Tag Archives: Performance

How Pingora keeps count

Post Syndicated from Yuchen Wu original http://blog.cloudflare.com/how-pingora-keeps-count/

How Pingora keeps count

How Pingora keeps count

A while ago we shared how we replaced NGINX with our in-house proxy, Pingora. We promised to share more technical details as well as our open sourcing plan. This blog post will be the first of a series that shares both the code libraries that power Pingora and the ideas behind them.

Today, we take a look at one of Pingora’s libraries: pingora-limits.

pingora-limits provides the functionality to count inflight events and estimate the rate of events over time. These functions are commonly used to protect infrastructure and services from being overwhelmed by certain types of malicious or misbehaving requests.

For example, when an origin server becomes slow or unresponsive, requests will accumulate on our servers, which adds pressure on both our servers and our customers’ servers. With this library, we are able to identify which origins have issues, so that action can be taken without affecting other traffic.

The problem can be abstracted in a very simple way. The input is a (never ending) stream of different types of events. At any point, the system should be able to tell the number of appearances (or the rate) of a certain type of event.

In a simple example, colors are used as the type of event. The following is one possible example of a sequence of events:

red, blue, red, orange, green, brown, red, blue,...

In this example, the system should report that “red” appears three times.

The corresponding algorithms are straightforward to design. One obvious answer is to use a hash table, where the keys are the colors and the values are their corresponding appearances. Whenever a new event appears, the algorithm looks up the hash table and increases the appearance counter. It is not hard to tell that this algorithm’s time complexity is O(1) (per event) and the space complexity O(n) where n is the number of the types of events.

How Pingora does it

The hash table solution is fine in common scenarios, but we believe there are a few things that can be improved.

  • We observe traffic to millions of different servers when the misbehaving ones are only a few at a given time. It seems a bit wasteful to require space (memory) that holds the counter for all the keys.
  • Concurrently updating the hash table (especially when adding new keys) requires a lock. This behavior potentially forces all concurrent event processing to go through our system serialized. In other words, when lock contention is severe, the lock slows down the system.

The motivation to improve the above algorithm is even stronger considering such algorithms need to be deployed at scale. This algorithm operates on tens of thousands of machines. It handles more than twenty million requests per second. The benefits of efficiency improvement can be significant.

pingora-limits adopts a different approach: count–min sketch (CM sketch) estimation. CM sketch estimates the counts of events in O(1) (per event) but only using O(log(n)) of space (polylogarithmic, to be precise, more details here). Because of the simplicity of this algorithm, which we will discuss in a bit, it can be implemented without locks. Therefore, pingora-limits runs much faster and more efficiently compared to the hash table approach discussed earlier.

CM sketch

The idea of a CM sketch is similar to a Bloom filter. The mathematical details of the CM sketch can be found in this paper. In this section, we will just illustrate how it works.

A CM sketch data structure takes two parameters, H: number of hashes (rows) and N number of counters (columns) per hash (row). The rows and columns form a matrix. The space they take is H*N. Each row has its own independent hash function (hash_i()).

For this example, we use H=3 and N=4:

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

When an event, "red", arrives, it is counted by every row independently. Each row will use its own hashing function ( hash_i(“red”) ) to choose a column. The counter of the column is increased without worrying about collisions (see the end of this section).

The table below illustrates a possible state of the matrix after a single “red” event:

0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
1 0 0 0

Then, let’s assume the event "blue" arrives, and we assume it collides with "red" at row 2: both hash to the third slot:

1 1 0 0
0 0 2 0
1 0 0 1

Let’s say after another series of events, “blue, red, red, red, blue, red”, So far the algorithm observed 5  “red”s and 3 “blue”s in total. Following the algorithm, the estimator eventually becomes:

3 5 0 0
0 0 8 0
5 0 0 3

Now, let’s see how the matrix reports the occurrence of each event. In order to retrieve the count of keys, the estimator just returns the minimal value of all the columns to which that key belongs. So the count of red is min(5, 8, 5) = 5 and blue is min(3, 8, 3) = 3.

This algorithm chooses the cells with the least collisions (via the min() operations). Therefore, collisions between events in single cells are acceptable because as long as there are collision free cells for a given type of event, the counting for that event is accurate.

The estimator can overestimate when two (or more) keys collide on all slots. Assuming there are only two keys, the probability of their total collision is 1/ N^H (1/64 in this example). On the other hand, it never underestimates because it never loses count of any events.

Practical implementation

Because the algorithm only requires hashing, array index and counter increment, it can be implemented in a few lines of code and lock-free.

The following is a code snippet of how it is implemented in Rust.

pub struct Estimator {
    estimator: Box<[(Box<[AtomicIsize]>, RandomState)]>,
impl Estimator {
    /// Increment `key` by the value given. Return the new estimated value as a result.
    pub fn incr<T: Hash>(&self, key: T, value: isize) -> isize {
        let mut min = isize::MAX;
        for (slot, hasher) in self.estimator.iter() {
            let hash = hash(&key, hasher) as usize;
            let counter = &slot[hash % slot.len()];
            let current = counter.fetch_add(value, Ordering::Relaxed);
            min = std::cmp::min(min, current + value);


We compare the design above with the two hash table based approaches.

  1. naive: Mutex<HashMap<u32, usize>>. This approach references the simple hash table approach mentioned above. This design requires a lock on every operation.
  2. optimized: DashMap<u32, AtomicUsize>. DashMap leverages multiple hash tables in order to shard the keys to reduce contentions across different keys. We also use atomic counters here so that counting existing keys won't need a write lock.

We have two test cases, one that is single threaded and another that is multi-threaded. In both cases, we have one million keys. We generate 100 million events from the keys. The keys are uniformly distributed among the events.

The results below are performed on Debian VM running on M1 MacBook Pro.

Per event (the incr() function above) timing, lower is better:

pingora-limits naive optimized
Single thread 10ns 51ns 43ns
Eight threads 212ns 1505ns 212ns

In the single thread case, where there is no lock contention, our approach is 5x faster than the naive one and 4x faster than the optimized one. With multiple threads, there is a high amount of contention. Our approach is similar to the optimized version. Both are 7x faster than the naive one. The reason the performance of pingora-limits and the optimized hash table are similar is because in both approaches the hot path is just updating the atomic counter.

Memory consumption
Lower is better. The numbers are collected only from the single threaded test cases for simplicity.

peak memory bytes total allocations total allocated bytes
pingora-limits 26,184 9 26,184
naive 53,477,392 20 71,303,260
optimized 36,211,208 491 71,307,722

Pingora-limits at peak requires 1/2000 of the memory compared to the naive one and 1/1300 of the memory of the optimized one.

From the data above, pingora-limits is both CPU and memory efficient.

The estimator provided by Pingora-limits is a biased estimator because it is possible for it to overestimate the appearance of events.

In the case of accurate counting, where false positives are absolutely unacceptable, pingora-limits can still be very useful. It can work as a first stage filter where only the events beyond a certain threshold are fed to a hash table to perform accurate counting. In this case, the majority of low frequency event types are filtered out by the filter so that the hash table also consumes little memory without losing any accuracy.

How it is used in production

In production, pingora uses this library in a few places. The most common one is the connection limit feature. When our servers try to establish too many connections to a single origin server, in order to protect the server and our infrastructure from becoming overloaded, this feature will start rejecting new requests with 503 errors.

How Pingora keeps count

In this feature every incoming request increases a counter, shared by all other requests with the same customer ID, server IP and the server hostname. When the request finishes, the counter decreases accordingly. If the value of the counter is beyond a certain threshold, the request is rejected with a 503 error response. In our production environment we choose the parameters of the library so that a theoretical collision chance between two unrelated customers is about 1 / 2 ^ 52. Additionally, the rejection threshold is significantly higher than what a healthy customer’s traffic would reach. Therefore, even if multiple customers’ counters collide, it is not likely that the overestimated value would reach the threshold. So a false positive on the connection limit is not likely to happen.


Pingora-limits crate is available now on GitHub. Both the core functionality and the performance benchmark performed above can be found there.

In this blog post, we introduced pingora-limits, a library that counts events efficiently. We explained the core idea, which is based on a probabilistic data structure. We also showed through a performance benchmark that the pingora-limits implementation is fast and very efficient for memory consumption.

Not only that, but we will continue introducing and open sourcing Pingora components and libraries because we believe that sharing the idea behind the code is equally important as sharing the code itself.

Interested in joining us to help build a better Internet? Our engineering teams are hiring.

Elasticsearch Indexing Strategy in Asset Management Platform (AMP)

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/elasticsearch-indexing-strategy-in-asset-management-platform-amp-99332231e541

By Burak Bacioglu, Meenakshi Jindal

Asset Management at Netflix

At Netflix, all of our digital media assets (images, videos, text, etc.) are stored in secure storage layers. We built an asset management platform (AMP), codenamed Amsterdam, in order to easily organize and manage the metadata, schema, relations and permissions of these assets. It is also responsible for asset discovery, validation, sharing, and for triggering workflows.

Amsterdam service utilizes various solutions such as Cassandra, Kafka, Zookeeper, EvCache etc. In this blog, we will be focusing on how we utilize Elasticsearch for indexing and search the assets.

Amsterdam is built on top of three storage layers.

The first layer, Cassandra, is the source of truth for us. It consists of close to a hundred tables (column families) , the majority of which are reverse indices to help query the assets in a more optimized way.

The second layer is Elasticsearch, which is used to discover assets based on user queries. This is the layer we’d like to focus on in this blog. And more specifically, how we index and query over 7TB of data in a read-heavy and continuously growing environment and keep our Elasticsearch cluster healthy.

And finally, we have an Apache Iceberg layer which stores assets in a denormalized fashion to help answer heavy queries for analytics use cases.

Elasticsearch Integration

Elasticsearch is one of the best and widely adopted distributed, open source search and analytics engines for all types of data, including textual, numerical, geospatial, structured or unstructured data. It provides simple APIs for creating indices, indexing or searching documents, which makes it easy to integrate. No matter whether you use in-house deployments or hosted solutions, you can quickly stand up an Elasticsearch cluster, and start integrating it from your application using one of the clients provided based on your programming language (Elasticsearch has a rich set of languages it supports; Java, Python, .Net, Ruby, Perl etc.).

One of the first decisions when integrating with Elasticsearch is designing the indices, their settings and mappings. Settings include index specific properties like number of shards, analyzers, etc. Mapping is used to define how documents and their fields are supposed to be stored and indexed. You define the data types for each field, or use dynamic mapping for unknown fields. You can find more information on settings and mappings on Elasticsearch website.

Most applications in content and studio engineering at Netflix deal with assets; such as videos, images, text, etc. These applications are built on a microservices architecture, and the Asset Management Platform provides asset management to those dozens of services for various asset types. Each asset type is defined in a centralized schema registry service responsible for storing asset type taxonomies and relationships. Therefore, it initially seemed natural to create a different index for each asset type. When creating index mappings in Elasticsearch, one has to define the data type for each field. Since different asset types could potentially have fields with the same name but with different data types; having a separate index for each type would prevent such type collisions. Therefore we created around a dozen indices per asset type with fields mapping based on the asset type schema. As we onboarded new applications to our platform, we kept creating new indices for the new asset types. We have a schema management microservice which is used to store the taxonomy of each asset type; and this programmatically created new indices whenever new asset types were created in this service. All the assets of a specific type use the specific index defined for that asset type to create or update the asset document.

Fig 1. Indices based on Asset Types

As Netflix is now producing significantly more originals than it used to when we started this project a few years ago, not only did the number of assets grow dramatically but also the number of asset types grew from dozens to several thousands. Hence the number of Elasticsearch indices (per asset type) as well as asset document indexing or searching RPS (requests per second) grew over time. Although this indexing strategy worked smoothly for a while, interesting challenges started coming up and we started to notice performance issues over time. We started to observe CPU spikes, long running queries, instances going yellow/red in status.

Usually the first thing to try is to scale up the Elasticsearch cluster horizontally by increasing the number of nodes or vertically by upgrading instance types. We tried both, and in many cases it helps, but sometimes it is a short term fix and the performance problems come back after a while; and it did for us. You know it is time to dig deeper to understand the root cause of it.

It was time to take a step back and reevaluate our ES data indexing and sharding strategy. Each index was assigned a fixed number of 6 shards and 2 replicas (defined in the template of the index). With the increase in the number of asset types, we ended up having approximately 900 indices (thus 16200 shards). Some of these indices had millions of documents, whereas many of them were very small with only thousands of documents. We found the root cause of the CPU spike was unbalanced shards size. Elasticsearch nodes storing those large shards became hot spots and queries hitting those instances were timing out or very slow due to busy threads.

We changed our indexing strategy and decided to create indices based on time buckets, rather than asset types. What this means is, assets created between t1 and t2 would go to the T1 bucket, assets created between t2 and t3 would go to the T2 bucket, and so on. So instead of persisting assets based on their asset types, we would use their ids (thus its creation time; because the asset id is a time based uuid generated at the asset creation) to determine which time bucket the document should be persisted to. Elasticsearch recommends each shard to be under 65GB (AWS recommends them to be under 50GB), so we could create time based indices where each index holds somewhere between 16–20GB of data, giving some buffer for data growth. Existing assets can be redistributed appropriately to these precreated shards, and new assets would always go to the current index. Once the size of the current index exceeds a certain threshold (16GB), we would create a new index for the next bucket (minute/hour/day) and start indexing assets to the new index created. We created an index template in Elasticsearch so that the new indices always use the same settings and mappings stored in the template.

We chose to index all versions of an asset in the the same bucket – the one that keeps the first version. Therefore, even though new assets can never be persisted to an old index (due to our time based id generation logic, they always go to the latest/current index); existing assets can be updated, causing additional documents for those new asset versions to be created in those older indices. Therefore we chose a lower threshold for the roll over so that older shards would still be well under 50GB even after those updates.

Fig 2. Indices based on Time Buckets

For searching purposes, we have a single read alias that points to all indices created. When performing a query, we always execute it on the alias. This ensures that no matter where documents are, all documents matching the query will be returned. For indexing/updating documents, though, we cannot use an alias, we use the exact index name to perform index operations.

To avoid the ES query for the list of indices for every indexing request, we keep the list of indices in a distributed cache. We refresh this cache whenever a new index is created for the next time bucket, so that new assets will be indexed appropriately. For every asset indexing request, we look at the cache to determine the corresponding time bucket index for the asset. The cache stores all time-based indices in a sorted order (for simplicity we named our indices based on their starting time in the format yyyyMMddHHmmss) so that we can easily determine exactly which index should be used for asset indexing based on the asset creation time. Without using the time bucket strategy, the same asset could have been indexed into multiple indices because Elasticsearch doc id is unique per index and not the cluster. Or we would have to perform two API calls, first to identify the specific index and then to perform the asset update/delete operation on that specific index.

It is still possible to exceed 50GB in those older indices if millions of updates occur within that time bucket index. To address this issue, we added an API that would split an old index into two programmatically. In order to split a given bucket T1 (which stores all assets between t1 and t2) into two, we choose a time t1.5 between t1 and t2, create a new bucket T1_5, and reindex all assets created between t1.5 and t2 from T1 into this new bucket. While the reindexing is happening, queries / reads are still answered by T1, so any new document created (via asset updates) would be dual-written into T1 and T1.5, provided that their timestamp falls between t1.5 and t2. Finally, once the reindexing is complete, we enable reads from T1_5, stop the dual write and delete reindexed documents from T1.

In fact, Elasticsearch provides an index rollover feature to handle the growing indicex problem https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-rollover-index.html. With this feature, a new index is created when the current index size hits a threshold, and through a write alias, the index calls will point to the new index created. That means, all future index calls would go to the new index created. However, this would create a problem for our update flow use case, because we would have to query multiple indices to determine which index contains a particular document so that we can update it appropriately. Because the calls to Elasticsearch may not be sequential, meaning, an asset a1 created at T1 can be indexed after another asset a2 created at T2 where T2>T1, the older asset a1 can end up in the newer index while the newer asset a2 is persisted in the old index. In our current implementation, however, by simply looking at the asset id (and asset creation time), we can easily find out which index to go to and it is always deterministic.

One thing to mention is, Elasticsearch has a default limit of 1000 fields per index. If we index all types to a single index, wouldn’t we easily exceed this number? And what about the data type collisions we mentioned above? Having a single index for all data types could potentially cause collisions when two asset types define different data types for the same field. We also changed our mapping strategy to overcome these issues. Instead of creating a separate Elasticsearch field for each metadata field defined in an asset type, we created a single nested type with a mandatory field called `key`, which represents the name of the field on the asset type, and a handful of data-type specific fields, such as: `string_value`, `long_value`, `date_value`, etc. We would populate the corresponding data-type specific field based on the actual data type of the value. Below you can see a part of the index mapping defined in our template, and an example from a document (asset) which has four metadata fields:

Fig 3. Snippet of the index mapping
Fig 4. Snippet of nested metadata field on a stored document

As you see above, all asset properties go under the same nested field `metadata` with a mandatory `key` field, and the corresponding data-type specific field. This ensures that no matter how many asset types or properties are indexed, we would always have a fixed number of fields defined in the mapping. When searching for these fields, instead of querying for a single value (cameraId == 42323243), we perform a nested query where we query for both key and the value (key == cameraId AND long_value == 42323243). For more information on nested queries, please refer to this link.

Fig 5. Search/Indexing RPS

After these changes, the indices we created are now balanced in terms of data size. CPU utilization is down from an average of 70% to 10%. In addition, we are able to reduce the refresh interval time on these indices from our earlier setting 30 seconds to 1 sec in order to support use cases like read after write, which enables users to search and get a document after a second it was created

Fig 6. CPU Spike with Old indexing strategy
Fig 7. CPU Usage with New indexing strategy

We had to do a one time migration of the existing documents to the new indices. Thankfully we already have a framework in place that can query all assets from Cassandra and index them in Elasticsearch. Since doing full table scans in Cassandra is not generally recommended on large tables (due to potential timeouts), our cassandra schema contains several reverse indices that help us query all data efficiently. We also utilize Kafka to process these assets asynchronously without impacting our real time traffic. This infrastructure is used not only to index assets to Elasticsearch, but also to perform administrative operations on all or some assets, such as bulk updating assets, scanning / fixing problems on them, etc. Since we only focused on Elasticsearch indexing in this blog, we are planning to create another blog to talk about this infrastructure later.

Elasticsearch Indexing Strategy in Asset Management Platform (AMP) was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Oxy is Cloudflare’s Rust-based next generation proxy framework

Post Syndicated from Ivan Nikulin original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-oxy/

Oxy is Cloudflare's Rust-based next generation proxy framework

Oxy is Cloudflare's Rust-based next generation proxy framework

In this blog post, we are proud to introduce Oxy – our modern proxy framework, developed using the Rust programming language. Oxy is a foundation of several Cloudflare projects, including the Zero Trust Gateway, the iCloud Private Relay second hop proxy, and the internal egress routing service.

Oxy leverages our years of experience building high-load proxies to implement the latest communication protocols, enabling us to effortlessly build sophisticated services that can accommodate massive amounts of daily traffic.

We will be exploring Oxy in greater detail in upcoming technical blog posts, providing a comprehensive and in-depth look at its capabilities and potential applications. For now, let us embark on this journey and discover what Oxy is and how we built it.

What Oxy does

We refer to Oxy as our “next-generation proxy framework”. But what do we really mean by “proxy framework”? Picture a server (like NGINX, that reader might be familiar with) that can proxy traffic with an array of protocols, including various predefined common traffic flow scenarios that enable you to route traffic to specific destinations or even egress with a different protocol than the one used for ingress. This server can be configured in many ways for specific flows and boasts tight integration with the surrounding infrastructure, whether telemetry consumers or networking services.

Now, take all of that and add in the ability to programmatically control every aspect of the proxying: protocol decapsulation, traffic analysis, routing, tunneling logic, DNS resolution, and so much more. And this is what Oxy proxy framework is: a feature-rich proxy server tightly integrated with our internal infrastructure that’s customizable to meet application requirements, allowing engineers to tweak every component.

This design is in line with our belief in an iterative approach to development, where a basic solution is built first and then gradually improved over time. With Oxy, you can start with a basic solution that can be deployed to our servers and then add additional features as needed, taking advantage of the many extensibility points offered by Oxy. In fact, you can avoid writing any code, besides a few lines of bootstrap boilerplate and get a production-ready server with a wide variety of startup configuration options and traffic flow scenarios.

Oxy is Cloudflare's Rust-based next generation proxy framework
High-level Oxy architecture

For example, suppose you’d like to implement an HTTP firewall. With Oxy, you can proxy HTTP(S) requests right out of the box, eliminating the need to write any code related to production services, such as request metrics and logs. You simply need to implement an Oxy hook handler for HTTP requests and responses. If you’ve used Cloudflare Workers before, then you should be familiar with this extensibility model.

Similarly, you can implement a layer 4 firewall by providing application hooks that handle ingress and egress connections. This goes beyond a simple block/accept scenario, as you can build authentication functionality or a traffic router that sends traffic to different destinations based on the geographical information of the ingress connection. The capabilities are incredibly rich, and we’ve made the extensibility model as ergonomic and flexible as possible. As an example, if information obtained from layer 4 is insufficient to make an informed firewall decision, the app can simply ask Oxy to decapsulate the traffic and process it with HTTP firewall.

The aforementioned scenarios are prevalent in many products we build at Cloudflare, so having a foundation that incorporates ready solutions is incredibly useful. This foundation has absorbed lots of experience we’ve gained over the years, taking care of many sharp and dark corners of high-load service programming. As a result, application implementers can stay focused on the business logic of their application with Oxy taking care of the rest. In fact, we’ve been able to create a few privacy proxy applications using Oxy that now serve massive amounts of traffic in production with less than a couple of hundred lines of code. This is something that would have taken multiple orders of magnitude more time and lines of code before.

As previously mentioned, we’ll dive deeper into the technical aspects in future blog posts. However, for now, we’d like to provide a brief overview of Oxy’s capabilities. This will give you a glimpse of the many ways in which Oxy can be customized and used.


On-ramp defines a combination of transport layer socket type and protocols that server listeners can use for ingress traffic.

Oxy supports a wide variety of traffic on-ramps:

  • HTTP 1/2/3 (including various CONNECT protocols for layer 3 and 4 traffic)
  • TCP and UDP traffic over Proxy Protocol
  • general purpose IP traffic, including ICMP

With Oxy, you have the ability to analyze and manipulate traffic at multiple layers of the OSI model – from layer 3 to layer 7. This allows for a wide range of possibilities in terms of how you handle incoming traffic.

One of the most notable and powerful features of Oxy is the ability for applications to force decapsulation. This means that an application can analyze traffic at a higher level, even if it originally arrived at a lower level. For example, if an application receives IP traffic, it can choose to analyze the UDP traffic encapsulated within the IP packets. With just a few lines of code, the application can tell Oxy to upgrade the IP flow to a UDP tunnel, effectively allowing the same code to be used for different on-ramps.

The application can even go further and ask Oxy to sniff UDP packets and check if they contain HTTP/3 traffic. In this case, Oxy can upgrade the UDP traffic to HTTP and handle HTTP/3 requests that were originally received as raw IP packets. This allows for the simultaneous processing of traffic at all three layers (L3, L4, L7), enabling applications to analyze, filter, and manipulate the traffic flow from multiple perspectives. This provides a robust toolset for developing advanced traffic processing applications.

Oxy is Cloudflare's Rust-based next generation proxy framework
Multi-layer traffic processing in Oxy applications


Off-ramp defines a combination of transport layer socket type and protocols that proxy server connectors can use for egress traffic.

Oxy offers versatility in its egress methods, supporting a range of protocols including HTTP 1 and 2, UDP, TCP, and IP. It is equipped with internal DNS resolution and caching, as well as customizable resolvers, with automatic fallback options for maximum system reliability. Oxy implements happy eyeballs for TCP, advanced tunnel timeout logic and has the ability to route traffic to internal services with accompanying metadata.

Additionally, through collaboration with one of our internal services (which is an Oxy application itself!) Oxy is able to offer geographical egress — allowing applications to route traffic to the public Internet from various locations in our extensive network covering numerous cities worldwide. This complex and powerful feature can be easily utilized by Oxy application developers at no extra cost, simply by adjusting configuration settings.

Tunneling and request handling

We’ve discussed Oxy’s communication capabilities with the outside world through on-ramps and off-ramps. In the middle, Oxy handles efficient stateful tunneling of various traffic types including TCP, UDP, QUIC, and IP, while giving applications full control over traffic blocking and redirection.

Additionally, Oxy effectively handles HTTP traffic, providing full control over requests and responses, and allowing it to serve as a direct HTTP or API service. With built-in tools for streaming analysis of HTTP bodies, Oxy makes it easy to extract and process data, such as form data from uploads and downloads.

In addition to its multi-layer traffic processing capabilities, Oxy also supports advanced HTTP tunneling methods, such as CONNECT-UDP and CONNECT-IP, using the latest extensions to HTTP 3 and 2 protocols. It can even process HTTP CONNECT request payloads on layer 4 and recursively process the payload as HTTP if the encapsulated traffic is HTTP.

Oxy is Cloudflare's Rust-based next generation proxy framework
Recursive processing of HTTP CONNECT body payload in HTTP pipeline


The modern Internet is unimaginable without traffic encryption, and Oxy, of course, provides this essential aspect. Oxy’s cryptography and TLS are based on BoringSSL, providing both a FIPS-compliant version with a limited set of certified features and the latest version that supports all the currently available TLS features. Oxy also allows applications to switch between the two versions in real-time, on a per-request or per-connection basis.

Oxy’s TLS client is designed to make HTTPS requests to upstream servers, with the functionality and security of a browser-grade client. This includes the reconstruction of certificate chains, certificate revocation checks, and more. In addition, Oxy applications can be secured with TLS v1.3, and optionally mTLS, allowing for the extraction of client authentication information from x509 certificates.

Oxy has the ability to inspect and filter HTTPS traffic, including HTTP/3, and provides the means for dynamically generating certificates, serving as a foundation for implementing data loss prevention (DLP) products. Additionally, Oxy’s internal fork of BoringSSL, which is not FIPS-compliant, supports the use of raw public keys as an alternative to WebPKI, making it ideal for internal service communication. This allows for all the benefits of TLS without the hassle of managing root certificates.

Gluing everything together

Oxy is more than just a set of building blocks for network applications. It acts as a cohesive glue, handling the bootstrapping of the entire proxy application with ease, including parsing and applying configurations, setting up an asynchronous runtime, applying seccomp hardening and providing automated graceful restarts functionality.

With built-in support for panic reporting to Sentry, Prometheus metrics with a Rust-macro based API, Kibana logging, distributed tracing, memory and runtime profiling, Oxy offers comprehensive monitoring and analysis capabilities. It can also generate detailed audit logs for layer 4 traffic, useful for billing and network analysis.

To top it off, Oxy includes an integration testing framework, allowing for easy testing of application interactions using TypeScript-based tests.

Extensibility model

To take full advantage of Oxy’s capabilities, one must understand how to extend and configure its features. Oxy applications are configured using YAML configuration files, offering numerous options for each feature. Additionally, application developers can extend these options by leveraging the convenient macros provided by the framework, making customization a breeze.

Suppose the Oxy application uses a key-value database to retrieve user information. In that case, it would be beneficial to expose a YAML configuration settings section for this purpose. With Oxy, defining a structure and annotating it with the #[oxy_app_settings] attribute is all it takes to accomplish this:

///Application’s key-value (KV) database settings
pub struct MyAppKVSettings {
    /// Key prefix.
    pub prefix: Option<String>,
    /// Path to the UNIX domain socket for the appropriate KV 
    /// server instance.
    pub socket: Option<String>,

Oxy can then generate a default YAML configuration file listing available options and their default values, including those extended by the application. The configuration options are automatically documented in the generated file from the Rust doc comments, following best Rust practices.

Moreover, Oxy supports multi-tenancy, allowing a single application instance to expose multiple on-ramp endpoints, each with a unique configuration. But, sometimes even a YAML configuration file is not enough to build a desired application, this is where Oxy’s comprehensive set of hooks comes in handy. These hooks can be used to extend the application with Rust code and cover almost all aspects of the traffic processing.

To give you an idea of how easy it is to write an Oxy application, here is an example of basic Oxy code:

struct MyApp;

// Defines types for various application extensions to Oxy's
// data types. Contexts provide information and control knobs for
// the different parts of the traffic flow and applications can extend // all of them with their custom data. As was mentioned before,
// applications could also define their custom configuration.
// It’s just a matter of defining a configuration object with
// `#[oxy_app_settings]` attribute and providing the object type here.
impl OxyExt for MyApp {
    type AppSettings = MyAppKVSettings;
    type EndpointAppSettings = ();
    type EndpointContext = ();
    type IngressConnectionContext = MyAppIngressConnectionContext;
    type RequestContext = ();
    type IpTunnelContext = ();
    type DnsCacheItem = ();

impl OxyApp for MyApp {
    fn name() -> &'static str {
        "My app"

    fn version() -> &'static str {

    fn description() -> &'static str {
        "This is an example of Oxy application"

    async fn start(
        settings: ServerSettings<MyAppSettings, ()>
    ) -> anyhow::Result<Hooks<Self>> {
        // Here the application initializes various hooks, with each
        // hook being a trait implementation containing multiple
        // optional callbacks invoked during the lifecycle of the
        // traffic processing.
        let ingress_hook = create_ingress_hook(&settings);
        let egress_hook = create_egress_hook(&settings);
        let tunnel_hook = create_tunnel_hook(&settings);
        let http_request_hook = create_http_request_hook(&settings);
        let ip_flow_hook = create_ip_flow_hook(&settings);

        Ok(Hooks {
            ingress: Some(ingress_hook),
            egress: Some(egress_hook),
            tunnel: Some(tunnel_hook),
            http_request: Some(http_request_hook),
            ip_flow: Some(ip_flow_hook),

// The entry point of the application
fn main() -> OxyResult<()> {

Technology choice

Oxy leverages the safety and performance benefits of Rust as its implementation language. At Cloudflare, Rust has emerged as a popular choice for new product development, and there are ongoing efforts to migrate some of the existing products to the language as well.

Rust offers memory and concurrency safety through its ownership and borrowing system, preventing issues like null pointers and data races. This safety is achieved without sacrificing performance, as Rust provides low-level control and the ability to write code with minimal runtime overhead. Rust’s balance of safety and performance has made it popular for building safe performance-critical applications, like proxies.

We intentionally tried to stand on the shoulders of the giants with this project and avoid reinventing the wheel. Oxy heavily relies on open-source dependencies, with hyper and tokio being the backbone of the framework. Our philosophy is that we should pull from existing solutions as much as we can, allowing for faster iteration, but also use widely battle-tested code. If something doesn’t work for us, we try to collaborate with maintainers and contribute back our fixes and improvements. In fact, we now have two team members who are core team members of tokio and hyper projects.

Even though Oxy is a proprietary project, we try to give back some love to the open-source community without which the project wouldn’t be possible by open-sourcing some of the building blocks such as https://github.com/cloudflare/boring and https://github.com/cloudflare/quiche.

The road to implementation

At the beginning of our journey, we set out to implement a proof-of-concept  for an HTTP firewall using Rust for what would eventually become Zero Trust Gateway product. This project was originally part of the WARP service repository. However, as the PoC rapidly advanced, it became clear that it needed to be separated into its own Gateway proxy for both technical and operational reasons.

Later on, when tasked with implementing a relay proxy for iCloud Private Relay, we saw the opportunity to reuse much of the code from the Gateway proxy. The Gateway project could also benefit from the HTTP/3 support that was being added for the Private Relay project. In fact, early iterations of the relay service were forks of the Gateway server.

It was then that we realized we could extract common elements from both projects to create a new framework, Oxy. The history of Oxy can be traced back to its origins in the commit history of the Gateway and Private Relay projects, up until its separation as a standalone framework.

Since our inception, we have leveraged the power of Oxy to efficiently roll out multiple projects that would have required a significant amount of time and effort without it. Our iterative development approach has been a strength of the project, as we have been able to identify common, reusable components through hands-on testing and implementation.

Our small core team is supplemented by internal contributors from across the company, ensuring that the best subject-matter experts are working on the relevant parts of the project. This contribution model also allows us to shape the framework’s API to meet the functional and ergonomic needs of its users, while the core team ensures that the project stays on track.

Relation to Pingora

Although Pingora, another proxy server developed by us in Rust, shares some similarities with Oxy, it was intentionally designed as a separate proxy server with a different objective. Pingora was created to serve traffic from millions of our client’s upstream servers, including those with ancient and unusual configurations. Non-UTF 8 URLs or TLS settings that are not supported by most TLS libraries being just a few such quirks among many others. This focus on handling technically challenging unusual configurations sets Pingora apart from other proxy servers.

The concept of Pingora came about during the same period when we were beginning to develop Oxy, and we initially considered merging the two projects. However, we quickly realized that their objectives were too different to do that. Pingora is specifically designed to establish Cloudflare’s HTTP connectivity with the Internet, even in its most technically obscure corners. On the other hand, Oxy is a multipurpose platform that supports a wide variety of communication protocols and aims to provide a simple way to develop high-performance proxy applications with business logic.


Oxy is a proxy framework that we have developed to meet the demanding needs of modern services. It has been designed  to provide a flexible and scalable solution that can be adapted to meet the unique requirements of each project and by leveraging the power of Rust, we made it both safe and fast.

Looking forward, Oxy is poised to play one of the critical roles in our company’s larger effort to modernize and improve our architecture. It provides a solid block in foundation on which we can keep building the better Internet.

As the framework continues to evolve and grow, we remain committed to our iterative approach to development, constantly seeking out new opportunities to reuse existing solutions and improve our codebase. This collaborative, community-driven approach has already yielded impressive results, and we are confident that it will continue to drive the future success of Oxy.

Stay tuned for more tech savvy blog posts on the subject!

Run Apache Spark workloads 3.5 times faster with Amazon EMR 6.9

Post Syndicated from Sekar Srinivasan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/run-apache-spark-workloads-3-5-times-faster-with-amazon-emr-6-9/

The Amazon EMR runtime for Apache Spark is a performance-optimized runtime for Apache Spark that is 100% API compatible with open-source Apache Spark. With Amazon EMR release 6.9.0, the EMR runtime for Apache Spark supports equivalent Spark version 3.3.0.

With Amazon EMR 6.9.0, you can now run your Apache Spark 3.x applications faster and at lower cost without requiring any changes to your applications. In our performance benchmark tests, derived from TPC-DS performance tests at 3 TB scale, we found the EMR runtime for Apache Spark 3.3.0 provides a 3.5 times (using total runtime) performance improvement on average over open-source Apache Spark 3.3.0.

In this post, we analyze the results from our benchmark tests running a TPC-DS application on open-source Apache Spark and then on Amazon EMR 6.9, which comes with an optimized Spark runtime that is compatible with open-source Spark. We walk through a detailed cost analysis and finally provide step-by-step instructions to run the benchmark.

Results observed

To evaluate the performance improvements, we used an open-source Spark performance test utility that is derived from the TPC-DS performance test toolkit. We ran the tests on a seven-node (six core nodes and one primary node) c5d.9xlarge EMR cluster with the EMR runtime for Apache Spark, and a second seven-node self-managed cluster on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) with the equivalent open-source version of Spark. We ran both the tests with data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

Dynamic Resource Allocation (DRA) is a great feature to use for varying workloads. However, for a benchmarking exercise where we compare two platforms purely on performance, and test data volumes don’t change (3 TB in our case), we believe it’s best to avoid variability in order to run an apples-to-apples comparison. In our tests in both open-source Spark and Amazon EMR, we disabled DRA while running the benchmarking application.

The following table shows the total job runtime for all queries (in seconds) in the 3 TB query dataset between Amazon EMR version 6.9.0 and open-source Spark version 3.3.0. We observed that our TPC-DS tests had a total job runtime on Amazon EMR on Amazon EC2 that was 3.5 times faster than that using an open-source Spark cluster of the same configuration.

The per-query speedup on Amazon EMR 6.9 with and without the EMR runtime for Apache Spark is illustrated in the following chart. The horizontal axis shows each query in the 3 TB benchmark. The vertical axis shows the speedup of each query due to the EMR runtime. Notable performance gains are over 10 times faster for TPC-DS queries 24b, 72, 95, and 96.

Cost analysis

The performance improvements of the EMR runtime for Apache Spark directly translate to lower costs. We were able to realize a 67% cost savings running the benchmark application on Amazon EMR in comparison with the cost incurred to run the same application on open-source Spark on Amazon EC2 with the same cluster sizing due to reduced hours of Amazon EMR and Amazon EC2 usage. Amazon EMR pricing is for EMR applications running on EMR clusters with EC2 instances. The Amazon EMR price is added to the underlying compute and storage prices such as EC2 instance price and Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) cost (if attaching EBS volumes). Overall, the estimated benchmark cost in the US East (N. Virginia) Region is $27.01 per run for the open-source Spark on Amazon EC2 and $8.82 per run for Amazon EMR.

Benchmark Job Runtime (Hour) Estimated Cost Total EC2 Instance Total vCPU Total Memory (GiB) Root Device (Amazon EBS)

Open-source Spark on Amazon EC2

(1 primary and 6 core nodes)

2.23 $27.01 7 252 504 20 GiB gp2

Amazon EMR on Amazon EC2

(1 primary and 6 core nodes)

0.63 $8.82 7 252 504 20 GiB gp2

Cost breakdown

The following is the cost breakdown for the open-source Spark on Amazon EC2 job ($27.01):

  • Total Amazon EC2 cost – (7 * $1.728 * 2.23) = (number of instances * c5d.9xlarge hourly rate * job runtime in hour) = $26.97
  • Amazon EBS cost – ($0.1/730 * 20 * 7 * 2.23) = (Amazon EBS per GB-hourly rate * root EBS size * number of instances * job runtime in hour) = $0.042

The following is the cost breakdown for the Amazon EMR on Amazon EC2 job ($8.82):

  • Total Amazon EMR cost – (7 * $0.27 * 0.63) = ((number of core nodes + number of primary nodes)* c5d.9xlarge Amazon EMR price * job runtime in hour) = $1.19
  • Total Amazon EC2 cost – (7 * $1.728 * 0.63) = ((number of core nodes + number of primary nodes)* c5d.9xlarge instance price * job runtime in hour) = $7.62
  • Amazon EBS cost – ($0.1/730 * 20 GiB * 7 * 0.63) = (Amazon EBS per GB-hourly rate * EBS size * number of instances * job runtime in hour) = $0.012

Set up OSS Spark benchmarking

In the following sections, we provide a brief outline of the steps involved in setting up the benchmarking. For detailed instructions with examples, refer to the GitHub repo.

For our OSS Spark benchmarking, we use the open-source tool Flintrock to launch our Amazon EC2-based Apache Spark cluster. Flintrock provides a quick way to launch an Apache Spark cluster on Amazon EC2 using the command line.


Complete the following prerequisite steps:

  1. Have Python 3.7.x or above.
  2. Have Pip3 22.2.2 or above.
  3. Add the Python bin directory to your environment path. The Flintrock binary will be installed in this path.
  4. Run aws configure to configure your AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) shell to point to the benchmarking account. Refer to Quick configuration with aws configure for instructions.
  5. Have a key pair with restrictive file permissions to access the OSS Spark primary node.
  6. Create a new S3 bucket in your test account if needed.
  7. Copy the TPC-DS source data as input to your S3 bucket.
  8. Build the benchmark application following the steps provided in Steps to build spark-benchmark-assembly application. Alternatively, you can download a pre-built spark-benchmark-assembly-3.3.0.jar if you want a Spark 3.3.0-based application.

Deploy the Spark cluster and run the benchmark job

Complete the following steps:

  1. Install the Flintrock tool via pip as shown in Steps to setup OSS Spark Benchmarking.
  2. Run the command flintrock configure, which pops up a default configuration file.
  3. Modify the default config.yaml file based on your needs. Alternatively, copy and paste the config.yaml file content to the default configure file. Then save the file to where it was.
  4. Finally, launch the 7-node Spark cluster on Amazon EC2 via Flintrock.

This should create a Spark cluster with one primary node and six worker nodes. If you see any error messages, double-check the config file values, especially the Spark and Hadoop versions and the attributes of download-source and the AMI.

The OSS Spark cluster doesn’t come with YARN resource manager. To enable it, we need to configure the cluster.

  1. Download the yarn-site.xml and enable-yarn.sh files from the GitHub repo.
  2. Replace <private ip of primary node> with the IP address of the primary node in your Flintrock cluster.

You can retrieve the IP address from the Amazon EC2 console.

  1. Upload the files to all the nodes of the Spark cluster.
  2. Run the enable-yarn script.
  3. Enable Snappy support in Hadoop (the benchmark job reads Snappy compressed data).
  4. Download the benchmark utility application JAR file spark-benchmark-assembly-3.3.0.jar to your local machine.
  5. Copy this file to the cluster.
  6. Log in to the primary node and start YARN.
  7. Submit the benchmark job on the open-source Spark cluster as shown in Submit the benchmark job.

Summarize the results

Download the test result file from the output S3 bucket s3://$YOUR_S3_BUCKET/EC2_TPCDS-TEST-3T-RESULT/timestamp=xxxx/summary.csv/xxx.csv. (Replace $YOUR_S3_BUCKET with your S3 bucket name.) You can use the Amazon S3 console and navigate to the output S3 location or use the AWS CLI.

The Spark benchmark application creates a timestamp folder and writes a summary file inside a summary.csv prefix. Your timestamp and file name will be different from the one shown in the preceding example.

The output CSV files have four columns without header names. They are:

  • Query name
  • Median time
  • Minimum time
  • Maximum time

The following screenshot shows a sample output. We have manually added column names. The way we calculate the geomean and the total job runtime is based on arithmetic means. We first take the mean of the med, min, and max values using the formula AVERAGE(B2:D2). Then we take a geometric mean of the Avg column using the formula GEOMEAN(E2:E105).

Set up Amazon EMR benchmarking

For detailed instructions, see Steps to setup EMR Benchmarking.


Complete the following prerequisite steps:

  1. Run aws configure to configure your AWS CLI shell to point to the benchmarking account. Refer to Quick configuration with aws configure for instructions.
  2. Upload the benchmark application to Amazon S3.

Deploy the EMR cluster and run the benchmark job

Complete the following steps:

  1. Spin up Amazon EMR in your AWS CLI shell using command line as shown in Deploy EMR Cluster and run benchmark job.
  2. Configure Amazon EMR with one primary (c5d.9xlarge) and six core (c5d.9xlarge) nodes. Refer to create-cluster for a detailed description of AWS CLI options.
  3. Store the cluster ID from the response. You need this in the next step.
  4. Submit the benchmark job in Amazon EMR using add-steps in the AWS CLI.

Summarize the results

Summarize the results from the output bucket s3://$YOUR_S3_BUCKET/blog/EMRONEC2_TPCDS-TEST-3T-RESULT in the same manner as we did for the OSS results and compare.

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources you created using the instructions in the Cleanup section of the GitHub repo.

  1. Stop the EMR and OSS Spark clusters. You may also delete them if you don’t want to retain the content. You can delete these resources by running the script cleanup-benchmark-env.sh from a terminal in your benchmark environment.
  2. If you used AWS Cloud9 as your IDE for building the benchmark application JAR file using Steps to build spark-benchmark-assembly application, you may want to delete the environment as well.


You can run your Apache Spark workloads 3.5 times (based on total runtime) faster and at lower cost without making any changes to your applications by using Amazon EMR 6.9.0.

To keep up to date, subscribe to the Big Data Blog’s RSS feed to learn more about the EMR runtime for Apache Spark, configuration best practices, and tuning advice.

For past benchmark tests, see Run Apache Spark 3.0 workloads 1.7 times faster with Amazon EMR runtime for Apache Spark. Note that the past benchmark result of 1.7 times performance was based on geometric mean. Based on geometric mean, the performance in Amazon EMR 6.9 was two times faster.

About the authors

Sekar Srinivasan is a Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS focused on Big Data and Analytics. Sekar has over 20 years of experience working with data. He is passionate about helping customers build scalable solutions modernizing their architecture and generating insights from their data. In his spare time he likes to work on non-profit projects, especially those focused on underprivileged Children’s education.

Prabu Ravichandran is a Senior Data Architect with Amazon Web Services, focussed on Analytics, data Lake architecture and implementation. He helps customers architect and build scalable and robust solutions using AWS services. In his free time, Prabu enjoys traveling and spending time with family.

The state of HTTP in 2022

Post Syndicated from Mark Nottingham original https://blog.cloudflare.com/the-state-of-http-in-2022/

The state of HTTP in 2022

The state of HTTP in 2022

At over thirty years old, HTTP is still the foundation of the web and one of the Internet’s most popular protocols—not just for browsing, watching videos and listening to music, but also for apps, machine-to-machine communication, and even as a basis for building other protocols, forming what some refer to as a “second waist” in the classic Internet hourglass diagram.

What makes HTTP so successful? One answer is that it hits a “sweet spot” for most applications that need an application protocol. “Building Protocols with HTTP” (published in 2022 as a Best Current Practice RFC by the HTTP Working Group) argues that HTTP’s success can be attributed to factors like:

– familiarity by implementers, specifiers, administrators, developers, and users;
– availability of a variety of client, server, and proxy implementations;
– ease of use;
– availability of web browsers;
– reuse of existing mechanisms like authentication and encryption;
– presence of HTTP servers and clients in target deployments; and
– its ability to traverse firewalls.

Another important factor is the community of people using, implementing, and standardising HTTP. We work together to maintain and develop the protocol actively, to assure that it’s interoperable and meets today’s needs. If HTTP stagnates, another protocol will (justifiably) replace it, and we’ll lose all the community’s investment, shared understanding and interoperability.

Cloudflare and many others do this by sending engineers to participate in the IETF, where most Internet protocols are discussed and standardised. We also attend and sponsor community events like the HTTP Workshop to have conversations about what problems people have, what they need, and understand what changes might help them.

So what happened at all of those working group meetings, specification documents, and side events in 2022? What are implementers and deployers of the web’s protocol doing? And what’s coming next?

New Specification: HTTP/3

Specification-wise, the biggest thing to happen in 2022 was the publication of HTTP/3, because it was an enormous step towards keeping up with the requirements of modern applications and sites by using the network more efficiently to unblock web performance.

Way back in the 90s, HTTP/0.9 and HTTP/1.0 used a new TCP connection for each request—an astoundingly inefficient use of the network. HTTP/1.1 introduced persistent connections (which were backported to HTTP/1.0 with the `Connection: Keep-Alive` header). This was an improvement that helped servers and the network cope with the explosive popularity of the web, but even back then, the community knew it had significant limitations—in particular, head-of-line blocking (where one outstanding request on a connection blocks others from completing).

That didn’t matter so much in the 90s and early 2000s, but today’s web pages and applications place demands on the network that make these limitations performance-critical. Pages often have hundreds of assets that all compete for network resources, and HTTP/1.1 wasn’t up to the task. After some false starts, the community finally addressed these issues with HTTP/2 in 2015.

However, removing head-of-line blocking in HTTP exposed the same problem one layer lower, in TCP. Because TCP is an in-order, reliable delivery protocol, loss of a single packet in a flow can block access to those after it—even if they’re sitting in the operating system’s buffers. This turns out to be a real issue for HTTP/2 deployment, especially on less-than-optimal networks.

The answer, of course, was to replace TCP—the venerable transport protocol that so much of the Internet is built upon. After much discussion and many drafts in the QUIC Working Group, QUIC version 1 was published as that replacement in 2021.

HTTP/3 is the version of HTTP that uses QUIC. While the working group effectively finished it in 2021 along with QUIC, its publication was held until 2022 to synchronise with the publication of other documents (see below). 2022 was also a milestone year for HTTP/3 deployment; Cloudflare saw increasing adoption and confidence in the new protocol.

While there was only a brief gap of a few years between HTTP/2 and HTTP/3, there isn’t much appetite for working on HTTP/4 in the community soon. QUIC and HTTP/3 are both new, and the world is still learning how best to implement the protocols, operate them, and build sites and applications using them. While we can’t rule out a limitation that will force a new version in the future, the IETF built these protocols based upon broad industry experience with modern networks, and have significant extensibility available to ease any necessary changes.

New specifications: HTTP “core”

The other headline event for HTTP specs in 2022 was the publication of its “core” documents — the heart of HTTP’s specification. The core comprises: HTTP Semantics – things like methods, headers, status codes, and the message format; HTTP Caching – how HTTP caches work; HTTP/1.1 – mapping semantics to the wire, using the format everyone knows and loves.

Additionally, HTTP/2 was republished to properly integrate with the Semantics document, and to fix a few outstanding issues.

This is the latest in a long series of revisions for these documents—in the past, we’ve had the RFC 723x series, the (perhaps most well-known) RFC 2616, RFC 2068, and the grandparent of them all, RFC 1945. Each revision has aimed to improve readability, fix errors, explain concepts better, and clarify protocol operation. Poorly specified (or implemented) features are deprecated; new features that improve protocol operation are added. See the ‘Changes from…’ appendix in each document for the details. And, importantly, always refer to the latest revisions linked above; the older RFCs are now obsolete.

Deploying Early Hints

HTTP/2 included server push, a feature designed to allow servers to “push” a request/response pair to clients when they knew the client was going to need something, so it could avoid the latency penalty of making a request and waiting for the response.

After HTTP/2 was finalised in 2015, Cloudflare and many other HTTP implementations soon rolled out server push in anticipation of big performance wins. Unfortunately, it turned out that’s harder than it looks; server push effectively requires the server to predict the future—not only what requests the client will send but also what the network conditions will be. And, when the server gets it wrong (“over-pushing”), the pushed requests directly compete with the real requests that the browser is making, representing a significant opportunity cost with real potential for harming performance, rather than helping it. The impact is even worse when the browser already has a copy in cache, so it doesn’t need the push at all.

As a result, Chrome removed HTTP/2 server push in 2022. Other browsers and servers might still support it, but the community seems to agree that it’s only suitable for specialised uses currently, like the browser notification-specific Web Push Protocol.

That doesn’t mean that we’re giving up, however. The 103 (Early Hints) status code was published as an Experimental RFC by the HTTP Working Group in 2017. It allows a server to send hints to the browser in a non-final response, before the “real” final response. That’s useful if you know that the content is going to include some links to resources that the browser will fetch, but need more time to get the response to the client (because it will take more time to generate, or because the server needs to fetch it from somewhere else, like a CDN does).

Early Hints can be used in many situations that server push was designed for — for example, when you have CSS and JavaScript that a page is going to need to load. In theory, they’re not as optimal as server push, because they only allow hints to be sent when there’s an outstanding request, and because getting the hints to the client and acted upon adds some latency.

In practice, however, Cloudflare and our partners (like Shopify and Google) spent 2022 experimenting with Early Hints and finding them much safer to use, with promising performance benefits that include significant reductions in key web performance metrics.

We’re excited about the potential that Early Hints show; so excited that we’ve integrated them into Cloudflare Pages. We’re also evaluating new ways to improve performance using this new capability in the protocol.

Privacy-focused intermediation

For many, the most exciting HTTP protocol extensions in 2022 focused on intermediation—the ability to insert proxies, gateways, and similar components into the protocol to achieve specific goals, often focused on improving privacy.

The MASQUE Working Group, for example, is an effort to add new tunneling capabilities to HTTP, so that an intermediary can pass the tunneled traffic along to another server.

While CONNECT has enabled TCP tunnels for a long time, MASQUE enabled UDP tunnels, allowing more protocols to be tunneled more efficiently–including QUIC and HTTP/3.

At Cloudflare, we’re enthusiastic to be working with Apple to use MASQUE to implement iCloud Private Relay and enhance their customers’ privacy without relying solely on one company. We’re also very interested in the Working Group’s future work, including IP tunneling that will enable MASQUE-based VPNs.
Another intermediation-focused specification is Oblivious HTTP (or OHTTP). OHTTP uses sets of intermediaries to prevent the server from using connections or IP addresses to track clients, giving greater privacy assurances for things like collecting telemetry or other sensitive data. This specification is just finishing the standards process, and we’re using it to build an important new product, Privacy Gateway, to protect the privacy of our customers’ customers.

We and many others in the Internet community believe that this is just the start, because intermediation can partition communication, a valuable tool for improving privacy.

Protocol security

Finally, 2022 saw a lot of work on security-related aspects of HTTP. The Digest Fields specification is an update to the now-ancient `Digest` header field, allowing integrity digests to be added to messages. The HTTP Message Signatures specification enables cryptographic signatures on requests and responses — something that has widespread ad hoc deployment, but until now has lacked a standard. Both specifications are in the final stages of standardisation.

A revision of the Cookie specification also saw a lot of progress in 2022, and should be final soon. Since it’s not possible to get rid of them completely soon, much work has taken place to limit how they operate to improve privacy and security, including a new `SameSite` attribute.

Another set of security-related specifications that Cloudflare has invested in for many years is Privacy Pass also known as “Private Access Tokens.” These are cryptographic tokens that can assure clients are real people, not bots, without using an intrusive CAPTCHA, and without tracking the user’s activity online. In HTTP, they take the form of a new authentication scheme.

While Privacy Pass is still not quite through the standards process, 2022 saw its broad deployment by Apple, a huge step forward. And since Cloudflare uses it in Turnstile, our CAPTCHA alternative, your users can have a better experience today.

What about 2023?

So, what’s next? Besides, the specifications above that aren’t quite finished, the HTTP Working Group has a few other works in progress, including a QUERY method (think GET but with a body), Resumable Uploads (based on tus), Variants (an improved Vary header for caching), improvements to Structured Fields (including a new Date type), and a way to retrofit existing headers into Structured Fields. We’ll write more about these as they progress in 2023.

At the 2022 HTTP Workshop, the community also talked about what new work we can take on to improve the protocol. Some ideas discussed included improving our shared protocol testing infrastructure (right now we have a few resources, but it could be much better), improving (or replacing) Alternative Services to allow more intelligent and correct connection management, and more radical changes, like alternative, binary serialisations of headers.

There’s also a continuing discussion in the community about whether HTTP should accommodate pub/sub, or whether it should be standardised to work over WebSockets (and soon, WebTransport). Although it’s hard to say now, adjacent work on Media over QUIC that just started might provide an opportunity to push this forward.

Of course, that’s not everything, and what happens to HTTP in 2023 (and beyond) remains to be seen. HTTP is still evolving, even as it stays compatible with the largest distributed hypertext system ever conceived—the World Wide Web.

How to get best price performance from your Amazon Redshift Data Sharing deployment

Post Syndicated from BP Yau original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-to-get-best-price-performance-from-your-amazon-redshift-data-sharing-deployment/

Amazon Redshift is a fast, scalable, secure, and fully-managed data warehouse that enables you to analyze all of your data using standard SQL easily and cost-effectively. Amazon Redshift Data Sharing allows customers to securely share live, transactionally consistent data in one Amazon Redshift cluster with another Amazon Redshift cluster across accounts and regions without needing to copy or move data from one cluster to another.

Amazon Redshift Data Sharing was initially launched in March 2021, and added support for cross-account data sharing was added in August 2021. The cross-region support became generally available in February 2022. This provides full flexibility and agility to share data across Redshift clusters in the same AWS account, different accounts, or different regions.

Amazon Redshift Data Sharing is used to fundamentally redefine Amazon Redshift deployment architectures into a hub-spoke, data mesh model to better meet performance SLAs, provide workload isolation, perform cross-group analytics, easily onboard new use cases, and most importantly do all of this without the complexity of data movement and data copies. Some of the most common questions asked during data sharing deployment are, “How big should my consumer clusters and producer clusters be?”, and “How do I get the best price performance for workload isolation?”. As workload characteristics like data size, ingestion rate, query pattern, and maintenance activities can impact data sharing performance, a continuous strategy to size both consumer and producer clusters to maximize the performance and minimize cost should be implemented. In this post, we provide a step-by-step approach to help you determine your producer and consumer clusters sizes for the best price performance based on your specific workload.

Generic consumer sizing guidance

The following steps show the generic strategy to size your producer and consumer clusters. You can use it as a starting point and modify accordingly to cater your specific use case scenario.

Size your producer cluster

You should always make sure that you properly size your producer cluster to get the performance that you need to meet your SLA. You can leverage the sizing calculator from the Amazon Redshift console to get a recommendation for the producer cluster based on the size of your data and query characteristic. Look for Help me choose on the console in AWS Regions that support RA3 node types to use this sizing calculator. Note that this is just an initial recommendation to get started, and you should test running your full workload on the initial size cluster and elastic resize the cluster up and down accordingly to get the best price performance.

Size and setup initial consumer cluster

You should always size your consumer cluster based on your compute needs. One way to get started is to follow the generic cluster sizing guide similar to the producer cluster above.

Setup Amazon Redshift data sharing

Setup data sharing from producer to consumer once you have both the producer and consumer cluster setup. Refer to this post for guidance on how to setup data sharing.

Test consumer only workload on initial consumer cluster

Test consumer only workload on the new initial consumer cluster. This can be done by pointing consumer applications, for example ETL tools, BI applications, and SQL clients, to the new consumer cluster and rerunning the workload to evaluate the performance against your requirements.

Test consumer only workload on different consumer cluster configurations

If the initial size consumer cluster meets or exceeds your workload performance requirements, then you can either continue to use this cluster configuration or you can test on smaller configurations to see if you can further reduce the cost and still get the performance that you need.

On the other hand, if the initial size consumer cluster fails to meet your workload performance requirements, then you can further test larger configurations to get the configuration that meets your SLA.

As a rule of thumb, size up the consumer cluster by 2x the initial cluster configuration incrementally until it meets your workload requirements.

Once you plan out what configuration you want to test, use elastic resize to resize the initial cluster to the target cluster configuration. After elastic resize is completed, perform the same workload test and evaluate the performance against your SLA. Select the configuration that meets your price performance target.

Test producer only workload on different producer cluster configurations

Once you move your consumer workload to the consumer cluster with the optimum price performance, there might be an opportunity to reduce the compute resource on the producer to save on costs.

To achieve this, you can rerun the producer only workload on 1/2x of the original producer size and evaluate the workload performance. Resizing the cluster up and down accordingly depends on the result, and then you select the minimum producer configuration that meets your workload performance requirements.

Re-evaluate after a full workload run over time

As Amazon Redshift continues evolving, and there are continuous performance and scalability improvement releases, data sharing performance will continue improving. Furthermore, numerous variables might impact the performance of data sharing queries. The following are just some examples:

  • Ingestion rate and amount of data change
  • Query pattern and characteristic
  • Workload changes
  • Concurrency
  • Maintenance activities, for example vacuum, analyze, and ATO

This is why you must re-evaluate the producer and consumer cluster sizing using the strategy above on occasion, especially after a full workload deployment, to gain the new best price performance from your cluster’s configuration.

Automated sizing solutions

If your environment involved more complex architecture, for example with multiple tools or applications (BI, ingestion or streaming, ETL, data science), then it might not feasible to use the manual method from the generic guidance above. Instead, you can leverage solutions in this section to automatically replay the workload from your production cluster on the test consumer and producer clusters to evaluate the performance.

Simple Replay utility will be leveraged as the automated solution to guide you through the process of getting the right producer and consumer clusters size for the best price performance.

Simple Replay is a tool for conducting a what-if analysis and evaluating how your workload performs in different scenarios. For example, you can use the tool to benchmark your actual workload on a new instance type like RA3, evaluate a new feature, or assess different cluster configurations. It also includes enhanced support for replaying data ingestion and export pipelines with COPY and UNLOAD statements. To get started and replay your workloads, download the tool from the Amazon Redshift GitHub repository.

Here we walk through the steps to extract your workload logs from the source production cluster and replay them in an isolated environment. This lets you perform a direct comparison between these Amazon Redshift clusters seamlessly and select the clusters configuration that best meet your price performance target.

The following diagram shows the solution architecture.

Architecutre for testing simple replay

Solution walkthrough

Follow these steps to go through the solution to size your consumer and producer clusters.

Size your production cluster

You should always make sure to properly size your existing production cluster to get the performance that you need to meet your workload requirements. You can leverage the sizing calculator from the Amazon Redshift console to get a recommendation on the production cluster based on the size of your data and query characteristic. Look for Help me choose on the console in AWS Regions that support RA3 node types to use this sizing calculator. Note that this is just an initial recommendation to get started. You should test running your full workload on the initial size cluster and elastic resize the cluster up and down accordingly to get the best price performance.

Identify the workload to be isolated

You might have different workloads running on your original cluster, but the first step is to identify the most critical workload to the business that we want to isolate. This is because we want to make sure that the new architecture can meet your workload requirements. This post is a good reference on a data sharing workload isolation use case that can help you decide which workload can be isolated.

Setup Simple Replay

Once you know your critical workload, you must enable audit logging in your production cluster where the critical workload identified above is running to capture query activities and store in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Note that it may take up to three hours for the audit logs to be delivered to Amazon S3. Once the audit log is available, proceed to setup Simple Replay and then extract the critical workload from the audit log. Note that start_time and end_time could be used as parameters to filter out the critical workload if those workloads run in certain time periods, for example 9am to 11am. Otherwise it will extract all of the logged activities.

Baseline workload

Create a baseline cluster with the same configuration as the producer cluster by restoring from the production snapshot. The purpose of starting with the same configuration is to baseline the performance with an isolated environment.

Once the baseline cluster is available, replay the extracted workload in the baseline cluster. The output from this replay will be the baseline used to compare against subsequent replays on different consumer configurations.

Setup initial producer and consumer test clusters

Create a producer cluster with the same production cluster configuration by restoring from the production snapshot. Create a consumer cluster with the recommended initial consumer size from the previous guidance. Furthermore, setup data sharing between the producer and consumer.

Replay workload on initial producer and consumer

Replay the producer only workload on the initial size producer cluster. This can be achieved using the “Exclude” filter parameter to exclude consumer queries, for example the user that runs consumer queries.

Replay the consumer only workload on the initial size consumer cluster. This can be achieved using the “Include” filter parameter to exclude consumer queries, for example the user that runs consumer queries.

Evaluate the performance of these replays against the baseline and workload performance requirements.

Replay consumer workload on different configurations

If the initial size consumer cluster meets or exceeds your workload performance requirements, then you can either use this cluster configuration or you can follow these steps to test on smaller configurations to see if you can further reduce costs and still get the performance that you need.

Compare initial consumer performance results against your workload requirements:

  1. If the result exceeds your workload performance requirements, then you can reduce the size of the consumer cluster incrementally, starting with 1/2x, retry the replay and evaluate the performance, then resize up or down accordingly based on the result until it meets your workload requirements. The purpose is to get a sweet spot where you’re comfortable with the performance requirements and get the lowest price possible.
  2. If the result fails to meet your workload performance requirements, then you can increase the size of the cluster incrementally, starting with 2x the original size, retry the replay and evaluate the performance until it meets your workload performance requirements.

Replay producer workload on different configurations

Once you split your workloads out to consumer clusters, the load on the producer cluster should be reduced and you should evaluate your producer cluster’s workload performance to seek the opportunity to downsize to save on costs.

The steps are similar to consumer replay. Elastic resize the producer cluster incrementally starting with 1/2x the original size, replay the producer only workload and evaluate the performance, and then further resize up or down until it meets your workload performance requirements. The purpose is to get a sweet spot where you’re comfortable with the workload performance requirements and get the lowest price possible. Once you have the desired producer cluster configuration, retry replay consumer workloads on the consumer cluster to make sure that the performance wasn’t impacted by producer cluster configuration changes. Finally, you should replay both producer and consumer workloads concurrently to make sure that the performance is achieved in a full workload scenario.

Re-evaluate after a full workload run over time

Similar to the generic guidance, you should re-evaluate the producer and consumer clusters sizing using the previous strategy on occasion, especially after full workload deployment to gain the new best price performance from your cluster’s configuration.

Clean up

Running these sizing tests in your AWS account may have some cost implications because it provisions new Amazon Redshift clusters, which may be charged as on-demand instances if you don’t have Reserved Instances. When you complete your evaluations, we recommend deleting the Amazon Redshift clusters to save on costs. We also recommend pausing your clusters when they’re not in use.

Applying Amazon Redshift and data sharing best practices

Proper sizing of both your producer and consumer clusters will give you a good start to get the best price performance from your Amazon Redshift deployment. However, sizing isn’t the only factor that can maximize your performance. In this case, understanding and following best practices are equally important.

General Amazon Redshift performance tuning best practices are applicable to data sharing deployment. Make sure that your deployment follows these best practices.

There numerous data sharing specific best practices that you should follow to make sure that you maximize the performance. Refer to this post for more details.


There is no one-size-fits-all recommendation on producer and consumer cluster sizes. It varies by workloads and your performance SLA. The purpose of this post is to provide you with guidance for how you can evaluate your specific data sharing workload performance to determine both consumer and producer cluster sizes to get the best price performance. Consider testing your workloads on producer and consumer using simple replay before adopting it in production to get the best price performance.

About the Authors

BP Yau is a Sr Product Manager at AWS. He is passionate about helping customers architect big data solutions to process data at scale. Before AWS, he helped Amazon.com Supply Chain Optimization Technologies migrate its Oracle data warehouse to Amazon Redshift and build its next generation big data analytics platform using AWS technologies.

Sidhanth Muralidhar is a Principal Technical Account Manager at AWS. He works with large enterprise customers who run their workloads on AWS. He is passionate about working with customers and helping them architect workloads for costs, reliability, performance and operational excellence at scale in their cloud journey. He has a keen interest in Data Analytics as well.

Zero trust with Kafka

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/zero-trust-with-kafka


Grab’s real-time data platform team, also known as Coban, has been operating large-scale Kafka clusters for all Grab verticals, with a strong focus on ensuring a best-in-class-performance and 99.99% availability.

Security has always been one of Grab’s top priorities and as fraudsters continue to evolve, there is an increased need to continue strengthening the security of our data streaming platform. One of the ways of doing this is to move from a pure network-based access control to state-of-the-art security and zero trust by default, such as:

  • Authentication: The identity of any remote systems – clients and servers – is established and ascertained first, prior to any further communications.
  • Authorisation: Access to Kafka is granted based on the principle of least privilege; no access is given by default. Kafka clients are associated with the whitelisted Kafka topics and permissions – consume or produce – they strictly need. Also, granted access is auditable.
  • Confidentiality: All in-transit traffic is encrypted.


We decided to use mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) for authentication and encryption. mTLS enables clients to authenticate servers, and servers to reciprocally authenticate clients.

Kafka supports other authentication mechanisms, like OAuth, or Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (SCRAM), but we chose mTLS because it is able to verify the peer’s identity offline. This verification ability means that systems do not need an active connection to an authentication server to ascertain the identity of a peer. This enables operating in disparate network environments, where all parties do not necessarily have access to such a central authority.

We opted for Hashicorp Vault and its PKI engine to dynamically generate clients and servers’ certificates. This enables us to enforce the usage of short-lived certificates for clients, which is a way to mitigate the potential impact of a client certificate being compromised or maliciously shared. We said zero trust, right?

For authorisation, we chose Policy-Based Access Control (PBAC), a more scalable solution than Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), and the Open Policy Agent (OPA) as our policy engine, for its wide community support.

To integrate mTLS and the OPA with Kafka, we leveraged Strimzi, the Kafka on Kubernetes operator. In a previous article, we have alluded to Strimzi and hinted at how it would help with scalability and cloud agnosticism. Built-in security is undoubtedly an additional driver of our adoption of Strimzi.

Server authentication

Figure 1 – Server authentication process for internal cluster communications

We first set up a single Root Certificate Authority (CA) for each environment (staging, production, etc.). This Root CA, in blue on the diagram, is securely managed by the Hashicorp Vault cluster. Note that the color of the certificates, keys, signing arrows and signatures on the diagrams are consistent throughout this article.

To secure the cluster’s internal communications, like the communications between the Kafka broker and Zookeeper pods, Strimzi sets up a Cluster CA, which is signed by the Root CA (step 1). The Cluster CA is then used to sign the individual Kafka broker and zookeeper certificates (step 2). Lastly, the Root CA’s public certificate is imported into the truststores of both the Kafka broker and Zookeeper (step 3), so that all pods can mutually verify their certificates when authenticating one with the other.

Strimzi’s embedded Cluster CA dynamically generates valid individual certificates when spinning up new Kafka and Zookeeper pods. The signing operation (step 2) is handled automatically by Strimzi.

For client access to Kafka brokers, Strimzi creates a different set of intermediate CA and server certificates, as shown in the next diagram.

Figure 2 – Server authentication process for client access to Kafka brokers

The same Root CA from Figure 1 now signs a different intermediate CA, which the Strimzi community calls the Client CA (step 1). This naming is misleading since it does not actually sign any client certificates, but only the server certificates (step 2) that are set up on the external listener of the Kafka brokers. These server certificates are for the Kafka clients to authenticate the servers. This time, the Root CA’s public certificate will be imported into the Kafka Client truststore (step 3).

Client authentication

Figure 3 – Client authentication process

For client authentication, the Kafka client first needs to authenticate to Hashicorp Vault and request an ephemeral certificate from the Vault PKI engine (step 1). Vault then issues a certificate and signs it using its Root CA (step 2). With this certificate, the client can now authenticate to Kafka brokers, who will use the Root CA’s public certificate already in their truststore, as previously described (step 3).

CA tree

Putting together the three different authentication processes we have just covered, the CA tree now looks like this. Note that this is a simplified view for a single environment, a single cluster, and two clients only.

Figure 4 – Complete certificate authority tree

As mentioned earlier, each environment (staging, production, etc.) has its own Root CA. Within an environment, each Strimzi cluster has its own pair of intermediate CAs: the Cluster CA and the Client CA. At the leaf level, the Zookeeper and Kafka broker pods each have their own individual certificates.

On the right side of the diagram, each Kafka client can get an ephemeral certificate from Hashicorp Vault whenever they need to connect to Kafka. Each team or application has a dedicated Vault PKI role in Hashicorp Vault, restricting what can be requested for its certificate (e.g., Subject, TTL, etc.).

Strimzi deployment

We heavily use Terraform to manage and provision our Kafka and Kafka-related components. This enables us to quickly and reliably spin up new clusters and perform cluster scaling operations.

Under the hood, Strimzi Kafka deployment is a Kubernetes deployment. To increase the performance and the reliability of the Kafka cluster, we create dedicated Kubernetes nodes for each Strimzi Kafka broker and each Zookeeper pod, using Kubernetes taints and tolerations. This ensures that all resources of a single node are dedicated solely to either a single Kafka broker or a single Zookeeper pod.

We also decided to go with a single Kafka cluster by Kubernetes cluster to make the management easier.

Client setup

Coban provides backend microservice teams from all Grab verticals with a popular Kafka SDK in Golang, to standardise how teams utilise Coban Kafka clusters. Adding mTLS support mostly boils down to upgrading our SDK.

Our enhanced SDK provides a default mTLS configuration that works out of the box for most teams, while still allowing customisation, e.g., for teams that have their own Hashicorp Vault Infrastructure for compliance reasons. Similarly, clients can choose among various Vault auth methods such as AWS or Kubernetes to authenticate to Hashicorp Vault, or even implement their own logic for getting a valid client certificate.

To mitigate the potential risk of a user maliciously sharing their application’s certificate with other applications or users, we limit the maximum Time-To-Live (TTL) for any given certificate. This also removes the overhead of maintaining a Certificate Revocation List (CRL). Additionally, our SDK stores the certificate and its associated private key in memory only, never on disk, hence reducing the attack surface.

In our case, Hashicorp Vault is a dependency. To prevent it from reducing the overall availability of our data streaming platform, we have added two features to our SDK – a configurable retry mechanism and automatic renewal of clients’ short-lived certificates when two thirds of their TTL is reached. The upgraded SDK also produces new metrics around this certificate renewal process, enabling better monitoring and alerting.


Figure 5 – Authorisation process before a client can access a Kafka record

For authorisation, we set up the Open Policy Agent (OPA) as a standalone deployment in the Kubernetes cluster, and configured Strimzi to integrate the Kafka brokers with that OPA.

OPA policies – written in the Rego language – describe the authorisation logic. They are created in a GitLab repository along with the authorisation rules, called data sources (step 1). Whenever there is a change, a GitLab CI pipeline automatically creates a bundle of the policies and data sources, and pushes it to an S3 bucket (step 2). From there, it is fetched by the OPA (step 3).

When a client – identified by its TLS certificate’s Subject – attempts to consume or produce a Kafka record (step 4), the Kafka broker pod first issues an authorisation request to the OPA (step 5) before processing the client’s request. The outcome of the authorisation request is then cached by the Kafka broker pod to improve performance.

As the core component of the authorisation process, the OPA is deployed with the same high availability as the Kafka cluster itself, i.e. spread across the same number of Availability Zones. Also, we decided to go with one dedicated OPA by Kafka cluster instead of having a unique global OPA shared between multiple clusters. This is to reduce the blast radius of any OPA incidents.

For monitoring and alerting around authorisation, we submitted an Open Source contribution in the opa-kafka-plugin project in order to enable the OPA authoriser to expose some metrics. Our contribution to the open source code allows us to monitor various aspects of the OPA, such as the number of authorised and unauthorised requests, as well as the cache hit-and-miss rates. Also, we set up alerts for suspicious activity such as unauthorised requests.

Finally, as a platform team, we need to make authorisation a scalable, self-service process. Thus, we rely on the Git repository’s permissions to let Kafka topics’ owners approve the data source changes pertaining to their topics.

Teams who need their applications to access a Kafka topic would write and submit a JSON data source as simple as this:

 "example_topic": {
   "read": [
   "write": [

GitLab CI unit tests and business logic checks are set up in the Git repository to ensure that the submitted changes are valid. After that, the change would be submitted to the topic’s owner for review and approval.

What’s next?

The performance impact of this security design is significant compared to unauthenticated, unauthorised, plaintext Kafka. We observed a drop in throughput, mostly due to the low performance of encryption and decryption in Java, and are currently benchmarking different encryption ciphers to mitigate this.

Also, on authorisation, our current PBAC design is pretty static, with a list of applications granted access for each topic. In the future, we plan to move to Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC), creating dynamic policies based on teams and topics’ metadata. For example, teams could be granted read and write access to all of their own topics by default. Leveraging a versatile component such as the OPA as our authorisation controller enables this evolution.

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Seeing through hardware counters: a journey to threefold performance increase

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/seeing-through-hardware-counters-a-journey-to-threefold-performance-increase-2721924a2822

By Vadim Filanovsky and Harshad Sane

In one of our previous blogposts, A Microscope on Microservices we outlined three broad domains of observability (or “levels of magnification,” as we referred to them) — Fleet-wide, Microservice and Instance. We described the tools and techniques we use to gain insight within each domain. There is, however, a class of problems that requires an even stronger level of magnification going deeper down the stack to introspect CPU microarchitecture. In this blogpost we describe one such problem and the tools we used to solve it.

The problem

It started off as a routine migration. At Netflix, we periodically reevaluate our workloads to optimize utilization of available capacity. We decided to move one of our Java microservices — let’s call it GS2 — to a larger AWS instance size, from m5.4xl (16 vCPUs) to m5.12xl (48 vCPUs). The workload of GS2 is computationally heavy where CPU is the limiting resource. While we understand it’s virtually impossible to achieve a linear increase in throughput as the number of vCPUs grow, a near-linear increase is attainable. Consolidating on the larger instances reduces the amortized cost of background tasks, freeing up additional resources for serving requests and potentially offsetting the sub-linear scaling. Thus, we expected to roughly triple throughput per instance from this migration, as 12xl instances have three times the number of vCPUs compared to 4xl instances. A quick canary test was free of errors and showed lower latency, which is expected given that our standard canary setup routes an equal amount of traffic to both the baseline running on 4xl and the canary on 12xl. As GS2 relies on AWS EC2 Auto Scaling to target-track CPU utilization, we thought we just had to redeploy the service on the larger instance type and wait for the ASG (Auto Scaling Group) to settle on the CPU target. Unfortunately, the initial results were far from our expectations:

The first graph above represents average per-node throughput overlaid with average CPU utilization, while the second graph shows average request latency. We can see that as we reached roughly the same CPU target of 55%, the throughput increased only by ~25% on average, falling far short of our desired goal. What’s worse, average latency degraded by more than 50%, with both CPU and latency patterns becoming more “choppy.” GS2 is a stateless service that receives traffic through a flavor of round-robin load balancer, so all nodes should receive nearly equal amounts of traffic. Indeed, the RPS (Requests Per Second) data shows very little variation in throughput between nodes:

But as we started looking at the breakdown of CPU and latency by node, a strange pattern emerged:

Although we confirmed fairly equal traffic distribution between nodes, CPU and latency metrics surprisingly demonstrated a very different, bimodal distribution pattern. There is a “lower band” of nodes exhibiting much lower CPU and latency with hardly any variation; and there is an “upper band” of nodes with significantly higher CPU/latency and wide variation. We noticed only ~12% of the nodes fall into the lower band, a figure that was suspiciously consistent over time. In both bands, performance characteristics remain consistent for the entire uptime of the JVM on the node, i.e. nodes never jumped the bands. This was our starting point for troubleshooting.

First attempt at solving it

Our first (and rather obvious) step at solving the problem was to compare flame graphs for the “slow” and “fast” nodes. While flame graphs clearly reflected the difference in CPU utilization as the number of collected samples, the distribution across the stacks remained the same, thus leaving us with no additional insight. We turned to JVM-specific profiling, starting with the basic hotspot stats, and then switching to more detailed JFR (Java Flight Recorder) captures to compare the distribution of the events. Again, we came away empty-handed as there was no noticeable difference in the amount or the distribution of the events between the “slow” and “fast” nodes. Still suspecting something might be off with JIT behavior, we ran some basic stats against symbol maps obtained by perf-map-agent only to hit another dead end.

False Sharing

Convinced we’re not missing anything on the app-, OS- and JVM- levels, we felt the answer might be hidden at a lower level. Luckily, the m5.12xl instance type exposes a set of core PMCs (Performance Monitoring Counters, a.k.a. PMU counters), so we started by collecting a baseline set of counters using PerfSpect:

In the table above, the nodes showing low CPU and low latency represent a “fast node”, while the nodes with higher CPU/latency represent a “slow node”. Aside from obvious CPU differences, we can see that the slow node has almost 3x CPI (Cycles Per Instruction) of the fast node. We also see much higher L1 cache activity combined with 4x higher count of MACHINE_CLEARS. One common cause of these symptoms is so-called “false sharing” — a usage pattern occurring when 2 cores reading from / writing to unrelated variables that happen to share the same L1 cache line. Cache line is a concept similar to memory page — a contiguous chunk of data (typically 64 bytes on x86 systems) transferred to and from the cache. This diagram illustrates it:

Each core in this diagram has its own private cache. Since both cores are accessing the same memory space, caches have to be consistent. This consistency is ensured with so-called “cache coherency protocol.” As Thread 0 writes to the “red” variable, coherency protocol marks the whole cache line as “modified” in Thread 0’s cache and as “invalidated” in Thread 1’s cache. Later, when Thread 1 reads the “blue” variable, even though the “blue” variable is not modified, coherency protocol forces the entire cache line to be reloaded from the cache that had the last modification — Thread 0’s cache in this example. Resolving coherency across private caches takes time and causes CPU stalls. Additionally, ping-ponging coherency traffic has to be monitored through the last level shared cache’s controller, which leads to even more stalls. We take CPU cache consistency for granted, but this “false sharing” pattern illustrates there’s a huge performance penalty for simply reading a variable that is neighboring with some other unrelated data.

Armed with this knowledge, we used Intel vTune to run microarchitecture profiling. Drilling down into “hot” methods and further into the assembly code showed us blocks of code with some instructions exceeding 100 CPI, which is extremely slow. This is the summary of our findings:

Numbered markers from 1 to 6 denote the same code/variables across the sources and vTune assembly view. The red arrow indicates that the CPI value likely belongs to the previous instruction — this is due to the profiling skid in absence of PEBS (Processor Event-Based Sampling), and usually it’s off by a single instruction. Based on the fact that (5) “repne scan” is a rather rare operation in the JVM codebase, we were able to link this snippet to the routine for subclass checking (the same code exists in JDK mainline as of the writing of this blogpost). Going into the details of subtype checking in HotSpot is far beyond the scope of this blogpost, but curious readers can learn more about it from the 2002 publication Fast Subtype Checking in the HotSpot JVM. Due to the nature of the class hierarchy used in this particular workload, we keep hitting the code path that keeps updating (6) the “_secondary_super_cache” field, which is a single-element cache for the last-found secondary superclass. Note how this field is adjacent to the “_secondary_supers”, which is a list of all superclasses and is being read (1) in the beginning of the scan. Multiple threads do these read-write operations, and if fields (1) and (6) fall into the same cache line, then we hit a false sharing use case. We highlighted these fields with red and blue colors to connect to the false sharing diagram above.

Note that since the cache line size is 64 bytes and the pointer size is 8 bytes, we have a 1 in 8 chance of these fields falling on separate cache lines, and a 7 in 8 chance of them sharing a cache line. This 1-in-8 chance is 12.5%, matching our previous observation on the proportion of the “fast” nodes. Fascinating!

Although the fix involved patching the JDK, it was a simple change. We inserted padding between “_secondary_super_cache” and “_secondary_supers” fields to ensure they never fall into the same cache line. Note that we did not change the functional aspect of JDK behavior, but rather the data layout:

The results of deploying the patch were immediately noticeable. The graph below is a breakdown of CPU by node. Here we can see a red-black deployment happening at noon, and the new ASG with the patched JDK taking over by 12:15:

Both CPU and latency (graph omitted for brevity) showed a similar picture — the “slow” band of nodes was gone!

True Sharing

We didn’t have much time to marvel at these results, however. As the autoscaling reached our CPU target, we noticed that we still couldn’t push more than ~150 RPS per node — well short of our goal of ~250 RPS. Another round of vTune profiling on the patched JDK version showed the same bottleneck around secondary superclass cache lookup. It was puzzling at first to see seemingly the same problem coming back right after we put in a fix, but upon closer inspection we realized we’re dealing with “true sharing” now. Unlike “false sharing,” where 2 independent variables share a cache line, “true sharing” refers to the same variable being read and written by multiple threads/cores. In this case, CPU-enforced memory ordering is the cause of slowdown. We reasoned that removing the obstacle of false sharing and increasing the overall throughput resulted in increased execution of the same JVM superclass caching code path. Essentially, we have higher execution concurrency, causing excessive pressure on the superclass cache due to CPU-enforced memory ordering protocols. The common way to resolve this is to avoid writing to the shared variable altogether, effectively bypassing the JVM’s secondary superclass cache. Since this change altered the behavior of the JDK, we gated it behind a command line flag. This is the entirety of our patch:

And here are the results of running with disabled superclass cache writes:

Our fix pushed the throughput to ~350 RPS at the same CPU autoscaling target of 55%. To put this in perspective, that’s a 3.5x improvement over the throughput we initially reached on m5.12xl, along with a reduction in both average and tail latency.

Future work

Disabling writes to the secondary superclass cache worked well in our case, and even though this might not be a desirable solution in all cases, we wanted to share our methodology, toolset and the fix in the hope that it would help others encountering similar symptoms. While working through this problem, we came across JDK-8180450 — a bug that’s been dormant for more than five years that describes exactly the problem we were facing. It seems ironic that we could not find this bug until we actually figured out the answer. We believe our findings complement the great work that has been done in diagnosing and remediating it.


We tend to think of modern JVMs as highly optimized runtime environments, in many cases rivaling more “performance-oriented” languages like C++. While it holds true for the majority of workloads, we were reminded that performance of certain workloads running within JVMs can be affected not only by the design and implementation of the application code, but also by the implementation of the JVM itself. In this blogpost we described how we were able to leverage PMCs in order to find a bottleneck in the JVM’s native code, patch it, and subsequently realize better than a threefold increase in throughput for the workload in question. When it comes to this class of performance issues, the ability to introspect the execution at the level of CPU microarchitecture proved to be the only solution. Intel vTune provides valuable insight even with the core set of PMCs, such as those exposed by m5.12xl instance type. Exposing a more comprehensive set of PMCs along with PEBS across all instance types and sizes in the cloud environment would pave the way for deeper performance analysis and potentially even larger performance gains.

Special thanks to Sandhya Viswanathan, Jennifer Dimatteo, Brendan Gregg, Susie Xia, Jason Koch, Mike Huang, Amer Ather, Chris Berry, Chris Sanden, and Guy Cirino

Seeing through hardware counters: a journey to threefold performance increase was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

How we built Pingora, the proxy that connects Cloudflare to the Internet

Post Syndicated from Yuchen Wu original https://blog.cloudflare.com/how-we-built-pingora-the-proxy-that-connects-cloudflare-to-the-internet/

How we built Pingora, the proxy that connects Cloudflare to the Internet


How we built Pingora, the proxy that connects Cloudflare to the Internet

Today we are excited to talk about Pingora, a new HTTP proxy we’ve built in-house using Rust that serves over 1 trillion requests a day, boosts our performance, and enables many new features for Cloudflare customers, all while requiring only a third of the CPU and memory resources of our previous proxy infrastructure.

As Cloudflare has scaled we’ve outgrown NGINX. It was great for many years, but over time its limitations at our scale meant building something new made sense. We could no longer get the performance we needed nor did NGINX have the features we needed for our very complex environment.

Many Cloudflare customers and users use the Cloudflare global network as a proxy between HTTP clients (such as web browsers, apps, IoT devices and more) and servers. In the past, we’ve talked a lot about how browsers and other user agents connect to our network, and we’ve developed a lot of technology and implemented new protocols (see QUIC and optimizations for http2) to make this leg of the connection more efficient.

Today, we’re focusing on a different part of the equation: the service that proxies traffic between our network and servers on the Internet. This proxy service powers our CDN, Workers fetch, Tunnel, Stream, R2 and many, many other features and products.

Let’s dig in on why we chose to replace our legacy service and how we developed Pingora, our new system designed specifically for Cloudflare’s customer use cases and scale.

Why build yet another proxy

Over the years, our usage of NGINX has run up against limitations. For some limitations, we optimized or worked around them. But others were much harder to overcome.

Architecture limitations hurt performance

The NGINX worker (process) architecture has operational drawbacks for our use cases that hurt our performance and efficiency.

First, in NGINX each request can only be served by a single worker. This results in unbalanced load across all CPU cores, which leads to slowness.

Because of this request-process pinning effect, requests that do CPU heavy or blocking IO tasks can slow down other requests. As those blog posts attest we’ve spent a lot of time working around these problems.

The most critical problem for our use cases is poor connection reuse. Our machines establish TCP connections to origin servers to proxy HTTP requests. Connection reuse speeds up TTFB (time-to-first-byte) of requests by reusing previously established connections from a connection pool, skipping TCP and TLS handshakes required on a new connection.

However, the NGINX connection pool is per worker. When a request lands on a certain worker, it can only reuse the connections within that worker. When we add more NGINX workers to scale up, our connection reuse ratio gets worse because the connections are scattered across more isolated pools of all the processes. This results in slower TTFB and more connections to maintain, which consumes resources (and money) for both us and our customers.

How we built Pingora, the proxy that connects Cloudflare to the Internet

As mentioned in past blog posts, we have workarounds for some of these issues. But if we can address the fundamental issue: the worker/process model, we will resolve all these problems naturally.

Some types of functionality are difficult to add

NGINX is a very good web server, load balancer or a simple gateway. But Cloudflare does way more than that. We used to build all the functionality we needed around NGINX, which is not easy to do while trying not to diverge too much from NGINX upstream codebase.

For example, when retrying/failing over a request, sometimes we want to send a request to a different origin server with a different set of request headers. But that is not something NGINX allows us to do. In cases like this, we spend time and effort on working around the NGINX constraints.

Meanwhile, the programming languages we had to work with didn’t provide help alleviating the difficulties. NGINX is purely in C, which is not memory safe by design. It is very error-prone to work with such a 3rd party code base. It is quite easy to get into memory safety issues, even for experienced engineers, and we wanted to avoid these as much as possible.

The other language we used to complement C is Lua. It is less risky but also less performant. In addition, we often found ourselves missing static typing when working with complicated Lua code and business logic.

And the NGINX community is not very active, and development tends to be “behind closed doors”.

Choosing to build our own

Over the past few years, as we’ve continued to grow our customer base and feature set, we continually evaluated three choices:

  1. Continue to invest in NGINX and possibly fork it to tailor it 100% to our needs. We had the expertise needed, but given the architecture limitations mentioned above, significant effort would be required to rebuild it in a way that fully supported our needs.
  2. Migrate to another 3rd party proxy codebase. There are definitely good projects, like envoy and others. But this path means the same cycle may repeat in a few years.
  3. Start with a clean slate, building an in-house platform and framework. This choice requires the most upfront investment in terms of engineering effort.

We evaluated each of these options every quarter for the past few years. There is no obvious formula to tell which choice is the best. For several years, we continued with the path of the least resistance, continuing to augment NGINX. However, at some point, building our own proxy’s return on investment seemed worth it. We made a call to build a proxy from scratch, and began designing the proxy application of our dreams.

The Pingora Project

Design decisions

To make a proxy that serves millions of requests per second fast, efficient and secure, we have to make a few important design decisions first.

We chose Rust as the language of the project because it can do what C can do in a memory safe way without compromising performance.

Although there are some great off-the-shelf 3rd party HTTP libraries, such as hyper, we chose to build our own because we want to maximize the flexibility in how we handle HTTP traffic and to make sure we can innovate at our own pace.

At Cloudflare, we handle traffic across the entire Internet. We have many cases of bizarre and non-RFC compliant HTTP traffic that we have to support. For example, hyper did not support HTTP status codes greater than 599 until late 2020, three years after people initially raised the issue and repeatedly argued that it was necessary. And we need more than being correct. We need a robust, permissive, customizable HTTP library that can survive the wilds of the Internet. The best way to guarantee that is to implement our own.

The next design decision was around our workload scheduling system. We chose multithreading over multiprocessing in order to share resources, especially connection pools, easily. We also decided that work stealing was required to avoid some classes of performance problems mentioned above. The Tokio async runtime turned out to be a great fit for our needs.

Finally, we wanted our project to be intuitive and developer friendly. What we build is not the final product, and should be extensible as a platform as more features are built on top of it. We decided to implement a “life of a request” event based programmable interface similar to NGINX/OpenResty. For example, the “request filter” phase allows developers to run code to modify or reject the request when a request header is received. With this design, we can separate our business logic and generic proxy logic cleanly. Developers who previously worked on NGINX can easily switch to Pingora and quickly become productive.

Pingora is faster in production

Let’s fast-forward to the present. Pingora handles almost every HTTP request that needs to interact with an origin server (for a cache miss, for example), and we’ve collected a lot of performance data in the process.

First, let’s see how Pingora speeds up our customer’s traffic. Overall traffic on Pingora shows 5ms reduction on median TTFB and 80ms reduction on the 95th percentile. This is not because we run code faster. Even our old service could handle requests in the sub-millisecond range.

The savings come from our new architecture which can share connections across all threads. This means a better connection reuse ratio, which spends less time on TCP and TLS handshakes.

How we built Pingora, the proxy that connects Cloudflare to the Internet

Across all customers, Pingora makes only a third as many new connections per second compared to the old service. For one major customer, it increased the connection reuse ratio from 87.1% to 99.92%, which reduced new connections to their origins by 160x. To present the number more intuitively, by switching to Pingora, we save our customers and users 434 years of handshake time every day.

More features

Having a developer friendly interface engineers are familiar with while eliminating the previous constraints allows us to develop more features, more quickly. Core functionality like new protocols act as building blocks to more products we can offer to customers.

As an example, we were able to add HTTP/2 upstream support to Pingora without major hurdles. This allowed us to offer gRPC  to our customers shortly afterwards. Adding this same functionality to NGINX would have required significantly more engineering effort and might not have materialized.

More recently we’ve announced Cache Reserve where Pingora uses R2 storage as a caching layer. As we add more functionality to Pingora, we’re able to offer new products that weren’t feasible before.

More efficient

In production, Pingora consumes about 70% less CPU and 67% less memory compared to our old service with the same traffic load. The savings come from a few factors.

Our Rust code runs more efficiently compared to our old Lua code. On top of that, there are also efficiency differences from their architectures. For example, in NGINX/OpenResty, when the Lua code wants to access an HTTP header, it has to read it from the NGINX C struct, allocate a Lua string and then copy it to the Lua string. Afterwards, Lua has to garbage-collect its new string as well. In Pingora, it would just be a direct string access.

The multithreading model also makes sharing data across requests more efficient. NGINX also has shared memory but due to implementation limitations, every shared memory access has to use a mutex lock and only strings and numbers can be put into shared memory. In Pingora, most shared items can be accessed directly via shared references behind atomic reference counters.

Another significant portion of CPU saving, as mentioned above, is from making fewer new connections. TLS handshakes are expensive compared to just sending and receiving data via established connections.


Shipping features quickly and safely is difficult, especially at our scale. It’s hard to predict every edge case that can occur in a distributed environment processing millions of requests a second. Fuzzing and static analysis can only mitigate so much. Rust’s memory-safe semantics guard us from undefined behavior and give us confidence our service will run correctly.

With those assurances we can focus more on how a change to our service will interact with other services or a customer’s origin. We can develop features at a higher cadence and not be burdened by memory safety and hard to diagnose crashes.

When crashes do occur an engineer needs to spend time to diagnose how it happened and what caused it. Since Pingora’s inception we’ve served a few hundred trillion requests and have yet to crash due to our service code.

In fact, Pingora crashes are so rare we usually find unrelated issues when we do encounter one. Recently we discovered a kernel bug soon after our service started crashing. We’ve also discovered hardware issues on a few machines, in the past ruling out rare memory bugs caused by our software even after significant debugging was nearly impossible.


To summarize, we have built an in-house proxy that is faster, more efficient and versatile as the platform for our current and future products.

We will be back with more technical details regarding the problems we faced, the optimizations we applied and the lessons we learned from building Pingora and rolling it out to power a significant portion of the Internet. We will also be back with our plan to open source it.

Pingora is our latest attempt at rewriting our system, but it won’t be our last. It is also only one of the building blocks in the re-architecting of our systems.

Interested in joining us to help build a better Internet? Our engineering teams are hiring.

How we improved DNS record build speed by more than 4,000x

Post Syndicated from Alex Fattouche original https://blog.cloudflare.com/dns-build-improvement/

How we improved DNS record build speed by more than 4,000x

How we improved DNS record build speed by more than 4,000x

Since my previous blog about Secondary DNS, Cloudflare’s DNS traffic has more than doubled from 15.8 trillion DNS queries per month to 38.7 trillion. Our network now spans over 270 cities in over 100 countries, interconnecting with more than 10,000 networks globally. According to w3 stats, “Cloudflare is used as a DNS server provider by 15.3% of all the websites.” This means we have an enormous responsibility to serve DNS in the fastest and most reliable way possible.

Although the response time we have on DNS queries is the most important performance metric, there is another metric that sometimes goes unnoticed. DNS Record Propagation time is how long it takes changes submitted to our API to be reflected in our DNS query responses. Every millisecond counts here as it allows customers to quickly change configuration, making their systems much more agile. Although our DNS propagation pipeline was already known to be very fast, we had identified several improvements that, if implemented, would massively improve performance. In this blog post I’ll explain how we managed to drastically improve our DNS record propagation speed, and the impact it has on our customers.

How DNS records are propagated

Cloudflare uses a multi-stage pipeline that takes our customers’ DNS record changes and pushes them to our global network, so they are available all over the world.

How we improved DNS record build speed by more than 4,000x

The steps shown in the diagram above are:

  1. Customer makes a change to a record via our DNS Records API (or UI).
  2. The change is persisted to the database.
  3. The database event triggers a Kafka message which is consumed by the Zone Builder.
  4. The Zone Builder takes the message, collects the contents of the zone from the database and pushes it to Quicksilver, our distributed KV store.
  5. Quicksilver then propagates this information to the network.

Of course, this is a simplified version of what is happening. In reality, our API receives thousands of requests per second. All POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE requests ultimately result in a DNS record change. Each of these changes needs to be actioned so that the information we show through our API and in the Cloudflare dashboard is eventually consistent with the information we use to respond to DNS queries.

Historically, one of the largest bottlenecks in the DNS propagation pipeline was the Zone Builder, shown in step 4 above. Responsible for collecting and organizing records to be written to our global network, our Zone Builder often ate up most of the propagation time, especially for larger zones. As we continue to scale, it is important for us to remove any bottlenecks that may exist in our systems, and this was clearly identified as one such bottleneck.

Growing pains

When the pipeline shown above was first announced, the Zone Builder received somewhere between 5 and 10 DNS record changes per second. Although the Zone Builder at the time was a massive improvement on the previous system, it was not going to last long given the growth that Cloudflare was and still is experiencing. Fast-forward to today, we receive on average 250 DNS record changes per second, a staggering 25x growth from when the Zone Builder was first announced.

How we improved DNS record build speed by more than 4,000x

The way that the Zone Builder was initially designed was quite simple. When a zone changed, the Zone Builder would grab all the records from the database for that zone and compare them with the records stored in Quicksilver. Any differences were fixed to maintain consistency between the database and Quicksilver.

This is known as a full build. Full builds work great because each DNS record change corresponds to one zone change event. This means that multiple events can be batched and subsequently dropped if needed. For example, if a user makes 10 changes to their zone, this will result in 10 events. Since the Zone Builder grabs all the records for the zone anyway, there is no need to build the zone 10 times. We just need to build it once after the final change has been submitted.

What happens if the zone contains one million records or 10 million records? This is a very real problem, because not only is Cloudflare scaling, but our customers are scaling with us. Today our largest zone currently has millions of records. Although our database is optimized for performance, even one full build containing one million records took up to 35 seconds, largely caused by database query latency. In addition, when the Zone Builder compares the zone contents with the records stored in Quicksilver, we need to fetch all the records from Quicksilver for the zone, adding time. However, the impact doesn’t just stop at the single customer. This also eats up more resources from other services reading from the database and slows down the rate at which our Zone Builder can build other zones.

Per-record build: a new build type

Many of you might already have the solution to this problem in your head:

Why doesn’t the Zone Builder just query the database for the record that has changed and propagate just the single record?

Of course this is the correct solution, and the one we eventually ended up at. However, the road to get there was not as simple as it might seem.

Firstly, our database uses a series of functions that, at zone touch time, create a PostgreSQL Queue (PGQ) event that ultimately gets turned into a Kafka event. Initially, we had no distinction for individual record events, which meant our Zone Builder had no idea what had actually changed until it queried the database.

Next, the Zone Builder is still responsible for DNS zone settings in addition to records. Some examples of DNS zone settings include custom nameserver control and DNSSEC control. As a result, our Zone Builder needed to be aware of specific build types to ensure that they don’t step on each other. Furthermore, per-record builds cannot be batched in the same way that zone builds can because each event needs to be actioned separately.

As a result, a brand new scheduling system needed to be written. Lastly, Quicksilver interaction needed to be re-written to account for the different types of schedulers. These issues can be broken down as follows:

  1. Create a new Kafka event pipeline for record changes that contain information about the changed record.
  2. Separate the Zone Builder into a new type of scheduler that implements some defined scheduler interface.
  3. Implement the per-record scheduler to read events one by one in the correct order.
  4. Implement the new Quicksilver interface for the per-record scheduler.

Below is a high level diagram of how the new Zone Builder looks internally with the new scheduler types.

How we improved DNS record build speed by more than 4,000x

It is critically important that we lock between these two schedulers because it would otherwise be possible for the full build scheduler to overwrite the per-record scheduler’s changes with stale data.

It is important to note that none of this per-record architecture would be possible without the use of Cloudflare’s black lie approach to negative answers with DNSSEC. Normally, in order to properly serve negative answers with DNSSEC, all the records within the zone must be canonically sorted. This is needed in order to maintain a list of references from the apex record through all the records in the zone. With this normal approach to negative answers, a single record that has been added to the zone requires collecting all records to determine its insertion point within this sorted list of names.


I would love to be able to write a Cloudflare blog where everything went smoothly; however, that is never the case. Bugs happen, but we need to be ready to react to them and set ourselves up so that next time this specific bug cannot happen.

In this case, the major bug we discovered was related to the cleanup of old records in Quicksilver. With the full Zone Builder, we have the luxury of knowing exactly what records exist in both the database and in Quicksilver. This makes writing and cleaning up a fairly simple task.

When the per-record builds were introduced, record events such as creates, updates, and deletes all needed to be treated differently. Creates and deletes are fairly simple because you are either adding or removing a record from Quicksilver. Updates introduced an unforeseen issue due to the way that our PGQ was producing Kafka events. Record updates only contained the new record information, which meant that when the record name was changed, we had no way of knowing what to query for in Quicksilver in order to clean up the old record. This meant that any time a customer changed the name of a record in the DNS Records API, the old record would not be deleted. Ultimately, this was fixed by replacing those specific update events with both a creation and a deletion event so that the Zone Builder had the necessary information to clean up the stale records.

None of this is rocket surgery, but we spend engineering effort to continuously improve our software so that it grows with the scaling of Cloudflare. And it’s challenging to change such a fundamental low-level part of Cloudflare when millions of domains depend on us.


Today, all DNS Records API record changes are treated as per-record builds by the Zone Builder. As I previously mentioned, we have not been able to get rid of full builds entirely; however, they now represent about 13% of total DNS builds. This 13% corresponds to changes made to DNS settings that require knowledge of the entire zone’s contents.

How we improved DNS record build speed by more than 4,000x

When we compare the two build types as shown below we can see that per-record builds are on average 150x faster than full builds. The build time below includes both database query time and Quicksilver write time.

How we improved DNS record build speed by more than 4,000x

From there, our records are propagated to our global network through Quicksilver.

The 150x improvement above is with respect to averages, but what about that 4000x that I mentioned at the start? As you can imagine, as the size of the zone increases, the difference between full build time and per-record build time also increases. I used a test zone of one million records and ran several per-record builds, followed by several full builds. The results are shown in the table below:

Build Type Build Time (ms)
Per Record #1 6
Per Record #2 7
Per Record #3 6
Per Record #4 8
Per Record #5 6
Full #1 34032
Full #2 33953
Full #3 34271
Full #4 34121
Full #5 34093

We can see that, given five per-record builds, the build time was no more than 8ms. When running a full build however, the build time lasted on average 34 seconds. That is a build time reduction of 4250x!

Given the full build times for both average-sized zones and large zones, it is apparent that all Cloudflare customers are benefitting from this improved performance, and the benefits only improve as the size of the zone increases. In addition, our Zone Builder uses less database and Quicksilver resources meaning other Cloudflare systems are able to operate at increased capacity.

Next Steps

The results here have been very impactful, though we think that we can do even better. In the future, we plan to get rid of full builds altogether by replacing them with zone setting builds. Instead of fetching the zone settings in addition to all the records, the zone setting builder would just fetch the settings for the zone and propagate that to our global network via Quicksilver. Similar to the per-record builds, this is a difficult challenge due to the complexity of zone settings and the number of actors that touch it. Ultimately if this can be accomplished, we can officially retire the full builds and leave it as a reminder in our git history of the scale at which we have grown over the years.

In addition, we plan to introduce a batching system that will collect record changes into groups to minimize the number of queries we make to our database and Quicksilver.

Does solving these kinds of technical and operational challenges excite you? Cloudflare is always hiring for talented specialists and generalists within our Engineering and other teams.

Open source Managed Components for Cloudflare Zaraz

Post Syndicated from Yo'av Moshe original https://blog.cloudflare.com/zaraz-open-source-managed-components-and-webcm/

Open source Managed Components for Cloudflare Zaraz

Open source Managed Components for Cloudflare Zaraz

In early 2020, we sat down and tried thinking if there’s a way to load third-party tools on the Internet without slowing down websites, without making them less secure, and without sacrificing users’ privacy. In the evening, after scanning through thousands of websites, our answer was “well, sort of”. It seemed possible: many types of third-party tools are merely collecting information in the browser and then sending it to a remote server. We could theoretically figure out what it is that they’re collecting, and then instead just collect it once efficiently, and send it server-side to their servers, mimicking their data schema. If we do this, we can get rid of loading their JavaScript code inside websites completely. This means no more risk of malicious scripts, no more performance losses, and fewer privacy concerns.

But the answer wasn’t a definite “YES!” because we realized this is going to be very complicated. We looked into the network requests of major third-party scripts, and often it seemed cryptic. We set ourselves up for a lot of work, looking at the network requests made by tools and trying to figure out what they are doing – What is this parameter? When is this network request sent? How is this value hashed? How can we achieve the same result more securely, reliably and efficiently? Our team faced these questions on a daily basis.

When we joined Cloudflare, the scale of everything changed. Suddenly we were on thousands of websites, serving more than 10,000 requests per second. Users are writing to us every single day over our Discord channel, the community forum, and sometimes even directly on Twitter. More often than not, their messages would be along the lines of “Hi! Can you please add support for X?” Cloudflare Zaraz launched with around 30 tools in its library, but this market is vast and new tools are popping up all the time.

Changing our trust model

In my previous blog post on how Zaraz uses Cloudflare Workers, I included some examples of how tool integrations are written in Zaraz today. Usually, a “tool” in Zaraz would be a function that prepares a payload and sends it. This function could return one thing – clientJS, JavaScript code that the browser would later execute. We’ve done our best so that tools wouldn’t use clientJS, if it wasn’t really necessary, and in reality most Zaraz-built tool integrations are not using clientJS at all.

This worked great, as long as we were the ones coding all tool integrations. Customers trusted us that we’d write code that is performant and safe, and they trusted the results they saw when trying Zaraz. Upon joining Cloudflare, many third-party tool vendors contacted us and asked to write a Zaraz integration. We quickly realized that our system wasn’t enforcing speed and safety – vendors could literally just dump their old browser-side JavaScript into our clientJS variable, and say “We have a Cloudflare Zaraz integration!”, and that wasn’t our vision at all.

We want third-party tool vendors to be able to write their own performant, safe server-side integrations. We want to make it possible for them to reimagine their tools in a better way. We also want website owners to have transparency into what is happening on their website, to be able to manage and control it, and to trust that if a tool is running through Zaraz, it must be a good tool — not because of who wrote it, but because of the technology it is constructed within. We realized that to achieve that we needed a new format for defining third-party tools.

Introducing Managed Components

We started rethinking how third-party code should be written. Today, it’s a black box – you usually add a script to your site, and you have zero clue what it does and when. You can’t properly read or analyze the minified code. You don’t know if the way it behaves for you is the same way it behaves for everyone else. You don’t know when it might change. If you’re a website owner, you’re completely in the dark.

Tools do many different things. The simple ones just collected information and sent it somewhere. Often, they’d set some cookies. Sometimes, they’d install some event listeners on the page. And widget-based tools can literally manipulate the page DOM, providing new functionality like a social media embed or a chatbot. Our new format needed to support all of this.

Managed Components is how we imagine the future of third-party tools online. It provides vendors with an API that allows them to do much more than a normal script can, including keeping code execution outside the browser. We designed this format together with vendors, for vendors, while having in mind that users’ best interest is everyone’s best interest long-term.

From the get-go, we built Managed Components to use a permission-based system. We want to provide even more transparency than Zaraz does today. As the new API allows tools to set cookies, change the DOM or collect IP addresses, all those abilities require being granted a permission. Installing a third-party tool on your site is similar to installing an app on your phone – you get an explanation of what the tool can and can’t do, and you can allow or disallow features to a granular level. We previously wrote about how you can use Zaraz to not send IP addresses to Google Analytics, and now we’re doubling down in this direction. It’s your website, and it’s your decision to make.

Every Managed Component is a JavaScript module at its core. Unlike today, this JavaScript code isn’t sent to the browser. Instead, it is executed by a Components Manager. This manager implements the APIs that are then used by the component. It dispatches server-side events that originate in the browser, providing the components with access to information while keeping them sandboxed and performant. It handles caching, storage and more — all so that the Managed Components can implement their logic without worrying so much about the surrounding.

An example analytics Managed Component can look something like this:

export default function (manager) {
  manager.addEventListener("pageview", ({ context, client }) => {
    fetch("https://example.com/collect", {
  	method: "POST",
  	data: {
    	  url: context.page.url.href,
    	  userAgent: client.device.userAgent,

The above component gets notified whenever a page view occurs, and it then creates some payload with the visitor user-agent and page URL and sends that as a POST request to the vendor’s server. This is very similar to how things are done today, except this doesn’t require running any code at all in the browser.

But Managed Components aren’t just doing what was previously possible but better, they also provide dramatic new functionality. See for example how we’re exposing server-side endpoints:

export default function (manager) {
  const api = manager.proxy("/api", "https://api.example.com");
  const assets = manager.serve("/assets", "assets");
  const ping = manager.route("/ping", (request) => new Response(204));

These three lines are a complete shift in what’s possible for third-parties. If granted the permissions, they can proxy some content, serve and expose their own endpoints – all under the same domain as the one running the website. If a tool needs to do some processing, it can now off-load that from the browser completely without forcing the browser to communicate with a third-party server.

Exciting new capabilities

Every third-party tool vendor should be able to use the Managed Components API to build a better version of their tool. The API we designed is comprehensive, and the benefits for vendors are huge:

  • Same domain: Managed Components can serve assets from the same domain as the website itself. This allows a faster and more secure execution, as the browser needs to trust and communicate with only one server instead of many. This can also reduce costs for vendors as their bandwidth will be lowered.
  • Website-wide events system: Managed Components can hook to a pre-existing events system that is used by the website for tracking events. Not only is there no need to provide a browser-side API to your tool, it’s also easier for your users to send information to your tool because they don’t need to learn your methods.
  • Server logic: Managed Components can provide server-side logic on the same domain as the website. This includes proxying a different server, or adding endpoints that generate dynamic responses. The options are endless here, and this, too, can reduce the load on the vendor servers.
  • Server-side rendered widgets and embeds: Did you ever notice how when you’re loading an article page online, the content jumps when some YouTube or Twitter embed suddenly appears between the paragraphs? Managed Components provide an API for registering widgets and embed that render server-side. This means that when the page arrives to the browser, it already includes the widget in its code. The browser doesn’t need to communicate with another server to fetch some tweet information or styling. It’s part of the page now, so expect a better CLS score.
  • Reliable cross-platform events: Managed Components can subscribe to client-side events such as clicks, scroll and more, without needing to worry about browser or device support. Not only that – those same events will work outside the browser too – but we’ll get to that later.
  • Pre-Response Actions: Managed Components can execute server-side actions before the network response even arrives in the browser. Those actions can access the response object, reading it or altering it.
  • Integrated Consent Manager support: Managed Components are predictable and scoped. The Component Manager knows what they’ll need and can predict what kind of consent is needed to run them.

The right choice: open source

As we started working with vendors on creating a Managed Component for their tool, we heard a repeating concern – “What Components Managers are there? Will this only be useful for Cloudflare Zaraz customers?”. While Cloudflare Zaraz is indeed a Components Manager, and it has a generous free tier plan, we realized we need to think much bigger. We want to make Managed Components available for everyone on the Internet, because we want the Internet as a whole to be better.

Today, we’re announcing much more than just a new format.

WebCM is a reference implementation of the Managed Components API. It is a complete Components Manager that we will soon release and maintain. You will be able to use it as an SDK when building your Managed Component, and you will also be able to use it in production to load Managed Components on your website, even if you’re not a Cloudflare customer. WebCM works as a proxy – you place it before your website, and it rewrites your pages when necessary and adds a couple of endpoints. This makes WebCM 100% framework-agnostic – it doesn’t matter if your website uses Node.js, Python or Ruby behind the scenes: as long as you’re sending out HTML, it supports that.

That’s not all though! We’re also going to open source a few Managed Components of our own. We converted some of our classic Zaraz integrations to Managed Components, and they will soon be available for you to use and improve. You will be able to take our Google Analytics Managed Component, for example, and use WebCM to run Google Analytics on your website, 100% server-side, without Cloudflare.

Tech-leading vendors are already joining

Revolutionizing third-party tools on the internet is something we could only do together with third-party vendors. We love third-party tools, and we want them to be even more popular. That’s why we worked very closely with a few leading companies on creating their own Managed Components. These new Managed Components extend Zaraz capabilities far beyond what’s possible now, and will provide a safe and secure onboarding experience for new users of these tools.

Open source Managed Components for Cloudflare Zaraz

DriftDrift helps businesses connect with customers in moments that matter most.  Drift’s integration will let customers use their fully-featured conversation solution while also keeping it completely sandboxed and without making third-party network connections, increasing privacy and security for our users.

Open source Managed Components for Cloudflare Zaraz

CrazyEggCrazy Egg helps customers make their websites better through visual heatmaps, A/B testing, detailed recordings, surveys and more. Website owners, Cloudflare, and Crazy Egg all care deeply about performance, security and privacy. Managed Components have enabled Crazy Egg to do things that simply aren’t possible with third-party JavaScript, which means our mutual customers will get one of the most performant and secure website optimization tools created.

We also already have customers that are eager to implement Managed Components:

Open source Managed Components for Cloudflare Zaraz

Hopin Quote:

“I have been really impressed with Cloudflare’s Zaraz ability to move Drift’s JS library to an Edge Worker while loading it off the DOM. My work is much more effective due to the savings in page load time. It’s a pleasure to work with two companies that actively seek better ways to increase both page speed and load times with large MarTech stacks.”
– Sean Gowing, Front End Engineer, Hopin

If you’re a third-party vendor, and you want to join these tech-leading companies, do reach out to us, and we’d be happy to support you on writing your own Managed Component.

What’s next for Managed Components

We’re working on Managed Components on many fronts now. While we develop and maintain WebCM, work with vendors and integrate Managed Components into Cloudflare Zaraz, we’re already thinking about what’s possible in the future.

We see a future where many open source runtimes exist for Managed Components. Perhaps your infrastructure doesn’t allow you to use WebCM? We want to see Managed Components runtimes created as service workers, HTTP servers, proxies and framework plugins. We’re also working on making Managed Components available on mobile applications. We’re working on allowing unofficial Managed Components installs on Cloudflare Zaraz. We’re fixing a long-standing issue of the WWW, and there’s so much to do.

We will very soon publish the full specs of Managed Components. We will also open source WebCM, the reference implementation server, as well as many components you can use yourself. If this is interesting to you, reach out to us at [email protected], or join us on Discord.

Fixing Performance Regressions Before they Happen

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/fixing-performance-regressions-before-they-happen-eab2602b86fe

Angus Croll

Netflix is used by 222 million members and runs on over 1700 device types ranging from state-of-the-art smart TVs to low-cost mobile devices.

At Netflix we’re proud of our reliability and we want to keep it that way. To that end, it’s important that we prevent significant performance regressions from reaching the production app. Sluggish scrolling or late rendering is frustrating and triggers accidental navigations. Choppy playback makes watching a show less enjoyable. Any performance regression that makes it into a product release will degrade user experience, so the challenge is to detect and fix such regressions before they ship.

This post describes how the Netflix TVUI team implemented a robust strategy to quickly and easily detect performance anomalies before they are released — and often before they are even committed to the codebase.

What do we mean by Performance?

Technically, “performance” metrics are those relating to the responsiveness or latency of the app, including start up time.

But TV devices also tend to be more memory constrained than other devices, and as such are more liable to crash during a memory spike — so for Netflix TV we actually care about memory at least as much as performance, maybe more so.

At Netflix the term “performance” usually encompasses both performance metrics (in the strict meaning) and memory metrics, and that’s how we’re using the term here.

Why do we run Performance Tests on commits?

It’s harder to reason about the performance profile of pre-production code since we can’t gather real-time metrics for code that hasn’t yet shipped. We do cut a canary release in advance of shipment which is dogfooded by Netflix employees and subject to the same metrics collection as the production release. While the canary release is a useful dry-run for pending shipments, it sometimes misses regressions because the canary user base is a fraction of the production release. And in the event that regressions are detected in the canary, it still necessitates an often messy and time consuming revert or patch.

By running performance tests against every commit (pre- and post-merge), we can detect potentially regressive commits earlier. The sooner we detect such commits the fewer subsequent builds are affected and the easier it is to revert. Ideally we catch regressions before they even reach the main branch.

What are the Performance Tests?

The goal of our TVUI Performance Tests is to gather memory and responsiveness metrics while simulating the full range of member interactions with Netflix TV.

There are roughly 50 performance tests, each one designed to reproduce an aspect of member engagement. The goal is to keep each test brief and focused on a specific, isolated piece of functionality (startup, profile switching, scrolling through titles, selecting an episode, playback etc.), while the test suite as a whole should cover the entire member experience with minimal duplication. In this way we can run multiple tests in parallel and the absence of long pole tests keeps the overall test time manageable and allows for repeat test runs. Every test runs on a combination of devices (physical and virtual) and platform versions (SDKs). We’ll refer to each unique test/device/SDK combination as a test variation.

We run the full performance suite twice per Pull Request (PR):

  • when the PR is first submitted
  • when the PR is merged to the destination branch


Each performance test tracks either memory or responsiveness. Both of these metrics will fluctuate over the course of a test, so we post metric values at regular intervals throughout the test. To compare test runs we need a method to consolidate this range of observed values into a single value.

We made the following decisions:

Memory Tests: use the maximum memory value observed during the test run (because that’s the value that determines whether a device could crash).

Responsiveness Tests : use the median value observed during the test run (based on the assumption that perceived slowness is influenced by all responses, not just the worst response).

What are the Challenges?

When Netflix is running in production, we capture real-time performance data which makes it relatively easy to make assertions about the app’s performance. It’s much harder to assess the performance of pre-production code (changes merged to the main branch but not yet released) and harder still to get a performance signal for unmerged code in a PR. Performance test metrics are inferior to real-time usage metrics for several reasons:

  • Data volume: In the Netflix app, the same steps are repeated billions of times, but developer velocity and resource constraints dictate that performance tests can only run a handful of times per build.
  • Simulation: No matter how rigorous or creative our testing process is, we can only ever approximate the experience of real life users, never replicate it. Real users regularly use Netflix for hours at a time, and every user has different preferences and habits.
  • Noise: Ideally a given codebase running any given test variation will always return identical results. In reality that just never happens: no two device CPUs are identical, garbage collection is not entirely predictable, API request volume and backend activity is variable — so are power levels and network bandwidth. For every test there will be background noise that we need to somehow filter from our analysis.

Initial Approach: Static Thresholds

For our first attempt at performance validation we assigned maximum acceptable threshold values for memory metrics. There was a sound rationale behind this approach — when a TV runs Netflix there is a hard limit for memory footprint beyond which Netflix has the potential to crash.

There were several issues with the static thresholds approach:

  • Custom preparation work per test: Since each test variation has a unique memory profile, the appropriate static threshold had to be researched and assigned on a case-by-case basis. This was difficult and time consuming, so we only assigned thresholds to about 30% of test variations.
  • Lack of context: As a validation technique, static thresholds proved to be somewhat arbitrary. Imagine a commit that increases memory usage by 10% but to a level which is just below the threshold. The next commit might be a README change (zero memory impact) but due to normal variations in device background noise, the metric could increase by just enough to breach the threshold.
  • Background variance is not filtered: Once the codebase is bumping against the memory threshold, background device noise becomes the principal factor determining which side of the threshold line the test result falls.
Unreliable regression signals with static Threshold technique
  • Post-alert adjustments: We found ourselves repeatedly increasing the thresholds to move them clear of background noise

The Pivot: Anomaly and Changepoint Detection

It became apparent we needed a technique for performance validation that:

  • Removes failure bias by giving equal weight to all test runs, regardless of results
  • Doesn’t treat performance data points in isolation, but instead assesses the performance impact of a build in relation to previous builds.
  • Can be automatically applied to every test without the need for pre-hoc research, data entry or ongoing manual intervention
  • Could be equally applied to test data of any type: memory, responsiveness, or any other non-boolean test data
  • Minimizes the impact of background noise by prioritizing variance over absolute values
  • Improves insight by examining data points both at the time of creation and retroactively

We settled on a two-pronged approach:

  • Anomaly Detection immediately calls out potential performance regressions by comparing with recent past data
  • Changepoint Detection identifies more subtle performance inflections by examining past and future data clusters

Anomaly Detection

We define an anomaly as any metric data point that is more than n standard deviations above the recent mean, where recent mean and standard deviation are derived from the previous m test runs. For Netflix TV performance tests we currently set n to 4 and m to 40 but these values can be tweaked to maximize signal to noise ratio. When an anomaly is detected the test status is set to failed and an alert is generated.

Anomaly detection works because thresholds are dynamic and derived from existing data. If the data exhibits a lot of background variance then the anomaly threshold will increase to account for the extra noise.


Changepoints are data points at the boundary of two distinct data distribution patterns. We use a technique called e-divisive to analyze the 100 most recent test runs, using a Python implementation based on this implementation.

Since we’re only interested in performance regressions, we ignore changepoints that trend lower. When a changepoint is detected for a test, we don’t fail the test or generate an alert (we consider changepoints to be warnings of unusual patterns, not full blown error assertions).

As you can see, changepoints are a more subtle signal. They don’t necessarily indicate a regression but they suggest builds that had an impact on subsequent data distribution.

Builds that generate changepoints across multiple tests, warrant further investigation before they can be included in the release candidate.

Changepoints give us more confidence in regression detection because they disregard false positives such as one time data spikes. Because changepoint detection requires after-the-fact data, they are best suited to identifying potentially regressive code that is already in the main branch but has not yet been shipped.

Additional Adjustments

Runs per Test

To address failure bias, we decided to run all tests 3 times, regardless of the result. We chose 3 iterations to provide enough data to eliminate most device noise (tests are allocated to devices randomly) without creating a productivity bottleneck.

Summarizing across Test Runs

Next we needed to decide on a methodology to compress the results of each batch of 3 runs into a single value. The goal was to ignore outlier results caused by erratic device behavior.

Initially we took the average of those three runs, but that led to an excess of false positives because the most irregular test runs exerted too much influence on the result. Switching to the median eliminated some of these false positives but we were still getting an unacceptable number of excess alerts (because during periods of high device noise we would occasionally see outlier results two times out of three). Finally, since we noticed that outlier results tended to be higher than normal — rarely lower — we settled on using the minimum value across the 3 runs and this proved to be the most effective at eliminating external noise.

All data points (3 runs per build)
Selecting median value per build
Selecting minimum value per build

What were the Results?

After switching our performance validation to use anomaly and changepoint detection we noticed several improvements.

a) We are alerted for potential performance regressions far less often, and when we do get alerted it’s much more likely to indicate a genuine regression. Our workload is further reduced by no longer having to manually increment static performance thresholds after each false positive.

The following table represents the alert summary for two distinct months last year. In March 2021 we still used static thresholds for regression alerts. By October 2021 we had switched using anomaly detection for regression alerts. Alerts which were true regressions is the number of alerted commits for which the suspected regression turned out to be both significant and persistent.

Note that since the March tests only validated when a threshold was manually set, the total number of validating test runs in October was much greater, and yet we still got only 10% of the alerts.

b) We are not alerted for subsequent innocuous builds that inherit regressive commits from preceding builds. (Using the static threshold technique, all subsequent builds were alerted until the regressive build was reverted.) This is because regressive builds increase both mean and standard deviation and thus put subsequent non-regressing builds comfortably below the alert threshold.

Regressive build is above alert threshold
Subsequent build is easily below alert threshold

c) Performance tests against PRs, which had been almost constantly red (because the probability of at least one static threshold being breached was always high), are now mostly green. When the performance tests are red we have a much higher confidence that there is a genuine performance regression.

d) Displaying the anomaly and changepoint count per build provides a visual snapshot that quickly highlights potentially problematic builds.

What’s Next?

Further Work

There are still several things we’d like to improve

  • Make it easier to determine if regressions were due to external agents: Often it turns out the detected regression, though real, was not a result of the committed code but due to an external factor such as an upgrade to one of our platform dependencies, or a feature flag that got switched on. It would be helpful to summarize external changes in our alert summaries.
  • Factor out resolved regressions when determining baselines for validation:
    When generating recent mean and standard deviation values, we could improve regression detection by filtering out data from erstwhile regressions that have since been fixed.
  • Improve Developer Velocity: We can further reduce total test time by removing unnecessary iterations within tests, adding more devices to ensure availability, and de-emphasizing testing for those parts of the app where performance is less likely to be critical. We can also pre-build app bundles (at least partially) so that the test suite is not delayed by waiting for fresh builds.
  • More closely mirror metrics gathered by the production app: In the deployed Netflix TV app we collect additional metrics such as TTR (time to render) and empty box rate (how frequently titles in the viewport are missing images). While test metrics and metrics collected during real use do not lend themselves to direct comparison, measuring the relative change in metrics in pre-production builds can help us to anticipate regressions in production.

Wider Adoption and New Use Cases

At this point Anomaly and Changepoint detection is applied to every commit in the TVUI repo, and is in the process of being deployed for commits to the TV Player repo (the layer that manages playback operations). Other Netflix teams (outside of the TV platform) have also expressed interest in these techniques and the ultimate goal is to standardize regression detection across Netflix.

Anomaly and changepoint detection are entirely framework independent — the only required inputs are a current value and an array of recent values to compare it to. As such, their utility extends far beyond performance tests. For example, we are considering using these techniques to monitor the reliability of non-performance-based test suites — in this case the metric of interest is the percent of tests that ran to completion.

In the future we plan to decouple anomaly and changepoint logic from our test infrastructure and offer it as a standalone open-source library.

Wrap Up

By using techniques that assess the performance impact of a build in relation to the performance characteristics (magnitude, variance, trend) of adjacent builds, we can more confidently distinguish genuine regressions from metrics that are elevated for other reasons (e.g. inherited code, regressions in previous builds or one-off data spikes due to test irregularities). We also spend less time chasing false negatives and no longer need to manually assign a threshold to each result — the data itself now sets the thresholds dynamically.

This improved efficiency and higher confidence level helps us to quickly identify and fix regressions before they reach our members.

The anomaly and changepoint techniques discussed here can be used to identify regressions (or progressions), unexpected values or inflection points in any chronologically sequenced, quantitative data. Their utility extends well beyond performance analysis. For example they could be used to identify inflection points in system reliability, customer satisfaction, product usage, download volume or revenue.

We encourage you to try these techniques on your own data. We’d love to learn more about their success (or otherwise) in other contexts!

Fixing Performance Regressions Before they Happen was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Cloudflare One helps optimize user connectivity to Microsoft 365

Post Syndicated from Kyle Krum original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one-helps-optimize-user-connectivity-to-microsoft-365/

Cloudflare One helps optimize user connectivity to Microsoft 365

Cloudflare One helps optimize user connectivity to Microsoft 365

We are excited to announce that Cloudflare has joined the Microsoft 365 Networking Partner Program (NPP).  Cloudflare One, which provides an optimized path for traffic from Cloudflare customers to Microsoft 365, recently qualified for the NPP by demonstrating that on-ramps through Cloudflare’s network help optimize user connectivity to Microsoft.

Connecting users to the Internet on a faster network

Customers who deploy Cloudflare One give their team members access to the world’s fastest network, on average, as their on-ramp to the rest of the Internet. Users connect from their devices or offices and reach Cloudflare’s network in over 250 cities around the world. Cloudflare’s network accelerates traffic to its final destination through a combination of intelligent routing and software improvements.

We’re also excited that, in many cases, the final destination that a user visits already sits on Cloudflare’s network. Cloudflare serves over 28M HTTP requests per second, on average, for the millions of customers who secure their applications on our network. When those applications do not run on our network, we can rely on our own global private backbone and our connectivity with over 10,000 networks globally to connect the user.

For Microsoft 365 traffic, we focus on breaking out traffic as locally and direct as possible to bring users to the productivity tools they need without slowing them down. Legacy security solutions can introduce additional hops or backhauling that slows down connectivity to tools like Microsoft 365. With Cloudflare One, we provide the flexibility to identify that traffic and give it the most direct path to Microsoft’s own network of service endpoints around the world.

Securing data and users with Cloudflare Zero Trust

With this setting, trusted traffic to Microsoft uses the most direct path without additional processing. However, the rest of the Internet should not be trusted. Cloudflare’s network also secures the connections, queries, and requests your teams make to protect organizations from attacks and data loss. We can do that without slowing users down because we deliver that security in the data centers at our edge.

SaaS applications delivered over the Internet can make any device with a browser into a workstation. However, that also means that those same devices can connect to the rest of the Internet. Attackers try to lure users into lookalike sites to steal credentials, or they attempt to have users download malware to compromise the device. Either type of attack can put the data stored in SaaS applications at risk.

Cloudflare helps organizations stop those types of attacks through a defense-in-depth strategy. First, Cloudflare starts by delivering a next-generation network firewall in our data centers, filtering traffic for connections to potentially dangerous destinations. Next, Cloudflare runs the world’s fastest DNS resolver and combines it with the data we see about the rest of the Internet to filter queries to phishing domains or sites that host malware.

Finally, Cloudflare’s Secure Web Gateway can inspect HTTP traffic for data loss, viruses, or can choose to isolate the browser for specific sites or entire categories. While Cloudflare’s network secures users from attacks on the rest of the Internet, Cloudflare One ensures that users have a direct, unfettered connection to the Microsoft 365 tools they need.

With traffic secured, Cloudflare can also give administrators visibility into the other applications used in their organization. Without any additional software or features, Cloudflare uses its Zero Trust security suite to analyze and categorize the requests to all applications in a comprehensive Shadow IT report. Administrators can mark applications as approved, unapproved, or unknown and pending investigation so for example Administrators could mark Microsoft 365 traffic as approved — which is also the default setting in deployments that use the one-click enablement being released today.

In some cases, that visibility leads to surprises. Security and IT teams discover that users are doing work in SaaS platforms that have not been reviewed and approved by the organization. In those cases, teams can use Cloudflare’s Secure Web Gateway to block requests to those destinations or just to prevent certain types of activities like blocking file uploads to tools other than OneDrive. With Shadow IT, we can help teams that use Microsoft 365 ensure that data only stays in Microsoft 365.

Our participation in Microsoft 365 Networking Partner Program

Cloudflare has joined the Microsoft 365 Networking Partner Program (NPP). The program is designed to offer customers a set of partners whose deployment practices and guidance are aligned with Microsoft’s networking principles for Microsoft 365 to provide users with the best user experience. Microsoft established the NPP to work with networking companies for optimal connectivity to its service. We are excited to work with a partner whose global network and security principles align with ours.

Starting today, through Cloudflare One, organizations have the ability to ensure as direct a connection as possible for Microsoft 365 traffic. This allows our customers with our WARP client to benefit from a seamless user experience for Microsoft 365, while at the same time securing the rest of their traffic either to SaaS apps, on-prem apps or direct internet traffic through Cloudflare’s global network and security suite of products.

To do this all customers need to do is to enable the Microsoft 365 traffic optimization setting in their Cloudflare One dashboard. Via the setting even if Microsoft 365 connections are routed through the Cloudflare gateways, they are being handed with the least amount of additional overhead for example “Do not inspect” policy is automatically enabled.

It’s very easy to enable with just a few clicks:

  1. Log into the Cloudflare for Teams dashboard.
  2. Go to Settings > Network.
  3. For Exclude Office 365 traffic and Bypass Office 365 traffic, click Create entries.
Cloudflare One helps optimize user connectivity to Microsoft 365

“We’re thrilled to welcome Cloudflare into the Networking Partner Program for Microsoft 365,” said Scott Schnoll, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Microsoft. “Cloudflare is a valued partner that is focused on helping Microsoft 365 customers implement the Microsoft 365 Network Connectivity Principles. Microsoft only recommends Networking Partner Program member solutions for connectivity to Microsoft 365.”


Your organization can start deploying Cloudflare One today alongside your existing Microsoft 365 usage. We’re excited to work with Microsoft to give your team members fast, reliable, and secure connectivity to the tools they need to do their jobs.

How to automate AWS Managed Microsoft AD scaling based on utilization metrics

Post Syndicated from Dennis Rothmel original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-automate-aws-managed-microsoft-ad-scaling-based-on-utilization-metrics/

AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory (AWS Managed Microsoft AD), provides a fully managed service for Microsoft Active Directory (AD) in the AWS cloud. When you create your directory, AWS deploys two domain controllers in separate Availability Zones that are exclusively yours for high availability. For use cases requiring even higher resilience and performance, in a specific Region or during specific hours, AWS Managed Microsoft AD allows you to scale by deploying additional domain controllers to meet your needs. These domain controllers can help load-balance, increase overall performance, or simply provide additional nodes to protect against temporary availability issues. AWS Managed Microsoft AD allows you to define the correct number of domain controllers for your directory based on your individual use case.

This post will walk you through how to automate scaling in AWS Managed Microsoft AD using utilization metrics from your directory. You’ll do this using Amazon CloudWatch Alarms, SNS notifications, and a Lambda function to increase the number of domain controllers in your directory based on utilization peaks.

Simplified directory scaling

AWS Managed Microsoft AD has now simplified this directory scaling process by integrating with Amazon CloudWatch metrics. This new integration enables you to:

  1. Analyze your directory to identify expected average and peak directory utilization
  2. Scale your directory based on utilization data to adequately address the expected load
  3. Automate the addition of domain controllers to handle unexpected load.

Integration is available for both domain controller utilization metrics such as CPU, Memory, Disk and Network, and for AD-specific metrics, such as LDAP searches, binds, DNS queries, and Directory reads/writes. Analyzing this data over time to identify expected average and peak utilization on your directory can help you deploy additional domain controllers in Regions that need them. Once you’ve established this utilization baseline, you can deploy additional domain controllers to service this load, and configure alarms for anything exceeding this baseline.

Solution overview

In this example, our AWS Managed Microsoft AD has the default two domain controllers; once your utilization threshold is reached, you’ll add one additional domain controller (domain controller 3 in the diagram) to cover this additional load. 

Figure 1: Solution overview

Figure 1: Solution overview

To create a CloudWatch Alarm with SNS topic notifications

  1. In the AWS Console, navigate to CloudWatch
  2. Choose Metrics to see the Browse Metrics panel
  3. Choose the Directory Service namespace, then choose AWS Managed Microsoft AD.
  4. In the Directory ID column, select your directory and check search for this only.
  5. From the Metric Category column, select Processor from Metric Category and check add to search. This view will show the processor utilization for your directory.

    Figure 2. Processor utilization metrics

    Figure 2. Processor utilization metrics

  7. To see the average utilization across all domain controllers, choose Add Math, then All Functions, then AVG to create a metric math expression for average CPU utilization across all domain controllers.

    Figure 3. Adding a math function to compute average

    Figure 3. Adding a math function to compute average

  9. Next, choose the Graphed Metrics tab in the CloudWatch metrics console, select the newly created expression, then select the bell icon from the Actions column to create a CloudWatch alarm based on this metric.
  10. Figure 4. Create a CloudWatch Alarm using Metric Math Expression

    Figure 4. Create a CloudWatch Alarm using Metric Math Expression

  11. Configure the threshold alarm to trigger when CPU utilization exceeds 70%.
  12.  In the Metrics section, under Period, choose 1 Hour.
     In the Conditions section, under Threshold Type, choose Static. Under Define the alarm condition, choose Greater than threshold. Under Define the threshold value, enter 70. See Figure 5 for an image of how alarm parameters should look on your screen. Choose Next to Configure actions

    Figure 5. Configure the alarm parameters

    Figure 5. Configure the alarm parameters

  13. On the Configure actions screen, configure the actions using the parameters listed below to send an email notification when the alarm state is triggered. See Figure 6 for an image of how email notifications are configured.
  14.   In the Notification section, set Alarm state trigger to In alarm.   Set Select an SNS topic to Create topic.  Fill in the name of the alarm in the Create a new topic field, and add the email where notifications should be sent to the Email endpoints that will receive notification field. An email address is required to create the SNS topic and you should use an email address that’s accessible by your operations team. This SNS topic will be used to trigger the Lambda automation described in a later section. Note: make a note of the SNS topic name you chose; you will use it later when creating the Lambda function in the To create an AWS Lambda function to automate scale out procedure below. 

    Figure 6. Create SNS topic and email notification

    Figure 6. Create SNS topic and email notification

  15. In the Alarm name field, provide a name for the alarm. You can optionally also add an Alarm description. Choose Next.
  16. Review your configuration, and choose Create alarm to create the alarm.

Once you’ve completed these steps, you will now have an alarm implemented for when domain controller CPU utilization exceeds an average of 70% across both domain controllers. This will trigger an SNS topic when your directory is experiencing a heavy load, which will be used to start the Lambda automation and will send an informational email notification. In the next section, we’ll configure an AWS Lambda function to automate the addition of a domain controller based on this SNS topic.

For additional details on CloudWatch Alarms, please see the Amazon CloudWatch documentation.

To create an AWS Lambda function to automate scale out

The sample Lambda function shown below checks the number of domain controllers in this Region, and increases that by adding one additional domain controller. This procedure describes how to configure the IAM role required for this Lambda function, then how to deploy the Lambda function to execute when the alarm is triggered to automatically add a domain controller when your load exceeds your typical usage baseline.

Note: For additional details on Lambda creation, please see the AWS Lambda documentation.

To automate scale-out using AWS Lambda

  1. In the AWS Console, navigate to IAM and choose Policies, then choose Create Policy.
  2. Choose the JSON tab, and create a new IAM role using the policy provided in JSON below.
  3. For more details on this configuration, see the AWS Directory Service documentation.

    Sample policy



  4. Choose Next:Tags to add tags (optional) before choosing Next:Review.
  5. On the Create Policy screen, provide a name in the Name field. You can optionally also add a description. Choose Create policy to complete creating the new policy.
    Note: make a note of the policy name you chose; you will use it later when updating the execution role for the Lambda function.  

    Figure 7. Provide a name to create the IAM policy

    Figure 7. Provide a name to create the IAM policy

  7. In the AWS Console, navigate to Lambda and choose Create Function
  8. On the Create Function screen, select Author from Scratch and provide a Name, then choose Create Function.
  9. Figure 8. Create a Lambda function

    Figure 8. Create a Lambda function

  10. Once created, on the Lambda function’s page, choose the Configuration tab, then choose Permissions from the sidebar and choose the execution role name linked under Role name. This will open the IAM console in another tab, preloaded to your Lambda execution role.

    Figure 9: Select the Execution Role

    Figure 9: Select the Execution Role

  12. On the execution role screen, choose Attach policies and select the IAM policy you’ve just created (e.g. DirectoryService-DCNumber Update). On the Attach Permissions screen, choose Attach policy to complete updating the execution role. Once completed this step, you may close this tab and return the previous browser tab.

    Figure 10. Select and attach the IAM policy

    Figure 10. Select and attach the IAM policy

  14. On the Lambda function screen, choose the Configuration tab, then choose Triggers from the sidebar.
  15. On the Add Trigger screen, choose the pulldown under Trigger configuration and select SNS. On the SNS topic box, select the SNS topic you created in Step 9 of the To create a CloudWatch Alarm with SNS topic notifications procedure above. Then choose Add to complete the trigger configuration.
  16. On the Lambda function screen, choose the Configuration tab, then choose Environment variables from the sidebar.
  17. On the Environment variables card, click Edit.
  18. On the Edit environment variables screen, choose Add environment variables and use the Key “DIRECTORY_ID” and the Value will be the directory ID for you AWS Managed Microsoft AD.

    Figure 11. The "Edit environment variables" screen

    Figure 11. The “Edit environment variables” screen

  20. On the Lambda function screen, choose the Code tab to open the in-browser code editor experience inside the Code source card. Paste in the sample Lambda function code given below to complete the implementation.

    Figure 12. Paste sample code to complete the Lambda function setup

    Figure 12. Paste sample code to complete the Lambda function setup

Sample Lambda function code

The sample Lambda function given below automates adding another domain controller to your directory. When your CloudWatch alarm triggers, you will receive a notification email, and an additional domain controller will be deployed to provide the added capacity to support the increase in directory usage.

Note: The example code contains a variable for the maximum number of domain controllers (maxDcNum), to prevent you from over provisioning in the event of a missed configuration. This value is set to 3 for this blog post’s example and can be increased to suit your use case. 

import json
import boto3

maxDcNum = 10
minDcNum = 2
region   = "us-east-1"
dsId = "d-906752246f"

ds = boto3.client('ds', region_name=region)

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    ## get the current number of domain controllers
    dcs = ds.describe_domain_controllers(DirectoryId = dsId)

    DomainControllers = dcs["DomainControllers"]
    DCcount = len(DomainControllers)
    print(">>> Current number of DCs:" + str(DCcount))

    #increase the number of DCs
    if DCcount < maxDcNum:
        NewDCnumber = DCcount + 1 
        response = ds.update_number_of_domain_controllers(DirectoryId = dsId, DesiredNumber =  NewDCnumber);    

        return {
            'statusCode': 200,
            'body': json.dumps("New DC number will be " + str(NewDCnumber))
        return {
            'statusCode': 200,
            'body': json.dumps("Max number of DCs reached. The number of DCs is" + str(DCcount))

Note: When testing this Lambda function, remember that this will increase the number of domain controllers for your directory in that Region. If the additional domain controller is not needed, please reduce the count after the test to avoid costs for an additional domain controller. The same principles used in this article to automate the addition of domain controllers can be applied to automate the reduction of domain controllers and you should consider automating the reduction to optimize for resilience, performance and cost.


In this post, you’ve implemented alarms based on thresholds in Domain Controller utilization using AWS CloudWatch and automation to increase the number of domain controllers using AWS Lambda functions. This solution helps to cost-effectively improve resilience and performance of your directory, by scaling your directory based on historical load patterns.

To learn more about using AWS Managed Microsoft AD, visit the AWS Directory Service documentation. For general information and pricing, see the AWS Directory Service home page. If you have comments about this blog post, submit a comment in the Comments section below. If you have implementation or troubleshooting questions, start a new thread on the Directory Service forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Dennis Rothmel

Dennis is a Sr. Product Manager from AWS Identity with a passion for modernization and automation. He has worked globally across Asia Pacific, Europe, and America, and enjoys the travel, languages, cultures and foods that come with global working.


Vladimir Provorov

Vladimir is a Product Solutions Architect from AWS Identity focused on Workforce Identity and Directory Service. He works on developing new features to make Enterprise Identity simpler and more scalable. He is excited to travel and explore the world with his family.

Announcing Argo for Spectrum

Post Syndicated from Achiel van der Mandele original https://blog.cloudflare.com/argo-spectrum/

Announcing Argo for Spectrum

Announcing Argo for Spectrum

Today we’re excited to announce the general availability of Argo for Spectrum, a way to turbo-charge any TCP based application. With Argo for Spectrum, you can reduce latency, packet loss and improve connectivity for any TCP application, including common protocols like Minecraft, Remote Desktop Protocol and SFTP.

The Internet — more than just a browser

When people think of the Internet, many of us think about using a browser to view websites. Of course, it’s so much more! We often use other ways to connect to each other and to the resources we need for work. For example, you may interact with servers for work using SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), git or Remote Desktop software. At home, you might play a video game on the Internet with friends.

To help people that protect these services against DDoS attacks, Spectrum launched in 2018 and extends Cloudflare’s DDoS protection to any TCP or UDP based protocol. Customers use it for a wide variety of use cases, including to protect video streaming (RTMP), gaming and internal IT systems. Spectrum also supports common VoIP protocols such as SIP and RTP, which have recently seen an increase in DDoS ransomware attacks. A lot of these applications are also highly sensitive to performance issues. No one likes waiting for a file to upload or dealing with a lagging video game.

Latency and throughput are the two metrics people generally discuss when talking about network performance. Latency refers to the amount of time a piece of data (a packet) takes to traverse between two systems. Throughput refers to the amount of bits you can actually send per second. This blog will discuss how these two interplay and how we improve them with Argo for Spectrum.

Argo to the rescue

There are a number of factors that cause poor performance between two points on the Internet, including network congestion, the distance between the two points, and packet loss. This is a problem many of our customers have, even on web applications. To help, we launched Argo Smart Routing in 2017, a way to reduce latency (or time to first byte, to be precise) for any HTTP request that goes to an origin.

That’s great for folks who run websites, but what if you’re working on an application that doesn’t speak HTTP? Up until now people had limited options for improving performance for these applications. That changes today with the general availability of Argo for Spectrum. Argo for Spectrum offers the same benefits as Argo Smart Routing for any TCP-based protocol.

Argo for Spectrum takes the same smarts from our network traffic and applies it to Spectrum. At time of writing, Cloudflare sits in front of approximately 20% of the Alexa top 10 million websites. That means that we see, in near real-time, which networks are congested, which are slow and which are dropping packets. We use that data and take action by provisioning faster routes, which sends packets through the Internet faster than normal routing. Argo for Spectrum works the exact same way, using the same intelligence and routing plane but extending it to any TCP based application.


But what does this mean for real application performance? To find out, we ran a set of benchmarks on Catchpoint. Catchpoint is a service that allows you to set up performance monitoring from all over the world. Tests are repeated at intervals and aggregate results are reported. We wanted to use a third party such as Catchpoint to get objective results (as opposed to running themselves).

For our test case, we used a file server in the Netherlands as our origin. We provisioned various tests on Catchpoint to measure file transfer performance from various places in the world: Rabat, Tokyo, Los Angeles and Lima.

Announcing Argo for Spectrum
Throughput of a 10MB file. Higher is better.

Depending on location, transfers saw increases of up to 108% (for locations such as Tokyo) and 85% on average. Why is it so much faster? The answer is bandwidth delay product. In layman’s terms, bandwidth delay product means that the higher the latency, the lower the throughput. This is because with transmission protocols such as TCP, we need to wait for the other party to acknowledge that they received data before we can send more.

As an analogy, let’s assume we’re operating a water cleaning facility. We send unprocessed water through a pipe to a cleaning facility, but we’re not sure how much capacity the facility has! To test, we send an amount of water through the pipe. Once the water has arrived, the facility will call us up and say, “we can easily handle this amount of water at a time, please send more.” If the pipe is short, the feedback loop is quick: the water will arrive, and we’ll immediately be able to send more without having to wait. If we have a very, very long pipe, we have to stop sending water for a while before we get confirmation that the water has arrived and there’s enough capacity.

The same happens with TCP: we send an amount of data to the wire and wait to get confirmation that it arrived. If the latency is high it reduces the throughput because we’re constantly waiting for confirmation. If latency is low we can throttle throughput at a high rate. With Spectrum and Argo, we help in two ways: the first is that Spectrum terminates the TCP connection close to the user, meaning that latency for that link is low. The second is that Argo reduces the latency between our edge and the origin. In concert, they create a set of low-latency connections, resulting in a low overall bandwidth delay product between users in origin. The result is a much higher throughput than you would otherwise get.

Argo for Spectrum supports any TCP based protocol. This includes commonly used protocols like SFTP, git (over SSH), RDP and SMTP, but also media streaming and gaming protocols such as RTMP and Minecraft. Setting up Argo for Spectrum is easy. When creating a Spectrum application, just hit the “Argo Smart Routing” toggle. Any traffic will automatically be smart routed.

Announcing Argo for Spectrum

Argo for Spectrum covers much more than just these applications: we support any TCP-based protocol. If you’re interested, reach out to your account team today to see what we can do for you.

Managing permissions with grants in AWS Key Management Service

Post Syndicated from Rick Yin original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/managing-permissions-with-grants-in-aws-key-management-service/

AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) helps customers to use encryption to secure their data. When creating a new encrypted Amazon Web Services (AWS) resource, such as an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) database or an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, all you have to do is provide an AWS KMS key ID that you control and the data will be encrypted and the complexity of protecting and making encryption keys highly available is reduced.

If you’re considering delegating encryption to an AWS service to use a key under your control when it encrypts your data in that service, you might wonder how to ensure the AWS service can only use your key when you want it to and not have full access to decrypt any of your resources at any time. The answer is to use scoped-down dynamic permissions in AWS KMS. Specifically, a combination of permissions that you define in the KMS key policy document along with additional permissions that are created dynamically using KMS grants define the conditions under which one or more AWS services can use your KMS keys to encrypt and decrypt your data.

In this blog post, I discuss:

  • An example of how an AWS service uses your KMS key policy and grants to securely manage access to your encryption keys. The example uses Amazon RDS and demonstrates how the block storage volume behind your database instance is encrypted.
  • Best practices for using grants from AWS KMS in your own workloads.
  • Recent performance improvements when using grants in AWS KMS.

Case study: How RDS uses grants from AWS KMS to encrypt your database volume

Many Amazon RDS instance types are hosted on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance where the underlying storage layer is an Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume. The blocks of the EBS volume that stores the database content are encrypted under a randomly generated 256-bit symmetric data key that is itself encrypted under a KMS key that you configure RDS to use when you create your database instance. Let’s look at how RDS interacts with EBS, EC2, and AWS KMS to securely create an RDS instance using an KMS key.

When you send a request to RDS to create your database, there are several asynchronous requests being made among the RDS, EC2, EBS, and KMS services to:

  1. Create the underlying storage volume with a unique encryption key.
  2. Create the compute instance in EC2.
  3. Load the database engine into the EC2 instance.
  4. Give the EC2 instance permissions to use the encryption key to read and write data to the database storage volume.

The initial authenticated request that you make to RDS to create a new database is made by an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal in your account (e.g. a user or role). Once the request is received, a series of things has to happen:

  1. RDS needs to request EBS to create an encrypted volume to store your future data.
  2. EBS needs to request AWS KMS generate a unique 256-bit data key for the volume and encrypt it under the KMS key you told RDS to use.
  3. RDS then needs to request that EC2 launch an instance, attach that encrypted volume, and make the data key available to EC2 for use in reads and writes to the volume.

From your perspective, the IAM principal used to create the database also must have permissions in the KMS key policy for the GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext and Decrypt actions. This enables the unique 256-bit data key to be created and encrypted under the desired KMS key as well as allowing the user or role to have the data key decrypted and provisioned to the Nitro card managing your EC2 instance so that reads/writes can happen from/to the database. Given the asynchronous nature of the process of creating the database vs. launching the database volume in the future, how do the RDS, EBS, and EC2 services all get the necessary least privileged permissions to create and provision the data key for use with your database? The answer starts with your IAM principal having permission for the AWS KMS CreateGrant action in the key policy.

RDS uses the identity from your IAM principal to create a grant in AWS KMS that allows it to create other grants for EC2 and EBS with very limited permissions that are further scoped down compared to the original permissions your IAM principal has on the AWS KMS key. A total of three grants are created:

  • The initial RDS grant.
  • A subsequent EBS grant that allows EBS to call AWS KMS and generate a 256-bit data key that is encrypted under the KMS key you defined when creating your database.
  • The attachment grant, which allows the specific EC2 instance hosting your database volume to decrypt the encrypted data key for and provision it for use during I/O between the instance and the EBS volume.

RDS grant

In this example, let’s say you’ve created an RDS instance with an ID of db-1234 and specified a KMS key for encryption. The following grant is created on the KMS key, allowing RDS to create more grants for EC2 and EBS to use in the asynchronous processes required to launch your database instance. The RDS grant is as follows:

{Grantee Principal: '<Regional RDS Service Account>', Encryption Context: '"aws:rds:db-id": "db-1234"', Operations: ['CreateGrant', 'Decrypt', 'GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext']}

In plain English, this grant gives RDS permissions to use the KMS key for three specific operations (API actions) only when the call specifies the RDS instance ID db-1234 in the Encryption Context parameter. The grant provides access for the the grantee principal, which in this case is the value shown for the <Regional RDS service account>. This grant is created in AWS KMS and associated with your KMS key. Because the EC2 instance hasn’t yet been created and launched, the grantee principal cannot include the EC2 instance ID and must instead be the regional RDS service account.

EBS grant

With the RDS instance and initial AWS KMS grant created, RDS requests EC2 to launch an instance for the RDS database. EC2 creates an instance with a unique ID (e.g. i-1234567890abcdefg) using EC2 permissions you gave to the original IAM principal. In addition to the EC2 instance being created, RDS requests that Amazon EBS create an encrypted volume dedicated to the database. As a part of volume creation, EBS needs permission to call AWS KMS to generate a unique 256-bit data key for the volume and encrypt that data key under the KMS key you defined.

The EC2 instance ID is used as the name of the identity for future calls to AWS KMS, so RDS inserts it as the grantee principal in the EBS grant it creates. The EBS grant is as follows:

{Grantee Principal: '<RDS-Host-Role>:i-1234567890abcdefg', Encryption Context: '"aws:rds:db-id": "db-1234"', Operations: ['CreateGrant', 'Decrypt', 'GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext']}}

You’ll notice that this grant uses the same encryption context as the initial RDS grant. However, now that we have the EC2 instance ID associated with the database ID, the permissions that EBS gets to use your key as the grantee principal can be scoped down to require both values. Once this grant is created, EBS can create the EBS volume (e.g. vol-0987654321gfedcba) and call AWS KMS to generate and encrypt a 256-bit data key that can only be used for that volume. This encrypted data key is stored by EBS in preparation for the volume attachment process.

Attachment grant

The final step in creating the RDS instance is to attach the EBS volume to the EC2 instance hosting your database. EC2 now uses the previously created EBS grant to create the attachment grant with the i-1234567890abcdefg instance identity. This grant allows EC2 to decrypt the encrypted data key, provision it to the Nitro card that manages the instance, and begin encrypting I/O to the EBS volume of the RDS database. The attachment grant in this example will be as follows:

{Grantee Principal: 'EC2 Instance Role:i-1234567890abcdefg', Encryption Context: '"aws:rds:db-id": "db-1234", "aws:ebs:id":"vol-0987654321gfedcba"', Operations: ['Decrypt']}

The attachment grant is the most restrictive of the three grants. It requires the caller to know the IDs of all the AWS entities involved: EC2 instance ID, EBS volume ID, and RDS database ID. This design ensures that your KMS key can only be used for decryption by these AWS services in order to launch the specific RDS database you want.

The encrypted EBS volume is now active and attached to the EC2 instance. Should you terminate the RDS instance, the services retire all the relevant KMS grants so they no longer have any permission to use your KMS key to decrypt the 256-bit data key required to decrypt data in your database. If you need to launch your encrypted database again, a similar set of three grants will be dynamically created with the RDS database, EC2 instance, and EBS volume IDs used to scope down permissions on the AWS KMS key.

The process described in the previous paragraphs is graphically shown in Figure 1:
Figure 1: How Amazon RDS uses Amazon EC2, Amazon EBS, and AWS KMS to create an encrypted RDS instance

Considering all the AWS KMS key permissions that are added and removed as a part of launching a database, you might ask why not just use the key policy document to make these changes? A KMS key allows only one key policy with a maximum document size of 32 KB. Because one key could be used to encrypt any number of AWS resources, trying to dynamically add and remove scoped-down permissions related to each resource to the key policy document creates two risks. First, the maximum allowable size of the key policy document (32KB) might be exceeded. Second, depending on how many resources are being accessed concurrently, you may exceed the request rate quota for the PutKeyPolicy API action in AWS KMS.

In contrast, there can be any number of grants on a given AWS KMS key, each grant specifying a scoped-down permission for the use of a KMS key with any AWS service that integrated with AWS KMS. Grant creation and deletion is also designed for much higher-volume request rates than modifications to the key policy document. Finally, permission to call PutKeyPolicy is a highly privileged permission, as it lets the caller make unrestricted changes to the permissions on the key, including changes to administrative permissions to disable or schedule the key for deletion. Grants on a key can only allow permissions to use the key, not administer the key. Also, grants that allow the creation of other grants by other IAM principals prohibit the escalation of privilege. In the RDS example above, the permissions RDS receives from the IAM principal in your account during the first CreateGrant request cannot be more permissive than what you defined for the IAM principal in the KMS key policy. The permissions RDS gives to EC2 and EBS during the database creation process cannot be more permissive than the original permission RDS has from the initial grant. This design ensures that AWS services cannot escalate their privileges and use your KMS key for purposes different than what you intend.

Best practices for using AWS KMS grants

AWS KMS grants are a powerful tool to dynamically define permissions to use keys. They are automatically created when you use server-side encryption features in various AWS services. You can also use grants to control permission in your own applications that perform client-side encryption. Here are some best practices to consider:

  • Design the permissions to be as scoped down as possible. Use a specific grantee principal, such as an IAM role, and give the principal access only to the AWS KMS API actions that are needed. You can further limit the scope of grants with the Encryption Context parameter by using any element you want to ensure callers are using the AWS KMS key only for the intended purpose. Below is a specific example that grants AWS account 123456789012 permission to call the GenerateDataKey or Decrypt APIs, but only if the supplied encryption context for customerID is 5678.
    {Actions: 'GenerateDataKey, Decrypt', Grantee Principal: '123456789012', Encryption Context: '"customerID": "5678"'}

    This grant could prevent your application from decrypting data belonging to customer “5678” without explicitly passing the expected customerID in the request to AWS KMS. This may be a useful defense-in-depth mechanism to prevent unauthorized access to your customers’ data if your application’s AWS credentials were compromised and used from a different caller who doesn’t know that encryption context is a required parameter for all reads and writes in order to encrypt and decrypt data.

    For more information on how you can use encryption context in AWS KMS permissions, requests, and AWS CloudTrail logs, see How to Protect the Integrity of Your Encrypted Data by Using AWS Key Management Service and EncryptionContext.

  • Remember that grants don’t automatically expire. Your code needs to retire or revoke them once you know the permission is no longer needed on the KMS key. Grants that aren’t retired are leftover permissions that might create a security risk for encrypted resources. See retiring and revoking grants in the AWS KMS developer guide for more detail.
  • Avoid creating duplicate grants. A duplicate grant is a grant that shares the same AWS KMS key ID, API actions, grantee principal, encryption context, and name. If you retire the original grant after use and not the duplicates, then the leftover duplicate grants can lead to unintended access to encrypt or decrypt data.

Recent performance improvements to AWS KMS grants: Removing a resource quota

For customers who use AWS KMS to encrypt resources in AWS services that use grants, there used to be cases where AWS KMS had to enforce a quota on the number of concurrently active resources that could be encrypted under the same KMS key. For example, customers of Amazon RDS, Amazon WorkSpaces, or Amazon EBS would run into this quota at very large scale. This was the Grants for a given principal per key quota and was previously set to 500. You might have seen the error message “Keys only support 500 grants per grantee principal in this region” when trying to create a resource in one of these services.

We recently made a change to AWS KMS to remove this quota entirely and this error message no longer exists. With this quota removed, you can now attach unlimited grants to any KMS key when using any AWS service.


In this blog post, you’ve seen how services such as Amazon RDS use AWS KMS grants to pass scoped-down permissions through the Amazon EC2 and Amazon EBS instances. You also saw some best practices for using AWS KMS grants in your own applications. Finally, you learned about how AWS KMS has improved grants by removing one of the resource quotas.

Below are some additional resources for AWS KMS and grants.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Rick Yin

Rick is a software development engineer on the AWS KMS team. His current focus is helping to scale AWS KMS to meet increasing customer demand by making sure we can serve our requests at ultra-low latency and ultra-high availability. In his free time, Rick enjoys learning about history and trying to stay in shape. He has recently taken up rowing.

Combining preprocessing with storing only trend data for high-frequency monitoring

Post Syndicated from Arturs Lontons original https://blog.zabbix.com/combining-preprocessing-with-storing-only-trend-data-for-high-frequency-monitoring/16568/

There are many design choices to consider when we build our monitoring environment for high-frequency monitoring. How to minimize performance impact? What are the data retention policies with storage space in mind? What are the available out-of-the-box features to solve these potential problems?
In this blog post, we will discuss when you should use preprocessing and when it is better to use the “Do not keep history” option for your metrics, and what are the pros and cons for both of these approaches.

Throttling and other preprocessing steps

We’ve discussed throttling previously as the go-to approach for high-frequency monitoring. Indeed, with throttling, you can discard repeated values and do so with a heartbeat. This is extremely useful with metrics that come as discreet values – services states, network port statuses, and so on.
Example of throttling with and without heartbeat
In addition, since starting from Zabbix 4.2 all preprocessing is also performed by Zabbix proxies. This means we can discard the repeated values before they reach the Zabbix server. This can help us both with the performance (fewer metrics to insert in the Zabbix server DB) and reduce the DB size (Fewer metrics stored in the DB. This also helps with improving overall Zabbix performance)
There are a few caveats with this approach – since metrics get discarded before they reach the Zabbix server, the triggers will not react on these metrics (This is where having a heartbeat is useful) and, since trends are calculated by Zabbix server based on the received history data, there could be a lack of trend information for these metrics. Keep in mind that this applies not only to throttling preprocessing rules – any preprocessing can be done on the proxy and any preprocessing rules can be used to transform your data.

Understanding “Do not keep history” option

The behavior of “Do not keep history” which we can define when configuring an item is a bit different though. If we collect an item by a Proxy and configure the item with “Do not keep history”, the history won’t always get discarded! There are a couple of reasons for this.
  • First off, let’s not forget that some of our values can populate host inventory! If the particular item is configured to populate an inventory field – it will be forwarded to the Zabbix server, but it will not get stored in the history tables.
  • If the item does not populate an inventory field – the text data such as character, log and text will indeed get discarded before reaching the Zabbix server, but Numeric values – both float and integer, will get forwarded to the server. The reason for that is deriving trend information from the numeric values. Mind that the numeric data will still not get stored in the history tables, only trends will be available for these items.

Note: This behavior has been properly implemented starting from Zabbix 5.2. See ZBX-17548

Setting the “Do not keep history” option for an item

Using trend functions with high-frequency monitoring

With the specifics of “Do not keep history” in mind, we should now recall that starting from Zabbix 5.2 we have trend functions available at our disposal!
History functions such as trendavg, trendcount, trendmax, trendmin, trendsum allow us to perform different kinds of trend calculations – from counting the number of trend values to retrieving min/max/avg trend values for a time period.
This means, that if we require only the metric trend for specific time periods (hours, days, weeks, etc) we can use these trend functions together with “Do not keep history” option, thus discarding unnecessary data and improving our Zabbix server performance!
There are two approaches two using trend functions:
  • If you wish to collect and display the trend data, you need to create the item which will collect the metrics (say, a net.if.in Agent item for collecting incoming network traffic) and then create a separate calculated item that uses the trend function to calculate the avg/min/max value for the trend over a time period. The original item can then have “Do not keep history” option selected for it.

trendavg item for calculating hourly trends from the net.if.in[ifHCInOctets.5] item


  • If you wish to simply define triggers and react on long-term trends and are not required to collect the trend values, then we can skip the creation of the calculated item and simply use the trend function on the original item in the trigger.

This trigger fires if the hourly average trend value exceeds 100M.
Note: In this case only the original item is required.

By combining these approaches in our environment – using preprocessing when we wish to discard or transform the data and also implementing opting out of storing the history data, whenever this is appropriate, we can minimize the performance impact on our Zabbix instance. Add a layer of distributed Zabbix proxies on top of this and you can truly achieve a large, scalable Zabbix infrastructure optimized for high-frequency ingestion and processing of your data.

Coalescing Connections to Improve Network Privacy and Performance

Post Syndicated from Talha Paracha original https://blog.cloudflare.com/connection-coalescing-experiments/

Coalescing Connections to Improve Network Privacy and Performance

Coalescing Connections to Improve Network Privacy and Performance

Web pages typically have a large number of embedded subresources (e.g., JavaScript, CSS, image files, ads, beacons) that are fetched by a browser on page loads. Requests for these subresources can prompt browsers to perform further DNS lookups, TCP connections, and TLS handshakes, which can have a significant impact on how long it takes for the user to see the content and interact with the page. Further, each additional request exposes metadata (such as plaintext DNS queries, or unencrypted SNI in TLS handshake) which can have potential privacy implications for the user. With these factors in mind, we carried out a measurement study to understand how we can leverage Connection Coalescing (aka Connection Reuse) to address such concerns, and study its feasibility.


The web has come a long way and initially consisted of very simple protocols. One of them was HTTP/1.0, which required browsers to make a separate connection for every subresource on the page. This design was quickly recognized as having significant performance bottlenecks and was extended with HTTP pipelining and persistent connections in HTTP/1.1 revision, which allowed HTTP requests to reuse the same TCP connection. But, yet again, this was no silver bullet: while multiple requests could share the same connection, they still had to be serialized one after the other, so a client and server could only execute a single request/response exchange at any given time for each connection. As time passed, websites became more complex in structure and dynamic in nature, and HTTP/1.1 was identified as a major bottleneck. The only way to gain concurrency at the network layer was to use multiple TCP connections to the same origin in parallel, but this meant losing most benefits of persistent connections and ended up overloading the origin servers which were unable to meet the concurrency demand.

To address these performance limitations, the SPDY protocol was introduced over a decade later. SPDY supported stream multiplexing, where requests to and responses from the server used a single interleaved TCP connection, and allowed browsers to prioritize requests for critical subresources first — that were blocking page rendering. A modified variant of SPDY was standardized by the IETF as HTTP/2 in 2012 and published as RFC 7540 in 2015.

HTTP/2 and onwards retained this new standard for connection reuse. More specifically, all subresources on the same domain were able to reuse the same TCP/TLS (or UDP/QUIC) connection without any head-of-line blocking (at least on the application layer). This resulted in a single connection for all the subresources — reducing extraneous requests on page loads — potentially speeding up some websites and applications.

Interestingly, the protocol has a lesser-known feature to also enable subresources at different hostnames to be fetched over the same connection. We studied the real-world feasibility and benefits of this technique as an effort to improve users’ experience for websites across our network.

Coalescing Connections to Improve Network Privacy and Performance
Connection Coalescing allows reusing a TLS connection across different domains

Connection Coalescing

The technique is often referred to as Connection Coalescing and, to put it simply, is a way to access resources from different hostnames that are accessible from the same web server.

There are several reasons for why a single server could handle requests for different hosts, ranging from low-cost virtual hosting to the usage of CDNs and cloud providers (including Cloudflare, that acts as a reverse proxy for approximately 25 million Internet properties). Before going into the technical conditions required to enable connection coalescing, we should take a look at some benefits such a strategy can provide.

  • Privacy. When resources at different hostnames are loaded via separate TLS connections, those connections expose metadata to ISPs and other observers via the Server Name Indicator (SNI) field about the destinations that are being contacted (i.e., in the absence of encrypted SNI). This set of exposed SNI’s can allow an on-path adversary to fingerprint traffic and possibly determine user interactions on the webpage. On the other hand, coalesced requests for more than one hostname on a single connection exposes only one destination, and helps avoid such threats.
  • Performance. Additional TLS handshakes and TCP connections can incur significant costs in terms of cpu, memory and other resources. Thus, coalescing requests to use the same connection can optimize resource utilization.
  • Resource Prioritization. Multiplexing requests on a single connection means that applications have better visibility and more direct control over how related resources are prioritized and scheduled. In the absence of coalescing, the network properties (for example, route congestion) can interfere with the intended order of delivery for resources. This reliability gained through connection coalescing opens up new optimization opportunities to improve web page load times, among other things.

However, along with all these potential benefits, connection coalescing also has some associated risk factors that need to be considered in practice. First, TCP incorporates “fair” congestion control mechanisms — if there are ten connections on the same route, each gets approximately 1/10th of the total bandwidth. So with a route congested and bandwidth restricted, a client relying on multiple connections might be better off (for example, if they have five of the ten connections, their total share of bandwidth would be half). Second, browsers will use different parallelization routines for scheduling requests on multiple connections versus the same connection — it is not immediately clear whether the former or latter would perform better. Third, multiple connections exhibit an inherent form of load balancing for TLS-termination processes. That’s because multiple requests on the same connection must be answered by the same TLS-termination process that holds the session keys (often on the same physical server). So, it is important to study connection coalescing carefully before rolling it out widely.

With this context in mind, we studied the feasibility of connection coalescing on real-world traffic. More specifically, the two questions we wanted to answer were
(a) can we empirically demonstrate and quantify the theoretical benefits of connection coalescing?, and (b) could coalescing cause unintended side effects, such as performance degradation, due to the risks highlighted above?

In order to answer these questions, we first made the observation that a large number of Cloudflare customers request subresources from cdnjs — which is also powered by Cloudflare. For context, cdnjs has public JavaScript and CSS libraries (like jQuery), and is used by more than 12% of all websites on the Internet. One popular way these websites include resources from cdnjs is by using <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/..." ></script> HTML tags. But there are other ways as well, such as the usage of XMLHttpRequest or Fetch APIs. Regardless of the way these resources are included, browsers will need to fetch them for completely loading a website.

We then identified a list of approximately four thousand websites using Cloudflare (on the Free plan) that likely used cdnjs. We divided this list of sites into evenly-sized and randomly-picked control and experiment groups. Our plan was to enable coalescing only for the experiment group, so that subresource requests generated from their web pages for cdnjs could reuse existing connections. In this way, we were able to compare results obtained on the experiment group, with the ones for the control group, and attribute any differences observed to connection coalescing.

In order to signal browsers that the requests can be coalesced, we served cdnjs and the sites from the same IP address in a few regions around the world. This meant the same DNS responses for all the zones that were part of the study — eventually load balanced by our Anycast network. These sites also had TLS certificates that included cdnjs.

The above two conditions (same IP and compatible certificate) are required to achieve coalescing as per the HTTP/2 spec. However, the QUIC spec allows coalescing even if only the second condition is met. Major web browsers are yet to adopt the QUIC coalescing mechanism, and currently use only the HTTP/2 coalescing logic for both protocols.

Coalescing Connections to Improve Network Privacy and Performance
Requests to Experiment Group Zones and cdnjs being coalesced on the same TLS connection


We started noticing evidence of real-world coalescing from the day our experiment was launched. The following graph shows that approximately 50% of requests to cdnjs from our experiment group sites are coalesced (i.e., their TLS SNI does not equal cdnjs) as compared to 0% of requests from the control group sites.

Coalescing Connections to Improve Network Privacy and Performance
Coalesced Requests to cdnjs from Control and Experimental Group Zones

In addition, we conducted active measurements using our private WebPageTest instances at the landing pages of experiment and control sites — using the two well-supported browsers: Google Chrome and Firefox. From our results, Chrome created about 78% fewer TLS connections to cdnjs for our experiment group sites, as compared to the control group. But surprisingly, Firefox created just roughly 22% fewer connections. As TLS handshakes are computationally expensive because they involve cryptographic signatures and key exchange algorithms, fewer handshakes meant less CPU cycles spent by both the client and the server.

Upon further analysis, we were able to make two observations from the data:

  • A fraction of sites that never coalesced connections with either browser appeared to load subresources with CORS enabled (i.e., <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/..." integrity="sha512-894Y..." crossorigin="anonymous">). This is the default way cdnjs recommends inclusion of subresources, as CORS is needed for integrity checks that provide substantial mitigations against script-manipulation attacks. We do not recommend removing this attribute. Our testing also revealed that using XMLHttpRequest or Fetch APIs to load subresources disabled coalescing as well. It is unclear why browsers choose to not coalesce such connections, and we are in contact with the vendors to find out.
  • Although both Firefox and Chrome coalesced requests for cdnjs on existing connections, the reason for the discrepancy in the number of TLS connections to cdnjs (approximately 78% vs roughly 22%) is because Firefox appears to open new connections even if it does not end up using them.

After evaluating the potential benefits of coalescing, we wanted to understand if coalescing caused any unintended side effects. Hence, the final measurement we conducted was to check whether our experiments were detrimental to a website’s performance. We tracked Page Load Times (PLT) and Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) across a variety of stimulated network conditions using both Chrome and Firefox and found the results for experiment vs control group to not be statistically significant.

Coalescing Connections to Improve Network Privacy and Performance
Page load times for control and experiment group sites. Each site was loaded once, and the “fullyLoaded” metric from WebPageTest is reported


We consider our experimentation successful in determining the feasibility of connection coalescing and highlighting its potential benefits in terms of privacy and performance. More specifically, we observed the privacy benefits of coalescing in more than 50% of requests to cdnjs from real-world traffic. In addition, our active testing demonstrated that browsers create fewer TLS connections with coalescing enabled. Interestingly, our results also revealed that the benefits might not always occur (i.e., CORS-enabled requests, Firefox creating additional TLS connections despite coalescing). Finally, we did not find any evidence that coalescing can cause harm to real-world users’ experience on the Internet.

Some future directions we would like to explore include:

  • More aggressive connection reuse with multiple hostnames, while identifying conditions most suitable for coalescing.
  • Understanding how different connection reuse methods compare, e.g., IP-based coalescing vs. use of Origin Frames, and what effects do they have on user experience over the Internet.
  • Evaluating coalescing support among different browser vendors, and encouraging adoption of HTTP/3 QUIC based coalescing.
  • Reaping the full benefits of connection coalescing by experimenting with custom priority schemes for requests within the same connection.

Please send questions and feedback to [email protected]. We’re excited to continue this line of work in our effort to help build a better Internet! For those interested in joining our team please visit our Careers Page.

Measuring Hyper-Threading and Turbo Boost

Post Syndicated from Sung Park original https://blog.cloudflare.com/measuring-hyper-threading-and-turbo-boost/

Measuring Hyper-Threading and Turbo Boost

Measuring Hyper-Threading and Turbo Boost

We often put together experiments that measure hardware performance to improve our understanding and provide insights to our hardware partners. We recently wanted to know more about Hyper-Threading and Turbo Boost. The last time we assessed these two technologies was when we were still deploying the Intel Xeons (Skylake/Purley), but beginning with our Gen X servers we switched over to the AMD EPYC (Zen 2/Rome). This blog is about our latest attempt at quantifying the performance impact of Hyper-Threading and Turbo Boost on our AMD-based servers running our software stack.

Intel briefly introduced Hyper-Threading with NetBurst (Northwood) back in 2002, then reintroduced Hyper-Threading six years later with Nehalem along with Turbo Boost. AMD presented their own implementation of these technologies with Zen in 2017, but AMD’s version of Turbo Boost actually dates back to AMD K10 (Thuban), in 2010, when it used to be called Turbo Core. Since Zen, Hyper-Threading and Turbo Boost are known as simultaneous multithreading (SMT) and Core Performance Boost (CPB), respectively. The underlying implementation of Hyper-Threading and Turbo Boost differs between the two vendors, but the high-level concept remains the same.

Hyper-Threading or simultaneous multithreading creates a second hardware thread within a processor’s core, also known as a logical core, by duplicating various parts of the core to support the context of a second application thread. The two hardware threads execute simultaneously within the core, across their dedicated and remaining shared resources. If neither hardware threads contend over a particular shared resource, then the throughput can be drastically increased.

Turbo Boost or Core Performance Boost opportunistically allows the processor to operate beyond its rated base frequency as long as the processor operates within guidelines set by Intel or AMD. Generally speaking, the higher the frequency, the faster the processor finishes a task.

Simulated Environment

CPU Specification

Measuring Hyper-Threading and Turbo Boost

Our Gen X or 10th generation servers are powered by the AMD EPYC 7642, based on the Zen 2 microarchitecture. The vast majority of the Zen 2-based processors along with its successor Zen 3 that our Gen 11 servers are based on, supports simultaneous multithreading and Core Performance Boost.

Similar to Intel’s Hyper-Threading, AMD implemented 2-way simultaneous multithreading. The AMD EPYC 7642 has 48 cores, and with simultaneous multithreading enabled it can simultaneously execute 96 hardware threads. Core Performance Boost allows the AMD EPYC 7642 to operate anywhere between 2.3 to 3.3 GHz, depending on the workload and limitations imposed on the processor. With Core Performance Boost disabled, the processor will operate at 2.3 GHz, the rated base frequency on the AMD EPYC 7642. We took our usual simulated traffic pattern of 10 KiB cached assets over HTTPS, provided by our performance team, to generate a sustained workload that saturated the processor to 100% CPU utilization.


After establishing a baseline with simultaneous multithreading and Core Performance Boost disabled, we started enabling one feature at a time. When we enabled Core Performance Boost, the processor operated near its peak turbo frequency, hovering between 3.2 to 3.3 GHz which is more than 39% higher than the base frequency. Higher operating frequency directly translated into 40% additional requests per second. We then disabled Core Performance Boost and enabled simultaneous multithreading. Similar to Core Performance Boost, simultaneous multithreading alone improved requests per second by 43%. Lastly, by enabling both features, we observed an 86% improvement in requests per second.

Measuring Hyper-Threading and Turbo Boost

Latencies were generally lowered by either or both Core Performance Boost and simultaneous multithreading. While Core Performance Boost consistently maintained a lower latency than the baseline, simultaneous multithreading gradually took longer to process a request as it reached tail latencies. Though not depicted in the figure below, when we examined beyond p9999 or 99.99th percentile, simultaneous multithreading, even with the help of Core Performance Boost, exponentially increased in latency by more than 150% over the baseline, presumably due to the two hardware threads contending over a shared resource within the core.

Measuring Hyper-Threading and Turbo Boost

Production Environment

Moving into production, since our traffic fluctuates throughout the day, we took four identical Gen X servers and measured in parallel during peak hours. The only changes we made to the servers were enabling and disabling simultaneous multithreading and Core Performance Boost to create a comprehensive test matrix. We conducted the experiment in two different regions to identify any anomalies and mismatching trends. All trends were alike.

Before diving into the results, we should preface that the baseline server operated at a higher CPU utilization than others. Every generation, our servers deliver a noticeable improvement in performance. So our load balancer, named Unimog, sends a different number of connections to the target server based on its generation to balance out the CPU utilization. When we disabled simultaneous multithreading and Core Performance Boost, the baseline server’s performance degraded to the point where Unimog encountered a “guard rail” or the lower limit on the requests sent to the server, and so its CPU utilization rose instead. Given that the baseline server operated at a higher CPU utilization, the baseline server processed more requests per second to meet the minimum performance threshold.

Measuring Hyper-Threading and Turbo Boost


Due to the skewed baseline, when core performance boost was enabled, we only observed 7% additional requests per second. Next, simultaneous multithreading alone improved requests per second by 41%. Lastly, with both features enabled, we saw an 86% improvement in requests per second.

Measuring Hyper-Threading and Turbo Boost

Though we lack concrete baseline data, we can normalize requests per second by CPU utilization to approximate the improvement for each scenario. Once normalized, the estimated improvement in requests per second from core performance boost and simultaneous multithreading were 36% and 80%, respectively. With both features enabled, requests per second improved by 136%.

Measuring Hyper-Threading and Turbo Boost

Latency was not as interesting since the baseline server operated at a higher CPU utilization, and in turn, it produced a higher tail latency than we would have otherwise expected. All other servers maintained a lower latency due to their lower CPU utilization in conjunction with Core Performance Boost, simultaneous multithreading, or both.

Measuring Hyper-Threading and Turbo Boost

At this point, our experiment did not go as we had planned. Our baseline is skewed, and we only got half useful answers. However, we find experimenting to be important because we usually end up finding other helpful insights as well.

Let’s add power data. Since our baseline server was operating at a higher CPU utilization, we knew it was serving more requests and therefore, consumed more power than it needed to. Enabling Core Performance Boost allowed the processor to run up to its peak turbo frequency, increasing power consumption by 35% over the skewed baseline. More interestingly, enabling simultaneous multithreading increased power consumption by only 7%. Combining Core Performance Boost with simultaneous multithreading resulted in 58% increase in power consumption.

Measuring Hyper-Threading and Turbo Boost

AMD’s implementation of simultaneous multithreading appears to be power efficient as it achieves 41% additional requests per second while consuming only 7% more power compared to the skewed baseline. For completeness, using the data we have, we bridged performance and power together to obtain performance per watt to summarize power efficiency. We divided the non-normalized requests per second by power consumption to produce the requests per watt figure below. Our Gen X servers attained the best performance per watt by enabling just simultaneous multithreading.

Measuring Hyper-Threading and Turbo Boost


In our assessment of AMD’s implementation of Hyper-Threading and Turbo Boost, the original experiment we designed to measure requests per second and latency did not pan out as expected. As soon as we entered production, our baseline measurement was skewed due to the imbalance in CPU utilization and only partially reproduced our lab results.

We added power to the experiment and found other meaningful insights. By analyzing the performance and power characteristics of simultaneous multithreading and Core Performance Boost, we concluded that simultaneous multithreading could be a power-efficient mechanism to attain additional requests per second. Drawbacks of simultaneous multithreading include long tail latency that is currently curtailed by enabling Core Performance Boost. While the higher frequency enabled by Core Performance Boost provides latency reduction and more requests per second, we are more mindful that the increase in power consumption is quite significant.

Do you want to help shape the Cloudflare network? This blog was a glimpse of the work we do at Cloudflare. Come join us and help complete the feedback loop for our developers and hardware partners.

Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google

Post Syndicated from John Graham-Cumming original https://blog.cloudflare.com/benchmarking-edge-network-performance/

Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google

Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google

During Speed Week we’ve talked a lot about services that make the web faster. Argo 2.0 for better routing around bad Internet weather, Orpheus to ensure that origins are reachable from anywhere, image optimization to send just the right bits to the client, Tiered Cache to maximize cache hit rates and get the most out of Cloudflare’s new 25% bigger network, our expanded fiber backbone and more.

Those things are all great.

But it’s vital that we also measure the performance of our network and benchmark ourselves against industry players large and small to make sure we are providing the best, fastest service.

We recently ran a measurement experiment where we used Real User Measurement (RUM) data from the standard browser API to test the performance of Cloudflare and others in real-world conditions across the globe. We wanted to use third-party tests for this, but they didn’t have the granularity we wanted. We want to drill down to every single ISP in the world to make sure we optimize everywhere. We knew that in some places the answers we got wouldn’t be good, and we’d need to do work to improve our performance. But without detailed analysis across the entire globe we couldn’t know we were really the fastest or where we needed to improve.

In this blog post I’ll describe how that measurement worked and what the results are. But the short version is: Cloudflare is #1 in almost all cases whether you look at all the networks on the globe, or the top 1,000 largest, or the top 1,000 most active, and whether you look at mean timings or 95th percentile, and you measure how quickly a connection can be established, how long it takes for the first byte to arrive in a user’s web browser, or how long the complete download takes. And we’re not resting here, we’re committed to working network by network globally to ensure that we are always #1.

Why we measured

Commercial Internet measurement services (such as Cedexis, Catchpoint, Pingdom, ThousandEyes) already exist and perform the sorts of RUM measurements that Cloudflare used for this test. And we wanted to ensure that our test was as fair as possible and allowed each network to put its best foot forward.

We subscribe to the third party monitoring services already. And, when we looked at their data we weren’t satisfied.

First, we worried that the way they sampled wasn’t globally representative and was often skewed by measuring from the server, rather than the eyeball, side of the network. Or, even if operating from the eyeball side, could be skewed as artificial or tainted by bots and other automated traffic.

Second, it wasn’t granular enough. It showed our performance by country or region, but didn’t dive into individual networks and therefore obscured the details and outliers behind averages. While we looked good in third party tests, we didn’t trust them to be as thorough and accurate as we wanted. The goal isn’t to pick a test where we looked good. The goal was to be accurate and see where we weren’t good enough yet, so we could focus on those areas and improve. That’s why we had to build this ourselves.

We benchmark against others because it’s useful to know what’s possible. If someone else is faster than we are somewhere then it proves it’s possible. We won’t be satisfied until we’re at least as good as everyone else everywhere. Now we have the granular data to ensure that’ll happen. We plan our next update during Birthday Week when our target is to take 10% of networks where we’re not the fastest and become the fastest.

How we measured

To measure performance we did two things. We created a small internal team to do the measurements separate from the team that manages and optimizes our network. The goal was to show the team where we need to improve.

And to ensure that the other CDNs were tested using their most representative assets we used the very same endpoints that commercial measurement services use on the assumption that our competitors will have already ensured that those endpoints are optimized to show their networks’ best performance.

The measurements in this blog post are based on four days just before Speed Week began (2021-09-10 12:25:02 UTC to 2021-09-13 16:21:10 UTC). We took measurements of downloading exactly the same 100KB PNG file. We categorized them by the network the measurement was taken from. It’s identified by its ASN and a name. We’re not done with these measurements and will continue measuring and optimizing.

A 100KB file is a common test measurement used in the industry and allows us to measure network characteristics like the connection time, but also the total download time.

Before we get into results let’s talk a little about how the Internet fits together. The Internet is a network of networks that cooperate to form the global network that we all use. These networks are identified by a strangely named “autonomous system number” or ASN. The idea is that large networks (like ISPs, or cloud providers, or universities, or mobile phone companies) operate autonomously and then join the global Internet through a protocol called BGP (which we’ve written about in the past).

In a way the Internet is these ASNs and because the Internet is made of them we want to measure our performance for each ASN. Why? Because one part of improving performance is improving our connectivity to each ASN and knowing how we’re doing on a per-network basis helps enormously.

There are roughly 70,000 ASNs in the global Internet and during the measurement period we saw traffic from about 21,000 (exact number: 20,728) of them. This makes sense since not all networks are “external” (as in the source of traffic to websites); many ASNs are intermediaries moving traffic around the Internet.

For the rest of this blog we simply say “network” instead of “ASN”.

What we measured

Getting real user measurement data used to be hard but has been made easy for HTTP endpoints thanks to the Resource Timing API, supported by most modern browsers. This API allows a page to measure network timing data of fetched resources using high-resolution timestamps, accurate to 5 µs (microseconds).

The point of this API is to get timing information that shows how a real end-user experiences the Internet (and not a synthetic test that might measure a single component of all the things that happen when a user browses the web).

Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google

The Resource Timing API is supported by pretty much every browser enabling measurement on everything from old versions of Internet Explorer, to mobile browsers on iOS and Android to the latest version of Chrome. Using this API gives us a view of real world use on real world browsers.

We don’t just instruct the browser to download an image too. To make sure that we’re fair and replicate the real-life end-user experience, we make sure that no local caching was involved in the request, check if the object has been compressed by the server or not, take the HTTP headers size into account, and record if the connection has been pre-warmed or not, to name a few technical details.

Here’s a high-level example on how this works:

await fetch("https://example.com/100KB.png?r=7562574954", {
              mode: "cors",
              cache: "no-cache",
              credentials: "omit",
              method: "GET",


   connectEnd: 1400.3999999761581
   connectStart: 1400.3999999761581
   decodedBodySize: 102400
   domainLookupEnd: 1400.3999999761581
   domainLookupStart: 1400.3999999761581
   duration: 51.60000002384186
   encodedBodySize: 102400
   entryType: "resource"
   fetchStart: 1400.3999999761581
   initiatorType: "fetch"
   name: "https://example.com/100KB.png"
   nextHopProtocol: "h2"
   redirectEnd: 0
   redirectStart: 0
   requestStart: 1406
   responseEnd: 1452
   responseStart: 1428.5
   secureConnectionStart: 1400.3999999761581
   startTime: 1400.3999999761581
   transferSize: 102700
   workerStart: 0

To measure the performance of each CDN we downloaded an image from each, when a browser visited one of our special pages. Once every image is downloaded we record the measurements using a Cloudflare Workers based API.

The three measurements: TCP connection time, TTFB and TTLB

We focused on three measurements to illustrate how fast our network is: TCP connection time, TTFB and TTLB. Here’s why those three values matter.

TCP connection time is used to show how well-connected we are to the global Internet as it counts only the time taken for a machine to establish a connection to the remote host (before any higher level protocols are used). The TCP connection time is calculated as connectEnd – connectStart (see the diagram above).

TTFB (or time to first byte) is the time taken once an HTTP request has been sent for the first byte of data to be returned by the server. This is a common measurement used to show how responsive a server is. We calculate TTFB as responseStart – connectStart – (requestStart – connectEnd).

TTLB (or time to last byte) is the time taken to send the entire response to the web browser. It’s a good measure of how long a complete download takes and helps measure how good the server (or CDN) is at sending data. We calculate TTLB as responseEnd – connectStart – (requestStart – connectEnd).

We then produced two sets of data: mean and p95. The mean is a very well understood number for laypeople and gives the average user experience, but it doesn’t capture the breadth of different speeds people experience very well. Because it averages everything together it can miss skewed distributions of data (where lots of people get good performance and lots bad performance, for example).

To address the mean’s problems we also used p95, the 95th percentile. This number tells us what performance 95% of measurements fall below. That can be a hard number to understand, but you can think of it as the “reasonable worst case” performance for a user. Only 5% of measurements were worse than this number.

An example chart

As this blog contains a lot of data, let’s start with a detailed look at a chart of results. We compared ourselves against industry giants Google and Amazon CloudFront, industry pioneer Akamai and up and comer Fastly.

For each network (represented by an ASN) and for each CDN we calculated which CDN had the best performance. Here, for example, is a count of the number of networks on which each CDN had the best performance for TTFB. This particular chart shows p95 and includes data from the top 1,000 networks (by number of IPv4 addresses advertised).

In these charts, longer bars are better; the bars indicate the number of networks for which that CDN had the lowest TTFB at p95.

Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google

This shows that Cloudflare had the lowest time to first byte (the TTFB, or the time it took the first byte of content to reach their browser) at the 95th percentile for the largest number of networks in the top 1,000 (based on the number IPv4 addresses they advertise). Google was next, then Fastly followed by Amazon CloudFront and Akamai.

All three measures, TCP connection time, time to first byte and time to last byte, matter to the user experience. For this example, I focused on time to first byte (TTFB) because it’s such a common measure of responsiveness of the web. It’s literally the time it takes a web server to start responding to a request from a browser for a web page.

To understand the data we gathered let’s look at two large US-based ISPs: Cox and Comcast. Cox serves about 6.5 million customers and Comcast has about 30 million customers. We performed roughly 22,000 measurements on Cox’s network and 100,000 on Comcast’s. Below we’ll make use of measurement counts to rank networks by their size, here we see that our measurements and customer counts of Cox and Comcast track nicely.

Cox Communications has ASN 22773 and our data shows that the p95 TTFB for the five CDNs was as follows: Cloudflare 332.6ms, Fastly 357.6ms, Google 380.3ms, Amazon CloudFront 404.4ms and Akamai 441.5ms. In this case Cloudflare was the fastest and about 7% faster than the next CDN (Fastly) which was faster than Google and so on.

Looking at Comcast (with ASN 7922) we see p95 TTFB was 323.7ms (Fastly), 324.2ms (Cloudflare), 353.7ms (Google), 384.6ms (Akamai) and 418.8ms (Amazon CloudFront). Here Fastly (323.7ms) edged out Cloudflare (324.2ms) by 0.2%.

Figures like these go into determining which CDN is the fastest for each network for this analysis and the charts presented. At a granular level they matter to Cloudflare as we can then target networks and connectivity for optimization.

The results

Shown below are the results for three different measurement types (TCP connection time, TTFB and TTLB) with two different aggregations (mean and p95) and for three different groupings of networks.

The first grouping is the simplest: it’s all the networks we have data for. The second grouping is the one used above, the top 1,000 networks by number of IP addresses. But we also show a third grouping, top 1,000 networks by number of observations. That last group is important.

Top 1,000 networks by number of IP addresses is interesting (it includes the major ISPs) but it also includes some networks that have huge numbers of IP addresses available that aren’t necessarily used. These come about because of historical allocations of IP addresses organisations like the US Department of Defense.

Cloudflare’s testing reveals which networks are most used, and so we also report results for the top 1,000 networks by number of observations to get an idea of how we’re performing on networks with heavy usage.

Hence, we have 18 charts showing all combinations of (TCP connection time, TTFB, TTLB), (mean, p95) and (all networks, top 1,000 networks by IP count, top 1,000 networks by observations).

You’ll see that in two of the charts Cloudflare is not #1 of 18 (we’re #2). We’ll be working to make sure we’re #1 for every measurement over the next few weeks. Both of those are average times. We’re most interested in the p95 measurements because they show the “reasonable worst case” scenario for someone using the Internet. But as we go about optimizing performance we want to be #1 on every chart so that we’re top no matter how performance is measured.

TCP Connection Time

Let’s start with TCP connection time to get a sense of how well-connected the five companies we’ve measured. Recall that longer bars are better here, they indicate that the particular CDN was the highest performance for that many networks: more networks is better.

Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google
Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google
Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google

Time To First Byte (TTFB)

Next up is TTFB for the five companies. Once again, longer bars is better means more networks where that CDN had the lowest TTFB.

Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google
Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google
Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google

Time To Last Byte (TTLB)

And finally the TTLB measurements. Once again, longer bars is better means more networks where that CDN had the lowest TTLB.

Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google
Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google
Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google

Optimization Targets

Looking not just at where we are #1 but where we are #1 or #2 helps us see how quickly we can optimize our network to be #1 in more places. Examining the top 1,000 networks by observations we see that we’re currently #1 or #2 for TTFB in 69.9% of networks, for TTLB in 65.0% of networks and for TCP connection time in 70.5%.

To see how much optimization we need to do to go from #2 to #1 we looked at the three measures and see that median TTFB of the #1 network is 92.3%, median TTLB is 94.0% and TCP connection time is 91.5%.

The latter figure is very interesting because it shows that we can make big gains by optimizing network level routing.

Where’s the world map?

It’s very common to present data about Internet performance on maps. World maps look good but they obscure information. The reason is very simple: world maps show geography (and, depending on the projection, a very skewed version of the world’s actual countries and land masses).

Here’s an example world map with countries colored by who had the lowest TTLB at p95. Cloudflare is in orange, Amazon CloudFront in yellow, Google in purple, Akamai in red and Fastly in blue.

Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google

What that doesn’t show is population. And Cloudflare is interested in how well we perform for people. Consider Russia and Indonesia. Indonesia has double the population of Russia and about 1/10th of the land.

By focusing on networks we can optimize for the people who use the Internet. For example, Biznet is a major ISP in Indonesia with ASN 17451. Looking at TTFB at p95 (the same statistics we discussed earlier for US ISPs Cox and Comcast) we see that for Biznet users Cloudflare has the fastest p95 TTFB at 677.7ms, Fastly 744.0ms, Google 872.8ms, Amazon CloudFront 1,239.9 and Akamai 1,248.9ms.

What’s next

The data we’ve gathered gives us a granular view of every network that connects to Cloudflare. This allows us to optimize routes and over the coming days and weeks we’ll be using the data to further increase Cloudflare’s performance.

In just over a week it’s Cloudflare’s Birthday Week, and we are aiming to improve our performance in 10% of the networks where we are not #1 today. Stay tuned.