Tag Archives: Thought Leadership

Let’s Architect! DevOps Best Practices on AWS

Post Syndicated from Luca Mezzalira original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/lets-architect-devops-best-practices-on-aws/

DevOps has revolutionized software development and operations by fostering collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement. By bringing together development and operations teams, organizations can accelerate software delivery, enhance reliability, and achieve faster time-to-market.

In this blog post, we will explore the best practices and architectural considerations for implementing DevOps with Amazon Web Services (AWS), enabling you to build efficient and scalable systems that align with DevOps principles. The Let’s Architect! team wants to share useful resources that help you to optimize your software development and operations.

DevOps revolution

Distributed systems are adopted from enterprises more frequently now. When an organization wants to leverage distributed systems’ characteristics, it requires a mindset and approach shift, akin to a new model for software development lifecycle.

In this re:Invent 2021 video, Emily Freeman, now Head of Community Engagement at AWS, shares with us the insights gained in the trenches when adapting a new software development lifecycle that will help your organization thrive using distributed systems.

Take me to this re:Invent 2021 video!

Operationalizing the DevOps revolution

Operationalizing the DevOps revolution

My CI/CD pipeline is my release captain

Designing effective DevOps workflows is necessary for achieving seamless collaboration between development and operations teams. The Amazon Builders’ Library offers a wealth of guidance on designing DevOps workflows that promote efficiency, scalability, and reliability. From continuous integration and deployment strategies to configuration management and observability, this resource covers various aspects of DevOps workflow design. By following the best practices outlined in the Builders’ Library, you can create robust and scalable DevOps workflows that facilitate rapid software delivery and smooth operations.

Take me to this resource!

A pipeline coordinates multiple inflight releases and promotes them through three stages

A pipeline coordinates multiple inflight releases and promotes them through three stages

Using Cloud Fitness Functions to Drive Evolutionary Architecture

Cloud fitness functions provide a powerful mechanism for driving evolutionary architecture within your DevOps practices. By defining and measuring architectural fitness goals, you can continuously improve and evolve your systems over time.

This AWS Architecture Blog post delves into how AWS services, like AWS Lambda, AWS Step Functions, and Amazon CloudWatch can be leveraged to implement cloud fitness functions effectively. By integrating these services into your DevOps workflows, you can establish an architecture that evolves in alignment with changing business needs: improving system resilience, scalability, and maintainability.

Take me to this AWS Architecture Blog post!

Fitness functions provide feedback to engineers via metrics

Fitness functions provide feedback to engineers via metrics

Multi-Region Terraform Deployments with AWS CodePipeline using Terraform Built CI/CD

Achieving consistent deployments across multiple regions is a common challenge. This AWS DevOps Blog post demonstrates how to use Terraform, AWS CodePipeline, and infrastructure-as-code principles to automate Multi-Region deployments effectively. By adopting this approach, you can demonstrate the consistent infrastructure and application deployments, improving the scalability, reliability, and availability of your DevOps practices.

The post also provides practical examples and step-by-step instructions for implementing Multi-Region deployments with Terraform and AWS services, enabling you to leverage the power of infrastructure-as-code to streamline DevOps workflows.

Take me to this AWS DevOps Blog post!

Multi-Region AWS deployment with IaC and CI/CD pipelines

Multi-Region AWS deployment with IaC and CI/CD pipelines

See you next time!

Thanks for joining our discussion on DevOps best practices! Next time we’ll talk about how to create resilient workloads on AWS.

To find all the blogs from this series, check out the Let’s Architect! list of content on the AWS Architecture Blog. See you soon!

Build a serverless log analytics pipeline using Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion with managed Amazon OpenSearch Service

Post Syndicated from Hajer Bouafif original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/build-a-serverless-log-analytics-pipeline-using-amazon-opensearch-ingestion-with-managed-amazon-opensearch-service/

In this post, we show how to build a log ingestion pipeline using the new Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion, a fully managed data collector that delivers real-time log and trace data to Amazon OpenSearch Service domains. OpenSearch Ingestion is powered by the open-source data collector Data Prepper. Data Prepper is part of the open-source OpenSearch project. With OpenSearch Ingestion, you can filter, enrich, transform, and deliver your data for downstream analysis and visualization. OpenSearch Ingestion is serverless, so you don’t need to worry about scaling your infrastructure, operating your ingestion fleet, and patching or updating the software.

For a comprehensive overview of OpenSearch Ingestion, visit Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion, and for more information about the Data Prepper open-source project, visit Data Prepper.

In this post, we explore the logging infrastructure for a fictitious company, AnyCompany. We explore the components of the end-to-end solution and then show how to configure OpenSearch Ingestion’s main parameters and how the logs come in and out of OpenSearch Ingestion.

Solution overview

Consider a scenario in which AnyCompany collects Apache web logs. They use OpenSearch Service to monitor web access and identify possible root causes to error logs of type 4xx and 5xx. The following architecture diagram outlines the use of every component used in the log analytics pipeline: Fluent Bit collects and forwards logs; OpenSearch Ingestion processes, routes, and ingests logs; and OpenSearch Service analyzes the logs.

The workflow contains the following stages:

  1. Generate and collectFluent Bit collects the generated logs and forwards them to OpenSearch Ingestion. In this post, you create fake logs that Fluent Bit forwards to OpenSearch Ingestion. Check the list of supported clients to review the required configuration for each client supported by OpenSearch Ingestion.
  2. Process and ingest – OpenSearch Ingestion filters the logs based on response value, processes the logs using a grok processor, and applies conditional routing to ingest the error logs to an OpenSearch Service index.
  3. Store and analyze – We can analyze the Apache httpd error logs using OpenSearch Dashboards.


To implement this solution, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

Configure OpenSearch Ingestion

First, you define the appropriate AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions to write to and from OpenSearch Ingestion. Then you set up the pipeline configuration in the OpenSearch Ingestion. Let’s explore each step in more detail.

Configure IAM permissions

OpenSearch Ingestion works with IAM to secure communications into and out of OpenSearch Ingestion. You need two roles, authenticated using AWS Signature V4 (SigV4) signed requests. The originating entity requires permissions to write to OpenSearch Ingestion. OpenSearch Ingestion requires permissions to write to your OpenSearch Service domain. Finally, you must create an access policy using OpenSearch Service’s fine-grained access control, which allows OpenSearch Ingestion to create indexes and write to them in your domain.

The following diagram illustrates the IAM permissions to allow OpenSearch Ingestion to write to an OpenSearch Service domain. Refer to Setting up roles and users in Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion to get more details on roles and permissions required to use OpenSearch Ingestion.

In the demo, you use the AWS Cloud9 EC2 instance profile’s credentials to sign requests sent to OpenSearch Ingestion. You use Fluent Bit to fetch the credentials and assume the role you pass in the aws_role_arn you configure later.

  1. Create an ingestion role (called IngestionRole) to allow Fluent Bit to ingest the logs into your pipeline.

Create a trust relationship to allow Fluent Bit to assume the ingestion role, as shown in the following code. Fluent Bit attempts to fetch the credentials in the following order. In configuring the access policy for this role, you grant permission for the osis:Ingest.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "{your-account-id}"
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
  1. Create a pipeline role (called PipelineRole) with a trust relationship for OpenSearch Ingestion to assume that role. The domain-level access policy of the OpenSearch domain grants the pipeline role access to the domain.
  1. Finally, configure your domain’s security plugin to enable OpenSearch Ingestion’s assumed role to create indexes and write data to the domain.

In this demo, the OpenSearch Service domain uses fine-grained access control for authentication, so you need to map the OpenSearch Ingestion pipeline role to the OpenSearch backend role all_access. For instructions, refer to Step 2: Include the pipeline role in the domain access policy page.

Create the pipeline in OpenSearch Ingestion

To create an OpenSearch Ingestion pipeline, complete the following steps:

  1. On the OpenSearch Service console, choose Pipelines in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create pipeline.
  3. For Pipeline name, enter a name.

  1. Input the minimum and maximum Ingestion OpenSearch Compute Units (Ingestion OCUs). In this example, we use the default pipeline capacity settings of minimum 1 Ingestion OCU and maximum 4 Ingestion OCUs.

Each OCU is a combination of approximately 8 GB of memory and 2 vCPUs that can handle an estimated 8 GiB per hour. OpenSearch Ingestion supports up to 96 OCUs, and it automatically scales up and down based on your ingest workload demand.

  1. In the Pipeline configuration section, configure Data Prepper to process your data by choosing the appropriate blueprint configuration template on the Configuration blueprints menu. For this post, we choose AWS-LogAggregationWithConditionalRouting.

The OpenSearch Ingestion pipeline configuration consists of four sections:

  • Source – This is the input component of a pipeline. It defines the mechanism through which a pipeline consumes records. In this post, you use the http_source plugin and provide the Fluent Bit output URI value within the path attribute.
  • Processors – This represents an intermediate processing to filter, transform, and enrich your input data. Refer to Supported plugins for more details on the list of operations supported in OpenSearch Ingestion. In this post, we use the grok processor COMMONAPACHELOG, which matches input logs against the common Apache log pattern and makes it easy to query in OpenSearch Service.
  • Sink – This is the output component of a pipeline. It defines one or more destinations to which a pipeline publishes records. In this post, you define an OpenSearch Service domain and index as sink.
  • Route – This is the part of a processor that allows the pipeline to route the data into different sinks based on specific conditions. In this example, you create four routes based in the response field value of the log. If the response field value of the log line matches 2xx or 3xx, the log is sent to the OpenSearch Service index aggregated_2xx_3xx. If the response field value matches 4xx, the log is sent to the index aggregated_4xx. If the response field value matches 5xx, the log is sent to the index aggregated_5xx.
  1. Update the blueprint based on your use case. The following code shows an example of the pipeline configuration YAML file:
version: "2"
      # Provide the FluentBit output URI value.
      path: "/log/ingest"
    - date:
        from_time_received: true
        destination: "@timestamp"
    - grok:
          log: [ "%{COMMONAPACHELOG_DATATYPED}" ]
    - 2xx_status: "/response >= 200 and /response < 300"
    - 3xx_status: "/response >= 300 and /response < 400"
    - 4xx_status: "/response >= 400 and /response < 500"
    - 5xx_status: "/response >= 500 and /response < 600"
    - opensearch:
        # Provide an AWS OpenSearch Service domain endpoint
        hosts: [ "{your-domain-endpoint}" ]
          # Provide a Role ARN with access to the domain. This role should have a trust relationship with osis-pipelines.amazonaws.com
          sts_role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::{your-account-id}:role/PipelineRole"
          # Provide the region of the domain.
          region: "{AWS_Region}"
        index: "aggregated_2xx_3xx"
          - 2xx_status
          - 3xx_status
    - opensearch:
        # Provide an AWS OpenSearch Service domain endpoint
        hosts: [ "{your-domain-endpoint}"  ]
          # Provide a Role ARN with access to the domain. This role should have a trust relationship with osis-pipelines.amazonaws.com
          sts_role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::{your-account-id}:role/PipelineRole"
          # Provide the region of the domain.
          region: "{AWS_Region}"
        index: "aggregated_4xx"
          - 4xx_status
    - opensearch:
        # Provide an AWS OpenSearch Service domain endpoint
        hosts: [ "{your-domain-endpoint}"  ]
          # Provide a Role ARN with access to the domain. This role should have a trust relationship with osis-pipelines.amazonaws.com
          sts_role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::{your-account-id}:role/PipelineRole"
          # Provide the region of the domain.
          region: "{AWS_Region}"
        index: "aggregated_5xx"
          - 5xx_status

Provide the relevant values for your domain endpoint, account ID, and Region related to your configuration.

  1. Check the health of your configuration setup by choosing Validate pipeline when you finish the update.

When designing a production workload, deploy your pipeline within a VPC. For instructions, refer to Securing Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion pipelines within a VPC.

  1. For this post, select Public access under Network.

  1. In the Log publishing options section, select Publish to CloudWatch logs and Create new group.

OpenSearch Ingestion uses the log levels of INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL. Enabling log publishing helps you monitor your pipelines in production.

  1. Choose Next and Create pipeline.
  2. Select the pipeline and choose View details to see the progress of the pipeline creation.

Wait until the status changes to Active to start using the pipeline.

Send logs to the OpenSearch Ingestion pipeline

To start sending logs to the OpenSearch Ingestion pipeline, complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Cloud9 console, create a Fluent Bit configuration file and update the following attributes:
    • Host – Enter the ingestion URL of your OpenSearch Ingestion pipeline.
    • aws_service – Enter osis.
    • aws_role_arn – Enter the ARN of the IAM role IngestionRole.

The following code shows an example of the Fluent-bit.conf file:

    parsers_file          ./parsers.conf
    name                  tail
    refresh_interval      5
    path                  /var/log/*.log
    read_from_head        true
    Name parser
    Key_Name log
    Parser apache
    Name http
    Match *
    Host {Ingestion URL}
    Port 443
    URI /log/ingest
    format json
    aws_auth true
    aws_region {AWS_region}
    aws_role_arn arn:aws:iam::{your-account-id}:role/IngestionRole
    aws_service osis
    Log_Level trace
    tls On
  1. In the AWS Cloud9 environment, create a docker-compose YAML file to deploy Fluent Bit and Flog containers:
version: '3'
    container_name: fluent-bit
    image: docker.io/amazon/aws-for-fluent-bit
      - ./fluent-bit.conf:/fluent-bit/etc/fluent-bit.conf
      - ./apache-logs:/var/log
    container_name: flog
    image: mingrammer/flog
    command: flog -t log -f apache_common -o web/log/test.log -w -n 100000 -d 1ms -p 1000
      - ./apache-logs:/web/log

Before you start the Docker containers, you need to update the IAM EC2 instance role in AWS Cloud9 so it can sign the requests sent to OpenSearch Ingestion.

  1. For demo purposes, create an IAM service-linked role and choose EC2 under Use case to allow the AWS Cloud9 EC2 instance to call OpenSearch Ingestion on your behalf.
  2. Add the OpenSearch Ingestion policy, which is the same policy you used with IngestionRole.
  3. Add the AdministratorAccess permission policy to the role as well.

Your role definition should look like the following screenshot.

  1. After you create the role, go back to AWS Cloud9, select your demo environment, and choose View details.
  2. On the EC2 instance tab, choose Manage EC2 instance to view the details of the EC2 instance attached to your AWS Cloud9 environment.

  1. On the Amazon EC2 console, replace the IAM role of your AWS Cloud9 EC2 instance with the new role.
  2. Open a terminal in AWS Cloud9 and run the command docker-compose up.

Check the output in the terminal—if everything is working correctly, you get status 200.

Fluent Bit collects logs from the /var/log repository in the container and pushes the data to the OpenSearch Ingestion pipeline.

  1. Open OpenSearch Dashboards, navigate to Dev Tools, and run the command GET _cat/indices to validate that the data has been delivered by OpenSearch Ingestion to your OpenSearch Service domain.

You should see the three indexes created: aggregated_2xx_3xx, aggregated_4xx, and aggregated_5xx.

Now you can focus on analyzing your log data and reinvent your business without having to worry about any operational overhead regarding your ingestion pipeline.

Best practices for monitoring

You can monitor the Amazon CloudWatch metrics made available to you to maintain the right performance and availability of your pipeline. Check the list of available pipeline metrics related to the source, buffer, processor, and sink plugins.

Navigate to the Metrics tab for your specific OpenSearch Ingestion pipeline to explore the graphs available to each metric, as shown in the following screenshot.

In your production workloads, make sure to configure the following CloudWatch alarms to notify you when the pipeline metrics breach a specific threshold so you can promptly remediate each issue.

Managing cost

While OpenSearch Ingestion automatically provisions and scales the OCUs for your spiky workloads, you only pay for the compute resources actively used by your pipeline to ingest, process, and route data. Therefore, setting up a maximum capacity of Ingestion OCUs allows you to handle your workload peak demand while controlling cost.

For production workloads, make sure to configure a minimum of 2 Ingestion OCUs to ensure 99.9% availability for the ingestion pipeline. Check the sizing recommendations and learn how OpenSearch Ingestion responds to workload spikes.

Clean up

Make sure you clean up unwanted AWS resources created during this post in order to prevent additional billing for these resources. Follow these steps to clean up your AWS account:

  1. On the AWS Cloud9 console, choose Environments in the navigation pane.
  2. Select the environment you want to delete and choose Delete.
  3. On the OpenSearch Service console, choose Domains under Managed clusters in the navigation pane.
  4. Select the domain you want to delete and choose Delete.
  5. Select Pipelines under Ingestion in the navigation pane.
  6. Select the pipeline you want to delete and on the Actions menu, choose Delete.


In this post, you learned how to create a serverless ingestion pipeline to deliver Apache access logs to an OpenSearch Service domain using OpenSearch Ingestion. You learned the IAM permissions required to start using OpenSearch Ingestion and how to use a pipeline blueprint instead of creating a pipeline configuration from scratch.

You used Fluent Bit to collect and forward Apache logs, and used OpenSearch Ingestion to process and conditionally route the log data to different indexes in OpenSearch Service. For more examples about writing to OpenSearch Ingestion pipelines, refer to Sending data to Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion pipelines.

Finally, the post provided you with recommendations and best practices to deploy OpenSearch Ingestion pipelines in a production environment while controlling cost.

Follow this post to build your serverless log analytics pipeline, and refer to Top strategies for high volume tracing with Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion to learn more about high volume tracing with OpenSearch Ingestion.

About the authors

Hajer Bouafif is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. She focuses on OpenSearch Service and helps customers design and build well-architected analytics workloads in diverse industries. Hajer enjoys spending time outdoors and discovering new cultures.

Francisco Losada is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect based out of Madrid, Spain. He works with customers across EMEA to architect, implement, and evolve analytics solutions at AWS. He advocates for OpenSearch, the open-source search and analytics suite, and supports the community by sharing code samples, writing content, and speaking at conferences. In his spare time, Francisco enjoys playing tennis and running.

Muthu Pitchaimani is a Search Specialist with Amazon OpenSearch Service. He builds large-scale search applications and solutions. Muthu is interested in the topics of networking and security, and is based out of Austin, Texas.

Automated Code Review on Pull Requests using AWS CodeCommit and AWS CodeBuild

Post Syndicated from Verinder Singh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/automated-code-review-on-pull-requests-using-aws-codecommit-and-aws-codebuild/

Pull Requests play a critical part in the software development process. They ensure that a developer’s proposed code changes are reviewed by relevant parties before code is merged into the main codebase. This is a standard procedure that is followed across the globe in different organisations today. However, pull requests often require code reviewers to read through a great deal of code and manually check it against quality and security standards. These manual reviews can lead to problematic code being merged into the main codebase if the reviewer overlooks any problems.

To help solve this problem, we recommend using Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer to assist in the review process. CodeGuru Reviewer identifies critical defects and deviation from best practices in your code. It provides recommendations to remediate its findings as comments in your pull requests, helping reviewers miss fewer problems that may have otherwise made into production. You can easily integrate your repositories in AWS CodeCommit with Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer following these steps.

The purpose of this post isn’t, however, to show you CodeGuru Reviewer. Instead, our aim is to help you achieve automated code reviews with your pull requests if you already have a code scanning tool and need to continue using it. In this post, we will show you step-by-step how to add automation to the pull request review process using your code scanning tool with AWS CodeCommit (as source code repository) and AWS CodeBuild (to automatically review code using your code reviewer). After following this guide, you should be able to give developers automatic feedback on their code changes and augment manual code reviews so fewer problems make it into your main codebase.

Solution Overview

The solution comprises of the following components:

  1. AWS CodeCommit: AWS service to host private Git repositories.
  2. Amazon EventBridge: AWS service to receive pullRequestCreated and pullRequestSourceBranchUpdated events and trigger Amazon EventBridge rule.
  3. AWS CodeBuild: AWS service to perform code review and send the result to AWS CodeCommit repository as pull request comment.

The following diagram illustrates the architecture:

Figure 1: This architecture diagram illustrates the workflow where developer raises a Pull Request and receives automated feedback on the code changes using AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild and Amazon EventBridge rule

Figure 1. Architecture Diagram of the proposed solution in the blog

  1. Developer raises a pull request against the main branch of the source code repository in AWS CodeCommit.
  2. The pullRequestCreated event is received by the default event bus.
  3. The default event bus triggers the Amazon EventBridge rule which is configured to be triggered on pullRequestCreated and pullRequestSourceBranchUpdated events.
  4. The EventBridge rule triggers AWS CodeBuild project.
  5. The AWS CodeBuild project runs the code quality check using customer’s choice of tool and sends the results back to the pull request as comments. Based on the result, the AWS CodeBuild project approves or rejects the pull request automatically.


The following steps provide a high-level overview of the walkthrough:

  1. Create a source code repository in AWS CodeCommit.
  2. Create and associate an approval rule template.
  3. Create AWS CodeBuild project to run the code quality check and post the result as pull request comment.
  4. Create an Amazon EventBridge rule that reacts to AWS CodeCommit pullRequestCreated and pullRequestSourceBranchUpdated events for the repository created in step 1 and set its target to AWS CodeBuild project created in step 3.
  5. Create a feature branch, add a new file and raise a pull request.
  6. Verify the pull request with the code review feedback in comment section.

1. Create a source code repository in AWS CodeCommit

Create an empty test repository in AWS CodeCommit by following these steps. Once the repository is created you can add files to your repository following these steps. If you create or upload the first file for your repository in the console, a branch is created for you named main. This branch is the default branch for your repository. If you are using a Git client instead, consider configuring your Git client to use main as the name for the initial branch. This blog post assumes the default branch is named as main.

2. Create and associate an approval rule template

Create an AWS CodeCommit approval rule template and associate it with the code repository created in step 1 following these steps.

3. Create AWS CodeBuild project to run the code quality check and post the result as pull request comment

This blog post is based on the assumption that the source code repository has JavaScript code in it, so it uses jshint as a code analysis tool to review the code quality of those files. However, users can choose a different tool as per their use case and choice of programming language.

Create an AWS CodeBuild project from AWS Management Console following these steps and using below configuration:

  • Source: Choose the AWS CodeCommit repository created in step 1 as the source provider.
  • Environment: Select the latest version of AWS managed image with operating system of your choice. Choose New service role option to create the service IAM role with default permissions.
  • Buildspec: Use below build specification. Replace <NODEJS_VERSION> with the latest supported nodejs runtime version for the image selected in previous step. Replace <REPOSITORY_NAME> with the repository name created in step 1. The below spec installs the jshint package, creates a jshint config file with a few sample rules, runs it against the source code in the pull request commit, posts the result as comment to the pull request page and based on the results, approves or rejects the pull request automatically.
version: 0.2
      nodejs: <NODEJS_VERSION>
      - npm install jshint --global
      - echo \{\"esversion\":6,\"eqeqeq\":true,\"quotmark\":\"single\"\} > .jshintrc
      - CODE_QUALITY_RESULT="$(echo \`\`\`) $(jshint .)"; EXITCODE=$?
      - aws codecommit post-comment-for-pull-request --pull-request-id $PULL_REQUEST_ID --repository-name <REPOSITORY_NAME> --content "$CODE_QUALITY_RESULT" --before-commit-id $DESTINATION_COMMIT_ID --after-commit-id $SOURCE_COMMIT_ID --region $AWS_REGION	
      - |
        if [ $EXITCODE -ne 0 ]
      - REVISION_ID=$(aws codecommit get-pull-request --pull-request-id $PULL_REQUEST_ID | jq -r '.pullRequest.revisionId')
      - aws codecommit update-pull-request-approval-state --pull-request-id $PULL_REQUEST_ID --revision-id $REVISION_ID --approval-state $PR_STATUS --region $AWS_REGION

Once the AWS CodeBuild project has been created successfully, modify its IAM service role by following the below steps:

  • Choose the CodeBuild project’s Build details tab.
  • Choose the Service role link under the Environment section which should navigate you to the CodeBuild’s IAM service role in IAM console.
  • Expand the default customer managed policy and choose Edit.
  • Add the following actions to the existing codecommit actions:

  • Choose Next.
  • On the Review screen, choose Save changes.

4. Create an Amazon EventBridge rule that reacts to AWS CodeCommit pullRequestCreated and pullRequestSourceBranchUpdated events for the repository created in step 1 and set its target to AWS CodeBuild project created in step 3

Follow these steps to create an Amazon EventBridge rule that gets triggered whenever a pull request is created or updated using the following event pattern. Replace the <REGION>, <ACCOUNT_ID> and <REPOSITORY_NAME> placeholders with the actual values. Select target of the event rule as AWS CodeBuild project created in step 3.

Event Pattern

    "detail-type": ["CodeCommit Pull Request State Change"],
    "resources": ["arn:aws:codecommit:<REGION>:<ACCOUNT_ID>:<REPOSITORY_NAME>"],
    "source": ["aws.codecommit"],
    "detail": {
      "isMerged": ["False"],
      "pullRequestStatus": ["Open"],
      "repositoryNames": ["<REPOSITORY_NAME>"],
      "destinationReference": ["refs/heads/main"],
      "event": ["pullRequestCreated", "pullRequestSourceBranchUpdated"]
    "account": ["<ACCOUNT_ID>"]

Follow these steps to configure the target input using the below input path and input template.

Input transformer – Input path

    "detail-destinationCommit": "$.detail.destinationCommit",
    "detail-pullRequestId": "$.detail.pullRequestId",
    "detail-sourceCommit": "$.detail.sourceCommit"

Input transformer – Input template

    "sourceVersion": <detail-sourceCommit>,
    "environmentVariablesOverride": [
            "name": "DESTINATION_COMMIT_ID",
            "type": "PLAINTEXT",
            "value": <detail-destinationCommit>
            "name": "SOURCE_COMMIT_ID",
            "type": "PLAINTEXT",
            "value": <detail-sourceCommit>
            "name": "PULL_REQUEST_ID",
            "type": "PLAINTEXT",
            "value": <detail-pullRequestId>

5. Create a feature branch, add a new file and raise a pull request

Create a feature branch following these steps. Push a new file called “index.js” to the root of the repository with the below content.

function greet(dayofweek) {
  if (dayofweek == "Saturday" || dayofweek == "Sunday") {
    console.log("Have a great weekend");
  } else {
    console.log("Have a great day at work");

Now raise a pull request using the feature branch as source and main branch as destination following these steps.

6. Verify the pull request with the code review feedback in comment section

As soon as the pull request is created, the AWS CodeBuild project created in step 3 above will be triggered which will run the code quality check and post the results as a pull request comment. Navigate to the AWS CodeCommit repository pull request page in AWS Management Console and check under the Activity tab to confirm the automated code review result being displayed as the latest comment.

The pull request comment submitted by AWS CodeBuild highlights 6 errors in the JavaScript code. The errors on lines first and third are based on the jshint rule “eqeqeq”. It recommends to use strict equality operator (“===”) instead of the loose equality operator (“==”) to avoid type coercion. The errors on lines second, fourth and fifth are based on jshint rule “quotmark” which recommends to use single quotes with strings instead of double quotes for better readability. These jshint rules are defined in AWS CodeBuild project’s buildspec in step 3 above.

Figure 2: The image shows the AWS CodeCommit pull request's Activity tab with code review results automatically posted by the automated code reviewer

Figure 2. Pull Request comments updated with automated code review results.


In this blog post we’ve shown how using AWS CodeCommit and AWS CodeBuild services customers can automate their pull request review process by utilising Amazon EventBridge events and using their own choice of code quality tool. This simple solution also makes it easier for the human reviewers by providing them with automated code quality results as input and enabling them to focus their code review more on business logic code changes rather than static code quality issues.

About the authors

Blog post's primary author's image

Verinder Singh

Verinder Singh is an experienced Solution’s Architect based out of Sydney, Australia with 16+ years of experience in software development and architecture. He works primarily on building large scale open-source AWS solutions for common customer use cases and business problems. In his spare time, he enjoys vacationing and watching movies with his family.

Blog post's secondary author's image

Deenadayaalan Thirugnanasambandam

Deenadayaalan Thirugnanasambandam is a Principal Cloud Architect at AWS. He provides prescriptive architectural guidance and consulting that enable and accelerate customers’ adoption of AWS.

Let’s Architect! Governance best practices

Post Syndicated from Luca Mezzalira original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/lets-architect-governance-best-practices/

Governance plays a crucial role in AWS environments, as it ensures compliance, security, and operational efficiency.

In this Let’s Architect!, we aim to provide valuable insights and best practices on how to configure governance appropriately within a company’s AWS infrastructure. By implementing these best practices, you can establish robust controls, enhance security, and maintain compliance, enabling your organization to fully leverage the power of AWS services while mitigating risks and maximizing operational efficiency.

If you are hungry for more information on governance, check out the Architecture Center’s management and governance page, where you can find a collection of AWS solutions, blueprints, and best practices on this topic.

How Global Payments scales on AWS with governance and controls

As global financial and regulated industry organizations increasingly turn to AWS for scaling their operations, they face the critical challenge of balancing growth with stringent governance and control regulatory requirements.

During this re:Invent 2022 session, Global Payments sheds light on how they leverage AWS cloud operations services to address this challenge head-on. By utilizing AWS Service Catalog, they streamline the deployment of pre-approved, compliant resources and services across their AWS accounts. This not only expedites the provisioning process but also ensures that all resources meet the required regulatory standards.

Take me to this re:Invent 2022 video!

The combination of AWS Service Catalog and AWS Organizations empowers Global Payments to establish robust governance and control mechanisms

The combination of AWS Service Catalog and AWS Organizations empowers Global Payments to establish robust governance and control mechanisms

Governance and security with infrastructure as code

Maintaining security and compliance throughout the entire deployment process is critical.

In this video, you will discover how cfn-guard can be utilized to validate your deployment pipelines built using AWS CloudFormation. By defining and applying custom rules, cfn-guard empowers you to enforce security policies, prevent misconfigurations, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Moreover, by leveraging cdk-nag, you can catch potential security vulnerabilities and compliance risks early in the development process.

Take me to this governance video!

Learn how to use AWS CloudFormation and the AWS Cloud Development Kit to deploy cloud applications in regulated environments while enforcing security controls

Learn how to use AWS CloudFormation and the AWS Cloud Development Kit to deploy cloud applications in regulated environments while enforcing security controls

Get more out of service control policies in a multi-account environment

AWS customers often utilize AWS Organizations to effectively manage multiple AWS accounts. There are numerous advantages to employing this approach within an organization, including grouping workloads with shared business objectives, ensuring compliance with regulatory frameworks, and establishing robust isolation barriers based on ownership. Customers commonly utilize separate accounts for development, testing, and production purposes. However, as the number of these accounts grows, the need arises for a centralized approach to establish control mechanisms and guidelines.

In this AWS Security Blog post, we will guide you through various techniques that can enhance the utilization of AWS Organizations’ service control policies (SCPs) in a multi-account environment.

Take me to this AWS Security Blog post!

A sample organization showing the maximum number of SCPs applicable at each level (root, OU, account)

A sample organization showing the maximum number of SCPs applicable at each level (root, OU, account)

Centralized Logging on AWS

Having a single pane of glass where all Amazon CloudWatch Logs are displayed is crucial for effectively monitoring and understanding the overall performance and health of a system or application.

The AWS Centralized Logging solution facilitates the aggregation, examination, and visualization of CloudWatch Logs through a unified dashboard.

This solution streamlines the consolidation, administration, and analysis of log files originating from diverse sources, including access audit logs, configuration change records, and billing events. Furthermore, it enables the collection of CloudWatch Logs from numerous AWS accounts and Regions.

Take me to this AWS solution!

The Centralized Logging on AWS solution contains the following components log ingestion, indexing, and visualization

The Centralized Logging on AWS solution contains the following components log ingestion, indexing, and visualization

See you next time!

Thanks for joining our discussion on governance best practices! We’ll be back in 2 weeks, when we’ll explore DevOps best practices.

To find all the blogs from this series, you can check the Let’s Architect! list of content on the AWS Architecture Blog.

Three ways to accelerate incident response in the cloud: insights from re:Inforce 2023

Post Syndicated from Anne Grahn original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/three-ways-to-accelerate-incident-response-in-the-cloud-insights-from-reinforce-2023/

AWS re:Inforce took place in Anaheim, California, on June 13–14, 2023. AWS customers, partners, and industry peers participated in hundreds of technical and non-technical security-focused sessions across six tracks, an Expo featuring AWS experts and AWS Security Competency Partners, and keynote and leadership sessions.

The threat detection and incident response track showcased how AWS customers can get the visibility they need to help improve their security posture, identify issues before they impact business, and investigate and respond quickly to security incidents across their environment.

With dozens of service and feature announcements—and innumerable best practices shared by AWS experts, customers, and partners—distilling highlights is a challenge. From an incident response perspective, three key themes emerged.

Proactively detect, contextualize, and visualize security events

When it comes to effectively responding to security events, rapid detection is key. Among the launches announced during the keynote was the expansion of Amazon Detective finding groups to include Amazon Inspector findings in addition to Amazon GuardDuty findings.

Detective, GuardDuty, and Inspector are part of a broad set of fully managed AWS security services that help you identify potential security risks, so that you can respond quickly and confidently.

Using machine learning, Detective finding groups can help you conduct faster investigations, identify the root cause of events, and map to the MITRE ATT&CK framework to quickly run security issues to ground. The finding group visualization panel shown in the following figure displays findings and entities involved in a finding group. This interactive visualization can help you analyze, understand, and triage the impact of finding groups.

Figure 1: Detective finding groups visualization panel

Figure 1: Detective finding groups visualization panel

With the expanded threat and vulnerability findings announced at re:Inforce, you can prioritize where to focus your time by answering questions such as “was this EC2 instance compromised because of a software vulnerability?” or “did this GuardDuty finding occur because of unintended network exposure?”

In the session Streamline security analysis with Amazon Detective, AWS Principal Product Manager Rich Vorwaller, AWS Senior Security Engineer Rima Tanash, and AWS Program Manager Jordan Kramer demonstrated how to use graph analysis techniques and machine learning in Detective to identify related findings and resources, and investigate them together to accelerate incident analysis.

In addition to Detective, you can also use Amazon Security Lake to contextualize and visualize security events. Security Lake became generally available on May 30, 2023, and several re:Inforce sessions focused on how you can use this new service to assist with investigations and incident response.

As detailed in the following figure, Security Lake automatically centralizes security data from AWS environments, SaaS providers, on-premises environments, and cloud sources into a purpose-built data lake stored in your account. Security Lake makes it simpler to analyze security data, gain a more comprehensive understanding of security across an entire organization, and improve the protection of workloads, applications, and data. Security Lake automates the collection and management of security data from multiple accounts and AWS Regions, so you can use your preferred analytics tools while retaining complete control and ownership over your security data. Security Lake has adopted the Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF), an open standard. With OCSF support, the service normalizes and combines security data from AWS and a broad range of enterprise security data sources.

Figure 2: How Security Lake works

Figure 2: How Security Lake works

To date, 57 AWS security partners have announced integrations with Security Lake, and we now have more than 70 third-party sources, 16 analytics subscribers, and 13 service partners.

In Gaining insights from Amazon Security Lake, AWS Principal Solutions Architect Mark Keating and AWS Security Engineering Manager Keith Gilbert detailed how to get the most out of Security Lake. Addressing questions such as, “How do I get access to the data?” and “What tools can I use?,” they demonstrated how analytics services and security information and event management (SIEM) solutions can connect to and use data stored within Security Lake to investigate security events and identify trends across an organization. They emphasized how bringing together logs in multiple formats and normalizing them into a single format empowers security teams to gain valuable context from security data, and more effectively respond to events. Data can be queried with Amazon Athena, or pulled by Amazon OpenSearch Service or your SIEM system directly from Security Lake.

Build your security data lake with Amazon Security Lake featured AWS Product Manager Jonathan Garzon, AWS Product Solutions Architect Ross Warren, and Global CISO of Interpublic Group (IPG) Troy Wilkinson demonstrating how Security Lake helps address common challenges associated with analyzing enterprise security data, and detailing how IPG is using the service. Wilkinson noted that IPG’s objective is to bring security data together in one place, improve searches, and gain insights from their data that they haven’t been able to before.

“With Security Lake, we found that it was super simple to bring data in. Not just the third-party data and Amazon data, but also our on-premises data from custom apps that we built.” — Troy Wilkinson, global CISO, Interpublic Group

Use automation and machine learning to reduce mean time to response

Incident response automation can help free security analysts from repetitive tasks, so they can spend their time identifying and addressing high-priority security issues.

In How LLA reduces incident response time with AWS Systems Manager, telecommunications provider Liberty Latin America (LLA) detailed how they implemented a security framework to detect security issues and automate incident response in more than 180 AWS accounts accessed by internal stakeholders and third-party partners by using AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager, AWS Organizations, Amazon GuardDuty, and AWS Security Hub.

LLA operates in over 20 countries across Latin America and the Caribbean. After completing multiple acquisitions, LLA needed a centralized security operations team to handle incidents and notify the teams responsible for each AWS account. They used GuardDuty, Security Hub, and Systems Manager Incident Manager to automate and streamline detection and response, and they configured the services to initiate alerts whenever there was an issue requiring attention.

Speaking alongside AWS Principal Solutions Architect Jesus Federico and AWS Principal Product Manager Sarah Holberg, LLA Senior Manager of Cloud Services Joaquin Cameselle noted that when GuardDuty identifies a critical issue, it generates a new finding in Security Hub. This finding is then forwarded to Systems Manager Incident Manager through an Amazon EventBridge rule. This configuration helps ensure the involvement of the appropriate individuals associated with each account.

“We have deployed a security framework in Liberty Latin America to identify security issues and streamline incident response across over 180 AWS accounts. The framework that leverages AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager, Amazon GuardDuty, and AWS Security Hub enabled us to detect and respond to incidents with greater efficiency. As a result, we have reduced our reaction time by 90%, ensuring prompt engagement of the appropriate teams for each AWS account and facilitating visibility of issues for the central security team.” — Joaquin Cameselle, senior manager, cloud services, Liberty Latin America

How Citibank (Citi) advanced their containment capabilities through automation outlined how the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Incident Response framework is applied to AWS services, and highlighted Citi’s implementation of a highly scalable cloud incident response framework designed to support the 28 AWS services in their cloud environment.

After describing the four phases of the incident response process — preparation and prevention; detection and analysis; containment, eradication, and recovery; and post-incident activity—AWS ProServe Global Financial Services Senior Engagement Manager Harikumar Subramonion noted that, to fully benefit from the cloud, you need to embrace automation. Automation benefits the third phase of the incident response process by speeding up containment, and reducing mean time to response.

Citibank Head of Cloud Security Operations Elvis Velez and Vice President of Cloud Security Damien Burks described how Citi built the Cloud Containment Automation Framework (CCAF) from the ground up by using AWS Step Functions and AWS Lambda, enabling them to respond to events 24/7 without human error, and reduce the time it takes to contain resources from 4 hours to 15 minutes. Velez described how Citi uses adversary emulation exercises that use the MITRE ATT&CK Cloud Matrix to simulate realistic attacks on AWS environments, and continuously validate their ability to effectively contain incidents.

Innovate and do more with less

Security operations teams are often understaffed, making it difficult to keep up with alerts. According to data from CyberSeek, there are currently 69 workers available for every 100 cybersecurity job openings.

Effectively evaluating security and compliance posture is critical, despite resource constraints. In Centralizing security at scale with Security Hub and Intuit’s experience, AWS Senior Solutions Architect Craig Simon, AWS Senior Security Hub Product Manager Dora Karali, and Intuit Principal Software Engineer Matt Gravlin discussed how to ease security management with Security Hub. Fortune 500 financial software provider Intuit has approximately 2,000 AWS accounts, 10 million AWS resources, and receives 20 million findings a day from AWS services through Security Hub. Gravlin detailed Intuit’s Automated Compliance Platform (ACP), which combines Security Hub and AWS Config with an internal compliance solution to help Intuit reduce audit timelines, effectively manage remediation, and make compliance more consistent.

“By using Security Hub, we leveraged AWS expertise with their regulatory controls and best practice controls. It helped us keep up to date as new controls are released on a regular basis. We like Security Hub’s aggregation features that consolidate findings from other AWS services and third-party providers. I personally call it the super aggregator. A key component is the Security Hub to Amazon EventBridge integration. This allowed us to stream millions of findings on a daily basis to be inserted into our ACP database.” — Matt Gravlin, principal software engineer, Intuit

At AWS re:Inforce, we launched a new Security Hub capability for automating actions to update findings. You can now use rules to automatically update various fields in findings that match defined criteria. This allows you to automatically suppress findings, update the severity of findings according to organizational policies, change the workflow status of findings, and add notes. With automation rules, Security Hub provides you a simplified way to build automations directly from the Security Hub console and API. This reduces repetitive work for cloud security and DevOps engineers and can reduce mean time to response.

In Continuous innovation in AWS detection and response services, AWS Worldwide Security Specialist Senior Manager Himanshu Verma and GuardDuty Senior Manager Ryan Holland highlighted new features that can help you gain actionable insights that you can use to enhance your overall security posture. After mapping AWS security capabilities to the core functions of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, Verma and Holland provided an overview of AWS threat detection and response services that included a technical demonstration.

Bolstering incident response with AWS Wickr enterprise integrations highlighted how incident responders can collaborate securely during a security event, even on a compromised network. AWS Senior Security Specialist Solutions Architect Wes Wood demonstrated an innovative approach to incident response communications by detailing how you can integrate the end-to-end encrypted collaboration service AWS Wickr Enterprise with GuardDuty and AWS WAF. Using Wickr Bots, you can build integrated workflows that incorporate GuardDuty and third-party findings into a more secure, out-of-band communication channel for dedicated teams.

Evolve your incident response maturity

AWS re:Inforce featured many more highlights on incident response, including How to run security incident response in your Amazon EKS environment and Investigating incidents with Amazon Security Lake and Jupyter notebooks code talks, as well as the announcement of our Cyber Insurance Partners program. Content presented throughout the conference made one thing clear: AWS is working harder than ever to help you gain the insights that you need to strengthen your organization’s security posture, and accelerate incident response in the cloud.

To watch AWS re:Inforce sessions on demand, see the AWS re:Inforce playlists on YouTube.

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Anne Grahn

Anne Grahn

Anne is a Senior Worldwide Security GTM Specialist at AWS based in Chicago. She has more than a decade of experience in the security industry, and focuses on effectively communicating cybersecurity risk. She maintains a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification.


Himanshu Verma

Himanshu is a Worldwide Specialist for AWS Security Services. In this role, he leads the go-to-market creation and execution for AWS Security Services, field enablement, and strategic customer advisement. Prior to AWS, he held several leadership roles in Product Management, engineering and development, working on various identity, information security, and data protection technologies. He obsesses brainstorming disruptive ideas, venturing outdoors, photography, and trying various “hole in the wall” food and drinking establishments around the globe.

Jesus Federico

Jesus Federico

Jesus is a Principal Solutions Architect for AWS in the telecommunications vertical, working to provide guidance and technical assistance to communication service providers on their cloud journey. He supports CSPs in designing and implementing secure, resilient, scalable, and high-performance applications in the cloud.

With a zero-ETL approach, AWS is helping builders realize near-real-time analytics

Post Syndicated from Swami Sivasubramanian original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/realizing-near-real-time-analytics-with-a-zero-etl-future/

Data is at the center of every application, process, and business decision. When data is used to improve customer experiences and drive innovation, it can lead to business growth. According to Forrester, advanced insights-driven businesses are 8.5 times more likely than beginners to report at least 20% revenue growth. However, to realize this growth, managing and preparing the data for analysis has to get easier.

That’s why AWS is investing in a zero-ETL future so that builders can focus more on creating value from data, instead of preparing data for analysis.

Challenges with ETL

What is ETL? Extract, Transform, Load is the process data engineers use to combine data from different sources. ETL can be challenging, time-consuming, and costly. Firstly, it invariably requires data engineers to create custom code. Next, DevOps engineers have to deploy and manage the infrastructure to make sure the pipelines scale with the workload. In case the data sources change, data engineers have to manually make changes in their code and deploy it again. While all of this is happening—a process that can take days—data analysts can’t run interactive analysis or build dashboards, data scientists can’t build machine learning (ML) models or run predictions, and end-users can’t make data-driven decisions.

Furthermore, the time required to build or change pipelines makes the data unfit for near-real-time use cases such as detecting fraudulent transactions, placing online ads, and tracking passenger train schedules. In these scenarios, the opportunity to improve customer experiences, address new business opportunities, or lower business risks can simply be lost.

On the flip side, when organizations can quickly and seamlessly integrate data that is stored and analyzed in different tools and systems, they get a better understanding of their customers and business. As a result, they can make data-driven predictions with more confidence, improve customer experiences, and promote data-driven insights across the business.

AWS is bringing its zero-ETL vision to life

We have been making steady progress towards bringing our zero-ETL vision to life. For example, customers told us that they want to ingest streaming data into their data stores for doing analytics—all without delving into the complexities of ETL.

With Amazon Redshift Streaming Ingestion, organizations can configure Amazon Redshift to directly ingest high-throughput streaming data from Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) or Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and make it available for near-real-time analytics in just a few seconds. They can connect to multiple data streams and pull data directly into Amazon Redshift without staging it in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). After running analytics, the insights can be made available broadly across the organization with Amazon QuickSight, a cloud-native, serverless business intelligence service. QuickSight makes it incredibly simple and intuitive to get to answers with Amazon QuickSight Q, which allows users to ask business questions about their data in natural language and receive answers quickly through data visualizations.

Another example of AWS’s investment in zero-ETL is providing the ability to query a variety of data sources without having to worry about data movement. Using federated query in Amazon Redshift and Amazon Athena, organizations can run queries across data stored in their operational databases, data warehouses, and data lakes so that they can create insights from across multiple data sources with no data movement. Data analysts and data engineers can use familiar SQL commands to join data across several data sources for quick analysis, and store the results in Amazon S3 for subsequent use. This provides a flexible way to ingest data while avoiding complex ETL pipelines.

More recently, AWS introduced Amazon Aurora zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift at AWS re:Invent 2022. Check out the following video:

We learned from customers that they spend significant time and resources building and managing ETL pipelines between transactional databases and data warehouses. For example, let’s say a global manufacturing company with factories in a dozen countries uses a cluster of Aurora databases to store order and inventory data in each of those countries. When the company executives want to view all of the orders and inventory, the data engineers would have to build individual data pipelines from each of the Aurora clusters to a central data warehouse so that the data analysts can query the combined dataset. To do this, the data integration team has to write code to connect to 12 different clusters and manage and test 12 production pipelines. After the team deploys the code, it has to constantly monitor and scale the pipelines to optimize performance, and when anything changes, they have to make updates across 12 different places. It is quite a lot of repetitive work.

No more need for custom ETL pipelines between Aurora and Amazon Redshift

The Aurora zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift brings together the transactional data of Aurora with the analytics capabilities of Amazon Redshift. It minimizes the work of building and managing custom ETL pipelines between Aurora and Amazon Redshift. Unlike the traditional systems where data is siloed in one database and the user has to make a trade-off between unified analysis and performance, data engineers can replicate data from multiple Aurora database clusters into the same or new Amazon Redshift instance to derive holistic insights across many applications or partitions. Updates in Aurora are automatically and continuously propagated to Amazon Redshift so the data engineers have the most recent information in near-real time. The entire system can be serverless and dynamically scales up and down based on data volume, so there’s no infrastructure to manage. Now, organizations get the best of both worlds—fast, scalable transactions in Aurora together with fast, scalable analytics in Amazon Redshift—all in one seamless system. With near-real-time access to transactional data, organizations can leverage Amazon Redshift’s analytics and capabilities such as built-in ML, materialized views, data sharing, and federated access to multiple data stores and data lakes to derive insights from transactional and other data.

Improving the zero-ETL performance is a continuous goal for AWS. For instance, one of our early zero-ETL preview customers observed that the hundreds of thousands of transactions produced every minute from their Amazon Aurora MySQL databases appeared in less than 10 seconds into their Amazon Redshift warehouse. Previously, they had more than a 2-hour delay moving data from their ETL pipeline into Amazon Redshift. With the zero-ETL integration between Aurora and Redshift, they are now able to achieve near-real time analytics.

This integration is now available in Public Preview. To learn more, refer to Getting started guide for near-real-time analytics using Amazon Aurora zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift.

Zero-ETL makes data available to data engineers at the point of use through direct integrations between services and direct querying across a variety of data stores. This frees the data engineers to focus on creating value from the data, instead of spending time and resources building pipelines. AWS will continue investing in its zero-ETL vision so that organizations can accelerate their use of data to drive business growth.

About the Author

Swami Sivasubramanian is the Vice President of AWS Data and Machine Learning.

Amazon OpenSearch Service’s vector database capabilities explained

Post Syndicated from Jon Handler original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/amazon-opensearch-services-vector-database-capabilities-explained/

OpenSearch is a scalable, flexible, and extensible open-source software suite for search, analytics, security monitoring, and observability applications, licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. It comprises a search engine, OpenSearch, which delivers low-latency search and aggregations, OpenSearch Dashboards, a visualization and dashboarding tool, and a suite of plugins that provide advanced capabilities like alerting, fine-grained access control, observability, security monitoring, and vector storage and processing. Amazon OpenSearch Service is a fully managed service that makes it simple to deploy, scale, and operate OpenSearch in the AWS Cloud.

As an end-user, when you use OpenSearch’s search capabilities, you generally have a goal in mind—something you want to accomplish. Along the way, you use OpenSearch to gather information in support of achieving that goal (or maybe the information is the original goal). We’ve all become used to the “search box” interface, where you type some words, and the search engine brings back results based on word-to-word matching. Let’s say you want to buy a couch in order to spend cozy evenings with your family around the fire. You go to Amazon.com, and you type “a cozy place to sit by the fire.” Unfortunately, if you run that search on Amazon.com, you get items like fire pits, heating fans, and home decorations—not what you intended. The problem is that couch manufacturers probably didn’t use the words “cozy,” “place,” “sit,” and “fire” in their product titles or descriptions.

In recent years, machine learning (ML) techniques have become increasingly popular to enhance search. Among them are the use of embedding models, a type of model that can encode a large body of data into an n-dimensional space where each entity is encoded into a vector, a data point in that space, and organized such that similar entities are closer together. An embedding model, for instance, could encode the semantics of a corpus. By searching for the vectors nearest to an encoded document — k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) search — you can find the most semantically similar documents. Sophisticated embedding models can support multiple modalities, for instance, encoding the image and text of a product catalog and enabling similarity matching on both modalities.

A vector database provides efficient vector similarity search by providing specialized indexes like k-NN indexes. It also provides other database functionality like managing vector data alongside other data types, workload management, access control and more. OpenSearch’s k-NN plugin provides core vector database functionality for OpenSearch, so when your customer searches for “a cozy place to sit by the fire” in your catalog, you can encode that prompt and use OpenSearch to perform a nearest neighbor query to surface that 8-foot, blue couch with designer arranged photographs in front of fireplaces.

Using OpenSearch Service as a vector database

With OpenSearch Service’s vector database capabilities, you can implement semantic search, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with LLMs, recommendation engines, and search rich media.

Semantic search

With semantic search, you improve the relevance of retrieved results using language-based embeddings on search documents. You enable your search customers to use natural language queries, like “a cozy place to sit by the fire” to find their 8-foot-long blue couch. For more information, refer to Building a semantic search engine in OpenSearch to learn how semantic search can deliver a 15% relevance improvement, as measured by normalized discounted cumulative gain (nDCG) metrics compared with keyword search. For a concrete example, our Improve search relevance with ML in Amazon OpenSearch Service workshop explores the difference between keyword and semantic search, based on a Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) model, hosted by Amazon SageMaker to generate vectors and store them in OpenSearch. The workshop uses product question answers as an example to show how keyword search using the keywords/phrases of the query leads to some irrelevant results. Semantic search is able to retrieve more relevant documents by matching the context and semantics of the query. The following diagram shows an example architecture for a semantic search application with OpenSearch Service as the vector database.

Architecture diagram showing how to use Amazon OpenSearch Service to perform semantic search to improve relevance

Retrieval Augmented Generation with LLMs

RAG is a method for building trustworthy generative AI chatbots using generative LLMs like OpenAI, ChatGPT, or Amazon Titan Text. With the rise of generative LLMs, application developers are looking for ways to take advantage of this innovative technology. One popular use case involves delivering conversational experiences through intelligent agents. Perhaps you’re a software provider with knowledge bases for product information, customer self-service, or industry domain knowledge like tax reporting rules or medical information about diseases and treatments. A conversational search experience provides an intuitive interface for users to sift through information through dialog and Q&A. Generative LLMs on their own are prone to hallucinations—a situation where the model generates a believable but factually incorrect response. RAG solves this problem by complementing generative LLMs with an external knowledge base that is typically built using a vector database hydrated with vector-encoded knowledge articles.

As illustrated in the following diagram, the query workflow starts with a question that is encoded and used to retrieve relevant knowledge articles from the vector database. Those results are sent to the generative LLM whose job is to augment those results, typically by summarizing the results as a conversational response. By complementing the generative model with a knowledge base, RAG grounds the model on facts to minimize hallucinations. You can learn more about building a RAG solution in the Retrieval Augmented Generation module of our semantic search workshop.

Architecture diagram showing how to use Amazon OpenSearch Service to perform retrieval-augmented generation

Recommendation engine

Recommendations are a common component in the search experience, especially for ecommerce applications. Adding a user experience feature like “more like this” or “customers who bought this also bought that” can drive additional revenue through getting customers what they want. Search architects employ many techniques and technologies to build recommendations, including Deep Neural Network (DNN) based recommendation algorithms such as the two-tower neural net model, YoutubeDNN. A trained embedding model encodes products, for example, into an embedding space where products that are frequently bought together are considered more similar, and therefore are represented as data points that are closer together in the embedding space. Another possibility
is that product embeddings are based on co-rating similarity instead of purchase activity. You can employ this affinity data through calculating the vector similarity between a particular user’s embedding and vectors in the database to return recommended items. The following diagram shows an example architecture of building a recommendation engine with OpenSearch as a vector store.

Architecture diagram showing how to use Amazon OpenSearch Service as a recommendation engine

Media search

Media search enables users to query the search engine with rich media like images, audio, and video. Its implementation is similar to semantic search—you create vector embeddings for your search documents and then query OpenSearch Service with a vector. The difference is you use a computer vision deep neural network (e.g. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)) such as ResNet to convert images into vectors. The following diagram shows an example architecture of building an image search with OpenSearch as the vector store.

Architecture diagram showing how to use Amazon OpenSearch Service to search rich media like images, videos, and audio files

Understanding the technology

OpenSearch uses approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) algorithms from the NMSLIB, FAISS, and Lucene libraries to power k-NN search. These search methods employ ANN to improve search latency for large datasets. Of the three search methods the k-NN plugin provides, this method offers the best search scalability for large datasets. The engine details are as follows:

  • Non-Metric Space Library (NMSLIB) – NMSLIB implements the HNSW ANN algorithm
  • Facebook AI Similarity Search (FAISS) – FAISS implements both HNSW and IVF ANN algorithms
  • Lucene – Lucene implements the HNSW algorithm

Each of the three engines used for approximate k-NN search has its own attributes that make one more sensible to use than the others in a given situation. You can follow the general information in this section to help determine which engine will best meet your requirements.

In general, NMSLIB and FAISS should be selected for large-scale use cases. Lucene is a good option for smaller deployments, but offers benefits like smart filtering where the optimal filtering strategy—pre-filtering, post-filtering, or exact k-NN—is automatically applied depending on the situation. The following table summarizes the differences between each option.






Max Dimension






Post filter

Post filter

Post filter

Filter while search

Training Required





Similarity Metrics

l2, innerproduct, cosinesimil, l1, linf

l2, innerproduct

l2, innerproduct

l2, cosinesimil

Vector Volume

Tens of billions

Tens of billions

Tens of billions

< Ten million

Indexing latency





Query Latency & Quality

Low latency & high quality

Low latency & high quality

Low latency & low quality

High latency & high quality

Vector Compression



Product Quantization


Product Quantization


Memory Consumption



Low with PQ


Low with PQ


Approximate and exact nearest-neighbor search

The OpenSearch Service k-NN plugin supports three different methods for obtaining the k-nearest neighbors from an index of vectors: approximate k-NN, score script (exact k-NN), and painless extensions (exact k-NN).

Approximate k-NN

The first method takes an approximate nearest neighbor approach—it uses one of several algorithms to return the approximate k-nearest neighbors to a query vector. Usually, these algorithms sacrifice indexing speed and search accuracy in return for performance benefits such as lower latency, smaller memory footprints, and more scalable search. Approximate k-NN is the best choice for searches over large indexes (that is, hundreds of thousands of vectors or more) that require low latency. You should not use approximate k-NN if you want to apply a filter on the index before the k-NN search, which greatly reduces the number of vectors to be searched. In this case, you should use either the score script method or painless extensions.

Score script

The second method extends the OpenSearch Service score script functionality to run a brute force, exact k-NN search over knn_vector fields or fields that can represent binary objects. With this approach, you can run k-NN search on a subset of vectors in your index (sometimes referred to as a pre-filter search). This approach is preferred for searches over smaller bodies of documents or when a pre-filter is needed. Using this approach on large indexes may lead to high latencies.

Painless extensions

The third method adds the distance functions as painless extensions that you can use in more complex combinations. Similar to the k-NN score script, you can use this method to perform a brute force, exact k-NN search across an index, which also supports pre-filtering. This approach has slightly slower query performance compared to the k-NN score script. If your use case requires more customization over the final score, you should use this approach over score script k-NN.

Vector search algorithms

The simple way to find similar vectors is to use k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) algorithms, which compute the distance between a query vector and the other vectors in the vector database. As we mentioned earlier, the score script k-NN and painless extensions search methods use the exact k-NN algorithms under the hood. However, in the case of extremely large datasets with high dimensionality, this creates a scaling problem that reduces the efficiency of the search. Approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) search methods can overcome this by employing tools that restructure indexes more efficiently and reduce the dimensionality of searchable vectors. There are different ANN search algorithms; for example, locality sensitive hashing, tree-based, cluster-based, and graph-based. OpenSearch implements two ANN algorithms: Hierarchical Navigable Small Worlds (HNSW) and Inverted File System (IVF). For a more detailed explanation of how the HNSW and IVF algorithms work in OpenSearch, see blog post “Choose the k-NN algorithm for your billion-scale use case with OpenSearch”.

Hierarchical Navigable Small Worlds

The HNSW algorithm is one of the most popular algorithms out there for ANN search. The core idea of the algorithm is to build a graph with edges connecting index vectors that are close to each other. Then, on search, this graph is partially traversed to find the approximate nearest neighbors to the query vector. To steer the traversal towards the query’s nearest neighbors, the algorithm always visits the closest candidate to the query vector next.

Inverted File

The IVF algorithm separates your index vectors into a set of buckets, then, to reduce your search time, only searches through a subset of these buckets. However, if the algorithm just randomly split up your vectors into different buckets, and only searched a subset of them, it would yield a poor approximation. The IVF algorithm uses a more elegant approach. First, before indexing begins, it assigns each bucket a representative vector. When a vector is indexed, it gets added to the bucket that has the closest representative vector. This way, vectors that are closer to each other are placed roughly in the same or nearby buckets.

Vector similarity metrics

All search engines use a similarity metric to rank and sort results and bring the most relevant results to the top. When you use a plain text query, the similarity metric is called TF-IDF, which measures the importance of the terms in the query and generates a score based on the number of textual matches. When your query includes a vector, the similarity metrics are spatial in nature, taking advantage of proximity in the vector space. OpenSearch supports several similarity or distance measures:

  • Euclidean distance – The straight-line distance between points.
  • L1 (Manhattan) distance – The sum of the differences of all of the vector components. L1 distance measures how many orthogonal city blocks you need to traverse from point A to point B.
  • L-infinity (chessboard) distance – The number of moves a King would make on an n-dimensional chessboard. It’s different than Euclidean distance on the diagonals—a diagonal step on a 2-dimensional chessboard is 1.41 Euclidean units away, but 2 L-infinity units away.
  • Inner product – The product of the magnitudes of two vectors and the cosine of the angle between them. Usually used for natural language processing (NLP) vector similarity.
  • Cosine similarity – The cosine of the angle between two vectors in a vector space.
  • Hamming distance – For binary-coded vectors, the number of bits that differ between the two vectors.

Advantage of OpenSearch as a vector database

When you use OpenSearch Service as a vector database, you can take advantage of the service’s features like usability, scalability, availability, interoperability, and security. More importantly, you can use OpenSearch’s search features to enhance the search experience. For example, you can use Learning to Rank in OpenSearch to integrate user clickthrough behavior data into your search application and improve search relevance. You can also combine OpenSearch text search and vector search capabilities to search documents with keyword and semantic similarity. You can also use other fields in the index to filter documents to improve relevance. For advanced users, you can use a hybrid scoring model to combine OpenSearch’s text-based relevance score, computed with the Okapi BM25 function and its vector search score to improve the ranking of your search results.

Scale and limits

OpenSearch as vector database support billions of vector records. Keep in mind the following calculator regarding number of vectors and dimensions to size your cluster.

Number of vectors

OpenSearch VectorDB takes advantage of the sharding capabilities of OpenSearch and can scale to billions of vectors at single-digit millisecond latencies by sharding vectors and scale horizontally by adding more nodes. The number of vectors that can fit in a single machine is a function of the off-heap memory availability on the machine. The number of nodes required will depend on the amount of memory that can be used for the algorithm per node and the total amount of memory required by the algorithm. The more nodes, the more memory and better performance. The amount of memory available per node is computed as memory_available = (node_memoryjvm_size) * circuit_breaker_limit, with the following parameters:

  • node_memory – The total memory of the instance.
  • jvm_size – The OpenSearch JVM heap size. This is set to half of the instance’s RAM, capped at approximately 32 GB.
  • circuit_breaker_limit – The native memory usage threshold for the circuit breaker. This is set to 0.5.

Total cluster memory estimation depends on total number of vector records and algorithms. HNSW and IVF have different memory requirements. You can refer to Memory Estimation for more details.

Number of dimensions

OpenSearch’s current dimension limit for the vector field knn_vector is 16,000 dimensions. Each dimension is represented as a 32-bit float. The more dimensions, the more memory you’ll need to index and search. The number of dimensions is usually determined by the embedding models that translate the entity to a vector. There are a lot of options to choose from when building your knn_vector field. To determine the correct methods and parameters to choose, refer to Choosing the right method.

Customer stories:

Amazon Music

Amazon Music is always innovating to provide customers with unique and personalized experiences. One of Amazon Music’s approaches to music recommendations is a remix of a classic Amazon innovation, item-to-item collaborative filtering, and vector databases. Using data aggregated based on user listening behavior, Amazon Music has created an embedding model that encodes music tracks and customer representations into a vector space where neighboring vectors represent tracks that are similar. 100 million songs are encoded into vectors, indexed into OpenSearch, and served across multiple geographies to power real-time recommendations. OpenSearch currently manages 1.05 billion vectors and supports a peak load of 7,100 vector queries per second to power Amazon Music recommendations.

The item-to-item collaborative filter continues to be among the most popular methods for online product recommendations because of its effectiveness at scaling to large customer bases and product catalogs. OpenSearch makes it easier to operationalize and further the scalability of the recommender by providing scale-out infrastructure and k-NN indexes that grow linearly with respect to the number of tracks and similarity search in logarithmic time.

The following figure visualizes the high-dimensional space created by the vector embedding.

A visualization of the vector encoding of Amazon Music entries in the large vector space

Brand protection at Amazon

Amazon strives to deliver the world’s most trustworthy shopping experience, offering customers the widest possible selection of authentic products. To earn and maintain our customers’ trust, we strictly prohibit the sale of counterfeit products, and we continue to invest in innovations that ensure only authentic products reach our customers. Amazon’s brand protection programs build trust with brands by accurately representing and completely protecting their brand. We strive to ensure that public perception mirrors the trustworthy experience we deliver. Our brand protection strategy focuses on four pillars: (1) Proactive Controls (2) Powerful Tools to Protect Brands (3) Holding Bad Actors Accountable (4) Protecting and Educating Customers. Amazon OpenSearch Service is a key part of Amazon’s Proactive Controls.

In 2022, Amazon’s automated technology scanned more than 8 billion attempted changes daily to product detail pages for signs of potential abuse. Our proactive controls found more than 99% of blocked or removed listings before a brand ever had to find and report it. These listings were suspected of being fraudulent, infringing, counterfeit, or at risk of other forms of abuse. To perform these scans, Amazon created tooling that uses advanced and innovative techniques, including the use of advanced machine learning models to automate the detection of intellectual property infringements in listings across Amazon’s stores globally. A key technical challenge in implementing such automated system is the ability to search for protected intellectual property within a vast billion-vector corpus in a fast, scalable and cost effective manner. Leveraging Amazon OpenSearch Service’s scalable vector database capabilities and distributed architecture, we successfully developed an ingestion pipeline that has indexed a total of 68 billion, 128- and 1024-dimension vectors into OpenSearch Service to enable brands and automated systems to conduct infringement detection, in real-time, through a highly available and fast (sub-second) search API.


Whether you’re building a generative AI solution, searching rich media and audio, or bringing more semantic search to your existing search-based application, OpenSearch is a capable vector database. OpenSearch supports a variety of engines, algorithms, and distance measures that you can employ to build the right solution. OpenSearch provides a scalable engine that can support vector search at low latency and up to billions of vectors. With OpenSearch and its vector DB capabilities, your users can find that 8-foot-blue couch easily, and relax by a cozy fire.

About the Authors

Jon Handler is a Senior Principal Solutions Architect with AWSJon Handler is a Senior Principal Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services based in Palo Alto, CA. Jon works closely with OpenSearch and Amazon OpenSearch Service, providing help and guidance to a broad range of customers who have search and log analytics workloads that they want to move to the AWS Cloud. Prior to joining AWS, Jon’s career as a software developer included four years of coding a large-scale, eCommerce search engine. Jon holds a Bachelor of the Arts from the University of Pennsylvania, and a Master of Science and a Ph. D. in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence from Northwestern University.

Jianwei Li is a Principal Analytics Specialist TAM at Amazon Web Services. Jianwei provides consultant service for customers to help customer design and build modern data platform. Jianwei has been working in big data domain as software developer, consultant and tech leader.

Dylan Tong is a Senior Product Manager at AWS. He works with customers to help drive their success on the AWS platform through thought leadership and guidance on designing well architected solutions. He has spent most of his career building on his expertise in data management and analytics by working for leaders and innovators in the space.

Vamshi Vijay Nakkirtha is a Software Engineering Manager working on the OpenSearch Project and Amazon OpenSearch Service. His primary interests include distributed systems. He is an active contributor to various plugins, like k-NN, GeoSpatial, and dashboard-maps.

Let’s Architect! Open-source technologies on AWS

Post Syndicated from Vittorio Denti original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/lets-architect-open-source-technologies-on-aws/

We brought you a Let’s Architect! blog post about open-source on AWS that covered some technologies with development led by AWS/Amazon, as well as well-known solutions available on managed AWS services. Today, we’re following the same approach to share more insights about the process itself for developing open-source. That’s why the first topic we discuss in this post is a re:Invent talk from Heitor Lessa, Principal Solutions Architect at AWS, explaining some interesting approaches for developing and scaling successful open-source projects.

This edition of Let’s Architect! also touches on observability with Open Telemetry, Apache Kafka on AWS, and Infrastructure as Code with an hands-on workshop on AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK).

Powertools for AWS Lambda: Lessons from the road to 10 million downloads

Powertools for AWS Lambda is an open-source library to help engineering teams implement serverless best practices. In two years, Powertools went from an initial prototype to a fast-growing project in the open-source world. Rapid growth along with support from a wide community led to challenges from balancing new features with operational excellence to triaging bug reports and RFCs and scaling and redesigning documentation.

In this session, you can learn about Powertools for AWS Lambda to understand what it is and the problems it solves. Moreover, there are many valuable lessons to learn how to create and scale a successful open-source project. From managing the trade-off between releasing new features and achieving operational stability to measuring the impact of the project, there are many challenges in open-source projects that require careful thought.

Take me to this video!

Heitor Lessa describing one the key lessons: development and releasing new features should be as important as the other activities (governance, operational excellence, and more)

Heitor Lessa describing one of the key lessons: development and releasing new features should be as important as the other activities (governance, operational excellence, and more).

Observability the open-source way

The recent blog post Let’s Architect! Monitoring production systems at scale talks about the importance of monitoring. Setting up observability is critical to maintain application and infrastructure health, but instrumenting applications to collect monitoring signals such as metrics and logs can be challenging when using vendor-specific SDKs.

This video introduces you to OpenTelemetry, an open-source observability framework. OpenTelemetry provides a flexible, single vendor-agnostic SDK based on open-source specifications that developers can use to instrument and collect signals from applications. This resource explains how it works in practice and how to monitor microservice-based applications with the OpenTelemetry SDK.

Take me to this video!

With AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry, you can collect data from your AWS resources.

With AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry, you can collect data from your AWS resources.

Best practices for right-sizing your Apache Kafka clusters to optimize performance and cost

Apache Kafka is an open-source streaming data store that decouples applications producing streaming data (producers) into its data store from applications consuming streaming data (consumers) from its data store. Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) allows you to use the open-source version of Apache Kafka with the service managing infrastructure and operations for you.

This blog post explains how the underlying infrastructure configuration can affect Apache Kafka performance. You can learn strategies on how to size the clusters to meet the desired throughput, availability, and latency requirements. This resource helps you discover strategies to find the optimal sizing for your resources, and learn the mental models adopted to conduct the investigation and derive the conclusions.

Take me to this blog!

Comparisons of put latencies for three clusters with different broker sizes

Comparisons of put latencies for three clusters with different broker sizes

AWS Cloud Development Kit workshop

AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open-source software development framework that allows you to provision cloud resources programmatically (Infrastructure as Code or IaC) by using familiar programming languages such as Python, Typescript, Javascript, Java, Go, and C#/.Net.

CDK allows you to create reusable template and assets, test your infrastructure, make deployments repeatable, and make your cloud environment stable by removing manual (and error-prone) operations. This workshop introduces you to CDK, where you can learn how to provision an initial simple application as well as become familiar with more advanced concepts like CDK constructs.

Take me to this workshop!

This construct can be attached to any Lambda function that is used as an API Gateway backend. It counts how many requests were issued to each URL.

This construct can be attached to any Lambda function that is used as an API Gateway backend. It counts how many requests were issued to each URL.

See you next time!

Thanks for joining our conversation! To find all the blogs from this series, you can check out the Let’s Architect! list of content on the AWS Architecture Blog.

Removing header remapping from Amazon API Gateway, and notes about our work with security researchers

Post Syndicated from Mark Ryland original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/removing-header-remapping-from-amazon-api-gateway-and-notes-about-our-work-with-security-researchers/

At Amazon Web Services (AWS), our APIs and service functionality are a promise to our customers, so we very rarely make breaking changes or remove functionality from production services. Customers use the AWS Cloud to build solutions for their customers, and when disruptive changes are made or functionality is removed, the downstream impacts can be significant. As builders, we’ve felt the impact of these types of changes ourselves, and we work hard to avoid these situations whenever possible.

When we do need to make breaking changes, we try to provide a smooth path forward for customers who were using the old functionality. Often that means changing the behavior for new users or new deployments, and then allowing a transition window for existing customers to migrate from the old to the new behavior. There are many examples of this pattern, such as an update to IAM role trust policy behavior that we made last year.

This post explains one such recent change that we’ve made in Amazon API Gateway. We also discuss how we work with the security research community to improve things for customers.

Summary and customer impact

Recently, researchers at Omegapoint disclosed an edge case issue with how API Gateway handled HTTP header remapping with custom authorizers based on AWS Lambda. As is often the case with security research, this work generated a second, tangentially related authorization-caching issue that the Omegapoint team also reported.

After analyzing these reports, the API Gateway team decided to remove a documented feature from the service and to adjust another behavior to improve service behavior. We’ve made the appropriate changes to the API Gateway documentation.

As of June 14, 2023, the header remapping feature is no longer available in API Gateway. Customers can still use Velocity Template Language-based (VTL) transformations for header remapping, because this approach wasn’t impacted by the reported issue. If you’re using this design pattern in API Gateway and have questions about this change, reach out to your AWS support team.

The authorization-caching behavior was working as originally designed; but based on the report, we’ve adjusted it to better meet customer expectations.

The team at Omegapoint has published their findings in the blog post Writeup: AWS API Gateway header smuggling and cache confusion.

Before we removed the feature, we contacted customers who were using the direct HTTP header remapping feature through email and the AWS Health Dashboard. If you haven’t been contacted, no action is required on your part.

More details

The main issue that Omegapoint reported was related to a documented, client-controlled HTTP header remapping feature in API Gateway. This feature allowed customers to use one set of header values in the interaction between their clients and API Gateway, and a different set of header values from API Gateway to the backend. The client could send two sets of header values: one for API Gateway and one for the backend. API Gateway would process both sets, but then remap (overwrite) one set of values with another set. This feature was especially useful when allowing newly created API Gateway clients to continue to work with legacy servers whose header-handling logic couldn’t be modified.

The report from Omegapoint highlighted that customers who relied on Lambda authorizers for request-based authorization could be surprised when the remapping feature was used to overwrite header values that were used for further authorization on the backend, which could potentially lead to unintended access. The Lambda authorizer itself worked as expected on unmapped headers, but if there was additional authorization logic in the backend, it could be impacted by a misbehaving client.

The second issue that Omegapoint reported was related to the caching behavior in API Gateway for authorization policies. Previously, the caching method might reuse a cached authorization with a different value when the <method.request.multivalueheader.*> value was used in the request header within the time-to-live (TTL) of the cached value. This was the expected behavior of the wildcard value.

However, after reviewing the report, we agreed that it could surprise customers, and potentially allow misbehaving clients to bypass expected authorization. We were able to change this behavior without customer impact, because there is no evidence of customers relying on this behavior. So now, cached authorizations are no longer used in the <multivalueheader> case.

How we work with researchers

Security researchers regularly submit vulnerability reports to AWS Security. Some researchers are independent, some work in academic institutions, and others work in AWS partner or customer organizations. Our Outreach team triages submissions rapidly. Upon receipt, we start a conversation and work closely with researchers to understand their concerns, give our perspective, and agree on the best path forward.

If technical changes are required, our services and security teams work together to determine and implement the appropriate remediations based on the potential impact. They work with affected customers to reduce or eliminate impacts, and they work with the researchers to coordinate the publication of their findings.

Often these reports highlight situations where the designed and documented behavior might result in a surprising outcome for some customers. In those cases, we work with the researcher to make the appropriate updates to the documentation, if needed, and help ensure that the researcher’s finding is published with customer education as the primary goal.

In other cases, where warranted, we communicate about security issues to the broader customer and security community by using a security bulletin. Finally, we publish security blog posts in cases where providing more context makes sense, such as the current issue.

Security is our top priority, and working with the community to make our customers and the AWS Cloud safer is a key part of that. Clear communication helps build understanding and trust.

Working together

We removed the direct remapping feature because not many customers were using it, and we felt that documentation warning against the impacted design choices provided insufficient visibility and protection for customers. We designed and released the feature in an era when it was reasonable to assume that an API Gateway client would be well-behaved, but as times change, it now makes sense that an API client could be potentially negligent or even hostile. There are multiple alternative approaches that can provide the same outcome for customers, but in a more expected and controlled manner, which made this a simpler process to work through.

When researchers report potential security findings, we work through our process to determine the best outcome for our customers. In most cases, we can adjust designs to address the issue, while maintaining the affected features.

In rare cases, such as this one, the more effective path forward is to sunset a feature in favor of a more expected and secure approach. This is a core principle of evolving architectures and building resilient systems. It’s something that we practice regularly at AWS and a key principle that we share with our customers and the community through the AWS Well-Architected Framework.

Our thanks to the team at Omegapoint for reporting these issues, and to all of the researchers who continue to work with us to help make the AWS Cloud safer for our customers.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Mark Ryland

Mark Ryland

Mark is the director of the Office of the CISO for AWS. He has over 30 years of experience in the technology industry, and has served in leadership roles in cybersecurity, software engineering, distributed systems, technology standardization, and public policy. Previously, he served as the Director of Solution Architecture and Professional Services for the AWS World Public Sector team.

Amazon SES – Set up notifications for bounces and complaints

Post Syndicated from Vinay Ujjini original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/amazon-ses-set-up-notifications-for-bounces-and-complaints/

Why is it important to monitor bounces and complaints when using Amazon Simple Email Service?

Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is a scalable cloud email service provider that is cost-effective and flexible. Amazon SES allows businesses and individuals to send bulk emails to their customers and subscribers. However, as with any email service, there is always a risk of emails bouncing or being marked as spam by recipients. These bounces and complaints can have serious consequences for your email deliverability and can even lead to your email account being suspended or blocked. That’s why it’s important to monitor bounces and complaints when using Amazon SES for email sending. By using Simple Notification Services (Amazon SNS) notifications, you can set up notifications and proactively address any issues and ensure that your emails are delivered successfully to your intended recipients. In this blog, we’ll show how to set up notifications for bounces and complaints in Amazon SES, so you can stay on top of your email deliverability and maintain a positive sender reputation.

Understanding bounces and complaints:

Understanding bounces and complaints is crucial when it comes to email marketing. In simple terms, a bounce occurs when an email is undeliverable and is returned to the sender. There are two types of bounces: soft bounces and hard bounces. A soft bounce is a temporary issue, such as a full inbox or a server error, and the email may be delivered successfully on a subsequent attempt. A hard bounce, on the other hand, is a permanent issue, such as an invalid email address, and the email will never be delivered. On the other hand, a complaint occurs when a recipient marks an email as spam or unwanted. Complaints can be particularly damaging to your email deliverability and can lead to your emails being blocked or sent to the recipient’s spam folder. By monitoring bounces and complaints and taking appropriate action, you can maintain a positive sender reputation and ensure that your emails are delivered successfully to your intended recipients.

Amazon SES provides tools like Virtual Deliverability Manager (VDM) to manage the deliverability at the ISP, sub-domain or configuration set level. You can see the details in this blog.

Solution walkthrough:

This post gives detailed instructions on how to use Amazon Simple Notification Service SNS to monitor and receive notifications on bounces and complaints in Amazon SES. This blog also has FAQs and troubleshooting tips if you are not receiving notifications following the setup: (below are the steps with detailed instructions and screenshots)


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

  1. An active AWS account.
  2. A verified identity (Email address or Domain) in Amazon SES.
  3. Administrative Access to Amazon SES Console and Amazon SNS Console.

Step 1: Create an Amazon SNS topic and subscription:

      1. Sign in to the Amazon SNS console.
      2. Under Amazon SNS homepage provide a Topic name and click on Next steps:
      3. SNS topic image
      4. For Type, choose a topic type Standard.
        Note: Standard topics are better suited for use cases that require higher message publish and delivery throughput rates which fits the SES bounces and complaints monitoring.
      5. SNS standard queue
      6. (Optional) Expand the Encryption section if you would like to encrypt the SNS topic.
        • Choose Enable encryption.
        • Specify the AWS KMS key. For more information, see Key terms.
        • For each KMS type, the Description, Account, and KMS ARN are displayed.
      7. Encryption image
      8. Scroll to the end of the form and choose Create topic. The topic is created and the console opens the new topic’s Details page.
      9. To create the subscription on the Subscriptions page, choose Create subscription.
      10. SNS Subscription page
      11. On the Create subscription page, choose the Topic ARN that you created in the previous step.
      12. For Protocol, choose Email. There are multiple protocols available to use and it depends on where you would like to receive the SNS notifications for bounces and complaints. Please refer to list of available protocols.
      13. For Endpoint, enter an email address that can receive notifications.
        Note: this should be existing email address with accessible mailbox.
      14. SNS Subscription details
      15. Scroll to the bottom and click Create subscription. The console opens the new subscription’s Details page.
      16. After your subscription is created, you need to confirm it through the email address provided above.
      17. Check your email inbox you provided in the endpoint in previous step and and choose Confirm subscription in the email from AWS Notifications. The sender ID is usually “[email protected]“.
      18. AWS Notification email
      19. Amazon SNS opens your web browser and displays a subscription confirmation with your subscription ID.
      20. Subscription confirmation email
      21. After subscription is confirmed, refresh the subscription’s Details page and the subscription status will move from Pending to Confirmed.
      22. Subscription details
  • Step 2: Configure Amazon SES to send bounces and complaints to the Amazon SNS topic created:

In this step, I am presenting two methods to monitor your bounces and complaints. Follow Demo 1, if you are looking for a simple way to monitor bounces and complaints events for a specific email identity. Follow Demo 2, if you have many email identities and you want to monitor bounces and complaints along with other events using configuration sets “groups of rules that you can apply to all your verified identities”.

Demo 1: Configure Amazon SES to monitor bounces and complaints for specific email identity (Email, Domain):

The domain/sub-domain/email identity must have a Verified status. If the identity is not in verified status, refer to steps to verify identity with Amazon SES before continuing further.

Prior to starting this demo, it is important to know if you have a verified domain, subdomain, or an email address that shares the root domain. The identity settings (such as SNS and feedback notifications) apply at the most granular level you have set up the verification. Hierarchy is as below:

  • Verified email address identity settings override verified domain identity settings.
  • Verified subdomain identity settings override verified domain identity settings. (lower-level subdomain settings override higher-level subdomain settings).

Hence, if you want to monitor bounces and complaints for all email addresses under one domain, it is recommended to verify the domain identity with SES and apply this setting at the domain identity level. If you want to monitor bounces and complaints for specific email address under a verified domain identity, verify this email address explicitly with SES and apply this settings into the email identity level.

  1. Sign in to the Amazon SES console.
  2. In the navigation pane, under Configuration, choose Verified identities.
  3. Verified email identities
  4. Select the verified identity in which you want to monitor for bounces and complaints notifications.
  5. In the details screen of the verified identity you selected, choose the Notifications tab and select Edit in the Feedback notifications container.
  6. Notifications
  7. Expand the SNS topic list box of bounce and complaint feedback type and select the SNS topic you created in Step 1.
    (Optional) If you want your topic notification to include the headers from the original email, check the Include original email headers box directly underneath the SNS topic name of each feedback type then click on save changes.
  8. SNS topics
  9. After configured SNS topic for bounces and complaints, you can disable Email Feedback Forwarding notifications to avoid receive double notifications through Email Feedback Forwarding and SNS notifications.
  10. To Disable it, under the Notifications tab on the details screen of the verified identity, in the Email Feedback Forwarding container, choose Edit, uncheck the Enabled box, and choose Save changes.
  11. Feedback forwarding disabled

Demo 2: Configure Amazon SES to monitor bounces and complaints for emails sent with a configuration set using Amazon SES event publishing.

Configuration sets in SES are groups of rules, that you can apply to your verified identities. When you apply a configuration set to an email, all of the rules in that configuration set are applied to the email. You can use different type of rules with a configuration set. This demo will use event destination, which will allow you to publish bounces and complaints to the SNS topic.

Note: You must pass the name of the configuration set when sending an email. This can be done by either specifying the configuration set name in the headers of emails, or specifying it as a default configuration set. This can be done at the time of identity creation, or later while editing a verified identity.

  1. Sign in to the Amazon SES console.
  2. In the navigation pane, under Configuration, choose Configuration sets. Choose Create set.
  3. Configuration set image
  4. Enter Configuration set name, leave the rest of fields to default, scroll to the send and click on Create set.
  5. Create configuration set
  6. After Configuration set is created, you now need to create Amazon SES event destinations as shown below. Amazon SES sends all bounce and complaint notifications to event destination. In this blog the event destination is Amazon SNS topic.
  7. Navigate to the configuration set you created in step 3. Under configuration set home page click on Event destinations and select Add destination.
  8. Event destinations
  9. Under Select event types, check hard bounces and complaints boxes and click Next.
  10. Event types selection
  11. Specify destination for receiving bounce and complaints notifications, there’s couple of destinations types to choose from. in this demo, we will use Amazon SNS.
  12. Name – enter the name of the destination for this configuration set. The name can include letters, numbers, dashes, and hyphens.
  13. Event publishing – to turn on event publishing for this destination, select the Enabled check box.
  14. Under Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic , Expand the SNS topic list box and select the SNS topic you created in Step 1 and click Next.
  15. Use SES as destination
  16. Review, When you are satisfied that your entries are correct, choose Add destination to add your event destination.
  17. Once you choose Add destination , the summary of event destination will show a “Successfully validated SNS topic for Amazon SES event publishing” email.
  18. Successful notification

Step 3: Using Amazon SES Mailbox Simulator to test send and receive a bounce notification via SNS topic:

Test 1: Send a test email to test Demo 1 “Configure Amazon SES to monitor bounces and complaints for specific email identity (Email, Domain) ” in previous step

In this test, I will send a test message from my verified identity which configured to send any bounce and complaint notifications it receives to SNS topic and email address subscribed to the topic. I will use SES mailbox simulator to simulate a bounce message to test this setup.

  1. Sign in to the Amazon SES console.
  2. In the navigation pane, under Configuration, choose Verified identities.
  3. Select the verified identity you configured SNS notifications for bounces and complaints in Demo 1. In this test, I selected a verified domain identity.
  4. Click on Send test email from the upper right corner.
  5. Sending test email
  6. Under send message details, in From-address enter the first part of email address under this verified domain (from-address could be pre-populated).
  7. For Scenario, Expand the simulated scenarios and select Bounce scenario to test send a bounce message.
  8. For Subject, enter the desired email subject. For Body, type an optional body text then leave the rest of options as a default. Click on Send test email to send the email.
  9. Message details
  10. You should have an email from AWS notifications with bounce notification and details on the bounce.
  11. Content of bounce message includes the notificationType “Bounce/Complaint”, bouncedRecipients, diagnosticCode “reason the message bounced”, remoteMtaIp “IP of the recipient MTA rejected the message”, SourceIp “IP of the sender application”, callerIdentity “IAM user sending this message”. These details can help in identifying the reason behind why email is not delivered and bounced and will help you avoid such bounces in the future. Refer this document for additional content on bounce events.
  12. AWS notification message

Test 2: Send a test email to test Demo 2 “Configure Amazon SES to monitor bounces and complaints for emails sent with a configuration set using Amazon SES event publishing” in previous step

In this test, you can send a test message from any verified identity and by using the configuration set created in Step 2 which is configured to send any bounce and complaint notifications to SNS topic and email address subscribed to the topic. You can use SES mailbox simulator to simulate a bounce message to test this setup.

  1. Sign in to the Amazon SES console.
  2. In the navigation pane, under Configuration, choose Verified identities.
  3. Select any verified identity you want to send emails from. In this test, I selected a verified domain identity.
  4. Click on Send test email from the upper right corner.
  5. Under send message details From-address enter the first part of email address under this verified domain.
  6. For Scenario, Expand the simulated scenarios and select Bounce scenario to test send a bounce message.
  7. For Subject, enter the desired email subject. For Body, type an optional body text.
  8. For Configuration set, Expand the drop-down list and choose the configuration set you created in Demo 2.
  9. Click on Send test email to send the email.
  10. Message details
  11. You will find an email from AWS notifications with bounce notification and all details of the bounce.
  12. Content of bounce message includes the EventType “Bounce/Complaint”, bouncedRecipients, diagnosticCode “reason the message bounced” , remoteMTA “IP of the recipient MTA rejected the message”, SourceIp “IP of the sender application”, callerIdentity “IAM user sending this message”, ses:configuration-set “name of the configuration set you use when sending the email” all of this details can help you to identify the reason behind why email is not delivered and bounced and will help you to avoid such bounces in the future. Refer this document for more details on contents of bounce events.
  13. SES notification email

FAQ on this set up:

I configured SNS topic with KMS encryption and I am not receiving bounce or complain notifications for emails:
If your Amazon SNS topic uses AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) for server-side encryption, you have to add permissions to the AWS KMS key policy to allow SES service access the KMS key, an example policy can be found here.

I followed Demo 2. However, when I try to send emails from any verified identity, I don’t receive bounce or complain notifications for emails:
When sending the email, make sure to select the configuration set you configured for bounce and complaints notification. If you followed demo 2 and you sent the email without explicitly using the configuration set in email headers, you will lose tracking for bounce and complaints events.

I am testing the setup. After I sent an email to the bounce simulator, I am not receiving don’t receive any bounce notification emails:
Check the SNS topic subscription if its in pending status and make sure you confirm the topic subscription via subscription email sent to you. If the topic subscription is confirmed, make sure you have access to the inbox of subscription email address and you are not applying any email filters.

Cleaning up:

You should have now successfully setup SNS notifications to monitor bounce and complaints for you Amazon SES emails. To avoid incurring any extra charges, remember to delete any resources created manually if you no longer need them for monitoring.

Resources to delete from SES console:

  1. In the navigation pane, under Configuration, choose the verified identity you configured for SNS notifications.
  2. In the details screen of the verified identity you selected, choose the Notifications tab and select Edit in the Feedback notifications container.
  3. Choose No SNS topic from bounce and complaint feedback dropdown menu and click Save changes.
  4. Under the same Notifications tab on the details screen of the verified identity, in the Email Feedback Forwarding container, choose Edit, check the Enabled box, and choose Save changes.
  5. In the navigation pane, under Configuration, choose Configuration sets.
  6. Check the box beside Configuration set you created and select Delete.

Resources to delete from SNS console:

  1. In the navigation pane, from the left side menu, choose Topics.
  2. Check the radio button beside the SNS topic you created and select Delete.
  3. Confirm the topic deletion by writing “delete me”.


Monitoring bounces and complaints is an essential part of maintaining a successful email sending system, using Amazon SES. By setting up SNS notifications for bounces and complaints, you can quickly identify any issues and take appropriate action to ensure that your emails are delivered successfully to your subscribers. By proactively managing your email deliverability, you can maintain a positive sender reputation and avoid any negative impact on your email marketing efforts.

About the authors:

 Alaa Hammad

Alaa Hammad is a Senior Cloud Support Engineer at AWS and subject matter expert in Amazon Simple Email Service and AWS Backup service. She has a 10 years of diverse experience in supporting enterprise customers across different industries. She enjoys cooking and try new recipes from different cuisines.

 Vinay Ujjini 

Vinay Ujjini is an Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon Simple Email Service Worldwide Principal Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. He has been solving customer’s omni-channel challenges for over 15 years. He is an avid sports enthusiast and in his spare time, enjoys playing tennis & cricket.

Choosing an open table format for your transactional data lake on AWS

Post Syndicated from Shana Schipers original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/choosing-an-open-table-format-for-your-transactional-data-lake-on-aws/

A modern data architecture enables companies to ingest virtually any type of data through automated pipelines into a data lake, which provides highly durable and cost-effective object storage at petabyte or exabyte scale. This data is then projected into analytics services such as data warehouses, search systems, stream processors, query editors, notebooks, and machine learning (ML) models through direct access, real-time, and batch workflows. Data in customers’ data lakes is used to fulfil a multitude of use cases, from real-time fraud detection for financial services companies, inventory and real-time marketing campaigns for retailers, or flight and hotel room availability for the hospitality industry. Across all use cases, permissions, data governance, and data protection are table stakes, and customers require a high level of control over data security, encryption, and lifecycle management.

This post shows how open-source transactional table formats (or open table formats) can help you solve advanced use cases around performance, cost, governance, and privacy in your data lakes. We also provide insights into the features and capabilities of the most common open table formats available to support various use cases.

You can use this post for guidance when looking to select an open table format for your data lake workloads, facilitating the decision-making process and potentially narrowing down the available options. The content of this post is based on the latest open-source releases of the reviewed formats at the time of writing: Apache Hudi v0.13.0, Apache Iceberg 1.2.0, and Delta Lake 2.3.0.

Advanced use cases in modern data lakes

Data lakes offer one of the best options for cost, scalability, and flexibility to store data, allowing you to retain large volumes of structured and unstructured data at a low cost, and to use this data for different types of analytics workloads—from business intelligence reporting to big data processing, real-time analytics, and ML—to help guide better decisions.

Despite these capabilities, data lakes are not databases, and object storage does not provide support for ACID processing semantics, which you may require to effectively optimize and manage your data at scale across hundreds or thousands of users using a multitude of different technologies. For example:

  • Performing efficient record-level updates and deletes as data changes in your business
  • Managing query performance as tables grow to millions of files and hundreds of thousands of partitions
  • Ensuring data consistency across multiple concurrent writers and readers
  • Preventing data corruption from write operations failing partway through
  • Evolving table schemas over time without (partially) rewriting datasets

These challenges have become particularly prevalent in use cases such as CDC (change data capture) from relational database sources, privacy regulations requiring deletion of data, and streaming data ingestion, which can result in many small files. Typical data lake file formats such as CSV, JSON, Parquet, or Orc only allow for writes of entire files, making the aforementioned requirements hard to implement, time consuming, and costly.

To help overcome these challenges, open table formats provide additional database-like functionality that simplifies the optimization and management overhead of data lakes, while still supporting storage on cost-effective systems like Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). These features include:

  • ACID transactions – Allowing a write to completely succeed or be rolled back in its entirety
  • Record-level operations – Allowing for single rows to be inserted, updated, or deleted
  • Indexes – Improving performance in addition to data lake techniques like partitioning
  • Concurrency control – Allowing for multiple processes to read and write the same data at the same time
  • Schema evolution – Allowing for columns of a table to be added or modified over the life of a table
  • Time travel – Enabling you to query data as of a point in time in the past

In general, open table formats implement these features by storing multiple versions of a single record across many underlying files, and use a tracking and indexing mechanism that allows an analytics engine to see or modify the correct version of the records they are accessing. When records are updated or deleted, the changed information is stored in new files, and the files for a given record are retrieved during an operation, which is then reconciled by the open table format software. This is a powerful architecture that is used in many transactional systems, but in data lakes, this can have some side effects that have to be addressed to help you align with performance and compliance requirements. For instance, when data is deleted from an open table format, in some cases only a delete marker is stored, with the original data retained until a compaction or vacuum operation is performed, which performs a hard deletion. For updates, previous versions of the old values of a record may be retained until a similar process is run. This can mean that data that should be deleted isn’t, or that you store a significantly larger number of files than you intend to, increasing storage cost and slowing down read performance. Regular compaction and vacuuming must be run, either as part of the way the open table format works, or separately as a maintenance procedure.

The three most common and prevalent open table formats are Apache Hudi, Apache Iceberg, and Delta Lake. AWS supports all three of these open table formats, and in this post, we review the features and capabilities of each, how they can be used to implement the most common transactional data lake use cases, and which features and capabilities are available in AWS’s analytics services. Innovation around these table formats is happening at an extremely rapid pace, and there are likely preview or beta features available in these file formats that aren’t covered here. All due care has been taken to provide the correct information as of time of writing, but we also expect this information to change quickly, and we’ll update this post frequently to contain the most accurate information. Also, this post focuses only on the open-source versions of the covered table formats, and doesn’t speak to extensions or proprietary features available from individual third-party vendors.

How to use this post

We encourage you to use the high-level guidance in this post with the mapping of functional fit and supported integrations for your use cases. Combine both aspects to identify what table format is likely a good fit for a specific use case, and then prioritize your proof of concept efforts accordingly. Most organizations have a variety of workloads that can benefit from an open table format, but today no single table format is a “one size fits all.” You may wish to select a specific open table format on a case-by-case basis to get the best performance and features for your requirements, or you may wish to standardize on a single format and understand the trade-offs that you may encounter as your use cases evolve.

This post doesn’t promote a single table format for any given use case. The functional evaluations are only intended to help speed up your decision-making process by highlighting key features and attention points for each table format with each use case. It is crucial that you perform testing to ensure that a table format meets your specific use case requirements.

This post is not intended to provide detailed technical guidance (e.g. best practices) or benchmarking of each of the specific file formats, which are available in AWS Technical Guides and benchmarks from the open-source community respectively.

Choosing an open table format

When choosing an open table format for your data lake, we believe that there are two critical aspects that should be evaluated:

  • Functional fit – Does the table format offer the features required to efficiently implement your use case with the required performance? Although they all offer common features, each table format has a different underlying technical design and may support unique features. Each format can handle a range of use cases, but they also offer specific advantages or trade-offs, and may be more efficient in certain scenarios as a result of its design.
  • Supported integrations – Does­ the table format integrate seamlessly with your data environment? When evaluating a table format, it’s important to consider supported engine integrations on dimensions such as support for reads/writes, data catalog integration, supported access control tools, and so on that you have in your organization. This applies to both integration with AWS services and with third-party tools.

General features and considerations

The following table summarizes general features and considerations for each file format that you may want to take into account, regardless of your use case. In addition to this, it is also important to take into account other aspects such as the complexity of the table format and in-house skills.

. Apache Hudi Apache Iceberg Delta Lake
Primary API
  • Spark DataFrame
  • SQL
  • Spark DataFrame
Write modes
  • Copy On Write approach only
Supported data file formats
  • Parquet
  • ORC
  • HFile
  • Parquet
  • ORC
  • Avro
  • Parquet
File layout management
  • Compaction to reorganize data (sort) and merge small files together
Query optimization
S3 optimizations
  • Metadata reduces file listing operations
Table maintenance
  • Automatic within writer
  • Separate processes
  • Separate processes
  • Separate processes
Time travel
Schema evolution
  • Hudi CLI for table management, troubleshooting, and table inspection
  • No out-of-the-box options
  • No out-of-the-box options that are integrated with AWS services
  • No out-of-the-box options that are integrated with AWS services
Data Encryption
  • Server-side encryption on Amazon S3 supported
  • Server-side encryption on Amazon S3 supported
Configuration Options
  • High configurability:

Extensive configuration options for customizing read/write behavior (such as index type or merge logic) and automatically performed maintenance and optimizations (such as file sizing, compaction, and cleaning)

  • Medium configurability:

Configuration options for basic read/write behavior (Merge On Read or Copy On Write operation modes)

  • Low configurability:

Limited configuration options for table properties (for example, indexed columns)

  • Savepoints allow you to restore tables to a previous version without having to retain the entire history of files
  • Iceberg supports S3 Access Points in Spark, allowing you to implement failover across AWS Regions using a combination of S3 access points, S3 cross-Region replication, and the Iceberg Register Table API
  • Shallow clones allow you to efficiently run tests or experiments on Delta tables in production, without creating copies of the dataset or affecting the original table.
AWS Analytics Services Support*
Amazon EMR Read and write Read and write Read and write
AWS Glue Read and write Read and write Read and write
Amazon Athena (SQL) Read Read and write Read
Amazon Redshift (Spectrum) Read Currently not supported Read
AWS Glue Data Catalog Yes Yes Yes

* For table format support in third-party tools, consult the official documentation for the respective tool.
Amazon Redshift only supports Delta Symlink tables (see Creating external tables for data managed in Delta Lake for more information).
Refer to Working with other AWS services in the Lake Formation documentation for an overview of table format support when using Lake Formation with other AWS services.

Functional fit for common use cases

Now let’s dive deep into specific use cases to understand the capabilities of each open table format.

Getting data into your data lake

In this section, we discuss the capabilities of each open table format for streaming ingestion, batch load and change data capture (CDC) use cases.

Streaming ingestion

Streaming ingestion allows you to write changes from a queue, topic, or stream into your data lake. Although your specific requirements may vary based on the type of use case, streaming data ingestion typically requires the following features:

  • Low-latency writes – Supporting record-level inserts, updates, and deletes, for example to support late-arriving data
  • File size management – Enabling you to create files that are sized for optimal read performance (rather than creating one or more files per streaming batch, which can result in millions of tiny files)
  • Support for concurrent readers and writers – Including schema changes and table maintenance
  • Automatic table management services – Enabling you to maintain consistent read performance

In this section, we talk about streaming ingestion where records are just inserted into files, and you aren’t trying to update or delete previous records based on changes. A typical example of this is time series data (for example sensor readings), where each event is added as a new record to the dataset. The following table summarizes the features.

. Apache Hudi Apache Iceberg Delta Lake
Functional fit
Considerations Hudi’s default configurations are tailored for upserts, and need to be tuned for append-only streaming workloads. For example, Hudi’s automatic file sizing in the writer minimizes operational effort/complexity required to maintain read performance over time, but can add a performance overhead at write time. If write speed is of critical importance, it can be beneficial to turn off Hudi’s file sizing, write new data files for each batch (or micro-batch), then run clustering later to create better sized files for read performance (using a similar approach as Iceberg or Delta).
  • Iceberg doesn’t optimize file sizes or run automatic table services (for example, compaction or clustering) when writing, so streaming ingestion will create many small data and metadata files. Frequent table maintenance needs to be performed to prevent read performance from degrading over time.
  • Delta doesn’t optimize file sizes or run automatic table services (for example, compaction or clustering) when writing, so streaming ingestion will create many small data and metadata files. Frequent table maintenance needs to be performed to prevent read performance from degrading over time.
Supported AWS integrations
  • Amazon EMR (Spark Structured Streaming (streaming sink and forEachBatch), Flink, Hudi DeltaStreamer)
  • AWS Glue (Spark Structured Streaming (streaming sink and forEachBatch), Hudi DeltaStreamer)
  • Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics
  • Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK Connect)
  • Amazon EMR (Spark Structured Streaming (only forEachBatch), Flink)
  • AWS Glue (Spark Structured Streaming (only forEachBatch))
  • Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics
Conclusion Good functional fit for all append-only streaming when configuration tuning for append-only workloads is acceptable. Good fit for append-only streaming with larger micro-batch windows, and when operational overhead of table management is acceptable. Good fit for append-only streaming with larger micro-batch windows, and when operational overhead of table management is acceptable.

When streaming data with updates and deletes into a data lake, a key priority is to have fast upserts and deletes by being able to efficiently identify impacted files to be updated.

. Apache Hudi Apache Iceberg Delta Lake
Functional fit
  • Iceberg offers a Merge On Read strategy to enable fast writes.
  • Streaming upserts into Iceberg tables are natively supported with Flink, and Spark can implement streaming ingestion with updates and deletes using a micro-batch approach with MERGE INTO.
  • Using column statistics, Iceberg offers efficient updates on tables that are sorted on a “key” column.
  • Streaming ingestion with updates and deletes into OSS Delta Lake tables can be implemented using a micro-batch approach with MERGE INTO.
  • Using data skipping with column statistics, Delta offers efficient updates on tables that are sorted on a “key” column.
  • Hudi’s automatic optimizations in the writer (for example, file sizing) add performance overhead at write time.
  • Reading from Merge On Read tables is generally slower than Copy On Write tables due to log files. Frequent compaction can be used to optimize read performance.
  • Iceberg uses a MERGE INTO approach (a join) for upserting data. This is more resource intensive and less performant for streaming data ingestion with frequent commits on (large unsorted) tables, because full table or partition scans would be performed on unsorted tables.
  • Iceberg does not optimize file sizes or run automatic table services (for example, compaction) when writing, so streaming ingestion will create many small data and metadata files. Frequent table maintenance needs to be performed to prevent read performance from degrading over time.
  • Reading from tables using the Merge On Read approach is generally slower than tables using only the Copy On Write approach due to delete files. Frequent compaction can be used to optimize read performance.
  • Iceberg Merge On Read currently does not support dynamic file pruning using its column statistics during merges and updates. This has impact on write performance, resulting in full table joins.
  • Delta uses a Copy On Write strategy that is not optimized for fast (streaming) writes, as it rewrites entire files for record updates.
  • Delta uses a MERGE INTO approach (a join). This is more resource intensive (less performant) and not suited for streaming data ingestion with frequent commits on large unsorted tables, because full table or partition scans would be performed on unsorted tables.
  • No auto file sizing is performed; separate table management processes are required (which can impact writes).
Supported AWS integrations
  • Amazon EMR (Spark Structured Streaming (streaming sink and forEachBatch), Flink, Hudi DeltaStreamer)
  • AWS Glue (Spark Structured Streaming (streaming sink and forEachBatch), Hudi DeltaStreamer)
  • Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics
  • Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK Connect)
  • Amazon EMR (Spark Structured Streaming (only forEachBatch), Flink)
  • Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics
  • Amazon EMR (Spark Structured Streaming (only forEachBatch))
  • AWS Glue (Spark Structured Streaming (only forEachBatch))
  • Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics
Conclusion Good fit for lower-latency streaming with updates and deletes thanks to native support for streaming upserts, indexes for upserts, and automatic file sizing and compaction. Good fit for streaming with larger micro-batch windows and when the operational overhead of table management is acceptable. Can be used for streaming data ingestion with updates/deletes if latency is not a concern, because a Copy-On-Write strategy may not deliver the write performance required by low latency streaming use cases.

Change data capture

Change data capture (CDC) refers to the process of identifying and capturing changes made to data in a database and then delivering those changes in real time to a downstream process or system—in this case, delivering CDC data from databases into Amazon S3.

In addition to the aforementioned general streaming requirements, the following are key requirements for efficient CDC processing:

  • Efficient record-level updates and deletes – With the ability to efficiently identify files to be modified (which is important to support late-arriving data).
  • Native support for CDC – With the following options:
  • CDC record support in the table format – The table format understands how to process CDC-generated records and no custom preprocessing is required for writing CDC records to the table.
  • CDC tools natively supporting the table format – CDC tools understand how to process CDC-generated records and apply them to the target tables. In this case, the CDC engine writes to the target table without another engine in between.

Without support for the two CDC options, processing and applying CDC records correctly into a target table will require custom code. With a CDC engine, each tool likely has its own CDC record format (or payload). For example, Debezium and AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) each have their own specific record formats, and need to be transformed differently. This must be considered when you are operating CDC at scale across many tables.

All three table formats allow you to implement CDC from a source database into a target table. The difference for CDC with each format lies mainly in the ease of implementing CDC pipelines and supported integrations.

. Apache Hudi Apache Iceberg Delta Lake
Functional fit
  • Hudi’s DeltaStreamer utility provides a no-code/low-code option to efficiently ingest CDC records from different sources into Hudi tables.
  • Upserts using indexes allow you to quickly identify the target files for updates, without having to perform a full table join.
  • Unique record keys and deduplication natively enforce source databases’ primary keys and prevent duplicates in the data lake.
  • Out of order records are handled via the pre-combine feature.
  • Native support (through record payload formats) is offered for CDC formats like AWS DMS and Debezium, eliminating the need to write custom CDC preprocessing logic in the writer application to correctly interpret and apply CDC records to the target table. Writing CDC records to Hudi tables is as simple as writing any other records to a Hudi table.
  • Partial updates are supported, so the CDC payload format does not need to include all record columns.
  • Flink CDC is the most convenient way to set up CDC from downstream data sources into Iceberg tables. It supports upsert mode and can interpret CDC formats such as Debezium natively.
  • Using column statistics, Iceberg offers efficient updates on tables that are sorted on a “key” column.
  • CDC into Delta tables can be implemented using third-party tools or using Spark with custom processing logic.
  • Using data skipping with column statistics, Delta offers efficient updates on tables that are sorted on a “key” column.
  • Natively supported payload formats can be found in the Hudi code repo. For other formats, consider creating a custom payload or adding custom logic to the writer application to correctly process and apply CDC records of that format to target Hudi tables.
  • Iceberg uses a MERGE INTO approach (a join) for upserting data. This is more resource intensive and less performant, particularly on large unsorted tables where a MERGE INTO operation could require a full table scan.
  • Regular compaction should be implemented to maintain sort order over time in order to prevent MERGE INTO performance degrading.
  • Iceberg has no native support for CDC payload formats (for example, AWS DMS or Debezium). When using other engines than Flink CDC (such as Spark), custom logic needs to be added to the writer application in order to correctly process and apply CDC records to target Iceberg tables (for example, deduplication or ordering based on operation).
  • Deduplication to enforce primary key constraints needs to be handled in the Iceberg writer application.
  • No support for out of order records handling.
  • Delta does not use indexes for upserts, but uses a MERGE INTO approach instead (a join). This is more resource intensive and less performant on large unsorted tables because those would require full table or partition scans.
  • Regular clustering should be implemented to maintain sort order over time in order to prevent MERGE INTO performance degrading.
  • Delta Lake has no native support for CDC payload formats (for example, AWS DMS or Debezium). When using Spark for ingestion, custom logic needs to be added to the writer application in order to correctly process and apply CDC records to target Delta tables (for example, deduplication or ordering based on operation).
  • Record updates on unsorted Delta tables results in full table or partition scans
  • No support for out of order records handling.
Natively supported CDC formats
  • Debezium
  • None
  • None
CDC tool integrations
  • DeltaStreamer
  • Flink CDC
  • Debezium
  • Flink CDC
  • Debezium
  • Debezium
Conclusion All three formats can implement CDC workloads. Apache Hudi offers the best overall technical fit for CDC workloads as well as the most options for efficient CDC pipeline design: no-code/low-code with DeltaStreamer, third-party CDC tools offering native Hudi integration, or a Spark/Flink engine using CDC record payloads offered in Hudi.

Batch loads

If your use case requires only periodic writes but frequent reads, you may want to use batch loads and optimize for read performance.

Batch loading data with updates and deletes is perhaps the simplest use case to implement with any of the three table formats. Batch loads typically don’t require low latency, allowing them to benefit from the operational simplicity of a Copy On Write strategy. With Copy On Write, data files are rewritten to apply updates and add new records, minimizing the complexity of having to run compaction or optimization table services on the table.

. Apache Hudi Apache Iceberg Delta Lake
Functional fit
  • Copy On Write is supported.
  • Automatic file sizing while writing is supported, including optimizing previously written small files by adding new records to them.
  • Multiple index types are provided to optimize update performance for different workload patterns.
  • Copy On Write is supported.
  • File size management is performed within each incoming data batch (but it is not possible to optimize previously written data files by adding new records to them).
  • Copy On Write is supported.
  • File size can be indirectly managed within each data batch by setting the max number of records per file (but it is not possible to optimize previously written data files by adding new records to them).
  • Configuring Hudi according to your workload pattern is imperative for good performance (see Apache Hudi on AWS for guidance).
  • Data deduplication needs to be handled in the writer application.
  • If a single data batch does not contain sufficient data to reach a target file size, compaction can be performed to merge smaller files together afterwards.
  • Ensuring data is sorted on a “key” column is imperative for good update performance. Regular sorting compaction should be considered to maintain sorted data over time.
  • Data deduplication needs to be handled in the writer application.
  • If a single data batch does not contain sufficient data to reach a target file size, compaction can be performed to merge smaller files together afterwards.
  • Ensuring data is sorted on a “key” column is imperative for good update performance. Regular clustering should be considered to maintain sorted data over time.
Supported AWS integrations
  • Amazon EMR (Spark)
  • AWS Glue (Spark)
  • Amazon EMR (Spark, Presto, Trino, Hive)
  • AWS Glue (Spark)
  • Amazon Athena (SQL)
  • Amazon EMR (Spark, Trino)
  • AWS Glue (Spark)
Conclusion All three formats are well suited for batch loads. Apache Hudi supports the most configuration options and may increase the effort to get started, but provides lower operational effort due to automatic table management. On the other hand, Iceberg and Delta are simpler to get started with, but require some operational overhead for table maintenance.

Working with open table formats

In this section, we discuss the capabilities of each open table format for common use cases when working with open table formats: optimizing read performance, incremental data processing and processing deletes to comply with privacy regulations.

Optimizing read performance

The preceding sections primarily focused on write performance for specific use cases. Now let’s explore how each open table format can support optimal read performance. Although there are some cases where data is optimized purely for writes, read performance is typically a very important dimension on which you should evaluate an open table format.

Open table format features that improve query performance include the following:

  • Indexes, (column) statistics, and other metadata – Improves query planning and file pruning, resulting in reduced data scanned
  • File layout optimization – Enables query performance:
  • File size management – Properly sized files provide better query performance
  • Data colocation (through clustering) according to query patterns – Reduces the amount of data scanned by queries
. Apache Hudi Apache Iceberg Delta Lake
Functional fit
  • Auto file sizing when writing results in good file sizes for read performance. On Merge On Read tables, automatic compaction and clustering improves read performance.
  • Metadata tables eliminate slow S3 file listing operations. Column statistics in the metadata table can be used for better file pruning in query planning (data skipping feature).
  • Clustering data for better data colocation with hierarchical sorting or z-ordering.
  • Hidden partitioning prevents unintentional full table scans by users, without requiring them to specify partition columns explicitly.
  • Column and partition statistics in manifest files speed up query planning and file pruning, and eliminate S3 file listing operations.
  • Optimized file layout for S3 object storage using random prefixes is supported, which minimizes chances of S3 throttling.
  • Clustering data for better data colocation with hierarchical sorting or z-ordering.
  • File size can be indirectly managed within each data batch by setting the max number of records per file (but not optimizing previously written data files by adding new records to existing files).
  • Generated columns avoid full table scans.
  • Data skipping is automatically used in Spark.
  • Clustering data for better data colocation using z-ordering.
  • Data skipping using metadata column stats has to be supported in the query engine (currently only in Apache Spark).
  • Snapshot queries on Merge On Read tables have higher query latencies than on Copy On Write tables. This latency impact can be reduced by increasing the compaction frequency.
  • Separate table maintenance needs to be performed to maintain read performance over time.
  • Reading from tables using a Merge On Read approach is generally slower than tables using only a Copy On Write approach due to delete files. Frequent compaction can be used to optimize read performance.
  • Currently, only Apache Spark can use data skipping.
  • Separate table maintenance needs to be performed to maintain read performance over time.
Optimization & Maintenance Processes
  • Compaction of log files in Merge On Read tables can be run as part of the writing application or as a separate job using Spark on Amazon EMR or AWS Glue. Compaction does not interfere with other jobs or queries.
  • Clustering runs as part of the writing application or in a separate job using Spark on Amazon EMR or AWS Glue because clustering can interfere with other transactions.
  • See Apache Hudi on AWS for guidance.
  • Compaction API in Delta Lake can group small files or cluster data, and it can interfere with other transactions.
  • This process has to be scheduled separately by the user on a time or event basis.
  • Spark can be used to perform compaction in services like Amazon EMR or AWS Glue.
Conclusion For achieving good read performance, it’s important that your query engine supports the optimization features offered by the table formats. When using Spark, all three formats provide good read performance when properly configured. When using Trino (and therefore Athena as well), Iceberg will likely provide better query performance because the data skipping feature of Hudi and Delta is not supported in the Trino engine. Make sure to evaluate this feature support for your query engine of choice.

Incremental processing of data on the data lake

At a high level, incremental data processing is the movement of new or fresh data from a source to a destination. To implement incremental extract, transform, and load (ETL) workloads efficiently, we need to be able to retrieve only the data records that have been changed or added since a certain point in time (incrementally) so we don’t need to reprocess unnecessary data (such as entire partitions). When your data source is an open table format table, we can take advantage of incremental queries to facilitate more efficient reads in these table formats.

. Apache Hudi Apache Iceberg Delta Lake
Functional fit
  • Full incremental pipelines can be built using Hudi’s incremental queries, which capture record-level changes on a Hudi table (including updates and deletes) without the need to store and manage change data records.
  • Hudi’s DeltaStreamer utility offers simple no-code/low-code options to build incremental Hudi pipelines.
  • Iceberg incremental queries can only read new records (no updates) from upstream Iceberg tables and replicate to downstream tables.
  • Incremental pipelines with record-level changes (including updates and deletes) can be implemented using the changelog view procedure.
  • Full incremental pipelines can be built using Delta’s Change Data Feed (CDF) feature, which captures record-level changes (including updates and deletes) using change data records.
  • ETL engine used needs to support Hudi’s incremental query type.
  • A view has to be created to incrementally read data between two table snapshots containing updates and deletes.
  • A new view has to be created (or recreated) for reading changes from new snapshots.
  • Record-level changes can only be captured from the moment CDF is turned on.
  • CDF stores change data records on storage, so a storage overhead is incurred and lifecycle management and cleaning of change data records is required.
Supported AWS integrations Incremental queries are supported in:

  • Amazon EMR (Spark, Flink, Hive, Hudi DeltaStreamer)
  • AWS Glue (Spark, Hudi DeltaStreamer)
  • Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics
Incremental queries supported in:

  • Amazon EMR (Spark, Flink)
  • AWS Glue (Spark)
  • Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics

CDC view supported in:

  • Amazon EMR (Spark)
  • AWS Glue (Spark)
CDF supported in:

  • Amazon EMR (Spark)
  • AWS Glue (Spark)
Conclusion Best functional fit for incremental ETL pipelines using a variety of engines, without any storage overhead. Good fit for implementing incremental pipelines using Spark if the overhead of creating views is acceptable. Good fit for implementing incremental pipelines using Spark if the additional storage overhead is acceptable.

Processing deletes to comply with privacy regulations

Due to privacy regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), companies across many industries need to perform record-level deletes on their data lake for “right to be forgotten” or to correctly store changes to consent on how their customers’ data can be used.

The ability to perform record-level deletes without rewriting entire (or large parts of) datasets is the main requirement for this use case. For compliance regulations, it’s important to perform hard deletes (deleting records from the table and physically removing them from Amazon S3).

. Apache Hudi Apache Iceberg Delta Lake
Functional fit Hard deletes are performed by Hudi’s automatic cleaner service. Hard deletes can be implemented as a separate process. Hard deletes can be implemented as a separate process.
Considerations Hudi cleaner needs to be configured according to compliance requirements to automatically remove older file versions in time (within a compliance window), otherwise time travel or rollback operations could recover deleted records. Previous snapshots need to be (manually) expired after the delete operation, otherwise time travel operations could recover deleted records. The vacuum operation needs to be run after the delete, otherwise time travel operations could recover deleted records.
Conclusion This use case can be implemented using all three formats, and in each case, you must ensure that your configuration or background pipelines implement the cleanup procedures required to meet your data retention requirements.


Today, no single table format is the best fit for all use cases, and each format has its own unique strengths for specific requirements. It’s important to determine which requirements and use cases are most crucial and select the table format that best meets those needs.

To speed up the selection process of the right table format for your workload, we recommend the following actions:

  • Identify what table format is likely a good fit for your workload using the high-level guidance provided in this post
  • Perform a proof of concept with the identified table format from the previous step to validate its fit for your specific workload and requirements

Keep in mind that these open table formats are open source and rapidly evolve with new features and enhanced or new integrations, so it can be valuable to also take into consideration product roadmaps when deciding on the format for your workloads.

AWS will continue to innovate on behalf of our customers to support these powerful file formats and to help you be successful with your advanced use cases for analytics in the cloud. For more support on building transactional data lakes on AWS, get in touch with your AWS Account Team, AWS Support, or review the following resources:

About the Authors

Shana Schipers is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS, focusing on big data. She supports customers worldwide in building transactional data lakes using open table formats like Apache Hudi, Apache Iceberg and Delta Lake on AWS.

Ian Meyers is a Director of Product Management for AWS Analytics Services. He works with many of AWS largest customers on emerging technology needs, and leads several data and analytics initiatives within AWS including support for Data Mesh.

Carlos Rodrigues is a Big Data Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. He helps customers worldwide building transactional data lakes on AWS using open table formats like Apache Hudi and Apache Iceberg.

AWS Security Profile: Matthew Campagna, Senior Principal, Security Engineering, AWS Cryptography

Post Syndicated from Roger Park original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/security-profile-matthew-campagna-aws-cryptography/

In the AWS Security Profile series, we interview Amazon Web Services (AWS) thought leaders who help keep our customers safe and secure. This interview features Matt Campagna, Senior Principal, Security Engineering, AWS Cryptography, and re:Inforce 2023 session speaker, who shares thoughts on data protection, cloud security, post-quantum cryptography, and more. Matthew was first profiled on the AWS Security Blog in 2019. This is part 1 of 3 in a series of interviews with our AWS Cryptography team.

What do you do in your current role and how long have you been at AWS?

I started at Amazon in 2013 as the first cryptographer at AWS. Today, my focus is on the cryptographic security of our customers’ data. I work across AWS to make sure that our cryptographic engineering meets our most sensitive customer needs. I lead our migration to quantum-resistant cryptography, and help make privacy-preserving cryptography techniques part of our security model.

How did you get started in the data protection and cryptography space? What about it piqued your interest?

I first learned about public-key cryptography (for example, RSA) during a math lesson about group theory. I found the mathematics intriguing and the idea of sending secret messages using only a public value astounding. My undergraduate and graduate education focused on group theory, and I started my career at the National Security Agency (NSA) designing and analyzing cryptologics. But what interests me most about cryptography is its ability to enable business by reducing risks. I look at cryptography as a financial instrument that affords new business cases, like e-commerce, digital currency, and secure collaboration. What enables Amazon to deliver for our customers is rooted in cryptography; our business exists because cryptography enables trust and confidentiality across the internet. I find this the most intriguing aspect of cryptography.

AWS has invested in the migration to post-quantum cryptography by contributing to post-quantum key agreement and post-quantum signature schemes to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of customer data. What should customers do to prepare for post-quantum cryptography?

Our focus at AWS is to help ensure that customers can migrate to post-quantum cryptography as fast as prudently possible. This work started with inventorying our dependencies on algorithms that aren’t known to be quantum-resistant, like integer-factorization-based cryptography, and discrete-log-based cryptography, like ECC. Customers can rely on AWS to assist with transitioning to post-quantum cryptography for their cloud computing needs.

We recommend customers begin inventorying their dependencies on algorithms that aren’t quantum-resistant, and consider developing a migration plan, to understand if they can migrate directly to new post-quantum algorithms or if they should re-architect them. For the systems that are provided by a technology provider, customers should ask what their strategy is for post-quantum cryptography migration.

AWS offers post-quantum TLS endpoints in some security services. Can you tell us about these endpoints and how customers can use them?

Our open source TLS implementation, s2n-TLS, includes post-quantum hybrid key exchange (PQHKEX) in its mainline. It’s deployed everywhere that s2n is deployed. AWS Key Management Service, AWS Secrets Manager, and AWS Certificate Manager have enabled PQHKEX cipher suites in our commercial AWS Regions. Today customers can use the AWS SDK for Java 2.0 to enable PQHKEX on their connection to AWS, and on the services that also have it enabled, they will negotiate a post-quantum key exchange method. As we enable these cipher suites on additional services, customers will also be able to connect to these services using PQHKEX.

You are a frequent contributor to the Amazon Science Blog. What were some of your recent posts about?

In 2022, we published a post on preparing for post-quantum cryptography, which provides general information on the broader industry development and deployment of post-quantum cryptography. The post links to a number of additional resources to help customers understand post-quantum cryptography. The AWS Post-Quantum Cryptography page and the Science Blog are great places to start learning about post-quantum cryptography.

We also published a post highlighting the security of post-quantum hybrid key exchange. Amazon believes in evidencing the cryptographic security of the solutions that we vend. We are actively participating in cryptographic research to validate the security that we provide in our services and tools.

What’s been the most dramatic change you’ve seen in the data protection and post-quantum cryptography landscape since we talked to you in 2019?

Since 2019, there have been two significant advances in the development of post-quantum cryptography.

First, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announced their selection of PQC algorithms for standardization. NIST expects to finish the standardization of a post-quantum key encapsulation mechanism (Kyber) and digital signature scheme (Dilithium) by 2024 as part of the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS). NIST will also work on standardization of two additional signature standards (FALCON and SPHINCS+), and continue to consider future standardization of the key encapsulation mechanisms BIKE, HQC, and Classical McEliece.

Second, the NSA announced their Commercial National Security Algorithm (CNSA) Suite 2.0, which includes their timelines for National Security Systems (NSS) to migrate to post-quantum algorithms. The NSA will begin preferring post-quantum solutions in 2025 and expect that systems will have completed migration by 2033. Although this timeline might seem far away, it’s an aggressive strategy. Experience shows that it can take 20 years to develop and deploy new high-assurance cryptographic algorithms. If technology providers are not already planning to migrate their systems and services, they will be challenged to meet this timeline.

What makes cryptography exciting to you?

Cryptography is a dynamic area of research. In addition to the business applications, I enjoy the mathematics of cryptography. The state-of-the-art is constantly progressing in terms of new capabilities that cryptography can enable, and the potential risks to existing cryptographic primitives. This plays out in the public sphere of cryptographic research across the globe. These advancements are made public and are accessible for companies like AWS to innovate on behalf of our customers, and protect our systems in advance of the development of new challenges to our existing crypto algorithms. This is happening now as we monitor the advancements of quantum computing against our ability to define and deploy new high-assurance quantum-resistant algorithms. For me, it doesn’t get more exciting than this.

Where do you see the cryptography and post-quantum cryptography space heading to in the future?

While NIST transitions from their selection process to standardization, the broader cryptographic community will be more focused on validating the cryptographic assurances of these proposed schemes for standardization. This is a critical part of the process. I’m optimistic that we will enter 2025 with new cryptographic standards to deploy.

There is a lot of additional cryptographic research and engineering ahead of us. Applying these new primitives to the cryptographic applications that use classical asymmetric schemes still needs to be done. Some of this work is happening in parallel, like in the IETF TLS working group, and in the ETSI Quantum-Safe Cryptography Technical Committee. The next five years should see the adoption of PQHKEX in protocols like TLS, SSH, and IKEv2 and certification of new FIPS hardware security modules (HSMs) for establishing new post-quantum, long-lived roots of trust for code-signing and entity authentication.

I expect that the selected primitives for standardization will also be used to develop novel uses in fields like secure multi-party communication, privacy preserving machine learning, and cryptographic computing.

With AWS re:Inforce 2023 around the corner, what will your session focus on? What do you hope attendees will take away from your session?

Session DAP302 – “Post-quantum cryptography migration strategy for cloud services” is about the challenge quantum computers pose to currently used public-key cryptographic algorithms and how the industry is responding. Post-quantum cryptography (PQC) offers a solution to this challenge, providing security to help protect against quantum computer cybersecurity events. We outline current efforts in PQC standardization and migration strategies. We want our customers to leave with a better understanding of the importance of PQC and the steps required to migrate to it in a cloud environment.

Is there something you wish customers would ask you about more often?

The question I am most interested in hearing from our customers is, “when will you have a solution to my problem?” If customers have a need for a novel cryptographic solution, I’m eager to try to solve that with them.

How about outside of work, any hobbies?

My main hobbies outside of work are biking and running. I wish I was as consistent attending to my hobbies as I am to my work desk. I am happier being able to run every day for a constant speed and distance as opposed to running faster or further tomorrow or next week. Last year I was fortunate enough to do the Cycle Oregon ride. I had registered for it twice before without being able to find the time to do it.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Roger Park

Roger Park

Roger is a Senior Security Content Specialist at AWS Security focusing on data protection. He has worked in cybersecurity for almost ten years as a writer and content producer. In his spare time, he enjoys trying new cuisines, gardening, and collecting records.

Campagna bio photo

Matthew Campagna

Matthew is a Sr. Principal Engineer for Amazon Web Services’s Cryptography Group. He manages the design and review of cryptographic solutions across AWS. He is an affiliate of Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo, a member of the ETSI Security Algorithms Group Experts (SAGE), and ETSI TC CYBER’s Quantum Safe Cryptography group. Previously, Matthew led the Certicom Research group at BlackBerry managing cryptographic research, standards, and IP, and participated in various standards organizations, including ANSI, ZigBee, SECG, ETSI’s SAGE, and the 3GPP-SA3 working group. He holds a Ph.D. in mathematics from Wesleyan University in group theory, and a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Fordham University.

How organizations are modernizing for cloud operations

Post Syndicated from Adam Keller original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/how-organizations-are-modernizing-for-cloud-operations/

Over the past decade, we’ve seen a rapid evolution in how IT operations teams and application developers work together. In the early days, there was a clear division of responsibilities between the two teams, with one team focused on providing and maintaining the servers and various components (i.e., storage, DNS, networking, etc.) for the application to run, while the other primarily focused on developing the application’s features, fixing bugs, and packaging up their artifacts for the operations team to deploy. Ultimately, this division led to a siloed approach which presented glaring challenges. These siloes hindered communication between the teams, which would often result in developers being ready to ship code and passing it over to the operations teams with little to no collaboration prior. In turn, operations teams were often left scrambling trying to deliver on the requirements at the last minute. This would lead to bottlenecks in software delivery, delaying features and bug fixes from being shipped. Aside from software delivery, operations teams were primarily responsible for handling on-call duties, which encompassed addressing issues arising from both applications and infrastructure. Consequently, when incidents occurred, the operations teams were the ones receiving alerts, irrespective of the source of the problem. This raised the question: what motivates the software developers to create resilient and dependable software? Terms such as “throw it over the wall” and “it works on my laptop” were coined because of this and are still commonly referenced in discussion today.

The DevOps movement emerged in response to these challenges, aiming to build a bridge between developers and operations teams. DevOps focuses on collaboration between the two teams through communication and integration by fostering a culture of shared responsibility. This approach promotes the use of automation of infrastructure and application code leveraging continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD), microservices architectures, and visibility through monitoring, logging and tracing. The end result of operating in a DevOps model provides quicker and more reliable release cycles. While the ideology is well intentioned, implementing a DevOps practice is not easy as organizations struggle to adapt and adhere to the cultural expectations. In addition, teams can struggle to find the right balance between speed and stability, which often times results in reverting back to old behaviors due to fear of downtime and instability of their environments. While DevOps is very focused on culture through collaboration and automation, not all developers want to be involved in operations and vice versa. This poses the question: how do organizations centralize a frictionless developer experience, with guardrails and best practices baked in, while providing a golden path for developers to self serve? This is where platform engineering comes in.

Platform engineering has emerged as a critical discipline for organizations, which is driving the next evolution of infrastructure and operations, while simultaneously empowering developers to create and deliver robust, scalable applications. It aims to improve developer experience by providing self service mechanisms that provide some level of abstraction for provisioning resources, with good practices baked in. This builds on top of DevOps practices by enabling the developer to have full control of their resources through self service, without having to throw it over the wall. There are various ways that platform engineering teams implement these self service interfaces, from leveraging a GitOps focused strategy to building Internal Developer Platforms with a UI and/or API. With the increasing demand for faster and more agile development, many organizations are adopting this model to streamline their operations, gain visibility, reduce costs, and lower the friction of onboarding new applications.

In this blog post, we will explore the common operational models used within organizations today, where platform engineering fits within these models, the common patterns used to build and develop these self-service platforms, and what lies ahead for this emerging field.

Operational Models

It’s important for us to start by understanding how we see technology teams operate today and the various ways they support development teams from instantiating infrastructure to defining pipelines and deploying application code. In the below diagram we highlight the four common operational models and will discuss each to understand the benefits and challenges they bring. This is also critical in understanding where platform teams fit, and where they don’t.

This image shows a sliding scale of the various provisioning models. For each model it shows the interaction between developers and the platform team.

Centralized Provisioning

In a centralized provisioning model, the responsibility for architecting, deploying, and managing infrastructure falls primarily on a centralized team. Organizations assign enforcement of controls into specific roles with narrow scope, including release management, process management, and segmentation of siloed teams (networking, compute, pipelines, etc). The request model generally requires a ticket or request to be sent to the central or dedicated siloed team, ticket enters a backlog, and the developers wait until resources can be provisioned on their behalf. In an ideal world, the central teams can quickly provision the resources and pipelines to get the developers up and running; but, in reality these teams are busy with work and have to prioritize accordingly which often times leaves development teams waiting or having to predict what they need well in advance.

While this model provides central control over resource provisioning, it introduces bottlenecks into the delivery process and generally results in slower deployment cycles and feedback loops. This model becomes especially challenging when supporting a large number of development teams with varying requirements and use cases. Ultimately this model can lead to frustration and friction between teams and hence why organizations after some time look to move away from operating in this model. This leads us to segue into the next model, which is the Platform-enabled Golden Path.

Platform-enabled Golden Path

The platform-enabled golden path model is an approach that allows for developer to have some form of customization while still maintaining consistency by following a set of standards. In this model, platform engineers clearly lay out “preferred” standards with sane defaults, guardrails, and good practices based on common architectures that development teams can use as-is. Sophisticated platform teams may implement their own customizations on top of this framework in the following ways:

The platform engineering team is responsible for creating and updating the templates, with maintenance responsibilities typically being shared. This approach strikes a balance between consistency and flexibility, allowing for some customization while still maintaining standards. However, it can be challenging to maintain visibility across the organization, as development teams have more freedom to customize their infrastructure. This becomes especially challenging when platform teams want a change to propagate across resources deployed by the various development teams building on top of these patterns.

Embedded DevOps

Embedded DevOps is a model in which DevOps engineers are directly aligned with development teams to define, provision, and maintain their infrastructure. There are a couple of common patterns around how organizations use this model.

  • Floating model: A central DevOps team can leverage a floating model where a DevOps engineer will be directly embedded onto a development team early in the development process to help build out the required pipelines and infrastructure resources, and jump to another team once everything is up and running.
  • Permanent embedded model: Alternatively, a development team can have a permanent DevOps engineer on the team to help support early iterations as well as maintenance as the application evolves. The DevOps engineer is ideally there from the beginning of the project and continues to support and improve the infrastructure and automation based on feature requests and bug fixes.

A central platform and/or architecture team may define the acceptable configurations and resources, while DevOps engineers decide how to best use them to meet the needs of their development team. Individual teams are responsible for maintenance and updating of the templates and pipelines. This model offers greater agility and flexibility, but also requires the funding to hire DevOps engineers per development team, which can become costly as development teams scale. It’s important that when operating in this model to maintain collaboration between members of the DevOps team to ensure that best practices can be shared.

Decentralized DevOps

Lastly, the decentralized DevOps model gives development teams full end-to-end ownership and responsibility for defining and managing their infrastructure and pipelines. A central team may be focused on building out guardrails and boundaries to ensure that they limit the blast radius within the boundaries. They can also create a process to ensure that infrastructure deployed meets company standards, while ensuring development teams are free to make design decisions and remain autonomous. This approach offers the greatest agility and flexibility, but also the highest risk of inconsistency, errors, and security vulnerabilities. Additionally, this model requires a cultural shift in the organization because the development teams now own the entire stack, which results in more responsibility. This model can be a deterrent to developers, especially if they are unfamiliar with building resources in the cloud and/or don’t want to do it.

Overall, each model has its strengths and weaknesses, and the purpose of this blog is to educate on the patterns that are emerging. Ultimately the right approach depends on the organization’s specific needs and goals as well as their willingness to shift culturally. Of the above patterns, the two that are emerging as the most common are Platform-enabled Golden Path and Decentralized DevOps. Furthermore, we’re seeing that more often than not platform teams are finding themselves going back and forth between the two patterns within the same organization. This is in part due to technology making infrastructure creation in the cloud more accessible through abstraction and automation (think of tools like the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK), AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) CLI, AWS Copilot, Serverless framework, etc). Let’s now look at the technology patterns that are emerging to support these use cases.

Emerging patterns

Of the trends that are on the rise, Internal Developer Platforms and GitOps practices are becoming increasingly popular in the industry due to their ability to streamline the software development process and improve collaboration between development and platform teams. Internal Developer Platforms provide a centralized platform for developers to access resources and tools needed to build, test, deploy, and monitor applications and associated infrastructure resources. By providing a self-service interface with pre-approved patterns (via UI, API, or Git), internal developer platforms empower development teams to work independently and collaborate with one another more effectively. This reduces the burden on IT and operations teams while also increasing the agility and speed of development as developers aren’t required to wait in line to get resources provisioned. The paradigm shifts with Internal Developer Platforms because the platform teams are focused on building the blueprints and defining the standards for backend resources that development teams centrally consume via the provided interfaces. The platform team should view the internal developer platform as a product and look at developers as their customer.

While internal developer platforms provide a lot of value and abstraction through a UI and API’s, some organizations prefer to use Git as the center of deployment orchestration, and this is where leveraging GitOps can help. GitOps is a methodology that leverages Git as the source of orchestrating and managing the deployment of infrastructure and applications. With GitOps, infrastructure is defined declaratively as code, and changes are tracked in Git, allowing for a more standardized and automated deployment process. Using git for deployment orchestration is not new, but there are some concepts with GitOps that take Git orchestration to a new level.

Let’s look at the principles of GitOps, as defined by OpenGitOps:

  • Declarative
    • A system managed by GitOps must have its desired state expressed declaratively.
  • Versioned and Immutable
    • Desired state is stored in a way that enforces immutability, versioning and retains a complete version history.
  • Pulled Automatically
    • Software agents automatically pull the desired state declarations from the source.
  • Continuously Reconciled
    • Software agents continuously observe actual system state and attempt to apply the desired state.

GitOps helps to reduce the risk of errors and improve consistency across the organization as all change is tracked centrally. Additionally this provides developers with a familiar interface in git as well as the ability to store the desired state of their infrastructure and applications in one place. Lastly, GitOps is focused on ensuring that the desired state in git is always maintained, and if drift occurs, an external process will reconcile the state of the resources. GitOps was born in the Kubernetes ecosystem using tools like Flux and ArgoCD.

The final emerging trend to discuss is particularly relevant to teams functioning within a decentralized DevOps model, possessing end-to-end responsibility for the stack, encompassing infrastructure and application delivery. The amount of cognitive load required to connect the underlying cloud resources together while also being an expert in building out business logic for the application is extremely high, and hence why teams look to harness the power of abstraction and automation for infrastructure provisioning. While this may appear analogous to previously mentioned practices, the key distinction lies in the utilization of tools specifically designed to enhance the developer experience. By abstracting various components (such as networking, identity, and stitching everything together), these tools eliminate the necessity for interaction with centralized teams, empowering developers to operate autonomously and assume complete ownership of the infrastructure. This trend is exemplified by the adoption of innovative tools such as AWS App Composer, AWS CodeCatalyst, SAM CLI, AWS Copilot CLI, and the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK).

Looking ahead

If there is one thing that we can ascertain it’s that the journey to successful developer enablement is ongoing, and it’s clear that finding that balance of speed, security, and flexibility can be difficult to achieve. Throughout all of these evolutionary trends in technology, Git has remained as the nucleus of infrastructure and application deployment automation. This is not new; however, the processes being built around Git such as GitOps are. The industry continues to gravitate towards this model, and at AWS we are looking at ways to enable builders to leverage git as the source of truth with simple integrations. For example, AWS Proton has built integrations with git for central template storage with a feature called template sync and recently released a feature called service sync, which allows developers to configure and deploy their Proton services using Git. These features empower the platform team and developers to seamlessly store their templates and desired infrastructure resource states within Git, requiring no additional effort beyond the initial setup.

We also see that interest in building internal developer platforms is on a sharp incline, and it’s still in the early days. With tools like AWS Proton, AWS Service Catalog, Backstage, and other SaaS providers, platform teams are able to define patterns centrally for developers to self serve patterns via a library or “shopping cart”. As mentioned earlier, it’s vital that the teams building out the internal developer platforms think of ways to enable the developer to deploy supplemental resources that aren’t defined in the central templates. While the developer platform can solve the majority of the use cases, it’s nearly impossible to solve them all. If you can’t enable developers to deploy resources on top of their platform deployed services, you’ll find that you’re back to the original problem statement outlined in the beginning of this blog which can ultimately result in a failed implementation. AWS Proton solves this through a feature we call components, which enables developers to bring their own IaC templates to deploy on top of their services deployed through Proton.

The rising popularity of the aforementioned patterns reveals an unmet need for developers who seek to tailor their cloud resources according to the specific requirements of their applications and the demands of platform/central teams that require governance. This is particularly prevalent in serverless workloads, where developers often integrate their application and infrastructure code, utilizing services such as AWS Step Functions to transfer varying degrees of logic from the application layer to the managed service itself. Centralizing these resources becomes increasingly challenging due to their dynamic nature, which adapts to the evolving requirements of business logic. Consequently, it is nearly impossible to consolidate these patterns into a universally applicable blueprint for reuse across diverse business scenarios.

As the distinction between cloud resources and application code becomes increasingly blurred, developers are compelled to employ tools that streamline the underlying logic, enabling them to achieve their desired outcomes swiftly and securely. In this context, it is crucial for platform teams to identify and incorporate these tools, ensuring that organizational safeguards and expectations are upheld. By doing so, they can effectively bridge the gap between developers’ preferences and the essential governance required by the platform or central team.

Wrapping up

We’ve explored the various operating models and emerging trends designed to facilitate these models. Platform Engineering represents the ongoing evolution of DevOps, aiming to enhance the developer experience for rapid and secure deployments. It is crucial to recognize that developers possess varying skill sets and preferences, even within the same organization. As previously discussed, some developers prefer complete ownership of the entire stack, while others concentrate solely on writing code without concerning themselves with infrastructure. Consequently, the platform engineering practice must continuously adapt to accommodate these patterns in a manner that fosters enablement rather than posing as obstacles. To achieve this, the platform must be treated as a product, with developers as its customers, ensuring that their needs and preferences are prioritized and addressed effectively.

To determine where your organization fits within the discussed operational models, we encourage you to initiate a self-assessment and have internal discussions. Evaluate your current infrastructure provisioning, deployment processes, and development team support. Consider the benefits and challenges of each model and how they align with your organization’s specific needs, goals, and cultural willingness to shift.

To facilitate this process, gather key stakeholders from various teams, including leadership, platform engineering, development, and DevOps, for a collaborative workshop. During this workshop, review the four operational models (Centralized Provisioning, Platform-enabled Golden Path, Embedded DevOps, and Decentralized DevOps) and discuss the following:

  • How closely does each model align with your current organizational structure and processes?
  • What are the potential benefits and challenges of adopting or transitioning to each model within your organization?
  • What challenges are you currently facing with the model that you operate under?
  • How can technology be leveraged to optimize infrastructure creation and deployment automation?

By conducting this self-assessment and engaging in open dialogue, your organization can identify the most suitable operational model and develop a strategic plan to optimize collaboration, efficiency, and agility within your technology teams. If a more guided approach is preferred, reach out to our solutions architects and/or AWS partners to assist.

Adam Keller

Adam is a Senior Developer Advocate @ AWS working on all things related to IaC, Platform Engineering, DevOps, and modernization. Reach out to him on twitter @realadamjkeller.

Our commitment to shared cybersecurity goals

Post Syndicated from Mark Ryland original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/our-commitment-to-shared-cybersecurity-goals/

The United States Government recently launched its National Cybersecurity Strategy. The Strategy outlines the administration’s ambitious vision for building a more resilient future, both in the United States and around the world, and it affirms the key role cloud computing plays in realizing this vision.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is broadly committed to working with customers, partners, and governments such as the United States to improve cybersecurity. That longstanding commitment aligns with the goals of the National Cybersecurity Strategy. In this blog post, we will summarize the Strategy and explain how AWS will help to realize its vision.

The Strategy identifies two fundamental shifts in how the United States allocates cybersecurity roles, responsibilities, and resources. First, the Strategy calls for a shift in cybersecurity responsibility away from individuals and organizations with fewer resources, toward larger technology providers that are the most capable and best-positioned to be successful. At AWS, we recognize that our success and scale bring broad responsibility. We are committed to improving cybersecurity outcomes for our customers, our partners, and the world at large.

Second, the Strategy calls for realigning incentives to favor long-term investments in a resilient future. As part of our culture of ownership, we are long-term thinkers, and we don’t sacrifice long-term value for short-term results. For more than fifteen years, AWS has delivered security, identity, and compliance services for millions of active customers around the world. We recognize that we operate in a complicated global landscape and dynamic threat environment that necessitates a dynamic approach to security. Innovation and long-term investments have been and will continue to be at the core of our approach, and we continue to innovate to build and improve on our security and the services we offer customers.

AWS is working to enhance cybersecurity outcomes in ways that align with each of the Strategy’s five pillars:

  1. Defend Critical Infrastructure — Customers, partners, and governments need confidence that they are migrating to and building on a secure cloud foundation. AWS is architected to have the most flexible and secure cloud infrastructure available today, and our customers benefit from the data centers, networks, custom hardware, and secure software layers that we have built to satisfy the requirements of the most security-sensitive organizations. Our cloud infrastructure is secure by design and secure by default, and our infrastructure and services meet the high bar that the United States Government and other customers set for security.
  2. Disrupt and Dismantle Threat Actors — At AWS, our paramount focus on security leads us to implement important measures to prevent abuse of our services and products. Some of the measures we undertake to deter, detect, mitigate, and prevent abuse of AWS products include examining new registrations for potential fraud or identity falsification, employing service-level containment strategies when we detect unusual behavior, and helping protect critical systems and sensitive data against ransomware. Amazon is also working with government to address these threats, including by serving as one of the first members of the Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative (JCDC). Amazon is also co-leading a study with the President’s National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee on addressing the abuse of domestic infrastructure by foreign malicious actors.
  3. Shape Market Forces to Drive Security and Resilience — At AWS, security is our top priority. We continuously innovate based on customer feedback, which helps customer organizations to accelerate their pace of innovation while integrating top-tier security architecture into the core of their business and operations. For example, AWS co-founded the Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF) project, which facilitates interoperability and data normalization between security products. We are contributing to the quality and safety of open-source software both by direct contributions to open-source projects and also by an initial commitment of $10 million in a variety of open-source security improvement projects in and through the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF).
  4. Invest in a Resilient Future — Cybersecurity skills training, workforce development, and education on next-generation technologies are essential to addressing cybersecurity challenges. That’s why we are making significant investments to help make it simpler for people to gain the skills they need to grow their careers, including in cybersecurity. Amazon is committing more than $1.2 billion to provide no-cost education and skills training opportunities to more than 300,000 of our own employees in the United States, to help them secure new, high-growth jobs. Amazon is also investing hundreds of millions of dollars to provide no-cost cloud computing skills training to 29 million people around the world. We will continue to partner with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and others in government to develop the cybersecurity workforce.
  5. Forge International Partnerships to Pursue Shared Goals — AWS is working with governments around the world to provide innovative solutions that advance shared goals such as bolstering cyberdefenses and combating security risks. For example, we are supporting international forums such as the Organization of American States to build security capacity across the hemisphere. We encourage the administration to look toward internationally recognized, risk-based cybersecurity frameworks and standards to strengthen consistency and continuity of security among interconnected sectors and throughout global supply chains. Increased adoption of these standards and frameworks, both domestically and internationally, will mitigate cyber risk while facilitating economic growth.

AWS shares the Biden administration’s cybersecurity goals and is committed to partnering with regulators and customers to achieve them. Collaboration between the public sector and industry has been central to US cybersecurity efforts, fueled by the recognition that the owners and operators of technology must play a key role. As the United States Government moves forward with implementation of the National Cybersecurity Strategy, we look forward to redoubling our efforts and welcome continued engagement with all stakeholders—including the United States Government, our international partners, and industry collaborators. Together, we can address the most difficult cybersecurity challenges, enhance security outcomes, and build toward a more secure and resilient future.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Mark Ryland

Mark Ryland

Mark is the director of the Office of the CISO for AWS. He has over 30 years of experience in the technology industry, and has served in leadership roles in cybersecurity, software engineering, distributed systems, technology standardization, and public policy. Previously, he served as the Director of Solution Architecture and Professional Services for the AWS World Public Sector team.

Let’s Architect! Multi-tenant SaaS architectures

Post Syndicated from Luca Mezzalira original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/lets-architect-multi-tenant-saas-architectures/

In a multi-tenant architecture multiple instances of an application run on a shared infrastructure. With this type of approach, each tenant is isolated from others, typically through logical separation, while utilizing a shared infrastructure. This allows multiple tenants to use the same application and maintain their data security, privacy, and customization requirements.

Understanding architectural patterns for multi-tenancy has become crucial for architects and developers aiming to deliver scalable, secure, and cost-effective solutions. Isolating tenant data is a fundamental responsibility for Software as a Service (SaaS) providers. In this edition of Let’s Architect!, we talk about comprehensive exploration of multi-tenant architectures, covering various aspects, such as SaaS microservices, SaaS serverless, SaaS EKS, and an insightful whitepaper.

SaaS microservices deep dive: Simplifying multi-tenant development

In this session, Michael Beardsley, Principal Solutions Architect at AWS, takes a deep dive into the realm of multi-tenant microservices, exploring various patterns and strategies that enable the seamless implementation of multi-tenant microservices, all while ensuring that additional complexity is not imposed upon the SaaS builders. He shares practical patterns to simplify the development process by addressing crucial aspect, such as authorization, data access, tenant isolation, metrics, billing, logging, and a plethora of other considerations; this is irrespective of the chosen compute platform (like Amazon Elastic Container Service, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service [Amazon EKS], or AWS Lambda) or database solution.

There is another session available that highlights specific techniques and architecture strategies that can directly impact the success of a SaaS business. If you’re interested in learning more about optimizing multi-tenant SaaS architecture, this session is a great opportunity.

Take me to this video!

SaaS multi-tenant microservices

SaaS multi-tenant microservices

Building a Multi-Tenant SaaS Solution Using AWS Serverless Services

In this AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog post, you will explore a reference solution that presents a comprehensive perspective on a functional multi-tenant serverless SaaS environment. This solution effectively showcases various essential components required to construct a multi-tenant SaaS solution using serverless services, including onboarding processes, tenant isolation mechanisms, data partitioning techniques, a tenant deployment pipeline, and robust observability measures.

By delving into these aspects, you can gain valuable insights into the architecture and design considerations involved in creating a successful multi-tenant SaaS solution.

Take me to this AWS APN blogpost!

Tenant registration flow

Tenant registration flow

Amazon EKS SaaS deep dive: A multi-tenant EKS SaaS solution

In this re:Invent 2021 presentation, Tod Golding, Principal Partner Solutions Architect, chats about a SaaS reference solution that addresses fundamental multi-tenant considerations, examining its approach to core SaaS topics, including tenant isolation, identity, onboarding, tenant administration, and data partitioning. The goal is to explore an Amazon EKS SaaS architecture through the lens of working code and highlight the key architectural strategies that were used in this reference environment.

There is also valuable information available on Github regarding EKS multi-tenancy. Exploring the Github repositories related to EKS multi-tenancy can provide further insights, resources, and practical examples for implementing multi-tenant architectures on EKS. This presentation is an engaging way to dive deeper into this topic and gain a more comprehensive understanding of best practices and real-world implementations.

Take me to this video!

Tenant deployment model

Tenant deployment model

Saas Storage Strategies

Storage represents a challenging aspect of building and delivering multi-tenant software solutions. There are different strategies that can be used to partition tenant data, each with a unique set of trade-offs for implementing separation between tenants. This whitepaper covers different storage models for multi-tenancy; in particular, you can learn about the:

  • Silo model (data from the tenant is fully isolated)
  • Pool model (all the tenants use the same database and table)
  • Bridge model (single database but a different table for each tenant)

For each of these models, the whitepaper describes in detail how they can be implemented, as well as the different trade-offs in terms of isolation and agility. You can also discover how these tenancy models can be implemented specifically on databases, such as Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon Relational Database Service, thus covering both NoSQL and SQL scenarios.

Take me to this whitepaper!

Partitioning model tradeoffs

Partitioning model tradeoffs

See you next time!

Thanks for joining our conversation on multi-tenant SaaS architectures! Next time, we’ll talk about open-source technologies.

To find all the blogs from this series, you can check out the Let’s Architect! list of content on the AWS Architecture Blog.

AWS Security Profile: Ritesh Desai, GM, AWS Secrets Manager

Post Syndicated from Roger Park original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/aws-security-profile-ritesh-desai-gm-aws-secrets-manager/

AWS Security Profile: Ritesh Desai, GM, AWS Secrets Manager

In the AWS Security Profile series, we interview Amazon Web Services (AWS) thought leaders who help keep our customers safe and secure. This interview features Ritesh Desai, General Manager, AWS Secrets Manager, and re:Inforce 2023 session speaker, who shares thoughts on data protection, cloud security, secrets management, and more.

What do you do in your current role and how long have you been at AWS?

I’ve been in the tech industry for more than 20 years and joined AWS about three years ago. Currently, I lead our Secrets Management organization, which includes the AWS Secrets Manager service.

How did you get started in the data protection and secrets management space? What about it piqued your interest?

I’ve always been excited at the prospect of solving complex customer problems with simple technical solutions. Working across multiple small to large organizations in the past, I’ve seen similar challenges with secret sprawl and lack of auditing and monitoring tools. Centralized secrets management is a challenge for customers. As organizations evolve from start-up to enterprise level, they can end up with multiple solutions across organizational units to manage their secrets.

Being part of the Secrets Manager team gives me the opportunity to learn about our customers’ unique needs and help them protect access to their most sensitive digital assets in the cloud, at scale.

Why does secrets management matter to customers today?

Customers use secrets like database passwords and API keys to protect their most sensitive data, so it’s extremely important for them to invest in a centralized secrets management solution. Through secrets management, customers can securely store, retrieve, rotate, and audit secrets.

What’s been the most dramatic change you’ve seen in the data protection and secrets management space?

Secrets management is becoming increasingly important for customers, but customers now have to deal with complex environments that include single cloud providers like AWS, multi-cloud setups, hybrid (cloud and on-premises) environments, and only on-premises instances.

Customers tell us that they want centralized secrets management solutions that meet their expectations across these environments. They have two distinct goals here. First, they want a central secrets management tool or service to manage their secrets. Second, they want their secrets to be available closer to the applications where they’re run. IAM Roles Anywhere provides a secure way for on-premises servers to obtain temporary AWS credentials and removes the need to create and manage long-term AWS credentials. Now, customers can use IAM Roles Anywhere to access their Secrets Manager secrets from workloads running outside of AWS. Secrets Manager also launched a program in which customers can manage secrets in third-party secrets management solutions to replicate secrets to Secrets Manager for their AWS workloads. We’re continuing to invest in these areas to make it simpler for customers to manage their secrets in their tools of choice, while providing access to their secrets closer to where their applications are run.

With AWS re:Inforce 2023 around the corner, what will your session focus on? What do you hope attendees will take away from your session?

I’m speaking in a session called “Using AWS data protection services for innovation and automation” (DAP305) alongside one of our senior security specialist solutions architects on the topic of secrets management at scale. In the session, we’ll walk through a sample customer use case that highlights how to use data protection services like AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS), AWS Private Certificate Authority (AWS Private CA), and Secrets Manager to help build securely and help meet organizational security and compliance expectations. Attendees will walk away with a clear picture of the services that AWS offers to protect sensitive data, and how they can use these services together to protect secrets at scale.

I also encourage folks to check out the other sessions in the data protection track.

Where do you see the secrets management space heading in the future?

Traditionally, secrets management was addressed after development, rather than being part of the design and development process. This placement created an inherent clash between development teams who wanted to put the application in the hands of end users, and the security admins who wanted to verify that the application met security expectations. This resulted in longer timelines to get to market. Involving security in the mix only after development is complete, is simply too late. Security should enable business, not restrict it.

Organizations are slowly adopting the culture that “Security is everyone’s responsibility.” I expect more and more organizations will take the step to “shift-left” and embed security early in the development lifecycle. In the near future, I expect to see organizations prioritize the automation of security capabilities in the development process to help detect, remediate, and eliminate potential risks by taking security out of human hands.

Is there something you wish customers would ask you about more often?

I’m always happy to talk to customers to help them think through how to incorporate secure-by-design in their planning process. There are many situations where decisions could end up being expensive to reverse. AWS has a lot of experience working across a multitude of use cases for customers as they adopt secrets management solutions. I’d love to talk more to customers early in their cloud adoption journey, about the best practices that they should adopt and potential pitfalls to avoid, when they make decisions about secrets management and data protection.

How about outside of work—any hobbies?

I’m an avid outdoors person, and living in Seattle has given me and my family the opportunity to trek and hike through the beautiful landscapes of the Pacific Northwest. I’ve also been a consistent Tough Mudder-er for the last 5 years. The other thing that I spend my time on is working as an amateur actor for a friend’s nonprofit theater production, helping in any way I can.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Roger Park

Roger Park

Roger is a Senior Security Content Specialist at AWS Security focusing on data protection. He has worked in cybersecurity for almost ten years as a writer and content producer. In his spare time, he enjoys trying new cuisines, gardening, and collecting records.

Ritesh Desai

Ritesh Desai

Ritesh is GM of AWS Secrets Manager. His background includes driving product vision and technology innovation for multiple organizations. He focuses on leading security services that provide innovative solutions to enable customers to securely move their workloads to AWS.

Author Spotlight: Vittorio Denti, Machine Learning Engineer at Amazon

Post Syndicated from Elise Chahine original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/author-spotlight-vittorio-denti-machine-learning-engineer-at-amazon/

The Author Spotlight series pulls back the curtain on some of AWS and Amazon’s most prolific authors. Read on to find out more about our very own Vittorio Denti’s journey, in his own words!

I’m Vittorio, and I work as a Machine Learning Engineer at Amazon. My journey in the engineering world began when I started studying Computer Engineering at Politecnico di Milano during my bachelor’s degree. It continued during the master’s degree, when I started focusing on data and artificial intelligence. During my master’s, I spent one year in Stockholm, at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, where I studied machine learning and deep learning. I joined Amazon Web Services (AWS) in 2020 through Tech U, a graduate program for technical roles in AWS, where I started working in the area of cloud architecture. During my time in AWS, I have had the opportunity to become familiar with software architectures, the AWS cloud, and develop system design skills for distributed systems.

At AWS, I was able to grow from a technical standpoint by learning new technologies and architectural patterns for distributed systems. I’ve also had the opportunity to grow my personal perspective. I found amazing mentors: people with years of experience that were always available to talk with me, compare ideas, and explain complex topics. When I was studying at university, I developed a vertical set of technical skills, which I’m still using every day at work, and I’m now able to boost those skills by taking advantage of the pragmatism and mindset acquired through mentoring.

With AWS, I was mainly working on cloud architectures for customers but also on internal projects and blog posts. I had the opportunity to support customers in designing their machine learning architectures for model training and for serving real-time traffic, as well as working on different challenges like query optimization for databases or asynchronous communication patterns for microservices. This breadth of scenarios was fundamental to build horizontal skills outside of the machine learning domain and learning how to navigate unexplored areas.

At the end of 2022, I moved from AWS to Amazon, where I started working as a Machine Learning Engineer on Amazon Sponsored Display, a self-service solution from Amazon Ads. In this new role, I work as an engineer developing and productionizing some of the machine learning algorithms used in advertising. I really like this role because there are many opportunities to explore and build. Also, working on a product and understanding the long-term impact of architectural and engineering decisions is extremely valuable to grow as a professional.

By working at Amazon’s scale, there are many factors to consider before coming up with a solution. All of this is an amazing opportunity to learn more, experiment, and satisfy my curiosity. As you have understood by now, I always like facing new challenges, pushing myself out of the comfort zone, and being able to learn about new areas and technologies.

Some of my favorite moments so far are related to public and internal conferences that I have attended both with AWS and Amazon. In 2021, I had the opportunity to go to re:Invent 2021 in Las Vegas—the annual AWS cloud conference. In 2023, I went to Madrid for DevCon, the internal engineering conference for Amazon employees. These experiences have been extremely valuable to discover more about new technical content as well as for networking and learning from peers.

Vittorio (on the right) with his colleague Darren (on the left) at re:Invent 2021. They attended the conference and supported the AWS Game Day.

Vittorio (on the right) with his colleague Darren (on the left) at re:Invent 2021, supporting AWS Game Day

What’s on my mind

Machine learning is a growing area: it’s still fairly new and there is a lot of innovation happening. Engineers work to find the “optimal” way for running machine learning in production and balance all the different trade-offs that consistently arise. Machine learning engineering faces the complexities of software engineering and adds extra challenges deriving from working with data and models. It’s not only about developing software! We also have to work to explore, monitor, and (in some cases) build datasets and training models, plus productionize them. There are two main entities to consider (datasets and models) that do not usually appear in software engineering, and this brings extra complexity.

Some stimulating challenges are about increasing model performance without impacting latency, working with unbalanced datasets, and detecting model or data drift automatically and solving for it. This is just a set of fascinating engineering areas to explore for machine learning. While for some of these problems, the industry already has some answers or directions, the question is: how can we do this at scale and create mature and reliable solutions? In the next few years I would like to answer these questions. For instance, car manufacturers have well-established supply chains and mature manufacturing processes. To the best of my knowledge, we don’t have something comparable in the area of machine learning engineering… yet! We have a set of excellent artisans working at scale, good processes to ensure quality (like code reviews and testing), but the risk of failures or inefficiencies is still high because of the stochastic nature of the domain.

Other topics I’m passionate about are machine learning science and software architecture. I like reading research papers, understanding the latest innovations, and learn not only from their contributions, but also from the processes that the authors followed to achieve those results. There are many opportunities to transfer knowledge from other domains to machine learning engineering, and I’m always inquiring to learn more about science and engineering to run the latest innovations in production.

Favorite blog posts and resources

Design a data mesh with event streaming for real-time recommendations on AWS

Data architectures were mainly designed around technologies rather than business domains in the past. This changed in 2019, when Zhamak Dehghani introduced the data mesh. Data mesh is an application of the Domain-Driven-Design (DDD) principles to data architectures: data is organized into data domains, and the data is the product that the team owns and offers for consumption.

Designing a data architecture for working with machine learning at scale requires careful thought. You may have different data sources, consumers, and data coming from different areas of the organization. Also, your organization may grow and evolve throughout time, so you may have some domains coming up and others disappearing. In 2022, I published an AWS Big Data blog on designing a data mesh architecture with event streaming for machine learning.

In the blog, we design a data mesh with event streaming for a scenario that requires real-time music recommendations on AWS. Because ML applications may have multiple types of input data, we propose a solution that works both for data at rest as well as real-time streaming.

The complete data mesh with event streaming architecture uses two different data planes: one is dedicated for sharing data at rest (blue); the other one is for data in motion (red). Check the original blog to see how it was built step-by-step.

The complete data mesh with event-streaming architecture uses two different data planes: one is dedicated for sharing data at rest (blue), the other one is for data in motion (red)

The Let’s Architect! series on the Architecture Blog

Let’s Architect! is an editorial initiative that publishes a bi-weekly post on a specific topic since January 2022. Some of the most recent topics include event-driven architectures, microservices, data mesh and machine learning. We gather four or five different AWS content pieces that provide a perspective on why that content is relevant. Content can be an AWS blog post, a whitepaper, any hands-on workshop with architectural patterns, or a video. We focus on architectural content that can be valuable for software architects as well as software engineers willing to learn more about system design and distributed systems.

This is not only a way to learn and stay familiar with different technical areas but also to contribute and share resources with the community. The initiative has had a strong influence, and we now have customers and even many of our colleagues waiting for the upcoming posts. I have been working on this initiative with Luca Mezzalira, Zamira Jaupaj, Federica Ciuffo and Laura Hyatt, and with the support of the AWS Architecture Blog.

The Let's Architect! series

The Let’s Architect! series

Amazon Builder’s Library

One of most inspiring resources to learn from is the Amazon Builder’s Library. Its mission is to share with customers our experience of building secure and highly available services, and successful durable businesses, at Amazon and AWS.

I think it’s extremely valuable because we can learn directly from the Amazon’s experience of running distributed systems at scale. It’s not only about the content itself or how they solved a specific challenge, but also about learning how they were able to formalize a problem and the journey that they followed to achieve the solution. Also, if you wonder how some AWS services are designed under the hood… you can learn about typical patterns used to implement them by navigating through the resources in the library.

What you'll find on the Amazon Builder's Library

What you’ll find on the Amazon Builder’s Library

How to implement multi tenancy with Amazon SES

Post Syndicated from satyaso original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/how-to-manage-email-sending-for-multiple-end-customers-using-amazon-ses/

In this blog post, you will learn how to design multi-tenancy with Amazon SES, as well as the fundamental best practices for implementing a multi-tenant architecture that can effectively handle bulk the email sending needs of your downstream customers.

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is utilized by customers across various industries to send emails to their recipients. Often, they need to send emails on behalf of their downstream customers or for other business divisions. Organizations commonly refer to these use cases as “multi-tenant email sending practices. To implement email sending multi-tenancy practices (i.e. to send bulk emails on behalf of end customers), Amazon SES customers need to adopt an architecture that enables them to effectively meet the email sending needs of thousands of downstream customers while also ensuring that the email sending reputation of each customer or the tenant is isolated.

Use cases

  1. Onboard multiple brands from different Business units (BUs) with different domains.
  2. Separate marketing and transaction tenants.
  3. ISV Customer’s requirement to segregate email sending reputation of their end customers.
  4. Domain management via configuration sets.
  5. Track individual customer’s email sending repurataion and control their email sending process.


For this post, you should be familiar with the following:

Solution Overview

In the email ecosystem, domain and IP reputation are critical in getting emails delivered to the inbox. Tenants in a multi-tenant scenario might be unique businesses or an internal team (eg marketing team, customer service team and so on). Because the maturity of each tenant varies greatly, implementing a multi-tenant environment may be increasingly complicated and difficult. While one tenant may have a well-validated and highly-engaged recipient list, another tenant may have an untrusted email recipient list, and sending emails to such email addresses may result in bounces or spam, lowering the IP and domain reputation. So, organizations have to build safe guards to prevent an unsophisticated sender or a bad actor from impacting the other tenants.

To better understand multi-tenancy, let us first look at how Amazon SES sends emails. Any emails sent via Amazon SES to end users are sent using IP addresses that have been mapped within Amazon SES. Amazon SES offers two types of IP addresses: shared IP addresses and dedicated IP addresses. (Currently Amazon SES offers two kinds of dedicated IPs, which are 1/ Standard dedicated IPs, 2/ Managed dedicated IPs). Shared IPs are shared across many SES customers, and all your emails are sent using shared IP addresses by default unless you have requested for dedicated IPs. Dedicated IP addresses/addresses are designated for a single customer or tenant, where the tenant might be a business unit within the customer’s own eco system or a downstream customer of an ISV.

If a customer is using shared IPs to send email via SES and trying to achieve multi tenancy, then they can do so to segregate the business functions of multiple tenants such as tenant tagging, SES event destination routing, cost allocation for each tenant, and so on; but it won’t help to manage or isolate email sending reputation from one tenant to another. This is because; these shared IPs are mapped to an AWS region and incase one rogue tenant is trying to send spam emails then it will impact other customers in the same region who are using same set of shared IPs.

If you are an Amazon SES user and wish to separate the reputation of one end-customer from another then dedicated IPs are the ideal solution. Dedicated IP or Dedicated IPs (also known as dedicated IP pool) can be assigned to a tenant, and the email sending reputation for that tenant can be readily isolated from that of another tenant. If tenant one is a problematic sender and internet service providers (ISPs) such as Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo and, so on, flags the respective domain or IPs, the reputation of the other tenants’ domains and IPs are unaffected since they are mutually exclusive.

Amazon SES supports multi-tenancy primarily through two constructs: 1/configuration sets, 2/Dedicate IP pools. Configuration sets are setup rules that are applicable to your verified identities, whereas  dedicated IP pool is to group dedicated IPs into a pool, which can then be mapped to a configuration set, such that the respective Identity/Identities may only utilize the same IP Pool without affecting other tenants. Let’s now witness a simplified architecture view.

Amazon SES multi tenancy using a single AWS account

Multi tenancy using a single AWS account

In this architecture, if you notice tenant 1, tenant 2 and tenant 3 are using the distinct configurations with respective dedicated IPs while tenant 4 is using shared IPs. i.e. the tenants can chose which configuration sets needs to be used for their domain. This provides customers capability to achieve multi tenancy.

Amazon SES multi tenancy – best practices

Always proactively reach out to your account team or raise a support case under “service limit increase” category informing that you will be sending on behalf of tens of thousands of customers. This will help AWS in rightly setup limits within your account and be cognizant of your sending patterns.

While the architecture described above will most of the time help Amazon SES users manage multiple end customers effectively, in rare cases; Amazon SES users may receive a notification from AWS support stating that their Amazon SES account is being reviewed. This indicates that your Amazon SES account is being used to send problematic email to end recipients, or that the account has been paused (if you haven’t reacted proactively upon controlling the faulty senders within the review timeframe), which means you can’t send email from your SES account because your spam or complaint rate has exceeded a certain threshold. These type of situations occurs because, Amazon SES sanitization process is implemented at the AWS account level by default. So, even if any of the tenants using a dedicated IP or a dedicated IP pool and their spam or complaint rates exceed the approved SES limit, Amazon SES sends a notification to the account admin, flagging the concern in their account. In such cases, it is recommended to implement a process known as “automatically pausing email sending for a configuration set“. You can configure Amazon SES to export reputation metrics that are specific to emails that are sent using a specific configuration set to Amazon CloudWatch. You can then use these metrics to create CloudWatch alarms that are specific to those configuration sets. When these alarms exceed certain thresholds, you can automatically pause the sending of emails that use the specified configuration sets, without impacting the overall email sending capabilities of your Amazon SES account.

If you are an Enterprise ISV customer and you have tens of thousands of downstream customers then there is a possibility that you will hit Amazon SES provided maximum quota. In those scenarios you have two options; 1/ Ask for an exception for your AWS SES account – In this approach, you need to request AWS to increase your quota applicable for the existing account to a higher threshold and depending upon your previous usage and reputation AWS shall increase your account limit to accommodate more customers/tenants. To do this you need to raise an AWS support case under “service limit increase” and present your requirement on why you want to increase your Amazon SES account quota to a higher limit. There is no guaranty that the exception will always be granted. If your exception request is denied, you must proceed to the second option, which is to 2/ segment your customers across multiple AWS accounts. In this approach, you must calculate your customer base ahead of time and distribute your downstream customers across multiple accounts within the same AWS region in order to set up their email sending mechanism using SES. To better understand option 2, refer to the architecture diagram below.

Amazon SES multi tenancy using multiple AWS account

Multi tenancy using multiple AWS account

In the above architecture various tenants are connecting to Amazon SES in different AWS accounts to implement multi tenancy. Email event responses can be taken back to a central data lake located in the same AWS region or in different region. Furthermore, as shown in the diagram above, all AWS accounts mapped to different tenants are under a Parent AWS account; this hierarchical structure is known as AWS Organizations. it is recommended to use AWS Organizations which enables you to consolidate multiple AWS accounts into an organization that you create and centrally manage. It helps in security and compliance guide lines, managing consolidated billing for all the child accounts.


Appropriate multi-tenancy implementation within Amazon SES not only helps you manage end-customer reputation but also aids in tracking usage of each user independently from one another. In this post, we have showcased how Amazon SES users can utilize Amazon SES to manage large number of end customer, what are the design best practices to implement multi-tenant architecture with Amazon SES.

Satyasovan Tripathy works at Amazon Web Services as a Senior Specialist Solution Architect. He is based in Bengaluru, India, and specialises on the AWS customer developer service product portfolio. He likes reading and travelling outside of work.


Let’s Architect! Designing microservices architectures

Post Syndicated from Luca Mezzalira original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/lets-architect-designing-microservices-architectures/

In 2022, we published Let’s Architect! Architecting microservices with containers. We covered integrations patterns and some approaches for implementing microservices using containers. In this Let’s Architect! post, we want to drill down into microservices only, by focusing on the main challenges that software architects and engineers face while working on large distributed systems structured as a set of independent services.

There are many considerations to cover in detail within a broad topic like microservices. We should reflect on the organizational structure, automation pipelines, multi-account strategy, testing, communication, and many other areas. With this post we dive deep into the topic by analyzing the options for discoverability and connectivity available through Amazon VPC Lattice; then, we focus on architectural patterns for communication, mainly on asynchronous communication, as it fits very well into the paradigm. Finally, we explore how to work with serverless microservices and analyze a case study from Amazon, coming directly from the Amazon Builder’s Library.

AWS Container Day featuring Kubernetes

Modern applications are often built using a microservice distributed approach, which involves dividing the application into smaller, specialized services. Each of these services implement their own subset of functionalities or business logic. To facilitate communication between these services, it is essential to have a method to authorize, route, and monitor network traffic. It is also important, in case of issues, to have the ability of identifying the root cause of an issue, whether it originates at the application, service, or network level.

Amazon VPC Lattice can offer a consistent way to connect, secure, and monitor communication between instances, containers, and serverless functions. With Amazon VPC Lattice, you can define policies for traffic management, network access, advanced routing, implement discoverability, and, at the same time, monitor how the traffic is flowing inside complex applications in near real time.

Take me to this video!

Amazon VPC Lattice service gives you a consistent way to connect, secure, and monitor communication between your services

Amazon VPC Lattice service gives you a consistent way to connect, secure, and monitor communication between your services

Application integration patterns for microservices

Loosely coupled integration can help you design independent systems that can be developed and operated individually, plus increase the availability and reliability of the overall system landscape—particularly by using asynchronous communication. While there are many approaches for integration and conversation scenarios, it’s not always clear which approach is best for a given situation.

Join this re:Invent 2022 session to learn about foundational patterns for integration and conversation scenarios with an emphasis on loose coupling and asynchronous communication. Explore real-world use cases architected with cloud-native and serverless services, and receive guidance on choosing integration technology.

Take me to this re:Invent 2022 video!

Loosely coupled integration can help you design independent systems that can be developed and operated individually and can also increase the availability and reliability of the overall system

Loosely coupled integration can help you design independent systems that can be developed and operated individually and can also increase the availability and reliability of the overall system

Design patterns for success in serverless microservices

Software engineers love patterns—proven approaches to well-known problems that make software development easier and set our projects up for success. In complex, distributed systems, such as microservices, patterns like CQRS and Event Sourcing help decouple and scale systems.

The first part of the video is all about introducing architectural patterns and their applications, while the second part contains a set of demos and examples from the AWS console.
In this session, we examine at some typical patterns for building robust and performant serverless microservices, and how data access patterns can drive polyglot persistence.

Take me to this AWS Summit video!

With Event Sourcing data is stored as a series of events, instead of direct updates to data stores. Microservices replay events from an event store to compute the appropriate state of their own data stores

With event sourcing data is stored as a series of events, instead of direct updates to data stores; microservices replay events from an event store to compute the appropriate state of their own data stores

Avoiding overload in distributed systems by putting the smaller service in control

If we don’t pay attention to the relative scale of a service and its clients, distributed systems with microservices can be at risk of overload. A common architecture pattern adopted by many AWS services consists of splitting the system in a control plane and a data plane.

This article drills down into this scenario to understand what could happen if the data plane fleet exceeds the scale of the control plane fleet by a factor of 100 or more. This can happen in a microservices-based architecture when service X recovers from an outage and starts sending a large amount of request to service Y. Without careful fine-tuning, this shift in behavior can overwhelm the smaller callee. With this resource, we want to share some mental models and design strategies that are beneficial for distributed systems and teams working on microservices architectures.

Take me to the Amazon Builders’ Library!

To stay up to date on the data plane’s operational state, the control plane can poll an Amazon S3 bucket into which data plane servers periodically write that information

To stay updated on the data plane’s operational state, the control plane can poll an Amazon S3 bucket into which data plane servers periodically write that information

See you next time!

Thanks for stopping by! Join us in two weeks when we’ll discuss multi-tenancy and patterns for SaaS on AWS.

To find all the blogs from this series, you can check out the Let’s Architect! list of content on the AWS Architecture Blog.

Stronger together: Highlights from RSA Conference 2023

Post Syndicated from Anne Grahn original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/stronger-together-highlights-from-rsa-conference-2023/

Golden Gate bridge

RSA Conference 2023 brought thousands of cybersecurity professionals to the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California from April 24 through 27.

The keynote lineup was eclectic, with more than 30 presentations across two stages featuring speakers ranging from renowned theoretical physicist and futurist Dr. Michio Kaku to Grammy-winning musician Chris Stapleton. Topics aligned with this year’s conference theme, “Stronger Together,” and focused on actions that can be taken by everyone, from the C-suite to those of us on the front lines of security, to strengthen collaboration, establish new best practices, and make our defenses more diverse and effective.

With over 400 sessions and 500 exhibitors discussing the latest trends and technologies, it’s impossible to recap every highlight. Now that the dust has settled and we’ve had time to reflect, here’s a glimpse of what caught our attention.

Noteworthy announcements

Hundreds of companies — including Amazon Web Services (AWS) — made new product and service announcements during the conference.

We announced three new capabilities for our Amazon GuardDuty threat detection service to help customers secure container, database, and serverless workloads. These include GuardDuty Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) Runtime Monitoring, GuardDuty RDS Protection for data stored in Amazon Aurora, and GuardDuty Lambda Protection for serverless applications. The new capabilities are designed to provide actionable, contextual, and timely security findings with resource-specific details.

Artificial intelligence

It was hard to find a single keynote, session, or conversation that didn’t touch on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI).

In “AI: Law, Policy and Common Sense Suggestions on How to Stay Out of Trouble,” privacy and gaming attorney Behnam Dayanim highlighted ambiguity around the definition of AI. Referencing a quote from University of Washington School of Law’s Ryan Calo, Dayanim pointed out that AI may be best described as “…a set of techniques aimed at approximating some aspect of cognition,” and should therefore be thought of differently than a discrete “thing” or industry sector.

Dayanim noted examples of skepticism around the benefits of AI. A recent Monmouth University poll, for example, found that 73% of Americans believe AI will make jobs less available and harm the economy, and a surprising 55% believe AI may one day threaten humanity’s existence.

Equally skeptical, he noted, is a joint statement made by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and three other federal agencies during the conference reminding the public that enforcement authority applies to AI. The statement takes a pessimistic view, saying that AI is “…often advertised as providing insights and breakthroughs, increasing efficiencies and cost-savings, and modernizing existing practices,” but has the potential to produce negative outcomes.

Dayanim covered existing and upcoming legal frameworks around the world that are aimed at addressing AI-related risks related to intellectual property (IP), misinformation, and bias, and how organizations can design AI governance mechanisms to promote fairness, competence, transparency, and accountability.

Many other discussions focused on the immense potential of AI to automate and improve security practices. RSA Security CEO Rohit Ghai explored the intersection of progress in AI with human identity in his keynote. “Access management and identity management are now table stakes features”, he said. In the AI era, we need an identity security solution that will secure the entire identity lifecycle—not just access. To be successful, he believes, the next generation of identity technology needs to be powered by AI, open and integrated at the data layer, and pursue a security-first approach. “Without good AI,” he said, “zero trust has zero chance.”

Mark Ryland, director at the Office of the CISO at AWS, spoke with Infosecurity about improving threat detection with generative AI.

“We’re very focused on meaningful data and minimizing false positives. And the only way to do that effectively is with machine learning (ML), so that’s been a core part of our security services,” he noted.

We recently announced several new innovations—including Amazon Bedrock, the Amazon Titan foundation model, the general availability of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Trn1n instances powered by AWS Trainium, Amazon EC2 Inf2 instances powered by AWS Inferentia2, and the general availability of Amazon CodeWhisperer—that will make it practical for customers to use generative AI in their businesses.

“Machine learning and artificial intelligence will add a critical layer of automation to cloud security. AI/ML will help augment developers’ workstreams, helping them create more reliable code and drive continuous security improvement. — CJ Moses, CISO and VP of security engineering at AWS

The human element

Dozens of sessions focused on the human element of security, with topics ranging from the psychology of DevSecOps to the NIST Phish Scale. In “How to Create a Breach-Deterrent Culture of Cybersecurity, from Board Down,” Andrzej Cetnarski, founder, chairman, and CEO of Cyber Nation Central and Marcus Sachs, deputy director for research at Auburn University, made a data-driven case for CEOs, boards, and business leaders to set a tone of security in their organizations, so they can address “cyber insecure behaviors that lead to social engineering” and keep up with the pace of cybercrime.

Lisa Plaggemier, executive director of the National Cybersecurity Alliance, and Jenny Brinkley, director of Amazon Security, stressed the importance of compelling security awareness training in “Engagement Through Entertainment: How To Make Security Behaviors Stick.” Education is critical to building a strong security posture, but as Plaggemier and Brinkley pointed out, we’re “living through an epidemic of boringness” in cybersecurity training.

According to a recent report, just 28% of employees say security awareness training is engaging, and only 36% say they pay full attention during such training.

Citing a United Airlines preflight safety video and Amazon’s Protect and Connect public service announcement (PSA) as examples, they emphasized the need to make emotional connections with users through humor and unexpected elements in order to create memorable training that drives behavioral change.

Plaggemeier and Brinkley detailed five actionable steps for security teams to improve their awareness training:

  • Brainstorm with staff throughout the company (not just the security people)
  • Find ideas and inspiration from everywhere else (TV episodes, movies… anywhere but existing security training)
  • Be relatable, and include insights that are relevant to your company and teams
  • Start small; you don’t need a large budget to add interest to your training
  • Don’t let naysayers deter you — change often prompts resistance
“You’ve got to make people care. And so you’ve got to find out what their personal motivators are, and how to develop the type of content that can make them care to click through the training and…remember things as they’re walking through an office.” — Jenny Brinkley, director of Amazon Security

Cloud security

Cloud security was another popular topic. In “Architecting Security for Regulated Workloads in Hybrid Cloud,” Mark Buckwell, cloud security architect at IBM, discussed the architectural thinking practices—including zero trust—required to integrate security and compliance into regulated workloads in a hybrid cloud environment.

Mitiga co-founder and CTO Ofer Maor told real-world stories of SaaS attacks and incident response in “It’s Getting Real & Hitting the Fan 2023 Edition.”

Maor highlighted common tactics focused on identity theft, including MFA push fatigue, phishing, business email compromise, and adversary-in-the middle attacks. After detailing techniques that are used to establish persistence in SaaS environments and deliver ransomware, Maor emphasized the importance of forensic investigation and threat hunting to gaining the knowledge needed to reduce the impact of SaaS security incidents.

Sarah Currey, security practice manager, and Anna McAbee, senior solutions architect at AWS, provided complementary guidance in “Top 10 Ways to Evolve Cloud Native Incident Response Maturity.” Currey and McAbee highlighted best practices for addressing incident response (IR) challenges in the cloud — no matter who your provider is:

  1. Define roles and responsibilities in your IR plan
  2. Train staff on AWS (or your provider)
  3. Develop cloud incident response playbooks
  4. Develop account structure and tagging strategy
  5. Run simulations (red team, purple team, tabletop)
  6. Prepare access
  7. Select and set up logs
  8. Enable managed detection services in all available AWS Regions
  9. Determine containment strategy for resource types
  10. Develop cloud forensics capabilities

Speaking to BizTech, Clarke Rodgers, director of enterprise strategy at AWS, noted that tools and services such as Amazon GuardDuty and AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) are available to help advance security in the cloud. When organizations take advantage of these services and use partners to augment security programs, they can gain the confidence they need to take more risks, and accelerate digital transformation and product development.

Security takes a village

There are more highlights than we can mention on a variety of other topics, including post-quantum cryptography, data privacy, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. We’ve barely scratched the surface of RSA Conference 2023. If there is one key takeaway, it is that no single organization or individual can address cybersecurity challenges alone. By working together and sharing best practices as an industry, we can develop more effective security solutions and stay ahead of emerging threats.

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Anne Grahn

Anne Grahn

Anne is a Senior Worldwide Security GTM Specialist at AWS based in Chicago. She has more than a decade of experience in the security industry, and focuses on effectively communicating cybersecurity risk. She maintains a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification.

Danielle Ruderman

Danielle Ruderman

Danielle is a Senior Manager for the AWS Worldwide Security Specialist Organization, where she leads a team that enables global CISOs and security leaders to better secure their cloud environments. Danielle is passionate about improving security by building company security culture that starts with employee engagement.