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Centrally manage AWS WAF (API v2) and AWS Managed Rules at scale with Firewall Manager

Post Syndicated from Umesh Ramesh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/centrally-manage-aws-waf-api-v2-and-aws-managed-rules-at-scale-with-firewall-manager/

Since AWS Firewall Manager was introduced in 2018, it has evolved with many more features and today also supports the newest version of AWS WAF, as well as the latest AWS WAF APIs (AWS WAFV2), and AWS Managed Rules for AWS WAF. (Note that the original AWS WAF APIs are still available and supported under the name AWS WAF Classic. Firewall Manager already supported AWS WAF Classic and continues to do so.) In this blog, we walk you through the steps of setting up Firewall Manager policies for AWS WAF and highlight some of the options available. We also walk through how to use the recently launched feature that enables centralized logging for your AWS WAF policies. In addition, we share an AWS CloudFormation template that you can use to set up Firewall Manager policies, AWS WAF rule groups, and the related AWS WAF rules (both custom and managed rules). Before we get into the content of the blog, here’s some background information you should know.

AWS WAF rules define how to inspect web requests and what to do when a web request matches the inspection criteria. Firewall Manager simplifies the administration of AWS WAF rules at scale across multiple accounts.


Web ACL capacity units

The web ACL capacity unit (WCU) is a new concept that we introduced to AWS WAF. WCU is a measurement that is used to calculate and control the operating resources that are used to run your rules with your web access control list (web ACL).

AWS Managed Rules

AWS Managed Rules (AMRs) are a set of AWS WAF rules curated and maintained by the AWS Threat Research Team. With just a few clicks, these rules can help protect your web applications from new and emerging risks, so you don’t need to spend time researching and writing your own rules. The core rule set covers some of the common security risks described in the OWASP Top 10 publication. AMRs also include IP reputation lists based on Amazon threat intelligence that can help reduce your exposure to bot traffic or exploitation attempts. You can add multiple AMRs to your web ACL or write hundreds of your own rules. Additional rule sets from AWS Marketplace sellers like Cyber Security Cloud and Fortinet are also available to use. If you subscribe to rules from an AWS Marketplace seller, you will be charged the managed rules price set by the seller.

Rule groups

A rule group is a group of AWS WAF rules. In the new AWS WAF, a rule group is defined under AWS WAF, and you can add rule groups as a reusable set of rules under a web ACL. With the addition of AMRs, customers can select from AWS Managed Rule groups in addition to Partner Managed and Custom Configured rule groups. So, you now have the option to create Firewall Manager policies by using either AWS WAF Classic rule groups or new AWS WAF rule groups.

Firewall Manager policy

A Firewall Manager policy is an entity that contains a set of rule groups that can be associated to and applied to your resources. In this policy, you also specify the resource types you want to protect in specific or all accounts. Based on the policy, Firewall Manager creates a Firewall Manager web ACL in the corresponding accounts. In addition, individual application teams can add more rules or rule groups to this web ACL.

Firewall Manager prerequisites

Firewall Manager has the following prerequisites:

  • AWS Organizations: Your organization must be using AWS Organizations to manage your accounts, and All Features must be enabled. If you’re new to Organizations, use these steps to enable AWS Organizations in your account. For more information, see Creating an organization and Enabling all features in your organization.
  • A Firewall Manager administrator account: You must designate one of the AWS accounts in your organization as the administrator for Firewall Manager. This gives the account permission to deploy AWS WAF rules across the organization. On the web console of the AWS account that you want to designate as the Firewall Manager administrator, go to the Firewall Manager service, and on the Settings tab, choose Set administrator account to set that account as the administrator, as shown in figure 1.
    Figure 1: Firewall Manager administrator account

    Figure 1: Firewall Manager administrator account

  • AWS Config: You must enable AWS Config for all the accounts in your organization so that Firewall Manager can detect newly created resources. To enable AWS Config for all the accounts in your organization, you can use the Enable AWS Config template on the StackSets Sample Templates page. For more information, see Getting Started with AWS Config.

Walkthrough: Set up Firewall Manager policies

In the following steps, we walk you through the steps of creating and applying a Firewall Manager policy across AWS accounts, explaining the implications of the options you can choose. This policy uses AWS WAF rules that include AMRs such as the core rule set, Amazon’s IP reputation list and SQL injection.

To create and apply Firewall Manager policies

  1. In the AWS Management Console, navigate to the Firewall Manager service, choose Security Policies, and then choose the appropriate Region.
  2. Choose the Create Policy button. Under Policy type, you can see four options to choose from, as shown in figure 2. For this walkthrough, choose AWS WAF, which is the most recent version of AWS WAF, and then choose Next.
    Figure 2: Choosing the policy type

    Figure 2: Choosing the policy type

  3. You can now see options to add two sets of rule groups, first rule groups and last rule groups, as shown in figure 3.
    • First rule groups: When the web ACL inspects a web request, these are the set of rule groups that are prioritized to be evaluated at the very beginning. Note that these rules could be either custom build rules, or managed AWS WAF rules offered by AWS or other sellers.
    • Last rule groups: If the web request makes it through the first rule set and the AWS WAF rules defined for this web ACL (which will be in the format FMManagedWebACLV2PartialRuleName-policyXXXX), then it is evaluated against this last set of rule groups, before resulting in the action defined in this rule set.
    • Default web ACL action: This option specifies whether you want the web request evaluated by the rule to be allowed or blocked.
    Figure 3: Updating Rule groups

    Figure 3: Updating Rule groups

  4. See the AWS Managed Rules rule groups list to understand the rules that are defined in the managed rule set. You can choose to override the default action set and instead apply the “count” setting to monitor the traffic for the rule group. This will help customers to monitor for false positives before deciding to allow or reject certain web-requests.
    You can apply this count mode to specific rules of the rule set by selecting the rule, choosing the Edit button, as shown in figure 4, and then setting the toggle for individual rules.
    Figure 4: Edit rule group to override the default action set

    Figure 4: Edit rule group to override the default action set

    Figure 5 shows the Override rules action setting toggled on and off for various rules. AWS Core Rule set contains rules to protect against commonly occurring vulnerabilities described in OWASP publications. The two parameters, “SizeRestrictions_QUERYSTRING” and “SizeRestrictions_BODY” are set to monitoring mode which helps verify that the URI query string length and request body size are within the standard boundary for web applications.

    Figure 5: Example of setting a managed rule to override the rules action

    Figure 5: Example of setting a managed rule to override the rules action

  5. On the same page, under Policy action, you can also set the policy action to either identify the resources and monitor those that don’t comply with the policy rules, without auto-remediation, OR choose to auto-remediate any of the non-compliant resources. This option is shown in figure 6.
    Auto-remediation: Here is where you can get creative in using Firewall Manager policies based on various requirements. For example, you can create policies for specific departments using AWS tags OR all applications deployed in specific accounts, where you want to enforce certain AWS WAF rules to meet requirements to protect all the resources. Notice in figure 6 that you can choose to auto-remediate. What this means is that these AWS WAF rules are not only applied to all the resources types that you select to protect, but if someone tampers with this Firewall Manager web ACL by deleting the rule group, Firewall Manager creates this rule group again within a few minutes. In the background, Firewall Manager has a tight integration with AWS Config to monitor all the resources across other accounts in that parent organization. Similarly, in the same account, you could create another policy for a different department or team where you don’t want to enforce the AWS WAF rules but instead let the application teams in these departments create their own web ACLs to use.
    Figure 6: Setting the default web ACL and auto-remediate actions

    Figure 6: Setting the default web ACL and auto-remediate actions

    In figure 6, you see an option to replace the existing web ACLs. You may have created custom AWS WAF rules and applied those to the resources by using a custom web ACL. With this option, you can either choose not to alter such existing resources that are already protected by another custom web ACL (and not by Firewall Manager–created web ACLs), or to disassociate the resources and have them protected by the new web ACLs created by this policy.

  6. In this last step, under Policy scope, you can decide to apply the policy to specific types of AWS resources, either to all accounts in that organization or just to some of them, and also filter based on tags. This option is shown in figure 7. In the below example, you will see that the policy is restricted to two accounts, and two corresponding OU’s with tags limiting to “DeptName: PCI”.
    Figure 7: Defining policy scope for specific accounts

    Figure 7: Defining policy scope for specific accounts

Once these changes are applied, then in the background, with AWS Config enabled in the child accounts that are included in the policy, AWS WAF rules are created in the format “FMManagedWebACLV2<rulegroupname>XXXXXXXXXXXXX”. All resources that meet the conditions called out in the policy are automatically protected.

Validation: You can now log in to one of the child accounts to verify whether the resources are created. In our example, all the Application Load Balancers with the tag name DepName:PCI will be associated to this web ACL. You can also add more AWS WAF rules to this web ACL.

Figure 8: Reviewing and managing web ACLs in participating child accounts

Figure 8: Reviewing and managing web ACLs in participating child accounts

Firewall Manager logging capability

As part of the AWS WAF capability you want to make sure that logging is enabled with the recently announced feature for centralized logging of your AWS WAF policies. With this logging feature, you get detailed information about traffic within your organization.

The steps are similar to enabling logging for AWS WAF, and consists of two steps. In the first step, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose is used to capture logs from your policy’s web ACLs to a configured storage destination through the HTTPS endpoint. In the second step, you enable logging in a Firewall Manager policy and select the Firehose stream you created in the first step.

Step 1: Set up a new Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream

Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose is a fully managed service for delivering real-time streaming data to destinations such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Elasticsearch Service (ES), Splunk, and Amazon Redshift. With Kinesis Data Firehose, you don’t need to write applications or manage resources. You configure your data producers to send data to Kinesis Data Firehose, and it automatically delivers the data to the destination that you specified. You can also configure Kinesis Data Firehose to transform your data before delivering it.

To set up the delivery stream

  1. In the AWS Management Console, using your Firewall Manager administrator account, open the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose service and choose the button to create a new delivery stream.
    1. For Delivery stream name, enter a name for your new stream that starts with aws-waf-logs- as shown in figure 9. AWS WAF filters all streams starting with the keyword aws-waf-logs when it displays the delivery streams. Note the name of your stream since you’ll need it again later in the walkthrough.
    2. For Source, choose Direct PUT, since AWS WAF logs will be the source in this walkthrough.
    3. We recommend that you also enable server-side encryption. You can either choose to use AWS-owned keys or the customer-managed keys. In this example, we have chosen AWS owned Customer master keys (CMKs). If you have your own CMK’s, you can select the 2nd option of the customer-managed keys and pick your corresponding key from the dropdown list.
      Figure 9: Setting the source for the Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream

      Figure 9: Setting the source for the Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream

  2. Next, you have the option to enable AWS Lambda if you need to transform your data before transferring it to your destination. (You can learn more about data transformation in the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose documentation.) In this walkthrough, there are no transformations that need to be performed, so for Data transformation, choose Disabled. You also have the option to convert the JSON object to Apache Parquet or Apache ORC format for better query performance. In this example, for Record format conversion, choose Disabled. Figure 10 shows these options.
    Figure 10: Setting data transformation and format conversion

    Figure 10: Setting data transformation and format conversion

  3. On the Select destination screen, for Destination, choose Amazon S3, as shown in figure 11.
    1. For the S3 destination, you can either enter the name of an existing S3 bucket or create a new S3 bucket. Note the name of the S3 bucket, since you’ll need the bucket name in a later step in this walkthrough.
    2. (Optional) Set the S3 prefix and error bucket for logs.
      Figure 11: Selecting the destination

      Figure 11: Selecting the destination

    3. On the Configure Settings screen, shown in figure 12, choose other S3 options, such as encryption and compression, and creation of an IAM role for granting access to the Firehose delivery stream.
      1. You can leave the default values for S3 buffer values. We also recommend enabling compression and encryption.
      2. Either choose the option to create a new IAM role, or choose an existing role if you’ve already created one.
      Figure 12: Setting S3 options and IAM role

      Figure 12: Setting S3 options and IAM role

  4. In the next screen, review all the options you selected and choose the Create Delivery Stream button to create a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.

Step 2: Enable logging for an AWS WAF policy

In this step, you configure Firewall Manager policy to direct the log ingestion to the Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream that you created in the previous step.

To enable logging for an AWS WAF policy

  1. On the AWS Management Console, search for AWS Firewall Manager and in the navigation pane, choose Security Policies.
  2. Choose the AWS WAF policy that you want to enable logging for, and on the Policy details tab, in the Policy rules section, choose Edit. For Logging configuration status, choose Enabled.
  3. Choose the Kinesis Data Firehose that you created for your logging. You must choose a firehose that begins with “aws-waf-logs-”.
    Figure 13: Enable Firewall Manager logs

    Figure 13: Enable Firewall Manager logs

  4. Review your settings, and then choose Save to save your changes to the policy.

    Note: Firewall Manager supports this option for the latest version of AWS WAF, but not for AWS WAF Classic.

With these two steps, you now have logging enabled for your Firewall Manager policies.

Deploy Firewall Manager policy with a CloudFormation template

In this section, we provide you with an example CloudFormation template that deploys Firewall Manager policy with a rule group that consists of both an AWS Managed rule set and a custom AWS WAF rule. As a part of the custom AWS WAF rule, this template creates an IP set in which you specify the list of IP addresses from which you want to block traffic. It also creates a rule with an AND statement that blocks cross-site scripting requests and requests that originate from the IP addresses that you specified. You will also notice that this rule is applied to specific accounts that are entered in the parameters as comma-delimited values. Out of many available AWS Managed Rules, we used two rules: AWSManagedRulesCommonRuleSet and AWSManagedRulesSQLiRuleSet. For the former rule, we set the override action to count, which means the requests won’t be blocked but will be counted for further investigation. The latter rule contains rules to block request patterns associated with exploitation of SQL databases, such as SQL injection attacks. This can help prevent remote injection of unauthorized queries.

As a best practice, before using a rule group in production, test it in a non-production environment, with the action override set to count. Evaluate the rule group using Amazon CloudWatch metrics combined with AWS WAF sampled requests or AWS WAF logs. When you’re satisfied that the rule group does what you want, remove the override on the group.

To deploy the CloudFormation template

  1. Copy the following template code and save it in a file named deploy-firewall-manager-policy.yaml.
    Description: Create IPSet, RuleGroup and Firewall Manager Policy. Firewall Policy contains two AWS managed rule groups and one custom rule group.
        Type: CommaDelimitedList
        Description: "Enter IP Address range by using CIDR notation separated by comma to block incoming traffic originating from them. For eg: To specify the IPV4 address type or"
        Type: CommaDelimitedList
        Description: "Enter AWS Account IDs separated by comma in which you want to apply Firewall Manager policy"
          Type: 'AWS::WAFv2::IPSet'
            Description: Block ranges of IP addresses using this IP Set
            Name: WAFIPSetFMS
            Scope: REGIONAL
            IPAddressVersion: IPV4	
            Addresses: !Ref BlockIpAddressCIDR
        Type: 'AWS::WAFv2::RuleGroup'
        DependsOn: WAFIPSetFMS
          Capacity: 500
          Description: AWS WAF Rule Group to block web requests that contain cross site scripting injection attacks and originate from specific IP ranges.
          Name: RuleGroupXssFMS
          Scope: REGIONAL
              SampledRequestsEnabled: true
              CloudWatchMetricsEnabled: true
              MetricName: RuleGroupXssFMS
            - Name: xssException
              Priority: 0
                Block: {}
                  SampledRequestsEnabled: true
                  CloudWatchMetricsEnabled: true
                  MetricName: xssException
                  - XssMatchStatement:
                        Body: {}
                      - Type: HTML_ENTITY_DECODE
                        Priority: 0
                      - Type: LOWERCASE
                        Priority: 1
                  - IPSetReferenceStatement:
                      Arn: !GetAtt WAFIPSetFMS.Arn
        Type: AWS::FMS::Policy
          ExcludeResourceTags: false
          PolicyName: WAF-Policy
            ACCOUNT: !Ref AWSAccountIds
          RemediationEnabled: true
          ResourceType: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer 
            Type: WAFV2
            ManagedServiceData: !Sub '{"type":"WAFV2", 

  2. Execute the following AWS CLI command to deploy the stack. If you haven’t configured AWS CLI, refer to this quickstart.
    aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name firewall-manager-policy-stack \
          --template-body file://deploy-firewall-manager-policy.yaml \
          --parameters \
    ParameterKey= AWSAccountIds,ParameterValue=<Enter-AWSAccountIds>


As of today, price per AWS WAF protection policy per Region is $100.00. To get an overall idea on pricing, we recommend that you review this AWS Firewall Manager pricing guide that covers a few scenarios.

AWS WAF charges based on the number of web access control lists (web ACLs) that you create, the number of rules that you add per web ACL, and the number of web requests that you receive. There are no upfront commitments. Learn more about AWS WAF pricing.

There is no additional charge for using AWS Managed Rules for AWS WAF. When you subscribe to a Managed Rule Group provided by an AWS Marketplace seller, you will be charged additional fees based on the price set by the seller.

AWS Shield Advanced customers can use Firewall Manager to apply AWS Shield Advanced and AWS WAF protections across their entire organization at no additional cost.


This blog post describes how you can create Firewall Manager policies with the new version of AWS WAF rules, by using the web console or AWS CloudFormation. You can also create these rules by using the command line interface (CLI), or programmatically with the SDK and other similar scripting tools. Using both AWS WAF and Firewall Manager, you can create a deployment strategy to safeguard all your accounts centrally at the organization level, and also choose to automatically remediate the AWS WAF rules if anything is changed after deployment.

For further reading, see the AWS Firewall Manager Developer Guide.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Firewall Manager forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Umesh Kumar Ramesh

Umesh is a Senior Cloud Infrastructure Architect with AWS who delivers proof-of-concept projects and topical workshops, and leads implementation projects. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science & Engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur (India). Outside of work, he enjoys watching documentaries, biking, practicing meditation and discussing spirituality.


Mahek Pavagadhi

Mahek is a Cloud Infrastructure Architect at AWS in San Francisco, CA. She has a master’s degree in Software Engineering with a major in Cloud Computing. She is passionate about cloud services and building solutions with it. Outside of work, she is an avid traveler who loves to explore local cafeterias.

120 AWS services achieve HITRUST certification

Post Syndicated from Hadis Ali original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/120-aws-services-achieve-hitrust-certification/

We’re excited to announce that 120 Amazon Web Services (AWS) services are certified for the HITRUST Common Security Framework (CSF) for the 2020 cycle.

The full list of AWS services that were audited by a third-party assessor and certified under HITRUST CSF is available on our Services in Scope by Compliance Program page. You can view and download our HITRUST CSF certification from AWS Artifact.

AWS HITRUST CSF certification is available for customer inheritance

You don’t have to assess the inherited controls, because AWS already has! You can deploy environments onto AWS and inherit our HITRUST CSF certification provided that you use only in-scope services and apply the controls detailed on the HITRUST website that you are responsible for implementing.

The HITRUST certification allows you, as an AWS customer, to tailor your security control baselines to a variety of factors including, but not limited to, regulatory requirements and organization type. The HITRUST CSF is widely adopted by leading organizations in a variety of industries in their approach to security and privacy. Visit the HITRUST website for more information.

As always, we value your feedback and questions and are committed to helping you achieve and maintain the highest standard of security and compliance. Feel free to contact the team through AWS Compliance Contact Us. If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Hadis Ali

Hadis is a Security and Privacy Manager at Amazon Web Services. He leads multiple security and privacy initiatives within AWS Security Assurance. Hadis holds Bachelor’s degrees in Accounting and Information Systems from the University of Washington.

Investigate VPC flow with Amazon Detective

Post Syndicated from Ross Warren original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/investigate-vpc-flow-with-amazon-detective/

Many Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers need enhanced insight into IP network flow. Traditionally, cost, the complexity of collection, and the time required for analysis has led to incomplete investigations of network flows. Having good telemetry is paramount, and VPC Flow Logs are a very important part of a robust centralized logging architecture. The information that VPC Flow Logs provide is frequently used by security analysts to determine the scope of security issues, to validate that network access rules are working as expected, and to help analysts investigate issues and diagnose network behaviors. Flow logs capture information about the IP traffic going to and from EC2 interfaces in a VPC. Each record describes aspects of the traffic flow, such as where it originated and where it was sent to, what network ports were used, and how many bytes were sent.

Amazon Detective now enables you to interactively examine the details of the virtual private cloud (VPC) network flows of your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. Amazon Detective makes it easy to analyze, investigate, and quickly identify the root cause of potential security issues or suspicious activities. Detective automatically collects VPC flow logs from your monitored accounts, aggregates them by EC2 instance, and presents visual summaries and analytics about these network flows. Detective doesn’t require VPC Flow Logs to be configured and doesn’t impact existing flow log collection.

In this blog post, I describe how to use the new VPC flow feature in Detective to investigate an UnauthorizedAccess:EC2/TorClient finding from Amazon GuardDuty. Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that continuously monitors for malicious activity and unauthorized behavior to protect your AWS accounts, workloads, and data stored in Amazon S3. GuardDuty documentation states that this alert can indicate unauthorized access to your AWS resources with the intent of hiding the unauthorized user’s true identity. I’ll demonstrate how to use Amazon Detective to investigate an instance that was flagged by Amazon GuardDuty to determine whether it is compromised or not.

Starting the investigation in GuardDuty

In my GuardDuty console, I’m going to select the UnauthorizedAccess:EC2/TorClient finding shown in Figure 1, choose the Actions menu, and select Investigate.

Figure 1: Investigating from the GuardDuty console

Figure 1: Investigating from the GuardDuty console

This opens a new browser tab and launches the Amazon Detective console, where I’m presented with the profile page for this finding, shown in Figure 2. You must have Detective enabled to pivot between a GuardDuty finding and Detective. Detective provides profile pages for supported GuardDuty findings and AWS resources (for example, IP address, EC2 instance, user, and role) that include information and data visualizations that summarize observed behaviors and give guidance for interpreting them. Profiles help analysts to determine whether the finding is of genuine concern or a false positive. For resources, profiles provide supporting details for an investigation into a finding or for a general hunt for suspicious activity.

Figure 2: Finding profile panel

Figure 2: Finding profile panel

In this case, the profile page for this GuardDuty UnauthorizedAccess:EC2/TorClient finding provides contextual and behavioral data about the EC2 instance on which GuardDuty has noted the issue. As I dive into this finding, I’m going to be asking questions that help assess whether the instance was in fact accessed unintentionally, such as, “What IP port or network service was in use at that time?,” “Were any large data transfers involved?,” “Was the traffic allowed by my security groups?” Profile pages in Detective organize content that helps security analysts investigate GuardDuty findings, examine unexpected network behavior, and identify other AWS resources that might be affected by a potential security issue.

I begin scrolling down the page and notice the Findings associated with EC2 instance i-9999999999999999 panel. Detective displays related findings to provide analysts with additional evidence and context about potentially related issues. The finding I’m investigating is listed there, as well as an Unusual Behaviors/VM/Behavior:EC2-NetworkPortUnusual finding. GuardDuty builds a baseline on your network traffic and will generate findings where there is traffic outside the calculated normal. While we might not investigate every instance of anomalous traffic, having these alerts correlated by Detective provides context for validating the issue. Keeping this in mind as I scroll down, at the bottom of this profile page, I find the Overall VPC flow volume panel. If you choose the Info link next to the panel title, you can see helpful tips that describe how to use the visualizations and provide ideas for questions to ask within your investigation. These info links are available throughout Detective. Check them out!

Investigating VPC flow in Detective

In this investigation, I’m very curious about the two large spikes in inbound traffic that I see in the Overall VPC flow volume panel, which seem to be visually associated with some unusual outbound traffic spikes. It’s most likely that these outbound spikes are related to the Unusual Behaviors/VM/Behavior:EC2-NetworkPortUnusual finding I mentioned earlier. To start the investigation, I choose the display details for scope time button, shown circled at the bottom of Figure 2. This expands the VPC Flow Details, shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Our first look at VPC Flow Details

Figure 3: Our first look at VPC Flow Details

We now can see that each entry displays the volume of inbound traffic, the volume of outbound traffic, and whether the access request was accepted or rejected. Detective provides annotations on the VPC flows to help guide your investigation. These From finding annotations make it clear which flows and resources were involved in the finding. In this case, we can easily see (in Figure 3) the three IP addresses at the top of the list that triggered this GuardDuty finding.

I’m first going to focus on the spikes in traffic that are above the baseline. When I click on one of the spikes in the graph, the time window for the VPC flow activity now matches the dates of these spikes I’m investigating.

If I choose the Inbound Traffic column header, shown in Figure 4, I can find the flows that contributed to the spike during this time window.

Figure 4: Inbound traffic spikes

Figure 4: Inbound traffic spikes

Note that the two large inbound spikes aren’t associated with the IP address from the UnauthorizedAccess:EC2/TorClient finding, based on the Detective annotation From finding. Let’s check the outbound traffic. If I do a quick sort of the table based on the outbound traffic column, as shown in Figure 5, we can also see the outbound spikes, and it isn’t immediately evident whether the spikes are associated with this finding. I could continue to investigate the spikes (because they are a visual anomaly), or focus just on the VPC flow traffic that GuardDuty and Detective have labeled as associated with this TOR finding.

Figure 5: Outbound traffic spikes

Figure 5: Outbound traffic spikes

Let’s focus on the outbound and inbound spikes and see if we can determine what’s happening. The inbound spikes are on port 443, typically an HTTPS port, or a secure web connection. The outbound spikes are on port 22 (ssh), but go to IP addresses that look to be internal based on their addresses of 172.16.x.x. The port 443 traffic might indicate a web server that’s open to the internet and receiving traffic. With further investigation, we can determine if this idea is valid, and continue hunting for potentially malicious traffic.

A good next step would be to investigate the two specific IP addresses to rule out their involvement in the finding. I can do this by right-clicking on either of the external IP addresses and opening a new tab, where I can focus on investigating these two specific IP addresses. I would take this line of investigation to possibly rule out the involvement of these IP addresses in this finding, determine if they regularly communicate with my resources, find out what instance(s) they’re related to, and see if there are other findings associated with these instances or IP addresses. This deeper investigation is outside the scope of this blog post, but it’s something you should be doing in your own environment.

IP addresses in AWS are ephemeral in nature. The unique identifier in VPC flow logs is the Instance ID. At the time of this investigation, is assigned to the instance related to this finding, so let’s continue to take a look at the internal IP address with 218 MB outbound traffic on port 22. I choose, and Detective opens up the profile page for this specific IP address, as shown in Figure 6. Here we see some interesting correlations: two other GuardDuty findings related to SSH brute-force attacks. These could be related to our outbound port 22 spikes, because they’re certainly in the window of time we’re investigating.

Figure 6: IP address profile panel

Figure 6: IP address profile panel

As part of a deeper investigation, you would investigate the SSH brute-force findings for and but for now I’m interested what this IP is involved in. Detective easily associates this IP address with the instance that was assigned the IP during the scope time. I scroll down to the bottom of the profile page for and investigate the i-9999999999999999 instance by choosing the instance name.

Filtering VPC flow activity

In Detective, as the investigator we are looking at an instance profile panel, similar to the one in Figure 2, and since we’re interested in VPC flow details, I’m going to scroll down and select display details for scope time.

To focus on specific activity, I can filter the activity details by the following values:

  • IP address
  • Local or remote port
  • Direction
  • Protocol
  • Whether the request was accepted or rejected

I’m going to filter these VPC flow details and just look at port 22 (sshd) inbound traffic. I select the Filter check box and select Local Port and 22, as shown in Figure 7. Detective fills in all the available ports for you, making it easy to complete this filter.

Figure 7: Port 22 traffic

Figure 7: Port 22 traffic

The activity details show a few IP addresses related to port 22, and we’re still following the large outbound spikes of traffic. It’s outside the scope of this blog post, but now it would be time to start looking at your security groups and network access control lists (ACLs) and determine why port 22 is open to the internet and sending all this traffic.

Understanding traffic behavior

As an investigator, I now have a good picture of the traffic related to the initial finding, and by diving deeper we’re able to discover other interesting traffic during the same timeframe. While we may not always determine “who has done it,” the goal should be to improve our understanding of the behavior of our environment and gather important technical evidence. Detective helps you identify and investigate anomalies to give you insight into your environment. If we were to continue our investigation into the finding, here are some actions we can take within Detective.

Investigate VPC findings with Detective:

  • Perform ports and utilization analysis
    • Identify service and ephemeral ports
    • Determine whether traffic was accepted or rejected based on security groups and NACL configurations
    • Investigate possible reconnaissance traffic by exploring the significant amount of rejected traffic
  • Correlate EC2 instances to TCP/IP ports and IPs
  • Analyze traffic spikes and anomalies
  • Discover traffic patterns and make behavioral correlations

Explore EC2 instance behavior with Detective:

  • Directional Traffic Analysis
  • Investigate possible data exfiltration events by digging into large transfers
  • Enumerate distinct IP connections and sort and filter by protocol, amount of traffic, and traffic direction
  • Gather data related to a spike in port count from a single IP address (potential brute force) or multiple IP addresses (distributed denial of service (DDoS))

Additional forensics steps to consider

  • Snapshot EC2 Volumes
  • Memory dump of EC2 instance
  • Isolate EC2 instance
  • Review your authentication strategy and assess whether the chosen authentication method is sufficient to protect your asset


Without requiring you to set up infrastructure or spend time configuring log ingestion, Detective collects, organizes, and presents relevant data for your threat analysis and investigations. Security and operations teams will find this new capability helpful for simplifying EC2 traffic analysis, validating security group permissions, and diagnosing EC2 instance behavior. Detective does the heavy lifting of storing, and analyzing VPC flow data so you can focus on quickly answering your investigative questions. VPC network flow details are available now in all Detective supported Regions and are included as part of your service subscription.

To get started, you can enable a 30-day free trial of Amazon Detective. See the AWS Regional Services page for all the regions where Detective is available. To learn more, visit the Amazon Detective product page.

Are you a visual learner? Check out Amazon Detective Overview and Demonstration. This video helps you learn how and when to use Amazon Detective to improve the security of your AWS resources.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Ross Warren

Ross Warren is a Solution Architect at AWS based in Northern Virginia. Prior to his work at AWS, Ross’ areas of focus included cyber threat hunting and security operations. Ross has worked at a handful of startups and has enjoyed the transition to AWS because he can continue to build solutions for customers on today’s most innovative platform.


Jim Miller

Jim is a Solution Architect at AWS based in Connecticut. Jim has worked within cyber security his entire career with areas of focus including cyber security architecture and incident response. At AWS he loves building secure solutions for customers to enable teams to build and innovate with confidence.

Round 2 post-quantum TLS is now supported in AWS KMS

Post Syndicated from Alex Weibel original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/round-2-post-quantum-tls-is-now-supported-in-aws-kms/

AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) now supports three new hybrid post-quantum key exchange algorithms for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 encryption protocol that’s used when connecting to AWS KMS API endpoints. These new hybrid post-quantum algorithms combine the proven security of a classical key exchange with the potential quantum-safe properties of new post-quantum key exchanges undergoing evaluation for standardization. The fastest of these algorithms adds approximately 0.3 milliseconds of overheard compared to a classical TLS handshake. The new post-quantum key exchange algorithms added are Round 2 versions of Kyber, Bit Flipping Key Encapsulation (BIKE), and Supersingular Isogeny Key Encapsulation (SIKE). Each organization has submitted their algorithms to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as part of NIST’s post-quantum cryptography standardization process. This process spans several rounds of evaluation over multiple years, and is likely to continue beyond 2021.

In our previous hybrid post-quantum TLS blog post, we announced that AWS KMS had launched hybrid post-quantum TLS 1.2 with Round 1 versions of BIKE and SIKE. The Round 1 post-quantum algorithms are still supported by AWS KMS, but at a lower priority than the Round 2 algorithms. You can choose to upgrade your client to enable negotiation of Round 2 algorithms.

Why post-quantum TLS is important

A large-scale quantum computer would be able to break the current public-key cryptography that’s used for key exchange in classical TLS connections. While a large-scale quantum computer isn’t available today, it’s still important to think about and plan for your long-term security needs. TLS traffic using classical algorithms recorded today could be decrypted by a large-scale quantum computer in the future. If you’re developing applications that rely on the long-term confidentiality of data passed over a TLS connection, you should consider a plan to migrate to post-quantum cryptography before the lifespan of the sensitivity of your data would be susceptible to an unauthorized user with a large-scale quantum computer. As an example, this means that if you believe that a large-scale quantum computer is 25 years away, and your data must be secure for 20 years, you should migrate to post-quantum schemes within the next 5 years. AWS is working to prepare for this future, and we want you to be prepared too.

We’re offering this feature now instead of waiting for standardization efforts to be complete so you have a way to measure the potential performance impact to your applications. Offering this feature now also gives you the protection afforded by the proposed post-quantum schemes today. While we believe that the use of this feature raises the already high security bar for connecting to AWS KMS endpoints, these new cipher suites will impact bandwidth utilization and latency. However, using these new algorithms could also create connection failures for intermediate systems that proxy TLS connections. We’d like to get feedback from you on the effectiveness of our implementation or any issues found so we can improve it over time.

Hybrid post-quantum TLS 1.2

Hybrid post-quantum TLS is a feature that provides the security protections of both the classical and post-quantum key exchange algorithms in a single TLS handshake. Figure 1 shows the differences in the connection secret derivation process between classical and hybrid post-quantum TLS 1.2. Hybrid post-quantum TLS 1.2 has three major differences from classical TLS 1.2:

  • The negotiated post-quantum key is appended to the ECDHE key before being used as the hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) key.
  • The text hybrid in its ASCII representation is prepended to the beginning of the HMAC message.
  • The entire client key exchange message from the TLS handshake is appended to the end of the HMAC message.
Figure 1: Differences in the connection secret derivation process between classical and hybrid post-quantum TLS 1.2

Figure 1: Differences in the connection secret derivation process between classical and hybrid post-quantum TLS 1.2

Some background on post-quantum TLS

Today, all requests to AWS KMS use TLS with key exchange algorithms that provide perfect forward secrecy and use one of the following classical schemes:

While existing FFDHE and ECDHE schemes use perfect forward secrecy to protect against the compromise of the server’s long-term secret key, these schemes don’t protect against large-scale quantum computers. In the future, a sufficiently capable large-scale quantum computer could run Shor’s Algorithm to recover the TLS session key of a recorded classical session, and thereby gain access to the data inside. Using a post-quantum key exchange algorithm during the TLS handshake protects against attacks from a large-scale quantum computer.

The possibility of large-scale quantum computing has spurred the development of new quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms. NIST has started the process of standardizing post-quantum key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs). A KEM is a type of key exchange that’s used to establish a shared symmetric key. AWS has chosen three NIST KEM submissions to adopt in our post-quantum efforts:

Hybrid mode ensures that the negotiated key is as strong as the weakest key agreement scheme. If one of the schemes is broken, the communications remain confidential. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Hybrid Post-Quantum Key Encapsulation Methods for Transport Layer Security 1.2 draft describes how to combine post-quantum KEMs with ECDHE to create new cipher suites for TLS 1.2.

These cipher suites use a hybrid key exchange that performs two independent key exchanges during the TLS handshake. The key exchange then cryptographically combines the keys from each into a single TLS session key. This strategy combines the proven security of a classical key exchange with the potential quantum-safe properties of new post-quantum key exchanges being analyzed by NIST.

The effect of hybrid post-quantum TLS on performance

Post-quantum cipher suites have a different performance profile and bandwidth usage from traditional cipher suites. AWS has measured bandwidth and latency across 2,000 TLS handshakes between an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) C5n.4xlarge client and the public AWS KMS endpoint, which were both in the us-west-2 Region. Your own performance characteristics might differ, and will depend on your environment, including your:

  • Hardware–CPU speed and number of cores.
  • Existing workloads–how often you call AWS KMS and what other work your application performs.
  • Network–location and capacity.

The following graphs and table show latency measurements performed by AWS for all newly supported Round 2 post-quantum algorithms, in addition to the classical ECDHE key exchange algorithm currently used by most customers.

Figure 2 shows the latency differences of all hybrid post-quantum algorithms compared with classical ECDHE alone, and shows that compared to ECDHE alone, SIKE adds approximately 101 milliseconds of overhead, BIKE adds approximately 9.5 milliseconds of overhead, and Kyber adds approximately 0.3 milliseconds of overhead.

Figure 2: TLS handshake latency at varying percentiles for four key exchange algorithms

Figure 2: TLS handshake latency at varying percentiles for four key exchange algorithms

Figure 3 shows the latency differences between ECDHE with Kyber, and ECDHE alone. The addition of Kyber adds approximately 0.3 milliseconds of overhead.

Figure 3: TLS handshake latency at varying percentiles, with only top two performing key exchange algorithms

Figure 3: TLS handshake latency at varying percentiles, with only top two performing key exchange algorithms

The following table shows the total amount of data (in bytes) needed to complete the TLS handshake for each cipher suite, the average latency, and latency at varying percentiles. All measurements were gathered from 2,000 TLS handshakes. The time was measured on the client from the start of the handshake until the handshake was completed, and includes all network transfer time. All connections used RSA authentication with a 2048-bit key, and ECDHE used the secp256r1 curve. All hybrid post-quantum tests used the NIST Round 2 versions. The Kyber test used the Kyber-512 parameter, the BIKE test used the BIKE-1 Level 1 parameter, and the SIKE test used the SIKEp434 parameter.

Item Bandwidth
ECDHE (classic) 3,574 2,000 3.08 2.07 3.02 3.95 4.71
ECDHE + Kyber R2 5,898 2,000 3.36 2.38 3.17 4.28 5.35
ECDHE + BIKE R2 12,456 2,000 14.91 11.59 14.16 18.27 23.58
ECDHE + SIKE R2 4,628 2,000 112.40 103.22 108.87 126.80 146.56

By default, the AWS SDK client performs a TLS handshake once to set up a new TLS connection, and then reuses that TLS connection for multiple requests. This means that the increased cost of a hybrid post-quantum TLS handshake is amortized over multiple requests sent over the TLS connection. You should take the amortization into account when evaluating the overall additional cost of using post-quantum algorithms; otherwise performance data could be skewed.

AWS KMS has chosen Kyber Round 2 to be KMS’s highest prioritized post-quantum algorithm, with BIKE Round 2, and SIKE Round 2 next in priority order for post-quantum algorithms. This is because Kyber’s performance is closest to the classical ECDHE performance that most AWS KMS customers are using today and are accustomed to.

How to use hybrid post-quantum cipher suites

To use the post-quantum cipher suites with AWS KMS, you need the preview release of the AWS Common Runtime (CRT) HTTP client for the AWS SDK for Java 2.x. Also, you will need to configure the AWS CRT HTTP client to use the s2n post-quantum hybrid cipher suites. Post-quantum TLS for AWS KMS is available in all AWS Regions except for AWS GovCloud (US-East), AWS GovCloud (US-West), AWS China (Beijing) Region operated by Beijing Sinnet Technology Co. Ltd (“Sinnet”), and AWS China (Ningxia) Region operated by Ningxia Western Cloud Data Technology Co. Ltd. (“NWCD”). Since NIST has not yet standardized post-quantum cryptography, connections that require Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) compliance cannot use the hybrid key exchange. For example, kms.<region>.amazonaws.com supports the use of post-quantum cipher suites, while kms-fips.<region>.amazonaws.com does not.

  1. If you’re using the AWS SDK for Java 2.x, you must add the preview release of the AWS Common Runtime client to your Maven dependencies.

  2. You then must configure the new SDK and cipher suite in the existing initialization code of your application:
        throw new RuntimeException("Post Quantum Ciphers not supported on this Platform");
    SdkAsyncHttpClient awsCrtHttpClient = AwsCrtAsyncHttpClient.builder()
    KmsAsyncClient kms = KmsAsyncClient.builder()
    ListKeysResponse response = kms.listKeys().get();

Now, all connections made to AWS KMS in supported Regions will use the new hybrid post-quantum cipher suites! To see a complete example of everything set up, check out the example application here.

Things to try

Here are some ideas about how to use this post-quantum-enabled client:

  • Run load tests and benchmarks. These new cipher suites perform differently than traditional key exchange algorithms. You might need to adjust your connection timeouts to allow for the longer handshake times or, if you’re running inside an AWS Lambda function, extend the execution timeout setting.
  • Try connecting from different locations. Depending on the network path your request takes, you might discover that intermediate hosts, proxies, or firewalls with deep packet inspection (DPI) block the request. This could be due to the new cipher suites in the ClientHello or the larger key exchange messages. If this is the case, you might need to work with your security team or IT administrators to update the relevant configuration to unblock the new TLS cipher suites. We’d like to hear from you about how your infrastructure interacts with this new variant of TLS traffic. If you have questions or feedback, please start a new thread on the AWS KMS discussion forum.


In this blog post, I announced support for Round 2 hybrid post-quantum algorithms in AWS KMS, and showed you how to begin experimenting with hybrid post-quantum key exchange algorithms for TLS when connecting to AWS KMS endpoints.

More info

If you’d like to learn more about post-quantum cryptography check out:

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Alex Weibel

Alex is a Senior Software Engineer on the AWS Crypto Algorithms team. He’s one of the maintainers for Amazon’s TLS Library s2n. Previously, Alex worked on TLS termination and request proxying for S3 and the Elastic Load Balancing Service developing new features for customers. Alex holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Austin.

Fall 2020 SOC 2 Type I Privacy report now available

Post Syndicated from Ninad Naik original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/fall-2020-soc-2-type-i-privacy-report-now-available/

Your privacy considerations are at the core of our compliance work, and at AWS, we are focused on the protection of your content while using Amazon Web Services. Our Fall 2020 SOC 2 Type I Privacy report is now available, demonstrating the privacy compliance commitments we made to you.

The Fall 2020 SOC 2 Type I Privacy report provides you with a third-party attestation of our system and the suitability of the design of our privacy controls. The SOC 2 Privacy Trust Service Criteria (TSC), developed by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) establishes the criteria for evaluating controls relating to how personal information is collected, used, retained, disclosed and disposed of to meet AWS’s objectives. Customers can find additional information related to privacy commitments supporting our SOC2 Type 1 report in the Customer Agreement documentation.

The scope of the privacy report includes information about how we handle the content that you upload to AWS and how it is protected in all of the services and locations that are in scope for the latest AWS SOC reports. You can find our SOC 2 Type I Privacy report through Artifact in the AWS Management Console.

As always, we value your feedback and questions. Please feel free to reach out to the team through the Contact Us page. If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Ninad Naik

Ninad is a Security Assurance Manager at Amazon Web Services, leading multiple security and privacy initiatives within AWS. He has a Master’s degree in Information Systems from Syracuse University, NY and a Bachelor’s of Engineering degree in Information Technology from Mumbai University, India. Ninad has 10 years of experience in security assurance and ITIL, CISA, CGEIT, and CISM certifications.

Fall 2020 SOC reports now available with 124 services in scope

Post Syndicated from Ninad Naik original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/fall-2020-soc-reports-now-available-with-124-services-in-scope/

At AWS, we’re committed to providing our customers with continued assurance over the security, availability and confidentiality of the AWS control environment. We’re proud to deliver the System and Organizational (SOC) 1, 2 and 3 reports to enable our AWS customers to maintain confidence in AWS services.

For the Fall 2020 SOC reports, covering 04/01/2020 to 09/30/2020, we are excited to announce two new services in scope, for a total of 124 total services in scope. The associated infrastructure supporting our in-scope products and services is updated to reflect new regions and edge locations.

Here are the 2 new services in scope for Fall SOC 2020 reports:

The Fall 2020 SOC reports are now available through Artifact in the AWS Management Console. The SOC 3 report can also be downloaded here as PDF.

AWS strives to bring services into scope of its compliance programs to help you meet your architectural and regulatory needs. If there are additional AWS services which you would like to see added to the scope of our SOC reports (or other compliance programs), please reach out to your AWS Representatives.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Ninad Naik

Ninad is a Security Assurance Manager at Amazon Web Services, leading multiple security and privacy initiatives within AWS. Ninad holds a Master’s degree in Information Systems from Syracuse University, NY and a Bachelor’s of Engineering degree in Information Technology from Mumbai University, India. Ninad has 10 years of experience in security assurance and ITIL, CISA, CGEIT, and CISM certifications.

How to record a video of Amazon AppStream 2.0 streaming sessions

Post Syndicated from Nicolas Malaval original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-record-video-of-amazon-appstream-2-0-streaming-sessions/

Amazon AppStream 2.0 is a fully managed service that lets you stream applications and desktops to your users. In this post, I’ll show you how to record a video of AppStream 2.0 streaming sessions by using FFmpeg, a popular media framework.

There are many use cases for session recording, such as auditing administrative access, troubleshooting user issues, or quality assurance. For example, you could publish administrative tools with AppStream 2.0, such as a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client, to protect access to your backend systems (see How to use Amazon AppStream 2.0 to reduce your bastion host attack surface) and you may want to record a video of what your administrators do when accessing and operating backend systems. You may also want to see what a user did to reproduce an issue, or view activities in a call center setting, such as call handling or customer support, for review and training.

This solution is not designed or intended for people surveillance, or for the collection of evidence for legal proceedings. You are responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations when using this solution.

Overview and architecture

In this section, you can learn about the steps for recording AppStream 2.0 streaming sessions and see an overview of the solution architecture. Later in this post, you can find instructions about how to implement and test the solution.

AppStream 2.0 enables you to run custom scripts to prepare the streaming instance before the applications launch or after the streaming session has completed. Figure 1 shows a simplified description of what happens before, during and after a streaming session.

Figure 1: Solution architecture

Figure 1: Solution architecture

  1. Before the streaming session starts, AppStream 2.0 runs script A, which uses PsExec, a utility that enables administrators to run commands on local or remote computers, to launch script B. Script B then runs during the entire streaming session. PsExec can run the script as the LocalSystem account, a service account that has extensive privileges on a local system, while it interacts with the desktop of another session. Using the LocalSystem account, you can use FFmpeg to record the session screen and prevent AppStream 2.0 users from stopping or tampering with the solution, as long as they aren’t granted local administrator rights.
  2. Script B launches FFmpeg and starts recording the desktop. The solution uses the FFmpeg built-in screen-grabber to capture the desktop across all the available screens.
  3. When FFmpeg starts recording, it captures the area covered by the desktop at that time. If the number of screens or the resolution changes, a portion of the desktop might be outside the recorded area. In that case, script B stops the recording and starts FFmpeg again.
  4. After the streaming session ends, AppStream 2.0 runs script C, which notifies script B that it must end the recording and close. Script B stops FFmpeg.
  5. Before exiting, script B uploads the video files that FFmpeg generated to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). It also stores user and session metadata in Amazon S3, along with the video files, for easy retrieval of session recordings.

For a more comprehensive understanding of how the session scripts works, you can refer to the GitHub repository that contains the solution artifacts, where I go into the details of each script.

Implementing and testing the solution

Now that you understand the architecture of this solution, you can follow the instructions in this section to implement this blog post’s solution in your AWS account. You will:

  1. Create a virtual private cloud (VPC), an S3 bucket and an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with AWS CloudFormation.
  2. Create an AppStream 2.0 image builder.
  3. Configure the solution scripts on the image builder.
  4. Specify an application to publish and create an image.
  5. Create an AppStream 2.0 fleet.
  6. Create an AppStream 2.0 stack.
  7. Create a user in the AppStream 2.0 user pool.
  8. Launch a streaming session and test the solution.

Step 1: Create a VPC, an S3 bucket, and an IAM role with AWS CloudFormation

For the first step in the solution, you create a new VPC where AppStream 2.0 will be deployed, or choose an existing VPC, a new S3 bucket to store the session recordings, and a new IAM role to grant AppStream 2.0 the necessary IAM permissions.

To create the VPC, the S3 bucket, and the IAM role with AWS CloudFormation

  1. Select the following Launch Stack button to open the CloudFormation console and create a CloudFormation stack from the template. You can change the Region where resources are deployed in the navigation bar.
    Select the Launch Stack button to launch the template

    The latest template can also be downloaded on GitHub.

  2. Choose Next. For VPC ID, Subnet 1 ID and Subnet 2 ID, you can optionally select a VPC and two subnets, if you want to deploy the solution in an existing VPC, or leave these fields blank to create a new VPC. Then follow the on-screen instructions. AWS CloudFormation creates the following resources:
    • (If you chose to create a new VPC) An Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) with an internet gateway attached.
    • (If you chose to create a new VPC) Two public subnets on this Amazon VPC with a new route table to make them publicly accessible.
    • An S3 bucket to store the session recordings.
    • An IAM role to grant AppStream 2.0 permissions to upload video and metadata files to Amazon S3.
  3. After the stack creation has completed, choose the Outputs tab in the CloudFormation console and note the values that the process returned: the name and Region of the S3 bucket, the name of the IAM role, the ID of the VPC, and the two subnets.

Step 2: Create an AppStream 2.0 image builder

The next step is to create a new AppStream 2.0 image builder. An image builder is a virtual machine that you can use to install and configure applications for streaming, and then create a custom image.

To create the AppStream 2.0 image builder

  1. Open the AppStream 2.0 console and select the Region in the navigation bar. Choose Get Started then Skip if you are new to the console.
  2. Choose Images in the left pane, and then choose Image Builder. Choose Launch Image Builder.
  3. In Step 1: Choose Image:
    1. Select the name of the latest AppStream 2.0 base image for the Windows Server version of your choice. You can find its name in the AppStream 2.0 base image version history. For example, at the time of writing, the name of the latest Windows Server 2019 base image is AppStream-WinServer2019-07-16-2020.
    2. Choose Next.
  4. In Step 2: Configure Image Builder:
    1. For Name, enter session-recording.
    2. For Instance Type, choose stream.standard.medium.
    3. For IAM role, select the IAM role that AWS CloudFormation created.
    4. Choose Next.
  5. In Step 3: Configure Network:
    1. Choose Default Internet Access to provide internet access to your image builder.
    2. For VPC, select the ID of the VPC, and for Subnet 1, select the ID of Subnet 1.
    3. For Security group(s), select the ID of the security group. Refer back to the Outputs tab of the CloudFormation stack if you are unsure which VPC, subnet and security group to select.
    4. Choose Review.
  6. In Step 4: Review, choose Launch.

Step 3: Configure the solution scripts on the image builder

The session scripts to run before streaming sessions start or after sessions end are specified within an AppStream 2.0 image. In this step, you install the solution scripts on your image builder and specify the scripts to run in the session scripts configuration file.

To configure the solution scripts on the image builder

  1. Wait until the image builder is in the Running state, and then choose Connect.
  2. Within the AppStream 2.0 streaming session, on the Local User tab, choose Administrator.
  3. To install the solution scripts:
    1. From the image builder desktop, choose Start in the Windows taskbar.
    2. Open the context (right-click) menu for Windows PowerShell, and then choose Run as Administrator.
    3. Run the following commands in the PowerShell terminal to create the required folders, and to copy the solution scripts and the session scripts configuration file from public objects in GitHub to the local disk. If you aren’t using Google Chrome or the AppStream 2.0 client, you need to choose the Clipboard icon in the AppStream 2.0 navigation bar, and then select Paste to remote session.
      New-Item -Path C:\SessionRecording -ItemType directory
      New-Item -Path C:\SessionRecording\Scripts -ItemType directory
      New-Item -Path C:\SessionRecording\Output -ItemType directory
      New-Item -Path C:\SessionRecording\Bin -ItemType directory
      $Acl = Get-Acl C:\SessionRecording
      $AccessRule1 = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("Administrators","FullControl","ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit","None","Allow")
      $AccessRule2 = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("SYSTEM","FullControl","ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit","None","Allow")
      $AccessRule3 = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("ImageBuilderAdmin","FullControl","ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit","None","Allow")
      Set-Acl C:\SessionRecording $Acl
      [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
      Invoke-WebRequest -URI https://github.com/aws-samples/appstream-session-recording/raw/main/script_a.ps1 -OutFile C:\SessionRecording\Scripts\script_a.ps1
      Invoke-WebRequest -URI https://github.com/aws-samples/appstream-session-recording/raw/main/script_b.ps1 -OutFile C:\SessionRecording\Scripts\script_b.ps1
      Invoke-WebRequest -URI https://github.com/aws-samples/appstream-session-recording/raw/main/script_c.ps1 -OutFile C:\SessionRecording\Scripts\script_c.ps1
      Invoke-WebRequest -URI https://github.com/aws-samples/appstream-session-recording/raw/main/variables.ps1 -OutFile C:\SessionRecording\Scripts\variables.ps1
      Invoke-WebRequest -URI https://github.com/aws-samples/appstream-session-recording/raw/main/config.json -OutFile C:\AppStream\SessionScripts\config.json

    4. Close the PowerShell terminal.
  4. To edit the variables.ps1 file with your own values:
    1. From the image builder desktop, choose Start in the Windows taskbar.
    2. Open the context (right-click) menu for Windows PowerShell ISE, and then choose Run as Administrator.
    3. Choose File, then Open. Navigate to the folder C:\SessionRecording\Scripts\ and open the file variables.ps1.
    4. Edit the name and the Region of the S3 bucket with the values returned by AWS CloudFormation in the Outputs tab. You can also customize the number of frames per second, and the maximum duration in seconds of each video file. Save the file.
    5. Save and close the file.
  5. To download the latest FFmpeg and PsExec executables to the image builder:
    1. From the image builder desktop, open the Firefox desktop icon.
    2. Navigate to the URL https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-release-github and choose the link that contains essentials_build.zip to download FFmpeg. Choose Open to download and extract the ZIP archive. Copy the file ffmpeg.exe in the bin folder of the ZIP archive to C:\SessionRecording\Bin\.

      Note: FFmpeg only provides source code and compiled packages are available at third-party locations. If the link above is invalid, go to the FFmpeg download page and follow the instructions to download the latest release build for Windows.

    3. Navigate to the URL https://download.sysinternals.com/files/PSTools.zip to download PsExec. Choose Open to download and extract the ZIP archive. Copy the file PsExec64.exe to C:\SessionRecording\Bin\. You must agree with the license terms, because the solution in this blog post automatically accepts them.
    4. Close Firefox.

Step 4: Specify an application to publish and create an image

In this step, you publish Firefox on your image builder and create an AppStream 2.0 custom image. I chose Firefox because it’s easy to test later in the procedure. You can choose other or additional applications to publish, if needed.

To specify the application to publish and create the image

  1. From the image builder desktop, open the Image Assistant icon available on the desktop. Image Assistant guides you through the image creation process.
  2. In 1. Add Apps:
    1. Choose + Add App.
    2. Enter the location C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe to add Firefox.
    3. Choose Open. Keep the default settings and choose Save.
    4. Choose Next multiple times until you see 4. Optimize.
  3. In 4. Optimize:
    1. Choose Launch.
    2. Choose Continue until you can see 5. Configure Image.
  4. In 5. Configure Image:
    1. For Name, enter session-recording for your image name.
    2. Choose Next.
  5. In 6. Review:
    1. Choose Disconnect and Create Image.
  6. Back in the AppStream 2.0 console:
    1. Choose Images in the left pane, and then choose the Image Registry tab.
    2. Change All Images to Private and shared with others. You will see your new AppStream 2.0 image.
    3. Wait until the image is in the Available state. This can take more than 30 minutes.

Step 5: Create an AppStream 2.0 fleet

Next, create an AppStream 2.0 fleet that consists of streaming instances that run your custom image.

To create the AppStream 2.0 fleet

  1. In the left pane of the AppStream 2.0 console, choose Fleets, and then choose Create Fleet.
  2. In Step 1: Provide Fleet Details:
    1. For Name, enter session-recording-fleet.
    2. Choose Next.
  3. In Step 2: Choose an Image:
    1. Select the name of the custom image that you created with the image builder.
    2. Choose Next.
  4. In Step 3: Configure Fleet:
    1. For Instance Type, select stream.standard.medium.
    2. For Fleet Type, choose Always-on.
    3. For Stream view, you can choose to stream either the applications or the entire desktop.
    4. For IAM role, select the IAM role.
    5. Keep the defaults for all other parameters, and choose Next.
  5. In Step 4: Configure Network:
    1. Choose Default Internet Access to provide internet access to your image builder.
    2. Select the VPC, the two subnets, and the security group.
    3. Choose Next.
  6. In Step 5: Review, choose Create.
  7. Wait until the fleet is in the Running state.

Step 6: Create an AppStream 2.0 stack

Create an AppStream 2.0 stack and associate it with the fleet that you just created.

To create the AppStream 2.0 stack

  1. In the left pane of the AppStream 2.0 console, choose Stacks, and then choose Create Stack.
  2. In Step 1: Stack Details:
    1. For Name, enter session-recording-stack.
    2. For Fleet, select the fleet that you created.
  3. Then follow the on-screen instructions and keep the defaults for all other parameters until the stack is created.

Step 7: Create a user in the AppStream 2.0 user pool

The AppStream 2.0 user pool provides a simplified way to manage access to applications for your users. In this step, you create a user in the user pool that you will use later in the procedure to test the solution.

To create the user in the AppStream 2.0 user pool

  1. In the left pane of the AppStream 2.0 console, choose User Pool, and then choose Create User.
  2. Enter your email address, first name, and last name. Choose Create User.
  3. Select the user you just created. Choose Actions, and then choose Assign stack.
  4. Select the stack, and then choose Assign stack.

Step 8: Test the solution

Now, sign in to AppStream 2.0 with the user that you just created, launch a streaming session, and check that the session recordings are delivered to Amazon S3.

To launch a streaming session and test the solution

  1. AppStream 2.0 sends you a notification email. Connect to the sign in portal by entering the information included in the notification email, and set a permanent password.
  2. Sign in to AppStream 2.0 by entering your email address and the permanent password.
  3. After you sign in, you can view the application catalog. Choose Firefox to launch a Firefox window and browse any websites you’d like.
  4. Choose the user icon at the top-right corner, and then choose Logout to end the session.

In the Amazon S3 console, navigate to the S3 bucket to browse the session recordings. For the session you just terminated, you can find one text file that contains user and instance metadata, and one or more video files that you can download and play with a media player like VLC.

Step 9: Clean up resources

You can now delete the two CloudFormation stacks to clean up the resources that were just created.

To clean up resources

  1. To delete the image builder:
    1. In the left pane of the AppStream 2.0 console, choose Images, and then choose Image Builder.
    2. Select the image builder. Choose Actions, then choose Delete.
  2. To delete the stack:
    1. In the left pane of the AppStream 2.0 console, choose Stacks.
    2. Select the image builder. Choose Actions, then choose Disassociate Fleet. Choose Disassociate to confirm.
    3. Choose Actions, then choose Delete.
  3. To delete the fleet:
    1. In the left pane of the AppStream 2.0 console, choose Fleets.
    2. Select the fleet. Choose Actions, then choose Stop. Choose Stop to confirm.
    3. Wait until the fleet is in the Stopped state.
    4. Choose Actions, then choose Delete.
  4. To disable the user in the user pool:
    1. In the left pane of the AppStream 2.0 console, choose User Pool.
    2. Select the user. Choose Actions, then choose Disable user. Choose Disable User to confirm.
  5. Empty the S3 bucket that CloudFormation created (see How do I empty an S3 bucket?). Repeat the same operation with the buckets that AppStream 2.0 created, whose names start with appstream-settings, appstream-logs and appstream2.
  6. Delete the CloudFormation stack on the AWS CloudFormation console (see Deleting a stack on the AWS CloudFormation console).


In this blog post, I showed you a way to record AppStream 2.0 sessions to video files for administrative access auditing, troubleshooting, or quality assurance. While this blog post focuses on Amazon AppStream 2.0, you could adapt and deploy the solution in Amazon Workspaces or in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Windows instances.

For a deep-dive explanation of how the solution scripts function, you can refer to the GitHub repository that contains the solution artifacts.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon AppStream 2.0 forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Nicolas Malaval

Nicolas is a Solution Architect for Amazon Web Services. He lives in Paris and helps our healthcare customers in France adopt cloud technology and innovate with AWS. Before that, he spent three years as a Consultant for AWS Professional Services, working with enterprise customers.

Combining encryption and signing with AWS asymmetric keys

Post Syndicated from J.D. Bean original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/combining-encryption-and-signing-with-aws-asymmetric-keys/

In this post, I discuss how to use AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to combine asymmetric digital signature and asymmetric encryption of the same data.

The addition of support for asymmetric keys in AWS KMS has exciting use cases for customers. The ability to create, manage, and use public and private key pairs with KMS enables you to perform digital signing operations using RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) keys. AWS KMS asymmetric keys can also be used to perform digital encryption operations using RSA keys. You can use these features together to digitally sign and encrypt the same data.

Another notable property of AWS KMS asymmetric keys is that they enable disconnected use cases. For example AWS KMS asymmetric keys can be used to cryptographically verify a digital signature client-side without the need for a network connection. AWS KMS asymmetric keys also enable scenarios where customers can use KMS to securely manage decryption of data that has been encrypted by a partner’s system that does not integrate with AWS APIs or have access to AWS account credentials. For the sake of simplicity, however, the example that I discuss in this post describes a connected use case where all cryptographic actions are performed server-side in AWS KMS using AWS credentials. The use of AWS KMS asymmetric keys throughout this post allows the overall approach to be adapted to disconnected and/or non-AWS-integrated use cases.


This post contains three basic steps.

  1. Create and configure AWS asymmetric customer master keys (CMK), AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles, and key policies.
  2. Use your asymmetric CMKs to encrypt and sign a sample message in the role of a sender.
  3. Use AWS KMS to decrypt and verify the message signature of the sample message archive you generated in the previous procedure using your asymmetric CMKs in the role of a receiver.


The commands I use in this tutorial were tested using AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) version 2.50 on Amazon Linux 2. In order to run these commands in your in your own local environment ensure that you have first installed and updated the AWS CLI.

I assume you have at least one administrator identity available to you that has broad rights for creating roles, assuming roles, as well as creating, managing and using KMS keys. This can be a federated identity (for example, from your corporate identity provider or from a social identity), or it can be an AWS IAM user. Where no AWS identity is mentioned, I assume that you will be accessing the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI using this administrator identity.

For simplicity, I create the KMS keys in the same region as each other. You must specify an AWS Region when using the AWS CLI, either explicitly or by setting a default Region. Before beginning, you should select an AWS Region to work in such as US East (N. Virginia). If you have not configured the AWS CLI in your environment please review the Configuration basics section of the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide for instructions. You may revert this configuration once you have finished if you do not wish to continue using a default Region with your AWS CLI. Take note of your selected region. When working in the AWS Console, if you do not see resources, such as AWS KMS keys, that you expect you may want to confirm that you are viewing resources in your chosen Region. For more information on selecting your Region in the AWS Console see Choosing a Region in AWS Management Console Getting Started Guide.

Create and configure resources

In the first phase of this tutorial you create and configure two asymmetric AWS KMS CMKs, two AWS IAM roles, and configure the key policies for both of your KMS CMKs to grant permissions to the roles. Shown in the following figure.

Figure 1: Create keys, roles, and key policies

Figure 1: Create keys, roles, and key policies

Create asymmetric signing and encryption key pairs

In the first step, you create two asymmetric master keys (CMK). One is configured for signing and verifying digital signatures while the other is configured for encrypting and decrypting data.

Note: The CMKs configured for this post are examples. RSA and Elliptic curve CMKs key specs can differ in a variety of dimensions. The RSA or elliptic curve key spec that you choose might be determined by your security standards or the requirements of your task. Different CMK key specs are priced differently and are subject to different request quotas because they each have different performance profiles. In general, use RSA or ECC keys with the highest security level that is practical and affordable for your task. For more information on CMK configuration options, please review the How to choose your CMK configuration section of the KMS Developer Guide.

To create a CMK for encryption and decryption

  1. Use the KMS CreateKey API. Pass RSA_4096 for the CustomerMasterKeySpec parameter and ENCRYPT_DECRYPT for the KeyUsage parameter in the AWS CLI example command below in order to generate a RSA 4096 key pair for signature creation and verification using AWS KMS.
    aws kms create-key --customer-master-key-spec RSA_4096 \
        --key-usage ENCRYPT_DECRYPT \
        --description "Sample Digital Encryption Key Pair"

    Note: If successful, this command returns a KeyMetadata object. Take note of the KeyID value in this object.

  2. As a best practice, assign an alias for your key. Use the following command to assign an alias of sample-encrypt-decrypt-key to your newly created CMK (replace the target-key-id value of 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab with your KeyID). Mapping a human-readable alias to the KeyID will make it easier to identify, use, and manage.
    aws kms create-alias \
        --alias-name alias/sample-encrypt-decrypt-key \
        --target-key-id 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab

To create a CMK for signature and verification

  1. Use the KMS CreateKey API. Pass ECC_NIST_P521 for the CustomerMasterKeySpec parameter and SIGN_VERIFY for the KeyUsage parameter in the AWS CLI example command below in order to generate an elliptic curve (ECC) key pair for signature creation and verification using AWS KMS.
    aws kms create-key --customer-master-key-spec \
        ECC_NIST_P521  \
        --key-usage SIGN_VERIFY \
        --description "Sample Digital Signature Key Pair"

    Note: If successful, this command returns a KeyMetadata object. Take note of the KeyID value.

  2. Use the following command to assign an alias of sample-sign-verify-key to your newly created CMK (replace the target-key-id value of 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab with your KeyID).
    aws kms create-alias \
        --alias-name alias/sample-sign-verify-key \
        --target-key-id 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab

Create sender and receiver roles

For the next step of this tutorial, you create two AWS principals. Use the steps that follow to create two roles—a sender principal and a receiver principal. Later, you will grant permissions to perform private key operations (sign and decrypt) and public key operations (verify and encrypt) to these roles.

To create and configure the roles

  1. Navigate to the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Create role console dialogue that allows entities in a specified account to assume the role. Enter your Account ID and choose Next, as shown in the following figure.

    Note: If you don’t know you AWS account ID, please read Finding you AWS account ID in the AWS IAM User Guide for guidance on how to obtain this information.

    Figure 2: Enter your account ID to begin creating a role in AWS IAM

    Figure 2: Enter your account ID to begin creating a role in AWS IAM

  2. Select Next through the next two screens.

    Note: By clicking next through these dialogues you do not attach an IAM permissions policy or a tag to this new role.

  3. On the final screen, enter a Role name of SenderRole and a Role description of your choice, as shown in the following figure.
    Figure 3: Create the sender role

    Figure 3: Create the sender role

  4. Choose Create role to finish creating the sender role.
  5. To create the receiver role, repeat the preceding role creation process. However, in step 3, substitute the name ReceiverRole for SenderRole.

Configure key policy permissions

Best practice is to adhere to the principle of least privilege and provide each AWS principal with the minimal permissions necessary to perform its tasks. The sender and receiver roles that you created in the previous step currently have no permissions in your account. For this scenario, the receiver principal must be granted permission to verify digital signatures and decrypt data in AWS KMS using your asymmetric CMKs and the sender principal must be granted permission to create digital signatures and encrypt data in KMS using your asymmetric CMKs.

To provide access control permissions for AWS KMS actions to your AWS principals, attach a key policy to each of your CMKs.

Modify the CMK key policy

For the sample-encrypt-decrypt-key CMK, grant the IAM role for the sender principal (SenderRole) kms:Encrypt permissions and the IAM role for the receiver principal (ReceiverRole) kms:Decrypt permissions in the CMK key policy.

To modify the CMK key policy (console)

  1. Navigate to the AWS KMS page in the AWS Console and select customer-managed keys.
  2. Select your sample-encrypt-decrypt-key CMK.
  3. In the key policy section, choose edit.
  4. To allow your receiver principal to use the CMK to decrypt data encrypted under that CMK, append the following statement to the key policy (replace the account ID value of 111122223333 with your own).
        "Sid": "Allow use of the CMK for decryption",
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": {"AWS":"arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/ReceiverRole"},
        "Action": "kms:Decrypt",
        "Resource": "*"

  5. To allow your sender principal to use the CMK to encrypt data, append the following statement to the key policy (replace the account ID value of 111122223333 with your own):
        "Sid": "Allow use of the CMK for encryption",
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": {"AWS":"arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/SenderRole"},
        "Action": "kms:Encrypt",
        "Resource": "*"

  6. Choose Save changes.

Note: The kms:Encrypt permission is sufficient to permit the sender principal to encrypt small amounts of arbitrary data using your CMK directly.

Grant sign and verify permissions to the CMK key policy

For the sample-sign-verify-key CMK, grant the IAM role for the sender principal (SenderRole) kms:Sign permissions in the CMK key policy and the IAM role for the receiver principal (ReceiverRole) kms:Verify permissions in the CMK key policy.

To grant sign and verify permissions

  1. Using the same process as above, navigate to the key policy edit dialog for the sample-sign-verify-key CMK in the AWS console.
  2. To allow your sender principal to use the CMK to create digital signatures, append the following statement to the key policy (replace the account ID value of 111122223333 with your own).
        "Sid": "Allow use of the CMK for digital signing",
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": {"AWS":"arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/SenderRole"},
        "Action": "kms:Sign",
        "Resource": "*"

  3. To allow your receiver principal to use the CMK to verify signatures created by that CMK, append the following statement to the key policy (replace the account ID value of 111122223333 with your own):
        "Sid": "Allow use of the CMK for digital signature verification",
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": {"AWS":"arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/ReceiverRole"},
        "Action": "kms:Verify",
        "Resource": "*"

  4. Choose Save changes.

Key permissions summary

When these key policy edits have been completed the sender principal:

  • Will have permissions to encrypt data using the sample-encrypt-decrypt-key CMK and generate digital signatures using the sample-sign-verify-key CMK.
  • Will not have permissions to decrypt or to verify signatures using the CMKs.

The receiver principal:

  • Will have permissions to decrypt data which has been encrypted using the sample-encrypt-decrypt-key CMK and to verify signatures created using the sample-sign-verify-key CMK.
  • Will not have permissions to encrypt or to generate signatures using the CMKs.
Figure 4: Summary of key policy permissions

Figure 4: Summary of key policy permissions

Signing and encrypting a sample message

So far, you’ve created two asymmetric CMKs, created a set of sender and receiver roles, and configured permissions for those roles in each of your CMK key policies. In the second phase of this tutorial, you assume the role of sender and use your asymmetric signature and verification CMK to sign a sample message. You then bundle the sample message and its corresponding digital signature together into an archive and use your encryption and decryption asymmetric CMK to encrypt the archive.

Figure 5: Creating a message signature and encrypting the message along with its signature

Figure 5: Creating a message signature and encrypting the message along with its signature

Note: The order of operations in this process is that the message is first signed and then the signature and the message are encrypted together. This order is intentional. When a message is signed and then encrypted, neither the contents nor the identity of the sender will be available to unauthorized 3rd parties. If the order of operations were reversed, however, and a message was first encrypted and then signed it could leak information about the sender’s identity to unauthorized 3rd parties. Moreover, when a message is encrypted and then signed, an unauthorized 3rd party with access to the files could discard the authentic signature created by the sender and replace it with a valid signature created by their own key. This creates the potential for a 3rd party to deceptively create the appearance that they are the legitimate sender of the message and exploit that misperception further.

Assume the sender role

Start by assuming the sender role. In order to successfully assume a role you must authenticate as an IAM principal which has permission to perform sts:AssumeRole. If the principal you are authenticated as lacks this permission you will not able to assume the sender role.

To assume the sender role

  1. Run the following command, but be sure to replace the account ID value of 111122223333 with your account ID:
    aws sts assume-role \
        --role-arn arn:aws:iam::111122223333::role/SenderRole \
        --role-session-name AWSCLI-Session

  2. The return value for this command provides an access key ID, secret key, and session token. Substitute them into their respective places in the following commands and execute:
    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=ExampleAccessKeyID1
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=ExampleSecretKey1
    export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=ExampleSessionToken1

  3. Confirm that you’ve successfully assumed the sender role by issuing:
    aws sts get-caller-identity

    Note: If the output of this command contains the text assumed-role/SenderRole, then you’ve successfully assumed the sender role.

Create a message

Now, create a sample message file called message.json.

To create a message

Run the following command to create a message with the following content:

echo "
    "message": "The Magic Words are Squeamish Ossifrage", 
    "sender": "Sender Principal" 
" > ./message.json 

Create a digital signature

Creating and verifying a digital signature for the message provides confidence that the message contents haven’t been altered after being sent. This characteristic is known as integrity. Furthermore, when access to a signing key is scoped to a particular principal, creating and verifying a digital signature for the message provides confidence in the sender’s identity. This characteristic is known as authenticity. Finally, a high degree of confidence in both the integrity and authenticity of a message limits the plausible ability of a sender to fraudulently deny having signed a message. This characteristic is known a non-repudiation.

To create a digital signature

Run the following command to create a digital signature for message.json:

aws kms sign \
    --key-id alias/sample-sign-verify-key \
    --message-type RAW \
    --signing-algorithm ECDSA_SHA_512 \
    --message fileb://message.json \
    --output text \
    --query Signature | base64 --decode > message.sig

This generates an independent digital signature file, message.sig, for message.json. Any modification to the contents of message.json, such as changing the sender or message fields, will now cause signature validation of message.sig to fail for message.json.

Encrypt the message and signature

Even with the benefits of a digital signature, the message could still be viewed by any party with access to the file. In order to provide confidence that the message contents aren’t exposed to unauthorized parties, you can encrypt the message. This characteristic is known as confidentiality. In order to retain the benefits of your digital signature you can encrypt the message and corresponding signature together in a single package.

To encrypt the message and signature

  1. Combine your message and signature into an archive. For example, with the GNU Tar utility you can issue the following:
    tar -czvf message.tar.gz message.sig message.json

    This will create a new archive file named message.tar.gz containing both your message and message signature.

  2. Encrypt the archive using AWS KMS. To do so, issue the following command:
    aws kms encrypt \
        --key-id alias/sample-encrypt-decrypt-key \
        --encryption-algorithm RSAES_OAEP_SHA_256 \
        --plaintext fileb://message.tar.gz \
        --output text \
        --query CiphertextBlob | base64 --decode > message.enc

    This will output a message.enc file containing an encrypted copy of the message.tar.gz archive.

Decrypting and verifying a sample message

Now that you’ve created, signed, and encrypted a message, let’s change gears and see what working with this message.enc file is like from the perspective of a receiving party. In the final phase of this tutorial you assume the role of receiver and use your asymmetric CMKs to decrypt the encrypted message archive and verify the digital signature that you created. Finally, you will view your message. The process is shown in the following figure.

Figure 6: Decrypting a message archive and verifying the message signature

Figure 6: Decrypting a message archive and verifying the message signature

Assume the receiver role

Assume the receiver role so that you can simulate receiving a signed and encrypted message. As before, in order to assume the receiver role you must authenticate as an IAM principal which has permission to perform sts:AssumeRole. If the principal you are authenticated as lacks this permission you will not able to assume the receiver role.

To assume the receiver role

  1. Copy the message.enc file to a new directory to create a clean working space and navigate there in a terminal session.
  2. Assume your receiver role. To do so, execute the following command, replacing the account ID value of 111122223333 with your own:
    aws sts assume-role \
    	--role-arn arn:aws:iam::111122223333::role/ReceiverRole \
    	--role-session-name AWSCLI-Session

  3. The return value for this command provides an access key ID, secret key, and session token. Substitute them into their respective places in the following commands and execute:
    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=ExampleAccessKeyID1
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=ExampleSecretKey1
    export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=ExampleSessionToken1

  4. Confirm that you have successfully assumed the receiver role by issuing:
    aws sts get-caller-identity

If the output of this command contains the text assumed-role/ReceiverRole then you have successfully assumed the receiver role.

Decrypt the encrypted message archive in AWS KMS

Decrypt the encrypted message archive to access the plaintext of the message and message signature files.

To decrypt the encrypted message archive

  1. Issue the following command:
    aws kms decrypt \
        --key-id alias/sample-encrypt-decrypt-key \
        --ciphertext-blob fileb://EncryptedMessage \
        --encryption-algorithm RSAES_OAEP_SHA_256 \
        --output text \
        --query Plaintext | base64 --decode > message.tar.gz

  2. This will create an unencrypted message.tar.gz file that you can unpack with:
    tar -xvfz message.tar.gz

This, in turn, will expand the archive contents message.sig and message.json in your working directory.

Verify the message signature

To verify the signature on the message issue the following command:

aws kms verify \
    --key-id alias/sample-sign-verify-key \
    --message-type RAW \
    --message fileb://message.json \
    --signing-algorithm ECDSA_SHA_512 \
    --signature fileb://message.sig

In the response you should see that SignatureValid is marked true indicating that the signature has been verified using the specified sample-sign-verify-key that you granted the sender principal permission to generate signatures with.

View the message

Finally, open message.json and view the file’s contents by issuing the following command:

less message.json

You will see that the contents of the file have not been modified and still read:

    "message": "The Magic Words are Squeamish Ossifrage", 
    "sender": "Sender Principal" 

Note: Be careful to avoid making any changes to the contents of this file. Even a minor modification of the message contents will compromise the integrity of the message and cause future attempts at signature validation using your message.sig file to fail.


In this tutorial, you signed and encrypted data using two AWS KMS asymmetric CMKs and later decrypted and verified your signature using those CMKs.

You first created two asymmetric CMKs in AWS KMS, one for creating and verifying digital signatures and the other for encrypting and decrypting data. You then configured key policy permissions for your sender and receiver principals. Acting as your sender principal, you digitally signed a message in AWS KMS, added the message and signature to an archive and then encrypted that archive in AWS KMS. Next you assumed your receiver role and decrypted the archive in AWS KMS, viewed your message, and verified its signature in AWS KMS.

To learn more about the asymmetric keys feature of AWS KMS, please read the AWS KMS Developer Guide. If you have questions about the asymmetric keys feature, please start a new thread on the AWS KMS forum. If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


J.D. Bean

J.D. is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS working with public sector organizations and financial institutions based out of New York City. His interests include security, privacy, and compliance. He is passionate about his work enabling AWS customers’ successful cloud journeys. J.D. holds a Bachelor of Arts from The George Washington University and a Juris Doctor from New York University School of Law.

Verified, episode 2 – A Conversation with Emma Smith, Director of Global Cyber Security at Vodafone

Post Syndicated from Stephen Schmidt original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/verified-episode-2-conversation-with-emma-smith-director-of-global-cyber-security-at-vodafone/

Over the past 8 months, it’s become more important for us all to stay in contact with peers around the globe. Today, I’m proud to bring you the second episode of our new video series, Verified: Presented by AWS re:Inforce. Even though we couldn’t be together this year at re:Inforce, our annual security conference, we still wanted to share some of the conversations with security leaders that would have taken place at the conference. The series showcases conversations with security leaders around the globe. In episode two, I’m talking to Emma Smith, Vodafone’s Global Cyber Security Director.

Vodafone is a global technology communications company with an optimistic culture. Their focus is connecting people and building the digital future for society. During our conversation, Emma detailed how the core values of the Global Cyber Security team were inspired by the company. “We’ve got a team of people who are ultimately passionate about protecting customers, protecting society, protecting Vodafone, protecting all of our services and our employees.” Emma shared experiences about the evolution of the security organization during her past 5 years with the company.

We were also able to touch on one of Emma’s passions, diversity and inclusion. Emma has worked to implement diversity and drive a policy of inclusion at Vodafone. In June, she was named Diversity Champion in the SC Awards Europe. In her own words: “It makes me realize that my job is to smooth the way for everybody else and to try and remove some of those obstacles or barriers that were put in their way… it means that I’m really passionate about trying to get a very diverse team in security, but also in Vodafone, so that we reflect our customer base, so that we’ve got diversity of thinking, of backgrounds, of experience, and people who genuinely feel comfortable being themselves at work—which is easy to say but really hard to create that culture of safety and belonging.”

Stay tuned for future episodes of Verified: Presented by AWS re:Inforce here on the AWS Security Blog. You can watch episode one, an interview with Jason Chan, Vice President of Information Security at Netflix on YouTube. If you have an idea or a topic you’d like covered in this series, please drop us a comment below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Steve Schmidt

Steve is Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer for AWS. His duties include leading product design, management, and engineering development efforts focused on bringing the competitive, economic, and security benefits of cloud computing to business and government customers. Prior to AWS, he had an extensive career at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, where he served as a senior executive and section chief. He currently holds 11 patents in the field of cloud security architecture. Follow Steve on Twitter.

How to secure your Amazon WorkSpaces for external users

Post Syndicated from Olivia Carline original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-secure-your-amazon-workspaces-for-external-users/

In response to the current shift towards a remote workforce, companies are providing greater access to corporate applications from a range of different devices. Amazon WorkSpaces is a desktop-as-a-service solution that can be used to quickly deploy cloud-based desktops to your external users, including employees, third-party vendors, and consultants. Amazon WorkSpaces desktops are accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. In this blog post, I review some key security controls that you can use to architect your Amazon WorkSpaces environment to provide external users access to your corporate applications and data in a way that satisfies your unique security and compliance objectives.

Amazon Workspaces provides a virtual desktop infrastructure that removes the need for upfront infrastructure expenditure. Instead, you can pay for Windows or Linux desktop environments as you need them. These environments can be provisioned in a few minutes, and enable you to scale up to thousands of desktops that can be accessed from wherever your users are located.

As part of the shared responsibility model, security is a shared responsibility between Amazon Web Services (AWS) and you. AWS is responsible for protecting the infrastructure that runs the AWS services while you are responsible for securing your data in AWS through appropriate permissions and WorkSpace management as outlined in the Best Practices for Deploying Amazon WorkSpaces whitepaper. Amazon WorkSpaces has been independently assessed to meet the requirements of a wide range of compliance programs, including IRAP, SOC, PCI DSS, FedRAMP, and HIPAA.


Define user groups

A user group is a collection of people who all have the same security rights and permissions. Leveraging user groups helps you to identify the types of access and your requirements for user authentication. How you define your user groups should reflect how you classify your data and the access controls associated with the classifications. A common approach is to begin by separating your internal (employees) and external (vendors and consultants) users. Classifying your users into different groups helps you to define your security controls. For example, the security and configuration of your external users’ devices will be different from the configuration for your internal users’ devices. The identification process also helps to ensure that you’re following the principle of least privilege by limiting access to certain applications or resources. These user groups are the building blocks for designing the rest of your security controls, including the directories, access controls, and security groups.

In this blog post, I walk you through the security configurations for the following example external user groups. How you configure security for your user groups will depend on your own security requirements.

Example user groups

Internal users: Employees who need access to company resources from any location. In addition to having access to the internet and the internal network from any supported device, internal users have administrator access on their virtual desktops so they can install applications.

External users: Third-party vendors and consultants who need access to specific websites that are inside the corporate network. They have fewer permissions and tighter guardrails on their virtual desktops and can only access resources through trusted devices. External users should have access to only pre-installed applications and not be able to install additional applications onto their WorkSpaces.

At this stage, it’s okay to separate your user groups broadly based on the preceding requirements. Later, you can configure fine-grained access controls for individual users.

Configure your directories

Amazon WorkSpaces uses directories to manage information and configuration of WorkSpaces and users. Each WorkSpace that you provision exists within a directory. There are a couple of different options for configuring the directory. Amazon Workspaces can create and manage a directory for you so that users are entered into that directory when you provision a WorkSpace. As an alternative, you can integrate WorkSpaces with an existing, on-premises Microsoft Active Directory (AD) so your users can use the credentials they already know to access applications.

Within Amazon WorkSpaces, directories play a large part in how access to workspaces is configured. Directories within Amazon WorkSpaces are used to store and manage information for your WorkSpaces and users. Based on the preceding two example user groups, let’s split your users’ WorkSpaces across two directories. That will help you to establish different access control settings for the two groups.

To define the two directories, you must set up the directories within AWS Directory Service. As previously mentioned, there are various approaches to handling user management that depend on your existing user directories and requirements. For this example, you can configure two simple Active Directories—one for internal users and one for external users. Handling the external users in a separate directory allows you to ensure your user groups are configured with least privilege. With this approach, external users can still be given access to objects inside the internal directory through a trust if required but can be configured with stricter access controls than users inside the internal directory.

A comprehensive guide to setting up your directories is available in the Amazon WorkSpaces administration guide and outlines the steps to configure a directory using AWS Managed Microsoft AD, Simple AD, or AD Connector.

Configure security settings

After you define what privileges and access controls you want in place for your external users and configure the directories you need, it’s time to establish the security controls for your WorkSpaces. This blog will focus on the external users’ security configurations from the prerequisites. Use the following steps to implement the security requirements:

  1. Establish security groups
  2. Disable local administrator rights
  3. Configure IP access control groups
  4. Define trusted devices
  5. Configure monitoring of WorkSpaces

Establish security groups

With your two AD directories configured, you can start implementing the security controls for your external users. Your Amazon WorkSpaces are configured within a logically isolated network known as Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). A key concept within Amazon VPC is security groups, which act as virtual firewalls to control inbound and outbound traffic to the virtual desktops. A properly configured security group can limit access to resources in your network or to the internet at the individual WorkSpace level or at the directory level.

To ensure that your external users can access only the network resources you want them to, you can define security groups with restrictive network access settings. One approach is to configure security groups so that your external users only have HTTP and HTTPS access to specific internal websites by trusted IP addresses. To define more fine-grained access control for individual users, you can define another restrictive security group and attach it to an individual user’s WorkSpace. This way, you can use a single directory to handle many different users with different network security requirements and ensure that third-party users only have access to authorized data and systems. In addition to security groups, you can use your preferred host-based firewall on a given WorkSpace to limit network access to resources within the VPC.

To establish and configure security groups

  1. In the Amazon WorkSpaces menu, select Directories from the left menu. Choose the directory you created for your external users. Select Actions and then Update Details as shown in the following figure.
    Figure 1: Updating details of your directory

    Figure 1: Updating details of your directory

  2. In the Update Directory Details screen that appears, select the down arrow next to Security Group to expand the section. Select Create New next to the dropdown menu to configure a new security group.
    Figure 2: Adding a security group to your directory

    Figure 2: Adding a security group to your directory

  3. In the next window, select Create security group.
  4. Enter a descriptive name for the Security group name and a description for the security group in Description. For example, the description could be external-workspaces-users-sg.
  5. Change the VPC using the dropdown menu to the VPC hosting the WorkSpaces.
  6. In the Inbound rules section, leave the rules as default. The default configuration will block everything except for sessions that have been already established from the Workspace.
  7. In the Outbound rules section, configure the following settings:
    1. Select Delete the existing outbound rule.
    2. Select Add rule.
    3. Set Type to HTTP.
    4. Leave Protocol as TCP and Port range as 80.
    5. Change Source to Custom and enter the appropriate range for your Destination based on where your internal resources are located.
    6. Select Add rule again.
    7. Set Type to HTTPS.
    8. Leave Protocol as TCP and Port range as 443.
    9. Change Source to Custom and enter the appropriate range for your Destination based on where your internal resources are located.
    Figure 3: Configuring your security groups

    Figure 3: Configuring your security groups

  8. Select Create security group.
  9. Return to the WorkSpaces directory tab and select Refresh to see the newly created security group.
  10. Select Update and Exit.

Disable local administrator rights

One of the recommendations for external users is to disable the local administrator setting on their WorkSpaces and provide them with access to only specific, preinstalled applications. This guardrail helps to ensure that external users have limited permissions and to reduce the risk that they might access or share sensitive information. If local administrator isn’t disabled, users can install applications and modify settings on their WorkSpaces. You can disable local administrator access from within the external users’ directory. Changes to the directory are applied to all new WorkSpaces that you create and can be applied to existing WorkSpaces by rebuilding them after the making changes.

Note: If your internal users don’t need local administrator access, it’s a best practice to follow the principle of least privilege and disable it for them as well.

To disable local administrator rights for external users

  1. In the Amazon WorkSpaces menu, select Directories from the left menu. Choose the directory you configured for your external users.
  2. Select Actions and then Update Details.
  3. In Update Directory Details, select Local Administrator Setting and choose the Enable radio button.
  4. Select Update and Exit as shown in the following figure.
    Figure 4: Disabling your local administrator setting

    Figure 4: Disabling your local administrator setting

Define IP access control

So far the security groups you have defined previously allow external users access to company resources only from inside the corporate network. You can enhance this security configuration by leveraging IP access control groups to limit traffic and only allow certain IPs to access the WorkSpaces. An IP access control group acts as a virtual firewall and filters access to WorkSpaces by controlling the source classless inter-domain routing (CIDR) ranges that users can access their WorkSpaces from. Each IP access control group consists of a set of rules that specify a permitted IP address or range of addresses that Amazon WorkSpaces can be accessed from. Using this feature, you can configure rules that permit access to your WorkSpaces only if they are coming from your company’s VPN. To achieve this control, you must define rules that specify the ranges of IP addresses for your trusted networks within IP access control groups associated to the external users directory.

Note: Currently only IPV4 addresses are permitted.

To define IP access control

  1. Inside the Amazon WorkSpaces page, select IP Access Controls on the left panel. Select Create IP Group and enter a Group Name and Description in the window that appears.
  2. Select Create as shown in the following figure.
    Figure 5: Creating an IP group

    Figure 5: Creating an IP group

  3. Select the box next to the IP group you just created to open the new rules form.
  4. Select Add Rule.
  5. Enter the individual IP addresses or CIDR IP ranges that you want to allow WorkSpaces to have access from in Source. If you want to restrict access to your VPN make sure to add the public IPs of the VPN. Enter a description in Description.
  6. Select Save as shown in the following figure.
    Figure 6: Adding rules to your IP group

    Figure 6: Adding rules to your IP group

Configure trusted devices

Regulating the devices that can connect to your workspaces can help reduce the risk of unauthorized access to your network and applications. By default, all Amazon WorkSpaces users can access their virtual desktop from any supported device that has internet connectivity. However, it’s a good practice to configure additional guardrails to limit external users to only accessing their WorkSpaces through trusted devices, otherwise known as managed devices (currently this feature only applies to Amazon WorkSpaces Windows and macOS clients). With this feature enabled, only devices that have been authenticated through a certificate-based approach will have access to WorkSpaces. If the WorkSpaces client application cannot verify that a device is trusted, it blocks attempts to log in or connect from the device.

Note: If you haven’t already configured certificates, you will need to follow the steps in the Amazon WorkSpaces Administration Guide that walkthrough the requirements of the certificates as well as the process to generate one.

To configure trusted devices

  1. In the Amazon WorkSpaces menu, select Directories in the left menu. After selecting the directory that has been configured for your external users, select Actions and then Update Details.
  2. In Update Directory Details, select Access Control Options. Select Allow next to Windows and MacOS to allow only trusted Windows and macOS devices to access WorkSpaces.
  3. Select Import to import your root certificate.
  4. Next to Other Platforms select Block so that only Windows and MacOS devices will have access.
  5. Select Update and Exit.
    Figure 7: Establishing trusted devices

    Figure 7: Establishing trusted devices

  6. Test your settings by trying to access one of your WorkSpaces from a trusted device and from a non-trusted device.

Use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor your WorkSpaces

Once the guardrails for your external users have been set up, it’s important to monitor your environment for suspicious behavior and potential threats. Monitoring your infrastructure should be a fundamental aspect in your security plan. Amazon WorkSpaces is natively integrated with Amazon CloudWatch, which you can use to gather and analyze metrics to gain visibility into individual WorkSpaces and at a directory level. Alongside metrics, Amazon CloudWatch Events can also be used to provide visibility into your Amazon WorkSpaces fleet so you can view, filter, and respond to logins to your WorkSpaces. This approach lets you create a thorough monitoring pipeline that enhances your security. It lets you filter and automatically respond to suspicious activity in real time. A comprehensive example of this approach is outlined in this blog post that covers the steps involved to set up a CloudWatch based monitoring system for your WorkSpaces.


While you’ve used Amazon WorkSpaces features to help provide secure access for your external users, it’s also important to implement the principle of least privilege across all WorkSpaces users. You can use the design considerations and procedures in this blog post to help secure your WorkSpaces for all users, internal and external. You can learn more about best practices for securing your Amazon WorkSpaces by reading the Best Practices for Deploying Amazon WorkSpaces whitepaper to understand other features and capabilities that are available.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon WorkSpaces forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Olivia Carline

Olivia is an Associate Solutions Architect working in the public sector team. In her role she enjoys helping customers up-skill and build their cloud knowledge with a particular focus on cloud security. In her free time, you can find her exploring local hiking tracks and trying out new recipes.

Integrating CloudEndure Disaster Recovery into your security incident response plan

Post Syndicated from Gonen Stein original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/integrating-cloudendure-disaster-recovery-into-your-security-incident-response-plan/

An incident response plan (also known as procedure) contains the detailed actions an organization takes to prepare for a security incident in its IT environment. It also includes the mechanisms to detect, analyze, contain, eradicate, and recover from a security incident. Every incident response plan should contain a section on recovery, which outlines scenarios ranging from single component to full environment recovery. This recovery section should include disaster recovery (DR), with procedures to recover your environment from complete failure. Effective recovery from an IT disaster requires tools that can automate preparation, testing, and recovery processes. In this post, I explain how to integrate CloudEndure Disaster Recovery into the recovery section of your incident response plan. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery is an Amazon Web Services (AWS) DR solution that enables fast, reliable recovery of physical, virtual, and cloud-based servers on AWS. This post also discusses how you can use CloudEndure Disaster Recovery to reduce downtime and data loss when responding to a security incident, and best practices for maintaining your incident response plan.

How disaster recovery fits into a security incident response plan

The AWS Well-Architected Framework security pillar provides guidance to help you apply best practices and current recommendations in the design, delivery, and maintenance of secure AWS workloads. It includes a recommendation to integrate tools to secure and protect your data. A secure data replication and recovery tool helps you protect your data if there’s a security incident and quickly return to normal business operation as you resolve the incident. The recovery section of your incident response plan should define recovery point objectives (RPOs) and recovery time objectives (RTOs) for your DR-protected workloads. RPO is the window of time that data loss can be tolerated due to a disruption. RTO is the amount of time permitted to recover workloads after a disruption.

Your DR response to a security incident can vary based on the type of incident you encounter. For example, your DR plan for responding to a security incident such as ransomware—which involves data corruption—should describe how to recover workloads on your secondary DR site using a recovery point prior to the data corruption. This use case will be discussed further in the next section.

In addition to tools and processes, your security incident response plan should define the roles and responsibilities necessary during an incident. This includes the people and roles in your organization who perform incident mitigation steps, in addition to those who need to be informed and consulted. This can include technology partners, application owners, or subject matter experts (SMEs) outside of your organization who can offer additional expertise. DR-related roles for your incident response plan include:

  • A person who analyzes the situation and provides visibility to decision-makers.
  • A person who decides whether or not to trigger a DR response.
  • A person who actively triggers the DR response.

Be sure to include all of the stakeholders you identify in your documented security incident response procedures and runbooks. Test your plan to verify that the people in these roles have the pre-provisioned access they need to perform their defined role.

How to use CloudEndure Disaster Recovery during a security incident

CloudEndure Disaster Recovery continuously replicates your servers—including OS, system state configuration, databases, applications, and files—to a staging area in your target AWS Region. The staging area contains low-cost resources automatically provisioned and managed by CloudEndure Disaster Recovery. This reduces the cost of provisioning duplicate resources during normal operation. Your fully provisioned recovery environment is launched only during an incident or drill.

If your organization experiences a security incident that can be remediated using DR, you can use CloudEndure Disaster Recovery to perform failover to your target AWS Region from your source environment. When you perform failover, CloudEndure Disaster Recovery orchestrates the recovery of your environment in your target AWS Region. This enables quick recovery, with RPOs of seconds and RTOs of minutes.

To deploy CloudEndure Disaster Recovery, you must first install the CloudEndure agent on the servers in your environment that you want to replicate for DR, and then initiate data replication to your target AWS Region. Once data replication is complete and your data is in sync, you can launch machines in your target AWS Region from the CloudEndure User Console. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery enables you to launch target machines in either Test Mode or Recovery Mode. Your launched machines behave the same way in either mode; the only difference is how the machine lifecycle is displayed in the CloudEndure User Console. Launch machines by opening the Machines page, shown in the following figure, and selecting the machines you want to launch. Then select either Test Mode or Recovery Mode from the Launch Target Machines menu.

Figure 1: Machines page on the CloudEndure User Console

Figure 1: Machines page on the CloudEndure User Console

You can launch your entire environment, a group of servers comprising one or more applications, or a single server in your target AWS Region. When you launch machines from the CloudEndure User Console, you’re prompted to choose a recovery point from the Choose Recovery Point dialog box (shown in the following figure).

Use point-in-time recovery to respond to security incidents that involve data corruption, such as ransomware. Your incident response plan should include a mechanism to determine when data corruption occurred. Knowing how to determine which recovery point to choose in the CloudEndure User Console helps you minimize response time during a security incident. Each recovery point is a point-in-time snapshot of your servers that you can use to launch recovery machines in your target AWS Region. Select the latest recovery point before the data corruption to restore your workloads on AWS, and then choose Continue With Launch.

Figure 2: Selection of an earlier recovery point from the Choose Recovery Point dialog box

Figure 2: Selection of an earlier recovery point from the Choose Recovery Point dialog box

Run your recovered workloads in your target AWS Region until you’ve resolved the security incident. When the incident is resolved, you can perform failback to your primary environment using CloudEndure Disaster Recovery. You can learn more about CloudEndure Disaster Recovery setup, operation, and recovery by taking this online CloudEndure Disaster Recovery Technical Training.

Test and maintain the recovery section of your incident response plan

Your entire incident response plan must be kept accurate and up to date in order to effectively remediate security incidents if they occur. A best practice for achieving this is through frequently testing all sections of your plan, including your tools. When you first deploy CloudEndure Disaster Recovery, begin running tests as soon as all of your replicated servers are in sync on your target AWS Region. DR solution implementation is generally considered complete when all initial testing has succeeded.

By correctly configuring the networking and security groups in your target AWS Region, you can use CloudEndure Disaster Recovery to launch a test workload in an isolated environment without impacting your source environment. You can run tests as often as you want. Tests don’t incur additional fees beyond payment for the fully provisioned resources generated during tests.

Testing involves two main components: launching the machines you wish to test on AWS, and performing user acceptance testing (UAT) on the launched machines.

  1. Launch machines to test.
    Select the machines to test from the Machines page of the CloudEndure User Console by selecting the check box next to the machine. Then choose Test Mode from the Launch Target Machines menu, as shown in the following figure. You can select the latest recovery point or an earlier recovery point.
    Figure 3: Select Test Mode to launch selected machines

    Figure 3: Select Test Mode to launch selected machines


    The following figure shows the CloudEndure User Console. The Disaster Recovery Lifecycle column shows that the machines have been Tested Recently.

    Figure 4: Machines launched in Test Mode display purple icons in the Status column and Tested Recently in the Disaster Recovery Lifecycle column

    Figure 4: Machines launched in Test Mode display purple icons in the Status column and Tested Recently in the Disaster Recovery Lifecycle column

  2. Perform UAT testing.
    Begin UAT testing when the machine launch job is successfully completed and your target machines have booted.

After you’ve successfully deployed, configured, and tested CloudEndure Disaster Recovery on your source environment, add it to your ongoing change management processes so that your incident response plan remains accurate and up-to-date. This includes deploying and testing CloudEndure Disaster Recovery every time you add new servers to your environment. In addition, monitor for changes to your existing resources and make corresponding changes to your CloudEndure Disaster Recovery configuration if necessary.

How CloudEndure Disaster Recovery keeps your data secure

CloudEndure Disaster Recovery has multiple mechanisms to keep your data secure and not introduce new security risks. Data replication is performed using AES 256-bit encryption in transit. Data at rest can be encrypted by using Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) encryption with an AWS managed key or a customer key. Amazon EBS encryption is supported by all volume types, and includes built-in key management infrastructure that has no performance impact. Replication traffic is transmitted directly from your source servers to your target AWS Region, and can be restricted to private connectivity such as AWS Direct Connect or a VPN. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery is ISO 27001 and GDPR compliant and HIPAA eligible.


Each organization tailors its incident response plan to meet its unique security requirements. As described in this post, you can use CloudEndure Disaster Recovery to improve your organization’s incident response plan. I also explained how to recover from an earlier point in time when you respond to security incidents involving data corruption, and how to test your servers as part of maintaining the DR section of your incident response plan. By following the guidance in this post, you can improve your IT resilience and recover more quickly from security incidents. You can also reduce your DR operational costs by avoiding duplicate provisioning of your DR infrastructure.

Visit the CloudEndure Disaster Recovery product page if you would like to learn more. You can also view the AWS Raise the Bar on Data Protection and Security webinar series for additional information on how to protect your data and improve IT resilience on AWS.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Gonen Stein

Gonen is the Head of Product Strategy for CloudEndure, an AWS company. He combines his expertise in business, cloud infrastructure, storage, and information security to assist enterprise organizations with developing and deploying IT resilience and business continuity strategies in the cloud.

AWS Security Profiles: Cassia Martin, Senior Security Solutions Architect

Post Syndicated from Maddie Bacon original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/aws-security-profiles-cassia-martin-senior-security-solutions-architect/

Cassia Martin AWS Security Profile
In the weeks leading up to re:Invent, we’ll share conversations we’ve had with people at AWS who will be presenting, and get a sneak peek at their work.

How long have you been at AWS and what do you do in your current role?

I’ve been at Amazon for nearly 4 years, and at AWS for 2 years. I’m a solutions architect with a specialty in security. I work primarily with financial services customers, helping them solve security problems and build out secure foundations for their AWS workloads.

What’s your favorite part of your job?

Working in AWS feels like working in the future. My first job as a software engineer was fixing bugs in 20-year-old legacy C code and writing network support for SNMPv1. Now, I’m on the cutting edge of network design. When I work with my customers, I genuinely feel like I’m helping “Invent and Simplify” the future.

How did you get started in Security?

I’ve been interested in security since college. I took all the crypto and protocol courses in my computer science program from amazing professors like Radia Perlman and Michael Rabin. After college, I worked in software engineering. My real break into the security field came when I got to use my software engineering background to fix security vulnerabilities for Bank of America. After consulting across dozens of companies, I gained depth in application security, pen testing, code review, and architectural analysis. Over 10 years later, I’m using and extending those architectural analysis and AppSec skills to build and improve cloud architecture and design.

How do you explain what you do to non-technical friends or family?

“I work in computer security, helping your bank keep your online data safe and secure.” It’s true! If they are willing to hear more details, then I try to explain what the cloud is, and that you can design a network in good and bad ways to stop people from getting in.

One sad thing about not working for the Amazon.com side of the house is that I can no longer tell people that “I’m a security guard at a bookstore.” That also used to be true for me!

You’re presenting at re:Invent this year – can you give readers a sneak peek of what you’re covering?

Yes! I’ve put together a “Top 10” list to check the health of your AWS Identity foundation. I want every one of our customers to be thoughtful about how they authenticate their users and how they authorize access to their AWS resources. I’m going to talk about how to use account boundaries and AWS Organizations to build strong isolation controls, how to use roles and federation to secure login, and how to build and validate granular permissions that enable least privilege access across your network.

What are you hoping your audience will do differently after your session?

I’m giving you a list of what to do. I literally want you to take that list, one at a time, and ask yourself, “Am I doing this? If not, what would it take to do this?” I know that security can sometimes feel daunting, and in AWS, we all have access to dozens (or hundreds) of different tools you can use to build and layer your secure environment. So here is a short list to get started. I hope this will make it easier to build a strong foundation and use the tools that AWS is giving you.

From your perspective, what’s the biggest thing happening in Identity right now?

I am really excited about how tagging and Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) can help with scaling. At a base level, Identity and Permissions are really easy. You just say “Becky should have access to the Unicorn database,” and AWS gives you powerful tools for writing a rule like that with our IAM service. But once you have not just Becky, but also Syed and Sean—and then 300 more people, 200 databases, and 1,000 S3 buckets—the sheer number of rules you have to write and keep track of gets hard. And it gets even harder for someone else to come and look at your rules afterwards and figure out if you’re doing it right.

With ABAC, you can now write a rule that says any person from team “red” can access any database that is tagged with ”red.“ That takes potentially hundreds of rules and collapses it into one easy-to-understand statement.

What is your favorite Leadership Principle at Amazon and why?

All the Amazon Leadership Principles highlight important facets of how to build successful organizations, but “Have Backbone: Disagree and Commit” is my favorite. It’s more than an LP; it’s a mechanism. It’s a way to build a system of people working toward a common goal, while still keeping our independent ideas and values. It gives us permission to disagree, while at the same time giving us a way out of stalemates and unfruitful perfectionism.

What’s the best career advice you’ve ever received?

My dad is a lifelong academic (who is secretly a little embarrassed that I never got a PhD). Growing up, I watched him in action: creating novel research, taking care of his grad students, and even running academic departments with all their bitter politics and conflicting goals.

Two things that he says about his highly successful career:

  1. The older I get and the more I learn, the less I am confident about anything.
  2. I have never accomplished anything by myself.

This perspective is antithetical, I think, to the standard American career ladder, and it’s been invaluable to me. In my career in tech, I’ve met a lot of brilliant people who know all the answers and tout all their personal accomplishments from any available rooftop. And that is absolutely one way to succeed. But I know intimately that there is another way that can also work, a way that is built on collaboration and scholarship, and constantly learning and questioning your knowledge.

If you could go back, what would you tell yourself at the beginning of your career?

I guess “don’t worry so much” is the least helpful advice ever… I’m sure I wouldn’t have been able to hear it at 22! But here is something I would have understood:

Little Cassia, you’re going to succeed at many things and fail at some things. But no matter what, every single job you tackle is going to teach you something important. You’re going to learn technical skills that will be useful when you least expect them, and you’re also going to learn more about yourself—what you want to do, who you want to surround yourself with, and what you need to thrive. Just keep trying, and I promise life will only keep getting better!

What are you most proud of in your career?

The last time I went to the DEF CON Security Conference, I attended not one, not two, but THREE different talks delivered by former mentees of mine. Getting to help these extraordinary people get started in application security, and then getting to watch them become ever more talented and exceed everything I knew, and then to watch them shine on stage—it was a privilege, and made so much pain worthwhile. Hey, I may not know anything about NFC penetration testing, but Katherine sure does, and she’s teaching the whole damned world.

Among your many degrees from Harvard University, you also have a BA in Ancient Greek. Tell us about that. What started your interest in it?

My love for Ancient Greek and Latin was fostered by some really amazing high school teachers. I went to the kind of boarding school where professors took care of you like family, and the mysterious Dr. Reyes and the two sophisticated Professors Myers took extraordinary care of my fumbling teenage heart and my raging intellectual curiosity. I had a little bit of an advantage in that I had already learned Modern Greek in grade school, since my hometown had a thriving Hellenic community. I have since completely forgotten both, but as my dear professors had me recite: “the shadow of lost knowledge at least protects you from many illusions.”

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Cassia Martin

Cassia is a Senior Security Solutions Architect based in New York City. She works with large financial institutions to solve security architecture problems and educates them on cloud tools and patterns.

Aligning IAM policies to user personas for AWS Security Hub

Post Syndicated from Vaibhawa Kumar original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/aligning-iam-policies-to-user-personas-for-aws-security-hub/

AWS Security Hub provides you with a comprehensive view of your security posture across your accounts in Amazon Web Services (AWS) and gives you the ability to take action on your high-priority security alerts. There are several different user personas that use Security Hub, and they typically require different AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions. Those personas include: a security administrator; a security analyst or engineer on a central security team or in a Cloud Center of Excellence; and a Developer Operations (DevOps) engineer or application builder who is the primary owner of an AWS account. In this post, we show how to deploy sample IAM policies for these three personas.

The first persona, a security administrator or cloud system administrator (sysadmin), is responsible for setting up and configuring Security Hub, and they typically need access to all of the Security Hub APIs to do this work. As part of this work, the sysadmin enables Security Hub on various accounts and Regions, decides which standards and controls should be enabled on which accounts, enables product integrations, creates insights, sets up custom actions and automated remediations, and configures IAM policies for other users.

The second persona, a security analyst or engineer using Security Hub, is part of a central security team, often part of a Cloud Center of Excellence. We often see that cloud security efforts are centralized in Cloud Centers of Excellence within a company. These security analysts or engineers typically have access to the master account in Security Hub and can view and take action on findings from any of the connected member accounts. They typically are not configuring Security Hub, so they don’t need permissions to do so.

The third persona is a DevOps engineer or application builder. This user needs the ability to view findings and take action only on the findings associated with their account. For cloud workloads, security is often decentralized down to these users. Security Hub enables them to take more proactive responsibility for the security of their own account by directly viewing and taking action on findings in their account. They typically don’t need permissions to set up and configure Security Hub, because that is done by a central sysadmin.


The following reference architecture presents an overview of a Security Hub master-member account structure and three personas: a security administrator, a security analyst/engineer, and a DevOps engineer.

Figure 1: Reference architecture

Figure 1: Reference architecture

In this blog post, we show how you can create and use the following AWS managed and customer managed IAM policies to support these three personas:

  • The sysadmin persona needs permissions to configure and manage Security Hub, account memberships, insights, and integrations, and to create remediations and take actions and perform record and workflow updates. The AWS managed IAM policy called AWSSecurityHubFullAccess provides the permissions for this persona. An IAM user or role with these permissions can deploy and configure Security Hub in master and member accounts. They can also update findings. The sysadmin also requires permissions to configure AWS Config and Amazon CloudWatch event rules to set up automated responses and remediations.
  • The security analyst persona needs permissions to read, list, and describe findings, standards, controls, and products; to update findings; and to create and update insights for Security Hub resources in the master account. The AWS managed IAM policy called AWSSecurityHubReadOnlyAccess provides the permissions needed for read, list, and describe actions, and a customer managed policy will be attached to give permissions to create and update insights and to update findings.
  • The DevOps engineer persona needs the same permissions as the security analyst persona, but they will only have the ability to access their own Security Hub member AWS account(s) and won’t have access to the master account.

Depending on your specific use case, you might want to provide additional permissions to the security analyst and DevOps engineer personas. For example, you might want to also grant them permissions to create custom actions by using the UpdateActionTarget API. In that case, you should also ensure that they have appropriate permissions to create CloudWatch event rules. You can also restrict these personas to only be able to update certain fields in findings (for example, only update workflow status but not severity) by using IAM context keys.


You must have already enabled Security Hub with one account as master and other associated accounts as members. You will use the following AWS services:


To create the required customer managed policies and associate them to users and roles, you will perform these tasks, described in more detail later in this section:

  1. Create a customer managed policy and associate it with the user and role for the security analyst persona in the Security Hub master account, along with the AWSSecurityHubReadOnlyAccess AWS managed policy.
  2. Create a customer managed policy and associate it with the user and role for the DevOps persona in the Security Hub member account, along with the AWSSecurityHubReadOnlyAccess AWS managed policy.
  3. Create a sysadmin user and role and associate it with the AWS managed policy for AWSSecurityHubFullAccess, along with AWS Config and CloudWatch event rule permissions in the Security Hub master account.

The following policy JSON script is for those two customer managed policies.

Security Hub - Security Analyst policy 
MasterCustomer Managed Policy:
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "SecurityAnalystMasterCMP",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

Security Hub – DevOps Engineer policy: 
MemberCustomer Managed Policy:
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "DevOpsMemberCMP",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

Step 1: Create the user and role for the security analyst persona

First, create a customer managed policy and associate it with the user and role for the security analyst persona in the Security Hub master account, along with the AWSSecurityHubReadOnlyAccess AWS managed policy.

To create the IAM policy, user, and role (console method)

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console in the Security Hub master account and open the IAM console.
  2. In the IAM console navigation pane, choose Policies, and then choose Create Policies.
  3. Choose the JSON tab.
  4. Copy the Security Hub – Security Analyst policy JSON shown earlier in this section, and paste it into the visual editor. When you are finished, choose Review policy.
  5. On the Review policy page, enter a name and a description (optional) for the policy that you’re creating. Review the policy summary to see the permissions that are granted by your policy. Then choose Create policy to save your work.
  6. Follow the instructions in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide to create a user and role, and attach the policy you just created.
  7. In the IAM console navigation pane, choose the user or role (or both) that you just created, and on the Permissions tab, choose Add Permissions.
  8. Choose the permissions category Attach existing policies directly to filter and select the managed policy AWSSecurityHubReadOnlyAccess. Review the permissions and then choose Add permissions.
  9. Save all the changes and try using the user and role after few minutes.

Step 2: Create the user and role for the DevOps persona

Next, create a customer managed policy and associate it with the user and role for the DevOps persona in the Security Hub member account, along with the AWSSecurityHubReadOnlyAccess AWS managed policy.

To create the IAM policy, user, and role (console method)

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console in the Security Hub member account and open the IAM console.
  2. In the IAM console navigation pane, choose Policies and then choose Create Policies.
  3. Choose the JSON tab.
  4. Copy the Security Hub – DevOps Engineer policy JSON shown earlier in this section, and paste it into the visual editor. When you are finished, choose Review policy.
  5. On the Review policy page, enter a name and a description (optional) for the policy that you are creating. Review the policy summary to see the permissions that are granted by your policy. Then choose Create policy to save your work.
  6. Follow the instructions in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide to create a user and role, and attach the policy you just created.
  7. In the IAM console navigation pane, choose the user or role (or both) that you just created, and on the Permissions tab, choose Add Permissions.
  8. Choose the permissions category Attach existing policies directly to filter and select the managed policy AWSSecurityHubReadOnlyAccess. Review the permissions and then choose Add permissions.
  9. Save all the changes and try using the user and role after few minutes.

Step 3: Create the user and role for the sysadmin persona

Next, create a user and role for the sysadmin persona and associate it with the AWS managed policies AWSSecurityHubFullAccess, CloudWatchEventsFullAccess, and full access to AWS Config in the Security Hub master account.

To create the IAM user and role (console method)

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console in the Security Hub member account and open the IAM console.
  2. Follow the instructions in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide to create a user and role.
  3. In the IAM console navigation pane, choose the user or role (or both) that you just created, and on the Permissions tab, choose Add Permissions.
  4. Choose the permissions category Attach existing policies directly to filter and select managed policies, and attach the managed policies AWSSecurityHubFullAccess and CloudWatchEventsFullAccess.
  5. Create another policy to grant full access to AWS Config as described in the AWS Config Developer Guide, and attach the policy to the user or role. Review the permissions, and choose Add permissions.
  6. Save all the changes and try using the user and role after few minutes.

Test the users and roles in the Security Hub master and member accounts

Finally, test the three users and roles that you created for the respective personas in the preceding steps.

To test the users and roles

  1. Security analyst user and role:
    1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console in the master account and open Security Hub.
    2. Make sure that Security Hub UI features (such as the Summary, Security Standard, Insights, Findings, and Integrations) are rendered so that the Security Analyst can view them.
    3. Navigate to a finding and change the workflow status as described in the topic Setting the workflow status for findings.
  2. DevOps engineer user and role:
    1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console in the member account and open Security Hub.
    2. Make sure that Security Hub UI features (such as the Summary, Security Standard, Insights, Findings, and Integrations) are rendered so that the DevOps Engineer can view them.
    3. Create a custom insight for the member account and other attribute groupings.
  3. Sysadmin user and role:
    1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console in the master or member account, and open Security Hub.
    2. Try admin-related operations such as create a custom action, invite another account, and so on.

Adding policy conditions

You might want to further restrict the permissions for the security analyst and DevOps personas. IAM policies for Security Hub’s BatchUpdateFindings API enable you to specify conditions to prevent a user from making any update to a specific finding field. The following example disallows setting the Workflow Status field to Suppressed.

	"Sid": "CMPCondition",
	"Effect": "Deny",
	"Action": "securityhub:BatchUpdateFindings",
	"Resource": "*",
	"Condition": {
		"StringEquals": {
			"securityhub:ASFFSyntaxPath/Workflow.Status": "SUPPRESSED"


In this post, we showed you how to align AWS managed and customer managed IAM policies to different user personas, so that you can allow different users to access Security Hub with least privilege permissions. Security Hub enables both central security teams and individual DevOps engineers to understand and improve the security posture of the AWS accounts in their organization.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Security Hub forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Vaibhawa Kumar

Vaibhawa is a Cloud Infra Architect with AWS Professional Services. He helps customers on their cloud journey of critical workloads to the AWS cloud with infrastructure security and automations. In his free time, you can find him spending time with family, sports, and cooking.


Sanjay Patel

Sanjay is a Senior Cloud Application Architect with AWS Professional Services. He has a diverse background in software design, enterprise architecture, and API integrations. He has helped AWS customers automate infrastructure security. He enjoys working with AWS customers to identify and implement the best fit solution.


Ely Kahn

Ely is the Principal Product Manager for AWS Security Hub. Before his time at AWS, Ely was a co-founder for Sqrrl, a security analytics startup that AWS acquired and is now Amazon Detective. Earlier, Ely served in a variety of positions in the federal government, including Director of Cybersecurity at the National Security Council in the White House.

How to implement password-less authentication with Amazon Cognito and WebAuthn

Post Syndicated from Mahmoud Matouk original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-implement-password-less-authentication-with-amazon-cognito-and-webauthn/

In this blog post, I show you how to offer a password-less authentication experience to your customers. To do this, you’ll allow physical security keys or platform authenticators (like finger-print scanners) to be used as the authentication factor to your web or mobile applications that use Amazon Cognito user pools for authentication.

An Amazon Cognito user pool is a user directory that Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers use to manage their customer identities. Web Authentication (WebAuthn) is a W3C standard that lets users authenticate to web applications using public-key cryptography. Using public-key cryptography enables you to implement a stronger authentication mechanism that’s less dependent on passwords.

Mobile and web applications can use WebAuthn together with browser and device support for the Client-To-Authenticator-Protocol (CTAP) to implement Fast ID Online (FIDO) authentication. To learn more about the flow of WebAuthn and CTAP, visit the FIDO Alliance.

How it works

Amazon Cognito user pools allow you to build a custom authentication flow that uses AWS Lambda functions to authenticates users based on one or more challenge/response cycles. You can use this flow to implement password-less authentication that is based on custom challenges. To use this flow to implement FIDO authentication, you need to create credentials during the registration phase and reference these credentials in the user’s profile. You can then validate these credentials during the authentication phase in a custom challenge.

During registration, a new set of credentials that are bound to your application (relying party), are created through a FIDO authenticator. For example, a platform authenticator with a biometric sensor or a roaming authenticator like a physical security key. The private key of this credential set remains on the authenticator, the public key, together with a credential identifier are saved in a custom attribute that’s part of the user profile in Amazon Cognito.

During authentication, a Cognito custom authentication flow will be used to implement authentication through a custom challenge. The application prompts the user to sign in using the authenticator that they used during registration. Response from the authenticator is then passed as a challenge response to Amazon Cognito and verified using the stored public key.

In this password-less flow, the private key has never left the physical device, the authenticator also validates that relying party in authentication request matches the relying party that was used to create the credentials. This combination provides a more secured authentication flow that uses stronger credentials, protects user from phishing and provides better user experience.

About the demo project

This blog post and the diagrams below explain a scenario that uses FIDO as the only authentication factor, to implement password-less authentication. To help with implementation details, I created a project to demonstrate WebAuthn integration with Amazon Cognito that provides sample code for three scenarios:

  • A scenario that uses FIDO as the only factor (password-less)
  • A scenario that uses FIDO as a second factor (with password)
  • A scenario that lets users sign-in with only a password

This project is only a demonstration and shouldn’t be used as-is in production environments. When using FIDO as authentication factor, it is a best practice to allow users to register multiple authenticators and you need to implement an account recovery workflow in case of a lost authenticator.

Implementing FIDO Authentication

Let’s take a deeper dive into the design and components involved in implementing this solution. To deploy this project in your development environment, follow the instructions in the WebAuthn integration with Amazon Cognito project.

Creating and configuring user pool

The first step is to create a Cognito user pool and triggers that orchestrate a custom authentication flow. You do that by deploying the CloudFormation stack that will create all resources as explained in the demo project.

Few implementation details to note about the user pool:

  • The template creates a user pool, app client, triggers, and Lambda functions to use for custom authentication.
  • The template creates a custom attribute called publicKeyCred. This is the custom attribute that holds a base64 encoded representation of the credential identifier and public key for the user’s authenticator.
  • The app client defines what authentication flows are allowed. You can limit allowed flows according to your use-case. To support FIDO authentication, you must allow CUSTOM_AUTH flow.
  • The app client has “write” permissions to the custom attribute publicKeyCred but not “read” permissions. This allows your application to write the attribute during registration or profile updates but excludes this attribute from the user’s id_token. Since this attribute is considered back-end data that is only used during authentication, it doesn’t need to be part of user profile in the id_token.

User registration flow

The registration flow needs to create credentials using the authenticator and store the public-key in user’s profile. Let’s take a closer look at the sequence of calls and involved components to implement this flow.

Figure 1: WebAuthn user registration process

Figure 1: WebAuthn user registration process

  1. The user navigates to your application, www.example.com (relying party), and creates an account. A request is sent to the relying party to build a credentials options object and send it back to the browser. (in the demo project, this starts in the createCredentials function in webauthn-client.js and creates the credentials options object by making a call to createCredRequest in authn.js)
  2. The browser uses built-in WebAuthn APIs to create the new credentials with an available authenticator using the credentials options object that was created in first step. This is done by making a call to navigator.credentials.create API (this API is available in browsers and platforms that support FIDO and WebAuthn).
  3. The user experience in this step depends on the OS, browser, and the authenticator. For example, the browser could prompt the user to attach a security key or, on devices that support it, to use a biometric scanner.
    Figure 2: User registration and browser alert to use an authenticator in Firefox

    Figure 2: User registration and browser alert to use an authenticator in Firefox

  4. The user interacts with an authenticator (by touching a security key or scanning finger on a touch-id device), which generates new credentials bound to the relying party and returns a response object to the browser.
  5. The browser sends a credential response object to the relying party to parse and validate the response on the server-side. The credential identifier and public key are extracted from the credential response. At this step, your application can also check additional authenticator data and use it to make authentication decisions. For example, your application can check if the authenticator was able to verify user identity through PIN or biometrics (UV flag) or only user presence (UP flag) was verified by authenticator. In the demo project, this is still part of createCredentials function and server-side parsing and validation is done in parseCredResponse that is implemented in authn.js
  6. To complete the user registration, the browser passes the profile attributes that have been collected during registration through Amazon Cognito APIs as custom attributes. This step is performed in signUp function in webauthn-client.js

At the conclusion of this process, a new user will be created in Amazon Cognito and the custom attribute “publicKeyCred” will be populated with a base64 encoded string that includes a credential identifier and the public key generated by the authenticator. This attribute is not considered secret or sensitive data, it rather includes the public key that will be used to verify the authenticator response during subsequent authentications.

User authentication flow

The following diagram describes the custom authentication flow to implement password-less authentication.

Figure 3: WebAuthn user authentication process

Figure 3: WebAuthn user authentication process

  1. The user provides their user name and selects the sign-in button, script (running in browser) starts the sign-in process using Amazon Cognito InitiateAuth API passing the user name and indicating that authentication flow is CUSTOM_AUTH. In the demo project, this part is performed in the signIn function in webauthn-client.js.
  2. The Amazon Cognito service passes control to the Define Auth Challenge Lambda trigger. The trigger then determines that this is the first step in the authentication and returns CUSTOM_CHALLENGE as the next challenge to the user.
  3. Control then moves to Create Auth Challenge Lambda trigger to create the custom challenge. This trigger creates a random challenge (a 64 bytes random string), extracts the credential identifier from the user profile (the value passed initially during the sign-up process) combines them and returns them as a custom challenge to the client. This is performed in CreateAuthChallenge Lambda function.
  4. The browser then prompts the user to activate an authenticator. At this stage, the authenticator verifies that credentials exist for the identifier and that the relying party matches the one that is bound to the credentials. This is implemented by making a call to navigator.credentials.get API that is available in browsers and devices that support FIDO2 and WebAuthn.
    Figure 4: Authentication and browser prompt to use a registered authenticator

    Figure 4: Authentication and browser prompt to use a registered authenticator

  5. If credentials exist and the relying party is verified, the authenticator requests a user attention or verification. Depending on the type of authenticator, user verification through biometrics or a PIN code is performed and the credentials response is passed back to the browser.
    Figure 5: Authentication examples from different browsers and platforms

    Figure 5: Authentication examples from different browsers and platforms

  6. The signIn function continues the sign-in process by calling respondToAuthChallenge API and sending the credentials response to Amazon Cognito.
  7. Amazon Cognito sends the response to the Verify Auth Challenge Lambda trigger. This trigger extracts the public key from the user profile, parses and validates the credentials response, and if the signature is valid, it responds with success. This is performed in VerifyAuthChallenge Lambda trigger.
  8. Lastly, Amazon Cognito sends the control again to Define Auth Challenge to determine the next step. If the results from Verify Auth Challenge indicate a successful response, authentication succeeds and Amazon Cognito responds with ID, access, and refresh tokens.


When building customer facing applications, you as the application owner and developer need to balance security with usability. Reducing the risk of account take-over and phishing is based on using strong credentials, strong second-factors, and minimizing the role of passwords. The flexibility of Amazon Cognito custom authentication flow integrated with WebAuthn offer a technical path to make this possible in addition to offering better user experience to your customers.

Check out the WebAuthn with Amazon Cognito project for code samples and deployment steps, deploy this in your development environment to see this integration in action and go build an awesome password-less experience in your application.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon Cognito forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Mahmoud Matouk

Mahmoud is a Senior Solutions Architect with the Amazon Cognito team. He helps AWS customers build secure and innovative solutions for various identity and access management scenarios.

AWS extends its MTCS Level 3 certification scope to cover United States Regions

Post Syndicated from Clara Lim original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/aws-extends-its-mtcs-level-3-certification-scope-to-cover-united-states-regions/

We’re excited to announce the completion of the Multi-Tier Cloud Security (MTCS) Level 3 triennial certification in September 2020. The scope was expanded to cover the United States Amazon Web Services (AWS) Regions, excluding AWS GovCloud (US) Regions, in addition to Singapore and Seoul. AWS was the first cloud service provider (CSP) to attain the MTCS Level 3 certification in Singapore since 2014, and the services in scope have increased to 130—an approximately 27% increase since the last recertification audit in September 2019, and three times the number of services in scope since the last triennial audit in 2017. This provides customers with more services to choose from in the regions.

MTCS was the world’s first cloud security standard to specify a management system for cloud security that covers multiple tiers, and it can be applied by CSPs to meet differing cloud user needs for data sensitivity and business criticality. The certified CSPs will be able to better specify the levels of security that they can offer to their users. CSPs can achieve this through third-party certification and a self-disclosure requirement for CSPs that covers service-oriented information normally captured in service level agreements. The different levels of security help local businesses to pick the right CSP, and use of MTCS is mandated by the Singapore government as a requirement for public sector agencies and regulated organizations.

MTCS has three levels of security, Level 1 being the base and Level 3 the most stringent:

  • Level 1 was designed for non–business critical data and systems with basic security controls, to counter certain risks and threats targeting low-impact information systems (for example, a website that hosts public information).
  • Level 2 addresses the needs of organizations that run their business-critical data and systems in public or third-party cloud systems (for example, confidential business data and email).
  • Level 3 was designed for regulated organizations with specific and more stringent security requirements. Industry-specific regulations can be applied in addition to the baseline controls, in order to supplement and address security risks and threats in high-impact information systems (for example, highly confidential business data, financial records, and medical records).

Benefits of MTCS certification

Singapore customers in regulated industries with the strictest security requirements can securely host applications and systems with highly sensitive information, ranging from confidential business data to financial and medical records with level 3 compliance.

Financial Services Industry (FSI) customers in Korea are able to accelerate cloud adoption without the need to validate 109 out of 141 controls as required in the relevant regulations (the Financial Security Institute’s Guideline on Use of Cloud Computing Services in the Financial Industry, and the Regulation on Supervision on Electronic Financial Transactions (RSEFT)).

With increasing cloud adoption across different industries, MTCS certification has the potential to provide assurance to customers globally now that the scope is extended beyond Singapore and Korea to the United States AWS Regions. This extension also provides an alternative for Singapore government agencies to leverage the AWS services that haven’t yet launched locally, and provides resiliency and recovery use cases as well.

You can now download the latest MTCS certificates and the MTCS Self-Disclosure Form in AWS Artifact.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Clara Lim

Clara is the Audit Program Manager for the Asia Pacific Region, leading multiple security certification programs. Clara is passionate about leveraging her decade-long experience to deliver compliance programs that provide assurance and build trust with customers.

New! Streamline existing IAM Access Analyzer findings using archive rules

Post Syndicated from Andrea Nedic original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/new-streamline-existing-iam-access-analyzer-findings-using-archive-rules/

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer generates comprehensive findings to help you identify resources that grant public and cross-account access. Now, you can also apply archive rules to existing findings, so you can better manage findings and focus on the findings that need your attention most.

You can think of archive rules as similar to email rules. You define email rules to automatically organize emails. With IAM Access Analyzer, you can define archive rules to automatically mark findings as intended access. Now, those rules can apply to existing as well as new IAM Access Analyzer findings. This helps you focus on findings for potential unintended access to your resources. You can then easily track and resolve these findings by reducing access, helping you to work towards least privilege.

In this post, first I give a brief overview of IAM Access Analyzer. Then I show you an example of how to create an archive rule to automatically archive findings for intended access. Finally, I show you how to update an archive rule to mark existing active findings as intended.

IAM Access Analyzer overview

IAM Access Analyzer helps you determine which resources can be accessed publicly or from other accounts or organizations. IAM Access Analyzer determines this by mathematically analyzing access control policies attached to resources. This form of analysis—called automated reasoning—applies logic and mathematical inference to determine all possible access paths allowed by a resource policy. This is how IAM Access Analyzer uses provable security to deliver comprehensive findings for potential unintended bucket access. You can enable IAM Access Analyzer in the IAM console by creating an analyzer for an account or an organization. Once you’ve created your analyzer, you can review findings for resources that can be accessed publicly or from other AWS accounts or organizations.

Create an archive rule to automatically archive findings for intended access

When you review findings and discover common patterns for intended access, you can create archive rules to automatically archive those findings. This helps you focus on findings for unintended access to your resources, just like email rules help streamline your inbox.

To create an archive rule

In the IAM console, choose Archive rules under Access Analyzer. Then, choose Create archive rule to display the Create archive rule page shown in Figure 1. There, you find the option to name the rule or use the name generated by default. In the Rule section, you define criteria to match properties of findings you want to archive. Just like email rules, you can add multiple criteria to the archive rule. You can define each criterion by selecting a finding property, an operator, and a value. To help ensure a rule doesn’t archive findings for public access, the criterion Public access is false is suggested by default.

Figure 1: IAM Access Analyzer create archive rule page where you add criteria to create a new archive rule

Figure 1: IAM Access Analyzer create archive rule page where you add criteria to create a new archive rule

For example, I have a security audit role external to my account that I expect to have access to resources in my account. To mark that access as intended, I create a rule to archive all findings for Amazon S3 buckets in my account that can be accessed by the security audit role outside of the account. To do this, I include two criteria: Resource type matches S3 bucket, and the AWS Account value matches the security audit role ARN. Once I add these criteria, the Results section displays the list of existing active findings the archive rule matches, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: A rule to archive all findings for S3 buckets in an account that can be accessed by the audit role outside of the account, with matching findings displayed

Figure 2: A rule to archive all findings for S3 buckets in an account that can be accessed by the audit role outside of the account, with matching findings displayed

When you’re done adding criteria for your archive rule, select Create and archive active findings to archive new and existing findings based on the rule criteria. Alternatively, you can choose Create rule to create the rule for new findings only. In the preceding example, I chose Create and archive active findings to archive all findings—existing and new—that match the criteria.

Update an archive rule to mark existing findings as intended

You can also update an archive rule to archive existing findings retroactively and streamline your findings. To edit an archive rule, choose Archive rules under Access Analyzer, then select an existing rule and choose Edit. In the Edit archive rule page, update the archive rule criteria and review the list of existing active findings the archive rule applies to. When you save the archive rule, you can apply it retroactively to existing findings by choosing Save and archive active findings as shown in Figure 3. Otherwise, you can choose Save rule to update the rule and apply it to new findings only.

Note: You can also use the new IAM Access Analyzer API operation ApplyArchiveRule to retroactively apply an archive rule to existing findings that meet the archive rule criteria.


Figure 3: IAM Access Analyzer edit archive rule page where you can apply the rule retroactively to existing findings by choosing Save and archive active findings

Figure 3: IAM Access Analyzer edit archive rule page where you can apply the rule retroactively to existing findings by choosing Save and archive active findings

Get started

To turn on IAM Access Analyzer at no additional cost, open the IAM console. IAM Access Analyzer is available at no additional cost in the IAM console and through APIs in all commercial AWS Regions, AWS China Regions, and AWS GovCloud (US). To learn more about IAM Access Analyzer and which resources it supports, visit the feature page.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS IAM forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Andrea Nedic

Andrea is a Sr. Tech Product Manager for AWS Identity and Access Management. She enjoys hearing from customers about how they build on AWS. Outside of work, Andrea likes to ski, dance, and be outdoors. She holds a PhD from Princeton University.

How to configure Duo multi-factor authentication with Amazon Cognito

Post Syndicated from Mahmoud Matouk original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-configure-duo-multi-factor-authentication-with-amazon-cognito/

Adding multi-factor authentication (MFA) reduces the risk of user account take-over, phishing attacks, and password theft. Adding MFA while providing a frictionless sign-in experience requires you to offer a variety of MFA options that support a wide range of users and devices. Let’s see how you can achieve that with Amazon Cognito and Duo Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

Amazon Cognito user pools are user directories that are used by Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers to manage the identities of their customers and to add sign-in, sign-up and user management features to their customer-facing web and mobile applications. Duo Security is an APN Partner that provides unified access security and multi-factor authentication solutions.

In this blog post, I show you how to use Amazon Cognito custom authentication flow to integrate Duo Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) into your sign-in flow and offer a wide range of MFA options to your customers. Some second factors available through Duo MFA are mobile phone SMS passcodes, approval of login via phone call, push-notification-based approval on smartphones, biometrics on devices that support it, and security keys that can be attached via USB.

How it works

Amazon Cognito user pools enable you to build a custom authentication flow that authenticates users based on one or more challenge/response cycles. You can use this flow to integrate Duo MFA into your authentication as a custom challenge.

Duo Web offers a software development kit to make it easier for you to integrate your web applications with Duo MFA. You need an account with Duo and an application to protect (which can be created from the Duo admin dashboard). When you create your application in the Duo admin dashboard, note the integration key (ikey), secret key (skey), and API hostname. These details, together with a random string (akey) that you generate, are the primary factors used to integrate your Amazon Cognito user pool with Duo MFA.

Note: ikey, skey, and akey are referred to as Duo keys.

Duo MFA will be integrated into the sign-in flow as a custom challenge. To do that, you need to generate a signed challenge request using Duo APIs and use it to load Duo MFA in an iframe and request the user’s second factor. When the challenge is answered by the user, a signed response is returned to your application and sent to Amazon Cognito for verification. If the response is valid then the MFA challenge is successful.

Let’s take a closer look at the sequence of calls and components involved in this flow.

Implementation details

In this section, I walk you through the end-to-end flow of integrating Duo MFA with Amazon Cognito using a custom authentication flow. To help you with this integration, I built a demo project that provides deployment steps and sample code to create a working demo in your environment.

Create and configure a user pool

The first step is to create the AWS resources needed for the demo. You can do that by deploying the AWS CloudFormation stack as described in the demo project.

A few implementation details to be aware of:

  • The template creates an Amazon Cognito user pool, application client, and AWS Lambda triggers that are used for the custom authentication.
  • The template also accepts ikey, skey, and akey as inputs. For security, the parameters are masked in the AWS CloudFormation console. These parameters are stored in a secret in AWS Secrets Manager with a resource policy that allows relevant Lambda functions read access to that secret.
  • Duo keys are loaded from secrets manager at the initialization of create auth challenge and verify auth challenge Lambda triggers to be used to create sign-request and verify sign-response.

Authentication flow

Figure 1: User authentication process for the custom authentication flow

Figure 1: User authentication process for the custom authentication flow

The preceding sequence diagram (Figure 1) illustrates the sequence of calls to sign in a user, which are as follows:

  1. In your application, the user is presented with a sign-in UI that captures their user name and password and starts the sign-in flow. A script—running in the browser—starts the sign-in process using the Amazon Cognito authenticateUser API with CUSTOM_AUTH set as the authentication flow. This validates the user’s credentials using Secure Remote Password (SRP) protocol and moves on to the second challenge if the credentials are valid.

    Note: The authenticateUser API automatically starts the authentication process with SRP. The first challenge that’s sent to Amazon Cognito is SRP_A. This is followed by PASSWORD_VERIFIER to verify the user’s credentials.

  2. After the SRP challenge step, the define auth challenge Lambda trigger will return CUSTOM_CHALLENGE and this will move control to the create auth challenge trigger.
  3. The create auth challenge Lambda trigger creates a Duo signed request using the Duo keys plus the username and returns the signed request as a challenge to the client. Here is a sample code of what create auth challenge should look like:
    exports.handler = async (event) => {
        //load duo keys from secrets manager and store them in global variables
        if(ikey == null || skey == null || akey == null){ 
          const promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
              secretsManagerClient.getSecretValue({SecretId: secretName}, function(err, data) {
                    if (err) {throw err; }
                    else {
                        if ('SecretString' in data) {
                            secret = JSON.parse(data.SecretString);
                            ikey = secret['duo-ikey'];
                            skey = secret['duo-skey'];
                            akey = secret['duo-akey'];
            await promise; 
        var username = event.userName;
        var sig_request = duo_web.sign_request(ikey, skey, akey, username);
        event.response.publicChallengeParameters = {
            sig_request: sig_request
        return event;

  4. The client initializes the Duo Web library with the signed request and displays Duo MFA in an iframe to request a second factor from the user. To initialize the Duo library, you need the api_hostname that is generated for your application in the Duo dashboard, the sign-request that was received as a challenge, and a callback function to invoke after the MFA step is completed by the user. This is done on the client side as follows:
          //render Duo MFA iframe
          $("#duo-mfa").html('<iframe id="duo_iframe" title="Two-Factor Authentication" </iframe>');
            'host': api_hostname,
            'sig_request': challengeParameters.sig_request,
            'submit_callback': mfa_callback

  5. Through the Duo iframe, the user can set up their MFA preferences and respond to an MFA challenge. After successful MFA setup, a signed response from the Duo Web library will be returned to the client and passed to the callback function that was provided in Duo.init call.
    Figure 2: The first time a user signs in, Duo MFA displays a Start setup screen

    Figure 2: The first time a user signs in, Duo MFA displays a Start setup screen

  6. The client sends the Duo signed response to the Amazon Cognito service as a challenge response.
  7. Amazon Cognito sends the response to the verify auth challenge Lambda trigger, which uses Duo keys and username to verify the response.
    const duo_web = require('duo_web');
    exports.handler = async (event) => {
        //load duo keys from secrets manager and store them in global variables
        var username = event.userName;
        //-------get challenge response
        const sig_response = event.request.challengeAnswer;
        const verificationResult = duo_web.verify_response(ikey, skey, akey, sig_response);
        if (verificationResult === username) {
            event.response.answerCorrect = true;
        } else {
            event.response.answerCorrect = false;
        return event;

  8. Validation results and current state are passed once again to the define auth challenge Lambda trigger. If the user response is valid, then the Duo MFA challenge is successful. You can then decide to introduce additional challenges to the user or issue tokens and complete the authentication process.


As you build your mobile or web application, keep in mind that using multi-factor authentication is an effective and recommended approach to protect your customers from account take-over, phishing, and the risks of weak or compromised passwords. Making multi-factor authentication easy for your customers enables you to offer authentication experience that protects their accounts but doesn’t slow them down.

Visit the security pillar of AWS Well-Architected Framework to learn more about AWS security best practices and recommendations.

In this blog post, I showed you how to integrate Duo MFA with an Amazon Cognito user pool. Visit the demo application and review the code samples in it to learn how to integrate this with your application.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon Cognito forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Mahmoud Matouk

Mahmoud is a Senior Solutions Architect with the Amazon Cognito team. He helps AWS customers build secure and innovative solutions for various identity and access management scenarios.

AWS achieves FedRAMP P-ATO for 5 services in AWS US East/West and GovCloud (US) Regions

Post Syndicated from Amendaze Thomas original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/aws-achieves-fedramp-p-ato-for-5-services-in-aws-us-east-west-and-govcloud-us-regions/

We’re pleased to announce that five additional AWS services have achieved provisional authorization (P-ATO) by the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) Joint Authorization Board (JAB). These services provide the following capabilities for the federal government and customers with regulated workloads:

  • Enable your organization’s developers, scientists, and engineers to easily and efficiently run hundreds of thousands of batch computing jobs with AWS Batch.
  • Aggregate, organize, and prioritize your security alerts or findings from multiple AWS services using AWS Security Hub.
  • Provision, manage, and deploy public and private Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) certificates using AWS Certificate Manager.
  • Enable customers to set up and govern a new, secure, multi-account AWS environment using AWS Control Tower.
  • Provide a fully managed Kubernetes service with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service.

The following services are now listed on the FedRAMP Marketplace and the AWS Services in Scope by Compliance Program page.

AWS US East/West Regions (FedRAMP Moderate Authorization)

AWS GovCloud (US) Regions (FedRAMP High Authorization)

AWS is continually expanding the scope of our compliance programs to help enable your organization to use our services for sensitive and regulated workloads. Today, AWS offers 90 AWS services authorized in the AWS US East/West Regions under FedRAMP Moderate Authorization, and 76 services authorized in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions under FedRAMP High Authorization.

To learn what other public sector customers are doing on AWS, see our Government, Education, and Nonprofits Case Studies and Customer Success Stories. Stay tuned for future updates on our Services in Scope by Compliance Program page. If you have feedback about this blog post, let us know in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.

author photo

Amendaze Thomas

Amendaze is the manager of the AWS Government Assessments and Authorization Program (GAAP). He has 15 years of experience providing advisory services to clients in the federal government, and over 13 years of experience supporting CISO teams with risk management framework (RMF) activities.

How to enhance Amazon CloudFront origin security with AWS WAF and AWS Secrets Manager

Post Syndicated from Cameron Worrell original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-enhance-amazon-cloudfront-origin-security-with-aws-waf-and-aws-secrets-manager/

Whether your web applications provide static or dynamic content, you can improve their performance, availability, and security by using Amazon CloudFront as your content delivery network (CDN). CloudFront is a web service that speeds up distribution of your web content through a worldwide network of data centers called edge locations. CloudFront ensures that end-user requests are served by the closest edge location. As a result, viewer requests travel a short distance, improving performance for your viewers. When you deliver web content through a CDN such as CloudFront, a best practice is to prevent viewer requests from bypassing the CDN and accessing your origin content directly. In this blog post, you’ll see how to use CloudFront custom headers, AWS WAF, and AWS Secrets Manager to restrict viewer requests from accessing your CloudFront origin resources directly.

You can configure CloudFront to add custom HTTP headers to the requests that it sends to your origin. HTTP header fields are components of the header section of request and response messages in the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). These custom headers enable you to send and gather information from your origin that isn’t included in typical viewer requests. You can use custom headers to control access to content. By configuring your origin to respond to requests only when they include a custom header that was added by CloudFront, you prevent users from bypassing CloudFront and accessing your origin content directly. In addition to offloading traffic from your origin servers, this also helps enforce web traffic being processed at CloudFront edge locations according to your AWS WAF rules prior to being forwarded to your origin.

AWS WAF is a web application firewall that helps protect your web applications from common web exploits that could affect application availability, compromise security, or consume excessive resources. It supports managed rules as well as a powerful rule language for custom rules. AWS WAF is tightly integrated with CloudFront and the Application Load Balancer (ALB). AWS Secrets Manager helps you protect the secrets needed to access your applications, services, and IT resources. This service enables you to easily rotate, manage, and retrieve database credentials, API keys, and other secrets throughout their lifecycle.

Solution overview

This blog post includes a sample solution you can deploy to see how its components integrate to implement the origin access restriction. The sample solution includes a web server deployed on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Linux instances running in an AWS Auto Scaling group. Elastic Load Balancing distributes the incoming application traffic across the EC2 instances by using an ALB. The ALB is associated with an AWS WAF web access control list (web ACL), which is used to validate the incoming origin requests. Finally, a CloudFront distribution is deployed with an AWS WAF web ACL and configured to point to the origin ALB.

Although the sample solution is designed for deployment with CloudFront with an AWS WAF–associated ALB as its origin, the same approach could be used for origins that use Amazon API Gateway. A custom origin is any origin that is not an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, with one exception. An S3 bucket that is configured with static website hosting is a custom origin. You can refer to the CloudFront Developer Guide for more information on securing content that CloudFront delivers from S3 origins.

This solution is intended to enhance security for CloudFront custom origins that support AWS WAF, such as ALB, and is not a substitute for authentication and authorization mechanisms within your web applications. In this solution, Secrets Manager is used to control, audit, monitor, and rotate a random string used within your CloudFront and AWS WAF configurations. Although most of these lifecycle attributes could be set manually, Secrets Manager makes it easier.

Figure 1 shows how the provided AWS CloudFormation template creates the sample solution.

Figure 1: How the CloudFormation template works

Figure 1: How the CloudFormation template works

Here’s how the solution works, as shown in the diagram:

  1. A viewer accesses your website or application and requests one or more files, such as an image file and an HTML file.
  2. DNS routes the request to the CloudFront edge location that can best serve the request—typically the nearest CloudFront edge location in terms of latency.
  3. At the edge location, AWS WAF inspects the incoming request according to configured web ACL rules.
  4. At the edge location, CloudFront checks its cache for the requested content. If the content is in the cache, CloudFront returns it to the user. If the content isn’t in the cache, CloudFront adds the custom header, X-Origin-Verify, with the value of the secret from Secrets Manager, and forwards the request to the origin.
  5. At the origin Application Load Balancer (ALB), AWS WAF inspects the incoming request header, X-Origin-Verify, and allows the request if the string value is valid. If the header isn’t valid, AWS WAF blocks the request.
  6. At the configured interval, Secrets Manager automatically rotates the custom header value and updates the origin AWS WAF and CloudFront configurations.

Solution deployment

This sample solution includes seven main steps:

  1. Deploy the CloudFormation template.
  2. Confirm successful viewer access to the CloudFront URL.
  3. Confirm that direct viewer access to the origin URL is blocked by AWS WAF.
  4. Review the CloudFront origin custom header configuration.
  5. Review the AWS WAF web ACL header validation rule.
  6. Review the Secrets Manager configuration.
  7. Review the Secrets Manager AWS Lambda rotation function.

Step 1: Deploy the CloudFormation template

The stack will launch in the N. Virginia (us-east-1) Region. It takes approximately 10 minutes for the CloudFormation stack to complete.

Note: The sample solution requires deployment in the N. Virginia (us-east-1) Region. Although out of scope for this blog post, an additional sample template is available in this solution’s GitHub repository for testing this solution with an existing CloudFront distribution and regional AWS WAF web ACL. Refer to the AWS regional service support information for more details on regional service availability.

To launch the CloudFormation stack

  1. Choose the following Launch Stack icon to launch a CloudFormation stack in your account in the N. Virginia Region.
    Select the Launch Stack button to launch the template
  2. In the CloudFormation console, leave the configured values, and then choose Next.
  3. On the Specify Details page, provide the following input parameters. You can modify the default values to customize the solution for your environment.

    Input parameter Input parameter description
    EC2InstanceSize The instance size for EC2 web servers.
    HeaderName The HTTP header name for the secret string.
    WAFRulePriority The rule number to use for the regional AWS WAF web ACL. 0 is recommended, because rules are evaluated in order based on the value of priority.
    RotateInterval The rotation interval, in days, for the origin secret value. Full rotation requires two intervals.
    ArtifactsBucket The S3 bucket with artifact files (Lambda functions, templates, HTML files, and so on). Keep the default value.
    ArtifactsPrefix The path for the S3 bucket that contains artifact files. Keep the default value.

    Figure 2 shows an example of values entered under Parameters.

    Figure 2: Input parameters for the CloudFormation stack

    Figure 2: Input parameters for the CloudFormation stack

  4. Enter values for all of the input parameters, and then choose Next.
  5. On the Options page, keep the defaults, and then choose Next.
  6. On the Review page, confirm the details, acknowledge the statements under Capabilities and transforms as shown in Figure 3, and then choose Create stack.
    Figure 3: CloudFormation Capabilities and Transforms acknowledgments

    Figure 3: CloudFormation Capabilities and Transforms acknowledgments

Step 2: Confirm access to the website through CloudFront

Next, confirm that website access through CloudFront is functioning as intended. After the CloudFormation stack completes deployment, you can access the test website using the domain name that was automatically assigned to the distribution.

To confirm viewer access to the website through CloudFront

  1. In the CloudFormation console, choose Services > CloudFormation > CFOriginVerify stack. On the stack Outputs tab, look for the cfEndpoint entry, similar to that shown in Figure 4.
    Figure 4: CloudFormation cfEndpoint stack output

    Figure 4: CloudFormation cfEndpoint stack output

  2. The cfEndpoint is the URL for the site, and it is automatically assigned by CloudFront. Choose the cfEndpoint link to open the test page, as shown in Figure 5.
    Figure 5: CloudFormation cfEndpoint test page

    Figure 5: CloudFormation cfEndpoint test page

In this step, you’ve confirmed that website accessibility through CloudFront is functioning as intended.

Step 3: Confirm that direct viewer access to the origin URL is blocked by AWS WAF

In this step, you confirm that direct access to the test website is blocked by the regional AWS WAF web ACL.

To test direct access to the origin URL

  1. In the CloudFormation console, choose Services > CloudFormation > CFOriginVerify stack. On the stack Outputs tab, look for the albEndpoint entry.
  2. Choose the albEndpoint link to go to the test site URL that was automatically assigned to the ALB. Choosing this link will result in a 403 Forbidden response. When AWS WAF blocks a web request based on the conditions that you specify, it returns HTTP status code 403 (Forbidden).

In this step, you’ve confirmed that website accessibility directly to the origin ALB is blocked by the regional AWS WAF web ACL.

Step 4: Review the CloudFront origin custom header configuration

Now that you’ve confirmed that the test website can only be accessed through CloudFront, you can review the detailed CloudFront, WAF, and Secrets Manager configurations that enable this restriction.

To review the custom header configuration

  1. In the CloudFormation console, choose Services > CloudFormation > CFOriginVerify stack. On the stack Outputs tab, look for the cfDistro entry.
  2. Choose the cfDistro link to go to this distribution’s configuration in the CloudFront console. On the Origin Groups tab, under Origins, select the origin as shown in Figure 6.
    Figure 6: CloudFront Origins and Origin Groups settings

    Figure 6: CloudFront Origins and Origin Groups settings

  3. Choose Edit to go to the Origin Settings section, scroll to the bottom and review the Origin Custom Headers as shown in Figure 7.
    Figure 7: CloudFront Origin Custom Headers settings

    Figure 7: CloudFront Origin Custom Headers settings

    You can see that the custom header, X-Origin-Verify, has been configured using Secrets Manager with a random 32-character alpha-numeric value. This custom header will be added to web requests that are forwarded from CloudFront to your origin. As you learned in steps 2 and 3, requests without this header are blocked by AWS WAF at the origin ALB. In the next two steps, you will dive deeper into how this works.

Step 5: Review the AWS WAF web ACL header validation rule

In this step, you review the AWS WAF rule configuration that validates the CloudFront custom header X-Origin-Verify.

To review the header validation rule

  1. In the CloudFormation console, select Services > CloudFormation > CFOriginVerify stack. On the stack Outputs tab, look for the wafWebACLR entry.
  2. Choose the wafWebACLR link to go to the origin ALB web ACL configuration in the WAF and Shield console. On the Overview tab, you can view the Requests per 5 minute period chart and the Sampled requests list, which shows requests from the last three hours that the ALB has forwarded to AWS WAF for inspection. The sample of requests includes detailed data about each request, such as the originating IP address and Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). You also can view which rule the request matched, and whether the rule Action is configured to ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT requests. You can enable AWS WAF logging to get detailed information about traffic that’s analyzed by your web ACL. You send logs from your web ACL to an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose with a configured storage destination such as Amazon S3. Information that’s contained in the logs includes the time that AWS WAF received the request from your AWS resource, detailed information about the request, and the action for the rule that each request matched.
  3. Choose the Rules tab to review the rules for this web ACL, as shown in Figure 8.
    Figure 8: AWS WAF web ACL rules

    Figure 8: AWS WAF web ACL rules

    On the Rules tab, you can see that the CFOriginVerifyXOriginVerify rule has been configured with the Allow action, while the Default web ACL action is Block. This means that any incoming requests that don’t match the conditions in this rule will be blocked.

    In every AWS WAF rule group and every web ACL, rules define how to inspect web requests and what to do when a web request matches the inspection criteria. Each rule requires one top-level statement, which might contain nested statements at any depth, depending on the rule and statement type. You can learn more about AWS WAF rule statements in the AWS WAF Developer Guide, AWS Online Tech Talks, and samples on GitHub.

  4. Choose the CFOriginVerifyXOriginVerify rule, and then choose Edit to bring up the Rule Builder tool. In the Rule Builder, you can see that a rule has been created with two Rule Statements similar to those in Figure 9.
    Figure 9: AWS WAF web ACL rule statement

    Figure 9: AWS WAF web ACL rule statement

    In the Rule Builder configuration for Statement 1, you can see that the request Header is being inspected for the x-origin-verify Header field name (HTTP header field names are case insensitive), and the String to match value is set to the value you reviewed in step 4. In the Rule Builder, you can also see a logical OR with an additional rule statement, Statement 2. You will notice that the configuration for Statement 2 is the same as Statement 1, except that the String to match value is different. You will learn about this in detail in step 7, but Statement 2 helps to ensure that valid web requests are processed by your origin servers when Secrets Manager automatically rotates the value of the X-Origin-Verify header. The effect of this rule configuration is that inspected web requests will be allowed if they match either of the two statements.

    In addition to the visual web ACL representation you just reviewed in the WAF Rule visual editor, every web ACL also has a JSON format representation you can edit by using the WAF Rule JSON editor. You can retrieve the complete configuration for a web ACL in JSON format, modify it as you need, and then provide it to AWS WAF through the console, API, or command line interface (CLI).

    This step demonstrated how your request was allowed to access the test website in step 2 and why your request was blocked in step 3.

Step 6: Review Secrets Manager configuration

Now that you’re familiar with the CloudFront and AWS WAF configurations, you will learn how Secrets Manager creates and rotates the secret used for the X-Origin-Verify header field value. Secrets Manager uses an AWS Lambda function to perform the actual rotation of the secret used for the value and update the associated AWS WAF web ACL and CloudFront distribution.

To review the Secrets Manager configuration

  1. In the CloudFormation console, choose Services > CloudFormation > CFOriginVerify stack. On the stack Outputs tab, look for the OriginVerifySecret entry.
  2. Choose the OriginVerifySecret link to go to the configuration for the secret in the Secrets Manager console. Scroll down to the section titled Secret value, and then choose Retrieve secret value to display the Secret key/value as shown in Figure 10.
    Figure 10: Secrets Manager retrieve value

    Figure 10: Secrets Manager retrieve value

    When you retrieve the secret, Secrets Manager programmatically decrypts the secret and displays it in the console. You can see that the secret is stored as a key-value pair, where the secret key is HEADERVALUE, and the secret value is the string used in the CloudFront and WAF configurations you reviewed in steps 3 and 4.

  3. While you’re in the Secrets Manager console, review the Rotation configuration section, as shown in Figure 11.
    Figure 11: Secrets Manager rotation configuration

    Figure 11: Secrets Manager rotation configuration

    You can see that rotation was enabled for this secret at an interval of one day. This configuration also includes a Lambda rotation function. Secrets Manager uses a Lambda function to perform the actual rotation of a secret. If you use your secret for one of the supported Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) databases, then Secrets Manager provides the Lambda function for you. If you use your secret for another service, then you must provide the code for the Lambda function, as we’ve done in this solution.

Step 7: Review the Secrets Manager Lambda rotation function

In this step, you review the Secrets Manager Lambda rotation function.

To review the Secrets Manager Lambda rotation function

  1. In the CloudFormation console, choose Services > CloudFormation > CFOriginVerify stack. In the stack Outputs tab, look for the OriginSecretRotateFunction entry.
  2. Choose the OriginSecretRotateFunction link to go to the Lambda function that is configured for this secret. The code used for this secrets rotation function is based on the AWS Secrets Manager Rotation Template. Choose the Monitoring tab and review the Invocations graph as shown in Figure 12.
    Figure 12: Monitoring tab for the Lambda rotation function

    Figure 12: Monitoring tab for the Lambda rotation function

    Shortly after the CloudFormation stack creation completes, you should see several invocations in the Invocations graph. When a configured rotation schedule or a manual process triggers rotation, Secrets Manager calls the Lambda function several times, each time with different parameters. The Lambda function performs several tasks throughout the process of rotating a secret. This includes the following steps: createSecret, setSecret, testSecret, and finishSecret. Secrets Manager uses staging labels, a simple text string, to enable you to identify different versions of a secret during rotation. This includes the following staging labels: AWSPENDING, AWSCURRENT, and AWSPREVIOUS, which are covered in the following step.

  3. To learn more about the rotation steps configured for this solution, choose View logs in CloudWatch on the Monitoring tab.
    1. On the Log streams tab, select the top entry in the list.
    2. Enter Event in the Filter events field, and then choose the arrows to expand the details for each event as shown in Figure 13.
      Figure 13: CloudWatch event logs for the Lambda rotation function

      Figure 13: CloudWatch event logs for the Lambda rotation function

The four rotation steps annotated in Figure 13 work as follows:

Note: This section provides an overview of the rotation process for this solution. For more detailed information about the Lambda rotation function, see the Secrets Manager User Guide.

  1. The createSecret step: In this step, the Lambda function generates a new version of the secret. The rotation Lambda function calls the GetRandomPassword method to generate a new random string, and then labels the new version of the secret with the staging label AWSPENDING to mark it as the in-process version of the secret.
  2. The SetSecret step: In this step, the rotation function retrieves the version of the secret labeled AWSPENDING from Secrets Manager and updates the web ACL rule for the AWS WAF associated with the origin ALB. The two rule statements you reviewed in step 5 of this blog post are updated with the AWSPENDING and AWSCURRENT values. The rotation function also updates the value for the Origin Custom Header X-Origin-Verify. When the rotation function updates your distribution configuration, CloudFront starts to propagate the changes to all edge locations. Maintaining both the AWSPENDING and AWSCURRENT secret values helps to ensure that web requests forwarded to your origin by CloudFront are not blocked. Therefore, once a secret value is created, two rotation intervals are required for it to be removed from the configuration.
  3. The testSecret step: This step of the Lambda function verifies the AWSPENDING version of the secret by using it to access the origin ALB endpoint with the X-Origin-Verify header. Both AWSPENDING and AWSCURRENT X-Origin-Verify header values are tested to confirm a “200 OK” response from the origin ALB endpoint.
  4. The finishSecret step: In the last step, the Lambda function moves the label AWSCURRENT from the current version to this new version of the secret. The old version receives the AWSPREVIOUS staging label, and is available for recovery as the last known good version of the secret, if needed. The old version with the AWSPREVIOUS staging label no longer has any staging labels attached, so Secrets Manager considers the old version deprecated and subject to deletion.

When the finishSecret step has successfully completed, Secrets Manager schedules the next rotation by adding the rotation interval (number of days) to the completion date. This automated process causes the values used for the validation headers to be updated at the configured interval. Although out of scope for this blog post, you should monitor your secrets to ensure usage of your secrets and log any changes to them. This helps you to make sure that any unexpected usage or change can be investigated, and unwanted changes can be rolled back.


You’ve learned how to use Amazon CloudFront, AWS WAF and AWS Secrets Manager to prevent web requests from directly accessing your CloudFront origin resources. You can use this solution to improve security for CloudFront custom origins that support AWS WAF, such as ALB, Amazon API Gateway, and AWS AppSync.

When using this solution, you will incur AWS WAF usage charges for both the ALB and CloudFront associated AWS WAF web ACLs. You might wish to consider subscribing to AWS Shield Advanced, which provides higher levels of protection against distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks and includes AWS WAF and AWS Firewall Manager at no additional cost for usage on resources protected by AWS Shield Advanced. You can also learn more about pricing for CloudFront, AWS WAF, Secrets Manager, and AWS Shield Advanced.

You can review more options for restricting access to content with CloudFront, additional AWS WAF security automations, or managed rules for AWS WAF. You can explore solutions for using AWS IP address ranges to enhance CloudFront origin security. You might also wish to learn more about Secrets Manager best practices. This code for this solution is available on GitHub.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about using this solution, you can start a thread in the CloudFront, WAF, or Secrets Manager forums, review or open an issue in this solution’s GitHub repository, or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.

Cameron Worrell

Cameron Worrell

Cameron is a Solutions Architect with a passion for security and enterprise transformation. He joined AWS in 2015.

How to automate incident response in the AWS Cloud for EC2 instances

Post Syndicated from Ben Eichorst original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-automate-incident-response-in-aws-cloud-for-ec2-instances/

One of the security epics core to the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF) is a focus on incident response and preparedness to address unauthorized activity. Multiple methods exist in Amazon Web Services (AWS) for automating classic incident response techniques, and the AWS Security Incident Response Guide outlines many of these methods. This post demonstrates one specific method for instantaneous response and acquisition of infrastructure data from Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances.

Incident response starts with detection, progresses to investigation, and then follows with remediation. This process is no different in AWS. AWS services such as Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Macie, and Amazon Inspector provide detection capabilities. Amazon Detective assists with investigation, including tracking and gathering information. Then, after your security organization decides to take action, pre-planned and pre-provisioned runbooks enable faster action towards a resolution. One principle outlined in the incident response whitepaper and the AWS Well-Architected Framework is the notion of pre-provisioning systems and policies to allow you to react quickly to an incident response event. The solution I present here provides a pre-provisioned architecture for an incident response system that you can use to respond to a suspect EC2 instance.

Infrastructure overview

The architecture that I outline in this blog post automates these standard actions on a suspect compute instance:

  1. Capture all the persistent disks.
  2. Capture the instance state at the time the incident response mechanism is started.
  3. Isolate the instance and protect against accidental instance termination.
  4. Perform operating system–level information gathering, such as memory captures and other parameters.
  5. Notify the administrator of these actions.

The solution in this blog post accomplishes these tasks through the following logical flow of AWS services, illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Infrastructure deployed by the accompanying AWS CloudFormation template and associated task flow when invoking the main API

Figure 1: Infrastructure deployed by the accompanying AWS CloudFormation template and associated task flow when invoking the main API

  1. A user or application calls an API with an EC2 instance ID to start data collection.
  2. Amazon API Gateway initiates the core logic of the process by instantiating an AWS Lambda function.
  3. The Lambda function performs the following data gathering steps before making any changes to the infrastructure:
    1. Save instance metadata to the SecResponse Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.
    2. Save a snapshot of the instance console to the SecResponse S3 bucket.
    3. Initiate an Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) snapshot of all persistent block storage volumes.
  4. The Lambda function then modifies the infrastructure to continue gathering information, by doing the following steps:
    1. Set the Amazon EC2 termination protection flag on the instance.
    2. Remove any existing EC2 instance profile from the instance.
    3. If the instance is managed by AWS Systems Manager:
      1. Attach an EC2 instance profile with minimal privileges for operating system–level information gathering.
      2. Perform operating system–level information gathering actions through Systems Manager on the EC2 instance.
      3. Remove the instance profile after Systems Manager has completed its actions.
    4. Create a quarantine security group that lacks both ingress and egress rules.
    5. Move the instance into the created quarantine security group for isolation.
  5. Send an administrative notification through the configured Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic.

Solution features

By using the mechanisms outlined in this post to codify your incident response runbooks, you can see the following benefits to your incident response plan.

Preparation for incident response before an incident occurs

Both the AWS CAF and Well-Architected Framework recommend that customers formulate known procedures for incident response, and test those runbooks before an incident. Testing these processes before an event occurs decreases the time it takes you to respond in a production environment. The sample infrastructure shown in this post demonstrates how you can standardize those procedures.

Consistent incident response artifact gathering

Codifying your processes into set code and infrastructure prepares you for the need to collect data, but also standardizes the collection process into a repeatable and auditable sequence of What information was collected when and how. This reduces the likelihood of missing data for future investigations.

Walkthrough: Deploying infrastructure and starting the process

To implement the solution outlined in this post, you first need to deploy the infrastructure, and then start the data collection process by issuing an API call.

The code example in this blog post requires that you provision an AWS CloudFormation stack, which creates an S3 bucket for storing your event artifacts and a serverless API that uses API Gateway and Lambda. You then execute a query against this API to take action on a target EC2 instance.

The infrastructure deployed by the AWS CloudFormation stack is a set of AWS components as depicted previously in Figure 1. The stack includes all the services and configurations to deploy the demo. It doesn’t include a target EC2 instance that you can use to test the mechanism used in this post.


The cost for this demo is minimal because the base infrastructure is completely serverless. With AWS, you only pay for the infrastructure that you use, so the single API call issued in this demo costs fractions of a cent. Artifact storage costs will incur S3 storage prices, and Amazon EC2 snapshots will be stored at their respective prices.

Deploy the AWS CloudFormation stack

In future posts and updates, we will show how to set up this security response mechanism inside a separate account designated for security, but for the purposes of this post, your demo stack must reside in the same AWS account as the target instance that you set up in the next section.

First, start by deploying the AWS CloudFormation template to provision the infrastructure.

To deploy this template in the us-east-1 region

  1. Choose the Launch Stack button to open the AWS CloudFormation console pre-loaded with the template:
    Select the Launch Stack button to launch the template
  2. (Optional) In the AWS CloudFormation console, on the Specify Details page, customize the stack name.
  3. For the LambdaS3BucketLocation and LambdaZipFileName fields, leave the default values for the purposes of this blog. Customizing this field allows you to customize this code example for your own purposes and store it in an S3 bucket of your choosing.
  4. Customize the S3BucketName field. This needs to be a globally unique S3 bucket name. This bucket is where gathered artifacts are stored for the demo in this blog. You must customize it beyond the default value for the template to instantiate properly.
  5. (Optional) Customize the SNSTopicName field. This name provides a meaningful label for the SNS topic that notifies the administrator of the actions that were performed.
  6. Choose Next to configure the stack options and leave all default settings in place.
  7. Choose Next to review and scroll to the bottom of the page. Select all three check boxes under the Capabilities and Transforms section, next to each of the three acknowledgements:
    • I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources.
    • I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
    • I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might require the following capability: CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND.
  8. Choose Create Stack.

Set up a target EC2 instance

In order to demonstrate the functionality of this mechanism, you need a target host. Provision any EC2 instance in your account to act as a target for the security response mechanism to act upon for information collection and quarantine. To optimize affordability and demonstrate full functionality, I recommend choosing a small instance size (for example, t2.nano) and optionally joining the instance into Systems Manager for the ability to later execute Run Command API queries. For more details on configuring Systems Manager, refer to the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.

Retrieve required information for system initiation

The entire security response mechanism triggers through an API call. To successfully initiate this call, you first need to gather the API URI and key information.

To find the API URI and key information

  1. Navigate to the AWS CloudFormation console and choose the stack that you’ve instantiated.
  2. Choose the Outputs tab and save the value for the key APIBaseURI. This is the base URI for the API Gateway. It will resemble https://abcdefgh12.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com.
  3. Next, navigate to the API Gateway console and choose the API with the name SecurityResponse.
  4. Choose API Keys, and then choose the only key present.
  5. Next to the API key field, choose Show to reveal the key, and then save this value to a notepad for later use.

(Optional) Configure administrative notification through the created SNS topic

One aspect of this mechanism is that it sends notifications through SNS topics. You can optionally subscribe your email or another notification pipeline mechanism to the created SNS topic in order to receive notifications on actions taken by the system.

Initiate the security response mechanism

Note that, in this demo code, you’re using a simple API key for limiting access to API Gateway. In production applications, you would use an authentication mechanism such as Amazon Cognito to control access to your API.

To kick off the security response mechanism, initiate a REST API query against the API that was created in the AWS CloudFormation template. You first create this API call by using a curl command to be run from a Linux system.

To create the API initiation curl command

  1. Copy the following example curl command.
    curl -v -X POST -i -H "x-api-key: 012345ABCDefGHIjkLMS20tGRJ7othuyag" https://abcdefghi.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/DEMO/secresponse -d '{

  2. Replace the placeholder API key specified in the x-api-key HTTP header with your API key.
  3. Replace the example URI path with your API’s specific URI. To create the full URI, concatenate the base URI listed in the AWS CloudFormation output you gathered previously with the API call path, which is /DEMO/secresponse. This full URI for your specific API call should closely resemble this sample URI path: https://abcdefghi.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/DEMO/secresponse
  4. Replace the value associated with the key instance_id with the instance ID of the target EC2 instance you created.

Because this mechanism initiates through a simple API call, you can easily integrate it with existing workflow management systems. This allows for complex data collection and forensic procedures to be integrated with existing incident response workflows.

Review the gathered data

Note that the following items were uploaded as objects in the security response S3 bucket:

  1. A console screenshot, as shown in Figure 2.
  2. (If Systems Manager is configured) stdout information from the commands that were run on the host operating system.
  3. Instance metadata in JSON form.


Figure 2: Example outputs from a successful completion of this blog post's mechanism

Figure 2: Example outputs from a successful completion of this blog post’s mechanism

Additionally, if you load the Amazon EC2 console and scroll down to Elastic Block Store, you can see that EBS snapshots are present for all persistent disks as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Evidence of an EBS snapshot from a successful run

Figure 3: Evidence of an EBS snapshot from a successful run

You can also verify that the previously outlined security controls are in place by viewing the instance in the Amazon EC2 console. You should see the removal of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles from the target EC2 instances and that the instance has been placed into network isolation through a newly created quarantine security group.

Note that for the purposes of this demo, all information that you gathered is stored in the same AWS account as the workload. As a best practice, many AWS customers choose instead to store this information in an AWS account that’s specifically designated for incident response and analysis. A dedicated account provides clear isolation of function and restriction of access. Using AWS Organizations service control policies (SCPs) and IAM permissions, your security team can limit access to adhere to security policy, legal guidance, and compliance regulations.

Clean up and delete artifacts

To clean up the artifacts from the solution in this post, first delete all information in your security response S3 bucket. Then delete the CloudFormation stack that was provisioned at the start of this process in order to clean up all remaining infrastructure.


Placing workloads in the AWS Cloud allows for pre-provisioned and explicitly defined incident response runbooks to be codified and quickly executed on suspect EC2 instances. This enables you to gather data in minutes that previously took hours or even days using manual processes.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon EC2 forum or contact AWS Support.

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Ben Eichorst

Ben is a Senior Solutions Architect, Security, Cryptography, and Identity Specialist for AWS. He works with AWS customers to efficiently implement globally scalable security programs while empowering development teams and reducing risk. He holds a BA from Northwestern University and an MBA from University of Colorado.