Tag Archives: Amazon VPC

Multi-Region Migration using AWS Application Migration Service

Post Syndicated from Shreya Pathak original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/multi-region-migration-using-aws-application-migration-service/

AWS customers are in various stages of their cloud journey. Frequently, enterprises begin that journey by rehosting (lift-and-shift migrating) their on-premises workloads into AWS, and running Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. You can rehost using AWS Application Migration Service (MGN), a cloud-native migration tool.

You may need to relocate instances and workloads to a Region that is closer in proximity to one of your offices or data centers. Or you may have a resilience requirement to balance your workloads across multiple Regions. This rehosting migration pattern with AWS MGN can also be used to migrate Amazon EC2-hosted workloads from one AWS Region to another.

In this blog post, we will show you how to configure AWS MGN for migrating your workloads from one AWS Region to another.

Overview of AWS MGN migration

AWS MGN, an AWS native service, minimizes time-intensive, error-prone, manual processes by automatically converting your source servers from physical, virtual, or cloud infrastructure to run natively on AWS. It reduces overall migration costs, such as investment in multiple migration solutions, specialized cloud development, or application-specific skills. With AWS MGN, you can migrate your applications from physical infrastructure, VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, Amazon EC2, and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) to AWS.

To migrate to AWS, install the AWS MGN Replication Agent on your source servers and define replication settings in the AWS MGN console, shown in Figure 1. Replication servers receive data from an agent running on source servers, and write this data to the Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes. Your replicated data is compressed and encrypted in transit and at rest using EBS encryption.

AWS MGN keeps your source servers up to date on AWS using nearly continuous, block-level data replication. It uses your defined launch settings to launch instances when you conduct non-disruptive tests or perform a cutover. After confirming that your launched instances are operating properly on AWS, you can decommission your source servers.

Figure 1. MGN service architecture

Figure 1. MGN service architecture

Steps for migration with AWS MGN

This tutorial assumes that you already have your source AWS Region set up with Amazon EC2-hosted workloads running and a target AWS Region defined.

Migrating Amazon EC2 workload across AWS Regions include the following steps:

  1. Create the Replication Settings template. These settings are used to create and manage your staging area subnet with lightweight Amazon EC2 instances. These instances act as replication servers used to replicate data between your source servers and AWS.
  2. Install the AWS Replication Agent on your source instances to add them to the AWS MGN console.
  3. Configure the launch settings for each source server. These are a set of instructions that determine how a Test or Cutover instance will be launched for each source server on AWS.
  4. Initiate the test/cutover to the target Region.


Following are the prerequisites:

Setting up AWS MGN for multi-Region migration

This section will guide you through AWS MGN configuration setup for multi-Region migration.

Log into your AWS account, select the target AWS Region, and complete the prerequisites. Then you are ready to configure AWS MGN:

1.      Choose Get started on the AWS MGN landing page.

2.      Create the Replication Settings template (see Figure 2):

  • Select Staging area subnet for Replication Server
  • Choose Replication Server instance type (By default, AWS MGN uses t3.small instance type)
  • Choose default or custom Amazon EBS encryption
  • Enable ‘Always use the Application Migration Service security group’
  • Add custom Replication resources tags
  • Select Create Template button
Figure 2. Replication Settings template creation

Figure 2. Replication Settings template creation

3.      Add source servers to AWS MGN:

  • Select Add Servers following Source Servers (AWS MGN > Source Servers)
  • Enter OS, Replication Preferences, IAM Access Key and Secret Access Key ID of the IAM user created following Prerequisites. This does not expose your Secret Access Key ID in any request
  • Copy the installation command and run on your source server for agent installation

After successful agent installation, the source server is listed on the Source Servers page. Data replication begins after completion of the Initial Sync steps.

4.      Monitor the Initial Sync status (shown in Figure 3):

  •  Source server name > Migration Dashboard > Data Replication Status
    (Refer to the Source Servers page documentation for more details)
  • After 100% initial data replication confirm:
    • Migration Lifecycle = Ready for testing
    • Next step = Launch test instance
Figure 3. Monitoring initial replication status

Figure 3. Monitoring initial replication status

5.      Configure Launch Settings for each server:

  • Source servers page > Select source server
  • Navigate to the Launch settings tab (see Figure 4.) For this tutorial we won’t adjust the General launch settings. We will modify the EC2 Launch Template instead
  • Click on EC2 Launch Template > About modifying EC2 Launch Templates > Modify
Figure 4. Modifying EC2 Launch Template

Figure 4. Modifying EC2 Launch Template

6.      Provide values for Launch Template:

  • AMI: Recents tab > Don’t include in launch template
  • Instance Type: Can be kept same as source server or changed as per expected workload
  • Key pair (login): Create new or use existing if already created in the Target AWS Region
  • Network Settings > Subnet: Subnet for launching Test instance
  • Advanced network configuration:
    • Security Groups: For access to the test and final cutover instances
    • Configure Storage: Size – Do not change or edit this field
    • Volume type: Select any volume type (io1 is default)
  • Review details and click Create Template Version under the Summary section on right side of the console

7.      Every time you modify the Launch template, a new version is created. Set the launch template that you want to use with MGN as the default (shown in Figure 5):

  • Navigate to Amazon EC2 dashboard > Launch Templates page
  • Select the Launch template ID
  • Open the Actions menu and choose Set default version and select the latest Launch template created
Figure 5. Setting up your Launch template as the default

Figure 5. Setting up your Launch template as the default

8.      Launch a test instance and perform a Test prior to Cutover to identify potential problems and solve them before the actual Cutover takes place:

  • Go to the Source Servers page (see Figure 6)
  • Select source server > Open Test and Cutover menu
  • Under Testing, choose Launch test instances
  • Launch test instances for X servers > Launch
  • Choose View job details on the ‘Launch Job Created’ dialog box to view the specific Job details for the test launch in the Launch History tab
Figure 6. Launching test instances

Figure 6. Launching test instances

9.      Validate launch of test instance (shown in Figure 7) by confirming:

  • Alerts column = Launched
  • Migration lifecycle column = Test in progress
  • Next step column = Complete testing and mark as ‘Ready for cutover’
Figure 7. Validating launch of test instances

Figure 7. Validating launch of test instances

10.  SSH/ RDP into Test instance (view from EC2 console) and validate connectivity. Perform acceptance tests for your application as required. Revert the test if you encounter any issues.

11.  Terminate Test instances after successful testing:

  • Go to Source servers page
  • Select source server > Open Test and Cutover menu
  • Under Testing, choose Mark as “Ready for cutover”
  • Mark X servers as “Ready for cutover” > Yes, terminate launched instances (recommended) > Continue

12.  Validate the status of termination job and cutover readiness:

  • Migration Lifecycle = Ready for cutover
  • Next step = Launch cutover instance

13.  Perform the final cutover at a set date and time:

  • Go to Source servers page (see Figure 8)
  • Select source server > Open Test and Cutover menu
  • Under Cutover, choose Launch cutover instances
  • Launch cutover instances for X > Launch
Figure 8. Performing final Cutover by launching Cutover instances

Figure 8. Performing final Cutover by launching Cutover instances

14.  Monitor the indicators to validate the success of the launch of your Cutover instance (shown in Figure 9):

  • Alerts column = Launched
  • Migration lifecycle column = Cutover in progress
  • Data replication status = Healthy
  • Next step column = Finalize cutover
Figure 9. Indicators for successful launch of Cutover instances

Figure 9. Indicators for successful launch of Cutover instances

15.  Test Cutover Instance:

  • Navigate to Amazon EC2 console > Instances (running)
  • Select Cutover instance
  • SSH/ RDP into your Cutover instance to confirm that it functions correctly
  • Validate connectivity and perform acceptance tests for your application
  • Revert Cutover if any issues

16.  Finalize the cutover after successful validation:

  • Navigate to AWS MGN console > Source servers page
  • Select source server > Open Test and Cutover menu
  • Under Cutover, choose Finalize Cutover
  • Finalize cutover for X servers > Finalize

17.  At this point, if your cutover is successful:

  • Migration lifecycle column = Cutover complete,
  • Data replication status column = Disconnected
  • Next step column = Mark as archived

The cutover is now complete and that the migration has been performed successfully. Data replication has also stopped and all replicated data will now be discarded.

Cleaning up

Archive your source servers that have launched Cutover instances to clean up your Source Servers page-

  • Navigate to Source Servers page (see Figure 10)
  • Select source server > Open Actions
  • Choose Mark as archived
  • Archive X server > Archive
Figure 10. Mark source servers as archived that are cutover

Figure 10. Mark source servers as archived that are cutover


In this post, we demonstrated how AWS MGN simplifies, expedites, and reduces the cost of migrating Amazon EC2-hosted workloads from one AWS Region to another. It integrates with AWS Migration Hub, enabling you to organize your servers into applications. You can track the progress of all your MGN at the server and app level, even as you move servers into multiple AWS Regions. Choose a Migration Hub Home Region for MGN to work with the Migration Hub.

Here are the AWS MGN supported AWS Regions. If your preferred AWS Region isn’t currently supported or you cannot install agents on your source servers, consider using CloudEndure Migration or AWS Server Migration Service respectively. CloudEndure Migration will be discontinued in all AWS Regions on December 30, 2022. Refer to CloudEndure Migration EOL for more information.

Note: Use of AWS MGN is free for 90 days but you will incur charges for any AWS infrastructure that is provisioned during migration and after cutover. For more information, refer to the pricing page.

Thanks for reading this blog post! If you have any comments or questions, feel free to put them in the comments section.

Running IBM MQ on AWS using High-performance Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Post Syndicated from Senthil Nagaraj original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/running-ibm-mq-on-aws-using-high-performance-amazon-fsx-for-netapp-ontap/

Many Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers use IBM MQ on-premises and are looking to migrate it to the AWS Cloud. For persistent storage requirements with IBM MQ on AWS, Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) can be used for distributed storage and to provide high availability. The AWS QuickStart to deploy IBM MQ with Amazon EFS is an architecture used for applications where the file system throughput requirements are within the Amazon EFS limits.

However, there are scenarios where customers need increased capacity for their IBM MQ workloads. These could be applications that rely heavily on IBM MQ, which result in a much higher message data throughput. This means that the persistent messages must be written to and read from the shared file system more frequently. IBM MQ facilitates writing log information into the shared file system. These are two such situations where such application requirements translate to a higher number of read/write operations.

For applications using IBM MQ and requiring a higher file system throughput, Amazon provides Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP. This is a fully managed shared storage in the AWS Cloud, with the popular data access and management capabilities of ONTAP.

This blog explains how to use Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP for distributed storage and high availability with IBM MQ. Read more about Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP features, and performance details, throughput options, and performance tips.

Overview of IBM MQ architecture on AWS

For recovering queue data upon failure, you can set up IBM MQ with high availability.

The solution architecture is shown in Figure 1. This blog post assumes familiarity with AWS services such as Amazon EC2, VPCs, and subnets. For additional information on these topics, see the AWS documentation.

Figure 1. IBM MQ with Amazon FSx NetApp ONTAP

Figure 1. IBM MQ with Amazon FSx NetApp ONTAP

  1. IBM MQ is deployed in an Auto Scaling group spanning two Availability Zones.
  2. Amazon FSx NetApp ONTAP is used for data persistence and high availability of queue message data.
  3. Amazon FSx NetApp ONTAP is set up in the same Availability Zones as IBM MQ.
  4. Amazon FSx NetApp ONTAP provides automatic failover that is transparent to the application and completes in 60 seconds.

Considerations for the Amazon FSx NetApp ONTAP file system

When creating the Amazon FSx NetApp ONTAP file system as in Figure 1, consider the following:

  1. The subnets used for the file system should have connectivity with the subnets where your IBM MQ is running. See VPC documentation.
  2. Ensure that the security group(s) used by the elastic network interfaces (ENI) for Amazon FSx allow communication with the IBM MQ environment. Read more about limiting access security groups.
  3. When choosing the storage capacity, IOPS, and throughput capacity, make sure it aligns to your application requirements.
  4. If you choose to use AWS Key Management System (KMS) encryption, configure those details correctly.
  5. Be sure to provide an appropriate name for the volume junction, as you will use it to mount the file system onto your IBM MQ instance(s).
  6. Choose appropriate backup and maintenance windows according to your application needs.

Mount the Amazon FSx NetApp ONTAP file system onto the instance(s) where IBM MQ is running. Use either the DNS name or the IP address for the file system, as well as the correct volume junction name while mounting. Configure IBM MQ to make use of this mount for persisting the queue data.

This mount point must be included when updating fstab for Linux machines. This will allow for the file system to be mounted automatically in case the instance restarts. For Windows, take the appropriate steps to mount the file system automatically upon restart.


In this post, you have learned how to use Amazon FSx NetApp ONTAP with IBM MQ to maximize queue data throughput, while continuing to have persistent message storage. You can provision the Amazon FSx NetApp ONTAP file system, and mount its volume junction onto the IBM MQ instance(s).

Build a reliable, scalable, and cost-efficient IBM MQ solution on AWS, by using the fully elastic features that Amazon FSx NetApp ONTAP provides.

Related information:

New for App Runner – VPC Support

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-for-app-runner-vpc-support/

With AWS App Runner, you can quickly deploy web applications and APIs at any scale. You can start with your source code or a container image, and App Runner will fully manage all infrastructure including servers, networking, and load balancing for your application. If you want, App Runner can also configure a deployment pipeline for you.

Starting today, App Runner enables your services to communicate with databases and other applications hosted in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). For example, you can now connect App Runner services to databases in Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), Redis or Memcached caches in Amazon ElastiCache, or your own applications running in Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), or on-premises and connected via AWS Direct Connect.

Previously, in order for your App Runner application to connect to these resources, they needed to be publicly accessible over the internet. With this feature, App Runner applications can connect to private endpoints in your VPC, and you can enable a more secure and compliant environment by removing public access to these resources.

Within App Runner, you can now create VPC connectors that specify which VPC, subnets, and security groups to use for private networking. Once configured, you can use a VPC connector with one or more App Runner services.

When connected to a VPC, all outbound traffic from your AppRunner service will be routed based on the VPC routing rules. Services will not have access to the public internet (including AWS APIs) unless allowed by a route to a NAT Gateway. You can also set up VPC endpoints to connect to AWS APIs such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and Amazon DynamoDB to avoid NAT traffic.

The VPC connectors in App Runner work similarly to VPC networking in AWS Lambda and are based on AWS Hyperplane, the internal Amazon network function virtualization system behind AWS services and resources like Network Load Balancer, NAT Gateway, and AWS PrivateLink.

Let’s see how this works in practice with a web application connected to an RDS database.

Preparing the Amazon RDS Database
I start by configuring a database for my application. To simplify capacity management for this database, I use Amazon Aurora Serverless. In the RDS console, I create an Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible database. For the Capacity type, I choose Serverless. For networking, I use my default VPC and the default security group. I don’t need to make the database publicly accessible because I am going to connect using private VPC networking. To simplify connecting later, I enable AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) database authentication.

I start an Amazon Linux EC2 instance in the same VPC. To connect from the EC2 instance to the database, I need a MySQL client. I install MariaDB, a community-developed branch of MySQL:

sudo yum install mariadb

Then, I connect to the database using the admin user.

mysql -h <DATABASE_HOST> -u admin -P

I enter the admin user password to log in. Then, I create a new user (bookuser) that is configured to use IAM authentication.

CREATE USER bookuser IDENTIFIED WITH AWSAuthenticationPlugin AS 'RDS'; 

I create the bookcase database and give permissions to the bookuser user to query the bookcase database.

GRANT SELECT ON bookcase.* TO 'bookuser'@'%’;

To store information about some of my books, I create the authors and books tables.

CREATE TABLE authors (
  authorId INT,
  name varchar(255)

  bookId INT,
  authorId INT,
  title varchar(255),
  year INT

Then, I insert some values in the two tables:

INSERT INTO authors VALUES (1, "Issac Asimov");
INSERT INTO authors VALUES (2, "Robert A. Heinlein");
INSERT INTO books VALUES (1, 1, "Foundation", 1951);
INSERT INTO books VALUES (2, 1, "Foundation and Empire", 1952);
INSERT INTO books VALUES (3, 1, "Second Foundation", 1953);
INSERT INTO books VALUES (4, 2, "Stranger in a Strange Land", 1961);

Preparing the Application Source Code Repository
With App Runner, I can deploy a new service from code hosted in a source code repository or using a container image. In this example, I use a private project that I have on GitHub.

It’s a very simple Python web application connecting to the database I just created. This is the source code of the app (server.py):

from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
from pyramid.config import Configurator
from pyramid.response import Response
import os
import boto3
import mysql.connector

import os

DATABASE_REGION = 'us-east-1'
DATABASE_CERT = 'cert/us-east-1-bundle.pem'


PORT = int(os.environ.get('PORT'))

rds = boto3.client('rds')

    token = rds.generate_db_auth_token(
    mydb =  mysql.connector.connect(
except Exception as e:
    print('Database connection failed due to {}'.format(e))          

def all_books(request):
    mycursor = mydb.cursor()
    mycursor.execute('SELECT name, title, year FROM authors, books WHERE authors.authorId = books.authorId ORDER BY year')
    title = 'Books'
    message = '<html><head><title>' + title + '</title></head><body>'
    message += '<h1>' + title + '</h1>'
    message += '<ul>'
    for (name, title, year) in mycursor:
        message += '<li>' + name + ' - ' + title + ' (' + str(year) + ')</li>'
    message += '</ul>'
    message += '</body></html>'
    return Response(message)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    with Configurator() as config:
        config.add_route('all_books', '/')
        config.add_view(all_books, route_name='all_books')
        app = config.make_wsgi_app()
    server = make_server('', PORT, app)

The application uses the AWS SDK for Python (boto3) for IAM database authentication, the Pyramid web framework, and the MySQL connector for Python. The requirements.txt file describes the application dependencies:


To use SSL/TLS encryption when connecting to the database, I download a certificate bundle and add it to my source code repository.

Using VPC Support in AWS App Runner
In the App Runner console, I select Source code repository and the branch to use.

Console screenshot.

For the deployment settings, I choose Manual. Optionally, I could have selected the Automatic deployment trigger to have every push to this branch deploy a new version of my service.

Console screenshot.

Then, I configure the build. This is a very simple application, so I pass the build and start commands in the console:

Build commandpip install -r requirements.txt
Start commandpython server.py

For more advanced use cases, I would add an apprunner.yaml configuration file to my repository as in this sample application.

Console screenshot.

In the service configuration, I add the environment variables used by the application to connect to the database. I don’t need to pass a database password here because I am using IAM authentication.

Console screenshot.

In the Security section, I select an IAM role that gives permissions to connect to the database using IAM database authentication as described in Creating and using an IAM policy for IAM database access.

Console screenshot.

Here’s the syntax of the IAM role. I find the database Resource ID in the Configuration tab of the RDS console.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

For the role trust policy,   I follow the instruction for instance roles in How App Runner works with IAM.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": "tasks.apprunner.amazonaws.com"
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

For Networking, I select the new option to use a Custom VPC for outgoing network traffic and then add a new VPC connector.

Console screenshot.

To add a new VPC connector, I write down a name and then select the VPC, subnets, and security groups to use. Here, I select all the subnets of my default VPC and the default security group. In this way, the App Runner service will be able to connect to the RDS database.

Console screenshot.

The next time, when configuring another application with the same VPC networking requirements, I can just select the VPC connector I created before.

Console screenshot. I review all the settings and then create and deploy the service.

After a few minutes, the service is running, and I choose the default domain to open a new tab in my browser. The application is connected to the database using VPC networking and performs a SQL query to join the books and authors tables and provide some reading suggestions. It works!

Browser screenshot.

Availability and Pricing
VPC connectors are available in all AWS Regions where AWS App Runner is offered. For more information, see the Regional Services List. There is no additional cost for using this feature, but you pay the standard pricing for data transmission or any NAT gateway or VPC endpoints you set up. You can set up VPC connectors with the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), AWS SDKs, and AWS CloudFormation.

With VPC connectors, you can deploy your applications using App Runner and connect them to your private databases, caches, and applications running in a VPC or on-premises and connected via AWS Direct Connect.

Build and run web applications at any scale and connect to your private VPC resources with AWS App Runner.


Creating a Multi-Region Application with AWS Services – Part 1, Compute and Security

Post Syndicated from Joe Chapman original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/creating-a-multi-region-application-with-aws-services-part-1-compute-and-security/

Building a multi-Region application requires lots of preparation and work. Many AWS services have features to help you build and manage a multi-Region architecture, but identifying those capabilities across 200+ services can be overwhelming.

In this 3-part blog series, we’ll explore AWS services with features to assist you in building multi-Region applications. In Part 1, we’ll build a foundation with AWS security, networking, and compute services. In Part 2, we’ll add in data and replication strategies. Finally, in Part 3, we’ll look at the application and management layers.

Considerations before getting started

AWS Regions are built with multiple isolated and physically separate Availability Zones (AZs). This approach allows you to create highly available Well-Architected workloads that span AZs to achieve greater fault tolerance. There are three general reasons that you may need to expand beyond a single Region:

  • Expansion to a global audience as an application grows and its user base becomes more geographically dispersed, there can be a need to reduce latencies for different parts of the world.
  • Reducing Recovery Point Objectives (RPO) and Recovery Time Objectives (RTO) as part of disaster recovery (DR) plan.
  • Local laws and regulations may have strict data residency and privacy requirements that must be followed.

Ensuring security, identity, and compliance

Creating a security foundation starts with proper authentication, authorization, and accounting to implement the principle of least privilege. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) operates in a global context by default. With IAM, you specify who can access which AWS resources and under what conditions. For workloads that use directory services, the AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory Enterprise Edition can be set up to automatically replicate directory data across Regions. This allows applications to reduce lookup latencies by using the closest directory and creates durability by spanning multiple Regions.

Applications that need to securely store, rotate, and audit secrets, such as database passwords, should use AWS Secrets Manager. It encrypts secrets with AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) keys and can replicate secrets to secondary Regions to ensure applications are able to obtain a secret in the closest Region.

Encrypt everything all the time

AWS KMS can be used to encrypt data at rest, and is used extensively for encryption across AWS services. By default, keys are confined to a single Region. AWS KMS multi-Region keys can be created to replicate keys to a second Region, which eliminates the need to decrypt and re-encrypt data with a different key in each Region.

AWS CloudTrail logs user activity and API usage. Logs are created in each Region, but they can be centralized from multiple Regions and multiple accounts into a single Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. As a best practice, these logs should be aggregated to an account that is only accessible to required security personnel to prevent misuse.

As your application expands to new Regions, AWS Security Hub can aggregate and link findings to a single Region to create a centralized view across accounts and Regions. These findings are continuously synced between Regions to keep you updated on global findings.

We put these features together in Figure 1.

Multi-Region security, identity, and compliance services

Figure 1. Multi-Region security, identity, and compliance services

Building a global network

For resources launched into virtual networks in different Regions, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) allows private routing between Regions and accounts with VPC peering. These resources can communicate using private IP addresses and do not require an internet gateway, VPN, or separate network appliances. This works well for smaller networks that only require a few peering connections. However, as the number of peered connections increases, the mesh of peered connections can become difficult to manage and troubleshoot.

AWS Transit Gateway can help reduce these difficulties by creating a central transitive hub to act as a cloud router. A Transit Gateway’s routing capabilities can expand to additional Regions with Transit Gateway inter-Region peering to create a globally distributed private network.

Building a reliable, cost-effective way to route users to distributed Internet applications requires highly available and scalable Domain Name System (DNS) records. Amazon Route 53 does exactly that.

Route 53 routing policies can route traffic to a record with the lowest latency, or automatically fail over a record. If a larger failure occurs, the Route 53 Application Recovery Controller can simplify the monitoring and failover process for application failures across Regions, AZs, and on-premises.

Amazon CloudFront’s content delivery network is truly global, built across 300+ points of presence (PoP) spread throughout the world. Applications that have multiple possible origins, such as across Regions, can use CloudFront origin failover to automatically fail over the origin. CloudFront’s capabilities expand beyond serving content, with the ability to run compute at the edge. CloudFront functions make it easy to run lightweight JavaScript functions, and AWS Lambda@Edge makes it easy to run Node.js and Python functions across these 300+ PoPs.

AWS Global Accelerator uses the AWS global network infrastructure to provide two static anycast IPs for your application. It automatically routes traffic to the closest Region deployment, and if a failure is detected it will automatically redirect traffic to a healthy endpoint within seconds.

Figure 2 brings these features together to create a global network across two Regions.

AWS VPC connectivity and content delivery

Figure 2. AWS VPC connectivity and content delivery

Building the compute layer

An Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance is based on an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). An AMI specifies instance configurations such as the instance’s storage, launch permissions, and device mappings. When a new standard image needs to be created, EC2 Image Builder can be used to streamline copying AMIs to selected Regions.

Although EC2 instances and their associated Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes live in a single AZ, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager can automate the process of taking and copying EBS snapshots across Regions. This can enhance DR strategies by providing a relatively easy cold backup-and-restore option for EBS volumes.

As an architecture expands into multiple Regions, it can become difficult to track where instances are provisioned. Amazon EC2 Global View helps solve this by providing a centralized dashboard to see Amazon EC2 resources such as instances, VPCs, subnets, security groups, and volumes in all active Regions.

Microservice-based applications that use containers benefit from quicker start-up times. Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) can help ensure this happens consistently across Regions with private image replication at the registry level. An ECR private registry can be configured for either cross-Region or cross-account replication to ensure your images are ready in secondary Regions when needed.

We bring these compute layer features together in Figure 3.

AMI and EBS snapshot copy across Regions

Figure 3. AMI and EBS snapshot copy across Regions


It’s important to create a solid foundation when architecting a multi-Region application. These foundations pave the way for you to move fast in a secure, reliable, and elastic way as you build out your application. In this post, we covered options across AWS security, networking, and compute services that have built-in functionality to take away some of the undifferentiated heavy lifting. We’ll cover data, application, and management services in future posts.

Ready to get started? We’ve chosen some AWS Solutions and AWS Blogs to help you!

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Use a City Planning Analogy to Visualize and Create your Cloud Architecture

Post Syndicated from Marwan Al Shawi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/use-a-city-planning-analogy-to-visualize-and-create-your-cloud-architecture/

If you are new to creating cloud architectures, you might find it a daunting undertaking. However, there is an approach that can help you define a cloud architecture pattern by using a similar construct. In this blog post, I will show you how to envision your cloud architecture using this structured and simplified approach.

Such an approach helps you to envision the architecture as a whole. You can then create reusable architecture patterns that can be used for scenarios with similar requirements. It also will help you define the more detailed technological requirements and interdependencies of the different architecture components.

First, I will briefly define what is meant by an architecture pattern and an architecture component.

Architecture pattern and components

An architecture pattern can be defined as a mechanism used to structure multiple functional components of a software or a technology solution to address predefined requirements. It can be characterized by use case and requirements, and should be tested and reusable whenever possible.

Architecture patterns can be composed of three main elements: the architecture components, the specific functions or capabilities of each component, and the connectivity among those components.

A component in the context of a technology solution architecture is a building block. Modular architecture is composed of a collection of these building blocks.

To think modularly, you must look at the overall technology solution. What is its intended function as a complete system? Then, break it down into smaller parts or components. Think about how each component communicates with others. Identify and define each block or component and its specific roles and function. Consider the technical operational responsibilities each is expected to deliver.

Cloud architecture patterns and the city planning analogy

Let’s assume a content marketing company wants to provide marketing analytics to its partners. It proposes a SaaS solution, by offering an analytics dashboard on Amazon Web Services (AWS). This company may offer the same solution in other locations in the future.

How would you create a reusable architecture pattern for such a solution? To simplify the concept of a component and the architecture pattern, let’s use city planning as a frame of reference.

Subarchitectures or components

A city can be imagined as consisting of three organizing contexts or components:

  1. Overall City Architecture (the big picture)
  2. District Architecture
  3. Building Architecture

Let’s define each of these components or subarchitectures, and see how they correlate to an enterprise cloud architecture.

I. City Architecture consists of the city structures and the integrations of services required by the population, see Figure 1.

Figure 1. Oversimplified city layout

Figure 1. Oversimplified city layout

The overall anticipated capacity within a certain period must be calculatedfor roads, sewage, water, electricity grids, and overall city layout. Typically, this structure should be built from the intended purpose or vision of the city. This can be the type of services it will offer, and the function of each district.

Think of City Architecture as the overall cloud architecture for your enterprise. Include the anticipated capacity, the layout (single Region, multi-Region), type, and number of Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)s. Decide how you will connect and integrate all these different architecture components.

The initial workflow that can be used to define the high-level architecture pattern layout of the SaaS solution example is analogous to the overall city architecture. We can define its three primary elements: architecture components, specific functions of each component, and the connectivity among those components.

  1. Production environment. The front and backend of your application. It provides the marketing data analytics dashboard.
  2. Testing and development environment. A replica of, but isolated from the Production app. Users’ traffic doesn’t pass through security inspection layer.
  3. Security layer. Provides perimeter security inspection. Users’ traffic passes through security inspection layer.

Translating this workflow into an AWS architecture, Figure 2 shows the analogous structure.

  • Single AWS Region (to be offered in a specific geographical area)
  • Amazon VPC to host the production application
  • Amazon VPC to host the test/dev application
  • Separate VPC (or a layer within a VPC) to provide security services for perimeter security inspection
  • Customer’s connectivity (for example, over public internet, or VPN)
  • AWS Transit Gateway (TGW) to connect and isolate the different components (VPCs and VPN)
Figure 2. Architecture pattern (high-level layout)

Figure 2. Architecture pattern (high-level layout)

Domain-driven design

At this stage, you may also consider a domain-driven design (DDD). This is an approach to software development that centers on a domain model. With your DDD, you can break the solution into different bounded contexts. You can translate the business functions/capabilities into logical domains, and then define how they communicate.

Let’s use the same SaaS example and further analyze the requirements of the solution with the DDD approach in mind. The SaaS solution is offered based on two types of industries: regulated with specific security compliance, and non-regulated. By translating this into logical domains, we can optimize the design to offer a more modular architecture. This will minimize the blast radius of the solution, as illustrated in Figure 3. Watch How AWS Minimizes the Blast Radius of Failures.

Figure 3. DDD-based architecture pattern (high-level layout)

Figure 3. DDD-based architecture pattern (high-level layout)

Now let’s think of governmental boundaries within a city and among its districts. This can be analogous to AWS accounts structures and the trust boundaries among them. By applying this to the example preceding, the VPC with the security compliance requirements can be placed in a separate AWS account. Read Design principles for organizing your AWS accounts.

II. District Architecture consists of the structures and integrations required within a district to manage its buildings, see Figure 4.

Figure 4. City structure with districts

Figure 4. City structure with districts

It illustrates how to connect/integrate back to the city-wide architecture. It should consider the overall anticipated capacity within each district.

For instance, a district can be designed based on the type of function/service it provides, such as residential district, leisure district, or business district.

Mapping this to cloud architecture, you can envision it as the more specific functions/services you are expecting from a certain block, component, or domain. Your architecture can be within one or multiple VPCs, as shown in Figure 5. The structure of a domain or block can vary by number of Availability Zones and VPCs, type of external access, compliance requirements, and the hosted application requirements. Each of these blocks serves a different function and requires different specifications. However, they all need to integrate back to the overall cloud and network architecture to provide a cohesive design.

The architect must define and specify clearly the communication model among the architecture components. You may further break the application architecture at the module level into microservices using the DDD approach. An example is the use of Micro-frontend Architectures on AWS.

Figure 5. Architecture module structure

Figure 5. Architecture module structure

III. Building Architecture refers to the buildings’ structures and standards required to deliver the specific properties/services within a district. It also must integrate back with the district architecture.

To apply this to your architecture, envision the specialized functions/capabilities you are expecting from your application within a module (subcomponents). What are the requirements needed for the application tiers? In this example, let’s assume that the VPC without security compliance requirements will use a frontend web tier on Amazon EC2. Its backend database will be Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS).

Each of these subcomponents must integrate with other components and modules, as well as to the public internet. For example, an AWS Application Load Balancer could handle connections requests from external users, and AWS Web Application Firewall (AWS WAF) used as the perimeter security layer. AWS Transit Gateway could connect to other modules (VPCs). NAT gateways could provide connectivity to the internet for the internal systems in a VPC (shown in Figure 6.)

Figure 6. Architecture module and its subcomponents structure

Figure 6. Architecture module and its subcomponents structure


The vision and goal of a city architecture can set the basis for districts’ architectures. In turn, the district architecture sets the basis of the building architecture within a district. Similarly, the targeted enterprise cloud architecture goal should set the key requirements of the building blocks (or functional components) of the architecture.

Each architecture block sets the requirements of the subcomponents. They collectively construct a system or module of a system, as illustrated in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Structure of cloud architecture requirements and interdependencies

Figure 7. Structure of cloud architecture requirements and interdependencies

As a next step, assess your architecture from both a scale and reliability perspective. Designing for scale alone is not enough. Reliable scalability should be always the targeted architectural attribute. Read Architecting for Reliable Scalability.

Integrate Okta to Extend Active Directory Infrastructure into AWS

Post Syndicated from Pavankumar Kasani original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/integrate-okta-to-extend-active-directory-infrastructure-into-aws/

Are you ready to extend your on-premises Active Directory to Amazon Web Services (AWS) to remove undifferentiated heavy lifting? Would you like to maintain a highly available Directory Service for your applications? Companies who have already set up integration with Okta Identity Cloud for external or internal applications require Active Directory objects to be synced to Okta for authentication. To achieve centralized access for on-premises and cloud applications, you can extend your on-premises Active Directory to AWS Managed Microsoft Active Directory (AD) using a trust relationship.

This blog shows an architecture pattern that you can use to synchronize your on-premises AD and AWS Managed AD objects. You can use Okta Identity Cloud using an Okta AD agent for syncing users and groups. The Okta AD agent can be installed and configured on a domain-joined on-premises server or an Amazon EC2 instance on AWS (see Figure 1).

AWS Directory Service lets you run Microsoft Active Directory (AD) as a managed service, and is powered by Windows Server 2012 R2. When you select and launch this directory type, it is created as a highly available pair of domain controllers connected to your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). The domain controllers run in different Availability Zones in an AWS Region of your choice.

Okta is an enterprise-grade identity management service, which is compatible with many on-premises and cloud applications. The Okta AD agent enables you to integrate Okta with your on-premises AD. This way you can integrate your SaaS applications and your AD instances with Okta. You can simplify and centralize user management and share user credentials with other integrated cloud and on-premises applications.

Figure 1. Active Directory objects synchronization to Okta identity cloud

Figure 1. Active Directory objects synchronization to Okta identity cloud

Network connectivity between corporate data center and AWS Regions

Before getting started with configuring a trust relationship with on-premises AD and AWS managed AD, be sure you’ve read and understand the prerequisites for setting up trust. For example, it is highly recommended to have a VPN or AWS Direct Connect circuit in place between your VPC and your on-premises environment. To create a resilient VPN connection, refer to the Site-to-Site VPN User Guide.

AWS Site-to-Site VPN is a fully managed service that uses IP security (IPsec) tunnels to create a secure connection between your data center or branch office, and your AWS resources. When using Site-to-Site VPN, you can connect to Amazon VPC and also AWS Transit Gateway. Two tunnels per connection are used for increased redundancy. You can also create a dedicated or a hosted connection using AWS Direct Connect.

Trust relationship between on-premises AD and AWS Managed AD

A trust relationship is a link between two different domains. For example, a one-way trust scenario allows the user accounts from the trusted domain to access resources in the trusting domain. In a two-way trust scenario, user accounts and resources can be passed between the two domains bidirectionally. A two-way trust relationship is commonly set up between on-premises AD and AWS Managed AD to extend authentication. This is used for any directory-aware workloads in the AWS Cloud, providing users and groups access to resources in either domain using single sign-on (SSO).

AWS Managed Microsoft Active Directory (AD) supports external and forest trust relationships with your existing on-premises domain in all three trust relationship directions:

  • One-way incoming
  • One-way outgoing
  • Two-way bidirectional

To create a trust relationship, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare your on-premises domain for the trust relationship. This includes preparing your firewall configuration, enable Kerberos pre-authentication, and configuring conditional forwarders.
  2. Prepare your AWS Managed Microsoft AD for the trust relationship. This includes configuring your VPC subnets, security groups, and enabling Kerberos pre-authentication.
  3. Create the trust relationship between your on-premises AD and your AWS Managed Microsoft Active Directory (AD).

Install and configure Okta agent

Download and install Okta AD agent on your Amazon EC2 instance, which should be domain-joined with AWS Managed AD. One Okta AD agent can associate with multiple domains. Once the trust has been set up between on-premises AD and AWS Managed AD, you can associate multiple domains under the same Okta AD agent on Amazon EC2, instead of hosting and managing separate Okta AD agent servers in your own data center and AWS.

For a highly available architecture, a redundant Okta AD agent running in your corporate data center is recommended. This will help you avoid the impact of network connectivity failure between data centers and AWS Regions. Okta recommends installing multiple Okta AD agents on each domain server to achieve high availability and failover protection.

Read Okta AD integration step-by-step setup for installing and configuring Okta agent.

Validate AD objects

Once the Okta agent is installed and configured on the Amazon EC2 instance, log in to the Okta admin console. Under the provisioning to Okta tab, do a full import of users from AWS Managed AD (see Figure 2, Figure 3). The subsequent objects synchronization will be done through scheduled import with a minimum interval of one hour. After the import is done, if there are any user account overlaps between AWS Managed AD and Okta, manually assign the AD users to Okta users. You can create matching rules to automatically map the users from AD to Okta. Read Import AD users to Okta.

Figure 2. Import users under Okta admin console

Figure 2. Import users under Okta admin console

Figure 3. Import users results under Okta admin console

Figure 3. Import users results under Okta admin console

Matching rules are used in the import of users from all apps and directories that provide importing. If there is an existing Okta account, AD allows you to import and confirm users automatically (see Figure 4).

Figure 4. User creation and matching under Okta admin console

Figure 4. User creation and matching under Okta admin console

You can import groups from any forest or domain connected to Okta. The Okta AD Agent detects all groups in the domain or the organizational units (OUs) that you select. If you register an Okta AD Agent for more than one domain and you have the root OU selected for all domains, all groups will be imported. Read Import AD Groups to Okta to synchronize groups from AD to Okta.

Synchronize passwords to Okta

When you sign in to Okta using your organization’s AD credentials, the authentication process is delegated to the connected on-premises AD. Okta does not see or store the credentials.

In some cases, the credentials must be synchronized from a directory across Okta to an application. If a user changes the password stored in Active Directory and then tries to access applications using the same single sign-on session, they will receive a password error message. This is because the new password has not been synchronized to the application, so a new sign-in process is required for password validation.

To avoid a disruptive user experience, use the Okta AD Password Sync Agent to synchronize passwords from AD to Okta and to integrated apps. The Okta AD Password Sync Agent will track password changes in AD and then synchronize to Okta.

For more details on the password synchronization and password reset workflow, you can read step-by-step instructions on Synchronize passwords from Active Directory to Okta.


In this blog post, we discussed a way for synchronizing users and credentials from on-premises Active Directory and AWS Managed AD to Okta Identity Cloud. With synchronization, you can centralize access of cloud and on-premises applications and provide seamless access to AD-aware services within AWS.

Customers can also migrate on-premises AD to AWS using Active Directory Migration Tool (ADMT) along with the Password Export Server (PES) service.

Read more:

Network Address Management and Auditing at Scale with Amazon VPC IP Address Manager

Post Syndicated from Steve Roberts original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/network-address-management-and-auditing-at-scale-with-amazon-vpc-ip-address-manager/

Managing, monitoring, and auditing IP address allocation for at-scale networks, as the growth in cloud workloads and connected devices continues at a rapid pace, is a complex, time-consuming, and potentially error-prone task. Traditionally, network administrators have resorted to using combinations of spreadsheets, home-grown tools, and scripts to track address assignments across multiple accounts, virtual private clouds (VPCs), and Regions. Manually updating spreadsheets when application development teams request IP address assignments takes time, and care, to avoid errors. Errors which, should they go unnoticed, can lead to address conflicts and subsequent downtime, causing serious operational and business issues. In turn, the time taken to make these updates, sometimes several days, causes delays in onboarding new applications or expanding existing applications, impacting the velocity of development teams. The need to keep those home-grown tools and scripts up-to-date and error-free also results in taking staff hours away from more strategic and business-impacting projects.

Today, I’m happy to announce Amazon VPC IP Address Manager, a new feature that provides network administrators with an automated IP management workflow. IPAM makes it easier for network administrators to organize, assign, monitor, and audit IP addresses in at-scale networks, lowering the management and monitoring burden and eliminating the manual processes that can lead to delays and unintended errors.

Amazon VPC IP Address Manager dashboard homepage

Introducing Amazon VPC IP Address Manager
IPAM enables management and auditing of IP address assignments across an organization’s accounts, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)‘s, and AWS Regions, using a single operational dashboard. From this centralized view, you can manage your IP addresses across AWS.

In each Region in which you have resources needing IP addresses, you create a regional pool. Pools are collections of CIDRs and help you to organize your IP space. Unused address space from your top-level pools can be used to fill your regional pools. Further, if you have applications or environments with different security needs, you can create additional pools. For example, you could create different pools for ‘dev’ and ‘prod’ environments if they are subject to different connectivity requirements. The screenshots below illustrate the process of creating a global pool and, from it, three regional pools. Although my example stops after configuring regional pools, in production, you would continue subdividing the regional pools further as needed.

Creating the global IPAM pool

Next, I configure a set of regional pools. Below, I’m creating a regional pool for my US East (N. Virginia) Region resources, scoped within my global pool.

Creating a regional pool, step 1

As part of configuring a regional pool, I must specify the CIDRs to provision from the global pool and can optionally enable automatic discovery of resources and rules for allocation.

Configuring a regional pool

After repeating the process of creating and configuring regional pools for my two remaining Regions, US East (Ohio) and Europe (Ireland) in this example, this is my final pool hierarchy. As I noted above, this hierarchy ends at a regional set of pools but could be subdivided further.

IPAM pool hierarchy

Once the IPAM pools have been configured, development teams and resources needing new IP address assignments are able to make use of an automated, self-service process, unblocking the developers, and eliminating errors from using manual processes that can lead to connectivity issues. To govern IP address assignments, you can make use of automated and simple business rules. With IPAM‘s self-service model, developers can now directly create resources and receive IP addresses based on business rules in seconds, removing the delays in onboarding applications and improving the velocity of the development team. In the screenshot below, I’m referencing my pools to set the address ranges to be used when creating a new VPC.

Assigning address ranges for a new VPC from IPAM pools

You can also share your IPAM with your organization, created using AWS Organizations, and AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM). When you share your IPAM, you gain fully automated CIDR allocation to your Amazon VPCs across member accounts in your organization and Regions.

For network administrators, IPAM provides observability and auditing capabilities, helping to speed up troubleshooting, and providing oversight and monitoring of the used and unused addresses across an organization’s global network address pool using a single dashboard. For each assigned address, IPAM tracks critical information, for example, the AWS account, the VPC, routing, and the security domain, eliminating the bookkeeping work that burdens administrators. Having used IPAM to eliminate IP assignment errors, customers can use IPAM to monitor assigned addresses and receive alerts when potential issues are detected – for example, depleting IP addresses that can stall their network’s growth or overlapping IP addresses that can result in erroneous routing. You can proactively act on those alerts and fix issues before they can become major outages.

The screenshot below illustrates monitoring pool utilization across a set of VPCs.

Monitoring an IPAM pool

Utilization of address space within a pool can also be monitored. You can add Amazon CloudWatch Alarms that you can configure to trigger at your chosen utilization percentage value so that you can take proactive action before the address space is exhausted.

Monitoring pool utilization with alarms

Overlapping address spaces are another headache that network administrators need to manage, usually discovered after the fact during an outage. IPAM can help lower the burden here, too, providing a view of resources that warns of overlapping address ranges.

Detecting overlapping address spaces

To further help troubleshoot network issues and audits of network security and routing policies, network administrators can also take advantage of the current and historical data that IPAM makes available to gain usage insights.

IPAM historical insights

IPAM works with any VPC resource where an IP address needs to be assigned, including public and private addresses and Elastic IP Addresses (EIP), and also supports bring your own IP (BYOIP) for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

Start managing and auditing your IP addresses at scale today
Amazon VPC IP Address Manager is available today in all commercial AWS Regions. Get started today, first creating your IPAM for all Regions and accounts, then creating your pools, and finally setting application policy. Then, you can take advantage of IPAM to automate IP address assignment, monitor, troubleshoot, and audit your network addresses assignments.

For those of you with existing VPCs, after you create IPAM it will start monitoring, without any action on your part, to create an inventory of all your VPCs and EIPs. Once you create pools, IPAM will then backfill your VPCs into the pool. This means you can create VPCs today, using your existing workflow, and use IPAM for monitoring and audit only. Later on, you can switch your workflow to IPAM-based automated VPC assignment.

— Steve

New – Amazon VPC Network Access Analyzer

Post Syndicated from Jeff Barr original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-amazon-vpc-network-access-analyzer/

If you are a member of your organization’s networking, cloud operations, or security teams, you are going to love this new feature. The new Amazon VPC Network Access Analyzer helps you identify network configurations that lead to unintended network access. As you will see in a moment, it will point out ways that you can improve your security posture while still letting you and your organization be agile and flexible. In contrast to manual checking of network configurations, which is error prone and hard to scale, this tool lets you analyze your AWS networks of any size and complexity.

Introducing Network Access Analyzer
Network Access Analyzer takes advantage of our automated reasoning technology that already powers AWS IAM Access Analyzer, Amazon VPC Reachability Analyzer, Amazon Inspector Network Reachability, and other provable security tools.

This new tool uses Network Access Scopes to specify the desired connectivity between your AWS resources. You can get started with a set of Amazon-created scopes, and then either copy & customize them, or create your own from scratch. The scopes are high-level and independent of any particular network architecture or configuration, and can be thought of as a language for specifying the proper level of access & connectivity for your network. You can, for example, create a scope to verify that all web apps use a firewall to access Internet resources, or to indicate that AWS resources used by your Finance team are separate, distinct, and unreachable from the resources used by your Development team.

To evaluate your network against a particular scope, you select it and initiate an analysis. It runs for a few minutes and then generates a set of findings, each of which indicates an unexpected network path between the AWS resources defined in the scope. You can analyze the findings, adjust your configuration or modify the scope in response to the findings, and re-run the analysis, all in just a few minutes.

The analysis process examines a very wide range of AWS resources including Security Groups, CIDR blocks, prefix lists, Elastic Network Interfaces, EC2 instances, Load Balancers, VPC, VPC subnets, VPC endpoints, VPC endpoint services, Transit Gateways, NAT Gateways, Internet Gateways, VPN Gateways, Peering Connections, and Network Firewalls. Your scopes can use Resource Groups to reference all resources that are tagged in a particular way.

Using Network Access Analyzer
To get started, I open the VPC Console, find the Network Analysis section on the left-side navigation, and click Network Access Analyzer:

I can see all of my scopes. Initially, I have four, all created by Amazon and ready to use:

To conduct an analysis, I select a scope (AWS-VPC-Ingress (Amazon created)) and click Analyze. The scope’s description reads:

“Identify ingress paths into your VPCs from Internet Gateways, Peering Connections, VPC Service Endpoints, VPN and Transit Gateways.”

The analysis runs for a couple of minutes and displays the findings as soon as it is done:

There’s a lot of very useful information here! The spectrum chart provides an overview of the resources that are in the findings. I can hover my mouse over any of the segments to learn more, or click on one in order to filter the findings and show only those that reference a particular resource or resource type:

For example, I click VPC Peering Connections and I can see all of the findings that reference the VPC peering connection:

As you can see, the Path details highlight the VPC peering connection in the path! The next step is to examine the findings, decide which ones are expected, and to add them to the scope so that they are excluded from future findings (more on that in a bit).

Inside a Network Access Scope
Let’s take a quick look inside of the Network Access Scope that I used above, and then build another scope from scratch using the visual builder. Each scope is represented in JSON format, and indicates what is considered in-scope (acceptable) traffic between sources and destinations:

          "networkInsightsAccessScopeId": "nis-070dc1d37ca315e86",
          "matchPaths": [
                              "source": {
                                        "resourceStatement": {
                                                  "resources": [],
                                                  "resourceTypes": [
                              "destination": {
                                        "resourceStatement": {
                                                  "resources": [],
                                                  "resourceTypes": [
          "excludePaths": []

The matchPaths element contains source and destination elements. Each of these elements, in turn, identifies AWS resource types and specific resources. While not shown here, scopes can also contain source and destination IP addresses, ports, prefix lists, and traffic types (TCP or UDP). The excludePaths can contain resource types, specific resources, and so forth. I could, for example, define sources and destinations that match all Internet Gateway ingress traffic, but exclude traffic that flows through a Load Balancer, or I could exclude SSH traffic destined for my bastion instances.

Building a Network Access Scope
I can build a new scope in three ways. I can Duplicate and modify an existing one, I can start from scratch and use the visual builder, or I can write my own JSON and use either the CLI or the API to create a scope. I click Create Network Access Scope to use the builder:

I can start with one of five predefined templates, or I can build my own:

I enter a name and a description:

Then I define the source and destinations by resource type, id, traffic type, and so forth:

I have many options for matching the traffic type. This allows me to create scopes for very specific purposes:

I can use a similar interface to add any optional exclusions.

Things to Know
This is a very powerful tool and one that I think you are going to love. Here are a couple of things to know about it:

Pricing – You pay $0.002 for each Elastic Network Interface (ENI) analyzed as part of an assessment.

Regions – Network Access Analyzer is available in the US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon), Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), Europe (Milan), Europe (Paris), Europe (Stockholm), South America (São Paulo), and Middle East (Bahrain) Regions.

In the Works – We have lots of additional features on the product roadmap including support for AWS Organizations, the ability to run your analyses on a regular schedule, and support for IPv6 address ranges and resources.


Introducing mutual TLS authentication for Amazon MSK as an event source

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-mutual-tls-authentication-for-amazon-msk-as-an-event-source/

This post is written by Uma Ramadoss, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect, Integration.

Today, AWS Lambda is introducing mutual TLS (mTLS) authentication for Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) and self-managed Kafka as an event source.

Many customers use Amazon MSK for streaming data from multiple producers. Multiple subscribers can then consume the streaming data and build data pipelines, analytics, and data integration. To learn more, read Using Amazon MSK as an event source for AWS Lambda.

You can activate any combination of authentication modes (mutual TLS, SASL SCRAM, or IAM access control) on new or existing clusters. This is useful if you are migrating to a new authentication mode or must run multiple authentication modes simultaneously. Lambda natively supports consuming messages from both self-managed Kafka and Amazon MSK through event source mapping.

By default, the TLS protocol only requires a server to authenticate itself to the client. The authentication of the client to the server is managed by the application layer. The TLS protocol also offers the ability for the server to request that the client send an X.509 certificate to prove its identity. This is called mutual TLS as both parties are authenticated via certificates with TLS.

Mutual TLS is a commonly used authentication mechanism for business-to-business (B2B) applications. It’s used in standards such as Open Banking, which enables secure open API integrations for financial institutions. It is one of the popular authentication mechanisms for customers using Kafka.

To use mutual TLS authentication for your Kafka-triggered Lambda functions, you provide a signed client certificate, the private key for the certificate, and an optional password if the private key is encrypted. This establishes a trust relationship between Lambda and Amazon MSK or self-managed Kafka. Lambda supports self-signed server certificates or server certificates signed by a private certificate authority (CA) for self-managed Kafka. Lambda trusts the Amazon MSK certificate by default as the certificates are signed by Amazon Trust Services CAs.

This blog post explains how to set up a Lambda function to process messages from an Amazon MSK cluster using mutual TLS authentication.


Using Amazon MSK as an event source operates in a similar way to using Amazon SQS or Amazon Kinesis. You create an event source mapping by attaching Amazon MSK as event source to your Lambda function.

The Lambda service internally polls for new records from the event source, reading the messages from one or more partitions in batches. It then synchronously invokes your Lambda function, sending each batch as an event payload. Lambda continues to process batches until there are no more messages in the topic.

The Lambda function’s event payload contains an array of records. Each array item contains details of the topic and Kafka partition identifier, together with a timestamp and base64 encoded message.

Kafka event payload

Kafka event payload

You store the signed client certificate, the private key for the certificate, and an optional password if the private key is encrypted in the AWS Secrets Manager as a secret. You provide the secret in the Lambda event source mapping.

The steps for using mutual TLS authentication for Amazon MSK as event source for Lambda are:

  1. Create a private certificate authority (CA) using AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Private Certificate Authority (PCA).
  2. Create a client certificate and private key. Store them as secret in AWS Secrets Manager.
  3. Create an Amazon MSK cluster and a consuming Lambda function using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM).
  4. Attach the event source mapping.

This blog walks through these steps in detail.


1. Creating a private CA.

To use mutual TLS client authentication with Amazon MSK, create a root CA using AWS ACM Private Certificate Authority (PCA). We recommend using independent ACM PCAs for each MSK cluster when you use mutual TLS to control access. This ensures that TLS certificates signed by PCAs only authenticate with a single MSK cluster.

  1. From the AWS Certificate Manager console, choose Create a Private CA.
  2. In the Select CA type panel, select Root CA and choose Next.
  3. Select Root CA

    Select Root CA

  4. In the Configure CA subject name panel, provide your certificate details, and choose Next.
  5. Provide your certificate details

    Provide your certificate details

  6. From the Configure CA key algorithm panel, choose the key algorithm for your CA and choose Next.
  7. Configure CA key algorithm

    Configure CA key algorithm

  8. From the Configure revocation panel, choose any optional certificate revocation options you require and choose Next.
  9. Configure revocation

    Configure revocation

  10. Continue through the screens to add any tags required, allow ACM to renew certificates, review your options, and confirm pricing. Choose Confirm and create.
  11. Once the CA is created, choose Install CA certificate to activate your CA. Configure the validity of the certificate and the signature algorithm and choose Next.
  12. Configure certificate

    Configure certificate

  13. Review the certificate details and choose Confirm and install. Note down the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the private CA for the next section.
  14. Review certificate details

    Review certificate details

2. Creating a client certificate.

You generate a client certificate using the root certificate you previously created, which is used to authenticate the client with the Amazon MSK cluster using mutual TLS. You provide this client certificate and the private key as AWS Secrets Manager secrets to the AWS Lambda event source mapping.

  1. On your local machine, run the following command to create a private key and certificate signing request using OpenSSL. Enter your certificate details. This creates a private key file and a certificate signing request file in the current directory.
  2. openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -keyout key.pem -out client_cert.csr -nodes
    OpenSSL create a private key and certificate signing request

    OpenSSL create a private key and certificate signing request

  3. Use the AWS CLI to sign your certificate request with the private CA previously created. Replace Private-CA-ARN with the ARN of your private CA. The certificate validity value is set to 300, change this if necessary. Save the certificate ARN provided in the response.
  4. aws acm-pca issue-certificate --certificate-authority-arn Private-CA-ARN --csr fileb://client_cert.csr --signing-algorithm "SHA256WITHRSA" --validity Value=300,Type="DAYS"
  5. Retrieve the certificate that ACM signed for you. Replace the Private-CA-ARN and Certificate-ARN with the ARN you obtained from the previous commands. This creates a signed certificate file called client_cert.pem.
  6. aws acm-pca get-certificate --certificate-authority-arn Private-CA-ARN --certificate-arn Certificate-ARN | jq -r '.Certificate + "\n" + .CertificateChain' >> client_cert.pem
  7. Create a new file called secret.json with the following structure
  8. {
  9. Copy the contents of the client_cert.pem in certificate and the content of key.pem in privatekey. Ensure that there are no extra spaces added. The file structure looks like this:
  10. Certificate file structure

    Certificate file structure

  11. Create the secret and save the ARN for the next section.
aws secretsmanager create-secret --name msk/mtls/lambda/clientcert --secret-string file://secret.json

3. Setting up an Amazon MSK cluster with AWS Lambda as a consumer.

Amazon MSK is a highly available service, so it must be configured to run in a minimum of two Availability Zones in your preferred Region. To comply with security best practice, the brokers are usually configured in private subnets in each Region.

You can use AWS CLI, AWS Management Console, AWS SDK and AWS CloudFormation to create the cluster and the Lambda functions. This blog uses AWS SAM to create the infrastructure and the associated code is available in the GitHub repository.

The AWS SAM template creates the following resources:

  1. Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
  2. Amazon MSK cluster with mutual TLS authentication.
  3. Lambda function for consuming the records from the Amazon MSK cluster.
  4. IAM roles.
  5. Lambda function for testing the Amazon MSK integration by publishing messages to the topic.

The VPC has public and private subnets in two Availability Zones with the private subnets configured to use a NAT Gateway. You can also set up VPC endpoints with PrivateLink to allow the Amazon MSK cluster to communicate with Lambda. To learn more about different configurations, see this blog post.

The Lambda function requires permission to describe VPCs and security groups, and manage elastic network interfaces to access the Amazon MSK data stream. The Lambda function also needs two Kafka permissions: kafka:DescribeCluster and kafka:GetBootstrapBrokers. The policy template AWSLambdaMSKExecutionRole includes these permissions. The Lambda function also requires permission to get the secret value from AWS Secrets Manager for the secret you configure in the event source mapping.

    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
        Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Effect: Allow
              Service: lambda.amazonaws.com
            Action: sts:AssumeRole
        - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaMSKExecutionRole
        - PolicyName: SecretAccess
            Version: "2012-10-17"
              - Effect: Allow
                Action: "SecretsManager:GetSecretValue"
                Resource: "*"

This release adds two new SourceAccessConfiguration types to the Lambda event source mapping:

1. CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_TLS_AUTH – (Amazon MSK, Self-managed Apache Kafka) The Secrets Manager ARN of your secret key containing the certificate chain (PEM), private key (PKCS#8 PEM), and private key password (optional) used for mutual TLS authentication of your Amazon MSK/Apache Kafka brokers. A private key password is required if the private key is encrypted.

2. SERVER_ROOT_CA_CERTIFICATE – This is only for self-managed Apache Kafka. This contains the Secrets Manager ARN of your secret containing the root CA certificate used by your Apache Kafka brokers in PEM format. This is not applicable for Amazon MSK as Amazon MSK brokers use public AWS Certificate Manager certificates which are trusted by AWS Lambda by default.

Deploying the resources:

To deploy the example application:

  1. Clone the GitHub repository
  2. git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-lambda-msk-mtls-integration.git
  3. Navigate to the aws-lambda-msk-mtls-integration directory. Copy the client certificate file and the private key file to the producer lambda function code.
  4. cd aws-lambda-msk-mtls-integration
    cp ../client_cert.pem code/producer/client_cert.pem
    cp ../key.pem code/producer/client_key.pem
  5. Navigate to the code directory and build the application artifacts using the AWS SAM build command.
  6. cd code
    sam build
  7. Run sam deploy to deploy the infrastructure. Provide the Stack Name, AWS Region, ARN of the private CA created in section 1. Provide additional information as required in the sam deploy and deploy the stack.
  8. sam deploy -g
    Running sam deploy -g

    Running sam deploy -g

    The stack deployment takes about 30 minutes to complete. Once complete, note the output values.

  9. Create the event source mapping for the Lambda function. Replace the CONSUMER_FUNCTION_NAME and MSK_CLUSTER_ARN from the output of the stack created by the AWS SAM template. Replace SECRET_ARN with the ARN of the AWS Secrets Manager secret created previously.
  10. aws lambda create-event-source-mapping --function-name CONSUMER_FUNCTION_NAME --batch-size 10 --starting-position TRIM_HORIZON --topics exampleTopic --event-source-arn MSK_CLUSTER_ARN --source-access-configurations '[{"Type": "CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_TLS_AUTH","URI": "SECRET_ARN"}]'
  11. Navigate one directory level up and configure the producer function with the Amazon MSK broker details. Replace the PRODUCER_FUNCTION_NAME and MSK_CLUSTER_ARN from the output of the stack created by the AWS SAM template.
  12. cd ../
  13. Verify that the event source mapping state is enabled before moving on to the next step. Replace UUID from the output of step 5.
  14. aws lambda get-event-source-mapping --uuid UUID
  15. Publish messages using the producer. Replace PRODUCER_FUNCTION_NAME from the output of the stack created by the AWS SAM template. The following command creates a Kafka topic called exampleTopic and publish 100 messages to the topic.
  16. ./produce.sh PRODUCER_FUNCTION_NAME exampleTopic 100
  17. Verify that the consumer Lambda function receives and processes the messages by checking in Amazon CloudWatch log groups. Navigate to the log group by searching for aws/lambda/{stackname}-MSKConsumerLambda in the search bar.
Consumer function log stream

Consumer function log stream


Lambda now supports mutual TLS authentication for Amazon MSK and self-managed Kafka as an event source. You now have the option to provide a client certificate to establish a trust relationship between Lambda and MSK or self-managed Kafka brokers. It supports configuration via the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, AWS SDK, and AWS CloudFormation.

To learn more about how to use mutual TLS Authentication for your Kafka triggered AWS Lambda function, visit AWS Lambda with self-managed Apache Kafka and Using AWS Lambda with Amazon MSK.

Optimizing your AWS Infrastructure for Sustainability, Part III: Networking

Post Syndicated from Katja Philipp original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/optimizing-your-aws-infrastructure-for-sustainability-part-iii-networking/

In Part I: Compute and Part II: Storage of this series, we introduced strategies to optimize the compute and storage layer of your AWS architecture for sustainability.

This blog post focuses on the network layer of your AWS infrastructure and proposes concepts to optimize your network utilization.

Optimizing the networking layer of your AWS infrastructure

When you make your applications available to more customers, the packets that travel across the network will increase. Similarly, the larger the size of data, as well as the more distance a packet has to travel, the more resources are required to transmit it. With growing number of application users, optimizing network traffic can ensure that network resource consumption is not growing linearly.

The recommendations in the following sections will help you use your resources more efficiently for the network layer of your workload.

Reducing the network traveled per request

Reducing the data sent over the network and optimizing the path a packet takes will result in a more efficient data transfer. The following table provides metrics related to some AWS services that can help you find potential network optimization opportunities.

Service Metric/Check Source
Amazon CloudFront Cache hit rate Viewing CloudFront and Lambda@Edge metrics
AWS Trusted Advisor check reference
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) Data transferred in/out of a bucket Metrics and dimensions
AWS Trusted Advisor check reference
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) NetworkPacketsIn/NetworkPacketsOut List the available CloudWatch metrics for your instances
AWS Trusted Advisor CloudFront Content Delivery Optimization AWS Trusted Advisor check reference

We recommend the following concepts to optimize your network utilization.

Read local, write global

The following strategies allow users to read the data from the source closest to them; thus, fewer requests travel longer distances.

  • If you are operating within a single AWS Region, you should choose a Region that is near the majority of your users. The further your users are away from the Region, the further data needs to travel through the global network.
  • If your users are spread over multiple Regions, set up multiple copies of the data to reside in each Region. Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) and Amazon Aurora let you set up cross-Region read replicas. Amazon DynamoDB global tables allow for fast performance and alleviate network load.

Use a content delivery network

Content delivery networks (CDNs) bring your data closer to the end user. When requested, they cache static content from the original server and deliver it to the user. This shortens the distance each packet has to travel.

  • CloudFront optimizes network utilization and delivers traffic over CloudFront’s globally distributed edge network. Figure 1 shows a global user base that accesses an S3 bucket directly versus serving cached data from edge locations.
  • Trusted Advisor includes a check that recommends whether you should use a CDN for your S3 buckets. It analyzes the data transferred out of your S3 bucket and flags the buckets that could benefit from a CloudFront distribution.
Comparison of accessing an S3 bucket directly versus via a CloudFront distribution/edge locations

Figure 1. Comparison of accessing an S3 bucket directly versus via a CloudFront distribution/edge locations

Optimize CloudFront cache hit ratio

CloudFront caches different versions of an object depending upon the request headers (for example, language, date, or user-agent). You can further optimize your CDN distribution’s cache hit ratio (the number of times an object is served from the CDN versus from the origin) with a Trusted Advisor check. It automatically checks for headers that do not affect the object and then recommends a configuration to ignore those headers and not forward the request to the origin.

Use edge-oriented services

Edge computing brings data storage and computation closer to users. By implementing this approach, you can perform data preprocessing or run machine learning algorithms on the edge.

  • Edge-oriented services applied on gateways or directly onto user devices reduce network traffic because data does not need to be sent back to the cloud server.
  • One-time, low-latency tasks are a good fit for edge use cases, like when an autonomous vehicle needs to detect objects nearby. You should generally archive data that needs to be accessed by multiple parties in the cloud, but consider factors such as device hardware and privacy regulations first.
  • CloudFront Functions can run compute on edge locations and Lambda@Edge can generate Regional edge caches. AWS IoT Greengrass provides edge computing for Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

Reducing the size of data transmitted

Serve compressed files

In addition to caching static assets, you can further optimize network utilization by serving compressed files to your users. You can configure CloudFront to automatically compress objects, which results in faster downloads, leading to faster rendering of webpages.

Enhance Amazon EC2 network performance

Network packets consist of data that you are sending (frame) and the processing overhead information. If you use larger packets, you can pass more data in a single packet and decrease processing overhead.

Jumbo frames use the largest permissible packet that can be passed over the connection. Keep in mind that outside a single virtual private cloud (VPC), over virtual private network (VPN) or internet gateway, traffic is limited to a lower frame regardless of using jumbo frames.

Optimize APIs

If your payloads are large, consider reducing their size to reduce network traffic by compressing your messages for your REST API payloads. Use the right endpoint for your use case. Edge-optimized API endpoints are best suited for geographically distributed clients. Regional API endpoints are best suited for when you have a few clients with higher demands, because they can help reduce connection overhead. Caching your API responses will reduce network traffic and enhance responsiveness.


As your organization’s cloud adoption grows, knowing how efficient your resources are is crucial when optimizing your AWS infrastructure for environmental sustainability. Using the fewest number of resources possible and using them to their fullest will have the lowest impact on the environment.

Throughout this three-part blog post series, we introduced you to the following architectural concepts and metrics for the compute, storage, and network layers of your AWS infrastructure.

  • Reducing idle resources and maximizing utilization
  • Shaping demand to existing supply
  • Managing your data’s lifecycle
  • Using different storage tiers
  • Optimizing the path data travels through a network
  • Reducing the size of data transmitted

This is not an exhaustive list. We hope it is a starting point for you to consider the environmental impact of your resources and how you can build your AWS infrastructure to be more efficient and sustainable. Figure 2 shows an overview of how you can monitor related metrics with CloudWatch and Trusted Advisor.

Overview of services that integrate with CloudWatch and Trusted Advisor for monitoring metrics

Figure 2. Overview of services that integrate with CloudWatch and Trusted Advisor for monitoring metrics

Ready to get started? Check out the AWS Sustainability page to find out more about our commitment to sustainability. It provides information about renewable energy usage, case studies on sustainability through the cloud, and more.

Other blog posts in this series

Related information

Optimize performance and reduce costs for network analytics with VPC Flow Logs in Apache Parquet format

Post Syndicated from Radhika Ravirala original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/optimize-performance-and-reduce-costs-for-network-analytics-with-vpc-flow-logs-in-apache-parquet-format/

VPC Flow Logs help you understand network traffic patterns, identify security issues, audit usage, and diagnose network connectivity on AWS. Customers often route their VPC flow logs directly to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for long-term retention. You can then use a custom format conversion application to convert these text files into an Apache Parquet format to optimize the analytical processing of the log data and reduce the cost of log storage. This custom format conversion step added complexity, time to insight, and costs to the VPC flow log traffic analytics. Until today, VPC flow logs were delivered to Amazon S3 as raw text files in GZIP format.

Today, we’re excited to announce a new feature that delivers VPC flow logs in the Apache Parquet format, making it easier, faster, and more cost-efficient to analyze your VPC flow logs stored in Amazon S3. You can also deliver VPC flow logs to Amazon S3 with Hive-compatible S3 prefixes partitioned by the hour.

Apache Parquet is an open-source file format that stores data efficiently in columnar format, provides different encoding types, and supports predicate filtering. With good compression ratios and efficient encoding, VPC flow logs stored in Parquet reduce your Amazon S3 storage costs. When querying flow logs persisted in Parquet format with analytic frameworks, non-relevant data is skipped, requiring fewer reads on Amazon S3 and thereby improving query performance. To reduce query running time and cost with Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift Spectrum, Apache Parquet is often the recommended file format.

In this post, we explore this new feature and how it can help you run performant queries on your flow logs with Athena.

Create flow logs with Parquet file format

To take advantage of this feature, simply create a new VPC flow log subscription with Amazon S3 as the destination using the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or API. On the console, when creating new a VPC flow log subscription with Amazon S3, you can select one or more of the following options:

  • Log file format
  • Hive-compatible S3 prefixes
  • Partition logs by time

We now explore how each of these options can make processing and storage of flow logs more efficient

Apache Parquet formatted files

By default, your logs are delivered in text format. To change to Parquet, for Log file format, select Parquet. This delivers your VPC flow logs to Amazon S3 in the Apache Parquet format.

Note the following considerations:

  • You can’t change existing flow logs to deliver logs in Parquet format. You need to create a new VPC flow log subscription with Parquet as the log file format.
  • Consider using a higher maximum aggregation interval (10 minutes) when aggregating flow packets to ensure larger Parquet files on Amazon S3.
  • Refer to Amazon CloudWatch pricing for pricing of log delivery in Apache Parquet format for VPC flow logs

Hive-compatible partitions

Partitioning is a technique to organize your data to improve the efficiency of your query engine. Partitions aligned with the columns that are frequently used in the query filters can significantly lower your query response time. You can now specify that your flow logs be organized in Hive-compatible format. This allows you to run the MSCK REPAIR command in Athena to quickly and easily add new partitions as they get delivered into Amazon S3. Simply select Enable for Hive-compatible S3 prefix to set this up. This delivers the flow logs to Amazon S3 in the following path:


Per-hour partitions

You can also organize your flow logs at a much more granular level by adding per-hour partitions. You should enable this feature if you constantly need to query large volumes of logs with a specific time frame as the predicate. Querying logs only during certain hours results in less data scanned, which translates to lower cost per query with engines such as Athena and Redshift Spectrum.

You can also set per-hour partitions via an API or the AWS CLI using the --destination-options parameter in create-flow-logs:

aws ec2 create-flow-logs \
--resource-type VPC \
--resource-ids vpc-001122333 \
--traffic-type ALL \
--log-destination-type s3 \
--log-destination arn:aws:s3:::my-flow-log-bucket/my-custom-flow-logs/ \
--destination-options FileFormat=parquet,HiveCompatiblePartitions=True, PerHourPartition=True

The following is a sample flow log file deposited into an hourly bucket. By default, the flow logs in Parquet are compressed using Gzip format, which has the highest compression ratio compared to other compression formats.


Query with Athena

You can use the Athena integration for VPC Flow Logs from the Amazon VPC console to automate the Athena setup and query VPC flow logs in Amazon S3. This integration has now been extended to support these new flow log delivery options to Amazon S3.

To demonstrate querying flow logs in Parquet and in plain text in this blog, let’s start from the Amazon Athena console.  We begin by creating an external table pointing to flow logs in Parquet.

Note that this feature supports specifying flow logs fields in Parquet’s native data types. This eliminates the need for you to cast your fields when querying the traffic logs.


Let’s run a sample query on these Parquet-based flow logs.

Now, let’s create a table for flow logs delivered in plain text.

We add the partitions using the ALTER TABLE statement in Athena.

Run a simple flow logs query and note the time it took to run the query.

The Athena query run time with flow logs in Parquet (1.16 seconds) is much faster than the run time with flow logs in plain text (2.51 seconds).

For benchmarks that further describe the cost savings and performance improvements from persisting data in Parquet in granular partitions, see Top 10 Performance Tuning Tips for Amazon Athena.


You can now deliver your VPC flow logs to Amazon S3 with three new options:

  • In Apache Parquet formatted files
  • With Hive-compatible S3 prefixes
  • In hourly partitioned files

These delivery options make it faster, easier, and more cost-efficient to store and run analytics on your VPC flow logs. To learn more, visit VPC Flow Logs documentation. We hope you will give this feature a try and share your experience with us. Please send feedback to the AWS forum for Amazon VPC or through your usual AWS support contacts.

About the Authors

Radhika Ravirala is a Principal Streaming Architect at Amazon Web Services, where she helps customers craft distributed streaming applications using Amazon Kinesis and Amazon MSK. In her free time, she enjoys long walks with her dog, playing board games, and reading widely.

Vaibhav Katkade is a Senior Product Manager in the Amazon VPC team. He is interested in areas of network security and cloud networking operations. Outside of work, he enjoys cooking and the outdoors.

Connect Amazon S3 File Gateway using AWS PrivateLink for Amazon S3

Post Syndicated from Xiaozang Li original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/connect-amazon-s3-file-gateway-using-aws-privatelink-for-amazon-s3/

AWS Storage Gateway is a set of services that provides on-premises access to virtually unlimited cloud storage. You can extend your on-premises storage capacity, and move on-premises backups and archives to the cloud. It provides low-latency access to cloud storage by caching frequently accessed data on premises, while storing data securely and durably in the cloud. This simplifies storage management and reduces costs for hybrid cloud storage use.

You may have privacy and security concerns with sending and receiving data across the public internet. In this case, you can use AWS PrivateLink, which provides private connectivity between Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and other AWS services.

In this blog post, we will demonstrate how to take advantage of Amazon S3 interface endpoints to connect your on-premises Amazon S3 File Gateway directly to AWS over a private connection. We will also review the steps for implementation using the AWS Management Console.

AWS Storage Gateway on-premises

Storage Gateway offers four different types of gateways to connect on-premises applications with cloud storage.

  • Amazon S3 File Gateway Provides a file interface for applications to seamlessly store files as objects in Amazon S3. These files can be accessed using open standard file protocols.
  • Amazon FSx File Gateway Optimizes on-premises access to Windows file shares on Amazon FSx.
  • Tape Gateway Replaces on-premises physical tapes with virtual tapes in AWS without changing existing backup workflows.
  • Volume Gateway –  Presents cloud-backed iSCSI block storage volumes to your on-premises applications.

We will illustrate the use of Amazon S3 File Gateway in this blog.

VPC endpoints for Amazon S3

AWS PrivateLink provides two types of VPC endpoints that you can use to connect to Amazon S3; Interface endpoints and Gateway endpoints. An interface endpoint is an elastic network interface with a private IP address. It serves as an entry point for traffic destined to a supported AWS service or a VPC endpoint service. A gateway VPC endpoint uses prefix lists as the IP route target in a VPC route table and supports routing traffic privately to Amazon S3 or Amazon DynamoDB. Both these endpoints securely connect to Amazon S3 over the Amazon network, and your network traffic does not traverse the internet.

Solution architecture for PrivateLink connectivity between AWS Storage Gateway and Amazon S3

Previously, AWS Storage Gateway did not support PrivateLink for Amazon S3 and Amazon S3 Access Points. Customers had to build and manage an HTTP proxy infrastructure within their VPC to connect their on-premises applications privately to S3 (see Figure 1). This infrastructure acted as a proxy for all the traffic originating from on-premises gateways to Amazon S3 through Amazon S3 Gateway endpoints. This setup would result in additional configuration and operational overhead. The HTTP proxy could also become a network performance bottleneck.

Figure 1. Connect to Amazon S3 Gateway endpoint using an HTTP proxy

Figure 1. Connect to Amazon S3 Gateway endpoint using an HTTP proxy

AWS Storage Gateway recently added support for AWS PrivateLink for Amazon S3 and Amazon S3 Access Points. Customers can now connect their on-premises Amazon S3 File Gateway directly to Amazon S3 through a private connection. This uses an Amazon S3 interface endpoint and doesn’t require an HTTP proxy. Additionally, customers can use Amazon S3 Access Points instead of bucket names to map file shares. This enables more granular access controls for applications connecting to AWS Storage Gateway file shares (see Figure 2).

Figure 2. AWS Storage Gateway now supports AWS PrivateLink for Amazon S3 endpoints and Amazon S3 Access Points

Figure 2. AWS Storage Gateway now supports AWS PrivateLink for Amazon S3 endpoints and Amazon S3 Access Points

Implement AWS PrivateLink between AWS Storage Gateway and an Amazon S3 endpoint

Let’s look at how to create an Amazon S3 File Gateway file share, which is associated with a Storage Gateway. This file share stores data in an Amazon S3 bucket. It uses AWS PrivateLink for Amazon S3 to transfer data to the S3 endpoint.

  1. Create an Amazon S3 bucket in your preferred Region.
  2. Create and configure an Amazon S3 File Gateway.
  3. Create an Interface endpoint for Amazon S3. Ensure that the S3 interface endpoint is created in the same Region as the S3 bucket.
  4. Customize the File share settings (see Figure 3).
Figure 3. Create file share using VPC endpoints for Amazon S3

Figure 3. Create file share using VPC endpoints for Amazon S3

Best practices:

  • Select the AWS Region where the Amazon S3 bucket is located. This ensures that the VPC endpoint and the storage bucket are in the same Region.
  • When creating the file share with PrivateLink for S3 enabled, you can either select the S3 VPC endpoint ID from the dropdown menu, or manually input the S3 VPC endpoint DNS name.
  • Note that the dropdown list of VPC endpoint IDs only contains the VPCs created by the current AWS account administrator. If you are using a shared VPC in an AWS Organization, you can manually enter the DNS name of the VPC endpoint created in the management account.

Be aware of PrivateLink pricing when using an S3 interface endpoint. The cost for each interface endpoint is based on usage per hour, the number of Availability Zones used, and the volume of data transferred over the endpoint. Additionally, each Amazon S3 VPC interface endpoint can be shared among multiple S3 File Gateways. Each file share associated with the Storage Gateway can be configured with or without PrivateLink. For workloads that do not need the private network connectivity, you can save on interface endpoints costs by creating a file share without PrivateLink.

Verify PrivateLink communication

Once you have set up an S3 File Gateway file share using PrivateLink for S3, you can verify that traffic is flowing over your private connectivity as follows:

1. Enable VPC Flow Log for the VPC hosting the S3 Interface endpoint. This also hosts the Virtual Private Gateway (VGW), which connects to the on-premises environment.

2. From your workstation, connect to your on-premises File Gateway over SMB or NFS protocol and upload a new file (see Figure 4).

Figure 4. Upload a sample file to on-premises Storage Gateway

Figure 4. Upload a sample file to on-premises Storage Gateway

3. Navigate to the S3 bucket associated with the file share.  After a few seconds, you should see that the new file has been successfully uploaded and appears in the S3 bucket (see Figure 5).

Figure 5. Verify that the sample file is uploaded to storage bucket

Figure 5. Verify that the sample file is uploaded to storage bucket

4. On the VPC flow log, look for the generated log events. You’ll see your S3 interface endpoint elastic network interface, your file gateway IP, Amazon S3 private IP, and port number, as shown in Figure 6. This verifies that the file was transferred over the private connection. If you do not see an entry, verify if the VPC Flow Logs have been enabled on the correct VPC and elastic network interface.

Figure 6. VPC Flow Log entry to verify connectivity using Private IPs

Figure 6. VPC Flow Log entry to verify connectivity using Private IPs


In this blog post, we have demonstrated how to use Amazon S3 File Gateway to transfer files to Amazon S3 buckets over AWS PrivateLink. Use this solution to securely copy your application data and files to cloud storage. This will also provide low latency access to that data from your on-premises applications.

Thanks for reading this blog post. If you have any feedback or questions, please add them in the comments section.

Further Reading:

Field Notes: How to Scale Your Networks on Amazon Web Services

Post Syndicated from Androski Spicer original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/field-notes-how-to-scale-your-networks-on-amazon-web-services/

As AWS adoption increases throughout an organization, the number of networks and virtual private clouds (VPCs) to support them also increases. Customers can see growth upwards of tens, hundreds, or in the case of the enterprise, thousands of VPCs.

Generally, this increase in VPCs is driven by the need to:

  • Simplify routing, connectivity, and isolation boundaries
  • Reduce network infrastructure cost
  • Reduce management overhead

Overview of solution

This blog post discusses the guidance customers require to achieve their desired outcomes. Guidance is provided through a series of real-world scenarios customers encounter on their journey to building a well-architected network environment on AWS. These challenges range from the need to centralize networking resources, to reduce complexity and cost, to implementing security techniques that help workloads to meet industry and customer specific operational compliance.

The scenarios presented here form the foundation and starting point from which the intended guidance is provided. These scenarios start as simple, but gradually increase in complexity. Each scenario tackles different questions customers ask AWS solutions architects, service teams, professional services, and other AWS professionals, on a daily basis.

Some of these questions are:

  • What does centralized DNS look like on AWS, and how should I approach and implement it?
  • How do I reduce the cost and complexity associated with Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) interface endpoints for AWS services by centralizing that is spread across many AWS accounts?
  • What does centralized packet inspection look like on AWS, and how should we approach it?

This blog post will answer these questions, and more.


This blog post assumes that the reader has some understanding of AWS networking basics outlined in the blog post One to Many: Evolving VPC Design. It also assumes that the reader understands industry-wide networking basics.

Simplify routing, connectivity, and isolation boundaries

Simplification in routing starts with selecting the correct layer 3 technology. In the past, customers used a combination of VPC peering, Virtual Gateway configurations, and the Transit VPC Solution to achieve inter–VPC routing, and routing to on-premises resources. These solutions presented challenges in configuration and management complexity, as well as security and scaling.

To solve these challenges, AWS introduced AWS Transit Gateway. Transit Gateway is a regional virtual router that customers can attach their VPCs, site-to-site virtual private networks (VPNs), Transit Gateway Connect, AWS Direct Connect gateways, and cross-region transit gateway peering connections, and configure routing between them. Transit Gateway scales up to 5,000 attachments; so, a customer can start with one VPC attachment, and scale up to thousands of attachments across thousands of accounts. Each VPC, Direct Connect gateway, and peer transit gateway connection receives up to 50 Gbps of bandwidth.

Routing happens at layer 3 through a transit gateway. Transit Gateway come with a default route table to which all default attachment association happens. If route propagation and association is enabled at transit gateway creation time, AWS will create a transit gateway with a default route table to which attachments are automatically associated and their routes automatically propagated. This creates a network where all attachments can route to each other.

Adding VPN or Direct Connect gateway attachments to on-premises networks will allow all attached VPCs and networks to easily route to on-premises networks. Some customers require isolation boundaries between routing domains. This can be achieved with Transit Gateway.

Let’s review a use case where a customer with two spoke VPCs and a shared services VPC (shared-services-vpc-A) would like to:

  • Allow all spoke VPCs to access the shared services VPC
  • Disallow access between spoke VPCs

Figure 1. Transit Gateway Deployment

To achieve this, the customer needs to:

  1. Create a transit gateway with the name tgw-A and two route tables with the names spoke-tgw-route-table and shared-services-tgw-route-table.
    1. When creating the transit gateway, disable automatic association and propagation to the default route table.
    2. Enable equal-cost multi-path routing (ECMP) and use a unique Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) autonomous system number (ASN).
  1. Associate all spoke VPCs with the spoke-tgw-route-table.
    1. Their routes should not be propagated.
    2. Propagate their routes to the shared-services-tgw-route-table.
  1. Associate the shared services VPC with the shared-services-tgw-route-table and its routes should be propagated or statically added to the spoke-tgw-route-table.
  2. Add a default and summarized route with a next hop of the transit gateway to the shared services and spoke VPCs route table.

After successfully deploying this configuration, the customer decides to:

  1. Allow all VPCs access to on-premises resources through AWS site-to-site VPNs.
  2. Require an aggregated bandwidth of 10 Gbps across this VPN.
Figure 2. Transit Gateway hub and spoke architecture, with VPCs and multiple AWS site-to-site VPNs

Figure 2. Transit Gateway hub and spoke architecture, with VPCs and multiple AWS site-to-site VPNs

To achieve this, the customer needs to:

  1. Create four site-to-site VPNs between the transit gateway and the on-premises routers with BGP as the routing protocol.
    1. AWS site-to-site VPN has two VPN tunnels. Each tunnel has a dedicated bandwidth of 1.25 Gbps.
    2. Read more on how to configure ECMP for site-to-site VPNs.
  1. Create a third transit gateway route table with the name WAN-connections-route-table.
  2. Associate all four VPNs with the WAN-connections-route-table.
  3. Propagate the routes from the spoke and shared services VPCs to WAN-connections-route-table.
  4. Propagate VPN attachment routes to the spoke-tgw-route-table and shared-services-tgw-route-table.

Building on this progress, the customer has decided to deploy another transit gateway and shared services VPC in another AWS Region. They would like both shared service VPCs to be connected.

Transit Gateway peering connection architecture

Figure 3. Transit Gateway peering connection architecture

To accomplish these requirements, the customer needs to:

  1. Create a transit gateway with the name tgw-B in the new region.
  2. Create a transit gateway peering connection between tgw-A and tgw-B. Ensure peering requests are accepted.
  3. Statically add a route to the shared-services-tgw-route-table in region A that has the transit-gateway-peering attachment as the next for hop traffic destined to the VPC Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) range for shared-services-vpc-B. Then, in region B, add a route to the shared-services-tgw-route-table that has the transit-gateway-peering attachment as the next for hop traffic destined to the VPC CIDR range for shared-services-vpc-A.

Reduce network infrastructure cost

It is important to design your network to eliminate unnecessary complexity and management overhead, as well as cost optimization. To achieve this, use centralization. Instead of creating network infrastructure that is needed by every VPC inside each VPC, deploy these resources in a type of shared services VPC and share them throughout your entire network. This results in the creation of this infrastructure only one time, which reduces the cost and management overhead.

Some VPC components that can be centralized are network address translation (NAT) gateways, VPC interface endpoints, and AWS Network Firewall. Third-party firewalls can also be centralized.

Let’s take a look at a few use cases that build on the previous use cases.

Figure 4. Centralized interface endpoint architecture

Figure 4. Centralized interface endpoint architecture

The customer has made the decision to allow access to AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) and AWS Secrets Manager from their VPCs.

The customer should employ the strategy of centralizing their VPC interface endpoints to reduce the potential proliferation of cost, management overhead, and complexity that can occur when working with this VPC feature.

To centralize these endpoints, the customer should:

  1. Deploy AWS VPC interface endpoints for AWS KMS and Secrets Manager inside shared-services-vpc-A and shared-services-vpc-B.
    1. Disable each Private DNS.

Figure 5. Centralized interface endpoint step-by-step guide (Step 1)

  1. Use the AWS default DNS name for AWS KMS and Secrets Manager to create an Amazon Route 53 private hosted zone (PHZ) for each of these services. These are:
    1. kms.<region>.amazonaws.com
    2. secretsmanager.<region>.amazonaws.com
Figure 6. Centralized interface endpoint step-by-step guide (Step 2)

Figure 6. Centralized interface endpoint step-by-step guide (Step 2)

  1. Authorize each spoke VPC to associate with the PHZ in their respective region. This can be done from the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) by using the command aws route53 create-vpc-association-authorization –hosted-zone-id <hosted-zone-id> –vpc VPCRegion=<region>,VPCId=<vpc-id> –region <AWS-REGION>.
  2. Create an A record for each PHZ. In the creation process, for the Route to option, select the VPC Endpoint Alias. Add the respective VPC interface endpoint DNS hostname that is not Availability Zone specific (for example, vpce-0073b71485b9ad255-mu7cd69m.ssm.ap-south-1.vpce.amazonaws.com).
Figure 7. Centralized interface endpoint step-by-step guide (Step 3)

Figure 7. Centralized interface endpoint step-by-step guide (Step 3)

  1. Associate each spoke VPC with the available PHZs. Use the CLI command aws route53 associate-vpc-with-hosted-zone –hosted-zone-id <hosted-zone-id> –vpc VPCRegion=<region>,VPCId=<vpc-id> –region <AWS-REGION>.

This concludes the configuration for centralized VPC interface endpoints for AWS KMS and Secrets Manager. You can learn more about cross-account PHZ association configuration.

After successfully implementing centralized VPC interface endpoints, the customer has decided to centralize:

  1. Internet access.
  2. Packet inspection for East-West and North-South internet traffic using a pair of firewalls that support the Geneve protocol.

To achieve this, the customer should use the AWS Gateway Load Balancer (GWLB), Amazon VPC endpoint services, GWLB endpoints, and transit gateway route table configurations.

Figure 8. Illustrated security-egress VPC infrastructures and route table configuration

Figure 8. Illustrated security-egress VPC infrastructures and route table configuration

To accomplish these centralization requirements, the customer should create:

  1. A VPC with the name security-egress VPC.
  2. A GWLB, an autoscaling group with at least two instance of the customer’s firewall which are evenly distributed across multiple private subnets in different Availability Zones.
  3. A target group for use with the GWLB. Associate the autoscaling group with this target group.
  4. An AWS endpoint service using the GWLB as the entry point. Then create AWS interface endpoints for this endpoint service inside the same set of private subnets or create a /28 set of subnets for interface endpoints.
  5. Two AWS NAT gateways spread across two public subnets in multiple Availability Zones.
  6. A transit gateway attachment request from the security-egress VPC and ensure that:
    1. Transit gateway appliance mode is enabled for this attachment as it ensures bidirectional traffic forwarding to the same transit gateway attachments.
    2. Transit gateway–specific subnets are used to host the attachment interfaces.
  1. In the security-egress VPC, configure the route tables accordingly.
    1. Private subnet route table.
      1. Add default route to the NAT gateway.
      2. Add summarized routes with a next-hop of Transit Gateway for all networks you intend to route to that are connected to the Transit Gateway.
    1. Public subnet route table.
      1. Add default route to the internet gateway.
      2. Add summarized routes with a next-hop of the GWLB endpoints you intend to route to for all private networks.

Transit Gateway configuration

  1. Create a new transit gateway route table with the name transit-gateway-egress-route-table.
    1. Propagate all spoke and shared services VPCs routes to it.
    2. Associate the security-egress VPC with this route table.
  1. Add a default route to the spoke-tgw-route-table and shared-services-tgw-route-table that points to the security-egress VPC attachment, and remove all VPC attachment routes respectively from both route tables.
Illustrated routing configuration for the transit gateway route tables and VPC route tables

Figure 9. Illustrated routing configuration for the transit gateway route tables and VPC route tables

Illustrated North-South traffic flow from spoke VPC to the internet

Figure 10. Illustrated North-South traffic flow from spoke VPC to the internet

Figure 11. Illustrated East-West traffic flow between spoke VPC and shared services VPC

Figure 11. Illustrated East-West traffic flow between spoke VPC and shared services VPC


In this blog post, we went on a network architecture journey that started with a use case of routing domain isolation. This is a scenario most customers confront when getting started with Transit Gateway. Gradually, we built upon this use case and exponentially increased its complexity by exploring other real-world scenarios that customers confront when designing multiple region networks across multiple AWS accounts.

Regardless of the complexity, these use cases were accompanied by guidance that helps customers achieve a reduction in cost and complexity throughout their entire network on AWS.

When designing your networks, design for scale. Use AWS services that let you achieve scale without the complexity of managing the underlying infrastructure.

Also, simplify your network through the technique of centralizing repeatable resources. If more than one VPC requires access to the same resource, then find ways to centralize access to this resource which reduces the proliferation of these resources. DNS, packet inspection, and VPC interface endpoints are good examples of things that should be centralized.

Thank you for reading. Hopefully you found this blog post useful.

Field Notes provides hands-on technical guidance from AWS Solutions Architects, consultants, and technical account managers, based on their experiences in the field solving real-world business problems for customers.

Improving Performance and Reducing Cost Using Availability Zone Affinity

Post Syndicated from Michael Haken original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/improving-performance-and-reducing-cost-using-availability-zone-affinity/

One of the best practices for building resilient systems in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networks is using multiple Availability Zones (AZ). An AZ is one or more discrete data centers with redundant power, networking, and connectivity. Using multiple AZs allows you to operate workloads that are more highly available, fault tolerant, and scalable than would be possible from a single data center. However, transferring data across AZs adds latency and cost.

This blog post demonstrates an architectural pattern called “Availability Zone Affinity” that improves performance and reduces costs while still maintaining the benefits of Multi-AZ architectures.

Cross Availability Zone effects

AZs are physically separated by a meaningful distance from other AZs in the same AWS Region. Although they all are within 60 miles (100 kilometers) of each other. This produces roundtrip latencies usually under 1-2 milliseconds (ms) between AZs in the same Region. Roundtrip latency between two instances in the same AZ is closer to 100-300 microseconds (µs) when using enhanced networking.1 This can be even lower when the instances use cluster placement groups. Additionally, when data is transferred between two AZs, data transfer charges apply in both directions.

To better understand these effects, we’ll analyze a fictitious workload, the “foo service,” shown in Figure 1. The foo service provides a storage platform for other workloads in AWS to redundantly store data. Requests are first processed by an Application Load Balancer (ALB). ALBs always use cross-zone load balancing to evenly distribute requests to all targets. Next, the request is sent from the load balancer to a request router. The request router performs a few operations, like authorization checks and input validation, before sending it to the storage tier. The storage tier replicates the data sequentially from the lead node, to the middle node, and finally the tail node. Once the data has been written to all three nodes, it is considered committed. The response is sent from the tail node back to the request router, back through the load balancer, and finally returned to the client.

An example system that transfers data across AZs

Figure 1. An example system that transfers data across AZs

We can see in Figure 1 that, in the worst case, the request traversed an AZ boundary eight times. Let’s calculate the fastest possible, zeroth percentile (p0), latency. We’ll assume the best time for non-network processing of the request in the load balancer, request router, and storage tier is 4 ms. If we consider 1 ms as the minimum network latency added for each AZ traversal, in the worst-case scenario of eight AZ traversals, the total processing time can be no faster than 12 ms. At the 50th percentile (p50), meaning the median, let’s assume the cross-AZ latency is 1.5 ms and non-network processing is 8 ms, resulting in a total of 20 ms for overall processing. Additionally, if this system is processing millions of requests, the data transfer charges could become substantial over time. Now, let’s imagine that a workload using the foo service must operate with p50 latency under 20 ms. How can the foo service change their system design to meet this goal?

Availability Zone affinity

The AZ Affinity architectural pattern reduces the number of times an AZ boundary is crossed. In the example system we looked at in Figure 1, AZ Affinity can be implemented with two changes.

  1. First, the ALB is replaced with a Network Load Balancer (NLB). NLBs provide an elastic network interface per AZ that is configured with a static IP. NLBs also have cross-zone load balancing disabled by default. This ensures that requests are only sent to targets that are in the same AZ as the elastic network interface that receives the request.
  2. Second, DNS entries are created for each elastic network interface to provide an AZ-specific record using the AZ ID, which is consistent across accounts. Clients use that DNS record to communicate with a load balancer in the AZ they select. So instead of interacting with a Region-wide service using a DNS name like foo.com, they would instead use use1-az1.foo.com.

Figure 2 shows the system with AZ Affinity. We can see that each request, in the worst case, only traverses an AZ boundary four times. Data transfer costs are reduced by approximately 40 percent compared to the previous implementation. If we use 300 μs as the p50 latency for intra-AZ communication, we now get (4×300μs)+(4×1.5ms)=7.2ms. Using the median 8 ms processing time, this brings the overall median latency to 15.2 ms. This represents a 40 percent reduction in median network latency. When thinking about p90, p99, or even p99.9 latencies, this reduction could be even more significant.

The system now implements AZ Affinity

Figure 2. The system now implements AZ Affinity

Figure 3 shows how you could take this approach one step farther using service discovery. Instead of requiring the client to remember AZ-specific DNS names for load balancers, we can use AWS Cloud Map for service discovery. AWS Cloud Map is a fully managed service that allows clients to look up IP address and port combinations of service instances using DNS and dynamically retrieve abstract endpoints, like URLs, over the HTTP-based service Discovery API. Service discovery can reduce the need for load balancers, removing their cost and added latency.

The client first retrieves details about the service instances in their AZ from the AWS Cloud Map registry. The results are filtered to the client’s AZ by specifying an optional parameter in the request. Then they use that information to send requests to the discovered request routers.

AZ Affinity implemented using AWS Cloud Map for service discovery

Figure 3. AZ Affinity implemented using AWS Cloud Map for service discovery

Workload resiliency

In the new architecture using AZ Affinity, the client has to select which AZ they communicate with. Since they are “pinned” to a single AZ and not load balanced across multiple AZs, they may see impact during an event affecting the AWS infrastructure or foo service in that AZ.

During this kind of event, clients can choose to use retries with exponential backoff or send requests to the other AZs that aren’t impacted. Alternatively, they could implement a circuit breaker to stop making requests from the client in the affected AZ and only use clients in the others. Both approaches allow them to use the resiliency of Multi-AZ systems while taking advantage of AZ Affinity during normal operation.

Client libraries

The easiest way to achieve the process of service discovery, retries with exponential backoff, circuit breakers, and failover is to provide a client library/SDK. The library handles all of this logic for users and makes the process transparent, like what the AWS SDK or CLI does. Users then get two options, the low-level API and the high-level library.


This blog demonstrated how the AZ Affinity pattern helps reduce latency and data transfer costs for Multi-AZ systems while providing high availability. If you want to investigate your data transfer costs, check out the Using AWS Cost Explorer to analyze data transfer costs blog for an approach using AWS Cost Explorer.

For investigating latency in your workload, consider using AWS X-Ray and Amazon CloudWatch for tracing and observability in your system. AZ Affinity isn’t the right solution for every workload, but if you need to reduce inter-AZ data transfer costs or improve latency, it’s definitely an approach to consider.

  1. This estimate was made using t4g.small instances sending ping requests across AZs. The tests were conducted in the us-east-1, us-west-2, and eu-west-1 Regions. These results represent the p0 (fastest) and p50 (median) intra-AZ latency in those Regions at the time they were gathered, but are not a guarantee of the latency between two instances in any location. You should perform your own tests to calculate the performance enhancements AZ Affinity offers.

Disaster Recovery (DR) for a Third-party Interactive Voice Response on AWS

Post Syndicated from Priyanka Kulkarni original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/disaster-recovery-dr-for-a-third-party-interactive-voice-response-on-aws/

Voice calling systems are prevalent and necessary to many businesses today. They are usually designed to provide a 24×7 helpline support across multiple domains and use cases. Reliability and availability of such systems are important for a good customer experience. The thoughtful design of a cost-optimized solution will allow your business to sustain the system into the future.

We address a scenario in which you are mandated to host the workload on a corporate data center (DC), and configure the backup site on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Since the primary objective of a backup site is disaster recovery (DR) management, this site is often referred to as a DR site.

Disaster Recovery on AWS

DR strategy defines the recovery objectives for downtime and data loss. The workload has a recovery time objective (RTO) and a recovery point objective (RPO). RTO is the maximum acceptable delay between the interruption of service and the restoration of service. RPO is the maximum acceptable amount of time since the last data recovery point. AWS defines four DR strategies in increasing order of complexity, and decreasing order of RTO and RPO. These are backup and restore, active/passive (pilot light or warm standby), or active/active.

Figure 1. Disaster recovery (DR) options

Figure 1. Disaster recovery (DR) options

In our use case, the DR site on AWS must serve the user traffic with RPO and RTO in seconds. Warm standby is the optimal choice in this case. It is a scaled-down version of a fully functional environment, and is always running in the cloud.

Amazon Connect is an omnichannel cloud contact center that helps you provide great customer service at a lower cost. But in some situations, Amazon Connect may not be available. In other cases, the customer may want to use their home developed or third-party contact center application. Our solution is designed to help in both these scenarios.

This architecture enables customers facing challenges of cost overhead with redundant Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) trunks for the DC and DR sites. It allows you to optimize your spend and yet retain a reliable workflow.

SIP trunk communication on AWS

Let’s see how the SIP trunk termination on the AWS network handles the failover scenario of a third-party IVR application installed on Amazon EC2 at the DR site.

There will be two connections made from the AWS Direct Connect location (DX). The first will be for a point-to-point connectivity between the corporate DC and the AWS DR site. The second connection will be originating from the multiplexer (MUX) of the telecom provider who is providing you the SIP trunk.

The telecom provider will lay the SIP trunk from its MUX to the customer router at the DX location. At this point, the mode of communication becomes IP-based. The telecom provider will send the call to the IP address attached to the Network Load Balancer (NLB) in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

Figure 2. Communication circuitry at telecom side

Figure 2. Communication circuitry at telecom side

AWS Network Load Balancers can now distribute traffic to AWS resources using their IP addresses and instance IDs as targets. You can also distribute the traffic with on-premises resources over AWS Direct Connect. Load balancing across AWS and on-premises resources using the same load balancer streamlines migrate-to-cloud, burst-to-cloud, or failover-to-cloud.

In the backup site, the NLB will point to the Session Border Controller (SBC). This is a special-purpose device that protects and regulates IP communications flows. You can bring your own SBC, or you can use an SBC offered in the AWS Marketplace.

Best practices for high availability of IVR solution on AWS

  • Configure the multiple Availability Zone (Multi-AZ) SBC setup
  • Make sure that the telecom provider for the SIP trunk is different from the internet service provider (ISP). This is for last mile connectivity for the DC from Direct Connect
  • Consider redundancy for Direct Connect by using a Site-to-Site VPN tunnel
Figure 3. Solution architecture of DR on AWS for a third-party IVR solution

Figure 3. Solution architecture of DR on AWS for a third-party IVR solution

Communication flow for an IVR solution deployed on a corporate DC and its DR on AWS

  1. The callers are received on the telecom providers SIP line, which terminates on the AWS Direct Connect location.
  2. At the DX location, you will configure a route in the AWS router to send the traffic to the IP address of the NLB. The NLB should be configured to perform health checks on the virtual machine in your on-premises DC. Based on these health checks, the NLB will do the routing and the failover.
  3. In a live scenario with successful health checks at the DC, the NLB will forward the call to the IP of the on-premises virtual machine. This is where the IVR application will be installed.
  4. The communication between the NLB in Amazon VPC and the virtual machine in DC, will happen over Direct Connect.
  5. In a DR scenario, the NLB will failover the communication to SBCs in Amazon VPC.


This solution is useful when a third-party IVR system is deployed in a corporate data center, and the passive DR site is hosted on AWS. Cost optimization on telecom components is an important aspect of this design. AWS Direct Connect provides dedicated connectivity to the AWS environment, from 50 Mbps up to 10 Gbps. This gives you managed and controlled latency. It also provides provisioned bandwidth, so your workload can connect to AWS resources in a reliable, scalable, and cost-effective way.

The solution in this blog explains the end-to-end flow of communication, from the user to the IVR agents. It also provides insights into managing failover and failback between DR and the DR site.

Further Reading:

Field Notes: Automate Disaster Recovery for AWS Workloads with Druva

Post Syndicated from Girish Chanchlani original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/field-notes-automate-disaster-recovery-for-aws-workloads-with-druva/

This post was co-written by Akshay Panchmukh, Product Manager, Druva and Girish Chanchlani, Sr Partner Solutions Architect, AWS.

The Uptime Institute’s Annual Outage Analysis 2021 report estimated that 40% of outages or service interruptions in businesses cost between $100,000 and $1 million, while about 17% cost more than $1 million. To guard against this, it is critical for you to have a sound data protection and disaster recovery (DR) strategy to minimize the impact on your business. With the greater adoption of the public cloud, most companies are either following a hybrid model with critical workloads spread across on-premises data centers and the cloud or are all in the cloud.

In this blog post, we focus on how Druva, a SaaS based data protection solution provider, can help you implement a DR strategy for your workloads running in Amazon Web Services (AWS). We explain how to set up protection of AWS workloads running in one AWS account, and fail them over to another AWS account or Region, thereby minimizing the impact of disruption to your business.

Overview of the architecture

In the following architecture, we describe how you can protect your AWS workloads from outages and disasters. You can quickly set up a DR plan using Druva’s simple and intuitive user interface, and within minutes you are ready to protect your AWS infrastructure.

Figure 1. Druva architecture

Druva’s cloud DR is built on AWS using native services to provide a secure operating environment for comprehensive backup and DR operations. With Druva, you can:

  • Seamlessly create cross-account DR sites based on source sites by cloning Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (Amazon VPCs) and their dependents.
  • Set up backup policies to automatically create and copy snapshots of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) and Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) instances to DR Regions based on recovery point objective (RPO) requirements.
  • Set up service level objective (SLO) based DR plans with options to schedule automated tests of DR plans and ensure compliance.
  • Monitor implementation of DR plans easily from the Druva console.
  • Generate compliance reports for DR failover and test initiation.

Other notable features include support for automated runbook initiation, selection of target AWS instance types for DR, and simplified orchestration and testing to help protect and recover data at scale. Druva provides the flexibility to adopt evolving infrastructure across geographic locations, adhere to regulatory requirements (such as, GDPR and CCPA), and recover workloads quickly following disasters, helping meet your business-critical recovery time objectives (RTOs). This unified solution offers taking snapshots as frequently as every five minutes, improving RPOs. Because it is a software as a service (SaaS) solution, Druva helps lower costs by eliminating traditional administration and maintenance of storage hardware and software, upgrades, patches, and integrations.

We will show you how to set up Druva to protect your AWS workloads and automate DR.

Step 1: Log into the Druva platform and provide access to AWS accounts

After you sign into the Druva Cloud Platform, you will need to grant Druva third-party access to your AWS account by pressing Add New Account button, and following the steps as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Add AWS account information

Druva uses AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles to access and manage your AWS workloads. To help you with this, Druva provides an AWS CloudFormation template to create a stack or stack set that generates the following:

  • IAM role
  • IAM instance profile
  • IAM policy

The generated Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role is then linked to Druva so that it can run backup and DR jobs for your AWS workloads. Note that Druva follows all security protocols and best practices recommended by AWS. All access permissions to your AWS resources and Regions are controlled by IAM.

After you have logged into Druva and set up your account, you can now set up DR for your AWS workloads. The following steps will allow you to set up DR for AWS infrastructure.

Step 2: Identify the source environment

A source environment refers to a logical grouping of Amazon VPCs, subnets, security groups, and other infrastructure components required to run your application.

Figure 3. Create a source environment

In this step, create your source environment by selecting the appropriate AWS resources you’d like to set up for failover. Druva currently supports Amazon EC2 and Amazon RDS as sources that can be protected. With Druva’s automated DR, you can failover these resources to a secondary site with the press of a button.

Figure 4. Add resources to a source environment

Note that creating a source environment does not create or update existing resources or configurations in your AWS account. It only saves this configuration information with Druva’s service.

Step 3: Clone the environment

The next step is to clone the source environment to a Region where you want to failover in case of a disaster. Druva supports cloning the source environment to another Region or AWS account that you have selected. Cloning essentially replicates the source infrastructure in the target Region or account, which allows the resources to be failed over quickly and seamlessly.

Figure 5. Clone the source environment

Step 4: Set up a backup policy

You can create a new backup policy or use an existing backup policy to create backups in the cloned or target Region. This enables Druva to restore instances using the backup copies.

Figure 6. Create a new backup policy or use an existing backup policy

Figure 7. Customize the frequency of backup schedules

Step 5: Create the DR plan

A DR plan is a structured set of instructions designed to recover resources in the event of a failure or disaster. DR aims to get you back to the production-ready setup with minimal downtime. Follow these steps to create your DR plan.

  1. Create DR Plan: Press Create Disaster Recovery Plan button to open the DR plan creation page.

Figure 8. Create a disaster recovery plan

  1. Name: Enter the name of the DR plan.
    Service Level Objective (SLO): Enter your RPO and RTO.
    • Recovery Point Objective – Example: If you set your RPO as 24 hours, and your backup was scheduled daily at 8:00 PM, but a disaster occurred at 7:59 PM, you would be able to recover data that was backed up on the previous day at 8:00 PM. You would lose the data generated after the last backup (24 hours of data loss).
    • Recovery Time Objective – Example: If you set your RTO as 30 hours, when a disaster occurred, you would be able to recover all critical IT services within 30 hours from the point in time the disaster occurs.

Figure 9. Add your RTO and RPO requirements

  1. Create your plan based off the source environment, target environment, and resources.
Source Account By default, this is the Druva account in which you are currently creating the DR plan.
Source Environment Select the source environment applicable within the Source Account (your Druva account in which you’re creating the DR plan).
Target Account Select the same or a different target account.
Target Environment Select the Target Environment, applicable within the Target Account.
Create Policy If you do not have a backup policy, then you can create one.
Add Resources Add resources from the source environment that you want to restore. Make sure the verification column shows a ‘Valid Backup Policy’ status. This ensures that the backup policy is frequently creating copies as per the RPO defined previously.

Figure 10. Create DR plan based off the source environment, target environment, and resources

  1. Identify target instance type, test plan instance type, and run books for this DR plan.
Target Instance Type Target Instance Type can be selected. If instance type is not selected then:

  • Select an instance type which is large in size.
  • Select an instance type which is smaller.
  • Fail the creation of the instance.
Test Plan Instance Type There are many options. To reduce incurring cost, the lower instance type can be selected from all available AWS instance types.
Run Books Select this option if you would like to shutdown the source server after failover occurs.

Figure 11. Identify target instance type, test plan instance type, and run books

Step 6: Test the DR plan

After you have defined your DR plan, it is time to test it so that you can—when necessary—initiate a failover of resources to the target Region. You can now easily try this on the resources in the cloned environment without affecting your production environment.

Figure 12. Test the DR plan

Testing your DR plan will help you to find answers for some of the questions like: How long did the recovery take? Did I meet my RTO and RPO objectives?

Step 7: Initiate the DR plan

After you have successfully tested the DR plan, it can easily be initiated with the click of a button to failover your resources from the source Region or account to the target Region or account.


With the growth of cloud-based services, businesses need to ensure that mission-critical applications that power their businesses are always available. Any loss of service has a direct impact on the bottom line, which makes business continuity planning a critical element to any organization. Druva offers a simple DR solution which will help you keep your business always available.

Druva provides unified backup and cloud DR with no need to manage hardware, software, or costs and complexity. It helps automate DR processes to ensure your teams are prepared for any potential disasters while meeting compliance and auditing requirements.

With Druva, you can easily validate your RTO and RPO with automated regular DR testing, cross-account DR for protection against attacks and accidental deletions, and ensure backups are isolated from your primary production account for DR planning. With cross-Region DR, you can duplicate the entire Amazon VPC environment across Regions to protect you against Regionwide failures. In conclusion, Druva is a complete solution built with a goal to protect your native AWS workloads from any disasters.

To learn more, visit: https://www.druva.com/use-cases/aws-cloud-backup/

Field Notes provides hands-on technical guidance from AWS Solutions Architects, consultants, and technical account managers, based on their experiences in the field solving real-world business problems for customers.
Akshay Panchmukh

Akshay Panchmukh

Akshay Panchmukh is the Product Manager focusing on cloud-native workloads at Druva. He loves solving complex problems for customers and helping them achieve their business goals. He leverages his SaaS product and design thinking experience to help enterprises build a complete data protection solution. He works combining the best of technology, data, product, empathy, and design to execute a successful product vision.

Inspect Subnet to Subnet traffic with Amazon VPC More Specific Routing

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/inspect-subnet-to-subnet-traffic-with-amazon-vpc-more-specific-routing/

Since December 2019, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) has allowed you to route all ingress traffic (also known as north – south traffic) to a specific network interface. You might use this capability for a number of reasons. For example, to inspect incoming traffic using an intrusion detection system (IDS) appliance or to route ingress traffic to a firewall.

Since we launched this feature, many of you asked us to provide a similar capability to analyze traffic flowing from one subnet to another inside your VPC, also known as east – west traffic. Until today, it was not possible because a route in a routing table cannot be more specific than the default local route (check the VPC documentation for more details). In plain English, it means that no route can have a destination using a smaller CIDR range than the default local route (which is the CIDR range of the whole VPC). For example, when the VPC range is 10.0.0/16 and a subnet has, a route to is more specific than a route to 10.0.0/16.

Routing tables no longer have this restriction. Routes in a routing table can have routes more specific than the default local route. You can use such more specific route to send all traffic to a dedicated appliance or service to inspect, analyze, or filter all traffic flowing between two subnets (east-west traffic). The route target can be the network interface (ENI) attached to an appliance you built or you acquired, an AWS Gateway Load Balancer (GWLB) endpoint to distribute traffic to multiple appliances for performance or high availability reasons, an AWS Firewall Manager endpoint, or a NAT gateway. It also allows to insert an appliance between a subnet and an AWS Transit Gateway.

It is possible to chain appliances to have more than one type of analysis in between source and destination subnets. For examples, you might want first to filter traffic using a firewall (AWS managed or a third-party firewall appliance), second send the traffic to an intrusion detection and prevention systems, and finally, perform deep packet inspection. You can access virtual appliances from our AWS Partner Network and AWS Marketplace.

When you chain appliances, each appliance and each endpoint have to be in separate subnets.

Let’s get our hands dirty and try this new capability.

How It Works
For the purpose of this blog post, let’s assume I have a VPC with three subnets. The first subnet is public and has a bastion host. It requires access to resources, such as an API or a database in the second subnet. The second subnet is private. It hosts the resources required by the bastion. I wrote a simple CDK script to help you to deploy this setup.

VPC More Specific Routing

For compliance reasons, my company requires that traffic to this private application flows through an intrusion detection system. The CDK script also creates a third subnet, a private one, to host a network appliance. It provides three Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances : the bastion host, the application instance and the network analysis appliance. The script also creates a NAT gateway allowing to bootstrap the application instance and to connect to the three instances using AWS Systems Manager Session Manager (SSM).

Because this is a demo, the network appliance is just a regular Amazon Linux EC2 instance configured as an IP router. In real life, you’re most probably going to use either one of the many appliances provided by our partners on the AWS Marketplace, or a Gateway Load Balancer endpoint, or a Network Firewall.

Let’s modify the routing tables to send the traffic through the appliance.

Using either the AWS Management Console, or the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), I add a more specific route to the and subnet routing tables. These routes point to eni0, the network interface of the traffic-inspection appliance.

Using the CLI, I first collect the VPC ID, Subnet IDs, routing table IDs, and the ENI ID of the appliance.

VPC_ID=$(aws                                                    \
    --region $REGION cloudformation describe-stacks             \
    --stack-name SpecificRoutingDemoStack                       \
    --query "Stacks[].Outputs[?OutputKey=='VPCID'].OutputValue" \
    --output text)
echo $VPC_ID

APPLICATION_SUBNET_ID=$(aws                                                                      \
    --region $REGION ec2 describe-instances                                                      \
    --query "Reservations[].Instances[] | [?Tags[?Key=='Name' && Value=='application']].NetworkInterfaces[].SubnetId" \
    --output text)

APPLICATION_SUBNET_ROUTE_TABLE=$(aws                                                             \
    --region $REGION  ec2 describe-route-tables                                                  \
    --query "RouteTables[?VpcId=='${VPC_ID}'] | [?Associations[?SubnetId=='${APPLICATION_SUBNET_ID}']].RouteTableId" \
    --output text)

APPLIANCE_ENI_ID=$(aws                                                                           \
    --region $REGION ec2 describe-instances                                                      \
    --query "Reservations[].Instances[] | [?Tags[?Key=='Name' && Value=='appliance']].NetworkInterfaces[].NetworkInterfaceId" \
    --output text)

BASTION_SUBNET_ID=$(aws                                                                         \
    --region $REGION ec2 describe-instances                                                     \
    --query "Reservations[].Instances[] | [?Tags[?Key=='Name' && Value=='BastionHost']].NetworkInterfaces[].SubnetId" \
    --output text)

 --region $REGION ec2 describe-route-tables \
 --query "RouteTables[?VpcId=='${VPC_ID}'] | [?Associations[?SubnetId=='${BASTION_SUBNET_ID}']].RouteTableId" \
 --output text)

Next, I add two more specific routes. One route sends traffic from the bastion public subnet to the application private subnet through the appliance network interface.  The second route is in the opposite direction to route replies. It routes more specific traffic from the application private subnet to the bastion public subnet through the appliance network interface.  Confused? Let’s look at the following diagram:

VPC More Specific Routing

First, let’s modify the bastion routing table:

aws ec2 create-route                                  \
     --region $REGION                                 \
     --route-table-id $BASTION_SUBNET_ROUTE_TABLE     \
     --destination-cidr-block             \
     --network-interface-id $APPLIANCE_ENI_ID

Next, let’s modify the application routing table:

aws ec2 create-route                                  \
    --region $REGION                                  \
    --route-table-id $APPLICATION_SUBNET_ROUTE_TABLE  \
    --destination-cidr-block              \
    --network-interface-id $APPLIANCE_ENI_ID

I can also use the Amazon VPC Console to make these modifications. I simply choose the “Bastion” routing tables and from the Routes tab and click Edit routes.MSR : Select a routing table

I add a route to send traffic for (subnet of the application) to the appliance ENI (eni-055...).MSR : create a route

The next step is to define the opposite route for replies, from the application subnet send traffic to to the appliance ENI (eni-05...).  Once finished, the application subnet routing table should look like this:

MSR : Final route table

Configure the Appliance Instance
Finally, I configure the appliance instance to forward all traffic it receives. Your software appliance usually does that for you. No extra step is required when you use AWS Marketplace appliances or the instance created by the CDK script I provided for this demo. If you’re using a plain Linux instance, complete these two extra steps:

1. Connect to the EC2 appliance instance and configure IP traffic forwarding in the kernel:

sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1

2. Configure the EC2 instance to accept traffic for destinations other than itself (known as source/destination check) :

APPLIANCE_ID=$(aws --region $REGION ec2 describe-instances                     \
     --filter "Name=tag:Name,Values=appliance"                                 \
     --query "Reservations[].Instances[?State.Name == 'running'].InstanceId[]" \
     --output text)

aws ec2 modify-instance-attribute --region $REGION     \
                         --no-source-dest-check        \
                         --instance-id $APPLIANCE_ID

Test the Setup
The appliance is now ready to forward traffic to the other EC2 instances.

If you are using the demo setup, there is no SSH key installed on the bastion host. Access is made through AWS Systems Manager Session Manager.

BASTION_ID=$(aws --region $REGION ec2 describe-instances                      \
    --filter "Name=tag:Name,Values=BastionHost"                               \
    --query "Reservations[].Instances[?State.Name == 'running'].InstanceId[]" \
    --output text)

aws --region $REGION ssm start-session --target $BASTION_ID

After you’re connected to the bastion host, issue the following cURL command to connect to the application host:

sh-4.2$ curl -I # use the private IP address of your application host
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.18.0
Date: Mon, 24 May 2021 10:00:22 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 12338
Last-Modified: Mon, 24 May 2021 09:36:49 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
ETag: "60ab73b1-3032"
Accept-Ranges: bytes

To verify the traffic is really flowing through the appliance, you can enable source/destination check on the instance again. Use the --source-dest-check parameter with the modify-instance-attribute CLI command above. The traffic is blocked when the source/destination check is enabled.

I can also connect to the appliance host and inspect traffic with the tcpdump command.

(on your laptop)
APPLIANCE_ID=$(aws --region $REGION ec2 describe-instances     \
                   --filter "Name=tag:Name,Values=appliance" \
		   --query "Reservations[].Instances[?State.Name == 'running'].InstanceId[]" \
  		   --output text)

aws --region $REGION ssm start-session --target $APPLIANCE_ID

(on the appliance host)
tcpdump -i eth0 host # the private IP address of the bastion host

08:53:22.760055 IP ip-10-0-0-16.us-west-2.compute.internal.46934 > ip-10-0-1-104.us-west-2.compute.internal.http: Flags [S], seq 1077227105, win 26883, options [mss 8961,sackOK,TS val 1954932042 ecr 0,nop,wscale 6], length 0
08:53:22.760073 IP ip-10-0-0-16.us-west-2.compute.internal.46934 > ip-10-0-1-104.us-west-2.compute.internal.http: Flags [S], seq 1077227105, win 26883, options [mss 8961,sackOK,TS val 1954932042 ecr 0,nop,wscale 6], length 0
08:53:22.760322 IP ip-10-0-1-104.us-west-2.compute.internal.http > ip-10-0-0-16.us-west-2.compute.internal.46934: Flags [S.], seq 4152624111, ack 1077227106, win 26847, options [mss 8961,sackOK,TS val 4094021737 ecr 1954932042,nop,wscale 6], length 0
08:53:22.760329 IP ip-10-0-1-104.us-west-2.compute.internal.http > ip-10-0-0-16.us-west-2.compute.internal.46934: Flags [S.], seq 4152624111, ack 1077227106, win 26847, options [mss 

If you used the CDK script I provided for this post, be sure to run cdk destroy when you’re finished so that you’re not billed for the three EC2 instances and the NAT gateway I use for this demo. Running the demo script in us-west-2 costs $0.062 per hour.

Things to Keep in Mind.
There are couple of things to keep in mind when using VPC more specific routes :

  • The network interface or service endpoint you are sending the traffic to must be in a dedicated subnet. It cannot be in the source or destination subnet of your traffic.
  • You can chain appliances. Each appliance must live in its dedicated subnet.
  • Each subnet you’re adding consumes a block of IP addresses.  If you’re using IPv4, be conscious of the number of IP addresses consumed (A /24 subnet consumes 256 addresses from your VPC). The smallest CIDR range allowed in a subnet is /28, it just consumes 16 IP addresses.
  • The appliance’s security group must have a rule accepting incoming traffic on the desired port. Similarly, the application’s security group must authorize traffic coming from the appliance security group or IP address.

This new capability is available in all AWS Regions, at no additional cost.

You can start using it today.

Augmenting VMware Cloud on AWS Workloads with Native AWS services

Post Syndicated from Talha Kalim original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/augmenting-vmware-cloud-on-aws-workloads-with-native-aws-services/

VMware Cloud on AWS allows you to quickly migrate VMware workloads to a VMware-managed Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) running in the AWS Cloud and extend your on-premises data centers without replatforming or refactoring applications.

You can use native AWS services with Virtual Machines (VMs) in the SDDC, to reduce operational overhead and lower your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) while increasing your workload’s agility and scalability.

This post covers patterns for connectivity between native AWS services and VMware workloads. We also explore common integrations, including using AWS Cloud storage from an SDDC, securing VM workloads using AWS networking services, and using AWS databases and analytics services with workloads running in the SDDC.

Networking between SDDC and native AWS services

Establishing robust network connectivity with VMware Cloud SDDC VMs is critical to successfully integrating AWS services. This section shows you different options to connect the VMware SDDC with your native AWS account.

The simplest way to get started is to use AWS services in the connected Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) that is selected during the SDDC deployment process. Figure 1 shows this connectivity, which is automatically configured and available once the SDDC is deployed.

Figure 1. SDDC to Customer Account VPC connectivity configured at deployment

Figure 1. SDDC to Customer Account VPC connectivity configured at deployment

The SDDC Elastic Network Interface (ENI) allows you to connect to native AWS services within the connected VPC, but it doesn’t provide transitive routing beyond the connected VPC. For example, it will not connect the SDDC to other VPCs and the internet.

If you’re looking to connect to native AWS services in multiple accounts and VPCs in the same AWS Region, you have two connectivity options. These are explained in the following sections.

Attaching VPCs to VMware Transit Connect

When you need high-throughput connectivity in a multi-VPC environment, use VMware Transit Connect (VTGW), as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Multi-account VPC connectivity through VMware Transit Connect VPC attachments

Figure 2. Multi-account VPC connectivity through VMware Transit Connect VPC attachments

VTGW uses a VMware-managed AWS Transit Gateway to interconnect SDDCs within an SDDC group. It also allows you to attach your VPCs in the same Region to the VTGW by providing connectivity to any SDDC within the SDDC group.

Connecting through an AWS Transit Gateway

To connect to your VPCs through an existing Transit Gateway in your account, use IPsec virtual private network (VPN) connections from the SDDC with Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)-based routing, as shown in Figure 3. Multiple IPsec tunnels to the Transit Gateway use equal-cost multi-path routing, which increases bandwidth by load-balancing traffic.

Figure 3. Multi-account VPC connectivity through an AWS Transit Gateway

Figure 3. Multi-account VPC connectivity through an AWS Transit Gateway

For scalable, high throughput connectivity to an existing Transit Gateway, connect to the SDDC via a Transit VPC that is attached to the VTGW, as shown in Figure 3. You must manually configure the routes between the VPCs and SDDC for this architecture.

In the following sections, we’ll show you how to use some of these connectivity options for common native AWS services integrations with VMware SDDC workloads.

Reducing TCO with Amazon EFS, Amazon FSx, and Amazon S3

As you are sizing your VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC, consider using AWS Cloud storage for VMs that provide files services or require object storage. Migrating these workloads to cloud storage like Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS), or Amazon FSx can reduce your overall TCO through optimized SDDC sizing.

Additionally, you can reduce the undifferentiated heavy lifting involved with deploying and managing complex architectures for file services in VM disks. Figure 4 shows how these services integrate with VMs in the SDDC.

Figure 4. Connectivity examples for AWS Cloud storage services

Figure 4. Connectivity examples for AWS Cloud storage services

We recommend connecting to your S3 buckets via the VPC gateway endpoint in the connected VPC. This is a more cost-effective approach because it avoids the data processing costs associated with a VTGW and AWS PrivateLink for Amazon S3.

Similarly, the recommended approach for Amazon EFS and Amazon FSx is to deploy the services in the connected VPC for VM access through the SDDC elastic network interface. You can also connect to existing Amazon EFS and Amazon FSx file shares in other accounts and VPCs using a VTGW, but consider the data transfer costs first.

Integrating AWS networking and content delivery services

Using various AWS networking and content delivery services with VMware Cloud on AWS workloads will provide robust traffic management, security, and fast content delivery. Figure 5 shows how AWS networking and content delivery services integrate with workloads running on VMs.

Figure 5. Connectivity examples for AWS networking and content delivery services

Figure 5. Connectivity examples for AWS networking and content delivery services

Deploy Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) services in a VPC subnet that has network reachability to the SDDC VMs. This includes the connected VPC over the SDDC elastic network interface, a VPC attached via VTGW, and VPCs attached to a Transit Gateway connected to the SDDC.

VTGW connectivity should be used when the design requires using existing networking services in other VPCs. For example, if you have a dedicated internet ingress/egress VPC. An internal ELB can also be used for load-balancing traffic between services running in SDDC VMs and services running within AWS VPCs.

Use Amazon CloudFront, a global content delivery service, to integrate with load balancers, S3 buckets for static content, or directly with publicly accessible SDDC VMs. Additionally, use Amazon Route 53 to provide public and private DNS services for VMware Cloud on AWS. Deploy services such as AWS WAF and AWS Shield to provide comprehensive network security for VMware workloads in the SDDC.

Integrating with AWS database and analytics services

Data is one the most valuable assets in an organization, and databases are often the most demanding and critical workloads running in on-premises VMware environments.

A common customer pattern to reduce TCO for storage-heavy or memory-intensive databases is to use purpose-built Databases on AWS like Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS). Amazon RDS lets you migrate on-premises relational databases to the cloud and integrate it with SDDC VMs. Using AWS databases also reduces operational overhead you may incur with tasks associated with managing availability, scalability, and disaster recovery (DR).

With AWS Analytics services integrations, you can take advantage of the close proximity of data within VMware Cloud on AWS data stores to gain meaningful insights from your business data. For example, you can use Amazon Redshift to create a data warehouse to run analytics at scale on relational data from transactional systems, operational databases, and line-of-business applications running within the SDDC.

Figure 6 shows integration options for AWS databases and analytics services with VMware Cloud on AWS VMs.

Figure 6. Connectivity examples for AWS Database and Analytics services

Figure 6. Connectivity examples for AWS Database and Analytics services

We recommend deploying and consuming database services in the connected VPC. If you have existing databases in other accounts or VPCs that require integration with VMware VMs, connect them using the VTGW.

Analytics services can involve ingesting large amounts of data from various sources, including from VMs within the SDDC, creating a significant amount of data traffic. In such scenarios, we recommend using the SDDC connected VPC to deploy any required interface endpoints for analytics services to achieve a cost-effective architecture.


VMware Cloud on AWS is one of the fastest ways to migrate on-premises VMware workloads to the cloud. In this blog post, we provided different architecture options for connecting the SDDC to native AWS services. This lets you evaluate your requirements to select the most cost-effective option for your workload.

The example integrations covered in this post are common AWS service integrations, including storage, network, and databases. They are a great starting point, but the possibilities are endless. Integrating services like Amazon Machine Learning (Amazon ML), and Serverless on AWS allows you to deliver innovative services to your users, often without having to re-factor existing application backends running on VMware Cloud on AWS.

Additional Resources

If you need to integrate VMware Cloud on AWS with an AWS service, explore the following resources and reach out to us at AWS.

Building well-architected serverless applications: Optimizing application performance – part 2

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-well-architected-serverless-applications-optimizing-application-performance-part-2/

This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application.

PERF 1. Optimizing your serverless application’s performance

This post continues part 1 of this security question. Previously, I cover measuring and optimizing function startup time. I explain cold and warm starts and how to reuse the Lambda execution environment to improve performance. I show a number of ways to analyze and optimize the initialization startup time. I explain how only importing necessary libraries and dependencies increases application performance.

Good practice: Design your function to take advantage of concurrency via asynchronous and stream-based invocations

AWS Lambda functions can be invoked synchronously and asynchronously.

Favor asynchronous over synchronous request-response processing.

Consider using asynchronous event processing rather than synchronous request-response processing. You can use asynchronous processing to aggregate queues, streams, or events for more efficient processing time per invocation. This reduces wait times and latency from requesting apps and functions.

When you invoke a Lambda function with a synchronous invocation, you wait for the function to process the event and return a response.

Synchronous invocation

Synchronous invocation

As synchronous processing involves a request-response pattern, the client caller also needs to wait for a response from a downstream service. If the downstream service then needs to call another service, you end up chaining calls that can impact service reliability, in addition to response times. For example, this POST /order request must wait for the response to the POST /invoice request before responding to the client caller.

Example synchronous processing

Example synchronous processing

The more services you integrate, the longer the response time, and you can no longer sustain complex workflows using synchronous transactions.

Asynchronous processing allows you to decouple the request-response using events without waiting for a response from the function code. This allows you to perform background processing without requiring the client to wait for a response, improving client performance. You pass the event to an internal Lambda queue for processing and Lambda handles the rest. An external process, separate from the function, manages polling and retries. Using this asynchronous approach can also make it easier to handle unpredictable traffic with significant volumes.

Asynchronous invocation

Asynchronous invocation

For example, the client makes a POST /order request to the order service. The order service accepts the request and returns that it has been received, without waiting for the invoice service. The order service then makes an asynchronous POST /invoice request to the invoice service, which can then process independently of the order service. If the client must receive data from the invoice service, it can handle this separately via a GET /invoice request.

Example asynchronous processing

Example asynchronous processing

You can configure Lambda to send records of asynchronous invocations to another destination service. This helps you to troubleshoot your invocations. You can also send messages or events that can’t be processed correctly into a dedicated Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) dead-letter queue for investigation.

You can add triggers to a function to process data automatically. For more information on which processing model Lambda uses for triggers, see “Using AWS Lambda with other services”.

Asynchronous workflows handle a variety of use cases including data Ingestion, ETL operations, and order/request fulfillment. In these use-cases, data is processed as it arrives and is retrieved as it changes. For example asynchronous patterns, see “Serverless Data Processing” and “Serverless Event Submission with Status Updates”.

For more information on Lambda synchronous and asynchronous invocations, see the AWS re:Invent presentation “Optimizing your serverless applications”.

Tune batch size, batch window, and compress payloads for high throughput

When using Lambda to process records using Amazon Kinesis Data Streams or SQS, there are a number of tuning parameters to consider for performance.

You can configure a batch window to buffer messages or records for up to 5 minutes. You can set a limit of the maximum number of records Lambda can process by setting a batch size. Your Lambda function is invoked whichever comes first.

For high volume SQS standard queue throughput, Lambda can process up to 1000 concurrent batches of records per second. For more information, see “Using AWS Lambda with Amazon SQS”.

For high volume Kinesis Data Streams throughput, there are a number of options. Configure the ParallelizationFactor setting to process one shard of a Kinesis Data Stream with more than one Lambda invocation simultaneously. Lambda can process up to 10 batches in each shard. For more information, see “New AWS Lambda scaling controls for Kinesis and DynamoDB event sources.” You can also add more shards to your data stream to increase the speed at which your function can process records. This increases the function concurrency at the expense of ordering per shard. For more details on using Kinesis and Lambda, see “Monitoring and troubleshooting serverless data analytics applications”.

Kinesis enhanced fan-out can maximize throughput by dedicating a 2 MB/second input/output channel per second per consumer instead of 2 MB per shard. For more information, see “Increasing stream processing performance with Enhanced Fan-Out and Lambda”.

Kinesis stream producers can also compress records. This is at the expense of additional CPU cycles for decompressing the records in your Lambda function code.

Required practice: Measure, evaluate, and select optimal capacity units

Capacity units are a unit of consumption for a service. They can include function memory size, number of stream shards, number of database reads/writes, request units, or type of API endpoint. Measure, evaluate and select capacity units to enable optimal configuration of performance, throughput, and cost.

Identify and implement optimal capacity units.

For Lambda functions, memory is the capacity unit for controlling the performance of a function. You can configure the amount of memory allocated to a Lambda function, between 128 MB and 10,240 MB. The amount of memory also determines the amount of virtual CPU available to a function. Adding more memory proportionally increases the amount of CPU, increasing the overall computational power available. If a function is CPU-, network- or memory-bound, then changing the memory setting can dramatically improve its performance.

Choosing the memory allocated to Lambda functions is an optimization process that balances performance (duration) and cost. You can manually run tests on functions by selecting different memory allocations and measuring the time taken to complete. Alternatively, use the AWS Lambda Power Tuning tool to automate the process.

The tool allows you to systematically test different memory size configurations and depending on your performance strategy – cost, performance, balanced – it identifies what is the most optimum memory size to use. For more information, see “Operating Lambda: Performance optimization – Part 2”.

AWS Lambda Power Tuning report

AWS Lambda Power Tuning report

Amazon DynamoDB manages table processing throughput using read and write capacity units. There are two different capacity modes, on-demand and provisioned.

On-demand capacity mode supports up to 40K read/write request units per second. This is recommended for unpredictable application traffic and new tables with unknown workloads. For higher and predictable throughputs, provisioned capacity mode along with DynamoDB auto scaling is recommended. For more information, see “Read/Write Capacity Mode”.

For high throughput Amazon Kinesis Data Streams with multiple consumers, consider using enhanced fan-out for dedicated 2 MB/second throughput per consumer. When possible, use Kinesis Producer Library and Kinesis Client Library for effective record aggregation and de-aggregation.

Amazon API Gateway supports multiple endpoint types. Edge-optimized APIs provide a fully managed Amazon CloudFront distribution. These are better for geographically distributed clients. API requests are routed to the nearest CloudFront Point of Presence (POP), which typically improves connection time.

Edge-optimized API Gateway deployment

Edge-optimized API Gateway deployment

Regional API endpoints are intended when clients are in the same Region. This helps you to reduce request latency and allows you to add your own content delivery network if necessary.

Regional endpoint API Gateway deployment

Regional endpoint API Gateway deployment

Private API endpoints are API endpoints that can only be accessed from your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) using an interface VPC endpoint. For more information, see “Creating a private API in Amazon API Gateway”.

For more information on endpoint types, see “Choose an endpoint type to set up for an API Gateway API”. For more general information on API Gateway, see the AWS re:Invent presentation “I didn’t know Amazon API Gateway could do that”.

AWS Step Functions has two workflow types, standard and express. Standard Workflows have exactly once workflow execution and can run for up to one year. Express Workflows have at-least-once workflow execution and can run for up to five minutes. Consider the per-second rates you require for both execution start rate and the state transition rate. For more information, see “Standard vs. Express Workflows”.

Performance load testing is recommended at both sustained and burst rates to evaluate the effect of tuning capacity units. Use Amazon CloudWatch service dashboards to analyze key performance metrics including load testing results. I cover performance testing in more detail in “Regulating inbound request rates – part 1”.

For general serverless optimization information, see the AWS re:Invent presentation “Serverless at scale: Design patterns and optimizations”.


Evaluate and optimize your serverless application’s performance based on access patterns, scaling mechanisms, and native integrations. You can improve your overall experience and make more efficient use of the platform in terms of both value and resources.

This post continues from part 1 and looks at designing your function to take advantage of concurrency via asynchronous and stream-based invocations. I cover measuring, evaluating, and selecting optimal capacity units.

This well-architected question will continue in part 3 where I look at integrating with managed services directly over functions when possible. I cover optimizing access patterns and applying caching where applicable.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.