",)
operation Length {
     input: LengthInput,
     output: LengthOutput,
     errors: [PalindromeException],

structure LengthInput {
     string: String,

This operation uses the @http trait to model how requests are processed with restJson1, including the method (GET) and how the URI is formed (using a label to bind the string field from LengthInput to a path segment). HTTP binding with Smithy can be explored in depth at Smithy’s documentation page.

Note that this operation can also throw a PalindromeException, which we’ll explore in more detail when we check out the business logic.

Updating the Smithy model to add additional constraints to the input

Smithy constraint traits are used to enable additional validation for input types. Server SDKs automatically perform validation based on the Smithy constraints in the model. Let’s add a new constraint to the input for the Length operation. Moreover, let’s make sure that only alphanumeric characters can be passed in by the caller.

  1. Open model/src/main/smithy/main.smithy in an editor
  2. Add a @pattern constraint to the string member of Length input. It should look like this:
    structure LengthInput {
        string: String,
  3. Open a terminal, and navigate to the root of the sample application
  4. Run the following command:
    yarn build
  5. Wait for the build to finish successfully

Using the Smithy Server Generator for TypeScript

The key component of a Smithy web service is its code generator, which translates the Smithy model into actual code. You’ve already run the code generator – it runs every time that you build the sample application.

The codegen directory inside of the server submodule is where the Smithy Server Generator for TypeScript is configured and run. The server generator uses Smithy Build to build, and it’s configured by smithy-build.json.

  "version" : "1.0",
  "outputDirectory" : "build/output",
  "projections" : {
      "ts-server" : {
         "plugins": {
           "typescript-ssdk-codegen" : {
              "package" : "@smithy-demo/string-wizard-service-ssdk",
              "packageVersion": "0.0.1"
      "apigateway" : {
        "plugins" : {
          "openapi": {
             "service": "software.amazon.smithy.demo#StringWizard",
             "protocol": "aws.protocols#restJson1",
             "apiGatewayType" : "REST"

This smithy-build configures two projections. The ts-server projection generates the server SDK by invoking the typescript-ssdk-codegen plugin. The package and packageVersion arguments are used to generate an npm package that you can add as a dependency in your server code.

The OpenAPI projection configures Smithy’s OpenAPI converter to generate a file that can be imported into API Gateway to host this service. It uses Smithy’s ability to extend models via the imports keyword to extend the base model with an additional API Gateway configuration. The generated OpenAPI specification is used by the CDK stack, which we’ll explore later.

If you open package.json in the server submodule, then you’ll notice this line in the dependencies section:

"@smithy-demo/string-wizard-service-ssdk": "workspace:server/codegen/build/smithyprojections/server-codegen/ts-server/typescript-ssdk-codegen"

The key, @smithy-demo/string-wizard-service-ssdk, matches the package key in the smithy-build.json file. The value uses Yarn’s workspaces feature to set up a local dependency on the generated server SDK. This lets you use the server SDK as a standalone npm dependency without publishing it to a repository. Since we bundle the server application into a zip file before uploading it to Lambda, you can treat the server SDK as an implementation detail that isn’t published externally.

We won’t get into the details here, but you can see the specifics of how the code generator is invoked by looking at the regenerate:ssdk script in the server’s package.json, as well as the build.gradle file in the server’s codegen directory.

Implementing an operation using a server SDK

The server generator takes care of the undifferentiated heavy lifting of writing a Smithy service. However, there are still two tasks left for the service developer: writing the Lambda entrypoint, and implementing the operation’s business logic.

First, let’s look at the entrypoint for the Length operation. Open server/src/length_handler.ts in an editor. You should see the following content:

import { getLengthHandler } from "@smithy-demo/string-wizard-service-ssdk";
import { APIGatewayProxyHandler } from "aws-lambda";
import { LengthOperation } from "./length";
import { getApiGatewayHandler } from "./apigateway";
// This is the entry point for the Lambda Function that services the LengthOperation
export const lambdaHandler: APIGatewayProxyHandler = getApiGatewayHandler(getLengthHandler(LengthOperation));

If you’ve written a Lambda entry-point before, then exporting a function of type APIGatewayProxyHandler will be familiar to you. However, there are a few new pieces here. First, we have a function from the server SDK, called getLengthHandler, that takes a Smithy Operation type and returns a ServiceHandler. Operation is the interface that the server SDK uses to encapsulate business logic. The core task of implementing a Smithy service is to implement Operations. ServiceHandler is the interface that encapsulates the generated logic of a server SDK. It’s the black box that handles serialization, deserialization, error handling, validation, and routing.

The getApiGatewayHandler function simply invokes the request and response conversion logic, and then builds a custom context for the operation. We won’t go into their details here.

Next, let’s explore the operation implementation. Open server/src/length.ts in an editor. You should see the following content:

import { Operation } from "@aws-smithy/server-common";
import {
} from "@smithy-demo/string-wizard-service-ssdk";
import { HandlerContext } from "./apigateway";
import { reverse } from "./util";

// This is the implementation of business logic of the LengthOperation
export const LengthOperation: Operation<LengthServerInput, LengthServerOutput, HandlerContext> = async (
) => {
  console.log(`Received Length operation from: ${context.user}`);

  if (input.string != undefined && input.string === reverse(input.string)) {
     throw new PalindromeException({ message: "Cannot handle palindrome" });

  return {
     length: input.string?.length,

Let’s look at this implementation piece-by-piece. First, the function type Operation<LengthServerInput, LengthServerOutput, HandlerContext> provides the type-safe interface for our business logic. LengthServerInput and LengthServerOutput are the code generated types that correspond to the input and output types for the Length operation in our Smithy model. If we use the wrong type arguments for the Operation, then it will fail type checks against the getLengthHandler function in the entry-point. If we try to access the incorrect properties on the input, then we’ll also see type checker failures. This is one of the core tenets of the Smithy Server Generator for TypeScript: writing a web service should be as strongly typed as writing anything else.

Next, let’s look at the section that validates that the input isn’t a palindrome:

if (input.string != undefined && input.string === reverse(input.string)) {
    throw new PalindromeException({ message: "Cannot handle palindrome" });

Although the server SDK can validate the input against Smithy’s constraint traits, there is no constraint trait for rejecting palindromes. Therefore, we must include this validation in our business logic. Our Smithy model includes a PalindromeException definition that includes a message member. This is generated as a standard subclass of Error with a constructor that takes in a message that your operation implementation can throw like any other error. This will be caught and properly rendered as a response by the server SDK.

Finally, there’s the return statement. Since the Smithy model defines LengthOutput as a structure containing an integer member called length, we return an object that has the same structural type here.

Note that this business logic doesn’t have to consider serialization, or the wire format of the request or response, let alone anything else related to HTTP or API Gateway. The unit tests in src/length/length.spec.ts reflect this. They’re the same standard unit tests as you would write against any other TypeScript class. The server SDK lets you write your business logic at a higher level of abstraction, thus simplifying your unit testing and letting your developers focus on their business logic rather than the messy details.

Deploying the sample application

The sample application utilizes the AWS CDK to deploy itself to your AWS account. Explore the CDK definition in server/lib/cdk-stack.ts. An in-depth exploration of the stack is out of the scope for this post, but it looks largely like any other AWS application that deploys TypeScript code to Lambda behind API Gateway.

The key difference is that the cdk stack can rely on a generated OpenAPI definition for the API Gateway resource. This makes sure that your deployed application always matches your Smithy model. Furthermore, it can use the server SDK’s generated types to make sure that every modeled operation has an implementation deployed to Lambda. This means that forgetting to wire up the implementation for a new operation becomes a compile-time failure, rather than a runtime one.

To deploy the sample application from the command line

    1. Open a terminal and navigate to the server directory of your sample application.
    2. Run the following command:
      yarn cdk deploy
    3. The cdk will display a list of security-sensitive resources that will be deployed to your account. These consist mostly of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles used by your Lambda functions for execution. Enter y to continue deploying the application to your account.
    4. When it has completed, the CDK will print your new application’s endpoint and the CloudFormation stack containing your application to the console. It will look something like the following:
          = https://RANDOMSTRING.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/prod/
      Stack ARN:
    5. Log on to your AWS account in the AWS Management Console.
    6. Navigate to the Lambda console. You should see two new functions: one that starts with StringWizardService-EchoFunction, and one that starts with StringWizardService-EchoFunction. These are the implementations of your Smithy service’s operations.
    7. Navigate to the Amazon API Gateway console. You should see a new REST API named StringWizardAPI, with Resources POST /echo and GET /length/{string}, corresponding to your Smithy model.

    Calling the sample application with a generated client

    The last piece of the Smithy puzzle is the strongly-typed generated client generated by the Smithy Client Generator for TypeScript. It’s located in the typescript-client folder, which has a codegen folder that uses SmithyBuild to generate a client in much the same manner as the server.

    The sample application ships with a simple wrapper script for the length operation that uses the generated client to build a rudimentary CLI. Open the typescript-client/bin/length.ts file in your editor. The contents will look like the following:

    #!/usr/bin/env node
    import {LengthCommand, StringWizardClient} from "@smithy-demo/string-client";
    const client = new StringWizardClient({endpoint: process.argv[2]});
    client.send(new LengthCommand({
         string: process.argv[3]
    })).catch((err) => {
         console.log("Failed with error: " + err);
    }).then((res) => {
         process.stderr.write(res.length?.toString() ?? "0");

    If you’ve used the AWS SDK for JavaScript v3, this will look familiar. This is because it’s generated using the Smithy Client Generator for TypeScript!

    From the code, you can see that the CLI takes two positional arguments: the endpoint for the deployed application, and an input string. Let’s give it a spin.

    To call the deployed application using the generated client

    1. Open a terminal and navigate to the typescript-client directory.
    2. Run the following command to build the client:
      yarn build
    3. Using the endpoint output by the CDK in the Deploying the sample application section above, run the following command:
      yarn run str-length https://RANDOMSTRING.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/prod/ foo 
    4. You should see an output of 3, the length of foo.
    5. Next, trigger anerror by calling your endpoint with a palindrome by running the following command:
      yarn run str-length https://RANDOMSTRING.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/prod/ kayak
    6. You should see the following output:
      Failed with error: PalindromeException: Cannot handle palindrome

    Cleaning up

    To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources.

    To delete the sample application using the CDK

    1. Open a terminal and navigate to the server directory.
    2. Run the following command:
      yarn cdk destroy StringWizardService
    3. Answer y to the prompt Are you sure you want to delete: StringWizardService (y/n)?
    4. Wait for the CDK to complete the deletion of your CloudFormation stack. You should see the following when it has completed:
      ✅ StringWizardService: destroyed


    You have now used a Smithy model to define a service, explored how a generated server SDK can simplify your web service development, deployed the service to the AWS Cloud using the AWS CDK, and called the service using a strongly-typed generated client.

    If you aren’t familiar with Smithy, but you want to learn more, then don’t forget to check out the documentation or the introductory video.

    To learn more about the Smithy Server Generator for TypeScript, check out its documentation.

    If you have feature requests, bug reports, feedback of any kind, or would like to contribute, head over to the GitHub repository.

    Adam Thomas

    Adam Thomas is a Senior Software Development engineer on the Smithy team. He has been a web service developer at Amazon for over ten years. Outside of work, Adam is a passionate advocate for staying inside, playing video games, and reading fiction.