Tag Archives: AWS Amplify

Enhance Your Contact Center Solution with Automated Voice Authentication and Visual IVR

Post Syndicated from Soonam Jose original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/enhance-your-contact-center-solution-with-automated-voice-authentication-and-visual-ivr/

Recently, the Accenture AWS Business Group (AABG) assisted a customer in developing a secure and personalized Interactive Voice Response (IVR) contact center experience that receives and processes payments and responds to customer inquiries.

Our solution uses Amazon Connect at its core to help customers efficiently engage with customer service agents. To ensure transactions are completed securely and to prevent fraud, the architecture provides voice authentication using Amazon Connect Voice ID and a visual portal to submit payments. The visual IVR feature allows customers to easily provide the required information online while the IVR is on standby. The solution also provides agents the information they need to effectively and efficiently understand and resolve callers’ inquiries, which helps improve the quality of their service.

Overview of solution

Our IVR is designed using Contact Flows on Amazon Connect and uses the following services:

  • Amazon Lex provides the voice-based intent analysis. Intent analysis is the process of determining the underlying intention behind customer interactions.
  • Amazon Connect integrates with other AWS services using AWS Lambda.
  • Amazon DynamoDB stores customer data.
  • Amazon Pinpoint notifies customers via text and email.
  • AWS Amplify provides the customized agent dashboard and generates the visual IVR portal.

Figure 1 shows how this architecture routes customer calls:

  1. Callers dial the main line to interact with the IVR in Amazon Connect.
  2. Amazon Connect Voice ID sets up a voiceprint for first time callers or performs voice authentication for repeat callers for added security.
  3. Upon successful voice authentication, callers can proceed to IVR self-service functions, such as checking their account balance or making a payment. Amazon Lex handles the voice intent analysis.
  4. When callers make a payment request, they are given the option to be handed off securely to a visual IVR portal to process their payment.
  5. If a caller requests to be connected to an agent, the agent will be presented with the customer’s information and IVR interaction details on their agent dashboard.
Architecture diagram

Figure 1. Architecture diagram

Customer IVR experience

Figure 2 describes how callers navigate through the IVR:

  1. The IVR asks the caller the purpose of the call.
  2. The caller’s answer is sent for voice intent analysis. The IVR also attempts to authenticate the caller’s voice using Amazon Connect Voice ID. If authenticated, the caller is automatically routed to the correct flow based on the analyzed intent.
    • For the “Account Balance” flow, the caller is provided the account balance information.
    • For the “Make a Payment” flow, the caller can use the IVR or a visual IVR portal to process the payment. Upon payment completion, the caller is immediately notified their transaction has completed via SMS or email. Both flows allow the caller to be transferred to an agent. The caller also has the option to be called back when an agent becomes available or choose a specific date and time for the callback.
Customer IVR experience diagram

Figure 2. Customer IVR experience diagram

The intelligent self-service IVR solution includes the following features:

  • The IVR can redirect callers to a payment portal for scenarios like making a payment while the IVR remains on standby.
  • IVR transaction tracking helps agents understand the current status of the caller’s transaction and quickly determines the caller’s situation.
  • Callers have the option to receive a call as soon as the next agent becomes available or they can schedule a time that works for them to receive a callback.
  • IVR activity logging gives agents a detailed summary of the caller’s actions within the IVR.
  • Transaction confirmation which notifies callers of successful transactions via SMS or email.

Solution walkthrough

Amazon Connect Voice ID authenticates a caller’s voice as an added level of security. It requires 30 seconds to create the initial enrollment voiceprint and 10 seconds of a caller’s voice to authenticate. If there is not enough net speech to perform the voice authentication, the IVR asks the caller more questions, such as their first name and last name, until it has collected enough net speech.

The IVR falls back to dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF) input for the caller’s credentials in case the system cannot successfully authenticate. This can include information like the last four digits of their national identification number or postal code.

In contact flows, you will enable voice authentication by adding the “Set security behavior” contact block and specifying the authentication threshold, as shown in Figure 3.

Set security behavior contact block

Figure 3. Set security behavior contact block

Figure 4 shows the “Check security status” contact block, which determines if the user has been successfully authenticated or not. It also shows results that it may return if the caller is not successfully authenticated, including, “Not authenticated,” “Inconclusive,” “Not enrolled,” “Opted out,” and “Error.”

Check security status contact block

Figure 4. Check security status contact block

Providing a personalized experience for callers

To provide a personalized experience for callers, sample customer data is stored in a DynamoDB table. A Lambda function queries this table when callers call the contact center. The query returns information about the caller, such as their name, so the IVR can offer a customized greeting.

Transaction tracking

The table can also query if a customer previously called and attempted to make a payment but didn’t complete it successfully. This feature is called “transaction tracking.” Here’s how it works:

  • When the caller progresses through the “make a payment” flow, a field in the table is updated to reflect their transaction’s status.
  • If the payment is abandoned, the status in the table remains open, and the IVR prompts the caller to pick up where they left off the next time they call.
  • Once they have successfully completed their payment, we update the status in the table to “complete.”
  • When the IVR confirms that the caller’s payment has gone through, they will receive a confirmation via SMS and email. A Lambda function in the contact flow receives the caller’s phone number and email address. Then it distributes the confirmation messages via Amazon Pinpoint.

If a call is escalated to an agent, the “Check contact attributes” contact block in Figure 5 helps to check the caller’s intent and provide the agent with a customized whisper.

Agent whisper sample contact flow

Figure 5. Agent whisper sample contact flow

Making payments via the payment portal

To make a payment, an Amazon Lex bot presents the caller with the option to provide payment details over the phone or through a visual IVR portal.

If they choose to use the visual IVR portal (Figure 6), they can enter their payment details while maintaining an open phone connection with the contact center, in case they need additional assistance. Here’s how it works:

  • When callers select to use the payment portal, it prompts a Lambda function that generates a universally unique identifier (UUID) and provides the caller a unique PIN.
  • The UUID and PIN are stored in the DynamoDB table along with the caller’s information.
  • Another Lambda function generates a secure link using the UUID. It then uses Amazon Pinpoint to send the link to the caller over text message to their phone number on record. When they open the link, they are prompted to enter their unique PIN.
  • Then, the webpage makes an API call that validates the payment request by comparing the entered PIN to the PIN stored in the DynamoDB table.
  • Once validated, the caller can enter their payment information.
Visual IVR portal

Figure 6. Visual IVR portal

Figure 7 illustrates visual IVR portal contact flow:

  • Every 10 seconds, a Lambda function checks the caller’s payment status. It provides the caller the option to escalate to an agent if they have questions.
  • If the caller does not fill out all the information when they hit “Submit Payment,” an IVR prompt will ask them to provide all payment details before proceeding.
  • The IVR phone call stays active until the user’s payment status is updated to “complete” in the DynamoDB table. This generates an IVR prompt stating that their payment was successful.
Visual IVR portal sample contact flow

Figure 7. Visual IVR portal sample contact flow

Generating a chat transcript for agents

When the customer’s call is escalated to an agent, the agent receives a chat transcript. Here’s how it works:

  • After the caller’s intent is captured at the start of the call, the IVR logs activity using a “Set contact attribute” contact block, which prompts the $.Lex.SessionAttributes.transcript.
  • This transcript is used in a Lambda function to build a chat interface.
  • This transcript is shown on the agent’s dashboard, along with the Contact Control Panel (CCP) and a few key pieces of caller information.
IVR transcript

Figure 8. IVR transcript

The agent’s customized dashboard and the visual IVR portal are deployed and hosted on Amplify. This allows us to seamlessly connect to our code repository and automate deployments after changes are committed. It removed the need to configure Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets, an Amazon CloudFront distribution, and Amazon Route 53 DNS to host our front-end components.

This solution also offers callers the ability to opt-in for a callback or to schedule a callback. A “Check queue status” contact block checks the current time in queue, and if it reaches a certain threshold, the IVR will offer a callback. The caller has the option to receive a call as soon as the next agent becomes available or to schedule a time to receive a callback. A Lex bot gathers the date and time slots, which are then passed to a Lambda function that will validate the proposed callback option.

Once confirmed, the scheduled callback is placed into a DynamoDB table along with the caller’s phone number. Another Lambda function scans the table every 5 minutes to see if there are any callbacks scheduled within that 5-minute time period. You’ll add an Amazon EventBridge prompt to the Lambda function that specifies a schedule expression like cron(0/5 8-17 ? * MON-FRI *), which means the Lambda function will execute every 5 minutes, Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:55 PM.


This solution helps you increase customer satisfaction by making it easier for callers to complete transactions over the phone. The visual IVR provides added web-based support experience to submit payments. It also improves the quality of service of your customer service agents by making relevant information available to agents during the call.

This solution also allows you to scale out the resources to handle increasing demand. Custom features can easily be added using serverless technology, such as Lambda functions or other cloud-native services on AWS.

Ready to get started? The AABG helps customers accelerate their pace of digital innovation and realize incremental business value from cloud adoption and transformation. Connect with our team at [email protected] to learn how to use machine learning in your products and services.

Looking for more architecture content? AWS Architecture Center provides reference architecture diagrams, vetted architecture solutions, Well-Architected best practices, patterns, icons, and more!

ICYMI: Serverless Q4 2021

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/icymi-serverless-q4-2021/

Welcome to the 15th edition of the AWS Serverless ICYMI (in case you missed it) quarterly recap. Every quarter, we share all of the most recent product launches, feature enhancements, blog posts, webinars, Twitch live streams, and other interesting things that you might have missed!

Q4 calendar

In case you missed our last ICYMI, check out what happened last quarter here.

AWS Lambda

For developers using Amazon MSK as an event source, Lambda has expanded authentication options to include IAM, in addition to SASL/SCRAM. Lambda also now supports mutual TLS authentication for Amazon MSK and self-managed Kafka as an event source.

Lambda also launched features to make it easier to operate across AWS accounts. You can now invoke Lambda functions from Amazon SQS queues in different accounts. You must grant permission to the Lambda function’s execution role and have SQS grant cross-account permissions. For developers using container packaging for Lambda functions, Lambda also now supports pulling images from Amazon ECR in other AWS accounts. To learn about the permissions required, see this documentation.

The service now supports a partial batch response when using SQS as an event source for both standard and FIFO queues. When messages fail to process, Lambda marks the failed messages and allows reprocessing of only those messages. This helps to improve processing performance and may reduce compute costs.

Lambda launched content filtering options for functions using SQS, DynamoDB, and Kinesis as an event source. You can specify up to five filter criteria that are combined using OR logic. This uses the same content filtering language that’s used in Amazon EventBridge, and can dramatically reduce the number of downstream Lambda invocations.

Amazon EventBridge

Previously, you could consume Amazon S3 events in EventBridge via CloudTrail. Now, EventBridge receives events from the S3 service directly, making it easier to build serverless workflows triggered by activity in S3. You can use content filtering in rules to identify relevant events and forward these to 18 service targets, including AWS Lambda. You can also use event archive and replay, making it possible to reprocess events in testing, or in the event of an error.

AWS Step Functions

The AWS Batch console has added support for visualizing Step Functions workflows. This makes it easier to combine these services to orchestrate complex workflows over business-critical batch operations, such as data analysis or overnight processes.

Additionally, Amazon Athena has also added console support for visualizing Step Functions workflows. This can help when building distributed data processing pipelines, allowing Step Functions to orchestrate services such as AWS Glue, Amazon S3, or Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose.

Synchronous Express Workflows now supports AWS PrivateLink. This enables you to start these workflows privately from within your virtual private clouds (VPCs) without traversing the internet. To learn more about this feature, read the What’s New post.

Amazon SNS

Amazon SNS announced support for token-based authentication when sending push notifications to Apple devices. This creates a secure, stateless communication between SNS and the Apple Push Notification (APN) service.

SNS also launched the new PublishBatch API which enables developers to send up to 10 messages to SNS in a single request. This can reduce cost by up to 90%, since you need fewer API calls to publish the same number of messages to the service.

Amazon SQS

Amazon SQS released an enhanced DLQ management experience for standard queues. This allows you to redrive messages from a DLQ back to the source queue. This can be configured in the AWS Management Console, as shown here.

Amazon DynamoDB

The NoSQL Workbench for DynamoDB is a tool to simplify designing, visualizing and querying DynamoDB tables. The tools now supports importing sample data from CSV files and exporting the results of queries.

DynamoDB announced the new Standard-Infrequent Access table class. Use this for tables that store infrequently accessed data to reduce your costs by up to 60%. You can switch to the new table class without an impact on performance or availability and without changing application code.

AWS Amplify

AWS Amplify now allows developers to override Amplify-generated IAM, Amazon Cognito, and S3 configurations. This makes it easier to customize the generated resources to best meet your application’s requirements. To learn more about the “amplify override auth” command, visit the feature’s documentation.

Similarly, you can also add custom AWS resources using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) or AWS CloudFormation. In another new feature, developers can then export Amplify backends as CDK stacks and incorporate them into their deployment pipelines.

AWS Amplify UI has launched a new Authenticator component for React, Angular, and Vue.js. Aside from the visual refresh, this provides the easiest way to incorporate social sign-in in your frontend applications with zero-configuration setup. It also includes more customization options and form capabilities.

AWS launched AWS Amplify Studio, which automatically translates designs made in Figma to React UI component code. This enables you to connect UI components visually to backend data, providing a unified interface that can accelerate development.

AWS AppSync

You can now use custom domain names for AWS AppSync GraphQL endpoints. This enables you to specify a custom domain for both GraphQL API and Realtime API, and have AWS Certificate Manager provide and manage the certificate.

To learn more, read the feature’s documentation page.

News from other services

Serverless blog posts




AWS re:Invent breakouts

AWS re:Invent was held in Las Vegas from November 29 to December 3, 2021. The Serverless DA team presented numerous breakouts, workshops and chalk talks. Rewatch all our breakout content:


We also launched an interactive serverless application at re:Invent to help customers get caffeinated!

Serverlesspresso is a contactless, serverless order management system for a physical coffee bar. The architecture comprises several serverless apps that support an ordering process from a customer’s smartphone to a real espresso bar. The customer can check the virtual line, place an order, and receive a notification when their drink is ready for pickup.

Serverlesspresso booth

You can learn more about the architecture and download the code repo at https://serverlessland.com/reinvent2021/serverlesspresso. You can also see a video of the exhibit.


Serverless Land videos

Serverless Office Hours – Tues 10 AM PT

Weekly live virtual office hours. In each session we talk about a specific topic or technology related to serverless and open it up to helping you with your real serverless challenges and issues. Ask us anything you want about serverless technologies and applications.

YouTube: youtube.com/serverlessland
Twitch: twitch.tv/aws




Still looking for more?

The Serverless landing page has more information. The Lambda resources page contains case studies, webinars, whitepapers, customer stories, reference architectures, and even more Getting Started tutorials.

You can also follow the Serverless Developer Advocacy team on Twitter to see the latest news, follow conversations, and interact with the team.

ICYMI: Serverless Q3 2021

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/icymi-serverless-q3-2021/

Welcome to the 15th edition of the AWS Serverless ICYMI (in case you missed it) quarterly recap. Every quarter, we share all of the most recent product launches, feature enhancements, blog posts, webinars, Twitch live streams, and other interesting things that you might have missed!

Q3 calendar

In case you missed our last ICYMI, check out what happened last quarter here.

AWS Lambda

You can now choose next-generation AWS Graviton2 processors in your Lambda functions. This Arm-based processor architecture can provide up to 19% better performance at 20% lower cost. You can configure functions to use Graviton2 in the AWS Management Console, API, CloudFormation, and CDK. We recommend using the AWS Lambda Power Tuning tool to see how your function compare and determine the price improvement you may see.

All Lambda runtimes built on Amazon Linux 2 support Graviton2, with the exception of versions approaching end-of-support. The AWS Free Tier for Lambda includes functions powered by both x86 and Arm-based architectures.

Create Lambda function with new arm64 option

You can also use the Python 3.9 runtime to develop Lambda functions. You can choose this runtime version in the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM). Version 3.9 includes a range of new features and performance improvements.

Lambda now supports Amazon MQ for RabbitMQ as an event source. This makes it easier to develop serverless applications that are triggered by messages in a RabbitMQ queue. This integration does not require a consumer application to monitor queues for updates. The connectivity with the Amazon MQ message broker is managed by the Lambda service.

Lambda has added support for up to 10 GB of memory and 6 vCPU cores in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions and in the Middle East (Bahrain), Asia Pacific (Osaka), and Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Regions.

AWS Step Functions

Step Functions now integrates with the AWS SDK, supporting over 200 AWS services and 9,000 API actions. You can call services directly from the Amazon States Language definition in the resource field of the task state. This allows you to work with services like DynamoDB, AWS Glue Jobs, or Amazon Textract directly from a Step Functions state machine. To learn more, see the SDK integration tutorial.

AWS Amplify

The Amplify Admin UI now supports importing existing Amazon Cognito user pools and identity pools. This allows you to configure multi-platform apps to use the same user pools with different client IDs.

Amplify CLI now enables command hooks, allowing you to run custom scripts in the lifecycle of CLI commands. You can create bash scripts that run before, during, or after CLI commands. Amplify CLI has also added support for storing environment variables and secrets used by Lambda functions.

Amplify Geo is in developer preview and helps developers provide location-aware features to their frontend web and mobile applications. This uses the Amazon Location Service to provide map UI components.

Amazon EventBridge

The EventBridge schema registry now supports discovery of cross-account events. When schema registry is enabled on a bus, it now generates schemes for events originating from another account. This helps organize and find events in multi-account applications.

Amazon DynamoDB

DynamoDB console

The new DynamoDB console experience is now the default for viewing and managing DynamoDB tables. This makes it easier to manage tables from the navigation pane and also provided a new dedicated Items page. There is also contextual guidance and step-by-step assistance to help you perform common tasks more quickly.

API Gateway

API Gateway can now authenticate clients using certificate-based mutual TLS. Previously, this feature only supported AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). Now, customers can use a server certificate issued by a third-party certificate authority or ACM Private CA. Read more about using mutual TLS authentication with API Gateway.

The Serverless Developer Advocacy team built the Amazon API Gateway CORS Configurator to help you configure cross origin resource scripting (CORS) for REST and HTTP APIs. Fill in the information specific to your API and the AWS SAM configuration is generated for you.

Serverless blog posts




Tech Talks & Events

We hold AWS Online Tech Talks covering serverless topics throughout the year. These are listed in the Serverless section of the AWS Online Tech Talks page. We also regularly deliver talks at conferences and events around the world, speak on podcasts, and record videos you can find to learn in bite-sized chunks.

Here are some from Q3:


Serverless Land

Serverless Office Hours – Tues 10 AM PT

Weekly live virtual office hours. In each session we talk about a specific topic or technology related to serverless and open it up to helping you with your real serverless challenges and issues. Ask us anything you want about serverless technologies and applications.




DynamoDB Office Hours

Are you an Amazon DynamoDB customer with a technical question you need answered? If so, join us for weekly Office Hours on the AWS Twitch channel led by Rick Houlihan, AWS principal technologist and Amazon DynamoDB expert. See upcoming and previous shows

Still looking for more?

The Serverless landing page has more information. The Lambda resources page contains case studies, webinars, whitepapers, customer stories, reference architectures, and even more Getting Started tutorials.

You can also follow the Serverless Developer Advocacy team on Twitter to see the latest news, follow conversations, and interact with the team.

Building well-architected serverless applications: Regulating inbound request rates – part 1

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-well-architected-serverless-applications-regulating-inbound-request-rates-part-1/

This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application.

Reliability question REL1: How do you regulate inbound request rates?

Defining, analyzing, and enforcing inbound request rates helps achieve better throughput. Regulation helps you adapt different scaling mechanisms based on customer demand. By regulating inbound request rates, you can achieve better throughput, and adapt client request submissions to a request rate that your workload can support.

Required practice: Control inbound request rates using throttling

Throttle inbound request rates using steady-rate and burst rate requests

Throttling requests limits the number of requests a client can make during a certain period of time. Throttling allows you to control your API traffic. This helps your backend services maintain their performance and availability levels by limiting the number of requests to actual system throughput.

To prevent your API from being overwhelmed by too many requests, Amazon API Gateway throttles requests to your API. These limits are applied across all clients using the token bucket algorithm. API Gateway sets a limit on a steady-state rate and a burst of request submissions. The algorithm is based on an analogy of filling and emptying a bucket of tokens representing the number of available requests that can be processed.

Each API request removes a token from the bucket. The throttle rate then determines how many requests are allowed per second. The throttle burst determines how many concurrent requests are allowed. I explain the token bucket algorithm in more detail in “Building well-architected serverless applications: Controlling serverless API access – part 2

Token bucket algorithm

Token bucket algorithm

API Gateway limits the steady-state rate and burst requests per second. These are shared across all APIs per Region in an account. For further information on account-level throttling per Region, see the documentation. You can request account-level rate limit increases using the AWS Support Center. For more information, see Amazon API Gateway quotas and important notes.

You can configure your own throttling levels, within the account and Region limits to improve overall performance across all APIs in your account. This restricts the overall request submissions so that they don’t exceed the account-level throttling limits.

You can also configure per-client throttling limits. Usage plans restrict client request submissions to within specified request rates and quotas. These are applied to clients using API keys that are associated with your usage policy as a client identifier. You can add throttling levels per API route, stage, or method that are applied in a specific order.

For more information on API Gateway throttling, see the AWS re:Invent presentation “I didn’t know Amazon API Gateway could do that”.

API Gateway throttling

API Gateway throttling

You can also throttle requests by introducing a buffering layer using Amazon Kinesis Data Stream or Amazon SQS. Kinesis can limit the number of requests at the shard level while SQS can limit at the consumer level. For more information on using SQS as a buffer with Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), read “How To: Use SNS and SQS to Distribute and Throttle Events”.

Identify steady-rate and burst rate requests that your workload can sustain at any point in time before performance degraded

Load testing your serverless application allows you to monitor the performance of an application before it is deployed to production. Serverless applications can be simpler to load test, thanks to the automatic scaling built into many of the services. During a load test, you can identify quotas that may act as a limiting factor for the traffic you expect and take action.

Perform load testing for a sustained period of time. Gradually increase the traffic to your API to determine your steady-state rate of requests. Also use a burst strategy with no ramp up to determine the burst rates that your workload can serve without errors or performance degradation. There are a number of AWS Marketplace and AWS Partner Network (APN) solutions available for performance testing, Gatling Frontline, BlazeMeter, and Apica.

In the serverless airline example used in this series, you can run a performance test suite using Gatling, an open source tool.

To deploy the test suite, follow the instructions in the GitHub repository perf-tests directory. Uncomment the deploy.perftest line in the repository Makefile.

Perf-test makefile

Perf-test makefile

Once the file is pushed to GitHub, AWS Amplify Console rebuilds the application, and deploys an AWS CloudFormation stack. You can run the load tests locally, or use an AWS Step Functions state machine to run the setup and Gatling load test simulation.

Performance test using Step Functions

Performance test using Step Functions

The Gatling simulation script uses constantUsersPerSec and rampUsersPerSec to add users for a number of test scenarios. You can use the test to simulate load on the application. Once the tests run, it generates a downloadable report.

Gatling performance results

Gatling performance results

Artillery Community Edition is another open-source tool for testing serverless APIs. You configure the number of requests per second and overall test duration, and it uses a headless Chromium browser to run its test flows. For Artillery, the maximum number of concurrent tests is constrained by your local computing resources and network. To achieve higher throughput, you can use Serverless Artillery, which runs the Artillery package on Lambda functions. As a result, this tool can scale up to a significantly higher number of tests.

For more information on how to use Artillery, see “Load testing a web application’s serverless backend”. This runs tests against APIs in a demo application. For example, one of the tests fetches 50,000 questions per hour. This calls an API Gateway endpoint and tests whether the AWS Lambda function, which queries an Amazon DynamoDB table, can handle the load.

Artillery performance test

Artillery performance test

This is a synchronous API so the performance directly impacts the user’s experience of the application. This test shows that the median response time is 165 ms with a p95 time of 201 ms.

Performance test API results

Performance test API results

Another consideration for API load testing is whether the authentication and authorization service can handle the load. For more information on load testing Amazon Cognito and API Gateway using Step Functions, see “Using serverless to load test Amazon API Gateway with authorization”.

API load testing with authentication and authorization

API load testing with authentication and authorization


Regulating inbound requests helps you adapt different scaling mechanisms based on customer demand. You can achieve better throughput for your workloads and make them more reliable by controlling requests to a rate that your workload can support.

In this post, I cover controlling inbound request rates using throttling. I show how to use throttling to control steady-rate and burst rate requests. I show some solutions for performance testing to identify the request rates that your workload can sustain before performance degradation.

This well-architected question will be continued where I look at using, analyzing, and enforcing API quotas. I cover mechanisms to protect non-scalable resources.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Getting Started with Push Notifications using AWS Amplify

Post Syndicated from Pauline Kelly original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/getting-started-with-push-notifications-using-aws-amplify/

This article was written by Pauline Kelly and Rob Costello, Public Sector Solutions Architects, AWS.

The code in this blog will run on OSX 10.11.6 (El Capitan) and higher, and XCode 8.1 and higher.

Push notifications are a key capability provided by mobile apps to engage with users, providing real-time updates or new information. However, they require integration of several components provided by different vendors. This can be difficult for new mobile developers, or developers who are new to Amazon Web Services (AWS).

As a mobile app developer, building high-quality apps that people want to use requires focus on the front-end components. Still, backend services also need to be considered to help ensure the app provides the level of scalability, reliability, and security that is expected of modern mobile applications. In this post, we will provide an example of how to implement Push Notifications in your mobile apps using AWS Amplify and Amazon Pinpoint, using React Native code to help get you started.

Usage Patterns

There are several use cases where developers benefit from adding Push Notifications into their mobile app, including:

  • Asynchronous actions, such as when an order is placed through an app, and confirmation or status notifications are sent to the user.
  • Scheduled reminders, to provide time-bound notifications to users to prompt engagement, such as “It’s been 7 days since you last checked in, would you like to check in now?”.
  • Instant messaging, where your app provides two-way communication (i.e., chat). This ensures your users can engage with each other in near real-time.

Component Definitions

The components necessary to add push notifications to your app are:

Platform – These are the services provided by mobile device builders (e.g. Apple, Google, Amazon), that transport the messages to the end devices. The Platforms offer device registration, app token creation and management, and the delivery channel for notifications to be delivered to devices. There are several different services that you can use to send push notifications to the users of your applications. The platform you use largely depends on which app store your customers use to obtain your app. The most common platforms are Apple Push Notification service (APNs), Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), Baidu Cloud Push, and Amazon Device Messaging (ADM).

Provider – The Provider allows app registration and messaging to be coordinated by your mobile apps backend system, to allow for event or schedule based interactions from your backend with your mobile app. In AWS, we provide both Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) and Amazon Pinpoint to fill the role of the Provider.

Client – The client is your mobile application, running on a physical device. On initial launch of the application, two persistent and secure channels are established. First is between the Platform and the Client, which results in the creation of a globally-unique, app-specific device token. Next, the other sets up push notifications between the Provider and the Platform, using the device token. The device token is used to identify the destination for the notifications.

client, platform and provider components with no connections

AWS Options

AWS provides two services that can be used for provide Push Notification services for your mobile apps.

Amazon Pinpoint – Pinpoint enables marketers and developers to deliver customer-centric engagement experiences. It provides a collection of capabilities that enable collection of data from audiences, real-time and historic analytics, and execution of campaigns for direct customer engagement over multiple channels, such as email, SMS, or push notifications. Pinpoint makes it easy to manage device registration, integration with notification channel systems, and integration with other AWS services to create a fully-featured mobile application backend. AWS Amplify includes support for deploying and configuring Pinpoint projects to use in your mobile application.

Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) – SNS, or Simple Notification Service, is a publish-subscribe service that accepts incoming messages and delivers them to a variety of destinations, such as using push notifications to mobile devices. Messages are sent from a Publisher (your mobile app backend) to a Subscription, in the form of a Topic. Subscriptions are linked to one or more Platform Applications, which is the Platform you want to connect to (such as APNs or FCM). Each Platform Application has individual Endpoints which are created using the SNS SDK on the device, and passing in the unique device token. To explore fanout patterns with SNS, refer to this blog post.

While both SNS and Pinpoint have Push Notifications capability, Amazon Pinpoint provides a simpler development experience when leveraging AWS Amplify, and a more robust management and operational capability for app owners and developers. The rest of this post will focus on the use of Pinpoint and Amplify.

Registration and Data-flows

In this post we will use the APNs (Apple Push Notification Service) platform for push notifications, but a similar pattern is used for other platforms. The following events take place when a push notification is triggered:

  1. A Device establishes a TLS connection with APNs based on a pre-existing device-specific certificate, and requests an app-specific token to use for push notifications.
  2. The Device passes the token to the AWS provider to register for notifications.
  3. Based on some form of event or trigger, such as a marketer launching a new campaign, a notification can be generated programmatically and sent to the AWS provider (Pinpoint or SNS).
  4. The AWS provider delivers the notification to APNs, along with the associated device token(s) to deliver it.
  5. APNs pushes the notification to the device(s).

client, platform and provider components with connections

For details of how the APNs platform works, please consult the relevant services documentation at https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/RemoteNotificationsPG/APNSOverview.html.

Setting up APNs prerequisites

Note: You will need an account with the Apple Developer Program, as an individual or as part of an organization, and you must have agent or admin privileges in that account. Also, Push Notifications in the Apple ecosystem require a physical device, the iOS simulator is not capable of receiving push notifications.

To setup the required APNs components, follow the Amplify guide to create:

  • An app ID.
  • An SSL certificate, which authorizes you to send push notifications to your app through APNs.
  • A registration for your test device, such as an iPhone, with your Apple Developer account.
  • An iOS distribution certificate, which enables you to install your app on your test device.
  • A provisioning profile, which allows your app to run on your test device.

Setting up your development workstation

Note: As this post focuses on using APNs for an iOS device, you must perform the following steps on an Apple device.

On your development workstation, install all React Native CLI prerequisites identified at https://reactnative.dev/docs/environment-setup, including:

  • NodeJS: JavaScript runtime, used to run your application
  • Watchman: watches files and records when they change, used to update your React Native app automatically rather than manually triggering a rebuild while developing
  • Xcode: integrated development environment for creating iOS applications and more, installed on macOS
  • CocoaPods: a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects

You will need to set up the Amplify CLI, which is used to configure the application with Amplify. Be sure to configure the Amplify CLI with credentials and other settings following the documentation here before proceeding.

Set up a new React Native App

Create a new React Native App to begin:

npx react-native init MyApp —template react-native-template-typescript
cd MyApp

Firstly, use the Amplify CLI to initialize the new app:

amplify init
Scanning for plugins...
Plugin scan successful
Note: It is recommended to run this command from the root of your app directory
? Enter a name for the project MyApp
? Enter a name for the environment dev
? Choose your default editor: Visual Studio Code
? Choose the type of app that you're building javascript
Please tell us about your project
? What javascript framework are you using react-native
? Source Directory Path:  src
? Distribution Directory Path: /
? Build Command:  npm run-script build
? Start Command: npm run-script start
Using default provider  awscloudformation

For more information on AWS Profiles, see:

? Do you want to use an AWS profile? Yes
? Please choose the profile you want to use default

Then install the required React and CocoaPod dependencies:

npm install aws-amplify-react-native aws-amplify @aws-amplify/pushnotification @react-native-community/push-notification-ios @react-native-community/netinfo
npx pod-install

We are now going to add authentication for the user to sign into the app, and send/receive push notifications. Adding authentication with the default configuration creates a Cognito User Pool in the cloud, and allows Amplify applications to use the identity of the authenticated user.

Note that authentication with Cognito User Pools is not strictly required for Amazon Pinpoint Push Notifications to function, you can use Cognito Identity Pools for unauthenticated integration with Pinpoint APIs in your mobile app.

amplify add auth
Do you want to use the default authentication and security configuration? Default configuration
Warning: you will not be able to edit these selections. 
How do you want users to be able to sign in? Username
Do you want to configure advanced settings? No, I am done.

To finish the creation of the Amazon Cognito User Pool, push the changes to AWS:

amplify push
? Are you sure you want to continue? (Y/n)

The Amplify Analytics module is required before Push Notifications can be configured. The Analytics module creates and configures the Amazon Pinpoint endpoint required for the PushNotification library to be able to register for and be a target for notifications.

amplify add analytics
? Select an Analytics provider Amazon Pinpoint
? Provide your Pinpoint resource name: MyAppAnalytics
? Apps need authorization to send analytics events. Do you want to allow guests and unauthenticated users to send analytics events? (we recommend you allow this when getting started) (Y/n) Yes

To finish the creation of the Amazon Pinpoint endpoint by Amplify CLI, push the changes to AWS. Here is a list of the cloud resources that will be created when you push the stack to cloud:

  • Amazon Cognito User Pool
  • Amazon Cognito Federated Identity Pool
  • Amazon Pinpoint Project (linked to User Pool)
  • Associated AWS IAM Roles

For specific details, you can look in the “amplify” directory in your project for the AWS CloudFormation templates created by the cli.

amplify push
? Are you sure you want to continue? (Y/n)

Next, use the Amplify CLI to add notifications to the project. During the setup for notifications, Amplify will ask you for the path to your *.p12 certificate, which is generated in XCode using your Apple Developer Account. Please refer to the instructions here:

Amplify Notifications: https://docs.amplify.aws/lib/push-notifications/getting-started/q/platform/js#setup-for-ios
Pinpoint Push Notification Setup: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/pinpoint/latest/developerguide/apns-setup.html

amplify add notifications
? Choose the push notification channel to enable. APNS
? Provide your Pinpoint resource name: <Choose default or provide a name>
? Choose authentication method used for APNs Certificate
? The certificate file path (.p12): <path to APNs p12 certificate>
? The certificate password (if any):
MAC verified OK
✔ The APNS channel has been successfully enabled.

Note that when the Notifications category is added, Amplify CLI also adds the Auth category, which creates and configures an Amazon Cognito User to allow authenticated access to the Amazon Pinpoint endpoint.

Next, you will need to open the iOS workspace of the application in XCode, found in ios/MyApp.xcworkspace. To enable notifications to function on iOS, the following settings for the project should be changed using Xcode to enable the @react-native-community/push-notifications-ios module to function:

  1. Add the Background Mode – Remote Notifications capability – https://github.com/react-native-push-notification-ios/push-notification-ios#add-capabilities–background-mode—remote-notifications
  2. Add support for the notification and register events that will be used – https://github.com/react-native-push-notification-ios/push-notification-ios#augment-appdelegate

Finally, update the Apps Workspace settings in Xcode by setting the Bundler Identifier you created when configuring your Apple Developer account. Once your Team is specified in Xcode, it will now populate the associated Signing Certificate field.

xcode project view signing tab

Next you can configure your React Native app to send and receive Push Notifications.

Register and Receive Notifications

To register a device with Amazon Pinpoint to receive Push Notifications, the required libraries should be imported:

import Amplify from 'aws-amplify';
import awsconfig from './aws-exports';
import {withAuthenticator} from 'aws-amplify-react-native';
import Analytics from '@aws-amplify/analytics';
import PushNotification from '@aws-amplify/pushnotification';
import Auth from '@aws-amplify/auth';

Note that Pinpoint requires the Analytics category of Amplify to be configured and imported into your app.

With the required libraries loaded, the Amplify components should be configured with the AWS details created by the amplify push command that are stored in the aws-exports.js file.


Next, register functions to be called when the device registers with APNs, and when a notification is received.

The onRegister event will be triggered when iOS registers a new token with the APNs service, allowing the app to retrieve the token and register it with Amazon Pinpoint via the Analytics.updateEndpoint function. Take care to update the userId key in the Analytics configuration.

PushNotification.onRegister((token: any) => {
  _token = token;
    address: token,
    optOut: 'NONE',
    userId: '<userId>',
    .then((data) => {
      console.log('endpoint updated', JSON.stringify(data));
    .catch((error) => {
      console.log('error updating endpoint', error);

The onNotification event will be triggered when the open app receives a notification from Amazon Pinpoint via APNs. Here we can execute actions based on the notification if required:

PushNotification.onNotification((notification: any) => {
  // display notification in debug log in XCode
  console.log('in app notification received', notification);

If the app is not open when the notification is received, and the user clicks the notification prompt, the onNotificationOpened event will be triggered allow actions to also be executed.

PushNotification.onNotificationOpened((notification: any) => {
  // display notification in debug log in XCode
  console.log('the notification is opened from iOS', notification);

Finally, we must prompt the user to allow Push Notifications from the app:


Send Push Notifications

To send Push Notifications, we can use the Amazon Pinpoint SDK. Push notifications are ordinarily sent from a back-end process or application, however you can send notifications from anywhere the Amazon Pinpoint SDK is used.

Code examples in Javascript and Python for using the SendMessage API are available in the Amazon Pinpoint documentation. These examples can be executed from a backend server process or via AWS Lambda.

The address token value used in these examples must match that of the target device token assigned by APNs. This will be visible in the console output of the mobile app when the onRegister event is triggered.

The IAM Role used by your backend server process or AWS Lambda must have the following permission policy applied:

    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": "mobiletargeting:SendMessages", 
    "Resource": "arn:aws:mobiletargeting:<region>:<accountID>:apps/<projectID>/*"

Testing Push Notifications

Now run the project locally:

npx react-native run-ios

This will start Metro for React Native in a new Terminal window. Metro is a bundler for React Native which transpiles JavaScript into native code for use on client devices.

command line running metro bundler

You should now be able to connect your test device to your development workstation, change the target device and run the application from Xcode (Push Notifications are not available in the iOS Simulator in XCode).

You can now test sending and receiving notifications.

Adding Pinpoint Features

Now that you have a functioning mobile app able to receive Push Notifications, Amazon Pinpoint can be used by app owners to engage users through customised Campaigns or Journeys. A campaign sends tailored messages on a schedule that you define. With Journeys, you can send messages to your customers based on their attributes, behaviours, and activities.

Thanks to AWS Amplify, the application has already deployed an Amazon Pinpoint Project for you, so your next steps for engaging users will be:

  1. Creating a Segment of your users that you would like to target.
  2. Create a Campaign or Journey to start communicating with your Segment using Push Notifications.

Amazon Pinpoint can be combined with other AWS services for more advanced scenarios, such as Predictive User Engagement. An example solution that integrates Amazon Personalize created by the AWS Solutions team can be found at to https://aws.amazon.com/solutions/implementations/predictive-user-engagement/


To clean up the project use:

amplify delete

to delete the resources created by the Amplify CLI.


This post has explored how Amazon Pinpoint and the Amplify Framework can be used more easily add Push Notifications into your mobile apps. Using the example provided, you can quickly get started with integrating the required components and configuring your AWS account, so you can run campaigns to engage with your users.


We hope you like the Push Notification features in Amazon Pinpoint and the Amplify Framework! Let us know how we are doing, and submit any feedback in the Amplify JavaScript GitHub repository. You can read more about this feature on the Amplify Framework website. Also, check out our community site to find the events, posts, and contributors to the Amplify community.


ICYMI: Serverless Q2 2021

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/icymi-serverless-q2-2021/

Welcome to the 14th edition of the AWS Serverless ICYMI (in case you missed it) quarterly recap. Every quarter, we share all of the most recent product launches, feature enhancements, blog posts, webinars, Twitch live streams, and other interesting things that you might have missed!

Q2 calendar

In case you missed our last ICYMI, check out what happened last quarter here.

AWS Step Functions

Step Functions launched Workflow Studio, a new visual tool that provides a drag-and-drop user interface to build Step Functions workflows. This exposes all the capabilities of Step Functions that are available in Amazon States Language (ASL). This makes it easier to build and change workflows and build definitions in near-real time.

For more:

Workflow Studio

The new data flow simulator in the Step Functions console helps you evaluate the inputs and outputs passed through your state machine. It allows you to simulate each of the fields used to process data and updates in real time. It can help accelerate development with workflows and help visualize JSONPath processing.

For more:

Data flow simulator

Also, Amazon API Gateway can now invoke synchronous Express Workflows using REST APIs.

Amazon EventBridge

EventBridge now supports cross-Region event routing from any commercial AWS Region to a list of supported Regions. This feature allows you to centralize global events for auditing and monitoring or replicate events across Regions.

EventBridge cross-Region routing

The service now also supports bus-to-bus event routing in the same Region and in the same AWS account. This can be useful for centralizing events related to a single project, application, or team within your organization.

EventBridge bus-to-bus

You can now use EventBridge as a resource within Step Functions workflows. This provides a direct service integration for both standard and Express Workflows. You can publish events directly to a specified event bus using either a request-response or wait-for-callback pattern.

EventBridge added a new target for rules – Amazon SageMaker Pipelines. This allows you to use a rule to trigger a continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) service for your machine learning workloads.

AWS Lambda

Lambda Extensions

AWS Lambda extensions are now generally available including some performance and functionality improvements. Lambda extensions provide a new way to integrate your chosen monitoring, observability, security, and governance tools with AWS Lambda. These use the Lambda Runtime Extensions API to integrate with the execution environment and provide hooks into the Lambda lifecycle.

To help build your own extensions, there is an updated GitHub repository with example code.

To learn more:

  • Watch a Tech Talk with Julian Wood.
  • Watch the 8-episode Learning Path series covering all aspects of extensions.

Extensions available today

Amazon CloudWatch Lambda Insights support for Lambda container images is now generally available.

Amazon SNS

Amazon SNS has expanded the set of filter operators available to include IP address matching, existence of an attribute key, and “anything-but” matching.

The service has also introduced an SMS sandbox to help developers testing workloads that send text messages.

To learn more:

Amazon DynamoDB

DynamoDB announced CloudFormation support for several features. First, it now supports configuring Kinesis Data Streams using CloudFormation. This allows you to use infrastructure as code to set up Kinesis Data Streams instead of DynamoDB streams.

The service also announced that NoSQL Workbench now supports CloudFormation, so you can build data models and configure table capacity settings directly from the tool. Finally, you can now create and manage global tables with CloudFormation.

Learn how to use the recently launched Serverless Patterns Collection to configure DynamoDB as an event source for Lambda.

AWS Amplify

Amplify Hosting announced support for server-side rendered (SSR) apps built with the Next.js framework. This provides a zero configuration option for developers to deploy and host their Next.js-based applications.

The Amplify GLI now allows developers to make multiple DynamoDB GSI updates in a single deployment. This can help accelerate data model iterations. Additionally, the data management experience in the Amplify Admin UI launched at AWS re:Invent 2020 is now generally available.

AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM)

AWS SAM has a public preview of support for local development and testing of AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) projects.

To learn more:

Serverless blog posts

Operating Lambda

The “Operating Lambda” blog series includes the following posts in this quarter:

Streaming data

The “Building serverless applications with streaming data” blog series shows how to use Lambda with Kinesis.

Getting started with serverless for developers

Learn how to build serverless applications from your local integrated development environment (IDE).




Tech Talks & Events

We hold AWS Online Tech Talks covering serverless topics throughout the year. These are listed in the Serverless section of the AWS Online Tech Talks page. We also regularly deliver talks at conferences and events around the world, speak on podcasts, and record videos you can find to learn in bite-sized chunks.

Here are some from Q2:

Serverless Live was a day of talks held on May 19, featuring the serverless developer advocacy team, along with Adrian Cockroft and Jeff Barr. You can watch a replay of all the talks on the AWS Twitch channel.


YouTube ServerlessLand channel

Serverless Office Hours – Tues 10 AM PT / 1PM EST

Weekly live virtual office hours. In each session we talk about a specific topic or technology related to serverless and open it up to helping you with your real serverless challenges and issues. Ask us anything you want about serverless technologies and applications.

YouTube: youtube.com/serverlessland
Twitch: twitch.tv/aws




DynamoDB Office Hours

Are you an Amazon DynamoDB customer with a technical question you need answered? If so, join us for weekly Office Hours on the AWS Twitch channel led by Rick Houlihan, AWS principal technologist and Amazon DynamoDB expert. See upcoming and previous shows

Learning Path – AWS Lambda Extensions: The deep dive

Are you looking for a way to more easily integrate AWS Lambda with your favorite monitoring, observability, security, governance, and other tools? Welcome to AWS Lambda extensions: The deep dive, a learning path video series that shows you everything about augmenting Lambda functions using Lambda extensions.

There are also other helpful videos covering serverless available on the Serverless Land YouTube channel.

Still looking for more?

The Serverless landing page has more information. The Lambda resources page contains case studies, webinars, whitepapers, customer stories, reference architectures, and even more Getting Started tutorials.

You can also follow the Serverless Developer Advocacy team on Twitter to see the latest news, follow conversations, and interact with the team.

Amplify Flutter is Now Generally Available: Build Beautiful Cross-Platform Apps

Post Syndicated from Martin Beeby original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amplify-flutter-is-now-generally-available-build-beautiful-cross-platform-apps/

AWS Amplify is a set of tools and services for building secure, scalable mobile and web applications. Currently, Amplify supports iOS, Android, and JavaScript (web and React Native) and is the quickest and easiest way to build applications powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building natively compiled mobile, web, and desktop applications from a single code base and is one of the fastest-growing mobile frameworks.

Amplify Flutter brings together AWS Amplify and Flutter, and we designed it for customers who have invested in the Flutter ecosystem and now want to take advantage of the power of AWS.

In August 2020, we launched the developer preview of Amplify Flutter and asked for feedback. We were delighted with the response. After months of refining the service, today we are happy to announce the general availability of Amplify Flutter.

New Amplify Flutter Features in GA
The GA release makes it easier to build powerful Flutter apps with the addition of three new capabilities:

First, we recently added a GraphQL API backed by AWS AppSync as well as REST APIs and handlers using Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda.

Second, Amplify DataStore provides a programming model for leveraging shared and distributed data without writing additional code for offline and online scenarios, which makes working with distributed, cross-user data just as simple as working with local-only data.

Finally, we have Hosted UI which is a great way to implement authentication, and works with Amazon Cognito and other social identity providers such as Facebook, Google and Amazon. Hosted UI is a customizable OAuth 2.0 flow that allows you to launch a login screen without embedding the SDK for Cognito or a social provider in your application.

Digging Deeper Into Amplify DataStore
I have been building an app over the past two weeks using Amplify Flutter, and my favorite feature is Amplify DataStore, primarily because it has saved me so much time.

Working with the REST and GraphQL APIs is great in Amplify. However, when I create a mobile app, I’m often thinking about what happens when the mobile device has intermittent connectivity and can’t connect to the API endpoints. Storing data locally and syncing back to the cloud can become quite complicated. Amplify DataStore solves that problem by providing a persistent on-device data store that handles the offline or online scenario.

When I started developing my app, I used DataStore as a stand-alone local database. However, its power became apparent to me when I connected it to a cloud backend. DataStore uses my AWS AppSync API to sync data when network connectivity is available. If the app is offline, it stores it locally, ready for when a connection becomes available.

Amplify DataStore automatically versions data and implements conflict detection and resolution in the cloud using AppSync. The toolchain also generates object definitions for Dart based on the GraphQL schema that I provide.

Writing to Amplify DataStore
Writing to the DataStore is straightforward. The documentation site shows an example that you can try yourself that uses a schema from a blog site.

Post newPost = Post(
    title: 'New Post being saved', rating: 15, status: PostStatus.DRAFT);
await Amplify.DataStore.save(newPost);

Reading from Amplify DataStore
To read from the DataStore, you can query for all records of a given model type.

try {
   List<Post> posts = await Amplify.DataStore.query(Post.classType);
 } catch (e) {
   print("Query failed: " + e);

Synchronization with Amplify DataStore
If you enable data synchronization, there can be different versions of an object across clients, and multiple clients may have updated their copies of an object. DataStore will converge different object versions by applying conflict detection and resolution strategies. The default resolution is called Auto Merge, but other strategies include optimistic concurrency control and custom Lambda functions.

Additional Amplify Flutter Features
Amplify Flutter allows you to work with AWS in three additional ways:

  • Authentication. Amplify Flutter provides an interface for authenticating a user and enables use cases like Sign-Up, Sign-In, and Multi-Factor Authentication. Behind the scenes, it provides the necessary authorization to the other Amplify categories. It comes with built-in support for Cognito user pools and identity pools.
  • Storage. Amplify Flutter provides an interface for managing user content for your app in public, protected, or private storage buckets. It enables use cases like upload, download, and deleting objects and provides built-in support for Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) by default.
  • Analytics. Amplify Flutter enables you to collect tracking data for authenticated or unauthenticated users in Amazon Pinpoint. You can easily record events and extend the default functionality for custom metrics or attributes as needed.

Available Now
Amplify Flutter is now available in GA in all regions that support AWS Amplify. There is no additional cost for using Amplify Flutter; you only pay for the backend services your applications use above the free tier; check out the pricing page for more details.

Visit the Amplify Flutter documentation to get started and learn more. Happy coding.

— Martin

New AWS Amplify Admin UI Helps You Develop App Backends, No Cloud Experience Required

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-amplify-admin-ui-helps-you-develop-app-backends-no-cloud-experience-required/

Today AWS Amplify announces new Admin UI to configure an application backend, and manage app users and content outside the AWS console. This new feature makes it easier to use AWS services and accelerates the development and management of full-stack web and mobile apps.

We launched AWS Amplify in November 2018, and since then it has been helping front-end web and mobile developers to quickly develop and deploy cloud-connected web and mobile applications. In order to stay ahead of the curve and deliver innovation to customers, businesses need to ship features fast. However, developers and non-developers who are unfamiliar with AWS fundamentals require training, which slows the entire process down.

AWS Amplify today launches a new Admin UI that enables team members to interface with AWS without requiring an AWS account (only the first deployment requires an AWS account).

The Admin UI provides simple yet powerful tools to model database tables, add authentication and authorization, and manage app content, users, and groups. It also offers the ability to manage the application users and content. The AWS Amplify Admin UI focuses on data types rather than backend infrastructure. All the backend resources generate infrastructure as code (IaC) templates that can be committed in the team repository and integrated with AWS Amplify continuous deployment workflow to manage the different environments.

Let’s Look at an Example Using the New AWS Amplify Admin UI
Imagine that you are a front-end web developer creating a website for a local restaurant. The restaurant owner wants to have a website where they can show their daily menu, and wants a simple way to update the content of the page every day.

There are many ways to solve this problem. You can spin up a server and install a CMS for the restaurant owner to manage the menu. For this particular use case, having a server exclusively to do this is just over-provisioning resources. Or, you can create the CMS yourself using serverless tools; however, this adds a lot of complexity and extra time to the development cycle.

Another option is to use the new AWS Amplify Admin UI that allows you to take advantage of many AWS managed services to create the backend quickly and also provides the ability to manage the application users and content.

The first thing you need to do is to create a new AWS Amplify app backend in the AWS Console. AWS Amplify will create a backend environment called staging. When, your app backend is ready, open the new Admin UI. If you would like to get another developer working on this application who doesn’t have experience with AWS, nor access to the AWS account, now you can grant access to them so they can continue the work on the UI. But for now, let’s imagine that you are going to do all the development.

Screenshot of opening the admin ui

The Admin UI contains all the tools that application developers need to configure the application backend and that content managers need to update the application content.

In the sidebar of the Admin UI (as shown in the following illustration), you can find all the different options for setting up your application.

To get started with the restaurant website, you need a menu data model. For that, first go to Data (1), then create a new data model call Menu (2), add the necessary fields and Save and deploy (3) the model. Saving and deploying the model will create all the needed AWS resources in the backend, like an AWS AppSync API and a Amazon DynamoDB table to host the menu items. Deploying takes a few minutes.

Screenshot for data modeling

After your model is deployed, you can start working on your website. For this example I will be using React, one of the web frameworks supported by AWS Amplify, but you can do the same example with any of the supported frameworks.

First, you need to install the AWS Amplify CLI:

npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli

Then create a new React application:

npx create-react-app react-amplified
cd react-amplified

When your application is created, you can configure it with the AWS Amplify application we just created. For that, go back to the Admin UI and select Local setup instructions (1), and execute the amplify command (2) in the directory where the web application is stored in your computer.

Screenshot of pulling amplify configuration

When you execute that command, a browser window will open that asks you if you are sure that you want to log in to the AWS Amplify Admin UI. Selecting yes will grant the AWS Amplify CLI access to deploy updates to the backend directly from your local desktop. The CLI will prompt you with a few questions about your local environment, and finally will ask if you plan to modify this backend locally. Choose yes.

When that process ends, you will notice some changes in your web application directory: a couple of new directories were created (amplify and src/models) and also a new file (aws-exports.js). These files and directories hold all the configuration for your AWS Amplify application.

Now it’s time to develop your application. To access the menu data model you created in the first steps, you will use the DataStore library from AWS Amplify. DataStore allows you to connect to your deployed database and perform CRUD, sort and filter operations from your UI to manipulate backend data. In the Admin UI, you can see some examples on how to create, update, delete and query the model.

Screenshot of using the data model

When the website is ready, it’s time to add some content. The restaurant owner is the one adding the menu items. In order for them to be able to add items, they need to have permissions to access the Admin UI for this application.

To do this, you need to create a new Admin UI account for the restaurant owner with the correct permissions. Go to the AWS Amplify console for your application and then to the Admin UI management and invite users.

When adding new users to the Admin UI you can define their permission scope. If you want to grant them full access, they will be able to configure and manage the application backend environment, and if you want them just to be able to edit the content, you can give them the manage only access scope. For the restaurant owner grant manage only permissions.

Screenshot for inviting new users to the AdminUI

After sending the invite, the restaurant owner will receive an email with a link to access the Admin UI and a username and password to log in. When they log in, they can go to the Content tab (1) and start adding items in their menu (2) and they can see the items available in the table in the screen (3).

Screenshot adding new content

From this screen, the restaurant owner can add, delete and edit items in their menu whenever they want to. These changes are reflected in the website immediately after they save.

The use cases for Admin UI are endless, such as blogs, e-commerce sites, planning apps, etc. Developers can build complex and feature-rich apps by focusing on their domain-specific data model instead of spending hours deploying and stitching together cloud infrastructure. AWS Amplify gives front-end developers the fastest and easiest way to develop mobile and web apps. And all accessible to developers that are not familiar with the cloud and without the need to give AWS access to everybody in the team.

AWS Amplify Admin UI is available at launch in: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), and Europe (London).

For more information, visit the Amplify service page. Get started building a data model without an AWS account in the sandbox experience.


ICYMI: Serverless pre:Invent 2020

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/icymi-serverless-preinvent-2020/

During the last few weeks, the AWS serverless team has been releasing a wave of new features in the build-up to AWS re:Invent 2020. This post recaps some of the most important releases for serverless developers.

re:Invent is virtual and free to all attendees in 2020 – register here. See the complete list of serverless sessions planned and join the serverless DA team live on Twitch. Also, follow your DAs on Twitter for live recaps and Q&A during the event.

AWS re:Invent 2020

AWS Lambda

We launched Lambda Extensions in preview, enabling you to more easily integrate monitoring, security, and governance tools into Lambda functions. You can also build your own extensions that run code during Lambda lifecycle events, and there is an example extensions repo for starting development.

You can now send logs from Lambda functions to custom destinations by using Lambda Extensions and the new Lambda Logs API. Previously, you could only forward logs after they were written to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. Now, logging tools can receive log streams directly from the Lambda execution environment. This makes it easier to use your preferred tools for log management and analysis, including Datadog, Lumigo, New Relic, Coralogix, Honeycomb, or Sumo Logic.

Lambda Extensions API

Lambda launched support for Amazon MQ as an event source. Amazon MQ is a managed broker service for Apache ActiveMQ that simplifies deploying and scaling queues. This integration increases the range of messaging services that customers can use to build serverless applications. The event source operates in a similar way to using Amazon SQS or Amazon Kinesis. In all cases, the Lambda service manages an internal poller to invoke the target Lambda function.

We also released a new layer to make it simpler to integrate Amazon CodeGuru Profiler. This service helps identify the most expensive lines of code in a function and provides recommendations to help reduce cost. With this update, you can enable the profiler by adding the new layer and setting environment variables. There are no changes needed to the custom code in the Lambda function.

Lambda announced support for AWS PrivateLink. This allows you to invoke Lambda functions from a VPC without traversing the public internet. It provides private connectivity between your VPCs and AWS services. By using VPC endpoints to access the Lambda API from your VPC, this can replace the need for an Internet Gateway or NAT Gateway.

For developers building machine learning inferencing, media processing, high performance computing (HPC), scientific simulations, and financial modeling in Lambda, you can now use AVX2 support to help reduce duration and lower cost. By using packages compiled for AVX2 or compiling libraries with the appropriate flags, your code can then benefit from using AVX2 instructions to accelerate computation. In the blog post’s example, enabling AVX2 for an image-processing function increased performance by 32-43%.

Lambda now supports batch windows of up to 5 minutes when using SQS as an event source. This is useful for workloads that are not time-sensitive, allowing developers to reduce the number of Lambda invocations from queues. Additionally, the batch size has been increased from 10 to 10,000. This is now the same as the batch size for Kinesis as an event source, helping Lambda-based applications process more data per invocation.

Code signing is now available for Lambda, using AWS Signer. This allows account administrators to ensure that Lambda functions only accept signed code for deployment. Using signing profiles for functions, this provides granular control over code execution within the Lambda service. You can learn more about using this new feature in the developer documentation.

Amazon EventBridge

You can now use event replay to archive and replay events with Amazon EventBridge. After configuring an archive, EventBridge automatically stores all events or filtered events, based upon event pattern matching logic. You can configure a retention policy for archives to delete events automatically after a specified number of days. Event replay can help with testing new features or changes in your code, or hydrating development or test environments.

EventBridge archived events

EventBridge also launched resource policies that simplify managing access to events across multiple AWS accounts. This expands the use of a policy associated with event buses to authorize API calls. Resource policies provide a powerful mechanism for modeling event buses across multiple account and providing fine-grained access control to EventBridge API actions.

EventBridge resource policies

EventBridge announced support for Server-Side Encryption (SSE). Events are encrypted using AES-256 at no additional cost for customers. EventBridge also increased PutEvent quotas to 10,000 transactions per second in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland). This helps support workloads with high throughput.

AWS Step Functions

Synchronous Express Workflows have been launched for AWS Step Functions, providing a new way to run high-throughput Express Workflows. This feature allows developers to receive workflow responses without needing to poll services or build custom solutions. This is useful for high-volume microservice orchestration and fast compute tasks communicating via HTTPS.

The Step Functions service recently added support for other AWS services in workflows. You can now integrate API Gateway REST and HTTP APIs. This enables you to call API Gateway directly from a state machine as an asynchronous service integration.

Step Functions now also supports Amazon EKS service integration. This allows you to build workflows with steps that synchronously launch tasks in EKS and wait for a response. In October, the service also announced support for Amazon Athena, so workflows can now query data in your S3 data lakes.

These new integrations help minimize custom code and provide built-in error handling, parameter passing, and applying recommended security settings.


The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) is an AWS CloudFormation extension that makes it easier to build, manage, and maintains serverless applications. On November 10, the AWS SAM CLI tool released version 1.9.0 with support for cached and parallel builds.

By using sam build --cached, AWS SAM no longer rebuilds functions and layers that have not changed since the last build. Additionally, you can use sam build --parallel to build functions in parallel, instead of sequentially. Both of these new features can substantially reduce the build time of larger applications defined with AWS SAM.

Amazon SNS

Amazon SNS announced support for First-In-First-Out (FIFO) topics. These are used with SQS FIFO queues for applications that require strict message ordering with exactly once processing and message deduplication. This is designed for workloads that perform tasks like bank transaction logging or inventory management. You can also use message filtering in FIFO topics to publish updates selectively.



X-Ray now integrates with Amazon S3 to trace upstream requests. If a Lambda function uses the X-Ray SDK, S3 sends tracing headers to downstream event subscribers. With this, you can use the X-Ray service map to view connections between S3 and other services used to process an application request.

AWS CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation announced support for nested stacks in change sets. This allows you to preview changes in your application and infrastructure across the entire nested stack hierarchy. You can then review those changes before confirming a deployment. This is available in all Regions supporting CloudFormation at no extra charge.

The new CloudFormation modules feature was released on November 24. This helps you develop building blocks with embedded best practices and common patterns that you can reuse in CloudFormation templates. Modules are available in the CloudFormation registry and can be used in the same way as any native resource.

Amazon DynamoDB

For customers using DynamoDB global tables, you can now use your own encryption keys. While all data in DynamoDB is encrypted by default, this feature enables you to use customer managed keys (CMKs). DynamoDB also announced support for global tables in the Europe (Milan) and Europe (Stockholm) Regions. This feature enables you to scale global applications for local access in workloads running in different Regions and replicate tables for higher availability and disaster recovery (DR).

The DynamoDB service announced the ability to export table data to data lakes in Amazon S3. This enables you to use services like Amazon Athena and AWS Lake Formation to analyze DynamoDB data with no custom code required. This feature does not consume table capacity and does not impact performance and availability. To learn how to use this feature, see this documentation.

AWS Amplify and AWS AppSync

You can now use existing Amazon Cognito user pools and identity pools for Amplify projects, making it easier to build new applications for an existing user base. AWS Amplify Console, which provides a fully managed static web hosting service, is now available in the Europe (Milan), Middle East (Bahrain), and Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Regions. This service makes it simpler to bring automation to deploying and hosting single-page applications and static sites.

AWS AppSync enabled AWS WAF integration, making it easier to protect GraphQL APIs against common web exploits. You can also implement rate-based rules to help slow down brute force attacks. Using AWS Managed Rules for AWS WAF provides a faster way to configure application protection without creating the rules directly. AWS AppSync also recently expanded service availability to the Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), Middle East (Bahrain), and China (Ningxia) Regions, making the service now available in 21 Regions globally.

Still looking for more?

Join the AWS Serverless Developer Advocates on Twitch throughout re:Invent for live Q&A, session recaps, and more! See this page for the full schedule.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Building Serverless Land: Part 2 – An auto-building static site

Post Syndicated from Benjamin Smith original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-serverless-land-part-2-an-auto-building-static-site/

In this two-part blog series, I show how serverlessland.com is built. This is a static website that brings together all the latest blogs, videos, and training for AWS serverless. It automatically aggregates content from a number of sources. The content exists in a static JSON file, which generates a new static site each time it is updated. The result is a low-maintenance, low-latency serverless website, with almost limitless scalability.

A companion blog post explains how to build an automated content aggregation workflow to create and update the site’s content. In this post, you learn how to build a static website with an automated deployment pipeline that re-builds on each GitHub commit. The site content is stored in JSON files in the same repository as the code base. The example code can be found in this GitHub repository.

The growing adoption of serverless technologies generates increasing amounts of helpful and insightful content from the developer community. This content can be difficult to discover. Serverless Land helps channel this into a single searchable location. By collating this into a static website, users can enjoy a browsing experience with fast page load speeds.

The serverless nature of the site means that developers don’t need to manage infrastructure or scalability. The use of AWS Amplify Console to automatically deploy directly from GitHub enables a regular release cadence with a fast transition from prototype to production.

Static websites

A static site is served to the user’s web browser exactly as stored. This contrasts to dynamic webpages, which are generated by a web application. Static websites often provide improved performance for end users and have fewer or no dependant systems, such as databases or application servers. They may also be more cost-effective and secure than dynamic websites by using cloud storage, instead of a hosted environment.

A static site generator is a tool that generates a static website from a website’s configuration and content. Content can come from a headless content management system, through a REST API, or from data referenced within the website’s file system. The output of a static site generator is a set of static files that form the website.

Serverless Land uses a static site generator for Vue.js called Nuxt.js. Each time content is updated, Nuxt.js regenerates the static site, building the HTML for each page route and storing it in a file.

The architecture

Serverless Land static website architecture

When the content.json file is committed to GitHub, a new build process is triggered in AWS Amplify Console.

Deploying AWS Amplify

AWS Amplify helps developers to build secure and scalable full stack cloud applications. AWS Amplify Console is a tool within Amplify that provides a user interface with a git-based workflow for hosting static sites. Deploy applications by connecting to an existing repository (GitHub, BitBucket Cloud, GitLab, and AWS CodeCommit) to set up a fully managed, nearly continuous deployment pipeline.

This means that any changes committed to the repository trigger the pipeline to build, test, and deploy the changes to the target environment. It also provides instant content delivery network (CDN) cache invalidation, atomic deploys, password protection, and redirects without the need to manage any servers.

Building the static website

  1. To get started, use the Nuxt.js scaffolding tool to deploy a boiler plate application. Make sure you have npx installed (npx is shipped by default with npm version 5.2.0 and above).
    $ npx create-nuxt-app content-aggregator

    The scaffolding tool asks some questions, answer as follows:Nuxt.js scaffolding tool inputs

  2. Navigate to the project directory and launch it with:
    $ cd content-aggregator
    $ npm run dev

    The application is now running on http://localhost:3000.The pages directory contains your application views and routes. Nuxt.js reads the .vue files inside this directory and automatically creates the router configuration.

  3. Create a new file in the /pages directory named blogs.vue:$ touch pages/blogs.vue
  4. Copy the contents of this file into pages/blogs.vue.
  5. Create a new file in /components directory named Post.vue :$ touch components/Post.vue
  6. Copy the contents of this file into components/Post.vue.
  7. Create a new file in /assets named content.json and copy the contents of this file into it.$ touch /assets/content.json

The blogs Vue component

The blogs page is a Vue component with some special attributes and functions added to make development of your application easier. The following code imports the content.json file into the variable blogPosts. This file stores the static website’s array of aggregated blog post content.

import blogPosts from '../assets/content.json'

An array named blogPosts is initialized:

      blogPosts: []

The array is then loaded with the contents of content.json.

    this.blogPosts = blogPosts

In the component template, the v-for directive renders a list of post items based on the blogPosts array. It requires a special syntax in the form of blog in blogPosts, where blogPosts is the source data array and blog is an alias for the array element being iterated on. The Post component is rendered for each iteration. Since components have isolated scopes of their own, a :post prop is used to pass the iterated data into the Post component:

  <li v-for="blog in blogPosts" :key="blog">
     <Post :post="blog" />

The post data is then displayed by the following template in components/Post.vue.

    <div class="hello">
      <h3>{{ post.title }} </h3>
      <div class="img-holder">
          <img :src="post.image" />
      <p>{{ post.intro }} </p>
      <p>Published on {{post.date}}, by {{ post.author }} p>
      <a :href="post.link"> Read article</a>

This forms the framework for the static website. The /blogs page displays content from /assets/content.json via the Post component. To view this, go to http://localhost:3000/blogs in your browser:

The /blogs page

Add a new item to the content.json file and rebuild the static website to display new posts on the blogs page. The previous content was generated using the aggregation workflow explained in this companion blog post.

Connect to Amplify Console

Clone the web application to a GitHub repository and connect it to Amplify Console to automate the rebuild and deployment process:

  1. Upload the code to a new GitHub repository named ‘content-aggregator’.
  2. In the AWS Management Console, go to the Amplify Console and choose Connect app.
  3. Choose GitHub then Continue.
  4. Authorize to your GitHub account, then in the Recently updated repositories drop-down select the ‘content-aggregator’ repository.
  5. In the Branch field, leave the default as master and choose Next.
  6. In the Build and test settings choose edit.
  7. Replace - npm run build with – npm run generate.
  8. Replace baseDirectory: / with baseDirectory: dist

    This runs the nuxt generate command each time an application build process is triggered. The nuxt.config.js file has a target property with the value of static set. This generates the web application into static files. Nuxt.js creates a dist directory with everything inside ready to be deployed on a static hosting service.
  9. Choose Save then Next.
  10. Review the Repository details and App settings are correct. Choose Save and deploy.

    Amplify Console deployment

Once the deployment process has completed and is verified, choose the URL generated by Amplify Console. Append /blogs to the URL, to see the static website blogs page.

Any edits pushed to the repository’s content.json file trigger a new deployment in Amplify Console that regenerates the static website. This companion blog post explains how to set up an automated content aggregator to add new items to the content.json file from an RSS feed.


This blog post shows how to create a static website with vue.js using the nuxt.js static site generator. The site’s content is generated from a single JSON file, stored in the site’s assets directory. It is automatically deployed and re-generated by Amplify Console each time a new commit is pushed to the GitHub repository. By automating updates to the content.json file you can create low-maintenance, low-latency static websites with almost limitless scalability.

This application framework is used together with this automated content aggregator to pull together articles for http://serverlessland.com. Serverless Land brings together all the latest blogs, videos, and training for AWS Serverless. Download the code from this GitHub repository to start building your own automated content aggregation platform.

Building Serverless Land: Part 1 – Automating content aggregation

Post Syndicated from Benjamin Smith original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-serverless-land-part-1-automating-content-aggregation/

In this two part blog series, I show how serverlessland.com is built. This is a static website that brings together all the latest blogs, videos, and training for AWS Serverless. It automatically aggregates content from a number of sources. The content exists in static JSON files, which generate a new site build each time they are updated. The result is a low-maintenance, low-latency serverless website, with almost limitless scalability.

This blog post explains how to automate the aggregation of content from multiple RSS feeds into a JSON file stored in GitHub. This workflow uses AWS Lambda and AWS Step Functions, triggered by Amazon EventBridge. The application can be downloaded and deployed from this GitHub repository.

The growing adoption of serverless technologies generates increasing amounts of helpful and insightful content from the developer community. This content can be difficult to discover. Serverless Land helps channel this into a single searchable location. By automating the collection of this content with scheduled serverless workflows, the process robustly scales to near infinite numbers. The Step Functions MAP state allows for dynamic parallel processing of multiple content sources, without the need to alter code. On-boarding a new content source is as fast and simple as making a single CLI command.

The architecture

Automating content aggregation with AWS Step Functions

The application consists of six Lambda functions orchestrated by a Step Functions workflow:

  1. The workflow is triggered every 2 hours by an EventBridge scheduler. The schedule event passes an RSS feed URL to the workflow.
  2. The first task invokes a Lambda function that runs an HTTP GET request to the RSS feed. It returns an array of recent blog URLs. The array of blog URLs is provided as the input to a MAP state. The MAP state type makes it possible to run a set of steps for each element of an input array in parallel. The number of items in the array can be different for each execution. This is referred to as dynamic parallelism.
  3. The next task invokes a Lambda function that uses the GitHub REST API to retrieve the static website’s JSON content file.
  4. The first Lambda function in the MAP state runs an HTTP GET request to the blog post URL provided in the payload. The URL is scraped for content and an object containing detailed metadata about the blog post is returned in the response.
  5. The blog post metadata is compared against the website’s JSON content file in GitHub.
  6. A CHOICE state determines if the blog post metadata has already been committed to the repository.
  7. If the blog post is new, it is added to an array of “content to commit”.
  8. As the workflow exits the MAP state, the results are passed to the final Lambda function. This uses a single git commit to add each blog post object to the website’s JSON content file in GitHub. This triggers an event that rebuilds the static site.

Using Secrets in AWS Lambda

Two of the Lambda functions require a GitHub personal access token to commit files to a repository. Sensitive credentials or secrets such as this should be stored separate to the function code. Use AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store to store the personal access token as an encrypted string. The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template grants each Lambda function permission to access and decrypt the string in order to use it.

  1. Follow these steps to create a personal access token that grants permission to update files to repositories in your GitHub account.
  2. Use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to create a new parameter named GitHubAPIKey:
aws ssm put-parameter \
--name /GitHubAPIKey \
--value ReplaceThisWithYourGitHubAPIKey \
--type SecureString

    "Version": 1,
    "Tier": "Standard"

Deploying the application

  1. Fork this GitHub repository to your GitHub Account.
  2. Clone the forked repository to your local machine and deploy the application using AWS SAM.
  3. In a terminal, enter:
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/content-aggregator-example
    sam deploy -g
  4. Enter the required parameters when prompted.

This deploys the application defined in the AWS SAM template file (template.yaml).

The business logic

Each Lambda function is written in Node.js and is stored inside a directory that contains the package dependencies in a `node_modules` folder. These are defined for each function by its relative package.json file. The function dependencies are bundled and deployed using the sam build && deploy -g command.

The GetRepoContents and WriteToGitHub Lambda functions use the octokit/rest.js library to communicate with GitHub. The library authenticates to GitHub by using the GitHub API key held in Parameter Store. The AWS SDK for Node.js is used to obtain the API key from Parameter Store. With a single synchronous call, it retrieves and decrypts the parameter value. This is then used to authenticate to GitHub.

const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const SSM = new AWS.SSM();

//get Github API Key and Authenticate
    const singleParam = { Name: '/GitHubAPIKey ',WithDecryption: true };
    const GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN = await SSM.getParameter(singleParam).promise();
    const octokit = await  new Octokit({
      auth: GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN.Parameter.Value,

Lambda environment variables are used to store non-sensitive key value data such as the repository name and JSON file location. These can be entered when deploying with AWS SAM guided deploy command.

          GitHubRepo: !Ref GitHubRepo
          JSONFile: !Ref JSONFile

The GetRepoContents function makes a synchronous HTTP request to the GitHub repository to retrieve the contents of the website’s JSON file. The response SHA and file contents are returned from the Lambda function and acts as the input to the next task in the Step Functions workflow. This SHA is used in final step of the workflow to save all new blog posts in a single commit.

Map state iterations

The MAP state runs concurrently for each element in the input array (each blog post URL).

Each iteration must compare a blog post URL to the existing JSON content file and decide whether to ignore the post. To do this, the MAP state requires both the input array of blog post URLs and the existing JSON file contents. The ItemsPath, ResultPath, and Parameters are used to achieve this:

  • The ItemsPath sets input array path to $.RSSBlogs.body.
  • The ResultPath states that the output of the branches is placed in $.mapResults.
  • The Parameters block replaces the input to the iterations with a JSON node. This contains both the current item data from the context object ($$.Map.Item.Value) and the contents of the GitHub JSON file ($.RepoBlogs).
    "InputPath": "$",
    "ItemsPath": "$.RSSBlogs.body",
    "ResultPath": "$.mapResults",
    "Parameters": {
        "BlogUrl.$": "$$.Map.Item.Value",
        "RepoBlogs.$": "$.RepoBlogs"
    "MaxConcurrency": 0,
    "Iterator": {
       "StartAt": "getMeta",

The Step Functions resource

The AWS SAM template uses the following Step Functions resource definition to create a Step Functions state machine:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::StateMachine
      DefinitionUri: statemachine/my_state_machine.asl.JSON
        GetBlogPostArn: !GetAtt GetBlogPost.Arn
        GetUrlsArn: !GetAtt GetUrls.Arn
        WriteToGitHubArn: !GetAtt WriteToGitHub.Arn
        CompareAgainstRepoArn: !GetAtt CompareAgainstRepo.Arn
        GetRepoContentsArn: !GetAtt GetRepoContents.Arn
        AddToListArn: !GetAtt AddToList.Arn
      Role: !GetAtt StateMachineRole.Arn

The actual workflow definition is defined in a separate file (statemachine/my_state_machine.asl.JSON). The DefinitionSubstitutions property specifies mappings for placeholder variables. This enables the template to inject Lambda function ARNs obtained by the GetAtt intrinsic function during template translation:

Step Functions mappings with placeholder variables

A state machine execution role is defined within the AWS SAM template. It grants the `Lambda invoke function` action. This is tightly scoped to the six Lambda functions that are used in the workflow. It is the minimum set of permissions required for the Step Functions to carry out its task. Additional permissions can be granted as necessary, which follows the zero-trust security model.

Action: lambda:InvokeFunction
- !GetAtt GetBlogPost.Arn
- !GetAtt GetUrls.Arn
- !GetAtt CompareAgainstRepo.Arn
- !GetAtt WriteToGitHub.Arn
- !GetAtt AddToList.Arn
- !GetAtt GetRepoContents.Arn

The Step Functions workflow definition is authored using the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code. The Step Functions support allows developers to quickly generate workflow definitions from selectable examples. The render tool and automatic linting can help you debug and understand the workflow during development. Read more about the toolkit in this launch post.

Scheduling events and adding new feeds

The AWS SAM template creates a new EventBridge rule on the default event bus. This rule is scheduled to invoke the Step Functions workflow every 2 hours. A valid JSON string containing an RSS feed URL is sent as the input payload. The feed URL is obtained from a template parameter and can be set on deployment. The AWS Compute Blog is set as the default feed URL. To aggregate additional blog feeds, create a new rule to invoke the Step Functions workflow. Provide the RSS feed URL as valid JSON input string in the following format:


    Type: "AWS::Events::Rule"
      Description: "Scheduled event to trigger Step Functions state machine"
      ScheduleExpression: rate(2 hours)
      State: "ENABLED"
          Arn: !Ref MyStateMachine
          Id: !GetAtt MyStateMachine.Name
          RoleArn: !GetAtt ScheduledEventIAMRole.Arn
          Input: !Sub
            - >
                "feedUrl" : "${RssFeedUrl}"
            - RssFeedUrl: !Ref RSSFeed

A completed workflow with step output


This blog post shows how to automate the aggregation of content from multiple RSS feeds into a single JSON file using serverless workflows.

The Step Functions MAP state allows for dynamic parallel processing of each item. The recent increase in state payload size limit means that the contents of the static JSON file can be held within the workflow context. The application decision logic is separated from the business logic and events.

Lambda functions are scoped to finite business logic with Step Functions states managing decision logic and iterations. EventBridge is used to manage the inbound business events. The zero-trust security model is followed with minimum permissions granted to each service and Parameter Store used to hold encrypted secrets.

This application is used to pull together articles for http://serverlessland.com. Serverless land brings together all the latest blogs, videos, and training for AWS Serverless. Download the code from this GitHub repository to start building your own automated content aggregation platform.

Agile website delivery with Hugo and AWS Amplify

Post Syndicated from Nigel Harris original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/agile-website-delivery-with-hugo-and-aws-amplify/

In this post, we show how you can rapidly configure and deploy a website using Hugo (an AWS Cloud9 integrated development environment (IDE) for content editing), AWS CodeCommit for source code control, and AWS Amplify to implement a source code-controlled, automated deployment process.

When hosting a website on AWS, you can choose from several options. One popular option is to use Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to host a static website. If you prefer full access to the infrastructure hosting your website, you can use the NGINX Quick Start to quickly deploy web server infrastructure using AWS CloudFormation.

Static website generators such as Hugo and MkDocs accelerate the website content generation process, and can be a valuable tool when trying to rapidly deliver technical documentation or similar content. Typically, the content creation process requires programming in HTML and CSS.

Hugo is written in Go and available under the Apache 2.0 license. It provides several themes (collections of layouts) that accelerate website creation by drastically reducing the need to focus on format. You can author content in Markdown and output in multiple languages and formats (including ebook formats). Excellent examples of public websites built using Hugo include Digital.gov and Kubernetes.io.


Solution overview

This solution illustrates how to provision a hosted, source code-controlled Hugo generated website using CodeCommit and Amplify Console. The provisioned website is configured with a custom subdomain and an SSL certificate. We use an AWS Cloud9 IDE to enable content creation in the cloud.


Setting up an AWS Cloud9 IDE

Start by provisioning an AWS Cloud9 IDE. AWS Cloud9 environments run using Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). You need to provision your AWS Cloud9 environment into an existing public subnet in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) within your AWS account. You can complete this in the following steps:

1. Access your AWS account using with an identity with administrative privileges. If you don’t have an AWS account, you can create one.

2. Create a new AWS Cloud9 environment using the wizard on the AWS Cloud9 console.

3. Enter a name for your desktop and an optional description.

4. Choose Next step.

Naming your Cloud 9 environment

5. In the Environment settings section, for Environment type, select Create a new EC2 instance for environment (direct access).

6. For Instance type, select your preferred instance type (the default, t2.micro, works for this use case)

7. Under Network settings, for Network (VPC), choose a VPC that you wish to deploy your AWS Cloud9 instance into. You may wish to use your default VPC, which is suitable for the purpose of this tutorial.

8. Choose a public subnet from this VPC for deployment.

Cloud9 Settings

9. Leave all other settings unchanged and choose Next step.
10. Review your choices and choose Create environment.

Environment creation takes a few minutes to complete. When the environment is ready, you receive access to the AWS Cloud9 IDE in your browser. We return to it shortly to develop content for your Hugo website.

Your Cloud9 Desktop

Configuring a source code repository to track content changes

Static website generators enable rapid changes to website content and layout. Source control management (SCM) systems provide a revision history for your code, and allow you to revert to previous versions of a project when unintended changes are introduced. SCM systems become increasingly important as the velocity of change and the number of team members introducing change increases.

You now create a source code repository to track changes to your content. You use CodeCommit, a fully-managed source control service that hosts secure Git-based repositories.

1. In a new browser, sign in to the CodeCommit Console and create a new repository.

2. For Repository name, enter amplify-website.

3. For Description, enter an appropriate description.

4. Choose Create.

Create repository

Repository creation takes just a few moments.

5. In the Connection steps section, choose the appropriate method to connect to your repository based on how you accessed your AWS account.

For this post, I signed in to my AWS account using federated access, so I choose the HTTPS Git Remote CodeCommit (HTTPS-GRC) tab. This is the recommended connection method for this sign-in type. You can also configure a connection to your repository using SSH or Git credentials over HTTPS. SSH and Git credentials over HTTPS are appropriate methods if you have signed in to your AWS account as an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user. The Amazon CodeCommit console provides additional information regarding each of these connection types, including links to supporting documentation.

Connect to Repo


Configuring and deploying an example website

You’re now ready to configure and deploy your website.

1. Return to the browser with your AWS Cloud9 IDE and place your cursor in the lower terminal pane of the IDE.

The terminal pane provides Bash shell access on the EC2 instance running AWS Cloud9.

You now create a Hugo website. The website design is based on Hugo-theme-learn. Themes are collections of Hugo layouts that take all the hassle out of building your website. Learn is a multilingual-ready theme authored by Mathieu Cornic, designed for building technical documentation websites.

Hugo provides a variety of themes on their website. Many of the themes include bundled example website content that you can easily adapt by following the accompanying theme documentation.

2. Enter the following code to download an existing example website stored as a .zip file, extract it, and commit the contents into CodeCommit from your AWS Cloud9 IDE:

cd ~/environment
aws s3 cp s3://ee-assets-prod-us-east-1/modules/3c5ba9cb6ff44465b96993d210f67147/v1/example-website.zip ~/environment/example-website.zip
unzip example-website.zip
rm example-website.zip

The following screenshot shows your output.

example website copy commands


Next, we run commands to create a directory to host your website and copy files into place from the example website to get started. We then create a new default branch called main (formerly referred to as the master branch), local to our AWS Cloud9 instance. We then copy files into place from the example website. After adding and committing them locally, we push all our changes to the remote Amazon Codecommit repository.

3. Enter the following code:

mkdir ~/environment/amplify-website/
cd ~/environment/amplify-website/
git init
git remote add origin codecommit::us-east-1://amplify-website
git remote -v
git checkout -b main
cp -rp ~/environment/example-website/* ~/environment/amplify-website/
git add *
git commit -am "first commit"
git push -u origin main

Deployment and hosting is achieved by using Amplify Console, a static web hosting service that accelerates your application release cycle by providing a simple CI/CD workflow for building and deploying static web applications.

4. On the Amplify console, under Deploy, choose Get Started.

Amplify banner

5. On the Get started with the Amplify Console page, select AWS CodeCommit as your source code repository.

6. Choose Continue.

Amplify get started page

7. On the Add repository branch page, for Recently updated repositories, choose your repository.

8. For Branch, choose main.

9. Choose Next.

add branch

On the Configure build settings page, Amplify automatically uses the amplify.yml file for build settings for your deployment. You committed this into your source code repository in the previous step. The amplify.yml file is detected from the root of your website directory structure.

10. Choose Next.

Amplify configure build settings

11. On the review page, choose Save and deploy.

Amplify builds and deploys your Amplify website within minutes, and shows you its progress. When deployment is complete, you can access the website to see the sample content.

amplify website

The following screenshot shows your example website.

sample website


Promoting changes to the website

We can now update the line of text in the home page and commit and publish this change.

1. Return to the browser with your AWS Cloud9 IDE and place your cursor in the lower terminal pane of the IDE.

2. On the navigation pane, choose the file ~/environment/amplify-website/workshop/content/_index.en.md.

The contents of the file open under a new tab in the upper pane.

3. Change the string First Line of Text to First Update to Website.

content change

4. From the File menu, choose Save to save the changes you have made to the _index.en.md file.

save content changes

5. Commit the changes and push to CodeCommit by running the following command in the lower terminal pane in AWS Cloud9:

git add *; git commit -am "homepage update"; git push origin main

The output in your AWS Cloud9 terminal should appear similar to the following screenshot.

commit output

6. Return to the Amplify Console and observe how the committed change in CodeCommit is automatically detected. Amplify runs deployment steps to push your changes to the website.

amplify deploy changes

7. Access the URL of your website after this update is complete to verify that the first line of text on your home page has changed.

updated website

You can repeat this process to make source-code controlled, automated changes to your website.

Adding a custom domain

Adding a custom domain to your Amplify configuration makes it easier for clients to access your content. You can register new domains using Amazon Route 53 or, if you have an existing domain registered outside of AWS, you can integrate it with Route 53 and Amplify. For our use case, the domain www.hugoonamplify.com is a registered a domain name using a third-party registrar (NameCheap). You can manage DNS configurations for domains registered outside of AWS using Route 53.

Start by configuring a public hosted zone in Route 53.

1. On the Route 53 console, choose Hosted zones.

2. Choose Create hosted zone.

hosted zones

3. For Domain name, enter hugoonamplify.com.

4. For Description, enter an appropriate description.

5. For Type, select Public hosted zone.

hosted zones configuration

6. Choose Create hosted zone.

7. Save the addresses of the name servers that respond to client DNS lookup requests for the custom domain.

create hosted zone

8. In a separate browser, access the console of your DNS registrar.

9. Configure a custom DNS name servers setting on the console of the third-party domain name registrar.

This configuration specifies the Route 53 assigned name servers as authoritative DNS for our custom domain. For this use case, propagation of this change may take up to 48 hours.

namecheap console

10. Use https://who.is to verify that the AWS name servers are listed correctly for your custom domain to internet clients.

whois lookup

You can now set up your custom domain in Amplify. Amplify helps you configure DNS and set up SSL for your desired custom domain.

domain management

11. On the Amplify Console, under App settings, choose Domain management.

12. Choose Add domain.

13. For Domain, enter your custom domain name (hugoonamplify.com).

14. Choose Configure domain.

15. For Subdomain, I only want to set up www and choose to exclude the root of my custom domain.

16. Choose Save.

Amplify begins the process of creating the SSL certificates. Amplify sends a notification that it’s issuing an SSL certificate to secure traffic to the custom domain.

ssl domain management

After a few moments, it proceeds to SSL configuration and indicates that ownership of domain is in progress.

ssl domain management configuration

Amplify verifies domain ownership by creating a sample CNAME record in your hosted zone file. When ownership is verified, the domain is propagated onto an Amazon CloudFront distribution managed by the Amplify service, and domain activation is complete.

ssl domain management configured

Clients can now access the website using the custom domain name www.hugoonaplify.com.

access website via custom domain


Establishing a subdomain for development

You can create a development website in Amplify that is aligned to a development code branch in CodeCommit that enables testing changes prior to production release.

1. Access the AWS Cloud9 IDE and use the terminal to enter the following commands to create a development branch and push changes to CodeCommit using the current content from the main branch with a single content change:

git checkout -b development
git branch
git remote -v
git add *; git commit -am "first development commit";
git push -u origin development

2. Open and edit the file ~/environment/amplify-website/workshop/content/_index.en.md and change the string Update to Website to something else.

Alternatively, run the following Unix sed command from the terminal in AWS Cloud9 to make that content change:

sed -i 's/Update to Website/Update to Development/g' ~/environment/amplify-website/workshop/content/_index.en.md

3. Commit and push your change with the following code:

git add *; git commit -am "second development commit"; git push -u origin development

You now configure a subdomain in Amplify to allow developers to review changes.

4. Return to the amplify-website app.

5. Choose Connect branch.

connect branch

6. For Branch, choose the development branch you created and committed code into.

7. Choose Next.

add development branch

Amplify builds a second website based on the contents of the development branch. You can see the instance of your website matched to the development code branch on Amplify Console.

amplify two branches

8. Access the domain management menu item in your Amplify application to add a friendly subdomain.

9. Edit the domain and add a subdomain item with a name of your choice (for example, dev).

10. Associate it to the development branch containing the committed code and content changes.

11. Choose Add.

add dev domain

You can access the subdomain to verify the changes.

verify domain

Controlling access to development

You may wish to restrict access to new content as it’s deployed into the development website.

1. On Amplify Console, choose your application.

2. Choose Access control.

3. Under Access control settings, choose your preferred settings.

You have the option to restrict access globally or on a branch-by-branch basis. For this use case, we create a simple password protection for a user named developer on the development branch and site.

access control settings


Cleaning up

Unless you plan to keep the website you have constructed, you can quickly clean up provisioned assets and avoid any unnecessary costs.

1. On Amplify Console, select the app you created.

2. From the Actions drop-down menu, choose Delete app.

3. In the pop-up window, confirm the deletion.

4. On the CodeCommit dashboard, select the repository you created.

5. Choose Delete.

6. In the pop-up window, confirm the deletion.

7. On the AWS Cloud9 dashboard, select the IDE you created.

8. Choose Delete.

9. In the pop-up window, confirm the deletion.



Hugo is a powerful tool that enables accelerated delivery of content in a variety of formats including image portfolios, online resume presentation, blogging, and technical documentation. Amplify Console provides a convenient, easy-to-use, static web hosting service that can greatly accelerate delivery of static content.

When combining Hugo with Amplify Console, you can rapidly deploy websites in minutes with features such as friendly URLS, environments matched to code branches, and encryption (SSL). Visit gohugo.io to find out more about Hugo. For more information about how Amplify Console can help you rapidly deploy Hugo and other modern web applications, see the AWS Amplify Console User Guide.

Nigel Harris

Nigel Harris

Nigel Harris is an Enterprise Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He works with AWS customers to provide guidance and technical assistance on AWS architectures.

Building a serverless document scanner using Amazon Textract and AWS Amplify

Post Syndicated from Moheeb Zara original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-a-serverless-document-scanner-using-amazon-textract-and-aws-amplify/

This guide demonstrates creating and deploying a production ready document scanning application. It allows users to manage projects, upload images, and generate a PDF from detected text. The sample can be used as a template for building expense tracking applications, handling forms and legal documents, or for digitizing books and notes.

The frontend application is written in Vue.js and uses the Amplify Framework. The backend is built using AWS serverless technologies and consists of an Amazon API Gateway REST API that invokes AWS Lambda functions. Amazon Textract is used to analyze text from uploaded images to an Amazon S3 bucket. Detected text is stored in Amazon DynamoDB.

An architectural diagram of the application.

An architectural diagram of the application.


You need the following to complete the project:

Deploy the application

The solution consists of two parts, the frontend application and the serverless backend. The Amplify CLI deploys all the Amazon Cognito authentication, and hosting resources for the frontend. The backend requires the Amazon Cognito user pool identifier to configure an authorizer on the API. This enables an authorization workflow, as shown in the following image.

A diagram showing how an Amazon Cognito authorization workflow works

A diagram showing how an Amazon Cognito authorization workflow works

First, configure the frontend. Complete the following steps using a terminal running on a computer or by using the AWS Cloud9 IDE. If using AWS Cloud9, create an instance using the default options.

From the terminal:

  1. Install the Amplify CLI by running this command.
    npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli
  2. Configure the Amplify CLI using this command. Follow the guided process to completion.
    amplify configure
  3. Clone the project from GitHub.
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-serverless-document-scanner.git
  4. Navigate to the amplify-frontend directory and initialize the project using the Amplify CLI command. Follow the guided process to completion.
    cd aws-serverless-document-scanner/amplify-frontend
    amplify init
  5. Deploy all the frontend resources to the AWS Cloud using the Amplify CLI command.
    amplify push
  6. After the resources have finishing deploying, make note of the StackName and UserPoolId properties in the amplify-frontend/amplify/backend/amplify-meta.json file. These are required when deploying the serverless backend.

Next, deploy the serverless backend. While it can be deployed using the AWS SAM CLI, you can also deploy from the AWS Management Console:

  1. Navigate to the document-scanner application in the AWS Serverless Application Repository.
  2. In Application settings, name the application and provide the StackName and UserPoolId from the frontend application for the UserPoolID and AmplifyStackName parameters. Provide a unique name for the BucketName parameter.
  3. Choose Deploy.
  4. Once complete, copy the API endpoint so that it can be configured on the frontend application in the next section.

Configure and run the frontend application

  1. Create a file, amplify-frontend/src/api-config.js, in the frontend application with the following content. Include the API endpoint and the unique BucketName from the previous step. The s3_region value must be the same as the Region where your serverless backend is deployed.
    const apiConfig = {
    	"endpoint": "<API ENDPOINT>",
    	"s3_bucket_name": "<BucketName>",
    	"s3_region": "<Bucket Region>"
    export default apiConfig;
  2. In a terminal, navigate to the root directory of the frontend application and run it locally for testing.
    cd aws-serverless-document-scanner/amplify-frontend
    npm install
    npm run serve

    You should see an output like this:

  3. To publish the frontend application to cloud hosting, run the following command.
    amplify publish

    Once complete, a URL to the hosted application is provided.

Using the frontend application

Once the application is running locally or hosted in the cloud, navigating to it presents a user login interface with an option to register. The registration flow requires a code sent to the provided email for verification. Once verified you’re presented with the main application interface.

Once you create a project and choose it from the list, you are presented with an interface for uploading images by page number.

On mobile, it uses the device camera to capture images. On desktop, images are provided by the file system. You can replace an image and the page selector also lets you go back and change an image. The corresponding analyzed text is updated in DynamoDB as well.

Each time you upload an image, the page is incremented. Choosing “Generate PDF” calls the endpoint for the GeneratePDF Lambda function and returns a PDF in base64 format. The download begins automatically.

You can also open the PDF in another window, if viewing a preview in a desktop browser.

Understanding the serverless backend

An architecture diagram of the serverless backend.

An architecture diagram of the serverless backend.

In the GitHub project, the folder serverless-backend/ contains the AWS SAM template file and the Lambda functions. It creates an API Gateway endpoint, six Lambda functions, an S3 bucket, and two DynamoDB tables. The template also defines an Amazon Cognito authorizer for the API using the UserPoolID passed in as a parameter:

    Type: String
    Description: (Required) The user pool ID created by the Amplify frontend.

    Type: String
    Description: (Required) The stack name of the Amplify backend deployment. 

    Type: String
    Default: "ds-userfilebucket"
    Description: (Required) A unique name for the user file bucket. Must be all lowercase.  

      AllowMethods: "'*'"
      AllowHeaders: "'*'"
      AllowOrigin: "'*'"


    Type: AWS::Serverless::Api
      StageName: Prod
        DefaultAuthorizer: CognitoAuthorizer
            UserPoolArn: !Sub 'arn:aws:cognito-idp:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:userpool/${UserPoolID}'
              Header: Authorization
        AddDefaultAuthorizerToCorsPreflight: False

This only allows authenticated users of the frontend application to make requests with a JWT token containing their user name and email. The backend uses that information to fetch and store data in DynamoDB that corresponds to the user making the request.

Two DynamoDB tables are created. A Project table, which tracks all the project names by user, and a Pages table, which tracks pages by project and user. The DynamoDB tables are created by the AWS SAM template with the partition key and range key defined for each table. These are used by the Lambda functions to query and sort items. See the documentation to learn more about DynamoDB table key schema.

    Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table
          AttributeName: "username"
          AttributeType: "S"
          AttributeName: "project_name"
          AttributeType: "S"
        - AttributeName: username
          KeyType: HASH
        - AttributeName: project_name
          KeyType: RANGE
        ReadCapacityUnits: "5"
        WriteCapacityUnits: "5"

    Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table
          AttributeName: "project"
          AttributeType: "S"
          AttributeName: "page"
          AttributeType: "N"
        - AttributeName: project
          KeyType: HASH
        - AttributeName: page
          KeyType: RANGE
        ReadCapacityUnits: "5"
        WriteCapacityUnits: "5"

When an API Gateway endpoint is called, it passes the user credentials in the request context to a Lambda function. This is used by the CreateProject Lambda function, which also receives a project name in the request body, to create an item in the Project Table and associate it with a user.

The endpoint for the FetchProjects Lambda function is called to retrieve the list of projects associated with a user. The DeleteProject Lambda function removes a specific project from the Project table and any associated pages in the Pages table. It also deletes the folder in the S3 bucket containing all images for the project.

When a user enters a Project, the API endpoint calls the FetchPageCount Lambda function. This returns the number of pages for a project to update the current page number in the upload selector. The project is retrieved from the path parameters, as defined in the AWS SAM template:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      Handler: app.handler
      Runtime: python3.8
      CodeUri: lambda_functions/fetchPageCount/
        - DynamoDBCrudPolicy:
            TableName: !Ref PagesTable
          PAGES_TABLE_NAME: !Ref PagesTable
          Type: Api
            RestApiId: !Ref DocumentScannerAPI
            Path: /pages/count/{project+}
            Method: get  

The template creates an S3 bucket and two AWS IAM managed policies. The policies are applied to the AuthRole and UnauthRole created by Amplify. This allows users to upload images directly to the S3 bucket. To understand how Amplify works with Storage, see the documentation.

The template also sets an S3 event notification on the bucket for all object create events with a “.png” suffix. Whenever the frontend uploads an image to S3, the object create event invokes the ProcessDocument Lambda function.

The function parses the object key to get the project name, user, and page number. Amazon Textract then analyzes the text of the image. The object returned by Amazon Textract contains the detected text and detailed information, such as the positioning of text in the image. Only the raw lines of text are stored in the Pages table.

import os
import json, decimal
import boto3
import urllib.parse
from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key, Attr

client = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
textract = boto3.client('textract')

tableName = os.environ.get('PAGES_TABLE_NAME')

def handler(event, context):

  table = client.Table(tableName)

  key = urllib.parse.unquote(event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key'])
  bucket = event['Records'][0]['s3']['bucket']['name']
  project = key.split('/')[3]
  page = key.split('/')[4].split('.')[0]
  user = key.split('/')[2]
  response = textract.detect_document_text(
        'S3Object': {
            'Bucket': bucket,
            'Name': key
  fullText = ""
  for item in response["Blocks"]:
    if item["BlockType"] == "LINE":
        fullText = fullText + item["Text"] + '\n'

  table.put_item(Item= {
    'project': user + '/' + project,
    'page': int(page), 
    'text': fullText

  # print(response)

The GeneratePDF Lambda function retrieves the detected text for each page in a project from the Pages table. It combines the text into a PDF and returns it as a base64-encoded string for download. This function can be modified if your document structure differs.

Understanding the frontend

In the GitHub repo, the folder amplify-frontend/src/ contains all the code for the frontend application. In main.js, the Amplify VueJS modules are configured to use the resources defined in aws-exports.js. It also configures the endpoint and S3 bucket of the serverless backend, defined in api-config.js.

In components/DocumentScanner.vue, the API module is imported and the API is defined.

API calls are defined as Vue methods that can be called by various other components and elements of the application.

In components/Project.vue, the frontend uses the Storage module for Amplify to upload images. For more information on how to use S3 in an Amplify project see the documentation.


This blog post shows how to create a multiuser application that can analyze text from images and generate PDF documents. This guide demonstrates how to do so in a secure and scalable way using a serverless approach. The example also shows an event driven pattern for handling high volume image processing using S3, Lambda, and Amazon Textract.

The Amplify Framework simplifies the process of implementing authentication, storage, and backend integration. Explore the full solution on GitHub to modify it for your next project or startup idea.

To learn more about AWS serverless and keep up to date on the latest features, subscribe to the YouTube channel.
