Tag Archives: AWS Step Functions

Enriching operational events with AWS Serverless

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/enriching-operational-events-with-aws-serverless/

This post was written by Ben Moses, Senior Solutions Architect, Enterprise.

AWS Serverless is a fit for many IT automation and operations use cases, especially for reacting to events. Infrastructure events are a useful way to understand the health of your infrastructure that supports your applications and customers and this blog examines using serverless to help enrich these operational events.

The scenario used in this post shows how an infrastructure event can be intercepted in real-time, enriched with additional information from your AWS environment and workloads, and be sent to a downstream consumer with the added valuable information.

This example focuses on Amazon EC2 state change events. The concept applies to any type of event, for example those emitted by other AWS services to Amazon CloudWatch Events. These events could also include events produced by AWS Config, and some of AWS CloudTrail’s events, including CloudTrail Insights.

The purpose is to add more valuable information and context to events in real-time. Operators and downstream consumers can then identify emerging patterns in near real-time.

How does this happen today?

It is common for existing solutions to store infrastructure events in whatever format the source system generates, or in a standardized open or proprietary format. Operations staff and systems then analyze these logs to understand patterns and to support root cause analysis. This data must often be enriched by other sources to give it context and meaning. This is done either in a scheduled batch operation by using CSV data from other systems, or by integrating with other enterprise tooling.

The state of your cloud infrastructure changes frequently due to the elasticity and disposability of resources. This can cause an issue with your data quality when using the schedule batch method. When you come to enrich an infrastructure event, the state may have changed by the time your scheduled batch runs. This leads to gaps or inaccuracies in data, which makes it harder for operators to spot trends and anomalies.

A serverless approach

This example uses serverless services and concepts from event driven architecture (EDA). With this architecture, you only pay when events happen and are enriched. There’s no need for any third-party tooling, and your events are enriched in near real-time.

The EC2 “State Change Event” is enriched by obtaining the instance’s name tag, if it has one. The end-to-end journey look like this:


  1. An EC2 instance’s state changes (i.e., shutdown, restart).
  2. An Amazon EventBridge rule that matches the event pattern triggers a target action to run an AWS Step Functions state machine.
  3. The state machine transforms inputs, makes a native AWS API SDK call to the EC2 service to find a name tag, and emits a newly enriched event back to EventBridge.
  4. An EventBridge rule matching the enriched event triggers an action to send an email via Amazon SNS to simulate a downstream consumer.

EventBridge is a serverless event bus that can be used with event driven architectures on AWS. An EventBridge rule is defined with a pattern, and if an event matches that pattern, then the rule’s target action is triggered. In this example, the rule is:

  "detail-type": ["EC2 Instance State-change Notification"],
  "source": ["aws.ec2"]

An EC2 state change event looks like this:

  "version": "0",
  "id": "672123fe-53aa-3b22-3b37-1fae26df2aff",
  "detail-type": "EC2 Instance State-change Notification",
  "source": "aws.ec2",
  "account": "1234567890",
  "time": "2022-08-17T18:25:01Z",
  "region": "eu-west-1",
  "resources": [
  "detail": {
    "instance-id": "i-0123456789",
    "state": "running"

See the detail-type and source fields in the event. These match the rule and this entire event payload is passed on to the next component of the architecture: the Step Functions state machine.

Step Functions uses JSONPath to select, transform, and move data through the states within a state machine. This flexibility means that, in this example, no compute resources such as AWS Lambda are required. This can mean less custom code, lower cost, and less complexity.

Step Functions Workflow Studio lets you design workflows visually. These are the key actions that take place when the state machine runs using the EC2 state change event:

Step Functions state machine

1. Remove problem characters from input

Pass states allow us to transform inputs and outputs. In this architecture, a Pass state is used to remove any problem characters from the incoming event that are known to cause issues in future steps, such as API calls to services.

In this example, the parameters for the API call used in Step 2 requires the EC2 instance ID. This information is in the detail of the original event, but the API action can’t use anything with a hyphen in it.

To solve this, use a JSONPath Parameter to effectively rewrite this information without the hyphen. This creates a new field named instanceid, which is assigned the value from the original event’s detail.

  "instanceid.$": "$.detail.instance-id"

2. Get instance name from Tag

The “EC2: DescribeInstances” task in Step Functions is an example of a native SDK integration with an AWS service. This action expects a single parameter to the API, an array of EC2 instance IDs.

  "InstanceIds.$": "States.Array($.detail.refined.instanceid)"

The States.Array() intrinsic function is used to wrap the instance ID from the re-written field created in step 1. This single-member array is then passed to the EC2 Describe Instances API.

When a response is received from the EC2 Describe Instances API call, it is passed to a Result Selector. The purpose of this is to extract the value of a “Name” tag, if one was returned from the EC2 Describe Instances API.

Step Functions supports the use of JSONPath filter expressions.

  "instancename.$": "$..Reservations[0].Instances[0].Tags[?(@.Key==Name)].Value",
  "instanceid.$": "$.Reservations[0].Instances[0].InstanceId"

To understand the advanced JSONPath filter expression used in this example, read this blog post.

If an error occurs with the API call, or the filter expression is unable to find a “Name” tag on the EC2 instance, then Step Functions allows you to handle these errors within the workflow.

3. Convert instance name to a string

The output from the previous state returns an array, but an EC2 instance can only have one unique “Name” tag. A pass state is used again, with a parameter as seen in Step 1. This parameter expression takes the first element from the array and stores it in a new field named instancename.

  "instancename.$": "$.detail.refined.instancename[0]",
  "instanceid.$": "$.detail.refined.instanceid"

As with previous steps, the instanceid is re-written as part of the output, and both of these values are appended to the state’s output.

4. Get default name from Parameter Store

If the filter expression in the result selector in step 2 fails for any reason, then Step Functions error handling moves here.

Failures can happen for a variety of reasons, and with Step Functions, you can branch out error handling for each different error type. In this example, all errors are dealt with the same regardless of the cause being a missing “Name” tag, or a permissions issue. In this architecture, a default placeholder value is used in place of the name of the instance. In your context, a different approach may be more suitable.

The default placeholder name is stored as a static value in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. The native Systems Manager: GetParameter action within Step Functions can retrieve this value directly. An advantage of this approach is that the parameter can be updated externally without having to make any changes to the Step Functions state machine itself.

5. Add ID back to refined

A pass state is used to format the response from the Parameter Store API and parameter expression then appends the default instance name on to the output.

Whether the workflow execution followed the intended execution path, or encountered an error, there is now an enriched event payload with an instance name.

6. Emit enriched event

The EventBridge: PutEvents native SDK action within Step Functions is used to construct and emit the enriched event.

  "Entries": [
      "Detail": {
        "Message.$": "$"
      "DetailType": "EnrichedEC2Event",
      "EventBusName": "serverless-event-enrichment-ApplicationEventBus",
      "Source": "custom.enriched.ec2"

The DetailType and Source of the enriched event are custom values, specified in the last step of the state machine. As you consider schemas for your events within your organization, note that the AWS prefix is reserved for AWS service events.

The enriched event payload looks like this:

  "version": "0",
  "id": "a80e378b-e9a7-8007-1f18-b947e6d72c4b",
  "detail-type": "EnrichedEC2Event",
  "source": "custom.enriched.ec2",
  "account": "123456789",
  "time": "2022-08-17T18:25:03Z",
  "region": "eu-west-1",
  "resources": [
  "detail": {
    "Message": {
      "version": "0",
      "id": "672123fe-53aa-3b22-3b37-1fae26df2aff",
      "detail-type": "EC2 Instance State-change Notification",
      "source": "aws.ec2",
      "account": "123456789",
      "time": "2022-08-17T18:25:01Z",
      "region": "eu-west-1",
      "resources": [
      "detail": {
        "instance-id": "i-123456789",
        "state": "running",
        "refined": {
          "instancename": "ec2-enrichment-demo-instance",
          "instanceid": "i-123456789"

Consuming enriched events

When enriching event data in real-time, the events are only valuable if they’re consumed. To use these enriched events, a consuming service must create and own a new EventBridge rule on the custom application bus. In this architecture, an appropriate rule pattern is:

  "detail-type": ["EnrichedEC2Event"],
  "source": ["custom.enriched.ec2"]

The target of the rule depends on the use case. For operational events, then service management applications or log aggregation services may make the most sense. In this example, the rule has an SNS topic as the target. When SNS receives a message, it is sent to operator via email. With EventBridge, future consumers can add their own rules to match the enriched events, and add their specific target actions to suit their use case.


This post shows how you can create rules in EventBridge to react to operational events from AWS services. These events are routed to Step Functions, which runs a workflow consisting of steps to enrich the event, handle errors, and emit the enriched event. The example shows how to consume the enriched events, resulting in an operator receiving an email.

This example is available on GitHub as an AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template. It contains instructions to deploy, test, and then remove all of the resources when you’ve finished.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Implementing a UML state machine using AWS Step Functions

Post Syndicated from Benjamin Smith original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/implementing-a-uml-state-machine-using-aws-step-functions/

This post is written by  Michael Havey, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect, AWS

This post shows how to model a Unified Modeling Language (UML) state machine as an AWS Step Functions workflow. A UML state machine models the behavior of an object, naming each of its possible resting states and specifying how it moves from one state to another. A Step Functions state machine implements the object behavior. This post shows how the UML diagram guides the state machine implementation and traces back to it.

State machines are often used to model real-time systems and devices. This post uses a stock order as an example. What drives a business object from one state to another is its interaction with applications through services. When the object enters a new state, it typically responds by calling the application through a service. It is typically an event arising from that application that transitions the business object to the next state. The UML model declares each state and the service interactions. Step Functions, which is designed for service orchestration, implements the behavior.


This is the approach discussed in this post:

  1. A developer implements a Step Functions state machine guided by a UML state machine designed in a third-party UML modeling tool. The implementation explicitly traces back to the UML model by logging execution of state machine activities.
  2. To invoke the target application, the Step Functions state machine invokes an AWS Lambda handler function. This invocation implements a UML state machine activity.
  3. The handler function, in turn, invokes the application. The implementation of the call is application-specific.
  4. If a callback from the application is expected, the application sends an event to a Lambda event dispatcher function. The implementation of this message exchange is application-specific.
  5. If a callback is expected, the Lambda event dispatcher function calls back the Step Functions state machine with the application event. This enables the Step Functions state machine to implement a UML state transition to the next state.

Traceability is the best way to link the Step Functions implementation to the UML model. This is because it ensures that the implementation is doing what the model intends.

An alternative is to generate Step Functions code based on the UML model using a standard XML format known as XML Metadata Interchange (XMI). A code generator tool can introspect the XMI to generate code from it. While technically feasible, UML state machines are highly expressive with many patterns and idioms. A generator often can’t produce code as lean and readable as that of a developer.


This example shows a UML state machine in MagicDraw, a UML design tool. This diagram is the basis for the Step Functions implementation. This Git repository includes the XMI file for the UML diagram and the code to set up the Step Functions implementation.

The walkthrough has the following steps:

  1. Deploy Step Functions and AWS Lambda resources.
  2. Run the Step Functions state machine. Check the execution results to see how they trace back to the UML state machine.
  3. Clean up AWS resources.

Provision resources

To run this example, you need an AWS account with permission to use Step Functions and Lambda. On your machine, install the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) CLI.

Complete the following steps on your machine:

  1. Clone the Git repository.
  2. In a command shell, navigate to the sam folder of the clone.
  3. Run sam build to build the application.
  4. Run sam deploy –-guided to deploy the application to your AWS account.
  5. In the output, find names of Step Functions state machines and Lambda functions created.

The application creates several state machines, but in this post we consider the simplest: Test Buy Sell. The example models the behavior of a buy/sell stock order, which is based on an example from the Step Functions documentation: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/step-functions/latest/dg/sample-lambda-orchestration.html.

Explore UML model for Test BuySell

Begin with the following UML model (also available in the GitHub repository).

In the model:

  1. The black dot on the upper left is the initial state. It has an arrow (a transition) to CheckingStockPrice (a state).
  2. CheckingStockPrice has an activity, called checkStockPrice, of type do. When that state is visited, the activity is automatically run. When the activity finishes, the machine transitions automatically (a completion transition) to the next state.
  3. That state, GeneratingBuySellRecommendation, has its own do activity generateBuySellRecommendation. Completion of that activity moves to the next state.
  4. The next state is Approving, whose activity routeForApproval is of type entry. That activity is run when the state is entered. It waits for an event to move the machine forward. There are three transitions from Approving. Each has a trigger, indicating the type of event expected, called approvalComplete. Each has a guard that distinguishes the outcome of the approval.
  5. If the guard is sell, transition to the state SellingStock.
  6. If it’s buy, transition to the state BuyingStock.
  7. If it’s reject, transition to the terminate state (denoted by an X) and run a transition activity called logReject.
  8. BuyingStock and SellingStock each have a do activity – buyStock and sellStock – and transition on completion to the state ReportingResult. That state has do activity reportResult.
  9. Transition to the final state (the black dot enclosed in a circle).

Explore Step Functions implementation

Find the Step Functions implementation in the AWS Console. Under the list of State Machines, select the function with a name starting with BlogBuySell. Choose Edit to view the design of the machine. From there, open it in Workflow Studio to show the state machine workflow visualization:

The Step Function state machine implements all the activities from the UML state machine. There are Lambda tasks to implement the major state do activities: Check Stock Price, Generate Buy/Sell Recommendation, Buy Stock, Sell Stock, Report Result. There is also a Lambda function for the transition activity: Log Reject. Each Lambda function traces back to the UML state machine and uses the following format to log trace records:

 "sourceState": S,
 "activityType": stateEntry|stateExit|stateDo|transition,
 "activityName": N
 "trigger" T, // if transition activity
 "guard": G // if transition activity and has a guard

The control flow in the Step Functions state machine intuitively matches the UML state machine. The UML model has mostly completion transitions, so the Step Functions state machine largely flows from one Lambda task to another. However, I must consider the Approving state, where the machine waits for an event and then transitions in one of three directions from the choice state Buy or Sell. For this, use the Step Functions callback capability. Route For Approval is a Lambda task with the Wait For Callback option enabled. The Lambda task has three responsibilities:

  • Executes the UML state entry activity routeForApproval by calling the application.
  • Logs a tracing record that it has executed that activity.
  • Passes the task token provided by the Step Functions state machine to the application.

When the application has an approval decision, it sends an event through messaging. A separate Lambda event dispatcher function receives the message and, using the Step Functions API, calls back the Step Functions state machine with key details from the message: task token, trigger, guard.

Finally, notice the fail step after Log Reject. This implements the terminate state in the UML model.

Execute the Step Functions state machine

Execute the state machine by choosing Start Execution for the BlogBuySell state machine in the Step Functions console. Use this input:

{"appData": "Insert your JSON here"}

The console shows a graph view of the progress of the state machine. It should pause at the Route For Approval task.

Confirm traceability

Check the event view to confirm the tracing back to the UML model. The Task Scheduled event for Check Stock Price shows:

      "sourceState": "CheckingStockPrice",
      "activityType": "stateDo",
      "activityName": "checkStockPrice",

The Task Scheduled event for Generate buy/sell Recommendation shows:

      "sourceState": "GeneratingBuySellRecommendation",
      "activityType": "stateDo",
      "activityName": "generateBuySellRecommendation",

The Task Scheduled event for Route For Approval shows output resembling the following. Your taskToken will be different.

      "sourceState": "Approving",
      "activityType": "stateEntry",
      "activityName": "routeForApproval",
   "taskToken": "AAAAK . . . 99es="

Approve for buy

The state machine is waiting at Route For Approval. Simulate an application event to continue it forward. First, copy the task token value from above, excluding the quotes.

In a separate browser tab, open the Lambda console and find the function whose name contains BlogDummyUMLEventDispatcher. In the Test tab, create a new event:

    "taskToken": "<paste the task token here>",
    "trigger": "approvalComplete",
    "guard": "buy",
    "appData": {"x": "y"}

Choose Test to call the Lambda function with this input, which calls back the state machine.

Confirm execution of approval

In the Step Functions console, confirm that the flow is completed and taken the Buy stock path.

More examples and patterns

The AWS SAM application deploys two additional examples, which show important patterns:

  • Hierarchical or composite states.
  • Parallel or orthogonal states
  • Cancellation events
  • Internal transitions
  • Transition to history
  • Using an event loop for complex flow

You can find a discussion of these examples in the Git repo.

Comparing UML and Step Functions state machines

Step Functions transitions tasks in sequence with the ability to conditionally branch, loop, or parallelize tasks. These tasks aren’t quite the same as states in a UML model. In this approach, tasks map to UML states or transition activities.

A UML state machine spends most of its time waiting in its current state for the next event to happen. A standard workflow in Step Functions can wait too. It can run for up to one year because some activities can pause until they are called back by an external trigger. I used that capability to implement a pattern to trigger the next transition by calling back the Step Functions state machine.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, navigate to the directory where you deployed the application and run sam delete to undeploy it.


This post shows code recipes for implementing UML state machines using Step Functions. If your organization already uses modeling tools, this discussion helps you understand the Step Functions implementation path. If you are a Step Functions designer, this discussion shows UML’s expressive power as the model for your implementation.

Learn more about Step Functions implementations on the Sample projects for Step Functions page.

Introducing runtime roles for Amazon EMR steps: Use IAM roles and AWS Lake Formation for access control with Amazon EMR

Post Syndicated from Stefano Sandona original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/introducing-runtime-roles-for-amazon-emr-steps-use-iam-roles-and-aws-lake-formation-for-access-control-with-amazon-emr/

You can use the Amazon EMR Steps API to submit Apache Hive, Apache Spark, and others types of applications to an EMR cluster. You can invoke the Steps API using Apache Airflow, AWS Steps Functions, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), all the AWS SDKs, and the AWS Management Console. Jobs submitted with the Steps API use the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance profile to access AWS resources such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets, AWS Glue tables, and Amazon DynamoDB tables from the cluster.

Previously, if a step needed access to a specific S3 bucket and another step needed access to a specific DynamoDB table, the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy attached to the instance profile had to allow access to both the S3 bucket and the DynamoDB table. This meant that the IAM policies you assigned to the instance profile had to contain a union of all the permissions for every step that ran on an EMR cluster.

We’re happy to introduce runtime roles for EMR steps. A runtime role is an IAM role that you associate with an EMR step, and jobs use this role to access AWS resources. With runtime roles for EMR steps, you can now specify different IAM roles for the Spark and the Hive jobs, thereby scoping down access at a job level. This allows you to simplify access controls on a single EMR cluster that is shared between multiple tenants, wherein each tenant can be easily isolated using IAM roles.

The ability to specify an IAM role with a job is also available on Amazon EMR on EKS and Amazon EMR Serverless. You can also use AWS Lake Formation to apply table- and column-level permission for Apache Hive and Apache Spark jobs that are submitted with EMR steps. For more information, refer to Configure runtime roles for Amazon EMR steps.

In this post, we dive deeper into runtime roles for EMR steps, helping you understand how the various pieces work together, and how each step is isolated on an EMR cluster.

Solution overview

In this post, we walk through the following:

  1. Create an EMR cluster enabled to use the new role-based access control with EMR steps.
  2. Create two IAM roles with different permissions in terms of the Amazon S3 data and Lake Formation tables they can access.
  3. Allow the IAM principal submitting the EMR steps to use these two IAM roles.
  4. See how EMR steps running with the same code and trying to access the same data have different permissions based on the runtime role specified at submission time.
  5. See how to monitor and control actions using source identity propagation.

Set up EMR cluster security configuration

Amazon EMR security configurations simplify applying consistent security, authorization, and authentication options across your clusters. You can create a security configuration on the Amazon EMR console or via the AWS CLI or AWS SDK. When you attach a security configuration to a cluster, Amazon EMR applies the settings in the security configuration to the cluster. You can attach a security configuration to multiple clusters at creation time, but can’t apply them to a running cluster.

To enable runtime roles for EMR steps, we have to create a security configuration as shown in the following code and enable the runtime roles property (configured via EnableApplicationScopedIAMRole). In addition to the runtime roles, we’re enabling propagation of the source identity (configured via PropagateSourceIdentity) and support for Lake Formation (configured via LakeFormationConfiguration). The source identity is a mechanism to monitor and control actions taken with assumed roles. Enabling Propagate source identity allows you to audit actions performed using the runtime role. Lake Formation is an AWS service to securely manage a data lake, which includes defining and enforcing central access control policies for your data lake.

Create a file called step-runtime-roles-sec-cfg.json with the following content:

    "AuthorizationConfiguration": {
        "IAMConfiguration": {
            "EnableApplicationScopedIAMRole": true,
                    "PropagateSourceIdentity": true
        "LakeFormationConfiguration": {
            "AuthorizedSessionTagValue": "Amazon EMR"

Create the Amazon EMR security configuration:

aws emr create-security-configuration \
--name 'iamconfig-with-iam-lf' \
--security-configuration file://step-runtime-roles-sec-cfg.json

You can also do the same via the Amazon console:

  1. On the Amazon EMR console, choose Security configurations in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create.
  3. Choose Create.
  4. For Security configuration name, enter a name.
  5. For Security configuration setup options, select Choose custom settings.
  6. For IAM role for applications, select Runtime role.
  7. Select Propagate source identity to audit actions performed using the runtime role.
  8. For Fine-grained access control, select AWS Lake Formation.
  9. Complete the security configuration.

The security configuration appears in your security configuration list. You can also see that the authorization mechanism listed here is the runtime role instead of the instance profile.

Launch the cluster

Now we launch an EMR cluster and specify the security configuration we created. For more information, refer to Specify a security configuration for a cluster.

The following code provides the AWS CLI command for launching an EMR cluster with the appropriate security configuration. Note that this cluster is launched on the default VPC and public subnet with the default IAM roles. In addition, the cluster is launched with one primary and one core instance of the specified instance type. For more details on how to customize the launch parameters, refer to create-cluster.

If the default EMR roles EMR_EC2_DefaultRole and EMR_DefaultRole don’t exist in IAM in your account (this is the first time you’re launching an EMR cluster with those), before launching the cluster, use the following command to create them:

aws emr create-default-roles

Create the cluster with the following code:

#Change with your Key Pair
#Change with your Security Configuration Name
#Change with your S3 log URI

aws emr create-cluster \
--name "iam-passthrough-cluster" \
--release-label emr-6.7.0 \
--use-default-roles \
--security-configuration $SECURITY_CONFIG \
--ec2-attributes KeyName=$KEYPAIR \
--instance-groups InstanceGroupType=MASTER,InstanceCount=1,InstanceType=$INSTANCE_TYPE  InstanceGroupType=CORE,InstanceCount=1,InstanceType=$INSTANCE_TYPE \
--applications Name=Spark Name=Hadoop Name=Hive \
--log-uri $LOG_URI

When the cluster is fully provisioned (Waiting state), let’s try to run a step on it with runtime roles for EMR steps enabled:

#Change with your EMR cluster ID
aws emr add-steps \
--cluster-id $CLUSTER_ID \
--steps '[{
            "Type": "CUSTOM_JAR",
            "ActionOnFailure": "CONTINUE",
            "Jar": "command-runner.jar",
            "Name": "Spark Example",
            "Args": [

After launching the command, we receive the following as output:

An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the AddJobFlowSteps operation: Runtime roles are required for this cluster. Please specify the role using the ExecutionRoleArn parameter.

The step failed, asking us to provide a runtime role. In the next section, we set up two IAM roles with different permissions and use them as the runtime roles for EMR steps.

Set up IAM roles as runtime roles

Any IAM role that you want to use as a runtime role for EMR steps must have a trust policy that allows the EMR cluster’s EC2 instance profile to assume it. In our setup, we’re using the default IAM role EMR_EC2_DefaultRole as the instance profile role. In addition, we create two IAM roles called test-emr-demo1 and test-emr-demo2 that we use as runtime roles for EMR steps.

The following code is the trust policy for both of the IAM roles, which lets the EMR cluster’s EC2 instance profile role, EMR_EC2_DefaultRole, assume these roles and set the source identity and LakeFormationAuthorizedCaller tag on the role sessions. The TagSession permission is needed so that Amazon EMR can authorize to Lake Formation. The SetSourceIdentity statement is needed for the propagate source identity feature.

Create a file called trust-policy.json with the following content (replace 123456789012 with your AWS account ID):

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/EMR_EC2_DefaultRole"
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/EMR_EC2_DefaultRole"
            "Action": "sts:SetSourceIdentity"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/EMR_EC2_DefaultRole"
            "Action": "sts:TagSession",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:RequestTag/LakeFormationAuthorizedCaller": "Amazon EMR"

Use that policy to create the two IAM roles, test-emr-demo1 and test-emr-demo2:

aws iam create-role \
--role-name test-emr-demo1 \
--assume-role-policy-document file://trust-policy.json

aws iam create-role \
--role-name test-emr-demo2 \
--assume-role-policy-document file://trust-policy.json

Set up permissions for the principal submitting the EMR steps with runtime roles

The IAM principal submitting the EMR steps needs to have permissions to invoke the AddJobFlowSteps API. In addition, you can use the Condition key elasticmapreduce:ExecutionRoleArn to control access to specific IAM roles. For example, the following policy allows the IAM principal to only use IAM roles test-emr-demo1 and test-emr-demo2 as the runtime roles for EMR steps.

  1. Create the job-submitter-policy.json file with the following content (replace 123456789012 with your AWS account ID):
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Sid": "AddStepsWithSpecificExecRoleArn",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*",
                "Condition": {
                    "StringEquals": {
                        "elasticmapreduce:ExecutionRoleArn": [
                "Sid": "EMRDescribeCluster",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*"

  2. Create the IAM policy with the following code:
    aws iam create-policy \
    --policy-name emr-runtime-roles-submitter-policy \
    --policy-document file://job-submitter-policy.json

  3. Assign this policy to the IAM principal (IAM user or IAM role) you’re going to use to submit the EMR steps (replace 123456789012 with your AWS account ID and replace john with the IAM user you use to submit your EMR steps):
    aws iam attach-user-policy \
    --user-name john \
    --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/emr-runtime-roles-submitter-policy"

IAM user john can now submit steps using arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/test-emr-demo1 and arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/test-emr-demo2 as the step runtime roles.

Use runtime roles with EMR steps

We now prepare our setup to show runtime roles for EMR steps in action.

Set up Amazon S3

To prepare your Amazon S3 data, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a CSV file called test.csv with the following content:

  2. Upload the file to Amazon S3 in three different locations:
    #Change this with your bucket name
    aws s3 cp test.csv s3://${BUCKET_NAME}/demo1/
    aws s3 cp test.csv s3://${BUCKET_NAME}/demo2/
    aws s3 cp test.csv s3://${BUCKET_NAME}/nondemo/

    For our initial test, we use a PySpark application called test.py with the following contents:

    from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
    spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("my app").enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate()
    #Change this with your bucket name
      spark.read.csv("s3://" + BUCKET_NAME + "/demo1/test.csv").show()
      print("Accessed demo1")
      print("Could not access demo1")
      spark.read.csv("s3://" + BUCKET_NAME + "/demo2/test.csv").show()
      print("Accessed demo2")
      print("Could not access demo2")
      spark.read.csv("s3://" + BUCKET_NAME + "/nondemo/test.csv").show()
      print("Accessed nondemo")
      print("Could not access nondemo")

    In the script, we’re trying to access the CSV file present under three different prefixes in the test bucket.

  3. Upload the Spark application inside the same S3 bucket where we placed the test.csv file but in a different location:
    #Change this with your bucket name
    aws s3 cp test.py s3://${BUCKET_NAME}/scripts/

Set up runtime role permissions

To show how runtime roles for EMR steps works, we assign to the roles we created different IAM permissions to access Amazon S3. The following table summarizes the grants we provide to each role (emr-steps-roles-new-us-east-1 is the bucket you configured in the previous section).

S3 locations \ IAM Roles test-emr-demo1 test-emr-demo2
s3://emr-steps-roles-new-us-east-1/* No Access No Access
s3://emr-steps-roles-new-us-east-1/demo1/* Full Access No Access
s3://emr-steps-roles-new-us-east-1/demo2/* No Access Full Access
s3://emr-steps-roles-new-us-east-1/scripts/* Read Access Read Access
  1. Create the file demo1-policy.json with the following content (substitute emr-steps-roles-new-us-east-1 with your bucket name):
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [

  2. Create the file demo2-policy.json with the following content (substitute emr-steps-roles-new-us-east-1 with your bucket name):
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [

  3. Create our IAM policies:
    aws iam create-policy \
    --policy-name test-emr-demo1-policy \
    --policy-document file://demo1-policy.json
    aws iam create-policy \
    --policy-name test-emr-demo2-policy \
    --policy-document file://demo2-policy.json

  4. Assign to each role the related policy (replace 123456789012 with your AWS account ID):
    aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --role-name test-emr-demo1 \
    --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/test-emr-demo1-policy"
    aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --role-name test-emr-demo2 \
    --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/test-emr-demo2-policy"

    To use runtime roles with Amazon EMR steps, we need to add the following policy to our EMR cluster’s EC2 instance profile (in this example EMR_EC2_DefaultRole). With this policy, the underlying EC2 instances for the EMR cluster can assume the runtime role and apply a tag to that runtime role.

  5. Create the file runtime-roles-policy.json with the following content (replace 123456789012 with your AWS account ID):
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [{
                "Sid": "AllowRuntimeRoleUsage",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [

  6. Create the IAM policy:
    aws iam create-policy \
    --policy-name emr-runtime-roles-policy \
    --policy-document file://runtime-roles-policy.json

  7. Assign the created policy to the EMR cluster’s EC2 instance profile, in this example EMR_EC2_DefaultRole:
    aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --role-name EMR_EC2_DefaultRole \
    --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/emr-runtime-roles-policy"

Test permissions with runtime roles

We’re now ready to perform our first test. We run the test.py script, previously uploaded to Amazon S3, two times as Spark steps: first using the test-emr-demo1 role and then using the test-emr-demo2 role as the runtime roles.

To run an EMR step specifying a runtime role, you need the latest version of the AWS CLI. For more details about updating the AWS CLI, refer to Installing or updating the latest version of the AWS CLI.

Let’s submit a step specifying test-emr-demo1 as the runtime role:

#Change with your EMR cluster ID
#Change with your AWS Account ID
#Change with your Bucket name

aws emr add-steps \
--cluster-id $CLUSTER_ID \
--steps '[{
            "Type": "CUSTOM_JAR",
            "ActionOnFailure": "CONTINUE",
            "Jar": "command-runner.jar",
            "Name": "Spark Example",
            "Args": [
        }]' \
--execution-role-arn arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:role/test-emr-demo1

This command returns an EMR step ID. To check our step output logs, we can proceed two different ways:

  • From the Amazon EMR console – On the Steps tab, choose the View logs link related to the specific step ID and select stdout.
  • From Amazon S3 – While launching our cluster, we configured an S3 location for logging. We can find our step logs under $(LOG_URI)/steps/<stepID>/stdout.gz.

The logs could take a couple of minutes to populate after the step is marked as Completed.

The following is the output of the EMR step with test-emr-demo1 as the runtime role:

|  1|  a| 1a|
|  2|  b| 2b|

Accessed demo1
Could not access demo2
Could not access nondemo

As we can see, only the demo1 folder was accessible by our application.

Diving deeper into the step stderr logs, we can see that the related YARN application application_1656350436159_0017 was launched with the user 6GC64F33KUW4Q2JY6LKR7UAHWETKKXYL. We can confirm this by connecting to the EMR primary instance using SSH and using the YARN CLI:

[hadoop@ip-172-31-63-203]$ yarn application -status application_1656350436159_0017
Application-Id : application_1656350436159_0017
Application-Name : my app
Application-Type : SPARK
Queue : default
Application Priority : 0

Please note that in your case, the YARN application ID and the user will be different.

Now we submit the same script again as a new EMR step, but this time with the role test-emr-demo2 as the runtime role:

#Change with your EMR cluster ID
#Change with your AWS Account ID
#Change with your Bucket name

aws emr add-steps \
--cluster-id $CLUSTER_ID \
--steps '[{
            "Type": "CUSTOM_JAR",
            "ActionOnFailure": "CONTINUE",
            "Jar": "command-runner.jar",
            "Name": "Spark Example",
            "Args": [
        }]' \
--execution-role-arn arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:role/test-emr-demo2

The following is the output of the EMR step with test-emr-demo2 as the runtime role:

Could not access demo1
|  1|  a| 1a|
|  2|  b| 2b|

Accessed demo2
Could not access nondemo

As we can see, only the demo2 folder was accessible by our application.

Diving deeper into the step stderr logs, we can see that the related YARN application application_1656350436159_0018 was launched with a different user 7T2ORHE6Z4Q7PHLN725C2CVWILZWYOLE. We can confirm this by using the YARN CLI:

[hadoop@ip-172-31-63-203]$ yarn application -status application_1656350436159_0018
Application-Id : application_1656350436159_0018
Application-Name : my app
Application-Type : SPARK
Queue : default
Application Priority : 0

Each step was able to only access the CSV file that was allowed by the runtime role, so the first step was able to only access s3://emr-steps-roles-new-us-east-1/demo1/test.csv and the second step was only able to access s3://emr-steps-roles-new-us-east-1/demo2/test.csv. In addition, we observed that Amazon EMR created a unique user for the steps, and used the user to run the jobs. Please note that both roles need at least read access to the S3 location where the step scripts are located (for example, s3://emr-steps-roles-demo-bucket/scripts/test.py).

Now that we have seen how runtime roles for EMR steps work, let’s look at how we can use Lake Formation to apply fine-grained access controls with EMR steps.

Use Lake Formation-based access control with EMR steps

You can use Lake Formation to apply table- and column-level permissions with Apache Spark and Apache Hive jobs submitted as EMR steps. First, the data lake admin in Lake Formation needs to register Amazon EMR as the AuthorizedSessionTagValue to enforce Lake Formation permissions on EMR. Lake Formation uses this session tag to authorize callers and provide access to the data lake. The Amazon EMR value is referenced inside the step-runtime-roles-sec-cfg.json file we used earlier when we created the EMR security configuration, and inside the trust-policy.json file we used to create the two runtime roles test-emr-demo1 and test-emr-demo2.

We can do so on the Lake Formation console in the External data filtering section (replace 123456789012 with your AWS account ID).

On the IAM runtime roles’ trust policy, we already have the sts:TagSession permission with the condition “aws:RequestTag/LakeFormationAuthorizedCaller": "Amazon EMR". So we’re ready to proceed.

To demonstrate how Lake Formation works with EMR steps, we create one database named entities with two tables named users and products, and we assign in Lake Formation the grants summarized in the following table.

IAM Roles \ Tables entities
test-emr-demo1 Full Read Access No Access
test-emr-demo2 Read Access on Columns: uid, state Full Read Access

Prepare Amazon S3 files

We first prepare our Amazon S3 files.

  1. Create the users.csv file with the following content:
    00005678,john,pike,england,london,Hidden Road 78
    00009039,paolo,rossi,italy,milan,Via degli Alberi 56A
    00009057,july,finn,germany,berlin,Green Road 90

  2. Create the products.csv file with the following content:
    P0005677,Whiteboard X786,Home

  3. Upload these files to Amazon S3 in two different locations:
    #Change this with your bucket name
    aws s3 cp users.csv s3://${BUCKET_NAME}/entities-database/users/
    aws s3 cp products.csv s3://${BUCKET_NAME}/entities-database/products/

Prepare the database and tables

We can create our entities database by using the AWS Glue APIs.

  1. Create the entities-db.json file with the following content (substitute emr-steps-roles-new-us-east-1 with your bucket name):
        "DatabaseInput": {
            "Name": "entities",
            "LocationUri": "s3://emr-steps-roles-new-us-east-1/entities-database/",
            "CreateTableDefaultPermissions": []

  2. With a Lake Formation admin user, run the following command to create our database:
    aws glue create-database \
    --cli-input-json file://entities-db.json

    We also use the AWS Glue APIs to create the tables users and products.

  3. Create the users-table.json file with the following content (substitute emr-steps-roles-new-us-east-1 with your bucket name):
        "TableInput": {
            "Name": "users",
            "StorageDescriptor": {
                "Columns": [{
                        "Name": "uid",
                        "Type": "string"
                        "Name": "name",
                        "Type": "string"
                        "Name": "surname",
                        "Type": "string"
                        "Name": "state",
                        "Type": "string"
                        "Name": "city",
                        "Type": "string"
                        "Name": "address",
                        "Type": "string"
                "Location": "s3://emr-steps-roles-new-us-east-1/entities-database/users/",
                "InputFormat": "org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat",
                "OutputFormat": "org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat",
                "Compressed": false,
                "SerdeInfo": {
                    "SerializationLibrary": "org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe",
                    "Parameters": {
                        "field.delim": ",",
                        "serialization.format": ","
            "TableType": "EXTERNAL_TABLE",
            "Parameters": {
                "EXTERNAL": "TRUE"

  4. Create the products-table.json file with the following content (substitute emr-steps-roles-new-us-east-1 with your bucket name):
        "TableInput": {
            "Name": "products",
            "StorageDescriptor": {
                "Columns": [{
                        "Name": "product_id",
                        "Type": "string"
                        "Name": "name",
                        "Type": "string"
                        "Name": "category",
                        "Type": "string"
                "Location": "s3://emr-steps-roles-new-us-east-1/entities-database/products/",
                "InputFormat": "org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat",
                "OutputFormat": "org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat",
                "Compressed": false,
                "SerdeInfo": {
                    "SerializationLibrary": "org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe",
                    "Parameters": {
                        "field.delim": ",",
                        "serialization.format": ","
            "TableType": "EXTERNAL_TABLE",
            "Parameters": {
                "EXTERNAL": "TRUE"

  5. With a Lake Formation admin user, create our tables with the following commands:
    aws glue create-table \
        --database-name entities \
        --cli-input-json file://users-table.json
    aws glue create-table \
        --database-name entities \
        --cli-input-json file://products-table.json

Set up the Lake Formation data lake locations

To access our tables data in Amazon S3, Lake Formation needs read/write access to them. To achieve that, we have to register Amazon S3 locations where our data resides and specify for them which IAM role to obtain credentials from.

Let’s create our IAM role for the data access.

  1. Create a file called trust-policy-data-access-role.json with the following content:
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Sid": "",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "Service": "lakeformation.amazonaws.com"
                "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

  2. Use the policy to create the IAM role emr-demo-lf-data-access-role:
    aws iam create-role \
    --role-name emr-demo-lf-data-access-role \
    --assume-role-policy-document file://trust-policy-data-access-role.json

  3. Create the file data-access-role-policy.json with the following content (substitute emr-steps-roles-new-us-east-1 with your bucket name):
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [

  4. Create our IAM policy:
    aws iam create-policy \
    --policy-name data-access-role-policy \
    --policy-document file://data-access-role-policy.json

  5. Assign to our emr-demo-lf-data-access-role the created policy (replace 123456789012 with your AWS account ID):
    aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --role-name emr-demo-lf-data-access-role \
    --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/data-access-role-policy"

    We can now register our data location in Lake Formation.

  6. On the Lake Formation console, choose Data lake locations in the navigation pane.
  7. Here we can register our S3 location containing data for our two tables and choose the created emr-demo-lf-data-access-role IAM role, which has read/write access to that location.

For more details about adding an Amazon S3 location to your data lake and configuring your IAM data access roles, refer to Adding an Amazon S3 location to your data lake.

Enforce Lake Formation permissions

To be sure we’re using Lake Formation permissions, we should confirm that we don’t have any grants set up for the principal IAMAllowedPrincipals. The IAMAllowedPrincipals group includes any IAM users and roles that are allowed access to your Data Catalog resources by your IAM policies, and it’s used to maintain backward compatibility with AWS Glue.

To confirm Lake Formations permissions are enforced, navigate to the Lake Formation console and choose Data lake permissions in the navigation pane. Filter permissions by “Database”:“entities” and remove all the permissions given to the principal IAMAllowedPrincipals.

For more details on IAMAllowedPrincipals and backward compatibility with AWS Glue, refer to Changing the default security settings for your data lake.

Configure AWS Glue and Lake Formation grants for IAM runtime roles

To allow our IAM runtime roles to properly interact with Lake Formation, we should provide them the lakeformation:GetDataAccess and glue:Get* grants.

Lake Formation permissions control access to Data Catalog resources, Amazon S3 locations, and the underlying data at those locations. IAM permissions control access to the Lake Formation and AWS Glue APIs and resources. Therefore, although you might have the Lake Formation permission to access a table in the Data Catalog (SELECT), your operation fails if you don’t have the IAM permission on the glue:Get* API.

For more details about Lake Formation access control, refer to Lake Formation access control overview.

  1. Create the emr-runtime-roles-lake-formation-policy.json file with the following content:
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": {
            "Sid": "LakeFormationManagedAccess",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

  2. Create the related IAM policy:
    aws iam create-policy \
    --policy-name emr-runtime-roles-lake-formation-policy \
    --policy-document file://emr-runtime-roles-lake-formation-policy.json

  3. Assign this policy to both IAM runtime roles (replace 123456789012 with your AWS account ID):
    aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --role-name test-emr-demo1 \
    --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/emr-runtime-roles-lake-formation-policy"
    aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --role-name test-emr-demo2 \
    --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/emr-runtime-roles-lake-formation-policy"

Set up Lake Formation permissions

We now set up the permission in Lake Formation for the two runtime roles.

  1. Create the file users-grants-test-emr-demo1.json with the following content to grant SELECT access to all columns in the entities.users table to test-emr-demo1:
        "Principal": {
            "DataLakePrincipalIdentifier": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/test-emr-demo1"
        "Resource": {
            "Table": {
                "DatabaseName": "entities",
                "Name": "users"
        "Permissions": [

  2. Create the file users-grants-test-emr-demo2.json with the following content to grant SELECT access to the uid and state columns in the entities.users table to test-emr-demo2:
        "Principal": {
            "DataLakePrincipalIdentifier": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/test-emr-demo2"
        "Resource": {
            "TableWithColumns": {
                "DatabaseName": "entities",
                "Name": "users",
                "ColumnNames": ["uid", "state"]
        "Permissions": [

  3. Create the file products-grants-test-emr-demo2.json with the following content to grant SELECT access to all columns in the entities.products table to test-emr-demo2:
        "Principal": {
            "DataLakePrincipalIdentifier": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/test-emr-demo2"
        "Resource": {
            "Table": {
                "DatabaseName": "entities",
                "Name": "products"
        "Permissions": [

  4. Let’s set up our permissions in Lake Formation:
    aws lakeformation grant-permissions \
    --cli-input-json file://users-grants-test-emr-demo1.json
    aws lakeformation grant-permissions \
    --cli-input-json file://users-grants-test-emr-demo2.json
    aws lakeformation grant-permissions \
    --cli-input-json file://products-grants-test-emr-demo2.json

  5. Check the permissions we defined on the Lake Formation console on the Data lake permissions page by filtering by “Database”:“entities”.

Test Lake Formation permissions with runtime roles

For our test, we use a PySpark application called test-lake-formation.py with the following content:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("Pyspark - TEST IAM RBAC with LF").enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate()

    print("== select * from entities.users limit 3 ==\n")
    spark.sql("select * from entities.users limit 3").show()
except Exception as e:

    print("== select * from entities.products limit 3 ==\n")
    spark.sql("select * from entities.products limit 3").show()
except Exception as e:


In the script, we’re trying to access the tables users and products. Let’s upload our Spark application in the same S3 bucket that we used earlier:

#Change this with your bucket name

aws s3 cp test-lake-formation.py s3://${BUCKET_NAME}/scripts/

We’re now ready to perform our test. We run the test-lake-formation.py script first using the test-emr-demo1 role and then using the test-emr-demo2 role as the runtime roles.

Let’s submit a step specifying test-emr-demo1 as the runtime role:

#Change with your EMR cluster ID
#Change with your AWS Account ID
#Change with your Bucket name

aws emr add-steps \
--cluster-id $CLUSTER_ID \
--steps '[{
            "Type": "CUSTOM_JAR",
            "ActionOnFailure": "CONTINUE",
            "Jar": "command-runner.jar",
            "Name": "Spark Lake Formation Example",
            "Args": [
        }]' \
--execution-role-arn arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:role/test-emr-demo1

The following is the output of the EMR step with test-emr-demo1 as the runtime role:

== select * from entities.users limit 3 ==

|     uid| name|surname|  state|  city|             address|
|00005678| john|   pike|england|london|      Hidden Road 78|
|00009039|paolo|  rossi|  italy| milan|Via degli Alberi 56A|
|00009057| july|   finn|germany|berlin|       Green Road 90|

== select * from entities.products limit 3 ==

Insufficient Lake Formation permission(s) on products (...)

As we can see, our application was only able to access the users table.

Submit the same script again as a new EMR step, but this time with the role test-emr-demo2 as the runtime role:

#Change with your EMR cluster ID
#Change with your AWS Account ID
#Change with your Bucket name

aws emr add-steps \
--cluster-id $CLUSTER_ID \
--steps '[{
            "Type": "CUSTOM_JAR",
            "ActionOnFailure": "CONTINUE",
            "Jar": "command-runner.jar",
            "Name": "Spark Lake Formation Example",
            "Args": [
        }]' \
--execution-role-arn arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:role/test-emr-demo2

The following is the output of the EMR step with test-emr-demo2 as the runtime role:

== select * from entities.users limit 3 ==

|     uid|  state|
|00009039|  italy|

== select * from entities.products limit 3 ==

|product_id|           name|  category|
|  P0000789|       Bike2000|     Sport|
|  P0000567|   CoverToCover|Smartphone|
|  P0005677|Whiteboard X786|      Home|

As we can see, our application was able to access a subset of columns for the users table and all the columns for the products table.

We can conclude that the permissions while accessing the Data Catalog are being enforced based on the runtime role used with the EMR step.

Audit using the source identity

The source identity is a mechanism to monitor and control actions taken with assumed roles. The Propagate source identity feature similarly allows you to monitor and control actions taken using runtime roles by the jobs submitted with EMR steps.

We already configured EMR_EC2_defaultRole with "sts:SetSourceIdentity" on our two runtime roles. Also, both runtime roles let EMR_EC2_DefaultRole to SetSourceIdentity in their trust policy. So we’re ready to proceed.

We now see the Propagate source identity feature in action with a simple example.

Configure the IAM role that is assumed to submit the EMR steps

We configure the IAM role job-submitter-1, which is assumed specifying the source identity and which is used to submit the EMR steps. In this example, we allow the IAM user paul to assume this role and set the source identity. Please note you can use any IAM principal here.

  1. Create a file called trust-policy-2.json with the following content (replace 123456789012 with your AWS account ID):
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/paul"
                "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/paul"
                "Action": "sts:SetSourceIdentity"

  2. Use it as the trust policy to create the IAM role job-submitter-1:
    aws iam create-role \
    --role-name job-submitter-1 \
    --assume-role-policy-document file://trust-policy-2.json

    We use now the same emr-runtime-roles-submitter-policy policy we defined before to allow the role to submit EMR steps using the test-emr-demo1 and test-emr-demo2 runtime roles.

  3. Assign this policy to the IAM role job-submitter-1 (replace 123456789012 with your AWS account ID):
    aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --role-name job-submitter-1 \
    --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/emr-runtime-roles-submitter-policy"

Test the source identity with AWS CloudTrail

To show how propagation of source identity works with Amazon EMR, we generate a role session with the source identity test-ad-user.

With the IAM user paul (or with the IAM principal you configured), we first perform the impersonation (replace 123456789012 with your AWS account ID):

aws sts assume-role \
--role-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/job-submitter-1 \
--role-session-name demotest \
--source-identity test-ad-user

The following code is the output received:

"Credentials": {
    "SecretAccessKey": "<SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>",
    "SessionToken": "<SESSION_TOKEN>",
    "Expiration": "<EXPIRATION_TIME>",
    "AccessKeyId": "<ACCESS_KEY_ID>"
"AssumedRoleUser": {
    "AssumedRoleId": "AROAUVT2HQ3......:demotest",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/test-emr-role/demotest"
"SourceIdentity": "test-ad-user"

We use the temporary AWS security credentials of the role session, to submit an EMR step along with the runtime role test-emr-demo1:


#Change with your EMR cluster ID
#Change with your AWS Account ID
#Change with your Bucket name

aws emr add-steps \
--cluster-id $CLUSTER_ID \
--steps '[{
            "Type": "CUSTOM_JAR",
            "ActionOnFailure": "CONTINUE",
            "Jar": "command-runner.jar",
            "Name": "Spark Lake Formation Example",
            "Args": [
        }]' \
--execution-role-arn arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:role/test-emr-demo1

In a few minutes, we can see events appearing in the AWS CloudTrail log file. We can see all the AWS APIs that the jobs invoked using the runtime role. In the following snippet, we can see that the step performed the sts:AssumeRole and lakeformation:GetDataAccess actions. It’s worth noting how the source identity test-ad-user has been preserved in the events.

Clean up

You can now delete the EMR cluster you created.

  1. On the Amazon EMR console, choose Clusters in the navigation pane.
  2. Select the cluster iam-passthrough-cluster, then choose Terminate.
  3. Choose Terminate again to confirm.

Alternatively, you can delete the cluster by using the Amazon EMR CLI with the following command (replace the EMR cluster ID with the one returned by the previously run aws emr create-cluster command):

aws emr terminate-clusters --cluster-ids j-3KVXXXXXXX7UG


In this post, we discussed how you can control data access on Amazon EMR on EC2 clusters by using runtime roles with EMR steps. We discussed how the feature works, how you can use Lake Formation to apply fine-grained access controls, and how to monitor and control actions using a source identity. To learn more about this feature, refer to Configure runtime roles for Amazon EMR steps.

About the authors

Stefano Sandona is an Analytics Specialist Solution Architect with AWS. He loves data, distributed systems and security. He helps customers around the world architecting their data platforms. He has a strong focus on Amazon EMR and all the security aspects around it.

Sharad Kala is a senior engineer at AWS working with the EMR team. He focuses on the security aspects of the applications running on EMR. He has a keen interest in working and learning about distributed systems.

ICYMI: Serverless Q3 2022

Post Syndicated from David Boyne original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/serverless-icymi-q3-2022/

Welcome to the 19th edition of the AWS Serverless ICYMI (in case you missed it) quarterly recap. Every quarter, we share all the most recent product launches, feature enhancements, blog posts, webinars, Twitch live streams, and other interesting things that you might have missed!

In case you missed our last ICYMI, check out what happened last quarter here.

AWS Lambda

AWS has now introduced tiered pricing for Lambda. With tiered pricing, customers who run large workloads on Lambda can automatically save on their monthly costs. Tiered pricing is based on compute duration measured in GB-seconds. The tiered pricing breaks down as follows:

With tiered pricing, you can save on the compute duration portion of your monthly Lambda bills. This allows you to architect, build, and run large-scale applications on Lambda and take advantage of these tiered prices automatically. To learn more about Lambda cost optimizations, watch the new serverless office hours video.

Developers are using AWS SAM CLI to simplify serverless development making it easier to build, test, package, and deploy their serverless applications.  For JavaScript and TypeScript developers, you can now simplify your Lambda development further using esbuild in the AWS SAM CLI.

Code example of esbuild with SAM

Together with esbuild and SAM Accelerate, you can rapidly iterate on your code changes in the AWS Cloud. You can approximate the same levels of productivity as when testing locally, while testing against a realistic application environment in the cloud. esbuild helps simplify Lambda development with support for tree shaking, minification, source maps, and loaders. To learn more about this feature, read the documentation.

Lambda announced support for Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC). ABAC is designed to simplify permission management using access permissions based on tags. These can be attached to IAM resources, such as IAM users, and roles. ABAC support for Lambda functions allows you to scale your permissions as your organization innovates. It gives granular access to developers without requiring a policy update when a user or project is added, removed, or updated. To learn more about ABAC, read about ABAC for Lambda.

AWS Lambda Powertools is an open-source library to help customers discover and incorporate serverless best practices more easily. Powertools for TypeScript is now generally available and currently focused on three observability features: distributed tracing (Tracer), structured logging (Logger), and asynchronous business and application metrics (Metrics). Powertools is helping builders around the world with more than 10M downloads it is also available in Python and Java programming languages.

To learn more:

AWS Step Functions

Amazon States Language (ASL) provides a set of functions known as intrinsics that perform basic data transformations. Customers have asked for additional intrinsics to perform more data transformation tasks, such as formatting JSON strings, creating arrays, generating UUIDs, and encoding data. Step functions have now added 14 new intrinsic functions which can be grouped into six categories:

Intrinsic functions allow you to reduce the use of other services to perform basic data manipulations in your workflow. Read the release blog for use-cases and more details.

Step Functions expanded its AWS SDK integrations with support for Amazon Pinpoint API 2.0, AWS Billing Conductor,  Amazon GameSparks, and 195 more AWS API actions. This brings the total to 223 AWS Services and 10,000+ API Actions.

Amazon EventBridge

EventBridge released support for bidirectional event integrations with Salesforce, allowing customers to consume Salesforce events directly into their AWS accounts. Customers can also utilize API Destinations to send EventBridge events back to Salesforce, completing the bidirectional event integrations between Salesforce and AWS.

EventBridge also released the ability to start receiving events from GitHub, Stripe, and Twilio using quick starts. Customers can subscribe to events from these SaaS applications and receive them directly onto their EventBridge event bus for further processing. With Quick Starts, you can use AWS CloudFormation templates to create HTTP endpoints for your event bus that are configured with security best practices.

To learn more:

Amazon DynamoDB

DynamoDB now supports bulk imports from Amazon S3 into new DynamoDB tables. You can use bulk imports to help you migrate data from other systems, load test your applications, facilitate data sharing between tables and accounts, or simplify your disaster recovery and business continuity plans. Bulk imports support CSV, DynamoDB JSON, and Amazon Ion as input formats. You can get started with DynamoDB import via API calls or the AWS Management Console. To learn more, read the documentation or follow this guide.

DynamoDB now supports up to 100 actions per transaction. With Amazon DynamoDB transactions, you can group multiple actions together and submit them as a single all-or-nothing operation. The maximum number of actions in a single transaction has now increased from 25 to 100. The previous limit of 25 actions per transaction would sometimes require writing additional code to break transactions into multiple parts. Now with 100 actions per transaction, builders will encounter this limit much less frequently. To learn more about best practices for transactions, read the documentation.

Amazon SNS

SNS has introduced the public preview of message data protection to help customers discover and protect sensitive data in motion without writing custom code. With message data protection for SNS, you can scan messages in real time for PII/PHI data and receive audit reports containing scan results. You can also prevent applications from receiving sensitive data by blocking inbound messages to an SNS topic or outbound messages to an SNS subscription. These scans include people’s names, addresses, social security numbers, credit card numbers, and prescription drug codes.

To learn more:

EDA Day – London 2022

The Serverless DA team hosted the world’s first event-driven architecture (EDA) day in London on September 1. This brought together prominent figures in the event-driven architecture community, AWS, and customer speakers, and AWS product leadership from EventBridge and Step Functions.

EDA day covered 13 sessions, 3 workshops, and a Q&A panel. The conference was keynoted by Gregor Hohpe and speakers included Sheen Brisals and Sarah Hamilton from Lego, Toli Apostolidis from Cinch, David Boyne and Marcia Villalba from Serverless DA, and the AWS product team leadership for the panel. Customers could also interact with EDA experts at the Serverlesspresso bar and the Ask the Experts whiteboard.

Gregor Hohpe talking at EDA Day London 2022

Gregor Hohpe talking at EDA Day London 2022

Picture of the crowd at EDA day 2022 in London

Serverless snippets collection added to Serverless Land

Serverless Land is a website that is maintained by the Serverless Developer Advocate team to help you build with workshops, patterns, blogs, and videos. The team has extended Serverless Land and introduced the new AWS Serverless snippets collection. Builders can use serverless snippets to find and integrate tools, code examples, and Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insights queries to help with their development workflow.

Serverless Blog Posts


Jul 13 – Optimizing Node.js dependencies in AWS Lambda

Jul 15 – Simplifying serverless best practices with AWS Lambda Powertools for TypeScript

Jul 15 – Creating a serverless Apache Kafka publisher using AWS Lambda 

Jul 18 – Understanding AWS Lambda scaling and throughput

Jul 19 – Introducing Amazon CodeWhisperer in the AWS Lambda console (In preview)

Jul 19 – Scaling AWS Lambda permissions with Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC)

Jul 25 – Migrating mainframe JCL jobs to serverless using AWS Step Functions

Jul 28 – Using AWS Lambda to run external transactions on Db2 for IBM i


Aug 1 – Using certificate-based authentication for iOS applications with Amazon SNS

Aug 4 – Introducing tiered pricing for AWS Lambda

Aug 5 – Securely retrieving secrets with AWS Lambda

Aug 8 – Estimating cost for Amazon SQS message processing using AWS Lambda

Aug 9 – Building AWS Lambda governance and guardrails

Aug 11 – Introducing the new AWS Serverless Snippets Collection

Aug 12 – Introducing bidirectional event integrations with Salesforce and Amazon EventBridge

Aug 17 – Using custom consumer group ID support for AWS Lambda event sources for MSK and self-managed Kafka

Aug 24 – Speeding up incremental changes with AWS SAM Accelerate and nested stacks

Aug 29 – Deploying AWS Lambda functions using AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK)

Aug 30 – Building cost-effective AWS Step Functions workflows


Sep 05 – Introducing new intrinsic functions for AWS Step Functions

Sep 08 – Introducing message data protection for Amazon SNS

Sep 14 – Lifting and shifting a web application to AWS Serverless: Part 1

Sep 14 – Lifting and shifting a web application to AWS Serverless: Part 2


Serverless Office Hours – Tues 10AM PT

Weekly live virtual office hours. In each session we talk about a specific topic or technology related to serverless and open it up to helping you with your real serverless challenges and issues. Ask us anything you want about serverless technologies and applications.

YouTube: youtube.com/serverlessland
Twitch: twitch.tv/aws


Jul 5 – AWS SAM Accelerate GA + more!

Jul 12 – Infrastructure as actual code

Jul 19 – The AWS Step Functions Workflows Collection

Jul 26 – AWS Lambda Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC)


Aug 2 – AWS Lambda Powertools for TypeScript/Node.js

Aug 9 – AWS CloudFormation Hooks

Aug 16 – Java on Lambda best-practices

Aug 30 – Alex de Brie: DynamoDB Misconceptions


Sep 06 – AWS Lambda Cost Optimization

Sep 13 – Amazon EventBridge Salesforce integration

Sep 20 – .NET on AWS Lambda best practices

FooBar Serverless YouTube channel

Marcia Villalba frequently publishes new videos on her popular serverless YouTube channel. You can view all of Marcia’s videos at https://www.youtube.com/c/FooBar_codes.


Jul 7 – Amazon Cognito – Add authentication and authorization to your web apps

Jul 14 – Add Amazon Cognito to an existing application – NodeJS-Express and React

Jul 21 – Introduction to Amazon CloudFront – Add CDN to your applications

Jul 28 – Add Amazon S3 storage and use a CDN in an existing application


Aug 04 – Testing serverless application locally – Demo with Node.js, Express, and React

Aug 11 – Building Amazon CloudWatch dashboards with AWS CDK

Aug 19 – Let’s code – Lift and Shift migration to Serverless of Node.js, Express, React and Mongo app

Aug 25 – Let’s code – Lift and Shift migration to Serverless, migrating Authentication and Authorization

Aug 29 – Deploying AWS Lambda functions using AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK)


Sep 1 – Run Artillery in a Lambda function | Load test your serverless applications

Sep 8 – Let’s code – Lift and Shift migration to Serverless, migrating Storage with Amazon S3 and CloudFront

Sep 15 – What are Event-Driven Architectures? Why we care?

Sep 22 – Queues – Point to Point Messaging – Exploring Event-Driven Patterns

Still looking for more?

The Serverless landing page has more information. The Lambda resources page contains case studies, webinars, whitepapers, customer stories, reference architectures, and even more Getting Started tutorials.

You can also follow the Serverless Developer Advocacy team on Twitter to see the latest news, follow conversations, and interact with the team.

Run a data processing job on Amazon EMR Serverless with AWS Step Functions

Post Syndicated from Siva Ramani original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/run-a-data-processing-job-on-amazon-emr-serverless-with-aws-step-functions/

There are several infrastructure as code (IaC) frameworks available today, to help you define your infrastructure, such as the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) or Terraform by HashiCorp. Terraform, an AWS Partner Network (APN) Advanced Technology Partner and member of the AWS DevOps Competency, is an IaC tool similar to AWS CloudFormation that allows you to create, update, and version your AWS infrastructure. Terraform provides friendly syntax (similar to AWS CloudFormation) along with other features like planning (visibility to see the changes before they actually happen), graphing, and the ability to create templates to break infrastructure configurations into smaller chunks, which allows better maintenance and reusability. We use the capabilities and features of Terraform to build an API-based ingestion process into AWS. Let’s get started!

In this post, we showcase how to build and orchestrate a Scala Spark application using Amazon EMR Serverless, AWS Step Functions, and Terraform. In this end-to-end solution, we run a Spark job on EMR Serverless that processes sample clickstream data in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket and stores the aggregation results in Amazon S3.

With EMR Serverless, you don’t have to configure, optimize, secure, or operate clusters to run applications. You will continue to get the benefits of Amazon EMR, such as open source compatibility, concurrency, and optimized runtime performance for popular data frameworks. EMR Serverless is suitable for customers who want ease in operating applications using open-source frameworks. It offers quick job startup, automatic capacity management, and straightforward cost controls.

Solution overview

We provide the Terraform infrastructure definition and the source code for an AWS Lambda function using sample customer user clicks for online website inputs, which are ingested into an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream. The solution uses Kinesis Data Firehose to convert the incoming data into a Parquet file (an open-source file format for Hadoop) before pushing it to Amazon S3 using the AWS Glue Data Catalog. The generated output S3 Parquet file logs are then processed by an EMR Serverless process, which outputs a report detailing aggregate clickstream statistics in an S3 bucket. The EMR Serverless operation is triggered using Step Functions. The sample architecture and code are spun up as shown in the following diagram.

emr serverless application

The provided samples have the source code for building the infrastructure using Terraform for running the Amazon EMR application. Setup scripts are provided to create the sample ingestion using Lambda for the incoming application logs. For a similar ingestion pattern sample, refer to Provision AWS infrastructure using Terraform (By HashiCorp): an example of web application logging customer data.

The following are the high-level steps and AWS services used in this solution:

  • The provided application code is packaged and built using Apache Maven.
  • Terraform commands are used to deploy the infrastructure in AWS.
  • The EMR Serverless application provides the option to submit a Spark job.
  • The solution uses two Lambda functions:
    • Ingestion – This function processes the incoming request and pushes the data into the Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
    • EMR Start Job – This function starts the EMR Serverless application. The EMR job process converts the ingested user click logs into output in another S3 bucket.
  • Step Functions triggers the EMR Start Job Lambda function, which submits the application to EMR Serverless for processing of the ingested log files.
  • The solution uses four S3 buckets:
    • Kinesis Data Firehose delivery bucket – Stores the ingested application logs in Parquet file format.
    • Loggregator source bucket – Stores the Scala code and JAR for running the EMR job.
    • Loggregator output bucket – Stores the EMR processed output.
    • EMR Serverless logs bucket – Stores the EMR process application logs.
  • Sample invoke commands (run as part of the initial setup process) insert the data using the ingestion Lambda function. The Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream converts the incoming stream into a Parquet file and stores it in an S3 bucket.

For this solution, we made the following design decisions:

  • We use Step Functions and Lambda in this use case to trigger the EMR Serverless application. In a real-world use case, the data processing application could be long running and may exceed Lambda’s timeout limits. In this case, you can use tools like Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (Amazon MWAA). Amazon MWAA is a managed orchestration service makes it easier to set up and operate end-to-end data pipelines in the cloud at scale.
  • The Lambda code and EMR Serverless log aggregation code are developed using Java and Scala, respectively. You can use any supported languages in these use cases.
  • The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) V2 is required for querying EMR Serverless applications from the command line. You can also view these from the AWS Management Console. We provide a sample AWS CLI command to test the solution later in this post.


To use this solution, you must complete the following prerequisites:

  • Install the AWS CLI. For this post, we used version 2.7.18. This is required in order to query the aws emr-serverless AWS CLI commands from your local machine. Optionally, all the AWS services used in this post can be viewed and operated via the console.
  • Make sure to have Java installed, and JDK/JRE 8 is set in the environment path of your machine. For instructions, see the Java Development Kit.
  • Install Apache Maven. The Java Lambda functions are built using mvn packages and are deployed using Terraform into AWS.
  • Install the Scala Build Tool. For this post, we used version 1.4.7. Make sure to download and install based on your operating system needs.
  • Set up Terraform. For steps, see Terraform downloads. We use version 1.2.5 for this post.
  • Have an AWS account.

Configure the solution

To spin up the infrastructure and the application, complete the following steps:

  1. Clone the following GitHub repository.
    The provided exec.sh shell script builds the Java application JAR (for the Lambda ingestion function) and the Scala application JAR (for the EMR processing) and deploys the AWS infrastructure that is needed for this use case.
  2. Run the following commands:
    $ chmod +x exec.sh
    $ ./exec.sh

    To run the commands individually, set the application deployment Region and account number, as shown in the following example:

    $ APP_DIR=$PWD
    $ APP_PREFIX=clicklogger
    $ STAGE_NAME=dev
    $ REGION=us-east-1
    $ ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity | jq -r '.Account')

    The following is the Maven build Lambda application JAR and Scala application package:

    $ cd $APP_DIR/source/clicklogger
    $ mvn clean package
    $ sbt reload
    $ sbt compile
    $ sbt package

  3. Deploy the AWS infrastructure using Terraform:
    $ terraform init
    $ terraform plan
    $ terraform apply --auto-approve

Test the solution

After you build and deploy the application, you can insert sample data for Amazon EMR processing. We use the following code as an example. The exec.sh script has multiple sample insertions for Lambda. The ingested logs are used by the EMR Serverless application job.

The sample AWS CLI invoke command inserts sample data for the application logs:

aws lambda invoke --function-name clicklogger-dev-ingestion-lambda —cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out —payload '{"requestid":"OAP-guid-001","contextid":"OAP-ctxt-001","callerid":"OrderingApplication","component":"login","action":"load","type":"webpage"}' out

To validate the deployments, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon S3 console, navigate to the bucket created as part of the infrastructure setup.
  2. Choose the bucket to view the files.
    You should see that data from the ingested stream was converted into a Parquet file.
  3. Choose the file to view the data.
    The following screenshot shows an example of our bucket contents.
    Now you can run Step Functions to validate the EMR Serverless application.
  4. On the Step Functions console, open clicklogger-dev-state-machine.
    The state machine shows the steps to run that trigger the Lambda function and EMR Serverless application, as shown in the following diagram.
  5. Run the state machine.
  6. After the state machine runs successfully, navigate to the clicklogger-dev-output-bucket on the Amazon S3 console to see the output files.
  7. Use the AWS CLI to check the deployed EMR Serverless application:
    $ aws emr-serverless list-applications \
          | jq -r '.applications[] | select(.name=="clicklogger-dev-loggregrator-emr-<Your-Account-Number>").id'

  8. On the Amazon EMR console, choose Serverless in the navigation pane.
  9. Select clicklogger-dev-studio and choose Manage applications.
  10. The Application created by the stack will be as shown below clicklogger-dev-loggregator-emr-<Your-Account-Number>
    Now you can review the EMR Serverless application output.
  11. On the Amazon S3 console, open the output bucket (us-east-1-clicklogger-dev-loggregator-output-).
    The EMR Serverless application writes the output based on the date partition, such as 2022/07/28/response.md.The following code shows an example of the file output:


Clean up

The provided ./cleanup.sh script has the required steps to delete all the files from the S3 buckets that were created as part of this post. The terraform destroy command cleans up the AWS infrastructure that you created earlier. See the following code:

$ chmod +x cleanup.sh
$ ./cleanup.sh

To do the steps manually, you can also delete the resources via the AWS CLI:

# CLI Commands to delete the Amazon S3  

aws s3 rb s3://clicklogger-dev-emr-serverless-logs-bucket-<your-account-number> --force
aws s3 rb s3://clicklogger-dev-firehose-delivery-bucket-<your-account-number> --force
aws s3 rb s3://clicklogger-dev-loggregator-output-bucket-<your-account-number> --force
aws s3 rb s3://clicklogger-dev-loggregator-source-bucket-<your-account-number> --force
aws s3 rb s3://clicklogger-dev-loggregator-source-bucket-<your-account-number> --force

# Destroy the AWS Infrastructure 
terraform destroy --auto-approve


In this post, we built, deployed, and ran a data processing Spark job in EMR Serverless that interacts with various AWS services. We walked through deploying a Lambda function packaged with Java using Maven, and a Scala application code for the EMR Serverless application triggered with Step Functions with infrastructure as code. You can use any combination of applicable programming languages to build your Lambda functions and EMR job application. EMR Serverless can be triggered manually, automated, or orchestrated using AWS services like Step Functions and Amazon MWAA.

We encourage you to test this example and see for yourself how this overall application design works within AWS. Then, it’s just the matter of replacing your individual code base, packaging it, and letting EMR Serverless handle the process efficiently.

If you implement this example and run into any issues, or have any questions or feedback about this post, please leave a comment!


About the Authors

Sivasubramanian Ramani (Siva Ramani) is a Sr Cloud Application Architect at Amazon Web Services. His expertise is in application optimization & modernization, serverless solutions and using Microsoft application workloads with AWS.

Naveen Balaraman is a Sr Cloud Application Architect at Amazon Web Services. He is passionate about Containers, serverless Applications, Architecting Microservices and helping customers leverage the power of AWS cloud.

Implementing long running deployments with AWS CloudFormation Custom Resources using AWS Step Functions

Post Syndicated from DAMODAR SHENVI WAGLE original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/implementing-long-running-deployments-with-aws-cloudformation-custom-resources-using-aws-step-functions/

AWS CloudFormation custom resource provides mechanisms to provision AWS resources that don’t have built-in support from CloudFormation. It lets us write custom provisioning logic for resources that aren’t supported as resource types under CloudFormation. This post focusses on the use cases where CloudFormation custom resource is used to implement a long running task/job. With custom resources, you can manage these custom tasks (which are one-off in nature) as deployment stack resources.

The routine pattern used for implementing custom resources is via AWS Lambda function. However, when using the Lambda function as the custom resource provider, you must consider its trade-offs, such as its 15 minute timeout. Tasks involved in the provisioning of certain AWS resources can be long running and could span beyond the Lambda timeout. In these scenarios, you must look beyond the conventional Lambda function-based approach for custom resources.

In this post, I’ll demonstrate how to use AWS Step Functions to implement custom resources using AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). Step Functions allow complex deployment tasks to be orchestrated as a step-by-step workflow. It also offers direct integration with any AWS service via AWS SDK integrations. By default the CloudFormation stack waits for 1 hour before timing out. The timeout can be increased to maximum 12 hours using wait conditions. In this post, you’ll also see how to use wait conditions with custom resource to run long running deployment tasks as part of a CloudFormation stack.


Before proceeding any further, you must identify and designate an AWS account required for the solution to work. You must also create an AWS account profile in ~/.aws/credentials for the designated AWS account, if you don’t already have one. The profile must have sufficient permissions to run an AWS CDK stack. It should be your private profile and only be used during the course of this post. Therefore, it should be fine if you want to use admin privileges. Don’t share the profile details, especially if it has admin privileges. I recommend removing the profile when you’re finished with this walkthrough. For more information about creating an AWS account profile, see Configuring the AWS CLI.

Services and frameworks used in the post include CloudFormation, Step Functions, Lambda, DynamoDB, Amazon S3, and AWS CDK.

Solution overview

The following architecture diagram shows the application of Step Functions to implement custom resources.

Architecture diagram

Figure 1. Architecture diagram

  1. The user deploys a CloudFormation stack that includes a custom resource implementation.
  2. The CloudFormation custom resource triggers a Lambda function with the appropriate event which can be CREATE/UPDATE/DELETE.
  3. The custom resource Lambda function invokes Step Functions workflow and offloads the event handling responsibility. The CloudFormation event and context are wrapped inside the Step Function input at the time of invocation.
  4. The custom resource Lambda function returns SUCCESS back to CloudFormation stack indicating that the custom resource provisioning has begun. CloudFormation stack then goes into waiting mode where it waits for a SUCCESS or FAILURE signal to continue.
  5. In the interim, Step Functions workflow handles the custom resource event through one or more steps.
  6. Step Functions workflow prepares the response to be sent back to CloudFormation stack.
  7. Send Response Lambda function sends a success/failure response back to CloudFormation stack. This propels CloudFormation stack out of the waiting mode and into completion.

Solution deep dive

In this section I will get into the details of several key aspects of the solution

Custom Resource Definition

Following code snippet shows the custom resource definition which can be found here. Please note that we also define AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition and AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle alongside the custom resource. AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle resource sets up a pre-signed URL which is passed into the CallbackUrl property of the Custom Resource.

The final completion signal for the custom resource i.e. SUCCESS/FAILURE is received over this CallbackUrl. To learn more about wait conditions please refer to its user guide here. Note that, when updating the custom resource, you cannot use the existing WaitCondition-WaitConditionHandle resource pair. You need to create a new pair for tracking each update/delete operation on the custom resource.

/************************** Custom Resource Definition *****************************/
// When you intend to update CustomResource make sure that a new WaitCondition and 
// a new WaitConditionHandle resource is created to track CustomResource update.
// The strategy we are using here is to create a hash of Custom Resource properties.
// The resource names for WaitCondition and WaitConditionHandle carry this hash.
// Anytime there is an update to the custom resource properties, a new hash is generated,
// which automatically leads to new WaitCondition and WaitConditionHandle resources.
const resourceName: string = getNormalizedResourceName('DemoCustomResource');
const demoData = {
    pk: 'demo-sfn',
    sk: resourceName,
    ts: Date.now().toString()
const dataHash = hash(demoData);
const wcHandle = new CfnWaitConditionHandle(
const customResource = new CustomResource(this, resourceName, {
    serviceToken: customResourceLambda.functionArn,
    properties: {
        DDBTable: String(demoTable.tableName),
        Data: JSON.stringify(demoData),
        CallbackUrl: wcHandle.ref
// Note: AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition resource type does not support updates.
new CfnWaitCondition(
        count: 1,
        timeout: '300',
        handle: wcHandle.ref

Custom Resource Lambda

Following code snippet shows how the custom resource lambda function passes the CloudFormation event as an input into the StepFunction at the time of invocation. CloudFormation event contains the CallbackUrl resource property I discussed in the previous section.

private async startExecution() {
    const input = {
        cfnEvent: this.event,
        cfnContext: this.context
    const params: StartExecutionInput = {
        stateMachineArn: String(process.env.SFN_ARN),
        input: JSON.stringify(input)
    let attempt = 0;
    let retry = false;
    do {
        try {
            const response = await this.sfnClient.startExecution(params).promise();
            console.debug('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(response));
            retry = false;

Custom Resource StepFunction

The StepFunction handles the CloudFormation event based on the event type. The CloudFormation event containing CallbackUrl is passed down the stages of StepFunction all the way to the final step. The last step of the StepFunction sends back the response over CallbackUrl via send-cfn-response lambda function as shown in the following code snippet.

 * Send response back to cloudformation
 * @param event
 * @param context
 * @param response
export async function sendResponse(event: any, context: any, response: any) {
    const responseBody = JSON.stringify({
        Status: response.Status,
        Reason: "Success",
        UniqueId: response.PhysicalResourceId,
        Data: JSON.stringify(response.Data)
    console.debug("Response body:\n", responseBody);
    const parsedUrl = url.parse(event.ResourceProperties.CallbackUrl);
    const options = {
        hostname: parsedUrl.hostname,
        port: 443,
        path: parsedUrl.path,
        method: "PUT",
        headers: {
            "content-type": "",
            "content-length": responseBody.length
    await new Promise(() => {
        const request = https.request(options, function(response: any) {
	    console.debug("Status code: " + response.statusCode);
	    console.debug("Status message: " + response.statusMessage);
	request.on("error", function(error) {
	    console.debug("send(..) failed executing https.request(..): " + error);


Clone the GitHub repo cfn-custom-resource-using-step-functions and navigate to the folder cfn-custom-resource-using-step-functions. Now, execute the script script-deploy.sh by passing the name of the AWS profile that you created in the prerequisites section above. This should deploy the solution. The commands are shown as follows for your reference. Note that if you don’t pass the AWS profile name ‘default’ the profile will be used for deployment.

git clone 
cd cfn-custom-resource-using-step-functions
./script-deploy.sh "<AWS- ACCOUNT-PROFILE-NAME>"

The deployed solution consists of 2 stacks as shown in the following screenshot

  1. cfn-custom-resource-common-lib: Deploys common components
    • DynamoDB table that custom resources write to during their lifecycle events
    • Lambda layer used across the rest of the stacks
  2. cfn-custom-resource-sfn: Deploys Step Functions backed custom resource implementation
CloudFormation stacks deployed

Figure 2. CloudFormation stacks deployed

For demo purposes, I implemented a custom resource that inserts data into the DynamoDB table. When you deploy the solution for the first time, like you just did in the previous step, it initiates a CREATE event resulting in the creation of a new custom resource using Step Functions. You should see a new record with unix epoch timestamp in the DynamoDB table, indicating that the resource was created as shown in the following screenshot. You can find the DynamoDB table name/arn from the SSM Parameter Store /CUSTOM_RESOURCE_PATTERNS/DYNAMODB/ARN

DynamoDB record indicating custom resource creation

Figure 3. DynamoDB record indicating custom resource creation

Now, execute the script script-deploy.sh again. This should initiate an UPDATE event, resulting in the update of custom resources. The code also automatically creates new WaitConditionHandle and WaitCondition resources required to wait for the update event to finish. Now you should see that the records in the DynamoDb table have been updated with new values for lastOperation and ts attributes as follows.

DynamoDB record indicating custom resource update

Figure 4. DynamoDB record indicating custom resource update

Cleaning up

To remove all of the stacks, run the script script-undeploy.sh as follows.

./script-undeploy.sh "<AWS- ACCOUNT-PROFILE-NAME>"


In this post I showed how to look beyond the conventional approach of building CloudFormation custom resources using a Lambda function. I discussed implementing custom resources using Step Functions and CloudFormation wait conditions. Try this solution in scenarios where you must execute a long running deployment task/job as part of your CloudFormation stack deployment.



About the author:

Damodar Shenvi

Damodar Shenvi Wagle is a Cloud Application Architect at AWS Professional Services. His areas of expertise include architecting serverless solutions, CI/CD and automation.

AWS Week in Review – September 5, 2022

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-september-5-2022/

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

As a new week begins, let’s quickly look back at the most significant AWS news from the previous seven days.

Last Week’s Launches
Here are the launches that got my attention last week:

AWS announces open-sourced credentials-fetcher to simplify Microsoft AD access from Linux containers. You can find more in the What’s New post.

AWS Step Functions now has 14 new intrinsic functions that help you process data more efficiently and make it easier to perform data processing tasks such as array manipulation, JSON object manipulation, and math functions within your workflows without having to invoke downstream services or add Task states.

AWS SAM CLI esbuild support is now generally available. You can now use esbuild in the SAM CLI build workflow for your JavaScript applications.

Amazon QuickSight launches a new user interface for dataset management that replaces the existing popup dialog modal with a full-page experience, providing a clearer breakdown of dataset management categories.

AWS GameKit adds Unity support. With this release for Unity, you can integrate cloud-based game features into Win64, MacOS, Android, or iOS games from both the Unreal and Unity engines with just a few clicks.

AWS and VMware announce VMware Cloud on AWS integration with Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP. Read more in Veliswa‘s blog post.

The AWS Region in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is now open. More info in Marcia‘s blog post.

View of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
A few more blog posts you might have missed:

Easy analytics and cost-optimization with Amazon Redshift Serverless – Four different use cases of Redshift Serverless are discussed in this post.

Building cost-effective AWS Step Functions workflows – In this blog post, Ben explains the difference between Standard and Express Workflows, including costs, migrating from Standard to Express, and some interesting ways of using both together.

How to subscribe to the new Security Hub Announcements topic for Amazon SNS – You can now receive updates about new Security Hub services and features, newly supported standards and controls, and other Security Hub changes.

Deploying AWS Lambda functions using AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) – With the ACK service controller for AWS Lambda, you can provision and manage Lambda functions with kubectl and custom resources.

For AWS open-source news and updates, here’s the latest newsletter curated by Ricardo to bring you the most recent updates on open-source projects, posts, events, and more.

Upcoming AWS Events
Depending on where you are on this planet, there are many opportunities to meet and learn:

AWS Summits – Come together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. Registration is open for the following in-person AWS Summits: Ottawa (September 8), New Delhi (September 9), Mexico City (September 21–22), Bogotá (October 4), and Singapore (October 6).

AWS Community DaysAWS Community Day events are community-led conferences to share and learn with one another. In September, the AWS community in the US will run events in the Bay Area, California (September 9) and Arlington, Virginia (September 30). In Europe, Community Day events will be held in October. Join us in Amersfoort, Netherlands (October 3), Warsaw, Poland (October 14), and Dresden, Germany (October 19).

That’s all from me for this week. Come back next Monday for another Week in Review!


Coordinating large messages across accounts and Regions with Amazon SNS and SQS

Post Syndicated from Mrudhula Balasubramanyan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/coordinating-large-messages-across-accounts-and-regions-with-amazon-sns-and-sqs/

Many organizations have applications distributed across various business units. Teams in these business units may develop their applications independent of each other to serve their individual business needs. Applications can reside in a single Amazon Web Services (AWS) account or be distributed across multiple accounts. Applications may be deployed to a single AWS Region or span multiple Regions.

Irrespective of how the applications are owned and operated, these applications need to communicate with each other. Within an organization, applications tend to be part of a larger system, therefore, communication and coordination among these individual applications is critical to overall operation.

There are a number of ways to enable coordination among component applications. It can be done either synchronously or asynchronously:

  • Synchronous communication uses a traditional request-response model, in which the applications exchange information in a tightly coupled fashion, introducing multiple points of potential failure.
  • Asynchronous communication uses an event-driven model, in which the applications exchange messages as events or state changes and are loosely coupled. Loose coupling allows applications to evolve independently of each other, increasing scalability and fault-tolerance in the overall system.

Event-driven architectures use a publisher-subscriber model, in which events are emitted by the publisher and consumed by one or more subscribers.

A key consideration when implementing an event-driven architecture is the size of the messages or events that are exchanged. How can you implement an event-driven architecture for large messages, beyond the default maximum of the services? How can you architect messaging and automation of applications across AWS accounts and Regions?

This blog presents architectures for enhancing event-driven models to exchange large messages. These architectures depict how to coordinate applications across AWS accounts and Regions.

Challenge with application coordination

A challenge with application coordination is exchanging large messages. For the purposes of this post, a large message is defined as an event payload between 256 KB and 2 GB. This stems from the fact that Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) and Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) currently have a maximum event payload size of 256 KB. To exchange messages larger than 256 KB, an intermediate data store must be used.

To exchange messages across AWS accounts and Regions, set up the publisher access policy to allow subscriber applications in other accounts and Regions. In the case of large messages, also set up a central data repository and provide access to subscribers.

Figure 1 depicts a basic schematic of applications distributed across accounts communicating asynchronously as part of a larger enterprise application.

Asynchronous communication across applications

Figure 1. Asynchronous communication across applications

Architecture overview

The overview covers two scenarios:

  1. Coordination of applications distributed across AWS accounts and deployed in the same Region
  2. Coordination of applications distributed across AWS accounts and deployed to different Regions

Coordination across accounts and single AWS Region

Figure 2 represents an event-driven architecture, in which applications are distributed across AWS Accounts A, B, and C. The applications are all deployed to the same AWS Region, us-east-1. A single Region simplifies the architecture, so you can focus on application coordination across AWS accounts.

Application coordination across accounts and single AWS Region

Figure 2. Application coordination across accounts and single AWS Region

The application in Account A (Application A) is implemented as an AWS Lambda function. This application communicates with the applications in Accounts B and C. The application in Account B is launched with AWS Step Functions (Application B), and the application in Account C runs on Amazon Elastic Container Service (Application C).

In this scenario, Applications B and C need information from upstream Application A. Application A publishes this information as an event, and Applications B and C subscribe to an SNS topic to receive the events. However, since they are in other accounts, you must define an access policy to control who can access the SNS topic. You can use sample Amazon SNS access policies to craft your own.

If the event payload is in the 256 KB to 2 GB range, you can use Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) as the intermediate data store for your payload. Application A uses the Amazon SNS Extended Client Library for Java to upload the payload to an S3 bucket and publish a message to an SNS topic, with a reference to the stored S3 object. The message containing the metadata must be within the SNS maximum message limit of 256 KB. Amazon EventBridge is used for routing events and handling authentication.

The subscriber Applications B and C need to de-reference and retrieve the payloads from Amazon S3. The SQS queue in Account B and Lambda function in Account C subscribe to the SNS topic in Account A. In Account B, a Lambda function is used to poll the SQS queue and read the message with the metadata. The Lambda function uses the Amazon SQS Extended Client Library for Java to retrieve the S3 object referenced in the message.

The Lambda function in Account C uses the Payload Offloading Java Common Library for AWS to get the referenced S3 object.

Once the S3 object is retrieved, the Lambda functions in Accounts B and C process the data and pass on the information to downstream applications.

This architecture uses Amazon SQS and Lambda as subscribers because they provide libraries that support offloading large payloads to Amazon S3. However, you can use any Java-enabled endpoint, such as an HTTPS endpoint that uses Payload Offloading Java Common Library for AWS to de-reference the message content.

Coordination across accounts and multiple AWS Regions

Sometimes applications are spread across AWS Regions, leading to increased latency in coordination. For existing applications, it could take substantive effort to consolidate to a single Region. Hence, asynchronous coordination would be a good fit for this scenario. Figure 3 expands on the architecture presented earlier to include multiple AWS Regions.

Application coordination across accounts and multiple AWS Regions

Figure 3. Application coordination across accounts and multiple AWS Regions

The Lambda function in Account C is in the same Region as the upstream application in Account A, but the Lambda function in Account B is in a different Region. These functions must retrieve the payload from the S3 bucket in Account A.

To provide access, configure the AWS Lambda execution role with the appropriate permissions. Make sure that the S3 bucket policy allows access to the Lambda functions from Accounts B and C.


For variable message sizes, you can specify if payloads are always stored in Amazon S3 regardless of their size, which can help simplify the design.

If the application that publishes/subscribes large messages is implemented using the AWS Java SDK, it must be Java 8 or higher. Service-specific client libraries are also available in Python, C#, and Node.js.

An Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Point can be an alternative to a centralized bucket for the payloads. It has not been explored in this post due to the asynchronous nature of cross-region replication.

In general, retrieval of data across Regions is slower than in the same Region. For faster retrieval, workloads should be run in the same AWS Region.


This post demonstrates how to use event-driven architectures for coordinating applications that need to exchange large messages across AWS accounts and Regions. The messaging and automation are enabled by the Payload Offloading Java Common Library for AWS and use Amazon S3 as the intermediate data store. These components can simplify the solution implementation and improve scalability, fault-tolerance, and performance of your applications.

Ready to get started? Explore SQS Large Message Handling.

How to track AWS account metadata within your AWS Organizations

Post Syndicated from Jonathan Nguyen original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/how-to-track-aws-account-metadata-within-your-aws-organizations/

United States Automobile Association (USAA) is a San Antonio-based insurance, financial services, banking, and FinTech company supporting millions of military members and their families. USAA has partnered with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to digitally transform and build multiple USAA solutions that help keep members safe and save members’ money and time.

Why build an AWS account metadata solution?

The USAA Cloud Program developed a centralized solution for collecting all AWS account metadata to facilitate core enterprise functions, such as financial management, remediation of vulnerable and insecure configurations, and change release processes for critical application and infrastructure changes.

Companies without centralized metadata solutions may have distributed documents and wikis that contain account metadata, which has to be updated manually. Manually inputting/updating information generally leads to outdated or incorrect metadata and, in addition, requires individuals to reach out to multiple resources and teams to collect specific information.

Solution overview

USAA utilizes AWS Organizations and a series of GitLab projects to create, manage, and baseline all AWS accounts and infrastructure within the organization, including identity and access management, security, and networking components. Within their GitLab projects, each deployment uses a GitLab baseline version that determines what version of the project was provisioned within the AWS account.

During the creation and onboarding of new AWS accounts, which are created for each application team and use-case, there is specific data that is used for tracking and governance purposes, and applied across the enterprise. USAA’s Public Cloud Security team took an opportunity within a hackathon event to develop the solution depicted in Figure 1.

  1. AWS account is created conforming to a naming convention and added to AWS Organizations.

Metadata tracked per AWS account includes:

    • AWS account name
    • Points of contact
    • Line of business (LOB)
    • Cost center #
    • Application ID #
    • Status
    • Cloud governance record #
    • GitLab baseline version
  1. Amazon EventBridge rule invokes AWS Step Functions when new AWS accounts are created.
  2. Step Functions invoke an AWS Lambda function to pull AWS account metadata and load into a centralized Amazon DynamoDB table with Streams enabled to support automation.
  3. A private Amazon API Gateway is exposed to USAA’s internal network, which queries the DynamoDB table and provides AWS account metadata.
Overview of USAA architecture automation workflow to manage AWS account metadata

Figure 1. Overview of USAA architecture automation workflow to manage AWS account metadata

After the solution was deployed, USAA teams leveraged the data in multiple ways:

  1. User interface: a front-end user-interface querying the API Gateway to allow internal users on the USAA network to filter and view metadata for any AWS accounts within AWS Organizations.
  2. Event-driven automation: DynamoDB streams for any changes in the table that would invoke a Lambda function, which would check the most recent version from GitLab and the GitLab baseline version in the AWS account. For any outdated deployments, the Lambda function invokes the CI/CD pipeline for that AWS account to deploy a standardized set of IAM, infrastructure, and security resources and configurations.
  3. Incident response: the Cyber Threat Response team reduces mean-time-to-respond by developing automation to query the API Gateway to append points-of-contact, environment, and AWS account name for custom detections as well as Security Hub and Amazon GuardDuty findings.
  4. Financial management: Internal teams have integrated workflows to their applications to query the API Gateway to return cost center, LOB, and application ID to assist with financial reporting and tracking purposes. This replaces manually reviewing the AWS account metadata from an internal and manually updated wiki page.
  5. Compliance and vulnerability management: automated notification systems were developed to send consolidated reports to points-of-contact listed in the AWS account from the API Gateway to remediate non-compliant resources and configurations.


In this post, we reviewed how USAA enabled core enterprise functions and teams to collect, store, and distribute AWS account metadata by developing a secure and highly scalable serverless application natively in AWS. The solution has been leveraged for multiple use-cases, including internal application teams in USAA’s production AWS environment.

Develop an Amazon Redshift ETL serverless framework using RSQL, AWS Batch, and AWS Step Functions

Post Syndicated from Lukasz Budnik original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/develop-an-amazon-redshift-etl-serverless-framework-using-rsql-aws-batch-and-aws-step-functions/

Amazon Redshift RSQL is a command-line client for interacting with Amazon Redshift clusters and databases. You can connect to an Amazon Redshift cluster, describe database objects, query data, and view query results in various output formats. You can use enhanced control flow commands to replace existing extract, transform, load (ETL) and automation scripts.

This post explains how you can create a fully serverless and cost-effective Amazon Redshift ETL orchestration framework. To achieve this, you can use Amazon Redshift RSQL and AWS services such as AWS Batch and AWS Step Functions.

Overview of solution

When you’re migrating from existing data warehouses to Amazon Redshift, your existing ETL processes are implemented as proprietary scripts. These scripts contain SQL statements and complex business logic such as if-then-else control flow logic, error reporting, and error handling. You can convert all these features to Amazon Redshift RSQL, which you can use to replace existing ETL and other automation scripts. To learn more about Amazon Redshift RSQL features, examples, and use cases, see Accelerate your data warehouse migration to Amazon Redshift – Part 4.

AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT) can convert proprietary scripts to Amazon Redshift RSQL. AWS SCT can automatically convert Teradata BTEQ scripts to Amazon Redshift RSQL. To learn more how to use AWS SCT, see Converting Teradata BTEQ scripts to Amazon Redshift RSQL with AWS SCT.

The goal of the solution presented in this post is to run complex ETL jobs implemented in Amazon Redshift RSQL scripts in the AWS Cloud without having to manage any infrastructure. In addition to meeting functional requirements, this solution also provides full auditing and traceability of all ETL processes that you run.

The following diagram shows the final architecture.

The deployment is fully automated using AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) and comprises of the following stacks:

  • EcrRepositoryStack – Creates a private Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) repository that hosts our Docker image with Amazon Redshift RSQL
  • RsqlDockerImageStack – Builds our Docker image asset and uploads it to the ECR repository
  • VpcStack – Creates a VPC with isolated subnets, creates an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) VPC endpoint gateway, as well as Amazon ECR, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon CloudWatch VPC endpoint interfaces
  • RedshiftStack – Creates an Amazon Redshift cluster, enables encryption, enforces encryption in-transit, enables auditing, and deploys the Amazon Redshift cluster in isolated subnets
  • BatchStack – Creates a compute environment (using AWS Fargate), job queue, and job definition (using our Docker image with RSQL)
  • S3Stack – Creates data, scripts, and logging buckets; enables encryption at-rest; enforces secure transfer; enables object versioning; and disables public access
  • SnsStack – Creates an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic and email subscription (email is passed as a parameter)
  • StepFunctionsStack – Creates a state machine to orchestrate serverless RSQL ETL jobs
  • SampleDataDeploymentStack – Deploys sample RSQL ETL scripts and sample TPC benchmark datasets


You should have the following prerequisites:

Deploy AWS CDK stacks

To deploy the serverless RSQL ETL framework solution, use the following code. Replace 123456789012 with your AWS account number, eu-west-1 with the AWS Region to which you want deploy the solution, and [email protected] with your email address to which ETL success and failure notifications are sent.

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-redshift-serverless-rsql-etl-framework
cd amazon-redshift-serverless-rsql-etl-framework
npm install
./cdk.sh 123456789012 eu-west-1 bootstrap
./cdk.sh 123456789012 eu-west-1 deploy --all --parameters SnsStack:EmailAddressSubscription=[email protected]

The whole process takes a few minutes. While AWS CDK creates all the stacks, you can continue reading this post.

Create the RSQL container image

AWS CDK creates an RSQL Docker image. This Docker image is the basic building block of our solution. All ETL processes run inside it. AWS CDK creates the Docker image locally using Docker Engine and then uploads it to the Amazon ECR repository.

The Docker image is based on an Amazon Linux 2 Docker image. It has the following tools installed: the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), unixODBC, Amazon Redshift ODBC driver, and Amazon Redshift RSQL. It also contains .odbc.ini file, which defines the etl profile, which is used to connect to the Amazon Redshift cluster. See the following code:

FROM amazonlinux:2


RUN yum install -y openssl gettext unixODBC awscli && \
yum clean all

RUN rpm -i \
https://s3.amazonaws.com/redshift-downloads/drivers/odbc/${AMAZON_REDSHIFT_ODBC_VERSION}/AmazonRedshiftODBC-64-bit-${AMAZON_REDSHIFT_ODBC_VERSION}-1.x86_64.rpm \

COPY .odbc.ini .odbc.ini
COPY fetch_and_run.sh /usr/local/bin/fetch_and_run.sh

ENV ODBCINI=.odbc.ini
ENV ODBCSYSINI=/opt/amazon/redshiftodbc/Setup
ENV AMAZONREDSHIFTODBCINI=/opt/amazon/redshiftodbc/lib/64/amazon.redshiftodbc.ini

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/fetch_and_run.sh"]

The following code example shows the .odbc.ini file. It defines an etl profile, which uses an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to get temporary cluster credentials to connect to Amazon Redshift. AWS CDK creates this role for us. Because of this, we don’t need to hard-code credentials in a Docker image. The Database, DbUser, and ClusterID parameters are set in AWS CDK. Also, AWS CDK replaces the Region parameter at runtime with the Region to which you deploy the stacks.



For more information about connecting to Amazon Redshift clusters with RSQL, see Connect to a cluster with Amazon Redshift RSQL.

Our Docker image implements a well-known fetch and run integration pattern. To learn more about this pattern, see Creating a Simple “Fetch & Run” AWS Batch Job. The Docker image fetches the ETL script from an external repository, and then runs it. AWS CDK passes the information about the ETL script to run to the Docker container at runtime as an AWS Batch job parameter. The job parameter is exposed to the container as an environment variable called BATCH_SCRIPT_LOCATION. Our job also expects two other environment variables: DATA_BUCKET_NAME, which is the name of the S3 data bucket, and COPY_IAM_ROLE_ARN, which is the Amazon Redshift IAM role used for the COPY command to load the data into Amazon Redshift. All environment variables are set automatically by AWS CDK. The fetch_and_run.sh script is the entry point of the Docker container. See the following code:


# This script expects the following env variables to be set:
# BATCH_SCRIPT_LOCATION - full S3 path to RSQL script to run
# DATA_BUCKET_NAME - S3 bucket name with the data
# COPY_IAM_ROLE_ARN - IAM role ARN that will be used to copy the data from S3 to Redshift


if [ -z "${BATCH_SCRIPT_LOCATION}" ] || [ -z "${DATA_BUCKET_NAME}" ] || [ -z "${COPY_IAM_ROLE_ARN}" ]; then
    exit 1

# download script to a temp file

# execute script
# envsubst will replace ${COPY_IAM_ROLE_ARN} and ${COPY_IAM_ROLE_ARN} placeholders with actual values
envsubst < ${TEMP_SCRIPT_FILE} | rsql -D etl

exit $?

Create AWS Batch resources

Next, AWS CDK creates the AWS Batch compute environment, job queue, and job definition. As a fully managed service, AWS Batch helps you run batch computing workloads of any scale. AWS CDK creates a Fargate serverless compute environment for us. The compute environment deploys inside the same VPC as the Amazon Redshift cluster, inside the isolated subnets. The job definition uses our Docker image with Amazon Redshift RSQL.

This step turns Amazon Redshift RSQL into a serverless service. You can build complex ETL workflows based on this generic job.

Create a Step Functions state machine

AWS CDK then moves to the deployment of the Step Functions state machine. Step Functions enables you to build complex workflows in a visual way directly in your browser. This service supports over 9,000 API actions from over 200 AWS services.

You can use Amazon States Language to create a state machine on the Step Functions console. The Amazon States Language is a JSON-based, structured language used to define your state machine. You can also build them programmatically using AWS CDK, as I have done for this post.

After AWS CDK finishes, a new state machine is created in your account called ServerlessRSQLETLFramework. To run it, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Step Functions console.
  2. Choose the function to open the details page.
  3. Choose Edit, and then choose Workflow Studio New.
    The following screenshot shows our state machine.
  4. Choose Cancel to leave Workflow Studio, then choose Cancel again to leave the edit mode.
    You will be brought back to the details page.
  5. Choose Start execution.
    A dialog box appears. By default, the Name parameter is set to a random identifier, and the Input parameter is set to a sample JSON document.
  6. Delete the Input parameter and choose Start execution to start the state machine.

The Graph view on the details page updates in real time. The state machine starts with a parallel state with two branches. In the left branch, the first job loads customer data into staging table, then the second job merges new and existing customer records. In the right branch, two smaller tables for regions and nations are loaded and then merged one after another. The parallel state waits until all branches are complete before moving to the vacuum-analyze state, which runs VACUUM and ANALYZE commands on Amazon Redshift. The sample state machine also implements the Amazon SNS Publish API actions to send notifications about success or failure.

From the Graph view, you can check the status of each state by choosing it. Every state that uses an external resource has a link to it on the Details tab. In our example, next to every AWS Batch Job state, you can see a link to the AWS Batch Job details page. Here, you can view the status, runtime, parameters, IAM roles, link to Amazon CloudWatch Logs with the logs produced by ETL scripts, and more.

Clean up

To avoid ongoing charges for the resources that you created, delete them. AWS CDK deletes all resources except data resources such as S3 buckets and Amazon ECR repositories.

  1. First, delete all AWS CDK stacks. In the following code, provide your own AWS account and AWS Region:
    ./cdk.sh 123456789012 eu-west-1 destroy --all

  2. On the Amazon S3 console, empty and delete buckets with names starting with:
    1. s3stack-rsqletldemodata
    2. s3stack-rsqletldemoscripts
    3. s3stack-rsqletldemologging
  3. Finally, on the Amazon ECR console, delete repositories with names starting with:
    1. ecrrepositorystack-amazonlinuxrsql
    2. cdk-container-assets

Next steps

Here are some ideas of additional enhancements that you can add to the described solution.

You can break large complex state machines into smaller building blocks by creating self-contained state machines. In our example, you could create state machines for every pair of copy and merge jobs. You could create three such state machines: Copy and Merge Customer, Copy and Merge Region, and Copy and Merge Nation, and then call them from the main state machine. For complex workflows, a different team can work on each sub-state machine in parallel. Also, this pattern promotes reuse of existing components, best practices, and security mechanisms.

You can use Amazon S3 Object Functions or Amazon S3 EventBridge notifications to start a state machine automatically after you upload a file to an S3 bucket. To learn more about Amazon S3 integration with Amazon EventBridge, see Use Amazon S3 Event Notifications with Amazon EventBridge. This way you can achieve a fully event-driven serverless ETL orchestration framework.


You can use Amazon Redshift RSQL, AWS Batch, and Step Functions to create modern, serverless, and cost-effective ETL workflows. There is no infrastructure to manage, and Amazon Redshift RSQL works as a serverless RSQL service. In this post, we demonstrated how to use this serverless RSQL service to build more complex ETL workflows with Step Functions.

Step Functions integrates natively with over 200 AWS services. This opens a new world of possibilities to AWS customers and partners, who can integrate their processes with other data, analytics, machine learning, and compute services such as Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Glue, Amazon OpenSearch Service (successor to Amazon Elasticsearch Service), Amazon SageMaker, AWS Lambda, and more. The additional advantage of Step Functions and AWS Batch is that you have full traceability and auditing out of the box. Step Functions shows Graph or Event views together with a complete history for all state machine runs.

In this post, I used RSQL automation scripts as the building blocks of ETL workflows. Using RSQL is a common integration pattern that we see for customers migrating from Teradata BTEQ scripts. However, if you have simple ETL or ELT processes that can be written as plain SQL, you can invoke the Amazon Redshift Data API directly from Step Functions. To learn more about this integration pattern, see ETL orchestration using the Amazon Redshift Data API and AWS Step Functions with AWS SDK integration.

About the author

Lukasz is a Principal Software Dev Engineer working in the AWS DMA team. Lukasz helps customers move their workloads to AWS and specializes in migrating data warehouses and data lakes to AWS. In his free time, Lukasz enjoys learning new human languages.

Migrating mainframe JCL jobs to serverless using AWS Step Functions

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/migrating-mainframe-jcl-jobs-to-serverless-using-aws-step-functions/

This post is written by Raghuveer Reddy Talakola, Sr. Modernization Architect, Sanjay Rao, Sr. Mainframe Consultant, and Aneel Murari, Solution Architect.

JCL (Job Control Language) is a scripting language used to program batch jobs on mainframe systems. A JCL can contain one to many job control statements. It can be challenging to understand the condition code parameter checking syntax, which determines the order and conditions under which these statements are run.

If a JCL fails midway through execution, mainframe programmers have no visual aids to help them understand the flow of the JCL. They must examine text-based execution logs to manually correlate condition codes in the logs with condition check rules attached to JCL statements to understand the root cause of failure.

This post explains how AWS Step Functions can make it easier to maintain batch jobs migrated from mainframes to AWS.


The sample application shows how to use AWS Step Functions to address typical challenges when maintaining a batch workflow built using JCL. The sample business case validates a feed of new employee information against an existing employee database. It identifies discrepancies between the feed and the database and sends out notifications if it finds any.

The mainframe JCL supplied with this blog has seven steps. Each step applies condition code rules to check codes emitted by previous steps to decide if it must run. The Step Functions example achieves the same result. Using its graphical user interface, you can develop each step as an independent task, and link them visually. This makes it easier to understand how to decouple, reorder, or scale tasks if needed.

Visual tools for workflow analysis

A JCL controls its flow by using condition code checking or/and using IF-ELSE statements. A JCL condition code check defines the rules under which its associated JCL step will not run. Developers may code compound rules, double negatives, or triple or more negative conditions into the flow.

Example of condition code check in JCL What it means
//STEPTS2 EXEC PGM=XYZ,COND=(4,GT,STEPTST) Do not execute PGM XYZ if previous step STEPTST ended execution with a code greater than 4
//STEPTS3 EXEC PGM=XYZ,COND=EVEN Execute PGM XYZ even if all the previous steps failed



Do not execute PGM XYZ if any of the preceding steps exited with return code 6 or a code greater than 8

The sample JCL illustrates the complexity of setting up a batch workflow using JCL condition code:

  1. The first step of this JCL deletes files from a previous run. If it ends with code 0, the second JCL step extracts employee data from Db2 using a COBOL program and ends with a return code 0 if it is successful or 4 if no records were found.
  2. The next step coded with condition check (4,LT), runs if all preceding steps ended with codes less than 5. It checks the external extract and emits a condition code of 8 if the external extract is empty.
  3. The next step compares the 2 files if the extract validation step produced a return code of zero.
  4. If this comparison step detects some records that are missing in the employee Db2 database, it creates a file with missing records. If that file is empty, it sets a return code of 8, which ends the program. If the mismatch file has data, it copies the mismatch file over to another system for processing.

With Step Functions, you define the same workflow more easily by using the Amazon States Language (ASL). The Step Functions console provided a graphical representation of that state machine to visualize the application logic using a drag and drop interface.

Step Functions Workflow Studio

  1. The first task fetches the employee file from Amazon S3. It does not need a cleanup task as S3 supports versioning.
  2. If the fetched file is not empty, control passes to the step that runs business logic code inside an AWS Lambda function to validate the employee feed.
  3. The workflow retrieves an environment variable from an external parameter store. This step shows how environment parameters can be externalized in a Step Functions workflow.
  4. It publishes an event to Amazon EventBridge to trigger the external processing needed if discrepancies are found and conditions are met.
  5. The final step is a Succeeded state that marks flow completion.

The following image compares the sample JCL that is converted to a Step Functions workflow:

Sample JCL and Step Functions

Using a graphical interface instead of job control statements

In JCL, you define a batch process with a series of job control statements, which run a program, utility, or a nested procedure in a text editor. There is no visual aid. If a batch process becomes complex, it’s harder to understand the dependencies between the steps.

Step Functions makes it simpler for you to set up tasks, which are the equivalents of steps in JCL. It provides you with a graphical user interface (GUI) that enables you to configure and drag-and-drop steps into a state machine.

Decoupling tasks instead of deleting and commenting of code

To disable or change a step in a JCL, you examine the condition code logic associated with all preceding and succeeding steps of the job. Any mistake in editing these codes can lead to unintended consequences.

With Step Functions, removing or changing a step can be done using the visual editor or by updating the ASL code. This can help improve your agility and make it easier to implement change.

Using Parameter Store instead of editing parameters in code

To make JCL behave differently based on parameters, you must edit dynamic variables known as JCL Symbols inside the JCL or in control cards to affect the behavior change. The following JCL code sample shows a parameter called REGN coded to value DEV. At runtime, this REGN parameter is substituted by DEV in every statement that references this parameter. To reuse this JCL in production, you can change the value assigned to REGN to say PROD.

//    -------
//*  RUN  Db2 COBOL Batch Program 
//EXTRDB2 EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,COND=(0,NE)                                
//    -------
//FILEOUT  DD DSN=&REGN..AWS.APG.STEPDB2,                             
//*  RUN  VSAM COBOL Batch Program 
//    -------
//FILE2    DD DSN=&REGN..AWS.APG.STEPVSM,                             

In Step Functions, configuration parameters can be decoupled from state machine code by managing them in an external data source such as the Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. In the Step Functions workflow, the following step demonstrates retrieving a configuration from Parameter Store and using it to perform branching logic:

Workflow example

Independent scaling of steps versus splitting and cloning JCLs

When a JCL takes a long time to run, mainframe programmers split the job into multiple jobs or steps. Each job is a replica addressing different ranges of data.

With Step Functions, you can run a step or a group of steps concurrently by using a parallel state or map state, without creating multiple jobs that do the same thing. This can help make maintenance easier.

Improved observability and automated retry

If a JCL fails, there are no visual aids to help debug the errors. On the mainframe, you must log into the mainframe and run through several screens of text on SDSF (System Display and Search Facility) to find the cause of the failure.

Step Functions provide visual information on failures, automated retry capabilities, and native integration with AWS services. This can make it easier to understand and recover from failed jobs compared with reading through lengthy logs.

JCL example

Workflow visualization

Benefits for developers

Step Functions provides the following improvements over jobs written in JCL or migrated from JCL.

  • Visual analysis: Step Functions provide a graphical console that shows the status of each task in a visual presentation that developers and support staff can understand and debug more easily than a failed JCL.
  • Decoupling: You can update each component in the workflow independently, unlike in a JCL, where changing a step requires redeployment of the entire batch job to production.
  • Low code: Step Functions are defined with minimal code. The workflow editor can be used to drag and drop different steps and visually edit the workflows.
  • Independent scaling of steps: Step Functions is a serverless solution, and each step can scale independently. This opens up the possibility of scaling up resources for steps that are resource-intensive.
  • Automated retry capabilities: You can configure Step Functions to retry steps and recover from failures. This is much simpler than coding restart conditions in the JCL.
  • Improved logging and visibility: Step Functions can integrate with observability tools like Amazon CloudWatch and AWS X-Ray.


This conversion example shows how Step Functions can help you rewrite complex batch processes written in JCL to serverless workflows. It also shows how such a conversion provides maintenance and monitoring features that make it easier to simplify and scale these batch processes.

To learn more, download the sample JCL and Step Functions workflow from the GitHub repository. To learn more about our AWS Mainframe migration and modernization services, go here.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Automatically block suspicious DNS activity with Amazon GuardDuty and Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall

Post Syndicated from Akshay Karanth original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/automatically-block-suspicious-dns-activity-with-amazon-guardduty-and-route-53-resolver-dns-firewall/

In this blog post, we’ll show you how to use Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall to automatically respond to suspicious DNS queries that are detected by Amazon GuardDuty within your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment.

The Security Pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework includes incident response, stating that your organization should implement mechanisms to automatically respond to and mitigate the potential impact of security issues. Automating incident response helps you scale your capabilities, rapidly reduce the scope of compromised resources, and reduce repetitive work by security teams.

Use cases for Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall

Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall is a managed firewall that you can use to block DNS queries that are made for known malicious domains and to allow queries for trusted domains. It provides more granular control over the DNS querying behavior of resources within your VPCs.

Let’s discuss two use cases for Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall:

Use of allow lists – If you have stricter security requirements around network security controls and want to deny all outbound DNS queries for domains that don’t match those on your lists of approved domains (known as allow lists), you can create such rules. This is called a walled garden approach to DNS security. These allow lists only include the domains for which resources within your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) are allowed to make DNS queries through Amazon-provided DNS. This helps to ensure that the DNS queries containing the domains that your organization doesn’t trust are blocked.

Use of deny lists – If your organization prefers to allow all outbound DNS lookups within your accounts by default and only requires the ability to block DNS queries for known malicious domains, you can use DNS Firewall to create deny lists, which include all the malicious domain names that your organization is aware of. DNS Firewall also provides AWS Managed Rules, giving you to the ability to configure protections against known DNS threats like command-and-control (C&C) bots. You can also add block lists from open-source third-party threat intelligence sources.

A few important points about the use of allow and deny lists:

  1. Broader use of allow lists is more effective at blocking a greater number of malicious DNS queries than a short deny list. For example, if your workloads only need access to .com domains, then allowing only .com will block many malicious domains that might be specific to certain countries. View a list of country code top-level domains (ccTLDs).
  2. If you use allow lists, you need to make sure that you keep up with the domains that your applications need to communicate with. Likewise, if you use deny lists, you need to keep up with updates to the lists.
  3. Allow lists and deny lists are not mutually exclusive models and can be used together. For example, let’s say that you have an allow list that only allows .com domains (with the intention of blocking several ccTLDs by default). You can also use the built-in AWS Managed Rules deny list to block known malicious .com domains for an additional layer of security.

Solution overview

Refer to the DNS Firewall documentation to familiarize yourself with its constructs and understand how it works. The automation example we provide in this blog post is focused on providing blocks or alerts for DNS queries with suspicious domain names. For example, consider the scenario where an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance queries a domain name that is associated with a known command-and-control server. As shown in Figure 1, when GuardDuty detects communication with the malicious domain, it initiates a series of steps. First, AWS Step Functions orchestrates the remediation response through a defined workflow, then DNS Firewall adds the suspicious domain to deny list or alert list, and finally GuardDuty notifies the security operators of the attempted communication.

Figure 1: High-level solution overview

Figure 1: High-level solution overview

In this solution, the detection of threats by GuardDuty triggers the automated remediation procedure documented in this post. GuardDuty informs you of the status of your AWS environment by producing security findings. Each GuardDuty finding has an assigned severity level and value that reflects the potential risk that the finding could have to your network as determined by our security engineers. The value of the severity can fall anywhere within the 0.1 to 8.9 range, with higher values indicating greater security risk. To help you determine a response to a potential security issue that is highlighted by a finding, GuardDuty breaks down this range into High, Medium, and Low severity levels. We have seen that many of the DNS-based GuardDuty findings fall into the category of High severity, and many times these findings are strongly indicative of potential compromise (for example, pre ransomware activity).

In this blog post, we specifically focus on the following types of GuardDuty findings:

  • Backdoor:EC2/C&CActivity.B!DNS
  • Impact:EC2/MaliciousDomainRequest.Reputation
  • Trojan:EC2/DNSDataExfiltration

We’ve configured DNS Firewall to block only events with High severity by sending only those domains to the deny list. DNS Firewall sends the rest of the domains to an alert list.

This solution uses Step Functions and AWS Lambda so that incident response steps run in the correct order. Step Functions also provides retry and error-handling logic. Lambda functions interact with networking services to block traffic, and with databases to store data about blocked domain lists and AWS Security Hub finding Amazon Resource Names (ARNs).

How it works

Figure 2 shows the automated remediation workflow in detail.

Figure 2: Detailed workflow diagram

Figure 2: Detailed workflow diagram

The solution is implemented as follows:

  1. GuardDuty detects communication attempts that include a suspicious domain. GuardDuty generates a finding, in JSON format, that includes details such as the EC2 instance ID involved (if applicable), account information, type of finding, domain, and other details. Following is a sample finding (some fields removed for brevity).
      "schemaVersion": "2.0",
      "accountId": "123456789012",
      "id": " 1234567890abcdef0",
      "type": "Backdoor:EC2/C&CActivity.B!DNS",
      "service": {
        "serviceName": "guardduty",
        "action": {
          "actionType": "DNS_REQUEST",
         "dnsRequestAction": {
    "domain": "guarddutyc2activityb.com",
    "protocol": "UDP",
    "blocked": false

  2. Security Hub ingests the finding generated by GuardDuty and consolidates it with findings from other AWS security services. Security Hub also publishes the contents of the finding to the default bus in Amazon EventBridge. Following is a snippet from a sample event published to EventBridge.
      "id": "12345abc-ca56-771b-cd1b-710550598e37", 
      "detail-type": "Security Hub Findings - Imported", 
      "source": "aws.securityhub", 
      "account": "123456789012", 
      "time": "2021-01-05T01:20:33Z", 
      "region": "us-east-1", 
      "detail": { 
        "findings": [ 
            { "ProductArn": "arn:aws:securityhub:us-east-1::product/aws/guardduty", 
            "Types": ["Software and Configuration Checks/Backdoor:EC2.C&CActivity.B!DNS"], 
            "LastObservedAt": "2021-01-05T01:15:01.549Z", 
                {"aws/guardduty/service/action/dnsRequestAction/blocked": "false",
                "aws/guardduty/service/action/dnsRequestAction/domain": "guarddutyc2activityb.com"} 

  3. EventBridge has a rule with an event pattern that matches GuardDuty events that contain the malicious domain name. When an event matching the pattern is published on the default bus, EventBridge routes that event to the designated target, in this case a Step Functions state machine. Following is a snippet of AWS CloudFormation code that defines the EventBridge rule.
    # EventBridge Event Rule - For Security Hub event published to EventBridge:
        Type: "AWS::Events::Rule"
          Description: "Security Hub - GuardDuty findings with DNS Domain"
            - aws.securityhub
                    - "exists": true
          State: "ENABLED"
              Arn: !GetAtt SecurityHubtoDnsFirewallStateMachine.Arn
              RoleArn: !GetAtt SecurityHubtoFirewallStateMachineEventRole.Arn
              Id: "GuardDutyEvent-StepFunctions-Trigger"

  4. The Step Functions state machine ingests the details of the Security Hub finding published in EventBridge and orchestrates the remediation response through a defined workflow. Figure 3 shows the state machine workflow.
    Figure 3: AWS Step Functions state machine workflow

    Figure 3: AWS Step Functions state machine workflow

  5. The first two steps in the state machine, getDomainFromDynamo and isDomainInDynamo, invoke the Lambda function CheckDomainInDynamoLambdaFunction that checks whether the flagged domain is already in the Amazon DynamoDB table. If the domain already exists in DynamoDB, then the workflow continues to check whether the domain is also in the domain list and adds it accordingly. If the domain is not in DynamoDB, then the workflow considers it a new addition and adds the domain to both domain lists, as well as the DynamoDB table.
  6. The next three steps in the state machine—getDomainFromDomainList, isDomainInDomainList, and addDomainToDnsFirewallDomainList—invoke a second Lambda function that checks and updates the DNS Firewall domain lists with the domain name. Figure 4 shows an example of the DNS Firewall rules and associated domain list.
    Figure 4: Sample rules in a DNS Firewall rule group

    Figure 4: Sample rules in a DNS Firewall rule group

    Figure 5 shows the domain lists.

    Figure 5: Domain lists

    Figure 5: Domain lists

    The next step in the state machine, updateDynamoDB, invokes a third Lambda function that updates the DynamoDB table with the domain that was just added to the domain list. Figure 6 shows an example domain entry that gets stored inside the DynamoDB table.

    Figure 6: DynamoDB table entry

    Figure 6: DynamoDB table entry

  7. The notifySuccess step of the state machine uses an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic to send out a message that the automatic block or alert happened.
  8. If there was a failure in any of the previous steps, then the state machine runs the notifyFailure step. The state machine publishes a message on the SNS topic that the automated remediation workflow has failed to complete, and that manual intervention might be required.

Solution deployment and testing

To set up this solution, you’ll do the following steps:

  1. Verify prerequisites in your AWS account.
  2. Deploy the CloudFormation template.
  3. Create a test Security Hub event.
  4. Confirm the entry in the DNS Firewall rule group domain list.
  5. Confirm the SNS notification.
  6. Apply the rule group to your VPC by using DNS Firewall.

Step 1: Verify prerequisites in your AWS account

The sample solution we provide in this blog post requires that you activate both GuardDuty and Security Hub in your AWS account. If either of these services is not activated in your account, do the following:

Step 2: Deploy the CloudFormation template

For this next step, make sure that you deploy the template within the AWS account and the AWS Region where you want to monitor GuardDuty findings and block suspicious DNS activity. Depending on your architecture, you can deploy the solution one time centrally in a security account or deploy it repeatedly across multiple accounts.

To deploy the template

  1. Choose the Launch Stack button to launch a CloudFormation stack in your account:
    Select the Launch Stack button to launch the template

    Note: The stack will launch in the N. Virginia (us-east-1) Region. It takes approximately 15 minutes for the CloudFormation stack to complete. To deploy this solution into other AWS Regions, download the solution’s CloudFormation template and deploy it to the selected Region. Network Firewall isn’t currently available in all Regions. For more information about where it’s available, see the list of service endpoints.

  2. In the AWS CloudFormation console, select the Select Template form, and then choose Next.
  3. On the Specify Details page, provide the following input parameters. You can modify the default values to customize the solution for your environment.
    • AdminEmail – The email address to receive notifications. This must be a valid email address. There is no default value.
    • DnsFireWallAlertDomainListName – The name of the domain list for DNS Firewall that consists of domains that will be only alerted and not blocked. The default value is DemoAlertDomainListAutoUpdated.
    • DnsFireWallBlockDomainListName – The name of the domain list for DNS Firewall that consists of domains that will be blocked. The default value is DemoBlockedDomainListAutoUpdated.
    • DnsFirewallBlockAction – You can select NODATA or NXDOMAIN. NODATA implies that there is no response available if a DNS query from the VPC matches a domain in the block domain list. NXDOMAIN implies that the response is an error message, which indicates that a domain doesn’t exist. The default value is NODATA.

    Figure 7 shows an example of the values entered in the Parameters screen.

    Figure 7: Sample CloudFormation stack parameters

    Figure 7: Sample CloudFormation stack parameters

  4. After you’ve entered values for all of the input parameters, choose Next.
  5. On the Options page, keep the defaults, and then choose Next.
  6. On the Review page, in the Capabilities section, select the check box next to I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources. Then choose Create. Figure 8 shows what the CloudFormation capabilities acknowledgement prompt looks like.
    Figure 8: AWS CloudFormation capabilities acknowledgement

    Figure 8: AWS CloudFormation capabilities acknowledgement

While the stack is being created, check the email inbox that corresponds to the value that you gave for the AdminEmail address parameter. Look for an email message with the subject “AWS Notification – Subscription Confirmation.” Choose the link to confirm the subscription to the SNS topic.

After the Status field for the CloudFormation stack changes to CREATE_COMPLETE, as shown in Figure 9, the solution is implemented and is ready for testing.

Figure 9: CloudFormation stack completed deployment

Figure 9: CloudFormation stack completed deployment

Step 3: Create a test Security Hub event

After the CloudFormation stack has completed deployment, you can test the functionality by creating a test event in the same format as would be published by Security Hub.

To create a test run of the solution

  1. In the AWS Management Console, choose Services, choose CloudFormation, and then for Stack, choose the stack name that you provided in Step 2: Deploy the CloudFormation template.
  2. In the Resources tab for the stack, look for the SecurityHubDnsFirewallStateMachine entry. It should appear as shown in Figure 10.
    Figure 10: CloudFormation stack resources

    Figure 10: CloudFormation stack resources

  3. Choose the link in the entry. You’ll be redirected to the Step Functions console, with the state machine already open. Choose Start execution.
    Figure 11: AWS Step Functions state machine

    Figure 11: AWS Step Functions state machine

  4. To facilitate testing, we’ve provided a test event file. On the Start execution page, in the Input section, paste the C&CActivity.B!DNS finding sample as shown in Figure 12.
    Figure 12: Sample input for the Step Functions state machine execution

    Figure 12: Sample input for the Step Functions state machine execution

  5. Note the domain name guarddutyc2activityb.com for the remote host identified in the GuardDuty finding in the test event on line 57 of the sample. The solution should block or alert traffic from that domain name in the following steps.
  6. Choose Start execution to begin the processing of the test event.
  7. You can now track the state machine processing of the test event. The processing should complete within a few seconds. You can select different steps in the visual Graph inspector to view input and output data. Figure 13 shows the input to the addDomainToDnsFirewallDomainList step that launches a Lambda function that interacts with DNS Firewall.
    Figure 13: Step Functions state machine step details

    Figure 13: Step Functions state machine step details

Step 4: Confirm the entry in the DNS Firewall rule group

Now that a test event was processed by the state machine, you can check whether the DNS Firewall rule group would block traffic to the domain name identified in the GuardDuty finding.

To validate entries in the DNS Firewall rule group

  1. In the AWS Management Console, choose Services, and then choose VPC. In the DNS Firewall section in the left navigation bar, choose DNS Firewall rule groups.
  2. Choose the demoDnsFirewallRuleGroup rule group created by the solution, and you’ll be able to see the rules as shown in Figure 14.
    Figure 14: Select the DNS Firewall rule

    Figure 14: Select the DNS Firewall rule

  3. Choose the domain list associated with the BLOCK rule. Confirm that the rules blocking the traffic from the source and to the domain that you specified in the test event were created. The domain list should look similar to what is shown in Figure 15.
    Figure 15: Verify that the domain was added to the blocked domain list

    Figure 15: Verify that the domain was added to the blocked domain list

Step 5: Confirm the SNS notification

In this step, you’ll view the SNS notification that was sent to the email address you set up.

To confirm the SNS notification

  • Review the email inbox for the value that you provided for the AdminEmail parameter and look for a message with the subject line “AWS Notification Message.” The contents of the message from SNS should be similar to the following.
    {"Blocked":"true","Input":{"ResponseMetadata":{"RequestId":"HOLOAAENUS3MN9B0DS6CO8BF4BVV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJG","HTTPStatusCode":200,"HTTPHeaders":{"server":"Server","date":"Wed, 17 Nov 2021 08:20:38 GMT","content-type":"application/x-amz-json-1.0","content-length":"2","connection":"keep-alive","x-amzn-requestid":"HOLOAAENUS3MN9B0DS6CO8BF4BVV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJG","x-amz-crc32":"2745614147"},"RetryAttempts":0}}}

Step 6: Apply the rule group to your VPC by using DNS Firewall

As part of the CloudFormation template deployment, two test VPCs have been created for you, to demonstrate that you can assign a single DNS Firewall rule group to multiple VPCs. You can also associate this rule group to your existing VPC of interest. To learn how to do this task, see Managing associations between your VPC and Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall rule group. For visibility into DNS queries and for debugging purposes, the template creates log groups that accumulate DNS Resolver query logs.

After you’ve successfully tested the given sample that emulates C&CActivity.B!DNS, you can repeat steps 3 to 6 for the MaliciousDomainRequest.Reputation finding sample and the DNSDataExfiltration finding sample.

These samples are supplied for your convenience, and you will see the blocking action in a matter of minutes. Alternatively, you can use other ways to test, which might need about an hour for blocking action to happen. To initiate DNS C&C activity, you can make a DNS request from your instance (using dig for Linux or nslookup for Windows) against the test domain guarddutyc2activityb.com. Alternatively, you can use GuardDuty Tester, which generates DNS C&C activity and DNS exfiltration unauthorized events.

To take this solution one step further, you can implement automatic aging out of the domains that get added to the domain list. One way to do this is to use the Time to Live feature in DynamoDB and keep repopulating the domain list from DynamoDB at regular intervals of time. The benefit of this is that if the malicious nature of a domain in the domain list changes over time, the list will be kept up to date during this age out and repopulation process.


There are a few considerations that you should keep in mind regarding DNS Firewall:

  • DNS Firewall and AWS Network Firewall work together for improved domain-filtering capability across HTTP(S) traffic. A domain list that you configure in Network Firewall should reflect the domain list configured in DNS Firewall.
  • DNS Firewall filters based on the domain name. It doesn’t translate that domain name to an IP address to be blocked.
  • It’s a best practice to block outbound traffic to port 53 with network access control lists (network ACLs) or Network Firewall so that GuardDuty can monitor DNS queries.
  • DNS Firewall filters DNS queries to the Amazon Route 53 Resolver (also known as AmazonProvidedDNS or VPC .2 Resolver) in the VPC. So for traffic leaving the VPC, we recommend that you use DNS Firewall along with Network Firewall, which you can use to secure traffic that isn’t headed to Amazon Route 53 Resolver. Network Firewall can also block domain names that exist in network traffic leaving the Amazon VPC, such as in HTTP HOST headers, TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) fields, and so on.
  • You can use Network Firewall to block external encrypted DNS services so that these services can’t be used to circumvent your DNS Firewall policies.


In this blog post, you learned how to automatically block malicious domains by using Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall and GuardDuty. You can use this sample solution to automatically block communication to suspicious hosts discovered by GuardDuty, and you can apply those blocks across all configured DNS Firewall firewalls within your account.

All of the code for this solution is available on GitHub. Feel free to play around with the code; we hope it helps you learn more about automated security remediation. You can adjust the code to better fit your unique environment or extend the code with additional steps.

If you have comments about this blog post, submit them in the Comments section below. If you have questions about using this solution, start a thread in the Route 53 Resolver forum or GuardDuty forums, or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Akshay Karanth

Akshay is a senior solutions architect at AWS. He helps digital native businesses learn, build, and grow in the AWS Cloud. Before AWS, he worked at companies such as Juniper Networks and Microsoft in various customer facing roles across networking and security domains. When not at work, Akshay enjoys hiking up a hard trail or cooking a fulfilling meal with his family.


Rohit Aswani

Rohit is a specialist solutions architect focussed on Networking at AWS, where he helps customers build and design scalable, highly-available, secure, resilient, and cost-effective networks. He holds an MS in telecommunication systems management from Northeastern University, specializing in computer networking.


Special thanks to Fabrice Dall’ara who made significant contributions to this post.

AWS Week in Review – July 4, 2022

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-july-04-2022/

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Summer has arrived in Finland, and these last few days have been hotter than in the Canary Islands! Today in the US it is Independence Day. I hope that if you are celebrating, you’re having a great time. This week I’m very excited about some developer experience and artificial intelligence launches.

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week:

AWS SAM Accelerate is now generally available – SAM Accelerate is a new capability of the AWS Serverless Application Model CLI, which makes it easier for serverless developers to test code changes against the cloud. You can do a hot swap of code directly in the cloud when making a change in your local development environment. This allows you to develop applications faster. Learn more about this launch in the What’s New post.

Amplify UI for React is generally available – Amplify UI is an open-source UI library that helps developers build cloud-native applications. Amplify UI for React comes with over 35 components that you can use, an authentication component that allows you to connect to your backend with no extra configuration, theming for your components. You can also build your UI using Figma. Check the Amplify UI for React site to learn more about all the capabilities offered.

Amazon Connect has new announcements – First, Amazon Connect added support to personalize the flows of the customer experience using Amazon Lex sentiment analysis. It also added support to branch out the flows depending on Amazon Lex confidence scores. Lastly, it added confidence scores to Amazon Connect Customer Profiles to help companies merge duplicate customer records.

Amazon QuickSight – QuickSight authors can now learn and experience Q before signing up. Authors can choose from six different sample topics and explore different visualizations. In addition, QuickSight now supports Level Aware Calculations (LAC) and rolling date functionality. These two new features bring flexibility and simplification to customers to build advanced calculation and dashboards.

Amazon SageMaker – RStudio on SageMaker now allows you to bring your own development environment in a custom image. RStudio on SageMaker is a fully managed RStudio Workbench in the cloud. In addition, SageMaker added four new tabular data modeling algorithms: LightGBM, CatBoost, AutoGluon-Tabular, and TabTransformer to the existing set of built-in algorithms, pre-trained models and pre-built solution templates it provides.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Some other updates and news that you may have missed:

AWS Support announced an improved experience when creating a case – There is a new interface for creating support cases in the AWS Support Center console. Now you can create a case with a simplified three-step process that guides you through the flow. Learn more about this new process in the What’s new post.

New AWS Step Functions workflows collection on Serverless Land – The Step Functions workflows collection is a new experience that makes it easier to discover, deploy, and share AWS Step Functions workflows. In this collection, you can find opinionated templates that implement the best practices to build using Step Functions. Learn more about this new collection in Ben’s blog post.

Podcast Charlas Técnicas de AWS – If you understand Spanish, this podcast is for you. Podcast Charlas Técnicas is one of the official AWS Podcasts in Spanish, which shares a new episode ever other week. The podcast is meant for builders, and it shares stories about how customers implement and learn AWS, how to architect applications, and how to use new services. You can listen to all the episodes directly from your favorite podcast app or from the AWS Podcasts en español website.

AWS open-source news and updates – A newsletter curated by my colleague Ricardo brings you the latest open-source projects, posts, events, and more.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

AWS Summit New York – Join us on July 12 for the in-person AWS Summit. You can register on the AWS Summit page for free.

AWS re:Inforce – This is an in-person learning conference with a focus on security, compliance, identity, and privacy. You can register now to access hundreds of technical sessions, and other content. It will take place July 26 and 27 in Boston, MA.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!

— Marcia

ICYMI: Serverless Q2 2022

Post Syndicated from dboyne original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/icymi-serverless-q2-2022/

Welcome to the 18th edition of the AWS Serverless ICYMI (in case you missed it) quarterly recap. Every quarter, we share all the most recent product launches, feature enhancements, blog posts, webinars, Twitch live streams, and other interesting things that you might have missed!

In case you missed our last ICYMI, check out what happened last quarter here.

AWS Lambda

For Node.js developers, AWS Lambda now supports the Node.js 16.x runtime version. This offers new features, including the Stable timers promises API and RegExp match indices. There is also new documentation for TypeScript with Lambda.

Customers are rapidly adopting the new runtime version by updating to Node.js 16.x. To help keep Lambda functions secure, AWS continually updates Node.js 16 with all minor updates released by the Node.js community when using the zip archive format. Read the release blog post to learn more about building Lambda functions with Node.js 16.x.

A new Lambda custom runtime is now available for PowerShell. It makes it even easier to run Lambda functions written in PowerShell. Although Lambda has supported PowerShell since 2018, this new version simplifies the process and reduces the additional steps required during the development process.

To get started, see the GitHub repository which contains the code, examples and installation instructions.

PowerShell code in Lambda console

PowerShell code in Lambda console

AWS Lambda Powertools is an open-source library to help customers discover and incorporate serverless best practices more easily. Powertools for Python went GA in July 2020, followed by Java in 2021, TypeScript in 2022, and .NET is coming soon. AWS Lambda Powertools crossed the 10M download milestone and TypeScript support has now moved from beta to a release candidate.

When building with Lambda, it’s important to develop solutions to handle retries and failures when the same event may be received more than once. Lambda Powertools provide a utility to handle idempotency within your functions.

To learn more:

AWS Step Functions

AWS Step Functions launched a new opt-in console experience to help builders analyze, debug, and optimize Step Functions Standard Workflows. This allows you to debug workflow executions and analyze the payload as it passes through each state. To opt in to the new console experience and get started, follow these detailed instructions.

Events Tab in Step Functions Workflow

Events tab in Step Functions workflow

Amazon EventBridge

Amazon EventBridge released support for global endpoints in April 2022. Global endpoints provide a reliable way for you to improve availability and reliability of event-driven applications. Using global endpoints, you can fail over event ingestion automatically to another Region during service disruptions.

The new IngestionToInvocationStartLatency metric exposes the time to process events from the point at which they are ingested by EventBridge to the point of the first invocation. Amazon Route 53 uses this information to failover event ingestion automatically to a secondary Region if the metric exceeds a configured threshold of 30 seconds, consecutively for 5 minutes.

To learn more:

Amazon EventBridge Architecture for Global Endpoints

Amazon EventBridge global endpoints architecture diagram

Serverless Blog Posts


Apr 6 – Getting Started with Event-Driven Architecture

Apr 7 – Introducing global endpoints for Amazon EventBridge

Apr 11 – Building an event-driven application with Amazon EventBridge

Apr 12 – Orchestrating high performance computing with AWS Step Functions and AWS Batch

Apr 14 – Working with events and the Amazon EventBridge schema registry

Apr 20 – Handling Lambda functions idempotency with AWS Lambda Powertools

Apr 26 – Build a custom Java runtime for AWS Lambda


May 05 – Amazon EC2 DL1 instances Deep Dive

May 05 – Orchestrating Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive object retrieval using AWS Step Functions

May 09 – Benefits of migrating to event-driven architecture

May 09 – Debugging AWS Step Functions executions with the new console experience

May 12 – Node.js 16.x runtime now available in AWS Lambda

May 25 – Introducing the PowerShell custom runtime for AWS Lambda


Jun 01 – Testing Amazon EventBridge events using AWS Step Functions

Jun 02 – Optimizing your AWS Lambda costs – Part 1

Jun 02 – Optimizing your AWS Lambda costs – Part 2

Jun 02 – Extending PowerShell on AWS Lambda with other services

Jun 02 – Running AWS Lambda functions on AWS Outposts using AWS IoT Greengrass

Jun 14 – Combining Amazon AppFlow with AWS Step Functions to maximize application integration benefits

Jun 14 – Capturing GPU Telemetry on the Amazon EC2 Accelerated Computing Instances

Serverlesspresso goes global

Serverlesspresso in five countries

Serverlesspresso is a serverless event-driven application that allows you to order coffee from your phone.

Since building Serverlesspresso for reinvent 2021, the Developer Advocate team have put in approximately 100 additional development hours to improve the application to make it a multi-tenant event-driven serverless app.

This allowed us to run Serverlesspresso concurrently at five separate events across Europe on a single day in June, serving over 5,000 coffees. Each order is orchestrated by a single Step Functions workflow. To read more about how this application is built:

AWS Heroes EMEA Summit in Milan, Italy

AWS Heros in Milan, Italy 2022

AWS Heroes EMEA Summit in Milan, Italy

The AWS Heroes program recognizes talented experts whose enthusiasm for knowledge-sharing has a real impact within the community. The EMEA-based Heroes gathered for a Summit on June 28 to share their thoughts, providing valuable feedback on topics such as containers, serverless and machine learning.

Serverless workflow collection added to Serverless Land

Serverless Land is a website that is maintained by the Serverless Developer Advocate team to help you learn with workshops, patterns, blogs and videos.

The Developer Advocate team have extended Serverless Land and introduced the new AWS Step Functions workflows collection.

Using the new collection you can explore common patterns built with Step Functions and use the 1-click deploy button to deploy straight into your AWS account.

Serverless Workflows Collection on Serverless Land

Serverless Workflows Collection on Serverless Land


Serverless Office Hours – Tues 10AM PT

ServerlessLand YouTube Channel

ServerlessLand YouTube Channel

Weekly live virtual office hours. In each session we talk about a specific topic or technology related to serverless and open it up to helping you with your real serverless challenges and issues. Ask us anything you want about serverless technologies and applications.

YouTube: youtube.com/serverlessland
Twitch: twitch.tv/aws




FooBar Serverless YouTube channel

FooBar Serverless YouTube Header

FooBar Serverless Channel

Marcia Villalba frequently publishes new videos on her popular serverless YouTube channel. You can view all of Marcia’s videos at https://www.youtube.com/c/FooBar_codes.




Still looking for more?

The Serverless landing page has more information. The Lambda resources page contains case studies, webinars, whitepapers, customer stories, reference architectures, and even more Getting Started tutorials.

You can also follow the Serverless Developer Advocacy team on Twitter to see the latest news, follow conversations, and interact with the team.

Introducing the new AWS Step Functions Workflows Collection

Post Syndicated from Benjamin Smith original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-the-new-aws-step-functions-workflows-collection/

Today, the AWS Serverless Developer Advocate team introduces the Step Functions Workflows Collection, a fresh experience that makes it easier to discover, deploy, and share Step Functions workflows.

Builders create Step Functions workflows to orchestrate multiple services into business-critical applications with minimal code. Customers were looking for opinionated templates that implement best practices for building serverless applications with Step Functions.

This blog post explains what Step Functions workflows are and what challenges they help solve. It shows how to use the new Step Functions workflows collection to find simple “building blocks”, reusable patterns, and example applications to help build your serverless applications with Step Functions.


Large serverless applications often comprise multiple decoupled resources. These are sometimes challenging to observe and discover errors. Step Functions is a low-code visual workflow service that helps solve this challenge. It provides instant visual understanding of an application, the services it integrates with, and any errors that might occur during execution.

Step Functions workflows comprise a sequence of steps where the output of one step passes on as input to the next. Step Functions can integrate with over 220 AWS services by using an AWS SDK integration task. This allows users to call AWS SDK actions directly without the need to write additional code.

Getting started with the Step Functions workflows collection

Explore the Step Functions workflows collection to discover new workflows. The collection has three levels of workflows:

  1. Fundamental: A simple, reusable building block.
  2. Pattern: A common reusable component of an application.
  3. Application: A complete serverless application or microservice.

Workflows are also categorized by multiple use-cases, including data processing, SaaS integration, and security automation. Once you find a workflow that want to use in your application:

  1. Choose View to go to the workflow details page.
  2. Choose Template from the workflow details page to view the infrastructure as code (IaC) deployment template. Here, you can see how to configure resources with AWS best practices.
    The workflows collection currently supports deployable workflow templates defined with AWS Serverless Applications Model (AWS SAM) or the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK)Structure of an AWS SAM template

    AWS SAM is an open-source framework for building serverless applications. It provides shorthand syntax that makes it easier to build and deploy serverless applications. With only a few lines, you can define each resource using YAML or JSON.

    An AWS SAM template can have serverless-specific resources or standard AWS CloudFormation resources. When you run sam deploy, sam transforms serverless resources into CloudFormation syntax.

    Structure of an AWS CDK template

    The AWS CDK provides another way to define your application resources using common programming languages. The CDK is an open source framework that you can use to model your applications. As with AWS SAM, when you run ‘npx cdk deploy –app ‘ts-node .’ , the CDK transforms the template into AWS CloudFormation syntax and creates the specified resources for you.

  3. Choose Workflow Definition to see the Amazon States Language definition (ASL). That defines the workflow.ASL is a JSON-based, structured language for authoring Step Functions workflows. It enables developers to filter and manipulate data at various stages of a workflow state’s execution using paths. A path is a string beginning with $ that lets you identify and filter subsets of JSON text. Learning how to apply these filters helps to build efficient workflows with minimal state transitions.

    The more advanced workflows in the collection show how to use intrinsic functions to manipulate payload data. Intrinsic functions are ASL constructs that help build and convert payloads without creating additional task state transitions. Use intrinsic functions in Task states within the ResultSelector field, or in a Pass state in either the Parameters or ResultSelector field. The Step Functions documentation shows examples of how to:

    1. Construct strings from interpolated values.
    2. Convert a JSON object to a string.
    3. Convert arguments to an array.Use the workflow definition to see how to configure each workflow state. This is helpful to understand how to define task types you are unfamiliar with and how to apply intrinsic functions to help reduce state transitions. Use the data flow simulator to model and refine your input and output path processing.
  4. Follow the Download and Deployment commands to deploy the workflow into your AWS account. Use the Additional resources to read more about the workflow.
  5. Once you have deployed the workflow into your AWS account, continue building in the AWS Management Console with Workflow studio or locally by editing the downloaded files.Continue building with Workflow Studio
    To edit the workflow in Workflow Studio, select the workflow from the Step Functions console and choose Edit > Workflow Studio.
    From here, you can drag-and-drop flow and Task states onto the canvas, then configure states and data transformations using built-in forms. Workflow Studio composes your workflow definition in real time. If you are new to Step Functions, Workflow Studio provides an easy way to continue building your first workflow that delivers business value.

    Continue building in your local IDE
    For developers who prefer to build locally, the AWS Toolkit for VS Code enables you to define, visualize, and create your Step Functions workflows without leaving the VS Code. The toolkit also provides code snippets for seven different ASL state types and additional service integrations to speed up workflow development. To continue building locally with VS Code:

    1. Download the AWS Toolkit for VS Code
    2. Open the statemachine.asl.json definition file, and choose Render graph to visual the workflow as you build.

Contributing to the Step Functions Workflows collection

Anyone can contribute a workflow to the Step Functions workflows collection. GitHub can host new workflow files in the AWS workflows-collection repository, or in a pre-existing repository of your own.

To submit a workflow:

  1. Choose Submit a workflow from the navigation section.
  2. Fill out the GitHub issue template.
  3. Clone the repository, and duplicate and rename the example _workflow_model directory.
  4. Add the associated workflow template files, ASL, and workflow image.
  5. Add the required meta information to `example-workflow.json`
  6. Make a Pull Request to the repository with the new workflow files.

Additional guidance can be found in the repository’s PUBLISHING.md file.


Today, the AWS Serverless Developer Advocate team is launching a new Serverless Land experience called “The Step Functions workflows collection”. This helps builders search, deploy, and contribute example Step Functions workflows.

The workflows collection simplifies the Step Functions getting started experience, and also shows more advanced users how to apply best practices to their workflows. These examples consist of fundamental building blocks for workflows, common application patterns implemented as workflows, and end to end applications.

All Step Functions builders are invited to contribute to the collection. This is done by submitting a pull request to the Step Functions Workflows Collection GitHub repository. Each submission is reviewed by the Serverless Developer advocate for quality and relevancy before publishing.

You can now learn to use Step Functions with a new workshop called the AWS Step Functions Workshop. This self-paced tutorial teaches you how to use the primary features of Step Functions through a series of interactive modules.

For more information on building applications with Step Functions visit Serverlessland.com.

Building a low-code speech “you know” counter using AWS Step Functions

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-a-low-code-speech-you-know-counter-using-aws-step-functions/

This post is written by Doug Toppin, Software Development Engineer, and Kishore Dhamodaran, Solutions Architect.

In public speaking, filler phrases can distract the audience and reduce the value and impact of what you are telling them. Reviewing recordings of presentations can be helpful to determine whether presenters are using filler phrases. Instead of manually reviewing prior recordings, automation can process media files and perform a speech-to-text function. That text can then be processed to report on the use of filler phrases.

This blog explains how to use AWS Step Functions, Amazon EventBridge, Amazon Transcribe and Amazon Athena to report on the use of the common phrase “you know” in media files. These services can automate and reduce the time required to find the use of filler phrases.

Step Functions can automate and chain together multiple activities and other Amazon services. Amazon Transcribe is a speech to text service that uses media files as input and produces textual transcripts from them. Athena is an interactive query service that makes it easier to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. Athena enables the use of standard SQL to query data in S3.

This blog shows a low-code, configuration driven approach to implementing this solution. Low-code means writing little or no custom software to perform a function. Instead, you use a configuration drive approach using service integrations where state machine tasks call AWS services using existing SDKs, APIs, or interfaces. A configuration driven approach in this example is using Step Functions’ Amazon States Language (ASL) to tie actions together rather than writing traditional code. This requires fewer details for data management and error handling combined with a visual user interface for composing the workflow. As the actions and logic are clearly defined with the visual workflow, this reduces maintenance.

Solution overview

The following diagram shows the solution architecture.


Solution Overview

  1. You upload a media file to an Amazon S3 Media bucket.
  2. The media file upload to S3 triggers an EventBridge rule.
  3. The EventBridge rule starts the Step Functions state machine execution.
  4. The state machine invokes Amazon Transcribe to process the media file.
  5. The transcription output file is stored in the Amazon S3 Transcript bucket.
  6. The state machine invokes Athena to query the textual transcript for the filler phrase. This uses the AWS Glue table to describe the format of the transcription results file.
  7. The filler phrase count determined by Athena is returned and stored in the Amazon S3 Results bucket.


  1. An AWS account and an AWS user or role with sufficient permissions to create the necessary resources.
  2. Access to the following AWS services: Step Functions, Amazon Transcribe, Athena, and Amazon S3.
  3. Latest version of the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) CLI, which helps developers create and manage serverless applications in the AWS Cloud.
  4. Test media files (for example, the Official AWS Podcast).

Example walkthrough

  1. Clone the GitHub repository to your local machine.
  2. git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-stepfunctions-examples.git
  3. Deploy the resources using AWS SAM. The deploy command processes the AWS SAM template file to create the necessary resources in AWS. Choose you-know as the stack name and the AWS Region that you want to deploy your solution to.
  4. cd aws-stepfunctions-examples/sam/app-low-code-you-know-counter/
    sam deploy --guided

Use the default parameters or replace with different values if necessary. For example, to get counts of a different filler phrase, replace the FillerPhrase parameter.

GlueDatabaseYouKnowP Name of the AWS Glue database to create.
AthenaTableName Name of the AWS Glue table that is used by Athena to query the results.
FillerPhrase The filler phrase to check.
AthenaQueryPreparedStatementName Name of the Athena prepared statement used to run SQL queries on.
AthenaWorkgroup Athena workgroup to use
AthenaDataCatalog The data source for running the Athena queries
SAM Deploy

SAM Deploy

Running the filler phrase counter

  1. Navigate to the Amazon S3 console and upload an mp3 or mp4 podcast recording to the bucket named bucket-{account number}-{Region}-you-know-media.
  2. Navigate to the Step Functions console. Choose the running state machine, and monitor the execution of the transcription state machine.
  3. State Machine Execution

    State Machine Execution

  4. When the execution completes successfully, select the QueryExecutionSuccess task to examine the output and see the filler phrase count.
  5. State Machine Output

    State Machine Output

  6. Amazon Transcribe produces the transcript text of the media file. You can examine the output in the Results bucket. Using the S3 console, navigate to the bucket, choose the file matching the media file name and use ‘Query with S3 Select’ to view the content.
  7. If the transcription job does not execute, the state machine reports the failure and exits.
  8. State Machine Fail

    State Machine Fail

Exploring the state machine

The state machine orchestrates the transcription processing:

State Machine Explore

State Machine Explore

The StartTranscriptionJob task starts the transcription job. The Wait state adds a 60-second delay before checking the status of the transcription job. Until the status of the job changes to FAILED or COMPLETED, the choice state continues.

When the job successfully completes, the AthenaStartQueryExecutionUsingPreparedStatement task starts the Athena query, and stores the results in the S3 results bucket. The AthenaGetQueryResults task retrieves the count from the resultset.

The TranscribeMediaBucket holds the media files to be uploaded. The configuration sends the upload notification event to EventBridge:

       EventBridgeEnabled: true

The TranscribeResultsBucket has an associated policy to provide access to Amazon Transcribe. Athena stores the output from the queries performed by the state machine in the AthenaQueryResultsBucket .

When a media upload occurs, the YouKnowTranscribeStateMachine uses Step Functions’ native event integration to trigger an EventBridge rule. This contains an event object similar to:

  "version": "0",
  "id": "99a0cb40-4b26-7d74-dc59-c837f5346ac6",
  "detail-type": "Object Created",
  "source": "aws.s3",
  "account": "012345678901",
  "time": "2022-05-19T22:21:10Z",
  "region": "us-east-2",
  "resources": [
  "detail": {
    "version": "0",
    "bucket": {
      "name": "bucket-012345678901-us-east-2-you-know-media"
    "object": {
      "key": "Podcase_Episode.m4a",
      "size": 202329,
      "etag": "624fce93a981f97d85025e8432e24f48",
      "sequencer": "006286C2D604D7A390"
    "request-id": "B4DA7RD214V1QG3W",
    "requester": "012345678901",
    "source-ip-address": "",
    "reason": "PutObject"

The state machine allows you to prepare parameters and use the direct SDK integrations to start the transcription job by calling the Amazon Transcribe service’s API. This integration means you don’t have to write custom code to perform this function. The event triggering the state machine execution contains the uploaded media file location.

	Type: Task
	Comment: Start a transcribe job on the provided media file
		MediaFileUri.$: States.Format('s3://{}/{}', $.detail.bucket.name, $.detail.object.key)
	  TranscriptionJobName.$: "$.detail.object.key"
	  IdentifyLanguage: true
	  OutputBucketName: !Ref TranscribeResultsBucket
	Resource: !Sub 'arn:${AWS::Partition}:states:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:aws-sdk:transcribe:startTranscriptionJob'

The SDK uses aws-sdk:transcribe:getTranscriptionJob to get the status of the job.

	Type: Task
	Comment: Retrieve the status of an Amazon Transcribe job
	  TranscriptionJobName.$: "$.TranscriptionJob.TranscriptionJobName"
	Resource: !Sub 'arn:${AWS::Partition}:states:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:aws-sdk:transcribe:getTranscriptionJob'
	Next: TranscriptionJobStatus

The state machine uses a polling loop with a delay to check the status of the transcription job.

	Type: Choice
	- Variable: "$.TranscriptionJob.TranscriptionJobStatus"
	  StringEquals: COMPLETED
	  Next: AthenaStartQueryExecutionUsingPreparedStatement
	- Variable: "$.TranscriptionJob.TranscriptionJobStatus"
	  StringEquals: FAILED
	  Next: Failed
	Default: Wait

When the transcription job completes successfully, the filler phrase counting process begins.

An Athena prepared statement performs the query with the transcription job name as a runtime parameter. The AWS SDK starts the query and the state machine execution pauses, waiting for the results to return before progressing to the next state:


When the query completes, Step Functions uses the SDK integration to retrieve the results using athena:getQueryResults:


It creates an Athena prepared statement to pass the transcription jobname as a parameter for the query execution:

    Type: AWS::Athena::PreparedStatement
      Description: Create a statement that allows the use of a parameter for specifying an Amazon Transcribe job name in the Athena query
      QueryStatement: !Sub >-
        select cardinality(regexp_extract_all(results.transcripts[1].transcript, '${FillerPhrase}')) AS item_count from "${GlueDatabaseYouKnow}"."${AthenaTableName}" where jobname like ?
      StatementName: !Ref AthenaQueryPreparedStatementName
      WorkGroup: !Ref AthenaWorkgroup

There are several opportunities to enhance this tool. For example, adding support for multiple filler phrases. You could build a larger application to upload media and retrieve the results. You could take advantage of Amazon Transcribe’s real-time transcription API to display the results while a presentation is in progress to provide immediate feedback to the presenter.

Cleaning up

  1. Navigate to the Amazon Transcribe console. Choose Transcription jobs in the left pane, select the jobs created by this example, and choose Delete.
  2. Cleanup Delete

    Cleanup Delete

  3. Navigate to the S3 console. In the Find buckets by name search bar, enter “you-know”. This shows the list of buckets created for this example. Choose each of the radio buttons next to the bucket individually and choose Empty.
  4. Cleanup S3

    Cleanup S3

  5. Use the following command to delete the stack, and confirm the stack deletion.
  6. sam delete


Low-code applications can increase developer efficiency by reducing the amount of custom code required to build solutions. They can also enable non-developer roles to create automation to perform business functions by providing drag-and-drop style user interfaces.

This post shows how a low-code approach can build a tool chain using AWS services. The example processes media files to produce text transcripts and count the use of filler phrases in those transcripts. It shows how to process EventBridge data and how to invoke Amazon Transcribe and Athena using Step Functions state machines.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Orchestrating AWS Glue crawlers using AWS Step Functions

Post Syndicated from Benjamin Smith original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/orchestrating-aws-glue-crawlers-using-aws-step-functions/

This blog post is written by Justin Callison, General Manager, AWS Workflow.

Organizations generate terabytes of data every day in a variety of semistructured formats. AWS Glue and Amazon Athena can give you a simpler and more cost-effective way to analyze this data with no infrastructure to manage. AWS Glue crawlers identify the schema of your data and manage the metadata required to analyze the data in place, without the need to transform this data and load into a data warehouse.

The timing of when your crawlers run and complete is important. You must ensure the crawler runs after your data has updated and before you query it with Athena or analyze with an AWS Glue job. If not, your analysis may experience errors or return incomplete results.

In this blog, you learn how to use AWS Step Functions, a low-code visual workflow service that integrates with over 220 AWS services. The service orchestrates your crawlers to control when they start, confirm completion, and combine them into end-to-end, serverless data processing workflows.

Using Step Functions to orchestrate multiple AWS Glue crawlers, provides a number of benefits when compared to implementing a solution directly with code. Firstly, the workflow provides an instant visual understanding of the application, and any errors that might occur during execution. Step Functions’ ability to run nested workflows inside a Map state helps to decouple and reuse application components with native array iteration. Finally, the Step Functions wait state lets the workflow periodically poll the status of the crawl job, without incurring additional cost for idol wait time.

Deploying the example

With this example, you create three datasets in Amazon S3, then use Step Functions to orchestrate AWS Glue crawlers to analyze the datasets and make them available to query using Athena.

You deploy the example with AWS CloudFormation using the following steps:

  1. Download the template.yaml file from here.
  2. Log in to the AWS Management Console and go to AWS CloudFormation.
  3. Navigate to Stacks -> Create stack and select With new resources (standard).
  4. Select Template is ready and Upload a template file, then Choose File and select the template.yaml file that you downloaded in Step 1 and choose Next.
  5. Enter a stack name, such as glue-stepfunctions-demo, and choose Next.
  6. Choose Next, check the acknowledgement boxes in the Capabilities and transforms section, then choose Create stack.
  7. After deployment, the status updates to CREATE_COMPLETE.

Create your datasets

Navigate to Step Functions in the AWS Management Console and select the create-dataset state machine from the list. This state machine uses Express Workflows and the Parallel state to build three datasets concurrently in S3. The first two datasets include information by user and location respectively and include files per day over the 5-year period from 2016 to 2020. The third dataset is a simpler, all-time summary of data by location.

To create the datasets, you choose Start execution from the toolbar for the create-dataset state machine, then choose Start execution again in the dialog box. This runs the state machine and creates the datasets in S3.

Navigate to the S3 console and view the glue-demo-databucket created for this example. In this bucket, in a folder named data, there are three subfolders, each containing a dataset.

The all-time-location-summaries folder contains a set of JSON files, one for each location.

The daily-user-summaries and daily-location-summaries contain a folder structure with nested folders for each year, month, and date. In addition to making this data easier to navigate via the console, this folder structure provides hints to AWS Glue that it can use to partition this dataset and make it more efficient to query.


You now use AWS Glue crawlers to analyze these datasets and make them available to query. Navigate to the AWS Glue console, select Crawlers to see the list of Crawlers that you created when you deployed this example. Select the daily-user-summaries crawler to view details and note that they have tags assigned to indicate metadata such as the datatype of the data and whether the dataset is-partitioned.

Now, return to the Step Functions console and view the run-crawlers-with-tags state machine. This state machine uses AWS SDK service integrations to get a list of all crawlers matching the tag criteria you enter. It then uses the map state and the optimized service integration for Step Functions to execute the run-crawler state machine for each of the matching crawlers concurrently. The run-crawler state machine starts each crawler and monitors status until the crawler completes. Once each of the individual crawlers have completed, the run-crawlers-with-tags state machine also completes.

To initiate the crawlers:

  1. Choose Start execution from the top of the page when viewing the run-crawlers-with-tags state machine
  2. Provide the following as Input
    {"tags": {"datatype": "json"}}
  3. Choose Start execution.

After 2-3 minutes, the execution finishes with a Succeeded status once all three crawlers have completed. During this time, you can navigate to the run-crawler state machine to view the individual, nested executions per crawler or to the AWS Glue console to see the status of the crawlers.

Querying the data using Amazon Athena

Now, navigate to the Athena console where you can see the database and tables created by your crawlers. Note that AWS Glue recognized the partitioning scheme and included fields for year, month, and date in addition to user and usage fields for the data contained in the JSON files.

If you have not used Athena in this account before, you see a message instructing you to set a query result location. Choose View settings -> Manage -> Browse S3 and select the athena-results bucket that you created when you deployed the example. Choose Save then return to the Editor to continue.

You can now run queries such as the following, to calculate the total usage for all users over 5 years.

SELECT SUM(usage) all_time_usage FROM “daily_user_summaries”

You can also add filters, as shown in the following example, which limit results to those from 2016.

SELECT SUM(usage) all_time_usage FROM “daily_user_summaries” WHERE year = ‘2016’

Note this second query scanned only 17% as much data (133 KB vs 797 KB) and completed faster. This is because Athena used the partitioning information to avoid querying the full dataset. While the differences in this example are small, for real-world datasets with terabytes of data, your cost and latency savings from partitioning data can be substantial.

The disadvantage of a partitioning scheme is that new folders are not included in query results until you add new partitions. Re-running your crawler identifies and adds the new partitions and using Step Functions to orchestrate these crawlers makes that task simpler.

Extending the example

You can use these example state machines as they are in your AWS accounts to manage your existing crawlers. You can use Amazon S3 event notifications with Amazon EventBridge to trigger crawlers based on data changes. With the Optimized service integration for Amazon Athena, you can extend your workflows to execute queries against these crawled datasets. And you can use these examples to integrate crawler execution into your end-to-end data processing workflows, creating reliable, auditable workflows from ingestion through to analysis.


In this blog post, you learn how to use Step Functions to orchestrate AWS Glue crawlers. You deploy an example that generates three datasets, then uses Step Functions to start and coordinate crawler runs that analyze this data and make it available to query using Athena.

To learn more about Step Functions, visit Serverless Land.

Serverless architecture for optimizing Amazon Connect call-recording archival costs

Post Syndicated from Brian Maguire original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/serverless-architecture-for-optimizing-amazon-connect-call-recording-archival-costs/

In this post, we provide a serverless solution to cost-optimize the storage of contact-center call recordings. The solution automates the scheduling, storage-tiering, and resampling of call-recording files, resulting in immediate cost savings. The solution is an asynchronous architecture built using AWS Step Functions, Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), and AWS Lambda.

Amazon Connect provides an omnichannel cloud contact center with the ability to maintain call recordings for compliance and gaining actionable insights using Contact Lens for Amazon Connect and AWS Contact Center Intelligence Partners. The storage required for call recordings can quickly increase as customers meet compliance retention requirements, often spanning six or more years. This can lead to hundreds of terabytes in long-term storage.

Solution overview

When an agent completes a customer call, Amazon Connect sends the call recording to an Amazon Simple Storage Solution (Amazon S3) bucket with: a date and contact ID prefix, the file stored in the .WAV format and encoded using bitrate 256 kb/s, pcm_s16le, 8000 Hz, two channels, and 256 kb/s. The call-recording files are approximately 2 Mb/minute optimized for high-quality processing, such as machine learning analysis (see Figure 1).

Asynchronous architecture for batch resampling for call-recording files on Amazon S3

Figure 1. Asynchronous architecture for batch resampling for call-recording files on Amazon S3

When a call recording is sent to Amazon S3, downstream post-processing is often performed to generate analytics reports for agents and quality auditors. The downstream processing can include services that provide transcriptions, quality-of-service metrics, and sentiment analysis to create reports and trigger actionable events.

While this processing is often completed within minutes, the downstream applications could require processing retries. As audio resampling reduces the quality of the audio files, it is essential to delay resampling until after processing is completed. As processed call recordings are infrequently accessed days after a call is completed, with only a small percentage accessed by agents and call quality auditors, call recordings can benefit from resampling and transitioning to long-term Amazon S3 storage tiers.

In Figure 2, multiple AWS services work together to provide an end-to-end cost-optimization solution for your contact center call recordings.

AWS Step Function orchestrates the batch resampling of call recordings

Figure 2. AWS Step Function orchestrates the batch resampling of call recordings

An Amazon EventBridge schedule rule triggers the step function to perform the batch resampling process for all call recordings from the previous 7 days.

In the first step function task, the Lambda function task iterates the S3 bucket using the ListObjectsV2 API, obtaining the call recordings (1000 objects per iteration) with the date prefix from 7 days ago.

The next task invokes a Lambda function inserting the call recording objects into the Amazon SQS queue. The audio-conversion Lambda function receives the Amazon SQS queue events via the event source mapping Lambda integration. Each concurrent Lambda invocation downloads a stored call recording from Amazon S3, resampling the .WAV with ffmpeg and tagging the S3 object with a “converted=True” tag.

Finally, the conversion function uploads the resampled file to Amazon S3, overwriting the original call recording with the resampled recording using a cost-optimized storage class, such as S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval. S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval provides the lowest cost for long-lived data that is rarely accessed and requires milliseconds retrieval, such as for contact-center call-recording playback. By default, Amazon Connect stores call recordings with S3 Versioning enabled, maintaining the original file as a version. You can use lifecycle policies to delete object versions from a version-enabled bucket to permanently remove the original version, as this will minimize the storage of the original call recording.

This solution captures failures within the step function workflow with logging and a dead-letter queue, such as when an error occurs with resampling a recording file. A Step Function task monitors the Amazon SQS queue using the AWS Step Function integration with AWS SDK with SQS and ending the workflow when the queue is emptied. Table 1 demonstrates the default and resampled formats.

Detailed AWS Step Functions state machine diagram

Figure 3. Detailed AWS Step Functions state machine diagram


Table 1. Default and resampled call recording audio formats

Audio sampling formats File size/minute Notes
Bitrate 256 kb/s, pcm_s16le, 8000 Hz, 2 channels, 256 kb/s 2 MB The default for Amazon Connect call recordings. Sampled for audio quality and call analytics processing.
Bitrate 64 kb/s, pcm_alaw, 8000 Hz, 1 channel, 64 kb/s 0.5 MB Resampled to mono channel 8 bit. This resampling is not reversible and should only be performed after all call analytics processing has been completed.

Cost assessment

For pricing information for the primary services used in the solution, visit:

The costs incurred by the solution are based on usage and are AWS Free Tier eligible. After the AWS Free Tier allowance is consumed, usage costs are approximately $0.11 per 1000 minutes of call recordings. S3 Standard starts at $0.023 per GB/month; and S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval is $0.004 per GB/month, with $0.003 per GB of data retrieval. During a 6-year compliance retention term, the schedule-based resampling and storage tiering results in significant cost savings.

In the 6-year example detailed in Table 2, the S3 Standard storage costs would be approximately $356,664 for 3 million call-recording minutes/month. The audio resampling and S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval tiering reduces the 6-year cost to approximately $41,838.

Table 2. Multi-year costs savings scenario (3 million minutes/month) in USD

Year Total minutes (3 million/month) Total storage (TB) Cost of storage, S3 Standard (USD) Cost of running the resampling (USD) Cost of resampling solution with S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval (USD)
1 36,000,000 72 10,764 3,960 4,813
2 72,000,000 108 30,636 3,960 5,677
3 108,000,000 144 50,508 3,960 6,541
4 144,000,000 180 70,380 3,960 7,405
5 180,000,000 216 90,252 3,960 8,269
6 216,000,000 252 110,124 3,960 9,133
Total 1,008,000,000 972 356,664 23,760 41,838

To explore PCA costs for yourself, use AWS Cost Explorer or choose Bill Details on the AWS Billing Dashboard to see your month-to-date spend by service.

Deploying the solution

The code and documentation for this solution are available by cloning the git repository and can be deployed with AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK).

# clone repository
git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-connect-call-recording-cost-optimizer.git
# navigate the project directory
cd amazon-connect-call-recording-cost-optimizer

Modify the cdk.context.json with your environment’s configuration setting, such as the bucket_name. Next, install the AWS CDK dependencies and deploy the solution:

:# ensure you are in the root directory of the repository


Once deployed, you can test the resampling solution by waiting for the EventBridge schedule rule to execute based on the num_days_age setting that is applied. You can also manually run the AWS Step Function with a specified date, for example {"specific_date":"01/01/2022"}.

The AWS CDK deployment creates the following resources:

  • AWS Step Function
  • AWS Lambda function
  • Amazon SQS queues
  • Amazon EventBridge rule

The solution handles the automation of transitioning a storage tier, such as S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval. In addition, Amazon S3 Lifecycles can be set manually to transition the call recordings after resampling to alternative Amazon S3 Storage Classes.


When you are finished experimenting with this solution, cleanup your resources by running the command:

cdk destroy

This command deletes the AWS CDK-deployed resources. However, the S3 bucket containing your call recordings and CloudWatch log groups are retained.


This call recording resampling solution offers an automated, cost-optimized, and scalable architecture to reduce long-term compliance call recording archival costs.

Continually assessing application resilience with AWS Resilience Hub and AWS CodePipeline

Post Syndicated from Scott Bryen original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/continually-assessing-application-resilience-with-aws-resilience-hub-and-aws-codepipeline/

As customers commit to a DevOps mindset and embrace a nearly continuous integration/continuous delivery model to implement change with a higher velocity, assessing every change impact on an application resilience is key. This blog shows an architecture pattern for automating resiliency assessments as part of your CI/CD pipeline. Automatically running a resiliency assessment within CI/CD pipelines, development teams can fail fast and understand quickly if a change negatively impacts an applications resilience. The pipeline can stop the deployment into further environments, such as QA/UAT and Production, until the resilience issues have been improved.

AWS Resilience Hub is a managed service that gives you a central place to define, validate and track the resiliency of your AWS applications. It is integrated with AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS), a chaos engineering service, to provide fault-injection simulations of real-world failures. Using AWS Resilience Hub, you can assess your applications to uncover potential resilience enhancements. This will allow you to validate your applications recovery time (RTO), recovery point (RPO) objectives and optimize business continuity while reducing recovery costs. Resilience Hub also provides APIs for you to integrate its assessment and testing into your CI/CD pipelines for ongoing resilience validation.

AWS CodePipeline is a fully managed continuous delivery service for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates. You can use AWS CodePipeline to model and automate your software release processes. This enables you to increase the speed and quality of your software updates by running all new changes through a consistent set of quality checks.

Continuous resilience assessments

Figure 1 shows the resilience assessments automation architecture in a multi-account setup. AWS CodePipeline, AWS Step Functions, and AWS Resilience Hub are defined in your deployment account while the application AWS CloudFormation stacks are imported from your workload account. This pattern relies on AWS Resilience Hub ability to import CloudFormation stacks from a different accounts, regions, or both, when discovering an application structure.

High-level architecture pattern for automating resilience assessments

Figure 1. High-level architecture pattern for automating resilience assessments

Add application to AWS Resilience Hub

Begin by adding your application to AWS Resilience Hub and assigning a resilience policy. This can be done via the AWS Management Console or using CloudFormation. In this instance, the application has been created through the AWS Management Console. Sebastien Stormacq’s post, Measure and Improve Your Application Resilience with AWS Resilience Hub, walks you through how to add your application to AWS Resilience Hub.

In a multi-account environment, customers typically have dedicated AWS workload account per environment and we recommend you separate CI/CD capabilities into another account. In this post, the AWS Resilience Hub application has been created in the deployment account and the resources have been discovered using an CloudFormation stack from the workload account. Proper permissions are required to use AWS Resilience Hub to manage application in multiple accounts.

Adding application to AWS Resilience Hub

Figure 2. Adding application to AWS Resilience Hub

Create AWS Step Function to run resilience assessment

Whenever you make a change to your application CloudFormation, you need to update and publish the latest version in AWS Resilience Hub to ensure you are assessing the latest changes. Now that AWS Step Functions SDK integrations support AWS Resilience Hub, you can build a state machine to coordinate the process, which will be triggered from AWS Code Pipeline.

AWS Step Functions is a low-code, visual workflow service that developers use to build distributed applications, automate IT and business processes, and build data and machine learning pipelines using AWS services. Workflows manage failures, retries, parallelization, service integrations, and observability so developers can focus on higher-value business logic.

AWS Step Function for orchestrating AWS SDK calls

Figure 3. AWS Step Function for orchestrating AWS SDK calls

  1. The first step in the workflow is to update the resources associated with the application defined in AWS Resilience Hub by calling ImportResourcesToDraftApplication.
  2. Check for the import process to complete using a wait state, a call to DescribeDraftAppVersionResourcesImportStatus and then a choice state to decide whether to progress or continue waiting.
  3. Once complete, publish the draft application by calling PublishAppVersion to ensure we are assessing the latest version.
  4. Once published, call StartAppAssessment to kick-off a resilience assessment.
  5. Check for the assessment to complete using a wait state, a call to DescribeAppAssessment and then a choice state to decide whether to progress or continue waiting.
  6. In the choice state, use assessment status from the response to determine if the assessment is pending, in progress or successful.
  7. If successful, use the compliance status from the response to determine whether to progress to success or fail.
    • Compliance status will be either “PolicyMet” or “PolicyBreached”.
  8. If policy breached, publish onto SNS to alert the development team before moving to fail.

Create stage within code pipeline

Now that we have the AWS Step Function created, we need to integrate it into our pipeline. The post Fine-grained Continuous Delivery With CodePipeline and AWS Step Functions demonstrates how you can trigger a step function from AWS Code Pipeline.

When adding the stage, you need to pass the ARN of the stack which was deployed in the previous stage as well as the ARN of the application in AWS Resilience Hub. These will be required on the AWS SDK calls and you can pass this in as a literal.

AWS CodePipeline stage step function input

Figure 4. AWS CodePipeline stage step function input

Example state using the input from AWS CodePipeline stage

Figure 5. Example state using the input from AWS CodePipeline stage

For more information about these AWS SDK calls, please refer to the AWS Resilience Hub API Reference documents.

Customers often run their workloads in lower environments in a less resilient way to save on cost. It’s important to add the assessment stage at the appropriate point of your pipeline. We recommend adding this to your pipeline after the deployment to a test environment which mirrors production but before deploying to production. By doing this you can fail fast and halt changes which will lower resilience in production.

A note on service quotas: AWS Resilience Hub allows you to run 20 assessments per month per application. If you need to increase this quota, please raise a ticket with AWS Support.


In this post, we have seen an approach to continuously assessing resilience as part of your CI/CD pipeline using AWS Resilience Hub, AWS CodePipeline and AWS Step Functions. This approach will enable you to understand fast if a change will weaken resilience.

AWS Resilience Hub also generates recommended AWS FIS Experiments that you can deploy and use to test the resilience of your application. As well as assessing the resilience, we also recommend you integrate running these tests into your pipeline. The post Chaos Testing with AWS Fault Injection Simulator and AWS CodePipeline demonstrates how you can active this.

Combining Amazon AppFlow with AWS Step Functions to maximize application integration benefits

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/combining-amazon-appflow-with-aws-step-functions-to-maximize-application-integration-benefits/

This post is written by Ahmad Aboushady, Senior Technical Account Manager and Kamen Sharlandjiev, Senior Specialist Solution Architect, Integration.

In this blog post, you learn how to orchestrate AWS service integrations to reduce the manual steps in your workflow. The example uses AWS Step Functions SDK integration to integrate Amazon AppFlow and AWS Glue catalog without writing custom code. It automatically uses Amazon EventBridge to trigger Step Functions every time a new Amazon AppFlow flow finishes running.

Amazon AppFlow enables customers to transfer data securely between software as a service (SaaS) applications, like Salesforce, SAP, Zendesk, Slack, ServiceNow, and multiple AWS services.

An everyday use case of Amazon AppFlow is creating a customer-360 by integrating marketing, customer support, and sales data. For example, analyze the revenue impact of different marketing channels by synchronizing the revenue data from Salesforce with marketing data from Adobe Marketo.

This involves setting up flows to ingest data from different data sources and SaaS applications to AWS Data Lake based on Amazon S3. It uses AWS Glue to crawl and catalog this data. Customers use this catalog to access data quickly in several ways.

For example, they query the data using Amazon Athena or Amazon QuickSight for visualizations, business intelligence and anomaly detection. You can create those data flows quickly with no code required. However, to complete the next set of requirements, customers often go through multiple manual steps of provisioning and configuring different AWS resources. One such step requires creating AWS Glue crawler and running it with every Amazon AppFlow flow execution.

Step Functions can help us automate this process. This is a low-code workflow orchestration service that offers a visual workflow designer. You can quickly build workflows using the built-in drag-and-drop interface available in the AWS Management Console.

You can follow this blog and build your end-to-end state machine using the Step Functions Workflow Studio, or use the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template to deploy the example. The Step Functions state machine uses SDK integration with other AWS Services, so you don’t need to write any custom integration code.


The following diagram depicts the workflow with the different states in the state machine. You can group these into three phases: preparation, processing, and configuration.

  • The preparation phase captures all the configuration parameters and collects information about the metadata of the data, ingested by Amazon AppFlow.
  • The processing phase generates the AWS Glue table definition and sets the required parameters based on the destination file type. It iterates through the different columns and adds them as part of the table definition.
  • The last phase provides the Glue Catalog resources by creating or updating an existing AWS Glue table. With each Amazon AppFlow flow execution, the state machine determines if a new Glue table partition is required.

Workflow architecture

Preparation phase

The first state, “SetDatabaseAndContext”, is a pass state where you set the configuration parameters used in later states. Set the AWS Glue database and table name and capture the details of the data flow. You can do this by using the parameters filter to build a new JSON payload using parts of the state input similar to:

"Parameters": {
        "Config": {
          "Database": "<Glue-Database-Name>",
          "TableName.$": "$.detail['flow-name']",
          "detail.$": "$.detail"

The following state, “DatabaseExist?” is an AWS SDK integration using a “GetDatabase” call to AWS Glue to ensure that the database exists. Here, the state uses error handling to intercept exception messages from the SDK call. This feature splits the workflow and adds an extra step if needed.

In this case, the SDK call returns an exception if the database does not exist, and the workflow invokes the “CreateDatabase” state. It moves to the “CleanUpError” state to clean up any errors and set the configuration parameters accordingly. Afterwards, with the database in place, the workflow continues to the next state: “DescribeFlow”. This returns the metadata of the Amazon AppFlow flow. Part of this metadata is the list of the object fields, which you must create in the Glue table and partitions.

Here is an error handling state that catches exceptions and routes the flow to execute an extra step:

"Catch": [
    "ErrorEquals": [
    "Comment": "Create Glue Database",
    "Next": "CreateDatabase",
    "ResultPath": "$.error"

In the next state, “DescribeFlow”, you use the AWS SDK integration to get the Amazon AppFlow flow configuration. This uses the Amazon AppFlow “DescribeFlow API call. It moves to “S3AsDestination?”, which is a choice state to check if S3 is a destination for the flow. Amazon AppFlow allows you to bring data into different purpose-built data stores, such as S3, Amazon Redshift, or external SaaS or data warehouse applications. This automation can only continue if the configured destination is S3.

The choice definition is:

"Choices": [
    "Variable": "$.FlowConfig.DestinationFlowConfigList[0].ConnectorType",
    "StringEquals": "S3",
    "Next": "GenerateTableDefinition"
"Default": "S3NotDestination"

Processing phase

The following state generates the base AWS Glue table definition based on the destination file type. Then it uses a map state to iterate and transform the Amazon AppFlow schema output into what the AWS Glue Data Catalog expects as input.

Next, add the “GenerateTableDefinition” state and use the parameters filter to build a new JSON payload output. Finally, use the information from the “DescribeFlow” state similar to:

"Parameters": {
  "Config.$": "$.Config",
  "FlowConfig.$": "$.FlowConfig",
  "TableInput": {
    "Description": "Created by AmazonAppFlow",
    "Name.$": "$.Config.TableName",
    "PartitionKeys": [
        "Name": "partition_0",
        "Type": "string"
    "Retention": 0,
    "Parameters": {
      "compressionType": "none",
      "classification.$": "$.FlowConfig.DestinationFlowConfigList[0].DestinationConnectorProperties['S3'].S3OutputFormatConfig.FileType",
      "typeOfData": "file"
    "StorageDescriptor": {
      "BucketColumns": [],
      "Columns.$": "$.FlowConfig.Tasks[?(@.TaskType == 'Map')]",
      "Compressed": false,
      "InputFormat": "org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat",
      "Location.$": "States.Format('{}/{}/', $.Config.detail['destination-object'], $.FlowConfig.FlowName)",
      "NumberOfBuckets": -1,
      "OutputFormat": "org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat",
      "SortColumns": [],
      "StoredAsSubDirectories": false
    "TableType": "EXTERNAL_TABLE"

The following state, “DestinationFileFormatEvaluator”, is a choice state to change the JSON payload according to the destination file type. Amazon AppFlow supports different file type conversions when S3 is the destination of your data. These formats are CSV, Parquet, and JSON Lines. AWS Glue uses various serialization libraries according to the file type.

You iterate within a map state to transform the AWS Glue table schema and set the column type to a known AWS Glue format. If the file type is unrecognized or does not have an equivalent in Glue, default this field to string. The map state configuration is defined as:

"Iterator": {
        "StartAt": "KnownFIleFormat?",
        "States": {
          "KnownFIleFormat?": {
            "Type": "Choice",
            "Choices": [
                "Or": [
                    "Variable": "$.TaskProperties.SOURCE_DATA_TYPE",
                    "StringEquals": "boolean"
                    "Variable": "$.TaskProperties.SOURCE_DATA_TYPE",
                    "StringEquals": "double"
                    "Variable": "$.TaskProperties.SOURCE_DATA_TYPE",
                    "StringEquals": "timestamp"
                "Next": "1:1 mapping"
            "Default": "Cast to String"
          "1:1 mapping": {
            "Type": "Pass",
            "End": true,
            "Parameters": {
              "Name.$": "$.DestinationField",
              "Type.$": "$.TaskProperties.SOURCE_DATA_TYPE"
          "Cast to String": {
            "Type": "Pass",
            "End": true,
            "Parameters": {
              "Name.$": "$.DestinationField",
              "Type": "string"
"ItemsPath": "$.TableInput.StorageDescriptor.Columns",
"ResultPath": "$.TableInput.StorageDescriptor.Columns",

Configuration phase

The next stage in the workflow is “TableExist?”, which checks if the Glue table exists. If the state machine detects any error because the table does not exist, it moves to the “CreateTable” state. Alternatively, it goes to the “UpdateTable” state.

Both states use the AWS SDK integration to create or update the AWS Glue table definition using the “TableInput” parameter. AWS Glue operates with partitions. Every time you have new data stored in a new S3 prefix, you must update the table and add a new partition showing where the data sits.

You need an extra step to check if Amazon AppFlow has stored the data into a new S3 prefix or an existing one. In the “AddPartition?” State, you must review and determine the next step of your workflow. For example, you must validate that the flow executed successfully and processed data.

A choice state helps with those checks:

"And": [
              "Variable": "$.Config.detail['execution-id']",
              "IsPresent": true
              "Variable": "$.Config.detail['status']",
              "StringEquals": "Execution Successful"
              "Not": {
                "Variable": "$.Config.detail['num-of-records-processed']",
                "StringEquals": "0"

Amazon AppFlow supports different types of flow execution. With scheduled flows, you can regularly configure Amazon AppFlow to hydrate a data lake by bringing only new data since its last execution. Sometimes, after a successful flow execution, there is no new data to ingest. The workflow concludes and moves to the success state in such cases. However, if there is new data, the state machine continues to the next state, “SingleFileAggregation?”.

Amazon AppFlow supports different file aggregation strategies and allows you to aggregate all ingested records into a single or multiple files. Depending on your flow configuration, it may store your data in a different S3 prefix with each flow execution.

In this state, you check this configuration to decide if you need a new partition for your AWS Glue table.

"Variable": "$.FlowConfig.DestinationFlowConfigList[0].DestinationConnectorProperties.S3.S3OutputFormatConfig.AggregationConfig.AggregationType",
"StringEquals": "SingleFile"

If the data flow aggregates all records into a single file per flow execution, it stores all data into a single S3 prefix. In this case, there is a single partition in your AWS Glue table. You must create that single partition the first time this state machine executes for a specific flow.

Use the AWS SDK integration to get the table partition from the AWS Glue in the “IsPartitionExist?” state. Conclude the workflow and move to the “Success” state if the partition exists. Otherwise, create that single partition in another state, “CreateMainPartition”.

If the flow run does not aggregate files, every flow run generates multiple files into a new S3 prefix. In this case, you add a new partition to the AWS Glue table. A pass state, “ConfigureDestination”, configures the required parameters for the partition creation:

"Parameters": {
        "InputFormat.$": "$.TableInput.StorageDescriptor.InputFormat",
        "OutputFormat.$": "$.TableInput.StorageDescriptor.OutputFormat",
        "Columns.$": "$.TableInput.StorageDescriptor.Columns",
        "Compressed.$": "$.TableInput.StorageDescriptor.Compressed",
        "SerdeInfo.$": "$.TableInput.StorageDescriptor.SerdeInfo",
        "Location.$": "States.Format('{}{}', $.TableInput.StorageDescriptor.Location, $.Config.detail['execution-id'])"
 "ResultPath": "$.TableInput.StorageDescriptor"

Next, move to the “CreateNewPartition” state to use the AWS SDK integration to create a new partition to the Glue table similar to:

"Parameters": {
        "DatabaseName.$": "$.Config.Database",
        "TableName.$": "$.Config.TableName",
        "PartitionInput": {
          "Values.$": "States.Array($.Config.detail['execution-id'])",
          "StorageDescriptor.$": "$.TableInput.StorageDescriptor"
"Resource": "arn:aws:states:::aws-sdk:glue:createPartition"

This concludes the workflow with a “Succeed” state after configuring the AWS Glue table in response to the new Amazon AppFlow flow run.


This blog post explores how to integrate Amazon AppFlow and AWS Glue using Step Functions to automate your business requirements. You can use AWS Lambda to simplify the configuration phase and reduce state transitions or create complex checks, filters, or even data cleansing and preparation.

This approach allows you to tailor the schema conversion to your business requirements. Use this AWS SAM template, to deploy this example. This provides the Step Functions workflow described in this post and the EventBridge rule to trigger the state machine after each Amazon AppFlow flow run. The template also includes all required IAM roles and permissions.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.