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Near-real-time fraud detection using Amazon Redshift Streaming Ingestion with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon Redshift ML

Post Syndicated from Praveen Kadipikonda original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/near-real-time-fraud-detection-using-amazon-redshift-streaming-ingestion-with-amazon-kinesis-data-streams-and-amazon-redshift-ml/

The importance of data warehouses and analytics performed on data warehouse platforms has been increasing steadily over the years, with many businesses coming to rely on these systems as mission-critical for both short-term operational decision-making and long-term strategic planning. Traditionally, data warehouses are refreshed in batch cycles, for example, monthly, weekly, or daily, so that businesses can derive various insights from them.

Many organizations are realizing that near-real-time data ingestion along with advanced analytics opens up new opportunities. For example, a financial institute can predict if a credit card transaction is fraudulent by running an anomaly detection program in near-real-time mode rather than in batch mode.

In this post, we show how Amazon Redshift can deliver streaming ingestion and machine learning (ML) predictions all in one platform.

Amazon Redshift is a fast, scalable, secure, and fully managed cloud data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data using standard SQL.

Amazon Redshift ML makes it easy for data analysts and database developers to create, train, and apply ML models using familiar SQL commands in Amazon Redshift data warehouses.

We’re excited to launch Amazon Redshift Streaming Ingestion for Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK), which enables you to ingest data directly from a Kinesis data stream or Kafka topic without having to stage the data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion allows you to achieve low latency in the order of seconds while ingesting hundreds of megabytes of data into your data warehouse.

This post demonstrates how Amazon Redshift, the cloud data warehouse allows you to build near-real-time ML predictions by using Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion and Redshift ML features with familiar SQL language.

Solution overview

By following the steps outlined in this post, you’ll be able to set up a producer streamer application on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance that simulates credit card transactions and pushes data to Kinesis Data Streams in real time. You set up an Amazon Redshift Streaming Ingestion materialized view on Amazon Redshift, where streaming data is received. You train and build a Redshift ML model to generate real-time inferences against the streaming data.

The following diagram illustrates the architecture and process flow.

The step-by-step process is as follows:

  1. The EC2 instance simulates a credit card transaction application, which inserts credit card transactions into the Kinesis data stream.
  2. The data stream stores the incoming credit card transaction data.
  3. An Amazon Redshift Streaming Ingestion materialized view is created on top of the data stream, which automatically ingests streaming data into Amazon Redshift.
  4. You build, train, and deploy an ML model using Redshift ML. The Redshift ML model is trained using historical transactional data.
  5. You transform the streaming data and generate ML predictions.
  6. You can alert customers or update the application to mitigate risk.

This walkthrough uses credit card transaction streaming data. The credit card transaction data is fictitious and is based on a simulator. The customer dataset is also fictitious and is generated with some random data functions.


  1. Create an Amazon Redshift cluster.
  2. Configure the cluster to use Redshift ML.
  3. Create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user.
  4. Update the IAM role attached to the Redshift cluster to include permissions to access the Kinesis data stream. For more information about the required policy, refer to Getting started with streaming ingestion.
  5. Create an m5.4xlarge EC2 instance. We tested Producer application with m5.4xlarge instance but you are free to use other instance type. When creating the instance, use the amzn2-ami-kernel-5.10-hvm-2.0.20220426.0-x86_64-gp2 AMI.
  6. To make sure that Python3 is installed in the EC2 instance, run the following command to verity your Python version (note that the data extraction script only works on Python 3):
python3 --version
  1. Install the following dependent packages to run the simulator program:
sudo yum install python3-pip
pip3 install numpy
pip3 install pandas
pip3 install matplotlib
pip3 install seaborn
pip3 install boto3
  1. Configure Amazon EC2 using the variables like AWS credentials generated for IAM user created in step 3 above. The following screenshot shows an example using aws configure.

Set up Kinesis Data Streams

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams is a massively scalable and durable real-time data streaming service. It can continuously capture gigabytes of data per second from hundreds of thousands of sources, such as website clickstreams, database event streams, financial transactions, social media feeds, IT logs, and location-tracking events. The data collected is available in milliseconds to enable real-time analytics use cases such as real-time dashboards, real-time anomaly detection, dynamic pricing, and more. We use Kinesis Data Streams because it’s a serverless solution that can scale based on usage.

Create a Kinesis data stream

First, you need to create a Kinesis data stream to receive the streaming data:

  1. On the Amazon Kinesis console, choose Data streams in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create data stream.
  3. For Data stream name, enter cust-payment-txn-stream.
  4. For Capacity mode, select On-demand.
  5. For the rest of the options, choose the default options and follow through the prompts to complete the setup.
  6. Capture the ARN for the created data stream to use in the next section when defining your IAM policy.

Streaming ARN Highlight

Set up permissions

For a streaming application to write to Kinesis Data Streams, the application needs to have access to Kinesis. You can use the following policy statement to grant the simulator process that you set up in next section access to the data stream. Use the ARN of the data stream that you saved in the previous step.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt123",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

Configure the stream producer

Before we can consume streaming data in Amazon Redshift, we need a streaming data source that writes data to the Kinesis data stream. This post uses a custom-built data generator and the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to publish the data to the data stream. For setup instructions, refer to Producer Simulator. This simulator process publishes streaming data to the data stream created in the previous step (cust-payment-txn-stream).

Configure the stream consumer

This section talks about configuring the stream consumer (the Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion view).

Amazon Redshift Streaming Ingestion provides low-latency, high-speed ingestion of streaming data from Kinesis Data Streams into an Amazon Redshift materialized view. You can configure your Amazon Redshift cluster to enable streaming ingestion and create a materialized view with auto refresh, using SQL statements, as described in Creating materialized views in Amazon Redshift. The automatic materialized view refresh process will ingest streaming data at hundreds of megabytes of data per second from Kinesis Data Streams into Amazon Redshift. This results in fast access to external data that is quickly refreshed.

After creating the materialized view, you can access your data from the data stream using SQL and simplify your data pipelines by creating materialized views directly on top of the stream.

Complete the following steps to configure an Amazon Redshift streaming materialized view:

  1. On the IAM console, choose policies in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create policy.
  3. Create a new IAM policy called KinesisStreamPolicy.  For the streaming policy definition, see Getting started with streaming ingestion.
  4. In the navigation pane, choose Roles.
  5. Choose Create role.
  6. Select AWS service and choose Redshift and Redshift customizable.
  7. Create a new role called redshift-streaming-role and attach the policy KinesisStreamPolicy.
  8. Create an external schema to map to Kinesis Data Streams :
FROM KINESIS IAM_ROLE 'arn:aws:iam::386xxxxxxxxx:role/redshift-streaming-role';

Now you can create a materialized view to consume the stream data. You can use the SUPER data type to store the payload as is, in JSON format, or use Amazon Redshift JSON functions to parse the JSON data into individual columns. For this post, we use the second method because the schema is well defined.

  1. Create the streaming ingestion materialized view cust_payment_tx_stream. By specifying AUTO REFRESH YES in the following code, you can enable automatic refresh of the streaming ingestion view, which saves time by avoiding building data pipelines:
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW cust_payment_tx_stream
SELECT approximate_arrival_timestamp ,
json_extract_path_text(from_varbyte(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'TRANSACTION_ID')::bigint as TRANSACTION_ID,
json_extract_path_text(from_varbyte(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'TX_DATETIME')::character(50) as TX_DATETIME,
json_extract_path_text(from_varbyte(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'CUSTOMER_ID')::int as CUSTOMER_ID,
json_extract_path_text(from_varbyte(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'TERMINAL_ID')::int as TERMINAL_ID,
json_extract_path_text(from_varbyte(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'TX_AMOUNT')::decimal(18,2) as TX_AMOUNT,
json_extract_path_text(from_varbyte(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'TX_TIME_SECONDS')::int as TX_TIME_SECONDS,
json_extract_path_text(from_varbyte(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'TX_TIME_DAYS')::int as TX_TIME_DAYS
FROM custpaytxn."cust-payment-txn-stream"
Where is_utf8(kinesis_data) AND can_json_parse(kinesis_data);

Note that json_extract_path_text has a length limitation of 64 KB. Also from_varbye filters records larger than 65KB.

  1. Refresh the data.

The Amazon Redshift streaming materialized view is auto refreshed by Amazon Redshift for you. This way, you don’t need worry about data staleness. With materialized view auto refresh, data is automatically loaded into Amazon Redshift as it becomes available in the stream. If you choose to manually perform this operation, use the following command:

REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW cust_payment_tx_stream ;
  1. Now let’s query the streaming materialized view to see sample data:
Select * from cust_payment_tx_stream limit 10;

  1. Let’s check how many records are in the streaming view now:
Select count(*) as stream_rec_count from cust_payment_tx_stream;

Now you have finished setting up the Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion view, which is continuously updated with incoming credit card transaction data. In my setup, I see that around 67,000 records have been pulled into the streaming view at the time when I ran my select count query. This number could be different for you.

Redshift ML

With Redshift ML, you can bring a pre-trained ML model or build one natively. For more information, refer to Using machine learning in Amazon Redshift.

In this post, we train and build an ML model using a historical dataset. The data contains a tx_fraud field that flags a historical transaction as fraudulent or not. We build a supervised ML model using Redshift Auto ML, which learns from this dataset and predicts incoming transactions when those are run through the prediction functions.

In the following sections, we show how to set up the historical dataset and customer data.

Load the historical dataset

The historical table has more fields than what the streaming data source has. These fields contain the customer’s most recent spend and terminal risk score, like number of fraudulent transactions computed by transforming streaming data. There are also categorical variables like weekend transactions or nighttime transactions.

To load the historical data, run the commands using the Amazon Redshift query editor.

Create the transaction history table with the following code. The DDL can also be found on GitHub.

CREATE TABLE cust_payment_tx_history
TX_DATETIME timestamp,
CUSTOMER_ID integer,
TERMINAL_ID integer,
TX_AMOUNT decimal(9,2),
TX_TIME_DAYS integer,
TX_FRAUD integer,
Copy cust_payment_tx_history
FROM 's3://redshift-demos/redshiftml-reinvent/2022/ant312/credit-card-transactions/credit_card_transactions_transformed_balanced.csv'
iam_role default
ignoreheader 1
csv ;

Let’s check how many transactions are loaded:

select count(1) from cust_payment_tx_history;

Check the monthly fraud and non-fraud transactions trend:

SELECT to_char(tx_datetime, 'YYYYMM') as YearMonth,
sum(case when tx_fraud=1 then 1 else 0 end) as fraud_tx,
sum(case when tx_fraud=0 then 1 else 0 end) as non_fraud_tx,
count(*) as total_tx
FROM cust_payment_tx_history
GROUP BY YearMonth;

Create and load customer data

Now we create the customer table and load data, which contains the email and phone number of the customer. The following code creates the table, loads the data, and samples the table. The table DDL is available on GitHub.

CREATE TABLE public."customer_info"(customer_id bigint NOT NULL encode az64,
job_title character varying(500) encode lzo,
email_address character varying(100) encode lzo,
full_name character varying(200) encode lzo,
phone_number character varying(20) encode lzo,
city varchar(50),
state varchar(50)
COPY customer_info
FROM 's3://redshift-demos/redshiftml-reinvent/2022/ant312/customer-data/Customer_Data.csv'
IAM_ROLE default CSV;
Select count(1) from customer_info;

Our test data has about 5,000 customers. The following screenshot shows sample customer data.

Build an ML model

Our historical card transaction table has 6 months of data, which we now use to train and test the ML model.

The model takes the following fields as input:


We get tx_fraud as output.

We split this data into training and test datasets. Transactions from 2022-04-01 to 2022-07-31 are for the training set. Transactions from 2022-08-01 to 2022-09-30 are used for the test set.

Let’s create the ML model using the familiar SQL CREATE MODEL statement. We use a basic form of the Redshift ML command. The following method uses Amazon SageMaker Autopilot, which performs data preparation, feature engineering, model selection, and training automatically for you. Provide the name of your S3 bucket containing the code.

CREATE MODEL cust_cc_txn_fd
FROM cust_payment_tx_history
WHERE cast(tx_datetime as date) between '2022-06-01' and '2022-09-30'
) TARGET tx_fraud
FUNCTION fn_customer_cc_fd
IAM_ROLE default
S3_BUCKET '<replace this with your s3 bucket name>',
s3_garbage_collect off,
max_runtime 3600

I call the ML model as Cust_cc_txn_fd, and the prediction function as fn_customer_cc_fd. The FROM clause shows the input columns from the historical table public.cust_payment_tx_history. The target parameter is set to tx_fraud, which is the target variable that we’re trying to predict. IAM_Role is set to default because the cluster is configured with this role; if not, you have to provide your Amazon Redshift cluster IAM role ARN. I set the max_runtime to 3,600 seconds, which is the time we give to SageMaker to complete the process. Redshift ML deploys the best model that is identified in this time frame.

Depending on the complexity of the model and the amount of data, it can take some time for the model to be available. If you find your model selection is not completing, increase the value for max_runtime. You can set a max value of 9999.

The CREATE MODEL command is run asynchronously, which means it runs in the background. You can use the SHOW MODEL command to see the status of the model. When the status shows as Ready, it means the model is trained and deployed.

show model cust_cc_txn_fd;

The following screenshots show our output.

From the output, I see that the model has been correctly recognized as BinaryClassification, and F1 has been selected as the objective. The F1 score is a metric that considers both precision and recall. It returns a value between 1 (perfect precision and recall) and 0 (lowest possible score). In my case, it’s 0.91. The higher the value, the better the model performance.

Let’s test this model with the test dataset. Run the following command, which retrieves sample predictions:

tx_fraud ,
FROM cust_payment_tx_history
WHERE cast(tx_datetime as date) >= '2022-10-01'
limit 10 ;

We see that some values are matching and some are not. Let’s compare predictions to the ground truth:

tx_fraud ,
) as prediction, count(*) as values
FROM public.cust_payment_tx_history
WHERE cast(tx_datetime as date) >= '2022-08-01'
Group by 1,2 ;

We validated that the model is working and the F1 score is good. Let’s move on to generating predictions on streaming data.

Predict fraudulent transactions

Because the Redshift ML model is ready to use, we can use it to run the predictions against streaming data ingestion. The historical dataset has more fields than what we have in the streaming data source, but they’re just recency and frequency metrics around the customer and terminal risk for a fraudulent transaction.

We can apply the transformations on top of the streaming data very easily by embedding the SQL inside the views. Create the first view, which aggregates streaming data at the customer level. Then create the second view, which aggregates streaming data at terminal level, and the third view, which combines incoming transactional data with customer and terminal aggregated data and calls the prediction function all in one place. The code for the third view is as follows:

CREATE VIEW public.cust_payment_tx_fraud_predictions
select a.approximate_arrival_timestamp,
d.full_name , d.email_address, d.phone_number,
public.fn_customer_cc_fd(a.TX_AMOUNT ,
t.TERMINAL_ID_RISK_30DAY_WINDOW ) Fraud_prediction
case when extract(dow from cast(TX_DATETIME as timestamp)) in (1,7) then 1 else 0 end as TX_DURING_WEEKEND,
case when extract(hour from cast(TX_DATETIME as timestamp)) between 00 and 06 then 1 else 0 end as TX_DURING_NIGHT
FROM cust_payment_tx_stream) a
join terminal_transformations t
on a.terminal_id = t.terminal_id
join customer_transformations c
on a.customer_id = c.customer_id
join customer_info d
on a.customer_id = d.customer_id

Run a SELECT statement on the view:

select * from
where Fraud_prediction = 1;

As you run the SELECT statement repeatedly, the latest credit card transactions go through transformations and ML predictions in near-real time.

This demonstrates the power of Amazon Redshift—with easy-to-use SQL commands, you can transform streaming data by applying complex window functions and apply an ML model to predict fraudulent transactions all in one step, without building complex data pipelines or building and managing additional infrastructure.

Expand the solution

Because the data streams in and ML predictions are made in near-real time, you can build business processes for alerting your customer using Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), or you can lock the customer’s credit card account in an operational system.

This post doesn’t go into the details of these operations, but if you’re interested in learning more about building event-driven solutions using Amazon Redshift, refer to the following GitHub repository.

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources that were created as part of this post.


In this post, we demonstrated how to set up a Kinesis data stream, configure a producer and publish data to streams, and then create an Amazon Redshift Streaming Ingestion view and query the data in Amazon Redshift. After the data was in the Amazon Redshift cluster, we demonstrated how to train an ML model and build a prediction function and apply it against the streaming data to generate predictions near-real time.

If you have any feedback or questions, please leave them in the comments.

About the Authors

Bhanu Pittampally is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect based out of Dallas. He specializes in building analytic solutions. His background is in data warehouses—architecture, development, and administration. He has been in the data and analytics field for over 15 years.

Praveen Kadipikonda is a Senior Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS based out of Dallas. He helps customers build efficient, performant, and scalable analytic solutions. He has worked with building databases and data warehouse solutions for over 15 years.

Ritesh Kumar Sinha is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect based out of San Francisco. He has helped customers build scalable data warehousing and big data solutions for over 16 years. He loves to design and build efficient end-to-end solutions on AWS. In his spare time, he loves reading, walking, and doing yoga.

Building .NET 7 Applications with AWS CodeBuild

Post Syndicated from Tom Moore original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/building-net-7-applications-with-aws-codebuild/

AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed DevOps service for building and testing your applications. As a fully managed service, there is no infrastructure to manage and you pay only for the resources that you use when you are building your applications. CodeBuild provides a default build image that contains the current Long Term Support (LTS) version of the .NET SDK.

Microsoft released the latest version of .NET in November. This release, .NET 7, includes performance improvements and functionality, such as native ahead of time compilation. (Native AoT)..NET 7 is a Standard Term Support release of the .NET SDK. At this point CodeBuild’s default image does not support .NET 7. For customers that want to start using.NET 7 right away in their applications, CodeBuild provides two means of customizing your build environment so that you can take advantage of .NET 7.

The first option for customizing your build environment is to provide CodeBuild with a container image you create and maintain. With this method, customers can define the build environment exactly as they need by including any SDKs, runtimes, and tools in the container image. However, this approach requires customers to maintain the build environment themselves, including patching and updating the tools. This approach will not be covered in this blog post.

A second means of customizing your build environment is by using the install phase of the buildspec file. This method uses the default CodeBuild image, and adds additional functionality at the point that a build starts. This has the advantage that customers do not have the overhead of patching and maintaining the build image.

Complete documentation on the syntax of the buildspec file can be found here:


Your application’s buildspec.yml file contains all of the commands necessary to build your application and prepare it for deployment. For a typical .NET application, the buildspec file will look like this:

You might want to say that you are not covering this in the post.

version: 0.2
      - dotnet restore Net7TestApp.sln
      - dotnet build Net7TestApp.sln

Note: This build spec file contains only the commands to build the application, commands for packaging and storing build artifacts have been omitted for brevity.

In order to add the .NET 7 SDK to CodeBuild so that we can build your .NET 7 applications, we will leverage the install phase of the buildspec file. The install phase allows you to install any third-party libraries or SDKs prior to beginning your actual build.

      - curl -sSL https://dot.net/v1/dotnet-install.sh | bash /dev/stdin --channel STS 

The above command downloads the Microsoft install script for .NET and uses that script to download and install the latest version of the .NET SDK, from the Standard Term Support channel. This script will download files and set environment variables within the containerized build environment. You can use this same command to automatically pull the latest Long Term Support version of the .NET SDK by changing the command argument STS to LTS.

Your updated buildspec file will look like this:

version: 0.2    
      - curl -sSL https://dot.net/v1/dotnet-install.sh | bash /dev/stdin --channel STS 
      - dotnet restore Net7TestApp/Net7TestApp.sln
      - dotnet build Net7TestApp/Net7TestApp.sln

Once you check in your buildspec file, you can start a build via the CodeBuild console, and your .NET application will be built using the .NET 7 SDK.

As your build runs you will see output similar to this:

Welcome to .NET 7.0! 
SDK Version: 7.0.100 
The .NET tools collect usage data in order to help us improve your experience. It is collected by Microsoft and shared with the community. You can opt-out of telemetry by setting the DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT environment variable to '1' or 'true' using your favorite shell. 

Read more about .NET CLI Tools telemetry: https://aka.ms/dotnet-cli-telemetry 
Installed an ASP.NET Core HTTPS development certificate. 
To trust the certificate run 'dotnet dev-certs https --trust' (Windows and macOS only). 
Learn about HTTPS: https://aka.ms/dotnet-https 
Write your first app: https://aka.ms/dotnet-hello-world 
Find out what's new: https://aka.ms/dotnet-whats-new 
Explore documentation: https://aka.ms/dotnet-docs 
Report issues and find source on GitHub: https://github.com/dotnet/core 
Use 'dotnet --help' to see available commands or visit: https://aka.ms/dotnet-cli 
Determining projects to restore... 
Restored /codebuild/output/src095190443/src/git-codecommit.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/net7test/Net7TestApp/Net7TestApp/Net7TestApp.csproj (in 586 ms). 
[Container] 2022/11/18 14:55:08 Running command dotnet build Net7TestApp/Net7TestApp.sln 
MSBuild version 17.4.0+18d5aef85 for .NET 
Determining projects to restore... 
All projects are up-to-date for restore. 
Net7TestApp -> /codebuild/output/src095190443/src/git-codecommit.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/net7test/Net7TestApp/Net7TestApp/bin/Debug/net7.0/Net7TestApp.dll 
Build succeeded. 
0 Warning(s) 
0 Error(s) 
Time Elapsed 00:00:04.63 
[Container] 2022/11/18 14:55:13 Phase complete: BUILD State: SUCCEEDED 
[Container] 2022/11/18 14:55:13 Phase context status code: Message: 
[Container] 2022/11/18 14:55:13 Entering phase POST_BUILD 
[Container] 2022/11/18 14:55:13 Phase complete: POST_BUILD State: SUCCEEDED 
[Container] 2022/11/18 14:55:13 Phase context status code: Message:


Adding .NET 7 support to AWS CodeBuild is easily accomplished by adding a single line to your application’s buildspec.yml file, stored alongside your application source code. This change allows you to keep up to date with the latest versions of .NET while still taking advantage of the managed runtime provided by the CodeBuild service.

About the author:

Tom Moore

Tom Moore is a Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS, and specializes in helping customers migrate and modernize Microsoft .NET and Windows workloads into their AWS environment.

AWS CIRT announces the release of five publicly available workshops

Post Syndicated from Steve de Vera original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/aws-cirt-announces-the-release-of-five-publicly-available-workshops/

Greetings from the AWS Customer Incident Response Team (CIRT)! AWS CIRT is dedicated to supporting customers during active security events on the customer side of the AWS Shared Responsibility Model.

Over the past year, AWS CIRT has responded to hundreds of such security events, including the unauthorized use of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) credentials, ransomware and data deletion in an AWS account, and billing increases due to the creation of unauthorized resources to mine cryptocurrency.

We are excited to release five workshops that simulate these security events to help you learn the tools and procedures that AWS CIRT uses on a daily basis to detect, investigate, and respond to such security events. The workshops cover AWS services and tools, such as Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon CloudTrail, Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon Athena, and AWS WAF, as well as some open source tools written and published by AWS CIRT.

To access the workshops, you just need an AWS account, an internet connection, and the desire to learn more about incident response in the AWS Cloud! Choose the following links to access the workshops.

Unauthorized IAM Credential Use – Security Event Simulation and Detection

During this workshop, you will simulate the unauthorized use of IAM credentials by using a script invoked within AWS CloudShell. The script will perform reconnaissance and privilege escalation activities that have been commonly seen by AWS CIRT and that are typically performed during similar events of this nature. You will also learn some tools and processes that AWS CIRT uses, and how to use these tools to find evidence of unauthorized activity by using IAM credentials.

Ransomware on S3 – Security Event Simulation and Detection

During this workshop, you will use an AWS CloudFormation template to replicate an environment with multiple IAM users and five Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets. AWS CloudShell will then run a bash script that simulates data exfiltration and data deletion events that replicate a ransomware-based security event. You will also learn the tools and processes that AWS CIRT uses to respond to similar events, and how to use these tools to find evidence of unauthorized S3 bucket and object deletions.

Cryptominer Based Security Events – Simulation and Detection

During this workshop, you will simulate a cryptomining security event by using a CloudFormation template to initialize three Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. These EC2 instances will mimic cryptomining activity by performing DNS requests to known cryptomining domains. You will also learn the tools and processes that AWS CIRT uses to respond to similar events, and how to use these tools to find evidence of unauthorized creation of EC2 instances and communication with known cryptomining domains.

SSRF on IMDSv1 – Simulation and Detection

During this workshop, you will simulate the unauthorized use of a web application that is hosted on an EC2 instance configured to use Instance Metadata Service Version 1 (IMDSv1) and vulnerable to server side request forgery (SSRF). You will learn how web application vulnerabilities, such as SSRF, can be used to obtain credentials from an EC2 instance. You will also learn the tools and processes that AWS CIRT uses to respond to this type of access, and how to use these tools to find evidence of the unauthorized use of EC2 instance credentials through web application vulnerabilities such as SSRF.

AWS CIRT Toolkit For Automating Incident Response Preparedness

During this workshop, you will install and experiment with some common tools and utilities that AWS CIRT uses on a daily basis to detect security misconfigurations, respond to active events, and assist customers with protecting their infrastructure.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Steve de Vera

Steve is the Incident Response Watch Lead for the US Pacific region of the AWS CIRT. He is passionate about American-style BBQ and is a certified competition BBQ judge. He has a dog named Brisket.

Monitor AWS workloads without a single line of code with Logz.io and Kinesis Firehose

Post Syndicated from Amos Etzion original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/monitor-aws-workloads-without-a-single-line-of-code-with-logz-io-and-kinesis-firehose/

Observability data provides near real-time insights into the health and performance of AWS workloads, so that engineers can quickly address production issues and troubleshoot them before widespread customer impact.

As AWS workloads grow, observability data has been exploding, which requires flexible big data solutions to handle the throughput of large and unpredictable volumes of observability data.

Solution overview

One option is Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, which is a popular service for streaming huge volumes of AWS data for storage and analytics. By pulling data from Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose can deliver data to observability solutions.

Among these observability solutions is Logz.io, which can now ingest metric data from Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose and make it easier to get metrics from your AWS account to your Logz.io account for analysis, alerting, and correlation with logs and traces.

In a few clicks and a few configurations, we’ll see how you can start streaming your metric data (and soon, log data!) to Logz.io for storage and analysis.


  • Logz.io account – Create a free trial here
  • Logz.io shipping token – Learn about metrics tokens here. You need to be a Logz.io administrator.
  • Access to Amazon CloudWatch and Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose with the appropriate permissions to manage HTTP endpoints.
  • Appropriate permissions to create an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket

Sending Amazon CloudWatch metric data to Logz.io with an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose

Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose is a service for ingesting, processing, and loading data from large, distributed sources such as logs or clickstreams into multiple consumers for storage and real-time analytics. Kinesis Data Firehose supports more than 50 sources and destinations as of today. This integration can be set up in minutes without a single line of code and enables near real-time analytics for observability data generated by AWS services by using Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, and Logz.io.

Once the integration is configured, Logz.io customers can open the Infrastructure Monitoring product to see their data coming in and populating their dashboards. To see some of the data analytics and correlation you get with Logz.io, check out this short demonstration.

Let’s begin a step-by-step tutorial for setting up the integration.

  • Start by going to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose and creating a delivery stream with Data Firehose.

Kinesis Firehose Console

  • Next you select a source and destination. Select Direct Put as the source and Logz.io the destination.
  • Next, configure the destination settings. Give the HTTP endpoint a name, which should include logz.io.
  • Select from the dropdown the appropriate endpoint you would like to use.

If you’re sending data to a European region, then set it to Logz.io Metrics EU. Or you can use the us-east-1 destination by selecting Logz.io Metrics US.

  • Next, add your Logz.io Shipping Token. You can find this by going to Settings in Logz.io and selecting Manage Tokens, which requires Logz.io administrator to access. This ensures that your account is only ingesting data from the defined sources (e.g., this Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream).

Kinesis Stream config

Keep Content encoding on Disabled and set your desired Retry Duration.

You can also configure Buffer hints to your preferences.

  • Next, determine your Backup settings in case something goes wrong. In most cases, it’s only necessary to back up the failed data. Simply choose an Amazon S3 bucket or create a new one to store data if it doesn’t make it to Logz.io. Then, select Create a delivery stream.

Now it’s time to connect Amazon CloudWatch to our Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Delivery Stream.

  • Navigate to Amazon CloudWatch and select Streams in the Metrics menu. Select Create metrics stream.
  • Next, you can either select to send all your Amazon CloudWatch metrics to Logz.io, or only metrics from specified namespaces.

In this case, we chose Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), AWS Lambda, and Elastic Load Balancing (ELB).

  • Under Configuration, choose the Select an existing Firehose owned by your account option and choose the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose you just configured.

Metric Streams Config

If you’d like, you can choose additional statistics in the Add additional statistics box, which provides helpful metrics in terms of percentiles to monitor like latency metrics (i.e., which services have the highest average latency). This may increase your costs.

  • Lastly, give your metric stream a name and hit Create metric stream.

That’s it! Without writing a single line of code, we configured an integration with AWS and Logz.io that enables fast and easy infrastructure monitoring through Amazon CloudWatch data collection.

Your metrics will be stored in Logz.io for 18 months out of the box, without requiring any overhead management.

You can also begin to build dashboards and alerts to begin monitoring – like this Amazon EC2 monitoring dashboard below.

ec2 monitoring dashboard Logz.io


This post demonstrated how to configure an integration with AWS and Logz.io for efficient infrastructure monitoring through Amazon CloudWatch.

To learn more about building metrics dashboards in Logz.io, you can watch this video.

Currently, some users might find that they are sending more data than they really need, which can raise costs. In future versions of this integration, it will be easier to narrow down the metrics to reduce costs.

Want to try it yourself? Create a Logz.io account today, navigate to our infrastructure monitoring product, and start streaming metric data to Logz.io to start monitoring.

About the authors

Amos Etzion – Product Manager at Logz.io

Charlie Klein – Product Marketing Manager at Logz.io

Mark Kriaf – Partner Solutions Architect at AWS

Introducing native Delta Lake table support with AWS Glue crawlers

Post Syndicated from Noritaka Sekiyama original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/introducing-native-delta-lake-table-support-with-aws-glue-crawlers/

Delta Lake is an open-source project that helps implement modern data lake architectures commonly built on Amazon S3 or other cloud storages. With Delta Lake, you can achieve ACID transactions, time travel queries, CDC, and other common use cases on the cloud. Delta Lake is available with multiple AWS services, such as AWS Glue Spark jobs, Amazon EMR, Amazon Athena, and Amazon Redshift Spectrum.

AWS Glue includes Delta crawler, a capability that makes discovering datasets simpler by scanning Delta Lake transaction logs in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), extracting their schema, creating manifest files in Amazon S3, and automatically populating the AWS Glue Data Catalog, which keeps the metadata current.  The newly created AWS Glue Data Catalog table has format SymlinkTextInputFormat. Delta crawler creates a manifest file, which is a text file containing the list of data files that query engines such as Presto, Trino, or Athena can use to query the table rather than finding the files with the directory listing. A previous blog post demonstrated how it works. Manifest files needed to be regenerated on a periodic basis to include newer transactions in the original Delta Lake tables which resulted in expensive I/O operations, longer processing times, and increased storage footprint.

With today’s launch, Glue crawler is adding support for creating AWS Glue Data Catalog tables for native Delta Lake tables and does not require generating manifest files. This improves customer experience because now you don’t have to regenerate manifest files whenever a new partition becomes available or a table’s metadata changes. With the native Delta Lake tables and automatic schema evolution with no additional manual intervention, this reduces the time to insight by making newly ingested data quickly available for analysis with your preferred analytics and machine learning (ML) tools.

Amazon Athena SQL engine version 3 started supporting Delta Lake native connector. AWS Glue for Apache Spark also started supporting Delta Lake native connector in Glue version 3.0 and later. Amazon EMR started supporting Delta Lake in EMR release version 6.9.0 and later. It means that you can query the Delta transaction log directly in Amazon Athena, AWS Glue for Apache Spark, and Amazon EMR. It makes the experience of working with native Delta Lake tables seamless across the platforms.

This post demonstrates how AWS Glue crawlers work with native Delta Lake tables and describes typical use cases to query native Delta Lake tables.

How AWS Glue crawler works with native Delta Lake tables

Now AWS Glue crawler has two different options:

  • Native table: Create a native Delta Lake table definition on AWS Glue Data Catalog.
  • Symlink table: Create a symlink-based manifest table definition on AWS Glue Data Catalog from a Delta Lake table, and generate its symlink files on Amazon S3.

Native table

Native Delta Lake tables are accessible from Amazon Athena (engine version 3), AWS Glue for Apache Spark (Glue version 3.0 and later), Amazon EMR (release version 6.9.0 and later), and other platforms that support Delta Lake tables. With the native Delta Lake tables, you have the capabilities such as ACID transactions, all while needing to maintain just a single source of truth.

Symlink table

Symlink tables are a consistent snapshot of a native Delta Lake table, represented using the SymlinkTextInputFormat using parquet files. The symlink tables are accessible from Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift Spectrum.

Since the symlink tables are a snapshot of the original native Delta Lake tables, you need to maintain both the original native Delta Lake tables and the symlink tables. When the data or schema in an original Delta Lake table is updated, the symlink tables in the AWS Glue Data Catalog may become out of sync. It means that you can still query the symlink table and get a consistent result, but the result of the table is at the previous point in time.

Crawl native Delta Lake tables using AWS Glue crawler

In this section, let’s go through how to crawl native Delta Lake tables using AWS Glue crawler.


Here’s the prerequisite for this tutorial:

  1. Install and configure AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).
  2. Create your S3 bucket if you do not have it.
  3. Create your IAM role for AWS Glue crawler if you do not have it.
  4. Run the following command to copy the sample Delta Lake table into your S3 bucket. (Replace your_s3_bucket with your S3 bucket name.)
$ aws s3 sync s3://aws-bigdata-blog/artifacts/delta-lake-crawler/sample_delta_table/ s3://your_s3_bucket/data/sample_delta_table

Create a Delta Lake crawler

A Delta Lake crawler can be created through the AWS Glue console, AWS Glue SDK, or AWS CLI. Specify a DeltaTarget with the following configurations:

  • DeltaTables – A list of S3 DeltaPaths where the Delta Lake tables are located. (Note that each path must be the parent of a _delta_log folder. If the Delta transaction log is located at s3://bucket/sample_delta_table/_delta_log, then the path s3://bucket/sample_delta_table/ should be provided.
  • WriteManifest – A Boolean value indicating whether or not the crawler should write the manifest files for each DeltaPath. This parameter is only applicable for Delta Lake tables created via manifest files
  • CreateNativeDeltaTable – A Boolean value indicating whether the crawler should create a native Delta Lake table. If set to False, the crawler would create a symlink table instead. Note that both WriteManifest and CreateNativeDeltaTable options can’t be set to True.
  • ConnectionName – An optional connection name stored in the Data Catalog that the crawler should use to access Delta Lake tables backed by a VPC.

In this instruction, create the crawler through the console. Complete the following steps to create a Delta Lake crawler:

  1. Open the AWS Glue console.
  2. Choose Crawlers.
  3. Choose Create crawler.
  4. For Name, enter delta-lake-native-crawler, and choose Next.
  5. Under Data sources, choose Add a data source.
  6. For Data source, select Delta Lake.
  7. For Include delta lake table path(s), enter s3://your_s3_bucket/data/sample_delta_table/.
  8. For Create tables for querying, choose Create Native tables,
  9. Choose Add a Delta Lake data source.
  10. Choose Next.
  11. For Existing IAM role, choose your IAM role, then choose Next.
  12. For Target database, choose Add database, then Add database dialog appears. For Database name, enter delta_lake_native, then choose Create. Choose Next.
  13. Choose Create crawler.
  14. The Delta Lake crawler can be triggered to run through the console or through the SDK or AWS CLI using the StartCrawl API. It could also be scheduled through the console to trigger the crawlers at specific times. In this instruction, run the crawler through the console.
  15. Select delta-lake-native-crawler, and choose Run.
  16. Wait for the crawler to complete.

After the crawler has run, you can see the Delta Lake table definition in the AWS Glue console:

You can also verify an AWS Glue table definition through the following AWS CLI command:

$ aws glue get-table --database delta_lake_native --name sample_delta_table
    "Table": {
        "Name": "sample_delta_table",
        "DatabaseName": "delta_lake_native",
        "Owner": "owner",
        "CreateTime": "2022-11-08T12:11:20+09:00",
        "UpdateTime": "2022-11-08T13:19:06+09:00",
        "LastAccessTime": "2022-11-08T13:19:06+09:00",
        "Retention": 0,
        "StorageDescriptor": {
            "Columns": [
                    "Name": "product_id",
                    "Type": "string"
                    "Name": "product_name",
                    "Type": "string"
                    "Name": "price",
                    "Type": "bigint"
                    "Name": "currency",
                    "Type": "string"
                    "Name": "category",
                    "Type": "string"
                    "Name": "updated_at",
                    "Type": "double"
            "Location": "s3://your_s3_bucket/data/sample_delta_table/",
            "AdditionalLocations": [],
            "InputFormat": "org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat",
            "OutputFormat": "org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveSequenceFileOutputFormat",
            "Compressed": false,
            "NumberOfBuckets": -1,
            "SerdeInfo": {
                "SerializationLibrary": "org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe",
                "Parameters": {
                    "serialization.format": "1",
                    "path": "s3://your_s3_bucket/data/sample_delta_table/"
            "BucketColumns": [],
            "SortColumns": [],
            "Parameters": {
                "EXTERNAL": "true",
                "UPDATED_BY_CRAWLER": "delta-lake-native-connector",
                "spark.sql.sources.schema.part.0": "{\"type\":\"struct\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"product_id\",\"type\":\"string\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}},{\"name\":\"product_name\",\"type\":\"string\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}},{\"name\":\"price\",\"type\":\"long\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}},{\"name\":\"CURRENCY\",\"type\":\"string\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}},{\"name\":\"category\",\"type\":\"string\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}},{\"name\":\"updated_at\",\"type\":\"double\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}}]}",
                "CrawlerSchemaSerializerVersion": "1.0",
                "CrawlerSchemaDeserializerVersion": "1.0",
                "spark.sql.partitionProvider": "catalog",
                "classification": "delta",
                "spark.sql.sources.schema.numParts": "1",
                "spark.sql.sources.provider": "delta",
                "delta.lastCommitTimestamp": "1653462383292",
                "delta.lastUpdateVersion": "6",
                "table_type": "delta"
            "StoredAsSubDirectories": false
        "PartitionKeys": [],
        "TableType": "EXTERNAL_TABLE",
        "Parameters": {
            "EXTERNAL": "true",
            "UPDATED_BY_CRAWLER": "delta-lake-native-connector",
            "spark.sql.sources.schema.part.0": "{\"type\":\"struct\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"product_id\",\"type\":\"string\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}},{\"name\":\"product_name\",\"type\":\"string\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}},{\"name\":\"price\",\"type\":\"long\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}},{\"name\":\"CURRENCY\",\"type\":\"string\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}},{\"name\":\"category\",\"type\":\"string\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}},{\"name\":\"updated_at\",\"type\":\"double\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}}]}",
            "CrawlerSchemaSerializerVersion": "1.0",
            "CrawlerSchemaDeserializerVersion": "1.0",
            "spark.sql.partitionProvider": "catalog",
            "classification": "delta",
            "spark.sql.sources.schema.numParts": "1",
            "spark.sql.sources.provider": "delta",
            "delta.lastCommitTimestamp": "1653462383292",
            "delta.lastUpdateVersion": "6",
            "table_type": "delta"
        "CreatedBy": "arn:aws:sts::012345678901:assumed-role/AWSGlueServiceRole/AWS-Crawler",
        "IsRegisteredWithLakeFormation": false,
        "CatalogId": "012345678901",
        "IsRowFilteringEnabled": false,
        "VersionId": "1",
        "DatabaseId": "0bd458e335a2402c828108f267bc770c"

After you create the table definition on AWS Glue Data Catalog, AWS analytics services such as Athena and AWS Glue Spark jobs are able to query the Delta Lake table.

Query Delta Lake tables using Amazon Athena

Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) using standard SQL. Athena is serverless, so there is no infrastructure to manage, and you pay only for the queries that you run on datasets at petabyte scale. You can use Athena to query your S3 data lake for use cases such as data exploration for machine learning (ML) and AI, business intelligence (BI) reporting, and ad hoc querying.

There are now two ways to use Delta Lake tables in Athena:

  • For native table: Use Athena’s newly launched native support for Delta Lake tables. You can learn more in Querying Delta Lake tables. This method no longer requires regenerating manifest files after every transaction. Data updates are available for queries in Athena as soon as they are performed in the original Delta Lake tables, and you get up to 40 percent improvement in query performance over querying manifest files. Since Athena optimizes data scans in native Delta Lake queries using statistics in Delta Lake files, you get the advantage of reduced cost for Athena queries. This post focuses on this approach.
  • For symlink table: Use SymlinkTextInputFormat to query symlink tables through manifest files generated from Delta Lake tables. This was previously the only manner in which Delta Lake table querying was supported via Athena and is no longer recommended when you use only Athena to query the Delta Lake tables.

To use the native Delta Lake connector in Athena, you need to use Athena engine version 3. If you are using an older engine version, change the engine version.

Complete following steps to start queries on Athena:

  1. Open the Amazon Athena console.
  2. Run the following query.
SELECT * FROM "delta_lake_native"."sample_delta_table" limit 10;

The following screenshot shows our output:

Query Delta Lake tables using AWS Glue for Apache Spark

AWS Glue for Apache Spark natively supports Delta Lake. AWS Glue version 3.0 (Apache Spark 3.1.1) supports Delta Lake 1.0.0, and AWS Glue version 4.0 (Apache Spark 3.3.0) supports Delta Lake 2.1.0. With this native support for Delta Lake, what you need for configuring Delta Lake is to provide a single job parameter --datalake-formats delta. There is no need to configure a separate connector for Delta Lake in AWS Marketplace. It reduces the configuration steps required to use these frameworks in AWS Glue for Apache Spark.

AWS Glue also provides a serverless notebook interface called AWS Glue Studio notebook to query and process data interactively. Complete the following steps to launch AWS Glue Studio notebook and query a Delta Lake table:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose Jobs in the navigation plane.
  2. Under Create job, select Jupyter Notebook.
  3. Choose Create a new notebook from scratch, and choose Create.
  4. For Job name, enter delta-sql.
  5. For IAM role,  choose your IAM role. If you don’t have your own role for the AWS Glue job, create it by following the steps documented in the AWS Glue Developer Guide.
  6. Choose Start notebook job.
  7. Copy and paste the following code to the first cell and run the cell.
    %glue_version 3.0
      "--datalake-formats": "delta"

  8. Run the existing cell containing the following code.
    import sys
    from awsglue.transforms import *
    from awsglue.utils import getResolvedOptions
    from pyspark.context import SparkContext
    from awsglue.context import GlueContext
    from awsglue.job import Job
    sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate()
    glueContext = GlueContext(sc)
    spark = glueContext.spark_session
    job = Job(glueContext)

  9. Copy and paste the following code to the third cell and run the cell.
    SELECT * FROM `delta_lake_native`.`sample_delta_table` limit 10

The following screenshot shows our output:

Clean up

Now for the final step, cleaning up the resources:

  • Delete your data under your S3 path: s3://your_s3_bucket/data/sample_delta_table/.
  • Delete the AWS Glue crawler delta-lake-native-crawler.
  • Delete the AWS Glue database delta_lake_native.
  • Delete the AWS Glue notebook job delta-sql.


This post demonstrated how to crawl native Delta Lake tables using an AWS Glue crawler and how to query the crawled tables from Athena and Glue Spark jobs. Start using AWS Glue crawlers for your own native Delta Lake tables.

If you have comments or feedback, please feel free to leave them in the comments.

About the authors

Noritaka Sekiyama is a Principal Big Data Architect on the AWS Glue team. He works based in Tokyo, Japan. He is responsible for building software artifacts to help customers. In his spare time, he enjoys cycling with his road bike.

Kyle Duong is a Software Development Engineer on the AWS Glue and Lake Formation team. He is passionate about building big data technologies and distributed systems. In his free time, he enjoys cycling or playing basketball.

Sandeep Adwankar is a Senior Technical Product Manager at AWS. Based in the California Bay Area, he works with customers around the globe to translate business and technical requirements into products that enable customers to improve how they manage, secure, and access data.

Getting started with AWS Glue Data Quality for ETL Pipelines

Post Syndicated from Deenbandhu Prasad original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/getting-started-with-aws-glue-data-quality-for-etl-pipelines/

Today, hundreds of thousands of customers use data lakes for analytics and machine learning. However, data engineers have to cleanse and prepare this data before it can be used. The underlying data has to be accurate and recent for customer to make confident business decisions. Otherwise, data consumers lose trust in the data and make suboptimal or incorrect decisions. It is a common task for data engineers to evaluate whether the data is accurate and recent or not. Today there are various data quality tools. However, common data quality tools usually require manual processes to monitor data quality.

AWS Glue Data Quality is a preview feature of AWS Glue that measures and monitors the data quality of Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) data lakes and in AWS Glue extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs. This is an open preview feature so it is already enabled in your account in the available Regions. You can easily define and measure the data quality checks in AWS Glue Studio console without writing codes. It simplifies your experience of managing data quality.

This post is Part 2 of a four-post series to explain how AWS Glue Data Quality works. Check out the previous post in this series:

Getting started with AWS Glue Data Quality

In this post, we show how to create an AWS Glue job that measures and monitors the data quality of a data pipeline. We also show how to take action based on the data quality results.

Solution overview

Let’s consider an example use case in which a data engineer needs to build a data pipeline to ingest the data from a raw zone to a curated zone in a data lake. As a data engineer, one of your key responsibilities—along with extracting, transforming, and loading data—is validating the quality of data. Identifying data quality issues upfront helps you prevent placing bad data in the curated zone and avoid arduous data corruption incidents.

In this post, you’ll learn how to easily set up built-in and custom data validation checks in your AWS Glue job to prevent bad data from corrupting the downstream high-quality data.

The dataset used for this post is synthetically generated; the following screenshot shows an example of the data.

Set up resources with AWS CloudFormation

This post includes an AWS CloudFormation template for a quick setup. You can review and customize it to suit your needs.

The CloudFormation template generates the following resources:

  • An Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket (gluedataqualitystudio-*).
  • The following prefixes and objects in the S3 bucket:
    • datalake/raw/customer/customer.csv
    • datalake/curated/customer/
    • scripts/
    • sparkHistoryLogs/
    • temporary/
  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users, roles, and policies. The IAM role (GlueDataQualityStudio-*) has permission to read and write from the S3 bucket.
  • AWS Lambda functions and IAM policies required by those functions to create and delete this stack.

To create your resources, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the AWS CloudFormation console in the us-east-1 Region.
  2. Choose Launch Stack:

  3. Select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources.
  4. Choose Create stack and wait for the stack creation step to complete.

Implement the solution

To start configuring your solution, complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Glue Studio console, choose Jobs in the navigation pane.
  2. Select Visual with a blank canvas and choose Create.
  3. Choose the Job Details tab to configure the job.
  4. For Name, enter GlueDataQualityStudio.
  5. For IAM Role, choose the role starting with GlueDataQualityStudio-*.
  6. For Glue version, choose Glue 3.0.
  7. For Job bookmark, choose Disable. This allows you to run this job multiple times with the same input dataset.
  8. For Number of retries, enter 0.
  9. In the Advanced properties section, provide the S3 bucket created by the CloudFormation template (starting with gluedataqualitystudio-*).
  10. Choose Save.
  11. After the job is saved, choose the Visual tab and on the Source menu, choose Amazon S3.
  12. On the Data source properties – S3 tab, for S3 source type, select S3 location.
  13. Choose Browse S3 and navigate to prefix /datalake/raw/customer/ in the S3 bucket starting with gluedataqualitystudio-* .
  14. Choose Infer schema.
  15. On the Action menu, choose Evaluate Data Quality.
  16. Choose the Evaluate Data Quality node.

    On the Transform tab, you can now start building data quality rules. The first rule you create is to check if Customer_ID is unique and not null using the isPrimaryKey rule.
  17. On the Rule types tab of the DQDL rule builder, search for isprimarykey and choose the plus sign.
  18. On the Schema tab of the DQDL rule builder, choose the plus sign next to Customer_ID.
  19. In the rule editor, delete id.

    The next rule we add checks that the First_Name column value is present for all the rows.
  20. You can also enter the data quality rules directly in the rule editor. Add a comma (,) and enter IsComplete "First_Name", after the first rule.

    Next, you add a custom rule to validate that no row exists without Telephone or Email.
  21. Enter the following custom rule in the rule editor:
    CustomSql "select count(*) from primary where Telephone is null and Email is null" = 0

    The Evaluate Data Quality feature provides actions to manage the outcome of a job based on the job quality results.

  22. For this post, select Fail job when data quality fails and choose Fail job without loading target data actions. In the Data quality output setting section, choose Browse S3 and navigate to prefix dqresults in the S3 bucket starting with gluedataqualitystudio-*.
  23. On the Target menu, choose Amazon S3.
  24. Choose the Data target – S3 bucket node.
  25. On the Data target properties – S3 tab, for Format, choose Parquet, and for Compression Type, choose Snappy.
  26. For S3 Target Location, choose Browse S3 and navigate to the prefix /datalake/curated/customer/ in the S3 bucket starting with gluedataqualitystudio-*.
  27. Choose Save, then choose Run.
    You can view the job run details on the Runs tab. In our example, the job fails with the error message “AssertionError: The job failed due to failing DQ rules for node: <node>.”
    You can review the data quality result on the Data quality tab. In our example, the custom data quality validation failed because one of the rows in the dataset had no Telephone or Email value.Evaluate Data Quality results is also written to the S3 bucket in JSON format based on the data quality result location parameter of the node.
  28. Navigate to dqresults prefix under the S3 bucket starting gluedataqualitystudio-*. You will see that the data quality result is partitioned by date.

The following is the output of the JSON file. You can use this file output to build custom data quality visualization dashboards.

You can also monitor the Evaluate Data Quality node through Amazon CloudWatch metrics and set alarms to send notifications about data quality results. To learn more on how to set up CloudWatch alarms, refer to Using Amazon CloudWatch alarms.

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges and to clean up unused roles and policies, delete the resources you created:

  1. Delete the GlueDataQualityStudio job you created as part of this post.
  2. On the AWS CloudFormation console, delete the GlueDataQualityStudio stack.


AWS Glue Data Quality offers an easy way to measure and monitor the data quality of your ETL pipeline. In this post, you learned how to take necessary actions based on the data quality results, which helps you maintain high data standards and make confident business decisions.

To learn more about AWS Glue Data Quality, check out the documentation:

About the Authors

Deenbandhu Prasad is a Senior Analytics Specialist at AWS, specializing in big data services. He is passionate about helping customers build modern data architecture on the AWS Cloud. He has helped customers of all sizes implement data management, data warehouse, and data lake solutions.

Yannis Mentekidis is a Senior Software Development Engineer on the AWS Glue team.

Organize your AWS Serverless code to prevent merge conflicts

Post Syndicated from Mark Curtis original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/organize-your-aws-serverless-code-to-prevent-merge-conflicts/

How do you prevent the most common merge conflicts when your team is working on a Serverless application? How do you make sure that your team stays productive and avoids large merge issues while trying to update the same crucial files simultaneously? –The answer to both questions is code organization! You can use cfn-include and swagger-cli to organize, collaborate, and maintain a large serverless application as well as support a large or decentralized development team.

Real life inspiration

WRAP Technologies Inc. (WRAP) creates advanced technologies for the protection and security of public safety. Their WRAP Reality product allows law enforcement agencies to train their officers using virtual reality-based scenarios.

Too many cooks in the kitchen

When multiple developers collaborate on a serverless architecture built with AWS CloudFormation, and its extensions such as the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM), the nature of specifying resources in both the template.yaml and the optional OpenAPI.yaml specification for Amazon API Gateway leads to merge conflicts, such as the one demonstrated in the following figure  where two developers are adding different API endpoints at the same time. These conflicts detract from the developer’s time and agility. Furthermore, navigating and maintaining the long template files required for a larger serverless architecture slows development  as the developer scans large files to find a particular resource definition.

Figure 1. The frustrating merge conflicts.

Figure 1. The frustrating merge conflicts.

By refactoring and organizing the CloudFormation and OpenAPI files, your development team can realize several benefits:

  • Improve developer efficiency by decomposing large, hard-to-manage files into a series of well-organized and single-purpose files.
  • Enhance developer productivity by allowing each developer to have ownership of their own code, thereby reducing the need to coordinate merges with teammates.
  • Eliminate potential merge issues for files that generate the most conflicts during the development of a typical Serverless API application.

Rapid development

WRAP partnered with AWS to develop and host the backend for their new officer training management platform. This entirely new platform was developed, completed, and available for use in a matter of months. Moreover, it’s a collaboration of developers spread across multiple teams worldwide, all contributing to the same code base. By instituting the norms and techniques of this post, WRAP created a large and maintainable serverless application with minimal developer code collisions.

Development of the WRAP Reality training management system was accomplished using CloudFormation for defining Infrastructure as Code (IaC), and an Amazon API Gateway OpenAPI specification for defining API contracts. The development team for the WRAP Reality training management service leveraged agile development for expediency, including the GitHub Flow branching strategy. However, since project contributors were not co-located, several considerations were put in place to make sure of consistency and speed of code development:

  • The API specifications and contracts were defined in OpenAPI (Swagger) specifications early in the development process, clearly defining the project structure up front, and allowing developers to independently build infrastructure components.
  • The two code assets central to the entire project – the CloudFormation template and the OpenAPI Specification – were decomposed into small, easily manageable components. This enabled components to be organized in a way that enhanced development productivity and practically eliminated the inevitable merge conflicts that come with large source code files that are being modified on a daily basis.

The development process was accelerated by utilizing OpenAPI integrations with AWS Services, as well as techniques for managing the OpenAPI specification and Cloudformation Template files.

Sample project

To demonstrate these techniques, we’ll explore the following sample project comprised of API endpoints for “widget” management, available on GitHub. This project provides the following end points:

  • /widget PUT: Creation of a new widget
  • /widget GET: Retrieval of a new widget
  • /reports/color GET: Retrieval of a set of widgets based on the widget color
  • /reports/filterpage GET: Retrieval of widgets based on specified filters

The overall architecture of the application is shown in the following diagram:

Figure 2. Architecture Diagram

Figure 2. Architecture Diagram

The application comprises:

  • Amazon API Gateway is a fully-managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. In this example, API Gateway serves as the web service for the API endpoints. The mapping of data to and from the API endpoints to the Lambda functions is formally defined by an OpenAPI specification file.
  • AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers, creating workload-aware cluster scaling logic, maintaining event integrations, or managing runtimes. In this example, four Lambda functions are used to service each of the four API calls.
  • Amazon DynamoDB is a key-value and document database that delivers single-digit millisecond performance at any scale. DynamoDB is used as a persistent data store for widgets and associated properties.

OpenAPI and AWS service integration

When using API Gateway, developers have the option of using proxy Lambda integrations, or formally defining the API interface in an OpenAPI yaml file. The OpenAPI specification can be leveraged to document the API prior to development, and the example/mock features of the OpenAPI specification facilitates concurrent development by quickly establishing a working infrastructure to build upon. Furthermore, API documentation can be automatically generated from the OpenAPI specification.

As the number of endpoints increases, the OpenAPI specification file can grow in size, reaching thousands of lines of code that must be updated and maintained regularly by multiple developers. To aid in management and usability, the OpenAPI file can be decomposed into separate files for endpoints, responses, fields, and schemas.

Start with a “skeleton” file as an entry point for the OpenAPI definition, and then add a separate file for the definition of each endpoint or construct. For example, the sample project entry point is api/apiSkeleton.yaml, which contains the global definitions and effectively defines a simple list of endpoints and the reference ($ref) file path to each endpoint’s definition.

The application comprises:

    $ref: './paths/reports/reportsColor.yaml'

    $ref: './paths/reports/reportsFilterPage.yaml'

Diving into a file referenced by an endpoint, we see that it contains all of the specification details for that endpoint. Looking at the reportsColor.yaml file reveals the full endpoint specification for /reports/color:

  description: Get widgets by color
    - in: path
      $ref: '../../requestParameters/color.yaml'
      description: Get All the Widgets of a color
            $ref: '../../schemas/widgetList.yaml'
    . . .

In turn, this endpoint specification can include further references to yaml files defining common parameters, schemas, and even full gateway responses. For example, color.yaml defines the color path variable:

  type: string
    description: "The widget's color"
    example: "Red"

To paraphrase a common catch phrase, “With a great many files, comes a great responsibility for organization.” To this end, we offer the following organizational structure as a start. Place all of the related API specifications in an “api” subfolder of your project. Have child subfolders for field, metadata, and gateway response definition files. Then, create child subfolder trees for each branch of your endpoints that mirror the endpoint paths. This will result in a highly-organized directory structure, as seen in the sample project:

├── api
│   ├── apiSkeleton.yaml
│   ├── fields
│   │   ├── color.yaml
│   │   ├── metadata
│   │   │   ├── count.yaml
│   │   │   ├── message.yaml
│   │   └── widgetname.yaml
│   ├── gatewayResponses
│   │   ├── error.yaml
│   │   └── notFound.yaml
│   ├── paths
│   │   ├── reports
│   │   │   ├── reportsColor.yaml
│   │   │   └── reportsFilterPage.yaml
│   │   └── widget
│   │       ├── widgetPut.yaml
│   │       └── widgetWidgetnameGet.yaml

We still need a consolidated single OpenAPI file to provide to CloudFormation during deployment to AWS. Therefore, the multiple files are combined and validated using the swagger-cli bundle command, resulting in a single file for deployment. The bundle command must be executed before a CloudFormation build. This command can also be included as a shortcut in the Makefile as the “buildOpenApi” command:

swagger-cli bundle -o api/api.yaml --dereference --t yaml  api/apiSkeleton.yaml


make buildOpenApi

Once compiled, api/api.yaml is then used normally for API Gateway integrations and as a Postman  API Collection import. As api/api.yaml is dynamically compiled, it’s included in .gitignore and not checked in to AWS CodeCommit.

cfn-include and nested stacks

The CloudFormation template that defines the infrastructure for even a simple service can grow to considerable length, perhaps thousands of lines. This presents challenges from a support and continued development perspective, as specific code locations become difficult to find and merge conflicts become commonplace.

CloudFormation Nested Stacks are a method of breaking a large CloudFormation template into separate templates. When there are clear delineations between groups of resources in a stack breaking it into separate nested stacks makes sense. There is also a 500 resource limit in a single CloudFormation stack and in order to go above that nested or separate stacks are necessary. Depending on the complexity of the architecture and frequency of updates however, the Nested Stacks can also become large. Furthermore, in a serverless architecture, the logical separation of architecture layers into separate stacks may not be direct, for example when a Lambda function is triggered by an event sent to an EventBridge event bus, then that Lambda function sends a different event back to the same event bus.

In these cases, CloudFormation templates can be decomposed to further leverage cfn-include . With this technique, the top-level CloudFormation template becomes a skeleton file which contains the stack parameters, global specifications, a list of resource names without properties, and the outputs. The properties of each resource are contained in separate files, referenced by an ‘include’ directive.
CloudFormation template organization

To organize your CloudFormation template, deconstruct the template into one-file-per-resource, with one main “skeleton” file as the main entry point. This skeleton file contains the full parameters, global section, conditions, and output specification. The resources are specified by resource name in this skeleton file, and then an ‘include’ directive points to the file that contains the body of the resource declaration. See the following example of the main skeleton file with two resources:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: >
  Widget API Service
    Handler: app.lambda_handler
    Runtime: python3.8

        !Include ./resources/apigw/widgetApiGW.yaml

        !Include ./resources/dynamodb/widgetDdbTable.yaml

Then, the resource files contain the properties of that specific resource. For example, widgetApiGW.yaml defines an API Gateway:

Type: AWS::Serverless::Api
          Name: AWS::Include
            Location: api/api.yaml
        Type: REGIONAL
      StageName: prod
      TracingEnabled: true

This approach has the benefit of breaking the CloudFormation template into multiple small files, while still maintaining a top-level holistic view. The resource definitions, which normally comprise the majority of the content and can cause merge conflicts, are moved out of the main template.

For organization, you can create a directory in your project to contain the CloudFormation scripts. This directory also contains the entry-point skeleton file. Create further sub-folders for resources, and then further folders by resource type and architecture. We found that placing applicable AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role resource definitions in the same folder with the applied resource facilitated easier navigation. For example:

├── cloudformation
│   ├── resources
│   │   ├── apigw
│   │   │   └── widgetApiGW.yaml
│   │   ├── dynamodb
│   │   │   └── widgetDdbTable.yaml
│   │   └── lambda
│   │       ├── layers
│   │       │   └── lambdaDDBEnv.yaml
│   │       ├── reports
│   │       │   ├── reportsColorLambda.yaml
│   │       │   └── reportsColorLambdaRole.yaml
│   │       └── widget
│   │           ├── widgetGetLambda.yaml
│   │           └── widgetGetLambdaRole.yaml
│   └── templateSkeleton.yaml

The files must be reconstituted to a single template.yaml for CloudFormation build and deployment. This is accomplished with the cfn-include command. A convenience command can optionally be included in the Makefile.

cfn-include --yaml  cloudFormation/templateSkeleton.yaml > template.yaml


make buildTemplate

As the final template.yaml file is dynamically compiled, it’s included in .gitignore and not checked in to CodeCommit.


This post demonstrates techniques used by WRAP and AWS to rapidly develop and maintain key files in an Serverless architecture. The techniques discussed in this post allowed the WRAP and AWS team to do the following:

  • Improve developer efficiency by decomposing large, hard-to-manage files into a series of well-organized and single purpose files.
  • Enhance developer productivity by allowing each developer to have ownership of their own piece of the code without having to coordinate with teammates.
  • Eliminate potential merge issues on the files that typically generate the most conflicts during the development of a typical Serverless API application.

Applying these techniques was one of the key factors in the rapid development of the WRAP Reality training framework.

About the Authors:

 Tom Romano

Tom Romano is a Solutions Architect from Tampa, FL. Tom is a member the Service Creation team for the World Wide Public Sector, who assists GovTech and EdTech customers as they create new solutions that are cloud-native, event-driven, and serverless. He is an enthusiastic Python programmer for both application development and data analytics. In his free time, Tom flies remote control model airplanes and enjoys vacationing around Florida.

Robert Maefs

Robert Maefs is a lead technologist currently working with Wrap, Inc. developing innovative Virtual Reality training simulations for law enforcement and corrections. He is a repeat entrepreneur with expertise bringing mature technologies to under-served industries. In his personal life, Robert nerds out with board games and 3D printing.

Mark Curtis

Mark Curtis is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. At AWS he helps EdTech and GovTech customers architect and modernize their applications using cloud native serverless services. Prior to joining AWS, he spent 18 years developing scalable applications for both EdTech and Government customers.

Juan Peredo

Juan Peredo is a Cloud Application Architect at AWS Professional Services. He enjoys working with customers to design, migrate, and optimize cloud native applications. He is a problem solver at heart who likes using emerging technologies to solve interesting problems.

Amazon EMR Serverless cost estimator

Post Syndicated from Radhika Ravirala original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/amazon-emr-serverless-cost-estimator/

Amazon EMR Serverless is a serverless option in Amazon EMR that makes it easy for data analysts and engineers to run applications using open-source big data analytics frameworks such as Apache Spark and Hive without configuring, managing, and scaling clusters or servers. You get all the features of the latest open-source frameworks with the performance-optimized runtime of Amazon EMR, and without having to plan and operate instances and clusters.

With Amazon EMR, you can run your analytics applications on dedicated EMR clusters, on existing Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters, or using the new EMR Serverless deployment option where you don’t have to manage clusters or instances. When you build a Spark or Hive application using an Amazon EMR release, say Amazon EMR 6.8, you can run the application on EMR clusters, on EKS clusters using Amazon EMR on EKS, or using EMR Serverless without having to change the application.

To learn about the benefits of each deployment option in EMR Serverless, refer to What are some of the feature differences between EMR Serverless and Amazon EMR on EC2? in the Amazon EMR FAQ. You can also learn about the pricing for these options from the Amazon EMR pricing page. Many customers already run data analytics applications on EMR clusters, and find that the new serverless option is simpler and less expensive.

In this post, we discuss how you can estimate what it may cost to run an application that currently runs on EMR clusters using the new serverless option, and perform this analysis simply by using your current application metrics. This approach helps you evaluate and adopt the deployment option that is most cost effective for the application. However, the Amazon EMR pricing page doesn’t tell you how you can easily estimate the cost of running your existing EMR cluster applications on EMR Serverless. In the following sections, we describe an approach that enables you to do that.

Although the example in this post discusses how you can get a cost estimate for applications running on EMR clusters, you can also use the approach if you’re running a Spark or Hive application elsewhere, and want to estimate the cost of running it on EMR Serverless. For example, if you run self-managed Spark or Hive applications on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) clusters, or if you run Spark jobs on AWS Glue, we show you how you can use this approach to estimate the cost of running the application on EMR Serverless.

Estimating the cost of running applications on your EMR cluster

When you run applications on Amazon EMR clusters, you’re separately charged for the following:

  1. The Amazon EC2 price of running cluster instances (the price for the underlying servers)
  2. The price for Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes, if you choose to attach EBS volumes
  3. The Amazon EMR price for the cluster instances

The total cost of running the cluster includes all three. There are a variety of Amazon EC2 pricing options you can choose from, including On Demand, 1-year and 3-year Reserved Instances, Capacity Savings Plans, and Spot Instances. The Amazon EC2 pricing option that you choose determines (a), the Amazon EC2 price. The cost of running the application on EMR clusters is the sum of (a), (b), and (c). You can compute this cost for the lifetime of running the cluster (from the time a cluster is started to the time the cluster is terminated), or for a specific period of time while the cluster is running. We recommend running the former, that is to compute (a), (b), and (c) from the time the cluster is started to the time the cluster is terminated. If you have set up tags for your Amazon EMR cluster, you can easily get the detailed cost report for your EMR cluster using AWS Cost Explorer.

Estimating the cost of running the same applications using EMR Serverless

When you run the same applications using EMR Serverless, you pay for the amount of vCPU, memory, and storage resources consumed by your applications. There is no separate charge for EC2 instances or EBS volumes. And, you only pay for the resources that are actually used by the application and not for EC2 instances provisioned. For example, when running applications on EMR clusters, when an EC2 instance in the cluster is partially utilized (say, 16 GB memory is used out of 64 GB available on the instance, or 4 VCPUs are utilized out of 16 VCPUs available on the instance), or when the EC2 instance is idle (for example, when the instance is initializing or waiting for an application to start), you still incur Amazon EC2, Amazon EMR, and Amazon EBS charges for the full EC2 instance and for the duration that the instance is active in the EMR cluster. With EMR Serverless, you only pay for the vCPU, memory, and storage resources used from the time workers start to run your Spark or Hive job until the time they stop.

To estimate the cost of running your EMR Spark or Hive application on EMR Serverless, you need to first aggregate the total compute vCore-seconds, memory MB-seconds, and storage GB-seconds consumed by each YARN application that ran on your EMR cluster, from the time the YARN container is started to the time the YARN container is terminated. You can obtain these metrics from YARN resource manager logs accessible from YARN timeline server or YARN CLI tools. You can retrieve the running time, vCore-seconds, and memory MB-seconds used by each of the YARN applications.

If your cluster only runs Spark applications, there is a simpler approach to estimate. Instead of obtaining the vCore-seconds, memory MB-seconds, and storage GB-seconds from YARN resource manager logs, you can obtain these metrics from Spark event logs. We have provided the tool EMR Servless Estimator, which can parse the Spark event logs for your applications and provide the aggregated metrics for your cost estimate.

After you get the usage metrics for your application, you can compute the estimated EMR Serverless cost using EMR Serverless pricing. Simply multiple your aggregated vCore-seconds with EMR Serverless vCPU pricing per second, multiply aggregated memory MB-seconds with the EMR Serverless memory pricing per second, and multiply storage GB-seconds with the EMR Serverless storage pricing per second (only if the storage requirements exceed 20 GB per worker). By adding up these costs for vCPU, memory, and storage, you can compare the cost of running the same applications on EMR Serverless.

In this approach, we assume that the performance of the application is equivalent. In other words, the size (vCPU, memory) and runtime duration for each YARN container on the EMR cluster is the same as the number, size, and runtime duration of workers needed to run the application on EMR Serverless. We make this assumption because the EMR runtime for an EMR release is the same regardless of whether the application is run on an EMR cluster or on EMR Serverless.


Let’s do a sample cost comparison of Amazon EMR on EC2 and EMR Serverless using a single cluster.

We ran a Spark application on an EMR cluster with five nodes (one primary, two core, and two task and gathered YARN metrics using the YARN CLI. The following code shows our aggregate resource allocation.

aggregate resource allocation

We computed the Amazon EMR on EC2 costs as follows:

  • Cluster instances
    • Primary: m5.2xlarge:1
    • Core: r5.2xlarge:2
    • Task: r5.2xlarge:2
  • Cluster runtime = 18 min
  • Instance on-demand cost
    • m5.2xlarge (8 vCPU, 32 GiB memory)
      • Amazon EC2: $0.384/hr
      • Amazon EMR incremental: $0.096/hr
    • r5.2xlarge (8 vCPU, 64 GiB memory)
      • Amazon EC2: $0.504/hr
      • Amazon EMR incremental: $0.126/hr

The following is the EMR on EC2 cost calculation:

  • Amazon EMR cost = ((1 primary node x $0.096/hr) + (2 core nodes x $ 0.126/hr) + (2 task nodes x $0.126/hr)) = $0.60
  • Amazon EC2 cost = ((1 primary x $0.384 /hr ) + (2 core nodes x $0.504/hr) + (2 task nodes x $0.504/hr)) = $2.40
  • Amazon EMR on EC2 cluster cost/hr = $0.6 + $2.40 = $3/hr * 8/60 hr (runtime in hrs)

The total Amazon EMR on Amazon EC2 cost is $0.40/hr.

To calculate EMR Serverless cost, aggregate the vCore-seconds and memory MB-seconds for the same application you ran previously on the EMR cluster. Then multiply those numbers with the EMR Serverless vCPU and memory price. Our calculation results are as follows:

  • Total_vcore_seconds = 5737
  • Total_Memory_mb_seconds = 120156631
  • Convert to vCPU/hr and memory-GB/hr:
    • Aggregated vCPU/hr: 5737/(60*60)=1.59
    • Aggregated memory/hr: 120156631/(60*60*1024)=32.5
  • Total vCPU-hours cost = 33 vCPU * 0.052624 VCPU/hr * 8/60 = $0.23
  • Total memory GB cost = 1.59 MB * 0.0057785 memory/hr * 8/60 = $0.00122

In this example, the total EMR Serverless cost is $0.231, a 42% reduction.


Amazon EMR Serverless is a recently launched serverless option in Amazon EMR that makes it easy to run open-source frameworks such as Spark and Hive without configuring, managing, and scaling clusters. Customers that already use EMR clusters want to understand how they can estimate the cost of running their EMR applications using EMR Serverless. We have presented an approach that you can use to conduct a cost analysis based on analyzing application metrics from your EMR clusters.

We hope you give this a try, and share your feedback with us!

About the authors

Radhika Ravirala is the Principal Product Manager at AWS.

Matthew Liem is the Senior Solution Architecture Manager at AWS.

Analyze real-time streaming data in Amazon MSK with Amazon Athena

Post Syndicated from Scott Rigney original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/analyze-real-time-streaming-data-in-amazon-msk-with-amazon-athena/

Recent advances in ease of use and scalability have made streaming data easier to generate and use for real-time decision-making. Coupled with market forces that have forced businesses to react more quickly to industry changes, more and more organizations today are turning to streaming data to fuel innovation and agility.

Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK) is a fully managed service that makes it easy to build and run applications that use Apache Kafka, an open-source distributed event streaming platform designed for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, data integration, and mission-critical applications. With Amazon MSK, you can capture real-time data from a wide range of sources such as database change events or web application user clickstreams. Since Kafka is highly optimized for writing and reading fresh data, it’s a great fit for operational reporting. However, gaining insight from this data often requires a specialized stream processing layer to write streaming records to a storage medium like Amazon S3, where it can be accessed by analysts, data scientists, and data engineers for historical analysis and visualization using tools like Amazon QuickSight.

When you want to analyze data where it lives and without developing separate pipelines and jobs, a popular choice is Amazon Athena. With Athena, you can use your existing SQL knowledge to extract insights from a wide range of data sources without learning a new language, developing scripts to extract (and duplicate) data, or managing infrastructure. Athena supports over 25 connectors to popular data sources including Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon Redshift which give data analysts, data engineers, and data scientists the flexibility to run SQL queries on data stored in databases running on-premises or in the cloud alongside data stored in Amazon S3. With Athena, there’s no data movement and you pay only for the queries you run.

What’s new

Starting today, you can now use Athena to query streaming data in MSK and self-managed Apache Kafka. This enables you to run analytical queries on real-time data held in Kafka topics and join that data with other Kafka topics as well as other data in your Amazon S3 data lake – all without the need for separate processes to first store the data on Amazon S3.

Solution overview

In this post, we show you how to get started with real-time SQL analytics using Athena and its connector for MSK. The process involves:

  1. Registering the schema of your streaming data with AWS Glue Schema Registry. Schema Registry is a feature of AWS Glue that allows you to validate and reliably evolve streaming data against JSON schemas. It can also serialize data into a compressed format, which helps you save on data transfer and storage costs.
  2. Creating a new instance of the Amazon Athena MSK Connector. Athena connectors are pre-built applications that run as serverless AWS Lambda applications, so there’s no need for standalone data export processes.
  3. Using the Athena console to run interactive SQL queries on your Kafka topics.

Get started with Athena’s connector for Amazon MSK

In this section, we’ll cover the steps necessary to set up your MSK cluster to work with Athena to run SQL queries on your Kafka topics.


This post assumes you have a serverless or provisioned MSK cluster set up to receive streaming messages from a producing application. For information, see Setting up Amazon MSK and Getting started using Amazon MSK in the Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka Developer Guide.

You’ll also need to set up a VPC and a security group before you use the Athena connector for MSK. For more information, see Creating a VPC for a data source connector. Note that with MSK Serverless, VPCs and security groups are created automatically, so you can get started quickly.

Define the schema of your Kafka topics with AWS Glue Schema Registry

To run SQL queries on your Kafka topics, you’ll first need to define the schema of your topics as Athena uses this metadata for query planning. AWS Glue makes it easy to do this with its Schema Registry feature for streaming data sources.

Schema Registry allows you to centrally discover, control, and evolve streaming data schemas for use in analytics applications such as Athena. With AWS Glue Schema Registry, you can manage and enforce schemas on your data streaming applications using convenient integrations with Apache Kafka. To learn more, see AWS Glue Schema Registry and Getting started with Schema Registry.

If configured to do so, the producer of data can auto-register its schema and changes to it with AWS Glue. This is especially useful in use cases where the contents of the data is likely to change over time. However, you can also specify the schema manually and will resemble the following JSON structure.

  "tableName": "orders",
  "schemaName": "customer_schema",
  "topicName": "orders",
  "message": {
    "dataFormat": "json",
    "fields": [
        "name": "customer_id",
        "mapping": "customer_id",
        "type": "VARCHAR"
        "name": "item_id",
        "mapping": "item_id",
        "type": "INTEGER"

When setting up your Schema Registry, be sure to give it an easy-to-remember name, such as customer_schema, because you’ll reference it within SQL queries as you’ll see later on. For additional information on schema set up, see Schema examples for the AWS Glue Schema Registry.

Configure the Athena connector for MSK

With your schema registered with Glue, the next step is to set up the Athena connector for MSK. We recommend using the Athena console for this step. For more background on the steps involved, see Deploying a connector and connecting to a data source.

In Athena, federated data source connectors are applications that run on AWS Lambda and handle communication between your target data source and Athena. When a query runs on a federated source, Athena calls the Lambda function and tasks it with running the parts of your query that are specific to that source. To learn more about the query execution workflow, see Using Amazon Athena Federated Query in the Amazon Athena User Guide.

Start by accessing the Athena console and selecting Data sources on the left navigation, then choose Create data source:

Next, search for and select Amazon MSK from the available connectors and select Next.

In Data source details, give your connector a name, like msk, that’s easy to remember and reference in your future SQL queries. Under Connection details section, select Create Lambda function. This will bring you to the AWS Lambda console where you’ll provide additional configuration properties.

In the Lambda application configuration screen (not shown), you’ll provide the Application settings for your connector. To do this, you’ll need a few properties from your MSK cluster and schema registered in Glue.

On another browser tab, use the MSK console to navigate to your MSK cluster and then select the Properties tab. Here you’ll see the VPC subnets and security group IDs from your MSK cluster which you’ll provide in the SubnetIds and SecurityGroupIds fields in the Athena connector’s Application settings form. You can find the value for KafkaEndpoint by clicking View client information.

In the AWS Glue console, navigate to your Schema Registry to find the GlueRegistryArn for the schema you wish to use with this connector.

After providing these and the other required values, click Deploy.

Return to the Athena console and enter the name of the Lambda function you just created in the Connection details box, then click Create data source.

Run queries on streaming data using Athena

With your MSK data connector set up, you can now run SQL queries on the data. Let’s explore a few use cases in more detail.

Use case: interactive analysis

If you want to run queries that aggregate, group, or filter your MSK data, you can run interactive queries using Athena. These queries will run against the current state of your Kafka topics at the time the query was submitted.

Before running any queries, it may be helpful to validate the schema and data types available within your Kafka topics. To do this, run the DESCRIBE command on your Kafka topic, which appears in Athena as a table, as shown below. In this query, the orders table corresponds to the topic you specified in the Schema Registry.

DESCRIBE msk.customer_schema.orders

Now that you know the contents of your topic, you can begin to develop analytical queries. A sample query for a hypothetical Kafka topic containing e-commerce order data is shown below:

SELECT customer_id, SUM(order_total)
FROM msk.customer_schema.orders
GROUP BY customer_id

Because the orders table (and underlying Kafka topic) can contain an unbounded stream of data, the query above is likely to return a different value for SUM(order_total) with each execution of the query.

If you have data in one topic that you need to join with another topic, you can do that too:

SELECT t1.order_id, t2.item_id
FROM msk.customer_schema.orders as t1
JOIN msk.customer_schema.items as t2
ON t1.id = t2.id

Use case: ingesting streaming data to a table on Amazon S3

Federated queries run against the underlying data source which ensures interactive queries, like the ones above, are evaluated against the current state of your data. One consideration is that repeatedly running federated queries can put additional load on the underlying source. If you plan to perform multiple queries on the same source data, you can use Athena’s CREATE TABLE AS SELECT, also known as CTAS, to store the results of a SELECT query in a table on Amazon S3. You can then run queries on your newly created table without going back to the underlying source each time.

CREATE TABLE my_kafka_data
WITH (format = 'Parquet', 
      write_compression = 'SNAPPY')
SELECT order_id, item_id, timestamp
FROM msk.customer_schema.orders

If you plan to do additional downstream analysis on this data, for example within dashboards on Amazon QuickSight, you can enhance the solution above by periodically adding new data to your table. To learn more, see Using CTAS and INSERT INTO for ETL and data analysis. Another benefit of this approach is that you can secure these tables with row-, column-, and table-level data governance policies powered by AWS Lake Formation to ensure only authorized users can access your table.

What else can you do?

With Athena, you can use your existing SQL knowledge to run federated queries that generate insights from a wide range of data sources without learning a new language, developing scripts to extract (and duplicate) data, or managing infrastructure. Athena provides additional integrations with other AWS services and popular analytics tools and SQL IDEs that allow you to do much more with your data. For example, you can:

  • Visualize the data in business intelligence applications like Amazon QuickSight
  • Design event-driven data processing workflows with Athena’s integration with AWS Step Functions
  • Unify multiple data sources to produce rich input features for machine learning in Amazon SageMaker


In this post, we learned about the newly released Athena connector for Amazon MSK. With it, you can run interactive queries on data held in Kafka topics running in MSK or self-managed Apache Kafka. This helps you bring real-time insights to dashboards or enable point-in-time analysis of streaming data to answer time-sensitive business questions. We also covered how to periodically ingest new streaming data into Amazon S3 without the need for a separate sink process. This simplifies recurring analysis of your data without incurring round-trip queries to your underlying Kafka clusters and makes it possible to secure the data with access rules powered by Lake Formation.

We encourage you to evaluate Athena and federated queries on your next analytics project. For help getting started, we recommend the following resources:

About the authors

Scott Rigney is a Senior Technical Product Manager with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and works with the Amazon Athena team based out of Arlington, Virginia. He is passionate about building analytics products that enable enterprises to make data-driven decisions.

Kiran Matty is a Principal Product Manager with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and works with the Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) team based out of Palo Alto, California. He is passionate about building performant streaming and analytical services that help enterprises realize their critical use cases.

Prepare for consolidated controls view and consolidated control findings in AWS Security Hub

Post Syndicated from Priyanka Prakash original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/prepare-for-consolidated-controls-view-and-consolidated-control-findings-in-aws-security-hub/

Currently, AWS Security Hub identifies controls and generates control findings in the context of security standards. Security Hub is aiming to release two new features in the first quarter of 2023 that will decouple controls from standards and streamline how you view and receive control findings.

The new features to be released are consolidated controls view and consolidated control findings. Consolidated controls view will provide you with a comprehensive view within the Security Hub console of your controls across security standards. This feature will also introduce a single unique identifier for each control across security standards.

Consolidated control findings will streamline your control findings. When this feature is turned on, Security Hub will produce a single finding for a security check even when a check is shared across multiple standards. This will reduce finding noise and help you focus on misconfigured resources in your AWS environment.

In this blog post, I’ll summarize the upcoming features, the benefit they bring to your organization, and how you can take advantage of them upon release.

Feature 1: Consolidated controls view

Currently, controls are identified, viewed, and managed in the context of individual security standards. In the Security Hub console, you first have to navigate to a specific standard to see a list of controls for that standard. Within the AWS Foundational Security Best Practices (FSBP) standard, Security Hub identifies controls by the impacted AWS service and a unique number (for example, IAM.1). For other standards, Security Hub includes the standard as part of the control identifier (for example, CIS 1.1 or PCI.AutoScaling.1).

After the release of consolidated controls view, you will be able to see a consolidated list of your controls from a new Controls page in the Security Hub console. Security Hub will also assign controls a consistent security control ID across standards. Following the current naming convention of the AWS FSBP standard, control IDs will include the relevant service and a unique number.

For example, the control AWS Config should be enabled is currently identified as Config.1 in the AWS FSBP standard, CIS 2.5 in the Center for Internet Security (CIS) AWS Foundations Benchmark v1.2.0, CIS 3.5 in the CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark v1.4.0, and PCI.Config.1 in the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). After this release, this control will have a single identifier called Config.1 across standards. The single Controls page and consistent identifier will help you rapidly discover misconfigurations with minimal context-switching.

You’ll be able to enable a control for one or more enabled standards that include the control. You’ll also be able to disable a control for one or more enabled standards. As before, you can enable the standards that apply to your business case.

Changes to control finding fields and values after the release of consolidated controls view

After the release of consolidated controls view, note the following changes to control finding fields and values in the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF).

ASFF field What changes after consolidated controls view release Example value before consolidated controls view release Example value after consolidated controls view release
Compliance.SecurityControlId A single control ID will apply across standards. ProductFields.ControlId will still provide the standards-based control ID. Not applicable (new field) EC2.2
Compliance.AssociatedStandards Will show the standards that a control is enabled for. Not applicable (new field) [{“StandardsId”: “aws-foundational-security-best-practices/v/1.0.0”}]
ProductFields.RecommendationUrl This field will no longer reference a standard. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/securityhub/PCI.EC2.2/remediation https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/securityhub/EC2.2/remediation
Remediation.Recommendation.Text This field will no longer reference a standard. “For directions on how to fix this issue, please consult the AWS Security Hub PCI DSS documentation.” “For instructions on how to fix this issue, see the AWS Security Hub documentation for EC2.2.”
Remediation.Recommendation.Url This field will no longer reference a standard. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/securityhub/PCI.EC2.2/remediation https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/securityhub/EC2.2/remediation

Feature 2: Consolidated control findings

Currently, multiple standards contain separate controls for the same security check. Security Hub generates a separate finding per standard for each related control that is evaluated by the same security check.

After release of the consolidated control findings feature, you’ll be able to unify control findings across standards and reduce finding noise. This, in turn, will help you more quickly investigate and remediate failed findings. When you turn on consolidated control findings, Security Hub will generate a single finding or finding update for each security check of a control, even if the check is shared across multiple standards.

For example, after you turn on the feature, you will receive a single finding for a security check of Config.1 even if you’ve enabled this control for the AWS FSBP standard, CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark v1.2.0, CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark v1.4.0, and PCI DSS. If you don’t turn on consolidated control findings, you will receive four separate findings for a security check of Config.1 if you’ve enabled this control for the AWS FSBP standard, CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark v1.2.0, CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark v1.4.0, and PCI DSS.

Changes to control finding fields and values after turning on consolidated control findings

If you turn on consolidated control findings, note the following changes to control finding fields and values in the ASFF. These changes are in addition to the changes previously described for consolidated controls view.

ASFF field What changes after consolidated controls view release Example value before consolidated controls view release Example value after consolidated controls view release
GeneratorId This field will no longer reference a standard. aws-foundational-security-best-practices/v/1.0.0/Config.1 security-control/Config.1
Title This field will no longer reference a standard. PCI.Config.1 AWS Config should be enabled {
Id This field will no longer reference a standard. arn:aws:securityhub:eu-central-1:123456789012:subscription/pci-dss/v/3.2.1/PCI.IAM.5/finding/ab6d6a26-a156-48f0-9403-115983e5a956 arn:aws:securityhub:eu-central-1:123456789012:security-control/iam.9/finding/ab6d6a26-a156-48f0-9403-115983e5a956
ProductFields.ControlId This field will be removed in favor of a single, standard-agnostic control ID. PCI.EC2.2 Removed. See Compliance.SecurityControlId instead.
ProductFields.RuleId This field will be removed in favor of a single, standard-agnostic control ID. 1.3 Removed. See Compliance.SecurityControlId instead.
Description This field will no longer reference a standard. This PCI DSS control checks whether AWS Config is enabled in the current account and region. This AWS control checks whether AWS Config is enabled in the current account and region.
Severity Security Hub will no longer use the Product field to describe the severity of a finding. “Severity”: {
“Product”: 90,
“Label”: “CRITICAL”,
“Normalized”: 90,
“Original”: “CRITICAL”
“Severity”: {
“Label”: “CRITICAL”,
“Normalized”: 90,
“Original”: “CRITICAL”
Types This field will no longer reference a standard. [“Software and Configuration Checks/Industry and Regulatory Standards/PCI-DSS”] [“Software and Configuration Checks/Industry and Regulatory Standards”]
Compliance.RelatedRequirements This field will show related requirements across associated standards. [ “PCI DSS 10.5.2”,
“PCI DSS 11.5”]
[ “PCI DSS v3.2.1/10.5.2”,
“PCI DSS v3.2.1/11.5”,
“CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark v1.2.0/2.5”]
CreatedAt Format will remain the same, but value will reset when you turn on consolidated control findings. 2022-05-05T08:18:13.138Z 2022-09-25T08:18:13.138Z
FirstObservedAt Format will remain the same, but value will reset when you turn on consolidated control findings. 2022-05-07T08:18:13.138Z 2022-09-28T08:18:13.138Z
ProductFields.RecommendationUrl This field will be replaced by Remediation.Recommendation.Url. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/securityhub/EC2.2/remediation Removed. See Remediation.Recommendation.Url instead.
ProductFields.StandardsArn This field will be replaced by Compliance.AssociatedStandards. arn:aws:securityhub:::standards/aws-foundational-security-best-practices/v/1.0.0 Removed. See Compliance.AssociatedStandards instead.
ProductFields.StandardsControlArn This field will be removed because Security Hub will generate one finding for a security check across standards. arn:aws:securityhub:us-east-1:123456789012:control/aws-foundational-security-best-practices/v/1.0.0/Config.1 Removed.
ProductFields.StandardsGuideArn This field will be replaced by Compliance.AssociatedStandards. arn:aws:securityhub:::ruleset/cis-aws-foundations-benchmark/v/1.2.0 Removed. See Compliance.AssociatedStandards instead.
ProductFields.StandardsGuideSubscriptionArn This field will be removed because Security Hub will generate one finding for a security check across standards. arn:aws:securityhub:us-east-2:123456789012:subscription/cis-aws-foundations-benchmark/v/1.2.0 Removed.
ProductFields.StandardsSubscriptionArn This field will be removed because Security Hub will generate one finding for a security check across standards. arn:aws:securityhub:us-east-1:123456789012:subscription/aws-foundational-security-best-practices/v/1.0.0 Removed.
ProductFields.aws/securityhub/FindingId This field will no longer reference a standard. arn:aws:securityhub:us-east-1::product/aws/securityhub/arn:aws:securityhub:us-east-1:123456789012:subscription/aws-foundational-security-best-practices/v/1.0.0/Config.1/finding/751c2173-7372-4e12-8656-a5210dfb1d67 arn:aws:securityhub:us-east-1::product/aws/securityhub/arn:aws:securityhub:us-east-1:123456789012:security-control/Config.1/finding/751c2173-7372-4e12-8656-a5210dfb1d67

New values for customer-provided finding fields after turning on consolidated control findings

When you turn on consolidated control findings, Security Hub will archive the existing findings and generate new findings. To view archived findings, you can visit the Findings page of the Security Hub console with the Record state filter set to ARCHIVED, or use the GetFindings API action. Updates you’ve made to the original finding fields in the Security Hub console or by using the BatchUpdateFindings API action will not be preserved in the new findings (if needed, you can recover this data by referring to the archived findings).

Note the following changes to customer-provided control finding fields when you turn on consolidated control findings.

Customer-provided ASFF field Description of change after turning on consolidated control findings
Confidence Will reset to empty state.
Criticality Will reset to empty state.
Note Will reset to empty state.
RelatedFindings Will reset to empty state.
Severity The default severity of the finding (matches the severity of the control).
Types Will reset to standard-agnostic value.
UserDefinedFields Will reset to empty state.
VerificationState Will reset to empty state.
Workflow New failed findings will have a default value of NEW. New passed findings will have a default value of RESOLVED.

How to turn consolidated control findings on and off

Follow these instructions to turn consolidated control findings on and off.

New accounts

If you enable Security Hub for an AWS account for the first time on or after the time when consolidated control findings is released, by default consolidated control findings will be turned on for your account. You can turn it off at any time. However, we recommend keeping it turned on to minimize finding noise.

If you use the Security Hub integration with AWS Organizations, consolidated control findings will be turned on for new member accounts if the administrator account has turned on the feature. If the administrator account has turned it off, it will be turned off for new subordinate AWS accounts (member accounts) as well.

Existing accounts

If your Security Hub account already existed before consolidated control findings is released, your account will have consolidated control findings turned off by default. You can turn it on at any time. We recommend turning it on to minimize finding noise. If you use AWS Organizations, consolidated control findings will be turned on or off for existing member accounts based on the settings of the administrator account.

To turn consolidated control findings on and off (Security Hub console)

  1. In the navigation pane, choose Settings.
  2. Choose the General tab.
  3. For Controls, turn on Consolidated control findings. Turn it off to receive multiple findings for each standard.
  4. Choose Save.

To turn consolidated control findings on and off (Security Hub API)

  • Run the UpdateSecurityHubConfiguration API action. Use the new ControlFindingGenerator attribute to change whether an account uses consolidated control findings:
    • To turn on consolidated control findings, set ControlFindingGenerator equal to SECURITY_CONTROL.
    • To turn it off, set ControlFindingGenerator equal to STANDARD_CONTROL.

To turn consolidated control findings on and off (AWS CLI)

  • In the AWS CLI, run the update-security-hub-configuration command. Use the new control-finding-generator attribute to change whether an account uses consolidated control findings:
    • To turn on consolidated control findings, set control-finding-generator equal to SECURITY_CONTROL.
    • To turn it off, set control-finding-generator equal to STANDARD_CONTROL.

API permissions for consolidated control findings

You’ll need AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions for the following new API operations in order for consolidated control findings to work as expected:

  • BatchGetSecurityControls – Returns account and Region-specific data about a batch of controls.
  • ListSecurityControlDefinitions – Returns information about controls that apply to a specified standard.
  • ListStandardsControlAssociations – Identifies whether a control is currently associated with or dissociated from each enabled standard.
  • BatchGetStandardsControlAssociations – For a batch of controls, identifies whether each control is currently associated with or dissociated from a specified standard.
  • BatchUpdateStandardsControlAssociations – Used to associate a control with enabled standards that include the control, or to dissociate a control from enabled standards. This is a batch substitute for the UpdateStandardsControl API action if an administrator doesn’t want to allow member accounts to associate or dissociate controls.
  • BatchGetControlEvaluations (private API) – Retrieves the enablement and compliance status of a control, the findings count for a control, and the overall security score for controls.

How to prepare for control finding field and value changes

If your workflows don’t rely on the specific format of any control finding fields, no action is required to prepare for the feature releases. We recommend that you immediately turn on consolidated control findings.

Consider waiting to turn on consolidated control findings if you currently rely on the Automated Security Response on AWS solution for predefined response and remediation actions. That solution does not yet support consolidated control findings. If you turn consolidated control findings on now, actions you deployed using the Automated Security Response solution will no longer work.

If you rely on the specific format of any control finding fields (for example, for custom automation), carefully review the upcoming finding field and value changes to ensure that your workflows will continue to function as intended. Note that the changes noted in the first table in this post might impact you if you rely on the specified control finding fields and values.

The changes noted in the second table and third table in this post will only impact you if you turn on consolidated control findings. For example, if you rely on ProductFields.ControlId, GeneratorId, or Title, you’ll be impacted if you turn on consolidated control findings. As another example, if you’ve created an Amazon CloudWatch Events rule that initiates an action for a specific control ID (such as invoking an AWS Lambda function if the control ID equals CIS 2.7), you’ll need to update the rule to use CloudTrail.2, the new Compliance.SecurityControlId field for that control.

If you’ve created custom insights by using the control finding fields or values that will change (see previous tables), we recommend updating those insights to use the new fields or values.


This post covered the control finding fields and values that will change in Security Hub after release of the consolidated controls view and consolidated control findings features. We recommend that you carefully review the changes and update your workflows to start using the new fields and values as soon as the features become available.

For more information about the upcoming changes, see the Security Hub user guide, which includes value changes for GeneratorId , control title changes, and sample control findings before and after the upcoming feature releases.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Security, Identity, & Compliance re:Post or contact AWS Support.

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Priyanka Prakash

Priyanka is a technical writer for AWS Security Hub. She enjoys helping customers understand how to effectively monitor their environment and address security issues. Prior to joining AWS, Priyanka worked for a cloud monitoring startup. In her personal time, Priyanka enjoys cooking and hiking.

Create, Train and Deploy Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) models using Amazon Redshift ML

Post Syndicated from Anuradha Karlekar original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/create-train-and-deploy-multi-layer-perceptron-mlp-models-using-amazon-redshift-ml/

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed and petabyte-scale cloud data warehouse which is being used by tens of thousands of customers to process exabytes of data every day to power their analytics workloads. Amazon Redshift comes with a feature called Amazon Redshift ML which puts the power of machine learning in the hands of every data warehouse user, without requiring the users to learn any new programming language, ML concepts or ML tools. Redshift ML abstracts all the intricacies that are involved in the traditional ML approach around data warehouse which traditionally involved repetitive, manual steps to move data back and forth between the data warehouse and ML tools for running long, complex, iterative ML workflow.

Redshift ML uses Amazon SageMaker Autopilot and Amazon SageMaker Neo in the background to make it easy for SQL users such as data analysts, data scientists, BI experts and database developers to create, train, and deploy machine learning (ML) models using familiar SQL commands and then use these models to make predictions on new data for use cases such as customer churn prediction, basket analysis for sales prediction, manufacturing unit lifetime value prediction, and product recommendations. Redshift ML makes the model available as SQL function within the Amazon Redshift data warehouse so you can easily use it in queries and reports.

Amazon Redshift ML supports supervised learning, including regression, binary classification, multi-class classification, and unsupervised learning using K-Means. You can optionally specify XGBoost, MLP, and linear learner model types, which are supervised learning algorithms used for solving either classification or regression problems, and provide a significant increase in speed over traditional hyperparameter optimization techniques. Amazon Redshift ML also supports bring-your-own-model to either import existing SageMaker models that are built using algorithms supported by SageMaker Autopilot, which can be used for local inference; or for the unsupported algorithms, one can alternatively invoke remote SageMaker endpoints for remote inference.

In this blog post, we show you how to use Redshift ML to solve binary classification problem using the Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) algorithm, which explores different training objectives and chooses the best solution from the validation set.

A multilayer perceptron (MLP) is a deep learning method which deals with training multi-layer artificial neural networks, also called Deep Neural Networks. It is a feedforward artificial neural network that generates a set of outputs from a set of inputs. An MLP is characterized by several layers of input nodes connected as a directed graph between the input and output layers. MLP uses backpropagation for training the network. MLP is widely used for solving problems that require supervised learning as well as research into computational neuroscience and parallel distributed processing. It is also used for speech recognition, image recognition and machine translation.

As far as MLP usage with Redshift ML (powered by Amazon SageMaker Autopilot) is concerned, it supports tabular data as of now.

Solution Overview

To use the MLP algorithm, you need to provide inputs or columns representing dimensional values and also the label or target, which is the value you’re trying to predict.

With Redshift ML, you can use MLP on tabular data for regression, binary classification or multiclass classification problems. What is more unique about MLP is, is that the output function of MLP can be a linear or a continuous function as well. It need not be a straight line like the general regression model provides.

In this solution, we use binary classification to detect frauds based upon the credit cards transaction data. The difference between classification models and MLP is that logistic regression uses a logistic function, while perceptrons use a step function. Using the multilayer perceptron model, machines can learn weight coefficients that help them classify inputs. This linear binary classifier is highly effective in arranging and categorizing input data into different classes, allowing probability-based predictions and classifying items into multiple categories. Multilayer Perceptrons have the advantage of learning non-linear models and the ability to train models in real-time.

For this solution, we first ingest the data into Amazon Redshift, we then distribute it for model training and validation, then use Amazon Redshift ML specific queries for model creation and thereby create and utilize the generated SQL function for being able to finally predict the fraudulent transactions.


To get started, we need an Amazon Redshift cluster or an Amazon Redshift Serverless endpoint and an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role attached that provides access to SageMaker and permissions to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.

For an introduction to Redshift ML and instructions on setting it up, see Create, train, and deploy machine learning models in Amazon Redshift using SQL with Amazon Redshift ML.

To create a simple cluster with a default IAM role, see Use the default IAM role in Amazon Redshift to simplify accessing other AWS services.

Data Set Used

In this post, we use the Credit Card Fraud detection data to create, train and deploy MLP model which can be used further to identify fraudulent transactions from the newly captured transaction records.

The dataset contains transactions made by credit cards in September 2013 by European cardholders.
This dataset presents transactions that occurred in two days, where we have 492 frauds out of 284,807 transactions. The dataset is highly unbalanced, the positive class (frauds) account for 0.172% of all transactions.

It contains only numerical input variables which are the result of a Principal Component Analysis transformation. Due to confidentiality issues, the original features and more background information about the data is not provided. Features V1, V2, … V28 are the principal components obtained with PCA, the only features which have not been transformed with PCA are ‘Time’ and ‘Amount’. Feature ‘Time’ contains the seconds elapsed between each transaction and the first transaction in the dataset. The feature ‘Amount’ is the transaction Amount. Feature ‘Class’ is the response variable and it takes value 1 in case of fraud and 0 otherwise.

Here are sample records:

Prepare the data

Load the credit card dataset into Amazon Redshift using the following SQL. You can use the Amazon Redshift query editor v2 or your preferred SQL tool to run these commands.

Alternately we have provided a notebook you may use to execute all the sql commands that can be downloaded here. You will find instructions in this blog on how to import and use notebooks.

To create the table, use the following command:

CREATE TABLE creditcardsfrauds (
    txtime integer,
    v1 float8,
    v2 float8,
    v3 float8,
    v4 float8,
    v5 float8,
    v6 float8,
    v7 float8,
    v8 float8,
    v9 float8,
    v10 float8,
    v11 float8,
    v12 float8,
    v13 float8,
    v14 float8,
    v15 float8,
    v16 float8,
    v17 float8,
    v18 float8,
    v19 float8,
    v20 float8,
    v21 float8,
    v22 float8,
    v23 float8,
    v24 float8,
    v25 float8,
    v26 float8,
    v27 float8,
    v28 float8,
    amount float8,
    class integer

Load the data

To load data into Amazon Redshift, use the following COPY command:

COPY creditcardsfrauds
FROM 's3://redshift-ml-blog-mlp/creditcard.csv' 
IAM_ROLE default
CSV QUOTE as '\"' delimiter ',' IGNOREHEADER 1 maxerror 100
REGION 'us-east-1';

Before creating the model, we want to divide our data into two sets by splitting 80% of the dataset for training and 20% for validation, which is a common practice in ML. The training data is input to the ML model to identify the best possible algorithm for the model. After the model is created, we use the validation data to validate the model accuracy.

So, in ‘creditcardsfrauds’ table, we check the distribution of data based upon ‘txtime’ value and identify the cutoff for around 80% of the data to train the model.

With this, the highest txtime value comes to 120954 (based upon the distribution of txtime’s min, max, ranking by window function and ceil(count(*)*0.80) values)), based upon which we consider the transaction records having ‘txtime’ field value less than 120954 for creating training data. We then validate the accuracy of that model by seeing if it correctly identifies the fraudulent transactions by predicting its ‘class’ attribute on the remaining 20% of the data.

This distribution for 80% cutoff need not always be based upon ordered time. It can be picked up randomly as well, based upon the use case under consideration.

Create a model in Redshift ML

To create the model, use the following command:

 CREATE model creditcardsfrauds_mlp
FROM (select * from creditcardsfrauds where txtime < 120954)
TARGET class 
FUNCTION creditcardsfrauds_mlp_fn
IAM_ROLE default
      S3_BUCKET '<<your-amazon-s3-bucket-name>>’,
      MAX_RUNTIME 9600

Here, in the settings section of the command, you need to set up an S3_BUCKET which is used to export the data that is sent to SageMaker and store model artifacts.

S3_BUCKET setting is a required parameter of the command, whereas MAX_RUNTIME is an optional one which specifies the maximum amount of time to train. The default value of this parameter is 90 minutes (5400 seconds), however you can override it by explicitly specifying it in the command, just like we have done it here by setting it to run for 9600 seconds.

The preceding statement initiates an Amazon SageMaker Autopilot process in the background to automatically build, train, and tune the best ML model for the input data. It then uses Amazon SageMaker Neo to deploy that model locally in the Amazon Redshift cluster or Amazon Redshift Serverless as a user-defined function (UDF).

You can use the SHOW MODEL command in Amazon Redshift to track the progress of your model creation, which should be in the READY state within the max_runtime parameter you defined while creating the model.

To check the status of the model, use the following command:

show model creditcardsfrauds_mlp;

We notice from the preceding table that the F1-score for the training data is 0.908, which shows very good performance accuracy.

To elaborate, F1-score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall. It combines precision and recall into a single number using the following formula:

Where, Precision means: Of all positive predictions, how many are really positive?

And Recall means: Of all real positive cases, how many are predicted positive?

F1 scores can range from 0 to 1, with 1 representing a model that perfectly classifies each observation into the correct class and 0 representing a model that is unable to classify any observation into the correct class. So higher F1 scores are better.

The following is the detailed tabular outcome for the preceding command after model training was done.

Model Name creditcardsfrauds_mlp
Schema Name public
Owner redshiftml
Creation Time Sun, 25.09.2022 16:07:18
Model State READY
validation:binary_f_beta 0.908864
Estimated Cost 112.296925
Target Column CLASS
Model Type mlp
Problem Type BinaryClassification
Objective F1
AutoML Job Name redshiftml-20221118035728881011
Function Name creditcardsfrauds_mlp_fn
. creditcardsfrauds_mlp_fn_prob
Function Parameters txtime v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10 v11 v12 v13 v14 v15 v16 v17 v18 v19 v20 v21 v22 v23 v24 v25 v26 v27 v28 amount
Function Parameter Types int4 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8 float8
IAM Role default
S3 Bucket redshift-ml-blog-mlp
Max Runtime 54000

Redshift ML now supports Prediction Probabilities for binary classification models. For classification problem in machine learning, for a given record, each label can be associated with a probability that indicates how likely this record really belongs to the label. With option to have probabilities along with the label, customers could use the classification results when confidence based on chosen label is higher than a certain threshold value returned by the model

Prediction probabilities are calculated by default for binary classification models and an additional function is created while creating model without impacting performance of the ML model.

In above snippet, you will notice that predication probabilities enhancements have added another function as a suffix (_prob) to model function with a name ‘creditcardsfrauds_mlp_fn_prob’ which could be used to get prediction probabilities.

Additionally, you can check the model explainability to understand which inputs contributed effectively to derive the prediction.

Model explainability helps to understand the cause of prediction by answering questions such as:

  • Why did the model predict a negative outcome such as blocking of credit card when someone travels to a different country and withdraws a lot of money in different currency?
  • How does the model make predictions? Lots of data for credit cards can be put in a tabular format and as per MLP process where a fully connected neural network of several layers is involved, we can tell which input feature actually contributed to the model output and its magnitude.
  • Why did the model make an incorrect prediction? E.g. Why is the card blocked even though the transaction is legitimate?
  • Which features have the largest influence on the behavior of the model? Is it just based upon the location where the credit card is swiped, or even the time of the day and unusual credit consumption that is influencing the prediction?

Run the following SQL command to retrieve the values from the explainability report:

SELECT json_table.report.explanations.kernel_shap.label0.global_shap_values 
FROM (select explain_model('creditcardsfrauds_mlp') as report) as json_table;

In the preceding screenshot, we have only selected the column that projects shapley values from the response returned by the explain_model function. If you notice the response of the query, the values in every json object show the contribution of different features in terms of influencing the prediction. E.g. from the preceding snippet, v14 feature is influencing the prediction the most and txtime feature does not really play any significant role in predicting ‘class’.

Model validation

Now let’s run the prediction query and validate the accuracy of the model on the validation dataset:

      CASE WHEN class =  
      THEN 'PredictedMatchesActual' 
      else 'NoMatch' 
      END as actualvspredicted
    FROM creditcardsfrauds 
    WHERE txtime >= 120954
group by actualvspredicted

We can observe here that Redshift ML is able to identify 99.88 percent of the transactions correctly as fraudulent or non-fraudulent.

Now you can continue to use this SQL function creditcardsfrauds_mlp_fn for local inference in any part of the SQL query while analyzing, visualizing or reporting the newly arriving as well as existing data!

DROP TABLE creditcardsfrauds_staging;
CREATE TABLE creditcardsfrauds_staging as (select * from creditcardsfrauds limit 0);
Alter table creditcardsfrauds_staging drop column class;

insert into creditcardsfrauds_staging values(174965,-39999.11383160738512,0.58586417180689,-5.39973021073242,1.81709247345531,-0.840618465991056,-2.94354779071974,-2.20800192003372,1.05873267723056,-1.63233334974982,-5000.24598383776964,11.93351953683592,-53046479695456,-1.12745457501155,-666666.41662797597451,0.141237234328704,-2.54949823633632,-4.61471706851594,-10.47813794126038,-0.0354803664667244,0.306270740368093,0.583275998701341,-0.269208637986581,-0.456107772584008,-0.183659129549716,-0.328167759255761,0.606115810329683,0.884875539542905,-0.253700318894381,-2450000000);

SELECT txtime, creditcardsfrauds_mlp_fn(txtime,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15,v16,v17,v18,v19,v20,v21,v22,v23,v24,v25,v26,v27,v28,amount)
FROM creditcardsfrauds_staging;

Here the output 1 means that the newly captured transaction is fraudulent as per the inference.

Additionally, you can change the above query to include prediction probabilities of label output for the above scenario and decide if you still like to use the prediction by the model.

Select txtime, predictedActive.labels[0], predictedActive.probabilities[0] 
from (
SELECT txtime, creditcardsfrauds_mlp_fn_prob(txtime,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15,v16,v17,v18,v19,v20,v21,v22,v23,v24,v25,v26,v27,v28,amount)as predictedACtive
FROM creditcardsfrauds_staging ) temp

The above screenshot shows that this transaction has 100% likelihood of being fraudulent.

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, you can stop the Redshift cluster when not being used. You can even terminate the Redshift cluster altogether if you have run the exercise in this blog post just for experimental purpose. If you are instead using serverless version of Redshift, it will not cost you anything, until it is used. However, like mentioned before, you will have to stop or terminate the cluster if you are using a provisioned version of Redshift.


Redshift ML makes it easy for users of all levels to create, train, and tune models using SQL interface. In this post, we walked you through how to use the MLP algorithm to create binary classification model. You can then use those models to make predictions using simple SQL commands and gain valuable insights.

To learn more about RedShift ML, visit Amazon Redshift ML.

About the authors

Anuradha Karlekar is a Solutions Architect at AWS working majorly for Partners and Startups. She has over 15 years of IT experience extensively in full stack development, deployment, building data ETL pipelines and visualizations. She is passionate about data analytics and text search. Outside work – She is a travel enthusiast!

Phil Bates is a Senior Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS with over 25 years of data warehouse experience.

Abhishek Pan is a Solutions Architect-Analytics working at AWS India. He engages with customers to define data driven strategy, provide deep dive sessions on analytics use cases & design  scalable and performant Analytical applications. He has over 11 years of experience and is passionate about Databases, Analytics and solving customer problems with help of cloud solutions. An avid traveller and tries to capture world through my lenses

Debu Panda is a Senior Manager, Product Management at AWS, is an industry leader in analytics, application platform, and database technologies, and has more than 25 years of experience in the IT world. Debu has published numerous articles on analytics, enterprise Java, and databases and has presented at multiple conferences such as re:Invent, Oracle Open World, and Java One. He is lead author of the EJB 3 in Action (Manning Publications 2007, 2014) and Middleware Management (Packt).

Scaling AWS Outposts rack deployments with ACE racks

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/scaling-aws-outposts-rack-deployments-with-ace-racks/

This blog post is written by Eric Vasquez, Specialist Hybrid Edge Solutions Architect, and Paul Scherer, Senior Network Service Tech.


AWS Outposts brings managed, monitored AWS infrastructure, compute, and storage to your on-premises environment. It provides the same AWS APIs, and console experience you would get within the AWS Region to which the Outpost is homed to. You may already have an Outposts rack. An Outpost can consist of one or more racks creating a pool of consumable resources as a single logical Outpost. In this post, we will introduce you to an Aggregation, Core, Edge (ACE) rack.

Depending on your familiarity with the Outpost family, you might have already heard about an ACE rack. An ACE rack serves as an aggregation point for multi-rack Outpost deployments. ACE racks reduce the physical networking port requirements as well as the logical interfaces needed, while allowing for connectivity between multiple racks in your logical Outpost. ACE racks are recommended for customers with planned deployments beyond three racks excluding the ACE rack itself.

We recommend that all customers leverage an ACE rack if planning expansions beyond three racks in the long-term, even if the initial deployment is a single rack. An ACE rack contains four routers, and these routers can connect to either two or four customer upstream devices. For the best redundancy, reliability, and resiliency, we recommend deploying an ACE rack to four upstream customer devices.

ACE racks support 10G, 40G, and 100G connections to a customer network. However, 100G connections between each ACE router to a customer device are recommended.

Outpost architecture aceOutpost extension from region and ACE rack deployment in a 15 rack Outpost configuration

Each Outposts rack comes standard with redundant Outpost networking devices, power supplies, and two top-of-rack patch panels which serve as demarcation points between the Outpost rack and your customer networking device (CND). For the remainder of this post, we’ll refer to the Outpost Networking Devices as OND and customer switches/routers as CND. The Outpost rack ONDs form Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) neighbor relationships with either your CND or the ACE rack using point-to-point (P2P) Virtual LAN (VLAN) interfaces.

For Outposts installation without an ACE rack, each Outposts OND connects to your LAN using single-mode or multi-mode fiber with LC connectors supporting 1G, 10G, 40G, or 100G connectivity. We provide flexibility for the CNDs and allow either Layer 2 or Layer 3 devices, including firewalls. Each OND uses a single LACP port channel that carries 2 VLAN point-to-points virtual interfaced (VIF)to establish 2 BGP relationships over the port channel to your upstream CND and aggregate total bandwidth. This results in each Outpost rack requiring a minimum of two physical uplinks, but as a general best practice we recommend two-per-device for a total of four uplinks, along with two LACP port channels and 4 VLAN to establish point-to-points (P2P) BGP peering’s. Note that the IP’s used in the following diagram are just examples.

Outpost Service link and Local Gateway VLANOutpost Service link and Local Gateway VLAN

As we continue to expand rack deployments, so will the number of physical uplinks and VLAN interfaces required for the added OND to a CND. When we introduce the ACE rack, the OND is no longer attached to your CND. Instead, it goes directly to ACE devices, which provide at least one uplink to your network switch/router. In this topology, AWS owns the VLAN interface allocation and configuration between compute rack OND and the ACE routers.

Let’s cover the potential downsides to a multi-rack installation without an ACE rack. In this case, we have a three-rack Outpost deployment, with one uplink (two per rack) from each rack OND to the CND. This would require you to provide: six physical ports on your devices, six fiber cables,12 VLAN VIFs, 12 P2P subnets potentially exhausting 24 ips, and six port channels.

In comparison to a three-rack install that sits behind an ACE rack, you provide fewer physical network ports on your devices, fewer fiber cabling uplinks, fewer VLAN VIFs, fewer port channels, and fewer P2P’s. Each ACE router will have its own LACP port channel with 2x VLAN VIFs in each channel (the same as an Outposts Networking Devices (OND) <> Customer connection). The following table highlights the advantages in using an ACE rack when running a multi-rack Outpost, which becomes more desirable as you continue to scale.

2-Rack Outpost


3-Rack Outpost


4-Rack Outpost



Without ACE With ACE Without ACE With ACE Without ACE With ACE

Physical Ports







Fiber Cables


4 6 4 8


LACP Port Channels


4 6 4





8 12 8 16


P2P Subnets 8 8 12 8 16


ACE VS Non-ACE Rack Components Comparison

Furthermore, you should consider the additional weight, and power requirements that an ACE rack introduces when planning for multi-rack deployments. In addition to initial kVA requirements for the Outpost racks you must account for the resources required for an ACE rack. An ACE rack consumes up to 10kVA of power and weighs up to 705 lbs. Carefully planning additional capacity for these resources with your AWS account team will be critical for a successful deployment.

Similar to an Outpost rack, an ACE rack deployment is monitored by AWS. The rack provides telemetry data transmitted over a set of VPN tunnels back to the anchor points in the Region to which the Outpost is homed. This allows AWS to monitor the rack for hardware failures, performance degradation, and other alarm conditions including Links, Interfaces going down, and BGP drops.

As part of the Outpost ordering process, AWS will work closely with you to determine the location for install, power availability on-site, and the network configuration of both the Outposts rack and ACE rack. This includes BGP configuration, and the Customer Owned IP Address (CoIP), which is the pool of IP addresses for route advertisements back to your CND. The COIP pool allows resources inside your Outpost rack to communicate with on-premises resources and vice-versa. Another connectivity option would be the Direct VPC Routing (DVR) where we advertise VPC subnets associated with your LGW to your on-premises networks. Outposts uses a networking connectivity back to the Region for management purposes called the service link (SL). The SL is an encrypted set of VPN connections used whenever the Outpost communicates with your chosen home Region.


This post addresses the most common questions surrounding ACE racks, how an ACE rack can be deployed, and why an ACE rack would be leveraged for a multi-Outpost rack deployment. In this post, we demonstrated how an ACE rack serves as a consolidation point in your on-premises environment, making multi-rack deployments scalable, while reducing complexity and physical port allocation for connectivity between an Outpost and your LAN. In addition, we described how you can get this process started. If you want to learn more about Outposts fundamentals and how you can build your applications with AWS services using Outposts for hybrid cloud deployments you can learn more check out the Outposts user guide.

How dynamic data masking support in Amazon Redshift helps achieve data privacy and compliance

Post Syndicated from Rohit Vashishtha original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-dynamic-data-masking-support-in-amazon-redshift-helps-achieve-data-privacy-and-compliance/

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale, massively parallel data warehouse that offers simple operations and high performance. It makes it fast, simple, and cost-effective to analyze all your data using standard SQL and your existing business intelligence (BI) tools. Today, Amazon Redshift is the most widely used cloud data warehouse.

Dynamic data masking (DDM) support (preview) in Amazon Redshift enables you to simplify the process of protecting sensitive data in your Amazon Redshift data warehouse. You can now use DDM to protect data based on your job role or permission rights and level of data sensitivity through a SQL interface. DDM support (preview) in Amazon Redshift enables you to hide, obfuscate, or pseudonymize column values within the tables in your data warehouse without incurring additional storage costs. It is configurable to allow you to define consistent, format-preserving, and irreversible masked data values.

DDM support (preview) in Amazon Redshift provides a native feature to support your need to mask data for regulatory or compliance requirements, or to increase internal privacy standards. Compared to static data masking where underlying data at rest gets permanently replaced or redacted, DDM support (preview) in Amazon Redshift enables you to temporarily manipulate the display of sensitive data in transit at query time based on user privilege, leaving the original data at rest intact. You control access to data through masking policies that apply custom obfuscation rules to a given user or role. That way, you can respond to changing privacy requirements without altering the underlying data or editing SQL queries.

With DDM support (preview) in Amazon Redshift, you can do the following:

  • Define masking policies that apply custom obfuscation policies (for example, masking policies to handle credit card, PII entries, HIPAA or GDPR needs, and more)
  • Transform the data at query time to apply masking policies
  • Attach masking policies to roles or users
  • Attach multiple masking policies with varying levels of obfuscation to the same column in a table and assign them to different roles with priorities to avoid conflicts
  • Implement cell-level masking by using conditional columns when creating your masking policy
  • Use masking policies to partially or completely redact data, or hash it by using user-defined functions (UDFs)

Here’s what our customers have to say on DDM support(private beta) in Amazon Redshift:

“Baffle delivers data-centric protection for enterprises via a data security platform that is transparent to applications and unique to data security. Our mission is to seamlessly weave data security into every data pipeline. Previously, to apply data masking to an Amazon Redshift data source, we had to stage the data in an Amazon S3 bucket. Now, by utilizing the Amazon Redshift Dynamic Data Masking capability, our customers can protect sensitive data throughout the analytics pipeline, from secure ingestion to responsible consumption reducing the risk of breaches.”

-Ameesh Divatia, CEO & co-founder of Baffle

“EnergyAustralia is a leading Australian energy retailer and generator, with a mission to lead the clean energy transition for customers in a way that is reliable, affordable and sustainable for all. We enable all corners of our business with Data & Analytics capabilities that are used to optimize business processes and enhance our customers’ experience. Keeping our customers’ data safe is a top priority across our teams. In the past, this involved multiple layers of custom built security policies that could make it cumbersome for analysts to find the data they require. The new AWS dynamic data masking feature will significantly simplify our security processes so we continue to keep customer data safe, while also reducing the administrative overhead.”

-William Robson, Data Solutions Design Lead, EnergyAustralia

Use case

For our use case, a retail company wants to control how they show credit card numbers to users based on their privilege. They also don’t want to duplicate the data for this purpose. They have the following requirements:

  • Users from Customer Service should be able to view the first six digits and the last four digits of the credit card for customer verification
  • Users from Fraud Prevention should be able to view the raw credit card number only if it’s flagged as fraud
  • Users from Auditing should be able to view the raw credit card number
  • All other users should not be able to view the credit card number

Solution overview

The solution encompasses creating masking policies with varying masking rules and attaching one or more to the same role and table with an assigned priority to remove potential conflicts. These policies may pseudonymize results or selectively nullify results to comply with retailers’ security requirements. We refer to multiple masking policies being attached to a table as a multi-modal masking policy. A multi-modal masking policy consists of three parts:

  • A data masking policy that defines the data obfuscation rules
  • Roles with different access levels depending on the business case
  • The ability to attach multiple masking policies on a user or role and table combination with priority for conflict resolution

The following diagram illustrates how DDM support (preview) in Amazon Redshift policies works with roles and users for our retail use case.

For a user with multiple roles, the masking policy with the highest attachment priority is used. For example, in the following example, Ken is part of the Public and FrdPrvnt role. Because the FrdPrvnt role has a higher attachment priority, card_number_conditional_mask will be applied.


To implement this solution, you need to complete the following prerequisites:

  1. Have an AWS account.
  2. Have an Amazon Redshift cluster provisioned with DDM support (preview) or a serverless workgroup with DDM support (preview).
    1. Navigate to the provisioned or serverless Amazon Redshift console and choose Create preview cluster.
    2. In the create cluster wizard, choose the preview track.
  3. Have Superuser privilege, or the sys:secadmin role on the Amazon Redshift data warehouse created in step 2.

Preparing the data

To set up our use case, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, choose Query editor v2 in Explorer.
    If you’re familiar with SQL Notebooks, you can download the Jupyter notebook for the demonstration, and import it to quickly get started.
  2. Create the table and populate contents.
  3. Create users.
    -- 1- Create the credit cards table
    CREATE TABLE credit_cards (
    customer_id INT,
    is_fraud BOOLEAN,
    credit_card TEXT
    -- 2- Populate the table with sample values
    INSERT INTO credit_cards
    (100,'n', '453299ABCDEF4842'),
    (100,'y', '471600ABCDEF5888'),
    (102,'n', '524311ABCDEF2649'),
    (102,'y', '601172ABCDEF4675'),
    (102,'n', '601137ABCDEF9710'),
    (103,'n', '373611ABCDEF6352')
    --run GRANT to grant SELECT permission on the table
    GRANT SELECT ON credit_cards TO PUBLIC;
    --create four users

Implement the solution

To satisfy the security requirements, we need to make sure that each user sees the same data in different ways based on their granted privileges. To do that, we use user roles combined with masking policies as follows:

  1. Create user roles and grant different users to different roles:
    -- 1. Create User Roles
    CREATE ROLE cust_srvc_role;
    CREATE ROLE frdprvnt_role;
    CREATE ROLE auditor_role;
    -- note that public role exist by default.
    -- Grant Roles to Users
    GRANT ROLE cust_srvc_role to Kate;
    GRANT ROLE frdprvnt_role  to Ken;
    GRANT ROLE auditor_role   to Bob;
    -- note that regualr_user is attached to public role by default.

  2. Create masking policies:
    -- 2. Create Masking policies
    -- 2.1 create a masking policy that fully masks the credit card number
    WITH (credit_card VARCHAR(256))
    --2.2- Create a scalar SQL user-defined function(UDF) that partially obfuscates credit card number, only showing the first 6 digits and the last 4 digits
      returns text
    as $$
      select left($1,6)||'XXXXXX'||right($1,4)
    $$ language sql;
    --2.3- create a masking policy that applies the REDACT_CREDIT_CARD function
    WITH (credit_card VARCHAR(256))
    USING (REDACT_CREDIT_CARD(credit_card));
    -- 2.4- create a masking policy that will display raw credit card number only if it is flagged for fraud 
    WITH (is_fraud BOOLEAN, credit_card VARCHAR(256))
    USING (CASE WHEN is_fraud 
                     THEN credit_card 
                     ELSE Null 
    -- 2.5- Create masking policy that will show raw credit card number.
    WITH (credit_card varchar(256))
    USING (credit_card);

  3. Attach the masking policies on the table or column to the user or role:
    -- 3.1- make the Mask_CC_Full the default policy for all users
    --    all users will see this masking policy unless a higher priority masking policy is attached to them or their role
    ON credit_cards(credit_card)
    -- 3.2- attach Mask_CC_Partial to the cust_srvc_role role
    --users with the cust_srvc_role role can see partial credit card information
    ON credit_cards(credit_card)
    TO ROLE cust_srvc_role
    PRIORITY 10;
    -- 3.3- Attach Mask_CC_Conditional masking policy to frdprvnt_role role
    --    users with frdprvnt_role role can only see raw credit card if it is fraud
    ON credit_cards(credit_card)
    USING (is_fraud, credit_card)
    TO ROLE frdprvnt_role
    PRIORITY 20;
    -- 3.4- Attach Mask_CC_Raw masking policy to auditor_role role
    --    users with auditor_role role can see raw credit card numbers
    ON credit_cards(credit_card)
    TO ROLE auditor_role
    PRIORITY 30;

Test the solution

Let’s confirm that the masking policies are created and attached.

  1. Check that the masking policies are created with the following code:
    -- 1.1- Confirm the masking policies are created
    SELECT * FROM svv_masking_policy;

  2. Check that the masking policies are attached:
    -- 1.2- Verify attached masking policy on table/column to user/role.
    SELECT * FROM svv_attached_masking_policy;

    Now we can test that different users can see the same data masked differently based on their roles.

  3. Test that the Customer Service agents can only view the first six digits and the last four digits of the credit card number:
    -- 1- Confirm that customer service agent can only view the first 6 digits and the last 4 digits of the credit card number
    SELECT * FROM credit_cards;

  4. Test that the Fraud Prevention users can only view the raw credit card number when it’s flagged as fraud:
    -- 2- Confirm that Fraud Prevention users can only view fraudulent credit card number
    SELECT * FROM credit_cards;

  5. Test that Auditor users can view the raw credit card number:
    -- 3- Confirm the auditor can view RAW credit card number
    SELECT * FROM credit_cards;

  6. Test that general users can’t view any digits of the credit card number:
    -- 4- Confirm that regular users can not view any digit of the credit card number
    SELECT * FROM credit_cards;

Modify the masking policy

To modify an existing masking policy, you must detach it from the role first and then drop and recreate it.

In our use case, the business changed direction and decided that Customer Service agents should only be allowed to view the last four digits of the credit card number.

  1. Detach and drop the policy:
    --reset session authorization to the default
    --detach masking policy from the credit_cards table
    ON                    credit_cards(credit_card)
    FROM ROLE             cust_srvc_role;
    -- Drop the masking policy
    -- Drop the function used in masking

  2. Recreate the policy and reattach the policy on the table or column to the intended user or role.Note that this time we created a scalar Python UDF. It’s possible to create a SQL, Python, and Lambda UDF based on your use case.
    -- Re-create the policy and re-attach it to role
    -- Create a user-defined function that partially obfuscates credit card number, only showing the last 4 digits
        import re
        regexp = re.compile("^([0-9A-F]{6})[0-9A-F]{5,6}([0-9A-F]{4})")
        match = regexp.search(credit_card)
        if match != None:
            last = match.group(2)
            last = "0000"
        return "XXXXXXXXXXXX{}".format(last)
    $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
    --Create a masking policy that applies the REDACT_CREDIT_CARD function
    WITH (credit_card VARCHAR(256))
    USING (REDACT_CREDIT_CARD(credit_card));
    -- attach Mask_CC_Partial to the cust_srvc_role role
    -- users with the cust_srvc_role role can see partial credit card information
    ON credit_cards(credit_card)
    TO ROLE cust_srvc_role
    PRIORITY 10;

  3. Test that Customer Service agents can only view the last four digits of the credit card number:
    -- Confirm that customer service agent can only view the last 4 digits of the credit card number
    SELECT * FROM credit_cards;

Clean up

When you’re done with the solution, clean up your resources:

  1. Detach the masking policies from the table:
    -- Cleanup
    --reset session authorization to the default
    --1.	Detach the masking policies from table
    ON credit_cards(credit_card)
    ON credit_cards(credit_card)
    FROM ROLE cust_srvc_role;
    ON credit_cards(credit_card)
    FROM ROLE frdprvnt_role;
    ON credit_cards(credit_card)
    FROM ROLE auditor_role;

  2. Drop the masking policies:
    -- 2.	Drop the masking policies 
    DROP MASKING POLICY Mask_CC_Conditional;

  3. Revoke and drop each user and role:
    -- 3.	Revoke/Drop - role/user 
    REVOKE ROLE cust_srvc_role from Kate;
    REVOKE ROLE frdprvnt_role  from Ken;
    REVOKE ROLE auditor_role   from Bob;
    DROP ROLE cust_srvc_role;
    DROP ROLE frdprvnt_role;
    DROP ROLE auditor_role;
    DROP USER Kate;
    DROP USER Ken;
    DROP USER Bob;
    DROP USER Jane;

  4. Drop the function and table:
    -- 4.	Drop function and table 
    DROP TABLE credit_cards;

Considerations and best practices

Consider the following:

  • Always create a default policy attached to the public user. If you create a new user, they will always have a minimum policy attached. It will enforce the intended security posture.
  • Remember that DDM policies in Amazon Redshift always follow invoker permissions convention, not definer (for more information, refer to Security and privileges for stored procedures ). That being said, the masking policies are applicable based on the user or role running it.
  • For best performance, create the masking functions using a scalar SQL UDF, if possible. The performance of scalar UDFs typically goes by the order of SQL to Python to Lambda, in that order. Generally, SQL UDF outperforms Python UDFs and the latter outperforms scalar Lambda UDFs.
  • DDM policies in Amazon Redshift are applied ahead of any predicate or join operations. For example, if you’re running a join on a masked column (per your access policy) to an unmasked column, the join will lead to a mismatch. That’s an expected behavior.
  • Always detach a masking policy from all users or roles before dropping it.
  • As of this writing, the solution has the following limitations:
    • You can apply a mask policy on tables and columns and attach it to a user or role, but groups are not supported.
    • You can’t create a mask policy on views, materialized views, and external tables.
    • The DDM support (preview) in Amazon Redshift is available in following regions: US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Europe (Ireland), and Europe (Stockholm).

Performance benchmarks

Based on various tests performed on TPC-H datasets, we’ve found built-in functions to be more performant as compared to functions created externally using scalar Python or Lambda UDFs.

Expand the solution

You can take this solution further and set up a masking policy that restricts SSN and email address access as follows:

  • Customer Service agents accessing pre-built dashboards may only view the last four digits of SSNs and complete email addresses for correspondence
  • Analysts cannot view SSNs or email addresses
  • Auditing services may access raw values for SSNs as well as email addresses

For more information, refer to Use DDM support (preview) in Amazon Redshift for E-mail & SSN Masking.


In this post, we discussed how to use DDM support (preview) in Amazon Redshift to define configuration-driven, consistent, format-preserving, and irreversible masked data values. With DDM support (preview) in Amazon Redshift, you can control your data masking approach using familiar SQL language. You can take advantage of the Amazon Redshift role-based access control capability to implement different levels of data masking. You can create a masking policy to identify which column needs to be masked, and you have the flexibility of choosing how to show the masked data. For example, you can completely hide all the information of the data, replace partial real values with wildcard characters, or define your own way to mask the data using SQL expressions, Python, or Lambda UDFs. Additionally, you can apply a conditional masking based on other columns, which selectively protects the column data in a table based on the values in one or more columns.

We encourage you to create your own user defined functions for various use-cases and accomplish desired security posture using dynamic data masking support in Amazon Redshift.

About the Authors

Rohit Vashishtha is a Senior Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS based in Dallas, TX. He has more than 16 years of experience architecting, building, leading, and maintaining big data platforms. Rohit helps customers modernize their analytic workloads using the breadth of AWS services and ensures that customers get the best price/performance with the utmost security and data governance.

Ahmed Shehata is a Senior Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS based on Toronto. He has more than two decades of experience helping customers modernize their data platforms. Ahmed is passionate about helping customers build efficient, performant, and scalable analytic solutions.

Variyam Ramesh is a Senior Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS based in Charlotte, NC. He is an accomplished technology leader helping customers conceptualize, develop, and deliver innovative analytic solutions.

Yanzhu Ji is a Product Manager in the Amazon Redshift team. She has experience in product vision and strategy in industry-leading data products and platforms. She has outstanding skill in building substantial software products using web development, system design, database, and distributed programming techniques. In her personal life, Yanzhu likes painting, photography, and playing tennis.

James Moore is a Technical Lead at Amazon Redshift focused on SQL features and security. His work over the last 10 years has spanned distributed systems, machine learning, and databases. He is passionate about building scalable software that enables customers to solve real-world problems.

Gain visibility into your Amazon MSK cluster by deploying the Conduktor Platform

Post Syndicated from Stéphane Maarek original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/gain-visibility-into-your-amazon-msk-cluster-by-deploying-the-conduktor-platform/

This is a guest post by AWS Data Hero and co-founder of Conduktor, Stephane Maarek.

Deploying Apache Kafka on AWS is now easier, thanks to Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK). In a few clicks, it provides you with a production-ready Kafka cluster on which you can run your applications and create data streams.

Apache Kafka is an open-source project, and no official user interfaces are available. The lack of visibility into Apache Kafka is a factor in the slow development of applications.

The recent announcement of the Conduktor Platform makes Amazon MSK operations simple, and you can solve Kafka issues end to end with solutions for testing, monitoring, data quality, governance, and security.

You can use the Conduktor Platform to monitor both types of MSK clusters, provisioned and serverless. In this post, we demonstrate how to use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) based security to administer our MSK cluster.

Solution overview

We look at how we can deploy the Conduktor Platform on Amazon MSK in a production-ready deployment so you can try it out today.

The solution is fully serverless and customizable. Everything is deployed using AWS CloudFormation templates.

The source code and CloudFormation templates used in this post are available in the GitHub repo.

To implement this solution, we complete the following high-level steps:

  1. Deploy a CloudFormation template to create our customized Docker image for the Conduktor Platform using AWS CodeBuild.
  2. Optionally, deploy an MSK cluster in provisioned or serverless mode using a CloudFormation template.
  3. Deploy the Conduktor Platform as an AWS Fargate container against our MSK cluster using a CloudFormation template.

Create a customized configuration for the Conduktor Platform

The Conduktor Platform uses a YAML configuration file to define the cluster connection endpoints. Therefore, we must create a customized Docker image of the Conduktor Platform that is able to connect to a cluster on Amazon MSK with a customized YAML file. For this, we use CodeBuild, and we store our configuration files in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). The final image is stored in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR). The following diagram illustrates this workflow.

  1. Deploy the first CloudFormation template to create the following resources:
    • An S3 bucket to store our configuration files.
    • An ECR repository to store our final Docker image.
    • A CodeBuild project to build that Docker image.
    • An IAM role and policy to allow CodeBuild to perform the build.

Now we need to upload our files into Amazon S3.

  1. Upload the following files:
    • The file buildspec.yml, which is used by CodeBuild to build our primary Docker image.
    • The Dockerfile, which contains instructions on how to build our final Docker image.
    • The folder conduktor-platform-config (as is), which contains the configuration files to connect to Amazon MSK.

  1. At this stage, you can customize the conduktor-platform.yaml file, allowing you to connect to one MSK cluster:

Alternatively, you can connect to multiple MSK clusters or external ones by specifying multiple Kafka bootstrap servers, as shown in the following code. You can also use the same configuration file to specify the schema registry URL, Kafka Connect connection details, and SSO.

A single-Region Conduktor Platform deployment can work for multi-Region MSK clusters, although natural latency is expected. For latency-sensitive usage, you can deploy this solution in every Region in which you’re using Amazon MSK.

After uploading the files and configurations in your S3 bucket, let’s run CodeBuild to generate a new image.

  1. On the CodeBuild console, navigate to the project and choose Start build.

The build should complete in about 3 minutes.

The final image is pushed to Amazon ECR thanks to the script hosted in our build-spec.yml script run by CodeBuild. We’re now done with our first step. Your Conduktor Platform setup can now fully connect to your MSK cluster.

Start the MSK cluster

If you already have an MSK cluster set up with IAM access control, you can skip this step. If not, you can create one using the provided CloudFormation template.

From the MSK cluster (the new one or existing one), retrieve two essential pieces of information:

We use IAM access control so that we only need to use IAM policies to connect to our cluster.

If you’re using another security mechanism (such as SASL/SCRAM), you need to modify the Conduktor configuration files with the right properties, upload them back into Amazon S3, and rebuild the Conduktor image using CodeBuild.

Conduktor supports every single Kafka authentication method, including the ones supported by Amazon MSK: IAM access control, mutual TLS authentication, and user name/password using SASL/SCRAM.

Deploy the Conduktor Platform on Amazon ECS with Fargate

The last step is to deploy the Conduktor Platform. For this, we prefer running serverless solutions using Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) with Fargate. This allows you to right-size your containers in the future in case your usage of Conduktor grows over time.

Conduktor stores persistent data in the /var/conduktor file system folder, to store configuration, cache computation results, store logs, and run an internal database (for example, if you start creating data masking rules). For the persistence layer, we use Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS), an elastic network file system that can be mounted on Fargate to provide a persistence layer.

Finally, we expose our Fargate container through an Application Load Balancer, giving us a public static DNS endpoint to expose the Conduktor Platform and giving us complete control over the network security to access the Conduktor Platform. The following diagram illustrates our architecture.

Deploy the Conduktor Platform on Amazon ECS with Fargate

We deploy our last CloudFormation file and specify some important parameters:

  • MSKBookstrapServersURL – This parameter is necessary to tell Conduktor which MSK cluster to connect to
  • MSKSecurityGroupID – The MSK security group is necessary to allow the template to add a security group ingress rule to it, thereby allowing our ECS task
  • PublicSubnetIDs – The public subnet IDs are for your Application Load Balancer
  • SubnetIDs – The subnet IDs are for your ECS task and can be the same subnets or private subnets (as long as they have access to the MSK cluster and the other public subnets)
  • VpcID – This is the VPC you’re deploying to

After deploying the template, on the Output tab of the stack, you can find the Application Load Balancer URL.

We use this URL and log in to the Conduktor Platform with the user name [email protected] and password password. These login credentials can be changed using the YAML configuration file, and you can even enable SSO and LDAP.

On the Conduktor console, you can start creating topics, producing data, consuming data, and much more! AWS Glue Schema Registry support is coming soon, and Confluent Schema Registry compatibility is already available.

Clean up

To clean up your AWS account, perform the following steps in order:

  1. Delete the third CloudFormation template (3 – create ECS Service.yaml).
  2. Delete the second CloudFormation template (2 – create MSK cluster.yaml).
  3. Empty the contents of your S3 bucket.
  4. Delete all your images in your ECR repository.
  5. Delete the first CloudFormation template (1 – base conduktor.yaml).


You can use the Conduktor Platform against as many MSK clusters as desired by editing the file conduktor-platform.yaml. You can even connect to your clusters running elsewhere, for example on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).

On our roadmap, we’re working on a complete integration with Amazon MSK, including AWS Glue Schema Registry support, Amazon MSK Connect support, and complete monitoring capabilities.

The Conduktor Platform offers a limited free tier with no time limit. Head to Conduktor’s Get Started page and create an account to start using the Platform alongside MSK clusters today.

About the Author

Stéphane Maarek is the co-founder of Conduktor. He is also the lead instructor on Udemy for learning Apache Kafka and AWS Certifications, having taught these technologies to over 1.5 million learners. Through Conduktor, he wants to democratize access to Apache Kafka and make its usage seamless and enterprise-ready.

How to investigate and take action on security issues in Amazon EKS clusters with Amazon Detective – Part 2

Post Syndicated from Marshall Jones original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-investigate-and-take-action-on-security-issues-in-amazon-eks-clusters-with-amazon-detective-part-2/

In part 1 of this of this two-part series, How to detect security issues in Amazon EKS cluster using Amazon GuardDuty, we walked through a real-world observed security issue in an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) cluster and saw how Amazon GuardDuty detected each phase by following MITRE ATT&CK tactics.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through investigative techniques to use with Amazon Detective, paired with the GuardDuty EKS and malware findings from the security issue. After we have identified impacted resources through our investigation, we’ll provide example remediation tactics and preventative controls to address and help prevent security issues in EKS clusters.

Amazon Detective can help you investigate security issues and related resources in your account. Detective provides EKS coverage that you can enable within your accounts. When this coverage is enabled, Detective can help investigate and remediate potentially unauthorized EKS activity that results from misconfiguration of the control plane nodes or application. Although GuardDuty is not a prerequisite to enable Detective, it is recommended that you enable GuardDuty to enhance the visualization capabilities in Detective with GuardDuty findings.


You must have the following services enabled in your AWS account to generate and investigate findings associated with EKS security events in a similar manner as outlined in this blog. If you do not have GuardDuty enabled, you can still investigate with Detective, but in a limited capacity.

Investigate with Amazon Detective

In the five phases we walked through in part 1, we discussed GuardDuty findings and MITRE ATT&CK tactics that can help you detect and understand each phase of the unauthorized activity, from the initial misconfiguration to the impact on our application when the EKS cluster is used for crypto mining.

The next recommended step is to investigate the EKS cluster and any associated resources. Amazon Detective can help you to investigate whether there was any other related unauthorized activity in the environment. We will walk through Detective capabilities for visualizing and gathering important information to effectively respond to the security issue. If you’re interested in creating detailed incident response playbooks for your security team to follow in your own environment, refer to these sample AWS incident response playbooks.

Depending on your scenario, there are various resources you can use to start your investigation, such as Security Hub findings, GuardDuty findings, related Kubernetes subjects, or an AWS account’s AWS CloudTrail activity. For our walkthrough, we’ll start our investigation from the GuardDuty finding and use the EKS cluster resource to pivot to the Detective console, as shown in Figure 7. Although we initially focus on the EKS cluster, you could start from any entities that are supported in the Detective behavior graph structure in the Amazon Detective User Guide. For example, we could start directly with the Kubernetes subject system:anonymous and find activity associated with the anonymous user.

Figure 7: Example Detective popup from GuardDuty finding for EKS cluster

Figure 7: Example Detective popup from GuardDuty finding for EKS cluster

We’ll now go over the information that you would need to gather from Detective in order to investigate the example security issue.

To investigate EKS cluster findings with Detective

  1. In the GuardDuty console, navigate to an individual finding and hover over Investigate with Detective. Choose one of the specific resources to start. In the image below, we selected the EKS cluster resource to investigate with Detective. You will need to gather some preliminary information about the IAM roles associated with the EKS cluster.
    • Questions: When was the cluster created? What IAM role created the cluster? What IAM role is assigned to the cluster?
    • Why it matters: If you are an incident responder, these details can potentially help you identify the owner of the cluster and help you determine what IAM principals are involved.
    • What next: Start looking into each IAM principal’s activity, as seen in CloudTrail, to investigate whether the IAM entity itself is potentially compromised or what other resources may have been impacted.
    Figure 8: Detective summary page for EKS cluster metadata details

    Figure 8: Detective summary page for EKS cluster metadata details

  2. Next, on the EKS cluster overview page, you can see the container details associated with the cluster.
    • Question: What are some of the other container details for the cluster? Does anything look out of the ordinary? Is it using a public image? Is it missing a network policy?
    • Why it matters: Based on the architecture related to this cluster, you might be able to use this information to determine whether there are unauthorized containers. The contents of unauthorized containers will depend on your organization but typically consist of public images or unauthorized RBAC, pod security policies, or network policy configurations. It’s important to keep in mind that when you look at data in Detective, the scope time is very important. When you pivot from a GuardDuty finding, the scope time will be set to the first time the GuardDuty finding was seen to the last time the finding was seen. The container details reflect the containers that were running during the selected scope time. Changing the scope time might change the containers that are listed in the table shown in Figure 9.
    • What next: Information found on this page can help to highlight unauthorized resources or configurations that will need to be remediated. You will also need to look at how these resources were initially created and if there are missing guardrails that should have been created during the provisioning of the cluster.
    Figure 9: Detective summary page for EKS container metadata details

    Figure 9: Detective summary page for EKS container metadata details

  3. Finally, you will see associated security findings with this specific EKS cluster, similar to Figure 10, at the bottom of the EKS cluster overview page in Detective.
    • Question: Are there any other security findings associated with this cluster that I previously was not aware of?
    • Why it matters: In our example scenario, we walked through the findings that were initially detected and the events that unfolded from those findings. After further investigation, you might see other findings that were not part of the original investigation. This can occur if your security team is only investigating specific findings or severity values. The finding for PrivilegeEscalation:Kubernetes/PrivilegedContainer informs you that a privileged container was launched on your Kubernetes cluster by using an image that has never before been used to launch privileged containers in your cluster. A privileged container has root level access to the host. The other finding, Persistence:Kubernetes/ContainerWithSensitiveMount, informs you that a container was launched with a configuration that included a sensitive host path with write access in the volumeMounts section. This makes the sensitive host path accessible and writable from inside the container. Any finding associated to the suspicious or compromised cluster is valuable because it provides additional insight into what the unauthorized entity was trying to accomplish after the initial detection.
    • What next: With Detective, you might want to continue your investigation by selecting each of these findings and reviewing all details related to the finding. Depending on the findings, you could bring in additional team members to help investigate further. For this example, we will move on to the next step.
    Figure 10: Example Detective summary of security findings associated with the EKS cluster

    Figure 10: Example Detective summary of security findings associated with the EKS cluster

  4. Shift from the EKS cluster overview section to the Kubernetes API activity section, similar to Figure 11 below. This will give you the opportunity to dig into the API activity associated with this cluster.
    1. Question: What other Kubernetes API activity was attempted from the cluster? Which API calls were successful? Which API calls failed? What was the unauthorized user trying to do?
    2. Why it matters: It’s important to determine which actions were successfully invoked by the unauthorized user so that appropriate remediation actions can be taken. You can look at trends of successful and failed API calls, and can even search by Subject, IP address, or Kubernetes API call.
    3. What next: You might want to look at all cluster role binding from days before the first GuardDuty finding was seen to determine if there was any other suspicious activity you should be investigating regarding the cluster.
    Figure 11: Example Detective summary page for Kubernetes API activity on the EKS cluster

    Figure 11: Example Detective summary page for Kubernetes API activity on the EKS cluster

  5. Next, you will want to look at the Newly observed Kubernetes API calls section, similar to Figure 12 below.
    • Question: What are some of the more recent Kubernetes API calls? What are they trying to access right now and are they successful? Do I need to start taking action for other resources outside of EKS?
    • Why it matters: This data shows Kubernetes subjects who were observed issuing API calls to this cluster for the first time during our scope time. Detective provides you this information by keeping a baseline of the activity associated with supported AWS resources. This can help you more quickly determine whether activity might be suspicious and worth looking into. In our example, we used the search functionality to look at API calls associated with the built-in Kubernetes secrets management. A common way to start your search is to see if an unauthorized user has successfully accessed any secrets, which can help you determine what information you might want to search in the overall API call volume section discussed in step 4.
    • What next: If the unauthorized user has successfully accessed any secret, those secrets should be marked as compromised, and they should be rotated immediately.
    Figure 12: Example Detective summary for newly observed Kubernetes API calls from the EKS cluster

    Figure 12: Example Detective summary for newly observed Kubernetes API calls from the EKS cluster

  6. You can also consider the following question when you look at the Newly observed Kubernetes API calls section.
    • Question: Has the IP address associated with the finding been communicating with any other resources in our environment, and if so, what are the details of that communication?
    • Why it matters: To answer this question, you can use Detective’s search functionality and the ability to use wild cards to search for IP addresses with the same first three octets. Also note that you can use CIDR notation to search, as well. Based on the results in the example in Figure 13, you can see that there are a number of related IP addresses associated with the environment. With this information, you now can look at the traffic associated with these different IPs and what resources they were communicating with.
    Figure 13: Example Detective results page from a query against IP addresses associated with the EKS cluster

    Figure 13: Example Detective results page from a query against IP addresses associated with the EKS cluster

  7. You can select one of the IP addresses in the search results to get more information related to it, similar to Figure 14 below.
    1. Question: What was the first time an IP address was observed in the environment? When was the last time it was observed?
    2. Why it matters: You can use this information to start isolating where unauthorized activity is coming from and what actions are being taken. You can also start creating a time series of unauthorized activity and scope.
    3. What next: You can repeat some of the previous investigation steps for each IP address, like looking at the different tabs to review New behavior, Resource interaction, and Kubernetes activity.
    Figure 14: Example Detective results page for specific IP address and associated metadata details

    Figure 14: Example Detective results page for specific IP address and associated metadata details

In summary, we began our investigation with a GuardDuty finding about an anonymous API request that was successful in using system:anonymous on one of our EKS clusters. We then used Detective to investigate and visualize activity associated with that EKS cluster, such as volume of successful or unsuccessful API requests, where and when those actions were attempted and other security findings associated with the resource. Once we have completed the investigation, we can confirm scope and impact of the security event and start moving towards taking action.

Remediation techniques for Amazon EKS

In this section, we will focus on how to remediate the security issue in our example. Your actions will vary based on your organization and the resources affected. It’s important to note that these actions will impact the EKS cluster and associated workloads, and should accordingly be performed by or coordinated with the cluster operator.

Before you take action on the EKS cluster, you will need to preserve forensic artifacts and evidence for the impacted EKS resources. The order of operations for these actions matters, because you want to get all the data from forensic artifacts in order to determine the overall impact to the resources affected. If you quarantine resources before you capture forensic artifacts, there is a risk that running processes will be interrupted or that the malware attempts to destroy resources that are valuable to a forensics investigation, to cover its tracks.

To preserve forensic evidence

  1. Enable termination protection on the impacted worker node and change the shutdown behavior to Stop.
  2. Label the offending pod or node with a label indicating that it is part of an active investigation.
  3. Cordon the worker node.
  4. Capture both volatile (temporary memory) and non-volatile (Amazon EBS snapshots) artifacts on the worker node.

Now that you have the forensic evidence, you can start to quarantine your EKS resources to restrict unauthorized network communication. The main objective is to prevent the affected EKS pods from communicating with internal resources or exfiltrating data externally.

To quarantine EKS resources

  1. Isolate the pod by creating a network policy that denies ingress and egress traffic to the pod.
  2. Attach a security group to the host and remove inbound and outbound rules. Take this action if you believe the underlying host has been compromised.

    Depending on existing inbound and outbound rules on the security group, the connections will either be tracked or untracked. Applying an isolation security group will drop untracked connections. For tracked connections, new connections with the host will not be allowed from the isolation security group, but existing tracked connections will not be interrupted.

    Important: This action will affect all containers running on the host.

  3. Attach a deny rule for the EKS resources in a network access control list (network ACL). Because network ACLs are stateless firewalls, all connections will be interrupted, whether they are tracked or untracked connections.

    Important: This action will affect all subnets using the network ACL and all resources within those subnets.

At this point, the affected EKS resources are quarantined, but the cluster is still configured to allow anonymous, unauthenticated access. You will need to remove all unauthorized permissions that were created or added.

To remove unauthorized permissions

  1. Update the RBAC configuration to remove system:anonymous access.
  2. Revoke temporary security credentials that are assigned to the pod or worker node, if necessary. You can also remove the IAM role associated with the EKS resources.

    Note: Removing IAM policies or attaching IAM policies to restrict permissions will affect the resources that are using the IAM role.

  3. Remove any unauthorized ClusterRoleBinding created by the system:anonymous user.
  4. Redeploy the compromised pod or workload resource.

The actions taken so far primarily target the EKS resource, but based on our Detective investigation, there are other actions you might need to take. Because secrets were involved that could be used outside of the EKS cluster, those secrets will need to be rotated wherever they are referenced. Detective will also suggest additional areas where you can investigate and remediate additional unauthorized activity in your AWS account.

It is important that your team go through game days or run-throughs for investigating and responding to different scenarios in order to make sure the team is prepared. You can run through the EKS security workshop to get your security team more familiar with remediation for EKS.

For more information about responding to EKS cluster related security issues, refer to GuardDuty EKS remediation in the GuardDuty User Guide and the EKS Best Practices Guide.

Preventative controls for EKS

This section covers several preventative controls that you can use to protect EKS clusters.

How can I prevent external access to the EKS cluster?

To help prevent external access to your EKS clusters, limit the exposure of your API server. You can achieve that in two ways:

  1. Set the API server endpoint access to Private. This will effectively forbid anyone outside of the VPC to send Kubernetes API requests to your EKS cluster.
  2. Set an IP address allow list for the EKS cluster public access endpoint.

How can I prevent giving admin access to the EKS cluster?

To help prevent an EKS cluster user from granting any type of access to anonymous or unauthenticated users, you can set up a ValidatingAdmissionWebhook. This is a special type of Kubernetes admission controller that can be configured in the Kubernetes API. (To learn how to build serverless admission webhooks, see the blog post Building serverless admission webhooks for Kubernetes with AWS SAM.)

The ValidatingAdmissionWebhook will deny a Kubernetes API request that matches all of the following checks:

  1. The request is creating or modifying a ClusterRoleBinding or RoleBinding.
  2. The subjects section contains either of the following:
    • The user system:anonymous
    • The group system:unauthenticated

How can I prevent malicious images from being deployed?

Now that you have set controls to prevent external access to the EKS cluster and prevent granting access to anonymous users, you can focus on preventing the deployment of potentially malicious images.

Malicious container images can have different origins, including:

  1. Images stored in public or unauthorized registries
  2. Images replacing the ones that are stored in authorized registries
  3. Authorized images that contain software with existing or newly discovered vulnerabilities

You can address these sources of malicious images by doing the following:

  1. Use admission controllers to verify that images meet your organization’s requirements, including for the image origin. You can also refer to this this blog post to implement a solution with a webhook and admission controllers.
  2. Enable tag immutability in your registry, a control that prevents an actor from maliciously replacing container images without changing the image’s tags. Additionally, you can enable an AWS Config rule to check tag immutability
  3. Configure another ValidatingAdmissionWebhook that will only accept images if they meet all of the following criteria.
    1. Images that come from approved registries.
    2. Images that pass the vulnerability scan during deployment time.
    3. Images that are signed by a trusted party. Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) is working on a product enhancement to store image signatures. Currently, you can use an open-source cosign tool to verify and store image signatures.

      Note: These criteria can vary based on your use case and internal security and compliance standards.

The above controls will help prevent the deployment of a vulnerable, unauthorized, or potentially malicious container image.

How can I prevent lateral movement inside the cluster?

To prevent lateral movement inside the cluster, it is recommended to use network policies, as follows:

  • Enforce Kubernetes network policies to enforce ingress and egress controls within the cluster. You can implement these policies by following the steps in the Securing your cluster with network policies EKS workshop.

It’s important to note that you could use security groups for the same purpose, but pod security groups should only be used if the cluster is compromised and when you want to control the traffic between a pod and a resource that resides in the VPC, not inter-pod traffic.

In this section, we’ve reviewed different preventative controls that could have helped mitigate our example security incident. With the first preventative control, we could have prevented external actors from connecting to the API server. The second control could have prevented granting access to anonymous users. The third control could have prevented the deployment of an unauthorized or vulnerable container image. Finally, the fourth control could have helped limit the impact of the deployed vulnerable images to only the pods where the images were deployed, making it harder to laterally move to other pods in the cluster.


In this post, we walked you through how to investigate an EKS cluster related security issue with Amazon Detective. We also provided some recommended remediation and preventative controls to put in place for the EKS cluster specific security issues. When pairing GuardDuty’s ability for continuous threat detection and monitoring with Detective’s organization and visualization capabilities, you enable your security team to conduct faster and more effective investigation. By providing the security team the ability quickly view an organized set of data associated with security events within your AWS account, you reduce the overall Mean Time to Respond (MTTR).

Now that you understand the investigative capabilities with Detective, it’s time to try things out! It is important that you provide a mechanism for your security team to practice detection, investigation, and remediation techniques using security incident response simulations. By periodically running simulations, your security team will be prepared to quickly respond to possible security events. You can find more detailed incident response playbooks that can assist you in preparing for events in your environment, see these sample AWS incident response playbooks.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a thread on Amazon GuardDuty re:Post.

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Marshall Jones

Marshall is a worldwide senior security specialist solutions architect at AWS. His background is in AWS consulting and security architecture, focused on a variety of security domains including edge, threat detection, and compliance. Today, he helps enterprise customers adopt and operationalize AWS security services to increase security effectiveness and reduce risk.

Jonathan Nguyen

Jonathan Nguyen

Jonathan is a shared delivery team senior security consultant at AWS. His background is in AWS security, with a focus on threat detection and incident response. He helps enterprise customers develop a comprehensive AWS security strategy, deploy security solutions at scale, and train customers on AWS security best practices.

Manuel Martinez Arizmendi

Manuel Martinez Arizmendi

Manuel works a Security Engineer at Amazon Detective providing new security investigation capabilities to AWS customers. Based on Boston,MA and originally from Madrid, Spain, when he’s not at work, he enjoys playing and watching soccer, playing videogames, and hanging out with his friends.

New analytical questions available in Amazon QuickSight Q: “Why” and “Forecast”

Post Syndicated from Shannon Kalisky original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/new-analytical-questions-available-in-amazon-quicksight-q-why-and-forecast/

Amazon QuickSight Q uses machine learning (ML) to enable any user to ask questions about business data in natural language and receive accurate answers with relevant visualizations in seconds. Today, Amazon QuickSight announces support for two new question types that simplify and scale complex analytical tasks using natural language: “forecast” and “why.”

In this post, we explore each of these new question types with examples of how to use them.


The features explored in this post are part of QuickSight Q. If you’re an existing QuickSight user, be sure that the Q add-on is enabled. For steps on how to do this, see Getting Started with Amazon QuickSight Q.

Forecasting questions

Customers often ask how they can forecast future business performance. This is a useful tool to understand if things are proceeding well, or if some action may be needed to get back on track. Forecasting uses historic data to project metrics into the future.

Creating forecasts is often the job of analysts or data scientists. However, the new forecasting question type in Q enables non-analyst users to predict future trajectories for up to three measures simultaneously. Rather than learning formulas or parameter settings, you can get a forecast by entering forecast into the language bar, followed by up to three metrics that you want to see predictions for. This natural language approach is an easy and intuitive way for managers and others who depend on data to get a sense of what’s likely to happen if things don’t change.

Although the experience of creating a forecast in Q is simple, under the hood is a proven and robust forecasting algorithm called Random Cut Forest (RCF). For more information, see How RCF is applied to generate forecasts.

How to ask a forecasting question

To ask a forecasting question, start the question with the word forecast or the phrase Show me a forecast. The minimum information needed to create a forecast is one of these two question starters, plus the measure you want to forecast. For example, Forecast sales is enough to generate a forecast, as shown in the following screenshot.

Forecasting in Q also supports filters. Filters are applied by adding information to the question. The following example shows using a filter in a forecast statement.

Q allows you to forecast up to three numeric measures in a single question. The following example shows a forecast of sales, profit, and quantity.

If the data you have is dense, it can cause the forecast to be crowded into the right side of the visual. Adjusting the time granularity to a coarser step, such as going from weekly granularity to monthly, will help make the visual easier to read. To do this, simply specify the desired time granularity in the question. The following example shows a different view of the previous example grouped by month instead of week.

Note that at this release forecasting in Q doesn’t support dimensional group-by functionality. Dimensional group-bys split the forecast by the different values in a categorical field, for example: Show me a forecast of sales by region.

Why questions

“Why” is one of the most fundamental questions people ask. For many organizations, understanding why is the key to delighting customers, driving innovation, and outmaneuvering the competition. However, manually analyzing a body of data to discover contributing changes is difficult, time-consuming, and requires special analytics skill.

The new why question type enables business users to instantly get insights previously only accessible to trained analysts. Business users need to understand what contributed to changes in their data, so they can make decisions about what action to take. Why questions are easy to ask and natural to think of, so business users can quickly pinpoint insights they need to know.

When you ask a why question in Q, you trigger an on-the-fly contribution analysis that will automatically identify the key drivers of change for the measure you asked about and quantify which value from each driver contributed the most to that change. This gives you an idea of the relative influence each value had to the measure.

How to ask a why question

A why question needs three things:

  • To start with the word “why.”
  • A numeric measure, such as sales, enrollment numbers, profit, price, and so on.
  • A date or time span, such as last quarter, January 2022, or last month. Note that at this release the time span should be complete, but asking about ongoing spans such as “this week” or “this year” or specifying the current month will not yet work.

Why questions often start from seeing something that sparks our curiosity. For example, if I were an administrator reviewing student enrollment and I saw the following visual, I would naturally wonder “Why did enrollment drop in 2021?”

Now we can ask just that, as shown in the following screenshot.

The why answer identifies up to four key drivers (shown in the blue ovals on the left side of the answer), which get unpacked into contribution narratives (center of the answer) that describe the specific value from the key driver that played the biggest role. On the right side of the answer is a quick-view KPI that summarizes the change in the key driver value. Note that you may need to mouse over and scroll in the Q answer pane to see all the drivers.

Refining why questions

In the why answer displayed in the previous example, enrollment dropped more in the fall semester, which is why it appears as a top contributor to the drop in enrollment. To drill into the factors that influenced the drop in fall enrollment, you can ask more precise questions. In this case, adding in the fall to the end of the question focuses the analysis on just the fall semester.

Focusing on fall brings more specific metrics, and reveals gender is an additional key driver specific to that semester.

You can explore additional drivers by choosing the driver and changing to a different field. This can be a helpful way understand the impact of another variable or to avoid redundancy if the data structure led Q to recommend two very similar or overlapping dimensions.

In the following example, we can change State to Student Classification to explore if the drop in enrollment disproportionately impacted any particular student group, such as freshman or graduate students.

In the following result, enrollment from juniors (third-year students) was much lower than it was in 2020, and represents a large portion of the drop in enrollment.


With why and forecasting questions, business users can dig deeper to understand the contributing factors of metric changes or model potential growth. These new question types are available at no additional cost for all Q customers.

The examples used in post utilize the sample QuickSight topics that come included with your QuickSight subscription. For forecasting, we used the Software Sales sample topic, and for why questions, we used the Student Enrollment sample topic. To try the questions on your own, activate the applicable sample topic.

About the author

Shannon Kalisky is a Senior Product Manager – Technical that covers natural language question patterns and model robustness for Amazon QuickSight Q.

Deploy AWS Organizations resources by using CloudFormation

Post Syndicated from Matt Luttrell original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/deploy-aws-organizations-resources-by-using-cloudformation/

AWS recently announced that AWS Organizations now supports AWS CloudFormation. This feature allows you to create and update AWS accounts, organizational units (OUs), and policies within your organization by using CloudFormation templates. With this latest integration, you can efficiently codify and automate the deployment of your resources in AWS Organizations.

You can now manage your AWS organization resources using infrastructure as code (iaC) and make changes in a central place. This can help reduce the time required to build a new organization, expand or modify the existing organization, replicate your organization infrastructure, or apply and update policies across multiple accounts and OUs. You can also delete organization resources by deleting the stacks.

In this blog post, we will show you how to create various AWS Organizations resources for a multi-account organization by using a CloudFormation template.

How does it work?

A CloudFormation template describes your desired resources and their dependencies so that you can launch and configure them together as a stack. You can use a template to create, update, and delete an entire stack as a single unit instead of managing resources individually.

With CloudFormation support for AWS Organizations, you can now do the following:

  • Create, delete, or update an organizational unit (OU). An OU is a container for accounts that allows you to organize your accounts to apply policies according to your needs.
  • Create accounts in your organization, add tags, and attach them to OUs.
  • Add or remove a tag on an OU.
  • Create, delete, or update a service control policy (SCP), backup policy, tag policy and artificial intelligence (AI) services opt-out policy.
  • Add or remove a tag on an SCP, backup policy, tag policy, and AI services opt-out policy.
  • Attach or detach an SCP, backup policy, tag policy, and AI services opt-out policy to a target (root, OU, or account).

To create AWS Organizations resources using CloudFormation, you will need to use your organization’s management account. As of this writing, the new resource types may only be deployed from the organization’s management account or delegated administration account.

Overview of the new resource types

The following are the three new resource types available for the implementation and management of an account, OU, and organizations policy in CloudFormation:


This blog post assumes that you have AWS Organizations enabled in your management account. You also need the tag policy and service control policy types enabled in your management account. For instructions on how to create an organization, see Create your organization.

You should also review the following important points for creating resources in AWS Organizations:

  • AWS Organizations supports the creation of a single account at a time. If you include multiple accounts in a single CloudFormation template, you should use the DependsOn attribute so that your accounts are created sequentially.
  • Before you can create a policy of a given type, you must first enable that policy type in your organization.
  • The number of levels deep that you can nest OUs depends on the policy types that you have enabled for the root. For SCPs, the limit is five.
  • To modify the AccountName, Email, and RoleName for the account resource parameters, you must sign in to the AWS Management Console as the AWS account root user.
  • Since the CloudFormation template in this blog deploys Account and Organization Unit resources, you must deploy it in your organization’s management account.

For a complete list of dependencies, see the AWS Organizations resource type reference.

Use a CloudFormation template with the new AWS Organizations resources

In this section, we will walk you through a sample CloudFormation template that incorporates the newly supported AWS Organizations resources. CloudFormation provisions and configures the resources for you, so that you don’t have to individually create and configure them and determine resource dependencies.

The template will create the following resources and structure.

  • Three organizational units
    • Infrastructure – Within the organizational root
    • Production – Within the Infrastructure OU
    • Security – Within the organizational root
  • One account
    • AccountA – Within the Production child OU
  • Two service control policies
    • PreventLeavingOrganization – Attached to the organizational root
    • PreventCloudTrailDisablement – Attached to the Security OU
  • One tag policy

Note: The above OU and account layout is only an example for the purpose of this blog post. Please refer to Organizing Your AWS Environment Using Multiple Accounts whitepaper for more information on multi-account strategy best practices & recommendations.

Download the template

  • Download the CloudFormation template. The following shows the contents of the template:
    AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
    Description: "AWS Organizations using Cloudformation - Creates OU, nested OU, account and organizations policies"
        Description: 'Organization ID'
        Type: String 
          Type: AWS::Organizations::OrganizationalUnit
              Name: Infrastructure
              ParentId: !Ref OrganizationRoot
          Type: AWS::Organizations::OrganizationalUnit
              Name: Security
              ParentId: !Ref OrganizationRoot
          Type: AWS::Organizations::OrganizationalUnit 
              Name: Production
              ParentId: { "Ref" : "InfrastructureOU" }
          DependsOn: InfrastructureOU
          Type: AWS::Organizations::Account
              AccountName: AccountA
              Email: [email protected]
              ParentIds: [{"Ref": "ProductionOU"}]            
          Type: AWS::Organizations::Policy
              TargetIds: [{"Ref": "OrganizationRoot"}]
              Name: PreventLeavingOrganization
              Description: Prevent member accounts from leaving the organization
              Type: SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY
              Content: >-
                    "Version": "2012-10-17",
                    "Statement": [
                            "Effect": "Deny",
                            "Action": [
                            "Resource": "*"
                - Key: DoNotDelete
                  Value: True
          Type: AWS::Organizations::Policy
              TargetIds: [{"Ref": "SecurityOU"}]
              Name: PreventCloudTrailDisablement
              Description: Prevent users from disabling CloudTrail or altering its configuration
              Type: SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY
              Content: >-
                  "Version": "2012-10-17",
                  "Statement": [
                      "Effect": "Deny",
                      "Action": [
                      "Resource": "*"
          Type: AWS::Organizations::Policy
              TargetIds: [{"Ref": "ProductionOU"}]
              Name: DefineTagKeyCase
              Description: CostCenter tag should comply with case specified in the policy
              Type: TAG_POLICY
              Content: >-
                    "tags": {
                      "CostCenter": {
                          "tag_key": {
                            "@@assign": "CostCenter",
                            "@@operators_allowed_for_child_policies": ["@@none"]

Create a stack with the template

In this section, you will create a stack by using the CloudFormation template that you downloaded.

To create the stack

  1. Create the AWS Organizations resources outlined in the template by creating an IAM role for CloudFormation using the following IAM permissions policy and trust policy.

Permissions policy

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "ReadOnlyPermissions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "AllowCreationOfResources",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "AllowModificationOfResources",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

Trust policy

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Service": "cloudformation.amazonaws.com"
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
  1. Sign in to the management account for your organization, navigate to the CloudFormation console, and choose Create stack.
  2. Choose With new resources (standard), upload the template file, and choose Next.

    Figure 1: CloudFormation console showing creation of stack

    Figure 1: CloudFormation console showing creation of stack

  3. Enter a name for the stack (for example, CloudFormationForAWSOrganizations). For OrganizationRoot, enter your organizations root ID. You can find the root ID in the AWS Organizations console.
  4. Choose Create stack.
  5. On the Configure stack options page, in the Permissions section, choose the IAM role that you granted permissions to previously, as shown in Figure 2. Then choose Next.
    Figure 2: Set IAM role permissions for CloudFormation

    Figure 2: Set IAM role permissions for CloudFormation

    You will see a screen showing stack creation in progress.

    Figure 3: CloudFormation console showing stack creation in progress

    Figure 3: CloudFormation console showing stack creation in progress

  6. When the stack has been created, choose the Resources tab to see the resources created.

    Figure 4: CloudFormation console showing stack resources created

    Figure 4: CloudFormation console showing stack resources created

Confirm and visualize the resources created by using the console

In this section, you will use the console to confirm and visualize the resources created.

To confirm and visualize the resources

  1. Navigate to the AWS Organizations console.
  2. In the left navigation pane, choose AWS accounts to see the OUs and account that were created.

    Figure 5: AWS Organizations console showing the organization structure

    Figure 5: AWS Organizations console showing the organization structure

Confirm the service control policy created and attached to the organization’s root

In this section, you will confirm that the SCP was created and attached to the organization’s root.

Note: When you enable SCPs on an organization, an AWS full access policy is attached by default at each level (root, OU, and account) of your organization. Because you can attach policies to multiple levels of the organization, accounts can inherit multiple policies with an effect of deny. For more details, see inheritance for service control policies.

To confirm the SCP was created and attached to the root

  1. To view the service control policy, choose Root, and then in the section Applied policies, review the list of policies. The PreventLeavingOrganization SCP prevents the use of the LeaveOrganization API so that member accounts can’t remove their accounts from the organization.

    Figure 6: AWS Organizations console showing the organization’s root

    Figure 6: AWS Organizations console showing the organization’s root

  2. To confirm that the DoNotDelete tag was attached to the PreventLeavingOrganization SCP, choose the policy name and then choose the Tags tab.

    Figure 7: SCP with tags attached to it in Organizations

    Figure 7: SCP with tags attached to it in Organizations

Confirm the service control policy created and attached to the Security OU

In this section, you will confirm that the PreventCloudTrailDisablement SCP was created and attached to the Security OU, thus preventing users or roles in the accounts in the security OU from disabling an AWS CloudTrail log.

To confirm that the SCP was created and attached to the Security OU

  1. From the left navigation pane, choose AWS accounts, and then choose Security.
  2. On the Security page, choose the Policies tab to see a list of policies.
  3. To review and confirm the contents of the policy, choose PreventCloudTrailDisablement.

    Figure 8: SCP attached to the Security OU in Organizations

    Figure 8: SCP attached to the Security OU in Organizations

Confirm the account and tag policy created and attached to the Production OU

In this step, you will confirm that the account and tag policy were created and attached to the Production OU.

To confirm creation of the account and tag policy in the Production OU

  1. On the Production page, choose the Children tab to confirm that the account named AccountA was created.

    Figure 9: The Production OU and account A in Organizations

    Figure 9: The Production OU and account A in Organizations

  2. To confirm that the DefineTagKeyCase tag policy was attached to the Production OU, do the following:
    1. From the left navigation pane, choose AWS accounts, and then choose Production.
    2. Choose the Policies tab to see the list of policies.
    3. In the Tag policies section, under Applied policies, choose DefineTagKeyCase to confirm the contents of the policy. This policy defines the tag key and the capitalization that you want accounts in the production OU to standardize on.

      Figure 10: SCP and tag policy attached to the Production OU in Organizations

      Figure 10: SCP and tag policy attached to the Production OU in Organizations


In this blog post, you learned how to create AWS Organizations resources, including organizational units, accounts, service control policies, and tag policies by using CloudFormation. You can use this new feature to model the state of your infrastructure as code and to help deploy your AWS resources in a safe, repeatable manner at scale.

To learn more about managing AWS Organizations resources with CloudFormation, see AWS Organizations resource type reference in the CloudFormation documentation.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Matt Luttrell

Matt is a Sr. Solutions Architect on the AWS Identity Solutions team. When he’s not spending time chasing his kids around, he enjoys skiing, cycling, and the occasional video game.

Swara Gandhi

Swara Gandhi

Swara is a solutions architect on the AWS Identity Solutions team. She works on building secure and scalable end-to-end identity solutions. She is passionate about everything identity, security, and cloud.

Run queries concurrently and see query history using Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2

Post Syndicated from Anusha Challa original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/run-queries-concurrently-and-see-query-history-using-amazon-redshift-query-editor-v2/

Amazon Redshift is a fast, fully managed, petabyte-scale cloud data warehouse. You have the flexibility to choose from provisioned and serverless compute modes. You can start loading and querying large datasets conveniently in Amazon Redshift using Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2, a web-based SQL client application.

Query Editor v2 empowers your technical and business teams by providing several easy-to-use features. The following are some notable actions you can perform:

  • Browse through multiple database storage and code objects using a hierarchical tree-view panel.
  • Create databases, schemas, tables, functions, and more using an easy-to-follow GUI.
  • Load industry standard sample datasets such as tpcds, tpch, and tickit in just a few clicks.
  • Load data from Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). You can query external datasets in Amazon S3 or Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) PostgreSQL and MySQL databases.
  • Create multiple SQL editors and SQL notebooks in separate tabs to author and run queries. This offers the following features:
    • Use each tab to run queries on a different provisioned cluster’s database or serverless workgroup’s database. You can choose where to connect or change where you’re connected using a drop-down menu.
    • Create charts to visualize the output using the built-in chart wizard. It supports different types of charts, such as histogram, bar chart, area chart, and more.
    • Export query results into JSON or CSV formats.
    • Turn on explain graph to display a graphical representation of your query’s explain plan.
  • Save queries and share them to collaborate with your teams.
  • Use SQL notebooks to organize, annotate, and share multiple SQL queries in a single document. With SQL notebooks, you can present a compelling data story to your stakeholders.
  • Define session-level variables.

In this post, we describe two of Query Editor v2’s most requested features:

  • Run multiple queries concurrently
  • View the query history for an individual tab or consolidated query history for all tabs

Run queries concurrently

With Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2, you can run multiple queries concurrently on a provisioned cluster’s database or serverless workgroup’s database. In the past, you had to wait for query runs on other tabs to complete in order to start a new query run. This is no longer the case in Query Editor v2. You can use multiple editors or notebooks that are using isolated sessions to run multiple queries concurrently.

To run queries in SQL editors or SQL notebooks in Query Editor v2, you start by connecting to a serverless workgroup or provisioned cluster’s database. Then you create a SQL editor tab or SQL notebook tab to author queries and loads. Each tab can either use an isolated session or a shared session. New tabs in Query Editor v2 use an isolated session by default. If a tab uses an isolated session, the queries in other tabs can’t see the session-level changes made by it. For example, a temporary table is valid only within a session. If you create a temporary table using a SQL editor tab that is using an isolated session, the other tabs—even if they’re connected to the same endpoint and database—can’t see this temporary table.

You can change an isolated session to a shared session by turning off the Isolated session option. Tabs using a shared session can see the session-level changes (such as temporary tables) created in other tabs that use shared connections to the same database. A connection is unique to a provisioned cluster’s database or a serverless workgroup’s database. Tabs connected to the same endpoint (provisioned cluster or serverless workgroup) but to different databases can’t share the same connection because the databases they’re connected to are different.

In Query Editor v2, you can run queries concurrently on the same database from tabs that use isolated sessions. Tabs using the shared connection must wait until a query run is complete in other tabs that are sharing the same connection.

Let’s see how you can load data into multiple tables concurrently using Query Editor V2. The tables we loading for this example are orders, supplier, and customer from the tpcds dataset.

Follow these steps to run queries concurrently:

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, navigate to Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2.
  2. In the tree-view panel, choose the Amazon Redshift provisioned cluster or Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup you want to connect.

You can navigate through multiple connections and view objects, as shown in the following screenshot.

redshift query v2

  1. Connect by choosing one of the authentication modes.
  2. Choose the plus sign to create as many SQL editors as the concurrent queries you require. Because we’re going to run queries to load three tables concurrently, we created three editors.

Redshift query editor v2

  1. To save SQL queries, choose (double-click) the name and enter a name to describe the query (for example, query1, query2, query3).
  2. You can choose the serverless workgroup or provisioned cluster to connect by using the drop-down menu, as shown in the following screenshot. You can also choose the database to connect. Because we want to run queries to load all three tables on the same database, choose the same compute and database for all SQL editor tabs.

serverless: workgroup

  1. Author queries you want to run concurrently in each SQL editor.
  2. Choose Run on each tab to run the queries concurrently.

Like in SQL editors, you can run queries in multiple SQL notebooks concurrently. After you author the notebooks, choose Run all in each of the notebooks.

run queries in multiple SQL notebooks

Account settings for concurrent connections

By default, you can have three concurrent connections running queries using Query Editor v2. This is an account-level setting that can only be changed by an admin user. In account settings, you can change the maximum concurrent connections value from the default value 3 to a value between 1–10. To open account settings, choose the settings icon and choose Account settings.

account settings

Under Connection settings, choose a number between 1–10 for Maximum concurrent connections and choose Save. It can take up to 10 minutes for the setting change to take effect.

connection settings

This lets you to control the number of queries your users can run concurrently, so that they don’t put a large load on the database. If your users run more than the allowed number of concurrent queries, they receive an error indicating that “The current limit of <<?>> connections has been reached. Close another connection, use a non-isolated session or contact your Query Editor v2 account administrator to adjust the limit.”

View connections

To see connections, choose the settings icon and choose Connections.


For each connection, the cluster or workgroup name, database name, database user, type of session (isolated or shared) and status (busy if a query is actively running, idle if no query is running) are displayed. You can choose Go to tab to navigate to the tab associated with the connection. You can choose Close to close the connection.

close the connection

View query history

You can see the history of the last 1,000 queries that ran in Query Editor v2 in the query history. If you forgot to save your queries, you can retrieve them from the query history. You can also see the duration, status, runtime, and query text of your queries. Queries that ran from all SQL editors and SQL notebooks are available in the query history.

To get started, navigate to the Query history page in Query Editor v2. You can choose to see the last 1,000 queries that ran in the last 3 days, this week, this month, this year, or for all time.

Query history

Search for queries in query history

You can also search for queries. For example, to search for queries that have the word “nation,” enter nation in the search box and press Enter. The query history page refreshes to show queries with the keyword “nation.”


Similarly, you can search for the queries that ran on a provisioned cluster or serverless workgroup. For example, to search for queries that ran on the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup that have the phrase “curate” in its name, enter curate in the search box.


You can also search for queries that ran on a database. Enter the name of the database in the search box. For example, the following are the queries that ran on the database sample_data_dev.


View query details

For any query in the query history, you can see query details by choosing View query details on the Actions menu for that query.

view query details

For the chosen query, you can see the following details:

  • Local time when the query run started
  • Local time when the query run ended
  • Total query runtime
  • Query status (Running, Succeeded, Failed, or Canceled)
  • Cluster or workgroup in which the query ran
  • Database in which the query ran

query details

From the query details, to go back to the query history, simply choose Back.

Open query in a new tab

You can open a query in a new tab by selecting the query in the query history and choosing Open query in a new tab on the Actions menu.

Open query in a new tab

The query opens in a new untitled SQL editor.

opens in a new untitled SQL editor

Open saved queries, saved notebooks, or the source tab

You can save SQL editors and SQL notebooks authored using Query Editor v2. To see them, you can navigate to the Saved queries and Saved notebooks pages, respectively. If the query you’re seeing from the query history is part of a saved query, the Open saved query option is available on the Actions menu. You can then open the saved query by choosing that option.

Open saved query

If the query you’re seeing in the query history is part of a saved notebook, the Open saved notebook option is available on the Actions menu. You can then open the saved notebook by choosing that option.

Open saved notebook

If you ran your query from an un-saved editor tab, and the tab isn’t closed yet, you can open the source tab used for the query run by choosing the Open source tab option on the Actions menu.

Open source tab

View tab history

In Query Editor v2, in addition to seeing a consolidated query history for all SQL editors and SQL notebooks, you can see the tab-level query run history. Tabs can represent either an editor or a SQL notebook. You can see tab history for both of them.

View tab history for SQL editor tabs

SQL editor tabs are represented by the file icon. To see tab history, choose the options menu (three dots) and choose Tab history.

Tab history

When the tab history opens, you can see the queries that were run in that SQL editor tab and how long ago were they run. You can copy the query, open it in a new SQL editor tab, or see query details by choosing the options menu (three dots) next to each query.

see query details by choosing the options menu

View tab history for notebook tabs

Notebook tabs are represented by the notebook icon. On the notebook tab, to see tab history, choose the options menu (three dots) and choose Tab history.

Tab history 2

When the tab history opens, you can see the queries that were run in that notebook tab and how long ago were they run. You can copy the query, open it in a new SQL editor tab, or see query details by choosing the options menu (three dots) next to each query.

tab history for notebook tabs


In this post, we introduced you to concurrent query runs and query history features of Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2. It has powerful yet easy-to-use features that your teams can use to query and load datasets. If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment.

Happy querying!

About the Authors

Anusha Challa is a Senior Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect focused on Amazon Redshift. She has helped many customers build large scale data warehouses in the cloud and on premises.

Bahadir Özavci is a Senior Software Engineer focused on Amazon Redshift. He primarily works on designing and building features for Amazon Redshift customers to provide a great IDE experience. Outside of work, you can find him cooking or playing roguelike video games.

Mohamed Shaaban is a Senior Software Engineer in Amazon Redshift and is based in Berlin, Germany. He has over 12 years of experience in the software engineering. He is passionate about cloud services and building solutions that delight customers. Outside of work, he is an amateur photographer who loves to explore and capture unique moments.

Erol Murtezaoglu, a Technical Product Manager at AWS, is an inquisitive and enthusiastic thinker with a drive for self-improvement and learning. He has a strong and proven technical background in software development and architecture, balanced with a drive to deliver commercially successful products. Erol highly values the process of understanding customer needs and problems in order to deliver solutions that exceed expectations.

BloomIP Automatically Identifies production issues with Amazon DevOps Guru

Post Syndicated from David Ernst original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/bloomip-automatically-identifies-production-issues-with-amazon-devops-guru/

Operational excellence is critical for BloomIP’s customers. In this post, you will see how we built a solution to automate the detection of trends and issues in production workloads by implementing Amazon DevOps Guru for our clients.

BloomIP ensures your business is ready for what’s ahead, with security, scalability, performance, and cost control. We are cloud solutions partner that gets to know both the people and processes in your business.

The Challenge

Identifying operational issues within applications and services is time-consuming. This requires developers and cloud engineers to spend valuable time manually debugging using multiple tools. We needed to quickly identify any operational issues related to our clients applications, including any load balancer errors or user delays in accessing their application. Ensuring the application is up and running during certain times of the day is crucial to the success of our client’s business. We needed to identify any downtime or performance patterns and quickly address any related issues.

Analyzing an AWS environment after any incident requires a combination of tools such as Amazon CloudWatch, AWS Config, AWS CloudTrail, AWS CloudFormation, and AWS X-Ray. We spend hours pouring over the information in each tool to try to identify patterns and troubleshooting steps. Still, identifying issues that correlate between those tools is a manual process.

Automating Identification of Operational Issues

To address the challenges of tedious and manual processes of analyzing different tools to identify patterns, we implemented Amazon DevOps Guru  for many of our clients. Amazon DevOps Guru helps us automatically ingests all related data from the services mentioned above and applies Machine Learning techniques to analyze and recommend fixes for abnormal behaviors. Amazon DevOps Guru organizes its findings into reactive and proactive insights.

We capture Amazon DevOps Guru Insights as events using Amazon EventBridg, and send them to an  Amazon SNS Topic, which then notifies us via email and Slack.

Architecture diagram showing a typical 3 tier web app using AWS services and integrating the application with Amazon DevOps Guru, Amazon Eventbridge and Amazon SNS Topic to send send notifications via Email and Slack

Figure 1. Architecture diagram


BloomIP is leveraging DevOps Guru to scale its operations across multiple customers. Amazon DevOps Guru was easy to enable; it provides us with a single console experience to search and visualize operational data. In addition to detecting anomalies, we can see graphs and timelines related to the numerous anomalous metrics and more contextual information such as relevant events and log snippets. This helps us quickly understand the anomaly scope. Because it integrates data across multiple sources such as Amazon CloudWatch, AWS Config, AWS CloudTrail, AWS CloudFormation, and AWS X-Ray, Amazon DevOps Guru reduces the need for us to use numerous tools.

“We were looking at a way to effortlessly scale our observability needs across multiple clients while ensuring we had the proper coverage. DevOps Guru gives us additional insight and assurance by quickly pointing out anomalies in our client’s environments. With ML-powered recommendations, DevOps Guru has allowed us to remediate repeated production issues automatically. ” – Joshua Haynes, Director of Engineering, BloomIP


Amazon DevOps Guru provides BloomIP with a streamlined approach to visualize operational data by integrating data across multiple sources supporting Amazon CloudWatch, AWS Config, AWS CloudTrail, AWS CloudFormation, and AWS X-Ray and reduces the need to use multiple tools. DevOps Guru gives you a single-console dashboard to look for and visualize anomalies in your operational data.

Start monitoring your AWS applications with AWS DevOps Guru today using this link

About the authors:

David Ernst

David is a Sr. Specialist Solution Architect – DevOps, with 20+ years of experience in designing and implementing software solutions for various industries. David is an automation enthusiast and works with AWS customers to design, deploy, and manage their AWS workloads/architectures.

Abdullahi Olaoye

Abdullahi is a Senior Cloud Architect at AWS Professional Services where he works with customers of different scales to design and build IT solutions that solve business challenges. When he’s not working, he enjoys spending time with his family, traveling and learning history of different varieties through documentaries and podcasts.

Establishing a data perimeter on AWS: Allow only trusted identities to access company data

Post Syndicated from Tatyana Yatskevich original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/establishing-a-data-perimeter-on-aws-allow-only-trusted-identities-to-access-company-data/

As described in an earlier blog post, Establishing a data perimeter on AWS, Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a set of capabilities you can use to implement a data perimeter to help prevent unintended access. One type of unintended access that companies want to prevent is access to corporate data by users who do not belong to the company. A combination of AWS Identity and Access Management (AWS IAM) features and capabilities that can help you achieve this goal in AWS while fostering innovation and agility form the identity perimeter. In this blog post, I will provide an overview of some of the security risks the identity perimeter is designed to address, policy examples, and implementation guidance for establishing the perimeter.

The identity perimeter is a set of coarse-grained preventative controls that help achieve the following objectives:

  • Only trusted identities can access my resources
  • Only trusted identities are allowed from my network

Trusted identities encompass IAM principals that belong to your company, which is typically represented by an AWS Organizations organization. In AWS, an IAM principal is a person or application that can make a request for an action or operation on an AWS resource. There are also scenarios when AWS services perform actions on your behalf using identities that do not belong to your organization. You should consider both types of data access patterns when you create a definition of trusted identities that is specific to your company and your use of AWS services. All other identities are considered untrusted and should have no access except by explicit exception.

Security risks addressed by the identity perimeter

The identity perimeter helps address several security risks, including the following.

Unintended data disclosure due to misconfiguration. Some AWS services support resource-based IAM policies that you can use to grant principals (including principals outside of your organization) permissions to perform actions on the resources they are attached to. While this allows developers to configure resource-based policies based on their application requirements, you should ensure that access to untrusted identities is prohibited even if the developers grant broad access to your resources, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets. Figure 1 illustrates examples of access patterns you would want to prevent—specifically, principals outside of your organization accessing your S3 bucket from a non-corporate AWS account, your on-premises network, or the internet.

Figure 1: Unintended access to your S3 bucket by identities outside of your organization

Figure 1: Unintended access to your S3 bucket by identities outside of your organization

Unintended data disclosure through non-corporate credentials. Some AWS services, such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) and AWS Lambda, let you run code using the IAM credentials of your choosing. Similar to on-premises environments where developers might have access to physical and virtual servers, there is a risk that the developers can bring personal IAM credentials to a corporate network and attempt to move company data to personal AWS resources. For example, Figure 2 illustrates unintended access patterns where identities outside of your AWS Organizations organization are used to transfer data from your on-premises networks or VPC to an S3 bucket in a non-corporate AWS account.

Figure 2: Unintended access from your networks by identities outside of your organization

Figure 2: Unintended access from your networks by identities outside of your organization

Implementing the identity perimeter

Before you can implement the identity perimeter by using preventative controls, you need to have a way to evaluate whether a principal is trusted and do this evaluation effectively in a multi-account AWS environment. IAM policies allow you to control access based on whether the IAM principal belongs to a particular account or an organization, with the following IAM condition keys:

  • The aws:PrincipalOrgID condition key gives you a succinct way to refer to all IAM principals that belong to a particular organization. There are similar condition keys, such as aws:PrincipalOrgPaths and aws:PrincipalAccount, that allow you to define different granularities of trust.
  • The aws:PrincipalIsAWSService condition key gives you a way to refer to AWS service principals when those are used to access resources on your behalf. For example, when you create a flow log with an S3 bucket as the destination, VPC Flow Logs uses a service principal, delivery.logs.amazonaws.com, which does not belong to your organization, to publish logs to Amazon S3.

In the context of the identity perimeter, there are two types of IAM policies that can help you ensure that the call to an AWS resource is made by a trusted identity:

Using the IAM condition keys and the policy types just listed, you can now implement the identity perimeter. The following table illustrates the relationship between identity perimeter objectives and the AWS capabilities that you can use to achieve them.

Data perimeter Control objective Implemented by using Primary IAM capability
Identity Only trusted identities can access my resources. Resource-based policies aws:PrincipalOrgID
Only trusted identities are allowed from my network. VPC endpoint policies

Let’s see how you can use these capabilities to mitigate the risk of unintended access to your data.

Only trusted identities can access my resources

Resource-based policies allow you to specify who has access to the resource and what actions they can perform. Resource-based policies also allow you to apply identity perimeter controls to mitigate the risk of unintended data disclosure due to misconfiguration. The following is an example of a resource-based policy for an S3 bucket that limits access to only trusted identities. Make sure to replace <DOC-EXAMPLE-MY-BUCKET> and <MY-ORG-ID> with your information.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "EnforceIdentityPerimeter",
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Principal": "*",
      "Action": "s3:*",
      "Resource": [
      "Condition": {
        "StringNotEqualsIfExists": {
          "aws:PrincipalOrgID": "<MY-ORG-ID>"
        "BoolIfExists": {
          "aws:PrincipalIsAWSService": "false"

The Deny statement in the preceding policy has two condition keys where both conditions must resolve to true to invoke the Deny effect. This means that this policy will deny any S3 action unless it is performed by an IAM principal within your organization (StringNotEqualsIfExists with aws:PrincipalOrgID) or a service principal (BoolIfExists with aws:PrincipalIsAWSService). Note that resource-based policies on AWS resources do not allow access outside of the account by default. Therefore, in order for another account or an AWS service to be able to access your resource directly, you need to explicitly grant access permissions with appropriate Allow statements added to the preceding policy.

Some AWS resources allow sharing through the use of AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM). When you create a resource share in AWS RAM, you should choose Allow sharing with principals in your organization only to help prevent access from untrusted identities. In addition to the primary capabilities for the identity perimeter, you should also use the ram:RequestedAllowsExternalPrincipals condition key in the AWS Organizations service control policies (SCPs) to specify that resource shares cannot be created or modified to allow sharing with untrusted identities. For an example SCP, see Example service control policies for AWS Organizations and AWS RAM in the AWS RAM User Guide.

Only trusted identities are allowed from my network

When you access AWS services from on-premises networks or VPCs, you can use public service endpoints or connect to supported AWS services by using VPC endpoints. VPC endpoints allow you to apply identity perimeter controls to mitigate the risk of unintended data disclosure through non-corporate credentials. The following is an example of a VPC endpoint policy that allows access to all actions but limits the access to trusted identities only. Replace <MY-ORG-ID> with your information.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "AllowRequestsByOrgsIdentities",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "*"
      "Action": "*",
      "Resource": "*",
      "Condition": {
        "StringEquals": {
          "aws:PrincipalOrgID": "<MY-ORG-ID>"
      "Sid": "AllowRequestsByAWSServicePrincipals",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "*"
      "Action": "*",
      "Resource": "*",
      "Condition": {
        "Bool": {
          "aws:PrincipalIsAWSService": "true"

As opposed to the resource-based policy example, the preceding policy uses Allow statements to enforce the identity perimeter. This is because VPC endpoint policies do not grant any permissions but define the maximum access allowed through the endpoint. Your developers will be using identity-based or resource-based policies to grant permissions required by their applications. We use two statements in this example policy to invoke the Allow effect in two scenarios: if an action is performed by an IAM principal that belongs to your organization (StringEquals with aws:PrincipalOrgID in the AllowRequestsByOrgsIdentities statement) or if an action is performed by a service principal (Bool with aws:PrincipalIsAWSService in the AllowRequestsByAWSServicePrincipals statement). We do not use IfExists in the end of the condition operators in this case, because we want the condition elements to evaluate to true only if the specified keys exist in the request.

It is important to note that in order to apply the VPC endpoint policies to requests originating from your on-premises environment, you need to configure private connectivity to AWS through AWS Direct Connect and/or AWS Site-to-Site VPN. Proper routing rules and DNS configurations will help you to ensure that traffic to AWS services is flowing through your VPC interface endpoints and is governed by the applied policies for supported services. You might also need to implement a mechanism to prevent cross-Region API requests from bypassing the identity perimeter controls within your network.

Extending your identity perimeter

There might be circumstances when you want to grant access to your resources to principals outside of your organization. For example, you might be hosting a dataset in an Amazon S3 bucket that is being accessed by your business partners from their own AWS accounts. In order to support this access pattern, you can use the aws:PrincipalAccount condition key to include third-party account identities as trusted identities in a policy. This is shown in the following resource-based policy example. Replace <DOC-EXAMPLE-MY-BUCKET>, <MY-ORG-ID>, <THIRD-PARTY-ACCOUNT-A>, and <THIRD-PARTY-ACCOUNT-B> with your information.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "EnforceIdentityPerimeter",
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Principal": "*",
      "Action": "s3:*",
      "Resource": [
      "Condition": {
        "StringNotEqualsIfExists": {
          "aws:PrincipalOrgID": "<MY-ORG-ID>",
          "aws:PrincipalAccount": [
        "BoolIfExists": {
          "aws:PrincipalIsAWSService": "false"

The preceding policy adds the aws:PrincipalAccount condition key to the StringNotEqualsIfExists operator. You now have a Deny statement with three condition keys where all three conditions must resolve to true to invoke the Deny effect. Therefore, this policy denies any S3 action unless it is performed by an IAM principal that belongs to your organization (StringNotEqualsIfExists with aws:PrincipalOrgID), by an IAM principal that belongs to specified third-party accounts (StringNotEqualsIfExists with aws:PrincipalAccount), or a service principal (BoolIfExists with aws:PrincipalIsAWSService).

There might also be circumstances when you want to grant access from your networks to identities external to your organization. For example, your applications could be uploading or downloading objects to or from a third-party S3 bucket by using third-party generated pre-signed Amazon S3 URLs. The principal that generates the pre-signed URL will belong to the third-party AWS account. Similar to the previously discussed S3 bucket policy, you can extend your identity perimeter to include identities that belong to trusted third-party accounts by using the aws:PrincipalAccount condition key in your VPC endpoint policy.

Additionally, some AWS services make unauthenticated requests to AWS owned resources through your VPC endpoint. An example of such a pattern is Kernel Live Patching on Amazon Linux 2, which allows you to apply security vulnerability and critical bug patches to a running Linux kernel. Amazon EC2 makes an unauthenticated call to Amazon S3 to download packages from Amazon Linux repositories hosted on Amazon EC2 service-owned S3 buckets. To include this access pattern into your identity perimeter definition, you can choose to allow unauthenticated API calls to AWS owned resources in the VPC endpoint policies.

The following example VPC endpoint policy demonstrates how to extend your identity perimeter to include access to Amazon Linux repositories and to Amazon S3 buckets owned by a third-party. Replace <MY-ORG-ID>, <REGION>, <ACTION>, <THIRD-PARTY-ACCOUNT-A>, and <THIRD-PARTY-BUCKET-ARN> with your information.

 "Version": "2012-10-17",  
 "Statement": [
      "Sid": "AllowRequestsByOrgsIdentities",
      "Effect": "Allow",     
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "*"
      "Action": "*",
      "Resource": "*",
      "Condition": {
        "StringEquals": {
          "aws:PrincipalOrgID": "<MY-ORG-ID>"
      "Sid": "AllowRequestsByAWSServicePrincipals",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "*"
      "Action": "*",
      "Resource": "*",
      "Condition": {
        "Bool": {
          "aws:PrincipalIsAWSService": "true"
      "Sid": "AllowUnauthenticatedRequestsToAWSResources",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "*"
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Sid": "AllowRequestsByThirdPartyIdentitiesToThirdPartyResources",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "*"
      "Action": "<ACTION>",
      "Resource": "<THIRD-PARTY-BUCKET-ARN>",
      "Condition": {
        "StringEquals": {
          "aws:PrincipalAccount": [

The preceding example adds two new statements to the VPC endpoint policy. The AllowUnauthenticatedRequestsToAWSResources statement allows the s3:GetObject action on buckets that host Amazon Linux repositories. The AllowRequestsByThirdPartyIdentitiesToThirdPartyResources statement allows actions on resources owned by a third-party entity by principals that belong to the third-party account (StringEquals with aws:PrincipalAccount).

Note that identity perimeter controls do not eliminate the need for additional network protections, such as making sure that your private EC2 instances or databases are not inadvertently exposed to the internet due to overly permissive security groups.

Apart from preventative controls established by the identity perimeter, we also recommend that you configure AWS Identity and Access Management Access Analyzer. IAM Access Analyzer helps you identify unintended access to your resources and data by monitoring policies applied to supported resources. You can review IAM Access Analyzer findings to identify resources that are shared with principals that do not belong to your AWS Organizations organization. You should also consider enabling Amazon GuardDuty to detect misconfigurations or anomalous access to your resources that could lead to unintended disclosure of your data. GuardDuty uses threat intelligence, machine learning, and anomaly detection to analyze data from various sources in your AWS accounts. You can review GuardDuty findings to identify unexpected or potentially malicious activity in your AWS environment, such as an IAM principal with no previous history invoking an S3 API.

IAM policy samples

This AWS git repository contains policy examples that illustrate how to implement identity perimeter controls for a variety of AWS services and actions. The policy samples do not represent a complete list of valid data access patterns and are for reference purposes only. They are intended for you to tailor and extend to suit the needs of your environment. Make sure that you thoroughly test the provided example policies before you implement them in your production environment.

Deploying the identity perimeter at scale

As discussed earlier, you implement the identity perimeter as coarse-grained preventative controls. These controls typically need to be implemented for each VPC by using VPC endpoint policies and on all resources that support resource-based policies. The effectiveness of these controls relies on their ability to scale with the environment and to adapt to its dynamic nature.

The methodology you use to deploy identity perimeter controls will depend on the deployment mechanisms you use to create and manage AWS accounts. For example, you might choose to use AWS Control Tower and the Customizations for AWS Control Tower solution (CfCT) to govern your AWS environment at scale. You can use CfCT or your custom CI/CD pipeline to deploy VPC endpoints and VPC endpoint policies that include your identity perimeter controls.

Because developers will be creating resources such as S3 buckets and AWS KMS keys on a regular basis, you might need to implement automation to enforce identity perimeter controls when those resources are created or their policies are changed. One option is to use custom AWS Config rules. Alternatively, you can choose to enforce resource deployment through AWS Service Catalog or a CI/CD pipeline. With the AWS Service Catalog approach, you can have identity perimeter controls built into the centrally controlled products that are made available to developers to deploy within their accounts. With the CI/CD pipeline approach, the pipeline can have built-in compliance checks that enforce identity perimeter controls during the deployment. If you are deploying resources with your CI/CD pipeline by using AWS CloudFormation, see the blog post Proactively keep resources secure and compliant with AWS CloudFormation Hooks.

Regardless of the deployment tools you select, identity perimeter controls, along with other baseline security controls applicable to your multi-account environment, should be included in your account provisioning process. You should also audit your identity perimeter configurations periodically and upon changes in your organization, which could lead to modifications in your identity perimeter controls (for example, disabling a third-party integration). Keeping your identity perimeter controls up to date will help ensure that they are consistently enforced and help prevent unintended access during the entire account lifecycle.


In this blog post, you learned about the foundational elements that are needed to define and implement the identity perimeter, including sample policies that you can use to start defining guardrails that are applicable to your environment and control objectives.

Following are additional resources that will help you further explore the identity perimeter topic, including a whitepaper and a hands-on-workshop.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, contact AWS Support or browse AWS re:Post. If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

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Tatyana Yatskevich

Tatyana Yatskevich

Tatyana is a Principal Solutions Architect in AWS Identity. She works with customers to help them build and operate in AWS in the most secure and efficient manner.