Tag Archives: Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)

Deploy consistent DNS with AWS Service Catalog and AWS Control Tower customizations

Post Syndicated from Shiva Vaidyanathan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/deploy-consistent-dns-with-aws-service-catalog-and-aws-control-tower-customizations/

Many organizations need to connect their on-premises data centers, remote sites, and cloud resources. A hybrid connectivity approach connects these different environments. Customers with a hybrid connectivity network need additional infrastructure and configuration for private DNS resolution to work consistently across the network. It is a challenge to build this type of DNS infrastructure for a multi-account environment. However, there are several options available to address this problem with AWS. Automating DNS infrastructure using Route 53 Resolver endpoints covers how to use Resolver endpoints or private hosted zones to manage your DNS infrastructure.

This blog provides another perspective on how to manage DNS infrastructure with  Customizations for Control Tower and AWS Service Catalog. Service Catalog Portfolios and products use AWS CloudFormation to abstract the complexity and provide standardized deployments. The solution enables you to quickly deploy DNS infrastructure compliant with standard practices and baseline configuration.

Control Tower Customizations with Service Catalog solution overview

The solution uses the Customizations for Control Tower framework and AWS Service Catalog to provision the DNS resources across a multi-account setup. The Service Catalog Portfolio created by the solution consists of three Amazon Route 53 products: Outbound DNS product, Inbound DNS product, and Private DNS. Sharing this portfolio with the organization makes the products available to both existing and future accounts in your organization. Users who are given access to AWS Service Catalog can choose to provision these three Route 53 products in a self-service or a programmatic manner.

  1. Outbound DNS product. This solution creates inbound and outbound Route 53 resolver endpoints in a Networking Hub account. Deploying the solution creates a set of Route 53 resolver rules in the same account. These resolver rules are then shared with the organization via AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM). Amazon VPCs in spoke accounts are then associated with the shared resolver rules by the Service Catalog Outbound DNS product.
  2. Inbound DNS product. A private hosted zone is created in the Networking Hub account to provide on-premises resolution of Amazon VPC IP addresses. A DNS forwarder for the cloud namespace is required to be configured by the customer for the on-premises DNS servers. This must point to the IP addresses of the Route 53 Inbound Resolver endpoints. Appropriate resource records (such as a CNAME record to a spoke account resource like an Elastic Load Balancer or a private hosted zone) are added. Once this has been done, the spoke accounts can launch the Inbound DNS Service Catalog product. This activates an AWS Lambda function in the hub account to authorize the spoke VPC to be associated to the Hub account private hosted zone. This should permit a client from on-premises to resolve the IP address of resources in your VPCs in AWS.
  3. Private DNS product. For private hosted zones in the spoke accounts, the corresponding Service Catalog product enables each spoke account to deploy a private hosted zone. The DNS name is a subdomain of the parent domain for your organization. For example, if the parent domain is cloud.example.com, one of the spoke account domains could be called spoke3.cloud.example.com. The product uses the local VPC ID (spoke account) and the Network Hub VPC ID. It also uses the Region for the Network Hub VPC that is associated to this private hosted zone. You provide the ARN of the Amazon SNS topic from the Networking Hub account. This creates an association of the Hub VPC to the newly created private hosted zone, which allows the spoke account to notify the Networking Hub account.

The notification from the spoke account is performed via a custom resource that is a part of the private hosted zone product. Processing of the notification in the Networking Hub account to create the VPC association is performed by a Lambda function in the Networking Hub account. We also record each authorization-association within Amazon DynamoDB tables in the Networking Hub account. One table is mapping the account ID with private hosted zone IDs and domain name, and the second table is mapping hosted zone IDs with VPC IDs.

The following diagram (Figure 1) shows the solution architecture:

Figure 1. A Service Catalog based DNS architecture setup with Route 53 Outbound DNS product, Inbound DNS product, and Route 53 Private DNS product

Figure 1. A Service Catalog based DNS architecture setup with Route 53 Outbound DNS product, Inbound DNS product, and Route 53 Private DNS product


Deployment steps

The deployment of this solution has two phases:

  1. Deploy the Route 53 package to the existing Customizations for Control Tower (CfCT) solution in the management account.
  2. Setup user access, and provision Route 53 products using AWS Service Catalog in spoke accounts.

All the code used in this solution can be found in the GitHub repository.

Phase 1: Deploy the Route 53 package to the existing Customizations for Control Tower solution in the management account

Log in to the AWS Management Console of the management account. Select the Region where you want to deploy the landing zone. Deploy the Customizations for Control Tower (CfCT) Solution.

1. Clone your CfCT AWS CodeCommit repository:

2. Create a directory in the root of your CfCT CodeCommit repo called route53. Create a subdirectory called templates and copy the Route53-DNS-Service-Catalog-Hub-Account.yml template and the Route53-DNS-Service-Catalog-Spoke-Account.yml under the templates folder.

3. Edit the parameters present in file Route53-DNS-Service-Catalog-Hub-Account.json with value appropriate to your environment.

4. Create a S3 bucket leveraging s3Bucket.yml template and customizations.

5. Upload the three product template files (OutboundDNSProduct.yml, InboundDNSProduct.yml, PrivateDNSProduct.yml) to the s3 bucket created in step 4.

6. Under the same route53 directory, create another sub-directory called parameters. Place the updated parameter json file from previous step under this folder.

7. Edit the manifest.yaml file in the root of your CfCT CodeCommit repository to include the Route 53 resource, manifest.yml is provided as a reference. Update the Region values in this example to the Region of your Control Tower. Also update the deployment target account name to the equivalent Networking Hub account within your AWS Organization.

8. Create and push a commit for the changes made to the CfCT solution to your CodeCommit repository.

9. Finally, navigate to AWS CodePipeline in the AWS Management Console to monitor the progress. Validate the deployment of resources via CloudFormation StackSets is complete to the target Networking Hub account.

Phase 2: Setup user access, and provision Route 53 products using AWS Service Catalog in spoke accounts

In this section, we walk through how users can vend products from the shared AWS Service Catalog Portfolio using a self-service model. The following steps will walk you through setting up user access and provision products:

1. Sign in to AWS Management Console of the spoke account in which you want to deploy the Route 53 product.

2. Navigate to the AWS Service Catalog service, and choose Portfolios.

3. On the Imported tab, choose your portfolio as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Imported DNS portfolio (spoke account)

Figure 2. Imported DNS portfolio (spoke account)

4. Choose the Groups, roles, and users pane and add the IAM role, user, or group that you want to use to launch the product.

5. In the left navigation pane, choose Products as shown in Figure 3.

6. On the Products page, choose either of the three products, and then choose Launch Product.

Figure 3. DNS portfolio products (Inbound DNS, Outbound DNS, and Private DNS products)

Figure 3. DNS portfolio products (Inbound DNS, Outbound DNS, and Private DNS products)

7. On the Launch Product page, enter a name for your provisioned product, and provide the product parameters:

  • Outbound DNS product:
    • ChildDomainNameResolverRuleId: Rule ID for the Shared Route 53 Resolver rule for child domains.
    • OnPremDomainResolverRuleID: Rule ID for the Shared Route 53 Resolver rule for on-premises DNS domain.
    • LocalVPCID: Enter the VPC ID, which the Route 53 Resolver rules are to be associated with (for example: vpc-12345).
  • Inbound DNS product:
    • NetworkingHubPrivateHostedZoneDomain: Domain of the private hosted zone in the hub account.
    • LocalVPCID: Enter the ID of the VPC from the account and Region where you are provisioning this product (for example: vpc-12345).
    • SNSAuthorizationTopicArn: Enter ARN of the SNS topic belonging to the Networking Hub account.
  • Private DNS product:
    • DomainName: the FQDN for the private hosted zone (for example: account1.parent.internal.com).
    • LocalVPCId: Enter the ID of the VPC from the account and Region where you are provisioning this product.
    • AdditionalVPCIds: Enter the ID of the VPC from the Network Hub account that you want to associate to your private hosted zone.
    • AdditionalAccountIds: Provide the account IDs of the VPCs mentioned in AdditionalVPCIds.
    • NetworkingHubAccountId: Account ID of the Networking Hub account
    • SNSAssociationTopicArn: Enter ARN of the SNS topic belonging to the Networking Hub account.

8. Select Next and Launch Product.

Validation of Control Tower Customizations with Service Catalog solution

For the Outbound DNS product:

  • Validate the successful DNS infrastructure provisioning. To do this, navigate to Route 53 service in the AWS Management Console. Under the Rules section, select the rule you provided when provisioning the product.
  • Under that Rule, confirm that spoke VPC is associated to this rule.
  • For further validation, launch an Amazon EC2 instance in one of the spoke accounts.  Resolve the DNS name of a record present in the on-premises DNS domain using the dig utility.

For the Inbound DNS product:

  • In the Networking Hub account, navigate to the Route 53 service in the AWS Management Console. Select the private hosted zone created here for inbound access from on-premises. Verify the presence of resource records and the VPCs to ensure spoke account VPCs are associated.
  • For further validation, from a client on-premises, resolve the DNS name of one of your AWS specific domains, using the dig utility, for example.

For the Route 53 private hosted zone (Private DNS) product:

  • Navigate to the hosted zone in the Route 53 AWS Management Console.
  • Expand the details of this hosted zone. You should see the VPCs (VPC IDs that were provided as inputs) associated during product provisioning.
  • For further validation, create a DNS A record in the Route 53 private hosted zone of one of the spoke accounts.
  • Spin up an EC2 instance in the VPC of another spoke account.
  • Resolve the DNS name of the record created in the previous step using the dig utility.
  • Additionally, the details of each VPC and private hosted zone association is maintained within DynamoDB tables in the Networking Hub account

Cleanup steps

All the resources deployed through CloudFormation templates should be deleted after successful testing and validation to avoid any unwanted costs.

  • Remove the changes made to the CfCT repo to remove the references to the Route 53 folder in the manifest.yaml and the route53 folder. Then commit and push the changes to prevent future re-deployment.
  • Go to the CloudFormation console, identify the stacks appropriately, and delete them.
  • In spoke accounts, you can shut down the provisioned AWS Service Catalog product(s), which would terminate the corresponding CloudFormation stacks on your behalf.

Note: In a multi account setup, you must navigate through account boundaries and follow the previous steps where products were deployed.


In this post, we showed you how to create a portfolio using AWS Service Catalog. It contains a Route 53 Outbound DNS product, an Inbound DNS product, and a Private DNS product. We described how you can share this portfolio with your AWS Organization. Using this solution, you can provision Route 53 infrastructure in a programmatic, repeatable manner to standardize your DNS infrastructure.

We hope that you’ve found this post informative and we look forward to hearing how you use this feature!

Automate your Data Extraction for Oil Well Data with Amazon Textract

Post Syndicated from Ashutosh Pateriya original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/automate-your-data-extraction-for-oil-well-data-with-amazon-textract/

Traditionally, many businesses archive physical formats of their business documents. These can be invoices, sales memos, purchase orders, vendor-related documents, and inventory documents. As more and more businesses are moving towards digitizing their business processes, it is becoming challenging to effectively manage these documents and perform business analytics on them. For example, in the Oil and Gas (O&G) industry, companies have numerous documents that are generated through the exploration and production lifecycle of an oil well. These documents can provide many insights that can help inform business decisions.

As documents are usually stored in a paper format, information retrieval can be time consuming and cumbersome. Even those available in a digital format may not have adequate metadata associated to efficiently perform search and build insights.

In this post, you will learn how to build a text extraction solution using Amazon Textract service. This will automatically extract text and data from scanned documents and upload into Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). We will show you how to find insights and relationships in the extracted text using Amazon Comprehend. This data is indexed and populated into Amazon OpenSearch Service to search and visualize it in a Kibana dashboard.

Figure 1 illustrates a solution built with AWS, which extracts O&G well data information from PDF documents. This solution is serverless and built using AWS Managed Services. This will help you to decrease system maintenance overhead while making your solution scalable and reliable.

Figure 1. Automated form data extraction architecture

Figure 1. Automated form data extraction architecture

Following are the high-level steps:

  1. Upload an image file or PDF document to Amazon S3 for analysis. Amazon S3 is a durable document storage used for central document management.
  2. Amazon S3 event initiates the AWS Lambda function Fn-A. AWS Lambda has functional logic to call the Amazon Textract and Comprehend services and processing.
  3. AWS Lambda function Fn-A invokes Amazon Textract to extract text as key-value pairs from image or PDF. Amazon Textract automatically extracts data from the scanned documents.
  4. Amazon Textract sends the extracted keys from image/PDF to Amazon SNS.
  5. Amazon SNS notifies Amazon SQS when text extraction is complete by sending the extracted keys to Amazon SQS.
  6. Amazon SQS initiates AWS Lambda function Fn-B with the extracted keys.
  7. AWS Lambda function Fn-B invokes Amazon Comprehend for the custom entity recognition. Comprehend uses custom-trained machine learning (ML) to find discrepancies in key names from Amazon Textract.
  8. The data is indexed and loaded into Amazon OpenSearch, which indexes and visualizes the data.
  9. Kibana processes the indexed data.
  10. User accesses Kibana to search documents.

Steps illustrated with more detail:

1. User uploads the document for analysis to Amazon S3. Uploaded document can be an image file or a PDF. Here we are using the S3 console for document upload. Figure 2 shows the sample file used for this demo.

Figure 2. Sample input form

Figure 2. Sample input form

2. Amazon S3 upload event initiates AWS Lambda function Fn-A. Refer to the AWS tutorial to learn about S3 Lambda configuration. View Sample code for Lambda FunctionA.

3. AWS Lambda function Fn-A invokes Amazon Textract. Amazon Textract uses artificial intelligence (AI) to read as a human would, by extracting text, layouts, tables, forms, and structured data with context and without configuration, training, or custom code.

4. Amazon Textract starts processing the file as it is uploaded. This process takes few minutes since the file is a multipage document.

5. Amazon SNS notifies Amazon Textract of completion. Amazon Textract processing works asynchronously, as we decouple our architecture using Amazon SQS. To configure Amazon SNS to send data to Amazon SQS:

  • Create an SNS topic. ‘AmazonTextract-SNS’ is the SNS topic that we created for this demo.
  • Then create an SQS queue. ‘AmazonTextract-SQS’ is the queue that we created for this demo.
  • To receive messages published to a topic, you must subscribe an endpoint to the topic. When you subscribe an endpoint to a topic, the endpoint begins to receive messages published to the associated topic. Figure 3 shows the SNS topic ‘AmazonTextract-SNS’ subscribed to Amazon SQS queue.
Figure 3. Amazon SNS configuration

Figure 3. Amazon SNS configuration

Figure 4. Amazon SQS configuration

Figure 4. Amazon SQS configuration

6. Configure SQS queue to initiate the AWS Lambda function Fn-B. This should happen upon receiving extracted data via SNS topic. Refer to this SQS tutorial to learn about SQS Lambda configuration. See Sample code for Lambda FunctionB.

7. AWS Lambda function Fn-B invokes Amazon Comprehend for the custom entity recognition.

Figure 5. Lambda FunctionB configuration in Amazon Comprehend

Figure 5. Lambda FunctionB configuration in Amazon Comprehend

  • Configure Amazon Comprehend to create a custom entity recognition (text-job2) for the entities. These can be API Number, Lease_Number, Water_Depth, Well_Number, and can use the model created in previous step (well_no, well#, well num). For instructions on labeling your data, see Developing NER models with Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth and Amazon Comprehend.
Figure 6. Comprehend job

Figure 6. Comprehend job

  • Now create an endpoint for the custom entity recognition for the Lambda function, to send the data to Amazon Comprehend service, as shown in Figure 7 and 8.
Figure 7. Comprehend endpoint creation

Figure 7. Comprehend endpoint creation

  • Copy the Amazon Comprehend endpoint ARN to include it in the Lambda function as an environment variable (see Figure 5).
Figure 8. Comprehend endpoint created successfully

Figure 8. Comprehend endpoint created successfully

8. Launch an Amazon OpenSearch domain. See Creating and managing Amazon OpenSearch Service domains. The data is indexed and populated into Amazon OpenSearch. The Amazon OpenSearch domain name is configured at Lambda FnB as an environment variable to push the extracted data to OpenSearch.

9. Kibana processes the indexed data from Amazon OpenSearch. Amazon OpenSearch data is populated on Kibana, shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Kibana dashboard showing Amazon OpenSearch data

Figure 9. Kibana dashboard showing Amazon OpenSearch data

10. Access Kibana for document search. The selected fields can be viewed as a table using filters, see Figure 10.

Figure 10. Kibana dashboard table view for selected fields

Figure 10. Kibana dashboard table view for selected fields

You can s­earch the LEASE_NUMBER = OCS-031, as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Kibana dashboard search on Lease Number

Figure 11. Kibana dashboard search on Lease Number

OR you can search all the information for the WATER_DEPTH = 60, see Figure 12.

Figure 12. Kibana dashboard search on Water Depth

Figure 12. Kibana dashboard search on Water Depth


  1. Shut down OpenSearch domain
  2. Delete the Comprehend endpoint
  3. Clear objects from S3 bucket


Data is growing at an enormous pace in all industries. As we have shown, you can build an ML-based text extraction solution to uncover the unstructured data from PDFs or images. You can derive intelligence from diverse data sources by incorporating a data extraction and optimization function. You can gain insights into the undiscovered data, by leveraging managed ML services, Amazon Textract, and Amazon Comprehend.

The extracted data from PDFs or images is indexed and populated into Amazon OpenSearch. You can use Kibana to search and visualize the data. By implementing this solution, customers can reduce the costs of physical document storage, in addition to labor costs for manually identifying relevant information.

This solution will drive decision-making efficiency. We discussed the oil and gas industry vertical as an example for this blog. But this solution can be applied to any industry that has physical/scanned documents such as legal documents, purchase receipts, inventory reports, invoices, and purchase orders.

For further reading:

Automating Anomaly Detection in Ecommerce Traffic Patterns

Post Syndicated from Aditya Pendyala original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/automating-anomaly-detection-in-ecommerce-traffic-patterns/

Many organizations with large ecommerce presences have procedures to detect major anomalies in their user traffic. Often, these processes use static alerts or manual monitoring. However, the ability to detect minor anomalies in traffic patterns near real-time can be challenging. Early detection of these minor anomalies in ecommerce traffic (such as website page visits and order completions) helps organizations take corrective actions to address issues. This decreases negative impacts to business key performance indicators (KPIs).

In this blog post, we will demonstrate an artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) solution using AWS services. We’ll show how Amazon Kinesis and Amazon Lookout for Metrics can be used to detect major and minor anomalies near-real time, based on historical and current traffic trends.

The inconsistency of ecommerce traffic

The ecommerce traffic (and number of orders placed) varies based on season, month, date, and time of day. For example, ecommerce websites experience high traffic during weekday evening hours, compared to morning hours. Similarly, there is a spike in web traffic on weekends, compared to weekdays. However, the ecommerce traffic on holiday events (for example, Black Friday, Cyber Monday) does not follow this trend. Due to such dynamic and varying patterns, detecting minor anomalies in user traffic near-real time becomes difficult.

We need a smart solution that can detect the smallest deviation in user traffic based on historical data (date and time). As you can imagine, programming these trends based on static rules is time-intensive. In the next section, we discuss a solution that can help organizations automate and detect minor (and major) anomalies while still accounting for varying traffic trends.

The components of our anomaly detection solution

The architecture consists of three functional components:

  • The ecommerce application that customers use for interaction
  • The data ingesting, transforming, and storage platform
  • Anomaly detection and notification

This solution automates data ingestion and anomaly detection, and provides a graphical user interface to interact, tweak, and filter anomalies based on severity.

Figure 1 illustrates the architecture of this solution:

Figure 1. Architecture diagram of an anomaly detection solution for ecommerce traffic

Figure 1. Architecture diagram of an anomaly detection solution for ecommerce traffic

Let’s look at the individual components of this architecture before reviewing the overall solution.

The ecommerce application that customers use for interaction 

A customer’s journey of purchasing a product online involves user actions that include:

  • Searching for and viewing the product on the “Product Display Page” (PDP)
  • Adding to the “cart”
  • Completing the purchase on the “checkout“ page

The traffic on these pages is broken down into chunks based on time intervals. These serve as the data points that we can use to understand traffic patterns.

The data ingesting, transforming, and storage platform

Ecommerce applications generate data in multiple formats and in different volumes. This data must be fed into a streaming platform that can ingest and collect data continuously. Typically, the data must be transformed and stored for analysis and machine learning purposes. To satisfy these requirements, we will use Amazon Kinesis Data Streams as a streaming platform for data ingestion. Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose with AWS Lambda can transform the data. And we’ll store the data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).

Anomaly detection and notification in near-real time

Once our data is ready, we must analyze it near-real time to identify anomalies. We must notify the concerned team about this anomaly so that they can take necessary corrective actions, if needed. We will use Lookout for Metrics and Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) to satisfy these requirements.

Lookout for Metrics can detect and diagnose anomalies in traffic patterns using ML. Amazon Lookout for Metrics accepts feedback on detected anomalies and tunes the results to improve accuracy over time. Lookout for Metrics is also capable of integrating with Amazon SNS, which can send notifications via SMS, mobile push, and emails.

Monitoring ecommerce traffic with Lookout for Metrics

As shown in Figure 1, data from user traffic and user interactions with the ecommerce application is captured as a function of time, and ingested into Kinesis Data Streams. Using Kinesis Data Firehose and Lambda, data is transformed and stored in an S3 bucket. We then create a detector in Lookout for Metrics and use the S3 bucket as the data source. Because of seamless integration between S3 and Lookout for Metrics, data from S3 bucket is automatically ingested into the detector we created.

Once the detector is activated, Lookout for Metrics will start monitoring the data for anomalies, and start identifying the anomalies near-real time. Lookout for Metrics also provides a mechanism to adjust severity threshold on a scale of 0-100, which will help decrease false positives as much as desired. In addition, it integrates with SNS, and can publish notifications to an SNS Topic. An email/ SMS or mobile push subscription can be created on this topic, which will notify users about any current anomalies.


In this post, we discussed how minor anomalies are hard to detect near-real time in ecommerce traffic of organizations. We also discussed the services that can be used to monitor these anomalies, such as Lookout for Metrics. Use this architecture to help you monitor, detect anomalies in near-real time, and reduce any negative impact to your business KPIs.

For further reading:

ICYMI: Serverless Q4 2021

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/icymi-serverless-q4-2021/

Welcome to the 15th edition of the AWS Serverless ICYMI (in case you missed it) quarterly recap. Every quarter, we share all of the most recent product launches, feature enhancements, blog posts, webinars, Twitch live streams, and other interesting things that you might have missed!

Q4 calendar

In case you missed our last ICYMI, check out what happened last quarter here.

AWS Lambda

For developers using Amazon MSK as an event source, Lambda has expanded authentication options to include IAM, in addition to SASL/SCRAM. Lambda also now supports mutual TLS authentication for Amazon MSK and self-managed Kafka as an event source.

Lambda also launched features to make it easier to operate across AWS accounts. You can now invoke Lambda functions from Amazon SQS queues in different accounts. You must grant permission to the Lambda function’s execution role and have SQS grant cross-account permissions. For developers using container packaging for Lambda functions, Lambda also now supports pulling images from Amazon ECR in other AWS accounts. To learn about the permissions required, see this documentation.

The service now supports a partial batch response when using SQS as an event source for both standard and FIFO queues. When messages fail to process, Lambda marks the failed messages and allows reprocessing of only those messages. This helps to improve processing performance and may reduce compute costs.

Lambda launched content filtering options for functions using SQS, DynamoDB, and Kinesis as an event source. You can specify up to five filter criteria that are combined using OR logic. This uses the same content filtering language that’s used in Amazon EventBridge, and can dramatically reduce the number of downstream Lambda invocations.

Amazon EventBridge

Previously, you could consume Amazon S3 events in EventBridge via CloudTrail. Now, EventBridge receives events from the S3 service directly, making it easier to build serverless workflows triggered by activity in S3. You can use content filtering in rules to identify relevant events and forward these to 18 service targets, including AWS Lambda. You can also use event archive and replay, making it possible to reprocess events in testing, or in the event of an error.

AWS Step Functions

The AWS Batch console has added support for visualizing Step Functions workflows. This makes it easier to combine these services to orchestrate complex workflows over business-critical batch operations, such as data analysis or overnight processes.

Additionally, Amazon Athena has also added console support for visualizing Step Functions workflows. This can help when building distributed data processing pipelines, allowing Step Functions to orchestrate services such as AWS Glue, Amazon S3, or Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose.

Synchronous Express Workflows now supports AWS PrivateLink. This enables you to start these workflows privately from within your virtual private clouds (VPCs) without traversing the internet. To learn more about this feature, read the What’s New post.

Amazon SNS

Amazon SNS announced support for token-based authentication when sending push notifications to Apple devices. This creates a secure, stateless communication between SNS and the Apple Push Notification (APN) service.

SNS also launched the new PublishBatch API which enables developers to send up to 10 messages to SNS in a single request. This can reduce cost by up to 90%, since you need fewer API calls to publish the same number of messages to the service.

Amazon SQS

Amazon SQS released an enhanced DLQ management experience for standard queues. This allows you to redrive messages from a DLQ back to the source queue. This can be configured in the AWS Management Console, as shown here.

Amazon DynamoDB

The NoSQL Workbench for DynamoDB is a tool to simplify designing, visualizing and querying DynamoDB tables. The tools now supports importing sample data from CSV files and exporting the results of queries.

DynamoDB announced the new Standard-Infrequent Access table class. Use this for tables that store infrequently accessed data to reduce your costs by up to 60%. You can switch to the new table class without an impact on performance or availability and without changing application code.

AWS Amplify

AWS Amplify now allows developers to override Amplify-generated IAM, Amazon Cognito, and S3 configurations. This makes it easier to customize the generated resources to best meet your application’s requirements. To learn more about the “amplify override auth” command, visit the feature’s documentation.

Similarly, you can also add custom AWS resources using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) or AWS CloudFormation. In another new feature, developers can then export Amplify backends as CDK stacks and incorporate them into their deployment pipelines.

AWS Amplify UI has launched a new Authenticator component for React, Angular, and Vue.js. Aside from the visual refresh, this provides the easiest way to incorporate social sign-in in your frontend applications with zero-configuration setup. It also includes more customization options and form capabilities.

AWS launched AWS Amplify Studio, which automatically translates designs made in Figma to React UI component code. This enables you to connect UI components visually to backend data, providing a unified interface that can accelerate development.

AWS AppSync

You can now use custom domain names for AWS AppSync GraphQL endpoints. This enables you to specify a custom domain for both GraphQL API and Realtime API, and have AWS Certificate Manager provide and manage the certificate.

To learn more, read the feature’s documentation page.

News from other services

Serverless blog posts




AWS re:Invent breakouts

AWS re:Invent was held in Las Vegas from November 29 to December 3, 2021. The Serverless DA team presented numerous breakouts, workshops and chalk talks. Rewatch all our breakout content:


We also launched an interactive serverless application at re:Invent to help customers get caffeinated!

Serverlesspresso is a contactless, serverless order management system for a physical coffee bar. The architecture comprises several serverless apps that support an ordering process from a customer’s smartphone to a real espresso bar. The customer can check the virtual line, place an order, and receive a notification when their drink is ready for pickup.

Serverlesspresso booth

You can learn more about the architecture and download the code repo at https://serverlessland.com/reinvent2021/serverlesspresso. You can also see a video of the exhibit.


Serverless Land videos

Serverless Office Hours – Tues 10 AM PT

Weekly live virtual office hours. In each session we talk about a specific topic or technology related to serverless and open it up to helping you with your real serverless challenges and issues. Ask us anything you want about serverless technologies and applications.

YouTube: youtube.com/serverlessland
Twitch: twitch.tv/aws




Still looking for more?

The Serverless landing page has more information. The Lambda resources page contains case studies, webinars, whitepapers, customer stories, reference architectures, and even more Getting Started tutorials.

You can also follow the Serverless Developer Advocacy team on Twitter to see the latest news, follow conversations, and interact with the team.

Modernized Database Queuing using Amazon SQS and AWS Services

Post Syndicated from Scott Wainner original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/modernized-database-queuing-using-amazon-sqs-and-aws-services/

A queuing system is composed of producers and consumers. A producer enqueues messages (writes messages to a database) and a consumer dequeues messages (reads messages from the database). Business applications requiring asynchronous communications often use the relational database management system (RDBMS) as the default message storage mechanism. But the increased message volume, complexity, and size, competes with the inherent functionality of the database. The RDBMS becomes a bottleneck for message delivery, while also impacting other traditional enterprise uses of the database.

In this blog, we will show how you can mitigate the RDBMS performance constraints by using Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), while retaining the intrinsic value of the stored relational data.

Problems with legacy queuing methods

Commercial databases such as Oracle offer Advanced Queuing (AQ) mechanisms, while SQL Server supports Service Broker for queuing. The database acts as a message queue system when incoming messages are captured along with metadata. A message stored in a database is often processed multiple times using a sequence of message extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL). The message is then routed for distribution to a set of recipients based on logic that is often also stored in the database.

The repetitive manipulation of messages and iterative attempts at distributing pending messages may create a backlog that interferes with the primary function of the database. This backpressure can propagate to other systems that are trying to store and retrieve data from the database and cause a performance issue (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. A relational database serving as a message queue.

Figure 1. A relational database serving as a message queue.

There are several scenarios where the database can become a bottleneck for message processing:

Message metadata. Messages consist of the payload (the content of the message) and metadata that describes the attributes of the message. The metadata often includes routing instructions, message disposition, message state, and payload attributes.

  • The message metadata may require iterative transformation during the message processing. This creates an inefficient sequence of read, transform, and write processes. This is especially inefficient if the message attributes undergo multiple transformations that must be reflected in the metadata. The iterative read/write process of metadata consumes the database IOPS, and forces the database to scale vertically (add more CPU and more memory).
  • A new paradigm emerges when message management processes exist outside of the database. Here, the metadata is manipulated without interacting with the database, except to write the final message disposition. Application logic can be applied through functions such as AWS Lambda to transform the message metadata.

Message large object (LOB). A message may contain a large binary object that must be stored in the payload.

  • Storing large binary objects in the RDBMS is expensive. Manipulating them consumes the throughput of the database with iterative read/write operations. If the LOB must be transformed, then it becomes wasteful to store the object in the database.
  • An alternative approach offers a more efficient message processing sequence. The large object is stored external to the database in universally addressable object storage, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). There is only a pointer to the object that is stored in the database. Smaller elements of the message can be read from or written to the database, while large objects can be manipulated more efficiently in object storage resources.

Message fan-out. A message can be loaded into the database and analyzed for routing, where the same message must be distributed to multiple recipients.

  • Messages that require multiple recipients may require a copy of the message replicated for each recipient. The replication creates multiple writes and reads from the database, which is inefficient.
  • A new method captures only the routing logic and target recipients in the database. The message replication then occurs outside of the database in distributed messaging systems, such as Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).

Message queuing. Messages are often kept in the database until they are successfully processed for delivery. If a message is read from the database and determined to be undeliverable, then the message is kept there until a later attempt is successful.

  • An inoperable message delivery process can create backpressure on the database where iterative message reads are processed for the same message with unsuccessful delivery. This creates a feedback loop causing even more unsuccessful work for the database.
  • Try a message queuing system such as Amazon MQ or Amazon SQS, which offloads the message queuing from the database. These services offer efficient message retry mechanisms, and reduce iterative reads from the database.

Sequenced message delivery. Messages may require ordered delivery where the delivery sequence is crucial for maintaining application integrity.

  • The application may capture the message order within database tables, but the sorting function still consumes processing capabilities. The order sequence must be sorted and maintained for each attempted message delivery.
  • Message order can be maintained outside of the database using a queue system, such as Amazon SQS, with first-in/first-out (FIFO) delivery.

Message scheduling. Messages may also be queued with a scheduled delivery attribute. These messages require an event driven architecture with initiated scheduled message delivery.

  • The database often uses trigger mechanisms to initiate message delivery. Message delivery may require a synchronized point in time for delivery (many messages at once), which can cause a spike in work at the scheduled interval. This impacts the database performance with artificially induced peak load intervals.
  • Event signals can be generated in systems such as Amazon EventBridge, which can coordinate the transmission of messages.

Message disposition. Each message maintains a message disposition state that describes the delivery state.

  • The database is often used as a logging system for message transmission status. The message metadata is updated with the disposition of the message, while the message remains in the database as an artifact.
  • An optimized technique is available using Amazon CloudWatch as a record of message disposition.

Modernized queuing architecture

Decoupling message queuing from the database improves database availability and enables greater message queue scalability. It also provides a more cost-effective use of the database, and mitigates backpressure created when database performance is constrained by message management.

The modernized architecture uses loosely coupled services, such as Amazon S3, AWS Lambda, Amazon Message Queue, Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS, Amazon EventBridge, and Amazon CloudWatch. This loosely coupled architecture lets each of the functional components scale vertically and horizontally independent of the other functions required for message queue management.

Figure 2 depicts a message queuing architecture that uses Amazon SQS for message queuing and AWS Lambda for message routing, transformation, and disposition management. An RDBMS is still leveraged to retain metadata profiles, routing logic, and message disposition. The ETL processes are handled by AWS Lambda, while large objects are stored in Amazon S3. Finally, message fan-out distribution is handled by Amazon SNS, and the queue state is monitored and managed by Amazon CloudWatch and Amazon EventBridge.

Figure 2. Modernized queuing architecture using Amazon SQS

Figure 2. Modernized queuing architecture using Amazon SQS


In this blog, we show how queuing functionality can be migrated from the RDMBS while minimizing changes to the business application. The RDBMS continues to play a central role in sourcing the message metadata, running routing logic, and storing message disposition. However, AWS services such as Amazon SQS offload queue management tasks related to the messages. AWS Lambda performs message transformation, queues the message, and transmits the message with massive scale, fault-tolerance, and efficient message distribution.

Read more about the diverse capabilities of AWS messaging services:

By using AWS services, the RDBMS is no longer a performance bottleneck in your business applications. This improves scalability, and provides resilient, fault-tolerant, and efficient message delivery.

Read our blog on modernization of common database functions:

Migrating a Database Workflow to Modernized AWS Workflow Services

Post Syndicated from Scott Wainner original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/migrating-a-database-workflow-to-modernized-aws-workflow-services/

The relational database is a critical resource in application architecture. Enterprise organizations often use relational database management systems (RDBMS) to provide embedded workflow state management. But this can present problems, such as inefficient use of data storage and compute resources, performance issues, and decreased agility. Add to this the responsibility of managing workflow states through custom triggers and job-based algorithms, which further exacerbate the performance constraints of the database. The complexity of modern workflows, frequency of runtime, and external dependencies encourages us to seek alternatives to using these database mechanisms.

This blog describes how to use modernized workflow methods that will mitigate database scalability constraints. We’ll show how transitioning your workflow state management from a legacy database workflow to AWS services enables new capabilities with scale.

A workflow system is composed of an ordered set of tasks. Jobs are submitted to the workflow where tasks are initiated in the proper sequence to achieve consistent results. Each task is defined with a task input criterion, task action, task output, and task disposition, see Figure 1.

Figure 1. Task with input criteria, an action, task output, and task disposition

Figure 1. Task with input criteria, an action, task output, and task disposition

Embedded Workflow

Figure 2 depicts the database serving as the workflow state manager where an external entity submits a job for execution into the database workflow. This can be challenging, as the embedded workflow definition requires the use of well-defined database primitives. In addition, any external tasks require tight coupling with database primitives that constrains workflow agility.

Figure 2. Embedded database workflow mechanisms with internal and external task entities

Figure 2. Embedded database workflow mechanisms with internal and external task entities

Externalized workflow

A paradigm change is made with use of a modernized workflow management system, where the workflow state exists external to the relational database. A workflow management system is essentially a modernized database specifically designed to manage the workflow state (depicted in Figure 3.)

Figure 3. External task manager extracting workflow state, job data, performing the task, and re-inserting the job data back into the database

Figure 3. External task manager extracting workflow state, job data, performing the task, and re-inserting the job data back into the database

AWS offers two workflow state management services: Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF) and AWS Step Functions. The workflow definition and workflow state are no longer stored in a relational database; these workflow attributes are incorporated into the AWS service. The AWS services are highly scalable, enable flexible workflow definition, and integrate tasks from many other systems, including relational databases. These capabilities vastly expand the types of tasks available in a workflow. Migrating the workflow management to an AWS service reduces demand placed upon the database. In this way, the database’s primary value of representing structured and relational data is preserved. AWS Step Functions offers a well-defined set of task  primitives for the workflow designer. The designer can still incorporate tasks that leverage the inherent relational database capabilities.

Pull and push workflow models

First, we must differentiate between Amazon SWF and AWS Step Functions to determine which service is optimal for your workflow. Amazon SWF uses an HTTPS API pull model where external Workers and Deciders execute Tasks and assert the Next-Step, respectively. The workflow state is captured in the Amazon SWF history table. This table tracks the state of jobs and tasks so a common reference exists for all the candidate Workers and Deciders.

Amazon SWF does require development of external entities that make the appropriate API calls into Amazon SWF. It inherently supports external tasks that require human intervention. This workflow can tolerate long lead times for task execution. The Amazon SWF pull model is represented in the Figure 4.

Figure 4. ‘Pull model’ for workflow definition when using Amazon SWF

Figure 4. ‘Pull model’ for workflow definition when using Amazon SWF

In contrast, AWS Step Functions uses a push model, shown in Figure 5, that initiates workflow tasks and integrates seamlessly with other AWS services. AWS Step Functions may also incorporate mechanisms that enable long-running tasks that require human intervention. AWS Step Functions provides the workflow state management, requires minimal coding, and provides traceability of all transactions.

Figure 5. ‘Push model’ for workflow definition when using AWS Step Functions

Figure 5. ‘Push model’ for workflow definition when using AWS Step Functions

Workflow optimizations

The introduction of an external workflow manager such as AWS Step Functions or Amazon SWF, can effectively handle long-running tasks, computationally complex processes, or large media files. AWS workflow managers support asynchronous call-back mechanisms to track task completion. The state of the workflow is intrinsically captured in the service, and the logging of state transitions is automatically captured. Computationally expensive tasks are addressed by invoking high-performance computational resources.

Finally, the AWS workflow manager also improves the handling of large data objects. Previously, jobs would transfer large data objects (images, videos, or audio) into a database’s embedded workflow manager. But this impacts the throughput capacity and consumes database storage.

In the new paradigm, large data objects are no longer transferred to the workflow as jobs, but as job pointers. These are transferred to the workflow whenever tasks must reference external object storage systems. The sequence of state transitions can be traced through CloudWatch Events. This verifies workflow completion, diagnostics of task execution (start, duration, and stop) and metrics on the number of jobs entering the various workflows.

Large data objects are best captured in more cost-effective object storage solutions such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Data records may be conveyed via a variety of NoSQL storage mechanisms including:

The workflow manager stores pointer references so tasks can directly access these data objects and perform transformation on the data. It provides pointers to the results without transferring the data objects to the workflow. Transferring pointers in the workflow as opposed to transferring large data objects significantly improves the performance, reduces costs, and dramatically improves scalability. You may continue to use the RDBMS for the storage of structured data and use its SQL capabilities with structured tables, joins, and stored procedures. AWS Step Functions enable indirect integration with relational databases using tools such as the following:

  • AWS Lambda: Short-lived execution of custom code to handle tasks
  • AWS Glue: Data integration enabling combination and preparation of data including SQL

AWS Step Functions can be coupled with AWS Lambda, a serverless compute capability. Lambda code can manipulate the job data and incorporate many other AWS services. AWS Lambda can also interact with any relational database including Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) or Amazon Aurora as the executor of a task.

The modernized architecture shown in Figure 6 offers more flexibility in creating new workflows that can evolve with your business requirements.

Figure 6. Using Step Functions as workflow state manager

Figure 6. Using Step Functions as workflow state manager


Several key advantages are highlighted with this modernized architecture using either Amazon SWF or AWS Step Functions:

  • You can manage multiple versions of a workflow. Backwards compatibility is maintained as capability expands. Previous business requirements using metadata interpretation on job submission is preserved.
  • Tasks leverage loose coupling of external systems. This provides far more data processing and data manipulation capabilities in a workflow.
  • Upgrades can happen independently. A loosely coupled system enables independent upgrade capabilities of the workflow or the external system executing the task.
  • Automatic scaling. Serverless architecture scales automatically with the growth in job submissions.
  • Managed services. AWS provides highly resilient and fault tolerant managed services
  • Recovery. Instance recovery mechanisms can manage workflow state machines.

The modernized workflow using Amazon SWF or AWS Step Functions offers many key advantages. It enables application agility to adapt to changing business requirements. By using a managed service, the enterprise architect can focus on the workflow requirements and task actions, rather than building out a workflow management system. Finally, critical intellectual property developed in the RDBMS system can be preserved as tasks in the modernized workflow using AWS services.

Further reading:

Publishing messages in batch to Amazon SNS topics

Post Syndicated from Talia Nassi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/publishing-messages-in-batch-to-amazon-sns-topics/

This post is written by Heeki Park (Principal Solutions Architect, Serverless Specialist), Marc Pinaud (Senior Product Manager, Amazon SNS), Amir Eldesoky (Software Development Engineer, Amazon SNS), Jack Li (Software Development Engineer, Amazon SNS), and William Nguyen (Software Development Engineer, Amazon SNS).

Today, we are announcing the ability for AWS customers to publish messages in batch to Amazon SNS topics. Until now, you were only able to publish one message to an SNS topic per Publish API request. With the new PublishBatch API, you can send up to 10 messages at a time in a single API request. This reduces cost for API requests by up to 90%, as you need fewer API requests to publish the same number of messages.

Introducing the PublishBatch API

Consider a log processing application where you process system logs and have different requirements for downstream processing. For example, you may want to do inference on
incoming log data, populate an operational Amazon OpenSearch Service environment, and store log data in an enterprise data lake.

Systems send log data to a standard SNS topic, and Amazon SQS queues and Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose are configured as subscribers. An AWS Lambda function subscribes to the first SQS queue and uses machine learning models to perform inference to detect security incidents or system access anomalies. A Lambda function subscribes to the second SQS queue and emits those log entries to an Amazon OpenSearch Service cluster. The workload uses Kibana dashboards to visualize log data. An Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream subscribes to the SNS topic and archives all log data into Amazon S3. This allows data scientists to conduct further investigation and research on those logs.

To do this, the following Java code publishes a set of log messages. In this code, you construct a publish request for a single message to an SNS topic and submit that request via the publish() method:

// tab 1: standard publish example
private static AmazonSNS snsClient;
private static final String MESSAGE_PAYLOAD = " - - [28/Oct/2021:10:27:10 -0500] "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1" 200 3395";

PublishRequest request = new PublishRequest()
PublishResult response = snsClient.publish(request);

// tab 2: fifo publish example
private static AmazonSNS snsClient;
private static final String MESSAGE_PAYLOAD = " - - [28/Oct/2021:10:27:10 -0500] "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1" 200 3395";
private static final String MESSAGE_FIFO_GROUP = "server1234";

PublishRequest request = new PublishRequest()
PublishResult response = snsClient.publish(request);

If you extended the example above and had 10 log lines that each needed to be published as a message, you would have to write code to construct 10 publish requests, and subsequently submit each of those requests via the publish() method.

With the new ability to publish batch messages, you write the following new code. In the code below, you construct a list of publish entries first, then create a single publish batch request, and subsequently submit that batch request via the new publishBatch() method. In the code below, you use a sample helper method getLoggingPayload(i) to get the appropriate payload for the message, which you can replace with your own business logic.

// tab 1: standard publish example
private static final String MESSAGE_BATCH_ID_PREFIX = "server1234-batch-id-";

List<PublishBatchRequestEntry> entries = IntStream.range(0, 10)
.mapToObj(i -> {
new PublishBatchRequestEntry()
PublishBatchRequest request = new PublishBatchRequest()
PublishBatchResult response = snsClient.publishBatch(request);

// tab 2: fifo publish example
private static final String MESSAGE_BATCH_ID_PREFIX = "server1234-batch-id-";
private static final String MESSAGE_FIFO_GROUP = "server1234";

List<PublishBatchRequestEntry> entries = IntStream.range(0, 10)
.mapToObj(i -> {
new PublishBatchRequestEntry()
PublishBatchRequest request = new PublishBatchRequest()
PublishBatchResult response = snsClient.publishBatch(request);

In the list of publish requests, the application must assign a unique batch ID (up to 80 characters) to each publish request within that batch. When the SNS service successfully receives a message, the SNS service assigns a unique message ID and returns that message ID in the response object.

If publishing to a FIFO topic, the SNS service additionally returns a sequence number in the response. When publishing a batch of messages, the PublishBatchResult object returns a list of response objects for successful and failed messages. If you iterate through the list of response objects for successful messages, you might see the following:

// tab 1: standard publish output
"Id": "server1234-batch-id-0",
"MessageId": "fcaef5b3-e9e3-5c9e-b761-ac46c4a779bb",

// tab 2: fifo publish output
"Id": "server1234-batch-id-0",
"MessageId": "fcaef5b3-e9e3-5c9e-b761-ac46c4a779bb",
"SequenceNumber": "10000000000000003000",

When receiving the message from SNS in the SQS queue, the application reads the following message:

// tab 1: standard publish output
"Type" : "Notification",
"MessageId" : "fcaef5b3-e9e3-5c9e-b761-ac46c4a779bb",
"TopicArn" : "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:112233445566:publishBatchTopic",
"Message" : "payload-0",
"Timestamp" : "2021-10-28T22:58:12.862Z",
"UnsubscribeURL" : "http://sns.us-east-1.amazon.com/?Action=Unsubscribe&SubscriptionArn=arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:112233445566:publishBatchTopic:ff78260a-0953-4b60-9c2c-122ebcb5fc96"

// tab 2: fifo publish output
"Type" : "Notification",
"MessageId" : "fcaef5b3-e9e3-5c9e-b761-ac46c4a779bb",
"SequenceNumber" : "10000000000000003000",
"TopicArn" : "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:112233445566:publishBatchTopic",
"Message" : "payload-0",
"Timestamp" : "2021-10-28T22:58:12.862Z",
"UnsubscribeURL" : "http://sns.us-east-1.amazon.com/?Action=Unsubscribe&SubscriptionArn=arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:112233445566:publishBatchTopic.fifo:ff78260a-0953-4b60-9c2c-122ebcb5fc96"

In the standard publish example, the MessageId of fcaef5b3-e9e3-5c9e-b761-ac46c4a779bb is propagated down to the message in SQS. In the FIFO publish example, the SequenceNumber of 10000000000000003000 is also propagated down to the message in SQS.

Handling errors and quotas

When publishing messages in batch, the application must handle errors that may have occurred during the publish batch request. Errors can occur at two different levels. The first is when publishing the batch request to the SNS topic. For example, if the application does not specify a unique message batch ID, it fails with the following error:

com.amazonaws.services.sns.model.BatchEntryIdsNotDistinctException: Two or more batch entries in the request have the same Id. (Service: AmazonSNS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: BatchEntryIdsNotDistinct; Request ID: 44cdac03-eeac-5760-9264-f5f99f4914ad; Proxy: null)

The second is within the batch request at the message level. The application must inspect the returned PublishBatchResult object by iterating through successful and failed responses:

PublishBatchResult publishBatchResult = snsClient.publishBatch(request);
publishBatchResult.getSuccessful().forEach(entry -> {

publishBatchResult.getFailed().forEach(entry -> {

With respect to quotas, the overall message throughput for an SNS topic remains the same. For example, in US East (N. Virginia), standard topics support up to 30,000 messages per second. Before this feature, 30,000 messages also meant 30,000 API requests per second. Because SNS now supports up to 10 messages per request, you can publish the same number of messages using only 3,000 API requests. With FIFO topics, the message throughput remains the same at 300 messages per second, but you can now send that volume of messages using only 30 API requests, thus reducing your messaging costs with SNS.


SNS now supports the ability to publish up to 10 messages in a single API request, reducing costs for publishing messages into SNS. Your applications can validate the publish status of each of the messages sent in the batch and handle failed publish requests accordingly. Message throughput to SNS topics remains the same for both standard and FIFO topics.

Learn more about this ability in the SNS Developer Guide.
Learn more about the details of the API request in the SNS API reference.
Learn more about SNS quotas.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Token-based authentication for iOS applications with Amazon SNS

Post Syndicated from Talia Nassi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/token-based-authentication-for-ios-applications-with-amazon-sns/

This post is co-written by Karen Hong, Software Development Engineer, AWS Messaging.

To use Amazon SNS to send mobile push notifications, you must provide a set of credentials for connecting to the supported push notification service (see prerequisites for push). For the Apple Push Notification service (APNs), SNS now supports using token-based authentication (.p8), in addition to the existing certificate-based method.

You can now use a .p8 file to create or update a platform application resource through the SNS console or programmatically. You can publish messages (directly or from a topic) to platform application endpoints configured for token-based authentication.

In this tutorial, you set up an example iOS application. You retrieve information from your Apple developer account and learn how to register a new signing key. Next, you use the SNS console to set up a platform application and a platform endpoint. Finally, you test the setup and watch a push notification arrive on your device.

Advantages of token-based authentication

Token-based authentication has several benefits compared to using certificates. The first is that you can use the same signing key from multiple provider servers (iOS,VoIP, and MacOS), and you can use one signing key to distribute notifications for all of your company’s application environments (sandbox, production). In contrast, a certificate is only associated with a particular subset of these channels.

A pain point for customers using certificate-based authentication is the need to renew certificates annually, an inconvenient procedure which can lead to production issues when forgotten. Your signing key for token-based authentication, on the other hand, does not expire.

Token-based authentication improves the security of your certificates. Unlike certificate-based authentication, the credential does not transfer. Hence, it is less likely to be compromised. You establish trust through encrypted tokens that are frequently regenerated. SNS manages the creation and management of these tokens.

You configure APNs platform applications for use with both .p8 and .p12 certificates, but only 1 authentication method is active at any given time.

Setting up your iOS application

To use token-based authentication, you must set up your application.

Prerequisites: An Apple developer account

  1. Create a new XCode project. Select iOS as the platform and use the App template.
    xcode project
  2. Select your Apple Developer Account team and your organization identifier.
    vscode details
  3. Go to Signing & Capabilities and select + Capability. This step creates resources on your Apple Developer Account.
    step 3
  4. Add the Push Notification Capability.
  5. In SNSPushDemoApp.swift , add the following code to print the device token and receive push notifications.
    import SwiftUI
    struct SNSPushDemoApp: App {
        @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor private var appDelegate: AppDelegate
        var body: some Scene {
            WindowGroup {
    class AppDelegate: NSObject, UIApplicationDelegate, UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
        func application(_ application: UIApplication,
                         didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
            UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate = self
            return true
        func application(_ application: UIApplication,
                         didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: Data) {
            let tokenParts = deviceToken.map { data in String(format: "%02.2hhx", data) }
            let token = tokenParts.joined()
            print("Device Token: \(token)")
        func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError error: Error) {
        func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
            completionHandler([.banner, .badge, .sound])
  6. In ContentView.swift, add the code to request authorization for push notifications and register for notifications.
    import SwiftUI
    struct ContentView: View {
        init() {
        var body: some View {
            Button("Register") {
    struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
        static var previews: some View {
    func requestPushAuthorization() {
        UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .badge, .sound]) { success, error in
            if success {
                print("Push notifications allowed")
            } else if let error = error {
    func registerForNotifications() {
  7. Build and run the app on an iPhone. The push notification feature does not work with a simulator.
  8. On your phone, select allow notifications when the prompt appears. The debugger prints out “Push notifications allowed” if it is successful.
    allow notifications
  9. On your phone, choose the Register button. The debugger prints out the device token.
  10. You have set up an iOS application that can receive push notifications and prints the device token. We can now use this app to test sending push notifications with SNS configured for token-based authentication.

Retrieving your Apple resources

After setting up your application, you retrieve your Apple resources from your Apple developer account. There are four pieces of information you need from your Apple Developer Account: Bundle ID, Team ID, Signing Key, and Signing Key ID.

The signing key and signing key ID are credentials that you manage through your Apple Developer Account. You can register a new key by selecting the Keys tab under the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles menu. Your Apple developer account provides the signing key in the form of a text file with a .p8 extension.


Find the team ID under Membership Details. The bundle ID is the unique identifier that you set up when creating your application. Find this value in the Identifiers section under the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles menu.

Amazon SNS uses a token constructed from the team ID, signing key, and signing key ID to authenticate with APNs for every push notification that you send. Amazon SNS manages tokens on your behalf and renews them when necessary (within an hour). The request header includes the bundle ID and helps identify where the notification goes.

Creating a new platform application using APNs token-based authentication


In order to implement APNs token-based authentication, you must have:

  • An Apple Developer Account
  • A mobile application

To create a new platform application:

  1. Navigate to the Amazon SNS console and choose Push notifications. Then choose Create platform application.
    sns console
  2. Enter a name for your application. In the Push notification platform dropdown, choose Apple iOS/VoIP/Mac.
    sns name
  3. For the Push service, choose iOS, and for the Authentication method, choose Token. Select the check box labeled Used for development in sandbox. Then, input the fields from your Apple Developer Account.
    step 3
  4. You have successfully created a platform application using APNs token-based authentication.

Creating a new platform endpoint using APNs token-based authentication

A platform application stores credentials, sending configuration, and other settings but does not contain an exact sending destination. Create a platform endpoint resource to store the information to allow SNS to target push notifications to the proper application on the correct mobile device.

Any iOS application that is capable of receiving push notifications must register with APNs. Upon successful registration, APNs returns a device token that uniquely identifies an instance of an app. SNS needs this device token in order to send to that app. Each platform endpoint belongs to a specific platform application and uses the credentials and settings set in the platform application to complete the sending.

In this tutorial, you create the platform endpoint manually through the SNS console. In a real system, upon receiving the device token, you programmatically call SNS from your application server to create or update your platform endpoints.

These are the steps to create a new platform endpoint:

  1. From the details page of the platform application in the SNS console, choose Create application endpoint.
    appliation endpont
  2. From the iOS app that you set up previously, find the device token in the application logs. Enter the device token and choose Create application endpoint.
    application endpont details
  3. You have successfully created a platform application endpoint.
    application endpoint

Testing a push notification from your device

In this section, you test a push notification from your device.

  1. From the details page of the application endpoint you just created, (this is the page you end up at immediately after creating the endpoint), choose Publish message.
  2. Enter a message to send and choose Publish message.
    testing app
  3. The notification arrives on your iOS app.
    testing the app


Developers sending mobile push notifications can now use a .p8 key to authenticate an Apple device endpoint. Token-based authentication is more secure, and reduces operational burden of renewing the certificates every year. In this post, you learn how to set up your iOS application for mobile push using token-based authentication, by creating and configuring a new platform endpoint in the Amazon SNS console.

To learn more about APNs token-based authentication with Amazon SNS, visit the Amazon SNS Developer Guide. For more serverless content, visit Serverless Land.

Designing a High-volume Streaming Data Ingestion Platform Natively on AWS

Post Syndicated from Soonam Jose original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/designing-a-high-volume-streaming-data-ingestion-platform-natively-on-aws/

The total global data storage is projected to exceed 200 zettabytes by 2025. This exponential growth of data demands increased vigilance against cybercrimes. Emerging cybersecurity trends include increasing service attacks, ransomware, and critical infrastructure threats. Businesses are changing how they approach cybersecurity and are looking for new ways to tackle these threats. In the past, they have relied on internal IT or engaged a managed security services provider (MSSP) to monitor and prevent unauthorized access and attacks.

An end-to-end analytics solution should ingest and process log data streaming from various computing and IoT devices. It can then make processed data available to analytics systems users in near-real-time. However, the sheer volume of data in the future makes this difficult to address in a reliable and cost-effective manner.

In this blog post, we present three approaches for a high-volume log data ingestion and processing platform natively on Amazon Web Services (AWS). We also compare the pros and cons of each. We’ll discuss factors to consider when evaluating the different options and their associated flexibility, to take full advantage of AWS. We will showcase a fictional use case for a top MSSP who ingests high volumes of logs from security devices to cloud. This MSSP also performs downstream analytics and threat detection modeling.

The options we present here have a log collection platform (LCP) on-premises. It collects logs from security devices and sensors, performs necessary translations and tokenization, and pushes compressed log files to the processing tier on cloud. The collection platform can also be modernized to have the IoT-enabled devices send logs to AWS IoT services. This will push the data to Amazon Kinesis, a managed service for collecting and analyzing streaming data.

Approach 1: Amazon Kinesis for log ingestion and format conversion

Figure 1 illustrates a comprehensive solution that uses managed and serverless services on AWS.

Figure 1. Amazon Kinesis for log ingestion and format conversion

Figure 1. Amazon Kinesis for log ingestion and format conversion

1. LCP will invoke a scalable producer application for Amazon Kinesis Data Streams running on AWS Fargate behind an Application Load Balancer. The producer application will use the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library (KPL). KPL aggregates and batches data records to make ingestion into the data stream more efficient. The application may provide compressed records to the KPL to have it manage object compression.

The application can be set up as an HTTP endpoint that receives log files and processes them using KPL. Customer ID sent as part of an HTTP request header can be used to maintain affinity. The application can run in a Docker container, which is orchestrated by Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate. A target tracking scaling policy can manage the number of parallel running data ingestion containers to manage scalability of the ingestion process.

2. Amazon Kinesis Scaling Utility can be used to scale data streams up or down by a count, or as a percentage of the total fleet. The scaling utility archive file can be imported as a library to AWS Lambda. It will automatically manage the number of shards in the stream based on the observed PUT or GET rate of the stream. The combination of customer ID and security device ID may be used to define the partition key.

3. Records uploaded to the stream by the producer application will be consumed by Lambda. It will perform gateway transformations (required by all downstream consumers) and the normalization of record format. Any additional consumer level transformations may be handled separately, associated with respective consumers.

A combination of batch window and batch size configurations can improve efficiency of function invocations. Batch windows are the maximum amount of time in seconds to gather records before invoking the function. Batch size is the number of records to send to the function in each batch. The Lambda function will throttle sending records to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose. Error handling will be accomplished via retries with a smaller batch size, with number of retries limited as appropriate. It will discard records that are too old.

An Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue can be configured as a failed-event destination for further offline analysis. A Lambda function can read from the error SQS queue to do basic checks and determine appropriate follow-up actions. This can be an initiated email for additional investigation or a command to discard the message.

4. Output of transformations by Lambda will be saved to the short term (hot) storage Amazon S3 bucket via Kinesis Data Firehose. This can efficiently handle Parquet format conversion required by downstream analytics applications. Kinesis Data Firehose delivery streams will be created per customer and configured with associated AWS Glue Data Catalog table, to perform parquet format conversion.

5. AWS Glue jobs will be used to consolidate and write larger files to the long term (cold) storage bucket.

6. The data in the cold storage bucket will be accessed by internal SOC analysts for threat detection and mitigation.

7. The data in cold storage buckets will also be accessed by end customers via dashboards in Amazon QuickSight.

8. This architecture also provides additional options to modernize streaming analytics using Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics or AWS Glue streaming jobs as appropriate.

While this architecture proposes a fully managed, end-to-end solution, the sheer volume of log messages may drive up the total cost of the solution. This is especially true for Kinesis Data Streams and Kinesis Data Firehose costs.

Approach 2: Containerized application on AWS Fargate for ingestion and Amazon Kinesis for format conversion

An alternative approach shown in Figure 2 replaces the gateway Kinesis Data Streams and transformations, with a containerized application on Fargate. Conversion to Parquet format and writing to the S3 bucket is still handled by Kinesis Data Firehose.

Figure 2. Containerized application for ingestion and Amazon Kinesis for format conversion

Figure 2. Containerized application for ingestion and Amazon Kinesis for format conversion

1. LCP will upload log files to a raw storage bucket in Amazon S3.

2. A Lambda function will process Event Notifications from the raw data storage bucket. It can insert Amazon S3 object pointers to a Kinesis Data Stream partitioned by Customer ID and Device ID.

3. The producer application will retrieve the Event Notifications from the Data Stream and retrieve corresponding log files from S3. It will perform initial aggregations and transformations, and output to Kinesis Data Firehose. The application can run in a Docker container that is orchestrated by Amazon ECS on Fargate. A target tracking scaling policy can manage the number of parallel running data ingestion containers, to manage scalability of the ingestion process. ECS cluster capacity can be scaled up or down based on Amazon CloudWatch alarms.

4. Kinesis Data Firehose converts to Parquet format, zips the data, and persists to a short-term storage bucket in S3. This is backed by Glue Data Catalog.

Steps 5, 6 and 7 perform consolidation and availability of the processed data to downstream consumers, as in the previous approach.

This option uses the built-in capabilities of Kinesis Data Firehose to transform to Parquet format and deliver to S3. Note that higher costs associated with the service may still be cost prohibitive for larger data volumes.

Approach 3: Containerized application on AWS Fargate for ingestion and format conversion

Figure 3 uses a containerized application running on Fargate for both gateway transformations. This app also provides conversion to Parquet format before writing the files to a short term (hot) storage bucket. All the other steps are the same as in option 2.

Figure 3. Containerized application for ingestion and format conversion

Figure 3. Containerized application for ingestion and format conversion

This option offers the least expensive way to transform, aggregate, and enrich the incoming log records, as well as convert them to Parquet format. But it comes with additional overhead for custom development of format conversion, checkpointing, error handling, and application management. Evaluate based on your business needs and workflow.


In this post, we discussed multiple approaches to design a platform on AWS to ingest and process high-volume security log records. We compared the pros and cons for each option. Amazon Kinesis is a fully managed and scalable service that helps easily collect, process, and analyze video and data streams in real time. A solution primarily based on Kinesis may become cost prohibitive due to large data volumes. Consider alternate approaches that use containerized applications on AWS Fargate. The trade-off would be the ability for custom development versus application management overhead.

To improve your security log analysis solution, explore one of the approaches we illustrate and customize as appropriate to fit your unique needs.

Building dynamic Amazon SNS subscriptions for auto scaling container workloads 

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-dynamic-amazon-sns-subscriptions-for-auto-scaling-container-workloads/

This post is written by Mithun Mallick, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect, App Integration.

Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) is a serverless publish subscribe messaging service. It supports a push-based subscriptions model where subscribers must register an endpoint to receive messages. Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is one such endpoint, which is used by applications to receive messages published on an SNS topic.

With containerized applications, the container instances poll the queue and receive the messages. However, containerized applications can scale out for a variety of reasons. The creation of an SQS queue for each new container instance creates maintenance overhead for customers. You must also clean up the SNS-SQS subscription once the instance scales in.

This blog walks through a dynamic subscription solution, which automates the creation, subscription, and deletion of SQS queues for an Auto Scaling group of containers running in Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS).


The solution is based on the use of events to achieve the dynamic subscription pattern. ECS uses the concept of tasks to create an instance of a container. You can find more details on ECS tasks in the ECS documentation.

This solution uses the events generated by ECS to manage the complete lifecycle of an SNS-SQS subscription. It uses the task ID as the name of the queue that is used by the ECS instance for pulling messages. More details on the ECS task ID can be found in the task documentation.

This also uses Amazon EventBridge to apply rules on ECS events and trigger an AWS Lambda function. The first rule detects the running state of an ECS task and triggers a Lambda function, which creates the SQS queue with the task ID as queue name. It also grants permission to the queue and creates the SNS subscription on the topic.

As the container instance starts up, it can send a request to its metadata URL and retrieve the task ID. The task ID is used by the container instance to poll for messages. If the container instance terminates, ECS generates a task stopped event. This event matches a rule in Amazon EventBridge and triggers a Lambda function. The Lambda function retrieves the task ID, deletes the queue, and deletes the subscription from the SNS topic. The solution decouples the container instance from any overhead in maintaining queues, applying permissions, or managing subscriptions. The security permissions for all SNS-SQS management are handled by the Lambda functions.

This diagram shows the solution architecture:

Solution architecture

Events from ECS are sent to the default event bus. There are various events that are generated as part of the lifecycle of an ECS task. You can find more on the various ECS task states in ECS task documentation. This solution uses ECS as the container orchestration service but you can also use Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service.(EKS). For EKS, you must apply the rules for EKS task state events.

Walkthrough of the implementation

The code snippets are shortened for brevity. The full source code of the solution is in the GitHub repository. The solution uses AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) for deployment.

SNS topic

The SNS topic is used to send notifications to the ECS tasks. The following snippet from the AWS SAM template shows the definition of the SNS topic:

    Type: AWS::SNS::Topic
      TopicName: !Ref DynamicSubTopicName

Container instance

The container instance subscribes to the SNS topic using an SQS queue. The container image is a Java class that reads messages from an SQS queue and prints them in the logs. The following code shows some of the message processor implementation:

AmazonSQS sqs = AmazonSQSClientBuilder.defaultClient();
AmazonSQSResponder responder = AmazonSQSResponderClientBuilder.standard()

SQSMessageConsumer consumer = SQSMessageConsumerBuilder.standard()
        .withConsumer(message -> {
            System.out.println("The message is " + message.getBody());


The queue_url highlighted is the task ID of the ECS task. It is retrieved in the constructor of the class:

String metaDataURL = map.get("ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4");

HttpGet request = new HttpGet(metaDataURL);
CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(request);

HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
if (entity != null) {
    String result = EntityUtils.toString(entity);
    String taskARN = JsonPath.read(result, "$['Labels']['com.amazonaws.ecs.task-arn']").toString();
    String[] arnTokens = taskARN.split("/");
    taskId = arnTokens[arnTokens.length-1];
    System.out.println("The task arn : "+taskId);

queue_url = sqs.getQueueUrl(taskId).getQueueUrl();

The queue URL is constructed from the task ID of the container. Each queue is dedicated to each of the tasks or the instances of the container running in ECS.

EventBridge rules

The following event pattern on the default event bus captures events that match the start of the container instance. The rule triggers a Lambda function:

          - aws.ecs
          - "ECS Task State Change"
            - "RUNNING"
            - "RUNNING"

The start rule routes events to a Lambda function that creates a queue with the name as the task ID. It creates the subscription to the SNS topic and grants permission on the queue to receive messages from the topic.

This event pattern matches STOPPED events of the container task. It also triggers a Lambda function to delete the queue and the associated subscription:

          - aws.ecs
          - "ECS Task State Change"
            - "STOPPED"
            - "STOPPED"

Lambda functions

There are two Lambda functions that perform the queue creation, subscription, authorization, and deletion.

The SNS-SQS-Subscription-Service

The following code creates the queue based on the task id, applies policies, and subscribes it to the topic. It also stores the subscription ARN in a Amazon DynamoDB table:

# get the task id from the event
taskArn = event['detail']['taskArn']
taskArnTokens = taskArn.split('/')
taskId = taskArnTokens[len(taskArnTokens)-1]

create_queue_resp = sqs_client.create_queue(QueueName=queue_name)

response = sns.subscribe(TopicArn=topic_arn, Protocol="sqs", Endpoint=queue_arn)

ddbresponse = dynamodb.update_item(
        'id': {
            'S' : taskId.strip()
            'Value': {
                'S': subscription_arn

The cleanup service

The cleanup function is triggered when the container instance is stopped. It fetches the subscription ARN from the DynamoDB table based on the taskId. It deletes the subscription from the topic and deletes the queue. You can modify this code to include any other cleanup actions or trigger a workflow. The main part of the function code is:

taskId = taskArnTokens[len(taskArnTokens)-1]

ddbresponse = dynamodb.get_item(TableName=SQS_CONTAINER_MAPPING_TABLE,Key={'id': { 'S' : taskId}})
snsresp = sns.unsubscribe(SubscriptionArn=subscription_arn)

queuedelresp = sqs_client.delete_queue(QueueUrl=queue_url)


This blog shows an event driven approach to handling dynamic SNS subscription requirements. It relies on the ECS service events to trigger appropriate Lambda functions. These create the subscription queue, subscribe it to a topic, and delete it once the container instance is terminated.

The approach also allows the container application logic to focus only on consuming and processing the messages from the queue. It does not need any additional permissions to subscribe or unsubscribe from the topic or apply any additional permissions on the queue. Although the solution has been presented using ECS as the container orchestration service, it can be applied for EKS by using its service events.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Get Started with Amazon S3 Event Driven Design Patterns

Post Syndicated from Micah Walter original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/get-started-with-amazon-s3-event-driven-design-patterns/

Event driven programs use events to initiate succeeding steps in a process. For example, the completion of an upload job may then initiate an image processing job. This allows developers to create complex architectures by using the principle of decoupling. Decoupling is preferable for many workflows, as it allows each component to perform its tasks independently, which improves efficiency. Examples are ecommerce order processing, image processing, and other long running batch jobs.

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is an object-based storage solution from Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows you to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any scale. Amazon S3 Event Notifications provides users a mechanism for initiating events when certain actions take place inside an S3 bucket.

In this blog post, we will illustrate how you can use Amazon S3 Event Notifications in combination with a powerful suite of Amazon messaging services. This will allow you to implement an event driven architecture for a variety of common use cases.

Setting up Amazon S3 Event Notifications

We first must understand the types of events that can be initiated with Amazon S3 Event Notifications. Events can be initiated by uploading, modifying, deleting an object, or other actions. When an event is initiated, a payload is created containing the event metadata. This includes information about the object that initiated the event itself.

To enable notifications, you must first add a notification configuration that identifies the events you want Amazon S3 to publish. Specify the destinations where you want Amazon S3 to send the notifications. This configuration is stored in the notification subresource, which you can find under the Properties tab within your S3 bucket, see Figure 1.

Figure 1. Properties tab showing S3 Event Notifications subresource

Figure 1. Properties tab showing S3 Event Notifications subresource

An event notification can be initiated anytime an object is uploaded, modified, or deleted, depending on your configuration details. You can create multiple notification configurations for different scenarios, shown in Figure 2. For example, one configuration can handle new or modified objects, and another configuration can handle deletions. You can specify that events will only be initiated when objects contain a specific prefix, or following the restoration of an object. For a complete listing of all the configuration options and event types, read documentation on supported event types.

Figure 2. S3 Event Notifications subresource details and options

Figure 2. S3 Event Notifications subresource details and options

When all of the conditions in your configuration have been met, a new event will be initiated and sent to the destination you specify. An S3 event destination can be an AWS Lambda function, an Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue, or an Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic, see Figure 3.

Figure 3. S3 Event Notifications subresource destination settings

Figure 3. S3 Event Notifications subresource destination settings

Event driven design patterns

There are many common design patterns for building event driven programs with Amazon S3 Event Notifications. Once you have set up your notification configuration, the next step is to consume the event. The following describes a few typical architectures you might consider, depending on the needs of your application.

Synchronous and reliable point-to-point processing

Figure 4. Point-to-point processing with S3 and Lambda as a destination

Figure 4. Point-to-point processing with S3 and Lambda as a destination

One common use case for event driven processing, is when synchronous and reliable information is required. For example, a mobile application processes images uploaded by users and automatically tags the images with the detected objects using Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML). From an architectural perspective (Figure 4), an image is uploaded to an S3 bucket, which generates an event notification. This initiates a Lambda function that sends the details of the uploaded image to Amazon Rekognition for tagging. Results from Amazon Rekognition could be further processed by the Lambda function and stored in a database like Amazon DynamoDB.

With this type of architecture, there is no contingency for dealing with multiple images arriving simultaneously in the S3 bucket. If this application sends too many requests to Lambda, events can start to pile up. This can cause a failure to process some of the images. To make our program more fault tolerant, adding an Amazon SQS queue would help, as shown in Figure 5.

Asynchronous and queued point-to-point processing 

Figure 5. Queued point-to-point processing with S3, SQS, and Lambda

Figure 5. Queued point-to-point processing with S3, SQS, and Lambda

Architectures that require the processing of information in an asynchronous fashion can use this pattern. Building off the first example, a mobile application might provide a solution to allow end users to bulk upload thousands of images simultaneously. It can then use AWS Lambda to send the images to Amazon Rekognition for tagging.

By providing a queue-based asynchronous solution, the Lambda function can retrieve work from the SQS queue at its own pace. This allows it to control the processing flow by processing files sequentially without risk of being overloaded. This is especially useful if the application must handle incomplete or partial uploads when a connection is temporarily lost.

Currently, Amazon S3 Event Notifications only work with standard SQS queues, and first-in-first-out (FIFO) SQS queues are not supported. Read more about how to configure S3 event notification with an SQS queue as a destination. Your Lambda function in this architecture must be adjusted to handle the message payload arriving from SQS. This is because it will have a slightly different form than the original event notification body generated from S3.

Parallel processing with “Fan Out” architecture

Figure 6. Fan out design pattern with S3, SNS, and SQS before sending to a Lambda function

Figure 6. Fan out design pattern with S3, SNS, and SQS before sending to a Lambda function

To create a “fan out” style architecture where a single event is propagated to many destinations in parallel, SNS is combined with SQS. Configure your S3 event notification to use an SNS topic as its destination, as shown in Figure 6. You can then direct multiple subsequent processes to act on the same event. This is especially useful if you aim to do parallel processing on the same object in S3.

For example, if you wanted to process a source image into multiple target resolutions, you could create a Lambda function. The function will use the “fan-out” pattern to process all images at the same time, at each resolution. You could then subscribe an SQS queue to your SNS topics. This ensures that Event Notifications sent to SNS are verified as complete by SQS, once they’ve been processed by your Lambda function.

Figure 7. Fan out design pattern including secondary pipeline for deleting images

Figure 7. Fan out design pattern including secondary pipeline for deleting images

To extend the use case of image processing even further, you could create multiple SNS topics to handle different types of events from the same S3 bucket. As depicted in Figure 7, this architecture would allow your program to handle creations and updates differently than deletions. You could also process images differently based on their S3 prefix.

Adjust your Lambda code to handle messages making their way through SNS and SQS. Their payloads will be slightly different than the original S3 Event Notification payload.

Real-time notifications

Figure 8. Event driven design pattern for real-time notifications

Figure 8. Event driven design pattern for real-time notifications

In addition to application-to-application messaging, Amazon SNS provides application-to-person (A2P) communication (see Figure 8). Amazon SNS can send SMS text messages to mobile subscribers in over 100 countries. It can also send push notifications to Android and Apple devices and emails over SMTP. Using A2P, uploading an image to an Amazon S3 bucket can generate a notification to a group of users via their choice of Amazon SNS A2P platform.


In this blog post, we’ve shown you the basic design patterns for developing an event driven architecture using Amazon S3 Event Notifications. You can create many more complicated architecture patterns to suit your needs. By using Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS, and AWS Lambda, you can design an event driven program that is fault tolerant, scalable, and smartly decoupled. But don’t stop there! Consider expanding your program further by utilizing AWS Lambda destinations. Or combine parallel image processing with highly scalable A2P notifications, which will alert your users when a task is complete.

For further reading:

Sending mobile push notifications and managing device tokens with serverless applications

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/sending-mobile-push-notifications-and-managing-device-tokens-with-serverless-application/

This post is written by Rafa Xu, Cloud Architect, Serverless and Joely Huang, Cloud Architect, Serverless.

Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) is a fast, flexible, fully managed push messaging service in the cloud. SNS can send mobile push notifications directly to applications on mobile devices such as message alerts and badge updates. SNS sends push notifications to a mobile endpoint created by supplying a mobile token and platform application.

When publishing mobile push notifications, a device token is used to generate an endpoint. This identifies where the push notification is sent (target destination). To push notifications successfully, the token must be up to date and the endpoint must be validated and enabled.

A common challenge when pushing notifications is keeping the token up to date. Tokens can automatically change due to reasons such as mobile operating system (OS) updates and application store updates.

This post provides a serverless solution to this challenge. It also provides a way to publish push notifications to specific end users by maintaining a mapping between users, endpoints, and tokens.


To publish mobile push notifications using SNS, generate an SNS endpoint to use as a destination target for the push notification. To create the endpoint, you must supply:

  1. A mobile application token: The mobile operating system (OS) issues the token to the application. It is a unique identifier for the application and mobile device pair.
  2. Platform Application Amazon Resource Name (ARN): SNS provides this ARN when you create a platform application object. The platform application object requires a valid set of credentials issued by the mobile platform, which you provide to SNS.

Once the endpoint is generated, you can store and reuse it again. This prevents the application from creating endpoints indefinitely, which could exhaust the SNS endpoint limit.

To reuse the endpoints and successfully push notifications, there are a number of challenges:

  • Mobile application tokens can change due to a number of reasons, such as application updates. As a result, the publisher must update the platform endpoint to ensure it uses an up-to-date token.
  • Mobile application tokens can become invalid. When this happens, messages won’t be published, and SNS disables the endpoint with the invalid token. To resolve this, publishers must retrieve a valid token and re-enable the platform endpoint
  • Mobile applications can have many users, each user could have multiple devices, or one device could have multiple users. To send a push notification to a specific user, a mapping between the user, device, and platform endpoints should be maintained.

For more information on best practices for managing mobile tokens, refer to this post.

Follow along the blog post to learn how to implement a serverless workflow for managing and maintaining valid endpoints and user mappings.

Solution overview

The solution uses the following AWS services:

  • Amazon API Gateway: Provides a token registration endpoint URL used by the mobile application. Once called, it invokes an AWS Lambda function via the Lambda integration.
  • Amazon SNS: Generates and maintains the target endpoint and manages platform application objects.
  • Amazon DynamoDB: Serverless database for storing endpoints that also maintains a mapping between the user, endpoint, and mobile operating system.
  • AWS Lambda: Retrieves endpoints from DynamoDB, validates and generates endpoints, and publishes notifications by making requests to SNS.

The following diagram represents a simplified interaction flow between the AWS services:

Solution architecture

To register the token, the mobile app invokes the registration token endpoint URL generated by Amazon API Gateway. The token registration happens every time a user logs in or opens the application. This ensures that the token and endpoints are always valid during the application usage.

The mobile application passes the token, user, and mobileOS as parameters to API Gateway, which forwards the request to the Lambda function.

The Lambda function validates the token and endpoint for the user by making API calls to DynamoDB and SNS:

  1. The Lambda function checks DynamoDB to see if the endpoint has been previously created.
    1. If the endpoint does not exist, it creates a platform endpoint via SNS.
  2. Obtain the endpoint attributes from SNS:
    1. Check the “enabled” endpoint attribute and set to “true” to enable the platform endpoint, if necessary.
    2. Validate the “token” endpoint attribute with the token provided in the API Gateway request. If it does not match, update the “token” attribute.
    3. Send a request to SNS to update the endpoint attributes.
  3. If a new endpoint is created, update DynamoDB with the new endpoint.
  4. Return a successful response to API Gateway.

Deploying the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template

Use the AWS SAM template to deploy the infrastructure for this workflow. Before deploying the template, first create a platform application in SNS.

  1. Navigate to the SNS console. Select Push Notifications on the left-hand menu to create a platform application:
    Mobile push notifications
  2. This shows the creation of a platform application for iOS applications:
    Create platform application
  3. To install AWS SAM, visit the installation page.
  4. To deploy the AWS SAM template, navigate to the directory where the template is located. Run the commands in the terminal:
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/serverless-mobile-push-notification
    cd serverless-mobile-push-notification
    sam build
    sam deploy --guided

Lambda function code snippets

The following section explains code from the Lambda function for the workflow.

Create the platform endpoint

If the endpoint exists, store it as a variable in the code. If the platform endpoint does not exist in the DynamoDB database, create a new endpoint:

        need_update_ddb = False
        response = table.get_item(Key={'username': username, 'appos': appos})
        if 'Item' not in response:
            # create endpoint
            response = snsClient.create_platform_endpoint(
            devicePushEndpoint = response['EndpointArn']
            need_update_ddb = True
            # update the endpoint
            devicePushEndpoint = response['Item']['endpoint']

Check and update endpoint attributes

Check that the token attribute for the platform endpoint matches the token received from the mobile application through the request. This also checks for the endpoint “enabled” attribute and re-enables the endpoint if necessary:

response = snsClient.get_endpoint_attributes(
            endpointAttributes = response['Attributes']

            previousToken = endpointAttributes['Token']
            previousStatus = endpointAttributes['Enabled']
            if previousStatus.lower() != 'true' or previousToken != token:
                        'Token': token,
                        'Enabled': 'true'

Update the DynamoDB table with the newly generated endpoint

If a platform endpoint is newly created, meaning there is no item in the DynamoDB table, create a new item in the table:

        if need_update_ddb:
                    'username': username,
                    'appos': appos
                UpdateExpression="set endpoint=:e",
                    ':e': devicePushEndpoint

As best practice, the code cleans up the table, in case there are multiple entries for the same endpoint mapped to different users. This can happen when the mobile application is used by multiple users on the same device. When one user logs out and a different user logs in, this creates a new entry in the DynamoDB table to map the endpoint with the new user.

As a result, you must remove the entry that maps the same endpoint to the previously logged in user. This way, you only keep the endpoint that matches the user provided by the mobile application through the request.

result = table.query(
    # Add the name of the index you want to use in your query.
    for item in result['Items']:
        if item['username'] != username and item['appos'] == appos:
            print(f"deleting orphan item: username {username}, os {appos}".format(username=item['username'], appos=appos))
                    'username': item['username'],
                    'appos': appos


This blog shows how to deploy a serverless solution for validating and managing SNS platform endpoints and tokens. To publish push notifications successfully, use SNS to check the endpoint attribute and ensure it is mapped to the correct token and the endpoint is enabled.

This approach uses DynamoDB to store the device token and platform endpoints for each user. This allows you to send push notifications to specific users, retrieve, and reuse previously created endpoints. You create a Lambda function to facilitate the workflow, including validating the DynamoDB item for storing an enabled and up-to-date token.

Visit this link to learn more about Amazon SNS mobile push notifications: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sns/latest/dg/SNSMobilePush.html

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Building well-architected serverless applications: Building in resiliency – part 2

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-well-architected-serverless-applications-building-in-resiliency-part-2/

This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application.

Reliability question REL2: How do you build resiliency into your serverless application?

This post continues part 1 of this reliability question. Previously, I cover managing failures using retries, exponential backoff, and jitter. I explain how DLQs can isolate failed messages. I show how to use state machines to orchestrate long running transactions rather than handling these in application code.

Required practice: Manage duplicate and unwanted events

Duplicate events can occur when a request is retried or multiple consumers process the same message from a queue or stream. A duplicate can also happen when a request is sent twice at different time intervals with the same parameters. Design your applications to process multiple identical requests to have the same effect as making a single request.

Idempotency refers to the capacity of an application or component to identify repeated events and prevent duplicated, inconsistent, or lost data. This means that receiving the same event multiple times does not change the result beyond the first time the event was received. An idempotent application can, for example, handle multiple identical refund operations. The first refund operation is processed. Any further refund requests to the same customer with the same payment reference should not be processes again.

When using AWS Lambda, you can make your function idempotent. The function’s code must properly validate input events and identify if the events were processed before. For more information, see “How do I make my Lambda function idempotent?

When processing streaming data, your application must anticipate and appropriately handle processing individual records multiple times. There are two primary reasons why records may be delivered more than once to your Amazon Kinesis Data Streams application: producer retries and consumer retries. For more information, see “Handling Duplicate Records”.

Generate unique attributes to manage duplicate events at the beginning of the transaction

Create, or use an existing unique identifier at the beginning of a transaction to ensure idempotency. These identifiers are also known as idempotency tokens. A number of Lambda triggers include a unique identifier as part of the event:

You can also create your own identifiers. These can be business-specific, such as transaction ID, payment ID, or booking ID. You can use an opaque random alphanumeric string, unique correlation identifiers, or the hash of the content.

A Lambda function, for example can use these identifiers to check whether the event has been previously processed.

Depending on the final destination, duplicate events might write to the same record with the same content instead of generating a duplicate entry. This may therefore not require additional safeguards.

Use an external system to store unique transaction attributes and verify for duplicates

Lambda functions can use Amazon DynamoDB to store and track transactions and idempotency tokens to determine if the transaction has been handled previously. DynamoDB Time to Live (TTL) allows you to define a per-item timestamp to determine when an item is no longer needed. This helps to limit the storage space used. Base the TTL on the event source. For example, the message retention period for SQS.

Using DynamoDB to store idempotent tokens

Using DynamoDB to store idempotent tokens

You can also use DynamoDB conditional writes to ensure a write operation only succeeds if an item attribute meets one of more expected conditions. For example, you can use this to fail a refund operation if a payment reference has already been refunded. This signals to the application that it is a duplicate transaction. The application can then catch this exception and return the same result to the customer as if the refund was processed successfully.

Third-party APIs can also support idempotency directly. For example, Stripe allows you to add an Idempotency-Key: <key> header to the request. Stripe saves the resulting status code and body of the first request made for any given idempotency key, regardless of whether it succeeded or failed. Subsequent requests with the same key return the same result.

Validate events using a pre-defined and agreed upon schema

Implicitly trusting data from clients, external sources, or machines could lead to malformed data being processed. Use a schema to validate your event conforms to what you are expecting. Process the event using the schema within your application code or at the event source when applicable. Events not adhering to your schema should be discarded.

For API Gateway, I cover validating incoming HTTP requests against a schema in “Implementing application workload security – part 1”.

Amazon EventBridge rules match event patterns. EventBridge provides schemas for all events that are generated by AWS services. You can create or upload custom schemas or infer schemas directly from events on an event bus. You can also generate code bindings for event schemas.

SNS supports message filtering. This allows a subscriber to receive a subset of the messages sent to the topic using a filter policy. For more information, see the documentation.

JSON Schema is a tool for validating the structure of JSON documents. There are a number of implementations available.

Best practice: Consider scaling patterns at burst rates

Load testing your serverless application allows you to monitor the performance of an application before it is deployed to production. Serverless applications can be simpler to load test, thanks to the automatic scaling built into many of the services. For more information, see “How to design Serverless Applications for massive scale”.

In addition to your baseline performance, consider evaluating how your workload handles initial burst rates. This ensures that your workload can sustain burst rates while scaling to meet possibly unexpected demand.

Perform load tests using a burst strategy with random intervals of idleness

Perform load tests using a burst of requests for a short period of time. Also introduce burst delays to allow your components to recover from unexpected load. This allows you to future-proof the workload for key events when you do not know peak traffic levels.

There are a number of AWS Marketplace and AWS Partner Network (APN) solutions available for performance testing, including Gatling FrontLine, BlazeMeter, and Apica.

In regulating inbound request rates – part 1, I cover running a performance test suite using Gatling, an open source tool.

Gatling performance results

Gatling performance results

Amazon does have a network stress testing policy that defines which high volume network tests are allowed. Tests that purposefully attempt to overwhelm the target and/or infrastructure are considered distributed denial of service (DDoS) tests and are prohibited. For more information, see “Amazon EC2 Testing Policy”.

Review service account limits with combined utilization across resources

AWS accounts have default quotas, also referred to as limits, for each AWS service. These are generally Region-specific. You can request increases for some limits while other limits cannot be increased. Service Quotas is an AWS service that helps you manage your limits for many AWS services. Along with looking up the values, you can also request a limit increase from the Service Quotas console.

Service Quotas dashboard

Service Quotas dashboard

As these limits are shared within an account, review the combined utilization across resources including the following:

  • Amazon API Gateway: number of requests per second across all APIs. (link)
  • AWS AppSync: throttle rate limits. (link)
  • AWS Lambda: function concurrency reservations and pool capacity to allow other functions to scale. (link)
  • Amazon CloudFront: requests per second per distribution. (link)
  • AWS IoT Core message broker: concurrent requests per second. (link)
  • Amazon EventBridge: API requests and target invocations limit. (link)
  • Amazon Cognito: API limits. (link)
  • Amazon DynamoDB: throughput, indexes, and request rates limits. (link)

Evaluate key metrics to understand how workloads recover from bursts

There are a number of key Amazon CloudWatch metrics to evaluate and alert on to understand whether your workload recovers from bursts.

  • AWS Lambda: Duration, Errors, Throttling, ConcurrentExecutions, UnreservedConcurrentExecutions. (link)
  • Amazon API Gateway: Latency, IntegrationLatency, 5xxError, 4xxError. (link)
  • Application Load Balancer: HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count, RejectedConnectionCount, HTTPCode_Target_5XX_Count, UnHealthyHostCount, LambdaInternalError, LambdaUserError. (link)
  • AWS AppSync: 5XX, Latency. (link)
  • Amazon SQS: ApproximateAgeOfOldestMessage. (link)
  • Amazon Kinesis Data Streams: ReadProvisionedThroughputExceeded, WriteProvisionedThroughputExceeded, GetRecords.IteratorAgeMilliseconds, PutRecord.Success, PutRecords.Success (if using Kinesis Producer Library), GetRecords.Success. (link)
  • Amazon SNS: NumberOfNotificationsFailed, NumberOfNotificationsFilteredOut-InvalidAttributes. (link)
  • Amazon Simple Email Service (SES): Rejects, Bounces, Complaints, Rendering Failures. (link)
  • AWS Step Functions: ExecutionThrottled, ExecutionsFailed, ExecutionsTimedOut. (link)
  • Amazon EventBridge: FailedInvocations, ThrottledRules. (link)
  • Amazon S3: 5xxErrors, TotalRequestLatency. (link)
  • Amazon DynamoDB: ReadThrottleEvents, WriteThrottleEvents, SystemErrors, ThrottledRequests, UserErrors. (link)


This post continues from part 1 and looks at managing duplicate and unwanted events with idempotency and an event schema. I cover how to consider scaling patterns at burst rates by managing account limits and show relevant metrics to evaluate

Build resiliency into your workloads. Ensure that applications can withstand partial and intermittent failures across components that may only surface in production. In the next post in the series, I cover the performance efficiency pillar from the Well-Architected Serverless Lens.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Building well-architected serverless applications: Building in resiliency – part 1

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-well-architected-serverless-applications-building-in-resiliency-part-1/

This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application.

Reliability question REL2: How do you build resiliency into your serverless application?

Evaluate scaling mechanisms for serverless and non-serverless resources to meet customer demand. Build resiliency into your workload to make your serverless application resilient to withstand partial and intermittent failures across components that may only surface in production.

Required practice: Manage transaction, partial, and intermittent failures

Whenever one service or system calls another, there is a chance that failures can happen. Services or systems often don’t fail as a single unit, but rather suffer partial or transient failures. Applications should be designed to handle component failures as part of the architecture. The system should be designed to detect failure and, ideally, automatically heal itself.

Transaction failures can occur when a component is unavailable or under high load. Partial failures can occur when a percentage of requests succeeds, including during batch processing. Intermittent failures might occur when a request fails for a short period of time due to network or other transient issues.

AWS serverless services, including AWS Lambda, are fault-tolerant and designed to handle failures. If a service invokes a Lambda function and there is a service disruption, Lambda invokes the function in a different Availability Zone.

When you invoke a function directly, you determine the strategy for handling errors. You can retry, send the event to a destination or queue for debugging, or ignore the error. Clients such as the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and the AWS SDK retry on client timeouts, throttling errors (429), and other errors that are not caused by a bad request.

When you invoke a function indirectly, you must be aware of the retry behavior of the invoker and any service that the request encounters along the way. For more information, see “Error handling and automatic retries in AWS Lambda”. You can configure Maximum Retry Attempts and Maximum Event Age for asynchronous invocations.

When reading from Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon DynamoDB Streams, Lambda retries the entire batch of items. Retries continue until the records expire or exceed the maximum age that you configure on the event source mapping. You can also configure the event source mapping to split a failed batch into two batches. Retrying with smaller batches isolates bad records and works around timeout issues.

Partial failures can occur in non-atomic operations. PutRecords for Kinesis and BatchWriteItem for DynamoDB return a successful response if at least one record is ingested successfully. Always inspect the response when using such operations and programmatically deal with partial failures.

Use exponential backoff with jitter

The simplest technique for dealing with failures in a networked environment is to retry calls until they succeed. This technique increases the reliability of the application and reduces operational costs for the developer.

However, it is not always safe to retry. A retry can further increase the load on the system being called if the system is already failing due to an overload. To avoid this problem, use backoff. Instead of retrying immediately and aggressively, the client waits some amount of time between tries. The most common pattern is an exponential backoff, which uses exponentially longer wait times between retries. This is typically capped to a maximum delay and number of retries.

If all backoff retries are still happening at the same time, this can still overload a system or cause contention. To avoid this problem, use jitter. Jitter adds some amount of randomness to the backoff to spread the retries around in time. This can help prevent large bursts by spreading out the rate when clients connect. For more information see the Amazon Builders’ Library article “Timeouts, retries, and backoff with jitter” and AWS Architecture blog post “Exponential Backoff And Jitter”.

Exponential backoff and jitter

Exponential backoff and jitter

When your application responds to callers in fail-fast scenarios and when performance is degraded, inform the caller via headers or metadata when they can retry.

Each AWS SDK implements automatic retry logic including exponential backoff. For downstream calls, you can adjust AWS and third-party SDK retries, backoffs, TCP, and HTTP timeouts. This helps you decide when to stop retrying. For more information, see the documentation and troubleshooting steps for Lambda and the AWS SDK.

Use a dead-letter queue mechanism to retain, investigate and retry failed transactions

There are a number of ways to handle message failures including destinations and dead-letter queues.

You can configure Lambda to send records of asynchronous invocations to another destination service. These include Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), Lambda, and Amazon EventBridge. You can configure separate destinations for events that fail processing and events that are successfully processed. The invocation record contains details about the event, the response, and the reason that the record was sent.

The following example shows a function that sends a record of a successful invocation to an EventBridge event bus. When an event fails all processing attempts, Lambda sends an invocation record to an SQS queue. It includes the function’s response in the invocation record.

AWS Lambda destinations for asynchronous invocation

AWS Lambda destinations for asynchronous invocation

SNS, SQS, Lambda, and EventBridge support dead-letter queues (DLQs). DLQs make your applications more resilient and durable by storing messages or events that can’t be processed correctly into a dedicated SQS queue. This helps you debug your application by isolating the problematic messages to determine why their processing failed. One you have resolved the issue, re-process the failed message. For more information, see “When should I use a dead-letter queue?” There is an example serverless application to redrive the messages from an SQS DLQ back to its source SQS queue.

For Lambda, DLQs provide an alternative to a failure destination. Lambda destinations is preferable for asynchronous invocations.

Good practice: Orchestrate long-running transactions

Long-running transactions can be processed by one or multiple components. Consider implementing the saga pattern using state machines for these types of transactions.

The saga pattern coordinates transactions between multiple microservices as part of a state machine. Each service that performs a transaction publishes an event to trigger the next transaction in the saga. This continues until the transaction chain is complete. If a transaction fails, saga orchestrates a series of compensating transactions that undo the changes that were made by the preceding transactions.

This is preferable to handling complex or long-running transactions within application code. State machines prevent cascading failures and avoid tightly coupling components with orchestrating logic and business logic.

Use a state machine to visualize distributed transactions, and to separate business logic from orchestration logic.

AWS Step Functions lets you coordinate multiple AWS services into serverless workflows via state machines. Within Step Functions, you can set separate retries, backoff rates, max attempts, intervals, and timeouts. These are set for every step of your state machine using a declarative language.

In the serverless airline example used in this series, Step Functions is used to orchestrate the Booking microservice. The ProcessBooking state machine handles all the necessary steps to create bookings, including payment.

Booking service Step Functions state machine

Booking service Step Functions state machine

The state machine uses a combination of service integrations using DynamoDB, SQS, and Lambda functions to coordinate transactions and handle failures.

For example, the Reserve Booking task invokes a Lambda function. The task has retry and error handling configured as part of the task definition.

"Reserve Booking": {
	"Type": "Task",
	"Resource": "${ReserveBooking.Arn}",
	"TimeoutSeconds": 5,
	"Retry": [
			"ErrorEquals": [
			"IntervalSeconds": 1,
			"BackoffRate": 2,
			"MaxAttempts": 2
	"Catch": [
			"ErrorEquals": [
			"ResultPath": "$.bookingError",
			"Next": "Cancel Booking"
	"ResultPath": "$.bookingId",
	"Next": "Collect Payment"

Step Functions supports direct service integrations, including DynamoDB. The Reserve Flight task directly updates the flightTable without requiring a Lambda function.

"Reserve Flight": {
	"Type": "Task",
	"Resource": "arn:aws:states:::dynamodb:updateItem",
	"Parameters": {
		"TableName.$": "$.flightTable",
		"Key": {
			"id": {
				"S.$": "$.outboundFlightId"
		"UpdateExpression": "SET seatCapacity = seatCapacity - :dec",
		"ExpressionAttributeValues": {
			":dec": {
				"N": "1"
			":noSeat": {
				"N": "0"
		"ConditionExpression": "seatCapacity > :noSeat"

By default, when a state reports an error, Step Functions causes the execution to fail entirely.

Utilize dead-letter queues in response to failed state machine executions

Any state within the Step Functions workflow can encounter runtime errors. These include state machine definition issues, task failures such as Lambda function exceptions, or transient issues such as network connectivity issues. For more information, see “Error handling in Step Functions”.

Use the Step Functions service integration with SQS to send failed transactions to a DLQ as the final step. This adds a higher level of durability within your state machines.

For example, the airline Notify Failed Booking final task catches failed states from four previous steps. It sends the results to the Booking DLQ.

Booking service Step Functions DLQ

Booking service Step Functions DLQ

The message includes the output of the previous failed states for further troubleshooting.

"Booking DLQ": {
	"Type": "Task",
	"Resource": "arn:aws:states:::sqs:sendMessage",
	"Parameters": {
		"QueueUrl": "${BookingsDLQ}",
		"MessageBody.$": "$"
	"ResultPath": "$.deadLetterQueue",
	"Next": "Booking Failed"

The Step Functions documentation has more information on calling SQS.


Build resiliency into your workloads. This makes sure that your application can withstand partial and intermittent failures across components that may only surface in production.

In this post, I cover managing failures using retries, exponential backoff, and jitter. I explain how DLQs can isolate failed messages. I show how to use state machines to orchestrate long running transactions rather than handling these in application code.

This well-architected question continues in part 2 where I look at managing duplicate and unwanted events with idempotency and an event schema. I cover how to consider scaling patterns at burst rates by managing account limits and show relevant metrics to evaluate.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Building well-architected serverless applications: Regulating inbound request rates – part 1

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-well-architected-serverless-applications-regulating-inbound-request-rates-part-1/

This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application.

Reliability question REL1: How do you regulate inbound request rates?

Defining, analyzing, and enforcing inbound request rates helps achieve better throughput. Regulation helps you adapt different scaling mechanisms based on customer demand. By regulating inbound request rates, you can achieve better throughput, and adapt client request submissions to a request rate that your workload can support.

Required practice: Control inbound request rates using throttling

Throttle inbound request rates using steady-rate and burst rate requests

Throttling requests limits the number of requests a client can make during a certain period of time. Throttling allows you to control your API traffic. This helps your backend services maintain their performance and availability levels by limiting the number of requests to actual system throughput.

To prevent your API from being overwhelmed by too many requests, Amazon API Gateway throttles requests to your API. These limits are applied across all clients using the token bucket algorithm. API Gateway sets a limit on a steady-state rate and a burst of request submissions. The algorithm is based on an analogy of filling and emptying a bucket of tokens representing the number of available requests that can be processed.

Each API request removes a token from the bucket. The throttle rate then determines how many requests are allowed per second. The throttle burst determines how many concurrent requests are allowed. I explain the token bucket algorithm in more detail in “Building well-architected serverless applications: Controlling serverless API access – part 2

Token bucket algorithm

Token bucket algorithm

API Gateway limits the steady-state rate and burst requests per second. These are shared across all APIs per Region in an account. For further information on account-level throttling per Region, see the documentation. You can request account-level rate limit increases using the AWS Support Center. For more information, see Amazon API Gateway quotas and important notes.

You can configure your own throttling levels, within the account and Region limits to improve overall performance across all APIs in your account. This restricts the overall request submissions so that they don’t exceed the account-level throttling limits.

You can also configure per-client throttling limits. Usage plans restrict client request submissions to within specified request rates and quotas. These are applied to clients using API keys that are associated with your usage policy as a client identifier. You can add throttling levels per API route, stage, or method that are applied in a specific order.

For more information on API Gateway throttling, see the AWS re:Invent presentation “I didn’t know Amazon API Gateway could do that”.

API Gateway throttling

API Gateway throttling

You can also throttle requests by introducing a buffering layer using Amazon Kinesis Data Stream or Amazon SQS. Kinesis can limit the number of requests at the shard level while SQS can limit at the consumer level. For more information on using SQS as a buffer with Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), read “How To: Use SNS and SQS to Distribute and Throttle Events”.

Identify steady-rate and burst rate requests that your workload can sustain at any point in time before performance degraded

Load testing your serverless application allows you to monitor the performance of an application before it is deployed to production. Serverless applications can be simpler to load test, thanks to the automatic scaling built into many of the services. During a load test, you can identify quotas that may act as a limiting factor for the traffic you expect and take action.

Perform load testing for a sustained period of time. Gradually increase the traffic to your API to determine your steady-state rate of requests. Also use a burst strategy with no ramp up to determine the burst rates that your workload can serve without errors or performance degradation. There are a number of AWS Marketplace and AWS Partner Network (APN) solutions available for performance testing, Gatling Frontline, BlazeMeter, and Apica.

In the serverless airline example used in this series, you can run a performance test suite using Gatling, an open source tool.

To deploy the test suite, follow the instructions in the GitHub repository perf-tests directory. Uncomment the deploy.perftest line in the repository Makefile.

Perf-test makefile

Perf-test makefile

Once the file is pushed to GitHub, AWS Amplify Console rebuilds the application, and deploys an AWS CloudFormation stack. You can run the load tests locally, or use an AWS Step Functions state machine to run the setup and Gatling load test simulation.

Performance test using Step Functions

Performance test using Step Functions

The Gatling simulation script uses constantUsersPerSec and rampUsersPerSec to add users for a number of test scenarios. You can use the test to simulate load on the application. Once the tests run, it generates a downloadable report.

Gatling performance results

Gatling performance results

Artillery Community Edition is another open-source tool for testing serverless APIs. You configure the number of requests per second and overall test duration, and it uses a headless Chromium browser to run its test flows. For Artillery, the maximum number of concurrent tests is constrained by your local computing resources and network. To achieve higher throughput, you can use Serverless Artillery, which runs the Artillery package on Lambda functions. As a result, this tool can scale up to a significantly higher number of tests.

For more information on how to use Artillery, see “Load testing a web application’s serverless backend”. This runs tests against APIs in a demo application. For example, one of the tests fetches 50,000 questions per hour. This calls an API Gateway endpoint and tests whether the AWS Lambda function, which queries an Amazon DynamoDB table, can handle the load.

Artillery performance test

Artillery performance test

This is a synchronous API so the performance directly impacts the user’s experience of the application. This test shows that the median response time is 165 ms with a p95 time of 201 ms.

Performance test API results

Performance test API results

Another consideration for API load testing is whether the authentication and authorization service can handle the load. For more information on load testing Amazon Cognito and API Gateway using Step Functions, see “Using serverless to load test Amazon API Gateway with authorization”.

API load testing with authentication and authorization

API load testing with authentication and authorization


Regulating inbound requests helps you adapt different scaling mechanisms based on customer demand. You can achieve better throughput for your workloads and make them more reliable by controlling requests to a rate that your workload can support.

In this post, I cover controlling inbound request rates using throttling. I show how to use throttling to control steady-rate and burst rate requests. I show some solutions for performance testing to identify the request rates that your workload can sustain before performance degradation.

This well-architected question will be continued where I look at using, analyzing, and enforcing API quotas. I cover mechanisms to protect non-scalable resources.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Using Amazon Macie to Validate S3 Bucket Data Classification

Post Syndicated from Bill Magee original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/using-amazon-macie-to-validate-s3-bucket-data-classification/

Securing sensitive information is a high priority for organizations for many reasons. At the same time, organizations are looking for ways to empower development teams to stay agile and innovative. Centralized security teams strive to create systems that align to the needs of the development teams, rather than mandating how those teams must operate.

Security teams who create automation for the discovery of sensitive data have some issues to consider. If development teams are able to self-provision data storage, how does the security team protect that data? If teams have a business need to store sensitive data, they must consider how, where, and with what safeguards that data is stored.

Let’s look at how we can set up Amazon Macie to validate data classifications provided by decentralized software development teams. Macie is a fully managed service that uses machine learning (ML) to discover sensitive data in AWS. If you are not familiar with Macie, read New – Enhanced Amazon Macie Now Available with Substantially Reduced Pricing.

Data classification is part of the security pillar of a Well-Architected application. Following the guidelines provided in the AWS Well-Architected Framework, we can develop a resource-tagging scheme that fits our needs.

Overview of decentralized data validation system

In our example, we have multiple levels of data classification that represent different levels of risk associated with each classification. When a software development team creates a new Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket, they are responsible for labeling that bucket with a tag. This tag represents the classification of data stored in that bucket. The security team must maintain a system to validate that the data in those buckets meets the classification specified by the development teams.

This separation of roles and responsibilities for development and security teams who work independently requires a validation system that’s decoupled from S3 bucket creation. It should automatically detect new buckets or data in the existing buckets, and validate the data against the assigned classification tags. It should also notify the appropriate development teams of misclassified or unclassified buckets in a timely manner. These notifications can be through standard notification channels, such as email or Slack channel notifications.

Validation and alerts with AWS services

Figure 1. Validation system for Data Classification

Figure 1. Validation system for data classification

We assume that teams are permitted to create S3 buckets and we will use AWS Config to enforce the following required tags: DataClassification and SupportSNSTopic. The DataClassification tag indicates what type of data is allowed in the bucket. The SupportSNSTopic tag indicates an Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic. If there are issues found with the data in the bucket, a message is published to the topic, and Amazon SNS will deliver an alert. For example, if there is personally identifiable information (PII) data in a bucket that is classified as non-sensitive, the system will alert the owners of the bucket.

Macie is configured to scan all S3 buckets on a scheduled basis. This configuration ensures that any new bucket and data placed in the buckets is analyzed the next time the Macie job runs.

Macie provides several managed data identifiers for discovering and classifying the data. These include bank account numbers, credit card information, authentication credentials, PII, and more. You can also create custom identifiers (or rules) to gather information not covered by the managed identifiers.

Macie integrates with Amazon EventBridge to allow us to capture data classification events and route them to one or more destinations for reporting and alerting needs. In our configuration, the event initiates an AWS Lambda. The Lambda function is used to validate the data classification inferred by Macie against the classification specified in the DataClassification tag using custom business logic. If a data classification violation is found, the Lambda then sends a message to the Amazon SNS topic specified in the SupportSNSTopic tag.

The Lambda function also creates custom metrics and sends those to Amazon CloudWatch. The metrics are organized by engineering team and severity. This allows the security team to create a dashboard of metrics based on the Macie findings. The findings can also be filtered per engineering team and severity to determine which teams need to be contacted to ensure remediation.


This solution provides a centralized security team with the tools it needs. The team can validate the data classification of an Amazon S3 bucket that is self-provisioned by a development team. New Amazon S3 buckets are automatically included in the Macie jobs and alerts. These are only sent out if the data in the bucket does not conform to the classification specified by the development team. The data auditing process is loosely coupled with the Amazon S3 Bucket creation process, enabling self-service capabilities for development teams, while ensuring proper data classification. Your teams can stay agile and innovative, while maintaining a strong security posture.

Learn more about Amazon Macie and Data Classification.

Should I Run my Containers on AWS Fargate, AWS Lambda, or Both?

Post Syndicated from Rob Solomon original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/should-i-run-my-containers-on-aws-fargate-aws-lambda-or-both/

Containers have transformed how companies build and operate software. Bundling both application code and dependencies into a single container image improves agility and reduces deployment failures. But what compute platform should you choose to be most efficient, and what factors should you consider in this decision?

With the release of container image support for AWS Lambda functions (December 2020), customers now have an additional option for building serverless applications using their existing container-oriented tooling and DevOps best practices. In addition, a single container image can be configured to run on both of these compute platforms: AWS Lambda (using serverless functions) or AWS Fargate (using containers).

Three key factors can influence the decision of what platform you use to deploy your container: startup time, task runtime, and cost. That decision may vary each time a task is initiated, as shown in the three scenarios following.

Design considerations for deploying a container

Total task duration consists of startup time and runtime. The startup time of a containerized task is the time required to provision the container compute resource and deploy the container. Task runtime is the time it takes for the application code to complete.

Startup time: Some tasks must complete quickly. For example, when a user waits for a web response, or when a series of tasks is completed in sequential order. In those situations, the total duration time must be minimal. While the application code may be optimized to run faster, startup time depends on the chosen compute platform as well. AWS Fargate container startup time typically takes from 60 to 90 seconds. AWS Lambda initial cold start can take up to 5 seconds. Following that first startup, the same containerized function has negligible startup time.

Task runtime: The amount of time it takes for a task to complete is influenced by the compute resources allocated (vCPU and memory) and application code. AWS Fargate lets you select vCPU and memory size. With AWS Lambda, you define the amount of allocated memory. Lambda then provisions a proportional quantity of vCPU. In both AWS Fargate and AWS Lambda uses, increasing the amount of compute resources may result in faster completion time. However, this will depend on the application. While the additional compute resources incur greater cost, the total duration may be shorter, so the overall cost may also be lower.

AWS Lambda has a maximum limit of 15 minutes of runtime. Lambda shouldn’t be used for these tasks to avoid the likelihood of timeout errors.

Figure 1 illustrates the proportion of startup time to total duration. The initial steepness of each line shows a rapid decrease in startup overhead. This is followed by a flattening out, showing a diminishing rate of efficiency. Startup time delay becomes less impactful as the total job duration increases. Other factors (such as cost) become more significant.

Figure 1. Ratio of startup time as a function to overall job duration for each service

Figure 1. Ratio of startup time as a function to overall job duration for each service

Cost: When making the choice between Fargate and Lambda, it is important to understand the different pricing models. This way, you can make the appropriate selection for your needs.

Figure 2 shows a cost analysis of Lambda vs Fargate. This is for the entire range of configurations for a runtime task. For most of the range of configurable memory, AWS Lambda is more expensive per second than even the most expensive configuration of Fargate.

Figure 2. Total cost for both AWS Lambda and AWS Fargate based on task duration

Figure 2. Total cost for both AWS Lambda and AWS Fargate based on task duration

From a cost perspective, AWS Fargate is more cost-effective for tasks running for several seconds or longer. If cost is the only factor at play, then Fargate would be the better choice. But the savings gained by using Fargate may be offset by the business value gained from the shorter Lambda function startup time.

Dynamically choose your compute platform

In the following scenarios, we show how a single container image can serve multiple use cases. The decision to run a given containerized application on either AWS Lambda or AWS Fargate can be determined at runtime. This decision depends on whether cost, speed, or duration are the priority.

In Figure 3, an image-processing AWS Batch job runs on a nightly schedule, processing tens of thousands of images to extract location information. When run as a batch job, image processing may take 1–2 hours. The job pulls images stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and writes the location metadata to Amazon DynamoDB. In this case, AWS Fargate provides a good combination of compute and cost efficiency. An added benefit is that it also supports tasks that exceed 15 minutes. If a single image is submitted for real-time processing, response time is critical. In that case, the same image-processing code can be run on AWS Lambda, using the same container image. Rather than waiting for the next batch process to run, the image is processed immediately.

Figure 3. One-off invocation of a typically long-running batch job

Figure 3. One-off invocation of a typically long-running batch job

In Figure 4, a SaaS application uses an AWS Lambda function to allow customers to submit complex text search queries for files stored in an Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) volume. The task should return results quickly, which is an ideal condition for AWS Lambda. However, a small percentage of jobs run much longer than the average, exceeding the maximum duration of 15 minutes.

A straightforward approach to avoid job failure is to initiate an Amazon CloudWatch alarm when the Lambda function times out. CloudWatch alarms can automatically retry the job using Fargate. An alternate approach is to capture historical data and use it to create a machine learning model in Amazon SageMaker. When a new job is initiated, the SageMaker model can predict the time it will take the job to complete. Lambda can use that prediction to route the job to either AWS Lambda or AWS Fargate.

Figure 4. Short duration tasks with occasional outliers running longer than 15 minutes

Figure 4. Short duration tasks with occasional outliers running longer than 15 minutes

In Figure 5, a customer runs a containerized legacy application that encompasses many different kinds of functions, all related to a recurring data processing workflow. Each function performs a task of varying complexity and duration. These can range from processing data files, updating a database, or submitting machine learning jobs.

Using a container image, one code base can be configured to contain all of the individual functions. Longer running functions, such as data preparation and big data analytics, are routed to Fargate. Shorter duration functions like simple queries can be configured to run using the container image in AWS Lambda. By using AWS Step Functions as an orchestrator, the process can be automated. In this way, a monolithic application can be broken up into a set of “Units of Work” that operate independently.

Figure 5. Heterogeneous function orchestration

Figure 5. Heterogeneous function orchestration


If your job lasts milliseconds and requires a fast response to provide a good customer experience, use AWS Lambda. If your function is not time-sensitive and runs on the scale of minutes, use AWS Fargate. For tasks that have a total duration of under 15 minutes, customers must decide based on impacts to both business and cost. Select the service that is the most effective serverless compute environment to meet your requirements. The choice can be made manually when a job is scheduled or by using retry logic to switch to the other compute platform if the first option fails. The decision can also be based on a machine learning model trained on historical data.

ICYMI: Serverless Q2 2021

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/icymi-serverless-q2-2021/

Welcome to the 14th edition of the AWS Serverless ICYMI (in case you missed it) quarterly recap. Every quarter, we share all of the most recent product launches, feature enhancements, blog posts, webinars, Twitch live streams, and other interesting things that you might have missed!

Q2 calendar

In case you missed our last ICYMI, check out what happened last quarter here.

AWS Step Functions

Step Functions launched Workflow Studio, a new visual tool that provides a drag-and-drop user interface to build Step Functions workflows. This exposes all the capabilities of Step Functions that are available in Amazon States Language (ASL). This makes it easier to build and change workflows and build definitions in near-real time.

For more:

Workflow Studio

The new data flow simulator in the Step Functions console helps you evaluate the inputs and outputs passed through your state machine. It allows you to simulate each of the fields used to process data and updates in real time. It can help accelerate development with workflows and help visualize JSONPath processing.

For more:

Data flow simulator

Also, Amazon API Gateway can now invoke synchronous Express Workflows using REST APIs.

Amazon EventBridge

EventBridge now supports cross-Region event routing from any commercial AWS Region to a list of supported Regions. This feature allows you to centralize global events for auditing and monitoring or replicate events across Regions.

EventBridge cross-Region routing

The service now also supports bus-to-bus event routing in the same Region and in the same AWS account. This can be useful for centralizing events related to a single project, application, or team within your organization.

EventBridge bus-to-bus

You can now use EventBridge as a resource within Step Functions workflows. This provides a direct service integration for both standard and Express Workflows. You can publish events directly to a specified event bus using either a request-response or wait-for-callback pattern.

EventBridge added a new target for rules – Amazon SageMaker Pipelines. This allows you to use a rule to trigger a continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) service for your machine learning workloads.

AWS Lambda

Lambda Extensions

AWS Lambda extensions are now generally available including some performance and functionality improvements. Lambda extensions provide a new way to integrate your chosen monitoring, observability, security, and governance tools with AWS Lambda. These use the Lambda Runtime Extensions API to integrate with the execution environment and provide hooks into the Lambda lifecycle.

To help build your own extensions, there is an updated GitHub repository with example code.

To learn more:

  • Watch a Tech Talk with Julian Wood.
  • Watch the 8-episode Learning Path series covering all aspects of extensions.

Extensions available today

Amazon CloudWatch Lambda Insights support for Lambda container images is now generally available.

Amazon SNS

Amazon SNS has expanded the set of filter operators available to include IP address matching, existence of an attribute key, and “anything-but” matching.

The service has also introduced an SMS sandbox to help developers testing workloads that send text messages.

To learn more:

Amazon DynamoDB

DynamoDB announced CloudFormation support for several features. First, it now supports configuring Kinesis Data Streams using CloudFormation. This allows you to use infrastructure as code to set up Kinesis Data Streams instead of DynamoDB streams.

The service also announced that NoSQL Workbench now supports CloudFormation, so you can build data models and configure table capacity settings directly from the tool. Finally, you can now create and manage global tables with CloudFormation.

Learn how to use the recently launched Serverless Patterns Collection to configure DynamoDB as an event source for Lambda.

AWS Amplify

Amplify Hosting announced support for server-side rendered (SSR) apps built with the Next.js framework. This provides a zero configuration option for developers to deploy and host their Next.js-based applications.

The Amplify GLI now allows developers to make multiple DynamoDB GSI updates in a single deployment. This can help accelerate data model iterations. Additionally, the data management experience in the Amplify Admin UI launched at AWS re:Invent 2020 is now generally available.

AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM)

AWS SAM has a public preview of support for local development and testing of AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) projects.

To learn more:

Serverless blog posts

Operating Lambda

The “Operating Lambda” blog series includes the following posts in this quarter:

Streaming data

The “Building serverless applications with streaming data” blog series shows how to use Lambda with Kinesis.

Getting started with serverless for developers

Learn how to build serverless applications from your local integrated development environment (IDE).




Tech Talks & Events

We hold AWS Online Tech Talks covering serverless topics throughout the year. These are listed in the Serverless section of the AWS Online Tech Talks page. We also regularly deliver talks at conferences and events around the world, speak on podcasts, and record videos you can find to learn in bite-sized chunks.

Here are some from Q2:

Serverless Live was a day of talks held on May 19, featuring the serverless developer advocacy team, along with Adrian Cockroft and Jeff Barr. You can watch a replay of all the talks on the AWS Twitch channel.


YouTube ServerlessLand channel

Serverless Office Hours – Tues 10 AM PT / 1PM EST

Weekly live virtual office hours. In each session we talk about a specific topic or technology related to serverless and open it up to helping you with your real serverless challenges and issues. Ask us anything you want about serverless technologies and applications.

YouTube: youtube.com/serverlessland
Twitch: twitch.tv/aws




DynamoDB Office Hours

Are you an Amazon DynamoDB customer with a technical question you need answered? If so, join us for weekly Office Hours on the AWS Twitch channel led by Rick Houlihan, AWS principal technologist and Amazon DynamoDB expert. See upcoming and previous shows

Learning Path – AWS Lambda Extensions: The deep dive

Are you looking for a way to more easily integrate AWS Lambda with your favorite monitoring, observability, security, governance, and other tools? Welcome to AWS Lambda extensions: The deep dive, a learning path video series that shows you everything about augmenting Lambda functions using Lambda extensions.

There are also other helpful videos covering serverless available on the Serverless Land YouTube channel.

Still looking for more?

The Serverless landing page has more information. The Lambda resources page contains case studies, webinars, whitepapers, customer stories, reference architectures, and even more Getting Started tutorials.

You can also follow the Serverless Developer Advocacy team on Twitter to see the latest news, follow conversations, and interact with the team.

Building well-architected serverless applications: Managing application security boundaries – part 1

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-well-architected-serverless-applications-managing-application-security-boundaries-part-1/

This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application.

Security question SEC2: How do you manage your serverless application’s security boundaries?

Defining and securing your serverless application’s boundaries ensures isolation for, within, and between components.

Required practice: Evaluate and define resource policies

Resource policies are AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) statements. They are attached to resources such as an Amazon S3 bucket, or an Amazon API Gateway REST API resource or method. The policies define what identities have fine-grained access to the resource. To see which services support resource-based policies, see “AWS Services That Work with IAM”. For more information on how resource policies and identity policies are evaluated, see “Identity-Based Policies and Resource-Based Policies”.

Understand and determine which resource policies are necessary

Resource policies can protect a component by restricting inbound access to managed services. Use resource policies to restrict access to your component based on a number of identities, such as the source IP address/range, function event source, version, alias, or queues. Resource policies are evaluated and enforced at IAM level before each AWS service applies it’s own authorization mechanisms, when available. For example, IAM resource policies for API Gateway REST APIs can deny access to an API before an AWS Lambda authorizer is called.

If you use multiple AWS accounts, you can use AWS Organizations to manage and govern individual member accounts centrally. Certain resource policies can be applied at the organizations level, providing guardrail for what actions AWS accounts within the organization root or OU can do. For more information see, “Understanding how AWS Organization Service Control Policies work”.

Review your existing policies and how they’re configured, paying close attention to how permissive individual policies are. Your resource policies should only permit necessary callers.

Implement resource policies to prevent unauthorized access

For Lambda, use resource-based policies to provide fine-grained access to what AWS IAM identities and event sources can invoke a specific version or alias of your function. Resource-based policies can also be used to control access to Lambda layers. You can combine resource policies with Lambda event sources. For example, if API Gateway invokes Lambda, you can restrict the policy to the API Gateway ID, HTTP method, and path of the request.

In the serverless airline example used in this series, the IngestLoyalty service uses a Lambda function that subscribes to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic. The Lambda function resource policy allows SNS to invoke the Lambda function.

Lambda resource policy document

Lambda resource policy document

API Gateway resource-based policies can restrict API access to specific Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), VPC endpoint, source IP address/range, AWS account, or AWS IAM users.

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) resource-based policies provide fine-grained access to certain AWS services and AWS IAM identities (users, roles, accounts). Amazon SNS resource-based policies restrict authenticated and non-authenticated actions to topics.

Amazon DynamoDB resource-based policies provide fine-grained access to tables and indexes. Amazon EventBridge resource-based policies restrict AWS identities to send and receive events including to specific event buses.

For Amazon S3, use bucket policies to grant permission to your Amazon S3 resources.

The AWS re:Invent session Best practices for growing a serverless application includes further suggestions on enforcing security best practices.

Best practices for growing a serverless application

Best practices for growing a serverless application

Good practice: Control network traffic at all layers

Apply controls for controlling both inbound and outbound traffic, including data loss prevention. Define requirements that help you protect your networks and protect against exfiltration.

Use networking controls to enforce access patterns

API Gateway and AWS AppSync have support for AWS Web Application Firewall (AWS WAF) which helps protect web applications and APIs from attacks. AWS WAF enables you to configure a set of rules called a web access control list (web ACL). These allow you to block, or count web requests based on customizable web security rules and conditions that you define. These can include specified IP address ranges, CIDR blocks, specific countries, or Regions. You can also block requests that contain malicious SQL code, or requests that contain malicious script. For more information, see How AWS WAF Works.

private API endpoint is an API Gateway interface VPC endpoint that can only be accessed from your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). This is an elastic network interface that you create in a VPC. Traffic to your private API uses secure connections and does not leave the Amazon network, it is isolated from the public internet. For more information, see “Creating a private API in Amazon API Gateway”.

To restrict access to your private API to specific VPCs and VPC endpoints, you must add conditions to your API’s resource policy. For example policies, see the documentation.

By default, Lambda runs your functions in a secure Lambda-owned VPC that is not connected to your account’s default VPC. Functions can access anything available on the public internet. This includes other AWS services, HTTPS endpoints for APIs, or services and endpoints outside AWS. The function cannot directly connect to your private resources inside of your VPC.

You can configure a Lambda function to connect to private subnets in a VPC in your account. When a Lambda function is configured to use a VPC, the Lambda function still runs inside the Lambda service VPC. The function then sends all network traffic through your VPC and abides by your VPC’s network controls. Functions deployed to virtual private networks must consider network access to restrict resource access.

AWS Lambda service VPC with VPC-to-VPT NAT to customer VPC

AWS Lambda service VPC with VPC-to-VPT NAT to customer VPC

When you connect a function to a VPC in your account, the function cannot access the internet, unless the VPC provides access. To give your function access to the internet, route outbound traffic to a NAT gateway in a public subnet. The NAT gateway has a public IP address and can connect to the internet through the VPC’s internet gateway. For more information, see “How do I give internet access to my Lambda function in a VPC?”. Connecting a function to a public subnet doesn’t give it internet access or a public IP address.

You can control the VPC settings for your Lambda functions using AWS IAM condition keys. For example, you can require that all functions in your organization are connected to a VPC. You can also specify the subnets and security groups that the function’s users can and can’t use.

Unsolicited inbound traffic to a Lambda function isn’t permitted by default. There is no direct network access to the execution environment where your functions run. When connected to a VPC, function outbound traffic comes from your own network address space.

You can use security groups, which act as a virtual firewall to control outbound traffic for functions connected to a VPC. Use security groups to permit your Lambda function to communicate with other AWS resources. For example, a security group can allow the function to connect to an Amazon ElastiCache cluster.

To filter or block access to certain locations, use VPC routing tables to configure routing to different networking appliances. Use network ACLs to block access to CIDR IP ranges or ports, if necessary. For more information about the differences between security groups and network ACLs, see “Compare security groups and network ACLs.”

In addition to API Gateway private endpoints, several AWS services offer VPC endpoints, including Lambda. You can use VPC endpoints to connect to AWS services from within a VPC without an internet gateway, NAT device, VPN connection, or AWS Direct Connect connection.

Using tools to audit your traffic

When you configure a Lambda function to use a VPC, or use private API endpoints, you can use VPC Flow Logs to audit your traffic. VPC Flow Logs allow you to capture information about the IP traffic going to and from network interfaces in your VPC. Flow log data can be published to Amazon CloudWatch Logs or S3 to see where traffic is being sent to at a granular level. Here are some flow log record examples. For more information, see “Learn from your VPC Flow Logs”.

Block network access when required

In addition to security groups and network ACLs, third-party tools allow you to disable outgoing VPC internet traffic. These can also be configured to allow traffic to AWS services or allow-listed services.


Managing your serverless application’s security boundaries ensures isolation for, within, and between components. In this post, I cover how to evaluate and define resource policies, showing what policies are available for various serverless services. I show some of the features of AWS WAF to protect APIs. Then I review how to control network traffic at all layers. I explain how Lambda functions connect to VPCs, and how to use private APIs and VPC endpoints. I walk through how to audit your traffic.

This well-architected question will be continued where I look at using temporary credentials between resources and components. I cover why smaller, single purpose functions are better from a security perspective, and how to audit permissions. I show how to use AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to create per-function IAM roles.

For more serverless learning resources, visit https://serverlessland.com.

Create a serverless feedback collector application using Amazon Pinpoint’s two-way SMS functionality

Post Syndicated from Murat Balkan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/create-a-serverless-feedback-collector-application-by-using-amazon-pinpoints-two-way-sms-functionality/


Two-way SMS communication is used by many companies to create interactive engagements with their customers. Traditional SMS notifications are one-way. While this is valid for many different use cases like one-time passwords (OTP) notifications and security notifications or reminders, some other use-cases may benefit from collecting information from the same channel. Two-way SMS allows customers to create this feedback mechanism and enhance business interactions and overall customer experience.

SMS is chosen for its simplicity and availability across different sets of devices. By combining the two-way SMS mechanism with the vast breadth of services Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers, companies can create effective architectures to better interact and serve their customers.

This blog post shows you how a serverless online appointment application can use Amazon Pinpoint’s two-way SMS functionality to collect customer feedback for completed appointments. You will learn how Amazon Pinpoint interacts with other AWS serverless services with its out-of-the-box integrations to create a scalable messaging application.


By completing the steps in this post, you can create a system that uses the architecture illustrated in the following image:

The architecture of a feedback collector application that is composed of serverless AWS services

The flow of events starts when a Amazon DynamoDB table item, representing an online appointment, changes its status to COMPLETED. An AWS Lambda function which is subscribed to these changes over DynamoDB Streams detects this change and sends an SMS to the customer by using Amazon Pinpoint API’s sendMessages operation.

Amazon Pinpoint delivers the SMS to the recipient and generates a unique message ID to the AWS Lambda function. The Lambda function then adds this message ID to a DynamoDB table called “message-lookup”. This table is used for tracking different feedback requests sent during a multi-step conversation and associate them with the appointment ids. At this stage, the Lambda function also populates another table “feedbacks” which will hold the feedback responses that will be sent as SMS reply messages.

Each time a recipient replies to an SMS, Amazon Pinpoint publishes this reply event to an Amazon SNS topic which is subscribed by an Amazon SQS queue. Amazon Pinpoint will also add a messageId to this event which allows you to bind it to a sendMessages operation call.

A second AWS Lambda function polls these reply events from the Amazon SQS queue. It checks whether the reply is in the correct format (i.e. a number) and also associated with a previous request. If all conditions are met, the AWS Lambda function checks the ConversationStage attribute’s value from its message-lookup table. According to the current stage and the SMS answer received, AWS Lambda function will determine the next step.

For example, if the feedback score received is less than 5, a follow-up SMS is sent to the user asking if they’ll be happy to receive a call from the customer support team.

All SMS replies from the users are reflected to “feedbacks” table for further analysis.

Deploying the Sample Application

  1. Clone this GitHub repository to your local machine and install and configure AWS SAM with a test AWS IAM user.

You will use AWS SAM to deploy the remaining parts of this serverless architecture.

The AWS SAM template creates the following resources:

    • An Amazon DynamoDB table (appointments) that contains information about appointments, customers and their appointment status.
    • An Amazon DynamoDB table (feedbacks) that holds the received feedbacks from customers.
    • An Amazon DynamoDB table (message-lookup) that holds the Amazon Pinpoint message ids and associate them to appointments to track a multi-step conversation.
    • Two AWS Lambda functions (FeedbackSender and FeedbackReceiver)
    • An Amazon SNS topic that collects state change events from Amazon Pinpoint.
    • An Amazon SQS queue that queues the incoming messages.
    • An Amazon Pinpoint Application with an associated SMS channel.

This architecture consists of two Lambda functions, which are represented as two different apps in the AWS SAM template. These functions are named FeedbackSender and FeedbackReceiver. The FeedbackSender function listens the Amazon DynamoDB Stream associated with the appointments table and sends the SMS message requesting a feedback. Second Lambda function, FeedbackReceiver, polls the Amazon SQS queue and updates the feedbacks table in Amazon DynamoDB. (pinpoint-two-way-sms)

          Note: You’ll incur some costs by deploying this stack into your account.

  1. To start the SAM deployment, navigate to the root directory of the repository you downloaded and where the template.yaml AWS SAM template resides. AWS SAM also requires you to specify an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket to hold the deployment artifacts. If you haven’t already created a bucket for this purpose, create one now. The bucket should have read and write access by an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user.

At the command line, enter the following command to package the application:

sam package --template template.yaml --output-template-file output_template.yaml --s3-bucket BUCKET_NAME_HERE

In the preceding command, replace BUCKET_NAME_HERE with the name of the Amazon S3 bucket that should hold the deployment artifacts.

AWS SAM packages the application and copies it into this Amazon S3 bucket.

When the AWS SAM package command finishes running, enter the following command to deploy the package:

sam deploy --template-file output_template.yaml --stack-name BlogStackPinpoint --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

When you run this command, AWS SAM shows the progress of the deployment. When the deployment finishes, navigate to the Amazon Pinpoint console and choose the project named “BlogApplication”. This example uses “BlogStackPinpoint” as the stack name, you can change this to any other name you want.

  1. From the left navigation, choose Settings, SMS and voice. On the SMS and voice settings page, choose the Request phone number button under Number settings

Screenshot of request phone number screen

  1. Choose a target country. Set the Default message type as Transactional, and click on the Request long codes button to buy a long code.

Note: In United States, you can also request a Toll Free Number(TFN)

Screenshot showing long code additio

A long code will be added to the Number settings list.

  1. Choose the newly added number to reach the SMS Settings page and enable the option Enable two-way-SMS. At the Incoming messages destination, select Choose an existing SNS topic, and from the drop down select the Amazon SNS topic that was created by the BlogStackPinpoint stack.

Choose Save to save your SMS settings.


Testing the Sample Application

Now that the application is deployed and configured, test it by creating sample records in the Amazon DynamoDB table. Navigate to Amazon DynamoDB console and reach the tables view. Inspect the tables that were created by the AWS SAM application.

Here, appointments table is the table where the appointments and their statuses are kept. It tracks the appointment lifecycle events with items identified by unique ids. In this sample scenario, we are assuming that an appointment application creates a record with ‘CREATED’ status when a new appointment is planned. After the appointment is finished, same application updates the status to ‘COMPLETED’ which will trigger the feedback collection process. Feedback results are collected in the feedbacks table. Amazon Pinpoint message id’s, conversation stage and appointment id’s are kept in the message-lookup table.

  1. To start testing the end-to-end flow, choose the appointments table to open table overview page.
  2. Next, select the Items tab and choose the Create item From the dropdown, select Text. Add the following and choose Save to create your first appointment object. While adding the following object, replace CustomerPhone attribute’s value with a phone number you own. The feedback request messages will be delivered to that number. Note: This number should match the country number for the long code you provisioned.


"CustomerName": "Customer A",

"CustomerPhone": "+12345678900",


"id": "1"


  1. To trigger sending the feedback SMS, you need to set an existing item’s status to “COMPLETED” To do this, select the item and click Edit from the Actions menu.

Replace the item’s current JSON with the following.


"AppointmentStatus": "COMPLETED",

"CustomerName": "Customer A",

"CustomerPhone": "+12345678900",

"id": "1"


  1. Before choosing the Save button, double check that you have set CustomerPhone attribute’s value to a valid phone number.

After the change, you should receive an SMS message asking for a feedback. Provide a numeric reply of that is less than five to this message. This will trigger a follow up question asking for a consent to receive an in-person callback.


During your SMS conversation with the application, inspect the feedbacks table. The feedback you have given over this two-way SMS channel should have been reflected into the table.

If you want to repeat the process, make sure to increment the AppointmentId field for any additional appointment records.


To clean up the resources you used in your account, simply navigate to AWS Cloudformation console and delete the stack named “BlogStackPinpoint”.

After the stack is deleted, you also need to delete the Long code from the Pinpoint Console by choosing the number and pressing Remove phone number button. You can also delete the Amazon S3 bucket you used for packaging and deploying the AWS SAM application.


This architecture shows how Amazon Pinpoint can be used to make two-way SMS communication with your customers. You can implement Two-way SMS functionality in other use cases such as appointment reminders, polls, Q&A services, and more.

To learn more about Pinpoint and it’s two-way SMS mechanism, you can visit the Pinpoint documentation.