Tag Archives: Amazon Cognito

Throttling a tiered, multi-tenant REST API at scale using API Gateway: Part 2

Post Syndicated from Nick Choi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/throttling-a-tiered-multi-tenant-rest-api-at-scale-using-api-gateway-part-2/

In Part 1 of this blog series, we demonstrated why tiering and throttling become necessary at scale for multi-tenant REST APIs, and explored tiering strategy and throttling with Amazon API Gateway.

In this post, Part 2, we will examine tenant isolation strategies at scale with API Gateway and extend the sample code from Part 1.

Enhancing the sample code

To enable this functionality in the sample code (Figure 1), we will make manual changes. First, create one API key for the Free Tier and five API keys for the Basic Tier. Currently, these API keys are private keys for your Amazon Cognito login, but we will make a further change in the backend business logic that will promote them to pooled resources. Note that all of these modifications are specific to this sample code’s implementation; the implementation and deployment of a production code may be completely different (Figure 1).

Cloud architecture of the sample code

Figure 1. Cloud architecture of the sample code

Next, in the business logic for thecreateKey(), find the AWS Lambda function in lambda/create_key.js.  It appears like this:

function createKey(tableName, key, plansTable, jwt, rand, callback) {
  const pool = getPoolForPlanId( key.planId ) 
  if (!pool) {
    createSiloedKey(tableName, key, plansTable, jwt, rand, callback);
  } else {
    createPooledKey(pool, tableName, key, jwt, callback);

The getPoolForPlanId() function does a search for a pool of keys associated with the usage plan. If there is a pool, we “create” a kind of reference to the pooled resource, rather than a completely new key that is created by the API Gateway service directly. The lambda/api_key_pools.js should be empty.

exports.apiKeyPools = [];

In effect, all usage plans were considered as siloed keys up to now. To change that, populate the data structure with values from the six API keys that were created manually. You will have to look up the IDs of the API keys and usage plans that were created in API Gateway (Figures 2 and 3). Using the AWS console to navigate to API Gateway is the most intuitive.

A view of the AWS console when inspecting the ID for the Basic usage plan

Figure 2. A view of the AWS console when inspecting the ID for the Basic usage plan

A view of the AWS Console when looking up the API key value (not the ID)

Figure 3. A view of the AWS Console when looking up the API key value (not the ID)

When done, your code in lambda/api_key_pools.js should be the following, but instead of ellipses (), the IDs for the user plans and API keys specific to your environment will appear.

exports.apiKeyPools = [{
    planName: "FreePlan"
    planId: "...",
    apiKeys: [ "..." ]
    planName: "BasicPlan"
    planId: "...",
    apiKeys: [ "...", "...", "...", "...", "..." ]

After making the code changes, run cdk deploy from the command line to update the Lambda functions. This change will only affect key creation and deletion because of the system implementation. Updates affect only the user’s specific reference to the key, not the underlying resource managed by API Gateway.

When the web application is run now, it will look similar to before—tenants should not be aware what tiering strategy they have been assigned to. The only way to notice the difference would be to create two Free Tier keys, test them, and note that the value of the X-API-KEY header is unchanged between the two.

Now, you have a virtually unlimited number of users who can have API keys in the Free or Basic Tier. By keeping the Premium Tier siloed, you are subject to the 10,000-API-key maximum (less any keys allocated for the lower tiers). You may consider additional techniques to continue to scale, such as replicating your service in another AWS account.

Other production considerations

The sample code is minimal, and it illustrates just one aspect of scaling a Software-as-a-service (SaaS) application. There are many other aspects be considered in a production setting that we explore in this section.

The throttled endpoint, GET /api rely only on API key for authorization for demonstration purpose. For any production implementation consider authentication options for your REST APIs. You may explore and extend to require authentication with Cognito similar to /admin/* endpoints in the sample code.

One API key for Free Tier access and five API keys for Basic Tier access are illustrative in a sample code but not representative of production deployments. Number of API keys with service quota into consideration, business and technical decisions may be made to minimize noisy neighbor effect such as setting blast radius upper threshold of 0.1% of all users. To satisfy that requirement, each tier would need to spread users across at least 1,000 API keys. The number of keys allocated to Basic or Premium Tier would depend on market needs and pricing strategies. Additional allocations of keys could be held in reserve for troubleshooting, QA, tenant migrations, and key retirement.

In the planning phase of your solution, you will decide how many tiers to provide, how many usage plans are needed, and what throttle limits and quotas to apply. These decisions depend on your architecture and business.

To define API request limits, examine the system API Gateway is protecting and what load it can sustain. For example, if your service will scale up to 1,000 requests per second, it is possible to implement three tiers with a 10/50/40 split: the lowest tier shares one common API key with a 100 request per second limit; an intermediate tier has a pool of 25 API keys with a limit of 20 requests per second each; and the highest tier has a maximum of 10 API keys, each supporting 40 requests per second.

Metrics play a large role in continuously evolving your SaaS-tiering strategy (Figure 4). They provide rich insights into how tenants are using the system. Tenant-aware and SaaS-wide metrics on throttling and quota limits can be used to: assess tiering in-place, if tenants’ requirements are being met, and if currently used tenant usage profiles are valid (Figure 5).

Tiering strategy example with 3 tiers and requests allocation per tier

Figure 4. Tiering strategy example with 3 tiers and requests allocation per tier

An example SaaS metrics dashboard

Figure 5. An example SaaS metrics dashboard

API Gateway provides options for different levels of granularity required, including detailed metrics, and execution and access logging to enable observability of your SaaS solution. Granular usage metrics combined with underlying resource consumption leads to managing optimal experience for your tenants with throttling levels and policies per method and per client.


To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources. This can be done on the command line by typing:

cd ${TOP}/cdk
cdk destroy

cd ${TOP}/react
amplify delete

${TOP} is the topmost directory of the sample code. For the most up-to-date information, see the README.md file.


In this two-part blog series, we have reviewed the best practices and challenges of effectively guarding a tiered multi-tenant REST API hosted in AWS API Gateway. We also explored how throttling policy and quota management can help you continuously evaluate the needs of your tenants and evolve your tiering strategy to protect your backend systems from being overwhelmed by inbound traffic.

Further reading:

Throttling a tiered, multi-tenant REST API at scale using API Gateway: Part 1

Post Syndicated from Nick Choi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/throttling-a-tiered-multi-tenant-rest-api-at-scale-using-api-gateway-part-1/

Many software-as-a-service (SaaS) providers adopt throttling as a common technique to protect a distributed system from spikes of inbound traffic that might compromise reliability, reduce throughput, or increase operational cost. Multi-tenant SaaS systems have an additional concern of fairness; excessive traffic from one tenant needs to be selectively throttled without impacting the experience of other tenants. This is also known as “the noisy neighbor” problem. AWS itself enforces some combination of throttling and quota limits on nearly all its own service APIs. SaaS providers building on AWS should design and implement throttling strategies in all of their APIs as well.

In this two-part blog series, we will explore tiering and throttling strategies for multi-tenant REST APIs and review tenant isolation models with hands-on sample code. In part 1, we will look at why a tiering and throttling strategy is needed and show how Amazon API Gateway can help by showing sample code. In part 2, we will dive deeper into tenant isolation models as well as considerations for production.

We selected Amazon API Gateway for this architecture since it is a fully managed service that helps developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs. First, let’s focus on how Amazon API Gateway can be used to throttle REST APIs with fine granularity using Usage Plans and API Keys. Usage Plans define the thresholds beyond which throttling should occur. They also enable quotas, which sets a maximum usage per a day, week, or month. API Keys are identifiers for distinguishing traffic and determining which Usage Plans to apply for each request. We limit the scope of our discussion to REST APIs because other protocols that API Gateway supports — WebSocket APIs and HTTP APIs — have different throttling mechanisms that do not employ Usage Plans or API Keys.

SaaS providers must balance minimizing cost to serve and providing consistent quality of service for all tenants. They also need to ensure one tenant’s activity does not affect the other tenants’ experience. Throttling and quotas are a key aspect of a tiering strategy and important for protecting your service at any scale. In practice, this impact of throttling polices and quota management is continuously monitored and evaluated as the tenant composition and behavior evolve over time.

Architecture Overview

Figure 1. Cloud Architecture of the sample code.

Figure 1 – Architecture of the sample code

To get a firm foundation of the basics of throttling and quotas with API Gateway, we’ve provided sample code in AWS-Samples on GitHub. Not only does it provide a starting point to experiment with Usage Plans and API Keys in the API Gateway, but we will modify this code later to address complexity that happens at scale. The sample code has two main parts: 1) a web frontend and, 2) a serverless backend. The backend is a serverless architecture using Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon Cognito. As Figure I illustrates, it implements one REST API endpoint, GET /api, that is protected with throttling and quotas. There are additional APIs under the /admin/* resource to provide Read access to Usage Plans, and CRUD operations on API Keys.

All these REST endpoints could be tested with developer tools such as curl or Postman, but we’ve also provided a web application, to help you get started. The web application illustrates how tenants might interact with the SaaS application to browse different tiers of service, purchase API Keys, and test them. The web application is implemented in React and uses AWS Amplify CLI and SDKs.


To deploy the sample code, you should have the following prerequisites:

For clarity, we’ll use the environment variable, ${TOP}, to indicate the top-most directory in the cloned source code or the top directory in the project when browsing through GitHub.

Detailed instructions on how to install the code are in ${TOP}/INSTALL.md file in the code. After installation, follow the ${TOP}/WALKTHROUGH.md for step-by-step instructions to create a test key with a very small quota limit of 10 requests per day, and use the client to hit that limit. Search for HTTP 429: Too Many Requests as the signal your client has been throttled.

Figure 2: The web application (with browser developer tools enabled) shows that a quick succession of API calls starts returning an HTTP 429 after the quota for the day is exceeded.

Figure 2: The web application (with browser developer tools enabled) shows that a quick succession of API calls starts returning an HTTP 429 after the quota for the day is exceeded.

Responsibilities of the Client to support Throttling

The Client must provide an API Key in the header of the HTTP request, labelled, “X-Api-Key:”. If a resource in API Gateway has throttling enabled and that header is missing or invalid in the request, then API Gateway will reject the request.

Important: API Keys are simple identifiers, not authorization tokens or cryptographic keys. API keys are for throttling and managing quotas for tenants only and not suitable as a security mechanism. There are many ways to properly control access to a REST API in API Gateway, and we refer you to the AWS documentation for more details as that topic is beyond the scope of this post.

Clients should always test for the response to any network call, and implement logic specific to an HTTP 429 response. The correct action is almost always “try again later.” Just how much later, and how many times before giving up, is application dependent. Common approaches include:

  • Retry – With simple retry, client retries the request up to defined maximum retry limit configured
  • Exponential backoff – Exponential backoff uses progressively larger wait time between retries for consecutive errors. As the wait time can become very long quickly, maximum delay and a maximum retry limits should be specified.
  • Jitter – Jitter uses a random amount of delay between retry to prevent large bursts by spreading the request rate.

AWS SDK is an example client-responsibility implementation. Each AWS SDK implements automatic retry logic that uses a combination of retry, exponential backoff, jitter, and maximum retry limit.

SaaS Considerations: Tenant Isolation Strategies at Scale

While the sample code is a good start, the design has an implicit assumption that API Gateway will support as many API Keys as we have number of tenants. In fact, API Gateway has a quota on available per region per account. If the sample code’s requirements are to support more than 10,000 tenants (or if tenants are allowed multiple keys), then the sample implementation is not going to scale, and we need to consider more scalable implementation strategies.

This is one instance of a general challenge with SaaS called “tenant isolation strategies.” We highly recommend reviewing this white paper ‘SasS Tenant Isolation Strategies‘. A brief explanation here is that the one-resource-per-customer (or “siloed”) model is just one of many possible strategies to address tenant isolation. While the siloed model may be the easiest to implement and offers strong isolation, it offers no economy of scale, has high management complexity, and will quickly run into limits set by the underlying AWS Services. Other models besides siloed include pooling, and bridged models. Again, we recommend the whitepaper for more details.

Figure 3. Tiered multi-tenant architectures often employ different tenant isolation strategies at different tiers. Our example is specific to API Keys, but the technique generalizes to storage, compute, and other resources.

Figure 3- Tiered multi-tenant architectures often employ different tenant isolation strategies at different tiers. Our example is specific to API Keys, but the technique generalizes to storage, compute, and other resources.

In this example, we implement a range of tenant isolation strategies at different tiers of service. This allows us to protect against “noisy-neighbors” at the highest tier, minimize outlay of limited resources (namely, API-Keys) at the lowest tier, and still provide an effective, bounded “blast radius” of noisy neighbors at the mid-tier.

A concrete development example helps illustrate how this can be implemented. Assume three tiers of service: Free, Basic, and Premium. One could create a single API Key that is a pooled resource among all tenants in the Free Tier. At the other extreme, each Premium customer would get their own unique API Key. They would protect Premium tier tenants from the ‘noisy neighbor’ effect. In the middle, the Basic tenants would be evenly distributed across a set of fixed keys. This is not complete isolation for each tenant, but the impact of any one tenant is contained within “blast radius” defined.

In production, we recommend a more nuanced approach with additional considerations for monitoring and automation to continuously evaluate tiering strategy. We will revisit these topics in greater detail after considering the sample code.


In this post, we have reviewed how to effectively guard a tiered multi-tenant REST API hosted in Amazon API Gateway. We also explored how tiering and throttling strategies can influence tenant isolation models. In Part 2 of this blog series, we will dive deeper into tenant isolation models and gaining insights with metrics.

If you’d like to know more about the topic, the AWS Well-Architected SaaS Lens Performance Efficiency pillar dives deep on tenant tiers and providing differentiated levels of performance to each tier. It also provides best practices and resources to help you design and reduce impact of noisy neighbors your SaaS solution.

To learn more about Serverless SaaS architectures in general, we recommend the AWS Serverless SaaS Workshop and the SaaS Factory Serverless SaaS reference solution that inspired it.

Best practices: Securing your Amazon Location Service resources

Post Syndicated from Dave Bailey original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/best-practices-securing-your-amazon-location-service-resources/

Location data is subjected to heavy scrutiny by security experts. Knowing the current position of a person, vehicle, or asset can provide industries with many benefits, whether to understand where a current delivery is, how many people are inside a venue, or to optimize routing for a fleet of vehicles. This blog post explains how Amazon Web Services (AWS) helps keep location data secured in transit and at rest, and how you can leverage additional security features to help keep information safe and compliant.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) defines personal data as “any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (…) such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.” Also, many companies wish to improve transparency to users, making it explicit when a particular application wants to not only track their position and data, but also to share that information with other apps and websites. Your organization needs to adapt to these changes quickly to maintain a secure stance in a competitive environment.

On June 1, 2021, AWS made Amazon Location Service generally available to customers. With Amazon Location, you can build applications that provide maps and points of interest, convert street addresses into geographic coordinates, calculate routes, track resources, and invoke actions based on location. The service enables you to access location data with developer tools and to move your applications to production faster with monitoring and management capabilities.

In this blog post, we will show you the features that Amazon Location provides out of the box to keep your data safe, along with best practices that you can follow to reach the level of security that your organization strives to accomplish.

Data control and data rights

Amazon Location relies on global trusted providers Esri and HERE Technologies to provide high-quality location data to customers. Features like maps, places, and routes are provided by these AWS Partners so solutions can have data that is not only accurate but constantly updated.

AWS anonymizes and encrypts location data at rest and during its transmission to partner systems. In parallel, third parties cannot sell your data or use it for advertising purposes, following our service terms. This helps you shield sensitive information, protect user privacy, and reduce organizational compliance risks. To learn more, see the Amazon Location Data Security and Control documentation.


Operationalizing location-based solutions can be daunting. It’s not just necessary to build the solution, but also to integrate it with the rest of your applications that are built in AWS. Amazon Location facilitates this process from a security perspective by integrating with services that expedite the development process, enhancing the security aspects of the solution.


Amazon Location uses AWS owned keys by default to automatically encrypt personally identifiable data. AWS owned keys are a collection of AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) keys that an AWS service owns and manages for use in multiple AWS accounts. Although AWS owned keys are not in your AWS account, Amazon Location can use the associated AWS owned keys to protect the resources in your account.

If customers choose to use their own keys, they can benefit from AWS KMS to store their own encryption keys and use them to add a second layer of encryption to geofencing and tracking data.

Authentication and authorization

Amazon Location also integrates with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), so that you can use its identity-based policies to specify allowed or denied actions and resources, as well as the conditions under which actions are allowed or denied on Amazon Location. Also, for actions that require unauthenticated access, you can use unauthenticated IAM roles.

As an extension to IAM, Amazon Cognito can be an option if you need to integrate your solution with a front-end client that authenticates users with its own process. In this case, you can use Cognito to handle the authentication, authorization, and user management for you. You can use Cognito unauthenticated identity pools with Amazon Location as a way for applications to retrieve temporary, scoped-down AWS credentials. To learn more about setting up Cognito with Amazon Location, see the blog post Add a map to your webpage with Amazon Location Service.

Limit the scope of your unauthenticated roles to a domain

When you are building an application that allows users to perform actions such as retrieving map tiles, searching for points of interest, updating device positions, and calculating routes without needing them to be authenticated, you can make use of unauthenticated roles.

When using unauthenticated roles to access Amazon Location resources, you can add an extra condition to limit resource access to an HTTP referer that you specify in the policy. The aws:referer request context value is provided by the caller in an HTTP header, and it is included in a web browser request.

The following is an example of a policy that allows access to a Map resource by using the aws:referer condition, but only if the request comes from the domain example.com.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "MapsReadOnly",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:geo:us-west-2:111122223333:map/MyMap",
      "Condition": {
        "StringLike": {
          "aws:Referer": "https://www.example.com/*"

To learn more about aws:referer and other global conditions, see AWS global condition context keys.

Encrypt tracker and geofence information using customer managed keys with AWS KMS

When you create your tracker and geofence collection resources, you have the option to use a symmetric customer managed key to add a second layer of encryption to geofencing and tracking data. Because you have full control of this key, you can establish and maintain your own IAM policies, manage key rotation, and schedule keys for deletion.

After you create your resources with customer managed keys, the geometry of your geofences and all positions associated to a tracked device will have two layers of encryption. In the next sections, you will see how to create a key and use it to encrypt your own data.

Create an AWS KMS symmetric key

First, you need to create a key policy that will limit the AWS KMS key to allow access to principals authorized to use Amazon Location and to principals authorized to manage the key. For more information about specifying permissions in a policy, see the AWS KMS Developer Guide.

To create the key policy

Create a JSON policy file by using the following policy as a reference. This key policy allows Amazon Location to grant access to your KMS key only when it is called from your AWS account. This works by combining the kms:ViaService and kms:CallerAccount conditions. In the following policy, replace us-west-2 with your AWS Region of choice, and the kms:CallerAccount value with your AWS account ID. Adjust the KMS Key Administrators statement to reflect your actual key administrators’ principals, including yourself. For details on how to use the Principal element, see the AWS JSON policy elements documentation.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "Amazon Location",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "*"
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*",
      "Condition": {
        "StringEquals": {
          "kms:ViaService": "geo.us-west-2.amazonaws.com",
          "kms:CallerAccount": "111122223333"
      "Sid": "Allow access for Key Administrators",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/KMSKeyAdmin"
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*"

For the next steps, you will use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). Make sure to have the latest version installed by following the AWS CLI documentation.

Tip: AWS CLI will consider the Region you defined as the default during the configuration steps, but you can override this configuration by adding –region <your region> at the end of each command line in the following command. Also, make sure that your user has the appropriate permissions to perform those actions.

To create the symmetric key

Now, create a symmetric key on AWS KMS by running the create-key command and passing the policy file that you created in the previous step.

aws kms create-key –policy file://<your JSON policy file>

Alternatively, you can create the symmetric key using the AWS KMS console with the preceding key policy.

After running the command, you should see the following output. Take note of the KeyId value.

  "KeyMetadata": {
    "Origin": "AWS_KMS",
    "KeyId": "1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab",
    "Description": "",
    "KeyManager": "CUSTOMER",
    "Enabled": true,
    "CustomerMasterKeySpec": "SYMMETRIC_DEFAULT",
    "KeyUsage": "ENCRYPT_DECRYPT",
    "KeyState": "Enabled",
    "CreationDate": 1502910355.475,
    "Arn": "arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab",
    "AWSAccountId": "111122223333",
    "MultiRegion": false
    "EncryptionAlgorithms": [

Create an Amazon Location tracker and geofence collection resources

To create an Amazon Location tracker resource that uses AWS KMS for a second layer of encryption, run the following command, passing the key ID from the previous step.

aws location \
	create-tracker \
	--tracker-name "MySecureTracker" \
	--kms-key-id "1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab"

Here is the output from this command.

    "CreateTime": "2021-07-15T04:54:12.913000+00:00",
    "TrackerArn": "arn:aws:geo:us-west-2:111122223333:tracker/MySecureTracker",
    "TrackerName": "MySecureTracker"

Similarly, to create a geofence collection by using your own KMS symmetric keys, run the following command, also modifying the key ID.

aws location \
	create-geofence-collection \
	--collection-name "MySecureGeofenceCollection" \
	--kms-key-id "1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab"

Here is the output from this command.

    "CreateTime": "2021-07-15T04:54:12.913000+00:00",
    "TrackerArn": "arn:aws:geo:us-west-2:111122223333:geofence-collection/MySecureGeoCollection",
    "TrackerName": "MySecureGeoCollection"

By following these steps, you have added a second layer of encryption to your geofence collection and tracker.

Data retention best practices

Trackers and geofence collections are stored and never leave your AWS account without your permission, but they have different lifecycles on Amazon Location.

Trackers store the positions of devices and assets that are tracked in a longitude/latitude format. These positions are stored for 30 days by the service before being automatically deleted. If needed for historical purposes, you can transfer this data to another data storage layer and apply the proper security measures based on the shared responsibility model.

Geofence collections store the geometries you provide until you explicitly choose to delete them, so you can use encryption with AWS managed keys or your own keys to keep them for as long as needed.

Asset tracking and location storage best practices

After a tracker is created, you can start sending location updates by using the Amazon Location front-end SDKs or by calling the BatchUpdateDevicePosition API. In both cases, at a minimum, you need to provide the latitude and longitude, the time when the device was in that position, and a device-unique identifier that represents the asset being tracked.

Protecting device IDs

This device ID can be any string of your choice, so you should apply measures to prevent certain IDs from being used. Some examples of what to avoid include:

  • First and last names
  • Facility names
  • Documents, such as driver’s licenses or social security numbers
  • Emails
  • Addresses
  • Telephone numbers

Latitude and longitude precision

Latitude and longitude coordinates convey precision in degrees, presented as decimals, with each decimal place representing a different measure of distance (when measured at the equator).

Amazon Location supports up to six decimal places of precision (0.000001), which is equal to approximately 11 cm or 4.4 inches at the equator. You can limit the number of decimal places in the latitude and longitude pair that is sent to the tracker based on the precision required, increasing the location range and providing extra privacy to users.

Figure 1 shows a latitude and longitude pair, with the level of detail associated to decimals places.

Figure 1: Geolocation decimal precision details

Figure 1: Geolocation decimal precision details

Position filtering

Amazon Location introduced position filtering as an option to trackers that enables cost reduction and reduces jitter from inaccurate device location updates.

  • DistanceBased filtering ignores location updates wherein devices have moved less than 30 meters (98.4 ft).
  • TimeBased filtering evaluates every location update against linked geofence collections, but not every location update is stored. If your update frequency is more often than 30 seconds, then only one update per 30 seconds is stored for each unique device ID.
  • AccuracyBased filtering ignores location updates if the distance moved was less than the measured accuracy provided by the device.

By using filtering options, you can reduce the number of location updates that are sent and stored, thus reducing the level of location detail provided and increasing the level of privacy.

Logging and monitoring

Amazon Location integrates with AWS services that provide the observability needed to help you comply with your organization’s security standards.

To record all actions that were taken by users, roles, or AWS services that access Amazon Location, consider using AWS CloudTrail. CloudTrail provides information on who is accessing your resources, detailing the account ID, principal ID, source IP address, timestamp, and more. Moreover, Amazon CloudWatch helps you collect and analyze metrics related to your Amazon Location resources. CloudWatch also allows you to create alarms based on pre-defined thresholds of call counts. These alarms can create notifications through Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) to automatically alert teams responsible for investigating abnormalities.


At AWS, security is our top priority. Here, security and compliance is a shared responsibility between AWS and the customer, where AWS is responsible for protecting the infrastructure that runs all of the services offered in the AWS Cloud. The customer assumes the responsibility to perform all of the necessary security configurations to the solutions they are building on top of our infrastructure.

In this blog post, you’ve learned the controls and guardrails that Amazon Location provides out of the box to help provide data privacy and data protection to our customers. You also learned about the other mechanisms you can use to enhance your security posture.

Start building your own secure geolocation solutions by following the Amazon Location Developer Guide and learn more about how the service handles security by reading the security topics in the guide.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this blog post, start a new thread on Amazon Location Service forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Rafael Leandro Junior

Rafael Leandro, Junior

Rafael Leandro, Junior, is a senior global solutions architect who currently focuses on the consumer packaged goods and transportation industries. He helps large global customers on their journeys with AWS.

David Bailey

David Bailey

David Bailey is a senior security consultant who helps AWS customers achieve their cloud security goals. He has a passion for building new technologies and providing mentorship for others.

Enriching Amazon Cognito features with an Amazon API Gateway proxy

Post Syndicated from Mahmoud Matouk original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/enriching-amazon-cognito-features-with-an-amazon-api-gateway-proxy/

This post was co-written with Geoff Baskwill, member of the Architecture Enabling Team at Trend Micro. At Trend Micro, we use AWS technologies to build secure solutions to help our customers improve their security posture.

This post builds on the architecture originally published in Protect public clients for Amazon Cognito with an Amazon CloudFront proxy. Read that post to learn more about public clients and why it is helpful to implement a proxy layer.

We’ll build on the idea of passing calls to Amazon Cognito through a lightweight proxy. This pattern allows you to augment identity flows in your system with additional processing without having to change the client or the backend. For example, you can use the proxy layer to protect public clients as explained in the original post. You can also use this layer to apply additional fraud detection logic to prevent fraudulent sign up, propagate events to downstream systems for monitoring or enhanced logging, and replicate certain events to another AWS Region (for example, to build high availability and multi-Region capabilities).

The solution in the original post used Amazon CloudFront, Lambda@Edge, and AWS WAF to implement protection of public clients, and hinted that there are multiple ways to do it. In this post, we explore one of these alternatives by using Amazon API Gateway and a proxy AWS Lambda function to implement the proxy to Amazon Cognito. This alternative offers improved performance and full access to request and response elements.

Solution overview

The focus of this solution is to protect public clients of the Amazon Cognito user pool.

The workflow is shown in Figure 1 and works as follows:

  1. Configure the client application (mobile or web client) to use the API Gateway endpoint as a proxy to an Amazon Cognito regional endpoint. You also create an application client in Amazon Cognito with a secret. This means that any unauthenticated API call must have the secret hash.
  2. Use a Lambda function to add a secret hash to the relevant incoming requests before passing them on to the Amazon Cognito endpoint. This function can also be used for other purposes like logging, propagation of events, or additional validation.
  3. In the Lambda function, you must have the app client secret to be able to calculate the secret hash and add it to the request. We recommend that you keep the secret in AWS Secrets Manager and cache it for the lifetime of the function.
  4. Use AWS WAF with API Gateway to enforce rate limiting, implement allow and deny lists, and apply other rules according to your security requirements.
  5. Clients that send unauthenticated API calls to the Amazon Cognito endpoint directly are blocked and dropped because of the missing secret.

Not shown: You may want to set up a custom domain and certificate for your API Gateway endpoint.

A proxy solution to the Amazon Cognito regional endpoint

Figure 1. A proxy solution to the Amazon Cognito regional endpoint

Deployment steps

You can use the following AWS CloudFormation template to deploy this proxy pattern for your existing Amazon Cognito user pool.

Note: This template references a Lambda code package from a bucket in the us-east-1 Region. For that reason, the template can be only created in us-east-1. If you need to create the proxy solution in another Region, download the template and Lambda code package, update the template to reference another Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket that you own in the desired Region, and upload the code package to that S3 bucket. Then you can deploy your modified template in the desired Region.

launch stack

This template requires the user pool ID as input and will create several resources in your AWS account to support the following proxy pattern:

  • A new application client with a secret will be added to your Amazon Cognito user pool
  • The secret will be stored in Secrets Manager and will be read from the proxy Lambda function
  • The proxy Lambda function will be used to intercept Amazon Cognito API calls and attach client-secret to applicable requests
  • The API Gateway project provides the custom proxy endpoint that is used as the Amazon Cognito endpoint in your client applications
  • An AWS WAF WebACL provides firewall protection to the API Gateway endpoint. The WebACL includes placeholder rules for Allow and Deny lists of IPs. It also includes a rate limiting rule that will block requests from IP addresses that exceed the number of allowed requests within a five-minute period (rate limit value is provided as input to the template)
  • Several helper resources will also be created like Lambda functions, necessary AWS IAM policies, and roles to allow the solution to function properly

After you create a successful stack, you can find the endpoint URL in the outputs section of your CloudFormation stack. This is the URL we use in the next section with client applications.

Note: The template and code has been simplified for demonstration purposes. If you plan to deploy this solution in production, make sure to review these resources for compliance with your security and performance requirements. For example, you might need to enable certain logs or log encryption or use a customer managed key for encryption.

Integrating your client with proxy solution

Integrate the client application with the proxy by changing the endpoint in your client application to use the endpoint URL for the proxy API Gateway. The endpoint URL and application client ID are located in the Outputs section of the CloudFormation stack.

Next, edit your client-side code to forward calls to Amazon Cognito through the proxy endpoint and use the new application client ID. For example, if you’re using the Identity SDK, you should change this property as follows.

var poolData = {
  UserPoolId: '<USER-POOL-ID>',
  ClientId: '<APP-CLIENT-ID>',
  endpoint: 'https://<APIGATEWAY-URL>'

If you’re using AWS Amplify, change the endpoint in the aws-exports.js file by overriding the property aws_cognito_endpoint. Or, if you configure Amplify Auth in your code, you can provide the endpoint as follows.

  userPoolId: '<USER-POOL-ID>',
  userPoolWebClientId: '<APP-CLIENT-ID>',
  endpoint: 'https://<APIGATEWAY-URL>'

If you have a mobile application that uses the Amplify mobile SDK, override the endpoint in your configuration as follows (don’t include AppClientSecret parameter in your configuration).

Note that the Endpoint value contains the domain name only, not the full URL. This feature is available in the latest releases of the iOS and Android SDKs.

"CognitoUserPool": {
  "Default": {
    "AppClientId": "<APP-CLIENT-ID>",
    "Endpoint": "<APIGATEWAY-DOMAIN-NAME>",
    "PoolId": "<USER-POOL-ID>",
    "Region": "<REGION>"
WARNING: If you do an amplify push or amplify pull operation, the Amplify CLI overwrites customizations to the awsconfiguration.json and amplifyconfiguration.json files. You must manually re-apply the Endpoint customization and remove the AppClientSecret if you use the CLI to modify your cloud backend.

When to use this pattern

The same guidance for using this pattern applies as in the original post.

You may prefer this solution if you are familiar with API Gateway or if you want to take advantage of the following:

  • Use CloudWatch metrics from API Gateway to monitor the behavior and health of your Amazon Cognito user pool.
  • Find and examine logs from your Lambda proxy function in the Region where you have deployed this solution.
  • Deploy your proxy function into an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) and access sensitive data or services in the Amazon VPC or through Amazon VPC endpoints.
  • Have full access to request and response in the proxy Lambda function

Extend the proxy features

Now that you are intercepting all of the API requests to Amazon Cognito, add features to your identity layer:

  • Emit events using Amazon EventBridge when user data changes. You can do this when the proxy function receives mutating actions like UpdateUserAttribute (among others) and Amazon Cognito processes the request successfully.
  • Implement more complex rate limiting than what AWS WAF supports, like per-user rate limits regardless of where IP address requests are coming from. This can also be extended to include fraud detection, request input validation, and integration with third-party security tools.
  • Build a geo-redundant user pool that transparently mitigates regional failures by replicating mutating actions to an Amazon Cognito user pool in another Region.


This solution has the same limitations highlighted in the original post. Keep in mind that resourceful authenticated users can still make requests to the Amazon Cognito API directly using the access token they obtained from authentication. If you want to prevent this from happening, adjust the proxy to avoid returning the access token to clients or return an encrypted version of the token.


In this post, we explored an alternative solution that implements a thin proxy to Amazon Cognito endpoint. This allows you to protect your application against unwanted requests and enrich your identity flows with additional logging, event propagation, validations, and more.

Ready to get started? If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon Cognito forum or contact AWS Support.

How to re-platform and modernize Java web applications on AWS

Post Syndicated from Rick Armstrong original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/re-platform-java-web-applications-on-aws/

This post is written by: Bill Chan, Enterprise Solutions Architect

According to a report from Grand View Research, “the global application server market size was valued at USD 15.84 billion in 2020 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.2% from 2021 to 2028.” The report also suggests that Java based application servers “accounted for the largest share of around 50% in 2020.” This means that many organizations continue to rely on Java application server capabilities to deliver middleware services that underpin the web applications running their transactional, content management and business process workloads.

The maturity of the application server technology also means that many of these web applications were built on traditional three-tier web architectures running in on-premises data centers. And as organizations embark on their journey to cloud, the question arises as to what is the best approach to migrate these applications?

There are seven common migration strategies when moving applications to the cloud, including:

  • Retain – keeping applications running as is and revisiting the migration at a later stage
  • Retire – decommissioning applications that are no longer required
  • Repurchase – switching from existing applications to a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution
  • Rehost – moving applications as is (lift and shift), without making any changes to take advantage of cloud capabilities
  • Relocate – moving applications as is, but at a hypervisor level
  • Replatform – moving applications as is, but introduce capabilities that take advantage of cloud-native features
  • Refactor – re-architect the application to take full advantage of cloud-native features

Refer to Migrating to AWS: Best Practices & Strategies and the 6 Strategies for Migrating Applications to the Cloud for more details.

This blog focuses on the ‘replatform’ strategy, which suits customers who have large investments in application server technologies and the business case for re-architecting doesn’t stack up. By re-platforming their applications into the cloud, customers can benefit from the flexibility of a ‘pay-as-you-go’ model, dynamically scale to meet demand and provision infrastructure as code. Additionally, customers can increase the speed and agility to modernize existing applications and build new cloud-native applications to deliver better customer experiences.

In this post, we walk through the steps to replatform a simple contact management Java application running on an open-source Tomcat application server, along with modernization aspects that include:

  • Deploying a Tomcat web application with automatic scaling capabilities
  • Integrating Tomcat with Redis cache (using Redisson Session Manager for Tomcat)
  • Integrating Tomcat with Amazon Cognito for authentication (using Boyle Software’s OpenID Connect Authenticator for Tomcat)
  • Delegating user log in and sign up to Amazon Cognito

Overview of solution

Solution architecture overview diagram

The solution is comprised of the following components:

  • A VPC across two Availability Zones
  • Two public subnets, two private app subnets, and two private DB subnets
  • An Internet Gateway attached to the VPC
    • A public route table routing internet traffic to the Internet Gateway
    • Two private route tables routing traffic internally within the VPC
  • A frontend web server application Elastic Load Balancing that routes traffic to the Apache Web Servers
  • An Auto Scaling group that launches additional Apache Web Servers based on defined scaling policies. Each instance of the web server is based on a launch template, which defines the same configuration for each new web server.
  • A hosted zone in Amazon Route 53 with a domain name that routes to the frontend web server Elastic Load Balancing
  • An application Elastic Load Balancing that routes traffic to the Tomcat application servers
  • An Auto Scaling group that launches additional Tomcat Application Servers based on defined scaling policies. Each instance of the Tomcat application server is based on a launch template, which defines the same configuration and software components for each new application server
  • A Redis cache cluster with a primary and replica node to store session data after the user has authenticated, making your application servers stateless
  • A Redis open-source Java client, with a Tomcat Session Manager implementation to store authenticated user session data in Redis cache
  • A MySQL Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) Multi-AZ deployment for MySQL RDS to store the contact management and role access tables
  • An Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket to store the application and framework artifacts, images, scripts and configuration files that are referenced by any new Tomcat application server instances provisioned by automatic scaling
  • Amazon Cognito with a sign-up Lambda function to register users and insert a corresponding entry in the user account tables. Cognito acts as an identity provider and performs the user authentication using an OpenID Connect Authenticator Java component


The following steps overviews how to deploy the blog solution:

  • Clone and build the Sample Web Application and AWS Signup Lambda Maven projects from GitHub repository
  • Deploy the CloudFormation template (java-webapp-infra.yaml) to create the AWS networking infrastructure and the CloudFormation template (java-webapp-rds.yaml) to create the database instance
  • Update and build the sample web application and signup Lambda function
  • Upload the packages into your S3 bucket
  • Deploy the CloudFormation template (java-webapp-components.yaml) to create the blog solution components
  • Update the solution configuration files and upload them into your S3 bucket
  • Run a script to provision the underlying database tables
  • Validate the web application, session cache and automatic scaling functionality
  • Clean up resources


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

  • An AWS account
  • An Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) key pair (required for authentication). For more details, see Amazon EC2 key pairs
  • A Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Eclipse or NetBeans. AWS also offers a cloud-based IDE that lets you write, run and debug code in your browser without having to install files or configure your development machine, called AWS Cloud9. I will show how AWS Cloud9 can be used as part of a DevOps solution in a subsequent post
  • A valid domain name and SSL certificate for the deployed web application. To validate the OAuth 2.0 integration, Cognito requires the URL that the user is redirected to after successful sign-in to be HTTPS. Refer to a configuring a user pool app client for more details
  • Downloaded the following JARs:

Note: the solution was validated in the preceding versions and therefore, the launch template created for the CloudFormation solution stack refers to these specific JARs. If you decide to use different versions, then the ‘java-webapp-components.yaml’ will need to be updated to reflect the new versions. Alternatively, you can externalize the parameters in the template.

Clone the GitHub repository to your local machine

This repository contains the sample code for the Java web application and post confirmation sign-up Lambda function. It also contains the CloudFormation templates required to set up the AWS infrastructure, SQL script to create the supporting database and configuration files for the web server, Tomcat application server and Redis cache.

Deploy infrastructure CloudFormation template

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFormation service.

Diagram showing the first step in creating a CloudFormation stack.

2. Create the infrastructure stack using the java-webapp-infra.yaml template (located in the ‘config’ directory of the repo).

3. Infrastructure stack outputs:

Diagram showing the outputs generated from the infrastructure stack creation

Deploy database CloudFormation template

  1.  Log in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFormation service.
  2. Create the infrastructure stack using the java-webapp-rds.yaml template (located in the ‘config’ directory of the repo).
  3. Database stack outputs.

Diagram showing the outputs generated from the relational database service stack creation

Update and build sample web application and signup Lambda function

  1. Import the ‘sample-webapp’ and ‘aws-signup-lambda’ Maven projects from the repository into your IDE.
  2. Update the sample-webapp’s UserDAO class to reflect the RDSEndpoint, DBUserName, and DBPassword from the previous step:”
    // Externalize and update jdbcURL, jdbcUsername, jdbcPassword parameters specific to your environment
    	private String jdbcURL = "jdbc:mysql://<RDSEndpoint>:3306/webappdb?useSSL=false";
    	private String jdbcUsername = "<DBUserName>";
    	private String jdbcPassword = "<DBPassword>";

  3. To build the ‘sample-webapp’ Maven project, use the standard ‘clean install’ goals.
  4. Update the aws-signup-lambda’s signupHandler class to reflect RDSEndpoint, DBUserName, and DBPassword from the solution stack:
    // Update with your database connection details
    		String jdbcURL = "jdbc:mysql://<RDSEndpoint>:3306/webappdb?useSSL=false";
    		String jdbcUsername = "<DBUserName>";
    		String jdbcPassword = "<DBPassword>";

  5. To build the aws-signup-lambda Maven project, use the ‘package shade:shade’ goals to include all dependencies in the package.
  6. Two packages are created in their respective target directory: ‘sample-webapp.war’ and ‘create-user-lambda-1.0.jar’

Upload the packages into your S3 bucket

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console and open the S3 service.
  2. Select the bucket created by the infrastructure CloudFormation template in an earlier step.

Diagram showing the S3 bucket interface with no objects.

3.  Create a ‘config’ and ‘lib’ folder in the bucket.

Diagram showing the S3 bucket interface with the new folders.

4.  Upload the ‘sample-webapp.war’ and ‘create-user-lambda-1.0.jar’ created an earlier step (along with the downloaded packages from the pre-requisites section) into the ‘lib’ folder of the bucket. The ‘lib’ folder should look like this:

Diagram showing the S3 bucket interface and objects in the lib folder

Note: the solution was validated in the preceding versions and therefore, the launch template created for the CloudFormation solution stack refers to these specific package names.

Deploy the solution components CloudFormation template

1.       Log in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFormation service (if you aren’t already logged in from the previous step).

2.       Create the web application solution stack using the ‘java-webapp-components.yaml’ template (located in the ‘config’ directory of the repo).

3.       Guidance on the different template input parameters:

a.       BastionSGSource – default is, but it is recommended to restrict this to your allowed IPv4 CIDR range for additional security

b.       BucketName – the bucket name created as part of the infrastructure stack. This blog uses the bucket name is ‘chanbi-java-webapp-bucket’

c.       CallbackURL – the URL that the user is redirected to after successful sign up/sign in is composed of your domain name (blog.example.com), the application root (sample-webapp), and the authentication form action ‘j_security_check’. As noted earlier, this needs to be over HTTPS

d.       CreateUserLambdaKey – the S3 object key for the signup Lambda package. This blog uses the key ‘lib/create-user-lambda-1.0.jar’

e.       DBUserName – the database user name for the MySQL RDS. Make note of this as it will be required in a subsequent step

f.        DBUserPassword – the database user password. Make note of this as it will be required in a subsequent step

g.       KeyPairName – the key pair to use when provisioning the EC2 instances. This key pair was created in the pre-requisite step

h.       WebALBSGSource – the IPv4 CIDR range allowed to access the web app. Default is

i.         The remaining parameters are import names from the infrastructure stack. Use default settings

4.       After successful stack creation, you should see the following java web application solution stack output:

 Diagram showing the outputs generated from the solution components stack creation.

Update configuration files

  1. The GitHub repository’s ‘config’ folder contains the configuration files for the web server, Tomcat application server and Redis cache, which needs to be updated to reflect the parameters specific to your stack output in the previous step.
  2. Update the virtual hosts in ‘httpd.conf’ to proxy web traffic to the internal app load balancer. Use the value defined by the key ‘AppALBLoadBalancerDNS’ from the stack output.
    <VirtualHost *:80>
    ProxyPass / http://<AppALBLoadBalancerDNS>:8080/
    ProxyPassReverse / http://<AppALBLoadBalancerDNS>:8080/

  3. Update JDBC resource for the ‘webappdb’ in the ‘context.xml, with the values defined by the RDSEndpoint, DBUserName, and DBPassword from the solution components CloudFormation stack:
    <Resource name="jdbc/webappdb" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
                   maxTotal="100" maxIdle="30" maxWaitMillis="10000"
                   username="<DBUserName>" password="<DBPassword>" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"

  4. Log in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Cognito service. Select ‘Manage User Pools’ and you will notice that a ‘java-webapp-pool’ has been created by the solution components CloudFormation stack. Select the ‘java-webapp-pool’ and make note of the ‘Pool Id’, ‘App client id’ and ‘App client secret’.

Diagram showing the Cognito User Pool interface general settings

Diagram showing the Cognito User Pool interface app client settings

5.  Update ‘Valve’ configuration in the ‘context.xml’, with the ‘Pool Id’, ‘App client id’ and ‘App client secret’ values from the previous step. The Cognito IDP endpoint specific to your Region can be found here. The host base URI needs to be replaced with the domain for your web application.

    <Valve className="org.bsworks.catalina.authenticator.oidc.tomcat90.OpenIDConnectAuthenticator"
               name: 'Amazon Cognito',
               issuer: https://<cognito-idp-endpoint-for-you-region>/<cognito-pool-id>,
               clientId: <user-pool-app-client-id>,
               clientSecret: <user-pool-app-client-secret>
        hostBaseURI="https://<your-sample-webapp-domain>" usernameClaim="email" />

6.  Update the ‘address’ parameter in ‘redisson.yaml’ with Redis cluster endpoint. Use the value defined by the key ‘RedisClusterEndpoint’ from the solution components CloudFormation stack output.

    address: "redis://<RedisClusterEndpoint>:6379"

7.  No updates are required to the following files:

a.  server.xml – defines a data source realm for the user names, passwords, and roles assigned to users

      <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.DataSourceRealm"
   dataSourceName="jdbc/webappdb" localDataSource="true"
   userTable="user_accounts" userNameCol="user_name" userCredCol="user_pass"
   userRoleTable="user_account_roles" roleNameCol="role_name" debug="9" />

b.  tomcat.service – allows Tomcat to run as a service

c.  uninstall-sample-webapp.sh – removes the sample web application

Upload configuration files into your S3 bucket

  1. Upload the configuration files from the previous step into the ‘config’ folder of the bucket. The ‘config’ folder should look like this:

Diagram showing the S3 bucket interface and objects in the config folder

Update the Auto Scaling groups

  1. Auto Scaling groups manage the provisioning and removal of the web and application instances in our solution. To start an instance of the web server, update the Auto Scaling group’s desired capacity (1), minimum capacity (1) and maximum capacity (2) as shown in the following image:

Diagram showing the web server auto scaling group interface and group details.

2.  To start an instance of the application server, update the Auto Scaling group’s desired capacity (1), minimum capacity (1) and maximum capacity (2) for as shown in the following image:

Diagram showing the web server auto scaling group interface and group details.

The web and application scaling groups will show a status of “Updating capacity” (as shown in the following image) as the instances start up.

Diagram showing the auto scaling groups interface and updating capacity status.

After web and application servers have started, an instance will appear under ‘Instance management’ with a ‘Healthy’ status for each Auto Scaling group (as shown in the following image).

Diagram showing the web server auto scaling group interface and instance status

Diagram showing the application server auto scaling group interface and instance status

Run the database script webappdb_create_tables.sql

  1. The database script creates the database and underlying tables required by the web application. As the database server resides in the DB private subnet and is only accessible from the application server instance, we need to first connect (via SSH) to the bastion host (using public IPv4 DNS), and from there we can connect (via SSH) to the application server instance (using its private IPv4 address). This will in turn allow us to connect to the database instance and run the database script. Refer to connecting to your Linux instance using SSH for more details. Instance details are located under the ‘Instances’ view (as shown in the following image).

Diagram showing the instances interface and the running instances for the VPC

2.  Transfer the database script webappdb_create_tables.sql to the application server instance via the Bastion Host. Refer to transferring files using a client for details.

3.  Once connected to the application server via SSH, execute the command to connect to the database instance:

mysql -h <RDSEndpoint> -P 3306 -u <DBUserName> -p

4. Enter the DB user password used when creating the database instance. You will be presented with the MySQL prompt after successful login:

Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 300
Server version: 8.0.23 Source distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MySQL [(none)]>

5. Run the command to run the database script webappdb_create_tables.sql:

source /home/ec2-user/webappdb_create_tables.sql

Add an HTTPS listener to the external web load balancer

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console and select Load Balancers as part of the EC2 service
    Diagram showing the load balancer interface
  2. Add a HTTPS listener on port 443 for the web load balancer. The default action for the listener is to forward traffic to the web instance target group. Refer to create an HTTPS listener for your Application Load Balancer for more details.
    Diagram showing the load balancer add listener interface

Reference the SSL certificate for your domain. In the following example, I have used a certificate from AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) for my domain. You also have the option of using a certificate from Identity Access Management or importing your own certificate.

Diagram showing the secure listener settings interface

Update your DNS to route traffic from the external web load balancer

  1. In this example, I use Amazon Route 53 as the Domain Name Server (DNS) service, but the steps will be similar when using your own DNS service.
  2. Create an A record type that routes traffic from your domain name to the external web load balancer. For more details, refer to creating records by using the Amazon Route 53 console.
    Diagram showing the hosted zone interface

Validate the web application

  1. In your browser, access the following https://<yourdomain.example.com>/sample-webapp
    Diagram showing the log in page for the sample web application.
  2. Select “Amazon Cognito” to authenticate using Cognito as the Identity Provider (IdP). You will be redirected to the login page for your Cognito domain.
    Diagram showing the sign in page provided by Amazon Cognito
  3. Select the “Sign up” to create a new user and enter your email and password. Note the password strength requirements that can be configured as part of the user pool’s policies.
    Diagram showing the sign up page provided by Amazon Cognito
  4. An email with the verification code will be sent to the sign-up email address. Enter the code on the verification code screen.
    Diagram showing the account confirmation page with verification code provided by Amazon Cognito
  5. After successful confirmation, you will be re-directed to the authenticated landing page for the web application.
    Diagram showing the main page with the list of contacts for the sample web application.
  6. The simple web application allows you to add, edit, and delete contacts as shown in the following image.
    Diagram showing the list of contacts for the sample web application with edit and delete functionality.

Validate the session data on Redis

  1. Follow the steps outlined in connecting to nodes for details on connecting to your Redis cache cluster. You will need to connect to your application server instance (via the bastion host) to perform this as the Redis cache is only accessible from the private subnet.
  2. After successfully installing the Redis client, search for your authenticated user session key in the cluster by running the command (from within the ‘redis-stable’ directory):
    src/redis-cli -c -h <RedisClusterEndpoint> -p 6379 -–bigkeys

  3. You should see an output with your Tomcat authenticated session (if you can’t, perform another login via the Cognito login screen):
    # Scanning the entire keyspace to find biggest keys as well as
    # average sizes per key type.  You can use -i 0.1 to sleep 0.1 sec
    # per 100 SCAN commands (not usually needed).
    [00.00%] Biggest hash   found so far '"redisson:tomcat_session:AE647D93F2BECEFEE07B5B42C435E3DE"' with 8 fields

  4. Connect to the cache cluster:
    # src/redis-cli -c -h <RedisClusterEndpoint> -p 6379

  5. Run the HGETALL command to get the session details:
    java-webapp-redis-cluster.<xxxxxx>.0001.apse2.cache.amazonaws.com:6379> HGETALL "redisson:tomcat_session:AE647D93F2BECEFEE07B5B42C435E3DE"
     1) "session:creationTime"
     2) "\x04L\x00\x00\x01}\x16\x92\x1bX"
     3) "session:lastAccessedTime"
     4) "\x04L\x00\x00\x01}\x16\x92%\x9c"
     5) "session:principal"
     6) "\x04\x04\t>@org.apache.catalina.realm.GenericPrincipal$SerializablePrincipal\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x04>\x04name\x16\x00>\bpassword\x16\x00>\tprincipal\x16\x00>\x05roles\x16\x00\x16>\[email protected]>\[email protected]\x01B\x01\x14>\bstandard"
     7) "session:maxInactiveInterval"
     8) "\x04K\x00\x00\a\b"
     9) "session:isValid"
    10) "\x04P"
    11) "session:authtype"
    12) "\x04>\x04FORM"
    13) "session:isNew"
    14) "\x04Q"
    15) "session:thisAccessedTime"
    16) "\x04L\x00\x00\x01}\x16\x92%\x9c"

Scale your web and application server instances

  1. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling provides several ways for you to scale instances in your Auto Scaling group such as scaling manually as we did in an earlier step. But you also have the option to scale dynamically to meet changes in demand (such as maintaining CPU Utilization at 50%), predictively scale in advance of daily and weekly patterns in traffic flows, or scale based on a scheduled time. Refer to scaling the size of your Auto Scaling group for more details.
    Diagram showing the auto scaling groups interface and scaling policies
  2. We will create a scheduled action to provision another application server instance.
    Diagram showing the auto scaling group's create schedule action interface.
  3. As per our scheduled action, at 11.30 am, an additional application server instance is started.
    Diagram showing the activity history for the instance.
  4. Under instance management, you will see an additional instance in ‘Pending’ state as it starts.
    Diagram showing the auto scaling groups interface and additional instances.
  5. To test the stateless nature of your application, you can manually stop the original application server instance and observe that your end-user experience is unaffected i.e. you are not prompted to re-authenticate and can continue using the application as your session data is stored in Redis ElastiCache and not tied to the original instance.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, remove the resources by deleting the java-webapp-components, java-webapp-rds and java-webapp-infra CloudFormation stacks.


Customers with significant investments in Java application server technologies have options to migrate to the cloud without requiring a complete re-architecture of their applications. In this blog, we’ve shown an approach to modernizing Java applications running on Tomcat Application Server in AWS. And in doing so, take advantage of cloud-native features such as automatic scaling, provisioning infrastructure as code, and leveraging managed services (such as ElastiCache for Redis and Amazon RDS) to make our application stateless. We also demonstrated modernization features such as authentication and user provisioning via an external IdP (Amazon Cognito). For more information on different re-platforming patterns refer to the AWS Prescriptive Guidance on Migration.

QsrSoft launches Digital Huddle Board in 3 months with AWS serverless and Fire devices

Post Syndicated from Sushanth Mangalore original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/qsrsoft-launches-digital-huddle-board-in-3-months-with-aws-serverless-and-fire-devices/

QsrSoft is a software as a service (SaaS) company that develops solutions for clients in the restaurant, hospitality, and retail industries to help them achieve operational excellence. QsrSoft has provided these services for more than two decades and now services over 14,000 locations. QsrSoft started using AWS in 2015 and fully migrated all their workloads to AWS by 2016. QsrSoft can innovate rapidly with AWS and use best-in class technologies for cloud-native solutions for their customers.

In QsrSoft’s target industries, it is important to have a way to focus and motivate employees on common objectives. It can be hard to stay on top of ongoing activities and inspire a team towards operational goals. Through client engagement and data collection, QsrSoft identified this as a pressing business challenge that could be solved with technology. After attending an AWS Digital Innovation Program workshop, QsrSoft conceptualized a digital huddle board that connects teams through gamification, communication, recognition, and excellence in shift management. To bring QsrSoft TV to market in the shortest possible time, QsrSoft decided to build using the AWS serverless suite of services.

QsrSoft successfully lowered the barrier of entry when installing a digital huddle board. Using commodity hardware from Amazon devices such as Fire TV Sticks and Fire Smart TVs, QsrSoft released the product as an app in the Amazon App store. Clients can use existing TV screens when rolling out QsrSoft TV, and only have to plug in a Fire TV Stick and pair it with a five-digit code. This blog post describes QsrSoft TV’s architecture and the AWS services employed in building it.

QsrSoft TV architecture

Building on top of their existing microservices architecture and AWS Amplify, a team of three developers brought QsrSoft TV to market in three months. The solution relies heavily on serverless technologies on AWS. Traditionally, in developing a new product, QsrSoft would need to engage several specialized technical resources. Using the fully managed experience of serverless technologies, QsrSoft can focus on delivering business value for the use case. AWS takes care of managing the technology’s hosting and implementation. With serverless, you only pay for what you use, which makes it possible to correlate your costs with the success of your solution.

Figure 1 illustrates the architecture of this solution:

Figure 1. Architecture diagram of QsrSoft TV solution

Figure 1. Architecture diagram of QsrSoft TV solution

Digital huddle board app

The customer-facing component of the solution is the application, which runs on Fire devices in restaurants. AWS Amplify is a service that streamlines development of both web applications and native apps. The app is derived from a single-page application (SPA) developed with Vue.js. AWS Amplify provides features such as integrated authentication, CI/CD, and Web Preview. It also provides GraphQL-based endpoints to access Amazon DynamoDB using AWS AppSync. This enables the QsrSoft development team to function autonomously without dependency on the operations or data integration teams. You can connect to the different Amplify backends from the AWS Management Console or with command line interface (CLI) commands. With the Amplify CLI, you can use default categories for the backends or use the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) to customize them.

GraphQL based API layer

The heart of QsrSoft TV is the API that provides the application with its core functionality. QsrSoft built an AWS AppSync endpoint to power QsrSoft TV’s business logic. AWS Amplify provides an easy way to create a secure AWS AppSync API endpoint through integrated authentication and transport layer security (TLS) for in-transit encryption. The development team can first model the data visually in Amplify Studio. Amplify then creates the queries, subscriptions, and mutations. With a single click from the Studio, you can deploy this model to an AWS AppSync API endpoint. The use of annotations permitted the dev team to customize the model further for the application’s needs, such as indexing by key attributes, authorization, and model relationships. This feature of Amplify Studio saved the development team up to 50% of the total API development effort.

Continuous automated deployments and releases

AWS Amplify abstracts the need for a dedicated operations team. This is enabled by AWS Amplify’s fully managed deployment and hosting for full-stack web applications. The development team connected Amplify to the GitHub repository, and in minutes had a complete CI/CD pipeline in place. There was no need to configure any pipelines or handcraft any YAML files. QsrSoft uses Amplify Web Previews, which enabled the product team and beta testers to preview multiple changes and experiments without releasing code to production. While Amplify deployed the Vue.js application, QsrSoft used fastlane to automate the deployment of the Fire TV application into the Amazon App Store. fastlane is an open-source tool that automates tasks like code signing and releasing the Fire TV binary to the Amazon App Store. This enabled QsrSoft to stay true to its automated deployments and infrastructure as code (IaC) practices.

Simplified password-less authentication

With this command line statement, amplify add auth, QsrSoft laid the groundwork for securing their TV application. Behind the scenes, Amplify uses Amazon Cognito to set up a user pool for the app users. QsrSoft TV provides a password-less login experience to the users, by abstracting the need to log in using a username and password. Instead, you use a five-digit code to pair the Fire TV app with a specific location. Amazon Cognito enables this by securing the app with JSON web tokens (JWT).

Automatic data synchronization

The development team focused on data modeling using the visual tools built into Amplify Studio. Amplify provided an AWS AppSync endpoint, so the developers could use GraphQL to interact with Amplify DataStore. Since the data models in the Amplify Studio support DataStore, the development team can now support an app that works offline. Offline mode is vital to any enterprise application, and it engages QsrSoft TV’s users even during an internet outage. Amplify is used to create an AWS AppSync backend with Amazon DynamoDB tables that match the schema created at the application. As the app interacts with the local DataStore, it starts an instance of its Sync Engine, which publishes the data changes by the application to the DynamoDB backend. An additional AWS Lambda-based backend called QORM, aggregates information from QsrSoft’s custom data warehouse implementation based on Amazon S3 and Amazon Aurora.

The scaling and performance provided by DynamoDB and Lambda allowed QsrSoft to scale without extensive planning, as the number of installs increased. This fully serverless application stack is cost-effective and enables QsrSoft to innovate freely. QsrSoft TV onboarded 100 locations in the first week. QsrSoft projects 7,000+ installs in the first year.


AWS is constantly innovating on behalf of our customers like QsrSoft. By leveraging serverless technologies on AWS, QsrSoft accelerated the go-to-market time for QsrSoft TV. Serverless on AWS provides a low barrier to entry for innovation-focused organizations who want to bring an idea to life quickly to provide business value to their customers.

Amazon Fire devices enable software vendors to make their applications available for large-scale distribution. Fire devices are today being used by several thousand households and workplaces worldwide. Many industries can benefit from developing apps for Amazon Fire devices that can be used on large displays and television screens.

Further reading:

How UnitedHealth Group Improved Disaster Recovery for Machine-to-Machine Authentication

Post Syndicated from Vinodh Kumar Rathnasabapathy original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/how-unitedhealth-group-improved-disaster-recovery-for-machine-to-machine-authentication/

This blog post was co-authored by Vinodh Kumar Rathnasabapathy, Senior Manager of Software Engineering, UnitedHealth Group. 

Engineers who use Amazon Cognito for machine-to-machine authentication select a primary Region where they deploy their application infrastructure and the Amazon Cognito authorization endpoint. Amazon Cognito is a highly available service in single Region deployments with a published service-level agreement (SLA) target of 99.9%. The UnitedHealth Group (UHG) team needed a solution that would enable them to build and deploy their applications in multiple Regions to achieve higher availability targets. A multi-Region application architecture would also allow UHG engineers to failover to a secondary Region in the event that their application experienced issues in the primary Region.

At UHG, Federated Data Services (FDS) is a business-critical customer-facing application, which requires 99.95% availability and disaster recovery features. The FDS engineering team needed their Amazon Cognito infrastructure to be highly available in case of any service events in AWS Regions, along with having greater flexibility of switching between Regions.

The FDS engineering team worked on a custom solution using existing AWS services to fulfill their availability and recovery requirements. This solution not only serves the purpose of their current business needs but also provides recovery in case of any future disaster.

Overview of the solution

In this solution, we select two AWS Regions which will include the primary Region and the failover Region. Amazon Cognito app clients (including client ID and client secret pair) are created in both Regions and stored in an Amazon DynamoDB table. Client applications are given the client ID and client secret of the primary Region. Optionally, an application-generated ID and secret can be provided to the client to conceal the actual Amazon Cognito client ID and client secret. The process is as follows:

  • The client application (machine) initiates an authentication request by sending the Amazon Cognito app client ID and client secret to an Amazon Route 53 domain record.
  • Route 53 routes authentication requests to the in-Region Amazon API Gateway utilizing a Simple routing policy. From there, API Gateway shuts down the TLS connection using AWS Certificate Manager (ACM), and serves as a proxy for the authentication request to AWS Lambda.
  • AWS Lambda verifies the client ID and client secret, and uses them to look up the in-Region client ID and client secret.
  • Lambda uses preconfigured environment variables to request the appropriate Region from DynamoDB.
  • AWS Lambda then passes the returned app client credentials to the in-Region Amazon Cognito deployment. Amazon Cognito verifies the client ID and client secret, and returns an access token to the Lambda function.
  • The client application (machine) can now use this token to access downstream applications.
  • The client authentication process in the secondary (failover) Region is the same, with one exception. In the secondary Region, the Lambda environment variables retrieve app client credentials from the DynamoDB database for the secondary Region Amazon Cognito instance.

To initiate a failover between Regions, the Route 53 domain record needs to be pointed to the secondary Region API Gateway Regional endpoint. The downstream application’s Amazon Cognito configuration files must also be updated to point to the secondary Region Amazon Cognito instance. Alerts can be enabled using Amazon CloudWatch alarms to notify system operators of issues that may warrant a failover (a manual process to help system operators decide when to failover). The entire failover process takes just a couple of seconds for DNS to switch over and for the application to start accepting tokens from the secondary Region. This failover process could be automated based on generated alerts.

This architecture is suitable for a hot standby, active-passive type of application deployment. It is important to note that independent Amazon Cognito environments are being used in each Region, so you will need to set up your application to failover to the secondary Region for authentication. For example, your backend should be able to accept and validate access tokens from both primary and secondary Amazon Cognito user pools. To learn more about disaster recovery options in AWS, visit Disaster recovery options in the cloud.

Architecture overview

Figure 1 shows you how to build a multi-Region machine-to-machine architecture using Amazon Cognito, which uses DynamoDB global tables to perform the data replication. A Lambda function is utilized to retrieve the credentials for the active Region that the application is operating in, and a Regional Amazon Cognito endpoint returns the required token.

Figure 1. Multi-Region Amazon Cognito machine-to-machine architecture

Figure 1. Multi-Region Amazon Cognito machine-to-machine architecture

Process flow

  1. The Route53 domain record for the authentication proxy service is given to the client application and pointed at the API Gateway Regional endpoint. The client passes primary Region app client credentials to the API Gateway.
  2. API Gateway passes Lambda the client ID and client secret pair.
  3. Lambda does a lookup in DynamoDB to verify the client ID and client secret. After the identity is confirmed, Lambda uses Region-based environment variables to identify if the client should be using the primary Region or secondary Region for authenticating to Amazon Cognito. Lambda retrieves the Region-based client ID and client secret from DynamoDB.
  4. Lambda passes the Region-based app ID and secret to Amazon Cognito, which verifies the client ID and client secret, and returns an access token to the Lambda function.
  5. Lambda passes the access token from the Regional Amazon Cognito environment back to the client to be used against Region-based backend applications.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

Note: Ensure that you are following your organization’s security best practices while deploying this architecture.


This implementation will focus on the Lambda logic that is used to retrieve user credentials based on Lambda environment variables. We will share snippets of the Lambda function code so you can create the logic necessary to enable multi-Region application architecture using Amazon Cognito app clients. In addition to the Lambda function, you will also need to create and configure the following resources using security implementation designated by your organization:

  1. DynamoDB table with fields primaryClientID, primaryClientSecret, secondaryClientID, and secondaryClientSecret.
    1. Because this table is used to store secrets, make sure encryption is enabled and you follow Security Best Practices for Amazon DynamoDB and your organization’s security best practices.
    2. Enable DynamoDB global tables.
  1. API Gateway Regional endpoint with TLS encryption using ACM.
  2. Route53 domain record routing traffic to Regional API Gateway.
  3. Downstream application configuration pointing at the Regional Amazon Cognito endpoint.
  4. IAM role that grants access from Lambda to DynamoDB.

Now let’s configure our Lambda function using Node.js language. Within the Lambda console create a new Lambda function that you will author from scratch. Select the Node.js runtime and change the runtime Lambda execution role to the IAM role that you have created for Lambda. Next, we will walk through the Lambda function code and configuration.

  1. Attach your new IAM role as a Lambda runtime role that will grant your Lambda function access to the DynamoDB table.
  2. Within the Lambda configuration environment variables, create several key-value variables in the Lambda function. The following are the environmental variables we will add.
    1. key: OAUTH_HOST_PRIMARY, value: https://${cognito-primary-region-domain-name}/oauth2/token
    2. key: OAUTH_HOST_SECONDARY, value: https://${cognito-secondary-region-domain-name}/oauth2/token
  1. Import the Node.js libraries using the following code.
"dependencies": {
    "aws-sdk": "^2.723.0",
    "aws-serverless-express": "^3.3.8",
    "axios": "^0.21.1",
    "base-64": "^1.0.0",
    "cors": "^2.8.5",
    "dotenv": "^8.2.0",
    "express": "^4.17.1",
    "jsonwebtoken": "^8.5.1",
    "jwt-decode": "^2.2.0",
  1. Parse data from the incoming client application authentication request.
router.post("/", async (request, response) => {
  const client_id = request.body["client_id"];
  const client_secret = request.body["client_secret"]
  const client = await dynamoDB.getClientCredentialById(client_id, client_secret);
  if (client === undefined) {
    return response.status(400).json({
          "Client not configured for in Cognito. Please check with support team",
   const client_credentials = getClientCredentials(client);
   let access_token = await authService.getJwtToken(client_credentials);
  1. Reference the environment variables to determine the Region that the Lambda function is operating in and set the Region as primary or secondary.
getClientCredentials = client => {
   return region === "us-east-1" ? { clientId: client.primaryClientId, clientSecret: client.primaryClientSecret, oAuthHost: config.OAUTH_HOST }
   : region === "us-east-2" ? { clientId: client.secondaryClientId, clientSecret: client.secondaryClientSecret, oAuthHost: config.OAUTH_HOST_EAST_2 }
   : {};
  1. Verify the client ID and client secret against the DynamoDB table and get the Region-based client ID and client secret.
const getClientCredentialById = async (client_id, client_secret) => {

  let params = {
    TableName: clientCredentialTable,
    Key: {
      primaryClientId: client_id,
      primaryClientSecret: client_secret,

  const clientCredential = await ddb.get(params).promise();
  return clientCredential.Item;
  1. Pass the Regional client ID and client secret to Amazon Cognito. You will receive an access token from Amazon Cognito.
   const base64ClientCredentials = base64.encode(
   const headers = {
     "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
     authorization: "Basic " + base64ClientCredentials,
    const data = "grant_type=client_credentials";
    // Post request to Cognito OAuth URL
    const token = await Axios.post(client_credentials.oAuthHost, data, { headers });
    return token.data;
  1. Pass the access token from the Regional Amazon Cognito environment back to the client to be used against Region-based backend applications.
let access_token = await authService.getJwtToken(client_credentials);

New app client creation

You need to implement this Lambda function in both the primary and secondary Regions. Modify the environmental variables in the secondary Region with the secondary Region’s information.

To enroll a new client in this multi-Region architecture using Amazon Cognito we will go through the process as shown in the following illustration.

Figure 2. Creating a new app client

Figure 2. Creating a new app client

You need to create a new:

  1. App ID and secret in Amazon Cognito in the primary Region.
  2. App ID and secret in Amazon Cognito in the secondary Region.
  3. Item in DynamoDB table consisting of the Amazon Cognito credentials created: primaryClientID, primaryClientSecret, secondaryClientID, and secondaryClientSecret.

Failover process

In this blog post we are creating a hot standby, active-passive type of application deployment. You will need to ensure your application is configured to be able to use either the primary Region Amazon Cognito or the secondary Region Amazon Cognito environment. The process to failover between Regions consists of the following:

  1. Start application backend in the secondary Region.
  2. Reconfigure the application backend Amazon Cognito identity provider YAML file to point at the secondary Region Amazon Cognito identity provider.
  3. Modify the Route 53 domain record to point client applications at the secondary Region API Gateway Regional endpoint.

Cleaning up

In order to avoid unnecessary charges, please be sure to clean up any resources that were built as part of this architecture that are no longer in use.


In this blog post, we presented a solution that allows you to failover Amazon Cognito app clients from one AWS Region to another Region. The benefits of this architecture will allow you to have greater flexibility for running your Amazon Cognito app clients in the Region that is best suited for your use case. With this solution you now have the capability to failover Amazon Cognito app clients to a different AWS Region in the event of application or system errors.

Several variants of this solution can be implemented using the provided Lambda failover logic. You can store App ID and secret in AWS Secrets Manager. To learn more, see How to replicate secrets in AWS Secrets Manager to multiple Regions. You can also automate the failover process between primary and secondary Regions. To accomplish this, you will need to evaluate events which should cause a failover in your environment. Later, build the appropriate automation to failover your downstream application to the secondary Region Amazon Cognito deployment.

Amazon Cognito can be used for machine authentication as per the limits posted in Quotas in Amazon Cognito. Review the limits of number of app clients per user pool and the other applicable rate limits (for example, client credentials rate limits) and verify that these limits meet the needs of your application.

Optum’s Story

UnitedHealth Group (UHG) is the health and well-being company responsible for over 150 million lives globally. Optum, a part of UnitedHealth Group, is a health services business serving the healthcare marketplace, including payers, care providers, employers, governments, life sciences companies and consumers, through its OptumHealth, OptumInsight, OptumRx, and OptumServe businesses.

Federated Data Services (FDS) is the power behind the scenes that enables interoperability and secure transmission of personally identifiable information. It protects health information between lines of businesses, technology systems, applications, members and providers. With FDS, data is centralized, making it easier to share and retrieve by other systems. This assures businesses get a flexible and scalable solution that adapts to changes in technology and business needs.

Codacy Measures Developer Productivity using AWS Serverless

Post Syndicated from Catarina Gralha original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/codacy-measures-developer-productivity-using-aws-serverless/

Codacy is a DevOps insights company based in Lisbon, Portugal. Since its launch in 2012, Codacy has helped software development and engineering teams reduce defects, keep technical debt in check, and ship better code, faster.

Codacy’s latest product, Pulse, is a service that helps understand and improve the performance of software engineering teams. This includes measuring metrics such as deployment frequency, lead time for changes, or mean time to recover. Codacy’s main platform is built on top of AWS products like Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), but they have taken Pulse one step further with AWS serverless.

In this post, we will explore the Pulse’s requirements, architecture, and the services it is built on, including AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, and Amazon DynamoDB.

Pulse prototype requirements

Codacy had three clear requirements for their initial Pulse prototype.

  1. The solution must enable the development team to iterate quickly and have minimal time-to-market (TTM) to validate the idea.
  2. The solution must be easily scalable and match the demands of both startups and large enterprises alike. This was of special importance, as Codacy wanted to onboard Pulse with some of their existing customers. At the time, these customers already had massive amounts of information.
  3. The solution must be cost-effective, particularly during the early stages of the product development.

Enter AWS serverless

Codacy could have built Pulse on top of Amazon EC2 instances. However, this brings the undifferentiated heavy lifting of having to provision, secure, and maintain the instances themselves.

AWS serverless technologies are fully managed services that abstract the complexity of infrastructure maintenance away from developers and operators, so they can focus on building products.

Serverless applications also scale elastically and automatically behind the scenes, so customers don’t need to worry about capacity provisioning. Furthermore, these services are highly available by design and span multiple Availability Zones (AZs) within the Region in which they are deployed. This gives customers higher confidence that their systems will continue running even if one Availability Zone is impaired.

AWS serverless technologies are cost-effective too, as they are billed per unit of value, as opposed to billing per provisioned capacity. For example, billing is calculated by the amount of time a function takes to complete or the number of messages published to a queue, rather than how long an EC2 instance runs. Customers only pay when they are getting value out of the services, for example when serving an actual customer request.

Overview of Pulse’s solution architecture

An event is generated when a developer performs a specific action as part of their day-to-day tasks, such as committing code or merging a pull request. These events are the foundational data that Pulse uses to generate insights and are thus processed by multiple Pulse components called modules.

Let’s take a detailed look at a few of them.

Ingestion module

Figure 1. Pulse ingestion module architecture

Figure 1. Pulse ingestion module architecture

Figure 1 shows the ingestion module, which is the entry point of events into the Pulse platform and is built on AWS serverless applications as follows:

  • The ingestion API is exposed to customers using Amazon API Gateway. This defines REST, HTTP, and WebSocket APIs with sophisticated functionality such as request validation, rate limiting, and more.
  • The actual business logic of the API is implemented as AWS Lambda functions. Lambda can run custom code in a fully managed way. You only pay for the time that the function takes to run, in 1-millisecond increments. Lambda natively supports multiple languages, but customers can also bring their own runtimes or container images as needed.
  • API requests are authorized with keys, which are stored in Amazon DynamoDB, a key-value NoSQL database that delivers single-digit millisecond latency at any scale. API Gateway invokes a Lambda function that validates the key against those stored in DynamoDB (this is called a Lambda authorizer.)
  • While API Gateway provides a default domain name for each API, Codacy customizes it with Amazon Route 53, a service that registers domain names and configures DNS records. Route 53 offers a service level agreement (SLA) of 100% availability.
  • Events are stored in raw format in Pulse’s data lake, which is built on top of AWS’ object storage service, Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). With Amazon S3, you can store massive amounts of information at low cost using simple HTTP requests. The data is highly available and durable.
  • Whenever a new event is ingested by the API, a message is published in Pulse’s message bus. (More information later in this post.)

Events module

Figure 2. Pulse events module architecture

Figure 2. Pulse events module architecture

The events module handles the aggregation and storage of events for actual consumption by customers, see Figure 2:

  • Events are consumed from the message bus and processed with a Lambda function, which stores them in Amazon Redshift.
  • Amazon Redshift is AWS’ managed data warehouse, and enables Pulse’s users to get insights and metrics by running analytical (OLAP) queries with the highest performance.
  • These metrics are exposed to customers via another API (the public API), which is also built on API Gateway.
  • The business logic for this API is implemented using Lambda functions, like the Ingestion module.

Message bus

Figure 3. Message bus architecture

Figure 3. Message bus architecture

We mentioned earlier that Pulse’s modules communicate messages with each other via the “message bus.” When something occurs at a specific component, a message (event) is published to the bus. At the same time, developers create subscriptions for each module that should receive these messages. This is known as the publisher/subscriber pattern (pub/sub for short), and is a fundamental piece of event-driven architectures.

With the message bus, you can decouple all modules from each other. In this way, a publisher does not need to worry about how many or who their subscribers are, or what to do if a new one arrives. This is all handled by the message bus.

Pulse’s message bus is built like this, shown in Figure 3:

  • Events are published via Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), using a construct called a topic. Topics are the basic unit of message publication and consumption. Components are subscribed to this topic, and you can filter out unwanted messages.
  • Developers configure Amazon SNS subscriptions to have the events sent to a queue, which provides a buffering layer from which workers can process messages. At the same time, queues also ensure that messages are not lost if there is an error. In Pulse’s case, these queues are implemented with Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS).

Other modules

There are other parts of Pulse architecture that also use AWS serverless. For example, user authentication and sign-up are handled by Amazon Cognito, and Pulse’s frontend application is hosted on Amazon S3. This app is served to customers worldwide with low latency using Amazon CloudFront, a content delivery network.

Summary and next steps

By using AWS serverless, Codacy has been able to reduce the time required to bring Pulse to market by staying focused on developing business logic, rather than managing servers. Furthermore, Codacy is confident they can handle Pulse’s growth, as this serverless architecture will scale automatically according to demand.

Optimize your IoT Services for Scale with IoT Device Simulator

Post Syndicated from Ajay Swamy original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/optimize-your-iot-services-for-scale-with-iot-device-simulator/

The IoT (Internet of Things) has accelerated digital transformation for many industries. Companies can now offer smarter home devices, remote patient monitoring, connected and autonomous vehicles, smart consumer devices, and many more products. The enormous volume of data emitted from IoT devices can be used to improve performance, efficiency, and develop new service and business models. This can help you build better relationships with your end consumers. But you’ll need an efficient and affordable way to test your IoT backend services without incurring significant capex by deploying test devices to generate this data.

IoT Device Simulator (IDS) is an AWS Solution that manufacturing companies can use to simulate data, test device integration, and improve the performance of their IoT backend services. The solution enables you to create hundreds of IoT devices with unique attributes and properties. You can simulate data without configuring and managing physical devices.

An intuitive UI to create and manage devices and simulations

IoT Device Simulator comes with an intuitive user interface that enables you to create and manage device types for data simulation. The solution also provides you with a pre-built autonomous car device type to simulate a fleet of connected vehicles. Once you create devices, you can create simulations and generate data (see Figure 1.)

Figure 1. The landing page UI enables you to create devices and simulation

Figure 1. The landing page UI enables you to create devices and simulation

Create devices and simulate data

With IDS, you can create multiple device types with varying properties and data attributes (see Figure 2.) Each device type has a topic where simulation data is sent. The supported data types are object, array, sinusoidal, location, Boolean, integer, float, and more. Refer to this full list of data types. Additionally, you can import device types via a specific JSON format or use the existing automotive demo to pre-populate connected vehicles.

Figure 2. Create multiple device types and their data attributes

Figure 2. Create multiple device types and their data attributes

Create and manage simulations

With IDS, you can create simulations with one device or multiple device types (see Figure 3.) In addition, you can specify the number of devices to simulate for each device type and how often data is generated and sent.

Figure 3. Create simulations for multiple devices

Figure 3. Create simulations for multiple devices

You can then run multiple simulations (see Figure 4) and use the data generated to test your IoT backend services and infrastructure. In addition, you have the flexibility to stop and restart the simulation as needed.

Figure 4. Run and stop multiple simulations

Figure 4. Run and stop multiple simulations

You can view the simulation in real time and observe the data messages flowing through. This way you can ensure that the simulation is working as expected (see Figure 5.) You can stop the simulation or add a new simulation to the mix at any time.

Figure 5. Observe your simulation in real time

Figure 5. Observe your simulation in real time

IoT Device Simulator architecture

Figure 6. IoT Device Simulator architecture

Figure 6. IoT Device Simulator architecture

The AWS CloudFormation template for this solution deploys the following architecture, shown in Figure 6:

  1. Amazon CloudFront serves the web interface content from an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.
  2. The Amazon S3 bucket hosts the web interface.
  3. Amazon Cognito user pool authenticates the API requests.
  4. An Amazon API Gateway API provides the solution’s API layer.
  5. AWS Lambda serves as the solution’s microservices and routes API requests.
  6. Amazon DynamoDB stores simulation and device type information.
  7. AWS Step Functions include an AWS Lambda simulator function to simulate devices and send messages.
  8. An Amazon S3 bucket stores pre-defined routes that are used for the automotive demo (which is a pre-built example in the solution).
  9. AWS IoT Core serves as the endpoint to which messages are sent.
  10. Amazon Location Service provides the map display showing the location of automotive devices for the automotive demo.

The IoT Device Simulator console is hosted on an Amazon S3 bucket, which is accessed via Amazon CloudFront. It uses Amazon Cognito to manage access. API calls, such as retrieving or manipulating information from the databases or running simulations, are routed through API Gateway. API Gateway calls the microservices, which will call the relevant service.

For example, when creating a new device type, the request is sent to API Gateway, which then routes the request to the microservices Lambda function. Based on the request, the microservices Lambda function recognizes that it is a request to create a device type and saves the device type to DynamoDB.

Running a simulation

When running a simulation, the microservices Lambda starts a Step Functions workflow. First, the request contains information about the simulation to be run, including the unique device type ID. Then, using the unique device type ID, Step Functions retrieves all the necessary information about each device type to run the simulation. Once all the information has been retrieved, the simulator Lambda function is run. The simulator Lambda function uses the device type information, including the message payload template. The Lambda function uses this template to build the message sent to the IoT topic specified for the device type.

When running a custom device type, the simulator generates random information based on the values provided for each attribute. For example, when the automotive simulation is run, the simulation runs a series of calculations to simulate an automobile moving along a series of pre-defined routes. Pre-defined routes are created and stored in an S3 bucket, when the solution is launched. The simulation retrieves the routes at random each time the Lambda function runs. Automotive demo simulations also show a map generated from Amazon Location Service and display the device locations as they move.

The simulator exits once the Lambda function has completed or has reached the fifteen-minute execution limit. It then passes all the necessary information back to the Step Function. Step Functions then enters a choice state and restarts the Lambda function if it has not yet surpassed the duration specified for the simulation. It then passes all the pertinent information back to the Lambda function so that it can resume where it left off. The simulator Lambda function also checks DynamoDB every thirty seconds to see if the user has manually stopped the simulation. If it has, it will end the simulation early. Once the simulation is complete, the Step Function updates the DynamoDB table.

The solution enables you to launch hundreds of devices to test backend infrastructure in an IoT workflow. The solution contains an Import/Export feature to share device types. Exporting a device type generates a JSON file that represents the device type. The JSON file can then be imported to create the same device type automatically. The solution allows the viewing of up to 100 messages while the solution is running. You can also filter the messages by topic and device and see what data each device emits.


IoT Device Simulator is designed to help customers test device integration and IoT backend services more efficiently without incurring capex for physical devices. This solution provides an intuitive web-based graphic user interface (GUI) that enables customers to create and simulate hundreds of connected devices. It is not necessary to configure and manage physical devices or develop time-consuming scripts. Although we’ve illustrated an automotive application in this post, this simulator can be used for many different industries, such as consumer electronics, healthcare equipment, utilities, manufacturing, and more.

Get started with IoT Device Simulator today.

How to set up Amazon Cognito for federated authentication using Azure AD

Post Syndicated from Ratan Kumar original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-set-up-amazon-cognito-for-federated-authentication-using-azure-ad/

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through the steps to integrate Azure AD as a federated identity provider in Amazon Cognito user pool. A user pool is a user directory in Amazon Cognito that provides sign-up and sign-in options for your app users.

Identity management and authentication flow can be challenging when you need to support requirements such as OAuth, social authentication, and login using a Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 based identity provider (IdP) to meet your enterprise identity management requirements. Amazon Cognito provides you a managed, scalable user directory, user sign-up and sign-in, and federation through third-party identity providers. An added benefit for developers is that it provides you a standardized set of tokens (Identity, Access and Refresh Token). So, in situations when you have to support authentication with multiple identity providers (e.g. Social authentication, SAML IdP, etc.), you don’t have to write code for handling different tokens issued by different identity providers. Instead, you can just work with a consistent set of tokens issued by Amazon Cognito user pool.

Figure 1: High-level architecture for federated authentication in a web or mobile app

Figure 1: High-level architecture for federated authentication in a web or mobile app

As shown in Figure 1, the high-level application architecture of a serverless app with federated authentication typically involves following steps:

  1. User selects their preferred IdP to authenticate.
  2. User gets re-directed to the federated IdP for login. On successful authentication, the IdP posts back a SAML assertion or token containing user’s identity details to an Amazon Cognito user pool.
  3. Amazon Cognito user pool issues a set of tokens to the application
  4. Application can use the token issued by the Amazon Cognito user pool for authorized access to APIs protected by Amazon API Gateway.

To learn more about the authentication flow with SAML federation, see the blog post Building ADFS Federation for your Web App using Amazon Cognito User Pools.

Step-by-step instructions for enabling Azure AD as federated identity provider in an Amazon Cognito user pool

This post will walk you through the following steps:

  1. Create an Amazon Cognito user pool
  2. Add Amazon Cognito as an enterprise application in Azure AD
  3. Add Azure AD as SAML identity provider (IDP) in Amazon Cognito
  4. Create an app client and use the newly created SAML IDP for Azure AD


You’ll need to have administrative access to Azure AD, an AWS account and the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) installed on your machine. Follow the instructions for installing, updating, and uninstalling the AWS CLI version 2; and then to configure your installation, follow the instructions for configuring the AWS CLI. If you don’t want to install AWS CLI, you can also run these commands from AWS CloudShell which provides a browser-based shell to securely manage, explore, and interact with your AWS resources.

Step 1: Create an Amazon Cognito user pool

The procedures in this post use the AWS CLI, but you can also follow the instructions to use the AWS Management Console to create a new user pool.

To create a user pool in the AWS CLI

  1. Use the following command to create a user pool with default settings. Be sure to replace <yourUserPoolName> with the name you want to use for your user pool.
    aws cognito-idp create-user-pool \
    --pool-name <yourUserPoolName>

    You should see an output containing number of details about the newly created user pool.

  2. Copy the value of user pool ID, in this example, ap-southeast-2_xx0xXxXXX. You will need this value for the next steps.
    "UserPool": {
            "Id": "ap-southeast-2_xx0xXxXXX",
            "Name": "example-corp-prd-userpool"
           "Policies": { …

Add a domain name to user pool

One of the many useful features of Amazon Cognito is hosted UI which provides a configurable web interface for user sign in. Hosted UI is accessible from a domain name that needs to be added to the user pool. There are two options for adding a domain name to a user pool. You can either use an Amazon Cognito domain, or a domain name that you own. This solution uses an Amazon Cognito domain, which will look like the following:


To add a domain name to user pool

  1. Use following CLI command to add an Amazon Cognito domain to the user pool. Replace <yourDomainPrefix> with a unique domain name prefix (for example example-corp-prd). Note that you cannot use keywords aws, amazon, or cognito for domain prefix.
    aws cognito-idp create-user-pool-domain \
    --domain <yourDomainPrefix> \
    --user-pool-id <yourUserPoolID>

Prepare information for Azure AD setup

Next, you prepare Identifier (Entity ID) and Reply URL, which are required to add Amazon Cognito as an enterprise application in Azure AD (done in Step 2 below). Azure AD expects these values in a very specific format. In a text editor, note down your values for Identifier (Entity ID) and Reply URL according to the following formats:

  • For Identifier (Entity ID) the format is:

    For example:


  • For Reply URL the format is:

    For example:


    Note: The Reply URL is the endpoint where Azure AD will send SAML assertion to Amazon Cognito during the process of user authentication.

Update the placeholders above with your values (without < >), and then note the values of Identifier (Entity ID) and Reply URL in a text editor for future reference.

For more information, see Adding SAML Identity Providers to a User Pool in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Step 2: Add Amazon Cognito as an enterprise application in Azure AD

In this step, you add an Amazon Cognito user pool as an application in Azure AD, to establish a trust relationship between them.

To add new application in Azure AD

  1. Log in to the Azure Portal.
  2. In the Azure Services section, choose Azure Active Directory.
  3. In the left sidebar, choose Enterprise applications.
  4. Choose New application.
  5. On the Browse Azure AD Gallery page, choose Create your own application.
  6. Under What’s the name of your app?, enter a name for your application and select Integrate any other application you don’t find in the gallery (Non-gallery), as shown in Figure 2. Choose Create.
    Figure 2: Add an enterprise app in Azure AD

    Figure 2: Add an enterprise app in Azure AD

It will take few seconds for the application to be created in Azure AD, then you should be redirected to the Overview page for the newly added application.

Note: Occasionally, this step can result in a Not Found error, even though Azure AD has successfully created a new application. If that happens, in Azure AD navigate back to Enterprise applications and search for your application by name.

To set up Single Sign-on using SAML

  1. On the Getting started page, in the Set up single sign on tile, choose Get started, as shown in Figure 3.
    Figure 3: Application configuration page in Azure AD

    Figure 3: Application configuration page in Azure AD

  2. On the next screen, select SAML.
  3. In the middle pane under Set up Single Sign-On with SAML, in the Basic SAML Configuration section, choose the edit icon ().
  4. In the right pane under Basic SAML Configuration, replace the default Identifier ID (Entity ID) with the Identifier (Entity ID) you copied previously. In the Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) field, enter the Reply URL you copied previously, as shown in Figure 4. Choose Save.
    Figure 4: Azure AD SAML-based Sign-on setup

    Figure 4: Azure AD SAML-based Sign-on setup

  5. In the middle pane under Set up Single Sign-On with SAML, in the User Attributes & Claims section, choose Edit.
  6. Choose Add a group claim.
  7. On the User Attributes & Claims page, in the right pane under Group Claims, select Groups assigned to the application, leave Source attribute as Group ID, as shown in Figure 5. Choose Save.
    Figure 5: Option to select group claims to release to Amazon Cognito

    Figure 5: Option to select group claims to release to Amazon Cognito

    This adds the group claim so that Amazon Cognito can receive the group membership detail of the authenticated user as part of the SAML assertion.

  8. In a text editor, note down the Claim names under Additional claims, as shown in Figure 5. You’ll need these when creating attribute mapping in Amazon Cognito.
  9. Close the User Attributes & Claims screen by choosing the X in the top right corner. You’ll be redirected to the Set up Single Sign-on with SAML page.
  10. Scroll down to the SAML Signing Certificate section, and copy the App Federation Metadata Url by choosing the copy into clipboard icon (highlighted with red arrow in Figure 6). Keep this URL in a text editor, as you’ll need it in the next step.
    Figure 6: Copy SAML metadata URL from Azure AD

    Figure 6: Copy SAML metadata URL from Azure AD

Step 3: Add Azure AD as SAML IDP in Amazon Cognito

Next, you need an attribute in the Amazon Cognito user pool where group membership details from Azure AD can be received, and add Azure AD as an identity provider.

To add custom attribute to user pool and add Azure AD as an identity provider

  1. Use the following CLI command to add a custom attribute to the user pool. Replace <yourUserPoolID> and <customAttributeName> with your own values.
    aws cognito-idp add-custom-attributes \
    --user-pool-id <yourUserPoolID> \
    --custom-attributes Name=<customAttributeName>,AttributeDataType="String"

    If the command succeeds, you’ll not see any output.

  2. Use the following CLI command to add Azure AD as an identity provider. Be sure to replace the following with your own values:
    • Replace <yourUserPoolID> with Amazon Cognito user pool ID copied previously.
    • Replace <IDProviderName> with a name for your identity provider (for example, Example-Corp-IDP).
    • Replace <MetadataURLCopiedFromAzureAD> with the Metadata URL copied from Azure AD.
    • Replace <customAttributeName> with custom attribute name created previously.
    aws cognito-idp create-identity-provider \
    --user-pool-id <yourUserPoolID> \
    --provider-name=<IDProviderName> \
    --provider-type SAML \
    --provider-details MetadataURL=<MetadataURLCopiedFromAzureAD> \
    --attribute-mapping email=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress,<customAttributeName>=http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/groups

    Successful running of this command adds Azure AD as a SAML IDP to your Amazon Cognito user pool.

Step 4: Create an app client and use the newly created SAML IDP for Azure AD

Before you can use Amazon Cognito in your web application, you need to register your app with Amazon Cognito as an app client. An app client is an entity within an Amazon Cognito user pool that has permission to call unauthenticated API operations (operations that do not require an authenticated user), for example to register, sign in, and handle forgotten passwords.

To create an app client

  1. Use following command to create an app client. Be sure to replace the following with your own values:
    • Replace <yourUserPoolID> with the Amazon Cognito user pool ID created previously.
    • Replace <yourAppClientName> with a name for your app client.
    • Replace <callbackURL> with the URL of your web application that will receive the authorization code. It must be an HTTPS endpoint, except for in a local development environment where you can use http://localhost:PORT_NUMBER.
    • Use parameter –allowed-o-auth-flows for allowed OAuth flows that you want to enable. In this example, we use code for Authorization code grant.
    • Use parameter –allowed-o-auth-scopes to specify which OAuth scopes (such as phone, email, openid) Amazon Cognito will include in the tokens. In this example, we use openid.
    • Replace <IDProviderName> with the same name you used for ID provider previously.
    aws cognito-idp create-user-pool-client \
    --user-pool-id <yourUserPoolID> \
    --client-name <yourAppClientName> \
    --no-generate-secret \
    --callback-urls <callbackURL> \
    --allowed-o-auth-flows code \
    --allowed-o-auth-scopes openid email\
    --supported-identity-providers <IDProviderName> \

Successful running of this command will provide an output in following format. In a text editor, note down the ClientId for referencing in the web application. In this following example, the ClientId is 7xyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxy.

    "UserPoolClient": {
        "UserPoolId": "ap-southeast-2_xYYYYYYY",
        "ClientName": "my-client-name",
        "ClientId": "7xyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxy",
        "LastModifiedDate": "2021-05-04T17:33:32.936000+12:00",
        "CreationDate": "2021-05-04T17:33:32.936000+12:00",
        "RefreshTokenValidity": 30,
        "SupportedIdentityProviders": [
        "CallbackURLs": [
        "AllowedOAuthFlows": [
        "AllowedOAuthScopes": [
            "openid", "email"
        "AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient": true

Test the setup

Next, do a quick test to check if everything is configured properly.

  1. Open the Amazon Cognito console.
  2. Choose Manage User Pools, then choose the user pool you created in Step 1: Create an Amazon Cognito user pool.
  3. In the left sidebar, choose App client settings, then look for the app client you created in Step 4: Create an app client and use the newly created SAML IDP for Azure AD. Scroll to the Hosted UI section and choose Launch Hosted UI, as shown in Figure 7.
    Figure 7: App client settings showing link to access Hosted UI

    Figure 7: App client settings showing link to access Hosted UI

  4. On the sign-in page as shown in Figure 8, you should see all the IdPs that you enabled on the app client. Choose the Azure-AD button, which redirects you to the sign-in page hosted on https://login.microsoftonline.com/.
    Figure 8: Amazon Cognito hosted UI

    Figure 8: Amazon Cognito hosted UI

  5. Sign in using your corporate ID. If everything is working properly, you should be redirected back to the callback URL after successful authentication.

(Optional) Add authentication to a single page application

One way to add secure authentication using Amazon Cognito into a single page application (SPA) is to use the Auth.federatedSignIn() method of Auth class from AWS Amplify. AWS Amplify provides SDKs to integrate your web or mobile app with a growing list of AWS services, including integration with Amazon Cognito user pool. The federatedSign() method will render the hosted UI that gives users the option to sign in with the identity providers that you enabled on the app client (in Step 4), as shown in Figure 8. One advantage of hosted UI is that you don’t have to write any code for rendering it. Additionally, it will transparently implement the Authorization code grant with PKCE and securely provide your client-side application with the tokens (ID, Access and Refresh) that are required to access the backend APIs.

For a sample web application and instructions to connect it with Amazon Cognito authentication, see the aws-amplify-oidc-federation GitHub repository.


In this blog post, you learned how to integrate an Amazon Cognito user pool with Azure AD as an external SAML identity provider, to allow your users to use their corporate ID to sign in to web or mobile applications.

For more information about this solution, see our video Integrating Amazon Cognito with Azure Active Directory (from timestamp 25:26) on the official AWS twitch channel. In the video, you’ll find an end-to-end demo of how to integrate Amazon Cognito with Azure AD, and then how to use AWS Amplify SDK to add authentication to a simple React app (using the example of a pet store). The video also includes how you can access group membership details from Azure AD for authorization and fine-grained access control.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon Cognito forum or contact AWS Support.

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Ratan Kumar

Ratan is a solutions architect based out of Auckland, New Zealand. He works with large enterprise customers helping them design and build secure, cost-effective, and reliable internet scale applications using the AWS cloud. He is passionate about technology and likes sharing knowledge through blog posts and twitch sessions.


Vishwanatha Nayak

Vish is a solutions architect at AWS. He engages with customers to create innovative solutions that are secure, reliable, and cost optimised to address business problems and accelerate the adoption of AWS services. He has over 15 years of experience in various software development, consulting, and architecture roles.

Implement OAuth 2.0 device grant flow by using Amazon Cognito and AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from Jeff Lombardo original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/implement-oauth-2-0-device-grant-flow-by-using-amazon-cognito-and-aws-lambda/

In this blog post, you’ll learn how to implement the OAuth 2.0 device authorization grant flow for Amazon Cognito by using AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB.

When you implement the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework (RFC 6749) for internet-connected devices with limited input capabilities or that lack a user-friendly browser—such as wearables, smart assistants, video-streaming devices, smart-home automation, and health or medical devices—you should consider using the OAuth 2.0 device authorization grant (RFC 8628). This authorization flow makes it possible for the device user to review the authorization request on a secondary device, such as a smartphone, that has more advanced input and browser capabilities. By using this flow, you can work around the limits of the authorization code grant flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)-defined OpenID Connect Core specifications. This will help you to avoid scenarios such as:

  • Forcing end users to define a dedicated application password or use an on-screen keyboard with a remote control
  • Degrading the security posture of the end users by exposing their credentials to the client application or external observers

One common example of this type of scenario is a TV HDMI streaming device where, to be able to consume videos, the user must slowly select each letter of their user name and password with the remote control, which exposes these values to other people in the room during the operation.

Solution overview

The OAuth 2.0 device authorization grant (RFC 8628) is an IETF standard that enables Internet of Things (IoT) devices to initiate a unique transaction that authenticated end users can securely confirm through their native browsers. After the user authorizes the transaction, the solution will issue a delegated OAuth 2.0 access token that represents the end user to the requesting device through a back-channel call, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: The device grant flow implemented in this solution

Figure 1: The device grant flow implemented in this solution

The workflow is as follows:

  1. An unauthenticated user requests service from the device.
  2. The device requests a pair of random codes (one for the device and one for the user) by authenticating with the client ID and client secret.
  3. The Lambda function creates an authorization request that stores the device code, user code, scope, and requestor’s client ID.
  4. The device provides the user code to the user.
  5. The user enters their user code on an authenticated web page to authorize the client application.
  6. The user is redirected to the Amazon Cognito user pool /authorize endpoint to request an authorization code.
  7. The user is returned to the Lambda function /callback endpoint with an authorization code.
  8. The Lambda function stores the authorization code in the authorization request.
  9. The device uses the device code to check the status of the authorization request regularly. And, after the authorization request is approved, the device uses the device code to retrieve a set of JSON web tokens from the Lambda function.
  10. In this case, the Lambda function impersonates the device to the Amazon Cognito user pool /token endpoint by using the authorization code that is stored in the authorization request, and returns the JSON web tokens to the device.

To achieve this flow, this blog post provides a solution that is composed of:

  • An AWS Lambda function with three additional endpoints:
    • The /token endpoint, which will handle client application requests such as generation of codes, the authorization request status check, and retrieval of the JSON web tokens.
    • The /device endpoint, which will handle user requests such as delivering the UI for approval or denial of the authorization request, or retrieving an authorization code.
    • The /callback endpoint, which will handle the reception of the authorization code associated with the user who is approving or denying the authorization request.
  • An Amazon Cognito user pool with:
  • Finally, an Amazon DynamoDB table to store the state of all the processed authorization requests.

Implement the solution

The implementation of this solution requires three steps:

  1. Define the public fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the Application Load Balancer public endpoint and associate an X.509 certificate to the FQDN
  2. Deploy the provided AWS CloudFormation template
  3. Configure the DNS to point to the Application Load Balancer public endpoint for the public FQDN

Step 1: Choose a DNS name and create an SSL certificate

Your Lambda function endpoints must be publicly resolvable when they are exposed by the Application Load Balancer through an HTTPS/443 listener.

To configure the Application Load Balancer component

  1. Choose an FQDN in a DNS zone that you own.
  2. Associate an X.509 certificate and private key to the FQDN by doing one of the following:
  3. After you have the certificate in ACM, navigate to the Certificates page in the ACM console.
  4. Choose the right arrow (►) icon next to your certificate to show the certificate details.
    Figure 2: Locating the certificate in ACM

    Figure 2: Locating the certificate in ACM

  5. Copy the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate and save it in a text file.
    Figure 3: Locating the certificate ARN in ACM

    Figure 3: Locating the certificate ARN in ACM

Step 2: Deploy the solution by using a CloudFormation template

To configure this solution, you’ll need to deploy the solution CloudFormation template.

Before you deploy the CloudFormation template, you can view it in its GitHub repository.

To deploy the CloudFormation template

  1. Choose the following Launch Stack button to launch a CloudFormation stack in your account.
    Select the Launch Stack button to launch the template

    Note: The stack will launch in the N. Virginia (us-east-1) Region. To deploy this solution into other AWS Regions, download the solution’s CloudFormation template, modify it, and deploy it to the selected Region.

  2. During the stack configuration, provide the following information:
    • A name for the stack.
    • The ARN of the certificate that you created or imported in AWS Certificate Manager.
    • A valid email address that you own. The initial password for the Amazon Cognito test user will be sent to this address.
    • The FQDN that you chose earlier, and that is associated to the certificate that you created or imported in AWS Certificate Manager.
    Figure 4: Configure the CloudFormation stack

    Figure 4: Configure the CloudFormation stack

  3. After the stack is configured, choose Next, and then choose Next again. On the Review page, select the check box that authorizes CloudFormation to create AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources for the stack.
    Figure 5: Authorize CloudFormation to create IAM resources

    Figure 5: Authorize CloudFormation to create IAM resources

  4. Choose Create stack to deploy the stack. The deployment will take several minutes. When the status says CREATE_COMPLETE, the deployment is complete.

Step 3: Finalize the configuration

After the stack is set up, you must finalize the configuration by creating a DNS CNAME entry in the DNS zone you own that points to the Application Load Balancer DNS name.

To create the DNS CNAME entry

  1. In the CloudFormation console, on the Stacks page, locate your stack and choose it.
    Figure 6: Locating the stack in CloudFormation

    Figure 6: Locating the stack in CloudFormation

  2. Choose the Outputs tab.
  3. Copy the value for the key ALBCNAMEForDNSConfiguration.
    Figure 7: The ALB CNAME output in CloudFormation

    Figure 7: The ALB CNAME output in CloudFormation

  4. Configure a CNAME DNS entry into your DNS hosted zone based on this value. For more information on how to create a CNAME entry to the Application Load Balancer in a DNS zone, see Creating records by using the Amazon Route 53 console.
  5. Note the other values in the Output tab, which you will use in the next section of this post.

    Output key Output value and function
    DeviceCognitoClientClientID The app client ID, to be used by the simulated device to interact with the authorization server
    DeviceCognitoClientClientSecret The app client secret, to be used by the simulated device to interact with the authorization server
    TestEndPointForDevice The HTTPS endpoint that the simulated device will use to make its requests
    TestEndPointForUser The HTTPS endpoint that the user will use to make their requests
    UserPassword The password for the Amazon Cognito test user
    UserUserName The user name for the Amazon Cognito test user

Evaluate the solution

Now that you’ve deployed and configured the solution, you can initiate the OAuth 2.0 device code grant flow.

Until you implement your own device logic, you can perform all of the device calls by using the curl library, a Postman client, or any HTTP request library or SDK that is available in the client application coding language.

All of the following device HTTPS requests are made with the assumption that the device is a private OAuth 2.0 client. Therefore, an HTTP Authorization Basic header will be present and formed with a base64-encoded Client ID:Client Secret value.

You can retrieve the URI of the endpoints, the client ID, and the client secret from the CloudFormation Output table for the deployed stack, as described in the previous section.

Initialize the flow from the client application

The solution in this blog post lets you decide how the user will ask the device to start the authorization request and how the user will be presented with the user code and URI in order to verify the request. However, you can emulate the device behavior by generating the following HTTPS POST request to the Application Load Balancer–protected Lambda function /token endpoint with the appropriate HTTP Authorization header. The Authorization header is composed of:

  • The prefix Basic, describing the type of Authorization header
  • A space character as separator
  • The base64 encoding of the concatenation of:
    • The client ID
    • The colon character as a separator
    • The client secret
     POST /token?client_id=AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE HTTP/1.1
     User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE5.01; Windows NT)
     Host: <FQDN of the ALB protected Lambda function>
     Accept: */*
     Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
     Connection: Keep-Alive

The following JSON message will be returned to the client application.

Server: awselb/2.0
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2021 19:57:31 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 33
Connection: keep-alive
cache-control: no-store
    "device_code": "APKAEIBAERJR2EXAMPLE",
    "user_code": "ANPAJ2UCCR6DPCEXAMPLE",
    "verification_uri": "https://<FQDN of the ALB protected Lambda function>/device",
    "verification_uri_complete":"https://<FQDN of the ALB protected Lambda function>/device?code=ANPAJ2UCCR6DPCEXAMPLE&authorize=true",
    "interval": <Echo of POLLING_INTERVAL environment variable>,
    "expires_in": <Echo of CODE_EXPIRATION environment variable>

Check the status of the authorization request from the client application

You can emulate the process where the client app regularly checks for the authorization request status by using the following HTTPS POST request to the Application Load Balancer–protected Lambda function /token endpoint. The request should have the same HTTP Authorization header that was defined in the previous section.

POST /token?client_id=AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE&device_code=APKAEIBAERJR2EXAMPLE&grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code HTTP/1.1
 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE5.01; Windows NT)
 Host: <FQDN of the ALB protected Lambda function>
 Accept: */*
 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
 Connection: Keep-Alive

Until the authorization request is approved, the client application will receive an error message that includes the reason for the error: authorization_pending if the request is not yet authorized, slow_down if the polling is too frequent, or expired if the maximum lifetime of the code has been reached. The following example shows the authorization_pending error message.

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Server: awselb/2.0
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2021 20:57:31 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 33
Connection: keep-alive
cache-control: no-store

Approve the authorization request with the user code

Next, you can approve the authorization request with the user code. To act as the user, you need to open a browser and navigate to the verification_uri that was provided by the client application.

If you don’t have a session with the Amazon Cognito user pool, you will be required to sign in.

Note: Remember that the initial password was sent to the email address you provided when you deployed the CloudFormation stack.

If you used the initial password, you’ll be asked to change it. Make sure to respect the password policy when you set a new password. After you’re authenticated, you’ll be presented with an authorization page, as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8: The user UI for approving or denying the authorization request

Figure 8: The user UI for approving or denying the authorization request

Fill in the user code that was provided by the client application, as in the previous step, and then choose Authorize.

When the operation is successful, you’ll see a message similar to the one in Figure 9.

Figure 9: The “Success” message when the authorization request has been approved

Figure 9: The “Success” message when the authorization request has been approved

Finalize the flow from the client app

After the request has been approved, you can emulate the final client app check for the authorization request status by using the following HTTPS POST request to the Application Load Balancer–protected Lambda function /token endpoint. The request should have the same HTTP Authorization header that was defined in the previous section.

POST /token?client_id=AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE&device_code=APKAEIBAERJR2EXAMPLE&grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code HTTP/1.1
 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE5.01; Windows NT)
 Host: <FQDN of the ALB protected Lambda function>
 Accept: */*
 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
 Connection: Keep-Alive

The JSON web token set will then be returned to the client application, as follows.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: awselb/2.0
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2021 21:41:50 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 3501
Connection: keep-alive
cache-control: no-store

The client application can now consume resources on behalf of the user, thanks to the access token, and can refresh the access token autonomously, thanks to the refresh token.

Going further with this solution

This project is delivered with a default configuration that can be extended to support additional security capabilities or to and adapted the experience to your end-users’ context.

Extending security capabilities

Through this solution, you can:

  • Use an AWS KMS key issued by AWS KMS to:
    • Encrypt the data in the database;
    • Protect the configuration in the Amazon Lambda function;
  • Use AWS Secret Manager to:
    • Securely store sensitive information like Cognito application client’s credentials;
    • Enforce Cognito application client’s credentials rotation;
  • Implement additional Amazon Lambda’s code to enforce data integrity on changes;
  • Activate AWS WAF WebACLs to protect your endpoints against attacks;

Customizing the end-user experience

The following table shows some of the variables you can work with.

Name Function Default value Type
CODE_EXPIRATION Represents the lifetime of the codes generated 1800 Seconds
DEVICE_CODE_FORMAT Represents the format for the device code #aA A string where:
# represents numbers
a lowercase letters
A uppercase letters
! special characters
DEVICE_CODE_LENGTH Represents the device code length 64 Number
POLLING_INTERVAL Represents the minimum time, in seconds, between two polling events from the client application 5 Seconds
USER_CODE_FORMAT Represents the format for the user code #B A string where:
# represents numbers
a lowercase letters
b lowercase letters that aren’t vowels
A uppercase letters
B uppercase letters that aren’t vowels
! special characters
USER_CODE_LENGTH Represents the user code length 8 Number
RESULT_TOKEN_SET Represents what should be returned in the token set to the client application ACCESS+REFRESH A string that includes only ID, ACCESS, and REFRESH values separated with a + symbol

To change the values of the Lambda function variables

  1. In the Lambda console, navigate to the Functions page.
  2. Select the DeviceGrant-token function.
    Figure 10: AWS Lambda console—Function selection

    Figure 10: AWS Lambda console—Function selection

  3. Choose the Configuration tab.
    Figure 11: AWS Lambda function—Configuration tab

    Figure 11: AWS Lambda function—Configuration tab

  4. Select the Environment variables tab, and then choose Edit to change the values for the variables.
    Figure 12: AWS Lambda Function—Environment variables tab

    Figure 12: AWS Lambda Function—Environment variables tab

  5. Generate new codes as the device and see how the experience changes based on how you’ve set the environment variables.


Although your business and security requirements can be more complex than the example shown in this post, this blog post will give you a good way to bootstrap your own implementation of the Device Grant Flow (RFC 8628) by using Amazon Cognito, AWS Lambda, and Amazon DynamoDB.

Your end users can now benefit from the same level of security and the same experience as they have when they enroll their identity in their mobile applications, including the following features:

  • Credentials will be provided through a full-featured application on the user’s mobile device or their computer
  • Credentials will be checked against the source of authority only
  • The authentication experience will match the typical authentication process chosen by the end user
  • Upon consent by the end user, IoT devices will be provided with end-user delegated dynamic credentials that are bound to the exact scope of tasks for that device

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon Cognito forum or reach out through the post’s GitHub repository.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Jeff Lombardo

Jeff is a solutions architect expert in IAM, Application Security, and Data Protection. Through 16 years as a security consultant for enterprises of all sizes and business verticals, he delivered innovative solutions with respect to standards and governance frameworks. Today at AWS, he helps organizations enforce best practices and defense in depth for secure cloud adoption.

Using AWS Serverless to Power Event Management Applications

Post Syndicated from Cheryl Joseph original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/using-aws-serverless-to-power-event-management-applications/

Most large events have common activities such as event registration, check-in upon arrival, and requesting of amenities. When designing applications, factors such as high availability, low latency, reliability, and security must be considered.

In this blog post, we’d like to show how Amazon Web Services (AWS) can assist you in event planning activities. We’ll share an architecture that follows best practices, and one that can be used in developing other solutions.

Serverless to the Rescue

Serverless architecture enables you to focus on your application development without having to worry about managing servers and runtimes. You can quickly build, fix, and add new features to your applications. A microservices-based approach provides you the ability to scale and optimize each component of your event management application.

Let’s start by looking at some activities that an event guest might perform, and how they might be displayed in a mobile application:

  • Event registration: A guest can register either from a website or from a mobile device, see Figure 1. Events might have heavy traffic initially, or a large push toward the end. This requires building applications that are highly scalable.
Figure 1. Event registration

Figure 1. Event registration

  • Check-In: Check-In can be a manual and cumbersome process – some mobile options are shown in Figure 2. Attendees must queue up to register, pick up badges, receive agendas, and collect other meeting materials.
Figure 2. Guest check-in kiosk

Figure 2. Guest check-in kiosk

  • Guest requests: While the event is underway, a participant might request hand-outs or want to purchase food or beverages, see Figure 3.
Figure 3. Guest requests

Figure 3. Guest requests

  • Session notification: At popular events, there are some sessions that fill up quickly. Guests must queue up to get into the session. Figure 4 shows a notification screen.
Figure 4. Session notification on guest device

Figure 4. Session notification on guest device

Solution overview for event planning

The serverless architecture presented here is highly scalable and provides low latency. It follows the Serverless Application Lens of the AWS Well-Architected Framework. This enables you to build secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient applications.

Frontend user interface using AWS Amplify

The event website is hosted on AWS Amplify. Amplify provides a fully managed service for deploying and hosting applications with built-in CI/CD workflows. An alternative for hosting the event website could be Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) or even by provisioning Amazon EC2 instances. However, Amplify is well suited for native mobile apps and JavaScript-based web apps.

The event website uses Amazon Cognito for management of user authentication and authorization. Amazon Cognito is a good choice here as it allows federating with external identity providers.

Backend serverless microservices

The backend of the event management application uses Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda. They provide the ability to expose API operations. If the application has a flurry of requests coming in together, the backend serverless microservices will scale up or down seamlessly. However, there are service limits, and it is important to keep these in mind while designing your applications.

Amazon DynamoDB is the NoSQL database, which saves the guest registration data and other event-related information. DynamoDB is a good fit here, as it delivers single-digit millisecond performance at any scale and provides high availability, fault tolerance, and automatic capacity scaling.

Amazon Pinpoint is used to send notifications to guests via email and SMS. Amazon Pinpoint allows your app to connect with customers over channels like email, SMS, push, or voice.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the activities we’ve outlined.

Solution architecture – Event registration and check-in

Figure 5. Event registration and check-in

Figure 5. Event registration and check-in

Numbered items following refer to Figure 5:

  1. Developers upload code to AWS CodeCommit
  2. CodeCommit pushes the code to Amplify
  3. Guests access the website via Amazon Route 53
  4. Route 53 resolves incoming requests and forwards them to Amplify
  5. Guest authentication is performed by Amazon Cognito user pools
  6. Amplify sends the REST API requests to API Gateway
  7. API Gateway uses Amazon Cognito user pools as the authorizer
  8. API Gateway proxies the request to Lambda
  9. Lambda stores guest data in DynamoDB
  10. Lambda uses Amazon Pinpoint to notify the guest

The guest registration process begins with loading the web application hosted on Amplify. The application creates the user in the Amazon Cognito user pool and routes the request to API Gateway to complete the registration process. Amazon Cognito integrates with third-party authentication systems such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon. This allows guests to use their existing social media accounts to register.

The guest check-in process consists of loading a web application onto kiosks. Guest information is saved in a DynamoDB table. Upon registration, a QR code is sent to the guests, then scanned upon arrival at a kiosk. Guest information is then retrieved from a DynamoDB table. This allows guests to print their badges and other event materials.

Well-Architected guidance:

  • Enable active tracing with AWS X-Ray to provide distributed tracing capabilities and visual service maps for faster troubleshooting of the backend APIs.
  • For Lambda functions, follow least-privileged access and only allow the access required to perform a given operation.
  • Throttle API operations to enforce access patterns established by the event management application service contract.
  • Set appropriate logging levels and remove unnecessary logging information to optimize log ingestion. Use environment variables to control application logging level.

Solution architecture – Guest requests

Figure 6. Guest requests

Figure 6. Guest requests

Numbered items refer to Figure 6:

  1. Guests access the website via Route 53
  2. Route 53 resolves incoming requests and forwards them to Amplify
  3. Guest authentication is performed by Amazon Cognito user pools
  4. Amplify sends the REST API requests to API Gateway
  5. API Gateway uses Amazon Cognito user pools as the authorizer
  6. API Gateway proxies the request to Lambda
  7. Lambda validates and stores guest data in DynamoDB
  8. Lambda uses Amazon Pinpoint to notify the guest
  9. Amazon DynamoDB Streams are enabled which triggers a Lambda function
  10. Lambda notifies the employees via Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) to fulfill the request

Once a guest request is made for session handouts or food or beverages, it is stored in DynamoDB. DynamoDB Streams are enabled, see Figure 7, which captures a time-ordered sequence of item-level modifications in a DynamoDB table. It durably stores the information for up to 24 hours. This generates an event, which triggers a Lambda function. The Lambda function sends an SNS notification via SMS or email to the event employees who can address the guest requests.

Figure 7. Sample DynamoDB Streams record

Figure 7. Sample DynamoDB Streams record

Well-Architected guidance:

  • Standardize application logging across components, and business outcomes
  • Enable caching on API Gateway to improve application performance
  • Use an On-Demand Instance for DynamoDB when traffic is unpredictable, otherwise use provisioned mode when consistent
  • Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) can be used as an in-memory cache to improve read performance

Solution architecture – Session notification

Figure 8. Session notification

Figure 8. Session notification

Numbered items refer to Figure 8:

  1. An Amazon EventBridge rule runs on a schedule and invokes a Lambda function
  2. Lambda retrieves guest and session information from DynamoDB
  3. Lambda notifies the guest via Amazon Pinpoint

Amazon Pinpoint can send notifications to registered guests to let them know when to queue up for the session.


This solution provides a powerful approach for deploying highly scalable applications, while providing low latency and low cost. Build a Serverless Web Application can get you started. Large events require a considerable amount of planning and coordination. We hope the guidance provided here will help you build a scalable and a robust event management application.

17 additional AWS services authorized for DoD workloads in the AWS GovCloud Regions

Post Syndicated from Tyler Harding original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/17-additional-aws-services-authorized-for-dod-workloads-in-the-aws-govcloud-regions/

I’m pleased to announce that the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) has authorized 17 additional Amazon Web Services (AWS) services and features in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions, bringing the total to 105 services and major features that are authorized for use by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). AWS now offers additional services to DoD mission owners in these categories: business applications; computing; containers; cost management; developer tools; management and governance; media services; security, identity, and compliance; and storage.

Why does authorization matter?

DISA authorization of 17 new cloud services enables mission owners to build secure innovative solutions to include systems that process unclassified national security data (for example, Impact Level 5). DISA’s authorization demonstrates that AWS effectively implemented more than 421 security controls by using applicable criteria from NIST SP 800-53 Revision 4, the US General Services Administration’s FedRAMP High baseline, and the DoD Cloud Computing Security Requirements Guide.

Recently authorized AWS services at DoD Impact Levels (IL) 4 and 5 include the following:

Business Applications



Cost Management

  • AWS Budgets – Set custom budgets to track your cost and usage, from the simplest to the most complex use cases
  • AWS Cost Explorer – An interface that lets you visualize, understand, and manage your AWS costs and usage over time
  • AWS Cost & Usage Report – Itemize usage at the account or organization level by product code, usage type, and operation

Developer Tools

  • AWS CodePipeline – Automate continuous delivery pipelines for fast and reliable updates
  • AWS X-Ray – Analyze and debug production and distributed applications, such as those built using a microservices architecture

Management & Governance

Media Services

  • Amazon Textract – Extract printed text, handwriting, and data from virtually any document

Security, Identity & Compliance

  • Amazon Cognito – Secure user sign-up, sign-in, and access control
  • AWS Security Hub – Centrally view and manage security alerts and automate security checks


  • AWS Backup – Centrally manage and automate backups across AWS services

Figure 1 shows the IL 4 and IL 5 AWS services that are now authorized for DoD workloads, broken out into functional categories.

Figure 1: The AWS services newly authorized by DISA

Figure 1: The AWS services newly authorized by DISA

To learn more about AWS solutions for the DoD, see our AWS solution offerings. Follow the AWS Security Blog for updates on our Services in Scope by Compliance Program. If you have feedback about this blog post, let us know in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Tyler Harding

Tyler is the DoD Compliance Program Manager for AWS Security Assurance. He has over 20 years of experience providing information security solutions to the federal civilian, DoD, and intelligence agencies.

Convert and Watermark Documents Automatically with Amazon S3 Object Lambda

Post Syndicated from Joseph Simon original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/convert-and-watermark-documents-automatically-with-amazon-s3-object-lambda/

When you provide access to a sensitive document to someone outside of your organization, you likely need to ensure that the document is read-only. In this case, your document should be associated with a specific user in case it is shared.

For example, authors often embed user-specific watermarks into their ebooks. This way, if their ebook gets posted to a file-sharing site, they can prevent the purchaser from downloading copies of the ebook in the future.

In this blog post, we provide you a cost-efficient, scalable, and secure solution to efficiently generate user-specific versions of sensitive documents. This solution helps users track who their documents are shared with. This helps prevent fraud and ensure that private information isn’t leaked. Our solution uses a RESTful API, which uses Amazon S3 Object Lambda to convert documents to PDF and apply a watermark based on the requesting user. It also provides a method for authentication and tracks access to the original document.

Architectural overview

S3 Object Lambda processes and transforms data that is requested from Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) before it’s sent back to a client. The AWS Lambda function is invoked inline via a standard S3 GET request. It can return different results from the same document based on parameters, such as who is requesting the document. Figure 1 provides a high-level view of the different components that make up the solution.

Document processing architectural diagram

Figure 1. Document processing architectural diagram

Authenticating users with Amazon Cognito

This architecture defines a RESTful API, but users will likely be using a mobile or web application that calls the API. Thus, the application will first need to authenticate users. We do this via Amazon Cognito, which functions as its own identity provider (IdP). You could also use an external IdP, including those that support OpenID Connect and SAML.

Validating the JSON Web Token with API Gateway

Once the user is successfully authenticated with Amazon Cognito, the application will be sent a JSON Web Token (JWT). This JWT contains information about the user and will be used in subsequent requests to the API.

Now that the application has a token, it will make a request to the API, which is provided by Amazon API Gateway. API Gateway provides a secure, scalable entryway into your application. The API Gateway validates the JWT sent from the client with Amazon Cognito to make sure it is valid. If it is validated, the request is accepted and sent on to the Lambda API Handler. If it’s not, the client gets rejected and sent an error code.

Storing user data with DynamoDB

When the Lambda API Handler receives the request, it parses the JWT to extract the user making the request. It then logs that user, file, and access time into Amazon DynamoDB. Optionally, you may use DynamoDB to store an encoded string that will be used as the watermark, rather than something in plaintext, like user name or email.

Generating the PDF and user-specific watermark

At this point, the Lambda API Handler sends an S3 GET request. However, instead of going to Amazon S3 directly, it goes to a different endpoint that invokes the S3 Object Lambda function. This endpoint is called an S3 Object Lambda Access Point. The S3 GET request contains the original file name and the string that will be used for the watermark.

The S3 Object Lambda function transforms the original file that it downloads from its source S3 bucket. It uses the open-source office suite LibreOffice (and specifically this Lambda layer) to convert the source document to PDF. Once it is converted, a JavaScript library (PDF-Lib) embeds the watermark into the PDF before it’s sent back to the Lambda API Handler function.

The Lambda API Handler stores the converted file in a temporary S3 bucket, generates a presigned URL, and sends that URL back to the client as a 302 redirect. Then the client sends a request to that presigned URL to get the converted file.

To keep the temporary S3 bucket tidy, we use an S3 lifecycle configuration with an expiration policy.

Figure 2. Process workflow for document transformation

Figure 2. Process workflow for document transformation

Alternate approach

Before S3 Object Lambda was available, Lambda@Edge was used. However, there are three main issues with using Lambda@Edge instead of S3 Object Lambda:

  1. It is designed to run code closer to the end user to decrease latency, but in this case, latency is not a major concern.
  2. It requires using an Amazon CloudFront distribution, and the single-download pattern described here will not take advantage of Lamda@Edge’s caching.
  3. It has quotas on memory that don’t lend themselves to complex libraries like OfficeLibre.

Extending this solution

This blog post describes the basic building blocks for the solution, but it can be extended relatively easily. For example, you could add another function to the API that would convert, resize, and watermark images. To do this, create an S3 Object Lambda function to perform those tasks. Then, add an S3 Object Lambda Access Point to invoke it based on a different API call.

API Gateway has many built-in security features, but you may want to enhance the security of your RESTful API. To do this, add enhanced security rules via AWS WAF. Integrating your IdP into Amazon Cognito can give you a single place to manage your users.

Monitoring any solution is critical, and understanding how an application is behaving end to end can greatly benefit optimization and troubleshooting. Adding AWS X-Ray and Amazon CloudWatch Lambda Insights will show you how functions and their interactions are performing.

Should you decide to extend this architecture, follow the architectural principles defined in AWS Well-Architected, and pay particular attention to the Serverless Application Lens.

Example expanded document processing architecture

Figure 3. Example expanded document processing architecture


You can implement this solution in a number of ways. However, by using S3 Object Lambda, you can transform documents without needing intermediary storage. S3 Object Lambda will also decouple your file logic from the rest of the application.

The Serverless on AWS components mentioned in this post allow you to reduce administrative overhead, saving you time and money.

Finally, the extensible nature of this architecture allows you to add functionality easily as your organization’s needs grow and change.

The following links provide more information on how to use S3 Object Lambda in your architectures:

Access token security for microservice APIs on Amazon EKS

Post Syndicated from Timothy James Power original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/access-token-security-for-microservice-apis-on-amazon-eks/

In this blog post, I demonstrate how to implement service-to-service authorization using OAuth 2.0 access tokens for microservice APIs hosted on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). A common use case for OAuth 2.0 access tokens is to facilitate user authorization to a public facing application. Access tokens can also be used to identify and authorize programmatic access to services with a system identity instead of a user identity. In service-to-service authorization, OAuth 2.0 access tokens can be used to help protect your microservice API for the entire development lifecycle and for every application layer. AWS Well Architected recommends that you validate security at all layers, and by incorporating access tokens validated by the microservice, you can minimize the potential impact if your application gateway allows unintended access. The solution sample application in this post includes access token security at the outset. Access tokens are validated in unit tests, local deployment, and remote cluster deployment on Amazon EKS. Amazon Cognito is used as the OAuth 2.0 token issuer.

Benefits of using access token security with microservice APIs

Some of the reasons you should consider using access token security with microservices include the following:

  • Access tokens provide production grade security for microservices in non-production environments, and are designed to ensure consistent authentication and authorization and protect the application developer from changes to security controls at a cluster level.
  • They enable service-to-service applications to identify the caller and their permissions.
  • Access tokens are short-lived credentials that expire, which makes them preferable to traditional API gateway long-lived API keys.
  • You get better system integration with a web or mobile interface, or application gateway, when you include token validation in the microservice at the outset.

Overview of solution

In the solution described in this post, the sample microservice API is deployed to Amazon EKS, with an Application Load Balancer (ALB) for incoming traffic. Figure 1 shows the application architecture on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Figure 1: Application architecture

Figure 1: Application architecture

The application client shown in Figure 1 represents a service-to-service workflow on Amazon EKS, and shows the following three steps:

  1. The application client requests an access token from the Amazon Cognito user pool token endpoint.
  2. The access token is forwarded to the ALB endpoint over HTTPS when requesting the microservice API, in the bearer token authorization header. The ALB is configured to use IP Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) range filtering.
  3. The microservice deployed to Amazon EKS validates the access token using JSON Web Key Sets (JWKS), and enforces the authorization claims.


The walkthrough in this post has the following steps:

  1. Amazon EKS cluster setup
  2. Amazon Cognito configuration
  3. Microservice OAuth 2.0 integration
  4. Unit test the access token claims
  5. Deployment of microservice on Amazon EKS
  6. Integration tests for local and remote deployments


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites in place:

Set up

Amazon EKS is the target for your microservices deployment in the sample application. Use the following steps to create an EKS cluster. If you already have an EKS cluster, you can skip to the next section: To set up the AWS Load Balancer Controller. The following example creates an EKS cluster in the Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1 AWS Region. Be sure to update the Region to use your value.

To create an EKS cluster with eksctl

  1. In your Unix editor, create a file named eks-cluster-config.yaml, with the following cluster configuration:
    apiVersion: eksctl.io/v1alpha5
    kind: ClusterConfig
      name: token-demo
      region: <ap-southeast-1>
      version: '1.20'
      withOIDC: true
      - name: ng0
        minSize: 1
        maxSize: 3
        desiredCapacity: 2
        labels: {role: mngworker}
            albIngress: true
            cloudWatch: true
        enableTypes: ["*"]

  2. Create the cluster by using the following eksctl command:
    eksctl create cluster -f eks-cluster-config.yaml

    Allow 10–15 minutes for the EKS control plane and managed nodes creation. eksctl will automatically add the cluster details in your kubeconfig for use with kubectl.

    Validate your cluster node status as “ready” with the following command

    kubectl get nodes

  3. Create the demo namespace to host the sample application by using the following command:
    kubectl create namespace demo

With the EKS cluster now up and running, there is one final setup step. The ALB for inbound HTTPS traffic is created by the AWS Load Balancer Controller directly from the EKS cluster using a Kubernetes Ingress resource.

To set up the AWS Load Balancer Controller

  1. Follow the installation steps to deploy the AWS Load Balancer Controller to Amazon EKS.
  2. For your domain host (in this case, gateway.example.com) create a public certificate using Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM) that will be used for HTTPS.
  3. An Ingress resource defines the ALB configuration. You customize the ALB by using annotations. Create a file named alb.yml, and add resource definition as follows, replacing the inbound IP CIDR with your values:
    apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Ingress
      name: alb-ingress
      namespace: demo
        kubernetes.io/ingress.class: alb
        alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing
        alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/target-type: ip
        alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/listen-ports: '[{"HTTPS":443}]'
        alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/inbound-cidrs: <xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>/n
        app: alb-ingress
        - host: <gateway.example.com>
              - path: /api/demo/*
                pathType: Prefix
                    name: demo-api
                      number: 8080

  4. Deploy the Ingress resource with kubectl to create the ALB by using the following command:
    kubectl apply -f alb.yml

    After a few moments, you should see the ALB move from status provisioning to active, with an auto-generated public DNS name.

  5. Validate the ALB DNS name and the ALB is in active status by using the following command:
    kubectl -n demo describe ingress alb-ingress

  6. To alias your host, in this case gateway.example.com with the ALB, create a Route 53 alias record. The remote API is now accessible using your Route 53 alias, for example: https://gateway.example.com/api/demo/*

The ALB that you created will only allow incoming HTTPS traffic on port 443, and restricts incoming traffic to known source IP addresses. If you want to share the ALB across multiple microservices, you can add the alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/group.name annotation. To help protect the application from common exploits, you should add an annotation to bind AWS Web Application Firewall (WAFv2) ACLs, including rate-limiting options for the microservice.

Configure the Amazon Cognito user pool

To manage the OAuth 2.0 client credential flow, you create an Amazon Cognito user pool. Use the following procedure to create the Amazon Cognito user pool in the console.

To create an Amazon Cognito user pool

  1. Log in to the Amazon Cognito console.
  2. Choose Manage User Pools.
  3. In the top-right corner of the page, choose Create a user pool.
  4. Provide a name for your user pool, and choose Review defaults to save the name.
  5. Review the user pool information and make any necessary changes. Scroll down and choose Create pool.
  6. Note down your created Pool Id, because you will need this for the microservice configuration.

Next, to simulate the client in subsequent tests, you will create three app clients: one for read permission, one for write permission, and one for the microservice.

To create Amazon Cognito app clients

  1. In the left navigation pane, under General settings, choose App clients.
  2. On the right pane, choose Add an app client.
  3. Enter the App client name as readClient.
  4. Leave all other options unchanged.
  5. Choose Create app client to save.
  6. Choose Add another app client, and add an app client with the name writeClient, then repeat step 5 to save.
  7. Choose Add another app client, and add an app client with the name microService. Clear Generate Client Secret, as this isn’t required for the microservice. Leave all other options unchanged. Repeat step 5 to save.
  8. Note down the App client id created for the microService app client, because you will need it to configure the microservice.

You now have three app clients: readClient, writeClient, and microService.

With the read and write clients created, the next step is to create the permission scope (role), which will be subsequently assigned.

To create read and write permission scopes (roles) for use with the app clients

  1. In the left navigation pane, under App integration, choose Resource servers.
  2. On the right pane, choose Add a resource server.
  3. Enter the name Gateway for the resource server.
  4. For the Identifier enter your host name, in this case https://gateway.example.com.Figure 2 shows the resource identifier and custom scopes for read and write role permission.

    Figure 2: Resource identifier and custom scopes

    Figure 2: Resource identifier and custom scopes

  5. In the first row under Scopes, for Name enter demo.read, and for Description enter Demo Read role.
  6. In the second row under Scopes, for Name enter demo.write, and for Description enter Demo Write role.
  7. Choose Save changes.

You have now completed configuring the custom role scopes that will be bound to the app clients. To complete the app client configuration, you will now bind the role scopes and configure the OAuth2.0 flow.

To configure app clients for client credential flow

  1. In the left navigation pane, under App Integration, select App client settings.
  2. On the right pane, the first of three app clients will be visible.
  3. Scroll to the readClient app client and make the following selections:
    • For Enabled Identity Providers, select Cognito User Pool.
    • Under OAuth 2.0, for Allowed OAuth Flows, select Client credentials.
    • Under OAuth 2.0, under Allowed Custom Scopes, select the demo.read scope.
    • Leave all other options blank.
  4. Scroll to the writeClient app client and make the following selections:
    • For Enabled Identity Providers, select Cognito User Pool.
    • Under OAuth 2.0, for Allowed OAuth Flows, select Client credentials.
    • Under OAuth 2.0, under Allowed Custom Scopes, select the demo.write scope.
    • Leave all other options blank.
  5. Scroll to the microService app client and make the following selections:
    • For Enabled Identity Providers, select Cognito User Pool.
    • Under OAuth 2.0, for Allowed OAuth Flows, select Client credentials.
    • Under OAuth 2.0, under Allowed Custom Scopes, select the demo.read scope.
    • Leave all other options blank.

Figure 3 shows the app client configured with the client credentials flow and custom scope—all other options remain blank

Figure 3: App client configuration

Figure 3: App client configuration

Your Amazon Cognito configuration is now complete. Next you will integrate the microservice with OAuth 2.0.

Microservice OAuth 2.0 integration

For the server-side microservice, you will use Quarkus with Kotlin. Quarkus is a cloud-native microservice framework with strong Kubernetes and AWS integration, for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and GraalVM. GraalVM native-image can be used to create native executables, for fast startup and low memory usage, which is important for microservice applications.

To create the microservice quick start project

  1. Open the Quarkus quick-start website code.quarkus.io.
  2. On the top left, you can modify the Group, Artifact and Build Tool to your preference, or accept the defaults.
  3. In the Pick your extensions search box, select each of the following extensions:
    • RESTEasy JAX-RS
    • RESTEasy Jackson
    • Kubernetes
    • Container Image Jib
    • OpenID Connect
  4. Choose Generate your application to download your application as a .zip file.

Quarkus permits low-code integration with an identity provider such as Amazon Cognito, and is configured by the project application.properties file.

To configure application properties to use the Amazon Cognito IDP

  1. Edit the application.properties file in your quick start project:

  2. Add the following properties, replacing the variables with your values. Use the cognito-pool-id and microservice App client id that you noted down when creating these Amazon Cognito resources in the previous sections, along with your Region.
    quarkus.oidc.auth-server-url= https://cognito-idp.<region>.amazonaws.com/<cognito-pool-id>
    quarkus.oidc.client-id=<microService App client id>

  3. Save and close your application.properties file.

The Kotlin code sample that follows verifies the authenticated principle by using the @Authenticated annotation filter, which performs JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) token validation. The JWKS details are cached, adding nominal latency to the application performance.

The access token claims are auto-filtered by the @RolesAllowed annotation for the custom scopes, read and write. The protected methods are illustrations of a microservice API and how to integrate this with one to two lines of code.

import io.quarkus.security.Authenticated
import javax.annotation.security.RolesAllowed
import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped
import javax.ws.rs.*

class DemoResource {

    fun protectedRole(@PathParam(value = "name") name: String) = mapOf("protectedAPI" to "true", "paramName" to name)

    fun protectedDataUpload(values: Map<String, String>) = "Received: $values"


Unit test the access token claims

For the unit tests you will test three scenarios: unauthorized, forbidden, and ok. The @TestSecurity annotation injects an access token with the specified role claim using the Quarkus test security library. To include access token security in your unit test only requires one line of code, the @TestSecurity annotation, which is a strong reason to include access token security validation upfront in your development. The unit test code in the following example maps to the protectedRole method for the microservice via the uri /api/demo/protectedRole, with an additional path parameter sample-username to be returned by the method for confirmation.

import io.quarkus.test.junit.QuarkusTest
import io.quarkus.test.security.TestSecurity
import io.restassured.RestAssured
import io.restassured.http.ContentType
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test

class DemoResourceTest {

    fun testNoAccessToken() {

    @TestSecurity(user = "writeClient", roles = [ "https://gateway.example.com/demo.write" ])
    fun testIncorrectRole() {

    @TestSecurity(user = "readClient", roles = [ "https://gateway.example.com/demo.read" ])
    fun testProtecedRole() {


Deploy the microservice on Amazon EKS

Deploying the microservice to Amazon EKS is the same as deploying to any upstream Kubernetes-compliant installation. You declare your application resources in a manifest file, and you deploy a container image of your application to your container registry. You can do this in a similar low-code manner with the Quarkus Kubernetes extension, which automatically generates the Kubernetes deployment and service resources at build time. The Quarkus Container Image Jib extension to automatically build the container image and deploys the container image to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), without the need for a Dockerfile.

Amazon ECR setup

Your microservice container image created during the build process will be published to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) in the same Region as the target Amazon EKS cluster deployment. Container images are stored in a repository in Amazon ECR, and in the following example uses a convention for the repository name of project name and microservice name. The first command that follows creates the Amazon ECR repository to host the microservice container image, and the second command obtains login credentials to publish the container image to Amazon ECR.

To set up the application for Amazon ECR integration

  1. In the AWS CLI, create an Amazon ECR repository by using the following command. Replace the project name variable with your parent project name, and replace the microservice name with the microservice name.
    aws ecr create-repository --repository-name <project-name>/<microservice-name>  --region <region>

  2. Obtain an ECR authorization token, by using your IAM principal with the following command. Replace the variables with your values for the AWS account ID and Region.
    aws ecr get-login-password --region <region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <aws-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<region>.amazonaws.com

Configure the application properties to use Amazon ECR

To update the application properties with the ECR repository details

  1. Edit the application.properties file in your Quarkus project:

  2. Add the following properties, replacing the variables with your values, for the AWS account ID and Region.

  3. Save and close your application.properties.
  4. Re-build your application

After the application re-build, you should now have a container image deployed to Amazon ECR in your region with the following name [project-group]/[project-name]. The Quarkus build will give an error if the push to Amazon ECR failed.

Now, you can deploy your application to Amazon EKS, with kubectl from the following build path:

kubectl apply -f build/kubernetes/kubernetes.yml

Integration tests for local and remote deployments

The following environment assumes a Unix shell: either MacOS, Linux, or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL 2).

How to obtain the access token from the token endpoint

Obtain the access token for the application client by using the Amazon Cognito OAuth 2.0 token endpoint, and export an environment variable for re-use. Replace the variables with your Amazon Cognito pool name, and AWS Region respectively.

export TOKEN_ENDPOINT=https://<pool-name>.auth.<region>.amazoncognito.com/token

To generate the client credentials in the required format, you need the Base64 representation of the app client client-id:client-secret. There are many tools online to help you generate a Base64 encoded string. Export the following environment variables, to avoid hard-coding in configuration or scripts.

export CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_READ=Base64(client-id:client-secret)
export CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_WRITE=Base64(client-id:client-secret)

You can use curl to post to the token endpoint, and obtain an access token for the read and write app client respectively. You can pass grant_type=client_credentials and the custom scopes as appropriate. If you pass an incorrect scope, you will receive an invalid_grant error. The Unix jq tool extracts the access token from the JSON string. If you do not have the jq tool installed, you can use your relevant package manager (such as apt-get, yum, or brew), to install using sudo [package manager] install jq.

The following shell commands obtain the access token associated with the read or write scope. The client credentials are used to authorize the generation of the access token. An environment variable stores the read or write access token for future use. Update the scope URL to your host, in this case gateway.example.com.

export access_token_read=$(curl -s -X POST --location "$TOKEN_ENDPOINT" \
     -H "Authorization: Basic $CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_READ" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
     -d "grant_type=client_credentials&scope=https://<gateway.example.com>/demo.read" \
| jq --raw-output '.access_token')

export access_token_write=$(curl -s -X POST --location "$TOKEN_ENDPOINT" \
     -H "Authorization: Basic $CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_WRITE" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
     -d "grant_type=client_credentials&scope=https://<gateway.example.com>/demo.write" \ 
| jq --raw-output '.access_token')

If the curl commands are successful, you should see the access tokens in the environment variables by using the following echo commands:

echo $access_token_read
echo $access_token_write

For more information or troubleshooting, see TOKEN Endpoint in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Test scope with automation script

Now that you have saved the read and write access tokens, you can test the API. The endpoint can be local or on a remote cluster. The process is the same, all that changes is the target URL. The simplicity of toggling the target URL between local and remote is one of the reasons why access token security can be integrated into the full development lifecycle.

To perform integration tests in bulk, use a shell script that validates the response code. The example script that follows validates the API call under three test scenarios, the same as the unit tests:

  1. If no valid access token is passed: 401 (unauthorized) response is expected.
  2. A valid access token is passed, but with an incorrect role claim: 403 (forbidden) response is expected.
  3. A valid access token and valid role-claim is passed: 200 (ok) response with content-type of application/json expected.

Name the following script, demo-api.sh. For each API method in the microservice, you duplicate these three tests, but for the sake of brevity in this post, I’m only showing you one API method here, protectedRole.


if [ "_$1" != "_" ]; then

validate_response() {
  typeset http_response="$1"
  typeset expected_rc="$2"

  http_status=$(echo "$http_response" | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "!" }; { print $2 }')
  if [ $http_status -ne $expected_rc ]; then
    echo "Failed: Status code $http_status"
    exit 1
  elif [ $http_status -eq 200 ]; then
      echo "  Output: $http_response"

echo "Test 401-unauthorized: Protected /api/demo/protectedRole/{name}"
  curl --silent -w "!%{http_code}!%{content_type}" \
    -X GET --location "$HOST/api/demo/protectedRole/sample-username" \
    -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" \
    -H "Accept: text/plain"
validate_response "$http_response" 401

echo "Test 403-forbidden: Protected /api/demo/protectedRole/{name}"
  curl --silent -w "!%{http_code}!%{content_type}" \
    -X GET --location "$HOST/api/demo/protectedRole/sample-username" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token_write"
validate_response "$http_response" 403

echo "Test 200-ok: Protected /api/demo/protectedRole/{name}"
  curl --silent -w "!%{http_code}!%{content_type}" \
    -X GET --location "$HOST/api/demo/protectedRole/sample-username" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token_read"
validate_response "$http_response" 200

Test the microservice API against the access token claims

Run the script for a local host deployment on http://localhost:8080, and on the remote EKS cluster, in this case https://gateway.example.com.

If everything works as expected, you will have demonstrated the same test process for local and remote deployments of your microservice. Another advantage of creating a security test automation process like the one demonstrated, is that you can also include it as part of your continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) test automation.

The test automation script accepts the microservice host URL as a parameter (the default is local), referencing the stored access tokens from the environment variables. Upon error, the script will exit with the error code. To test the remote EKS cluster, use the following command, with your host URL, in this case gateway.example.com.

./demo-api.sh https://<gateway.example.com>

Expected output:

Test 401-unauthorized: No access token for /api/demo/protectedRole/{name}
Test 403-forbidden: Incorrect role/custom-scope for /api/demo/protectedRole/{name}
Test 200-ok: Correct role for /api/demo/protectedRole/{name}
  Output: {"protectedAPI":"true","paramName":"sample-username"}!200!application/json

Best practices for a well architected production service-to-service client

For elevated security in alignment with AWS Well Architected, it is recommend to use AWS Secrets Manager to hold the client credentials. Separating your credentials from the application permits credential rotation without the requirement to release a new version of the application or modify environment variables used by the service. Access to secrets must be tightly controlled because the secrets contain extremely sensitive information. Secrets Manager uses AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to secure access to the secrets. By using the permissions capabilities of IAM permissions policies, you can control which users or services have access to your secrets. Secrets Manager uses envelope encryption with AWS KMS customer master keys (CMKs) and data key to protect each secret value. When you create a secret, you can choose any symmetric customer managed CMK in the AWS account and Region, or you can use the AWS managed CMK for Secrets Manager aws/secretsmanager.

Access tokens can be configured on Amazon Cognito to expire in as little as 5 minutes or as long as 24 hours. To avoid unnecessary calls to the token endpoint, the application client should cache the access token and refresh close to expiry. In the Quarkus framework used for the microservice, this can be automatically performed for a client service by adding the quarkus-oidc-client extension to the application.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete all the resources created.


This post has focused on the last line of defense, the microservice, and the importance of a layered security approach throughout the development lifecycle. Access token security should be validated both at the application gateway and microservice for end-to-end API protection.

As an additional layer of security at the application gateway, you should consider using Amazon API Gateway, and the inbuilt JWT authorizer to perform the same API access token validation for public facing APIs. For more advanced business-to-business solutions, Amazon API Gateway provides integrated mutual TLS authentication.

To learn more about protecting information, systems, and assets that use Amazon EKS, see the Amazon EKS Best Practices Guide for Security.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon Cognito forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Timothy James Power

Timothy is a Senior Solutions Architect Manager, leading the Accenture AWS Business Group in APAC and Japan. He has a keen interest in software development, spanning 20+ years, primarily in financial services. Tim is a passionate sportsperson, and loves spending time on the water, in between playing with his young children.

Building well-architected serverless applications: Building in resiliency – part 2

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-well-architected-serverless-applications-building-in-resiliency-part-2/

This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application.

Reliability question REL2: How do you build resiliency into your serverless application?

This post continues part 1 of this reliability question. Previously, I cover managing failures using retries, exponential backoff, and jitter. I explain how DLQs can isolate failed messages. I show how to use state machines to orchestrate long running transactions rather than handling these in application code.

Required practice: Manage duplicate and unwanted events

Duplicate events can occur when a request is retried or multiple consumers process the same message from a queue or stream. A duplicate can also happen when a request is sent twice at different time intervals with the same parameters. Design your applications to process multiple identical requests to have the same effect as making a single request.

Idempotency refers to the capacity of an application or component to identify repeated events and prevent duplicated, inconsistent, or lost data. This means that receiving the same event multiple times does not change the result beyond the first time the event was received. An idempotent application can, for example, handle multiple identical refund operations. The first refund operation is processed. Any further refund requests to the same customer with the same payment reference should not be processes again.

When using AWS Lambda, you can make your function idempotent. The function’s code must properly validate input events and identify if the events were processed before. For more information, see “How do I make my Lambda function idempotent?

When processing streaming data, your application must anticipate and appropriately handle processing individual records multiple times. There are two primary reasons why records may be delivered more than once to your Amazon Kinesis Data Streams application: producer retries and consumer retries. For more information, see “Handling Duplicate Records”.

Generate unique attributes to manage duplicate events at the beginning of the transaction

Create, or use an existing unique identifier at the beginning of a transaction to ensure idempotency. These identifiers are also known as idempotency tokens. A number of Lambda triggers include a unique identifier as part of the event:

You can also create your own identifiers. These can be business-specific, such as transaction ID, payment ID, or booking ID. You can use an opaque random alphanumeric string, unique correlation identifiers, or the hash of the content.

A Lambda function, for example can use these identifiers to check whether the event has been previously processed.

Depending on the final destination, duplicate events might write to the same record with the same content instead of generating a duplicate entry. This may therefore not require additional safeguards.

Use an external system to store unique transaction attributes and verify for duplicates

Lambda functions can use Amazon DynamoDB to store and track transactions and idempotency tokens to determine if the transaction has been handled previously. DynamoDB Time to Live (TTL) allows you to define a per-item timestamp to determine when an item is no longer needed. This helps to limit the storage space used. Base the TTL on the event source. For example, the message retention period for SQS.

Using DynamoDB to store idempotent tokens

Using DynamoDB to store idempotent tokens

You can also use DynamoDB conditional writes to ensure a write operation only succeeds if an item attribute meets one of more expected conditions. For example, you can use this to fail a refund operation if a payment reference has already been refunded. This signals to the application that it is a duplicate transaction. The application can then catch this exception and return the same result to the customer as if the refund was processed successfully.

Third-party APIs can also support idempotency directly. For example, Stripe allows you to add an Idempotency-Key: <key> header to the request. Stripe saves the resulting status code and body of the first request made for any given idempotency key, regardless of whether it succeeded or failed. Subsequent requests with the same key return the same result.

Validate events using a pre-defined and agreed upon schema

Implicitly trusting data from clients, external sources, or machines could lead to malformed data being processed. Use a schema to validate your event conforms to what you are expecting. Process the event using the schema within your application code or at the event source when applicable. Events not adhering to your schema should be discarded.

For API Gateway, I cover validating incoming HTTP requests against a schema in “Implementing application workload security – part 1”.

Amazon EventBridge rules match event patterns. EventBridge provides schemas for all events that are generated by AWS services. You can create or upload custom schemas or infer schemas directly from events on an event bus. You can also generate code bindings for event schemas.

SNS supports message filtering. This allows a subscriber to receive a subset of the messages sent to the topic using a filter policy. For more information, see the documentation.

JSON Schema is a tool for validating the structure of JSON documents. There are a number of implementations available.

Best practice: Consider scaling patterns at burst rates

Load testing your serverless application allows you to monitor the performance of an application before it is deployed to production. Serverless applications can be simpler to load test, thanks to the automatic scaling built into many of the services. For more information, see “How to design Serverless Applications for massive scale”.

In addition to your baseline performance, consider evaluating how your workload handles initial burst rates. This ensures that your workload can sustain burst rates while scaling to meet possibly unexpected demand.

Perform load tests using a burst strategy with random intervals of idleness

Perform load tests using a burst of requests for a short period of time. Also introduce burst delays to allow your components to recover from unexpected load. This allows you to future-proof the workload for key events when you do not know peak traffic levels.

There are a number of AWS Marketplace and AWS Partner Network (APN) solutions available for performance testing, including Gatling FrontLine, BlazeMeter, and Apica.

In regulating inbound request rates – part 1, I cover running a performance test suite using Gatling, an open source tool.

Gatling performance results

Gatling performance results

Amazon does have a network stress testing policy that defines which high volume network tests are allowed. Tests that purposefully attempt to overwhelm the target and/or infrastructure are considered distributed denial of service (DDoS) tests and are prohibited. For more information, see “Amazon EC2 Testing Policy”.

Review service account limits with combined utilization across resources

AWS accounts have default quotas, also referred to as limits, for each AWS service. These are generally Region-specific. You can request increases for some limits while other limits cannot be increased. Service Quotas is an AWS service that helps you manage your limits for many AWS services. Along with looking up the values, you can also request a limit increase from the Service Quotas console.

Service Quotas dashboard

Service Quotas dashboard

As these limits are shared within an account, review the combined utilization across resources including the following:

  • Amazon API Gateway: number of requests per second across all APIs. (link)
  • AWS AppSync: throttle rate limits. (link)
  • AWS Lambda: function concurrency reservations and pool capacity to allow other functions to scale. (link)
  • Amazon CloudFront: requests per second per distribution. (link)
  • AWS IoT Core message broker: concurrent requests per second. (link)
  • Amazon EventBridge: API requests and target invocations limit. (link)
  • Amazon Cognito: API limits. (link)
  • Amazon DynamoDB: throughput, indexes, and request rates limits. (link)

Evaluate key metrics to understand how workloads recover from bursts

There are a number of key Amazon CloudWatch metrics to evaluate and alert on to understand whether your workload recovers from bursts.

  • AWS Lambda: Duration, Errors, Throttling, ConcurrentExecutions, UnreservedConcurrentExecutions. (link)
  • Amazon API Gateway: Latency, IntegrationLatency, 5xxError, 4xxError. (link)
  • Application Load Balancer: HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count, RejectedConnectionCount, HTTPCode_Target_5XX_Count, UnHealthyHostCount, LambdaInternalError, LambdaUserError. (link)
  • AWS AppSync: 5XX, Latency. (link)
  • Amazon SQS: ApproximateAgeOfOldestMessage. (link)
  • Amazon Kinesis Data Streams: ReadProvisionedThroughputExceeded, WriteProvisionedThroughputExceeded, GetRecords.IteratorAgeMilliseconds, PutRecord.Success, PutRecords.Success (if using Kinesis Producer Library), GetRecords.Success. (link)
  • Amazon SNS: NumberOfNotificationsFailed, NumberOfNotificationsFilteredOut-InvalidAttributes. (link)
  • Amazon Simple Email Service (SES): Rejects, Bounces, Complaints, Rendering Failures. (link)
  • AWS Step Functions: ExecutionThrottled, ExecutionsFailed, ExecutionsTimedOut. (link)
  • Amazon EventBridge: FailedInvocations, ThrottledRules. (link)
  • Amazon S3: 5xxErrors, TotalRequestLatency. (link)
  • Amazon DynamoDB: ReadThrottleEvents, WriteThrottleEvents, SystemErrors, ThrottledRequests, UserErrors. (link)


This post continues from part 1 and looks at managing duplicate and unwanted events with idempotency and an event schema. I cover how to consider scaling patterns at burst rates by managing account limits and show relevant metrics to evaluate

Build resiliency into your workloads. Ensure that applications can withstand partial and intermittent failures across components that may only surface in production. In the next post in the series, I cover the performance efficiency pillar from the Well-Architected Serverless Lens.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Building well-architected serverless applications: Regulating inbound request rates – part 1

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-well-architected-serverless-applications-regulating-inbound-request-rates-part-1/

This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application.

Reliability question REL1: How do you regulate inbound request rates?

Defining, analyzing, and enforcing inbound request rates helps achieve better throughput. Regulation helps you adapt different scaling mechanisms based on customer demand. By regulating inbound request rates, you can achieve better throughput, and adapt client request submissions to a request rate that your workload can support.

Required practice: Control inbound request rates using throttling

Throttle inbound request rates using steady-rate and burst rate requests

Throttling requests limits the number of requests a client can make during a certain period of time. Throttling allows you to control your API traffic. This helps your backend services maintain their performance and availability levels by limiting the number of requests to actual system throughput.

To prevent your API from being overwhelmed by too many requests, Amazon API Gateway throttles requests to your API. These limits are applied across all clients using the token bucket algorithm. API Gateway sets a limit on a steady-state rate and a burst of request submissions. The algorithm is based on an analogy of filling and emptying a bucket of tokens representing the number of available requests that can be processed.

Each API request removes a token from the bucket. The throttle rate then determines how many requests are allowed per second. The throttle burst determines how many concurrent requests are allowed. I explain the token bucket algorithm in more detail in “Building well-architected serverless applications: Controlling serverless API access – part 2

Token bucket algorithm

Token bucket algorithm

API Gateway limits the steady-state rate and burst requests per second. These are shared across all APIs per Region in an account. For further information on account-level throttling per Region, see the documentation. You can request account-level rate limit increases using the AWS Support Center. For more information, see Amazon API Gateway quotas and important notes.

You can configure your own throttling levels, within the account and Region limits to improve overall performance across all APIs in your account. This restricts the overall request submissions so that they don’t exceed the account-level throttling limits.

You can also configure per-client throttling limits. Usage plans restrict client request submissions to within specified request rates and quotas. These are applied to clients using API keys that are associated with your usage policy as a client identifier. You can add throttling levels per API route, stage, or method that are applied in a specific order.

For more information on API Gateway throttling, see the AWS re:Invent presentation “I didn’t know Amazon API Gateway could do that”.

API Gateway throttling

API Gateway throttling

You can also throttle requests by introducing a buffering layer using Amazon Kinesis Data Stream or Amazon SQS. Kinesis can limit the number of requests at the shard level while SQS can limit at the consumer level. For more information on using SQS as a buffer with Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), read “How To: Use SNS and SQS to Distribute and Throttle Events”.

Identify steady-rate and burst rate requests that your workload can sustain at any point in time before performance degraded

Load testing your serverless application allows you to monitor the performance of an application before it is deployed to production. Serverless applications can be simpler to load test, thanks to the automatic scaling built into many of the services. During a load test, you can identify quotas that may act as a limiting factor for the traffic you expect and take action.

Perform load testing for a sustained period of time. Gradually increase the traffic to your API to determine your steady-state rate of requests. Also use a burst strategy with no ramp up to determine the burst rates that your workload can serve without errors or performance degradation. There are a number of AWS Marketplace and AWS Partner Network (APN) solutions available for performance testing, Gatling Frontline, BlazeMeter, and Apica.

In the serverless airline example used in this series, you can run a performance test suite using Gatling, an open source tool.

To deploy the test suite, follow the instructions in the GitHub repository perf-tests directory. Uncomment the deploy.perftest line in the repository Makefile.

Perf-test makefile

Perf-test makefile

Once the file is pushed to GitHub, AWS Amplify Console rebuilds the application, and deploys an AWS CloudFormation stack. You can run the load tests locally, or use an AWS Step Functions state machine to run the setup and Gatling load test simulation.

Performance test using Step Functions

Performance test using Step Functions

The Gatling simulation script uses constantUsersPerSec and rampUsersPerSec to add users for a number of test scenarios. You can use the test to simulate load on the application. Once the tests run, it generates a downloadable report.

Gatling performance results

Gatling performance results

Artillery Community Edition is another open-source tool for testing serverless APIs. You configure the number of requests per second and overall test duration, and it uses a headless Chromium browser to run its test flows. For Artillery, the maximum number of concurrent tests is constrained by your local computing resources and network. To achieve higher throughput, you can use Serverless Artillery, which runs the Artillery package on Lambda functions. As a result, this tool can scale up to a significantly higher number of tests.

For more information on how to use Artillery, see “Load testing a web application’s serverless backend”. This runs tests against APIs in a demo application. For example, one of the tests fetches 50,000 questions per hour. This calls an API Gateway endpoint and tests whether the AWS Lambda function, which queries an Amazon DynamoDB table, can handle the load.

Artillery performance test

Artillery performance test

This is a synchronous API so the performance directly impacts the user’s experience of the application. This test shows that the median response time is 165 ms with a p95 time of 201 ms.

Performance test API results

Performance test API results

Another consideration for API load testing is whether the authentication and authorization service can handle the load. For more information on load testing Amazon Cognito and API Gateway using Step Functions, see “Using serverless to load test Amazon API Gateway with authorization”.

API load testing with authentication and authorization

API load testing with authentication and authorization


Regulating inbound requests helps you adapt different scaling mechanisms based on customer demand. You can achieve better throughput for your workloads and make them more reliable by controlling requests to a rate that your workload can support.

In this post, I cover controlling inbound request rates using throttling. I show how to use throttling to control steady-rate and burst rate requests. I show some solutions for performance testing to identify the request rates that your workload can sustain before performance degradation.

This well-architected question will be continued where I look at using, analyzing, and enforcing API quotas. I cover mechanisms to protect non-scalable resources.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Architecting a Highly Available Serverless, Microservices-Based Ecommerce Site

Post Syndicated from Senthil Kumar original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/architecting-a-highly-available-serverless-microservices-based-ecommerce-site/

The number of ecommerce vendors is growing globally—they often handle large traffic at different times of the day and different days of the year. This, in addition to building, managing, and maintaining IT infrastructure on-premises data centers can present challenges to ecommerce businesses’ scalability and growth.

This blog provides you a Serverless on AWS solution that offloads the undifferentiated heavy lifting of managing resources and ensures your businesses’ architecture can handle peak traffic.

Common architecture set up versus serverless solution

The following sections describe a common monolithic architecture and our suggested alternative approach: setting up microservices-based order submission and product search modules. These modules are independently deployable and scalable.

Typical monolithic architecture

Figure 1 shows how a typical on-premises ecommerce infrastructure with different tiers is set up:

  • Web servers serve static assets and proxy requests to application servers
  • Application servers process ecommerce business logic and authentication logic
  • Databases store user and other dynamic data
  • Firewall and load balancers provide network components for load balancing and network security
Monolithic on-premises ecommerce infrastructure with different tiers

Figure 1. Monolithic on-premises ecommerce infrastructure with different tiers

Monolithic architecture tightly couples different layers of the application. This prevents them from being independently deployed and scaled.

Microservices-based modules

Order submission workflow module

This three-layer architecture can be set up in the AWS Cloud using serverless components:

  • Static content layer (Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)). This layer stores static assets on Amazon S3. By using CloudFront in front of the S3 storage cache, you can deliver assets to customers globally with low latency and high transfer speeds.
  • Authentication layer (Amazon Cognito or customer proprietary layer). Ecommerce sites deliver authenticated and unauthenticated content to the user. With Amazon Cognito, you can manage users’ sign-up, sign-in, and access controls, so this authentication layer ensures that only authenticated users have access to secure data.
  • Dynamic content layer (AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB). All business logic required for the ecommerce site is handled by the dynamic content layer. Using Lambda and DynamoDB ensures that these components are scalable and can handle peak traffic.

As shown in Figure 2, the order submission workflow is split into two sections: synchronous and asynchronous.

By splitting the order submission workflow, you allow users to submit their order details and get an orderId. This makes sure that they don’t have to wait for backend processing to complete. This helps unburden your architecture during peak shopping periods when the backend process can get busy.

Microservices-based order submission workflow

Figure 2. Microservices-based order submission workflow

The details of the order, such as credit card information in encrypted form, shipping information, etc., are stored in DynamoDB. This action invokes an asynchronous workflow managed by AWS Step Functions.

Figure 3 shows sample step functions from the asynchronous process. In this scenario, you are using external payment processing and shipping systems. When both systems get busy, step functions can manage long-running transactions and also the required retry logic. It uses a decision-based business workflow, so if a payment transaction fails, the order can be canceled. Or, once payment is successful, the order can proceed.

Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) notifies users whenever their order status changes. You can even extend Step Functions to have it react based on status of shipping.

Sample AWS Step Functions asynchronous workflow that uses external payment processing service and shipping system

Figure 3. Sample AWS Step Functions asynchronous workflow that uses external payment processing service and shipping system

Product search module

Our product search module is set up using the following serverless components:

  • Amazon Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES) stores product data, which is updated whenever product-related data changes.
  • Lambda formats the data.
  • Amazon API Gateway allows users to search without authentication. As shown in Figure 4, searching for products on the ecommerce portal does not require users to log in. All traffic via API Gateway is unauthenticated.
Microservices-based product search workflow module with dynamic traffic through API Gateway

Figure 4. Microservices-based product search workflow module with dynamic traffic through API Gateway

Replicating data across Regions

If your ecommerce application runs on multiple Regions, it may require the content and data to be replicated. This allows the application to handle local traffic from that Region and also act as a failover option if the application fails in another Region. The content and data are replicated using the multi-Region replication features of Amazon S3 and DynamoDB global tables.

Figure 5 shows a multi-Region ecommerce site built on AWS with serverless services. It uses the following features to make sure that data between all Regions are in sync for data/assets that do not need data residency compliance:

  • Amazon S3 multi-Region replication keeps static assets in sync for assets.
  • DynamoDB global tables keeps dynamic data in sync across Regions.

Assets that are specific to their Region are stored in Regional specific buckets.

Data replication for a multi-Region ecommerce website built using serverless components

Figure 5. Data replication for a multi-Region ecommerce website built using serverless components

Amazon Route 53 DNS web service manages traffic failover from one Region to another. Route 53 provides different routing policies, and depending on your business requirement, you can choose the failover routing policy.

Best practices

Now that we’ve shown you how to build these applications, make sure you follow these best practices to effectively build, deploy, and monitor the solution stack:

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC). A well-defined, repeatable infrastructure is important for managing any solution stack. AWS CloudFormation allows you to treat your infrastructure as code and provides a relatively easy way to model a collection of related AWS and third-party resources.
  • AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM). An open-source framework. Use it to build serverless applications on AWS.
  • Deployment automation. AWS CodePipeline is a fully managed continuous delivery service that automates your release pipelines for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates.
  • AWS CodeStar. Allows you to quickly develop, build, and deploy applications on AWS. It provides a unified user interface, enabling you to manage all of your software development activities in one place.
  • AWS Well-Architected Framework. Provides a mechanism for regularly evaluating your workloads, identifying high risk issues, and recording your improvements.
  • Serverless Applications Lens. Documents how to design, deploy, and architect serverless application workloads.
  • Monitoring. AWS provides many services that help you monitor and understand your applications, including Amazon CloudWatch, AWS CloudTrail, and AWS X-Ray.


In this blog post, we showed you how to architect a highly available, serverless, and microservices-based ecommerce website that operates in multiple Regions.

We also showed you how to replicate data between different Regions for scaling and if your workload fails. These serverless services reduce the burden of building and managing physical IT infrastructure to help you focus more on building solutions.

Related information

Protect public clients for Amazon Cognito by using an Amazon CloudFront proxy

Post Syndicated from Mahmoud Matouk original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/protect-public-clients-for-amazon-cognito-by-using-an-amazon-cloudfront-proxy/

In Amazon Cognito user pools, an app client is an entity that has permission to call unauthenticated API operations (that is, operations that don’t have an authenticated user), such as operations to sign up, sign in, and handle forgotten passwords. In this post, I show you a solution designed to protect these API operations from unwanted bots and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.

To protect Amazon Cognito services and customers, Amazon Cognito applies request rate quotas on all API categories, and throttles rapid calls that exceed the assigned quota. For that reason, you must ensure your applications control who can call unauthenticated API operations and at what rate, so that user calls aren’t throttled because of unwanted or misconfigured clients that call these API operations at high rates.

App clients fall into one of two categories: public clients (used from web or mobile applications) and private or confidential clients (used from a secured backend). Public clients shouldn’t have secrets, because it isn’t possible to protect secrets in these types of clients. Confidential clients, on the other hand, use a secret to authorize calls to unauthenticated operations. In these clients, the secret can be protected in the backend.

The benefit of using a confidential app client with a secret in Amazon Cognito is that unauthenticated API operations will accept only the calls that include the secret hash for this client, and will drop calls with an invalid or missing secret. In this way, you control who calls these API operations. Public applications can use a confidential app client by implementing a lightweight proxy layer in front of the Amazon Cognito endpoint, and then using this proxy to add a secret hash in relevant requests before passing the requests to Amazon Cognito.

There are multiple options that you can use to implement this proxy. One option is to use Amazon CloudFront and Lambda@Edge to add the secret hash to the incoming requests. When you use a CloudFront proxy, you can also use AWS WAF, which gives you tools to detect and block unwanted clients. From Lambda@Edge, you can also integrate with other services (like Amazon Fraud Detector or third-party bot detection services) to help you detect possible fraudulent requests and block them. The CloudFront proxy, with the right set of security tools, helps protect your Amazon Cognito user pool from unwanted clients.

Solution overview

To implement this lightweight proxy pattern, you need to create an application client with a secret. Unauthenticated API calls to this client must include the secret hash which is added to the request from the proxy layer. Client applications use an SDK like AWS Amplify, the Amazon Cognito Identity SDK, or a mobile SDK to communicate with Amazon Cognito. By default, the SDK sends requests to the Regional Amazon Cognito endpoint. Your application must override the default endpoint by manually adding an “Endpoint” property in the app configuration. See the Integrate the client application with the proxy section later in this post for more details.

Figure 1 shows how this works, step by step.

Figure 1: A proxy solution to the Amazon Cognito Regional endpoint

Figure 1: A proxy solution to the Amazon Cognito Regional endpoint

The workflow is as follows:

  1. You configure the client application (mobile or web client) to use a CloudFront endpoint as a proxy to an Amazon Cognito Regional endpoint. You also create an application client in Amazon Cognito with a secret. This means that any unauthenticated API call must have the secret hash.
  2. Clients that send unauthenticated API calls to the Amazon Cognito endpoint directly are blocked and dropped because of the missing secret.
  3. You use Lambda@Edge to add a secret hash to the relevant incoming requests before passing them on to the Amazon Cognito endpoint.
  4. From Lambda@Edge, you must have the app client secret to be able to calculate the secret hash and add it to the request. It’s recommended that you keep the secret in AWS Secrets Manager and cache it for the lifetime of the function.
  5. You use AWS WAF with CloudFront distribution to enforce rate limiting, allow and deny lists, and other rule groups according to your security requirements.

When to use this pattern

It’s a best practice to use this proxy pattern with clients that use SDKs to integrate with Amazon Cognito user pools. Examples include mobile applications that use the iOS or Android SDK, or web applications that use client-side libraries like Amplify or the Amazon Cognito Identity SDK to integrate with Amazon Cognito.

You don’t need to use a proxy pattern with server-side applications that use an AWS SDK to integrate with Amazon Cognito user pools from a protected backend, because server-side applications can natively use confidential clients and protect the secret in the backend.

You can’t use this solution with applications that use Hosted UI and OAuth 2.0 endpoints to integrate with Amazon Cognito user pools. This includes federation scenarios where users sign in with an external identity provider (IdP).

Implementation and deployment details

Before you deploy this solution, you need a user pool and an application client that has the client secret. When you have these in place, choose the following Launch Stack button to launch a CloudFormation stack in your account and deploy the proxy solution.

Select the Launch Stack button to launch the template

Note: The CloudFormation stack must be created in the us-east-1 AWS Region, but the user pool itself can exist in any supported Region.

The template takes the parameters shown in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2: CloudFormation stack creation with initial parameters

Figure 2: CloudFormation stack creation with initial parameters

The parameters in Figure 2 include:

  • AdvancedSecurityEnabled is a flag that indicates whether advanced security is enabled in the user pool or not. This flag determines which version of the Lambda function is deployed. Notice that if you change this flag as part of a stack update, it overrides the function code, so if you have any manual changes, make sure to back up your changes.
  • AppClientSecret is the secret for your application client. This secret is stored in Secrets Manager and accessed from Lambda@Edge as needed.
  • LambdaS3BucketName is the bucket that hosts the Lambda code package. You don’t need to change this parameter unless you have a requirement to modify or extend the solution with your own Lambda function.
  • RateLimit is the maximum number of calls from a single IP address that are allowed within a 5 minute period. Values between 100 requests and 20 million requests are valid for RateLimit.
  • Important: provide a value suitable for your application and security requirements.

  • UserPoolId is the ID of your user pool. This value is used by Lambda@Edge when needed (for example, to call admin APIs, which require the user pool ID).
  • UserPoolRegion is the AWS Region where you created your user pool. This value is used to determine which Amazon Cognito Regional endpoint to proxy the calls to.

This template creates several resources in your AWS account, as follows:

  1. A CloudFront distribution that serves as a proxy to an Amazon Cognito Regional endpoint.
  2. An AWS WAF web access control list (ACL) with rules for the allow list, deny list, and rate limit.
  3. A Lambda function to be deployed at the edge and assigned to the origin request event.
  4. A secret in Secrets Manager, to hold the values of the application client secret and user pool ID.

After you create the stack, the CloudFront distribution domain name is available on the Outputs tab in the CloudFront console, as shown in Figure 3. This is the value that’s used as the Endpoint property in your client-side application. You can optionally add an alternative domain name to the CloudFront distribution if you prefer to use your own custom domain.

Figure 3: The output of the CloudFormation stack creation, displaying the CloudFront domain name

Figure 3: The output of the CloudFormation stack creation, displaying the CloudFront domain name

Use Lambda@Edge to add a secret hash to the request

As explained earlier, the purpose of having this proxy is to be able to inject the secret hash in unauthenticated API calls before passing them to the Amazon Cognito endpoint. This injection is achieved by a Lambda function that intercepts incoming requests at the edge (the CloudFront distribution) before passing them to the origin (the Amazon Cognito Regional endpoint).

The Lambda function that is deployed to the edge has two versions. One is a simple pass-through proxy that only adds the secret hash, and this version is used if Amazon Cognito advanced security isn’t enabled. The other version is a proxy that uses the AdminInitiateAuth and AdminRespondToAuthChallenge API operations instead of unauthenticated API operations for the user authentication and challenge response. This allows the proxy layer to propagate the client IP address to the Amazon Cognito endpoint, which guides the adaptive authentication features of advanced security. The version that is deployed by the stack is determined by the AdvancedSecurityEnabled flag when you create or update the CloudFormation stack.

You can extend this solution by manually modifying the Lambda function with your own processing logic. For example, you can integrate with fraud detection or bot detection services to evaluate the request and decide to proceed or reject the call. Note that after making any change to the Lambda function code, you must deploy a new version to the edge location. To do that from the Lambda console, navigate to Actions, choose Deploy to Lambda@Edge, and then choose Use existing CloudFront trigger on this function.

Important: If you update the stack from CloudFormation and change the value of the AdvancedSecurityEnabled flag, the new value overrides the Lambda code with the default version for the choice. In that case, all manual changes are lost.

Allow or block requests

The template that is provided in this blog post creates a web ACL with three rules: AllowList, DenyList, and RateLimit. These rules are evaluated in order and determine which requests are allowed or blocked. The template also creates four IP sets, as shown in Figure 4, to hold the values of allowed or blocked IPs for both IPv4 and IPv6 address types.

Figure 4: The CloudFormation template creates IP sets in the AWS WAF console for allow and deny lists

Figure 4: The CloudFormation template creates IP sets in the AWS WAF console for allow and deny lists

If you want to always allow requests from certain clients, for example, trusted enterprise clients or server-side clients in cases where a large volume of requests is coming from the same IP address like a VPN gateway, add these IP addresses to the corresponding AllowList IP set. Similarly, if you want to always block traffic from certain IPs, add those IPs to the corresponding DenyList IP set.

Requests from sources that aren’t on the allow list or deny list are evaluated based on the volume of calls within 5 minutes, and sources that exceed the defined rate limit within 5 minutes are automatically blocked. If you want to change the defined rate limit, you can do so by updating the CloudFormation stack and providing a different value for the RateLimit parameter. Or you can modify this value directly in the AWS WAF console by editing the RateLimit rule.

Note: You can also use AWS Managed Rules for AWS WAF to add additional protection according to your security needs.

Integrate the client application with the proxy

You can integrate the client application with the proxy by changing the Endpoint in your client application to use the CloudFront distribution domain name. The domain name is located in the Outputs section of the CloudFormation stack.

You then need to edit your client-side code to forward calls to Amazon Cognito through the proxy endpoint. For example, if you’re using the Identity SDK, you should change this property as follows.

var poolData = {
  UserPoolId: '<USER-POOL-ID>',
  ClientId: '<APP-CLIENT-ID>',
  endpoint: 'https://<CF-DISTRIBUTION-DOMAIN>'

If you’re using AWS Amplify, you can change the endpoint in the aws-exports.js file by overriding the property aws_cognito_endpoint. Or, if you configure Amplify Auth in your code, you can provide the endpoint as follows.

  userPoolId: '<USER-POOL-ID>',
  userPoolWebClientId: '<APP-CLIENT-ID>',
  endpoint: 'https://<CF-DISTRIBUTION-DOMAIN>'

If you have a mobile application that uses the Amplify mobile SDK, you can override the endpoint in your configuration as follows (don’t include AppClientSecret parameter in your configuration). Note that the Endpoint value contains the domain name only, not the full URL. This feature is available in the latest releases of the iOS and Android SDKs.

"CognitoUserPool": {
  "Default": {
    "AppClientId": "<APP-CLIENT-ID>",
    "Endpoint": "<CF-DISTRIBUTION-DOMAIN>",
    "PoolId": "<USER-POOL-ID>",
    "Region": "<REGION>"

Warning: The Amplify CLI overwrites customizations to the awsconfiguration.json and amplifyconfiguration.json files if you do an amplify push or amplify pull operation. You must manually re-apply the Endpoint customization and remove the AppClientSecret if you use the CLI to modify your cloud backend.

Solution limitations

This solution has these limitations:

  • If advanced security features are enabled for the user pool, Amazon Cognito calculates risk for user events. If you use this proxy pattern, the IP address that is propagated in user events is the proxy IP address, which causes risk calculation for SignUp, ForgotPassword, and ResendCode events to be inaccurate. On the other hand, Sign-In events still have the client IP address propagated correctly, and risk calculation and adaptive authentication for Sign-In events aren’t affected by the use of this proxy.
  • This solution is not applicable to Hosted UI, OAuth 2.0 endpoints, and federation flows.
  • Authenticated and admin API operations (which require developer credentials or an access token) aren’t covered in this solution. These API operations don’t require a secret hash, and they use other authentication mechanisms.
  • Using this proxy solution with mobile apps requires an update to the application. The update might take time to be available in the relevant app store, and you must depend on end users to update their app. Plan ahead of time to use the solution with mobile apps.

How to detect unusual behavior

In this section, I share with you the steps to detect, quickly analyze and respond to unwanted clients. It’s a best practice to configure monitoring and alarms that help you to detect unexpected spikes in activity. Additionally, I show you how to be ready to quickly identify clients that are calling your resources at a higher-than-usual rate.

Monitor utilization compared to quotas

Amazon Cognito integrates with Service Quotas, which monitor service utilization compared to quotas. These metrics help you detect unexpected spikes and be alerted if you’re approaching your quota for a certain API category. Approaching your quota indicates that there is a risk that calls from legitimate users will be throttled.

To view utilization versus quota metrics

  1. In the Service Quotas console, choose Service Quotas, choose AWS Services, and then choose Amazon Cognito User Pools.
  2. Under Service quotas, enter the search term rate of. This shows you the list of API categories and the assigned quotas for each category.
    Figure 5: The Service Quotas console showing Amazon Cognito API category rate quotas

    Figure 5: The Service Quotas console showing Amazon Cognito API category rate quotas

  3. Choose any of the API categories to see utilization versus quota metrics.
    Figure 6: The Service Quotas console showing utilization vs quota metrics for Amazon Cognito UserCreation APIs

    Figure 6: The Service Quotas console showing utilization vs quota metrics for Amazon Cognito UserCreation APIs

  4. You can also create alarms from this page to alert you if utilization is above a pre-defined threshold. You can create alarms starting at 50 percent utilization. It’s recommended that you create multiple alarms, for example at the 50 percent, 70 percent, and 90 percent thresholds, and configure CloudWatch alarms as appropriate.
    Figure 7: Creating an alarm for the utilization of the UserCreation API category

    Figure 7: Creating an alarm for the utilization of the UserCreation API category

Analyze CloudTrail logs with Athena

If you detect an unexpected spike in traffic to a certain API category, the next step is to identify the sources of this spike. You can do that by using CloudTrail logs or, after you deploy and use this proxy solution, CloudFront logs as sources of information. You can then analyze these logs by using Amazon Athena queries.

The first step is to create Athena tables from CloudTrail and CloudFront logs. You can do that by following these steps for CloudTrail and similar steps for CloudFront. After you have these tables created, you can create a set of queries that help you identify unwanted clients. Here are a couple of examples:

  • Use the following query to identify clients with the highest call rate to the InitiateAuth API operation within the timeframe you noticed the spike (change the eventtime value to reflect the attack window).
    SELECT sourceipaddress, count(*)
    FROM "default"."cloudtrail_logs"
    WHERE eventname='InitiateAuth'
    AND eventtime >= '2021-03-01T00:00:00Z'and eventtime < '2021-03-31T00:00:00Z'
    GROUP BY sourceipaddress
    LIMIT 10

  • Use the following query to identify clients that come through CloudFront with the highest error rate.
    SELECT count(*) as count, request_ip
    FROM "default"."cloudfront_logs"
    WHERE status>500
    GROUP BY request_ip

After you identify sources that are calling your service with a higher-than-usual rate, you can block these clients by adding them to the DenyList IP set that was created in AWS WAF.

Analyze CloudTrail events with CloudWatch Logs Insights

It’s a best practice to configure your trail to send events to CloudWatch Logs. After you do this, you can interactively search and analyze your Amazon Cognito CloudTrail events with CloudWatch Logs Insights to identify errors, unusual activity, or unusual user behavior in your account.


In this post, I showed you how to implement a lightweight proxy to an Amazon Cognito endpoint, which can be used with an application client secret to control access to unauthenticated API operations. This approach, together with security tools such as AWS WAF, helps provide protection for these API operations from unwanted clients. I also showed you strategies to help detect an ongoing attack and quickly analyze, identify, and block unwanted clients.

For more strategies for DDoS mitigation, see the AWS Best Practices for DDoS Resiliency.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon Cognito forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Mahmoud Matouk

Mahmoud is a Senior Solutions Architect with the Amazon Cognito team. He helps AWS customers build secure and innovative solutions for various identity and access management scenarios.

Using serverless to load test Amazon API Gateway with authorization

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/using-serverless-to-load-test-amazon-api-gateway-with-authorization/

This post was written by Ashish Mehra, Sr. Solutions Architect and Ramesh Chidirala, Solutions Architect

Many customers design their applications to use Amazon API Gateway as the front door and load test their API endpoints before deploying to production. Customers want to simulate the actual usage scenario, including authentication and authorization. The load test ensures that the application works as expected under high traffic and spiky load patterns.

This post demonstrates using AWS Step Functions for orchestration, AWS Lambda to simulate the load and Amazon Cognito for authentication and authorization. There is no need to use any third-party software or containers to implement this solution.

The serverless load test solution shown here can scale from 1,000 to 1,000,000 calls in a few minutes. It invokes API Gateway endpoints but you can reuse the solution for other custom API endpoints.

Overall architecture

Overall architecture diagram

Overall architecture diagram

Solution design 

The serverless API load test framework is built using Step Functions that invoke Lambda functions using a fan-out design pattern. The Lambda function obtains the user specific JWT access token from Amazon Cognito user pool and invokes the API Gateway authenticated route..

The solution contains two workflows.

1. Load test workflow

The load test workflow comprises a multi-step process that includes a combination of sequential and parallel steps. The sequential steps include user pool configuration, user creation, and access token generation followed by API invocation in a fan-out design pattern. Step Functions provides a reliable way to build and run such multi-step workflows with support for logging, retries, and dynamic parallelism.

Step Functions workflow diagram for load test

Step Functions workflow diagram for load test

The Step Functions state machine orchestrates the following workflow:

  1. Validate input parameters.
  2. Invoke Lambda function to create a user ID array in the series loadtestuser0, loadtestuser1, and so on. This array is passed as an input to subsequent Lambda functions.
  3. Invoke Lambda to create:
    1. Amazon Cognito user pool
    2. Test users
    3. App client configured for admin authentication flow.
  4. Invoke Lambda functions in a fan-out pattern using dynamic parallelism support in Step Functions. Each function does the following:
    1. Retrieves an access token (one token per user) from Amazon Cognito
    2. Sends an HTTPS request to the specified API Gateway endpoint by passing an access token in the header.

For testing purposes, users can configure mock integration or use Lambda integration for the backend.

2. Cleanup workflow

Step Functions workflow diagram for cleanup

Step Functions workflow diagram for cleanup

As part of the cleanup workflow, the Step Functions state machine invokes a Lambda function to delete the specified number of users from the Amazon Cognito user pool.

Prerequisites to implement the solution

The following prerequisites are required for this walk-through:

  1. AWS account
  3. Python 3.7
  4. Pre-existing non-production API Gateway HTTP API deployed with a JWT authorizer that uses Amazon Cognito as an identity provider. Refer to this video from the Twitch series #SessionsWithSAM which provides a walkthough for building and deploying a simple HTTP API with JWT authorizer.

Since this solution involves modifying API Gateway endpoint’s authorizer settings, it is recommended to load test non-production environments or production comparable APIs. Revert these settings after the load test is complete. Also, first check Lambda and Amazon Cognito Service Quotas in the AWS account you plan to use.

Step-by-step instructions

Use the AWS CloudShell to deploy the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template. AWS CloudShell is a browser-based shell pre-installed with common development tools. It includes 1 GB of free persistent storage per Region pre-authenticated with your console credentials. You can also use AWS Cloud9 or your preferred IDE. You can check for AWS CloudShell supported Regions here. Depending on your load test requirements, you can specify the total number of unique users to be created. You can also specify the number of API Gateway requests to be invoked per user every time you run the load test. These factors influence the overall test duration, concurrency and cost. Refer to the cost optimization section of this post for tips on minimizing the overall cost of the solution. Refer to the cleanup section of this post for instructions to delete the resources to stop incurring any further charges.

  1. Clone the repository by running the following command:
    git clone https://github.com/aws-snippets/sam-apiloadtest.git
  2. Change to the sam-apiloadtest directory and run the following command to build the application source:
    sam build
  3. Run the following command to package and deploy the application to AWS, with a series of prompts. When prompted for apiGatewayUrl, provide the API Gateway URL route you intend to load test.
    sam deploy --guided

    Example of SAM deploy

    Example of SAM deploy

  4. After the stack creation is complete, you should see UserPoolID and AppClientID in the outputs section.

    Example of stack outputs

    Example of stack outputs

  5. Navigate to the API Gateway console and choose the HTTP API you intend to load test.
  6. Choose Authorization and select the authenticated route configured with a JWT authorizer.

    API Gateway console display after stack is deployed

    API Gateway console display after stack is deployed

  7. Choose Edit Authorizer and update the IssuerURL with Amazon Cognito user pool ID and audience app client ID with the corresponding values from the stack output section in step 4.

    Editing the issuer URL

    Editing the issuer URL

  8. Set authorization scope to aws.cognito.signin.user.admin.

    Setting the authorization scopes

    Setting the authorization scopes

  9. Open the Step Functions console and choose the state machine named apiloadtestCreateUsersAndFanOut-xxx.
  10. Choose Start Execution and provide the following JSON input. Configure the number of users for the load test and the number of calls per user:
      "users": {
        "NumberOfUsers": "100",
        "NumberOfCallsPerUser": "100"
  11. After the execution, you see the status updated to Succeeded.


Checking the load test results

The load test’s primary goal is to achieve high concurrency. The main metric to check the test’s effectiveness is the count of successful API Gateway invocations. While load testing your application, find other metrics that may identify potential bottlenecks. Refer to the following steps to inspect CloudWatch Logs after the test is complete:

  1. Navigate to API Gateway service within the console, choose Monitor → Logging, select the $default stage, and choose the Select button.
  2. Choose View Logs in CloudWatch to navigate to the CloudWatch Logs service, which loads the log group and displays the most recent log streams.
  3. Choose the “View in Logs Insights” button to navigate to the Log Insights page. Choose Run Query.
  4. The query results appear along with a bar graph showing the log group’s distribution of log events. The number of records indicates the number of API Gateway invocations.

    Histogram of API Gateway invocations

    Histogram of API Gateway invocations

  5. To visualize p95 metrics, navigate to CloudWatch metrics, choose ApiGateway → ApiId → Latency.
  6. Choose the “Graphed metrics (1)” tab.

    Addig latency metric

    Addig latency metric

  7. Select p95 from the Statistic dropdown.

    Setting the p95 value

    Setting the p95 value

  8. The percentile metrics help visualize the distribution of latency metrics. It can help you find critical outliers or unusual behaviors, and discover potential bottlenecks in your application’s backend.

    Example of the p95 data

    Example of the p95 data


  1. To delete Amazon Cognito users, run the Step Functions workflow apiloadtestDeleteTestUsers. Provide the following input JSON with the same number of users that you created earlier:
    “NumberOfUsers”: “100”
  2. Step Functions invokes the cleanUpTestUsers Lambda function. It is configured with the test Amazon Cognito user pool ID and app client ID environment variables created during the stack deployment. The users are deleted from the test user pool.
  3. The Lambda function also schedules the corresponding KMS keys for deletion after seven days, the minimum waiting period.
  4. After the state machine is finished, navigate to Cognito → Manage User Pools → apiloadtest-loadtestidp → Users and Groups. Refresh the page to confirm that all users are deleted.
  5. To delete all the resources permanently and stop incurring cost, navigate to the CloudFormation console, select aws-apiloadtest-framework stack, and choose Delete → Delete stack.

Cost optimization

The load test workflow is repeatable and can be reused multiple times for the same or different API Gateway routes. You can reuse Amazon Cognito users for multiple tests since Amazon Cognito pricing is based on the monthly active users (MAUs). Repeatedly deleting and recreating users may exceed the AWS Free Tier or incur additional charges.


You can change the number of users and number of calls per user to adjust the API Gateway load. The apiloadtestCreateUsersAndFanOut state machine validation step allows a maximum value of 1,000 for input parameters NumberOfUsers and NumberOfCallsPerUser.

You can customize and increase these values within the Step Functions input validation logic based on your account limits. To load test a different API Gateway route, configure the authorizer as per the step-by-step instructions provided earlier. Next, modify the api_url environment variable within aws-apiloadtest-framework-triggerLoadTestPerUser Lambda function. You can then run the load test using the apiloadtestCreateUsersAndFanOut state machine.


The blog post shows how to use Step Functions and its features to orchestrate a multi-step load test solution. I show how changing input parameters could increase the number of calls made to the API Gateway endpoint without worrying about scalability. I also demonstrate how to achieve cost optimization and perform clean-up to avoid any additional charges. You can modify this example to load test different API endpoints, identify bottlenecks, and check if your application is production-ready.

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