Tag Archives: machine learning

A Survey of Causal Inference Applications at Netflix

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/a-survey-of-causal-inference-applications-at-netflix-b62d25175e6f

At Netflix, we want to entertain the world through creating engaging content and helping members discover the titles they will love. Key to that is understanding causal effects that connect changes we make in the product to indicators of member joy.

To measure causal effects we rely heavily on AB testing, but we also leverage quasi-experimentation in cases where AB testing is limited. Many scientists across Netflix have contributed to the way that Netflix analyzes these causal effects.

To celebrate that impact and learn from each other, Netflix scientists recently came together for an internal Causal Inference and Experimentation Summit. The weeklong conference brought speakers from across the content, product, and member experience teams to learn about methodological developments and applications in estimating causal effects. We covered a wide range of topics including difference-in-difference estimation, double machine learning, Bayesian AB testing, and causal inference in recommender systems among many others.

We are excited to share a sneak peek of the event with you in this blog post through selected examples of the talks, giving a behind the scenes look at our community and the breadth of causal inference at Netflix. We look forward to connecting with you through a future external event and additional blog posts!

Incremental Impact of Localization

Yinghong Lan, Vinod Bakthavachalam, Lavanya Sharan, Marie Douriez, Bahar Azarnoush, Mason Kroll

At Netflix, we are passionate about connecting our members with great stories that can come from anywhere, and be loved everywhere. In fact, we stream in more than 30 languages and 190 countries and strive to localize the content, through subtitles and dubs, that our members will enjoy the most. Understanding the heterogenous incremental value of localization to member viewing is key to these efforts!

In order to estimate the incremental value of localization, we turned to causal inference methods using historical data. Running large scale, randomized experiments has both technical and operational challenges, especially because we want to avoid withholding localization from members who might need it to access the content they love.

Conceptual overview of using double machine learning to control for confounders and compare similar titles to estimate incremental impact of localization

We analyzed the data across various languages and applied double machine learning methods to properly control for measured confounders. We not only studied the impact of localization on overall title viewing but also investigated how localization adds value at different parts of the member journey. As a robustness check, we explored various simulations to evaluate the consistency and variance of our incrementality estimates. These insights have played a key role in our decisions to scale localization and delight our members around the world.

A related application of causal inference methods to localization arose when some dubs were delayed due to pandemic-related shutdowns of production studios. To understand the impact of these dub delays on title viewing, we simulated viewing in the absence of delays using the method of synthetic control. We compared simulated viewing to observed viewing at title launch (when dubs were missing) and after title launch (when dubs were added back).

To control for confounders, we used a placebo test to repeat the analysis for titles that were not affected by dub delays. In this way, we were able to estimate the incremental impact of delayed dub availability on member viewing for impacted titles. Should there be another shutdown of dub productions, this analysis enables our teams to make informed decisions about delays with greater confidence.

Holdback Experiments for Product Innovation

Travis Brooks, Cassiano Coria, Greg Nettles, Molly Jackman, Claire Lackner

At Netflix, there are many examples of holdback AB tests, which show some users an experience without a specific feature. They have substantially improved the member experience by measuring long term effects of new features or re-examining old assumptions. However, when the topic of holdback tests is raised, it can seem too complicated in terms of experimental design and/or engineering costs.

We aimed to share best practices we have learned about holdback test design and execution in order to create more clarity around holdback tests at Netflix, so they can be used more broadly across product innovation teams by:

  1. Defining the types of holdbacks and their use cases with past examples
  2. Suggesting future opportunities where holdback testing may be valuable
  3. Enumerating the challenges that holdback tests pose
  4. Identifying future investments that can reduce the cost of deploying and maintaining holdback tests for product and engineering teams

Holdback tests have clear value in many product areas to confirm learnings, understand long term effects, retest old assumptions on newer members, and measure cumulative value. They can also serve as a way to test simplifying the product by removing unused features, creating a more seamless user experience. In many areas at Netflix they are already commonly used for these purposes.

Overview of how holdback tests work where we keep the current experience for a subset of members over the long term in order to gain valuable insights for improving the product

We believe by unifying best practices and providing simpler tools, we can accelerate our learnings and create the best product experience for our members to access the content they love.

Causal Ranker: A Causal Adaptation Framework for Recommendation Models

Jeong-Yoon Lee, Sudeep Das

Most machine learning algorithms used in personalization and search, including deep learning algorithms, are purely associative. They learn from the correlations between features and outcomes how to best predict a target.

In many scenarios, going beyond the purely associative nature to understanding the causal mechanism between taking a certain action and the resulting incremental outcome becomes key to decision making. Causal inference gives us a principled way of learning such relationships, and when coupled with machine learning, becomes a powerful tool that can be leveraged at scale.

Compared to machine learning, causal inference allows us to build a robust framework that controls for confounders in order to estimate the true incremental impact to members

At Netflix, many surfaces today are powered by recommendation models like the personalized rows you see on your homepage. We believe that many of these surfaces can benefit from additional algorithms that focus on making each recommendation as useful to our members as possible, beyond just identifying the title or feature someone is most likely to engage with. Adding this new model on top of existing systems can help improve recommendations to those that are right in the moment, helping find the exact title members are looking to stream now.

This led us to create a framework that applies a light, causal adaptive layer on top of the base recommendation system called the Causal Ranker Framework. The framework consists of several components: impression (treatment) to play (outcome) attribution, true negative label collection, causal estimation, offline evaluation, and model serving.

We are building this framework in a generic way with reusable components so that any interested team within Netflix can adopt this framework for their use case, improving our recommendations throughout the product.

Bellmania: Incremental Account Lifetime Valuation at Netflix and its Applications

Reza Badri, Allen Tran

Understanding the value of acquiring or retaining subscribers is crucial for any subscription business like Netflix. While customer lifetime value (LTV) is commonly used to value members, simple measures of LTV likely overstate the true value of acquisition or retention because there is always a chance that potential members may join in the future on their own without any intervention.

We establish a methodology and necessary assumptions to estimate the monetary value of acquiring or retaining subscribers based on a causal interpretation of incremental LTV. This requires us to estimate both on Netflix and off Netflix LTV.

To overcome the lack of data for off Netflix members, we use an approach based on Markov chains that recovers off Netflix LTV from minimal data on non-subscriber transitions between being a subscriber and canceling over time.

Through Markov chains we can estimate the incremental value of a member and non member that appropriately captures the value of potential joins in the future

Furthermore, we demonstrate how this methodology can be used to (1) forecast aggregate subscriber numbers that respect both addressable market constraints and account-level dynamics, (2) estimate the impact of price changes on revenue and subscription growth, and (3) provide optimal policies, such as price discounting, that maximize expected lifetime revenue of members.

Measuring causality is a large part of the data science culture at Netflix, and we are proud to have so many stunning colleagues leverage both experimentation and quasi-experimentation to drive member impact. The conference was a great way to celebrate each other’s work and highlight the ways in which causal methodology can create value for the business.

We look forward to sharing more about our work with the community in upcoming posts. To stay up to date on our work, follow the Netflix Tech Blog, and if you are interested in joining us, we are currently looking for new stunning colleagues to help us entertain the world!

A Survey of Causal Inference Applications at Netflix was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

299 experiments from young people run on the ISS in Astro Pi Mission Space Lab 2021/22

Post Syndicated from Sam Duffy original https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/299-experiments-young-people-iss-astro-pi-mission-space-lab-2021-22/

We and our partners at ESA Education are excited to announce that 299 teams have achieved flight status in Mission Space Lab of the 2021/22 European Astro Pi Challenge. This means that these young people’s programs are the first ever to run on the two upgraded Astro Pi units on board the International Space Station (ISS).

Two Astro Pi units on board the International Space Station.

Mission Space Lab gives teams of young people up to age 19 the opportunity to design and conduct their own scientific experiments that run on board the ISS. It’s an eight-month long activity that follows the European school year. The exciting hardware upgrades inspired a record number of young people to send us their Mission Space Lab experiment ideas.

Logo of Mission Space Lab, part of the European Astro Pi Challenge.

Teams who want to take on Mission Space Lab choose between two themes for their experiments, investigating either ‘Life in space’ or ‘Life on Earth’. From this year onwards, thanks to the new Astro Pi hardware, teams can also choose to use new sensors and a Coral machine learning accelerator during their experiment time.

Investigating life in space

Using the Astro Pi units’ sensors, teams can investigate life inside the Columbus module of the ISS. This year, 71 ‘Life in space’ experiments are running on the Astro Pi units. The 71 teams are investigating a wide range of topics: for example, how the Earth’s magnetic field is experienced on the ISS in space, how the environmental conditions that the astronauts experience compare with those on Earth beneath the ISS on its orbit, or whether the conditions in the ISS might be suitable for other lifeforms, such as plants or bacteria.

The mark 2 Astro Pi units spin in microgravity on the International Space Station.

For ‘Life in space’ experiments, teams can collect data about factors such as the colour and intensity of cabin light (using the new colour and luminosity sensor included in the upgraded hardware), astronaut movement in the cabin (using the new PIR sensor), and temperature and humidity (using the Sense HAT add-on board’s standard sensors).

Investigating life on Earth

Using the camera on an Astro Pi unit when it’s positioned to view Earth from a window of the ISS, teams can investigate features on the Earth’s surface. This year, for the first time, teams had the option to use visible-light instead of infrared (IR) photography, thanks to the new Astro Pi cameras.

An Astro Pi unit at a window on board the International Space Station.

228 teams’ ‘Life on Earth’ experiments are running this year. Some teams are using the Astro Pis’ sensors to determine the precise location of the ISS when images are captured, to identify whether the ISS is flying over land or sea, or which country it is passing over. Other teams are using IR photography to examine plant health and the effects of deforestation in different regions. Some teams are using visible-light photography to analyse clouds, calculate the velocity of the ISS, and classify biomes (e.g. desert, forest, grassland, wetland) it is passing over. The new hardware available from this year onward has helped to encourage 144 of the teams to use machine learning techniques in their experiments.

Testing, testing, testing

We received 88% more idea submissions for Mission Space Lab this year compared to last year: during Phase 1, 799 teams sent us their experiment ideas. We invited 502 of the teams to proceed to Phase 2 based on the quality of their ideas. 386 teams wrote their code and submitted computer programs for their experiments during Phase 2 this year. Achieving flight status, and thus progressing to Phase 3 of Mission Space Lab, is really a huge accomplishment for the 299 successful teams.

Three replica Astro Pi units on a wooden shelf.
Three replica Astro Pi units run tests on the Mission Space Lab programs submitted by young people.

For us, Phase 2 involved putting every team’s program through a number of tests to make sure that it follows experiment rules, doesn’t compromise the safety and security of the ISS, and will run without errors on the Astro Pi units. Testing means that April is a very busy time for us in the Astro Pi team every year. We run these tests on a number of exact replicas of the new Astro Pis, including a final test to run every experiment that has passed every test for the full 3 hours allotted to each team. The 299 experiments with flight status will run on board the ISS for over 5 weeks in total during Phase 3, and once they have started running, we can’t rely on astronaut intervention to resolve issues. So we have to make sure that all of the programs will run without any problems.

Part of the South Island (Te Waipounamu) of New Zealand (Aotearoa), photographed from the International Space Station using an Astro Pi unit.
The South Island (Te Waipounamu) of New Zealand (Aotearoa), photographed from the International Space Station using an Astro Pi unit. Click to enlarge.

Thanks to the team at ESA, we are delighted that 67 more Mission Space Lab experiments are running on the ISS this year compared to last year. In fact, teams’ experiments using the Astro Pi units are underway right now!

The 299 teams awarded flight status this year represent 23 countries and 1205 young people, with 32% female participants and an average age of 15. Spain has the most teams with experiments progressing to Phase 3 (38), closely followed by the UK (34), Italy (27), Romania (23), and Greece (22).

Four photographs of regions of the Earth taken on the International Space Station using an Astro Pi unit.
Four photographs of the Earth taken on the International Space Station using an Astro Pi unit. Click to enlarge.

Unfortunately, it isn’t possible to run every Mission Space Lab experiment submitted, as there is only limited time for the Astro Pis to be positioned in the ISS window. We wish we could run every experiment that is submitted, but unfortunately time on the ISS, especially on the nadir window, is limited. Eliminating programs was very difficult because of the high quality of this year’s submissions. Many unsuccessful teams’ programs were eliminated based on very small issues. 87 teams submitted programs this year which did not pass testing and so could not be awarded flight status.

The teams whose experiments are not progressing to Phase 3 should still be very proud to have designed experiments that passed Phase 1, and to have made a Phase 2 submission. We recognise how much work all Mission Space Lab teams have done, and we hope to see you again in next year’s Astro Pi Challenge.

What’s next?

Once the programs for all the experiments have run, we will send the teams the data collected by their experiments for Phase 4. In this final phase of Mission Space Lab, teams analyse their data and write a short report to describe their findings. Based on these reports, the ESA Education and Raspberry Pi Foundation teams will determine the winner of this year’s Mission Space Lab. The winning and highly commended teams will receive special prizes.

Congratulations to all Mission Space Lab teams who’ve achieved flight status! We are really looking forward to reading your reports.

Logo of the European Astro Pi Challenge.

The post 299 experiments from young people run on the ISS in Astro Pi Mission Space Lab 2021/22 appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Undetectable Backdoors in Machine-Learning Models

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/04/undetectable-backdoors-in-machine-learning-models.html

New paper: “Planting Undetectable Backdoors in Machine Learning Models“:

Abstract: Given the computational cost and technical expertise required to train machine learning models, users may delegate the task of learning to a service provider. We show how a malicious learner can plant an undetectable backdoor into a classifier. On the surface, such a backdoored classifier behaves normally, but in reality, the learner maintains a mechanism for changing the classification of any input, with only a slight perturbation. Importantly, without the appropriate “backdoor key”, the mechanism is hidden and cannot be detected by any computationally-bounded observer. We demonstrate two frameworks for planting undetectable backdoors, with incomparable guarantees.

First, we show how to plant a backdoor in any model, using digital signature schemes. The construction guarantees that given black-box access to the original model and the backdoored version, it is computationally infeasible to find even a single input where they differ. This property implies that the backdoored model has generalization error comparable with the original model. Second, we demonstrate how to insert undetectable backdoors in models trained using the Random Fourier Features (RFF) learning paradigm or in Random ReLU networks. In this construction, undetectability holds against powerful white-box distinguishers: given a complete description of the network and the training data, no efficient distinguisher can guess whether the model is “clean” or contains a backdoor.

Our construction of undetectable backdoors also sheds light on the related issue of robustness to adversarial examples. In particular, our construction can produce a classifier that is indistinguishable from an “adversarially robust” classifier, but where every input has an adversarial example! In summary, the existence of undetectable backdoors represent a significant theoretical roadblock to certifying adversarial robustness.

EDITED TO ADD (4/20): Cory Doctorow wrote about this as well.

How we reduced our CI YAML files from 1800 lines to 50 lines

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/how-we-reduced-our-ci-yaml

This article illustrates how the Cauldron Machine Learning (ML) Platform team uses GitLab parent-child pipelines to dynamically generate GitLab CI files to solve several limitations of GitLab for large repositories, namely:

  • Limitations to the number of includes (100 by default).
  • Simplifying the GitLab CI file from 1800 lines to 50 lines.
  • Reducing the need for nested gitlab-ci yml files.


Cauldron is the Machine Learning (ML) Platform team at Grab. The Cauldron team provides tools for ML practitioners to manage the end to end lifecycle of ML models, from training to deployment. GitLab and its tooling are an integral part of our stack, for continuous delivery of machine learning.

One of our core products is MerLin Pipelines. Each team has a dedicated repo to maintain the code for their ML pipelines. Each pipeline has its own subfolder. We rely heavily on GitLab rules to detect specific changes to trigger deployments for the different stages of different pipelines (for example, model serving with Catwalk, and so on).


Approach 1: Nested child files

Our initial approach was to rely heavily on static code generation to generate the child gitlab-ci.yml files in individual stages. See Figure 1 for an example directory structure. These nested yml files are pre-generated by our cli and committed to the repository.

Figure 1: Example directory structure with nested gitlab-ci.yml files.
Figure 1: Example directory structure with nested gitlab-ci.yml files.


Child gitlab-ci.yml files are added by using the include keyword.

Figure 2: Example root .gitlab-ci.yml file, and include clauses.
Figure 2: Example root .gitlab-ci.yml file, and include clauses.


Figure 3: Example child .gitlab-ci.yml file for a given stage (Deploy Model) in a pipeline (pipeline 1).
Figure 3: Example child `.gitlab-ci.yml` file for a given stage (Deploy Model) in a pipeline (pipeline 1).


As teams add more pipelines and stages, we soon hit a limitation in this approach:

There was a soft limit in the number of includes that could be in the base .gitlab-ci.yml file.

It became evident that this approach would not scale to our use-cases.

Approach 2: Dynamically generating a big CI file

Our next attempt to solve this problem was to try to inject and inline the nested child gitlab-ci.yml contents into the root gitlab-ci.yml file, so that we no longer needed to rely on the in-built GitLab “include” clause.

To achieve it, we wrote a utility that parsed a raw gitlab-ci file, walked the tree to retrieve all “included” child gitlab-ci files, and to replace the includes to generate a final big gitlab-ci.yml file.

Figure 4 illustrates the resulting file is generated from Figure 3.

Figure 4: “Fat” YAML file generated through this approach, assumes the original raw file of Figure 3.
Figure 4: “Fat” YAML file generated through this approach, assumes the original raw file of Figure 3.


This approach solved our issues temporarily. Unfortunately, we ended up with GitLab files that were up to 1800 lines long. There is also a soft limit to the size of gitlab-ci.yml files. It became evident that we would eventually hit the limits of this approach.


Our initial attempt at using static code generation put us partially there. We were able to pre-generate and infer the stage and pipeline names from the information available to us. Code generation was definitely needed, but upfront generation of code had some key limitations, as shown above. We needed a way to improve on this, to somehow generate GitLab stages on the fly. After some research, we stumbled upon Dynamic Child Pipelines.

Quoting the official website:

Instead of running a child pipeline from a static YAML file, you can define a job that runs your own script to generate a YAML file, which is then used to trigger a child pipeline.

This technique can be very powerful in generating pipelines targeting content that changed or to build a matrix of targets and architectures.

We were already on the right track. We just needed to combine code generation with child pipelines, to dynamically generate the necessary stages on the fly.

Architecture details

Figure 5: Flow diagram of how we use dynamic yaml generation. The user raises a merge request in a branch, and subsequently merges the branch to master.
Figure 5: Flow diagram of how we use dynamic yaml generation. The user raises a merge request in a branch, and subsequently merges the branch to master.



The user Git flow can be seen in Figure 5, where the user modifies or adds some files in their respective Git team repo. As a refresher, a typical repo structure consists of pipelines and stages (see Figure 1). We would need to extract the information necessary from the branch environment in Figure 5, and have a stage to programmatically generate the proper stages (for example, Figure 3).

In short, our requirements can be summarized as:

  1. Detecting the files being changed in the Git branch.
  2. Extracting the information needed from the files that have changed.
  3. Passing this to be templated into the necessary stages.

Let’s take a very simple example, where a user is modifying a file in stage_1 in pipeline_1 in Figure 1. Our desired output would be:

Figure 6: Desired output that should be dynamically generated.
Figure 6: Desired output that should be dynamically generated.


Our template would be in the form of:

Figure 7: Example template, and information needed. Let’s call it template\_file.yml.
Figure 7: Example template, and information needed. Let’s call it template_file.yml.


First, we need to detect the files being modified in the branch. We achieve this with native git diff commands, checking against the base of the branch to track what files are being modified in the merge request. The output (let’s call it diff.txt) would be in the form of:

M        pipelines/pipeline_1/stage_1/modelserving.yaml
Figure 8: Example diff.txt generated from git diff.

We must extract the yellow and green information from the line, corresponding to pipeline_name and stage_name.

Figure 9: Information that needs to be extracted from the file.
Figure 9: Information that needs to be extracted from the file.


We take a very simple approach here, by introducing a concept called stop patterns.

Stop patterns are defined as a comma separated list of variable names, and the words to stop at. The colon (:) denotes how many levels before the stop word to stop.

For example, the stop pattern:


tells the parser to look for the folder pipelines and stop before that, extracting pipeline_1 from the example above tagged to the variable name pipeline_name.

The stop pattern with two colons (::):


tells the parser to stop two levels before the folder pipelines, and extract stage_1 as stage_name.

Our cli tool allows the stop patterns to be comma separated, so the final command would be:

cauldron_repo_util diff.txt template_file.yml
pipeline_name:pipelines,stage_name::pipelines > generated.yml

We elected to write the util in Rust due to its high performance, and its rich templating libraries (for example, Tera) and decent cli libraries (clap).

Combining all these together, we are able to extract the information needed from git diff, and use stop patterns to extract the necessary information to be passed into the template. Stop patterns are flexible enough to support different types of folder structures.

Figure 10: Example Rust code snippet for parsing the Git diff file.
Figure 10: Example Rust code snippet for parsing the Git diff file.


When triggering pipelines in the master branch (see right side of Figure 5), the flow is the same, with a small caveat that we must retrieve the same diff.txt file from the source branch. We achieve this by using the rich GitLab API, retrieving the pipeline artifacts and using the same util above to generate the necessary GitLab steps dynamically.


After implementing this change, our biggest success was reducing one of the biggest ML pipeline Git repositories from 1800 lines to 50 lines. This approach keeps the size of the .gitlab-ci.yaml file constant at 50 lines, and ensures that it scales with however many pipelines are added.

Our users, the machine learning practitioners, also find it more productive as they no longer need to worry about GitLab yaml files.

Learnings and conclusion

With some creativity, and the flexibility of GitLab Child Pipelines, we were able to invest some engineering effort into making the configuration re-usable, adhering to DRY principles.

Special thanks to the Cauldron ML Platform team.

What’s next

We might open source our solution.


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Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Evolving Machine Learning to stop mobile bots

Post Syndicated from Reid Tatoris original https://blog.cloudflare.com/machine-learning-mobile-traffic-bots/

Evolving Machine Learning to stop mobile bots

Evolving Machine Learning to stop mobile bots

When we launched Bot Management three years ago, we started with the first version of our ML detection model. We used common bot user agents to train our model to identify bad bots. This model, ML1, was able to detect whether a request is a bot or a human request purely by using the request’s attributes. After this, we introduced a set of heuristics that we could use to quickly and confidently filter out the lowest hanging fruit of unwanted traffic. We have multiple heuristic types and hundreds of specific rules based on certain attributes of the request, many of which are very hard to spoof. But machine learning is a very important part of our bot management toolset.

Evolving Machine Learning to stop mobile bots

We started with a static model because we were starting from scratch, and we were able to experiment quickly with aggregated HTTP analytics metadata. After we launched the model, we quickly gathered feedback from early bot management customers to identify where we performed well but also how we could improve. We saw attackers getting smart, and so we generated a new set of model features. Our heuristics were able to accurately identify various types of bad bots giving us much better quality labeled data. Over time, our model evolved to adapt to changing bot behavior across multiple dimensions of the request, even if it had not been trained on that type of data before. Since then, we’ve launched five additional models that are trained on metadata generated by understanding traffic patterns across our network.

While our models were evolving over time, the patterns of traffic flowing through Cloudflare changed as well. Cloudflare started in a desktop first world, but mobile traffic has grown to make up more than 54% of traffic on our network. As mobile has become a significant share of traffic we see, we needed to adapt our strategy in order to be able to get better at detecting bots spoofing mobile applications. While desktop traffic shares many similarities regardless of the origin it’s connecting to, each mobile app is crafted with a specific use in mind, and built on a different set of APIs, with a different defined schema. We realized we needed to build a model that would prove to be more effective for websites that have mobile application traffic.

How we build and deploy our models

Before we dive into how we updated our models to incorporate an increasing volume of mobile traffic, we should first discuss how we build and train our models overall.

Evolving Machine Learning to stop mobile bots

Data gathering and preparation

An ML model is only as good as the quality of data you train it with. We’ve been able to leverage the amount and variety of traffic on our network to create our training datasets.

We identify samples that we know are clearly bots – samples we are able to detect with heuristics or samples that are from verified bots, e.g., legitimate search engine crawlers, adbots.

We also can identify samples that are clearly not-bots. These are requests that are scored high when they solve a challenge or are authenticated.

Data analysis and feature selection

From this dataset, we can identify the best features to use, using the ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) f-value. We want to make sure different operating systems, browsers, device types, categories of bots, and fingerprints are well represented in our dataset. We perform statistical analysis of the features to understand their distribution within our datasets as well as how they would potentially influence predictions.

Model building and evaluation

Once we have our data, we can begin training a model. We’ve built an internal pipeline backed by Airflow that makes this process smooth. To train our model, we chose the Catboost library. Based on our problem definition, we train a binary classification model.

We split out training data into a training set and a test set. To choose the best hyperparameters for the model, we use the Catboost library’s grid search and random search algorithm.

We then train the model with the chosen hyperparameters.

Over time, we’ve developed granular datasets for testing out our model to ensure we accurately detect different types of bots, but we also want to make sure we have a very low false positive rate. Before we deploy our model to any customer traffic, we perform offline monitoring. We run predictions for different browsers, operating systems and devices. We then compare the predictions of the currently trained model to the production model on validation datasets. This is done with the help of validation reports created by our ML pipeline that includes summary statistics such as accuracy, feature importance for each dataset. Based on the results, we either iterate or we decide to proceed to deployment.

If we need to iterate, we like to understand better where we can make improvements. For this, we use the SHAP Explainer. The SHAP Explainer is an excellent tool to interpret your model’s prediction. Our pipeline produces SHAP graphs for our predictions, and we dig into these deeper to understand the false positives or false negatives. This helps us to understand how and where we can improve our training data or features to get better predictions. We decide if an experiment should be deployed to customer traffic when it shows improvements in a majority of our test datasets over a previous model version.

Evolving Machine Learning to stop mobile bots

Model deployment

While offline analysis of the model is a good indicator of the model’s performance, it’s best to validate the results in real time on a wider variety of traffic. For this, we deploy every new model first in shadow mode. Shadow mode allows us to log scores for traffic in real time without actually affecting bot management customer traffic. This allows us to perform online monitoring i.e. evaluating the model’s performance in real time for traffic. We break this down by different types of bots, devices, browsers, operating systems and customers using a set of Grafana dashboards and validate model accuracy improvement.

We then begin testing in active mode. We have the ability to roll out a model to different customer plans and sample the model for a percentage of requests or visitors. First we roll out to customers on the free plan, such as customers who enable I’m Under Attack Mode. Once we validate the model for free customers, we roll out to Super Bot Fight Mode customers gradually. We then allow customers who would like to beta test the model onboard and use it. Once our beta customers are happy, the new model is officially released as stable. Existing customers can choose to upgrade to this model, all new customers will get the latest version by default.

How we improved mobile app performance

With our latest model, we set out to use the above training process to specifically improve performance on mobile app traffic. To train our models, we need labeled data: a set of HTTP requests that we’ve manually annotated as either “bot” or “human” traffic. We gather this labeled data from a variety of sources as we spoke about above, but one area where we’ve historically struggled is finding good datasets for “human” traffic from mobile applications. Our best sample of “good” traffic was when the client was able to solve a browser challenge or CAPTCHA. Unfortunately, this also limited the variety of good traffic we could have in our dataset since a lot of “good” traffic cannot solve CAPTCHA – like a subset of mobile app traffic. Most CAPTCHA solutions rely on web technologies like HTML + JavaScript and are meant to be executed and rendered via a web browser. Native mobile apps, on the other hand, may not be capable of rendering CAPTCHAs properly, so most native mobile app traffic will never make it into these datasets.

This means that “human” traffic from native mobile applications was typically under-represented in our training data compared to how common it is across the Internet. In turn, this led to our models performing worse on native mobile app traffic compared to browser traffic. In order to rectify this situation, we set out to find better datasets.

We leveraged a variety of techniques to identify subsets of requests that we could confidently label as legitimate native mobile app traffic. We dug through open source code for mobile operating systems as well as popular libraries and frameworks to identify how legitimate mobile app traffic should behave. We also worked with some of our customers to identify domain-specific traffic patterns that could distinguish legitimate mobile app traffic from other types of traffic.

After much testing, feedback, and iteration, we came up with multiple new datasets that we incorporated into our model training process to greatly improve the performance on mobile app traffic.

Improvements in mobile performance

With added data from validated mobile app traffic, our newest model can identify valid user requests originating from mobile app traffic by understanding the unique patterns and signals that we see for this type of traffic. This month, we released our latest machine learning model, trained using our newly identified valid mobile request dataset, to a select group of beta customers. The results have been positive.

In one case, a food delivery company saw false positive rates for Android traffic drop to 0.0%. That may sound impossible, but it’s the result of training on trusted data.

In another case, a major Web3 platform saw similar improvement. Previous models had shown false positives, varying between 28.7% and 40.7% for edge case mobile application traffic. Our newest model has brought this down to nearly 0.0%.

These are just two examples of results we’ve seen broadly, which has led to an increase in adoption of ML among customers protecting mobile apps. If you have a mobile app you haven’t yet protected with Bot Management, head to the Cloudflare dashboard today and see what the new model shows for your own traffic. We provide free bot analytics to all customers, so you can see what bots are doing on your mobile apps today, and turn on Bot Management if you see something you’d like to block. If your mobile app is driven by APIs, as most are, you might also want to take a look at our new API Gateway.

Envoy Media: using Cloudflare’s Bot Management & ML

Post Syndicated from Ryan Marlow (Guest Blogger) original https://blog.cloudflare.com/envoy-media-machine-learning-bot-management/

Envoy Media: using Cloudflare's Bot Management & ML

This is a guest post by Ryan Marlow, CTO, and Michael Taggart, Co-founder of Envoy Media Group.

Envoy Media: using Cloudflare's Bot Management & ML

My name is Ryan Marlow, and I’m the CTO of Envoy Media Group. I’m excited to share a story with you about Envoy, Cloudflare, and how we use Bot Management to monitor automated traffic.


Envoy Media Group is a digital marketing and lead generation company. The aim of our work is simple: we use marketing to connect customers with financial services. For people who are experiencing a particular financial challenge, Envoy provides informative videos, money management tools, and other resources. Along the way, we bring customers through an online experience, so we can better understand their needs and educate them on their options. With that information, we check our database of highly vetted partners to see which programs may be useful, and then match them up with the best company to serve them.

As you can imagine, it’s important for us to responsibly match engaged customers to the right financial services. Envoy develops its own brands that guide customers throughout the process. We spend our own advertising dollars, work purely on a performance basis, and choose partners we know will do right by customers. Envoy serves as a trusted guide to help customers get their financial lives back on track.

A bit of technical detail

We often say that Envoy offers a “sophisticated online experience.” This is not your average lead generation engine. We’ve built our own multichannel marketing platform called Revstr, which handles content management, marketing automation, and business intelligence. Envoy has an in-house technology team that develops and maintains Revstr’s multi-million line PHP application, cloud computing services, and infrastructure. With Revstr’s systems, we are able to A/B test any combination of designs with any set of business rules. As a result, Envoy shows the right experience to the right customer every time, and even adapts to the responses of each individual.

Revstr tracks each aspect of the customer’s progress through our pages and forms. It also integrates with advertising platforms, client companies’ CRM systems, and third-party marketing tools. Revstr creates a 360° view of our performance and the customer’s experience. All this information goes into our proprietary data warehouse and is served to the business team. This warehouse also provides data — already cleaned, normalized, and labeled — to our machine learning pipeline. Where needed, we can perform quick and easy testing, training, and deployment of ML models. Both our business team and our marketing automation rely heavily on guidance from these reports and models. And that’s where Cloudflare comes into the picture…

Why we care about automated traffic

One of our key challenges is evaluating the quality of our traffic. Bad actors are always advancing and proliferating. Importantly: any fake traffic to our sites has a direct impact on our business, including wasted resources in advertising, UX optimization, and customer service.

In our world of digital marketing, especially in the industries we compete in, each click is costly and must be treated like a precious commodity. The saying goes that “he or she who is able to spend the most for a click wins.” We spend our own money on those clicks and are only paid when we deliver real leads who consistently convert to enrollments for our clients.

Any money spent on illegitimate clicks will hurt our bottom line — and bots tend to be the lead culprits. Bots hurt our standing in auctions and reduce our ability to buy. The media buyers on our business team are always watching statistics on the cost, quantity, engagement, and conversion rates of our ad traffic. They look for anomalies that might represent fraudulent clicks to ensure we trim out any wasted spend.

Cloudflare offers Bot Management, which spots the exact traffic we need to look out for.

How we use Cloudflare’s Bot Score to filter out bad traffic

We solved our problem by using Cloudflare. For each request that reaches Envoy, Cloudflare calculates a “bot score” that ranges from 1 (automated) to 99 (human). It’s generated using a number of sophisticated methods, including machine learning. Because Cloudflare sees traffic from millions of requests every second, they have an enormous training set to work with. The bot scores are incredibly accurate. By leveraging the bot score to evaluate the legitimacy of an ad click and switching experiences accordingly, we can make the most of every click we pay for.

Because of the high cost of a click, we cannot afford to completely block that click even if Cloudflare indicates it might be a bot. Instead, we ingest the bot score as a custom header and use it as an input to our rules engine. For example, we can put much longer, more qualifying forms in front of traffic that looks suspicious, and render more streamlined forms to higher scoring visitors. In an extreme case, we can even require suspect visitors to contact us by phone instead of completing an online form. This allows us to convert leads which may have a more dubious origin but still prove to be legitimate, while maintaining a pleasant experience for the best leads.

We also pull the bot score into our data warehouse and provide it to our marketing team. Over the long term, if they see that any ad campaign or traffic source has a low average bot score, we can reduce or eliminate spend on that traffic source, seek refunds from providers, and refocus our efforts on more profitable segments.

Using the Bot Score to predict conversion rate

Envoy also leverages the bot score by integrating it into our ML models. For most lead generation companies, it would be sufficient to track lead volume and profit margins. For Envoy, it’s part of our DNA to go beyond making a sale and really assess the lifetime value of those leads for our clients. So we turn to machine learning. We use ML to predict the lifetime value of new visitors based on known data about past leads, and then pass that signal on to our advertising vendors. By skewing the conversion value higher for leads with a better predicted lifetime value, we can influence those pay-per click (PPC) platforms’ own smart bidding algorithms to search for the best qualified leads.

One of the models we use in this process does a prediction of backend conversion rate — how likely a given lead is to become an enrollment for the client company. When we added the bot score and behavioral metrics to this model, we saw a significant increase in its accuracy. When we can better predict conversion rate, we get better leads. This accuracy boost is a force multiplier for our whole platform; it makes an impact not only in media management but also in form design, lead delivery integrations, and email automation.

Why is Bot Score so valuable for Envoy Media?

At Envoy, we take pride in being analytical and data driven. Here are some of the insights we found by combining Cloudflare’s Bot Score with our own internal data:

1. When we added bot score along with behavioral metrics to our conversion rate prediction ML model, its precision increased by 15%. Getting even a 1% improvement in such a carefully tuned model is difficult; a 15% improvement is a huge win.

2. Bot score is included in 76 different reports used by our media buying and UX optimization teams, and in 9 different ML models. It is now a standard component of all new UX reports.

3. Because bot score is so accurate and because bot score is now broadly available within our organization, it is driving organizational performance in ways that we didn’t expect. For example, here is a testimonial from our UX Optimization Team:

I use bot score in PPC search reports. Before I had access to the bot score our PPC reports were muddied with automated traffic – one day conversion rates are 11%, the next day they are at 5%. That is no way to run a business! I spent a lot of time investigating to understand and justify these differences – and many times there just wasn’t a satisfactory answer, and we had to throw the analysis out. Today I have access to bot score data, and it prevents data dilution and gives me a much higher degree of confidence in my analysis.

Thank You and More to Come!

Thanks to the Cloudflare team for giving us the opportunity to share our story. We’re constantly innovating and hope that we can share more of our developments with you in the future.

Improving the WAF with Machine Learning

Post Syndicated from Daniele Molteni original https://blog.cloudflare.com/waf-ml/

Improving the WAF with Machine Learning

Improving the WAF with Machine Learning

Cloudflare handles 32 million HTTP requests per second and is used by more than 22% of all the websites whose web server is known by W3Techs. Cloudflare is in the unique position of protecting traffic for 1 out of 5 Internet properties which allows it to identify threats as they arise and track how these evolve and mutate.

The Web Application Firewall (WAF) sits at the core of Cloudflare’s security toolbox and  Managed Rules are a key feature of the WAF. They are a collection of rules created by Cloudflare’s analyst team that block requests when they show patterns of known attacks. These managed rules work extremely well for patterns of established attack vectors, as they have been extensively tested to minimize both false negatives (missing an attack) and false positives (finding an attack when there isn’t one). On the downside, managed rules often miss attack variations (also known as bypasses) as static regex-based rules are intrinsically sensitive to signature variations introduced, for example, by fuzzing techniques.

We witnessed this issue when we released protections for log4j. For a few days, after the vulnerability was made public, we had to constantly update the rules to match variations and mutations as attackers tried to bypass the WAF. Moreover, optimizing rules requires significant human intervention, and it usually works only after bypasses have been identified or even exploited, making the protection reactive rather than proactive.

Today we are excited to complement managed rulesets (such as OWASP and Cloudflare Managed) with a new tool aimed at identifying bypasses and malicious payloads without human involvement, and before they are exploited. Customers can now access signals from a machine learning model trained on the good/bad traffic as classified by managed rules and augmented data to provide better protection across a broader range of old and new attacks.

Welcome to our new Machine Learning WAF detection.

The new detection is available in Early Access for Enterprise, Pro and Biz customers. Please join the waitlist if you are interested in trying it out. In the long term, it will be available to the higher tier customers.

Improving the WAF with learning capabilities

The new detection system complements existing managed rulesets by providing three major advantages:

  1. It runs on all of your traffic. Each request is scored based on the likelihood that it contains a SQLi or XSS attack, for example. This enables a new WAF analytics experience that allows you to explore trends and patterns in your overall traffic.
  2. Detection rate improves based on past traffic and feedback. The model is trained on good and bad traffic as categorized by managed rules across all Cloudflare traffic. This allows small sites to get the same level of protection as the largest Internet properties.
  3. A new definition of performance. The machine learning engine identifies bypasses and anomalies before they are exploited or identified by human researchers.

The secret sauce is a combination of innovative machine learning modeling, a vast training dataset built on the attacks we block daily as well as data augmentation techniques, the right evaluation and testing framework based on the behavioral testing principle and cutting-edge engineering that allows us to assess each request with negligible latency.

A new WAF experience

The new detection is based on the paradigm launched with Bot Analytics. Following this approach, each request is evaluated, and a score assigned, regardless of whether we are taking actions on it. Since we score every request, users can visualize how the score evolves over time for the entirety of the traffic directed to their server.

Improving the WAF with Machine Learning

Furthermore, users can visualize the histogram of how requests were scored for a specific attack vector (such as SQLi) and find what score is a good value to separate good from bad traffic.

The actual mitigation is performed with custom WAF rules where the score is used to decide which requests should be blocked. This allows customers to create rules whose logic includes any parameter of the HTTP requests, including the dynamic fields populated by Cloudflare, such as bot scores.

Improving the WAF with Machine Learning

We are now looking at extending this approach to work for the managed rules too (OWASP and Cloudflare Managed). Customers will be able to identify trends and create rules based on patterns that are visible when looking at their overall traffic; rather than creating rules based on trial and error, log traffic to validate them and finally enforce protection.

How does it work?

Machine learning–based detections complement the existing managed rulesets, such as OWASP and Cloudflare Managed. The system is based on models designed to identify variations of attack patterns and anomalies without the direct supervision of researchers or the end user.

As of today, we expose scores for two attack vectors: SQL injection and Cross Site Scripting. Users can create custom WAF/Firewall rules using three separate scores: a total score (cf.waf.ml.score), one for SQLi and one for XSS (cf.waf.ml.score.sqli, cf.waf.ml.score.xss, respectively). The scores can have values between 1 and 99, with 1 being definitely malicious and 99 being valid traffic.

Improving the WAF with Machine Learning

The model is then trained based on traffic classified by the existing WAF rules, and it works on a transformed version of the original request, making it easier to identify fingerprints of attacks.

For each request, the model scores each part of the request independently so that it’s possible to identify where malicious payloads were identified, for example, in the body of the request, the URI or headers.

Improving the WAF with Machine Learning

This looks easy on paper, but there are a number of challenges that Cloudflare engineers had to solve to get here. This includes how to build a reliable dataset, scalable data labeling, selecting the right model architecture, and the requirement for executing the categorization on every request processed by Cloudflare’s global network (i.e. 32 million times per seconds).

In the coming weeks, the Engineering team will publish a series of blog posts which will give a better understanding of how the solution works under the hood.

Looking forward

In the next months, we are going to release the new detection engine to customers and collect their feedback on its performance. Long term, we are planning to extend the detection engine to cover all attack vectors already identified by managed rules and use the attacks blocked by the machine learning model to further improve our managed rulesets.

Using Radar to Read Body Language

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/03/using-radar-to-read-body-language.html

Yet another method of surveillance:

Radar can detect you moving closer to a computer and entering its personal space. This might mean the computer can then choose to perform certain actions, like booting up the screen without requiring you to press a button. This kind of interaction already exists in current Google Nest smart displays, though instead of radar, Google employs ultrasonic sound waves to measure a person’s distance from the device. When a Nest Hub notices you’re moving closer, it highlights current reminders, calendar events, or other important notifications.

Proximity alone isn’t enough. What if you just ended up walking past the machine and looking in a different direction? To solve this, Soli can capture greater subtleties in movements and gestures, such as body orientation, the pathway you might be taking, and the direction your head is facing — ­aided by machine learning algorithms that further refine the data. All this rich radar information helps it better guess if you are indeed about to start an interaction with the device, and what the type of engagement might be.


The ATAP team chose to use radar because it’s one of the more privacy-friendly methods of gathering rich spatial data. (It also has really low latency, works in the dark, and external factors like sound or temperature don’t affect it.) Unlike a camera, radar doesn’t capture and store distinguishable images of your body, your face, or other means of identification. “It’s more like an advanced motion sensor,” Giusti says. Soli has a detectable range of around 9 feet­ — less than most cameras­ — but multiple gadgets in your home with the Soli sensor could effectively blanket your space and create an effective mesh network for tracking your whereabouts in a home.

“Privacy-friendly” is a relative term.

These technologies are coming. They’re going to be an essential part of the Internet of Things.

Bias in the machine: How can we address gender bias in AI?

Post Syndicated from Sue Sentance original https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/gender-bias-in-ai-machine-learning-biased-data/

At the Raspberry Pi Foundation, we’ve been thinking about questions relating to artificial intelligence (AI) education and data science education for several months now, inviting experts to share their perspectives in a series of very well-attended seminars. At the same time, we’ve been running a programme of research trials to find out what interventions in school might successfully improve gender balance in computing. We’re learning a lot, and one primary lesson is that these topics are not discrete: there are relationships between them.

We can’t talk about AI education — or computer science education more generally — without considering the context in which we deliver it, and the societal issues surrounding computing, AI, and data. For this International Women’s Day, I’m writing about the intersection of AI and gender, particularly with respect to gender bias in machine learning.

The quest for gender equality

Gender inequality is everywhere, and researchers, activists, and initiatives, and governments themselves, have struggled since the 1960s to tackle it. As women and girls around the world continue to suffer from discrimination, the United Nations has pledged, in its Sustainable Development Goals, to achieve gender equality and to empower all women and girls.

While progress has been made, new developments in technology may be threatening to undo this. As Susan Leahy, a machine learning researcher from the Insight Centre for Data Analytics, puts it:

Artificial intelligence is increasingly influencing the opinions and behaviour of people in everyday life. However, the over-representation of men in the design of these technologies could quietly undo decades of advances in gender equality.

Susan Leavy, 2018 [1]

Gender-biased data

In her 2019 award-winning book Invisible Women: Exploring Data Bias in a World Designed for Men [2], Caroline Ceriado Perez discusses the effects of gender-biased data. She describes, for example, how the designs of cities, workplaces, smartphones, and even crash test dummies are all based on data gathered from men. She also discusses that medical research has historically been conducted by men, on male bodies.

Looking at this problem from a different angle, researcher Mayra Buvinic and her colleagues highlight that in most countries of the world, there are no sources of data that capture the differences between male and female participation in civil society organisations, or in local advisory or decision making bodies [3]. A lack of data about girls and women will surely impact decision making negatively. 

Bias in machine learning

Machine learning (ML) is a type of artificial intelligence technology that relies on vast datasets for training. ML is currently being use in various systems for automated decision making. Bias in datasets for training ML models can be caused in several ways. For example, datasets can be biased because they are incomplete or skewed (as is the case in datasets which lack data about women). Another example is that datasets can be biased because of the use of incorrect labels by people who annotate the data. Annotating data is necessary for supervised learning, where machine learning models are trained to categorise data into categories decided upon by people (e.g. pineapples and mangoes).

A banana, a glass flask, and a potted plant on a white surface. Each object is surrounded by a white rectangular frame with a label identifying the object.
Max Gruber / Better Images of AI / Banana / Plant / Flask / CC-BY 4.0

In order for a machine learning model to categorise new data appropriately, it needs to be trained with data that is gathered from everyone, and is, in the case of supervised learning, annotated without bias. Failing to do this creates a biased ML model. Bias has been demonstrated in different types of AI systems that have been released as products. For example:

Facial recognition: AI researcher Joy Buolamwini discovered that existing AI facial recognition systems do not identify dark-skinned and female faces accurately. Her discovery, and her work to push for the first-ever piece of legislation in the USA to govern against bias in the algorithms that impact our lives, is narrated in the 2020 documentary Coded Bias

Natural language processing: Imagine an AI system that is tasked with filling in the missing word in “Man is to king as woman is to X” comes up with “queen”. But what if the system completes “Man is to software developer as woman is to X” with “secretary” or some other word that reflects stereotypical views of gender and careers? AI models called word embeddings learn by identifying patterns in huge collections of texts. In addition to the structural patterns of the text language, word embeddings learn human biases expressed in the texts. You can read more about this issue in this Brookings Institute report

Not noticing

There is much debate about the level of bias in systems using artificial intelligence, and some AI researchers worry that this will cause distrust in machine learning systems. Thus, some scientists are keen to emphasise the breadth of their training data across the genders. However, other researchers point out that despite all good intentions, gender disparities are so entrenched in society that we literally are not aware of all of them. White and male dominance in our society may be so unconsciously prevalent that we don’t notice all its effects.

Three women discuss something while looking at a laptop screen.

As sociologist Pierre Bourdieu famously asserted in 1977: “What is essential goes without saying because it comes without saying: the tradition is silent, not least about itself as a tradition.” [4]. This view holds that people’s experiences are deeply, or completely, shaped by social conventions, even those conventions that are biased. That means we cannot be sure we have accounted for all disparities when collecting data.

What is being done in the AI sector to address bias?

Developers and researchers of AI systems have been trying to establish rules for how to avoid bias in AI models. An example rule set is given in an article in the Harvard Business Review, which describes the fact that speech recognition systems originally performed poorly for female speakers as opposed to male ones, because systems analysed and modelled speech for taller speakers with longer vocal cords and lower-pitched voices (typically men).

A women looks at a computer screen.

The article recommends four ways for people who work in machine learning to try to avoid gender bias:

  • Ensure diversity in the training data (in the example from the article, including as many female audio samples as male ones)
  • Ensure that a diverse group of people labels the training data
  • Measure the accuracy of a ML model separately for different demographic categories to check whether the model is biased against some demographic categories
  • Establish techniques to encourage ML models towards unbiased results

What can everybody else do?

The above points can help people in the AI industry, which is of course important — but what about the rest of us? It’s important to raise awareness of the issues around gender data bias and AI lest we find out too late that we are reintroducing gender inequalities we have fought so hard to remove. Awareness is a good start, and some other suggestions, drawn out from others’ work in this area are:

Improve the gender balance in the AI workforce

Having more women in AI and data science, particularly in both technical and leadership roles, will help to reduce gender bias. A 2020 report by the World Economic Forum (WEF) on gender parity found that women account for only 26% of data and AI positions in the workforce. The WEF suggests five ways in which the AI workforce gender balance could be addressed:

  1. Support STEM education
  2. Showcase female AI trailblazers
  3. Mentor women for leadership roles
  4. Create equal opportunities
  5. Ensure a gender-equal reward system

Ensure the collection of and access to high-quality and up-to-date gender data

We need high-quality dataset on women and girls, with good coverage, including country coverage. Data needs to be comparable across countries in terms of concepts, definitions, and measures. Data should have both complexity and granularity, so it can be cross-tabulated and disaggregated, following the recommendations from the Data2x project on mapping gender data gaps.

A woman works at a multi-screen computer setup on a desk.

Educate young people about AI

At the Raspberry Pi Foundation we believe that introducing some of the potential (positive and negative) impacts of AI systems to young people through their school education may help to build awareness and understanding at a young age. The jury is out on what exactly to teach in AI education, and how to teach it. But we think educating young people about new and future technologies can help them to see AI-related work opportunities as being open to all, and to develop critical and ethical thinking.

Three teenage girls at a laptop

In our AI education seminars we heard a number of perspectives on this topic, and you can revisit the videos, presentation slides, and blog posts. We’ve also been curating a list of resources that can help to further AI education — although there is a long way to go until we understand this area fully. 

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic.


[1] Leavy, S. (2018). Gender bias in artificial intelligence: The need for diversity and gender theory in machine learning. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Gender Equality in Software Engineering, 14–16.

[2] Perez, C. C. (2019). Invisible Women: Exploring Data Bias in a World Designed for Men. Random House.

[3] Buvinic M., Levine R. (2016). Closing the gender data gap. Significance 13(2):34–37 

[4] Bourdieu, P. (1977). Outline of a Theory of Practice (No. 16). Cambridge University Press. (p.167)

The post Bias in the machine: How can we address gender bias in AI? appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Leveraging machine learning to find security vulnerabilities

Post Syndicated from Tiferet Gazit original https://github.blog/2022-02-17-leveraging-machine-learning-find-security-vulnerabilities/

GitHub code scanning now uses machine learning (ML) to alert developers to potential security vulnerabilities in their code.

If you want to set up your repositories to surface more alerts using our new ML technology, get started here. Read on for a behind-the-scenes peek into the ML framework powering this new technology!

Detecting vulnerable code

Code security vulnerabilities can allow malicious actors to manipulate software into behaving in unintended and harmful ways. The best way to prevent such attacks is to detect and fix vulnerable code before it can be exploited. GitHub’s code scanning capabilities leverage the CodeQL analysis engine to find security vulnerabilities in source code and surface alerts in pull requests – before the vulnerable code gets merged and released.

To detect vulnerabilities in a repository, the CodeQL engine first builds a database that encodes a special relational representation of the code. On that database we can then execute a series of CodeQL queries, each of which is designed to find a particular type of security problem.

Many vulnerabilities are caused by a single repeating pattern: untrusted user data is not sanitized and is subsequently accidentally used in an unsafe way. For example, SQL injection is caused by using untrusted user data in a SQL query, and cross-site scripting occurs as a result of untrusted user data being written to a web page. To detect situations in which unsafe user data ends up in a dangerous place, CodeQL queries encapsulate knowledge of a large number of potential sources of user data (for example, web frameworks), as well as potentially risky sinks (such as libraries for executing SQL queries). Members of the security community, alongside security experts at GitHub, continually expand and improve these queries to model additional common libraries and known patterns. Manual modeling, however, can be time-consuming, and there will always be a long tail of less-common libraries and private code that we won’t be able to model manually. This is where machine learning comes in.

We use examples surfaced by the manual models to train deep learning neural networks that can determine whether a code snippet comprises a potentially risky sink.

As a result, we can uncover security vulnerabilities even when they arise from the use of a library we have never seen before. For example, we can detect SQL injection vulnerabilities in the context of lesser-known or closed-source database abstraction libraries.

Screenshot of alerts with "experimental" label
ML-powered queries generate alerts that are marked with the “Experimental” label

Building a training set

We need to train ML models to recognize vulnerable code. While we have experimented some with unsupervised learning, unsurprisingly we found that supervised learning works better. But it comes at a cost! Asking code security experts to manually label millions of code snippets as safe or vulnerable is clearly untenable. So where do we get the data?

The manually written CodeQL queries already embody the expertise of the many security experts who wrote and refined them. We leverage these manual queries as ground-truth oracles, to label examples we then use to train our models. Each sink detected by such a query serves as a positive example in the training set. Since the vast majority of code snippets do not contain vulnerabilities, snippets not detected by the manual models can be regarded as negative examples. We make up for the inherent noise in this inferred labeling with volume. We extract tens of millions of snippets from over a hundred thousand public repositories, run the CodeQL queries on them, and label each as a positive or negative example for each query. This becomes the training set for a machine learning model that can classify code snippets as vulnerable or not.

Of course, we don’t want to train a model that will simply reproduce the manual modeling; we want to train a model that will predict new vulnerabilities that weren’t captured by manual modeling. In effect, we want the ML algorithm to improve on the current version of the manual query in much the same way that the current version improves on older, less-comprehensive versions. To see if we can do this, we actually construct all our training data from an older version of the query that detects fewer vulnerabilities. We then apply the trained model to new repositories it wasn’t trained on. We measure how well we recover the alerts detected by the latest manual query but missed by the older version of the query. This allows us to simulate the ability of a model trained with the current version of the query to recover alerts missed by this current manual model.

Features and modeling

Given a large training set of code snippets labeled as positive or negative examples for each query, we extract features for each snippet and train a deep learning model to classify new examples.

Rather than treating each code snippet simply as a string of words or characters and applying standard natural language processing (NLP) techniques naively to classify these strings, we leverage the power of CodeQL to access a wealth of information about the underlying source code. We use this information to produce a rich set of highly informative features for each code snippet.

One of the main advantages of deep learning models is their ability to combine information from a large set of features to create higher-level features and discover patterns that aren’t obvious to humans. In partnership with security and programming-language experts at GitHub, we use CodeQL to extract the information an expert might examine to inform a decision, such as the entire enclosing function body for a snippet that sits within a function, or the access path and API name. We don’t have to limit ourselves to features a human would find informative, however. We can include features whose usefulness is unknown, or features that can be useful in some instances but not all, such as the argument index for a code snippet that’s an argument to a function. Such features may contain patterns that aren’t apparent to humans, but that the neural network can detect. We therefore let the machine learning model decide whether or how to use all these features, and how to combine them to make the best decision for each snippet.

Slide with text: CodeQL: Deep logical analysis, Deductive reasoning Long chains of reasoning, Encodes knowledge from security experts ML: Pattern detection, Inductive reasoning, Fuses large volume of weak evidence, Encodes knowledge from empirical data.

Once we’ve extracted a rich set of potentially interesting features for each example, we tokenize and sub-tokenize them as is commonly done in NLP applications, with some modifications to capture characteristics specific to code syntax. We generate a vocabulary from the training data and feed lists of indices into the vocabulary into a fairly simple deep learning classifier, with a few layers of feature-by-feature processing followed by concatenation across features and a few layers of combined processing. The output is the probability that the current sample is a vulnerability for each query type.

Due to the scale of our offline data labeling, feature extraction, and training pipelines, we leverage cloud compute, including GPUs for model training. At inference time, however, no GPU is needed.

Inference on a repository

Once we have our trained machine learning model, we use it to classify new code snippets and detect likely vulnerabilities for each query. When ML-generated alerts are enabled by repository owners, CodeQL computes the source code features for the code snippets in that codebase and feeds them into the classifier model. The framework gets back the probability that a given code snippet represents a vulnerability, and uses this probability to surface likely new alerts.

Diagram showing how code snippets feed into CodeQL and the classifier model.

The full process runs on the same standard GitHub Action runners that are used by code scanning more generally, and it’s transparent to the user other than some increased runtime on large repositories. When the code scanning is complete, users can see the ML-generated alerts along with the alerts surfaced by the manual queries, with the “Experimental” label allowing them to filter ML-generated alerts in or out.

Does it work?

When evaluating ML-generated alerts, we consider only new alerts that were not flagged by the manual queries. True positives are the correct alerts that were missed by the manual queries; false positives are the incorrect new alerts generated by the ML model.

To measure metrics at scale, we use the experimental setup described above, in which the labels in the training set are determined using an older version of each manual query. We then test the model on repositories that were not included in the training set, and we measure its ability to recover the alerts detected by the current manual query but missed by the older one. Our metrics vary by query, but on average we measure a recall of approximately 80% with a precision of approximately 60%.

We’re currently extending ML-generated alerts to more JavaScript and Typescript security queries, as well as working to improve both their performance and their runtime. Our future plans include expansion to more programming languages, as well as generalizations that will allow us to capture even more vulnerabilities.

Run the “Experimental” queries if you want to uncover more potential security vulnerabilities in your codebase. The more the community engages with our alerts and provides feedback, the better we can make our algorithms, so please consider giving them a try!

Let’s Architect! Architecting for Machine Learning

Post Syndicated from Luca Mezzalira original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/architecting-for-machine-learning/

Though it seems like something out of a sci-fi movie, machine learning (ML) is part of our day-to-day lives. So often, in fact, that we may not always notice it. For example, social networks and mobile applications use ML to assess user patterns and interactions to deliver a more personalized experience.

However, AWS services provide many options for the integration of ML. In this post, we will show you some use cases that can enhance your platforms and integrate ML into your production systems.

Dynamic A/B testing for machine learning models with Amazon SageMaker MLOps projects

Performing A/B testing on production traffic to compare a new ML model with the old model is a recommended step after offline evaluation.

This blog post explains how A/B testing works and how it can be combined with multi-armed bandit testing to gradually send traffic to the more effective variants during the experiment. It will teach you how to build it with AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), architect your system for MLOps, and automate the deployment of the solutions for A/B testing.

This diagram shows the iterative process to analyze the performance of ML models in online and offline scenarios.

This diagram shows the iterative process to analyze the performance of ML models in online and offline scenarios

Enhance your machine learning development by using a modular architecture with Amazon SageMaker projects

Modularity is a key characteristic for modern applications. You can modularize code, infrastructure, and even architecture.

A modular architecture provides an architecture and framework that allows each development role to work on their own part of the system, and hide the complexity of integration, security, and environment configuration. This blog post provides an approach to building a modular ML workload that is easy to evolve and maintain across multiple teams.

A modular architecture allows you to easily assemble different parts of the system and replace them when needed

A modular architecture allows you to easily assemble different parts of the system and replace them when needed

Automate model retraining with Amazon SageMaker Pipelines when drift is detected

The accuracy of ML models can deteriorate over time because of model drift or concept drift. This is a common challenge when deploying your models to production. Have you ever experienced it? How would you architect a solution to address this challenge?

Without metrics and automated actions, maintaining ML models in production can be overwhelming. This blog post shows you how to design an MLOps pipeline for model monitoring to detect concept drift. You can then expand the solution to automatically launch a new training job after the drift was detected to learn from the new samples, update the model, and take into account the changes in the data distribution.

Concept drift happens when there is a shift in the distribution. In this case, the distribution of the newly collected data (in blue) starts differing from the baseline distribution (in green)

Concept drift happens when there is a shift in the distribution. In this case, the distribution of the newly collected data (in blue) starts differing from the baseline distribution (in green)

Architect and build the full machine learning lifecycle with AWS: An end-to-end Amazon SageMaker demo

Moving from experimentation to production forces teams to move fast and automate their operations. Adopting scalable solutions for MLOps is a fundamental step to successfully create production-oriented ML processes.

This blog post provides an extended walkthrough of the ML lifecycle and explains how to optimize the process using Amazon SageMaker. Starting from data ingestion and exploration, you will see how to train your models and deploy them for inference. Then, you’ll make your operations consistent and scalable by architecting automated pipelines. This post offers a fraud detection use case so you can see how all of this can be used to put ML in production.

The ML lifecycle involves three macro steps: data preparation, train and tuning, and deployment with continuous monitoring.

The ML lifecycle involves three macro steps: data preparation, train and tuning, and deployment with continuous monitoring

See you next time!

Thanks for reading! We’ll see you in a couple of weeks when we discuss how to secure your workloads in AWS.

Looking for more architecture content? AWS Architecture Center provides reference architecture diagrams, vetted architecture solutions, Well-Architected best practices, patterns, icons, and more!

Other posts in this series

The AI4K12 project: Big ideas for AI education

Post Syndicated from Sue Sentance original https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/ai-education-ai4k12-big-ideas-ai-thinking/

What is AI thinking? What concepts should we introduce to young people related to AI, including machine learning (ML), and data science? Should we teach with a glass-box or an opaque-box approach? These are the questions we’ve been grappling with since we started our online research seminar series on AI education at the Raspberry Pi Foundation, co-hosted with The Alan Turing Institute.

Over the past few months, we’d already heard from researchers from the UK, Germany, and Finland. This month we virtually travelled to the USA, to hear from Prof. Dave Touretzky (Carnegie Mellon University) and Prof. Fred G. Martin (University of Massachusetts Lowell), who have pioneered the influential AI4K12 project together with their colleagues Deborah Seehorn and Christina Gardner-McLure.

The AI4K12 project

The AI4K12 project focuses on teaching AI in K-12 in the US. The AI4K12 team have aligned their vision for AI education to the CSTA standards for computer science education. These Standards, published in 2017, describe what should be taught in US schools across the discipline of computer science, but they say very little about AI. This was the stimulus for starting the AI4K12 initiative in 2018. A number of members of the AI4K12 working group are practitioners in the classroom who’ve made a huge contribution in taking this project from ideas into the classroom.

Dave Touretzky presents the five big ideas of the AI4K12 project at our online research seminar.
Dave gave us an overview of the AI4K12 project (click to enlarge)

The project has a number of goals. One is to develop a curated resource directory for K-12 teachers, and another to create a community of K-12 resource developers. On the AI4K12.org website, you can find links to many resources and sign up for their mailing list. I’ve been subscribed to this list for a while now, and fascinating discussions and resources have been shared. 

Five Big Ideas of AI4K12

If you’ve heard of AI4K12 before, it’s probably because of the Five Big Ideas the team has set out to encompass the AI field from the perspective of school-aged children. These ideas are: 

  1. Perception — the idea that computers perceive the world through sensing
  2. Representation and reasoning — the idea that agents maintain representations of the world and use them for reasoning
  3. Learning — the idea that computers can learn from data
  4. Natural interaction — the idea that intelligent agents require many types of knowledge to interact naturally with humans
  5. Societal impact — the idea that artificial intelligence can impact society in both positive and negative ways

Sometimes we hear concerns that resources being developed to teach AI concepts to young people are narrowly focused on machine learning, particularly supervised learning for classification. It’s clear from the AI4K12 Five Big Ideas that the team’s definition of the AI field encompasses much more than one area of ML. Despite being developed for a US audience, I believe the description laid out in these five ideas is immensely useful to all educators, researchers, and policymakers around the world who are interested in AI education.

Fred Martin presents one of the five big ideas of the AI4K12 project at our online research seminar.
Fred explained how ‘representation and reasoning’ is a big idea in the AI field (click to enlarge)

During the seminar, Dave and Fred shared some great practical examples. Fred explained how the big ideas translate into learning outcomes at each of the four age groups (ages 5–8, 9–11, 12–14, 15–18). You can find out more about their examples in their presentation slides or the seminar recording (see below). 

I was struck by how much the AI4K12 team has thought about progression — what you learn when, and in which sequence — which we do really need to understand well before we can start to teach AI in any formal way. For example, looking at how we might teach visual perception to young people, children might start when very young by using a tool such as Teachable Machine to understand that they can teach a computer to recognise what they want it to see, then move on to building an application using Scratch plugins or Calypso, and then to learning the different levels of visual structure and understanding the abstraction pipeline — the hierarchy of increasingly abstract things. Talking about visual perception, Fred used the example of self-driving cars and how they represent images.

A diagram of the levels of visual structure.
Fred used this slide to describe how young people might learn abstracted elements of visual structure

AI education with an age-appropriate, glass-box approach

Dave and Fred support teaching AI to children using a glass-box approach. By ‘glass-box approach’ we mean that we should give students information about how AI systems work, and show the inner workings, so to speak. The opposite would be a ‘opaque-box approach’, by which we mean showing students an AI system’s inputs and the outputs only to demonstrate what AI is capable of, without trying to teach any technical detail.

AI4K12 advice for educators supporting K-12 students: 1. Use transparent AI demonstrations. 2. Help students build mental models. 3. Encourage students to build AI applications.
AI4K12 teacher guidelines for AI education

Our speakers are keen for learners to understand, at an age-appropriate level, what is going on “inside” an AI system, not just what the system can do. They believe it’s important for young people to build mental models of how AI systems work, and that when the young people get older, they should be able to use their increasing knowledge and skills to develop their own AI applications. This aligns with the views of some of our previous seminar speakers, including Finnish researchers Matti Tedre and Henriikka Vartiainen, who presented at our seminar series in November

What is AI thinking?

Dave addressed the question of what AI thinking looks like in school. His approach was to start with computational thinking (he used the example of the Barefoot project’s description of computational thinking as a starting point) and describe AI thinking as an extension that includes the following skills:

  • Perception 
  • Reasoning
  • Representation
  • Machine learning
  • Language understanding
  • Autonomous robots

Dave described AI thinking as furthering the ideas of abstraction and algorithmic thinking commonly associated with computational thinking, stating that in the case of AI, computation actually is thinking. My own view is that to fully define AI thinking, we need to dig a bit deeper into, for example, what is involved in developing an understanding of perception and representation.

An image demonstrating that AI systems for object recognition may not distinguish between a real banana on a desk and the photo of a banana on a laptop screen.
Image: Max Gruber / Better Images of AI / Ceci n’est pas une banane / CC-BY 4.0

Thinking back to Matti Tedre and Henriikka Vartainen’s description of CT 2.0, which focuses only on the ‘Learning’ aspect of the AI4K12 Five Big Ideas, and on the distinct ways of thinking underlying data-driven programming and traditional programming, we can see some differences between how the two groups of researchers describe the thinking skills young people need in order to understand and develop AI systems. Tedre and Vartainen are working on a more finely granular description of ML thinking, which has the potential to impact the way we teach ML in school.

There is also another description of AI thinking. Back in 2020, Juan David Rodríguez García presented his system LearningML at one of our seminars. Juan David drew on a paper by Brummelen, Shen, and Patton, who extended Brennan and Resnick’s CT framework of concepts, practices, and perspectives, to include concepts such as classification, prediction, and generation, together with practices such as training, validating, and testing.

What I take from this is that there is much still to research and discuss in this area! It’s a real privilege to be able to hear from experts in the field and compare and contrast different standpoints and views.

Resources for AI education

The AI4K12 project has already made a massive contribution to the field of AI education, and we were delighted to hear that Dave, Fred, and their colleagues have just been awarded the AAAI/EAAI Outstanding Educator Award for 2022 for AI4K12.org. An amazing achievement! Particularly useful about this website is that it links to many resources, and that the Five Big Ideas give a framework for these resources.

Through our seminars series, we are developing our own list of AI education resources shared by seminar speakers or attendees, or developed by us. Please do take a look.

Join our next seminar

Through these seminars, we’re learning a lot about AI education and what it might look like in school, and we’re having great discussions during the Q&A section.

On Tues 1 February at 17:00–18:30 GMT, we’ll hear from Tara Chklovski, who will talk about AI education in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals. To participate, click the button below to sign up, and we will send you information about joining. I really hope you’ll be there for this seminar!

The schedule of our upcoming seminars is online. You can also (re)visit past seminars and recordings on the blog.

The post The AI4K12 project: Big ideas for AI education appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Being Naughty to See Who Was Nice: Machine Learning Attacks on Santa’s List

Post Syndicated from Erick Galinkin original https://blog.rapid7.com/2022/01/14/being-naughty-to-see-who-was-nice-machine-learning-attacks-on-santas-list/

Being Naughty to See Who Was Nice: Machine Learning Attacks on Santa’s List

Editor’s note: We had planned to publish our Hacky Holidays blog series throughout December 2021 – but then Log4Shell happened, and we dropped everything to focus on this major vulnerability that impacted the entire cybersecurity community worldwide. Now that it’s 2022, we’re feeling in need of some holiday cheer, and we hope you’re still in the spirit of the season, too. Throughout January, we’ll be publishing Hacky Holidays content (with a few tweaks, of course) to give the new year a festive start. So, grab an eggnog latte, line up the carols on Spotify, and let’s pick up where we left off.

Santa’s task of making the nice and naughty list has gotten a lot harder over time. According to estimates, there are around 2.2 billion children in the world. That’s a lot of children to make a list of, much less check it twice! So like many organizations with big data problems, Santa has turned to machine learning to help him solve the issue and built a classifier using historical naughty and nice lists. This makes it easy to let the algorithm decide whether they’ll be getting the gifts they’ve asked for or a lump of coal.

Being Naughty to See Who Was Nice: Machine Learning Attacks on Santa’s List

Santa’s lists have long been a jealously guarded secret. After all, being on the naughty list can turn one into a social pariah. Thus, Santa has very carefully protected his training data — it’s locked up tight. Santa has, however, made his model’s API available to anyone who wants it. That way, a parent can check whether their child is on the nice or naughty list.

Santa, being a just and equitable person, has already asked his data elves to tackle issues of algorithmic bias. Unfortunately, these data elves have overlooked some issues in machine learning security. Specifically, the issues of membership inference and model inversion.

Membership inference attacks

Membership inference is a class of machine learning attacks that allows a naughty attacker to query a model and ask, in effect, “Was this example in your training data?” Using the techniques of Salem et al. or a tool like PrivacyRaven, an attacker can train a model that figures out whether or not a model has seen an example before.

Being Naughty to See Who Was Nice: Machine Learning Attacks on Santa’s List

From a technical perspective, we know that there is some amount of memorization in models, and so when they make their predictions, they are more likely to be confident on items that they have seen before — in some ways, “memorizing” examples that have already been seen. We can then create a dataset for our “shadow” model — a model that approximates Santa’s nice/naughty system, trained on data that we’ve collected and labeled ourselves.

We can then take the training data and label the outputs of this model with a “True” value — it was in the training dataset. Then, we can run some additional data through the model for inference and collect the outputs and label it with a “False” value — it was not in the training dataset. It doesn’t matter if these in-training and out-of-training data points are nice or naughty — just that we know if they were in the “shadow” training dataset or not. Using this “shadow” dataset, we train a simple model to answer the yes or no question: “Was this in the training data?” Then, we can turn our naughty algorithm against Santa’s model — “Dear Santa, was this in your training dataset?” This lets us take real inputs to Santa’s model and find out if the model was trained on that data — effectively letting us de-anonymize the historical nice and naughty lists!

Model inversion

Now being able to take some inputs and de-anonymize them is fun, but what if we could get the model to just tell us all its secrets? That’s where model inversion comes in! Fredrikson et al. proposed model inversion in 2015 and really opened up the realm of possibilities for extracting data from models. Model inversion seeks to take a model and, as the name implies, turn the output we can see into the training inputs. Today, extracting data from models has been done at scale by the likes of Carlini et al., who have managed to extract data from large language models like GPT-2.

Being Naughty to See Who Was Nice: Machine Learning Attacks on Santa’s List

In model inversion, we aim to extract memorized training data from the model. This is easier with generative models than with classifiers, but a classifier can be used as part of a larger model called a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). We then sample the generator, requesting text or images from the model. Then, we use the membership inference attack mentioned above to identify outputs that are more likely to belong to the training set. We can iterate this process over and over to generate progressively more training set-like outputs. In time, this will provide us with memorized training data.

Note that model inversion is a much heavier lift than membership inference and can’t be done against all models all the time — but for models like Santa’s, where the training data is so sensitive, it’s worth considering how much we might expose! To date, model inversion has only been conducted in lab settings on models for text generation and image classification, so whether or not it could work on a binary classifier like Santa’s list remains an open question.

Mitigating model mayhem

Now, if you’re on the other side of this equation and want to help Santa secure his models, there are a few things we can do. First and foremost, we want to log, log, log! In order to carry out the attacks, the model — or a very good approximation — needs to be available to the attacker. If you see a suspicious number of queries, you can filter IP addresses or rate limit. Additionally, limiting the return values to merely “naughty” or “nice” instead of returning the probabilities can make both attacks more difficult.

For extremely sensitive applications, the use of differential privacy or optimizing with DPSGD can also make it much more difficult for attackers to carry out their attacks, but be aware that these techniques come with some accuracy loss. As a result, you may end up with some nice children on the naughty list and a naughty hacker on your nice list.

Santa making his list into a model will save him a whole lot of time, but if he’s not careful about how the model can be queried, it could also lead to some less-than-jolly times for his data. Membership inference and model inversion are two types of privacy-related attacks that models like this may be susceptible to. As a best practice, Santa should:

  • Log information about queries like:
    • IP address
    • Input value
    • Output value
    • Time
  • Consider differentially private model training
  • Limit API access
  • Limit the information returned from the model to label-only


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What’s new in Zabbix 6.0 LTS by Artūrs Lontons / Zabbix Summit Online 2021

Post Syndicated from Arturs Lontons original https://blog.zabbix.com/whats-new-in-zabbix-6-0-lts-by-arturs-lontons-zabbix-summit-online-2021/17761/

Zabbix 6.0 LTS comes packed with many new enterprise-level features and improvements. Join Artūrs Lontons and take a look at some of the major features that will be available with the release of Zabbix 6.0 LTS.

The full recording of the speech is available on the official Zabbix Youtube channel.

If we look at the Zabbix roadmap and Zabbix 6.0 LTS release in particular, we can see that one of the main focuses of Zabbix development is releasing features that solve many complex enterprise-grade problems and use cases. Zabbix 6.0 LTS aims to:

  • Solve enterprise-level security and redundancy requirements
  • Improve performance for large Zabbix instances
  • Provide additional value to different types of Zabbix users – DevOPS and ITOps teams, Business process owner, Managers
  • Continue to extend Zabbix monitoring and data collection capabilities
  • Provide continued delivery of official integrations with 3rd party systems

Let’s take a look at the specific Zabbix 6.0 LTS features that can guide us towards achieving these goals.

Zabbix server High Availability cluster

With the release of Zabbix 6.0 LTS, Zabbix administrators will now have the ability to deploy Zabbix server HA cluster out-of-the-box. No additional tools are required to achieve this.

Zabbix server HA cluster supports an unlimited number of Zabbix server nodes. All nodes will use the same database backend – this is where the status of all nodes will be stored in the ha_node table. Nodes will report their status every 5 seconds by updating the corresponding record in the ha_node table.

To enable High availability, you will first have to define a new parameter in the Zabbix server configuration file: HANodeName

  • Empty by default
  • This parameter should contain an arbitrary name of the HA node
  • Providing value to this parameter will enable Zabbix server cluster mode

Standby nodes monitor the last access time of the active node from the ha_node table.

  • If the difference between last access time and current time reaches the failover delay, the cluster fails over to the standby node
  • Failover operation is logged in the Zabbix server log

It is possible to define a custom failover delay – a time window after which an unreachable active node is considered lost and failover to one of the standby nodes takes place.

As for the Zabbix proxies, the Server parameter in the Zabbix proxy configuration file now supports multiple addresses separated by a semicolon. The proxy will attempt to connect to each of the nodes until it succeeds.

Other HA cluster related features:

  • New command-line options to check HA cluster status
  • hanode.get API method to obtain the list of HA nodes
  • The new internal check provides LLD information to discover Zabbix server HA nodes
  • HA Failover event logged in the Zabbix Audit log
  • Zabbix Frontend will automatically switch to the active Zabbix server node

You can find a more detailed look at the Zabbix Server HA cluster feature in the Zabbix Summit Online 2021 speech dedicated to the topic.

Business service monitoring

The Services section has received a complete redesign in Zabbix 6.0 LTS. Business Service Monitoring (BSM) enables Zabbix administrators to define services of varying complexity and monitor their status.

BSM provides added value in a multitude of use cases, where we wish to define and monitor services based on:

  • Server clusters
  • Services that utilize load balancing
  • Services that consist of a complex IT stack
  • Systems with redundant components in place
  • And more

Business Service monitoring has been designed with scalability in mind. Zabbix is capable of monitoring over 100k services on a single Zabbix instance.

For our Business Service example, we used a website, which depends on multiple components such as the network connection, DB backend, Application server, and more. We can see that the service status calculation is done by utilizing tags and deciding if the existing problems will affect the service based on the problem tags.

In Zabbix 6.0 LTS there are many ways how service status calculations can be performed. In case of a problem, the service state can be changed to:

  • The most critical problem severity, based on the child service problem severities
  • The most critical problem severity, based on the child service problem severities, only if all child services are in a problem state
  • The service is set to constantly be in an OK state

Changing the service status to a specific problem severity if:

  • At least N or N% of child services have a specific status
  • Define service weights and calculate the service status based on the service weights

There are many other additional features, all of which are covered in our Zabbix Summit Online 2021 speech dedicated to Business Service monitoring:

  • Ability to define permissions on specific services
  • SLA monitoring
  • Business Service root cause analysis
  • Receive alerts and react on Business Service status change
  • Define Business Service permissions for multi-tenant environments

New Audit log schema

The existing audit log has been redesigned from scratch and now supports detailed logging for both Zabbix server and Zabbix frontend operations:

  • Zabbix 6.0 LTS introduces a new database structure for the Audit log
  • Collision resistant IDs (CUID) will be used for ID generation to prevent audit log row locks
  • Audit log records will be added in bulk SQL requests
  • Introducing Recordset ID column. This will help users recognize which changes have been made in a particular operation

The goal of the Zabbix 6.0 LTS audit log redesign is to provide reliable and detailed audit logging while minimizing the potential performance impact on large Zabbix instances:

  • Detailed logging of both Zabbix frontend and Zabbix server records
  • Designed with minimal performance impact in mind
  • Accessible via Zabbix API

Implementing the new audit log schema is an ongoing effort – further improvements will be done throughout the Zabbix update life cycle.

Machine learning

New trend functions have been added which utilize machine learning to perform anomaly detection and baseline monitoring:

  • New trend function – trendstl, allows you to detect anomalous metric behavior
  • New trend function – baselinewma, returns baseline by averaging data periods in seasons
  • New trend function – baselinedev, returns the number of standard deviations

An in-depth look into Machine learning in Zabbix 6.0 LTS is covered in our Zabbix Summit Online 2021 speech dedicated to machine learning, anomaly detection, and baseline monitoring.

New ways to visualize your data

Collecting and processing metrics is just a part of the monitoring equation. Visualization and the ability to display our infrastructure status in a single pane of glass are also vital to large environments. Zabbix 6.0 LTS adds multiple new visualization options while also improving the existing features.

  • The data table widget allows you to create a summary view for the related metric status on your hosts
  • The Top N and Bottom N functions of the data table widget allow you to have an overview of your highest or lowest item values
  • The single item widget allows you to display values for a single metric
  • Improvements to the existing vector graphs such as the ability to reference individual items and more
  • The SLA report widget displays the current SLA for services filtered by service tags

We are proud to announce that Zabbix 6.0 LTS will provide a native Geomap widget. Now you can take a look at the current status of your IT infrastructure on a geographic map:

  • The host coordinates are provided in the host inventory fields
  • Users will be able to filter the map by host groups and tags
  • Depending on the map zoom level – the hosts will be grouped into a single object
  • Support of multiple Geomap providers, such as OpenStreetMap, OpenTopoMap, Stamen Terrain, USGS US Topo, and others

Zabbix agent – improvements and new items

Zabbix agent and Zabbix agent 2 have also received some improvements. From new items to improved usability – both Zabbix agents are now more flexible than ever. The improvements include such features as:

  • New items to obtain additional file information such as file owner and file permissions
  • New item which can collect agent host metadata as a metric
  • New item with which you can count matching TCP/UDP sockets
  • It is now possible to natively monitor your SSL/TLS certificates with a new Zabbix agent2 item. The item can be used to validate a TLS/SSL certificate and provide you additional certificate details
  • User parameters can now be reloaded without having to restart the Zabbix agent

In addition, a major improvement to introducing new Zabbix agent 2 plugins has been made. Zabbix agent 2 now supports loading stand-alone plugins without having to recompile the Zabbix agent 2.

Custom Zabbix password complexity requirements

One of the main improvements to Zabbix security is the ability to define flexible password complexity requirements. Zabbix Super admins can now define the following password complexity requirements:

  • Set the minimum password length
  • Define password character requirements
  • Mitigate the risk of a dictionary attack by prohibiting the usage of the most common password strings

UI/UX improvements

Improving and simplifying the existing workflows is always a priority for every major Zabbix release. In Zabbix 6.0 LTS we’ve added many seemingly simple improvements, that have major impacts related to the “feel” of the product and can make your day-to-day workflows even smoother:

  • It is now possible to create hosts directly from MonitoringHosts
  • Removed MonitoringOverview section. For improved user experience, the trigger and data overview functionality can now be accessed only via dashboard widgets.
  • The default type of information for items will now be selected automatically depending on the item key.
  • The simple macros in map labels and graph names have been replaced with expression macros to ensure consistency with the new trigger expression syntax

New templates and integrations

Adding new official templates and integrations is an ongoing process and Zabbix 6.0 LTS is no exception here’s a preview for some of the new templates and integrations that you can expect in Zabbix 6.0 LTS:

  • f5 BIG-IP
  • Cisco ASAv
  • HPE ProLiant servers
  • Cloudflare
  • InfluxDB
  • Travis CI
  • Dell PowerEdge

Zabbix 6.0 also brings a new GitHub webhook integration which allows you to generate GitHub issues based on Zabbix events!

Other changes and improvements

But that’s not all! There are more features and improvements that await you in Zabbix 6.0 LTS. From overall performance improvements on specific Zabbix components, to brand new history functions and command-line tool parameters:

  • Detect continuous increase or decrease of values with new monotonic history functions
  • Added utf8mb4 as a supported MySQL character set and collation
  • Added the support of additional HTTP methods for webhooks
  • Timeout settings for Zabbix command-line tools
  • Performance improvements for Zabbix Server, Frontend, and Proxy

Questions and answers

Q: How can you configure geographical maps? Are they similar to regular maps?

A: Geomaps can be used as a Dashboard widget. First, you have to select a Geomap provider in the Administration – General – Geographical maps section. You can either use the pre-defined Geomap providers or define a custom one. Then, you need to make sure that the Location latitude and Location longitude fields are configured in the Inventory section of the hosts which you wish to display on your map. Once that is done, simply deploy a new Geomap widget, filter the required hosts and you’re all set. Geomaps are currently available in the latest alpha release, so you can get some hands-on experience right now.

Q: Any specific performance improvements that we can discuss at this point for Zabbix 6.0 LTS?

A: There have been quite a few. From the frontend side – we have improved the underlying queries that are related to linking new templates, therefore the template linkage performance has increased. This will be very noticeable in large instances, especially when linking or unlinking many templates in a single go.
There have also been improvements to Server – Proxy communication. Specifically – the logic of how proxy frees up uncompressed data. We’ve also introduced improvements on the DB backend side of things – from general improvements to existing queries/logic, to the introduction of primary keys for history tables, which we are still extensively testing at this point.

Q: Will you still be able to change the type of information manually, in case you have some advanced preprocessing rules?

A: In Zabbix 6.0 LTS Zabbix will try and automatically pick the corresponding type of information for your item. This is a great UX improvement since you don’t have to refer to the documentation every time you are defining a new item. And, yes, you will still be able to change the type of information manually – either because of preprocessing rules or if you’re simply doing some troubleshooting.

Zabbix 6.0 LTS – The next great leap in monitoring by Alexei Vladishev / Zabbix Summit Online 2021

Post Syndicated from Alexei Vladishev original https://blog.zabbix.com/zabbix-6-0-lts-the-next-great-leap-in-monitoring-by-alexei-vladishev-zabbix-summit-online-2021/17683/

The Zabbix Summit Online 2021 keynote speech by Zabbix founder and CEO Alexei Vladishev focuses on the role of Zabbix in modern, dynamic IT infrastructures. The keynote speech also highlights the major milestones leading up to Zabbix 6.0 LTS and together we take a look at the future of Zabbix.

The full recording of the speech is available on the official Zabbix Youtube channel.

Digital transformation journey
Infrastructure monitoring challenges
Zabbix – Universal Open Source enterprise-level monitoring solution
Deploy Anywhere
Monitor Anything
Monitoring of Kubernetes and Hybrid Clouds
Data collection and Aggregation
Security on all levels
Powerful Solution for MSPs
Scalability and High Availability
Machine learning and Statistical analysis
More value to users
New visualization capabilities
IoT monitoring
Infrastructure as a code
Tags for classification
What’s next?
Advanced event correlation engine
Multi DC Monitoring
Zabbix Release Schedule
Zabbix Roadmap

Digital transformation journey

First, let’s talk about how Zabbix plays a role as a part of the Digital Transformation journey for many companies.

As IT infrastructures evolve, there are many ongoing challenges. Most larger companies for example have a set of legacy systems that require to be integrated with more modern systems. This results in a mix of legacy and new technologies and protocols. This means that most management and monitoring tools need to support all of these technologies – Zabbix is no exception here.

Hybrid clouds, containers, and container orchestration systems such as K8S and OpenShift have also played an immense part in the digital transformation of enterprises. It has been a very major paradigm shift – from physical machines to virtual machines, to containers and hybrid parts. We certainly must provide the required set of technologies to monitor such environments and the monitoring endpoints unique to them.

The rapid increase in the complexity of IT infrastructures caused by the two previous points requires our tools to be a lot more scalable than before. We have many more moving parts, likely located in different locations that we need to stay aware of. This also means that any downtime is not acceptable – this is why the high availability of our tools is also vital to us.

Let’s not forget that with increased complexity, many new potential security attack vectors arise and our tools need to support features that can help us with minimizing the security risks.

But making our infrastructures more agile usually comes at a very real financial cost. We must not forget that most of the time we are working with a dedicated budget for our tools and procedures.

Infrastructure monitoring challenges

The increase in the complexity of IT infrastructures also poses multiple monitoring challenges that we have to strive to overcome:

  • Requirements for scalability and high availability for our tools
    • The growing number of devices and networks as well as the increased complexity of IT infrastructures
  • Increasingly complex infrastructures often force us to utilize multiple tools to obtain the required metrics
    • This leads to a requirement for a single pane of glass to enable centralized monitoring
  • Collecting values is often not enough – we need to be able to leverage the collected data to gain the most value out of it
  • We need a solution that can deliver centralized visualization and reporting based on the obtained data
  • Our tools need to be hand-picked so that they can deliver the best ROI in an already complex infrastructure

Zabbix – Universal Open Source enterprise-level monitoring solution

Zabbix is a Universal free and Open Source enterprise-level monitoring solution. The tool comes at absolutely no cost and is available for everyone to try out and use. Zabbix provides the monitoring of modern IT infrastructures on multiple levels.

Universal is the term that we are focusing on. Given the open-source nature of the product, Zabbix can be used in infrastructures of different sizes – from small and medium organizations to large, globe-spanning enterprises. Zabbix is also capable of delivering monitoring of the whole IT stack – from hardware and network monitoring to high-level monitoring such as Business Service monitoring and more.


Zabbix delivers a large set of enterprise-grade features at no cost! Features such as 2FA, Single sign-on solutions, no restrictions when it comes to data collection methods, number of monitored devices and services, or database size.

  • Exceptionally low total cost of ownership
    • Free and Open Source solution with quality and security in mind
    • Backed by reliable vendors, a global partner network, and commercial services, such as the 24/7 support
    • No limitations regarding how you use the software
    • Free and readily available documentation, HOWTOs, community resources, videos, and more.
    • Zabbix engineers are easy to find and hire for your organization
    • Cost is fully under your control – Zabbix Commercial services are under fixed-price agreements

Deploy Anywhere

Our users always have the choice of where and how they wish to deploy Zabbix. With official packages for the most popular operating systems such as RHEL, Oracle Linux, Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi OS, and more. With official Helm charts, you can quickly also deploy Zabbix in a Kubernetes cluster or in your OpenShift instance. We also provide official Docker container images with pre-installed Zabbix components that you can deploy in your environment.

We also provide one-click deployment options for multiple cloud service providers, such as Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Openstack, and many other cloud service providers.

Monitor Anything

With Zabbix, you can monitor anything – from legacy solutions to modern systems. With a large selection of official solutions and substantial community backing our users can be sure that they can find a suitable approach to monitor their IT infrastructure components. There are hundreds of ready-to-use monitoring solutions by Zabbix.

Whenever you deploy a new IT solution in your enterprise, you will want to tie it together with the existing toolset. Zabbix provides many out of the box integrations for the most popular ticketing and alerting systems

Recently we have introduced advanced search capabilities for the Zabbix integrations page, which allows you to quickly lookup the integrations that currently exist on the market. If you visit the Zabbix integrations page and look up a specific vendor or tool, you will see a list of both the official solutions supported by Zabbix and also a long list of community solutions backed by our users, partners, and customers.

Monitoring of Kubernetes and Hybrid Clouds

Nowadays many existing companies are considering migrating their existing infrastructure to either solutions such as Kubernetes or OpenShift, or utilizing cloud service providers such as Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure.

I am proud to announce, that with the release of Zabbix 6.0 LTS, Zabbix will officially support out-of-the-box monitoring of OpenShfit and Kubernetes clusters.

Data collection and Aggregation

Let’s cover a few recent features that improve the out-of-the-box flexibility of Zabbix by a large margin.

Synthetic monitoring is a feature that was introduced a year ago in Zabbix version 5.2 and it has already become quite popular with our user base. The feature enables monitoring of different devices and solutions over the HTTP protocol. By using synthetic monitoring Zabbix can connect to your HTTP endpoints, such as cloud APIs, Kubernetes, and OpenShift APIs, and other HTTP endpoints, collect the metrics and then process them to extract the required information. Synthetic monitoring is extremely transparent and flexible – it can be fine-tuned to communicate with any HTTP endpoints.

Another major feature introduced in Zabbix 5.4 is the new trigger syntax. This enables our users to define much more flexible trigger expressions, supporting many new problem detection use cases. In addition, we can use this syntax to perform flexible data aggregation operations. For example, now we can aggregate data filtered by wildcards, tags, and host groups, instead of specifying individual items. This is extremely valuable for monitoring complex infrastructures, such as Kubernetes or cloud environments. At the same time, the new syntax is a lot more simple to learn and understand when compared to the old trigger syntax.

Security on all levels

Many companies are concerned about security and data protection when it comes to the tools that they are using in their day-to-day tasks. I’m happy to tell you that Zabbix follows the highest security standards when it comes to the development and usage of the product.

Zabbix is secure by design. In the diagram below you can see all of the Zabbix components, all of which are interconnected, like Zabbix Agent, Server, Proxy, Database, and Frontend. All of the communication between different Zabbix components can be encrypted by using strong encryption protocols like TLS.

If you’re using Zabbix Agent, the agent does not require root privileges. You can run Zabbix Agent under a normal user with all of the necessary user level restrictions in place. Zabbix agent can also be restricted with metric allow and deny lists, so it has access only to the metrics which are permitted for collection by your company policies.

The connections between the Zabbix database backend and the Zabbix Frontend and Zabbix Server also support encryption as of version 5.0 LTS.

As for the frontend component – users can add an additional security layer for their Zabbix frontends by configuring 2FA and SSO logins. Zabbix 6.0 LTS also introduces flexible login password complexity requirements, which can reduce the security breach risk if your frontend is exposed to the internet. To ensure that Zabbix meets the highest standards of the company security compliance, the new Audit log, introduced in Zabbix 6.0 LTS, is capable of logging all of the Zabbix Frontend and Zabbix Server operations.

For an additional security layer – sensitive information like Usernames, Passwords, API keys can be stored in an external vault. Currently, Zabbix supports secret storage in the HashiCorp Vault. Support for the CyberArk vault will be added in the Zabbix 6.2 release.

Another Zabbix feature – the Zabbix API, is often used for the automation of day-to-day configuration workflows, as well as custom integrations and data migration tasks. Zabbix 5.4 added the ability to create API tokens for particular frontend users with pre-defined token expiration dates.

In Zabbix 5.2 we added another layer for the Zabbix Frontend user permissions – User Roles. Now it is possible to define granular user roles with different types of rights and privileges, assigned to specific types of users in your organization. With User Roles, we can define which parts of the Zabbix UI the specific user role has access to and which UI actions the members of this role can perform. This can be combined with API method restrictions which can also be defined for a particular role.

Powerful Solution for MSPs

When we combine all of these features, we can see how Zabbix becomes a powerful solution for MSP customers. MSPs can use Zabbix as an added value service. This way they can provide a monitoring service for their customers and get additional revenue out of it. It is possible to build a customer portal which is a combination of User Roles for read-only access to dashboards and customized UI, rebranding option – which was just introduced in Zabbix 6.0 LTS, and a combination of SLA reporting together with scheduled PDF reports, so the customers can receive reports on a weekly, daily or monthly basis.

Scalability and High Availability

With a growing number of devices and ever-increasing network complexity, Scalability and High availability are extremely important requirements.

Zabbix provides Load balancing options for Zabbix UI and Zabbix API. In order to scale the Zabbix Frontend and Zabbix API, we can simply deploy additional Zabbix Frontend nodes, thus introducing redundancy and high availability.

Zabbix 6.0 LTS comes with out-of-the-box support for the Zabbix Server High Availability cluster. If one of the Zabbix Server nodes goes down, Zabbix will automatically switch to one of the standby nodes. And the best thing about the Zabbix Server High Availability cluster – it takes only 5 minutes to get it up and running. the HA cluster is very easy to configure and use.

One of the features in our future roadmap is introducing support for the History API to work with different time-series DB backends for extra efficiency and scalability. Another feature that we would like to implement in the future is load balancing for Zabbix Servers and Zabbix Proxies. Combining all of these features would truly make Zabbix a cloud-native application with unlimited horizontal scalability.

Machine learning and Statistical analysis

Defining static trigger thresholds is a relatively simple task, but it doesn’t scale too well in dynamic environments. With Machine Learning and Statistical Analysis, we can analyze our data trends and perform anomaly detection. This has been greatly extended in Zabbix 6.0 LTS with Anomaly Detection and Baseline Monitoring functionality.

Zabbix 6.0 Adds an extended set of functions for trend analysis and trend prediction. These support multiple flexible parameters, such as the ability to define seasonality for your data analysis. This is another way how to get additional insights out of the data collected by Zabbix

More value to users

When I think about the direction that Zabbix is headed in, and look at the Zabbix roadmap, one of the main questions I ask is “How can we deliver more value to our enterprise users?”

In Zabbix 6.0 LTS we made some major steps to make Zabbix fit not only for infrastructure monitoring but also fit for Business Service monitoring – the monitoring of services that we provide for our end-users or internal company users. Zabbix 6.0 LTS comes with complex service level object definitions, real-time SLA reporting, multi-tenancy options, Business Service alerting options, and root cause and Impact analysis.

New visualization capabilities

It is important to present the collected data in a human-readable way. That’s why we invest a lot of time and effort in order to improve the native visualization capabilities. In Zabbix 6.0 LTS we have introduced Geographical Maps together with additional widgets for TOP N reporting and templated and multi-page dashboards.

The introduction of reports in Zabbix 5.2 allowed our users to leverage their Zabbix Dashboards to generate scheduled PDF reports with respect to user permissions. Our users can generate daily, weekly, monthly or yearly reports and send them to their infrastructure administrators or customers.

IoT monitoring

With the introduction of support for Modbus and MQTT protocols, Zabbix can be used to monitor IoT devices and obtain environmental information from different sensors such as temperature, humidity, and more. In addition, Zabbix can now be used to monitor factory equipment, building management systems, IoT gateways, and more.

Infrastructure as a code

With IT infrastructures growing in scale, automation is more important than ever. For this reason, many companies prefer preserving and deploying their infrastructure as code. With the support of YAML format for our templates, you can now keep them in a git repository and by utilizing CI/CD tools you can now deploy your templates automatically.

This enables our users to manage their templates in a central location – the git repository, which helps users to perform change management and versioning and then deploy the template to Zabbix by using CI/CD tools.

Tags for classification

Over the past few versions, we have made a major push to support tags for most Zabbix entities. The switch from applications to tags in Zabbix 5.4 made the tool much more flexible. Tags can now be used for the classification of items, triggers, hosts, business services. The tags that the users define can also be used in alerting, filtering, and reporting.

What’s next?

You’re probably wondering – what’s coming next? What are the main vectors for the future development of Zabbix?

First off – we will continue to invest in usability. While the tool is made by professionals for professionals, it is important for us to make using the tool as easy as possible. Improvements to the Zabbix Frontend, general usability, and UX can be expected very soon.

We plan to continue to invest in the visualization and reporting capabilities of Zabbix. We want all data collected by our monitoring tool to provide information in a single pane of glass. This way our users can see the full picture of their environment while also seeing the root cause analysis for the ongoing problems that we face. This way we can get most of the data that Zabbix collects.

Extending the scope of monitoring is an ongoing process for us. We would like to implement additional features for compliance monitoring. I think that we will be able to introduce a solution for application performance monitoring very soon. We’d like to make log monitoring more powerful and comprehensive. monitoring of public and private clouds is also very important for us, given the current IT paradigms.

We’d like to make sure that Zabbix is absolutely extendable on all levels. While we can already extend Zabbix with different types of plugins, webhooks, and UI modules there’s more to come in the near future.

The topic of high availability, scalability, and load balancing is extremely important to us. We will continue building on the existing foundations to make Zabbix a truly cloud-native solution.

Advanced event correlation engine

Advanced event processing is a really important topic. When we talk about a monitoring solution, we pay very much attention to the number of metrics that we are collecting. We mustn’t forget, that for large-scale environments the number of events that we generate based on those metrics is also extremely important. We need to keep control and manage the ever-growing number of different events coming from different sources. This is why we would like to focus on noise reduction, specifically – root cause analysis.

For this reason, we can expect Zabbix to introduce an advanced event correlation model in the future. This model should have the ability to filter and deduplicate the events as well as perform event enrichment, thus leading to a much better root cause analysis.

Multi DC Monitoring

Currently, Multi DC monitoring can be done with Zabbix by deploying a distributed Zabbix instance that utilizes Zabbix proxies. But there are use cases, where it would be more beneficial to have multiple Zabbix servers deployed across different datacenters – all reporting to a single location for centralized event processing, centralized visualization, and reporting as well as centralized dashboards. This is something that is coming soon to Zabbix.

Zabbix Release Schedule

Of course, the burning question is – when is Zabbix 6.0 LTS going to be released? And we are very close to finalizing the next LTS release. I would expect Zabbix 6.0 LTS to be officially released in January 2022.

As for Zabbix 6.2 and 6.4 – these releases are still planned for Q2 and Q4, 2022. The next LTS release – Zabbix 7.0 LTS is planned to be released in Q2, 2023.

Zabbix Roadmap

If you want to follow the development of Zabbix – we have a special page just for that – the Zabbix Roadmap. Here you can find up-to-date information about the development plans for Zabbix 6.2, 6.4, and 7.0 LTS. The Roadmap also represents the current development status of Zabbix 6.0 LTS.


Q: What would you say is the main benefit of why users should migrate from Zabbix 5.0/4.0 or older versions to 6.0 LTS?

A: I think that Zabbix 6.0 LTS is a very different product – even when you compare it with the relatively recent Zabbix 5.0 LTS. It comes with many improvements, some of which I mentioned here in my keynote. For example, Business Service monitoring provides huge added value to enterprise customers.

With the new trigger syntax and the new functions related to anomaly detection and baseline monitoring our users can get much more out of the data that they already have in their monitoring tool.

The new visualization options – multiple new widgets, geographical maps, scheduled PDF reporting provide a lot of added value to our end-users and to their customers as well.

Q: Any plans to make changes on the Zabbix DB backend level – make it more scaleable or completely redesign it?

A: Right now we keep all of our information in a relational database such as MySQL or PostgreSQL. We have added the support for TimescaleDB which brings some huge advantages to our users, thanks to improved data storage and performance efficiency.

But we still have users that wish to connect different storage engines to Zabbix – maybe specifically optimized to keep time-series data. Actually, this is already on our roadmap. Our plan is to introduce a unified API for historical data so that if you wish to attach your own storage, we just have to deploy a plugin that will communicate both with our historical API and also talk to the storage engine of your choosing. This feature is coming and is already on our Roadmap.

Q: What is your personal favorite feature? Something that you 100% wanted to see implemented in Zabbix 6.0 LTS?

A: I see Zabbix 6.0 LTS as a combination of Zabbix 5.2, 5.4, and finally the features introduced directly in Zabbix 6.0 LTS. Personally, I think that my favorite features in Zabbix 6.0 LTS are features that make up the latest implementation of Anomaly detection.

We could be at the very beginning of exploring more advanced machine learning and statistical analysis capabilities, but I’m pretty sure that with every new release of Zabbix there will be new features related to machine learning, anomaly detection, and trend prediction.

This could provide a way for Zabbix to generate and share insights with our users. Analysis of what’s happening with your system, with your metrics – how the metrics in your system behave.

Snapshots from the history of AI, plus AI education resources

Post Syndicated from Janina Ander original https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/machine-learning-education-snapshots-history-ai-hello-world-12/

In Hello World issue 12, our free magazine for computing educators, George Boukeas, DevOps Engineer for the Astro Pi Challenge here at the Foundation, introduces big moments in the history of artificial intelligence (AI) to share with your learners:

The story of artificial intelligence (AI) is a story about humans trying to understand what makes them human. Some of the episodes in this story are fascinating. These could help your learners catch a glimpse of what this field is about and, with luck, compel them to investigate further.                   

The imitation game

In 1950, Alan Turing published a philosophical essay titled Computing Machinery and Intelligence, which started with the words: “I propose to consider the question: Can machines think?” Yet Turing did not attempt to define what it means to think. Instead, he suggested a game as a proxy for answering the question: the imitation game. In modern terms, you can imagine a human interrogator chatting online with another human and a machine. If the interrogator does not successfully determine which of the other two is the human and which is the machine, then the question has been answered: this is a machine that can think.

A statue of Alan Turing on a park bench in Manchester.
The Alan Turing Memorial in Manchester

This imitation game is now a fiercely debated benchmark of artificial intelligence called the Turing test. Notice the shift in focus that Turing suggests: thinking is to be identified in terms of external behaviour, not in terms of any internal processes. Humans are still the yardstick for intelligence, but there is no requirement that a machine should think the way humans do, as long as it behaves in a way that suggests some sort of thinking to humans.

In his essay, Turing also discusses learning machines. Instead of building highly complex programs that would prescribe every aspect of a machine’s behaviour, we could build simpler programs that would prescribe mechanisms for learning, and then train the machine to learn the desired behaviour. Turing’s text provides an excellent metaphor that could be used in class to describe the essence of machine learning: “Instead of trying to produce a programme to simulate the adult mind, why not rather try to produce one which simulates the child’s? If this were then subjected to an appropriate course of education one would obtain the adult brain. We have thus divided our problem into two parts: the child-programme and the education process.”

A chess board with two pieces of each colour left.
Chess was among the games that early AI researchers like Alan Turing developed algorithms for.

It is remarkable how Turing even describes approaches that have since been evolved into established machine learning methods: evolution (genetic algorithms), punishments and rewards (reinforcement learning), randomness (Monte Carlo tree search). He even forecasts the main issue with some forms of machine learning: opacity. “An important feature of a learning machine is that its teacher will often be very largely ignorant of quite what is going on inside, although he may still be able to some extent to predict his pupil’s behaviour.”

The evolution of a definition

The term ‘artificial intelligence’ was coined in 1956, at an event called the Dartmouth workshop. It was a gathering of the field’s founders, researchers who would later have a huge impact, including John McCarthy, Claude Shannon, Marvin Minsky, Herbert Simon, Allen Newell, Arthur Samuel, Ray Solomonoff, and W.S. McCulloch.   

Go has vastly more possible moves than chess, and was thought to remain out of the reach of AI for longer than it did.

The simple and ambitious definition for artificial intelligence, included in the proposal for the workshop, is illuminating: ‘making a machine behave in ways that would be called intelligent if a human were so behaving’. These pioneers were making the assumption that ‘every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it’. This assumption turned out to be patently false and led to unrealistic expectations and forecasts. Fifty years later, McCarthy himself stated that ‘it was harder than we thought’.

Modern definitions of intelligence are of distinctly different flavour than the original one: ‘Intelligence is the quality that enables an entity to function appropriately and with foresight in its environment’ (Nilsson). Some even speak of rationality, rather than intelligence: ‘doing the right thing, given what it knows’ (Russell and Norvig).

A computer screen showing a complicated graph.
The amount of training data AI developers have access to has skyrocketed in the past decade.

Read the whole of this brief history of AI in Hello World #12

In the full article, which you can read in the free PDF copy of the issue, George looks at:

  • Early advances researchers made from the 1950s onwards while developing games algorithms, e.g. for chess.
  • The 1997 moment when Deep Blue, a purpose-built IBM computer, beating chess world champion Garry Kasparov using a search approach.
  • The 2011 moment when Watson, another IBM computer system, beating two human Jeopardy! champions using multiple techniques to answer questions posed in natural language.
  • The principles behind artificial neural networks, which have been around for decades and are now underlying many AI/machine learning breakthroughs because of the growth in computing power and availability of vast datasets for training.
  • The 2017 moment when AlphaGo, an artificial neural network–based computer program by Alphabet’s DeepMind, beating Ke Jie, the world’s top-ranked Go player at the time.
Stacks of server hardware behind metal fencing in a data centre.
Machine learning systems need vast amounts of training data, the collection and storage of which has only become technically possible in the last decade.

More on machine learning and AI education in Hello World #12

In your free PDF of Hello World issue 12, you’ll also find:

  • An interview with University of Cambridge statistician David Spiegelhalter, whose work shaped some of the foundations of AI, and who shares his thoughts on data science in schools and the limits of AI 
  • An introduction to Popbots, an innovative project by MIT to open AI to the youngest learners
  • An article by Ken Kahn, researcher in the Department of Education at the University of Oxford, on using the block-based Snap! language to introduce your learners to natural language processing
  • Unplugged and online machine learning activities for learners age 7 to 16 in the regular ‘Lesson plans’ section
  • And lots of other relevant articles

You can also read many of these articles online on the Hello World website.

Find more resources for AI and data science education

In Hello World issue 16, the focus is on all things data science and data literacy for your learners. As always, you can download a free copy of the issue. And on our Hello World podcast, we chat with practicing computing educators about how they bring AI, AI ethics, machine learning, and data science to the young people they teach.

If you want a practical introduction to the basics of machine learning and how to use it, take our free online course.

Drawing of a machine learning ars rover trying to decide whether it is seeing an alien or a rock.

There are still many open questions about what good AI and data science education looks like for young people. To learn more, you can watch our panel discussion about the topic, and join our monthly seminar series to hear insights from computing education researchers around the world.

We are also collating a growing list of educational resources about these topics based on our research seminars, seminar participants’ recommendations, and our own work. Find the resource list here.

The post Snapshots from the history of AI, plus AI education resources appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Summary of Zabbix Summit Online 2021, Zabbix 6.0 LTS release date and Zabbix Workshops

Post Syndicated from Arturs Lontons original https://blog.zabbix.com/summary-of-zabbix-summit-online-2021-zabbix-6-0-lts-release-date-and-zabbix-workshops/17155/

Now that the Zabbix Summit Online 2021 has concluded, we are thrilled to report we hosted attendees from over 3000 organizations from more than 130 countries all across the globe.

This year, the main focus of the speeches was the upcoming Zabbix 6.0 LTS release, as well as speeches focused on automating Zabbix data collection and configuration, Integrating Zabbix within existing company infrastructures, and migrating from legacy tools to Zabbix. 21 speakers in total presented their use cases and talked about new Zabbix features during the Summit with over 8 hours of content.

In case you missed the Summit or wish to come back to some of the speeches – both the presentations (in PDF format) and the videos of the speeches are available on the Zabbix Summit Online 2021 Event page.

Zabbix 6.0 LTS release date

As for Zabbix 6.0 LTS – as per our statement during the event, you can expect Zabbix 6.0 LTS to release in early 2022. At the time of this post, the latest pre-release version is Zabbix 6.0 Alpha 7, with the first Beta version scheduled for release VERY soon. Feel free to deploy the latest pre-release version and take a look at features such as Geomaps, Business Service monitoring, improved Audit log, UX improvements, Anomaly detection with Machine Learning, and more! The list of the latest released Zabbix 6.0 versions as well as the improvements and fixes they contain is available in the Release notes section of our website.

Zabbix 6.0 LTS Workshops

The workshops will focus on particular Zabbix 6.0 LTS features and will be available once the Zabbix 6.0 LTS is released. The workshops will provide a unique chance to learn and practice the configuration of specific Zabbix 6.0 LTS features under the guidance of a certified Zabbix trainer at absolutely no cost! Some of the topics covered in the workshops will include – Deploying Zabbix server HA cluster, Creating triggers for Baseline monitoring and Anomaly detection, Displaying your infrastructure status on Geomaps, Deploying Business Service monitoring with root cause analysis, and more!

Upcoming events

But there’s more! On December 9 2021 Zabbix will host PostgreSQL Monitoring Day with Zabbix & Postgres Pro. The speeches will focus on monitoring PostgreSQL databases, running Zabbix on PostgreSQL DB backends with TimescaleDB, and securing your Zabbix + PostgreSQL instances. If you’re currently using PostgreSQL DB backends r plan to do so in the future – you definitely don’t want to miss out!

As for 2022 – you can expect multiple meetups regarding Zabbix 6.0 LTS features and use cases, as well as events focused on specific monitoring use cases. More information will be publicly available with the release of Zabbix 6.0 LTS.

How do we develop AI education in schools? A panel discussion

Post Syndicated from Sue Sentance original https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/ai-education-schools-panel-uk-policy/

AI is a broad and rapidly developing field of technology. Our goal is to make sure all young people have the skills, knowledge, and confidence to use and create AI systems. So what should AI education in schools look like?

To hear a range of insights into this, we organised a panel discussion as part of our seminar series on AI and data science education, which we co-host with The Alan Turing Institute. Here our panel chair Tabitha Goldstaub, Co-founder of CogX and Chair of the UK government’s AI Council, summarises the event. You can also watch the recording below.

As part of the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s monthly AI education seminar series, I was delighted to chair a special panel session to broaden the range of perspectives on the subject. The members of the panel were:

  • Chris Philp, UK Minister for Tech and the Digital Economy
  • Philip Colligan, CEO of the Raspberry Pi Foundation 
  • Danielle Belgrave, Research Scientist, DeepMind
  • Caitlin Glover, A level student, Sandon School, Chelmsford
  • Alice Ashby, student, University of Brighton

The session explored the UK government’s commitment in the recently published UK National AI Strategy stating that “the [UK] government will continue to ensure programmes that engage children with AI concepts are accessible and reach the widest demographic.” We discussed what it will take to make this a reality, and how we will ensure young people have a seat at the table.

Two teenage girls do coding during a computer science lesson.

Why AI education for young people?

It was clear that the Minister felt it is very important for young people to understand AI. He said, “The government takes the view that AI is going to be one of the foundation stones of our future prosperity and our future growth. It’s an enabling technology that’s going to have almost universal applicability across our entire economy, and that is why it’s so important that the United Kingdom leads the world in this area. Young people are the country’s future, so nothing is complete without them being at the heart of it.”

A teacher watches two female learners code in Code Club session in the classroom.

Our panelist Caitlin Glover, an A level student at Sandon School, reiterated this from her perspective as a young person. She told us that her passion for AI started initially because she wanted to help neurodiverse young people like herself. Her idea was to start a company that would build AI-powered products to help neurodiverse students.

What careers will AI education lead to?

A theme of the Foundation’s seminar series so far has been how learning about AI early may impact young people’s career choices. Our panelist Alice Ashby, who studies Computer Science and AI at Brighton University, told us about her own process of deciding on her course of study. She pointed to the fact that terms such as machine learning, natural language processing, self-driving cars, chatbots, and many others are currently all under the umbrella of artificial intelligence, but they’re all very different. Alice thinks it’s hard for young people to know whether it’s the right decision to study something that’s still so ambiguous.

A young person codes at a Raspberry Pi computer.

When I asked Alice what gave her the courage to take a leap of faith with her university course, she said, “I didn’t know it was the right move for me, honestly. I took a gamble, I knew I wanted to be in computer science, but I wanted to spice it up.” The AI ecosystem is very lucky that people like Alice choose to enter the field even without being taught what precisely it comprises.

We also heard from Danielle Belgrave, a Research Scientist at DeepMind with a remarkable career in AI for healthcare. Danielle explained that she was lucky to have had a Mathematics teacher who encouraged her to work in statistics for healthcare. She said she wanted to ensure she could use her technical skills and her love for math to make an impact on society, and to really help make the world a better place. Danielle works with biologists, mathematicians, philosophers, and ethicists as well as with data scientists and AI researchers at DeepMind. One possibility she suggested for improving young people’s understanding of what roles are available was industry mentorship. Linking people who work in the field of AI with school students was an idea that Caitlin was eager to confirm as very useful for young people her age.

We need investment in AI education in school

The AI Council’s Roadmap stresses how important it is to not only teach the skills needed to foster a pool of people who are able to research and build AI, but also to ensure that every child leaves school with the necessary AI and data literacy to be able to become engaged, informed, and empowered users of the technology. During the panel, the Minister, Chris Philp, spoke about the fact that people don’t have to be technical experts to come up with brilliant ideas, and that we need more people to be able to think creatively and have the confidence to adopt AI, and that this starts in schools. 

A class of primary school students do coding at laptops.

Caitlin is a perfect example of a young person who has been inspired about AI while in school. But sadly, among young people and especially girls, she’s in the minority by choosing to take computer science, which meant she had the chance to hear about AI in the classroom. But even for young people who choose computer science in school, at the moment AI isn’t in the national Computing curriculum or part of GCSE computer science, so much of their learning currently takes place outside of the classroom. Caitlin added that she had had to go out of her way to find information about AI; the majority of her peers are not even aware of opportunities that may be out there. She suggested that we ensure AI is taught across all subjects, so that every learner sees how it can make their favourite subject even more magical and thinks “AI’s cool!”.

A primary school boy codes at a laptop with the help of an educator.

Philip Colligan, the CEO here at the Foundation, also described how AI could be integrated into existing subjects including maths, geography, biology, and citizenship classes. Danielle thoroughly agreed and made the very good point that teaching this way across the school would help prepare young people for the world of work in AI, where cross-disciplinary science is so important. She reminded us that AI is not one single discipline. Instead, many different skill sets are needed, including engineering new AI systems, integrating AI systems into products, researching problems to be addressed through AI, or investigating AI’s societal impacts and how humans interact with AI systems.

On hearing about this multitude of different skills, our discussion turned to the teachers who are responsible for imparting this knowledge, and to the challenges they face. 

The challenge of AI education for teachers

When we shifted the focus of the discussion to teachers, Philip said: “If we really want to equip every young person with the knowledge and skills to thrive in a world that shaped by these technologies, then we have to find ways to evolve the curriculum and support teachers to develop the skills and confidence to teach that curriculum.”

Teenage students and a teacher do coding during a computer science lesson.

I asked the Minister what he thought needed to happen to ensure we achieved data and AI literacy for all young people. He said, “We need to work across government, but also across business and society more widely as well.” He went on to explain how important it was that the Department for Education (DfE) gets the support to make the changes needed, and that he and the Office for AI were ready to help.

Philip explained that the Raspberry Pi Foundation is one of the organisations in the consortium running the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE), which is funded by the DfE in England. Through the NCCE, the Foundation has already supported thousands of teachers to develop their subject knowledge and pedagogy around computer science.

A recent study recognises that the investment made by the DfE in England is the most comprehensive effort globally to implement the computing curriculum, so we are starting from a good base. But Philip made it clear that now we need to expand this investment to cover AI.

Young people engaging with AI out of school

Philip described how brilliant it is to witness young people who choose to get creative with new technologies. As an example, he shared that the Foundation is seeing more and more young people employ machine learning in the European Astro Pi Challenge, where participants run experiments using Raspberry Pi computers on board the International Space Station. 

Three teenage boys do coding at a shared computer during a computer science lesson.

Philip also explained that, in the Foundation’s non-formal CoderDojo club network and its Coolest Projects tech showcase events, young people build their dream AI products supported by volunteers and mentors. Among these have been autonomous recycling robots and AI anti-collision alarms for bicycles. Like Caitlin with her company idea, this shows that young people are ready and eager to engage and create with AI.

We closed out the panel by going back to a point raised by Mhairi Aitken, who presented at the Foundation’s research seminar in September. Mhairi, an Alan Turing Institute ethics fellow, argues that children don’t just need to learn about AI, but that they should actually shape the direction of AI. All our panelists agreed on this point, and we discussed what it would take for young people to have a seat at the table.

A Black boy uses a Raspberry Pi computer at school.

Alice advised that we start by looking at our existing systems for engaging young people, such as Youth Parliament, student unions, and school groups. She also suggested adding young people to the AI Council, which I’m going to look into right away! Caitlin agreed and added that it would be great to make these forums virtual, so that young people from all over the country could participate.

The panel session was full of insight and felt very positive. Although the challenge of ensuring we have a data- and AI-literate generation of young people is tough, it’s clear that if we include them in finding the solution, we are in for a bright future. 

What’s next for AI education at the Raspberry Pi Foundation?

In the coming months, our goal at the Foundation is to increase our understanding of the concepts underlying AI education and how to teach them in an age-appropriate way. To that end, we will start to conduct a series of small AI education research projects, which will involve gathering the perspectives of a variety of stakeholders, including young people. We’ll make more information available on our research pages soon.

In the meantime, you can sign up for our upcoming research seminars on AI and data science education, and peruse the collection of related resources we’ve put together.

The post How do we develop AI education in schools? A panel discussion appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

The machine learning effect: Magic boxes and computational thinking 2.0

Post Syndicated from Jane Waite original https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/machine-learning-education-school-computational-thinking-2-0-research-seminar/

How does teaching children and young people about machine learning (ML) differ from teaching them about other aspects of computing? Professor Matti Tedre and Dr Henriikka Vartiainen from the University of Eastern Finland shared some answers at our latest research seminar.

Three smiling young learners in a computing classroom.
We need to determine how to teach young people about machine learning, and what teachers need to know to help their learners form correct mental models.

Their presentation, titled ‘ML education for K-12: emerging trajectories’, had a profound impact on my thinking about how we teach computational thinking and programming. For this blog post, I have simplified some of the complexity associated with machine learning for the benefit of readers who are new to the topic.

a 3D-rendered grey box.
Machine learning is not magic — what needs to change in computing education to make sure learners don’t see ML systems as magic boxes?

Our seminars on teaching AI, ML, and data science

We’re currently partnering with The Alan Turing Institute to host a series of free research seminars about how to teach artificial intelligence (AI) and data science to young people.

The seminar with Matti and Henriikka, the third one of the series, was very well attended. Over 100 participants from San Francisco to Rajasthan, including teachers, researchers, and industry professionals, contributed to a lively and thought-provoking discussion.

Representing a large interdisciplinary team of researchers, Matti and Henriikka have been working on how to teach AI and machine learning for more than three years, which in this new area of study is a long time. So far, the Finnish team has written over a dozen academic papers based on their pilot studies with kindergarten-, primary-, and secondary-aged learners.

Current teaching in schools: classical rule-driven programming

Matti and Henriikka started by giving an overview of classical programming and how it is currently taught in schools. Classical programming can be described as rule-driven. Example features of classical computer programs and programming languages are:

  • A classical language has a strict syntax, and a limited set of commands that can only be used in a predetermined way
  • A classical language is deterministic, meaning we can guarantee what will happen when each line of code is run
  • A classical program is executed in a strict, step-wise order following a known set of rules

When we teach this type of programming, we show learners how to use a deductive problem solving approach or workflow: defining the task, designing a possible solution, and implementing the solution by writing a stepwise program that is then run on a computer. We encourage learners to avoid using trial and error to write programs. Instead, as they develop and test a program, we ask them to trace it line by line in order to predict what will happen when each line is run (glass-box testing).

A list of features of rule-driven computer programming, also included in the text.
The features of classical (rule-driven) programming approaches as taught in computer science education (CSE) (Tedre & Vartiainen, 2021).

Classical programming underpins the current view of computational thinking (CT). Our speakers called this version of CT ‘CT 1.0’. So what’s the alternative Matti and Henriikka presented, and how does it affect what computational thinking is or may become?

Machine learning (data-driven) models and new computational thinking (CT 2.0) 

Rule-based programming languages are not being eradicated. Instead, software systems are being augmented through the addition of machine learning (data-driven) elements. Many of today’s successful software products, such as search engines, image classifiers, and speech recognition programs, combine rule-driven software and data-driven models. However, the workflows for these two approaches to solving problems through computing are very different.

A table comparing problem solving workflows using computational thinking 1.0 versus computational thinking 2.0, info also included in the text.
Problem solving is very different depending on whether a rule-driven computational thinking (CT 1.0) approach or a data-driven computational thinking (CT 2.0) approach is used (Tedre & Vartiainen,2021).

Significantly, while in rule-based programming (and CT 1.0), the focus is on solving problems by creating algorithms, in data-driven approaches, the problem solving workflow is all about the data. To highlight the profound impact this shift in focus has on teaching and learning computing, Matti introduced us to a new version of computational thinking for machine learning, CT 2.0, which is detailed in a forthcoming research paper.

Because of the focus on data rather than algorithms, developing a machine learning model is not at all like developing a classical rule-driven program. In classical programming, programs can be traced, and we can predict what will happen when they run. But in data-driven development, there is no flow of rules, and no absolutely right or wrong answer.

A table comparing conceptual differences between computational thinking 1.0 versus computational thinking 2.0, info also included in the text.
There are major differences between rule-driven computational thinking (CT 1.0) and data-driven computational thinking (CT 2.0), which impact what computing education needs to take into account (Tedre & Vartiainen,2021).

Machine learning models are created iteratively using training data and must be cross-validated with test data. A tiny change in the data provided can make a model useless. We rarely know exactly why the output of an ML model is as it is, and we cannot explain each individual decision that the model might have made. When evaluating a machine learning system, we can only say how well it works based on statistical confidence and efficiency. 

Machine learning education must cover ethical and societal implications 

The ethical and societal implications of computer science have always been important for students to understand. But machine learning models open up a whole new set of topics for teachers and students to consider, because of these models’ reliance on large datasets, the difficulty of explaining their decisions, and their usefulness for automating very complex processes. This includes privacy, surveillance, diversity, bias, job losses, misinformation, accountability, democracy, and veracity, to name but a few.

I see the shift in problem solving approach as a chance to strengthen the teaching of computing in general, because it opens up opportunities to teach about systems, uncertainty, data, and society.

Jane Waite

Teaching machine learning: the challenges of magic boxes and new mental models

For teaching classical rule-driven programming, much time and effort has been put into researching learners’ understanding of what a program will do when it is run. This kind of understanding is called a learner’s mental model or notional machine. An approach teachers often use to help students develop a useful mental model of a program is to hide the detail of how the program works and only gradually reveal its complexity. This approach is described with the metaphor of hiding the detail of elements of the program in a box. 

Data-driven models in machine learning systems are highly complex and make little sense to humans. Therefore, they may appear like magic boxes to students. This view needs to be banished. Machine learning is not magic. We have just not figured out yet how to explain the detail of data-driven models in a way that allows learners to form useful mental models.

An example of a representation of a machine learning model in TensorFlow, an online machine learning tool (Tedre & Vartiainen,2021).

Some existing ML tools aim to help learners form mental models of ML, for example through visual representations of how a neural network works (see Figure 2). But these explanations are still very complex. Clearly, we need to find new ways to help learners of all ages form useful mental models of machine learning, so that teachers can explain to them how machine learning systems work and banish the view that machine learning is magic.

Some tools and teaching approaches for ML education

Matti and Henriikka’s team piloted different tools and pedagogical approaches with different age groups of learners. In terms of tools, since large amounts of data are needed for machine learning projects, our presenters suggested that tools that enable lots of data to be easily collected are ideal for teaching activities. Media-rich education tools provide an opportunity to capture still images, movements, sounds, or sense other inputs and then use these as data in machine learning teaching activities. For example, to create a machine learning–based rock-paper-scissors game, students can take photographs of their hands to train a machine learning model using Google Teachable Machine.

Photos of hands are used to train a machine learning model as part of a project to create a rock-paper-scissors game.
Photos of hands are used to train a Teachable Machine machine learning model as part of a project to create a rock-paper-scissors game (Tedre & Vartiainen, 2021).

Similar to tools that teach classic programming to novice students (e.g. Scratch), some of the new classroom tools for teaching machine learning have a drag-and-drop interface (e.g. Cognimates). Using such tools means that in lessons, there can be less focus on one of the more complex aspects of learning to program, learning programming language syntax. However, not all machine learning education products include drag-and-drop interaction, some instead have their own complex languages (e.g. Wolfram Programming Lab), which are less attractive to teachers and learners. In their pilot studies, the Finnish team found that drag-and-drop machine learning tools appeared to work well with students of all ages.

The different pedagogical approaches the Finnish research team used in their pilot studies included an exploratory approach with preschool children, who investigated machine learning recognition of happy or sad faces; and a project-based approach with older students, who co-created machine learning apps with web-based tools such as Teachable Machine and Learn Machine Learning (built by the research team), supported by machine learning experts.

Example of a middle school (age 8 to 11) student’s pen and paper design for a machine learning app that recognises different instruments and chords.
Example of a middle school (age 8 to 11) student’s design for a machine learning app that recognises different instruments and chords (Tedre & Vartiainen, 2021).

What impact these pedagogies have on students’ long-term mental models about machine learning has yet to be researched. If you want to find out more about the classroom pilot studies, the academic paper is a very accessible read.

My take-aways: new opportunities, new research questions

We all learned a tremendous amount from Matti and Henriikka and their perspectives on this important topic. Our seminar participants asked them many questions about the pedagogies and practicalities of teaching machine learning in class, and raised concerns about squeezing more into an already packed computing curriculum.

For me, the most significant take-away from the seminar was the need to shift focus from algorithms to data and from CT 1.0 to CT 2.0. Learning how to best teach classical rule-driven programming has been a long journey that we have not yet completed. We are forming an understanding of what concepts learners need to be taught, the progression of learning, key mental models, pedagogical options, and assessment approaches. For teaching data-driven development, we need to do the same.  

The question of how we make sure teachers have the necessary understanding is key.

Jane Waite

I see the shift in problem solving approach as a chance to strengthen the teaching of computing in general, because it opens up opportunities to teach about systems, uncertainty, data, and society. I think it will help us raise awareness about design, context, creativity, and student agency. But I worry about how we will introduce this shift. In my view, there is a considerable risk that we will be sucked into open-ended, project-based learning, with busy and fun but shallow learning experiences that result in restricted conceptual development for students.

I also worry about how we can best help teachers build up the knowledge and experience to support their students. In the Q&A after the seminar, I asked Matti and Henriikka about the role of their team’s machine learning experts in their pilot studies. It seemed to me that without them, the pilot lessons would not have worked, as the participating teachers and students would not have had the vocabulary to talk about the process and would not have known what was doable given the available time, tools, and student knowledge.

The question of how we make sure teachers have the necessary understanding is key. Many existing professional development resources for teachers wanting to learn about ML seem to imply that teachers will all need a PhD in statistics and neural network optimisation to engage with machine learning education. This is misleading. But teachers do need to understand the machine learning concepts that their students need to learn about, and I think we don’t yet know exactly what these concepts are. 

In summary, clearly more research is needed. There are fundamental questions still to be answered about what, when, and how we teach data-driven approaches to software systems development and how this impacts what we teach about classical, rule-based programming. But to me, that is exciting, and I am very much looking forward to the journey ahead.

Join our next free seminar

To find out what others recommend about teaching AI and ML, catch up on last month’s seminar with Professor Carsten Schulte and colleagues on centring data instead of code in the teaching of AI.

We have another four seminars in our monthly series on AI, machine learning, and data science education. Find out more about them on this page, and catch up on past seminar blogs and recordings here.

At our next seminar on Tuesday 7 December at 17:00–18:30 GMT, we will welcome Professor Rose Luckin from University College London. She will be presenting on what it is about AI that makes it useful for teachers and learners.

We look forward to meeting you there!

PS You can build your understanding of machine learning by joining our latest free online course, where you’ll learn foundational concepts and train your own ML model!

The post The machine learning effect: Magic boxes and computational thinking 2.0 appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Zabbix 6.0 LTS at Zabbix Summit Online 2021

Post Syndicated from Arturs Lontons original https://blog.zabbix.com/zabbix-6-0-lts-at-zabbix-summit-online-2021/16115/

With Zabbix Summit Online 2021 just around the corner, it’s time to have a quick overview of the 6.0 LTS features that we can expect to see featured during the event. The Zabbix 6.0 LTS release aims to deliver some of the long-awaited enterprise-level features while also improving the general user experience, performance, scalability, and many other aspects of Zabbix.

Native Zabbix server cluster

Many of you will be extremely happy to hear that Zabbix 6.0 LTS release comes with out-of-the-box High availability for Zabbix Server. This means that HA will now be supported natively, without having to use external tools to create Zabbix Server clusters.

The native Zabbix Server cluster will have a speech dedicated to it during the Zabbix Summit Online 2021. You can expect to learn both the inner workings of the HA solution, the configuration and of course the main benefits of using the native HA solution. You can also take a look at the in-development version of the native Zabbix server cluster in the latest Zabbix 6.0 LTS alpha release.

Business service monitoring and root cause analysis

Service monitoring is also about to go through a significant redesign, focusing on delivering additional value by providing robust Business service monitoring (BSM) features. This is achieved by delivering significant additions to the existing service status calculation logic. With features such as service weights, service status analysis based on child problem severities, ability to calculate service status based on the number or percentage of children in a problem state, users will be able to implement BSM on a whole new level. BSM will also support root cause analysis – users will be informed about the root cause problem of the service status change.

All of this and more, together with examples and use cases will be covered during a separate speech dedicated to BSM. In addition, some of the BSM features are available in the latest Zabbix 6.0 LTS alpha release – with more to come as we continue working on the Zabbix 6.0 release.

Audit log redesign

The Audit log is another existing feature that has received a complete redesign. With the ability to log each and every change performed both by the Zabbix Server and Zabbix Frontend, the Audit log will become an invaluable source of audit information. Of course, the redesign also takes performance into consideration – the redesign was developed with the least possible performance impact in mind.

The audit log is constantly in development and the current Zabbix 6.0 LTS alpha release offers you an early look at the feature. We will also be covering the technical details of the new audit log implementation during the Summit and will explain how we are able to achieve minimal performance impact with major improvements to Zabbix audit logging.

Geographical maps

With Geographical maps, our users can finally display their entities on a geographical map based on the coordinates of the entity. Geographical maps can be used with multiple geographical map providers and display your hosts with their most severe problems. In addition, geographical maps will react dynamically to Zoom levels and support filtering.

The latest Zabbix 6.0 Alpha release includes the Geomap widget – feel free to deploy it in your QA environment, check out the different map providers, filter options and other great features that come with this widget.

Machine learning

When it comes to problem detection, Zabbix 6.0 LTS will deliver multiple trend new functions. A specific set of functions provides machine learning functionality for Anomaly detection and Baseline monitoring.

The topic will be covered in-depth during the Zabbix Summit Online 2021. We will look at the configuration of the new functions and also take a deeper dive at the logic and algorithms used under the hood.

During the Zabbix Summit Online 2021, we will also cover many other new features, such as:

  • New Dashboard widgets
  • New items for Zabbix Agent
  • New templates and integrations
  • Zabbix login password complexity settings
  • Performance improvements for Zabbix Server, Zabbix Proxy, and Zabbix Frontend
  • UI and UX improvements
  • Zabbix login password complexity requirements
  • New history and trend functions
  • And more!

Not only will you get the chance to have an early look at many new features not yet available in the latest alpha release, but also you will have a great chance to learn the inner workings of the new features, the upgrade and migration process to Zabbix 6.0 LTS and much more!

We are extremely excited to share all of the new features with our community, so don’t miss out – take a look at the full Zabbix Summit online 2021 agenda and register for the event by visiting our Zabbix Summit page, and we will see you at the Zabbix Summit Online 2021 on November 25!