Tag Archives: Amazon CloudWatch

Using Amazon Aurora Global Database for Low Latency without Application Changes

Post Syndicated from Roneel Kumar original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/using-amazon-aurora-global-database-for-low-latency-without-application-changes/

Deploying global applications has many challenges, especially when accessing a database to build custom pages for end users. One example is an application using AWS Lambda@Edge. Two main challenges include performance and availability.

This blog explains how you can optimally deploy a global application with fast response times and without application changes.

The Amazon Aurora Global Database enables a single database cluster to span multiple AWS Regions by asynchronously replicating your data within subsecond timing. This provides fast, low-latency local reads in each Region. It also enables disaster recovery from Region-wide outages using multi-Region writer failover. These capabilities minimize the recovery time objective (RTO) of cluster failure, thus reducing data loss during failure. You will then be able to achieve your recovery point objective (RPO).

However, there are some implementation challenges. Most applications are designed to connect to a single hostname with atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable (ACID) consistency. But Global Aurora clusters provide reader hostname endpoints in each Region. In the primary Region, there are two endpoints, one for writes, and one for reads. To achieve strong  data consistency, a global application requires the ability to:

  • Choose the optimal reader endpoints
  • Change writer endpoints on a database failover
  • Intelligently select the reader with the most up-to-date, freshest data

These capabilities typically require additional development.

The Heimdall Proxy coupled with Amazon Route 53 allows edge-based applications to access the Aurora Global Database seamlessly, without  application changes. Features include automated Read/Write split with ACID compliance and edge results caching.

Figure 1. Heimdall Proxy architecture

Figure 1. Heimdall Proxy architecture

The architecture in Figure 1 shows Aurora Global Databases primary Region in AP-SOUTHEAST-2, and secondary Regions in AP-SOUTH-1 and US-WEST-2. The Heimdall Proxy uses latency-based routing to determine the closest Reader Instance for read traffic, and redirects all write traffic to the Writer Instance. The Heimdall Configuration stores the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the global cluster. It automatically detects failover and cross-Region on the cluster, and directs traffic accordingly.

With an Aurora Global Database, there are two approaches to failover:

  • Managed planned failover. To relocate your primary database cluster to one of the secondary Regions in your Aurora global database, see Managed planned failovers with Amazon Aurora Global Database. With this feature, RPO is 0 (no data loss) and it synchronizes secondary DB clusters with the primary before making any other changes. RTO for this automated process is typically less than that of the manual failover.
  • Manual unplanned failover. To recover from an unplanned outage, you can manually perform a cross-Region failover to one of the secondaries in your Aurora Global Database. The RTO for this manual process depends on how quickly you can manually recover an Aurora global database from an unplanned outage. The RPO is typically measured in seconds, but this is dependent on the Aurora storage replication lag across the network at the time of the failure.

The Heimdall Proxy automatically detects Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) / Amazon Aurora configuration changes based on the ARN of the Aurora Global cluster. Therefore, both managed planned and manual unplanned failovers are supported.

Solution benefits for global applications

Implementing the Heimdall Proxy has many benefits for global applications:

  1. An Aurora Global Database has a primary DB cluster in one Region and up to five secondary DB clusters in different Regions. But the Heimdall Proxy deployment does not have this limitation. This allows for a larger number of endpoints to be globally deployed. Combined with Amazon Route 53 latency-based routing, new connections have a shorter establishment time. They can use connection pooling to connect to the database, which reduces overall connection latency.
  2. SQL results are cached to the application for faster response times.
  3. The proxy intelligently routes non-cached queries. When safe to do so, the closest (lowest latency) reader will be used. When not safe to access the reader, the query will be routed to the global writer. Proxy nodes globally synchronize their state to ensure that volatile tables are locked to provide ACID compliance.

For more information on configuring the Heimdall Proxy and Amazon Route 53 for a global database, read the Heimdall Proxy for Aurora Global Database Solution Guide.

Download a free trial from the AWS Marketplace.


Heimdall Data, based in the San Francisco Bay Area, is an AWS Advanced ISV partner. They have AWS Service Ready designations for Amazon RDS and Amazon Redshift. Heimdall Data offers a database proxy that offloads SQL improving database scale. Deployment does not require code changes.

Building a Cloud-Native File Transfer Platform Using AWS Transfer Family Workflows

Post Syndicated from Shoeb Bustani original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/building-a-cloud-native-file-transfer-platform-using-aws-transfer-family-workflows/

File-based transfers are one of the most prevalent mechanisms for organizations to exchange data over various interfaces with their partners and consumers. There are specialized third-party managed file transfer (MFT) products available in the market that provide rich workflows for managing these transfers.

A typical MFT platform provides features to perform a series of linked pre- and post-file upload processing steps. The new managed workflows feature within AWS Transfer Family allows you to define a lightweight workflow that is invoked in response to file uploads. This feature, combined with the core SFTP, FTPS, and FTP functionality, enables you to build a cloud-native MFT platform for your organization. The workflows are also integrated with Amazon CloudWatch to provide complete traceability.

Before this feature was released, the MFT architecture based on Transfer Family involved responding to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) events within AWS Lambda functions. There was no overarching orchestration layer. With the new managed workflows feature, the sequencing of steps and error handling is greatly simplified.

In this blog, I show you how to architect common MFT scenarios using the new Transfer Family managed workflows feature. This will help you build a robust and well-integrated cloud-native MFT platform.

Scenario 1: Inbound Flow – file push by external providers

In this scenario, a file is supplied by an external data provider. It must be decrypted, checked for errors, and transferred to an internal application area (Amazon S3 bucket) for further processing by an application.

The internal application that processes the file could be an in-house Java application, an Enterprise Resourcing Planning system that processes payments, telecommunication billing system that consumes call data, or even financial regulatory organization that scans daily share trading data for anomalies.

The architecture for this scenario is presented in Figure 1. Here’s how it works:

  1. The external data provider connects to the organization’s public Transfer Family endpoint and provides the authentication credentials.
  2. The service authenticates the user via the pre-configured authentication mechanism. This could be a custom identity provider, AWS Directory Service, or service managed.
  3. Once authenticated, the data provider uploads the file to a logical folder. This results in the file being stored in the underlying Upload S3 bucket.
  4. Transfer Family initiates the configured workflow once the file has been uploaded to the S3 bucket. The workflow performs the required pre-processing steps, including:
    • Invoking a Lambda function to decrypt the file.
    • Invoking a Lambda function to ensure the file data is valid.
    • Copying the file to the Application S3 bucket.
    • Deleting or archiving the file by copying it to another S3 bucket or storing it with a different S3 prefix.
    • If an error occurs, the workflow exception handler moves (copy and delete) the file to the Quarantine S3 bucket or stores it with a different S3 prefix.
MFT inbound flow – push by data provider

Figure 1. MFT inbound flow – push by data provider

Scenario 2: Outbound flow – file push to external consumers

In this scenario, an internal application generates files that are to be provided to external parties. Examples include submissions to credit check agencies, direct debits or payment files to banking institutions. These files must be re-formatted, encrypted, and transferred to an external SFTP site or an API endpoint.

The architecture for implementing this scenario is presented in Figure 2. Here’s how it works:

  1. An internal application connects to the organization’s Transfer Family’s private SFTP endpoint hosted within Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) and provides the authentication information.
  2. The service authenticates the application using the pre-configured authentication mechanism. This could be a custom identity provider, Directory Service, or service managed.
  3. Once authenticated, the application uploads the file to a logical folder. This results in the file being stored in the underlying Upload S3 bucket.
  4. Transfer Family initiates the configured workflow once the file has been uploaded to the S3 bucket. The workflow performs the required processing steps, including:
    • Invoking a Lambda function to reformat and encrypt the file.
    • Invoking a Lambda function to transfer the file to the external SFTP site or API endpoint.
    • Copying the transferred file to the Processed S3 bucket or storing the file with a different Amazon S3 prefix.
    • Emptying the internal upload folder by deleting the file.
    • In case of errors, the workflow exception handler moves (copy and delete) the file to Error S3 bucket or stores with a different S3 prefix.
MFT outbound flow – push to data consumer

Figure 2. MFT outbound flow – push to data consumer

Scenario 3: Outbound Flow – file pull by external consumers

In this scenario, an internal application generates files that are to be provided to external parties. However, in this case, the files are downloaded or “pulled” from the external facing SFTP download folder by the consumers.

Examples include scenarios wherein external parties have a pre-defined schedule to download files or the consumers need to download the files manually in absence of an SFTP endpoint on their side.

The architecture for this scenario is presented in Figure 3. In this case, two instances of Transfer Family are created:

  1. Internal facing private instance from Scenario 2.
  2. External facing public instance to be used by the consumer for file downloads.

Here’s how it works:

Steps A through D. Flow remains the same as Scenario 2, except the internal workflow task uploads files to the S3 bucket underneath the external facing instance of Transfer Family.
E. The external consumer connects to the organization’s public Transfer Family endpoint and provides the authentication credentials.
F. The external facing Transfer Family service instance authenticates the consumer using the pre-configured authentication mechanism. This could be a custom identity provider, AWS Directory Service, or service managed.
G. Once authenticated, the data consumer downloads the file from the external Transfer Family SFTP server instance.

MFT outbound flow – pull by data consumer

Figure 3. MFT outbound flow – pull by data consumer


The new managed workflow feature within Transfer Family provides a simple mechanism to create file transfer flows. In this blog post, I showed you some of the common use cases you can implement using this new feature. You can combine this architecture approach with additional AWS services to build a robust and well-integrated cloud native managed file transfer platform.

Related information

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Building a serverless multi-player game that scales: Part 3

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-a-serverless-multi-player-game-that-scales-part-3/

This post is written by Tim Bruce, Sr. Solutions Architect, DevAx, Chelsie Delecki, Solutions Architect, DNB, and Brian Krygsman, Solutions Architect, Enterprise.

This blog series discusses building a serverless game that scales, using Simple Trivia Service:

  • Part 1 describes the overall architecture, how to deploy to your AWS account, and the different communication methods.
  • Part 2 describes adding automation to the game to help your teams scale.

This post discusses how the game scales to support concurrent users (CCU) under a load test. While this post focuses on Simple Trivia Service, you can apply the concepts to any serverless workload.

To set up the example, see the instructions in the Simple Trivia Service GitHub repo and the README.md file. This example uses services beyond AWS Free Tier and incurs charges. To remove the example from your account, see the README.md file.


Simple Trivia Service is launching at a new trivia conference. There are 200,000 registered attendees who are invited to play the game during the conference. The developers are following AWS Well-Architected best practice and load test before the launch.

Load testing is the practice of simulating user load to validate the system’s ability to scale. The focus of the load test is the game’s microservices, built using AWS Serverless services, including:

  • Amazon API Gateway and AWS IoT, which provide serverless endpoints, allowing users to interact with the Simple Trivia Service microservices.
  • AWS Lambda, which provides serverless compute services for the microservices.
  • Amazon DynamoDB, which provides a serverless NoSQL database for storing game data.

Preparing for load testing

Defining success criteria is one of the first steps in preparing for a load test. You use success criteria to determine how well the game meets the requirements and includes concurrent users, error rates, and response time. These three criteria help to ensure that your users have a good experience when playing your game.

Excluding one can lead to invalid assumptions about the scale of users that the game can support. If you exclude error rate goals, for example, users may encounter more errors, impacting their experience.

The success criteria used for Simple Trivia Service are:

  • 200,000 concurrent users split across game types.
  • Error rates below 0.05%.
  • 95th percentile synchronous responses under 1 second.

With these identified, you can develop dashboards to report on the targets. Dashboards allow you to monitor system metrics over the course of load tests. You can develop dashboards using Amazon CloudWatch dashboards, using custom widgets that organize and display metrics.

Common metrics to monitor include:

  • Error rates – total errors / total invocations.
  • Throttles – invocations resulting in 429 errors.
  • Percentage of quota usage – usage against your game’s Service Quotas.
  • Concurrent execution counts – maximum concurrent Lambda invocations.
  • Provisioned concurrency invocation rate – provisioned concurrency spillover invocation count / provisioned concurrency invocation count.
  • Latency – percentile-based response time, such as 90th and 95th percentiles.

Documentation and other services are also helpful during load testing. Centralized logging via Amazon CloudWatch Logs and AWS CloudTrail provide your team with operational data for the game. This data can help triage issues during testing.

System architecture documents provide key details to help your team focus their work during triage. Amazon DevOps Guru can also provide your team with potential solutions for issues. This uses machine learning to identify operational deviations and deployments and provides recommendations for resolving issues.

A load testing tool simplifies your testing, allowing you to model users playing the game. Popular load testing tools include Apache JMeter, Artillery.io Artillery, and Locust.io Locust. The load testing tool you select can act as your application client and access your endpoints directly.

This example uses Locust to load test Simple Trivia Service based on language and technical requirements. It allows you to accurately model usage and not only generate transactions. In production applications, select a tool that aligns to your team’s skills and meets your technical requirements.

You can place automation around load testing tool to reduce manual effort of running tests. Automation can include allocating environments, deploying and running test scripts, and collecting results. You can include this as part of your continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. You can use the Distributed Load Testing on AWS solution to support Taurus-compatible load testing.

Also, document a plan, working backwards from your goals to help measure your progress. Plans typically use incremental growth of CCU, which can help you to identify constraints in your game. Use your plan while you are in development once portions of your game feature complete.

Testing plan for STS

This shows an example plan for load testing Simple Trivia Service:

  1. Start with individual game testing to validate tests and game modes separately.
  2. Add in testing of the three game modes together, mirroring expected real world activity.

Finally, evaluate your load test and architecture against your AWS Customer Agreement, AWS Acceptable Use Policy, Amazon EC2 Testing Policy, and the AWS Customer Support Policy for Penetration Testing. These policies are put in place to help you to be successful in your load testing efforts. AWS Support requires you to notify them at least two weeks prior to your load test using the Simulated Events Submission Form with the AWS Management Console. This form can also be used if you have questions before your load test.

Additional help for your load test may be available on the AWS Forums, AWS re:Post, or via your account team.


After triggering a test, automation scales up your infrastructure and initializes the test users. Depending on the number of users you need and their startup behavior, this ramp-up phase can take several minutes. Similarly, when the test run is complete, your test users should ramp down. Unless you have modeled the ramp-up and ramp-down phases to match real-world behavior, exclude these phases from your measurements. If you include them, you may optimize for unrealistic user behavior.

While tests are running, let metrics normalize before drawing conclusions. Services may report data at different rates. Investigate when you find metrics that cross your acceptable thresholds. You may need to make adjustments like adding Lambda Provisioned Concurrency or changing application code to resolve constraints. You may even need to re-evaluate your requirements based on how the system performs. When you make changes, re-test to verify any changes had the impact you expected before continuing with your plan.

Finally, keep an organized record of the inputs and outputs of tests, including dashboard exports and your own observations. This record is valuable when sharing test outcomes and comparing test runs. Mark your progress against the plan to stay on track.

Analyzing and improving Simple Trivia Service performance

Running the test plan, using observability tools to measure performance, finds opportunities to tune performance bottlenecks.

In this example, during single player individual tests, the dashboards show acceptable latency values. As the test size grows, increasing read capacity for retrieving leaderboards indicates a tuning opportunity:

Dashboard reads 1

Dashboard reads 2

  1. The CloudWatch dashboard reveals that the LeaderboardGet function is leading to high consumed read capacity for the Players DynamoDB table. A process within the function is querying scores and player records with every call to load avatar URLs
  2. Standardizing the player avatar URL process within the code reduces reads from the table. The update improves DynamoDB reads.

Moving into the full test phase of the plan with combined game types identified additional areas for performance optimization. In one case, dashboards highlight unexpected error rates for a Lambda function. Consulting function logs and DevOps Guru to triage the behavior, these show a downstream issue with an Amazon Kinesis Data Stream:

Identifying error rates in dashboards

  1. DevOps Guru, within an insight, highlights the problem of the Kinesis:WriteProvisionedThroughputExceeded metric during our test window
  2. DevOps Guru also correlates that metric with the Kinesis:GetRecords.Latency metric.

DevOps Guru also links to a recommendation for Kinesis Data Streams to troubleshoot and resolve the incident with the data stream. Following this advice helps to resolve the Lambda error rates during the next test.

Load testing results

By following the plan, making incremental changes as optimizations became apparent, you can reach the goals.

Table of results

The preceding table is a summary of data from Amazon CloudWatch Lambda Insights and statistics captured from Locust:

  1. The test exceeded the goal of 200k CCU with a combined total of 236,820 CCU.
  2. Less than 0.05% error rate with a combined average of 0.010%.
  3. Performance goals are achieved without needing Provisioned Concurrency in Lambda.

Function latency

Function concurrency and throttles

  1. The function latency goal of < 1 second is met, based on data from CloudWatch Lambda Insights.
  2. Function concurrency is below Service Quotas for Lambda during the test, based on data from our custom CloudWatch dashboard.


This post discusses how to perform a load test on a serverless workload. The process was used to validate a scale of Simple Trivia Service, a single- and multi-player game built using a serverless-first architecture on AWS. The results show a scale of over 220,000 CCUs while maintaining less than 1-second response time and an error rate under 0.05%.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Modernized Database Queuing using Amazon SQS and AWS Services

Post Syndicated from Scott Wainner original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/modernized-database-queuing-using-amazon-sqs-and-aws-services/

A queuing system is composed of producers and consumers. A producer enqueues messages (writes messages to a database) and a consumer dequeues messages (reads messages from the database). Business applications requiring asynchronous communications often use the relational database management system (RDBMS) as the default message storage mechanism. But the increased message volume, complexity, and size, competes with the inherent functionality of the database. The RDBMS becomes a bottleneck for message delivery, while also impacting other traditional enterprise uses of the database.

In this blog, we will show how you can mitigate the RDBMS performance constraints by using Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), while retaining the intrinsic value of the stored relational data.

Problems with legacy queuing methods

Commercial databases such as Oracle offer Advanced Queuing (AQ) mechanisms, while SQL Server supports Service Broker for queuing. The database acts as a message queue system when incoming messages are captured along with metadata. A message stored in a database is often processed multiple times using a sequence of message extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL). The message is then routed for distribution to a set of recipients based on logic that is often also stored in the database.

The repetitive manipulation of messages and iterative attempts at distributing pending messages may create a backlog that interferes with the primary function of the database. This backpressure can propagate to other systems that are trying to store and retrieve data from the database and cause a performance issue (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. A relational database serving as a message queue.

Figure 1. A relational database serving as a message queue.

There are several scenarios where the database can become a bottleneck for message processing:

Message metadata. Messages consist of the payload (the content of the message) and metadata that describes the attributes of the message. The metadata often includes routing instructions, message disposition, message state, and payload attributes.

  • The message metadata may require iterative transformation during the message processing. This creates an inefficient sequence of read, transform, and write processes. This is especially inefficient if the message attributes undergo multiple transformations that must be reflected in the metadata. The iterative read/write process of metadata consumes the database IOPS, and forces the database to scale vertically (add more CPU and more memory).
  • A new paradigm emerges when message management processes exist outside of the database. Here, the metadata is manipulated without interacting with the database, except to write the final message disposition. Application logic can be applied through functions such as AWS Lambda to transform the message metadata.

Message large object (LOB). A message may contain a large binary object that must be stored in the payload.

  • Storing large binary objects in the RDBMS is expensive. Manipulating them consumes the throughput of the database with iterative read/write operations. If the LOB must be transformed, then it becomes wasteful to store the object in the database.
  • An alternative approach offers a more efficient message processing sequence. The large object is stored external to the database in universally addressable object storage, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). There is only a pointer to the object that is stored in the database. Smaller elements of the message can be read from or written to the database, while large objects can be manipulated more efficiently in object storage resources.

Message fan-out. A message can be loaded into the database and analyzed for routing, where the same message must be distributed to multiple recipients.

  • Messages that require multiple recipients may require a copy of the message replicated for each recipient. The replication creates multiple writes and reads from the database, which is inefficient.
  • A new method captures only the routing logic and target recipients in the database. The message replication then occurs outside of the database in distributed messaging systems, such as Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).

Message queuing. Messages are often kept in the database until they are successfully processed for delivery. If a message is read from the database and determined to be undeliverable, then the message is kept there until a later attempt is successful.

  • An inoperable message delivery process can create backpressure on the database where iterative message reads are processed for the same message with unsuccessful delivery. This creates a feedback loop causing even more unsuccessful work for the database.
  • Try a message queuing system such as Amazon MQ or Amazon SQS, which offloads the message queuing from the database. These services offer efficient message retry mechanisms, and reduce iterative reads from the database.

Sequenced message delivery. Messages may require ordered delivery where the delivery sequence is crucial for maintaining application integrity.

  • The application may capture the message order within database tables, but the sorting function still consumes processing capabilities. The order sequence must be sorted and maintained for each attempted message delivery.
  • Message order can be maintained outside of the database using a queue system, such as Amazon SQS, with first-in/first-out (FIFO) delivery.

Message scheduling. Messages may also be queued with a scheduled delivery attribute. These messages require an event driven architecture with initiated scheduled message delivery.

  • The database often uses trigger mechanisms to initiate message delivery. Message delivery may require a synchronized point in time for delivery (many messages at once), which can cause a spike in work at the scheduled interval. This impacts the database performance with artificially induced peak load intervals.
  • Event signals can be generated in systems such as Amazon EventBridge, which can coordinate the transmission of messages.

Message disposition. Each message maintains a message disposition state that describes the delivery state.

  • The database is often used as a logging system for message transmission status. The message metadata is updated with the disposition of the message, while the message remains in the database as an artifact.
  • An optimized technique is available using Amazon CloudWatch as a record of message disposition.

Modernized queuing architecture

Decoupling message queuing from the database improves database availability and enables greater message queue scalability. It also provides a more cost-effective use of the database, and mitigates backpressure created when database performance is constrained by message management.

The modernized architecture uses loosely coupled services, such as Amazon S3, AWS Lambda, Amazon Message Queue, Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS, Amazon EventBridge, and Amazon CloudWatch. This loosely coupled architecture lets each of the functional components scale vertically and horizontally independent of the other functions required for message queue management.

Figure 2 depicts a message queuing architecture that uses Amazon SQS for message queuing and AWS Lambda for message routing, transformation, and disposition management. An RDBMS is still leveraged to retain metadata profiles, routing logic, and message disposition. The ETL processes are handled by AWS Lambda, while large objects are stored in Amazon S3. Finally, message fan-out distribution is handled by Amazon SNS, and the queue state is monitored and managed by Amazon CloudWatch and Amazon EventBridge.

Figure 2. Modernized queuing architecture using Amazon SQS

Figure 2. Modernized queuing architecture using Amazon SQS


In this blog, we show how queuing functionality can be migrated from the RDMBS while minimizing changes to the business application. The RDBMS continues to play a central role in sourcing the message metadata, running routing logic, and storing message disposition. However, AWS services such as Amazon SQS offload queue management tasks related to the messages. AWS Lambda performs message transformation, queues the message, and transmits the message with massive scale, fault-tolerance, and efficient message distribution.

Read more about the diverse capabilities of AWS messaging services:

By using AWS services, the RDBMS is no longer a performance bottleneck in your business applications. This improves scalability, and provides resilient, fault-tolerant, and efficient message delivery.

Read our blog on modernization of common database functions:

New – Real-User Monitoring for Amazon CloudWatch

Post Syndicated from Jeff Barr original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/cloudwatch-rum/

Way back in 2009 I wrote a blog post titled New Features for Amazon EC2: Elastic Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, and Amazon CloudWatch. In that post I talked about how Amazon CloudWatch helps you to build applications that are highly scalable and highly available, and noted that it gives you cost-effective real-time visibility into your metrics, with no deployment and no maintenance. Since that launch, we have added many new features to CloudWatch, all with that same goal in mind. For example, last year I showed you how you could Use CloudWatch Synthetics to Monitor Sites, API Endpoints, Web Workflows ,and More.

Real-User Monitoring (RUM)
The next big challenge (and the one that we are addressing today) is monitoring web applications with the goal of understanding performance and providing an optimal experience for your users. Because of the number of variables involved—browser type, browser configuration, user location, connectivity, and so forth—synthetic testing can only go so far. What really matters to your users is the experience that they receive, and that’s what we want to help you to deliver!

Amazon CloudWatch RUM will help you to collect the metrics that give you the insights that will help you to identity, understand, and improve this experience. You simply register your application, add a snippet of JavaScript to the header of each page, and deploy. The snippet runs when your users step through each page of your application, and sends the data to RUM for consolidation and analysis. You can use this tool on its own, and in conjunction with both Amazon CloudWatch ServiceLens and AWS X-Ray.

CloudWatch RUM in Action
To get started, I open the CloudWatch Console and navigate to RUM. Then I click Add app monitor:

I give my monitor a name and specify the domain that hosts my application:

Then I choose the events that I want to monitor & collect, and specify the percentage of sessions. My personal blog does not get a lot of traffic, so I will collect all of the sessions. I can also choose to store data in Amazon CloudWatch Logs in order to keep it around for more than the 30 days provided by CloudWatch RUM:

Finally, I opt to create a new Cognito identy pool, and add a tag. If I want to use CloudWatch ServiceLens and X-Ray, I can expand Active tracing and enable XRay. My app does not make any API requests, so I will not do that. I finish by clicking Add app monitor:

The console then shows me the JavaScript code snippet that I need to insert into the <head> element of my application:

I save the snippet, click Done, and then edit my application (my somewhat neglected personal blog in this case) to add the code snippet. I am using Jekyll, and added the snippet to my blog template:

Then I wait for some traffic to arrive. When I return to the RUM Console, I can see all of my app monitors. I click MonitorMyBlog to learn more:

Then I can explore the aggregated timing data and the other information that has been collected. There’s far more than I have space to show today, so feel free to try this out on your own and do a deeper dive. Each of the tabs contains multiple filters and options to help you to zoom in on areas of interest: specific pages, locations, browsers, user journeys, and so forth.

The Performance tab shows the vital signs for my application, followed by additional information:

The vital signs are apportioned into three levels (Positive, Tolerable, and Frustrating):

The screen above contains a metric (largest contentful paint) that was new to me. As Philip Walton explains it, “Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is an important user-centered metric for measuring perceived load speed because it marks the point in the page load timeline when the page’s main content has likely loaded.”

I can also see the time consumed by the steps that the browser takes when loading a page:

And I can see average load time by time of day:

I can also see all of this information on a page-by-page basis:

The Browsers & Devices tab also shows a lot of interesting and helpful data. For example, I can learn more about the browsers that are used to access my blog, again with the page-by-page option:

I can also view the user journeys (page sequences) through my blog. Based on this information, it looks like I need to do a better job of leading users from one page to another:

As I noted earlier, there’s a lot of interesting and helpful information here, and you should check it out on your own.

Available Now
CloudWatch RUM is available now and you can start using it today in ten AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Stockholm), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and Asia Pacific (Singapore). You pay $1 for every 100K events that are collected.


New – Amazon CloudWatch Evidently – Experiments and Feature Management

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/cloudwatch-evidently/

As a developer, I am excited to announce the availability of Amazon CloudWatch Evidently. This is a new Amazon CloudWatch capability that makes it easy for developers to introduce experiments and feature management in their application code. CloudWatch Evidently may be used for two similar but distinct use-cases: implementing dark launches, also known as feature flags, and A/B testing.

Features flags is a software development technique that lets you enable or disable features without needing to deploy your code. It decouples the feature deployment from the release. Features in your code are deployed in advance of the actual release. They stay hidden behind if-then-else statements. At runtime, your application code queries a remote service. The service decides the percentage of users who are exposed to the new feature. You can also configure the application behavior for some specific customers, your beta testers for example.

When you use feature flags you can deploy new code in advance of your launch. Then, you can progressively introduce a new feature to a fraction of your customers. During the launch, you monitor your technical and business metrics. As long as all goes well, you may increase traffic to expose the new feature to additional users. In the case that something goes wrong, you may modify the server-side routing with just one click or API call to present only the old (and working) experience to your customers. This lets you revert back user experience without requiring rollback deployments.

A/B Testing shares many similarities with feature flags while still serving a different purpose. A/B tests consist of a randomized experiment with multiple variations. A/B testing lets you compare multiple versions of a single feature, typically by testing the response of a subject to variation A against variation B, and determining which of the two is more effective. For example, let’s imagine an e-commerce website (a scenario we know quite well at Amazon). You might want to experiment with different shapes, sizes, or colors for the checkout button, and then measure which variation has the most impact on revenue.

The infrastructure required to conduct A/B testing is similar to the one required by feature flags. You deploy multiple scenarios in your app, and you control how to route part of the customer traffic to one scenario or the other. Then, you perform deep dive statistical analysis to compare the impacts of variations. CloudWatch Evidently assists in interpreting and acting on experimental results without the need for advanced statistical knowledge. You can use the insights provided by Evidently’s statistical engine, such as anytime p-value and confidence intervals for decision-making while an experiment is in progress.

At Amazon, we use feature flags extensively to control our launches, and A/B testing to experiment with new ideas. We’ve acquired years of experience to build developers’ tools and libraries and maintain and operate experimentation services at scale. Now you can benefit from our experience.

CloudWatch Evidently uses the terms “launches” for feature flags and “experiments” for A/B testing, and so do I in the rest of this article.

Let’s see how it works from an application developer point of view.

Launches in Action
For this demo, I use a simple Guestbook web application. So far, the guest book page is read-only, and comments are entered from our back-end only. I developed a new feature to let customers enter their comments on the guestbook page. I want to launch this new feature progressively over a week and keep the ability to revert the change back if it impacts important technical or business metrics (such as p95 latency, customer engagement, page views, etc.). Users are authenticated, and I will segment users based on their user ID.

Before launch:
Evidently - experiment off
After launch:
Evidently - experiment on

Create a Project
Let’s start by configuring Evidently. I open the AWS Management Console and navigate to CloudWatch Evidently. Then, I select Create a project.

Evidently - create project


I enter a Project name and Description.

Evidently lets you optionally store events to CloudWatch logs or S3, so that you can move them to systems such as Amazon Redshift to perform analytical operations. For this demo, I choose not to store events. When done, I select Create project.

Evidently - create project second part

Add a Feature
Next, I create a feature for this project by selecting Add feature. I enter a Feature name and Feature description. Next, I define my Feature variations. In this example, there are two variations, and I use a Boolean type. true indicates the guestbook is editable and false indicates it is read only. Variations types might be boolean, double, long, or string.

Evidently - create featureI may define overrides. Overrides let me pre-define the variation for selected users. I want the user “seb”, my beta tester, to always receive the editable variation.

Evidently - Create feature - overridesThe console shares the JavaScript and Java code snippets to add into my application.

Evidently - code snippetTalking about code snippets, let’s look at the changes at the code level.

Instrument my Application Code
I use a simple web application for this demo. I coded this application using JavaScript. I use the AWS SDK for JavaScript and Webpack to package my code. I also use JQuery to manipulate the DOM to hide or show elements. I designed this application to use standard JavaScript and a minimum number of frameworks to make this example inclusive to all. Feel free to use higher level tools and frameworks, such as React or Angular for real-life projects.

I first initialize the Evidently client. Just like other AWS Services, I have to provide an access key and secret access key for authentication. Let’s leave the authentication part out for the moment. I added a note at the end of this article to discuss the options that you have. In this example, I use Amazon Cognito Identity Pools to receive temporary credentials.

// Initialize the Amazon CloudWatch Evidently client
const evidently = new AWS.Evidently({
    region: 'us-east-1',
    credentials: fromCognitoIdentityPool({
        client: new CognitoIdentityClient({ region: 'us-west-2' }),
        identityPoolId: IDENTITY_POOL_ID

Armed with this client, my code may invoke the EvaluateFeature API to make decisions about the variation to display to customers. The entityId is any string-based attribute to segment my customers. It might be a session ID, a customer ID, or even better, a hash of these. The featureName parameter contains the name of the feature to evaluate. In this example, I pass the value EditableGuestBook.

const evaluateFeature = async (entityId, featureName) => {

    // API request structure
    const evaluateFeatureRequest = {
        // entityId for calling evaluate feature API
        entityId: entityId,
        // Name of my feature
        feature: featureName,
        // Name of my project
        project: "AWSNewsBlog",

    // Evaluate feature
    const response = await evidently.evaluateFeature(evaluateFeatureRequest).promise();
    return response;

The response contains the assignment decision from Evidently, as based on traffic rules defined on the server-side.

 details: {
   launch: "EditableGuestBook", group: "V2"},
   reason: "LAUNCH_RULE_MATCH", 
   value: {boolValue: false},
   variation: "readonly"

The last part consists of hiding or displaying part of the user interface based on the value received above. Using basic JQuery DOM manipulation, it would be something like the following:

window.aws.evaluateFeature(entityId, 'EditableGuestbook').then((response, error) => {
    if (response.value.boolValue) {
        console.log('Feature Flag is on, showing guest book');
    } else {
        console.log('Feature Flag is off, hiding guest book');

Create a Launch
Now that the feature is defined on the server-side, and the client code is instrumented, I deploy the code and expose it to my customers. At a later stage, I may decide to launch the feature. I navigate back to the console, select my project, and select Create Launch. I choose a Launch name and a Launch description for my launch. Then, I select the feature I want to launch.

Evidently - create launchIn the Launch Configuration section, I configure how much traffic is sent to each variation. I may also schedule the launch with multiple steps. This lets me plan different steps of routing based on a schedule. For example, on the first day, I may choose to send 10% of the traffic to the new feature, and on the second day 20%, etc. In this example, I decide to split the traffic 50/50.

Evidently - launch configurationFinally, I may define up to three metrics to measure the performance of my variations. Metrics are defined by applying rules to data events.

Evidently - Custom MetricsAgain, I have to instrument my code to send these metrics with PutProjectEvents API from Evidently. Once my launch is created, the EvaluateFeature API returns different values for different values of entityId (users in this demo).

At any moment, I may change the routing configuration. Moreover, I also have access to a monitoring dashboard to observe the distribution of my variations and the metrics for each variation.

Evidently - launch monitoringI am confident that your real-life launch graph will get more data than mine did, as I just created it to write this post.

A/B Testing
Doing an A/B test is similar. I create a feature to test, and I create an Experiment. I configure the experiment to route part of the traffic to variation 1, and then the other part to variation 2. When I am ready to launch the experiment, I explicitly select Start experiment.

Evidently - start experiment

In this experiment, I am interested in sending custom metrics. For example:

// pageLoadTime custom metric
const timeSpendOnHomePageData = `{
   "details": {
      "timeSpendOnHomePage": ${timeSpendOnHomePageValue}
   "userDetails": { "userId": "${randomizedID}", "sessionId": "${randomizedID}" }

const putProjectEventsRequest: PutProjectEventsRequest = {
   project: 'AWSNewsBlog',
   events: [
        timestamp: new Date(),
        type: 'aws.evidently.custom',
        data: JSON.parse(timeSpendOnHomePageData)

this.evidently.putProjectEvents(putProjectEventsRequest).promise().then(res =>{})

Switching to the Results page, I see raw values and graph data for Event Count, Total Value, Average, Improvement (with 95% confidence interval), and Statistical significance. The statistical significance describes how certain we are that the variation has an effect on the metric as compared to the baseline.

These results are generated throughout the experiment and the confidence intervals and the statistical significance are guaranteed to be valid anytime you want to view them. Additionally, at the end of the experiment, Evidently also generates a Bayesian perspective of the experiment that provides information about how likely it is that a difference between the variations exists.

The following two screenshots show graphs for the average value of two metrics over time, and the improvement for a metric within a 95% confidence interval.

Evidently - experiment monitoring - average valuesEvidently - experiment monitoring - improvement

Additional Thoughts
Before we wrap-up, I’d like to share some additional considerations.

First, it is important to understand that I choose to demo Evidently in the context of front-end application development. However, you may use Evidently with any application type: front-end web or mobile, back-end API, or even machine learning (ML). For example, you may use Evidently to deploy two different ML models and conduct experiments just like I showed above.

Second, just like with other AWS Services, Evidently API is available in all of our AWS SDK. This lets you use EvaluateFeature and other APIs from nine programing languages: C++, Go, Java, JavaScript (and Typescript), .Net, NodeJS, PHP, Python, and Ruby. AWS SDK for Rust and Swift are in the making.

Third, for a front-end application as I demoed here, it is important to consider how to authenticate calls to Evidently API. Hard coding access keys and secret access keys is not an option. For the front-end scenario, I suggest that you use Amazon Cognito Identity Pools to exchange user identity tokens for a temporary access and secret keys. User identity tokens may be obtained from Cognito User Pools, or third-party authentications systems, such as Active Directory, Login with Amazon, Login with Facebook, Login with Google, Signin with Apple, or any system compliant with OpenID Connect or SAML. Cognito Identity Pools also allows for anonymous access. No identity token is required. Cognito Identity Pools vends temporary tokens associated with IAM roles. You must Allow calls to the evidently:EvaluateFeature API in your policies.

Finally, when using feature flags, plan for code cleanup time during your sprints. Once a feature is launched, you might consider removing calls to EvaluateFeature API and the if-then-else logic used to initially hide the feature.

Pricing and Availability
Amazon Cloudwatch Evidently is generally available in nine AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Europe (Ireland), Europe (Frankfurt), and Europe (Stockholm). As usual, we will gradually extend to other Regions in the coming months.

Pricing is pay-as-you-go with no minimum or recurring fees. CloudWatch Evidently charges your account based on Evidently events and Evidently analysis units. Evidently analysis units are generated from Evidently events, based on rules you have created in Evidently. For example, a user checkout event may produce two Evidently analysis units: checkout value and the number of items in cart. For more information about pricing, see Amazon CloudWatch Pricing.

Start experimenting with CloudWatch Evidently today!

— seb

Field Notes: Monitor IBM Db2 for Errors Using Amazon CloudWatch and Send Notifications Using Amazon SNS

Post Syndicated from Sai Parthasaradhi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/field-notes-monitor-ibm-db2-for-errors-using-amazon-cloudwatch-and-send-notifications-using-amazon-sns/

Monitoring a is crucial function to be able to detect any unanticipated or unknown access to your data in an IBM Db2 database running on AWS.  You also need to monitor any specific errors which might have an impact on the system stability and get notified immediately in case such an event occurs. Depending on the severity of the events, either manual or automatic intervention is needed to avoid issues.

While it is possible to access the database logs directly from the Amazon EC2 instances on which the database is running, you may need additional privilege to access the instance, in a production environment. Also, you need to write custom scripts to extract the required information from the logs and share with the relevant team members.

In this post, we use Amazon CloudWatch log Agent to export the logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs and monitor the errors and activities in the Db2 database. We provide email notifications for the configured metric alerts which may need attention using Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).

Overview of solution

This solution covers the steps to configure a Db2 Audit policy on the database to capture the SQL statements which are being run on a particular table. This is followed by installing and configuring Amazon CloudWatch log Agent to export the logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. We set up metric filters to identify any suspicious activity on the table like unauthorized access from a user or permissions being granted on the table to any unauthorized user. We then use Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) to notify of events needing attention.

Similarly, we set up the notifications in case of any critical errors in the Db2 database by exporting the Db2 Diagnostics Logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

Solution Architecture diagram

Figure 1 – Solution Architecture


You should have the following prerequisites:

  • Ensure you have access to the AWS console and CloudWatch
  • Db2 database running on Amazon EC2 Linux instance. Refer to the Db2 Installation methods from the IBM documentation for more details.
  • A valid email address for notifications
  • A SQL client or Db2 Command Line Processor (CLP) to access the database
  • Amazon CloudWatch Logs agent installed on the EC2 instances

Refer to the Installing CloudWatch Agent documentation and install the agent. The setup shown in this post is based on a RedHat Linux operating system.  You can run the following commands as a root user to install the agent on the EC2 instance, if your OS is also based on the RedHat Linux operating system.

cd /tmp
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/amazoncloudwatch-agent/redhat/amd64/latest/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.rpm
sudo rpm -U ./amazon-cloudwatch-agent.rpm
  • Create an IAM role with policy CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy.

This IAM role/policy is required to run CloudWatch agent on EC2 instance. Refer to the documentation CloudWatch Agent IAM Role for more details. Once the role is created, attach it to the EC2 instance profile.

Setting up a Database audit

In this section, we set up and activate the db2 audit at the database level. In order to run the db2audit command, the user running it needs SYSADM authority on the database.

First, let’s configure the path to store an active audit log where the main audit file will be created, and archive path where it will be archived using the following commands.

db2audit configure datapath /home/db2inst1/dbaudit/active/
db2audit configure archivepath /home/db2inst1/dbaudit/archive/

Now, let’s set up the static configuration audit_buf_sz size to write the audit records asynchronously in 64 4K pages. This will ensure that the statement generating the corresponding audit record does not wait until the record is written to disk.

db2 update dbm cfg using audit_buf_sz 64

Now, create an audit policy on the WORKER table, which contains sensitive employee data to log all the SQL statements being executed against the table and attach the policy to the table as follows.

db2 connect to testdb
db2 "create audit policy worktabpol categories execute status both error type audit"
db2 "audit table sample.worker using policy worktabpol"

Finally, create an audit policy to audit and log the SQL queries run by the admin user authorities. Attach this policy to dbadm, sysadm and secadm authorities as follows.

db2 "create audit policy adminpol categories execute status both,sysadmin status both error type audit"
db2 "audit dbadm,sysadm,secadm using policy adminpol"
db2 terminate

The following SQL statement can be issued to verify if the policies are created and attached to the WORKER table and the admin authorities properly.

Figure 2. Audit policy setup in the database

Figure 2. Audit policy setup in the database

Once the audit setup is complete, you need to extract the details into a readable file. This contains all the execution logs whenever the WORKER table is accessed by any user from any SQL statement. You can run the following bash script periodically using CRON scheduler. This identifies events where the WORKER table is being accessed as part of any SQL statement by any user to populate worker_audit.log file which will be in a readable format.

. /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile
cd /home/db2inst1/dbaudit/archive
db2audit flush
db2audit archive database testdb
if ls db2audit.db.TESTDB.log* 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
latest_audit=`ls db2audit.db.TESTDB.log* | tail -1`
db2audit extract file worker_audit.log from files $latest_audit
rm -f db2audit.db.TESTDB.log*

Publish database audit and diagnostics Logs to CloudWatch Logs

The CloudWatch Log agent uses a JSON configuration file located at /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/config.json. You can edit the JSON configuration as a root user and provide the following configuration details manually.  For more information, refer to the CloudWatch Agent configuration file documentation. Based on the setup in your environment, modify the file_path location in the following configuration along with any custom values for the log group and log stream names which you specify.

     "agent": {
         "run_as_user": "root"
     "logs": {
         "logs_collected": {
             "files": {
                 "collect_list": [
                         "file_path": "/home/db2inst1/dbaudit/archive/worker_audit.log",
                         "log_group_name": "db2-db-worker-audit-log",
                         "log_stream_name": "Db2 - {instance_id}"
                       "file_path": "/home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2dump/DIAG0000/db2diag.log",
                       "log_group_name": "db2-diagnostics-logs",
                       "log_stream_name": "Db2 - {instance_id}"

This configuration specifies the file path which needs to be published to CloudWatch Logs along with the CloudWatch Logs group and stream name details as provided in the file. We publish the audit log which was created earlier as well as the Db2 Diagnostics log which gets generated on the Db2 server, generally used to troubleshoot database issues. Based on the config file setup, we publish the worker audit log file with log group name db2-db-worker-audit-log and the Db2 diagnostics log with db2-diagnostics-logs log group name respectively.

You can now run the following command to start the CloudWatch Log agent which was installed on the EC2 instance as part of the Prerequisites.

sudo /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a fetch-config -m ec2 -c file:/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/config.json -s

Create SNS Topic and subscription

To create an SNS topic, complete the following steps:

  • On the Amazon SNS console, choose Topics in the navigation pane.
  • Choose Create topic.
  • For Type, select Standard.
  • Provide the Topic name and other necessary details as per your requirements.
  • Choose Create topic.

After you create your SNS topic, you can create a subscription. Following are the steps to create the subscription.

  • On the Amazon SNS console, choose Subscriptions in the navigation pane.
  • Choose Create subscription.
  • For Topic ARN, choose the SNS topic you created earlier.
  • For Protocol, choose Email. Other options are available, but for this post we create an email notification.
  • For Endpoint, enter the email address to receive event notifications.
  • Choose Create subscription. Refer to the following screenshot for an example:
Figure 3. Create SNS subscription

Figure 3. Create SNS subscription

Create metric filters and CloudWatch alarm

You can use a metric filter in CloudWatch to create a new metric in a custom namespace based on a filter pattern.  Create a metric filter for db2-db-worker-audit-log log using the following steps.

To create a metric filter for the db2-db-worker-audit-log log stream:

  • On the CloudWatch console, under CloudWatch Logs, choose Log groups.
  • Select the Log group db2-db-worker-audit-log.
  • Choose Create metric filter from the Actions drop down as shown in the following screenshot.
Figure 4. Create Metric filter

Figure 4. Create Metric filter

  • For Filter pattern, enter “worker – appusr” to filter any user access on the WORKER table in the database except the authorized user appusr.

This means that only appusr user is allowed to query WORKER table to access the data. If there is an attempt to grant permissions on the table to any other user or access is being attempted by any other user, these actions are monitored. Choose Next to navigate to Assign metric step as shown in the following screenshot.

Figure 5. Define Metric filter

Figure 5. Define Metric filter

  • Enter Filter name, Metric namespace, Metric name and Metric value as provided and choose Next as shown in the following screenshot.
Figure 6. Assign Metric

Figure 6. Assign Metric

  • Choose Create Metric Filter from the next page.
  • Now, select the new Metric filter you just created from the Metric filters tab and choose Create alarm as shown in the following screenshot.
Figure 7. Create alarm

Figure 7. Create alarm

  • Choose Minimum under Statistic, Period as per your choice, say 10 seconds and Threshold value as 0 as shown in the following screenshot.
Figure 8. Configure actions

Figure 8. Configure actions

  • Choose Next and under Notification screen. select In Alarm under Alarm state trigger option.
  • Under Send a notification to search box, select the SNS Topic you have created earlier to send notifications and choose Next.
  • Enter the Filter name and choose Next and then finally choose Create alarm.

To create metric filter for db2-diagnostics-logs log stream:

Follow the same steps as earlier to create the Metric filter and alarm for the CloudWatch Log group db2-diagnostics-logs. While creating the Metric filter, enter the Filter pattern “?Error?Severe” to monitor Log level that are ‘Error’ or ‘Severe’ in nature from the diagnostics file and get notified during such events.

Testing the solution

Let’s test the solution by running a few commands and validate if notifications are being sent appropriately.

To test audit notifications, run the following grant statement against the WORKER table as system admin user or database admin user or the security admin user, depending on the user authorization setup in your environment. For this post, we use db2inst1 (system admin) to run the commands. Since the WORKER table has sensitive data, the DBA does not issue grants against the table to any other user apart from the authorized appusr user.

Alternatively, you can also issue a SELECT SQL statement against the WORKER table from any user other than appusr for testing.

db2 "grant select on table sample.worker to user abcuser, role trole"
Figure 9. Email notification for audit monitoring

Figure 9. Email notification for audit monitoring

To test error notifications, we can simulate db2 database manager failure by issuing db2_kill from the instance owner login.

Figure 10. Issue db2_kill on the database server

Figure 10. Issue db2_kill on the database server

Figure 11. Email notification for error monitoring

Figure 11. Email notification for error monitoring

Clean up

Shut down the Amazon EC2 instance which was created as part of the setup outlined in this blog post to avoid any incurring future charges.


In this post, we showed you how to set up Db2 database auditing on AWS and set up metric alerts and alarms to get notified in case of any unknown access or unauthorized actions. We used the audit logs and monitor errors from Db2 diagnostics logs by publishing to CloudWatch Logs.

If you have a good understanding on specific error patterns in your system, you can use the solution to filter out specific errors and get notified to take the necessary action. Let us know if you have any comments or questions. We value your feedback!

Field Notes provides hands-on technical guidance from AWS Solutions Architects, consultants, and technical account managers, based on their experiences in the field solving real-world business problems for customers.

Hands-on walkthrough of the AWS Network Firewall flexible rules engine – Part 2

Post Syndicated from Shiva Vaidyanathan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/hands-on-walkthrough-of-the-aws-network-firewall-flexible-rules-engine-part-2/

This blog post is Part 2 of Hands-on walkthrough of the AWS Network Firewall flexible rules engine – Part 1. To recap, AWS Network Firewall is a managed service that offers a flexible rules engine that gives you the ability to write firewall rules for granular policy enforcement. In Part 1, we shared how to write a rule and how the rule engine processes rules differently depending on whether you are performing stateless or stateful inspection using the action order method.

In this blog, we focus on how stateful rules are evaluated using a recently added feature—the strict rule order method. This feature gives you the ability to set one or more default actions. We demonstrate how you can use this feature to create or update your rule groups and share scenarios where this feature can be useful.

In addition, after reading this post, you’ll be able to deploy an automated serverless solution that retrieves the latest Suricata-specific rules from the community, such as from Proofpoint’s Emerging Threats OPEN ruleset. By deploying such solutions into your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment, you can seamlessly enhance your overall security posture as the solutions fetch the latest set of intrusion detection system (IDS) rules from Proofpoint (formerly Emerging Threats) and optionally using them as intrusion prevention system (IPS) thereby keeping the rule groups updated on your Network Firewall. You can select the refresh interval to update these rulesets—the default refresh interval is 6 hours. You can also convert the set of rule groups to intrusion prevention system (IPS) mode. Finally, you have granular visibility of the various categories of rules for your Network Firewall on the AWS Management Console.

How does Network Firewall evaluate your stateful rule group?

There are two ways that Network Firewall can evaluate your stateful rule groups: the action ordering method or the strict ordering method. The settings of your rule groups must match the settings of the firewall policy that they belong to.

With the action order evaluation method for stateless inspection, all individual packets in a flow are evaluated against each rule in the policy. The rules are processed in order based on the priority assigned to them with lowest numbered rules evaluated first. For stateful inspection using the action order evaluation method, the rule engine evaluates based on the order of their action setting with pass rules processed first, then drop, then alert. The engine stops processing rules when it finds a match. The firewall also takes into consideration the order that the rules appear in the rule group, and the priority assigned to the rule, if any. Part 1 provides more details on action order evaluation.

If your firewall policy is set up to use strict ordering, Network Firewall now allows you the option to manually set a strict rule group order for stateful rule groups. Using this optional setting, the rule groups are evaluated in order of priority, starting from the lowest numbered rule, and the rules in each rule group are processed in the order in which they’re defined. You can also select which of the default actionsdrop all, drop established, alert all, or alert established—Network Firewall will take when following strict rule ordering.

A customer scenario where strict rule order is beneficial

Configuring rule groups by action order is appropriate for IDS use cases, but can be an obstacle for use cases where you deploy firewalls that follow security best practice, which is to allow only what’s required and deny everything else (default deny). You can’t achieve this best practice by using the default action order behavior. However, with strict order functionality, you can create a firewall policy that allows prioritization of stateful rules, or that can run 5-tuple and Suricata rules simultaneously. Strict rule order allows you to have a block of fine-grain rules with specific actions at the beginning followed by a coarse set of rules with specific actions and finally a default drop action. An example is shown in Figure 1 that follows.

Figure 1: An example snippet of a Network Firewall firewall policy with strict rule order

Figure 1: An example snippet of a Network Firewall firewall policy with strict rule order

Figure 1 shows that there are two different default drop actions that you can choose:
drop established and
drop all. If you choose
drop established, Network Firewall drops only the packets that are in established connections. This allows the layer 3 and 4 connection establishment packets that are needed for the upper-layer connections to be established, while dropping the packets for connections that are already established. This allows application-layer
pass rules to be written in a default-deny setup without the need to write additional rules to allow the lower-layer handshaking parts of the underlying protocols.

The drop all action drops all packets. In this scenario, you need additional rules to explicitly allow lower-level handshakes for protocols to succeed. Evaluation order for stateful rule groups provides details of how Network Firewall evaluates the different actions. In order to set the additional environment variables that are shown in the snippet, follow the instructions outlined in Examples of stateful rules for Network Firewall and the Suricata rule variables.

An example walkthrough to set up a Network Firewall policy with a stateful rule group with strict rule order and default drop action

In this section, you’ll start by creating a firewall policy with strict rule order. From there, you’ll build on it by adding a stateful rule group with strict rule order and modifying the priority order of the rules within a stateful rule group.

Step 1: Create a firewall policy with strict rule order

You can configure the default actions on policies using strict rule order, which is a property that can only be set at creation time as described below.

  1. Log in to the console and select the AWS Region where you have Network Firewall.
  2. Select VPC service on the search bar.
  3. On the left pane, under the Network Firewall section, select Firewall policies.
  4. Choose Create Firewall policy. In Describe firewall policy, enter an appropriate name and (optional) description. Choose Next.
  5. In the Add rule groups section.
    1. Select the Stateless default actions:
      1. Under Choose how to treat fragmented packets choose one of the options.
      2. Choose one of the actions for stateless default actions.
    2. Under Stateful rule order and default action
      1. Under Rule order choose Strict.
      2. Under Default actions choose the default actions for strict rule order. You can select one drop action and one or both of the alert actions from the list.
  6. Next, add an optional tag (for example, for Key enter Name, and for Value enter Firewall-Policy-Non-Production). Review and choose Create to create the firewall policy.

Step 2: Create a stateful rule group with strict rule order

  1. Log in to the console and select the AWS Region where you have Network Firewall.
  2. Select VPC service on the search bar.
  3. On the left pane, under the Network Firewall section, select Network Firewall rule groups.
  4. In the center pane, select Create Network Firewall rule group on the top right.
    1. In the rule group type, select Stateful rule group.
    2. Enter a name, description, and capacity.
    3. In the stateful rule group options select either 5-tuple or Suricata compatible IPS rules. These allow rule order to be strict.
    4. In the Stateful rule order, choose Strict.
    5. In the Add rule section, add the stateful rules that you require. Detailed instructions on creating a rule can be found at Creating a stateful rule group.
    6. Finally, Select Create stateful rule group.

Step 3: Add the stateful rule group with strict rule order to a Network Firewall policy

  1. Log in to the console and select the AWS Region where you have Network Firewall.
  2. Select VPC service on the search bar.
  3. On the left pane, under the Network Firewall section, select Firewall policies.
  4. Chose the network firewall policy you created in step 1.
  5. In the center pane, in the Stateful rule groups section, select Add rule group.
  6. Select the stateful rule group you created in step 2. Next, choose Add stateful rule group. This is explained in detail in Updating a firewall policy.

Step 4: Modify the priority of existing rules in a stateful rule group

  1. Log in to the console and select the AWS Region where you have Network Firewall.
  2. Select VPC service on the search bar.
  3. On the left pane, under the Network Firewall section, choose Network Firewall rule groups.
  4. Select the rule group that you want to edit the priority of the rules.
  5. Select the Edit rules tab. Select the rule you want to change the priority of and select the Move up and Move down buttons to reorder the rule. This is shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2: Modify the order of the rules within a stateful rule groups

Figure 2: Modify the order of the rules within a stateful rule groups


  • Rule order can be set to strict order only when network firewall policies or rule groups are created. The rule order can’t be changed to strict order evaluation on existing objects.
  • You can only associate strict-order rule groups with strict-order policies, and default-order rule groups with default-order policies. If you try to associate an incompatible rule group, you will get a validation exception.
  • Today, creating domain list-type rule groups using strict order isn’t supported. So, you won’t be able to associate domain lists with strict order policies. However, 5-tuple and Suricata compatible rules are supported.

Automated serverless solution to retrieve Suricata rules

To help simplify and maintain your more advanced Network Firewall rules, let’s look at an automated serverless solution. This solution uses an Amazon CloudWatch Events rule that’s run on a schedule. The rule invokes an AWS Lambda function that fetches the latest Suricata rules from Proofpoint’s Emerging Threats OPEN ruleset and extracts them to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. Once the files lands in the S3 bucket another Lambda function is invoked that parses the Suricata rules and creates rule groups that are compatible with Network Firewall. This is shown in Figure 3 that follows. This solution was developed as an AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) package to make it less complicated to deploy. AWS SAM is an open-source framework that you can use to build serverless applications on AWS. The deployment instructions for this solution can be found in this code repository on GitHub. 

Figure 3: Network Firewall Suricata rule ingestion workflow

Figure 3: Network Firewall Suricata rule ingestion workflow

Multiple rule groups are created based on the Suricata IDS categories. This solution enables you to selectively change certain rule groups to IPS mode as required by your use case. It achieves this by modifying the default action from alert to drop in the ruleset. The modified stateful rule group can be associated to the active Network Firewall firewall policy. The quota for rule groups might need to be increased to incorporate all categories from Proofpoint’s Emerging Threats OPEN ruleset to meet your security requirements. An example screenshot of various IPS categories of rule groups created by the solution is shown in Figure 4. Setting up rule groups by categories is the preferred way to define an IPS rule, because the underlying signatures have already been grouped and maintained by Proofpoint.   

Figure 4: Rule groups created by the solution based on Suricata IPS categories

Figure 4: Rule groups created by the solution based on Suricata IPS categories

The solution provides a way to use logs in CloudWatch to troubleshoot the Suricata rulesets that weren’t successfully transformed into Network Firewall rule groups.
The final rulesets and discarded rules are stored in an S3 bucket for further analysis. This is shown in Figure 5. 

Figure 5: Amazon S3 folder structure for storing final applied and discarded rulesets

Figure 5: Amazon S3 folder structure for storing final applied and discarded rulesets


AWS Network Firewall lets you inspect traffic at scale in a variety of use cases. AWS handles the heavy lifting of deploying the resources, patch management, and ensuring performance at scale so that your security teams can focus less on operational burdens and more on strategic initiatives. In this post, we covered a sample Network Firewall configuration with strict rule order and default drop. We showed you how the rule engine evaluates stateful rule groups with strict rule order and default drop. We then provided an automated serverless solution from Proofpoint’s Emerging Threats OPEN ruleset that can aid you in establishing a baseline for your rule groups. We hope this post is helpful and we look forward to hearing about how you use these latest features that are being added to Network Firewall.


Shiva Vaidyanathan

Shiva is a senior cloud infrastructure architect at AWS. He provides technical guidance, and designs and leads implementation projects for customers to ensure their success on AWS. He works towards making cloud networking simpler for everyone. Prior to joining AWS, he worked on several NSF-funded research initiatives on how to perform secure computing in public cloud infrastructures. He holds a MS in Computer Science from Rutgers University and a MS in Electrical Engineering from New York University.


Lakshmikanth Pandre

Lakshmikanth is a senior technical consultant with an AWS Professional Services team based out of Dallas, Texas. With more than 20 years of industry experience, he works as a trusted advisor with a broad range of customers across different industries and segments, helping the customers on their cloud journey. He focuses on design and implementation, and he consults on devops strategies, infrastructure automation, and security for AWS customers.


Brian Lazear

Brian is head of product management for AWS Network Firewall and Firewall Manager services. He has over 15 years of experience helping enterprise customers build secure applications in the cloud. In AWS, his focus is on network security, firewalls, NDR/EDR, monitoring, and traffic-mirroring services.

Generating DevOps Guru Proactive Insights for Amazon ECS

Post Syndicated from Trishanka Saikia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/generate-devops-guru-proactive-insights-in-ecs-using-container-insights/

Monitoring is fundamental to operating an application in production, since we can only operate what we can measure and alert on. As an application evolves, or the environment grows more complex, it becomes increasingly challenging to maintain monitoring thresholds for each component, and to validate that they’re still set to an effective value. We not only want monitoring alarms to trigger when needed, but also want to minimize false positives.

Amazon DevOps Guru is an AWS service that helps you effectively monitor your application by ingesting vended metrics from Amazon CloudWatch. It learns your application’s behavior over time and then detects anomalies. Based on these anomalies, it generates insights by first combining the detected anomalies with suspected related events from AWS CloudTrail, and then providing the information to you in a simple, ready-to-use dashboard when you start investigating potential issues. Amazon DevOpsGuru makes use of the CloudWatch Containers Insights to detect issues around resource exhaustion for Amazon ECS or Amazon EKS applications. This helps in proactively detecting issues like memory leaks in your applications before they impact your users, and also provides guidance as to what the probable root-causes and resolutions might be.

This post will demonstrate how to simulate a memory leak in a container running in Amazon ECS, and have it generate a proactive insight in Amazon DevOps Guru.

Solution Overview

The following diagram shows the environment we’ll use for our scenario. The container “brickwall-maker” is preconfigured as to how quickly to allocate memory, and we have built this container image and published it to our public Amazon ECR repository. Optionally, you can build and host the docker image in your own private repository as described in step 2 & 3.

After creating the container image, we’ll utilize an AWS CloudFormation template to create an ECS Cluster and an ECS Service called “Test” with a desired count of two. This will create two tasks using our “brickwall-maker” container image. The stack will also enable Container Insights for the ECS Cluster. Then, we will enable resource coverage for this CloudFormation stack in Amazon DevOpsGuru in order to start our resource analysis.

Architecture Diagram showing the service “Test” using the container “brickwall-maker” with a desired count of two. The two ECS Task’s vended metrics are then processed by CloudWatch Container Insights. Both, CloudWatch Container Insights and CloudTrail, are ingested by Amazon DevOps Guru which then makes detected insights available to the user. [Image: DevOpsGuruBlog1.png]V1: DevOpsGuruBlog1.drawio (https://api.quip-amazon.com/2/blob/fbe9AAT37Ge/LdkTqbmlZ8uNj7A44pZbnw?name=DevOpsGuruBlog1.drawio&s=cVbmAWsXnynz) V2: DevOpsGuruBlog1.drawio (https://api.quip-amazon.com/2/blob/fbe9AAT37Ge/SvsNTJLEJOHHBls_kV7EwA?name=DevOpsGuruBlog1.drawio&s=cVbmAWsXnynz) V3: DevOpsGuruBlog1.drawio (https://api.quip-amazon.com/2/blob/fbe9AAT37Ge/DqKTxtQvmOLrzM3KcF_oTg?name=DevOpsGuruBlog1.drawio&s=cVbmAWsXnynz)

Source provided on GitHub:

  • DevOpsGuru.yaml
  • EnableDevOpsGuruForCfnStack.yaml
  • Docker container source


1. Create your IDE environment

In the AWS Cloud9 console, click Create environment, give your environment a Name, and click Next step. On the Environment settings page, change the instance type to t3.small, and click Next step. On the Review page, make sure that the Name and Instance type are set as intended, and click Create environment. The environment creation will take a few minutes. After that, the AWS Cloud9 IDE will open, and you can continue working in the terminal tab displayed in the bottom pane of the IDE.

Install the following prerequisite packages, and ensure that you have docker installed:

sudo yum install -y docker
sudo service docker start 
docker --version
Clone the git repository in order to download the required CloudFormation templates and code:

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-devopsguru-brickwall-maker

Change to the directory that contains the cloned repository

cd amazon-devopsguru-brickwall-maker

2. Optional : Create ECR private repository

If you want to build your own container image and host it in your own private ECR repository, create a new repository with the following command and then follow the steps to prepare your own image:

aws ecr create-repository —repository-name brickwall-maker

3. Optional: Prepare Docker Image

Authenticate to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) in the target region

aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-northeast-1 | \
    docker login --username AWS --password-stdin \

In the above command, as well as in the following shown below, make sure that you replace 123456789012 with your own account ID.

Build brickwall-maker Docker container:

docker build -t brickwall-maker .

Tag the Docker container to prepare it to be pushed to ECR:

docker tag brickwall-maker:latest 123456789012.dkr.ecr.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/brickwall-maker:latest

Push the built Docker container to ECR

docker push 123456789012.dkr.ecr.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/brickwall-maker:latest

4. Launch the CloudFormation template to deploy your ECS infrastructure

To deploy your ECS infrastructure, run the following command (replace your own private ECR URL or use our public URL) in the ParameterValue) to launch the CloudFormation template :

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name myECS-Stack \
--template-body file://DevOpsGuru.yaml \
--parameters ParameterKey=ImageUrl,ParameterValue=public.ecr.aws/p8v8e7e5/myartifacts:brickwallv1

5. Enable DevOps Guru to monitor the ECS Application

Run the following command to enable DevOps Guru for monitoring your ECS application:

aws cloudformation create-stack \
--stack-name EnableDevOpsGuruForCfnStack \
--template-body file://EnableDevOpsGuruForCfnStack.yaml \
--parameters ParameterKey=CfnStackNames,ParameterValue=myECS-Stack

6. Wait for base-lining of resources

This step lets DevOps Guru complete the baselining of the resources and benchmark the normal behavior. For this particular scenario, we recommend waiting two days before any insights are triggered.

Unlike other monitoring tools, the DevOps Guru dashboard would not present any counters or graphs. In the meantime, you can utilize CloudWatch Container Insights to monitor the cluster-level, task-level, and service-level metrics in ECS.

7. View Container Insights metrics

  • Open the CloudWatch console.
  • In the navigation pane, choose Container Insights.
  • Use the drop-down boxes near the top to select ECS Services as the resource type to view, then select DevOps Guru as the resource to monitor.
  • The performance monitoring view will show you graphs for several metrics, including “Memory Utilization”, which you can watch increasing from here. In addition, it will show the list of tasks in the lower “Task performance” pane showing the “Avg CPU” and “Avg memory” metrics for the individual tasks.

8. Review DevOps Guru insights

When DevOps Guru detects an anomaly, it generates a proactive insight with the relevant information needed to investigate the anomaly, and it will list it in the DevOps Guru Dashboard.

You can view the insights by clicking on the number of insights displayed in the dashboard. In our case, we expect insights to be shown in the “proactive insights” category on the dashboard.

Once you have opened the insight, you will see that the insight view is divided into the following sections:

  • Insight Overview with a basic description of the anomaly. In this case, stating that Memory Utilization is approaching limit with details of the stack that is being affected by the anomaly.
  • Anomalous metrics consisting of related graphs and a timeline of the predicted impact time in the future.
  • Relevant events with contextual information, such as changes or updates made to the CloudFormation stack’s resources in the region.
  • Recommendations to mitigate the issue. As seen in the following screenshot, it recommends troubleshooting High CPU or Memory Utilization in ECS along with a link to the necessary documentation.

The following screenshot illustrates an example insight detail page from DevOps Guru

 An example of an ECS Service’s Memory Utilization approaching a limit of 100%. The metric graph shows the anomaly starting two days ago at about 22:00 with memory utilization increasing steadily until the anomaly was reported today at 18:08. The graph also shows a forecast of the memory utilization with a predicted impact of reaching 100% the next day at about 22:00.

Potentially related events on a timeline and below them a list of recommendations. Two deployment events are shown without further details on a timeline. The recommendations table links to one document on how to troubleshoot high CPU or memory utilization in Amazon ECS.


This post describes how DevOps Guru continuously monitors resources in a particular region in your AWS account, as well as proactively helps identify problems around resource exhaustion such as running out of memory, in advance. This helps IT operators take preventative actions even before a problem presents itself, thereby preventing downtime.

Cleaning up

After walking through this post, you should clean up and un-provision the resources in order to avoid incurring any further charges.

  1. To un-provision the CloudFormation stacks, on the AWS CloudFormation console, choose Stacks. Select the stack name, and choose Delete.
  2. Delete the AWS Cloud9 environment.
  3. Delete the ECR repository.

About the authors

Trishanka Saikia

Trishanka Saikia is a Technical Account Manager for AWS. She is also a DevOps enthusiast and works with AWS customers to design, deploy, and manage their AWS workloads/architectures.

Gerhard Poul

Gerhard Poul is a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services based in Vienna, Austria. Gerhard works with customers in Austria to enable them with best practices in their cloud journey. He is passionate about infrastructure as code and how cloud technologies can improve IT operations.

Monitoring and tuning federated GraphQL performance on AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/monitoring-and-tuning-federated-graphql-performance-on-aws-lambda/

This post is written by Krzysztof Lis, Senior Software Development Engineer, IMDb.

Our federated GraphQL at IMDb distributes requests across 19 subgraphs (graphlets). To ensure reliability for customers, IMDb monitors availability and performance across the whole stack. This article focuses on this challenge and concludes a 3-part federated GraphQL series:

  • Part 1 presents the migration from a monolithic REST API to a federated GraphQL (GQL) endpoint running on AWS Lambda.
  • Part 2 describes schema management in federated GQL systems.

This presents an approach towards performance tuning. It compares graphlets with the same logic and different runtime (for example, Java and Node.js) and shows best practices for AWS Lambda tuning.

The post describes IMDb’s test strategy that emphasizes the areas of ownership for the Gateway and Graphlet teams. In contrast to the legacy monolithic system described in part 1, the federated GQL gateway does not own any business logic. Consequently, the gateway integration tests focus solely on platform features, leaving the resolver logic entirely up to the graphlets.

Monitoring and alarming

Efficient monitoring of a distributed system requires you to track requests across all components. To correlate service issues with issues in the gateway or other services, you must pass and log the common request ID.

Capture both error and latency metrics for every network call. In Lambda, you cannot send a response to the client until all work for that request is complete. As a result, this can add latency to a request.

The recommended way to capture metrics is Amazon CloudWatch embedded metric format (EMF). This scales with Lambda and helps avoid throttling by the Amazon CloudWatch PutMetrics API. You can also search and analyze your metrics and logs more easily using CloudWatch Logs Insights.

Lambda configured timeouts emit a Lambda invocation error metric, which can make it harder to separate timeouts from errors thrown during invocation. By specifying a timeout in-code, you can emit a custom metric to alarm on to treat timeouts differently from unexpected errors. With EMF, you can flush metrics before timing out in code, unlike the Lambda-configured timeout.

Running out of memory in a Lambda function also appears as a timeout. Use CloudWatch Insights to see if there are Lambda invocations that are exceeding the memory limits.

You can enable AWS X-Ray tracing for Lambda with a small configuration change to enable tracing. You can also trace components like SDK calls or custom sub segments.

Gateway integration tests

The Gateway team wants tests to be independent from the underlying data served by the graphlets. At the same time, they must test platform features provided by the Gateway – such as graphlet caching.

To simulate the real gateway-graphlet integration, IMDb uses a synthetic test graphlet that serves mock data. Given the graphlet’s simplicity, this reduces the risk of unreliable graphlet data. We can run tests asserting only platform features with the assumption of stable and functional, improving confidence that failing tests indicate issues with the platform itself.

This approach helps to reduce false positives in pipeline blockages and improves the continuous delivery rate. The gateway integration tests are run against the exposed endpoint (for example, a content delivery network) or by invoking the gateway Lambda function directly and passing the appropriate payload.

The former approach allows you to detect potential issues with the infrastructure setup. This is useful when you use infrastructure as code (IaC) tools like AWS CDK. The latter further narrows down the target of the tests to the gateway logic, which may be appropriate if you have extensive infrastructure monitoring and testing already in place.

Graphlet integration tests

The Graphlet team focuses only on graphlet-specific features. This usually means the resolver logic for the graph fields they own in the overall graph. All the platform features – including query federation and graphlet response caching – are already tested by the Gateway Team.

The best way to test the specific graphlet is to run the test suite by directly invoking the Lambda function. If there is any issue with the gateway itself, it does cause a false-positive failure for the graphlet team.

Load tests

It’s important to determine the maximum traffic volume your system can handle before releasing to production. Before the initial launch and before any high traffic events (for example, the Oscars or Golden Globes), IMDb conducts thorough load testing of our systems.

To perform meaningful load testing, the workload captures traffic logs to IMDb pages. We later replay the real customer traffic at the desired transaction-per-second (TPS) volume. This ensures that our tests approximate real-life usage. It reduces the risk of skewing test results due to over-caching and disproportionate graphlet usage. Vegeta is an example of a tool you can use to run the load test against your endpoint.

Canary tests

Canary testing can also help ensure high availability of an endpoint. The canary produces the traffic. This is a configurable script that runs on a schedule. You configure the canary script to follow the same routes and perform the same actions as a user, which allows you to continually verify the user experience even without live traffic.

Canaries should emit success and failure metrics that you can alarm on. For example, if a canary runs 100 times per minute and the success rate drops below 90% in three consecutive data points, you may choose to notify a technician about a potential issue.

Compared with integration tests, canary tests run continuously and do not require any code changes to trigger. They can be a useful tool to detect issues that are introduced outside the code change. For example, through manual resource modification in the AWS Management Console or an upstream service outage.

Performance tuning

There is a per-account limit on the number of concurrent Lambda invocations shared across all Lambda functions in a single account. You can help to manage concurrency by separating high-volume Lambda functions into different AWS accounts. If there is a traffic surge to any one of the Lambda functions, this isolates the concurrency used to a single AWS account.

Lambda compute power is controlled by the memory setting. With more memory comes more CPU. Even if a function does not require much memory, you can adjust this parameter to get more CPU power and improve processing time.

When serving real-time traffic, Provisioned Concurrency in Lambda functions can help to avoid cold start latency. (Note that you should use max, not average for your auto scaling metric to keep it more responsive for traffic increases.) For Java functions, code in static blocks is run before the function is invoked. Provisioned Concurrency is different to reserved concurrency, which sets a concurrency limit on the function and throttles invocations above the hard limit.

Use the maximum number of concurrent executions in a load test to determine the account concurrency limit for high-volume Lambda functions. Also, configure a CloudWatch alarm for when you are nearing the concurrency limit for the AWS account.

There are concurrency limits and burst limits for Lambda function scaling. Both are per-account limits. When there is a traffic surge, Lambda creates new instances to handle the traffic. “Burst limit = 3000” means that the first 3000 instances can be obtained at a much faster rate (invocations increase exponentially). The remaining instances are obtained at a linear rate of 500 per minute until reaching the concurrency limit.

An alternative way of thinking this is that the rate at which concurrency can increase is 500 per minute with a burst pool of 3000. The burst limit is fixed, but the concurrency limit can be increased by requesting a quota increase.

You can further reduce cold start latency by removing unused dependencies, selecting lightweight libraries for your project, and favoring compile-time over runtime dependency injection.

Impact of Lambda runtime on performance

Choice of runtime impacts the overall function performance. We migrated a graphlet from Java to Node.js with complete feature parity. The following graph shows the performance comparison between the two:

Performance graph

To illustrate the performance difference, the graph compares the slowest latencies for Node.js and Java – the P80 latency for Node.js was lower than the minimal latency we recorded for Java.


There are multiple factors to consider when tuning a federated GQL system. You must be aware of trade-offs when deciding on factors like the runtime environment of Lambda functions.

An extensive testing strategy can help you scale systems and narrow down issues quickly. Well-defined testing can also keep pipelines clean of false-positive blockages.

Using CloudWatch EMF helps to avoid PutMetrics API throttling and allows you to run CloudWatch Logs Insights queries against metric data.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Offloading SQL for Amazon RDS using the Heimdall Proxy

Post Syndicated from Antony Prasad Thevaraj original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/offloading-sql-for-amazon-rds-using-the-heimdall-proxy/

Getting the maximum scale from your database often requires fine-tuning the application. This can increase time and incur cost – effort that could be used towards other strategic initiatives. The Heimdall Proxy was designed to intelligently manage SQL connections to help you get the most out of your database.

In this blog post, we demonstrate two SQL offload features offered by this proxy:

  1. Automated query caching
  2. Read/Write split for improved database scale

By leveraging the solution shown in Figure 1, you can save on development costs and accelerate the onboarding of applications into production.

Figure 1. Heimdall Proxy distributed, auto-scaling architecture

Figure 1. Heimdall Proxy distributed, auto-scaling architecture

Why query caching?

For ecommerce websites with high read calls and infrequent data changes, query caching can drastically improve your Amazon Relational Database Sevice (RDS) scale. You can use Amazon ElastiCache to serve results. Retrieving data from cache has a shorter access time, which reduces latency and improves I/O operations.

It can take developers considerable effort to create, maintain, and adjust TTLs for cache subsystems. The proxy technology covered in this article has features that allow for automated results caching in grid-caching chosen by the user, without code changes. What makes this solution unique is the distributed, scalable architecture. As your traffic grows, scaling is supported by simply adding proxies. Multiple proxies work together as a cohesive unit for caching and invalidation.

View video: Heimdall Data: Query Caching Without Code Changes

Why Read/Write splitting?

It can be fairly straightforward to configure a primary and read replica instance on the AWS Management Console. But it may be challenging for the developer to implement such a scale-out architecture.

Some of the issues they might encounter include:

  • Replication lag. A query read-after-write may result in data inconsistency due to replication lag. Many applications require strong consistency.
  • DNS dependencies. Due to the DNS cache, many connections can be routed to a single replica, creating uneven load distribution across replicas.
  • Network latency. When deploying Amazon RDS globally using the Amazon Aurora Global Database, it’s difficult to determine how the application intelligently chooses the optimal reader.

The Heimdall Proxy streamlines the ability to elastically scale out read-heavy database workloads. The Read/Write splitting supports:

  • ACID compliance. Determines the replication lag and know when it is safe to access a database table, ensuring data consistency.
  • Database load balancing. Tracks the status of each DB instance for its health and evenly distribute connections without relying on DNS.
  • Intelligent routing. Chooses the optimal reader to access based on the lowest latency to create local-like response times. Check out our Aurora Global Database blog.

View video: Heimdall Data: Scale-Out Amazon RDS with Strong Consistency

Customer use case: Tornado

Hayden Cacace, Director of Engineering at Tornado

Tornado is a modern web and mobile brokerage that empowers anyone who aspires to become a better investor.

Our engineering team was tasked to upgrade our backend such that it could handle a massive surge in traffic. With a 3-month timeline, we decided to use read replicas to reduce the load on the main database instance.

First, we migrated from Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL to Aurora for Postgres since it provided better data replication speed. But we still faced a problem – the amount of time it would take to update server code to use the read replicas would be significant. We wanted the team to stay focused on user-facing enhancements rather than server refactoring.

Enter the Heimdall Proxy: We evaluated a handful of options for a database proxy that could automatically do Read/Write splits for us with no code changes, and it became clear that Heimdall was our best option. It had the Read/Write splitting “out of the box” with zero application changes required. And it also came with database query caching built-in (integrated with Amazon ElastiCache), which promised to take additional load off the database.

Before the Tornado launch date, our load testing showed the new system handling several times more load than we were able to previously. We were using a primary Aurora Postgres instance and read replicas behind the Heimdall proxy. When the Tornado launch date arrived, the system performed well, with some background jobs averaging around a 50% hit rate on the Heimdall cache. This has really helped reduce the database load and improve the runtime of those jobs.

Using this solution, we now have a data architecture with additional room to scale. This allows us to continue to focus on enhancing the product for all our customers.

Download a free trial from the AWS Marketplace.


Heimdall Data, based in the San Francisco Bay Area, is an AWS Advanced Tier ISV partner. They have Amazon Service Ready designations for Amazon RDS and Amazon Redshift. Heimdall Data offers a database proxy that offloads SQL improving database scale. Deployment does not require code changes. For other proxy options, consider the Amazon RDS Proxy, PgBouncer, PgPool-II, or ProxySQL.

Build Your Own Game Day to Support Operational Resilience

Post Syndicated from Lewis Taylor original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/build-your-own-game-day-to-support-operational-resilience/

Operational resilience is your firm’s ability to provide continuous service through people, processes, and technology that are aware of and adaptive to constant change. Downtime of your mission-critical applications can not only damage your reputation, but can also make you liable to multi-million-dollar financial fines.

One way to test operational resilience is to simulate life-like system failures. An effective way to do this is by running events in your organization known as game days. Game days test systems, processes, and team responses and help evaluate your readiness to react and recover from operational issues. The AWS Well-Architected Framework recommends game days as a key strategy to develop and operate highly resilient systems because they focus not only on technology resilience issues but identify people and process gaps.

This blog post will explain how you can apply game day concepts to your workloads to help achieve a highly resilient workload.

Why does operational resilience matter from a regulatory perspective?

In March 2021, the Bank of England, Prudential Regulation Authority, and Financial Conduct Authority published their Building operational resilience: Feedback to CP19/32 and final rules policy. In this policy, operational resilience refers to a firm’s ability to prevent, adapt, and respond to and return to a steady system state when a disruption occurs. Further, firms are expected to learn and implement process improvements from prior disruptions.

This policy will not apply to everyone. However, across the board if you don’t establish operational resilience strategies, you are likely operating at an increased risk. If you have a service disruption, you may incur lost revenue and reputational damage.

What does it mean to be operationally resilient?

The final policy provides guidance on how firms should achieve operational resilience, which includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Identify and prioritize services based on the potential of intolerable harm to end consumers or risk to market integrity.
  • Define appropriate maximum impact tolerance of an important business service. This is reviewed annually using metrics to measure impact tolerance and answers questions like, “How long (in hours) can a service be offline before causing intolerable harm to end consumers?”
  • Document a complete view of all the aspects required to deliver each important service. This includes people, processes, technology, facilities, and information (resources). Firms should also test their ability to remain within the impact tolerances and provide assurance of resilience along with areas that need to be addressed.

What is a game day?

The AWS Well-Architected Framework defines a game day as follows:

“A game day simulates a failure or event to test systems, processes, and team responses. The purpose is to actually perform the actions the team would perform as if an exceptional event happened. These should be conducted regularly so that your team builds “muscle memory” on how to respond. Your game days should cover the areas of operations, security, reliability, performance, and cost.

In AWS, your game days can be carried out with replicas of your production environment using AWS CloudFormation. This enables you to test in a safe environment that resembles your production environment closely.”

Running game days that simulate system failure helps your organization evaluate and build operational resilience.

How can game days help build operational resilience?

Running a game day alone is not sufficient to ensure operational resilience. However, by navigating the following process to set up and perform a game day, you will establish a best practice-based approach for operating resilient systems.

Stage 1 – Identify key services

As part of setting up a game day event, you will catalog and identify business-critical services.

Game days are performed to test services where operational failure could result in significant financial, customer, and/or reputational impact to the firm. Game days can also evaluate other key factors, like the impact of a failure on the wider market where your firm operates.

For example, a firm may identify its digital banking mobile application from which their customers can initiate payments as one of its important business services.

Stage 2 – Map people, process, and technology supporting the business service

Game days are holistic events. To get a full picture of how the different aspects of your workload operate together, you’ll generate a detailed map of people and processes as they interact and operate the technical and non-technical components of the system. This mapping also helps your end consumers understand how you will provide them reliable support during a failure.

Stage 3 – Define and perform failure scenarios

Systems fail, and failures often happen when a system is operating at scale because various services working together can introduce complexity. To ensure operational resilience, you must understand how systems react and adapt to failures. To do this, you’ll identify and perform failure scenarios so you can understand how your systems will react and adapt and build “muscle memory” for actual events.

AWS builds to guard against outages and incidents, and accounts for them in the design of AWS services—so when disruptions do occur, their impact on customers and the continuity of services is as minimal as possible. At AWS, we employ compartmentalization throughout our infrastructure and services. We have multiple constructs that provide different levels of independent, redundant components.

Stage 4 – Observe and document people, process, and technology reactions

In running a failure scenario, you’ll observe how technological and non-technological components react to and recover from failure. This helps you identify failures and fix them as they cascade through impacted components across your workload. This also helps identify technical and operational challenges that might not otherwise be obvious.

Stage 5 – Conduct lessons learned exercises

Game days generate information on people, processes, and technology and also capture data on customer impact, incident response and remediation timelines, contributing factors, and corrective actions. By incorporating these data points into the system design process, you can implement continuous resilience for critical systems.

How to run your own game day in AWS

You may have heard of AWS GameDay events. This is an AWS organized event for our customers. In this team-based event, AWS provides temporary AWS accounts running fictional systems. Failures are injected into these systems and teams work together on completing challenges and improving the system architecture.

However, the method and tooling and principles we use to conduct AWS GameDays are agnostic and can be applied to your systems using the following services:

  • AWS Fault Injection Simulator is a fully managed service that runs fault injection experiments on AWS, which makes it easier to improve an application’s performance, observability, and resiliency.
  • Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring and observability service that provides you with data and actionable insights to monitor your applications, respond to system-wide performance changes, optimize resource utilization, and get a unified view of operational health.
  • AWS X-Ray helps you analyze and debug production and distributed applications (such as those built using a microservices architecture). X-Ray helps you understand how your application and its underlying services are performing to identify and troubleshoot the root cause of performance issues and errors.

Please note you are not limited to the tools listed for simulating failure scenarios. For complete coverage of failure scenarios, we encourage you to explore additional tools and strategies.

Figure 1 shows a reference architecture example that demonstrates conducting a game day for an Open Banking implementation.

Game day reference architecture example

Figure 1. Game day reference architecture example

Game day operators use Fault Injection Simulator to catalog and perform failure scenarios to be included in your game day. For example, in our Open Banking use case in Figure 1, a failure scenario might be for the business API functions servicing Open Banking requests to abruptly stop working. You can also combine such simple failure scenarios into a more complex one with failures injected across multiple components of the architecture.

Game day participants use CloudWatch, X-Ray, and their own custom observability and monitoring tooling to identify failures as they cascade through systems.

As you go through the process of identifying, communicating, and fixing issues, you’ll also document impact of failures on end-users. From there, you’ll generate lessons learned to holistically improve your workload’s resilience.


In this blog, we discussed the significance of ensuring operational resilience. We demonstrated how to set up game days and how they can supplement your efforts to ensure operational resilience. We discussed how using AWS services such as Fault Injection Simulator, X-Ray, and CloudWatch can be used to facilitate and implement game day failure scenarios.

Ready to get started? For more information, check out our AWS Fault Injection Simulator User Guide.

Related information:

Optimizing your AWS Infrastructure for Sustainability, Part II: Storage

Post Syndicated from Katja Philipp original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/optimizing-your-aws-infrastructure-for-sustainability-part-ii-storage/

In Part I of this series, we introduced you to strategies to optimize the compute layer of your AWS architecture for sustainability. We provided you with success criteria, metrics, and architectural patterns to help you improve resource and energy efficiency of your AWS workloads.

This blog post focuses on the storage layer of your AWS infrastructure and provides recommendations that you can use to store your data sustainably.

Optimizing the storage layer of your AWS infrastructure

Managing your data lifecycle and using different storage tiers are key components to optimizing storage for sustainability. When you consider different storage mechanisms, remember that you’re introducing a trade-off between resource efficiency, access latency, and reliability. This means you’ll need to select your management pattern accordingly.

Reducing idle resources and maximizing utilization

Storing and accessing data efficiently, in addition to reducing idle storage resources results in a more efficient and sustainable architecture. Amazon CloudWatch offers storage metrics that can be used to assess storage improvements, as listed in the following table.

Service Metric Source
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) BucketSizeBytes Metrics and dimensions
S3 Object Access Logging requests using server access logging
Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) VolumeIdleTime Amazon EBS metrics
Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) StorageBytes Amazon CloudWatch metrics for Amazon EFS
Amazon FSx for Lustre FreeDataStorageCapacity Monitoring Amazon FSx for Lustre
Amazon FSx for Windows File Server FreeStorageCapacity Monitoring with Amazon CloudWatch

You can monitor these metrics with the architecture shown in Figure 1. CloudWatch provides a unified view of your resource metrics.

CloudWatch for monitoring your storage resources

Figure 1. CloudWatch for monitoring your storage resources

In the following sections, we present four concepts to reduce idle resources and maximize utilization for your AWS storage layer.

Analyze data access patterns and use storage tiers

Choosing the right storage tier after analyzing data access patterns gives you more sustainable storage options in the cloud.

  • By storing less volatile data on technologies designed for efficient long-term storage, you will optimize your storage footprint. More specifically, you’ll reduce the impact you have on the lifetime of storage resources by storing slow-changing or unchanging data on magnetic storage, as opposed to solid state memory. For archiving data or storing slow-changing data, consider using Amazon EFS Infrequent Access, Amazon EBS Cold HDD volumes, and Amazon S3 Glacier.
  • To store your data efficiently throughout its lifetime, create an Amazon S3 Lifecycle configuration that automatically transfers objects to a different storage class based on your pre-defined rules. The Expiring Amazon S3 Objects Based on Last Accessed Date to Decrease Costs blog post shows you how to create custom object expiry rules for Amazon S3 based on the last accessed date of the object.
  • For data with unknown or changing access patterns, use Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering to monitor access patterns and move objects among tiers automatically. In general, you have to make a trade-off between resource efficiency, access latency, and reliability when considering these storage mechanisms. Figure 2 shows an overview of data access patterns for Amazon S3 and the resulting storage tier. For example, in S3 One Zone-IA, energy and server capacity are reduced, because data is stored only within one Availability Zone.
Data access patterns for Amazon S3

Figure 2. Data access patterns for Amazon S3

Use columnar data formats and compression

Columnar data formats like Parquet and ORC require less storage capacity compared to row-based formats like CSV and JSON.

  • Parquet consumes up to six times less storage in Amazon S3 compared to text formats. This is because of features such as column-wise compression, different encodings, or compression based on data type, as shown in the Top 10 Performance Tuning Tips for Amazon Athena blog post.
  • You can improve performance and reduce query costs of Amazon Athena by 30–90 percent by compressing, partitioning, and converting your data into columnar formats. Using columnar data formats and compressions reduces the amount of data scanned.

Reduce unused storage resources

Right size or delete unused storage volumes

As shown in the Cost Optimization on AWS video, right-sizing storage by data type and usage reduces your associated costs by up to 50 percent.

  • A straightforward way to reduce unused storage resources is to delete unattached EBS volumes. If the volume needs to be quickly restored later on, you can store an Amazon EBS snapshot before deletion.
  • You can also use Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager to retain and delete EBS snapshots and Amazon EBS-backed Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) automatically. This further reduces the storage footprint of stale resources.
  • To avoid over-provisioning volumes, see the Automating Amazon EBS Volume-resizing blog post. It demonstrates an automated workflow that can expand a volume every time it reaches a capacity threshold. These Amazon EBS elastic volumes extend a volume when needed, as shown in the Amazon EBS Update blog post.
  • Another way to optimize block storage is to identify volumes that are underutilized and downsize them. Or you can change the volume type, as shown in the AWS Storage Optimization whitepaper.

Modify the retention period of CloudWatch Logs

By default, CloudWatch Logs are kept indefinitely and never expire. You can adjust the retention policy for each log group to be between one day and 10 years. For compliance reasons, export log data to Amazon S3 and use archival storage such as Amazon S3 Glacier.

Deduplicate data

Large datasets often have redundant data, which increases your storage footprint.


In this blog post, we discussed data storing techniques to increase your storage efficiency. These include right-sizing storage volumes; choosing storage tiers depending on different data access patterns; and compressing and converting data.

These techniques allow you to optimize your AWS infrastructure for environmental sustainability.

This blog post is the second post in the series, you can find the first part of the series linked in the following section. In the next part of this blog post series, we will show you how you can optimize the networking part of your IT infrastructure for sustainability in the cloud!

Related information

Building well-architected serverless applications: Optimizing application costs

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-well-architected-serverless-applications-optimizing-application-costs/

This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application.

COST 1. How do you optimize your serverless application costs?

Design, implement, and optimize your application to maximize value. Asynchronous design patterns and performance practices ensure efficient resource use and directly impact the value per business transaction. By optimizing your serverless application performance and its code patterns, you can directly impact the value it provides, while making more efficient use of resources.

Serverless architectures are easier to manage in terms of correct resource allocation compared to traditional architectures. Due to its pay-per-value pricing model and scale based on demand, a serverless approach effectively reduces the capacity planning effort. As covered in the operational excellence and performance pillars, optimizing your serverless application has a direct impact on the value it produces and its cost. For general serverless optimization guidance, see the AWS re:Invent talks, “Optimizing your Serverless applications” Part 1 and Part 2, and “Serverless architectural patterns and best practices”.

Required practice: Minimize external calls and function code initialization

AWS Lambda functions may call other managed services and third-party APIs. Functions may also use application dependencies that may not be suitable for ephemeral environments. Understanding and controlling what your function accesses while it runs can have a direct impact on value provided per invocation.

Review code initialization

I explain the Lambda initialization process with cold and warm starts in “Optimizing application performance – part 1”. Lambda reports the time it takes to initialize application code in Amazon CloudWatch Logs. As Lambda functions are billed by request and duration, you can use this to track costs and performance. Consider reviewing your application code and its dependencies to improve the overall execution time to maximize value.

You can take advantage of Lambda execution environment reuse to make external calls to resources and use the results for subsequent invocations. Use TTL mechanisms inside your function handler code. This ensures that you can prevent additional external calls that incur additional execution time, while preemptively fetching data that isn’t stale.

Review third-party application deployments and permissions

When using Lambda layers or applications provisioned by AWS Serverless Application Repository, be sure to understand any associated charges that these may incur. When deploying functions packaged as container images, understand the charges for storing images in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR).

Ensure that your Lambda function only has access to what its application code needs. Regularly review that your function has a predicted usage pattern so you can factor in the cost of other services, such as Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB.

Required practice: Optimize logging output and its retention

Considering reviewing your application logging level. Ensure that logging output and log retention are appropriately set to your operational needs to prevent unnecessary logging and data retention. This helps you have the minimum of log retention to investigate operational and performance inquiries when necessary.

Emit and capture only what is necessary to understand and operate your component as intended.

With Lambda, any standard output statements are sent to CloudWatch Logs. Capture and emit business and operational events that are necessary to help you understand your function, its integration, and its interactions. Use a logging framework and environment variables to dynamically set a logging level. When applicable, sample debugging logs for a percentage of invocations.

In the serverless airline example used in this series, the booking service Lambda functions use Lambda Powertools as a logging framework with output structured as JSON.

Lambda Powertools is added to the Lambda functions as a shared Lambda layer in the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template. The layer ARN is stored in Systems Manager Parameter Store.

    Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<String>
    Description: Project shared libraries Lambda Layer ARN
        Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
            FunctionName: !Sub ServerlessAirline-ConfirmBooking-${Stage}
            Handler: confirm.lambda_handler
            CodeUri: src/confirm-booking
                - !Ref SharedLibsLayer
            Runtime: python3.7

The LOG_LEVEL and other Powertools settings are configured in the Globals section as Lambda environment variable for all functions.

                POWERTOOLS_SERVICE_NAME: booking
                POWERTOOLS_METRICS_NAMESPACE: ServerlessAirline
                LOG_LEVEL: INFO 

For Amazon API Gateway, there are two types of logging in CloudWatch: execution logging and access logging. Execution logs contain information that you can use to identify and troubleshoot API errors. API Gateway manages the CloudWatch Logs, creating the log groups and log streams. Access logs contain details about who accessed your API and how they accessed it. You can create your own log group or choose an existing log group that could be managed by API Gateway.

Enable access logs, and selectively review the output format and request fields that might be necessary. For more information, see “Setting up CloudWatch logging for a REST API in API Gateway”.

API Gateway logging

API Gateway logging

Enable AWS AppSync logging which uses CloudWatch to monitor and debug requests. You can configure two types of logging: request-level and field-level. For more information, see “Monitoring and Logging”.

AWS AppSync logging

AWS AppSync logging

Define and set a log retention strategy

Define a log retention strategy to satisfy your operational and business needs. Set log expiration for each CloudWatch log group as they are kept indefinitely by default.

For example, in the booking service AWS SAM template, log groups are explicitly created for each Lambda function with a parameter specifying the retention period.

        Type: Number
        Default: 14
        Description: CloudWatch Logs retention period
        Type: AWS::Logs::LogGroup
            LogGroupName: !Sub "/aws/lambda/${ConfirmBooking}"
            RetentionInDays: !Ref LogRetentionInDays

The Serverless Application Repository application, auto-set-log-group-retention can update the retention policy for new and existing CloudWatch log groups to the specified number of days.

For log archival, you can export CloudWatch Logs to S3 and store them in Amazon S3 Glacier for more cost-effective retention. You can use CloudWatch Log subscriptions for custom processing, analysis, or loading to other systems. Lambda extensions allows you to process, filter, and route logs directly from Lambda to a destination of your choice.

Good practice: Optimize function configuration to reduce cost

Benchmark your function using a different set of memory size

For Lambda functions, memory is the capacity unit for controlling the performance and cost of a function. You can configure the amount of memory allocated to a Lambda function, between 128 MB and 10,240 MB. The amount of memory also determines the amount of virtual CPU available to a function. Benchmark your AWS Lambda functions with differing amounts of memory allocated. Adding more memory and proportional CPU may lower the duration and reduce the cost of each invocation.

In “Optimizing application performance – part 2”, I cover using AWS Lambda Power Tuning to automate the memory testing process to balances performance and cost.

Best practice: Use cost-aware usage patterns in code

Reduce the time your function runs by reducing job-polling or task coordination. This avoids overpaying for unnecessary compute time.

Decide whether your application can fit an asynchronous pattern

Avoid scenarios where your Lambda functions wait for external activities to complete. I explain the difference between synchronous and asynchronous processing in “Optimizing application performance – part 1”. You can use asynchronous processing to aggregate queues, streams, or events for more efficient processing time per invocation. This reduces wait times and latency from requesting apps and functions.

Long polling or waiting increases the costs of Lambda functions and also reduces overall account concurrency. This can impact the ability of other functions to run.

Consider using other services such as AWS Step Functions to help reduce code and coordinate asynchronous workloads. You can build workflows using state machines with long-polling, and failure handling. Step Functions also supports direct service integrations, such as DynamoDB, without having to use Lambda functions.

In the serverless airline example used in this series, Step Functions is used to orchestrate the Booking microservice. The ProcessBooking state machine handles all the necessary steps to create bookings, including payment.

Booking service state machine

Booking service state machine

To reduce costs and improves performance with CloudWatch, create custom metrics asynchronously. You can use the Embedded Metrics Format to write logs, rather than the PutMetricsData API call. I cover using the embedded metrics format in “Understanding application health” – part 1 and part 2.

For example, once a booking is made, the logs are visible in the CloudWatch console. You can select a log stream and find the custom metric as part of the structured log entry.

Custom metric structured log entry

Custom metric structured log entry

CloudWatch automatically creates metrics from these structured logs. You can create graphs and alarms based on them. For example, here is a graph based on a BookingSuccessful custom metric.

CloudWatch metrics custom graph

CloudWatch metrics custom graph

Consider asynchronous invocations and review run away functions where applicable

Take advantage of Lambda’s event-based model. Lambda functions can be triggered based on events ingested into Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queues, S3 buckets, and Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. AWS manages the polling infrastructure on your behalf with no additional cost. Avoid code that polls for third-party software as a service (SaaS) providers. Rather use Amazon EventBridge to integrate with SaaS instead when possible.

Carefully consider and review recursion, and establish timeouts to prevent run away functions.


Design, implement, and optimize your application to maximize value. Asynchronous design patterns and performance practices ensure efficient resource use and directly impact the value per business transaction. By optimizing your serverless application performance and its code patterns, you can reduce costs while making more efficient use of resources.

In this post, I cover minimizing external calls and function code initialization. I show how to optimize logging output with the embedded metrics format, and log retention. I recap optimizing function configuration to reduce cost and highlight the benefits of asynchronous event-driven patterns.

This post wraps up the series, building well-architected serverless applications, where I cover the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens . See the introduction post for links to all the blog posts.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.


Happy 15th Birthday Amazon EC2

Post Syndicated from Jeff Barr original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/happy-15th-birthday-amazon-ec2/

Fifteen years ago today I wrote the blog post that launched the Amazon EC2 Beta. As I recall, the launch was imminent for quite some time as we worked to finalize the feature set, the pricing model, and innumerable other details. The launch date was finally chosen and it happened to fall in the middle of a long-planned family vacation to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Undaunted, I brought my laptop along on vacation, and had to cover it with a towel so that I could see the screen as I wrote. I am not 100% sure, but I believe that I actually clicked Publish while sitting on a lounge chair near the pool! I spent the remainder of the week offline, totally unaware of just how much excitement had been created by this launch.

Preparing for the Launch
When Andy Jassy formed the AWS group and began writing his narrative, he showed me a document that proposed the construction of something called the Amazon Execution Service and asked me if developers would find it useful, and if they would pay to use it. I read the document with great interest and responded with an enthusiastic “yes” to both of his questions. Earlier in my career I had built and run several projects hosted at various colo sites, and was all too familiar with the inflexible long-term commitments and the difficulties of scaling on demand; the proposed service would address both of these fundamental issues and make it easier for developers like me to address widely fluctuating changes in demand.

The EC2 team had to make a lot of decisions in order to build a service to meet the needs of developers, entrepreneurs, and larger organizations. While I was not part of the decision-making process, it seems to me that they had to make decisions in at least three principal areas: features, pricing, and level of detail.

Features – Let’s start by reviewing the features that EC2 launched with. There was one instance type, one region (US East (N. Virginia)), and we had not yet exposed the concept of Availability Zones. There was a small selection of prebuilt Linux kernels to choose from, and IP addresses were allocated as instances were launched. All storage was transient and had the same lifetime as the instance. There was no block storage and the root disk image (AMI) was stored in an S3 bundle. It would be easy to make the case that any or all of these features were must-haves for the launch, but none of them were, and our customers started to put EC2 to use right away. Over the years I have seen that this strategy of creating services that are minimal-yet-useful allows us to launch quickly and to iterate (and add new features) rapidly in response to customer feedback.

Pricing – While it was always obvious that we would charge for the use of EC2, we had to decide on the units that we would charge for, and ultimately settled on instance hours. This was a huge step forward when compared to the old model of buying a server outright and depreciating it over a 3 or 5 year term, or paying monthly as part of an annual commitment. Even so, our customers had use cases that could benefit from more fine-grained billing, and we launched per-second billing for EC2 and EBS back in 2017. Behind the scenes, the AWS team also had to build the infrastructure to measure, track, tabulate, and bill our customers for their usage.

Level of Detail – This might not be as obvious as the first two, but it is something that I regularly think about when I write my posts. At launch time I shared the fact that the EC2 instance (which we later called the m1.small) provided compute power equivalent to a 1.7 GHz Intel Xeon processor, but I did not share the actual model number or other details. I did share the fact that we built EC2 on Xen. Over the years, customers told us that they wanted to take advantage of specialized processor features and we began to share that information.

Some Memorable EC2 Launches
Looking back on the last 15 years, I think we got a lot of things right, and we also left a lot of room for the service to grow. While I don’t have one favorite launch, here are some of the more memorable ones:

EC2 Launch (2006) – This was the launch that started it all. One of our more notable early scaling successes took place in early 2008, when Animoto scaled their usage from less than 100 instances all the way up to 3400 in the course of a week (read Animoto – Scaling Through Viral Growth for the full story).

Amazon Elastic Block Store (2008) – This launch allowed our customers to make use of persistent block storage with EC2. If you take a look at the post, you can see some historic screen shots of the once-popular ElasticFox extension for Firefox.

Elastic Load Balancing / Auto Scaling / CloudWatch (2009) – This launch made it easier for our customers to build applications that were scalable and highly available. To quote myself, “Amazon CloudWatch monitors your Amazon EC2 capacity, Auto Scaling dynamically scales it based on demand, and Elastic Load Balancing distributes load across multiple instances in one or more Availability Zones.”

Virtual Private Cloud / VPC (2009) – This launch gave our customers the ability to create logically isolated sets of EC2 instances and to connect them to existing networks via an IPsec VPN connection. It gave our customers additional control over network addressing and routing, and opened the door to many additional networking features over the coming years.

Nitro System (2017) – This launch represented the culmination of many years of work to reimagine and rebuild our virtualization infrastructure in pursuit of higher performance and enhanced security (read more).

Graviton (2018) -This launch marked the launch of Amazon-built custom CPUs that were designed for cost-sensitive scale-out workloads. Since that launch we have continued this evolutionary line, launching general purpose, compute-optimized, memory-optimized, and burstable instances powered by Graviton2 processors.

Instance Types (2006 – Present) -We launched with one instance type and now have over four hundred, each one designed to empower our customers to address a particular use case.

Celebrate with Us
To celebrate the incredible innovation we’ve seen from our customers over the last 15 years, we’re hosting a 2-day live event on August 23rd and 24th covering a range of topics. We kick off the event with today at 9am PDT with Vice President of Amazon EC2 Dave Brown’s keynote “Lessons from 15 Years of Innovation.

Event Agenda

August 23 August 24
Lessons from 15 Years of Innovation AWS Everywhere: A Fireside Chat on Hybrid Cloud
15 Years of AWS Silicon Innovation Deep Dive on Real-World AWS Hybrid Examples
Choose the Right Instance for the Right Workload AWS Outposts: Extending AWS On-Premises for a Truly Consistent Hybrid Experience
Optimize Compute for Cost and Capacity Connect Your Network to AWS with Hybrid Connectivity Solutions
The Evolution of Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Accelerating ADAS and Autonomous Vehicle Development on AWS
Accelerating AI/ML Innovation with AWS ML Infrastructure Services Accelerate AI/ML Adoption with AWS ML Silicon
Using Machine Learning and HPC to Accelerate Product Design Digital Twins: Connecting the Physical to the Digital World

Register here and join us starting at 9 AM PT to learn more about EC2 and to celebrate along with us!


Building well-architected serverless applications: Optimizing application performance – part 1

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-well-architected-serverless-applications-optimizing-application-performance-part-1/

This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application.

PERF 1. Optimizing your serverless application’s performance

Evaluate and optimize your serverless application’s performance based on access patterns, scaling mechanisms, and native integrations. This allows you to continuously gain more value per transaction. You can improve your overall experience and make more efficient use of the platform in terms of both value and resources.

Good practice: Measure and optimize function startup time

Evaluate your AWS Lambda function startup time for both performance and cost.

Take advantage of execution environment reuse to improve the performance of your function.

Lambda invokes your function in a secure and isolated runtime environment, and manages the resources required to run your function. When a function is first invoked, the Lambda service creates an instance of the function to process the event. This is called a cold start. After completion, the function remains available for a period of time to process subsequent events. These are called warm starts.

Lambda functions must contain a handler method in your code that processes events. During a cold start, Lambda runs the function initialization code, which is the code outside the handler, and then runs the handler code. During a warm start, Lambda runs the handler code.

Lambda function cold and warm starts

Lambda function cold and warm starts

Initialize SDK clients, objects, and database connections outside of the function handler so that they are started during the cold start process. These connections then remain during subsequent warm starts, which improves function performance and cost.

Lambda provides a writable local file system available at /tmp. This is local to each function but shared between subsequent invocations within the same execution environment. You can download and cache assets locally in the /tmp folder during the cold start. This data is then available locally by all subsequent warm start invocations, improving performance.

In the serverless airline example used in this series, the confirm booking Lambda function initializes a number of components during the cold start. These include the Lambda Powertools utilities and creating a session to the Amazon DynamoDB table BOOKING_TABLE_NAME.

import boto3
from aws_lambda_powertools import Logger, Metrics, Tracer
from aws_lambda_powertools.metrics import MetricUnit
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

logger = Logger()
tracer = Tracer()
metrics = Metrics()

session = boto3.Session()
dynamodb = session.resource("dynamodb")
table_name = os.getenv("BOOKING_TABLE_NAME", "undefined")
table = dynamodb.Table(table_name)

Analyze and improve startup time

There are a number of steps you can take to measure and optimize Lambda function initialization time.

You can view the function cold start initialization time using Amazon CloudWatch Logs and AWS X-Ray. A log REPORT line for a cold start includes the Init Duration value. This is the time the initialization code takes to run before the handler.

CloudWatch Logs cold start report line

CloudWatch Logs cold start report line

When X-Ray tracing is enabled for a function, the trace includes the Initialization segment.

X-Ray trace cold start showing initialization segment

X-Ray trace cold start showing initialization segment

A subsequent warm start REPORT line does not include the Init Duration value, and is not present in the X-Ray trace:

CloudWatch Logs warm start report line

CloudWatch Logs warm start report line

X-Ray trace warm start without showing initialization segment

X-Ray trace warm start without showing initialization segment

CloudWatch Logs Insights allows you to search and analyze CloudWatch Logs data over multiple log groups. There are some useful searches to understand cold starts.

Understand cold start percentage over time:

filter @type = "REPORT"
| stats
    "Init Duration"))
  / count(*)
  * 100
  as coldStartPercentage,
  by bin(5m)
Cold start percentage over time

Cold start percentage over time

Cold start count and InitDuration:

filter @type="REPORT" 
| fields @memorySize / 1000000 as memorySize
| filter @message like /(?i)(Init Duration)/
| parse @message /^REPORT.*Init Duration: (?<initDuration>.*) ms.*/
| parse @log /^.*\/aws\/lambda\/(?<functionName>.*)/
| stats count() as coldStarts, median(initDuration) as avgInitDuration, max(initDuration) as maxInitDuration by functionName, memorySize
Cold start count and InitDuration

Cold start count and InitDuration

Once you have measured cold start performance, there are a number of ways to optimize startup time. For Python, you can use the PYTHONPROFILEIMPORTTIME=1 environment variable.



This shows how long each package import takes to help you understand how packages impact startup time.

Python import time

Python import time

Previously, for the AWS Node.js SDK, you enabled HTTP keep-alive in your code to maintain TCP connections. Enabling keep-alive allows you to avoid setting up a new TCP connection for every request. Since AWS SDK version 2.463.0, you can also set the Lambda function environment variable AWS_NODEJS_CONNECTION_REUSE_ENABLED=1 to make the SDK reuse connections by default.

You can configure Lambda’s provisioned concurrency feature to pre-initialize a requested number of execution environments. This runs the cold start initialization code so that they are prepared to respond immediately to your function’s invocations.

Use Amazon RDS Proxy to pool and share database connections to improve function performance. For additional options for using RDS with Lambda, see the AWS Serverless Hero blog post “How To: Manage RDS Connections from AWS Lambda Serverless Functions”.

Choose frameworks that load quickly on function initialization startup. For example, prefer simpler Java dependency injection frameworks like Dagger or Guice over more complex framework such as Spring. When using the AWS SDK for Java, there are some cold start performance optimization suggestions in the documentation. For further Java performance optimization tips, see the AWS re:Invent session, “Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java”.

To minimize deployment packages, choose lightweight web frameworks optimized for Lambda. For example, use MiddyJS, Lambda API JS, and Python Chalice over Node.js Express, Python Django or Flask.

If your function has many objects and connections, consider splitting the function into multiple, specialized functions. These are individually smaller and have less initialization code. I cover designing smaller, single purpose functions from a security perspective in “Managing application security boundaries – part 2”.

Minimize your deployment package size to only its runtime necessities

Smaller functions also allow you to separate functionality. Only import the libraries and dependencies that are necessary for your application processing. Use code bundling when you can to reduce the impact of file system lookup calls. This also includes deployment package size.

For example, if you only use Amazon DynamoDB in the AWS SDK, instead of importing the entire SDK, you can import an individual service. Compare the following three examples as shown in the Lambda Operator Guide:

// Instead of const AWS = require('aws-sdk'), use: +
const DynamoDB = require('aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb')

// Instead of const AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk'), use: +
const AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk-core')

// Instead of const AWS = AWSXRay.captureAWS(require('aws-sdk')), use: +
const dynamodb = new DynamoDB.DocumentClient() +

In testing, importing the DynamoDB library instead of the entire AWS SDK was 125 ms faster. Importing the X-Ray core library was 5 ms faster than the X-Ray SDK. Similarly, when wrapping a service initialization, preparing a DocumentClient before wrapping showed a 140-ms gain. Version 3 of the AWS SDK for JavaScript supports modular imports, which can further help reduce unused dependencies.

For additional options when for optimizing AWS Node.js SDK imports, see the AWS Serverless Hero blog post.


Evaluate and optimize your serverless application’s performance based on access patterns, scaling mechanisms, and native integrations. You can improve your overall experience and make more efficient use of the platform in terms of both value and resources.

In this post, I cover measuring and optimizing function startup time. I explain cold and warm starts and how to reuse the Lambda execution environment to improve performance. I show a number of ways to analyze and optimize the initialization startup time. I explain how only importing necessary libraries and dependencies increases application performance.

This well-architected question will be continued is part 2 where I look at designing your function to take advantage of concurrency via asynchronous and stream-based invocations. I cover measuring, evaluating, and selecting optimal capacity units.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Building well-architected serverless applications: Building in resiliency – part 2

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-well-architected-serverless-applications-building-in-resiliency-part-2/

This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application.

Reliability question REL2: How do you build resiliency into your serverless application?

This post continues part 1 of this reliability question. Previously, I cover managing failures using retries, exponential backoff, and jitter. I explain how DLQs can isolate failed messages. I show how to use state machines to orchestrate long running transactions rather than handling these in application code.

Required practice: Manage duplicate and unwanted events

Duplicate events can occur when a request is retried or multiple consumers process the same message from a queue or stream. A duplicate can also happen when a request is sent twice at different time intervals with the same parameters. Design your applications to process multiple identical requests to have the same effect as making a single request.

Idempotency refers to the capacity of an application or component to identify repeated events and prevent duplicated, inconsistent, or lost data. This means that receiving the same event multiple times does not change the result beyond the first time the event was received. An idempotent application can, for example, handle multiple identical refund operations. The first refund operation is processed. Any further refund requests to the same customer with the same payment reference should not be processes again.

When using AWS Lambda, you can make your function idempotent. The function’s code must properly validate input events and identify if the events were processed before. For more information, see “How do I make my Lambda function idempotent?

When processing streaming data, your application must anticipate and appropriately handle processing individual records multiple times. There are two primary reasons why records may be delivered more than once to your Amazon Kinesis Data Streams application: producer retries and consumer retries. For more information, see “Handling Duplicate Records”.

Generate unique attributes to manage duplicate events at the beginning of the transaction

Create, or use an existing unique identifier at the beginning of a transaction to ensure idempotency. These identifiers are also known as idempotency tokens. A number of Lambda triggers include a unique identifier as part of the event:

You can also create your own identifiers. These can be business-specific, such as transaction ID, payment ID, or booking ID. You can use an opaque random alphanumeric string, unique correlation identifiers, or the hash of the content.

A Lambda function, for example can use these identifiers to check whether the event has been previously processed.

Depending on the final destination, duplicate events might write to the same record with the same content instead of generating a duplicate entry. This may therefore not require additional safeguards.

Use an external system to store unique transaction attributes and verify for duplicates

Lambda functions can use Amazon DynamoDB to store and track transactions and idempotency tokens to determine if the transaction has been handled previously. DynamoDB Time to Live (TTL) allows you to define a per-item timestamp to determine when an item is no longer needed. This helps to limit the storage space used. Base the TTL on the event source. For example, the message retention period for SQS.

Using DynamoDB to store idempotent tokens

Using DynamoDB to store idempotent tokens

You can also use DynamoDB conditional writes to ensure a write operation only succeeds if an item attribute meets one of more expected conditions. For example, you can use this to fail a refund operation if a payment reference has already been refunded. This signals to the application that it is a duplicate transaction. The application can then catch this exception and return the same result to the customer as if the refund was processed successfully.

Third-party APIs can also support idempotency directly. For example, Stripe allows you to add an Idempotency-Key: <key> header to the request. Stripe saves the resulting status code and body of the first request made for any given idempotency key, regardless of whether it succeeded or failed. Subsequent requests with the same key return the same result.

Validate events using a pre-defined and agreed upon schema

Implicitly trusting data from clients, external sources, or machines could lead to malformed data being processed. Use a schema to validate your event conforms to what you are expecting. Process the event using the schema within your application code or at the event source when applicable. Events not adhering to your schema should be discarded.

For API Gateway, I cover validating incoming HTTP requests against a schema in “Implementing application workload security – part 1”.

Amazon EventBridge rules match event patterns. EventBridge provides schemas for all events that are generated by AWS services. You can create or upload custom schemas or infer schemas directly from events on an event bus. You can also generate code bindings for event schemas.

SNS supports message filtering. This allows a subscriber to receive a subset of the messages sent to the topic using a filter policy. For more information, see the documentation.

JSON Schema is a tool for validating the structure of JSON documents. There are a number of implementations available.

Best practice: Consider scaling patterns at burst rates

Load testing your serverless application allows you to monitor the performance of an application before it is deployed to production. Serverless applications can be simpler to load test, thanks to the automatic scaling built into many of the services. For more information, see “How to design Serverless Applications for massive scale”.

In addition to your baseline performance, consider evaluating how your workload handles initial burst rates. This ensures that your workload can sustain burst rates while scaling to meet possibly unexpected demand.

Perform load tests using a burst strategy with random intervals of idleness

Perform load tests using a burst of requests for a short period of time. Also introduce burst delays to allow your components to recover from unexpected load. This allows you to future-proof the workload for key events when you do not know peak traffic levels.

There are a number of AWS Marketplace and AWS Partner Network (APN) solutions available for performance testing, including Gatling FrontLine, BlazeMeter, and Apica.

In regulating inbound request rates – part 1, I cover running a performance test suite using Gatling, an open source tool.

Gatling performance results

Gatling performance results

Amazon does have a network stress testing policy that defines which high volume network tests are allowed. Tests that purposefully attempt to overwhelm the target and/or infrastructure are considered distributed denial of service (DDoS) tests and are prohibited. For more information, see “Amazon EC2 Testing Policy”.

Review service account limits with combined utilization across resources

AWS accounts have default quotas, also referred to as limits, for each AWS service. These are generally Region-specific. You can request increases for some limits while other limits cannot be increased. Service Quotas is an AWS service that helps you manage your limits for many AWS services. Along with looking up the values, you can also request a limit increase from the Service Quotas console.

Service Quotas dashboard

Service Quotas dashboard

As these limits are shared within an account, review the combined utilization across resources including the following:

  • Amazon API Gateway: number of requests per second across all APIs. (link)
  • AWS AppSync: throttle rate limits. (link)
  • AWS Lambda: function concurrency reservations and pool capacity to allow other functions to scale. (link)
  • Amazon CloudFront: requests per second per distribution. (link)
  • AWS IoT Core message broker: concurrent requests per second. (link)
  • Amazon EventBridge: API requests and target invocations limit. (link)
  • Amazon Cognito: API limits. (link)
  • Amazon DynamoDB: throughput, indexes, and request rates limits. (link)

Evaluate key metrics to understand how workloads recover from bursts

There are a number of key Amazon CloudWatch metrics to evaluate and alert on to understand whether your workload recovers from bursts.

  • AWS Lambda: Duration, Errors, Throttling, ConcurrentExecutions, UnreservedConcurrentExecutions. (link)
  • Amazon API Gateway: Latency, IntegrationLatency, 5xxError, 4xxError. (link)
  • Application Load Balancer: HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count, RejectedConnectionCount, HTTPCode_Target_5XX_Count, UnHealthyHostCount, LambdaInternalError, LambdaUserError. (link)
  • AWS AppSync: 5XX, Latency. (link)
  • Amazon SQS: ApproximateAgeOfOldestMessage. (link)
  • Amazon Kinesis Data Streams: ReadProvisionedThroughputExceeded, WriteProvisionedThroughputExceeded, GetRecords.IteratorAgeMilliseconds, PutRecord.Success, PutRecords.Success (if using Kinesis Producer Library), GetRecords.Success. (link)
  • Amazon SNS: NumberOfNotificationsFailed, NumberOfNotificationsFilteredOut-InvalidAttributes. (link)
  • Amazon Simple Email Service (SES): Rejects, Bounces, Complaints, Rendering Failures. (link)
  • AWS Step Functions: ExecutionThrottled, ExecutionsFailed, ExecutionsTimedOut. (link)
  • Amazon EventBridge: FailedInvocations, ThrottledRules. (link)
  • Amazon S3: 5xxErrors, TotalRequestLatency. (link)
  • Amazon DynamoDB: ReadThrottleEvents, WriteThrottleEvents, SystemErrors, ThrottledRequests, UserErrors. (link)


This post continues from part 1 and looks at managing duplicate and unwanted events with idempotency and an event schema. I cover how to consider scaling patterns at burst rates by managing account limits and show relevant metrics to evaluate

Build resiliency into your workloads. Ensure that applications can withstand partial and intermittent failures across components that may only surface in production. In the next post in the series, I cover the performance efficiency pillar from the Well-Architected Serverless Lens.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Automating Your Home with Grafana and Siemens Controllers

Post Syndicated from Viktoria Semaan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/automating-your-home-with-grafana-and-siemens-controllers/

Imagine that you have access to a digital twin of your house that allows you to remotely monitor and control different devices inside your home. Forgot to turn off the heater or air conditioning? Didn’t close water faucets? Wondering how long your kids have been watching TV? Wouldn’t it be nice to have all the information from multiple devices in a single place?

Nowadays, many of us have smart things at home, such as thermostats, security cameras, wireless sensors, switches, etc. The problem is that most of these smart things come with different mobile applications. To get a full picture, we end up switching between applications that serve limited needs.

In this blog, we explain how to use Siemens controllers, AWS IoT, and the open-source visualization platform Grafana to quickly build a digital twin of any processes. This includes home automation, industrial applications, security systems, and others. As an example, we will monitor environmental conditions, including temperature and humidity sensors, thermostat settings, light switches, as well as monthly water and energy consumption. We will go through the architecture and steps required to integrate different building components to store data for historical analysis, enable voice control, and create interactive near real-time dashboards showing a digital representation of your house. If you would like to learn more about the solution, we will provide links to all the architecture components and detailed configuration steps.

Smart home automation solution with Siemens LOGO! compact controller

Figure 1. Smart home automation solution with Siemens LOGO! compact controller


In this solution overview, we are using a low-cost Siemens LOGO! controller (hardware version 8.3 or higher). This controller supports traditional industrial protocols such as Simatic S7 and Modbus TCP/IP as well as MQTT through the native AWS IoT Core interface. Automation controllers are the brains behind smart systems that allow orchestrating all the devices in your home. This reference architecture can be extended to other devices that support MQTT protocol, have programmatic APIs, or Software Development Kits (SDKs). It could serve as a starting point for building a home automation solution using AWS IoT and Grafana and further customized based on customer needs.

Reference architecture for smart home automation solution

Figure 2. Reference architecture for smart home automation solution

The components of this solution are:

  • The LOGO! controller controls home automation equipment and ingests data to AWS IoT Core.
  • AWS IoT Core collects data at scale and routes messages to multiple AWS services.
  • AWS Lambda is called inside the AWS IoT Core statement to transform the incoming data prior to ingestion.
  • Amazon Timestream stores time series data and optimizes it for fast analytical queries.
  • AWS IoT SiteWise models and stores data from equipment for large scale deployments.
  • Grafana installed on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) visualizes data in near real-time using interactive dashboards.
  • The Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) allows interaction with devices using voice commands.
Remote monitoring dashboard allows homeowners to view and control conditions

Figure 3. Remote monitoring dashboard allows homeowners to view and control conditions

Solution overview

Step 1: Ingest data to AWS IoT

The IoT-enabled LOGO! controller provides the out-of-box capability to send data to AWS IoT Core service. In a few clicks, you can configure variables and their update frequency to be published to the AWS Cloud. To get started with the LOGO! controller, please refer to Siemens E-learning portal. AWS IoT Core collects and processes messages from remote devices transmitted over the secured MQTT protocol.

The LOGO! controller publishes data to AWS IoT Core in hexadecimal format. The Lambda function converts the data from hexadecimal to the standard decimal numeric system. If your home automation equipment sends data in the standard decimal format, then AWS IoT Core can directly write data to other AWS services without Lambda.

Step 2: Store data in Timestream or AWS IoT SiteWise

The ingested IoT data is saved for historical analysis. Timestream is a serverless time series database service that is optimized for high throughput ingestion and has built-in analytical functions. It is one of the options you can use to store IoT data. Time series is a common data format to observe how things are changing over time and it is suitable for building IoT applications.

AWS IoT SiteWise is an alternative option to store and organize data at scale. It is beneficial for large-scale commercial building automation and management systems, including offices, hotels, and factories. You can structure data by using built-in asset modeling capabilities.

Step 3: Visualize data in Grafana dashboard

Once data is stored, it can be made available to multiple applications. Grafana is a data visualization platform that you can use to monitor data. It supports near real-time visualization with a refresh rate of 5 seconds or higher. You can visualize data from multiple AWS sources (such as AWS IoT SiteWise, Timestream, and Amazon CloudWatch) and other data sources with a single Grafana dashboard. Grafana can be installed on an Amazon Linux system, Windows, macOS, or deployed on Kubernetes (K8S) or Docker containers. For customers who don’t want to manage infrastructure and are interested in developing completely serverless solution, Amazon offers an Amazon Managed Service for Grafana. At the time of writing this post, this service is available in preview with a limited number of supported plugins.

To build Grafana dashboard and retrieve data from Timestream, you can use SQL queries. Timestream query example to retrieve humidity values and timestamps for the past 24 hours:

SELECT measure_value::double as humidity, time FROM "myhome_db"."livingroom" WHERE measure_name='humidity' and time >=ago(1d)

To retrieve data from AWS IoT SiteWise, you can select asset properties from the asset navigation tab, which makes it simple for non-technical users to build dashboards.

Grafana dashboard configuration with AWS IoT SiteWise

Figure 4. Grafana dashboard configuration with AWS IoT SiteWise

One of the common issues of operational dashboards is that it’s hard to get a physical representation by looking at a cluster of multiple readings. To reflect conditions of physical assets, the information from sensors must be overlaid on top of original physical objects. ImageIt Panel Plugin for Grafana allows you to overcome this issue. You can upload a picture of your house or a system and drag sensor readings to their exact locations, thus creating digital representations of physical objects.

Step 4: Control using Alexa

Using the Alexa Skills Kit, you can build voice skills to be used on devices enabled by Alexa globally. Alexa and AWS IoT enables you to create an end-to-end voice-controlled experience without using any additional hardware. Instead, your functions run on the cloud only when you invoke Alexa with voice commands.

The easiest way to build a custom Alexa skill is to use a Lambda function. You can upload the code for your Alexa skill to a Lambda function. The code will execute in response to Alexa voice interactions and send commands to the LOGO! controller.


In this blog, we reviewed how you can create a digital twin of your home automation or industrial systems using Siemens controllers, AWS IoT, and Grafana dashboards. Connecting the LOGO! controller to AWS gives it access to the Internet of Things (IoT) and opens many potential applications such as anomaly detection, predictive maintenance, intrusion detection, and others.

Benefits of Modernizing On-premise Analytics with an AWS Lake House

Post Syndicated from Vikas Nambiar original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/benefits-of-modernizing-on-premise-analytics-with-an-aws-lake-house/

Organizational analytics systems have shifted from running in the background of IT systems to being critical to an organization’s health.

Analytics systems help businesses make better decisions, but they tend to be complex and are often not agile enough to scale quickly. To help with this, customers upgrade their traditional on-premises online analytic processing (OLAP) databases to hyper converged infrastructure (HCI) solutions. However, these systems incur operational overhead, are limited by proprietary formats, have limited elasticity, and tie customers into costly and inhibiting licensing agreements. These all bind an organization’s growth to the growth of the appliance provider.

In this post, we provide you a reference architecture and show you how an AWS lake house will help you overcome the aforementioned limitations. Our solution provides you the ability to scale, integrate with multiple sources, improve business agility, and help future proof your analytics investment.

High-level architecture for implementing an AWS lake house

Lake house architecture uses a ring of purpose-built data consumers and services centered around a data lake. This approach acknowledges that a one-size-fits-all approach to analytics eventually leads to compromises. These compromises can include agility associated with change management and impact of different business domain reporting requirements on the data from a central platform. As such, simply integrating a data lake with a data warehouse is not sufficient.

Each step in Figure 1 needs to be de-coupled to build a lake house.

Data flow in a lake house

Figure 1. Data flow in a lake house


High-level design for an AWS lake house implementation

Figure 2. High-level design for an AWS lake house implementation

Building a lake house on AWS

These steps summarize building a lake house on AWS:

  1. Identify source system extraction capabilities to define an ingestion layer that loads data into a data lake.
  2. Build data ingestion layer using services that support source systems extraction capabilities.
  3. Build a governance and transformation layer to manipulate data.
  4. Provide capability to consume and visualize information via purpose-built consumption/value layer.

This lake house architecture provides you a de-coupled architecture. Services can be added, removed, and updated independently when new data sources are identified like data sources to enrich data via AWS Data Exchange. This can happen while services in the purpose-built consumption layer address individual business unit requirements.

Building the data ingestion layer

Services in this layer work directly with the source systems based on their supported data extraction patterns. Data is then placed into a data lake.

Figure 3 shows the following services to be included in this layer:

  • AWS Transfer Family for SFTP integrates with source systems to extract data using secure shell (SSH), SFTP, and FTPS/FTP. This service is for systems that support batch transfer modes and have no real-time requirements, such as external data entities.
  • AWS Glue connects to real-time data streams to extract, load, transform, clean, and enrich data.
  • AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) connects and migrates data from relational databases, data warehouses, and NoSQL databases.
Ingestion layer against source systems

Figure 3. Ingestion layer against source systems

Services in this layer are managed services that provide operational excellence by removing patching and upgrade overheads. Being managed services, they will also detect extraction spikes and scale automatically or on-demand based on your specifications.

Building the data lake layer

A data lake built on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) provides the ideal target layer to store, process, and cycle data over time. As the central aspect of the architecture, Amazon S3 allows the data lake to hold multiple data formats and datasets. It can also be integrated with most if not all AWS services and third-party applications.

Figure 4 shows the following services to be included in this layer:

  • Amazon S3 acts as the data lake to hold multiple data formats.
  • Amazon S3 Glacier provides the data archiving and long-term backup storage layer for processed data. It also reduces the amount of data indexed by transformation layer services.
Figure 4. Data lake integrated to ingestion layer

Figure 4. Data lake integrated to ingestion layer

The data lake layer provides 99.999999999% data durability and supports various data formats, allowing you to future proof the data lake. Data lakes on Amazon S3 also integrate with other AWS ecosystem services (for example, AWS Athena for interactive querying or third-party tools running off Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances).

Defining the governance and transformation layer

Services in this layer transform raw data in the data lake to a business consumable format, along with providing operational monitoring and governance capabilities.

Figure 5 shows the following services to be included in this layer:

  1. AWS Glue discovers and transforms data, making it available for search and querying.
  2. Amazon Redshift (Transient) functions as an extract, transform, and load (ETL) node using RA3 nodes. RA3 nodes can be paused outside ETL windows. Once paused, Amazon Redshift’s data sharing capability allows for live data sharing for read purposes, which reduces costs to customers. It also allows for creation of separate, smaller read-intensive business intelligence (BI) instances from the larger write-intensive ETL instances required during ETL runs.
  3. Amazon CloudWatch monitors and observes your enabled services. It integrates with existing IT service management and change management systems such as ServiceNow for alerting and monitoring.
  4. AWS Security Hub implements a single security pane by aggregating, organizing, and prioritizing security alerts from services used, such as Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Inspector, Amazon Macie, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer, AWS Systems Manager, and AWS Firewall Manager.
  5. Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA) sequences your workflow events to ingest, transform, and load data.
  6. Amazon Lake Formation standardizes data lake provisioning.
  7. AWS Lambda runs custom transformation jobs if required, or developed over a period of time that hold custom business logic IP.
Governance and transformation layer prepares data in the lake

Figure 5. Governance and transformation layer prepares data in the lake

This layer provides operational isolation wherein least privilege access control can be implemented to keep operational staff separate from the core services. It also lets you implement custom transformation tasks using Lambda. This allows you to consistently build lakes across all environments and single view of security via AWS Security Hub.

Building the value layer

This layer generates value for your business by provisioning decoupled, purpose-built visualization services, which decouples business units from change management impacts of other units.

Figure 6 shows the following services to be included in this value layer:

  1. Amazon Redshift (BI cluster) acts as the final store for data processed by the governance and transformation layer.
  2. Amazon Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES) conducts log analytics and provides real-time application and clickstream analysis, including for data from previous layers.
  3. Amazon SageMaker prepares, builds, trains, and deploys machine learning models that provide businesses insights on possible scenarios such as predictive maintenance, churn predictions, demand forecasting, etc.
  4. Amazon QuickSight acts as the visualization layer, allowing business and support resources users to create reports, dashboards accessible across devices and embedded into other business applications, portals, and websites.
Value layer with services for purpose-built consumption

Figure 6. Value layer with services for purpose-built consumption


By using services managed by AWS as a starting point, you can build a data lake house on AWS. This open standard based, pay-as-you-go data lake will help future proof your analytics platform. With the AWS data lake house architecture provided in this post, you can expand your architecture, avoid excessive license costs associated with proprietary software and infrastructure (along with their ongoing support costs). These capabilities are typically unavailable in on-premises OLAP/HCI based data analytics platforms.

Related information

Auto scaling Amazon Kinesis Data Streams using Amazon CloudWatch and AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from Matthew Nolan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/auto-scaling-amazon-kinesis-data-streams-using-amazon-cloudwatch-and-aws-lambda/

This post is co-written with Noah Mundahl, Director of Public Cloud Engineering at United Health Group.

In this post, we cover a solution to add auto scaling to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. Whether you have one stream or many streams, you often need to scale them up when traffic increases and scale them down when traffic decreases. Scaling your streams manually can create a lot of operational overhead. If you leave your streams overprovisioned, costs can increase. If you want the best of both worlds—increased throughput and reduced costs—then auto scaling is a great option. This was the case for United Health Group. Their Director of Public Cloud Engineering, Noah Mundahl, joins us later in this post to talk about how adding this auto scaling solution impacted their business.

Overview of solution

In this post, we showcase a lightweight serverless architecture that can auto scale one or many Kinesis data streams based on throughput. It uses Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), and AWS Lambda. A single SNS topic and Lambda function process the scaling of any number of streams. Each stream requires one scale-up and one scale-down CloudWatch alarm. For an architecture that uses Application Auto Scaling, see Scale Amazon Kinesis Data Streams with AWS Application Auto Scaling.

The workflow is as follows:

  1. Metrics flow from the Kinesis data stream into CloudWatch (bytes/second, records/second).
  2. Two CloudWatch alarms, scale-up and scale-down, evaluate those metrics and decide when to scale.
  3. When one of these scaling alarms triggers, it sends a message to the scaling SNS topic.
  4. The scaling Lambda function processes the SNS message:
    1. The function scales the data stream up or down using UpdateShardCount:
      1. Scale-up events double the number of shards in the stream
      2. Scale-down events halve the number of shards in the stream
    2. The function updates the metric math on the scale-up and scale-down alarms to reflect the new shard count.


The scaling alarms rely on CloudWatch alarm metric math to calculate a stream’s maximum usage factor. This usage factor is a percentage calculation from 0.00–1.00, with 1.00 meaning the stream is 100% utilized in either bytes per second or records per second. We use the usage factor for triggering scale-up and scale-down events. Our alarms use the following usage factor thresholds to trigger scaling events: >= 0.75 for scale-up and < 0.25 for scale-down. We use 5-minute data points (period) on all alarms because they’re more resistant to Kinesis traffic micro spikes.

Scale-up usage factor

The following screenshot shows the metric math on a scale-up alarm.

The scale-up max usage factor for a stream is calculated as follows:

s1 = Current shard count of the stream
m1 = Incoming Bytes Per Period, directly from CloudWatch metrics
m2 = Incoming Records Per Period, directly from CloudWatch metrics
e1 = Incoming Bytes Per Period with missing data points filled by zeroes
e2 = Incoming Records Per Period with missing data points filled by zeroes
e3 = Incoming Bytes Usage Factor 
   = Incoming Bytes Per Period / Max Bytes Per Period
   = e1/(1024*1024*60*$kinesis_period_mins*s1)
e4 = Incoming Records Usage Factor  
   = Incoming Records Per Period / Max Records Per Period 
   = e2/(1000*60*$kinesis_period_mins*s1) 
e6 = Max Usage Factor: Incoming Bytes or Incoming Records 
   = MAX([e3,e4])

Scale-down usage factor

We calculate the scale-down usage factor the same as the scale-up usage factor with some additional metric math to (optionally) take into account the iterator age of the stream to block scale-downs when stream processing is falling behind. This is useful if you’re using Lambda functions per shard, known as the Parallelization Factor, to process your streams. If you have a backlog of data, scaling down reduces the number of Lambda functions you need to process that backlog.

The following screenshot shows the metric math on a scale-down alarm.

The scale-down max usage factor for a stream is calculated as follows:

s1 = Current shard count of the stream
s2 = Iterator Age (in minutes) after which we begin blocking scale downs	
m1 = Incoming Bytes Per Period, directly from CloudWatch metrics
m2 = Incoming Records Per Period, directly from CloudWatch metrics
e1 = Incoming Bytes Per Period with missing data points filled by zeroes
e2 = Incoming Records Per Period with missing data points filled by zeroes
e3 = Incoming Bytes Usage Factor 
   = Incoming Bytes Per Period / Max Bytes Per Period
   = e1/(1024*1024*60*$kinesis_period_mins*s1)
e4 = Incoming Records Usage Factor  
   = Incoming Records Per Period / Max Records Per Period 
   = e2/(1000*60*$kinesis_period_mins*s1)
e5 = Iterator Age Adjusted Factor 
   = Scale Down Threshold * (Iterator Age Minutes / Iterator Age Minutes to Block Scale Down)
   = $kinesis_scale_down_threshold * ((FILL(m3,0)*1000/60)/s2)
e6 = Max Usage Factor: Incoming Bytes, Incoming Records, or Iterator Age Adjusted Factor
   = MAX([e3,e4,e5])


You can deploy this solution via AWS CloudFormation. For more information, see the GitHub repo.

If you need to generate traffic on your streams for testing, consider using the Amazon Kinesis Data Generator. For more information, see Test Your Streaming Data Solution with the New Amazon Kinesis Data Generator.

Optum’s story

As the health services innovation arm of UnitedHealth Group, Optum has been on a multi-year journey towards advancing maturity and capabilities in the public cloud. Our multi-cloud strategy includes using many cloud-native services offered by AWS. The elasticity and self-healing features of the public cloud are among of its many strengths, and we use the automation provided natively by AWS through auto scaling capabilities. However, some services don’t natively provide those capabilities, such as Kinesis Data Streams. That doesn’t mean that we’re complacent and accept inelasticity.

Reducing operational toil

At the scale Optum operates at in the public cloud, monitoring for errors or latency related to our Kinesis data stream shard count and manually adjusting those values in response could become a significant source of toil for our public cloud platform engineering teams. Rather than engaging in that toil, we prefer to engineer automated solutions that respond much faster than humans and help us maintain performance, data resilience, and cost-efficiency.

Serving our mission through engineering

Optum is a large organization with thousands of software engineers. Our mission is to help people live healthier lives and help make the health system work better for everyone. To accomplish that mission, our public cloud platform engineers must act as force multipliers across the organization. With solutions such as this, we ensure that our engineers can focus on building and not on responding to needless alerts.


In this post, we presented a lightweight auto scaling solution for Kinesis Data Streams. Whether you have one stream or many streams, this solution can handle scaling for you. The benefits include less operational overhead, increased throughput, and reduced costs. Everything you need to get started is available on the Kinesis Auto Scaling GitHub repo.

About the authors

Matthew NolanMatthew Nolan is a Senior Cloud Application Architect at Amazon Web Services. He has over 20 years of industry experience and over 10 years of cloud experience. At AWS he helps customers rearchitect and reimagine their applications to take full advantage of the cloud. Matthew lives in New England and enjoys skiing, snowboarding, and hiking.



Paritosh Walvekar Paritosh Walvekar is a Cloud Application Architect with AWS Professional Services, where he helps customers build cloud native applications. He has a Master’s degree in Computer Science from University at Buffalo. In his free time, he enjoys watching movies and is learning to play the piano.



Noah Mundahl Noah Mundahl is Director of Public Cloud Engineering at United Health Group.