Tag Archives: Amazon DynamoDB

Enabling load-balancing of non-HTTP(s) traffic on AWS Wavelength

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/enabling-load-balancing-of-non-https-traffic-on-aws-wavelength/

This blog post is written by Jack Chen, Telco Solutions Architect, and Robert Belson, Developer Advocate.

AWS Wavelength embeds AWS compute and storage services within 5G networks, providing mobile edge computing infrastructure for developing, deploying, and scaling ultra-low-latency applications. AWS recently introduced support for Application Load Balancer (ALB) in AWS Wavelength zones. Although ALB addresses Layer-7 load balancing use cases, some low latency applications that get deployed in AWS Wavelength Zones rely on UDP-based protocols, such as QUIC, WebRTC, and SRT, which can’t be load-balanced by Layer-7 Load Balancers. In this post, we’ll review popular load-balancing patterns on AWS Wavelength, including a proposed architecture demonstrating how DNS-based load balancing can address customer requirements for load-balancing non-HTTP(s) traffic across multiple Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. This solution also builds a foundation for automatic scale-up and scale-down capabilities for workloads running in an AWS Wavelength Zone.

Load balancing use cases in AWS Wavelength

In the AWS Regions, customers looking to deploy highly-available edge applications often consider Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (Amazon ELB) as an approach to automatically distribute incoming application traffic across multiple targets in one or more Availability Zones (AZs). However, at the time of this publication, AWS-managed Network Load Balancer (NLB) isn’t supported in AWS Wavelength Zones and ALB is being rolled out to all AWS Wavelength Zones globally. As a result, this post will seek to document general architectural guidance for load balancing solutions on AWS Wavelength.

As one of the most prominent AWS Wavelength use cases, highly-immersive video streaming over UDP using protocols such as WebRTC at scale often require a load balancing solution to accommodate surges in traffic, either due to live events or general customer access patterns. These use cases, relying on Layer-4 traffic, can’t be load-balanced from a Layer-7 ALB. Instead, Layer-4 load balancing is needed.

To date, two infrastructure deployments involving Layer-4 load balancers are most often seen:

  • Amazon EC2-based deployments: Often the environment of choice for earlier-stage enterprises and ISVs, a fleet of EC2 instances will leverage a load balancer for high-throughput use cases, such as video streaming, data analytics, or Industrial IoT (IIoT) applications
  • Amazon EKS deployments: Customers looking to optimize performance and cost efficiency of their infrastructure can leverage containerized deployments at the edge to manage their AWS Wavelength Zone applications. In turn, external load balancers could be configured to point to exposed services via NodePort objects. Furthermore, a more popular choice might be to leverage the AWS Load Balancer Controller to provision an ALB when you create a Kubernetes Ingress.

Regardless of deployment type, the following design constraints must be considered:

  • Target registration: For load balancing solutions not managed by AWS, seamless solutions to load balancer target registration must be managed by the customer. As one potential solution, visit a recent HAProxyConf presentation, Practical Advice for Load Balancing at the Network Edge.
  • Edge Discovery: Although DNS records can be populated into Amazon Route 53 for each carrier-facing endpoint, DNS won’t deterministically route mobile clients to the most optimal mobile endpoint. When available, edge discovery services are required to most effectively route mobile clients to the lowest latency endpoint.
  • Cross-zone load balancing: Given the hub-and-spoke design of AWS Wavelength, customer-managed load balancers should proxy traffic only to that AWS Wavelength Zone.

Solution overview – Amazon EC2

In this solution, we’ll present a solution for a highly-available load balancing solution in a single AWS Wavelength Zone for an Amazon EC2-based deployment. In a separate post, we’ll cover the needed configurations for the AWS Load Balancer Controller in AWS Wavelength for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters.

The proposed solution introduces DNS-based load balancing, a technique to abstract away the complexity of intelligent load-balancing software and allow your Domain Name System (DNS) resolvers to distribute traffic (equally, or in a weighted distribution) to your set of endpoints.

Our solution leverages the weighted routing policy in Route 53 to resolve inbound DNS queries to multiple EC2 instances running within an AWS Wavelength zone. As EC2 instances for a given workload get deployed in an AWS Wavelength zone, Carrier IP addresses can be assigned to the network interfaces at launch.

Through this solution, Carrier IP addresses attached to AWS Wavelength instances are automatically added as DNS records for the customer-provided public hosted zone.

To determine how Route 53 responds to queries, given an arbitrary number of records of a public hosted zone, Route53 offers numerous routing policies:

Simple routing policy – In the event that you must route traffic to a single resource in an AWS Wavelength Zone, simple routing can be used. A single record can contain multiple IP addresses, but Route 53 returns the values in a random order to the client.

Weighted routing policy – To route traffic more deterministically using a set of proportions that you specify, this policy can be selected. For example, if you would like Carrier IP A to receive 50% of the traffic and Carrier IP B to receive 50% of the traffic, we’ll create two individual A records (one for each Carrier IP) with a weight of 50 and 50, respectively. Learn more about Route 53 routing policies by visiting the Route 53 Developer Guide.

The proposed solution leverages weighted routing policy in Route 53 DNS to route traffic to multiple EC2 instances running within an AWS Wavelength zone.

Reference architecture

The following diagram illustrates the load-balancing component of the solution, where EC2 instances in an AWS Wavelength zone are assigned Carrier IP addresses. A weighted DNS record for a host (e.g., www.example.com) is updated with Carrier IP addresses.

DNS-based load balancing

When a device makes a DNS query, it will be returned to one of the Carrier IP addresses associated with the given domain name. With a large number of devices, we expect a fair distribution of load across all EC2 instances in the resource pool. Given the highly ephemeral mobile edge environments, it’s likely that Carrier IPs could frequently be allocated to accommodate a workload and released shortly thereafter. However, this unpredictable behavior could yield stale DNS records, resulting in a “blackhole” – routes to endpoints that no longer exist.

Time-To-Live (TTL) is a DNS attribute that specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that you want DNS recursive resolvers to cache information about this record.

In our example, we should set to 30 seconds to force DNS resolvers to retrieve the latest records from the authoritative nameservers and minimize stale DNS responses. However, a lower TTL has a direct impact on cost, as a result of increased number of calls from recursive resolvers to Route53 to constantly retrieve the latest records.

The core components of the solution are as follows:

Alongside the services above in the AWS Wavelength Zone, the following services are also leveraged in the AWS Region:

  • AWS Lambda – a serverless event-driven function that makes API calls to the Route 53 service to update DNS records.
  • Amazon EventBridge– a serverless event bus that reacts to EC2 instance lifecycle events and invokes the Lambda function to make DNS updates.
  • Route 53– cloud DNS service with a domain record pointing to AWS Wavelength-hosted resources.

In this post, we intentionally leave the specific load balancing software solution up to the customer. Customers can leverage various popular load balancers available on the AWS Marketplace, such as HAProxy and NGINX. To focus our solution on the auto-registration of DNS records to create functional load balancing, this solution is designed to support stateless workloads only. To support stateful workloads, sticky sessions – a process in which routes requests to the same target in a target group – must be configured by the underlying load balancer solution and are outside of the scope of what DNS can provide natively.

Automation overview

Using the aforementioned components, we can implement the following workflow automation:

Event-driven Auto Scaling Workflow

Amazon CloudWatch alarm can trigger the Auto Scaling group Scale out or Scale in event by adding or removing EC2 instances. Eventbridge will detect the EC2 instance state change event and invoke the Lambda function. This function will update the DNS record in Route53 by either adding (scale out) or deleting (scale in) a weighted A record associated with the EC2 instance changing state.

Configuration of the automatic auto scaling policy is out of the scope of this post. There are many auto scaling triggers that you can consider using, based on predefined and custom metrics such as memory utilization. For the demo purposes, we will be leveraging manual auto scaling.

In addition to the core components that were already described, our solution also utilizes AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies and CloudWatch. Both services are key components to building AWS Well-Architected solutions on AWS. We also use AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store to keep track of user input parameters. The deployment of the solution is automated via AWS CloudFormation templates. The Lambda function provided should be uploaded to an AWS Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), subnets, Carrier Gateway, and Route Tables are foundational building blocks for AWS-based networking infrastructure. In our deployment, we are creating a new VPC, one subnet in an AWS Wavelength zone of your choice, a Carrier Gateway, and updating the route table for this subnet to point the default route to the Carrier Gateway.

Wavelength VPC architecture.

Deployment prerequisites

The following are prerequisites to deploy the described solution in your account:

  • Access to an AWS Wavelength zone. If your account is not allow-listed to use AWS Wavelength zones, then opt-in to AWS Wavelength zones here.
  • Public DNS Hosted Zone hosted in Route 53. You must have access to a registered public domain to deploy this solution. The zone for this domain should be hosted in the same account where you plan to deploy AWS Wavelength workloads.
    If you don’t have a public domain, then you can register a new one. Note that there will be a service charge for the domain registration.
  • Amazon S3 bucket. For the Lambda function that updates DNS records in Route 53, store the source code as a .zip file in an Amazon S3 bucket.
  • Amazon EC2 Key pair. You can use an existing Key pair for the deployment. If you don’t have a KeyPair in the region where you plan to deploy this solution, then create one by following these instructions.
  • 4G or 5G-connected device. Although the infrastructure can be deployed independent of the underlying connected devices, testing the connectivity will require a mobile device on one of the Wavelength partner’s networks. View the complete list of Telecommunications providers and Wavelength Zone locations to learn more.


In this post, we demonstrated how to implement DNS-based load balancing for workloads running in an AWS Wavelength zone. We deployed the solution that used the EventBridge Rule and the Lambda function to update DNS records hosted by Route53. If you want to learn more about AWS Wavelength, subscribe to AWS Compute Blog channel here.

Genomics workflows, Part 3: automated workflow manager

Post Syndicated from Rostislav Markov original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/genomics-workflows-part-3-automated-workflow-manager/

Genomics workflows are high-performance computing workloads. Life-science research teams make use of various genomics workflows. With each invocation, they specify custom sets of data and processing steps, and translate them into commands. Furthermore, team members stay to monitor progress and troubleshoot errors, which can be cumbersome, non-differentiated, administrative work.

In Part 3 of this series, we describe the architecture of a workflow manager that simplifies the administration of bioinformatics data pipelines. The workflow manager dynamically generates the launch commands based on user input and keeps track of the workflow status. This workflow manager can be adapted to many scientific workloads—effectively becoming a bring-your-own-workflow-manager for each project.

Use case

In Part 1, we demonstrated how life-science research teams can use Amazon Web Services to remove the heavy lifting of conducting genomic studies, and our design pattern was built on AWS Step Functions with AWS Batch. We mentioned that we’ve worked with life-science research teams to put failed job logs onto Amazon DynamoDB. Some teams prefer to use command-line interface tools, such as the AWS Command Line Interface; other interfaces, such as PyBDA with Apache Spark, or CWL experimental grammar in combination with the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) API, are also used when access to the AWS Management Console is prohibited. In our use case, scientists used the console to easily update table items, plus initiate retry via DynamoDB streams.

In this blog post, we extend this idea to a new frontend layer in our design pattern. This layer automates command generation and monitors the invocations of a variety of workflows—becoming a workflow manager. Life-science research teams use multiple workflows for different datasets and use cases, each with different syntax and commands. The workflow manager we create removes the administrative burden of formulating workflow-specific commands and tracking their launches.

Solution overview

We allow scientists to upload their requested workflow configuration as objects in Amazon S3. We use S3 Event Notifications on PUT requests to invoke an AWS Lambda function. The function parses the uploaded S3 object and registers the new launch request as a DynamoDB item using the PutItem operation. Each item corresponds with a distinct launch request, stored as key-value pair. Item values store the:

  • S3 data path containing genomic datasets
  • Workflow endpoint
  • Preferred compute service (optional)

Another Lambda function monitors for change data captures in the DynamoDB Stream (Figure 1). With each PutItem operation, the Lambda function prepares a workflow invocation, which includes translating the user input into the syntax and launch commands of the respective workflow.

In the case of Snakemake (discussed in Part 2), the function creates a Snakefile that declares processing steps and commands. The function spins up an AWS Fargate task that builds the computational tasks, distributes them with AWS Batch, and monitors for completion. An AWS Step Functions state machine orchestrates job processing, for example, initiated by Tibanna.

Amazon CloudWatch provides a consolidated overview of performance metrics, like time elapsed, failed jobs, and error types. We store log data, including status updates and errors, in Amazon CloudWatch Logs. A third Lambda function parses those logs and updates the status of each workflow launch request in the corresponding DynamoDB item (Figure 1).

Workflow manager for genomics workflows

Figure 1. Workflow manager for genomics workflows

Implementation considerations

In this section, we describe some of our past implementation considerations.

Register new workflow requests

DynamoDB items are key-value pairs. We use launch IDs as key, and the value includes the workflow type, compute engine, S3 data path, the S3 object path to the user-defined configuration file and workflow status. Our Lambda function parses the configuration file and generates all commands plus ancillary artifacts, such as Snakefiles.

Launch workflows

Launch requests are picked by a Lambda function from the DynamoDB stream. The function has the following required parameters:

  • Launch ID: unique identifier of each workflow launch request
  • Configuration file: the Amazon S3 path to the configuration sheet with launch details (in s3://bucket/object format)
  • Compute service (optional): our workflow manager allows to select a particular service on which to run computational tasks, such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) or AWS ParallelCluster with Slurm Workload Manager. The default is the pre-defined compute engine.

These points assume that the configuration sheet is already uploaded into an accessible location in an S3 bucket. This will issue a new Snakemake Fargate launch task. If either of the parameters is not provided or access fails, the workflow manager returns MissingRequiredParametersError.

Log workflow launches

Logs are written to CloudWatch Logs automatically. We write the location of the CloudWatch log group and log stream into the DynamoDB table. To send logs to Amazon CloudWatch, specify the awslogs driver in the Fargate task definition settings in your provisioning template.

Our Lambda function writes Fargate task launch logs from CloudWatch Logs to our DynamoDB table. For example, OutOfMemoryError can occur if the process utilizes more memory than the container is allocated.

AWS Batch job state logs are written to the following log group in CloudWatch Logs: /aws/batch/job. Our Lambda function writes status updates to the DynamoDB table. AWS Batch jobs may encounter errors, such as being stuck in RUNNABLE state.

Manage state transitions

We manage the status of each job in DynamoDB. Whenever a Fargate task changes state, it is picked up by a CloudWatch rule that references the Fargate compute cluster. This CloudWatch rule invokes a notifier Lambda function that updates the workflow status in DynamoDB.


In this blog post, we demonstrated how life-science research teams can simplify genomic analysis across an array of workflows. These workflows usually have their own command syntax and workflow management system, such as Snakemake. The presented workflow manager removes the administrative burden of preparing and formulating workflow launches, increasing reliability.

The pattern is broadly reusable with any scientific workflow and related high-performance computing systems. The workflow manager provides persistence to enable historical analysis and comparison, which enables us to automatically benchmark workflow launches for cost and performance.

Stay tuned for Part 4 of this series, in which we explore how to enable our workflows to process archival data stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service Glacier storage classes.

Related information

Configuration driven dynamic multi-account CI/CD solution on AWS

Post Syndicated from Anshul Saxena original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/configuration-driven-dynamic-multi-account-ci-cd-solution-on-aws/

Many organizations require durable automated code delivery for their applications. They leverage multi-account continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to deploy code and run automated tests in multiple environments before deploying to Production. In cases where the testing strategy is release specific, you must update the pipeline before every release. Traditional pipeline stages are predefined and static in nature, and once the pipeline stages are defined it’s hard to update them. In this post, we present a configuration driven dynamic CI/CD solution per repository. The pipeline state is maintained and governed by configurations stored in Amazon DynamoDB. This gives you the advantage of automatically customizing the pipeline for every release based on the testing requirements.

By following this post, you will set up a dynamic multi-account CI/CD solution. Your pipeline will deploy and test a sample pet store API application. Refer to Automating your API testing with AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodePipeline, and Postman for more details on this application. New code deployments will be delivered with custom pipeline stages based on the pipeline configuration that you create. This solution uses services such as AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), AWS CloudFormation, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, and AWS Step Functions.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture:

The image represents the solution workflow, highlighting the integration of the AWS components involved.

Figure 1: Architecture Diagram

  1. Users insert/update/delete entry in the DynamoDB table.
  2. The Step Function Trigger Lambda is invoked on all modifications.
  3. The Step Function Trigger Lambda evaluates the incoming event and does the following:
    1. On insert and update, triggers the Step Function.
    2. On delete, finds the appropriate CloudFormation stack and deletes it.
  4. Steps in the Step Function are as follows:
    1. Collect Information (Pass State) – Filters the relevant information from the event, such as repositoryName and referenceName.
    2. Get Mapping Information (Backed by CodeCommit event filter Lambda) – Retrieves the mapping information from the Pipeline config stored in the DynamoDB.
    3. Deployment Configuration Exist? (Choice State) – If the StatusCode == 200, then the DynamoDB entry is found, and Initiate CloudFormation Stack step is invoked, or else StepFunction exits with Successful.
    4. Initiate CloudFormation Stack (Backed by stack create Lambda) – Constructs the CloudFormation parameters and creates/updates the dynamic pipeline based on the configuration stored in the DynamoDB via CloudFormation.

Code deliverables

The code deliverables include the following:

  1. AWS CDK app – The AWS CDK app contains the code for all the Lambdas, Step Functions, and CloudFormation templates.
  2. sample-application-repo – This directory contains the sample application repository used for deployment.
  3. automated-tests-repo– This directory contains the sample automated tests repository for testing the sample repo.

Deploying the CI/CD solution

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Follow the README to deploy the solution to your main CI/CD account. Upon successful deployment, the following resources should be created in the CI/CD account:
    1. A DynamoDB table
    2. Step Function
    3. Lambda Functions
  3. Navigate to the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) console in your main CI/CD account and search for a bucket with the name: cloudformation-template-bucket-<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>. You should see two CloudFormation templates (templates/codepipeline.yaml and templates/childaccount.yaml) uploaded to this bucket.
  4. Run the childaccount.yaml in every target CI/CD account (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Prod) by going to the CloudFormation Console. Provide the main CI/CD account number as the “CentralAwsAccountId” parameter, and execute.
  5. Upon successful creation of Stack, two roles will be created in the Child Accounts:
    1. ChildAccountFormationRole
    2. ChildAccountDeployerRole

Pipeline configuration

Make an entry into devops-pipeline-table-info for the Repository name and branch combination. A sample entry can be found in sample-entry.json.

The pipeline is highly configurable, and everything can be configured through the DynamoDB entry.

The following are the top-level keys:

RepoName: Name of the repository for which AWS CodePipeline is configured.
RepoTag: Name of the branch used in CodePipeline.
BuildImage: Build image used for application AWS CodeBuild project.
BuildSpecFile: Buildspec file used in the application CodeBuild project.
DeploymentConfigurations: This key holds the deployment configurations for the pipeline. Under this key are the environment specific configurations. In our case, we’ve named our environments Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Prod. You can configure to any name you like, but make sure that the entries in json are the same as in the codepipeline.yaml CloudFormation template. This is because there is a 1:1 mapping between them. Sub-level keys under DeploymentConfigurations are as follows:

  • EnvironmentName. This is the top-level key for environment specific configuration. In our case, it’s Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Prod. Sub level keys under this are:
    • <Env>AwsAccountId: AWS account ID of the target environment.
    • Deploy<Env>: A key specifying whether or not the artifact should be deployed to this environment. Based on its value, the CodePipeline will have a deployment stage to this environment.
    • ManualApproval<Env>: Key representing whether or not manual approval is required before deployment. Enter your email or set to false.
    • Tests: Once again, this is a top-level key with sub-level keys. This key holds the test related information to be run on specific environments. Each test based on whether or not it will be run will add an additional step to the CodePipeline. The tests’ related information is also configurable with the ability to specify the test repository, branch name, buildspec file, and build image for testing the CodeBuild project.


  1. Make an entry into the devops-pipeline-table-info DynamoDB table in the main CI/CD account. A sample entry can be found in sample-entry.json. Make sure to replace the configuration values with appropriate values for your environment. An explanation of the values can be found in the Pipeline Configuration section above.
  2. After the entry is made in the DynamoDB table, you should see a CloudFormation stack being created. This CloudFormation stack will deploy the CodePipeline in the main CI/CD account by reading and using the entry in the DynamoDB table.

Customize the solution for different combinations such as deploying to an environment while skipping for others by updating the pipeline configurations stored in the devops-pipeline-table-info DynamoDB table. The following is the pipeline configured for the sample-application repository’s main branch.

The image represents the dynamic CI/CD pipeline deployed in your account.

The image represents the dynamic CI/CD pipeline deployed in your account.

The image represents the dynamic CI/CD pipeline deployed in your account.

The image represents the dynamic CI/CD pipeline deployed in your account.

Figure 2: Dynamic Multi-Account CI/CD Pipeline

Clean up your dynamic multi-account CI/CD solution and related resources

To avoid ongoing charges for the resources that you created following this post, you should delete the following:

  1. The pipeline configuration stored in the DynamoDB
  2. The CloudFormation stacks deployed in the target CI/CD accounts
  3. The AWS CDK app deployed in the main CI/CD account
  4. Empty and delete the retained S3 buckets.


This configuration-driven CI/CD solution provides the ability to dynamically create and configure your pipelines in DynamoDB. IDEMIA, a global leader in identity technologies, adopted this approach for deploying their microservices based application across environments. This solution created by AWS Professional Services allowed them to dynamically create and configure their pipelines per repository per release. As Kunal Bajaj, Tech Lead of IDEMIA, states, “We worked with AWS pro-serve team to create a dynamic CI/CD solution using lambdas, step functions, SQS, and other native AWS services to conduct cross-account deployments to our different environments while providing us the flexibility to add tests and approvals as needed by the business.”

About the authors:

Anshul Saxena

Anshul is a Cloud Application Architect at AWS Professional Services and works with customers helping them in their cloud adoption journey. His expertise lies in DevOps, serverless architectures, and architecting and implementing cloud native solutions aligning with best practices.

Libin Roy

Libin is a Cloud Infrastructure Architect at AWS Professional Services. He enjoys working with customers to design and build cloud native solutions to accelerate their cloud journey. Outside of work, he enjoys traveling, cooking, playing sports and weight training.

How SOCAR built a streaming data pipeline to process IoT data for real-time analytics and control

Post Syndicated from DoYeun Kim original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-socar-built-a-streaming-data-pipeline-to-process-iot-data-for-real-time-analytics-and-control/

SOCAR is the leading Korean mobility company with strong competitiveness in car-sharing. SOCAR has become a comprehensive mobility platform in collaboration with Nine2One, an e-bike sharing service, and Modu Company, an online parking platform. Backed by advanced technology and data, SOCAR solves mobility-related social problems, such as parking difficulties and traffic congestion, and changes the car ownership-oriented mobility habits in Korea.

SOCAR is building a new fleet management system to manage the many actions and processes that must occur in order for fleet vehicles to run on time, within budget, and at maximum efficiency. To achieve this, SOCAR is looking to build a highly scalable data platform using AWS services to collect, process, store, and analyze internet of things (IoT) streaming data from various vehicle devices and historical operational data.

This in-car device data, combined with operational data such as car details and reservation details, will provide a foundation for analytics use cases. For example, SOCAR will be able to notify customers if they have forgotten to turn their headlights off or to schedule a service if a battery is running low. Unfortunately, the previous architecture didn’t enable the enrichment of IoT data with operational data and couldn’t support streaming analytics use cases.

AWS Data Lab offers accelerated, joint-engineering engagements between customers and AWS technical resources to create tangible deliverables that accelerate data and analytics modernization initiatives. The Build Lab is a 2–5-day intensive build with a technical customer team.

In this post, we share how SOCAR engaged the Data Lab program to assist them in building a prototype solution to overcome these challenges, and to build the basis for accelerating their data project.

Use case 1: Streaming data analytics and real-time control

SOCAR wanted to utilize IoT data for a new business initiative. A fleet management system, where data comes from IoT devices in the vehicles, is a key input to drive business decisions and derive insights. This data is captured by AWS IoT and sent to Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK). By joining the IoT data to other operational datasets, including reservations, car information, device information, and others, the solution can support a number of functions across SOCAR’s business.

An example of real-time monitoring is when a customer turns off the car engine and closes the car door, but the headlights are still on. By using IoT data related to the car light, door, and engine, a notification is sent to the customer to inform them that the car headlights should be turned off.

Although this real-time control is important, they also want to collect historical data—both raw and curated data—in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to support historical analytics and visualizations by using Amazon QuickSight.

Use case 2: Detect table schema change

The first challenge SOCAR faced was existing batch ingestion pipelines that were prone to breaking when schema changes occurred in the source systems. Additionally, these pipelines didn’t deliver data in a way that was easy for business analysts to consume. In order to meet the future data volumes and business requirements, they needed a pattern for the automated monitoring of batch pipelines with notification of schema changes and the ability to continue processing.

The second challenge was related to the complexity of the JSON files being ingested. The existing batch pipelines weren’t flattening the five-level nested structure, which made it difficult for business users and analysts to gain business insights without any effort on their end.

Overview of solution

In this solution, we followed the serverless data architecture to establish a data platform for SOCAR. This serverless architecture allowed SOCAR to run data pipelines continuously and scale automatically with no setup cost and without managing servers.

AWS Glue is used for both the streaming and batch data pipelines. Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics is used to deliver streaming data with subsecond latencies. In terms of storage, data is stored in Amazon S3 for historical data analysis, auditing, and backup. However, when frequent reading of the latest snapshot data is required by multiple users and applications concurrently, the data is stored and read from Amazon DynamoDB tables. DynamoDB is a key-value and document database that can support tables of virtually any size with horizontal scaling.

Let’s discuss the components of the solution in detail before walking through the steps of the entire data flow.

Component 1: Processing IoT streaming data with business data

The first data pipeline (see the following diagram) processes IoT streaming data with business data from an Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition database.

Whenever a transaction occurs in two tables in the Aurora MySQL database, this transaction is captured as data and then loaded into two MSK topics via AWS Database Management (AWS DMS) tasks. One topic conveys the car information table, and the other topic is for the device information table. This data is loaded into a single DynamoDB table that contains all the attributes (or columns) that exist in the two tables in the Aurora MySQL database, along with a primary key. This single DynamoDB table contains the latest snapshot data from the two DB tables, and is important because it contains the latest information of all the cars and devices for the lookup against the streaming IoT data. If the lookup were done on the database directly with the streaming data, it would impact the production database performance.

When the snapshot is available in DynamoDB, an AWS Glue streaming job runs continuously to collect the IoT data and join it with the latest snapshot data in the DynamoDB table to produce the up-to-date output, which is written into another DynamoDB table.

The up-to-date data in DynamoDB is used for real-time monitoring and control that SOCAR’s Data Analytics team performs for safety maintenance and fleet management. This data is ultimately consumed by a number of apps to perform various business activities, including route optimization, real-time monitoring for oil consumption and temperature, and to identify a driver’s driving pattern, tire wear and defect detection, and real-time car crash notifications.

Component 2: Processing IoT data and visualizing the data in dashboards

The second data pipeline (see the following diagram) batch processes the IoT data and visualizes it in QuickSight dashboards.

There are two data sources. The first is the Aurora MySQL database. The two database tables are exported into Amazon S3 from the Aurora MySQL cluster and registered in the AWS Glue Data Catalog as tables. The second data source is Amazon MSK, which receives streaming data from AWS IoT Core. This requires you to create a secure AWS Glue connection for an Apache Kafka data stream. SOCAR’s MSK cluster requires SASL_SSL as a security protocol (for more information, refer to Authentication and authorization for Apache Kafka APIs). To create an MSK connection in AWS Glue and set up connectivity, we use the following CLI command:

aws glue create-connection —connection-input
'{"Name":"kafka-connection","Description":"kafka connection example",
// "KAFKA_CUSTOM_CERT": "s3://bucket/prefix/cert.pem",

Component 3: Real-time control

The third data pipeline processes the streaming IoT data in millisecond latency from Amazon MSK to produce the output in DynamoDB, and sends a notification in real time if any records are identified as an outlier based on business rules.

AWS IoT Core provides integrations with Amazon MSK to set up real-time streaming data pipelines. To do so, complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS IoT Core console, choose Act in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Rules, and create a new rule.
  3. For Actions, choose Add action and choose Kafka.
  4. Choose the VPC destination if required.
  5. Specify the Kafka topic.
  6. Specify the TLS bootstrap servers of your Amazon MSK cluster.

You can view the bootstrap server URLs in the client information of your MSK cluster details. The AWS IoT rule was created with the Kafka topic as an action to provide data from AWS IoT Core to Kafka topics.

SOCAR used Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Studio to analyze streaming data in real time and build stream-processing applications using standard SQL and Python. We created one table from the Kafka topic using the following code:

CREATE TABLE table_name (
column_name1 VARCHAR,
column_name2 VARCHAR(100),
column_name3 VARCHAR,
column_name4 as TO_TIMESTAMP (`time_column`, 'EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy'),
PARTITIONED BY (column_name5)
'connector'= 'kafka',
'topic' = 'topic_name',
'properties.bootstrap.servers' = '<bootstrap servers shown in the MSK client info dialog>',
'format' = 'json',
'properties.group.id' = 'testGroup1',
'scan.startup.mode'= 'earliest-offset'

Then we applied a query with business logic to identify a particular set of records that need to be alerted. When this data is loaded back into another Kafka topic, AWS Lambda functions trigger the downstream action: either load the data into a DynamoDB table or send an email notification.

Component 4: Flattening the nested structure JSON and monitoring schema changes

The final data pipeline (see the following diagram) processes complex, semi-structured, and nested JSON files.

This step uses an AWS Glue DynamicFrame to flatten the nested structure and then land the output in Amazon S3. After the data is loaded, it’s scanned by an AWS Glue crawler to update the Data Catalog table and detect any changes in the schema.

Data flow: Putting it all together

The following diagram illustrates our complete data flow with each component.

Let’s walk through the steps of each pipeline.

The first data pipeline (in red) processes the IoT streaming data with the Aurora MySQL business data:

  1. AWS DMS is used for ongoing replication to continuously apply source changes to the target with minimal latency. The source includes two tables in the Aurora MySQL database tables (carinfo and deviceinfo), and each is linked to two MSK topics via AWS DMS tasks.
  2. Amazon MSK triggers a Lambda function, so whenever a topic receives data, a Lambda function runs to load data into DynamoDB table.
  3. There is a single DynamoDB table with columns that exist from the carinfo table and the deviceinfo table of the Aurora MySQL database. This table consists of all the data from two tables and stores the latest data by performing an upsert operation.
  4. An AWS Glue job continuously receives the IoT data and joins it with data in the DynamoDB table to produce the output into another DynamoDB target table.
  5. This target table contains the final data, which includes all the device and car status information from the IoT devices as well as metadata from the Aurora MySQL table.

The second data pipeline (in green) batch processes IoT data to use in dashboards and for visualization:

  1. The car and reservation data (in two DB tables) is exported via a SQL command from the Aurora MySQL database with the output data available in an S3 bucket. The folders that contain data are registered as an S3 location for the AWS Glue crawler and become available via the AWS Glue Data Catalog.
  2. The MSK input topic continuously receives data from AWS IoT. Each car has a number of IoT devices, and each device captures data and sends it to an MSK input topic. The Amazon MSK S3 sink connector is configured to export data from Kafka topics to Amazon S3 in JSON formats. In addition, the S3 connector exports data by guaranteeing exactly-once delivery semantics to consumers of the S3 objects it produces.
  3. The AWS Glue job runs in a daily batch to load the historical IoT data into Amazon S3 and into two tables (refer to step 1) to produce the output data in an Enriched folder in Amazon S3.
  4. Amazon Athena is used to query data from Amazon S3 and make it available as a dataset in QuickSight for visualizing historical data.

The third data pipeline (in blue) processes streaming IoT data from Amazon MSK with millisecond latency to produce the output in DynamoDB and send a notification:

  1. An Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook powered by Apache Zeppelin and Apache Flink is used to build and deploy its output as a Kinesis Data Analytics application. This application loads data from Amazon MSK in real time, and users can apply business logic to select particular events coming from the IoT real-time data, for example, the car engine is off and the doors are closed, but the headlights are still on. The particular event that users want to capture can be sent to another MSK topic (Outlier) via the Kinesis Data Analytics application.
  2. Amazon MSK triggers a Lambda function, so whenever a topic receives data, a Lambda function runs to send an email notification to users that are subscribed to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic. An email is published using an SNS notification.
  3. The Kinesis Data Analytics application loads data from AWS IoT, applies business logic, and then loads it into another MSK topic (output). Amazon MSK triggers a Lambda function when data is received, which loads data into a DynamoDB Append table.
  4. Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Studio is used to run SQL commands for ad hoc interactive analysis on streaming data.

The final data pipeline (in yellow) processes complex, semi-structured, and nested JSON files, and sends a notification when a schema evolves.

  1. An AWS Glue job runs and reads the JSON data from Amazon S3 (as a source), applies logic to flatten the nested schema using a DynamicFrame, and pivots out array columns from the flattened frame.
  2. The output is stored in Amazon S3 and is automatically registered to the AWS Glue Data Catalog table.
  3. Whenever there is a new attribute or change in the JSON input data at any level in the nested structure, the new attribute and change are captured in Amazon EventBridge as an event from the AWS Glue Data Catalog. An email notification is published using Amazon SNS.


As a result of the four-day Build Lab, the SOCAR team left with a working prototype that is custom fit to their needs, gaining a clear path to production. The Data Lab allowed the SOCAR team to build a new streaming data pipeline, enrich IoT data with operational data, and enhance the existing data pipeline to process complex nested JSON data. This establishes a baseline architecture to support the new fleet management system beyond the car-sharing business.

About the Authors

DoYeun Kim is the Head of Data Engineering at SOCAR. He is a passionate software engineering professional with 19+ years experience. He leads a team of 10+ engineers who are responsible for the data platform, data warehouse and MLOps engineering, as well as building in-house data products.

SangSu Park is a Lead Data Architect in SOCAR’s cloud DB team. His passion is to keep learning, embrace challenges, and strive for mutual growth through communication. He loves to travel in search of new cities and places.

YoungMin Park is a Lead Architect in SOCAR’s cloud infrastructure team. His philosophy in life is-whatever it may be-to challenge, fail, learn, and share such experiences to build a better tomorrow for the world. He enjoys building expertise in various fields and basketball.

Younggu Yun is a Senior Data Lab Architect at AWS. He works with customers around the APAC region to help them achieve business goals and solve technical problems by providing prescriptive architectural guidance, sharing best practices, and building innovative solutions together. In his free time, his son and he are obsessed with Lego blocks to build creative models.

Vicky Falconer leads the AWS Data Lab program across APAC, offering accelerated joint engineering engagements between teams of customer builders and AWS technical resources to create tangible deliverables that accelerate data analytics modernization and machine learning initiatives.

What to consider when modernizing APIs with GraphQL on AWS

Post Syndicated from Lewis Tang original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/what-to-consider-when-modernizing-apis-with-graphql-on-aws/

In the next few years, companies will build over 500 million new applications, more than has been developed in the previous 40 years combined (see IDC article). API operations enable innovation. They are the “front door” to applications and microservices, and an integral layer in the application stack. In recent years, GraphQL has emerged as a modern API approach. With GraphQL, companies can improve the performance of their applications and the speed in which development teams can build applications. In this post, we will discuss how GraphQL works and how integrating it with AWS services can help you build modern applications. We will explore the options for running GraphQL on AWS.

How GraphQL works

Imagine you have an API frontend implemented with GraphQL for your ecommerce application. As shown in Figure 1, there are different services in your ecommerce system backend that are accessible via different technologies. For example, user profile data is stored in a highly scalable NoSQL table. Orders are accessed through a REST API. The current inventory stock is checked through an AWS Lambda function. And the pricing information is in an SQL database.

How GraphQL works

Figure 1. How GraphQL works

Without using GraphQL, client applications must make multiple separate calls to each one of these services. Because each service is exposed through different API endpoints, the complexity of accessing data from the client side increases significantly. In order to get the data, you have to make multiple calls. In some cases, you might over fetch data as the data source would send you an entire payload including data you might not need. In some other circumstances, you might under fetch data as a single data source would not have all your required data.

A GraphQL API combines the data from all these different services into a single payload that the client defines based on its needs. For example, a smartphone has a smaller screen than a desktop application. A smartphone application might require less data. The data is retrieved from multiple data sources automatically. The client just sees a single constructed payload. This payload might be receiving user profile data from Amazon DynamoDB, or order details from Amazon API Gateway. Or it could involve the injection of specific fields with inventory availability and price data from AWS Lambda and Amazon Aurora.

When modernizing frontend APIs with GraphQL, you can build applications faster because your frontend developers don’t need to wait for backend service teams to create new APIs for integration. GraphQL simplifies data access by interacting with data from multiple data sources using a single API. This reduces the number of API requests and network traffic, which results in improved application performance. Furthermore, GraphQL subscriptions enable two-way communication between the backend and client. It supports publishing updates to data in real time to subscribed clients. You can create engaging applications in real time with use cases such as updating sports scores, bidding statuses, and more.

Options for running GraphQL on AWS

There are two main options for running GraphQL implementation on AWS, fully managed on AWS using AWS AppSync, and self-managed GraphQL.

I. Fully managed using AWS AppSync

The most straightforward way to run GraphQL is by using AWS AppSync, a fully managed service. AWS AppSync handles the heavy lifting of securely connecting to data sources, such as Amazon DynamoDB, and to develop GraphQL APIs. You can write business logic against these data sources by choosing code templates that implement common GraphQL API patterns. Your APIs can also interact with other AWS AppSync functionality such as caching, to improve performance. Use subscriptions to support real-time updates, and client-side data stores to keep offline devices in sync. AWS AppSync will scale automatically to support varied API request loads. You can find more details from the AWS AppSync features page.

AWS AppSync in an ecommerce system implementation

Figure 2. AWS AppSync in an ecommerce system implementation

Let’s take a closer look at this GraphQL implementation with AWS AppSync in an ecommerce system. In Figure 2, a schema is created to define types and capabilities of the desired GraphQL API. You can tie the schema to a Resolver function. The schema can either be created to mirror existing data sources, or AWS AppSync can create tables automatically based the schema definition. You can also use GraphQL features for data discovery without viewing the backend data sources.

After a schema definition is established, an AWS AppSync client can be configured with an operation request, such as a query operation. The client submits the operation request to GraphQL Proxy along with an identity context and credentials. The GraphQL Proxy passes this request to the Resolver, which maps and initiates the request payload against pre-configured AWS data services. These can be an Amazon DynamoDB table for user profile, an AWS Lambda function for inventory service, and more. The Resolver initiates calls to one or all of these services within a single API call. This minimizes CPU cycles and network bandwidth needs. The Resolver then returns the response to the client. Additionally, the client application can change data requirements in code on demand. The AWS AppSync GraphQL API will dynamically map requests for data accordingly, enabling faster prototyping and development.

II. Self-Managed GraphQL

If you want the flexibility of selecting a particular open-source project, you may choose to run your own GraphQL API layer. Apollo, graphql-ruby, Juniper, gqlgen, and Lacinia are some popular GraphQL implementations. You can leverage AWS Lambda or container services such as Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS) to run GraphQL open-source implementations. This gives you the ability to fine-tune the operational characteristics of your API.

When running a GraphQL API layer on AWS Lambda, you can take advantage of the serverless benefits of automatic scaling, paying only for what you use, and not having to manage your servers. You can create a private GraphQL API using Amazon ECS, EKS, or AWS Lambda, which can only be accessed from your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). With Apollo GraphQL open-source implementation, you can create a Federated GraphQL that allows you to combine GraphQL APIs from multiple microservices into a single API, illustrated in Figure 3. The Apollo GraphQL Federation with AWS AppSync post shows a concrete example of how to integrate an AWS AppSync API with an Apollo Federation gateway. It uses specification-compliant queries and directives.

Apollo GraphQL implementation on AWS Lambda

Figure 3. Apollo GraphQL implementation on AWS Lambda

When choosing self-managed GraphQL implementation, you have to spend time writing non-business logic code to connect data sources. You must implement authorization, authentication, and integrate other common functionalities. This can be caches to improve performance, subscriptions to support real-time updates, and client-side data stores to keep offline devices in sync. Because of these responsibilities, you have less time to focus on the business logic of application.

Similarly, backend development teams and API operators of an open-source GraphQL implementation must provision and maintain their own GraphQL servers. Remember that even with a serverless model, API developers and operators are still responsible for monitoring, performance tuning, and troubleshooting the API platform service.


Modernizing APIs with GraphQL gives your frontend application the ability to fetch just the data that’s needed from multiple data sources with an API call. You can build modern mobile and web applications faster, because GraphQL simplifies API management. You have flexibility to run an open-source GraphQL implementation most closely aligned with your needs on AWS Lambda, Amazon ECS, and Amazon EKS. With AWS AppSync, you can set up GraphQL quickly and increase your development velocity by reducing the amount of non-business API logic code.

Further reading:

How a blockchain startup built a prototype solution to solve the need of analytics for decentralized applications with AWS Data Lab

Post Syndicated from Dr. Quan Hoang Nguyen original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-a-blockchain-startup-built-a-prototype-solution-to-solve-the-need-of-analytics-for-decentralized-applications-with-aws-data-lab/

This post is co-written with Dr. Quan Hoang Nguyen, CTO at Fantom Foundation.

Here at Fantom Foundation (Fantom), we have developed a high performance, highly scalable, and secure smart contract platform. It’s designed to overcome limitations of the previous generation of blockchain platforms. The Fantom platform is permissionless, decentralized, and open source. The majority of decentralized applications (dApps) hosted on the Fantom platform lack an analytics page that provides information to the users. Therefore, we would like to build a data platform that supports a web interface that will be made public. This will allow users to search for a smart contract address. The application then displays key metrics for that smart contract. Such an analytics platform can give insights and trends for applications deployed on the platform to the users, while the developers can continue to focus on improving their dApps.

AWS Data Lab offers accelerated, joint-engineering engagements between customers and AWS technical resources to create tangible deliverables that accelerate data and analytics modernization initiatives. Data Lab has three offerings: the Build Lab, the Design Lab, and a Resident Architect. The Build Lab is a 2–5 day intensive build with a technical customer team. The Design Lab is a half-day to 2-day engagement for customers who need a real-world architecture recommendation based on AWS expertise, but aren’t yet ready to build. Both engagements are hosted either online or at an in-person AWS Data Lab hub. The Resident Architect provides AWS customers with technical and strategic guidance in refining, implementing, and accelerating their data strategy and solutions over a 6-month engagement.

In this post, we share the experience of our engagement with AWS Data Lab to accelerate the initiative of developing a data pipeline from an idea to a solution. Over 4 weeks, we conducted technical design sessions, reviewed architecture options, and built the proof of concept data pipeline.

Use case review

The process started with us engaging with our AWS Account team to submit a nomination for the data lab. This followed by a call with the AWS Data Lab team to assess the suitability of requirements against the program. After the Build Lab was scheduled, an AWS Data Lab Architect engaged with us to conduct a series of pre-lab calls to finalize the scope, architecture, goals, and success criteria for the lab. The scope was to design a data pipeline that would ingest and store historical and real-time on-chain transactions data, and build a data pipeline to generate key metrics. Once ingested, data should be transformed, stored, and exposed via REST-based APIs and consumed by a web UI to display key metrics. For this Build Lab, we choose to ingest data for Spooky, which is a decentralized exchange (DEX) deployed on the Fantom platform and had the largest Total Value Locked (TVL) at that time. Key metrics such number of wallets that have interacted with the dApp over time, number of tokens and their value exchanged for the dApp over time, and number of transactions for the dApp over time were selected to visualize through a web-based UI.

We explored several architecture options and picked one for the lab that aligned closely with our end goal. The total historical data for the selected smart contract was approximately 1 GB since deployment of dApp on the Fantom platform. We used FTMScan, which allows us to explore and search on the Fantom platform for transactions, to estimate the rate of transfer transactions to be approximately three to four per minute. This allowed us to design an architecture for the lab that can handle this data ingestion rate. We agreed to use an existing application known as the data producer that was developed internally by the Fantom team to ingest on-chain transactions in real time. On checking transactions’ payload size, it was found to not exceed 100 kb for each transaction, which gave us the measure of number of files that will be created once ingested through the data producer application. A decision was made to ingest the past 45 days of historic transactions to populate the platform with enough data to visualize key metrics. Because the feature of backdating exists within the data producer application, we agreed to use that. The Data Lab Architect also advised us to consider using AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) to ingest historic transactions data post lab. As a last step, we decided to build a React-based webpage with Material-UI that allows users to enter a smart contract address and choose the time interval, and the app fetches the necessary data to show the metrics value.

Solution overview

We collectively agreed to incorporate the following design principles for the data lab architecture:

  • Simplified data pipelines
  • Decentralized data architecture
  • Minimize latency as much as possible

The following diagram illustrates the architecture that we built in the lab.

We collectively defined the following success criteria for the Build Lab:

  • End-to-end data streaming pipeline to ingest on-chain transactions
  • Historical data ingestion of the selected smart contract
  • Data storage and processing of on-chain transactions
  • REST-based APIs to provide time-based metrics for the three defined use cases
  • A sample web UI to display aggregated metrics for the smart contract

Prior to the Build Lab

As a prerequisite for the lab, we configured the data producer application to use the AWS Software Development Kit (AWS SDK) and PUTRecords API operation to send transactions data to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. For the Build Lab, we built additional logic within the application to ingest historic transactions data together with real-time transactions data. As a last step, we verified that transactions data was captured and ingested into a test S3 bucket.

AWS services used in the lab

We used the following AWS services as part of the lab:

  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) – We created multiple IAM roles with appropriate trust relationships and necessary permissions that can be used by multiple services to read and write on-chain transactions data and generated logs.
  • Amazon S3 – We created an S3 bucket to store the incoming transactions data as JSON-based files. We created a separate S3 bucket to store incoming transaction data that failed to be transformed and will be reprocessed later.
  • Amazon Kinesis Data Streams – We created a new Kinesis data stream in on-demand mode, which automatically scales based on data ingestion patterns and provides hands-free capacity management. This stream was used by the data producer application to ingest historical and real-time on-chain transactions. We discussed having the ability to manage and predict cost, and therefore were advised to use the provisioned mode when reliable estimates were available for throughput requirements. We were also advised to continue to use on-demand mode until the data traffic patterns were unpredictable.
  • Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose – We created a Firehose delivery stream to transform the incoming data and writes it to the S3 bucket. To minimize latency, we set the delivery stream buffer size to 1 MiB and buffer interval to 60 seconds. This would ensure a file is written to the S3 bucket when either of the two conditions are satisfied regardless of the order. Transactions data written to the S3 bucket was in JSON Lines format.
  • Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) – We set up an SQS queue of the type Standard and an access policy for that SQS queue to allow incoming messages generated from S3 bucket event notifications.
  • Amazon DynamoDB – In order to pick a data store for on-chain transactions, we needed a service that can store transactions payload of unstructured data with varying schemas, provides the ability to cache query results, and is a managed service. We picked DynamoDB for those reasons. We created a single DynamoDB table that holds the incoming transactions data. After analyzing the access query patterns, we decided to use the address field of the smart contract as the partition key and the timestamp field as the sort key. The table was created with auto scaling of read and write capacity modes because the actual usage requirements would be hard to predict at that time.
  • AWS Lambda – We created the following functions:
    • A Python-based Lambda function to perform transformations on the incoming data from the data producer application to flatten the JSON structure, convert the Unix-based epoch timestamp to a date/time value, and convert hex-based string values to a decimal value representing the number of tokens.
    • A second Lambda function to parse incoming SQS queue messages. This message contained values for bucket_name and object_key, which holds the reference to a newly created object within the S3 bucket. The Lambda function logic included parsing of this value to obtain the reference to the S3 object, get the contents of the object, read it into a data frame object using the AWS SDK for pandas (awswrangler) library, convert it into a Pandas data frame object, and use the put_df API call to write a Pandas data frame object as an item into a DynamoDB table. We choose to use Pandas due to familiarity with the library and functions required to perform data transform operations.
    • Three separate Lambda functions that contains the logic to query the DynamoDB table and retrieve items to aggregate and calculate metrics values. This calculated metrics value within the Lambda function was formatted as an HTTP response to expose as REST-based APIs.
  • Amazon API Gateway – We created a REST based API endpoint that uses Lambda proxy integration to pass a smart contract address and time-based interval in minutes as a query string parameter to the backend Lambda function. The response from the Lambda function was a metrics value. We also enabled cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) support within API Gateway to successfully query from the web UI that resides in a different domain.
  • Amazon CloudWatch – We used a Lambda function in-built mechanism to send function metrics to CloudWatch. Lambda functions come with a CloudWatch Logs log group and a log stream for each instance of your function. The Lambda runtime environment sends details of each invocation to the log stream, and relays logs and other output from your function’s code.

Iterative development approach

Across 4 days of the Build Lab, we undertook iterative development. We started by developing the foundational layer and iteratively added extra features through testing and data validation. This allowed us to develop confidence of the solution being built as we tested the output of the metrics through a web-based UI and verified with the actual data. As errors got discovered, we deleted the entire dataset and reran all the jobs to verify results and resolve those errors.

Lab outcomes

In 4 days, we built an end-to-end streaming pipeline ingesting 45 days of historical data and real-time on-chain transactions data for the selected Spooky smart contract. We also developed three REST-based APIs for the selected metrics and a sample web UI that allows users to insert a smart contract address, choose a time frequency, and visualize the metrics values. In a follow-up call, our AWS Data Lab Architect shared post-lab guidance around the next steps required to productionize the solution:

  • Scaling of the proof of concept to handle larger data volumes
  • Security best practices to protect the data while at rest and in transit
  • Best practices for data modeling and storage
  • Building an automated resilience technique to handle failed processing of the transactions data
  • Incorporating high availability and disaster recovery solutions to handle incoming data requests, including adding of the caching layer


Through a short engagement and small team, we accelerated this project from an idea to a solution. This experience gave us the opportunity to explore AWS services and their analytical capabilities in-depth. As a next step, we will continue to take advantage of AWS teams to enhance the solution built during this lab to make it ready for the production deployment.

Learn more about how the AWS Data Lab can help your data and analytics on the cloud journey.

About the Authors

Dr. Quan Hoang Nguyen is currently a CTO at Fantom Foundation. His interests include DLT, blockchain technologies, visual analytics, compiler optimization, and transactional memory. He has experience in R&D at the University of Sydney, IBM, Capital Markets CRC, Smarts – NASDAQ, and National ICT Australia (NICTA).

Ankit Patira is a Data Lab Architect at AWS based in Melbourne, Australia.

Let’s Architect! Architecting with Amazon DynamoDB

Post Syndicated from Luca Mezzalira original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/lets-architect-architecting-with-amazon-dynamodb/

NoSQL databases are an essential part of the technology industry in today’s world. Why are we talking about NoSQL databases? NoSQL databases often allow developers to be in control of the structure of the data, and they are a good fit for big data scenarios and offer fast performance.

In this issue of Let’s Architect!, we explore Amazon DynamoDB capabilities and potential solutions to apply in your architectures. A key strength of DynamoDB is the capability of operating at scale globally; for instance, multiple products built by Amazon are powered by DynamoDB. During Prime Day 2022, the service also maintained high availability while delivering single-digit millisecond responses, peaking at 105.2 million requests-per-second. Let’s start!

Data modeling with DynamoDB

Working with a new database technology means understanding exactly how it works and the best design practices for taking full advantage of its features.

In this video, the key principles for modeling DynamoDB tables are discussed, plus practical patterns to use while defining your data models are explored and how data modeling for NoSQL databases (like DynamoDB) is different from modeling for traditional relational databases.

With this video, you can learn about the main components of DynamoDB, some design considerations that led to its creation, and all the best practices for efficiently using primary keys, secondary keys, and indexes. Peruse the original paper to learn more about DyanamoDB in Dynamo: Amazon’s Highly Available Key-value Store.

Amazon DynamoDB uses partitioning to provide horizontal scalability

Amazon DynamoDB uses partitioning to provide horizontal scalability

Single-table vs. multi-table in Amazon DynamoDB

When considering single-table versus multi-table in DynamoDB, it is all about your application’s needs. It is possible to avoid naïve lifting-and-shifting your relational data model into DynamoDB tables. In this post, you will discover different use cases on when to use single-table compared with multi-table designs, plus understand certain data-modeling principles for DynamoDB.

Use a single-table design to provide materialized joins in Amazon DynamoDB

Use a single-table design to provide materialized joins in Amazon DynamoDB

Optimizing costs on DynamoDB tables

Infrastructure cost is an important dimension for every customer. Despite your role inside an organization, you should monitor opportunities for optimizing costs, when possible.
For this reason, we have created a guide on DynamoDB tables cost-optimization that provides several suggestions for reducing your bill at the end of the month.

Build resilient applications with Amazon DynamoDB global tables: Part 1

When you operate global systems that are spread across multiple AWS regions, dealing with data replication and writes across regions can be a challenge. DynamoDB global tables help by providing the performance of DynamoDB across multiple regions with data synchronization and multi-active database where each replica can be used for both writing and reading data.

Another use case for global tables are resilient applications with the lowest possible recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO). In this blog series, we show you how to approach such a scenario.

Amazon DynamoDB active-active architecture

Amazon DynamoDB active-active architecture

See you next time!

Thanks for joining our discussion on DynamoDB. See you in a few weeks, when we explore cost optimization!

Other posts in this series

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ICYMI: Serverless Q3 2022

Post Syndicated from David Boyne original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/serverless-icymi-q3-2022/

Welcome to the 19th edition of the AWS Serverless ICYMI (in case you missed it) quarterly recap. Every quarter, we share all the most recent product launches, feature enhancements, blog posts, webinars, Twitch live streams, and other interesting things that you might have missed!

In case you missed our last ICYMI, check out what happened last quarter here.

AWS Lambda

AWS has now introduced tiered pricing for Lambda. With tiered pricing, customers who run large workloads on Lambda can automatically save on their monthly costs. Tiered pricing is based on compute duration measured in GB-seconds. The tiered pricing breaks down as follows:

With tiered pricing, you can save on the compute duration portion of your monthly Lambda bills. This allows you to architect, build, and run large-scale applications on Lambda and take advantage of these tiered prices automatically. To learn more about Lambda cost optimizations, watch the new serverless office hours video.

Developers are using AWS SAM CLI to simplify serverless development making it easier to build, test, package, and deploy their serverless applications.  For JavaScript and TypeScript developers, you can now simplify your Lambda development further using esbuild in the AWS SAM CLI.

Code example of esbuild with SAM

Together with esbuild and SAM Accelerate, you can rapidly iterate on your code changes in the AWS Cloud. You can approximate the same levels of productivity as when testing locally, while testing against a realistic application environment in the cloud. esbuild helps simplify Lambda development with support for tree shaking, minification, source maps, and loaders. To learn more about this feature, read the documentation.

Lambda announced support for Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC). ABAC is designed to simplify permission management using access permissions based on tags. These can be attached to IAM resources, such as IAM users, and roles. ABAC support for Lambda functions allows you to scale your permissions as your organization innovates. It gives granular access to developers without requiring a policy update when a user or project is added, removed, or updated. To learn more about ABAC, read about ABAC for Lambda.

AWS Lambda Powertools is an open-source library to help customers discover and incorporate serverless best practices more easily. Powertools for TypeScript is now generally available and currently focused on three observability features: distributed tracing (Tracer), structured logging (Logger), and asynchronous business and application metrics (Metrics). Powertools is helping builders around the world with more than 10M downloads it is also available in Python and Java programming languages.

To learn more:

AWS Step Functions

Amazon States Language (ASL) provides a set of functions known as intrinsics that perform basic data transformations. Customers have asked for additional intrinsics to perform more data transformation tasks, such as formatting JSON strings, creating arrays, generating UUIDs, and encoding data. Step functions have now added 14 new intrinsic functions which can be grouped into six categories:

Intrinsic functions allow you to reduce the use of other services to perform basic data manipulations in your workflow. Read the release blog for use-cases and more details.

Step Functions expanded its AWS SDK integrations with support for Amazon Pinpoint API 2.0, AWS Billing Conductor,  Amazon GameSparks, and 195 more AWS API actions. This brings the total to 223 AWS Services and 10,000+ API Actions.

Amazon EventBridge

EventBridge released support for bidirectional event integrations with Salesforce, allowing customers to consume Salesforce events directly into their AWS accounts. Customers can also utilize API Destinations to send EventBridge events back to Salesforce, completing the bidirectional event integrations between Salesforce and AWS.

EventBridge also released the ability to start receiving events from GitHub, Stripe, and Twilio using quick starts. Customers can subscribe to events from these SaaS applications and receive them directly onto their EventBridge event bus for further processing. With Quick Starts, you can use AWS CloudFormation templates to create HTTP endpoints for your event bus that are configured with security best practices.

To learn more:

Amazon DynamoDB

DynamoDB now supports bulk imports from Amazon S3 into new DynamoDB tables. You can use bulk imports to help you migrate data from other systems, load test your applications, facilitate data sharing between tables and accounts, or simplify your disaster recovery and business continuity plans. Bulk imports support CSV, DynamoDB JSON, and Amazon Ion as input formats. You can get started with DynamoDB import via API calls or the AWS Management Console. To learn more, read the documentation or follow this guide.

DynamoDB now supports up to 100 actions per transaction. With Amazon DynamoDB transactions, you can group multiple actions together and submit them as a single all-or-nothing operation. The maximum number of actions in a single transaction has now increased from 25 to 100. The previous limit of 25 actions per transaction would sometimes require writing additional code to break transactions into multiple parts. Now with 100 actions per transaction, builders will encounter this limit much less frequently. To learn more about best practices for transactions, read the documentation.

Amazon SNS

SNS has introduced the public preview of message data protection to help customers discover and protect sensitive data in motion without writing custom code. With message data protection for SNS, you can scan messages in real time for PII/PHI data and receive audit reports containing scan results. You can also prevent applications from receiving sensitive data by blocking inbound messages to an SNS topic or outbound messages to an SNS subscription. These scans include people’s names, addresses, social security numbers, credit card numbers, and prescription drug codes.

To learn more:

EDA Day – London 2022

The Serverless DA team hosted the world’s first event-driven architecture (EDA) day in London on September 1. This brought together prominent figures in the event-driven architecture community, AWS, and customer speakers, and AWS product leadership from EventBridge and Step Functions.

EDA day covered 13 sessions, 3 workshops, and a Q&A panel. The conference was keynoted by Gregor Hohpe and speakers included Sheen Brisals and Sarah Hamilton from Lego, Toli Apostolidis from Cinch, David Boyne and Marcia Villalba from Serverless DA, and the AWS product team leadership for the panel. Customers could also interact with EDA experts at the Serverlesspresso bar and the Ask the Experts whiteboard.

Gregor Hohpe talking at EDA Day London 2022

Gregor Hohpe talking at EDA Day London 2022

Picture of the crowd at EDA day 2022 in London

Serverless snippets collection added to Serverless Land

Serverless Land is a website that is maintained by the Serverless Developer Advocate team to help you build with workshops, patterns, blogs, and videos. The team has extended Serverless Land and introduced the new AWS Serverless snippets collection. Builders can use serverless snippets to find and integrate tools, code examples, and Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insights queries to help with their development workflow.

Serverless Blog Posts


Jul 13 – Optimizing Node.js dependencies in AWS Lambda

Jul 15 – Simplifying serverless best practices with AWS Lambda Powertools for TypeScript

Jul 15 – Creating a serverless Apache Kafka publisher using AWS Lambda 

Jul 18 – Understanding AWS Lambda scaling and throughput

Jul 19 – Introducing Amazon CodeWhisperer in the AWS Lambda console (In preview)

Jul 19 – Scaling AWS Lambda permissions with Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC)

Jul 25 – Migrating mainframe JCL jobs to serverless using AWS Step Functions

Jul 28 – Using AWS Lambda to run external transactions on Db2 for IBM i


Aug 1 – Using certificate-based authentication for iOS applications with Amazon SNS

Aug 4 – Introducing tiered pricing for AWS Lambda

Aug 5 – Securely retrieving secrets with AWS Lambda

Aug 8 – Estimating cost for Amazon SQS message processing using AWS Lambda

Aug 9 – Building AWS Lambda governance and guardrails

Aug 11 – Introducing the new AWS Serverless Snippets Collection

Aug 12 – Introducing bidirectional event integrations with Salesforce and Amazon EventBridge

Aug 17 – Using custom consumer group ID support for AWS Lambda event sources for MSK and self-managed Kafka

Aug 24 – Speeding up incremental changes with AWS SAM Accelerate and nested stacks

Aug 29 – Deploying AWS Lambda functions using AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK)

Aug 30 – Building cost-effective AWS Step Functions workflows


Sep 05 – Introducing new intrinsic functions for AWS Step Functions

Sep 08 – Introducing message data protection for Amazon SNS

Sep 14 – Lifting and shifting a web application to AWS Serverless: Part 1

Sep 14 – Lifting and shifting a web application to AWS Serverless: Part 2


Serverless Office Hours – Tues 10AM PT

Weekly live virtual office hours. In each session we talk about a specific topic or technology related to serverless and open it up to helping you with your real serverless challenges and issues. Ask us anything you want about serverless technologies and applications.

YouTube: youtube.com/serverlessland
Twitch: twitch.tv/aws


Jul 5 – AWS SAM Accelerate GA + more!

Jul 12 – Infrastructure as actual code

Jul 19 – The AWS Step Functions Workflows Collection

Jul 26 – AWS Lambda Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC)


Aug 2 – AWS Lambda Powertools for TypeScript/Node.js

Aug 9 – AWS CloudFormation Hooks

Aug 16 – Java on Lambda best-practices

Aug 30 – Alex de Brie: DynamoDB Misconceptions


Sep 06 – AWS Lambda Cost Optimization

Sep 13 – Amazon EventBridge Salesforce integration

Sep 20 – .NET on AWS Lambda best practices

FooBar Serverless YouTube channel

Marcia Villalba frequently publishes new videos on her popular serverless YouTube channel. You can view all of Marcia’s videos at https://www.youtube.com/c/FooBar_codes.


Jul 7 – Amazon Cognito – Add authentication and authorization to your web apps

Jul 14 – Add Amazon Cognito to an existing application – NodeJS-Express and React

Jul 21 – Introduction to Amazon CloudFront – Add CDN to your applications

Jul 28 – Add Amazon S3 storage and use a CDN in an existing application


Aug 04 – Testing serverless application locally – Demo with Node.js, Express, and React

Aug 11 – Building Amazon CloudWatch dashboards with AWS CDK

Aug 19 – Let’s code – Lift and Shift migration to Serverless of Node.js, Express, React and Mongo app

Aug 25 – Let’s code – Lift and Shift migration to Serverless, migrating Authentication and Authorization

Aug 29 – Deploying AWS Lambda functions using AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK)


Sep 1 – Run Artillery in a Lambda function | Load test your serverless applications

Sep 8 – Let’s code – Lift and Shift migration to Serverless, migrating Storage with Amazon S3 and CloudFront

Sep 15 – What are Event-Driven Architectures? Why we care?

Sep 22 – Queues – Point to Point Messaging – Exploring Event-Driven Patterns

Still looking for more?

The Serverless landing page has more information. The Lambda resources page contains case studies, webinars, whitepapers, customer stories, reference architectures, and even more Getting Started tutorials.

You can also follow the Serverless Developer Advocacy team on Twitter to see the latest news, follow conversations, and interact with the team.

Integrating Salesforce with AWS DynamoDB using Amazon AppFlow bi-directionally

Post Syndicated from Abhijit Vaidya original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/integrating-salesforce-with-aws-dynamodb-using-amazon-appflow-bi-directionally/

In this blog post, we demonstrate how to integrate Salesforce Lightning with Amazon DynamoDB by using Amazon AppFlow and Amazon EventBridge services bi-directionally. This is an event-driven, serverless-based microservice, allowing Salesforce users to update configuration data stored in DynamoDB tables without giving AWS account access from AWS Command Line Interface or AWS Management Console.

This architecture describes a contact center application that utilizes DynamoDB database to store configuration data, including holiday data, across different global regions. Updating this data in a table is a manual process, which includes creating a support ticket and waiting for completion of the support request. The architecture herein allows authorized business users to update the configuration data in DynamoDB directly from the Salesforce screen and not relying on manual update process.

Solution overview

As demonstrated in Figure 1, Amazon AppFlow consumes events payload from salesforce and Lambda updates the DynamoDB table after processing the payload. In parallel, a scheduled based flow sends response back to salesforce object as a notification and sends a SNS email notification to users. Contact center application (Amazon Connect) reads data from DynamoDB table.

Architecture overview

Figure 1. Architecture overview

  1. Event (data add or delete) occurring on a particular object in Salesforce is captured by Amazon AppFlow (event-based flow); event payload displays as “Input” in AWS environment.
  2. An EventBridge bus receives the “Input” payload.
  3. The EventBridge bus triggers the AWS Lambda (Lambda-1).
  4. Lambda-1 processes the “Input” payload, then performs a write operation (data add or delete) on a DynamoDB table.
  5. A write operation on the table triggers DynamoDB streams.
  6. DynamoDB stream triggers Lambda (Lambda-2).
  7. Lambda-2 processes the payload from DynamoDB streams. It saves the results in .csv file format, with a “Success” or “Fail” flag. This .csv file is uploaded to an S3 bucket.
  8. A second flow (schedule-based) is configured in Amazon AppFlow. This reads the S3 bucket at a regular interval of time to find new .csv files created by Lambda-2.
  9. A schedule-based flow transfers the .csv file data as an event-status output to the Salesforce object, notifying the user that their event has been successfully handled in DynamoDB table.
  10. In parallel, DynamoDB streams trigger Lambda (Lambda-3), which processes the payload and initiates an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) notification based on the status of the event request.
  11. Amazon SNS sends an email to the user detailing that the event created in the Salesforce object was successfully completed in DynamoDB table.
  12. If any of the two flows break due to any unforeseen events, their statuses are instantly captured and streamed to an EventBridge bus.
  13. The EventBridge bus triggers Lambda (Lambda-5).
  14. Lambda-5 tries to analyze the error causing failure and tries to get the flow to a working state again. If Lambda-5 fails, it initiates an Amazon SNS email to the solution support team to manually fix the Amazon AppFlow error and get the solution active again.
  15. Meanwhile, whenever an Amazon Connect contact center receives a call, it triggers Lambda (Lambda-4), which holds read-only access to DynamoDB table.
  16. Lambda-4 fetches the data stored by Lambda-1 in DynamoDB table and provides that data to a contact center in Amazon Connect.


  • An AWS account with permissions to access all the required
  • An active Salesforce account with administration-level permissions set
  • Python 3.X version setup for developing Lambda-1 to -5

Implementation and development

1. Development steps on the Salesforce end

Note: We recommend working with a Salesforce expert. These steps can help initiate the development from Salesforce end.

a. Use the Platform Event feature to allow the data flow from Salesforce environment to AWS environment and then back to Salesforce from AWS environment using Amazon AppFlow.
b. Salesforce Connected Apps and web server flow used for integrating Amazon AppFlow with Salesforce.
c. New permissions set and new integration users are created to restrict the access to custom object.

2. Development steps on the AWS end

a. Create a new connection in Amazon AppFlow with “Salesforce” as the source
The “Client ID” and “Client Secret” of Salesforce Managed Connected App are stored in AWS Secrets Manager, which is encrypted by custom keys generated in AWS Key Management Service.

To setup an Amazon AppFlow connection with Salesforce, a stand-alone Lambda function is created using Python Boto3 API. This creates a connection in Amazon AppFlow using the “Client ID” and “Client Secret” of Salesforce connected app.

For more details regarding setting up the Salesforce connection in Amazon AppFlow, refer to the Amazon AppFlow User Guide.

b. Create new event-based input flow in Amazon AppFlow, using Salesforce as the source with the newly created connection
Select the “Salesforce events” option as per the business use case. For representation in this blog, “Telephony” is chosen as salesforce events. Select Amazon EventBridge as the destination. Create new “partner event source” for successful creation of input flow, as in Figure 2.

Configure an event-based flow in Amazon AppFlow

Figure 2. Configure an event-based flow in Amazon AppFlow

c. Handling large size input flow event payloads
Post successful creation of “Partner event source”, specify the S3 bucket for events that are larger than 256 KB, Amazon AppFlow sends a URL of the S3 object to the event bus instead of the event payload.

d. Configuring details for input flow
Select trigger pattern of input flow as “Run flow on event”, as shown in Figure 3.

Trigger pattern for creating input flow

Figure 3. Trigger pattern for creating input flow

As displayed in Figure 4, we can configure data field mapping, validation rules, and filters with Amazon AppFlow. This enables us to enrich and modify event data before it is sent to the event bus. Post this, input flow create action is complete.

Mapping Salesforce object fields with Amazon EventBridge bus

Figure 4. Mapping Salesforce object fields with Amazon EventBridge bus

e. Associating Amazon AppFlow generated partner event source with the event bus in the Amazon EventBridge dashboard
Before activating the flow, access the Amazon EventBridge console to associate the AppFlow generated partner-event-source with the event bus (Figure 5).

Associating input flow partner event source with the Amazon EventBridge bus

Figure 5. Associating input flow partner event source with the Amazon EventBridge bus

f. Post Amazon EventBridge bus association, activate the input flow
After associating the bus with input flow, navigate back to Amazon AppFlow console and click the “Activate flow” button for the input flow. Once active, input flow is ready to consume the event payload from Salesforce.

g. Amazon EventBridge bus triggering Lambda function
The EventBridge bus receives an event payload from the input flow and triggers Lambda (Lambda-1) to process that raw event payload and write the output results in a designated DynamoDB table. A sample of event input payload is in Figure 6. This payload content depends on the use case for which developer is working.

Input event payload sample from Salesforce

Figure 6. Input event payload sample from Salesforce

Lambda-1 adds the record-ID in the DynamoDB table, which is a unique event ID for each Salesforce event as shown in Figure 7.

Data added in Amazon DynamoDB table by Lambda-1

Figure 7. Data added in Amazon DynamoDB table by Lambda-1

h. Configuring DynamoDB streams
Within “Export and Streams” option in the DynamoDB table, enable the “DynamoDB stream details” and in the trigger section click on “Create trigger” option and select  Lambda-2 and Lambda -3, as detailed in Figure 8.

Configuring Amazon DynamoDB streams

Figure 8. Configuring Amazon DynamoDB streams

Lambda-2 stores the event output results and a success flag value in a .csv file that is created for every unique event; the .csv file is uploaded to an S3 bucket with the file name structure “Salesforce event recorded-event action-timestamp.csv”. For example:

Example 1: “abcd1234-event-created- 2022-05-19-11_23_51.csv” (data added)
Example 2: “abcd1234-event-deleted- 2022-05-19-11_24_50.csv” (data deleted)

i. Create new schedule-based flow (output flow) in Amazon AppFlow
The source is the S3 bucket folder where the .csv file is uploaded by Lambda-2. Select the destination as “Salesforce”, and choose the Salesforce object that is used to create the input flow (Figure 9). Revisit Step b for reference.

Configuring a schedule-based output flow

Figure 9. Configuring a schedule-based output flow

Output flow sends a response back to the same Salesforce object from which data addition/deletion event request was made. This confirms to the user that a data addition/deletion event created in Salesforce was successfully invoked in Dynamo DB table as well.

j. Error handling in output flow
In case output flow fails to write the response back to the Salesforce object, choose the option “Stop the current flow run”.

k. Configuring output flow as a run-on schedule
Output flow is a schedule-based flow that runs at specific time. Within the flow trigger window, select “Run flow on schedule”. Update the other fields, such as “Repeats”, “Every”, “Start date”, and “Starting at” per your specific needs. Within “Transfer mode”, select “Incremental transfer”. Refer to Figure 10.

Trigger pattern for schedule-based output flow

Figure 10. Trigger pattern for schedule-based output flow

l. Amazon AppFlow to Salesforce object mapping for output flow
Select Mapping method as “Manually map fields” and Destination record preference as “Upsert records”, as in Figure 11.

Output Flow will update the event record status in the Salesforce object, with success status flag value in the .csv file based on the unique “Record ID” that every Salesforce event payload contains. Once the field mapping is completed, output flow is active.

Manually mapping data fields with Salesforce

Figure 11. Manually mapping data fields with Salesforce

m. Real-time monitoring and failure handling
In case input/output flow breaks for unforeseen reasons, a rule is configured in EventBridge bus console that invokes Lambda (Lambda-5). Lambda-5 tries to handle the error and reactivate the flow. In case this action fails, Lambda sends an Amazon SNS email to the solution support team informing of the failure in Amazon AppFlow and the cause.

n. Integrating DynamoDB with Amazon Connect
Lambda (Lambda-4) is configured with contact center in Amazon Connect. As the call comes to contact center, Lambda-4 fetches the relevant data from the DynamoDB table. Amazon Connect operates per this data.


To avoid incurring future charges, delete any AWS resources that are no longer needed.


This post demonstrates the approach for developing an event-driven, serverless application that integrates DynamoDB with Salesforce using Amazon AppFlow bi-directionally. The contact center is based in Amazon Connect and functions dependent on the real-time data in a DynamoDB table—without manual intervention. The manual process can take a minimum of 24 hours, but the same action can be automatically completed using a self-service, UI-based form in the user’s Salesforce account.

This solution can be tailored depending on the business or technical requirement, differing how the data is consumed by multiple AWS services.

Extending your SaaS platform with AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from Hasan Tariq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/extending-your-saas-platform-with-aws-lambda/

Software as a service (SaaS) providers continuously add new features and capabilities to their products to meet their growing customer needs. As enterprises adopt SaaS to reduce the total cost of ownership and focus on business priorities, they expect SaaS providers to enable customization capabilities.

Many SaaS providers allow their customers (tenants) to provide customer-specific code that is triggered as part of various workflows by the SaaS platform. This extensibility model allows customers to customize system behavior and add rich integrations, while allowing SaaS providers to prioritize engineering resources on the core SaaS platform and avoid per-customer customizations.

To simplify experience for enterprise developers to build on SaaS platforms, SaaS providers are offering the ability to host tenant’s code inside the SaaS platform. This blog provides architectural guidance for running custom code on SaaS platforms using AWS serverless technologies and AWS Lambda without the overhead of managing infrastructure on either the SaaS provider or customer side.

Vendor-hosted extensions

With vendor-hosted extensions, the SaaS platform runs the customer code in response to events that occur in the SaaS application. In this model, the heavy-lifting of managing and scaling the code launch environment is the responsibility of the SaaS provider.

To host and run custom code, SaaS providers must consider isolating the environment that runs untrusted custom code from the core SaaS platform, as detailed in Figure 1. This introduces additional challenges to manage security, cost, and utilization.

Distribution of responsibility between Customer and SaaS platform with vendor-hosted extensions

Figure 1. Distribution of responsibility between Customer and SaaS platform with vendor-hosted extensions

Using AWS serverless services to run custom code

Using AWS serverless technologies removes the tasks of infrastructure provisioning and management, as there are no servers to manage, and SaaS providers can take advantage of automatic scaling, high availability, and security, while only paying for value.

Example use case

Let’s take an example of a simple SaaS to-do list application that supports the ability to initiate custom code when a new to-do item is added to the list. This application is used by customers who supply custom code to enrich the content of newly added to-do list items. The requirements for the solution consist of:

  • Custom code provided by each tenant should run in isolation from all other tenants and from the SaaS core product
  • Track each customer’s usage and cost of AWS resources
  • Ability to scale per customer

Solution overview

The SaaS application in Figure 2 is the core application used by customers, and each customer is considered a separate tenant. For the sake of brevity, we assume that the customer code was already stored in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket as part of the onboarding. When an eligible event is generated in the SaaS application as a result of user action, like a new to-do item added, it gets propagated down to securely launch the associated customer code.

Example use case architecture

Figure 2. Example use case architecture

Walkthrough of custom code run

Let’s detail the initiation flow of custom code when a user adds a new to-do item:

  1. An event is generated in the SaaS application when a user performs an action, like adding a new to-do list item. To extend the SaaS application’s behavior, this event is linked to the custom code. Each event contains a tenant ID and any additional data passed as part of the payload. Each of these events is an “initiation request” for the custom code Lambda function.
  2. Amazon EventBridge is used to decouple the SaaS Application from event processing implementation specifics. EventBridge makes it easier to build event-driven applications at scale and keeps the future prospect of adding additional consumers. In case of unexpected failure in any downstream service, EventBridge retries sending events a set number of times.
  3. EventBridge sends the event to an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue as a message that is subsequently picked up by a Lambda function (Dispatcher) for further routing. Amazon SQS enables decoupling and scaling of microservices and also provides a buffer for the events that are awaiting processing.
  4. The Dispatcher polls the messages from SQS queue and is responsible for routing the events to respective tenants for further processing. The Dispatcher retrieves the tenant ID from the message and performs a lookup in the database (we recommend Amazon DynamoDB for low latency), retrieves tenant SQS Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to determine which queue to route the event. To further improve performance, you can cache the tenant-to-queue mapping.
  5. The tenant SQS queue acts as a message store buffer and is configured as an event source for a Lambda function. Using Amazon SQS as an event source for Lambda is a common pattern.
  6. Lambda executes the code uploaded by the tenant to perform the desired operation. Common utility and management code (including logging and telemetry code) is kept in Lambda layers that get added to every custom code Lambda function provisioned.
  7. After performing the desired operation on data, custom code Lambda returns a value back to the SaaS application. This completes the run cycle.

This architecture allows SaaS applications to create a self-managed queue infrastructure for running custom code for tenants in parallel.

Tenant code upload

The SaaS platform can allow customers to upload code either through a user interface or using a command line interface that the SaaS provider provides to developers to facilitate uploading custom code to the SaaS platform. Uploaded code is saved in the custom code S3 bucket in .zip format that can be used to provision Lambda functions.

Custom code Lambda provisioning

The tenant environment includes a tenant SQS queue and a Lambda function that polls initiation requests from the queue. This Lambda function serves several purposes, including:

  1. It polls messages from the SQS queue and constructs a JSON payload that will be sent an input to custom code.
  2. It “wraps” the custom code provided by the customer using boilerplate code, so that custom code is fully abstracted from the processing implementation specifics. For example, we do not want custom code to know that the payload it is getting is coming from Amazon SQS or be aware of the destination where launch results will be sent.
  3. Once custom code initiation is complete, it sends a notification with launch results back to the SaaS application. This can be done directly via EventBridge or Amazon SQS.
  4. This common code can be shared across tenants and deployed by the SaaS provider, either as a library or as a Lambda layer that gets added to the Lambda function.

Each Lambda function execution environment is fully isolated by using a combination of open-source and proprietary isolation technologies, it helps you to address the risk of cross-contamination. By having a separate Lambda function provisioned per-tenant, you achieve the highest level of isolation and benefit from being able to track per-tenant costs.


In this blog post, we explored the need to extend SaaS platforms using custom code and why AWS serverless technologies—using Lambda and Amazon SQS—can be a good fit to accomplish that. We also looked at a solution architecture that can provide the necessary tenant isolation and is cost-effective for this use case.

For more information on building applications with Lambda, visit Serverless Land. For best practices on building SaaS applications, visit SaaS on AWS.

AWS Week in Review – August 22, 2022

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-august-22-2022/

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

I’m back from my summer holidays and ready to get up to date with the latest AWS news from last week!

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week.

Amazon CloudFront now supports HTTP/3 requests over QUIC. The main benefits of HTTP/3 are faster connection times and fewer round trips in the handshake process. HTTP/3 is available in all 410+ CloudFront edge locations worldwide, and there is no additional charge for using this feature. Read Channy’s blog post about this launch to learn more about it and how to enable it in your applications.

Using QUIC in HTTP3 vs HTTP2

Amazon Chime has announced a couple of really cool features for their SDK. Now you can compose video by concatenating video with multiple attendees, including audio, content and transcriptions. Also, Amazon Chime SDK launched the live connector pipelines that send real-time video from your applications to streaming platforms such as Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS) or AWS Elemental MediaLive. Now building real-time streaming applications becomes easier.

AWS Cost Anomaly Detection has launched a simplified interface for anomaly exploration. Now it is easier to monitor spending patterns to detect and alert anomalous spend.

Amazon DynamoDB now supports bulk imports from Amazon S3 to a new table. This new launch makes it easier to migrate and load data into a new DynamoDB table. This is a great use for migrations, to load test data into your applications, thereby simplifying disaster recovery, among other things.

Amazon MSK Serverless, a new capability from Amazon MSK launched in the spring of this year, now has support for AWS CloudFormation and Terraform. This allows you to describe and provision Amazon MSK Serverless clusters using code.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Some other updates and news that you may have missed:

This week there were a couple of stories that caught my eye. The first one is about Grillo, a social impact enterprise focused on seismology, and how they used AWS to build a low-cost earthquake early warning system. The second one is from the AWS Localization team about how they use Amazon Translate to scale their localization in order to remove language barriers and make AWS content more accessible.

Podcast Charlas Técnicas de AWS – If you understand Spanish, this podcast is for you. Podcast Charlas Técnicas is one of the official AWS podcasts in Spanish, and every other week there is a new episode. The podcast is meant for builders, and it shares stories about how customers implemented and learned to use AWS services, how to architect applications, and how to use new services. You can listen to all the episodes directly from your favorite podcast app or at AWS Podcast en español.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

AWS Summits – Registration is open for upcoming in-person AWS Summits. Find the one closest to you: Chicago (August 28), Canberra (August 31), Ottawa (September 8), New Delhi (September 9), Mexico City (September 21–22), Bogota (October 4), and Singapore (October 6).

GOTO EDA Day 2022 – Registration is open for the in-person event about Event Driven Architectures (EDA) hosted in London on September 1. There will be a great line of speakers talking about the best practices for building EDA with serverless services.

AWS Virtual Workshop – Registration is open for the free virtual workshop about Amazon DocumentDB: Getting Started and Business Continuity Planning on August 24.

AWS .NET Enterprise Developer Days 2022Registration for this free event is now open. This is a 2-day, in-person event on September 7-8 at the Palmer Events Center in Austin, Texas, and a 2-day virtual event on September 13-14.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!

— Marcia

How to track AWS account metadata within your AWS Organizations

Post Syndicated from Jonathan Nguyen original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/how-to-track-aws-account-metadata-within-your-aws-organizations/

United States Automobile Association (USAA) is a San Antonio-based insurance, financial services, banking, and FinTech company supporting millions of military members and their families. USAA has partnered with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to digitally transform and build multiple USAA solutions that help keep members safe and save members’ money and time.

Why build an AWS account metadata solution?

The USAA Cloud Program developed a centralized solution for collecting all AWS account metadata to facilitate core enterprise functions, such as financial management, remediation of vulnerable and insecure configurations, and change release processes for critical application and infrastructure changes.

Companies without centralized metadata solutions may have distributed documents and wikis that contain account metadata, which has to be updated manually. Manually inputting/updating information generally leads to outdated or incorrect metadata and, in addition, requires individuals to reach out to multiple resources and teams to collect specific information.

Solution overview

USAA utilizes AWS Organizations and a series of GitLab projects to create, manage, and baseline all AWS accounts and infrastructure within the organization, including identity and access management, security, and networking components. Within their GitLab projects, each deployment uses a GitLab baseline version that determines what version of the project was provisioned within the AWS account.

During the creation and onboarding of new AWS accounts, which are created for each application team and use-case, there is specific data that is used for tracking and governance purposes, and applied across the enterprise. USAA’s Public Cloud Security team took an opportunity within a hackathon event to develop the solution depicted in Figure 1.

  1. AWS account is created conforming to a naming convention and added to AWS Organizations.

Metadata tracked per AWS account includes:

    • AWS account name
    • Points of contact
    • Line of business (LOB)
    • Cost center #
    • Application ID #
    • Status
    • Cloud governance record #
    • GitLab baseline version
  1. Amazon EventBridge rule invokes AWS Step Functions when new AWS accounts are created.
  2. Step Functions invoke an AWS Lambda function to pull AWS account metadata and load into a centralized Amazon DynamoDB table with Streams enabled to support automation.
  3. A private Amazon API Gateway is exposed to USAA’s internal network, which queries the DynamoDB table and provides AWS account metadata.
Overview of USAA architecture automation workflow to manage AWS account metadata

Figure 1. Overview of USAA architecture automation workflow to manage AWS account metadata

After the solution was deployed, USAA teams leveraged the data in multiple ways:

  1. User interface: a front-end user-interface querying the API Gateway to allow internal users on the USAA network to filter and view metadata for any AWS accounts within AWS Organizations.
  2. Event-driven automation: DynamoDB streams for any changes in the table that would invoke a Lambda function, which would check the most recent version from GitLab and the GitLab baseline version in the AWS account. For any outdated deployments, the Lambda function invokes the CI/CD pipeline for that AWS account to deploy a standardized set of IAM, infrastructure, and security resources and configurations.
  3. Incident response: the Cyber Threat Response team reduces mean-time-to-respond by developing automation to query the API Gateway to append points-of-contact, environment, and AWS account name for custom detections as well as Security Hub and Amazon GuardDuty findings.
  4. Financial management: Internal teams have integrated workflows to their applications to query the API Gateway to return cost center, LOB, and application ID to assist with financial reporting and tracking purposes. This replaces manually reviewing the AWS account metadata from an internal and manually updated wiki page.
  5. Compliance and vulnerability management: automated notification systems were developed to send consolidated reports to points-of-contact listed in the AWS account from the API Gateway to remediate non-compliant resources and configurations.


In this post, we reviewed how USAA enabled core enterprise functions and teams to collect, store, and distribute AWS account metadata by developing a secure and highly scalable serverless application natively in AWS. The solution has been leveraged for multiple use-cases, including internal application teams in USAA’s production AWS environment.

Amazon Prime Day 2022 – AWS for the Win!

Post Syndicated from Jeff Barr original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-prime-day-2022-aws-for-the-win/

As part of my annual tradition to tell you about how AWS makes Prime Day possible, I am happy to be able to share some chart-topping metrics (check out my 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, and 2021 posts for a look back).

My purchases this year included a first aid kit, some wood brown filament for my 3D printer, and a non-stick frying pan! According to our official news release, Prime members worldwide purchased more than 100,000 items per minute during Prime Day, with best-selling categories including Amazon Devices, Consumer Electronics, and Home.

Powered by AWS
As always, AWS played a critical role in making Prime Day a success. A multitude of two-pizza teams worked together to make sure that every part of our infrastructure was scaled, tested, and ready to serve our customers. Here are a few examples:

Amazon Aurora – On Prime Day, 5,326 database instances running the PostgreSQL-compatible and MySQL-compatible editions of Amazon Aurora processed 288 billion transactions, stored 1,849 terabytes of data, and transferred 749 terabytes of data.

Amazon EC2 – For Prime Day 2022, Amazon increased the total number of normalized instances (an internal measure of compute power) on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) by 12%. This resulted in an overall server equivalent footprint that was only 7% larger than that of Cyber Monday 2021 due to the increased adoption of AWS Graviton2 processors.

Amazon EBS – For Prime Day, the Amazon team added 152 petabytes of EBS storage. The resulting fleet handled 11.4 trillion requests per day and transferred 532 petabytes of data per day. Interestingly enough, due to increased efficiency of some of the internal Amazon services used to run Prime Day, Amazon actually used about 4% less EBS storage and transferred 13% less data than it did during Prime Day last year. Here’s a graph that shows the increase in data transfer during Prime Day:

Amazon SES – In order to keep Prime Day shoppers aware of the deals and to deliver order confirmations, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) peaked at 33,000 Prime Day email messages per second.

Amazon SQS – During Prime Day, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) set a new traffic record by processing 70.5 million messages per second at peak:

Amazon DynamoDB – DynamoDB powers multiple high-traffic Amazon properties and systems including Alexa, the Amazon.com sites, and all Amazon fulfillment centers. Over the course of Prime Day, these sources made trillions of calls to the DynamoDB API. DynamoDB maintained high availability while delivering single-digit millisecond responses and peaking at 105.2 million requests per second.

Amazon SageMaker – The Amazon Robotics Pick Time Estimator, which uses Amazon SageMaker to train a machine learning model to predict the amount of time future pick operations will take, processed more than 100 million transactions during Prime Day 2022.

Package Planning – In North America, and on the highest traffic Prime 2022 day, package-planning systems performed 60 million AWS Lambda invocations, processed 17 terabytes of compressed data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), stored 64 million items across Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon ElastiCache, served 200 million events over Amazon Kinesis, and handled 50 million Amazon Simple Queue Service events.

Prepare to Scale
Every year I reiterate the same message: rigorous preparation is key to the success of Prime Day and our other large-scale events. If you are preparing for a similar chart-topping event of your own, I strongly recommend that you take advantage of AWS Infrastructure Event Management (IEM). As part of an IEM engagement, my colleagues will provide you with architectural and operational guidance that will help you to execute your event with confidence!


Introducing Amazon CodeWhisperer in the AWS Lambda console (In preview)

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-amazon-codewhisperer-in-the-aws-lambda-console-in-preview/

This blog post is written by Mark Richman, Senior Solutions Architect.

Today, AWS is launching a new capability to integrate the Amazon CodeWhisperer experience with the AWS Lambda console code editor.

Amazon CodeWhisperer is a machine learning (ML)–powered service that helps improve developer productivity. It generates code recommendations based on their code comments written in natural language and code.

CodeWhisperer is available as part of the AWS toolkit extensions for major IDEs, including JetBrains, Visual Studio Code, and AWS Cloud9, currently supporting Python, Java, and JavaScript. In the Lambda console, CodeWhisperer is available as a native code suggestion feature, which is the focus of this blog post.

CodeWhisperer is currently available in preview with a waitlist. This blog post explains how to request access to and activate CodeWhisperer for the Lambda console. Once activated, CodeWhisperer can make code recommendations on-demand in the Lambda code editor as you develop your function. During the preview period, developers can use CodeWhisperer at no cost.

Amazon CodeWhisperer

Amazon CodeWhisperer

Lambda is a serverless compute service that runs your code in response to events and automatically manages the underlying compute resources for you. You can trigger Lambda from over 200 AWS services and software as a service (SaaS) applications and only pay for what you use.

With Lambda, you can build your functions directly in the AWS Management Console and take advantage of CodeWhisperer integration. CodeWhisperer in the Lambda console currently supports functions using the Python and Node.js runtimes.

When writing AWS Lambda functions in the console, CodeWhisperer analyzes the code and comments, determines which cloud services and public libraries are best suited for the specified task, and recommends a code snippet directly in the source code editor. The code recommendations provided by CodeWhisperer are based on ML models trained on a variety of data sources, including Amazon and open source code. Developers can accept the recommendation or simply continue to write their own code.

Requesting CodeWhisperer access

CodeWhisperer integration with Lambda is currently available as a preview only in the N. Virginia (us-east-1) Region. To use CodeWhisperer in the Lambda console, you must first sign up to access the service in preview here or request access directly from within the Lambda console.

In the AWS Lambda console, under the Code tab, in the Code source editor, select the Tools menu, and Request Amazon CodeWhisperer Access.

Request CodeWhisperer access in Lambda console

Request CodeWhisperer access in Lambda console

You may also request access from the Preferences pane.

Request CodeWhisperer access in Lambda console preference pane

Request CodeWhisperer access in Lambda console preference pane

Selecting either of these options opens the sign-up form.

CodeWhisperer sign up form

CodeWhisperer sign up form

Enter your contact information, including your AWS account ID. This is required to enable the AWS Lambda console integration. You will receive a welcome email from the CodeWhisperer team upon once they approve your request.

Activating Amazon CodeWhisperer in the Lambda console

Once AWS enables your preview access, you must turn on the CodeWhisperer integration in the Lambda console, and configure the required permissions.

From the Tools menu, enable Amazon CodeWhisperer Code Suggestions

Enable CodeWhisperer code suggestions

Enable CodeWhisperer code suggestions

You can also enable code suggestions from the Preferences pane:

Enable CodeWhisperer code suggestions from Preferences pane

Enable CodeWhisperer code suggestions from Preferences pane

The first time you activate CodeWhisperer, you see a pop-up containing terms and conditions for using the service.

CodeWhisperer Preview Terms

CodeWhisperer Preview Terms

Read the terms and conditions and choose Accept to continue.

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions

For CodeWhisperer to provide recommendations in the Lambda console, you must enable the proper AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions for either your IAM user or role. In addition to Lambda console editor permissions, you must add the codewhisperer:GenerateRecommendations permission.

Here is a sample IAM policy that grants a user permission to the Lambda console as well as CodeWhisperer:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [{
      "Sid": "LambdaConsolePermissions",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*"
      "Sid": "CodeWhispererPermissions",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": ["codewhisperer:GenerateRecommendations"],
      "Resource": "*"

This example is for illustration only. It is best practice to use IAM policies to grant restrictive permissions to IAM principals to meet least privilege standards.


To activate and work with code suggestions, use the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • Manually fetch a code suggestion: Option+C (macOS), Alt+C (Windows)
  • Accept a suggestion: Tab
  • Reject a suggestion: ESC, Backspace, scroll in any direction, or keep typing and the recommendation automatically disappears.

Currently, the IDE extensions provide automatic suggestions and can show multiple suggestions. The Lambda console integration requires a manual fetch and shows a single suggestion.

Here are some common ways to use CodeWhisperer while authoring Lambda functions.

Single-line code completion

When typing single lines of code, CodeWhisperer suggests how to complete the line.

CodeWhisperer single-line completion

CodeWhisperer single-line completion

Full function generation

CodeWhisperer can generate an entire function based on your function signature or code comments. In the following example, a developer has written a function signature for reading a file from Amazon S3. CodeWhisperer then suggests a full implementation of the read_from_s3 method.

CodeWhisperer full function generation

CodeWhisperer full function generation

CodeWhisperer may include import statements as part of its suggestions, as in the previous example. As a best practice to improve performance, manually move these import statements to outside the function handler.

Generate code from comments

CodeWhisperer can also generate code from comments. The following example shows how CodeWhisperer generates code to use AWS APIs to upload files to Amazon S3. Write a comment describing the intended functionality and, on the following line, activate the CodeWhisperer suggestions. Given the context from the comment, CodeWhisperer first suggests the function signature code in its recommendation.

CodeWhisperer generate function signature code from comments

CodeWhisperer generate function signature code from comments

After you accept the function signature, CodeWhisperer suggests the rest of the function code.

CodeWhisperer generate function code from comments

CodeWhisperer generate function code from comments

When you accept the suggestion, CodeWhisperer completes the entire code block.

CodeWhisperer generates code to write to S3.

CodeWhisperer generates code to write to S3.

CodeWhisperer can help write code that accesses many other AWS services. In the following example, a code comment indicates that a function is sending a notification using Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS). Based on this comment, CodeWhisperer suggests a function signature.

CodeWhisperer function signature for SNS

CodeWhisperer function signature for SNS

If you accept the suggested function signature. CodeWhisperer suggest a complete implementation of the send_notification function.

CodeWhisperer function send notification for SNS

CodeWhisperer function send notification for SNS

The same procedure works with Amazon DynamoDB. When writing a code comment indicating that the function is to get an item from a DynamoDB table, CodeWhisperer suggests a function signature.

CodeWhisperer DynamoDB function signature

CodeWhisperer DynamoDB function signature

When accepting the suggestion, CodeWhisperer then suggests a full code snippet to complete the implementation.

CodeWhisperer DynamoDB code snippet

CodeWhisperer DynamoDB code snippet

Once reviewing the suggestion, a common refactoring step in this example would be manually moving the references to the DynamoDB resource and table outside the get_item function.

CodeWhisperer can also recommend complex algorithm implementations, such as Insertion sort.

CodeWhisperer insertion sort.

CodeWhisperer insertion sort.

As a best practice, always test the code recommendation for completeness and correctness.

CodeWhisperer not only provides suggested code snippets when integrating with AWS APIs, but can help you implement common programming idioms, including proper error handling.


CodeWhisperer is a general purpose, machine learning-powered code generator that provides you with code recommendations in real time. When activated in the Lambda console, CodeWhisperer generates suggestions based on your existing code and comments, helping to accelerate your application development on AWS.

To get started, visit https://aws.amazon.com/codewhisperer/. Share your feedback with us at [email protected].

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

How Plugsurfing doubled performance and reduced cost by 70% with purpose-built databases and AWS Graviton

Post Syndicated from Anand Shah original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-plugsurfing-doubled-performance-and-reduced-cost-by-70-with-purpose-built-databases-and-aws-graviton/

Plugsurfing aligns the entire car charging ecosystem—drivers, charging point operators, and carmakers—within a single platform. The over 1 million drivers connected to the Plugsurfing Power Platform benefit from a network of over 300,000 charging points across Europe. Plugsurfing serves charging point operators with a backend cloud software for managing everything from country-specific regulations to providing diverse payment options for customers. Carmakers benefit from white label solutions as well as deeper integrations with their in-house technology. The platform-based ecosystem has already processed more than 18 million charging sessions. Plugsurfing was acquired fully by Fortum Oyj in 2018.

Plugsurfing uses Amazon OpenSearch Service as a central data store to store 300,000 charging stations’ information and to power search and filter requests coming from mobile, web, and connected car dashboard clients. With the increasing usage, Plugsurfing created multiple read replicas of an OpenSearch Service cluster to meet demand and scale. Over time and with the increase in demand, this solution started to become cost exhaustive and limited in terms of cost performance benefit.

AWS EMEA Prototyping Labs collaborated with the Plugsurfing team for 4 weeks on a hands-on prototyping engagement to solve this problem, which resulted in 70% cost savings and doubled the performance benefit over the current solution. This post shows the overall approach and ideas we tested with Plugsurfing to achieve the results.

The challenge: Scaling higher transactions per second while keeping costs under control

One of the key issues of the legacy solution was keeping up with higher transactions per second (TPS) from APIs while keeping costs low. The majority of the cost was coming from the OpenSearch Service cluster, because the mobile, web, and EV car dashboards use different APIs for different use cases, but all query the same cluster. The solution to achieve higher TPS with the legacy solution was to scale the OpenSearch Service cluster.

The following figure illustrates the legacy architecture.

Legacy Architecture

Plugsurfing APIs are responsible for serving data for four different use cases:

  • Radius search – Find all the EV charging stations (latitude/longitude) with in x km radius from the point of interest (or current location on GPS).
  • Square search – Find all the EV charging stations within a box of length x width, where the point of interest (or current location on GPS) is at the center.
  • Geo clustering search – Find all the EV charging stations clustered (grouped) by their concentration within a given area. For example, searching all EV chargers in all of Germany results in something like 50 in Munich and 100 in Berlin.
  • Radius search with filtering – Filter the results by EV charger that are available or in use by plug type, power rating, or other filters.

The OpenSearch Service domain configuration was as follows:

  • m4.10xlarge.search x 4 nodes
  • Elasticsearch 7.10 version
  • A single index to store 300,000 EV charger locations with five shards and one replica
  • A nested document structure

The following code shows the example document

   "adress":"parking lot 1",
               "plug_type":"Type A"

Solution overview

AWS EMEA Prototyping Labs proposed an experimentation approach to try three high-level ideas for performance optimization and to lower overall solution costs.

We launched an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance in a prototyping AWS account to host a benchmarking tool based on k6 (an open-source tool that makes load testing simple for developers and QA engineers) Later, we used scripts to dump and restore production data to various databases, transforming it to fit with different data models. Then we ran k6 scripts to run and record performance metrics for each use case, database, and data model combination. We also used the AWS Pricing Calculator to estimate the cost of each experiment.

Experiment 1: Use AWS Graviton and optimize OpenSearch Service domain configuration

We benchmarked a replica of the legacy OpenSearch Service domain setup in a prototyping environment to baseline performance and costs. Next, we analyzed the current cluster setup and recommended testing the following changes:

  • Use AWS Graviton based memory optimized EC2 instances (r6g) x 2 nodes in the cluster
  • Reduce the number of shards from five to one, given the volume of data (all documents) is less than 1 GB
  • Increase the refresh interval configuration from the default 1 second to 5 seconds
  • Denormalize the full document; if not possible, then denormalize all the fields that are part of the search query
  • Upgrade to Amazon OpenSearch Service 1.0 from Elasticsearch 7.10

Plugsurfing created multiple new OpenSearch Service domains with the same data and benchmarked them against the legacy baseline to obtain the following results. The row in yellow represents the baseline from the legacy setup; the rows with green represent the best outcome out of all experiments performed for the given use cases.

DB Engine Version Node Type Nodes in Cluster Configurations Data Modeling Radius req/sec Filtering req/sec Performance Gain %
Elasticsearch 7.1 m4.10xlarge 4 5 shards, 1 replica Nested 2841 580 0
Amazon OpenSearch Service 1.0 r6g.xlarge 2 1 shards, 1 replica Nested 850 271 32.77
Amazon OpenSearch Service 1.0 r6g.xlarge 2 1 shards, 1 replica Denormalized 872 670 45.07
Amazon OpenSearch Service 1.0 r6g.2xlarge 2 1 shards, 1 replica Nested 1667 474 62.58
Amazon OpenSearch Service 1.0 r6g.2xlarge 2 1 shards, 1 replica Denormalized 1993 1268 95.32

Plugsurfing was able to gain 95% (doubled) better performance across the radius and filtering use cases with this experiment.

Experiment 2: Use purpose-built databases on AWS for different use cases

We tested Amazon OpenSearch Service, Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition, and Amazon DynamoDB extensively with many data models for different use cases.

We tested the square search use case with an Aurora PostgreSQL cluster with a db.r6g.2xlarge single node as the reader and a db.r6g.large single node as the writer. The square search used a single PostgreSQL table configured via the following steps:

  1. Create the geo search table with geography as the data type to store latitude/longitude:
CREATE TYPE status AS ENUM ('available', 'inuse', 'out-of-order');

id     serial PRIMARY KEY,
geog   geography(POINT),
status status,
data   text -- Can be used as json data type, or add extra fields as flat json
  1. Create an index on the geog field:
CREATE INDEX global_points_gix ON square_search USING GIST (geog);
  1. Query the data for the square search use case:
SELECT id, ST_AsText(geog), status, datafrom square_search
where geog && ST_MakeEnvelope(32.5,9,32.8,11,4326) limit 100;

We achieved an eight-times greater improvement in TPS for the square search use case, as shown in the following table.

DB Engine Version Node Type Nodes in Cluster Configurations Data modeling Square req/sec Performance Gain %
Elasticsearch 7.1 m4.10xlarge 4 5 shards, 1 replica Nested 412 0
Aurora PostgreSQL 13.4 r6g.large 2 PostGIS, Denormalized Single table 881 213.83
Aurora PostgreSQL 13.4 r6g.xlarge 2 PostGIS, Denormalized Single table 1770 429.61
Aurora PostgreSQL 13.4 r6g.2xlarge 2 PostGIS, Denormalized Single table 3553 862.38

We tested the geo clustering search use case with a DynamoDB model. The partition key (PK) is made up of three components: <zoom-level>:<geo-hash>:<api-key>, and the sort key is the EV charger current status. We examined the following:

  • The zoom level of the map set by the user
  • The geo hash computed based on the map tile in the user’s view port area (at every zoom level, the map of Earth is divided into multiple tiles, where each tile can be represented as a geohash)
  • The API key to identify the API user
Partition Key: String Sort Key: String total_pins: Number filter1_pins: Number filter2_pins: Number filter3_pins: Number
5:gbsuv:api_user_1 Available 100 50 67 12
5:gbsuv:api_user_1 in-use 25 12 6 1
6:gbsuvt:api_user_1 Available 35 22 8 0
6:gbsuvt:api_user_1 in-use 88 4 0 35

The writer updates the counters (increment or decrement) against each filter condition and charger status whenever the EV charger status is updated at all zoom levels. With this model, the reader can query pre-clustered data with a single direct partition hit for all the map tiles viewable by the user at the given zoom level.

The DynamoDB model helped us gain a 45-times greater read performance for our geo clustering use case. However, it also added extra work on the writer side to pre-compute numbers and update multiple rows when the status of a single EV charger is updated. The following table summarizes our results.

DB Engine Version Node Type Nodes in Cluster Configurations Data modeling Clustering req/sec Performance Gain %
Elasticsearch 7.1 m4.10xlarge 4 5 shards, 1 replica Nested 22 0
DynamoDB NA Serverless 0 100 WCU, 500 RCU Single table 1000 4545.45

Experiment 3: Use AWS Lambda@Edge and AWS Wavelength for better network performance

We recommended that Plugsurfing use Lambda@Edge and AWS Wavelength to optimize network performance by shifting some of the APIs at the edge to closer to the user. The EV car dashboard can use the same 5G network connectivity to invoke Plugsurfing APIs with AWS Wavelength.

Post-prototype architecture

The post-prototype architecture used purpose-built databases on AWS to achieve better performance across all four use cases. We looked at the results and split the workload based on which database performs best for each use case. This approach optimized performance and cost, but added complexity on readers and writers. The final experiment summary represents the database fits for the given use cases that provide the best performance (highlighted in orange).

Plugsurfing has already implemented a short-term plan (light green) as an immediate action post-prototype and plans to implement mid-term and long-term actions (dark green) in the future.

DB Engine Node Type Configurations Radius req/sec Radius Filtering req/sec Clustering req/sec Square req/sec Monthly Costs $ Cost Benefit % Performance Gain %
Elasticsearch 7.1 m4.10xlarge x4 5 shards 2841 580 22 412 9584,64 0 0
Amazon OpenSearch Service 1.0 r6g.2xlarge x2

1 shard


1667 474 34 142 1078,56 88,75 -39,9
Amazon OpenSearch Service 1.0 r6g.2xlarge x2 1 shard 1993 1268 125 685 1078,56 88,75 5,6
Aurora PostgreSQL 13.4 r6g.2xlarge x2 PostGIS 0 0 275 3553 1031,04 89,24 782,03
DynamoDB Serverless

100 WCU

500 RCU

0 0 1000 0 106,06 98,89 4445,45
Summary . . 2052 1268 1000 3553 2215,66 76,88 104,23

The following diagram illustrates the updated architecture.

Post Prototype Architecture


Plugsurfing was able to achieve a 70% cost reduction over their legacy setup with two-times better performance by using purpose-built databases like DynamoDB, Aurora PostgreSQL, and AWS Graviton based instances for Amazon OpenSearch Service. They achieved the following results:

  • The radius search and radius search with filtering use cases achieved better performance using Amazon OpenSearch Service on AWS Graviton with a denormalized document structure
  • The square search use case performed better using Aurora PostgreSQL, where we used the PostGIS extension for geo square queries
  • The geo clustering search use case performed better using DynamoDB

Learn more about AWS Graviton instances and purpose-built databases on AWS, and let us know how we can help optimize your workload on AWS.

About the Author

Anand ShahAnand Shah is a Big Data Prototyping Solution Architect at AWS. He works with AWS customers and their engineering teams to build prototypes using AWS Analytics services and purpose-built databases. Anand helps customers solve the most challenging problems using art-of-the-possible technology. He enjoys beaches in his leisure time.

New — Detect and Resolve Issues Quickly with Log Anomaly Detection and Recommendations from Amazon DevOps Guru

Post Syndicated from Donnie Prakoso original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-detect-and-resolve-issues-quickly-with-log-anomaly-detection-and-recommendations-from-amazon-devops-guru/

Today, we are announcing a new feature, Log Anomaly Detection and Recommendations for Amazon DevOps Guru. With this feature, you can find anomalies throughout relevant logs within your app, and get targeted recommendations to resolve issues. Here’s a quick look at this feature:

AWS launched DevOps Guru, a fully managed AIOps platform service, in December 2020 to make it easier for developers and operators to improve applications’ reliability and availability. DevOps Guru minimizes the time needed for issue remediation by using machine learning models based on more than 20 years of operational expertise in building, scaling, and maintaining applications for Amazon.com.

You can use DevOps Guru to identify anomalies such as increased latency, error rates, and resource constraints and then send alerts with a description and actionable recommendations for remediation. You don’t need any prior knowledge in machine learning to use DevOps Guru, and only need to activate it in the DevOps Guru dashboard.

New Feature – Log Anomaly Detection and Recommendations

Observability and monitoring are integral parts of DevOps and modern applications. Applications can generate several types of telemetry, one of which is metrics, to reveal the performance of applications and to help identify issues.

While the metrics analyzed by DevOps Guru today are critical to surfacing issues occurring in applications, it is still challenging to find the root cause of these issues. As applications become more distributed and complex, developers and IT operators need more automation to reduce the time and effort spend detecting, debugging, and resolving operational issues. By sourcing relevant logs in conjunction with metrics, developers can now more effectively monitor and troubleshoot their applications.

With this new Log Anomaly Detection and Recommendations feature, you can get insights along with precise recommendations from application logs without manual effort. This feature delivers contextualized log data of anomaly occurrences and provides actionable insights from recommendations integrated inside the DevOps Guru dashboard.

The Log Anomaly Detection and Recommendations feature is able to detect exception keywords, numerical anomalies, HTTP status codes, data format anomalies, and more. When DevOps Guru identifies anomalies from logs, you will find relevant log samples and deep links to CloudWatch Logs on the DevOps Guru dashboard. These contextualized logs are an important component for DevOps Guru to provide further features, namely targeted recommendations to help faster troubleshooting and issue remediation.

Let’s Get Started!

This new feature consists of two things, “Log Anomaly Detection” and “Recommendations.” Let’s explore further into how we can use this feature to find the root cause of an issue and get recommendations. As an example, we’ll look at my serverless API built using Amazon API Gateway, with AWS Lambda integrated with Amazon DynamoDB. The architecture is shown in the following image:

If it’s your first time using DevOps Guru, you’ll need to enable it by visiting the DevOps Guru dashboard. You can learn more by visiting the Getting Started page.

Since I’ve already enabled DevOps Guru I can go to the Insights page, navigate to the Log groups section, and select the Enable log anomaly detection.

Log Anomaly Detection

After a few hours, I can visit the DevOps Guru dashboard to check for insights. Here, I get some findings from DevOps Guru, as seen in the following screenshots:

With Log Anomaly Detection, DevOps Guru will show the findings of my serverless API in the Log groups section, as seen in the following screenshot:

I can hover over the anomaly and get a high-level summary of the contextualized enrichment data found in this log group. It also provides me with additional information, including the number of log records analyzed and the log scan time range. From this information, I know these anomalies are new event types that have not been detected in the past with the keyword ERROR.

To investigate further, I can select the log group link and go to the Detail page. The graph shows relevant events that might have occurred around these log showcases, which is a helpful context for troubleshooting the root cause. This Detail page includes different showcases, each representing a cluster of similar log events, like exception keywords and numerical anomalies, found in the logs at the time of the anomaly.

Looking at the first log showcase, I noticed a ConditionalCheckFailedException error within the AWS Lambda function. This can occur when AWS Lambda fails to call DynamoDB. From here, I learned that there was an error in the conditional check section, and I reviewed the logic on AWS Lambda. I can also investigate related CloudWatch Logs groups by selecting View details in CloudWatch links.

One thing I want to emphasize here is that DevOps Guru identifies significant events related to application performance and helps me to see the important things I need to focus on by separating the signal from the noise.

Targeted Recommendations

In addition to anomaly detection of logs, this new feature also provides precise recommendations based on the findings in the logs. You can find these recommendations on the Insights page, by scrolling down to find the Recommendations section.

Here, I get some recommendations from DevOps Guru, which make it easier for me to take immediate steps to remediate the issue. One recommendation shown in the following image is Check DynamoDB ConditionalExpression, which relates to an anomaly found in the logs derived from AWS Lambda.


You can use DevOps Guru Log Anomaly Detection and Recommendations today at no additional charge in all Regions where DevOps Guru is available, US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), and Europe (Stockholm).

To learn more, please visit Amazon DevOps Guru web site and technical documentation, and get started today.

Happy building
— Donnie

Top 2021 AWS service launches security professionals should review – Part 2

Post Syndicated from Marta Taggart original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/top-2021-aws-service-launches-security-professionals-should-review-part-2/

In Part 1 of this two-part series, we shared an overview of some of the most important 2021 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Security service and feature launches. In this follow-up, we’ll dive deep into additional launches that are important for security professionals to be aware of and understand across all AWS services. There have already been plenty in the first half of 2022, so we’ll highlight those soon, as well.

AWS Identity

You can use AWS Identity Services to build Zero Trust architectures, help secure your environments with a robust data perimeter, and work toward the security best practice of granting least privilege. In 2021, AWS expanded the identity source options, AWS Region availability, and support for AWS services. There is also added visibility and power in the permission management system. New features offer new integrations, additional policy checks, and secure resource sharing across AWS accounts.

AWS Single Sign-On

For identity management, AWS Single Sign-On (AWS SSO) is where you create, or connect, your workforce identities in AWS once and manage access centrally across your AWS accounts in AWS Organizations. In 2021, AWS SSO announced new integrations for JumpCloud and CyberArk users. This adds to the list of providers that you can use to connect your users and groups, which also includes Microsoft Active Directory Domain Services, Okta Universal Directory, Azure AD, OneLogin, and Ping Identity.

AWS SSO expanded its availability to new Regions: AWS GovCloud (US), Europe (Paris), and South America (São Paulo) Regions. Another very cool AWS SSO development is its integration with AWS Systems Manager Fleet Manager. This integration enables you to log in interactively to your Windows servers running on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) while using your existing corporate identities—try it, it’s fantastic!

AWS Identity and Access Management

For access management, there have been a range of feature launches with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) that have added up to more power and visibility in the permissions management system. Here are some key examples.

IAM made it simpler to relate a user’s IAM role activity to their corporate identity. By setting the new source identity attribute, which persists through role assumption chains and gets logged in AWS CloudTrail, you can find out who is responsible for actions that IAM roles performed.

IAM added support for policy conditions, to help manage permissions for AWS services that access your resources. This important feature launch of service principal conditions helps you to distinguish between API calls being made on your behalf by a service principal, and those being made by a principal inside your account. You can choose to allow or deny the calls depending on your needs. As a security professional, you might find this especially useful in conjunction with the aws:CalledVia condition key, which allows you to scope permissions down to specify that this account principal can only call this API if they are calling it using a particular AWS service that’s acting on their behalf. For example, your account principal can’t generally access a particular Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, but if they are accessing it by using Amazon Athena, they can do so. These conditions can also be used in service control policies (SCPs) to give account principals broader scope across an account, organizational unit, or organization; they need not be added to individual principal policies or resource policies.

Another very handy new IAM feature launch is additional information about the reason for an access denied error message. With this additional information, you can now see which of the relevant access control policies (for example, IAM, resource, SCP, or VPC endpoint) was the cause of the denial. As of now, this new IAM feature is supported by more than 50% of all AWS services in the AWS SDK and AWS Command Line Interface, and a fast-growing number in the AWS Management Console. We will continue to add support for this capability across services, as well as add more features that are designed to make the journey to least privilege simpler.

IAM Access Analyzer

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer provides actionable recommendations to set secure and functional permissions. Access Analyzer introduced the ability to preview the impact of policy changes before deployment and added over 100 policy checks for correctness. Both of these enhancements are integrated into the console and are also available through APIs. Access Analyzer also provides findings for external access allowed by resource policies for many services, including a previous launch in which IAM Access Analyzer was directly integrated into the Amazon S3 management console.

IAM Access Analyzer also launched the ability to generate fine-grained policies based on analyzing past AWS CloudTrail activity. This feature provides a great new capability for DevOps teams or central security teams to scope down policies to just the permissions needed, making it simpler to implement least privilege permissions. IAM Access Analyzer launched further enhancements to expand policy checks, and the ability to generate a sample least-privilege policy from past activity was expanded beyond the account level to include an analysis of principal behavior within the entire organization by analyzing log activity stored in AWS CloudTrail.

AWS Resource Access Manager

AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM) helps you securely share your resources across unrelated AWS accounts within your organization or organizational units (OUs) in AWS Organizations. Now you can also share your resources with IAM roles and IAM users for supported resource types. This update enables more granular access using managed permissions that you can use to define access to shared resources. In addition to the default managed permission defined for each shareable resource type, you now have more flexibility to choose which permissions to grant to whom for resource types that support additional managed permissions. Additionally, AWS RAM added support for global resource types, enabling you to provision a global resource once, and share that resource across your accounts. A global resource is one that can be used in multiple AWS Regions; the first example of a global resource is found in AWS Cloud WAN, currently in preview as of this publication. AWS RAM helps you more securely share an AWS Cloud WAN core network, which is a managed network containing AWS and on-premises networks. With AWS RAM global resource sharing, you can use the Cloud WAN core network to centrally operate a unified global network across Regions and accounts.

AWS Directory Service

AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory, also known as AWS Managed Microsoft Active Directory (AD), was updated to automatically provide domain controller and directory utilization metrics in Amazon CloudWatch for new and existing directories. Analyzing these utilization metrics helps you quantify your average and peak load times to identify the need for additional domain controllers. With this, you can define the number of domain controllers to meet your performance, resilience, and cost requirements.

Amazon Cognito

Amazon Cognito identity pools (federated identities) was updated to enable you to use attributes from social and corporate identity providers to make access control decisions and simplify permissions management in AWS resources. In Amazon Cognito, you can choose predefined attribute-tag mappings, or you can create custom mappings using the attributes from social and corporate providers’ access and ID tokens, or SAML assertions. You can then reference the tags in an IAM permissions policy to implement attribute-based access control (ABAC) and manage access to your AWS resources. Amazon Cognito also launched a new console experience for user pools and now supports targeted sign out through refresh token revocation.

Governance, control, and logging services

There were a number of important releases in 2021 in the areas of governance, control, and logging services.

AWS Organizations

AWS Organizations added a number of important import features and integrations during 2021. Security-relevant services like Amazon Detective, Amazon Inspector, and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) IP Address Manager (IPAM), as well as others like Amazon DevOps Guru, launched integrations with Organizations. Others like AWS SSO and AWS License Manager upgraded their Organizations support by adding support for a Delegated Administrator account, reducing the need to use the management account for operational tasks. Amazon EC2 and EC2 Image Builder took advantage of the account grouping capabilities provided by Organizations to allow cross-account sharing of Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) (for more details, see the Amazon EC2 section later in this post). Organizations also got an updated console, increased quotas for tag policies, and provided support for the launch of an API that allows for programmatic creation and maintenance of AWS account alternate contacts, including the very important security contact (although that feature doesn’t require Organizations). For more information on the value of using the security contact for your accounts, see the blog post Update the alternate security contact across your AWS accounts for timely security notifications.

AWS Control Tower

2021 was also a good year for AWS Control Tower, beginning with an important launch of the ability to take over governance of existing OUs and accounts, as well as bulk update of new settings and guardrails with a single button click or API call. Toward the end of 2021, AWS Control Tower added another valuable enhancement that allows it to work with a broader set of customers and use cases, namely support for nested OUs within an organization.

AWS CloudFormation Guard 2.0

Another important milestone in 2021 for creating and maintaining a well-governed cloud environment was the re-launch of CloudFormation Guard as Cfn-Guard 2.0. This launch was a major overhaul of the Cfn-Guard domain-specific language (DSL), a DSL designed to provide the ability to test infrastructure-as-code (IaC) templates such as CloudFormation and Terraform to make sure that they conform with a set of constraints written in the DSL by a central team, such as a security organization or network management team.

This approach provides a powerful new middle ground between the older security models of prevention (which provide developers only an access denied message, and often can’t distinguish between an acceptable and an unacceptable use of the same API) and a detect and react model (when undesired states have already gone live). The Cfn-Guard 2.0 model gives builders the freedom to build with IaC, while allowing central teams to have the ability to reject infrastructure configurations or changes that don’t conform to central policies—and to do so with completely custom error messages that invite dialog between the builder team and the central team, in case the rule is unnuanced and needs to be refined, or if a specific exception needs to be created.

For example, a builder team might be allowed to provision and attach an internet gateway to a VPC, but the team can do this only if the routes to the internet gateway are limited to a certain pre-defined set of CIDR ranges, such as the public addresses of the organization’s branch offices. It’s not possible to write an IAM policy that takes into account the CIDR values of a VPC route table update, but you can write a Cfn-Guard 2.0 rule that allows the creation and use of an internet gateway, but only with a defined and limited set of IP addresses.

AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager

An important launch that security professionals should know about is AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager. Incident Manager provides a number of powerful capabilities for managing incidents of any kind, including operational and availability issues but also security issues. With Incident Manager, you can automatically take action when a critical issue is detected by an Amazon CloudWatch alarm or Amazon EventBridge event. Incident Manager runs pre-configured response plans to engage responders by using SMS and phone calls, can enable chat commands and notifications using AWS Chatbot, and runs automation workflows with AWS Systems Manager Automation runbooks. The Incident Manager console integrates with AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter to help you track incidents and post-incident action items from a central place that also synchronizes with third-party management tools such as Jira Service Desk and ServiceNow. Incident Manager enables cross-account sharing of incidents using AWS RAM, and provides cross-Region replication of incidents to achieve higher availability.

AWS CloudTrail

AWS CloudTrail added some great new logging capabilities in 2021, including logging data-plane events for Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) direct APIs (direct APIs allow access to EBS snapshot content through a REST API). CloudTrail also got further enhancements to its machine-learning based CloudTrail Insights feature, including a new one called ErrorRate Insights.

Amazon S3

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is one of the most important services at AWS, and its steady addition of security-related enhancements is always big news. Here are the 2021 highlights.

Access Points aliases

Amazon S3 introduced a new feature, Amazon S3 Access Points aliases. With Amazon S3 Access Points aliases, you can make the access points backwards-compatible with a large amount of existing code that is programmed to interact with S3 buckets rather than access points.

To understand the importance of this launch, we have to go back to 2019 to the launch of Amazon S3 Access Points. Access points are a powerful mechanism for managing S3 bucket access. They provide a great simplification for managing and controlling access to shared datasets in S3 buckets. You can create up to 1,000 access points per Region within each of your AWS accounts. Although bucket access policies remain fully enforced, you can delegate access control from the bucket to its access points, allowing for distributed and granular control. Each access point enforces a customizable policy that can be managed by a particular workgroup, while also avoiding the problem of bucket policies needing to grow beyond their maximum size. Finally, you can also bind an access point to a particular VPC for its lifetime, to prevent access directly from the internet.

With the 2021 launch of Access Points aliases, Amazon S3 now generates a unique DNS name, or alias, for each access point. The Access Points aliases look and acts just like an S3 bucket to existing code. This means that you don’t need to make changes to older code to use Amazon S3 Access Points; just substitute an Access Points aliases wherever you previously used a bucket name. As a security team, it’s important to know that this flexible and powerful administrative feature is backwards-compatible and can be treated as a drop-in replacement in your various code bases that use Amazon S3 but haven’t been updated to use access point APIs. In addition, using Access Points aliases adds a number of powerful security-related controls, such as permanent binding of S3 access to a particular VPC.

Bucket Keys

Amazon S3 launched support for S3 Inventory and S3 Batch Operations to identify and copy objects to use S3 Bucket Keys, which can help reduce the costs of server-side encryption (SSE) with AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS).

S3 Bucket Keys were launched at the end of 2020, another great launch that security professionals should know about, so here is an overview in case you missed it. S3 Bucket Keys are data keys generated by AWS KMS to provide another layer of envelope encryption in which the outer layer (the S3 Bucket Key) is cached by S3 for a short period of time. This extra key layer increases performance and reduces the cost of requests to AWS KMS. It achieves this by decreasing the request traffic from Amazon S3 to AWS KMS from a one-to-one model—one request to AWS KMS for each object written to or read from Amazon S3—to a one-to-many model using the cached S3 Bucket Key. The S3 Bucket Key is never stored persistently in an unencrypted state outside AWS KMS, and so Amazon S3 ultimately must always return to AWS KMS to encrypt and decrypt the S3 Bucket Key, and thus, the data. As a result, you still retain control of the key hierarchy and resulting encrypted data through AWS KMS, and are still able to audit Amazon S3 returning periodically to AWS KMS to refresh the S3 Bucket Keys, as logged in CloudTrail.

Returning to our review of 2021, S3 Bucket Keys gained the ability to use Amazon S3 Inventory and Amazon S3 Batch Operations automatically to migrate objects from the higher cost, slightly lower-performance SSE-KMS model to the lower-cost, higher-performance S3 Bucket Keys model.

Simplified ownership and access management

The final item from 2021 for Amazon S3 is probably the most important of all. Last year was the year that Amazon S3 achieved fully modernized object ownership and access management capabilities. You can now disable access control lists to simplify ownership and access management for data in Amazon S3.

To understand this launch, we need to go in time to the origins of Amazon S3, which is one of the oldest services in AWS, created even before IAM was launched in 2011. In those pre-IAM days, a storage system like Amazon S3 needed to have some kind of access control model, so Amazon S3 invented its own: Amazon S3 access control lists (ACLs). Using ACLs, you could add access permissions down to the object level, but only with regard to access by other AWS account principals (the only kind of identity that was available at the time), or public access (read-only or read-write) to an object. And in this model, objects were always owned by the creator of the object, not the bucket owner.

After IAM was introduced, Amazon S3 added the bucket policy feature, a type of resource policy that provides the rich features of IAM, including full support for all IAM principals (users and roles), time-of-day conditions, source IP conditions, ability to require encryption, and more. For many years, Amazon S3 access decisions have been made by combining IAM policy permissions and ACL permissions, which has served customers well. But the object-writer-is-owner issue has often caused friction. The good news for security professionals has been that a deny by either type of access control type overrides an allow by the other, so there were no security issues with this bi-modal approach. The challenge was that it could be administratively difficult to manage both resource policies—which exist at the bucket and access point level—and ownership and ACLs—which exist at the object level. Ownership and ACLs might potentially impact the behavior of only a handful of objects, in a bucket full of millions or billions of objects.

With the features released in 2021, Amazon S3 has removed these points of friction, and now provides the features needed to reduce ownership issues and to make IAM-based policies the only access control system for a specified bucket. The first step came in 2020 with the ability to make object ownership track bucket ownership, regardless of writer. But that feature applied only to newly-written objects. The final step is the 2021 launch we’re highlighting here: the ability to disable at the bucket level the evaluation of all existing ACLs—including ownership and permissions—effectively nullifying all object ACLs. From this point forward, you have the mechanisms you need to govern Amazon S3 access with a combination of S3 bucket policies, S3 access point policies, and (within the same account) IAM principal policies, without worrying about legacy models of ACLs and per-object ownership.

Additional database and storage service features

AWS Backup Vault Lock

AWS Backup added an important new additional layer for backup protection with the availability of AWS Backup Vault Lock. A vault lock feature in AWS is the ability to configure a storage policy such that even the most powerful AWS principals (such as an account or Org root principal) can only delete data if the deletion conforms to the preset data retention policy. Even if the credentials of a powerful administrator are compromised, the data stored in the vault remains safe. Vault lock features are extremely valuable in guarding against a wide range of security and resiliency risks (including accidental deletion), notably in an era when ransomware represents a rising threat to data.

Prior to AWS Backup Vault Lock, AWS provided the extremely useful Amazon S3 and Amazon S3 Glacier vault locking features, but these previous vaulting features applied only to the two Amazon S3 storage classes. AWS Backup, on the other hand, supports a wide range of storage types and databases across the AWS portfolio, including Amazon EBS, Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) including Amazon Aurora, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Neptune, Amazon DocumentDB, Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS), Amazon FSx for Lustre, Amazon FSx for Windows File Server, Amazon EC2, and AWS Storage Gateway. While built on top of Amazon S3, AWS Backup even supports backup of data stored in Amazon S3. Thus, this new AWS Backup Vault Lock feature effectively serves as a vault lock for all the data from most of the critical storage and database technologies made available by AWS.

Finally, as a bonus, AWS Backup added two more features in 2021 that should delight security and compliance professionals: AWS Backup Audit Manager and compliance reporting.

Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB added a long-awaited feature: data-plane operations integration with AWS CloudTrail. DynamoDB has long supported the recording of management operations in CloudTrail—including a long list of operations like CreateTable, UpdateTable, DeleteTable, ListTables, CreateBackup, and many others. What has been added now is the ability to log the potentially far higher volume of data operations such as PutItem, BatchWriteItem, GetItem, BatchGetItem, and DeleteItem. With this launch, full database auditing became possible. In addition, DynamoDB added more granular control of logging through DynamoDB Streams filters. This feature allows users to vary the recording in CloudTrail of both control plane and data plane operations, at the table or stream level.

Amazon EBS snapshots

Let’s turn now to a simple but extremely useful feature launch affecting Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) snapshots. In the past, it was possible to accidently delete an EBS snapshot, which is a problem for security professionals because data availability is a part of the core security triad of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Now you can manage that risk and recover from accidental deletions of your snapshots by using Recycle Bin. You simply define a retention policy that applies to all deleted snapshots, and then you can define other more granular policies, for example using longer retention periods based on snapshot tag values, such as stage=prod. Along with this launch, the Amazon EBS team announced EBS Snapshots Archive, a major price reduction for long-term storage of snapshots.

AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority

2021 was a big year for AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Private Certificate Authority (CA) with the following updates and new features:

Network and application protection

We saw a lot of enhancements in network and application protection in 2021 that will help you to enforce fine-grained security policies at important network control points across your organization. The services and new capabilities offer flexible solutions for inspecting and filtering traffic to help prevent unauthorized resource access.


AWS WAF launched AWS WAF Bot Control, which gives you visibility and control over common and pervasive bots that consume excess resources, skew metrics, cause downtime, or perform other undesired activities. The Bot Control managed rule group helps you monitor, block, or rate-limit pervasive bots, such as scrapers, scanners, and crawlers. You can also allow common bots that you consider acceptable, such as status monitors and search engines. AWS WAF also added support for custom responses, managed rule group versioning, in-line regular expressions, and Captcha. The Captcha feature has been popular with customers, removing another small example of “undifferentiated work” for customers.

AWS Shield Advanced

AWS Shield Advanced now automatically protects web applications by blocking application layer (L7) DDoS events with no manual intervention needed by you or the AWS Shield Response Team (SRT). When you protect your resources with AWS Shield Advanced and enable automatic application layer DDoS mitigation, Shield Advanced identifies patterns associated with L7 DDoS events and isolates this anomalous traffic by automatically creating AWS WAF rules in your web access control lists (ACLs).

Amazon CloudFront

In other edge networking news, Amazon CloudFront added support for response headers policies. This means that you can now add cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), security, and custom headers to HTTP responses returned by your CloudFront distributions. You no longer need to configure your origins or use custom Lambda@Edge or CloudFront Functions to insert these headers.

CloudFront Functions were another great 2021 addition to edge computing, providing a simple, inexpensive, and yet highly secure method for running customer-defined code as part of any CloudFront-managed web request. CloudFront functions allow for the creation of very efficient, fine-grained network access filters, such the ability to block or allow web requests at a region or city level.

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud and Route 53

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) added more-specific routing (routing subnet-to-subnet traffic through a virtual networking device) that allows for packet interception and inspection between subnets in a VPC. This is particularly useful for highly-available, highly-scalable network virtual function services based on Gateway Load Balancer, including both AWS services like AWS Network Firewall, as well as third-party networking services such as the recently announced integration between AWS Firewall Manager and Palo Alto Networks Cloud Next Generation Firewall, powered by Gateway Load Balancer.

Another important set of enhancements to the core VPC experience came in the area of VPC Flow Logs. Amazon VPC launched out-of-the-box integration with Amazon Athena. This means with a few clicks, you can now use Athena to query your VPC flow logs delivered to Amazon S3. Additionally, Amazon VPC launched three associated new log features that make querying more efficient by supporting Apache Parquet, Hive-compatible prefixes, and hourly partitioned files.

Following Route 53 Resolver’s much-anticipated launch of DNS logging in 2020, the big news for 2021 was the launch of its DNS Firewall capability. Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall lets you create “blocklists” for domains you don’t want your VPC resources to communicate with, or you can take a stricter, “walled-garden” approach by creating “allowlists” that permit outbound DNS queries only to domains that you specify. You can also create alerts for when outbound DNS queries match certain firewall rules, allowing you to test your rules before deploying for production traffic. Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall launched with two managed domain lists—malware domains and botnet command and control domains—enabling you to get started quickly with managed protections against common threats. It also integrated with Firewall Manager (see the following section) for easier centralized administration.

AWS Network Firewall and Firewall Manager

Speaking of AWS Network Firewall and Firewall Manager, 2021 was a big year for both. Network Firewall added support for AWS Managed Rules, which are groups of rules based on threat intelligence data, to enable you to stay up to date on the latest security threats without writing and maintaining your own rules. AWS Network Firewall features a flexible rules engine enabling you to define firewall rules that give you fine-grained control over network traffic. As of the launch in late 2021, you can enable managed domain list rules to block HTTP and HTTPS traffic to domains identified as low-reputation, or that are known or suspected to be associated with malware or botnets. Prior to that, another important launch was new configuration options for rule ordering and default drop, making it simpler to write and process rules to monitor your VPC traffic. Also in 2021, Network Firewall announced a major regional expansion following its initial launch in 2020, and a range of compliance achievements and eligibility including HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOC, and ISO.

Firewall Manager also had a strong 2021, adding a number of additional features beyond its initial core area of managing network firewalls and VPC security groups that provide centralized, policy-based control over many other important network security capabilities: Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall configurations, deployment of the new AWS WAF Bot Control, monitoring of VPC routes for AWS Network Firewall, AWS WAF log filtering, AWS WAF rate-based rules, and centralized logging of AWS Network Firewall logs.

Elastic Load Balancing

Elastic Load Balancing now supports forwarding traffic directly from Network Load Balancer (NLB) to Application Load Balancer (ALB). With this important new integration, you can take advantage of many critical NLB features such as support for AWS PrivateLink and exposing static IP addresses for applications that still require ALB.

In addition, Network Load Balancer now supports version 1.3 of the TLS protocol. This adds to the existing TLS 1.3 support in Amazon CloudFront, launched in 2020. AWS plans to add TLS 1.3 support for additional services.

The AWS Networking team also made Amazon VPC private NAT gateways available in both AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. The expansion into the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions enables US government agencies and contractors to move more sensitive workloads into the cloud by helping them to address certain regulatory and compliance requirements.


Security professionals should also be aware of some interesting enhancements in AWS compute services that can help improve their organization’s experience in building and operating a secure environment.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) launched the Global View on the console to provide visibility to all your resources across Regions. Global View helps you monitor resource counts, notice abnormalities sooner, and find stray resources. A few days into 2022, another simple but extremely useful EC2 launch was the new ability to obtain instance tags from the Instance Metadata Service (IMDS). Many customers run code on Amazon EC2 that needs to introspect about the EC2 tags associated with the instance and then change its behavior depending on the content of the tags. Prior to this launch, you had to associate an EC2 role and call the EC2 API to get this information. That required access to API endpoints, either through a NAT gateway or a VPC endpoint for Amazon EC2. Now, that information can be obtained directly from the IMDS, greatly simplifying a common use case.

Amazon EC2 launched sharing of Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) with AWS Organizations and Organizational Units (OUs). Previously, you could share AMIs only with specific AWS account IDs. To share AMIs within AWS Organizations, you had to explicitly manage sharing of AMIs on an account-by-account basis, as they were added to or removed from AWS Organizations. With this new feature, you no longer have to update your AMI permissions because of organizational changes. AMI sharing is automatically synchronized when organizational changes occur. This feature greatly helps both security professionals and governance teams to centrally manage and govern AMIs as you grow and scale your AWS accounts. As previously noted, this feature was also added to EC2 Image Builder. Finally, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager, the tool that manages all your EBS volumes and AMIs in a policy-driven way, now supports automatic deprecation of AMIs. As a security professional, you will find this helpful as you can set a timeline on your AMIs so that, if the AMIs haven’t been updated for a specified period of time, they will no longer be considered valid or usable by development teams.

Looking ahead

In 2022, AWS continues to deliver experiences that meet administrators where they govern, developers where they code, and applications where they run. We will continue to summarize important launches in future blog posts. If you’re interested in learning more about AWS services, join us for AWS re:Inforce, the AWS conference focused on cloud security, identity, privacy, and compliance. AWS re:Inforce 2022 will take place July 26–27 in Boston, MA. Registration is now open. Register now with discount code SALxUsxEFCw to get $150 off your full conference pass to AWS re:Inforce. For a limited time only and while supplies last. We look forward to seeing you there!

To stay up to date on the latest product and feature launches and security use cases, be sure to read the What’s New with AWS announcements (or subscribe to the RSS feed) and the AWS Security Blog.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Marta Taggart

Marta is a Seattle-native and Senior Product Marketing Manager in AWS Security Product Marketing, where she focuses on data protection services. Outside of work you’ll find her trying to convince Jack, her rescue dog, not to chase squirrels and crows (with limited success).

Mark Ryland

Mark Ryland

Mark is the director of the Office of the CISO for AWS. He has over 30 years of experience in the technology industry and has served in leadership roles in cybersecurity, software engineering, distributed systems, technology standardization and public policy. Previously, he served as the Director of Solution Architecture and Professional Services for the AWS World Public Sector team.

AWS Week in Review – June 27, 2022

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-june-27-2022/

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

It’s the beginning of a new week, and I’d like to start with a recap of the most significant AWS news from the previous 7 days. Last week was special because I had the privilege to be at the very first EMEA AWS Heroes Summit in Milan, Italy. It was a great opportunity of mutual learning as this community of experts shared their thoughts with AWS developer advocates, product managers, and technologists on topics such as containers, serverless, and machine learning.

Participants at the EMEA AWS Heroes Summit 2022

Last Week’s Launches
Here are the launches that got my attention last week:

Amazon Connect Cases (available in preview) – This new capability of Amazon Connect provides built-in case management for your contact center agents to create, collaborate on, and resolve customer issues. Learn more in this blog post that shows how to simplify case management in your contact center.

Many updates for Amazon RDS and Amazon AuroraAmazon RDS Custom for Oracle now supports Oracle database 12.2 and 18c, and Amazon RDS Multi-AZ deployments with one primary and two readable standby database instances now supports M5d and R5d instances and is available in more Regions. There is also a Regional expansion for RDS Custom. Finally, PostgreSQL 14, a new major version, is now supported by Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition.

AWS WAF Captcha is now generally available – You can use AWS WAF Captcha to block unwanted bot traffic by requiring users to successfully complete challenges before their web requests are allowed to reach resources.

Private IP VPNs with AWS Site-to-Site VPN – You can now deploy AWS Site-to-Site VPN connections over AWS Direct Connect using private IP addresses. This way, you can encrypt traffic between on-premises networks and AWS via Direct Connect connections without the need for public IP addresses.

AWS Center for Quantum Networking – Research and development of quantum computers have the potential to revolutionize science and technology. To address fundamental scientific and engineering challenges and develop new hardware, software, and applications for quantum networks, we announced the AWS Center for Quantum Networking.

Simpler access to sustainability data, plus a global hackathon – The Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative catalog of datasets is now searchable and discoverable through AWS Data Exchange. As part of a new collaboration with the International Research Centre in Artificial Intelligence, under the auspices of UNESCO, you can use the power of the cloud to help the world become sustainable by participating to the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative Global Hackathon.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
A couple of takeaways from the Amazon re:MARS conference:

Amazon CodeWhisperer (preview) – Amazon CodeWhisperer is a coding companion powered by machine learning with support for multiple IDEs and languages.

Synthetic data generation with Amazon SageMaker Ground TruthGenerate labeled synthetic image data that you can combine with real-world data to create more complete training datasets for your ML models.

Some other updates you might have missed:

AstraZeneca’s drug design program built using AWS wins innovation award – AstraZeneca received the BioIT World Innovative Practice Award at the 20th anniversary of the Bio-IT World Conference for its novel augmented drug design platform built on AWS. More in this blog post.

Large object storage strategies for Amazon DynamoDB – A blog post showing different options for handling large objects within DynamoDB and the benefits and disadvantages of each approach.

Amazon DevOps Guru for RDS under the hoodSome details of how DevOps Guru for RDS works, with a specific focus on its scalability, security, and availability.

AWS open-source news and updates – A newsletter curated by my colleague Ricardo to bring you the latest open-source projects, posts, events, and more.

Upcoming AWS Events
It’s AWS Summits season and here are some virtual and in-person events that might be close to you:

On June 30, the AWS User Group Ukraine is running an AWS Tech Conference to discuss digital transformation with AWS. Join to learn from many sessions including a fireside chat with Dr. Werner Vogels, CTO at Amazon.com.

That’s all from me for this week. Come back next Monday for another Week in Review!


Accelerate Amazon DynamoDB data access in AWS Glue jobs using the new AWS Glue DynamoDB Export connector

Post Syndicated from Noritaka Sekiyama original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/accelerate-amazon-dynamodb-data-access-in-aws-glue-jobs-using-the-new-aws-glue-dynamodb-elt-connector/

Modern data architectures encourage the integration of data lakes, data warehouses, and purpose-built data stores, enabling unified governance and easy data movement. With a modern data architecture on AWS, you can store data in a data lake and use a ring of purpose-built data services around the lake, allowing you to make decisions with speed and agility.

To achieve a modern data architecture, AWS Glue is the key service that integrates data over a data lake, data warehouse, and purpose-built data stores. AWS Glue simplifies data movement like inside-out, outside-in, or around the perimeter. A powerful purpose-built data store is Amazon DynamoDB, which is widely used by hundreds of thousands of companies, including Amazon.com. It’s common to move data from DynamoDB to a data lake built on top of Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Many customers move data from DynamoDB to Amazon S3 using AWS Glue extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs.

Today, we’re pleased to announce the general availability of a new AWS Glue DynamoDB export connector. It’s built on top of the DynamoDB table export feature. It’s a scalable and cost-efficient way to read large DynamoDB table data in AWS Glue ETL jobs. This post describes the benefit of this new export connector and its use cases.

The following are typical use cases to read from DynamoDB tables using AWS Glue ETL jobs:

  • Move the data from DynamoDB tables to different data stores
  • Integrate the data with other services and applications
  • Retain historical snapshots for auditing
  • Build an S3 data lake from the DynamoDB data and analyze the data from various services, such as Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon SageMaker

The new AWS Glue DynamoDB export connector

The old version of the AWS Glue DynamoDB connector reads DynamoDB tables through the DynamoDB Scan API. Instead, the new AWS Glue DynamoDB export connector reads DynamoDB data from the snapshot, which is exported from DynamoDB tables. This approach has following benefits:

  • It doesn’t consume read capacity units of the source DynamoDB tables
  • The read performance is consistent for large DynamoDB tables

Especially for large DynamoDB tables more than 100 GB, this new connector is significantly faster than the traditional connector.

To use this new export connector, you need to enable point-in-time recovery (PITR) for the source DynamoDB table in advance.

How to use the new connector on AWS Glue Studio Visual Editor

AWS Glue Studio Visual Editor is a graphical interface that makes it easy to create, run, and monitor AWS Glue ETL jobs in AWS Glue. The new DynamoDB export connector is available on AWS Glue Studio Visual Editor. You can choose Amazon DynamoDB as the source.

After you choose Create, you see the visual Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). Here, you can choose your DynamoDB table that exists in this account or Region. This allows you to select DynamoDB tables (with PITR enabled) directly as a source in AWS Glue Studio. This provides a one-click export from any of your DynamoDB tables to Amazon S3. You can also easily add any data sources and targets or transformations to the DAG. For example, it allows you to join two different DynamoDB tables and export the result to Amazon S3, as shown in the following screenshot.

The following two connection options are automatically added. This location is used to store temporary data during the DynamoDB export phase. You can set S3 bucket lifecycle policies to expire temporary data.

  • dynamodb.s3.bucket – The S3 bucket to store temporary data during DynamoDB export
  • dynamodb.s3.prefix – The S3 prefix to store temporary data during DynamoDB export

How to use the new connector on the job script code

You can use the new export connector when you create an AWS Glue DynamicFrame in the job script code by configuring the following connection options:

  • dynamodb.export – (Required) You need to set this to ddb or s3
  • dynamodb.tableArn – (Required) Your source DynamoDB table ARN
  • dynamodb.unnestDDBJson – (Optional) If set to true, performs an unnest transformation of the DynamoDB JSON structure that is present in exports. The default value is false.
  • dynamodb.s3.bucket – (Optional) The S3 bucket to store temporary data during DynamoDB export
  • dynamodb.s3.prefix – (Optional) The S3 prefix to store temporary data during DynamoDB export

The following is the sample Python code to create a DynamicFrame using the new export connector:

dyf = glue_context.create_dynamic_frame.from_options(
        "dynamodb.export": "ddb",
        "dynamodb.tableArn": "test_source",
        "dynamodb.unnestDDBJson": True,
        "dynamodb.s3.bucket": "bucket name",
        "dynamodb.s3.prefix": "bucket prefix"

The new export connector doesn’t require configurations related to AWS Glue job parallelism, unlike the old connector. Now you no longer need to change the configuration when you scale out the AWS Glue job. It also doesn’t require any configuration regarding DynamoDB table read/write capacity and its capacity mode (on demand or provisioned).

DynamoDB table schema handling

By default, the new export connector reads data in DynamoDB JSON structure that is present in exports. The following is an example schema of the frame using the Amazon Customer Review Dataset:

|-- Item: struct (nullable = true)
| |-- product_id: struct (nullable = true)
| | |-- S: string (nullable = true)
| |-- review_id: struct (nullable = true)
| | |-- S: string (nullable = true)
| |-- total_votes: struct (nullable = true)
| | |-- N: string (nullable = true)
| |-- product_title: struct (nullable = true)
| | |-- S: string (nullable = true)
| |-- star_rating: struct (nullable = true)
| | |-- N: string (nullable = true)
| |-- customer_id: struct (nullable = true)
| | |-- S: string (nullable = true)
| |-- marketplace: struct (nullable = true)
| | |-- S: string (nullable = true)
| |-- helpful_votes: struct (nullable = true)
| | |-- N: string (nullable = true)
| |-- review_headline: struct (nullable = true)
| | |-- S: string (nullable = true)
| | |-- NULL: boolean (nullable = true)
| |-- review_date: struct (nullable = true)
| | |-- S: string (nullable = true)
| |-- vine: struct (nullable = true)
| | |-- S: string (nullable = true)
| |-- review_body: struct (nullable = true)
| | |-- S: string (nullable = true)
| | |-- NULL: boolean (nullable = true)
| |-- verified_purchase: struct (nullable = true)
| | |-- S: string (nullable = true)
| |-- product_category: struct (nullable = true)
| | |-- S: string (nullable = true)
| |-- year: struct (nullable = true)
| | |-- N: string (nullable = true)
| |-- product_parent: struct (nullable = true)
| | |-- S: string (nullable = true)

To read DynamoDB item columns without handling nested data, you can set dynamodb.unnestDDBJson to True. The following is an example of the schema of the same data where dynamodb.unnestDDBJson is set to True:

|-- product_id: string (nullable = true)
|-- review_id: string (nullable = true)
|-- total_votes: string (nullable = true)
|-- product_title: string (nullable = true)
|-- star_rating: string (nullable = true)
|-- customer_id: string (nullable = true)
|-- marketplace: string (nullable = true)
|-- helpful_votes: string (nullable = true)
|-- review_headline: string (nullable = true)
|-- review_date: string (nullable = true)
|-- vine: string (nullable = true)
|-- review_body: string (nullable = true)
|-- verified_purchase: string (nullable = true)
|-- product_category: string (nullable = true)
|-- year: string (nullable = true)
|-- product_parent: string (nullable = true)

Data freshness

Data freshness is the measure of staleness of the data from the live tables in the original source. In the new export connecor, the option dynamodb.export impacts data freshness.

When dynamodb.export is set to ddb, the AWS Glue job invokes a new export and then reads the export placed in an S3 bucket into DynamicFrame. It reads exports of the live table, so data can be fresh. On the other hand, when dynamodb.export is set to s3, the AWS Glue job skips invoking a new export and directly reads an export already placed in an S3 bucket. It reads exports of the past table, so data can be stale, but you can reduce overhead to trigger the exports.

The following table explains the data freshness and pros and cons of each option.

.. dynamodb.export Config Data Freshness Data Source Pros Cons
New export connector s3 Stale Export of the past table
  • RCU is not consumed
  • Can skip triggering exports
  • Data can be stale
New export connector ddb Fresh Export of the live table
  • Data can be fresh
  • RCU is not consumed
  • Overhead to trigger exports and wait for completion
Old connector N/A Most fresh Scan of the live tables
  • Data can be fresh
  • Read capacity unit (RCU) is consumed


The following benchmark shows the performance improvements between the old version of the AWS Glue DynamoDB connector and the new export connector. The comparison uses the DynamoDB tables storing the TPC-DS benchmark dataset with different scales from 10 MB to 2 TB. The sample Spark job reads from the DynamoDB table and calculates the count of the items. All the Spark jobs are run on AWS Glue 3.0, G.2X, 60 workers.

The following chart compares AWS Glue job duration between the old connector and the new export connector. For small DynamoDB tables, the old connector is faster. For large tables more than 80 GB, the new export connector is faster. In other words, the DynamoDB export connector is recommended for jobs that take the old connector more than 5–10 minutes to run. Also, the chart shows that the duration of the new export connector increases slowly as data size increases, although the duration of the old connector increases rapidly as data size increases. This means that the new export connector is suitable especially for larger tables.

The following chart compares dollar cost between the old connector and the new export connector. It contains the AWS Glue DPU hour cost summed with the cost for reading data from DynamoDB. For the old connector, we include the read request cost. For the new export connector, we include the cost in the DynamoDB data export to Amazon S3. Both are calculated in DynamoDB on-demand capacity mode.

With AWS Glue Auto Scaling

AWS Glue Auto Scaling is a new feature to automatically resize computing resources for better performance at lower cost. You can take advantage of AWS Glue Auto Scaling with the new DynamoDB export connector.

As the following chart shows, with AWS Glue Auto Scaling, the duration of the new export connector is shorter than the old connector when the size of the source DynamoDB table is 100 GB or more. It shows a similar trend without AWS Glue Auto Scaling.

You get the cost benefits as only Spark driver is active for most of the time duration during the DynamoDB export (which is nearly 30% of the total job duration time with the old scan-based connector).


AWS Glue is a key service to integrate with multiple data stores. At AWS, we keep improving the performance and cost-efficiency of our services. In this post, we announced the availability of the new AWS Glue DynamoDB export connector. With this new connector, you can easily integrate your large data on DynamoDB tables with different data stores. It helps you read the large tables faster from AWS Glue jobs at lower cost.

The new AWS Glue DynamoDB export connector is now generally available in all supported Glue Regions. Let’s start using the new AWS Glue DynamoDB export connector today! We are looking forward to your feedback and stories on how you utilize the connector for your needs.

About the Authors

Noritaka Sekiyama is a Principal Big Data Architect on the AWS Glue team. He is responsible for building software artifacts that help customers build data lakes on the cloud.

Neil Gupta is a Software Development Engineer on the AWS Glue team. He enjoys tackling big data problems and learning more about distributed systems.

Andrew Kim is a Software Development Engineer on the AWS Glue team. His passion is to build scalable and effective solutions to challenging problems and working with distributed systems.

Savio Dsouza is a Software Development Manager on the AWS Glue team. His team works on distributed systems for efficiently managing data lakes on AWS and optimizing Apache Spark for performance and reliability.