Tag Archives: security

New AWS whitepaper: Using AWS in the Context of Canada’s Controlled Goods Program (CGP)

Post Syndicated from Michael Davie original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/new-aws-whitepaper-using-aws-in-the-context-of-canadas-controlled-goods-program-cgp/

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has released a new whitepaper to help Canadian defense and security customers accelerate their use of the AWS Cloud.

The new guide, Using AWS in the Context of Canada’s Controlled Goods Program (CGP), continues our efforts to help AWS customers navigate the regulatory expectations of the Government of Canada’s Controlled Goods Program in a shared responsibility environment.

This whitepaper is intended for customers that are looking to store and process controlled goods information in the AWS Cloud, and is particularly useful for leadership, security, risk, and compliance teams that need to understand CGP requirements and guidance.

The whitepaper summarizes CGP requirements and guidance related to the protection of controlled goods information, and gives CGP-regulated customers information they can use to commence their due diligence and assess how to implement the appropriate programs for their use of AWS Cloud services.

This document is our first that is specific to Canadian regulatory requirements and joins other guides related to specific regulatory regimes around the world. As the regulatory environment continues to evolve, we’ll provide further updates on the AWS Security Blog and the AWS Compliance page. You can find more information on cloud-related regulatory compliance at the AWS Compliance Center. You can also reach out to your AWS account manager for help finding the resources you need.

If you have feedback about this blog post, submit comments in the Comments section below. You can also start a new thread on re:Post to get answers from the community.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Michael Davie

Michael Davie

Michael is a Senior Industry Specialist with AWS Security Assurance. He works with our customers, their regulators, and AWS teams to help raise the bar on secure cloud adoption and usage. Michael has over 20 years of experience working in the defence, intelligence, and technology sectors in Canada and is a licensed professional engineer.

Use IAM Access Analyzer policy generation to grant fine-grained permissions for your AWS CloudFormation service roles

Post Syndicated from Joel Knight original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/use-iam-access-analyzer-policy-generation-to-grant-fine-grained-permissions-for-your-aws-cloudformation-service-roles/

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer provides tools to simplify permissions management by making it simpler for you to set, verify, and refine permissions. One such tool is IAM Access Analyzer policy generation, which creates fine-grained policies based on your AWS CloudTrail access activity—for example, the actions you use with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), AWS Lambda, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). AWS has expanded policy generation capabilities to support the identification of actions used from over 140 services. New additions include services such as AWS CloudFormation, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS). When you request a policy, IAM Access Analyzer generates a policy by analyzing your CloudTrail logs to identify actions used from this group of over 140 services. The generated policy makes it efficient to grant only the required permissions for your workloads. For other services, Access Analyzer helps you by identifying the services used and guides you to add the necessary actions.

In this post, we will show how you can use Access Analyzer to generate an IAM permissions policy that restricts CloudFormation permissions to only those actions that are necessary to deploy a given template, in order to follow the principle of least privilege.

Permissions for AWS CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation lets you create a collection of related AWS and third-party resources and provision them in a consistent and repeatable fashion. A common access management pattern is to grant developers permission to use CloudFormation to provision resources in the production environment and limit their ability to do so directly. This directs developers to make infrastructure changes in production through CloudFormation, using infrastructure-as-code patterns to manage the changes.

CloudFormation can create, update, and delete resources on the developer’s behalf by assuming an IAM role that has sufficient permissions. Cloud administrators often grant this IAM role broad permissions–in excess of what’s necessary to just create, update, and delete the resources from the developer’s template–because it’s not clear what the minimum permissions are for the template. As a result, the developer could use CloudFormation to create or modify resources outside of what’s required for their workload.

The best practice for CloudFormation is to acquire permissions by using the credentials from an IAM role you pass to CloudFormation. When you attach a least-privilege permissions policy to the role, the actions CloudFormation is allowed to perform can be scoped to only those that are necessary to manage the resources in the template. In this way, you can avoid anti-patterns such as assigning the AdministratorAccess or PowerUserAccess policies—both of which grant excessive permissions—to the role.

The following section will describe how to set up your account and grant these permissions.

Prepare your development account

Within your development account, you will configure the same method for deploying infrastructure as you use in production: passing a role to CloudFormation when you launch a stack. First, you will verify that you have the necessary permissions, and then you will create the role and the role’s permissions policy.

Get permissions to use CloudFormation and IAM Access Analyzer

You will need the following minimal permissions in your development account:

  • Permission to use CloudFormation, in particular to create, update, and delete stacks
  • Permission to pass an IAM role to CloudFormation
  • Permission to create IAM roles and policies
  • Permission to use Access Analyzer, specifically the GetGeneratedPolicy, ListPolicyGenerations, and StartPolicyGeneration actions

The following IAM permissions policy can be used to grant your identity these permissions.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "DeveloperPermissions”,
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "AllowPassCloudFormationRole”,
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "iam:PassedToService": "cloudformation.amazonaws.com"

Note: If your identity already has these permissions through existing permissions policies, there is no need to apply the preceding policy to your identity.

Create a role for CloudFormation

Creating a service role for CloudFormation in the development account makes it less challenging to generate the least-privilege policy, because it becomes simpler to identify the actions CloudFormation is taking as it creates and deletes resources defined in the template. By identifying the actions CloudFormation has taken, you can create a permissions policy to match.

To create an IAM role in your development account for CloudFormation

  1. Open the IAM console and choose Roles, then choose Create role.
  2. For the trusted entity, choose AWS service. From the list of services, choose CloudFormation.
  3. Choose Next: Permissions.
  4. Select one or more permissions policies that align with the types of resources your stack will create. For example, if your stack creates a Lambda function and an IAM role, choose the AWSLambda_FullAccess and IAMFullAccess policies.

    Note: Because you have not yet created the least-privilege permissions policy, the role is granted broader permissions than required. You will use this role to launch your stack and evaluate the resulting actions that CloudFormation takes, in order to build a lower-privilege policy.

  5. Choose Next: Tags to proceed.
  6. Enter one or more optional tags, and then choose Next: Review.
  7. Enter a name for the role, such as CloudFormationDevExecRole.
  8. Choose Create role.

Create and destroy the stack

To have CloudFormation exercise the actions required by the stack, you will need to create and destroy the stack.

To create and destroy the stack

  1. Navigate to CloudFormation in the console, expand the menu in the left-hand pane, and choose Stacks.
  2. On the Stacks page, choose Create Stack, and then choose With new resources.
  3. Choose Template is ready, choose Upload a template file, and then select the file for your template. Choose Next.
  4. Enter a Stack name, and then choose Next.
  5. For IAM execution role name, select the name of the role you created in the previous section (CloudFormationDevExecRole). Choose Next.
  6. Review the stack configuration. If present, select the check box(es) in the Capabilities section, and then choose Create stack.
  7. Wait for the stack to reach the CREATE_COMPLETE state before continuing.
  8. From the list of stacks, select the stack you just created, choose Delete, and then choose Delete stack.
  9. Wait until the stack reaches the DELETE_COMPLETE state (at which time it will also disappear from the list of active stacks).

Note: It’s recommended that you also modify the CloudFormation template and update the stack to initiate updates to the deployed resources. This will allow Access Analyzer to capture actions that update the stack’s resources, in addition to create and delete actions. You should also review the API documentation for the resources that are being used in your stack and identify any additional actions that may be required.

Now that the development environment is ready, you can create the least-privilege permissions policy for the CloudFormation role.

Use Access Analyzer to generate a fine-grained identity policy

Access Analyzer reviews the access history in AWS CloudTrail to identify the actions an IAM role has used. Because CloudTrail delivers logs within an average of about 15 minutes of an API call, you should wait at least that long after you delete the stack before you attempt to generate the policy, in order to properly capture all of the actions.

Note: CloudTrail must be enabled in your AWS account in order for policy generation to work. To learn how create a CloudTrail trail, see Creating a trail for your AWS account in the AWS CloudTrail User Guide.

To generate a permissions policy by using Access Analyzer

  1. Open the IAM console and choose Roles. In the search box, enter CloudFormationDevExecRole and select the role name in the list.
  2. On the Permissions tab, scroll down and choose Generate policy based on CloudTrail events to expand this section. Choose Generate policy.
  3. Select the time period of the CloudTrail logs you want analyzed.
  4. Select the AWS Region where you created and deleted the stack, and then select the CloudTrail trail name in the drop-down list.
  5. If this is your first time generating a policy, choose Create and use a new service role to have an IAM role automatically created for you. You can view the permissions policy the role will receive by choosing View permission details. Otherwise, choose Use an existing service role and select a role in the drop-down list.

    The policy generation options are shown in Figure 1.

    Figure 1: Policy generation options

    Figure 1: Policy generation options

  6. Choose Generate policy.

You will be redirected back to the page that shows the CloudFormationDevExecRole role. The Status in the Generate policy based on CloudTrail events section will show In progress. Wait for the policy to be generated, at which time the status will change to Success.

Review the generated policy

You must review and save the generated policy before it can be applied to the role.

To review the generated policy

  1. While you are still viewing the CloudFormationDevExecRole role in the IAM console, under Generate policy based on CloudTrail events, choose View generated policy.
  2. The Generated policy page will open. The Actions included in the generated policy section will show a list of services and one or more actions that were found in the CloudTrail log. Review the list for omissions. Refer to the IAM documentation for a list of AWS services for which an action-level policy can be generated. An example list of services and actions for a CloudFormation template that creates a Lambda function is shown in Figure 2.
    Figure 2: Actions included in the generated policy

    Figure 2: Actions included in the generated policy

  3. Use the drop-down menus in the Add actions for services used section to add any necessary additional actions to the policy for the services that were identified by using CloudTrail. This might be needed if an action isn’t recorded in CloudTrail or if action-level information isn’t supported for a service.

    Note: The iam:PassRole action will not show up in CloudTrail and should be added manually if your CloudFormation template assigns an IAM role to a service (for example, when creating a Lambda function). A good rule of thumb is: If you see iam:CreateRole in the actions, you likely need to also allow iam:PassRole. An example of this is shown in Figure 3.

    Figure 3: Adding PassRole as an IAM action

    Figure 3: Adding PassRole as an IAM action

  4. When you’ve finished adding additional actions, choose Next.

Generated policies contain placeholders that need to be filled in with resource names, AWS Region names, and other variable data. The actual values for these placeholders should be determined based on the content of your CloudFormation template and the Region or Regions you plan to deploy the template to.

To replace placeholders with real values

  • In the generated policy, identify each of the Resource properties that use placeholders in the value, such as ${RoleNameWithPath} or ${Region}. Use your knowledge of the resources that your CloudFormation template creates to properly fill these in with real values.
    • ${RoleNameWithPath} is an example of a placeholder that reflects the name of a resource from your CloudFormation template. Replace the placeholder with the actual name of the resource.
    • ${Region} is an example of a placeholder that reflects where the resource is being deployed, which in this case is the AWS Region. Replace this with either the Region name (for example, us-east-1), or a wildcard character (*), depending on whether you want to restrict the policy to a specific Region or to all Regions, respectively.

For example, a statement from the policy generated earlier is shown following.

    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:${Region}:${Account}:function:${FunctionName}"

After substituting real values for the placeholders in Resource, it looks like the following.

    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:*:123456789012:function:MyLambdaFunction"

This statement allows the Lambda actions to be performed on a function named MyLambdaFunction in AWS account 123456789012 in any Region (*). Substitute the correct values for Region, Account, and FunctionName in your policy.

The IAM policy editor window will automatically identify security or other issues in the generated policy. Review and remediate the issues identified in the Security, Errors, Warnings, and Suggestions tabs across the bottom of the window.

To review and remediate policy issues

  1. Use the Errors tab at the bottom of the IAM policy editor window (powered by IAM Access Analyzer policy validation) to help identify any placeholders that still need to be replaced. Access Analyzer policy validation reviews the policy and provides findings that include security warnings, errors, general warnings, and suggestions for your policy. To find more information about the different checks, see Access Analyzer policy validation. An example of policy errors caused by placeholders still being present in the policy is shown in Figure 4.
    Figure 4: Errors identified in the generated policy

    Figure 4: Errors identified in the generated policy

  2. Use the Security tab at the bottom of the editor window to review any security warnings, such as passing a wildcard (*) resource with the iam:PassRole permission. Choose the Learn more link beside each warning for information about remediation. An example of a security warning related to PassRole is shown in Figure 5.
    Figure 5: Security warnings identified in the generated policy

    Figure 5: Security warnings identified in the generated policy

Remediate the PassRole With Star In Resource warning by modifying Resource in the iam:PassRole statement to list the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of any roles that CloudFormation needs to pass to other services. Additionally, add a condition to restrict which service the role can be passed to. For example, to allow passing a role named MyLambdaRole to the Lambda service, the statement would look like the following.

            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "iam:PassedToService": [

The generated policy can now be saved as an IAM policy.

To save the generated policy

  1. In the IAM policy editor window, choose Next.
  2. Enter a name for the policy and an optional description.
  3. Review the Summary section with the list of permissions in the policy.
  4. Enter optional tags in the Tags section.
  5. Choose Create and attach policy.

Test this policy by replacing the existing role policy with this newly generated policy. Then create and destroy the stack again so that the necessary permissions are granted. If the stack fails during creation or deletion, follow the steps to generate the policy again and make sure that the correct values are being used for any iam:PassRole statements.

Deploy the CloudFormation role and policy

Now that you have the least-privilege policy created, you can give this policy to the cloud administrator so that they can deploy the policy and CloudFormation service role into production.

To create a CloudFormation template that the cloud administrator can use

  1. Open the IAM console, choose Policies, and then use the search box to search for the policy you created. Select the policy name in the list.
  2. On the Permissions tab, make sure that the {}JSON button is activated. Select the policy document by highlighting from line 1 all the way to the last line in the policy, as shown in Figure 6.
    Figure 6: Highlighting the generated policy

    Figure 6: Highlighting the generated policy

  3. With the policy still highlighted, use your keyboard to copy the policy into the clipboard (Ctrl-C on Linux or Windows, Option-C on macOS).
  4. Paste the permissions policy JSON object into the following CloudFormation template, replacing the <POLICY-JSON-GOES-HERE> marker. Be sure to indent the left-most curly braces of the JSON object so that they are to the right of the PolicyDocument keyword.
    AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
        Type: String
        Description: The name of the IAM policy that will be created
        Type: String
        Description: The name of the IAM role that will be created
        Type: AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy
          ManagedPolicyName: !Ref PolicyName
          Path: /
          PolicyDocument: >
        Type: AWS::IAM::Role
          RoleName: !Ref RoleName
            Version: '2012-10-17'
              - Action:
                - sts:AssumeRole
                Effect: Allow
                    - cloudformation.amazonaws.com
            - !Ref CfnPolicy
          Path: /

    For example, after pasting the policy, the CfnPolicy resource in the template will look like the following.

        Type: AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy
          ManagedPolicyName: !Ref PolicyName
          Path: /
          PolicyDocument: >
                "Version": "2012-10-17",
                "Statement": [
                        "Effect": "Allow",
                        "Action": "ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces",
                        "Resource": [
                        "Effect": "Allow",
                        "Action": [
                        "Resource": [
                        "Effect": "Allow",
                        "Action": [
                        "Resource": [
                        "Effect": "Allow",
                        "Action": [
                        "Resource": [
                        "Condition": {
                            "StringEquals": {
                                "iam:PassedToService": [

  5. Save the CloudFormation template and share it with the cloud administrator. They can use this template to create an IAM role and permissions policy that CloudFormation can use to deploy resources in the production account.

Note: Verify that in addition to having the necessary permissions to work with CloudFormation, your production identity also has permission to perform the iam:PassRole action with CloudFormation for the role that the preceding template creates.

As you continue to develop your stack, you will need to repeat the steps in the Use Access Analyzer to create a permissions policy and Deploy the CloudFormation role and policy sections of this post in order to make sure that the permissions policy remains up-to-date with the permissions required to deploy your stack.


If your CloudFormation template uses custom resources that are backed by AWS Lambda, you should also run Access Analyzer on the IAM role that is created for the Lambda function in order to build an appropriate permissions policy for that role.

To generate a permissions policy for a Lambda service role

  1. Launch the stack in your development AWS account to create the Lamba function’s role.
  2. Make a note of the name of the role that was created.
  3. Destroy the stack in your development AWS account.
  4. Follow the instructions from the Use Access Analyzer to generate a fine-grained identity policy and Review the generated policy sections of this post to create the least-privilege policy for the role, substituting the Lambda function’s role name for CloudFormationDevExecRole.
  5. Build the resulting least-privilege policy into the CloudFormation template as the Lambda function’s permission policy.


IAM Access Analyzer helps generate fine-grained identity policies that you can use to grant CloudFormation the permissions it needs to create, update, and delete resources in your stack. By granting CloudFormation only the necessary permissions, you can incorporate the principle of least privilege, developers can deploy their stacks in production using reduced permissions, and cloud administrators can create guardrails for developers in production settings.

For additional information on applying the principle of least privilege to AWS CloudFormation, see How to implement the principle of least privilege with CloudFormation StackSets.

If you have feedback about this blog post, submit comments in the Comments section below. You can also start a new thread on AWS Identity and Access Management re:Post to get answers from the community.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Joel Knight

Joel is a Senior Consultant, Infrastructure Architecture, with AWS and is based in Calgary, Canada. When not wrangling infrastructure-as-code templates, Joel likes to spend time with his family and dabble in home automation.

Mathangi Ramesh

Mathangi Ramesh

Mathangi is the product manager for AWS Identity and Access Management. She enjoys talking to customers and working with data to solve problems. Outside of work, Mathangi is a fitness enthusiast and a Bharatanatyam dancer. She holds an MBA degree from Carnegie Mellon University.

Total TLS: one-click TLS for every hostname you have

Post Syndicated from Dina Kozlov original https://blog.cloudflare.com/total-tls-one-click-tls-for-every-hostname/

Total TLS: one-click TLS for every hostname you have

Total TLS: one-click TLS for every hostname you have

Today, we’re excited to announce Total TLS — a one-click feature that will issue individual TLS certificates for every subdomain in our customer’s domains.

By default, all Cloudflare customers get a free, TLS certificate that covers the apex and wildcard (example.com, *.example.com) of their domain. Now, with Total TLS, customers can get additional coverage for all of their subdomains with just one-click! Once enabled, customers will no longer have to worry about insecure connection errors to subdomains not covered by their default TLS certificate because Total TLS will keep all the traffic bound to the subdomains encrypted.

A primer on Cloudflare’s TLS certificate offerings

Universal SSL — the “easy” option

In 2014, we announced Universal SSL — a free TLS certificate for every Cloudflare customer. Universal SSL was built to be a simple “one-size-fits-all” solution. For customers that use Cloudflare as their authoritative DNS provider, this certificate covers the apex and a wildcard e.g. example.com and *.example.com. While a Universal SSL certificate provides sufficient coverage for most, some customers have deeper subdomains like a.b.example.com for which they’d like TLS coverage. For those customers, we built Advanced Certificate Manager — a customizable platform for certificate issuance that allows customers to issue certificates with the hostnames of their choice.

Advanced certificates — the “customizable” option

For customers that want flexibility and choice, we build Advanced certificates which are available as a part of Advanced Certificate Manager. With Advanced certificates, customers can specify the exact hostnames that will be included on the certificate.

That means that if my Universal SSL certificate is insufficient, I can use the Advanced certificates UI or API to request a certificate that covers “a.b.example.com” and “a.b.c.example.com”. Today, we allow customers to place up to 50 hostnames on an Advanced certificate. The only caveat — customers have to tell us which hostnames to protect.

This may seem trivial, but some of our customers have thousands of subdomains that they want to keep protected. We have customers with subdomains that range from a.b.example.com to a.b.c.d.e.f.example.com and for those to be covered, customers have to use the Advanced certificates API to tell us the hostname that they’d like us to protect. A process like this is error-prone, not easy to scale, and has been rejected as a solution by some of our largest customers.

Instead, customers want Cloudflare to issue the certificates for them. If Cloudflare is the DNS provider then Cloudflare should know what subdomains need protection. Ideally, Cloudflare would issue a TLS certificate for every subdomain that’s proxying its traffic through the Cloudflare Network… and that’s where Total TLS comes in.

Enter Total TLS: easy, customizable, and scalable

Total TLS is a one-click button that signals Cloudflare to automatically issue TLS certificates for every proxied DNS record in your domain. Once enabled, Cloudflare will issue individual certificates for every proxied hostname. This way, you can add as many DNS records and subdomains as you need to, without worrying about whether they’ll be covered by a TLS certificate.

If you have a DNS record for a.b.example.com, we’ll issue a TLS certificate with the hostname a.b.example.com. If you have a wildcard record for *.a.b.example.com then we’ll issue a TLS certificate for “*.a.b.example.com”. Here’s an example of what this will look like in the Edge Certificates table of the dashboard:

Total TLS: one-click TLS for every hostname you have

Available now

Total TLS is now available to use as a part of Advanced Certificate Manager for domains that use Cloudflare as an Authoritative DNS provider. One of the superpowers of having Cloudflare as your DNS provider is that we’ll always add the proper Domain Control Validation (DCV) records on your behalf to ensure successful certificate issuance and renewal.

Enabling Total TLS is easy — you can do it through the Cloudflare dashboard or via API. In the SSL/TLS tab of the Cloudflare dashboard, navigate to Total TLS. There, choose the issuing CA — Let’s Encrypt, Google Trust Services, or No Preference, if you’d like Cloudflare to select the CA on your behalf then click on the toggle to enable the feature.

Total TLS: one-click TLS for every hostname you have

But that’s not all…

One pain point that we wanted to address for all customers was visibility. From looking at support tickets and talking to customers, one of the things that we realized was that customers don’t always know whether their domain is covered by a TLS certificate —  a simple oversight that can result in downtime or errors.

To prevent this from happening, we are now going to warn every customer if we see that the proxied DNS record that they’re creating, viewing, or editing doesn’t have a TLS certificate covering it. This way, our customers can get a TLS certificate issued before the hostname becomes publicly available, preventing visitors from encountering this error:

Total TLS: one-click TLS for every hostname you have

Join the mission

At Cloudflare, we love building products that help secure all Internet properties. Interested in achieving this mission with us? Join the team!

Join our upcoming live roadshow series: ‘Zero Trust, Zero Nonsense’

Post Syndicated from Selam Negatu original https://blog.cloudflare.com/join-our-upcoming-live-roadshow-series-zero-trust-zero-nonsense/

Join our upcoming live roadshow series: ‘Zero Trust, Zero Nonsense’

Join our upcoming live roadshow series: ‘Zero Trust, Zero Nonsense’

Many companies now believe that Zero Trust is the answer to common perimeter network infrastructure problems. But they sometimes struggle to make the progress they’d like, frequently pushing adoption timelines back.

The most common reason we hear from our customers is: “We aren’t sure how to get started.” There’s a lot of Zero Trust talk in the market, but comparatively little substance — leading to uncertainty about how to proceed.

Businesses need a strategy for tackling Zero Trust adoption and security modernization one step at a time. Cloudflare wants to help. So we’re hosting in-person discussions with security and IT leaders to do just that.

We’re hosting a series of Zero Trust Roadshows in various North American cities. These events will feature Cloudflare executives, industry experts, and other organizations like yours, and focus on ways of breaking the Zero Trust roadmap into manageable pieces, allowing organizations to make steps towards:

  • Augmenting (or replacing) a VPN: Provide simple, secure access to resources and maintain a great employee experience, while mitigating risk of lateral movement—a favorite hacker and ransomware tactic.
  • Streamlining SaaS security: Empower IT with the visibility and controls of SaaS apps and email they deserve to better care for their employees, catching shadow IT, misconfigurations, and business email compromise before it spirals out of control.
  • Strengthening threat and data protection: Keep your data safe against modern threats starting with simple DNS filtering, then extending Zero Trust principles to the Internet and email with remote browser isolation.

We hope you’ll be able to join us. See the full list of events, and register to attend, here.

IAM Access Analyzer makes it simpler to author and validate role trust policies

Post Syndicated from Mathangi Ramesh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/iam-access-analyzer-makes-it-simpler-to-author-and-validate-role-trust-policies/

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer provides many tools to help you set, verify, and refine permissions. One part of IAM Access Analyzer—policy validation—helps you author secure and functional policies that grant the intended permissions. Now, I’m excited to announce that AWS has updated the IAM console experience for role trust policies to make it simpler for you to author and validate the policy that controls who can assume a role. In this post, I’ll describe the new capabilities and show you how to use them as you author a role trust policy in the IAM console.

Overview of changes

A role trust policy is a JSON policy document in which you define the principals that you trust to assume the role. The principals that you can specify in the trust policy include users, roles, accounts, and services. The new IAM console experience provides the following features to help you set the right permissions in the trust policy:

  • An interactive policy editor prompts you to add the right policy elements, such as the principal and the allowed actions, and offers context-specific documentation.
  • As you author the policy, IAM Access Analyzer runs over 100 checks against your policy and highlights issues to fix. This includes new policy checks specific to role trust policies, such as a check to make sure that you’ve formatted your identity provider correctly. These new checks are also available through the IAM Access Analyzer policy validation API.
  • Before saving the policy, you can preview findings for the external access granted by your trust policy. This helps you review external access, such as access granted to a federated identity provider, and confirm that you grant only the intended access when you create the policy. This functionality was previously available through the APIs, but now it’s also available in the IAM console.

In the following sections, I’ll walk you through how to use these new features.

Example scenario

For the walkthrough, consider the following example, which is illustrated in Figure 1. You are a developer for Example Corp., and you are working on a web application. You want to grant the application hosted in one account—the ApplicationHost account—access to data in another account—the BusinessData account. To do this, you can use an IAM role in the BusinessData account to grant temporary access to the application through a role trust policy. You will grant a role in the ApplicationHost account—the PaymentApplication role—to access the BusinessData account through a role—the ApplicationAccess role. In this example, you create the ApplicationAccess role and grant cross-account permissions through the trust policy by using the new IAM console experience that helps you set the right permissions.

Figure 1: Visual explanation of the scenario

Figure 1: Visual explanation of the scenario

Create the role and grant permissions through a role trust policy with the policy editor

In this section, I will show you how to create a role trust policy for the ApplicationAccess role to grant the application access to the data in your account through the policy editor in the IAM console.

To create a role and grant access

  1. In the BusinessData account, open the IAM console, and in the left navigation pane, choose Roles.
  2. Choose Create role, and then select Custom trust policy, as shown in Figure 2.
    Figure 2: Select "Custom trust policy" when creating a role

    Figure 2: Select “Custom trust policy” when creating a role

  3. In the Custom trust policy section, for 1. Add actions for STS, select the actions that you need for your policy. For example, to add the action sts:AssumeRole, choose AssumeRole.
    Figure 3: JSON role trust policy

    Figure 3: JSON role trust policy

  4. For 2. Add a principal, choose Add to add a principal.
  5. In the Add principal box, for Principal type, select IAM roles. This populates the ARN field with the format of the role ARN that you need to add to the policy, as shown in Figure 4.
    Figure 4: Add a principal to your role trust policy

    Figure 4: Add a principal to your role trust policy

  6. Update the role ARN template with the actual account and role information, and then choose Add principal. In our example, the account is ApplicationHost with an AWS account number of 111122223333, and the role is PaymentApplication role. Therefore, the role ARN is arn:aws:iam:: 111122223333: role/PaymentApplication. Figure 5 shows the role trust policy with the action and principal added.
    Figure 5: Sample role trust policy

    Figure 5: Sample role trust policy

  7. (Optional) To add a condition, for 3. Add a condition, choose Add, and then complete the Add condition box according to your needs.

Author secure policies by reviewing policy validation findings

As you author the policy, you can see errors or warnings related to your policy in the policy validation window, which is located below the policy editor in the console. With this launch, policy validation in IAM Access Analyzer includes 13 new checks focused on the trust relationship for the role. The following are a few examples of these checks and how to address them:

  • Role trust policy unsupported wildcard in principal – you can’t use a * in your role trust policy.
  • Invalid federated principal syntax in role trust policy – you need to fix the format of the identity provider.
  • Missing action for condition key – you need to add the right action for a given condition, such as the sts:TagSession when there are session tag conditions.

For a complete list of checks, see Access Analyzer policy check reference.

To review and fix policy validation findings

  1. In the policy validation window, do the following:
    • Choose the Security tab to check if your policy is overly permissive.
    • Choose the Errors tab to review any errors associated with the policy.
    • Choose the Warnings tab to review if aspects of the policy don’t align with AWS best practices.
    • Choose the Suggestions tab to get recommendations on how to improve the quality of your policy.
    Figure 6: Policy validation window in IAM Access Analyzer with a finding for your policy

    Figure 6: Policy validation window in IAM Access Analyzer with a finding for your policy

  2. For each finding, choose Learn more to review the documentation associated with the finding and take steps to fix it. For example, Figure 6 shows the error Mismatched Action For Principal. To fix the error, remove the action sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity.

Preview external access by reviewing cross-account access findings

IAM Access Analyzer also generates findings to help you assess if a policy grants access to external entities. You can review the findings before you create the policy to make sure that the policy grants only intended access. To preview the findings, you create an analyzer and then review the findings.

To preview findings for external access

  1. Below the policy editor, in the Preview external access section, choose Go to Access Analyzer, as shown in Figure 7.

    Note: IAM Access Analyzer is a regional service, and you can create a new analyzer in each AWS Region where you operate. In this situation, IAM Access Analyzer looks for an analyzer in the Region where you landed on the IAM console. If IAM Access Analyzer doesn’t find an analyzer there, it asks you to create an analyzer.

    Figure 7: Preview external access widget without an analyzer

    Figure 7: Preview external access widget without an analyzer

  2. On the Create analyzer page, do the following to create an analyzer:
    • For Name, enter a name for your analyzer.
    • For Zone of trust, select the correct account.
    • Choose Create analyzer.
    Figure 8: Create an analyzer to preview findings

    Figure 8: Create an analyzer to preview findings

  3. After you create the analyzer, navigate back to the role trust policy for your role to review the external access granted by this policy. The following figure shows that external access is granted to PaymentApplication.
    Figure 9: Preview finding

    Figure 9: Preview finding

  4. If the access is intended, you don’t need to take any action. In this example, I want the PaymentApplication role in the ApplicationHost account to assume the role that I’m creating.
  5. If the access is unintended, resolve the finding by updating the role ARN information.
  6. Select Next and grant the required IAM permissions for the role.
  7. Name the role ApplicationAccess, and then choose Save to save the role.

Now the application can use this role to access the BusinessData account.


By using the new IAM console experience for role trust policies, you can confidently author policies that grant the intended access. IAM Access Analyzer helps you in your least-privilege journey by evaluating the policy for potential issues to make it simpler for you to author secure policies. IAM Access Analyzer also helps you preview external access granted through the trust policy to help ensure that the granted access is intended. To learn more about how to preview IAM Access Analyzer cross-account findings, see Preview access in the documentation. To learn more about IAM Access Analyzer policy validation checks, see Access Analyzer policy validation. These features are also available through APIs.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread at AWS IAM re:Post or contact AWS Support.

Mathangi Ramesh

Mathangi Ramesh

Mathangi is the product manager for AWS Identity and Access Management. She enjoys talking to customers and working with data to solve problems. Outside of work, Mathangi is a fitness enthusiast and a Bharatanatyam dancer. She holds an MBA degree from Carnegie Mellon University.

Automatic (secure) transmission: taking the pain out of origin connection security

Post Syndicated from Alex Krivit original https://blog.cloudflare.com/securing-origin-connectivity/

Automatic (secure) transmission: taking the pain out of origin connection security

Automatic (secure) transmission: taking the pain out of origin connection security

In 2014, Cloudflare set out to encrypt the Internet by introducing Universal SSL. It made getting an SSL/TLS certificate free and easy at a time when doing so was neither free, nor easy. Overnight millions of websites had a secure connection between the user’s browser and Cloudflare.

But getting the connection encrypted from Cloudflare to the customer’s origin server was more complex. Since Cloudflare and all browsers supported SSL/TLS, the connection between the browser and Cloudflare could be instantly secured. But back in 2014 configuring an origin server with an SSL/TLS certificate was complex, expensive, and sometimes not even possible.

And so we relied on users to configure the best security level for their origin server. Later we added a service that detects and recommends the highest level of security for the connection between Cloudflare and the origin server. We also introduced free origin server certificates for customers who didn’t want to get a certificate elsewhere.

Today, we’re going even further. Cloudflare will shortly find the most secure connection possible to our customers’ origin servers and use it, automatically. Doing this correctly, at scale, while not breaking a customer’s service is very complicated. This blog post explains how we are automatically achieving that highest level of security possible for those customers who don’t want to spend time configuring their SSL/TLS set up manually.

Why configuring origin SSL automatically is so hard

When we announced Universal SSL, we knew the backend security of the connection between Cloudflare and the origin was a different and harder problem to solve.

In order to configure the tightest security, customers had to procure a certificate from a third party and upload it to their origin. Then they had to indicate to Cloudflare that we should use this certificate to verify the identity of the server while also indicating the connection security capabilities of their origin. This could be an expensive and tedious process. To help alleviate this high set up cost, in 2015 Cloudflare launched a beta Origin CA service in which we provided free limited-function certificates to customer origin servers. We also provided guidance on how to correctly configure and upload the certificates, so that secure connections between Cloudflare and a customer’s origin could be established quickly and easily.

What we discovered though, is that while this service was useful to customers, it still required a lot of configuration. We didn’t see the change we did with Universal SSL because customers still had to fight with their origins in order to upload certificates and test to make sure that they had configured everything correctly. And when you throw things like load balancers into the mix or servers mapped to different subdomains, handling server-side SSL/TLS gets even more complicated.

Around the same time as that announcement, Let’s Encrypt and other services began offering certificates as a public CA for free, making TLS easier and paving the way for widespread adoption. Let’s Encrypt and Cloudflare had come to the same conclusion: by offering certificates for free, simplifying server configuration for the user, and working to streamline certificate renewal, they could make a tangible impact on the overall security of the web.

Automatic (secure) transmission: taking the pain out of origin connection security

The announcements of free and easy to configure certificates correlated with an increase in attention on origin-facing security. Cloudflare customers began requesting more documentation to configure origin-facing certificates and SSL/TLS communication that were performant and intuitive. In response, in 2016 we announced the GA of origin certificate authority to provide cheap and easy origin certificates along with guidance on how to best configure backend security for any website.

The increased customer demand and attention helped pave the way for additional features that focused on backend security on Cloudflare. For example, authenticated origin pull ensures that only HTTPS requests from Cloudflare will receive a response from your origin, preventing an origin response from requests outside of Cloudflare. Another option, Cloudflare Tunnel can be set up to run on the origin servers, proactively establishing secure and private tunnels to the nearest Cloudflare data center. This configuration allows customers to completely lock down their origin servers to only receive requests routed through our network. For customers unable to lock down their origins using this method, we still encourage adopting the strongest possible security when configuring how Cloudflare should connect to an origin server.

Cloudflare currently offers five options for SSL/TLS configurability that we use when communicating with origins:

  • In Off mode, as you might expect, traffic from browsers to Cloudflare and from Cloudflare to origins are not encrypted and will use plain text HTTP.
  • In Flexible mode, traffic from browsers to Cloudflare can be encrypted via HTTPS, but traffic from Cloudflare to the site’s origin server is not. This is a common selection for origins that cannot support TLS, even though we recommend upgrading this origin configuration wherever possible. A guide for upgrading can be found here.
  • In Full mode, Cloudflare follows whatever is happening with the browser request and uses that same option to connect to the origin. For example, if the browser uses HTTP to connect to Cloudflare, we’ll establish a connection with the origin over HTTP. If the browser uses HTTPS, we’ll use HTTPS to communicate with the origin; however we will not validate the certificate on the origin to prove the identity and trustworthiness of the server.
  • In Full (strict) mode, traffic between Cloudflare follows the same pattern as in Full mode, however Full (strict) mode adds validation of the origin server’s certificate. The origin certificate can either be issued by a public CA like Let’s Encrypt or by Cloudflare Origin CA.
  • In Strict mode, traffic from the browser to Cloudflare that is HTTP or HTTPS will always be connected to the origin over HTTPS with a validation of the origin server’s certificate.
Automatic (secure) transmission: taking the pain out of origin connection security

What we have found in a lot of cases is that when customers initially signed up for Cloudflare, the origin they were using could not support the most advanced versions of encryption, resulting in origin-facing communication using unencrypted HTTP. These default values persisted over time, even though the origin has become more capable. We think the time is ripe to re-evaluate the entire concept of default SSL/TLS levels.

That’s why we will reduce the configuration burden for origin-facing security by automatically managing this on behalf of our customers. Cloudflare will provide a zero configuration option for how we will communicate with origins: we will simply look at an origin and use the most-secure option available to communicate with it.

Re-evaluating default SSL/TLS modes is only the beginning. Not only will we automatically upgrade sites to their best security setting, we will also open up all SSL/TLS modes to all plan levels. Historically, Strict mode was reserved for enterprise customers only. This was because we released this mode in 2014 when few people had origins that were able to communicate over SSL/TLS, and we were nervous about customers breaking their configurations. But this is 2022, and we think that Strict mode should be available to anyone who wants to use it. So we will be opening it up to everyone with the launch of the automatic upgrades.

How will automatic upgrading work?

To upgrade the origin-facing security of websites, we first need to determine the highest security level the origin can use. To make this determination, we will use the SSL/TLS Recommender tool that we released a year ago.

The recommender performs a series of requests from Cloudflare to the customer’s origin(s) to determine if the backend communication can be upgraded beyond what is currently configured. The recommender accomplishes this by:

  • Crawling the website to collect links on different pages of the site. For websites with large numbers of links, the recommender will only examine a subset. Similarly, for sites where the crawl turns up an insufficient number of links, we augment our results with a sample of links from recent visitors requests to the zone. All of this is to get a representative sample to where requests are going in order to know how responses are served from the origin.
  • The crawler uses the user agent Cloudflare-SSLDetector and has been added to Cloudflare’s list of known “good bots”.
  • Next, the recommender downloads the content of each link over both HTTP and HTTPS. The recommender makes only idempotent GET requests when scanning origin servers to avoid modifying server resource state.
  • Following this, the recommender runs a content similarity algorithm to determine if the content collected over HTTP and HTTPS matches.
  • If the content that is downloaded over HTTP matches the content downloaded over HTTPS, then it’s known that we can upgrade the security of the website without negative consequences.
  • If the website is already configured to Full mode, we will perform a certificate validation (without the additional need for crawling the site) to determine whether it can be updated to Full (strict) mode or higher.

If it can be determined that the customer’s origin is able to be upgraded without breaking, we will upgrade the origin-facing security automatically.

But that’s not all. Not only are we removing the configuration burden for services on Cloudflare, but we’re also providing more precise security settings by moving from per-zone SSL/TLS settings to per-origin SSL/TLS settings.

The current implementation of the backend SSL/TLS service is related to an entire website, which works well for those with a single origin. For those that have more complex setups however, this can mean that origin-facing security is defined by the lowest capable origin serving a part of the traffic for that service. For example, if a website uses img.example.com and api.example.com, and these subdomains are served by different origins that have different security capabilities, we would not want to limit the SSL/TLS capabilities of both subdomains to the least secure origin. By using our new service, we will be able to set per-origin security more precisely to allow us to maximize the security posture of each origin.

The goal of this is to maximize the origin-facing security of everything on Cloudflare. However, if any origin that we attempt to scan blocks the SSL recommender, has a non-functional origin, or opts-out of this service, we will not complete the scans and will not be able to upgrade security. Details on how to opt-out will be provided via email announcements soon.

Opting out

There are a number of reasons why someone might want to configure a lower-than-optimal security setting for their website. One common reason customers provide is a fear that having higher security settings will negatively impact the performance of their site. Others may want to set a suboptimal security setting for testing purposes or to debug some behavior. Whatever the reason, we will provide the tools needed to continue to configure the SSL/TLS mode you want, even if that’s different from what we think is the best.

When is this going to happen?

We will begin to roll this change out before the end of the year. If you read this and want to make sure you’re at the highest level of backend security already, we recommend Full (strict) or Strict mode. If you prefer to wait for us to automatically upgrade your origin security for you, please keep your eyes peeled to your inbox for the date we will begin rolling out this change for your group.

At Cloudflare, we believe that the Internet needs to be secure and private. If you’d like to help us achieve that, we’re hiring across the engineering organization.

How Cloudflare implemented hardware keys with FIDO2 and Zero Trust to prevent phishing

Post Syndicated from Evan Johnson original https://blog.cloudflare.com/how-cloudflare-implemented-fido2-and-zero-trust/

How Cloudflare implemented hardware keys with FIDO2 and Zero Trust to prevent phishing

How Cloudflare implemented hardware keys with FIDO2 and Zero Trust to prevent phishing

Cloudflare’s security architecture a few years ago was a classic “castle and moat” VPN architecture. Our employees would use our corporate VPN to connect to all the internal applications and servers to do their jobs. We enforced two-factor authentication with time-based one-time passcodes (TOTP), using an authenticator app like Google Authenticator or Authy when logging into the VPN but only a few internal applications had a second layer of auth. That architecture has a strong looking exterior, but the security model is weak. We recently detailed the mechanics of a phishing attack we prevented, which walks through how attackers can phish applications that are “secured” with second factor authentication methods like TOTP. Happily, we had long done away with TOTP and replaced it with hardware security keys and Cloudflare Access. This blog details how we did that.

The solution to the phishing problem is through a multi-factor  authentication (MFA) protocol called FIDO2/WebAuthn. Today, all Cloudflare employees log in with FIDO2 as their secure multi-factor and authenticate to our systems using our own Zero Trust products. Our newer architecture is phish proof and allows us to more easily enforce the least privilege access control.

A little about the terminology of security keys and what we use

In 2018, we knew we wanted to migrate to phishing-resistant MFA. We had seen evilginx2 and the maturity around phishing push-based mobile authenticators, and TOTP. The only phishing-resistant MFA that withstood social engineering and credential stealing attacks were security keys that implement FIDO standards. FIDO-based MFA introduces new terminology, such as FIDO2, WebAuthn, hard(ware) keys, security keys, and specifically, the YubiKey (the name of a well-known manufacturer of hardware keys), which we will reference throughout this post.

WebAuthn refers to the web authentication standard, and we wrote in depth about how that protocol works when we released support for security keys in the Cloudflare dashboard.

CTAP1(U2F) and CTAP2 refers to the client to authenticator protocol which details how software or hardware devices interact with the platform performing the WebAuthn protocol.

FIDO2 is the collection of these two protocols being used for authentication. The distinctions aren’t important, but the nomenclature can be confusing.

The most important thing to know is all of these protocols and standards were developed to create open authentication protocols that are phishing-resistant and can be implemented with a hardware device. In software, they are implemented with Face ID, Touch ID, Windows Assistant, or similar. In hardware a YubiKey or other separate physical device is used for authentication with USB, Lightning, or NFC.

FIDO2 is phishing-resistant because it implements a challenge/response that is cryptographically secure, and the challenge protocol incorporates the specific website or domain the user is authenticating to. When logging in, the security key will produce a different response on example.net than when the user is legitimately trying to log in on example.com.

At Cloudflare, we’ve issued multiple types of security keys to our employees over the years, but we currently issue two different FIPS-validated security keys to all employees. The first key is a YubiKey 5 Nano or YubiKey 5C Nano that is intended to stay in a USB slot on our employee laptops at all times. The second is the YubiKey 5 NFC or YubiKey 5C NFC that works on desktops and on mobile either through NFC or USB-C.

In late 2018 we distributed security keys at a whole company event. We asked all employees to enroll their keys, authenticate with them, and ask questions about the devices during a short workshop. The program was a huge success, but there were still rough edges and applications that didn’t work with WebAuthn. We weren’t ready for full enforcement of security keys and needed some middle-ground solution while we worked through the issues.

The beginning: selective security key enforcement with Cloudflare Zero Trust

We have thousands of applications and servers we are responsible for maintaining, which were protected by our VPN. We started migrating all of these applications to our Zero Trust access proxy at the same time that we issued our employees their set of security keys.

How Cloudflare implemented hardware keys with FIDO2 and Zero Trust to prevent phishing

Cloudflare Access allowed our employees to securely access sites that were once protected by the VPN. Each internal service would validate a signed credential to authenticate a user and ensure the user had signed in with our identity provider. Cloudflare Access was necessary for our rollout of security keys because it gave us a tool to selectively enforce the first few internal applications that would require authenticating with a security key.

How Cloudflare implemented hardware keys with FIDO2 and Zero Trust to prevent phishing

We used Terraform when onboarding our applications to our Zero Trust products and this is the Cloudflare Access policy where we first enforced security keys. We set up Cloudflare Access to use OAuth2 when integrating with our identity provider and the identity provider informs Access about which type of second factor was used as part of the OAuth flow.

In our case, swk is a proof of possession of a security key. If someone logged in and didn’t use their security key they would be shown a helpful error message instructing them to log in again and press on their security key when prompted.

How Cloudflare implemented hardware keys with FIDO2 and Zero Trust to prevent phishing

Selective enforcement instantly changed the trajectory of our security key rollout. We began enforcement on a single service on July 29, 2020, and authentication with security keys massively increased over the following two months. This step was critical to give our employees an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the new technology. A window of selective enforcement should be at least a month to account for people on vacation, but in hindsight it doesn’t need to be much longer than that.

What other security benefits did we get from moving our applications to use our Zero Trust products and off of our VPN? With legacy applications, or applications that don’t implement SAML, this migration was necessary for enforcement of role based access control and the principle of the least privilege. A VPN will authenticate your network traffic but all of your applications will have no idea who the network traffic belongs to. Our applications struggled to enforce multiple levels of permissions and each had to re-invent their own auth scheme.

When we onboarded to Cloudflare Access we created groups to enforce RBAC and tell our applications what permission level each person should have.

How Cloudflare implemented hardware keys with FIDO2 and Zero Trust to prevent phishing

Here’s a site where only members of the ACL-CFA-CFDATA-argo-config-admin-svc group have access. It enforces that the employee used their security key when logging in, and no complicated OAuth or SAML integration was needed for this. We have over 600 internal sites using this same pattern and all of them enforce security keys.

The end of optional: the day Cloudflare dropped TOTP completely

In February 2021, our employees started to report social engineering attempts to our security team. They were receiving phone calls from someone claiming to be in our IT department, and we were alarmed. We decided to begin requiring security keys to be used for all authentication to prevent any employees from being victims of the social engineering attack.

How Cloudflare implemented hardware keys with FIDO2 and Zero Trust to prevent phishing

After disabling all other forms of MFA (SMS, TOTP etc.), except for WebAuthn, we were officially FIDO2 only. “Soft token” (TOTP) isn’t perfectly at zero on this graph though. This is caused because those who lose their security keys or become locked out of their accounts need to go through a secure offline recovery process where logging in is facilitated through an alternate method. Best practice is to distribute multiple security keys for employees to allow for a back-up, in case this situation arises.

Now that all employees are using their YubiKeys for phishing-resistant MFA are we finished? Well, what about SSH and non-HTTP protocols? We wanted a single unified approach to identity and access management so bringing security keys to arbitrary other protocols was our next consideration.

Using security keys with SSH

To support bringing security keys to SSH connections we deployed Cloudflare Tunnel to all of our production infrastructure. Cloudflare Tunnel seamlessly integrates with Cloudflare Access regardless of the protocol transiting the tunnel, and running a tunnel requires the tunnel client cloudflared. This means that we could deploy the cloudflared binary to all of our infrastructure and create a tunnel to each machine, create Cloudflare Access policies where security keys are required, and ssh connections would start requiring security keys through Cloudflare Access.

In practice these steps are less intimidating than they sound and the Zero Trust developer docs have a fantastic tutorial on how to do this. Each of our servers have a configuration file required to start the tunnel. Systemd invokes cloudflared which uses this (or similar) configuration file when starting the tunnel.

tunnel: 37b50fe2-a52a-5611-a9b1-ear382bd12a6
credentials-file: /root/.cloudflared/37b50fe2-a52a-5611-a9b1-ear382bd12a6.json

  - hostname: <identifier>.ssh.cloudflare.com
    service: ssh://localhost:22
  - service: http_status:404

When an operator needs to SSH into our infrastructure they use the ProxyCommand SSH directive to invoke cloudflared, authenticate using Cloudflare Access, and then forward the SSH connection through Cloudflare. Our employees’ SSH configurations have an entry that looks kind of like this, and can be generated with a helper command in cloudflared:

Host *.ssh.cloudflare.com
    ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/cloudflared access ssh –hostname %h.ssh.cloudflare.com

It’s worth noting that OpenSSH has supported FIDO2 since version 8.2, but we’ve found there are benefits to having a unified approach to access control where all access control lists are maintained in a single place.

What we’ve learned and how our experience can help you

There’s no question after the past few months that the future of authentication is FIDO2 and WebAuthn. In total this took us a few years, and we hope these learnings can prove helpful to other organizations who are looking to modernize with FIDO-based authentication.

If you’re interested in rolling out security keys at your organization, or you’re interested in Cloudflare’s Zero Trust products, reach out to [email protected]. Although we’re happy that our preventative efforts helped us resist the latest round of phishing and social engineering attacks, our security team is still growing to help prevent whatever comes next.

The (hardware) key to making phishing defense seamless with Cloudflare Zero Trust and Yubico

Post Syndicated from David Harnett original https://blog.cloudflare.com/making-phishing-defense-seamless-cloudflare-yubico/

The (hardware) key to making phishing defense seamless with Cloudflare Zero Trust and Yubico

This post is also available in 简体中文, Français, 日本語 and Español.

The (hardware) key to making phishing defense seamless with Cloudflare Zero Trust and Yubico

Hardware keys provide the best authentication security and are phish-proof. But customers ask us how to implement them and which security keys they should buy. Today we’re introducing an exclusive program for Cloudflare customers that makes hardware keys more accessible and economical than ever. This program is made possible through a new collaboration with Yubico, the industry’s leading hardware security key vendor and provides Cloudflare customers with exclusive “Good for the Internet” pricing.

Yubico Security Keys are available today for any Cloudflare customer, and they easily integrate with Cloudflare’s Zero Trust service. That service is open to organizations of any size from a family protecting a home network to the largest employers on the planet. Any Cloudflare customer can sign in to the Cloudflare dashboard today and order hardware security keys for as low as $10 per key.

In July 2022, Cloudflare prevented a breach by an SMS phishing attack that targeted more than 130 companies, due to the company’s use of Cloudflare Zero Trust paired with hardware security keys. Those keys were YubiKeys and this new collaboration with Yubico, the maker of YubiKeys, removes barriers for organizations of any size in deploying hardware keys.

Why hardware security keys?

Organizations need to ensure that only the right users are connecting to their sensitive resources – whether those destinations are self-hosted web applications, SaaS tools, or services that rely on arbitrary TCP connections and UDP streams. Users traditionally proved their identity with a username and password but phishing attacks can deceive users to steal both of those pieces of information.

In response, teams began deploying multifactor authentication (MFA) tools to add an additional layer of security. Users needed to input their username, password, and some additional value. For example, a user might have an application running on their device which generates random numbers, or they might enroll their phone number to receive a code via text message. While these MFA options do improve security, they are still vulnerable to phishing attacks. Phishing websites evolved and prompted the user to input MFA codes or attackers stole a user’s phone number in a SIM swap attack.

Hardware security keys provide organizations with an MFA option that cannot be phished. These keys use the WebAuthn standard to present a certificate to the authentication service to validate the key in a cryptographically secured exchange, something a phishing website cannot obtain and later spoof.

Users enroll one or more keys with their identity provider and, in addition to presenting their username and password, the provider prompts for an MFA option that can include the hardware key. Every member of the team enjoys less friction by tapping on the key when they log in instead of fumbling for a code in an app. Meanwhile, security teams sleep better at night knowing their services are protected from phishing attacks.

Extending hardware security keys with Cloudflare’s Zero Trust products

While most identity providers now allow users to enroll hardware keys as an MFA option, administrators still do not have control to require that hardware keys be used. Individual users can fallback to a less secure option, like an app-based code, if they fail to present the security key itself.

We ran into this when we first deployed security keys at Cloudflare. If users could fallback to a less secure and more easily phished option like an app-based code, then so could attackers. Along with more than 10,000 organizations, we use Cloudflare’s Zero Trust products internally to, in part, secure how users connect to the resources and tools they need.

When any user needs to reach an internal application or service, Cloudflare’s network evaluates every request or connection for several signals like identity, device posture, and country. Administrators can build granular rules that only apply to certain destinations, as well. An internal administrator tool with the ability to read customer data could require a healthy corporate device, connecting from a certain country, and belonging to a user in a particular identity provider group. Meanwhile, a new marketing splash page being shared for feedback could just require identity. If we could obtain the presence of a security key, as opposed to a different, less secure MFA option, from the user’s authentication then we could enforce that signal as well.

Several years ago, identity providers, hardware vendors, and security companies partnered to develop a new standard, the Authentication Method Reference (AMR), to share exactly that type of data. With AMR, identity providers can share several details about the login attempt, including the type of MFA option in use. Shortly after that announcement, we introduced the ability to build rules in Cloudflare’s Zero Trust platform to look for and enforce that signal. Now, teams of any size can build resource-based rules that can ensure that team members always use their hardware key.

What are the obstacles to deploying hardware security keys?

The security of requiring something that you physically control is also the same reason that deploying hardware keys adds a layer of complexity – you need to find a way to put that physical key in the hands of your users, at scale, and make it possible for every member of your team to enroll them.

In every case, that deployment starts with purchasing hardware security keys. Compared to app-based codes, which can be free, security keys have a real cost. For some organizations, that cost is a deterrent, and they stay less secure due to that hurdle, but it is important to note that not all MFA is created equal.

For other teams, especially the organizations that are now partially or fully remote, providing those keys to end users who will never step foot in a physical office can be a challenge for IT departments. When we first deployed hardware keys at Cloudflare, we did it at our company-wide retreat. Many organizations no longer have that opportunity to physically hand out keys in a single venue or even in global offices.

Collaborating with Yubico

Birthday Week at Cloudflare has always been about removing the barriers and hurdles that keep users and teams from being more secure or faster on the Internet. As part of that goal, we’ve partnered with Yubico to continue to remove the friction in adopting a hardware key security model.

  • The offer is open to any Cloudflare customer. Cloudflare customers can claim this offer for Yubico Security Keys directly in the Cloudflare dashboard.
  • Yubico is providing Security Keys at “Good for the Internet” pricing – as low as $10 per key.  Yubico will ship the keys to customers directly. The specific security keys and prices for this offer are: Yubico Security Key NFC at \$10 USD and the Yubico Security Key C NFC at \$11.60 USD. Customers can purchase up to 10 keys.  For larger organizations there is a second offer to purchase the YubiEnterprise Subscription for 50% off the first year of a 3+ year subscription. For the YubiEnterprise Subscription there are no limits on the number of security keys.
  • Both Cloudflare and Yubico developer docs and support organizations will guide customers in setting up keys and integrating them with their Identity Providers and with Cloudflare’s Zero Trust service.

How to get started

You can request your own hardware keys by navigating to the dashboard, and following the banner notification flow. Yubico will then email you directly using the administrator email that you have provided in your Cloudflare account. For larger organizations looking to deploy YubiKeys at scale, you can explore Yubico’s YubiEnterprise Subscription and receive a 50% discount off the first year of a 3+year subscription.

Already have hardware security keys? If you have physical hardware keys you can begin building rules in Cloudflare Access to enforce their usage by enrolling them into an identity provider that supports AMR, like Okta or Azure AD.

Finally, if you are interested in our own journey deploying Yubikeys alongside our Zero Trust product, check out this blog post from our Director of Security, Evan Johnson, that recaps Cloudflare’s experience and what we recommend from the lessons we learned.

Announcing Turnstile, a user-friendly, privacy-preserving alternative to CAPTCHA

Post Syndicated from Reid Tatoris original https://blog.cloudflare.com/turnstile-private-captcha-alternative/

Announcing Turnstile, a user-friendly, privacy-preserving alternative to CAPTCHA

Announcing Turnstile, a user-friendly, privacy-preserving alternative to CAPTCHA

Today, we’re announcing the open beta of Turnstile, an invisible alternative to CAPTCHA. Anyone, anywhere on the Internet, who wants to replace CAPTCHA on their site will be able to call a simple API, without having to be a Cloudflare customer or sending traffic through the Cloudflare global network. Sign up here for free.

There is no point in rehashing the fact that CAPTCHA provides a terrible user experience. It’s been discussed in detail before on this blog, and countless times elsewhere. The creator of the CAPTCHA has even publicly lamented that he “unwittingly created a system that was frittering away, in ten-second increments, millions of hours of a most precious resource: human brain cycles.” We hate it, you hate it, everyone hates it. Today we’re giving everyone a better option.

Turnstile is our smart CAPTCHA alternative. It automatically chooses from a rotating suite of non-intrusive browser challenges based on telemetry and client behavior exhibited during a session. We talked in an earlier post about how we’ve used our Managed Challenge system to reduce our use of CAPTCHA by 91%. Now anyone can take advantage of this same technology to stop using CAPTCHA on their own site.

UX isn’t the only big problem with CAPTCHA — so is privacy

While having to solve a CAPTCHA is a frustrating user experience, there is also a potential hidden tradeoff a website must make when using CAPTCHA. If you are a small site using CAPTCHA today, you essentially have one option: an 800 pound gorilla with 98% of the CAPTCHA market share. This tool is free to use, but in fact it has a privacy cost: you have to give your data to an ad sales company.

According to security researchers, one of the signals that Google uses to decide if you are malicious is whether you have a Google cookie in your browser, and if you have this cookie, Google will give you a higher score. Google says they don’t use this information for ad targeting, but at the end of the day, Google is an ad sales company. Meanwhile, at Cloudflare, we make money when customers choose us to protect their websites and make their services run better. It’s a simple, direct relationship that perfectly aligns our incentives.

Less data collection, more privacy, same security

In June, we announced an effort with Apple to use Private Access Tokens. Visitors using operating systems that support these tokens, including the upcoming versions of macOS or iOS, can now prove they’re human without completing a CAPTCHA or giving up personal data.

By collaborating with third parties like device manufacturers, who already have the data that would help us validate a device, we are able to abstract portions of the validation process, and confirm data without actually collecting, touching, or storing that data ourselves. Rather than interrogating a device directly, we ask the device vendor to do it for us.

Private Access Tokens are built directly into Turnstile. While Turnstile has to look at some session data (like headers, user agent, and browser characteristics) to validate users without challenging them, Private Access Tokens allow us to minimize data collection by asking Apple to validate the device for us. In addition, Turnstile never looks for cookies (like a login cookie), or uses cookies to collect or store information of any kind. Cloudflare has a long track record of investing in user privacy, which we will continue with Turnstile.

We are opening our CAPTCHA replacement to everyone

To improve the Internet for everyone, we decided to open up the technology that powers our Managed Challenge to everyone in beta as a standalone product called Turnstile.

Rather than try to unilaterally deprecate and replace CAPTCHA with a single alternative, we built a platform to test many alternatives and rotate new challenges in and out as they become more or less effective. With Turnstile, we adapt the actual challenge outcome to the individual visitor/browser. First we run a series of small non-interactive JavaScript challenges gathering more signals about the visitor/browser environment. Those challenges include proof-of-work, proof-of-space, probing for web APIs, and various other challenges for detecting browser-quirks and human behavior. As a result, we can fine-tune the difficulty of the challenge to the specific request.

Turnstile also includes machine learning models that detect common features of end visitors who were able to pass a challenge before. The computational hardness of those initial challenges may vary by visitor, but is targeted to run fast.

Swap out your existing CAPTCHA in a few minutes

You can take advantage of Turnstile and stop bothering your visitors with a CAPTCHA even without being on the Cloudflare network. While we make it as easy as possible to use our network, we don’t want this to be a barrier to improving privacy and user experience.

To switch from a CAPTCHA service, all you need to do is:

  1. Create a Cloudflare account, navigate to the `Turnstile` tab on the navigation bar, and get a sitekey and secret key.
  2. Copy our JavaScript from the dashboard and paste over your old CAPTCHA JavaScript.
  3. Update the server-side integration by replacing the old siteverify URL with ours.

There is more detail on the process below, including options you can configure, but that’s really it. We’re excited about the simplicity of making a change.

Announcing Turnstile, a user-friendly, privacy-preserving alternative to CAPTCHA

Deployment options and analytics

To use Turnstile, first create an account and get your site and secret keys.

Announcing Turnstile, a user-friendly, privacy-preserving alternative to CAPTCHA

Then, copy and paste our HTML snippet:

<script src="https://challenges.cloudflare.com/turnstile/v0/api.js" async defer></script>

Once the script is embedded, you can use implicit rendering. Here, the HTML is scanned for elements that have a cf-turnstile class:

<form action="/login" method="POST">
  <div class="cf-turnstile" data-sitekey="yourSiteKey"></div>
  <input type="submit">

Once a challenge has been solved, a token is injected in your form, with the name cf-turnstile-response. This token can be used with our siteverify endpoint to validate a challenge response. A token can only be validated once, and a token cannot be redeemed twice. The validation can be done on the server side or even in the cloud, for example using a simple Workers fetch (see a demo here):

async function handleRequest() {
    // ... Receive token
    let formData = new FormData();
    formData.append('secret', turnstileISecretKey);
    formData.append('response', receivedToken);
    await fetch('https://challenges.cloudflare.com/turnstile/v0/siteverify',
            body: formData,
            method: 'POST'
    // ...

For more complex use cases, the challenge can be invoked explicitly via JavaScript:

    window.turnstileCallbackFunction = function () {
        const turnstileOptions = {
            sitekey: 'yourSitekey',
            callback: function(token) {
                console.log(`Challenge Success: ${token}`);
        turnstile.render('#container', turnstileOptions);
<div id="container"></div>

You can also create what we call ‘Actions’. Custom labels that allow you to distinguish between different pages where you’re using Turnstile, like a login, checkout, or account creation page.

Once you’ve deployed Turnstile, you can go back to the dashboard and see analytics on where you have widgets deployed, how users are solving them, and view any defined actions.

Announcing Turnstile, a user-friendly, privacy-preserving alternative to CAPTCHA

Why are we giving this away for free?

While this is sometimes hard for people outside to believe, helping build a better Internet truly is our mission. This isn’t the first time we’ve built free tools that we think will make the Internet better, and it won’t be the last. It’s really important to us.

So whether or not you’re a Cloudflare customer today, if you’re using a CAPTCHA, try Turnstile for free, instead. You’ll make your users happier, and minimize the data you send to third parties.

Visit this page to sign up for the best invisible, privacy-first, CAPTCHA replacement and to retrieve your Turnstile beta sitekey.

Cloudflare named a Leader in WAF by Forrester

Post Syndicated from Michael Tremante original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-named-leader-waf-forrester-2022/

Cloudflare named a Leader in WAF by Forrester

Cloudflare named a Leader in WAF by Forrester

Forester has recognised Cloudflare as a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Web Application Firewalls, Q3 2022 report. The report evaluated 12 Web Application Firewall (WAF) providers on 24 criteria across current offering, strategy and market presence.

You can register for a complimentary copy of the report here. The report helps security and risk professionals select the correct offering for their needs.

We believe this achievement, along with recent WAF developments, reinforces our commitment and continued investment in the Cloudflare Web Application Firewall (WAF), one of our core product offerings.

The WAF, along with our DDoS Mitigation and CDN services, has in fact been an offering since Cloudflare’s founding, and we could not think of a better time to receive this recognition: Birthday Week.

We’d also like to take this opportunity to thank Forrester.

Leading WAF in strategy

Cloudflare received the highest score of all assessed vendors in the strategy category. We also received the highest possible scores in 10 criteria, including:

  • Innovation
  • Management UI
  • Rule creation and modification
  • Log4Shell response
  • Incident investigation
  • Security operations feedback loops

According to Forrester, “Cloudflare Web Application Firewall shines in configuration and rule creation”, “Cloudflare stands out for its active online user community and its associated response time metrics”, and “Cloudflare is a top choice for those prioritizing usability and looking for a unified application security platform.”

Protecting web applications

The core value of any WAF is to keep web applications safe from external attacks by stopping any compromise attempt. Compromises can in fact lead to complete application take over and data exfiltration resulting in financial and reputational damage to the targeted organization.

The Log4Shell criterion in the Forrester Wave report is an excellent example of a real world use case to demonstrate this value.

Log4Shell was a high severity vulnerability discovered in December 2021 that affected the popular Apache Log4J software commonly used by applications to implement logging functionality. The vulnerability, when exploited, allows an attacker to perform remote code execution and consequently take over the target application.

Due to the popularity of this software component, many organizations worldwide were potentially at risk after the immediate public announcement of the vulnerability on December 9, 2021.

We believe that we scored the highest possible score in the Log4Shell criterion due to our fast response to the announcement, by ensuring that all customers using the Cloudflare WAF were protected against the exploit in less than 17 hours globally.

We did this by deploying new managed rules (virtual patching) that were made available to all customers. The rules were deployed with a block action ensuring exploit attempts never reached customer applications.

Additionally, our continuous public updates on the subject, including regarding internal processes, helped create clarity and understanding around the severity of the issue and remediation steps.

In the following weeks from the initial announcement, we updated WAF rules several times following discovery of multiple variations of the attack payloads.

The Cloudflare WAF ultimately “bought” valuable time for our customers to patch their back end systems before attackers may have been able to find and attempt compromise of vulnerable applications.

You can read about our response and our actions following the Log4Shell announcement in great detail on our blog.

Use the Cloudflare WAF today

Cloudflare WAF keeps organizations safer while they focus on improving their applications and APIs. We integrate leading application security capabilities into a single console to protect applications with our WAF while also securing APIs, stopping DDoS attacks, blocking unwanted bots, and monitoring for 3rd party JavaScript attacks.

To start using our Cloudflare WAF today, sign up for an account.

How to enable Private Access Tokens in iOS 16 and stop seeing CAPTCHAs

Post Syndicated from João Tomé original https://blog.cloudflare.com/how-to-enable-private-access-tokens-in-ios-16-and-stop-seeing-captchas/

How to enable Private Access Tokens in iOS 16 and stop seeing CAPTCHAs

How to enable Private Access Tokens in iOS 16 and stop seeing CAPTCHAs

You go to a website or service, but before access is granted, there’s a visual challenge that forces you to select bikes, buses or traffic lights in a set of images. That can be an exasperating experience. Now, if you have iOS 16 on your iPhone, those days could be over and are just a one-time toggle enabled away.

CAPTCHA = “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart”

In 2021, we took direct steps to end the madness that wastes humanity about 500 years per day called CAPTCHAs, that have been making sure you’re human and not a bot. In August 2022, we announced Private Access Tokens. With that, we’re able to eliminate CAPTCHAs on iPhones, iPads and Macs (and more to come) with open privacy-preserving standards.

On September 12, iOS 16 became generally available (iPad 16 and macOS 13 should arrive in October) and on the settings of your device there’s a toggle that can enable the Private Access Token (PAT) technology that will eliminate the need for those CAPTCHAs, and automatically validate that you are a real human visiting a site. If you already have iOS 16, here’s what you should do to confirm that the toggle is “on” (usually it is):

Settings > Apple ID > Password & Security > Automatic Verification (should be enabled)

How to enable Private Access Tokens in iOS 16 and stop seeing CAPTCHAs

What will you get? A completely invisible, private way to validate yourself, and for a website, a way to automatically verify that real users are visiting the site without the horrible CAPTCHA user experience.

Visitors using operating systems that support these tokens, including the upcoming versions of iPad and macOS, can now prove they’re human without completing a CAPTCHA or giving up personal data.

Let’s recap from our August 2022 announcement blog post what this means for different users:

If you’re an Internet user:

  • We’re helping make your mobile web experience more pleasant and more private.
  • You won’t see a CAPTCHA on a supported iOS or Mac device (other devices coming soon!) accessing the Cloudflare network.

If you’re a web or application developer:

  • You’ll know your users are humans coming from an authentic device and signed application, verified by the device vendor directly.
  • And you’ll validate users without maintaining a cumbersome SDK.

If you’re a Cloudflare customer:

  • You don’t have to do anything! Cloudflare will automatically ask for and use Private Access Tokens when using Managed Challenge.
  • Your visitors won’t see a CAPTCHA.

It’s all about simplicity, without compromising on privacy. The work done over a year was a collaboration between Cloudflare and Apple, Google, and other industry leaders to extend the Privacy Pass protocol with support for a new cryptographic token.

These tokens simplify application security for developers and security teams, and obsolete legacy, third-party SDK-based approaches for determining if a human is using a device. They work for browsers, APIs called by browsers, and APIs called within apps. After Apple announced in August that PATs would be incorporated into iOS 16, iPad 16, and macOS 13, the process of ending CAPTCHAs got a big boost. And we expect additional vendors to announce support in the near future.

Cloudflare has already incorporated PATs into our Managed Challenge platform, so any customer using this feature will automatically take advantage of this new technology to improve the browsing experience for supported devices.

In our August in-depth blog post about PATs, you can learn more about how CAPTCHAs don’t work in mobile environments and PATs remove the need for them, and how when sites can’t challenge a visitor with a CAPTCHA, they collect private data.

Improved privacy

In that blog post, we also explain how Private Access Tokens vastly improve privacy by validating without fingerprinting. So, by partnering with third parties like device manufacturers, who already have the data that would help us validate a device, we are able to abstract portions of the validation process, and confirm data without actually collecting, touching, or storing that data ourselves. Rather than interrogating a device directly, we ask the device vendor to do it for us.

Most customers won’t have to do anything to utilize Private Access Tokens. Why? To take advantage of PATs, all you have to do is choose Managed Challenge rather than Legacy CAPTCHA as a response option in a Firewall rule. More than 65% of Cloudflare customers are already doing this.

Now, if you have iOS 16 on your iPhone, it’s your turn.

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

Post Syndicated from Jin-Hee Lee original https://blog.cloudflare.com/api-management-metrics/

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

The Internet is an endless flow of conversations between computers. These conversations, the  constant exchange of information from one computer to another, are what allow us to interact with the Internet as we know it. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are the vital channels that carry these conversations, and their usage is quickly growing: in fact, more than half of the traffic handled by Cloudflare is for APIs, and this is increasing twice as fast as traditional web traffic.

In March, we announced that we’re expanding our API Shield into a full API Gateway to make it easy for our customers to protect and manage those conversations. We already offer several features that allow you to secure your endpoints, but there’s more to endpoints than their security. It can be difficult to keep track of many endpoints over time and understand how they’re performing. Customers deserve to see what’s going on with their API-driven domains and have the ability to manage their endpoints.

Today, we’re excited to announce that the ability to save, update, and monitor the performance of all your API endpoints is now generally available to API Shield customers. This includes key performance metrics like latency, error rate, and response size that give you insights into the overall health of your API endpoints.

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

A Refresher on APIs

The bar for what we expect an application to do for us has risen tremendously over the past few years. When we open a browser, app, or IoT device, we expect to be able to connect to data instantly, compare dozens of flights within seconds, choose a menu item from a food delivery app, or see the weather for ten locations at once.

How are applications able to provide this kind of dynamic engagement for their users? They rely on APIs, which provide access to data and services—either from the application developer or from another company. APIs are fundamental in how computers (or services) talk to each other and exchange information.

You can think of an API as a waiter: say a customer orders a delicious bowl of Mac n Cheese. The waiter accepts this order from the customer, communicates the request to the chef in a format the chef can understand, and then delivers the Mac n Cheese back to the customer (assuming the chef has the ingredients in stock). The waiter is the crucial channel of communication, which is exactly what the API does.

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

Managing API Endpoints

The first step in managing APIs is to get a complete list of all the endpoints exposed to the internet. API Discovery automatically does this for any traffic flowing through Cloudflare. Undiscovered APIs can’t be monitored by security teams (since they don’t know about them) and they’re thus less likely to have proper security policies and best practices applied. However, customers have told us they also want the ability to manually add and manage APIs that are not yet deployed, or they want to ignore certain endpoints (for example those in the process of deprecation). Now, API Shield customers can choose to save endpoints found by Discovery or manually add endpoints to API Shield.

But security vulnerabilities aren’t the only risk or area of concern with APIs – they can be painfully slow or connections can be unsuccessful. We heard questions from our customers such as: what are my most popular endpoints? Is this endpoint significantly slower than it was yesterday? Are any endpoints returning errors that may indicate a problem with the application?

That’s why we built Performance Metrics into API Shield, which allows our customers to quickly answer these questions themselves with real-time data.

Prioritizing Performance

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

Once you’ve discovered, saved, or removed endpoints, you want to know what’s going well and what’s not. To end-users, a huge part of what defines the experience as “going well” is good performance. Poor performance can lead to a frustrating experience: when you’re shopping online and press a button to check out, you don’t want to wait around for minutes for the page to load. And you certainly never want to see a dreaded error symbol telling you that you can’t get what you came for.

Exposing performance metrics of API endpoints puts concrete numerical data into your developers’ hands to tell you how things are going. When things are going poorly, these dashboard metrics will point out exactly which aspect of performance is causing concern: maybe you expected to see a spike in requests, but find out that request count is normal and latency is just higher than usual.

Empowering our customers to make data-driven decisions to better manage their APIs ends up being a win for our customers and our customers’ customers, who expect to seamlessly engage with the domain’s APIs and get exactly what they came for.

Management and Performance Metrics in the Dashboard

So, what’s available today? Log onto your Cloudflare dashboard, go to the domain-level Security tab, and open up the API Shield page. Here, you’ll see the Endpoint Management tab, which shows you all the API endpoints that you’ve saved, alongside placeholders for metrics that will soon be gathered.

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

Here you can easily delete endpoints you no longer want to track, or click manually add additional endpoints. You can also export schemas for each host to share internally or externally.

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

Once you’ve saved the endpoints that you want to keep tabs on, Cloudflare will start collecting data on its performance and make it available to you as soon as possible.

In Endpoint Management, you can see a few summary metrics in the collapsed view of each endpoint, including recommended rate limits, average latency, and error rate. It can be difficult to tell whether things are going well or not just from seeing a value alone, so we added sparklines that show relative performance, comparing an endpoint’s current metrics with its usual or previous data.

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

If you want to view further details about a given endpoint, you can expand it for additional metrics such as response size and errors separated by 4xx and 5xx. The expanded view also allows you to view all metrics at a single timestamp by hovering over the charts.

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

For each saved endpoint, customers can see the following metrics:

  • Request count: total number of requests to the endpoint over time.
  • Rate limiting recommendation per 10 minutes, which is guided by the request count.
  • Latency: average origin response time, in milliseconds (ms). How long does it take from the moment a visitor makes a request to the moment the visitor gets a response back from the origin?
  • Error rate vs. overall traffic: grouped by 4xx, 5xx, and their sum.
  • Response size: average size of the response (in bytes) returned to the request.

You can toggle between viewing these metrics on a 24-hour period or a 7-day period, depending on the scale on which you’d like to view your data. And in the expanded view, we provide a percentage difference between the averages of the current vs. the previous period. For example, say I’m viewing my metrics on a 24-hour timeline. My average latency yesterday was 10 ms, and my average latency today is 30 ms, so the dashboard shows a 200% increase. We also use anomaly detection to bring attention to endpoints that have concerning performance changes.

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

Additional improvements to Discovery and Schema Validation

As part of making endpoint management GA, we’re also adding two additional enhancements to API Shield.

First, API Discovery now accepts cookies — in addition to authorization headers — to discover endpoints and suggest rate limiting thresholds. Previously, you could only identify an API session with HTTP headers, which didn’t allow customers to protect endpoints that use cookies as session identifiers. Now these endpoints can be protected as well. Simply go to the API Shield tab in the dashboard, choose edit session identifiers, and either change the type, or click Add additional identifier.

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

Second, we added the ability to validate the body of requests via Schema Validation for all customers. Schema Validation allows you to provide an OpenAPI schema (a template for your API traffic) and have Cloudflare block non-conformant requests as they arrive at our edge. Previously, you provided specific headers, cookies, and other features to validate. Now that we can validate the body of requests, you can use Schema Validation to confirm every element of a request matches what is expected. If a request contains strange information in the payload, we’ll notice. Note: customers who have already uploaded schemas will need to re-upload to take advantage of body validation.

Take a look at our developer documentation for more details on both of these features.

Get started

Endpoint Management, performance metrics, schema exporting, discovery via cookies, and schema body validation are all available now for all API Shield customers. To use them, log into the Cloudflare dashboard, click on Security in the navigation bar, and choose API Shield. Once API Shield is enabled, you’ll be able to start discovering endpoints immediately. You can also use all features through our API.

If you aren’t yet protecting a website with Cloudflare, it only takes a few minutes to sign up.

AWS achieves its second ISMAP authorization in Japan

Post Syndicated from Hidetoshi Takeuchi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/aws-achieves-its-second-ismap-authorization-in-japan/

Earning and maintaining customer trust is an ongoing commitment at Amazon Web Services (AWS). Our customers’ security requirements drive the scope and portfolio of the compliance reports, attestations, and certifications we pursue. We’re excited to announce that AWS has achieved authorization under the Information System Security Management and Assessment Program (ISMAP) program, effective from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023. The authorization scope covers a total of 145 AWS services (an increase of 22 services over the previous authorization) across 22 AWS Regions, including the Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region and the Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region. This is the second time AWS has undergone an assessment since ISMAP was first published by the ISMAP steering committee in March 2020.

ISMAP is a Japanese government program for assessing the security of public cloud services. The purpose of ISMAP is to provide a common set of security standards for cloud service providers (CSPs) to comply with as a baseline requirement for government procurement. ISMAP introduces security requirements for cloud domains, practices, and procedures that CSPs must implement. CSPs must engage with an ISMAP-approved third-party assessor to assess compliance with the ISMAP security requirements in order to apply as an ISMAP-registered CSP. The ISMAP program will evaluate the security of each CSP and register those that satisfy the Japanese government’s security requirements. Upon successful ISMAP registration of CSPs, government procurement departments and agencies can accelerate their engagement with the registered CSPs and contribute to the smooth introduction of cloud services in government information systems.

The achievement of this authorization demonstrates the proactive approach AWS has taken to help customers meet compliance requirements set by the Japanese government and to deliver secure AWS services to our customers. Service providers and customers of AWS can use the ISMAP authorization of AWS services to support their own ISMAP authorization programs. The full list of 145 ISMAP-authorized AWS services is available on the AWS Services in Scope by Compliance Program webpage, and you can also use the ISMAP Customer Package on AWS Artifact. You can confirm the AWS ISMAP authorization status and find detailed scope information on the ISMAP Portal.

As always, we are committed to bringing new services and Regions into the scope of our ISMAP program, based on your business needs. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact your AWS Account Manager.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.
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Hidetoshi Takeuchi

Hidetoshi Takeuchi

Hidetoshi is the Audit Program Manager for the Asia Pacific Region, leading Japan security certification and authorization programs. Hidetoshi has worked in information technology security, risk management, security assurance, and technology audits for the past 25 years. He is passionate about delivering programs that build customers’ trust and provide them with assurance on cloud security.

Cloudflare Area 1 – how the best Email Security keeps getting better

Post Syndicated from Joao Sousa Botto original https://blog.cloudflare.com/email-security/

Cloudflare Area 1 - how the best Email Security keeps getting better

Cloudflare Area 1 - how the best Email Security keeps getting better

On February 23, 2022, after being a customer for two years and seeing phishing attacks virtually disappear from our employee’s mailboxes, Cloudflare announced the acquisition of Area 1 Security.

Thanks to its unique technology (more on that below) Cloudflare Area 1 can proactively identify and protect against phishing campaigns before they happen, and potentially prevent the 90%+ of all cyberattacks that Deloitte research identified as starting with an email. All with little to no impact on employee productivity.

But preventing 90% of the attacks is not enough, and that’s why Cloudflare Area 1 email security is part of our Zero Trust platform. Here’s what’s new.

Email Security on your Cloudflare Dashboard

Starting today you will find a dedicated Email Security section on your Cloudflare dashboard. That’s the easiest way for any Cloudflare customer to get familiar with and start using Cloudflare Area 1 Email Security.

From there you can easily request a trial, which gives you access to the full product for 30 days.

Our team will guide you through the setup, which will take just a few minutes. That’s the beauty of not having to install and tune a Secure Email Gateway (SEG). You can simply configure Area 1 inline or connect through the API, journaling, or other connectors – none of these options disrupt mail flow or the end user experience. And you don’t need any new hardware, appliances or agents.

Once the trial starts, you’ll be able to review detection metrics and forensics in real time, and will receive real-time updates from the Area 1 team on incidents that require immediate attention.

At the end of the trial you will also have a Phishing Risk Assessment where our team will walk you through the impact of the mitigated attacks and answer your questions.

Cloudflare Area 1 - how the best Email Security keeps getting better

Another option you’ll see on the Email Security section of the Cloudflare Dashboard is to explore the Area 1 demo.

At the click of a button you’ll enter the Area 1 portal of a fictitious company where you can see the product in action. You can interact with the full product, including our advanced message classifiers, the BEC protections, real time view of spoofed domains, and our unique message search and trace capabilities.

Cloudflare Area 1 - how the best Email Security keeps getting better

Product Expansions

Being cloud-native has allowed us to develop some unique capabilities. Most notably, we scan the Internet for attacker infrastructure, sources and delivery mechanisms to stop phishing attacks days before they hit an inbox. These are state of the art machine-learning models using the threat intelligence data that Area 1 has accumulated since it was founded nine years ago, and now they also incorporate data from the 124 billion cyber threats that Cloudflare blocks each day and its 1.7 trillion daily DNS queries.

Since the product is cloud-based and no local appliances are involved, these unique datasets and models benefit every customer immediately and apply to the full range of email attack types (URLs, payloads, BEC), vectors (email, web, network), and attack channels (external, internal, trusted partners). Additionally, the threat datasets, observables and Indicators of Compromise (IOC) are now additional signals to Cloudflare Gateway (part of Zero Trust), extending protection beyond email and giving Cloudflare customers the industry’s utmost protection against converged or blended threats.

The expertise Area 1 gained through this relentless focus on Threat Research and Threat Operations (i.e., disrupting actors once identified) is also leading to a new large scale initiative to make every Cloudflare customer, and the broader Internet, safer – Cloudforce One.

The Cloudforce One team is composed of analysts assigned to five subteams: Malware Analysis, Threat Analysis, Active Mitigation and Countermeasures, Intelligence Analysis, and Intelligence Sharing. Collectively, they have tracked many of the most sophisticated cyber criminals on the Internet while at the National Security Agency (NSA), USCYBERCOM, and Area 1 Security, and have worked closely with similar organizations and governments to disrupt these threat actors. They’ve also been prolific in publishing “finished intel” reports on security topics of significant geopolitical importance, such as targeted attacks against governments, technology companies, the energy sector, and law firms, and have regularly briefed top organizations around the world on their efforts.

The team will help protect all Cloudflare customers by working closely with our existing product, engineering, and security teams to improve our products based on tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) observed in the wild. Customers will get better protection without having to take any action.

Additionally, customers can purchase a subscription to Cloudforce One (now generally available), and get access to threat data and briefings, dedicated security tools, and the ability to make requests for information (RFIs) to the team’s threat operations staff. RFIs can be on any security topic of interest, and will be analyzed and responded to in a timely manner. For example, the Cloudforce One Malware Analysis team can accept uploads of possible malware and provide a technical analysis of the submitted resource.

Lastly, SPF/DKIM/DMARC policies are another tool that can be used to prevent Email Spoofing and have always been a critical part of Area 1’s threat models. Cloudflare Area 1 customers receive weekly DMARC sender reports to understand the efficacy of their configuration, but customers have also asked for help in setting up SPF/DKIM/DMARC records for their own domains.

It was only logical to make Cloudflare’s Email Security DNS Wizard part of our Email Security stack to guide customers through their initial SPF, DKIM and DMARC configuration. The wizard is now available to all customers using Cloudflare DNS, and will soon be available to Cloudflare Area 1 customers using a third party DNS. Getting SPF/DKIM/DMARC right can be complex, but it is a necessary and vital part of making the Internet safer, and this solution will help you build a solid foundation.

You’ll be hearing from us very soon regarding more expansions to the Area 1 feature set. In the meantime, if you want to experience Area 1 first-hand sign up for a Phishing Risk Assessment here or explore the interactive demo through the Email section of your Cloudflare Dashboard.

Cloudforce One is now generally available: empower your security team with threat data, tooling, and access to industry experts

Post Syndicated from Patrick R. Donahue original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudforce-one-is-now-ga/

Cloudforce One is now generally available: empower your security team with threat data, tooling, and access to industry experts

Cloudforce One is now generally available: empower your security team with threat data, tooling, and access to industry experts

Cloudflare’s threat operations and research team, Cloudforce One, is now open for business and has begun conducting threat briefings. Access to the team is available via an add-on subscription, and includes threat data and briefings, security tools, and the ability to make requests for information (RFIs) to the team.

Fill out this form or contact your account team to learn more.

Subscriptions come in two packages, and are priced based on number of employees: “Premier” includes our full history of threat data, bundled RFIs, and an API quota designed to support integrations with SIEMs. “Core” level includes reduced history and quotas. Both packages include access to all available security tools, including a threat investigation portal and sinkholes-as-a-service.

If you’re an enterprise customer interested in understanding the type of threat briefings that Cloudforce One customers receive, you can register here for “YackingYeti: How a Russian threat group targets Ukraine—and the world”, scheduled for October 12. The briefing will include Q&A with Blake Darché, head of Cloudforce One, and an opportunity to learn more about the team and offering.

Requests for Information (RFIs) and Briefings

The Cloudforce One team is composed of analysts assigned to five subteams: Malware Analysis, Threat Analysis, Active Mitigation and Countermeasures, Intelligence Analysis, and Intelligence Sharing. Collectively, they have tracked many of the most sophisticated cyber criminals on the Internet while at the National Security Agency (NSA), USCYBERCOM, and Area 1 Security, and have worked closely with similar organizations and governments to disrupt these threat actors. They’ve also been prolific in publishing “finished intel” reports on security topics of significant geopolitical importance, such as targeted attacks against governments, technology companies, the energy sector, and law firms, and have regularly briefed top organizations around the world on their efforts.

Cloudforce One is now generally available: empower your security team with threat data, tooling, and access to industry experts

Included with a Cloudforce One subscription is the ability to make “requests for information” (RFIs) to these experts. RFIs can be on any security topic of interest, and will be analyzed and responded to in a timely manner. For example, the Cloudforce One Malware Analysis team can accept uploads of possible malware and provide a technical analysis of the submitted resource. Each plan level comes with a fixed number of RFIs, and additional requests can be added.

In addition to customer-specific requests, Cloudforce One conducts regular briefings on a variety of threats and threat actors—those targeting specific industries as well as more general topics of interest.

Threat Data

The best way to understand threats facing networks and applications connected to the Internet is to operate and protect critical, large scale Internet infrastructure. And to defend attacks against millions of customers, large and small. Since our early days, Cloudflare has set out to build one of the world’s largest global networks to do just that. Every day we answer trillions of DNS queries, track the issuance of millions SSL/TLS certificates in our CT log, inspect millions of emails for threats, route multiple petabytes of traffic to our customers’ networks, and proxy trillions of HTTP requests destined for our customers’ applications. Each one of these queries and packets provides a unique data point that can be analyzed at scale and anonymized into actionable threat data—now available to our Cloudforce One customers.

Data sets now available in the dashboard and via API for subscribers include IP, ASN, and domain intelligence, passive DNS resolutions; threat actor cards with indicators of compromise (IoC), open port, and new Managed IP Lists are planned for release later this year.

Security Tools

Security analysts and threat hunting teams are being forced to do more with less in today’s operating environment, but that doesn’t reduce their need for reliable tools that can quickly identify and eliminate risks.

Bundled with Cloudforce One are several security tools that can be deployed as services to expedite threat hunting and remediation:

Threat Investigation Portal

  • Located within Security Center, the Investigate tab is your portal for querying current and historical threat data on IPs, ASNs, URLs (new!), and domains.
  • URLs can now be scanned for phishing contents, with heuristic and machine learning-scored results presented on demand.
Cloudforce One is now generally available: empower your security team with threat data, tooling, and access to industry experts

Brand Protection (new!)

  • Also located within the Security Center, the Brand Protection tab can be used to register keywords or assets (e.g., corporate logos, etc.) that customers wish to be notified of when they appear on the Internet.
Cloudforce One is now generally available: empower your security team with threat data, tooling, and access to industry experts
Cloudforce One is now generally available: empower your security team with threat data, tooling, and access to industry experts

Sinkholes (new!)

  • Sinkholes can be created on-demand, as a service, to monitor hosts infected with malware and prevent them from communicating with command-and-control (C2) servers.
  • After creating a sinkhole via API, an IP will be returned which can be used with DNS products like Cloudflare Gateway to route web requests to safe sinkholes (and away from C2 servers). Sinkholes can be used to intercept SMTP traffic.
  • Premier customers can also bring their own IP address space to use for sinkholes, to accommodate egress firewall filtering or other use cases. In the future we plan to extend our sinkhole capability to the network layer, which will allow it to be deployed alongside offerings such as Magic Transit and Magic WAN.
Cloudforce One is now generally available: empower your security team with threat data, tooling, and access to industry experts

Getting Started with Cloudforce One

Cloudforce One is open for business and ready to answer your security inquiries. Speak to your account manager or fill out this form to learn more. We hope to see you on the upcoming webinar!

Cloudflare named a Leader by Gartner

Post Syndicated from Michael Tremante original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-waap-named-leader-gartner-magic-quadrant-2022/

Cloudflare named a Leader by Gartner

Cloudflare named a Leader by Gartner

Gartner has recognised Cloudflare as a Leader in the 2022 “Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Web Application and API Protection (WAAP)” report that evaluated 11 vendors for their ‘ability to execute’ and ‘completeness of vision’.

You can register for a complimentary copy of the report here.

We believe this achievement highlights our continued commitment and investment in this space as we aim to provide better and more effective security solutions to our users and customers.

Keeping up with application security

With over 36 million HTTP requests per second being processed by the Cloudflare global network we get unprecedented visibility into network patterns and attack vectors. This scale allows us to effectively differentiate clean traffic from malicious, resulting in about 1 in every 10 HTTP requests proxied by Cloudflare being mitigated at the edge by our WAAP portfolio.

Visibility is not enough, and as new use cases and patterns emerge, we invest in research and new product development. For example, API traffic is increasing (55%+ of total traffic) and we don’t expect this trend to slow down. To help customers with these new workloads, our API Gateway builds upon our WAF to provide better visibility and mitigations for well-structured API traffic for which we’ve observed different attack profiles compared to standard web based applications.

We believe our continued investment in application security has helped us gain our position in this space, and we’d like to thank Gartner for the recognition.

Cloudflare WAAP

At Cloudflare, we have built several features that fall under the Web Application and API Protection (WAAP) umbrella.

DDoS protection & mitigation

Our network, which spans more than 275 cities in over 100 countries is the backbone of our platform, and is a core component that allows us to mitigate DDoS attacks of any size.

To help with this, our network is intentionally anycasted and advertises the same IP addresses from all locations, allowing us to “split” incoming traffic into manageable chunks that each location can handle with ease, and this is especially important when mitigating large volumetric Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

The system is designed to require little to no configuration while also being “always-on” ensuring attacks are mitigated instantly. Add to that some very smart software such as our new location aware mitigation, and DDoS attacks become a solved problem.

For customers with very specific traffic patterns, full configurability of our DDoS Managed Rules is just a click away.

Web Application Firewall

Our WAF is a core component of our application security and ensures hackers and vulnerability scanners have a hard time trying to find potential vulnerabilities in web applications.

This is very important when zero-day vulnerabilities become publicly available as we’ve seen bad actors attempt to leverage new vectors within hours of them becoming public. Log4J, and even more recently the Confluence CVE, are just two examples where we observed this behavior. That’s why our WAF is also backed by a team of security experts who constantly monitor and develop/improve signatures to ensure we “buy” precious time for our customers to harden and patch their backend systems when necessary. Additionally, and complementary to signatures, our WAF machine learning system classifies each request providing a much wider view in traffic patterns.

Our WAF comes packed with many advanced features such as leaked credential checks, advanced analytics and alerting and payload logging.

Bot Management

It is no secret that a large portion of web traffic is automated, and while not all automation is bad, some is unnecessary and may also be malicious.

Our Bot Management product works in parallel to our WAF and scores every request with the likelihood of it being generated by a bot, allowing you to easily filter unwanted traffic by deploying a WAF Custom Rule, all this backed by powerful analytics. We make this easy by also maintaining a list of verified bots that can be used to further improve a security policy.

In the event you want to block automated traffic, Cloudflare’s managed challenge ensures that only bots receive a hard time without impacting the experience of real users.

API Gateway

API traffic, by definition, is very well-structured relative to standard web pages consumed by browsers. At the same time, APIs tend to be closer abstractions to back end databases and services, resulting in increased attention from malicious actors and often go unnoticed even to internal security teams (shadow APIs).

API Gateway, that can be layered on top of our WAF, helps you both discover API endpoints served by your infrastructure, as well detect potential anomalies in traffic flows that may indicate compromise, both from a volumetric and sequential perspective.

The nature of APIs also allows API Gateway to much more easily provide a positive security model contrary to our WAF: only allow known good traffic and block everything else. Customers can leverage schema protection and mutual TLS authentication (mTLS) to achieve this with ease.

Page Shield

Attacks that leverage the browser environment directly can go unnoticed for some time, as they don’t necessarily require the back end application to be compromised. For example, if any third party JavaScript library used by a web application is performing malicious behavior, application administrators and users may be none the wiser while credit card details are being leaked to a third party endpoint controlled by an attacker. This is a common vector for Magecart, one of many client side security attacks.

Page Shield is solving client side security by providing active monitoring of third party libraries and alerting application owners whenever a third party asset shows malicious activity. It leverages both public standards such as content security policies (CSP) along with custom classifiers to ensure coverage.

Page Shield, just like our other WAAP products, is fully integrated on the Cloudflare platform and requires one single click to turn on.

Security Center

Cloudflare’s new Security Center is the home of the WAAP portfolio. A single place for security professionals to get a broad view across both network and infrastructure assets protected by Cloudflare.

Moving forward we plan for the Security Center to be the starting point for forensics and analysis, allowing you to also leverage Cloudflare threat intelligence when investigating incidents.

The Cloudflare advantage

Our WAAP portfolio is delivered from a single horizontal platform, allowing you to leverage all security features without additional deployments. Additionally, scaling, maintenance and updates are fully managed by Cloudflare allowing you to focus on delivering business value on your application.

This applies even beyond WAAP, as, although we started building products and services for web applications, our position in the network allows us to protect anything connected to the Internet, including teams, offices and internal facing applications. All from the same single platform. Our Zero Trust portfolio is now an integral part of our business and WAAP customers can start leveraging our secure access service edge (SASE) with just a few clicks.

If you are looking to consolidate your security posture, both from a management and budget perspective, application services teams can use the same platform that internal IT services teams use, to protect staff and internal networks.

Continuous innovation

We did not build our WAAP portfolio overnight, and over just the past year we’ve released more than five major WAAP portfolio security product releases. To showcase our speed of innovation, here is a selection of our top picks:

  • API Shield Schema Protection: traditional signature based WAF approaches (negative security model) don’t always work well with well-structured data such as API traffic. Given the fast growth in API traffic across the network we built a new incremental product that allows you to enforce API schemas directly at the edge using a positive security model: only let well-formed data through to your origin web servers;
  • API Abuse Detection: complementary to API Schema Protection, API Abuse Detection warns you whenever anomalies are detected on your API endpoints. These can be triggered by unusual traffic flows or patterns that don’t follow normal traffic activity;
  • Our new Web Application Firewall: built on top of our new Edge Rules Engine, the core Web Application Firewall received a complete overhaul, all the way from engine internals to the UI. Better performance both in terms of latency and efficacy at blocking malicious payloads, along with brand-new capabilities including but not limited to Exposed Credential Checks, account wide configurations and payload logging;
  • DDoS customizable Managed Rules: to provide additional configuration flexibility, we started exposing some of our internal DDoS mitigation managed rules for custom configurations to further reduce false positives and allow customers to increase thresholds / detections as required;
  • Security Center: Cloudflare view on infrastructure and network assets, along with alerts and notifications for miss configurations and potential security issues;
  • Page Shield: based on growing customer demand and the rise of attack vectors focusing on the end user browser environment, Page Shield helps you detect whenever malicious JavaScript may have made its way into your application’s code;
  • API Gateway: full API management, including routing directly from the Cloudflare edge, with API Security baked in, including encryption and mutual TLS authentication (mTLS);
  • Machine Learning WAF: complementary to our WAF Managed Rulesets, our new ML WAF engine, scores every single request from 1 (clean) to 99 (malicious) giving you additional visibility in both valid and non-valid malicious payloads increasing our ability to detect targeted attacks and scans towards your application;

Looking forward

Our roadmap is packed with both new application security features and improvements to existing systems. As we learn more about the Internet we find ourselves better equipped to keep your applications safe. Stay tuned for more.

Gartner, “Magic Quadrant for Web Application and API Protection”, Analyst(s): Jeremy D’Hoinne, Rajpreet Kaur, John Watts, Adam Hils, August 30, 2022.

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Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

How to automate updates for your domain list in Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall

Post Syndicated from Guillaume Neau original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-automate-updates-for-your-domain-list-in-route-53-resolver-dns-firewall/

Note: This post includes links to third-party websites. AWS is not responsible for the content on those websites.

Following the release of Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall, Amazon Web Services (AWS) published several blog posts to help you protect your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) DNS resolution, including How to Get Started with Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall for Amazon VPC and Secure your Amazon VPC DNS resolution with Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall. Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall provides managed domain lists that are fully maintained and kept up-to-date by AWS and that directly benefit from the threat intelligence that we gather, but you might want to create or import your own list to have full control over the DNS filtering.

In this blog post, you will find a solution to automate the management of your domain list by using AWS Lambda, Amazon EventBridge, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). The solution in this post uses, as an example, the URLhaus open Response Policy Zone (RPZ) list, which generates a new file every five minutes.

Architecture overview

The solution is made of the following four components, as shown in Figure 1.

  1. An EventBridge scheduled rule to invoke the Lambda function on a schedule.
  2. A Lambda function that uses the AWS SDK to perform the automation logic.
  3. An S3 bucket to temporarily store the list of domains retrieved.
  4. Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall.
    Figure 1: Architecture overview

    Figure 1: Architecture overview

After the solution is deployed, it works as follows:

  1. The scheduled rule invokes the Lambda function every 5 minutes to fetch the latest domain list available.
  2. The Lambda function fetches the list from URLhaus, parses the data retrieved, formats the data, uploads the list of domains into the S3 bucket, and invokes the Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall importFirewallDomains API action.
  3. The domain list is then updated.

Implementation steps

As a first step, create your own domain list on the Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall. Having your own domain list allows you to have full control of the list of domains to which you want to apply actions, as defined within rule groups.

To create your own domain list

  1. In the Route 53 console, in the left menu, choose Domain lists in the DNS firewall section.
  2. Choose the Add domain list button, enter a name for your owned domain list, and then enter a placeholder domain to initialize the domain list.
  3. Choose Add domain list to finalize the creation of the domain list.
    Figure 2: Expected view of the console

    Figure 2: Expected view of the console

The list from URLhaus contains more than a thousand records. You will use the ImportFirewallDomains endpoint to upload this list to DNS Firewall. The use of the ImportFirewallDomains endpoint requires that you first upload the list of domains and make the list available in an S3 bucket that is located in the same AWS Region as the owned domain list that you just created.

To create the S3 bucket

  1. In the S3 console, choose Create bucket.
  2. Under General configuration, configure the AWS Region option to be the same as the Region in which you created your domain list.
  3. Finalize the configuration of your S3 bucket, and then choose Create bucket.

Because a new file is created every five minutes, we recommend setting a lifecycle rule to automatically expire and delete files after 24 hours to optimize for cost and only save the most recent lists.

To create the Lambda function

  1. Follow the steps in the topic Creating an execution role in the IAM console to create an execution role. After step 4, when you configure permissions, choose Create Policy, and then create and add an IAM policy similar to the following example. This policy needs to:
    • Allow the Lambda function to put logs in Amazon CloudWatch.
    • Allow the Lambda function to have read and write access to objects placed in the created S3 bucket.
    • Allow the Lambda function to update the firewall domain list.
    • {
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:<region>:<accountId>:*",
                  "Effect": "Allow"
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<DNSFW-BUCKET-NAME>/*",
                  "Effect": "Allow"
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": "arn:aws:route53resolver:<region>:<accountId>:firewall-domain-list/<domain-list-id>",
                  "Effect": "Allow"

  2. (Optional) If you decide to use the example provided by AWS:
    • After cloning the repository: Build the layer following the instruction included in the readme.md and the provided script.
    • Zip the lambda.
    • In the left menu, select Layers then Create Layer. Enter a name for the layer, then select Upload a .zip file. Choose to upload the layer (node-axios-layer.zip).
    • As a compatible runtime, select: Node.js 16.x.
    • Select Create
  3. In the Lambda console, in the same Region as your domain list, choose Create function, and then do the following:
    • Choose your desired runtime and architecture.
    • (Optional) To use the code provided by AWS: Select Node.js 16.x as the runtime.
    • Choose Change the default execution role.
    • Choose Use an existing role, and then pick the role that you just created.
  4. After the Lambda function is created, in the left menu of the Lambda console, choose Functions, and then select the function you created.
    • For Code source, you can either enter the code of the Lambda function or choose the Upload from button and then choose the source for the code. AWS provides an example of functioning code on GitHub under a MIT-0 license.

    (optional) To use the code provided by AWS:

    • Choose the Upload from button and upload the zipped code example.
    • After the code is uploaded, edit the default Runtime settings: Choose the Edit button and set the handler to be equal to: LambdaRpz.handler
    • Edit the default Layers configuration, choose the Add a layer button, select Specify an ARN and enter the ARN of the layer created during the optional step 2.
    • Edit the environment variables of the function: Select the Edit button and define the three following variables:
      1. Key : FirewallDomainListId | Value : <domain-list-id>
      2. Key : region | Value : <region>
      3. Key : s3Prefix | Value : <DNSFW-BUCKET-NAME>

The code that you place in the function will be able to fetch the list from URLhaus, upload the list as a file to S3, and start the import of domains.

For the Lambda function to be invoked every 5 minutes, next you will create a scheduled rule with Amazon EventBridge.

To automate the invoking of the Lambda function

  1. In the EventBridge console, in the same AWS Region as your domain list, choose Create rule.
  2. For Rule type, choose Schedule.
  3. For Schedule pattern, select the option A schedule that runs at a regular rate, such as every 10 minutes, and under Rate expression set a rate of 5 minutes.
    Figure 3: Console view when configuring a schedule

    Figure 3: Console view when configuring a schedule

  4. To select the target, choose AWS service, choose Lambda function, and then select the function that you previously created.

After the solution is deployed, your domain list will be updated every 5 minutes and look like the view in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Console view of the created domain list after it has been updated by the Lambda function

Figure 4: Console view of the created domain list after it has been updated by the Lambda function

Code samples

You can use the samples in the amazon-route-53-resolver-firewall-automation-examples-2 GitHub repository to ease the automation of your domain list, and the associated updates. The repository contains script files to help you with the deployment process of the AWS CloudFormation template. Note that you need to have the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) installed and properly configured in order to use the files.

To deploy the CloudFormation stack

  1. If you haven’t done so already, create an S3 bucket to store the artifacts in the Region where you wish to deploy. This name of this bucket will then be referenced as ParamS3ArtifactBucket with a value of <DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET-ARTIFACT>
  2. Clone the repository locally.
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-route-53-resolver-firewall-automation-examples-2
  3. Build the Lambda function layer. From the /layer folder, use the provided script.
    . ./build-layer.sh
  4. Zip and upload the artifact to the bucket created in step 1. From the root folder, use the provided script.
    . ./zipupload.sh <ParamS3ArtifactBucket>
  5. Deploy the AWS CloudFormation stack by using either the AWS CLI or the CloudFormation console.
    • To deploy by using the AWS CLI, from the root folder, type the following command, making sure to replace <region>, <DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET-ARTIFACT>, <DNSFW-BUCKET-NAME>, and <DomainListName>with your own values.
      aws --region <region> cloudformation create-stack --stack-name DNSFWStack --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --template-body file://./DNSFWStack.cfn.yaml --parameters ParameterKey=ParamS3ArtifactBucket,ParameterValue=<DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET-ARTIFACT> ParameterKey=ParamS3RpzBucket,ParameterValue=<DNSFW-BUCKET-NAME> ParameterKey=ParamFirewallDomainListName,ParameterValue=<DomainListName>

    • To deploy by using the console, do the following:
      1. In the CloudFormation console, choose Create stack, and then choose With new resources (standard).
      2. On the creation screen, choose Template is ready, and upload the provided DNSFWStack.cfn.yaml file.
      3. Enter a stack name and configure the requested parameters with your desired configuration and outcomes. These parameters include the following:
        • The name of your firewall domain list.
        • The name of the S3 bucket that contains Lambda artifacts.
        • The name of the S3 bucket that will be created to contain the files with the domain information from URLhaus.
      4. Acknowledge that the template requires IAM permission because it will create the role for the Lambda function and manage its IAM policy, and then choose Create stack.

After a few minutes, all the resources should be created and the CloudFormation stack is now deployed. After 5 minutes, your domain list should be updated, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Console view of CloudFormation after the stack has been deployed

Figure 5: Console view of CloudFormation after the stack has been deployed

Conclusions and cost

In this blog post, you learned about creating and automating the update of a domain list that you fully control. To go further, you can extend and replicate the architecture pattern to fetch domain names from other sources by editing the source code of the Lambda function.

After the solution is in place, in order for the filtering to be effective, you need to create a rule group referencing the domain list and associate the rule group with some of your VPCs.

For cost information, see the AWS Pricing Calculator. This solution will be invoked 60 (minutes) * 24 (hours) * 30 (days) / 5 (minutes) = 8,640 times per month, invoking the Lambda function that will run for an average of 400 minutes, storing an average of 0.5 GB in Amazon S3, and creating a domain list that averages 1,500 domains. According to our public pricing, and without factoring in the AWS Free Tier, this will incur the estimated total cost of $1.43 per month for the filtering of 1 million DNS requests.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Guillaume Neau

Guillaume Neau

Guillaume is a solutions architect of France with an expertise in information security that focus on building solutions that improve the life of citizens.

Introducing thresholds in Security Event Alerting: a z-score love story

Post Syndicated from Kristina Galicova original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-thresholds-in-security-event-alerting-a-z-score-love-story/

Introducing thresholds in Security Event Alerting: a z-score love story

Introducing thresholds in Security Event Alerting: a z-score love story

Today we are excited to announce thresholds for our Security Event Alerts: a new and improved way of detecting anomalous spikes of security events on your Internet properties. Previously, our calculations were based on z-score methodology alone, which was able to determine most of the significant spikes. By introducing a threshold, we are able to make alerts more accurate and only notify you when it truly matters. One can think of it as a romance between the two strategies. This is the story of how they met.

Author’s note: as an intern at Cloudflare I got to work on this project from start to finish from investigation all the way to the final product.

Once upon a time

In the beginning, there were Security Event Alerts. Security Event Alerts are notifications that are sent whenever we detect a threat to your Internet property. As the name suggests, they track the number of security events, which are requests to your application that match security rules. For example, you can configure a security rule that blocks access from certain countries. Every time a user from that country tries to access your Internet property, it will log as a security event. While a security event may be harmless and fired as a result of the natural flow of traffic, it is important to alert on instances when a rule is fired more times than usual. Anomalous spikes of too many security events in a short period of time can indicate an attack. To find these anomalies and distinguish between the natural number of security events and that which poses a threat, we need a good strategy.

The lonely life of a z-score

Before a threshold entered the picture, our strategy worked only on the basis of a z-score. Z-score is a methodology that looks at the number of standard deviations a certain data point is from the mean. In our current configuration, if a spike crosses the z-score value of 3.5, we send you an alert. This value was decided on after careful analysis of our customers’ data, finding it the most effective in determining a legitimate alert. Any lower and notifications will get noisy for smaller spikes. Any higher and we may miss out on significant events. You can read more about our z-score methodology in this blog post.

The following graphs are an example of how the z-score method works. The first graph shows the number of security events over time, with a recent spike.

Introducing thresholds in Security Event Alerting: a z-score love story

To determine whether this spike is significant, we calculate the z-score and check if the value is above 3.5:

Introducing thresholds in Security Event Alerting: a z-score love story

As the graph shows, the deviation is above 3.5 and so an alert is triggered.

However, relying on z-score becomes tricky for domains that experience no security events for a long period of time. With many security events at zero, the mean and standard deviation depress to zero as well. When a non-zero value finally appears, it will always be infinite standard deviations away from the mean. As a result, it will always trigger an alert even on spikes that do not pose any threat to your domain, such as the below:

Introducing thresholds in Security Event Alerting: a z-score love story

With five security events, you are likely going to ignore this spike, as it is too low to indicate a meaningful threat. However, the z-score in this instance will be infinite:

Introducing thresholds in Security Event Alerting: a z-score love story

Since a z-score of infinity is greater than 3.5, an alert will be triggered. This means that customers with few security events would often be overwhelmed by event alerts that are not worth worrying about.

Letting go of zeros

To avoid the mean and standard deviation becoming zero and thus alerting on every non-zero spike, zero values can be ignored in the calculation. In other words, to calculate the mean and standard deviation, only data points that are higher than zero will be considered.

With those conditions, the same spike to five security events will now generate a different z-score:

Introducing thresholds in Security Event Alerting: a z-score love story

Great! With the z-score at zero, it will no longer trigger an alert on the harmless spike!

But what about spikes that could be harmful? When calculations ignore zeros, we need enough non-zero data points to accurately determine the mean and standard deviation. If only one non-zero value is present, that data point determines the mean and standard deviation. As such, the mean will always be equal to the spike, z-score will always be zero and an alert will never be triggered:

Introducing thresholds in Security Event Alerting: a z-score love story

For a spike of 1000 events, we can tell that there is something wrong and we should trigger an alert. However, because there is only one non-zero data point, the z-score will remain zero:

Introducing thresholds in Security Event Alerting: a z-score love story

The z-score does not cross the value 3.5 and an alert will not be triggered.

So what’s better? Including zeros in our calculations can skew the results for domains with too many zero events and alert them every time a spike appears. Not including zeros is mathematically wrong and will never alert on these spikes.

Threshold, the prince charming

Clearly, a z-score is not enough on its own.

Instead, we paired up the z-score with a threshold. The threshold represents the raw number of security events an Internet property can have, below which an alert will not be sent. While z-score checks whether the spike is at least 3.5 standard deviations above the mean, the threshold makes sure it is above a certain static value. If both of these conditions are met, we will send you an alert:

Introducing thresholds in Security Event Alerting: a z-score love story

The above spike crosses the threshold of 200 security events. We now have to check that the z-score is above 3.5:

Introducing thresholds in Security Event Alerting: a z-score love story

The z-score value crosses 3.5 and an alert will be sent.

A threshold for the number of security events comes as the perfect complement. By itself, the threshold cannot determine whether something is a spike, and would simply alert on any value crossing it. This blog post describes in more detail why thresholds alone do not work. However, when paired with z-score, they are able to share their strengths and cover for each other’s weaknesses. If the z-score falsely detects an insignificant spike, the threshold will stop the alert from triggering. Conversely, if a value does cross the security events threshold, the z-score ensures there is a reasonable variance from the data average before allowing an alert to be sent.

The invaluable value

To foster a successful relationship between the z-score and security events threshold, we needed to determine the most effective threshold value. After careful analysis of our previous attacks on customers, we set the value to 200. This number is high enough to filter out the smaller, noisier spikes, but low enough to expose any threats.

Am I invited to the wedding?

Yes, you are! The z-score and threshold relationship is already enabled for all WAF customers, so all you need to do is sit back and relax. For enterprise customers, the threshold will be applied to each type of alert enabled on your domain.

Happily ever after

The story certainly does not end here. We are constantly iterating on our alerts, so keep an eye out for future updates on the road to make our algorithms even more personalized for your Internet properties!

How to subscribe to the new Security Hub Announcements topic for Amazon SNS

Post Syndicated from Mike Saintcross original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-subscribe-to-the-new-security-hub-announcements-topic-for-amazon-sns/

With AWS Security Hub you are able to manage your security posture in AWS, perform security best practice checks, aggregate alerts, and automate remediation. Now you are able to use Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) to subscribe to the new Security Hub Announcements topic to receive updates about new Security Hub services and features, newly supported standards and controls, and other Security Hub changes.

Introducing the Security Hub Announcements topic

Amazon SNS follows the publish/subscribe (pub/sub) messaging model, in which notifications are delivered to you by using a push mechanism that eliminates the need for you to periodically check or poll for new information and updates. You can now use this push mechanism to receive notifications about Security Hub by subscribing to the dedicated Security Hub Announcements topic.

The Security Hub Announcements topic publishes the following types of notifications:

  • General notifications
  • Upcoming standards and controls
  • New AWS Regions supported
  • New standards and controls
  • Updated standards and controls
  • Retired standards and controls
  • Updates to the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF)
  • New integrations
  • New features
  • Changes to existing features

How to use the Security Hub Announcements topic

You can subscribe to the SNS topic for Security Hub Announcements to receive notification messages about newly released finding types, updates to the existing finding types, and other functionality changes. By subscribing to the SNS topic, you will receive Security Hub Announcements messages as soon as they are published. The notifications are available in all protocols that Amazon SNS supports, such as email and SMS. For more information about supported protocols in Amazon SNS, see Subscribing to an Amazon SNS topic.

The Security Hub Announcements topic is available in all AWS Regions in the aws and aws-cn partitions, but is not yet available in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions (the aws-us-gov partition). Later in this post, we’ll show you how to subscribe to the Security Hub Announcements topic in a specific AWS Region by using the topic Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for that Region. The SNS topic messages are the same across Regions in a partition, so you can choose to subscribe to only one Region in a partition to avoid receiving duplicate information.

However, if you want to invoke an AWS Lambda function in reaction to a Security Hub Announcements message, you must subscribe to the topic ARN that is in the same Region as the Lambda function. The Lambda function can receive the SNS topic message payload as an input parameter and manipulate the information in the message, publish the message to other SNS topics, or send the message to other AWS services. For more information, see Subscribing a function to a topic in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.

The same is true if you want to subscribe an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue to the Security Hub Announcements topic, you must use a topic ARN that is in the same Region as the SQS queue. The SQS queue can be used to persist announcement SNS topic messages in the queue for other applications to process at a later time. For more information, see Subscribing an Amazon SQS queue to an Amazon SNS topic in the Amazon SQS Developer Guide.

IAM permissions

Your user account must have sns::subscribe AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions to subscribe to an SNS topic. For more information on IAM permissions for Amazon SNS, see Using identity-based policies with Amazon SNS.

Subscribe to the Security Hub Announcements topic

The following is the list of Security Hub Announcements topic ARNs for each currently supported Region. The examples in this post use the US West (Oregon) Region (us-west-2), but you can update the procedures with one of the following ARNs to use a different supported Region.

Security Hub Announcements topic ARNs by Region


The two procedures that follow show you how to subscribe an email address to the Security Hub Announcements topic by using the AWS Management Console and the AWS CLI.

To subscribe an email address to the Security Hub Announcements topic (console)

  1. Sign in to the Amazon SNS console.
  2. In the Region list, choose the same Region as the topic ARN to which you want to subscribe. This example uses the us-west-2 Region.
  3. In the left navigation pane, choose Subscriptions, then choose Create subscription.
  4. In the Create subscription dialog box, do the following:
    • For Topic ARN, paste the following topic ARN for the us-west-2 Region, or use one of the ARNs listed above for a different supported Region:


    • For Protocol, choose Email.
    • For Endpoint, enter an email address that you can use to receive the notification.
  5. Choose Create subscription.
  6. In your email application, open the message from AWS Notifications and open the link to confirm your subscription. Your web browser displays a confirmation response from Amazon SNS, similar to that shown in Figure 1.

    Figure 1: SNS notification subscription confirmation

    Figure 1: SNS notification subscription confirmation

The following steps show you how to subscribe an email address to the Security Hub Announcements topic by using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

To subscribe an email address to the Security Hub Announcements topic (AWS CLI)

  1. Run the following command in the AWS CLI, replacing <[email protected]> with your email address, and optionally replacing the ARN and reference to us-west-2 if you want to use a different Region:
    aws sns --region us-west-2 subscribe --topic-arn arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:393883065485:SecurityHubAnnouncements --protocol email --notification-endpoint <[email protected]>
  2. In your email application, open the message from AWS Notifications and open the link to confirm your subscription.
  3. Your web browser displays a confirmation response from Amazon SNS, similar to that shown in Figure 1.

Example subscription responses

The following sections contain examples of a message announcing new standard controls supported by Security Hub in email and sqs protocol types.

Example message from an email subscription (protocol type: email)

{"AnnouncementType":"NEW_STANDARDS_CONTROLS", “Title”:”[New Controls] 36 new Security Hub controls added to the AWS Foundational Security Best Practices standard”, "Description":"We have added 36 new controls to the AWS Foundational Security Best Practices standard. These include controls for Amazon Auto Scaling (AutoScaling.3, AutoScaling.4, AutoScaling.6), AWS CloudFormation (CloudFormation.1), Amazon CloudFront (CloudFront.10), Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) (EC2.23, EC2.24, EC2.27), Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) (ECR.1, ECR.2), Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) (ECS.3, ECS.4, ECS.5, ECS.8, ECS.10, ECS.12), Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) (EFS.3, EFS.4), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) (EKS.2), Elastic Load Balancing (ELB.12, ELB.13, ELB.14), Amazon Kinesis (Kinesis.1), AWS Network Firewall (NetworkFirewall.3, NetworkFirewall.4, NetworkFirewall.5), Amazon OpenSearch Service (Opensearch.7), Amazon Redshift (Redshift.9), Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) (S3.13), Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS.2), AWF WAF (WAF.2, WAF.3, WAF.4, WAF.6, WAF.7, WAF.8). If you enabled the AWS Foundational Security Best Practices standard in an account and configured Security Hub to automatically enable new controls, these controls are enabled by default. Availability of controls can vary by Region."}

Example message from an SQS queue subscription (protocol type: sqs)

The following message shows the additional metadata included with an SQS subscription to the Security Hub Announcements topic. For more information about the metadata included in an SNS topic message delivered to an SQS queue, see Fanout to Amazon SQS Queues.

  "Type" : "Notification",
  "MessageId" : "c9c03e46-69df-5c3c-84e9-6520708ac394",
  "TopicArn" : "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:393883065485:SecurityHubAnnouncements",
  "Message" : "{\"AnnouncementType\":\"NEW_STANDARDS_CONTROLS\",\"Title\":\"[New Controls] 36 new Security Hub controls added to the AWS Foundational Security Best Practices standard\",\"Description\":\"We have added 36 new controls to the AWS Foundational Security Best Practices standard. These include controls for Amazon Auto Scaling (AutoScaling.3, AutoScaling.4, AutoScaling.6), AWS CloudFormation (CloudFormation.1), Amazon CloudFront (CloudFront.10), Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) (EC2.23, EC2.24, EC2.27), Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) (ECR.1, ECR.2), Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) (ECS.3, ECS.4, ECS.5, ECS.8, ECS.10, ECS.12), Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) (EFS.3, EFS.4), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) (EKS.2), Elastic Load Balancing (ELB.12, ELB.13, ELB.14), Amazon Kinesis (Kinesis.1), AWS Network Firewall (NetworkFirewall.3, NetworkFirewall.4, NetworkFirewall.5), Amazon OpenSearch Service (Opensearch.7), Amazon Redshift (Redshift.9), Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) (S3.13), Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS.2), AWF WAF (WAF.2, WAF.3, WAF.4, WAF.6, WAF.7, WAF.8). If you enabled the AWS Foundational Security Best Practices standard in an account and configured Security Hub to automatically enable new controls, these controls are enabled by default. Availability of controls can vary by Region. \"}",
  "Timestamp" : "2022-08-04T18:59:33.319Z",
  "SignatureVersion" : "1",
  "Signature" : "GdKokPEUexpKZn5da5u/p5eZF1cE3JUyL0uPVKmPnDzd3orkk5jJ211VsOflUFi6V9lSXF/V6RBpQN/9f3+JBFBprng7BRQwT9I4jSa1xOn1L3xKXEVGvWI6nl1oDqBl21Pj3owV+NZ+Exd2W0dpgg8B1LG4bYq5T73MjHjWGtelcBa15TpIz/+rynqanXCKCvc/50V/XZLjA5M7gU6Dzs9CULIjkdEpCsw5FvSxbtkEd6Ktx4LH7Zq6FlPKNli3EaEHRKh9uYPo6sR/yvF4RWg3E9O4dVsK7A8uTdR+pwVCU1M601KMRxO1OWF8VIdvyPINJND8Nu/70GRA2L+MRA==",
  "SigningCertURL" : "https://sns.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/SimpleNotificationService-56e67fcb41f6fec09b0196692625d385.pem",
  "UnsubscribeURL" : "https://sns.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/?Action=Unsubscribe&SubscriptionArn=arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:393883065485:SecurityHubAnnouncements:1eb29a83-8726-4366-891c-293ad5e35a53"

Note: You need to set up the SQS access policy in order for SNS to push message to the SNS queue. For more information, see Basic examples of Amazon SQS policies.

Available now

The SNS topic for Security Hub Announcements is available today in the Regions described in this post. Subscribe now to stay informed of Security Hub updates. With Amazon SNS, there is no minimum fee, and you pay only for what you use. For more information, see the Amazon SNS pricing page.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support. You can also start a new thread on AWS Security Hub re:Post to get answers from the community.

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Mike Saintcross

Mike Saintcross

Mike Saintcross is a Security Consultant at AWS helping enterprise customers achieve their cloud security goals in an ever-changing threat landscape. His background is in Security Engineering with a focus on deep packet inspection, incident response, security orchestration, and automation.

Neha Joshi

Neha Joshi

Neha Joshi is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. She loves to brainstorm and develop solutions to help customers be successful on AWS. Outside of work, she enjoys hiking and audio books.

How to centralize findings and automate deletion for unused IAM roles

Post Syndicated from Hong Pham original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-centralize-findings-and-automate-deletion-for-unused-iam-roles/

Maintaining AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources is similar to keeping your garden healthy over time. Having visibility into your IAM resources, especially the resources that are no longer used, is important to keep your AWS environment secure. Proactively detecting and responding to unused IAM roles helps you prevent unauthorized entities from gaining access to your AWS resources. In this post, I will show you how to apply resource tags on IAM roles and deploy serverless technologies on AWS to detect unused IAM roles and to require the owner of the IAM role (identified through tags) to take action.

You can use this solution to check for unused IAM roles in a standalone AWS account. As you grow your workloads in the cloud, you can run this solution for multiple AWS accounts by using AWS Organizations. In this solution, you use AWS Control Tower to create an AWS Organizations organization with a Security organizational unit (OU), and a Security account in this OU. In this blog post, you deploy the solution in the Security account belonging to a Security OU of an organization.

For more information and recommended best practices, see the blog post Managing the multi-account environment using AWS Organizations and AWS Control Tower. Following this best practice, you can create a Security OU, in which you provision one or more Security and Audit accounts that are dedicated for security automation and audit activities on behalf of the entire organization.

Solution architecture

The architecture diagram in Figure 1 demonstrates the solution workflow.

Figure 1: Solution workflow for standalone account or member account of an AWS Organization.

Figure 1: Solution workflow for standalone account or member account of an AWS Organization.

The solution is triggered periodically by an Amazon EventBridge scheduled rule and invokes a series of actions. You specify the frequency (in number of days) when you create the EventBridge rule. There are two options to run this solution, based on the needs of your organization.

Option 1: For a standalone account

Choose this option if you would like to check for unused IAM roles in a single AWS account. This AWS account might or might not belong to an organization or OU. In this blog post, I refer to this account as the standalone account.


  1. You need an AWS account specifically for security automation. For this blog post, I refer to this account as the standalone Security account.
  2. You should deploy the solution to the standalone Security account, which has appropriate admin permission to audit other accounts and manage security automation.
  3. Because this solution uses AWS CloudFormation StackSets, you need to grant self-managed permissions to create stack sets in standalone accounts. Specifically, you need to establish a trust relationship between the standalone Security account and the standalone account by creating the AWSCloudFormationStackSetAdministrationRole IAM role in the standalone Security account, and the AWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRole IAM role in the standalone account.
  4. You need to have AWS Security Hub enabled in your standalone Security account, and you need to deploy the solution in the same AWS Region as your Security Hub dashboard.
  5. You need a tagging enforcement in place for IAM roles. This solution uses an IAM tag key Owner to identify the email address of the owner. The value of this tag key should be the email address associated with the owner of the IAM role. If the Owner tag isn’t available, the notification email is sent to the email address that you provided in the parameter ITSecurityEmail when you provisioned the CloudFormation stack.
  6. This solution uses Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) to send emails to the owner of the IAM roles. The destination address needs to be verified with Amazon SES. With Amazon SES, you can verify identity at the individual email address or at the domain level.

An EventBridge rule triggers the AWS Lambda function LambdaCheckIAMRole in the standalone Security account. The LambdaCheckIAMRolefunction assumes a role in the standalone account. This role is named after the Cloudformation stack name that you specify when you provision the solution. Then LambdaCheckIAMRole calls the IAM API action GetAccountAuthorizationDetails to get the list of IAM roles in the standalone account, and parses the data type RoleLastUsed to retrieve the date, time, and the Region in which the roles were last used. If the last time value is not available, the IAM role is skipped. Based on the CloudFormation parameter MaxDaysForLastUsed that you provide, LambdaCheckIAMRole determines if the last time used is greater than the MaxDaysForLastUsed value. LambdaCheckIAMRole also extracts tags associated with the IAM roles, and retrieves the email address of the IAM role owner from the value of the tag key Owner. If there is no Owner tag, then LambdaCheckIAMRole sends an email to a default email address provided by you from the CloudFormation parameter ITSecurityEmail.

Option 2: For all member accounts that belong to an organization or an OU

Choose this option if you want to check for unused IAM roles in every member account that belongs to an AWS Organizations organization or OU.


  1. You need to have an AWS Organizations organization with a dedicated Security account that belongs to a Security OU. For this blog post, I refer to this account as the Security account.
  2. You should deploy the solution to the Security account that has appropriate admin permission to audit other accounts and to manage security automation.
  3. Because this solution uses CloudFormation StackSets to create stack sets in member accounts of the organization or OU that you specify, the Security account in the Security OU needs to be granted CloudFormation delegated admin permission to create AWS resources in this solution.
  4. You need Security Hub enabled in your Security account, and you need to deploy the solution in the same Region as your Security Hub dashboard.
  5. You need tagging enforcement in place for IAM roles. This solution uses the IAM tag key Owner to identify the owner email address. The value of this tag key should be the email address associated with the owner of the IAM role. If the Owner tag isn’t available, the notification email will be sent to the email address that you provided in the parameter ITSecurityEmail when you provisioned the CloudFormation stack.
  6. This solution uses Amazon SES to send emails to the owner of the IAM roles. The destination address needs to be verified with Amazon SES. With Amazon SES, you can verify identity at the individual email address or at the domain level.

An EventBridge rule triggers the Lambda function LambdaGetAccounts in the Security account to collect the account IDs of member accounts that belong to the organization or OU. LambdaGetAccounts sends those account IDs to an SNS topic. Each account ID invokes the Lambda function LambdaCheckIAMRole once.

Similar to the process for Option 1, LambdaCheckIAMRole in the Security account assumes a role in the member account(s) of the organization or OU, and checks the last time that IAM roles in the account were used.

In both options, if an IAM role is not currently used, the function LambdaCheckIAMRole generates a Security Hub finding, and performs BatchImportFindings for all findings to Security Hub in the Security account. At the same time, the Lambda function starts an AWS Step Functions state machine execution. Each execution is for an unused IAM role following this naming convention:
[target-account-id]-[unused IAM role name]-[time the execution created in Unix format]

You should avoid running this solution against special IAM roles, such as a break-glass role or a disaster recovery role. In the CloudFormation parameter RolePatternAllowedlist, you can provide a list of role name patterns to skip the check.

Use a Step Functions state machine to process approval

Figure 2 shows the state machine workflow for owner approval.

Figure 2: Owner approval state machine workflow

Figure 2: Owner approval state machine workflow

After the solution identifies an unused IAM role, it creates a Step Functions state machine execution. Figure 2 demonstrates the workflow of the execution. After the execution starts, the first Lambda task NotifyOwner (powered by the Lambda function NotifyOwnerFunction) sends an email to notify the IAM role owner. This is a callback task that pauses the execution until a taskToken is returned. The maximum pause for a callback task is 1 year. The execution waits until the owner responds with a decision to delete or keep the role, which is captured by a private API endpoint in Amazon API Gateway. You can configure a timeout to avoid waiting for callback task execution.

With a private API endpoint, you can build a REST API that is only accessible within your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), or within your internal network connected to your VPC. Using a private API endpoint will prevent anyone from outside of your internal network from selecting this link and deleting the role. You can implement authentication and authorization with API Gateway to make sure that only the appropriate owner can delete a role.

If the owner denies role deletion, then the role remains intact until the next automation cycle runs, and the state machine execution stops immediately with a Fail status. If the owner approves role deletion, the next Lambda task Approve (powered by the function ApproveFunction) checks again if the role is not currently used. If the role isn’t in use, the Lambda task Approve attaches an IAM policy DenyAllCheckUnusedIAMRoleSolution to deny the role to perform any actions, and waits for 30 days. During this wait time, you can restore the IAM role by removing the IAM policy DenyAllCheckUnusedIAMRoleSolution from the role. The Step Functions state machine execution for this role is still in progress until the wait time expires.

After the wait time expires, the state machine execution invokes the Validate task. The Lambda function ValidateFunction checks again if the role is not in use after the amount of time calculated by adding MaxDaysForLastUsed and the preceding wait time. It also checks if the IAM policy DenyAllCheckUnusedIAMRoleSolution is attached to the role. If both of these conditions are true, the Lambda function follows a process to detach the IAM policies and delete the role permanently. The role can’t be recovered after deletion.

Note: To restore a role that has been marked for deletion, detach the DenyAll IAM policy from the role.

To deploy the solution using the AWS CLI

  1. Clone git repo from AWS Samples to get source code and CloudFormation templates.
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-blog-automate-iam-role-deletion 
    cd /aws-blog-automate-iam-role-deletion

  2. Run the AWS CLI command below to upload CloudFormation templates and Lambda code to a S3 bucket in the Security Account. The S3 bucket needs to be in the same Region where you will deploy the solution.
    • To deploy the solution for a single account, use the following commands. Be sure to replace <YOUR_BUCKET_NAME> and <PATH_TO_UPLOAD_CODE> with your own values.
      #Deploy solution for a single target AWS Account
      aws cloudformation package \
      --template-file solution_scope_account.yml \
      --s3-bucket <YOUR_BUCKET_NAME> \
      --s3-prefix <PATH_TO_UPLOAD_CODE> \
      --output-template-file solution_scope_account.template

    • To deploy the solution for an organization or OU, use the following commands. Be sure to replace <YOUR_BUCKET_NAME> and <PATH_TO_UPLOAD_CODE> with your own values.
      #Deploy solution for an Organization/OU
      aws cloudformation package \
      --template-file solution_scope_organization.yml \
      --s3-bucket <YOUR_BUCKET_NAME> \
      --s3-prefix <PATH_TO_UPLOAD_CODE> \
      --output-template-file solution_scope_organization.template

  3. Validate the template generated by the CloudFormation package.
    • To validate the solution for a single account, use the following commands.
      #Deploy solution for a single target AWS Account
      aws cloudformation validate-template —template-body file://solution_scope_account.template

    • To validate the solution for an organization or OU, use the following commands.
      #Deploy solution for an Organization/OU
      aws cloudformation validate-template —template-body file://solution_scope_organization.template

  4. Deploy the solution in the same Region that you use for Security Hub. The stack takes 30 minutes to complete deployment.
    • To deploy the solution for a single account, use the following commands. Be sure to replace all of the placeholders with your own values.
      #Deploy solution for a single target AWS Account
      aws cloudformation deploy \
      --template-file solution_scope_account.template \
      --stack-name <UNIQUE_STACK_NAME> \
      --region <REGION> \
      --parameter-overrides AccountId='<STANDALONE ACCOUNT ID>' \
      Frequency=<DAYS> MaxDaysForLastUsed=<DAYS> \
      ITSecurityEmail='<YOUR IT TEAM EMAIL>' \
      RolePatternAllowedlist='<ALLOWED PATTERN>'

    • To deploy the solution for an organization, run the following commands to create CloudFormation stack in the Security Account of the organization.
      #Deploy solution for an Organization
      aws cloudformation deploy \
      --template-file solution_scope_organization.template \
      --stack-name <UNIQUE_STACK_NAME> \
      --region <REGION> \
      --parameter-overrides Scope=Organization \
      OrganizationId='<o-12345abcde>' \
      OrgRootId='<r-1234>'  \
      Frequency=<DAYS> MaxDaysForLastUsed=<DAYS> \
      ITSecurityEmail='<[email protected]>' \
      RolePatternAllowedlist='<ALLOWED PATTERN>'

    • To deploy the solution for an OU, run the following commands to create CloudFormation stack in the Security Account of the organization.
      #Deploy solution for an OU
      aws cloudformation deploy \
      --template-file solution_scope_organization.template \
      --stack-name <UNIQUE_STACK_NAME> \
      --region <REGION> \
      --parameter-overrides Scope=OrganizationalUnit \
      OrganizationId='<o-12345abcde>' \
      OrganizationalUnitId='<ou-1234-1234abcd>'  \
      Frequency=<DAYS> MaxDaysForLastUsed=<DAYS> \
      ITSecurityEmail=’<[email protected]>’ \
      RolePatternAllowedlist=’<ALLOWED PATTERN>

Test the solution

The solution is triggered by an EventBridge scheduled rule, so it doesn’t perform the checks immediately. To test the solution right away after the CloudFormation stacks are successfully created, follow these steps.

To manually trigger the automation for a single account

  1. Navigate to the AWS Lambda console and choose the function
    <CloudFormation stackname>-LambdaCheckIAMRole.
  2. Choose Test.
  3. Choose New event.
  4. For Name, enter a name for the event, and provide the current time in UTC Date Time format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. For example {“time”: “2022-01-22T04:36:52Z”}. The Lambda function uses this value to calculate how much time has passed since the last time that a role was used. Figure 5 shows an example of configuring a test event.
    Figure 5: Configure test event for standalone account

    Figure 5: Configure test event for standalone account

  5. Choose Test.

To manually trigger the automation for an organization or OU

  1. Choose the function
    [CloudFormation stackname]-LambdaGetAccounts.
  2. Choose Test.
  3. Choose New event.
  4. For Name, enter a name for the event. Leave the default values for the remaining fields.
  5. Choose Test.

Respond to unused IAM roles

After you’ve triggered the Lambda function, the automation runs the necessary checks. For each unused IAM role, it creates a Step Functions state machine execution.

To see the list of Step Functions state machine executions

  1. Navigate to the AWS Step Functions console.
  2. Choose state machine [CloudFormation stackname]OnwerApprovalStateMachine.
  3. Under the Executions tab, you will see the list of executions in running state following this naming convention: [target-account-id]-[unused IAM role name]-[time the execution created in Unix format]. Figure 6 shows an example list of executions.
    Figure 6: Each unused IAM role generates an execution in the Step Functions state machine

    Figure 6: Each unused IAM role generates an execution in the Step Functions state machine

Each execution sends out an email notification to the IAM role owner (if available through the Owner tag) or to the IT security email address that you provided in the CloudFormation stack parameter ITSecurityEmail. The email content is:

Subject: Please take action on this unused IAM Role
This IAM Role arn:aws:iam::<AWS account>:role/<role name> is not in use for
more than 60 days.
Can you please delete the role by following this link: Approve link
Or keep this role by following this link: Deny Link

In the email, the Approve link and Deny link is the hyperlink to a private API endpoint with a parameter taskToken. If you try to access these links publicly, they won’t work. When you access the link, the taskToken is provided to the private API endpoint, which updates the Step Functions state machine.

To test the approval action using an API Gateway test

  1. Navigate to the AWS Step Functions console. Under State machines, choose the state machine that has the name [CloudFormation stackname]OwnerApprovalStateMachine
  2. On the Executions tab, there is a list of executions. Each execution represents a workflow for one IAM role, as shown in Figure 6. Choose the execution name that includes the IAM role name in the email that you received earlier.
  3. Scroll down to Execution event history.
  4. Expand the Step Notify Owner, enter TaskScheduled, find the item taskToken, and copy its value to a notepad, as shown in Figure 7.
    Figure 7: Retrieve taskToken from execution

    Figure 7: Retrieve taskToken from execution

  5. Navigate to the API Gateway console.
  6. Choose the API that has a name similar to [CloudFormation stackname]-PrivateAPIGW-[unique string]-ApprovalEndpoint.
  7. Choose which action to test: Deny or Approve.
    • To test the Deny action, under /deny resource, choose the GET method.
    • To test the Approve action, under /approve resource, choose the GET method.
  8. Choose Test.
  9. Under Query Strings, enter taskToken= and paste the taskToken you copied earlier from the state machine execution. Figure 8 shows how to pass the taskToken to API Gateway.
    Figure 8: Provide taskToken to API Gateway Method

    Figure 8: Provide taskToken to API Gateway Method

  10. Choose Test. After you test, the state machine resumes the workflow and finishes the automation. You won’t be able to change the action.
  11. Navigate to the AWS Step Functions console. Choose the state machine and go to the state machine execution.
    1. If you choose to deny the role deletion, the execution immediately stops as Fail.
    2. If you choose to approve the role deletion, the execution moves to the Wait task. This task removes IAM policies associated to the role and waits for a period of time before moving to the next task. By default, the wait time is 30 days. To change this number, go to the Lambda function [CloudFormation stackname]ApproveFunction, and update the variable wait_time_stamp.
    3. After the waiting period expires, the state machine triggers the Validate task to do a final validation on the role before deleting it. If the Validate task decides that the role is being used, it leaves the role intact. Otherwise, it deletes the role permanently.


In this blog post, you learned how serverless services such as Lambda, Step Functions, and API Gateway can work together to build security automation. We recommend testing this solution as a starting point. Then, you can build more features on top of the sample code and templates to customize it to perform checks, following guidance from your IT security team.

Here are a few suggestions that you can take to extend this solution.

  • This solution uses a private API Gateway to handle the approval response from the IAM role owner. You need to establish private connectivity between your internal network and AWS to invoke a private API Gateway. For instructions, see How to invoke a private API.
  • Add a mechanism to control access to API Gateway by using endpoint policies for interface VPC endpoints.
  • Archive the Security Hub finding after the IAM role is deleted using the AWS CLI or AWS Console.
  • Use a Step Functions state machine for other automation that needs human approval.
  • Add the capability to report on IAM roles that were skipped due to the absence of RoleLastUsed information.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Hong Pham

Hong Pham

Hong is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. For more than five years, she has helped many customers from start-ups to enterprises in different industries to adopt Cloud Computing. She was born in Vietnam and currently lives in Seattle, Washington.