Tag Archives: devops

Implement an early feedback loop with AWS developer tools to shift security left

Post Syndicated from Barry Conway original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/implement-an-early-feedback-loop-with-aws-developer-tools-to-shift-security-left/

Early-feedback loops exist to provide developers with ongoing feedback through automated checks. This enables developers to take early remedial action while increasing the efficiency of the code review process and, in turn, their productivity.

Early-feedback loops help provide confidence to reviewers that fundamental security and compliance requirements were validated before review. As part of this process, common expectations of code standards and quality can be established, while shifting governance mechanisms to the left.

In this post, we will show you how to use AWS developer tools to implement a shift-left approach to security that empowers your developers with early feedback loops within their development practices. You will use AWS CodeCommit to securely host Git repositories, AWS CodePipeline to automate continuous delivery pipelines, AWS CodeBuild to build and test code, and Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer to detect potential code defects.

Why the shift-left approach is important

Developers today are an integral part of organizations, building and maintaining the most critical customer-facing applications. Developers must have the knowledge, tools, and processes in place to help them identify potential security issues before they release a product to production.

This is why the shift-left approach is important. Shift left is the process of checking for vulnerabilities and issues in the earlier stages of software development. By following the shift-left process (which should be part of a wider application security review and threat modelling process), software teams can help prevent undetected security issues when they build an application. The modern DevSecOps workflow continues to shift left towards the developer and their practices with the aim to achieve the following:

  • Drive accountability among developers for the security of their code
  • Empower development teams to remediate issues up front and at their own pace
  • Improve risk management by enabling early visibility of potential security issues through early feedback loops

You can use AWS developer tools to help provide this continual early feedback for developers upon each commit of code.

Solution prerequisites

To follow along with this solution, make sure that you have the following prerequisites in place:

Make sure that you have a general working knowledge of the listed services and DevOps practices.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates the architecture of the solution.

Figure 1: Solution overview

Figure 1: Solution overview

We will show you how to set up a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline by using AWS developer tools—CodeCommit, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, and CodeGuru—that you will integrate with the code repository to detect code security vulnerabilities. As shown in Figure 1, the solution has the following steps:

  1. The developer commits the new branch into the code repository.
  2. The developer creates a pull request to the main branch.
  3. Pull requests initiate two jobs: an Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer code scan and a CodeBuild job.
    1. CodeGuru Reviewer uses program analysis and machine learning to help detect potential defects in your Java and Python code, and provides recommendations to improve the code. CodeGuru Reviewer helps detect security vulnerabilities, secrets, resource leaks, concurrency issues, incorrect input validation, and deviation from best practices for using AWS APIs and SDKs.
    2. You can configure the CodeBuild deployment with third-party tools, such as Bandit for Python to help detect security issues in your Python code.
  4. CodeGuru Reviewer or CodeBuild writes back the findings of the code scans to the pull request to provide a single common place for developers to review the findings that are relevant to their specific code updates.

The following table presents some other tools that you can integrate into the early-feedback toolchain, depending on the type of code or artefacts that you are evaluating:

Early feedback – security tools Usage License
cfn-guard , cfn-nag , cfn-lint Infrastructure linting and validation cfn-guard license, cfn-nag license, cfn-lint license
CodeGuru, Bandit Python Bandit license
CodeGuru Java
npm-audit, Dependabot npm libraries Dependabot license

When you deploy the solution in your AWS account, you can review how Bandit for Python has been built into the deployment pipeline by using AWS CodeBuild with a configured buildspec file, as shown in Figure 2. You can implement the other tools in the table by using a similar approach.

Figure 2: Bandit configured in CodeBuild

Figure 2: Bandit configured in CodeBuild


To deploy the solution, you will complete the following steps:

  1. Deploy the solution by using a CloudFormation template
  2. Associate CodeGuru with a code repository
  3. Create a pull request to the code repository
  4. Review the code scan results in the pull request and address the findings

Deploy the solution

The first step is to deploy the required resources into your AWS environment by using CloudFormation.

To deploy the solution

  1. Choose the following Launch Stack button to deploy the solution’s CloudFormation template:

    Select this image to open a link that starts building the CloudFormation stack

    The solution deploys in the AWS US East (N. Virginia) Region (us-east-1) by default because each service listed in the Prerequisites section is available in this Region. To deploy the solution in a different Region, use the Region selector in the console navigation bar and make sure that the services required for this walkthrough are supported in your newly selected Region. For service availability by Region, see AWS Services by Region.

  2. On the Quick Create Stack screen, do the following:
    1. Leave the provided parameter defaults in place.
    2. Scroll to the bottom, and in the Capabilities section, select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
    3. Choose Create Stack.
  3. When the CloudFormation template has completed, open the AWS Cloud9 console.
  4. In the Environments table, for the provisioned shift-left-blog-cloud9-ide environment, choose Open, as shown in Figure 3.
    Figure 3: Cloud9 environments

    Figure 3: Cloud9 environments

  5. The provisioned Cloud9 environment opens in a new tab. Wait for Cloud9 to initialize the two sample code repositories: shift-left-sample-app-java and shift-left-sample-app-python, as shown in Figure 4. For this post, you will work only with the Python sample repository shift-left-sample-app-python, but the procedures we outline will also work for the Java repository.
    Figure 4: Cloud9 IDE

    Figure 4: Cloud9 IDE

Associate CodeGuru Reviewer with a code repository

The next step is to associate the Python code repository with CodeGuru Reviewer. After you associate the repository, CodeGuru Reviewer analyzes and comments on issues that it finds when you create a pull request.

To associate CodeGuru Reviewer with a repository

  1. Open the CodeGuru console, and in the left navigation pane, under Reviewer, choose Repositories.
  2. In the Repositories section, choose Associate repository and run analysis.
  3. In the Associate repository section, do the following:
    1. For Select source provider, select AWS CodeCommit.
    2. For Repository location,select shift-left-sample-app-python.
  4. In the Run a repository analysis section, do the following, as shown in Figure 5:
    1. For Source branch, select main.
    2. For Code review name – optional, enter a name.
    3. For Tagsoptional, leave the default settings.
    4. Choose Associate repository and run analysis.
      Figure 5: CodeGuru repository configuration

      Figure 5: CodeGuru repository configuration

  5. CodeGuru initiates the Full repository analysis and the status is Pending, as shown in Figure 6. The full analysis takes about 5 minutes to complete. Wait for the status to change from Pending to Completed.
    Figure 6: CodeGuru full analysis pending

    Figure 6: CodeGuru full analysis pending

Create a pull request

The next step is to create a new branch and to push sample code to the repository by creating a pull request so that the code scan can be initiated by CodeGuru Reviewer and the CodeBuild job.

To create a new branch

  1. In the Cloud9 IDE, locate the terminal and create a new branch by running the following commands.
    cd ~/environment/shift-left-sample-app-python
    git checkout -b python-test

  2. Confirm that you are working from the new branch, which will be highlighted in the Cloud9 IDE terminal, as shown in Figure 7.
    git branch -v

    Figure 7: Cloud9 IDE terminal

    Figure 7: Cloud9 IDE terminal

To create a new file and push it to the code repository

  1. Create a new file called sample.py.
    touch sample.py

  2. Copy the following sample code, paste it into the sample.py file, and save the changes, as shown in Figure 8.
    import requests
    data = requests.get("https://www.example.org/", verify = False)

    Figure 8: Cloud9 IDE noncompliant code

    Figure 8: Cloud9 IDE noncompliant code

  3. Commit the changes to the repository.
    git status
    git add -A
    git commit -m "shift left blog python sample app update"

    Note: if you receive a message to set your name and email address, you can ignore it because Git will automatically set these for you, and the Git commit will complete successfully.

  4. Push the changes to the code repository, as shown in Figure 9.
    git push origin python-test

    Figure 9: Git push

    Figure 9: Git push

To create a new pull request

  1. Open the CodeCommit console and select the code repository called shift-left-sample-app-python.
  2. From the Branches dropdown, select the new branch that you created and pushed, as shown in Figure 10.
    Figure 10: CodeCommit branch selection

    Figure 10: CodeCommit branch selection

  3. In your new branch, select the file sample.py, confirm that the file has the changes that you made, and then choose Create pull request, as shown in Figure 11.
    Figure 11: CodeCommit pull request

    Figure 11: CodeCommit pull request

    A notification appears stating that the new code updates can be merged.

  4. In the Source dropdown, choose the new branch python-test. In the Destination dropdown, choose the main branch where you intend to merge your code changes when the pull request is closed.
  5. To have CodeCommit run a comparison between the main branch and your new branch python-test, choose Compare. To see the differences between the two branches, choose the Changes tab at the bottom of the page. CodeCommit also assesses whether the two branches can be merged automatically when the pull request is closed.
  6. When you’re satisfied with the comparison results for the pull request, enter a Title and an optional Description, and then choose Create pull request. Your pull request appears in the list of pull requests for the CodeCommit repository, as shown in Figure 12.
    Figure 12: Pull request

    Figure 12: Pull request

The creation of this pull request has automatically started two separate code scans. The first is a CodeGuru incremental code review and the second uses CodeBuild, which utilizes Bandit to perform a security code scan of the Python code.

Review code scan results and resolve detected security vulnerabilities

The next step is to review the code scan results to identify security vulnerabilities and the recommendations on how to fix them.

To review the code scan results

  1. Open the CodeGuru console, and in the left navigation pane, under Reviewer, select Code reviews.
  2. On the Incremental code reviews tab, make sure that you see a new code review item created for the preceding pull request.
    Figure 13: CodeGuru Code review

    Figure 13: CodeGuru Code review

  3. After a few minutes, when CodeGuru completes the incremental analysis, choose the code review to review the CodeGuru recommendations on the pull request. Figure 14 shows the CodeGuru recommendations for our example.
    Figure 14: CodeGuru recommendations

    Figure 14: CodeGuru recommendations

  4. Open the CodeBuild console and select the CodeBuild job called shift-left-blog-pr-Python. In our example, this job should be in a Failed state.
  5. Open the CodeBuild run, and under the Build history tab, select the CodeBuild job, which is in Failed state. Under the Build Logs tab, scroll down until you see the following errors in the logs. Note that the severity of the finding is High, which is why the CodeBuild job failed. You can review the Bandit scanning options in the Bandit documentation.
    Test results:
    >> Issue: [B501:request_with_no_cert_validation] Call to requests with verify=False disabling SSL certificate checks, security issue.
       Severity: High   Confidence: High
       CWE: CWE-295 (https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/295.html)
       More Info: https://bandit.readthedocs.io/en/1.7.5/plugins/b501_request_with_no_cert_validation.html
       Location: sample.py:3:7
    3   data = requests.get("https://www.example.org/", verify = False)
    4   print(data.status_code)

  6. Navigate to the CodeCommit console, and on the Activity tab of the pull request, review the CodeGuru recommendations. You can also review the results of the CodeBuild jobs that Bandit performed, as shown in Figure 15.
    Figure 15: CodeGuru recommendations and CodeBuild logs

    Figure 15: CodeGuru recommendations and CodeBuild logs

This demonstrates how developers can directly link the relevant information relating to security code scans with their code development and associated pull requests, hence shifting to the left the required security awareness for developers.

To resolve the detected security vulnerabilities

  1. In the Cloud9 IDE, navigate to the file sample.py in the Python sample repository, as shown in Figure 16.
    Figure 16: Cloud9 IDE sample.py

    Figure 16: Cloud9 IDE sample.py

  2. Copy the following code and paste it in the sample.py file, overwriting the existing code. Save the update.
    import requests
    data = requests.get("https://www.example.org", timeout=5)

  3. Commit the changes by running the following commands.
    git status
    git add -A
    git commit -m "shift left python sample.py resolve security errors"
    git push origin python-test

  4. Open the CodeCommit console and choose the Activity tab on the pull request that you created earlier. You will see a banner indicating that the pull request was updated. You will also see new comments indicating that new code scans using CodeGuru and CodeBuild were initiated for the new pull request update.
  5. In the CodeGuru console, on the Incremental code reviews page, check that a new code scan has begun. When the scans are finished, review the results in the CodeGuru console and the CodeBuild build logs, as described previously. The previously detected security vulnerability should now be resolved.
  6. In the CodeCommit console, on the Activity tab, under Activity history, review the comments to verify that each of the code scans has a status of Passing, as shown in Figure 17.
    Figure 17: CodeCommit activity history

    Figure 17: CodeCommit activity history

  7. Now that the security issue has been resolved, merge the pull request into the main branch of the code repository. Choose Merge, and under Merge strategy, select Fast Forward merge.

AWS account clean-up

Clean up the resources created by this solution to avoid incurring future charges.

To clean up your account

  1. Start by deleting the CloudFormation stacks for the Java and Python sample applications that you deployed. In the CloudFormation console, in the Stacks section, select one of these stacks and choose Delete; then select the other stack and choose Delete.
    Figure 18: Delete repository stack

    Figure 18: Delete repository stack

  2. To initiate deletion of the Cloud9 CloudFormation stack, select it and choose Delete.
  3. Open the Amazon S3 console, and in the search box, enter shift-left to search for the S3 bucket that CodePipeline used.
    Figure 19: Select CodePipeline S3 bucket

    Figure 19: Select CodePipeline S3 bucket

  4. Select the S3 bucket, select all of the object folders in the bucket, and choose Delete
    Figure 20: Select CodePipeline S3 objects

    Figure 20: Select CodePipeline S3 objects

  5. To confirm deletion of the objects, in the section Permanently delete objects?, enter permanently delete, and then choose Delete objects. A banner message that states Successfully deleted objects appears at the top confirming the object deletion.
  6. Navigate back to the CloudFormation console, select the stack named shift-left-blog, and choose Delete.


In this blog post, we showed you how to implement a solution that enables early feedback on code development through status comments in the CodeCommit pull request activity tab by using Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer and CodeBuild to perform automated code security scans on the creation of a code repository pull request.

We configured CodeBuild with Bandit for Python to demonstrate how you can integrate third-party or open-source tools into the development cycle. You can use this approach to integrate other tools into the workflow.

Shifting security left early in the development cycle can help you identify potential security issues earlier and empower teams to remediate issues earlier, helping to prevent the need to refactor code towards the end of a build.

This solution provides a simple method that you can use to view and understand potential security issues with your newly developed code and thus enhances your awareness of the security requirements within your organization.

It’s simple to get started. Sign up for an AWS account, deploy the provided CloudFormation template through the Launch Stack button, commit your code, and start scanning for vulnerabilities.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on AWS re:Post or contact AWS Support.

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Barry Conway

Barry Conway

Barry is an Enterprise Solutions Architect with years of experience in the technology industry, bridging the gap between business and technology. Barry has helped banking, manufacturing, logistics, and retail organizations realize their business goals.


Deenadayaalan Thirugnanasambandam

Deenadayaalan is a Senior Practice manager at AWS. He provides prescriptive architectural guidance and consulting to help accelerate customers’ adoption of AWS.

Balamurugan Kumaran

Balamurugan Kumaran

Balamurugan is a Senior Cloud Architect at AWS. Over the years, Bala has architected and implemented highly available, scalable, and secure applications using AWS services for various enterprise customers.

Nitin Kumar

Nitin Kumar

Nitin is a Senior Cloud Architect at AWS. He plays a pivotal role in driving organizational success by harnessing the power of technology. With a focus on enabling innovation through architectural guidance and consulting, he empowers customers to excel on the AWS Cloud. Outside of work, Nitin dedicates his time to crafting IoT devices for reef tanks.

Automate and enhance your code security with AI-powered services

Post Syndicated from Dylan Souvage original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/automate-and-enhance-your-code-security-with-ai-powered-services/

Organizations are increasingly embracing a shift-left approach when it comes to security, actively integrating security considerations into their software development lifecycle (SDLC). This shift aligns seamlessly with modern software development practices such as DevSecOps and continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD), making it a vital strategy in today’s rapidly evolving software development landscape. At its core, shift left promotes a security-as-code culture, where security becomes an integral part of the entire application lifecycle, starting from the initial design phase and extending all the way through to deployment. This proactive approach to security involves seamlessly integrating security measures into the CI/CD pipeline, enabling automated security testing and checks at every stage of development. Consequently, it accelerates the process of identifying and remediating security issues.

By identifying security vulnerabilities early in the development process, you can promptly address them, leading to significant reductions in the time and effort required for mitigation. Amazon Web Services (AWS) encourages this shift-left mindset, providing services that enable a seamless integration of security into your DevOps processes, fostering a more robust, secure, and efficient system. In this blog post we share how you can use Amazon CodeWhisperer, Amazon CodeGuru, and Amazon Inspector to automate and enhance code security.

CodeWhisperer is a versatile, artificial intelligence (AI)-powered code generation service that delivers real-time code recommendations. This innovative service plays a pivotal role in the shift-left strategy by automating the integration of crucial security best practices during the early stages of code development. CodeWhisperer is equipped to generate code in Python, Java, and JavaScript, effectively mitigating vulnerabilities outlined in the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Top 10. It uses cryptographic libraries aligned with industry best practices, promoting robust security measures. Additionally, as you develop your code, CodeWhisperer scans for potential security vulnerabilities, offering actionable suggestions for remediation. This is achieved through generative AI, which creates code alternatives to replace identified vulnerable sections, enhancing the overall security posture of your applications.

Next, you can perform further vulnerability scanning of code repositories and supported integrated development environments (IDEs) with Amazon CodeGuru Security. CodeGuru Security is a static application security tool that uses machine learning to detect security policy violations and vulnerabilities. It provides recommendations for addressing security risks and generates metrics so you can track the security health of your applications. Examples of security vulnerabilities it can detect include resource leaks, hardcoded credentials, and cross-site scripting.

Finally, you can use Amazon Inspector to address vulnerabilities in workloads that are deployed. Amazon Inspector is a vulnerability management service that continually scans AWS workloads for software vulnerabilities and unintended network exposure. Amazon Inspector calculates a highly contextualized risk score for each finding by correlating common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE) information with factors such as network access and exploitability. This score is used to prioritize the most critical vulnerabilities to improve remediation response efficiency. When started, it automatically discovers Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, container images residing in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR), and AWS Lambda functions, at scale, and immediately starts assessing them for known vulnerabilities.

Figure 1: An architecture workflow of a developer’s code workflow

Figure 1: An architecture workflow of a developer’s code workflow

Amazon CodeWhisperer 

CodeWhisperer is powered by a large language model (LLM) trained on billions of lines of code, including code owned by Amazon and open-source code. This makes it a highly effective AI coding companion that can generate real-time code suggestions in your IDE to help you quickly build secure software with prompts in natural language. CodeWhisperer can be used with four IDEs including AWS Toolkit for JetBrains, AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code, AWS Lambda, and AWS Cloud9.

After you’ve installed the AWS Toolkit, there are two ways to authenticate to CodeWhisperer. The first is authenticating to CodeWhisperer as an individual developer using AWS Builder ID, and the second way is authenticating to CodeWhisperer Professional using the IAM Identity Center. Authenticating through AWS IAM Identity Center means your AWS administrator has set up CodeWhisperer Professional for your organization to use and provided you with a start URL. AWS administrators must have configured AWS IAM Identity Center and delegated users to access CodeWhisperer.

As you use CodeWhisperer it filters out code suggestions that include toxic phrases (profanity, hate speech, and so on) and suggestions that contain commonly known code structures that indicate bias. These filters help CodeWhisperer generate more inclusive and ethical code suggestions by proactively avoiding known problematic content. The goal is to make AI assistance more beneficial and safer for all developers.

CodeWhisperer can also scan your code to highlight and define security issues in real time. For example, using Python and JetBrains, if you write code that would write unencrypted AWS credentials to a log — a bad security practice — CodeWhisperer will raise an alert. Security scans operate at the project level, analyzing files within a user’s local project or workspace and then truncating them to create a payload for transmission to the server side.

For an example of CodeGuru in action, see Security Scans. Figure 2 is a screenshot of a CodeGuru scan.

Figure 2: CodeWhisperer performing a security scan in Visual Studio Code

Figure 2: CodeWhisperer performing a security scan in Visual Studio Code

Furthermore, the CodeWhisperer reference tracker detects whether a code suggestion might be similar to particular CodeWhisperer open source training data. The reference tracker can flag such suggestions with a repository URL and project license information or optionally filter them out. Using CodeWhisperer, you improve productivity while embracing the shift-left approach by implementing automated security best practices at one of the principal layers—code development.

CodeGuru Security

Amazon CodeGuru Security significantly bolsters code security by harnessing the power of machine learning to proactively pinpoint security policy violations and vulnerabilities. This intelligent tool conducts a thorough scan of your codebase and offers actionable recommendations to address identified issues. This approach verifies that potential security concerns are corrected early in the development lifecycle, contributing to an overall more robust application security posture.

CodeGuru Security relies on a set of security and code quality detectors crafted to identify security risks and policy violations. These detectors empower developers to spot and resolve potential issues efficiently.

CodeGuru Security allows manual scanning of existing code and automating integration with popular code repositories like GitHub and GitLab. It establishes an automated security check pipeline through either AWS CodePipeline or Bitbucket Pipeline. Moreover, CodeGuru Security integrates with Amazon Inspector Lambda code scanning, enabling automated code scans for your Lambda functions.

Notably, CodeGuru Security doesn’t just uncover security vulnerabilities; it also offers insights to optimize code efficiency. It identifies areas where code improvements can be made, enhancing both security and performance aspects within your applications.

Initiating CodeGuru Security is a straightforward process, accessible through the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), AWS SDKs, and multiple integrations. This allows you to run code scans, review recommendations, and implement necessary updates, fostering a continuous improvement cycle that bolsters the security stance of your applications.

Use Amazon CodeGuru to scan code directly and in a pipeline

Use the following steps to create a scan in CodeGuru to scan code directly and to integrate CodeGuru with AWS CodePipeline.

Note: You must provide sample code to scan.

Scan code directly

  1. Open the AWS Management Console using your organization management account and go to Amazon CodeGuru.
  2. In the navigation pane, select Security and then select Scans.
  3. Choose Create new scan to start your manual code scan.
    Figure 3: Scans overview

    Figure 3: Scans overview

  4. On the Create Scan page:
    1. Choose Choose file to upload your code.

      Note: The file must be in .zip format and cannot exceed 5 GB.

    2. Enter a unique name to identify your scan.
    3. Choose Create scan.
      Figure 4: Create scan

      Figure 4: Create scan

  5. After you create the scan, the configured scan will automatically appear in the Scans table, where you see the Scan name, Status, Open findings, Date of last scan, and Revision number (you review these findings later in the Findings section of this post).
    Figure 5: Scan update

    Figure 5: Scan update

Automated scan using AWS CodePipeline integration

  1. Still in the CodeGuru console, in the navigation pane under Security, select Integrations. On the Integrations page, select Integration with AWS CodePipeline. This will allow you to have an automated security scan inside your CI/CD pipeline.
    Figure 6: CodeGuru integrations

    Figure 6: CodeGuru integrations

  2. Next, choose Open template in CloudFormation to create a CodeBuild project to allow discovery of your repositories and run security scans.
    Figure 7: CodeGuru and CodePipeline integration

    Figure 7: CodeGuru and CodePipeline integration

  3. The CloudFormation template is already entered. Select the acknowledge box, and then choose Create stack.
    Figure 8: CloudFormation quick create stack

    Figure 8: CloudFormation quick create stack

  4. If you already have a pipeline integration, go to Step 2 and select CodePipeline console. If this is your first time using CodePipeline, this blog post explains how to integrate it with AWS CI/CD services.
    Figure 9: Integrate with AWS CodePipeline

    Figure 9: Integrate with AWS CodePipeline

  5. Choose Edit.
    Figure 10: CodePipeline with CodeGuru integration

    Figure 10: CodePipeline with CodeGuru integration

  6. Choose Add stage.
    Figure 11: Add Stage in CodePipeline

    Figure 11: Add Stage in CodePipeline

  7. On the Edit action page:
    1. Enter a stage name.
    2. For the stage you just created, choose Add action group.
    3. For Action provider, select CodeBuild.
    4. For Input artifacts, select SourceArtifact.
    5. For Project name, select CodeGuruSecurity.
    6. Choose Done, and then choose Save.
    Figure 12: Add action group

    Figure 12: Add action group

Test CodeGuru Security

You have now created a security check stage for your CI/CD pipeline. To test the pipeline, choose Release change.

Figure 13: CodePipeline with successful security scan

Figure 13: CodePipeline with successful security scan

If your code was successfully scanned, you will see Succeeded in the Most recent execution column for your pipeline.

Figure 14: CodePipeline dashboard with successful security scan

Figure 14: CodePipeline dashboard with successful security scan


To analyze the findings of your scan, select Findings under Security, and you will see the findings for the scans whether manually done or through integrations. Each finding will show the vulnerability, the scan it belongs to, the severity level, the status of an open case or closed case, the age, and the time of detection.

Figure 15: Findings inside CodeGuru security

Figure 15: Findings inside CodeGuru security


To view a summary of the insights and findings from your scan, select Dashboard, under Security, and you will see high level summary of your findings overview and a vulnerability fix overview.

Figure 16:Findings inside CodeGuru dashboard

Figure 16:Findings inside CodeGuru dashboard

Amazon Inspector

Your journey with the shift-left model extends beyond code deployment. After scanning your code repositories and using tools like CodeWhisperer and CodeGuru Security to proactively reduce security risks before code commits to a repository, your code might still encounter potential vulnerabilities after being deployed to production. For instance, faulty software updates can introduce risks to your application. Continuous vigilance and monitoring after deployment are crucial.

This is where Amazon Inspector offers ongoing assessment throughout your resource lifecycle, automatically rescanning resources in response to changes. Amazon Inspector seamlessly complements the shift-left model by identifying vulnerabilities as your workload operates in a production environment.

Amazon Inspector continuously scans various components, including Amazon EC2, Lambda functions, and container workloads, seeking out software vulnerabilities and inadvertent network exposure. Its user-friendly features include enablement in a few clicks, continuous and automated scanning, and robust support for multi-account environments through AWS Organizations. After activation, it autonomously identifies workloads and presents real-time coverage details, consolidating findings across accounts and resources.

Distinguishing itself from traditional security scanning software, Amazon Inspector has minimal impact on your fleet’s performance. When vulnerabilities or open network paths are uncovered, it generates detailed findings, including comprehensive information about the vulnerability, the affected resource, and recommended remediation. When you address a finding appropriately, Amazon Inspector autonomously detects the remediation and closes the finding.

The findings you receive are prioritized according to a contextualized Inspector risk score, facilitating prompt analysis and allowing for automated remediation.

Additionally, Amazon Inspector provides robust management APIs for comprehensive programmatic access to the Amazon Inspector service and resources. You can also access detailed findings through Amazon EventBridge and seamlessly integrate them into AWS Security Hub for a comprehensive security overview.

Scan workloads with Amazon Inspector

Use the following examples to learn how to use Amazon Inspector to scan AWS workloads.

  1. Open the Amazon Inspector console in your AWS Organizations management account. In the navigation pane, select Activate Inspector.
  2. Under Delegated administrator, enter the account number for your desired account to grant it all the permissions required to manage Amazon Inspector for your organization. Consider using your Security Tooling account as delegated administrator for Amazon Inspector. Choose Delegate. Then, in the confirmation window, choose Delegate again. When you select a delegated administrator, Amazon Inspector is activated for that account. Now, choose Activate Inspector to activate the service in your management account.
    Figure 17: Set the delegated administrator account ID for Amazon Inspector

    Figure 17: Set the delegated administrator account ID for Amazon Inspector

  3. You will see a green success message near the top of your browser window and the Amazon Inspector dashboard, showing a summary of data from the accounts.
    Figure 18: Amazon Inspector dashboard after activation

    Figure 18: Amazon Inspector dashboard after activation

Explore Amazon Inspector

  1. From the Amazon Inspector console in your delegated administrator account, in the navigation pane, select Account management. Because you’re signed in as the delegated administrator, you can enable and disable Amazon Inspector in the other accounts that are part of your organization. You can also automatically enable Amazon Inspector for new member accounts.
    Figure 19: Amazon Inspector account management dashboard

    Figure 19: Amazon Inspector account management dashboard

  2. In the navigation pane, select Findings. Using the contextualized Amazon Inspector risk score, these findings are sorted into several severity ratings.
    1. The contextualized Amazon Inspector risk score is calculated by correlating CVE information with findings such as network access and exploitability.
    2. This score is used to derive severity of a finding and prioritize the most critical findings to improve remediation response efficiency.
    Figure 20: Findings in Amazon Inspector sorted by severity (default)

    Figure 20: Findings in Amazon Inspector sorted by severity (default)

    When you enable Amazon Inspector, it automatically discovers all of your Amazon EC2 and Amazon ECR resources. It scans these workloads to detect vulnerabilities that pose risks to the security of your compute workloads. After the initial scan, Amazon Inspector continues to monitor your environment. It automatically scans new resources and re-scans existing resources when changes are detected. As vulnerabilities are remediated or resources are removed from service, Amazon Inspector automatically updates the associated security findings.

    In order to successfully scan EC2 instances, Amazon Inspector requires inventory collected by AWS Systems Manager and the Systems Manager agent. This is installed by default on many EC2 instances. If you find some instances aren’t being scanned by Amazon Inspector, this might be because they aren’t being managed by Systems Manager.

  3. Select a findings title to see the associated report.
    1. Each finding provides a description, severity rating, information about the affected resource, and additional details such as resource tags and how to remediate the reported vulnerability.
    2. Amazon Inspector stores active findings until they are closed by remediation. Findings that are closed are displayed for 30 days.
    Figure 21: Amazon Inspector findings report details

    Figure 21: Amazon Inspector findings report details

Integrate CodeGuru Security with Amazon Inspector to scan Lambda functions

Amazon Inspector and CodeGuru Security work harmoniously together. CodeGuru Security is available through Amazon Inspector Lambda code scanning. After activating Lambda code scanning, you can configure automated code scans to be performed on your Lambda functions.

Use the following steps to configure Amazon CodeGuru Security with Amazon Inspector Lambda code scanning to evaluate Lambda functions.

  1. Open the Amazon Inspector console and select Account management from the navigation pane.
  2. Select the AWS account you want to activate Lambda code scanning in.
    Figure 22: Activating AWS Lambda code scanning from the Amazon Inspector Account management console

    Figure 22: Activating AWS Lambda code scanning from the Amazon Inspector Account management console

  3. Choose Activate and select AWS Lambda code scanning.

With Lambda code scanning activated, security findings for your Lambda function code will appear in the All findings section of Amazon Inspector.

Amazon Inspector plays a crucial role in maintaining the highest security standards for your resources. Whether you’re installing a new package on an EC2 instance, applying a software patch, or when a new CVE affecting a specific resource is disclosed, Amazon Inspector can assist with quick identification and remediation.


Incorporating security at every stage of the software development lifecycle is paramount and requires that security be a consideration from the outset. Shifting left enables security teams to reduce overall application security risks.

Using these AWS services — Amazon CodeWhisperer, Amazon CodeGuru and Amazon Inspector — not only aids in early risk identification and mitigation, it empowers your development and security teams, leading to more efficient and secure business outcomes.

For further reading, check out the AWS Well Architected Security Pillar, the Generative AI on AWS page, and more blogs like this on the AWS Security Blog page.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon CodeWhisperer re:Post forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Dylan Souvage

Dylan Souvage

Dylan is a Solutions Architect based in Toronto, Canada. Dylan loves working with customers to understand their business needs and enable them in their cloud journey. In his spare time, he enjoys going out in nature, going on long road trips, and traveling to warm, sunny places.

Temi Adebambo

Temi Adebambo

Temi is the Head of Security Solutions Architecture at AWS with extensive experience leading technical teams and delivering enterprise-wide technology transformations programs. He has assisted Fortune 500 corporations with Cloud Security Architecture, Cyber Risk Management, Compliance, IT Security strategy, and governance. He currently leads teams of Security Solutions Architects solving business problems on behalf of customers.

Caitlin McDonald

Caitlin McDonald

Caitlin is a Montreal-based Solutions Architect at AWS with a development background. Caitlin works with customers in French and English to accelerate innovation and advise them through technical challenges. In her spare time, she enjoys triathlons, hockey, and making food with friends!

Shivam Patel

Shivam Patel

Shivam is a Solutions Architect at AWS. He comes from a background in R&D and combines this with his business knowledge to solve complex problems faced by his customers. Shivam is most passionate about workloads in machine learning, robotics, IoT, and high-performance computing.

Wael Abboud

Wael Abboud

Wael is a Solutions Architect at AWS. He assists enterprise customers in implementing innovative technologies, leveraging his background integrating cellular networks and concentrating on 5G technologies during his 5 years in the telecom industry.

AWS CodeBuild adds support for AWS Lambda compute mode

Post Syndicated from Ryan Bachman original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/aws-codebuild-adds-support-for-aws-lambda-compute-mode/

AWS CodeBuild recently announced that it supports running projects on AWS Lambda. AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed continuous integration (CI) service that allows you to build and test your code without having to manage build servers. This new compute mode enables you to execute your CI process on the same AWS Lambda base images supported by the AWS Lambda service, providing consistency, performance, and cost benefits. If you are already building and deploying microservices or building code packages, its likely these light-weight and smaller code bases will benefit from the efficiencies gained by using Lambda compute for CI. In this post, I will explain the benefits of this new compute mode as well as provide an example CI workflow to demonstrate these benefits.

Consistency Benefits

One of the key benefits of running AWS CodeBuild projects using the AWS Lambda compute mode is consistency. By building and testing your serverless applications on the same base images AWS Lambda provides, you can ensure that your application works as intended before moving to production. This eliminates the possibility of compatibility issues that may arise when deploying to a different environment. Moreover, because the AWS Lambda runtime provides a standardized environment across all regions, you can build your serverless applications in Lambda on CodeBuild and have the confidence to deploy to any region where your customers are located.

Performance and Cost Benefits

Another significant advantage of running AWS CodeBuild projects on the AWS Lambda compute mode is performance. When you run your project with EC2 compute mode, there may be increased start-up latency that impacts the total CI process.  However, because AWS Lambda is designed to process events in near real-time, executing jobs on the AWS Lambda compute mode can result in significant time savings. As a result, by switching to this new compute mode, you save time within your CI process and increase your frequency of integration.

Related to performance, our customers are looking for opportunities to optimize cost and deliver business value at the lowest price point. Customers can see meaningful cost optimization when using Lambda. Lambda-based compute offers better price/performance than CodeBuild’s current Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) based compute — with per-second billing, 6,000 seconds of free tier, and 10GB of ephemeral storage. CodeBuild supports both x86 and Arm using AWS Graviton Processors for the new compute mode. By using the Graviton option, customers can further achieve lower costs with better performance.


There are a few things to consider before moving your projects to AWS Lambda compute mode. Because this mode utilizes the same AWS Lambda service used by customers, there is a maximum project duration of 15 minutes and custom build timeouts are not supported. Additionally, local caching, batch builds, and docker image builds are not supported with Lambda compute mode. For a full list of limitations please refer to the AWS CodeBuild User Guide.


In this walk-through I used a simple React app to showcase the performance benefits of building using CodeBuild’s Lambda compute option. To get started, I created an AWS CodeCommit repository and used npm to create a sample application that I then pushed to my CodeCommit repo.

CodeCommit repository for react code

Figure 1: CodeCommit Repository

Once my sample application is stored in my code repository, I then navigated to the AWS CodeBuild console. Using the console, I created two different CodeBuild projects. I selected my CodeCommit repository for the projects’ source and selected EC2 compute for one and Lambda for the other.

CodeBuild compute mode options

Figure 2: CodeBuild compute mode options

The compute mode is independent from instructions included in the project’s buildspec.yaml, so in order to test and compare the CI job on the two different compute modes, I created a buildspec and pushed that to the CodeCommit repository where I stored my simple React app in the previous step.

version: 0.2
      - npm install -g yarn
      - yarn
      - npm run build
      - npm run test -- --coverage --watchAll=false --testResultsProcessor="jest-junit"
  name: "build-output"
  base-directory: 'react-app'
    - "**/*"
    base-directory: 'react-app'
      - 'junit.xml'
    file-format: 'JUNITXML'
    base-directory: 'react-app'
      - 'coverage/clover.xml'
    file-format: 'CLOVERXML'

Once my projects were ready, I manually started each project from the console. Below are screenshots of the details of the execution times for each.

EC2 compute mode details

Figure 3: EC2 compute mode details

Lambda Compute mode details

Figure 4: Lambda compute mode details

If you compare the provisioning and build times for this example you will see that the Lambda CodeBuild project executed significantly faster. In this example, the Lambda option was over 50% faster than the same build executed on EC2. If you are frequently building similar microservices that can take advantage of these efficiency gains, it is likely that CodeBuild on Lambda can save you both time and cost in your CI/CD pipelines.


If you followed along the walkthrough, you will want to remove the resources you created. First delete the two projects created in CodeBuild. This can be done by navigating to CodeBuild in the console, selecting each project and then hitting the “Delete build project” button. Next navigate to CodeCommit and delete the repository where you stored the code.


In conclusion, AWS CodeBuild using Lambda compute-mode provides significant benefits in terms of consistency, performance and cost. By building and testing your applications on the same runtime images executed by the AWS Lambda service, you can take advantage of benefits provided by the AWS Lambda service while reducing CI time and costs. We are excited to see how this new feature will help you build and deploy your applications faster and more efficiently. Get started today and take advantage of the benefits of running AWS CodeBuild projects on the AWS Lambda compute mode.

About the Author:
Ryan Bachman profile image

Ryan Bachman

Ryan Bachman is a Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services (AWS) with a focus on DevOps. Ryan is passionate about helping customers adopt process and services that increase their efficiency developing applications for the cloud. He has over 20 years professional experience as a technologist, including roles in development, network architecture, and technical product management.

Why AWS is the Best Place to Run Rust

Post Syndicated from Deval Parikh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/why-aws-is-the-best-place-to-run-rust/


The Rust programming language was created by Mozilla Research in 2010 to be “a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient(fast) software”[1]. If you are a beginner level SDE or a DevOps engineer or a decision maker in your organization looking to adopt Rust for your specific use, you will find this blog helpful to get started with Rust on AWS. We will begin by explaining why Rust has gained a huge traction over programming languages like C, C++, Java, Python, and Go. We will then talk about why AWS is one of the best platforms for Rust. Finally, we will provide an example of how you can quickly run a Rust program using AWS Lambda function.

Why Rust?

Rust is an efficient and reliable programming language that addresses performance, reliability, and productivity all at once. It distinguishes itself from its peers by boasting memory safety and thread safety without a need for garbage collector.

Historically, C and C++ have held the title of being the most performant programming languages; however, their speeds have often come with a significant cost to their safety and maintainability. The biggest threat in using such languages range from corruption of valid data to the execution of arbitrary code. The frequency of these issues is even more obvious when you notice that from 2007 to 2019, 70 percent of all vulnerabilities addressed by Microsoft through security updates pertain to memory safety [2]. Languages like Java have come a long way in mitigating such vulnerabilities using garbage collector, however this has come with significant performance bottleneck. Rust seeks to marry performance and safety using its novel borrow-checker, which is a type of static analysis tool that can help check for errors in code such as null-pointer dereferences, data races, etc.

There are other ways programs may access invalid memory. Iterating through an array, for example, requires the iterator to know how many elements are in the array to create a stopping condition. Furthermore, without checking array out of bounds, how would an accessor method be sure it is not accessing an index that does not exist? Here, safety comes with a performance overhead. Typically, the safety benefits of languages like Java are worth the performance overhead. However, for situations where safety and speed are both an absolute necessity, developers may choose to run their mission critical applications in Rust. Here, Rust can be viewed as a memory-safe, fast, low-resource programming language that requires no runtime. This makes Rust also suitable to run on embedded or low-resource device applications.

Rust brings polished tooling, a robust package manager (Cargo), and perhaps most importantly – a fast-growing and passionate community of developers. As Rust gains in popularity, so does the number of high-profile organizations adopting it (including AWS!) for critical applications where performance and safety are top concerns. Did you know that Amazon S3 leverages Rust to attempt to return responses with single-digit millisecond latency? To name a few, AWS product components written in Rust include Amazon CloudFront, Amazon EC2, and AWS Lambda among others.

There are many great resources to learn Rust. Most Rust developers start with the official Rust book, which is available for free online.

[1]: Rust Language official website

[2]: https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-70-percent-of-all-security-bugs-are-memory-safety-issues/

[3]: https://codilime.com/blog/why-is-rust-programming-language-so-popular/#:~:text=Rust%20is%20a%20statically%2Dtyped,developed%20originally%20at%20Mozilla%20Research

Why Rust on AWS?

Rust matters to AWS for two main reasons. First, our customers are choosing to use Rust for their mission critical workloads and adoption is growing, therefore it becomes imperative that AWS provides the best tools possible to run Rust on AWS. In the next section, I will provide an example to show how easy it is to interact with AWS services using Rust runtime on AWS Lambda.

Additionally, it is important that we are creating high performant, safe infrastructure and services for our customers to run their business critical workloads on AWS. In 2018, AWS first launched its open source microVM technology Firecracker written completely in Rust. Since then, AWS has delivered over two dozen open source projects developed in Rust. For instance, AWS uses Firecracker to run AWS Lambda and AWS Fargate. Today, AWS Lambda processes trillions of executions for hundreds of thousands of active customers every month. Its ability to fire up AWS Lambda or AWS Fargate in less than 125ms attributes to blazing fast speed of Rust. AWS also developed and launched Bottlerocket, a Linux-based open source container OS purpose built for running containers. Veeva Systems a leader in cloud based software for the life sciences industry runs a variety of microservices on Bottleneck securely, with enhanced resource efficiency, and decreased management overhead, thanks to Rust.

Here at AWS, our product development teams have leveraged Rust to deliver more than a dozen services. Besides services such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), AWS developers uses Rust as the language of choice to develop product components for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon CloudFront, Amazon Route 53, and more. Our Amazon EC2 team uses Rust for new AWS Nitro System components, including sensitive applications such as Nitro Enclaves.

Not only is AWS using Rust for improving their product response times, we are actively contributing to and supporting Rust and the open source ecosystem around it. AWS employs a number of core open source contributors to the Rust project and popular Rust libraries like tokio, used for writing asynchronous applications with Rust. According to Marc Brooker, Distinguished Engineer and Vice President of Database and AI at AWS, “Hiring engineers to work directly on Rust allows us to improve it in ways that matter to us and to our customers, and help grow the overall Rust community.” AWS is an active member on the Board of Directors for the Rust Foundation and have generously donated infrastructure and technology services to the Rust Foundation. You can read more about how AWS is helping the Rust community here.

Getting Started with Rust on AWS

This demonstration will walk you through creating your first AWS Lambda + Rust App! We’ll bootstrap the development process by utilizing the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM)—a tool designed for building, deploying, and managing serverless applications. AWS SAM streamlines the Rust development process by setting up AWS’s official Rust Lambda Runtime, Cargo Lambda. This runtime offers a specialized build tool command for direct deployment to AWS. Additionally, AWS SAM integrates both Amazon DynamoDB table and an Amazon API Gateway endpoint. The provided example serves as a foundational template for leveraging the AWS Rust SDK with Amazon DynamoDB.

architecture diagram



1.  Open a terminal and navigate to your project directory.

2.  Initialize the project using sam init

3.  Choose “1 - AWS Quick Start Templates”, then “16 - DynamoDB Example”.

4.  Name the project (for demo: “rust-ddb-example-app“)

5.  Now navigate into the newly created directory with the SAM application code and execute sam build && sam deploy --guided.

a.  Accept prompts with “y” or defaults.

6.  After deployment concludes, record the Amazon CloudFormationPutApi” output URL. (i.e https://a1b2c3d4e5f6.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/Prod/)

7.  Add an element to your table. (For the demo the id of our element will be foo and the payload will be bar). (e.g  curl -X PUT <PutApi URL>/foo -d "bar")

8.  Validate the addition via the AWS Console’s DynamoDB. Locate the table named after your AWS SAM app and verify the new item. You can do this by going to the AWS Console, clicking DynamoDB, then Tables, and then Explore Items.

dynamodb example

What Next?

This is a great starting point on your journey with Rust on AWS. For taking your development journey to the next level consider:

  1. Explore More Rust on AWS: AWS provides a plethora of examples and documentation. Explore the AWS Rust GitHub Repository for more intricate use cases and examples.
  2. Join a Rust Workshop: AWS often hosts workshops and webinars on various topics. Keep an eye on the AWS Events Page for an upcoming Rust-focused session.
  3. Deepen Your Rust Knowledge: If you’re new to Rust or want to delve deeper, the Rust Book is an excellent resource. We also highly recommend watching the videos on the Cargo Lambda documentation page.
  4. Engage with the Community: The Rust community is vibrant and welcoming. Join forums, attend meetups, and participate in discussions to grow your network and knowledge. Become a member of Rust Foundation to collaborate with other members of the community.
  5. Contribute to make Rust even better: Report on bugs or fix them, write documentation, and add new features. Here is how.


For those of us living in the safety net confines of an interpreter, Rust changes how we can still execute safely in a compiler generated world. Most importantly, Rust brings to the table blazing fast speed and performance without compromises to the security and stability of the system. It is a language of choice in embedded-systems programming, mission critical systems, blockchain and crypto development, and has found its place in 3D video gaming as well.

Rust on AWS is a game changer in that it makes it easy for developers to run code without having the need to setup extensive infrastructure to run it. It serves as an excellent backend service with zero administration. AWS Lambda‘s in-built Rust support further exemplifies AWS’s commitment to accommodating popularity of this language. In addition, the popularity of Rust has mandated an inbuilt handler be added to AWS Lambda for further support of Rust.

Additional Reading

About the Authors

Deval Parikh Photo

Deval Parikh

Deval Parikh is a Sr. Enterprise Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. Deval is passionate about helping enterprises reimagine their businesses in the cloud by leading them with strategic architectural guidance and building prototypes as an AWS expert. She is an active member of Containers and DevOps technical communities at AWS. She is also an active board member of the Women at AWS affinity group where she oversees university programs to educate students on cloud technology and careers. Outside of work, Deval is an avid hiker and a painter. You can see many of her paintings at here. You can reach Deval via her LinkedIn

Saahil Parikh Photo

Saahil Parikh

Saahil Parikh is a Software Development Engineer at Amazon Web Services, where he specializes in Elastic Map Reduce (EMR). A passionate maker at heart, Saahil thrives on harnessing the power of emerging technologies to create groundbreaking solutions. His commitment to innovation has led him to continuously push the boundaries of what’s possible. Outside of work, Saahil is an avid hiker, culinary enthusiast, and soccer player. Interested in finding out more about Saahil? Check out Saahil’s GitHub. You can reach Saahil at LinkedIn here.

Announcing the AWS Well-Architected Framework DevOps Guidance

Post Syndicated from Michael Rhyndress original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/announcing-the-aws-well-architected-framework-devops-guidance/

Today, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the launch of the AWS Well-Architected Framework DevOps Guidance. The AWS DevOps Guidance introduces the AWS DevOps Sagas—a collection of modern capabilities that together form a comprehensive approach to designing, developing, securing, and efficiently operating software at cloud scale. Taking the learnings from Amazon’s own transformation journey and our experience managing global cloud services, the AWS DevOps Guidance was built to equip organizations of all sizes with best practice culture, processes, and technical capabilities that help to deliver business value and applications more securely and at a higher velocity.

A Glimpse into Amazon’s DevOps Transformation

In the early 2000s, Amazon went through its own DevOps transformation which led to an online bookstore forming the AWS cloud computing division. Today, AWS provides a wide range of products and services for global customers that are powered by that same innovative DevOps approach. Due to the positive effects of this transformation, AWS recognizes the significance of DevOps and has been at the forefront of its adoption and implementation.

Amazon’s own journey, along with the collective experience gained from assisting customers as they modernize and migrate to the cloud, provided insight into the capabilities which we believe make DevOps adoption successful. With these learnings, we created the DevOps Sagas to help our customers sustainably adopt and practice DevOps through the implementation of an interconnected set of capabilities. Each DevOps Saga includes prescriptive guidance for capabilities that provide indicators of success, metrics to measure, and common anti-patterns to avoid.

Introducing The DevOps Sagas

The DevOps Sagas are core domains within the software delivery process that collectively form AWS DevOps best practices. Together, they encompass a collection of modern capabilities representing a comprehensive approach to designing, developing, securing, and efficiently operating software at cloud scale. You can use the DevOps Sagas as a common definition of what DevOps means to your organization by aligning on a shared understanding within your organization and to consistently measure DevOps adoption over time. The 5 DevOps Sagas are:

  • Organizational Adoption Saga: Inspires the formation of a customer-centric, adaptive culture focused on optimizing people-driven processes, personal and professional development, and improving developer experience to set the foundation for successful DevOps adoption.
  • Development Lifecycle Saga: Aims to enhance the organization’s capacity to develop, review, and deploy workloads swiftly and securely. It leverages feedback loops, consistent deployment methods, and an ‘everything-as-code’ approach to attain efficiency in deployment.
  • Quality Assurance Saga: Advocates for a proactive, test-first methodology integrated into the development process to ensure that applications are well-architected by design, secure, cost-efficient, sustainable, and delivered with increased agility through automation.
  • Automated Governance Saga: Facilitates directive, detective, preventive, and responsive measures at all stages of the development process. It emphasizes risk management, business process adherence, and application and infrastructure compliance at scale through automated processes, policies, and guardrails.
  • Observability Saga: Presents an approach to incorporating observability within environment and workloads, allowing teams to detect and address issues, improve performance, reduce costs, and ensure alignment with business objectives and customer needs.

DevOps Sagas display image defining the definition of Sagas, Capabilities, Indicators, Metrics, and Anti-Patterns. AWS DevOps Sagas provides foundational DevOps capabilities, indicators, and metrics aligned to AWS best practices. Sagas are core domains that collectively form AWS DevOps best practices. Capabilities are individual practices with differentiated outcomes that form a Saga. Indicators objectively measure qualities of each capability. Metrics quantify and measure proficiency of each capability. Anti-patterns avoid behaviors that may seem beneficial but lead to inefficient outcomes.

Who should use the AWS DevOps Guidance?

We recognize that every organization is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to practicing DevOps. The recommendations and examples provided can be tailored to suit your organization’s environment, quality, and security needs. The AWS DevOps Guidance is designed for a wide range of professionals and organizations, including startups exploring DevOps for the first time, established enterprises refining their processes, public sector companies, cloud-native businesses, and customers migrating to the AWS Cloud. Whether you are steering strategic direction as a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) or Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), a developer or architect actively engaged in designing and deploying workloads, or in a compliance role overseeing quality assurance, auditing, or governance, this guidance is tailored to help you.

Next Steps

With the release of the AWS DevOps Guidance, we encourage you, our customers, to download and read the document, as well as implement and test your workloads in accordance with the recommendations within. Use the AWS DevOps Guidance in tandem with the AWS Well-Architected Framework to conduct an assessment of your organization and individual workload’s adherence to DevOps best practices to pinpoint areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. Collaborate with your teams – from developers to operations and decision-makers – to share insights from your assessment. Use the insights gained from the AWS DevOps Guidance to prioritize areas of improvement and iteratively improve your DevOps capabilities.

Find the AWS DevOps Guidance on the AWS Well-Architected website or contact your AWS account team for more information. As with the AWS Well-Architected Framework and other industry and technology guidance, we recommend leveraging the AWS DevOps Guidance early and often – as you approach architectural and service design decisions, and whenever you carry out Well-Architected reviews. As you use the AWS DevOps Guidance, we would appreciate your comments and feedback to help us improve as best practices and technology evolve. We will continually refresh the content as we identify new best practices, metrics, and common scenarios.

Enable external pipeline deployments to AWS Cloud by using IAM Roles Anywhere

Post Syndicated from Olivier Gaumond original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/enable-external-pipeline-deployments-to-aws-cloud-by-using-iam-roles-anywhere/

Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) services help customers automate deployments of infrastructure as code and software within the cloud. Common native Amazon Web Services (AWS) CI/CD services include AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CodeDeploy. You can also use third-party CI/CD services hosted outside the AWS Cloud, such as Jenkins, GitLab, and Azure DevOps, to deploy code within the AWS Cloud through temporary security credentials use.

Security credentials allow identities (for example, IAM role or IAM user) to verify who they are and the permissions they have to interact with another resource. The AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service authentication and authorization process requires identities to present valid security credentials to interact with another AWS resource.

According to AWS security best practices, where possible, we recommend relying on temporary credentials instead of creating long-term credentials such as access keys. Temporary security credentials, also referred to as short-term credentials, can help limit the impact of inadvertently exposed credentials because they have a limited lifespan and don’t require periodic rotation or revocation. After temporary security credentials expire, AWS will no longer approve authentication and authorization requests made with these credentials.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps on how to obtain AWS temporary credentials for your external CI/CD pipelines by using IAM Roles Anywhere and an on-premises hosted server running Azure DevOps Services.

Deploy securely on AWS using IAM Roles Anywhere

When you run code on AWS compute services, such as AWS Lambda, AWS provides temporary credentials to your workloads. In hybrid information technology environments, when you want to authenticate with AWS services from outside of the cloud, your external services need AWS credentials.

IAM Roles Anywhere provides a secure way for your workloads — such as servers, containers, and applications running outside of AWS — to request and obtain temporary AWS credentials by using private certificates. You can use IAM Roles Anywhere to enable your applications that run outside of AWS to obtain temporary AWS credentials, helping you eliminate the need to manage long-term credentials or complex temporary credential solutions for workloads running outside of AWS.

To use IAM Roles Anywhere, your workloads require an X.509 certificate, issued by your private certificate authority (CA), to request temporary security credentials from the AWS Cloud.

IAM Roles Anywhere can work with your existing client or server certificates that you issue to your workloads today. In this blog post, our objective is to show how you can use X.509 certificates issued by your public key infrastructure (PKI) solution to gain access to AWS resources by using IAM Roles Anywhere. Here we don’t cover PKI solutions options, and we assume that you have your own PKI solution for certificate generation. In this post, we demonstrate the IAM Roles Anywhere setup with a self-signed certificate for the purpose of the demo running in a test environment.

External CI/CD pipeline deployments in AWS

CI/CD services are typically composed of a control plane and user interface. They are used to automate the configuration, orchestration, and deployment of infrastructure code or software. The code build steps are handled by a build agent that can be hosted on a virtual machine or container running on-premises or in the cloud. Build agents are responsible for completing the jobs defined by a CI/CD pipeline.

For this use case, you have an on-premises CI/CD pipeline that uses AWS CloudFormation to deploy resources within a target AWS account. The CloudFormation template, the pipeline definition, and other files are hosted in a Git repository. The on-premises build agent requires permissions to deploy code through AWS CloudFormation within an AWS account. To make calls to AWS APIs, the build agent needs to obtain AWS credentials from an IAM role. The solution architecture is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Using external CI/CD tool with AWS

Figure 1: Using external CI/CD tool with AWS

To make this deployment securely, the main objective is to use short-term credentials and avoid the need to generate and store long-term credentials for your pipelines. This post walks through how to use IAM Roles Anywhere and certificate-based authentication with Azure DevOps build agents. The walkthrough will use Azure DevOps Services with Microsoft-hosted agents. This approach can be used with a self-hosted agent or Azure DevOps Server.

IAM Roles Anywhere and certificate-based authentication

IAM Roles Anywhere uses a private certificate authority (CA) for the temporary security credential issuance process. Your private CA is registered with IAM Roles Anywhere through a service-to-service trust. Once the trust is established, you create an IAM role with an IAM policy that can be assumed by your services running outside of AWS. The external service uses a private CA issued X.509 certificate to request temporary AWS credentials from IAM Roles Anywhere and then assumes the IAM role with permission to finish the authentication process, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Certificate-based authentication for external CI/CD tool using IAM Roles Anywhere

Figure 2: Certificate-based authentication for external CI/CD tool using IAM Roles Anywhere

The workflow in Figure 2 is as follows:

  1. The external service uses its certificate to sign and issue a request to IAM Roles Anywhere.
  2. IAM Roles Anywhere validates the incoming signature and checks that the certificate was issued by a certificate authority configured as a trust anchor in the account.
  3. Temporary credentials are returned to the external service, which can then be used for other authenticated calls to the AWS APIs.


In this walkthrough, you accomplish the following steps:

  1. Deploy IAM roles in your workload accounts.
  2. Create a root certificate to simulate your certificate authority. Then request and sign a leaf certificate to distribute to your build agent.
  3. Configure an IAM Roles Anywhere trust anchor in your workload accounts.
  4. Configure your pipelines to use certificate-based authentication with a working example using Azure DevOps pipelines.


You can find the sample code for this post in our GitHub repository. We recommend that you locally clone a copy of this repository. This repository includes the following files:

  • DynamoDB_Table.template: This template creates an Amazon DynamoDB table.
  • iamra-trust-policy.json: This trust policy allows the IAM Roles Anywhere service to assume the role and defines the permissions to be granted.
  • parameters.json: This passes parameters when launching the CloudFormation template.
  • pipeline-iamra.yml: The definition of the pipeline that deploys the CloudFormation template using IAM Roles Anywhere authentication.
  • pipeline-iamra-multi.yml: The definition of the pipeline that deploys the CloudFormation template using IAM Roles Anywhere authentication in multi-account environment.

The first step is creating an IAM role in your AWS accounts with the necessary permissions to deploy your resources. For this, you create a role using the AWSCloudFormationFullAccess and AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess managed policies.

When you define the permissions for your actual applications and workloads, make sure to adjust the permissions to meet your specific needs based on the principle of least privilege.

Run the following command to create the CICDRole in the Dev and Prod AWS accounts.

aws iam create-role --role-name CICDRole --assume-role-policy-document file://iamra-trust-policy.json
aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name CICDRole --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess
aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name CICDRole --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSCloudFormationFullAccess

As part of the role creation, you need to apply the trust policy provided in iamra-trust-policy.json. This trust policy allows the IAM Roles Anywhere service to assume the role with the condition that the Subject Common Name (CN) of the certificate is cicdagent.example.com. In a later step you will update this trust policy with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your trust anchor to further restrict how the role can be assumed.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Service": "rolesanywhere.amazonaws.com"
            "Action": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:PrincipalTag/x509Subject/CN": "cicd-agent.example.com"

Issue and sign a self-signed certificate

Use OpenSSL to generate and sign the certificate. Run the following commands to generate a root and leaf certificate.

Note: The following procedure has been tested with OpenSSL 1.1.1 and OpenSSL 3.0.8.

# generate key for CA certificate
openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048

# generate CA certificate
openssl req -new -x509 -days 1826 -key ca.key -subj /CN=ca.example.com \
    -addext 'keyUsage=critical,keyCertSign,cRLSign,digitalSignature' \
    -addext 'basicConstraints=critical,CA:TRUE' -out ca.crt 

#generate key for leaf certificate
openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048

#request leaf certificate
cat > extensions.cnf <<EOF
keyUsage = digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment

openssl req -new -key private.key -subj /CN=cicd-agent.example.com -out iamra-cert.csr

#sign leaf certificate with CA
openssl x509 -req -days 7 -in iamra-cert.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 01 -extfile extensions.cnf -extensions v3_ca -out certificate.crt

The following files are needed in further steps: ca.crt, certificate.crt, private.key.

Configure the IAM Roles Anywhere trust anchor and profile in your workload accounts

In this step, you configure the IAM Roles Anywhere trust anchor, the profile, and the role with the associated IAM policy to define the permissions to be granted to your build agents. Make sure to set the permissions specified in the policy to the least privileged access.

To configure the IAM Role Anywhere trust anchor

  1. Open the IAM console and go to Roles Anywhere.
  2. Choose Create a trust anchor.
  3. Choose External certificate bundle and paste the content of your CA public certificate in the certificate bundle box (the content of the ca.crt file from the previous step). The configuration looks as follows:
Figure 3: IAM Roles Anywhere trust anchor

Figure 3: IAM Roles Anywhere trust anchor

To follow security best practices by applying least privilege access, add a condition statement in the IAM role’s trust policy to match the created trust anchor to make sure that only certificates that you want to assume a role through IAM Roles Anywhere can do so.

To update the trust policy of the created CICDRole

  1. Open the IAM console, select Roles, then search for CICDRole.
  2. Open CICDRole to update its configuration, and then select Trust relationships.
  3. Replace the existing policy with the following updated policy that includes an additional condition to match on the trust anchor. Replace the ARN ID in the policy with the ARN of the trust anchor created in your account.
Figure 4: IAM Roles Anywhere updated trust policy

Figure 4: IAM Roles Anywhere updated trust policy

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Service": "rolesanywhere.amazonaws.com"
            "Action": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:PrincipalTag/x509Subject/CN": "cicd-agent.example.com"
                "ArnEquals": {
                    "aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws:rolesanywhere:ca-central-1:111111111111:trust-anchor/9f084b8b-2a32-47f6-aee3-d027f5c4b03b"

To create an IAM Role Anywhere profile and link the profile to CICDRole

  1. Open the IAM console and go to Roles Anywhere.
  2. Choose Create a profile.
  3. In the Profile section, enter a name.
  4. In the Roles section, select CICDRole.
  5. Keep the other options set to default.
Figure 5: IAM Roles Anywhere profile

Figure 5: IAM Roles Anywhere profile

Configure the Azure DevOps pipeline to use certificate-based authentication

Now that you’ve completed the necessary setup in AWS, you move to the configuration of your pipeline in Azure DevOps. You need to have access to an Azure DevOps organization to complete these steps.

Have the following values ready. They’re needed for the Azure DevOps Pipeline configuration. You need this set of information for every AWS account you want to deploy to.

  • Trust anchor ARN – Resource identifier for the trust anchor created when you configured IAM Roles Anywhere.
  • Profile ARN – The identifier of the IAM Roles Anywhere profile you created.
  • Role ARN – The ARN of the role to assume. This role needs to be configured in the profile.
  • Certificate – The certificate tied to the profile (in other words, the issued certificate: file certificate.crt).
  • Private key – The private key of the certificate (private.key).

Azure DevOps configuration steps

The following steps walk you through configuring Azure DevOps.

  1. Create a new project in Azure DevOps.
  2. Add the following files from the sample repository that you previously cloned to the Git Azure repo that was created as part of the project. (The simplest way to do this is to add a new remote to your local Git repository and push the files.)
    • DynamoDB_Table.template – The sample CloudFormation template you will deploy
    • parameters.json – This passes parameters when launching the CloudFormation template
    • pipeline-iamra.yml – The definition of the pipeline that deploys the CloudFormation template using IAM RA authentication
  3. Create a new pipeline:
    1. Select Azure Repos Git as your source.
    2. Select your current repository.
    3. Choose Existing Azure Pipelines YAML file.
    4. For the path, enter pipeline-iamra.yml.
    5. Select Save (don’t run the pipeline yet).
  4. In Azure DevOps, choose Pipelines, and then choose Library.
  5. Create a new variable group called aws-dev that will store the configuration values to deploy to your AWS Dev environment.
  6. Add variables corresponding to the values of the trust anchor profile and role to use for authentication.
    Figure 6: Azure DevOps configuration steps: Adding IAM Roles Anywhere variables

    Figure 6: Azure DevOps configuration steps: Adding IAM Roles Anywhere variables

  7. Save the group.
  8. Update the permissions to allow your pipeline to use the variable group.
    Figure 7: Azure DevOps configuration steps: Pipeline permissions

    Figure 7: Azure DevOps configuration steps: Pipeline permissions

  9. In the Library, choose the Secure files tab to upload the certificate and private key files that you generated previously.
    Figure 8: Azure DevOps configuration steps: Upload certificate and private key

    Figure 8: Azure DevOps configuration steps: Upload certificate and private key

  10. For each file, update the Pipeline permissions to provide access to the pipeline created previously.
    Figure 9: Azure DevOps configuration steps: Pipeline permissions for each file

    Figure 9: Azure DevOps configuration steps: Pipeline permissions for each file

  11. Run the pipeline and validate successful completion. In your AWS account, you should see a stack named my-stack-name that deployed a DynamoDB table.
    Figure 10: Verify CloudFormation stack deployment in your account

    Figure 10: Verify CloudFormation stack deployment in your account

Explanation of the pipeline-iamra.yml

Here are the different steps of the pipeline:

  1. The first step downloads and installs the credential helper tool that allows you to obtain temporary credentials from IAM Roles Anywhere.
    - bash: wget https://rolesanywhere.amazonaws.com/releases/1.0.3/X86_64/Linux/aws_signing_helper; chmod +x aws_signing_helper;
      displayName: Install AWS Signer

  2. The second step uses the DownloadSecureFile built-in task to retrieve the certificate and private key that you stored in the Azure DevOps secure storage.
    - task: DownloadSecureFile@1
      name: Certificate
      displayName: 'Download certificate'
        secureFile: 'certificate.crt'
    - task: DownloadSecureFile@1
      name: Privatekey
      displayName: 'Download private key'
        secureFile: 'private.key'

    The credential helper is configured to obtain temporary credentials by providing the certificate and private key as well as the role to assume and an IAM AWS Roles Anywhere profile to use. Every time the AWS CLI or AWS SDK needs to authenticate to AWS, they use this credential helper to obtain temporary credentials.

    bash: |
        aws configure set credential_process "./aws_signing_helper credential-process --certificate $(Certificate.secureFilePath) --private-key $(Privatekey.secureFilePath) --trust-anchor-arn $(TRUSTANCHORARN) --profile-arn $(PROFILEARN) --role-arn $(ROLEARN)" --profile default
        echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG;]1"
      displayName: Obtain AWS Credentials

  3. The next step is for troubleshooting purposes. The AWS CLI is used to confirm the current assumed identity in your target AWS account.
    task: AWSCLI@1
      displayName: Check AWS identity
        regionName: 'ca-central-1'
        awsCommand: 'sts'
        awsSubCommand: 'get-caller-identity'

  4. The final step uses the CloudFormationCreateOrUpdateStack task from the AWS Toolkit for Azure DevOps to deploy the Cloud Formation stack. Usually, the awsCredentials parameter is used to point the task to the Service Connection with the AWS access keys and secrets. If you omit this parameter, the task looks instead for the credentials in the standard credential provider chain.
    task: CloudFormationCreateOrUpdateStack@1
      displayName: 'Create/Update Stack: Staging-Deployment'
        regionName:     'ca-central-1'
        stackName:      'my-stack-name'
        useChangeSet:   true
        changeSetName:  'my-stack-name-changeset'
        templateFile:   'DynamoDB_Table.template'
        templateParametersFile: 'parameters.json'
        captureStackOutputs: asVariables
        captureAsSecuredVars: false

Multi-account deployments

In this example, the pipeline deploys to a single AWS account. You can quickly extend it to support deployment to multiple accounts by following these steps:

  1. Repeat the Configure IAM Roles Anywhere Trust Anchor for each account.
  2. In Azure DevOps, create a variable group with the configuration specific to the additional account.
  3. In the pipeline definition, add a stage that uses this variable group.

The pipeline-iamra-multi.yml file in the sample repository contains such an example.


To clean up the AWS resources created in this article, follow these steps:

  1. Delete the deployed CloudFormation stack in your workload accounts.
  2. Remove the IAM trust anchor and profile from the workload accounts.
  3. Delete the CICDRole IAM role.

Alternative options available to obtain temporary credentials in AWS for CI/CD pipelines

In addition to the IAM Roles Anywhere option presented in this blog, there are two other options to issue temporary security credentials for the external build agent:

  • Option 1 – Re-host the build agent on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance in the AWS account and assign an IAM role. (See IAM roles for Amazon EC2). This option resolves the issue of using long-term IAM access keys to deploy self-hosted build agents on an AWS compute service (such as Amazon EC2, AWS Fargate, or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)) instead of using fully-managed or on-premises agents, but it would still require using multiple agents for pipelines that need different permissions.
  • Option 2 – Some DevOps tools support the use of OpenID Connect (OIDC). OIDC is an authentication layer based on open standards that makes it simpler for a client and an identity provider to exchange information. CI/CD tools such as GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket provide support for OIDC, which helps you to integrate with AWS for secure deployments and resources access without having to store credentials as long-lived secrets. However, not all CI/CD pipeline tools supports OIDC.


In this post, we showed you how to combine IAM Roles Anywhere and an existing public key infrastructure (PKI) to authenticate external build agents to AWS by using short-lived certificates to obtain AWS temporary credentials. We presented the use of Azure Pipelines for the demonstration, but you can adapt the same steps to other CI/CD tools running on premises or in other cloud platforms. For simplicity, the certificate was manually configured in Azure DevOps to be provided to the agents. We encourage you to automate the distribution of short-lived certificates based on an integration with your PKI.

For demonstration purposes, we included the steps of generating a root certificate and manually signing the leaf certificate. For production workloads, you should have access to a private certificate authority to generate certificates for use by your external build agent. If you do not have an existing private certificate authority, consider using AWS Private Certificate Authority.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Security, Identity, & Compliance re:Post or contact AWS Support.

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Olivier Gaumond

Olivier Gaumond

Olivier is a Senior Solutions Architect supporting public sector customers from Quebec City. His varied experience in consulting, application development, and platform implementation allow him to bring a new perspective to projects. DevSecOps, containers, and cloud native development are among his topics of interest.

Manal Taki

Manal Taki

Manal is a solutions Architect at AWS, based in Toronto. She works with public sector customers to solve business challenges to drive their mission goals by using Amazon Web Services (AWS). She’s passionate about security, and works with customers to enable security best practices to build secure environments and workloads in the cloud.

Using Amazon CodeCatalyst Blueprints to Build and Deploy a Video-On-Demand Application to AWS

Post Syndicated from Aaron Grode original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/using-amazon-codecatalyst-blueprints-to-build-and-deploy-a-video-on-demand-application-to-aws/

In this blog post, we will walk you through how to create and launch new projects in minutes using Amazon CodeCatalyst Blueprints. Blueprints automatically generate source code and a continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline to deploy common patterns to your AWS account without requiring extensive programming knowledge. This functionality boosts productivity and lowers time to market for features. To illustrate how to use blueprints, we will walk through how to deploy a video-on-demand web service to your AWS account.

What is Amazon CodeCatalyst? It is an integrated DevOps service for software development teams adopting continuous integration and deployment practices into their software development process. CodeCatalyst provides one place where you can plan work, collaborate on code, and build, test, and deploy applications with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools. You can easily integrate AWS resources with your projects by connecting your AWS accounts to your CodeCatalyst space. With all of these stages and aspects of an application’s lifecycle in one tool, you can deliver software quickly and confidently.


To get started with Amazon CodeCatalyst, you need the following prerequisites. Please review them and ensure you have completed all steps before proceeding:

  1. Create an AWS Builder ID. An AWS Builder ID is a new personal profile for everyone who builds on AWS. It is used to access tools and services within AWS, such as Amazon CodeCatalyst.
  2. Join an Amazon CodeCatalyst space. To join a space, you will need to either:
    1. Create an Amazon CodeCatalyst space. If you are creating the space, you will need to specify an AWS account ID for billing and provisioning of resources. If you have not created an AWS account, follow the AWS documentation to create one.
    2. Accept an invitation to an existing space.
  3. Create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role. Amazon CodeCatalyst will need an IAM role to have permissions to deploy the infrastructure to your AWS account. Follow the documentation for steps how to create an IAM role via the Amazon CodeCatalyst console.

Create the Amazon CodeCatalyst Project

Once all of the prerequisites have been met, you can log in to your Amazon CodeCatalyst space and create a project. Once you are logged in, navigate to your projects and select “Create project” (Figure 1).

Project screen with create project button selected

Figure 1: Project screen with create project button selected

Select Start with a blueprint option and enter into the Choose a blueprint input box, “Video”. Select the Video-on-demand web service blueprint. Choosing this blueprint will open a side panel describing what the blueprint provides and an architecture diagram (Figure 2).

Create project screen with video-on-demand project selected

Figure 2: Create project screen with video-on-demand project selected

After selecting Next, you will be prompted for a project name, an AWS account ID and an IAM role to be associated with the project. Project names must be unique within your space and must be within 3-63 characters. See the official documentation for project naming requirements for more information.

Your AWS account ID and IAM role that you created as part of prerequisites should be automatically populated for you (Figure 3). If they are not present, you need to ensure you have properly linked the account and created the IAM role.

Project configurations listed. Linked AWS account ID and IAM role present

Figure 3: Project configurations listed. Linked AWS account ID and IAM role present

For this specific blueprint, there are more configuration options listed below such as: code repository name, automatic triggers of pipeline, CloudFormation stack name, deployment region and more (Figure 4). Leave all fields under Template parameters, Additional configuration, Deployment Location, and S3 Bucket for AWS CloudFormation Template as their default values.

Additional project configurations listed

Figure 4: Additional project configurations. Leaving default is fine

Once you have finished editing the configuration, choose Create project in the lower right corner. Amazon CodeCatalyst generates your project space and repository.

Walkthrough of the Project Space

Your new code repository is the first item on the overview dashboard. Select View Repository or Source Repositories (Figure 5) to navigate to the code repository for this project. If the repository details are not present on the overview page, wait for approximately 10-15 seconds and refresh the page.

Project overview screen with view repository and source repositories selected

Figure 5: Project overview screen with view repository and source repositories selected

This blueprint provides you with a functioning video-on-demand solution; however, you can modify the code for your specific use case. Blueprints are a template and give users the freedom to add custom business logic.

Adding IAM Permissions

You should have created an IAM role for Amazon CodeCatalyst workflow to use during the prerequisites section. If you have not, please refer to the prerequisites section.

This specific solution provides an IAM Policy that you can attach to your IAM role such that sufficient IAM permissions are present to deploy the solution to your AWS account. The IAM Policy is within the README.md file. Within README.md, under the connections and permissions section, copy the IAM policy and create a new policy via the AWS console. Make sure to attach this IAM policy to your existing IAM role.

CI/CD Workflows

Start the CI/CD process to deploy the video-on-demand solution to your AWS account. Choose View all from the Overview page. This can also be found by selecting CI/CD from the side menu (Figure 6).

Overview page with View All button selected

Figure 6: Overview page with View All button selected

This blueprint comes with one, default workflow called build-and-deployOSS. To build and deploy this application to your AWS account, choose Run on the workflow page (Figure 7).

build-and-deployOSS workflow with Run button selected

Figure 7: build-and-deployOSS workflow with Run button selected

Select the Runs tab or the RunID from the dialog box to view the status of the deployment (Figure 8). This pipeline is building and deploying the full application and will need approximately 10 minutes to run.

build-and-deployOSS workflow with the RunID and Runs tab selected

Figure 8: build-and-deployOSS workflow with the RunID and Runs tab selected

Configure a custom workflow

You can configure custom pipelines within CodeCatalyst. To do this, navigate to the Workflows page within Amazon CodeCatalyst and select Create Workflow (Figure 9).

Workflow page with create workflow button selected

Figure 9: Create a custom workflow

Amazon CodeCatalyst offers a variety of drag and drop solutions to building pipelines using YAML and CloudFormation. For more information on configuring custom workflows within Amazon CodeCatalyst, view the getting started with custom workflows documentation.

Check in on your Workflow

After approximately 10 minutes, the build-and-deployOSS should be complete! The status of the run is listed under Run History (Figure 10).

Run history with the job status highlighted

Figure 10: Run history with the job status highlighted

To validate a successful deployment of the blueprint, login to the AWS Console and navigate to the CloudFormation service. If the status is listed as UPDATE_COMPLETE, then the blueprint has been deployed successfully!

AWS Console showing CloudFormation template successful run

Figure 11: AWS Console showing CloudFormation template successful run

Clean up Your Environment

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the infrastructure provisioned by the Amazon CodeCatalyst workflow. This can be done by deleting the CloudFormation stack. To do this, login to your AWS account and select the CloudFormation service. Select the stack with VideoOnDemand in the title and select the delete button. This will delete the entire stack.


While reading this blog, you learned how to use Amazon CodeCatalyst blueprints by deploying a video-on-demand web service to your AWS account. You used the automatically generated source code and a CI/CD pipeline to deploy the solution in minutes. Now, that you are more familiar with Amazon CodeCatalyst blueprints, you can use it to deliver software quickly and confidently.

To share any feedback on your experience with Amazon CodeCatalyst, please visit the Amazon CodeCatalyst feedback page.

Aliya Shaikh

Aliya Shaikh is an Associate Cloud Application Developer at Amazon Web Services (AWS), Professional Services. She has been with AWS for 10 months and has been focused on Serverless and cloud-native solutions. In her role, Aliya collaborates closely with AWS customers to support and accelerate their journeys to the cloud and within the cloud ecosystem by building performant, resilient, scalable, secure and cost efficient solutions.

Aaron Grode

Aaron Grode is an Associate Cloud Application Developer at Amazon Web Services. He specializes in microservices and serverless architectures. Aaron enjoys assisting customers with cloud migrations, ensuring their transition to the cloud is seamless and successful, while continually delivering innovative solutions.

How to import existing resources into AWS CDK Stacks

Post Syndicated from Laura Al-Richane original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/how-to-import-existing-resources-into-aws-cdk-stacks/


Many customers have provisioned resources through the AWS Management Console or different Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools, and then started using AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) in a later stage. After introducing AWS CDK into the architecture, you might want to import some of the existing resources to avoid losing data or impacting availability.

In this post, I will show you how to import existing AWS Resources into an AWS CDK Stack.

The AWS CDK is a framework for defining cloud infrastructure through code and provisioning it with AWS CloudFormation stacks. With the AWS CDK, developers can easily provision and manage cloud resources, define complex architectures, and automate infrastructure deployments, all while leveraging the full power of modern software development practices like version control, code reuse, and automated testing. AWS CDK accelerates cloud development using common programming languages such as TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, Java, C#/.Net, and Go.

AWS CDK stacks are a collection of AWS resources that can be programmatically created, updated, or deleted. CDK constructs are the building blocks of CDK applications, representing a blueprint to define cloud architectures.

Solution Overview

The AWS CDK Toolkit (the CLI command cdk), is the primary tool for interacting with your AWS CDK app. I will show you the commands that you will encounter when implementing this solution. When you create a CDK stack, you can deploy it using the cdk deploy command, which also synthesizes the application. The cdk synthesize (synth) command synthesizes and prints the CloudFormation template for one or more specified stacks.

To import existing AWS resources into a CDK stack, you need to create the CDK stack and add the resource you want to import, then generate a CloudFormation template representing this stack. Next, you need to import this resource into the CloudFormation stack using the AWS CloudFormation Console, by uploading the newly generated CloudFormation template. Finally, you need to deploy the CDK stack that includes your resource.


The walkthrough consists of three main steps:

Step 1: Update the CDK stack with the resource you want to import

Step 2: Import the existing resource into the CloudFormation stack

Step 3: Import the existing resource into the CDK stack


  • aws-cdk v2 is installed on your system, in order to be able to use the AWS CDK CLI.
  • A CDK stack deployed in your AWS Account.

You can skip the following and move to the Step 1 section if you already have an existing CDK stack that you want to import your resources into.

Let’s create a CDK stack into which you will import your existing resources. We need to specify at least 1 resource in order to create it. For this example, you will create a CDK stack with an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.

After you’ve successfully installed and configured AWS CDK:

  1. Open your IDE and a new terminal window. Create a new folder hello-cdk by running these two commands:
    mkdir hello-cdk && cd hello-cdk
    cdk init app --language typescript

    The cdk init command creates a number of files and folders inside the hello-cdk directory to help you organize the source code for your AWS CDK app. Take a moment to explore. The structure of a basic app is all there; you’ll fill in the details when implementing this solution.

    At this point, your app doesn’t do anything because the stack it contains doesn’t define any resources. Let’s add an Amazon S3 bucket.

  2. In lib/hello-cdk-stack.ts replace the code with the following code snippet:
    import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
    import { aws_s3 as s3 } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
    export class HelloCdkStack extends cdk.Stack {
      constructor(scope: cdk.App, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
        super(scope, id, props);
        new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyExampleBucket');

    NOTE: Amazon S3 provides a number of security features to consider as you develop and implement your own security policies. I recommend you go through the security best practices for Amazon S3 for more details on how to enhance the security of your S3 Bucket.

  3. Now, you can deploy the stack using the cdk deploy command.
    This command will first create a CloudFormation template in cdk.out/HelloCDKStack.template.json, and then deploy it in your AWS account.
  4. Navigate to the AWS CloudFormation Console and see the stack being created. It might take some time depending on the number and type of resources.The image shows a list of stacks in AWS CloudFormation Console
  5. After the stack gets created, you can explore the Resources tab for created resourcesThe image shows cloudformation stack resources in cfn console

Step 1: Update the CDK stack with the resource you want to import

After you’ve created the stack, you need to update the CDK stack with the resources you would like to import. For this example, we will be importing an existing S3 bucket.

If you don’t have an existing S3 bucket that you want to import, you can create it using the S3 Console, AWS SDK or AWS CLI.

  1. Go to your IDE and open the terminal. Open lib/hello-cdk-stack.ts file and add the following code snippet:
    new s3.Bucket(this, 'ImportBucket', {
    	removalPolicy: cdk.RemovalPolicy.RETAIN

    Resources to import must have a DeletionPolicy attribute specified in the template. We will set the removalPolicy attribute to RETAIN to avoid resource deletion if you delete the CDK stack.

  2. In the terminal, run cdk synth command to obtain our CloudFormation template. This command will synthesize the CloudFormation template, but it will not deploy it to your AWS account. The template will be saved in cdk.out/HelloCdkStack.template.json.

Step 2: Import the existing resource into CloudFormation stack

  1. Open the CloudFormation Console, and choose your stack.
  2. In the right-upper corner, choose Stack actions -> Import resources into stack.The image shows how to import resources into cloudformation stack in cfn console
  3. On the Identify Resources page, choose Next.
  4. On Specify template page, you will be asked to specify a new template that includes the resource you want to import. Choose Upload a template file and specify the template that was created by cdk synth command in cdk.out/HelloCdkStack.template.json. CloudFormation will now use that template which includes the resource you want to import.The image shows how to specify a template for resource import in CloudFormation Console
  5. Choose Next.
  6. On the Identify resources page, you will be asked to identify the resources to import. For BucketName, choose the name of the S3 bucket you want to import.The image showsspecifying the name of the resource to import in CloudFormation Console
  7. Choose Next.
  8. On the Specify stack details page, you will be asked to specify the stack parameters. For BootstrapVersion parameter, leave the default as it is.The image shows how to specify the BootstrapVersion parameter for the CloudFormation template in CloudFormation Console
  9. Choose Next.
  10. On the Review page, you will be able to see what changes have been made to the CloudFormation template, and which resources have been imported.The image shows the changes of importing resources in CloudFormation Console
  11. Review the changes and choose Import resources.
  12. You can see in the Events tab that the bucket is being imported. Go to the Resources tab, and see the imported bucket.The image shows the resources after import in CloudFormation Console

Step 3: Import the existing resource into CDK stack

The last step is to import the existing resource into your CDK stack. Go back to the terminal and run cdk deploy. You will get the message that no changes have been found in the stack, this is because the CloudFormation template has been updated in the previous step.

The image shows the result of running cdk deploy after importing the resource

Congratulations! You’ve just imported your resources into CDK stack and now you can continue deploying and managing your infrastructure with more flexibility and control.


Destroy the AWS CDK stack and Buckets

  1. When you’re done with the resources you created, you can destroy your CDK stack by running the following commands in your terminal:
    cd ~/hello-cdk
    cdk destroy HelloCdkStack
  2. When asked to confirm the deletion of the stack, enter yes.
    NOTE: The S3 buckets you’ve imported won’t get deleted because of the removal policy. If no longer needed, delete the S3 bucket/s.


In this post, I showed you a solution to import existing AWS resources into CDK stacks. As the demand for IaC and DevOps solutions continues to grow, an increasing number of customers are turning to AWS CDK as their preferred IaC solution due to its powerful capabilities and ease of use as you can write infrastructure code using familiar programming languages.

AWS is continuously improving CDK by adding new features and capabilities, in collaboration with the open source community. Here you can find an RFC on adding a new CDK CLI sub-command cdk import that works just like cdk deploy but for newly added constructs in the stack. Instead of creating new AWS resources, it will import corresponding existing resources, which will effectively automate the manual actions demonstrated in this post. Keep an eye on that RFC and provide any feedback you have to the team.

Laura Al-Richane

Laura is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS). She helps startup customers accomplish their business needs and solve complex challenges with AWS solutions and best practices. Her core area of focus includes DevOps, and specifically Infrastructure as Code.

Implementing GitFlow with Amazon CodeCatalyst

Post Syndicated from Michael Ohde original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/implementing-gitflow-with-amazon-codecatalyst/

Amazon CodeCatalyst is a unified software development service for building and delivering applications on AWS. With CodeCatalyst, you can implement your team’s preferred branching strategy. Whether you follow popular models like GitFlow or have your own approach, CodeCatalyst Workflows allow you to design your development process and deploy to multiple environments.


In a previous post in this series, Using Workflows to Build, Test, and Deploy with Amazon CodeCatalyst, we discussed creating a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline in CodeCatalyst and how you can continually deliver high-quality updates through the use of one workflow. I will build on these concepts by focusing on how you collaborate across your codebase by using multiple CodeCatalyst Workflows to model your team’s branching strategy.

Having a standardized process for managing changes to the codebase allows developers to collaborate predictably and focus on delivering software. Some popular branching models include GitFlow, GitHub flow, and trunk-based development.

  • GitFlow is designed to manage large projects with parallel development and releases, featuring multiple long-running branches.
  • GitHub flow is a lightweight, branch-based workflow that involves creating feature branches and merging changes into the main branch.
  • Trunk-based development is focused on keeping the main branch always stable and deployable. All changes are made directly to the main branch, and issues are identified and fixed using automated testing and deployment tools.

In this post, I am going to demonstrate how to implement GitFlow with CodeCatalyst. GitFlow uses two permanent branches, main and develop, with supporting branches. The prefix names of the supporting branches give the function they serve — feature, release, and hotfix. I will apply this strategy by separating these branches into production and integration, both with their own workflow and environment. The main branch will deploy to production and the develop branch plus the supporting branches will deploy to integration.

Implementing GitFlow with CodeCatalyst
Figure 1. Implementing GitFlow with CodeCatalyst.

Upon completing the walkthrough, you will have the ability to utilize these techniques to implement any of the popular models or even your own.


If you would like to follow along with the walkthrough, you will need to:


For this walkthrough, I am going use the Static Website blueprint with the default configuration. A CodeCatalyst blueprint creates new project with everything you need to get started. To try this out yourself, launch the blueprint by following the steps outlined in the Creating a project in Amazon CodeCatalyst.

Once the new project is launched, I navigate to CI/CD > Environments. I see one environment called production. This environment was setup when the project was created by the blueprint. I will now add my integration environment. To do this, I click the Create environment above the list of environments.

Initial environment list with only production.
Figure 2. Initial environment list with only production.

A CodeCatalyst environment is where code is deployed and are configured to be associated with your AWS account using AWS account connections. Multiple CodeCatalyst environments can be associated with a single AWS account, allowing you to have environments in CodeCatalyst for development, test, and staging associated with one AWS account.

In the next screen, I enter the environment name as integration, select Non-production for the environment type, provide a brief description of the environment, and select the connection of the AWS account I want to deploy to. To learn more about connecting AWS accounts review Working with AWS accounts in Amazon CodeCatalyst. I will make note of my connection Name and Role, as I will need it later in my workflow. After I have entered all the details for the integration environment, I click Create environment on the bottom of the form. When I navigate back to CI/CD > Environments I now see both environments listed.

Environment list with integration and production.
Figure 3. Environment list with integration and production.

Now that I have my production and integration environment, I want to setup my workflows to deploy my branches into each separate environment. Next, I navigate to CI/CD > Workflows. Just like with the environments, there is already a workflow setup by the blueprint created called OnPushBuildTestAndDeploy. In order to review the workflow, I select Edit under the Actions menu.

OnPushBuildTestAndDeploy workflow Actions menu.
Figure 4. OnPushBuildTestAndDeploy workflow Actions menu.

By reviewing the workflow YAML, I see the OnPushBuildTestAndDeploy workflow is triggered by the main branch and deploys to production. Below I have highlighted the parts of the YAML that define each of these. The Triggers in the definition determine when a workflow run should start and Environment where code is deployed to.

Name: OnPushBuildTestAndDeploy
  - Type: PUSH
      - main
      Name: production
        - Name: ****
          Role: ****

Since this confirms the production workflow is already done, I will copy this YAML and use it to create my integration workflow. After copying the entire OnPushBuildTestAndDeploy YAML to my clipboard (not just the highlights above), I navigate back to CI/CD > Workflows and click Create Workflow. Then in the Create workflow dialog window click Create.

Create workflow dialog window.
Figure 5. Create workflow dialog window.

Inside the workflow YAML editor, I replace all the existing content by pasting the OnPushBuildTestAndDeploy YAML from my clipboard. The first thing I edit in the YAML is the name of the workflow. I do this by finding the property called Name and replacing OnPushBuildTestAndDeploy to OnIntegrationPushBuildTestAndDeploy.

Next, I want to change the triggers to the develop branch and match the supporting branches by their prefixes. Triggers allow you to specify multiple branches and you can use regex to define your branch names to match multiple branches. To explore triggers further read Working with triggers.

  - Type: PUSH
      - develop
      - "feature/.*"
      - "release/.*"
      - "hotfix/.*"

After my triggers are updated, I need to update the Environment property with my integration environment. I replace both the Name and the Connections properties with the correct values for my integration environment. I use the Name and Role from the integration environment connection I made note of earlier. For additional details about environments in workflows review Working with environments.

      Name: integration
        - Name: ****
          Role: ****

Before finishing the integration workflow, I have highlighted the use of ${WorkflowSource.BranchName} in the Deploy action. The workflow uses the BranchName variable to prevent different branch deployments from overwriting one another. This is important to verify as all integration branches use the same environment. The WorkflowSource action outputs both CommitId and BranchName to workflow variables automatically. To learn more about variables in workflows review Working with variables.

      AmplifyBranchName: ${WorkflowSource.BranchName}

I have included the complete sample OnIntegrationPushBuildTestAndDeploy workflow below. It is the developer’s responsibility to delete resources their branches create even after merging and deleting branches as there is no automated cleanup.

Entire sample integration workflow.
Figure 6. Entire sample integration workflow.

After I have validated the syntax of my workflow by clicking Validate, I then click Commit. Confirm this action by clicking Commit in the Commit workflow modal window.

Commit workflow dialog window.
Figure 7. Commit workflow dialog window.

Immediately after committing the workflow, I can see the new OnIntegrationPushBuildTestAndDeploy workflow in my list of workflows. I see that the workflow shows the “Workflow is inactive”. This is expected as I am looking at the main branch and the trigger is not invoked from main.

Now that I have finished the implementation details of GitFlow, I am now going to create the permanent develop branch and a feature branch to test my integration workflow. To add a new branch, I go to Code > Source repositories > static-website-content, select Create branch under the More menu.

Source repository Actions menu.
Figure 8. Source repository Actions menu.

Enter develop as my branch name, create the branch from main, and then click Create.

Create the develop branch from main.
Figure 9. Create the develop branch from main.

I now add a feature branch by navigating back to the create branch screen. This time, I enter feature/gitflow-demo as my branch name, create the branch from develop, and then click Create.

Create a feature branch from develop.
Figure 10. Create a feature branch from develop.

To confirm that I have successfully implemented GitFlow, I need to verify that the feature branch workflow is running. I return to CI/CD > Workflows, select feature/gitflow-demo from the branch dropdown, and see the integration workflow is running.

Feature branch running integration workflow.
Figure 11. Feature branch running integration workflow.

To complete my testing of my implementation of GitFlow, I wait for the workflow to succeed. Then I view the newly deployed branch by navigating to the workflow and clicking on the View app link located on the last workflow action.

Lastly, now that GitFlow is implemented and tested, I will step through getting the feature branch to production. After I make my code changes to the feature branch, I create a pull request to merge feature/gitflow-demo into develop. Note that pull requests were covered in the prior post in this series. When merging the pull request select Delete the source branch after merging this pull request, as the feature branch is not a permanent branch.

Deleting the feature branch when merging.
Figure 12. Deleting the feature branch when merging.

Now that my changes are in the develop branch, I create a release branch. I navigate back to the create branch screen. This time I enter release/v1 as my branch name, create the branch from develop, and then click Create.

Create the release branch from main.
Figure 13. Create the release branch from main.

I am ready to release to production, so I create a pull request to merge release/v1 into main. The release branch is not a permanent branch, so it can also be deleted on merge. When the pull request is merged to main, the OnPushBuildTestAndDeploy workflow runs. After the workflow finishes running, I can verify my changes are in production.


If you have been following along with this workflow, you should delete the resources you deployed so you do not continue to incur charges. First, delete the two stacks that deployed using the AWS CloudFormation console in the AWS account(s) you associated when you launched the blueprint and configured the new environment. These stacks will have names like static-web-XXXXX. Second, delete the project from CodeCatalyst by navigating to Project settings and choosing Delete project.


In this post, you learned how to use triggers and environments in multiple workflows to implement GitFlow with Amazon CodeCatalyst. By consuming variables inside workflows, I was able to further customize my deployment design. Using these concepts, you can now implement your team’s branching strategy with CodeCatalyst. Learn more about Amazon CodeCatalyst and get started today!

Michael Ohde

Michael Ohde is a Senior Solutions Architect from Long Beach, CA. As a Product Acceleration Solution Architect at AWS, he currently assists Independent Software Vendor (ISVs) in the GovTech and EdTech sectors, by building modern applications using practices like serverless, DevOps, and AI/ML.

Identify regional feature parity using the AWS CloudFormation registry

Post Syndicated from Matt Howard original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/identify-regional-feature-parity-using-the-aws-cloudformation-registry/

The AWS Cloud spans more than 30 geographic regions around the world and is continuously adding new locations. When a new region launches, a core set of services are included with additional services launching within 12 months of a new region launch. As your business grows, so do your needs to expand to new regions and new markets, and it’s imperative that you understand which services and features are available in a region prior to launching your workload.

In this post, I’ll demonstrate how you can query the AWS CloudFormation registry to identify which services and features are supported within a region, so you can make informed decisions on which regions are currently compatible with your application’s requirements.

CloudFormation registry

The CloudFormation registry contains information about the AWS and third-party extensions, such as resources, modules, and hooks, that are available for use in your AWS account. You can utilize the CloudFormation API to provide a list of all the available AWS public extensions within a region. As resource availability may vary by region, you can refer to the CloudFormation registry for that region to gain an accurate list of that region’s service and feature offerings.

To view the AWS public extensions available in the region, you can use the following AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) command which calls the list-types CloudFormation API. This API call returns summary information about extensions that have been registered with the CloudFormation registry. To learn more about the AWS CLI, please check out our Get started with the AWS CLI documentation page.

aws cloudformation list-types --visibility PUBLIC --filters Category=AWS_TYPES --region us-east-2

The output of this command is the list of CloudFormation extensions available in the us-east-2 region. The call has been filtered to restrict the visibility to PUBLIC which limits the returned list to extensions that are publicly visible and available to be activated within any AWS account. It is also filtered to AWS_TYPES only for Category to only list extensions available for use from Amazon. The region filter determines which region to use and therefore which region’s CloudFormation registry types to list. A snippet of the output of this command is below:

  "TypeSummaries": [
      "Type": "RESOURCE",
      "TypeName": "AWS::ACMPCA::Certificate",
      "TypeArn": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-2::type/resource/AWS-ACMPCA-Certificate",
      "LastUpdated": "2023-07-20T13:58:56.947000+00:00",
      "Description": "A certificate issued via a private certificate authority"
      "Type": "RESOURCE",
      "TypeName": "AWS::ACMPCA::CertificateAuthority",
      "TypeArn": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-2::type/resource/AWS-ACMPCA-CertificateAuthority",
      "LastUpdated": "2023-07-19T14:06:07.618000+00:00",
      "Description": "Private certificate authority."
      "Type": "RESOURCE",
      "TypeName": "AWS::ACMPCA::CertificateAuthorityActivation",
      "TypeArn": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-2::type/resource/AWS-ACMPCA-CertificateAuthorityActivation",
      "LastUpdated": "2023-07-20T13:45:58.300000+00:00",
      "Description": "Used to install the certificate authority certificate and update the certificate authority status."

This output lists all of the Amazon provided CloudFormation resource types that are available within the us-east-2 region, specifically three AWS Private Certificate Authority resource types. You can see that these match with the AWS Private Certificate Authority resource type reference documentation.

Filtering the API response

You can also perform client-side filtering and set the output format on the AWS CLI’s response to make the list of resource types easy to parse. In the command below the output parameter is set to text and used with the query parameter to return only the TypeName field for each resource type.

aws cloudformation list-types --visibility PUBLIC --filters Category=AWS_TYPES --region us-east-2 --output text --query 'TypeSummaries[*].[TypeName]'

It removes the extraneous definition information such as description and last updated sections. A snippet of the resulting output looks like this:


Now you have a method of generating a consolidated list of all the resource types CloudFormation supports within the us-east-2 region.

Comparing two regions

Now that you know how to generate a list of CloudFormation resource types in a region, you can compare with a region you plan to expand your workload to, such as the Israel (Tel Aviv) region which just launched in August of 2023. This region launched with core services available, and AWS service teams are hard at work bringing additional services and features to the region.

Adjust your command above by changing the region parameter from us-east-2 to il-central-1 which will allow you to list all the CloudFormation resource types in the Israel (Tel Aviv) region.

aws cloudformation list-types --visibility PUBLIC --filters Category=AWS_TYPES --region il-central-1 --output text --query 'TypeSummaries[*].[TypeName]'

Now compare the differences between the two regions to understand which services and features may not have launched in the Israel (Tel Aviv) region yet. You can use the diff command to compare the output of the two CloudFormation registry queries:

diff -y <(aws cloudformation list-types --visibility PUBLIC --filters Category=AWS_TYPES --region us-east-2 --output text --query 'TypeSummaries[*].[TypeName]') <(aws cloudformation list-types --visibility PUBLIC --filters Category=AWS_TYPES --region il-central-1 --output text --query 'TypeSummaries[*].[TypeName]')

Here’s an example snippet of the command’s output:

AWS::S3::AccessPoint                   AWS::S3::AccessPoint
AWS::S3::Bucket                        AWS::S3::Bucket
AWS::S3::BucketPolicy                  AWS::S3::BucketPolicy
AWS::S3::MultiRegionAccessPoint         <
AWS::S3::MultiRegionAccessPointPolicy   <
AWS::S3::StorageLens                    <
AWS::S3ObjectLambda::AccessPoint       AWS::S3ObjectLambda::AccessPoint

Here, you see regional service parity of services supported by CloudFormation, down to the feature level. Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is a core service that was available at Israel (Tel Aviv) region’s launch. However, certain Amazon S3 features such as Storage Lens and Multi-Region Access Points are not yet launched in the region.

With this level of detail, you are able to accurately determine if the region you’re considering for expansion currently has the service and feature offerings necessary to support your workload.

Evaluating CloudFormation stacks

Now that you know how to compare the CloudFormation resource types supported between two regions, you can make this more applicable by evaluating an existing CloudFormation stack and determining if the resource types specified in the stack are available in a region.

As an example, you can deploy the sample LAMP stack scalable and durable template which can be found, among others, in our Sample templates documentation page. Instructions on how to deploy the stack in your own account can be found in our CloudFormation Get started documentation.

You can use the list-stack-resources API to query the stack and return the list of resource types used within it. You again use client-side filtering and set the output format on the AWS CLI’s response to make the list of resource types easy to parse.

aws cloudformation list-stack-resources --stack-name PHPHelloWorldSample --region us-east-2 --output text --query 'StackResourceSummaries[*].[ResourceType]'

Which provides the below list


Next, use the below command which uses grep with the -v flag to compare the Israel (Tel Aviv) region’s available CloudFormation registry resource types with the resource types used in the CloudFormation stack.

grep -v -f <(aws cloudformation list-types --visibility PUBLIC --filters Category=AWS_TYPES --region il-central-1 --output text --query 'TypeSummaries[*].[TypeName]') <(aws cloudformation list-stack-resources --stack-name PHPHelloWorldSample --region us-east-2 --output text --query 'StackResourceSummaries[*].[ResourceType]') 

The output is blank, which indicates all of the CloudFormation resource types specified in the stack are available in the Israel (Tel Aviv) region.

Now try an example where a service or feature may not yet be launched in the region, AWS Cloud9 for example. Update the stack template to include the AWS::Cloud9::EnvironmentEC2 resource type. To do this, include the following lines within the CloudFormation template json file’s Resources section as shown below and update the stack. Instructions on how to modify a CloudFormation template and update the stack can be found in the AWS CloudFormation stack updates documentation.

  "Cloud9": {
    "Type": "AWS::Cloud9::EnvironmentEC2",
    "Properties": {
      "InstanceType": "t3.micro"

Now, rerun the grep command you used previously.

grep -v -f <(aws cloudformation list-types --visibility PUBLIC --filters Category=AWS_TYPES --region il-central-1 --output text --query 'TypeSummaries[*].[TypeName]') <(aws cloudformation list-stack-resources --stack-name PHPHelloWorldSample --region us-east-2 --output text --query 'StackResourceSummaries[*].[ResourceType]') 

The output returns the below line indicating the AWS::Cloud9::EnvironmentEC2 resource type is not present in the CloudFormation registry for the Israel (Tel Aviv), yet. You would not be able to deploy this resource type in that region.


To clean-up, delete the stack you deployed by following our documentation on Deleting a stack.

This solution can be expanded to evaluate all of your CloudFormation stacks within a region. To do this, you would use the list-stacks API to list all of your stack names and then loop through each one by calling the list-stack-resources API to generate a list of all the resource types used in your CloudFormation stacks within the region. Finally, you’d use the grep example above to compare the list of resource types contained in all of your stacks with the CloudFormation registry for the region.

A note on opt-in regions

If you intend to compare a newly launched region, you need to first enable the region which will then allow you to perform the AWS CLI queries provided above. This is because only regions introduced prior to March 20, 2019 are all enabled by default. For example, to query the Israel (Tel Aviv) region you must first enable the region. You can learn more about how to enable new AWS Regions on our documentation page, Specifying which AWS Regions your account can use.


In this blog post, I demonstrated how you can query the CloudFormation registry to compare resource availability between two regions. I also showed how you can evaluate existing CloudFormation stacks to determine if they are compatible in another region. With this solution, you can make informed decisions regarding your regional expansion based on the current service and feature offerings within a region. While this is an effective solution to compare regional availability, please consider these key points:

  1. This is a point in time snapshot of a region’s service offerings and service teams are regularly adding services and features following a new region launch. I recommend you share your interest for local region delivery and/or request service roadmap information by contacting your AWS sales representative.
  2. A feature may not yet have CloudFormation support within the region which means it won’t display in the registry, even though the feature may be available via Console or API within the region.
  3. This solution will not provide details on the properties available within a resource type.


Matt Howard

Matt is a Principal Technical Account Manager (TAM) for AWS Enterprise Support. As a TAM, Matt provides advocacy and technical guidance to help customers plan and build solutions using AWS best practices. Outside of AWS, Matt enjoys spending time with family, sports, and video games.

Validate IAM policies by using IAM Policy Validator for AWS CloudFormation and GitHub Actions

Post Syndicated from Mitch Beaumont original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/validate-iam-policies-by-using-iam-policy-validator-for-aws-cloudformation-and-github-actions/

In this blog post, I’ll show you how to automate the validation of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies by using a combination of the IAM Policy Validator for AWS CloudFormation (cfn-policy-validator) and GitHub Actions. Policy validation is an approach that is designed to minimize the deployment of unwanted IAM identity-based and resource-based policies to your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments.

With GitHub Actions, you can automate, customize, and run software development workflows directly within a repository. Workflows are defined using YAML and are stored alongside your code. I’ll discuss the specifics of how you can set up and use GitHub actions within a repository in the sections that follow.

The cfn-policy-validator tool is a command-line tool that takes an AWS CloudFormation template, finds and parses the IAM policies that are attached to IAM roles, users, groups, and resources, and then runs the policies through IAM Access Analyzer policy checks. Implementing IAM policy validation checks at the time of code check-in helps shift security to the left (closer to the developer) and shortens the time between when developers commit code and when they get feedback on their work.

Let’s walk through an example that checks the policies that are attached to an IAM role in a CloudFormation template. In this example, the cfn-policy-validator tool will find that the trust policy attached to the IAM role allows the role to be assumed by external principals. This configuration could lead to unintended access to your resources and data, which is a security risk.


To complete this example, you will need the following:

  1. A GitHub account
  2. An AWS account, and an identity within that account that has permissions to create the IAM roles and resources used in this example

Step 1: Create a repository that will host the CloudFormation template to be validated

To begin with, you need to create a GitHub repository to host the CloudFormation template that is going to be validated by the cfn-policy-validator tool.

To create a repository:

  1. Open a browser and go to https://github.com.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the page, in the drop-down menu, choose New repository. For Repository name, enter a short, memorable name for your repository.
  3. (Optional) Add a description of your repository.
  4. Choose either the option Public (the repository is accessible to everyone on the internet) or Private (the repository is accessible only to people access is explicitly shared with).
  5. Choose Initialize this repository with: Add a README file.
  6. Choose Create repository. Make a note of the repository’s name.

Step 2: Clone the repository locally

Now that the repository has been created, clone it locally and add a CloudFormation template.

To clone the repository locally and add a CloudFormation template:

  1. Open the command-line tool of your choice.
  2. Use the following command to clone the new repository locally. Make sure to replace <GitHubOrg> and <RepositoryName> with your own values.
    git clone [email protected]:<GitHubOrg>/<RepositoryName>.git

  3. Change in to the directory that contains the locally-cloned repository.
    cd <RepositoryName>

    Now that the repository is locally cloned, populate the locally-cloned repository with the following sample CloudFormation template. This template creates a single IAM role that allows a principal to assume the role to perform the S3:GetObject action.

  4. Use the following command to create the sample CloudFormation template file.

    WARNING: This sample role and policy should not be used in production. Using a wildcard in the principal element of a role’s trust policy would allow any IAM principal in any account to assume the role.

    cat << EOF > sample-role.yaml
    AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
    Description: Base stack to create a simple role
        Type: AWS::IAM::Role
              - Effect: Allow
                  AWS: "*"
                Action: ["sts:AssumeRole"]
          Path: /      
            - PolicyName: root
                Version: 2012-10-17
                  - Resource: "*"
                    Effect: Allow
                      - s3:GetObject

Notice that AssumeRolePolicyDocument refers to a trust policy that includes a wildcard value in the principal element. This means that the role could potentially be assumed by an external identity, and that’s a risk you want to know about.

Step 3: Vend temporary AWS credentials for GitHub Actions workflows

In order for the cfn-policy-validator tool that’s running in the GitHub Actions workflow to use the IAM Access Analyzer API, the GitHub Actions workflow needs a set of temporary AWS credentials. The AWS Credentials for GitHub Actions action helps address this requirement. This action implements the AWS SDK credential resolution chain and exports environment variables for other actions to use in a workflow. Environment variable exports are detected by the cfn-policy-validator tool.

AWS Credentials for GitHub Actions supports four methods for fetching credentials from AWS, but the recommended approach is to use GitHub’s OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider in conjunction with a configured IAM identity provider endpoint.

To configure an IAM identity provider endpoint for use in conjunction with GitHub’s OIDC provider:

  1. Open the AWS Management Console and navigate to IAM.
  2. In the left-hand menu, choose Identity providers, and then choose Add provider.
  3. For Provider type, choose OpenID Connect.
  4. For Provider URL, enter
  5. Choose Get thumbprint.
  6. For Audiences, enter sts.amazonaws.com
  7. Choose Add provider to complete the setup.

At this point, make a note of the OIDC provider name. You’ll need this information in the next step.

After it’s configured, the IAM identity provider endpoint should look similar to the following:

Figure 1: IAM Identity provider details

Figure 1: IAM Identity provider details

Step 4: Create an IAM role with permissions to call the IAM Access Analyzer API

In this step, you will create an IAM role that can be assumed by the GitHub Actions workflow and that provides the necessary permissions to run the cfn-policy-validator tool.

To create the IAM role:

  1. In the IAM console, in the left-hand menu, choose Roles, and then choose Create role.
  2. For Trust entity type, choose Web identity.
  3. In the Provider list, choose the new GitHub OIDC provider that you created in the earlier step. For Audience, select sts.amazonaws.com from the list.
  4. Choose Next.
  5. On the Add permission page, choose Create policy.
  6. Choose JSON, and enter the following policy:
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*"
              "Effect": "Allow",
              "Action": "iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole",
              "Resource": "*",
              "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                  "iam:AWSServiceName": "access-analyzer.amazonaws.com"

  7. After you’ve attached the new policy, choose Next.

    Note: For a full explanation of each of these actions and a CloudFormation template example that you can use to create this role, see the IAM Policy Validator for AWS CloudFormation GitHub project.

  8. Give the role a name, and scroll down to look at Step 1: Select trusted entities.

    The default policy you just created allows GitHub Actions from organizations or repositories outside of your control to assume the role. To align with the IAM best practice of granting least privilege, let’s scope it down further to only allow a specific GitHub organization and the repository that you created earlier to assume it.

  9. Replace the policy to look like the following, but don’t forget to replace {AWSAccountID}, {GitHubOrg} and {RepositoryName} with your own values.
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::{AWSAccountID}:oidc-provider/token.actions.githubusercontent.com"
                "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
                "Condition": {
                    "StringEquals": {
                        "token.actions.githubusercontent.com:aud": "sts.amazonaws.com"
                    "StringLike": {
                        "token.actions.githubusercontent.com:sub": "repo:${GitHubOrg}/${RepositoryName}:*"

For information on best practices for configuring a role for the GitHub OIDC provider, see Creating a role for web identity or OpenID Connect Federation (console).


At this point, you’ve created and configured the following resources:

  • A GitHub repository that has been locally cloned and filled with a sample CloudFormation template.
  • An IAM identity provider endpoint for use in conjunction with GitHub’s OIDC provider.
  • A role that can be assumed by GitHub actions, and a set of associated permissions that allow the role to make requests to IAM Access Analyzer to validate policies.

Step 5: Create a definition for the GitHub Actions workflow

The workflow runs steps on hosted runners. For this example, we are going to use Ubuntu as the operating system for the hosted runners. The workflow runs the following steps on the runner:

  1. The workflow checks out the CloudFormation template by using the community actions/checkout action.
  2. The workflow then uses the aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials GitHub action to request a set of credentials through the IAM identity provider endpoint and the IAM role that you created earlier.
  3. The workflow installs the cfn-policy-validator tool by using the python package manager, PIP.
  4. The workflow runs a validation against the CloudFormation template by using the cfn-policy-validator tool.

The workflow is defined in a YAML document. In order for GitHub Actions to pick up the workflow, you need to place the definition file in a specific location within the repository: .github/workflows/main.yml. Note the “.” prefix in the directory name, indicating that this is a hidden directory.

To create the workflow:

  1. Use the following command to create the folder structure within the locally cloned repository:
    mkdir -p .github/workflows

  2. Create the sample workflow definition file in the .github/workflows directory. Make sure to replace <AWSAccountID> and <AWSRegion> with your own information.
    cat << EOF > .github/workflows/main.yml
    name: cfn-policy-validator-workflow
    on: push
      id-token: write
      contents: read
        name: iam-policy-validation
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - name: Checkout code
            uses: actions/checkout@v3
          - name: Configure AWS Credentials
            uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v2
              role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::<AWSAccountID>:role/github-actions-access-analyzer-role
              aws-region: <AWSRegion>
              role-session-name: GitHubSessionName
          - name: Install cfn-policy-validator
            run: pip install cfn-policy-validator
          - name: Validate templates
            run: cfn-policy-validator validate --template-path ./sample-role-test.yaml --region <AWSRegion>

Step 6: Test the setup

Now that everything has been set up and configured, it’s time to test.

To test the workflow and validate the IAM policy:

  1. Add and commit the changes to the local repository.
    git add .
    git commit -m ‘added sample cloudformation template and workflow definition’

  2. Push the local changes to the remote GitHub repository.
    git push

    After the changes are pushed to the remote repository, go back to https://github.com and open the repository that you created earlier. In the top-right corner of the repository window, there is a small orange indicator, as shown in Figure 2. This shows that your GitHub Actions workflow is running.

    Figure 2: GitHub repository window with the orange workflow indicator

    Figure 2: GitHub repository window with the orange workflow indicator

    Because the sample CloudFormation template used a wildcard value “*” in the principal element of the policy as described in the section Step 2: Clone the repository locally, the orange indicator turns to a red x (shown in Figure 3), which signals that something failed in the workflow.

    Figure 3: GitHub repository window with the red cross workflow indicator

    Figure 3: GitHub repository window with the red cross workflow indicator

  3. Choose the red x to see more information about the workflow’s status, as shown in Figure 4.
    Figure 4: Pop-up displayed after choosing the workflow indicator

    Figure 4: Pop-up displayed after choosing the workflow indicator

  4. Choose Details to review the workflow logs.

    In this example, the Validate templates step in the workflow has failed. A closer inspection shows that there is a blocking finding with the CloudFormation template. As shown in Figure 5, the finding is labelled as EXTERNAL_PRINCIPAL and has a description of Trust policy allows access from external principals.

    Figure 5: Details logs from the workflow showing the blocking finding

    Figure 5: Details logs from the workflow showing the blocking finding

    To remediate this blocking finding, you need to update the principal element of the trust policy to include a principal from your AWS account (considered a zone of trust). The resources and principals within your account comprises of the zone of trust for the cfn-policy-validator tool. In the initial version of sample-role.yaml, the IAM roles trust policy used a wildcard in the Principal element. This allowed principals outside of your control to assume the associated role, which caused the cfn-policy-validator tool to generate a blocking finding.

    In this case, the intent is that principals within the current AWS account (zone of trust) should be able to assume this role. To achieve this result, replace the wildcard value with the account principal by following the remaining steps.

  5. Open sample-role.yaml by using your preferred text editor, such as nano.
    nano sample-role.yaml

    Replace the wildcard value in the principal element with the account principal arn:aws:iam::<AccountID>:root. Make sure to replace <AWSAccountID> with your own AWS account ID.

    AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
    Description: Base stack to create a simple role
        Type: AWS::IAM::Role
              - Effect: Allow
                  AWS: "arn:aws:iam::<AccountID>:root"
                Action: ["sts:AssumeRole"]
          Path: /      
            - PolicyName: root
                Version: 2012-10-17
                  - Resource: "*"
                    Effect: Allow
                      - s3:GetObject

  6. Add the updated file, commit the changes, and push the updates to the remote GitHub repository.
    git add sample-role.yaml
    git commit -m ‘replacing wildcard principal with account principal’
    git push

After the changes have been pushed to the remote repository, go back to https://github.com and open the repository. The orange indicator in the top right of the window should change to a green tick (check mark), as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: GitHub repository window with the green tick workflow indicator

Figure 6: GitHub repository window with the green tick workflow indicator

This indicates that no blocking findings were identified, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Detailed logs from the workflow showing no more blocking findings

Figure 7: Detailed logs from the workflow showing no more blocking findings


In this post, I showed you how to automate IAM policy validation by using GitHub Actions and the IAM Policy Validator for CloudFormation. Although the example was a simple one, it demonstrates the benefits of automating security testing at the start of the development lifecycle. This is often referred to as shifting security left. Identifying misconfigurations early and automatically supports an iterative, fail-fast model of continuous development and testing. Ultimately, this enables teams to make security an inherent part of a system’s design and architecture and can speed up product development workflows.

In addition to the example I covered today, IAM Policy Validator for CloudFormation can validate IAM policies by using a range of IAM Access Analyzer policy checks. For more information about these policy checks, see Access Analyzer reference policy checks.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Mitch Beaumont

Mitch Beaumont

Mitch is a Principal Solutions Architect for Amazon Web Services, based in Sydney, Australia. Mitch works with some of Australia’s largest financial services customers, helping them to continually raise the security bar for the products and features that they build and ship. Outside of work, Mitch enjoys spending time with his family, photography, and surfing.

Load test your applications in a CI/CD pipeline using CDK pipelines and AWS Distributed Load Testing Solution

Post Syndicated from Krishnakumar Rengarajan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/load-test-applications-in-cicd-pipeline/

Load testing is a foundational pillar of building resilient applications. Today, load testing practices across many organizations are often based on desktop tools, where someone must manually run the performance tests and validate the results before a software release can be promoted to production. This leads to increased time to market for new features and products. Load testing applications in automated CI/CD pipelines provides the following benefits:

  • Early and automated feedback on performance thresholds based on clearly defined benchmarks.
  • Consistent and reliable load testing process for every feature release.
  • Reduced overall time to market due to eliminated manual load testing effort.
  • Improved overall resiliency of the production environment.
  • The ability to rapidly identify and document bottlenecks and scaling limits of the production environment.

In this blog post, we demonstrate how to automatically load test your applications in an automated CI/CD pipeline using AWS Distributed Load Testing solution and AWS CDK Pipelines.

The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open-source software development framework to define cloud infrastructure in code and provision it through AWS CloudFormation. AWS CDK Pipelines is a construct library module for continuous delivery of AWS CDK applications, powered by AWS CodePipeline. AWS CDK Pipelines can automatically build, test, and deploy the new version of your CDK app whenever the new source code is checked in.

Distributed Load Testing is an AWS Solution that automates software applications testing at scale to help you identify potential performance issues before their release. It creates and simulates thousands of users generating transactional records at a constant pace without the need to provision servers or instances.


To deploy and test this solution, you will need:

  • AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI): This tutorial assumes that you have configured the AWS CLI on your workstation. Alternatively, you can use also use AWS CloudShell.
  • AWS CDK V2: This tutorial assumes that you have installed AWS CDK V2 on your workstation or in the CloudShell environment.

Solution Overview

In this solution, we create a CI/CD pipeline using AWS CDK Pipelines and use it to deploy a sample RESTful CDK application in two environments; development and production. We load test the application using AWS Distributed Load Testing Solution in the development environment. Based on the load test result, we either fail the pipeline or proceed to production deployment. You may consider running the load test in a dedicated testing environment that mimics the production environment.

For demonstration purposes, we use the following metrics to validate the load test results.

  • Average Response Time – the average response time, in seconds, for all the requests generated by the test. In this blog post we define the threshold for average response time to 1 second.
  • Error Count – the total number of errors. In this blog post, we define the threshold for for total number of errors to 1.

For your application, you may consider using additional metrics from the Distributed Load Testing solution documentation to validate your load test.

Architecture diagram

Architecture diagram of the solution to execute load tests in CI/CD pipeline

Solution Components

  • AWS CDK code for the CI/CD pipeline, including AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and policies. The pipeline has the following stages:
    • Source: fetches the source code for the sample application from the AWS CodeCommit repository.
    • Build: compiles the code and executes cdk synth to generate CloudFormation template for the sample application.
    • UpdatePipeline: updates the pipeline if there are any changes to our code or the pipeline configuration.
    • Assets: prepares and publishes all file assets to Amazon S3 (S3).
    • Development Deployment: deploys application to the development environment and runs a load test.
    • Production Deployment: deploys application to the production environment.
  • AWS CDK code for a sample serverless RESTful application.Architecture diagram of the sample RESTful application
    • The AWS Lambda (Lambda) function in the architecture contains a 500 millisecond sleep statement to add latency to the API response.
  • Typescript code for starting the load test and validating the test results. This code is executed in the ‘Load Test’ step of the ‘Development Deployment’ stage. It starts a load test against the sample restful application endpoint and waits for the test to finish. For demonstration purposes, the load test is started with the following parameters:
    • Concurrency: 1
    • Task Count: 1
    • Ramp up time: 0 secs
    • Hold for: 30 sec
    • End point to test: endpoint for the sample RESTful application.
    • HTTP method: GET
  • Load Testing service deployed via the AWS Distributed Load Testing Solution. For costs related to the AWS Distributed Load Testing Solution, see the solution documentation.

Implementation Details

For the purposes of this blog, we deploy the CI/CD pipeline, the RESTful application and the AWS Distributed Load Testing solution into the same AWS account. In your environment, you may consider deploying these stacks into separate AWS accounts based on your security and governance requirements.

To deploy the solution components

  1. Follow the instructions in the the AWS Distributed Load Testing solution Automated Deployment guide to deploy the solution. Note down the value of the CloudFormation output parameter ‘DLTApiEndpoint’. We will need this in the next steps. Proceed to the next step once you are able to login to the User Interface of the solution.
  2. Clone the blog Git repository
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-automatically-load-test-applications-cicd-pipeline-blog

  3. Update the Distributed Load Testing Solution endpoint URL in loadTestEnvVariables.json.
  4. Deploy the CloudFormation stack for the CI/CD pipeline. This step will also commit the AWS CDK code for the sample RESTful application stack and start the application deployment.
    cd pipeline && cdk bootstrap && cdk deploy --require-approval never
  5. Follow the below steps to view the load test results:
      1. Open the AWS CodePipeline console.
      2. Click on the pipeline named “blog-pipeline”.
      3. Observe that one of the stages (named ‘LoadTest’) in the CI/CD pipeline (that was provisioned by the CloudFormation stack in the previous step) executes a load test against the application Development environment.
        Diagram representing CodePipeline highlighting the LoadTest stage passing successfully
      4. Click on the details of the ‘LoadTest’ step to view the test results. Notice that the load test succeeded.
        Diagram showing sample logs when load tests pass successfully

Change the response time threshold

In this step, we will modify the response time threshold from 1 second to 200 milliseconds in order to introduce a load test failure. Remember from the steps earlier that the Lambda function code has a 500 millisecond sleep statement to add latency to the API response time.

  1. From the AWS Console and then go to CodeCommit. The source for the pipeline is a CodeCommit repository named “blog-repo”.
  2. Click on the “blog-repo” repository, and then browse to the “pipeline” folder. Click on file ‘loadTestEnvVariables.json’ and then ‘Edit’.
  3. Set the response time threshold to 200 milliseconds by changing attribute ‘AVG_RT_THRESHOLD’ value to ‘.2’. Click on the commit button. This will start will start the CI/CD pipeline.
  4. Go to CodePipeline from the AWS console and click on the ‘blog-pipeline’.
  5. Observe the ‘LoadTest’ step in ‘Development-Deploy’ stage will fail in about five minutes, and the pipeline will not proceed to the ‘Production-Deploy’ stage.
    Diagram representing CodePipeline highlighting the LoadTest stage failing
  6. Click on the details of the ‘LoadTest’ step to view the test results. Notice that the load test failed.
    Diagram showing sample logs when load tests fail
  7. Log into the Distributed Load Testing Service console. You will see two tests named ‘sampleScenario’. Click on each of them to see the test result details.


  1. Delete the CloudFormation stack that deployed the sample application.
    1. From the AWS Console, go to CloudFormation and delete the stacks ‘Production-Deploy-Application’ and ‘Development-Deploy-Application’.
  2. Delete the CI/CD pipeline.
    cd pipeline && cdk destroy
  3. Delete the Distributed Load Testing Service CloudFormation stack.
    1. From CloudFormation console, delete the stack for Distributed Load Testing service that you created earlier.


In the post above, we demonstrated how to automatically load test your applications in a CI/CD pipeline using AWS CDK Pipelines and AWS Distributed Load Testing solution. We defined the performance bench marks for our application as configuration. We then used these benchmarks to automatically validate the application performance prior to production deployment. Based on the load test results, we either proceeded to production deployment or failed the pipeline.

About the Authors

Usman Umar

Usman Umar

Usman Umar is a Sr. Applications Architect at AWS Professional Services. He is passionate about developing innovative ways to solve hard technical problems for the customers. In his free time, he likes going on biking trails, doing car modifications, and spending time with his family.

Krishnakumar Rengarajan

Krishnakumar Rengarajan

Krishnakumar Rengarajan is a Senior DevOps Consultant with AWS Professional Services. He enjoys working with customers and focuses on building and delivering automated solutions that enable customers on their AWS cloud journey.

Deploy serverless applications in a multicloud environment using Amazon CodeCatalyst

Post Syndicated from Deepak Kovvuri original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/deploy-serverless-applications-in-a-multicloud-environment-using-amazon-codecatalyst/

Amazon CodeCatalyst is an integrated service for software development teams adopting continuous integration and deployment practices into their software development process. CodeCatalyst puts the tools you need all in one place. You can plan work, collaborate on code, and build, test, and deploy applications by leveraging CodeCatalyst Workflows.


In the first post of the blog series, we showed you how organizations can deploy workloads to instances, and virtual machines (VMs), across hybrid and multicloud environment. The second post of the series covered deploying containerized application in a multicloud environment. Finally, in this post, we explore how organizations can deploy modern, cloud-native, serverless application across multiple cloud platforms. Figure 1 shows the solution which we walk through in the post.

Figure 1 – Architecture diagram

The post walks through how to develop, deploy and test a HTTP RESTful API to Azure Functions using Amazon CodeCatalyst. The solution covers the following steps:

  • Set up CodeCatalyst development environment and develop your application using the Serverless Framework.
  • Build a CodeCatalyst workflow to test and then deploy to Azure Functions using GitHub Actions in Amazon CodeCatalyst.

An Amazon CodeCatalyst workflow is an automated procedure that describes how to build, test, and deploy your code as part of a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) system. You can use GitHub Actions alongside native CodeCatalyst actions in a CodeCatalyst workflow.



In this post, we will create a hello world RESTful API using the Serverless Framework. As we progress through the solution, we will focus on building a CodeCatalyst workflow that deploys and tests the functionality of the application. At the end of the post, the workflow will look similar to the one shown in Figure 2.

 CodeCatalyst CI/CD workflow

Figure 2 – CodeCatalyst CI/CD workflow

Environment Setup

Before we start developing the application, we need to setup a CodeCatalyst project and then link a code repository to the project. The code repository can be CodeCatalyst Repo or GitHub. In this scenario, we’ve used GitHub repository. By the time we develop the solution, the repository should look as shown below.

Files in solution's GitHub repository

Figure 3 – Files in GitHub repository

In Amazon CodeCatalyst, there’s an option to create Dev Environments, which can used to work on the code stored in the source repositories of a project. In the post, we create a Dev Environment, and associate it with the source repository created above and work off it. But you may choose not to use a Dev Environment, and can run the following commands, and commit to the repository. The /projects directory of a Dev Environment stores the files that are pulled from the source repository. In the dev environment, install the Serverless Framework using this command:

npm install -g serverless

and then initialize a serverless project in the source repository folder:

├── README.md
├── host.json
├── package.json
├── serverless.yml
└── src
    └── handlers
        ├── goodbye.js
        └── hello.js

We can push the code to the CodeCatalyst project using git. Now, that we have the code in CodeCatalyst, we can turn our focus to building the workflow using the CodeCatalyst console.

CI/CD Setup in CodeCatalyst

Configure access to the Azure Environment

We’ll use the GitHub action for Serverless to create and manage Azure Function. For the action to be able to access the Azure environment, it requires credentials associated with a Service Principal passed to the action as environment variables.

Service Principals in Azure are identified by the CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, SUBSCRIPTION_ID, and TENANT_ID properties. Storing these values in plaintext anywhere in your repository should be avoided because anyone with access to the repository which contains the secret can see them. Similarly, these values shouldn’t be used directly in any workflow definitions because they will be visible as files in your repository. With CodeCatalyst, we can protect these values by storing them as secrets within the project, and then reference the secret in the CI\CD workflow.

We can create a secret by choosing Secrets (1) under CI\CD and then selecting ‘Create Secret’ (2) as shown in Figure 4. Now, we can key in the secret name and value of each of the identifiers described above.

Figure 4 – CodeCatalyst Secrets

Building the workflow

To create a new workflow, select CI/CD from navigation on the left and then select Workflows (1). Then, select Create workflow (2), leave the default options, and select Create (3) as shown in Figure 5.

Create CodeCatalyst CI/CD workflow

Figure 5 – Create CI/CD workflow

If the workflow editor opens in YAML mode, select Visual to open the visual designer. Now, we can start adding actions to the workflow.

Configure the Deploy action

We’ll begin by adding a GitHub action for deploying to Azure. Select “+ Actions” to open the actions list and choose GitHub from the dropdown menu. Find the Build action and click “+” to add a new GitHub action to the workflow.

Next, configure the GitHub action from the configurations tab by adding the following snippet to the GitHub Actions YAML property:

- name: Deploy to Azure Functions
  uses: serverless/[email protected]
    args: -c "serverless plugin install --name serverless-azure-functions && serverless deploy"
    entrypoint: /bin/sh

The above workflow configuration makes use of Serverless GitHub Action that wraps the Serverless Framework to run serverless commands. The action is configured to package and deploy the source code to Azure Functions using the serverless deploy command.

Please note how we were able to pass the secrets to GitHub action by referencing the secret identifiers in the above configuration.

Configure the Test action

Similar to the previous step, we add another GitHub action which will use the serverless framework’s serverless invoke command to test the API deployed on to Azure Functions.

- name: Test Function
  uses: serverless/[email protected]
    args: |
      -c "serverless plugin install --name serverless-azure-functions && \
          serverless invoke -f hello -d '{\"name\": \"CodeCatalyst\"}' && \
          serverless invoke -f goodbye -d '{\"name\": \"CodeCatalyst\"}'"
    entrypoint: /bin/sh

The workflow is now ready and can be validated by choosing ‘Validate’ and then saved to the repository by choosing ‘Commit’. The workflow should automatically kick-off after commit and the application is automatically deployed to Azure Functions.

The functionality of the API can now be verified from the logs of the test action of the workflow as shown in Figure 6.

Test action in CodeCatalyst CI/CD workfl

Figure 6 – CI/CD workflow Test action


If you have been following along with this workflow, you should delete the resources you deployed so you do not continue to incur charges. First, delete the Azure Function App (usually prefixed ‘sls’) using the Azure console. Second, delete the project from CodeCatalyst by navigating to Project settings and choosing Delete project. There’s no cost associated with the CodeCatalyst project and you can continue using it.


In summary, this post highlighted how Amazon CodeCatalyst can help organizations deploy cloud-native, serverless workload into multi-cloud environment. The post also walked through the solution detailing the process of setting up Amazon CodeCatalyst to deploy a serverless application to Azure Functions by leveraging GitHub Actions. Though we showed an application deployment to Azure Functions, you can follow a similar process and leverage CodeCatalyst to deploy any type of application to almost any cloud platform. Learn more and get started with your Amazon CodeCatalyst journey!

We would love to hear your thoughts, and experiences, on deploying serverless applications to multiple cloud platforms. Reach out to us if you’ve any questions, or provide your feedback in the comments section.

About Authors

Picture of Deepak

Deepak Kovvuri

Deepak Kovvuri is a Senior Solutions Architect at supporting Enterprise Customers at AWS in the US East area. He has over 6 years of experience in helping customers architecting a DevOps strategy for their cloud workloads. Deepak specializes in CI/CD, Systems Administration, Infrastructure as Code and Container Services. He holds an Masters in Computer Engineering from University of Illinois at Chicago.

Picture of Amandeep

Amandeep Bajwa

Amandeep Bajwa is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS supporting Financial Services enterprises. He helps organizations achieve their business outcomes by identifying the appropriate cloud transformation strategy based on industry trends, and organizational priorities. Some of the areas Amandeep consults on are cloud migration, cloud strategy (including hybrid & multicloud), digital transformation, data & analytics, and technology in general.

Picture of Brian

Brian Beach

Brian Beach has over 20 years of experience as a Developer and Architect. He is currently a Principal Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He holds a Computer Engineering degree from NYU Poly and an MBA from Rutgers Business School. He is the author of “Pro PowerShell for Amazon Web Services” from Apress. He is a regular author and has spoken at numerous events. Brian lives in North Carolina with his wife and three kids.

Picture of Pawan

Pawan Shrivastava

Pawan Shrivastava is a Partner Solution Architect at AWS in the WWPS team. He focusses on working with partners to provide technical guidance on AWS, collaborate with them to understand their technical requirements, and designing solutions to meet their specific needs. Pawan is passionate about DevOps, automation and CI CD pipelines. He enjoys watching MMA, playing cricket and working out in the Gym.

Deploy container applications in a multicloud environment using Amazon CodeCatalyst

Post Syndicated from Pawan Shrivastava original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/deploy-container-applications-in-a-multicloud-environment-using-amazon-codecatalyst/

In the previous post of this blog series, we saw how organizations can deploy workloads to virtual machines (VMs) in a hybrid and multicloud environment. This post shows how organizations can address the requirement of deploying containers, and containerized applications to hybrid and multicloud platforms using Amazon CodeCatalyst. CodeCatalyst is an integrated DevOps service which enables development teams to collaborate on code, and build, test, and deploy applications with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools.

One prominent scenario where multicloud container deployment is useful is when organizations want to leverage AWS’ broadest and deepest set of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) capabilities by developing and training AI/ML models in AWS using Amazon SageMaker, and deploying the model package to a Kubernetes platform on other cloud platforms, such as Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) for inference. As shown in this workshop for operationalizing the machine learning pipeline, we can train an AI/ML model, push it to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) as an image, and later deploy the model as a container application.

Scenario description

The solution described in the post covers the following steps:

  • Setup Amazon CodeCatalyst environment.
  • Create a Dockerfile along with a manifest for the application, and a repository in Amazon ECR.
  • Create an Azure service principal which has permissions to deploy resources to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), and store the credentials securely in Amazon CodeCatalyst secret.
  • Create a CodeCatalyst workflow to build, test, and deploy the containerized application to AKS cluster using Github Actions.

The architecture diagram for the scenario is shown in Figure 1.

Solution architecture diagram

Figure 1 – Solution Architecture

Solution Walkthrough

This section shows how to set up the environment, and deploy a HTML application to an AKS cluster.

Setup Amazon ECR and GitHub code repository

Create a new Amazon ECR and a code repository. In this case we’re using GitHub as the repository but you can create a source repository in CodeCatalyst or you can choose to link an existing source repository hosted by another service if that service is supported by an installed extension. Then follow the application and Docker image creation steps outlined in Step 1 in the environment creation process in exposing Multiple Applications on Amazon EKS. Create a file named manifest.yaml as shown, and map the “image” parameter to the URL of the Amazon ECR repository created above.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: multicloud-container-deployment-app
    app: multicloud-container-deployment-app
      app: multicloud-container-deployment-app
  replicas: 2
        app: multicloud-container-deployment-app
        "beta.kubernetes.io/os": linux
      - name: ecs-web-page-container
        image: <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/<my_repository>
        imagePullPolicy: Always
            - containerPort: 80
            memory: "100Mi"
            cpu: "200m"
          - name: ecrsecret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: multicloud-container-deployment-service
  type: LoadBalancer
  - port: 80
    targetPort: 80
    app: multicloud-container-deployment-app

Push the files to Github code repository. The multicloud-container-app github repository should look similar to Figure 2 below

Files in multicloud container app github repository 

Figure 2 – Files in Github repository

Configure Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster to pull private images from ECR repository

Pull the docker images from a private ECR repository to your AKS cluster by running the following command. This setup is required during the azure/k8s-deploy Github Actions in the CI/CD workflow. Authenticate Docker to an Amazon ECR registry with get-login-password by using aws ecr get-login-password. Run the following command in a shell where AWS CLI is configured, and is used to connect to the AKS cluster. This creates a secret called ecrsecret, which is used to pull an image from the private ECR repository.

kubectl create secret docker-registry ecrsecret\
 --docker-password= $(aws ecr get-login-password --region us-west-2)

Provide ECR URI in the variable “–docker-server =”.

CodeCatalyst setup

Follow these steps to set up CodeCatalyst environment:

Configure access to the AKS cluster

In this solution, we use three GitHub Actions – azure/login, azure/aks-set-context and azure/k8s-deploy – to login, set the AKS cluster, and deploy the manifest file to the AKS cluster respectively. For the Github Actions to access the Azure environment, they require credentials associated with an Azure Service Principal.

Service Principals in Azure are identified by the CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, SUBSCRIPTION_ID, and TENANT_ID properties. Create the Service principal by running the following command in the azure cloud shell:

az ad sp create-for-rbac \
    --name "ghActionHTMLapplication" \
    --scope /subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP> \
    --role Contributor \

The command generates a JSON output (shown in Figure 3), which is stored in CodeCatalyst secret called AZURE_CREDENTIALS. This credential is used by azure/login Github Actions.

JSON output stored in AZURE-CREDENTIALS secret

Figure 3 – JSON output

Configure secrets inside CodeCatalyst Project

Create three secrets CLUSTER_NAME (Name of AKS cluster), RESOURCE_GROUP(Name of Azure resource group) and AZURE_CREDENTIALS(described in the previous step) as described in the working with secret document. The secrets are shown in Figure 4.

Secrets in CodeCatalyst

Figure 4 – CodeCatalyst Secrets

CodeCatalyst CI/CD Workflow

To create a new CodeCatalyst workflow, select CI/CD from the navigation on the left and select Workflows (1). Then, select Create workflow (2), leave the default options, and select Create (3) as shown in Figure 5.

Create CodeCatalyst CI/CD workflow

Figure 5 – Create CodeCatalyst CI/CD workflow

Add “Push to Amazon ECR” Action

Add the Push to Amazon ECR action, and configure the environment where you created the ECR repository as shown in Figure 6. Refer to adding an action to learn how to add CodeCatalyst action.

Create ‘Push to ECR’ CodeCatalyst Action

Figure 6 – Create ‘Push to ECR’ Action

Select the Configuration tab and specify the configurations as shown in Figure7.

Configure ‘Push to ECR’ CodeCatalyst Action

Figure 7 – Configure ‘Push to ECR’ Action

Configure the Deploy action

1. Add a GitHub action for deploying to AKS as shown in Figure 8.

Github action to deploy to AKS

Figure 8 – Github action to deploy to AKS

2. Configure the GitHub action from the configurations tab by adding the following snippet to the GitHub Actions YAML property:

- name: Install Azure CLI
  run: pip install azure-cli
- name: Azure login
  id: login
  uses: azure/[email protected]
    creds: ${Secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS}
- name: Set AKS context
  id: set-context
  uses: azure/aks-set-context@v3
    resource-group: ${Secrets.RESOURCE_GROUP}
    cluster-name: ${Secrets.CLUSTER_NAME}
- name: Setup kubectl
  id: install-kubectl
  uses: azure/setup-kubectl@v3
- name: Deploy to AKS
  id: deploy-aks
  uses: Azure/k8s-deploy@v4
    namespace: default
    manifests: manifest.yaml
    pull-images: true

Github action configuration for deploying application to AKS

Figure 9 – Github action configuration

3. The workflow is now ready and can be validated by choosing ‘Validate’ and then saved to the repository by choosing ‘Commit’.
We have implemented an automated CI/CD workflow that builds the container image of the application (refer Figure 10), pushes the image to ECR, and deploys the application to AKS cluster. This CI/CD workflow is triggered as application code is pushed to the repository.

Automated CI/CD workflow

Figure 10 – Automated CI/CD workflow

Test the deployment

When the HTML application runs, Kubernetes exposes the application using a public facing load balancer. To find the external IP of the load balancer, connect to the AKS cluster and run the following command:

kubectl get service multicloud-container-deployment-service

The output of the above command should look like the image in Figure 11.

Output of kubectl get service command

Figure 11 – Output of kubectl get service

Paste the External IP into a browser to see the running HTML application as shown in Figure 12.

HTML application running successfully in AKS

Figure 12 – Application running in AKS


If you have been following along with the workflow described in the post, you should delete the resources you deployed so you do not continue to incur charges. First, delete the Amazon ECR repository using the AWS console. Second, delete the project from CodeCatalyst by navigating to Project settings and choosing Delete project. There’s no cost associated with the CodeCatalyst project and you can continue using it. Finally, if you deployed the application on a new AKS cluster, delete the cluster from the Azure console. In case you deployed the application to an existing AKS cluster, run the following commands to delete the application resources.

kubectl delete deployment multicloud-container-deployment-app
kubectl delete services multicloud-container-deployment-service


In summary, this post showed how Amazon CodeCatalyst can help organizations deploy containerized workloads in a hybrid and multicloud environment. It demonstrated in detail how to set up and configure Amazon CodeCatalyst to deploy a containerized application to Azure Kubernetes Service, leveraging a CodeCatalyst workflow, and GitHub Actions. Learn more and get started with your Amazon CodeCatalyst journey!

If you have any questions or feedback, leave them in the comments section.

About Authors

Picture of Pawan

Pawan Shrivastava

Pawan Shrivastava is a Partner Solution Architect at AWS in the WWPS team. He focusses on working with partners to provide technical guidance on AWS, collaborate with them to understand their technical requirements, and designing solutions to meet their specific needs. Pawan is passionate about DevOps, automation and CI CD pipelines. He enjoys watching MMA, playing cricket and working out in the gym.

Picture of Brent

Brent Van Wynsberge

Brent Van Wynsberge is a Solutions Architect at AWS supporting enterprise customers. He accelerates the cloud adoption journey for organizations by aligning technical objectives to business outcomes and strategic goals, and defining them where needed. Brent is an IoT enthusiast, specifically in the application of IoT in manufacturing, he is also interested in DevOps, data analytics and containers.

Picture of Amandeep

Amandeep Bajwa

Amandeep Bajwa is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS supporting Financial Services enterprises. He helps organizations achieve their business outcomes by identifying the appropriate cloud transformation strategy based on industry trends, and organizational priorities. Some of the areas Amandeep consults on are cloud migration, cloud strategy (including hybrid & multicloud), digital transformation, data & analytics, and technology in general.

Picture of Brian

Brian Beach

Brian Beach has over 20 years of experience as a Developer and Architect. He is currently a Principal Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He holds a Computer Engineering degree from NYU Poly and an MBA from Rutgers Business School. He is the author of “Pro PowerShell for Amazon Web Services” from Apress. He is a regular author and has spoken at numerous events. Brian lives in North Carolina with his wife and three kids.

Let’s Architect! DevOps Best Practices on AWS

Post Syndicated from Luca Mezzalira original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/lets-architect-devops-best-practices-on-aws/

DevOps has revolutionized software development and operations by fostering collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement. By bringing together development and operations teams, organizations can accelerate software delivery, enhance reliability, and achieve faster time-to-market.

In this blog post, we will explore the best practices and architectural considerations for implementing DevOps with Amazon Web Services (AWS), enabling you to build efficient and scalable systems that align with DevOps principles. The Let’s Architect! team wants to share useful resources that help you to optimize your software development and operations.

DevOps revolution

Distributed systems are adopted from enterprises more frequently now. When an organization wants to leverage distributed systems’ characteristics, it requires a mindset and approach shift, akin to a new model for software development lifecycle.

In this re:Invent 2021 video, Emily Freeman, now Head of Community Engagement at AWS, shares with us the insights gained in the trenches when adapting a new software development lifecycle that will help your organization thrive using distributed systems.

Take me to this re:Invent 2021 video!

Operationalizing the DevOps revolution

Operationalizing the DevOps revolution

My CI/CD pipeline is my release captain

Designing effective DevOps workflows is necessary for achieving seamless collaboration between development and operations teams. The Amazon Builders’ Library offers a wealth of guidance on designing DevOps workflows that promote efficiency, scalability, and reliability. From continuous integration and deployment strategies to configuration management and observability, this resource covers various aspects of DevOps workflow design. By following the best practices outlined in the Builders’ Library, you can create robust and scalable DevOps workflows that facilitate rapid software delivery and smooth operations.

Take me to this resource!

A pipeline coordinates multiple inflight releases and promotes them through three stages

A pipeline coordinates multiple inflight releases and promotes them through three stages

Using Cloud Fitness Functions to Drive Evolutionary Architecture

Cloud fitness functions provide a powerful mechanism for driving evolutionary architecture within your DevOps practices. By defining and measuring architectural fitness goals, you can continuously improve and evolve your systems over time.

This AWS Architecture Blog post delves into how AWS services, like AWS Lambda, AWS Step Functions, and Amazon CloudWatch can be leveraged to implement cloud fitness functions effectively. By integrating these services into your DevOps workflows, you can establish an architecture that evolves in alignment with changing business needs: improving system resilience, scalability, and maintainability.

Take me to this AWS Architecture Blog post!

Fitness functions provide feedback to engineers via metrics

Fitness functions provide feedback to engineers via metrics

Multi-Region Terraform Deployments with AWS CodePipeline using Terraform Built CI/CD

Achieving consistent deployments across multiple regions is a common challenge. This AWS DevOps Blog post demonstrates how to use Terraform, AWS CodePipeline, and infrastructure-as-code principles to automate Multi-Region deployments effectively. By adopting this approach, you can demonstrate the consistent infrastructure and application deployments, improving the scalability, reliability, and availability of your DevOps practices.

The post also provides practical examples and step-by-step instructions for implementing Multi-Region deployments with Terraform and AWS services, enabling you to leverage the power of infrastructure-as-code to streamline DevOps workflows.

Take me to this AWS DevOps Blog post!

Multi-Region AWS deployment with IaC and CI/CD pipelines

Multi-Region AWS deployment with IaC and CI/CD pipelines

See you next time!

Thanks for joining our discussion on DevOps best practices! Next time we’ll talk about how to create resilient workloads on AWS.

To find all the blogs from this series, check out the Let’s Architect! list of content on the AWS Architecture Blog. See you soon!

Directing ML-powered Operational Insights from Amazon DevOps Guru to your Datadog event stream

Post Syndicated from Bineesh Ravindran original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/directing_ml-powered_operational_insights_from_amazon_devops_guru_to_your_datadog_event_stream/

Amazon DevOps Guru is a fully managed AIOps service that uses machine learning (ML) to quickly identify when applications are behaving outside of their normal operating patterns and generates insights from its findings. These insights generated by DevOps Guru can be used to alert on-call teams to react to anomalies for business mission critical workloads. If you are already utilizing Datadog to automate infrastructure monitoring, application performance monitoring, and log management for real-time observability of your entire technology stack, then this blog is for you.

You might already be using Datadog for a consolidated view of your Datadog Events interface to search, analyze and filter events from many different sources in one place. Datadog Events are records of notable changes relevant for managing and troubleshooting IT Operations, such as code, deployments, service health, configuration changes and monitoring alerts.

Wherever DevOps Guru detects operational events in your AWS environment that could lead to outages, it generates insights and recommendations. These insights/recommendations are then pushed to a user specific Datadog endpoint using Datadog events API. Customers can then create dashboards, incidents, alarms or take corrective automated actions based on these insights and recommendations in Datadog.

Datadog collects and unifies all of the data streaming from these complex environments, with a 1-click integration for pulling in metrics and tags from over 90 AWS services. Companies can deploy the Datadog Agent directly on their hosts and compute instances to collect metrics with greater granularity—down to one-second resolution. And with Datadog’s out-of-the-box integration dashboards, companies get not only a high-level view into the health of their infrastructure and applications but also deeper visibility into individual services such as AWS Lambda and Amazon EKS.

This blogpost will show you how to utilize Amazon DevOps guru with Datadog to get real time insights and recommendations on their AWS Infrastructure. We will demonstrate how an insight generated by Amazon DevOps Guru for an anomaly can automatically be pushed to Datadog’s event streams which can then be used to create dashboards, create alarms and alerts to take corrective actions.

Solution Overview

When an Amazon DevOps Guru insight is created, an Amazon EventBridge rule is used to capture the insight as an event and routed to an AWS Lambda Function target. The lambda function interacts with Datadog using a REST API to push corresponding DevOps Guru events captured by Amazon EventBridge

The EventBridge rule can be customized to capture all DevOps Guru insights or narrowed down to specific insights. In this blog, we will be capturing all DevOps Guru insights and will be performing actions on Datadog for the below DevOps Guru events:

  • DevOps Guru New Insight Open
  • DevOps Guru New Anomaly Association
  • DevOps Guru Insight Severity Upgraded
  • DevOps Guru New Recommendation Created
  • DevOps Guru Insight Closed
Figure 1: Amazon DevOps Guru Integration with Datadog with Amazon EventBridge and AWS.

Figure 1: Amazon DevOps Guru Integration with Datadog with Amazon EventBridge and AWS.

Solution Implementation Steps


Before you deploy the solution, complete the following steps.

    • Datadog Account Setup: We will be connecting your AWS Account with Datadog. If you do not have a Datadog account, you can request a free trial developer instance through Datadog.
    • Datadog Credentials: Gather the credentials of Datadog keys that will be used to connect with AWS. Follow the steps below to create an API Key and Application Key
      Add an API key or client token

        1. To add a Datadog API key or client token:
        2. Navigate to Organization settings, then click the API keys or Client Tokens
        3. Click the New Key or New Client Token button, depending on which you’re creating.
        4. Enter a name for your key or token.
        5. Click Create API key or Create Client Token.
        6. Note down the newly generated API Key value. We will need this in later steps
        7. Figure 2: Create new API Key.

          Figure 2: Create new API Key.

      Add application keys

      • To add a Datadog application key, navigate to Organization Settings > Application Keys.If you have the permission to create application keys, click New Key.Note down the newly generated Application Key. We will need this in later steps

Add Application Key and API Key to AWS Secrets Manager : Secrets Manager enables you to replace hardcoded credentials in your code, including passwords, with an API call to Secrets Manager to retrieve the secret programmatically. This helps ensure the secret can’t be compromised by someone examining your code,because the secret no longer exists in the code.
Follow below steps to create a new secret in AWS Secrets Manager.

  1. Open the Secrets Manager console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/
  2. Choose Store a new secret.
  3. On the Choose secret type page, do the following:
    1. For Secret type, choose other type of secret.
    2. In Key/value pairs, either enter your secret in Key/value
Figure 3: Create new secret in Secret Manager.

Figure 3: Create new secret in Secret Manager.

Click next and enter “DatadogSecretManager” as the secret name followed by Review and Finish

Figure 4: Configure secret in Secret Manager.

Figure 4: Configure secret in Secret Manager.

Option 1: Deploy Datadog Connector App from AWS Serverless Repository

The DevOps Guru Datadog Connector application is available on the AWS Serverless Application Repository which is a managed repository for serverless applications. The application is packaged with an AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) template, definition of the AWS resources used and the link to the source code. Follow the steps below to quickly deploy this serverless application in your AWS account

      • Login to the AWS management console of the account to which you plan to deploy this solution.
      • Go to the DevOps Guru Datadog Connector application in the AWS Serverless Repository and click on “Deploy”.
      • The Lambda application deployment screen will be displayed where you can enter the Datadog Application name
        Figure 5: DevOps Guru Datadog connector.

        Figure 5: DevOps Guru Datadog connector.

         Figure 6: Serverless Application DevOps Guru Datadog connector.

        Figure 6: Serverless Application DevOps Guru Datadog connector.

      • After successful deployment the AWS Lambda Application page will display the “Create complete” status for the serverlessrepo-DevOps-Guru-Datadog-Connector application. The CloudFormation template creates four resources,
        1. Lambda function which has the logic to integrate to the Datadog
        2. Event Bridge rule for the DevOps Guru Insights
        3. Lambda permission
        4. IAM role
      • Now skip Option 2 and follow the steps in the “Test the Solution” section to trigger some DevOps Guru insights/recommendations and validate that the events are created and updated in Datadog.

Option 2: Build and Deploy sample Datadog Connector App using AWS SAM Command Line Interface

As you have seen above, you can directly deploy the sample serverless application form the Serverless Repository with one click deployment. Alternatively, you can choose to clone the GitHub source repository and deploy using the SAM CLI from your terminal.

The Serverless Application Model Command Line Interface (SAM CLI) is an extension of the AWS CLI that adds functionality for building and testing serverless applications. The CLI provides commands that enable you to verify that AWS SAM template files are written according to the specification, invoke Lambda functions locally, step-through debug Lambda functions, package and deploy serverless applications to the AWS Cloud, and so on. For details about how to use the AWS SAM CLI, including the full AWS SAM CLI Command Reference, see AWS SAM reference – AWS Serverless Application Model.

Before you proceed, make sure you have completed the pre-requisites section in the beginning which should set up the AWS SAM CLI, Maven and Java on your local terminal. You also need to install and set up Docker to run your functions in an Amazon Linux environment that matches Lambda.

Clone the source code from the github repo

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-devops-guru-connector-datadog.git

Build the sample application using SAM CLI

$cd DatadogFunctions

$sam build
Building codeuri: $\amazon-devops-guru-connector-datadog\DatadogFunctions\Functions runtime: java11 metadata: {} architecture: x86_64 functions: Functions
Running JavaMavenWorkflow:CopySource
Running JavaMavenWorkflow:MavenBuild
Running JavaMavenWorkflow:MavenCopyDependency
Running JavaMavenWorkflow:MavenCopyArtifacts

Build Succeeded

Built Artifacts  : .aws-sam\build
Built Template   : .aws-sam\build\template.yaml

Commands you can use next
[*] Validate SAM template: sam validate
[*] Invoke Function: sam local invoke
[*] Test Function in the Cloud: sam sync --stack-name {{stack-name}} --watch
[*] Deploy: sam deploy --guided

This command will build the source of your application by installing dependencies defined in Functions/pom.xml, create a deployment package and saves it in the. aws-sam/build folder.

Deploy the sample application using SAM CLI

$sam deploy --guided

This command will package and deploy your application to AWS, with a series of prompts that you should respond to as shown below:

      • Stack Name: The name of the stack to deploy to CloudFormation. This should be unique to your account and region, and a good starting point would be something matching your project name.
      • AWS Region: The AWS region you want to deploy your application to.
      • Confirm changes before deploy: If set to yes, any change sets will be shown to you before execution for manual review. If set to no, the AWS SAM CLI will automatically deploy application changes.
      • Allow SAM CLI IAM role creation:Many AWS SAM templates, including this example, create AWS IAM roles required for the AWS Lambda function(s) included to access AWS services. By default, these are scoped down to minimum required permissions. To deploy an AWS CloudFormation stack which creates or modifies IAM roles, the CAPABILITY_IAM value for capabilities must be provided. If permission isn’t provided through this prompt, to deploy this example you must explicitly pass --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM to the sam deploy command.
      • Disable rollback [y/N]: If set to Y, preserves the state of previously provisioned resources when an operation fails.
      • Save arguments to configuration file (samconfig.toml): If set to yes, your choices will be saved to a configuration file inside the project, so that in the future you can just re-run sam deploy without parameters to deploy changes to your application.

After you enter your parameters, you should see something like this if you have provided Y to view and confirm ChangeSets. Proceed here by providing ‘Y’ for deploying the resources.

Initiating deployment

        Uploading to sam-app-datadog/0c2b93e71210af97a8c57710d0463c8b.template  1797 / 1797  (100.00%)

Waiting for changeset to be created..

CloudFormation stack changeset
Operation                     LogicalResourceId             ResourceType                  Replacement
+ Add                         FunctionsDevOpsGuruPermissi   AWS::Lambda::Permission       N/A
+ Add                         FunctionsDevOpsGuru           AWS::Events::Rule             N/A
+ Add                         FunctionsRole                 AWS::IAM::Role                N/A
+ Add                         Functions                     AWS::Lambda::Function         N/A

Changeset created successfully. arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:867001007349:changeSet/samcli-deploy1680640852/bdc3039b-cdb7-4d7a-a3a0-ed9372f3cf9a

Previewing CloudFormation changeset before deployment
Deploy this changeset? [y/N]: y

2023-04-04 15:41:06 - Waiting for stack create/update to complete

CloudFormation events from stack operations (refresh every 5.0 seconds)
ResourceStatus                ResourceType                  LogicalResourceId             ResourceStatusReason
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::IAM::Role                FunctionsRole                 -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::IAM::Role                FunctionsRole                 Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE               AWS::IAM::Role                FunctionsRole                 -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::Lambda::Function         Functions                     -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::Lambda::Function         Functions                     Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE               AWS::Lambda::Function         Functions                     -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::Events::Rule             FunctionsDevOpsGuru           -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::Events::Rule             FunctionsDevOpsGuru           Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE               AWS::Events::Rule             FunctionsDevOpsGuru           -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::Lambda::Permission       FunctionsDevOpsGuruPermissi   -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::Lambda::Permission       FunctionsDevOpsGuruPermissi   Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE               AWS::Lambda::Permission       FunctionsDevOpsGuruPermissi   -
CREATE_COMPLETE               AWS::CloudFormation::Stack    sam-app-datadog               -

Successfully created/updated stack - sam-app-datadog in us-east-1

Once the deployment succeeds, you should be able to see the successful creation of your resources. Also, you can find your Lambda, IAM Role and EventBridge Rule in the CloudFormation stack output values.

You can also choose to test and debug your function locally with sample events using the SAM CLI local functionality.Test a single function by invoking it directly with a test event. An event is a JSON document that represents the input that the function receives from the event source. Refer the Invoking Lambda functions locally – AWS Serverless Application Model link here for more details.

$ sam local invoke Functions -e ‘event/event.json’

Once you are done with the above steps, move on to “Test the Solution” section below to trigger some DevOps Guru insights and validate that the events are created and pushed to Datadog.

Test the Solution

To test the solution, we will simulate a DevOps Guru Insight. You can also simulate an insight by following the steps in this blog. After an anomaly is detected in the application, DevOps Guru creates an insight as shown below

 Figure 7: DevOps Guru insight for DynamoDB

Figure 7: DevOps Guru insight for DynamoDB

For the DevOps Guru insight shown above, a corresponding event is automatically created and pushed to Datadog as shown below. In addition to the events creation, any new anomalies and recommendations from DevOps Guru is also associated with the events

Figure 8 : DevOps Guru Insight pushed to Datadog event stream.

Figure 8 : DevOps Guru Insight pushed to Datadog event stream.

Cleaning Up

To delete the sample application that you created, In your Cloud 9 environment open a new terminal. Now type in the AWS CLI command below and pass the stack name you provided in the deploy step

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name <Stack Name>

Alternatively ,you could also use the AWS CloudFormation Console to delete the stack


This article highlights how Amazon DevOps Guru monitors resources within a specific region of your AWS account, automatically detecting operational issues, predicting potential resource exhaustion, identifying probable causes, and recommending remediation actions. It describes a bespoke solution enabling integration of DevOps Guru insights with Datadog, enhancing management and oversight of AWS services. This solution aids customers using Datadog to bolster operational efficiencies, delivering customized insights, real-time alerts, and management capabilities directly from DevOps Guru, offering a unified interface to swiftly restore services and systems.

To start gaining operational insights on your AWS Infrastructure with Datadog head over to Amazon DevOps Guru documentation page.

About the authors:

Bineesh Ravindran

Bineesh Ravindran

Bineesh is Solutions Architect at Amazon Webservices (AWS) who is passionate about technology and love to help customers solve problems. Bineesh has over 20 years of experience in designing and implementing enterprise applications. He works with AWS partners and customers to provide them with architectural guidance for building scalable architecture and execute strategies to drive adoption of AWS services. When he’s not working, he enjoys biking, aquascaping and playing badminton..

David Ernst

David is a Sr. Specialist Solution Architect – DevOps, with 20+ years of experience in designing and implementing software solutions for various industries. David is an automation enthusiast and works with AWS customers to design, deploy, and manage their AWS workloads/architectures.

Automated Code Review on Pull Requests using AWS CodeCommit and AWS CodeBuild

Post Syndicated from Verinder Singh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/automated-code-review-on-pull-requests-using-aws-codecommit-and-aws-codebuild/

Pull Requests play a critical part in the software development process. They ensure that a developer’s proposed code changes are reviewed by relevant parties before code is merged into the main codebase. This is a standard procedure that is followed across the globe in different organisations today. However, pull requests often require code reviewers to read through a great deal of code and manually check it against quality and security standards. These manual reviews can lead to problematic code being merged into the main codebase if the reviewer overlooks any problems.

To help solve this problem, we recommend using Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer to assist in the review process. CodeGuru Reviewer identifies critical defects and deviation from best practices in your code. It provides recommendations to remediate its findings as comments in your pull requests, helping reviewers miss fewer problems that may have otherwise made into production. You can easily integrate your repositories in AWS CodeCommit with Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer following these steps.

The purpose of this post isn’t, however, to show you CodeGuru Reviewer. Instead, our aim is to help you achieve automated code reviews with your pull requests if you already have a code scanning tool and need to continue using it. In this post, we will show you step-by-step how to add automation to the pull request review process using your code scanning tool with AWS CodeCommit (as source code repository) and AWS CodeBuild (to automatically review code using your code reviewer). After following this guide, you should be able to give developers automatic feedback on their code changes and augment manual code reviews so fewer problems make it into your main codebase.

Solution Overview

The solution comprises of the following components:

  1. AWS CodeCommit: AWS service to host private Git repositories.
  2. Amazon EventBridge: AWS service to receive pullRequestCreated and pullRequestSourceBranchUpdated events and trigger Amazon EventBridge rule.
  3. AWS CodeBuild: AWS service to perform code review and send the result to AWS CodeCommit repository as pull request comment.

The following diagram illustrates the architecture:

Figure 1: This architecture diagram illustrates the workflow where developer raises a Pull Request and receives automated feedback on the code changes using AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild and Amazon EventBridge rule

Figure 1. Architecture Diagram of the proposed solution in the blog

  1. Developer raises a pull request against the main branch of the source code repository in AWS CodeCommit.
  2. The pullRequestCreated event is received by the default event bus.
  3. The default event bus triggers the Amazon EventBridge rule which is configured to be triggered on pullRequestCreated and pullRequestSourceBranchUpdated events.
  4. The EventBridge rule triggers AWS CodeBuild project.
  5. The AWS CodeBuild project runs the code quality check using customer’s choice of tool and sends the results back to the pull request as comments. Based on the result, the AWS CodeBuild project approves or rejects the pull request automatically.


The following steps provide a high-level overview of the walkthrough:

  1. Create a source code repository in AWS CodeCommit.
  2. Create and associate an approval rule template.
  3. Create AWS CodeBuild project to run the code quality check and post the result as pull request comment.
  4. Create an Amazon EventBridge rule that reacts to AWS CodeCommit pullRequestCreated and pullRequestSourceBranchUpdated events for the repository created in step 1 and set its target to AWS CodeBuild project created in step 3.
  5. Create a feature branch, add a new file and raise a pull request.
  6. Verify the pull request with the code review feedback in comment section.

1. Create a source code repository in AWS CodeCommit

Create an empty test repository in AWS CodeCommit by following these steps. Once the repository is created you can add files to your repository following these steps. If you create or upload the first file for your repository in the console, a branch is created for you named main. This branch is the default branch for your repository. If you are using a Git client instead, consider configuring your Git client to use main as the name for the initial branch. This blog post assumes the default branch is named as main.

2. Create and associate an approval rule template

Create an AWS CodeCommit approval rule template and associate it with the code repository created in step 1 following these steps.

3. Create AWS CodeBuild project to run the code quality check and post the result as pull request comment

This blog post is based on the assumption that the source code repository has JavaScript code in it, so it uses jshint as a code analysis tool to review the code quality of those files. However, users can choose a different tool as per their use case and choice of programming language.

Create an AWS CodeBuild project from AWS Management Console following these steps and using below configuration:

  • Source: Choose the AWS CodeCommit repository created in step 1 as the source provider.
  • Environment: Select the latest version of AWS managed image with operating system of your choice. Choose New service role option to create the service IAM role with default permissions.
  • Buildspec: Use below build specification. Replace <NODEJS_VERSION> with the latest supported nodejs runtime version for the image selected in previous step. Replace <REPOSITORY_NAME> with the repository name created in step 1. The below spec installs the jshint package, creates a jshint config file with a few sample rules, runs it against the source code in the pull request commit, posts the result as comment to the pull request page and based on the results, approves or rejects the pull request automatically.
version: 0.2
      nodejs: <NODEJS_VERSION>
      - npm install jshint --global
      - echo \{\"esversion\":6,\"eqeqeq\":true,\"quotmark\":\"single\"\} > .jshintrc
      - CODE_QUALITY_RESULT="$(echo \`\`\`) $(jshint .)"; EXITCODE=$?
      - aws codecommit post-comment-for-pull-request --pull-request-id $PULL_REQUEST_ID --repository-name <REPOSITORY_NAME> --content "$CODE_QUALITY_RESULT" --before-commit-id $DESTINATION_COMMIT_ID --after-commit-id $SOURCE_COMMIT_ID --region $AWS_REGION	
      - |
        if [ $EXITCODE -ne 0 ]
      - REVISION_ID=$(aws codecommit get-pull-request --pull-request-id $PULL_REQUEST_ID | jq -r '.pullRequest.revisionId')
      - aws codecommit update-pull-request-approval-state --pull-request-id $PULL_REQUEST_ID --revision-id $REVISION_ID --approval-state $PR_STATUS --region $AWS_REGION

Once the AWS CodeBuild project has been created successfully, modify its IAM service role by following the below steps:

  • Choose the CodeBuild project’s Build details tab.
  • Choose the Service role link under the Environment section which should navigate you to the CodeBuild’s IAM service role in IAM console.
  • Expand the default customer managed policy and choose Edit.
  • Add the following actions to the existing codecommit actions:

  • Choose Next.
  • On the Review screen, choose Save changes.

4. Create an Amazon EventBridge rule that reacts to AWS CodeCommit pullRequestCreated and pullRequestSourceBranchUpdated events for the repository created in step 1 and set its target to AWS CodeBuild project created in step 3

Follow these steps to create an Amazon EventBridge rule that gets triggered whenever a pull request is created or updated using the following event pattern. Replace the <REGION>, <ACCOUNT_ID> and <REPOSITORY_NAME> placeholders with the actual values. Select target of the event rule as AWS CodeBuild project created in step 3.

Event Pattern

    "detail-type": ["CodeCommit Pull Request State Change"],
    "resources": ["arn:aws:codecommit:<REGION>:<ACCOUNT_ID>:<REPOSITORY_NAME>"],
    "source": ["aws.codecommit"],
    "detail": {
      "isMerged": ["False"],
      "pullRequestStatus": ["Open"],
      "repositoryNames": ["<REPOSITORY_NAME>"],
      "destinationReference": ["refs/heads/main"],
      "event": ["pullRequestCreated", "pullRequestSourceBranchUpdated"]
    "account": ["<ACCOUNT_ID>"]

Follow these steps to configure the target input using the below input path and input template.

Input transformer – Input path

    "detail-destinationCommit": "$.detail.destinationCommit",
    "detail-pullRequestId": "$.detail.pullRequestId",
    "detail-sourceCommit": "$.detail.sourceCommit"

Input transformer – Input template

    "sourceVersion": <detail-sourceCommit>,
    "environmentVariablesOverride": [
            "name": "DESTINATION_COMMIT_ID",
            "type": "PLAINTEXT",
            "value": <detail-destinationCommit>
            "name": "SOURCE_COMMIT_ID",
            "type": "PLAINTEXT",
            "value": <detail-sourceCommit>
            "name": "PULL_REQUEST_ID",
            "type": "PLAINTEXT",
            "value": <detail-pullRequestId>

5. Create a feature branch, add a new file and raise a pull request

Create a feature branch following these steps. Push a new file called “index.js” to the root of the repository with the below content.

function greet(dayofweek) {
  if (dayofweek == "Saturday" || dayofweek == "Sunday") {
    console.log("Have a great weekend");
  } else {
    console.log("Have a great day at work");

Now raise a pull request using the feature branch as source and main branch as destination following these steps.

6. Verify the pull request with the code review feedback in comment section

As soon as the pull request is created, the AWS CodeBuild project created in step 3 above will be triggered which will run the code quality check and post the results as a pull request comment. Navigate to the AWS CodeCommit repository pull request page in AWS Management Console and check under the Activity tab to confirm the automated code review result being displayed as the latest comment.

The pull request comment submitted by AWS CodeBuild highlights 6 errors in the JavaScript code. The errors on lines first and third are based on the jshint rule “eqeqeq”. It recommends to use strict equality operator (“===”) instead of the loose equality operator (“==”) to avoid type coercion. The errors on lines second, fourth and fifth are based on jshint rule “quotmark” which recommends to use single quotes with strings instead of double quotes for better readability. These jshint rules are defined in AWS CodeBuild project’s buildspec in step 3 above.

Figure 2: The image shows the AWS CodeCommit pull request's Activity tab with code review results automatically posted by the automated code reviewer

Figure 2. Pull Request comments updated with automated code review results.


In this blog post we’ve shown how using AWS CodeCommit and AWS CodeBuild services customers can automate their pull request review process by utilising Amazon EventBridge events and using their own choice of code quality tool. This simple solution also makes it easier for the human reviewers by providing them with automated code quality results as input and enabling them to focus their code review more on business logic code changes rather than static code quality issues.

About the authors

Blog post's primary author's image

Verinder Singh

Verinder Singh is an experienced Solution’s Architect based out of Sydney, Australia with 16+ years of experience in software development and architecture. He works primarily on building large scale open-source AWS solutions for common customer use cases and business problems. In his spare time, he enjoys vacationing and watching movies with his family.

Blog post's secondary author's image

Deenadayaalan Thirugnanasambandam

Deenadayaalan Thirugnanasambandam is a Principal Cloud Architect at AWS. He provides prescriptive architectural guidance and consulting that enable and accelerate customers’ adoption of AWS.

Policy-based access control in application development with Amazon Verified Permissions

Post Syndicated from Marc von Mandel original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/policy-based-access-control-in-application-development-with-amazon-verified-permissions/

Today, accelerating application development while shifting security and assurance left in the development lifecycle is essential. One of the most critical components of application security is access control. While traditional access control mechanisms such as role-based access control (RBAC) and access control lists (ACLs) are still prevalent, policy-based access control (PBAC) is gaining momentum. PBAC is a more powerful and flexible access control model, allowing developers to apply any combination of coarse-, medium-, and fine-grained access control over resources and data within an application. In this article, we will explore PBAC and how it can be used in application development using Amazon Verified Permissions and how you can define permissions as policies using Cedar, an expressive and analyzable open-source policy language. We will briefly describe here how developers and admins can define policy-based access controls using roles and attributes for fine-grained access.

What is Policy-Based Access Control?

PBAC is an access control model that uses permissions expressed as policies to determine who can access what within an application. Administrators and developers can define application access statically as admin-time authorization where the access is based on users and groups defined by roles and responsibilities. On the other hand, developers set up run-time or dynamic authorization at any time to apply access controls at the time when a user attempts to access a particular application resource. Run-time authorization takes in attributes of application resources, such as contextual elements like time or location, to determine what access should be granted or denied. This combination of policy types makes policy-based access control a more powerful authorization engine.

A central policy store and policy engine evaluates these policies continuously, in real-time to determine access to resources. PBAC is a more dynamic access control model as it allows developers and administrators to create and modify policies according to their needs, such as defining custom roles within an application or enabling secure, delegated authorization. Developers can use PBAC to apply role- and attributed-based access controls across many different types of applications, such as customer-facing web applications, internal workforce applications, multi-tenant software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications, edge device access, and more. PBAC brings together RBAC and attribute-based access control (ABAC), which have been the two most widely used access control models for the past couple decades (See the figure below).

Policy-based access control with admin-time and run-time authorization

Figure 1: Overview of policy-based access control (PBAC)

Before we try and understand how to modernize permissions, let’s understand how developers implement it in a traditional development process. We typically see developers hardcode access control into each and every application. This creates four primary challenges.

  1. First, you need to update code every time to update access control policies. This is time-consuming for a developer and done at the expense of working on the business logic of the application.
  2. Second, you need to implement these permissions in each and every application you build.
  3. Third, application audits are challenging, you need to run a battery of tests or dig through thousands of lines of code spread across multiple files to demonstrate who has access to application resources. For example, providing evidence to audits that only authorized users can access a patient’s health record.
  4.  Finally, developing hardcoded application access control is often time consuming and error prone.

Amazon Verified Permissions simplifies this process by externalizing access control rules from the application code to a central policy store within the service. Now, when a user tries to take an action in your application, you call Verified Permissions to check if it is authorized. Policy admins can respond faster to changing business requirements, as they no longer need to depend on the development team when updating access controls. They can use a central policy store to make updates to authorization policies. This means that developers can focus on the core application logic, and access control policies can be created, customized, and managed separately or collectively across applications. Developers can use PBAC to define authorization rules for users, user groups, or attributes based on the entity type accessing the application. Restricting access to data and resources using PBAC protects against unintended access to application resources and data.

For example, a developer can define a role-based and attribute-based access control policy that allows only certain users or roles to access a particular API. Imagine a group of users within a Marketing department that can only view specific photos within a photo sharing application. The policy might look something like the following using Cedar.


  principal in Role::"expo-speakers",

  action == Action::"view",

  resource == Photo::"expoPhoto94.jpg"


when { 

    principal.department == “Marketing”



How do I get started using PBAC in my applications?

PBAC can be integrated into the application development process in several ways when using Amazon Verified Permissions. Developers begin by defining an authorization model for their application and use this to describe the scope of authorization requests made by the application and the basis for evaluating the requests. Think of this as a narrative or structure to authorization requests. Developers then write a schema which documents the form of the authorization model in a machine-readable syntax. This schema document describes each entity type, including principal types, actions, resource types, and conditions. Developers can then craft policies, as statements, that permit or forbid a principal to one or more actions on a resource.

Next, you define a set of application policies which define the overall framework and guardrails for access controls in your application. For example, a guardrail policy might be that only the owner can access photos that are marked ‘private’. These policies are applicable to a large set of users or resources, and are not user or resource specific. You create these policies in the code of your applications, and instantiate them in your CI/CD pipeline, using CloudFormation, and tested in beta stages before being deployed to production.

Lastly, you define the shape of your end-user policies using policy templates. These end-user policies are specific to a user (or user group). For example, a policy that states “Alice” can view “expoPhoto94.jpg”. Policy templates simplify managing end-user policies as a group. Now, every time a user in your application tries to take an action, you call Verified Permissions to confirm that the action is authorized.

Benefits of using Amazon Verified Permissions policies in application development

Amazon Verified Permissions offers several benefits when it comes to application development.

  1. One of the most significant benefits is the flexibility in using the PBAC model. Amazon Verified Permissions allows application administrators or developers to create and modify policies at any time without going into application code, making it easier to respond to changing security needs.
  2. Secondly, it simplifies the application development process by externalizing access control rules from the application code. Developers can reuse PBAC controls for newly built or acquired applications. This allows developers to focus on the core application logic and mitigates security risks within applications by applying fine-grained access controls.
  3. Lastly, developers can add secure delegated authorization using PBAC and Amazon Verified Permissions. This enables developers to enable a group, role, or resource owner the ability to manage data sharing within application resources or between services. This has exciting implications for developers wanting to add privacy and consent capabilities for end users while still enforcing guardrails defined within a centralized policy store.

In Summary

PBAC is a more flexible access control model that enables fine-grained control over access to resources in an application. By externalizing access control rules from the application code, PBAC simplifies the application development process and reduces the risks of security vulnerabilities in the application. PBAC also offers flexibility, aligns with compliance mandates for access control, and developers and administrators benefit from centralized permissions across various stages of the DevOps process. By adopting PBAC in application development, organizations can improve their application security and better align with industry regulations.

Amazon Verified Permissions is a scalable permissions management and fine-grained authorization service for applications developers build. The service helps developers to build secure applications faster by externalizing authorization and centralizing policy management and administration. Developers can align their application access with Zero Trust principles by implementing least privilege and continuous verification within applications. Security and audit teams can better analyze and audit who has access to what within applications.

How to deploy workloads in a multicloud environment with AWS developer tools

Post Syndicated from Brent Van Wynsberge original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/how-to-deploy-workloads-in-a-multicloud-environment-with-aws-developer-tools/

As organizations embrace cloud computing as part of “cloud first” strategy, and migrate to the cloud, some of the enterprises end up in a multicloud environment.  We see that enterprise customers get the best experience, performance and cost structure when they choose a primary cloud provider. However, for a variety of reasons, some organizations end up operating in a multicloud environment. For example, in case of mergers & acquisitions, an organization may acquire an entity which runs on a different cloud platform, resulting in the organization operating in a multicloud environment. Another example is in the case where an ISV (Independent Software Vendor) provides services to customers operating on different cloud providers. One more example is the scenario where an organization needs to adhere to data residency and data sovereignty requirements, and ends up with workloads deployed to multiple cloud platforms across locations. Thus, the organization ends up running in a multicloud environment.

In the scenarios described above, one of the challenges organizations face operating such a complex environment is managing release process (building, testing, and deploying applications at scale) across multiple cloud platforms. If an organization’s primary cloud provider is AWS, they may want to continue using AWS developer tools to deploy workloads in other cloud platforms. Organizations facing such scenarios can leverage AWS services to develop their end-to-end CI/CD and release process instead of developing a release pipeline for each platform, which is complex, and not sustainable in the long run.

In this post we show how organizations can continue using AWS developer tools in a hybrid and multicloud environment. We walk the audience through a scenario where we deploy an application to VMs running on-premises and Azure, showcasing AWS’ hybrid and multicloud DevOps capabilities.

Solution and scenario overview

In this post we’re demonstrating the following steps:

  • Setup a CI/CD pipeline using AWS CodePipeline, and show how it’s run when application code is updated, and checked into the code repository (GitHub).
  • Check out application code from the code repository, and use an IDE (Visual Studio Code) to make changes, and check-in the code to the code repository.
  • Check in the modified application code to automatically run the release process built using AWS CodePipeline. It makes use of AWS CodeBuild to retrieve the latest version of code from code repository, compile it, build the deployment package, and test the application.
  • Deploy the updated application to VMs across on-premises, and Azure using AWS CodeDeploy.

The high-level solution is shown below. This post does not show all of the possible combinations and integrations available to build the CI/CD pipeline. As an example, you can integrate the pipeline with your existing tools for test and build such as Selenium, Jenkins, SonarQube etc.

This post focuses on deploying application in a multicloud environment, and how AWS Developer Tools can support virtually any scenario or use case specific to your organization. We will be deploying a sample application from this AWS tutorial to an on-premises server, and an Azure Virtual Machine (VM) running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). In future posts in this series, we will cover how you can deploy any type of workload using AWS tools, including containers, and serverless applications.

Architecture Diagram

CI/CD pipeline setup

This section describes instructions for setting up a multicloud CI/CD pipeline.

Note: A key point to note is that the CI/CD pipeline setup, and related sub-sections in this post, are a one-time activity, and you’ll not need to perform these steps every time an application is deployed or modified.

Install CodeDeploy agent

The AWS CodeDeploy agent is a software package that is used to execute deployments on an instance. You can install the CodeDeploy agent on an on-premises server and Azure VM by either using the command line, or AWS Systems Manager.

Setup GitHub code repository

Setup GitHub code repository using the following steps:

  1. Create a new GitHub code repository or use a repository that already exists.
  2. Copy the Sample_App_Linux app (zip) from Amazon S3 as described in Step 3 of Upload a sample application to your GitHub repository tutorial.
  3. Commit the files to code repository
    git add .
    git commit -m 'Initial Commit'
    git push

You will use this repository to deploy your code across environments.

Configure AWS CodePipeline

Follow the steps outlined below to setup and configure CodePipeline to orchestrate the CI/CD pipeline of our application.

  1. Navigate to CodePipeline in the AWS console and click on ‘Create pipeline’
  2. Give your pipeline a name (eg: MyWebApp-CICD) and allow CodePipeline to create a service role on your behalf.
  3. For the source stage, select GitHub (v2) as your source provide and click on the Connect to GitHub button to give CodePipeline access to your git repository.
  4. Create a new GitHub connection and click on the Install a new App button to install the AWS Connector in your GitHub account.
  5. Back in the CodePipeline console select the repository and branch you would like to build and deploy.

Image showing the configured source stage

  1. Now we create the build stage; Select AWS CodeBuild as the build provider.
  2. Click on the ‘Create project’ button to create the project for your build stage, and give your project a name.
  3. Select Ubuntu as the operating system for your managed image, chose the standard runtime and select the ‘aws/codebuild/standard’ image with the latest version.

Image showing the configured environment

  1. In the Buildspec section select “Insert build commands” and click on switch to editor. Enter the following yaml code as your build commands:
version: 0.2
            - echo "This is a dummy build command"
        - "*/*"

Note: you can also integrate build commands to your git repository by using a buildspec yaml file. More information can be found at Build specification reference for CodeBuild.

  1. Leave all other options as default and click on ‘Continue to CodePipeline’

Image showing the configured buildspec

  1. Back in the CodePipeline console your Project name will automatically be filled in. You can now continue to the next step.
  2. Click the “Skip deploy stage” button; We will create this in the next section.
  3. Review your changes and click “Create pipeline”. Your newly created pipeline will now build for the first time!

Image showing the first execution of the CI/CD pipeline

Configure AWS CodeDeploy on Azure and on-premises VMs

Now that we have built our application, we want to deploy it to both the environments – Azure, and on-premises. In the “Install CodeDeploy agent” section we’ve already installed the CodeDeploy agent. As a one-time step we now have to give the CodeDeploy agents access to the AWS environment.  You can leverage AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Roles Anywhere in combination with the code-deploy-session-helper to give access to the AWS resources needed.
The IAM Role should at least have the AWSCodeDeployFullAccess AWS managed policy and Read only access to the CodePipeline S3 bucket in your account (called codepipeline-<region>-<account-id>) .

For more information on how to setup IAM Roles Anywhere please refer how to extend AWS IAM roles to workloads outside of AWS with IAM Roles Anywhere. Alternative ways to configure access can be found in the AWS CodeDeploy user guide. Follow the steps below for instances you want to configure.

  1. Configure your CodeDeploy agent as described in the user guide. Ensure the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is installed on your VM and execute the following command to register the instance with CodeDeploy.
    aws deploy register-on-premises-instance --instance-name <name_for_your_instance> --iam-role-arn <arn_of_your_iam_role>
  1. Tag the instance as follows
    aws deploy add-tags-to-on-premises-instances --instance-names <name_for_your_instance> --tags Key=Application,Value=MyWebApp
  2. You should now see both instances registered in the “CodeDeploy > On-premises instances” panel. You can now deploy application to your Azure VM and on premises VMs!

Image showing the registered instances

Configure AWS CodeDeploy to deploy WebApp

Follow the steps mentioned below to modify the CI/CD pipeline to deploy the application to Azure, and on-premises environments.

  1. Create an IAM role named CodeDeployServiceRole and select CodeDeploy > CodeDeploy as your use case. IAM will automatically select the right policy for you. CodeDeploy will use this role to manage the deployments of your application.
  2. In the AWS console navigate to CodeDeploy > Applications. Click on “Create application”.
  3. Give your application a name and choose “EC2/On-premises” as the compute platform.
  4. Configure the instances we want to deploy to. In the detail view of your application click on “Create deployment group”.
  5. Give your deployment group a name and select the CodeDeployServiceRole.
  6. In the environment configuration section choose On-premises Instances.
  7. Configure the Application, MyWebApp key value pair.
  8. Disable load balancing and leave all other options default.
  9. Click on create deployment group. You should now see your newly created deployment group.

Image showing the created CodeDeploy Application and Deployment group

  1. We can now edit our pipeline to deploy to the newly created deployment group.
  2. Navigate to your previously created Pipeline in the CodePipeline section and click edit. Add the deploy stage by clicking on Add stage and name it Deploy. Aftewards click Add action.
  3. Name your action and choose CodeDeploy as your action provider.
  4. Select “BuildArtifact” as your input artifact and select your newly created application and deployment group.
  5. Click on Done and on Save in your pipeline to confirm the changes. You have now added the deploy step to your pipeline!

Image showing the updated pipeline

This completes the on-time devops pipeline setup, and you will not need to repeat the process.

Automated DevOps pipeline in action

This section demonstrates how the devops pipeline operates end-to-end, and automatically deploys application to Azure VM, and on-premises server when the application code changes.

  1. Click on Release Change to deploy your application for the first time. The release change button manually triggers CodePipeline to update your code. In the next section we will make changes to the repository which triggers the pipeline automatically.
  2. During the “Source” stage your pipeline fetches the latest version from github.
  3. During the “Build” stage your pipeline uses CodeBuild to build your application and generate the deployment artifacts for your pipeline. It uses the buildspec.yml file to determine the build steps.
  4. During the “Deploy” stage your pipeline uses CodeDeploy to deploy the build artifacts to the configured Deployment group – Azure VM and on-premises VM. Navigate to the url of your application to see the results of the deployment process.

Image showing the deployed sample application


Update application code in IDE

You can modify the application code using your favorite IDE. In this example we will change the background color and a paragraph of the sample application.

Image showing modifications being made to the file

Once you’ve modified the code, save the updated file followed by pushing the code to the code repository.

git add .
git commit -m "I made changes to the index.html file "
git push

DevOps pipeline (CodePipeline) – compile, build, and test

Once the code is updated, and pushed to GitHub, the DevOps pipeline (CodePipeline) automatically compiles, builds and tests the modified application. You can navigate to your pipeline (CodePipeline) in the AWS Console, and should see the pipeline running (or has recently completed). CodePipeline automatically executes the Build and Deploy steps. In this case we’re not adding any complex logic, but based on your organization’s requirements you can add any build step, or integrate with other tools.

Image showing CodePipeline in action

Deployment process using CodeDeploy

In this section, we describe how the modified application is deployed to the Azure, and on-premises VMs.

  1. Open your pipeline in the CodePipeline console, and click on the “AWS CodeDeploy” link in the Deploy step to navigate to your deployment group. Open the “Deployments” tab.

Image showing application deployment history

  1. Click on the first deployment in the Application deployment history section. This will show the details of your latest deployment.

Image showing deployment lifecycle events for the deployment

  1. In the “Deployment lifecycle events” section click on one of the “View events” links. This shows you the lifecycle steps executed by CodeDeploy and will display the error log output if any of the steps have failed.

Image showing deployment events on instance

  1. Navigate back to your application. You should now see your changes in the application. You’ve successfully set up a multicloud DevOps pipeline!

Image showing a new version of the deployed application


In summary, the post demonstrated how AWS DevOps tools and services can help organizations build a single release pipeline to deploy applications and workloads in a hybrid and multicloud environment. The post also showed how to set up CI/CD pipeline to deploy applications to AWS, on-premises, and Azure VMs.

If you have any questions or feedback, leave them in the comments section.

About the Authors

Picture of Amandeep

Amandeep Bajwa

Amandeep Bajwa is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS supporting Financial Services enterprises. He helps organizations achieve their business outcomes by identifying the appropriate cloud transformation strategy based on industry trends, and organizational priorities. Some of the areas Amandeep consults on are cloud migration, cloud strategy (including hybrid & multicloud), digital transformation, data & analytics, and technology in general.

Picture of Pawan

Pawan Shrivastava

Pawan Shrivastava is a Partner Solution Architect at AWS in the WWPS team. He focusses on working with partners to provide technical guidance on AWS, collaborate with them to understand their technical requirements, and designing solutions to meet their specific needs. Pawan is passionate about DevOps, automation and CI CD pipelines. He enjoys watching mma, playing cricket and working out in the gym.

Picture of Brent

Brent Van Wynsberge

Brent Van Wynsberge is a Solutions Architect at AWS supporting enterprise customers. He guides organizations in their digital transformation and innovation journey and accelerates cloud adoption. Brent is an IoT enthusiast, specifically in the application of IoT in manufacturing, he is also interested in DevOps, data analytics, containers, and innovative technologies in general.

Picture of Mike

Mike Strubbe

Mike is a Cloud Solutions Architect Manager at AWS with a strong focus on cloud strategy, digital transformation, business value, leadership, and governance. He helps Enterprise customers achieve their business goals through cloud expertise, coupled with strong business acumen skills. Mike is passionate about implementing cloud strategies that enable cloud transformations, increase operational efficiency and drive business value.

Optimize software development with Amazon CodeWhisperer

Post Syndicated from Dhaval Shah original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/optimize-software-development-with-amazon-codewhisperer/

Businesses differentiate themselves by delivering new capabilities to their customers faster. They must leverage automation to accelerate their software development by optimizing code quality, improving performance, and ensuring their software meets security/compliance requirements. Trained on billions of lines of Amazon and open-source code, Amazon CodeWhisperer is an AI coding companion that helps developers write code by generating real-time whole-line and full-function code suggestions in their IDEs. Amazon CodeWhisperer has two tiers: the individual tier is free for individual use, and the professional tier provides administrative capabilities for organizations seeking to grant their developers access to CW. This blog provides a high-level overview of how developers can use CodeWhisperer.

Getting Started

Getting started with CodeWhisperer is straightforward and documented here. After setup, CodeWhisperer integrates with the IDE and provides code suggestions based on comments written in the IDE. Use TAB to accept a suggestion, ESC to reject the suggestion ALT+C (Windows)/Option + C(MAC) to force a suggestion, and left and right arrow keys to switch between suggestions.

CodeWhisperer supports code generation for 15 programming languages. CodeWhisperer can be used in various IDEs like Amazon Sagemaker Studio, Visual Studio Code, AWS Cloud9, AWS Lambda and many JetBrains IDEs. Refer to the Amazon CodeWhisperer documentation for the latest updates on supported languages and IDEs.

Contextual Code Suggestions

CodeWhisperer continuously examines code and comments for contextual code suggestions. It will generate code snippets using this contextual information and the location of your cursor. Illustrated below is an example of a code suggestion from inline comments in Visual Studio Code that demonstrates how CodeWhisperer can provide context-specific code suggestions without requiring the user to manually replace variables or parameters. In the comment, the file and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket are specified, and CodeWhisperer uses this context to suggest relevant code.

Image depicts a person typing on a computer keyboard, with a code editor window on the screen. The code shows a function for uploading a file from a local directory to an Amazon S3 bucket

CodeWhisperer also supports and recommends writing declarative code and procedural code, such as shell scripting and query languages. The following example shows how CodeWhisperer recommend the blocks of code in a shell script to loop through servers to execute the hostname command and save their response to an output file.

Image is a gif of a person typing on a computer keyboard, with a terminal window on the screen displaying a shell script named 'shell_script.sh.' The code defines a list of servers and outputs the file path. As the person types, the code updates with the output path displayed below.

In the following example, based on the comment, CodeWhisperer suggests Structured Query Language (SQL) code for using common table expression.

"Image is a gif of a person typing on a computer keyboard, with a code editor window on the screen displaying a SQL query. The query uses common table expressions to find the age of a product from an inventory table. As the person types, the query updates with the output displayed below in the form of SQL code. The background is a blurred office environment

CodeWhisperer works with popular Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), for more information on IDE’s supported please refer to CodeWhisperer’s documentation. Illustrated below is CodeWhisperer integrated with AWS Lambda console.

"Image is a gif of a person typing on a computer keyboard, with an AWS Lambda console on the screen. The person is entering a prompt to list all the Amazon S3 buckets. As the person types, the console updates with the output code displayed below, which can be executed to show all the S3 buckets."

Amazon CodeWhisperer is a versatile AI coding assistant that can aid in a variety of tasks, including AWS-related tasks and API integrations, as well as external (non AWS) API integrations. For example, illustrated below is CodeWhisperer suggesting code for Twilio’s APIs.

"Image is a gif of a person typing on a computer keyboard, with an integrated development environment (IDE) on the screen. The person is entering a prompt to write a code that uses the Twilio API to make a voice call. As the person types, the IDE updates with the output function displayed below, which can be executed to make the voice call."

Now that we have seen how CodeWhisperer can help with writing code faster, the next section explores how to use AI responsibly.

Use AI responsibly

Developers often leverage open-source code, however run into challenges of license attribution such as attributing the original authors or maintaining the license text. The challenge lies in properly identifying and attributing the relevant open-source components used within a project. With the abundance of open-source libraries and frameworks available, it can be time-consuming and complex to track and attribute each piece of code accurately. Failure to meet the license attribution requirements can result in legal issues, violation of intellectual property rights, and damage to a developer’s reputation. Code Whisperer’s reference tracking continuously monitors suggested code for similarities with known open-source code, allowing developers to make informed decisions about incorporating it into their project and ensuring proper attribution.

"Image is a gif of a code editor window displaying a counting sort function, with a section of the code highlighted. The highlighted section is the implementation of counting sort by digit, suggested by CodeWhisperer. The gif includes a caption mentioning that the implementation is being referenced from MIT. This showcases the capability of CodeWhisperer's reference tracking."

Shift left application security

CodeWhisperer can scan code for hard-to-find vulnerabilities such as those in the top ten Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), or those that don’t meet crypto library best practices, AWS internal security best practices, and others. As of this writing, CodeWhisperer supports security scanning in Python, Java, and JavaScript languages. Below is an illustration of identifying the most known CWEs (Common Weakness Enumeration) along with the ability to dive deep into the problematic line of code with a click of a button.

"Image is a gif of a code editor window displaying a code to download a file, with a section of the code highlighted. Below the code, there is an illustration of the identification of the most common Common Weakness Enumerations (CWEs) found in the code. However, it is mentioned that not all CWEs have been identified. Additionally, the illustration showcases the feature of being able to dive deep into the problematic line of code by clicking a button."

In the following example, CodeWhisperer provides file-by-file analysis of CWE’s and highlights the top 10 OWASP CWEs such as Unsensitized input is run as code, Cross-site scripting, Resource leak, Hardcoded credentials, SQL injection, OS command injection and Insecure hashing.

Image displays a screen with a proceeding from CodeWhisperer. The text highlights the file-by-file analysis of Common Weakness Enumerations (CWEs) and emphasizes the top 10 OWASP CWEs. These include CWE-94, CWE-95, and CWE-96, which pertain to the unsanitized input being executed as code. Additionally, CWE-20, CWE-79, and CWE-80 are related to cross-site scripting. Furthermore, CWE-400 and CWE-664 are associated with resource leaks, while CWE-798 relates to hardcoded credentials. CWE-89 refers to SQL injection, and CWE-77, CWE-78, and CWE-88 are connected to OS command injection. Lastly, CWE-327 and CWE-328 relate to insecure hashing.

Generating Test Cases

A good developer always writes tests. CodeWhisperer can help suggest test cases and verify the code’s functionality. CodeWhisperer considers boundary values, edge cases, and other potential issues that may need to be tested. In the example below, a comment referring to using fact_demo() function leads CodeWhisperer to suggest a unit test for fact_demo() while leveraging contextual details.

"Image is a gif displaying a code editor window, with a section of code highlighted. A comment within the code refers to the use of the fact_demo() function. CodeWhisperer is seen suggesting code for unit testing, leveraging contextual details related to the fact_demo() function. The background is a blurred office environment."

Also, CodeWhisperer can simplify creating repetitive code for unit testing. For example, if you need to create sample data using INSERT statements, CodeWhisperer can generate the necessary inserts based on a pattern.

"Image is a gif of a person typing on a computer keyboard, with an integrated development environment (IDE) on the screen. The person is entering a prompt to insert sample users into a table, with details such as username, password, and status. As the person types, CodeWhisperer builds out the insert query for the user. The IDE updates with the output query displayed below, which can be executed to insert the sample users into the table."

CodeWhisperer with Amazon SageMaker Studio and Jupyter Lab

CodeWhisperer works with SageMaker Studio and Jupyter Lab, providing code completion support for Python in code cells. To utilize CodeWhisperer, follow the setup instructions to activate it in Amazon SageMaker Studio and Jupyter Lab. To begin coding, see User actions.
The following illustration showcases CodeWhisperer’s code recommendations in SageMaker Studio. It demonstrates the suggested code based on comments for loading and analyzing a dataset.

"Image is a gif of an illustration showcasing CodeWhisperer's code recommendations in SageMaker Studio. The illustration shows a code editor window with a section of code highlighted. The code pertains to loading and analyzing a dataset. CodeWhisperer is seen providing code recommendations based on comments within the code. The recommendations appear in the form of a pop-up, with suggested changes displayed."


In conclusion, this blog has highlighted the numerous ways in which developers can leverage CodeWhisperer to increase productivity, streamline workflows, and ensure the development of secure code. By adopting Code Whisperer’s AI-powered features, developers can experience enhanced productivity, accelerated learning, and significant time savings.

To take advantage of CodeWhisperer and optimize your coding process, here are the next steps:

1. Visit feature page to learn more about the benefits of CodeWhisperer.

2. Sign up and start using CodeWhisperer.

3. Read about CodeWhisperer success stories

About the Authors

Headshot of a person in a black background with natural experssion

Vamsi Cherukuri

Vamsi Cherukuri is a Senior Technical Account Manager at Amazon Web Services (AWS), leveraging over 15 years of developer experience in Analytics, application modernization, and data platforms. With a passion for technology, Vamsi takes joy in helping customers achieve accelerated business outcomes through their cloud transformation journey. In his free time, he finds peace in the pursuits of running and biking, frequently immersing himself in the thrilling realm of marathons.

Headshot of a person in a black background with a smile wearing a navy blue tshirt with stripes

Dhaval Shah

Dhaval Shah is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS, specializing in Machine Learning. With a strong focus on digital native businesses, he empowers customers to leverage AWS and drive their business growth. As an ML enthusiast, Dhaval is driven by his passion for creating impactful solutions that bring positive change. In his leisure time, he indulges in his love for travel and cherishes quality moments with his family.

Headshot of a person in a black background with a grey shirt and spectables with natural experssion

Nikhil Sharma

Nikhil Sharma is a Solutions Architecture Leader at Amazon Web Services (AWS) where he and his team of Solutions Architects help AWS customers solve critical business challenges using AWS cloud technologies and services.