Tag Archives: AWS Lambda

Complying with DMARC across multiple accounts using Amazon SES

Post Syndicated from Brendan Paul original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/complying-with-dmarc-across-multiple-accounts-using-amazon-ses/


For enterprises of all sizes, email is a critical piece of infrastructure that supports large volumes of communication from an organization. As such, companies need a robust solution to deal with the complexities this may introduce. In some cases, companies have multiple domains that support several different business units and need a distributed way of managing email sending for those domains. For example, you might want different business units to have the ability to send emails from subdomains, or give a marketing company the ability to send emails on your behalf. Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is a cost-effective, flexible, and scalable email service that enables developers to send mail from any application. One of the benefits of Amazon SES is that you can configure Amazon SES to authorize other users to send emails from addresses or domains that you own (your identities) using their own AWS accounts. When allowing other accounts to send emails from your domain, it is important to ensure this is done securely. Amazon SES allows you to send emails to your users using popular authentication methods such as DMARC. In this blog, we walk you through 1/ how to comply with DMARC when using Amazon SES and 2/ how to enable other AWS accounts to send authenticated emails from your domain.

DMARC: what is it, why is it important?

DMARC stands for “Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance”, and it is an email authentication protocol (DMARC.org). DMARC gives domain owners and email senders a way to protect their domain from being used by malicious actors in phishing or spoofing attacks. Email spoofing can be used as a way to compromise users’ financial or personal information by taking advantage of their trust of well-known brands. DMARC makes it easier for senders and recipients to determine whether or not an email was actually sent by the domain that it claims to have been sent by.

Solution Overview

In this solution, you will learn how to set up DKIM signing on Amazon SES, implement a DMARC Policy, and enable other accounts in your organization to send emails from your domain using Sending Authorization. When you set up DKIM signing, Amazon SES will attach a digital signature to all outgoing messages, allowing recipients to verify that the email came from your domain. You will then set your DMARC Policy, which tells an email receiver what to do if an email is not authenticated. Lastly, you will set up Sending Authorization so that other AWS accounts can send authenticated emails from your domain.


In order to complete the example illustrated in this blog post, you will need to have:

  1. A domain in an Amazon Route53 Hosted Zone or third-party provider. Note: You will need to add/update records for the domain. For this blog we will be using Route53.
  2. An AWS Organization
  3. A second AWS account to send Amazon SES Emails within a different AWS Organizations OU. If you have not worked with AWS Organizations before, review the Organizations Getting Started Guide

How to comply with DMARC (DKIM and SPF) in Amazon SES

In order to comply with DMARC, you must authenticate your messages with either DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), SPF (Sender Policy Framework), or both. DKIM allows you to send email messages with a cryptographic key, which enables email providers to determine whether or not the email is authentic. SPF defines what servers are allowed to send emails for their domain. To use SPF for DMARC compliance you need to set up a custom MAIL FROM domain in Amazon SES. To authenticate your emails with DKIM in Amazon SES, you have the option of:

In this blog, you will be setting up a sending identity.

Setting up DKIM Signing in Amazon SES

  1. Navigate to the Amazon SES Console 
  2. Select Verify a New Domain and type the name of your domain in
  3. Select Generate DKIM Settings
  4. Choose Verify This Domain
    1. This will generate the DNS records needed to complete domain verification, DKIM signing, and routing incoming mail.
    2. Note: When you initiate domain verification using the Amazon SES console or API, Amazon SES gives you the name and value to use for the TXT record. Add a TXT record to your domain’s DNS server using the specified Name and Value. Amazon SES domain verification is complete when Amazon SES detects the existence of the TXT record in your domain’s DNS settings.
  5. If you are using Route 53 as your DNS provider, choose the Use Route 53 button to update the DNS records automatically
    1. If you are not using Route 53, go to your third-party provider and add the TXT record to verify the domain as well as the three CNAME records to enable DKIM signing. You can also add the MX record at the end to route incoming mail to Amazon SES.
    2. A list of common DNS Providers and instructions on how to update the DNS records can be found in the Amazon SES documentation
  6. Choose Create Record Sets if you are using Route53 as shown below or choose Close after you have added the necessary records to your third-party DNS provider.


Note: in the case that you previously verified a domain, but did NOT generate the DKIM settings for your domain, follow the steps below. Skip these steps if this is not the case:

  1. Go to the Amazon SES Console, and select your domain
  2. Select the DKIM dropdown
  3. Choose Generate DKIM Settings and copy the three values in the record set shown
    1. You may also download the record set as a CSV file
  4. Navigate to the Route53 console or your third-party DNS provider. Instructions on how to update the DNS records in your third-party can be found in the Amazon SES documentation
  5. Select the domain you are using
  6. Choose Create Record

  1. Enter the values that Amazon SES has generated for you, and add the three CNAME records to your domain
  2. Wait a few minutes, and go back to your domain in the Amazon SES Console
  3. Check that the DKIM status is verified

You also want to set up a custom MAIL FROM domain that you will use later on. To do so, follow the steps in the documentation.

Setting up a DMARC policy on your domain

DMARC policies are TXT records you place in DNS to define what happens to incoming emails that don’t align with the validations provided when setting up DKIM and SPF. With this policy, you can choose to allow the email to pass through, quarantine the email into a folder like junk or spam, or reject the email.

As a best practice, you should start with a DMARC policy that doesn’t reject all email traffic and collect reports on emails that don’t align to determine if they should be allowed. You can also set a percentage on the DMARC policy to perform filtering on a subset of emails to, for example, quarantine only 50% of the emails that don’t align. Once you are in a state where you can begin to reject non-compliant emails, flip the policy to reject failed authentications. When you set the DMARC policy for your domain, any subdomains that are authorized to send on behalf of your domain will inherit this policy and the same rule will apply. For more information on setting up a DMARC policy, see our documentation.

In a scenario where you have multiple subdomains sending emails, you should be setting the DMARC policy for the organizational domain that you own. For example, if you own the domain example.com and also want to use the sub-domain sender.example.com to send emails you can set the organizational DMARC policy (as a DNS TXT record) to:

Name Type Value
1 _dmarc.example.com TXT “v=DMARC1;p=quarantine;pct=50;rua=mailto:[email protected]

This DMARC policy states that 50% of emails coming from example.com that fail authentication should be quarantined and you want to send a report of those failures to [email protected]. For your sender.example.com sub-domain, this policy will be inherited unless you specify another DMARC policy for our sub-domain. In the case where you want to be stricter on the sub-domain you could add another DMARC policy like you see in the following table.


Name Type Value
1 _dmarc.sender.example.com TXT “v=DMARC1;p=reject;pct=100;rua=mailto:[email protected];ruf=mailto:[email protected]

This policy would apply to emails coming from sender.example.com and would reject any email that fails authentication. It would also send aggregate feedback to [email protected] and detailed message-specific failure information to [email protected] for further analysis.

Sending Authorization in Amazon SES – Allowing Other Accounts to Send Authenticated Emails

Now that you have configured Amazon SES to comply with DMARC in the account that owns your identity, you may want to allow other accounts in your organization the ability to send emails in the same way. Using Sending Authorization, you can authorize other users or accounts to send emails from identities that you own and manage. An example of where this could be useful is if you are an organization which has different business units in that organization. Using sending authorization, a business unit’s application could send emails to their customers from the top-level domain. This application would be able to leverage the authentication settings of the identity owner without additional configuration. Another advantage is that if the business unit has its own subdomain, the top-level domain’s DKIM settings can apply to this subdomain, so long as you are using Easy DKIM in Amazon SES and have not set up Easy DKIM for the specific subdomains.

Setting up sending authorization across accounts

Before you set up sending authorization, note that working across multiple accounts can impact bounces, complaints, pricing, and quotas in Amazon SES. Amazon SES documentation provides a good understanding of the impacts when using multiple accounts. Specifically, delegated senders are responsible for bounces and complaints and can set up notifications to monitor such activities. These also count against the delegated senders account quotas. To set up Sending Authorization across accounts:

  1. Navigate to the Amazon SES Console from the account that owns the Domain
  2. Select Domains under Identity Management
  3. Select the domain that you want to set up sending authorization with
  4. Select View Details
  5. Expand Identity Policies and Click Create Policy
  6. You can either create a policy using the policy generator or create a custom policy. For the purposes of this blog, you will create a custom policy.
  7. For the custom policy, you will allow a particular Organization Unit (OU) from our AWS Organization access to our domain. You can also limit access to particular accounts or other IAM principals. Use the following policy to allow a particular OU to access the domain:

  “Version”: “2012-10-17”,
  “Id”: “AuthPolicy”,
  “Statement”: [
      “Sid”: “AuthorizeOU”,
      “Effect”: “Allow”,
      “Principal”: “*”,
      “Action”: [
      “Resource”: “<Arn of Verified Domain>”,
      “Condition”: {
        “ForAnyValue:StringLike”: {
          “aws:PrincipalOrgPaths”: “<Organization Id>/<Root OU Id>/<Organizational Unit Id>”

9. Make sure to replace the escaped values with your Verified Domain ARN and the Org path of the OU you want to limit access to.


You can find more policy examples in the documentation. Note that you can configure sending authorization such that all accounts under your AWS Organization are authorized to send via a certain subdomain.


You can now test the ability to send emails from your domain in a different AWS account. You will do this by creating a Lambda function to send a test email. Before you create the Lambda function, you will need to create an IAM role for the Lambda function to use.

Creating the IAM Role:

  1. Log in to your separate AWS account
  2. Navigate to the IAM Management Console
  3. Select Role and choose Create Role
  4. Under Choose a use case select Lambda
  5. choose Next: Permissions
  6. In the search bar, type SES and select the check box next to AmazonSESFullAccess
  7. Choose Next:Tags and Review
  8. Give the role a name of your choosing, and choose Create Role

Navigate to Lambda Console

  1. Select Create Function
  2. Choose the box marked Author from Scratch
  3. Give the function a name of your choosing (Ex: TestSESfunction)
  4. In this demo, you will be using Python 3.8 runtime, but feel free to modify to your language of choice
  5. Select the Change default execution role dropdown, and choose the Use an existing role radio button
  6. Under Existing Role, choose the role that you created in the previous step, and create the function

Edit the function

  1. Navigate to the Function Code portion of the page and open the function python file
  2. Replace the default code with the code shown below, ensuring that you put your own values in based on your resources
  3. Values needed:
    1. Test Email Address: an email address you have access to
      1. NOTE: If you are still operating in the Amazon SES Sandbox, this will need to be a verified email in Amazon SES. To verify an email in Amazon SES, follow the process here. Alternatively, here is how you can move out of the Amazon SES Sandbox
    2. SourceArn: The arn of your domain. This can be found in Amazon SES Console → Domains → <YourDomain> → Identity ARN
    3. ReturnPathArn: The same as your Source ARN
    4. Source: This should be your Mail FROM Domain @ your domain
      1. Your Mail FROM Domain can be found under Domains → <YourDomain> → Mail FROM Domain dropdown
      2. Ex: [email protected]
    5. Use the following function code for this example

import json
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

client = boto3.client('ses')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    # Try to send the email.
        #Provide the contents of the email.
        response = client.send_email(
                'ToAddresses': [
                    '<[email protected]>',
                'Body': {
                    'Html': {
                        'Charset': 'UTF-8',
                        'Data': 'This email was sent with Amazon SES.',
                'Subject': {
                    'Charset': 'UTF-8',
                    'Data': 'Amazon SES Test',
            Source='<[email protected]>',
    # Display an error if something goes wrong.
    except ClientError as e:
        print("Email sent! Message ID:"),

  1. Once you have replaced the appropriate values, choose the Deploy button to deploy your changes

Run a Test invocation

  1. After you have deployed your changes, select the “Test” Panel above your function code

  1. You can leave all of these keys and values as default, as the function does not use any event parameters
  2. Choose the Invoke button in the top right corner
  3. You should see this above the test event window:

Verifying that the Email has been signed properly

Depending on your email provider, you may be able to check the DKIM signature directly in the application. As an example, for Outlook, right click on the message, and choose View Source from the menu. You should see line that shows the Authentication Results and whether or not the DKIM/SPF signature passed. For Gmail, go to your Gmail Inbox on the Gmail web app. Choose the message you wish to inspect, and choose the More Icon. Choose View Original from the drop-down menu. You should then see the SPF and DKIM “PASS” Results.


To clean up the resources in your account,

  1. Navigate to the Route53 Console
  2. Select the Hosted Zone you have been working with
  3. Select the CNAME, TXT, and MX records that you created earlier in this blog and delete them
  4. Navigate to the SES Console
  5. Select Domains
  6. Select the Domain that you have been working with
  7. Click the drop down Identity Policies and delete the one that you created in this blog
  8. If you verified a domain for the sake of this blog: navigate to the Domains tab, select the domain and select Remove
  9. Navigate to the Lambda Console
  10. Select Functions
  11. Select the function that you created in this exercise
  12. Select Actions and delete the function


In this blog post, we demonstrated how to delegate sending and management of your sub-domains to other AWS accounts while also complying with DMARC when using Amazon SES. In order to do this, you set up a sending identity so that Amazon SES automatically adds a DKIM signature to your messages. Additionally, you created a custom MAIL FROM domain to comply with SPF. Lastly, you authorized another AWS account to send emails from a sub-domain managed in a different account, and tested this using a Lambda function. Allowing other accounts the ability to manage and send email from your sub-domains provides flexibility and scalability for your organization without compromising on security.

Now that you have set up DMARC authentication for multiple accounts in your enviornment, head to the AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog to see examples of how you can combine Amazon SES with other AWS Services!

If you have more questions about Amazon Simple Email Service, check out our FAQs or our Developer Guide.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Getting Started with serverless for developers: Part 4 – Local developer workflow

Post Syndicated from Benjamin Smith original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/getting-started-with-serverless-for-developers-part-4-local-developer-workflow/

This blog is part 4 of the “Getting started with serverless for developers” series, helping developers start building serverless applications from their IDE.

Many “getting started” guides demonstrate how to build serverless applications from within the AWS Management Console. However, most developers spend the majority of their time building from within their local integrated development environment (IDE).

The next two blog posts in this series focus on the serverless developer workflow. They describe how to check logs, test, and iterate on business logic while building locally, and how this differs from traditional applications.

This blog post explains how the developer workflow for building serverless applications differs from a traditional developer workflow. It shows the methods that I use to test business logic locally before deploying to a sandbox AWS developer account, and how to test against cloud services as you build. This eliminates the need to deploy to the AWS Cloud each time you want to test a code change.

Traditional developer workflow

Developers typically use the following workflow cycle before committing code to the main branch:

  1. Write code.
  2. Save code.
  3. Run code.
  4. Check results.

This is sometimes referred to as the inner loop, shown as follows:

With traditional (non-serverless) applications, developers commonly create a development environment on their local machine. This local development environment keeps parity with the staging and production environments. It allows developers to test their application locally end-to-end before committing code to the main branch.

Serverless developer workflow

Part 2: the business logic, explains how serverless applications use managed services that abstract away the need for developers to patch and scale their application infrastructure. This means that the code base in a serverless application is focused purely on business logic, allowing managed services to handle other important layers such as:

  • Authorization
  • Presentation
  • Database
  • Application integration
  • Notification

A good serverless developer workflow enables developers to test and iterate on business logic quickly. It allows them to check that the business logic runs correctly with the managed services that compose an application.

To achieve this, the best approach is not to try and emulate managed services on your local development machine. Instead, your local code should interact directly with real cloud services in a sandboxed AWS account.

This approach lets you rapidly test and iterate on business logic locally, deploying to the development environment to test for infrastructure, security, and environment configuration changes. Once the business logic is ready in the development environment, it can be deployed to other environments (test, staging, production) via CI/CD automation or manually triggered commands.

The following sections explain how I test business logic locally using a custom-written test harness. Each time I create a Lambda function I create a directory to hold:

  1. The function code.
  2. A relative package.json.
  3. A file called testharness.js.

The test harness file is used to run the Lambda function code on my local development machine. It is configured to mock environment variables loaded from a file named `env.json` and loads a JSON test event payload located in the events directory.

Testing Lambda function code locally with a test harness

Part 2: the business logic, explains the anatomy of a Lambda function and its handler:

A small Lambda function

Note that the function handler receives an input payload called an event object. To test the local function code effectively, use a test event object that represents the production event object.

The serverless application introduced in getting started with serverless part 1, shows that Amazon API Gateway invokes the Lambda function.

This invocation contains an event object with a JSON representation of the HTTP request. The event object has a defined structure. Follow the steps in this GitHub repository to see how to create a test event object.

Before you start

To deploy this stage of the application, follow the steps from post 1 to clone and deploy the sample application.

  1. Run the following commands from the root directory of the cloned repository:
    cd ./part_4/src_starred
    npm install

The following steps show how I configure my testharness.js file to run my function code:

// Mock event
const event = require('../events/testEvent.json')
// Mock environment variables
const environmentVars = require('../env.json')
process.env.AWS_REGION = environmentVars.AWS_REGION
process.env.localTest = true
process.env.slackEndpoint= environmentVars.slackEndpoint
process.env.bucket = environmentVars.bucket
// Lambda handler
const { handler } = require('./app')
const main = async () => {
  console.dir(await handler(event))
main().catch(error => console.error(error))
  1. A test event object is loaded into a variable called event.
  2. The environment variables required by the Lambda function are defined in env.json and loaded.
  3. The Lambda function code is loaded into a variable called handler
  4. The Lambda function code is run synchronously
  5. The console shows output from the Lambda function code, along with any errors that occur.

I run my test harness file by entering the following command in a terminal window:

$ node testharness.js

This produces the following output:

The output indicates that the function code ran without error, it returned a 200 status code and completed in 30.999 ms.

To generate an error in the function code,  I change the app.js file by commenting out the following line:

//const axios = require('axios');

I save the file and run the test harness again. I see the following response in the terminal window:


This indicates an error in my function code that I must resolve before deploying to my AWS account.

By iteratively updating and locally testing my code, I maintain a fast inner loop. This eliminates the need to deploy to the AWS Cloud each time I want to test a code change.

Testing against cloud resources

In many instances, a Lambda function interacts with other cloud resources. This could be via an SDK or some other native integration. In this case, you should deploy those resources to a sandboxed AWS developer account.

In the following example, I update a Lambda function to log each inbound HTTP request to a bucket in Amazon S3, a highly scalable object storage service running in the AWS cloud. To do this, I use the JavaScript SDK:

s3.putObject(params, function(err, data)

I update the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template to define a new S3 bucket:

Type: AWS::S3::Bucket

I change into the part_4 directory then build and deploy the application with the following commands:

cd ../part_4
sam build
sam deploy --guided --config-file ../samconfig.toml

After deploying, the output shows:

I copy the new bucket value to the environment variable defined in in /part_4/env.json .

"slackEndpoint": "Insert_Slack_Endpoint",
"bucket" : "Insert_S3_Bucket_Name"

Now I am ready to test the local Lambda function code against cloud resources in my sandbox AWS development account. I run a new local test with the following command:

node testHarness.js

The terminal returns:

This indicates that the Lambda function code completed without error. I can verify this by checking the contents of the S3 bucket using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI):

aws s3 ls s3://githubtoslackapp-srcbucket-ge4wkt9dljwa

This returns the following, confirming that the request object has been saved to S3 and the application code is running correctly:


Using managed services to build serverless applications helps developers focus on business logic. It also changes the developer workflow compared with building traditional (non-serverless) applications.

A good serverless developer workflow enables developers to test and iterate on business logic quickly while still being able to interact with cloud services. This blog post shows how I achieve this by using a test harness to run function code locally and deploying application resources to a sandboxed developer account.

In the next blog post, I show how to invoke Lambda functions deployed to sandboxed developer account, without leaving your IDE. This lets you test for infrastructure, security, and environment configuration changes while building.

AWS Lambda Extensions Are Now Generally Available – Get Started with Your Favorite Operations Tools Today

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/getting-started-with-using-your-favorite-operational-tools-on-aws-lambda-extensions-are-now-generally-available/

In October 2020, we announced the preview of AWS Lambda extensions, which you can use to easily integrate Lambda functions with your favorite tools for monitoring, observability, security, and governance.

Today, I’m happy to announce the general availability of AWS Lambda Extensions which comes with new performance improvements and an expanded set of partners. As part of the GA release, we have enabled functions to send responses as soon as the function code is complete without waiting for the included extensions to finish. This enables extensions to perform activities like sending telemetry to a preferred destination after the function’s response has been returned. We also welcome extensions from new partners: Imperva, Instana, Sentry, Site24x7, and the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry.

You can use Lambda extensions for use cases such as capturing diagnostic information before, during, and after function invocation; automatically instrumenting your code without needing code changes; fetching configuration settings or secrets before the function invocation; detecting and alerting on function activity through security agents; and sending telemetry to custom destinations such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Kinesis, Amazon Elasticsearch Service directly and asynchronously from your Lambda functions.

Customers are drawn to the vision of Serverless. The reduced operational responsibility frees them up to focus on their business problems. To help customers monitor, observe, secure, and govern their functions, AWS Lambda provides native integrations for logs and metrics through Amazon CloudWatch, tracing through AWS X-Ray, tracking configuration changes through AWS Config, and recording API calls through AWS CloudTrail In addition, AWS Lambda partners provide tools for application management, API integration, deployment, monitoring, and security.

AWS Lambda extensions provide a simple way to extend the Lambda execution environment, which is where your function code is executed. AWS customers, partners, and the open source community can use the new Lambda Extensions API to build their own extensions, which are companion processes that augment the capabilities of Lambda functions. To learn how to build your own extensions, see the Building Extensions for AWS Lambda – In preview blog post. The post also includes information about changes to the Lambda lifecycle.

How AWS Lambda Extensions Works
AWS Lambda extensions are designed to be the easiest way to plug in the tools you use today without complex installation or configuration management. You can add tools to your functions using Lambda layers or include them in the image for functions deployed as container images.

Lambda extensions use the Extensions API to register for function and execution environment lifecycle events. In response to these events, extensions can start new processes or run logic. Lambda extensions can also use the Runtime Logs API to subscribe to a stream of the same logs that the Lambda service sends to Amazon CloudWatch directly from the Lambda execution environment. Lambda streams the logs to the extension, and the extension can then process, filter, and send the logs to any preferred destination.

Most customers will use Lambda extensions without needing to know about the capabilities of the Extensions API. You can just consume capabilities of an extension by configuring the options in your Lambda functions.

How to Use Lambda Extensions
You can install and manage extensions using the Lambda console, the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), or infrastructure as code (IaC) services and tools such as AWS CloudFormation, AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM), and Terraform.

To use Lambda extensions to integrate existing tools with your Lambda functions, choose your a Lambda function and on the Configuration tab, choose Monitoring and Operations tools.

On the Extensions page, you can find available extensions from AWS Lambda partners. Choose an extension to view its installation instructions.

AWS Lambda Extensions Partners
At this launch, Lambda extensions integrate with these AWS Lambda partners who have provided the following information to introduce their extensions. (I am updating this article with links as they are published.)

  • AppDynamics provides end-to-end transaction tracing for AWS Lambda. With the AppDynamics extension, it is no longer mandatory for developers to include the AppDynamics tracer as a dependency in their function code, making tracing transactions across hybrid architectures even simpler.
  • Coralogix is a log analytics and cloud security platform that empowers thousands of companies to improve security and accelerate software delivery, allowing you to get deep insights without paying for the noise. Coralogix can now read Lambda function logs and metrics directly, without using CloudWatch or Amazon S3, reducing the latency, and cost of observability.
  • The Datadog extension brings comprehensive, real-time visibility to your serverless applications. Combined with Datadog’s integration with AWS, you get metrics, traces, and logs to help you monitor, detect, and resolve issues at any scale. The Datadog extension makes it easier than ever to get telemetry from your serverless workloads.
  • The Dynatrace extension makes it even easier to bring AWS Lambda metrics and traces into the Dynatrace platform for intelligent observability and automatic root cause detection. Get comprehensive, end-to-end observability with the flip of a switch and no code changes.
  • Epsagon helps you monitor, troubleshoot, and lower the cost of your Lambda functions. Epsagon’s extension reduces the overhead of sending traces to the Epsagon service, with minimal performance impact to your function.
  • HashiCorp Vault allows you to secure, store, and tightly control access to your application’s secrets and sensitive data. With the Vault extension, you can now authenticate and securely retrieve dynamic secrets before your Lambda function is invoked.
  • Honeycomb is a powerful observability tool that helps you debug your entire production app stack. Honeycomb’s extension decreases the overhead, latency, and cost of sending events to the Honeycomb service, while increasing reliability.
  • Instana Enterprise Observability Platform ingests performance metrics, traces requests, and profiles processes to make observability work for the enterprise. The Instana Lambda extension offers modification-free, low latency tracing of Lambda functions backed by their real-time Enterprise Observability Platform.
  • Imperva Serverless Protection protects organizations from vulnerabilities created by misconfigured apps and code-level security risks in serverless computing environments. The Imperva extension enables customers to easily embed additional security in their DevOps processes for serverless applications without requiring any code changes, leading to faster time to market.
  • Lumigo provides a monitoring and observability platform for serverless and microservices applications. The Lumigo extension enables the new Lumigo Lambda Profiler to see a breakdown of function resources, including CPU, memory, and network metrics. Use the extension to receive actionable insights to reduce Lambda runtime duration and cost, fix bottlenecks, and increase efficiency.
  • Check Point CloudGuard provides full lifecycle security for serverless applications. The CloudGuard extension enables Function Self Protection data aggregation as an out-of-process extension, providing detection and alerting on application layer attacks.
  • New Relic enables you to efficiently monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize your Lambda functions. New Relic’s extension allows you send your Lambda service platform logs directly to New Relic’s unified observability platform, allowing you to quickly visualize data with minimal latency and cost.
  • Thundra provides an application debugging, observability and security platform for serverless, container and virtual machine (VM) workloads. The Thundra extension adds asynchronous telemetry reporting functionality to the Thundra agents, getting rid of network latency.
  • Splunk offers an enterprise-grade cloud monitoring solution for real-time full-stack visibility at scale. The Splunk extension provides a simplified runtime-independent interface to collect high-resolution observability data with minimal overhead. Monitor, manage, and optimize the performance and cost of your serverless applications with Splunk Observability solutions.
  • Sentry’s extension enables developers to monitor code health. From error tracking to performance monitoring, developers can see issues more clearly, solve them quicker, and continuously stay informed about the health of their applications, all without making code changes.
  • Site24x7 provides a performance monitoring solution for DevOps and IT operations. The Site24x7 extension enables real-time observability into your Lambda functions. It enables you to monitor critical Lambda metrics and function executions logs and optimize execution time and performance.
  • The Sumo Logic extension enables you to get instant visibility into the health and performance of your mission-critical applications using AWS Lambda. With this extension and Sumo Logic’s continuous intelligence platform, you can now ensure that all your Lambda functions are running as expected by analyzing function, platform, and extension logs to quickly identify and remediate errors and exceptions.

Here are Lambda extensions from AWS services:

  • AWS AppConfig helps you manage, store, and safely deploy application configurations to your hosts at runtime. The AWS AppConfig extension integrates Lambda and AWS AppConfig seamlessly. Lambda functions have simple access to external configuration settings quickly and easily. Developers can now dynamically change their Lambda function’s configuration safely using robust validation features.
  • Amazon CodeGuru Profiler helps developers improve application performance and reduce costs by pinpointing an application’s most expensive line of code. It provides recommendations for improving code to save money. The Lambda integration removes the need to change any code or redeploy packages.
  • Amazon CloudWatch Lambda Insights enables you to efficiently monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize Lambda functions. The Lambda Insights extension simplifies the collection, visualization, and investigation of detailed compute performance metrics, errors, and logs. You can more easily isolate and correlate performance problems to optimize your Lambda environments.
  • AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry is a secure, production-ready, AWS-supported distribution of the OpenTelemetry project. The Lambda extension runs the OpenTelemetry collector and enables functions to send trace data to AWS monitoring services such as AWS X-Ray and to any destination such as Honeycomb and Lightstep that supports OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) using the OTLP exporter.

To get started with Lambda extensions, use the links provided to install these extensions.

Things to Know
Here are a couple of things to keep in mind:

Pricing: Extensions share the same billing model as Lambda functions and you are charged for compute time used in all phases of the Lambda lifecycle. For function invocations, you pay for requests served and the compute time used to run your code and all extensions, together, in 1ms increments. To learn more about billing for extensions, visit the Lambda FAQs page.

Performance: Lambda extensions might impact the performance of your function because they share resources such as CPU, memory, and storage with the function, and because extensions are initialized before function code. For example, if an extension performs compute-intensive operations, you might see your function’s execution duration increase because the extension and your function code share the same CPU resources.

Because Lambda uses allocates proportional CPU power based on the memory setting, you might see increased execution and initialization duration at lower memory settings as more processes compete for the same CPU resources. You can use CloudWatch metrics such as PostRuntimeExecutionDuration to measure the extra time the extension takes after the function execution and MaxMemoryUsed to measure the increase in memory used.

Available Now
The performance improvements announced as part of GA are currently in US East (N. Virginia), Europe (Ireland), and Europe (Milan) Regions. (Update. AWS Lambda Extensions are now generally available in all commercial regions.)

You can also build your own extensions. To learn how to build extensions, see the Lambda Extensions API in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide. You can send feedback through the AWS forum for AWS Lambda or through your usual AWS Support contacts.


Update. Watch a quick introductory video and a deep dive playlist about AWS Lambda Extensions for more information.

Forwarding emails automatically based on content with Amazon Simple Email Service

Post Syndicated from Murat Balkan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/forwarding-emails-automatically-based-on-content-with-amazon-simple-email-service/


Email is one of the most popular channels consumers use to interact with support organizations. In its most basic form, consumers will send their email to a catch-all email address where it is further dispatched to the correct support group. Often, this requires a person to inspect content manually. Some IT organizations even have a dedicated support group that handles triaging the incoming emails before assigning them to specialized support teams. Triaging each email can be challenging, and delays in email routing and support processes can reduce customer satisfaction. By utilizing Amazon Simple Email Service’s deep integration with Amazon S3, AWS Lambda, and other AWS services, the task of categorizing and routing emails is automated. This automation results in increased operational efficiencies and reduced costs.

This blog post shows you how a serverless application will receive emails with Amazon SES and deliver them to an Amazon S3 bucket. The application uses Amazon Comprehend to identify the dominant language from the message body.  It then looks it up in an Amazon DynamoDB table to find the support group’s email address specializing in the email subject. As the last step, it forwards the email via Amazon SES to its destination. Archiving incoming emails to Amazon S3 also enables further processing or auditing.


By completing the steps in this post, you will create a system that uses the architecture illustrated in the following image:

Architecture showing how to forward emails by content using Amazon SES

The flow of events starts when a customer sends an email to the generic support email address like [email protected]. This email is listened to by Amazon SES via a recipient rule. As per the rule, incoming messages are written to a specified Amazon S3 bucket with a given prefix.

This bucket and prefix are configured with S3 Events to trigger a Lambda function on object creation events. The Lambda function reads the email object, parses the contents, and sends them to Amazon Comprehend for language detection.

Amazon DynamoDB looks up the detected language code from an Amazon DynamoDB table, which includes the mappings between language codes and support group email addresses for these languages. One support group could answer English emails, while another support group answers French emails. The Lambda function determines the destination address and re-sends the same email address by performing an email forward operation. Suppose the lookup does not return any destination address, or the language was not be detected. In that case, the email is forwarded to a catch-all email address specified during the application deployment.

In this example, Amazon SES hosts the destination email addresses used for forwarding, but this is not a requirement. External email servers will also receive the forwarded emails.


To use Amazon SES for receiving email messages, you need to verify a domain that you own. Refer to the documentation to verify your domain with Amazon SES console. If you do not have a domain name, you will register one from Amazon Route 53.

Deploying the Sample Application

Clone this GitHub repository to your local machine and install and configure AWS SAM with a test AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user.

You will use AWS SAM to deploy the remaining parts of this serverless architecture.

The AWS SAM template creates the following resources:

  • An Amazon DynamoDB mapping table (language-lookup) contains information about language codes and associates them with destination email addresses.
  • An AWS Lambda function (BlogEmailForwarder) that reads the email content parses it, detects the language, looks up the forwarding destination email address, and sends it.
  • An Amazon S3 bucket, which will store the incoming emails.
  • IAM roles and policies.

To start the AWS SAM deployment, navigate to the root directory of the repository you downloaded and where the template.yaml AWS SAM template resides. AWS SAM also requires you to specify an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket to hold the deployment artifacts. If you haven’t already created a bucket for this purpose, create one now. You will refer to the documentation to learn how to create an Amazon S3 bucket. The bucket should have read and write access by an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user.

At the command line, enter the following command to package the application:

sam package --template template.yaml --output-template-file output_template.yaml --s3-bucket BUCKET_NAME_HERE

In the preceding command, replace BUCKET_NAME_HERE with the name of the Amazon S3 bucket that should hold the deployment artifacts.

AWS SAM packages the application and copies it into this Amazon S3 bucket.

When the AWS SAM package command finishes running, enter the following command to deploy the package:

sam deploy --template-file output_template.yaml --stack-name blogstack --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --parameter-overrides FromEmailAddress=info@ YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE CatchAllEmailAddress=catchall@ YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE

In the preceding command, change the YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE with the domain name you validated with Amazon SES. This domain also applies to other commands and configurations that will be introduced later.

This example uses “blogstack” as the stack name, you will change this to any other name you want. When you run this command, AWS SAM shows the progress of the deployment.

Configure the Sample Application

Now that you have deployed the application, you will configure it.

Configuring Receipt Rules

To deliver incoming messages to Amazon S3 bucket, you need to create a Rule Set and a Receipt rule under it.

Note: This blog uses Amazon SES console to create the rule sets. To create the rule sets with AWS CloudFormation, refer to the documentation.

  1. Navigate to the Amazon SES console. From the left navigation choose Rule Sets.
  2. Choose Create a Receipt Rule button at the right pane.
  3. Add info@YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE as the first recipient addresses by entering it into the text box and choosing Add Recipient.



Choose the Next Step button to move on to the next step.

  1. On the Actions page, select S3 from the Add action drop-down to reveal S3 action’s details. Select the S3 bucket that was created by the AWS SAM template. It is in the format of your_stack_name-inboxbucket-randomstring. You will find the exact name in the outputs section of the AWS SAM deployment under the key name InboxBucket or by visiting the AWS CloudFormation console. Set the Object key prefix to info/. This tells Amazon SES to add this prefix to all messages destined to this recipient address. This way, you will re-use the same bucket for different recipients.

Choose the Next Step button to move on to the next step.

In the Rule Details page, give this rule a name at the Rule name field. This example uses the name info-recipient-rule. Leave the rest of the fields with their default values.

Choose the Next Step button to move on to the next step.

  1. Review your settings on the Review page and finalize rule creation by choosing Create Rule

  1. In this example, you will be hosting the destination email addresses in Amazon SES rather than forwarding the messages to an external email server. This way, you will be able to see the forwarded messages in your Amazon S3 bucket under different prefixes. To host the destination email addresses, you need to create different rules under the default rule set. Create three additional rules for catchall@YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE , english@ YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE and french@YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE email addresses by repeating the steps 2 to 5. For Amazon S3 prefixes, use catchall/, english/, and french/ respectively.


Configuring Amazon DynamoDB Table

To configure the Amazon DynamoDB table that is used by the sample application

  1. Navigate to Amazon DynamoDB console and reach the tables view. Inspect the table created by the AWS SAM application.

language-lookup table is the table where languages and their support group mappings are kept. You need to create an item for each language, and an item that will hold the default destination email address that will be used in case no language match is found. Amazon Comprehend supports more than 60 different languages. You will visit the documentation for the supported languages and add their language codes to this lookup table to enhance this application.

  1. To start inserting items, choose the language-lookup table to open table overview page.
  2. Select the Items tab and choose the Create item From the dropdown, select Text. Add the following JSON content and choose Save to create your first mapping object. While adding the following object, replace Destination attribute’s value with an email address you own. The email messages will be forwarded to that address.


  “language”: “en”,

  “destination”: “english@YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE”


Lastly, create an item for French language support.


  “language”: “fr”,

  “destination”: “french@YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE”



Now that the application is deployed and configured, you will test it.

  1. Use your favorite email client to send the following email to the domain name info@ email address.

Subject: I need help


Hello, I’d like to return the shoes I bought from your online store. How can I do this?

After the email is sent, navigate to the Amazon S3 console to inspect the contents of the Amazon S3 bucket that is backing the Amazon SES Rule Sets. You will also see the AWS Lambda logs from the Amazon CloudWatch console to confirm that the Lambda function is triggered and run successfully. You should receive an email with the same content at the address you defined for the English language.

  1. Next, send another email with the same content, this time in French language.

Subject: j’ai besoin d’aide


Bonjour, je souhaite retourner les chaussures que j’ai achetées dans votre boutique en ligne. Comment puis-je faire ceci?


Suppose a message is not matched to a language in the lookup table. In that case, the Lambda function will forward it to the catchall email address that you provided during the AWS SAM deployment.

You will inspect the new email objects under english/, french/ and catchall/ prefixes to observe the forwarding behavior.

Continue experimenting with the sample application by sending different email contents to info@ YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE address or adding other language codes and email address combinations into the mapping table. You will find the available languages and their codes in the documentation. When adding a new language support, don’t forget to associate a new email address and Amazon S3 bucket prefix by defining a new rule.


To clean up the resources you used in your account,

  1. Navigate to the Amazon S3 console and delete the inbox bucket’s contents. You will find the name of this bucket in the outputs section of the AWS SAM deployment under the key name InboxBucket or by visiting the AWS CloudFormation console.
  2. Navigate to AWS CloudFormation console and delete the stack named “blogstack”.
  3. After the stack is deleted, remove the domain from Amazon SES. To do this, navigate to the Amazon SES Console and choose Domains from the left navigation. Select the domain you want to remove and choose Remove button to remove it from Amazon SES.
  4. From the Amazon SES Console, navigate to the Rule Sets from the left navigation. On the Active Rule Set section, choose View Active Rule Set button and delete all the rules you have created, by selecting the rule and choosing Action, Delete.
  5. On the Rule Sets page choose Disable Active Rule Set button to disable listening for incoming email messages.
  6. On the Rule Sets page, Inactive Rule Sets section, delete the only rule set, by selecting the rule set and choosing Action, Delete.
  7. Navigate to CloudWatch console and from the left navigation choose Logs, Log groups. Find the log group that belongs to the BlogEmailForwarderFunction resource and delete it by selecting it and choosing Actions, Delete log group(s).
  8. You will also delete the Amazon S3 bucket you used for packaging and deploying the AWS SAM application.



This solution shows how to use Amazon SES to classify email messages by the dominant content language and forward them to respective support groups. You will use the same techniques to implement similar scenarios. You will forward emails based on custom key entities, like product codes, or you will remove PII information from emails before forwarding with Amazon Comprehend.

With its native integrations with AWS services, Amazon SES allows you to enhance your email applications with different AWS Cloud capabilities easily.

To learn more about email forwarding with Amazon SES, you will visit documentation and AWS blogs.

Create a serverless feedback collector application using Amazon Pinpoint’s two-way SMS functionality

Post Syndicated from Murat Balkan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/create-a-serverless-feedback-collector-application-by-using-amazon-pinpoints-two-way-sms-functionality/


Two-way SMS communication is used by many companies to create interactive engagements with their customers. Traditional SMS notifications are one-way. While this is valid for many different use cases like one-time passwords (OTP) notifications and security notifications or reminders, some other use-cases may benefit from collecting information from the same channel. Two-way SMS allows customers to create this feedback mechanism and enhance business interactions and overall customer experience.

SMS is chosen for its simplicity and availability across different sets of devices. By combining the two-way SMS mechanism with the vast breadth of services Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers, companies can create effective architectures to better interact and serve their customers.

This blog post shows you how a serverless online appointment application can use Amazon Pinpoint’s two-way SMS functionality to collect customer feedback for completed appointments. You will learn how Amazon Pinpoint interacts with other AWS serverless services with its out-of-the-box integrations to create a scalable messaging application.


By completing the steps in this post, you can create a system that uses the architecture illustrated in the following image:

The architecture of a feedback collector application that is composed of serverless AWS services

The flow of events starts when a Amazon DynamoDB table item, representing an online appointment, changes its status to COMPLETED. An AWS Lambda function which is subscribed to these changes over DynamoDB Streams detects this change and sends an SMS to the customer by using Amazon Pinpoint API’s sendMessages operation.

Amazon Pinpoint delivers the SMS to the recipient and generates a unique message ID to the AWS Lambda function. The Lambda function then adds this message ID to a DynamoDB table called “message-lookup”. This table is used for tracking different feedback requests sent during a multi-step conversation and associate them with the appointment ids. At this stage, the Lambda function also populates another table “feedbacks” which will hold the feedback responses that will be sent as SMS reply messages.

Each time a recipient replies to an SMS, Amazon Pinpoint publishes this reply event to an Amazon SNS topic which is subscribed by an Amazon SQS queue. Amazon Pinpoint will also add a messageId to this event which allows you to bind it to a sendMessages operation call.

A second AWS Lambda function polls these reply events from the Amazon SQS queue. It checks whether the reply is in the correct format (i.e. a number) and also associated with a previous request. If all conditions are met, the AWS Lambda function checks the ConversationStage attribute’s value from its message-lookup table. According to the current stage and the SMS answer received, AWS Lambda function will determine the next step.

For example, if the feedback score received is less than 5, a follow-up SMS is sent to the user asking if they’ll be happy to receive a call from the customer support team.

All SMS replies from the users are reflected to “feedbacks” table for further analysis.

Deploying the Sample Application

  1. Clone this GitHub repository to your local machine and install and configure AWS SAM with a test AWS IAM user.

You will use AWS SAM to deploy the remaining parts of this serverless architecture.

The AWS SAM template creates the following resources:

    • An Amazon DynamoDB table (appointments) that contains information about appointments, customers and their appointment status.
    • An Amazon DynamoDB table (feedbacks) that holds the received feedbacks from customers.
    • An Amazon DynamoDB table (message-lookup) that holds the Amazon Pinpoint message ids and associate them to appointments to track a multi-step conversation.
    • Two AWS Lambda functions (FeedbackSender and FeedbackReceiver)
    • An Amazon SNS topic that collects state change events from Amazon Pinpoint.
    • An Amazon SQS queue that queues the incoming messages.
    • An Amazon Pinpoint Application with an associated SMS channel.

This architecture consists of two Lambda functions, which are represented as two different apps in the AWS SAM template. These functions are named FeedbackSender and FeedbackReceiver. The FeedbackSender function listens the Amazon DynamoDB Stream associated with the appointments table and sends the SMS message requesting a feedback. Second Lambda function, FeedbackReceiver, polls the Amazon SQS queue and updates the feedbacks table in Amazon DynamoDB. (pinpoint-two-way-sms)

          Note: You’ll incur some costs by deploying this stack into your account.

  1. To start the SAM deployment, navigate to the root directory of the repository you downloaded and where the template.yaml AWS SAM template resides. AWS SAM also requires you to specify an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket to hold the deployment artifacts. If you haven’t already created a bucket for this purpose, create one now. The bucket should have read and write access by an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user.

At the command line, enter the following command to package the application:

sam package --template template.yaml --output-template-file output_template.yaml --s3-bucket BUCKET_NAME_HERE

In the preceding command, replace BUCKET_NAME_HERE with the name of the Amazon S3 bucket that should hold the deployment artifacts.

AWS SAM packages the application and copies it into this Amazon S3 bucket.

When the AWS SAM package command finishes running, enter the following command to deploy the package:

sam deploy --template-file output_template.yaml --stack-name BlogStackPinpoint --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

When you run this command, AWS SAM shows the progress of the deployment. When the deployment finishes, navigate to the Amazon Pinpoint console and choose the project named “BlogApplication”. This example uses “BlogStackPinpoint” as the stack name, you can change this to any other name you want.

  1. From the left navigation, choose Settings, SMS and voice. On the SMS and voice settings page, choose the Request phone number button under Number settings

Screenshot of request phone number screen

  1. Choose a target country. Set the Default message type as Transactional, and click on the Request long codes button to buy a long code.

Note: In United States, you can also request a Toll Free Number(TFN)

Screenshot showing long code additio

A long code will be added to the Number settings list.

  1. Choose the newly added number to reach the SMS Settings page and enable the option Enable two-way-SMS. At the Incoming messages destination, select Choose an existing SNS topic, and from the drop down select the Amazon SNS topic that was created by the BlogStackPinpoint stack.

Choose Save to save your SMS settings.


Testing the Sample Application

Now that the application is deployed and configured, test it by creating sample records in the Amazon DynamoDB table. Navigate to Amazon DynamoDB console and reach the tables view. Inspect the tables that were created by the AWS SAM application.

Here, appointments table is the table where the appointments and their statuses are kept. It tracks the appointment lifecycle events with items identified by unique ids. In this sample scenario, we are assuming that an appointment application creates a record with ‘CREATED’ status when a new appointment is planned. After the appointment is finished, same application updates the status to ‘COMPLETED’ which will trigger the feedback collection process. Feedback results are collected in the feedbacks table. Amazon Pinpoint message id’s, conversation stage and appointment id’s are kept in the message-lookup table.

  1. To start testing the end-to-end flow, choose the appointments table to open table overview page.
  2. Next, select the Items tab and choose the Create item From the dropdown, select Text. Add the following and choose Save to create your first appointment object. While adding the following object, replace CustomerPhone attribute’s value with a phone number you own. The feedback request messages will be delivered to that number. Note: This number should match the country number for the long code you provisioned.


"CustomerName": "Customer A",

"CustomerPhone": "+12345678900",


"id": "1"


  1. To trigger sending the feedback SMS, you need to set an existing item’s status to “COMPLETED” To do this, select the item and click Edit from the Actions menu.

Replace the item’s current JSON with the following.


"AppointmentStatus": "COMPLETED",

"CustomerName": "Customer A",

"CustomerPhone": "+12345678900",

"id": "1"


  1. Before choosing the Save button, double check that you have set CustomerPhone attribute’s value to a valid phone number.

After the change, you should receive an SMS message asking for a feedback. Provide a numeric reply of that is less than five to this message. This will trigger a follow up question asking for a consent to receive an in-person callback.


During your SMS conversation with the application, inspect the feedbacks table. The feedback you have given over this two-way SMS channel should have been reflected into the table.

If you want to repeat the process, make sure to increment the AppointmentId field for any additional appointment records.


To clean up the resources you used in your account, simply navigate to AWS Cloudformation console and delete the stack named “BlogStackPinpoint”.

After the stack is deleted, you also need to delete the Long code from the Pinpoint Console by choosing the number and pressing Remove phone number button. You can also delete the Amazon S3 bucket you used for packaging and deploying the AWS SAM application.


This architecture shows how Amazon Pinpoint can be used to make two-way SMS communication with your customers. You can implement Two-way SMS functionality in other use cases such as appointment reminders, polls, Q&A services, and more.

To learn more about Pinpoint and it’s two-way SMS mechanism, you can visit the Pinpoint documentation.


Using AWS X-Ray tracing with Amazon EventBridge

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/using-aws-x-ray-tracing-with-amazon-eventbridge/

AWS X-Ray allows developers to debug and analyze distributed applications. It can be useful for tracing transactions through microservices architectures, such as those typically used in serverless applications. Amazon EventBridge allows you to route events between AWS services, integrated software as a service (SaaS) applications, and your own applications. EventBridge can help decouple applications and produce more extensible, maintainable architectures.

EventBridge now supports trace context propagation for X-Ray, which makes it easier to trace transactions through event-based architectures. This means you can potentially trace a single request from an event producer through to final processing by an event consumer. These may be decoupled application stacks where the consumer has no knowledge of how the event is produced.

This blog post explores how to use X-Ray with EventBridge and shows how to implement tracing using the example application in this GitHub repo.

How it works

X-Ray works by adding a trace header to requests, which acts as a unique identifier. In the case of a serverless application using multiple AWS services, this allows X-Ray to group service interactions together as a single trace. X-Ray can then produce a service map of the transaction flow or provide the raw data for a trace:

X-Ray service map

When you send events to EventBridge, the service uses rules to determine how the events are routed from the event bus to targets. Any event that is put on an event bus with the PutEvents API can now support trace context propagation.

The trace header is provided as internal metadata to support X-Ray tracing. The header itself is not available in the event when it’s delivered to a target. For developers using the EventBridge archive feature, this means that a trace ID is not available for replay. Similarly, it’s not available on events sent to a dead-letter queue (DLQ).

Enabling tracing with EventBridge

To enable tracing, you don’t need to change the event structure to add the trace header. Instead, you wrap the AWS SDK client in a call to AWSXRay.captureAWSClient and grant IAM permissions to allow tracing. This enables X-Ray to instrument the call automatically with the X-Amzn-Trace-Id header.

For code using the AWS SDK for JavaScript, this requires changes to the way that the EventBridge client is instantiated. Without tracing, you declare the AWS SDK and EventBridge client with:

const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
const eventBridge = new AWS.EventBridge()

To use tracing, this becomes:

const AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk')
const AWS = AWSXRay.captureAWS(require('aws-sdk'))
const eventBridge = new AWS.EventBridge()

The interaction with the EventBridge client remains the same but the calls are now instrumented by X-Ray. Events are put on the event bus programmatically using a PutEvents API call. In a Node.js Lambda function, the following code processes an event to send to an event bus, with tracing enabled:

const AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk')
const AWS = AWSXRay.captureAWS(require('aws-sdk'))
const eventBridge = new AWS.EventBridge()

exports.handler = async (event) => {

  let myDetail = { "name": "Alice" }

  const myEvent = { 
    Entries: [{
      Detail: JSON.stringify({ myDetail }),
      DetailType: 'myDetailType',
      Source: 'myApplication',
      Time: new Date

  // Send to EventBridge
  const result = await eventBridge.putEvents(myEvent).promise()

  // Log the result
  console.log('Result: ', JSON.stringify(result, null, 2))

You can also define a custom tracing header using the new TraceHeader attribute on the PutEventsRequestEntry API model. The unique value you provide overrides any trace header on the HTTP header. The value is also validated by X-Ray and discarded if it does not pass validation. See the X-Ray Developer Guide to learn about generating valid trace headers.

Deploying the example application

The example application consists of a webhook microservice that publishes events and target microservices that consume events. The generated event contains a target attribute to determine which target receives the event:

Example application architecture

To deploy these microservices, you must have the AWS SAM CLI and Node.js 12.x installed. to To complete the deployment, follow the instructions in the GitHub repo.

EventBridge can route events to a broad range of target services in AWS. Targets that support active tracing for X-Ray can create comprehensive traces from the event source. The services offering active tracing are AWS Lambda, AWS Step Functions, and Amazon API Gateway. In each case, you can trace a request from the producer to the consumer of the event.

The GitHub repo contains examples showing how to use active tracing with EventBridge targets. The webhook application uses a query string parameter called target to determine which events are routed to these targets.

For X-Ray to detect each service in the webhook, tracing must be enabled on both the API Gateway stage and the Lambda function. In the AWS SAM template, the Tracing: Active property turns on active tracing for the Lambda function. If an IAM role is not specified, the AWS SAM CLI automatically adds the arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSXrayWriteOnlyAccess policy to the Lambda function’s execution role. For the API definition, adding TracingEnabled: True enables tracing for this API stage.

When you invoke the webhook’s API endpoint, X-Ray generates a trace map of the request, showing each of the services from the REST API call to putting the event on the bus:

X-Ray trace map with EventBridge

The CloudWatch Logs from the webhook’s Lambda function shows the event that has been put on the event bus:

CloudWatch Logs from a webhook

Tracing with a Lambda target

In the targets-lambda example application, the Lambda function uses the X-Ray SDK and has active tracing enabled in the AWS SAM template:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      CodeUri: src/
      Handler: app.handler
      MemorySize: 128
      Timeout: 3
      Runtime: nodejs12.x
      Tracing: Active

With these two changes, the target Lambda function propagates the tracing header from the original webhook request. When the webhook API is invoked, the X-Ray trace map shows the entire request through to the Lambda target. X-Ray shows two nodes for Lambda – one is the Lambda service and the other is the Lambda function invocation:

Downstream service node in service map

Tracing with an API Gateway target

Currently, active tracing is only supported by REST APIs but not HTTP APIs. You can enable X-Ray tracing from the AWS CLI or from the Stages menu in the API Gateway console, in the Logs/Tracing tab:

Enable X-Ray tracing in API Gateway

You cannot currently create an API Gateway target for EventBridge using AWS SAM. To invoke an API endpoint from the EventBridge console, create a rule and select the API as a target. The console automatically creates the necessary IAM permissions for EventBridge to invoke the endpoint.

Setting API Gateway as an EventBridge target

If the API invokes downstream services with active tracing available, these services also appear as nodes in the X-Ray service graph. Using the webhook application to invoke the API Gateway target, the trace shows the entire request from the initial API call through to the second API target:

API Gateway node in X-Ray service map

Tracing with a Step Functions target

To enable tracing for a Step Functions target, the state machine must have tracing enabled and have permissions to write to X-Ray. The AWS SAM template can enable tracing, define the EventBridge rule and the AWSXRayDaemonWriteAccess policy in one resource:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::StateMachine
      DefinitionUri: definition.asl.json
        LoggerFunctionArn: !GetAtt LoggerFunction.Arn
        Enabled: True
          Type: EventBridgeRule
                - !Sub '${AWS::AccountId}'
                - !Ref EventSource
                    - 'sfn'

        - AWSXRayDaemonWriteAccess
        - LambdaInvokePolicy:
            FunctionName: !Ref LoggerFunction

If the state machine uses services that support active tracing, these also appear in the trace map for individual requests. Using the webhook to invoke this target, X-Ray now shows the request trace to the state machine and the Lambda function it contains:

Step Functions in X-Ray service map

Adding X-Ray tracing to existing Lambda targets

To wrap the SDK client, you must enable active tracing and include the AWS X-Ray SDK in the Lambda function’s deployment package. Unlike the AWS SDK, the X-Ray SDK is not included in the Lambda execution environment.

Another option is to include the X-Ray SDK as a Lambda layer. You can build this layer by following the instructions in the GitHub repo. Once deployed, you can attach the X-Ray layer to any Lambda function either via the console or the CLI:

Adding X-Ray tracing a Lambda function

To learn more about using Lambda layers, read “Using Lambda layers to simplify your development process”.


X-Ray is a powerful tool for providing observability in serverless applications. With the launch of X-Ray trace context propagation in EventBridge, this allows you to trace requests across distributed applications more easily.

In this blog post, I walk through an example webhook application with three targets that support active tracing. In each case, I show how to enable tracing either via the console or using AWS SAM and show the resulting X-Ray trace map.

To learn more about how to use tracing with events, read the X-Ray Developer Guide or see the Amazon EventBridge documentation for this feature.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Caching data and configuration settings with AWS Lambda extensions

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/caching-data-and-configuration-settings-with-aws-lambda-extensions/

This post is written by Hari Ohm Prasath Rajagopal, Senior Modernization Architect and Vamsi Vikash Ankam, Technical Account Manager

In this post, I show how to build a flexible in-memory AWS Lambda caching layer using Lambda extensions. Lambda functions use REST API calls to access the data and configuration from the cache. This can reduce latency and cost when consuming data from AWS services such as Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store, and AWS Secrets Manager.

Applications making frequent API calls to retrieve static data can benefit from a caching layer. This can reduce the function’s latency, particularly for synchronous requests, as the data is retrieved from the cache instead of an external service. The cache can also reduce costs by reducing the number of calls to downstream services.

There are two types of cache to consider in this situation:

Lambda extensions are a new way for tools to integrate more easily into the Lambda execution environment and control and participate in Lambda’s lifecycle. They use the Extensions API, a new HTTP interface, to register for lifecycle events during function initialization, invocation, and shutdown.

They can also use environment variables to add options and tools to the runtime, or use wrapper scripts to customize the runtime startup behavior. The Lambda cache uses Lambda extensions to run as a separate process.

To learn more about how to use extensions with your functions, read “Introducing AWS Lambda extensions”.

Creating a cache using Lambda extensions

To set up the example, visit the GitHub repo, and follow the instructions in the README.md file.

The demo uses AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to deploy the infrastructure. The walkthrough requires AWS SAM CLI (minimum version 0.48) and an AWS account.

To install the example:

  1. Create an AWS account if you do not already have one and login.
  2. Clone the repo to your local development machine:
  3. git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-lambda-extensions
    cd aws-lambda-extensions/cache-extension-demo/
  4. If you are not running in a Linux environment, ensure that your build architecture matches the Lambda execution environment by compiling with GOOS=linux and GOARCH=amd64.
  5. GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64
  6. Build the Go binary extension with the following command:
  7. go build -o bin/extensions/cache-extension-demo main.go
  8. Ensure that the extensions files are executable:
  9. chmod +x bin/extensions/cache-extension-demo
  10. Update the parameters region value in ../example-function/config.yaml with the Region where you are deploying the function.
  11. parameters:
      - region: us-west-2
  12. Build the function dependencies.
  13. cd SAM
    sam build
    AWS SAM build

    AWS SAM build

  14. Deploy the AWS resources specified in the template.yml file:
  15. sam deploy --guided
  16. During the prompts:
  17. Enter a stack name cache-extension-demo.
  18. Enter the same AWS Region specified previously.
  19. Accept the default DatabaseName. You can specify a custom database name, and also update the ../example-function/config.yaml and index.js files with the new database name.
  20. Enter MySecret as the Secrets Manager secret.
  21. Accept the defaults for the remaining questions.
  22. AWS SAM Deploy

    AWS SAM Deploy

    AWS SAM deploys:

    • A DynamoDB table.
    • The Lambda function ExtensionsCache-DatabaseEntry, which puts a sample item into the DynamoDB table.
    • An AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter called CacheExtensions_Parameter1 with a value of MyParameter.
    • An AWS Secrets Manager secret called secret_info with a value of MySecret.
    • A Lambda layer called Cache_Extension_Layer.
    • A Lambda function using Nodejs.12 called ExtensionsCache-SampleFunction. This reads the cached values via the extension from either the DynamoDB table, Parameter Store, or Secrets Manager.
    • IAM permissions

    The cache extension is delivered as a Lambda layer and added to ExtensionsCache-SampleFunction.

    It is written as a self-contained binary in Golang, which makes the extension compatible with all of the supported runtimes. The extension caches the data from DynamoDB, Parameter Store, and Secrets Manager, and then runs a local HTTP endpoint to service the data. The Lambda function retrieves the configuration data from the cache using a local HTTP REST API call.

    Here is the architecture diagram.

    Extensions cache architecture diagram

    Extensions cache architecture diagram

    Once deployed, the extension performs the following steps:

    1. On start-up, the extension reads the config.yaml file, which determines which resources to cache. The file is deployed as part of the Lambda function.
    2. The boolean CACHE_EXTENSION_INIT_STARTUP Lambda environment variable specifies whether to load into cache the items specified in config.yaml. If false, the extension initializes an empty map with the names.
    3. The extension retrieves the required data based on the resources in the config.yaml file. This includes the data from DynamoDB, the configuration from Parameter Store, and the secret from Secrets Manager. The data is stored in memory.
    4. The extension starts a local HTTP server using TCP port 4000, which serves the cache items to the function. The Lambda function accesses the local in-memory cache by invoking the following endpoint: http://localhost:4000/<cachetype>?name=<name>.
    5. If the data is not available in the cache, or has expired, the extension accesses the corresponding AWS service to retrieve the data. It is cached first and then returned to the Lambda function. The CACHE_EXTENSION_TTL Lambda environment variable defines the refresh interval (defined based on Go time format, for example: 30s, 3m, etc.)

    This sequence diagram explains the data flow:

    Extensions cache sequence diagram

    Extensions cache sequence diagram

    Testing the example application

    Once the AWS SAM template is deployed, navigate to the AWS Lambda console.

    1. Select the function starting with the name ExtensionsCache-SampleFunction. Within the function code, the options array specifies which data to return from the cache. This is initially set to path: '/dynamodb?name=DynamoDbTable-pKey1-sKey1'
    2. Choose Configure test events to configure a test event.
    3. Enter a name for the Event name, accept the default payload, and select Create.
    4. Select Test to invoke the function. This returns the cached data from DynamoDB and logs the output.
    5. Successfully retrieve DynamoDB data from cache

      Successfully retrieve DynamoDB data from cache

    6. In the index.js file, amend the path statement to retrieve the Parameter Store configuration:
    7. const options = {
        "hostname": "localhost",
        "port": 4000,
        "path": "/parameters?name=CacheExtensions_Parameter1",
        "method": "GET"
    8. Select Deploy to save the function configuration and select Test. The function returns the Parameter Store configuration item:
    9. Successfully retrieve Parameter Store data from cache

      Successfully retrieve Parameter Store data from cache

    10. In the function code, amend the path statement to retrieve the Secrets Manager secret:
    11. const options = {
        "hostname": "localhost",
        "port": 4000,
        "path": "/parameters?name=/aws/reference/secretsmanager/secret_info",
        "method": "GET"
    12. Select Deploy to save the function configuration and select Test. The function returns the secret:
    Successfully retrieve Secrets Manager data from cache

    Successfully retrieve Secrets Manager data from cache

    The benefits of using Lambda extensions

    There are a number of benefits to using a Lambda extension for this solution:

    1. Improved Lambda function performance as data is cached in memory by the extension during initialization.
    2. Fewer AWS API calls to external services, this can reduce costs and helps avoid throttling limits if services are accessed frequently.
    3. Cache data is stored in memory and not in a file within the Lambda execution environment. This means that no additional process is required to manage the lifecycle of the file. In-memory is also more secure, as data is not persisted to disk for subsequent function invocations.
    4. The function requires less code, as it only needs to communicate with the extension via HTTP to retrieve the data. The function does not have to have additional libraries installed to communicate with DynamoDB, Parameter Store, Secrets Manager, or the local file system.
    5. The cache extension is a Golang compiled binary and the executable can be shared with functions running other runtimes like Node.js, Python, Java, etc.
    6. Using a YAML template to store the details of what to cache makes it easier to configure and add additional services.

    Comparing the performance benefit

    To test the performance of the cache extension, I compare two tests:

    1. A Golang Lambda function that accesses a secret from AWS Secrets Manager for every invocation.
    2. The ExtensionsCache-SampleFunction, previously deployed using AWS SAM. This uses the cache extension to access the secrets from Secrets Manager, the function reads the value from the cache.

    Both functions are configured with 512 MB of memory and the function timeout is set to 30 seconds.

    I use Artillery to load test both Lambda functions. The load runs for 100 invocations over 2 minutes. I use Amazon CloudWatch metrics to view the function average durations.

    Test 1 shows a duration of 43 ms for the first invocation as a cold start. Subsequent invocations average 22 ms.

    Test 1 performance results

    Test 1 performance results

    Test 2 shows a duration of 16 ms for the first invocation as a cold start. Subsequent invocations average 3 ms.

    Test 2 performance results

    Test 2 performance results

    Using the Lambda extensions caching layer shows a significant performance improvement. Cold start invocation duration is reduced by 62% and subsequent invocations by 80%.

    In this example, the CACHE_EXTENSION_INIT_STARTUP environment variable flag is not configured. With the flag enabled for the extension, data is pre-fetched during extension initialization and the cold start time is further reduced.


    Using Lambda extensions is an effective way to cache static data from external services in Lambda functions. This reduces function latency and costs. This post shows how to build both a data and configuration cache using DynamoDB, Parameter Store, and Secrets Manager.

    To set up the walkthrough demo in this post, visit the GitHub repo, and follow the instructions in the README.md file.

    The extension uses a local configuration file to determine which values to cache, and retrieves the items from the external services. A Lambda function retrieves the values from the local cache using an HTTP request, without having to communicate with the external services directly. In this example, this results in an 80% reduction in function invocation time.

    For more serverless learning resources, visit https://serverlessland.com.

Operating Lambda: Building a solid security foundation – Part 2

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/operating-lambda-building-a-solid-security-foundation-part-2/

In the Operating Lambda series, I cover important topics for developers, architects, and systems administrators who are managing AWS Lambda-based applications. This two-part series discusses core security concepts for Lambda-based applications.

Part 1 explains the Lambda execution environment and how to apply the principles of least privilege to your workload. This post covers securing workloads with public endpoints, encrypting data, and using AWS CloudTrail for governance, compliance, and operational auditing.

Securing workloads with public endpoints

For workloads that are accessible publicly, AWS provides a number of features and services that can help mitigate certain risks. This section covers authentication and authorization of application users and protecting API endpoints.

Authentication and authorization

Authentication relates to identity and authorization refers to actions. Use authentication to control who can invoke a Lambda function, and then use authorization to control what they can do. For many applications, AWS Identity & Access Management (IAM) is sufficient for managing both control mechanisms.

For applications with external users, such as web or mobile applications, it is common to use JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) to manage authentication and authorization. Unlike traditional, server-based password management, JWTs are passed from the client on every request. They are a cryptographically secure way to verify identity and claims using data passed from the client. For Lambda-based applications, this allows you to secure APIs for each microservice independently, without relying on a central server for authentication.

You can implement JWTs with Amazon Cognito, which is a user directory service that can handle registration, authentication, account recovery, and other common account management operations. For frontend development, Amplify Framework provides libraries to simplify integrating Cognito into your frontend application. You can also use third-party partner services like Auth0.

Given the critical security role of an identity provider service, it’s important to use professional tooling to safeguard your application. It’s not recommended that you write your own services to handle authentication or authorization. Any vulnerabilities in custom libraries may have significant implications for the security of your workload and its data.

Protecting API endpoints

For serverless applications, the preferred way to serve a backend application publicly is to use Amazon API Gateway. This can help you protect an API from malicious users or spikes in traffic.

For authenticated API routes, API Gateway offers both REST APIs and HTTP APIs for serverless developers. Both types support authorization using AWS Lambda, IAM or Amazon Cognito. When using IAM or Amazon Cognito, incoming requests are evaluated and if they are missing a required token or contain invalid authentication, the request is rejected. You are not charged for these requests and they do not count towards any throttling quotas.

Unauthenticated API routes may be accessed by anyone on the public internet so it’s recommended that you limit their use. If you must use unauthenticated APIs, it’s important to protect these against common risks, such as denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. Applying AWS WAF to these APIs can help protect your application from SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. API Gateway also implements throttling at the AWS account-level and per-client level when API keys are used.

In some cases, the functionality provided by an unauthenticated API can be achieved with an alternative approach. For example, a web application may provide a list of customer retail stores from an Amazon DynamoDB table to users who are not logged in. This request may originate from a frontend web application or from any other source that calls the URL endpoint. This diagram compares three solutions:

Solutions for an unauthenticated API

  1. The unauthenticated API can be called by anyone on the internet. In a denial of service attack, it’s possible to exhaust API throttling limits, Lambda concurrency, or DynamoDB provisioned read capacity on an underlying table.
  2. An Amazon CloudFront distribution in front of the API endpoint with an appropriate time-to-live (TTL) configuration may help absorb traffic in a DoS attack, without changing the underlying solution for fetching the data.
  3. Alternatively, for static data that rarely changes, the CloudFront distribution could serve the data from an S3 bucket.

The AWS Well-Architected Tool provides a Serverless Lens that analyzes the security posture of serverless workloads.

Encrypting data in Lambda-based applications

Managing secrets

For applications handling sensitive data, AWS services provide a range of encryption options for data in transit and at rest. It’s important to identity and classify sensitive data in your workload, and minimize the storage of sensitive data to only what is necessary.

When protecting data at rest, use AWS services for key management and encryption of stored data, secrets and environment variables. Both the AWS Key Management Service and AWS Secrets Manager provide a robust approach to storing and managing secrets used in Lambda functions.

Do not store plaintext secrets or API keys in Lambda environment variables. Instead, use KMS to encrypt environment variables. Also ensure you do not embed secrets directly in function code, or commit these secrets to code repositories.

Using HTTPS securely

HTTPS is encrypted HTTP, using TLS (SSL) to encrypt the request and response, including headers and query parameters. While query parameters are encrypted, URLs may be logged by different services in plaintext, so you should not use these to store sensitive data such as credit card numbers.

AWS services make it easier to use HTTPS throughout your application and it is provided by default in services like API Gateway. Where you need an SSL/TLS certificate in your application, to support features like custom domain names, it’s recommended that you use AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). This provides free public certificates for ACM-integrated services and managed certificate renewal.

Governance controls with AWS CloudTrail

For compliance and operational auditing of application usage, AWS CloudTrail logs activity related to your AWS account usage. It tracks resource changes and usage, and provides analysis and troubleshooting tools. Enabling CloudTrail does not have any negative performance implications for your Lambda-based application, since the logging occurs asynchronously.

Separate from application logging (see chapter 4), CloudTrail captures two types of events:

  • Control plane: These events apply to management operations performed on any AWS resources. Individual trails can be configured to capture read or write events, or both.
  • Data plane: Events performed on the resources, such as when a Lambda function is invoked or an S3 object is downloaded.

For Lambda, you can log who creates and invokes functions, together with any changes to IAM roles. You can configure CloudTrail to log every single activity by user, role, service, and API within an AWS account. The service is critical for understanding the history of changes made to your account and also detecting any unintended changes or suspicious activity.

To research which AWS user interacted with a Lambda function, CloudTrail provides an audit log to find this information. For example, when a new permission is added to a Lambda function, it creates an AddPermission record. You can interpret the meaning of individual attributes in the JSON message by referring to the CloudTrail Record Contents documentation.

CloudTrail Record Contents documentation

CloudTrail data is considered sensitive so it’s recommended that you protect it with KMS encryption. For any service processing encrypted CloudTrail data, it must use an IAM policy with kms:Decrypt permission.

By integrating CloudTrail with Amazon EventBridge, you can create alerts in response to certain activities and respond accordingly. With these two services, you can quickly implement an automated detection and response pattern, enabling you to develop mechanisms to mitigate security risks. With EventBridge, you can analyze data in real-time, using event rules to filter events and forward to targets like Lambda functions or Amazon Kinesis streams.

CloudTrail can deliver data to Amazon CloudWatch Logs, which allows you to process multi-Region data in real time from one location. You can also deliver CloudTrail to Amazon S3 buckets, where you can create event source mappings to start data processing pipelines, run queries with Amazon Athena, or analyze activity with Amazon Macie.

If you use multiple AWS accounts, you can use AWS Organizations to manage and govern individual member accounts centrally. You can set an existing trail as an organization-level trail in a primary account that can collect events from all other member accounts. This can simplify applying consistent auditing rules across a large set of existing accounts, or automatically apply rules to new accounts. To learn more about this feature, see Creating a Trail for an Organization.


In this blog post, I explain how to secure workloads with public endpoints and the different authentication and authorization options available. I also show different approaches to exposing APIs publicly.

CloudTrail can provide compliance and operational auditing for Lambda usage. It provides logs for both the control plane and data plane. You can integrate CloudTrail with EventBridge to create alerts in response to certain activities. Customers with multiple AWS accounts can use AWS Organizations to manage trails centrally.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Building a serverless multi-player game that scales

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-a-serverless-multiplayer-game-that-scales/

This post is written by Tim Bruce, Sr. Solutions Architect, Developer Acceleration.

Game development is a highly iterative process with rapidly changing requirements. Many game developers want to maximize the time spent building features and less time configuring servers, managing infrastructure, and mastering scale.

AWS Serverless provides four key benefits for customers. First, it can help move from idea to market faster, by reducing operational overhead. Second, customers may realize lower costs with serverless by not over-provisioning hardware and software to operate. Third, serverless scales with user activity. Finally, serverless services provide built-in integration, allowing you to focus on your game instead of connecting pieces together.

For AWS Gaming customers, these benefits allow your teams to spend more time focusing on gameplay and content, instead of undifferentiated tasks such as setting up and maintaining servers and software. This can result in better gameplay and content, and a faster time-to-market.

This blog post introduces a game with a serverless-first architecture. Simple Trivia Service is a web-based game showing architectural patterns that you can apply in your own games.

Introducing the Simple Trivia Service

The Simple Trivia Service offers single- and multi-player trivia games with content created by players. There are many features in Simple Trivia Service found in games, such as user registration, chat, content creation, leaderboards, game play, and a marketplace.

Simple Trivia Service UI

Authenticated players can chat with other players, create and manage quizzes, and update their profile. They can play single- and multi-player quizzes, host quizzes, and buy and sell quizzes on the marketplace. The single- and multi-player game modes show how games with different connectivity and technical requirements can be delivered with serverless first architectures. The game modes and architecture solutions are covered in the Simple Trivia Service backend architecture section.

Simple Trivia Service front end

The Simple Trivia Service front end is a Vue.js single page application (SPA) that accesses backend services. The SPA app, accessed via a web browser, allows users to make requests to the game endpoints using HTTPS, secure WebSockets, and WebSockets over MQTT. These requests use integrations to access the serverless backend services.

Vue.js helps make this reference architecture more accessible. The front end uses AWS Amplify to build, deploy, and host the SPA without the need to provision and manage any resources.

Simple Trivia Service backend architecture

The backend architecture for Simple Trivia Service is defined in a set of AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) templates for portions of the game. A deployment guide is included in the README.md file in the GitHub repository. Here is a visual depiction of the backend architecture.

Reference architecture

Services used

Simple Trivia Service is built using AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, AWS IoT, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), AWS Step Functions, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon S3, Amazon Athena, and Amazon Cognito:

  • Lambda enables serverless microservice features in Simple Trivia Service.
  • API Gateway provides serverless endpoints for HTTP/RESTful and WebSocket communication while IoT delivers a serverless endpoint for WebSockets over MQTT communication.
  • DynamoDB enables data storage and retrieval for internet-scale applications.
  • SNS provides microservice communications via publish/subscribe functionality.
  • Step Functions coordinates complex tasks to ensure appropriate outcomes.
  • Analytics for Simple Trivia Service are delivered via Kinesis and S3 with Athena providing a query/visualization capability.
  • Amazon Cognito provides secure, standards-based login and a user directory.

Two managed services that are not serverless, Amazon VPC NAT Gateway and Amazon ElastiCache for Redis, are also used. VPC NAT Gateway is required by VPC-enabled Lambda functions to reach services outside of the VPC, such as DynamoDB. ElastiCache provides an in-memory database suited for applications with submillisecond latency requirements.

User security and enabling communications to backend services

Players are required to register and log in before playing. Registration and login credentials are sent to Amazon Cognito using the Secure Remote Password protocol. Upon successfully logging in, Amazon Cognito returns a JSON Web Token (JWT) and an Amazon Cognito user session.

The JWT is included within requests to API Gateway, which validates the token before allowing the request to be forwarded to Lambda.

IoT requires additional security for users by using an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy. A policy attached to the Amazon Cognito user allows the player to connect, subscribe, and send messages to the IoT endpoint.

Game types and supporting architectures

Simple Trivia Service’s three game modes define how players interact with the backend services. These modes align to different architectures used within the game.

“Single Player” quiz architecture

“Single Player” quiz architecture

Single player quizzes have simple rules, short play sessions, and appeal to wide audiences. Single player game communication is player-to-endpoint only. This is accomplished with API Gateway via an HTTP API.

Four Lambda functions (ActiveGamesList, GamePlay, GameAnswer, and LeaderboardGet) enable single player games. These functions are integrated with API Gateway and respond to specific requests from the client. API Gateway forwards the request, including URI, body, and query string, to the appropriate Lambda function.

When a player chooses “Play”, a request is sent to API Gateway, which invokes the ActiveGamesList function. This function queries the ActiveGames DynamoDB table and returns the list of active games to the user.

The player selects a game, resulting in another request triggering the GamePlay function. GamePlay retrieves the game’s questions from the GamesDetail DynamoDB table. The front end maintains the state for the user during the game.

When all questions are answered, the SPA sends the player’s responses to API Gateway, invoking the GameAnswer function. This function scores the player’s responses against the GameDetails table. The score and answers are sent to the user.

Additionally, this function sends the player score for the leaderboard and player experience to two SNS topics (LeaderboardTopic and PlayerProgressTopic). The ScorePut and PlayerProgressPut functions subscribe to these topics. These two functions write the details to the Leaderboard and Player Progress DynamoDB tables.

This architecture processes these two actions asynchronously, resulting in the player receiving their score and answers without having to wait. This also allows for increased security for player progress, as only the PlayerProgressPut function is allowed to write to this table.

Finally, the player can view the game’s leaderboard, which is returned to the player as the response to the GetLeaderboard function. The function retrieves the top 10 scores and the current player’s score from the Leaderboard table.

“Multi-player – Casual and Competitive” architecture

“Multiplayer – Casual and Competitive” architecture

These game types require player-to-player and service-to-player communication. This is typically performed using TCP/UDP sockets or the WebSocket protocol. API Gateway WebSockets provides WebSocket communication and enables Lambda functions to send messages to and receive messages from game hosts and players.

Game hosts start games via the “Host” button, messaging the LiveAdmin function via API Gateway. The function adds the game to the LiveGames table, which allows players to find and join the game. A list of questions for the game is sent to the game host from the LiveAdmin function at this time. Additionally, the game host is added to the GameConnections table, which keeps track of which connections are related to a game. Players, via the LivePlayer function, are also added to this table when they join a game.

The game host client manages the state of the game for all players and controls the flow of the game, sending questions, correct answers, and leaderboards to players via API Gateway and the LiveAdmin function. The function only sends game messages to the players in the GameConnections table. Player answers are sent to the host via the LivePlayer function.

To end the game, the game host sends a message with the final leaderboard to all players via the LiveAdmin function. This function also stores the leaderboard in the Leaderboard table, removes the game from the ActiveGames table, and sends player progression messages to the Player Progress topic.

“Multi-player – Live Scoreboard” architecture

“Multiplayer – Live Scoreboard” architecture

This is an extension of other multi-player game types requiring similar communications. This uses IoT with WebSockets over MQTT as the transport. It enables the client to subscribe to a topic and act on messages it receives. IoT manages routing messages to clients based on their subscriptions.

This architecture moves the state management from the game host client to a data store on the backend. This change requires a database that can respond quickly to user actions. Simple Trivia Service uses ElastiCache for Redis for this database. Game questions, player responses, and the leaderboard are all stored and updated in Redis during the quiz. The ElastiCache instance is blocked from internet traffic by placing it in a VPC. A security group configures access for the Lambda functions in the same VPC.

Game hosts for this type of game start the game by hosting it, which sends a message to IoT, triggering the CacheGame function. This function adds the game to the ActiveGames table and caches the quiz details from DynamoDB into Redis. Players join the game by sending a message, which is delivered to the JoinGame function. This adds the user record to Redis and alerts the game host that a player has joined.

Game hosts can send questions to the players via a message that invokes the AskQuestion function. This function updates the current question number in Redis and sends the question to subscribed players via the AskQuestion function. The ReceiveAnswer function processes player responses. It validates the response, stores it in Redis, updates the scoreboard, and replies to all players with the updated scoreboard after the first correct answer. The game scoreboard is updated for players in real time.

When the game is over, the game host sends a message to the EndGame function via IoT. This function writes the game leaderboard to the Leaderboard table, sends player progress to the Player Progress SNS topic, deletes the game from cache, and removes the game from the ActiveGames table.


This post introduces the Simple Trivia Service, a single- and multi-player game built using a serverless-first architecture on AWS. I cover different solutions that you can use to enable connectivity from your game client to a serverless-first backend for both single- and multi-player games. I also include a walkthrough of the architecture for each of these solutions.

You can deploy the code for this solution to your own AWS account via instructions in the Simple Trivia Service GitHub repository.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Operating Lambda: Building a solid security foundation – Part 1

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/operating-lambda-building-a-solid-security-foundation-part-1/

In the Operating Lambda series, I cover important topics for developers, architects, and systems administrators who are managing AWS Lambda-based applications. This two-part series discusses core security concepts for Lambda-based applications.

In the AWS Cloud, the most important foundational security principle is the shared responsibility model. This broadly shares security responsibilities between AWS and our customers. AWS is responsible for “security of the cloud”, such as the underlying physical infrastructure and facilities providing the services. Customers are responsible for “security in the cloud”, which includes applying security best practices, controlling access, and taking measures to protect data.

One of the main reasons for the popularity of Lambda-based applications is that AWS manages even more of the security operations compared with traditional cloud-based compute. For example, Lambda customers using zip file deployments do not need to patch underlying operating systems or apply security patches – these tasks are managed automatically by the Lambda service.

This post explains the Lambda execution environment and mechanisms used by the service to protect customer data. It also covers applying the principles of least privilege to your application and what this means in terms of permissions and Lambda function scope.

Understanding the Lambda execution environment

When your functions are invoked, the Lambda service runs your code inside an execution environment. Lambda scrubs the memory before it is assigned to an execution environment. Execution environments are run on hardware virtualized virtual machines (MicroVMs) which are dedicated to a single AWS account. Execution environments are never shared across functions and MicroVMs are never shared across AWS accounts. This is the isolation model for the Lambda service:

Isolation model for the Lambda service

A single execution environment may be reused by subsequent function invocations. This helps improve performance since it reduces the time taken to prepare and environment. Within your code, you can take advantage of this behavior to improve performance further, by caching locally within the function or reusing long-lived connections. All of these invocations are handled by a single process, so any process-wide state (such as static state in Java) is available across all invocations within the same execution environment.

There is also a local file system available at /tmp for all Lambda functions. This is local to each function but shared across invocations within the same execution environment. If your function must access large libraries or files, these can be downloaded here first and then used by all subsequent invocations. This mechanism provides a way to amortize the cost and time of downloading this data across multiple invocations.

While data is never shared across AWS customers, it is possible for data from one Lambda function to be shared with another invocation of the same function instance. This can be useful for caching common values or sharing libraries. However, if you have information only intended for a single invocation, you should:

  • Ensure that data is only used in a local variable scope.
  • Delete any /tmp files before exiting, and use a UUID name to prevent different instances from accessing the same temporary files.
  • Ensure that any callbacks are complete before exiting.

For applications requiring the highest levels of security, you may also implement your own memory encryption and wiping process before a function exits. At the function level, the Lambda service does not inspect or scan your code. Many of the best practices in security for software development continue to apply in serverless software development.

The security posture of an application is determined by the use-case but developers should always take precautions against common risks such as misconfiguration, injection flaws, and handling user input. Developers should be familiar with common security concepts and security risks, such as those listed in the OWASP Top 10 Web Application Security Risks and the OWASP Serverless Top 10. The use of static code analysis tools, unit tests, and regression tests are still valid in a serverless compute environment.

To learn more, read “Amazon Web Services: Overview of Security Processes”, “Compliance validation for AWS Lambda”, and “Security Overview of AWS Lambda”.

Applying the principles of least privilege

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is the service used to manage access to AWS services. Before using IAM, it’s important to review security best practices that apply across AWS, to ensure that your user accounts are secured appropriately.

Lambda is fully integrated with IAM, allowing you to control precisely what each Lambda function can do within the AWS Cloud. There are two important policies that define the scope of permissions in Lambda functions. The event source uses a resource policy that grants permission to invoke the Lambda function, whereas the Lambda service uses an execution role to constrain what the function is allowed to do. In many cases, the console configures both of these policies with default settings.

As you start to build Lambda-based applications with frameworks such as AWS SAM, you describe both policies in the application’s template.

Resource and execution role policy

By default, when you create a new Lambda function, a specific IAM role is created for only that function.

IAM role for a Lambda function

This role has permissions to create an Amazon CloudWatch log group in the current Region and AWS account, and create log streams and put events to those streams. The policy follows the principle of least privilege by scoping precise permissions to specific resources, AWS services, and accounts.

Developing least privilege IAM roles

As you develop a Lambda function, you expand the scope of this policy to enable access to other resources. For example, for a function that processes objects put into an Amazon S3 bucket, it requires read access to objects stored in that bucket. Do not grant the function broader permissions to write or delete data, or operate in other buckets.

Determining the exact permissions can be challenging, since IAM permissions are granular and they control access to both the data plane and control plane. The following references are useful for developing IAM policies:

One of the fastest ways to scope permissions appropriately is to use AWS SAM policy templates. You can reference these templates directly in the AWS SAM template for your application, providing custom parameters as required:

SAM policy templates

In this example, the S3CrudPolicy template provides full create, read, update, and delete permissions to one bucket, and the S3ReadPolicy template provides only read access to another bucket. AWS SAM named templates expand into more verbose AWS CloudFormation policy definitions that show how the principle of least privilege is applied. The S3ReadPolicy is defined as:

        "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
                "Fn::Sub": [
                    "bucketName": {
                      "Ref": "BucketName"
                "Fn::Sub": [
                    "bucketName": {
                      "Ref": "BucketName"

It includes the necessary, minimal permissions to retrieve the S3 object, including getting the bucket location, object version, and lifecycle configuration.

Access to CloudWatch Logs

To log output, Lambda roles must provide access to CloudWatch Logs. If you are building a policy manually, ensure that it includes:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "logs:CreateLogGroup",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:region:accountID:*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

If the role is missing these permissions, the function still runs but it is unable to log any output to the CloudWatch service.

Avoiding wildcard permissions in IAM policies

The granularity of IAM permissions means that developers may choose to use overly broad permissions when they are testing or developing code.

IAM supports the “*” wildcard in both the resources and actions attributes, making it easier to select multiple matching items automatically. These may be useful when developing and testing functions in specific development AWS accounts with no access to production data. However, you should ensure that “star permissions” are never used in production environments.

Wildcard permissions grant broad permissions, often for many permissions or resources. Many AWS managed policies, such as AdministratorAccess, provide broad access intended only for user roles. Do not apply these policies to Lambda functions, since they do not specify individual resources.

In Application design and Service Quotas – Part 1, the section Using multiple AWS accounts for managing quotas shows a multiple account example. This approach provisions a separate AWS account for each developer in a team, and separates accounts for beta and production. This can help prevent developers from unintentionally transferring overly broad permissions to beta or production accounts.

For developers using the Serverless Framework, the Safeguards plugin is a policy-as-code framework to check deployed templates for compliance with security.

Specialized Lambda functions compared with all-purpose functions

In the post on Lambda design principles, I discuss architectural decisions in choosing between specialized functions and all-purpose functions. From a security perspective, it can be more difficult to apply the principles of least privilege to all-purpose functions. This is partly because of the broad capabilities of these functions and also because developers may grant overly broad permissions to these functions.

When building smaller, specialized functions with single tasks, it’s often easier to identify the specific resources and access requirements, and grant only those permissions. Additionally, since new features are usually implemented by new functions in this architectural design, you can specifically grant permissions in new IAM roles for these functions.

Avoid sharing IAM roles with multiple Lambda functions. As permissions are added to the role, these are shared across all functions using this role. By using one dedicated IAM role per function, you can control permissions more intentionally. Every Lambda function should have a 1:1 relationship with an IAM role. Even if some functions have the same policy initially, always separate the IAM roles to ensure least privilege policies.

To learn more, the series of posts for “Building well-architected serverless applications: Controlling serverless API access” – part 1, part 2, and part 3.


This post explains the Lambda execution environment and how the service protects customer data. It covers important steps you should take to prevent data leakage between invocations and provides additional security resources to review.

The principles of least privilege also apply to Lambda-based applications. I show how you can develop IAM policies and practices to ensure that IAM roles are scoped appropriately, and why you should avoid wildcard permissions. Finally, I explain why using smaller, specialized Lambda functions can help maintain least privilege.

Part 2 will discuss security workloads with public endpoints and how to use AWS CloudTrail for governance, compliance, and operational auditing of Lambda usage.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Scaling up a Serverless Web Crawler and Search Engine

Post Syndicated from Jack Stevenson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/scaling-up-a-serverless-web-crawler-and-search-engine/


Building a search engine can be a daunting undertaking. You must continually scrape the web and index its content so it can be retrieved quickly in response to a user’s query. The goal is to implement this in a way that avoids infrastructure complexity while remaining elastic. However, the architecture that achieves this is not necessarily obvious. In this blog post, we will describe a serverless search engine that can scale to crawl and index large web pages.

A simple search engine is composed of two main components:

  • A web crawler (or web scraper) to extract and store content from the web
  • An index to answer search queries

Web Crawler

You may have already read “Serverless Architecture for a Web Scraping Solution.” In this post, Dzidas reviews two different serverless architectures for a web scraper on AWS. Using AWS Lambda provides a simple and cost-effective option for crawling a website. However, it comes with a caveat: the Lambda timeout capped crawling time at 15 minutes. You can tackle this limitation and build a serverless web crawler that can scale to crawl larger portions of the web.

A typical web crawler algorithm uses a queue of URLs to visit. It performs the following:

  • It takes a URL off the queue
  • It visits the page at that URL
  • It scrapes any URLs it can find on the page
  • It pushes the ones that it hasn’t visited yet onto the queue
  • It repeats the preceding steps until the URL queue is empty

Even if we parallelize visiting URLs, we may still exceed the 15-minute limit for larger websites.

Breaking Down the Web Crawler Algorithm

AWS Step Functions is a serverless function orchestrator. It enables you to sequence one or more AWS Lambda functions to create a longer running workflow. It’s possible to break down this web crawler algorithm into steps that can be run in individual Lambda functions. The individual steps can then be composed into a state machine, orchestrated by AWS Step Functions.

Here is a possible state machine you can use to implement this web crawler algorithm:

Figure 1: Basic State Machine

Figure 1: Basic State Machine

1. ReadQueuedUrls – reads any non-visited URLs from our queue
2. QueueContainsUrls? – checks whether there are non-visited URLs remaining
3. CrawlPageAndQueueUrls – takes one URL off the queue, visits it, and writes any newly discovered URLs to the queue
4. CompleteCrawl – when there are no URLs in the queue, we’re done!

Each part of the algorithm can now be implemented as a separate Lambda function. Instead of the entire process being bound by the 15-minute timeout, this limit will now only apply to each individual step.

Where you might have previously used an in-memory queue, you now need a URL queue that will persist between steps. One option is to pass the queue around as an input and output of each step. However, you may be bound by the maximum I/O sizes for Step Functions. Instead, you can represent the queue as an Amazon DynamoDB table, which each Lambda function may read from or write to. The queue is only required for the duration of the crawl. So you can create the DynamoDB table at the start of the execution, and delete it once the crawler has finished.

Scaling up

Crawling one page at a time is going to be a bit slow. You can use the Step Functions “Map state” to run the CrawlPageAndQueueUrls to scrape multiple URLs at once. You should be careful not to bombard a website with thousands of parallel requests. Instead, you can take a fixed-size batch of URLs from the queue in the ReadQueuedUrls step.

An important limit to consider when working with Step Functions is the maximum execution history size. You can protect against hitting this limit by following the recommended approach of splitting work across multiple workflow executions. You can do this by checking the total number of URLs visited on each iteration. If this exceeds a threshold, you can spawn a new Step Functions execution to continue crawling.

Step Functions has native support for error handling and retries. You can take advantage of this to make the web crawler more robust to failures.

With these scaling improvements, here’s our final state machine:

Figure 2: Final State Machine

Figure 2: Final State Machine

This includes the same steps as before (1-4), but also two additional steps (5 and 6) responsible for breaking the workflow into multiple state machine executions.

Search Index

Deploying a scalable, efficient, and full-text search engine that provides relevant results can be complex and involve operational overheads. Amazon Kendra is a fully managed service, so there are no servers to provision. This makes it an ideal choice for our use case. Amazon Kendra supports HTML documents. This means you can store the raw HTML from the crawled web pages in Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). Amazon Kendra will provide a machine learning powered search capability on top, which gives users fast and relevant results for their search queries.

Amazon Kendra does have limits on the number of documents stored and daily queries. However, additional capacity can be added to meet demand through query or document storage bundles.

The CrawlPageAndQueueUrls step writes the content of the web page it visits to S3. It also writes some metadata to help Amazon Kendra rank or present results. After crawling is complete, it can then trigger a data source sync job to ensure that the index stays up to date.

One aspect to be mindful of while employing Amazon Kendra in your solution is its cost model. It is priced per index/hour, which is more favorable for large-scale enterprise usage, than for smaller personal projects. We recommend you take note of the free tier of Amazon Kendra’s Developer Edition before getting started.

Overall Architecture

You can add in one more DynamoDB table to monitor your web crawl history. Here is the architecture for our solution:

Figure 3: Overall Architecture

Figure 3: Overall Architecture

A sample Node.js implementation of this architecture can be found on GitHub.

In this sample, a Lambda layer provides a Chromium binary (via chrome-aws-lambda). It uses Puppeteer to extract content and URLs from visited web pages. Infrastructure is defined using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK), which automates the provisioning of cloud applications through AWS CloudFormation.

The Amazon Kendra component of the example is optional. You can deploy just the serverless web crawler if preferred.


If you use fully managed AWS services, then building a serverless web crawler and search engine isn’t as daunting as it might first seem. We’ve explored ways to run crawler jobs in parallel and scale a web crawler using AWS Step Functions. We’ve utilized Amazon Kendra to return meaningful results for queries of our unstructured crawled content. We achieve all this without the operational overheads of building a search index from scratch. Review the sample code for a deeper dive into how to implement this architecture.

Operating Lambda: Application design – Part 3

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/operating-lambda-application-design-part-3/

In the Operating Lambda series, I cover important topics for developers, architects, and systems administrators who are managing AWS Lambda-based applications. This three-part series discusses application design for Lambda-based applications.

Part 1 shows how to work with Service Quotas, when to request increases, and architecting with quotas in mind. Part 2 covers scaling and concurrency and the different behaviors of on-demand and Provisioned Concurrency. This post discusses choosing and managing runtimes, networking and VPC configurations, and different invocation modes.

Choosing and managing runtimes in Lambda functions

Lambda natively supports a variety of common runtimes, including Python, Node.js, Java, .NET, and others. If you prefer to use any other runtime, such as PHP or Perl, you can use a custom runtime. There are lists of community-maintained runtimes for a wide range of programming languages or you can build your own. As a result, Lambda customers can run Erlang, COBOL, Haskell, and almost any other runtime needed to support their workloads.

Regardless of compute platform, developers must take action if their preferred runtime version is no longer supported by the maintaining organization. Lambda has a documented runtime support policy for languages and frameworks that explains the process for runtime deprecation. Deprecation dates are driven by each runtime’s maintaining organization. Generally, AWS allows you to continue running functions on runtime versions for a period of time after the official runtime deprecation. You will receive emails from AWS if you have functions affected by an upcoming deprecation.

Runtimes and performance

Your choice of runtime is likely determined by a variety of factors. These include the skills available in your development team and the runtimes used in existing projects, especially in migrations. This choice may also be influenced by IT policy in your organization and other external factors. Lambda is agnostic to the choice of runtime, so you are free to choose without sacrificing capabilities within the service.

Different runtimes have different performance profiles in on-demand compute services like Lambda. For example, both Python and Node.js are fast to initialize and offer reasonable overall performance. Java is much slower to initialize but can be fast once running. The programming language Go can be extremely performant for both start-up and runtime. If performance is critical to your application, then profiling and comparing runtime performance is an important step before coding applications.

Multiple runtimes in single applications

Serverless applications usually consist of multiple Lambda functions. Each Lambda function can use only one runtime but you can use multiple runtimes across multiple functions. This enables you to choose the most appropriate runtime for the task performed by the function. Unlike traditional applications that tend to use a single language runtime, serverless applications allow you to mix-and-match runtimes as needed.

For example, in a Lambda function that transforms JSON between services, you could choose Node.js for your business logic. In another function handling data processing, you may choose Python. Both can co-exist in a single serverless application.

Managing AWS SDKs in Lambda functions

The Lambda service also provides AWS SDKs for your chosen runtime. These enable you to interact with AWS services using familiar code constructs. SDK versions change frequently as AWS adds new features and services, and the Lambda service periodically updates the bundled SDKs. Consequently, if you are using the bundled SDK version, you will notice the version changes in your function even if your function code has not changed.

The bundled SDK is provided as a convenience for developers building simpler functions or using the Lambda console for development. In these cases, SDK version changes typically do not impact the functionality or performance. To lock an SDK version and make it immutable, it’s recommended that you create a Lambda layer with a specific version of an SDK and include this in your deployment package.

To learn more, see the “Creating a layer containing the AWS SDK” section at https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/using-lambda-layers-to-simplify-your-development-process.

Networking and VPC configurations

Lambda functions always run inside VPCs owned by the Lambda service. As with customer-owned VPCs, this allows the service to apply network access and security rules to everything within the VPC. These VPCs are not visible to customers, the configurations are maintained automatically, and monitoring is managed by the service.

When you use some AWS services, they create resources that are only accessible from within your customer VPC. To access these resources with Lambda, your Lambda function must also be configured for access to the same VPC. Importantly, unless you are accessing services with resources in a customer VPC, there is no additional benefit to add a VPC configuration.

By default, Lambda functions have access to the public internet. This is not the case after they have been configured with access to one of your VPCs. If you continue to need access to resources on the internet, set up a NAT instance or Amazon NAT Gateway. Alternatively, you can also use VPC endpoints to enable private communications between your VPC and supported AWS services.

The high availability of the Lambda service depends upon access to multiple Availability Zones within the Region where your code runs. When you create a Lambda function without a VPC configuration, it’s automatically available in all Availability Zones within the Region. When you set up VPC access, you choose which Availability Zones the Lambda function can use. As a result, to provide continued high availability, ensure that the function has access to at least two Availability Zones.

The Lambda service uses a Network Function Virtualization platform to provide NAT capabilities from the Lambda VPC to customer VPCs. This configures the required elastic network interfaces (ENIs) at the point where Lambda functions are created or updated. It also enables ENIs from your account to be shared across multiple execution environments, which allows Lambda to make more efficient use of a limited network resource when functions scale.

Since ENIs are an exhaustible resource and there is a soft limit of 350 ENIs per Region, you should monitor elastic network interface usage if you are configuring Lambda functions for VPC access. Generally, if you increase concurrency limits in Lambda, you should evaluate if you need an elastic network interface increase. If the limit is reached, this causes invocations of VPC-enabled Lambda functions to be throttled.

Most serverless services can be used without further VPC configuration, while most instance-based services require VPC configuration:

AWS services accessible by default AWS services requiring VPC configuration
Amazon API Gateway
Amazon CloudFront
Amazon CloudWatch
Amazon Comprehend
Amazon DynamoDB
Amazon EventBridge
Amazon Kinesis
Amazon Lex
Amazon Polly
Amazon Rekognition
Amazon S3
Amazon SNS
Amazon SQS
AWS Step Functions
Amazon Textract
Amazon Transcribe
Amazon Translate
Amazon ECS
Amazon EFS
Amazon ElastiCache
Amazon Elasticsearch Service
Amazon MSK
Amazon MQ
Amazon RDS
Amazon Redshift

To learn more, read about how VPC networking works with Lambda functions.

Comparing Lambda invocation modes

Lambda functions can be invoked either synchronously or asynchronously, depending upon the trigger. In synchronous invocations, the caller waits for the function to complete execution and the function can return a value. In asynchronous operation, the caller places the event on an internal queue, which is then processed by the Lambda function.

Synchronous invocation Asynchronous invocation Polling invocation
Elastic Load Balancing (Application Load Balancer)
Amazon Cognito
Amazon Lex
Amazon Alexa
Amazon API Gateway
Amazon CloudFront via Lambda@Edge
Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose
Amazon S3 Batch
Amazon S3
Amazon SNS
Amazon Simple Email Service
AWS CloudFormation
Amazon CloudWatch Logs
Amazon CloudWatch Events
AWS CodeCommit
AWS Config
AWS IoT Events
AWS CodePipeline
Amazon DynamoDB
Amazon Kinesis
Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK)
Amazon SQS

Synchronous invocations are well suited for short-lived Lambda functions. Although Lambda functions can run for up to 15 minutes, synchronous callers may have shorter timeouts. For example, API Gateway has a 29-second integration timeout, so a Lambda function running for more than 29 seconds will not return a value successfully. In synchronous invocations, if the Lambda function fails, retries are the responsibility of the trigger.

In asynchronous invocations, the caller continues with other work and cannot receive a return value from the Lambda function. The function can send the result to a destination, configurable based on success or failure. The internal queue between the caller and the function ensures that messages are stored durably. The Lambda service scales up the concurrency of the processing function as this internal queue grows. If an error occurs in the Lambda function, the retry behavior is determined by the Lambda service.

AWS service Invocation type Retry behavior
Amazon API Gateway Synchronous None – returns error to the client
Amazon S3 Asynchronous Retries with exponential backoff
Amazon SNS Asynchronous Retries with exponential backoff
Amazon DynamoDB Streams Synchronous from poller Retries until data expiration (24 hours)
Amazon Kinesis Synchronous from poller Retries until data expiration (24 hours to 7 days)
AWS CLI Synchronous/Asynchronous Configured by CLI call
AWS SDK Synchronous/Asynchronous Application-specific
Amazon SQS Synchronous from poller Retries until Message Retention Period expires or is sent to a dead-letter queue

To learn more, read “Invoking AWS Lambda functions” and “Introducing AWS Lambda Destinations”.


This post discusses choosing and managing runtimes, the effect on performance, and how you can use multiple runtimes within a single serverless application. It explains the networking model and whether a Lambda function must have access to a customer VPC or can run with the default VPC configuration. It also compares the different invocation modes for Lambda functions.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Extending SaaS products with serverless functions

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/extending-saas-products-with-serverless-functions/

This post was written by Santiago Cardenas, Sr Partner SA. and Nir Mashkowski, Principal Product Manager.

Increasingly, customers turn to software as a service (SaaS) solutions for the potential of lowering the total cost of ownership (TCO). This enables customers to focus their teams on business priorities instead of managing and maintaining software and infrastructure. Startups are building SaaS products for a wide variety of common application types to take advantage of these market needs.

As SaaS accelerates adoption, enterprise customers expect the same capabilities that are available with traditional, on-premises software. They want the ability to customize system behavior and use rich integrations that can help build solutions rapidly.

For customization and extensibility, many independent software vendors (ISVs) are building application programming interfaces (APIs) and integration hooks. To extend these capabilities, many SaaS builders expose a common set of APIs:

  • Event APIs emit events when SaaS entities change. Synchronous event APIs block the SaaS action until the API completes a request. Asynchronous are non-blocking and use mechanisms like pub/sub and webhooks to inform the caller of updates. Event APIs are used for many purposes, such as enriching incoming data or triggering workflows.
  • CRUD APIs allow developers to interact with entities within the SaaS product. They can be used by mobile or web clients to add, update, and remove records, for example.
  • Schema APIs allow developers to create data entities in the SaaS product, such as tables, key-value stores, or document repositories.
  • User experience (UX) components. Many SaaS products include an SDK that helps provide a consistent look-and-feel and built-in support for common functions, such as authentication. Components are sometimes delivered as code libraries or as an online API that renders the UI.

Business systems expose different subsets of the APIs based on the application domain. Extensibility models are built on top of those APIs and can take various different forms. ISVs use these APIs to build features such as “no code” workflow engines, UX, and report generators. In those cases, the SaaS product runs a domain-specific language (DSL) where it controls compute, storage, and memory consumption.

Figure 1: Example of various APIs providing extensibility within a SaaS app

This level of customization is acceptable for many business users. However, for more sophisticated customization, this requires the ability to write custom code. When coding is needed, some business systems choose to provide sandboxing for the user code within the service. Others choose to ask developers to host the extensibility model themselves.

The growth of vendor-hosted SaaS extensions

First-generation SaaS products essentially “lift and shift” on-premises enterprise software, where each customer has a copy of the entire stack. This single tenant model offers simplicity, a smaller blast radius, and faster time to market.

Newer, born-in-the-cloud SaaS products implement a multi-tenant approach, where all resources are shared across customers. This model may be easier to maintain but can present challenges for handling security, isolation, and resource allocation.

Multi-tenancy challenges are harder when customers can run custom code inside the SaaS infrastructure. To solve this, SaaS builders may start with a customer hosted approach, where customers implement their own extensions by consuming SaaS APIs. This means customers must learn and install an SDK, deploy, and maintain an app in their cloud. This often results in higher cost and slower time to market.

To simplify this model, SaaS builders are finding ways to allow developers to write code directly within the SaaS product. The event driven, pay-per-execution, and polyglot nature of serverless functions provides new capabilities for implementing SaaS extensibility. This model is called vendor hosted SaaS extensions.

SaaS builders are using AWS Lambda for serverless functions to provide flexible compute options to their customers. The goal is to abstract away and simplify the consumption model. AWS provides SaaS builders with features and controls to customize the execution environments as part of their own SaaS product. This allows SaaS owners more flexibility when deciding on isolation models, usability, and cost considerations.

Isolating tenant requests

Isolation of customer requests is important both at the product level and at the tenant level. Product-level isolation focuses on controlling and enforcing the access to data between tenants. It ensures that one tenant is separated from another tenant’s functions. Tenant-level isolation focuses on resources allocated to serve requests. These may include identity, network and internet access, file system access, and memory/CPU allocation.

Figure 2: Example of hierarchical levels of abstraction


SaaS product owners can allow customers to use familiar programming languages within the serverless functions. This allows customers to grow with the service and potentially host and scale independently, using their own infrastructure.

Usability considers the domain and industry of the product. For example, if the SaaS product enables data processing, it may enable invocation of serverless functions during these workflows. Additionally, these functions may provide the customer the context of the user, application, tenant, and the domain. A streamlined, opinionated deployment workflow that abstracts away initial configuration can also aid customer adoption.

Managing costs

Cost is an important factor in driving adoption. It’s an important differentiator to pay only for the resources used, while being able to scale in response to events. This can help reduce costs that are passed on to SaaS customers.

Examples of SaaS product extensibility

Multiple AWS Partners are extending their SaaS product using Lambda for on-demand scalable compute. This enables them to focus on enriching the customer experience that is associated with their business domain. Examples include:

  • Segment Functions, which seamlessly integrates as a source or destination. The service uses code snippets to allow customers to enrich data, enforce consistency, and connect to APIs and services that power their workflows.
  • Freshworks’ Neo platform provides extensibility using the concept of apps. These are powered by Lambda functions hosting the core business logic and backends. Apps are triggered by unplanned and scheduled Freshworks events (customer support tickets, IT service cases, contacts, and deal updates), in addition to app-specific and external events.
  • Netlify Functions enables customers to supercharge frontend code with functions in their development workflow. These can power automated triggers, connect to third-party APIs, or provide user authentication.

All of these SaaS partners abstract away the deployment, versioning, and configuration of custom code using Lambda.


As customers increasingly use SaaS solutions in their businesses, they want the same customization and extensibility available in on-premises solutions. SaaS partners have developed APIs and integration hooks to help address this need. For more sophisticated customization, products enable custom code to run within their SaaS workflows.

This presents SaaS partners with isolation, usability, and cost challenges and many of them are now using serverless functions to address these challenges. Lambda provides a pay-per-value compute service that scales automatically to meet customer demand. Segment Functions, Freshworks, and Netlify Functions have all used Lambda to provide extensibility to their customers.

Lambda continues to develop features and functionality to power the extensibility of SaaS products. We look forward to seeing the new ways you use Lambda to extend your SaaS product for your customers. Share your Lambda extensibility story with us at [email protected].

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Operating Lambda: Application design – Scaling and concurrency: Part 2

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/operating-lambda-application-design-scaling-and-concurrency-part-2/

In the Operating Lambda series, I cover important topics for developers, architects, and systems administrators who are managing AWS Lambda-based applications. This three-part series discusses application design for Lambda-based applications.

Part 1 shows how to work with Service Quotas, when to request increases, and architecting with quotas in mind. This post covers scaling and concurrency and the different behaviors of on-demand and Provisioned Concurrency.

Scaling and concurrency in Lambda

Lambda is engineered to provide managed scaling in a way that does not rely upon threading or any custom engineering in your code. As traffic increases, Lambda increases the number of concurrent executions of your functions.

When a function is first invoked, the Lambda service creates an instance of the function and runs the handler method to process the event. After completion, the function remains available for a period of time to process subsequent events. If other events arrive while the function is busy, Lambda creates more instances of the function to handle these requests concurrently.

For an initial burst of traffic, your cumulative concurrency in a Region can reach between 500 and 3000 per minute, depending upon the Region. After this initial burst, functions can scale by an additional 500 instances per minute. If requests arrive faster than a function can scale, or if a function reaches maximum capacity, additional requests fail with a throttling error (status code 429).

All AWS accounts start with a default concurrent limit of 1000 per Region. This is a soft limit that you can increase by submitting a request in the AWS Support Center.

On-demand scaling example

In this example, a Lambda receives 10,000 synchronous requests from Amazon API Gateway. The concurrency limit for the account is 10,000. The following shows four scenarios:

On-demand scaling example

In each case, all of the requests arrive at the same time in the minute they are scheduled:

  1. All requests arrive immediately: 3000 requests are handled by new execution environments; 7000 are throttled.
  2. Requests arrive over 2 minutes: 3000 requests are handled by new execution environments in the first minute; the remaining 2000 are throttled. In minute 2, another 500 environments are created and the 3000 original environments are reused; 1500 are throttled.
  3. Requests arrive over 3 minutes: 3000 requests are handled by new execution environments in the first minute; the remaining 333 are throttled. In minute 2, another 500 environments are created and the 3000 original environments are reused; all requests are served. In minute 3, the remaining 3334 requests are served by warm environments.
  4. Requests arrive over 4 minutes: In minute 1, 2500 requests are handled by new execution environment; the same environments are reused in subsequent minutes to serve all requests.

Provisioned Concurrency scaling example

The majority of Lambda workloads are asynchronous so the default scaling behavior provides a reasonable trade-off between throughput and configuration management overhead. However, for synchronous invocations from interactive workloads, such as web or mobile applications, there are times when you need more control over how many concurrent function instances are ready to receive traffic.

Provisioned Concurrency is a Lambda feature that prepares concurrent execution environments in advance of invocations. Consequently, this can be used to address two issues. First, if expected traffic arrives more quickly than the default burst capacity, Provisioned Concurrency can ensure that your function is available to meet the demand. Second, if you have latency-sensitive workloads that require predictable double-digit millisecond latency, Provisioned Concurrency solves the typical cold start issues associated with default scaling.

Provisioned Concurrency is a configuration available for a specific published version or alias of a Lambda function. It does not rely on any custom code or changes to a function’s logic, and it’s compatible with features such as VPC configuration, Lambda layers. For more information on how Provisioned Concurrency optimizes performance for Lambda-based applications, watch this Tech Talk video.

Using the same scenarios with 10,000 requests, the function is configured with a Provisioned Concurrency of 7,000:

Provisioned Concurrency scaling example

  1. In case #1, 7,000 requests are handled by the provisioned environments with no cold start. The remaining 3,000 requests are handled by new, on-demand execution environments.
  2. In cases #2-4, all requests are handled by provisioned environments in the minute when they arrive.

Using service integrations and asynchronous processing

Synchronous requests from services like API Gateway require immediate responses. In many cases, these workloads can be rearchitected as asynchronous workloads. In this case, API Gateway uses a service integration to persist messages in an Amazon SQS queue durably. A Lambda function consumes these messages from the queue, and updates the status in an Amazon DynamoDB table. Another API endpoint provides the status of the request by querying the DynamoDB table:

Async with polling example

API Gateway has a default throttle limit of 10,000 requests per second, which can be raised upon request. SQS standard queues support a virtually unlimited throughput of API actions such as SendMessage.

The Lambda function consuming the messages from SQS can control the speed of processing through a combination of two factors. The first is BatchSize, which is the number of messages received by each invocation of the function, and the second is concurrency. Provided there is still concurrency available in your account, the Lambda function is not throttled while processing messages from an SQS queue.

In asynchronous workflows, it’s not possible to pass the result of the function back through the invocation path. The original API Gateway call receives an acknowledgment that the message has been stored in SQS, which is returned back to the caller. There are multiple mechanisms for returning the result back to the caller. One uses a DynamoDB table, as shown, to store a transaction ID and status, which is then polled by the caller via another API Gateway endpoint until the work is finished. Alternatively, you can use webhooks via Amazon SNS or WebSockets via AWS IoT Core to return the result.

Using this asynchronous approach can make it much easier to handle unpredictable traffic with significant volumes. While it is not suitable for every use case, it can simplify scalability operations.

Reserved concurrency

Lambda functions in a single AWS account in one Region share the concurrency limit. If one function exceeds the concurrent limit, this prevents other functions from being invoked by the Lambda service. You can set reserved capacity for Lambda functions to ensure that they can be invoked even if the overall capacity has been exhausted. Reserved capacity has two effects on a Lambda function:

  1. The reserved capacity is deducted from the overall capacity for the AWS account in a given Region. The Lambda function always has the reserved capacity available exclusively for its own invocations.
  2. The reserved capacity restricts the maximum number of concurrency invocations for that function. Synchronous requests arriving in excess of the reserved capacity limit fail with a throttling error.

You can also use reserved capacity to throttle the rate of requests processed by your workload. For Lambda functions that are invoked asynchronously or using an internal poller, such as for S3, SQS, or DynamoDB integrations, reserved capacity limits how many requests are processed simultaneously. In this case, events are stored durably in internal queues until the Lambda function is available. This can help create a smoothing effect for handling spiky levels of traffic.

For example, a Lambda function receives messages from an SQS queue and writes to a DynamoDB table. It has a reserved concurrency of 10 with a batch size of 10 items. The SQS queue rapidly receives 1,000 messages. The Lambda function scales up to 10 concurrent instances, each processing 10 messages from the queue. While it takes longer to process the entire queue, this results in a consistent rate of write capacity units (WCUs) consumed by the DynamoDB table.

Reserved concurrency for throttling example

To learn more, read “Managing AWS Lambda Function Concurrency” and “Managing concurrency for a Lambda function”.


This post explains scaling and concurrency in Lambda and the different behaviors of on-demand and Provisioned Concurrency. It also shows how to use service integrations and asynchronous patterns in Lambda-based applications. Finally, I discuss how reserved concurrency works and how to use it in your application design.

Part 3 will discuss choosing and managing runtimes, networking and VPC configurations, and different invocation modes.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Updating opt-in status for Amazon Pinpoint channels

Post Syndicated from Varinder Dhanota original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/updating-opt-in-status-for-amazon-pinpoint-channels/

In many real-world scenarios, customers are using home-grown or 3rd party systems to manage their campaign related information. This includes user preferences, segmentation, targeting, interactions, and more. To create customer-centric engagement experiences with such existing systems, migrating or integrating into Amazon Pinpoint is needed. Luckily, many AWS services and mechanisms can help to streamline this integration in a resilient and cost-effective way.

In this blog post, we demonstrate a sample solution that captures changes from an on-premises application’s database by utilizing AWS Integration and Transfer Services and updates Amazon Pinpoint in real-time.

If you are looking for a serverless, mobile-optimized preference center allowing end users to manage their Pinpoint communication preferences and attributes, you can also check the Amazon Pinpoint Preference Center.



In this scenario, users’ SMS opt-in/opt-out preferences are managed by a home-grown customer application. Users interact with the application over its web interface. The application, saves the customer preferences on a MySQL database.

This solution’s flow of events is triggered with a change (insert / update / delete) happening in the database. The change event is then captured by AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) that is configured with an ongoing replication task. This task continuously monitors a specified database and forwards the change event to an Amazon Kinesis Data Streams stream. Raw events that are buffered in this stream are polled by an AWS Lambda function. This function transforms the event, and makes it ready to be passed to Amazon Pinpoint API. This API call will in turn, change the opt-in/opt-out subscription status of the channel for that user.

Ongoing replication tasks are created against multiple types of database engines, including Oracle, MS-SQL, Postgres, and more. In this blog post, we use a MySQL based RDS instance to demonstrate this architecture. The instance will have a database we name pinpoint_demo and one table we name optin_status. In this sample, we assume the table is holding details about a user and their opt-in preference for SMS messages.

userid phone optin lastupdate
user1 +12341111111 1 1593867404
user2 +12341111112 1 1593867404
user2 +12341111113 1 1593867404


  1. AWS CLI is configured with an active AWS account and appropriate access.
  2. You have an understanding of Amazon Pinpoint concepts. You will be using Amazon Pinpoint to create a segment, populate endpoints, and validate phone numbers. For more details, see the Amazon Pinpoint product page and documentation.


First, you clone the repository that contains a stack of templates to your local environment. Make sure you have configured your AWS CLI with AWS credentials. Follow the steps below to deploy the CloudFormation stack:

  1. Clone the git repository containing the CloudFormation templates:
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-pinpoint-rds-integration.git
    cd amazon-pinpoint-rds-integration
  2. You need an S3 Bucket to hold the template:
    aws s3 create-bucket –bucket <YOUR-BUCKET-NAME>
  3. Run the following command to package the CloudFormation templates:
    aws cloudformation package --template-file template_stack.yaml --output-template-file template_out.yaml --s3-bucket <YOUR-BUCKET-NAME>
  4. Deploy the stack with the following command:
    aws cloudformation deploy --template-file template_out.yaml --stack-name pinpointblogstack --capabilities CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

The AWS CloudFormation stack will create and configure resources for you. Some of the resources it will create are:

  • Amazon RDS instance with MySQL
  • AWS Database Migration Service replication instance
  • AWS Database Migration Service source endpoint for MySQL
  • AWS Database Migration Service target endpoint for Amazon Kinesis Data Streams
  • Amazon Kinesis Data Streams stream
  • AWS Lambda Function
  • Amazon Pinpoint Application
  • A Cloud9 environment as a bastion host

The deployment can take up to 15 minutes. You can track its progress in the CloudFormation console’s Events tab.

Populate RDS data

A CloudFormation stack will output the DNS address of an RDS endpoint and Cloud9 environment upon completion. The Cloud9 environment acts as a bastion host and allows you to reach the RDS instance endpoint deployed into the private subnet by CloudFormation.

  1. Open the AWS Console and navigate to the Cloud9 service.
  2. Click on the Open IDE button to reach your IDE environment.
  3. At the console pane of your IDE, type the following to login to your RDS instance. You can find the RDS Endpoint address at the outputs section of the CloudFormation stack. It is under the key name RDSInstanceEndpoint.
    mysql -h <YOUR_RDS_ENDPOINT> -uadmin -pmypassword
    use blog_db;
  4. Issue the following command to create a table that holds the user’s opt-in status:
    create table optin_status (
      userid varchar(50) not null,
      phone varchar(50) not null,
      optin tinyint default 1,
  5. Next, load sample data into the table. The following inserts nine users for this demo:
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user1', '+12341111111', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user2', '+12341111112', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user3', '+12341111113', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user4', '+12341111114', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user5', '+12341111115', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user6', '+12341111116', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user7', '+12341111117', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user8', '+12341111118', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user9', '+12341111119', 1);
  6. The table’s opt-in column holds the SMS opt-in status and phone number for a specific user.

Start the DMS Replication Task

Now that the environment is ready, you can start the DMS replication task and start watching the changes in this table.

  1. From the AWS DMS Console, go to the Database Migration Tasks section.
  2. Select the Migration task named blogreplicationtask.
  3. From the Actions menu, click on Restart/Resume to start the migration task. Wait until the task’s Status transitions from Ready to Starting and Replication ongoing.
  4. At this point, all the changes on the source database are replicated into a Kinesis stream. Before introducing the AWS Lambda function that will be polling this stream, configure the Amazon Pinpoint application.

Inspect the AWS Lambda Function

An AWS Lambda function has been created to receive the events. The Lambda function uses Python and Boto3 to read the records delivered by Kinesis Data Streams. It then performs the update_endpoint API calls in order to add, update, or delete endpoints in the Amazon Pinpoint application.

Lambda code and configuration is accessible through the Lambda Functions Console. In order to inspect the Python code, click the Functions item on the left side. Select the function starting with pinpointblogstack-MainStack by clicking on the function name.

Note: The PINPOINT_APPID under the Environment variables section. This variable provides the Lambda function with the Amazon Pinpoint application ID to make the API call.


Inspect Amazon Pinpoint Application in Amazon Pinpoint Console

A Pinpoint application is needed by the Lambda Function to update the endpoints. This application has been created with an SMS Channel by the CloudFormation template. Once the data from the RDS database has been imported into Pinpoint as SMS endpoints, you can validate this import by creating a segment in Pinpoint.



With the Lambda function ready, you now test the whole solution.

  1. To initiate the end-to-end test, go to the Cloud9 terminal. Perform the following SQL statement on the optin_table:
    UPDATE optin_status SET optin=0 WHERE userid='user1';
    UPDATE optin_status SET optin=0 WHERE userid='user2';
    UPDATE optin_status SET optin=0 WHERE userid='user3';
    UPDATE optin_status SET optin=0 WHERE userid='user4';
  2. This statement will cause four changes in the database which is collected by DMS and passed to Kinesis Data Streams stream.
  3. This triggers the Lambda function that construct an update_endpoint API call to the Amazon Pinpoint application.
  4. The update_endpoint operation is an upsert operation. Therefore, if the endpoint does not exist on the Amazon Pinpoint application, it creates one. Otherwise, it updates the current endpoint.
  5. In the initial dataset, all the opt-in values are 1. Therefore, these endpoints will be created with an OptOut value of NONE in Amazon Pinpoint.
  6. All OptOut=NONE typed endpoints are considered as active endpoints. Therefore, they are available to be used within segments.

Create Amazon Pinpoint Segment

  1. In order to see these changes, go to the Pinpoint console. Click on PinpointBlogApp.
  2. Click on Segments on the left side. Then click Create a segment.
  3. For the segment name, enter US-Segment.
  4. Select Endpoint from the Filter dropdown.
  5. Under the Choose an endpoint attribute dropdown, select Country.
  6. For Choose values enter US.
    Note: As you do this, the right panel Segment estimate will refresh to show the number of endpoints eligible for this segment filter.
  7. Click Create segment at the bottom of the page.
  8. Once the new segment is created, you are directed to the newly created segment with configuration details. You should see five eligible endpoints corresponding to database table rows.
  9. Now, change one row by issuing the following SQL statement. This simulates a user opting out from SMS communication for one of their numbers.
    UPDATE optin_status SET optin=0 WHERE userid='user5';
  10. After the update, go to the Amazon Pinpoint console. Check the eligible endpoints again. You should only see four eligible endpoints.



If you no longer want to incur further charge, delete the Cloudformation stack named pinpointblogstack. Select it and click Delete.



This solution walks you through how opt-in change events are delivered from Amazon RDS to Amazon Pinpoint. You can use this solution in other use cases as well. Some examples are importing segments from a 3rd party application like Salesforce and importing other types of channels like e-mail, push, and voice. To learn more about Amazon Pinpoint, visit our website.

Node.js 14.x runtime now available in AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from Benjamin Smith original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/node-js-14-x-runtime-now-available-in-aws-lambda/

You can now develop AWS Lambda functions using the Node.js 14.x runtime. This is the current Long Term Support (LTS) version of Node.js. Start using this new version today by specifying a runtime parameter value of nodejs14.x when creating or updating functions or by using the appropriate managed runtime base image.

Language Updates

Node.js 14 is a stable release and brings several new features, including:

  • Updated V8 engine
  • Diagnostic reporting
  • Updated Node streams

V8 engine updated To V8.1

Node.js 14.x is powered by V8 version 8.1, which is a significant upgrade from the V8 7.4 engine powering the previous Node.js 12.x. This upgrade brings performance enhancements and some notable new features:

  • Nullish Coalescing ?? A logical operator that returns its right-hand side operand when its left-hand side operand is not defined or null.
    const newVersion = null ?? ‘this works great’ ;
    // expected output: "this works great"
    const nullishTest = 0 ?? 36;
    // expected output: 0 because 0 is not the same as null or undefined

This new operator is useful for debugging and error handling in your Lambda functions when values unexpectedly return null or undefined.

  • Intl.DateTimeFormat – This feature enables numberingSystem and calendar options.
    const newVersion = null ?? ‘this works great’ ;
    // expected output: "this works great"
    const nullishTest = 0 ?? 36;
    // expected output: 0 because 0 is not the same as null or undefined
  • Intl.DisplayNames – Offers the consistent translation of region, language, and script display names.
    const date = new Date(Date.UTC(2021, 01, 20, 3, 23, 16, 738));
    // Results below assume UTC timezone - your results may vary
    // Specify date formatting for language
    console.log(new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US').format(date));
    // expected output: "2/20/2021"
  • Optional Chaining ?. – Use this operator to access a property’s value within a chain without needing to validate each reference. This removes the requirement of checking for the existence of a deeply nested property using the && operator or lodash.get:
    const player = {
      name: 'Roxie',
      superpower: {
        value: 'flight',
    // Using the && operator
    if (player && player.superpower && player.superpower.value) {
      // do something with player.superpower.value
    // Using the ?. operator
    if (player?.superpower?.value) {
      // do something with player.superpower.value

Diagnostic reporting

Diagnostic reporting is now a stable feature in Node.js 14. This option allows you to generate a JSON-formatted report on demand or when certain events occur. This helps to diagnose problems such as slow performance, memory leaks, unexpected errors, and more.

The following example generates a report from within a Lambda function, and outputs the results to Amazon Cloudwatch for further inspection.

const report = process.report.getReport();
console.log(typeof report === 'object'); // true

// Similar to process.report.writeReport() output
console.log(JSON.stringify(report, null, 2));

See the official docs on diagnostic reporting in Node.js to learn other ways to use the command.

Updated node streams

The streams APIs has been updated to help remove ambiguity and streamline behaviours across the various parts of Node.js core.

Runtime Updates

To help keep Lambda functions secure, AWS updates Node.js 14 with all minor updates released by the Node.js community when using the zip archive format. For Lambda functions packaged as a container image, pull, rebuild and deploy the latest base image from DockerHub or Amazon ECR Public.

Deprecation schedule

AWS will be deprecating Node.js 10 according to the end of life schedule provided by the community. Node.js 10 reaches end of life on April 30, 2021. After March 30, 2021 you can no longer create a Node.js 10 Lambda function. The ability to update a function will be disabled after May 28, 2021 . More information on can be found in the runtime support policy.

You can migrate Existing Node.js 12 functions to the new runtime by making any necessary changes to code for compatibility with Node.js 14, and changing the function’s runtime configuration to “nodejs14.x”. Lambda functions running on Node.js 14 will have 2 full years of support.

Amazon Linux 2

Node.js 14 managed runtime, like Node.js 12, Java 11, and Python 3.8, is based on an Amazon Linux 2 execution environment. Amazon Linux 2 provides a secure, stable, and high-performance execution environment to develop and run cloud and enterprise applications.

Next steps

Get started building with Node.js 14 today by specifying a runtime parameter value of nodejs14.x when creating your Lambda functions using the zip archive packaging format. You can also build Lambda functions in Node.js 14 by deploying your function code as a container image using the Node.js 14 AWS base image for Lambda. You can read about the Node.js programming model in the AWS Lambda documentation to learn more about writing functions in Node.js 14.

For existing Node.js functions, migrate to the new runtime by changing the function’s runtime configuration to nodejs14.x

Happy coding with Node.js 14!

Operating Lambda: Application design and Service Quotas – Part 1

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/operating-lambda-application-design-and-service-quotas-part-1/

In the Operating Lambda series, I cover important topics for developers, architects, and systems administrators who are managing AWS Lambda-based applications. This three-part series discusses application design for Lambda-based applications.

A well-architected event-driven application uses a combination of AWS services and custom code to process and manage requests and data. This series on Lambda-specific topics in application design, and how Lambda interacts with other services. There are many important considerations for serverless architects when designing applications for busy production systems.

Part 1 shows how to work with Service Quotas, when to request increases, and architecting with quotas in mind. It also explains how to control traffic for downstream server-based resources.

Understanding quotas

The Lambda service is designed for short-lived compute tasks that do not retain or rely upon state between invocations. The Lambda service invokes your custom code on demand in response to events from other AWS services, or requests via the AWS CLI or AWS SDKs. Code can run for up to 15 minutes in a single invocation and a single function can use up to 10,240 MB of memory.

Lambda is designed to scale rapidly to meet demand, allowing your functions to scale up to serve traffic in your application. Other AWS services frequently used in serverless applications, such as Amazon API Gateway, Amazon SNS, and AWS Step Functions, also scale up in response to increased load. This has enabled our largest customers to build applications that scale to millions of requests quickly without having to manage underlying infrastructure.

However, before you scale an application to these levels, it’s important to understand the guardrails that are put in place to protect your account and the workloads of other customers. Service Quotas exist in all AWS services and consist of hard limits, which you cannot change, and soft limits, which you can request increases for.

By default, all new accounts are assigned a quota profile that allows exploration of the services. However, the values may need to be raised to support medium-to-large application workloads. Typically, customers request increases for their accounts as they start to expand usage of their applications. This allows the quotas to grow with usage, and help protect the account from unexpected costs caused by unintended usage.

Different AWS services have different quotas. These quotas may apply at the Region level, or account level, and may also include time-interval restrictions, such as requests per second. For example, the maximum number of IAM roles is an account-based quota, whereas the maximum number of concurrent Lambda executions is a per-Region quota.

To see the quotas that apply to your account, navigate to the Service Quotas dashboard. This allows you to view your Service Quotas, request a service quota increase, and view current utilization. From here, you can drill down to a specific AWS service, such as Lambda:

Service Quotas for AWS Lambda

In this example, sorted by the Adjustable column, this shows that Concurrent executions, Elastic network interfaces per VPC, and Function and layer storage are all adjustable limits. You could request a quota increase for any of these via the AWS Support Center. The other items provide a useful reference for other limits applying to the service.

Architecting with Service Quotas

Most serverless applications use multiple AWS services, and different services have different quotas for different features. Once you have a serverless architecture designed and know which services your application uses, you can compare the different quotas across services and find any potential issues.

Example serverless application architecture

In this example, API Gateway has a default throttle limit of 10,000 requests per second. Many applications use API Gateway endpoints to invoke Lambda functions. Lambda has a default concurrency limit of 1,000. Since API Gateway to Lambda is a synchronous invocation, it’s possible to have more incoming requests than could be handled simultaneously by a Lambda function, when using the default limits. This can be resolved by requesting to have the Lambda concurrency limit raised for this account to match the expected level of traffic.

Another common challenge is handling payload sizes in different services. Consider an application moving a payload from API Gateway to Lambda to Amazon SQS. API Gateway supports payloads up to 10 Mb, while Lambda’s payload limit is 6 Mb and the SQS message size limit is 256 Kb. In this example, you could instead store the payload in an Amazon S3 bucket instead of uploading to API Gateway, and pass a reference token across the services. The token size is much smaller than any payload limit and may provide a more efficient design for your workload, depending upon the use-case.

Load testing your serverless application also allows you to monitor the performance of an application before it is deployed to production. Serverless applications can be relatively simple to load test, thanks to the automatic scaling built into many of the services. During a load test, you can identify any quotas that may act as a limiting factor for the traffic levels you expect and take action accordingly.

There are several tools available for serverless developers to perform this task. One of the most popular is Artillery Community Edition, which is an open-source tool for testing serverless APIs. You configure the number of requests per second and overall test duration and it uses a headless Chromium browser to run tests. Other popular tools include Nordstrom’s Serverless-Artillery and Gatling.

Using multiple AWS accounts for managing quotas

Many customers have multiple workloads running in the AWS Cloud but many quotas are set at the account level. This means that as you add more serverless workloads, some quotas are shared across more workloads, reducing the quotas available for each workload. Additionally, if you have development resources in the same account as production workloads, quotas are shared across both. It’s possible for development activity to exhaust resources unintentionally that you may want to reserve only for production.

An effective way to solve this issue is to use multiple AWS accounts, dedicating workloads to their own specific account. This prevents quotas from being shared with other workloads or non-production resources. Using AWS Organizations, you can centrally manage the billing, compliance, and security of these accounts. You can attach policies to groups of accounts to avoid custom scripts and manual processes.

One common approach is to provide each developer with an AWS account, and then use separate accounts for a beta deployment stage and production:

Multiple AWS account by environment

The developer accounts can contain copies of production resources and provide the developer with admin-level permissions to these resources. Each developer has their own set of limits for the account, so their usage does not impact your production environment. Individual developers can deploy AWS CloudFormation stacks and AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) templates into these accounts with minimal risk to production assets.

This approach allows developers to test Lambda functions locally on their development machines against live cloud resources in their individual accounts. It can help create a robust unit testing process, and developers can then push code to a repository like AWS CodeCommit when ready.

By integrating with AWS Secrets Manager, you can store different sets of secrets in each environment and replace any need for credentials stored in code. As code is promoted from developer account through to the beta and production accounts, the correct set of credentials is automatically used. You do not need to share environment-level credentials with individual developers.

To learn more, read “Best practices for organizing larger serverless applications”.

Controlling traffic flow for server-based resources

While Lambda can scale up quickly in response to traffic, many non-serverless services cannot. If your Lambda functions interact with those services downstream, it’s possible to overwhelm those services with data or connection requests.

Amazon RDS is one of the most common Lambda integrations that relies on a server-based resource. However, relational databases are connection-based, so they are intended to work with a few long-lived clients, such as web servers. By contrast, Lambda functions are ephemeral and short-lived, so their database connections are numerous and brief. If Lambda scales up to hundreds or thousands of instances, you may overwhelm downstream relational databases with connection requests. This is typically only an issue for moderately busy applications. If you are using a Lambda function for low-volume tasks, such as running daily SQL reports, you do not experience this behavior.

The Amazon RDS Proxy service is built to solve the high-volume use-case. It pools the connections between the Lambda service and the downstream Amazon RDS database. This means that a scaling Lambda function is able to reuse connections via the proxy. As a result, the relational database is not overwhelmed with connections requests from individual Lambda functions. This does not require code changes in many cases. You only need to replace the database endpoint with the proxy endpoint in your Lambda function.

For other downstream server-based resources, APIs, or third-party services, it’s important to know the limits around connections, transactions, and data transfer. If your serverless workload has the capacity to overwhelm those resources, use an SQS queue to decouple the Lambda function from the target. This allows the server-based resource to process messages from the queue at a steady rate. The queue also durably stores the requests if the downstream resource becomes unavailable.


Lambda works with other AWS services to process and manage requests and data. This post explains how to understand and manage Service Quotas, when to request increases, and architecting with quotas in mind. It also explains how to control traffic for downstream server-based resources.

Part 2 of this series will discuss scaling and concurrency in Lambda and the different behaviors of on-demand and Provisioned Concurrency.

For more guidance, see the Operating Lambda: Understanding event-driven architectures series.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Building server-side rendering for React in AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-server-side-rendering-for-react-in-aws-lambda/

This post is courtesy of Roman Boiko, Solutions Architect.

React is a popular front-end framework used to create single-page applications (SPAs). It is rendered and run on the client-side in the browser. However, for SEO or performance reasons, you may need to render parts of a React application on the server. This is where the server-side rendering (SSR) is useful.

This post introduces the concepts and demonstrates rendering a React application with AWS Lambda. To deploy this solution and to provision the AWS resources, I use the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). This is an open-source framework, which helps you reduce the amount of code required to automate deployment.


This solution uses Amazon S3, Amazon CloudFront, Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, and Lambda@Edge. It creates a fully serverless SSR implementation, which automatically scales according to the workload. This solution addresses three scenarios.

1. A static React app hosted in an S3 bucket with a CloudFront distribution in front of the website. The backend is running behind API Gateway, implemented as a Lambda function. Here, the application is fully downloaded to the client and rendered in a web browser. It sends requests to the backend.

SSR app 1

2. The React app is rendered with a Lambda function. The CloudFront distribution is configured to forward requests from the /ssr path to the API Gateway endpoint. This calls the Lambda function where the rendering is happening. While rendering the requested page, the Lambda function calls the backend API to fetch the data. It returns a static HTML page with all the data. This page may be cached in CloudFront to optimize subsequent requests.

SSR app 2


3. The React app is rendered with a Lambda@Edge function. This scenario is similar but rendering happens at edge locations. The requests to /edgessr are handled by the Lambda@Edge function. This sends requests to the backend and returns a static HTML page.

SSR app 3



The example application shows how the preceding scenarios are implemented with the AWS CDK. This solution requires:

This solution deploys a Lambda@Edge function so it must be provisioned in the US East (N. Virginia) Region.

To get started, download and configure the sample:

  1. From a terminal, clone the GitHub repository:
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/react-ssr-lambda
  2. Provide a unique name for the S3 bucket, which is created by the stack and used for React application hosting. Change the placeholder <your bucket name> to your bucket name. To install the solution, run:
    cd react-ssr-lambda
    cd ./cdk
    npm install
    npm run build
    cdk bootstrap
    cdk deploy SSRApiStack --outputs-file ../simple-ssr/src/config.json
    cd ../simple-ssr
    npm install
    npm run build-all
    cd ../cdk
    cdk deploy SSRAppStack --parameters mySiteBucketName=<your bucket name>
  3. Note the following values from the output:
    • SSRAppStack.CFURL – the URL of the CloudFront distribution. Its root path returns the React application stored in S3.
    • SSRAppStack.LambdaSSRURL – the URL of the CloudFront /ssr distribution, which returns a page rendered by the Lambda function.
    • SSRAppStack.LambdaEdgeSSRURL – the URL of the CloudFront /edgessr distribution, which returns a page rendered by Lambda@Edge function.Stack outputs
  4. In a browser, open each of the URLs from step 3. You see the same page with a different footer, indicating how it is rendered.Comparing the served pages

Understanding the React app

The application is created by the create-react-app utility. You can run and test this application locally by navigating to the simple-ssr directory and running the npm start command.

This small application consists of two components that render the list of products received from the backend. The App.js file sends the request, parses the result, and passes it to the component.

import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import ProductList from "./components/ProductList";
import config from "./config.json";
import axios from "axios";

const App = ({ isSSR, ssrData }) => {
  const [err, setErr] = useState(false);
  const [result, setResult] = useState({ loading: true, products: null });
  useEffect(() => {
    const getData = async () => {
      const url = config.SSRApiStack.apiurl;
      try {
        let result = await axios.get(url);
        setResult({ loading: false, products: result.data });
      } catch (error) {
  }, []);
  if (err) {
    return <div>Error {err}</div>;
  } else {
    return (
        <ProductList result={result} />

export default App;

Adding server-side rendering

To support SSR, I change the preceding application using several Lambda functions with the implementation. As I change the way data is retrieved from the backend, I remove this code from App.js. Instead, the data is retrieved in the Lambda function and injected into the application during the rendering process.

The new file SSRApp.js reflects these changes:

import React, { useState } from "react";
import ProductList from "./components/ProductList";

const SSRApp = ({ data }) => {
  const [result, setResult] = useState({ loading: false, products: data });
  return (
      <ProductList result={result} />

export default SSRApp;

Next, I implement SSR logic in the Lambda function. For simplicity, I use React’s built-in renderToString method, which returns an HTML string. You can find the corresponding file in the simple-ssr/src/server/index.js. The handler function fetches data from the backend, renders the React components, and injects them into the HTML template. It returns the response to API Gateway, which responds to the client.

const handler = async function (event) {
  try {
    const url = config.SSRApiStack.apiurl;
    const result = await axios.get(url);
    const app = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(<SSRApp data={result.data} />);
    const html = indexFile.replace(
      '<div id="root"></div>',
      `<div id="root">${app}</div>`
    return {
      statusCode: 200,
      headers: { "Content-Type": "text/html" },
      body: html,
  } catch (error) {
    console.log(`Error ${error.message}`);
    return `Error ${error}`;

For rendering the same code on Lambda@Edge, I change the code to work with CloudFront events and also modify the response format. This function searches for a specific path (/edgessr). All other logic stays the same. You can view the full code at simple-ssr/src/edge/index.js:

const handler = async function (event) {
  try {
    const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;
    if (request.uri === "/edgessr") {
      const url = config.SSRApiStack.apiurl;
      const result = await axios.get(url);
      const app = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(<SSRApp data={result.data} />);
      const html = indexFile.replace(
        '<div id="root"></div>',
        `<div id="root">${app}</div>`
      return {
        status: "200",
        statusDescription: "OK",
        headers: {
          "cache-control": [
              key: "Cache-Control",
              value: "max-age=100",
          "content-type": [
              key: "Content-Type",
              value: "text/html",
        body: html,
    } else {
      return request;
  } catch (error) {
    console.log(`Error ${error.message}`);
    return `Error ${error}`;

The create-react-app utility configures tools such as Babel and webpack for the client-side React application. However, it is not designed to work with SSR. To make the functions work as expected, I transpile these into CommonJS format in addition to transpiling React JSX files. The standard tool for this task is Babel. To add it to this project, I create the configuration file .babelrc.json with instructions to transpile the functions into Node.js v12 format:

  "presets": [
        "targets": {
          "node": 12

I also include all the dependencies. I use the popular frontend tool webpack, which also works with Lambda functions. It adds only the necessary dependencies and minimizes the package size. For this purpose, I create configurations for both functions. You can find these in the webpack.edge.js and webpack.server.js files:

const path = require("path");

module.exports = {
  entry: "./src/edge/index.js",

  target: "node",

  externals: [],

  output: {
    path: path.resolve("edge-build"),
    filename: "index.js",
    library: "index",
    libraryTarget: "umd",

  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.js$/,
        use: "babel-loader",
        test: /\.css$/,
        use: "css-loader",

The result of running webpack is one file for each build. I use these files to deploy the Lambda and Lambda@Edge functions. To automate the build process, I add several scripts to package.json.

"build-server": "webpack --config webpack.server.js --mode=development",
"build-edge": "webpack --config webpack.edge.js --mode=development",
"build-all": "npm-run-all --parallel build build-server build-edge"

Launch the build by running npm run build-all.

Deploying the application

After the application successfully builds, I deploy to the AWS Cloud. I use AWS CDK for an infrastructure as code approach. The code is located in cdk/lib/ssr-stack.ts.

First, I create an S3 bucket for storing the static content and I pass the name of the bucket as a parameter. To ensure only CloudFront can access my S3 bucket, I use an access identity configuration:

const mySiteBucketName = new CfnParameter(this, "mySiteBucketName", {
      type: "String",
      description: "The name of S3 bucket to upload react application"

const mySiteBucket = new s3.Bucket(this, "ssr-site", {
      bucketName: mySiteBucketName.valueAsString,
      websiteIndexDocument: "index.html",
      websiteErrorDocument: "error.html",
      publicReadAccess: false,
      //only for demo not to use in production
      removalPolicy: cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY

new s3deploy.BucketDeployment(this, "Client-side React app", {
      sources: [s3deploy.Source.asset("../simple-ssr/build/")],
      destinationBucket: mySiteBucket

const originAccessIdentity = new cloudfront.OriginAccessIdentity(

I deploy the Lambda function from the build directory and configure an integration with API Gateway. I also note the API Gateway domain name for later use in the CloudFront distribution.

const ssrFunction = new lambda.Function(this, "ssrHandler", {
      runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_12_X,
      code: lambda.Code.fromAsset("../simple-ssr/server-build"),
      memorySize: 128,
      timeout: Duration.seconds(5),
      handler: "index.handler"

const ssrApi = new apigw.LambdaRestApi(this, "ssrEndpoint", {
      handler: ssrFunction

const apiDomainName = `${ssrApi.restApiId}.execute-api.${this.region}.amazonaws.com`;

I configure the Lambda@Edge function. It’s important to create a function version explicitly to use with CloudFront:

const ssrEdgeFunction = new lambda.Function(this, "ssrEdgeHandler", {
      runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_12_X,
      code: lambda.Code.fromAsset("../simple-ssr/edge-build"),
      memorySize: 128,
      timeout: Duration.seconds(5),
      handler: "index.handler"

const ssrEdgeFunctionVersion = new lambda.Version(
      { lambda: ssrEdgeFunction }

Finally, I configure the CloudFront distribution to communicate with all the origins:

const distribution = new cloudfront.CloudFrontWebDistribution(
        originConfigs: [
            s3OriginSource: {
              s3BucketSource: mySiteBucket,
              originAccessIdentity: originAccessIdentity
            behaviors: [
                isDefaultBehavior: true,
                lambdaFunctionAssociations: [
                    eventType: cloudfront.LambdaEdgeEventType.ORIGIN_REQUEST,
                    lambdaFunction: ssrEdgeFunctionVersion
            customOriginSource: {
              domainName: apiDomainName,
              originPath: "/prod",
              originProtocolPolicy: cloudfront.OriginProtocolPolicy.HTTPS_ONLY
            behaviors: [
                pathPattern: "/ssr"

The template is now ready for deployment. This approach allows you to use this code in your Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to automate deployments of your SSR applications. Also, you can create a CDK construct to reuse this code in different applications.

Cleaning up

To delete all the resources used in this solution, run:

cd react-ssr-lambda/cdk
cdk destroy SSRApiStack
cdk destroy SSRAppStack


This post demonstrates two ways you can implement and deploy a solution for server-side rendering in React applications, by using Lambda or Lambda@Edge.

It also shows how to use open-source tools and AWS CDK to automate the building and deployment of such applications.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Data monetization and customer experience optimization using telco data assets: Part 2

Post Syndicated from Vikas Omer original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/part-2-data-monetization-and-customer-experience-optimization-using-telco-data-assets/

Part 1 of this series explains the importance of building and implementing a customer experience (CX) management and data monetization strategy for telecom service providers (TSPs), and the major challenges driving these initiatives. It also includes an AWS CloudFormation template to set up a demonstration of the solution using AWS services. It covers transforming and enriching multiple datasets, and offers information about data standardization, baselining an analytics data model to marry different datasets like deep packet inspection (DPI) engine embedded Packet Switch (PS) probe, CRM, subscriptions, media, carrier, device, and network configuration management in the data warehouse with AWS Glue, AWS Lambda, and Amazon Redshift.

In this post, I demonstrate how you can enable data analysts, scientists, and advanced business users to query data from Amazon Redshift or Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) directly. I also demonstrate configuring a simple drag-and-drop interface for self-service analytics so you can prepare and publish insights based on enriched data stored in Amazon Redshift or Amazon S3 through Amazon QuickSight.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates the workflow of the solution.

In part 1 of this series, we discuss the overall workflow. In this post, we focus on the following steps:

  1. Catalog the processed raw, aggregate, and dimension data in the AWS Glue Data Catalog using the DPI processed data crawler.
  2. Interactively query data directly from Amazon S3 using Amazon Athena and visualize in QuickSight.
  3. Enable self-service analytics using QuickSight to prepare and publish insights based on data residing in the Amazon Redshift cluster.

Querying data using Amazon Redshift

After creating your Amazon Redshift cluster, you can immediately run queries by using the query editor on the Amazon Redshift console. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, in the navigation pane, choose Clusters.

A cluster with the identifier <redshift database name>-<cloudformation stack> should be present. For this example, the cluster is cemdm-telco.

  1. Choose Editor.
  2. Enter the required credentials to connect to the Amazon Redshift query editor. (Database name, Database user, and Database password are the ones you entered while creating the CloudFormation stack.)

  1. Choose Connect to database.

Upon successful authentication, you’re directed to the query editor.

  1. Run a few queries to check if data is in the tables.

In the following code, <table-name> is the Amazon Redshift table name:

select count(1) from cemdm.<table-name>;

The following query extracts the number of unique subscriber count by age group with Apple devices browsing retail domain websites or apps in or around shopping malls. You can also extract the list of subscribers and micro-segment them by consumption (total data volume) or by adding KPIs like recency and frequency.

  count(distinct f.customer_id)as "Unique Subs Count"
  cemdm.f_daily_dpi f
inner join cemdm.d_customer_demographics dcd on f.customer_id = dcd.customer_id
inner join cemdm.d_tac dt on f.tac_code = dt.tac_sid
inner join cemdm.d_device dd on dt.device_sid = dd.device_sid
inner join cemdm.d_dpi_dictionary ddd on f.protocol_id = ddd.app_id
inner join cemdm.d_location dl on f.location_id = dl.location_id
  dd.device_manufacturer = 'Apple' 
and ddd.media_category = 'Retail' 
and location_tier_4 ilike '%mall%'
group by 1 
order by 2 desc;

The following screenshot shows the output.

Unloading processed and enriched data from Amazon Redshift to Amazon S3

Amazon Redshift also includes Amazon Redshift Spectrum, which allows you to directly run SQL queries against exabytes of unstructured data in Amazon S3 data lakes. No loading or transformation is required, and you can use open data formats, including Avro, CSV, Ion, JSON, ORC, and Parquet. Amazon Redshift Spectrum automatically scales query compute capacity based on the data being retrieved, so queries against Amazon S3 run quickly, regardless of dataset size.

Amazon Redshift Spectrum gives you the freedom to store your data where you want, in the format you want, and have it available for processing when you need it. This is particularly helpful if you need to offload cold or historical data on Amazon Redshift to Amazon S3 in open data format. You can still access this data through Amazon Redshift via Amazon Redshift Spectrum plus any other application.

TSP data assets also include a lot of unstructured event data. This data is transient, and only valuable for a short amount of time. Therefore, you can leave it on Amazon S3 and access it from Amazon Redshift directly through Amazon Redshift Spectrum. You can use a lake house architecture approach, where hot, mostly static, and corporate data is in the warehouse, and the events data is in the data lake.

Alternatively, you can analyze data on Amazon S3 using Athena.

  1. Use the queries in the following table (in the Unload Statement column) in the Amazon Redshift query editor to unload data from Amazon Redshift to Amazon S3. For instructions, see Unloading data to Amazon S3. Provide the following information:
    • <aws-stack-name> – The name of the CloudFormation stack
    • <aws-region> – The Region in which you deployed the stack (for example, us-east-1)
    • <s3-bucket-name> – The bucket that you created while deploying the stack
    • <aws-account-id> – The AWS account ID in which you deployed the stack
    • <table-name> – The name of the Amazon Redshift table
Amazon Redshift Table Unload Statement



unload ('select * from  cemdm.<table-name>') 
       to 's3://<s3-bucket-name>/dpi/processed/<table-name>/' 
       iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::<aws-account-id>:role /RedshiftBasicCustom-<aws-region>-<aws-stack-name>' 
       PARTITION BY (date_id, hour_id);

unload ('select * from  cemdm.<table-name>') 
       to 's3://<s3-bucket-name>/dpi/processed/f_daily_dpi/' 
       iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::<aws-account-id>:role/RedshiftBasicCustom-<aws-region>-<aws-stack-name>' 
       PARTITION BY (date_id);









unload ('select * from  cemdm.<table-name>') 
   to 's3://<s3-bucket-name>/dpi/processed/<table-name>/' 
       iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::<aws-account-id>:role /RedshiftBasicCustom-<aws-region>-<aws-stack-name>' 

Alternatively, you can copy the Amazon Redshift AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role ARN to unload data to Amazon S3 from the console under the cluster’s properties.

  1. Verify that the data has been unloaded to Amazon S3 under <s3-bucket-name>/dpi/processed/.
  2. On the AWS Glue console, in the navigation pane, choose Crawlers.
  3. Select DPIProcessedDataCrawler.
  4. Choose Run crawler.

  1. Wait for the crawler to show the status Stopping.

The tables added against the DPIProcessedDataCrawler crawlers should show 11.

  1. Under Databases, choose Tables.
  2. Verify the following 11 tables are created under the cemdm database:
    • processed_f_raw_dpi
    • processed_f_hourly_dpi
    • processed_f_daily_dpi
    • processed_d_customer_demographics
    • processed_d_device
    • processed_d_dpi_dictionary
    • processed_d_location
    • processed_d_operator_plmn
    • processed_d_tac
    • processed_d_tariff_plan
    • processed_d_tariff_plan_desc

Visualizing data using QuickSight

QuickSight is a business analytics service you can use to build visualizations, perform one-time analysis, and get business insights from your data. For more information, see What Is Amazon QuickSight?

To connect QuickSight to Amazon Redshift as your data source, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a private connection from Amazon QuickSight to an Amazon Redshift cluster.

These steps involve creating a new private subnet that the CloudFormation stack already created. Use the private subnet that isn’t used by Amazon Redshift cluster for your QuickSight connection.

QuickSight provides out-of-the-box integration with Amazon Redshift, making it simple to query and visualize your Redshift data. For more information, see Creating a Dataset from an Autodiscovered Amazon Redshift Cluster or Amazon RDS Instance.

  1. For Schema, choose cdmdm.
  2. For Tables, select f_daily_dpi.
  3. Choose Edit/Preview data.

  1. Add data and prepare the following table relationships in the Data Prep Use the information provided to create the relationships between different tables:
Table A Name Table A Attribute Join Type Table B Name Table B Attribute
f_daily_dpi customer_id LEFT d_tariff_plan customer_id
f_daily_dpi tac_code INNER d_tac tac_sid
f_daily_dpi sgsn_plmn_sid INNER d_operator_plmn plmn_sid
f_daily_dpi location_id LEFT d_location location_id
f_daily_dpi protocol_id INNER d_dpi_dictionary app_id
f_daily_dpi customer_id LEFT d_customer_demographics customer_id
d_tariff_plan tariff_plan_id INNER d_tariff_plan_desc tariff_plan_id
d_tac device_sid INNER d_device device_sid

You can join d_operator_plmn with sgsn_plmn_sid and home_plmn_sid, but because the sample data only contains home subscriber data, a second join of f_raw_dpi data with d_operator_plmn on home_plmn_sid and plmn_sid is not present in the given relationship of tables.

The following screenshot shows the table relationships.

  1. Name your analysis CEMDM.
  2. Choose Save & visualize.

The following screenshots demonstrate a few QuickSight analyses created from the dataset we created. For more information about creating analyses in QuickSight, see Working with Analyses. You can divide all analyses across all the available attributes. We use the use case from part 1 of this series.

The following screenshot shows visualizations of user demographics on the Demographics tab.

The following screenshot shows visualizations of user interest on the Interest Analysis tab.

The following screenshot shows visualizations of user locations on the Location tab.

The following screenshot shows visualizations of device information on the Device tab.

The following screenshot shows visualizations of subscription information on the Subscriptions tab.

The following screenshot shows visualizations of roaming users on the Roaming tab.

The following screenshot shows visualizations on the Sub Details tab. You can drill down to subscriber-level details from any dashboard across any dimension or apply global-level filters to narrow down the desired segment.

You can also build these reports using Athena as a data connector. QuickSight provides out-of-the-box integration with Athena, which lets you run SQL queries on top of the metadata in your AWS Glue Data Catalog. For more information, see Creating a Dataset Using Amazon Athena Data.

You can also use Amazon Redshift metadata as a business glossary and visualize it using QuickSight with the following custom SQL:

    n.nspname as "Schema",c1.relname as "Table Name", c.attname as "Column Name", 'Attribute' as "Type",
    c.attnum as "Ordinal Position",typnotnull as "Is Not Null",typdefault as "Default Value", t.typname as "Data Type",
    split_part(d.description,'|',1) as "Category", 
    split_part(d.description,'|',2) as "Source",
    split_part(d.description,'|',3) as "Transient/Derived",
    split_part(d.description,'|',4) as "Is PII",
    split_part(d.description,'|',5) as "Is Business Sensitive",
    split_part(d.description,'|',6) as "Description"  
  from pg_catalog.pg_attribute c
  inner join pg_class c1 on c.attrelid=c1.oid
  inner JOIN pg_type t on t.oid=c.atttypid
  inner join pg_catalog.pg_namespace n on c1.relnamespace=n.oid
  inner join pg_catalog.pg_description d on d.objoid=c1.oid AND c.attnum = d.objsubid
  where n.nspname='cemdm' and c.attnum > 0
    pn.nspname as "Schema",pc.relname "Table Name",null as "Column Name", 'Table' as "Type", 
    null as "Ordinal Position",null as "Is Not Null",null as "Default Value",null as "Data Type",
    split_part(pd.description,'|',1) as "Category", 
    split_part(pd.description,'|',2) as "Source",
    split_part(pd.description,'|',3) as "Transient/Derived",
    split_part(pd.description,'|',4) as "Is PII",
    split_part(pd.description,'|',5) as "Is Business Sensitive",
    split_part(pd.description,'|',6) as "Description"
  from pg_catalog.pg_description pd 
  inner join pg_class pc on pd.objoid = pc.oid
  inner join pg_catalog.pg_namespace pn on pc.relnamespace = pn.oid
  where pn.nspname = 'cemdm' and pd.objsubid = 0
) x
order by "Table Name", nvl("Ordinal Position",0);

The following screenshot shows a sample visualization which you can build on QuickSight.

For more information about running custom Amazon Redshift SQL using Amazon QuickSight, see Using the Query Editor.

QuickSight allows creating template from existing analysis. You can use the resulting template to create a dashboard. For more information, see Evolve your analytics with Amazon QuickSight’s new APIs and theming capabilitiesYou can also embed QuickSight dashboards into your own apps, websites, and wikis without the need to provision and manage users (readers) in QuickSight. For more information, see New in Amazon QuickSight – session capacity pricing for large scale deployments, embedding in public websites, and developer portal for embedded analytics.”

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources you created. Manually delete anything created outside of the CloudFormation stack and then the stack itself.


In this post, I demonstrated how data analysts, data scientists, and advanced business users can easily query multiple data sources and generate actionable insights including user interest profiles, segments, and micro-segments. Downstream systems like campaign management systems, customer care portals, and customer-facing applications; internal teams like retention, marketing, CX, and network; and workloads like machine learning can greatly benefit from the insights generated from this solution. You can automate these insights and integrate them with northbound systems, and trigger them based on a schedule or an event.

I also demonstrated how business users are empowered with self-service analytics to help them perform data exploration and publish ready-made insights in the form of dashboards. You can also create stories to drive data-heavy conversations based on enriched data stored in Amazon Redshift or Amazon S3.

Perceiving customer behavior across multiple touchpoints is the key for any business to thrive. And the essence of this solution is to capitalize on data and drive CX and monetization initiatives holistically across your organization. This framework allows you to accelerate your journey towards improving CX and generating new revenue streams by using existing data assets.

You can progressively augment this solution by adding additional data sources to evolve into a customer data platform hosting 360° profiles of individual subscribers correlated from multiple data sources. This solution can further support new and existing marketing, partnerships, loyalty, retention, network planning, and network optimization initiatives to drive revenue growth and improve profitability while keeping subscribers happy and loyal. It also helps you define an organization-wide standard for data visualization, self-service analytics, metadata discovery, and data marketplace.

For more ways to expand this solution, consider the following services:

  • AWS Data Exchange makes it easy to find, subscribe to, and use third-party data in the cloud. You can merge it with in-house data assets to span existing insights across multiple domains.
  • Amazon Pinpoint is a flexible and scalable outbound and inbound marketing communications service. You can connect with customers over channels like email, SMS, push, or voice. You can segment and micro-segment your campaign audience for the right customer and personalize your messages with the right content.

As always, AWS welcomes feedback. This is a wide-open space to explore, so reach out to us if you want to dive deep into understanding how you can build this solution and more on AWS. Please submit comments or questions in the comments section.

About the Author

Vikas Omer is an analytics specialist solutions architect at Amazon Web Services. Vikas has a strong background in analytics, customer experience management (CEM) and data monetization, with over 11 years of experience in the telecommunications industry globally. With six AWS Certifications, including Analytics Specialty, he is a trusted analytics advocate to AWS customers and partners. He loves traveling, meeting customers, and helping them become successful in what they do.

Building a Jenkins Pipeline with AWS SAM

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-a-jenkins-pipeline-with-aws-sam/

This post is courtesy of Tarun Kumar Mall, SDE at AWS.

This post shows how to set up a multi-stage pipeline on a Jenkins host for a serverless application, using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM).


This tutorial uses Jenkins Pipeline plugin. A commit to the main branch of the repository starts and deploys the application, using the AWS SAM CLI. This tutorial deploys a small serverless API application called HelloWorldApi.

The pipeline consists of stages to build and deploy the application. Jenkins first ensures that the build environment is set up and installs any necessary tools. Next, Jenkins prepares the build artifacts. It promotes the artifacts to the next stage, where they are deployed to a beta environment using the AWS SAM CLI. Integration tests are run after deployment. If the tests pass, the application is deployed to the production environment.

CICD workflow diagram

CICD workflow diagram

The following prerequisites are required:

Setting up the backend application and development stack

Using AWS CloudFormation to define the infrastructure, you can create multiple environments or stacks from the same infrastructure definition. A “dev stack” is a copy of production infrastructure deployed to a developer account for testing purposes.

As serverless services use a pay-for-value model, it can be cost effective to use a high-fidelity copy of your production stack. Dev stacks are created by each developer as needed and deleted without having any negative impact on production.

For complex applications, it may not be feasible for every developer to have their own stack. However, for this tutorial, setting up the dev stack first for testing is recommended. Setting up a dev stack takes you through a manual process of how a stack is created. Later, this process is used to automate the setup using Jenkins.

To create a dev stack:

  1. Clone backend application repository https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-sam-jenkins-pipeline-tutorial
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-sam-jenkins-pipeline-tutorial.git
  2. Build the application and run the guided deploy command:
    cd aws-sam-jenkins-pipeline-tutorial
    sam build
    sam deploy --guided

    AWS SAM guided deploy output

    AWS SAM guided deploy output

This sets up a development stack and saves the settings in the samconfig.toml file with configuration environment specific to a user. This also triggers a deployment.

  1. After deployment, make a small code change. For example, in the file hello-world/app.js change the message Hello world to Hello world from user <your name>.
  2. Deploy the updated code:
    sam build
    sam deploy -–config-env <your_username>

With this command, each developer can create their own configuration environment. They can use this for deploying to their development stack and testing changes before pushing changes to the repository.

Once deployment finishes, the API endpoint is displayed in the console output. You can use this endpoint to make GET requests and test the API manually.

Deployment output

Deployment output

To update and run the integration test:

  1. Open the hello-world/tests/integ/test-integ-api.js file.
  2. Update the assert statement in line 32 to include <your name> from the previous step:
    it("verifies if response contains my username", async () => {
      assert.include(apiResponse.data.message, "<your name>");
  3. Open package.json and add the line in bold:
      "scripts": {
        "test": "mocha tests/unit/",
        "integ-test": "mocha tests/integ/"
  4. From the terminal, run the following commands:
    cd hello-world
    npm install
    AWS_REGION=us-west-2 STACK_NAME=sam-app-user1-dev-stack npm run integ-test
    If you are using Microsoft Windows, instead run:
    cd hello-world
    npm install
    set AWS_REGION=us-west-2
    set STACK_NAME=sam-app-user1-dev-stack
    npm run integ-test

    Test results

    Test results

You have deployed a fully configured development stack with working integration tests. To push the code to GitHub:

  1. Create a new repository in GitHub.
    1. From the GitHub account homepage, choose New.
    2. Enter a repository name and choose Create Repository.
    3. Copy the repository URL.
  2. From the root directory of the AWS SAM project, run:
    git init
    git commit -am “first commit”
    git remote add origin <your-repository-url>
    git push -u origin main

Creating an IAM user for Jenkins

To create an IAM user for the Jenkins deployment:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to IAM.
  2. Select Users from side navigation and choose Add user.
  3. Enter the User name as sam-jenkins-demo-credentials and grant Programmatic access to this user.
  4. On the next page, select Attach existing policies directly and choose Create Policy.
  5. Select the JSON tab and enter the following policy. Replace <YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID> with your AWS account ID:
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Sid": "CloudFormationTemplate",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
                "Sid": "CloudFormationStack",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
                "Sid": "S3",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
                "Sid": "Lambda",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
                "Sid": "IAM",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
                "Sid": "APIGateway",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
  6. Choose Review Policy and add a policy name on the next page.
  7. Choose Create Policy button.
  8. Return to the previous tab to continue creating the IAM user. Choose Refresh and search for the policy name you created. Select the policy.
  9. Choose Next Tags and then Review.
  10. Choose Create user and save the Access key ID and Secret access key.

Configuring Jenkins

To configure AWS credentials in Jenkins:

  1. On the Jenkins dashboard, go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins in the Available tab. Search for the Pipeline: AWS Steps plugin and choose Install without restart.
  2. Navigate to Manage Jenkins > Manage Credentials > Jenkins (global) > Global Credentials > Add Credentials.
  3. Select Kind as AWS credentials and use the ID sam-jenkins-demo-credentials.
  4. Enter the access key ID and secret access key and choose OK.

    Jenkins credential configuration

    Jenkins credential configuration

  5. Create Amazon S3 buckets for each Region in the pipeline. S3 bucket names must be unique within a partition:
    aws s3 mb s3://sam-jenkins-demo-us-west-2-<your_name> --region us-west-2
    aws s3 mb s3://sam-jenkins-demo-us-east-1-<your_name> --region us-east-1
  6. Create a file named Jenkinsfile at the root of the project and add:
    pipeline {
      agent any
      stages {
        stage('Install sam-cli') {
          steps {
            sh 'python3 -m venv venv && venv/bin/pip install aws-sam-cli'
            stash includes: '**/venv/**/*', name: 'venv'
        stage('Build') {
          steps {
            unstash 'venv'
            sh 'venv/bin/sam build'
            stash includes: '**/.aws-sam/**/*', name: 'aws-sam'
        stage('beta') {
          environment {
            STACK_NAME = 'sam-app-beta-stage'
            S3_BUCKET = 'sam-jenkins-demo-us-west-2-user1'
          steps {
            withAWS(credentials: 'sam-jenkins-demo-credentials', region: 'us-west-2') {
              unstash 'venv'
              unstash 'aws-sam'
              sh 'venv/bin/sam deploy --stack-name $STACK_NAME -t template.yaml --s3-bucket $S3_BUCKET --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM'
              dir ('hello-world') {
                sh 'npm ci'
                sh 'npm run integ-test'
        stage('prod') {
          environment {
            STACK_NAME = 'sam-app-prod-stage'
            S3_BUCKET = 'sam-jenkins-demo-us-east-1-user1'
          steps {
            withAWS(credentials: 'sam-jenkins-demo-credentials', region: 'us-east-1') {
              unstash 'venv'
              unstash 'aws-sam'
              sh 'venv/bin/sam deploy --stack-name $STACK_NAME -t template.yaml --s3-bucket $S3_BUCKET --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM'
  7. Commit and push the code to the GitHub repository by running following commands:
    git commit -am “Adding Jenkins pipeline config.”
    git push origin -u main

Next, create a Jenkins Pipeline project:

  1. From the Jenkins dashboard, choose New Item, select Pipeline, and enter the project name sam-jenkins-demo-pipeline.

    Jenkins Pipeline creation wizard

    Jenkins Pipeline creation wizard

  2. Under Build Triggers, select Poll SCM and enter * * * * *. This polls the repository for changes every minute.

    Jenkins build triggers configuration

    Jenkins build triggers configuration

  3. Under the Pipeline section, select Definition as Pipeline script from SCM.
    • Select GIT under SCM and enter the repository URL.
    • Set Branches to build to */main.
    • Set the Script Path to Jenkinsfile.

      Jenkins pipeline configuration

      Jenkins pipeline configuration

  4. Save the project.

After the build finishes, you see the pipeline:

Jenkins pipeline stages

Jenkins pipeline stages

Review the logs for the beta stage to check that the integration test is completed successfully.

Jenkins stage logs

Jenkins stage logs


This tutorial uses a Jenkins Pipeline to add an automated CI/CD pipeline to an AWS SAM-generated example application. Jenkins automatically builds, tests, and deploys the changes after each commit to the repository.

Using Jenkins, developers can gain the benefits of continuous integration and continuous deployment of serverless applications to the AWS Cloud with minimal configuration.

For more information, see the Jenkins Pipeline and AWS Serverless Application Model documentation.

We want to hear your feedback! Is this approach useful for your organization? Do you want to see another implementation? Contact us on Twitter @edjgeek or via comments!