Tag Archives: Cloudflare Workers

Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

Post Syndicated from Celso Martinho original https://blog.cloudflare.com/welcome-to-wildebeest-the-fediverse-on-cloudflare/

Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

The Fediverse has been a hot topic of discussion lately, with thousands, if not millions, of new users creating accounts on platforms like Mastodon to either move entirely to “the other side” or experiment and learn about this new social network.

Today we’re introducing Wildebeest, an open-source, easy-to-deploy ActivityPub and Mastodon-compatible server built entirely on top of Cloudflare’s Supercloud. If you want to run your own spot in the Fediverse you can now do it entirely on Cloudflare.

The Fediverse, built on Cloudflare

Today you’re left with two options if you want to join the Mastodon federated network: either you join one of the existing servers (servers are also called communities, and each one has its own infrastructure and rules), or you can run your self-hosted server.

There are a few reasons why you’d want to run your own server:

  • You want to create a new community and attract other users over a common theme and usage rules.
  • You don’t want to have to trust third-party servers or abide by their policies and want your server, under your domain, for your personal account.
  • You want complete control over your data, personal information, and content and visibility over what happens with your instance.

The Mastodon gGmbH non-profit organization provides a server implementation using Ruby, Node.js, PostgreSQL and Redis. Running the official server can be challenging, though. You need to own or rent a server or VPS somewhere; you have to install and configure the software, set up the database and public-facing web server, and configure and protect your network against attacks or abuse. And then you have to maintain all of that and deal with constant updates. It’s a lot of scripting and technical work before you can get it up and running; definitely not something for the less technical enthusiasts.

Wildebeest serves two purposes: you can quickly deploy your Mastodon-compatible server on top of Cloudflare and connect it to the Fediverse in minutes, and you don’t need to worry about maintaining or protecting it from abuse or attacks; Cloudflare will do it for you automatically.

Wildebeest is not a managed service. It’s your instance, data, and code running in our cloud under your Cloudflare account. Furthermore, it’s open-sourced, which means it keeps evolving with more features, and anyone can extend and improve it.

Here’s what we support today:

  • ActivityPub, WebFinger, NodeInfo, WebPush and Mastodon-compatible APIs. Wildebeest can connect to or receive connections from other Fediverse servers.
  • Compatible with the most popular Mastodon web (like Pinafore), desktop, and mobile clients. We also provide a simple read-only web interface to explore the timelines and user profiles.
  • You can publish, edit, boost, or delete posts, sorry, toots. We support text, images, and (soon) video.
  • Anyone can follow you; you can follow anyone.
  • You can search for content.
  • You can register one or multiple accounts under your instance. Authentication can be email-based on or using any Cloudflare Access compatible IdP, like GitHub or Google.
  • You can edit your profile information, avatar, and header image.

How we built it

Our implementation is built entirely on top of our products and APIs. Building Wildebeest was another excellent opportunity to showcase our technology stack’s power and versatility and prove how anyone can also use Cloudflare to build larger applications that involve multiple systems and complex requirements.

Here’s a birds-eye diagram of Wildebeest’s architecture:

Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

Let’s get into the details and get technical now.

Cloudflare Pages

At the core, Wildebeest is a Cloudflare Pages project running its code using Pages Functions. Cloudflare Pages provides an excellent foundation for building and deploying your application and serving your bundled assets, Functions gives you full access to the Workers ecosystem, where you can run any code.

Functions has a built-in file-based router. The /functions directory structure, which is uploaded by Wildebeest’s continuous deployment builds, defines your application routes and what files and code will process each HTTP endpoint request. This routing technique is similar to what other frameworks like Next.js use.

Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

For example, Mastodon’s /api/v1/timelines/public API endpoint is handled by /functions/api/v1/timelines/public.ts with the onRequest method.

export onRequest = async ({ request, env }) => {
	const { searchParams } = new URL(request.url)
	const domain = new URL(request.url).hostname
	return handleRequest(domain, env.DATABASE, {})

export async function handleRequest(
): Promise<Response> {

Unit testing these endpoints becomes easier too, since we only have to call the handleRequest() function from the testing framework. Check one of our Jest tests, mastodon.spec.ts:

import * as v1_instance from 'wildebeest/functions/api/v1/instance'

describe('Mastodon APIs', () => {
	describe('instance', () => {
		test('return the instance infos v1', async () => {
			const res = await v1_instance.handleRequest(domain, env)
			assert.equal(res.status, 200)

			const data = await res.json<Data>()
			assert.equal(data.rules.length, 0)

As with any other regular Worker, Functions also lets you set up bindings to interact with other Cloudflare products and features like KV, R2, D1, Durable Objects, and more. The list keeps growing.

We use Functions to implement a large portion of the official Mastodon API specification, making Wildebeest compatible with the existing ecosystem of other servers and client applications, and also to run our own read-only web frontend under the same project codebase.

Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

Wildebeest’s web frontend uses Qwik, a general-purpose web framework that is optimized for speed, uses modern concepts like the JSX JavaScript syntax extension and supports server-side-rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG).

Qwik provides a Cloudflare Pages Adaptor out of the box, so we use that (check our framework guide to know more about how to deploy a Qwik site on Cloudflare Pages). For styling we use the Tailwind CSS framework, which Qwik supports natively.

Our frontend website code and static assets can be found under the /frontend directory. The application is handled by the /functions/[[path]].js dynamic route, which basically catches all the non-API requests, and then invokes Qwik’s own internal router, Qwik City, which takes over everything else after that.

The power and versatility of Pages and Functions routes make it possible to run both the backend APIs and a server-side-rendered dynamic client, effectively a full-stack app, under the same project.

Let’s dig even deeper now, and understand how the server interacts with the other components in our architecture.


Wildebeest uses D1, Cloudflare’s first SQL database for the Workers platform built on top of SQLite, now open to everyone in alpha, to store and query data. Here’s our schema:

Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

The schema will probably change in the future, as we add more features. That’s fine, D1 supports migrations which are great when you need to update your database schema without losing your data. With each new Wildebeest version, we can create a new migration file if it requires database schema changes.

-- Migration number: 0001 	 2023-01-16T13:09:04.033Z

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unique_actor_following ON actor_following (actor_id, target_actor_id);

D1 exposes a powerful client API that developers can use to manipulate and query data from Worker scripts, or in our case, Pages Functions.

Here’s a simplified example of how we interact with D1 when you start following someone on the Fediverse:

export async function addFollowing(db, actor, target, targetAcct): Promise<UUID> {
	const query = `INSERT OR IGNORE INTO actor_following (id, actor_id, target_actor_id, state, target_actor_acct) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`
	const out = await db
		.bind(id, actor.id.toString(), target.id.toString(), STATE_PENDING, targetAcct)
	return id

Cloudflare’s culture of dogfooding and building on top of our own products means that we sometimes experience their shortcomings before our users. We did face a few challenges using D1, which is built on SQLite, to store our data. Here are two examples.

ActivityPub uses UUIDs to identify objects and reference them in URIs extensively. These objects need to be stored in the database. Other databases like PostgreSQL provide built-in functions to generate unique identifiers. SQLite and D1 don’t have that, yet, it’s in our roadmap.

Worry not though, the Workers runtime supports Web Crypto, so we use crypto.randomUUID() to get our unique identifiers. Check the /backend/src/activitypub/actors/inbox.ts:

export async function addObjectInInbox(db, actor, obj) {
	const id = crypto.randomUUID()
	const out = await db
		.prepare('INSERT INTO inbox_objects(id, actor_id, object_id) VALUES(?, ?, ?)')
		.bind(id, actor.id.toString(), obj.id.toString())

Problem solved.

The other example is that we need to store dates with sub-second resolution. Again, databases like PostgreSQL have that:

psql> select now();
2023-02-01 11:45:17.425563+00

However SQLite falls short with:

sqlite> select datetime();
2023-02-01 11:44:02

We worked around this problem with a small hack using strftime():

sqlite> select strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', 'NOW');
2023-02-01 11:49:35.624

See our initial SQL schema, look for the cdate defaults.


Mastodon content has a lot of rich media. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel and build an image pipeline; Cloudflare Images provides APIs to upload, transform, and serve optimized images from our global CDN, so it’s the perfect fit for Wildebeest’s requirements.

Things like posting content images, the profile avatar, or headers, all use the Images APIs. See /backend/src/media/image.ts to understand how we interface with Images.

async function upload(file: File, config: Config): Promise<UploadResult> {
	const formData = new FormData()
	const url = `https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/${config.accountId}/images/v1`

	formData.set('file', file)

	const res = await fetch(url, {
		method: 'POST',
		body: formData,
		headers: {
			authorization: 'Bearer ' + config.apiToken,

      const data = await res.json()
	return data.result

If you’re curious about Images for your next project, here’s a tutorial on how to integrate Cloudflare Images on your website.

Cloudflare Images is also available from the dashboard. You can use it to browse or manage your catalog quickly.

Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare


The ActivityPub protocol is chatty by design. Depending on the size of your social graph, there might be a lot of back-and-forth HTTP traffic. We can’t have the clients blocked waiting for hundreds of Fediverse message deliveries every time someone posts something.

We needed a way to work asynchronously and launch background jobs to offload data processing away from the main app and keep the clients snappy. The official Mastodon server has a similar strategy using Sidekiq to do background processing.

Fortunately, we don’t need to worry about any of this complexity either. Cloudflare Queues allows developers to send and receive messages with guaranteed delivery, and offload work from your Workers’ requests, effectively providing you with asynchronous batch job capabilities.

To put it simply, you have a queue topic identifier, which is basically a buffered list that scales automatically, then you have one or more producers that, well, produce structured messages, JSON objects in our case, and put them in the queue (you define their schema), and finally you have one or more consumers that subscribes that queue, receive its messages and process them, at their own speed.

Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

Here’s the How Queues works page for more information.

In our case, the main application produces queue jobs whenever any incoming API call requires long, expensive operations. For example, when someone posts, sorry, toots something, we need to broadcast that to their followers’ inboxes, potentially triggering many requests to remote servers. Here we are queueing a job for that, thus freeing the APIs to keep responding:

export async function deliverFollowers(
	db: D1Database,
	from: Actor,
	activity: Activity,
	queue: Queue
) {
	const followers = await getFollowers(db, from)

	const messages = followers.map((id) => {
		const body = {
			activity: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(activity)),
			actorId: from.id.toString(),
			toActorId: id,
		return { body }

	await queue.sendBatch(messages)

Similarly, we don’t want to stop the main APIs when remote servers deliver messages to our instance inboxes. Here’s Wildebeest creating asynchronous jobs when it receives messages in the inbox:

export async function handleRequest(
	domain: string,
	db: D1Database,
	id: string,
	activity: Activity,
	queue: Queue,
): Promise<Response> {
	const handle = parseHandle(id)

	const actorId = actorURL(domain, handle.localPart)
const actor = await actors.getPersonById(db, actorId)

      // creates job
	await queue.send({
		type: MessageType.Inbox,
		actorId: actor.id.toString(),

	// frees the API
	return new Response('', { status: 200 })

And the final piece of the puzzle, our queue consumer runs in a separate Worker, independently from the Pages project. The consumer listens for new messages and processes them sequentially, at its rhythm, freeing everyone else from blocking. When things get busy, the queue grows its buffer. Still, things keep running, and the jobs will eventually get dispatched, freeing the main APIs for the critical stuff: responding to remote servers and clients as quickly as possible.

export default {
	async queue(batch, env, ctx) {
		for (const message of batch.messages) {

			switch (message.body.type) {
				case MessageType.Inbox: {
					await handleInboxMessage(...)
				case MessageType.Deliver: {
					await handleDeliverMessage(...)

If you want to get your hands dirty with Queues, here’s a simple example on Using Queues to store data in R2.

Caching and Durable Objects

Caching repetitive operations is yet another strategy for improving performance in complex applications that require data processing. A famous Netscape developer, Phil Karlton, once said: “There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.”

Cloudflare obviously knows a lot about caching since it’s a core feature of our global CDN. We also provide Workers KV to our customers, a global, low-latency, key-value data store that anyone can use to cache data objects in our data centers and build fast websites and applications.

However, KV achieves its performance by being eventually consistent. While this is fine for many applications and use cases, it’s not ideal for others.

The ActivityPub protocol is highly transactional and can’t afford eventual consistency. Here’s an example: generating complete timelines is expensive, so we cache that operation. However, when you post something, we need to invalidate that cache before we reply to the client. Otherwise, the new post won’t be in the timeline and the client can fail with an error because it doesn’t see it. This actually happened to us with one of the most popular clients.

Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

We needed to get clever. The team discussed a few options. Fortunately, our API catalog has plenty of options. Meet Durable Objects.

Durable Objects are single-instance Workers that provide a transactional storage API. They’re ideal when you need central coordination, strong consistency, and state persistence. You can use Durable Objects in cases like handling the state of multiple WebSocket connections, coordinating and routing messages in a chatroom, or even running a multiplayer game like Doom.

You know where this is going now. Yes, we implemented our key-value caching subsystem for Wildebeest on top of a Durable Object. By taking advantage of the DO’s native transactional storage API, we can have strong guarantees that whenever we create or change a key, the next read will always return the latest version.

The idea is so simple and effective that it took us literally a few lines of code to implement a key-value cache with two primitives: HTTP PUT and GET.

export class WildebeestCache {
	async fetch(request: Request) {
		if (request.method === 'GET') {
			const { pathname } = new URL(request.url)
			const key = pathname.slice(1)
			const value = await this.storage.get(key)
			return new Response(JSON.stringify(value))

		if (request.method === 'PUT') {
			const { key, value } = await request.json()
			await this.storage.put(key, value)
			return new Response('', { status: 201 })

Strong consistency it is. Lets move to user registration and authentication now.

Zero Trust Access

The official Mastodon server handles user registrations, typically using email, before you can choose your local user name and start using the service. Handling user registration and authentication can be daunting and time-consuming if we were to build it from scratch though.

Furthermore, people don’t want to create new credentials for every new service they want to use and instead want more convenient OAuth-like authorization and authentication methods so that they can reuse their existing Apple, Google, or GitHub accounts.

We wanted to simplify things using Cloudflare’s built-in features. Needless to say, we have a product that handles user onboarding, authentication, and access policies to any application behind Cloudflare; it’s called Zero Trust. So we put Wildebeest behind it.

Zero Trust Access can either do one-time PIN (OTP) authentication using email or single-sign-on (SSO) with many identity providers (examples: Google, Facebook, GitHub, Linkedin), including any generic one supporting SAML 2.0.

When you start using Wildebeest with a client, you don’t need to register at all. Instead, you go straight to log in, which will redirect you to the Access page and handle the authentication according to the policy that you, the owner of your instance, configured.

The policy defines who can authenticate, and how.

Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

When authenticated, Access will redirect you back to Wildebeest. The first time this happens, we will detect that we don’t have information about the user and ask for your Username and Display Name. This will be asked only once and is what will be to create your public Mastodon profile.

Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

Technically, Wildebeest implements the OAuth 2 specification. Zero Trust protects the /oauth/authorize endpoint and issues a valid JWT token in the request headers when the user is authenticated. Wildebeest then reads and verifies the JWT and returns an authorization code in the URL redirect.

Once the client has an authorization code, it can use the /oauth/token endpoint to obtain an API access token. Subsequent API calls inject a bearer token in the Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer access_token

Deployment and Continuous Integration

We didn’t want to run a managed service for Mastodon as it would somewhat diminish the concepts of federation and data ownership. Also, we recognize that ActivityPub and Mastodon are emerging, fast-paced technologies that will evolve quickly and in ways that are difficult to predict just yet.

For these reasons, we thought the best way to help the ecosystem right now would be to provide an open-source software package that anyone could use, customize, improve, and deploy on top of our cloud. Cloudflare will obviously keep improving Wildebeest and support the community, but we want to give our Fediverse maintainers complete control and ownership of their instances and data.

The remaining question was, how do we distribute the Wildebeest bundle and make it easy to deploy into someone’s account when it requires configuring so many Cloudflare features, and how do we facilitate updating the software over time?

The solution ended up being a clever mix of using GitHub with GitHub Actions, Deploy with Workers, and Terraform.

Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

The Deploy with Workers button is a specially crafted link that auto-generates a workflow page where the user gets asked some questions, and Cloudflare handles authorizing GitHub to deploy to Workers, automatically forks the Wildebeest repository into the user’s account, and then configures and deploys the project using a GitHub Actions workflow.

Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

A GitHub Actions workflow is a YAML file that declares what to do in every step. Here’s the Wildebeest workflow (simplified):

name: Deploy
      - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    timeout-minutes: 60
      - name: Ensure CF_DEPLOY_DOMAIN and CF_ZONE_ID are defined
      - name: Create D1 database
        uses: cloudflare/[email protected]
          command: d1 create wildebeest-${{ env.OWNER_LOWER }}
      - name: retrieve Zero Trust organization
      - name: retrieve Terraform state KV namespace
      - name: download VAPID keys
      - name: Publish DO
      - name: Configure
        run: terraform plan && terraform apply -auto-approve
      - name: Create Queue
      - name: Publish consumer
      - name: Publish
        uses: cloudflare/[email protected]
          command: pages publish --project-name=wildebeest-${{ env.OWNER_LOWER }} .

Updating Wildebeest

This workflow runs automatically every time the main branch changes, so updating the Wildebeest is as easy as synchronizing the upstream official repository with the fork. You don’t even need to use git commands for that; GitHub provides a convenient Sync button in the UI that you can simply click.

Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

What’s more? Updates are incremental and non-destructive. When the GitHub Actions workflow redeploys Wildebeest, we only make the necessary changes to your configuration and nothing else. You don’t lose your data; we don’t need to delete your existing configurations. Here’s how we achieved this:

We use Terraform, a declarative configuration language and tool that interacts with our APIs and can query and configure your Cloudflare features. Here’s the trick, whenever we apply a new configuration, we keep a copy of the Terraform state for Wildebeest in a Cloudflare KV key. When a new deployment is triggered, we get that state from the KV copy, calculate the differences, then change only what’s necessary.

Data loss is not a problem either because, as you read above, D1 supports migrations. If we need to add a new column to a table or a new table, we don’t need to destroy the database and create it again; we just apply the necessary SQL to that change.

Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

Protection, optimization and observability, naturally

Once Wildebeest is up and running, you can protect it from bad traffic and malicious actors. Cloudflare offers you DDoS, WAF, and Bot Management protection out of the box at a click’s distance.

Likewise, you’ll get instant network and content delivery optimizations from our products and analytics on how your Wildebeest instance is performing and being used.

Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

ActivityPub, WebFinger, NodeInfo and Mastodon APIs

Mastodon popularized the Fediverse concept, but many of the underlying technologies used have been around for quite a while. This is one of those rare moments when everything finally comes together to create a working platform that answers an actual use case for Internet users. Let’s quickly go through the protocols that Wildebeest had to implement:


ActivityPub is a decentralized social networking protocol and has been around as a W3C recommendation since at least 2018. It defines client APIs for creating and manipulating content and server-to-server APIs for content exchange and notifications, also known as federation. ActivityPub uses ActivityStreams, an even older W3C protocol, for its vocabulary.

The concepts of Actors (profiles), messages or Objects (the toots), inbox (where you receive toots from people you follow), and outbox (where you send your toots to the people you follow), to name a few of many other actions and activities, are all defined on the ActivityPub specification.

Here’s our folder with the ActivityPub implementation.

import type { APObject } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/activitypub/objects'
import type { Actor } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/activitypub/actors'

export async function addObjectInInbox(db, actor, obj) {
	const id = crypto.randomUUID()
	const out = await db
		.prepare('INSERT INTO inbox_objects(id, actor_id, object_id) VALUES(?, ?, ?)')
		.bind(id, actor.id.toString(), obj.id.toString())


WebFinger is a simple HTTP protocol used to discover information about any entity, like a profile, a server, or a specific feature. It resolves URIs to resource objects.

Mastodon uses WebFinger lookups to discover information about remote users. For example, say you want to interact with @[email protected]. Your local server would request https://example.com/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:[email protected] (using the acct scheme) and get something like this:

    "subject": "acct:[email protected]",
    "aliases": [
    "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "type": "application/activity+json",
            "href": "https://example.com/ap/users/user"

Now we know how to interact with @[email protected], using the https://example.com/ap/users/user endpoint.

Here’s our WebFinger response:

export async function handleRequest(request, db): Promise<Response> {
	const jsonLink = /* … link to actor */

	const res: WebFingerResponse = {
		subject: `acct:...`,
		aliases: [jsonLink],
		links: [
				rel: 'self',
				type: 'application/activity+json',
				href: jsonLink,
	return new Response(JSON.stringify(res), { headers })

Mastodon API

Finally, things like setting your server information, profile information, generating timelines, notifications, and searches, are all Mastodon-specific APIs. The Mastodon open-source project defines a catalog of REST APIs, and you can find all the documentation for them on their website.

Our Mastodon API implementation can be found here (REST endpoints) and here (backend primitives). Here’s an example of Mastodon’s server information /api/v2/instance implemented by Wildebeest:

export async function handleRequest(domain, db, env) {

	const res: InstanceConfigV2 = {
		title: env.INSTANCE_TITLE,
		version: getVersion(),
		source_url: 'https://github.com/cloudflare/wildebeest',
		description: env.INSTANCE_DESCR,
		thumbnail: {
		languages: ['en'],
		registrations: {
			enabled: false,
		contact: {
			email: env.ADMIN_EMAIL,
		rules: [],

	return new Response(JSON.stringify(res), { headers })

Wildebeest also implements WebPush for client notifications and NodeInfo for server information.

Other Mastodon-compatible servers had to implement all these protocols too; Wildebeest is one of them. The community is very active in discussing future enhancements; we will keep improving our compatibility and adding support to more features over time, ensuring that Wildebeest plays well with the Fediverse ecosystem of servers and clients emerging.

Get started now

Enough about technology; let’s get you into the Fediverse. We tried to detail all the steps to deploy your server. To start using Wildebeest, head to the public GitHub repository and check our Get Started tutorial.

Most of Wildebeest’s dependencies offer a generous free plan that allows you to try them for personal or hobby projects that aren’t business-critical, however you will need to subscribe an Images plan (the lowest tier should be enough for most needs) and, depending on your server load, Workers Unbound (again, the minimum cost should be plenty for most use cases).

Following our dogfooding mantra, Cloudflare is also officially joining the Fediverse today. You can start following our Mastodon accounts and get the same experience of having regular updates from Cloudflare as you get from us on other social platforms, using your favorite Mastodon apps. These accounts are entirely running on top of a Wildebeest server:

Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

Wildebeest is compatible with most client apps; we are confirmed to work with the official Mastodon Android and iOS apps, Pinafore, Mammoth, and tooot, and looking into others like Ivory. If your favorite isn’t working, please submit an issue here, we’ll do our best to help support it.

Final words

Wildebeest was built entirely on top of our Supercloud stack. It was one of the most complete and complex projects we have created that uses various Cloudflare products and features.

We hope this write-up inspires you to not only try deploying Wildebeest and joining the Fediverse, but also building your next application, however demanding it is, on top of Cloudflare.

Wildebeest is a minimally viable Mastodon-compatible server right now, but we will keep improving it with more features and supporting it over time; after all, we’re using it for our official accounts. It is also open-sourced, meaning you are more than welcome to contribute with pull requests or feedback.

In the meantime, we opened a Wildebeest room on our Developers Discord Server and are keeping an eye open on the GitHub repo issues tab. Feel free to engage with us; the team is eager to know how you use Wildebeest and answer your questions.

PS: The code snippets in this blog were simplified to benefit readability and space (the TypeScript types and error handling code were removed, for example). Please refer to the GitHub repo links for the complete versions.

ICYMI: Developer Week 2022 announcements

Post Syndicated from Dawn Parzych original https://blog.cloudflare.com/icymi-developer-week-2022-announcements/

ICYMI: Developer Week 2022 announcements

ICYMI: Developer Week 2022 announcements

Developer Week 2022 has come to a close. Over the last week we’ve shared with you 31 posts on what you can build on Cloudflare and our vision and roadmap on where we’re headed. We shared product announcements, customer and partner stories, and provided technical deep dives. In case you missed any of the posts here’s a handy recap.

Product and feature announcements

Announcement Summary
Welcome to the Supercloud (and Developer Week 2022) Our vision of the cloud — a model of cloud computing that promises to make developers highly productive at scaling from one to Internet-scale in the most flexible, efficient, and economical way.
Build applications of any size on Cloudflare with the Queues open beta Build performant and resilient distributed applications with Queues. Available to all developers with a paid Workers plan.
Migrate from S3 easily with the R2 Super Slurper A tool to easily and efficiently move objects from your existing storage provider to R2.
Get started with Cloudflare Workers with ready-made templates See what’s possible with Workers and get building faster with these starter templates.
Reduce origin load, save on cloud egress fees, and maximize cache hits with Cache Reserve Cache Reserve is graduating to open beta – users can now test and integrate it into their content delivery strategy without any additional waiting.
Store and process your Cloudflare Logs… with Cloudflare Query Cloudflare logs stored on R2.
UPDATE Supercloud SET status = ‘open alpha’ WHERE product = ‘D1’ D1, our first global relational database, is in open alpha. Start building and share your feedback with us.
Automate an isolated browser instance with just a few lines of code The Browser Rendering API is an out of the box solution to run browser automation tasks with Puppeteer in Workers.
Bringing authentication and identification to Workers through Mutual TLS Send outbound requests with Workers through a mutually authenticated channel.
Spice up your sites on Cloudflare Pages with Pages Functions General Availability Easily add dynamic content to your Pages projects with Functions.
Announcing the first Workers Launchpad cohort and growth of the program to $2 billion We were blown away by the interest in the Workers Launchpad Funding Program and are proud to introduce the first cohort.
The most programmable Supercloud with Cloudflare Snippets Modify traffic routed through the Cloudflare CDN without having to write a Worker.
Keep track of Workers’ code and configuration changes with Deployments Track your changes to a Worker configuration, binding, and code.
Send Cloudflare Workers logs to a destination of your choice with Workers Trace Events Logpush Gain visibility into your Workers when logs are sent to your analytics platform or object storage. Available to all users on a Workers paid plan.
Improved Workers TypeScript support Based on feedback from users we’ve improved our types and are open-sourcing the automatic generation scripts.

Technical deep dives

Announcement Summary
The road to a more standards-compliant Workers API An update on the work the WinterCG is doing on the creation of common API standards in JavaScript runtimes and how Workers is implementing them.
Indexing millions of HTTP requests using Durable Objects
Indexing and querying millions of logs stored in R2 using Workers, Durable Objects, and the Streams API.
Iteration isn’t just for code: here are our latest API docs We’ve revamped our API reference documentation to standardize our API content and improve the overall developer experience when using the Cloudflare APIs.
Making static sites dynamic with D1 A template to build a D1-based comments APi.
The Cloudflare API now uses OpenAPI schemas OpenAPI schemas are now available for the Cloudflare API.
Server-side render full stack applications with Pages Functions Run server-side rendering in a Function using a variety of frameworks including Qwik, Astro, and SolidStart.
Incremental adoption of micro-frontends with Cloudflare Workers How to replace selected elements of a legacy client-side rendered application with server-side rendered fragments using Workers.
How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0 Details on how we rebuilt Radar using Pages, Remix, Workers, and R2.
How Cloudflare uses Terraform to manage Cloudflare How we made it easier for our developers to make changes with the Cloudflare Terraform provider.
Network performance Update: Developer Week 2022 See how fast Cloudflare Workers are compared to other solutions.
How Cloudflare instruments services using Workers Analytics Engine Instrumentation with Analytics Engine provides data to find bugs and helps us prioritize new features.
Doubling down on local development with Workers:Miniflare meets workerd Improving local development using Miniflare3, now powered by workerd.

Customer and partner stories

Announcement Summary
Cloudflare Workers scale too well and broke our infrastructure, so we are rebuilding it on Workers How DevCycle re-architected their feature management tool using Workers.
Easy Postgres integration with Workers and Neon.tech Neon.tech solves the challenges of connecting to Postgres from Workers
Xata Workers: client-side database access without client-side secrets Xata uses Workers for Platform to reduce security risks of running untrusted code.
Twilio Segment Edge SDK powered by Cloudflare Workers The Segment Edge SDK, built on Workers, helps applications collect and track events from the client, and get access to realtime user state to personalize experiences.


And that’s it for Developer Week 2022. But you can keep the conversation going by joining our Discord Community.

How Cloudflare instruments services using Workers Analytics Engine

Post Syndicated from Jen Sells original https://blog.cloudflare.com/using-analytics-engine-to-improve-analytics-engine/

How Cloudflare instruments services using Workers Analytics Engine

How Cloudflare instruments services using Workers Analytics Engine

Workers Analytics Engine is a new tool, announced earlier this year, that enables developers and product teams to build time series analytics about anything, with high dimensionality, high cardinality, and effortless scaling. We built Analytics Engine for teams to gain insights into their code running in Workers, provide analytics to end customers, or even build usage based billing.

In this blog post we’re going to tell you about how we use Analytics Engine to build Analytics Engine. We’ve instrumented our own Analytics Engine SQL API using Analytics Engine itself and use this data to find bugs and prioritize new product features. We hope this serves as inspiration for other teams who are looking for ways to instrument their own products and gather feedback.

Why do we need Analytics Engine?

Analytics Engine enables you to generate events (or “data points”) from Workers with just a few lines of code. Using the GraphQL or SQL API, you can query these events and create useful insights about the business or technology stack. For more about how to get started using Analytics Engine, check out our developer docs.

Since we released the Analytics Engine open beta in September, we’ve been adding new features at a rapid clip based on feedback from developers. However, we’ve had two big gaps in our visibility into the product.

First, our engineering team needs to answer classic observability questions, such as: how many requests are we getting, how many of those requests result in errors, what are the nature of these errors, etc. They need to be able to view both aggregated data (like average error rate, or p99 response time) and drill into individual events.

Second, because this is a newly launched product, we are looking for product insights. By instrumenting the SQL API, we can understand the queries our customers write, and the errors they see, which helps us prioritize missing features.

We realized that Analytics Engine would be an amazing tool for both answering our technical observability questions, and also gathering product insight. That’s because we can log an event for every query to our SQL API, and then query for both aggregated performance issues as well as individual errors and queries that our customers run.

In the next section, we’re going to walk you through how we use Analytics Engine to monitor that API.

Adding instrumentation to our SQL API

The Analytics Engine SQL API lets you query events data in the same way you would an ordinary database. For decades, SQL has been the most common language for querying data. We wanted to provide an interface that allows you to immediately start asking questions about your data without having to learn a new query language.

Our SQL API parses user SQL queries, transforms and validates them, and then executes them against backend database servers. We then write information about the query back into Analytics Engine so that we can run our own analytics.
Writing data into Analytics Engine from a Cloudflare Worker is very simple and explained in our documentation. We instrument our SQL API in the same way our users do, and this code excerpt shows the data we write into Analytics Engine:

How Cloudflare instruments services using Workers Analytics Engine

With that data now being stored in Analytics Engine, we can then pull out insights about every field we’re reporting.

Querying for insights

Having our analytics in an SQL database gives you the freedom to write any query you might want. Compared to using something like metrics which are often predefined and purpose specific, you can define any custom dataset desired, and interrogate your data to ask new questions with ease.

We need to support datasets comprising trillions of data points. In order to accomplish this, we have implemented a sampling method called Adaptive Bit Rate (ABR). With ABR, if you have large amounts of data, your queries may be returned sampled events in order to respond in reasonable time. If you have more typical amounts of data, Analytics Engine will query all your data. This allows you to run any query you like and still get responses in a short length of time. Right now, you have to account for sampling in how you make your queries, but we are exploring making it automatic.

Any data visualization tool can be used to visualize your analytics. At Cloudflare, we heavily use Grafana (and you can too!). This is particularly useful for observability use cases.

Observing query response times

One query we pay attention to gives us information about the performance of our backend database clusters:

How Cloudflare instruments services using Workers Analytics Engine

As you can see, the 99% percentile (corresponding to the 1% most complex queries to execute) sometimes spikes up to about 300ms. But on average our backend responds to queries within 100ms.

This visualization is itself generated from an SQL query:

How Cloudflare instruments services using Workers Analytics Engine

Customer insights from high-cardinality data

Another use of Analytics Engine is to draw insights out of customer behavior. Our SQL API is particularly well-suited for this, as you can take full advantage of the power of SQL. Thanks to our ABR technology, even expensive queries can be carried out against huge datasets.

We use this ability to help prioritize improvements to Analytics Engine. Our SQL API supports a fairly standard dialect of SQL but isn’t feature-complete yet. If a user tries to do something unsupported in an SQL query, they get back a structured error message. Those error messages are reported into Analytics Engine. We’re able to aggregate the kinds of errors that our customers encounter, which helps inform which features to prioritize next.

How Cloudflare instruments services using Workers Analytics Engine

The SQL API returns errors in the format of type of error: more details, and so we can take the first portion before the colon to give us the type of error. We group by that, and get a count of how many times that error happened and how many users it affected:

How Cloudflare instruments services using Workers Analytics Engine

To perform the above query using an ordinary metrics system, we would need to represent each error type with a different metric. Reporting that many metrics from each microservice creates scalability challenges. That problem doesn’t happen with Analytics Engine, because it’s designed to handle high-cardinality data.

Another big advantage of a high-cardinality store like Analytics Engine is that you can dig into specifics. If there’s a large spike in SQL errors, we may want to find which customers are having a problem in order to help them or identify what function they want to use. That’s easy to do with another SQL query:

How Cloudflare instruments services using Workers Analytics Engine

Inside Cloudflare, we have historically relied on querying our backend database servers for this type of information. Analytics Engine’s SQL API now enables us to open up our technology to our customers, so they can easily gather insights about their services at any scale!

Conclusion and what’s next

The insights we gathered about usage of the SQL API are a super helpful input to our product prioritization decisions. We already added support for substring and position functions which were used in the visualizations above.

Looking at the top SQL errors, we see numerous errors related to selecting columns. These errors are mostly coming from some usability issues related to the Grafana plugin. Adding support for the DESCRIBE function should alleviate this because without this, the Grafana plugin doesn’t understand the table structure. This, as well as other improvements to our Grafana plugin, is on our roadmap.

We also can see that users are trying to query time ranges for older data that no longer exists. This suggests that our customers would appreciate having extended data retention. We’ve recently extended our retention from 31 to 92 days, and we will keep an eye on this to see if we should offer further extension.

We saw lots of errors related to common mistakes or misunderstandings of proper SQL syntax. This indicates that we could provide better examples or error explanations in our documentation to assist users with troubleshooting their queries.

Stay tuned into our developer docs to be informed as we continue to iterate and add more features!

You can start using Workers Analytics Engine Now! Analytics Engine is now in open beta with free 90-day retention. Start using it  today or join our Discord community to talk with the team.

Twilio Segment Edge SDK Powered by Cloudflare Workers

Post Syndicated from Pooya Jaferian (Guest Blogger) original https://blog.cloudflare.com/twilio-segment-sdk-powered-by-cloudflare-workers/

Twilio Segment Edge SDK Powered by Cloudflare Workers

Twilio Segment Edge SDK Powered by Cloudflare Workers

The Cloudflare team was so excited to hear how Twilio Segment solved problems they encountered with tracking first-party data and personalization using Cloudflare Workers. We are happy to have guest bloggers Pooya Jaferian and Tasha Alfano from Twilio Segment to share their story.


Twilio Segment is a customer data platform that collects, transforms, and activates first-party customer data. Segment helps developers collect user interactions within an application, form a unified customer record, and sync it to hundreds of different marketing, product, analytics, and data warehouse integrations.

There are two “unsolved” problem with app instrumentation today:

Problem #1: Many important events that you want to track happen on the “wild-west” of the client, but collecting those events via the client can lead to low data quality, as events are dropped due to user configurations, browser limitations, and network connectivity issues.

Problem #2: Applications need access to real-time (<50ms) user state to personalize the application experience based on advanced computations and segmentation logic that must be executed on the cloud.

The Segment Edge SDK – built on Cloudflare Workers – solves for both. With Segment Edge SDK, developers can collect high-quality first-party data. Developers can also use Segment Edge SDK to access real-time user profiles and state, to deliver personalized app experiences without managing a ton of infrastructure.

This post goes deep on how and why we built the Segment Edge SDK. We chose the Cloudflare Workers platform as the runtime for our SDK for a few reasons. First, we needed a scalable platform to collect billions of events per day. Workers running with no cold-start made them the right choice. Second, our SDK needed a fast storage solution, and Workers KV fitted our needs perfectly. Third, we wanted our SDK to be easy to use and deploy, and Workers’ ease and speed of deployment was a great fit.

It is important to note that the Segment Edge SDK is in early development stages, and any features mentioned are subject to change.

Serving a JavaScript library 700M+ times per day

analytics.js is our core JavaScript UI SDK that allows web developers to send data to any tool without having to learn, test, or use a new API every time.

Figure 1 illustrates how Segment can be used to collect data on a web application. Developers add Segment’s web SDK, analytics.js, to their websites by including a JavaScript snippet to the HEAD of their web pages. The snippet can immediately collect and buffer events while it also loads the full library asynchronously from the Segment CDN. Developers can then use analytics.js to identify the visitors, e.g., analytics.identify('john'), and track user behavior, e.g., analytics.track('Order Completed'). Calling the `analytics.js methods such as identify or track will send data to Segment’s API (api.segment.io). Segment’s platform can then deliver the events to different tools, as well as create a profile for the user (e.g., build a profile for user “John”, associate “Order Completed”, as well as add all future activities of john to the profile).

Analytics.js also stores state in the browser as first-party cookies (e.g., storing an ajs_user_id cookie with the value of john, with cookie scoped at the example.com domain) so that when the user visits the website again, the user identifier stored in the cookie can be used to recognize the user.

Twilio Segment Edge SDK Powered by Cloudflare Workers
Figure 1- How analytics.js loads on a website and tracks events

While analytics.js only tracks first-party data (i.e., the data is collected and used by the website that the user is visiting), certain browser controls incorrectly identify analytics.js as a third-party tracker, because the SDK is loaded from a third-party domain (cdn.segment.com) and the data is going to a third-party domain (api.segment.com). Furthermore, despite using first-party cookies to store user identity, some browsers such as Safari have limited the TTL for non-HTTPOnly cookies to 7-days, making it challenging to maintain state for long periods of time.

To overcome these limitations, we have built a Segment Edge SDK (currently in early development) that can automatically add Segment’s library to a web application, eliminate the use of third-party domains, and maintain user identity using HTTPOnly cookies. In the process of solving the first-party data problem, we realized that the Edge SDK is best positioned to act as a personalization library, given it has access to the user identity on every request (in the form of cookies), and it can resolve such identity to a full-user profile stored in Segment. The user profile information can be used to deliver personalized content to users directly from the Cloudflare Workers platform.

The remaining portions of this post will cover how we solved the above problems. We first explain how the Edge SDK helps with first-party collection. Then we cover how the Segment profiles database becomes available on the Cloudflare Workers platform, and how to use such data to drive personalization.

Segment Edge SDK and first-party data collection

Developers can set up the Edge SDK by creating a Cloudflare Worker sitting in front of their web application (via Routes) and importing the Edge SDK via npm. The Edge SDK will handle requests and automatically injects analytics.js snippets into every webpage. It also configures first-party endpoints to download the SDK assets and send tracking data. The Edge SDK also captures user identity by looking at the Segment events and instructs the browser to store such identity as HTTPOnly cookies.

import { Segment } from "@segment/edge-sdk-cloudflare";

export default {
   async fetch(request: Request, env: Env): Promise<Response> {
       const segment = new Segment(env.SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY); 

       const resp = await segment.handleEvent(request, env);

       return resp;

How the Edge SDK works under the hood to enable first-party data collection

The Edge SDK’s internal router checks the inbound request URL against predefined patterns. If the URL matches a route, the router runs the route’s chain of handlers to process the request, fetch the origin, or modify the response.

export interface HandlerFunction {
   request: Request,
   response: Response | undefined,
   context: RouterContext
 ): Promise<[Request, Response | undefined, RouterContext]>;

Figure 2 demonstrates the routing of incoming requests. The Worker calls  segment.handleEvent method with the request object (step 1), then the router matches the request.url and request.method against a set of predefined routes:

  • GET requests with /seg/assets/* path are proxied to Segment CDN (step 2a)
  • POST requests with /seg/events/* path are proxied to Segment tracking API (step 2b)
  • Other requests are proxied to the origin (step 2c) and the HTML responses are enriched with the analytics.js snippet (step 3)

Regardless of the route, the router eventually returns a response to the browser (step 4) containing data from the origin, the response from Segment tracking API, or analytics.js assets. When Edge SDK detects the user identity in an incoming request (more on that later), it sets an HTTPOnly cookie in the response headers to persist the user identity in the browser.

Twilio Segment Edge SDK Powered by Cloudflare Workers
Figure 2- Edge SDK router flow‌‌

In the subsequent three sections, we explain how we inject analytics.js, proxy Segment endpoints, and set server-side cookies.

Injecting Segment SDK on requests to origin

For all the incoming requests routed to the origin, the Edge SDK fetches the HTML page and then adds the analytics.js snippet to the <HEAD> tag, embeds the write key, and configures the snippet to download the subsequent javascript bundles from the first-party domain ([first-party host]/seg/assets/*) and sends data to the first-party domain as well ([first-party host]/seg/events/*). This is accomplished using the HTMLRewriter API.

import snippet from "@segment/snippet"; // Existing Segment package that generates snippet

class ElementHandler {
   constructor(host: string, writeKey: string)

   element(element: Element) {
     // generate Segment snippet and configure it with first-party host info
     const snip = snippet.min({
         host: `${this.host}/seg`,
         apiKey: this.writeKey,
     element.append(`<script>${snip}</script>`, { html: true });
export const enrichWithAJS: HandlerFunction = async (
 ) => {
   const {
     settings: { writeKey },
   } = context;
   const host = request.headers.get("host") || "";
    return [
     new HTMLRewriter().on("head",
         new ElementHandler(host, writeKey))

Proxy SDK bundles and Segment API

The Edge SDK proxies the Segment CDN and API under the first-party domain. For example, when the browser loads a page with the injected analytics.js snippet, the snippet loads the full analytics.js bundle from https://example.com/seg/assets/sdk.js, and the Edge SDK will proxy that request to the Segment CDN:


export const proxyAnalyticsJS: HandlerFunction = async (request, response, ctx) => {
 const url = `https://cdn.segment.com/analytics.js/v1/${ctx.params.writeKey}/analytics.min.js`;
 const resp = await fetch(url);
 return [request, resp, ctx];

Similarly, analytics.js collects events and sends them via a POST request to https://example.com/seg/events/[method] and the Edge SDK will proxy such requests to the Segment tracking API:


export const handleAPI: HandlerFunction = async (request, response, context) => {
 const url = new URL(request.url);
 const parts = url.pathname.split("/");
 const method = parts.pop();
 let body: { [key: string]: any } = await request.json();

 const init = {
   method: "POST",
   headers: request.headers,
   body: JSON.stringify(body),

 const resp = await fetch(`https://api.segment.io/v1/${method}`, init);

 return [request, resp, context];

First party server-side cookies

The Edge SDK also re-writes existing client-side analytics.js cookies as HTTPOnly cookies. When Edge SDK intercepts an identify event e.g., analytics.identify('john'), it extracts the user identity (“john”) and then sets a server-side cookie when sending a response back to the user. Therefore, any subsequent request to the Edge SDK can be associated with “john” using request cookies.

export const enrichResponseWithIdCookies: HandlerFunction = async (
 request, response, context) => {

 const host = request.headers.get("host") || "";
 const body = await request.json();
 const userId = body.userId;


 const headers = new Headers(response.headers);
 const cookie = cookie.stringify("ajs_user_id", userId, {
   httponly: true,
   path: "/",
   maxage: 31536000,
   domain: host,
 headers.append("Set-Cookie", cookie);
 const newResponse = new Response(response.body, {

 return [request, newResponse, newContext];

Intercepting the ajs_user_id on the Workers, and using the cookie identifier to associate each request to a user, is quite powerful, and it opens the door for delivering personalized content to users. The next section covers how Edge SDK can drive personalization.

Personalization on the Supercloud

The Edge SDK offers a registerVariation method that can customize how a request to a given route should be fetched from the origin. For example, let’s assume we have three versions of a landing page in the origin: /red, /green, and  / (default), and we want to deliver one of the three versions based on the visitor traits. We can use Edge SDK as follows:

   const segment = new Segment(env.SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY); 
   segment.registerVariation("/", (profile) => {
     if (profile.red_group) {
       return "/red"
     } else if (profile.green_group) 
       return "/green"

   const resp = await segment.handleEvent(request, env);

   return resp

The registerVariation accepts two inputs: the path that displays the personalized content, and a decision function that should return the origin address for the personalized content. The decision function receives a profile object visitor in Segment. In the example, when users visit example.com/(root path), personalized content is delivered by checking if the visitor has a red_group or green_group trait and subsequently requesting the content from either /red or /green path at the origin.

We already explained that Edge SDK knows the identity of the user via ajs_user_id cookie, but we haven’t covered how the Edge SDK has access to the full profile object. The next section explains how the full profile becomes available on the Cloudflare Workers platform.

How does personalization work under the hood?

The Personalization feature of the Edge SDK requires storage of profiles on the Cloudflare Workers platform. A Cloudflare KV should be created for the Worker running the Edge SDK and passed to the Edge SDK during initialization. Edge SDK will store profiles in KV, where keys are the ajs_user_id, and values are the serialized profile object. To move Profiles data from Segment to the KV, the SDK uses two methods:

  • Profiles data push from Segment to the Cloudflare Workers platform: The Segment product can sync user profiles database with different tools, including pushing the data to a webhook. The Edge SDK automatically exposes a webhook endpoint under the first-party domain (e.g., example.com/seg/profiles-webhook) that Segment can call periodically to sync user profiles. The webhook handler receives incoming sync calls from Segment, and writes profiles to the KV.
  • Pulling data from Segment by the Edge SDK: If the Edge SDK queries the KV for a user id, and doesn’t find the profile (i.e., data hasn’t synced yet), it requests the user profile from the Segment API, and stores it in the KV.

Figure 3 demonstrates how the personalization flow works. In step 1, the user requests content for the root path ( / ), and the Worker sends the request to the Edge SDK (step 2). The Edge SDK router determines that a variation is registered on the route, therefore, extracts the ajs_user_id from the request cookies, and goes through the full profile extraction (step 3). The SDK first checks the KV for a record with the key of ajs_user_id value and if not found, queries Segment API to fetch the profile, and stores the profile in the KV. Eventually, the profile is extracted and passed into the decision function to decide which path should be served to the user (step 4). The router eventually fetches the variation from the origin (step 5) and returns the response under the / path to the browser (step 6).

Twilio Segment Edge SDK Powered by Cloudflare Workers
Figure 3- Personalization flow


In this post we covered how the Cloudflare Workers platform can help with tracking first-party data and personalization. We also explained how we built a Segment Edge SDK to enable Segment customers to get those benefits out of the box, without having to create their own DIY solution. The Segment Edge SDK is currently in early development, and we are planning to launch a private pilot and open-source it in the near future.

Send Cloudflare Workers logs to a destination of your choice with Workers Trace Events Logpush

Post Syndicated from Tanushree Sharma original https://blog.cloudflare.com/workers-logpush-ga/

Send Cloudflare Workers logs to a destination of your choice with Workers Trace Events Logpush

Send Cloudflare Workers logs to a destination of your choice with Workers Trace Events Logpush

When writing code, you can only move as fast as you can debug.

Our goal at Cloudflare is to give our developers the tools to deploy applications faster than ever before. This means giving you tools to do everything from initializing your Workers project to having visibility into your application successfully serving production traffic.

Last year we introduced wrangler tail, letting you access a live stream of Workers logs to help pinpoint errors to debug your applications. Workers Trace Events Logpush (or just Workers Logpush for short) extends this functionality – you can use it to send Workers logs to an object storage destination or analytics platform of your choice.

Workers Logpush is now available to everyone on the Workers Paid plan! Read on to learn how to get started and about pricing information.

Move fast and don’t break things

With the rise of platforms like Cloudflare Workers over containers and VMs, it now takes just minutes to deploy applications. But, when building an application, any tech stack that you choose comes with its own set of trade-offs.

As a developer, choosing Workers means you don’t need to worry about any of the underlying architecture. You just write code, and it works (hopefully!). A common criticism of this style of platform is that observability becomes more difficult.

We want to change that.

Over the years, we’ve made improvements to the testing and debugging tools that we offer — wrangler dev, Miniflare and most recently our open sourced runtime workerd. These improvements have made debugging locally and running unit tests much easier. However, there will always be edge cases or bugs that are only replicated in production environments.

If something does break…enter Workers Logpush

Wrangler tail lets you view logs in real time, but we’ve heard from developers that you would also like to set up monitoring for your services and have a historical record to look back on. Workers Logpush includes metadata about requests, console.log() messages and any uncaught exceptions. To give you an idea of what it looks like, below is a sample log line:

               "please work!"

Logpush has support for the most popular observability tools. Send logs to Datadog, New Relic or even R2 for storage and ad hoc querying.


Workers Logpush is available to both customers on our Workers Paid and Enterprise plans. We wanted this to be very affordable for our developers. Workers Logpush is priced at $0.05 per million requests, and we only charge you for requests that result in logs delivered to an end destination after any filtering or sampling is applied. It also has an included usage of 10M requests each month.


Logpush is incredibly simple to set up.

1. Create a Logpush job. The following example sends Workers logs to R2.

curl -X POST 'https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/<ACCOUNT_ID>/logpush/jobs' \
-H 'X-Auth-Key: <API_KEY>' \
-H 'X-Auth-Email: <EMAIL>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "workers-logpush",
"logpull_options": "fields=Event,EventTimestampMs,Outcome,Exceptions,Logs,ScriptName",
"destination_conf": "r2://<BUCKET_PATH>/{DATE}?account-id=<ACCOUNT_ID>&access-key-id=<R2_ACCESS_KEY_ID>&secret-access-key=<R2_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>",
"dataset": "workers_trace_events",
"enabled": true
}'| jq .

In Logpush, you can also configure filters and a sampling rate to have more control of the volume of data that is sent to your configured destination. For example if you only want to receive logs for resulted in an exception, you could add the following under logpull_options:

"filter":"{\"where\": {\"key\":\"Outcome\",\"operator\":\"eq\",\"value\":\"exception\"}}"

2. Enable logging on your Workers script

You can do this by adding a new property, logpush = true, to your wrangler.toml file. This can be added either in the top level configuration or under an environment. Any new scripts with this property will automatically get picked up by the Logpush job.

Get started today!

Both customers on our Workers Paid Plan and Enterprise plan can get started with Workers Logpush now! The full guide on how to get started is here.

Incremental adoption of micro-frontends with Cloudflare Workers

Post Syndicated from Peter Bacon Darwin original https://blog.cloudflare.com/fragment-piercing/

Incremental adoption of micro-frontends with Cloudflare Workers

Bring micro-frontend benefits to legacy Web applications

Incremental adoption of micro-frontends with Cloudflare Workers

Recently, we wrote about a new fragment architecture for building Web applications that is fast, cost-effective, and scales to the largest projects, while enabling a fast iteration cycle. The approach uses multiple collaborating Cloudflare Workers to render and stream micro-frontends into an application that is interactive faster than traditional client-side approaches, leading to better user experience and SEO scores.

This approach is great if you are starting a new project or have the capacity to rewrite your current application from scratch. But in reality most projects are too large to be rebuilt from scratch and can adopt architectural changes only in an incremental way.

In this post we propose a way to replace only selected parts of a legacy client-side rendered application with server-side rendered fragments. The result is an application where the most important views are interactive sooner, can be developed independently, and receive all the benefits of the micro-frontend approach, while avoiding large rewrites of the legacy codebase. This approach is framework-agnostic; in this post we demonstrate fragments built with React, Qwik, and SolidJS.

The pain of large frontend applications

Many large frontend applications developed today fail to deliver good user experience. This is often caused by architectures that require large amounts of JavaScript to be downloaded, parsed and executed before users can interact with the application. Despite efforts to defer non-critical JavaScript code via lazy loading, and the use of server-side rendering, these large applications still take too long to become interactive and respond to the user’s inputs.

Furthermore, large monolithic applications can be complex to build and deploy. Multiple teams may be collaborating on a single codebase and the effort to coordinate testing and deployment of the project makes it hard to develop, deploy and iterate on individual features.

As outlined in our previous post, micro-frontends powered by Cloudflare Workers can solve these problems but converting an application monolith to a micro-frontend architecture can be difficult and expensive. It can take months, or even years, of engineering time before any benefits are perceived by users or developers.

What we need is an approach where a project can incrementally adopt micro-frontends into the most impactful parts of the application incrementally, without needing to rewrite the whole application in one go.

Fragments to the rescue

The goal of a fragment based architecture is to significantly decrease loading and interaction latency for large web applications (as measured via Core Web Vitals) by breaking the application into micro-frontends that can be quickly rendered (and cached) in Cloudflare Workers. The challenge is how to integrate a micro-frontend fragment into a legacy client-side rendered application with minimal cost to the original project.

The technique we propose allows us to convert the most valuable parts of a legacy application’s UI, in isolation from the rest of the application.

It turns out that, in many applications, the most valuable parts of the UI are often nested within an application “shell” that provides header, footer, and navigational elements. Examples of these include a login form, product details panel in an e-commerce application, the inbox in an email client, etc.

Let’s take a login form as an example. If it takes our application several seconds to display the login form, the users will dread logging in, and we might lose them. We can however convert the login form into a server-side rendered fragment, which is displayed and interactive immediately, while the rest of the legacy application boots up in the background. Since the fragment is interactive early, the user can even submit their credentials before the legacy application has started and rendered the rest of the page.

Animation showing the login form being available before the main application

This approach enables engineering teams to deliver valuable improvements to users in just a fraction of the time and engineering cost compared to traditional approaches, which either sacrifice user experience improvements, or require a lengthy and high-risk rewrite of the entire application. It allows teams with monolithic single-page applications to adopt a micro-frontend architecture incrementally, target the improvements to the most valuable parts of the application, and therefore front-load the return on investment.

An interesting challenge in extracting parts of the UI into server-side rendered fragments is that, once displayed in the browser, we want the legacy application and the fragments to feel like a single application. The fragments should be neatly embedded within the legacy application shell, keeping the application accessible by correctly forming the DOM hierarchy, but we also want the server-side rendered fragments to be displayed and become interactive as quickly as possible — even before the legacy client-side rendered application shell comes into existence. How can we embed UI fragments into an application shell that doesn’t exist yet? We resolved this problem via a technique we devised, which we call “fragment piercing”.

Fragment piercing

Fragment piercing combines HTML/DOM produced by server-side rendered micro-frontend fragments with HTML/DOM produced by a legacy client-side rendered application.

The micro-frontend fragments are rendered directly into the top level of the HTML response, and are designed to become immediately interactive. In the background, the legacy application is client-side rendered as a sibling of these fragments. When it is ready, the fragments are “pierced” into the legacy application – the DOM of each fragment is moved to its appropriate place within the DOM of the legacy application – without causing any visual side effects, or loss of client-side state, such as focus, form data, or text selection. Once “pierced”, a fragment can begin to communicate with the legacy application, effectively becoming an integrated part of it.

Here, you can see a “login” fragment and the empty legacy application “root” element at the top level of the DOM, before piercing.

  <div id="root"></div>
  <piercing-fragment-host fragment-id="login">
    <login q:container...>...</login>

And here you can see that the fragment has been pierced into the “login-page” div in the rendered legacy application.

  <div id="root">
      <div class="login-page">
        <piercing-fragment-outlet fragment-id="login">
          <piercing-fragment-host fragment-id="login">
            <login  q:container...>...</login>

To keep the fragment from moving and causing a visible layout shift during this transition, we apply CSS styles that position the fragment in the same way before and after piercing.

At any time an application can be displaying any number of pierced fragments, or none at all. This technique is not limited only to the initial load of the legacy application. Fragments can also be added to and removed from an application, at any time. This allows fragments to be rendered in response to user interactions and client-side routing.

With fragment piercing, you can start to incrementally adopt micro-frontends, one fragment at a time. You decide on the granularity of fragments, and which parts of the application to turn into fragments. The fragments don’t all have to use the same Web framework, which can be useful when switching stacks, or during a post-acquisition integration of multiple applications.

The “Productivity Suite” demo

As a demonstration of fragment piercing and incremental adoption we have developed a “productivity suite” demo application that allows users to manage to-do lists, read hacker news, etc. We implemented the shell of this application as a client-side rendered React application — a common tech choice in corporate applications. This is our “legacy application”. There are three routes in the application that have been updated to use micro-frontend fragments:

  • /login – a simple dummy login form with client-side validation, displayed when users are not authenticated (implemented in Qwik).
  • /todos – manages one or more todo lists, implemented as two collaborating fragments:
    • Todo list selector – a component for selecting/creating/deleting Todo lists (implemented in Qwik).
    • Todo list editor – a clone of the TodoMVC app (implemented in React).
  • /news – a clone of the HackerNews demo (implemented in SolidJS).

This demo showcases that different independent technologies can be used for both the legacy application and for each of the fragments.

Incremental adoption of micro-frontends with Cloudflare Workers
A visualization of the fragments that are pierced into the legacy application

The application is deployed at https://productivity-suite.web-experiments.workers.dev/.

To try it out, you first need to log in – simply use any username you like (no password needed). The user’s data is saved in a cookie, so you can log out and back in using the same username. After you’ve logged in, navigate through the various pages using the navigation bar at the top of the application. In particular, take a look at the “Todo Lists” and “News” pages to see the piercing in action.

At any point, try reloading the page to see that fragments are rendered instantly while the legacy application loads slowly in the background. Try interacting with the fragments even before the legacy application has appeared!

At the very top of the page there are controls to let you see the impact of fragment piercing in action.

Incremental adoption of micro-frontends with Cloudflare Workers
  • Use the “Legacy app bootstrap delay” slider to set the simulated delay before the legacy application starts.
  • Toggle “Piercing Enabled” to see what the user experience would be if the app did not use fragments.
  • Toggle “Show Seams” to see where each fragment is on the current page.

How it works

The application is composed of a number of building blocks.

Incremental adoption of micro-frontends with Cloudflare Workers
An overview of the collaborating Workers and legacy application host

The Legacy application host in our demo serves the files that define the client-side React application (HTML, JavaScript and stylesheets). Applications built with other tech stacks would work just as well. The Fragment Workers host the micro-frontend fragments, as described in our previous fragment architecture post. And the Gateway Worker handles requests from the browser, selecting, fetching and combining response streams from the legacy application and micro-frontend fragments.

Once these pieces are all deployed, they work together to handle each request from the browser. Let’s look at what happens when you go to the `/login` route.

Incremental adoption of micro-frontends with Cloudflare Workers
The flow of requests when viewing the login page

The user navigates to the application and the browser makes a request to the Gateway Worker to get the initial HTML. The Gateway Worker identifies that the browser is requesting the login page. It then makes two parallel sub-requests – one to fetch the index.html of the legacy application, and another to request the server-side rendered login fragment. It then combines these two responses into a single response stream containing the HTML that is delivered to the browser.

The browser displays the HTML response containing the empty root element for the legacy application, and the server-side rendered login fragment, which is immediately interactive for the user.

The browser then requests the legacy application’s JavaScript. This request is proxied by the Gateway Worker to the Legacy application host. Similarly, any other assets for the legacy application or fragments get routed through the Gateway Worker to the legacy application host or appropriate Fragment Worker.

Once the legacy application’s JavaScript has been downloaded and executed, rendering the shell of the application in the process, the fragment piercing kicks in, moving the fragment into the appropriate place in the legacy application, while preserving all of its UI state.

While focussed on the login fragment to explain fragment piercing, the same ideas apply to the other fragments implemented in the /todos and /news routes.

The piercing library

Despite being implemented using different Web frameworks, all the fragments are integrated into the legacy application in the same way using helpers from a “Piercing Library”. This library is a collection of server-side and client-side utilities that we developed, for the demo, to handle integrating the legacy application with micro-frontend fragments. The main features of the library are the PiercingGateway class, fragment host and fragment outlet custom elements, and the MessageBus class.


The PiercingGateway class can be used to instantiate a Gateway Worker that handles all requests for our application’s HTML, JavaScript and other assets. The `PiercingGateway` routes requests through to the appropriate Fragment Workers or to the host of the Legacy Application. It also combines the HTML response streams from these fragments with the response from the legacy application into a single HTML stream that is returned to the browser.

Implementing a Gateway Worker is straightforward using the Piercing Library. Create a new gateway instance of PiercingGateway, passing it the URL to the legacy application host and a function to determine whether piercing is enabled for the given request. Export the gateway as the default export from the Worker script so that the Workers runtime can wire up its fetch() handler.

const gateway = new PiercingGateway<Env>({
  // Configure the origin URL for the legacy application.
  getLegacyAppBaseUrl: (env) => env.APP_BASE_URL,
  shouldPiercingBeEnabled: (request) => ...,

export default gateway;

Fragments can be registered by calling the registerFragment() method so that the gateway can automatically route requests for a fragment’s HTML and assets to its Fragment Worker. For example, registering the login fragment would look like:

  fragmentId: "login",
  prePiercingStyles: "...",
  shouldBeIncluded: async (request) => !(await isUserAuthenticated(request)),

Fragment host and outlet

Routing requests and combining HTML responses in the Gateway Worker is only half of what makes piercing possible. The other half needs to happen in the browser where the fragments need to be pierced into the legacy application using the technique we described earlier.

The fragment piercing in the browser is facilitated by a pair of custom elements, the fragment host (<piercing-fragment-host>) and the fragment outlet (<piercing-fragment-outlet>).

The Gateway Worker wraps the HTML for each fragment in a fragment host. In the browser, the fragment host manages the life-time of the fragment and is used when moving the fragment’s DOM into position in the legacy application.

<piercing-fragment-host fragment-id="login">
  <login q:container...>...</login>

In the legacy application, the developer marks where a fragment should appear when it is pierced by adding a fragment outlet. Our demo application’s Login route looks as follows:

export function Login() {
  return (
    <div className="login-page" ref={ref}>
      <piercing-fragment-outlet fragment-id="login" />

When a fragment outlet is added to the DOM, it searches the current document for its associated fragment host. If found, the fragment host and its contents are moved inside the outlet. If the fragment host is not found, the outlet will make a request to the gateway worker to fetch the fragment HTML, which is then streamed directly into the fragment outlet, using the writable-dom library (a small but powerful library developed by the MarkoJS team).

This fallback mechanism enables client-side navigation to routes that contain new fragments. This way fragments can be rendered in the browser via both initial (hard) navigation and client-side (soft) navigation.

Message bus

Unless the fragments in our application are completely presentational or self-contained, they also need to communicate with the legacy application and other fragments. The MessageBus is a simple asynchronous, isomorphic, and framework-agnostic communication bus that the legacy application and each of the fragments can access.

In our demo application the login fragment needs to inform the legacy application when the user has authenticated. This message dispatch is implemented in the Qwik LoginForm component as follows:

const dispatchLoginEvent = $(() => {
  getBus(ref.value).dispatch("login", {
    username: state.username,
    password: state.password,
  state.loading = true;

The legacy application can then listen for these messages like this:

useEffect(() => {
  return getBus().listen<LoginMessage>("login", async (user) => {
    await addUserDataIfMissing(user.username);
    await saveCurrentUser(user.username);
    getBus().dispatch("authentication", user);
    navigate("/", { replace: true, });
}, []);

We settled on this message bus implementation because we needed a solution that was framework-agnostic, and worked well on both the server as well as client.

Give it a go!

With fragments, fragment piercing, and Cloudflare Workers, you can improve performance as well as the development cycle of legacy client-side rendered applications. These changes can be adopted incrementally, and you can even do so while implementing fragments with a Web framework for your choice.

The “Productivity Suite” application demonstrating these capabilities can be found at https://productivity-suite.web-experiments.workers.dev/.

All the code we have shown is open-source and published to Github: https://github.com/cloudflare/workers-web-experiments/tree/main/productivity-suite.

Feel free to clone the repository. It is easy to run locally and even deploy your own version (for free) to Cloudflare. We tried to make the code as reusable as possible. Most of the core logic is in the piercing library that you could try in your own projects. We’d be thrilled to receive feedback, suggestions, or hear about applications you’d like to use it for. Join our GitHub discussion or also reach us on our discord channel.

We believe that combining Cloudflare Workers with the latest ideas from frameworks will drive the next big steps forward in improved experiences for both users and developers in Web applications. Expect to see more demos, blog posts and collaborations as we continue to push the boundaries of what the Web can offer. And if you’d also like to be directly part of this journey, we are also happy to share that we are hiring!

Keep track of Workers’ code and configuration changes with Deployments

Post Syndicated from Kabir Sikand original https://blog.cloudflare.com/deployments-for-workers/

Keep track of Workers’ code and configuration changes with Deployments

Keep track of Workers’ code and configuration changes with Deployments

Today we’re happy to introduce Deployments for Workers. Deployments allow developers to keep track of changes to their Worker; not just the code, but the configuration and bindings as well. With deployments, developers now have access to a powerful audit log of changes to their production applications.

And tracking changes is just the beginning! Deployments provide a strong foundation to add: automated deployments, rollbacks, and integration with version control.

Today we’ll dive into the details of deployments, how you can use them, and what we’re thinking about next.


Deployments are a powerful new way to track changes to your Workers. With them, you can track who’s making changes to your Workers, where those changes are coming from, and when those changes are being made.

Keep track of Workers’ code and configuration changes with Deployments

Cloudflare reports on deployments made from wrangler, API, dashboard, or Terraform anytime you make changes to your Worker’s code, edit resource bindings and environment variables, or modify configuration like name or usage model.

Keep track of Workers’ code and configuration changes with Deployments

We expose the source of your deployments, so you can track where changes are coming from. For example, if you have a CI job that’s responsible for changes, and you see a user made a change through the Cloudflare dashboard, it’s easy to flag that and dig into whether the deployment was a mistake.

Interacting with deployments

Cloudflare tracks the authors, sources, and timestamps of deployments. If you have a set of users responsible for deployment, or an API Token that’s associated with your CI tool, it’s easy to see which made recent deployments. Each deployment also includes a timestamp, so you can track when those changes were made.

Keep track of Workers’ code and configuration changes with Deployments

You can access all this deployment information in your Cloudflare dashboard, under your Worker’s Deployments tab. We also report on the active version right at the front of your Worker’s detail page. Wrangler will also report on deployment information. wrangler publish now reports the latest deployed version, and a new `wrangler deployments` command can be used to view a deployment history.

Keep track of Workers’ code and configuration changes with Deployments

To learn more about the details of deployments, head over to our Developer Documentation.

What’s next?

We’re excited to share deployments with our customers, available today in an open beta. As we mentioned up front, we’re just getting started with deployments. We’re also excited for more on-platform tooling like rollbacks, deploy status, deployment rules, and a view-only mode to historical deployments. Beyond that, we want to ensure deployments can be automated from commits to your repository, which means working on version control integrations to services like GitHub, Bitbucket, and Gitlab. We’d love to hear more about how you’re currently using Workers and how we can improve developer experience. If you’re interested, let’s chat.

If you’d like to join the conversation, head over to Cloudflare’s Developer Discord and give us a shout! We love hearing from our customers, and we’re excited to see what you build with Cloudflare.

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

Post Syndicated from Celso Martinho original https://blog.cloudflare.com/technology-behind-radar2/

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

Radar 2.0 was built on the learnings of Radar 1.0 and was launched last month during Cloudflare’s Birthday Week as a complete product revamp. We wanted to make it easier for our users to find insights and navigate our data, and overall provide a better and faster user experience.

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

We’re building a Supercloud. Cloudflare’s products now include hundreds of features in networking, security, access controls, computing, storage, and more.

This blog will explain how we built the new Radar from an engineering perspective. We wanted to do this to demonstrate that anyone could build a somewhat complex website that involves demanding requirements and multiple architectural layers, do it on top of our stack, and how easy it can be.

Hopefully, this will inspire other developers to switch from traditional software architectures and build their applications using modern, more efficient technologies.

High level architecture

The following diagram is a birds-eye view of the Radar 2.0 architecture. As you can see, it’s divided into three main layers:

  • The Core layer is where we keep our data lake, data exploration tools, and backend API.
  • The Cloudflare network layer is where we host and run Radar and serve the public APIs.
  • The Client layer is essentially everything else that runs in your browser. We call it the Radar Web app.
How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

As you can see, there are Cloudflare products everywhere. They provide the foundational resources to host and securely run our code at scale, but also other building blocks necessary to run the application end to end.

By having these features readily available and tightly integrated into our ecosystem and tools, at the distance of a click and a few lines of code, engineering teams don’t have to reinvent the wheel constantly and can use their time on what is essential: their app logic.

Let’s dig in.

Cloudflare Pages

Radar 2.0 is deployed using Cloudflare Pages, our developer-focused website hosting platform. In the early days, you could only host static assets on Pages, which was helpful for many use cases, including integrating with static site generators like Hugo, Jekyll, or Gatsby. Still, it wouldn’t solve situations where your application needs some sort of server-side computing or advanced logic using a single deployment.

Luckily Pages recently added support to run custom Workers scripts. With Functions, you can now run server-side code and enable any kind of dynamic functionality you’d typically implement using a separate Worker.

Cloudflare Pages Functions also allow you to use Durable Objects, KV, R2, or D1, just like a regular Worker would. We provide excellent documentation on how to do this and more in our Developer Documentation. Furthermore, the team wrote a blog on how to build a full-stack application that describes all the steps in detail.

Radar 2.0 needs server-side functions for two reasons:

  • To render Radar and run the server side of Remix.
  • To implement and serve our frontend API.

Remix and Server-side Rendering

We use Remix with Cloudflare Pages on Radar 2.0.

Remix follows a server/client model and works under the premise that you can’t control the user’s network, so web apps must reduce the amount of Javascript, CSS, and JSON they send through the wire. To do this, they move some of the logic to the server.

In this case, the client browser will get pre-rendered DOM components and the result of pre-fetched API calls with just the right amount of JSON, Javascript, and CSS code, rightfully adjusted to the UI needs. Here’s the technical explanation with more detail.

Typically, Remix would need a Node.js server to do all of this, but guess what: It can also run on Cloudflare Workers and Pages.

Here’s the code to get the Remix server running on Workers, using Cloudflare Pages:

import { createPagesFunctionHandler } from "@remix-run/cloudflare-pages";
import * as build from "@remix-run/dev/server-build";

const handleRequest = createPagesFunctionHandler({
  build: {
    publicPath: "/build/",
    assetsBuildDirectory: "public/build",
  mode: process.env.NODE_ENV,
  getLoadContext: (context) => ({
    CF: (context.request as any).cf as IncomingRequestCfProperties | undefined,

const handler: ExportedHandler<Env> = {
  fetch: async (req, env, ctx) => {
    const r = new Request(req);
    return handleRequest({
      params: {},
      request: r,
      waitUntil: ctx.waitUntil,
      next: () => {
        throw new Error("next() called in Worker");
      functionPath: "",
      data: undefined,

In Remix, routes handle changes when a user interacts with the app and changes it (clicking on a menu option, for example). A Remix route can have a loader, an action and a default export. The loader handles API calls for fetching data (GET method). The action handles submissions to the server (POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE methods) and returns the response. The default export handles the UI code in React that’s returned for that route. A route without a default export returns only data.

Because Remix runs both on the server and the client, it can get smart and know what can be pre-fetched and computed server-side and what must go through the network connection, optimizing everything for performance and responsiveness.

Here’s an example of a Radar route, simplified for readability, for the Outage Center page.

import type { MetaFunction } from "@remix-run/cloudflare";
import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";
import { type LoaderArgs } from "@remix-run/server-runtime";

export async function loader(args: LoaderArgs) {
  const ssr = await initialFetch(SSR_CHARTS, args);
  return { ssr, };

export default function Outages() {
  const { ssr } = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();

  return (
          <Svg use="icon-outages" />
      <Grid columns={[1, 1, 1, 1]}>
        <Card.Article colspan={[1, 1, 1, 1]} rowspan={[1, 1, 1, 1]}>
            <Components.InternetOutagesChoropleth ssr={ssr} />
          <Divider />
            <Components.InternetOutagesTable ssr={ssr} />

And here’s what it produces:

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

Remix and SSR can also help you with your Lighthouse scores and SEO. It can drastically improve metrics like Cumulative Layout Shift, First Contentful Paint and Largest Contentful Paint by reducing the number of fetches and information traveling from the server to the browser and pre-rendering the DOM.

Another project porting their app to Remix is Cloudflare TV. This is how their metrics looked before and after the changes.

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

Radar’s Desktop Lighthouse score is now nearly 100% on Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices, and SEO.

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

Another Cloudflare product that we use extensively on Radar 2.0 is Speed. In particular, we want to mention the Early Hints feature. Early Hints is a new web standard that defines a new HTTP 103 header the server can use to inform the browser which assets will likely be needed to render the web page while it’s still being requested, resulting in dramatic load times improvements.

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

You can use Cloudflare Pages with Early Hints.


Radar has two APIs. The backend which has direct access to our data sources, and the frontend, which is available on the Internet.

Backend API

The backend API was written using Python, Pandas and FastAPI and is protected by Cloudflare Access, JWT tokens and an authenticated origin pull (AOP) configuration. Using Python allows anyone on the team, engineers or data scientists, to collaborate easily and contribute to improving and expanding the API, which is great. Our data science team uses JupyterHub and Jupyter Notebooks as part of their data exploration workflows, which makes prototyping and reusing code, algorithms and models particularly easy and fast.

It then talks to the upstream frontend API via a Strawberry based GraphQL server. Using GraphQL makes it easy to create complex queries, giving internal users and analysts the flexibility they need when building reports from our vast collection of data.

Frontend API

We built Radar’s frontend API on top of Cloudflare Workers. This worker has two main functions:

  • It fetches data from the backend API using GraphQL, and then transforms it.
  • It provides a public REST API that anyone can use, including Radar.

Using a worker in front of our core API allows us to easily add and separate microservices, and also adds notable features like:

  • Cloudflare’s Cache API allows finer control over what to cache and for how long and supports POST requests and customizable cache control headers, which we use.
  • Stale responses using R2. When the backend API cannot serve a request for some reason, and there’s a stale response cached, it’ll be served directly from R2, giving end users a better experience.
  • CSV and JSON output formats. The CSV format is convenient and makes it easier for data scientists, analysts, and others to use the API and consume our API data directly from other tools.

Open sourcing our OpenAPI 3 schema generator and validator

One last feature on the frontend API is OpenAPI 3 support. We automatically generate an OpenAPI schema and validate user input with it. This is done through a custom library that we built on top of itty-router, which we also use. Today we’re open sourcing this work.

itty-router-openapi provides an easy and compact OpenAPI 3 schema generator and validator for Cloudflare Workers. Check our GitHub repository for more information and details on how to use it.

Developer’s Documentation

Today we’re also launching our developer’s documentation pages for the Radar API where you can find more information about our data license, basic concepts, how to get started and the available API methods. Cloudflare Radar’s API is free, allowing academics, data sleuths and other web enthusiasts to investigate Internet usage across the globe, based on data from our global network.

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

To facilitate using our API, we also put together a Colab Notebook template that you can play with, copy and expand to your use case.

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

The Radar App

The Radar App is the code that runs in your browser. We’ve talked about Remix, but what else do we use?

Radar relies on a lot of data visualizations. Things like charts and maps are essential to us. We decided to build our reusable library of visualization components on top of two other frameworks: visx, a “collection of expressive, low-level visualization primitives for React,” D3, a powerful JavaScript library for manipulating the DOM based on data, and MapLibre, an open-source map visualization stack.

Here’s one of our visualization components in action. We call it the “PewPew map”.

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

And here’s the Remix React code for it, whenever we need to use it in a page:

    <Flex gap={spacing.medium} align="center" justify="flex-end">
        label="Sort order:"
          { label: t("common.source"), value: "ORIGIN" },
          { label: t("common.target"), value: "TARGET" },
      onChange={({ target }: any) => setAttacksDirection(target.value)}



Another change we made to Radar was switching our images and graphical assets to Scalable Vector Graphics. SVGs are great because they’re essentially a declarative graphics language. They’re XML text files with vectorial information. And so, they can be easily manipulated, transformed, stored, or indexed, and of course, they can be rendered at any size, producing beautiful, crisp results on any device and resolution.

SVGs are also extremely small and efficient in size compared to bitmap formats and support internationalization, making them easier to translate to other languages (localization), thus providing better accessibility.

Here’s an example of a Radar Bubble Chart, inspected, where you can see the SVG code and the <text/> strings embedded.

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0


React Cosmos is a “sandbox for developing and testing UI components in isolation.” We wanted to use Cosmos with Radar 2.0 because it’s the perfect project for it:

  1. It has a lot of visual components; some are complex and have many configuration options and features.
  2. The components are highly reusable across multiple pages in different contexts with different data.
  3. We have a multidisciplinary team; everyone can send a pull request and add or change code in the frontend.

Cosmos acts as a component library where you can see our palette of ready-to-use visualizations and widgets, from simple buttons to complex charts, and you play with their options in real-time and see what happens. Anyone can do it, not only designers or engineers but also other project stakeholders. This effectively improves team communications and makes contributing and iterating quickly.

Here’s a screenshot of our Cosmos in action:

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

Continuous integration and development

Continuous integration is important for any team doing modern software. Cloudflare Pages provides multiple options to work with CI tools using direct uploads, out of the box. The team has put up documentation and examples on how to do that with GitHub Actions, CircleCI, and Travis, but you can use others.

In our case, we use BitBucket and TeamCity internally to build and deploy our releases. Our workflow automatically builds, tests, and deploys Radar 2.0 within minutes on an approved PR and follow-up merge.

Unit tests are done with Vitest and E2E tests with Playwright. Visual Regression testing is planned and Playwright can also help with that.

Furthermore, we have multiple environments to stage and test our releases before they go live to production. Our CI/CD setup makes it easy to switch from one environment to the other or quickly roll back any undesired deployment.

Again Cloudflare Pages makes it easy to do this using Preview deployments, aliases, or Branch build controls. The same is true for regular Workers using Environments.

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

Fast previews and notifications

Radar 1.0 wasn’t particularly fast doing CI/CD, we confess. We had a few episodes when a quick fix could take some good 30 minutes from committing the code to deployment, and we felt frustrated about it.

So we invested a lot in ensuring that the new CI would be fast, efficient, and furious.

One cool thing we ended up doing was fast preview links on any commit pushed to the code repository. Using a combination of intelligent caching during builds and doing asynchronous tests when the commit is outside the normal release branches, we were able to shorten the deployment time to seconds.

This is the notification we get in our chat when anyone pushes code to any branch:

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

Anyone can follow a thread for a specific branch in the chat and get notified on new changes when they happen.

Blazing-fast builds, preview links and notifications are game-changers. An engineer can go from an idea or a quick fix to showing the result on a link to a product manager or another team member. Anyone can quickly click the link to see the changes on a fully working end-to-end version of Radar.

Accessibility and localization

Cloudflare is committed to web accessibility. Recently we announced how we upgraded Cloudflare’s Dashboard to adhere to industry accessibility standards, but this premise is valid for all our properties. The same is true for localization. In 2020, we internationalized our Dashboard and added support for new languages and locales.

Accessibility and localization go hand in hand and are both important, but they are also different. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines define many best practices around accessibility, including using color and contrast, tags, SVGs, shortcuts, gestures, and many others. The A11Y project page is an excellent resource for learning more.

Localization, though, also known as L10n, is more of a technical requirement when you start a new project. It’s about making sure you choose the right set of libraries and frameworks that will make it easier to add new translations without engineering dependencies or code rewrites.

We wanted Radar to perform well on both fronts. Our design system takes Cloudflare’s design and brand guidelines seriously and adds as many A11Y good practices as possible, and the app is fully aware of localization strings across its pages and UI components.

Adding a new language is as easy as translating a single JSON file. Here’s a snippet of the en-US.json file with the default American English strings:

  "abbr.asn": "Autonomous System Number",
  "actions.chart.download.csv": "Download chart data in CSV",
  "actions.chart.download.png": "Download chart in PNG Format",
  "actions.chart.download.svg": "Download chart in SVG Format",
  "actions.chart.download": "Download chart",
  "actions.chart.maximize": "Maximize chart",
  "actions.chart.minimize": "Minimize chart",
  "actions.chart.share": "Share chart",
  "actions.download.csv": "Download CSV",
  "actions.download.png": "Download PNG",
  "actions.download.svg": "Download SVG",
  "actions.share": "Share",
  "alert.beta.link": "Radar Classic",
  "alert.beta.message": "Radar 2.0 is currently in Beta. You can still use {link} during the transition period.",
  "card.about.cloudflare.p1": "Cloudflare, Inc. ({website} / {twitter}) is on a mission to help build a better Internet. Cloudflare's suite of products protects and accelerates any Internet application online without adding hardware, installing software, or changing a line of code. Internet properties powered by Cloudflare have all web traffic routed through its intelligent global network, which gets smarter with every request. As a result, they see significant improvement in performance and a decrease in spam and other attacks. Cloudflare was named to Entrepreneur Magazine's Top Company Cultures 2018 list and ranked among the World's Most Innovative Companies by Fast Company in 2019.",
  "card.about.cloudflare.p2": "Headquartered in San Francisco, CA, Cloudflare has offices in Austin, TX, Champaign, IL, New York, NY, San Jose, CA, Seattle, WA, Washington, D.C., Toronto, Dubai, Lisbon, London, Munich, Paris, Beijing, Singapore, Sydney, and Tokyo.",
  "card.about.cloudflare.title": "About Cloudflare",

You can expect us to release Radar in other languages soon.

Radar Reports and Jupyter notebooks

Radar Reports are documents that use data exploration and storytelling to analyze a particular theme in-depth. Some reports tend to get updates from time to time. Examples of Radar Reports are our quarterly DDoS Attack Trends, or the IPv6 adoption.

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

The source of these Reports is Jupyter Notebooks. Our Data Science team works on some use-case or themes with other stakeholders using our internal Jupyter Hub tool. After all the iteration and exploration are done, and the work is signed off, a notebook is produced.

A Jupyter Notebook is a JSON document containing text, source code, rich media such as images or charts, and other metadata. It is the de facto standard for presenting data science projects, and every data scientist uses it.

With Radar 1.0, converting a Jupyter Notebook to a Radar page was a lengthy and manual process implicating many engineering and design resources and causing much frustration to everyone involved. Even updating an already-published notebook would frequently cause trouble for us.

Radar 2.0 changed all of this. We now have a fully automated process that takes a Jupyter Notebook and, as long as it’s designed using a list of simple rules and internal guidelines, converts it automatically, hosts the resulting HTML and assets in an R2 bucket, and publishes it on the Reports page.

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

The conversion to HTML takes into account our design system and UI components, and the result is a beautiful document, usually long-form, perfectly matching Radar’s look and feel.

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

We will eventually open-source this tool so that anyone can use it.

More Cloudflare, less to worry about

We gave examples of using Cloudflare’s products and features to build your next-gen app without worrying too much about things that aren’t core to your business or logic. A few are missing, though.

Once the app is up and running, you must protect it from bad traffic and malicious actors. Cloudflare offers you DDoS, WAF, and Bot Management protection out of the box at a click’s distance.

For example, here are some of our security rules. This is traffic we don’t have to worry about in our app because Cloudflare detects it and acts on it according to our rules.

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

Another thing we don’t need to worry about is redirects from the old site to the new one. Cloudflare has a feature called Bulk Redirects, where you can easily create redirect lists directly on the dashboard.

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

It’s also important to mention that every time we talk about what you can do using our Dashboard, we’re, in fact, also saying you can do precisely the same using Cloudflare’s APIs. Our Dashboard is built entirely on top of them. And if you’re the infrastructure as code kind of person, we have you covered, too; you can use the Cloudflare Terraform provider.

Deploying and managing Workers, R2 buckets, or Pages sites is obviously scriptable too. Wrangler is the command-line tool to do this and more, and it goes the extra mile to allow you to run your full app locally, emulating our stack, on your computer, before deploying.

Final words

We hope you enjoyed this Radar team write-up and were inspired to build your next app on top of our Supercloud. We will continue improving and innovating on Radar 2.0 with new features, share our findings and open-sourcing our tools with you.

In the meantime, we opened a Radar room on our Developers Discord Server. Feel free to join it and ask us questions; the team is eager to receive feedback and discuss web technology with you.

You can also follow us on Twitter for more Radar updates.

Announcing the first Workers Launchpad cohort and growth of the program to $2 billion

Post Syndicated from Mia Wang original https://blog.cloudflare.com/launchpad-fall-22/

Announcing the first Workers Launchpad cohort and growth of the program to $2 billion

This post is also available in 简体中文, 日本語, 한국어, Deutsch, Français, Español.

Announcing the first Workers Launchpad cohort and growth of the program to $2 billion

During Birthday Week 2022, we announced a $1.25 billion funding program for startups building on our developer platform, Cloudflare Workers. This was done in partnership with 26 leading VC firms who have been investing in or seeking to invest in Workers-based startups.

Today, we’re excited to reveal the first cohort of Launchpad Startups as well as 14 additional VC partners, bringing the Launchpad to $2 billion in potential funding from 40 VC firms in total.

Who are our new VC partners?

We are excited to welcome 14 additional firms to the Workers Launchpad, which you can find included in the image below. They have worked with hundreds of companies that have grown to become leaders in their areas including Asana, Canva, Figma, Netlify, Vercel, Area 1 Security (which Cloudflare acquired in 2022), and many others. Notably, they also represent a diverse group of investors who support startups across North and South America, Europe, and Asia.

Announcing the first Workers Launchpad cohort and growth of the program to $2 billion

Many of these investors have seen the competitive advantages of building on Workers through their own portfolio companies firsthand and are looking forward to providing the capital and resources you need to build and scale your business.

Announcing the Fall 2022 cohort of Launchpad Startups!

We received hundreds of applications for the Fall cohort from startups representing more than 30 countries. We were blown away by the breadth of businesses that folks were building – some are creating tools to simplify developer workflows, while others are helping ecommerce businesses better reach and serve customers around the world. The common thread amongst all the Launchpad companies, however, is their usage of Cloudflare’s developer platform to build more secure, reliable, and feature-rich products faster than they otherwise could.

Introducing the Fall 2022 cohort

Announcing the first Workers Launchpad cohort and growth of the program to $2 billion

Our inaugural cohort of Launchpad startups features 25 diverse businesses. Here’s what they’re building, in their own words:

AIDEM Privacy first, sustainable, transparent digital advertising.
Apyfy The data privacy & security firewall.
Authdog Identity & access management streamlined.
Axiom Logging solved, at any scale.
BlocPal Unlocking accessible & affordable financial services for all.
COPILOT TRAVEL Next-generation infrastructure for global travel data.
Data Narratives Data superpowers for growth teams.
Drivly APIs to buy and sell cars online.
Endear Retail CRM for consumer brands.
flethy Design. Configure. Automate.
GPUX Serverless GPU inference.
Grafbase The easiest way to build and deploy GraphQL backends.
JEMPass Authentication made simple, seamless, secure.
Karambit.AI Stop software supply chain attacks.
KubeLT Simple and secure user identity for supercharging your user experience.
Narrative BI No-code analytics platform for growth teams.
Ninetailed Composable personalization and experimentation solution for digital builders.
Nostra.ai Predictive commerce edge delivery engine to boost conversion rates.
Patr Deploy and scale your applications in 60 seconds.
Quest.ai Generate front-end code from designs automatically.
qxip Polyglot monitoring and edge observability.
repeat.dev Create. Deploy. Repeat. The one-stop-shop for your webhooks & scheduled tasks.
Service Loom Start a service business in 3 minutes.
Targum Translating videos at the speed of social media using AI.
Touchless The fastest sites, with no code.

Is it too late to join the Launchpad?

Nope! We will select Launchpad Startups on a quarterly basis, so if you are building on Workers, interested in pitching VCs, and want to join our next cohort of Workers Founder, apply here! If you’re new to Workers and looking to begin building, check out our Startup Plan for a year of free Cloudflare services, Built with Workers, and join our Cloudflare Developer Discord community.

Cloudflare is not providing any funding or making any funding decisions, and there is no guarantee that any particular company will receive funding through the program. All funding decisions will be made by the venture capital firms that participate in the program. Cloudflare is not a registered broker-dealer, investment adviser, or other similar intermediary.

Spice up your sites on Cloudflare Pages with Pages Functions General Availability

Post Syndicated from Nevi Shah original https://blog.cloudflare.com/pages-function-goes-ga/

Spice up your sites on Cloudflare Pages with Pages Functions General Availability

Spice up your sites on Cloudflare Pages with Pages Functions General Availability

Before we launched Pages back in April 2021, we knew it would be the start of something magical – an experience that felt “just right”. We envisioned an experience so simple yet so smooth that any developer could ship a website in seconds and add more to it by using the rest of our Cloudflare ecosystem.

A few months later, when we announced that Pages was a full stack platform in November 2021, that vision became a reality. Creating a development platform for just static sites was not the end of our Pages story, and with Cloudflare Workers already a part of our ecosystem, we knew we were sitting on untapped potential. With the introduction of Pages Functions, we empowered developers to take any static site and easily add in dynamic content with the power of Cloudflare Workers.

In the last year since Functions has been in open beta, we dove into an exploration on what kinds of full stack capabilities developers are looking for on their projects – and set out to fine tune the Functions experience into what it is today.

We’re thrilled to announce that Pages Functions is now generally available!

Functions recap

Though called “Functions” in the context of Pages, these functions running on our Cloudflare network are Cloudflare Workers in “disguise”. Pages harnesses the power and scalability of Workers and specializes them to align with the Pages experience our users know and love.

With Functions you can dream up the possibilities of dynamic functionality to add to your site – integrate with storage solutions, connect to third party services, use server side rendering with your favorite full stack frameworks and more. As Pages Functions opens its doors to production traffic, let’s explore some of the exciting features we’ve improved and added on this release.

The experience

Deploy with Git

Love to code? We’ll handle the infrastructure, and leave you to it.

Simply write a JavaScript/Typescript Function and drop it into a functions directory by committing your code to your Git provider. Our lightning fast CI system will build your code and deploy it alongside your static assets.

Directly upload your Functions

Prefer to handle the build yourself? Have a special git provider not yet supported on Pages? No problem! After dropping your Function in your functions folder, you can build with your preferred CI tooling and then upload your project to Pages to be deployed.

Debug your Functions

While in beta, we learned that you and your teams value visibility above all. As on Cloudflare Workers, we’ve built a simple way for you to watch your functions as it processes requests – the faster you can understand an issue the faster you can react.

You can now easily view logs for your Functions by “tailing” your logs. For basic information like outcome and request IP, you can navigate to the Pages dashboard to obtain relevant logs.

For more specific filters, you can use

wrangler pages deployment tail

to receive a live feed of console and exception logs for each request your Function receives.

Spice up your sites on Cloudflare Pages with Pages Functions General Availability

Get real time Functions metrics

In the dashboard, Pages aggregates data for your Functions in the form of request successes/error metrics and invocation status. You can refer to your metrics dashboard not only to better understand your usage on a per-project basis but also to get a pulse check on the health of your Functions by catching success/error volumes.

Spice up your sites on Cloudflare Pages with Pages Functions General Availability

Quickly integrate with the Cloudflare ecosystem

Storage bindings

Want to go truly full stack? We know finding a storage solution that fits your needs and fits your ecosystem is not an easy task – but it doesn’t have to be!

With Functions, you can take advantage of our broad range of storage products including Workers KV, Durable Objects, R2, D1 and – very soon – Queues and Workers Analytics Engine! Simply create your namespace, bucket or database and add your binding in the Pages dashboard to get your full stack site up and running in just a few clicks.

From dropping in a quick comment system to rolling your own authentication to creating database-backed eCommerce sites, integrating with existing products in our developer platform unlocks an exponential set of use cases for your site.

Secret bindings

In addition to adding environment variables that are available to your project at both build-time and runtime, you can now also add “secrets” to your project. These are encrypted environment variables which cannot be viewed by any dashboard interfaces, and are a great home for sensitive data like API tokens or passwords.

Integrate with 3rd party services

Our goal with Pages is always to meet you where you are when it comes to the tools you love to use. During this beta period we also noticed some consistent patterns in how you were employing Functions to integrate with common third party services. Pages Plugins – our ready-made snippets of code – offers a plug and play experience for you to build the ecosystem of your choice around your application.

In essence, a Pages Plugin is a reusable – and customizable – chunk of runtime code that can be incorporated anywhere within your Pages application. It’s a “composable” Pages Function, granting Plugins the full power of Functions (i.e. Workers), including the ability to set up middleware, parameterized routes, and static assets.

With Pages Plugins you can integrate with a plethora of 3rd party applications – including officially supported Sentry, Honeycomb, Stytch, MailChannels and more.

Use your favorite full stack frameworks

In the spirit of meeting developers where they are at, this sentiment also comes in the form of Javascript frameworks. As a big supporter of not only widely adopted frameworks but up and coming frameworks, our team works with a plethora of framework authors to create opportunities for you to play with their new tech and deploy on Pages right out of the box.

Now compatible with Next.js 13 and more!

Recently, we announced our support for Next.js applications which opt in to the Edge Runtime. Today we’re excited to announce we are now compatible with Next.js 13. Next.js 13 brings some most-requested modern paradigms to the Next.js framework, including nested routing, React 18’s Server Components and streaming.

Have a different preference of framework? No problem.

Go full stack on Pages to take advantage of server side rendering (SSR) with one of many other officially supported frameworks like Remix, SvelteKit, QwikCity, SolidStart, Astro and Nuxt. You can check out our blog post on SSR support on Pages and how to get started with some of these frameworks.

Go fast in advanced mode

While Pages Functions are powered by Workers, we understand that at face-value they are not exactly the same. Nevertheless, for existing users who are perhaps using Workers and are keen on trying Cloudflare Pages, we’ve got a direct path to get you started quickly.

If you already have a single Worker and want an easy way to go full stack on Pages, you can use Pages Function’s “advanced mode”. Generate an ES module Worker called _worker.js in the output directory of your project and deploy!
This can be especially helpful if you’re a framework author or perhaps have a more complex use case that does not fit into our file-based router.

Scaling without limits

So today, as we announce Functions as generally available we are thrilled to allow your traffic to scale. During the Open Beta period, we imposed a daily limit of 100,000 free requests per day as a way to let you try out the feature. While 100,000 requests per day remains the free limit today, you can now pay to truly go unlimited.

Since Functions are just “special” Workers, with this announcement you will begin to see your Functions usage reflected on your bill under the Workers Paid subscription or via your Workers Enterprise contract. Like Workers, when on a paid plan, you have the option to choose between our two usage models – Bundled and Unbound – and will be billed accordingly.

Keeping Pages on brand as Cloudflare’s “gift to the Internet”, you will get unlimited free static asset requests and will be billed primarily on dynamic requests. You can read more about how billing with Functions works in our documentation.

Get started today

To start jamming, head over to the Pages Functions docs and check out our blog on some of the best frameworks to use to deploy your first full stack application. As you begin building out your projects be sure to let us know in the #functions channel under Pages of our Cloudflare Developers Discord. Happy building!

UPDATE Supercloud SET status = ‘open alpha’ WHERE product = ‘D1’;

Post Syndicated from Nevi Shah original https://blog.cloudflare.com/d1-open-alpha/

UPDATE Supercloud SET status = 'open alpha' WHERE product = 'D1';

UPDATE Supercloud SET status = 'open alpha' WHERE product = 'D1';

In May 2022, we announced our quest to simplify databases – building them, maintaining them, integrating them. Our goal is to empower you with the tools to run a database that is powerful, scalable, with world-beating performance without any hassle. And we first set our sights on reimagining the database development experience for every type of user – not just database experts.

Over the past couple of months, we’ve been working to create just that, while learning some very important lessons along the way. As it turns out, building a global relational database product on top of Workers pushes the boundaries of the developer platform to their absolute limit, and often beyond them, but in a way that’s absolutely thrilling to us at Cloudflare. It means that while our progress might seem slow from outside, every improvement, bug fix or stress test helps lay down a path for all of our customers to build the world’s most ambitious serverless application.

However, as we continue down the road to making D1 production ready, it wouldn’t be “the Cloudflare way” unless we stopped for feedback first – even though it’s not quite finished yet. In the spirit of Developer Week, there is no better time to introduce the D1 open alpha!

An “open alpha” is a new concept for us. You’ll likely hear the term “open beta” on various announcements at Cloudflare, and while it makes sense for many products here, it wasn’t quite right for D1. There are still some crucial pieces that are still in active development and testing, so before we release the fully-formed D1 as a public beta for you to start building real-world apps with, we want to make sure everybody can start to get a feel for the product on their hobby apps or side-projects.

What’s included in the alpha?

While a lot is still changing behind the scenes with D1, we’ve put a lot of thought into how you, as a developer, interact with it – even if you’re new to databases.

Using the D1 dashboard

In a few clicks you can get your D1 database up and running right from within your dashboard. In our D1 interface, you can create, maintain and view your database as you please. Changes made in the UI are instantly available to your Worker – no redeploy required!

UPDATE Supercloud SET status = 'open alpha' WHERE product = 'D1';

Use Wrangler

If you’re looking to get your hands a little dirty, you can also work with your database using our Wrangler CLI. Create your database and begin adding your data manually or bootstrap your database with one of two ways:

1.  Execute an SQL file

$ wrangler d1 execute my-database-name --file ./customers.sql

where your .sql file looks something like this:


CREATE TABLE Customers (CustomerID INT, CompanyName TEXT, ContactName TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (`CustomerID`));
INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName) 
VALUES (1, 'Alfreds Futterkiste', 'Maria Anders'),(4, 'Around the Horn', 'Thomas Hardy'),(11, 'Bs Beverages', 'Victoria Ashworth'),(13, 'Bs Beverages', 'Random Name');

2. Create and run migrations

Migrations are a way to version your database changes. With D1, you can create a migration and then apply it to your database.

To create the migration, execute:

wrangler d1 migrations create <my-database-name> <short description of migration>

This will create an SQL file in a migrations folder where you can then go ahead and add your queries. Then apply the migrations to your database by executing:

wrangler d1 migrations apply <my-database-name>

Access D1 from within your Worker

You can attach your D1 to a Worker by adding the D1 binding to your wrangler.toml configuration file. Then interact with D1 by executing queries inside your Worker like so:

export default {
 async fetch(request, env) {
   const { pathname } = new URL(request.url);

   if (pathname === "/api/beverages") {
     const { results } = await env.DB.prepare(
       "SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CompanyName = ?"
       .bind("Bs Beverages")
     return Response.json(results);

   return new Response("Call /api/beverages to see Bs Beverages customers");

Or access D1 from within your Pages Function

In this Alpha launch, D1 also supports integration with Cloudflare Pages! You can add a D1 binding inside the Pages dashboard, and write your queries inside a Pages Function to build a full-stack application! Check out the full documentation to get started with Pages and D1.

Community built tooling

During our private alpha period, the excitement behind D1 led to some valuable contributions to the D1 ecosystem and developer experience by members of the community. Here are some of our favorite projects to date:


An Object Relational Mapping (ORM) is a way for you to query and manipulate data by using JavaScript. Created by a Cloudflare Discord Community Champion, the d1-orm seeks to provide a strictly typed experience while using D1:

const users = new Model(
    // table name, primary keys, indexes etc
    // column types, default values, nullable etc

// TS helper for typed queries
type User = Infer<type of users>;

// ORM-style query builder
const user = await users.First({
    where: {
        id: 1,

You can check out the full documentation, and provide feedback by making an issue on the GitHub repository.


This is a zero-dependency query builder that provides a simple standardized interface while keeping the benefits and speed of using raw queries over a traditional ORM. While not intended to provide ORM-like functionality, workers-qb makes it easier to interact with the database from code for direct SQL access:

const qb = new D1QB(env.DB)

const fetched = await qb.fetchOne({
  tableName: 'employees',
  fields: 'count(*) as count',
  where: {
    conditions: 'department = ?1',
    params: ['HQ'],

You can read more about the query builder here.


Instead of running the wrangler d1 execute command in your terminal every time you want to interact with your database, you can interact with D1 from within the d1-console. Created by a Discord Community Champion, this gives the benefit of executing multi-line queries, obtaining command history, and viewing a cleanly formatted table output.

UPDATE Supercloud SET status = 'open alpha' WHERE product = 'D1';

While this is a community project today, we plan to natively support a “D1 Console” in the future. For now, get started by checking out the d1-console package here.

D1 adapter for Kysely

Kysely is a type-safe and autocompletion-friendly typescript SQL query builder. With this adapter you can interact with D1 with the familiar Kysely interface:

// Create Kysely instance with kysely-d1
const db = new Kysely<Database>({ 
  dialect: new D1Dialect({ database: env.DB })
// Read row from D1 table
const result = await db
  .where('key', '=', key)

Check out the project here.

What’s still in testing?

The biggest pieces that have been disabled for this alpha release are replication and JavaScript transaction support. While we’ll be rolling out these changes gradually, we want to call out some limitations that exist today that we’re actively working on testing:

  • Database location: Each D1 database only runs a single instance. It’s created close to where you, as the developer, create the database, and does not currently move regions based on access patterns. Workers running elsewhere in the world will see higher latency as a result.
  • Concurrency limitations: Under high load, read and write queries may be queued rather than triggering new replicas to be created. As a result, the performance & throughput characteristics of the open alpha won’t be representative of the final product.
  • Availability limitations: Backups will block access to the DB while they’re running. In most cases this should only be a second or two, and any requests that arrive during the backup will be queued.

You can also check out a more detailed, up-to-date list on D1 alpha Limitations.

Request for feedback

While we can make all sorts of guesses and bets on the kind of databases you want to use D1 for, we are not the users – you are! We want developers from all backgrounds to preview the D1 tech at its early stages, and let us know where we need to improve to make it suitable for your production apps.

For general feedback about your experience and to interact with other folks in the alpha, join our #d1-open-alpha channel in the Cloudflare Developers Discord. We plan to make any important announcements and changes in this channel as well as on our monthly community calls.

To file more specific feature requests (no matter how wacky) and report any bugs, create a thread in the Cloudflare Community forum under the D1 category. We will be maintaining this forum as a way to plan for the months ahead!

Get started

Want to get started right away? Check out our D1 documentation to get started today. Build our classic Northwind Traders demo to explore the D1 experience and deploy your first D1 database!

Bringing authentication and identification to Workers through Mutual TLS

Post Syndicated from Dina Kozlov original https://blog.cloudflare.com/mutual-tls-for-workers/

Bringing authentication and identification to Workers through Mutual TLS

Bringing authentication and identification to Workers through Mutual TLS

We’re excited to announce that Workers will soon be able to send outbound requests through a mutually authenticated channel via mutual TLS authentication!

When making outbound requests from a Worker, TLS is always used on the server side, so that the client can validate that the information is being sent to the right destination. But in the same way, the server may want to authenticate the client to ensure that the request is coming from an authorized client. This two-way street of authentication is called Mutual TLS. In this blog, we’re going to talk through the importance of mutual TLS authentication, what it means to use mutual TLS within Workers, and how in a few months you’ll be able to use it to send information through an authenticated channel — adding a layer of security to your application!

mTLS between Cloudflare and an Origin

Mutual TLS authentication works by having a server validate the client certificate against a CA. If the validation passes then the server knows that it’s the right client and will let the request go through. If the validation fails or if a client certificate is not presented then the server can choose to drop the request.

Today, customers use mTLS to secure connections between Cloudflare and an origin — this is done through a product called Authenticated Origin Pull. Once a customer enables it, Cloudflare starts serving a client certificate on all outgoing requests. This is either a Cloudflare managed client certificate or it can be one uploaded by the customer. When enabled, Cloudflare will present this certificate when connecting to an origin. The origin should then check the client certificate to see if it’s the one that it expects to see. If it is then the request will go through. If it’s the wrong client certificate or is not included then the origin can choose to drop the request.

Doing this brings a big security boost because it allows the origin to only accept traffic from Cloudflare and drop any unexpected external traffic.

Digging up problems with dogfooding

Today, many Cloudflare services are built on Cloudflare Workers — it’s the secret sauce we use to continuously ship fast, reliable products to our customers. Internally, we might have one Cloudflare account that runs multiple services, with each service deployed on an individual Worker.

Whenever one service needs to talk to another, the fetch() function is used to request or send information. This can be object data that we send to upstream providers, it can be a read or write to a database, or service to service communication. In most regards, the information that’s going to the origin is sensitive and requires a layer of authentication. Without proper authentication, any client would be able to access the data, removing a layer of security.

Implementing service to service authentication

Today, there are a few ways that you can set up service to service authentication, if you’re building on Workers.

One way to set up service authentication is to use Authenticated Origin Pull. Authenticated Origin Pull allows customers to implement mutual TLS between Cloudflare and an origin by attaching a client certificate and private key to a domain or hostname, so that all outbound requests include a client certificate. The origin can then check this certificate to see whether the request came from Cloudflare. If there’s a valid certificate, then the origin can let the request through and if there’s an invalid certificate or no certificate then the origin can choose to drop the request. However, Authenticated Origin Pull has its limitations and isn’t ideal for some use-cases.

The first limitation is that an Authenticated Origin Pull certificate is tied to a publicly hosted hostname or domain. Some services that are built on Workers don’t necessarily need to be exposed to the public Internet. Therefore, tying it to a domain doesn’t really make sense.

The next limitation is that if you have multiple Workers services that are each writing to the same database, you may want to be able to distinguish them. What if at some point, you need to take the “write” power away from the Worker? Or, what if only Workers A and B are allowed to make writes but Worker C should only make “read” requests?

Today, if you use Authenticated Origin Pulls with Cloudflare’s client certificate then all requests will be accepted as valid. This is because for all outbound requests, we attach the same client certificate. So even though you’re restricting your traffic to “Cloudflare-Only”, there’s no Worker-level granularity.

Now, there’s another solution that you can use. You can make use of Access and set up Token Authentication by using a pre-shared key and configuring your Worker to allow or deny access based on the pre-shared key, presented in the header. While this does allow you to lock down authentication on a per-Worker or per-service basis, the feedback that we’ve gotten from our internal teams who have implemented this is that it’s 1) cumbersome to manage and 2) requires the two service to speak over HTTP, and 3) doesn’t expose the client’s identity. And so, with these limitations in mind, we’re excited to bring mutual TLS authentication to Workers — an easy, scalable way to manage authentication and identity for anyone building on Workers.

Coming soon: Mutual TLS for Workers

We’re excited to announce that in the next few months, we’re going to be bringing mutual TLS support to Workers. Customers will be able to upload client certificates to Cloudflare and attach them in the fetch() requests within a Worker. That way, you can have per-Worker or even per-request level of granularity when it comes to authentication and identification.

When sending out the subrequest, Cloudflare will present the client certificate and the receiving server will be able to check:

1) Is this client presenting a valid certificate?
2) Within Cloudflare, what service or Worker is this request coming from?

This is one of our most highly requested features, both from customers and from internal teams, and we’re excited to launch it and make it a no-brainer for any developer to use Cloudflare as their platform for anything they want to build!

Automate an isolated browser instance with just a few lines of code

Post Syndicated from Tanushree Sharma original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-workers-browser-rendering-api/

Automate an isolated browser instance with just a few lines of code

Automate an isolated browser instance with just a few lines of code

If you’ve ever created a website that shows any kind of analytics, you’ve probably also thought about adding a “Save Image” or “Save as PDF” button to store and share results. This isn’t as easy as it seems (I can attest to this firsthand) and it’s not long before you go down a rabbit hole of trying 10 different libraries, hoping one will work.

This is why we’re excited to announce a private beta of the Workers Browser Rendering API, improving the browser automation experience for developers. With browser automation, you can programmatically do anything that a user can do when interacting with a browser.

The Workers Browser Rendering API, or just Rendering API for short, is our out-of-the-box solution for simplifying developer workflows, including capturing images or screenshots, by running browser automation in Workers.

Browser automation, everywhere

As with many of the best Cloudflare products, Rendering API was born out of an internal need. Many of our teams were setting up or wanted to set up their own tools to perform what sounds like an incredibly simple task: taking automated screenshots.

When gathering use cases, we realized that much of what our internal teams wanted would also be useful for our customers. Some notable ones are:

  • Taking screenshots for social sharing thumbnails or preview images
  • Emailed daily screenshots of dashboards (requested specifically by our SVP of Engineering)
  • Reporting bugs on websites and sending them directly to frontend teams

Not to mention use cases for other browser automation functions like:

Testing UI/UX Flows
End-to-end (E2E) testing is used to minimic user behaviour and can identify bugs that unit tests or integration tests have missed. And let’s be honest – no developer wants to manually check the user flow each time they make changes to their application. E2E tests can be especially useful to verify logic on your customer’s critical path like account creation, authentication or checkout.

Performance Tests
Application performance metrics, such as page load time, directly impact your user’s experience and your SEO rankings. To avoid performance regressions, you want to test impact on latency in conditions that are as close as possible to your production environment before you merge. By automating performance testing you can measure if your proposed changes will result in a degraded experience for your uses and make improvements accordingly.  

Unlocking a new building block

One of the most common browser automation frameworks is Puppeteer. It’s common to run Puppeteer in a containerization tool like Docker or in a serverless environment. Taking automated screenshots should be as easy as writing some code, hitting deploy and having it run when a particular event is triggered or on a regular schedule.

It should be, but it’s not.

Even on a serverless solution like AWS Lambda, running Puppeteer means packaging it, making sure dependencies are covered, uploading packages to S3 and deploying using Layers. Whether using Docker or something like Lambda, it’s clear that this is not easy to set up.

One of the pillars of Cloudflare’s development platform is to provide our developers with tools that are incredibly simple, yet powerful to build on. Rendering API is our out-of-the-box solution for running Puppeteer in Workers.

Screenshotting made simple

To start, the Rendering API will have support for navigating to a webpage and taking a screenshot, with more functions to follow. To use it, all you need to do is add our new browser binding to your project’s wrangler.toml file


bindings = [
 { name = "my_browser” type = "browser" }

From there, taking a screenshot and saving it to R2 is as simple as:


import puppeteer from '@cloudflare/puppeteer'

export default {
    async fetch(request: Request, env: Env): Promise<Response> {
        const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
            browserBinding: env.MY_BROWSER
        const page = await browser.newPage()

        await page.goto("https://example.com/")
        const img = await page.screenshot() as Buffer
        await browser.close()

        //upload to R2
        try {
            await env.MY_BUCKET.put("screenshot.jpg", img);
            return new Response(`Success!`);
        } catch (e) {
            return new Response('', { status: 400 })

Down the line, we have plans to add full Puppeteer support, including functions like page.type, page.click, page.evaluate!

What’s happening under the hood?

Remote browser isolation technology is an integral part of our Zero Trust product offering. Remote browser isolation lets users interact with a web browser that instead of running on the client’s device, runs in a remote environment. The Rendering API repurposes this under the hood!

Automate an isolated browser instance with just a few lines of code

We’ve wrapped the Puppeteer library so that it can be run directly from your own Worker. You can think of your Worker as the client. Each of Cloudflare’s data centers has a pool of warm browsers ready to go and when a Worker requests a browser, the browser is instantly returned and is connected to via a WebSocket. Once the WebSocket connection is established, our internal browser API Worker handles all communication to the browser session via the Chrome Devtools Protocol.

To ensure the security of your Worker, individual remote browsers are run as disposable instances – one instance per request, and never shared. They are secured using gVisor to protect against kernel level exploits. On top of that, the browser is running sandboxed processes with the lowest privilege level using a Linux seccomp profile.

The Rendering API should be used when you’re building and testing your applications.  To prevent abuse, Cloudflare Bot Management has baked in signals to indicate that a request is coming from a Worker running Puppeteer. As a Cloudflare Bot Management customer, this will automatically be added to your blocklist, with the option to explicitly opt in and allow it.

How can you get started?

We’re introducing the Workers Browser Rendering API in closed beta. If you’re interested, please tell us a bit about your use case and join the waitlist. We would love to hear what else you want to build using the Workers Browser Rendering API, let us know in the Workers channel on the Cloudflare Developers Discord!

Making static sites dynamic with Cloudflare D1

Post Syndicated from Kristian Freeman original https://blog.cloudflare.com/making-static-sites-dynamic-with-cloudflare-d1/

Making static sites dynamic with Cloudflare D1


Making static sites dynamic with Cloudflare D1

There are many ways to store data in your applications. For example, in Cloudflare Workers applications, we have Workers KV for key-value storage and Durable Objects for real-time, coordinated storage without compromising on consistency. Outside the Cloudflare ecosystem, you can also plug in other tools like NoSQL and graph databases.

But sometimes, you want SQL. Indexes allow us to retrieve data quickly. Joins enable us to describe complex relationships between different tables. SQL declaratively describes how our application’s data is validated, created, and performantly queried.

D1 was released today in open alpha, and to celebrate, I want to share my experience building apps with D1: specifically, how to get started, and why I’m excited about D1 joining the long list of tools you can use to build apps on Cloudflare.

Making static sites dynamic with Cloudflare D1

D1 is remarkable because it’s an instant value-add to applications without needing new tools or stepping out of the Cloudflare ecosystem. Using wrangler, we can do local development on our Workers applications, and with the addition of D1 in wrangler, we can now develop proper stateful applications locally as well. Then, when it’s time to deploy the application, wrangler allows us to both access and execute commands to your D1 database, as well as your API itself.

What we’re building

In this blog post, I’ll show you how to use D1 to add comments to a static blog site. To do this, we’ll construct a new D1 database and build a simple JSON API that allows the creation and retrieval of comments.

As I mentioned, separating D1 from the app itself – an API and database that remains separate from the static site – allows us to abstract the static and dynamic pieces of our website from each other. It also makes it easier to deploy our application: we will deploy the frontend to Cloudflare Pages, and the D1-powered API to Cloudflare Workers.

Building a new application

First, we’ll add a basic API in Workers. Create a new directory and in it a new wrangler project inside it:

$ mkdir d1-example && d1-example
$ wrangler init

In this example, we’ll use Hono, an Express.js-style framework, to rapidly build our API. To use Hono in this project, install it using NPM:

$ npm install hono

Then, in src/index.ts, we’ll initialize a new Hono app, and define a few endpoints – GET /API/posts/:slug/comments, and POST /get/api/:slug/comments.

import { Hono } from 'hono'
import { cors } from 'hono/cors'

const app = new Hono()

app.get('/api/posts/:slug/comments', async c => {
  // do something

app.post('/api/posts/:slug/comments', async c => {
  // do something

export default app

Now we’ll create a D1 database. In Wrangler 2, there is support for the wrangler d1 subcommand, which allows you to create and query your D1 databases directly from the command line. So, for example, we can create a new database with a single command:

$ wrangler d1 create d1-example

With our created database, we can take the database name ID and associate it with a binding inside of wrangler.toml, wrangler’s configuration file. Bindings allow us to access Cloudflare resources, like D1 databases, KV namespaces, and R2 buckets, using a simple variable name in our code. Below, we’ll create the binding DB and use it to represent our new database:

[[ d1_databases ]]
binding = "DB" # i.e. available in your Worker on env.DB
database_name = "d1-example"
database_id = "4e1c28a9-90e4-41da-8b4b-6cf36e5abb29"

Note that this directive, the [[d1_databases]] field, currently requires a beta version of wrangler. You can install this for your project using the command npm install -D wrangler/beta.

With the database configured in our wrangler.toml, we can start interacting with it from the command line and inside our Workers function.

First, you can issue direct SQL commands using wrangler d1 execute:

$ wrangler d1 execute d1-example --command "SELECT name FROM sqlite_schema WHERE type ='table'"
Executing on d1-example:
│ name │
│ sqlite_sequence │

You can also pass a SQL file – perfect for initial data seeding in a single command. Create src/schema.sql, which will create a new comments table for our project:

drop table if exists comments;
create table comments (
  id integer primary key autoincrement,
  author text not null,
  body text not null,
  post_slug text not null
create index idx_comments_post_id on comments (post_slug);

-- Optionally, uncomment the below query to create data

-- insert into comments (author, body, post_slug)
-- values ("Kristian", "Great post!", "hello-world");

With the file created, execute the schema file against the D1 database by passing it with the flag --file:

$ wrangler d1 execute d1-example --file src/schema.sql

We’ve created a SQL database with just a few commands and seeded it with initial data. Now we can add a route to our Workers function to retrieve data from that database. Based on our wrangler.toml config, the D1 database is now accessible via the DB binding. In our code, we can use the binding to prepare SQL statements and execute them, for instance, to retrieve comments:

app.get('/api/posts/:slug/comments', async c => {
  const { slug } = c.req.param()
  const { results } = await c.env.DB.prepare(`
    select * from comments where post_slug = ?
  return c.json(results)

In this function, we accept a slug URL query parameter and set up a new SQL statement where we select all comments with a matching post_slug value to our query parameter. We can then return it as a simple JSON response.

So far, we’ve built read-only access to our data. But “inserting” values to SQL is, of course, possible as well. So let’s define another function that allows POST-ing to an endpoint to create a new comment:

app.post('/API/posts/:slug/comments', async c => {
  const { slug } = c.req.param()
  const { author, body } = await c.req.json<Comment>()

  if (!author) return c.text("Missing author value for new comment")
  if (!body) return c.text("Missing body value for new comment")

  const { success } = await c.env.DB.prepare(`
    insert into comments (author, body, post_slug) values (?, ?, ?)
  `).bind(author, body, slug).run()

  if (success) {
    return c.text("Created")
  } else {
    return c.text("Something went wrong")

In this example, we built a comments API for powering a blog. To see the source for this D1-powered comments API, you can visit cloudflare/templates/worker-d1-api.

Making static sites dynamic with Cloudflare D1


One of the things most exciting about D1 is the opportunity to augment existing applications or websites with dynamic, relational data. As a former Ruby on Rails developer, one of the things I miss most about that framework in the world of JavaScript and serverless development tools is the ability to rapidly spin up full data-driven applications without needing to be an expert in managing database infrastructure. With D1 and its easy onramp to SQL-based data, we can build true data-driven applications without compromising on performance or developer experience.

This shift corresponds nicely with the advent of static sites in the last few years, using tools like Hugo or Gatsby. A blog built with a static site generator like Hugo is incredibly performant – it will build in seconds with small asset sizes.

But by trading a tool like WordPress for a static site generator, you lose the opportunity to add dynamic information to your site. Many developers have patched over this problem by adding more complexity to their build processes: fetching and retrieving data and generating pages using that data as part of the build.

This addition of complexity in the build process attempts to fix the lack of dynamism in applications, but it still isn’t genuinely dynamic. Instead of being able to retrieve and display new data as it’s created, the application rebuilds and redeploys whenever data changes so that it appears to be a live, dynamic representation of data. Your application can remain static, and the dynamic data will live geographically close to the users of your site, accessible via a queryable and expressive API.

Xata Workers: client-side database access without client-side secrets

Post Syndicated from Alexis Rico (Guest Blogger) original https://blog.cloudflare.com/xata-customer-story/

Xata Workers: client-side database access without client-side secrets

Xata Workers: client-side database access without client-side secrets

We’re excited to have Xata building their serverless functions product – Xata Workers – on top of Workers for Platforms. Xata Workers act as middleware to simplify database access and allow their developers to deploy functions that sit in front of their databases. Workers for Platforms opens up a whole suite of use cases for Xata developers all while providing the security, scalability and performance of Cloudflare Workers.

Now, handing it over to Alexis, a Senior Software Engineer at Xata to tell us more.


In the last few years, there’s been a rise of Jamstack, and new ways of thinking about the cloud that some people call serverless or edge computing. Instead of maintaining dedicated servers to run a single service, these architectures split applications in smaller services or functions.

By simplifying the state and context of our applications, we can benefit from external providers deploying these functions in dozens of servers across the globe. This architecture benefits the developer and user experience alike. Developers don’t have to manage servers, and users don’t have to experience latency. Your application simply scales, even if you receive hundreds of thousands of unexpected visitors.

When it comes to databases though, we still struggle with the complexity of orchestrating replication, failover and high availability. Traditional databases are difficult to scale horizontally and usually require a lot of infrastructure maintenance or learning complex database optimization concepts.

At Xata we are building a modern data platform designed for scalable applications. It allows you to focus on your application logic, instead of having to worry about how the data is stored.

Making databases accessible to everyone

We started Xata with the mission of helping developers build their applications and forget about maintaining the underlying infrastructure.

With that mission in mind, we asked ourselves: how can we make databases accessible to everyone? How can we provide a delightful experience for a frontend engineer or designer using a database?

To begin with, we built an appealing web dashboard, that any developer — no matter their experience — can be comfortable using to work with their data.

Whether they’re defining or refining their schema, viewing or adding records, fine-tuning search results with query boosters, or getting code snippets to speed up development with our SDK. We believe that only the best user experience can provide the best development experience.

We identified a major challenge amongst our user base early on. Many front-end developers want to access their database from client-side code.

Allowing access to a database from client-side code comes with several security risks if not done properly. For example, someone could inspect the code, find the credentials, and if they weren’t scoped to a single operation, potentially query or modify other parts of the database. Unfortunately, this is a common reason for data leaks and security breaches.

It was a hard problem to solve, and after plenty of brainstorming, we agreed on two potential ways forward: implementing row-level access rules or writing API routes that talked to the database from server code.

Row-level access rules are a good way to solve this, but they would have required us to define our own opinionated language. For our users, it would have been hard to migrate away when they outgrow this solution. Instead, we preferred to focus on making serverless functions easier for our users.

Typically, serverless functions require you to either choose a full stack framework or manually write, compile, deploy and use them. This generally adds a lot of cognitive overhead even to choose the right solution. We wanted to simplify accessing the database from the frontend without sacrificing flexibility for developers. This is why we decided to build Xata Workers.

Xata Workers

A Xata Worker is a function that a developer can write in JavaScript or TypeScript as client-side code. Rather than being executed client-side, it will actually be executed on Cloudflare’s global network.

You can think of a Xata Worker as a getServerSideProps function in Next.js or a loader function in Remix. You write your server logic in a function and our tooling takes care of deploying and running it server-side for you (yes, it’s that easy).

The main difference with other alternatives is that Xata Workers are, by design, agnostic to a framework or hosting provider. You can use them to build any kind of application or website, and even upload it as static HTML in a service like GitHub Pages or S3. You don’t need a full stack web framework to use Xata Workers.

With our command line tool, we handle the build and deployment process. When the function is invoked, the Xata Worker actually makes a request to a serverless function over the network.

import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';
import { xataWorker } from '~/xata';

const listProducts = xataWorker('listProducts', async ({ xata }) => {
  return await xata.db.products.sort('popularity', 'desc').getMany();

export const Home = () => {
  const { data = [] } = useQuery(['products'], listProducts);

  return (
      {data.map((product) => (
        <ProductCard key={product.id} product={product} />

In the code snippet above, you can see a React component that connects to an e-commerce database with products on sale. Inside the UI component, with a popular client-side data fetching library, data is retrieved from the serverless function and for each product it renders another component in a grid.

As you can see a Xata Worker is a function that wraps any user-defined code and receives an instance of our SDK as a parameter. This instance has access to the database and, given that the code doesn’t run on the browser anymore, your secrets are not exposed for malicious usage.

When using a Xata Worker in TypeScript, our command line tool also generates custom types based on your schema. These types offer type-safety for your queries or mutations, and improve your developer experience by adding extra intellisense to your IDE.

Xata Workers: client-side database access without client-side secrets

A Xata Worker, like any other function, can receive additional parameters that pass application state, context or user tokens. The code you write in the function can either return an object that will be serialized over the network with a superset of JSON to support dates and other non-primitive data types, or a full response with a custom status code and headers.

Developers can write all their logic, including their own authentication and authorization. Unlike complex row level access control rules, you can easily express your logic without constraints and even unit test it with the rest of your code.

How we use Cloudflare

We are happy to join the Supercloud movement, Cloudflare has an excellent track record, and we are using Cloudflare Workers for Platforms to host our serverless functions. By using the Workers isolated execution contexts we reduce security risks of running untrusted code on our own while being close to our users, resulting in super low latency.

All of it, without having to deploy extra infrastructure to handle our user’s application load or ask them to configure how the serverless functions should be deployed. It really feels like magic! Now, let’s dive into the internals of how we use Cloudflare to run our Xata Workers.

For every workspace in Xata we create a Worker Namespace, a Workers for Platform concept to organize Workers and restrict the routing between them. We used Namespaces to group and encapsulate the different functions coming from all the databases built by a client or team.

When a user deploys a Xata Worker, we create a new Worker Script, and we upload the compiled code to its Namespace. Each script has a unique name with a compilation identifier so that the user can have multiple versions of the same function running at the same time.

During the compilation, we inject the database connection details and the database name. This way, the function can connect to the database without leaking secrets and restricting the scope of access to the database, all of it transparently for the developer.

When the client-side application runs a Xata Worker, it calls a Dispatcher function that processes the request and calls the correct Worker Script. The dispatcher function is also responsible for configuring the CORS headers and the log drain that can be used by the developer to debug their functions.

Xata Workers: client-side database access without client-side secrets

By using Cloudflare, we are also able to benefit from other products in the Workers ecosystem. For example, we can provide an easy way to cache the results of a query in Cloudflare’s global network. That way, we can serve the results for read-only queries directly from locations closer to the end users, without having to call the database again and again for every Worker invocation. For the developer, it’s only a matter of adding a “cache” parameter to their query with the number of milliseconds they want to cache the results in a KV Namespace.

import { xataWorker } from '~/xata';

const listProducts = xataWorker('listProducts', async ({ xata }) => {
  return await xata.db.products.sort('popularity', 'desc').getMany({
    cache: 15 * 60 * 1000 // TTL

In development mode, we provide a command to run the functions locally and test them before deploying them to production. This enables rapid development workflows with real-time filesystem change monitoring and hot reloading of the workers code. Internally, we use the latest version of miniflare to emulate the Cloudflare Workers runtime, mimicking the real production environment.


Xata is now out of beta and available for everyone. We offer a generous free tier that allows you to build and deploy your applications and only pay to scale them when you actually need it.

You can sign up for free, create a database in seconds and enjoy features such as branching with zero downtime migrations, search and analytics, transactions, and many others. Check out our website to learn more!

Xata Workers are currently in private beta. If you are interested in trying them out, you can sign up for the waitlist and talk us through your use case. We are looking for developers that are willing to provide feedback and shape this new feature for our serverless data platform.

We are very proud of our collaboration with Cloudflare for this new feature. Processing data closer to where it’s being requested is the future of computing and we are excited to be part of this movement. We look forward to seeing what you build with Xata Workers.

Get started with Cloudflare Workers with ready-made templates

Post Syndicated from Gift Egwuenu original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-workers-templates/

Get started with Cloudflare Workers with ready-made templates

Get started with Cloudflare Workers with ready-made templates

One of the things we prioritize at Cloudflare is enabling developers to build their applications on our developer platform with ease. We’re excited to share a collection of ready-made templates that’ll help you start building your next application on Workers. We want developers to get started as quickly as possible, so that they can focus on building and innovating and avoid spending so much time configuring and setting up their projects.

Introducing Cloudflare Workers Templates

Cloudflare Workers enables you to build applications with exceptional performance, reliability, and scale. We are excited to share a collection of templates that helps you get started quickly and give you an idea of what is possible to build on our developer platform.

We have made available a set of starter templates highlighting different use cases of Workers. We understand that you have different ideas you will love to build on top of Workers and you may have questions or wonder if it is possible. These sets of templates go beyond the convention ‘Hello, World’ starter. They’ll help shape your idea of what kind of applications you can build with Workers as well as other products in the Cloudflare Developer Ecosystem.

We are excited to introduce a new collection of starter templates workers.new/templates. This shortcut will serve you a collection of templates that you can immediately start using to build your next application.

Get started with Cloudflare Workers with ready-made templates
Cloudflare Workers Template Collection

How to use Cloudflare Workers templates

We created this collection of templates to support you in getting started with Workers. Some examples listed showcase a use-case with a combination of multiple Cloudflare developer platform products to build applications similar to ones you might use every day. We know that Workers are being used today for different use-cases, we want to showcase some of them to you.

We have templates for building an image sharing website with Pages Functions, direct creator upload to Cloudflare Stream, Durable Object-powered request scheduler and many more.

One example to highlight is a template that lets you accept payment for video content. It is powered by Pages Functions, Cloudflare Stream and Stripe Checkout.  This app shows how you can use Cloudflare Workers with external payment and authentication systems to create a logged-in experience, without ever having to manage a database or persist any state yourself.

Once a user has paid, Stripe Checkout redirects to a URL that verifies a token from Stripe, and generates a signed URL using Cloudflare Stream to view the video. This signed URL is only valid for a specified amount of time, and access can be restricted by country or IP address.

To use the template, you need to either click the deploy with Workers button or open the template with Stackblitz.

Get started with Cloudflare Workers with ready-made templates

The Deploy with Workers button will redirect you to a page where you can authorize GitHub to deploy a fork of the repository using GitHub actions while opening with StackBlitz creates a new fork of the template for you to start working with.

Get started with Cloudflare Workers with ready-made templates
Deploy to Workers Demo

These templates also comes bundled with additional features I would like to share with you:

Integrated Deploy with Workers Button

We added a deploy button to all templates listed in the templates repository and the collection website, so you can quickly get up to speed with your code. The deploy with Workers button lets you deploy your code in under five minutes, it uses a GitHub action powered with Cloudflare Workers to do this.

Get started with Cloudflare Workers with ready-made templates
GitHub Repository with Deploy to Workers Button

Support for Test Driven Development

As developers, we need to write tests for our code to ensure we’re shipping quality production grade software and also ensure that our code is bug-free. We support writing tests in Workers using the Wrangler unstable_dev API to write integration and end-to-end tests. We want to enable not just the developer experience but also nudge developers to follow best practices and prioritize TDD in development. We configured a number of templates to support integration tests against a local server, this will serve as a template to help you set up tests in your projects.

Here’s an example using Wrangler’s unstable_dev API and Vitest test framework to test the code written in an example ‘Hello worker’ starter template:

import { unstable_dev } from 'wrangler';
import { describe, expect, it, beforeAll, afterAll } from 'vitest';

describe('Worker', () => {
 let worker;

 beforeAll(async () => {
   worker = await unstable_dev('index.js', {}, { disableExperimentalWarning: true });

 afterAll(async () => {
   await worker.stop();

 it('should return Hello worker!', async () => {
   const resp = await worker.fetch();
   if (resp) {
     const text = await resp.text();
     expect(text).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Hello worker!"`);

Online IDE Integration with StackBlitz

We announced StackBlitz’s partnership with Cloudflare Workers during Platform Week early this year. We believe a developer’s experience should be of utmost priority because we want them to build with ease on our developer platform.

StackBlitz is an online development platform for building web applications. It is powered by WebContainers, the first WebAssembly-based operating system which boots Node.js environments in milliseconds, securely within your browser tab.

We made it even easier to get started with Workers with an integrated Open with StackBlitz button for each starter template, making it easier to create a fork of a template and the great thing is you only need a web browser to build your application.

Everything we’ve highlighted in this post, all leads to one thing – How can we create a better experience for developers getting started with Workers. We introduce these ready-made templates to make you more efficient, bring you a wholesome developer experience and help improve your time to deployment. We want you to spend less time getting started with building on the Workers developer platform, so what are you waiting for?

Next Steps

You can start building your own Worker today using the available templates provided in the templates collection to help you get started. If you would like to contribute your own templates to the collection, be sure to send in a pull request we’re more than happy to review and add to the growing collection. Share what you have built with us in the #builtwith channel on our Discord community. Make sure to follow us on Twitter or join our Discord Developers Community server.

Indexing millions of HTTP requests using Durable Objects

Post Syndicated from Cole MacKenzie original https://blog.cloudflare.com/r2-rayid-retrieval/

Indexing millions of HTTP requests using Durable Objects

Indexing millions of HTTP requests using Durable Objects

Our customers rely on their Cloudflare logs to troubleshoot problems and debug issues. One of the biggest challenges with logs is the cost of managing them, so earlier this year, we launched the ability to store and retrieve Cloudflare logs using R2.

In this post, I’ll explain how we built the R2 Log Retrieval API using Cloudflare Workers with a focus on Durable Objects and the Streams API. Using these, allows a customer to index and query millions of their Cloudflare logs stored in batches on R2.

Before we dive into the internals you might be wondering why one doesn’t just use a traditional database to index these logs? After all, databases are a well proven technology. Well, the reason is that individual developers or companies, both large and small, often don’t have the resources necessary to maintain such a database and the surrounding infrastructure to create this kind of setup.

Our approach instead relies on Durable Objects to maintain indexes of the data stored in R2, removing the complexity of managing and maintaining your own database. It was also super easy to add Durable Objects to our existing Workers code with just a few lines of config and some code. And R2 is very economical.


Indexing data is often used to reduce the lookup time for a query by first pre-processing the data and computing an index – usually a file (or set of files) that have a known structure which can be used to perform lookups on the underlying data. This approach makes lookups quick as indexes typically contain the answer for a given query, or at the very least, tells you how to find it. For this project we are going to index records by the unique identifier called a RayID which our customers use to identify an HTTP request in their logs, but this solution can be modified to index any many other types of data.

When indexing RayIDs for logs stored in R2, we choose an index structure that is fairly straightforward and is commonly known as a forward-index. This type of index consists of a key-value mapping between a document’s name and a list of words contained in that document. The terms “document” and “words” are meant to be generic, and you get to define what a document and a word is.

In our case, a document is a batch of logs stored in R2 and the words are RayIDs contained within that document. For example, our index currently looks like this:

Indexing millions of HTTP requests using Durable Objects

Building an index using Durable Objects and the Streams API

In order to maintain the state of our index, we chose to use Durable Objects. Each Durable Object has its own transactional key-value storage. Therefore, to store our index, we assign each key to be the document (batch) name and the value being a JSON-array of RayIDs within that document. When extracting the RayIDs for a given batch, updating the index becomes as simple as storage.put(batchName, rayIds). Likewise, getting all the RayIDs for a document is just a call to storage.get(batchName).

When performing indexing, since the batches are stored using compression and often with a 30-100x compression ratio, reading an entire batch into memory can lead to out-of-memory (OOM) errors in our Worker. To get around this, we use the Streams API to avoid the OOM errors by processing the data in smaller chunks. There are two types of streams available: byte-oriented and value-oriented. Byte-oriented streams operate at the byte-level for things such as compressing and decompressing data, while the value-orientated streams work on first class values in JavaScript. Numbers, strings, undefined, null, objects, you name it. If it’s a valid JavaScript value, you can process it using a value-oriented stream. The Streams API also allows us to define our own JavaScript transformations for both byte- and value-oriented streams.

So, when our API receives a request to index a batch, our Worker streams the contents from R2 into a pipeline of TransformationStreams to decompress the data, decode the bytes into strings, split the data into records based on the newlines, and finally collect all the RayIDs. Once we’ve collected all the RayIDs, the data is then persisted in the index by making calls to the Durable Object, which in turn calls the aforementioned storage.put method to persist the data to the index. To illustrate what I mean, I include some code detailing the steps described above.

async function index(r2, bucket, key, storage) {
  const obj = await getObject(r2, bucket, key);

  const rawStream = obj.Body as ReadableStream;
  const index: Record<string, string[]> = {};

  const rayIdIndexingStream = new TransformStream({
    transform(chunk: string) {
      for (const match of chunk.matchAll(RAYID_FIELD_REGEX)) {
        const { rayid } = match.groups!;
        if (key in index) {
        } else {
          index[key] = [rayid];

  await collectStream(rawStream.pipeThrough(new DecompressionStream('gzip')).pipeThrough(textDecoderStream()).pipeThrough(readlineStream()).pipeThrough(rayIdIndexingStream));

Searching for a RayID

Once a batch has been indexed, and the index is persisted to our Durable Object, we can then query it using a combination of the RayID and a batch name to check the presence of a RayID in that given batch. Assuming that a zone is producing a batch of logs at the rate of one batch per second this means that over 86,400 batches would be produced in a day! Over the course of a week, there would be far too many keys in our index for us to be able to iterate through them all in a timely manner. This is where the encoding of a RayID and the naming of each batch comes into play.

A RayID is currently, and I emphasize currently because this can change and has over time, a 16-byte hex encoded value where the first 36-bits encode a timestamp, and it looks something like: 764660d8ec5c2ab1. Note that the format of the RayID is likely to evolve in the near future, but for now we can use it to optimize retrieval.

Each batch produced by Logpush also happens to encode the time the batch was started and completed. Last but not least, upon analysis of our logging pipeline we found that 95% of RayIDs can be found in a batch produced within five minutes of the request completing. (Note that the encoded time sets a lower bound of the batch time we need to search).

Indexing millions of HTTP requests using Durable Objects
Encoding of a RayID
Indexing millions of HTTP requests using Durable Objects
Encoding of a batch name

For example: say we have a request that was made on November 3 at 16:00:00 UTC. We only need to check the batches under the prefix 20221103 and those batches that contain the time range of 16:00:00 to 16:05:00 UTC.

Indexing millions of HTTP requests using Durable Objects

By reducing the number of batches to just a small handful of possibilities for a given RayID, we can simply ask our index if any of those batches contains the RayID by iterating through all the batch names (keys).

async function lookup(r2, bucket, prefix, start, end, rayid, storage) {
  const keys = await listObjects(r2, bucket, prefix, start, end);
  for (const key of keys) {
    const haystack: string[] | undefined = await storage.get(key);
    if (haystack && haystack.includes(rayid)) {
      return key
  return undefined

If the RayID is found in a batch, we then stream the corresponding batch back from R2 using another TransformationStream pipeline to filter out any non-matching records from the final response. If no result was found, we return an error message saying we were unable to find the RayID.


To recap, we showed how we can use Durable Objects and their underlying storage to create and manage forward-indexes for performing efficient lookup on the RayID for potentially millions of records. All without needing to manage your own database or logging infrastructure or doing a full-scan of the data.

While this is just one possible use case for Durable Objects, we are just getting started. If you haven’t read it before, checkout How we built Instant Logs to see another application of Durable Objects to stream millions of logs in real-time to your Cloudflare Dashboard!

What’s next

We currently offer RayID lookups for the HTTP Requests, Firewall Events, and soon support for Workers Trace Events. This is just the beginning for our Log Retrieval API, and we are already looking to add the ability to index and query on more types of fields such as status codes and host names. We also plan to integrate this into the dashboard so that developers can quickly retrieve the logs they need without needing to craft the necessary API calls by hand.

Last but not least, we want to make our retrieval functionality even more powerful and are looking at adding more complex types of filters and queries that you can run against your logs.

As always, stay tuned to the blog for more updates to our developer documentation for instructions on how to get started with log retrieval. If you’re interested in joining the beta, please email [email protected].

The road to a more standards-compliant Workers API

Post Syndicated from James M Snell original https://blog.cloudflare.com/standards-compliant-workers-api/

The road to a more standards-compliant Workers API

The road to a more standards-compliant Workers API

Earlier this year, we announced our participation in a new W3C Community Group for the advancement of Web-interoperable API standards. Since then, this new WinterCG has been hard at work identifying the common API standards around which all JavaScript runtimes can build. Today I just want to give a peek at some work the WinterCG has been doing; and show off some of the improvements we have been making in the Workers runtime to increase alignment with Web Platform standards around event handling, task cancellation using AbortController, text encoding and decoding, URL parsing and pattern matching, and streams support.

The WinterCG Minimum Common Web Platform API

Right at the start of the WinterCG activity, the group took some time to evaluate and compare the various non-browser JavaScript runtimes such as Node.js, Deno, Bun, and Workers with the purpose of identifying the Web Platform APIs they all had in common. Following a very simple criteria, we looked at the standard APIs that were already implemented and supported by at least two of these runtimes and compiled those into a list that the WinterCG calls the “Minimum Common Web Platform API“. This list will serve as the basis for what the community group defines as the minimum set of Web Platform APIs that should be implemented consistently across runtimes that claim to be “Web-interoperable”.

The current list is straightforward:

AbortController ReadableStreamDefaultController
AbortSignal ReadableStreamDefaultReader
ByteLengthQueuingStrategy SubtleCrypto
CompressionStream TextDecoder
CountQueuingStrategy TextDecoderStream
Crypto TextEncoder
CryptoKey TextEncoderStream
DecompressionStream TransformStream
DOMException TransformStreamDefaultController
Event URL
EventTarget URLPattern
ReadableByteStreamController URLSearchParams
ReadableStream WritableStream
ReadableStreamBYOBReader WritableStreamDefaultController

In addition to these, the WinterCG also expects Web-interoperable runtimes to have implementations of the atob(), btoa(), queueMicrotask(), structuredClone(), setTimeout(), clearTimeout(), setInterval(), clearInterval(), console, and crypto.subtle APIs available on the global scope.

Today, we are happy to say that the Workers runtime has compliant or nearly compliant implementations of every one of these WinterCG Minimum Common Web Platform APIs. Some of these APIs intentionally diverge from the standards either due to backwards compatibility concerns, Workers-specific features, or performance optimizations. Other APIs diverge still because we are still in the process of updating them to align with the specifications.

Improving standards compliance in the Workers runtime

The Workers runtime has, from the beginning, had the mission to align its developer experience with JavaScript and Web Platform standards as much as possible. Over the past year we have worked hard to continue advancing that mission forward both by improving the standards-compliance of existing APIs such as Event, EventTarget, URL, and streams; and the introduction of new Web Platform APIs such as URLPattern, encoding streams, and compression streams.

Event and EventTarget

The Workers runtime has provided an implementation of the Event and EventTarget Web Platform APIs from the very beginning. These were, however, only limited implementations of what the WHATWG DOM specification defines. Specifically, Workers had only implemented the bare minimum of the Event API that it itself needed to operate.

Today, the Event and EventTarget implementations in Workers provide a more complete implementation.

Let’s look at the official definition of Event as defined by the WHATWG DOM standard:

interface Event {
  constructor(DOMString type, optional EventInit eventInitDict = {});
  readonly attribute DOMString type;
  readonly attribute EventTarget? target;
  readonly attribute EventTarget? srcElement; // legacy
  readonly attribute EventTarget? currentTarget;
  sequence<EventTarget> composedPath();
  const unsigned short NONE = 0;
  const unsigned short CAPTURING_PHASE = 1;
  const unsigned short AT_TARGET = 2;
  const unsigned short BUBBLING_PHASE = 3;
  readonly attribute unsigned short eventPhase;
  undefined stopPropagation();
           attribute boolean cancelBubble; // legacy alias of .stopPropagation()
  undefined stopImmediatePropagation();
  readonly attribute boolean bubbles;
  readonly attribute boolean cancelable;
           attribute boolean returnValue;  // legacy
  undefined preventDefault();
  readonly attribute boolean defaultPrevented;
  readonly attribute boolean composed;
  [LegacyUnforgeable] readonly attribute boolean isTrusted;
  readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp timeStamp;
  undefined initEvent(DOMString type, optional boolean bubbles = false, optional boolean cancelable = false); // legacy
dictionary EventInit {
  boolean bubbles = false;
  boolean cancelable = false;
  boolean composed = false;

Web Platform API specifications are always written in terms of a definition language called Web IDL. Every attribute defined in the interface is a property that is exposed on the object. Event objects, then, are supposed to have properties like type, target, srcElement, currentTarget, bubbles, cancelable, returnValue, defaultPrevented, composed, isTrusted, and timeStamp. They are also expected to have methods such as composedPath(), stopPropagation(), and stopImmediatePropagation(). Because most of these were not immediately needed by Workers, most were not provided originally.

Today, all standard, non-legacy properties and methods defined by the specification are available for use:

 const event = new Event('foo', {
    bubbles: false,
    cancelable: true,
    composed: true,
  addEventListener('foo', (event) => {
    console.log(event.eventPhase);  // 2 AT_TARGET

While we were at it, we also fixed a long standing bug in the implementation of Event that prevented user code from properly subclassing the Event object to create their own custom event types. This change is protected by a compatibility flag that is now enabled by default for all Workers using a compatibility date on or past 2022-01-31.

  class MyEvent extends Event {
    constructor() {
    get type() { return super.type.toUpperCase() }
  const myEvent = new MyEvent();
  // Previously, this would print "my-event" instead of "MY-EVENT" as expected.

The EventTarget implementation has also been updated to support once handlers (event handlers that are triggered at-most once then automatically unregistered), cancelable handlers (using AbortSignal), and event listener objects, all in line with the standard.

Using a one-time event handler

  addEventListener('foo', (event) => {
    console.log('printed only once');
  }, {
    once: true
  dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
  dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));

Once handlers are key for preventing memory leaks in your applications when you know that a particular event is only ever going to be emitted once, or whenever you only care about handling it once. The stored reference to the function or object that is handling the event is removed immediately upon the first invocation, allowing the memory to be garbage collected.

Using a cancelable event handler

  const ac = new AbortController();
  addEventListener('foo', (event) => {
    console.log('not printed at all');
  }, {
    signal: ac.signal
  dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));

Using an event listener object

While passing a function to addEventListener() is the most common case, the standard actually allows an event listener to be an object with a handleEvent() method as well.

  const listener = {
    handleEvent(event) {
  addEventListener('foo', listener);
  addEventListener('bar', listener);
  dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
  dispatchEvent(new Event('bar'));

AbortController and AbortSignal

As illustrated in the cancelable event example above, we have also introduced an implementation of the AbortController and AbortSignal APIs into Workers. These provide a standard, and interoperable way of signaling cancellation of several kinds of tasks.

The AbortController/AbortSignal pattern is straightforward: An AbortSignal is just a type of EventTarget that will emit a single “abort” event when it is triggered:

  const ac = new AbortController();
  ac.signal.addEventListener('abort', (event) => {
    console.log(event.reason);  // 'just because'
  }, { once: true });
  ac.abort('just because');

The AbortController is used to actually trigger the abort event, optionally with a reason argument that is passed on to the event. The reason is typically an Error object but can be any JavaScript value.

The AbortSignal can only be triggered once, so the “abort” event should only ever be emitted once.

It is also possible to create AbortSignals that timeout after a specified period of time:

const signal = AbortSignal.timeout(10);

Or an AbortSignal that is pre-emptively triggered immediately on creation (these will never actually emit the “abort” event):

const signal = AbortSignal.abort('for reasons');

Currently, within Workers, AbortSignal and AbortController has been integrated with the EventTarget, fetch(), and streams APIs in alignment with the relevant standard specifications for each.

Using AbortSignal to cancel a fetch()

  const ac = new AbortController();
  const res = fetch('https://example.org', {
    signal: ac.signal
  ac.abort(new Error('canceled'))
  try {
    await res;
  } catch (err) {

TextEncoderStream and TextDecoderStream

The Workers runtime has long provided basic implementations of the TextEncoder and TextDecoder APIs. Initially, these were limited to only supporting encoding and decoding of UTF-8 text. The standard definition of TextDecoder, however, defines a much broader range of text encodings that are now fully supported by the Workers implementation. Per the standard, TextEncoder currently only supports UTF-8.

  const win1251decoder = new TextDecoder("windows-1251");
  const bytes = new Uint8Array([
    207, 240, 232, 226, 229, 242, 44, 32, 236, 232, 240, 33,
  console.log(win1251decoder.decode(bytes)); // Привет, мир!

In addition to supporting the full range of encodings defined by the standard, Workers also now provides implementations of the TextEncoderStream and TextDecoderStream, which provide TransformStream implementations that apply encoding and decoding to streaming data:

  const { writable, readable } = new TextDecoderStream("windows-1251");
  const writer = writable.getWriter();
  writer.write(new Uint8Array([
    207, 240, 232, 226, 229, 242, 44, 32, 236, 232, 240, 33,
  const reader = readable.getReader();
  const res = await reader.read();
  console.log(res.value); // Привет, мир!

Using the encoding streams requires the use of the transformstream_enable_standard_constructor compatibility flag.

CompressionStream and DecompressionStream

Streaming compression and decompression is also now supported in the runtime using the standard CompressionStream and DecompressionStream APIs.

const ds = new DecompressionStream('gzip');
const decompressedStream = blob.stream().pipeThrough(ds);

const cs = new CompressionStream('gzip');
const compressedStream = blob.stream().pipeThrough(cs);

These are TransformStream implementations that fully conform to the standard definitions. Use of the compression streams does not require a compatibility flag to enable.

URL and URLPattern

Similar to Event, there has been an implementation of the Web Platform standard URL API available within Workers from nearly the beginning. But also like Event, the implementation was not entirely compatible with the standard.

The incompatibilities were subtle, for instance, in the original implementation, the URL string “https://a//b//c//” would be parsed incorrectly as “https://a/b/c” (note that the extra empty path segments are removed) whereas the standard parsing algorithm would produce “https://a//b//c/” as a result. Such inconsistent results were causing interoperability issues with JavaScript written to run across multiple JavaScript runtimes and needed to be fixed.

A new implementation of the URL parsing algorithm has been provided, and as of October 31, 2022 it has been enabled by default for all newly deployed Workers. Older Workers can begin using the new implementation by updating their compatibility dates to 2022-10-31 or by enabling the url_standard compatibility flag.

Along with the updated URL implementation, Workers now provides an implementation of the standard URLPattern API.

URLPattern provides a regular-expression-like syntax for matching a URL string against a pattern. For instance, consider this example taken from the MDN documentation for URLPattern:

  // Matching a pathname
  let pattern1 = new URLPattern('https://example.com/books/:id')
  // same as
  let pattern2 = new URLPattern(
  // or
  let pattern3 = new URLPattern({
    protocol: 'https',
    hostname: 'example.com',
    pathname: '/books/:id',
  // or
  let pattern4 = new URLPattern({
    pathname: '/books/:id',
    baseURL: 'https://example.com',

ReadableStream, WritableStream, and TransformStream

Last, but absolutely not least, our most significant effort over the past year has been providing new standards compliant implementations of the ReadableStream, WritableStream, and TransformStream APIs.

The Workers runtime has always provided an implementation of these objects but they were never fully conformant to the standard. User code was not capable of creating custom ReadableStream and WritableStream instances, and TransformStreams were limited to simple identity pass-throughs of bytes. The implementations have been updated now to near complete compliance with the standard (near complete because we still have a few edge cases and features we are working on).

The new streams implementation will be enabled by default in all new Workers as of November 30, 2022, or can be enabled earlier using the streams_enable_constructors and transformstream_enable_standard_constructor compatibility flags.

Creating a custom ReadableStream

async function handleRequest(request) {
  const enc = new TextEncoder();

  const rs = new ReadableStream({
    pull(controller) {
      controller.enqueue(enc.encode('hello world'));

  return new Response(rs);

The new implementation supports both “regular” and “bytes” ReadableStream types, supports BYOB readers, and includes performance optimizations for both tee() and pipeThrough().

Creating a custom WritableStream

  const ws = new WritableStream({
    write(chunk) {
      console.log(chunk);  // "hello world"
  const writer = ws.getWriter();
  writer.write("hello world");

WritableStreams are fairly simple objects that can accept any JavaScript value written to them.

Creating a custom TransformStream

  const { readable, writable } = new TransformStream({
    transform(chunk, controller) {
  const writer = writable.getWriter();
  const reader = readable.getReader();
  writer.write("hello world");
  const res = await reader.read();
  console.log(res.value);  // "HELLO WORLD"

It has always been possible in Workers to call new TransformStream() (with no arguments) to create a limited version of a TransformStream that only accepts bytes and only acts as a pass-through, passing the bytes written to the writer on to the reader without any modification.

That original implementation is now available within Workers using the IdentityTransformStream class.

  const { readable, writable } = new IdentityTransformStream();
  const writer = writable.getWriter();
  const reader = readable.getReader();
  const enc = new TextEncoder();
  const dec = new TextDecoder();
  writer.write(enc.encode("hello world"));
  const res = await reader.read();
  console.log(dec.decode(res.value));  // "hello world"

If your code is using new TransformStream() today as this kind of pass-through, the new implementation will continue to work except for one very important difference: the old, non-standard implementation of new TransformStream() supported BYOB reads on the readable side (i.e. readable.getReader({ mode: 'byob' })). The new implementation (enabled via a compatibility flag and becoming the default on November 30 ) does not support BYOB reads as required by the stream standard.

What’s next

It is clear that we have made a lot of progress in improving the standards compliance of the Workers runtime over the past year, but there is far more to do. Next we will be turning our attention to the implementation of the fetch() and WebSockets APIs, as well as actively seeking closer alignment with other runtimes through collaboration in the Web-interoperable Runtimes Community Group.

If you are interested in helping drive the implementation of Web Platform APIs forward, and advancing interoperability between JavaScript runtime environments, the Workers Runtime team at Cloudflare is hiring! Reach out, or see our open positions here.

Build applications of any size on Cloudflare with the Queues open beta

Post Syndicated from Rob Sutter original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-queues-open-beta/

Build applications of any size on Cloudflare with the Queues open beta

Build applications of any size on Cloudflare with the Queues open beta

Message queues are a fundamental building block of cloud applications—and today the Cloudflare Queues open beta brings queues to every developer building for Region: Earth. Cloudflare Queues follows Cloudflare Workers and Cloudflare R2 in a long line of innovative services built for the Workers Developer Platform, enabling developers to build more complex applications without configuring networks, choosing regions, or estimating capacity. Best of all, like many other Cloudflare services, there are no egregious egress charges!

Build applications of any size on Cloudflare with the Queues open beta

If you’ve ever purchased something online and seen a message like “you will receive confirmation of your order shortly,” you’ve interacted with a queue. When you completed your order, your shopping cart and information were stored and the order was placed into a queue. At some later point, the order fulfillment service picks and packs your items and hands it off to the shipping service—again, via a queue. Your order may sit for only a minute, or much longer if an item is out of stock or a warehouse is busy, and queues enable all of this functionality.

Message queues are great at decoupling components of applications, like the checkout and order fulfillment services for an ecommerce site. Decoupled services are easier to reason about, deploy, and implement, allowing you to ship features that delight your customers without worrying about synchronizing complex deployments.

Queues also allow you to batch and buffer calls to downstream services and APIs. This post shows you how to enroll in the open beta, walks you through a practical example of using Queues to build a log sink, and tells you how we built Queues using other Cloudflare services. You’ll also learn a bit about the roadmap for the open beta.

Getting started

Enrolling in the open beta

Open the Cloudflare dashboard and navigate to the Workers section. Select Queues from the Workers navigation menu and choose Enable Queues Beta.

Review your order and choose Proceed to Payment Details.

Note: If you are not already subscribed to a Workers Paid Plan, one will be added to your order automatically.

Enter your payment details and choose Complete Purchase. That’s it – you’re enrolled in the open beta! Choose Return to Queues on the confirmation page to return to the Cloudflare Queues home page.

Creating your first queue

After enabling the open beta, open the Queues home page and choose Create Queue. Name your queue `my-first-queue` and choose Create queue. That’s all there is to it!

The dash displays a confirmation message along with a list of all the queues in your account.

Build applications of any size on Cloudflare with the Queues open beta

Note: As of the writing of this blog post each account is limited to ten queues. We intend to raise this limit as we build towards general availability.

Managing your queues with Wrangler

You can also manage your queues from the command line using Wrangler, the CLI for Cloudflare Workers. In this section, you build a simple but complete application implementing a log aggregator or sink to learn how to integrate Workers, Queues, and R2.

Setting up resources
To create this application, you need access to a Cloudflare Workers account with a subscription plan, access to the Queues open beta, and an R2 plan.

Install and authenticate Wrangler then run wrangler queues create log-sink from the command line to create a queue for your application.

Run wrangler queues list and note that Wrangler displays your new queue.

Note: The following screenshots use the jq utility to format the JSON output of wrangler commands. You do not need to install jq to complete this application.

Build applications of any size on Cloudflare with the Queues open beta

Finally, run wrangler r2 bucket create log-sink to create an R2 bucket to store your aggregated logs. After the bucket is created, run wrangler r2 bucket list to see your new bucket.

Build applications of any size on Cloudflare with the Queues open beta

Creating your Worker
Next, create a Workers application with two handlers: a fetch() handler to receive individual incoming log lines and a queue() handler to aggregate a batch of logs and write the batch to R2.

In an empty directory, run wrangler init to create a new Cloudflare Workers application. When prompted:

  • Choose “y” to create a new package.json
  • Choose “y” to use TypeScript
  • Choose “Fetch handler” to create a new Worker at src/index.ts
Build applications of any size on Cloudflare with the Queues open beta

Open wrangler.toml and replace the contents with the following:


name = "queues-open-beta"
main = "src/index.ts"
compatibility_date = "2022-11-03"
 queue = "log-sink"
 binding = "BUFFER"
 queue = "log-sink"
 max_batch_size = 100
 max_batch_timeout = 30
 bucket_name = "log-sink"
 binding = "LOG_BUCKET"

The [[queues.producers]] section creates a producer binding for the Worker at src/index.ts called BUFFER that refers to the log-sink queue. This Worker can place messages onto the log-sink queue by calling await env.BUFFER.send(log);

The [[queues.consumers]] section creates a consumer binding for the log-sink queue for your Worker. Once the log-sink queue has a batch ready to be processed (or consumed), the Workers runtime will look for the queue() event handler in src/index.ts and invoke it, passing the batch as an argument. The queue() function signature looks as follows:

async queue(batch: MessageBatch<Error>, env: Environment): Promise<void> {

The final binding in your wrangler.toml creates a binding for the log-sink R2 bucket that makes the bucket available to your Worker via env.LOG_BUCKET.


Open src/index.ts and replace the contents with the following code:

export interface Env {
 BUFFER: Queue;
 LOG_BUCKET: R2Bucket;
export default {
 async fetch(request: Request, env: Environment): Promise<Response> {
   let log = await request.json();
   await env.BUFFER.send(log);
   return new Response("Success!");
 async queue(batch: MessageBatch<Error>, env: Environment): Promise<void> {
   const logBatch = await JSON.stringify(batch.messages);
   await env.LOG_BUCKET.put(`logs/${Date.now()}.log.json`, logBatch);

The export interface Env section exposes the two bindings you defined in wrangler.toml: a queue named BUFFER and an R2 bucket named LOG_BUCKET.

The fetch() handler transforms the request body into JSON, adds the body to the BUFFER queue, then returns an HTTP 200 response with the message Success!

The `queue()` handler receives a batch of messages that each contain log entries, iterates through concatenating each log into a string buffer, then writes that buffer to the LOG_BUCKET R2 bucket using the current timestamp as the filename.

Publishing and running your application
To publish your log sink application, run wrangler publish. Wrangler packages your application and its dependencies and deploys it to Cloudflare’s global network.

Build applications of any size on Cloudflare with the Queues open beta

Note that the output of wrangler publish includes the BUFFER queue binding, indicating that this Worker is a producer and can place messages onto the queue. The final line of output also indicates that this Worker is a consumer for the log-sink queue and can read and remove messages from the queue.

Use your favorite API client, like curl, httpie, or Postman, to send JSON log entries to the published URL for your Worker via HTTP POST requests. Navigate to your log-sink R2 bucket in the Cloudflare dashboard and note that the logs prefix is now populated with aggregated logs from your request.

Build applications of any size on Cloudflare with the Queues open beta

Download and open one of the logfiles to view the JSON array inside. That’s it – with fewer than 45 lines of code and config, you’ve built a log aggregator to ingest and store data in R2!

Build applications of any size on Cloudflare with the Queues open beta

Buffering R2 writes with Queues in the real world

In the previous example, you create a simple Workers application that buffers data into batches before writing the batches to R2. This reduces the number of calls to the downstream service, reducing load on the service and saving you money.

UUID.rocks, the fastest UUIDv4-as-a-service, wanted to confirm whether their API truly generates unique IDs on every request. With 80,000 requests per day, it wasn’t trivial to find out. They decided to write every generated UUID to R2 to compare IDs across the entire population. However, writing directly to R2 at the rate UUIDs are generated is inefficient and expensive.

To reduce writes and costs, UUID.rocks introduced Cloudflare Queues into their UUID generation workflow. Each time a UUID is requested, a Worker places the value of the UUID into a queue. Once enough messages have been received, the buffered batch of JSON objects is written to R2. This avoids invoking an R2 write on every API call, saving costs and making the data easier to process later.

The uuid-queue application consists of a single Worker with three event handlers:

  1. A fetch handler that receives a JSON object representing the generated UUID and writes it to a Cloudflare Queue.
  2. A queue handler that writes batches of JSON objects to R2 in CSV format.
  3. A scheduled handler that combines batches from the previous hour into a single file for future processing.

To view the source or deploy this application into your own account, visit the repository on GitHub.

How we built Cloudflare Queues

Like many of the Cloudflare services you use and love, we built Queues by composing other Cloudflare services like Workers and Durable Objects. This enabled us to rapidly solve two difficult challenges: securely invoking your Worker from our own service and maintaining a strongly consistent state at scale. Several recent Cloudflare innovations helped us overcome these challenges.

Securely invoking your Worker

In the Before Times (early 2022), invoking one Worker from another Worker meant a fresh HTTP call from inside your script. This was a brittle experience, requiring you to know your downstream endpoint at deployment time. Nested invocations ran as HTTP calls, passing all the way through the Cloudflare network a second time and adding latency to your request. It also meant security was on you – if you wanted to control how that second Worker was invoked, you had to create and implement your own authentication and authorization scheme.

Worker to Worker requests
During Platform Week in May 2022, Service Worker Bindings entered general availability. With Service Worker Bindings, your Worker code has a binding to another Worker in your account that you invoke directly, avoiding the network penalty of a nested HTTP call. This removes the performance and security barriers discussed previously, but it still requires that you hard-code your nested Worker at compile time. You can think of this setup as “static dispatch,” where your Worker has a static reference to another Worker where it can dispatch events.

Dynamic dispatch
As Service Worker Bindings entered general availability, we also launched a closed beta of Workers for Platforms, our tool suite to help make any product programmable. With Workers for Platforms, software as a service (SaaS) and platform providers can allow users to upload their own scripts and run them safely via Cloudflare Workers. User scripts are not known at compile time, but are dynamically dispatched at runtime.

Workers for Platforms entered general availability during GA week in September 2022, and is available for all customers to build with today.

With dynamic dispatch generally available, we now have the ability to discover and invoke Workers at runtime without the performance penalty of HTTP traffic over the network. We use dynamic dispatch to invoke your queue’s consumer Worker whenever a message or batch of messages is ready to be processed.

Consistent stateful data with Durable Objects

Another challenge we faced was storing messages durably without sacrificing performance. We took the design goal of ensuring that all messages were persisted to disk in multiple locations before we confirmed receipt of the message to the user. Again, we turned to an existing Cloudflare product—Durable Objects—which entered general availability nearly one year ago today.

Durable Objects are named instances of JavaScript classes that are guaranteed to be unique across Cloudflare’s entire network. Durable Objects process messages in-order and on a single-thread, allowing for coordination across messages and provide a strongly consistent storage API for key-value pairs. Offloading the hard problem of storing data durably in a distributed environment to Distributed Objects allowed us to reduce the time to build Queues and prepare it for open beta.

Open beta roadmap

Our open beta process empowers you to influence feature prioritization and delivery. We’ve set ambitious goals for ourselves on the path to general availability, most notably supporting unlimited throughput while maintaining 100% durability. We also have many other great features planned, like first-in first-out (FIFO) message processing and API compatibility layers to ease migrations, but we need your feedback to build what you need most, first.


Cloudflare Queues is a global message queue for the Workers developer. Building with Queues makes your applications more performant, resilient, and cost-effective—but we’re not done yet. Join the Open Beta today and share your feedback to help shape the Queues roadmap as we deliver application integration services for the next generation cloud.

Cloudflare Workers scale too well and broke our infrastructure, so we are rebuilding it on Workers

Post Syndicated from Jonathan Norris (Guest Blogger) original https://blog.cloudflare.com/devcycle-customer-story/

Cloudflare Workers scale too well and broke our infrastructure, so we are rebuilding it on Workers

Cloudflare Workers scale too well and broke our infrastructure, so we are rebuilding it on Workers

While scaling our new Feature Flagging product DevCycle, we’ve encountered an interesting challenge: our Cloudflare Workers-based infrastructure can handle way more instantaneous load than our traditional AWS infrastructure. This led us to rethink how we design our infrastructure to always use Cloudflare Workers for everything.

The origin of DevCycle

For almost 10 years, Taplytics has been a leading provider of no-code A/B testing and feature flagging solutions for product and marketing teams across a wide range of use cases for some of the largest consumer-facing companies in the world. So when we applied ourselves to build a new engineering-focused feature management product, DevCycle, we built upon our experience using Workers which have served over 140 billion requests for Taplytics customers.

The inspiration behind DevCycle is to build a focused feature management tool for engineering teams, empowering them to build their software more efficiently and deploy it faster. Helping engineering teams reach their goals, whether it be continuous deployment, lower change failure rate, or a faster recovery time. DevCycle is the culmination of our vision of how teams should use Feature Management to build high-quality software faster. We’ve used DevCycle to build DevCycle, enabling us to implement continuous deployment successfully.

DevCycle architecture

One of the first things we asked ourselves when ideating DevCycle was how we could get out of the business of managing 1000’s of vCPUs worth of AWS instances and move our core business logic closer to our end-user devices. Based on our experience with Cloudflare Workers at Taplytics we knew we wanted it to be a core part of our future infrastructure for DevCycle.

By using the global computing power of Workers and moving as much logic to the SDKs as possible with our local bucketing server-side SDKs, we were able to massively reduce or eliminate the latency of fetching feature flag configurations for our users. In addition, we used a shared WASM library across our Workers and local bucketing SDKs to dramatically reduce the amount of code we need to maintain per SDK, and increase the consistency of our platform. This architecture has also fundamentally changed our business’s cost structure to easily serve any customer of any scale.

The core architecture of DevCycle revolves around publishing and consuming JSON configuration files per project environment. The publishing side is managed in our AWS services, while Cloudflare manages the consumption of these config files at scale. This split in responsibilities allows for all high-scale requests to be managed by Cloudflare, while keeping our AWS services simple and low-scale.

Cloudflare Workers scale too well and broke our infrastructure, so we are rebuilding it on Workers

“Workers are breaking our events pipeline”

One of the primary challenges as a feature management platform is that we don’t have direct control over the load from our customers’ applications using our SDKs; our systems need the ability to scale instantly to match their load. For example, we have a couple of large customers whose mobile traffic is primarily driven by push notifications, which causes massive instantaneous spikes in traffic to our APIs in the range of 10x increases in load. As you can imagine, any traditional auto-scaled API service and the load balancer cannot manage that type of increase in load. Thus, our choices are to dramatically increase the minimum size of our cluster and load balancer to handle these unknown load spikes, accept that some requests will be rate-limited, or move to an architecture that can handle this load.

Cloudflare Workers scale too well and broke our infrastructure, so we are rebuilding it on Workers

Given that all our SDK API requests are already served with Workers, they have no problem scaling instantly to 10x+ their base load. Sadly we can’t say the same about the traditional parts of our infrastructure.

For each feature flag configuration request to a Worker, a corresponding events request is sent to our AWS events infrastructure. The events are received by our events API container in Kubernetes, where they are then published to Kafka and eventually ingested by Snowflake. While Cloudflare Workers have no problem handling instantaneous spikes in feature flag requests, the events system can’t keep up. Our cluster and events API containers need to be scaled up faster to prevent the existing instances from being overwhelmed. Even the load balancer has issues accepting the sudden increase. Cloudflare Workers just work too well in comparison to EC2 instances + EKS.

To solve this issue we are moving towards a new events Cloudflare Worker which will be able to handle the instantaneous events load from these requests and make use of the Kinesis Data Firehose to write events to our existing S3 bucket which is ingested by Snowflake. In the future, we look forward to testing out Cloudflare Queues writing to R2 once a Snowflake connector has been created. This architecture should allow us to ingest events at almost any scale and withstand instantaneous traffic spikes with a predictable and efficient cost structure.

Cloudflare Workers scale too well and broke our infrastructure, so we are rebuilding it on Workers

Building without a database next to your code

Workers provide many benefits, including fast response times, infinite scalability, serverless architecture, and excellent up-time performance. However, if you want to see all these benefits, you need to architect your Workers to assume that you don’t have direct access to a centralized SQL / NoSQL database (or D1) like you would with a traditional API service. For example, suppose you build your workers to require reaching out to a database to fetch and update user data every time a request is made to your Workers. In that case, your request latency will be tied to the geographic distance between your Worker and the database plus the latency of the database. In addition, your Workers will be able to scale significantly beyond the number of database connections you can support, and your uptime will be tied to the uptime of your external database. Therefore, when architecting your systems to use Workers, we advise relying primarily on data sent as part of the API request and cacheable data on Cloudflare’s global network.

Cloudflare provides multiple products and services to help with data on their global network:

  • KV: “global, low-latency, key-value data store.”
  • However, the lowest latency way of retrieving data from within a Worker is limited by a minimum 60-second TTL. So you’ll need to be ok with cached data that is 60 seconds stale.
  • Durable Objects: “provide low-latency coordination and consistent storage for the Workers platform through two features: global uniqueness and a transactional storage API.”
  • Ability to store user-level information closer to the end user.
  • Unfamiliar worker interface for accessing data for developers with SQL / NoSQL experience.
  • R2: “store large amounts of unstructured data.”
  • Ability to store arbitrarily large amounts of unstructured data using familiar S3 APIs.
  • Cloudflare’s cache can be used to provide low-latency access within workers.
  • D1: “serverless SQLite database”

Each of these tools that Cloudflare provides has made building APIs far more accessible than when Workers launched initially; however, each service has aspects which need to be accounted for when architecting your systems. Being an open platform, you can also access any publically available database you want from a Worker. For example, we are making use of Macrometa for our EdgeDB product built into our Workers to help customers access their user data.

The predictable cost structure of Workers

One of the greatest advantages of moving most of our workloads towards Cloudflare Workers is the predictable cost structure that can scale 1:1 with our request loads and can be easily mapped to usage-based billing for our customers. In addition, we no longer have to run excess EC2 instances to handle random spikes in load, just in case they happen.

Too many SaaS services have opaque billing based on max usage or other metrics that don’t relate directly to their costs. Moving from our legacy AWS architecture with high fixed costs like databases and caching layers to Workers has resulted in our infrastructure spending is directly tied to using our APIs and SDKs. For DevCycle, this architecture has been over ~5x more cost-efficient to operate.

The future of DevCycle and Cloudflare

With DevCycle we will continue to invest in leveraging serverless computing and moving our core business logic as close to our users as possible, either on Cloudflare’s global network or locally within our SDKs. We’re excited to integrate even more deeply with the Cloudflare developer platform as new services evolve. We already see future use cases for R2, Queues and Durable Objects and look forward to what’s coming next from Cloudflare.