Tag Archives: announcements

New – Amazon EC2 M1 Mac Instances

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-amazon-ec2-m1-mac-instances/

Last year, during the re:Invent 2021 conference, I wrote a blog post to announce the preview of EC2 M1 Mac instances. I know many of you requested access to the preview, and we did our best but could not satisfy everybody. However, the wait is over. I have the pleasure of announcing the general availability of EC2 M1 Mac instances.

EC2 Mac instances are dedicated Mac mini computers attached through Thunderbolt to the AWS Nitro System, which lets the Mac mini appear and behave like another EC2 instance. It connects to your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), boots from Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes, and uses EBS snapshots, Amazon Machine Images (AMIs), security groups and other AWS services such as Amazon CloudWatch and AWS Systems Manager.

The availability of EC2 M1 Mac instances lets you access machines built around the Apple-designed M1 System on Chip (SoC). If you are a Mac developer and re-architecting your apps to natively support Macs with Apple silicon, you may now build and test your apps and take advantage of all the benefits of AWS. Developers building for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Apple TV will also benefit from faster builds. EC2 M1 Mac instances deliver up to 60 percent better price performance over the x86-based EC2 Mac instances for iPhone and Mac app build workloads.

For example, I tested the time it takes to clean, build, archive, and run the unit tests on a sample project I wrote. The new EC2 M1 Mac instances complete this set of tasks in 49 seconds on average. This is 47.8 percent faster than the same set of tasks running on the previous generation of EC2 Mac instances.

To see how to launch an EC2 M1 Mac instance from the AWS Management Console or the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), I invite you to read my last blog post on the subject.

EC2 Mac M1 Instance

During the six months of the preview, we collected your feedback and fine-tuned the service to your needs.

We’ve added a new FAQ section to our documentation to get started with EC2 M1 Mac instances. Agents for management and observability, such as Systems Manager and CloudWatch, are pre-installed on all our macOS AMIs, along with tools such as the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and our AWS SDKs. EC2 M1 Mac instances integrate with other AWS services, such as Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) for file storage, AWS Auto Scaling, or AWS Secrets Manager.

For example, I am using Secrets Manager to securely store my build secrets, such as the signing keys and certificates used to sign my binaries before to distribute them on the App Store. From my laptop, I first make sure to export the certificate from the macOS keychain. I then upload my certificate to Secrets Manager with this command:

aws secretsmanager create-secret            \
       --name apple-signing-dev-certificate \
       --secret-binary fileb://./secrets/apple_dev_seb.p12 

On the EC2 M1 Mac instance, to prepare my instance before the build phase, I download the certificate, decode it (it is base64-encoded), and store it in the EC2 M1 Mac instance keychain, where the codesign tool will find it during the build.

# download the certificate from Secrets Manager
SIGNING_DEV_KEY=$($aws secretsmanager get-secret-value  \
      --secret-id apple-signing-dev-certificate         \
      --query SecretBinary --output text)

# save the certificate as a file
echo $SIGNING_DEV_KEY | base64 -d > seb_dev_certificate.p12

# import the certificate in the keychain 
security import seb_dev_certificate.p12 \
                -P "my_cert_password"   \
                -k my.dev.keychain      \
                -T /usr/bin/security -T /usr/bin/codesign -T /usr/bin/xcodebuild

# delete the certificate from disk
rm seb_dev_certificate.p12

There are a few more configuration steps to get code signing work from the macOS command line. You can check out this presentation I made or my code repository for the details.

We are preparing a couple of events to help you learn more about EC2 M1 Mac instance use cases and configuration. First, we recently had an online webinar to learn how to take advantage of EC2 Mac instances for iOS development, content is available for you to consume on-demand after a free registration step. Second, we are preparing a one-day, in-person developer conference for later this year. The conference agenda will be packed with technical content and workshops. Stay tuned on social media to learn more about it.

Last and not least, but not related to EC2 Mac instances, the Apple WWDC 2022 conference took place last month, from June 6–8, 2022, and the content is available online. This is a great occasion to learn more about development for Apple systems in general.

And now, go build 😉

— seb

OSPAR 2022 report now available with 142 services in scope

Post Syndicated from Joseph Goh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/ospar-2022-report-now-available-with-142-services-in-scope/

We’re excited to announce the completion of our annual Outsourced Service Provider’s Audit Report (OSPAR) audit cycle on July 1, 2022. The 2022 OSPAR certification cycle includes the addition of 15 new services in scope, bringing the total number of services in scope to 142 in the AWS Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region.

Newly added services in scope include the following:

Successful completion of the OSPAR assessment demonstrates that AWS has a system of controls in place that meet the Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS) Guidelines on Control Objectives and Procedures for Outsourced Service Providers. Our alignment with the ABS guidelines demonstrates our commitment to meet the security expectations for cloud service providers set by the financial services industry in Singapore. Customers can use the OSPAR assessment to conduct due diligence, and to help reduce the effort and costs required for compliance. An independent third-party auditor, selected from the ABS list of approved auditors, performs the OSPAR assessment.

You can download the latest OSPAR report from AWS Artifact, a self-service portal for on-demand access to AWS compliance reports. Sign in to AWS Artifact in the AWS Management Console, or learn more at Getting Started with AWS Artifact. The list of services in scope for OSPAR is available in the report, and is also available on the AWS Services in Scope by Compliance Program webpage.

As always, we’re committed to bringing new services into the scope of our OSPAR program based on your architectural and regulatory needs. If you have questions about the OSPAR report, contact your AWS account team.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.

Joseph Goh

Joseph Goh

Joseph is the APJ ASEAN Lead at AWS based in Singapore. He leads security audits, certifications and compliance programs across the Asia Pacific region. Joseph is passionate about delivering programs that build trust with customers and provide them assurance on cloud security.

2022 H1 IRAP report is now available on AWS Artifact

Post Syndicated from Matt Brunker original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/2022-h1-irap-report-is-now-available-on-aws-artifact/

We’re excited to announce that a new Information Security Registered Assessors Program (IRAP) report is now available on AWS Artifact. Amazon Web Services (AWS) successfully completed an IRAP assessment in May 2022 by an independent ASD (Australian Signals Directorate) certified IRAP assessor. The new IRAP report includes an additional nine AWS services that are now assessed at the PROTECTED classification under IRAP. This brings the total number of services assessed at PROTECTED to 132.

For a full list of these services, see the IRAP tab on the AWS Services in Scope page. The following services are the nine newly assessed services:

The IRAP documentation pack is developed in accordance with the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Cloud Security Guidance and their Anatomy of a Cloud Assessment and Authorisation framework, which addresses guidance within the Australian Government Information Security Manual (ISM), the Attorney-General’s Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF), and the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) Secure Cloud Strategy.

The IRAP package on AWS Artifact also includes the AWS Consumer Guide and the whitepaper Reference Architectures for ISM PROTECTED Workloads in the AWS Cloud.

The IRAP documentation pack is developed to assist Australian government agencies and their partners to plan, architect, and assess risk for their workloads when they use AWS Cloud services. Reach out to your AWS representatives to let us know which additional services you would like to see in scope for upcoming IRAP assessments. We strive to bring more services into scope at the PROTECTED level to support your requirements.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Matt Brunker

Matt is the security program manager for the Australia and New Zealand region, leading multiple security certification programs. Matt is a passionate cybersecurity professional with a strong background in assisting organisations in the design, implementation, and monitoring of security controls.

How to tune TLS for hybrid post-quantum cryptography with Kyber

Post Syndicated from Brian Jarvis original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-tune-tls-for-hybrid-post-quantum-cryptography-with-kyber/

We are excited to offer hybrid post-quantum TLS with Kyber for AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) and AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). In this blog post, we share the performance characteristics of our hybrid post-quantum Kyber implementation, show you how to configure a Maven project to use it, and discuss how to prepare your connection settings for Kyber post-quantum cryptography (PQC).

After five years of intensive research and cryptanalysis among partners from academia, the cryptographic community, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), NIST has selected Kyber for post-quantum key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) standardization. This marks the beginning of the next generation of public key encryption. In time, the classical key establishment algorithms we use today, like RSA and elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), will be replaced by quantum-secure alternatives. At AWS Cryptography, we’ve been researching and analyzing the candidate KEMs through each round of the NIST selection process. We began supporting Kyber in round 2 and continue that support today.

A cryptographically relevant quantum computer that is capable of breaking RSA and ECC does not yet exist. However, we are offering hybrid post-quantum TLS with Kyber today so that customers can see how the performance differences of PQC affect their workloads. We also believe that the use of PQC raises the already-high security bar for connecting to AWS KMS and ACM, making this feature attractive for customers with long-term confidentiality needs.

Performance of hybrid post-quantum TLS with Kyber

Hybrid post-quantum TLS incurs a latency and bandwidth overhead compared to classical crypto alone. To quantify this overhead, we measured how long S2N-TLS takes to negotiate hybrid post-quantum (ECDHE + Kyber) key establishment compared to ECDHE alone. We performed the tests with the Linux perf subsystem on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) c6i.4xlarge instance in the US East (Northern Virginia) AWS Region, and we initiated 2,000 TLS connections to a test server running in the US West (Oregon) Region, to include typical internet latencies.

Figure 1 shows the latencies of a TLS handshake that uses classical ECDHE and hybrid post-quantum (ECDHE + Kyber) key establishment. The columns are separated to illustrate the CPU time spent by the client and server compared to the time spent sending data over the network.

Figure 1: Latency of classical compared to hybrid post-quantum TLS handshake

Figure 1: Latency of classical compared to hybrid post-quantum TLS handshake

Figure 2 shows the bytes sent and received during the TLS handshake, as measured by the client, for both classical ECDHE and hybrid post-quantum (ECDHE + Kyber) key establishment.

Figure 2: Bandwidth of classical compared to hybrid post-quantum TLS handshake

Figure 2: Bandwidth of classical compared to hybrid post-quantum TLS handshake

This data shows that the overhead for using hybrid post-quantum key establishment is 0.25 ms on the client, 0.23 ms on the server, and an additional 2,356 bytes on the wire. Intra-Region tests would result in lower network latency. Your latencies also might vary depending on network conditions, CPU performance, server load, and other variables.

The results show that the performance of Kyber is strong; the additional latency is one of the top contenders among the NIST PQC candidates that we analyzed in a previous blog post. In fact, the performance of these ciphers has improved during our latest test, because x86-64 assembly-optimized versions of these ciphers are now available for use.

Configure a Maven project for hybrid post-quantum TLS

In this section, we provide a Maven configuration and code example that will show you how to get started using our assembly-optimized, hybrid post-quantum TLS configuration with Kyber.

To configure a Maven project for hybrid post-quantum TLS

  1. Get the preview release of the AWS Common Runtime HTTP client for the AWS SDK for Java 2.x. Your Maven dependency configuration should specify version 2.17.69-PREVIEW or newer, as shown in the following code sample.

  2. Configure the desired cipher suite in your code’s initialization. The following code sample configures an AWS KMS client to use the latest hybrid post-quantum cipher suite.
    // Check platform support
        throw new RuntimeException(“Hybrid post-quantum cipher suites are not supported.”);
    // Configure HTTP client   
    SdkAsyncHttpClient awsCrtHttpClient = AwsCrtAsyncHttpClient.builder()
    // Create the AWS KMS async client
    KmsAsyncClient kmsAsync = KmsAsyncClient.builder()

With that, all calls made with your AWS KMS client will use hybrid post-quantum TLS. You can use the latest hybrid post-quantum cipher suite with ACM by following the preceding example but using an AcmAsyncClient instead.

Tune connection settings for hybrid post-quantum TLS

Although hybrid post-quantum TLS has some latency and bandwidth overhead on the initial handshake, that cost is amortized over the duration of the TLS session, and you can fine-tune your connection settings to help further reduce the cost. In this section, you learn three ways to reduce the impact of hybrid PQC on your TLS connections: connection pooling, connection timeouts, and TLS session resumption.

Connection pooling

Connection pools manage the number of active connections to a server. They allow a connection to be reused without closing and reopening it, which amortizes the cost of connection establishment over time. Part of a connection’s setup time is the TLS handshake, so you can use connection pools to help reduce the impact of an increase in handshake latency.

To illustrate this, we wrote a test application that generates approximately 200 transactions per second to a test server. We varied the maximum concurrency setting of the HTTP client and measured the latency of the test request. In the AWS CRT HTTP client, this is the maxConcurrency setting. If the connection pool doesn’t have an idle connection available, the request latency includes establishing a new connection. Using Wireshark, we captured the network traffic to observe the number of TLS handshakes that took place over the duration of the application. Figure 3 shows the request latency and number of TLS handshakes as the maxConcurrency setting is increased.

Figure 3: Median request latency and number of TLS handshakes as concurrency pool size increases

Figure 3: Median request latency and number of TLS handshakes as concurrency pool size increases

The biggest latency benefit occurred with a maxConcurrency value greater than 1. Beyond that, the latencies were past the point of diminishing returns. For all maxConcurrency values of 10 and below, additional TLS handshakes took place within the connections, but they didn’t have much impact on median latency. These inflection points will depend on your application’s request volume. The takeaway is that connection pooling allows connections to be reused, thereby spreading the cost of any increased TLS negotiation time over many requests.

More detail about using the maxConcurrency option can be found in the AWS SDK for Java API Reference.

Connection timeouts

Connection timeouts work in conjunction with connection pooling. Even if you use a connection pool, there is a limit to how long idle connections stay open before the pool closes them. You can adjust this time limit to save on connection establishment overhead.

A nice way to visualize this setting is to imagine bursty traffic patterns. Despite tuning the connection pool concurrency, your connections keep closing because the burst period is longer than the idle time limit. By increasing the maximum idle time, you can reuse these connections despite bursty behavior.

To simulate the impact of connection timeouts, we wrote a test application that starts 10 threads, each of which activate at the same time on a periodic schedule every 5 seconds for a minute. We set maxConcurrency to 10 to allow each thread to have its own connection. We set connectionMaxIdleTime of the AWS CRT HTTP client to 1 second for the first test; and to 10 seconds for the second test.

When the maximum idle time was 1 second, the connections for all 10 threads closed during the time between each burst. As a result, 100 total connections were formed over the life of the test, causing a median request latency of 20.3 ms. When we changed the maximum idle time to 10 seconds, the 10 initial connections were reused by each subsequent burst, reducing the median request latency to 5.9 ms.

By setting the connectionMaxIdleTime appropriately for your application, you can reduce connection establishment overhead, including TLS negotiation time, to help achieve time savings throughout the life of your application.

More detail about using the connectionMaxIdleTime option can be found in the AWS SDK for Java API Reference.

TLS session resumption

TLS session resumption allows a client and server to bypass the key agreement that is normally performed to arrive at a new shared secret. Instead, communication quickly resumes by using a shared secret that was previously negotiated, or one that was derived from a previous secret (the implementation details depend on the version of TLS in use). This feature requires that both the client and server support it, but if available, TLS session resumption allows the TLS handshake time and bandwidth increases associated with hybrid PQ to be amortized over the life of multiple connections.


As you learned in this post, hybrid post-quantum TLS with Kyber is available for AWS KMS and ACM. This new cipher suite raises the security bar and allows you to prepare your workloads for post-quantum cryptography. Hybrid key agreement has some additional overhead compared to classical ECDHE, but you can mitigate these increases by tuning your connection settings, including connection pooling, connection timeouts, and TLS session resumption. Begin using hybrid key agreement today with AWS KMS and ACM.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Brian Jarvis

Brian Jarvis

Brian is a Senior Software Engineer at AWS Cryptography. His interests are in post-quantum cryptography and cryptographic hardware. Previously, Brian worked in AWS Security, developing internal services used throughout the company. Brian holds a Bachelor’s degree from Vanderbilt University and a Master’s degree from George Mason University in Computer Engineering. He plans to finish his PhD “some day”.

AWS Week in Review – July 4, 2022

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-july-04-2022/

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Summer has arrived in Finland, and these last few days have been hotter than in the Canary Islands! Today in the US it is Independence Day. I hope that if you are celebrating, you’re having a great time. This week I’m very excited about some developer experience and artificial intelligence launches.

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week:

AWS SAM Accelerate is now generally available – SAM Accelerate is a new capability of the AWS Serverless Application Model CLI, which makes it easier for serverless developers to test code changes against the cloud. You can do a hot swap of code directly in the cloud when making a change in your local development environment. This allows you to develop applications faster. Learn more about this launch in the What’s New post.

Amplify UI for React is generally available – Amplify UI is an open-source UI library that helps developers build cloud-native applications. Amplify UI for React comes with over 35 components that you can use, an authentication component that allows you to connect to your backend with no extra configuration, theming for your components. You can also build your UI using Figma. Check the Amplify UI for React site to learn more about all the capabilities offered.

Amazon Connect has new announcements – First, Amazon Connect added support to personalize the flows of the customer experience using Amazon Lex sentiment analysis. It also added support to branch out the flows depending on Amazon Lex confidence scores. Lastly, it added confidence scores to Amazon Connect Customer Profiles to help companies merge duplicate customer records.

Amazon QuickSight – QuickSight authors can now learn and experience Q before signing up. Authors can choose from six different sample topics and explore different visualizations. In addition, QuickSight now supports Level Aware Calculations (LAC) and rolling date functionality. These two new features bring flexibility and simplification to customers to build advanced calculation and dashboards.

Amazon SageMaker – RStudio on SageMaker now allows you to bring your own development environment in a custom image. RStudio on SageMaker is a fully managed RStudio Workbench in the cloud. In addition, SageMaker added four new tabular data modeling algorithms: LightGBM, CatBoost, AutoGluon-Tabular, and TabTransformer to the existing set of built-in algorithms, pre-trained models and pre-built solution templates it provides.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Some other updates and news that you may have missed:

AWS Support announced an improved experience when creating a case – There is a new interface for creating support cases in the AWS Support Center console. Now you can create a case with a simplified three-step process that guides you through the flow. Learn more about this new process in the What’s new post.

New AWS Step Functions workflows collection on Serverless Land – The Step Functions workflows collection is a new experience that makes it easier to discover, deploy, and share AWS Step Functions workflows. In this collection, you can find opinionated templates that implement the best practices to build using Step Functions. Learn more about this new collection in Ben’s blog post.

Podcast Charlas Técnicas de AWS – If you understand Spanish, this podcast is for you. Podcast Charlas Técnicas is one of the official AWS Podcasts in Spanish, which shares a new episode ever other week. The podcast is meant for builders, and it shares stories about how customers implement and learn AWS, how to architect applications, and how to use new services. You can listen to all the episodes directly from your favorite podcast app or from the AWS Podcasts en español website.

AWS open-source news and updates – A newsletter curated by my colleague Ricardo brings you the latest open-source projects, posts, events, and more.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

AWS Summit New York – Join us on July 12 for the in-person AWS Summit. You can register on the AWS Summit page for free.

AWS re:Inforce – This is an in-person learning conference with a focus on security, compliance, identity, and privacy. You can register now to access hundreds of technical sessions, and other content. It will take place July 26 and 27 in Boston, MA.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!

— Marcia

AWS achieves the first OSCAL format system security plan submission to FedRAMP

Post Syndicated from Matthew Donkin original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/aws-achieves-the-first-oscal-format-system-security-plan-submission-to-fedramp/

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the first cloud service provider to produce an Open Security Control Assessment Language (OSCAL)–formatted system security plan (SSP) for the FedRAMP Project Management Office (PMO). OSCAL is the first step in the AWS effort to automate security documentation to simplify our customers’ journey through cloud adoption and accelerate the authorization to operate (ATO) process.

AWS continues its commitment to innovation and customer obsession. Our incorporation of the OSCAL format will improve the customer experience of reviewing and assessing security documentation. It can take an estimated 4,200 workforce hours for companies to receive an ATO, with much of the effort due to manual review and transcription of documentation. Automating this process through a machine-translatable language gives our customers the ability to ingest security documentation into a governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) tool to automate much of this time-consuming task. AWS worked with an AWS Partner, to ingest the AWS SSP through their tool, Xacta.

This is a first step in several initiatives AWS has planned to automate the security assurance process across multiple compliance frameworks. We continue to look for ways to earn trust with our customers, and over the next year we will continue to release new solutions that customers can use to rapidly deploy secure and innovative services.

“Providing the SSP packages in OSCAL is a great milestone in security automation marking the beginning of a new era in cybersecurity. We appreciate the leadership in this area and look forward to working with all cyber professionals, in particular with the visionary cloud service providers, to help deliver secure innovation faster to the people they serve.”

– Dr. Michaela Iorga, OSCAL Strategic Outreach Director, NIST

To learn more about OSCAL, visit the NIST OSCAL website. To learn more about FedRAMP’s plans for OSCAL, visit the FedRAMP Blog.

To learn what other public sector customers are doing on AWS, see our Government, Education, and Nonprofits case studies and customer success stories. Stay tuned for future updates on our Services in Scope by Compliance Program page. Let us know how this post will help your mission by reaching out to your AWS account team. Lastly, if you have feedback about this blog post, let us know in the Comments section.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Matthew Donkin

Matthew Donkin

Matthew Donkin, AWS Security Compliance Lead, provides direction and guidance for security documentation automation, physical security compliance, and assists customers in navigating compliance in the cloud. He is leading the development of the industries’ first open security controls assessment language (OSCAL) artifacts for adoption of a faster and more reliable way to process resource intensive documentation within the authorization process.

TLS 1.2 to become the minimum TLS protocol level for all AWS API endpoints

Post Syndicated from Janelle Hopper original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/tls-1-2-required-for-aws-endpoints/

At Amazon Web Services (AWS), we continuously innovate to deliver you a cloud computing environment that works to help meet the requirements of the most security-sensitive organizations. To respond to evolving technology and regulatory standards for Transport Layer Security (TLS), we will be updating the TLS configuration for all AWS service API endpoints to a minimum of version TLS 1.2. This update means you will no longer be able to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1 with all AWS APIs in all AWS Regions by June 28, 2023. In this post, we will tell you how to check your TLS version, and what to do to prepare.

We have continued AWS support for TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1 to maintain backward compatibility for customers that have older or difficult to update clients, such as embedded devices. Furthermore, we have active mitigations in place that help protect your data for the issues identified in these older versions. Now is the right time to retire TLS 1.0 and 1.1, because increasing numbers of customers have requested this change to help simplify part of their regulatory compliance, and there are fewer and fewer customers using these older versions.

If you are one of the more than 95% of AWS customers who are already using TLS 1.2 or later, you will not be impacted by this change. You are almost certainly already using TLS 1.2 or later if your client software application was built after 2014 using an AWS Software Development Kit (AWS SDK), AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or later, or another modern development environment. If you are using earlier application versions, or have not updated your development environment since before 2014, you will likely need to update.

If you are one of the customers still using TLS 1.0 or 1.1, then you must update your client software to use TLS 1.2 or later to maintain your ability to connect. It is important to understand that you already have control over the TLS version used when connecting. When connecting to AWS API endpoints, your client software negotiates its preferred TLS version, and AWS uses the highest mutually agreed upon version.

To minimize the availability impact of requiring TLS 1.2, AWS is rolling out the changes on an endpoint-by-endpoint basis over the next year, starting now and ending in June 2023. Before making these potentially breaking changes, we monitor for connections that are still using TLS 1.0 or TLS 1.1. If you are one of the AWS customers who may be impacted, we will notify you on your AWS Health Dashboard, and by email. After June 28, 2023, AWS will update our API endpoint configuration to remove TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1, even if you still have connections using these versions.

What should you do to prepare for this update?

To minimize your risk, you can self-identify if you have any connections using TLS 1.0 or 1.1. If you find any connections using TLS 1.0 or 1.1, you should update your client software to use TLS 1.2 or later.

AWS CloudTrail records are especially useful to identify if you are using the outdated TLS versions. You can now search for the TLS version used for your connections by using the recently added tlsDetails field. The tlsDetails structure in each CloudTrail record contains the TLS version, cipher suite, and the fully qualified domain name (FQDN, also known as the URL) field used for the API call. You can then use the data in the records to help you pinpoint your client software that is responsible for the TLS 1.0 or 1.1 call, and update it accordingly. Nearly half of AWS services currently provide the TLS information in the CloudTrail tlsDetails field, and we are continuing to roll this out for the remaining services in the coming months.

We recommend you use one of the following options for running your CloudTrail TLS queries:

  1. AWS CloudTrail Lake: You can follow the steps, and use the sample TLS query, in the blog post Using AWS CloudTrail Lake to identify older TLS connections. There is also a built-in sample CloudTrail TLS query available in the AWS CloudTrail Lake console.
  2. Amazon CloudWatch Log Insights: There are two built-in CloudWatch Log Insights sample CloudTrail TLS queries that you can use, as shown in Figure 1.
    Figure 1: Available sample TLS queries for CloudWatch Log Insights

    Figure 1: Available sample TLS queries for CloudWatch Log Insights

  3. Amazon Athena: You can query AWS CloudTrail logs in Amazon Athena, and we will be adding support for querying the TLS values in your CloudTrail logs in the coming months. Look for updates and announcements about this in future AWS Security Blog posts.

In addition to using CloudTrail data, you can also identify the TLS version used by your connections by performing code, network, or log analysis as described in the blog post TLS 1.2 will be required for all AWS FIPS endpoints. Note that while this post refers to the FIPS API endpoints, the information about querying for TLS versions is applicable to all API endpoints.

Will I be notified if I am using TLS 1.0 or TLS 1.1?

If we detect that you are using TLS 1.0 or 1.1, you will be notified on your AWS Health Dashboard, and you will receive email notifications. However, you will not receive a notification for connections you make anonymously to AWS shared resources, such as a public Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, because we cannot identify anonymous connections. Furthermore, while we will make every effort to identify and notify every customer, there is a possibility that we may not detect infrequent connections, such as those that occur less than monthly.

How do I update my client to use TLS 1.2 or TLS 1.3?

If you are using an AWS Software Developer Kit (AWS SDK) or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), follow the detailed guidance about how to examine your client software code and properly configure the TLS version used in the blog post TLS 1.2 to become the minimum for FIPS endpoints.

We encourage you to be proactive in order to avoid an impact to availability. Also, we recommend that you test configuration changes in a staging environment before you introduce them into production workloads.

What is the most common use of TLS 1.0 or TLS 1.1?

The most common use of TLS 1.0 or 1.1 are .NET Framework versions earlier than 4.6.2. If you use the .NET Framework, please confirm you are using version 4.6.2 or later. For information about how to update and configure the .NET Framework to support TLS 1.2, see How to enable TLS 1.2 on clients in the .NET Configuration Manager documentation.

What is Transport Layer Security (TLS)?

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a cryptographic protocol that secures internet communications. Your client software can be set to use TLS version 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3, or a subset of these, when connecting to service endpoints. You should ensure that your client software supports TLS 1.2 or later.

Is there more assistance available to help verify or update my client software?

If you have any questions or issues, you can start a new thread on the AWS re:Post community, or you can contact AWS Support or your Technical Account Manager (TAM).

Additionally, you can use AWS IQ to find, securely collaborate with, and pay AWS certified third-party experts for on-demand assistance to update your TLS client components. To find out how to submit a request, get responses from experts, and choose the expert with the right skills and experience, see the AWS IQ page. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and select Get Started with AWS IQ to start a request.

What if I can’t update my client software?

If you are unable to update to use TLS 1.2 or TLS 1.3, contact AWS Support or your Technical Account Manager (TAM) so that we can work with you to identify the best solution.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Janelle Hopper

Janelle is a Senior Technical Program Manager in AWS Security with over 25 years of experience in the IT security field. She works with AWS services, infrastructure, and administrative teams to identify and drive innovative solutions that improve the AWS security posture.


Daniel Salzedo

Daniel is a Senior Specialist Technical Account Manager – Security. He has over 25 years of professional experience in IT in industries as diverse as video game development, manufacturing, banking, and used car sales. He loves working with our wonderful AWS customers to help them solve their complex security challenges at scale.


Ben Sherman

Ben is a Software Development Engineer in AWS Security, where he focuses on automation to support AWS compliance obligations. He enjoys experimenting with computing and web services both at work and in his free time.

New – Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth Now Supports Synthetic Data Generation

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-amazon-sagemaker-ground-truth-now-supports-synthetic-data-generation/

Today, I am happy to announce that you can now use Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth to generate labeled synthetic image data.

Building machine learning (ML) models is an iterative process that, at a high level, starts with data collection and preparation, followed by model training and model deployment. And especially the first step, collecting large, diverse, and accurately labeled datasets for your model training, is often challenging and time-consuming.

Let’s take computer vision (CV) applications as an example. CV applications have come to play a key role in the industrial landscape. They help improve manufacturing quality or automate warehouses. Yet, collecting the data to train these CV models often takes a long time or can be impossible.

As a data scientist, you might spend months collecting hundreds of thousands of images from the production environments to make sure you capture all variations in data the model will come across. In some cases, finding all data variations might even be impossible, for example, sourcing images of rare product defects, or expensive, if you have to intentionally damage your products to get those images.

And once all data is collected, you need to accurately label the images, which is often a struggle in itself. Manually labeling images is slow and open to human error, and building custom labeling tools and setting up scaled labeling operations can be time-consuming and expensive. One way to mitigate this data challenge is by adding synthetic data to the mix.

Advantages of Combining Real-World Data with Synthetic Data
Combining your real-world data with synthetic data helps to create more complete training datasets for training your ML models.

Synthetic data itself is created by simple rules, statistical models, computer simulations, or other techniques. This allows synthetic data to be created in enormous quantities and with highly accurate labels for annotations across thousands of images. The label accuracy can be done at a very fine granularity, such as on a sub-object or pixel level, and across modalities. Modalities include bounding boxes, polygons, depth, and segments. Synthetic data can also be generated for a fraction of the cost, especially when compared to remote sensing imagery that otherwise relies on satellite, aerial, or drone image collection.

If you combine your real-world data with synthetic data, you can create more complete and balanced data sets, adding data variety that real-world data might lack. With synthetic data, you have the freedom to create any imagery environment, including edge cases that might be difficult to find and replicate in real-world data. You can customize objects and environments with variations, for example, to reflect different lighting, colors, texture, pose, or background. In other words, you can “order” the exact use case you are training your ML model for.

Now, let me show you how you can start sourcing labeled synthetic images using SageMaker Ground Truth.

Get Started on Your Synthetic Data Project with Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth
To request a new synthetic data project, navigate to the Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth console and select Synthetic data.

Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth Synthetic Data

Then, select Open project portal. In the project portal, you can request new projects, monitor projects that are in progress, and view batches of generated images once they become available for review. To initiate a new project, select Request project.

Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth Synthetic Data Project Portal

Describe your synthetic data needs and provide contact information.

Request a synthetic data project

After you submit the request form, you can check your project status in the project dashboard.

Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth Synthetic Data Project Created

In the next step, an AWS expert will reach out to discuss your project requirements in more detail. Upon review, the team will share a custom quote and project timeline.

If you want to continue, AWS digital artists will start by creating a small test batch of labeled synthetic images as a pilot production for you to review.

They collect your project inputs, such as reference photos and available 2D and 3D assets. The team then customizes those assets, adds the specified inclusions, such as scratches, dents, and textures, and creates the configuration that describes all the variations that need to be generated.

They can also create and add new objects based on your requirements, configure distributions and locations of objects in a scene, as well as modify object size, shape, color, and surface texture.

Once the objects are prepared, they are rendered using a photorealistic physics engine, capturing an image of the scene from a sensor that is placed in the virtual world. Images are also automatically labeled. Labels include 2D bounding boxes, instance segmentation, and contours.

You can monitor the progress of the data generation jobs on the project detail page. Once the pilot production test batch becomes available for review, you can spot-check the images and provide feedback for any rework that might be required.

Review available batches of synthetic data

Select the batch you want to review and View details
Sample batch of synthetic data in Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth

In addition to the images, you will also receive output image labels, metadata such as object positions, and image quality metrics as Amazon SageMaker compatible JSON files.

Synthetic Image Fidelity and Diversity Report
With each available batch of images, you also receive a synthetic image fidelity and diversity report. This report provides image and object level statistics and plots that help you make sense of the generated synthetic images.

The statistics are used to describe the diversity and the fidelity of the synthetic images and compare them with real images. Examples of the statistics and plots provided are the distributions of object classes, object sizes, image brightness, and image contrast, as well as the plots evaluating the indistinguishability between synthetic and real images.

Synthetic Image Fidelity and Diversity Report

Once you approve the pilot production test batch, the team will move to the production phase and start generating larger batches of labeled synthetic images with your desired label types, such as 2D bounding boxes, instance segmentation, and contours. Similar to the test batch, each production batch of images will be made available for you together with the image fidelity and diversity report to spot-check, accept, or reject.

All images and artifacts will be available for you to download from your S3 bucket once final production is complete.

Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth synthetic data is available in US East (N. Virginia). Synthetic data is priced on a per-label basis. You can request a custom quote that is tailored to your specific use case and requirements by filling out the project requirement form.

Learn more about SageMaker Ground Truth synthetic data on our Amazon SageMaker Data Labeling page.

Request your synthetic data project through the Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth console today!

— Antje

Now in Preview – Amazon CodeWhisperer- ML-Powered Coding Companion

Post Syndicated from Jeff Barr original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/now-in-preview-amazon-codewhisperer-ml-powered-coding-companion/

As I was getting ready to write this post I spent some time thinking about some of the coding tools that I have used over the course of my career. This includes the line-oriented editor that was an intrinsic part of the BASIC interpreter that I used in junior high school, the IBM keypunch that I used when I started college, various flavors of Emacs, and Visual Studio. The earliest editors were quite utilitarian, and grew in sophistication as CPU power become more plentiful. At first this increasing sophistication took the form of lexical assistance, such as dynamic completion of partially-entered variable and function names. Later editors were able to parse source code, and to offer assistance based on syntax and data types — Visual Studio‘s IntelliSense, for example. Each of these features broke new ground at the time, and each one had the same basic goal: to help developers to write better code while reducing routine and repetitive work.

Announcing CodeWhisperer
Today I would like to tell you about Amazon CodeWhisperer. Trained on billions of lines of code and powered by machine learning, CodeWhisperer has the same goal. Whether you are a student, a new developer, or an experienced professional, CodeWhisperer will help you to be more productive.

We are launching in preview form with support for multiple IDEs and languages. To get started, you simply install the proper AWS IDE Toolkit, enable the CodeWhisperer feature, enter your preview access code, and start typing:

CodeWhisperer will continually examine your code and your comments, and present you with syntactically correct recommendations. The recommendations are synthesized based on your coding style and variable names, and are not simply snippets.

CodeWhisperer uses multiple contextual clues to drive recommendations including the cursor location in the source code, code that precedes the cursor, comments, and code in other files in the same projects. You can use the recommendations as-is, or you can enhance and customize them as needed. As I mentioned earlier, we trained (and continue to train) CodeWhisperer on billions of lines of code drawn from open source repositories, internal Amazon repositories, API documentation, and forums.

CodeWhisperer in Action
I installed the CodeWhisperer preview in PyCharm and put it through its paces. Here are a few examples to show you what it can do. I want to build a list of prime numbers. I type # See if a number is pr. CodeWhisperer offers to complete this, and I press TAB (the actual key is specific to each IDE) to accept the recommendation:

On the next line, I press Alt-C (again, IDE-specific), and I can choose between a pair of function definitions. I accept the first one, and CodeWhisperer recommends the function body, and here’s what I have:

I write a for statement, and CodeWhisperer recommends the entire body of the loop:

CodeWhisperer can also help me to write code that accesses various AWS services. I start with # create S3 bucket and TAB-complete the rest:

I could show you many more cool examples, but you will learn more by simply joining the preview and taking CodeWhisperer for a spin.

Join the Preview
The preview supports code written in Python, Java, and JavaScript, using VS Code, IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm, and AWS Cloud9. Support for the AWS Lambda Console is in the works and should be ready very soon.

Join the CodeWhisperer preview and let me know what you think!


AWS re:Inforce 2022: Threat detection and incident response track preview

Post Syndicated from Celeste Bishop original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/aws-reinforce-2022-threat-detection-and-incident-response-track-preview/

Register now with discount code SALXTDVaB7y to get $150 off your full conference pass to AWS re:Inforce. For a limited time only and while supplies last.

Today we’re going to highlight just some of the sessions focused on threat detection and incident response that are planned for AWS re:Inforce 2022. AWS re:Inforce is a learning conference focused on security, compliance, identity, and privacy. The event features access to hundreds of technical and business sessions, an AWS Partner expo hall, a keynote featuring AWS Security leadership, and more. AWS re:Inforce 2022 will take place in-person in Boston, MA on July 26-27.

AWS re:Inforce organizes content across multiple themed tracks: identity and access management; threat detection and incident response; governance, risk, and compliance; networking and infrastructure security; and data protection and privacy. This post highlights some of the breakout sessions, chalk talks, builders’ sessions, and workshops planned for the threat detection and incident response track. For additional sessions and descriptions, see the re:Inforce 2022 catalog preview. For other highlights, see our sneak peek at the identity and access management sessions and sneak peek at the data protection and privacy sessions.

Breakout sessions

These are lecture-style presentations that cover topics at all levels and delivered by AWS experts, builders, customers, and partners. Breakout sessions typically include 10–15 minutes of Q&A at the end.

TDR201: Running effective security incident response simulations
Security incidents provide learning opportunities for improving your security posture and incident response processes. Ideally you want to learn these lessons before having a security incident. In this session, walk through the process of running and moderating effective incident response simulations with your organization’s playbooks. Learn how to create realistic real-world scenarios, methods for collecting valuable learnings and feeding them back into implementation, and documenting correction-of-error proceedings to improve processes. This session provides knowledge that can help you begin checking your organization’s incident response process, procedures, communication paths, and documentation.

TDR202: What’s new with AWS threat detection services
AWS threat detection teams continue to innovate and improve the foundational security services for proactive and early detection of security events and posture management. Keeping up with the latest capabilities can improve your security posture, raise your security operations efficiency, and reduce your mean time to remediation (MTTR). In this session, learn about recent launches that can be used independently or integrated together for different use cases. Services covered in this session include Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Detective, Amazon Inspector, Amazon Macie, and centralized cloud security posture assessment with AWS Security Hub.

TDR301: A proactive approach to zero-days: Lessons learned from Log4j
In the run-up to the 2021 holiday season, many companies were hit by security vulnerabilities in the widespread Java logging framework, Apache Log4j. Organizations were in a reactionary position, trying to answer questions like: How do we figure out if this is in our environment? How do we remediate across our environment? How do we protect our environment? In this session, learn about proactive measures that you should implement now to better prepare for future zero-day vulnerabilities.

TDR303: Zoom’s journey to hyperscale threat detection and incident response
Zoom, a leader in modern enterprise video communications, experienced hyperscale growth during the pandemic. Their customer base expanded by 30x and their daily security logs went from being measured in gigabytes to terabytes. In this session, Zoom shares how their security team supported this breakneck growth by evolving to a centralized infrastructure, updating their governance process, and consolidating to a single pane of glass for a more rapid response to security concerns. Solutions used to accomplish their goals include Splunk, AWS Security Hub, Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon S3, and others.

Builders’ sessions

These are small-group sessions led by an AWS expert who guides you as you build the service or product on your own laptop.

TDR351: Using Kubernetes audit logs for incident response automation
In this hands-on builders’ session, learn how to use Amazon CloudWatch and Amazon GuardDuty to effectively monitor Kubernetes audit logs—part of the Amazon EKS control plane logs—to alert on suspicious events, such as an increase in 403 Forbidden or 401 Unauthorized Error logs. Also learn how to automate example incident responses for streamlining workflow and remediation.

TDR352: How to mitigate the risk of ransomware in your AWS environment
Join this hands-on builders’ session to learn how to mitigate the risk from ransomware in your AWS environment using the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). Choose your own path to learn how to protect, detect, respond, and recover from a ransomware event using key AWS security and management services. Use Amazon Inspector to detect vulnerabilities, Amazon GuardDuty to detect anomalous activity, and AWS Backup to automate recovery. This session is beneficial for security engineers, security architects, and anyone responsible for implementing security controls in their AWS environment.

Chalk talks

Highly interactive sessions with a small audience. Experts lead you through problems and solutions on a digital whiteboard as the discussion unfolds.

TDR231: Automated vulnerability management and remediation for Amazon EC2
In this chalk talk, learn about vulnerability management strategies for Amazon EC2 instances on AWS at scale. Discover the role of services like Amazon Inspector, AWS Systems Manager, and AWS Security Hub in vulnerability management and mechanisms to perform proactive and reactive remediations of findings that Amazon Inspector generates. Also learn considerations for managing vulnerabilities across multiple AWS accounts and Regions in an AWS Organizations environment.

TDR332: Response preparation with ransomware tabletop exercises
Many organizations do not validate their critical processes prior to an event such as a ransomware attack. Through a security tabletop exercise, customers can use simulations to provide a realistic training experience for organizations to test their security resilience and mitigate risk. In this chalk talk, learn about Amazon Managed Services (AMS) best practices through a live, interactive tabletop exercise to demonstrate how to execute a simulation of a ransomware scenario. Attendees will leave with a deeper understanding of incident response preparation and how to use AWS security tools to better respond to ransomware events.


These are interactive learning sessions where you work in small teams to solve problems using AWS Cloud security services. Come prepared with your laptop and a willingness to learn!

TDR271: Detecting and remediating security threats with Amazon GuardDuty
This workshop walks through scenarios covering threat detection and remediation using Amazon GuardDuty, a managed threat detection service. The scenarios simulate an incident that spans multiple threat vectors, representing a sample of threats related to Amazon EC2, AWS IAM, Amazon S3, and Amazon EKS, that GuardDuty is able to detect. Learn how to view and analyze GuardDuty findings, send alerts based on the findings, and remediate findings.

TDR371: Building an AWS incident response runbook using Jupyter notebooks
This workshop guides you through building an incident response runbook for your AWS environment using Jupyter notebooks. Walk through an easy-to-follow sample incident using a ready-to-use runbook. Then add new programmatic steps and documentation to the Jupyter notebook, helping you discover and respond to incidents.

TDR372: Detecting and managing vulnerabilities with Amazon Inspector
Join this workshop to get hands-on experience using Amazon Inspector to scan Amazon EC2 instances and container images residing in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) for software vulnerabilities. Learn how to manage findings by creating prioritization and suppression rules, and learn how to understand the details found in example findings.

TDR373: Industrial IoT hands-on threat detection
Modern organizations understand that enterprise and industrial IoT (IIoT) yields significant business benefits. However, unaddressed security concerns can expose vulnerabilities and slow down companies looking to accelerate digital transformation by connecting production systems to the cloud. In this workshop, use a case study to detect and remediate a compromised device in a factory using security monitoring and incident response techniques. Use an AWS multilayered security approach and top ten IIoT security golden rules to improve the security posture in the factory.

TDR374: You’ve received an Amazon GuardDuty EC2 finding: What’s next?
You’ve received an Amazon GuardDuty finding drawing your attention to a possibly compromised Amazon EC2 instance. How do you respond? In part one of this workshop, perform an Amazon EC2 incident response using proven processes and techniques for effective investigation, analysis, and lessons learned. Use the AWS CLI to walk step-by-step through a prescriptive methodology for responding to a compromised Amazon EC2 instance that helps effectively preserve all available data and artifacts for investigations. In part two, implement a solution that automates the response and forensics process within an AWS account, so that you can use the lessons learned in your own AWS environments.

If any of the sessions look interesting, consider joining us by registering for re:Inforce 2022. Use code SALXTDVaB7y to save $150 off the price of registration. For a limited time only and while supplies last. Also stay tuned for additional sessions being added to the catalog soon. We look forward to seeing you in Boston!

Celeste Bishop

Celeste Bishop

Celeste is a Product Marketing Manager in AWS Security, focusing on threat detection and incident response solutions. Her background is in experience marketing and also includes event strategy at Fortune 100 companies. Passionate about soccer, you can find her on any given weekend cheering on Liverpool FC, and her local home club, Austin FC.

Charles Goldberg

Charles Goldberg

Charles leads the Security Services product marketing team at AWS. He is based in Silicon Valley and has worked with networking, data protection, and cloud companies. His mission is to help customers understand solution best practices that can reduce the time and resources required for improving their company’s security and compliance outcomes.

New AWS whitepaper: AWS User Guide to Financial Services Regulations and Guidelines in New Zealand

Post Syndicated from Julian Busic original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/new-aws-whitepaper-aws-user-guide-to-financial-services-regulations-and-guidelines-in-new-zealand/

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has released a new whitepaper to help financial services customers in New Zealand accelerate their use of the AWS Cloud.

The new AWS User Guide to Financial Services Regulations and Guidelines in New Zealand—along with the existing AWS Workbook for the RBNZ’s Guidance on Cyber Resilience—continues our efforts to help AWS customers navigate the regulatory expectations of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) in a shared responsibility environment.

This whitepaper is intended for RBNZ-regulated institutions that are looking to run material workloads in the AWS Cloud, and is particularly useful for leadership, security, risk, and compliance teams that need to understand RBNZ requirements and guidance.

The whitepaper summarizes RBNZ requirements and guidance related to outsourcing, cyber resilience, and the cloud. It also gives RBNZ-regulated institutions information they can use to commence their due diligence and assess how to implement the appropriate programs for their use of AWS cloud services.

This document joins existing guides for other jurisdictions in the Asia Pacific region, such as Australia, India, Singapore, and Hong Kong. As the regulatory environment continues to evolve, we’ll provide further updates on the AWS Security Blog and the AWS Compliance page. You can find more information on cloud-related regulatory compliance at the AWS Compliance Center. You can also reach out to your AWS account manager for help finding the resources you need.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Julian Busic

Julian is a Security Solutions Architect with a focus on regulatory engagement. He works with our customers, their regulators, and AWS teams to help customers raise the bar on secure cloud adoption and usage. Julian has over 15 years of experience working in risk and technology across the financial services industry in Australia and New Zealand.

AWS IoT ExpressLink Now Generally Available – Quickly Develop Devices That Connect Securely to AWS Cloud

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-iot-expresslink-now-generally-available-quickly-develop-devices-that-connect-securely-to-aws-cloud/

At AWS re:Invent 2021, we introduced AWS IoT ExpressLink, software for partner-manufactured connectivity modules that makes it easier and faster for original equipment manufacturers to connect any type of product to the cloud, such as industrial sensors, small and large home appliances, irrigation systems, and medical devices.

Today we announce the general availability of AWS IoT ExpressLink and the related connectivity modules offered by AWS Partners, such as EspressifInfineon, and u-blox. The modules contain built-in cloud-connectivity software implementing AWS-mandated security requirements. Integrating these wireless modules into the hardware design of your device makes it faster and easier to securely connect Internet of Things (IoT) devices to the AWS Cloud and integrate with a range of AWS services.

Connecting devices to the AWS cloud requires developers to add tens of thousands of lines of new code to their processor of devices, which demands specialized skills. Merging this new code with their application code also requires a deep understanding of networking and cryptography to ensure the device is both functional and implementing AWS managed security requirements.

Some devices are too resource-constrained to support cloud connectivity, meaning their processors are too small or slow to handle the additional code. For example, a small piece of equipment, like a pool pump, may contain a tiny processor that is optimized to drive a particular type of motor but does not have the memory space or the performance necessary to handle both the motor and a cloud connection.

Modules with AWS IoT ExpressLink include simple codes required to connect the device to the cloud, thereby reducing the development cycle and accelerating time to market. To take the pool pump from the previous example, you can keep the tiny processor in the equipment, and delegate the heavy lifting of connecting to the cloud to AWS IoT ExpressLink, allowing the manufacturer to make the simple application software, and avoid costly redesign.

Modules with AWS IoT ExpressLink feature best practices for device-to-cloud connectivity and security as manufacturing partners incorporate AWS-mandated security requirements designed to help protect devices from remote attacks and to help achieve a secure connection to the AWS Cloud. These include the following provisioning and security procedures:

  • Cryptographically signed certificate with unique device ID.
  • Cryptographically secured boot based in a hardware root of trust.
  • Transport Layer Security (TLS v1.2 or higher) encryption of wireless network connections.
  • Encryption of all sensitive data stored on the module, both in transit and at rest.
  • Hardware root of trust for secrets storage and application code segregation.
  • Compliance with security regression test suite.
  • Verification of communication interfaces (Command Line Interface, Wi-Fi, BLE, or Cellular) against memory corruption attacks.
  • Support for cryptographically secured AWS IoT over-the-air (OTA) firmware updates to keep the devices up to date with new features and security patches.

AWS IoT ExpressLink natively integrates with AWS IoT services, such as AWS IoT Device Management, to help customers easily monitor and update their device fleets at scale.

How AWS IoT ExpressLink Works
I’ll explain how AWS IoT ExpressLink communicates with AWS partner modules and allows you to simply connect to the cloud.

For example, Infineon’s IFW56810 is a single-band Wi-Fi 4 connectivity module that provides a simple, secure solution for connecting products to AWS IoT cloud services. The IFW56810 module is preprogrammed with a tested secured firmware of AWS IoT ExpressLink implementation and supports an easy-to-use AWS IoT ExpressLink AT command interface for configuration.

To get started, connect the IFW956810 evaluation kit to the PC using either the Type-C connector or Type-A male to Type-C female cable. Run a serial terminal to communicate with the kit over USB by choosing the higher of the two enumerated COM ports on Windows with the following configuration. Once you open the serial terminal after configuring your setting, such as baudrate, type AT in the serial terminal. You should see a response OK.

You can also send AWS IoT ExpressLink commands as simple as CONNECT, SEND, and SUBSCRIBE to start communicating with the cloud. The device will translate these commands, make an MQTT connection, and send messages to AWS IoT Core.

Whether you are using a Wi-Fi or a cellular LTE-M module, you can make the most basic telemetry application that can be expressed in 10 lines of pseudo-code as follows.

int main()
        print("AT+SEND data {\"A\"=%d}", getSensorA());

To learn more, visit the AWS IoT ExpressLink programmer’s guide.

Customer Stories
Many of our customers use AWS IoT ExpressLink to offload the complex but undifferentiated work required to securely connect devices to the AWS Cloud, which improves the developer experience by reducing the design effort, and helping them deliver product faster.

Cardinal Peak is a Colorado-based product engineering services company that reduces the risk of outsourcing an engineering project. Cardinal Peak specializes in developing connected products in multiple markets, including audio, video, security, health care and others. With design skills in hardware, electronics, embedded, cloud and end-user software, Cardinal Peak provides end-to-end design services for its clients.

Keegan Landreth, Embedded Software Engineer at Cardinal Peak said:

“AWS IoT ExpressLink allowed me to put together a WiFi-connected product demo sending sensor data to the cloud in a single afternoon! Secure networking for embedded systems has never been this easy. It’s an almost completely transparent interface between my application and AWS, as simple as printing data to a serial port. Being able to do OTA firmware updates through it is a huge value add-on. The best part is that I can reuse the same code to make a cellular version, which is unheard of!”

ēdn makes SmallGarden, cloud-powered indoor smart gardening products to let you easily grow plants providing light, water, nutrients, and heat as necessary at home.

Ryan Woltz, CEO of ēdn, said:

“We were looking for a quick and easy way to enable robust cloud capabilities for our indoor gardening product lines. However, from past experience, we knew that doing so adds significant risk in terms of time, money, and overall go-to-market execution. IoT device connectivity is complex, forcing our team to either outsource the development to a costly third party or allocate internal engineering resources, significantly delaying innovative features that differentiate our offerings in the market. Even a small misstep in the implementation of provisioning, security, or over-the-air functionality can set a product back months.

Now, thanks to u-blox’s hardware module with AWS IoT ExpressLink, we can enable secure and reliable cloud connectivity for our devices within days. This not only allows us to accelerate product development, but it ensures our engineering team remains focused on shipping leading-edge technologies that make nature accessible indoors.”

u-blox is an AWS Partner with a broad portfolio of chips, modules, and services. Harald Kroell, Product Manager at u-blox, said:

“At u-blox, with AWS IoT ExpressLink, we strengthen our Wi-Fi and LTE-M portfolio and bring silicon-to-cloud connectivity to the next level. By bridging our hardware and services with the AWS cloud, we progress on our mission to make businesses wirelessly connected and build solutions to last an IoT lifetime.

With the SARA-R5 and NORA-W2 modules with AWS IoT ExpressLink, customers can connect products with two different wireless technologies to AWS with a single homogeneous interface, which significantly reduces development effort. It also enables new business opportunities by lowering the barrier of connecting devices, which previously would have been too expensive to connect.”

To get started, order SARA-R5 Starter Kit and USB-NORA-W256AWS with its development kit user guide, including modules powered by AWS IoT ExpressLink.

AWS IoT ExpressLink Partners
As in the case of u-blox, two other AWS Partners, Infineon Technologies AG and Espressif Systems, have developed wireless modules that support a range of connectivity options, including Wi-Fi and cellular, and are powered by AWS IoT ExpressLink. All qualified devices in the AWS Partner Device Catalog are available for purchase from AWS Partners.

Infineon Technologies AG specializes in semiconductor solutions the goal of which is to make life easier, safer, and greener. Sivaram Trikutam, Vice President, Wi-Fi Product Line at Infineon Technologies, said:

“We’re excited to be working with AWS on the AIROC™ IFW56810 Cloud Connectivity Manager (CCM) solution supporting AWS IoT ExpressLink. With this plug-and-play solution, developers and engineers no longer need to create complex code or possess a wide range of technical competencies in Wi-Fi, embedded systems, antenna design, and cloud configuration.

Now, they can easily, quickly, and securely connect devices at scale to AWS, so they can focus on creating new revenue streams and getting to market faster. We are excited to work with our partner AWS on new business opportunities that help our customers meet their needs.”

Espressif Systems is a multinational, fabless semiconductor company with a strong focus on providing connectivity solutions to internet-connected devices. Amey Inamdar, Director of Technical Marketing, Espressif Systems, said:

“At Espressif, we continuously strive to provide secure, green, versatile, and cost-effective AIoT solutions with a focus on ease of use for our customers. The AWS IoT ExpressLink program fits well into that philosophy, providing a convenient AWS IoT connectivity.

It enables customers to seamlessly transform their offline product into a cloud-connected product by offloading the complexity to the module with AWS IoT ExpressLink, with reduced development costs and a faster time to market and hence lowering the barrier to entry to build secure connected devices. Espressif is proud to participate in this program with Espressif’s module with AWS IoT ExpressLink to provide secure and affordable AWS IoT connectivity.”

Order and Get Started Now
You can discover a range of Partner-provided modules with AWS IoT ExpressLink in the AWS Partner Device Catalog. Order your evaluation kits with AWS IoT ExpressLink today. The kit will include an application processor or will connect to compatible development platforms such as Arduino.

You can then immediately start sending telemetry data to the cloud through the simple AWS IoT ExpressLink serial interface. You can use sample codes for integrating an AWS IoT ExpressLink module into an application. These examples are intended to demonstrate how to perform the common operations for an IoT device.

To learn more, visit the product page. Please send feedback to AWS re:Post for AWS IoT ExpressLink or through your usual AWS support contacts.


New – High Volume Outbound Communication with Amazon Connect Outbound Campaigns

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-high-volume-outbound-communication-with-amazon-connect-outbound-campaigns/

The new high volume outbound communication capability in Amazon Connect which was announced at Enterprise Connect last year, is now generally available to all. It is named Amazon Connect outbound campaigns.

If you haven’t heard about Amazon Connect, it is an easy-to-use cloud contact center service that helps companies of any size deliver superior customer service at lower cost. You can read the original blog post Jeff wrote at launch in 2017, with amazing Lego art 🙂

Contact centers not only receive calls and communications, but they also send outbound communications to customers. There are a variety of reasons to send outbound communication: appointment reminders, telemarketing, subscription renewals, and billing reminders. The vast majority of these communications are phone calls, and in many contact centers, agents make the calls manually using customer contact lists in external systems. Since customers only answer about ten percent of calls, these agents can spend nearly half of their time dialing and waiting. This can result in millions of dollars in lost productivity each year for a contact center with as few as 200 agents.

To help you to address this challenge, today we are adding to Amazon Connect outbound campaigns a set of high-volume outbound communication capabilities that allows you to proactively reach more of your customers across voice, SMS, and email. When using this capability, you will have a scalable way for proactive outreach for hundreds to millions of your customers, and you will increase your agents’ productivity and lower your operational costs.

Amazon Connect outbound campaigns delivers a predictive phone dialer. The dialer includes an answering machine detection system powered by machine learning. It allows the automatic detection of answering machines for voice calls and passes calls to agents only when the call is answered by a human. The dialer also adjusts the call rate depending on factors such as percentage of human-answered the calls, call duration, and agent availability. There is no integration required to get the benefit of existing Amazon Connect features, such as automated workflows, routing, and machine learning capabilities like Contact Lens. You now have a single system for inbound and outbound communications.

To further refine the customer experience or use multiple channels in your campaigns, for example, to send an SMS or email message to your customers when they do not answer calls, you have the option to use Amazon Pinpoint. Amazon Pinpoint is a flexible and scalable outbound and inbound marketing communications service. It allows you to define customer segments, define the customer journey, define the contact strategy, and more. Amazon Pinpoint is the system handling high-volume SMS and email campaigns.

To better understand how Amazon Connect, Amazon Pinpoint, and other AWS services work together, you can refer to this very detailed blog post.

Let’s show you how it works
Imagine I am a contact center manager, and I want to create an outbound call campaign to target a selected list of customers.

I first import my customer contact list from a spreadsheet on Amazon S3. I may also import it from popular customer relationship management (CRM) and marketing automation applications, such as Marketo, Salesforce, Twilio’s Segment, ServiceNow, Shopify, Zendesk, and Amazon Pinpoint itself.

Amazon Connect outbound campaigns - import contact 2

Then I create a campaign and define some journey parameters: the communication channel, the start time, and the corresponding content, such as a call script, email template, or SMS message. At the scheduled start time, the journey is executed using Amazon Connect for calls or Amazon Pinpoint for SMS or emails, as specified.

Amazon Connect outbound campaigns - create campaign

When I configure the campaign to run in Predictive dial mode, as I mentioned before, the dialer automatically adjusts the dial rate based on the duration of calls and the real-time availability of agents. Once a call is answered, Amazon Connect distinguishes whether it is a live voice or a recorded message and routes the live customer to an available agent in the Amazon Connect agent application, where the agent can see the call script that I specified during setup, along with relevant customer information.

As explained earlier, I may use Amazon Pinpoint to define the customer journey. By doing so, I can combine voice, email, and SMS channels in the same outbound communication campaign to improve the efficiency of my agents and my customer’s experience. For example, a financial institution can use Amazon Connect to send an SMS notification to remind a customer of a missed payment and include a link to request a call back from an agent. When a call is requested, Amazon Connect automatically queues the call, dials the customer’s number, detects their voice, and connects an available agent to the customer.

Amazon Connect outbound campaigns - journey workflow

Amazon Pinpoint allows you to define the details of the customer journey.

Amazon Connect outbound campaigns - setup quiet times

As usual with AWS services, I can analyze contact events sent via Amazon EventBridge. EventBridge is a serverless event bus that makes it easier to build event-driven applications at scale using events generated from your applications, integrated software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications, and AWS service. When filtering or analyzing events posted to EventBridge, I can create metrics such as time to connect to an agent, duration of the contact, and call abandonment rate

These metrics help me understand the status of my campaign and ensure compliance with applicable regulations, such as maximum call abandonment rates. I also can use historical reports of these metrics to understand the effectiveness of all my communications campaigns over time.

Amazon Connect outbound campaigns - jounrey metrics

Speaking of compliance, we do not want anyone to abuse the system, intentionally or not, or to break any local compliance rules.

Access and Compliance
Using automated services to drive outbound communication campaigns is strictly regulated in several countries and territories. For example, the US adopted the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in 1991, and the United Kingdom’s Office of Communications has similar rules.

Amazon Connect outbound campaigns gives you the tools to stay compliant with these regulations and many others. However, just like with traditional IT security, it is a shared responsibility. It is your responsibility to use the service in a compliant manner. We are happy to assist you in addressing specific use cases.

Let’s share two examples to illustrate how Amazon Connect outbound campaigns can help you meet your compliance status: respect quiet time and monitor call abandonment rate.

The use of quiet times allows contact center managers to configure a schedule for channel communications based on the day of the week and the hours of the day. More precise delivery times means your customers are most likely to engage with the communication and increase metrics such as open rates for SMS and email, as well as pick-up rates for voice calls. It also allows contact center managers to follow country and state-level voice dialing legislation. The following screenshot shows how you can configure quiet times using Amazon Pinpoint.

Amazon Connect outbound campaigns - quiet times

According to TCPA, call abandonment rate is the percentage of calls picked up by a live customer but not connected to a live agent within two seconds after the customer greeting. I found it interesting that in the UK, the time is measured from the start of your customer greetings, while in the US, it is measured from the end of the greeting. Amazon Connect outbound campaigns provides you with metrics, such as customerGreetingStart, customerGreetingStop, andconnectedToAgent for each outbound communication. Contact center managers can use these to compute the abandonment rate and dial up or down the outgoing communication channel accordingly.

Other metrics, configuration parameters, and AWS Lambda API integration allow contact center managers to consult a Do-Not-Call (DNC) registry or list scrubbing and verify your customer’s local time zone or bank holiday calendars, just to name a few.

Pricing and Availability
Amazon Connect outbound campaigns is available in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and Europe (London) AWS Regions. This allows you to start your outbound campaigns for customers in the USA, UK, Australia, and New Zealand.

As usual, pricing is based on your usage; you only pay for what you use with no upfront or minimum engagement. The key metrics we are using for pricing are the minutes of outbound calls. The pricing page has all the details.

And now, go build your contact centers.

— seb

AWS Week in Review – June 20, 2022

Post Syndicated from Steve Roberts original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-june-20-2022/

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Last Week’s Launches
It’s been a quiet week on the AWS News Blog, however a glance at What’s New page shows the various service teams have been busy as usual. Here’s a round-up of announcements that caught my attention this past week.

Support for 15 new resource types in AWS Config – AWS Config is a service for assessment, audit, and evaluation of the configuration of resources in your account. You can monitor and review changes in resource configuration using automation against a desired configuration. The newly expanded set of types includes resources from Amazon SageMaker, Elastic Load Balancing, AWS Batch, AWS Step Functions, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), and more.

New console experience for AWS Budgets – A new split-view panel allows for viewing details of a budget without needing to leave the overview page. The new panel will save you time (and clicks!) when you’re analyzing performance across a set of budgets. By the way, you can also now select multiple budgets at the same time.

VPC endpoint support is now available in Amazon SageMaker Canvas SageMaker Canvas is a visual point-and-click service enabling business analysts to generate accurate machine-learning (ML) models without requiring ML experience or needing to write code. The new VPC endpoint support, available in all Regions where SageMaker Canvas is suppported, eliminates the need for an internet gateway, NAT instance, or a VPN connection when connecting from your SageMaker Canvas environment to services such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Redshift, and more.

Additional data sources for Amazon AppFlow – Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and Mixpanel are now supported as data sources, providing the ability to ingest marketing and product analytics for downstream analysis in AppFlow-connected software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications such as Marketo and Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Some other updates you may have missed from the past week:

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) expanded the Regional availability of AWS Nitro System-based C6 instance types. C6gn instance types, powered by Arm-based AWS Graviton2 processors, are now available in the Asia Pacific (Seoul), Europe (Milan), Europe (Paris), and Middle East (Bahrain) Regions, while C6i instance types, powered by 3rd generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors, are now available in the Europe (Frankfurt) Region.

As a .NET and PowerShell Developer Advocate here at AWS, there are some news and updates related to .NET I want to highlight:

Upcoming AWS Events
The AWS New York Summit is approaching quickly, on July 12. Registration is also now open for the AWS Summit Canberra, an in-person event scheduled for August 31.

Microsoft SQL Server users may be interested in registering for the SQL Server Database Modernization webinar on June 21. The webinar will show you how to go about modernizing and how to cost-optimize SQL Server on AWS.

Amazon re:MARS is taking place this week in Las Vegas. I’ll be there as a host of the AWS on Air show, along with special guests highlighting their latest news from the conference. I also have some On Air sessions on using our AI services from .NET lined up! As usual, we’ll be streaming live from the expo hall, so if you’re at the conference, give us a wave. You can watch the show live on Twitch.tv/aws, Twitter.com/AWSOnAir, and LinkedIn Live.

A reminder that if you’re a podcast listener, check out the official AWS Podcast Update Show. There is also the latest installment of the AWS Open Source News and Updates newsletter to help keep you up to date.

No doubt there’ll be a whole new batch of releases and announcements from re:MARS, so be sure to check back next Monday for a summary of the announcements that caught our attention!

— Steve

AWS HITRUST CSF certification is available for customer inheritance

Post Syndicated from Sonali Vaidya original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/aws-hitrust-csf-certification-is-available-for-customer-inheritance/

As an Amazon Web Services (AWS) customer, you don’t have to assess the controls that you inherit from the AWS HITRUST Validated Assessment Questionnaire, because AWS already has completed HITRUST assessment using version 9.4 in 2021. You can deploy your environments onto AWS and inherit our HITRUST CSF certification, provided that you use only in-scope services and apply the controls detailed on the HITRUST website.

HITRUST certification allows you to tailor your security control baselines to a variety of factors—including, but not limited to, regulatory requirements and organization type. HITRUST CSF has been widely adopted by leading organizations in a variety of industries as part of their approach to security and privacy. Visit the HITRUST website for more information.

Have you submitted HITRUST Inheritance Program requests to AWS, but haven’t received a response yet? Understand why …

The HITRUST MyCSF manual provides step-by-step instructions for completing the HITRUST Inheritance process. It’s a simple four-step process, as follows:

  1. You create the Inheritance request in the HITRUST MyCSF tool.
  2. You submit the request to AWS.
  3. AWS will either approve or reject the Inheritance request based on the AWS HITRUST Shared Responsibility Matrix.
  4. Finally, you can apply all approved Inheritance requests to your HITRUST Compliance Assessment.

Unless a request is submitted to AWS, we will not be able to approve it. If a prolonged period of time has gone by and you haven’t received a response from AWS, most likely you created the request but didn’t submit it to AWS.

We are committed to helping you achieve and maintain the highest standard of security and compliance. As always, we value your feedback and questions. Feel free to contact the team through AWS Compliance Contact Us. If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Sonali Vaidya

Sonali leads multiple AWS global compliance programs, including HITRUST, ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018, ISO 27701, ISO 9001, and CSA STAR. Sonali has over 20 years of experience in information security and privacy management and holds multiple certifications, such as CISSP, C-GDPR|P, CCSK, CEH, CISA, PCIP, and Lead Auditor for ISO 27001 and ISO 22301.

AWS and the UK rules on operational resilience and outsourcing

Post Syndicated from Arvind Kannan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/aws-and-the-uk-rules-on-operational-resilience-and-outsourcing/

Financial institutions across the globe use Amazon Web Services (AWS) to transform the way they do business. Regulations continue to evolve in this space, and we’re working hard to help customers proactively respond to new rules and guidelines. In many cases, the AWS Cloud makes it simpler than ever before to assist customers with their compliance efforts with different regulations and frameworks around the world.

In the United Kingdom, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the Bank of England and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) issued policy statements and rules on operational resilience in March, 2021. The PRA also additionally issued a supervisory statement on outsourcing and third-party risk management. Broadly, these Statements apply to certain firms that are regulated by the UK Financial Regulators: this includes banks, building societies, credit unions, insurers, financial markets infrastructure providers, payment and e-money institutions, major investment firms, mixed activity holding companies, and UK branches of certain overseas firms. For other FCA-authorized financial services firms, the FCA has previously issued FG 16/5 Guidance for firms outsourcing to the ‘cloud’ and other third-party IT services.

These Statements are relevant to the use of cloud services. AWS strives to help support our customers with their compliance obligations and help them meet their regulator’s expectations. We offer our customers a wide range of services that can simplify and directly assist in complying with these Statements, which apply from March 2022.

What do these Statements from the UK Financial Regulators mean for AWS customers?

The Statements aim to ensure greater operational resilience for UK financial institutions and, in the case of the PRA’s papers on outsourcing, facilitate greater adoption of the cloud and other new technologies while also implementing the Guidelines on outsourcing arrangements from the European Banking Authority (EBA) and the relevant sections of the EBA Guidelines on ICT and security risk management. (See the AWS approach to these EBA guidelines in this blog post).

For AWS and our customers, the key takeaway is that these Statements provide a regulatory framework for cloud usage in a resilient manner. The PRA’s outsourcing paper, in particular, sets out conditions that can help give PRA-regulated firms assurance that they can deploy to the cloud in a safe and resilient manner, including for material, regulated workloads. When they consider or use third-party services (such as AWS), many UK financial institutions already follow due diligence, risk management, and regulatory notification processes that are similar to the processes identified in these Statements, the EBA Outsourcing Guidelines, and FG 16/5. UK financial institutions can use a variety of AWS security and compliance services to help them meet requirements on security, resilience, and assurance.

Risk-based approach

The Statements reference the principle of proportionality throughout. In the case of the outsourcing requirements, this includes a focus on material outsourcing arrangements and incorporating a risk-based approach that expects regulated entities to identify, assess, and mitigate the risks associated with outsourcing arrangements. The recognition of a shared responsibility model, referenced by the PRA and the recognition in FCA Guidance FG 16/5 that firms need to be clear about where responsibility lies between themselves and their service providers, is consistent with the long-standing AWS shared responsibility model. The proportionality and risk-based approach applies throughout the Statements, including the areas such as risk assessment, contractual and audit requirements, data location and transfer, operational resilience, and security implementation:

  • Risk assessment – The Statements emphasize the need for UK financial institutions to assess the potential impact of outsourcing arrangements on their operational risk. The AWS shared responsibility model helps customers formulate their risk assessment approach, because it illustrates how their security and management responsibilities change depending on the services from AWS they use. For example, AWS operates some controls on behalf of customers, such as data center security, while customers operate other controls, such as event logging. In practice, AWS helps customers assess and improve their risk profile relative to traditional, on-premises environments.
  • Contractual and audit requirements – The PRA supervisory statement on outsourcing and third-party risk management, the EBA Outsourcing Guidelines, and the FCA guidance FG 16/5 lay out requirements for the written agreement between a UK financial institution and its service provider, including access and audit rights. For UK financial institutions that are running regulated workloads on AWS, please contact your AWS account team to address these contractual requirements. We also help institutions that require contractual audit rights to comply with these requirements through the AWS Security & Audit Series, which facilitates customer audits. To align with regulatory requirements and expectations, our audit program incorporates feedback that we’ve received from EU and UK financial supervisory authorities. UK financial services customers interested in learning more about the audit engagements offered by AWS can reach out to their AWS account teams.
  • Data location and transfer – The UK Financial Regulators do not place restrictions on where a UK financial institution can store and process its data, but rather state that UK financial institutions should adopt a risk-based approach to data location. AWS continually monitors the evolving regulatory and legislative landscape around data privacy to identify changes and determine what tools our customers might need to help meet their compliance needs. Refer to our Data Protection page for our commitments, including commitments on data access and data storage.
  • Operational resilience – Resiliency is a shared responsibility between AWS and the customer. It is important that customers understand how disaster recovery and availability, as part of resiliency, operate under this shared model. AWS is responsible for resiliency of the infrastructure that runs all of the services offered in the AWS Cloud. This infrastructure comprises the hardware, software, networking, and facilities that run AWS Cloud services. AWS uses commercially reasonable efforts to make these AWS Cloud services available, ensuring that service availability meets or exceeds the AWS Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

    The customer’s responsibility will be determined by the AWS Cloud services that they select. This determines the amount of configuration work they must perform as part of their resiliency responsibilities. For example, a service such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) requires the customer to perform all of the necessary resiliency configuration and management tasks. Customers that deploy Amazon EC2 instances are responsible for deploying EC2 instances across multiple locations (such as AWS Availability Zones), implementing self-healing by using services like AWS Auto Scaling, as well as using resilient workload architecture best practices for applications that are installed on the instances.

    For managed services, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and Amazon DynamoDB, AWS operates the infrastructure layer, the operating system, and platforms, whereas customers access the endpoints to store and retrieve data. Customers are responsible for managing resiliency of their data, including backup, versioning, and replication strategies. For more details about our approach to operational resilience in financial services, refer to this whitepaper.

  • Security implementation – The Statements set expectations on data security, including data classification and data security, and require UK financial institutions to consider, implement, and monitor various security measures. Using AWS can help customers meet these requirements in a scalable and cost-effective way, while helping improve their security posture. Customers can use AWS Config or AWS Security Hub to simplify auditing, security analysis, change management, and operational troubleshooting.

    As part of their cybersecurity measures, customers can activate Amazon GuardDuty, which provides intelligent threat detection and continuous monitoring, to generate detailed and actionable security alerts. Amazon Macie uses machine learning and pattern matching to help customers classify their sensitive and business-critical data in AWS. Amazon Inspector automatically assesses a customer’s AWS resources for vulnerabilities or deviations from best practices and then produces a detailed list of security findings prioritized by level of severity.

    Customers can also enhance their security by using AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) (creation and control of encryption keys), AWS Shield (DDoS protection), and AWS WAF (helps protect web applications or APIs against common web exploits). These are just a few of the many services and features we offer that are designed to provide strong availability and security for our customers.

As reflected in these Statements, it’s important to take a balanced approach when evaluating responsibilities in cloud implementation. AWS is responsible for the security of the AWS infrastructure, and for all of our data centers, we assess and manage environmental risks, employ extensive physical and personnel security controls, and guard against outages through our resiliency and testing procedures. In addition, independent third-party auditors evaluate the AWS infrastructure against more than 2,600 standards and requirements throughout the year.


We encourage customers to learn about how these Statements apply to their organization. Our teams of security, compliance, and legal experts continue to work with our UK financial services customers, both large and small, to support their journey to the AWS Cloud. AWS is closely following how the UK regulatory authorities apply the Statements and will provide further updates as needed. If you have any questions about compliance with these Statements and their application to your use of AWS, reach out to your account representative or request to be contacted.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Arvind Kannan

Arvind Kannan

Arvind is a Principal Compliance Specialist at Amazon Web Services based in London, United Kingdom. He spends his days working with financial services customers in the UK and across EMEA, helping them address questions around governance, risk and compliance. He has a strong focus on compliance and helping customers navigate the regulatory requirements and understand supervisory expectations.

A sneak peek at the identity and access management sessions for AWS re:Inforce 2022

Post Syndicated from Ilya Epshteyn original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/a-sneak-peek-at-the-identity-and-access-management-sessions-for-aws-reinforce-2022/

Register now with discount code SALFNj7FaRe to get $150 off your full conference pass to AWS re:Inforce. For a limited time only and while supplies last.

AWS re:Inforce 2022 will take place in-person in Boston, MA, on July 26 and 27 and will include some exciting identity and access management sessions. AWS re:Inforce 2022 features content in the following five areas:

  • Data protection and privacy
  • Governance, risk, and compliance
  • Identity and access management
  • Network and infrastructure security
  • Threat detection and incident response

The identity and access management track will showcase how quickly you can get started to securely manage access to your applications and resources as you scale on AWS. You will hear from customers about how they integrate their identity sources and establish a consistent identity and access strategy across their on-premises environments and AWS. Identity experts will discuss best practices for establishing an organization-wide data perimeter and simplifying access management with the right permissions, to the right resources, under the right conditions. You will also hear from AWS leaders about how we’re working to make identity, access control, and resource management simpler every day. This post highlights some of the identity and access management sessions that you can add to your agenda. To learn about sessions from across the content tracks, see the AWS re:Inforce catalog preview.

Breakout sessions

Lecture-style presentations that cover topics at all levels and are delivered by AWS experts, builders, customers, and partners. Breakout sessions typically conclude with 10–15 minutes of Q&A.

IAM201: Security best practices with AWS IAM
AWS IAM is an essential service that helps you securely control access to your AWS resources. In this session, learn about IAM best practices like working with temporary credentials, applying least-privilege permissions, moving away from users, analyzing access to your resources, validating policies, and more. Leave this session with ideas for how to secure your AWS resources in line with AWS best practices.

IAM301: AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) the practical way
Building secure applications and workloads on AWS means knowing your way around AWS Identity and Access Management (AWS IAM). This session is geared toward the curious builder who wants to learn practical IAM skills for defending workloads and data, with a technical, first-principles approach. Gain knowledge about what IAM is and a deeper understanding of how it works and why.

IAM302: Strategies for successful identity management at scale with AWS SSO
Enterprise organizations often come to AWS with existing identity foundations. Whether new to AWS or maturing, organizations want to better understand how to centrally manage access across AWS accounts. In this session, learn the patterns many customers use to succeed in deploying and operating AWS Single Sign-On at scale. Get an overview of different deployment strategies, features to integrate with identity providers, application system tags, how permissions are deployed within AWS SSO, and how to scale these functionalities using features like attribute-based access control.

IAM304: Establishing a data perimeter on AWS, featuring Vanguard
Organizations are storing an unprecedented and increasing amount of data on AWS for a range of use cases including data lakes, analytics, machine learning, and enterprise applications. They want to make sure that sensitive non-public data is only accessible to authorized users from known locations. In this session, dive deep into the controls that you can use to create a data perimeter that allows access to your data only from expected networks and by trusted identities. Hear from Vanguard about how they use data perimeter controls in their AWS environment to meet their security control objectives.

IAM305: How Guardian Life validates IAM policies at scale with AWS
Attend this session to learn how Guardian Life shifts IAM security controls left to empower builders to experiment and innovate quickly, while minimizing the security risk exposed by granting over-permissive permissions. Explore how Guardian validates IAM policies in Terraform templates against AWS best practices and Guardian’s security policies using AWS IAM Access Analyzer and custom policy checks. Discover how Guardian integrates this control into CI/CD pipelines and codifies their exception approval process.

IAM306: Managing B2B identity at scale: Lessons from AWS and Trend Micro
Managing identity for B2B multi-tenant solutions requires tenant context to be clearly defined and propagated with each identity. It also requires proper onboarding and automation mechanisms to do this at scale. Join this session to learn about different approaches to managing identities for B2B solutions with Amazon Cognito and learn how Trend Micro is doing this effectively and at scale.

IAM307: Automating short-term credentials on AWS, with Discover Financial Services
As a financial services company, Discover Financial Services considers security paramount. In this session, learn how Discover uses AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to help achieve their security and regulatory obligations. Learn how Discover manages their identities and credentials within a multi-account environment and how Discover fully automates key rotation with zero human interaction using a solution built on AWS with IAM, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon S3.

Builders’ sessions

Small-group sessions led by an AWS expert who guides you as you build the service or product on your own laptop. Use your laptop to experiment and build along with the AWS expert.

IAM351: Using AWS SSO and identity services to achieve strong identity management
Organizations often manage human access using IAM users or through federation with external identity providers. In this builders’ session, explore how AWS SSO centralizes identity federation across multiple AWS accounts, replaces IAM users and cross-account roles to improve identity security, and helps administrators more effectively scope least privilege. Additionally, learn how to use AWS SSO to activate time-based access and attribute-based access control.

IAM352: Anomaly detection and security insights with AWS Managed Microsoft AD
This builders’ session demonstrates how to integrate AWS Managed Microsoft AD with native AWS services like Amazon CloudWatch Logs and Amazon CloudWatch metrics and alarms, combined with anomaly detection, to identify potential security issues and provide actionable insights for operational security teams.

Chalk talks

Highly interactive sessions with a small audience. Experts lead you through problems and solutions on a digital whiteboard as the discussion unfolds.

IAM231: Prevent unintended access: AWS IAM Access Analyzer policy validation
In this chalk talk, walk through ways to use AWS IAM Access Analyzer policy validation to review IAM policies that do not follow AWS best practices. Learn about the Access Analyzer APIs that help validate IAM policies and how to use these APIs to prevent IAM policies from reaching your AWS environment through mechanisms like AWS CloudFormation hooks and CI/CD pipeline controls.

IAM232: Navigating the consumer identity first mile using Amazon Cognito
Amazon Cognito allows you to configure sign-in and sign-up experiences for consumers while extending user management capabilities to your customer-facing application. Join this chalk talk to learn about the first steps for integrating your application and getting started with Amazon Cognito. Learn best practices to manage users and how to configure a customized branding UI experience, while creating a fully managed OpenID Connect provider with Amazon Cognito.

IAM331: Best practices for delegating access on AWS
This chalk talk demonstrates how to use built-in capabilities of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to safely allow developers to grant entitlements to their AWS workloads (PassRole/AssumeRole). Additionally, learn how developers can be granted the ability to take self-service IAM actions (CRUD IAM roles and policies) with permissions boundaries.

IAM332: Developing preventive controls with AWS identity services
Learn about how you can develop and apply preventive controls at scale across your organization using service control policies (SCPs). This chalk talk is an extension of the preventive controls within the AWS identity services guide, and it covers how you can meet the security guidelines of your organization by applying and developing SCPs. In addition, it presents strategies for how to effectively apply these controls in your organization, from day-to-day operations to incident response.

IAM333: IAM policy evaluation deep dive
In this chalk talk, learn how policy evaluation works in detail and walk through some advanced IAM policy evaluation scenarios. Learn how a request context is evaluated, the pros and cons of different strategies for cross-account access, how to use condition keys for actions that touch multiple resources, when to use principal and aws:PrincipalArn, when it does and doesn’t make sense to use a wildcard principal, and more.


Interactive learning sessions where you work in small teams to solve problems using AWS Cloud security services. Come prepared with your laptop and a willingness to learn!

IAM271: Applying attribute-based access control using AWS IAM
This workshop provides hands-on experience applying attribute-based access control (ABAC) to achieve a secure and scalable authorization model on AWS. Learn how and when to apply ABAC, which is native to AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). Also learn how to find resources that could be impacted by different ABAC policies and session tagging techniques to scale your authorization model across Regions and accounts within AWS.

IAM371: Building a data perimeter to allow access to authorized users
In this workshop, learn how to create a data perimeter by building controls that allow access to data only from expected network locations and by trusted identities. The workshop consists of five modules, each designed to illustrate a different AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and network control. Learn where and how to implement the appropriate controls based on different risk scenarios. Discover how to implement these controls as service control policies, identity- and resource-based policies, and virtual private cloud endpoint policies.

IAM372: How and when to use different IAM policy types
In this workshop, learn how to identify when to use various policy types for your applications. Work through hands-on labs that take you through a typical customer journey to configure permissions for a sample application. Configure policies for your identities, resources, and CI/CD pipelines using permission delegation to balance security and agility. Also learn how to configure enterprise guardrails using service control policies.

If these sessions look interesting to you, join us in Boston by registering for re:Inforce 2022. We look forward to seeing you there!


Ilya Epshteyn

Ilya is a Senior Manager of Identity Solutions in AWS Identity. He helps customers to innovate on AWS by building highly secure, available, and scalable architectures. He enjoys spending time outdoors and building Lego creations with his kids.

Marc von Mandel

Marc von Mandel

Marc leads the product marketing strategy and execution for AWS Identity Services. Prior to AWS, Marc led product marketing at IBM Security Services across several categories, including Identity and Access Management Services (IAM), Network and Infrastructure Security Services, and Cloud Security Services. Marc currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia and has worked in the cybersecurity and public cloud for more than twelve years.

Introducing a new AWS whitepaper: Does data localization cause more problems than it solves?

Post Syndicated from Jana Kay original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/introducing-a-new-aws-whitepaper-does-data-localization-cause-more-problems-than-it-solves/

Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently released a new whitepaper, Does data localization cause more problems than it solves?, as part of the AWS Innovating Securely briefing series. The whitepaper draws on research from Emily Wu’s paper Sovereignty and Data Localization, published by Harvard University’s Belfer Center, and describes how countries can realize similar data localization objectives through AWS services without incurring the unintended effects highlighted by Wu.

Wu’s research analyzes the intent of data localization policies, and compares that to the reality of the policies’ effects, concluding that data localization policies are often counterproductive to their intended goals of data security, economic competitiveness, and protecting national values.

The new whitepaper explains how you can use the security capabilities of AWS to take advantage of up-to-date technology and help meet your data localization requirements while maintaining full control over the physical location of where your data is stored.

AWS offers robust privacy and security services and features that let you implement your own controls. AWS uses lessons learned around the globe and applies them at the local level for improved cybersecurity against security events. As an AWS customer, after you pick a geographic location to store your data, the cloud infrastructure provides you greater resiliency and availability than you can achieve by using on-prem infrastructure. When you choose an AWS Region, you maintain full control to determine the physical location of where your data is stored. AWS also provides you with resources through the AWS compliance program, to help you understand the robust controls in place at AWS to maintain security and compliance in the cloud.

An important finding of Wu’s research is that localization constraints can deter innovation and hurt local economies because they limit which services are available, or increase costs because there are a smaller number of service providers to choose from. Wu concludes that data localization can “raise the barriers [to entrepreneurs] for market entry, which suppresses entrepreneurial activity and reduces the ability for an economy to compete globally.” Data localization policies are especially challenging for companies that trade across national borders. International trade used to be the remit of only big corporations. Current data-driven efficiencies in shipping and logistics mean that international trade is open to companies of all sizes. There has been particular growth for small and medium enterprises involved in services trade (of which cross-border data flows are a key element). In a 2016 worldwide survey conducted by McKinsey, 86 percent of tech-based startups had at least one cross-border activity. The same report showed that cross-border data flows added some US$2.8 trillion to world GDP in 2014.

However, the availability of cloud services supports secure and efficient cross-border data flows, which in turn can contribute to national economic competitiveness. Deloitte Consulting’s report, The cloud imperative: Asia Pacific’s unmissable opportunity, estimates that by 2024, the cloud will contribute $260 billion to GDP across eight regional markets, with more benefit possible in the future. The World Trade Organization’s World Trade Report 2018 estimates that digital technologies, which includes advanced cloud services, will account for a 34 percent increase in global trade by 2030.

Wu also cites a link between national data governance policies and a government’s concerns that movement of data outside national borders can diminish their control. However, the technology, storage capacity, and compute power provided by hyperscale cloud service providers like AWS, can empower local entrepreneurs.

AWS continually updates practices to meet the evolving needs and expectations of both customers and regulators. This allows AWS customers to use effective tools for processing data, which can help them meet stringent local standards to protect national values and citizens’ rights.

Wu’s research concludes that “data localization is proving ineffective” for meeting intended national goals, and offers practical alternatives for policymakers to consider. Wu has several recommendations, such as continuing to invest in cybersecurity, supporting industry-led initiatives to develop shared standards and protocols, and promoting international cooperation around privacy and innovation. Despite the continued existence of data localization policies, countries can currently realize similar objectives through cloud services. AWS implements rigorous contractual, technical, and organizational measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of customer data, regardless of which AWS Region you select to store their data. As an AWS customer, this means you can take advantage of the economic benefits and the support for innovation provided by cloud computing, while improving your ability to meet your core security and compliance requirements.

For more information, see the whitepaper Does data localization cause more problems than it solves?, or contact AWS.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.


Jana Kay

Since 2018, Jana Kay has been a cloud security strategist with the AWS Security Growth Strategies team. She develops innovative ways to help AWS customers achieve their objectives, such as security table top exercises and other strategic initiatives. Previously, she was a cyber, counter-terrorism, and Middle East expert for 16 years in the Pentagon’s Office of the Secretary of Defense.

Arturo Cabanas

Arturo Cabanas

Arturo joined Amazon in 2017 and is AWS Security Assurance Principal for the Public Sector in Latin America, Canada, and the Caribbean. In this role, Arturo creates programs that help governments move their workloads and regulated data to the cloud by meeting their specific security, data privacy regulation, and compliance requirements.

New – Amazon EC2 R6id Instances with NVMe Local Instance Storage of up to 7.6 TB

Post Syndicated from Veliswa Boya original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-amazon-ec2-r6id-instances/

In November 2021, we launched the memory-optimized Amazon EC2 R6i instances, our sixth-generation x86-based offering powered by 3rd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors (code named Ice Lake).

Today I am excited to announce a disk variant of the R6i instance: the Amazon EC2 R6id instances with non-volatile memory express (NVMe) SSD local instance storage. The R6id instances are designed to power applications that require low storage latency or require temporary swap space.

Customers with workloads that require access to high-speed, low-latency storage, including those that need temporary storage for scratch space, temporary files, and caches, have the option to choose the R6id instances with NVMe local instance storage of up to 7.6 TB. The new instances are also available as bare-metal instances to support workloads that benefit from direct access to physical resources.

Here’s some background on what led to the development of the sixth-generation instances. Our customers who are currently using fifth-generation instances are looking for the following:

  • Higher Compute Performance – Higher CPU performance to improve latency and processing time for their workloads
  • Improved Price Performance – Customers are very sensitive to price performance to optimize costs
  • Larger Sizes – Customers require larger sizes to scale their enterprise databases
  • Higher Amazon EBS Performance – Customers have requested higher Amazon EBS throughput (“at least double”) to improve response times for their analytics applications
  • Local Storage – Large customers have expressed a need for more local storage per vCPU

Sixth-generation instances address these requirements by offering generational improvement across the board, including 15 percent increase in price performance, 33 percent more vCPUs, up to 1 TB memory, 2x networking performance, 2x EBS performance, and global availability.

Compared to R5d instances, the R6id instances offer:

  • Larger instance size (.32xlarge) with 128 vCPUs and 1024 GiB of memory, enabling customers to consolidate their workloads and scale up applications.
  • Up to 15 percent improvement in compute price performance and 20 percent higher memory bandwidth.
  • Up to 58 percent higher storage per vCPU and 34 percent lower cost per TB.
  • Up to 50 Gbps network bandwidth and up to 40 Gbps EBS bandwidth; EBS burst bandwidth support for sizes up to .4xlarge.
  • Always-on memory encryption.
  • Support for new Intel Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX 512) instructions such as VAES, VCLMUL, VPCLMULQDQ, and GFNI for faster execution of cryptographic algorithms such as those used in IPSec and TLS implementations.

The detailed specifications of the R6id instances are as follows:

Instance Name


Local NVMe SSD Storage (GB)

EBS Throughput (Gbps)

Network Bandwidth (Gbps)

r6id.large 2 16 1 x 118 Up to 10 Up to 12.5
r6id.xlarge 4 32 1 x 237 Up to 10 Up to 12.5
r6id.2xlarge 8 64 1 x 474 Up to 10 Up to 12.5
r6id.4xlarge 16 128 1 x 950 Up to 10 Up to 12.5
r6id.8xlarge 32 256 1 x 1900 10 12.5
r6id.12xlarge 48 384 2 x 1425 15 18.75
r6id.16xlarge 64 512 2 x 1900 20 25
r6id.24xlarge 96 768 4 x 1425 30 37.5
r6id.32xlarge 128 1024 4 x 1900 40 50
r6id.metal 128 1024 4 x 1900 40 50

Now available

The R6id instances are available today in the AWS US East (Ohio), US East (N.Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland) Regions as On-Demand, Spot, and Reserved Instances or as part of a Savings Plan. As usual, with EC2, you pay for what you use. For more information, see the Amazon EC2 pricing page.

To learn more, visit our Amazon EC2 R6i instances page, and please send feedback to AWS re:Post for EC2 or through your usual AWS Support contacts.

Veliswa x

Modernize Your Mainframe Applications & Deploy Them In The Cloud

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/modernize-your-mainframe-applications-deploy-them-in-the-cloud/

Today, we are launching AWS Mainframe Modernization service to help you modernize your mainframe applications and deploy them to AWS fully-managed runtime environments. This new service also provides tools and resources to help you plan and implement migration and modernization.

Since the introduction of System/360 on April 7 1964, mainframe computers have enabled many industries to transform themselves. The mainframe has revolutionized the way people buy things, how people book and purchase travel, and how governments manage taxes or deliver social services. Two thirds of the Fortune 100 companies have their core businesses located on a mainframe. And according to a 2018 estimate, $3 trillion ($3 x 10^12) in daily commerce flows through mainframes.

Mainframes are using their very own set of technologies: programming languages such as COBOL, PL/1, and Natural, to name a few, or databases and data files such as VSAM, DB2, IMS DB, or Adabas. They also run “application servers” (or transaction managers as we call them) such as CICS or IMS TM. Recent IBM mainframes also run applications developed in the Java programming language deployed on WebSphere Application Server.

Many of our customers running mainframes told us they want to modernize their mainframe-based applications to take advantage of the AWS cloud. They want to increase their agility and their capacity to innovate, gain access to a growing pool of talents with experience running workloads on AWS, and benefit from the continual AWS trend of improving cost/performance ratio.

Application modernization is a journey composed of four phases:

  • First, you assess the situation. Are you ready to migrate? You define the business case and educate the migration team.
  • Second, you mobilize. You kick off the project, identify applications for a proof of concept, and refine your migration plan and business cases.
  • Third, you migrate and modernize. For each application, you run in-depth discovery, decide on the right application architecture and migration journey, replatform or refactor the code base, and test and deploy to production.
  • Last, you operate and optimize. You monitor deployed applications, manage resources, and ensure that security and compliance are up to date.

AWS Mainframe Modernization helps you during each phase of your journey.

Assess and Mobilize
During the assessment and mobilization phase, you have access to analysis and development tools to discover the scope of your application portfolio and to transform source code as needed. Typically, the service helps you discover the assets of your mainframe applications and identify all the data and other dependencies. We provide you with integrated development environments where you can adapt or refactor your source code, depending on whether you are replatforming or refactoring your applications.

Application Automated Refactoring
You may choose to use the automated refactoring pattern, where mainframe application assets are automatically converted into a modern language and ecosystem. With automated refactoring, AWS Mainframe Modernization uses Blu Age tools to convert your COBOL, PL/1, or JCL code to Java services and scripts. It generates modern code, data access, and data format by implementing patterns and rules to transform screens, indexed files, and batch applications to a modern application stack.

AWS Mainfraime Modernization Refactoring

Application Replatforming
You may also choose to replatform your applications, meaning move them to AWS with minimal changes to the source code. When replatforming, the fully-managed runtime comes preinstalled with the Micro Focus mainframe-compatible components, such as transaction managers, data mapping tools, screen and maps readers, and batch execution environments, allowing you to run your application with minimum changes.

AWS Mainfraime Modernization Replatforming

This blog post can help you learn more about nuances between replatforming and refactoring.

DevOps For Your Mainframe Applications
AWS Mainframe Modernization service provides you with AWS CloudFormation templates to easily create continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines. It also deploys and configures monitoring services to monitor the managed runtime. This allows you to maintain or continue to evolve your applications once migrated, using best practices from Agile and DevOps methodologies.

Managed Services
AWS Mainframe Modernization takes care of the undifferentiated heavy lifting and provides you with fully managed runtime environments based on 15 years of cloud architecture best practices in terms of security, high availability, scalability, system management, and using infrastructure as code. These are all important for the business-critical applications running on mainframes.

The analysis tools, development tools, and the replatforming or refactoring runtimes come preinstalled and ready to use. But there is much more than preinstalled environments. The service deploys and manages the whole infrastructure for you. It deploys the required network, load balancer, and configure log collection with Amazon CloudWatch, among others. It manages application versioning, deployments, and high availability dependencies. This saves you days of designing, testing, automating, and deploying your own infrastructure.

The fully managed runtime includes extensive automation and managed infrastructure resources that you can operate via the AWS console, the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), and application programming interfaces (APIs). This removes the burden and undifferentiated heavy lifting of managing a complex infrastructure. It allows you to spend time and focus on innovating and building new capabilities.

Let’s Deploy an App
As usual, I like to show you how it works. I am using a demo banking application. The application has been replatformed and is available as two .zip files. The first one contains the application binaries, and the second one the data files. I uploaded the content of these zipped files to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. As part of the prerequisites, I also created a PostgreSQL Aurora database, stored its username and password in AWS Secrets Manager, and I created an encryption key in AWS Key Management Service (KMS).

Sample Banking Application files

Create an Environment
Let’s deploy and run the BankDemo sample application in an AWS Mainframe Modernization managed runtime environment with the Micro Focus runtime engine. For brevity, I highlight only the main steps. The full tutorial is available as part of the service documentation.

I open the AWS Management Console and navigate to AWS Mainframe Modernization. I navigate to Environments and select Create environment.

AWS Mainframe Migration - Create EnvironmentI give the environment a name and select Micro Focus runtime since we are deploying a replatformed application. Then I select Next.

AWS Mainframe Modernization - Create Environment 2In the Specify Configurations section, I leave all the default values: a Standalone runtime environment, the M2.m5.large EC2 instance type, and the default VPC and subnets. Then I select Next.

AWS Mainframe Modernization - Create Environment 3

On the Attach Storage section, I mount an EFS endpoint as /m2/mount/demo. Then I select Next.

AWS Mainframe Modernization - Create Environment 4In the Review and create section, I review my configuration and select Create environment. After a while, the environment status switches to Available.

AWS Mainframe Modernization - environment available

Create an Application
Now that I have an environment, let’s deploy the sample banking application on it. I select the Applications section and select Create application.

AWS Mainframe Modernization - Create ApplicatioI give my application a name, and under Engine type, I select Micro Focus.

AWS Mainframe Modernization - Create Application 2In the Specify resources and configurations section, I enter a JSON definition of my application. The JSON tells the runtime environment where my application’s various files are located and how to access Secrets Manager. You can find a sample JSON file in the tutorial section of the documentation.

AWS Mainframe Modernization - Create Application 3In the last section, I Review and create the application. I select Create application. After a moment, the application becomes available.

AWS Mainframe Modernization - application is availableOnce available, I deploy the application to the environment. I select the AWSNewsBlog-SampleBanking app, then I select the Actions dropdown menu, and I select Deploy application.

AWS Mainframe Modernization - deploy the appAfter a while, the application status changes to Ready.

Import Data sets
The last step before starting the application is to import its data sets. In the navigation pane, I select Applications, then choose AWSNewsBlog-SampleBank. I then select the Data sets tab and select Import. I may either specify the data set configuration values individually using the console or provide the location of an S3 bucket that contains a data set configuration JSON file.

AWS Mainframe Modernization - import data setsI use the JSON file provided by the tutorial in the documentation. Before uploading the JSON file to S3, I replace the $S3_DATASET_PREFIX variable with the actual value of my S3 bucket and prefix. For this example, I use awsnewsblog-samplebank/catalog.

AWS Mainframe Modernization - import data sets 2After a while, the data set status changes to Completed.

My application and its data set are now deployed into the cloud.

Start the Application
The last step is to start the application. I navigate to the Applications section. I then select AWSNewsBlog-SampleBank. In the Actions dropdown menu, I select Start application. After a moment, the application status changes to Running.

AWS Mainframe Modernization - application running

Access the Application
To access the application, I need a 3270 terminal emulator. Depending on your platform, a couple of options are available. I choose to use a web-based TN3270 web-based client provided by Micro Focus and available on the AWS Marketplace. I configure the terminal emulator to point it to the AWS Mainframe Modernization environment endpoint, and I use port 6000.

TN3270 Configuration

Once the session starts, I receive the CICS welcome prompt. I type BANK and press ENTER to start the app. I authenticate with user BA0001 and password A. The main application menu is displayed. I select the first option of the menu and press ENTER.

TN3270 SampleBank demo

Congrats, your replatformed application has been deployed in the cloud and is available through a standard IBM 3270 terminal emulator.

Pricing and Availability
AWS Mainframe Modernization service is available in the following AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), and South America (São Paulo).

You only pay for what you use. There are no upfront costs. Third-party license costs are included in the hourly price. Runtime environments for refactored applications, based on Blu Age, start at $2.50/hour. Runtime environments for replatformed applications, based on Micro Focus, start at $5.55/hour. This includes the software licenses (Blu Age or Micro Focus). As usual, AWS Support plans are available. They also cover Blu Age and Micro Focus software.

Committed plans are available for pricing discounts. The pricing details are available on the service pricing page.

And now, go build 😉

— seb