Tag Archives: Security, Identity & Compliance

Top 2021 AWS Security service launches security professionals should review – Part 1

Post Syndicated from Ryan Holland original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/top-2021-aws-security-service-launches-part-1/

Given the speed of Amazon Web Services (AWS) innovation, it can sometimes be challenging to keep up with AWS Security service and feature launches. To help you stay current, here’s an overview of some of the most important 2021 AWS Security launches that security professionals should be aware of. This is the first of two related posts; Part 2 will highlight some of the important 2021 launches that security professionals should be aware of across all AWS services.

Amazon GuardDuty

In 2021, the threat detection service Amazon GuardDuty expanded the internal AWS security intelligence it consumes to use more of the intel that AWS internal threat detection teams collect, including additional nation-state threat intelligence. Sharing more of the important intel that internal AWS teams collect lets you quickly improve your protection. GuardDuty also launched domain reputation modeling. These machine learning models take all the domain requests from across all of AWS, and feed them into a model that allows AWS to categorize previously unseen domains as highly likely to be malicious or benign based on their behavioral characteristics. In practice, AWS is seeing that these models often deliver high-fidelity threat detections, identifying malicious domains 7–14 days before they are identified and available on commercial threat feeds.

AWS also launched second generation anomaly detection for GuardDuty. Shortly after the original GuardDuty launch in 2017, AWS added additional anomaly detection for user behavior analytics and monitoring for unusual activity of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users. After receiving customer feedback that the original feature was a little too noisy, and that it was difficult to understand why some findings were generated, the GuardDuty analytics team rebuilt this functionality on an entirely new machine learning model, considerably reducing the number of detections and generating a more accurate positive-detection rate. The new model also added additional context that security professionals (such as analysts) can use to understand why the model shows findings as suspicious or unusual.

Since its introduction, GuardDuty has detected when AWS EC2 Role credentials are used to call AWS APIs from IP addresses outside of AWS. Beginning in early 2022, GuardDuty now supports detection when credentials are used from other AWS accounts, inside the AWS network. This is a complex problem for customers to solve on their own, which is why the GuardDuty team added this enhancement. The solution considers that there are legitimate reasons why a source IP address that is communicating with AWS services APIs might be different than the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance IP address, or a NAT gateway associated with the instance’s VPC. The enhancement also considers complex network topologies that route traffic to one or multiple VPCs—for example, AWS Transit Gateway or AWS Direct Connect.

Our customers are increasingly running container workloads in production; helping to raise the security posture of these workloads became an AWS development priority in 2021. GuardDuty for EKS Protection is one recent feature that has resulted from this investment. This new GuardDuty feature monitors Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) cluster control plane activity by analyzing Kubernetes audit logs. GuardDuty is integrated with Amazon EKS, giving it direct access to the Kubernetes audit logs without requiring you to turn on or store these logs. Once a threat is detected, GuardDuty generates a security finding that includes container details such as pod ID, container image ID, and associated tags. See below for details on how the new Amazon Inspector is also helping to protect containers.

Amazon Inspector

At AWS re:Invent 2021, we launched the new Amazon Inspector, a vulnerability management service that continually scans AWS workloads for software vulnerabilities and unintended network exposure. The original Amazon Inspector was completely re-architected in this release to automate vulnerability management and to deliver near real-time findings to minimize the time needed to discover new vulnerabilities. This new Amazon Inspector has simple one-click enablement and multi-account support using AWS Organizations, similar to our other AWS Security services. This launch also introduces a more accurate vulnerability risk score, called the Inspector score. The Inspector score is a highly contextualized risk score that is generated for each finding by correlating Common Vulnerability and Exposures (CVE) metadata with environmental factors for resources such as network accessibility. This makes it easier for you to identify and prioritize your most critical vulnerabilities for immediate remediation. One of the most important new capabilities is that Amazon Inspector automatically discovers running EC2 instances and container images residing in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR), at any scale, and immediately starts assessing them for known vulnerabilities. Now you can consolidate your vulnerability management solutions for both Amazon EC2 and Amazon ECR into one fully managed service.

AWS Security Hub

In addition to a significant number of smaller enhancements throughout 2021, in October AWS Security Hub, an AWS cloud security posture management service, addressed a top customer enhancement request by adding support for cross-Region finding aggregation. You can now view all your findings from all accounts and all selected Regions in a single console view, and act on them from an Amazon EventBridge feed in a single account and Region. Looking back at 2021, Security Hub added 72 additional best practice checks, four new AWS service integrations, and 13 new external partner integrations. A few of these integrations are Atlassian Jira Service Management, Forcepoint Cloud Security Gateway (CSG), and Amazon Macie. Security Hub also achieved FedRAMP High authorization to enable security posture management for high-impact workloads.

Amazon Macie

Based on customer feedback, data discovery tool Amazon Macie launched a number of enhancements in 2021. One new feature, which made it easier to manage Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets for sensitive data, was criteria-based bucket selection. This Macie feature allows you to define runtime criteria to determine which S3 buckets should be included in a sensitive data-discovery job. When a job runs, Macie identifies the S3 buckets that match your criteria, and automatically adds or removes them from the job’s scope. Before this feature, once a job was configured, it was immutable. Now, for example, you can create a policy where if a bucket becomes public in the future, it’s automatically added to the scan, and similarly, if a bucket is no longer public, it will no longer be included in the daily scan.

Originally Macie included all managed data identifiers available for all scans. However, customers wanted more surgical search criteria. For example, they didn’t want to be informed if there were exposed data types in a particular environment. In September 2021, Macie launched the ability to enable/disable managed data identifiers. This allows you to customize the data types you deem sensitive and would like Macie to alert on, in accordance with your organization’s data governance and privacy needs.

Amazon Detective

Amazon Detective is a service to analyze and visualize security findings and related data to rapidly get to the root cause of potential security issues. In January 2021, Amazon Detective added a convenient, time-saving integration that allows you to start security incident investigation workflows directly from the GuardDuty console. This new hyperlink pivot in the GuardDuty console takes findings directly from the GuardDuty console into the Detective console. Another time-saving capability added was the IP address drill down functionality. This new capability can be useful to security forensic teams performing incident investigations, because it helps quickly determine the communications that took place from an EC2 instance under investigation before, during, and after an event.

In December 2021, Detective added support for AWS Organizations to simplify management for security operations and investigations across all existing and future accounts in an organization. This launch allows new and existing Detective customers to onboard and centrally manage the Detective graph database for up to 1,200 AWS accounts.

AWS Key Management Service

In June 2021, AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) introduced multi-Region keys, a capability that lets you replicate keys from one AWS Region into another. With multi-Region keys, you can more easily move encrypted data between Regions without having to decrypt and re-encrypt with different keys for each Region. Multi-Region keys are supported for client-side encryption using direct AWS KMS API calls, or in a simplified manner with the AWS Encryption SDK and Amazon DynamoDB Encryption Client.

AWS Secrets Manager

Last year was a busy year for AWS Secrets Manager, with four feature launches to make it easier to manage secrets at scale, not just for client applications, but also for platforms. In March 2021, Secrets Manager launched multi-Region secrets to automatically replicate secrets for multi-Region workloads. Also in March, Secrets Manager added three new rules to AWS Config, to help administrators verify that secrets in Secrets Manager are configured according to organizational requirements. Then in April 2021, Secrets Manager added a CSI driver plug-in, to make it easy to consume secrets from Amazon EKS by using Kubernetes’s standard Secrets Store interface. In November, Secrets Manager introduced a higher secret limit of 500,000 per account to simplify secrets management for independent software vendors (ISVs) that rely on unique secrets for a large number of end customers. Although launched in January 2022, it’s also worth mentioning Secrets Manager’s release of rotation windows to align automatic rotation of secrets with application maintenance windows.

Amazon CodeGuru and Secrets Manager

In November 2021, AWS announced a new secrets detector feature in Amazon CodeGuru that searches your codebase for hardcoded secrets. Amazon CodeGuru is a developer tool powered by machine learning that provides intelligent recommendations to detect security vulnerabilities, improve code quality, and identify an application’s most expensive lines of code.

This new feature can pinpoint locations in your code with usernames and passwords; database connection strings, tokens, and API keys from AWS; and other service providers. When a secret is found in your code, CodeGuru Reviewer provides an actionable recommendation that links to AWS Secrets Manager, where developers can secure the secret with a point-and-click experience.

Looking ahead for 2022

AWS will continue to deliver experiences in 2022 that meet administrators where they govern, developers where they code, and applications where they run. A lot of customers are moving to container and serverless workloads; you can expect to see more work on this in 2022. You can also expect to see more work around integrations, like CodeGuru Secrets Detector identifying plaintext secrets in code (as noted previously).

To stay up-to-date in the year ahead on the latest product and feature launches and security use cases, be sure to read the Security service launch announcements. Additionally, stay tuned to the AWS Security Blog for Part 2 of this blog series, which will provide an overview of some of the important 2021 launches that security professionals should be aware of across all AWS services.

If you’re looking for more opportunities to learn about AWS security services, check out AWS re:Inforce, the AWS conference focused on cloud security, identity, privacy, and compliance, which will take place June 28-29 in Houston, Texas.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Ryan Holland

Ryan is a Senior Manager with GuardDuty Security Response. His team is responsible for ensuring GuardDuty provides the best security value to customers, including threat intelligence, behavioral analytics, and finding quality.


Marta Taggart

Marta is a Seattle-native and Senior Product Marketing Manager in AWS Security Product Marketing, where she focuses on data protection services. Outside of work you’ll find her trying to convince Jack, her rescue dog, not to chase squirrels and crows (with limited success).

New for Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer – Detector Library and Security Detectors for Log-Injection Flaws

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-for-amazon-codeguru-reviewer-detector-library-and-security-detectors-for-log-injection-flaws/

Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer is a developer tool that detects security vulnerabilities in your code and provides intelligent recommendations to improve code quality. For example, CodeGuru Reviewer introduced Security Detectors for Java and Python code to identify security risks from the top ten Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) categories and follow security best practices for AWS APIs and common crypto libraries. At re:Invent, CodeGuru Reviewer introduced a secrets detector to identify hardcoded secrets and suggest remediation steps to secure your secrets with AWS Secrets Manager. These capabilities help you find and remediate security issues before you deploy.

Today, I am happy to share two new features of CodeGuru Reviewer:

  • A new Detector Library describes in detail the detectors that CodeGuru Reviewer uses when looking for possible defects and includes code samples for both Java and Python.
  • New security detectors have been introduced for detecting log-injection flaws in Java and Python code, similar to what happened with the recent Apache Log4j vulnerability we described in this blog post.

Let’s see these new features in more detail.

Using the Detector Library
To help you understand more clearly which detectors CodeGuru Reviewer uses to review your code, we are now sharing a Detector Library where you can find detailed information and code samples.

These detectors help you build secure and efficient applications on AWS. In the Detector Library, you can find detailed information about CodeGuru Reviewer’s security and code quality detectors, including descriptions, their severity and potential impact on your application, and additional information that helps you mitigate risks.

Note that each detector looks for a wide range of code defects. We include one noncompliant and compliant code example for each detector. However, CodeGuru uses machine learning and automated reasoning to identify possible issues. For this reason, each detector can find a range of defects in addition to the explicit code example shown on the detector’s description page.

Let’s have a look at a few detectors. One detector is looking for insecure cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) policies that are too permissive and may lead to loading content from untrusted or malicious sources.

Detector Library screenshot.

Another detector checks for improper input validation that can enable attacks and lead to unwanted behavior.

Detector Library screenshot.

Specific detectors help you use the AWS SDK for Java and the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) in your applications. For example, there are detectors that can detect hardcoded credentials, such as passwords and access keys, or inefficient polling of AWS resources.

New Detectors for Log-Injection Flaws
Following the recent Apache Log4j vulnerability, we introduced in CodeGuru Reviewer new detectors that check if you’re logging anything that is not sanitized and possibly executable. These detectors cover the issue described in CWE-117: Improper Output Neutralization for Logs.

These detectors work with Java and Python code and, for Java, are not limited to the Log4j library. They don’t work by looking at the version of the libraries you use, but check what you are actually logging. In this way, they can protect you if similar bugs happen in the future.

Detector Library screenshot.

Following these detectors, user-provided inputs must be sanitized before they are logged. This avoids having an attacker be able to use this input to break the integrity of your logs, forge log entries, or bypass log monitors.

Availability and Pricing
These new features are available today in all AWS Regions where Amazon CodeGuru is offered. For more information, see the AWS Regional Services List.

The Detector Library is free to browse as part of the documentation. For the new detectors looking for log-injection flaws, standard pricing applies. See the CodeGuru pricing page for more information.

Start using Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer today to improve the security of your code.


How to secure API Gateway HTTP endpoints with JWT authorizer

Post Syndicated from Siva Rajamani original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-secure-api-gateway-http-endpoints-with-jwt-authorizer/

This blog post demonstrates how you can secure Amazon API Gateway HTTP endpoints with JSON web token (JWT) authorizers. Amazon API Gateway helps developers create, publish, and maintain secure APIs at any scale, helping manage thousands of API calls. There are no minimum fees, and you only pay for the API calls you receive.

Based on customer feedback and lessons learned from building the REST and WebSocket APIs, AWS launched HTTP APIs for Amazon API Gateway, a service built to be fast, low cost, and simple to use. HTTP APIs offer a solution for building APIs, as well as multiple mechanisms for controlling and managing access through AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) authorizers, AWS Lambda authorizers, and JWT authorizers.

This post includes step-by-step guidance for setting up JWT authorizers using Amazon Cognito as the identity provider, configuring HTTP APIs to use JWT authorizers, and examples to test the entire setup. If you want to protect HTTP APIs using Lambda and IAM authorizers, you can refer to Introducing IAM and Lambda authorizers for Amazon API Gateway HTTP APIs.


Before you can set up a JWT authorizer using Cognito, you first need to create three Lambda functions. You should create each Lambda function using the following configuration settings, permissions, and code:

  1. The first Lambda function (Pre-tokenAuthLambda) is invoked before the token generation, allowing you to customize the claims in the identity token.
  2. The second Lambda function (LambdaForAdminUser) acts as the HTTP API Gateway integration target for /AdminUser HTTP API resource route.
  3. The third Lambda function (LambdaForRegularUser) acts as the HTTP API Gateway integration target for /RegularUser HTTP API resource route.

IAM policy for Lambda function

You first need to create an IAM role using the following IAM policy for each of the three Lambda functions:

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Action": "logs:CreateLogGroup",
			"Resource": "arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:<AWS Account Number>:*"
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Action": [
			"Resource": [
				"arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:<AWS Account Number>:log-group:/aws/lambda/<Name of the Lambda functions>:*"

Settings for the required Lambda functions

For the three Lambda functions, use these settings:

Function name Enter an appropriate name for the Lambda function, for example:

  • Pre-tokenAuthLambda for the first Lambda
  • LambdaForAdminUser for the second
  • LambdaForRegularUser for the third

Choose Node.js 12.x

Permissions Choose Use an existing role and select the role you created with the IAM policy in the Prerequisites section above.

Pre-tokenAuthLambda code

This first Lambda code, Pre-tokenAuthLambda, converts the authenticated user’s Cognito group details to be returned as the scope claim in the id_token returned by Cognito.

	exports.lambdaHandler = async (event, context) => {
		let newScopes = event.request.groupConfiguration.groupsToOverride.map(item => `${item}-${event.callerContext.clientId}`)
	event.response = {
		"claimsOverrideDetails": {
			"claimsToAddOrOverride": {
				"scope": newScopes.join(" "),
  	return event

LambdaForAdminUser code

This Lambda code, LambdaForAdminUser, acts as the HTTP API Gateway integration target and sends back the response Hello from Admin User when the /AdminUser resource path is invoked in API Gateway.

	exports.handler = async (event) => {

		const response = {
			statusCode: 200,
			body: JSON.stringify('Hello from Admin User'),
		return response;

LambdaForRegularUser code

This Lambda code, LambdaForRegularUser , acts as the HTTP API Gateway integration target and sends back the response Hello from Regular User when the /RegularUser resource path is invoked within API Gateway.

	exports.handler = async (event) => {

		const response = {
			statusCode: 200,
			body: JSON.stringify('Hello from Regular User'),
		return response;

Deploy the solution

To secure the API Gateway resources with JWT authorizer, complete the following steps:

  1. Create an Amazon Cognito User Pool with an app client that acts as the JWT authorizer
  2. Create API Gateway resources and secure them using the JWT authorizer based on the configured Amazon Cognito User Pool and app client settings.

The procedures below will walk you through the step-by-step configuration.

Set up JWT authorizer using Amazon Cognito

The first step to set up the JWT authorizer is to create an Amazon Cognito user pool.

To create an Amazon Cognito user pool

  1. Go to the Amazon Cognito console.
  2. Choose Manage User Pools, then choose Create a user pool.
    Figure 1: Create a user pool

    Figure 1: Create a user pool

  3. Enter a Pool name, then choose Review defaults.
    Figure 2: Review defaults while creating the user pool

    Figure 2: Review defaults while creating the user pool

  4. Choose Add app client.
    Figure 3: Add an app client for the user pool

    Figure 3: Add an app client for the user pool

  5. Enter an app client name. For this example, keep the default options. Choose Create app client to finish.
    Figure 4: Review the app client configuration and create it

    Figure 4: Review the app client configuration and create it

  6. Choose Return to pool details, and then choose Create pool.
    Figure 5: Complete the creation of user pool setup

    Figure 5: Complete the creation of user pool setup

To configure Cognito user pool settings

Now you can configure app client settings:

  1. On the left pane, choose App client settings. In Enabled Identity Providers, select the identity providers you want for the apps you configured in the App Clients tab.
  2. Enter the Callback URLs you want, separated by commas. These URLs apply to all selected identity providers.
  3. Under OAuth 2.0, select the from the following options.
    • For Allowed OAuth Flows, select Authorization code grant.
    • For Allowed OAuth Scopes, select phone, email, openID, and profile.
  4. Choose Save changes.
    Figure 6: Configure app client settings

    Figure 6: Configure app client settings

  5. Now add the domain prefix to use for the sign-in pages hosted by Amazon Cognito. On the left pane, choose Domain name and enter the appropriate domain prefix, then Save changes.
    Figure 7: Choose a domain name prefix for the Amazon Cognito domain

    Figure 7: Choose a domain name prefix for the Amazon Cognito domain

  6. Next, create the pre-token generation trigger. On the left pane, choose Triggers and under Pre Token Generation, select the Pre-tokenAuthLambda Lambda function you created in the Prerequisites procedure above, then choose Save changes.
    Figure 8: Configure Pre Token Generation trigger Lambda for user pool

    Figure 8: Configure Pre Token Generation trigger Lambda for user pool

  7. Finally, create two Cognito groups named admin and regular. Create two Cognito users named adminuser and regularuser. Assign adminuser to both admin and regular group. Assign regularuser to regular group.
    Figure 9: Create groups and users for user pool

    Figure 9: Create groups and users for user pool

Configuring HTTP endpoints with JWT authorizer

The first step to configure HTTP endpoints is to create the API in the API Gateway management console.

To create the API

  1. Go to the API Gateway management console and choose Create API.
    Figure 10: Create an API in API Gateway management console

    Figure 10: Create an API in API Gateway management console

  2. Choose HTTP API and select Build.
    Figure 11: Choose Build option for HTTP API

    Figure 11: Choose Build option for HTTP API

  3. Under Create and configure integrations, enter JWTAuth for the API name and choose Review and Create.
    Figure 12: Create Integrations for HTTP API

    Figure 12: Create Integrations for HTTP API

  4. Once you’ve created the API JWTAuth, choose Routes on the left pane.
    Figure 13: Navigate to Routes tab

    Figure 13: Navigate to Routes tab

  5. Choose Create a route and select GET method. Then, enter /AdminUser for the path.
    Figure 14: Create the first route for HTTP API

    Figure 14: Create the first route for HTTP API

  6. Repeat step 5 and create a second route using the GET method and /RegularUser for the path.
    Figure 15: Create the second route for HTTP API

    Figure 15: Create the second route for HTTP API

To create API integrations

  1. Now that the two routes are created, select Integrations from the left pane.
    Figure 16: Navigate to Integrations tab

    Figure 16: Navigate to Integrations tab

  2. Select GET for the /AdminUser resource path, and choose Create and attach an integration.
    Figure 17: Attach an integration to first route

    Figure 17: Attach an integration to first route

  3. To create an integration, select the following values

    Integration type: Lambda function
    Integration target: LambdaForAdminUser

  4. Choose Create.
    NOTE: LambdaForAdminUser is the Lambda function you previously created as part of the Prerequisites procedure LambdaForAdminUser code.
    Figure 18: Create an integration for first route

    Figure 18: Create an integration for first route

  5. Next, select GET for the /RegularUser resource path and choose Create and attach an integration.
    Figure 19: Attach an integration to second route

    Figure 19: Attach an integration to second route

  6. To create an integration, select the following values

    Integration type: Lambda function
    Integration target: LambdaForRegularUser

  7. Choose Create.
    NOTE: LambdaForRegularUser is the Lambda function you previously created as part of the Prerequisites procedure LambdaForRegularUser code.
    Figure 20: Create an integration for the second route

    Figure 20: Create an integration for the second route

To configure API authorization

  1. Select Authorization from the left pane, select /AdminUser path and choose Create and attach an authorizer.
    Figure 21: Navigate to Authorization left pane option to create an authorizer

    Figure 21: Navigate to Authorization left pane option to create an authorizer

  2. For Authorizer type select JWT and under Authorizer settings enter the following details:

    Name: JWTAuth
    Identity source: $request.header.Authorization
    Issuer URL: https://cognito-idp.us-east1.amazonaws.com/<your_userpool_id>
    Audience: <app_client_id_of_userpool>
  3. Choose Create.
    Figure 22: Create and attach an authorizer to HTTP API first route

    Figure 22: Create and attach an authorizer to HTTP API first route

  4. In the Authorizer for route GET /AdminUser screen, choose Add scope in the Authorization Scope section and enter scope name as admin-<app_client_id> and choose Save.
    Figure 23: Add authorization scopes to first route of HTTP API

    Figure 23: Add authorization scopes to first route of HTTP API

  5. Now select the /RegularUser path and from the dropdown, select the JWTAuth authorizer you created in step 3. Choose Attach authorizer.
    Figure 24: Attach an authorizer to HTTP API second route

    Figure 24: Attach an authorizer to HTTP API second route

  6. Choose Add scope and enter the scope name as regular-<app_client_id> and choose Save.
    Figure 25: Add authorization scopes to second route of HTTP API

    Figure 25: Add authorization scopes to second route of HTTP API

  7. Enter Test as the Name and then choose Create.
    Figure 26: Create a stage for HTTP API

    Figure 26: Create a stage for HTTP API

  8. Under Select a stage, enter Test, and then choose Deploy to stage.
    Figure 27: Deploy HTTP API to stage

    Figure 27: Deploy HTTP API to stage

Test the JWT authorizer

You can use the following examples to test the API authentication. We use Curl in this example, but you can use any HTTP client.

To test the API authentication

  1. Send a GET request to the /RegularUser HTTP API resource without specifying any authorization header.
    curl -s -X GET https://a1b2c3d4e5.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/RegularUser

    API Gateway returns a 401 Unauthorized response, as expected.


  2. The required $request.header.Authorization identity source is not provided, so the JWT authorizer is not called. Supply a valid Authorization header key and value. You authenticate as the regularuser, using the aws cognito-idp initiate-auth AWS CLI command.
    aws cognito-idp initiate-auth --auth-flow USER_PASSWORD_AUTH --client-id <Cognito User Pool App Client ID> --auth-parameters USERNAME=regularuser,PASSWORD=<Password for regularuser>

    CLI Command response:

    	"ChallengeParameters": {},
    	"AuthenticationResult": {
    		"AccessToken": "6f5e4d3c2b1a111112222233333xxxxxzz2yy",
    		"ExpiresIn": 3600,
    		"TokenType": "Bearer",
    		"RefreshToken": "xyz123abc456dddccc0000",
    		"IdToken": "aaabbbcccddd1234567890"

    The command response contains a JWT (IdToken) that contains information about the authenticated user. This information can be used as the Authorization header value.

    curl -H "Authorization: aaabbbcccddd1234567890" -s -X GET https://a1b2c3d4e5.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/RegularUser

  3. API Gateway returns the response Hello from Regular User. Now test access for the /AdminUser HTTP API resource with the JWT token for the regularuser.
    curl -H "Authorization: aaabbbcccddd1234567890" -s -X GET "https://a1b2c3d4e5.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/AdminUser"

    API Gateway returns a 403 – Forbidden response.
    The JWT token for the regularuser does not have the authorization scope defined for the /AdminUser resource, so API Gateway returns a 403 – Forbidden response.

  4. Next, log in as adminuser and validate that you can successfully access both /RegularUser and /AdminUser resource. You use the cognito-idp initiate-auth AWS CLI command.
  5. aws cognito-idp initiate-auth --auth-flow USER_PASSWORD_AUTH --client-id <Cognito User Pool App Client ID> --auth-parameters USERNAME=adminuser,PASSWORD==<Password for adminuser>

    CLI Command response:

    	"ChallengeParameters": {},
    	"AuthenticationResult": {
    		"AccessToken": "a1b2c3d4e5c644444555556666Y2X3Z1111",
    		"ExpiresIn": 3600,
    		"TokenType": "Bearer",
    		"RefreshToken": "xyz654cba321dddccc1111",
    		"IdToken": "a1b2c3d4e5c6aabbbcccddd"

  6. Using Curl, you can validate that the adminuser JWT token now has access to both the /RegularUser resource and the /AdminUser resource. This is possible when adminuser is part of both Cognito groups, so the JWT token contains both authorization scopes.
    curl -H "Authorization: a1b2c3d4e5c6aabbbcccddd" -s -X GET https://a1b2c3d4e5.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/RegularUser

    API Gateway returns the response Hello from Regular User

    curl -H "Authorization: a1b2c3d4e5c6aabbbcccddd" -s -X GET https://a1b2c3d4e5.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/AdminUser

    API Gateway returns the following response Hello from Admin User


AWS enabled the ability to manage access to an HTTP API in API Gateway in multiple ways: with Lambda authorizers, IAM roles and policies, and JWT authorizers. This post demonstrated how you can secure API Gateway HTTP API endpoints with JWT authorizers. We configured a JWT authorizer using Amazon Cognito as the identity provider (IdP). You can achieve the same results with any IdP that supports OAuth 2.0 standards. API Gateway validates the JWT that the client submits with API requests. API Gateway allows or denies requests based on token validation along with the scope of the token. You can configure distinct authorizers for each route of an API, or use the same authorizer for multiple routes.

To learn more, we recommend:

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Siva Rajamani

Siva is a Boston-based Enterprise Solutions Architect. He enjoys working closely with customers and supporting their digital transformation and AWS adoption journey. His core areas of focus are Serverless, Application Integration, and Security.


Sudhanshu Malhotra

Sudhanshu is a Boston-based Enterprise Solutions Architect for AWS. He’s a technology enthusiast who enjoys helping customers find innovative solutions to complex business challenges. His core areas of focus are DevOps, Machine Learning, and Security. When he’s not working with customers on their journey to the cloud, he enjoys reading, hiking, and exploring new cuisines.


Rajat Mathur

Rajat is a Sr. Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. Rajat is a passionate technologist who enjoys building innovative solutions for AWS customers. His core areas of focus are IoT, Networking and Serverless computing. In his spare time, Rajat enjoys long drives, traveling and spending time with family.

C5 Type 2 attestation report now available with 141 services in scope

Post Syndicated from Mercy Kanengoni original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/c5-type-2-attestation-report-now-available-with-141-services-in-scope/

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is pleased to announce the issuance of the new Cloud Computing Compliance Controls Catalogue (C5) Type 2 attestation report. We added 18 additional services and service features to the scope of the 2021 report.

Germany’s national cybersecurity authority, Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI), established C5 to define a reference standard for German cloud security requirements. The C5 Type 2 report covers the time period from October 1, 2020, through September 30, 2021. It was issued by an independent third-party attestation organization, and assesses the design and the operational effectiveness of AWS’s controls against the new version C5:2020’s basic and additional criteria.

Customers in Germany and other European countries can use AWS’s attestation report to confirm that AWS meets the security requirements of the C5:2020 framework, and to review the details of the tested controls. This attestation demonstrates our commitment to meet and exceed the security expectations for cloud service providers set by the BSI.

AWS has added the following 18 services and service features to the new C5 scope:

You can see a current list of the services in scope for C5 on the AWS Services in Scope by Compliance Program page.

AWS strives to continuously bring services into scope of its compliance programs to help you meet your architectural and regulatory needs. Please reach out to your AWS account team if you have questions or feedback about the C5 report.

The C5 report and Continuing Operations Letter is available to AWS customers through AWS Artifact. For more information, see Cloud Computing Compliance Controls Catalogue (C5).

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Security Hub forum. To start your 30-day free trial of Security Hub, visit AWS Security Hub.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.

Mercy Kanengoni

Mercy Kanengoni

Mercy is a Security Audit Program Manager at AWS based in Manchester, UK. She leads security audits across Europe, and she has previously worked in security assurance and technology risk management.


Karthik Amrutesh

Karthik is a Senior Manager, Security Assurance at AWS based in New York, U.S. His team is responsible for audits, attestations, certifications, and assessments globally. Karthik has previously worked in risk management, security assurance, and technology audits for the past 18 years.

How to build a multi-Region AWS Security Hub analytic pipeline and visualize Security Hub data

Post Syndicated from David Hessler original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-build-a-multi-region-aws-security-hub-analytic-pipeline/

AWS Security Hub is a service that gives you aggregated visibility into your security and compliance posture across multiple Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts. By joining Security Hub with Amazon QuickSight—a scalable, serverless, embeddable, machine learning-powered business intelligence (BI) service built for the cloud—your senior leaders and decision-makers can use dashboards to empower data-driven decisions and facilitate a secure configuration of AWS resources

In organizations that operate at cloud scale, being able to summarize and perform trend analysis is key to identifying and remediating problems early, which leads to the overall success of the organization. Additionally, QuickSight dashboards can be embedded in dashboard and reporting platforms that leaders are already familiar with, making the dashboards even more user friendly.

With the solution in this blog post, you can provide leaders with cross-AWS Region views of data to enable decision-makers to assess the health and status of an organizations IT infrastructure at a glance. You also can enrich the dashboard with data sources not available to Security Hub. Finally, this solution allows you the flexibility to have multiple administrator accounts across several AWS organizations and combine them into a single view.

In this blog post, you will learn how to build an analytics pipeline of your Security Hub findings, summarize the data with Amazon Athena, and visualize the data via QuickSight using the following steps:

  • Deploy an AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) stack that builds the infrastructure you need to get started.
  • Create an Athena view that summarizes the raw findings.
  • Visualize the summary of findings in QuickSight.
  • Secure QuickSight using best practices.

For a high-level discussion without code examples please see Visualize AWS Security Hub Findings using Analytics and Business Intelligence Tools.


This blog post assumes that you:

  • Have a basic understanding of how to authenticate and access your AWS account.
  • Are able to run commands via a command line prompt on your local machine.
  • Have a basic understanding of Structured Query Language (SQL).

Solution overview

Figure 1 shows the flow of events and a high-level architecture diagram of the solution.

Figure 1. High level architecture diagram

Figure 1. High level architecture diagram

The steps shown in Figure 1 include:

  • Detect
  • Collect
  • Aggregate
  • Transform
  • Analyze
  • Visualize


AWS offers a number of tools to help detect security findings continuously. These tools fall into three types:

In this blog, you will use two built-in security standards of Security Hub—CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark controls and AWS Foundational Security Best Practices Standard—and a serverless Prowler scanner that acts as a third-party partner product. In cases where AWS Organizations is used, member accounts send these findings to the member account’s Security Hub


Within a region, security findings are centralized into a single administrator account using Security Hub.


Using the cross-Region aggregation feature within Security Hub, findings within each administrator account can be aggregated and continuously synchronized across multiple regions.


Security Hub not only provides a comprehensive view of security alerts and security posture across your AWS accounts, it also acts as a data sink for your security tools. Any tool that can expose data via AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF) can use the BatchImportFindings API action to push data to Security Hub. For more details, see Using custom product integration to send findings to AWS Security Hub and Available AWS service integrations in the Security Hub User Guide.


Data coming out of Security Hub is exposed via Amazon EventBridge. Unfortunately, it’s not quite in a form that Athena can consume. EventBridge streams data through Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose directly to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). From Amazon S3, you can create an AWS Lambda function that flattens and fixes some of the column names, such as by removing special characters that Athena cannot recognize. The Lambda function then saves the results back to S3. Finally, an AWS Glue crawler dynamically discovers the schema of the data and creates or updates an Athena table.


You will aggregate the raw findings data and create metrics along various grains or pivots by creating a simple yet meaningful Athena view. With Athena, you also can use views to join the data with other data sources, such as your organization’s configuration management database (CMDB) or IT service management (ITSM) system.


Using QuickSight, you will register the data sources and build visualizations that can be used to identify areas where security can be improved or reduce risk. This post shares steps detailing how to do this in the Build QuickSight visualizations section below.

Use AWS CDK to deploy the infrastructure

In order to analyze and visualize security related findings, you will need to deploy the infrastructure required to detect, ingest, and transform those findings. You will use an AWS CDK stack to deploy the infrastructure to your account. To begin, review the prerequisites to make sure you have everything you need to deploy the CDK stack. Once the CDK stack is deployed, you can deploy the actual infrastructure. After the infrastructure has been deployed, you will build an Athena view and a QuickSight visualization.

Install the software to deploy the solution

For the solution in this blog post, you must have the following tools installed:

  • The solution in this blog post is written in Python, so you must install Python in addition to CDK. Instructions on how to install Python version 3.X can be found on their downloads page.
  • AWS CDK requires node.js. Directions on how to install node.js can found on the node.js downloads page.
  • This CDK application uses Docker for local bundling. Directions for using Docker can be found at Get Docker.
  • AWS CDK—a software-development framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code and provisioning it through AWS CloudFormation. To install CDK, visit AWS CDK Toolkit page.

To confirm you have the everything you need

  1. Confirm you are running version 1.108.0 or later of CDK.

    $ cdk ‐‐version

  2. Download the code from github by cloning the repository. cd into the clone directory.

    $ git clone [email protected]:aws-samples/aws-security-hub-analytic-pipeline.git

    $ cd aws-security-hub-analytic-pipeline

  3. Manually create a virtualenv.

    $ python3 -m venv .venv

  4. After the initialization process completes and the virtualenv is created, you can use the following step to activate your virtualenv.

    $ source .venv/bin/activate

  5. If you’re using a Windows platform, use the following command to activate virtualenv:

    % .venv/Scripts/activate.bat

  6. Once the virtualenv is activated, you can install the required dependencies.

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Use AWS CDK to deploy the infrastructure into your account

The following steps use AWS CDK to deploy the infrastructure. This infrastructure includes the various scanners, Security Hub, EventBridge, and Kinesis Firehose streams. When complete, the raw Security Hub data will already be stored in an S3 bucket.

To deploy the infrastructure using AWS CDK

  1. If you’ve never used AWS CDK in the account you’re using or if you’ve never used CDK in the us-east-1, us-east-2, or us-west-1 Regions, you must bootstrap the regions via the command prompt.

    $ cdk bootstrap

  2. At this point, you can deploy the stack to your default AWS account via the command prompt.

    $ cdk deploy –all

  3. While cdk deploy is running, you will see the output in Figure 2. This is a prompt to ensure you’re aware that you’re making a security-relevant change and creating AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles. Enter y when prompted to continue the deployment process:

    Figure 2. CDK approval prompt to create IAM roles

    Figure 2. CDK approval prompt to create IAM roles

  4. Confirm cdk deploy is finished. When the deployment is finished, you should see three stack ARNs. It will look similar to Figure 3.

    Figure 3. Final output of CDK deploy

    Figure 3. Final output of CDK deploy

As a result of the deployed CDK code, Security Hub and the Prowler scanner will automatically scan your account, process the data, and send it to S3. While it takes less than an hour for some data to be processed and searchable in Athena, we recommend waiting 24 hours before proceeding to the next steps, to ensure enough data is processed to generate useful visualizations. This is because the remaining steps roll-up findings by the hour. Also, it takes several minutes to get initial results from the Security Hub standards and up to an hour to get initial results from Prowler.

Build an Athena view

Now that you’re deployed the infrastructure to detect, ingest, and transform security related findings, it’s time to use an Athena view to accomplish the analyze portion of the solution. The following view aggregates the number of findings for a given day. Athena views can be used to summarize data or enrich it with data from other sources. Use the following steps to build a simple example view. For more information on creating Athena views, see Working with Views.

To build an Athena view

  1. Open the AWS Management Console and ensure that the Region is set to us-east-1 (Northern Virginia).
  2. Navigate to the Athena service. If you’ve never used this service, choose Get Started to navigate to the Query Editor screen. Otherwise, the Query Editor screen is the default view.
  3. If you’re new to Athena, you also need to set up a query result location.
    1. Choose Settings in the top right of the Query Editor screen to open the settings panel.
    2. Choose Select to select a query result location.

      Figure 4. Athena settings

      Figure 4. Athena settings

    3. Locate an S3 bucket in the list that starts with analyticsink-queryresults and choose the right-arrow icon.
    4. Choose Select to select a query results bucket.

      Figure 5. Select S3 location confirmation

      Figure 5. Select S3 location confirmation

  4. Select AwsDataCatalog as the Data source and security_hub_database as the Database. The Query Editor screen should look like Figure 6.

    Figure 6. Empty query editor

    Figure 6. Empty query editor

  5. Copy and paste the following SQL in the query window:

    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW “security-hub-rolled-up-finding” AS

    “date_format”(“from_iso8601_timestamp”(updatedat), ‘%Y-%m-%d %H:00’) year_month_day
    , region
    , compliance_status
    , workflowstate
    , severity_label
    , COUNT(DISTINCT title) as cnt
    GROUP BY “date_format”(“from_iso8601_timestamp”(updatedat), ‘%Y-%m-%d %H:00’), compliance_status, workflowstate, severity_label, region

  6. Choose the Run query button.

If everything is correct, you should see Query successful in the Results, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Creating an Athena view

Figure 7. Creating an Athena view

Build QuickSight visualizations

Now that you’ve deployed the infrastructure to detect, ingest, and transform security related findings, and have created an Athena view to analyze those findings, it’s time to use QuickSight to visualize the findings. To use QuickSight, you must first grant QuickSight permissions to access S3 and Athena. Next you create a QuickSight data source. Third, you will create a QuickSight analysis. (Optional) When complete, you can publish the analysis.

You will build a simple visualization that shows counts of findings over time separated by severity, though it’s also possible to use QuickSight to tell rich and compelling visual stories.

In order to use QuickSight, you need to sign up for a QuickSight subscription. Steps to do so can be found in Signing Up for an Amazon QuickSight Subscription.

The first thing you need to do once logged in to QuickSight is create the data source. If this is your first time logging in to the service, you will be greeted with an initial QuickSight page as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8. Initial QuickSight page

Figure 8. Initial QuickSight page

Grant QuickSight access to S3 and Athena

While creating the Athena data source will enable QuickSight to query data from Athena, you also need to enable QuickSight to read from S3.

To grant QuickSight access to S3 and Athena

  1. Inside QuickSight, select your profile name (upper right). Choose Manage QuickSight, and then choose Security & permissions.
  2. Choose Add or remove.
  3. Ensure the checkbox next to Athena is selected.
  4. Ensure the checkbox next to Amazon S3 is selected.
  5. Choose Details and then choose Select S3 Buckets.
  6. Locate an S3 bucket in the list that starts with analyticsink-bucket and ensure the checkbox is selected.
    Figure 9. Example permissions

    Figure 9. Example permissions

  7. Choose Finish to save changes.

Create a QuickSight dataset

Once you’ve given QuickSight the necessary permissions, you can create a new dataset.

To create a QuickSight dataset

  1. Choose Datasets from the navigation pane at left. Then choose New Dataset.

    Figure 10. Dataset page

    Figure 10. Dataset page

  2. To create a new Athena connection profile, use the following steps:
    1. In the FROM NEW DATA SOURCES section, choose the Athena data source card.
    2. For Data source name, enter a descriptive name. For example: security-hub-rolled-up-finding.
    3. For Athena workgroup choose [ primary ].
    4. Choose Validate connection to test the connection. This also confirms encryption at rest.
    5. Choose Create data source.
  3. On the Choose your table screen, select:
    Catalog: AwsDataCatalog
    Database: security_hub_database
    Table: security-hub-rolled-up-finding
  4. Finally, select the Import to SPICE for quicker analytics option and choose Visualize.

Once you’re finished, the page to create your first analysis will automatically open. Figure 11 shows an example of the page.

Figure 11. Create an analysis page

Figure 11. Create an analysis page

Create a QuickSight analysis

A QuickSight analysis is more than just a visualization—it helps you uncover hidden insights and trends in your data, identify key drivers, and forecast business metrics. You can create rich analytic experiences with QuickSight. For more information, visit Working with Visuals in the QuickSight User Guide.

For simplicity, you’ll build a visualization that summarizes findings categories by severity and aggregated by hour.

To create a QuickSight analysis

  1. Choose Line Chart from the Visual Types.

    Figure 12. Visual types

    Figure 12. Visual types

  2. Select Fields. Figure 13 shows what your field wells should look like at the end of this step.
    1. Locate the year_month_day_hour field in the field list and drag it over to the X axis field well.
    2. Locate the cnt field in the field list and drag it over to the Value field well.
    3. Locate the severity_label field in the field list and drag it over to Color field well.

      Figure 13. Field wells

      Figure 13. Field wells

  3. Add Filters.
    1. Select Filter in the left navigation panel.

      Figure 14. Filters panel

      Figure 14. Filters panel

    2. Choose Create one… and select the compliance_status field.
    3. Expand the filter and clear NOT_AVAILABLE and PASSED (Note: depending on your data, you might not have all of these statuses).
    4. Choose Apply to apply the filter.

      Figure 15. Filtering out findings that are not failing

      Figure 15. Filtering out findings that are not failing

You should now see a visualization that looks like Figure 16, which shows a summary count of events and their severity.

Figure 16. Example visualization (note: this visualization has five days’ worth of data.)

Figure 16. Example visualization (note: this visualization has five days’ worth of data.)

Publish a QuickSight analysis dashboard (optional)

Publishing a dashboard is a great way to share reports with leaders. This two-step process allows you to share visualizations as a dashboard.

To publish a QuickSight analysis

  1. Choose Share on the application bar, then choose Publish dashboard.
  2. Select Publish new dashboard as, and then enter a dashboard name, such as Security Hub Findings by Severity.

You can also embed dashboards into web applications. This requires using the AWS SDK or through the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). For more information, see Embedding QuickSight Data Dashboards for Everyone.

Encouraged security posture in QuickSight

QuickSight has a number of security features. While the AWS Security section of the QuickSight User Guide goes into detail, here’s a summary of the standards that apply to this specific scenario. For more details see AWS security in Amazon QuickSight within the QuickSight user guide.

Clean up (optional)

When done, you can clean up QuickSight by removing the Athena view and the CDK stack. Follow the detailed steps below to clean up everything.

To clean up QuickSight

  1. Open the console and choose Datasets in the left navigation pane.
  2. Select security-hub-rolled-up-finding then choose Delete dataset.
  3. Confirm dataset deletion by choosing Delete.
  4. Choose Analyses from the left navigation pane.
  5. Choose the menu in the lower right corner of the security-hub-rolled-up-finding card.

    Figure 17. Example analysis card

    Figure 17. Example analysis card

  6. Select Delete and confirm Delete.

To remove the Athena view

  1. Paste the following SQL in the query window:

    DROP VIEW “security-hub-rolled-up-finding”

  2. Choose the Run query button.

To remove the CDK stack

  1. Run the following command in your terminal:

    cdk destroy

    Note: If you experience errors, you might need to reactivate your Python virtual environment by completing steps 3–5 of Use AWS CDK to deploy the infrastructure.


In this blog, you used Security Hub and QuickSight to deploy a scalable analytic pipeline for your security tools. Security Hub allowed you to join and collect security findings from multiple sources. With QuickSight, you summarized data for your senior leaders and decision-makers to give them the right data in real-time.

You ensured that your sensitive data remained protected by explicitly granting QuickSight the ability to read from a specific S3 bucket. By authorizing access only to the data sources needed to visualize your data, you ensure least privilege access. QuickSight supports many other AWS data sources, including Amazon RDS, Amazon Redshift, Lake Formation, and Amazon OpenSearch Service (successor to Amazon Elasticsearch Service). Because the data doesn’t live inside an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), you didn’t need to grant access to any specific VPCs. Limiting access to VPCs is another great way to improve the security of your environment.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Security Hub forum. To start your 30-day free trial of Security Hub, visit AWS Security Hub.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.

David Hessler

David Hessler

David is a senior cloud consultant with AWS Professional Services. He has over a decade of technical experience helping customers tackle their most challenging technical problems and providing tailor-made solutions using AWS services. He is passionate about DevOps, security automation, and how the two work together to allow customers to focus on what matters: their mission.

How to configure rotation and rotation windows for secrets stored in AWS Secrets Manager

Post Syndicated from Fatima Ahmed original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-configure-rotation-windows-for-secrets-stored-in-aws-secrets-manager/

November 21, 2022: We updated this post to reflect the fact that AWS Secrets Manager now supports rotating secrets as often as every four hours.

AWS Secrets Manager helps you manage, retrieve, and rotate database credentials, API keys, and other secrets throughout their lifecycles. You can specify a rotation window for your secrets, allowing you to rotate secrets during non-critical business hours or scheduled maintenance windows for your application. Secrets Manager now supports rotation of secrets as often as every four hours, on a predefined schedule you can configure to conform to your existing maintenance windows. Previously, you could only specify the rotation interval in days. AWS Secrets Manager would then rotate the secret within the last 24 hours of the scheduled rotation interval. You can rotate your secrets using an AWS Lambda rotation function provided by AWS, or create a custom Lambda rotation function.

With this release, you can now use Secrets Manager to automate the rotation of credentials and access tokens that must be refreshed more than once per day. This enables greater flexibility for common developer workflows through a single managed service. Additionally, you can continue to use integrations with AWS Config and AWS CloudTrail to manage and monitor your secret rotation configurations in accordance with your organization’s security and compliance requirements. Support for secrets rotation as often as every four hours is provided at no additional cost.

Why might you want to rotate secrets more than once a day? Rotating secrets more frequently can provide a number of benefits, including: discouraging the use of hard-coded credentials in your applications, reducing the scope of impact of a stolen credential, or helping you meet organizational requirements around secret rotation.

Hard-coding application secrets is not recommended, because it can increase the risk of credentials being written in logs, or accidentally exposed in code repositories. Using short-lived secrets limits your ability to hard-code credentials in your application. Short-lived secrets are rotated on a frequent basis: for example, every four hours – meaning even a hard-coded credential can only be used for a short period of time before it needs to be refreshed. This also means that if a credential is compromised, the impact is much smaller — the secret is only valid for a short period of time before the secret is rotated.

Secrets Manager supports familiar cron and rate expressions to specify rotation frequency and rotation windows. In this blog post, we will demonstrate how you can configure a secret to be rotated every four hours, how to specify a custom rotation window for your secret using a cron expression, and how you can set up a custom rotation window for existing secrets. This post describes the following processes:

  1. Create a new secret and configure it to rotate every four hours using the schedule expression builder
  2. Set up rotation window by directly specifying a cron expression
  3. Enabling a custom rotation window for an existing secret

Use case 1: Create a new secret and configure it to rotate every four hours using the schedule expression builder

Let’s assume that your organization has a requirement to rotate GitHub credentials every four hours. To meet this requirement, we will create a new secret in Secrets Manager to store the GitHub credentials, and use the schedule expression builder to configure rotation of the secret at a four-hour interval.

The schedule expression builder enables you to configure your rotation window to help you meet your organization’s specific requirements, without requiring knowledge of cron expressions. AWS Secrets Manager also supports directly entering a cron expression to configure the rotation window, which we will demonstrate later in this post.

To create a new secret and configure a four-hour secret rotation schedule

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console, and navigate to the Secrets Manager service.
  2. Choose Store a new secret.
    Figure 1: Store a secret in AWS Secrets Manager

    Figure 1: Store a secret in AWS Secrets Manager

  3. In the Secret type section, choose Other type of secret.
    Figure 2: Choose a secret type in Secrets Manager

    Figure 2: Choose a secret type in Secrets Manager

  4. In the Key/value pairs section, enter the GitHub credentials that you wish to store.
  5. Select your preferred encryption key to protect the secret, and then choose Next. In this example, we are using an AWS managed key.

    Note: Find more information to help you decide what encryption key is right for you.

  6. Enter a secret name of your choice in the Secret name field. You can optionally provide a Description of the secret, create tags, and add resource permissions to the secret. If desired, you can also replicate the secret to another region to help you meet your organization’s disaster recovery requirements by following the procedure in this blog post.
  7. Choose Next.
    Figure 3:Create a secret to store your Git credentials

    Figure 3:Create a secret to store your Git credentials

  8. Turn on Automatic rotation to enable rotation for the secret.
  9. Under Rotation schedule, choose Schedule expression builder.
    1. For Time unit, choose Hours, then enter a value of 4.
    2. Leave the Window duration field blank as the secret is to be rotated every 4 hours.
    3. For this example, keep the Rotate immediately when the secret is stored check box selected to rotate the secret immediately after creation
      Figure 4: Enable automatic rotation using the schedule expression builder

      Figure 4: Enable automatic rotation using the schedule expression builder

    4. Under Rotation function, choose your Lambda rotation function from the drop down menu.
    5. Choose Next.
    6. On the Secret review page, you are provided with an overview of the secret. Review the secret and scroll down to the Rotation schedule section.
    7. Confirm the Rotation schedule and Next rotation date meet your requirements.
      Figure 5:  Rotation schedule with a summary of the configured custom rotation window

      Figure 5: Rotation schedule with a summary of the configured custom rotation window

    8. Choose Store secret.
    9. To view the Rotation configuration for the secret, select the secret you created.
    10. On the Secrets details page, scroll down to the Rotation configuration section. The Rotation status is Enabled and the Rotation schedule is rate(4 hours). The name of your Lambda function being used for rotation is displayed.
      Figure 6: Rotation configuration of your secret

      Figure 6: Rotation configuration of your secret

You have now successfully stored a secret using the interactive schedule expression builder. This option provides a simple mechanism to configure rotation windows, and does not require expertise with cron expressions.

In the next example, we will be using the schedule expression option to directly enter a cron expression, to achieve a more complex rotation interval.

Use case 2: Set up a custom rotation window using a cron expression

The procedures described in the next two sections of this blog post require that you complete the following prerequisites:

  1. Configure an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) DB instance, including creating a database user.
  2. Sign in to the AWS Management Console using a role that has SecretsManagerReadWrite permission.
  3. Configure the Lambda function to connect with the Amazon RDS database and Secrets Manager by following the procedure in this blog post.

Configuring complicated rotation windows for secrets may be more effective using the schedule expression option, rather than the schedule expression builder. The schedule expression option allows you to directly enter a cron expression using a string of six inputs. Directly entering cron expressions provides more flexibility when defining a rotation schedule that is more complex.

Let’s suppose you have another secret in your organization which does not need to be rotated as frequently as others. Consequently, you’ve been asked to set up rotation for every last Sunday of the quarter and during the off-peak hours of 1:00 AM to 4:00 AM UTC to avoid application downtime. Due to the complex nature of the requirements, you will need to use the schedule expression option to write a cron job to achieve your use case.

Cron expressions consist of the following 6 required fields which are separated by a white space; Minutes, Hours, Day of month, Month, Day of week, and Year. Each required field has the following values using the syntax cron(fields).

Fields Values Wildcards
Minutes Must be 0 None
Hours 0-23 /
Day-of-month 1 – 31 , – * ? / L
Month 1-12 or JAN-DEC , – * /
Day-of-week 1-7 or SUN-SAT , – * ? L #
Year * accepts * only

Table 1: Secrets Manager supported cron expression fields and corresponding values

Wildcard Description
, The , (comma) wildcard includes additional values. In the Month field, JAN,FEB,MAR would include January, February, and March.
The – (dash) wildcard specifies ranges. In the Day field, 1-15 would include days 1 through 15 of the specified month.
* The * (asterisk) wildcard includes all values in the field. In the Month field, * would include every month.
/ The / (forward slash) wildcard specifies increments In the Month field, you could enter 1/3 to specify every 3rd month, starting from January. So 1/3 specifies the January, April, July, Oct.
? The ? (question mark) wildcard specifies one or another. In the day-of-month field you could enter 7 and then enter ? in the day-of-week field since the 7th of a month could be any day of a given week.
L The L wildcard in the Day-of-month or Day-of-week fields specifies the last day of the month or week. For example, in the week Sun-Sat, you can state 5L to specify the last Thursday in the month.
# The # wildcard in the Day-of-week field specifies a certain instance of the specified day of the week within a month. For example, 3#2 would be the second Tuesday of the month: the 3 refers to Tuesday because it is the third day of each week, and the 2 refers to the second day of that type within the month.

Table 2: Description of supported wilds cards for cron expression

As the use case is to setup a custom rotation window for the last Sunday of the quarter from 1:00 AM to 4:00 AM UTC, you’ll need to carry out the following steps:

To deploy the solution

  1. To store a new secret in Secrets Manager repeat steps 1-6 above.
  2. Once you’re on the Secret Rotation section of the Store a new secret screen, click on Automatic rotation to enable rotation for the secret.
  3. Under Rotation schedule, choose Schedule expression.
  4. In the Schedule expression field box, enter cron(0 1 ? 3/3 1L *).

    Fields Values Explanation
    Minutes 0 The use case does not have a specific minute requirement
    Hours 1 Ensures the rotation window starts from 1am UTC
    Day-of-month ? The use case does not require rotation to occur on a specific date in the month
    Month 3/3 Sets rotation to occur on the last month in a quarter
    Day-of-week 1L Ensures rotation occurs on the last Sunday of the month
    Year * Allows the rotation window pattern to be repeated yearly

    Table 3: Using cron expressions to achieve your rotation requirements

Figure 7: Enable automatic rotation using the schedule expression

Figure 7: Enable automatic rotation using the schedule expression

  1. On the Rotation function section choose your Lambda rotation function from the drop down menu.
  2. Choose Next.
  3. On the Secret review page, review the secret and scroll down to the Rotation schedule section. Confirm the Rotation schedule and Next rotation date meets your requirements.
    Figure 8: Rotation schedule with a summary of your custom rotation window

    Figure 8: Rotation schedule with a summary of your custom rotation window

  4. Choose Store.
  5. To view the Rotation configuration for this secret, select it from the Secrets page.
  6. On the Secrets details page, scroll down to the Rotation configuration section. The Rotation status is Enabled, the Rotation schedule is cron(0 1 ? 3/3 1L *) and the name of your Lambda function being used for your custom rotation is displayed.
    Figure 9: Rotation configuration section with a rotation status of Enabled

    Figure 9: Rotation configuration section with a rotation status of Enabled

Use case 3: Enabling a custom rotation window for an existing secret

If you already use AWS Secrets Manager as a way to store and rotate secrets for your Organization, you might want to take advantage of custom scheduled rotation on existing secrets. For this use case, to meet your business needs the secret must be rotated bi-weekly, every Saturday from 12am to 5am.

To deploy the solution

  1. On the Secrets page of the Secrets Manager console, chose the existing secret you want to configure rotation for.
  2. Scroll down to the Rotation configuration section of the Secret details page, choose Edit rotation.
    Figure 10: Rotation configuration section with a rotation status of Disabled

    Figure 10: Rotation configuration section with a rotation status of Disabled

  3. On the Edit rotation configuration pop-up window, turn on Automatic rotation to enable rotation for the secret.
  4. Under Rotation Schedule choose Schedule expression builder, optionally you can use the Schedule expression to create the custom rotation window.
    1. For the Time Unit choose Weeks, then enter a value of 2.
    2. For the Day of week choose Saturday from the drop-down menu.
    3. In the Start time field type 00. This ensures rotation does not start until 00:00 AM UTC.
    4. In the Window duration field type 5h. This provides Secrets Manager with a 5hr period to rotate the secret.
    5. For this example, keep the check box marked to rotate the secret immediately.
      Figure 11: Edit rotation configuration pop-up window

      Figure 11: Edit rotation configuration pop-up window

    6. Under Rotation function, choose the Lambda function which will be used to rotate the secret.
    7. Choose Save.
    8. On the Secrets details page, scroll down to the Rotation configuration section. The Rotation status is Enabled, the Rotation schedule is cron(0 00 ? * 7#2,7#4 *) and the name of the custom rotation Lambda function is visible.
      Figure 12:Rotation configuration section with a rotation status of Enabled

      Figure 12:Rotation configuration section with a rotation status of Enabled


Regular rotation of secrets is a Secrets Manager best practice that helps you to meet compliance requirements, for example for PCI DSS, which mandates the rotation of application secrets every 90 days, and to improve your security posture for databases and credentials. The ability to rotate secrets as often as every four hours helps you rotate secrets more frequently, and the rotation window feature helps you adhere to rotation best practices while still having the flexibility to choose a rotation window that suits your organizational needs. This allows you to use AWS Secrets Manager as a centralized location to store, retrieve, and rotate your secrets regardless of their lifespan, providing a uniform approach for secrets management. At the same time, the custom rotation window feature alleviates the need for applications to continuously refresh secret caches and manage retries for secrets that were rotated, as rotation will occur during your specified window when the application usage is low.

In this blog post, we showed you how to create a secret and configure the secret to be rotated every four hours using the schedule expression builder. The use case examples show how each feature can be used to achieve different rotation requirements within an organization, including using the schedule expression builder option to create your cron expression, as well as using the schedule expression feature to help meet more specific rotation requirements.

You can start using this feature through the AWS Secrets Manager console, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), AWS SDK, or AWS CloudFormation. To learn more about this feature, see the AWS Secrets Manager documentation. If you have feedback about this blog post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this blog post, start a new thread on AWS Secrets Manager re:Post or contact AWS Support.

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Faith Isichei

Faith Isichei

Faith is a Premium Support Security Engineer at AWS. She helps provide tailored secure solutions for a broad spectrum of technical issues faced by customers. She is interested in cybersecurity, cryptography, and governance. Outside of work, she enjoys travel, spending time with family, wordsearches, and sudoku.

Zach Miller

Zach Miller

Zach is a Senior Security Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. His background is in data protection and security architecture, focused on a variety of security domains, including cryptography, secrets management, and data classification. Today, he is focused on helping enterprise AWS customers adopt and operationalize AWS security services to increase security effectiveness and reduce risk.

Fatima Ahmed

Fatima is a Global Security Solutions Architect at AWS. She is passionate about cybersecurity and helping customers build secure solutions in the AWS Cloud. When she is not working, she enjoys time with her cat or solving cryptic puzzles.

Security practices in AWS multi-tenant SaaS environments

Post Syndicated from Keith P original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/security-practices-in-aws-multi-tenant-saas-environments/

Securing software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications is a top priority for all application architects and developers. Doing so in an environment shared by multiple tenants can be even more challenging. Identity frameworks and concepts can take time to understand, and forming tenant isolation in these environments requires deep understanding of different tools and services.

While security is a foundational element of any software application, specific considerations apply to SaaS applications. This post dives into the challenges, opportunities and best practices for securing multi-tenant SaaS environments on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

SaaS application security considerations

Single tenant applications are often deployed for a specific customer, and typically only deal with this single entity. While security is important in these environments, the threat profile does not include potential access by other customers. Multi-tenant SaaS applications have unique security considerations when compared to single tenant applications.

In particular, multi-tenant SaaS applications must pay special attention to identity and tenant isolation. These considerations are in addition to the security measures all applications must take. This blog post reviews concepts related to identity and tenant isolation, and how AWS can help SaaS providers build secure applications.


SaaS applications are accessed by individual principals (often referred to as users). These principals may be interactive (for example, through a web application) or machine-based (for example, through an API). Each principal is uniquely identified, and is usually associated with information about the principal, including email address, name, role and other metadata.

In addition to the unique identification of each individual principal, a SaaS application has another construct: a tenant. A paper on multi-tenancy defines a tenant as a group of one or more users sharing the same view on an application they use. This view may differ for different tenants. Each individual principal is associated with a tenant, even if it is only a 1:1 mapping. A tenant is uniquely identified, and contains information about the tenant administrator, billing information and other metadata.

When a principal makes a request to a SaaS application, the principal provides their tenant and user identifier along with the request. The SaaS application validates this information and makes an authorization decision. In well-designed SaaS applications, this authorization step should not rely on a centralized authorization service. A centralized authorization service is a single point of failure in an application. If it fails, or is overwhelmed with requests, the application will no longer be able to process requests.

There are two key techniques to providing this type of experience in a SaaS application: using an identity provider (IdP) and representing identity or authorization in a token.

Using an Identity Provider (IdP)

In the past, some web applications often stored user information in a relational database table. When a principal authenticated successfully, the application issued a session ID. For subsequent requests, the principal passed the session ID to the application. The application made authorization decisions based on this session ID. Figure 1 provides an example of how this setup worked.

Figure 1 - An example of legacy application authentication.

Figure 1 – An example of legacy application authentication.

In applications larger than a simple web application, this pattern is suboptimal. Each request usually results in at least one database query or cache look up, creating a bottleneck on the data store holding the user or session information. Further, because of the tight coupling between the application and its user management, federation with external identity providers becomes difficult.

When designing your SaaS application, you should consider the use of an identity provider like Amazon Cognito, Auth0, or Okta. Using an identity provider offloads the heavy lifting required for managing identity by having user authentication, including federation, handled by external identity providers. Figure 2 provides an example of how a SaaS provider can use an identity provider in place of the self-managed solution shown in Figure 1.

Figure 2 – An example of an authentication flow that involves an identity provider.

Figure 2 – An example of an authentication flow that involves an identity provider.

Once a user authenticates with an identity provider, the identity provider issues a standardized token. This token is the same regardless of how a user authenticates, which means your application does not need to build in support for multiple different authentication methods tenants might use.

Identity providers also commonly support federated access. Federated access means that a third party maintains the identities, but the identity provider has a trust relationship with this third party. When a customer tries to log in with an identity managed by the third party, the SaaS application’s identity provider handles the authentication transaction with the third-party identity provider.

This authentication transaction commonly uses a protocol like Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0. The SaaS application’s identity provider manages the interaction with the tenant’s identity provider. The SaaS application’s identity provider issues a token in a format understood by the SaaS application. Figure 3 provides an example of how a SaaS application can provide support for federation using an identity provider.

Figure 3 - An example of authentication that involves a tenant-provided identity provider

Figure 3 – An example of authentication that involves a tenant-provided identity provider

For an example, see How to set up Amazon Cognito for federated authentication using Azure AD.

Representing identity with tokens

Identity is usually represented by signed tokens. JSON Web Signatures (JWS), often referred to as JSON Web Tokens (JWT), are signed JSON objects used in web applications to demonstrate that the bearer is authorized to access a particular resource. These JSON objects are signed by the identity provider, and can be validated without querying a centralized database or service.

The token contains several key-value pairs, called claims, which are issued by the identity provider. Besides several claims relating to the issuance and expiration of the token, the token can also contain information about the individual principal and tenant.

Sample access token claims

The example below shows the claims section of a typical access token issued by Amazon Cognito in JWT format.

  "sub": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee",
  "cognito:groups": [
  "token_use": "access",
  "auth_time": 1562190524,
  "iss": "https://cognito-idp.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/us-west-2_example",
  "exp": 1562194124,
  "iat": 1562190524,
  "origin_jti": "bbbbbbbbb-cccc-dddd-eeee-aaaaaaaaaaaa",
  "jti": "cccccccc-dddd-eeee-aaaa-bbbbbbbbbbbb",
  "client_id": "12345abcde",

The principal, and the tenant the principal is associated with, are represented in this token by the combination of the user identifier (the sub claim) and the tenant ID in the cognito:groups claim. In this example, the SaaS application represents a tenant by creating a Cognito group per tenant. Other identity providers may allow you to add a custom attribute to a user that is reflected in the access token.

When a SaaS application receives a JWT as part of a request, the application validates the token and unpacks its contents to make authorization decisions. The claims within the token set what is known as the tenant context. Much like the way environment variables can influence a command line application, the tenant context influences how the SaaS application processes the request.

By using a JWT, the SaaS application can process a request without frequent reference to an external identity provider or other centralized service.

Tenant isolation

Tenant isolation is foundational to every SaaS application. Each SaaS application must ensure that one tenant cannot access another tenant’s resources. The SaaS application must create boundaries that adequately isolate one tenant from another.

Determining what constitutes sufficient isolation depends on your domain, deployment model and any applicable compliance frameworks. The techniques for isolating tenants from each other depend on the isolation model and the applications you use. This section provides an overview of tenant isolation strategies.

Your deployment model influences isolation

How an application is deployed influences how tenants are isolated. SaaS applications can use three types of isolation: silo, pool, and bridge.

Silo deployment model

The silo deployment model involves customers deploying one set of infrastructure per tenant. Depending on the application, this may mean a VPC-per-tenant, a set of containers per tenant, or some other resource that is deployed for each tenant. In this model, there is one deployment per tenant, though there may be some shared infrastructure for cross-tenant administration. Figure 4 shows an example of a siloed deployment that uses a VPC-per-tenant model.

Figure 4 - An example of a siloed deployment that provisions a VPC-per-tenant

Figure 4 – An example of a siloed deployment that provisions a VPC-per-tenant

Pool deployment model

The pool deployment model involves a shared set of infrastructure for all tenants. Tenant isolation is implemented logically in the application through application-level constructs. Rather than having separate resources per tenant, isolation enforcement occurs within the application. Figure 5 shows an example of a pooled deployment model that uses serverless technologies.

Figure 5 - An example of a pooled deployment model using serverless technologies

Figure 5 – An example of a pooled deployment model using serverless technologies

In Figure 5, an AWS Lambda function that retrieves an item from an Amazon DynamoDB table shared by all tenants needs temporary credentials issued by the AWS Security Token Service. These credentials only allow the requester to access items in the table that belong to the tenant making the request. A requester gets these credentials by assuming an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role. This allows a SaaS application to share the underlying infrastructure, while still isolating tenants from one another. See Isolation enforcement depends on service below for more details on this pattern.

Bridge deployment model

The bridge model combines elements of both the silo and pool models. Some resources may be separate, others may be shared. For example, suppose your application has a shared application layer and an Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) instance per tenant. The application layer evaluates each request and connects to the database for the tenant that made the request.

This model is useful in a situation where each tenant may require a certain response time and one set of resources acts as a bottleneck. In the RDS example, the application layer could handle the requests imposed by the tenants, but a single RDS instance could not.

The decision on which isolation model to implement depends on your customer’s requirements, compliance needs or industry needs. You may find that some customers can be deployed onto a pool model, while larger customers may require their own silo deployment.

Your tiering strategy may also influence the type of isolation model you use. For example, a basic tier customer might be deployed onto pooled infrastructure, while an enterprise tier customer is deployed onto siloed infrastructure.

For more information about different tenant isolation models, read the tenant isolation strategies whitepaper.

Isolation enforcement depends on service

Most SaaS applications will need somewhere to store state information. This could be a relational database, a NoSQL database, or some other storage medium which persists state. SaaS applications built on AWS use various mechanisms to enforce tenant isolation when accessing a persistent storage medium.

IAM provides fine grain access controls access for the AWS API. Some services, like Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and DynamoDB, provide the ability to control access to individual objects or items with IAM policies. When possible, your application should use IAM’s built-in functionality to limit access to tenant resources. See Isolating SaaS Tenants with Dynamically Generated IAM Policies for more information about using IAM to implement tenant isolation.

AWS IAM also offers the ability to restrict access to resources based on tags. This is known as attribute-based access control (ABAC). This technique allows you to apply tags to supported resources, and make access control decisions based on which tags are applied. This is a more scalable access control mechanism than role-based access control (RBAC), because you do not need to modify an IAM policy each time a resource is added or removed. See How to implement SaaS tenant isolation with ABAC and AWS IAM for more information about how this can be applied to a SaaS application.

Some relational databases offer features that can enforce tenant isolation. For example, PostgreSQL offers a feature called row level security (RLS). Depending on the context in which the query is sent to the database, only tenant-specific items are returned in the results. See Multi-tenant data isolation with PostgreSQL Row Level Security for more information about row level security in PostgreSQL.

Other persistent storage mediums do not have fine grain permission models. They may, however, offer some kind of state container per tenant. For example, when using MongoDB, each tenant is assigned a MongoDB user and a MongoDB database. The secret associated with the user can be stored in AWS Secrets Manager. When retrieving a tenant’s data, the SaaS application first retrieves the secret, then authenticates with MongoDB. This creates tenant isolation because the associated credentials only have permission to access collections in a tenant-specific database.

Generally, if the persistent storage medium you’re using offers its own permission model that can enforce tenant isolation, you should use it, since this keeps you from having to implement isolation in your application. However, there may be cases where your data store does not offer this level of isolation. In this situation, you would need to write application-level tenant isolation enforcement. Application-level tenant isolation means that the SaaS application, rather than the persistent storage medium, makes sure that one tenant cannot access another tenant’s data.


This post reviews the challenges, opportunities and best practices for the unique security considerations associated with a multi-tenant SaaS application, and describes specific identity considerations, as well as tenant isolation methods.

If you’d like to know more about the topics above, the AWS Well-Architected SaaS Lens Security pillar dives deep on performance management in SaaS environments. It also provides best practices and resources to help you design and improve performance efficiency in your SaaS application.

Get Started with the AWS Well-Architected SaaS Lens

The AWS Well-Architected SaaS Lens focuses on SaaS workloads, and is intended to drive critical thinking for developing and operating SaaS workloads. Each question in the lens has a list of best practices, and each best practice has a list of improvement plans to help guide you in implementing them.

The lens can be applied to existing workloads, or used for new workloads you define in the tool. You can use it to improve the application you’re working on, or to get visibility into multiple workloads used by the department or area you’re working with.

The SaaS Lens is available in all Regions where the AWS Well-Architected Tool is offered, as described in the AWS Regional Services List. There are no costs for using the AWS Well-Architected Tool.

If you’re an AWS customer, find current AWS Partners that can conduct a review by learning about AWS Well-Architected Partners and AWS SaaS Competency Partners.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Security Hub forum. To start your 30-day free trial of Security Hub, visit AWS Security Hub.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.

Keith P

Keith is a senior partner solutions architect on the SaaS Factory team.

Andy Powell

Andy is the global lead partner for solutions architecture on the SaaS Factory team.

How to automate AWS account creation with SSO user assignment

Post Syndicated from Rafael Koike original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-automate-aws-account-creation-with-sso-user-assignment/


AWS Control Tower offers a straightforward way to set up and govern an Amazon Web Services (AWS) multi-account environment, following prescriptive best practices. AWS Control Tower orchestrates the capabilities of several other AWS services, including AWS Organizations, AWS Service Catalog, and AWS Single Sign-On (AWS SSO), to build a landing zone very quickly. AWS SSO is a cloud-based service that simplifies how you manage SSO access to AWS accounts and business applications using Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0. You can use AWS Control Tower to create and provision new AWS accounts and use AWS SSO to assign user access to those newly-created accounts.

Some customers need to provision tens, if not hundreds, of new AWS accounts at one time and assign access to many users. If you are using AWS Control Tower, doing this requires that you provision an AWS account in AWS Control Tower, and then assign the user access to the AWS account in AWS SSO before moving to the next AWS account. This process adds complexity and time for administrators who manage the AWS environment while delaying users’ access to their AWS accounts.

In this blog post, we’ll show you how to automate creating multiple AWS accounts in AWS Control Tower, and how to automate assigning user access to the AWS accounts in AWS SSO, with the ability to repeat the process easily for subsequent batches of accounts. This solution simplifies the provisioning and assignment processes, while enabling automation for your AWS environment, and allows your builders to start using and experimenting on AWS more quickly.

Services used

This solution uses the following AWS services:

High level solution overview

Figure 1 shows the architecture and workflow of the batch AWS account creation and SSO assignment processes.

Figure 1: Batch AWS account creation and SSO assignment automation architecture and workflow

Figure 1: Batch AWS account creation and SSO assignment automation architecture and workflow

Before starting

This solution is configured to be deployed in the North Virginia Region (us-east-1). But you can change the CloudFormation template to run in any Region that supports all the services required in the solution.

AWS Control Tower Account Factory can take up to 25 minutes to create and provision a new account. During this time, you will be unable to use AWS Control Tower to perform actions such as creating an organizational unit (OU) or enabling a guardrail on an OU. As a recommendation, running this solution during a time period when you do not anticipate using AWS Control Tower’s features is best practice.

Collect needed information

Note: You must have already configured AWS Control Tower, AWS Organizations, and AWS SSO to use this solution.

Before deploying the solution, you need to first collect some information for AWS CloudFormation.

The required information you’ll need to gather in these steps is:

  • AWS SSO instance ARN
  • AWS SSO Identity Store ID
  • Admin email address
  • Amazon S3 bucket
  • AWS SSO user group ARN

Prerequisite information: AWS SSO instance ARN

From the web console

You can find this information under Settings in the AWS SSO web console as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: AWS SSO instance ARN

Figure 2: AWS SSO instance ARN

From the CLI

You can also get this information by running the following CLI command using AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI):

aws sso-admin list-instances

The output is similar to the following:

    "Instances": [
        "InstanceArn": "arn:aws:sso:::instance/ssoins-abc1234567",
        "IdentityStoreId": "d-123456abcd"

Make a note of the InstanceArn value from the output, as this will be used in the AWS SSO instance ARN.

Prerequisite information: AWS SSO Identity Store ID

This is available from either the web console or the CLI.

From the web console

You can find this information in the same screen as the AWS SSO Instance ARN, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: AWS SSO identity store ID

Figure 3: AWS SSO identity store ID

From the CLI

To find this from the AWS CLI command aws sso-admin list-instances, use the IdentityStoreId from the second key-value pair returned.

Prerequisite information: Admin email address

The admin email address notified when a new AWS account is created.

This email address is used to receive notifications when a new AWS account is created.

Prerequisite information: S3 bucket

The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where the AWS account list CSV files will be uploaded to automate AWS account creation.

This globally unique bucket name will be used to create a new Amazon S3 Bucket, and the automation script will receive events from new objects uploaded to this bucket.

Prerequisite information: AWS SSO user group ARN

Go to AWS SSO > Groups and select the user group whose permission set you would like to assign to the new AWS account. Copy the Group ID from the selected user group. This can be a local AWS SSO user group, or a third-party identity provider-synced user group.

Note: For the AWS SSO user group, there is no AWS CLI equivalent; you need to use the AWS web console to collect this information.

Figure 4: AWS SSO user group ARN

Figure 4: AWS SSO user group ARN

Prerequisite information: AWS SSO permission set

The ARN of the AWS SSO permission set to be assigned to the user group.

From the web console

To view existing permission sets using the AWS SSO web console, go to AWS accounts > Permission sets. From there, you can see a list of permission sets and their respective ARNs.

Figure 5: AWS SSO permission sets list

Figure 5: AWS SSO permission sets list

You can also select the permission set name and from the detailed permission set window, copy the ARN of the chosen permission set. Alternatively, create your own unique permission set to be assigned to the intended user group.

Figure 6: AWS SSO permission set ARN

Figure 6: AWS SSO permission set ARN

From the CLI

To get permission set information from the CLI, run the following AWS CLI command:

aws sso-admin list-permission-sets --instance-arn <SSO Instance ARN>

This command will return an output similar to this:

    "PermissionSets": [

If you can’t determine the details for your permission set from the output of the CLI shown above, you can get the details of each permission set by running the following AWS CLI command:

aws sso-admin describe-permission-set --instance-arn <SSO Instance ARN> --permission-set-arn <PermissionSet ARN>

The output will be similar to this:

    "PermissionSet": {
    "Name": "AWSPowerUserAccess",
    "PermissionSetArn": "arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-abc1234567/ps-abc123def4567890",
    "Description": "Provides full access to AWS services and resources, but does not allow management of Users and groups",
    "CreatedDate": "2020-08-28T11:20:34.242000-04:00",
    "SessionDuration": "PT1H"

The output above lists the name and description of each permission set, which can help you identify which permission set ARN you will use.

Solution initiation

The solution steps are in two parts: the initiation, and the batch account creation and SSO assignment processes.

To initiate the solution

  1. Log in to the management account as the AWS Control Tower administrator, and deploy the provided AWS CloudFormation stack with the required parameters filled out.

    Note: To fill out the required parameters of the solution, refer to steps 1 to 6 of the To launch the AWS CloudFormation stack procedure below.

  2. When the stack is successfully deployed, it performs the following actions to set up the batch process. It creates:
    • The S3 bucket where you will upload the AWS account list CSV file.
    • A DynamoDB table. This table tracks the AWS account creation status.
    • A Lambda function, NewAccountHandler.
    • A Lambda function, CreateManagedAccount. This function is triggered by the entries in the Amazon DynamoDB table and initiates the batch account creation process.
    • An Amazon CloudWatch Events rule to detect the AWS Control Tower CreateManagedAccount lifecycle event.
    • Another Lambda function, CreateAccountAssignment. This function is triggered by AWS Control Tower Lifecycle Events via Amazon CloudWatch Events to assign the AWS SSO Permission Set to the specified User Group and AWS account

To create the AWS Account list CSV file

After you deploy the solution stack, you need to create a CSV file based on this sample.csv and upload it to the Amazon S3 bucket created in this solution. This CSV file will be used to automate the new account creation process.

CSV file format

The CSV file must follow the following format:

Test-account-1,[email protected],[email protected],Fname-1,Lname-1,Test-OU-1,,,
Test-account-2,[email protected],[email protected],Fname-2,Lname-2,Test-OU-2,,,
Test-account-3,[email protected],[email protected],Fname-3,Lname-3,Test-OU-1,,,

Where the first line is the column names, and each subsequent line contains the new AWS accounts that you want to create and automatically assign that SSO user group to the permission set.

CSV fields

AccountName: String between 1 and 50 characters [a-zA-Z0-9_-]
SSOUserEmail: String with more than seven characters and be a valid email address for the primary AWS Administrator of the new AWS account
AccountEmail: String with more than seven characters and be a valid email address not used by other AWS accounts
SSOUserFirstName: String with the first name of the primary AWS Administrator of the new AWS account
SSOUserLastName: String with the last name of the primary AWS Administrator of the new AWS account
OrgUnit: String and must be an existing AWS Organizations OrgUnit
Status: String, for future use
AccountId: String, for future use
ErrorMsg: String, for future use

Figure 7 shows the details that are included in our example for the two new AWS accounts that will be created.

Figure 7: Sample AWS account list CSV

Figure 7: Sample AWS account list CSV

  1. The NewAccountHandler function is triggered from an object upload into the Amazon S3 bucket, validates the input file entries, and uploads the validated input file entries to the Amazon DynamoDB table.
  2. The CreateManagedAccount function queries the DynamoDB table to get the details of the next account to be created. If there is another account to be created, then the batch account creation process moves on to Step 4, otherwise it completes.
  3. The CreateManagedAccount function launches the AWS Control Tower Account Factory product in AWS Service Catalog to create and provision a new account.
  4. After Account Factory has completed the account creation workflow, it generates the CreateManagedAccount lifecycle event, and the event log states if the workflow SUCCEEDED or FAILED.
  5. The CloudWatch Events rule detects the CreateManagedAccount AWS Control Tower Lifecycle Event, and triggers the CreateManagedAccount and CreateAccountAssignment functions, and sends email notification to the administrator via AWS SNS.
  6. The CreateManagedAccount function updates the Amazon DynamoDB table with the results of the AWS account creation workflow. If the account was successfully created, it updates the input file entry in the Amazon DynamoDB table with the account ID; otherwise, it updates the entry in the table with the appropriate failure or error reason.
  7. The CreateAccountAssignment function assigns the AWS SSO Permission Set with the appropriate AWS IAM policies to the User Group specified in the Parameters when launching the AWS CloudFormation stack.
  8. When the Amazon DynamoDB table is updated, the Amazon DynamoDB stream triggers the CreateManagedAccount function for subsequent AWS accounts or when new AWS account list CSV files are updated, then steps 1-9 are repeated.

Upload the CSV file

Once the AWS account list CSV file has been created, upload it into the Amazon S3 bucket created by the stack.

Deploying the solution

To launch the AWS CloudFormation stack

Now that all the requirements and the specifications to run the solution are ready, you can launch the AWS CloudFormation stack:

  1. Open the AWS CloudFormation launch wizard in the console.
  2. In the Create stack page, choose Next.

    Figure 8: Create stack in CloudFormation

    Figure 8: Create stack in CloudFormation

  3. On the Specify stack details page, update the default parameters to use the information you captured in the prerequisites as shown in Figure 9, and choose Next.

    Figure 9: Input parameters into AWS CloudFormation

    Figure 9: Input parameters into AWS CloudFormation

  4. On the Configure stack option page, choose Next.
  5. On the Review page, check the box “I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources.” and choose Create Stack.
  6. Once the AWS CloudFormation stack has completed, go to the Amazon S3 web console and select the Amazon S3 bucket that you defined in the AWS CloudFormation stack.
  7. Upload the AWS account list CSV file with the information to create new AWS accounts. See To create the AWS Account list CSV file above for details on creating the CSV file.

Workflow and solution details

When a new file is uploaded to the Amazon S3 bucket, the following actions occur:

  1. When you upload the AWS account list CSV file to the Amazon S3 bucket, the Amazon S3 service triggers an event for newly uploaded objects that invokes the Lambda function NewAccountHandler.
  2. This Lambda function executes the following steps:
    • Checks whether the Lambda function was invoked by an Amazon S3 event, or the CloudFormation CREATE event.
    • If the event is a new object uploaded from Amazon S3, read the object.
    • Validate the content of the CSV file for the required columns and values.
    • If the data has a valid format, insert a new item with the data into the Amazon DynamoDB table, as shown in Figure 10 below.

      Figure 10: DynamoDB table items with AWS accounts details

      Figure 10: DynamoDB table items with AWS accounts details

    • Amazon DynamoDB is configured to initiate the Lambda function CreateManagedAccount when insert, update, or delete items are initiated.
    • The Lambda function CreateManagedAccount checks for update event type. When an item is updated in the table, this item is checked by the Lambda function, and if the AWS account is not created, the Lambda function invokes the AWS Control Tower Account Factory from the AWS Service Catalog to create a new AWS account with the details stored in the Amazon DynamoDB item.
    • AWS Control Tower Account Factory starts the AWS account creation process. When the account creation process completes, the status of Account Factory will show as Available in Provisioned products, as shown in Figure 11.

      Figure 11: AWS Service Catalog provisioned products for AWS account creation

      Figure 11: AWS Service Catalog provisioned products for AWS account creation

    • Based on the Control Tower lifecycle events, the CreateAccountAssignment Lambda function will be invoked when the CreateManagedAccount event is sent to CloudWatch Events. An AWS SNS topic is also triggered to send an email notification to the administrator email address as shown in Figure 12 below.

      Figure 12: AWS email notification when account creation completes

      Figure 12: AWS email notification when account creation completes

    • When invoked, the Lambda function CreateAccountAssignment assigns the AWS SSO user group to the new AWS account with the permission set defined in the AWS CloudFormation stack.

      Figure 13: New AWS account showing user groups with permission sets assigned

      Figure 13: New AWS account showing user groups with permission sets assigned

Figure 13 above shows the new AWS account with the user groups and the assigned permission sets. This completes the automation process. The AWS SSO users that are part of the user group will automatically be allowed to access the new AWS account with the defined permission set.

Handling common sources of error

This solution connects multiple components to facilitate the new AWS account creation and AWS SSO permission set assignment. The correctness of the parameters in the AWS CloudFormation stack is important to make sure that when AWS Control Tower creates a new AWS account, it is accessible.

To verify that this solution works, make sure that the email address is a valid email address, you have access to that email, and it is not being used for any existing AWS account. After a new account is created, it is not possible to change its root account email address, so if you input an invalid or inaccessible email, you will need to create a new AWS account and remove the invalid account.

You can view common errors by going to AWS Service Catalog web console. Under Provisioned products, you can see all of your AWS Control Tower Account Factory-launched AWS accounts.

Figure 14: AWS Service Catalog provisioned product with error

Figure 14: AWS Service Catalog provisioned product with error

Selecting Error under the Status column shows you the source of the error. Figure 15 below is an example of the source of the error:

Figure 15: AWS account creation error explanation

Figure 15: AWS account creation error explanation


In this post, we’ve shown you how to automate batch creation of AWS accounts in AWS Control Tower and batch assignment of user access to AWS accounts in AWS SSO. When the batch AWS accounts creation and AWS SSO user access assignment processes are complete, the administrator will be notified by emails from AWS SNS. We’ve also explained how to handle some common sources of errors and how to avoid them.

As you automate the batch AWS account creation and user access assignment, you can reduce the time you spend on the undifferentiated heavy lifting work, and onboard your users in your organization much more quickly, so they can start using and experimenting on AWS right away.

To learn more about the best practices of setting up an AWS multi-account environment, check out this documentation for more information.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

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Rafael Koike

Rafael is a Principal Solutions Architect supporting Enterprise customers in SouthEast and part of the Storage TFC. Rafael has a passion to build and his expertise in security, storage, networking and application development have been instrumental to help customers move to the cloud secure and fast. When he is not building he like to do Crossfit and target shooting.

Eugene Toh

Eugene Toh is a Solutions Architect supporting Enterprise customers in the Georgia and Alabama areas. He is passionate in helping customers to transform their businesses and take them to the next level. His area of expertise is in cloud migrations and disaster recovery and he enjoys giving public talks on the latest cloud technologies. Outside of work, he loves trying great food and traveling all over the world.

How to use tokenization to improve data security and reduce audit scope

Post Syndicated from Tim Winston original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-use-tokenization-to-improve-data-security-and-reduce-audit-scope/

Tokenization of sensitive data elements is a hot topic, but you may not know what to tokenize, or even how to determine if tokenization is right for your organization’s business needs. Industries subject to financial, data security, regulatory, or privacy compliance standards are increasingly looking for tokenization solutions to minimize distribution of sensitive data, reduce risk of exposure, improve security posture, and alleviate compliance obligations. This post provides guidance to determine your requirements for tokenization, with an emphasis on the compliance lens given our experience as PCI Qualified Security Assessors (PCI QSA).

What is tokenization?

Tokenization is the process of replacing actual sensitive data elements with non-sensitive data elements that have no exploitable value for data security purposes. Security-sensitive applications use tokenization to replace sensitive data, such as personally identifiable information (PII) or protected health information (PHI), with tokens to reduce security risks.

De-tokenization returns the original data element for a provided token. Applications may require access to the original data, or an element of the original data, for decisions, analysis, or personalized messaging. To minimize the need to de-tokenize data and to reduce security exposure, tokens can retain attributes of the original data to enable processing and analysis using token values instead of the original data. Common characteristics tokens may retain from the original data are:

Format attributes

Length for compatibility with storage and reports of applications written for the original data
Character set for compatibility with display and data validation of existing applications
Preserved character positions such as first 6 and last 4 for credit card PAN

Analytics attributes

Mapping consistency where the same data always results in the same token
Sort order

Retaining functional attributes in tokens must be implemented in ways that do not defeat the security of the tokenization process. Using attribute preservation functions can possibly reduce the security of a specific tokenization implementation. Limiting the scope and access to tokens addresses limitations introduced when using attribute retention.

Why tokenize? Common use cases

I need to reduce my compliance scope

Tokens are generally not subject to compliance requirements if there is sufficient separation of the tokenization implementation and the applications using the tokens. Encrypted sensitive data may not reduce compliance obligations or scope. Such industry regulatory standards as PCI DSS 3.2.1 still consider systems that store, process, or transmit encrypted cardholder data as in-scope for assessment; whereas tokenized data may remove those systems from assessment scope. A common use case for PCI DSS compliance is replacing PAN with tokens in data sent to a service provider, which keeps the service provider from being subject to PCI DSS.

I need to restrict sensitive data to only those with a “need-to-know”

Tokenization can be used to add a layer of explicit access controls to de-tokenization of individual data items, which can be used to implement and demonstrate least-privileged access to sensitive data. For instances where data may be co-mingled in a common repository such as a data lake, tokenization can help ensure that only those with the appropriate access can perform the de-tokenization process and reveal sensitive data.

I need to avoid sharing sensitive data with my service providers

Replacing sensitive data with tokens before providing it to service providers who have no access to de-tokenize data can eliminate the risk of having sensitive data within service providers’ control, and avoid having compliance requirements apply to their environments. This is common for customers involved in the payment process, which provides tokenization services to merchants that tokenize the card holder data, and return back to their customers a token they can use to complete card purchase transactions.

I need to simplify data lake security and compliance

A data lake centralized repository allows you to store all your structured and unstructured data at any scale, to be used later for not-yet-determined analysis. Having multiple sources and data stored in multiple structured and unstructured formats creates complications for demonstrating data protection controls for regulatory compliance. Ideally, sensitive data should not be ingested at all; however, that is not always feasible. Where ingestion of such data is necessary, tokenization at each data source can keep compliance-subject data out of data lakes, and help avoid compliance implications. Using tokens that retain data attributes, such as data-to-token consistency (idempotence) can support many of the analytical capabilities that make it useful to store data in the data lake.

I want to allow sensitive data to be used for other purposes, such as analytics

Your organization may want to perform analytics on the sensitive data for other business purposes, such as marketing metrics, and reporting. By tokenizing the data, you can minimize the locations where sensitive data is allowed, and provide tokens to users and applications needing to conduct data analysis. This allows numerous applications and processes to access the token data and maintain security of the original sensitive data.

I want to use tokenization for threat mitigation

Using tokenization can help you mitigate threats identified in your workload threat model, depending on where and how tokenization is implemented. At the point where the sensitive data is tokenized, the sensitive data element is replaced with a non-sensitive equivalent throughout the data lifecycle, and across the data flow. Some important questions to ask are:

  • What are the in-scope compliance, regulatory, privacy, or security requirements for the data that will be tokenized?
  • When does the sensitive data need to be tokenized in order to meet security and scope reduction objectives?
  • What attack vector is being addressed for the sensitive data by tokenizing it?
  • Where is the tokenized data being hosted? Is it in a trusted environment or an untrusted environment?

For additional information on threat modeling, see the AWS security blog post How to approach threat modeling.

Tokenization or encryption consideration

Tokens can provide the ability to retain processing value of the data while still managing the data exposure risk and compliance scope. Encryption is the foundational mechanism for providing data confidentiality.

Encryption rarely results in cipher text with a similar format to the original data, and may prevent data analysis, or require consuming applications to adapt.

Your decision to use tokenization instead of encryption should be based on the following:

Reduction of compliance scope As discussed above, by properly utilizing tokenization to obfuscate sensitive data you may be able to reduce the scope of certain framework assessments such as PCI DSS 3.2.1.
Format attributes Used for compatibility with existing software and processes.
Analytics attributes Used to support planned data analysis and reporting.
Elimination of encryption key management A tokenization solution has one essential API—create token—and one optional API—retrieve value from token. Managing access controls can be simpler than some non-AWS native general purpose cryptographic key use policies. In addition, the compromise of the encryption key compromises all data encrypted by that key, both past and future. The compromise of the token database compromises only existing tokens.

Where encryption may make more sense

Although scope reduction, data analytics, threat mitigation, and data masking for the protection of sensitive data make very powerful arguments for tokenization, we acknowledge there may be instances where encryption is the more appropriate solution. Ask yourself these questions to gain better clarity on which solution is right for your company’s use case.

Scalability If you require a solution that scales to large data volumes, and have the availability to leverage encryption solutions that require minimal key management overhead, such as AWS Key Management Services (AWS KMS), then encryption may be right for you.
Data format If you need to secure data that is unstructured, then encryption may be the better option given the flexibility of encryption at various layers and formats.
Data sharing with 3rd parties If you need to share sensitive data in its original format and value with a 3rd party, then encryption may be the appropriate solution to minimize external access to your token vault for de-tokenization processes.

What type of tokenization solution is right for your business?

When trying to decide which tokenization solution to use, your organization should first define your business requirements and use cases.

  1. What are your own specific use cases for tokenized data, and what is your business goal? Identifying which use cases apply to your business and what the end state should be is important when determining the correct solution for your needs.
  2. What type of data does your organization want to tokenize? Understanding what data elements you want to tokenize, and what that tokenized data will be used for may impact your decision about which type of solution to use.
  3. Do the tokens need to be deterministic, the same data always producing the same token? Knowing how the data will be ingested or used by other applications and processes may rule out certain tokenization solutions.
  4. Will tokens be used internally only, or will the tokens be shared across other business units and applications? Identifying a need for shared tokens may increase the risk of token exposure and, therefore, impact your decisions about which tokenization solution to use.
  5. How long does a token need to be valid? You will need to identify a solution that can meet your use cases, internal security policies, and regulatory framework requirements.

Choosing between self-managed tokenization or tokenization as a service

Do you want to manage the tokenization within your organization, or use Tokenization as a Service (TaaS) offered by a third-party service provider? Some advantages to managing the tokenization solution with your company employees and resources are the ability to direct and prioritize the work needed to implement and maintain the solution, customizing the solution to the application’s exact needs, and building the subject matter expertise to remove a dependency on a third party. The primary advantages of a TaaS solution are that it is already complete, and the security of both tokenization and access controls are well tested. Additionally, TaaS inherently demonstrates separation of duties, because privileged access to the tokenization environment is owned by the tokenization provider.

Choosing a reversible tokenization solution

Do you have a business need to retrieve the original data from the token value? Reversible tokens can be valuable to avoid sharing sensitive data with internal or third-party service providers in payments and other financial services. Because the service providers are passed only tokens, they can avoid accepting additional security risk and compliance scope. If your company implements or allows de-tokenization, you will need to be able to demonstrate strict controls on the management and use of de-tokenization privilege. Eliminating the implementation of de-tokenization is the clearest way to demonstrate that downstream applications cannot have sensitive data. Given the security and compliance risks of converting tokenized data back into its original data format, this process should be highly monitored, and you should have appropriate alerting in place to detect each time this activity is performed.

Operational considerations when deciding on a tokenization solution

While operational considerations are outside the scope of this post, they are important factors for choosing a solution. Throughput, latency, deployment architecture, resiliency, batch capability, and multi-regional support can impact the tokenization solution of choice. Integration mechanisms with identity and access control and logging architectures, for example, are important for compliance controls and evidence creation.

No matter which deployment model you choose, the tokenization solution needs to meet security standards, similar to encryption standards, and must prevent determining what the original data is from the token values.


Using tokenization solutions to replace sensitive data offers many security and compliance benefits. These benefits include lowered security risk and smaller audit scope, resulting in lower compliance costs and a reduction in regulatory data handling requirements.

Your company may want to use sensitive data in new and innovative ways, such as developing personalized offerings that use predictive analysis and consumer usage trends and patterns, fraud monitoring and minimizing financial risk based on suspicious activity analysis, or developing business intelligence to improve strategic planning and business performance. If you implement a tokenization solution, your organization can alleviate some of the regulatory burden of protecting sensitive data while implementing solutions that use obfuscated data for analytics.

On the other hand, tokenization may also add complexity to your systems and applications, as well as adding additional costs to maintain those systems and applications. If you use a third-party tokenization solution, there is a possibility of being locked into that service provider due to the specific token schema they may use, and switching between providers may be costly. It can also be challenging to integrate tokenization into all applications that use the subject data.

In this post, we have described some considerations to help you determine if tokenization is right for you, what to consider when deciding which type of tokenization solution to use, and the benefits. disadvantages, and comparison of tokenization and encryption. When choosing a tokenization solution, it’s important for you to identify and understand all of your organizational requirements. This post is intended to generate questions your organization should answer to make the right decisions concerning tokenization.

You have many options available to tokenize your AWS workloads. After your organization has determined the type of tokenization solution to implement based on your own business requirements, explore the tokenization solution options available in AWS Marketplace. You can also build your own solution using AWS guides and blog posts. For further reading, see this blog post: Building a serverless tokenization solution to mask sensitive data.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon Security Assurance Services or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Tim Winston

Tim is a Senior Assurance Consultant with AWS Security Assurance Services. He leverages more than 20 years’ experience as a security consultant and assessor to provide AWS customers with guidance on payment security and compliance. He is a co-author of the “Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) 3.2.1 on AWS”.


Kristine Harper

Kristine is a Senior Assurance Consultant and PCI DSS Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) with AWS Security Assurance Services. Her professional background includes security and compliance consulting with large fintech enterprises and government entities. In her free time, Kristine enjoys traveling, outdoor activities, spending time with family, and spoiling her pets.


Michael Guzman

Michael is an Assurance Consultant with AWS Security Assurance Services. Michael is a PCI QSA and HITRUST CCSFP, along with holding several AWS certifications. His background is in Financial Services IT Operations and Administrations, with over 20 years experience within that industry. In his spare time Michael enjoy’s spending time with his family, continuing to improve his golf skills and perfecting his Tri-Tip recipe.

Analyze AWS WAF logs using Amazon OpenSearch Service anomaly detection built on Random Cut Forests

Post Syndicated from Umesh Ramesh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/analyze-aws-waf-logs-using-amazon-opensearch-service-anomaly-detection-built-on-random-cut-forests/

This blog post shows you how to use the machine learning capabilities of Amazon OpenSearch Service (successor to Amazon Elasticsearch Service) to detect and visualize anomalies in AWS WAF logs. AWS WAF logs are streamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service using Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose. Kinesis Data Firehose invokes an AWS Lambda function to transform incoming source data and deliver the transformed data to Amazon OpenSearch Service. You can implement this solution without any machine learning expertise. AWS WAF logs capture a number of attributes about the incoming web request, and you can analyze these attributes to detect anomalous behavior. This blog post focuses on the following two scenarios:

  • Identifying anomalous behavior based on a high number of web requests coming from an unexpected country (Country Code is one of the request fields captured in AWS WAF logs).
  • Identifying anomalous behavior based on HTTP method for a read-heavy application like a content media website that receives unexpected write requests.

Log analysis is essential for understanding the effectiveness of any security solution. It helps with day-to-day troubleshooting, and also with long-term understanding of how your security environment is performing.

AWS WAF is a web application firewall that helps protect your web applications from common web exploits which could affect application availability, compromise security, or consume excessive resources. AWS WAF gives you control over which traffic sent to your web applications is allowed or blocked, by defining customizable web security rules. AWS WAF lets you define multiple types of rules to block unauthorized traffic.

Machine learning can assist in identifying unusual or unexpected behavior. Amazon OpenSearch Service is one of the commonly used services which offer log analytics for monitoring service logs, using dashboards and alerting mechanisms. Static, rule‑based analytics approaches are slow to adapt to evolving workloads, and can miss critical issues. With the announcement of real-time anomaly detection support in Amazon OpenSearch Service, you can use machine learning to detect anomalies in real‑time streaming data, and identify issues as they evolve so you can mitigate them quickly. Real‑time anomaly detection support uses Random Cut Forest (RCF), an unsupervised algorithm, which continuously adapts to evolving data patterns. Simply stated, RCF takes a set of random data points, divides them into multiple groups, each with the same number of points, and then builds a collection of models. As an unsupervised algorithm, RCF uses cluster analysis to detect spikes in time series data, breaks in periodicity or seasonality, and data point exceptions. The anomaly detection feature is lightweight, with the computational load distributed across Amazon OpenSearch Service nodes. Figure 1 shows the architecture of the solution described in this blog post.

Figure 1: End-to-end architecture

Figure 1: End-to-end architecture

The architecture flow shown in Figure 1 includes the following high-level steps:

  1. AWS WAF streams logs to Kinesis Data Firehose.
  2. Kinesis Data Firehose invokes a Lambda function to add attributes to the AWS WAF logs.
  3. Kinesis Data Firehose sends the transformed source records to Amazon OpenSearch Service.
  4. Amazon OpenSearch Service automatically detects anomalies.
  5. Amazon OpenSearch Service delivers anomaly alerts via Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).


Figure 2 shows examples of both an original and a modified AWS WAF log. The solution in this blog post focuses on Country and httpMethod. It uses a Lambda function to transform the AWS WAF log by adding fields, as shown in the snippet on the right side. The values of the newly added fields are evaluated based on the values of country and httpMethod in the AWS WAF log.

Figure 2: Sample processing done by a Lambda function

Figure 2: Sample processing done by a Lambda function

In this solution, you will use a Lambda function to introduce new fields to the incoming AWS WAF logs through Kinesis Data Firehose. You will introduce additional fields by using one-hot encoding to represent the incoming linear values as a “1” or “0”.

Scenario 1

In this scenario, the goal is to detect traffic from unexpected countries when serving user traffic expected to be from the US and UK. The function adds three new fields:


As shown in the lambda function inline code, we use the traffic_from_country function, in which we only want actions that ALLOW the traffic. Once we have that, we use conditions to check the country code. If the value of the country field in the web request captured in AWS WAF log is US, the usTraffic field in the transformed data will be assigned the value 1 while otherTraffic and ukTraffic will be assigned the value 0. The other two fields are transformed as shown in Table 1.

Original AWS WAF log Transformed AWS WAF log with new fields after one-hot encoding
Country usTraffic ukTraffic otherTraffic
US 1 0 0
UK 0 1 0
All other country codes 0 0 1

Table 1: One-hot encoding field mapping for country

Scenario 2

In the second scenario, you detect anomalous requests that use POST HTTP method.

As shown in the lambda function inline code, we use the filter_http_request_method function, in which we only want actions that ALLOW the traffic. Once we have that, we use conditions to check the HTTP _request method. If the value of the HTTP method in the AWS WAF log is GET, the getHttpMethod field is assigned the value 1 while headHttpMethod and postHttpMethod are assigned the value 0. The other two fields are transformed as shown in Table 2.

Original AWS WAF log Transformed AWS WAF log with new fields after one-hot encoding
HTTP method getHttpMethod headHttpMethod postHttpMethod
GET 1 0 0
HEAD 0 1 0
POST 0 0 1

Table 2: One-hot encoding field mapping for HTTP method

After adding these new fields, the transformed record from Lambda must contain the following parameters before the data is sent back to Kinesis Data Firehose

recordId The transformed record must contain the same original record ID as is received from the Kinesis Data Firehose.
result The status of the data transformation of the record (the status can be OK or Dropped).
data The transformed data payload.

AWS WAF logs are JSON files, and this anomaly detection feature works only on numeric data. This means that to use this feature for detecting anomalies in logs, you must pre-process your logs using a Lambda function.

Lambda function for one-hot encoding

Use the following Lambda function to transform the AWS WAF log by adding new attributes, as explained in Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.

import base64
import json

def lambda_handler(event,context):
    output = []
        # loop through records in incoming Event
        for record in event["records"]:
            # extract message
            message = json.loads(base64.b64decode(event["records"][0]["data"]))
            print('Country: ', message["httpRequest"]["country"])
            print('Action: ', message["action"])
            print('User Agent: ', message["httpRequest"]["headers"][1]["value"])
            timestamp = message["timestamp"]
            action = message["action"]
            country = message["httpRequest"]["country"]
            user_agent = message["httpRequest"]["headers"][1]["value"]
            http_method = message["httpRequest"]["httpMethod"]
            mobileUserAgent, browserUserAgent = filter_user_agent(user_agent)
            usTraffic, ukTraffic, otherTraffic = traffic_from_country(country, action)
            getHttpMethod, headHttpMethod, postHttpMethod = filter_http_request_method(http_method, action)
            # append new fields in message dict
            message["usTraffic"] = usTraffic
            message["ukTraffic"] = ukTraffic
            message["otherTraffic"] = otherTraffic
            message["mobileUserAgent"] = mobileUserAgent
            message["browserUserAgent"] = browserUserAgent
            message["getHttpMethod"] = getHttpMethod
            message["headHttpMethod"] = headHttpMethod
            message["postHttpMethod"] = postHttpMethod
            # base64-encoding
            data = base64.b64encode(json.dumps(message).encode('utf-8'))
            output_record = {
                "recordId": record['recordId'], # retain same record id from the Kinesis data Firehose
                "result": "Ok",
                "data": data.decode('utf-8')
        return {"records": output}
    except Exception as e:
def filter_user_agent(user_agent):
    # returns one hot encoding based on user agent
    if "Mobile" in user_agent:
        mobile_user_agent = True
        return (1, 0)
        mobile_user_agent = False
        return (0, 1) # anomaly recorded
def traffic_from_country(country_code, action):
    # returns one hot encoding based on allowed traffic from countries
    if action == "ALLOW":
        if "US" in country_code:
            allowed_country_traffic = True
            return (1, 0, 0)
        elif "UK" in country_code:
            allowed_country_traffic = True
            return (0, 1, 0)
            allowed_country_traffic = False
            return (0, 0, 1) # anomaly recorded
def filter_http_request_method(http_method, action):
    # returns one hot encoding based on allowed http method type
    if action == "ALLOW":
        if "GET" in http_method:
            return (1, 0, 0)
        elif "HEAD" in http_method:
            return (0, 1, 0)
        elif "POST" in http_method:
            return (0, 0, 1) # anomaly recorded

After the transformation, the data that’s delivered to Amazon OpenSearch Service will have additional fields, as described in Table 1 and Table 2 above. You can configure an anomaly detector in Amazon OpenSearch Service to monitor these additional fields. The algorithm computes an anomaly grade and confidence score value for each incoming data point. Anomaly detection uses these values to differentiate an anomaly from normal variations in your data. Anomaly detection and alerting are plugins that are included in the available set of Amazon OpenSearch Service plugins. You can use these two plugins to generate a notification as soon as an anomaly is detected.

Deployment steps

In this section, you complete five high-level steps to deploy the solution. In this blog post, we are deploying this solution in the us-east-1 Region. The solution assumes you already have an active web application protected by AWS WAF rules. If you’re looking for details on creating AWS WAF rules, refer to Working with web ACLs and sample examples for more information.

Note: When you associate a web ACL with Amazon CloudFront as a protected resource, make sure that the Kinesis Firehose Delivery Stream is deployed in the us-east-1 Region.

The steps are:

  1. Deploy an AWS CloudFormation template
  2. Enable AWS WAF logs
  3. Create an anomaly detector
  4. Set up alerts in Amazon OpenSearch Service
  5. Create a monitor for the alerts

Deploy a CloudFormation template

To start, deploy a CloudFormation template to create the following AWS resources:

  • Amazon OpenSearch Service and Kibana (versions 1.5 to 7.10) with built-in AWS WAF dashboards.
  • Kinesis Data Firehose streams
  • A Lambda function for data transformation and an Amazon SNS topic with email subscription. 

To deploy the CloudFormation template

  1. Download the CloudFormation template and save it locally as Amazon-ES-Stack.yaml.
  2. Go to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFormation console.
  3. Choose Create Stack.
  4. On the Specify template page, choose Upload a template file. Then select Choose File, and select the template file that you downloaded in step 1.
  5. Choose Next.
  6. Provide the Parameters:
    1. Enter a unique name for your CloudFormation stack.
    2. Update the email address for UserEmail with the address you want alerts sent to.
    3. Choose Next.
  7. Review and choose Create stack.
  8. When the CloudFormation stack status changes to CREATE_COMPLETE, go to the Outputs tab and make note of the DashboardLinkOutput value. Also note the credentials you’ll receive by email (Subject: Your temporary password) and subscribe to the SNS topic for which you’ll also receive an email confirmation request.

Enable AWS WAF logs

Before enabling the AWS WAF logs, you should have AWS WAF web ACLs set up to protect your web application traffic. From the console, open the AWS WAF service and choose your existing web ACL. Open your web ACL resource, which can either be deployed on an Amazon CloudFront distribution or on an Application Load Balancer.

To enable AWS WAF logs

  1. From the AWS WAF home page, choose Create web ACL.
  2. From the AWS WAF home page, choose  Logging and metrics
  3. From the AWS WAF home page, choose the web ACL for which you want to enable logging, as shown in Figure 3:
    Figure 3 – Enabling WAF logging

    Figure 3 – Enabling WAF logging

  4. Go to the Logging and metrics tab, and then choose Enable Logging. The next page displays all the delivery streams that start with aws-waf-logs. Choose the Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream that was created by the Cloud Formation template, as shown in Figure 3 (in this example, aws-waf-logs-useast1). Don’t redact any fields or add filters. Select Save.

Create an Index template

Index templates lets you initialize new indices with predefined mapping. For example, in this case you predefined mapping for timestamp.

To create an Index template

  • Log into the Kibana dashboard. You can find the Kibana dashboard link in the Outputs tab of the CloudFormation stack. You should have received the username and temporary password (Ignore the period (.) at the end of the temporary password) by email, at the email address you entered as part of deploying the CloudFormation template. You will be logged in to the Kibana dashboard after setting a new password.
  • Choose Dev Tools in the left menu panel to access Kibana’s console.
  • The left pane in the console is the request pane, and the right pane is the response pane.
  • Select the green arrow at the end of the command line to execute the following PUT command.
    PUT  _template/awswaf
        "index_patterns": ["awswaf-*"],
        "settings": {
        "number_of_shards": 1
        "mappings": {
           "properties": {
              "timestamp": {
                "type": "date",
                "format": "epoch_millis"

  • You should see the following response:
      "acknowledged": true

The command creates a template named awswaf and applies it to any new index name that matches the regular expression awswaf-*

Create an anomaly detector

A detector is an individual anomaly detection task. You can create multiple detectors, and all the detectors can run simultaneously, with each analyzing data from different sources.

To create an anomaly detector

  1. Select Anomaly Detection from the menu bar, select Detectors and Create Detector.
    Figure 4- Home page view with menu bar on the left

    Figure 4- Home page view with menu bar on the left

  2. To create a detector, enter the following values and features:

    Name and description

    Name: aws-waf-country
    Description: Detect anomalies on other country values apart from “US” and “UK

    Data Source

    Index: awswaf*
    Timestamp field: timestamp
    Data filter: Visual editor
    Figure 5 – Detector features and their values

    Figure 5 – Detector features and their values

  3. For Detector operation settings, enter a value in minutes for the Detector interval to set the time interval at which the detector collects data. To add extra processing time for data collection, set a Window delay value (also in minutes). This tells the detector that the data isn’t ingested into Amazon OpenSearch Service in real time, but with a delay. The example in Figure 6 uses a 1-minute interval and a 2-minute delay.
    Figure 6 – Detector operation settings

    Figure 6 – Detector operation settings

  4. Next, select Create.
  5. Once you create a detector, select Configure Model and add the following values to Model configuration:

    Feature Name: waf-country-other
    Feature State: Enable feature
    Find anomalies based on: Field value
    Aggregation method: sum()
    Field: otherTraffic

    The aggregation method determines what constitutes an anomaly. For example, if you choose min(), the detector focuses on finding anomalies based on the minimum values of your feature. If you choose average(), the detector finds anomalies based on the average values of your feature. For this scenario, you will use sum().The value otherTraffic for Field is the transformed field in the Amazon OpenSearch Service logs that was added by the Lambda function.

    Figure 7 – Detector Model configuration

    Figure 7 – Detector Model configuration

  6. Under Advanced Settings on the Model configuration page, update the Window size to an appropriate interval (1 equals 1 minute) and choose Save and Start detector and Automatically start detector.

    We recommend you choose this value based on your actual data. If you expect missing values in your data, or if you want the anomalies based on the current value, choose 1. If your data is continuously ingested and you want the anomalies based on multiple intervals, choose a larger window size.

    Note: The detector takes 4 to 5 minutes to start. 

    Figure 8 – Detector window size

    Figure 8 – Detector window size

Set up alerts

You’ll use Amazon SNS as a destination for alerts from Amazon OpenSearch Service.

Note: A destination is a reusable location for an action.

To set up alerts:
  1. Go to the Kibana main menu bar and select Alerting, and then navigate to the Destinations tab.
  2. Select Add destination and enter a unique name for the destination.
  3. For Type, choose Amazon SNS and provide the topic ARN that was created as part of the CloudFormation resources (captured in the Outputs tab).
  4. Provide the ARN for an IAM role that was created as part of the CloudFormation outputs (SNSAccessIAMRole-********) that has the following trust relationship and permissions (at a minimum):
    {"Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [{"Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": {"Service": "es.amazonaws.com"
        "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
    {"Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [{"Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": "sns:Publish",
        "Resource": "sns-topic-arn"

    Figure 9 – Destination

    Figure 9 – Destination

    Note: For more information, see Adding IAM Identity Permissions in the IAM user guide.

  5. Choose Create.

Create a monitor

A monitor can be defined as a job that runs on a defined schedule and queries Amazon OpenSearch Service. The results of these queries are then used as input for one or more triggers.

To create a monitor for the alert

  1. Select Alerting on the Kibana main menu and navigate to the Monitors tab. Select Create monitor
  2. Create a new record with the following values:

    Monitor Name: aws-waf-country-monitor
    Method of definition: Define using anomaly detector
    Detector: aws-waf-country
    Monitor schedule: Every 2 minutes
  3. Select Create.
    Figure 10 – Create monitor

    Figure 10 – Create monitor

  4. Choose Create Trigger to connect monitoring alert with the Amazon SNS topic using the below values:

    Trigger Name: SNS_Trigger
    Severity Level: 1
    Trigger Type: Anomaly Detector grade and confidence

    Under Configure Actions, set the following values:

    Action Name: SNS-alert
    Destination: select the destination name you chose when you created the Alert above
    Message Subject: “Anomaly detected – Country”
    Message: <Use the default message displayed>
  5. Select Create to create the trigger.
    Figure 11 – Create trigger

    Figure 11 – Create trigger

    Figure 12 – Configure actions

    Figure 12 – Configure actions

Test the solution

Now that you’ve deployed the solution, the AWS WAF logs will be sent to Amazon OpenSearch Service.

Kinesis Data Generator sample template

When testing the environment covered in this blog outside a production context, we used Kinesis Data Generator to generate sample user traffic with the template below, changing the country strings in different runs to reflect expected records or anomalous ones. Other tools are also available.

"timestamp":"[{{date.now("DD/MMM/YYYY:HH:mm:ss Z")}}]",
"value":"gzip, deflate"

You will receive an email alert via Amazon SNS if the traffic contains any anomalous data. You should also be able to view the anomalies recorded in Amazon OpenSearch Service by selecting the detector and choosing Anomaly results for the detector, as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13 – Anomaly results

Figure 13 – Anomaly results


In this post, you learned how you can discover anomalies in AWS WAF logs across parameters like Country and httpMethod defined by the attribute values. You can further expand your anomaly detection use cases with application logs and other AWS Service logs. To learn more about this feature with Amazon OpenSearch Service, we suggest reading the Amazon OpenSearch Service documentation. We look forward to hearing your questions, comments, and feedback. 

If you found this post interesting and useful, you may be interested in https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-improve-visibility-into-aws-waf-with-anomaly-detection/ and https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/analyzing-aws-waf-logs-with-amazon-es-amazon-athena-and-amazon-quicksight/ as further alternative approaches.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Umesh Kumar Ramesh

Umesh is a senior cloud infrastructure architect with AWS who delivers proof-of-concept projects and topical workshops, and leads implementation projects. He holds a bachelor’s degree in computer science and engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur (India). Outside of work, he enjoys watching documentaries, biking, practicing meditation, and discussing spirituality.

Anuj Butail

Anuj Butail

Anuj is a solutions architect at AWS. He is based out of San Francisco and helps customers in San Francisco and Silicon Valley design and build large scale applications on AWS. He has expertise in the area of AWS, edge services, and containers. He enjoys playing tennis, watching sitcoms, and spending time with his family.


Mahek Pavagadhi

Mahek is a cloud infrastructure architect at AWS in San Francisco, CA. She has a master’s degree in software engineering with a major in cloud computing. She is passionate about cloud services and building solutions with it. Outside of work, she is an avid traveler who loves to explore local cafés.

How to enrich AWS Security Hub findings with account metadata

Post Syndicated from Siva Rajamani original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-enrich-aws-security-hub-findings-with-account-metadata/

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through how to deploy a solution to enrich AWS Security Hub findings with additional account-related metadata, such as the account name, the Organization Unit (OU) associated with the account, security contact information, and account tags. Account metadata can help you search findings, create insights, and better respond to and remediate findings.

AWS Security Hub ingests findings from multiple AWS services, including Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Inspector, Amazon Macie, AWS Firewall Manager, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer, and AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager. Findings from each service are normalized into the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF), so you can review findings in a standardized format and take action quickly. You can use AWS Security Hub to provide a single view of all security-related findings, and to set up alerts, automate remediation, and export specific findings to third‑party incident management systems.

The Security or DevOps teams responsible for investigating, responding to, and remediating Security Hub findings may need additional account metadata beyond the account ID, to determine what to do about the finding or where to route it. For example, determining whether the finding originated from a development or production account can be key to determining the priority of the finding and the type of remediation action needed. Having this metadata information in the finding allows customers to create custom insights in Security Hub to track which OUs or applications (based on account tags) have the most open security issues. This blog post demonstrates a solution to enrich your findings with account metadata to help your Security and DevOps teams better understand and improve their security posture.

Solution Overview

In this solution, you will use a combination of AWS Security Hub, Amazon EventBridge and AWS Lambda to ingest the findings and automatically enrich them with account related metadata by querying AWS Organizations and Account management service APIs. The solution architecture is shown in Figure 1 below:

Figure 1: Solution Architecture and workflow for metadata enrichment

Figure 1: Solution Architecture and workflow for metadata enrichment

The solution workflow includes the following steps:

  1. New findings and updates to existing Security Hub findings from all the member accounts flow into the Security Hub administrator account. Security Hub generates Amazon EventBridge events for the findings.
  2. An EventBridge rule created as part of the solution in the Security Hub administrator account will trigger a Lambda function configured as a target every time an EventBridge notification for a new or updated finding imported into Security Hub matches the EventBridge rule shown below:
      "detail-type": ["Security Hub Findings - Imported"],
      "source": ["aws.securityhub"],
      "detail": {
        "findings": {
          "RecordState": ["ACTIVE"],
          "UserDefinedFields": {
            "findingEnriched": [{
              "exists": false

  3. The Lambda function uses the account ID from the event payload to retrieve both the account information and the alternate contact information from the AWS Organizations and Account management service API. The following code within the helper.py constructs the account_details object representing the account information to enrich the finding:
    def get_account_details(account_id, role_name):
        account_details ={}
        organizations_client = AwsHelper().get_client('organizations')
        response = organizations_client.describe_account(AccountId=account_id)
        account_details["Name"] = response["Account"]["Name"]
        response = organizations_client.list_parents(ChildId=account_id)
        ou_id = response["Parents"][0]["Id"]
        if ou_id and response["Parents"][0]["Type"] == "ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT":
            response = organizations_client.describe_organizational_unit(OrganizationalUnitId=ou_id)
            account_details["OUName"] = response["OrganizationalUnit"]["Name"]
        elif ou_id:
            account_details["OUName"] = "ROOT"
        if role_name:
            account_client = AwsHelper().get_session_for_role(role_name).client("account")
            account_client = AwsHelper().get_client('account')
            response = account_client.get_alternate_contact(
            if response['AlternateContact']:
                print("contact :{}".format(str(response["AlternateContact"])))
                account_details["AlternateContact"] = response["AlternateContact"]
        except account_client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException as error:
            #Potentially due to calling alternate contact on Org Management account
        response = organizations_client.list_tags_for_resource(ResourceId=account_id)
        results = response["Tags"]
        while "NextToken" in response:
            response = organizations_client.list_tags_for_resource(ResourceId=account_id, NextToken=response["NextToken"])
        account_details["tags"] = results
        AccountHelper.logger.info("account_details: %s" , str(account_details))
        return account_details

  4. The Lambda function updates the finding using the Security Hub BatchUpdateFindings API to add the account related data into the Note and UserDefinedFields attributes of the SecurityHub finding:
    #lookup and build the finding note and user defined fields  based on account Id
    enrichment_text, tags_dict = enrich_finding(account_id, assume_role_name)
    logger.debug("Text to post: %s" , enrichment_text)
    logger.debug("User defined Fields %s" , json.dumps(tags_dict))
    #add the Note to the finding and add a userDefinedField to use in the event bridge rule and prevent repeat lookups
    response = secHubClient.batch_update_findings(
                'Id': enrichment_finding_id,
                'ProductArn': enrichment_finding_arn
            'Text': enrichment_text,
            'UpdatedBy': enrichment_author

    Note: All state change events published by AWS services through Amazon Event Bridge are free of cost. The AWS Lambda free tier includes 1M free requests per month, and 400,000 GB-seconds of compute time per month at the time of publication of this post. If you process 2M requests per month, the estimated cost for this solution would be approximately $7.20 USD per month.

  5. Prerequisites

    1. Your AWS organization must have all features enabled.
    2. This solution requires that you have AWS Security Hub enabled in an AWS multi-account environment which is integrated with AWS Organizations. The AWS Organizations management account must designate a Security Hub administrator account, which can view data from and manage configuration for its member accounts. Follow these steps to designate a Security Hub administrator account for your AWS organization.
    3. All the members accounts are tagged per your organization’s tagging strategy and their security alternate contact is filled. If the tags or alternate contacts are not available, the enrichment will be limited to the Account Name and the Organizational Unit name.
    4. Trusted access must be enabled with AWS Organizations for AWS Account Management service. This will enable the AWS Organizations management account to call the AWS Account Management API operations (such as GetAlternateContact) for other member accounts in the organization. Trusted access can be enabled either by using AWS Management Console or by using AWS CLI and SDKs.

      The following AWS CLI example enables trusted access for AWS Account Management in the calling account’s organization.

      aws organizations enable-aws-service-access --service-principal account.amazonaws.com

    5. An IAM role with a read only access to lookup the GetAlternateContact details must be created in the Organizations management account, with a trust policy that allows the Security Hub administrator account to assume the role.

    Solution Deployment

    This solution consists of two parts:

    1. Create an IAM role in your Organizations management account, giving it necessary permissions as described in the Create the IAM role procedure below.
    2. Deploy the Lambda function and the other associated resources to your Security Hub administrator account

    Create the IAM role

    Using console, AWS CLI or AWS API

    Follow the Creating a role to delegate permissions to an IAM user instructions to create a IAM role using the console, AWS CLI or AWS API in the AWS Organization management account with role name as account-contact-readonly, based on the trust and permission policy template provided below. You will need the account ID of your Security Hub administrator account.

    The IAM trust policy allows the Security Hub administrator account to assume the role in your Organization management account.

    IAM Role trust policy

      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Principal": {
            "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<SH administrator Account ID>:root"
          "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
          "Condition": {}

    Note: Replace the <SH Delegated Account ID> with the account ID of your Security Hub administrator account. Once the solution is deployed, you should update the principal in the trust policy shown above to use the new IAM role created for the solution.

    IAM Permission Policy

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "arn:aws:account::<Org. Management Account id>:account/o-*/*"

    The IAM permission policy allows the Security Hub administrator account to look up the alternate contact information for the member accounts.

    Make a note of the Role ARN for the IAM role similar to this format:

    arn:aws:iam::<Org. Management Account id>:role/account-contact-readonly. 

    You will need this while the deploying the solution in the next procedure.

    Using AWS CloudFormation

    Alternatively, you can use the  provided CloudFormation template to create the role in the management account. The IAM role ARN is available in the Outputs section of the created CloudFormation stack.

    Deploy the Solution to your Security Hub administrator account

    You can deploy the solution using either the AWS Management Console, or from the GitHub repository using the AWS SAM CLI.

    Note: if you have designated an aggregation Region within the Security Hub administrator account, you can deploy this solution only in the aggregation Region, otherwise you need to deploy this solution separately in each Region of the Security Hub administrator account where Security Hub is enabled.

    To deploy the solution using the AWS Management Console

    1. In your Security Hub administrator account, launch the template by choosing the Launch Stack button below, which creates the stack the in us-east-1 Region.

      Note: if your Security Hub aggregation region is different than us-east-1 or want to deploy the solution in a different AWS Region, you can deploy the solution from the GitHub repository described in the next section.

      Select this image to open a link that starts building the CloudFormation stack

    2. On the Quick create stack page, for Stack name, enter a unique stack name for this account; for example, aws-security-hub–findings-enrichment-stack, as shown in Figure 2 below.
      Figure 2: Quick Create CloudFormation stack for the Solution

      Figure 2: Quick Create CloudFormation stack for the Solution

    3. For ManagementAccount, enter the AWS Organizations management account ID.
    4. For OrgManagementAccountContactRole, enter the role ARN of the role you created previously in the Create IAM role procedure.
    5. Choose Create stack.
    6. Once the stack is created, go to the Resources tab and take note of the name of the IAM Role which was created.
    7. Update the principal element of the IAM role trust policy which you previously created in the Organization management account in the Create the IAM role procedure above, replacing it with the role name you noted down, as shown below.
      Figure 3 Update Management Account Role’s Trust

      Figure 3 Update Management Account Role’s Trust

    To deploy the solution from the GitHub Repository and AWS SAM CLI

    1. Install the AWS SAM CLI
    2. Download or clone the github repository using the following commands
      $ git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-security-hub-findings-account-data-enrichment.git
      $ cd aws-security-hub-findings-account-data-enrichment

    3. Update the content of the profile.txt file with the profile name you want to use for the deployment
    4. To create a new bucket for deployment artifacts, run create-bucket.sh by specifying the region as argument as below.
      $ ./create-bucket.sh us-east-1

    5. Deploy the solution to the account by running the deploy.sh script by specifying the region as argument
      $ ./deploy.sh us-east-1

    6. Once the stack is created, go to the Resources tab and take note of the name of the IAM Role which was created.
    7. Update the principal element of the IAM role trust policy which you previously created in the Organization management account in the Create the IAM role procedure above, replacing it with the role name you noted down, as shown below.
      "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<SH Delegated Account ID>: role/<Role Name>"

    Using the enriched attributes

    To test that the solution is working as expected, you can create a standalone security group with an ingress rule that allows traffic from the internet. This will trigger a finding in Security Hub, which will be populated with the enriched attributes. You can then use these enriched attributes to filter and create custom insights, or take specific response or remediation actions.

    To generate a sample Security Hub finding using AWS CLI

    1. Create a Security Group using following AWS CLI command:
      aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name TestSecHubEnrichmentSG--description "Test Security Hub enrichment function"

    2. Make a note of the security group ID from the output, and use it in Step 3 below.
    3. Add an ingress rule to the security group which allows unrestricted traffic on port 100:
      aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id <Replace Security group ID> --protocol tcp --port 100 --cidr

    Within few minutes, a new finding will be generated in Security Hub, warning about the unrestricted ingress rule in the TestSecHubEnrichmentSG security group. For any new or updated findings which do not have the UserDefinedFields attribute findingEnriched set to true, the solution will enrich the finding with account related fields in both the Note and UserDefinedFields sections in the Security Hub finding.

    To see and filter the enriched finding

    1. Go to Security Hub and click on Findings on the left-hand navigation.
    2. Click in the filter field at the top to add additional filters. Choose a filter field of AWS Account ID, a filter match type of is, and a value of the AWS Account ID where you created the TestSecHubEnrichmentSG security group.
    3. Add one more filter. Choose a filter field of Resource type, a filter match type of is, and the value of AwsEc2SecurityGroup.
    4. Identify the finding for security group TestSecHubEnrichmentSG with updates to Note and UserDefinedFields, as shown in Figures 4 and 5 below:
      Figure 4: Account metadata enrichment in Security Hub finding’s Note field

      Figure 4: Account metadata enrichment in Security Hub finding’s Note field

      Figure 5: Account metadata enrichment in Security Hub finding’s UserDefinedFields field

      Figure 5: Account metadata enrichment in Security Hub finding’s UserDefinedFields field

      Note: The actual attributes you will see as part of the UserDefinedFields may be different from the above screenshot. Attributes shown will depend on your tagging configuration and the alternate contact configuration. At a minimum, you will see the AccountName and OU fields.

    5. Once you confirm that the solution is working as expected, delete the stand-alone security group TestSecHubEnrichmentSG, which was created for testing purposes.

    Create custom insights using the enriched attributes

    You can use the attributes available in the UserDefinedFields in the Security Hub finding to filter the findings. This lets you generate custom Security Hub Insight and reports tailored to suit your organization’s needs. The example shown in Figure 6 below creates a custom Security Hub Insight for findings grouped by severity for a specific owner, using the Owner attribute within the UserDefinedFields object of the Security Hub finding.

    Figure 6: Custom Insight with Account metadata filters

    Figure 6: Custom Insight with Account metadata filters

    Event Bridge rule for response or remediation action using enriched attributes

    You can also use the attributes in the UserDefinedFields object of the Security Hub finding within the EventBridge rule to take specific response or remediation actions based on values in the attributes. In the example below, you can see how the Environment attribute can be used within the EventBridge rule configuration to trigger specific actions only when value matches PROD.

      "detail-type": ["Security Hub Findings - Imported"],
      "source": ["aws.securityhub"],
      "detail": {
        "findings": {
          "RecordState": ["ACTIVE"],
          "UserDefinedFields": {
            "Environment": "PROD"


    This blog post walks you through a solution to enrich AWS Security Hub findings with AWS account related metadata using Amazon EventBridge notifications and AWS Lambda. By enriching the Security Hub findings with account related information, your security teams have better visibility, additional insights and improved ability to create targeted reports for specific account or business teams, helping them prioritize and improve overall security response. To learn more, see:

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have any questions about this post, start a thread on the AWS Security Hub forum.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Siva Rajamani

Siva Rajamani

Siva Rajamani is a Boston-based Enterprise Solutions Architect at AWS. Siva enjoys working closely with customers to accelerate their AWS cloud adoption and improve their overall security posture.

Prashob Krishnan

Prashob Krishnan

Prashob Krishnan is a Denver-based Technical Account Manager at AWS. Prashob is passionate about security. He enjoys working with customers to solve their technical challenges and help build a secure scalable architecture on the AWS Cloud.

Amazon GuardDuty Enhances Detection of EC2 Instance Credential Exfiltration

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-guardduty-enhances-detection-of-ec2-instance-credential-exfiltration/

Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that continuously monitors for malicious activity and unauthorized behavior to protect your AWS accounts, workloads, and data stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Informed by a multitude of public and AWS-generated data feeds and powered by machine learning, GuardDuty analyzes billions of events in pursuit of trends, patterns, and anomalies that are recognizable signs that something is amiss. You can enable it with a click and see the first findings within minutes.

Today, we are adding to GuardDuty the ability to detect when your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance credentials are being used from another AWS Account. EC2 instance credentials are the temporary credentials made available through the EC2 metadata service to any applications running on an instance, when an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role is attached to it.

What Are the Risks?
When your workloads deployed on EC2 instances access AWS services, they use an access key, a secret access key, and a session token. The secure mechanism to pass access key credentials to your workloads is to define the permissions required by your workload, create one or several IAM policies with the permissions, attach the policies to an IAM role and, finally, attach the role to the instance.

Any process running on an EC2 instance with a role attached can retrieve the security credentials by calling the EC2 metadata service:

  "Code" : "Success",
  "LastUpdated" : "2021-09-05T18:24:45Z",
  "Type" : "AWS-HMAC",
  "AccessKeyId" : "AS...J5",
  "SecretAccessKey" : "r1...9m",
  "Token" : "IQ...z5Q==",
  "Expiration" : "2021-09-06T00:44:06Z"

These credentials are limited in time and in scope. They are valid for a maximum of six hours. They are limited to the scope of the permissions attached to the IAM role associated with the EC2 instance.

All AWS SDK are able to retrieve and renew such credentials automatically. No additional code is necessary in your application.

Now imagine that your application running on the EC2 instance is compromised and a malicious actor managed to access the instance’s meta data service. The malicious actor would extract the credentials. These credentials have the permissions you defined in the IAM role attached to the instance. Depending on your application, attackers might have the possibility to exfiltrate data from S3 or DynamoDB, to start or terminate EC2 instances, or even to create new IAM users or roles.

Since the launch of GuardDuty, it has detected when such credentials are used from IP addresses outside of AWS. Smart attackers therefore might hide their activity from another AWS account to operate outside of the sight of GuardDuty. Starting today, GuardDuty also detects when the credentials are used from other AWS accounts, inside the AWS network.

What Alerts Are Generated?
There are legitimate reasons why the source IP address communicating with AWS Services APIs might be different than the EC2 instance IP address. Think about complex network topologies that route traffic to one or multiple VPCs; AWS Transit Gateway, or AWS Direct Connect for example. In addition, multi-Region configurations, or not using AWS Organizations, makes it non trivial to detect if the AWS account using the credentials belongs to you or not. Large companies have implemented their own solution to detect such security compromises, but these type of solutions are not easy to build and to maintain. Only a handful of organizations have the resources required to tackle this challenge. When they do so, they distract their engineering efforts from their core business. This is why we decided to address this.

Starting today, GuardDuty generates alerts when it detects a misuse of EC2 instance credentials. When the credentials are used from an affiliated account, the alert is labeled as medium-severity. Otherwise, a high-severity alert is generated. Affiliated accounts are accounts monitored by the same GuardDuty administrator account, also known as GuardDuty member accounts. They might be part of your organization or not.

In Practice
To learn how it’s working, let’s capture and exfiltrate a set of EC2 credentials from one of my EC2 instances. I use SSH to connect to one of my instances, and I use curl to retrieve the credentials, as shown earlier:

  "Code" : "Success",
  "LastUpdated" : "2021-09-05T18:24:45Z",
  "Type" : "AWS-HMAC",
  "AccessKeyId" : "AS...J5",
  "SecretAccessKey" : "r1...9m",
  "Token" : "IQ...z5Q==",
  "Expiration" : "2021-09-06T00:44:06Z"

The instance has an IAM role with permissions allowing to read S3 buckets in this AWS account. I copy and paste the credentials. Then I connect to another EC2 instance running in a different AWS account, not affiliated with the same GuardDuty administrator account. I use SSH to connect to that other instance, and then I configure the AWS CLI with the compromised credentials. I attempt to access a private S3 bucket.

# first verify I do not have access 
[ec2-user@ip-1-1-0-79 ~]$ aws s3 ls s3://my-private-bucket

An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the ListObjectsV2 operation: Access Denied

# then I configure the CLI using the compromised credentials
[ec2-user@ip-1-1-0-79 ~]$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: AS...J5
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: r1...9m
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]:

[ec2-user@ip-1-1-0-79 ~]$ aws configure set aws_session_token IQ...z5Q==

# Finally, I attempt to access S3 again
[ec2-user@ip-1-1-0-79 ~]$ aws s3 ls s3://my-private-bucket
                     PRE folder1/
                     PRE folder2/
                     PRE folder3/
2021-01-22 16:37:48 6148 .DS_Store

Shortly after, I use the AWS Management Console to access GuardDuty in the AWS account where I stole the credentials. I can verify a high-severity alert was generated.

GuardDuty EC2 credentials exfiltration alarm

And So What?
Attackers may extract credentials when they have remote code execution (RCE), local presence on the instance, or by exploiting application-level vulnerabilities like Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) and XML External Entity (XXE) injection. There are multiple methods to mitigate RCE or local access, including rebuilding the instances from a secured and patched AMI to eliminate remote access, rotate access credentials, and so on. When the vulnerability is at the application level, you or the application vendor are required to patch the application code to eliminate the vulnerability.

When you receive an alert indicating a risk of compromised credentials, the first thing to do is to verify the account ID. Is it one of your company accounts or not? During the analysis, when the business case allows, you may terminate the compromised instances or shut down the application. This prevents the attacker from extracting renewed instance credentials upon expiration. When in doubt, contact the AWS Trust & Safety team using the Report Amazon AWS abuse form or by contacting [email protected]. Provide all the necessary information, including the suspicious AWS account ID, logs in plaintext, and so on, when you submit your request.

This new ability is available in all AWS Regions at no additional cost. It is enabled by default when GuardDuty is already enabled on your AWS account.

Otherwise, enable GuardDuty now, and start the 30-day trial period.

— seb

Fall 2021 PCI DSS report now available with 7 services added to compliance scope

Post Syndicated from Michael Oyeniya original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/fall-2021-pci-dss-report-now-available-with-7-services-added-to-compliance-scope/

We’re continuing to expand the scope of our assurance programs at Amazon Web Services (AWS) and are pleased to announce that seven new services have been added to the scope of our Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) certification. These new services provide our customers with more options to process and store their payment card data and to architect their cardholder data environment (CDE) securely in AWS.

You can see the full list of services on our Services in Scope by Compliance program page. The seven new services are:

The Asia-Pacific (Jakarta) Region was newly added to scope, and assessed as PCI compliant as part of the Fall 2021 PCI assessment.

We were evaluated by Coalfire, a third-party Qualified Security Assessor (QSA). The Attestation of Compliance (AOC) that shows AWS PCI compliance status is available through AWS Artifact.

We value your feedback and questions—feel free to reach out to our team or give feedback about this post through our Contact Us page.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Michael Oyeniya

Michael is a Compliance Program Manager at AWS on the Global Audits team, managing the PCI compliance program. He holds a Master’s degree in management and has over 18 years of experience in information technology security risk and control.

Best practices for cross-Region aggregation of security findings

Post Syndicated from Marshall Jones original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/best-practices-for-cross-region-aggregation-of-security-findings/

AWS Security Hub enables customers to have a centralized view into the security posture across their AWS environment by aggregating your security alerts from various AWS services and partner products in a standardized format so that you can more easily take action on them. To facilitate that central view, Security Hub allows you to designate an aggregation Region, which links some or all Regions to a single aggregated Region in a delegated administrator AWS account. All your findings across all of your accounts and all of your linked Regions will be processed by Security Hub in this one Region. With this feature, you can take advantage of many configurations when ingesting findings into Security Hub, that will benefit you operationally and provide cost savings.

This blog post provides you with a set of best practices when using Security Hub across multiple Regions. After implementing the recommendations in this blog post, you’ll have an optimized and centralized view of Security Hub findings from all integrated AWS services and partner products across all Regions in a single AWS account and Region.

Enable cross-Region aggregation

To enable cross-Region aggregation in Security Hub, you must first enable finding aggregation in Security Hub from the Region that will become the aggregation Region. You cannot use a Region that is disabled by default as your aggregation Region. For a list of Regions that are disabled by default, see Enabling a Region in the AWS General Reference.

You can enable AWS Security Hub finding aggregation using either the console or CLI. You must enable finding aggregation from the Region that will be the aggregation Region.

To enable Security Hub finding aggregation from the console

To enable AWS Security Hub finding aggregation using the AWS console:

  1. Start by navigating to the AWS Security Hub console and select Settings on the left side of the screen. Once on the settings page, choose the Regions tab.
Figure 1. Enabling finding aggregation

Figure 1. Enabling finding aggregation

  1. Check the checkbox to Link future Regions. As AWS releases new Regions, their results will automatically be aggregated into your designated Region. If this checkbox is not checked, any new Region that is released will not aggregate Security Hub findings to the aggregation Region.

To enable Security Hub finding aggregation using the CLI

Alternatively, you can enable AWS Security Hub finding aggregation using the CLI by using the following command:

aws securityhub create-finding-aggregator –region <aggregation Region> –region-linking-mode ALL_REGIONS | ALL_REGIONS_EXCEPT_SPECIFIED | SPECIFIED_REGIONS –regions <Region list>

Here’s a sample CLI command to enable AWS Security Hub finding aggregation:

aws securityhub create-finding-aggregator –region us-east-1 –region-linking-mode SPECIFIED_REGIONS –regions us-west-1,us-west-2

For more details around AWS Security Hub cross-region aggregation, see Aggregating findings across regions.

Consolidating downstream SIEM and ticketing integrations

Security Hub findings for all AWS accounts in your environment should be integrated into a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solution, such as Amazon OpenSearch Service or an APN partner SIEM, or a standardized ticketing system such as JIRA or ServiceNow.

You should send all Security Hub findings to a SIEM or ticketing solution from a single aggregation point to simplify operational overhead. Although integration architectures vary, as an example, this might mean configuring an Amazon EventBridge rule to parse and send findings to AWS Lambda or Amazon Kinesis for a custom integration point with the SIEM or ticketing solution.

You should to configure this integration point in a single delegated administrator account across all member AWS accounts and aggregated Regions. You should avoid having multiple integration points between each Security Hub Region and your SIEM or ticketing solution to avoid unnecessary operational overhead and costs of managing multiple integration points and resources required to stream findings to your SIEM.

Collecting Security Hub findings in a SIEM or ticketing solution can help you correlate findings across many other logs sources. For example, you might use a SIEM solution to analyze operating system logs from an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance to correlate with GuardDuty findings collected by Security Hub to investigate suspicious activity. You could also use ServiceNow or JIRA to create an automated, bidirectional integration between these ticketing solutions that keeps your Security Hub findings and issues in sync.

Auto-archive GuardDuty findings associated with global resources

Amazon GuardDuty creates findings associated with AWS IAM resources. IAM resources are global resources, which means that they are not Region-specific. If GuardDuty generates a finding for an IAM API call that is not Region-specific, such as ListGroups (for example, PenTest:IAMUser/KaliLinux) that finding is created in all GuardDuty Regions and ingested into Security Hub in every Region. You want to implement suppression rules in GuardDuty so that you don’t have multiple copies of this finding in your Security Hub delegated administrator account finding aggregation Region.

To implement AWS GuardDuty suppression rules (Console)

To reduce the duplication of findings in Security Hub, suppress global GuardDuty findings in all Regions except the Security Hub aggregation Region. For example, if you are aggregating Security Hub findings in us-east-1 and your environment uses all commercial AWS Regions in the United States, you would add a suppression rule in GuardDuty in us-east-2, us-west-1, and us-west-2.

To create AWS GuardDuty suppression rules using the AWS console:

  1. Navigate to the GuardDuty console and select the Findings link on the left side of the screen.
Figure 2. Creating GuardDuty suppression rules

Figure 2. Creating GuardDuty suppression rules

  1. Filter to search for the findings you want to suppress, and click Save / edit in the search bar.
  2. Enter a name and description for the suppression rule and save it.

To implement AWS GuardDuty suppression rules (CLI)

Alternatively, you can create AWS GuardDuty suppression rules using the CreateFilter API via CLI.

  1. Create a JSON file with your desired suppression filter criteria for the suppression rule.
  2. The following CLI command will test your filter criteria for AWS GuardDuty findings that will be suppressed:
  3. aws guardduty list-findings –detector-id 12abc34d567e8fa901bc2d34e56789f0 –finding-criteria file://criteria.json

  4. The following CLI command will create a filter for AWS GuardDuty findings that will be suppressed:
  5. aws guardduty create-filter –action ARCHIVE –detector-id 12abc34d567e8fa901bc2d34e56789f0 –name yourfiltername –finding-criteria file://criteria.json

For more details for creating AWS GuardDuty suppression rules, see Creating AWS GuardDuty suppression rules.

Reduce AWS Config cost by recording global resources in one Region

Like GuardDuty, AWS Config also records supported types of global resources, which are not tied to a specific Region and can be used in all Regions. The global resource types that AWS Config supports are IAM users, groups, roles, and customer managed policies. The configuration details for a specific global resource are the same in all Regions. If you have AWS Security Hub AWS Foundational Best Practices enabled, the feature has certain checks for global resources in AWS Config that you need to disable in all Regions except the aggregated Region.

Customize AWS Config for global resources

If you customize AWS Config in multiple Regions to record global resources, AWS Config creates multiple configuration items each time a global resource changes, one configuration item for each Region. Costs for each configuration item can be found on AWS Config pricing. These configuration items will contain identical data. To prevent duplicate configuration items, consider customizing AWS Config in only one Region to record global resources, unless you want those configuration items to be available in multiple Regions. See this blog post for a comprehensive list of additional AWS Config best practices.

To customize AWS Config for global resources (Console)

Follow the steps below to change the AWS Config global resource configuration in the AWS Console.

  1. Navigate to the AWS Config console and select Settings on the left side of the screen
  2. Click Edit in the top right corner
  3. Uncheck the Include global resources checkbox.
  4. Repeat these steps for each Region AWS Config is enabled, except the Region where you would like to track global resources.
Figure 3. AWS Config global resource setting

Figure 3. AWS Config global resource setting

To customize AWS Config for global resources (CLI)

Alternatively, you can disable the global resource tracking in AWS Config using the CLI.

aws configservice put-configuration-recorder –configuration-recorder name=default,roleARN=arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/config-role –recording-group allSupported=true,includeGlobalResourceTypes=false

If you have deployed AWS Config using these CloudFormation templates, you would set the IncludeGlobalResourceTypes to False under the AWS::Config::ConfigurationRecorder for the Regions you do not want to track global resources, and set the value to True in the aggregated Region where you would like to use to track global resources. You can use the CloudFormation StackSets multiple AWS Region deployment feature to deploy the CloudFormation template in all AWS Regions where AWS Config is enabled.

For more details for AWS Config global resources, see Selecting AWS Config resources to record.

Disable AWS Security Hub AWS Foundational Best Practices periodic controls associated with global resources

AWS Security Hub AWS Foundational Best Practices perform checks against the resources in your AWS environment utilizing AWS Config rules. After you have disabled the AWS Config global resources in all Regions except for the Region that runs global recording, disable the Security Hub controls that deal with global resources as shown in Figure 5 below.

You can disable AWS Security Hub controls relating to global resources using the console or CLI.

To disable AWS Security Hub controls (Console)

Follow the steps below to disable Security Hub controls that deal with global resources in the AWS Console.

  1. Navigate to the Security Hub console and select Security Standards on the left side of the screen.
  2. Click on the AWS Foundation Security Best Practices v.1.0.0 security standard.
  3. Then use the filter box to search for IAM. Now you should be able to see security controls IAM.1-IAM.7, which are Security Hub global controls.
  4. Figure 4. Security Hub global controls

    Figure 4. Security Hub global controls

  5. Click on each control and select Disable in the top right corner
  6. After you have disabled resources, add a reason for disabling and choose Disable.
Figure 5. Disabling Security Hub control

Figure 5. Disabling Security Hub control

To disable AWS Security Hub controls (CLI)

Alternatively, you can disable Security Hub controls that deal with global resources using the CLI.

aws securityhub update-standards-control –standards-control-arn <control ARN> –control-status “DISABLED” –disabled-reason <description of reason to disable>

This sample CLI command disables Security Hub controls that deal with global resources:

aws securityhub update-standards-control –standards-control-arn “arn:aws:securityhub:us-east-1:123456789012:control/aws-foundational-security-best-practices/v/1.0.0/ACM.1” –control-status “DISABLED” –disabled-reason “Not applicable for my service”

You can also follow instructions to implement a solution to disable specific Security Hub controls for multiple AWS accounts.

Be sure to only disable the Security Hub controls in the Regions where global recording is also disabled. Verify the Security Hub controls associated with global resources are enabled in the same Region where AWS Config global resources are enabled.

After you have completed disabling these controls and recording of global resources, proceed to disable the [Config.1] AWS Config should be enabled control. This specific control requires recording of global resources in order to pass, which is not required to have enabled in multiple Regions.

For more details for AWS Security Hub controls, see Disabling and enabling individual AWS Security Hub controls .

Implement automatic remediation from a central Region

Once findings are consolidated and ingested into Security Hub across all your organization’s AWS accounts, you should implement auto-remediation where possible, including everything from resource misconfigurations to automated quarantine of infected EC2 instances. Security Hub provides multiple ways to achieve this through end-to-end automation with EventBridge or through human-triggered automation with Security Hub Custom Actions. You can deploy automatic remediation solutions in a single Region to perform cross-Region remediation. This helps you deploy fewer resources, saving money and operational overhead. For more information on how to enable the solution for Security Hub Automated Response and Remediation, see this blog post.

If you have automation currently in place, it’s important to understand how findings from multiple Regions triggering your automation might be affected. For example, you might have a Lambda function that remediates problems with S3 buckets, where it assumes it is being invoked in the same Region as the S3 bucket it needs to remediate. With cross-Region aggregation, your Lambda might need to make a cross-Region AWS SDK call. The Lambda function will run in the Region where the aggregation occurs, but the bucket could be in another Region, so you might have to adjust your function to handle that situation. Also, the role associated with the Lambda function could have its privileges limited to a single Region. If you intend the same function to work in all Regions, you might need change the IAM policy for the IAM role used by the Lambda. Make sure to check Service Control Policies in AWS Organizations, if you use them, because they can also deny actions in one Region while allowing them in another Region.

When enabling cross-Region finding aggregation, you’ll need to understand how any automatic remediation that might be in place today could be affected. Be sure to test your remediation functions on resources in various Regions, to be sure remediation works in all Regions you monitor.


This blog post highlights configurations you can take advantage of to reduce operational overhead and provide cost savings by using cross-Region finding aggregation in Security Hub. The examples given apply to the majority of AWS environments, and are meant to be action items you can use to improve the overall security and operational effectiveness of your AWS environment.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have any questions about this post, start a thread on the re:Post forum.

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Marshall Jones

Marshall is a Worldwide Security Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. His background is in AWS consulting and security architecture, focused on a variety of security domains including edge, threat detection, and compliance. Today, he is focused on helping enterprise AWS customers adopt and operationalize AWS security services to increase security effectiveness and reduce risk.


Jonathan Nguyen

Jonathan is a Shared Delivery Team Senior Security Consultant at AWS. His background is in AWS Security with a focus on Threat Detection and Incident Response. Today, he helps enterprise customers develop a comprehensive AWS Security strategy, deploy security solutions at scale, and train customers on AWS Security best practices.

Continuous compliance monitoring using custom audit controls and frameworks with AWS Audit Manager

Post Syndicated from Deenadayaalan Thirugnanasambandam original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/continuous-compliance-monitoring-using-custom-audit-controls-and-frameworks-with-aws-audit-manager/

For most customers today, security compliance auditing can be a very cumbersome and costly process. This activity within a security program often comes with a dependency on third party audit firms and robust security teams, to periodically assess risk and raise compliance gaps aligned with applicable industry requirements. Due to the nature of how audits are now performed, many corporate IT environments are left exposed to threats until the next manual audit is scheduled, performed, and the findings report is presented.

AWS Audit Manager can help you continuously audit your AWS usage and simplify how you assess IT risks and compliance gaps aligned with industry regulations and standards. Audit Manager automates evidence collection to reduce the “all hands-on deck” manual effort that often happens for audits, while enabling you to scale your audit capability in the cloud as your business grows. Customized control frameworks help customers evaluate IT environments against their own established assessment baseline, enabling them to discern how aligned they are with a set of compliance requirements tailored to their business needs. Custom controls can be defined to collect evidence from specific data sources, helping rate the IT environment against internally defined audit and compliance requirements. Each piece of evidence collected during the compliance assessment becomes a record that can be used to demonstrate compliance with predefined requirements specified by a control.

In this post, you will learn how to leverage AWS Audit Manager to create a tailored audit framework to continuously evaluate your organization’s AWS infrastructure against the relevant industry compliance requirements your organization needs to adhere to. By implementing this solution, you can simplify yet accelerate the detection of security risks present in your AWS environment, which are relevant to your organization, while providing your teams with the information needed to remedy reported compliance gaps.

Solution overview

This solution utilizes an event-driven architecture to provide agility while reducing manual administration effort.

  • AWS Audit Manager–AWS Audit Manager helps you continuously audit your AWS usage to simplify how you assess risk and compliance with regulations and industry standards.
  • AWS Lambda–AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers, in response to events such as changes in data, application state or user actions.
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) –Amazon S3 is object storage built to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere, that offers industry leading availability, performance, security, and virtually unlimited scalability at very low costs.
  • AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK)–AWS Cloud Development Kit is a software development framework for provisioning your cloud infrastructure in code through AWS CloudFormation.


This solution enables automated controls management using event-driven architecture with AWS Services such as AWS Audit Manager, AWS Lambda and Amazon S3, in integration with code management services like GitHub and AWS CodeCommit. The Controls owner can design, manage, monitor and roll out custom controls in GitHub with a simple custom controls configuration file, as illustrated in Figure 1. Once the controls configuration file is placed in an Amazon S3 bucket, the on-commit event of the file triggers a control pipeline to load controls in audit manager using a Lambda function. 

Figure 1: Solution workflow

Figure 1: Solution workflow

Solution workflow overview

  1. The Control owner loads the controls as code (Controls and Framework) into an Amazon S3 bucket.
  2. Uploading the Controls yaml file into the S3 bucket triggers a Lambda function to process the control file.
  3. The Lambda function processes the Controls file, and creates a new control (or updates an existing control) in the Audit Manager.
  4. Uploading the Controls Framework yaml file into the S3 bucket triggers a Lambda function to process the Controls Framework file.
  5. The Lambda function validates the Controls Framework file, and updates the Controls Framework library in Audit Manager

This solution can be extended to create custom frameworks based on the controls, and to run an assessment framework against the controls.

Prerequisite steps

  1. Sign in to your AWS Account
  2. Login to the AWS console and choose the appropriate AWS Region.
  3. In the Search tab, search for AWS Audit Manager
  4. Figure 2. AWS Audit Manager

    Figure 2. AWS Audit Manager

  5. Choose Set up AWS Audit Manager.

Keep the default configurations from this page, such as Permissions and Data encryption. When done choose Complete setup.

Before deploying the solution, please ensure that the following software packages and their dependencies are installed on your local machine:

Node.js v12 or above https://nodejs.org/en/
AWS CLI version 2 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/install-cliv2.html
AWS CDK https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/latest/guide/getting_started.html
jq https://stedolan.github.io/jq/
git https://git-scm.com/
AWS CLI configuration https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-quickstart.html

Solution details

To provision the enterprise control catalog with AWS Audit Manager, start by cloning the sample code from the aws-samples repository on GitHub, followed by running the installation script (included in this repository) with sample controls and framework from your AWS Account.

To clone the sample code from the repository

On your development terminal, git clone the source code of this blog post from the AWS public repository:

git clone [email protected]:aws-samples/enterprise-controls-catalog-via-aws-audit-manager.git

To bootstrap CDK and run the deploy script

The CDK Toolkit Stack will be created by cdk bootstrap and will manage resources necessary to enable deployment of Cloud Applications with AWS CDK.

cdk bootstrap aws://<AWS Account Number>/<Region> # Bootstrap CDK in the specified account and region

cd audit-manager-blog



Figure 3 illustrates the overall deployment workflow. The deployment script triggers the NPM package manager, and invokes AWS CDK to create necessary infrastructure using AWS CloudFormation. The CloudFormation template offers an easy way to provision and manage lifecycles, by treating infrastructure as code.

Figure 3: Detailed workflow lifecycle

Figure 3: Detailed workflow lifecycle

Once the solution is successfully deployed, you can view two custom controls and one custom framework available in AWS Audit Manager. The custom controls use a combination of manual and automated evidence collection, using compliance checks for resource configurations from AWS Config.

To verify the newly created custom data security controls

  1. In the AWS console, go to AWS Audit Manager and select Control library
  2. Choose Custom controls to view the controls DataSecurity-DatainTransit and DataSecurity-DataAtRest
Figure 4. View custom controls

Figure 4. View custom controls

To verify the newly created custom framework

  1. In the AWS console, go to AWS Audit Manager and select Framework library.
  2. Choose Custom frameworks to view the following framework:
Figure 5. Custom frameworks list

Figure 5. Custom frameworks list

You have now successfully created the custom controls and framework using the proposed solution.

Next, you can create your own controls and add to your frameworks using a simple configuration file, and let the implemented solution do the automated provisioning.

To set up error reporting

Before you begin creating your own controls and frameworks, you should complete the error reporting configuration. The solution automatically sets up the error reporting capability using Amazon SNS, a web service that enables sending and receiving notifications from the cloud.

  1. In the AWS Console, go to Amazon SNS > Topics > AuditManagerBlogNotification
  2. Select Create subscription and choose Email as your preferred endpoint to subscribe.
  3. This will trigger an automated email on subscription confirmation. Upon confirmation, you will begin receiving any error notifications by email.

To create your own custom control as code

Follow these steps to create your own controls and frameworks:

  1. Create a new control file named example-control.yaml with contents as shown below. This creates a custom control to check whether all public access to data in Amazon S3 is prohibited:
  2. name:

    Information and records (data) are managed consistent with the organization’s risk strategy to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.

    All public access block settings are enabled at account level

    Ensure all Amazon S3 resources have public access prohibited

    Test attestations – preventive and detective controls for prohibiting public access

    ID: PRDS-3Subcategory: Public-Access-Prohibited
    Category: Data Security-PRDS
    CIS: CIS17
    COBIT: COBIT 5 APO07-03
    NIST: NIST SP 800-53 Rev 4

    sourceName: Config attestation
    sourceDescription: Config attestation
    sourceSetUpOption: System_Controls_Mapping
    sourceType: AWS_Config

    keywordInputType: SELECT_FROM_LIST

  3. Go to AWS Console > AWS CloudFormation > Stacks. Select AuditManagerBlogStack and choose Outputs.
  4. Make note of the bucketOutput name that starts with auditmanagerblogstack-
  5. Upload the example-control.yaml file into the auditmanagerblogstack- bucket noted in step 3, inside the controls folder
  6. The event-driven architecture is deployed as part of the solution. Uploading the file to the Amazon S3 bucket triggers an automated event to create the new custom control in AWS Audit Manager.

To validate your new custom control is automatically provisioned in AWS Audit Manager

  1. In the AWS console, go to AWS Audit Manager and select Control library
  2. Choose Custom controls to view the following controls:
Figure 6. Audit Manager custom controls are listed as Custom controls

Figure 6. Audit Manager custom controls are listed as Custom controls

To create your own custom framework as code

  1. Create a new framework file named example-framework.yaml with contents as shown below:
  2. name:
    Sample DataSecurity Framework

    A sample data security framework to prohibit public access to data


    – name: Prohibit public access
    – DataSecurity-PublicAccessProhibited

    Tag1: DataSecurity
    Tag2: PublicAccessProhibited

  3. Go to AWS Console > AWS CloudFormation > Stacks. Select AuditManagerBlogStack and choose Outputs.
  4. Make note of the bucketOutput name that starts with auditmanagerblogstack-
  5. Upload the example-framework.yaml file into the bucket noted in step 3 above, inside the frameworks folder
  6. The event driven architecture is deployed as part of the blog. The file upload to Amazon S3 triggers an automated event to create the new custom framework in AWS Audit Manager.

To validate your new custom framework automatically provisioned in AWS Audit Manager

  1. Go to AWS Audit Manager in the AWS console and select Control library
  2. Click Custom controls and you should be able to see the following controls:
Figure 7. View custom controls created via custom repo

Figure 7. View custom controls created via custom repo

Congratulations, you have successfully created your new custom control and framework using the proposed solution.

Next steps

An Audit Manager assessment is based on a framework, which is a grouping of controls. Using the framework of your choice as a starting point, you can create an assessment that collects evidence for the controls in that framework. In your assessment, you can also define the scope of your audit. This includes specifying which AWS accounts and services you want to collect evidence for. You can create an assessment from a custom framework  you build yourself, using steps from the Audit Manager documentation.


The solution provides the dynamic ability to design, develop and monitor capabilities that can be extended as a standardized enterprise IT controls catalogue for your company. With AWS Audit Manager, you can build compliance controls as code, with capability to audit your environment on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. You can use this solution to improve the dynamic nature of assessments with AWS Audit Manager’s compliance audit, on time with reduced manual effort. To learn more about our standard frameworks to assist you, see Supported frameworks in AWS Audit Manager which provides prebuilt frameworks based on AWS best practices.


Deenadayaalan Thirugnanasambandam

Deenadayaalan is a Solution Architect at Amazon Web Services. He provides prescriptive architectural guidance and consulting that enable and accelerate customers’ adoption of AWS.


Hu Jin

Hu is a Software Development Engineer at AWS. He helps customers build secure and scalable solutions on AWS Cloud to realise business value faster.


Vinodh Shankar

Vinodh is a Sr. Specialist SA at Amazon Web Services. He helps customers with defining their transformation road map, assessing readiness, creating business case and mapping future state business transformation on cloud.


Hafiz Saadullah

Hafiz is a Senior Technical Product Manager with AWS focused on AWS Solutions.

2021 AWS security-focused workshops

Post Syndicated from Temi Adebambo original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/2021-aws-security-focused-workshops/

Every year, Amazon Web Services (AWS) looks to help our customers gain more experience and knowledge of our services through hands-on workshops. In 2021, we unfortunately couldn’t connect with you in person as much as we would have liked, so we wanted to create and share new ways to learn and build on AWS. We built and published several security-focused workshops that help you learn how to use or configure new services and features securely. Workshops are hands-on learning modules designed to teach or introduce practical skills, techniques, or concepts you can use to solve business problems.

In this blog post, we highlight the newest AWS security-focused workshops below. There are also several other workshops that were developed before 2021; you can find them on AWS Workshops, AWS Security Workshops, and AWS Samples. Here’s the list:

Data Protection and Privacy

Workshop Title


Data discovery and classification with Amazon Macie

In this workshop, get familiar with Amazon Macie and learn to scan and classify data in your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets. Work with Macie (data classification) and AWS Security Hub (centralized security view) to see how data in your environment is stored, and to understand any changes in S3 bucket policies that may affect your security posture. Learn to create a custom data identifier and to create and scope data discovery and classification jobs in Macie. Finally, use Macie to filter and investigate the results from the scans you create.

Scaling your encryption at rest capabilities with AWS KMS

AWS makes it easy to protect your data with encryption. This hands-on workshop provides an opportunity to dive deep into encryption at rest options with AWS. Learn AWS server-side encryption with AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) for services such as Amazon S3, Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS), and Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS). Also, learn best practices for using AWS KMS across multiple accounts and Regions and how to scale while optimizing for performance.

Store, retrieve, and manage sensitive credentials in AWS Secrets Manager

In this workshop, learn how to integrate AWS Secrets Manager in your development platform, backed by serverless applications. Work through a sample application, and use Secrets Manager to retrieve credentials as well as work with attribute-based access control using tags. Also, learn how to monitor the compliance of secrets and implement incident response workflows that will rotate the secret, restore the resource policy, alert the SOC, and deny access to the offender.

Building and operating a Private Certificate Authority on AWS

This workshop covers private certificate management on AWS, employing the concepts of least privilege, separation of duties, monitoring, and automation. Participants learn operational aspects of creating a complete certificate authority (CA) hierarchy, building a simple web application, and issuing private certificates. It also covers how job functions—including CA administrators, application developers, and security administrators—can follow the principle of least privilege to perform various functions associated with certificate management. Finally, learn about IoT certificates, code-signing, and certificate templates to enable all your use cases.

Amazon S3 security and access settings and controls

Amazon S3 provides many security and access settings to help you secure your data, controls that ensure that those settings remain in place, and features to help you audit those settings and controls. This workshop walks you through these Amazon S3 capabilities and scenarios, to help you apply them for different security requirements.

Redact data as needed using Amazon S3 Object Lambda

Amazon S3 Object Lambda works with your existing applications, and allows you to add your own code using AWS Lambda functions to automatically process and transform data from Amazon S3 before returning it to an application. This enables different views of the same object depending on user identity, such as restricting access to confidential information, or disallowing access to personally identifiable information (PII) data. In this workshop, learn how to use Amazon S3 Object Lambda to modify objects during GET requests, so you no longer need to store multiple views of the same document.

Using AWS Nitro Enclaves to process highly sensitive data

In this hands-on workshop, learn how to use AWS Nitro Enclaves to isolate highly-sensitive data from your users, applications, and third-party libraries on your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. Explore AWS Nitro Enclaves, discuss common use cases, and build and run your own enclave. During this workshop, learn about enclave isolation, cryptographic attestation, enclave image files, local Vsock communication channels, common debugging scenarios, and the enclave lifecycle.

Ransomware prevention strategies in Amazon S3

Learn how to use the protective, detective and monitoring controls in AWS to protect your data in S3 from ransomware threats. Set up Amazon GuardDuty for S3 and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer, and learn to read and respond to findings and create IAM invariants. Create a tiered storage approach to backup and recovery, and learn to use Amazon S3 Object Lock, versioning, and replication to provide immutable storage and protect against accidental or malicious deletion.

Governance, Risk, and Compliance

Operating securely in a multi-account environment

Operating multiple AWS accounts under an organization is how many users consume AWS Cloud services. In this workshop, learn how to build foundational security monitoring in multi-account environments. Walk through an initial setup of AWS Security Hub for centralized aggregation of findings across your AWS Organizations organization. Additionally, learn how to centralize Amazon GuardDuty findings, Amazon Detective functions, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer findings (if available), AWS Config rule evaluations, and AWS CloudTrail logs into the central security monitoring account (security tools account). Finally, implement a service control policy (SCP) that denies the ability to disable these security controls.

Building remediation workflows to simplify compliance

Automation and simplification are key to managing compliance at scale. Remediation is one of the essential elements of simplifying and managing risk. In this workshop, see how to build a remediation workflow using AWS Config and AWS Systems Manager automation. Learn how this workflow can be deployed at scale and monitored with AWS Security Hub to oversee the entire organization and how to use AWS Audit Manager to easily access evidence of risk management.

Identity and Access Management

Integrating IAM Access Analyzer into a CI/CD pipeline

Want to analyze Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies at scale? Want to help your developers write secure IAM policies? This workshop provides you the hands-on opportunity to run IAM Access Analyzer policy validation on your AWS CloudFormation templates in a continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline.

Data perimeter workshop

In this workshop, learn how to create a data perimeter by building controls that allow access to data only from expected network locations and by trusted identities. The workshop consists of five modules, each designed to illustrate a different Identity and Access Management (IAM) or network control. Learn where and how to implement the appropriate controls based on different risk scenarios. Discover how to implement these controls as service control policies, identity- and resource-based policies, and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) endpoint policies.

Network and Infrastructure Security

Build a Zero Trust architecture for service-to-service workloads on AWS

In this workshop, get hands-on experience implementing a Zero Trust architecture for service-to-service workloads on AWS. Learn how to use services such as Amazon API Gateway and Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) endpoints to integrate network and identity controls while using Amazon GuardDuty, Lambda, and Amazon DynamoDB to take advantage of native service controls. Learn how these services allow you to authorize specific flows between components to reduce lateral network mobility risk and improve the overall security posture of your workload.

Securing deployment of third-party ML models

Enterprise users adopting machine learning (ML) on AWS often look for prescriptive guidance on implementing security best practices, establishing governance, securing their ML models, and meeting compliance standards. Building a repeatable solution provides users with standardization and governance over what gets provisioned in their AWS account. In this workshop, learn steps you can take to secure third-party ML model deployments. We provide cloud infrastructure-as-code templates to automate the setup of a hardened Amazon SageMaker environment. These templates include private networking, VPC endpoints, end-to-end encryption, logging and monitoring, and enhanced governance and access controls through AWS Service Catalog.

Building Prowler into a QuickSight-powered AWS security dashboard

In this workshop, get hands-on experience with Prowler, AWS Security Hub, and Amazon QuickSight by building a custom security dashboard for the AWS environment. Using a multi-account deployment of Prowler integrated into Security Hub, learn to identify and analyze Prowler findings and integrate QuickSight to visualize the information. Discover how to get the most from QuickSight and Prowler with automatically created datasets.

Threat Detection and Incident Response

Integration, prioritization, and response with AWS Security Hub

This workshop is designed to get you familiar with AWS Security Hub, so you can better understand how to use it in your own AWS environment. This workshop has two sections. The first section demonstrates the features and functions of AWS Security Hub. The second section shows you how to use AWS Security Hub to import findings from different data sources, analyze findings so you can prioritize response work, and implement responses to findings to help improve your security posture.

Building an AWS incident response plan using Jupyter notebooks

This workshop guides you through building an incident response plan for your AWS environment using Jupyter notebooks. Walk through an easy-to-follow sample incident, using building blocks as a ready-to-use playbook in a Jupyter notebook. Then, follow simple steps to add additional programmatic and documented steps to your incident response plan.

Scaling threat detection and response on AWS

In this hands-on workshop, learn about several AWS services involved in threat detection and response as you walk through real-world threat scenarios. Learn about the threat detection capabilities of Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Macie, and AWS Security Hub and the available response options. For each hands-on scenario, review methods to detect and respond to threats using the following services: AWS CloudTrail, Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) Flow Logs, Amazon CloudWatch Events, AWS Lambda, Amazon Inspector, Amazon GuardDuty, and AWS Security Hub.

Building incident response playbooks for AWS

In this workshop, learn how to develop incident response playbooks. Explore the incident response lifecycle, including preparation, detection and analysis, containment, eradication and recovery, and post-incident activity. To get the most out of this workshop, you should have advanced experience with AWS services and responsibilities aligned with incident response frameworks such as NIST SP 800-61 R2.

This list is representative of the security workshops created in 2021 to help customers on their journey in AWS. If you’d like to find more workshops, please go to AWS Workshops and select Security in the top navigation bar, or you can also check out AWS Security Workshops for a subset of workshops curated by AWS Security Specialists. We hope you enjoy these workshops!

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

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Temi Adebambo

Temi leads the Security and Network Solutions Architecture team at AWS. His team is focused on working with customers on cloud migration and modernization, cybersecurity strategy, architecture best practices, and innovation in the cloud. Before AWS, he spent over 14 years as a consultant, advising CISOs and security leaders.

New IRAP full assessment report is now available on AWS Artifact for Australian customers

Post Syndicated from Clara Lim original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/new-irap-full-assessment-report-is-now-available-on-aws-artifact-for-australian-customers/

We are excited to announce that a new Information Security Registered Assessors Program (IRAP) report is now available on AWS Artifact, after a successful full assessment completed in December 2021 by an independent ASD (Australian Signals Directorate) certified IRAP assessor.

The new IRAP report includes reassessment of the existing 111 services which are already in scope for IRAP, as well as the 14 additional services listed below, and the new Melbourne region. For the full list of in-scope services, see the AWS Services in Scope page on the IRAP tab. All services in scope are available in the Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region.

The IRAP assessment report is developed in accordance with the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Cloud Security Guidance and their Anatomy of a Cloud Assessment and Authorisation framework, which addresses guidance within the Australian Government Information Security Manual (ISM), the Attorney-General’s Department Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF), and the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) Secure Cloud Strategy.

We have created the IRAP documentation pack on AWS Artifact, which includes the AWS Consumer Guide and the whitepaper Reference Architectures for ISM PROTECTED Workloads in the AWS Cloud, which was created to help Australian government agencies and their partners plan, architect, and risk assess workloads based on AWS Cloud services.

Please reach out to your AWS representatives to let us know which additional services you would like to see in scope for coming IRAP assessments. We strive to bring more services into the scope of the IRAP PROTECTED level, based on your requirements.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Clara Lim

Clara is the APJ-Lead Strategist supporting the compliance programs for the Asia Pacific Region, leading multiple security certification programs. Clara is passionate about leveraging her decade-long experience to deliver compliance programs that provide assurance and build trust with customers.

AWS re:Invent 2021 Security Track Recap

Post Syndicated from Marta Taggart original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/aws-reinvent-2021-security-track-recap/

Another AWS re:Invent is in the books! We were so pleased to be able to host live in Las Vegas again this year. And we were also thrilled to be able to host a large virtual audience. If you weren’t able to participate live, you can now view some of the security sessions by visiting the AWS Events Channel on YouTube and checking out the AWS re:Invent 2021 Breakout Sessions for Security playlist. The following is a list of some of the security-focused sessions you’ll find on the playlist:

Security Leadership Session: Continuous security improvement: Strategies and tactics – SEC219
Steve Schmidt, Sarah Cecchetti, and Thomas Avant

In this session, Stephen Schmidt, Chief Information Security Officer at AWS, addresses best practices for security in the cloud, feature updates, and how AWS handles security internally. Discover the potential future of tooling for security, identity, privacy, and compliance.

AWS Security Reference Architecture: Visualize your security – SEC203
Neal Rothleder and Andy Wickersham

How do AWS security services work together and how do you deploy them? The new AWS Security Reference Architecture (AWS SRA) provides prescriptive guidance for deploying the full complement of AWS security services in a multi-account environment. AWS SRA describes and demonstrates how security services should be deployed and managed, the security objectives they serve, and how they interact with one another. In this session, learn about these assets, the AWS SRA team’s design decisions, and guidelines for how to use AWS SRA for your security designs. Discover an authoritative reference to help you design and implement your own security architecture on AWS.

Introverts and extroverts collide: Build an inclusive workforce – SEC204
Jenny Brinkley and Eric Brandwine

In this session, hear from the odd couple of AWS security on how to build diverse teams and develop proactive security cultures. Jenny Brinkley, Director of AWS Security, and Eric Brandwine, VP and Distinguished Engineer for AWS Security, provide best practices for and insights into the mechanisms applied to the AWS Security organization. Learn how to not only scale your programs, but also drive real business change.

Security posture monitoring with AWS Security Hub at Panasonic Avionics – SEC205
Himanshu Verma and Anand Desikan

In this session, learn to proactively monitor, identify, and protect data to help maintain security and compliance with low operational investment. Panasonic Avionics shares their robust security solution for migrating to Amazon S3 to reduce data center costs by more than 85 percent while remaining secure and compliant with comprehensive industry regulations. Discover best practices for deploying layered security to monitor data using Amazon Macie, learn how to detect threats using Amazon GuardDuty, and consider how automating responses can help protect your data and meet your compliance requirements. Explore how you can use AWS Security Hub as a central monitoring and posture-management control point.

[New Launch] AWS Shield: Automated layer 7 DDoS mitigation – SEC226
Kevin Lee and Chido Chemambo

In this session, learn how you can use automated application layer 7 (L7) DDoS mitigations with AWS Shield Advanced to protect your web applications. You can now use on AWS Shield Advanced to automatically recommend AWS WAF rules in response to an L7 DDoS event instead of manually crafting an AWS WAF rule to isolate the malicious traffic, evaluating the rule’s effectiveness, and then deploying it throughout your environment. AWS Shield Advanced is effective at alerting application owners when spikes in traffic may impact the availability of applications. Now, AWS Shield Advanced can automatically detect and mitigate L7 traffic anomalies that risk impacting application availability and responsiveness.

Locks without keys: AWS and confidentiality – SEC301
Colm MacCárthaigh

Every day AWS works with organizations and regulators to host some of the most sensitive workloads in industry and government. In this session, hear how AWS secures data even from trusted AWS operators and services. Learn about the AWS Nitro System and how it provides confidential computing and a trusted execution environment. Also, learn about the cryptographic chains of custody that are built into the AWS Identity and Access Management service, including how encryption is used to provide defense in depth and why AWS focuses on verified isolation and customer transparency.

Use AWS to improve your security posture against ransomware – SEC308
Merritt Baer and Megan O’Neil

Ransomware is not specific to the cloud—in fact, AWS can provide increased visibility and control over your security posture against malware. In this session, learn ways that enterprises can empower and even inoculate themselves against malware, including ransomware. From IAM policies and the principle of least privilege to AWS services like Amazon GuardDuty, AWS Security Hub for actionable insights, and CloudEndure Disaster Recovery and AWS Backup for retention and recovery, this session provides clarity into tools and approaches that can help you feel confident in your security posture against current malware.

Securing your data perimeter with VPC endpoints – SEC318
Becky Weiss

In this session, learn how to use your network perimeter as a straightforward defensive perimeter around your data in the cloud. VPC endpoints were first introduced for Amazon S3 in 2015 and have since incorporated many improvements, enhancements, and expansions. They enable you to lock your data into your networks as well as assert network-wide security invariants. This session provides practical guidance on what you can do with VPC endpoints and details how to configure them as part of your data perimeter strategy.

A least privilege journey: AWS IAM policies and Access Analyzer – SEC324
Brigid Johnson

Are you looking for tips and tools for applying least privilege permissions for your users and workloads? Love demonstrations and useful examples? In this session, explore advanced skills to use on your journey to apply least privilege permissions in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) by granting the right access to the right identities under the right conditions. For each stage of the permissions lifecycle, learn how to look at IAM policy specifics and use IAM Access Analyzer to set, verify, and refine fine-grained permissions. Get a review of the foundations of permissions in AWS and dive into conditions, tags, and cross-account access.

If watching these sessions has you thinking about your next hands-on learning opportunity with AWS Security, we invite you to save the date for AWS re:Inforce 2022. AWS re:Inforce, our learning conference focused on cloud security, compliance, identity, and privacy, will be held June 28-29, 2022 in Houston, Texas. We hope to see you there!

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Marta Taggart

Marta is a Seattle-native and Senior Product Marketing Manager in AWS Security Product Marketing, where she focuses on data protection services. Outside of work you’ll find her trying to convince Jack, her rescue dog, not to chase squirrels and crows (with limited success).

Automatically resolve Security Hub findings for resources that no longer exist

Post Syndicated from Kris Normand original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/automatically-resolve-security-hub-findings-for-resources-that-no-longer-exist/

In this post, you’ll learn how to automatically resolve AWS Security Hub findings for previously deleted Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources. By using an event-driven solution, you can automatically resolve findings for AWS and third-party service integrations.

Security Hub provides a comprehensive view of your security alerts and security posture across your AWS accounts. Security Hub provides a single place that aggregates, organizes, and prioritizes your security alerts (also called findings) from multiple AWS services and partner solutions. Security Hub lets you assign workflow statuses of NEW, NOTIFIED, SUPPRESSED, or RESOLVED to findings. These statuses help you understand the state of your security findings and identify which need attention. As AWS resources are spun up and down during the course of normal business activities, there might be findings in Security Hub for those resources. AWS Security Hub findings backed by AWS Config are automatically archived when AWS Config identifies that a resource has been deleted. However, for some AWS service integrations—such as Amazon GuardDuty and third-party partner products—findings aren’t automatically resolved or archived when a resource is deleted. This can result in orphaned findings for resources that no longer exist.

In this post, we show you how to use an event-driven architecture to automatically resolve findings for all providers—AWS and third-party—for resources that have been deleted. Automatically resolving these findings reduces alert fatigue by decreasing noise, allowing your security team to focus on investigating and remediating high fidelity findings.

A common use case for automatically resolving findings is for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances that are ephemeral in nature. For example, Amazon EC2 instances that are part of an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group. EC2 instances can scale to thousands of nodes multiple times a day depending on the workload. Without automatically resolving these findings, you could end up with one or more findings for each instance. By automatically resolving findings for the deleted resources, your teams can focus on investigating and remediating findings that affect active resources.


This solution assumes that you have Security Hub and AWS Config configured across all of your AWS accounts. Instructions for configuring Security Hub and its dependencies can be found in the Security Hub user guide. Ensure you have configured Security Hub to use a delegated administrator account, which centralizes findings from all member accounts.

Solution overview

In Security Hub, the investigation status of a finding is tracked using the workflow status attribute. The workflow status attribute for new findings is initially set to NEW. You can change the workflow status of a finding by either selecting it in the AWS Security Hub console, or by automating the change of workflow status by using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or Security Hub SDKs. The usual workflow for a finding, whether managed manually or through automation, is NEW, NOTIFIED, then RESOLVED or SUPPRESSED.

In this solution, we show you how to automatically set the workflow status to RESOLVED for all applicable findings when an EC2 instance, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, or an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role is deleted. This event-driven solution uses Amazon EventBridge event patterns—which can be easily customized to meet your specific business needs—to invoke the resolution workflow on Delete or Terminate API calls. An EventBridge event bus is used to forward all Delete or Terminate API calls to your Security Hub delegated administrator account. Event patterns are used to filter for specific events and forward them to a target. With this solution, you filter for specific Delete and Terminate events, identified by the event name. The target for matching events is an AWS Lambda function. The invocation of this function includes context around the event which includes the metadata for the resource that was just deleted or terminated. This function queries the Security Hub GetFindings API for all findings for the resource with a status of NEW or NOTIFIED. The function then sets the workflow status to RESOLVED for all findings for the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the given resource by calling the BatchUpdateFindings Security Hub API.

Solution architecture

Figure 1: Solution architecture overview

Figure 1: Solution architecture overview

Figure 1 shows the deletion of an AWS resource in a Security Hub member account being forwarded to the EventBridge event bus in the Security Hub administrator account. The process flow is as follows:

  1. In a Security Hub member account, a user deletes or terminates a resource through the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or SDK.
  2. AWS CloudTrail logs the user activity and automatically forwards an event to EventBridge.
  3. An EventBridge event pattern filters for the delete or terminate API call, and generates an event.
  4. The event is forwarded to the event bus in the Security Hub administrator account.
  5. In the Security Hub administrator account, an event pattern is used to filter for all delete or terminate API calls.
  6. Matching events generate an EventBridge event.
  7. The target for this event is the Lambda function to resolve Security Hub findings for the recently deleted resource.
  8. The Lambda function generates a list of all findings for the recently deleted resource and updates the workflow status for each finding to RESOLVED in the Security Hub delegated administrator account.
  9. The workflow status propagates from the Security Hub delegated administrator account to the member accounts of Security Hub.

To deploy the solution

In the Security Hub administrator account complete the following steps:

  1. In the following resource policy, replace <Region> with the AWS Region where the solution is deployed, <AccountID> with the Security Hub administrator account ID and <OrgID> is the ID of the organization within your AWS Organizations implementation.
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [{
        "Sid": "allow_all_accounts_from_organization_to_put_events",
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": "*",
        "Action": "events:PutEvents",
        "Resource": "arn:aws:events:<Region>:<AccountID>:event-bus/default",
        "Condition": {
          "StringEquals": {
            "aws:PrincipalOrgID": "<OrgID>"

  2. Add the edited resource policy to the default EventBridge event bus to allow all accounts in your organization to send delete events for IAM roles, EC2 instances, and S3 buckets to the default event bus in the Security Hub administrator account.

    Note: You can also choose to specify a list of accounts to receive events from. For more information about configuring a resource policy see Managing event bus permissions in Permissions for Amazon EventBridge event buses.

  3. Deploy the AWS CloudFormation template that creates the required resources.

    Launch Stack Button

In each Security Hub member account, deploy the CloudFormation template. You will need to specify the Security Hub administrator AWS account ID to deploy the stack.

Launch Stack Button

Tip: CloudFormation StackSets can be used to deploy stacks across all accounts in your organization. For more information, see Working with AWS CloudFormation StackSets.

Note: With CloudFormation StackSets, the template isn’t deployed in the StackSet administrator account by default. The CloudFormation stack must be deployed separately in the StackSet administrator account.

Note: Security Hub now supports cross-Region aggregation of findings. If you have Security Hub cross-Region aggregation enabled. The solution in this post will work for findings in all aggregated regions.

Next steps

Understanding and fixing the root cause for Security Hub findings will improve your security posture and reduce the number of future findings. As a best practice, you should periodically analyze the findings for resources that have been automatically resolved by this solution to identify trends so that your team can investigate and fix root causes. You can use the filter below in the Security Hub console to view all findings automatically resolved by this solution:

To analyze findings

  1. Open the Security Hub console and select Findings.
  2. Check to see that Workflow status is RESOLVED and Note updated by is DeletedResourceFindingResolver.
  3. (Optional) You can also create a custom insight for these findings by adding Group by: ProductName to the filter.
  4. Select Create Insight as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: AWS Security Hub

Figure 2: AWS Security Hub

Note: You can expand the solution to include other resource types based on your requirements, such as security groups, Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) databases, and IAM users by updating the event pattern in the EventBridge rule and modifying the Lambda function code.


In this post, we showed how you can automatically resolve findings for deleted EC2, IAM and S3 resources by using the Security Hub GetFindings and BatchUpdateFindings API actions. We showed you how to configure EventBridge patterns and rules to initiate a Lambda function through a centralized event bus to address these findings for resources across your Organizations.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Security Hub forum. To start your 30-day free trial of Security Hub, visit AWS Security Hub.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Kris Normand

Kris is a Senior Security Consultant with AWS Professional Services. He partners with Chief Information Security Officers to lead their digital transformation efforts on AWS. When not working on security and compliance initiatives with customers, Kris enjoys traveling, hiking, and spending time with his family. He is also a veteran of the U.S Air Force.


Cory Smith

Cory is a Senior Security Consultant with AWS Professional Services based in San Antonio, TX. He partners with customers to deliver key business outcomes in a secure and compliant manner within AWS. He’s passionate about solving complex technical problems with new and innovative solutions.


Kafayat Adeyemi

Kafayat is a Senior Technical Account Manager at AWS based in Atlanta, GA. She is passionate about security and works with enterprise customers to build, deploy, and manage secure and scalable workloads on AWS. Outside of work, she loves to travel, bake, and spend time with her family.


Justin Kontny

Justin is a Senior Security Consultant with the AWS Global Security Practice, a part of our Worldwide Professional Services Organization. He helps customers improve their security posture as they migrate their most sensitive workloads to AWS. Justin has a passion for detective controls and scaling security via automation.

How to configure an incoming email security gateway with Amazon WorkMail

Post Syndicated from Jesse Thompson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-configure-an-incoming-email-security-gateway-with-amazon-workmail/

This blog post will walk you through the steps needed to integrate Amazon WorkMail with an email security gateway. Configuring WorkMail this way can provide a versatile defense strategy for inbound email threats.

Amazon WorkMail is a secure, managed business email and calendar service. WorkMail leverages the email receiving capabilities of Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) to scan all incoming and outgoing email for spam, malware, and viruses to help protect your users from harmful email. AWS Lambda for Amazon WorkMail functions can tap into the capabilities of other AWS services to accomplish additional business objectives, such as controlling message delivery or message modification.

For many organizations, existing features and integrations with Amazon SES are sufficient for their spam, malware, and virus detection. Other organizations may need either a dedicated on-premise security solution, or have other reasons to use an additional inspection point in the overall mail flow. A number of commercial and community-supported tools include features like special encryption capabilities, data loss prevention (DLP) content inspection engines, and embedded-hyperlink transformation features to protect end-user mailboxes.


To implement this solution, you need:

  • A domain name and permission to alter domain name system (DNS) records in Amazon Route 53 or your existing DNS provider. This could be your organization’s existing domain (such as example.org), a new domain (such as example.net), or a subdomain (such as sub.example.org).
  • Access to an AWS account so you can configure WorkMail and Amazon SES. Optionally, you may also need the ability to create AWS Lambda functions to integrate with WorkMail.
  • Access to configure the email security gateway of your choosing.

How email flows with an email security gateway

Email security gateways function by handling the initial ingress of email via the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP). When email servers send messages to your domain’s email addresses, they look at your domain’s mail exchange (MX) record in the DNS. After processing an email message, the email security gateway delivers it to the downstream mailbox hosting service, such as WorkMail, by means of Amazon SES via SMTP. You can also optionally configure an AWS Lambda for Amazon WorkMail function to synchronously deliver messages into end-user junk email folders, or to take other actions. 

Figure 1. Interaction points while architecting an email security gateway

Figure 1. Interaction points while architecting an email security gateway

The interaction points are as follows:

  1. The email sender looks up the mail exchange (MX) record for the domain hosted by WorkMail. The domain name system (DNS) domain may be hosted in Route 53, or by another DNS hosting provider. The value of the MX record contains the internet protocol (IP) address of the email security gateway.
  2. The email sender connects to the email security gateway, and sends the message using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
  3. The email security gateway accepts, processes, and then delivers the message to the ingress SMTP endpoint for WorkMail. Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) handles inbound email receiving for WorkMail.
  4. Optionally, an AWS Lambda for Amazon WorkMail function can synchronously process messages before delivery to WorkMail.
  5. WorkMail receives the message for final delivery to the end-user.

The gateway assumes responsibility for inspecting incoming email, because the initial point of ingress is an important component of a multi-layer defense strategy against email-borne threats. The gateway could refuse or quarantine risky messages, it could modify the email subjects and body to add warnings visible to recipients, or it could append metadata to the email headers for downstream processing by an AWS Lambda function.

Why point of ingress email authentication is important

What is email authentication

SMTP was built at a time when networking was less reliable than it is today, and consequently, it was designed to be able to allow any domain to store and later forward messages on behalf of other domains to mitigate connection problems. While that helped at the time, today it presents real problems in authenticating who truly sent a message: the owner of the domain, or just someone else claiming to be the owner? To overcome this issue, the messaging industry has adopted three protocols to help verify the authenticity of a message: SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. These protocols aren’t perfect, but understanding how to use them is important when adding new steps to your message processing workflow, because they can affect how you receive inbound mail.

Sender Policy Framework

Sender Policy Framework (SPF) permits domain owners to declare which SMTP servers are allowed to send email messages claiming to be from their domain. This establishes an identity relationship between the owner of the domain and the authorized party that controls the SMTP server. When SPF is used, a message can only be handed off directly from an authorized SMTP server; it cannot be relayed through a second, unauthorized server without changing the originating address.

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) permits domain owners to advertise a public key that a mail recipient’s system can use to verify the sender’s digital signature. This allows SMTP servers and other downstream applications to check the validity of the digital signature against the public key of the domain which had the matching private key to create the signature. DKIM signatures attached to messages can remain intact through intermediary SMTP servers, but if message contents (email body or email headers) are modified by intermediary servers, the final destination will find that the signature is no longer valid.

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC)

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) permits domain owners to publish a policy telling receiving servers what to do when SPF or DKIM are not valid, such as if a message originated from an unauthorized server, or if it was tampered with after being sent. DMARC checks if a message matches what it knows about the sender via SPF and DKIM, a process known as alignment. The recipient’s server can then enforce the DMARC policy, for example by rejecting or quarantining non-aligned messages.

Tying it all together

Amazon WorkMail normally performs DMARC enforcement for inbound messages, based on their alignment when they were received by Amazon SES. But when an email security gateway acts as an intermediary SMTP server between the original sender and WorkMail, that breaks the relationship with the SMTP servers authorized by SPF, and if the gateway modifies the message, that invalidates the DKIM signature. This is why it’s necessary for the SMTP server at the point of ingress to perform the evaluation of SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. The email security gateway at the border should be made responsible for enforcing DMARC on messages that don’t align, and WorkMail DMARC enforcement should be disabled.

Figure 2. Diagram of SPF policy enforcement process. The full details of the interaction points are outlined below.

Figure 2. Diagram of SPF policy enforcement process. The full details of the interaction points are outlined below.

The interaction points for SPF policy enforcement are as follows:

  1. The email sender delivers the message to the email security gateway with a MAIL FROM address within a domain the sender owns.
  2. The email security gateway looks up the sender’s domain’s Sender Permitted From (SPF) policy in DNS to determine if the sending mail server’s IP address is authorized.
  3. The email security gateway delivers the message to Amazon SES with the same MAIL FROM address. The email security gateway has a different IP address than the original sending email server.
  4. When Amazon SES looks up the MAIL FROM domain’s SPF, it will not find the email security gateway’s IP address as authorized. From the perspective of Amazon SES, and the resulting logs in Amazon Cloudwatch, the message will appear to be unauthorized by the SPF policy. This result is ignored by disabling DMARC checks in the WorkMail organization configuration.
  5. The message continues delivery to WorkMail with an optional integration with AWS Lambda for Amazon WorkMail synchronous run configuration, which can analyze message headers to get a more complete picture of the message’s authenticity.

Choosing an email security gateway

Many email security vendors offer software as a service (SaaS) solutions. This offloads all management responsibilities to the software vendor’s platform. These solutions work as long as they support the email gateway features necessary for this solution as depicted in Figure 2 and described in the Why point of ingress email authentication is important section above.

If you wish to build and maintain your own email security gateway, you may deploy one available from the AWS Marketplace or add an open source application into your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). You will need to remove port 25 restriction from your EC2 instance for the email security gateway within your Amazon VPC to send email to Amazon WorkMail.

How to configure Amazon WorkMail

Follow this procedure to configure your WorkMail organization and Amazon SES IP address filters to allow the email security gateway to process inbound email receiving.

To configure Amazon WorkMail

  1. From the WorkMail console, select your organization, navigate to Organization settings, and select Advanced. Edit the Inbound DMARC Settings and set Enforcement enabled to Off. This ensures that WorkMail does not re-evaluate DMARC.

    Figure 3. Picture of the AWS WorkMail console showing the advanced configuration depicting Inbound DMARC enforcement disabled

    Figure 3. Picture of the AWS WorkMail console showing the advanced configuration depicting Inbound DMARC enforcement disabled

  2. From the Amazon SES console, navigate to Email receiving and create IP address filters to allow the IP address or IP address range of the gateway(s).
  3. Add another rule to block This prevents malicious actors from bypassing your email security gateway.

    Figure 4. Picture of the Amazon SES console showing example IP address filters to allow the email security gateway IP addresses and blocking every other IP Address

    Figure 4. Picture of the Amazon SES console showing example IP address filters to allow the email security gateway IP addresses and blocking every other IP Address

  4. From the Route 53 console, navigate to Hosted zones, select the domain and edit the MX record to the IP address or hostname of the gateway. This causes all email senders to deliver to your gateway, instead of delivering directly to WorkMail.
    Follow the instructions of your DNS provider if the domain’s DNS is hosted elsewhere.

    Figure 5. Picture of the Amazon Route 53 console showing that the DMS MX record for the domain needs to be configured with the IP address of the email security gateway

    Figure 5. Picture of the Amazon Route 53 console showing that the DMS MX record for the domain needs to be configured with the IP address of the email security gateway

  5. From the WorkMail console, navigate to Domains, select your domain to show the Domain verification status page.
  6. Copy the host name from the value of the MX record type as depicted in Figure 6.

    Figure 6. Picture showing the section of the MX record value to copy from the WorkMail console.

    Figure 6. Picture showing the section of the MX record value to copy from the WorkMail console.

  7. Configure your email security gateway with the value that you just copied (e.g. inbound-smtp.us-east-1.amazonaws.com) to send inbound messages to your WorkMail organization. Instructions for doing this will vary depending on which email security gateway you are using.

Some specifics of this configuration depend on which gateway you are using, how it is designed for high availability, and the type of features configured. Test your WorkMail integration with a non-production domain before changing your production domain.

It is normal for Amazon CloudWatch logs for WorkMail, as well as the individual message headers, to show that SPF fails for all messages which traverse the gateway. Configure the email security gateway to record its SPF evaluation in the message headers so that it remains available for troubleshooting and further processing.

Junk E-Mail folder integration

WorkMail normally moves spam messages into the Junk E-mail folder within each recipient’s mailbox. To replicate this behavior for spam messages identified by the email security gateway, use AWS Lambda for Amazon WorkMail with a synchronous run configuration to run a function for every inbound message to a group of recipients.

To configure an AWS Lambda function for every inbound message (optional)

  1. Configure the email security gateway to include a spam verdict in the message headers for all incoming mail.
  2. Create a synchronous run configuration using AWS Lambda for Amazon WorkMail  to interpret the message headers and return a response to WorkMail with type: BYPASS_SPAM_CHECK or MOVE_TO_JUNK. A sample Amazon WorkMail Upstream Gateway Filter solution is available in the AWS Serverless Application Repository.


By integrating an email security gateway and leveraging AWS Lambda for Amazon WorkMail, you will gain additional security and management control over your organization’s inbound email. To learn more, read the Amazon WorkMail FAQs and Amazon WorkMail documentation.

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Jesse Thompson

Jesse Thompson

Jesse is a worldwide public sector senior solutions architect at AWS. His background is in public sector enterprise IT development and operations, with a focus on abuse mitigation and encouragement of authenticity practices with open standard protocols.