Tag Archives: AWS Serverless Application Model

Jump-starting your serverless development environment

Post Syndicated from Benjamin Smith original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/jump-starting-your-serverless-development-environment/

Developers building serverless applications often wonder how they can jump-start their local development environment. This blog post provides a broad guide for those developers wanting to set up a development environment for building serverless applications.

serverless development environment

AWS and open source tools for a serverless development environment .

To use AWS Lambda and other AWS services, create and activate an AWS account.

Command line tooling

Command line tools are scripts, programs, and libraries that enable rapid application development and interactions from within a command line shell.


The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) is an open source tool that enables developers to interact with AWS services using a command line shell. In many cases, the AWS CLI increases developer velocity for building cloud resources and enables automating repetitive tasks. It is an important piece of any serverless developer’s toolkit. Follow these instructions to install and configure the AWS CLI on your operating system.

AWS enables you to build infrastructure with code. This provides a single source of truth for AWS resources. It enables development teams to use version control and create deployment pipelines for their cloud infrastructure. AWS CloudFormation provides a common language to model and provision these application resources in your cloud environment.

AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM CLI)

AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) is an extension for CloudFormation that further simplifies the process of building serverless application resources.

It provides shorthand syntax to define Lambda functions, APIs, databases, and event source mappings. During deployment, the AWS SAM syntax is transformed into AWS CloudFormation syntax, enabling you to build serverless applications faster.

The AWS SAM CLI is an open source command line tool used to locally build, test, debug, and deploy serverless applications defined with AWS SAM templates.

Install AWS SAM CLI on your operating system.

Test the installation by initializing a new quick start project with the following command:

$ sam init
  1. Choose 1 for the “Quick Start Templates
  2. Choose 1 for the “Node.js runtime
  3. Use the default name.

The generated /sam-app/template.yaml contains all the resource definitions for your serverless application. This includes a Lambda function with a REST API endpoint, along with the necessary IAM permissions.

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function # More info about Function Resource: https://github.com/awslabs/serverless-application-model/blob/master/versions/2016-10-31.md#awsserverlessfunction
      CodeUri: hello-world/
      Handler: app.lambdaHandler
      Runtime: nodejs12.x
          Type: Api # More info about API Event Source: https://github.com/awslabs/serverless-application-model/blob/master/versions/2016-10-31.md#api
            Path: /hello
            Method: get

Deploy this application using the AWS SAM CLI guided deploy:

$ sam deploy -g

Local testing with AWS SAM CLI

The AWS SAM CLI requires Docker containers to simulate the AWS Lambda runtime environment on your local development environment. To test locally, install Docker Engine and run the Lambda function with following command:

$ sam local invoke "HelloWorldFunction" -e events/event.json

The first time this function is invoked, Docker downloads the lambci/lambda:nodejs12.x container image. It then invokes the Lambda function with a pre-defined event JSON file.

Helper tools

There are a number of open source tools and packages available to help you monitor, author, and optimize your Lambda-based applications. Some of the most popular tools are shown in the following list.

Template validation tooling

CloudFormation Linter is a validation tool that helps with your CloudFormation development cycle. It analyses CloudFormation YAML and JSON templates to resolve and validate intrinsic functions and resource properties. By analyzing your templates before deploying them, you can save valuable development time and build automated validation into your deployment release cycle.

Follow these instructions to install the tool.

Once, installed, run the cfn-lint command with the path to your AWS SAM template provided as the first argument:

cfn-lint template.yaml
AWS SAM template validation with cfn-lint

AWS SAM template validation with cfn-lint

The following example shows that the template is not valid because the !GettAtt function does not evaluate correctly.

IDE tooling

Use AWS IDE plugins to author and invoke Lambda functions from within your existing integrated development environment (IDE). AWS IDE toolkits are available for PyCharm, IntelliJ. Visual Studio.

The AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code provides an integrated experience for developing serverless applications. It enables you to invoke Lambda functions, specify function configurations, locally debug, and deploy—all conveniently from within the editor. The toolkit supports Node.js, Python, and .NET.

The AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code

From Visual Studio Code, choose the Extensions icon on the Activity Bar. In the Search Extensions in Marketplace box, enter AWS Toolkit and then choose AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code as shown in the following example. This opens a new tab in the editor showing the toolkit’s installation page. Choose the Install button in the header to add the extension.

AWS Toolkit extension for Visual Studio Code

AWS Toolkit extension for Visual Studio Code

AWS Cloud9

Another option to build a development environment without having to install anything locally is to use AWS Cloud9. AWS Cloud9 is a cloud-based integrated development environment (IDE) for writing, running, and debugging code from within the browser.

It provides a seamless experience for developing serverless applications. It has a preconfigured development environment that includes AWS CLI, AWS SAM CLI, SDKs, code libraries, and many useful plugins. AWS Cloud9 also provides an environment for locally testing and debugging AWS Lambda functions. This eliminates the need to upload your code to the Lambda console. It allows developers to iterate on code directly, saving time, and improving code quality.

Follow this guide to set up AWS Cloud9 in your AWS environment.

Advanced tooling

Efficient configuration of Lambda functions is critical when expecting optimal cost and performance of your serverless applications. Lambda allows you to control the memory (RAM) allocation for each function.

Lambda charges based on the number of function requests and the duration, the time it takes for your code to run. The price for duration depends on the amount of RAM you allocate to your function. A smaller RAM allocation may reduce the performance of your application if your function is running compute-heavy workloads. If performance needs outweigh cost, you can increase the memory allocation.

Cost and performance optimization tooling

AWS Lambda power tuner is an open source tool that uses an AWS Step Functions state machine to suggest cost and performance optimizations for your Lambda functions. It invokes a given function with multiple memory configurations. It analyzes the execution log results to determine and suggest power configurations that minimize cost and maximize performance.

To deploy the tool:

  1. Clone the repository as follows:
    $ git clone https://github.com/alexcasalboni/aws-lambda-power-tuning.git
  2. Create an Amazon S3 bucket and enter the deployment configurations in /scripts/deploy.sh:
    # config
  3. Run the deploy.sh script from your terminal, this uses the AWS SAM CLI to deploy the application:
    $ bash scripts/deploy.sh
  4. Run the power tuning tool from the terminal using the AWS CLI:
    aws stepfunctions start-execution \
    --state-machine-arn arn:aws:states:us-east-1:0123456789:stateMachine:powerTuningStateMachine-Vywm3ozPB6Am \
    --input "{\"lambdaARN\": \"arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:1234567890:function:testytest\", \"powerValues\":[128,256,512,1024,2048],\"num\":50,\"payload\":{},\"parallelInvocation\":true,\"strategy\":\"cost\"}" \
    --output json
  5. The Step Functions execution output produces a link to a visual summary of the suggested results:

    AWS Lambda power tuning results

    AWS Lambda power tuning results

Monitoring and debugging tooling

Sls-dev-tools is an open source serverless tool that delivers serverless metrics directly to the terminal. It provides developers with feedback on their serverless application’s metrics and key bindings that deploy, open, and manipulate stack resources. Bringing this data directly to your terminal or IDE, reduces context switching between the developer environment and the web interfaces. This can increase application development speed and improve user experience.

Follow these instructions to install the tool onto your development environment.

To open the tool, run the following command:

$ Sls-dev-tools

Follow the in-terminal interface to choose which stack to monitor or edit.

The following example shows how the tool can be used to invoke a Lambda function with a custom payload from within the IDE.

Invoke an AWS Lambda function with a custom payload using sls-dev-tools

Invoke an AWS Lambda function with a custom payload using sls-dev-tools

Serverless database tooling

NoSQL Workbench for Amazon DynamoDB is a GUI application for modern database development and operations. It provides a visual IDE tool for data modeling and visualization with query development features to help build serverless applications with Amazon DynamoDB tables. Define data models using one or more tables and visualize the data model to see how it works in different scenarios. Run or simulate operations and generate the code for Python, JavaScript (Node.js), or Java.

Choose the correct operating system link to download and install NoSQL Workbench on your development machine.

The following example illustrates a connection to a DynamoDB table. A data scan is built using the GUI, with Node.js code generated for inclusion in a Lambda function:

Connecting to an Amazon DynamoBD table with NoSQL Workbench for AmazonDynamoDB

Connecting to an Amazon DynamoDB table with NoSQL Workbench for Amazon DynamoDB

Generating query code with NoSQL Workbench for Amazon DynamoDB

Generating query code with NoSQL Workbench for Amazon DynamoDB


Building serverless applications allows developers to focus on business logic instead of managing and operating infrastructure. This is achieved by using managed services. Developers often struggle with knowing which tools, libraries, and frameworks are available to help with this new approach to building applications. This post shows tools that builders can use to create a serverless developer environment to help accelerate software development.

This list represents AWS and open source tools but does not include our APN Partners. For partner offers, check here.

Read more to start building serverless applications.

Using serverless backends to iterate quickly on web apps – part 3

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/using-serverless-backends-to-iterate-quickly-on-web-apps-part-3/

This series is about building flexible backends for web applications. The example is Happy Path, a web app that allows park visitors to upload and share maps and photos, to help replace printed materials.

In part 1, I show how the application works and walk through the backend architecture. In part 2, you deploy a basic image-processing workflow. To do this, you use an AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template to create an AWS Step Functions state machine.

In this post, I show how to deploy progressively more complex workflow functionality while using minimal code. This solution in this web app is designed for 100,000 monthly active users. Using this approach, you can introduce more sophisticated workflows without affecting the existing backend application.

The code and instructions for this application are available in the GitHub repo.

Introducing image moderation

In the first version, users could upload any images to parks on the map. One of the most important feature requests is to enable moderation, to prevent inappropriate images from appearing on the app. To handle a large number of uploaded images, using human moderation would be slow and labor-intensive.

In this section, you use Amazon ML services to automate analyzing the images for unsafe content. Amazon Rekognition provides an API to detect if an image contains moderation labels. These labels are categorized into different types of unsafe content that would not be appropriate for this app.

Version 2 of the workflow uses this API to automate the process of checking images. To install version 2:

  1. From a terminal window, delete the v1 workflow stack:
    aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name happy-path-workflow-v1
  2. Change directory to the version 2 AWS SAM template in the repo:
    cd .\workflows\templates\v2
  3. Build and deploy the solution:
    sam build
    sam deploy --guided
  4. The deploy process prompts you for several parameters. Enter happy-path-workflow-v2 as the Stack Name. The other values are the outputs from the backend deployment process, detailed in the repo’s README. Enter these to complete the deployment.

From VS Code, open the v2 state machine in the repo from workflows/statemachines/v2.asl.json. Choose the Render graph option in the CodeLens to see the workflow visualization.

Serverless workflow visualization

This new workflow introduces a Moderator step. This invokes a Moderator Lambda function that uses the Amazon Rekognition API. If this API identifies any unsafe content labels, it returns these as part of the function output.

The next step in the workflow is a Moderation result choice state. This evaluates the output of the previous function – if the image passes moderation, the process continues to the Resizer function. If it fails, execution moves to the RecordFailState step.

Step Functions integrates directly with some AWS services so that you can call and pass parameters into the APIs of those services. The RecordFailState uses an Amazon DynamoDB service integration to write the workflow failure to the application table, using the arn:aws:states:::dynamodb:updateItem resource.

Testing the workflow

To test moderation, I use an unsafe image with suggestive content. This is an image that is not considered appropriate for this application. To test the deployed v2 workflow:

  1. Open the frontend application at https://localhost:8080 in your browser.
  2. Select a park location, choose Show Details, and then choose Upload images.
  3. Select an unsafe image to upload.
  4. Navigate to the Step Functions console. This shows the v2StateMachine with one successful execution:State machine result
  5. Select the state machine, and choose the execution to display more information. Scroll down to the Visual workflow panel.Visual workflow panel

This shows that the moderation failed and the path continued to log the failed state in the database. If you open the Output resource, this displays more details about why the image is considered unsafe.

Checking the image size and file type

The upload component in the frontend application limits file selection to JPG images but there is no check to reject images that are too small. It’s prudent to check and enforce image types and sizes on the backend API in addition to the frontend. This is because it’s possible to upload images via the API without using the frontend.

The next version of the workflow enforces image sizes and file types. To install version 3:

  1. From a terminal window, delete the v2 workflow stack:
    aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name happy-path-workflow-v2
  2. Change directory to the version 3 AWS SAM template in the repo:
    cd .\workflows\templates\v3
  3. Build and deploy the solution:
    sam build
    sam deploy --guided
  4. The deploy process prompts you for several parameters. Enter happy-path-workflow-v3 as the Stack Name. The other values are the outputs from the backend deployment process, detailed in the repo’s README. Enter these to complete the deployment.

From VS Code, open the v3 state machine in the repo from workflows/statemachines/v3.asl.json. Choose the Render graph option in the CodeLens to see the workflow visualization.

v3 state machine

This workflow changes the starting point of the execution, introducing a Check Dimensions step. This invokes a Lambda function that checks the size and types of the Amazon S3 object using the image-size npm package. This function uses environment variables provided by the AWS SAM template to compare against a minimum size and allowed type array.

The output is evaluated by the Dimension Result choice state. If the image is larger than the minimum size allowed, execution continues to the Moderator function as before. If not, it passes to the RecordFailState step to log the result in the database.

Testing the workflow

To test, I use an image that’s narrower than the mixPixels value. To test the deployed v3 workflow:

  1. Open the frontend application at https://localhost:8080 in your browser.
  2. Select a park location, choose Show Details, and then choose Upload images.
  3. Select an image with a width smaller than 800 pixels. After a few seconds, a rejection message appears:"Image is too small" message
  4. Navigate to the Step Functions console. This shows the v3StateMachine with one successful execution. Choose the execution to show more detail.Execution output

The execution shows that the Check Dimension step added the image dimensions to the event object. Next, the Dimensions Result choice state rejected the image, and logged the result at the RecordFailState step. The application’s DynamoDB table now contains details about the failed upload:

DynamoDB item details

Pivoting the application to a new concept

Until this point, the Happy Path web application is designed to help park visitors share maps and photos. This is the development team’s original idea behind the app. During the product-market fit stage of development, it’s common for applications to pivot substantially from the original idea. For startups, it can be critical to have the agility to modify solutions quickly to meet the needs of customers.

In this scenario, the original idea has been less successful than predicted, and park visitors are not adopting the app as expected. However, the business development team has identified a new opportunity. Restaurants would like an app that allows customers to upload menus and food photos. How can the development team create a new proof-of-concept app for restaurant customers to test this idea?

In this version, you modify the application to work for restaurants. While features continue to be added to the parks workflow, it now supports business logic specifically for the restaurant app.

To create the v4 workflow and update the frontend:

  1. From a terminal window, delete the v3 workflow stack:
    aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name happy-path-workflow-v3
  2. Change directory to the version 4 AWS SAM template in the repo:
    cd .\workflows\templates\v4
  3. Build and deploy the solution:
    sam build
    sam deploy --guided
  4. The deploy process prompts you for several parameters. Enter happy-path-workflow-v4 as the Stack Name. The other values are the outputs from the backend deployment process, detailed in the repo’s README. Enter these to complete the deployment.
  5. Open frontend/src/main.js and update the businessType variable on line 63. Set this value to ‘restaurant’.Change config to restaurants
  6. Start the local development server:
    npm run serve
  7. Open the application at http://localhost:8080. This now shows restaurants in the local area instead of parks.

In the Step Functions console, select the v4StateMachine to see the latest workflow, then open the Definition tab to see the visualization:

Workflow definition

This workflow starts with steps that apply to both parks and restaurants – checking the image dimensions. Next, it determines the place type from the placeId record in DynamoDB. Depending on place type, it now follows a different execution path:

  • Parks continue to run the automated moderator process, then resizer and publish the result.
  • Restaurants now use Amazon Rekognition to determine the labels in the image. Any photos containing people are rejected. Next, the workflow continues to the resizer and publish process.
  • Other business types go to the RecordFailState step since they are not supported.

Testing the workflow

To test the deployed v4 workflow:

  1. Open the frontend application at https://localhost:8080 in your browser.
  2. Select a restaurant, choose Show Details, and then choose Upload images.
  3. Select an image from the test photos dataset. After a few seconds, you see a message confirming the photo has been added.
  4. Next, select an image that contains one or more people. The new restaurant workflow rejects this type of photo:"Image rejected" message
  5. In the Step Functions console, select the last execution for the v4StateMachine to see how the Check for people step rejected the image:v4 workflow

If other business types are added later to the application, you can extend the Step Functions workflow accordingly. The cost of Step Functions is based on the number of transitions in a workflow, not the number of total steps. This means you can branch by business type in the Happy Path application. This doesn’t affect the overall cost of running an execution, if the total transitions are the same per execution.


Previously in this series, you deploy a simple workflow for processing image uploads in the Happy Path web application. In this post, you add progressively more complex functionality by deploying new versions of workflows.

The first iteration introduces image moderation using Amazon Rekognition, providing the ability to automate the evaluation of unsafe content. Next, the workflow is modified to check image size and file type. This allows you to reject any images that are too small or do not meet the type requirements. Finally, I show how to expand the logic further to accept other business types with their own custom workflows.

To learn more about building serverless web applications, see the Ask Around Me series.

Building storage-first serverless applications with HTTP APIs service integrations

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-storage-first-applications-with-http-apis-service-integrations/

Over the last year, I have been talking about “storage first” serverless patterns. With these patterns, data is stored persistently before any business logic is applied. The advantage of this pattern is increased application resiliency. By persisting the data before processing, the original data is still available, if or when errors occur.

Common pattern for serverless API backend

Common pattern for serverless API backend

Using Amazon API Gateway as a proxy to an AWS Lambda function is a common pattern in serverless applications. The Lambda function handles the business logic and communicates with other AWS or third-party services to route, modify, or store the processed data. One option is to place the data in an Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue for processing downstream. In this pattern, the developer is responsible for handling errors and retry logic within the Lambda function code.

The storage first pattern flips this around. It uses native error handling with retry logic or dead-letter queues (DLQ) at the SQS layer before any code is run. By directly integrating API Gateway to SQS, developers can increase application reliability while reducing lines of code.

Storage first pattern for serverless API backend

Storage first pattern for serverless API backend

Previously, direct integrations require REST APIs with transformation templates written in Velocity Template Language (VTL). However, developers tell us they would like to integrate directly with services in a simpler way without using VTL. As a result, HTTP APIs now offers the ability to directly integrate with five AWS services without needing a transformation template or code layer.

The first five service integrations

This release of HTTP APIs direct integrations includes Amazon EventBridge, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, Simple Queue Service (SQS), AWS System Manager’s AppConfig, and AWS Step Functions. With these new integrations, customers can create APIs and webhooks for their business logic hosted in these AWS services. They can also take advantage of HTTP APIs features like authorizers, throttling, and enhanced observability for securing and monitoring these applications.

Amazon EventBridge

HTTP APIs service integration with Amazon EventBridge

HTTP APIs service integration with Amazon EventBridge

The HTTP APIs direct integration for EventBridge uses the PutEvents API to enable client applications to place events on an EventBridge bus. Once the events are on the bus, EventBridge routes the event to specific targets based upon EventBridge filtering rules.

This integration is a storage first pattern because data is written to the bus before any routing or logic is applied. If the downstream target service has issues, then EventBridge implements a retry strategy with incremental back-off for up to 24 hours. Additionally, the integration helps developers reduce code by filtering events at the bus. It routes to downstream targets without the need for a Lambda function as a transport layer.

Use this direct integration when:

  • Different tasks are required based upon incoming event details
  • Only data ingestion is required
  • Payload size is less than 256 kb
  • Expected requests per second are less than the Region quotas.

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

HTTP APIs service integration with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

HTTP APIs service integration with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

The HTTP APIs direct integration for Kinesis Data Streams offers the PutRecord integration action, enabling client applications to place events on a Kinesis data stream. Kinesis Data Streams are designed to handle up to 1,000 writes per second per shard, with payloads up to 1 mb in size. Developers can increase throughput by increasing the number of shards in the data stream. You can route the incoming data to targets like an Amazon S3 bucket as part of a data lake or a Kinesis data analytics application for real-time analytics.

This integration is a storage first option because data is stored on the stream for up to seven days until it is processed and routed elsewhere. When processing stream events with a Lambda function, errors are handled at the Lambda layer through a configurable error handling strategy.

Use this direct integration when:

  • Ingesting large amounts of data
  • Ingesting large payload sizes
  • Order is important
  • Routing the same data to multiple targets

Amazon SQS

HTTP APIs service integration with Amazon SQS

HTTP APIs service integration with Amazon SQS

The HTTP APIs direct integration for Amazon SQS offers the SendMessage, ReceiveMessage, DeleteMessage, and PurgeQueue integration actions. This integration differs from the EventBridge and Kinesis integrations in that data flows both ways. Events can be created, read, and deleted from the SQS queue via REST calls through the HTTP API endpoint. Additionally, a full purge of the queue can be managed using the PurgeQueue action.

This pattern is a storage first pattern because the data remains on the queue for four days by default (configurable to 14 days), unless it is processed and removed. When the Lambda service polls the queue, the messages that are returned are hidden in the queue for a set amount of time. Once the calling service has processed these messages, it uses the DeleteMessage API to remove the messages permanently.

When triggering a Lambda function with an SQS queue, the Lambda service manages this process internally. However, HTTP APIs direct integration with SQS enables developers to move this process to client applications without the need for a Lambda function as a transport layer.

Use this direct integration when:

  • Data must be received as well as sent to the service
  • Downstream services need reduced concurrency
  • The queue requires custom management
  • Order is important (FIFO queues)

AWS AppConfig

HTTP APIs service integration with AWS Systems Manager AppConfig

HTTP APIs service integration with AWS Systems Manager AppConfig

The HTTP APIs direct integration for AWS AppConfig offers the GetConfiguration integration action and allows applications to check for application configuration updates. By exposing the systems parameter API through an HTTP APIs endpoint, developers can automate configuration changes for their applications. While this integration is not considered a storage first integration, it does enable direct communication from external services to AppConfig without the need for a Lambda function as a transport layer.

Use this direct integration when:

  • Access to AWS AppConfig is required.
  • Managing application configurations.

AWS Step Functions

HTTP APIs service integration with AWS Step Functions

HTTP APIs service integration with AWS Step Functions

The HTTP APIs direct integration for Step Functions offers the StartExecution and StopExecution integration actions. These actions allow for programmatic control of a Step Functions state machine via an API. When starting a Step Functions workflow, JSON data is passed in the request and mapped to the state machine. Error messages are also mapped to the state machine when stopping the execution.

This pattern provides a storage first integration because Step Functions maintains a persistent state during the life of the orchestrated workflow. Step Functions also supports service integrations that allow the workflows to send and receive data without needing a Lambda function as a transport layer.

Use this direct integration when:

  • Orchestrating multiple actions.
  • Order of action is required.

Building HTTP APIs direct integrations

HTTP APIs service integrations can be built using the AWS CLI, AWS SAM, or through the API Gateway console. The console walks through contextual choices to help you understand what is required for each integration. Each of the integrations also includes an Advanced section to provide additional information for the integration.

Creating an HTTP APIs service integration

Creating an HTTP APIs service integration

Once you build an integration, you can export it as an OpenAPI template that can be used with infrastructure as code (IaC) tools like AWS SAM. The exported template can also include the API Gateway extensions that define the specific integration information.

Exporting the HTTP APIs configuration to OpenAPI

Exporting the HTTP APIs configuration to OpenAPI

OpenAPI template

An example of a direct integration from HTTP APIs to SQS is located in the Sessions With SAM repository. This example includes the following architecture:

AWS SAM template resource architecture

AWS SAM template resource architecture

The AWS SAM template creates the HTTP APIs, SQS queue, Lambda function, and both Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles required. This is all generated in 58 lines of code and looks like this:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: HTTP API direct integrations

    Type: AWS::SQS::Queue
    Type: AWS::Serverless::HttpApi
          Name: 'AWS::Include'
            Location: './api.yaml'
    Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
        Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Effect: "Allow"
              Service: "apigateway.amazonaws.com"
              - "sts:AssumeRole"
        - PolicyName: ApiDirectWriteToSQS
            Version: '2012-10-17'
              - sqs:SendMessage
              Effect: Allow
                - !GetAtt MyQueue.Arn
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      CodeUri: src/
      Handler: app.lambdaHandler
      Runtime: nodejs12.x
        - SQSPollerPolicy:
            QueueName: !GetAtt MyQueue.QueueName
          Type: SQS
            Queue: !GetAtt MyQueue.Arn

    Description: "HTTP API endpoint URL"
    Value: !Sub "https://${MyHttpApi}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}.amazonaws.com"

The OpenAPI template handles the route definitions for the HTTP API configuration and configures the service integration. The template looks like this:

openapi: "3.0.1"
  title: "my-sqs-api"
          description: "Default response for POST /"
        integrationSubtype: "SQS-SendMessage"
          Fn::GetAtt: [MyHttpApiRole, Arn]
          MessageBody: "$request.body.MessageBody"
            Ref: MyQueue
        payloadFormatVersion: "1.0"
        type: "aws_proxy”
        connectionType: "INTERNET"
x-amazon-apigateway-importexport-version: "1.0"

Because the OpenAPI template is included in the AWS SAM template via a transform, the API Gateway integration can reference the roles and services created within the AWS SAM template.


This post covers the concept of storage first integration patterns and how the new HTTP APIs direct integrations can help. I cover the five current integrations and possible use cases for each. Additionally, I demonstrate how to use AWS SAM to build and manage the integrated applications using infrastructure as code.

Using the storage first pattern with direct integrations can help developers build serverless applications that are more durable with fewer lines of code. A Lambda function is no longer required to transport data from the API endpoint to the desired service. Instead, use Lambda function invocations for differentiating business logic.

To learn more join us for the HTTP API service integrations session of Sessions With SAM! 


Using serverless backends to iterate quickly on web apps – part 2

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/using-serverless-backends-to-iterate-quickly-on-web-apps-part-2/

This series is about building flexible solutions that can adapt as user requirements change. One of the challenges of building modern web applications is that requirements can change quickly. This is especially true for new applications that are finding their product-market fit. Many development teams start building a product with one set of requirements, and quickly find they must build a product with different features.

For both start-ups and enterprises, it’s often important to find a development methodology and architecture that allows flexibility. This is the surest way to keep up with feature requests in evolving products and innovate to delight your end-users. In this post, I show how to build sophisticated workflows using minimal custom code.

Part 1 introduces the Happy Path application that allows park visitors to share maps and photos with other users. In that post, I explain the functionality, how to deploy the application, and walk through the backend architecture.

The Happy Path application accepts photo uploads from users’ smartphones. The application architecture must support 100,000 monthly active users. These binary uploads are typically 3–9 MB in size and must be resized and optimized for efficient distribution.

Using a serverless approach, you can develop a robust low-code solution that can scale to handle millions of images. Additionally, the solution shown here is designed to handle complex changes that are introduced in subsequent versions of the software. The code and instructions for this application are available in the GitHub repo.

Architecture overview

After installing the backend in the previous post, the architecture looks like this:

In this design, the API, storage, and notification layers exist as one application, and the business logic layer is a separate application. These two applications are deployed using AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) templates. This architecture uses Amazon EventBridge to pass events between the two applications.

In the business logic layer:

  1. The workflow starts when events are received from EventBridge. Each time a new object is uploaded by an end-user, the PUT event in the Amazon S3 Upload bucket triggers this process.
  2. After the workflow is completed successfully, processed images are stored in the Distribution bucket. Related metadata for the object is also stored in the application’s Amazon DynamoDB table.

By separating the architecture into two independent applications, you can replace the business logic layer as needed. Providing that the workflow accepts incoming events and then stores processed images in the S3 bucket and DynamoDB table, the workflow logic becomes interchangeable. Using the pattern, this workflow can be upgraded to handle new functionality.

Introducing AWS Step Functions for workflow management

One of the challenges in building distributed applications is coordinating components. These systems are composed of separate services, which makes orchestrating workflows more difficult than working with a single monolithic application. As business logic grows more complex, if you attempt to manage this in custom code, it can become quickly convoluted. This is especially true if it handles retries and error handling logic, and it can be hard to test and maintain.

AWS Step Functions is designed to coordinate and manage these workflows in distributed serverless applications. To do this, you create state machine diagrams using Amazon States Language (ASL). Step Functions renders a visualization of your state machine, which makes it simpler to see the flow of data from one service to another.

Each state machine consists of a series of steps. Each step takes an input and produces an output. Using ASL, you define how this data progresses through the state machine. The flow from step to step is called a transition. All state machines transition from a Start state towards an End state.

The Step Functions service manages the state of individual executions. The service also supports versioning, which makes it easier to modify state machines in production systems. Executions continue to use the version of a state machine when they were started, so it’s possible to have active executions on multiple versions.

For developers using VS Code, the AWS Toolkit extension provides support for writing state machines using ASL. It also renders visualizations of those workflows. Combined with AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) templates, this provides a powerful way to deploy and maintain applications based on Step Functions. I refer to this IDE and AWS SAM in this walkthrough.

Version 1: Image resizing

The Happy Path application uses Step Functions to manage the image-processing part of the backend. The first version of this workflow resizes the uploaded image.

To see this workflow:

  1. In VS Code, open the workflows/statemachines folder in the Explorer panel.
  2. Choose the v1.asl.sjon file.v1 state machine
  3. Choose the Render graph option in the CodeLens. This opens the workflow visualization.CodeLens - Render graph

In this basic workflow, the state machine starts at the Resizer step, then progresses to the Publish step before ending:

  • In the top-level attributes in the definition, StartsAt sets the Resizer step as the first action.
  • The Resizer step is defined as a task with an ARN of a Lambda function. The Next attribute determines that the Publish step is next.
  • In the Publish step, this task defines a Lambda function using an ARN reference. It sets the input payload as the entire JSON payload. This step is set as the End of the workflow.

Deploying the Step Functions workflow

To deploy the state machine:

  1. In the terminal window, change directory to the workflows/templates/v1 folder in the repo.
  2. Execute these commands to build and deploy the AWS SAM template:
    sam build
    sam deploy –guided
  3. The deploy process prompts you for several parameters. Enter happy-path-workflow-v1 as the Stack Name. The other values are the outputs from the backend deployment process, detailed in the repo’s README. Enter these to complete the deployment.
  4. SAM deployment output

Testing and inspecting the deployed workflow

Now the workflow is deployed, you perform an integration test directly from the frontend application.

To test the deployed v1 workflow:

  1. Open the frontend application at https://localhost:8080 in your browser.
  2. Select a park location, choose Show Details, and then choose Upload images.
  3. Select an image from the sample photo dataset.
  4. After a few seconds, you see a pop-up message confirming that the image has been added:Upload confirmation message
  5. Select the same park location again, and the information window now shows the uploaded image:Happy Path - park with image data

To see how the workflow processed this image:

  1. Navigate to the Steps Functions console.
  2. Here you see the v1StateMachine with one execution in the Succeeded column.Successful execution view
  3. Choose the state machine to display more information about the start and end time.State machine detail
  4. Select the execution ID in the Executions panel to open details of this single instance of the workflow.

This view shows important information that’s useful for understanding and debugging an execution. Under Input, you see the event passed into Step Functions by EventBridge:

Event detail from EventBridge

This contains detail about the S3 object event, such as the bucket name and key, together with the placeId, which identifies the location on the map. Under Output, you see the final result from the state machine, shows a successful StatusCode (200) and other metadata:

Event output from the state machine

Using AWS SAM to define and deploy Step Functions state machines

The AWS SAM template defines both the state machine, the trigger for executions, and the permissions needed for Step Functions to execute. The AWS SAM resource for a Step Functions definition is AWS::Serverless::StateMachine.

Definition permissions in state machines

In this example:

  • DefinitionUri refers to an external ASL definition, instead of embedding the JSON in the AWS SAM template directly.
  • DefinitionSubstitutions allow you to use tokens in the ASL definition that refer to resources created in the AWS SAM template. For example, the token ${ResizerFunctionArn} refers to the ARN of the resizer Lambda function.
  • Events define how the state machine is invoked. Here it defines an EventBridge rule. If an event matches this source and detail-type, it triggers an execution.
  • Policies: the Step Functions service must have permission to invoke the services that perform tasks in the state machine. AWS SAM policy templates provide a convenient shorthand for common execution policies, such as invoking a Lambda function.

This workflow application is separate from the main backend template. As more functionality is added to the workflow, you deploy the subsequent AWS SAM templates in the same way.


Using AWS SAM, you can specify serverless resources, configure permissions, and define substitutions for the ASL template. You can deploy a standalone Step Functions-based application using the AWS SAM CLI, separately from other parts of your application. This makes it easier to decouple and maintain larger applications. You can visualize these workflows directly in the VS Code IDE in addition to the AWS Management Console.

In part 3, I show how to build progressively more complex workflows and how to deploy these in-place without affecting the other parts of the application.

To learn more about building serverless web applications, see the Ask Around Me series.