Tag Archives: serverless

Lifting and shifting a web application to AWS Serverless: Part 2

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/lifting-and-shifting-a-web-application-to-aws-serverless-part-2/

In part 1, you learn if it is possible to migrate a non-serverless web application to a serverless environment without changing much code. You learn different tools that can help you in this process, like Lambda Web Adaptor and AWS Amplify. By the end, you have migrated an application into a serverless environment.

However, if you test the migrated app, you find two issues. The first one is that the user session is not sticky. Every time you log in, you are logged out unexpectedly from the application. The second one is that when you create a new product, you cannot upload new images of that product.

This final post analyzes each of the problems in detail and shows solutions. In addition, it analyzes the cost and performance of the solution.

Authentication and authorization migration

The original application handled the authentication and authorization by itself. There is a user directory in the database, with the passwords and emails for each of the users. There are APIs and middleware that take care of validating that the user is logged in before showing the application. All the logic for this is developed inside the Node.js/Express application.

However, with the current migrated application every time you log in, you are logged out unexpectedly from the application. This is because the server code is responsible for handling the authentication and the authorization of the users, and now our server is running in an AWS Lambda function and functions are stateless. This means that there will be one function running per request—a request can load all the products in the landing page, get the details for a product, or log in to the site—and if you do something in one of these functions, the state is not shared across.

To solve this, you must remove the authentication and authorization mechanisms from the function and use a service that can preserve the state across multiple invocations of the functions.

There are many ways to solve this challenge. You can add a layer of authentication and session management with a database like Redis, or build a new microservice that is in charge of authentication and authorization that can handle the state, or use an existing managed service for this.

Because of the migration requirements, we want to keep the cost as low as possible, with the fewest changes to the application. The better solution is to use an existing managed service to handle authentication and authorization.

This demo uses Amazon Cognito, which provides user authentication and authorization to AWS resources in a managed, pay as you go way. One rapid approach is to replace all the server code with calls to Amazon Cognito using the AWS SDK. But this adds complexity that can be replaced completely by just invoking Amazon Cognito APIs from the React application.

Using Cognito

For example, when a new user is registered, the application creates the user in the Amazon Cognito user pool directory, as well as in the application database. But when a user logs in to the web app, the application calls Amazon Cognito API directly from the AWS Amplify application. This way minimizes the amount of code needed.

In the original application, all authenticated server APIs are secured with a middleware that validates that the user is authenticated by providing an access token. With the new setup that doesn’t change, but the token is generated by Amazon Cognito and then it can be validated in the backend.

let auth = (req, res, next) => {
    const token = req.headers.authorization;
    const jwtToken = token.replace('Bearer ', '');

        .then((valid) => {
            if (valid) {
                getCognitoUser(jwtToken).then((email) => {
                    User.findByEmail(email, (err, user) => {
                        if (err) throw err;
                        if (!user)
                            return res.json({
                                isAuth: false,
                                error: true,

                        req.user = user;
            } else {
                throw Error('Not valid Token');
        .catch((error) => {
            return res.json({
                isAuth: false,
                error: true,

You can see how this is implemented step by step in this video.

Storage migration

In the original application, when a new product is created, a new image is uploaded to the Node.js/Express server. However, now the application resides in a Lambda function. The code (and files) that are part of that function cannot change, unless the function is redeployed. Consequently, you must separate the user storage from the server code.

For doing this, there are a couple of solutions: using Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) or Amazon S3. EFS is a file storage, and you can use that to have a dynamic storage where you upload the new images. Using EFS won’t change much of the code, as the original implementation is using a directory inside the server as EFS provides. However, using EFS adds more complexity to the application, as functions that use EFS must be inside an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC).

Using S3 to upload your images to the application is simpler, as it only requires that an S3 bucket exists. For doing this, you must refactor the application, from uploading the image to the application API to use the AWS Amplify library that uploads and gets images from S3.

export function uploadImage(file) {
    const fileName = `uploads/${file.name}`;

    const request = Storage.put(fileName, file).then((result) => {
        return {
            image: fileName,
            success: true,

    return {
        type: IMAGE_UPLOAD,
        payload: request,

An important benefit of using S3 is that you can also use Amazon CloudFront to accelerate the retrieval of the images from the cloud. In this way, you can speed up the loading time of your page. You can see how this is implemented step by step in this video.

How much does this application cost?

If you deploy this application in an empty AWS account, most of the usage of this application is covered by the AWS Free Tier. Serverless services, like Lambda and Amazon Cognito, have a forever free tier that gives you the benefits in pricing for the lifetime of hosting the application.

  • AWS Lambda—With 100 requests per hour, an average 10ms invocation and 1GB of memory configured, it costs 0 USD per month.
  • Amazon S3—Using S3 standard, hosting 1 GB per month and 10k PUT and GET requests per month costs 0.07 USD per month. This can be optimized using S3 Intelligent-Tiering.
  • Amazon Cognito—Provides 50,000 monthly active users for free.
  • AWS Amplify—If you build your client application once a week, serve 3 GB and store 1 GB per month, this costs 0.87 USD.
  • AWS Secrets Manager—There are two secrets stored using Secrets Manager and this costs 1.16 USD per month. This can be optimized by using AWS System Manager Parameter Store and AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS).
  • MongoDB Atlas Forever free shared cluster.

The total monthly cost of this application is approximately 2.11 USD.

Performance analysis

After you migrate the application, you can run a page speed insight tool, to measure this application’s performance. This tool provides results mostly about the front end and the experience that the user perceives. The results are displayed in the following image. The performance of this website is good, according to the insight tool performance score – it responds quickly and the user experience is good.

Page speed insight tool results

After the application is migrated to a serverless environment, you can do some refactoring to improve further the overall performance. One alternative is whenever a new image is uploaded, it gets resized and formatted into the correct next-gen format automatically using the event driven capabilities that S3 provides. Another alternative is to use Lambda on Edge to serve the right image size for the device, as it is possible to format the images on the fly when serving them from a distribution.

You can run load tests for understanding how your backend and database will perform. For this, you can use Artillery, an open-source library that allows you to run load tests. You can run tests with the expected maximum load your site will get and ensure that your site can handle it.

For example, you can configure a test that sends 30 requests per seconds to see how your application reacts:

  target: 'https://xxx.lambda-url.eu-west-1.on.aws'
    - duration: 240
      arrivalRate: 30
      name: Testing
  - name: 'Test main page'
      - post:
          url: '/api/product/getProducts/'

This test is performed on the backend APIs, not only testing your backend but also your integration with the MongoDB. After running it, you can see how the Lambda function performs on the Amazon CloudWatch dashboard.

Running this load test helps you understand the limitations of your system. For example, if you run a test with too many concurrent users, you might see that the number of throttles in your function increases. This means that you need to lift the limit of invocations of the functions you can have at the same time.

Or when increasing the requests per second, you may find that the MongoDB cluster starts throttling your requests. This is because you are using the free tier and that has a set number of connections. You might need a larger cluster or to migrate your database to another service that provides a large free tier, like Amazon DynamoDB.

Cloudwatch dashboard


In this two-part article, you learn if it is possible to migrate a non-serverless web application to a serverless environment without changing much code. You learn different tools that can help you in this process, like AWS Lambda Web Adaptor and AWS Amplify, and how to solve some of the typical challenges that we have, like storage and authentication.

After the application is hosted in a fully serverless environment, it can scale up and down to meet your needs. This web application is also performant once the backend is hosted in a Lambda function.

If you need, from here you can start using the strangler pattern to refactor the application to take advantage of the benefits of event-driven architecture.

To see all the steps of the migration, there is a playlist that contains all the tutorials for you to follow.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Lifting and shifting a web application to AWS Serverless: Part 1

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/lifting-and-shifting-a-web-application-to-aws-serverless-part-1/

Customers migrating to the cloud often want to get the benefits of serverless architecture. But what is the best approach and is it possible? There are many strategies to do a migration, but lift and shift is often the fastest way to get to production with the migrated workload.

You might also wonder if it’s possible to lift and shift an existing application that runs in a traditional environment to serverless. This blog post shows how to do this for a Mongo, Express, React, and Node.js (MERN) stack web app. However, the discussions presented in this post apply to other stacks too.

Why do a lift and shift migration?

Lift and shift, or sometimes referred to as rehosting the application, is moving the application with as few changes as possible. Lift and shift migrations often allow you to get the new workload in production as fast as possible. When migrating to serverless, lift and shift can bring a workload that is not yet in the cloud or in a serverless environment to use managed and serverless services quickly.

Migrating a non-serverless workload to serverless with lift and shift might not bring all the serverless benefits right away, but it enables the development team to refactor, using the strangler pattern, the parts of the application that might benefit from what serverless technologies offer.

Why migrate a web app to serverless?

Web apps hosted in a serverless environment benefit most from the capability of serverless applications to scale automatically and for paying for what you use.

Imagine that you have a personal web app with little traffic. If you are hosting in a serverless environment, you don’t pay a fixed price to have the servers up and running. Your web app has only a few requests and the rest of the time is idle.

This benefit applies to the opposite case. For an owner of a small ecommerce site running on a server, imagine if a social media influencer with millions of followers recommends one of their products. Suddenly, thousands of requests arrive and make the site unavailable. If the site is hosted on a serverless platform, the application will scale to the traffic that it receives.

Requirements for migration

Before starting a migration, it is important to define the nonfunctional requirements that you need the new application to have. These requirements help when you must make architectural decisions during the migration process.

These are the nonfunctional requirements of this migration:

  • Environment that scales to zero and scales up automatically.
  • Pay as little as possible for idle time.
  • Configure as little infrastructure as possible.
  • Automatic high availability of the application.
  • Minimal changes to the original code.

Application overview

This blog post guides you on how to migrate a MERN application. The original application is hosted in two different servers: One contains the Mongo database and another contains the Node/js/Express and ReactJS applications.

Application overview

This demo application simulates a swag ecommerce site. The database layer stores the products, users, and the purchases history. The server layer takes care of the ecommerce business logic, hosting the product images, and user authentication and authorization. The web layer takes care of all the user interaction and communicates with the server layer using REST APIs.

How the application looks like

These are the changes that you must make to migrate to a serverless environment:

  • Database migration: Migrate the database from on-premises to MongoDB Atlas.
  • Backend migration: Migrate the NodeJS/Express application from on-premises to an AWS Lambda function.
  • Web app migration: Migrate the React web app from on-premises to AWS Amplify.
  • Authentication migration: Migrate the custom-built authentication to use Amazon Cognito.
  • Storage migration: Migrate the local storage of images to use Amazon S3 and Amazon CloudFront.

The following image shows the proposed solution for the migrated application:

Proposed architecture

Database migration

The database is already in a MongoDB vanilla container that has all the data for this application. As MongoDB is the database engine for our stack, their recommended solution to migrate to serverless is to use MongoDB Atlas. Atlas provides a database cluster in the cloud that scales automatically and you pay for what you use.

To get started, create a new Atlas cluster, then migrate the data from the existing database to the serverless one. To migrate the data, you can first dump all the content of the database to a dump folder and then restore it to the cloud:

mongodump --uri="mongodb://<localuser>:<localpassword>@localhost:27017"

mongorestore --uri="mongodb+srv://<user>:<password>@<clustername>.debkm.mongodb.net" .

After doing that, your data is now in the cloud. The next step is to change the configuration string in the server to point to the new database. To see this in action, check this video that shows a walkthrough of the migration.

Backend migration

Migrating the Node.js/Express backend is the most challenging of the layers to migrate to a serverless environment, as the server layer is a Node.js application that runs in a server.

One option for this migration is to use AWS Fargate. Fargate is a serverless container service that allows you to scale automatically and you pay as you go. Another option is to use AWS AppRunner, a container service that auto scales and you also pay as you go. However, neither of these options align with our migration requirements, as they don’t scale to zero.

Another option for the lift and shift migration of this Node.js application is to use Lambda with the AWS Lambda Web Adapter. The AWS Lambda Web Adapter is an open-source project that allows you to build web applications with familiar frameworks, like Express.js, Flask, SpringBoot, and run it on Lambda. You can learn more about this project in its GitHub repository.

Lambda Web Adapter

Using this project, you can create a new Lambda function that has the Express/NodeJS application as the function code. You can lift and shift all the code into the function. If you want a step-by-step tutorial on how to do this, check out this video.

const lambdaAdapterFunction = new Function(this,`${props.stage}-LambdaAdapterFunction`,
                runtime: Runtime.NODEJS_16_X,
                code: Code.fromAsset('backend-app'),
                handler: 'run.sh',
                environment: {
                    AWS_LAMBDA_EXEC_WRAPPER: '/opt/bootstrap',
                    REGION: this.region,
                    ASYNC_INIT: 'true',
                memorySize: 1024,
                layers: [layerLambdaAdapter],
                timeout: Duration.seconds(2),
                tracing: Tracing.ACTIVE,

The next step is to create an HTTP endpoint for the server application. There are three options for doing this: API Gateway, Application Load Balancer (ALB) , or to use Lambda Function URLs. All the options are compatible with Lambda Web Adapter and can solve the challenge for you.

For this demo, choose function URLs, as they are simple to configure and one function URL forwards all routes to the Express server. API Gateway and ALB require more configuration and have separate costs, while the cost of function URLs is included in the Lambda function.

Web app migration

The final layer to migrate is the React application. The best way to migrate the web layer and to adhere to the migration requirements is to use AWS Amplify to host it. AWS Amplify is a fully managed service that provides many features like hosting web applications and managing the CICD process for the web app. It provides client libraries to connect to different AWS resources, and many other features.

Migrating the React application is as simple as creating a new Amplify application in your AWS account and uploading the React application to a code repository like GitHub. This AWS Amplify application is connected to a GitHub branch, and when there is a new commit in this branch, AWS Amplify redeploys the code.

The Amplify application receives configuration parameters like the function URL endpoint (the server URL) using environmental variables.

const amplifyApp = new App(this, `${props.stage}-AmplifyReactShopApp`, {
            sourceCodeProvider: new GitHubSourceCodeProvider({
                owner: config.frontend.owner,
                repository: config.frontend.repository_name,
                oauthToken: SecretValue.secretsManager('github-token'),
            environmentVariables: {
                REGION: this.region,
                SERVER_URL: props.serverURL,

If you want to see a step-by-step guide on how to make your web layer serverless, you can check this video.

Next steps

However, if you test this migrated app, you will find two issues. The first one is that the user session is not sticky. Every time you log in, you are logged out unexpectedly from the application. The second one is that when you create a new product, you cannot upload new images of that product.

In part two, I analyze each of the problems in detail and find solutions. These issues arise because of the stateless and immutable characteristics of this solution. The next part of this article explains how to solve these issues, also it analyzes costs and performance of the solution.


In this article, you learn if it is possible to migrate a non-serverless web application to a serverless environment without changing much code. You learn different tools that can help you in this process, like the AWS Lambda Web Adaptor and AWS Amplify.

If you want to see the migration in action and learn all the steps for this, there is a playlist that contains all the tutorials for you to follow and learn how this is possible.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Introducing message data protection for Amazon SNS

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-message-data-protection-for-amazon-sns/

This post is written by Otavio Ferreira, Senior Software Development Manager, Marc Pinaud, Senior Product Manager, Usman Nisar, Senior Software Engineer, Hardik Vasa, Senior Solutions Architect, and Mithun Mallick, Senior Specialist Solution Architect.

Today, we are announcing the public preview release of new data protection capabilities for Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), message data protection. This is a new way to discover and protect sensitive data in motion at scale, without writing custom code.

SNS is a fully managed serverless messaging service. It provides topics for push-based, many-to-many pub/sub messaging for decoupling distributed systems, microservices, and event-driven serverless applications. As applications grow, so does the amount of data transmitted and the number of systems sending and receiving data. When moving data between different applications, guardrails can help you comply with data privacy regulations that require you to safeguard sensitive personally identifiable information (PII) or protected health information (PHI).

With message data protection for SNS, you can scan messages in real time for PII/PHI data and receive audit reports containing scan results. You can also prevent applications from receiving sensitive data by blocking inbound messages to an SNS topic or outbound messages to an SNS subscription. Message data protection for SNS supports a repository of over 25 unique PII/PHI data identifiers. These include people’s names, addresses, social security numbers, credit card numbers, and prescription drug codes.

These capabilities can help you adhere to a variety of compliance regulations, including HIPAA, FedRAMP, GDPR, and PCI. For more information, including the complete list of supported data identifiers, see message data protection in the SNS Developer Guide.


SNS topics enable you to integrate distributed applications more easily. As applications become more complex, it can become challenging for topic owners to manage the data flowing through their topics. Developers that publish messages to a topic may inadvertently send sensitive data, increasing regulatory risk. Message data protection enables SNS topic owners to protect sensitive application data with built-in, no-code, scalable capabilities.

To discover and protect data flowing through SNS topics with message data protection, topic owners associate data protection policies to their topics. Within these policies, you can write statements that define which types of sensitive data you want to discover and protect. As part of this, you can define whether you want to act on data flowing inbound to a topic or outbound to a subscription, which AWS accounts or specific AWS Identity and Access Management (AWS IAM) principals the policy is applicable to, and the actions you want to take on the data.

Message data protection provides two actions to help you protect your data. Auditing, to report on the amount of PII/PHI found, and blocking, to prevent the publishing or delivery of payloads that contain PII/PHI data. Once the data protection policy is set, message data protection uses pattern matching and machine learning models to scan your messages in real time for PII/PHI data identifiers and enforce the data protection policy.

For auditing, you can choose to send audit reports to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) for archival, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose for analytics, or Amazon CloudWatch for logging and alarming. Message data protection does not interfere with the topic owner’s ability to use message data encryption at rest, nor with the subscriber’s ability to filter out unwanted messages using message filtering.

Applying message data protection in a use case

Consider an application that processes a variety of transactions for a set of health clinics, an organization that operates in a regulated environment. Compliance frameworks require that the organization take measures to protect both sensitive health records and financial information.

Reference architecture

The application is based on an event-driven serverless architecture. It has a data protection policy attached to the topic to audit for sensitive data and prevent downstream systems from processing certain data types.

The application publishes an event to an SNS topic every time a patient schedules a visit or sees a doctor at a clinic. The SNS topic fans out the event to two subscribed systems, billing and scheduling. Each system stores events in an Amazon SQS queue, which is processed using an AWS Lambda function.

Setting a data protection policy to an SNS topic

You can apply a data protection policy to an SNS topic using the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, or the AWS SDKs. You can also use AWS CloudFormation to automate the provisioning of the data protection policy.

This example uses CloudFormation to provision the infrastructure. You have two options for deploying the resources:

  • Deploy the resources by using the message data protection deploy script within the aws-sns-samples repository in GitHub.
  • Alternatively, use the following four CloudFormation templates in order. Allow time for each stack to complete before deploying the next stack, to create the following resources:

1. Prerequisites template

  • Two IAM roles with a managed policy that allows access to receive messages from the SNS topic, one for the billing and another for scheduling system, respectively.

2. Topic owner template

  • SNS topic that delivers events to two distinct systems.
  • A data protection policy that defines both auditing and blocking actions for specific types of PII and PHI.
  • S3 bucket to archive audit findings.
  • CloudWatch log group to monitor audit findings.
  • Kinesis Data Firehose to deliver audit findings to other destinations.

3. Scheduling subscriber template

  • SQS queue for the Scheduling system.
  • Lambda function for the Scheduling system.

4. Billing subscriber template

  • SQS queue for the Billing system.
  • Lambda function for the Billing system.

CloudFormation creates the following data protection policy as part of the topic owner template:

    Type: 'AWS::SNS::Topic'
      TopicName: SampleClinic
        Name: data-protection-example-policy
        Description: Policy Description
        Version: 2021-06-01
          - Sid: audit
            DataDirection: Inbound
             - '*'
              - 'arn:aws:dataprotection::aws:data-identifier/Address'
              - 'arn:aws:dataprotection::aws:data-identifier/AwsSecretKey'
              - 'arn:aws:dataprotection::aws:data-identifier/DriversLicense-US'
              - 'arn:aws:dataprotection::aws:data-identifier/EmailAddress'
              - 'arn:aws:dataprotection::aws:data-identifier/IpAddress'
              - 'arn:aws:dataprotection::aws:data-identifier/NationalDrugCode-US'
              - 'arn:aws:dataprotection::aws:data-identifier/PassportNumber-US'
              - 'arn:aws:dataprotection::aws:data-identifier/Ssn-US'
                SampleRate: 99
                    LogGroup: !Ref AuditCWLLogs
                    DeliveryStream: !Ref AuditFirehose
                    Bucket: !Ref AuditS3Bucket
          - Sid: deny-inbound
            DataDirection: Inbound
              - '*'
              - 'arn:aws:dataprotection::aws:data-identifier/PassportNumber-US'
              - 'arn:aws:dataprotection::aws:data-identifier/Ssn-US'
              Deny: {}
          - Sid: deny-outbound-billing
            DataDirection: Outbound
              - !ImportValue "BillingRoleExportDataProtectionDemo"
              - 'arn:aws:dataprotection::aws:data-identifier/NationalDrugCode-US'
              Deny: {}
          - Sid: deny-outbound-scheduling
            DataDirection: Outbound
              - !ImportValue "SchedulingRoleExportDataProtectionDemo"
              - 'arn:aws:dataprotection::aws:data-identifier/Address'
              - 'arn:aws:dataprotection::aws:data-identifier/CreditCardNumber'
              Deny: {}

This data protection policy defines:

  • Metadata about the data protection policy, for example name, description, version, and statement IDs (sid).
  • The first statement (sid: audit) scans inbound messages from all principals for addresses, social security numbers, driver’s license, email addresses, IP addresses, national drug codes, passport numbers, and AWS secret keys.
    • The sampling rate is set to 99% so almost all messages are scanned for the defined PII/PHI.
    • Audit results with findings are delivered to CloudWatch Logs and Kinesis Data Firehose for analytics. Audit results without findings are archived to S3.
  • The second statement (sid: deny-inbound) blocks inbound messages to the topic coming from any principal, if the payload includes either a social security number or passport number.
  • The third statement (sid: deny-outbound-billing) blocks the delivery of messages to subscriptions created by the BillingRole, if the messages include any national drug codes.
  • The fourth statement (sid: deny-outbound-scheduling) blocks the delivery of messages to subscriptions created by the SchedulingRole, if the messages include any credit card numbers or addresses.

Testing the capabilities

Test the message data protection capabilities using the following steps:

  1. Publish a message without PII/PHI data to the Clinic Topic. In the CloudWatch console, navigate to the log streams of the respective Lambda functions to confirm that the message is delivered to both subscribers. Both messages are delivered because the payload contains no sensitive data for the data protection policy to deny. The log message looks as follows:
    "This is a demo! received from queue arn:aws:sqs:us-east-1:111222333444:Scheduling-SchedulingQueue"
  2. Publish a message with a social security number (try ‘SSN: 123-12-1234’) to the Clinic Topic. The request is denied, and an audit log is delivered to your CloudWatch Logs log group and Firehose delivery stream.
  3. Navigate to the CloudWatch log console and confirm that the audit log is visible in the /aws/vendedlogs/clinicaudit CloudWatch log group. The following example shows that the data protection policy (sid: deny-inbound) denied the inbound message as the payload contains a US social security number (SSN) between the 5th and the 15th character.
        "messageId": "77ec5f0c-5129-5429-b01d-0457b965c0ac",
        "auditTimestamp": "2022-07-28T01:27:40Z",
        "callerPrincipal": "arn:aws:iam::111222333444:role/Admin",
        "resourceArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:111222333444:SampleClinic",
        "dataIdentifiers": [
                "name": "Ssn-US",
                "count": 1,
                "detections": [
                        "start": 5,
                        "end": 15
  4. You can use the CloudWatch metrics, MessageWithFindings and MessageWithNoFindings, to track how frequently PII/PHI data is published to an SNS topic. Here’s an example of what the CloudWatch metric graph looks like as the amount of sensitive data published to a topic varies over time:
    CloudWatch metric graph
  5. Publish a message with an address (try ‘410 Terry Ave N, Seattle 98109, WA’). The request is only delivered to the Billing subscription. The data protection policy (sid: deny-outbound-scheduling) denies the outbound message to the Scheduling subscription as the payload contains an address.
  6. Confirm that the message is only delivered to the Billing Lambda function by navigating to the CloudWatch console and inspecting the logs of the two respective Lambda functions. The CloudWatch log of the Billing Lambda function contains the sensitive message that was delivered to it as it was an authorized subscriber. Here’s an example of what the log contains:410 Terry Ave N, Seattle 98109, WA received from queue arn:aws:sqs:us-east-1:111222333444:Billing-BillingQueue
  7. Publish a message with a drug code (try ‘NDC: 0777-3105-02’). The request is only delivered to the Scheduling subscription. The data protection policy (sid: deny-outbound-billing) denies the outbound message to the Billing subscription as the payload contains a drug code.
  8. Confirm that the message is only delivered to the Scheduling Lambda function by navigating to the CloudWatch console and inspecting the logs of the two respective Lambda functions. The CloudWatch log of the Scheduling Lambda function contains the sensitive message that was delivered to it as it was an authorized subscriber. Here’s an example of what the log contains:
    NDC: 0777-3105-02 received from queue arn:aws:sqs:us-east-1:111222333444:Scheduling-SchedulingQueue

Cleaning up

After testing, avoid incurring usage charges by deleting the resources that you created. Navigate to the CloudFormation console and delete the four CloudFormation stacks that you created during the walkthrough. Remember, you must delete all the objects from the S3 bucket before deleting the stack.


This post shows how message data protection enables a topic owner to discover and protect sensitive data that is exchanged through SNS topics. The example shows how to create a data protection policy that generates audit reports for sensitive data and blocks messages from delivery to specific subscribers if the payload contains sensitive data.

Get started with SNS and message data protection by using the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), AWS SDKs, or CloudFormation.

For more details, see message data protection in the SNS Developer Guide. For information on pricing, see SNS pricing.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Implement step-up authentication with Amazon Cognito, Part 2: Deploy and test the solution

Post Syndicated from Salman Moghal original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/implement-step-up-authentication-with-amazon-cognito-part-2-deploy-and-test-the-solution/

This solution consists of two parts. In the previous blog post Implement step-up authentication with Amazon Cognito, Part 1: Solution overview, you learned about the architecture and design of a step-up authentication solution that uses AWS services such as Amazon API Gateway, Amazon Cognito, Amazon DynamoDB, and AWS Lambda to protect privileged API operations. In this post, you will use a reference implementation to deploy and test the step-up authentication solution in your AWS account.

Solution deployment

The step-up authentication solution discussed in Part 1 uses a reference implementation that you can use for demonstration and learning purposes. You can also review the implementation code in the step-up-auth GitHub repository. The reference implementation includes a web application that you can use in the following sections to test the step-up implementation. Additionally, the implementation contains a sample privileged API action /transfer and a non-privileged API action /info, and two step-up authentication solution API operations /initiate-auth, and /respond-to-challenge. The web application invokes these API operations to demonstrate how to perform step-up authentication.

Deployment prerequisites

The following are prerequisites for deployment:

  1. The Node.js runtime and the node package manager (npm) are installed on your machine. You can use a package manager for your platform to install these. Note that the reference implementation code was tested using Node.js v16 LTS.
  2. The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is installed in your environment.
  3. The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) is installed in your environment.
  4. You must have AWS credentials files that contain a profile with your account secret key and access key to perform the deployment. Make sure that your account has enough privileges to create, update, or delete the following resources:
  5. A two-factor authentication (2FA) mobile application, such as Google Authenticator, is installed on your mobile device.

Deploy the step-up solution

You can deploy the solution by using the AWS CDK, which will create a working reference implementation of the step-up authentication solution.

To deploy the solution

  1. Build the necessary resources by using the build.sh script in the deployment folder. Run the build script from a terminal window, using the following command:
    cd deployment && ./build.sh
  2. Deploy the solution by using the deploy.sh script that is present in the deployment folder, using the following command. Be sure to replace the required environment variables with your own values.
    export AWS_REGION=<your AWS Region of choice, for example us-east-2>
    export AWS_ACCOUNT=<your account number>
    export AWS_PROFILE=<a valid profile in .aws/credentials that contains the secret/access key to your account>
    export NODE_ENV=development
    export ENV_PREFIX=dev

    The account you specify in the AWS_ACCOUNT environment variable is used to bootstrap the AWS CDK deployment. Set AWS_PROFILE to point to your profile. Make sure that your account has sufficient privileges, as described in the prerequisites.

    The NODE_ENV environment variable can be set to development or production. This variable controls the log output that the Lambda functions generate. The ENV_PREFIX environment variable allows you to prefix all resources with a tag, which enables a multi-tenant deployment of this solution.

  3. Still in the deployment folder, deploy the stack by using the following command:
  4. Make note of the CloudFront distribution URL that follows Sample Web App URL, as shown in Figure 1. In the next section, you will use this CloudFront distribution URL to load the sample web app in a web browser and test the step-up solution
    Figure 1: The output of the deployment process

    Figure 1: The output of the deployment process

After the deployment script deploy.sh completes successfully, the AWS CDK creates the following resources in your account:

  • An Amazon Cognito user pool that is used as a user registry.
  • An Amazon API Gateway API that contains three resources:
    • A protected resource that requires step-up authentication.
    • An initiate-auth resource to start the step-up challenge response.
    • A respond-to-challenge resource to complete the step-up challenge.
  • An API Gateway Lambda authorizer that is used to protect API actions.
  • The following Amazon DynamoDB tables:
    • A setting table that holds the configuration mapping of the API operations that require elevated privileges.
    • A session table that holds temporary, user-initiated step-up sessions and their current status.
  • A React web UI that demonstrates how to invoke a privileged API action and go through step-up authentication.

Test the step-up solution

In order to test the step-up solution, you’ll use the sample web application that you deployed in the previous section. Here’s an overview of the actions you’ll perform to test the flow:

  1. In the AWS Management Console, create items in the setting DynamoDB table that point to privileged API actions. After the solution deployment, the setting DynamoDB table is called step-up-auth-setting-<ENV_PREFIX>. For more information about ENV_PREFIX variable usage in a multi-tenant environment, see Deploy the step-up solution earlier in this post.

    As discussed, in the Data design section in Part 1 of this series, the Lambda authorizer treats all API invocations as non-privileged (that is, they don’t require step-up authentication) unless there is a matching entry for the API action in the setting table. Additionally, you can switch a privileged API action to a non-privileged API action by simply changing the stepUpState attribute in the setting table. Create an item in the DynamoDB table for the sample /transfer API action and for the sample /info API action. The /transfer API action will require step-up authentication, whereas the /info API action will be a non-privileged invocation that does not require step-up authentication. Note that there is no need to define a non-privileged API action in the table; it is there for illustration purposes only.

  2. If you haven’t already, install Google Authenticator or a similar two-factor authentication (2FA) application on your mobile device.
  3. Using the sample web application, register a new user in Amazon Cognito.
  4. Log in to the sample web application by using the registered new user.
  5. Configure the preferred multi-factor authentication (MFA) settings for the logged in user in the application. This step is necessary so that Amazon Cognito can challenge the user with a one-time password (OTP).
  6. Using the sample web application, invoke the sample /transfer privileged API action that requires step-up authentication.
  7. The Lambda authorizer will intercept the API request and return a 401 Unauthorized response status code that the sample web application will handle. The application will perform step-up authentication by prompting you to provide additional security credentials, specifically the OTP. To complete the step-up authentication, enter the OTP, which is sent through short service message (SMS) or by using an authenticator mobile app.
  8. Invoke the sample /transfer privileged API action again in the sample web application, and verify that the API invocation is successful.

The following instructions assume that you’ve installed a 2FA mobile application, such as Google Authenticator, on your mobile device. You will configure the 2FA application in the following steps and use the OTP from this mobile application when prompted to enter the step-up challenge. You can configure Amazon Cognito to send you an SMS with the OTP. However, you must be aware of the Amazon Cognito throttling limits. See the Additional considerations section in Part 1 of this series. Read these limits carefully, especially if you set the user’s preferred MFA setting to SMS.

To test the step-up authentication solution

  1. Open the Amazon DynamoDB console and log in to your AWS account.
  2. On the left nav pane, under Tables, choose Explore items. In the right pane, choose the table named step-up-auth-setting* and choose Create item, as shown in Figure 2.
    Figure 2: Choose the step-up-auth-setting* table and choose Create item button

    Figure 2: Choose the step-up-auth-setting* table and choose Create item button

  3. In the Edit item screen as shown in Figure 3, ensure that JSON is selected, and the Attributes button for View DynamoDB JSON is off.
    Figure 3: Edit an item in the table - select JSON and turn off View DynamoDB JSON button

    Figure 3: Edit an item in the table – select JSON and turn off View DynamoDB JSON button

  4. To create an entry for the /info API action, copy the following JSON text:
       "id": "/info",
       "lastUpdateTimestamp": "2021-08-23T08:25:29.023Z",
       "stepUpState": "STEP_UP_NOT_REQUIRED",
       "createTimestamp": "2021-08-23T08:25:29.023Z"
  5. Paste the copied JSON text for the /info API action in the Attributes text area, as shown in Figure 4, and choose Create item.
    Figure 4: Create an entry for the /info API action

    Figure 4: Create an entry for the /info API action

  6. To create an entry for the /transfer API action, copy the following JSON text:
       "id": "/transfer",
       "lastUpdateTimestamp": "2021-08-23T08:22:12.436Z",
       "stepUpState": "STEP_UP_REQUIRED",
       "createTimestamp": "2021-08-23T08:22:12.436Z"
  7. Paste the copied JSON text for the /transfer API action in the Attributes text area, as shown in Figure 4, and choose Create item.
    Figure 5: Create an entry for the /transfer API action

    Figure 5: Create an entry for the /transfer API action

  8. Open your web browser and load the CloudFront URL that you made note of in step 4 of the Deploy the step-up solution procedure.
  9. On the login screen of the sample web application, enter the information for a new user. Make sure that the email address and phone numbers are valid. Choose Register. You will be prompted to enter a verification code. Check your email for the verification code, and enter it at the sample web application prompt.
  10. You will be sent back to the login screen. Log in as the user that you just registered. You will see the welcome screen, as shown in Figure 6.
    Figure 6: Welcome screen of the sample web application

    Figure 6: Welcome screen of the sample web application

  11. In the left nav pane choose Setting, choose the Configure button to the right of Software Token, as shown in Figure 7. Use your mobile device camera to capture the QR code on the screen in your 2FA application, for example Google Authenticator.
    Figure 7: Configure Software Token screen with QR code

    Figure 7: Configure Software Token screen with QR code

  12. Enter the temporary code from the 2FA application into the web application and choose Submit. You will see the message Software Token successfully configured!
  13. Still in the Setting menu, next to Select Preferred MFA, choose Software Token. You will see the message User preferred MFA set to Software Token, as shown in Figure 8.
    Figure 8: Completed Software Token setup

    Figure 8: Completed Software Token setup

  14. In the left nav pane choose StepUp Auth. In the right pane, choose Invoke Transfer API. You should see Response: 401 authorization challenge, as shown in Figure 9.
    Figure 9: The step-up API invocation returns an authorization challenge

    Figure 9: The step-up API invocation returns an authorization challenge

  15. On your mobile device, open the 2FA application, copy the OTP code from the 2FA application, and enter the code into the Enter OTP field, as shown in Figure 9. Choose Submit.
  16. This sends the OTP to the respond-to-challenge endpoint. After the OTP is verified, the endpoint will return a success or failure message. Figure 10 shows a successful OTP verification. You are prompted to invoke the /transfer privileged API action again.
    Figure 10: The OTP prompt during step-up API invocation

    Figure 10: The OTP prompt during step-up API invocation

  17. Invoke the transfer API action again by choosing Invoke Transfer API. You should see a success message as shown in Figure 11.
    Figure 11: A successful step-up API invocation

    Figure 11: A successful step-up API invocation

    Congratulations! You’ve successfully performed step-up authentication.


In the previous post in this series, Implement step-up authentication with Amazon Cognito, Part 1: Solution overview, you learned about the architecture and implementation details for the step-up authentication solution. In this blog post, you learned how to deploy and test the step-up authentication solution in your AWS account. You deployed the solution by using scripts from the step-up-auth GitHub repository that use the AWS CDK to create resources in your account for Amazon Cognito, Amazon API Gateway, a Lambda authorizer, and Amazon DynamoDB. Finally, you tested the end-to-end solution on a sample web application by invoking a privileged API action that required step-up authentication. Using the 2FA application, you were able to pass in an OTP to complete the step-up authentication and subsequently successfully invoke the privileged API action.

For more information about AWS Cognito user pools and the new console experience, watch the video Amazon Cognito User Pools New Console Walkthrough on the AWS channel on YouTube. And for more information about how to protect your API actions with fine-grained access controls, see the blog post Building fine-grained authorization using Amazon Cognito, API Gateway, and IAM.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have any questions about this post, start a thread on the Amazon Cognito forum.

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Salman Moghal

Salman Moghal

Salman is a Principal Consultant in AWS Professional Services, based in Toronto, Canada. He helps customers in architecting, developing, and reengineering data-driven applications at scale, with a sharp focus on security.

Thomas Ross

Thomas Ross

Thomas is a Software Engineering student at Carleton University. He worked at AWS as a Professional Services Intern and a Software Development Engineer Intern in Amazon Aurora. He has an interest in almost anything related to technology, especially systems at high scale, security, distributed systems, and databases.

Ozair Sheikh

Ozair Sheikh

Ozair is a senior product leader for Sponsored Display in Amazon ads, based in Toronto, Canada. He helps advertisers and Ad Tech API Partners build campaign management solutions to reach customers across the purchase journey. He has over 10 years of experience in API management and security, with an obsession for delivering highly secure API products.

Mahmoud Matouk

Mahmoud Matouk

Mahmoud is a Principal Solutions Architect with the Amazon Cognito team. He helps AWS customers build secure and innovative solutions for various identity and access management scenarios.

Implement step-up authentication with Amazon Cognito, Part 1: Solution overview

Post Syndicated from Salman Moghal original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/implement-step-up-authentication-with-amazon-cognito-part-1-solution-overview/

In this blog post, you’ll learn how to protect privileged business transactions that are exposed as APIs by using multi-factor authentication (MFA) or security challenges. These challenges have two components: what you know (such as passwords), and what you have (such as a one-time password token). By using these multi-factor security controls, you can implement step-up authentication to obtain a higher level of security when you perform critical transactions. In this post, we show you how you can use AWS services such as Amazon API Gateway, Amazon Cognito, Amazon DynamoDB, and AWS Lambda functions to implement step-up authentication by using a simple rule-based security model for your API resources.

Previously, identity and access management solutions have attempted to deliver step-up authentication by retrofitting their runtimes with stateful server-side management, which doesn’t scale in the modern-day stateless cloud-centered application architecture. We’ll show you how to use a pluggable, stateless authentication implementation that integrates into your existing infrastructure without compromising your security or performance. The Amazon API Gateway Lambda authorizer is a pluggable serverless function that acts as an intermediary step before an API action is invoked. This Lambda authorizer, coupled with a small SDK library that runs in the authorizer, will provide step-up authentication.

This solution consists of two blog posts. This is Part 1, where you’ll learn about the step-up authentication solution architecture and design. In the next post, Implement step-up authentication with Amazon Cognito, Part 2: Deploy and test the solution, you’ll learn how to use a reference implementation to test the step-up authentication solution.


The reference architecture in this post uses a purpose-built step-up authorization workflow engine, which uses a custom SDK. The custom SDK uses the DynamoDB service as a persistent layer. This workflow engine is generic and can be used across any API serving layers, such as API Gateway or Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) Application Load Balancer, as long as the API serving layers can intercept API requests to perform additional actions. The step-up workflow engine also relies on an identity provider that is capable of issuing an OAuth 2.0 access token.

There are three parts to the step-up authentication solution:

  1. An API serving layer with the capability to apply custom logic before applying business logic.
  2. An OAuth 2.0–capable identity provider system.
  3. A purpose-built step-up workflow engine.

The solution in this post uses Amazon Cognito as the identity provider, with an API Gateway Lambda authorizer to invoke the step-up workflow engine, and DynamoDB as a persistent layer used by the step-up workflow engine. You can see a reference implementation of the API Gateway Lambda authorizer in the step-up-auth GitHub repository. Additionally, the purpose-built step-up workflow engine provides two API endpoints (or API actions), /initiate-auth and /respond-to-challenge, which are realized using the API Gateway Lambda authorizer, to drive the API invocation step-up state.

Note: If you decide to use an API serving layer other than API Gateway, or use an OAuth 2.0 identity provider besides Amazon Cognito, you will have to make changes to the accompanying sample code in the step-up-auth GitHub repository.

Solution architecture

Figure 1 shows the high-level reference architecture.

Figure 1: Step-up authentication high-level reference architecture

Figure 1: Step-up authentication high-level reference architecture

First, let’s talk about the core components in the step-up authentication reference architecture in Figure 1.

Identity provider

In order for a client application or user to invoke a protected backend API action, they must first obtain a valid OAuth token or JSON web token (JWT) from an identity provider. The step-up authentication solution uses Amazon Cognito as the identity provider. The step-up authentication solution and the accompanying step-up API operations use the access token to make the step-up authorization decision.

Protected backend

The step-up authentication solution uses API Gateway to protect backend resources. API Gateway supports several different API integration types, and you can use any one of the supported API Gateway integration types. For this solution, the accompanying sample code in the step-up-auth GitHub repository uses Lambda proxy integration to simulate a protected backend resource.

Data design

The step-up authentication solution relies on two DynamoDB tables, a session table and a setting table. The session table contains the user’s step-up session information, and the setting table contains an API step-up configuration. The API Gateway Lambda authorizer (described in the next section) checks the setting table to determine whether the API request requires a step-up session. For more information about table structure and sample values, see the Step-up authentication data design section in the accompanying GitHub repository.

The session table has the DynamoDB Time to Live (TTL) feature enabled. An item stays in the session table until the TTL time expires, when DynamoDB automatically deletes the item. The TTL value can be controlled by using the environment variable SESSION_TABLE_ITEM_TTL. Later in this post, we’ll cover where to define this environment variable in the Step-up solution design details section; and we’ll cover how to set the optimal value for this environment variable in the Additional considerations section.


The step-up authentication solution uses a purpose-built request parameter-based Lambda authorizer (also called a REQUEST authorizer). This REQUEST authorizer helps protect privileged API operations that require a step-up session.

The authorizer verifies that the API request contains a valid access token in the HTTP Authorization header. Using the access token’s JSON web token ID (JTI) claim as a key, the authorizer then attempts to retrieve a step-up session from the session table. If a session exists and its state is set to either STEP_UP_COMPLETED or STEP_UP_NOT_REQUIRED, then the authorizer lets the API call through by generating an allow API Gateway Lambda authorizer policy. If the set-up state is set to STEP_UP_REQUIRED, then the authorizer returns a 401 Unauthorized response status code to the caller.

If a step-up session does not exist in the session table for the incoming API request, then the authorizer attempts to create a session. It first looks up the setting table for the API configuration. If an API configuration is found and the configuration status is set to STEP_UP_REQUIRED, it indicates that the user must provide additional authentication in order to call this API action. In this case, the authorizer will create a new session in the session table by using the access token’s JTI claim as a session key, and it will return a 401 Unauthorized response status code to the caller. If the API configuration in the setting table is set to STEP_UP_DENY, then the authorizer will return a deny API Gateway Lambda authorizer policy, therefore blocking the API invocation. The caller will receive a 403 Forbidden response status code.

The authorizer uses the purpose-built auth-sdk library to interface with both the session and setting DynamoDB tables. The auth-sdk library provides convenient methods to create, update, or delete items in tables. Internally, auth-sdk uses the DynamoDB v3 Client SDK.

Initiate auth endpoint

When you deploy the step-up authentication solution, you will get the following two API endpoints:

  1. The initiate step-up authentication endpoint (described in this section).
  2. The respond to step-up authentication challenge endpoint (described in the next section).

When a client receives a 401 Unauthorized response status code from API Gateway after invoking a privileged API operation, the client can start the step-up authentication flow by invoking the initiate step-up authentication endpoint (/initiate-auth).

The /initiate-auth endpoint does not require any extra parameters, it only requires the Amazon Cognito access_token to be passed in the Authorization header of the request. The /initiate-auth endpoint uses the access token to call the Amazon Cognito API actions GetUser and GetUserAttributeVerificationCode on behalf of the user.

After the /initiate-auth endpoint has determined the proper multi-factor authentication (MFA) method to use, it returns the MFA method to the client. There are three possible values for the MFA methods:

  • MAYBE_SOFTWARE_TOKEN_STEP_UP, which is used when the MFA method cannot be determined.
  • SOFTWARE_TOKEN_STEP_UP, which is used when the user prefers software token MFA.
  • SMS_STEP_UP, which is used when the user prefers short message service (SMS) MFA.

Let’s take a closer look at how /initiate-auth endpoint determines the type of MFA methods to return to the client. The endpoint calls Amazon Cognito GetUser API action to check for user preferences, and it takes the following actions:

  1. Determines what method of MFA the user prefers, either software token or SMS.
  2. If the user’s preferred method is set to software token, the endpoint returns SOFTWARE_TOKEN_STEP_UP code to the client.
  3. If the user’s preferred method is set to SMS, the endpoint sends an SMS message with a code to the user’s mobile device. It uses the Amazon Cognito GetUserAttributeVerificationCode API action to send the SMS message. After the Amazon Cognito API action returns success, the endpoint returns SMS_STEP_UP code to the client.
  4. When the user preferences don’t include either a software token or SMS, the endpoint checks if the response from Amazon Cognito GetUser API action contains UserMFASetting response attribute list with either SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA or SMS_MFA keywords. If the UserMFASetting response attribute list contains SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA, then the endpoint returns SOFTWARE_TOKEN_STEP_UP code to the client. If it contains SMS_MFA keyword, then the endpoint invokes the Amazon Cognito GetUserAttributeVerificationCode API action to send the SMS message (as in step 3). Upon successful response from the Amazon Cognito API action, the endpoint returns SMS_STEP_UP code to the client.
  5. If the UserMFASetting response attribute list from Amazon Cognito GetUser API action does not contain SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA or SMS_MFA keywords, then the endpoint looks for phone_number_verified attribute. If found, then the endpoint sends an SMS message with a code to the user’s mobile device with verified phone number. The endpoint uses the Amazon Cognito GetUserAttributeVerificationCode API action to send the SMS message (as in step 3). Otherwise, when no verified phone is found, the endpoint returns MAYBE_SOFTWARE_TOKEN_STEP_UP code to the client.

The flowchart shown in Figure 2 illustrates the full decision logic.

Figure 2: MFA decision flow chart

Figure 2: MFA decision flow chart

Respond to challenge endpoint

The respond to challenge endpoint (/respond-to-challenge) is called by the client after it receives an appropriate MFA method from the /initiate-auth endpoint. The user must respond to the challenge appropriately by invoking /respond-to-challenge with a code and an MFA method.

The /respond-to-challenge endpoint receives two parameters in the POST body, one indicating the MFA method and the other containing the challenge response. Additionally, this endpoint requires the Amazon Cognito access token to be passed in the Authorization header of the request.

If the MFA method is SMS_STEP_UP, the /respond-to-challenge endpoint invokes the Amazon Cognito API action VerifyUserAttribute to verify the user-provided challenge response, which is the code that was sent by using SMS.

If the MFA method is SOFTWARE_TOKEN_STEP_UP or MAYBE_SOFTWARE_TOKEN_STEP_UP, the /respond-to-challenge endpoint invokes the Amazon Cognito API action VerifySoftwareToken to verify the challenge response that was sent in the endpoint payload.

After the user-provided challenge response is verified, the /respond-to-challenge endpoint updates the session table with the step-up session state STEP_UP_COMPLETED by using the access_token JTI. If the challenge response verification step fails, no changes are made to the session table. As explained earlier in the Data design section, the step-up session stays in the session table until the TTL time expires, when DynamoDB will automatically delete the item.

Deploy and test the step-up authentication solution

If you want to test the step-up authentication solution at this point, go to the second part of this blog, Implement step-up authentication with Amazon Cognito, Part 2: Deploy and test the solution. That post provides instructions you can use to deploy the solution by using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) in your AWS account, and test it by using a sample web application.

Otherwise, you can continue reading the rest of this post to review the details and code behind the step-up authentication solution.

Step-up solution design details

Now let’s dig deeper into the step-up authentication solution. Figure 3 expands on the high-level solution design in the previous section and highlights the sequence of events that must take place to perform step-up authentication. In this section, we’ll break down these sequences into smaller parts and discuss each by going over a detailed sequence diagram.

Figure 3: Step-up authentication detailed reference architecture

Figure 3: Step-up authentication detailed reference architecture

Let’s group the step-up authentication flow in Figure 3 into three parts:

  1. Create a step-up session (steps 1-6 in Figure 3)
  2. Initiate step-up authentication (steps 7-8 in Figure 3)
  3. Respond to the step-up challenge (steps 9-12 in Figure 3)

In the next sections, you’ll learn how the user’s API requests are handled by the step-up authentication solution, and how the user state is elevated by going through an additional challenge.

Create a step-up session

After the user successfully logs in, they create a step-up session when invoking a privileged API action that is protected with the step-up Lambda authorizer. This authorizer determines whether to start a step-up challenge based on the configuration within the DynamoDB setting table, which might create a step-up session in the DynamoDB session table. Let’s go over steps 1–6, shown in the architecture diagram in Figure 3, in more detail:

  • Step 1 – It’s important to note that the user must authenticate with Amazon Cognito initially. As a result, they must have a valid access token generated by the Amazon Cognito user pool.
  • Step 2 – The user then invokes a privileged API action and passes the access token in the Authorization header.
  • Step 3 – The API action is protected by using a Lambda authorizer. The authorizer first validates the token by invoking the Amazon Cognito user pool public key. If the token is invalid, a 401 Unauthorized response status code can be sent immediately, prompting the client to present a valid token.
  • Step 4 – The authorizer performs a lookup in the DynamoDB setting table to check whether the current request needs elevated privilege (also known as step-up privilege). In the setting table, you can define which API actions require elevated privilege. You can additionally bundle API operations into a group by defining the group attribute. This allows you to further isolate privileged API operations, especially in a large-scale deployment.
  • Step 5 – If an API action requires elevated privilege, the authorizer will check for an existing step-up session for this specific user in the session table. If a step-up session does not exist, the authorizer will create a new entry in the session table. The key for this table will be the JTI claim of the access_token (which can be obtained after token verification).
  • Step 6 – If a valid session exists, then authorization will be given. Otherwise an unauthorized access response (401 HTTP code) will be sent back from the Lambda authorizer, indicating that the user requires elevated privilege.

Figure 4 highlights these steps in a sequence diagram.

Figure 4: Sequence diagram for creating a step-up session

Figure 4: Sequence diagram for creating a step-up session

Initiate step-up authentication

After the user receives a 401 Unauthorized response status code from invoking the privileged API action in the previous step, the user must call the /initiate-auth endpoint to start step-up authentication. The endpoint will return the response to the user or the client application to supply the temporary code. Let’s go over steps 7 and 8, shown in the architecture diagram in Figure 3, in more detail:

  • Step 7 – The client application initiates a step-up action by calling the /initiate-auth endpoint. This action is protected by the API Gateway built-in Amazon Cognito authorizer, and the client needs to pass a valid access_token in the Authorization header.
  • Step 8 – The call is forwarded to a Lambda function that will initiate the step-up action with the end user. The function first calls the Amazon Cognito API action GetUser to find out the user’s MFA settings. Depending on which MFA type is enabled for the user, the function uses different Amazon Cognito API operations to start the MFA challenge. For more details, see the Initiate auth endpoint section earlier in this post.

Figure 5 shows these steps in a sequence diagram.

Figure 5: Sequence diagram for invoking /initiate-auth to start step-up authentication

Figure 5: Sequence diagram for invoking /initiate-auth to start step-up authentication

Respond to the step-up challenge

In the previous step, the user receives a challenge code from the /initiate-auth endpoint. Depending on the type of challenge code, user must respond by sending a one-time password (OTP) to the /respond-to-challenge endpoint. The /respond-to-challenge endpoint invokes an Amazon Cognito API action to verify the OTP. Upon successful verification, the /respond-to-challenge endpoint marks the step-up session in the session table to STEP_UP_COMPLETED, indicating that the user now has elevated privilege. At this point, the user can invoke the privileged API action again to perform the elevated business operation. Let’s go over steps 9–12, shown in the architecture diagram in Figure 3, in more detail:

  • Step 9 – The client application presents an appropriate screen to the user to collect a response to the step-up challenge. The client application calls the /respond-to-challenge endpoint that contains the following:
    1. An access_token in the Authorization header.
    2. A step-up challenge type.
    3. A response provided by the user to the step-up challenge.

    This endpoint is protected by the API Gateway built-in Amazon Cognito authorizer.

  • Step 10 – The call is forwarded to the Lambda function, which verifies the response by calling the Amazon Cognito API action VerifyUserAttribute (in the case of SMS_STEP_UP) or VerifySoftwareToken (in the case of SOFTWARE_TOKEN_STEP_UP), depending on the type of step-up action that was returned from the /initiate-auth API action. The Amazon Cognito response will indicate whether verification was successful.
  • Step 11 – If the Amazon Cognito response in the previous step was successful, the Lambda function associated with the /respond-to-challenge endpoint inserts a record in the session table by using the access_token JTI as key. This record indicates that the user has completed step-up authentication. The record is inserted with a time to live (TTL) equal to the lesser of these values: the remaining period in the access_token timeout, or the default TTL value that is set in the Lambda function as a configurable environment variable, SESSION_TABLE_ITEM_TTL. The /respond-to-challenge endpoint returns a 200 status code after successfully updating the session table. It returns a 401 Unauthorized response status code if the operation failed or if the Amazon Cognito API calls in the previous step failed. For more information about the optimal value for the SESSION_TABLE_ITEM_TTL variable, see the Additional considerations section later in this post.
  • Step 12 – The client application can re-try the original call (using the same access token) to the privileged API operations, and this call should now succeed because an active step-up session exists for the user. Calls to other privileged API operations that require step-up should also succeed, as long as the step-up session hasn’t expired.

Figure 6 shows these steps in a sequence diagram.

Figure 6: Invoke the /respond-to-challenge endpoint to complete step-up authentication

Figure 6: Invoke the /respond-to-challenge endpoint to complete step-up authentication

Additional considerations

This solution uses several Amazon Cognito API operations to provide step-up authentication functionality. Amazon Cognito applies rate limiting on all API operations categories, and rapid calls that exceed the assigned quota will be throttled.

The step-up flow for a single user can include multiple Amazon Cognito API operations such as GetUser, GetUserAttributeVerificationCode, VerifyUserAttribute, and VerifySoftwareToken. These Amazon Cognito API operations have different rate limits. The effective rate, in requests per second (RPS), that your privileged and protected API action can achieve will be equivalent to the lowest category rate limit among these API operations. When you use the default quota, your application can achieve 25 SMS_STEP_UP RPS or up to 50 SOFTWARE_TOKEN_STEP_UP RPS.

Certain Amazon Cognito API operations have additional security rate limits per user per hour. For example, the GetUserAttributeVerificationCode API action has a limit of five calls per user per hour. For that reason, we recommend 15 minutes as the minimum value for SESSION_TABLE_ITEM_TTL, as this will allow a single user to have up to four step-up sessions per hour if needed.


In this blog post, you learned about the architecture of our step-up authentication solution and how to implement this architecture to protect privileged API operations by using AWS services. You learned how to use Amazon Cognito as the identity provider to authenticate users with multi-factor security and API Gateway with an authorizer Lambda function to enforce access to API actions by using a step-up authentication workflow engine. This solution uses DynamoDB as a persistent layer to manage the security rules for the step-up authentication workflow engine, which helps you to efficiently manage your rules.

In the next part of this post, Implement step-up authentication with Amazon Cognito, Part 2: Deploy and test the solution, you’ll deploy a reference implementation of the step-up authentication solution in your AWS account. You’ll use a sample web application to test the step-up authentication solution you learned about in this post.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have any questions about this post, start a thread on the Amazon Cognito forum.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Salman Moghal

Salman Moghal

Salman is a Principal Consultant in AWS Professional Services, based in Toronto, Canada. He helps customers in architecting, developing, and reengineering data-driven applications at scale, with a sharp focus on security.

Thomas Ross

Thomas Ross

Thomas is a Software Engineering student at Carleton University. He worked at AWS as a Professional Services Intern and a Software Development Engineer Intern in Amazon Aurora. He has an interest in almost anything related to technology, especially systems at high scale, security, distributed systems, and databases.

Ozair Sheikh

Ozair Sheikh

Ozair is a senior product leader for Sponsored Display in Amazon ads, based in Toronto, Canada. He helps advertisers and Ad Tech API Partners build campaign management solutions to reach customers across the purchase journey. He has over 10 years of experience in API management and security, with an obsession for delivering highly secure API products.

Mahmoud Matouk

Mahmoud Matouk

Mahmoud is a Principal Solutions Architect with the Amazon Cognito team. He helps AWS customers build secure and innovative solutions for various identity and access management scenarios.

AWS Week in Review – September 5, 2022

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-september-5-2022/

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

As a new week begins, let’s quickly look back at the most significant AWS news from the previous seven days.

Last Week’s Launches
Here are the launches that got my attention last week:

AWS announces open-sourced credentials-fetcher to simplify Microsoft AD access from Linux containers. You can find more in the What’s New post.

AWS Step Functions now has 14 new intrinsic functions that help you process data more efficiently and make it easier to perform data processing tasks such as array manipulation, JSON object manipulation, and math functions within your workflows without having to invoke downstream services or add Task states.

AWS SAM CLI esbuild support is now generally available. You can now use esbuild in the SAM CLI build workflow for your JavaScript applications.

Amazon QuickSight launches a new user interface for dataset management that replaces the existing popup dialog modal with a full-page experience, providing a clearer breakdown of dataset management categories.

AWS GameKit adds Unity support. With this release for Unity, you can integrate cloud-based game features into Win64, MacOS, Android, or iOS games from both the Unreal and Unity engines with just a few clicks.

AWS and VMware announce VMware Cloud on AWS integration with Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP. Read more in Veliswa‘s blog post.

The AWS Region in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is now open. More info in Marcia‘s blog post.

View of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
A few more blog posts you might have missed:

Easy analytics and cost-optimization with Amazon Redshift Serverless – Four different use cases of Redshift Serverless are discussed in this post.

Building cost-effective AWS Step Functions workflows – In this blog post, Ben explains the difference between Standard and Express Workflows, including costs, migrating from Standard to Express, and some interesting ways of using both together.

How to subscribe to the new Security Hub Announcements topic for Amazon SNS – You can now receive updates about new Security Hub services and features, newly supported standards and controls, and other Security Hub changes.

Deploying AWS Lambda functions using AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) – With the ACK service controller for AWS Lambda, you can provision and manage Lambda functions with kubectl and custom resources.

For AWS open-source news and updates, here’s the latest newsletter curated by Ricardo to bring you the most recent updates on open-source projects, posts, events, and more.

Upcoming AWS Events
Depending on where you are on this planet, there are many opportunities to meet and learn:

AWS Summits – Come together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. Registration is open for the following in-person AWS Summits: Ottawa (September 8), New Delhi (September 9), Mexico City (September 21–22), Bogotá (October 4), and Singapore (October 6).

AWS Community DaysAWS Community Day events are community-led conferences to share and learn with one another. In September, the AWS community in the US will run events in the Bay Area, California (September 9) and Arlington, Virginia (September 30). In Europe, Community Day events will be held in October. Join us in Amersfoort, Netherlands (October 3), Warsaw, Poland (October 14), and Dresden, Germany (October 19).

That’s all from me for this week. Come back next Monday for another Week in Review!


Introducing new intrinsic functions for AWS Step Functions

Post Syndicated from Benjamin Smith original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-new-intrinsic-functions-for-aws-step-functions/

Developers use AWS Step Functions, a low-code visual workflow service to build distributed applications, automate IT and business processes, and orchestrate AWS services with minimal code. Step Functions Amazon States Language (ASL) provides a set of functions known as intrinsics that perform basic data transformations.

Customers have asked for additional intrinsics to perform more data transformation tasks, such as formatting JSON strings, creating arrays, generating UUIDs, and encoding data. We have added 14 new intrinsic functions to Step Functions. This blog post examines how to use intrinsic functions to optimize and simplify your workflows.

Why use intrinsic functions?

Intrinsic functions can allow you to reduce the use of other services, such as AWS Lambda or AWS Fargate to perform basic data manipulation. This helps to reduce the amount of code and maintenance in your application.

Intrinsics can also help reduce the cost of running your workflows by decreasing the number of states, number of transitions, and total workflow duration. This allows you to focus on delivering business value, using the time spent on writing custom code for more complex processing operations rather than basic transformations.

Using intrinsic functions

Amazon States Language is a JSON-based, structured language used to define Step Functions workflows. Each state within a workflow receives a JSON input and passes a JSON output to the next state.

ASL enables developers to filter and manipulate data at various stages of a workflow state’s execution using paths. A path is a string beginning with $ that lets you identify and filter subsets of JSON text. Learn how to apply these filters to build efficient workflows with minimal state transitions.

Apply intrinsics using ASL in task states within the ResultSelector field, or in a Pass state in either the Parameters or Result field. All intrinsic functions have the prefix “States.” followed by function, as shown in the following example, which uses the new UUID intrinsic for a generating Unique Universal ID:

  "Type": "Pass",
      "End": true,
      "Result": {
        "ticketId.$": "States.UUID()"

Reducing execution duration with intrinsic functions to lower cost

The following example shows the cost and simplicity benefits of intrinsic functions. The same payload is input to both examples. One uses intrinsic functions, the other uses a Lambda function with custom code. This is an extract from a workflow that is used in production for Serverlesspresso, a serverless ordering system for a pop-up coffee bar. It sanitizes new customer orders against menu options stored in an Amazon DynamoDB table.

This example uses a Lambda function to unmartial data from a DynamoDB table and iterates through each item, checking if the order is present and therefore valid. This Lambda function has 18 lines of code with dependencies on an SDK library for DynamoDB operations.

The improved workflow uses a Map state to iterate through, and unmarshal DynamoDB data, and then an intrinsic function within a pass state to sanitize new customer orders against the menu options. Here, the intrinsic used is the new States. ArrayContains(). It searches an array for a value.

I run both workflows 1000 times. The following image from an Amazon CloudWatch dashboard shows their average execution time and billed execution time.

The billed execution time for the workflow using intrinsics is half that of the workflow using a Lambda function (100ms vs. 200ms).

These are Express Workflows, so the total workflow cost is calculated as execution cost + duration cost x number of requests. This means the workflow that uses intrinsics costs approximately half that of the one using Lambda. This doesn’t consider the additional cost associated with running Lambda functions. Read more about building cost efficient workflows from this blog post.

Cost saving: Reducing state transitions with intrinsic functions

The previous example shows how a single intrinsic function can have a large impact on workflow duration, which directly affects the cost of running an Express Workflow. Intrinsics can also help to reduce the number of states in a workflow. This directly affects the cost of running a Standard Workflow, which is billed on the number of state transitions.

The following example runs a sentiment analysis on a text input. If it detects negative sentiment, it invokes a Lambda function to generate a UUID; it saves the information to a DynamoDB table and notifies an administrator. The workflow then pauses using the .waitFortaskToken pattern. The workflow resumes when an administrator takes action, to either allow or deny a refund. The most common path through this workflow comprises 9 state transitions.

In the following example, I remove the Lambda function, which generates a UUID. It contained the following code:

var AWS = require ('aws-sdk');
exports. handler = async (event, context) => {
    let r = Math.random().toString(36).substring(7);
    return r;

Instead, I use the new States.UUID() intrinsic in the ResultPath of the DetectSentimentState.

 "DetectSentiment": {
      "Type": "Task",
      "Next": "Record Transaction",
      "Parameters": {
        "LanguageCode": "en",
        "Text. $": "$. message"
      "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::aws-sdk:comprehend:detectSentiment",
      "ResultSelector": {
        "ticketId.$": "States.UUID()"
      "ResultPath": "$.Sentiment"

This has reduced code, resources, and states. The reduction in states from 9 to 8 means that there is one less state transition in the workflow. This has a positive effect on the cost of my Standard Workflow, which is billed by the number of state transitions. It also means that there are no longer any costs incurred for running a Lambda function.

The new intrinsic functions

Standard Workflows, Express Workflows, and synchronous Express Workflows all support the new intrinsic functions. The new intrinsics can be grouped into six categories:

The intrinsic functions documentation contains the complete list of intrinsics.

Doing more with workflows

With the new intrinsic functions, you can do more with workflows. The following example shows how I apply the States.ArrayLength intrinsic function in the Serverlesspresso workflow to check how many instances of the workflow are currently running, and branch accordingly.

The Step Functions List executions SDK task is first used to retrieve a list of executions for the given state machine. I use the States.ArrayLength in the ResultsSelector path to retrieve the length of the response array (total number of executions). It passes the result to a choice state as a numerical constant, allowing the workflow to branch accordingly. Serverlesspresso uses this as a graceful denial of service mechanism, preventing a new customer order when there are too many orders currently in flight.


AWS has added an additional 14 intrinsic functions to Step Functions. These allow you to reduce the use of other services to perform basic data manipulations. This can help reduce workflow duration, state transitions, code, and additional resource management and configuration.

Apply intrinsics using ASL in Task states within the ResultSelector field, or in a Pass state in either the Parameters or Result field. Check the AWS intrinsic functions documentation for the complete list of intrinsics.

Visit the Serverless Workflows Collection to browse the many deployable workflows to help build your serverless applications.

How to automate updates for your domain list in Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall

Post Syndicated from Guillaume Neau original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-automate-updates-for-your-domain-list-in-route-53-resolver-dns-firewall/

Note: This post includes links to third-party websites. AWS is not responsible for the content on those websites.

Following the release of Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall, Amazon Web Services (AWS) published several blog posts to help you protect your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) DNS resolution, including How to Get Started with Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall for Amazon VPC and Secure your Amazon VPC DNS resolution with Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall. Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall provides managed domain lists that are fully maintained and kept up-to-date by AWS and that directly benefit from the threat intelligence that we gather, but you might want to create or import your own list to have full control over the DNS filtering.

In this blog post, you will find a solution to automate the management of your domain list by using AWS Lambda, Amazon EventBridge, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). The solution in this post uses, as an example, the URLhaus open Response Policy Zone (RPZ) list, which generates a new file every five minutes.

Architecture overview

The solution is made of the following four components, as shown in Figure 1.

  1. An EventBridge scheduled rule to invoke the Lambda function on a schedule.
  2. A Lambda function that uses the AWS SDK to perform the automation logic.
  3. An S3 bucket to temporarily store the list of domains retrieved.
  4. Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall.
    Figure 1: Architecture overview

    Figure 1: Architecture overview

After the solution is deployed, it works as follows:

  1. The scheduled rule invokes the Lambda function every 5 minutes to fetch the latest domain list available.
  2. The Lambda function fetches the list from URLhaus, parses the data retrieved, formats the data, uploads the list of domains into the S3 bucket, and invokes the Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall importFirewallDomains API action.
  3. The domain list is then updated.

Implementation steps

As a first step, create your own domain list on the Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall. Having your own domain list allows you to have full control of the list of domains to which you want to apply actions, as defined within rule groups.

To create your own domain list

  1. In the Route 53 console, in the left menu, choose Domain lists in the DNS firewall section.
  2. Choose the Add domain list button, enter a name for your owned domain list, and then enter a placeholder domain to initialize the domain list.
  3. Choose Add domain list to finalize the creation of the domain list.
    Figure 2: Expected view of the console

    Figure 2: Expected view of the console

The list from URLhaus contains more than a thousand records. You will use the ImportFirewallDomains endpoint to upload this list to DNS Firewall. The use of the ImportFirewallDomains endpoint requires that you first upload the list of domains and make the list available in an S3 bucket that is located in the same AWS Region as the owned domain list that you just created.

To create the S3 bucket

  1. In the S3 console, choose Create bucket.
  2. Under General configuration, configure the AWS Region option to be the same as the Region in which you created your domain list.
  3. Finalize the configuration of your S3 bucket, and then choose Create bucket.

Because a new file is created every five minutes, we recommend setting a lifecycle rule to automatically expire and delete files after 24 hours to optimize for cost and only save the most recent lists.

To create the Lambda function

  1. Follow the steps in the topic Creating an execution role in the IAM console to create an execution role. After step 4, when you configure permissions, choose Create Policy, and then create and add an IAM policy similar to the following example. This policy needs to:
    • Allow the Lambda function to put logs in Amazon CloudWatch.
    • Allow the Lambda function to have read and write access to objects placed in the created S3 bucket.
    • Allow the Lambda function to update the firewall domain list.
    • {
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:<region>:<accountId>:*",
                  "Effect": "Allow"
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<DNSFW-BUCKET-NAME>/*",
                  "Effect": "Allow"
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": "arn:aws:route53resolver:<region>:<accountId>:firewall-domain-list/<domain-list-id>",
                  "Effect": "Allow"

  2. (Optional) If you decide to use the example provided by AWS:
    • After cloning the repository: Build the layer following the instruction included in the readme.md and the provided script.
    • Zip the lambda.
    • In the left menu, select Layers then Create Layer. Enter a name for the layer, then select Upload a .zip file. Choose to upload the layer (node-axios-layer.zip).
    • As a compatible runtime, select: Node.js 16.x.
    • Select Create
  3. In the Lambda console, in the same Region as your domain list, choose Create function, and then do the following:
    • Choose your desired runtime and architecture.
    • (Optional) To use the code provided by AWS: Select Node.js 16.x as the runtime.
    • Choose Change the default execution role.
    • Choose Use an existing role, and then pick the role that you just created.
  4. After the Lambda function is created, in the left menu of the Lambda console, choose Functions, and then select the function you created.
    • For Code source, you can either enter the code of the Lambda function or choose the Upload from button and then choose the source for the code. AWS provides an example of functioning code on GitHub under a MIT-0 license.

    (optional) To use the code provided by AWS:

    • Choose the Upload from button and upload the zipped code example.
    • After the code is uploaded, edit the default Runtime settings: Choose the Edit button and set the handler to be equal to: LambdaRpz.handler
    • Edit the default Layers configuration, choose the Add a layer button, select Specify an ARN and enter the ARN of the layer created during the optional step 2.
    • Edit the environment variables of the function: Select the Edit button and define the three following variables:
      1. Key : FirewallDomainListId | Value : <domain-list-id>
      2. Key : region | Value : <region>
      3. Key : s3Prefix | Value : <DNSFW-BUCKET-NAME>

The code that you place in the function will be able to fetch the list from URLhaus, upload the list as a file to S3, and start the import of domains.

For the Lambda function to be invoked every 5 minutes, next you will create a scheduled rule with Amazon EventBridge.

To automate the invoking of the Lambda function

  1. In the EventBridge console, in the same AWS Region as your domain list, choose Create rule.
  2. For Rule type, choose Schedule.
  3. For Schedule pattern, select the option A schedule that runs at a regular rate, such as every 10 minutes, and under Rate expression set a rate of 5 minutes.
    Figure 3: Console view when configuring a schedule

    Figure 3: Console view when configuring a schedule

  4. To select the target, choose AWS service, choose Lambda function, and then select the function that you previously created.

After the solution is deployed, your domain list will be updated every 5 minutes and look like the view in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Console view of the created domain list after it has been updated by the Lambda function

Figure 4: Console view of the created domain list after it has been updated by the Lambda function

Code samples

You can use the samples in the amazon-route-53-resolver-firewall-automation-examples-2 GitHub repository to ease the automation of your domain list, and the associated updates. The repository contains script files to help you with the deployment process of the AWS CloudFormation template. Note that you need to have the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) installed and properly configured in order to use the files.

To deploy the CloudFormation stack

  1. If you haven’t done so already, create an S3 bucket to store the artifacts in the Region where you wish to deploy. This name of this bucket will then be referenced as ParamS3ArtifactBucket with a value of <DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET-ARTIFACT>
  2. Clone the repository locally.
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-route-53-resolver-firewall-automation-examples-2
  3. Build the Lambda function layer. From the /layer folder, use the provided script.
    . ./build-layer.sh
  4. Zip and upload the artifact to the bucket created in step 1. From the root folder, use the provided script.
    . ./zipupload.sh <ParamS3ArtifactBucket>
  5. Deploy the AWS CloudFormation stack by using either the AWS CLI or the CloudFormation console.
    • To deploy by using the AWS CLI, from the root folder, type the following command, making sure to replace <region>, <DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET-ARTIFACT>, <DNSFW-BUCKET-NAME>, and <DomainListName>with your own values.
      aws --region <region> cloudformation create-stack --stack-name DNSFWStack --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --template-body file://./DNSFWStack.cfn.yaml --parameters ParameterKey=ParamS3ArtifactBucket,ParameterValue=<DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET-ARTIFACT> ParameterKey=ParamS3RpzBucket,ParameterValue=<DNSFW-BUCKET-NAME> ParameterKey=ParamFirewallDomainListName,ParameterValue=<DomainListName>

    • To deploy by using the console, do the following:
      1. In the CloudFormation console, choose Create stack, and then choose With new resources (standard).
      2. On the creation screen, choose Template is ready, and upload the provided DNSFWStack.cfn.yaml file.
      3. Enter a stack name and configure the requested parameters with your desired configuration and outcomes. These parameters include the following:
        • The name of your firewall domain list.
        • The name of the S3 bucket that contains Lambda artifacts.
        • The name of the S3 bucket that will be created to contain the files with the domain information from URLhaus.
      4. Acknowledge that the template requires IAM permission because it will create the role for the Lambda function and manage its IAM policy, and then choose Create stack.

After a few minutes, all the resources should be created and the CloudFormation stack is now deployed. After 5 minutes, your domain list should be updated, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Console view of CloudFormation after the stack has been deployed

Figure 5: Console view of CloudFormation after the stack has been deployed

Conclusions and cost

In this blog post, you learned about creating and automating the update of a domain list that you fully control. To go further, you can extend and replicate the architecture pattern to fetch domain names from other sources by editing the source code of the Lambda function.

After the solution is in place, in order for the filtering to be effective, you need to create a rule group referencing the domain list and associate the rule group with some of your VPCs.

For cost information, see the AWS Pricing Calculator. This solution will be invoked 60 (minutes) * 24 (hours) * 30 (days) / 5 (minutes) = 8,640 times per month, invoking the Lambda function that will run for an average of 400 minutes, storing an average of 0.5 GB in Amazon S3, and creating a domain list that averages 1,500 domains. According to our public pricing, and without factoring in the AWS Free Tier, this will incur the estimated total cost of $1.43 per month for the filtering of 1 million DNS requests.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Guillaume Neau

Guillaume Neau

Guillaume is a solutions architect of France with an expertise in information security that focus on building solutions that improve the life of citizens.

Building cost-effective AWS Step Functions workflows

Post Syndicated from Benjamin Smith original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-cost-effective-aws-step-functions-workflows/

Builders create AWS Step Functions workflows to orchestrate multiple services into business-critical applications with minimal code. Customers are looking for best practices and guidelines to build cost-effective workflows with Step Functions.

This blog post explains the difference between Standard and Express Workflows. It shows the cost of running the same workload as Express or Standard Workflows. Then it covers how to migrate from Standard to Express, how to combine workflow types to optimize for cost, and how to modularize and nest one workflow inside another.

Step Functions Express Workflows

Express Workflows orchestrate AWS services at a higher throughput of up to 100,000 state transitions per second. It also provides a lower cost of $1.00 per million invocations versus $25 per million for Standard Workflows.

Express Workflows can run for a maximum duration of 5 minutes and do not support the .waitForTaskToken or .sync integration pattern. Most Step Functions workflows that do not use these integrations patterns and complete within the 5-minute duration limit see both cost and throughput optimizations by converting the workflow type from Standard to Express.

Consider the following example, a naïve implementation of an ecommerce workflow:

When started, it emits a message onto an Amazon SQS queue. An AWS Lambda function processes and approves this asynchronously (not shown). Once processed, the Lambda function persists the state to an Amazon DynamoDB table. The workflow polls the table to check when the action is completed. It then moves on to process the payment, where it repeats the pattern. Finally, the workflow runs a series of update tasks in sequence before completing.

I run this workflow 1,000 times as a Standard workflow. I then convert this to an Express Workflow and run another 1,000 times. I create an Amazon CloudWatch dashboard to display the average execution times. The Express Workflow runs on average 0.5 seconds faster than the Standard Workflow and also shows improvements in cost:

Workflow Execution times

Running the Standard Workflow 1,000 times costs approximately $0.42. This excludes the 4,000 state transitions included in the AWS Free Tier every month, and the additional services that are being used. In contrast to this, running the Express Workflow 1000 times costs $0.01. How is this calculated?

Standard Workflow cost calculation formula:

Standard Workflows are charged based on the number of state transitions required to run a workload. Step Functions count a state transition each time a step of your workflow runs. You are charged for the total number of state transitions across all your state machines, including retries. The cost is $0.025 per 1,000 state transitions.

A happy path through the workflow comprises 17 transitions (including start and finish).

Total cost = (number of transitions per execution x number of executions) x $0.000025
Total cost = (17 X 1000) X 0.000025 = $0.42*

*Excluding the 4,000 state transitions included in the AWS Free Tier every month.

Express Workflow cost calculation formula:

Express Workflows are charged based on the number of requests and its duration. Duration is calculated from the time that your workflow begins running until it completes or otherwise finishes, rounded up to the nearest 100 ms, and the amount of memory used in running your workflow, billed in 64-MB chunks.

Total cost = (Execution cost + Duration cost) x Number of Requests
Duration cost = (Avg billed duration ms / 100) * price per 100 ms
Execution cost = $0.000001 per request

Total cost = ($0.000001 + $0.0000117746) x 1000 = $0.01
Duration cost = (11300 MS /100) * $ 0.0000001042 = $0.0000117746
Execution cost = $0.000001 per request

This cost changes depending on the number of GB-hours and memory sizes used. The memory usage for this State machine is less than 64 MB.
See the Step Functions pricing page for full more information.

Converting a Standard Workflow to an Express Workflow

Given the cost benefits shown in the previous section, converting existing Standard Workflows to Express Workflows is often a good idea. However, some considerations should be made before doing this. The workflow must finish in less than 5 minutes and not use .WaitForTaskToken or .sync integration patterns. Express Workflows send logging history to CloudWatch Logs at an additional cost.

An additional consideration is idempotency, and exactly once versus at least once execution requirements. If a workload requires a guaranteed once execution model, then a Standard Workflow is preferred. Here, tasks and states are never run more than once unless you have specified retry behavior in Amazon States Language (ASL). This makes them suited to orchestrating non-idempotent actions, such as starting an Amazon EMR cluster or processing payments. Express Workflows use an at-least-once model, where there is a possibility that an execution might be run more than once. This makes them ideal for orchestrating idempotent actions. Idempotence refers to an operation that produces the same result (for a given input) irrespective of how many times it is applied.

To convert a Standard Workflow to an Express Workflow directly from within the Step Functions console:

  1. Go to the Step Functions workflow you want to convert, and choose Actions, Copy to new.

  2. Choose Design your workflow visually.
  3. Choose Express then choose Next.
  4. The next two steps allow you to make changes to your workflow design. Choose Next twice.
  5. Name the workflow, assign permissions, logging and tracing configurations, then choose Create state machine.

If converting a Standard Workflow defined in a templating language such as AWS CDK or AWS SAM, you must change both the Type value and the Resource name. The following example shows how to do this in AWS SAM:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::StateMachine
      Type: STANDARD


    Type: AWS::Serverless::StateMachine
      Type: EXPRESS

This does not overwrite the existing workflow, but creates a new workflow with a new name and type.

Better together

Some workloads may require a combination of both long-running and high-event-rate workflows. By using Step Functions workflows, you can build larger, more complex workflows out of smaller, simpler workflows.

For example, the initial step in the previous workflow may require a pause for human interaction that takes more than 5 minutes, followed by running a series of idempotent actions. These types of workloads can be ideal for using both Standard and Express workflow types together. This can be achieved by nesting a “child” Express Workflow within a “parent” Standard Workflow. The previous workflow example has been refactored as a parent-child nested workflow.

Deploy this nested workflow solution from the Serverless Workflows Collection.

Nesting workflows

Parent Standard Workflow

Child Express Workflow


Nested workflow metrics

This new blended workflow has a number of advantages. First the polling pattern is replaced by .WaitForTaskToken. This pauses the workflow until a response is received indicating success or failure. In this case, the response is sent by a Lambda function (not shown). This pause can last for up to 1 year, and the wait time is not billable.

This not only simplifies the workflow but also reduces the number of state transitions. Next, the idempotent steps are moved into an Express Workflow, this reduces the number of state transitions from the Standard Workflow, and benefits from the high throughput provided by Express Workflows. The child workflow is invoked by using the StartExecution StepFunctions API call from the parent workflow.

This new workflow combination runs 1,000 times, costing a total cost of 20 cents. There is no additional charge for starting a nested workflow: It is treated as another state transition. The nested workflow itself is billed the same way as all Step Functions workflows.

Here’s how the cost is calculated:

Parent Standard Workflow:

Total cost = (number of transitions per execution x number of executions) x $0.000025
Total cost =(8*1000) *0.000025 = $0.20

Child Express Workflow:

Total cost = (Execution cost + Duration cost) x No Requests
Duration cost = (Avg billed duration ms / 100) * price per 100ms
Execution cost = $0.000001 per request

Total cost = ($0.000001 + $0.0000013546) x 1000 = $0.0002
Duration cost = (1300 ms /100) * $ 0.0000001042 = $0.0000013546
Execution cost = $0.000001 per request

Total cost for nested workflow = (cost of Parent Standard Workflow) + (cost of Child Express Workflow)
Total cost for nested workflow = 0.20 cents  / 1000 executions.


This blog post explains the difference between Standard and Express Workflows. It describes the exactly once and at-least-one execution models and how this relates to idempotency. It compares the cost of running the same workload as an Express and Standard Workflow, showing how to migrate from one to the other and the considerations to make before doing so.

Finally, it explains how to combine workflow types to optimize for cost. Nesting state machines between types enables teams to work on individual workflows, turning them into modular reusable building blocks.

Visit the Serverless Workflows Collection to browse the many deployable workflows to help build your serverless applications.

Deploying AWS Lambda functions using AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK)

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/deploying-aws-lambda-functions-using-aws-controllers-for-kubernetes-ack/

This post is written by Rajdeep Saha, Sr. SSA, Containers/Serverless.

AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) allows you to manage AWS services directly from Kubernetes. With the ACK service controller for AWS Lambda, you can provision and manage Lambda functions with kubectl and custom resources. With ACK, you can have a single consolidated approach to managing container workloads and other AWS services, such as Lambda, directly from Kubernetes without needing additional infrastructure automation tools.

This post walks you through deploying a sample Lambda function from a Kubernetes cluster provided by Amazon EKS.

Use cases

Some of the use cases for provisioning Lambda functions from ACK include:

  • Your organization already has a DevOps process to deploy resources into the Amazon EKS cluster using Kubernetes declarative YAMLs (known as manifest files). With ACK for AWS Lambda, you can now use manifest files to provision Lambda functions without creating separate infrastructure as a code template.
  • Your project has implemented GitOps with Kubernetes. With GitOps, git becomes the single source of truth, and all the changes are done via git repo. In this model, Kubernetes continuously reconciles the git repo (desired state) with the resources running inside the cluster (current state). If any differences are found, the GitOps process automatically implements changes to the cluster from the git repo. Using ACK for AWS Lambda, since you are creating the Lambda function using Kubernetes custom resource, the GitOps model is applied for Lambda.
  • Your organization has established permissions boundaries for different users and groups using role-based access control (RBAC) and IAM roles for service accounts (IRSA). You can reuse this security model for Lambda without having to create new users and policies.

How ACK for AWS Lambda works

  1. The ‘Ops’ team deploys the ACK service controller for Lambda. This controller runs as a pod within the Amazon EKS cluster.
  2. The controller pod needs permission to read the Lambda function code and create the Lambda function. The Lambda function code is stored as a zip file in an S3 bucket for this example. The permissions are granted to the pod using IRSA.
  3. Each AWS service has separate ACK service controllers. This specific controller for AWS Lambda can act on the custom resource type ‘Function’.
  4. The ‘Dev’ team deploys Kubernetes manifest file with custom resource type ‘Function’. This manifest file defines the necessary fields required to create the function, such as S3 bucket name, zip file name, Lambda function IAM role, etc.
  5. The ACK service controller creates the Lambda function using the values from the manifest file.


You need a few tools before deploying the sample application. Ensure that you have each of the following in your working environment:

This post uses shell variables to make it easier to substitute the actual names for your deployment. When you see placeholders like NAME=<your xyz name>, substitute in the name for your environment.

Setting up the Amazon EKS cluster

  1. Run the following to create an Amazon EKS cluster. The following single command creates a two-node Amazon EKS cluster with a unique name.
    eksctl create cluster
  2. It may take 15–30 minutes to provision the Amazon EKS cluster. When the cluster is ready, run:
    kubectl get nodes
  3. The output shows the following:
  4. To get the Amazon EKS cluster name to use throughout the walkthrough, run:
    eksctl get cluster
    export EKS_CLUSTER_NAME=<provide the name from the previous command>

Setting up the ACK Controller for Lambda

To set up the ACK Controller for Lambda:

  1. Install an ACK Controller with Helm by following these instructions:
    – Change ‘export SERVICE=s3’ to ‘export SERVICE=lambda’.
    – Change ‘export AWS_REGION=us-west-2’ to reflect your Region appropriately.
  2. To configure IAM permissions for the pod running the Lambda ACK Controller to permit it to create Lambda functions, follow these instructions.
    – Replace ‘SERVICE=”s3”’ with ‘SERVICE=”lambda”’.
  3. Validate that the ACK Lambda controller is running:
    kubectl get pods -n ack-system
  4. The output shows the running ACK Lambda controller pod:

Provisioning a Lambda function from the Kubernetes cluster

In this section, you write a sample “Hello world” Lambda function. You zip up the code and upload the zip file to an S3 bucket. Finally, you deploy that zip file to a Lambda function using the ACK Controller from the EKS cluster you created earlier. For this example, use Python3.9 as your language runtime.

To provision the Lambda function:

  1. Run the following to create the sample “Hello world” Lambda function code, and then zip it up:
    mkdir my-helloworld-function
    cd my-helloworld-function
    cat << EOF > lambda_function.py 
    import json
    def lambda_handler(event, context):
        # TODO implement
        return {
            'statusCode': 200,
            'body': json.dumps('Hello from Lambda!')
    zip my-deployment-package.zip lambda_function.py
  2. Create an S3 bucket following the instructions here. Alternatively, you can use an existing S3 bucket in the same Region of the Amazon EKS cluster.
  3. Run the following to upload the zip file into the S3 bucket from the previous step:
    export BUCKET_NAME=<provide the bucket name from step 2>
    aws s3 cp  my-deployment-package.zip s3://${BUCKET_NAME}
  4. The output shows:
    upload: ./my-deployment-package.zip to s3://<BUCKET_NAME>/my-deployment-package.zip
  5. Create your Lambda function using the ACK Controller. The full spec with all the available fields is listed here. First, provide a name for the function:
    export FUNCTION_NAME=hello-world-s3-ack
  6. Create and deploy the Kubernetes manifest file. The command at the end, kubectl create -f function.yaml submits the manifest file, with kind as ‘Function’. The ACK Controller for Lambda identifies this custom ‘Function’ object and deploys the Lambda function based on the manifest file.
    export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query "Account" --output text)
    export LAMBDA_ROLE="arn:aws:iam::${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}:role/lambda_basic_execution"
    cat << EOF > lambdamanifest.yaml 
    apiVersion: lambda.services.k8s.aws/v1alpha1
    kind: Function
     name: $FUNCTION_NAME
       services.k8s.aws/region: $AWS_REGION
     name: $FUNCTION_NAME
       s3Bucket: $BUCKET_NAME
       s3Key: my-deployment-package.zip
     role: $LAMBDA_ROLE
     runtime: python3.9
     handler: lambda_function.lambda_handler
     description: function created by ACK lambda-controller e2e tests
    kubectl create -f lambdamanifest.yaml
  7. The output shows:
    function.lambda.services.k8s.aws/< FUNCTION_NAME> created
  8. To retrieve the details of the function using a Kubernetes command, run:
    kubectl describe function/$FUNCTION_NAME
  9. This Lambda function returns a “Hello world” message. To invoke the function, run:
    aws lambda invoke --function-name $FUNCTION_NAME  response.json
    cat response.json
  10. The Lambda function returns the following output:
    {"statusCode": 200, "body": "\"Hello from Lambda!\""}

Congratulations! You created a Lambda function from your Kubernetes cluster.

To learn how to provision the Lambda function using the ACK controller from an OCI container image instead of a zip file in an S3 bucket, follow these instructions.

Cleaning up

This section cleans up all the resources that you have created. To clean up:

  1. Delete the Lambda function:
    kubectl delete function $FUNCTION_NAME
  2. If you have created a new S3 bucket, delete it by running:
    aws s3 rm s3://${BUCKET_NAME} --recursive
    aws s3api delete-bucket --bucket ${BUCKET_NAME}
  3. Delete the EKS cluster:
    eksctl delete cluster --name $EKS_CLUSTER_NAME
  4. Delete the IAM role created for the ACK Controller. Get the IAM role name by running the following command, then delete the role from the IAM console:


This blog post shows how AWS Controllers for Kubernetes enables you to deploy a Lambda function directly from your Amazon EKS environment. AWS Controllers for Kubernetes provides a convenient way to connect your Kubernetes applications to AWS services directly from Kubernetes.

ACK is open source: you can request new features and report issues on the ACK community GitHub repository.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Speeding up incremental changes with AWS SAM Accelerate and nested stacks

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/speeding-up-incremental-changes-with-aws-sam-accelerate-and-nested-stacks/

This blog written by Jeff Marcinko, Sr. Technical Account Manager, Health Care & Life Sciencesand Brian Zambrano, Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect, Serverless.

Developers and operators have been using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to author, build, test, and deploy serverless applications in AWS for over three years. Since its inception, the AWS SAM team has focused on developer productivity, simplicity, and best practices.

As good as AWS SAM is at making your serverless development experience easier and faster, building non-trivial cloud applications remains a challenge. Developers and operators want a development experience that provides high-fidelity and fast feedback on incremental changes. With serverless development, local emulation of an application composed of many AWS resources and managed services can be incomplete and inaccurate. We recommend developing serverless applications in the AWS Cloud against live AWS services to increase developer confidence. However, the latency of deploying an entire AWS CloudFormation stack for every code change is a challenge that developers face with this approach.

In this blog post, I show how to increase development velocity by using AWS SAM Accelerate with AWS CloudFormation nested stacks. Nested stacks are an application lifecycle management best practice at AWS. We recommend nested stacks for deploying complex serverless applications, which aligns to the Serverless Application Lens of the AWS Well-Architected Framework. AWS SAM Accelerate speeds up deployment from your local system by bypassing AWS CloudFormation to deploy code and resource updates when possible.

AWS CloudFormation nested stacks and AWS SAM

A nested stack is a CloudFormation resource that is part of another stack, referred to as the parent, or root stack.

Nested stack architecture

Nested stack architecture

The best practice for modeling complex applications is to author a root stack template and declare related resources in their own nested stack templates. This partitioning improves maintainability and encourages reuse of common template patterns. It is easier to reason about the configuration of the AWS resources in the example application because they are described in nested templates for each application component.

With AWS SAM, developers create nested stacks using the AWS::Serverless::Application resource type. The following example shows a snippet from a template.yaml file, which is the root stack for an AWS SAM application.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Application
      Location: db/template.yaml

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Application
      Location: workflow/template.yaml

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Application
      Location: api-integrations/template.yaml

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Application
      Location: api/template.yaml

Each AWS::Serverless::Application resource type references a child stack, which is an independent AWS SAM template. The Location property tells AWS SAM where to find the stack definition.

Solution overview

The sample application exposes an API via Amazon API Gateway. One API endpoint (#2) forwards POST requests to Amazon SQS, an AWS Lambda function polls (#3) the SQS Queue and starts an Amazon Step Function workflow execution (#4) for each message.

Sample application architecture

Sample application architecture


  1. AWS SAM CLI, version 1.53.0 or higher
  2. Python 3.9

Deploy the application

To deploy the application:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone <a href="https://github.com/aws-samples/sam-accelerate-nested-stacks-demo.git" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://github.com/aws-samples/sam-accelerate-nested-stacks-demo.git</a>
  2. Change to the root directory of the project and run the following AWS SAM CLI commands:
    cd sam-accelerate-nested-stacks-demo
    sam build
    sam deploy --guided --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND

    You must include the CAPABILITY_IAM and CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND capabilities to support nested stacks and the creation of permissions.

  3. Use orders-app as the stack name during guided deployment. During the deploy process, enter your email for the SubscriptionEmail value. This requires confirmation later. Accept the defaults for the rest of the values.

    SAM deploy example

    SAM deploy example

  4. After the CloudFormation deployment completes, save the API endpoint URL from the outputs.

Confirming the notifications subscription

After the deployment finishes, you receive an Amazon SNS subscription confirmation email at the email address provided during the deployment. Choose the Confirm Subscription link to receive notifications.

You have chosen to subscribe to the topic: 

To confirm this subscription, click or visit the link below (If this was in error no action is necessary): 
Confirm subscription

Testing the orders application

To test the application, use the curl command to create a new Order request with the following JSON payload:

    "quantity": 1,
    "name": "Pizza",
    "restaurantId": "House of Pizza"
curl -s --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '"quantity":1,"name":"Pizza","quantity":1,"restaurantId":"House of Pizza"}' \
  https://xxxxxxxxxx.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/Dev/orders  | python -m json.tool

API Gateway responds with the following message, showing it successfully sent the request to the SQS queue:

API Gateway response

API Gateway response

The application sends an order notification once the Step Functions workflow completes processing. The workflow intentionally randomizes the SUCCESS or FAILURE status message.

Accelerating development with AWS SAM sync

AWS SAM Accelerate enhances the development experience. It automatically observes local code changes and synchronizes them to AWS without building and deploying every function in my project.

However, when you synchronize code changes directly into the AWS Cloud, it can introduce drift between your CloudFormation stacks and its deployed resources. For this reason, you should only use AWS SAM Accelerate to publish changes in a development stack.

In your terminal, change to the root directory of the project folder and run the sam sync command. This runs in the foreground while you make code changes:

cd sam-accelerate-nested-stacks-demo
sam sync --watch --stack-name orders-app

The –watch option causes AWS SAM to perform an initial CloudFormation deployment. After the deployment is complete, AWS SAM watches for local changes and synchronizes them to AWS. This feature allows you to make rapid iterative code changes and sync to the Cloud automatically in seconds.

Making a code change

In the editor, update the Subject argument in the send_order_notification function in workflow/src/complete_order/app.py.

def send_order_notification(message):
    topic_arn = TOPIC_ARN
    response = sns.publish(
        Subject=f'Orders-App: Update for order {message["order_id"]}'
        #Subject='Orders-App: SAM Accelerate for the win!'

On save, AWS SAM notices the local code change, and updates the CompleteOrder Lambda function. AWS SAM does not trigger updates to other AWS resources across the different stacks, since they are unchanged. This can result in increased development velocity.

SAM sync output

SAM sync output

Validate the change by sending a new order request and review the notification email subject.

curl -s --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '"quantity":1,"name":"Pizza","quantity":1,"restaurantId":"House of Pizza"}' \
  https://xxxxxxxxxx.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/Dev/orders  | python -m json.tool

In this example, AWS SAM Accelerate is 10–15 times faster than the CloudFormation deployment workflow (sam deploy) for single function code changes.

Deployment speed comparison between SAM accelerate and CloudFormation

Deployment speed comparison between SAM accelerate and CloudFormation

Deployment times vary based on the size and complexity of your Lambda functions and the number of resources in your project.

Making a configuration change

Next, make an infrastructure change to show how sync –watch handles configuration updates.

Update ReadCapacityUnits and WriteCapacityUnits in the DynamoDB table definition by changing the values from five to six in db/template.yaml.

    Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table
      TableName: order-table-test
        - AttributeName: user_id
          AttributeType: S
        - AttributeName: id
          AttributeType: S
        - AttributeName: user_id
          KeyType: HASH
        - AttributeName: id
          KeyType: RANGE
        ReadCapacityUnits: 5
        WriteCapacityUnits: 5

The sam sync –watch command recognizes the configuration change requires a CloudFormation deployment to update the db nested stack. Nested stacks reflect an UPDATE_COMPLETE status because CloudFormation starts an update to every nested stack to determine if changes must be applied.

SAM sync infrastructure update

SAM sync infrastructure update

Cleaning up

Delete the nested stack resources to make sure that you don’t continue to incur charges. After stopping the sam sync –watch command, run the following command to delete your resources:

sam delete orders-app

You can also delete the CloudFormation root stack from the console by following these steps.


Local emulation of complex serverless applications, built with nested stacks, can be challenging. AWS SAM Accelerate helps builders achieve a high-fidelity development experience by rapidly synchronizing code changes into the AWS Cloud.

This post shows AWS SAM Accelerate features that push code changes in near real time to a development environment in the Cloud. I use a non-trivial sample application to show how developers can push code changes to a live environment in seconds while using CloudFormation nested stacks to achieve the isolation and maintenance benefits.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

How Fresenius Medical Care aims to save dialysis patient lives using real-time predictive analytics on AWS

Post Syndicated from Kanti Singh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-fresenius-medical-care-aims-to-save-dialysis-patient-lives-using-real-time-predictive-analytics-on-aws/

This post is co-written by Kanti Singh, Director of Data & Analytics at Fresenius Medical Care.

Fresenius Medical Care is the world’s leading provider of kidney care products and services, and operates more than 2,600 dialysis centers in the US alone. The company provides comprehensive solutions for people living with chronic kidney disease and related conditions, with a mission to improve the quality of life of every patient, every day, by transforming healthcare through research, innovation, and compassion. Data analysis that leads to timely interventions is critical to this mission, and essential to reduce hospitalizations and prevent adverse events.

In this post, we walk you through the solution architecture, performance considerations, and how a research partnership with AWS around medical complexity led to an automated solution that helped deliver alerts for potential adverse events.

Why Fresenius Medical Care chose AWS

The Fresenius Medical Care technical team chose AWS as their preferred cloud platform for two key reasons.

First, we determined that AWS IoT Core was more mature than other solutions and would likely face fewer issues with deployment and certificates. As an organization, we wanted to go with a cloud platform that had a proven track record and established technical solutions and services in the IoT and data analytics space. This included Amazon Athena, which is an easy-to-use serverless service that you can use to run queries on data stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for analysis.

Another factor that played a major role in our decision was the fact that AWS offered the largest set of serverless services for analytics than any other cloud provider. We ultimately determined that AWS innovations met the company’s current needs as well as positioned the company for the future as we worked to expand our predictive capabilities.

Solution overview

We needed to develop a near-real-time analytics solution that would collect dynamic dialysis machine data every 10 seconds during hemodialysis treatment in near-real time and personalize it to predict every 30 minutes if a patient is at a health risk for intradialytic hypotension (IDH) within the next 15–75 minutes. This solution needed to scale to all our dialysis centers nationwide, with each location sending 10 MBps of treatment data at peak times.

The complexities that needed to be managed in the solution included handling high throughput data, a low-latency time-sensitive solution of 10 seconds from data origination to reporting and notification, a highly available solution, and a cost-effective solution with on-demand scaling up or down based on data volume.

Fresenius Medical Care partnered with AWS on this mission and developed an architecture that met our technical and business requirements. Core components in the architecture included Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics, and Amazon SageMaker. We chose Kinesis Data Streams and Kinesis Data Analytics primarily because they’re serverless and highly available (99.9%), offer very high throughput, and are easy to scale. We chose SageMaker due to its unique capability that allows ease of building, training, and running machine learning (ML) models at scale.

The following diagram illustrates the architecture.

The solution consists of the following key components:

  1. Data collection
  2. Data ingestion and aggregation
  3. Data lake storage
  4. ML Inference and operational analytics

Let’s discuss each stage in the workflow in more detail.

Data collection

Dialysis machines located in Fresenius Medical Care centers help patients in the treatment of end-stage renal disease by performing hemodialysis. The dialysis machines provide immediate access to all treatment and clinical trending data across the fleet of hemodialysis machines in all centers in the US.

These machines transmit a data payload every 10 seconds to Kafka brokers located in Fresenius Medical Care’s on-premises data center for use by several applications.

Data ingestion and aggregation

We use a Kinesis-Kafka connector hosted on self-managed Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances to ingest data from a Kafka topic in near-real time into Kinesis Data Streams.

We use AWS Lambda to read the data points and filter the datasets accordingly to Kinesis Data Analytics. Upon reaching the batch size threshold, Lambda sends the data to Kinesis Data Analytics for instream analytics.

We chose Kinesis Data Analytics due to the ease-of-use it provides for SQL-based stream analytics. By using SQL with KDA (KDA Studio/Flink SQL), we can create dynamic features based on machine interval data arriving in real time. This data is joined with the patient demographic, historical clinical, treatment, and laboratory data (enriched with Amazon S3 data) to create the complete set of features required for a downstream ML model.

Data lake storage

Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose was the simplest way to consistently load streaming data to build a raw data lake in Amazon S3. Kinesis Data Firehose micro-batches data into 128 MB file sizes and delivers streaming data to Amazon S3.

Clinical datasets are required to enrich stream data sourced from on-premises data warehouses via AWS Glue Spark jobs on a nightly basis. The AWS Glue jobs extract patient demographic, historical clinical, treatment, and laboratory data from the data warehouse to Amazon S3 and transform machine data from JSON to Parquet format for better storage and retrieval costs in Amazon S3. AWS Glue also helps build the static features for the intradialytic hypotension (IDH) ML model, which are required for downstream ML inference.

ML Inference and Operational analytics

Lambda batches the stream data from Kinesis Data Analytics that has all the features required for IDH ML model inference.

SageMaker, a fully managed service, trains and deploys the IDH predictive model. The deployed ML model provides a SageMaker endpoint that is used by Lambda for ML inference.

Amazon OpenSearch Service helps store the IDH inference results it received from Lambda. The results are then used for visualization through Kibana, which displays a personalized health prediction dashboard visual for each patient undergoing treatment and is available in near-real time for the care team to provide intervention proactively.

Observability and traceability for failures

Because this solution offers the potential for life-saving interventions, it’s considered business critical. The following key measures are taken to proactively monitor the AWS jobs in Fresenius Medical Care’s VPC account:

  • For AWS Glue jobs that have failures and errors in Lambda functions, an immediate email and Amazon CloudWatch alert is sent to the Data Ops team for resolution.
  • CloudWatch alarms are also generated for Amazon OpenSearch Service whenever there are blocks on writes or the cluster is overloaded with shard capacity, CPU utilization, or other issues, as recommended by AWS.
  • Kinesis Data Analytics and Kinesis Data Streams generate data quality alerts on data rejections or empty results.
  • Data quality alerts are also generated whenever data quality rules on data points are mismatched. To check mismatched data, we use quality rule comparison and sanity checks between message payloads in the stream with data loaded in the data lake.

These systematic and automated monitoring and alerting mechanisms help our team stay one step ahead to ensure that systems are running smoothly and successfully, and any unforeseen problems can be resolved as quickly as possible before it causes any adverse impact on users of the system.

AWS partnership

After Fresenius Medical Care took advantage of the AWS Data Lab to create a working prototype within one week, expert Solutions Architects from AWS became trusted advisors, helping our team with prescriptive guidance from ideation to production. The AWS team helped with both solution-based and service-specific best practices, helped resolve key blockers in every phase from development through production, and performed architecture reviews to ensure the solution was robust and resilient to business needs.

Solution results

This solution allows Fresenius Medical Care to better personalize care to patients undergoing dialysis treatment with a proactive intervention by clinicians at the point of care that has the potential to save patient lives. The following are some of the key benefits due to this solution:

  • Cloud computing resources enable the development, analysis, and integration of real-time predictive IDH that can be easily and seamlessly scaled as needed to reach additional clinics.
  • The use of our tool may be particularly useful in institutions facing staff shortages and, possibly, during home dialysis. Additionally, it may provide insights on strategies to prevent and manage IDH.
  • The solution enables modern and innovative solutions that improve patient care by providing world-class research and data-driven insights.

This solution has been proven to scale to an acceptable performance level of 6,000 messages per second, translating to 19 MB/sec with 60,000/sec concurrent Lambda invocations. The ability to adapt by scaling up and down every component in the architecture with ease kept costs very low, which wouldn’t have been possible elsewhere.


Successful implementation of this solution led to a think big approach in modernizing several legacy data assets and has set Fresenius Medical Care on the path of building an enterprise unified data analytics platform on AWS using Amazon S3, AWS Glue, Amazon EMR, and AWS Lake Formation. The unified data analytics platform offers robust data security and data sharing for multi-tenants in various geographies across the US. Similar to Fresenius, you can accelerate time to market by using the right tool for the job, using the broad and deep variety of AWS analytic native services.

About the authors

Kanti Singh is a Director of Data & Analytics at Fresenius Medical Care, leading the big data platform, architecture, and the engineering team. She loves to explore new technologies and how to leverage them to solve complex business problems. In her free time, she loves traveling, dancing, and spending time with family.

Harsha Tadiparthi is a Specialist Principal Solutions Architect specialized in analytics at Amazon Web Services. He enjoys solving complex customer problems in databases and analytics, and delivering successful outcomes. Outside of work, he loves to spend time with his family, watch movies, and travel whenever possible.

Extending your SaaS platform with AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from Hasan Tariq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/extending-your-saas-platform-with-aws-lambda/

Software as a service (SaaS) providers continuously add new features and capabilities to their products to meet their growing customer needs. As enterprises adopt SaaS to reduce the total cost of ownership and focus on business priorities, they expect SaaS providers to enable customization capabilities.

Many SaaS providers allow their customers (tenants) to provide customer-specific code that is triggered as part of various workflows by the SaaS platform. This extensibility model allows customers to customize system behavior and add rich integrations, while allowing SaaS providers to prioritize engineering resources on the core SaaS platform and avoid per-customer customizations.

To simplify experience for enterprise developers to build on SaaS platforms, SaaS providers are offering the ability to host tenant’s code inside the SaaS platform. This blog provides architectural guidance for running custom code on SaaS platforms using AWS serverless technologies and AWS Lambda without the overhead of managing infrastructure on either the SaaS provider or customer side.

Vendor-hosted extensions

With vendor-hosted extensions, the SaaS platform runs the customer code in response to events that occur in the SaaS application. In this model, the heavy-lifting of managing and scaling the code launch environment is the responsibility of the SaaS provider.

To host and run custom code, SaaS providers must consider isolating the environment that runs untrusted custom code from the core SaaS platform, as detailed in Figure 1. This introduces additional challenges to manage security, cost, and utilization.

Distribution of responsibility between Customer and SaaS platform with vendor-hosted extensions

Figure 1. Distribution of responsibility between Customer and SaaS platform with vendor-hosted extensions

Using AWS serverless services to run custom code

Using AWS serverless technologies removes the tasks of infrastructure provisioning and management, as there are no servers to manage, and SaaS providers can take advantage of automatic scaling, high availability, and security, while only paying for value.

Example use case

Let’s take an example of a simple SaaS to-do list application that supports the ability to initiate custom code when a new to-do item is added to the list. This application is used by customers who supply custom code to enrich the content of newly added to-do list items. The requirements for the solution consist of:

  • Custom code provided by each tenant should run in isolation from all other tenants and from the SaaS core product
  • Track each customer’s usage and cost of AWS resources
  • Ability to scale per customer

Solution overview

The SaaS application in Figure 2 is the core application used by customers, and each customer is considered a separate tenant. For the sake of brevity, we assume that the customer code was already stored in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket as part of the onboarding. When an eligible event is generated in the SaaS application as a result of user action, like a new to-do item added, it gets propagated down to securely launch the associated customer code.

Example use case architecture

Figure 2. Example use case architecture

Walkthrough of custom code run

Let’s detail the initiation flow of custom code when a user adds a new to-do item:

  1. An event is generated in the SaaS application when a user performs an action, like adding a new to-do list item. To extend the SaaS application’s behavior, this event is linked to the custom code. Each event contains a tenant ID and any additional data passed as part of the payload. Each of these events is an “initiation request” for the custom code Lambda function.
  2. Amazon EventBridge is used to decouple the SaaS Application from event processing implementation specifics. EventBridge makes it easier to build event-driven applications at scale and keeps the future prospect of adding additional consumers. In case of unexpected failure in any downstream service, EventBridge retries sending events a set number of times.
  3. EventBridge sends the event to an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue as a message that is subsequently picked up by a Lambda function (Dispatcher) for further routing. Amazon SQS enables decoupling and scaling of microservices and also provides a buffer for the events that are awaiting processing.
  4. The Dispatcher polls the messages from SQS queue and is responsible for routing the events to respective tenants for further processing. The Dispatcher retrieves the tenant ID from the message and performs a lookup in the database (we recommend Amazon DynamoDB for low latency), retrieves tenant SQS Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to determine which queue to route the event. To further improve performance, you can cache the tenant-to-queue mapping.
  5. The tenant SQS queue acts as a message store buffer and is configured as an event source for a Lambda function. Using Amazon SQS as an event source for Lambda is a common pattern.
  6. Lambda executes the code uploaded by the tenant to perform the desired operation. Common utility and management code (including logging and telemetry code) is kept in Lambda layers that get added to every custom code Lambda function provisioned.
  7. After performing the desired operation on data, custom code Lambda returns a value back to the SaaS application. This completes the run cycle.

This architecture allows SaaS applications to create a self-managed queue infrastructure for running custom code for tenants in parallel.

Tenant code upload

The SaaS platform can allow customers to upload code either through a user interface or using a command line interface that the SaaS provider provides to developers to facilitate uploading custom code to the SaaS platform. Uploaded code is saved in the custom code S3 bucket in .zip format that can be used to provision Lambda functions.

Custom code Lambda provisioning

The tenant environment includes a tenant SQS queue and a Lambda function that polls initiation requests from the queue. This Lambda function serves several purposes, including:

  1. It polls messages from the SQS queue and constructs a JSON payload that will be sent an input to custom code.
  2. It “wraps” the custom code provided by the customer using boilerplate code, so that custom code is fully abstracted from the processing implementation specifics. For example, we do not want custom code to know that the payload it is getting is coming from Amazon SQS or be aware of the destination where launch results will be sent.
  3. Once custom code initiation is complete, it sends a notification with launch results back to the SaaS application. This can be done directly via EventBridge or Amazon SQS.
  4. This common code can be shared across tenants and deployed by the SaaS provider, either as a library or as a Lambda layer that gets added to the Lambda function.

Each Lambda function execution environment is fully isolated by using a combination of open-source and proprietary isolation technologies, it helps you to address the risk of cross-contamination. By having a separate Lambda function provisioned per-tenant, you achieve the highest level of isolation and benefit from being able to track per-tenant costs.


In this blog post, we explored the need to extend SaaS platforms using custom code and why AWS serverless technologies—using Lambda and Amazon SQS—can be a good fit to accomplish that. We also looked at a solution architecture that can provide the necessary tenant isolation and is cost-effective for this use case.

For more information on building applications with Lambda, visit Serverless Land. For best practices on building SaaS applications, visit SaaS on AWS.

Sequence Diagrams enrich your understanding of distributed architectures

Post Syndicated from Kevin Hakanson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/sequence-diagrams-enrich-your-understanding-of-distributed-architectures/

Architecture diagrams visually communicate and document the high-level design of a solution. As the level of detail increases, so does the diagram’s size, density, and layout complexity. Using Sequence Diagrams, you can explore additional usage scenarios and enrich your understanding of the distributed architecture while continuing to communicate visually.

This post takes a sample architecture and iteratively builds out a set of Sequence Diagrams. Each diagram adds to the vocabulary and graphical notation of Sequence Diagrams, then shows how the diagram deepened understanding of the architecture. All diagrams in this post were rendered from a text-based domain specific language using a diagrams-as-code tool instead of being drawn with graphical diagramming software.

Sample architecture

The architecture is based on Implementing header-based API Gateway versioning with Amazon CloudFront from the AWS Compute Blog, which uses the AWS Lambda@Edge feature to dynamically route the request to the targeted API version.

Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easier for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. Amazon CloudFront is a global content delivery network (CDN) service built for high-speed, low-latency performance, security, and developer ease-of-use. Lambda@Edge lets you run functions that customize the content that CloudFront delivers.

The numbered labels in Figure 1 correspond to the following text descriptions:

  1. User sends an HTTP request to CloudFront, including a version header.
  2. CloudFront invokes the Lambda@Edge function for the Origin Request event.
  3. The function matches the header value to data fetched from an Amazon DynamoDB table, then modifies the Host header and path of the request and returns it to CloudFront.
  4. CloudFront routes the HTTP request to the matching API Gateway.

Figure 1 architecture diagram is a free-form mixture between a structure diagram and a behavior diagram. It includes structural aspects from a high-level Deployment Diagram, which depicts network connections between AWS services. It also demonstrates behavioral aspects from a Communication Diagram, which uses messages represented by arrows labeled with chronological numbers.

High-level architecture diagram

Figure 1. High-level architecture diagram

Sequence Diagrams

Sequence Diagrams are part of a subset of behavior diagrams known as interaction diagrams, which emphasis control and data flow. Sequence Diagrams model the ordered logic of usage scenarios in a consistent visual manner and capture detailed behaviors. I use this diagram type for analysis and design purposes and to validate my assumptions about data flows in distributed architectures. Let’s investigate the system use case where the API is called without a header indicating the requested version using a Sequence Diagram.

Examining the system use case

In Figure 2, User, Web Distribution, and Origin Request are each actors or system participants. The parallel vertical lines underneath these participants are lifelines. The horizontal arrows between participants are messages, with the arrowhead indicating message direction. Messages are arranged in time sequence from top to bottom. The dashed lines represent reply messages. The text inside guillemets («like this») indicate a stereotype, which refines the meaning of a model element. The rectangle with the bent upper-right corner is a note containing additional useful information.

Missing accept-version header

Figure 2. Missing accept-version header

The message from User to Web Distribution lacks any HTTP header that indicates the version, which precipitates the choice of Accept-Version for this name. The return message requires a decision about HTTP status code for this error case (400). The interaction with the Origin Request prompts a selection of Lambda runtimes (nodejs14.x) and understanding the programming model for generating an HTTP response for this request.

Designing the interaction

Next, let’s design the interaction when the Accept-Version header is present, but the corresponding value is not found in the Version Mappings table.

Figure 3 adds new notation to the diagram. The rectangle with “opt” in the upper-left corner and bolded text inside square brackets is an interaction fragment. The “opt” indicates this operation is an option based on the constraint (or guard) that “version mappings not cached” is true.

API version not found

Figure 3. API version not found

A DynamoDB scan operation on every request consumes table read capacity. Caching Version Mappings data inside the Lambda@Edge function’s memory optimizes for on-demand capacity mode. The «on-demand» stereotype on the DynamoDB participant succinctly communicates this decision. The “API V3 not found” note on Figure 3 provides clarity to the reader. The HTTP status code for this error case is decided as 404 with a custom description of “API Version Not Found.”

Now, let’s design the interaction where the API version is found and the caller receives a successful response.

Figure 4 is similar to Figure 3 up until the note, which now indicates “API V1 found.” Consulting the documentation for Writing functions for Lambda@Edge, the request event is updated with the HTTP Host header and path for the “API V1” Amazon API Gateway.

API version found

Figure 4. API version found

Instead of three separate diagrams for these individual scenarios, a single, combined diagram can represent the entire set of use cases. Figure 5 includes two new “alt” interaction fragments that represent choices of alternative behaviors.

The first “alt” has a guard of “missing Accept-Version header” mapping to our Figure 2 use case. The “else” guard encompasses the remaining use cases containing a second “alt” splitting where Figure 3 and Figure 4 diverge. That “version not found” guard is the Figure 3 use case returning the 404, while that “else” guard is the Figure 4 success condition. The added notes improve visual clarity.

Header-based API Gateway versioning with CloudFront

Figure 5. Header-based API Gateway versioning with CloudFront

Diagrams as code

After diagrams are created, the next question is where to save them and how to keep them updated. Because diagrams-as-code use text-based files, they can be stored and versioned in the same source control system as application code. Also consider an architectural decision record (ADR) process to document and communicate architecturally significant decisions. Then as application code is updated, team members can revise both the ADR narrative and the text-based diagram source. Up-to-date documentation is important for operationally supporting production deployments, and these diagrams quickly provide a visual understanding of system component interactions.


This post started with a high-level architecture diagram and ended with an additional Sequence Diagram that captures multiple usage scenarios. This improved understanding of the system design across success and error use cases. Focusing on system interactions prior to coding facilitates the interface definition and emergent properties discovery, before thinking in terms of programming language specific constructs and SDKs.

Experiment to see if Sequence Diagrams improve the analysis and design phase of your next project. View additional examples of diagrams-as-code from the AWS Icons for PlantUML GitHub repository. The Workload Discovery on AWS solution can even build detailed architecture diagrams of your workloads based on live data from AWS.

For vetted architecture solutions and reference architecture diagrams, visit the AWS Architecture Center. For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Related information

  • The Unified Modeling Language specification provides the full definition of Sequence Diagrams. This includes notations for additional interaction frame operators, using open arrow heads to represent asynchronous messages, and more.
  • Diagrams were created for this blog post using PlantUML and the AWS Icons for PlantUML. PlantUML integrates with IDEs, wikis, and other external tools. PlantUML is distributed under multiple open-source licenses, allowing local server rendering for diagrams containing sensitive information. AWS Icons for PlantUML include the official AWS Architecture Icons.

Using custom consumer group ID support for the AWS Lambda event sources for MSK and self-managed Kafka

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/using-custom-consumer-group-id-support-for-the-aws-lambda-event-sources-for-msk-and-self-managed-kafka/

This post is written by Adam Wagner, Principal Serverless Specialist SA.

AWS Lambda already supports Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK) and self-managed Apache Kafka clusters as event sources. Today, AWS adds support for specifying a custom consumer group ID for the Lambda event source mappings (ESMs) for MSK and self-managed Kafka event sources.

With this feature, you can create a Lambda ESM that uses a consumer group that has already been created. This enables you to use Lambda as a Kafka consumer for topics that are replicated with MirrorMaker v2 or with consumer groups you create to start consuming at a particular offset or timestamp.


This blog post shows how to use this feature to enable Lambda to consume a Kafka topic starting at a specific timestamp. This can be useful if you must reprocess some data but don’t want to reprocess all of the data in the topic.

In this example application, a client application writes to a topic on the MSK cluster. It creates a consumer group that points to a specific timestamp within that topic as the starting point for consuming messages. A Lambda ESM is created using that existing consumer group that triggers a Lambda function. This processes and writes the messages to an Amazon DynamoDB table.

Reference architecture

  1. A Kafka client writes messages to a topic in the MSK cluster.
  2. A Kafka consumer group is created with a starting point of a specific timestamp
  3. The Lambda ESM polls the MSK topic using the existing consumer group and triggers the Lambda function with batches of messages.
  4. The Lambda function writes the messages to DynamoDB

Step-by-step instructions

To get started, create an MSK cluster and a client Amazon EC2 instance from which to create topics and publish messages. If you don’t already have an MSK cluster, follow this blog on setting up an MSK cluster and using it as an event source for Lambda.

  1. On the client instance, set an environment variable to the MSK cluster bootstrap servers to make it easier to reference them in future commands:
    export MSKBOOTSTRAP='b-1.mskcluster.oy1hqd.c23.kafka.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:9094,b-2.mskcluster.oy1hqd.c23.kafka.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:9094,b-3.mskcluster.oy1hqd.c23.kafka.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:9094'
  2. Create the topic. This example has a three-node MSK cluster so the replication factor is also set to three. The partition count is set to three in this example. In your applications, set this according to throughput and parallelization needs.
    ./bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --bootstrap-server $MSKBOOT --replication-factor 3 --partitions 3 --topic demoTopic01
  3. Write messages to the topic using this Python script:
    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import json
    import time
    from random import randint
    from uuid import uuid4
    from kafka import KafkaProducer
    BROKERS = ['b-1.mskcluster.oy1hqd.c23.kafka.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:9094', 
    TOPIC = 'demoTopic01'
    producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers=BROKERS, security_protocol='SSL',
            value_serializer=lambda x: json.dumps(x).encode('utf-8'))
    def create_record(sequence_num):
        number = randint(1000000,10000000)
        record = {"id": sequence_num, "record_timestamp": int(time.time()), "random_number": number, "producer_id": str(uuid4()) }
        return record
    def publish_rec(seq):
        data = create_record(seq)
        producer.send(TOPIC, value=data).add_callback(on_send_success).add_errback(on_send_error)
    def on_send_success(record_metadata):
        print(record_metadata.topic, record_metadata.partition, record_metadata.offset)
    def on_send_error(excp):
        print('error writing to kafka', exc_info=excp)
    for num in range(1,10000000):
  4. Copy the script into a file on the client instance named producer.py. The script uses the kafka-python library, so first create a virtual environment and install the library.
    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip3 install kafka-python
  5. Start the script. Leave it running for a few minutes to accumulate some messages in the topic.
  6. Previously, a Lambda function would choose between consuming messages starting at the beginning of the topic or starting with the latest messages. In this example, it starts consuming messages from a few hours ago at 14:30 UTC. To do this, first create a new consumer group on the client instance:
    ./bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --command-config client.properties --bootstrap-server $MSKBOOTSTRAP --topic demoTopic01 --group specificTimeCG --to-datetime 2022-08-10T16:00:00.000 --reset-offsets --execute
  7. In this case, specificTimeCG is the consumer group ID used when creating the Lambda ESM. Listing the consumer groups on the cluster shows the new group:
    ./bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --list --command-config client.properties --bootstrap-server $MSKBOOTSTRAP


  8. With the consumer group created, create the Lambda function along with the Event Source Mapping that uses this new consumer group. In this case, the Lambda function and DynamoDB table are already created. Create the ESM with the following AWS CLI Command:
    aws lambda create-event-source-mapping --region us-east-1 --event-source-arn arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:0123456789:cluster/demo-us-east-1/78a8d1c1-fa31-4f59-9de3-aacdd77b79bb-23 --function-name msk-consumer-demo-ProcessMSKfunction-IrUhEoDY6X9N --batch-size 3 --amazon-managed-kafka-event-source-config '{"ConsumerGroupId":"specificTimeCG"}' --topics demoTopic01

    The event source in the Lambda console or CLI shows the starting position set to TRIM_HORIZON. However, if you specify a custom consumer group ID that already has existing offsets, those offsets take precedent.

  9. With the event source created, navigate to the DynamoDB console. Locate the DynamoDB table to see the records written by the Lambda function.
    DynamoDB table

Converting the record timestamp of the earliest record in DynamoDB, 1660147212, to a human-readable date shows that the first record was created on 2022-08-10T16:00:12.

In this example, the consumer group is created before the Lambda ESM so that you can specify the timestamp to start from.

If you create an ESM and specify a custom consumer group ID that does not exist, it is created. This is a convenient way to create a new consumer group for an ESM with an ID of your choosing.

Deleting an ESM does not delete the consumer group, regardless of whether it is created before, or during, the ESM creation.

Using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM)

To create the event source mapping with a custom consumer group using an AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template, use the following snippet:

    Type: MSK
      Stream: !Sub arn:aws:kafka:${AWS::Region}:012345678901:cluster/ demo-us-east-1/78a8d1c1-fa31-4f59-9de3-aacdd77b79bb-23
        - "demoTopic01"
      ConsumerGroupId: specificTimeCG

Other types of Kafka clusters

This example uses the custom consumer group ID feature when consuming a Kafka topic from an MSK cluster. In addition to MSK clusters, this feature also supports self-managed Kafka clusters. These could be clusters running on EC2 instances or managed Kafka clusters from a partner such as Confluent.


This post shows how to use the new custom consumer group ID feature of the Lambda event source mapping for Amazon MSK and self-managed Kafka. This feature can be used to consume messages with Lambda starting at a specific timestamp or offset within a Kafka topic. It can also be used to consume messages from a consumer group that is replicated from another Kafka cluster using MirrorMaker v2.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Introducing bidirectional event integrations with Salesforce and Amazon EventBridge

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-bidirectional-event-integrations-with-salesforce-and-amazon-eventbridge/

This post is written by Alseny Diallo, Prototype Solutions Architect and Rohan Mehta, Associate Cloud Application Architect.

AWS now supports Salesforce as a partner event source for Amazon EventBridge, allowing you to send Salesforce events to AWS. You can also configure Salesforce with EventBridge API Destinations and send EventBridge events to Salesforce. These integrations enable you to act on changes to your Salesforce data in real-time and build custom applications with EventBridge and over 100 built-in sources and targets.

In this blog post, you learn how to set up a bidirectional integration between Salesforce and EventBridge and use cases for working with Salesforce events. You see an example application for interacting with Salesforce support case events with automated workflows for detecting sentiment with AWS AI/ML services and enriching support cases with customer order data.

Integration overview

Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform that gives companies a single, shared view of customers across their marketing, sales, commerce, and service departments. Salesforce Event Relays for AWS enable bidirectional event flows between Salesforce and AWS through EventBridge.

Amazon EventBridge is a serverless event bus that makes it easier to build event-driven applications at scale using events generated from your applications, integrated software as a service (SaaS) applications, and AWS services. EventBridge partner event source integrations enable customers to receive events from over 30 SaaS applications and ingest them into their AWS applications.

Salesforce as a partner event source for EventBridge makes it easier to build event-driven applications that span customers’ data in Salesforce and applications running on AWS. Customers can send events from Salesforce to EventBridge and vice versa without having to write custom code or manage an integration.

EventBridge joins Amazon AppFlow as a way to integrate Salesforce with AWS. The Salesforce Amazon AppFlow integration is well suited for use cases that require ingesting large volumes of data, like a daily scheduled data transfer sending Salesforce records into an Amazon Redshift data warehouse or an Amazon S3 data lake. The Salesforce EventBridge integration is a good fit for real-time processing of changes to individual Salesforce records.

Use cases

Customers can act on new or modified Salesforce records through integrations with a variety of EventBridge targets, including AWS Lambda, AWS Step Functions, and API Gateway. The integration can enable use cases across industries that must act on customer events in real time.

  • Retailers can automatically unify their Salesforce data with AWS data sources. When a new customer support case is created in Salesforce, enrich the support case with recent order data from that customer retrieved from an orders database running on AWS.
  • Media and entertainment providers can augment their omnichannel experiences with AWS AI/ML services to increase customer engagement. When a new customer account is created in Salesforce, use Amazon Personalize and Amazon Simple Email Service to send a welcome email with personalized media recommendations.
  • Insurers can automate form processing workflows. When a new insurance claim form PDF is uploaded to Salesforce, extract the submitted information with Amazon Textract and orchestrate processing the claim information with AWS Step Functions.

Solution overview

The example application shows how the integration can enhance customer support experiences by unifying support tickets with customer order data, detecting customer sentiment, and automating support case workflows.

Reference architecture

  1. A new case is created in Salesforce and an event is sent to an EventBridge partner event bus.
  2. If the event matches the EventBridge rule, the rule sends the event to both the Enrich Case and Case Processor Workflows in parallel.
  3. The Enrich Case Workflow uses the Customer ID in the event payload to query the Orders table for the customer’s recent order. If this step fails, the event is sent to an Amazon SQS dead letter queue.
  4. The Enrich Case Workflow publishes a new event with the customer’s recent order to an EventBridge custom event bus.
  5. The Case Processor Workflow performs sentiment analysis on the support case content and sends a customized text message to the customer. See the diagram below for details on the workflow.
  6. The Case Processor Workflow publishes a new event with the sentiment analysis results to the custom event bus.
  7. EventBridge rules match the events published to the associated rules: CaseProcessorEventRule and EnrichCaseAppEventRule.
  8. These rules send the events to EventBridge API Destinations. API Destinations sends the events to Salesforce HTTP endpoints to create two Salesforce Platform Events.
  9. Salesforce data is updated with the two Platform Events:
    1. The support case record is updated with the customer’s recent order details and the support case sentiment.
    2. If the support case sentiment is negative, a task is created for an agent to follow up with the customer.

The Case Processor workflow uses Step Functions to process the Salesforce events.

Case processor workflow

  1. Detect the sentiment of the customer feedback using Amazon Comprehend. This is positive, negative, or neutral.
  2. Check if the customer phone number is a mobile number and can receive SMS using Amazon Pinpoint’s mobile number validation endpoint.
  3. If the customer did not provide a mobile number, bypass the SMS steps and put an event with the detected sentiment onto the custom event bus.
  4. If the customer provided a mobile number, send them an SMS with the appropriate message based on the sentiment of their case.
    1. If sentiment is positive or neutral, the message is thanking the customer for their feedback.
    2. If the sentiment is negative, the message offers additional support.
  5. The state machine then puts an event with the sentiment analysis results onto the custom event bus.


Environment setup

  1. Follow the instructions here to set up your Salesforce Event Relay. Once you have an event bus created with the partner event source, proceed to step 2.
  2. Copy the ARN of the event bus.
  3. Create a Salesforce Connected App. This is used for the API Destinations configuration to send updates back into Salesforce.
  4. You can create a new user within Salesforce with appropriate API permissions to update records. The user name and password is used by the API Destinations configuration.
  5. The example provided by Salesforce uses a Platform Event called “Carbon Comparison”. For this sample app, you create three custom platform events with the following configurations:
    1. Customer Support Case (Salesforce to AWS):
      Customer support case
    2. Processed Support Case (AWS to Salesforce):
      Processed Support case
    3. Enrich Case (AWS to Salesforce):
      Enrich case example
  6. This example application assumes that a custom Sentiment field is added to the Salesforce Case record type. See this link for how to create custom fields in Salesforce.
  7. The example application uses Salesforce Flows to trigger outbound platform events and handle inbound platform events. See this link for how to use Salesforce Flows to build event driven applications on Salesforce.
  8. Clone the AWS SAM template here.
    sam build
    sam deploy —guided

    For the parameter prompts, enter:

  • SalesforceOauthClientId and SalesforceOauthClientSecret: Use the values created with the Connected App in step 3.
  • SalesforceUsername and SalesforcePassword: Use the values created for the new user in step 4.
  • SalesforceOauthUrl: Salesforce URL for OAuth authentication
  • SalesforceCaseProcessorEndpointUrl: Salesforce URL for creating a new Processed Support Case Platform Event object, in this case: https://MyDomainName.my.salesforce.com/services/data/v54.0/sobjects/Processed_Support_Case__e
  • SFEnrichCaseEndpointUrl: Salesforce URL for creating a new Enrich Case Platform Event object, in this case: https://MyDomainName.my.salesforce.com/services/data/v54.0/sobjects/Enrich_Case__e
  • SalesforcePartnerEventBusArn: Use the value from step 2.
  • SalesforcePartnerEventPattern: The detail-type value should be the API name of the custom platform event, in thiscase: {“detail-type”: [“Customer_Support_Case__e”]}


This blog shows how to act on changes to your Salesforce data in real-time using the new Salesforce partner event source integration with EventBridge. The example demonstrated how your Salesforce data can be processed and enriched with custom AWS applications and updates sent back to Salesforce using EventBridge API Destinations.

To learn more about EventBridge partner event sources and API Destinations, see the EventBridge Developer Guide. For more serverless resources, visit Serverless Land.

Build a pseudonymization service on AWS to protect sensitive data, part 1

Post Syndicated from Rahul Shaurya original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/part-1-build-a-pseudonymization-service-on-aws-to-protect-sensitive-data/

According to an article in MIT Sloan Management Review, 9 out of 10 companies believe their industry will be digitally disrupted. In order to fuel the digital disruption, companies are eager to gather as much data as possible. Given the importance of this new asset, lawmakers are keen to protect the privacy of individuals and prevent any misuse. Organizations often face challenges as they aim to comply with data privacy regulations like Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). These regulations demand strict access controls to protect sensitive personal data.

This is a two-part post. In part 1, we walk through a solution that uses a microservice-based approach to enable fast and cost-effective pseudonymization of attributes in datasets. The solution uses the AES-GCM-SIV algorithm to pseudonymize sensitive data. In part 2, we will walk through useful patterns for dealing with data protection for varying degrees of data volume, velocity, and variety using Amazon EMR, AWS Glue, and Amazon Athena.

Data privacy and data protection basics

Before diving into the solution architecture, let’s look at some of the basics of data privacy and data protection. Data privacy refers to the handling of personal information and how data should be handled based on its relative importance, consent, data collection, and regulatory compliance. Depending on your regional privacy laws, the terminology and definition in scope of personal information may differ. For example, privacy laws in the United States use personally identifiable information (PII) in their terminology, whereas GDPR in the European Union refers to it as personal data. Techgdpr explains in detail the difference between the two. Through the rest of the post, we use PII and personal data interchangeably.

Data anonymization and pseudonymization can potentially be used to implement data privacy to protect both PII and personal data and still allow organizations to legitimately use the data.

Anonymization vs. pseudonymization

Anonymization refers to a technique of data processing that aims to irreversibly remove PII from a dataset. The dataset is considered anonymized if it can’t be used to directly or indirectly identify an individual.

Pseudonymization is a data sanitization procedure by which PII fields within a data record are replaced by artificial identifiers. A single pseudonym for each replaced field or collection of replaced fields makes the data record less identifiable while remaining suitable for data analysis and data processing. This technique is especially useful because it protects your PII data at record level for analytical purposes such as business intelligence, big data, or machine learning use cases.

The main difference between anonymization and pseudonymization is that the pseudonymized data is reversible (re-identifiable) to authorized users and is still considered personal data.

Solution overview

The following architecture diagram provides an overview of the solution.

Solution overview

This architecture contains two separate accounts:

  • Central pseudonymization service: Account 111111111111 – The pseudonymization service is running in its own dedicated AWS account (right). This is a centrally managed pseudonymization API that provides access to two resources for pseudonymization and reidentification. With this architecture, you can apply authentication, authorization, rate limiting, and other API management tasks in one place. For this solution, we’re using API keys to authenticate and authorize consumers.
  • Compute: Account 222222222222 – The account on the left is referred to as the compute account, where the extract, transform, and load (ETL) workloads are running. This account depicts a consumer of the pseudonymization microservice. The account hosts the various consumer patterns depicted in the architecture diagram. These solutions are covered in detail in part 2 of this series.

The pseudonymization service is built using AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway. Lambda enables the serverless microservice features, and API Gateway provides serverless APIs for HTTP or RESTful and WebSocket communication.

We create the solution resources via AWS CloudFormation. The CloudFormation stack template and the source code for the Lambda function are available in GitHub Repository.

We walk you through the following steps:

  1. Deploy the solution resources with AWS CloudFormation.
  2. Generate encryption keys and persist them in AWS Secrets Manager.
  3. Test the service.

Demystifying the pseudonymization service

Pseudonymization logic is written in Java and uses the AES-GCM-SIV algorithm developed by codahale. The source code is hosted in a Lambda function. Secret keys are stored securely in Secrets Manager. AWS Key Management System (AWS KMS) makes sure that secrets and sensitive components are protected at rest. The service is exposed to consumers via API Gateway as a REST API. Consumers are authenticated and authorized to consume the API via API keys. The pseudonymization service is technology agnostic and can be adopted by any form of consumer as long as they’re able to consume REST APIs.

As depicted in the following figure, the API consists of two resources with the POST method:

API Resources

  • Pseudonymization – The pseudonymization resource can be used by authorized users to pseudonymize a given list of plaintexts (identifiers) and replace them with a pseudonym.
  • Reidentification – The reidentification resource can be used by authorized users to convert pseudonyms to plaintexts (identifiers).

The request response model of the API utilizes Java string arrays to store multiple values in a single variable, as depicted in the following code.

Request/Response model

The API supports a Boolean type query parameter to decide whether encryption is deterministic or probabilistic.

The implementation of the algorithm has been modified to add the logic to generate a nonce, which is dependent on the plaintext being pseudonymized. If the incoming query parameters key deterministic has the value True, then the overloaded version of the encrypt function is called. This generates a nonce using the HmacSHA256 function on the plaintext, and takes 12 sub-bytes from a predetermined position for nonce. This nonce is then used for the encryption and prepended to the resulting ciphertext. The following is an example:

  • IdentifierVIN98765432101234
  • NonceNjcxMDVjMmQ5OTE5
  • PseudonymNjcxMDVjMmQ5OTE5q44vuub5QD4WH3vz1Jj26ZMcVGS+XB9kDpxp/tMinfd9

This approach is useful especially for building analytical systems that may require PII fields to be used for joining datasets with other pseudonymized datasets.

The following code shows an example of deterministic encryption.Deterministic Encryption

If the incoming query parameters key deterministic has the value False, then the encrypt method is called without the deterministic parameter and the nonce generated is a random 12 bytes. This generates a different ciphertext for the same incoming plaintext.

The following code shows an example of probabilistic encryption.

Probabilistic Encryption

The Lambda function utilizes a couple of caching mechanisms to boost the performance of the function. It uses Guava to build a cache to avoid generation of the pseudonym or identifier if it’s already available in the cache. For the probabilistic approach, the cache isn’t utilized. It also uses SecretCache, an in-memory cache for secrets requested from Secrets Manager.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

Deploy the solution resources with AWS CloudFormation

The deployment is triggered by running the deploy.sh script. The script runs the following phases:

  1. Checks for dependencies.
  2. Builds the Lambda package.
  3. Builds the CloudFormation stack.
  4. Deploys the CloudFormation stack.
  5. Prints to standard out the stack output.

The following resources are deployed from the stack:

  • An API Gateway REST API with two resources:
    • /pseudonymization
    • /reidentification
  • A Lambda function
  • A Secrets Manager secret
  • A KMS key
  • IAM roles and policies
  • An Amazon CloudWatch Logs group

You need to pass the following parameters to the script for the deployment to be successful:

  • STACK_NAME – The CloudFormation stack name.
  • AWS_REGION – The Region where the solution is deployed.
  • AWS_PROFILE – The named profile that applies to the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). command
  • ARTEFACT_S3_BUCKET – The S3 bucket where the infrastructure code is stored. The bucket must be created in the same account and Region where the solution lives.

Use the following commands to run the ./deployments_scripts/deploy.sh script:

chmod +x ./deployment_scripts/deploy.sh ./deployment_scripts/deploy.sh -s STACK_NAME -b ARTEFACT_S3_BUCKET -r AWS_REGION -p AWS_PROFILE AWS_REGION

Upon successful deployment, the script displays the stack outputs, as depicted in the following screenshot. Take note of the output, because we use it in subsequent steps.

Stack Output

Generate encryption keys and persist them in Secrets Manager

In this step, we generate the encryption keys required to pseudonymize the plain text data. We generate those keys by calling the KMS key we created in the previous step. Then we persist the keys in a secret. Encryption keys are encrypted at rest and in transit, and exist in plain text only in-memory when the function calls them.

To perform this step, we use the script key_generator.py. You need to pass the following parameters for the script to run successfully:

  • KmsKeyArn – The output value from the previous stack deployment
  • AWS_PROFILE – The named profile that applies to the AWS CLI command
  • AWS_REGION – The Region where the solution is deployed
  • SecretName – The output value from the previous stack deployment

Use the following command to run ./helper_scripts/key_generator.py:

python3 ./helper_scripts/key_generator.py -k KmsKeyArn -s SecretName -p AWS_PROFILE -r AWS_REGION

Upon successful deployment, the secret value should look like the following screenshot.

Encryption Secrets

Test the solution

In this step, we configure Postman and query the REST API, so you need to make sure Postman is installed in your machine. Upon successful authentication, the API returns the requested values.

The following parameters are required to create a complete request in Postman:

  • PseudonymizationUrl – The output value from stack deployment
  • ReidentificationUrl – The output value from stack deployment
  • deterministic – The value True or False for the pseudonymization call
  • API_Key – The API key, which you can retrieve from API Gateway console

Follow these steps to set up Postman:

  1. Start Postman in your machine.
  2. On the File menu, choose Import.
  3. Import the Postman collection.
  4. From the collection folder, navigate to the pseudonymization request.
  5. To test the pseudonymization resource, replace all variables in the sample request with the parameters mentioned earlier.

The request template in the body already has some dummy values provided. You can use the existing one or exchange with your own.

  1. Choose Send to run the request.

The API returns in the body of the response a JSON data type.


  1. From the collection folder, navigate to the reidentification request.
  2. To test the reidentification resource, replace all variables in the sample request with the parameters mentioned earlier.
  3. Pass to the response template in the body the pseudonyms output from earlier.
  4. Choose Send to run the request.

The API returns in the body of the response a JSON data type.


Cost and performance

There are many factors that can determine the cost and performance of the service. Performance especially can be influenced by payload size, concurrency, cache hit, and managed service limits on the account level. The cost is mainly influenced by how much the service is being used. For our cost and performance exercise, we consider the following scenario:

The REST API is used to pseudonymize Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs). On average, consumers request pseudonymization of 1,000 VINs per call. The service processes on average 40 requests per second, or 40,000 encryption or decryption operations per second. The average process time per request is as follows:

  • 15 milliseconds for deterministic encryption
  • 23 milliseconds for probabilistic encryption
  • 6 milliseconds for decryption

The number of calls hitting the service per month is distributed as follows:

  • 50 million calls hitting the pseudonymization resource for deterministic encryption
  • 25 million calls hitting the pseudonymization resource for probabilistic encryption
  • 25 million calls hitting the reidentification resource for decryption

Based on this scenario, the average cost is $415.42 USD per month. You may find the detailed cost breakdown in the estimate generated via the AWS Pricing Calculator.

We use Locust to simulate a similar load to our scenario. Measurements from Amazon CloudWatch metrics are depicted in the following screenshots (network latency isn’t considered during our measurement).

The following screenshot shows API Gateway latency and Lambda duration for deterministic encryption. Latency is high at the beginning due to the cold start, and flattens out over time.

API Gateway Latency & Lamdba Duration for deterministic encryption. Latency is high at the beginning due to the cold start and flattens out over time.

The following screenshot shows metrics for probabilistic encryption.

metrics for probabilistic encryption

The following shows metrics for decryption.

metrics for decryption

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the CloudFormation stack by running the destroy.sh script. The following parameters are required to run the script successfully:

  • STACK_NAME – The CloudFormation stack name
  • AWS_REGION – The Region where the solution is deployed
  • AWS_PROFILE – The named profile that applies to the AWS CLI command

Use the following commands to run the ./deployment_scripts/destroy.sh script:

chmod +x ./deployment_scripts/destroy.sh ./deployment_scripts/destroy.sh -s STACK_NAME -r AWS_REGION -p AWS_PROFILE


In this post, we demonstrated how to build a pseudonymization service on AWS. The solution is technology agnostic and can be adopted by any form of consumer as long as they’re able to consume REST APIs. We hope this post helps you in your data protection strategies.

Stay tuned for part 2, which will cover consumption patterns of the pseudonymization service.

About the authors

Edvin Hallvaxhiu is a Senior Global Security Architect with AWS Professional Services and is passionate about cybersecurity and automation. He helps customers build secure and compliant solutions in the cloud. Outside work, he likes traveling and sports.

Rahul Shaurya is a Senior Big Data Architect with AWS Professional Services. He helps and works closely with customers building data platforms and analytical applications on AWS. Outside of work, Rahul loves taking long walks with his dog Barney.

Andrea Montanari is a Big Data Architect with AWS Professional Services. He actively supports customers and partners in building analytics solutions at scale on AWS.

María Guerra is a Big Data Architect with AWS Professional Services. Maria has a background in data analytics and mechanical engineering. She helps customers architecting and developing data related workloads in the cloud.

Pushpraj is a Data Architect with AWS Professional Services. He is passionate about Data and DevOps engineering. He helps customers build data driven applications at scale.

Introducing the new AWS Serverless Snippets Collection

Post Syndicated from dboyne original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-the-new-aws-serverless-snippets-collection/

Today, the AWS Serverless Developer Advocate team introduces the Serverless Snippets Collection. This is a new page hosted on Serverless Land that makes it easier to discover, copy, and share common code that can help with serverless application development.

Builders are writing serverless applications in many programming languages and spend a growing amount of time finding and reusing code that is trusted and tested.

With many online resources and code located within private repositories, it can be hard to find reusable or up-to-date code snippets that you can copy and paste into your applications or use with your AWS accounts. Code examples can soon become out of date or replaced by new best practices.

The Serverless Snippets Collection is designed to enable reusable, tested, and recommended snippets driven and maintained by the community. Builders can use serverless snippets to find and integrate tools, code examples, and Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insights queries to help with their development workflow.

This blog post explains what serverless snippets are and what challenges they help to solve. It shows how to use the snippets and how builders can contribute to the new collection.


The new Serverless Snippets Collection helps builders explore and reuse common code snippets to help accelerate application development workflows. Builders can also write their own snippets and contribute them to the site using standard GitHub pull requests.

Serverless snippets are organized into a number of categories, initially supporting Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insights queries, tools, and service integrations.

Code snippets can easily become outdated as new functionality emerges and best practices are discovered. Serverless snippets offer a platform where application developers can collaborate together to keep code examples up to date and relevant, while supporting many programming languages.

Snippets can contain code from any programming language. You can include multiple languages within a single snippet giving you the option to be creative and flexible.

Serverless snippets use tags to simplify discovery. You can use tags to filter by snippet type, programming language, AWS service, or custom tags to find relevant code snippets for your own use cases.

Each snippet type has a custom interface, giving builders a simplified experience and quick deployment methods.

CloudWatch Logs Insights snippets

CloudWatch Logs Insights enables you to search interactively and analyze your log data in CloudWatch Logs. You can use CloudWatch Logs Insights to help you efficiently and effectively search for operational issues, and debug your applications.

Serverless snippets contain a number of CloudWatch Logs Insights queries. These help you analyze your applications faster and include tags such as memory, latency, duration, or errors. You can launch queries directly into your AWS Management Console with one click.

Using CloudWatch Insights snippets

  1. Select the CloudWatch Logs Insights as the snippet type and choose View on a snippet.Filering by CloudWach Logs Insights Queries
  2. Select Open in CloudWatch Insights to launch the snippet directly into your AWS account or copy the code and follow the manual instructions on the page to run the query.Open CloudWatch Insights query with open click deploy button

Tool snippets

Another snippet type supported are tools. Builders can search for tools by programming language or AWS service. Tool snippets include detailed instructions on how to install the tool and example usage with additional resource links. Tools can also be tagged by programming language allowing you to select the tools for your particular language using the snippet tabs functionality.

To use tools snippets:

  1. Select Tools as the selected snippet type and View any tool snippet.Selecting tools on Serverless Snippets
  2. Each snippet may have many steps. Follow the instructions documented in the tool snippet to install and use within your own application.

Integration snippets

Service integrations are part of many applications built on AWS. Serverless snippets include integration type snippets to share integration code between AWS services.

For example, you can add a snippet for Amazon S3 integration with AWS Lambda and also split your snippet into programming languages.

To use integration snippets:

  1. Select Integration as the selected snippet type and View any tool snippet.
  2. The integrations snippets give you examples of how you can integrate between AWS services. You can select your desired programming language by selecting the language buttons.

Contributing to the Serverless Snippets Collection

You can write your own snippets and contribute them to the serverless snippets collection, which is stored in the AWS snippets-collection repository. Requests are reviewed for quality and relevancy before publishing.

To submit a snippet:

  1. Choose Submit a Serverless Snippet.
  2. Read the Adding new snippet guide and fill out the GitHub issue template.
  3. Clone the repository. Duplicate and rename the example snippet_model directory (or _snippet-model-multi-files if you want to support multiple files in your snippet)
  4. Add required information in the README.md file.
  5. Add the required meta information to `snippet-data.json`
  6. Add the snippet code to the snippet.txt file.
  7. Submit a pull request to the repository with the new snippet files.

To write snippets with multiple code blocks or to support different runtimes, read the guide.


When building serverless applications, builders reuse and share code across many applications and organizations. These code snippets can be difficult to find across your own applications and local development environments.

Today, the AWS Serverless Developer Advocate team is adding the Serverless Snippets Collection on Serverless Land to help builders search, discover, and contribute reusable code snippets across the world.

The Serverless Snippet Collection includes tools, integration code examples and CloudWatch Logs Insights queries. The collection supports many types of snippets, examples, and code that can be shared across the community.

Builders can use the custom filter functionality to search for snippets by programming language, AWS service, or custom snippet tags.

All serverless developers are invited to contribute to the collection. You can submit a pull request to the Serverless Snippets Collection GitHub repository, which is reviewed for quality before publishing.

For more information on building serverless applications visit Serverless Land.

How NerdWallet uses AWS and Apache Hudi to build a serverless, real-time analytics platform

Post Syndicated from Kevin Chun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-nerdwallet-uses-aws-and-apache-hudi-to-build-a-serverless-real-time-analytics-platform/

This is a guest post by Kevin Chun, Staff Software Engineer in Core Engineering at NerdWallet.

NerdWallet’s mission is to provide clarity for all of life’s financial decisions. This covers a diverse set of topics: from choosing the right credit card, to managing your spending, to finding the best personal loan, to refinancing your mortgage. As a result, NerdWallet offers powerful capabilities that span across numerous domains, such as credit monitoring and alerting, dashboards for tracking net worth and cash flow, machine learning (ML)-driven recommendations, and many more for millions of users.

To build a cohesive and performant experience for our users, we need to be able to use large volumes of varying user data sourced by multiple independent teams. This requires a strong data culture along with a set of data infrastructure and self-serve tooling that enables creativity and collaboration.

In this post, we outline a use case that demonstrates how NerdWallet is scaling its data ecosystem by building a serverless pipeline that enables streaming data from across the company. We iterated on two different architectures. We explain the challenges we ran into with the initial design and the benefits we achieved by using Apache Hudi and additional AWS services in the second design.

Problem statement

NerdWallet captures a sizable amount of spending data. This data is used to build helpful dashboards and actionable insights for users. The data is stored in an Amazon Aurora cluster. Even though the Aurora cluster works well as an Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) engine, it’s not suitable for large, complex Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) queries. As a result, we can’t expose direct database access to analysts and data engineers. The data owners have to solve requests with new data derivations on read replicas. As the data volume and the diversity of data consumers and requests grow, this process gets more difficult to maintain. In addition, data scientists mostly require data files access from an object store like Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

We decided to explore alternatives where all consumers can independently fulfill their own data requests safely and scalably using open-standard tooling and protocols. Drawing inspiration from the data mesh paradigm, we designed a data lake based on Amazon S3 that decouples data producers from consumers while providing a self-serve, security-compliant, and scalable set of tooling that is easy to provision.

Initial design

The following diagram illustrates the architecture of the initial design.

The design included the following key components:

  1. We chose AWS Data Migration Service (AWS DMS) because it’s a managed service that facilitates the movement of data from various data stores such as relational and NoSQL databases into Amazon S3. AWS DMS allows one-time migration and ongoing replication with change data capture (CDC) to keep the source and target data stores in sync.
  2. We chose Amazon S3 as the foundation for our data lake because of its scalability, durability, and flexibility. You can seamlessly increase storage from gigabytes to petabytes, paying only for what you use. It’s designed to provide 11 9s of durability. It supports structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data, and has native integration with a broad portfolio of AWS services.
  3. AWS Glue is a fully managed data integration service. AWS Glue makes it easier to categorize, clean, transform, and reliably transfer data between different data stores.
  4. Amazon Athena is a serverless interactive query engine that makes it easy to analyze data directly in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. Athena scales automatically—running queries in parallel—so results are fast, even with large datasets, high concurrency, and complex queries.

This architecture works fine with small testing datasets. However, the team quickly ran into complications with the production datasets at scale.


The team encountered the following challenges:

  • Long batch processing time and complexed transformation logic – A single run of the Spark batch job took 2–3 hours to complete, and we ended up getting a fairly large AWS bill when testing against billions of records. The core problem was that we had to reconstruct the latest state and rewrite the entire set of records per partition for every job run, even if the incremental changes were a single record of the partition. When we scaled that to thousands of unique transactions per second, we quickly saw the degradation in transformation performance.
  • Increased complexity with a large number of clients – This workload contained millions of clients, and one common query pattern was to filter by single client ID. There were numerous optimizations that we were forced to tack on, such as predicate pushdowns, tuning the Parquet file size, using a bucketed partition scheme, and more. As more data owners adopted this architecture, we would have to customize each of these optimizations for their data models and consumer query patterns.
  • Limited extendibility for real-time use cases – This batch extract, transform, and load (ETL) architecture wasn’t going to scale to handle hourly updates of thousands of records upserts per second. In addition, it would be challenging for the data platform team to keep up with the diverse real-time analytical needs. Incremental queries, time-travel queries, improved latency, and so on would require heavy investment over a long period of time. Improving on this issue would open up possibilities like near-real-time ML inference and event-based alerting.

With all these limitations of the initial design, we decided to go all-in on a real incremental processing framework.


The following diagram illustrates our updated design. To support real-time use cases, we added Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, AWS Lambda, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose and Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) into the architecture.

The updated components are as follows:

  1. Amazon Kinesis Data Streams is a serverless streaming data service that makes it easy to capture, process, and store data streams. We set up a Kinesis data stream as a target for AWS DMS. The data stream collects the CDC logs.
  2. We use a Lambda function to transform the CDC records. We apply schema validation and data enrichment at the record level in the Lambda function. The transformed results are published to a second Kinesis data stream for the data lake consumption and an Amazon SNS topic so that changes can be fanned out to various downstream systems.
  3. Downstream systems can subscribe to the Amazon SNS topic and take real-time actions (within seconds) based on the CDC logs. This can support use cases like anomaly detection and event-based alerting.
  4. To solve the problem of long batch processing time, we use Apache Hudi file format to store the data and perform streaming ETL using AWS Glue streaming jobs. Apache Hudi is an open-source transactional data lake framework that greatly simplifies incremental data processing and data pipeline development. Hudi allows you to build streaming data lakes with incremental data pipelines, with support for transactions, record-level updates, and deletes on data stored in data lakes. Hudi integrates well with various AWS analytics services such as AWS Glue, Amazon EMR, and Athena, which makes it a straightforward extension of our previous architecture. While Apache Hudi solves the record-level update and delete challenges, AWS Glue streaming jobs convert the long-running batch transformations into low-latency micro-batch transformations. We use the AWS Glue Connector for Apache Hudi to import the Apache Hudi dependencies in the AWS Glue streaming job and write transformed data to Amazon S3 continuously. Hudi does all the heavy lifting of record-level upserts, while we simply configure the writer and transform the data into Hudi Copy-on-Write table type. With Hudi on AWS Glue streaming jobs, we reduce the data freshness latency for our core datasets from hours to under 15 minutes.
  5. To solve the partition challenges for high cardinality UUIDs, we use the bucketing technique. Bucketing groups data based on specific columns together within a single partition. These columns are known as bucket keys. When you group related data together into a single bucket (a file within a partition), you significantly reduce the amount of data scanned by Athena, thereby improving query performance and reducing cost. Our existing queries are filtered on the user ID already, so we significantly improve the performance of our Athena usage without having to rewrite queries by using bucketed user IDs as the partition scheme. For example, the following code shows total spending per user in specific categories:
    FROM "{{DATABASE}}"."{{TABLE}}"

  1. Our data scientist team can access the dataset and perform ML model training using Amazon SageMaker.
  2. We maintain a copy of the raw CDC logs in Amazon S3 via Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose.


In the end, we landed on a serverless stream processing architecture that can scale to thousands of writes per second within minutes of freshness on our data lakes. We’ve rolled out to our first high-volume team! At our current scale, the Hudi job is processing roughly 1.75 MiB per second per AWS Glue worker, which can automatically scale up and down (thanks to AWS Glue auto scaling). We’ve also observed an outstanding improvement of end-to-end freshness at less than 5 minutes due to Hudi’s incremental upserts vs. our first attempt.

With Hudi on Amazon S3, we’ve built a high-leverage foundation to personalize our users’ experiences. Teams that own data can now share their data across the organization with reliability and performance characteristics built into a cookie-cutter solution. This enables our data consumers to build more sophisticated signals to provide clarity for all of life’s financial decisions.

We hope that this post will inspire your organization to build a real-time analytics platform using serverless technologies to accelerate your business goals.

About the authors

Kevin Chun is a Staff Software Engineer in Core Engineering at NerdWallet. He builds data infrastructure and tooling to help NerdWallet provide clarity for all of life’s financial decisions.

Dylan Qu is a Specialist Solutions Architect focused on big data and analytics with Amazon Web Services. He helps customers architect and build highly scalable, performant, and secure cloud-based solutions on AWS.

Building AWS Lambda governance and guardrails

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-aws-lambda-governance-and-guardrails/

When building serverless applications using AWS Lambda, there are a number of considerations regarding security, governance, and compliance. This post highlights how Lambda, as a serverless service, simplifies cloud security and compliance so you can concentrate on your business logic. It covers controls that you can implement for your Lambda workloads to ensure that your applications conform to your organizational requirements.

The Shared Responsibility Model

The AWS Shared Responsibility Model distinguishes between what AWS is responsible for and what customers are responsible for with cloud workloads. AWS is responsible for “Security of the Cloud” where AWS protects the infrastructure that runs all the services offered in the AWS Cloud. Customers are responsible for “Security in the Cloud”, managing and securing their workloads. When building traditional applications, you take on responsibility for many infrastructure services, including operating systems and network configuration.

Traditional application shared responsibility

Traditional application shared responsibility

One major benefit when building serverless applications is shifting more responsibility to AWS so you can concentrate on your business applications. AWS handles managing and patching the underlying servers, operating systems, and networking as part of running the services.

Serverless application shared responsibility

Serverless application shared responsibility

For Lambda, AWS manages the application platform where your code runs, which includes patching and updating the managed language runtimes. This reduces the attack surface while making cloud security simpler. You are responsible for the security of your code and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to the Lambda service and within your function.

Lambda is SOCHIPAAPCI, and ISO-compliant. For more information, see Compliance validation for AWS Lambda and the latest Lambda certification and compliance readiness services in scope.

Lambda isolation

Lambda functions run in separate isolated AWS accounts that are dedicated to the Lambda service. Lambda invokes your code in a secure and isolated runtime environment within the Lambda service account. A runtime environment is a collection of resources running in a dedicated hardware-virtualized Micro Virtual Machines (MVM) on a Lambda worker node.

Lambda workers are bare metalEC2 Nitro instances, which are managed and patched by the Lambda service team. They have a maximum lease lifetime of 14 hours to keep the underlying infrastructure secure and fresh. MVMs are created by Firecracker, an open source virtual machine monitor (VMM) that uses Linux’s Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) to create and manage MVMs securely at scale.

MVMs maintain a strong separation between runtime environments at the virtual machine hardware level, which increases security. Runtime environments are never reused across functions, function versions, or AWS accounts.

Isolation model for AWS Lambda workers

Isolation model for AWS Lambda workers

Network security

Lambda functions always run inside secure Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPCs) owned by the Lambda service. This gives the Lambda function access to AWS services and the public internet. There is no direct network inbound access to Lambda workers, runtime environments, or Lambda functions. All inbound access to a Lambda function only comes via the Lambda Invoke API, which sends the event object to the function handler.

You can configure a Lambda function to connect to private subnets in a VPC in your account if necessary, which you can control with IAM condition keys . The Lambda function still runs inside the Lambda service VPC but sends all network traffic through your VPC. Function outbound traffic comes from your own network address space.

AWS Lambda service VPC with VPC-to-VPC NAT to customer VPC

AWS Lambda service VPC with VPC-to-VPC NAT to customer VPC

To give your VPC-connected function access to the internet, route outbound traffic to a NAT gateway in a public subnet. Connecting a function to a public subnet doesn’t give it internet access or a public IP address, as the function is still running in the Lambda service VPC and then routing network traffic into your VPC.

All internal AWS traffic uses the AWS Global Backbone rather than traversing the internet. You do not need to connect your functions to a VPC to avoid connectivity to AWS services over the internet. VPC connected functions allow you to control and audit outbound network access.

You can use security groups to control outbound traffic for VPC-connected functions and network ACLs to block access to CIDR IP ranges or ports. VPC endpoints allow you to enable private communications with supported AWS services without internet access.

You can use VPC Flow Logs to audit traffic going to and from network interfaces in your VPC.

Runtime environment re-use

Each runtime environment processes a single request at a time. After Lambda finishes processing the request, the runtime environment is ready to process an additional request for the same function version. For more information on how Lambda manages runtime environments, see Understanding AWS Lambda scaling and throughput.

Data can persist in the local temporary filesystem path, in globally scoped variables, and in environment variables across subsequent invocations of the same function version. Ensure that you only handle sensitive information within individual invocations of the function by processing it in the function handler, or using local variables. Do not re-use files in the local temporary filesystem to process unencrypted sensitive data. Do not put sensitive or confidential information into Lambda environment variables, tags, or other freeform fields such as Name fields.

For more Lambda security information, see the Lambda security whitepaper.

Multiple accounts

AWS recommends using multiple accounts to isolate your resources because they provide natural boundaries for security, access, and billing. Use AWS Organizations to manage and govern individual member accounts centrally. You can use AWS Control Tower to automate many of the account build steps and apply managed guardrails to govern your environment. These include preventative guardrails to limit actions and detective guardrails to detect and alert on non-compliance resources for remediation.

Lambda access controls

Lambda permissions define what a Lambda function can do, and who or what can invoke the function. Consider the following areas when applying access controls to your Lambda functions to ensure least privilege:

Execution role

Lambda functions have permission to access other AWS resources using execution roles. This is an AWS principal that the Lambda service assumes which grants permissions using identity policy statements assigned to the role. The Lambda service uses this role to fetch and cache temporary security credentials, which are then available as environment variables during a function’s invocation. It may re-use them across different runtime environments that use the same execution role.

Ensure that each function has its own unique role with the minimum set of permissions..

Identity/user policies

IAM identity policies are attached to IAM users, groups, or roles. These policies allow users or callers to perform operations on Lambda functions. You can restrict who can create functions, or control what functions particular users can manage.

Resource policies

Resource policies define what identities have fine-grained inbound access to managed services. For example, you can restrict which Lambda function versions can add events to a specific Amazon EventBridge event bus. You can use resource-based policies on Lambda resources to control what AWS IAM identities and event sources can invoke a specific version or alias of your function. You also use a resource-based policy to allow an AWS service to invoke your function on your behalf. To see which services support resource-based policies, see “AWS services that work with IAM”.

Attribute-based access control (ABAC)

With attribute-based access control (ABAC), you can use tags to control access to your Lambda functions. With ABAC, you can scale an access control strategy by setting granular permissions with tags without requiring permissions updates for every new user or resource as your organization scales. You can also use tag policies with AWS Organizations to standardize tags across resources.

Permissions boundaries

Permissions boundaries are a way to delegate permission management safely. The boundary places a limit on the maximum permissions that a policy can grant. For example, you can use boundary permissions to limit the scope of the execution role to allow only read access to databases. A builder with permission to manage a function or with write access to the applications code repository cannot escalate the permissions beyond the boundary to allow write access.

Service control policies

When using AWS Organizations, you can use Service control policies (SCPs) to manage permissions in your organization. These provide guardrails for what actions IAM users and roles within the organization root or OUs can do. For more information, see the AWS Organizations documentation, which includes example service control policies.

Code signing

As you are responsible for the code that runs in your Lambda functions, you can ensure that only trusted code runs by using code signing with the AWS Signer service. AWS Signer digitally signs your code packages and Lambda validates the code package before accepting the deployment, which can be part of your automated software deployment process.

Auditing Lambda configuration, permissions and access

You should audit access and permissions regularly to ensure that your workloads are secure. Use the IAM console to view when an IAM role was last used.

IAM last used

IAM last used

IAM access advisor

Use IAM access advisor on the Access Advisor tab in the IAM console to review when was the last time an AWS service was used from a specific IAM user or role. You can use this to remove IAM policies and access from your IAM roles.

IAM access advisor

IAM access advisor

AWS CloudTrail

AWS CloudTrail helps you monitor, log, and retain account activity to provide a complete event history of actions across your AWS infrastructure. You can monitor Lambda API actions to ensure that only appropriate actions are made against your Lambda functions. These include CreateFunction, DeleteFunction, CreateEventSourceMapping, AddPermission, UpdateEventSourceMapping,  UpdateFunctionConfiguration, and UpdateFunctionCode.

AWS CloudTrail

AWS CloudTrail

IAM Access Analyzer

You can validate policies using IAM Access Analyzer, which provides over 100 policy checks with security warnings for overly permissive policies. To learn more about policy checks provided by IAM Access Analyzer, see “IAM Access Analyzer policy validation”.

You can also generate IAM policies based on access activity from CloudTrail logs, which contain the permissions that the role used in your specified date range.

IAM Access Analyzer

IAM Access Analyzer

AWS Config

AWS Config provides you with a record of the configuration history of your AWS resources. AWS Config monitors the resource configuration and includes rules to alert when they fall into a non-compliant state.

For Lambda, you can track and alert on changes to your function configuration, along with the IAM execution role. This allows you to gather Lambda function lifecycle data for potential audit and compliance requirements. For more information, see the Lambda Operators Guide.

AWS Config includes Lambda managed config rules such as lambda-concurrency-check, lambda-dlq-check, lambda-function-public-access-prohibited, lambda-function-settings-check, and lambda-inside-vpc. You can also write your own rules.

There are a number of other AWS services to help with security compliance.

  1. AWS Audit Manager: Collect evidence to help you audit your use of cloud services.
  2. Amazon GuardDuty: Detect unexpected and potentially unauthorized activity in your AWS environment.
  3. Amazon Macie: Evaluates your content to identify business-critical or potentially confidential data.
  4. AWS Trusted Advisor: Identify opportunities to improve stability, save money, or help close security gaps.
  5. AWS Security Hub: Provides security checks and recommendations across your organization.


Lambda makes cloud security simpler by taking on more responsibility using the AWS Shared Responsibility Model. Lambda implements strict workload security at scale to isolate your code and prevent network intrusion to your functions. This post provides guidance on assessing and implementing best practices and tools for Lambda to improve your security, governance, and compliance controls. These include permissions, access controls, multiple accounts, and code security. Learn how to audit your function permissions, configuration, and access to ensure that your applications conform to your organizational requirements.

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