Tag Archives: AWS Serverless Application Model

AWS Week in Review – February 6, 2023

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-february-6-2023/

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

If you are looking for a new year challenge, the Serverless Developer Advocate team launched the 30 days of Serverless. You can follow the hashtag #30DaysServerless on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram or visit the challenge page and learn a new Serverless concept every day.

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week.

AWS SAM CLIv1.72 added the capability to list important information from your deployments.

  • List the URLs of the Amazon API Gateway or AWS Lambda function URL.
    $ sam list endpoints
  • List the outputs of the deployed stack.
    $ sam list outputs
  • List the resources in the local stack. If a stack name is provided, it also shows the corresponding deployed resources and the ids.
    $ sam list resources

Amazon RDSNow supports increasing the allocated storage size when creating read replicas or when restoring a database from snapshots. This is very useful when your primary instances are near their maximum allocated storage capacity.

Amazon QuickSight Allows you to create Radar charts. Radar charts are a way to visualize multivariable data that are used to plot one or more groups of values over multiple common variables.

AWS Systems Manager AutomationNow integrates with Systems Manager Change Calendar. Now you can reduce the risks associated with changes in your production environment by allowing Automation runbooks to run during an allowed time window configured in the Change Calendar.

AWS AppConfigIt announced its integration with AWS Secrets Manager and AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS). All sensitive data retrieved from Secrets Manager via AWS AppConfig can be encrypted at deployment time using an AWS KMS customer managed key (CMK).

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Some other updates and news that you may have missed:

AWS Cloud Clubs – Cloud Clubs are peer-to-peer user groups for students and young people aged 18–28. In these clubs, you can network, attend career-building events, earn benefits like AWS credits, and more. Learn more about the clubs in your region in the AWS student portal.

Get AWS Certified: Profesional challenge – You can register now for the certification challenge. Prepare for your AWS Professional Certification exam and get a 50 percent discount for the certification exam. Learn more about the challenge on the official page.

Podcast Charlas Técnicas de AWS – If you understand Spanish, this podcast is for you. Podcast Charlas Técnicas is one of the official AWS podcasts in Spanish, and every other week, there is a new episode. The podcast is for builders, and it shares stories about how customers implemented and learned AWS services, how to architect applications, and how to use new services. You can listen to all the episodes directly from your favorite podcast app or at AWS Podcasts en Español.

AWS Open-Source News and Updates – This is a newsletter curated by my colleague Ricardo to bring you the latest open-source projects, posts, events, and more.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

AWS re:Invent recaps – We had a lot of announcements during re:Invent. If you want to learn them all in your language and in your area, check the re: Invent recaps. All the upcoming ones are posted on this site, so check it regularly to find an event nearby.

AWS Innovate Data and AI/ML edition – AWS Innovate is a free online event to learn the latest from AWS experts and get step-by-step guidance on using AI/ML to drive fast, efficient, and measurable results.

  • AWS Innovate Data and AI/ML edition for Asia Pacific and Japan is taking place on February 22, 2023. Register here.
  • Registrations for AWS Innovate EMEA (March 9, 2023) and the Americas (March 14, 2023) will open soon. Check the AWS Innovate page for updates.

You can find details on all upcoming events, in-person or virtual, here.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!

— Marcia

Serverless ICYMI Q4 2022

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/serverless-icymi-q4-2022/

Welcome to the 20th edition of the AWS Serverless ICYMI (in case you missed it) quarterly recap. Every quarter, we share all the most recent product launches, feature enhancements, blog posts, webinars, Twitch live streams, and other interesting things that you might have missed!In case you missed our last ICYMI, check out what happened last quarter here.

AWS Lambda

For developers using Java, AWS Lambda has introduced Lambda SnapStart. SnapStart is a new capability that can improve the start-up performance of functions using Corretto (java11) runtime by up to 10 times, at no extra cost.

To use this capability, you must enable it in your function and then publish a new version. This triggers the optimization process. This process initializes the function, takes an immutable, encrypted snapshot of the memory and disk state, and caches it for reuse. When the function is invoked, the state is retrieved from the cache in chunks, on an as-needed basis, and it is used to populate the execution environment.

The ICYMI: Serverless pre:Invent 2022 post shares some of the launches for Lambda before November 21, like the support of Lambda functions using Node.js 18 as a runtime, the Lambda Telemetry API, and new .NET tooling to support .NET 7 applications.

Also, now Amazon Inspector supports Lambda functions. You can enable Amazon Inspector to scan your functions continually for known vulnerabilities. The log4j vulnerability shows how important it is to scan your code for vulnerabilities continuously, not only after deployment. Vulnerabilities can be discovered at any time, and with Amazon Inspector, your functions and layers are rescanned whenever a new vulnerability is published.

AWS Step Functions

There were many new launches for AWS Step Functions, like intrinsic functions, cross-account access capabilities, and the new executions experience for Express Workflows covered in the pre:Invent post.

During AWS re:Invent this year, we announced Step Functions Distributed Map. If you need to process many files, or items inside CSV or JSON files, this new flow can help you. The new distributed map flow orchestrates large-scale parallel workloads.

This feature is optimized for files stored in Amazon S3. You can either process in parallel multiple files stored in a bucket, or process one large JSON or CSV file, in which each line contains an independent item. For example, you can convert a video file into multiple .gif animations using a distributed map, or process over 37 GB of aggregated weather data to find the highest temperature of the day. 

Amazon EventBridge

Amazon EventBridge launched two major features: Scheduler and Pipes. Amazon EventBridge Scheduler allows you to create, run, and manage scheduled tasks at scale. You can schedule one-time or recurring tasks across 270 services and over 6.000 APIs.

Amazon EventBridge Pipes allows you to create point-to-point integrations between event producers and consumers. With Pipes you can now connect different sources, like Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, Amazon DynamoDB Streams, Amazon SQS, Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka, and Amazon MQ to over 14 targets, such as Step Functions, Kinesis Data Streams, Lambda, and others. It not only allows you to connect these different event producers to consumers, but also provides filtering and enriching capabilities for events.

EventBridge now supports enhanced filtering capabilities including:

  • Matching against characters at the end of a value (suffix filtering)
  • Ignoring case sensitivity (equals-ignore-case)
  • OR matching: A single rule can match if any conditions across multiple separate fields are true.

It’s now also simpler to build rules, and you can generate AWS CloudFormation from the console pages and generate event patterns from a schema.

AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM)

There were many announcements for AWS SAM during this quarter summarized in the ICMYI: Serverless pre:Invent 2022 post, like AWS SAM ConnectorsSAM CLI Pipelines now support OpenID Connect Protocol, and AWS SAM CLI Terraform support.

AWS Application Composer

AWS Application Composer is a new visual designer that you can use to build serverless applications using multiple AWS services. This is ideal if you want to build a prototype, review with others architectures, generate diagrams for your projects, or onboard new team members to a project.

Within a simple user interface, you can drag and drop the different AWS resources and configure them visually. You can use AWS Application Composer together with AWS SAM Accelerate to build and test your applications in the AWS Cloud.

AWS Serverless digital learning badges

The new AWS Serverless digital learning badges let you show your AWS Serverless knowledge and skills. This is a verifiable digital badge that is aligned with the AWS Serverless Learning Plan.

This badge proves your knowledge and skills for Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, and designing serverless applications. To earn this badge, you must score at least 80 percent on the assessment associated with the Learning Plan. Visit this link if you are ready to get started learning or just jump directly to the assessment. 

News from other services:

Amazon SNS

Amazon SQS

AWS AppSync and AWS Amplify


AWS re:Invent 2022

AWS re:Invent was held in Las Vegas from November 28 to December 2, 2022. Werner Vogels, Amazon’s CTO, highlighted event-driven applications during his keynote. He stated that the world is asynchronous and showed how strange a synchronous world would be. During the keynote, he showcased Serverlesspresso as an example of an event-driven application. The Serverless DA team presented many breakouts, workshops, and chalk talks. Rewatch all our breakout content:

In addition, we brought Serverlesspresso back to Vegas. Serverlesspresso is a contactless, serverless order management system for a physical coffee bar. The architecture comprises several serverless apps that support an ordering process from a customer’s smartphone to a real espresso bar. The customer can check the virtual line, place an order, and receive a notification when their drink is ready for pickup.

Serverless blog posts





Serverless Office Hours – Tuesday 10 AM PT

Weekly live virtual office hours: In each session, we talk about a specific topic or technology related to serverless and open it up to helping with your real serverless challenges and issues. Ask us anything about serverless technologies and applications.

YouTube: youtube.com/serverlessland

Twitch: twitch.tv/aws




FooBar Serverless YouTube Channel

Marcia Villalba frequently publishes new videos on her popular FooBar Serverless YouTube channel.




Still looking for more?

The Serverless landing page has more information. The Lambda resources page contains case studies, webinars, whitepapers, customer stories, reference architectures, and even more Getting Started tutorials. If you want to learn more about event-driven architectures, read our new guide that will help you get started.

You can also follow the Serverless Developer Advocacy team on Twitter and LinkedIn to see the latest news, follow conversations, and interact with the team.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Visualize and create your serverless workloads with AWS Application Composer

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/visualize-and-create-your-serverless-workloads-with-aws-application-composer/

This post is written by Luca Mezzalira, Principal Specialist Solutions Architect.

Today, AWS is launching a preview of AWS Application Composer, a visual designer that you can use to build your serverless applications from multiple AWS services.

In distributed systems, empowering teams is a cultural shift needed for enabling developers to help translate business capabilities into code.

This doesn’t mean every team works in isolation. Different teams or even new-joiners must understand what they are building to contribute to a project. The best way to understand architecture quickly is by using diagrams. Unfortunately, architectural diagrams are often outdated. Often, when releasing a workload in production, there are already discrepancies from the initial design and infrastructure.

Developers new to building serverless applications can face a learning curve when composing applications from multiple AWS services. They must understand how to configure each service, and then learn and write infrastructure as code (IaC) to deploy their application.

Example scenario

Emma is a cloud architect working for a video on-demand platform where every user can access the content after subscribing to the service. In the next few months, the marketing team wants to start a campaign to increase the user base using discount codes for new users only.

She collaborates with a team of developers who are new to building serverless applications. They must design a discount code service that can scale to thousands of transactions per second. There are many requirements to implement this service:

  • Gathering the gift code from a user.
  • Verifying the discount code is available.
  • Applying the discount code to the invoice at the end of the month.

Based on these requirements and default SLAs available for all the platform services, Emma designs a high-level architecture with the key elements needed for building this microservice.

Discount code service high-level architecture

Discount code service high-level architecture

Her idea is to receive a request from clients with a discount code in the payload, and validate the availability of the discount code in a database. The service then asynchronously processes different discount codes in batches to reduce traffic to downstream dependencies and reduce the cost of the overall infrastructure.

This approach ensures that the service can scale in the future beyond the initial traffic volume. It simplifies the management and implementation of the discount code service and other parts of the system with a loosely coupled architecture.

After discussing the architecture with her developers, she opens Application Composer in the AWS Management Console and starts building the implementation using serverless services.

Application Composer initial screen

Application Composer initial screen

To start, she selects New blank project and selects a local file system folder to save the project files.

Application Composer create blank project

Application Composer create blank project

Granting Application Composer access to your local project files allows near real time bidirectional syncing of changes between the console interface and locally stored project files. When you update a property with the Application Composer interface, it’s reflected in the files stored locally. When you change a local file in your IDE, it automatically reflects in the Application Composer canvas.

After creating the project, Emma drags the AWS resources she needs from the left sidebar for expressing the initial design agreed with the team.

Using Application Composer, you can drag serverless resources on the canvas and connect them together. In the background, Application Composer generates the infrastructure as code AWS CloudFormation template for you.

Application Composer canvas

Application Composer canvas

For example, this is the default configuration generated when you drag a Lambda function onto the canvas. The following code is present in the template view:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      FunctionName: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-Function
      Description: !Sub
        - Stack ${AWS::StackName} Function ${ResourceName}
        - ResourceName: Function
      CodeUri: src/Function
      Handler: index.handler
      Runtime: nodejs14.x
      MemorySize: 3008
      Timeout: 30
      Tracing: Active

Application Composer incorporates some helpful default property values, which are sometimes overlooked by developers new to serverless workloads. These include activating tracing using AWS X-Ray or increasing a function timeout, for instance.

You can change these parameters either in the CloudFormation template inside Application Composer or by visually selecting a resource. In the previous example, you can update the Lambda function parameters by opening the resource properties panel.

Application Composer resource panel

Application Composer resource panel

When you synchronize an Application Composer project with the local system, you can change the CloudFormation template from a code editor. This reflects the change in the Application Composer interface automatically.

When you connect two elements in the canvas, Application Composer sets default IAM policies, environment variables for Lambda functions, and event subscriptions where applicable.

For instance, if you have a Lambda function that interacts with an Amazon DynamoDB table and Amazon SQS queue, Application Composer generates the following configuration for the Lambda function.

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      FunctionName: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-Function
      Description: !Sub
        - Stack ${AWS::StackName} Function ${ResourceName}
        - ResourceName: Function
      CodeUri: src/Function
      Handler: index.handler
          QUEUE_NAME: !GetAtt Queue.QueueName
          QUEUE_ARN: !GetAtt Queue.Arn
          QUEUE_URL: !Ref Queue
          TABLE_NAME: !Ref Table
          TABLE_ARN: !GetAtt Table.Arn
        - SQSSendMessagePolicy:
            QueueName: !GetAtt Queue.QueueName
        - DynamoDBCrudPolicy:
            TableName: !Ref Table

This helps new builders when designing their first serverless applications and provides an initial configuration, which more advanced builders can amend. This allows you to include good operational practices when designing a serverless application.

Emma’s team continues to add together the different services needed to express the discount code architecture. This is the final result in Application Composer:

Discount code architecture in Application Composer

Discount code architecture in Application Composer

  1. The application includes an Amazon API Gateway endpoint that exposes the API needed for submitting a discount code to the system.
  2. The POST API triggers a Lambda function that first validates that the discount code is still available.
  3. This is stored using a DynamoDB table
  4. After successfully validating the discount code, the function adds a message to an SQS queue and returns a successful response to the client.
  5. Another Lambda function retrieves the message from the SQS queue and sends an invoice.

Using this approach optimizes the Lambda function invocation for speed as the remaining operations are handled asynchronously. This also simplifies the complexity and cost of the architecture because you can aggregate multiple discount codes per user SQS batching, rather than scaling the service when requests arrive from the users.

The team agrees to use this as the initial design of their service. In the future, they plan to integrate with their authentication mechanism. They add Lambda Powertools for observability, and additional libraries developed internally to make the project compliant with company standards.

Application Composer has created all the files needed to start the project in Emma’s local file system including the CloudFormation template .yaml file and the Lambda functions’ handlers.

Application Composer generated files

Application Composer generated files

Emma can now upload the outline of this service to a version control system and share the artifacts with other developers who can start coding the business logic.

Additional features

Application Composer includes a resource list tab within the left-side panel that allows you to quickly browse available resources.

Application Composer browse available resources

Application Composer browse available resources

You can also group resources semantically for simplifying the visualization inside the canvas. This helps when you have a large application in the canvas and you want to select an element quickly without dragging the canvas around to find the resource. This feature doesn’t impact the infrastructure generated.

Application Composer grouping

Application Composer grouping

Application Composer adds some metadata to the CloudFormation template to allow the canvas to group resources together when the project is loaded again.

      Label: Group
        - CodesQueue
        - CodesTable

You can use Application Composer beyond building new serverless workloads. You can load existing CloudFormation templates by selecting Load existing project in the Create project dialog.

Application Composer load existing project

Application Composer load existing project

You can use this to define your blueprints with organizational best practices and then visualize them within Application Composer. This helps teams collaborate when starting new serverless services. You can add resources from an existing base template to build serverless microservices or event-driven architectures.

Integration with AWS SAM

AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) recently announced the general availability of AWS SAM Accelerate to accelerate the feedback loop and testing of your code and cloud infrastructure by synchronizing only project changes. You can use Application Composer together with AWS SAM Accelerate to more simply visually build and then test your serverless applications in the cloud.

To learn more about AWS SAM Accelerate, watch this live demo.

Where Application Composer fits into the development process

Emma used Application Composer to help her team for this project but has ideas on further ways to use it.

  • Rapid prototyping.
  • Reviewing and collaboratively evolving existing serverless projects.
  • Generating diagrams for documentation or Wikis.
  • On-boarding new team members to a project
  • Reducing the first steps to deploy something in an AWS Cloud account.

Application Composer availability

Application Composer is currently available as a public preview in the following Regions: Frankfurt (eu-central-1), Ireland (eu-west-1), Ohio (us-east-2), Oregon (us-west-2), North Virginia (us-east-1) and Tokyo (ap-northeast-1).

Application Composer is available at no additional cost and can be accessed via the AWS Management Console.


Application Composer is a visual designer to help developers and architects express and build their application architecture. They can iterate on their ideas with colleagues and create documentation for others working on the application for the first time. You can use Application Composer during multiple stages of your software development lifecycle, reducing the friction in getting your project started and into production.

Currently, Application Composer supports a limited number of services that we plan to add to in the future. Let us know which services you would like to see included.

As a public preview, we are looking for suggestions and ideas to evolve the tool. We are looking for ways to help you and your teams to speed up the adoption of serverless workloads inside your organization. Add a comment to this post or tweet with the tag #AWSAppComposerWishlist.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

ICYMI: Serverless pre:Invent 2022

Post Syndicated from Benjamin Smith original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/icymi-serverless-preinvent-2022/

During the last few weeks, the AWS serverless team has been releasing a wave of new features in the build-up to AWS re:Invent 2022. This post recaps some of the most important releases for serverless developers building event-driven applications.

AWS Lambda

Lambda Support for Node.js 18

You can now develop Lambda functions using the Node.js 18 runtime. This version is in active LTS status and considered ready for general use. When creating or updating functions, specify a runtime parameter value of nodejs18.x or use the appropriate container base image to use this new runtime. Lambda’s Node.js runtimes include the AWS SDK for JavaScript.

This enables customers to use the AWS SDK to connect to other AWS services from their function code, without having to include the AWS SDK in their function deployment. This is especially useful when creating functions in the AWS Management Console. It’s also useful for Lambda functions deployed as inline code in CloudFormation templates. This blog post explains the major changes available with the Node.js 18 runtime in Lambda.

Lambda Telemetry API

The AWS Lambda team launched Lambda Telemetry API to provide an easier way to receive enhanced function telemetry directly from the Lambda service and send it to custom destinations. This makes it easier for developers and operators using third-party observability extensions to monitor and observe their Lambda functions.

The Lambda Telemetry API is an enhanced version of Logs API, which enables extensions to receive platform events, traces, and metrics directly from Lambda in addition to logs. This enables tooling vendors to collect enriched telemetry from their extensions, and send to any destination.

To see how the Telemetry API works, try the demos in the GitHub repository. Build your own extensions using the Telemetry API today, or use extensions provided by the Lambda observability partners.

.NET tooling

Lambda launched tooling support to enable applications running .NET 7 to be built and deployed on AWS Lambda. This includes applications compiled using .NET 7 native AOT. .NET 7 is the latest version of .NET and brings many performance improvements and optimizations. Customers can use .NET 7 with Lambda in two ways. First, Lambda has released a base container image for .NET 7, enabling customers to build and deploy .NET 7 functions as container images. Second, you can use Lambda’s custom runtime support to run functions compiled to native code using .NET 7 native AOT.

The new AWS Parameters and Secrets Lambda Extension provides a convenient method for Lambda users to retrieve parameters from AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store and secrets from AWS Secrets Manager. Use the extension to improve application performance by reducing latency and cost of retrieving parameters and secrets. The extension caches parameters and secrets, and persists them throughout the lifecycle of the Lambda function.

Amazon EventBridge

Amazon EventBridge Scheduler

Amazon EventBridge announced Amazon EventBridge Scheduler, a new capability that allows you to create, run, and manage scheduled tasks at scale. With EventBridge Scheduler, you can schedule one-time or recurrently tens of millions of tasks across many AWS services without provisioning or managing underlying infrastructure.

With EventBridge Scheduler, you can create schedules that trigger over 200 services with more than 6,000 APIs. EventBridge Scheduler allows you to configure schedules with a minimum granularity of one minute. It is priced per one million invocations, and the service is included in the AWS Free Tier. See the pricing page for more information. Visit the launch blog post to get started with EventBridge scheduler.

EventBridge now supports enhanced filtering capabilities including the ability to match against characters at the end of a value (suffix filtering), to ignore case sensitivity (equals-ignore-case), and to have a single EventBridge rule match if any conditions across multiple separate fields are true (OR matching). The bounds supported for numeric values has also been increased from -5e9 to 5e9 from -1e9 to 1e9. The new filtering capabilities further reduce the need to write and manage custom filtering code in downstream services.

AWS Step Functions

Intrinsic Functions

We have added 14 new intrinsic functions to AWS Step Functions. These are Amazon States Language (ASL) functions that perform basic data transformations. Intrinsic functions allow you to reduce the use of other services, such as AWS Lambda or AWS Fargate to perform basic data manipulation. This helps to reduce the amount of code and maintenance in your application. Intrinsics can also help reduce the cost of running your workflows by decreasing the number of states, number of transitions, and total workflow duration.

Standard Workflows, Express Workflows, and synchronous Express Workflows all support the new intrinsic functions, which can be grouped into six categories:

The intrinsic functions documentation contains the complete list of intrinsics.

Cross-account access capabilities

Now, customers can take advantage of identity-based policies in Step Functions so your workflow can directly invoke resources in other AWS accounts, allowing cross-account service API integrations. The compute blog post demonstrates how to use cross-account capability using two AWS accounts.

New executions experience for Express Workflows

Step Functions now provides a new console experience for viewing and debugging your Express Workflow executions that makes it easier to trace and root cause issues in your executions.

You can opt in to the new console experience of Step Functions, which allows you to inspect executions using three different views: graph, table, and event view, and add many new features to enhance the navigation and analysis of the executions. You can search and filter your executions and the events in your executions using unique attributes such as state name and error type. Errors are now easier to root cause as the experience highlights the reason for failure in a workflow execution.

The new execution experience for Express Workflows is now available in all Regions where AWS Step Functions is available. For a complete list of Regions and service offerings, see AWS Regions.

Step Functions Workflows Collection

The AWS Serverless Developer Advocate team created the Step Functions Workflows Collection, a fresh experience that makes it easier to discover, deploy, and share Step Functions workflows. Use the Step Functions workflows collection to find simple “building blocks”, reusable patterns, and example applications to help build your serverless applications with Step Functions. All Step Functions builders are invited to contribute to the collection. This is done by submitting a pull request to the Step Functions Workflows Collection GitHub repository. Each submission is reviewed by the Serverless Developer advocate team for quality and relevancy before publishing.

AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM)

AWS SAM Connector

Speed up serverless development while maintaining secure best practices using new AWS SAM connector. AWS SAM Connector allows builders to focus on the relationships between components without expert knowledge of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) or direct creation of custom policies. AWS SAM connector supports AWS Step Functions, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon EventBridge and Amazon S3, with more resources planned in the future.

Connectors are best for those getting started and who want to focus on modeling the flow of data and events within their applications. Connectors will take the desired relationship model and create the permissions for the relationship to exist and function as intended.

View the Developer Guide to find out more about AWS SAM connectors.

SAM CLI Pipelines now supports Open ID Connect Protocol

SAM Pipelines make it easier to create continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines for serverless applications with Jenkins, GitLab, GitHub Actions, Atlassian Bitbucket Pipelines, and AWS CodePipeline. With this launch, SAM Pipelines can be configured to support OIDC authentication from providers supporting OIDC, such as GitHub Actions, GitLab and BitBucket. SAM Pipelines will use the OIDC tokens to configure the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) identity providers, simplifying the setup process.

AWS SAM CLI Terraform support

You can now use AWS SAM CLI to test and debug serverless applications defined using Terraform configurations. This public preview allows you to build locally, test, and debug Lambda functions defined in Terraform. Support for the Terraform configuration is currently in preview, and the team is asking for feedback and feature request submissions. The goal is for both communities to help improve the local development process using AWS SAM CLI. Submit your feedback by creating a GitHub issue here.

­­­­­Still looking for more?

Get your free online pass to watch all the biggest AWS news and updates from this year’s re:Invent.

For more learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Better together: AWS SAM CLI and HashiCorp Terraform

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/better-together-aws-sam-cli-and-hashicorp-terraform/

This post is written by Suresh Poopandi, Senior Solutions Architect and Seb Kasprzak, Senior Solutions Architect.

Today, AWS is announcing the public preview of AWS Serverless Application Model CLI (AWS SAM CLI) support for local development, testing, and debugging of serverless applications defined using HashiCorp Terraform configuration.

AWS SAM and Terraform are open-source frameworks for building applications using infrastructure as code (IaC). Both frameworks allow building, changing, and managing cloud infrastructure in a repeatable way by defining resource configurations.

Previously, you could use the AWS SAM CLI to build, test, and debug applications defined by AWS SAM templates or through the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). With this preview release, you can also use AWS SAM CLI to test and debug serverless applications defined using Terraform configurations.

Walkthrough of Terraform support

This blog post contains a sample Terraform template, which shows how developers can use AWS SAM CLI to build locally, test, and debug AWS Lambda functions defined in Terraform. This sample application has a Lambda function that stores a book review score and review text in an Amazon DynamoDB table. An Amazon API Gateway book review API uses Lambda proxy integration to invoke the book review Lambda function.

Demo application architecture

Demo application architecture


Before running this example:

  • Install the AWS CLI.
    • Configure with valid AWS credentials.
    • Note that AWS CLI now requires Python runtime.
  • Install HashiCorp Terraform.
  • Install the AWS SAM CLI.
  • Install Docker (required to run AWS Lambda function locally).

Since Terraform support is currently in public preview, you must provide a –beta-features flag while executing AWS SAM commands. Alternatively, set this flag in samconfig.toml file by adding beta_features=”true”.

Deploying the example application

This Lambda function interacts with DynamoDB. For the example to work, it requires an existing DynamoDB table in an AWS account. Deploying this creates all the required resources for local testing and debugging of the Lambda function.

To deploy:

  1. Clone the aws-sam-terraform-examples repository locally:
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-sam-terraform-examples
  2. Change to the project directory:
    cd aws-sam-terraform-examples/zip_based_lambda_functions/api-lambda-dynamodb-example/

    Terraform must store the state of the infrastructure and configuration it creates. Terraform uses this state to map cloud resources to configuration and track changes. This example uses a local backend to store the state file on the local filesystem.

  3. Open the main.tf file and review its contents. Locate the backend section of the code, updating the region field with the target deployment Region of this sample solution:
    provider “aws” {
        region = “<AWS region>” # e.g. us-east-1
  4. Initialize a working directory containing Terraform configuration files:
    terraform init
  5. Deploy the application using Terraform CLI. When prompted by “Do you want to perform these actions?”, enter Yes.
    terraform apply

Terraform deploys the application, as shown in the terminal output.

Terminal output

Terminal output

After completing the deployment process, the AWS account is ready for use by the Lambda function with all the required resources.

Terraform Configuration for local testing

Lambda functions require application dependencies bundled together with function code as a deployment package (typically a .zip file) to run correctly. Terraform natively does not create the deployment package and a separate build process handles this package creation.

This sample application uses Terraform’s null_resource and local-exec provisioner to trigger a build process script. This installs Python dependencies in a temporary folder and creates a .zip file with dependencies and function code. It contains this logic within the main.tf file of the example application.

To explain each code segment in more detail:

Terraform example

Terraform example

  1. aws_lambda_function: This sample defines a Lambda function resource. It contains properties such as environment variables (in this example, the DynamoDB table_id) and the depends_on argument, which creates the .zip package before deploying the Lambda function.

    Terraform example

    Terraform example

  2. null_resource: When the AWS SAM CLI build command runs, AWS SAM reviews Terraform code for any null_resource starting with sam_metadata_ and uses the information contained within this resource block to gather the location of the Lambda function source code and .zip package. This information allows the AWS SAM CLI to start the local execution of the Lambda function. This special resource should contain the following attributes:
    • resource_name: The Lambda function address as defined in the current module (aws_lambda_function.publish_book_review)
    • resource_type: Packaging type of the Lambda function (ZIP_LAMBDA_FUNCTION)
    • original_source_code: Location of Lambda function code
    • built_output_path: Location of .zip deployment package

Local testing

With the backend services now deployed, run local tests to see if everything is working. The locally running sample Lambda function interacts with the services deployed in the AWS account. Run the sam build to reflect the local sam testing environment with changes after each code update.

  1. Local Build: To create a local build of the Lambda function for testing, use the sam build command:
    sam build --hook-name terraform --beta-features
  2. Local invoke: The first test is to invoke the Lambda function with a mocked event payload from the API Gateway. These events are in the events directory. Run this command, passing in a mocked event:
    AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=<Your Region Name>
    sam local invoke aws_lambda_function.publish_book_review -e events/new-review.json --beta-features

    AWS SAM mounts the Lambda function runtime and code and runs it locally. The function makes a request to the DynamoDB table in the cloud to store the information provided via the API. It returns a 200 response code, signaling the successful completion of the function.

  3. Local invoke from AWS CLI
    Another test is to run a local emulation of the Lambda service using “sam local start-lambda” and invoke the function directly using AWS SDK or the AWS CLI. Start the local emulator with the following command:

    sam local start-lambda
    Terminal output

    Terminal output

    AWS SAM starts the emulator and exposes a local endpoint for the AWS CLI or a software development kit (SDK) to call. With the start-lambda command still running, run the following command to invoke this function locally with the AWS CLI:

    aws lambda invoke --function-name aws_lambda_function.publish_book_review --endpoint-url response.json --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out --payload file://events/new-review.json

    The AWS CLI invokes the local function and returns a status report of the service to the screen. The response from the function itself is in the response.json file. The window shows the following messages:

    Invocation results

    Invocation results

  4. Debugging the Lambda function

Developers can use AWS SAM with a variety of AWS toolkits and debuggers to test and debug serverless applications locally. For example, developers can perform local step-through debugging of Lambda functions by setting breakpoints, inspecting variables, and running function code one line at a time.

The AWS Toolkit Integrated Development Environment (IDE) plugin provides the ability to perform many common debugging tasks, like setting breakpoints, inspecting variables, and running function code one line at a time. AWS Toolkits make it easier to develop, debug, and deploy serverless applications defined using AWS SAM. They provide an experience for building, testing, debugging, deploying, and invoking Lambda functions integrated into IDE. Refer to this link that lists common IDE/runtime combinations that support step-through debugging of AWS SAM applications.

Visual Studio Code keeps debugging configuration information in a launch.json file in a workspace .vscode folder. Here is a sample launch configuration file to debug Lambda code locally using AWS SAM and Visual Studio Code.

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Attach to SAM CLI",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "attach",
            "address": "localhost",
            "port": 9999,
            "localRoot": "${workspaceRoot}/sam-terraform/book-reviews",
            "remoteRoot": "/var/task",
            "protocol": "inspector",
            "stopOnEntry": false

After adding the launch configuration, start a debug session in the Visual Studio Code.

Step 1: Uncomment the following two lines in zip_based_lambda_functions/api-lambda-dynamodb-example/src/index.py

Enable debugging in the Lambda function

Enable debugging in the Lambda function

Step 2: Run the Lambda function in the debug mode and wait for the Visual Studio Code to attach to this debugging session:

sam local invoke aws_lambda_function.publish_book_review -e events/new-review.json -d 9999

Step 3: Select the Run and Debug icon in the Activity Bar on the side of VS Code. In the Run and Debug view, select “Attach to SAM CLI” and choose Run.

For this example, set a breakpoint at the first line of lambda_handler. This breakpoint allows viewing the input data coming into the Lambda function. Also, it helps in debugging code issues before deploying to the AWS Cloud.

Debugging in then IDE

Debugging in then IDE

Lambda Terraform module

A community-supported Terraform module for lambda (terraform-aws-lambda) has added support for SAM metadata null_resource. When using the latest version of this module, AWS SAM CLI will automatically support local invocation of the Lambda function, without additional resource blocks required.


This blog post shows how to use the AWS SAM CLI together with HashiCorp Terraform to develop and test serverless applications in a local environment. With AWS SAM CLI’s support for HashiCorp Terraform, developers can now use the AWS SAM CLI to test their serverless functions locally while choosing their preferred infrastructure as code tooling.

For more information about the features supported by AWS SAM, visit AWS SAM. For more information about the Metadata resource, visit HashiCorp Terraform.

Support for the Terraform configuration is currently in preview, and the team is asking for feedback and feature request submissions. The goal is for both communities to help improve the local development process using AWS SAM CLI. Submit your feedback by creating a GitHub issue here.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Simplifying serverless permissions with AWS SAM Connectors

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/simplifying-serverless-permissions-with-aws-sam-connectors/

This post written by Kurt Tometich, Senior Solutions Architect, AWS.

Developers have been using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to streamline the development of serverless applications with AWS since late 2018. Besides making it easier to create, build, test, and deploy serverless applications, AWS SAM now further simplifies permission management between serverless components with AWS SAM Connectors.

Connectors allow the builder to focus on the relationships between components without expert knowledge of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) or direct creation of custom policies. AWS SAM connector supports AWS Step Functions, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon EventBridge and Amazon S3, with more resources planned in the future.

AWS SAM policy templates are an existing feature that helps builders deploy serverless applications with minimally scoped IAM policies. Because there are a finite number of templates, they’re a good fit when a template exists for the services you’re using. Connectors are best for those getting started and who want to focus on modeling the flow of data and events within their applications. Connectors will take the desired relationship model and create the permissions for the relationship to exist and function as intended.

In this blog post, I show you how to speed up serverless development while maintaining secure best practices using AWS SAM connector. Defining a connector in an AWS SAM template requires a source, destination, and a permission (for example, read or write). From this definition, IAM policies with minimal privileges are automatically created by the connector.


Within an AWS SAM template:

  1. Create serverless resource definitions.
  2. Define a connector.
  3. Add a source and destination ID of the resources to connect.
  4. Define the permissions (read, write) of the connection.

This example creates a Lambda function that requires write access to an Amazon DynamoDB table to keep track of orders created from a website.

AWS Lambda function needing write access to an Amazon DynamoDB table

AWS Lambda function needing write access to an Amazon DynamoDB table

The AWS SAM connector for the resources looks like the following:

  Type: AWS::Serverless::Connector
      Id: CreateOrder
      Id: Orders
      - Write

“LambdaDynamoDbWriteConnector” is the name of the connector, while the “Type” designates it as an AWS SAM connector. “Properties” contains the source and destination logical ID for our serverless resources found within our template. Finally, the “Permissions” property defines a read or write relationship between the components.

This basic example shows how easy it is to define permissions between components. No specific role or policy names are required, and this syntax is consistent across many other serverless components, enforcing standardization.


AWS SAM connectors save you time as your applications grow and connections between serverless components become more complex. Manual creation and management of permissions become error prone and difficult at scale. To highlight the breadth of support, we’ll use an AWS Step Functions state machine to operate with several other serverless components. AWS Step Functions is a serverless orchestration workflow service that integrates natively with other AWS services.

Solution overview

Architectural overview

Architectural overview

This solution implements an image catalog moderation pipeline. Amazon Rekognition checks for inappropriate content, and detects objects and text in an image. It processes valid images and stores metadata in an Amazon DynamoDB table, otherwise emailing a notification for invalid images.


  1. Git installed
  2. AWS SAM CLI version 1.58.0 or greater installed

Deploying the solution

  1. Clone the repository and navigate to the solution directory:
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/step-functions-workflows-collection
    cd step-functions-workflows-collection/moderated-image-catalog
  2. Open the template.yaml file located at step-functions-workflows-collection/moderated-image-catalog and replace the “ImageCatalogStateMachine:” section with the following snippet. Ensure to preserve YAML formatting.
        Type: AWS::Serverless::StateMachine
          Name: moderated-image-catalog-workflow
          DefinitionUri: statemachine/statemachine.asl.json
            CatalogTable: !Ref CatalogTable
            ModeratorSNSTopic: !Ref ModeratorSNSTopic
            - RekognitionDetectOnlyPolicy: {}
  3. Within the same template.yaml file, add the following after the ModeratorSNSTopic section and before the Outputs section:
    # Serverless connector permissions
      Type: AWS::Serverless::Connector
          Id: ImageCatalogStateMachine
          Id: IngestionBucket
          - Read
      Type: AWS::Serverless::Connector
          Id: ImageCatalogStateMachine
          Id: CatalogTable
          - Write
      Type: AWS::Serverless::Connector
          Id: ImageCatalogStateMachine
          Id: ModeratorSNSTopic
          - Write

    You have removed the existing inline policies for the state machine and replaced them with AWS SAM connector definitions, except for the Amazon Rekognition policy. At the time of publishing this blog, connectors do not support Amazon Rekognition. Take some time to review each of the connector’s syntax.

  4. Deploy the application using the following command:
    sam deploy --guided

    Provide a stack name, Region, and moderators’ email address. You can accept defaults for the remaining prompts.

Verifying permissions

Once the deployment has completed, you can verify the correct role and policies.

  1. Navigate to the Step Functions service page within the AWS Management Console and ensure you have the correct Region selected.
  2. Select State machines from the left menu and then the moderated-image-catalog-workflow state machine.
  3. Select the “IAM role ARN” link, which will take you to the IAM role and policies created.

You should see a list of policies that correspond to the AWS SAM connectors in the template.yaml file with the actions and resources.

Permissions list in console

Permissions list in console

You didn’t need to supply the specific policy actions: Use Read or Write as the permission and the service handles the rest. This results in improved readability, standardization, and productivity, while retaining security best practices.


  1. Upload a test image to the Amazon S3 bucket created during the deployment step. To find the name of the bucket, navigate to the AWS CloudFormation console. Select the CloudFormation stack via the name entered as part of “sam deploy –guided.” Select the Outputs tab and note the IngestionBucket name.
  2. After uploading the image, navigate to the AWS Step Functions console and select the “moderated-image-catalog-workflow” workflow.
  3. Select Start Execution and input an event:
        "bucket": "<S3-bucket-name>",
        "key": "<image-name>.jpeg"
  4. Select Start Execution and observe the execution of the workflow.
  5. Depending on the image selected, it will either add to the image catalog, or send a content moderation email to the email address provided. Find out more about content considered inappropriate by Amazon Rekognition.


To delete any images added to the Amazon S3 bucket, and the resources created by this template, use the following commands from the same project directory.

aws s3 rm s3://< bucket_name_here> --recursive
sam delete


This blog post shows how AWS SAM connectors simplify connecting serverless components. View the Developer Guide to find out more about AWS SAM connectors. For further sample serverless workflows like the one used in this blog, see Serverless Land.

AWS Week in Review – September 5, 2022

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-september-5-2022/

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

As a new week begins, let’s quickly look back at the most significant AWS news from the previous seven days.

Last Week’s Launches
Here are the launches that got my attention last week:

AWS announces open-sourced credentials-fetcher to simplify Microsoft AD access from Linux containers. You can find more in the What’s New post.

AWS Step Functions now has 14 new intrinsic functions that help you process data more efficiently and make it easier to perform data processing tasks such as array manipulation, JSON object manipulation, and math functions within your workflows without having to invoke downstream services or add Task states.

AWS SAM CLI esbuild support is now generally available. You can now use esbuild in the SAM CLI build workflow for your JavaScript applications.

Amazon QuickSight launches a new user interface for dataset management that replaces the existing popup dialog modal with a full-page experience, providing a clearer breakdown of dataset management categories.

AWS GameKit adds Unity support. With this release for Unity, you can integrate cloud-based game features into Win64, MacOS, Android, or iOS games from both the Unreal and Unity engines with just a few clicks.

AWS and VMware announce VMware Cloud on AWS integration with Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP. Read more in Veliswa‘s blog post.

The AWS Region in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is now open. More info in Marcia‘s blog post.

View of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
A few more blog posts you might have missed:

Easy analytics and cost-optimization with Amazon Redshift Serverless – Four different use cases of Redshift Serverless are discussed in this post.

Building cost-effective AWS Step Functions workflows – In this blog post, Ben explains the difference between Standard and Express Workflows, including costs, migrating from Standard to Express, and some interesting ways of using both together.

How to subscribe to the new Security Hub Announcements topic for Amazon SNS – You can now receive updates about new Security Hub services and features, newly supported standards and controls, and other Security Hub changes.

Deploying AWS Lambda functions using AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) – With the ACK service controller for AWS Lambda, you can provision and manage Lambda functions with kubectl and custom resources.

For AWS open-source news and updates, here’s the latest newsletter curated by Ricardo to bring you the most recent updates on open-source projects, posts, events, and more.

Upcoming AWS Events
Depending on where you are on this planet, there are many opportunities to meet and learn:

AWS Summits – Come together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. Registration is open for the following in-person AWS Summits: Ottawa (September 8), New Delhi (September 9), Mexico City (September 21–22), Bogotá (October 4), and Singapore (October 6).

AWS Community DaysAWS Community Day events are community-led conferences to share and learn with one another. In September, the AWS community in the US will run events in the Bay Area, California (September 9) and Arlington, Virginia (September 30). In Europe, Community Day events will be held in October. Join us in Amersfoort, Netherlands (October 3), Warsaw, Poland (October 14), and Dresden, Germany (October 19).

That’s all from me for this week. Come back next Monday for another Week in Review!


Speeding up incremental changes with AWS SAM Accelerate and nested stacks

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/speeding-up-incremental-changes-with-aws-sam-accelerate-and-nested-stacks/

This blog written by Jeff Marcinko, Sr. Technical Account Manager, Health Care & Life Sciencesand Brian Zambrano, Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect, Serverless.

Developers and operators have been using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to author, build, test, and deploy serverless applications in AWS for over three years. Since its inception, the AWS SAM team has focused on developer productivity, simplicity, and best practices.

As good as AWS SAM is at making your serverless development experience easier and faster, building non-trivial cloud applications remains a challenge. Developers and operators want a development experience that provides high-fidelity and fast feedback on incremental changes. With serverless development, local emulation of an application composed of many AWS resources and managed services can be incomplete and inaccurate. We recommend developing serverless applications in the AWS Cloud against live AWS services to increase developer confidence. However, the latency of deploying an entire AWS CloudFormation stack for every code change is a challenge that developers face with this approach.

In this blog post, I show how to increase development velocity by using AWS SAM Accelerate with AWS CloudFormation nested stacks. Nested stacks are an application lifecycle management best practice at AWS. We recommend nested stacks for deploying complex serverless applications, which aligns to the Serverless Application Lens of the AWS Well-Architected Framework. AWS SAM Accelerate speeds up deployment from your local system by bypassing AWS CloudFormation to deploy code and resource updates when possible.

AWS CloudFormation nested stacks and AWS SAM

A nested stack is a CloudFormation resource that is part of another stack, referred to as the parent, or root stack.

Nested stack architecture

Nested stack architecture

The best practice for modeling complex applications is to author a root stack template and declare related resources in their own nested stack templates. This partitioning improves maintainability and encourages reuse of common template patterns. It is easier to reason about the configuration of the AWS resources in the example application because they are described in nested templates for each application component.

With AWS SAM, developers create nested stacks using the AWS::Serverless::Application resource type. The following example shows a snippet from a template.yaml file, which is the root stack for an AWS SAM application.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Application
      Location: db/template.yaml

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Application
      Location: workflow/template.yaml

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Application
      Location: api-integrations/template.yaml

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Application
      Location: api/template.yaml

Each AWS::Serverless::Application resource type references a child stack, which is an independent AWS SAM template. The Location property tells AWS SAM where to find the stack definition.

Solution overview

The sample application exposes an API via Amazon API Gateway. One API endpoint (#2) forwards POST requests to Amazon SQS, an AWS Lambda function polls (#3) the SQS Queue and starts an Amazon Step Function workflow execution (#4) for each message.

Sample application architecture

Sample application architecture


  1. AWS SAM CLI, version 1.53.0 or higher
  2. Python 3.9

Deploy the application

To deploy the application:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone <a href="https://github.com/aws-samples/sam-accelerate-nested-stacks-demo.git" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://github.com/aws-samples/sam-accelerate-nested-stacks-demo.git</a>
  2. Change to the root directory of the project and run the following AWS SAM CLI commands:
    cd sam-accelerate-nested-stacks-demo
    sam build
    sam deploy --guided --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND

    You must include the CAPABILITY_IAM and CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND capabilities to support nested stacks and the creation of permissions.

  3. Use orders-app as the stack name during guided deployment. During the deploy process, enter your email for the SubscriptionEmail value. This requires confirmation later. Accept the defaults for the rest of the values.

    SAM deploy example

    SAM deploy example

  4. After the CloudFormation deployment completes, save the API endpoint URL from the outputs.

Confirming the notifications subscription

After the deployment finishes, you receive an Amazon SNS subscription confirmation email at the email address provided during the deployment. Choose the Confirm Subscription link to receive notifications.

You have chosen to subscribe to the topic: 

To confirm this subscription, click or visit the link below (If this was in error no action is necessary): 
Confirm subscription

Testing the orders application

To test the application, use the curl command to create a new Order request with the following JSON payload:

    "quantity": 1,
    "name": "Pizza",
    "restaurantId": "House of Pizza"
curl -s --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '"quantity":1,"name":"Pizza","quantity":1,"restaurantId":"House of Pizza"}' \
  https://xxxxxxxxxx.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/Dev/orders  | python -m json.tool

API Gateway responds with the following message, showing it successfully sent the request to the SQS queue:

API Gateway response

API Gateway response

The application sends an order notification once the Step Functions workflow completes processing. The workflow intentionally randomizes the SUCCESS or FAILURE status message.

Accelerating development with AWS SAM sync

AWS SAM Accelerate enhances the development experience. It automatically observes local code changes and synchronizes them to AWS without building and deploying every function in my project.

However, when you synchronize code changes directly into the AWS Cloud, it can introduce drift between your CloudFormation stacks and its deployed resources. For this reason, you should only use AWS SAM Accelerate to publish changes in a development stack.

In your terminal, change to the root directory of the project folder and run the sam sync command. This runs in the foreground while you make code changes:

cd sam-accelerate-nested-stacks-demo
sam sync --watch --stack-name orders-app

The –watch option causes AWS SAM to perform an initial CloudFormation deployment. After the deployment is complete, AWS SAM watches for local changes and synchronizes them to AWS. This feature allows you to make rapid iterative code changes and sync to the Cloud automatically in seconds.

Making a code change

In the editor, update the Subject argument in the send_order_notification function in workflow/src/complete_order/app.py.

def send_order_notification(message):
    topic_arn = TOPIC_ARN
    response = sns.publish(
        Subject=f'Orders-App: Update for order {message["order_id"]}'
        #Subject='Orders-App: SAM Accelerate for the win!'

On save, AWS SAM notices the local code change, and updates the CompleteOrder Lambda function. AWS SAM does not trigger updates to other AWS resources across the different stacks, since they are unchanged. This can result in increased development velocity.

SAM sync output

SAM sync output

Validate the change by sending a new order request and review the notification email subject.

curl -s --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '"quantity":1,"name":"Pizza","quantity":1,"restaurantId":"House of Pizza"}' \
  https://xxxxxxxxxx.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/Dev/orders  | python -m json.tool

In this example, AWS SAM Accelerate is 10–15 times faster than the CloudFormation deployment workflow (sam deploy) for single function code changes.

Deployment speed comparison between SAM accelerate and CloudFormation

Deployment speed comparison between SAM accelerate and CloudFormation

Deployment times vary based on the size and complexity of your Lambda functions and the number of resources in your project.

Making a configuration change

Next, make an infrastructure change to show how sync –watch handles configuration updates.

Update ReadCapacityUnits and WriteCapacityUnits in the DynamoDB table definition by changing the values from five to six in db/template.yaml.

    Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table
      TableName: order-table-test
        - AttributeName: user_id
          AttributeType: S
        - AttributeName: id
          AttributeType: S
        - AttributeName: user_id
          KeyType: HASH
        - AttributeName: id
          KeyType: RANGE
        ReadCapacityUnits: 5
        WriteCapacityUnits: 5

The sam sync –watch command recognizes the configuration change requires a CloudFormation deployment to update the db nested stack. Nested stacks reflect an UPDATE_COMPLETE status because CloudFormation starts an update to every nested stack to determine if changes must be applied.

SAM sync infrastructure update

SAM sync infrastructure update

Cleaning up

Delete the nested stack resources to make sure that you don’t continue to incur charges. After stopping the sam sync –watch command, run the following command to delete your resources:

sam delete orders-app

You can also delete the CloudFormation root stack from the console by following these steps.


Local emulation of complex serverless applications, built with nested stacks, can be challenging. AWS SAM Accelerate helps builders achieve a high-fidelity development experience by rapidly synchronizing code changes into the AWS Cloud.

This post shows AWS SAM Accelerate features that push code changes in near real time to a development environment in the Cloud. I use a non-trivial sample application to show how developers can push code changes to a live environment in seconds while using CloudFormation nested stacks to achieve the isolation and maintenance benefits.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

AWS Week in Review – July 4, 2022

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-july-04-2022/

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Summer has arrived in Finland, and these last few days have been hotter than in the Canary Islands! Today in the US it is Independence Day. I hope that if you are celebrating, you’re having a great time. This week I’m very excited about some developer experience and artificial intelligence launches.

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week:

AWS SAM Accelerate is now generally available – SAM Accelerate is a new capability of the AWS Serverless Application Model CLI, which makes it easier for serverless developers to test code changes against the cloud. You can do a hot swap of code directly in the cloud when making a change in your local development environment. This allows you to develop applications faster. Learn more about this launch in the What’s New post.

Amplify UI for React is generally available – Amplify UI is an open-source UI library that helps developers build cloud-native applications. Amplify UI for React comes with over 35 components that you can use, an authentication component that allows you to connect to your backend with no extra configuration, theming for your components. You can also build your UI using Figma. Check the Amplify UI for React site to learn more about all the capabilities offered.

Amazon Connect has new announcements – First, Amazon Connect added support to personalize the flows of the customer experience using Amazon Lex sentiment analysis. It also added support to branch out the flows depending on Amazon Lex confidence scores. Lastly, it added confidence scores to Amazon Connect Customer Profiles to help companies merge duplicate customer records.

Amazon QuickSight – QuickSight authors can now learn and experience Q before signing up. Authors can choose from six different sample topics and explore different visualizations. In addition, QuickSight now supports Level Aware Calculations (LAC) and rolling date functionality. These two new features bring flexibility and simplification to customers to build advanced calculation and dashboards.

Amazon SageMaker – RStudio on SageMaker now allows you to bring your own development environment in a custom image. RStudio on SageMaker is a fully managed RStudio Workbench in the cloud. In addition, SageMaker added four new tabular data modeling algorithms: LightGBM, CatBoost, AutoGluon-Tabular, and TabTransformer to the existing set of built-in algorithms, pre-trained models and pre-built solution templates it provides.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Some other updates and news that you may have missed:

AWS Support announced an improved experience when creating a case – There is a new interface for creating support cases in the AWS Support Center console. Now you can create a case with a simplified three-step process that guides you through the flow. Learn more about this new process in the What’s new post.

New AWS Step Functions workflows collection on Serverless Land – The Step Functions workflows collection is a new experience that makes it easier to discover, deploy, and share AWS Step Functions workflows. In this collection, you can find opinionated templates that implement the best practices to build using Step Functions. Learn more about this new collection in Ben’s blog post.

Podcast Charlas Técnicas de AWS – If you understand Spanish, this podcast is for you. Podcast Charlas Técnicas is one of the official AWS Podcasts in Spanish, which shares a new episode ever other week. The podcast is meant for builders, and it shares stories about how customers implement and learn AWS, how to architect applications, and how to use new services. You can listen to all the episodes directly from your favorite podcast app or from the AWS Podcasts en español website.

AWS open-source news and updates – A newsletter curated by my colleague Ricardo brings you the latest open-source projects, posts, events, and more.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

AWS Summit New York – Join us on July 12 for the in-person AWS Summit. You can register on the AWS Summit page for free.

AWS re:Inforce – This is an in-person learning conference with a focus on security, compliance, identity, and privacy. You can register now to access hundreds of technical sessions, and other content. It will take place July 26 and 27 in Boston, MA.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!

— Marcia

Building a low-code speech “you know” counter using AWS Step Functions

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-a-low-code-speech-you-know-counter-using-aws-step-functions/

This post is written by Doug Toppin, Software Development Engineer, and Kishore Dhamodaran, Solutions Architect.

In public speaking, filler phrases can distract the audience and reduce the value and impact of what you are telling them. Reviewing recordings of presentations can be helpful to determine whether presenters are using filler phrases. Instead of manually reviewing prior recordings, automation can process media files and perform a speech-to-text function. That text can then be processed to report on the use of filler phrases.

This blog explains how to use AWS Step Functions, Amazon EventBridge, Amazon Transcribe and Amazon Athena to report on the use of the common phrase “you know” in media files. These services can automate and reduce the time required to find the use of filler phrases.

Step Functions can automate and chain together multiple activities and other Amazon services. Amazon Transcribe is a speech to text service that uses media files as input and produces textual transcripts from them. Athena is an interactive query service that makes it easier to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. Athena enables the use of standard SQL to query data in S3.

This blog shows a low-code, configuration driven approach to implementing this solution. Low-code means writing little or no custom software to perform a function. Instead, you use a configuration drive approach using service integrations where state machine tasks call AWS services using existing SDKs, APIs, or interfaces. A configuration driven approach in this example is using Step Functions’ Amazon States Language (ASL) to tie actions together rather than writing traditional code. This requires fewer details for data management and error handling combined with a visual user interface for composing the workflow. As the actions and logic are clearly defined with the visual workflow, this reduces maintenance.

Solution overview

The following diagram shows the solution architecture.


Solution Overview

  1. You upload a media file to an Amazon S3 Media bucket.
  2. The media file upload to S3 triggers an EventBridge rule.
  3. The EventBridge rule starts the Step Functions state machine execution.
  4. The state machine invokes Amazon Transcribe to process the media file.
  5. The transcription output file is stored in the Amazon S3 Transcript bucket.
  6. The state machine invokes Athena to query the textual transcript for the filler phrase. This uses the AWS Glue table to describe the format of the transcription results file.
  7. The filler phrase count determined by Athena is returned and stored in the Amazon S3 Results bucket.


  1. An AWS account and an AWS user or role with sufficient permissions to create the necessary resources.
  2. Access to the following AWS services: Step Functions, Amazon Transcribe, Athena, and Amazon S3.
  3. Latest version of the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) CLI, which helps developers create and manage serverless applications in the AWS Cloud.
  4. Test media files (for example, the Official AWS Podcast).

Example walkthrough

  1. Clone the GitHub repository to your local machine.
  2. git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-stepfunctions-examples.git
  3. Deploy the resources using AWS SAM. The deploy command processes the AWS SAM template file to create the necessary resources in AWS. Choose you-know as the stack name and the AWS Region that you want to deploy your solution to.
  4. cd aws-stepfunctions-examples/sam/app-low-code-you-know-counter/
    sam deploy --guided

Use the default parameters or replace with different values if necessary. For example, to get counts of a different filler phrase, replace the FillerPhrase parameter.

GlueDatabaseYouKnowP Name of the AWS Glue database to create.
AthenaTableName Name of the AWS Glue table that is used by Athena to query the results.
FillerPhrase The filler phrase to check.
AthenaQueryPreparedStatementName Name of the Athena prepared statement used to run SQL queries on.
AthenaWorkgroup Athena workgroup to use
AthenaDataCatalog The data source for running the Athena queries
SAM Deploy

SAM Deploy

Running the filler phrase counter

  1. Navigate to the Amazon S3 console and upload an mp3 or mp4 podcast recording to the bucket named bucket-{account number}-{Region}-you-know-media.
  2. Navigate to the Step Functions console. Choose the running state machine, and monitor the execution of the transcription state machine.
  3. State Machine Execution

    State Machine Execution

  4. When the execution completes successfully, select the QueryExecutionSuccess task to examine the output and see the filler phrase count.
  5. State Machine Output

    State Machine Output

  6. Amazon Transcribe produces the transcript text of the media file. You can examine the output in the Results bucket. Using the S3 console, navigate to the bucket, choose the file matching the media file name and use ‘Query with S3 Select’ to view the content.
  7. If the transcription job does not execute, the state machine reports the failure and exits.
  8. State Machine Fail

    State Machine Fail

Exploring the state machine

The state machine orchestrates the transcription processing:

State Machine Explore

State Machine Explore

The StartTranscriptionJob task starts the transcription job. The Wait state adds a 60-second delay before checking the status of the transcription job. Until the status of the job changes to FAILED or COMPLETED, the choice state continues.

When the job successfully completes, the AthenaStartQueryExecutionUsingPreparedStatement task starts the Athena query, and stores the results in the S3 results bucket. The AthenaGetQueryResults task retrieves the count from the resultset.

The TranscribeMediaBucket holds the media files to be uploaded. The configuration sends the upload notification event to EventBridge:

       EventBridgeEnabled: true

The TranscribeResultsBucket has an associated policy to provide access to Amazon Transcribe. Athena stores the output from the queries performed by the state machine in the AthenaQueryResultsBucket .

When a media upload occurs, the YouKnowTranscribeStateMachine uses Step Functions’ native event integration to trigger an EventBridge rule. This contains an event object similar to:

  "version": "0",
  "id": "99a0cb40-4b26-7d74-dc59-c837f5346ac6",
  "detail-type": "Object Created",
  "source": "aws.s3",
  "account": "012345678901",
  "time": "2022-05-19T22:21:10Z",
  "region": "us-east-2",
  "resources": [
  "detail": {
    "version": "0",
    "bucket": {
      "name": "bucket-012345678901-us-east-2-you-know-media"
    "object": {
      "key": "Podcase_Episode.m4a",
      "size": 202329,
      "etag": "624fce93a981f97d85025e8432e24f48",
      "sequencer": "006286C2D604D7A390"
    "request-id": "B4DA7RD214V1QG3W",
    "requester": "012345678901",
    "source-ip-address": "",
    "reason": "PutObject"

The state machine allows you to prepare parameters and use the direct SDK integrations to start the transcription job by calling the Amazon Transcribe service’s API. This integration means you don’t have to write custom code to perform this function. The event triggering the state machine execution contains the uploaded media file location.

	Type: Task
	Comment: Start a transcribe job on the provided media file
		MediaFileUri.$: States.Format('s3://{}/{}', $.detail.bucket.name, $.detail.object.key)
	  TranscriptionJobName.$: "$.detail.object.key"
	  IdentifyLanguage: true
	  OutputBucketName: !Ref TranscribeResultsBucket
	Resource: !Sub 'arn:${AWS::Partition}:states:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:aws-sdk:transcribe:startTranscriptionJob'

The SDK uses aws-sdk:transcribe:getTranscriptionJob to get the status of the job.

	Type: Task
	Comment: Retrieve the status of an Amazon Transcribe job
	  TranscriptionJobName.$: "$.TranscriptionJob.TranscriptionJobName"
	Resource: !Sub 'arn:${AWS::Partition}:states:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:aws-sdk:transcribe:getTranscriptionJob'
	Next: TranscriptionJobStatus

The state machine uses a polling loop with a delay to check the status of the transcription job.

	Type: Choice
	- Variable: "$.TranscriptionJob.TranscriptionJobStatus"
	  StringEquals: COMPLETED
	  Next: AthenaStartQueryExecutionUsingPreparedStatement
	- Variable: "$.TranscriptionJob.TranscriptionJobStatus"
	  StringEquals: FAILED
	  Next: Failed
	Default: Wait

When the transcription job completes successfully, the filler phrase counting process begins.

An Athena prepared statement performs the query with the transcription job name as a runtime parameter. The AWS SDK starts the query and the state machine execution pauses, waiting for the results to return before progressing to the next state:


When the query completes, Step Functions uses the SDK integration to retrieve the results using athena:getQueryResults:


It creates an Athena prepared statement to pass the transcription jobname as a parameter for the query execution:

    Type: AWS::Athena::PreparedStatement
      Description: Create a statement that allows the use of a parameter for specifying an Amazon Transcribe job name in the Athena query
      QueryStatement: !Sub >-
        select cardinality(regexp_extract_all(results.transcripts[1].transcript, '${FillerPhrase}')) AS item_count from "${GlueDatabaseYouKnow}"."${AthenaTableName}" where jobname like ?
      StatementName: !Ref AthenaQueryPreparedStatementName
      WorkGroup: !Ref AthenaWorkgroup

There are several opportunities to enhance this tool. For example, adding support for multiple filler phrases. You could build a larger application to upload media and retrieve the results. You could take advantage of Amazon Transcribe’s real-time transcription API to display the results while a presentation is in progress to provide immediate feedback to the presenter.

Cleaning up

  1. Navigate to the Amazon Transcribe console. Choose Transcription jobs in the left pane, select the jobs created by this example, and choose Delete.
  2. Cleanup Delete

    Cleanup Delete

  3. Navigate to the S3 console. In the Find buckets by name search bar, enter “you-know”. This shows the list of buckets created for this example. Choose each of the radio buttons next to the bucket individually and choose Empty.
  4. Cleanup S3

    Cleanup S3

  5. Use the following command to delete the stack, and confirm the stack deletion.
  6. sam delete


Low-code applications can increase developer efficiency by reducing the amount of custom code required to build solutions. They can also enable non-developer roles to create automation to perform business functions by providing drag-and-drop style user interfaces.

This post shows how a low-code approach can build a tool chain using AWS services. The example processes media files to produce text transcripts and count the use of filler phrases in those transcripts. It shows how to process EventBridge data and how to invoke Amazon Transcribe and Athena using Step Functions state machines.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Extending PowerShell on AWS Lambda with other services

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/extending-powershell-on-aws-lambda-with-other-services/

This post expands on the functionality introduced with the PowerShell custom runtime for AWS Lambda. The previous blog explains how the custom runtime approach makes it easier to run Lambda functions written in PowerShell.

You can add additional functionality to your PowerShell serverless applications by importing PowerShell modules, which are shareable packages of code. Build your own modules or import from the wide variety of existing vendor modules to manage your infrastructure and applications.

You can also take advantage of the event-driven nature of Lambda, which allows you to run Lambda functions in response to events. Events can include an object being uploaded to Amazon S3, a message placed on an Amazon SQS queue, a scheduled task using Amazon EventBridge, or an HTTP request from Amazon API Gateway. Lambda functions support event triggers from over 200 AWS services and software as a service (SaaS) applications.

Adding PowerShell modules

You can add PowerShell modules from a number of locations. These can include modules from the AWS Tools for PowerShell, from the PowerShell Gallery, or your own custom modules. Lambda functions access these PowerShell modules within specific folders within the Lambda runtime environment.

You can include PowerShell modules via Lambda layers, within your function code package, or container image. When using .zip archive functions, you can use layers to package and share modules to use with your functions. Layers reduce the size of uploaded deployment archives and can make it faster to deploy your code. You can attach up to five layers to your function, one of which must be the PowerShell custom runtime layer. You can include multiple modules per layer.

The custom runtime configures PowerShell’s PSModulePath environment variable, which contains the list of folder locations to search to find modules. The runtime searches the folders in the following order:

1. User supplied modules as part of function package

You can include PowerShell modules inside the published Lambda function package in a /modules subfolder.

2. User supplied modules as part of Lambda layers

You can publish Lambda layers that include PowerShell modules in a /modules subfolder. This allows you to share modules across functions and accounts. Lambda extracts layers to /opt within the Lambda runtime environment so the modules are located in /opt/modules. This is the preferred solution to use modules with multiple functions.

3. Default/user supplied modules supplied with PowerShell

You can also include additional default modules and add them within a /modules folder within the PowerShell custom runtime layer.

For example, the following function includes four Lambda layers. One layer includes the custom runtime. Three additional layers include further PowerShell modules; the AWS Tools for PowerShell, your own custom modules, and third-party modules. You can also include additional modules with your function code.

Lambda layers

Lambda layers

Within your PowerShell code, you can load modules during the function initialization (init) phase. This initializes the modules before the handler function runs, which speeds up subsequent warm-start invocations.

Adding modules from the AWS Tools for PowerShell

This post shows how to use the AWS Tools for PowerShell to manage your AWS services and resources. The tools are packaged as a set of PowerShell modules that are built on the functionality exposed by the AWS SDK for .NET. You can follow similar packaging steps to add other modules to your functions.

The AWS Tools for PowerShell are available as three distinct packages:

The AWS.Tools package is the preferred modularized version, which allows you to load only the modules for the services you want to use. This reduces package size and function memory usage. The AWS.Tools cmdlets support auto-importing modules without having to call Import-Module first. However, specifically importing the modules during the function init phase is more efficient and can reduce subsequent invoke duration. The AWS.Tools.Common module is required and provides cmdlets for configuration and authentication that are not service specific.

The accompanying GitHub repository contains the code for the custom runtime, along with a number of example applications. There are also module build instructions for adding a number of common PowerShell modules as Lambda layers, including AWS.Tools.

Building an event-driven PowerShell function

The repository contains an example of an event-driven demo application that you can build using serverless services.

A clothing printing company must manage its t-shirt size and color inventory. The printers store t-shirt orders for each day in a CSV file. The inventory service is one service that must receive the CSV file. It parses the file and, for each order, records the details to manage stock deliveries.

The stores upload the files to S3. This automatically invokes a PowerShell Lambda function, which is configured to respond to the S3 ObjectCreated event. The Lambda function receives the S3 object location as part of the $LambdaInput event object. It uses the AWS Tools for PowerShell to download the file from S3. It parses the contents and, for each line in the CSV file, sends the individual order details as an event to an EventBridge event bus.

In this example, there is a single rule to log the event to Amazon CloudWatch Logs to show the received event. However, you could route each order, depending on the order details, to different targets. For example, you can send different color combinations to SQS queues, which the dyeing service can use to order dyes. You could send particular size combinations to another Lambda function that manages cloth orders.

Example event-driven application

Example event-driven application

The previous blog post shows how to use the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to build a Lambda layer, which includes only the AWS.Tools.Common module to run Get-AWSRegion. To build a PowerShell application to process objects from S3 and send events to EventBridge, you can extend this functionality by also including the AWS.Tools.S3 and AWS.Tools.EventBridge modules in a Lambda layer.

Lambda layers, including S3 and EventBridge

Lambda layers, including S3 and EventBridge

Building the AWS Tools for PowerShell layer

You could choose to add these modules and rebuild the existing layer. However, the example in this post creates a new Lambda layer to show how you can have different layers for different module combinations of AWS.Tools. The example also adds the Lambda layer Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store to track deployed layers. This allows you to reference them more easily in infrastructure as code tools.

The repository includes build scripts for both Windows and non-Windows developers. Windows does not natively support Makefiles. When using Windows, you can use either Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)Docker Desktop, or native PowerShell.

When using Linux, macOS, WSL, or Docker, the Makefile builds the Lambda layers. After downloading the modules, it also extracts the additional AWS.Tools.S3 and AWS.Tools.EventBridge modules.

# Download AWSToolsLayer module binaries
curl -L -o $(ARTIFACTS_DIR)/AWS.Tools.zip https://sdk-for-net.amazonwebservices.com/ps/v4/latest/AWS.Tools.zip
mkdir -p $(ARTIFACTS_DIR)/modules

# Extract select AWS.Tools modules (AWS.Tools.Common required)
unzip $(ARTIFACTS_DIR)/AWS.Tools.zip 'AWS.Tools.Common/**/*' -d $(ARTIFACTS_DIR)/modules/
unzip $(ARTIFACTS_DIR)/AWS.Tools.zip 'AWS.Tools.S3/**/*' -d $(ARTIFACTS_DIR)/modules/
unzip $(ARTIFACTS_DIR)/AWS.Tools.zip 'AWS.Tools.EventBridge/**/*' -d $(ARTIFACTS_DIR)/modules/

When using native PowerShell on Windows to build the layer, the build-AWSToolsLayer.ps1 script performs the same file copy functionality as the Makefile. You can use this option for Windows without WSL or Docker.

### Extract entire AWS.Tools modules to stage area but only move over select modules
Move-Item "$PSScriptRoot\stage\AWS.Tools.Common" "$PSScriptRoot\modules\" -Force
Move-Item "$PSScriptRoot\stage\AWS.Tools.S3" "$PSScriptRoot\modules\" -Force
Move-Item "$PSScriptRoot\stage\AWS.Tools.EventBridge" "$PSScriptRoot\modules\" -Force

The Lambda function code imports the required modules in the function init phase.

Import-Module "AWS.Tools.Common"
Import-Module "AWS.Tools.S3"
Import-Module "AWS.Tools.EventBridge"

For other combinations of AWS.Tools, amend the example build-AWSToolsLayer.ps1 scripts to add the modules you require. You can use a similar download and copy process, or PowerShell’s Save-Module to build layers for modules from other locations.

Building and deploying the event-driven serverless application

Follow the instructions in the GitHub repository to build and deploy the application.

The demo application uses AWS SAM to deploy the following resources:

  1. PowerShell custom runtime.
  2. Additional Lambda layer containing the AWS.Tools.Common, AWS.Tools.S3, and AWS.Tools.EventBridge modules from AWS Tools for PowerShell. The layer ARN is stored in Parameter Store.
  3. S3 bucket to store CSV files.
  4. Lambda function triggered by S3 upload.
  5. Custom EventBridge event bus and rule to send events to CloudWatch Logs.

Testing the event-driven application

Use the AWS CLI or AWS Tools for PowerShell to copy the sample CSV file to S3. Replace BUCKET_NAME with your S3 SourceBucket Name from the AWS SAM outputs.


aws s3 cp .\test.csv s3://BUCKET_NAME

AWS Tools for PowerShell

Write-S3Object -BucketName BUCKET_NAME -File .\test.csv

The S3 file copy action generates an S3 notification event. This invokes the PowerShell Lambda function, passing the S3 file location details as part of the function $LambdaInput event object.

The function downloads the S3 CSV file, parses the contents, and sends the individual lines to EventBridge, which logs the events to CloudWatch Logs.

Navigate to the CloudWatch Logs group /aws/events/demo-s3-lambda-eventbridge.

You can see the individual orders logged from the CSV file.

EventBridge logs showing CSV lines

EventBridge logs showing CSV lines


You can extend PowerShell Lambda applications to provide additional functionality.

This post shows how to import your own or vendor PowerShell modules and explains how to build Lambda layers for the AWS Tools for PowerShell.

You can also take advantage of the event-driven nature of Lambda to run Lambda functions in response to events. The demo application shows how a clothing printing company builds a PowerShell serverless application to manage its t-shirt size and color inventory.

See the accompanying GitHub repository, which contains the code for the custom runtime, along with additional installation options and additional examples.

Start running PowerShell on Lambda today.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Introducing the PowerShell custom runtime for AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-the-powershell-custom-runtime-for-aws-lambda/

The new PowerShell custom runtime for AWS Lambda makes it even easier to run Lambda functions written in PowerShell to process events. Using this runtime, you can run native PowerShell code in Lambda without having to compile code, which simplifies deployment and testing. You can also now view PowerShell code in the AWS Management Console, and have more control over function output and logging.

Lambda has supported running PowerShell since 2018. However, the existing solution uses the .NET Core runtime implementation for PowerShell. It uses the additional AWSLambdaPSCore modules for deployment and publishing, which require compiling the PowerShell code into C# binaries to run on .NET. This adds additional steps to the development process.

This blog post explains the benefits of using a custom runtime and information about the runtime options. You can deploy and run an example native PowerShell function in Lambda.

PowerShell custom runtime benefits

The new custom runtime for PowerShell uses native PowerShell, instead of compiling PowerShell and hosting it on the .NET runtime. Using native PowerShell means the function runtime environment matches a standard PowerShell session, which simplifies the development and testing process.

You can now also view and edit PowerShell code within the Lambda console’s built-in code editor. You can embed PowerShell code within an AWS CloudFormation template, or other infrastructure as code tools.

PowerShell code in Lambda console

PowerShell code in Lambda console

This custom runtime returns everything placed on the pipeline as the function output, including the output of Write-Output. This gives you more control over the function output, error messages, and logging. With the previous .NET runtime implementation, your function returns only the last output from the PowerShell pipeline.

Building and packaging the custom runtime

The custom runtime is based on Lambda’s provided.al2 runtime, which runs in an Amazon Linux environment. This includes AWS credentials from an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that you manage. You can build and package the runtime as a Lambda layer, or include it in a container image. When packaging as a layer, you can add it to multiple functions, which can simplify deployment.

The runtime is based on the cross-platform PowerShell Core. This means that you can develop Lambda functions for PowerShell on Windows, Linux, or macOS.

You can build the custom runtime using a number of tools, including the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), AWS Tools for PowerShell, or with infrastructure as code tools such as AWS CloudFormation, AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM), Serverless Framework, and AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK).

Showing the PowerShell custom runtime in action

In the following demo, you learn how to deploy the runtime and explore how it works with a PowerShell function.

The accompanying GitHub repository contains the code for the custom runtime, along with additional installation options and a number of examples.

This demo application uses AWS SAM to deploy the following resources:

  1. PowerShell custom runtime based on provided.al2 as a Lambda layer.
  2. Additional Lambda layer containing the AWS.Tools.Common module from AWS Tools for PowerShell.
  3. Both layers store their Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) as parameters in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store which can be referenced in other templates.
  4. Lambda function with three different handler options.

To build the custom runtime and the AWS Tools for PowerShell layer for this example, AWS SAM uses a Makefile. This downloads the specified version of PowerShell from GitHub and the AWSTools.

Windows does not natively support Makefiles. When using Windows, you can use either Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), Docker Desktop, or native PowerShell.


Clone the repository and change into the example directory

git clone https://github.com/awslabs/aws-lambda-powershell-runtime
cd examples/demo-runtime-layer-function

Use one of the following Build options, A, B, C, depending on your operating system and tools.

A) Build using Linux or WSL

Build the custom runtime, Lambda layer, and function packages using native Linux or WSL.

sam build --parallel
sam build --parallel

sam build –parallel

B) Build using Docker

You can build the custom runtime, Lambda layer, and function packages using Docker. This uses a Linux-based Lambda-like Docker container to build the packages. Use this option for Windows without WSL or as an isolated Mac/Linux build environment.

sam build --parallel --use-container
sam build --parallel --use-container

sam build –parallel –use-container

C) Build using PowerShell for Windows

You can use native PowerShell for Windows to download and extract the custom runtime and Lambda layer files. This performs the same file copy functionality as the Makefile. It adds the files to the source folders rather than a build location for subsequent deployment with AWS SAM. Use this option for Windows without WSL or Docker.

Build layers using PowerShell

Build layers using PowerShell

Test the function locally

Once the build process is complete, you can use AWS SAM to test the function locally.

sam local invoke

This uses a Lambda-like environment to run the function locally and returns the function response, which is the result of Get-AWSRegion.

sam local invoke

sam local invoke

Deploying to the AWS Cloud

Use AWS SAM to deploy the resources to your AWS account. Run a guided deployment to set the default parameters for the first deploy.

sam deploy -g

For subsequent deployments you can use sam deploy.

Enter a Stack Name and accept the remaining initial defaults.

AWS SAM deploy --g

AWS SAM deploy –g

AWS SAM deploys the infrastructure and outputs the details of the resources.

AWS SAM resources

AWS SAM resources

View, edit, and invoke the function in the AWS Management Console

You can view, edit code, and invoke the Lambda function in the Lambda Console.

Navigate to the Functions page and choose the function specified in the sam deploy Outputs.

Using the built-in code editor, you can view the function code.

This function imports the AWS.Tools.Common module during the init process. The function handler runs and returns the output of Get-AWSRegion.

To invoke the function, select the Test button and create a test event. For more information on invoking a function with a test event, see the documentation.

You can see the results in the Execution result pane.

Lambda console test

Lambda console test

You can also view a snippet of the generated Function Logs below the Response. View the full logs in Amazon CloudWatch Logs. You can navigate directly via the Monitor tab.

Invoke the function using the AWS CLI

From a command prompt invoke the function. Amend the --function-name and --region values for your function. This should return "StatusCode": 200 for a successful invoke.

aws lambda invoke --function-name "aws-lambda-powershell-runtime-Function-6W3bn1znmW8G" --region us-east-1 invoke-result

View the function results which are outputted to invoke-result.

cat invoke-result
cat invoke result

cat invoke result

Invoke the function using the AWS Tools for PowerShell

You can invoke the Lambda function using the AWS Tools for PowerShell and capture the response in a variable. The response is available in the Payload property of the $Response object, which can be read using the .NET StreamReader class.

$Response = Invoke-LMFunction -FunctionName aws-lambda-powershell-runtime-PowerShellFunction-HHdKLkXxnkUn -LogType Tail

This outputs the result of AWS-GetRegion.


Use AWS SAM to delete the AWS resources created by this template.

sam delete

PowerShell runtime information


The runtime defines the following variables which are made available to the Lambda function.

  1. $LambdaInput: A PSObject that contains the Lambda function input event data.
  2. $LambdaContext: An object that provides methods and properties with information about the invocation, function, and runtime environment. For more information, see the GitHub repository.

PowerShell module support

You can include additional PowerShell modules either via a Lambda Layer, or within your function code package, or container image. Using Lambda layers provides a convenient way to package and share modules that you can use with your Lambda functions. Layers reduce the size of uploaded deployment archives and make it faster to deploy your code.

The PSModulePath environment variable contains a list of folder locations that are searched to find user-supplied modules. This is configured during the runtime initialization. Folders are specified in the following order:

  1. Modules as part of function package in a /modules subfolder.
  2. Modules as part of Lambda layers in a /modules subfolder.
  3. Modules as part of the PowerShell custom runtime layer in a /modules subfolder.

Lambda handler options

There are three different Lambda handler formats supported with this runtime.


You provide a PowerShell script that is the handler. Lambda runs the entire script on each invoke.


You provide a PowerShell script that includes a PowerShell function name. The PowerShell function name is the handler. The PowerShell runtime dot-sources the specified <script.ps1>. This allows you to run PowerShell code during the function initialization cold start process. Lambda then invokes the PowerShell handler function <function_name>. On subsequent invokes using the same runtime environment, Lambda invokes only the handler function <function_name>.


You provide a PowerShell module. You include a PowerShell function as the handler within the module. Add the PowerShell module using a Lambda Layer or by including the module in the Lambda function code package. The PowerShell runtime imports the specified <module_name>. This allows you to run PowerShell code during the module initialization cold start process. Lambda then invokes the PowerShell handler function <function_name> in a similar way to the <script.ps1>::<function_name> handler method.

Function logging and metrics

Lambda automatically monitors Lambda functions on your behalf and sends function metrics to Amazon CloudWatch. Your Lambda function comes with a CloudWatch Logs log group and a log stream for each instance of your function. The Lambda runtime environment sends details about each invocation to the log stream, and relays logs and other output from your function’s code. For more information, see the documentation.

Output from Write-Host, Write-Verbose, Write-Warning, and Write-Error is written to the function log stream. The output from Write-Output is added to the pipeline, which you can use with your function response.

Error handling

The runtime can terminate your function because it ran out of time, detected a syntax error, or failed to marshal the response object into JSON.

Your function code can throw an exception or return an error object. Lambda writes the error to CloudWatch Logs and, for synchronous invocations, also returns the error in the function response output.

See the documentation on how to view Lambda function invocation errors for the PowerShell runtime using the Lambda console and the AWS CLI.


The PowerShell custom runtime for Lambda makes it even easier to run Lambda functions written in PowerShell.

The custom runtime runs native PowerShell. You can view, and edit your code within the Lambda console. The runtime supports a number of different handler options, and you can include additional PowerShell modules.

See the accompanying GitHub repository which contains the code for the custom runtime, along with installation options and a number of examples. Start running PowerShell on Lambda today.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.


This custom runtime builds on the work of Norm Johanson, Kevin Marquette, Andrew Pearce, Jonathan Nunn, and Afroz Mohammed.

Deploy Quarkus-based applications using AWS Lambda with AWS SAM

Post Syndicated from Joan Bonilla original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/deploy-quarkus-based-applications-using-aws-lambda-with-aws-sam/

­Quarkus offers Java developers the capability of building native images based on GraalVM. A native image is a binary that includes everything: your code, libraries, and a smaller virtual machine (VM). This approach improves the startup time of your AWS Lambda functions, because it is optimized for container-based environments. These use cloud native and serverless architectures with a container-first philosophy.

In this blog post, you learn how to integrate the Quarkus framework with AWS Lambda functions, using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM).

Reduce infrastructure costs and improve latency

When you develop applications with Quarkus and GraalVM with native images, the bootstrap file generated requires more time to compile, but it has a faster runtime. GraalVM is a JIT compiler that generates optimized native machine code that provides different garbage collector implementations, and uses less memory and CPU. This is achieved with a battery of advanced compiler optimizations and aggressive and sophisticated inlining techniques. By using Quarkus, you can also reduce your infrastructure costs because you need less resources.

With Quarkus and AWS SAM features, you can improve the latency performance of your Java-based AWS Lambda functions by reducing the cold-start time. A cold-start is the initialization time that a Lambda function takes before running the actual code. After the function is initialized for the first time, future requests will reuse the same execution environment without incurring the cold-start time, leading to improved performance.

Overview of solution

Figure 1 shows the AWS components and workflow of our solution.

Architecture diagram deploying an AWS SAM template using the Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda services with Amazon CloudWatch metrics

Figure 1. Architecture diagram for Quarkus (AWS Lambda) application

With AWS SAM, you can easily integrate external frameworks by using custom runtimes and configuring properties in the template file and the Makefile.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

Creating a Java-based AWS Lambda function

AWS SAM provides default templates to accelerate the development of new functions. Create a Java-based function by following these steps:

Run the following command in your terminal:

sam init -a x86_64 -r java11 -p Zip -d maven -n java11-mvn-default

These parameters select a x86 architecture, java11 as Java runtime LTS version, Zip as a build artifact, and Maven as the package and dependency tool. It also defines the project name.

Choose the first option to use a template for your base code:

1 – AWS Quick Start Templates

Finally, with the previous selection you have different templates to choose from to create the base structure of your function. In our case, select the first one, which creates an AWS Lambda function calling an external HTTPS endpoint. This will get the IP address and return it with a “Hello World” response to the user in JSON:

1 – Hello World Example

The output will yield the following, shown in Figure 2:

AWS SAM input fields to select the programming language, the build artifact, the project name and the dependency tool for our sample.

Figure 2. AWS SAM configuration input data

Integrating Quarkus framework

Using AWS SAM, you can easily integrate non-AWS custom runtimes in your AWS Lambda functions. With this feature, you can integrate the Quarkus framework. Follow the next four steps:

1. Create a Makefile file

Create a “Makefile” file in the “HelloWorldFunction” directory with this code:

  mvn clean package -Pnative -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true -Dquarkus.native.builder-image=quay.io/quarkus/ubi-quarkus-mandrel:21.3-java11
  @ unzip ./target/function.zip -d $(ARTIFACTS_DIR)

With this snippet, you are configuring AWS SAM to build the bootstrap runtime using Maven instructions for AWS SAM.

Using Quarkus, you can build a Linux executable without having to install GraalVM with the next option:


For more information, you can visit the official site and learn more about building a native image.

2. Configure Maven dependencies

As a Maven project, include the necessary dependencies. Change the pom.xml file in the “HelloWorldFunction” directory to remove the default libraries:


Add the Quarkus libraries, profile, and plugins in the right pom.xml section as shown in the following XML configuration. At the current time, the latest version of Quarkus is 2.7.1.Final. We highly recommend using the latest versions of the libraries and plugins:




3. Configure the template.yaml to use the previous Makefile

To configure the AWS SAM template to use your own Makefile configuration using Quarkus and Maven instructions correctly, edit the template.yaml file to add the following properties:

      BuildMethod: makefile
      Runtime: provided

4. Add a new properties file to enable SSL configuration

Finally, create an application.properties file in the directory: ../HelloWorldFunction/src/main/resources/ with the following property:


This property is needed because the sample function uses a secure connection to https://checkip.amazonaws.com. It will get the response body in the sample you selected previously.

Now you can build and deploy your first Quarkus function with the following AWS SAM commands:

sam build

This will create the Zip artifact using the Maven tool and will build the native image to deploy on AWS Lambda based on your previous Makefile configuration. Finally, run the following AWS SAM command to deploy your function:

sam deploy -–guided

The first time you deploy an AWS SAM application, you can customize some configurations or parameters like the Stack name, the AWS Region, and more (see Figure 3). You can also accept the default one. For more information about AWS SAM deploy options, read the AWS SAM documentation.

AWS SAM input fields to configure the deployment options in our sample.

Figure 3. Lambda deployment configuration input data

This sample configuration enables you to configure the necessary IAM permissions to deploy the AWS SAM resources for this sample. After completing the task, you can see the AWS CloudFormation Stack and resources created by AWS SAM.

You have now created and deployed an HTTPS API Gateway endpoint with a Quarkus application on AWS Lambda that you can test.

Testing your Quarkus function

Finally, test your Quarkus function in the AWS Management Console by selecting the new function in the AWS Lambda functions list. Use the test feature included in the console, as shown in Figure 4:

Test Quarkus execution result succeeded showing the response body returning the IP address.

Figure 4. Lambda execution test example

You will get a response to your Lambda request and a summary. This includes information like duration, or resources needed in your new Quarkus function. For more information about testing applications on AWS SAM, you can read Testing and debugging serverless applications. You can also visit the official site to read more information using AWS SAM with Quarkus.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources created in your AWS Lambda stack. You can delete resources with the following command:

sam delete


In this post, we demonstrated how to integrate Java frameworks like Quarkus on AWS Lambda using custom runtimes with AWS SAM. This enables you to configure custom build configurations or your preferred frameworks. These tools improve the developer experience, standardizing the tool used to develop serverless applications with future requirements, showing a strong flexibility for developers.

The Quarkus native image generated and applied in the AWS Lambda function reduces the heavy Java footprint. You can use your Java skills to develop serverless applications without having to change the programming language. This is a great advantage when cold-starts or compute resources are important for business or technical requirements.

Building a serverless image catalog with AWS Step Functions Workflow Studio

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-a-serverless-image-catalog-with-aws-step-functions-workflow-studio/

This post is written by Pascal Vogel, Associate Solutions Architect, and Benjamin Meyer, Sr. Solutions Architect.

Workflow Studio is a low-code visual workflow designer for AWS Step Functions that enables the orchestration of serverless workflows through a guided interactive interface. With the integration of Step Functions and the AWS SDK, you can now access more than 200 AWS services and over 9,000 API actions in your state machines.

This walkthrough uses Workflow Studio to implement a serverless image cataloging pipeline. It includes content moderation, automated tagging, and parallel image processing. Workflow Studio allows you to set up API integrations to other AWS services quickly with drag and drop actions, without writing custom application code.

Solution overview

Photo sharing websites often allow users to publish user-generated content such as text, images, or videos. Manual content review and categorization can be challenging. This solution enables the automation of these tasks.

Workflow overview

In this workflow:

  1. An image stored in Amazon S3 is checked for inappropriate content using the Amazon Rekognition DetectModerationLabels API.
  2. Based on the result of (1), appropriate images are forwarded to image processing while inappropriate ones trigger an email notification.
  3. Appropriate images undergo two processing steps in parallel: the detection of objects and text in the image via Amazon Rekognition’s DetectLabels and DetectText APIs. The results of both processing steps are saved in an Amazon DynamoDB table.
  4. An inappropriate image triggers an email notification for manual content moderation via the Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS).


To follow this walkthrough, you need:

  1. An AWS account.
  2. An AWS user with AdministratorAccess (see the instructions on the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) console).
  3. AWS CLI using the instructions here.
  4. AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) CLI using the instructions here.

Initial project setup

Get started by cloning the project repository from GitHub:

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-step-functions-image-catalog-blog.git

The cloned repository contains two AWS SAM templates.

  1. The starter directory contains a template. It deploys AWS resources and permissions that you use later for building the image cataloging workflow.
  2. The solution directory contains a template that deploys the finished image cataloging pipeline. Use this template if you want to skip ahead to the finished solution.

Both templates deploy the following resources to your AWS account:

  • An Amazon S3 bucket that holds the image files for the catalog.
  • A DynamoDB table as the data store of the image catalog.
  • An SNS topic and subscription that allow you to send an email notification.
  • A Step Functions state machine that defines the processing steps in the cataloging pipeline.

To follow the walkthrough, deploy the AWS SAM template in the starter directory using the AWS SAM CLI:

cd aws-step-functions-image-catalog-blog/starter
sam build
sam deploy --guided

Configure the AWS SAM deployment as follows. Input your email address for the parameter ModeratorEmailAddress:

Configuring SAM deploy

During deployment, you receive an email asking you to confirm the subscription to notifications generated by the Step Functions workflow. In the email, choose Confirm subscription to receive these notifications.

Subscription message

Confirm successful resource creation by going to the AWS CloudFormation console. Open the serverless-image-catalog-starter stack and choose the Stack info tab:

CloudFormation stack

View the Outputs tab of the CloudFormation stack. You reference these items later in the walkthrough:

Outputs tab

Implementing the image cataloging pipeline

Accessing Step Functions Workflow Studio

To access Step Functions in Workflow Studio:

  1. Access the Step Functions console.
  2. In the list of State machines, select image-catalog-workflow-starter.
  3. Choose the Edit button.
  4. Choose Workflow Studio.

Workflow Studio

Workflow Studio consists of three main areas:

  1. The Canvas lets you modify the state machine graph via drag and drop.
  2. The States Browser lets you browse and search more than 9,000 API Actions from over 200 AWS services.
  3. The Inspector panel lets you configure the properties of state machine states and displays the Step Functions definition in the Amazon States Language (ASL).

For the purpose of this walkthrough, you can delete the Pass state present in the state machine graph. Right click on it and choose Delete state.

Auto-moderating content with Amazon Rekognition and the Choice State

Use Amazon Rekognition’s DetectModerationLabels API to detect inappropriate content in the images processed by the workflow:

  1. In the States browser, search for the DetectModerationLabels API action.
  2. Drag and drop the API action on the state machine graph on the canvas.

Drag and drop

In the Inspector panel, select the Configuration tab and add the following API Parameters:

  "Image": {
    "S3Object": {
      "Bucket.$": "$.bucket",
      "Name.$": "$.key"

Switch to the Output tab and check the box next to Add original input to output using ResultPath. This allows you to pass both the original input and the task’s output on to the next state on the state machine graph.

Input the following ResultPath:


Step Functions enables you to make decisions based on the output of previous task states via the choice state. Use the result of the DetectModerationLabels API action to decide how to proceed with the image:

  1. Access the Flow tab in the States browser. Drag and drop a Choice state to the state machine graph below the DetectModerationLabels API action.
  2. In the States browser, choose Flow.
  3. Select a Choice state and place it after the DetectModerationLabels state on the graph.
  4. Select the added Choice state.
  5. In the Inspector panel, choose Rule #1 and select Edit.
  6. Choose Add conditions.
  7. For Variable, enter $.moderationResult.ModerationLabels[0].
  8. For Operator, choose is present.
  9. Choose Save conditions.
    Conditions for rule #1

If Amazon Rekognition detects inappropriate content, the workflow notifies content moderators to inspect the image manually:

  1. In the States browser, find the SNS Publish API Action.
  2. Drag the Action into the Rule #1 branch of the Choice state.
  3. For API Parameters, select the SNS topic that is visible in the Outputs of the serverless-image-catalog-starter stack in the CloudFormation console.

SNS topic in Workflow Studio

Speeding up image cataloging with the Parallel state

Appropriate images should be processed and included in the image catalog. In this example, processing includes the automated generation of tags based on objects and text identified in the image.

To accelerate this, instruct Step Functions to perform these tasks concurrently via a Parallel state:

  1. In the States browser, select the Flow tab.
  2. Drag and drop a Parallel state onto the Default branch of the previously added Choice state.
  3. Search the Amazon Rekognition DetectLabels API action in the States browser
  4. Drag and drop it inside the parallel state.
  5. Configure the following API parameters:
      "Image": {
        "S3Object": {
          "Bucket.$": "$.bucket",
          "Name.$": "$.key"
  6. Switch to the Output tab and check the box next to Add original input to output using ResultPath. Set the ResultPath to $.output.

Record the results of the Amazon Rekognition DetectLabels API Action to the DynamoDB database:

  1. Place a DynamoDB UpdateItem API Action inside the Parallel state below the Amazon Rekognition DetectLabels API action.
  2. Configure the following API Parameters to save the tags to the DynamoDB table. Input the name of the DynamoDB table visible in the Outputs of the serverless-image-catalog-starter stack in the CloudFormation console:
  "TableName": "<DynamoDB table name>",
  "Key": {
    "Id": {
      "S.$": "$.key"
  "UpdateExpression": "set detectedObjects=:o",
  "ExpressionAttributeValues": {
    ":o": {
      "S.$": "States.JsonToString($.output.Labels)"

This API parameter definition makes use of an intrinsic function to convert the list of objects identified by Amazon Rekognition from JSON to String.

Intrinsic functions

In addition to objects, you also want to identify text in images and store it in the database. To do so:

  1. Drag and drop an Amazon Rekognition DetectText API action into the Parallel state next to the DetectLabels Action.
  2. Configure the API Parameters and ResultPath identical to the DetectLabels API Action.
  3. Place another DynamoDB UpdateItem API Action inside the Parallel state below the Amazon Rekognition DetectText API Action. Set the following API Parameters and input the same DynamoDB table name as before.
  "TableName": "<DynamoDB table name>",
  "Key": {
    "Id": {
      "S.$": "$.key"
  "UpdateExpression": "set detectedText=:t",
  "ExpressionAttributeValues": {
    ":t": {
      "S.$": "States.JsonToString($.output.TextDetections)"

To save the state machine:

  1. Choose Apply and exit.
  2. Choose Save.
  3. Choose Save anyway.

Finishing up and testing the image cataloging workflow

To test the image cataloging workflow, upload an image to the S3 bucket created as part of the initial project setup. Find the name of the bucket in the Outputs of the serverless-image-catalog-starter stack in the CloudFormation console.

  1. Select the image-catalog-workflow-starter state machine in the Step Functions console.
  2. Choose Start execution.
  3. Paste the following test event (use your S3 bucket name):
        "bucket": "<S3-bucket-name>",
        "key": "<Image-name>.jpeg"
  4. Choose Start execution.

Once the execution has started, you can follow the state of the state machine live in the Graph inspector. For an appropriate image, the result will look as follows:

Graph inspector

Next, repeat the test process with an image that Amazon Rekognition classifies as inappropriate. Find out more about inappropriate content categories here. This produces the following result:

Graph inspector

You receive an email notifying you regarding the inappropriate image and its properties.

Cleaning up

To clean up the resources provisioned as part of the solution run the following command in the aws-step-functions-image-catalog-blog/starter directory:

sam delete


This blog post demonstrates how to implement a serverless image cataloging pipeline using Step Functions Workflow Studio. By orchestrating AWS API actions and flow states via drag and drop, you can process user-generated images. This example checks images for appropriateness and generates tags based on their content without custom application code.

You can now expand and improve this workflow by triggering it automatically each time an image is uploaded to the Amazon S3 bucket or by adding a manual approval step for submitted content. To find out more about Workflow Studio, visit the AWS Step Functions Developer Guide.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Building TypeScript projects with AWS SAM CLI

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-typescript-projects-with-aws-sam-cli/

This post written by Dan Fox, Principal Specialist Solutions Architect and Roman Boiko, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect

The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) CLI provides developers with a local tool for managing serverless applications on AWS. This command line tool allows developers to initialize and configure applications, build and test locally, and deploy to the AWS Cloud. Developers can also use AWS SAM from IDEs like Visual Studio Code, JetBrains, or WebStorm. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript and adds static typing, which reduces errors during development and runtime.

On February 22, 2022 we announced the beta of AWS SAM CLI support for TypeScript. These improvements simplify TypeScript application development by allowing you to build and deploy serverless TypeScript projects using AWS SAM CLI commands. To install the latest version of the AWS SAM CLI, refer to the installation section of the AWS SAM page.

In this post, I initialize a TypeScript project using an AWS SAM template. Then I build a TypeScript project using the AWS SAM CLI. Next, I use AWS SAM Accelerate to speed up the development and test iteration cycles for your TypeScript project. Last, I measure the impact of bundling, tree shaking, and minification on deployment package size.

Initializing a TypeScript template

This walkthrough requires:

AWS SAM now provides the capability to create a sample TypeScript project using a template. Since this feature is still in preview, you can enable this by one of the following methods:

  1. Use env variable `SAM_CLI_BETA_ESBUILD=1`
  2. Add the following parameters to your samconfig.toml
    beta_features = true
    beta_features = true
  3. Use the --beta-features option with sam build and sam sync. I use this approach in the following examples.
  4. Choose option ‘y’ when CLI prompts you about using beta features.

To create a new project:

  1. Run – sam init
  2. In the wizard, select the following options:
    1. AWS Quick Start Templates
    2. Hello World Example
    3. nodejs14.x – TypeScript
    4. Zip
    5. Keep the name of the application as sam-app
sam init wizard steps

sam init wizard steps

Open the created project in a text editor. In the root, you see a README.MD file with the project description and a template.yaml. This is the specification that defines the serverless application.

In the hello-world folder is an app.ts file written in TypeScript. This project also includes a unit test in Jest and sample configurations for ESLint, Prettier, and TypeScript compilers.

Project structure

Project structure

Building and deploying a TypeScript project

Previously, to use TypeScript with AWS SAM CLI, you needed custom steps. These transform the TypeScript project into a JavaScript project before running the build.

Today, you can use the sam build command to transpile code from TypeScript to JavaScript. This bundles local dependencies and symlinks, and minifies files to reduce asset size.

AWS SAM uses the popular open source bundler esbuild to perform these tasks. This does not perform type checking but you may use the tsc CLI to perform this task. Once you have built the TypeScript project, use the sam deploy command to deploy to the AWS Cloud.
The following shows how this works.

  1. Navigate to the root of sam-app.
  2. Run sam build. This command uses esbuild to transpile and package app.ts.

    sam build wizard

    sam build wizard

  3. Customize the esbuild properties by editing the Metadata section in the template.yaml file.

    Esbuild configuration

    Esbuild configuration

  4. After a successful build, run sam deploy --guided to deploy the application to your AWS account.
  5. Accept all the default values in the wizard, except this question:
    HelloWorldFunction may not have authorization defined, Is this okay? [y/N]: y

    sam deploy wizard

    sam deploy wizard

  6. After successful deployment, test that the function is working by querying the API Gateway endpoint displayed in the Outputs section.

    sam deploy output

    sam deploy output

Using AWS SAM Accelerate with TypeScript

AWS SAM Accelerate is a set of features that reduces development and test cycle latency by enabling you to test code quickly against AWS services in the cloud. AWS SAM Accelerate released beta support for TypeScript. Use the template from the last example to use SAM Accelerate with TypeScript.

Use AWS SAM Accelerate to build and deploy your code upon changes.

  1. Run sam sync --stack-name sam-app --watch.
  2. Open your browser with the API Gateway endpoint from the Outputs section.
  3. Update the handler function in app.ts file to:
    export const lambdaHandler = async (event: APIGatewayProxyEvent): Promise<APIGatewayProxyResult> => {
        let response: APIGatewayProxyResult;
        try {
            response = {
                statusCode: 200,
                body: JSON.stringify({
                    message: 'hello SAM',
        } catch (err) {
            response = {
                statusCode: 500,
                body: JSON.stringify({
                    message: 'some error happened',
        return response;
  4. Save changes. AWS SAM automatically rebuilds and syncs the application code to the cloud.

    AWS SAM Accelerate output

    AWS SAM Accelerate output

  5. Refresh the browser to see the updated message.

Deployment package size optimizations

One additional benefit of the TypeScript build process is that it reduces your deployment package size through bundling, tree shaking, and minification. The bundling process removes dependency files not referenced in the control flow. Tree shaking is the term used for unused code elimination. It is a compiler optimization that removes unreachable code within files.

Minification reduces file size by removing white space, rewriting syntax to be more compact, and renaming local variables to be shorter. The sam build process performs bundling and tree shaking by default. Configure minification, a feature typically used in production environments, within the Metadata section of the template.yaml file.

Measure the impact of these optimizations by the reduced deployment package size. For example, measure the before and after size of an application, which includes the AWS SDK for JavaScript v3 S3 Client as a dependency.

To begin, change the package.json file to include the @aws-sdk/client-s3 as a dependency:

  1. From the application root, cd into the hello-world directory.
  2. Run the command:
    npm install @aws-sdk/client-s3
  3. Delete all the devDependencies except for esbuild to get a more accurate comparison

    package.json contents

    package.json contents

  4. Run the following command to build your dependency library:
    npm install
  5. From the application root, run the following command to measure the size of the application directory contents:
    du -sh hello-world
    The current application is approximately 50 MB.
  6. Turn on minification by setting the Minify value to true in the template.yaml file

    Metadata section of template.yaml

    Metadata section of template.yaml

  7. Now run the following command to build your project using bundling, tree shaking, and minification.
    sam build
  8. Your deployment package is now built in the .aws_sam directory. You can measure the size of the package with the following command:
    du -sh .aws-sam

The new package size is approximately 2.8 MB. That represents a 94% reduction in uncompressed application size.


This post reviews several new features that can improve the development experience for TypeScript developers. I show how to create a sample TypeScript project using sam init. I build and deploy a TypeScript project using the AWS SAM CLI. I show how to use AWS SAM Accelerate with your TypeScript project. Last, I measure the impact of bundling, tree shaking, and minification on a sample project. We invite the serverless community to help improve AWS SAM. AWS SAM is an open source project and you can contribute to the repository here.

For more serverless content, visit Serverless Land.

Using the circuit breaker pattern with AWS Step Functions and Amazon DynamoDB

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/using-the-circuit-breaker-pattern-with-aws-step-functions-and-amazon-dynamodb/

This post is written by Anitha Deenadayalan, Developer Specialist SA, DevAx

Modern applications use microservices as an architectural and organizational approach to software development, where the application comprises small independent services that communicate over well-defined APIs.

When multiple microservices collaborate to handle requests, one or more services may become unavailable or exhibit a high latency. Microservices communicate through remote procedure calls, and it is always possible that transient errors could occur in the network connectivity, causing failures.

This can cause performance degradation in the entire application during synchronous execution because of the cascading of timeouts or failures causing poor user experience. When complex applications use microservices, an outage in one microservice can lead to application failure. This post shows how to use the circuit breaker design pattern to help with a graceful service degradation.

Introducing circuit breakers

Michael Nygard popularized the circuit breaker pattern in his book, Release It. This design pattern can prevent a caller service from retrying another callee service call that has previously caused repeated timeouts or failures. It can also detect when the callee service is functional again.

Fallacies of distributed computing are a set of assertions made by Peter Deutsch and others at Sun Microsystems. They say the programmers new to distributed applications invariably make false assumptions. The network reliability, zero-latency expectations, and bandwidth limitations result in software applications written with minimal error handling for network errors.

During a network outage, applications may indefinitely wait for a reply and continually consume application resources. Failure to retry the operations when the network becomes available can also lead to application degradation. If API calls to a database or an external service time-out due to network issues, repeated calls with no circuit breaker can affect cost and performance.

The circuit breaker pattern

There is a circuit breaker object that routes the calls from the caller to the callee in the circuit breaker pattern. For example, in an ecommerce application, the order service can call the payment service to collect the payments. When there are no failures, the order service routes all calls to the payment service by the circuit breaker:

Circuit breaker with no failures

Circuit breaker with no failures

If the payment service times out, the circuit breaker can detect the timeout and track the failure. If the timeouts exceed a specified threshold, the application opens the circuit:

Circuit breaker with payment service failure

Circuit breaker with payment service failure

Once the circuit is open, the circuit breaker object does not route the calls to the payment service. It returns an immediate failure when the order service calls the payment service:

Circuit breaker stops routing to payment service

Circuit breaker stops routing to payment service

The circuit breaker object periodically tries to see if the calls to the payment service are successful:

Circuit breaker retries payment service

Circuit breaker retries payment service

When the call to payment service succeeds, the circuit is closed, and all further calls are routed to the payment service again:

Circuit breaker with working payment service again

Circuit breaker with working payment service again

Architecture overview

This example uses the AWS Step Functions, AWS Lambda, and Amazon DynamoDB to implement the circuit breaker pattern:

Circuit breaker architecture

Circuit breaker architecture

The Step Functions workflow provides circuit breaker capabilities. When a service wants to call another service, it starts the workflow with the name of the callee service.

The workflow gets the circuit status from the CircuitStatus DynamoDB table, which stores the currently degraded services. If the CircuitStatus contains a record for the service called, then the circuit is open. The Step Functions workflow returns an immediate failure and exit with a FAIL state.

If the CircuitStatus table does not contain an item for the called service, then the service is operational. The ExecuteLambda step in the state machine definition invokes the Lambda function sent through a parameter value. The Step Functions workflow exits with a SUCCESS state, if the call succeeds.

The items in the DynamoDB table have the following attributes:

DynamoDB items list

DynamoDB items list

If the service call fails or a timeout occurs, the application retries with exponential backoff for a defined number of times. If the service call fails after the retries, the workflow inserts a record in the CircuitStatus table for the service with the CircuitStatus as OPEN, and the workflow exits with a FAIL state. Subsequent calls to the same service return an immediate failure as long as the circuit is open.

I enter the item with an associated time-to-live (TTL) value to ensure eventual connection retries and the item expires at the defined TTL time. DynamoDB’s time to live (TTL) allows you to define a per-item timestamp to determine when an item is no longer needed. Shortly after the date and time of the specified timestamp, DynamoDB deletes the item from your table without consuming write throughput.

For example, if you set the TTL value to 60 seconds to check a service status after a minute, DynamoDB deletes the item from the table after 60 seconds. The workflow invokes the service to check for availability when a new call comes in after the item has expired.

Circuit breaker Step Function

Circuit breaker Step Function


For this walkthrough, you need:

Setting up the environment

Use the .NET Core 3.1 code in the GitHub repository and the AWS SAM template to create the AWS resources for this walkthrough. These include IAM roles, DynamoDB table, the Step Functions workflow, and Lambda functions.

  1. You need an AWS access key ID and secret access key to configure the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). To learn more about configuring the AWS CLI, follow these instructions.
  2. Clone the repo:
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/circuit-breaker-netcore-blog
  3. After cloning, this is the folder structure:

    Project file structure

    Project file structure

Deploy using Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM)

The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) CLI provides developers with a local tool for managing serverless applications on AWS.

  1. The sam build command processes your AWS SAM template file, application code, and applicable language-specific files and dependencies. The command copies build artifacts in the format and location expected for subsequent steps in your workflow. Run these commands to process the template file:
    cd circuit-breaker
    sam build
  2. After you build the application, test using the sam deploy command. AWS SAM deploys the application to AWS and displays the output in the terminal.
    sam deploy --guided

    Output from sam deploy

    Output from sam deploy

  3. You can also view the output in AWS CloudFormation page.

    Output in CloudFormation console

    Output in CloudFormation console

  4. The Step Functions workflow provides the circuit-breaker function. Refer to the circuitbreaker.asl.json file in the statemachine folder for the state machine definition in the Amazon States Language (ASL).

To deploy with the CDK, refer to the GitHub page.

Running the service through the circuit breaker

To provide circuit breaker capabilities to the Lambda microservice, you must send the name or function ARN of the Lambda function to the Step Functions workflow:

  "TargetLambda": "<Name or ARN of the Lambda function>"

Successful run

To simulate a successful run, use the HelloWorld Lambda function provided by passing the name or ARN of the Lambda function the stack has created. Your input appears as follows:

  "TargetLambda": "circuit-breaker-stack-HelloWorldFunction-pP1HNkJGugQz"

During the successful run, the Get Circuit Status step checks the circuit status against the DynamoDB table. Suppose that the circuit is CLOSED, which is indicated by zero records for that service in the DynamoDB table. In that case, the Execute Lambda step runs the Lambda function and exits the workflow successfully.

Step Function with closed circuit

Step Function with closed circuit

Service timeout

To simulate a timeout, use the TestCircuitBreaker Lambda function by passing the name or ARN of the Lambda function the stack has created. Your input appears as:

  "TargetLambda": "circuit-breaker-stack-TestCircuitBreakerFunction-mKeyyJq4BjQ7"

Again, the circuit status is checked against the DynamoDB table by the Get Circuit Status step in the workflow. The circuit is CLOSED during the first pass, and the Execute Lambda step runs the Lambda function and timeout.

The workflow retries based on the retry count and the exponential backoff values, and finally returns a timeout error. It runs the Update Circuit Status step where a record is inserted in the DynamoDB table for that service, with a predefined time-to-live value specified by TTL attribute ExpireTimeStamp.

Step Function with open circuit

Step Function with open circuit

Repeat timeout

As long as there is an item for the service in the DynamoDB table, the circuit breaker workflow returns an immediate failure to the calling service. When you re-execute the call to the Step Functions workflow for the TestCircuitBreaker Lambda function within 20 seconds, the circuit is still open. The workflow immediately fails, ensuring the stability of the overall application performance.

Step Function workflow immediately fails until retry

Step Function workflow immediately fails until retry

The item in the DynamoDB table expires after 20 seconds, and the workflow retries the service again. This time, the workflow retries with exponential backoffs, and if it succeeds, the workflow exits successfully.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring additional charges, clean up all the created resources. Run the following command from a terminal window. This command deletes the created resources that are part of this example.

sam delete --stack-name circuit-breaker-stack --region <region name>


This post showed how to implement the circuit breaker pattern using Step Functions, Lambda, DynamoDB, and .NET Core 3.1. This pattern can help prevent system degradation in service failures or timeouts. Step Functions and the TTL feature of DynamoDB can make it easier to implement the circuit breaker capabilities.

To learn more about developing microservices on AWS, refer to the whitepaper on microservices. To learn more about serverless and AWS SAM, visit the Sessions with SAM series and find more resources at Serverless Land.

Introducing mutual TLS authentication for Amazon MSK as an event source

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-mutual-tls-authentication-for-amazon-msk-as-an-event-source/

This post is written by Uma Ramadoss, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect, Integration.

Today, AWS Lambda is introducing mutual TLS (mTLS) authentication for Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) and self-managed Kafka as an event source.

Many customers use Amazon MSK for streaming data from multiple producers. Multiple subscribers can then consume the streaming data and build data pipelines, analytics, and data integration. To learn more, read Using Amazon MSK as an event source for AWS Lambda.

You can activate any combination of authentication modes (mutual TLS, SASL SCRAM, or IAM access control) on new or existing clusters. This is useful if you are migrating to a new authentication mode or must run multiple authentication modes simultaneously. Lambda natively supports consuming messages from both self-managed Kafka and Amazon MSK through event source mapping.

By default, the TLS protocol only requires a server to authenticate itself to the client. The authentication of the client to the server is managed by the application layer. The TLS protocol also offers the ability for the server to request that the client send an X.509 certificate to prove its identity. This is called mutual TLS as both parties are authenticated via certificates with TLS.

Mutual TLS is a commonly used authentication mechanism for business-to-business (B2B) applications. It’s used in standards such as Open Banking, which enables secure open API integrations for financial institutions. It is one of the popular authentication mechanisms for customers using Kafka.

To use mutual TLS authentication for your Kafka-triggered Lambda functions, you provide a signed client certificate, the private key for the certificate, and an optional password if the private key is encrypted. This establishes a trust relationship between Lambda and Amazon MSK or self-managed Kafka. Lambda supports self-signed server certificates or server certificates signed by a private certificate authority (CA) for self-managed Kafka. Lambda trusts the Amazon MSK certificate by default as the certificates are signed by Amazon Trust Services CAs.

This blog post explains how to set up a Lambda function to process messages from an Amazon MSK cluster using mutual TLS authentication.


Using Amazon MSK as an event source operates in a similar way to using Amazon SQS or Amazon Kinesis. You create an event source mapping by attaching Amazon MSK as event source to your Lambda function.

The Lambda service internally polls for new records from the event source, reading the messages from one or more partitions in batches. It then synchronously invokes your Lambda function, sending each batch as an event payload. Lambda continues to process batches until there are no more messages in the topic.

The Lambda function’s event payload contains an array of records. Each array item contains details of the topic and Kafka partition identifier, together with a timestamp and base64 encoded message.

Kafka event payload

Kafka event payload

You store the signed client certificate, the private key for the certificate, and an optional password if the private key is encrypted in the AWS Secrets Manager as a secret. You provide the secret in the Lambda event source mapping.

The steps for using mutual TLS authentication for Amazon MSK as event source for Lambda are:

  1. Create a private certificate authority (CA) using AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Private Certificate Authority (PCA).
  2. Create a client certificate and private key. Store them as secret in AWS Secrets Manager.
  3. Create an Amazon MSK cluster and a consuming Lambda function using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM).
  4. Attach the event source mapping.

This blog walks through these steps in detail.


1. Creating a private CA.

To use mutual TLS client authentication with Amazon MSK, create a root CA using AWS ACM Private Certificate Authority (PCA). We recommend using independent ACM PCAs for each MSK cluster when you use mutual TLS to control access. This ensures that TLS certificates signed by PCAs only authenticate with a single MSK cluster.

  1. From the AWS Certificate Manager console, choose Create a Private CA.
  2. In the Select CA type panel, select Root CA and choose Next.
  3. Select Root CA

    Select Root CA

  4. In the Configure CA subject name panel, provide your certificate details, and choose Next.
  5. Provide your certificate details

    Provide your certificate details

  6. From the Configure CA key algorithm panel, choose the key algorithm for your CA and choose Next.
  7. Configure CA key algorithm

    Configure CA key algorithm

  8. From the Configure revocation panel, choose any optional certificate revocation options you require and choose Next.
  9. Configure revocation

    Configure revocation

  10. Continue through the screens to add any tags required, allow ACM to renew certificates, review your options, and confirm pricing. Choose Confirm and create.
  11. Once the CA is created, choose Install CA certificate to activate your CA. Configure the validity of the certificate and the signature algorithm and choose Next.
  12. Configure certificate

    Configure certificate

  13. Review the certificate details and choose Confirm and install. Note down the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the private CA for the next section.
  14. Review certificate details

    Review certificate details

2. Creating a client certificate.

You generate a client certificate using the root certificate you previously created, which is used to authenticate the client with the Amazon MSK cluster using mutual TLS. You provide this client certificate and the private key as AWS Secrets Manager secrets to the AWS Lambda event source mapping.

  1. On your local machine, run the following command to create a private key and certificate signing request using OpenSSL. Enter your certificate details. This creates a private key file and a certificate signing request file in the current directory.
  2. openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -keyout key.pem -out client_cert.csr -nodes
    OpenSSL create a private key and certificate signing request

    OpenSSL create a private key and certificate signing request

  3. Use the AWS CLI to sign your certificate request with the private CA previously created. Replace Private-CA-ARN with the ARN of your private CA. The certificate validity value is set to 300, change this if necessary. Save the certificate ARN provided in the response.
  4. aws acm-pca issue-certificate --certificate-authority-arn Private-CA-ARN --csr fileb://client_cert.csr --signing-algorithm "SHA256WITHRSA" --validity Value=300,Type="DAYS"
  5. Retrieve the certificate that ACM signed for you. Replace the Private-CA-ARN and Certificate-ARN with the ARN you obtained from the previous commands. This creates a signed certificate file called client_cert.pem.
  6. aws acm-pca get-certificate --certificate-authority-arn Private-CA-ARN --certificate-arn Certificate-ARN | jq -r '.Certificate + "\n" + .CertificateChain' >> client_cert.pem
  7. Create a new file called secret.json with the following structure
  8. {
  9. Copy the contents of the client_cert.pem in certificate and the content of key.pem in privatekey. Ensure that there are no extra spaces added. The file structure looks like this:
  10. Certificate file structure

    Certificate file structure

  11. Create the secret and save the ARN for the next section.
aws secretsmanager create-secret --name msk/mtls/lambda/clientcert --secret-string file://secret.json

3. Setting up an Amazon MSK cluster with AWS Lambda as a consumer.

Amazon MSK is a highly available service, so it must be configured to run in a minimum of two Availability Zones in your preferred Region. To comply with security best practice, the brokers are usually configured in private subnets in each Region.

You can use AWS CLI, AWS Management Console, AWS SDK and AWS CloudFormation to create the cluster and the Lambda functions. This blog uses AWS SAM to create the infrastructure and the associated code is available in the GitHub repository.

The AWS SAM template creates the following resources:

  1. Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
  2. Amazon MSK cluster with mutual TLS authentication.
  3. Lambda function for consuming the records from the Amazon MSK cluster.
  4. IAM roles.
  5. Lambda function for testing the Amazon MSK integration by publishing messages to the topic.

The VPC has public and private subnets in two Availability Zones with the private subnets configured to use a NAT Gateway. You can also set up VPC endpoints with PrivateLink to allow the Amazon MSK cluster to communicate with Lambda. To learn more about different configurations, see this blog post.

The Lambda function requires permission to describe VPCs and security groups, and manage elastic network interfaces to access the Amazon MSK data stream. The Lambda function also needs two Kafka permissions: kafka:DescribeCluster and kafka:GetBootstrapBrokers. The policy template AWSLambdaMSKExecutionRole includes these permissions. The Lambda function also requires permission to get the secret value from AWS Secrets Manager for the secret you configure in the event source mapping.

    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
        Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Effect: Allow
              Service: lambda.amazonaws.com
            Action: sts:AssumeRole
        - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaMSKExecutionRole
        - PolicyName: SecretAccess
            Version: "2012-10-17"
              - Effect: Allow
                Action: "SecretsManager:GetSecretValue"
                Resource: "*"

This release adds two new SourceAccessConfiguration types to the Lambda event source mapping:

1. CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_TLS_AUTH – (Amazon MSK, Self-managed Apache Kafka) The Secrets Manager ARN of your secret key containing the certificate chain (PEM), private key (PKCS#8 PEM), and private key password (optional) used for mutual TLS authentication of your Amazon MSK/Apache Kafka brokers. A private key password is required if the private key is encrypted.

2. SERVER_ROOT_CA_CERTIFICATE – This is only for self-managed Apache Kafka. This contains the Secrets Manager ARN of your secret containing the root CA certificate used by your Apache Kafka brokers in PEM format. This is not applicable for Amazon MSK as Amazon MSK brokers use public AWS Certificate Manager certificates which are trusted by AWS Lambda by default.

Deploying the resources:

To deploy the example application:

  1. Clone the GitHub repository
  2. git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-lambda-msk-mtls-integration.git
  3. Navigate to the aws-lambda-msk-mtls-integration directory. Copy the client certificate file and the private key file to the producer lambda function code.
  4. cd aws-lambda-msk-mtls-integration
    cp ../client_cert.pem code/producer/client_cert.pem
    cp ../key.pem code/producer/client_key.pem
  5. Navigate to the code directory and build the application artifacts using the AWS SAM build command.
  6. cd code
    sam build
  7. Run sam deploy to deploy the infrastructure. Provide the Stack Name, AWS Region, ARN of the private CA created in section 1. Provide additional information as required in the sam deploy and deploy the stack.
  8. sam deploy -g
    Running sam deploy -g

    Running sam deploy -g

    The stack deployment takes about 30 minutes to complete. Once complete, note the output values.

  9. Create the event source mapping for the Lambda function. Replace the CONSUMER_FUNCTION_NAME and MSK_CLUSTER_ARN from the output of the stack created by the AWS SAM template. Replace SECRET_ARN with the ARN of the AWS Secrets Manager secret created previously.
  10. aws lambda create-event-source-mapping --function-name CONSUMER_FUNCTION_NAME --batch-size 10 --starting-position TRIM_HORIZON --topics exampleTopic --event-source-arn MSK_CLUSTER_ARN --source-access-configurations '[{"Type": "CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_TLS_AUTH","URI": "SECRET_ARN"}]'
  11. Navigate one directory level up and configure the producer function with the Amazon MSK broker details. Replace the PRODUCER_FUNCTION_NAME and MSK_CLUSTER_ARN from the output of the stack created by the AWS SAM template.
  12. cd ../
  13. Verify that the event source mapping state is enabled before moving on to the next step. Replace UUID from the output of step 5.
  14. aws lambda get-event-source-mapping --uuid UUID
  15. Publish messages using the producer. Replace PRODUCER_FUNCTION_NAME from the output of the stack created by the AWS SAM template. The following command creates a Kafka topic called exampleTopic and publish 100 messages to the topic.
  16. ./produce.sh PRODUCER_FUNCTION_NAME exampleTopic 100
  17. Verify that the consumer Lambda function receives and processes the messages by checking in Amazon CloudWatch log groups. Navigate to the log group by searching for aws/lambda/{stackname}-MSKConsumerLambda in the search bar.
Consumer function log stream

Consumer function log stream


Lambda now supports mutual TLS authentication for Amazon MSK and self-managed Kafka as an event source. You now have the option to provide a client certificate to establish a trust relationship between Lambda and MSK or self-managed Kafka brokers. It supports configuration via the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, AWS SDK, and AWS CloudFormation.

To learn more about how to use mutual TLS Authentication for your Kafka triggered AWS Lambda function, visit AWS Lambda with self-managed Apache Kafka and Using AWS Lambda with Amazon MSK.

Modernizing deployments with container images in AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/modernizing-deployments-with-container-images-in-aws-lambda/

This post is written by Joseph Keating, AWS Modernization Architect, and Virginia Chu, Sr. DevSecOps Architect.

Container image support for AWS Lambda enables developers to package function code and dependencies using familiar patterns and tools. With this pattern, developers use standard tools like Docker to package their functions as container images and deploy them to Lambda.

In a typical deployment process for image-based Lambda functions, the container and Lambda function are created or updated in the same process. However, some use cases require developers to create the image first, and then update one or more Lambda functions from that image. In these situations, organizations may mandate that infrastructure components such as Amazon S3 and Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) are centralized and deployed separately from their application deployment pipelines.

This post demonstrates how to use AWS continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) services and Docker to separate the container build process from the application deployment process.


There is a sample application that creates two pipelines to deploy a Java application. The first pipeline uses Docker to build and deploy the container image to the Amazon ECR. The second pipeline uses AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to deploy a Lambda function based on the container from the first process.

This shows how to build, manage, and deploy Lambda container images automatically with infrastructure as code (IaC). It also covers automatically updating or creating Lambda functions based on a container image version.

Example architecture

Example architecture

The example application uses AWS CloudFormation to configure the AWS Lambda container pipelines. Both pipelines use AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CodeCommit. The lambda-container-image-deployment-pipeline builds and deploys a container image to ECR. The sam-deployment-pipeline updates or deploys a Lambda function based on the new container image.

The pipeline deploys the sample application:

  1. The developer pushes code to the main branch.
  2. An update to the main branch invokes the pipeline.
  3. The pipeline clones the CodeCommit repository.
  4. Docker builds the container image and assigns tags.
  5. Docker pushes the image to ECR.
  6. The lambda-container-image-pipeline completion triggers an Amazon EventBridge event.
  7. The pipeline clones the CodeCommit repository.
  8. AWS SAM builds the Lambda-based container image application.
  9. AWS SAM deploys the application to AWS Lambda.


To provision the pipeline deployment, you must have the following prerequisites:

Infrastructure configuration

The pipeline relies on infrastructure elements like AWS Identity and Access Management roles, S3 buckets, and an ECR repository. Due to security and governance considerations, many organizations prefer to keep these infrastructure components separate from their application deployments.

To start, deploy the core infrastructure components using CloudFormation and the AWS CLI:

  1. Create a local directory called BlogDemoRepo and clone the source code repository found in the following location:
    mkdir -p $HOME/BlogDemoRepo
    cd $HOME/BlogDemoRepo
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/modernize-deployments-with-container-images-in-lambda
  2. Change directory into the cloned repository:
    cd modernize-deployments-with-container-images-in-lambda/
  3. Deploy the s3-iam-config CloudFormation template, keeping the following CloudFormation template names:
    aws cloudformation create-stack \
      --stack-name s3-iam-config \
      --template-body file://templates/s3-iam-config.yml \
      --parameters file://parameters/s3-iam-config-params.json \
      --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

    The output should look like the following:

    Output example for stack creation

    Output example for stack creation

Application overview

The application uses Docker to build the container image and an ECR repository to store the container image. AWS SAM deploys the Lambda function based on the new container.

The example application in this post uses a Java-based container image using Amazon Corretto. Amazon Corretto is a no-cost, multi-platform, production-ready Open Java Development Kit (OpenJDK).

The Lambda container-image base includes the Amazon Linux operating system, and a set of base dependencies. The image also consists of the Lambda Runtime Interface Client (RIC) that allows your runtime to send and receive to the Lambda service. Take some time to review the Dockerfile and how it configures the Java application.

Configure the repository

The CodeCommit repository contains all of the configurations the pipelines use to deploy the application. To configure the CodeCommit repository:

  1. Get metadata about the CodeCommit repository created in a previous step. Run the following command from the BlogDemoRepo directory created in a previous step:
    aws codecommit get-repository \
      --repository-name DemoRepo \
      --query repositoryMetadata.cloneUrlHttp \
      --output text

    The output should look like the following:

    Output example for get repository

    Output example for get repository

  2. In your terminal, paste the Git URL from the previous step and clone the repository:
    git clone <insert_url_from_step_1_output>

    You receive a warning because the repository is empty.

    Empty repository warning

    Empty repository warning

  3. Create the main branch:
    cd DemoRepo
    git checkout -b main
  4. Copy all of the code from the cloned GitHub repository to the CodeCommit repository:
    cp -r ../modernize-deployments-with-container-images-in-lambda/* .
  5. Commit and push the changes:
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial commit"
    git push -u origin main

Pipeline configuration

This example deploys two separate pipelines. The first is called the modernize-deployments-with-container-images-in-lambda, which consists of building and deploying a container-image to ECR using Docker and the AWS CLI. An EventBridge event starts the pipeline when the CodeCommit branch is updated.

The second pipeline, sam-deployment-pipeline, is where the container image built from lambda-container-image-deployment-pipeline is deployed to a Lambda function using AWS SAM. This pipeline is also triggered using an Amazon EventBridge event. Successful completion of the lambda-container-image-deployment-pipeline invokes this second pipeline through Amazon EventBridge.

Both pipelines consist of AWS CodeBuild jobs configured with a buildspec file. The buildspec file enables developers to run bash commands and scripts to build and deploy applications.

Deploy the pipeline

You now configure and deploy the pipelines and test the configured application in the AWS Management Console.

  1. Change directory back to modernize-serverless-deployments-leveraging-lambda-container-images directory and deploy the lambda-container-pipeline CloudFormation Template:
    cd $HOME/BlogDemoRepo/modernize-deployments-with-container-images-in-lambda/
    aws cloudformation create-stack \
      --stack-name lambda-container-pipeline \
      --template-body file://templates/lambda-container-pipeline.yml \
      --parameters file://parameters/lambda-container-params.json  \
      --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
      --region us-east-1

    The output appears:

    Output example for stack creation

    Output example for stack creation

  2. Wait for the lambda-container-pipeline stack from the previous step to complete and deploy the sam-deployment-pipeline CloudFormation template:
    aws cloudformation create-stack \
      --stack-name sam-deployment-pipeline \
      --template-body file://templates/sam-deployment-pipeline.yml \
      --parameters file://parameters/sam-deployment-params.json  \
      --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
      --region us-east-1

    The output appears:

    Output example of stack creation

    Output example of stack creation

  3. In the console, select CodePipelinepipelines:

  4. Wait for the status of both pipelines to show Succeeded:
  5. Navigate to the ECR console and choose demo-java. This shows that the pipeline is built and the image is deployed to ECR.
  6. Navigate to the Lambda console and choose the MyCustomLambdaContainer function.
  7. The Image configuration panel shows that the function is configured to use the image created earlier.
  8. To test the function, choose Test.
  9. Keep the default settings and choose Test.

This completes the walkthrough. To further test the workflow, modify the Java application and commit and push your changes to the main branch. You can then review the updated resources you have deployed.


This post shows how to use AWS services to automate the creation of Lambda container images. Using CodePipeline, you create a CI/CD pipeline for updates and deployments of Lambda container-images. You then test the Lambda container-image in the AWS Management Console.

For more serverless content visit Serverless Land.

Introducing cross-account Amazon ECR access for AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-cross-account-amazon-ecr-access-for-aws-lambda/

This post is written by Brian Zambrano, Enterprise Solutions Architect and Indranil Banerjee, Senior Solution Architect.

In December 2020, AWS announced support for packaging AWS Lambda functions using container images. Customers use the container image packaging format for workloads like machine learning inference made possible by the 10 GB container size increase and familiar container tooling.

Many customers use multiple AWS accounts for application development but centralize Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) images to a single account. Until today, a Lambda function had to reside in the same AWS account as the ECR repository that owned the container image. Cross-account ECR access with AWS Lambda functions has been one of the most requested features since launch.

From today, you can now deploy Lambda functions that reference container images from an ECR repository in a different account within the same AWS Region.


The example demonstrates how to use the cross-account capability using two AWS example accounts:

  1. ECR repository owner: Account ID 111111111111
  2. Lambda function owner: Account ID 222222222222

The high-level process consists of the following steps:

  1. Create an ECR repository using Account 111111111111 that grants Account 222222222222 appropriate permissions to use the image
  2. Build a Lambda-compatible container image and push it to the ECR repository
  3. Deploy a Lambda function in account 222222222222 and reference the container image in the ECR repository from account 111111111111

This example uses the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to create the ECR repository and its repository permissions policy. AWS SAM provides an easier way to manage AWS resources with CloudFormation.

To build the container image and upload it to ECR, use Docker and the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI). To build and deploy a new Lambda function that references the ECR image, use AWS SAM. Find the example code for this project in the GitHub repository.

Create an ECR repository with a cross-account access policy

Using AWS SAM, I create a new ECR repository named cross-account-function in the us-east-1 Region with account 111111111111. In the template.yaml file, RepositoryPolicyText defines the permissions for the ECR Repository. This template grants account 222222222222 access so that a Lambda function in that account can reference images in the ECR repository:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: SAM Template for cross-account-function ECR Repo

    Type: AWS::ECR::Repository
      RepositoryName: cross-account-function
        Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Sid: CrossAccountPermission
            Effect: Allow
              - ecr:BatchGetImage
              - ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer
                - arn:aws:iam::222222222222:root
          - Sid: LambdaECRImageCrossAccountRetrievalPolicy
            Effect: Allow
              - ecr:BatchGetImage
              - ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer
              Service: lambda.amazonaws.com
                  - arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:222222222222:function:*

    Description: "ECR RepositoryUri which may be referenced by Lambda functions"
    Value: !GetAtt HelloWorldRepo.RepositoryUri

The RepositoryPolicyText has two statements that are required for Lambda functions to work as expected:

  1. CrossAccountPermission – Allows account 222222222222 to create and update Lambda functions that reference this ECR repository
  2. LambdaECRImageCrossAccountRetrievalPolicy – Lambda eventually marks a function as INACTIVE when not invoked for an extended period. This statement is necessary so that Lambda service in account 222222222222 can pull the image again for optimization and caching.

To deploy this stack, run the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/lambda-cross-account-ecr.git
cd sam-ecr-repo
sam build
AWS SAM build results

AWS SAM build results

sam deploy --guided
SAM deploy results

AWS SAM deploy results

Once AWS SAM deploys the stack, a new ECR repository named cross-account-function exists. The repository has a permissions policy that allows Lambda functions in account 222222222222 to access the container images. You can verify this in the ECR console for this repository:

Permissions displayed in the console

Permissions displayed in the console

You can also extend this policy to enable multiple accounts by adding additional account IDs to the Principal and Condition evaluations lists in the CrossAccountPermission and LambdaECRImageCrossAccountRetrievalPolicy permissions policy. Narrowing the ECR permission policy is a best practice. With this launch, if you are working with multiple accounts in an AWS Organization we recommend enumerating your account IDs in the ECR permissions policy.

Amazon ECR repository policies use a subset of IAM policies to control access to individual ECR repositories. Refer to the ECR repository policies documentation to learn more.

Build a Lambda-compatible container image

Next, you build a container image using Docker and the AWS CLI. For this step, you need Docker, a Dockerfile, and Python code that responds to Lambda invocations.

  1. Use the AWS-maintained Python 3.9 container image as the basis for the Dockerfile:
    FROM public.ecr.aws/lambda/python:3.9
    CMD ["app.handler"]

    The code for this example, in app.py, is a Hello World application.

    import json
    def handler(event, context):
        return {
            "statusCode": 200,
            "body": json.dumps({"message": "hello world!"}),
  2. To build and tag the image and push it to ECR using the same name as the repository (cross-account-function) for the image name and 01 as the tag, run:
    $ docker build -t cross-account-function:01 .

    Docker build results

    Docker build results

  3. Tag the image for upload to the ECR. The command parameters vary depending on the account id and Region. If you’re unfamiliar with the tagging steps for ECR, view the exact commands for your repository using the View push commands button from the ECR repository console page:
    $ docker tag cross-account-function:01 111111111111.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/cross-account-function:01
  4. Log in to ECR and push the image:
    $ aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin 111111111111.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    $ docker push 111111111111.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/cross-account-function:01

    Docker push results

    Docker push results

Deploying a Lambda Function

The last step is to build and deploy a new Lambda function in account 222222222222. The AWS SAM template below, saved to a file named template.yaml, references the ECR image for the Lambda function’s ImageUri. This template also instructs AWS SAM to create an Amazon API Gateway REST endpoint integrating the Lambda function.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: Sample SAM Template for sam-ecr-cross-account-demo

    Timeout: 3
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      PackageType: Image
      ImageUri: 111111111111.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/cross-account-function:01
        - x86_64
          Type: Api
            Path: /hello
            Method: get

    Description: "API Gateway endpoint URL for Prod stage for Hello World function"
    Value: !Sub "https://${ServerlessRestApi}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}.amazonaws.com/Prod/hello/"

Use AWS SAM to deploy this template:

cd ../sam-cross-account-lambda
sam build
AWS SAM build results

AWS SAM build results

sam deploy --guided
SAM deploy results

SAM deploy results

Now that the Lambda function is deployed, test using the API Gateway endpoint that AWS SAM created:

Testing the endpoint

Testing the endpoint

Because it references a container image with the ImageUri parameter in the AWS SAM template, subsequent deployments must use the –resolve-image-repos parameter:

sam deploy --resolve-image-repos


This post demonstrates how to create a Lambda-compatible container image in one account and reference it from a Lambda function in another account. It shows an example of an ECR policy to enable cross-account functionality. It also shows how to use AWS SAM to deploy container-based functions using the ImageUri parameter.

To learn more about serverless and AWS SAM, visit the Sessions with SAM series and find more resources at Serverless Land.


Accelerating serverless development with AWS SAM Accelerate

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/accelerating-serverless-development-with-aws-sam-accelerate/

Building a serverless application changes the way developers think about testing their code. Previously, developers would emulate the complete infrastructure locally and only commit code ready for testing. However, with serverless, local emulation can be more complex.

In this post, I show you how to bypass most local emulation by testing serverless applications in the cloud against production services using AWS SAM Accelerate. AWS SAM Accelerate aims to increase infrastructure accuracy for testing with sam sync, incremental builds, and aggregated feedback for developers. AWS SAM Accelerate brings the developer to the cloud and not the cloud to the developer.

AWS SAM Accelerate

The AWS SAM team has listened to developers wanting a better way to emulate the cloud on their local machine and we believe that testing against the cloud is the best path forward. With that in mind, I am happy to announce the beta release of AWS SAM Accelerate!

Previously, the latency of deploying after each change has caused developers to seek other options. AWS SAM Accelerate is a set of features to reduce that latency and enable developers to test their code quickly against production AWS services in the cloud.

To demonstrate the different options, this post uses an example application called “Blog”. To follow along, create your version of the application by downloading the demo project. Note, you need the latest version of AWS SAM and Python 3.9 installed. AWS SAM Accelerate works with other runtimes, but this example uses Python 3.9.

After installing the pre-requisites, set up the demo project with the following commands:

  1. Create a folder for the project called blog
    mkdir blog && cd blog
  2. Initialize a new AWS SAM project:
    sam init
  3. Chose option 2 for Custom Template Location.
  4. Enter https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-sam-accelerate-demo as the location.

AWS SAM downloads the sample project into the current folder. With the blog application in place, you can now try out AWS SAM Accelerate.

AWS SAM sync

The first feature of AWS SAM Accelerate is a new command called sam sync. This command synchronizes your project declared in an AWS SAM template to the AWS Cloud. However, sam sync differentiates between code and configuration.

AWS SAM defines code as the following:

Anything else is considered configuration. The following description of the sam sync options explains how sam sync differentiates between configuration synchronization and code synchronization. The resulting patterns are the fastest way to test code in the cloud with AWS SAM.

Using sam sync (no options)

The sam sync command with no options deploys or updates all infrastructure and code like the sam deploy command. However, unlike sam deploy, sam sync bypasses the AWS CloudFormation changeset process. To see this, run:

sam sync --stack-name blog
AWS SAM sync with no options

AWS SAM sync with no options

First, sam sync builds the code using the sam build command and then the application is synchronized to the cloud.

Successful sync

Successful sync

Using SAM sync code, resource, resource-id flags

The sam sync command can also synchronize code changes to the cloud without updating the infrastructure. This code synchronization uses the service APIs and bypasses CloudFormation, allowing AWS SAM to update the code in seconds instead of minutes.

To synchronize code, use the --code flag, which instructs AWS SAM to sync all the code resources in the stack:

sam sync --stack-name blog --code
AWS SAM sync --code

AWS SAM sync with the code flag

The sam sync command verifies each of the code types present and synchronizes the sources to the cloud. This example uses an API Gateway REST API and two Lambda functions. AWS SAM skips the REST API because there is no external OpenAPI file for this project. However, the Lambda functions and their dependencies are synchronized.

You can limit the synchronized resources by using the --resource flag with the --code flag:

sam sync --stack-name blog --code --resource AWS::Serverless::Function
SAM sync specific resource types

SAM sync specific resource types

This command limits the synchronization to Lambda functions. Other available resources are AWS::Serverless::Api, AWS::Serverless::HttpApi, and AWS::Serverless::StateMachine.

You can target one specific resource with the --resource-id flag to get more granular:

sam sync --stack-name blog --code --resource-id HelloWorldFunction
SAM sync specific resource

SAM sync specific resource

This time sam sync ignores the GreetingFunction and only updates the HelloWorldFunction declared with the command’s --resource-id flag.

Using the SAM sync watch flag

The sam sync --watch option tells AWS SAM to monitor for file changes and automatically synchronize when changes are detected. If the changes include configuration changes, AWS SAM performs a standard synchronization equivalent to the sam sync command. If the changes are code only, then AWS SAM synchronizes the code with the equivalent of the sam sync --code command.

The first time you run the sam sync command with the --watch flag, AWS SAM ensures that the latest code and infrastructure are in the cloud. It then monitors for file changes until you quit the command:

sam sync --stack-name blog --watch
Initial sync

Initial sync

To see a change, modify the code in the HelloWorldFunction (hello_world/app.py) by updating the response to the following:

return {
  "statusCode": 200,
  "body": json.dumps({
    "message": "hello world, how are you",
    # "location": ip.text.replace("\n", "")

Once you save the file, sam sync detects the change and syncs the code for the HelloWorldFunction to the cloud.

AWS SAM detects changes

AWS SAM detects changes

Auto dependency layer nested stack

During the initial sync, there is a logical resource name called AwsSamAutoDependencyLayerNestedStack. This feature helps to synchronize code more efficiently.

When working with Lambda functions, developers manage the code for the Lambda function and any dependencies required for the Lambda function. Before AWS SAM Accelerate, if a developer does not create a Lambda layer for dependencies, then the dependencies are re-uploaded with the function code on every update. However, with sam sync, the dependencies are automatically moved to a temporary layer to reduce latency.

Auto dependency layer in change set

Auto dependency layer in change set

During the first synchronization, sam sync creates a single nested stack that maintains a Lambda layer for each Lambda function in the stack.

Auto dependency layer in console

Auto dependency layer in console

These layers are only updated when the dependencies for one of the Lambda functions are updated. To demonstrate, change the requirements.txt (greeting/requirements.txt) file for the GreetingFunction to the following:


AWS SAM detects the change, and the GreetingFunction and its temporary layer are updated:

Auto layer synchronized

Auto dependency layer synchronized

The Lambda function changes because the Lambda layer version must be updated.

Incremental builds with sam build

The second feature of AWS SAM Accelerate is an update to the SAM build command. This change separates the cache for dependencies from the cache for the code. The build command now evaluates these separately and only builds artifacts that have changed.

To try this out, build the project with the cached flag:

sam build --cached
The first build establishes cache

The first build establishes cache

The first build recognizes that there is no cache and downloads the dependencies and builds the code. However, when you rerun the command:

The second build uses existing cached artifacts

The second build uses existing cached artifacts

The sam build command verifies that the dependencies have not changed. There is no need to download them again so it builds only the application code.

Finally, update the requirements file for the HelloWorldFunction (hello_w0rld/requirements.txt) to:


Now rerun the build command:

AWS SAM build detects dependency changes

AWS SAM build detects dependency changes

The sam build command detects a change in the dependency requirements and rebuilds the dependencies and the code.

Aggregated feedback for developers

The final part of AWS SAM Accelerate’s beta feature set is aggregating logs for developer feedback. This feature is an enhancement to the already existing sam logs command. In addition to pulling Amazon CloudWatch Logs or the Lambda function, it is now possible to retrieve logs for API Gateway and traces from AWS X-Ray.

To test this, start the sam logs:

sam logs --stack-name blog --include-traces --tail

Invoke the HelloWorldApi endpoint returned in the outputs on syncing:

curl https://112233445566.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/Prod/hello

The sam logs command returns logs for the AWS Lambda function, Amazon API Gateway REST execution logs, and AWS X-Ray traces.

AWS Lambda logs from Amazon CloudWatch

AWS Lambda logs from Amazon CloudWatch

Amazon API Gateway execution logs from Amazon CloudWatch

Amazon API Gateway execution logs from Amazon CloudWatch

Traces from AWS X-Ray

Traces from AWS X-Ray

The full picture

Development diagram for AWS SAM Accelerate

Development diagram for AWS SAM Accelerate

With AWS SAM Accelerate, creating and testing an application is easier and faster. To get started:

  1. Start a new project:
    sam init
  2. Synchronize the initial project with a development environment:
    sam sync --stack-name <project name> --watch
  3. Start monitoring for logs:
    sam logs --stack-name <project name> --include-traces --tail
  4. Test using response data or logs.
  5. Iterate.
  6. Rinse and repeat!

Some caveats

AWS SAM Accelerate is in beta as of today. The team has worked hard to implement a solid minimum viable product (MVP) to get feedback from our community. However, there are a few caveats.

  1. Amazon State Language (ASL) code updates for Step Functions does not currently support DefinitionSubstitutions.
  2. API Gateway OpenAPI template must be defined in the DefiitionUri parameter and does not currently support pseudo parameters and intrinsic functions at this time
  3. The sam logs command only supports execution logs on REST APIs and access logs on HTTP APIs.
  4. Function code cannot be inline and must be defined as a separate file in the CodeUri parameter.


When testing serverless applications, developers must get to the cloud as soon as possible. AWS SAM Accelerate helps developers escape from emulating the cloud locally and move to the fidelity of testing in the cloud.

In this post, I walk through the philosophy of why the AWS SAM team built AWS SAM Accelerate. I provide an example application and demonstrate the different features designed to remove barriers from testing in the cloud.

We invite the serverless community to help improve AWS SAM for building serverless applications. As with AWS SAM and the AWS SAM CLI (which includes AWS SAM Accelerate), this project is open source and you can contribute to the repository.

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