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Configure fine-grained access to your resources shared using AWS Resource Access Manager

Post Syndicated from Fabian Labat original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/configure-fine-grained-access-to-your-resources-shared-using-aws-resource-access-manager/

You can use AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM) to securely, simply, and consistently share supported resource types within your organization or organizational units (OUs) and across AWS accounts. This means you can provision your resources once and use AWS RAM to share them with accounts. With AWS RAM, the accounts that receive the shared resources can list those resources alongside the resources they own.

When you share your resources by using AWS RAM, you can specify the actions that an account can perform and the access conditions on the shared resource. AWS RAM provides AWS managed permissions, which are created and maintained by AWS and which grant permissions for common customer scenarios. Now, you can further tailor resource access by authoring and applying fine-grained customer managed permissions in AWS RAM. A customer managed permission is a managed permission that you create to precisely specify who can do what under which conditions for the resource types included in your resource share.

This blog post walks you through how to use customer managed permissions to tailor your resource access to meet your business and security needs. Customer managed permissions help you follow the best practice of least privilege for your resources that are shared using AWS RAM.


Before you start, review the considerations for using customer managed permissions for supported resource types in the AWS RAM User Guide.

Solution overview

Many AWS customers share infrastructure services to accounts in an organization from a centralized infrastructure OU. The networking account in the infrastructure OU follows the best practice of least privilege and grants only the permissions that accounts receiving these resources, such as development accounts, require to perform a specific task. The solution in this post demonstrates how you can share an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) IP Address Manager (IPAM) pool with the accounts in a Development OU. IPAM makes it simpler for you to plan, track, and monitor IP addresses for your AWS workloads.

You’ll use a networking account that owns an IPAM pool to share the pool with the accounts in a Development OU. You’ll do this by creating a resource share and a customer managed permission through AWS RAM. In this example, shown in Figure 1, both the networking account and the Development OU are in the same organization. The accounts in the Development OU only need the permissions that are required to allocate a classless inter-domain routing (CIDR) range and not to view the IPAM pool details. You’ll further refine access to the shared IPAM pool so that only AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users or roles tagged with team = networking can perform actions on the IPAM pool that’s shared using AWS RAM.

Figure 1: Multi-account diagram for sharing your IPAM pool from a networking account in the Infrastructure OU to accounts in the Development OU

Figure 1: Multi-account diagram for sharing your IPAM pool from a networking account in the Infrastructure OU to accounts in the Development OU


For this walkthrough, you must have the following prerequisites:

  • An AWS account (the networking account) with an IPAM pool already provisioned. For this example, create an IPAM pool in a networking account named ipam-vpc-pool-use1-dev. Because you share resources across accounts in the same AWS Region using AWS RAM, provision the IPAM pool in the same Region where your development accounts will access the pool.
  • An AWS OU with the associated development accounts to share the IPAM pool with. In this example, these accounts are in your Development OU.
  • An IAM role or user with permissions to perform IPAM and AWS RAM operations in the networking account and the development accounts.

Share your IPAM pool with your Development OU with least privilege permissions

In this section, you share an IPAM pool from your networking account to the accounts in your Development OU and grant least-privilege permissions. To do that, you create a resource share that contains your IPAM pool, your customer managed permission for the IPAM pool, and the OU principal you want to share the IPAM pool with. A resource share contains resources you want to share, the principals you want to share the resources with, and the managed permissions that grant resource access to the account receiving the resources. You can add the IPAM pool to an existing resource share, or you can create a new resource share. Depending on your workflow, you can start creating a resource share either in the Amazon VPC IPAM or in the AWS RAM console.

To initiate a new resource share from the Amazon VPC IPAM console

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console as your networking account. For Features, select Amazon VPC IP Address Manager console.
  2. Select ipam-vpc-pool-use1-dev, which was provisioned as part of the prerequisites.
  3. On the IPAM pool detail page, choose the Resource sharing tab.
  4. Choose Create resource share.
Figure 2: Create resource share to share your IPAM pool

Figure 2: Create resource share to share your IPAM pool

Alternatively, you can initiate a new resource share from the AWS RAM console.

To initiate a new resource share from the AWS RAM console

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console as your networking account. For Services, select Resource Access Manager console.
  2. Choose Create resource share.

Next, specify the resource share details, including the name, the resource type, and the specific resource you want to share. Note that the steps of the resource share creation process are located on the left side of the AWS RAM console.

To specify the resource share details

  1. For Name, enter ipam-shared-dev-pool.
  2. For Select resource type, choose IPAM pools.
  3. For Resources, select the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IPAM pool you want to share from a list of the IPAM pool ARNs you own.
  4. Choose Next.
Figure 3: Specify the resources to share in your resource share

Figure 3: Specify the resources to share in your resource share

Configure customer managed permissions

In this example, the accounts in the Development OU need the permissions required to allocate a CIDR range, but not the permissions to view the IPAM pool details. The existing AWS managed permission grants both read and write permissions. Therefore, you need to create a customer managed permission to refine the resource access permissions for your accounts in the Development OU. With a customer managed permission, you can select and tailor the actions that the development accounts can perform on the IPAM pool, such as write-only actions.

In this section, you create a customer managed permission, configure the managed permission name, select the resource type, and choose the actions that are allowed with the shared resource.

To create and author a customer managed permission

  1. On the Associate managed permissions page, choose Create customer managed permission. This will bring up a new browser tab with a Create a customer managed permission page.
  2. On the Create a customer managed permission page, enter my-ipam-cmp for the Customer managed permission name.
  3. Confirm the Resource type as ec2:IpamPool.
  4. On the Visual editor tab of the Policy template section, select the Write checkbox only. This will automatically check all the available write actions.
  5. Choose Create customer managed permission.
Figure 4: Create a customer managed permission with only write actions

Figure 4: Create a customer managed permission with only write actions

Now that you’ve created your customer managed permission, you must associate it to your resource share.

To associate your customer managed permission

  1. Go back to the previous Associate managed permissions page. This is most likely located in a separate browser tab.
  2. Choose the refresh icon .
  3. Select my-ipam-cmp from the dropdown menu.
  4. Review the policy template, and then choose Next.

Next, select the IAM roles, IAM users, AWS accounts, AWS OUs, or organization you want to share your IPAM pool with. In this example, you share the IPAM pool with an OU in your account.

To grant access to principals

  1. On the Grant access to principals page, select Allow sharing only with your organization.
  2. For Select principal type, choose Organizational unit (OU).
  3. Enter the Development OU’s ID.
  4. Select Add, and then choose Next.
  5. Choose Create resource share to complete creation of your resource share.
Figure 5: Grant access to principals in your resource share

Figure 5: Grant access to principals in your resource share

Verify the customer managed permissions

Now let’s verify that the customer managed permission is working as expected. In this section, you verify that the development account cannot view the details of the IPAM pool and that you can use that same account to create a VPC with the IPAM pool.

To verify that an account in your Development OU can’t view the IPAM pool details

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console as an account in your Development OU. For Features, select Amazon VPC IP Address Manager console.
  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Pools.
  3. Select ipam-shared-dev-pool. You won’t be able to view the IPAM pool details.

To verify that an account in your Development OU can create a new VPC with the IPAM pool

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console as an account in your Development OU. For Services, select VPC console.
  2. On the VPC dashboard, choose Create VPC.
  3. On the Create VPC page, select VPC only.
  4. For name, enter my-dev-vpc.
  5. Select IPAM-allocated IPv4 CIDR block.
  6. Choose the ARN of the IPAM pool that’s shared with your development account.
  7. For Netmask, select /24 256 IPs.
  8. Choose Create VPC. You’ve successfully created a VPC with the IPAM pool shared with your account in your Development OU.
Figure 6: Create a VPC

Figure 6: Create a VPC

Update customer managed permissions

You can create a new version of your customer managed permission to rescope and update the access granularity of your resources that are shared using AWS RAM. For example, you can add a condition in your customer managed permissions so that only IAM users or roles tagged with a particular principal tag can access and perform the actions allowed on resources shared using AWS RAM. If you need to update your customer managed permission — for example, after testing or as your business and security needs evolve — you can create and save a new version of the same customer managed permission rather than creating an entirely new customer management permission. For example, you might want to adjust your access configurations to read-only actions for your development accounts and to rescope to read-write actions for your testing accounts. The new version of the permission won’t apply automatically to your existing resource shares, and you must explicitly apply it to those shares for it to take effect.

To create a version of your customer managed permission

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console as your networking account. For Services, select Resource Access Manager console.
  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Managed permissions library.
  3. For Filter by text, enter my-ipam-cmp and select my-ipam-cmp. You can also select the Any type dropdown menu and then select Customer managed to narrow the list of managed permissions to only your customer managed permissions.
  4. On the my-ipam-cmp page, choose Create version.
  5. You can make the customer managed permission more fine-grained by adding a condition. On the Create a customer managed permission for my-ipam-cmp page, under the Policy template section, choose JSON editor.
  6. Add a condition with aws:PrincipalTag that allows only the users or roles tagged with team = networking to access the shared IPAM pool.
    "Condition": {
                    "StringEquals": {
                        "aws:PrincipalTag/team": "networking"

  7. Choose Create version. This new version will be automatically set as the default version of your customer managed permission. As a result, new resource shares that use the customer managed permission will use the new version.
Figure 7: Update your customer managed permissions and add a condition statement with aws:PrincipalTag

Figure 7: Update your customer managed permissions and add a condition statement with aws:PrincipalTag

Note: Now that you have the new version of your customer managed permission, you must explicitly apply it to your existing resource shares for it to take effect.

To apply the new version of the customer managed permission to existing resource shares

  1. On the my-ipam-cmp page, under the Managed permission versions, select Version 1.
  2. Choose the Associated resource shares tab.
  3. Find ipam-shared-dev-pool and next to the current version number, select Update to default version. This will update your ipam-shared-dev-pool resource share with the new version of your my-ipam-cmp customer managed permission.

To verify your updated customer managed permission, see the Verify the customer managed permissions section earlier in this post. Make sure that you sign in with an IAM role or user tagged with team = networking, and then repeat the steps of that section to verify your updated customer managed permission. If you use an IAM role or user that is not tagged with team = networking, you won’t be able to allocate a CIDR from the IPAM pool and you won’t be able to create the VPC.


To remove the resources created by the preceding example:

  1. Delete the resource share from the AWS RAM console.
  2. Deprovision the CIDR from the IPAM pool.
  3. Delete the IPAM pool you created.


This blog post presented an example of using customer managed permissions in AWS RAM. AWS RAM brings simplicity, consistency, and confidence when sharing your resources across accounts. In the example, you used AWS RAM to share an IPAM pool to accounts in a Development OU, configured fine-grained resource access controls, and followed the best practice of least privilege by granting only the permissions required for the accounts in the Development OU to perform a specific task with the shared IPAM pool. In the example, you also created a new version of your customer managed permission to rescope the access granularity of your resources that are shared using AWS RAM.

To learn more about AWS RAM and customer managed permissions, see the AWS RAM documentation and watch the AWS RAM Introduces Customer Managed Permissions demo.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Fabian Labat

Fabian Labat

Fabian is a principal solutions architect based in New York, where he guides global financial services customers to build highly secure, scalable, reliable, and cost-efficient applications on the cloud. He brings over 25 years of technology experience in system design and IT infrastructure.

Nini Ren

Nini Ren

Nini is the product manager for AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM). He enjoys working closely with customers to develop solutions that not only meet their needs, but also create value for their businesses. Nini holds an MBA from The Wharton School, a masters of computer and information technology from the University of Pennsylvania, and an AB in chemistry and physics from Harvard College.

Empower your Jira data in a data lake with Amazon AppFlow and AWS Glue

Post Syndicated from Tom Romano original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/empower-your-jira-data-in-a-data-lake-with-amazon-appflow-and-aws-glue/

In the world of software engineering and development, organizations use project management tools like Atlassian Jira Cloud. Managing projects with Jira leads to rich datasets, which can provide historical and predictive insights about project and development efforts.

Although Jira Cloud provides reporting capability, loading this data into a data lake will facilitate enrichment with other business data, as well as support the use of business intelligence (BI) tools and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) applications. Companies often take a data lake approach to their analytics, bringing data from many different systems into one place to simplify how the analytics are done.

This post shows you how to use Amazon AppFlow and AWS Glue to create a fully automated data ingestion pipeline that will synchronize your Jira data into your data lake. Amazon AppFlow provides software as a service (SaaS) integration with Jira Cloud to load the data into your AWS account. AWS Glue is a serverless data discovery, load, and transformation service that will prepare data for consumption in BI and AI/ML activities. Additionally, this post strives to achieve a low-code and serverless solution for operational efficiency and cost optimization, and the solution supports incremental loading for cost optimization.

Solution overview

This solution uses Amazon AppFlow to retrieve data from the Jira Cloud. The data is synchronized to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket using an initial full download and subsequent incremental downloads of changes. When new data arrives in the S3 bucket, an AWS Step Functions workflow is triggered that orchestrates extract, transform, and load (ETL) activities using AWS Glue crawlers and AWS Glue DataBrew. The data is then available in the AWS Glue Data Catalog and can be queried by services such as Amazon Athena, Amazon QuickSight, and Amazon Redshift Spectrum. The solution is completely automated and serverless, resulting in low operational overhead. When this setup is complete, your Jira data will be automatically ingested and kept up to date in your data lake!

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

The Jira Appflow Architecture is shown. The Jira Cloud data is retrieved by Amazon AppFlow and is stored in Amazon S3. This triggers an Amazon EventBridge event that runs an AWS Step Functions workflow. The workflow uses AWS Glue to catalog and transform the data, The data is then queried with QuickSight.

The Step Functions workflow orchestrates the following ETL activities, resulting in two tables:

  • An AWS Glue crawler collects all downloads into a single AWS Glue table named jira_raw. This table is comprised of a mix of full and incremental downloads from Jira, with many versions of the same records representing changes over time.
  • A DataBrew job prepares the data for reporting by unpacking key-value pairs in the fields, as well as removing depreciated records as they are updated in subsequent change data captures. This reporting-ready data will available in an AWS Glue table named jira_data.

The following figure shows the Step Functions workflow.

A diagram represents the AWS Step Functions workflow. It contains the steps to run an AWS Crawler, wait for it's completion, and then run a AWS Glue DataBrew data transformation job.


This solution requires the following:

  • Administrative access to your Jira Cloud instance, and an associated Jira Cloud developer account.
  • An AWS account and a login with access to the AWS Management Console. Your login will need AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions to create and access the resources in your AWS account.
  • Basic knowledge of AWS and working knowledge of Jira administration.

Configure the Jira Instance

After logging in to your Jira Cloud instance, you establish a Jira project with associated epics and issues to download into a data lake. If you’re starting with a new Jira instance, it helps to have at least one project with a sampling of epics and issues for the initial data download, because it allows you to create an initial dataset without errors or missing fields. Note that you may have multiple projects as well.

An image show a Jira Cloud example, with several issues arranged in a Kansan board.

After you have established your Jira project and populated it with epics and issues, ensure you also have access to the Jira developer portal. In later steps, you use this developer portal to establish authentication and permissions for the Amazon AppFlow connection.

Provision resources with AWS CloudFormation

For the initial setup, you launch an AWS CloudFormation stack to create an S3 bucket to store data, IAM roles for data access, and the AWS Glue crawler and Data Catalog components. Complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your AWS account.
  2. Click Launch Stack:
  3. For Stack name, enter a name for the stack (the default is aws-blog-jira-datalake-with-AppFlow).
  4. For GlueDatabaseName, enter a unique name for the Data Catalog database to hold the Jira data table metadata (the default is jiralake).
  5. For InitialRunFlag, choose Setup. This mode will scan all data and disable the change data capture (CDC) features of the stack. (Because this is the initial load, the stack needs an initial data load before you configure CDC in later steps.)
  6. Under Capabilities and transforms, select the acknowledgement check boxes to allow IAM resources to be created within your AWS account.
  7. Review the parameters and choose Create stack to deploy the CloudFormation stack. This process will take around 5–10 minutes to complete.
    An image depicts the Amazon CloudFormation configuration steps, including setting a stack name, setting parameters to "jiralake" and "Setup" mode, and checking all IAM capabilities requested.
  8. After the stack is deployed, review the Outputs tab for the stack and collect the following values to use when you set up Amazon AppFlow:
    • Amazon AppFlow destination bucket (o01AppFlowBucket)
    • Amazon AppFlow destination bucket path (o02AppFlowPath)
    • Role for Amazon AppFlow Jira connector (o03AppFlowRole)
      An image demonstrating the Amazon Cloudformation "Outputs" tab, highlighting the values to add to the Amazon AppFlow configuration.

Configure Jira Cloud

Next, you configure your Jira Cloud instance for access by Amazon AppFlow. For full instructions, refer to Jira Cloud connector for Amazon AppFlow. The following steps summarize these instructions and discuss the specific configuration to enable OAuth in the Jira Cloud:

  1. Open the Jira developer portal.
  2. Create the OAuth 2 integration from the developer application console by choosing Create an OAuth 2.0 Integration. This will provide a login mechanism for AppFlow.
  3. Enable fine-grained permissions. See Recommended scopes for the permission settings to grant AppFlow appropriate access to your Jira instance.
  4. Add the following permission scopes to your OAuth app:
    1. manage:jira-configuration
    2. read:field-configuration:jira
  5. Under Authorization, set the Call Back URL to return to Amazon AppFlow with the URL https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/AppFlow/oauth.
  6. Under Settings, note the client ID and secret to use in later steps to set up authentication from Amazon AppFlow.

Create the Amazon AppFlow Jira Cloud connection

In this step, you configure Amazon AppFlow to run a one-time full data fetch of all your data, establishing the initial data lake:

  1. On the Amazon AppFlow console, choose Connectors in the navigation pane.
  2. Search for the Jira Cloud connector.
  3. Choose Create flow on the connector tile to create the connection to your Jira instance.
    An image of Amazon AppFlor, showing the search for the "Jira Cloud" connector.
  4. For Flow name, enter a name for the flow (for example, JiraLakeFlow).
  5. Leave the Data encryption setting as the default.
  6. Choose Next.
    The Amazon AppFlow Jira connector configuration, showing the Flow name set to "JiraLakeFlow" and clicking the "next" button.
  7. For Source name, keep the default of Jira Cloud.
  8. Choose Create new connection under Jira Cloud connection.
  9. In the Connect to Jira Cloud section, enter the values for Client ID, Client secret, and Jira Cloud Site that you collected earlier. This provides the authentication from AppFlow to Jira Cloud.
  10. For Connection Name, enter a connection name (for example, JiraLakeCloudConnection).
  11. Choose Connect. You will be prompted to allow your OAuth app to access your Atlassian account to verify authentication.
    An image of the Amazon AppFlow conflagration, reflecting the completion of the prior steps.
  12. In the Authorize App window that pops up, choose Accept.
  13. With the connection created, return to the Configure flow section on the Amazon AppFlow console.
  14. For API version, choose V2 to use the latest Jira query API.
  15. For Jira Cloud object, choose Issue to query and download all issues and associated details.
    An image of the Amazon AppFlow configuration, reflecting the completion of the prior steps.
  16. For Destination Name in the Destination Details section, choose Amazon S3.
  17. For Bucket details, choose the S3 bucket name that matches the Amazon AppFlow destination bucket value that you collected from the outputs of the CloudFormation stack.
  18. Enter the Amazon AppFlow destination bucket path to complete the full S3 path. This will send the Jira data to the S3 bucket created by the CloudFormation script.
  19. Leave Catalog your data in the AWS Glue Data Catalog unselected. The CloudFormation script uses an AWS Glue crawler to update the Data Catalog in a different manner, grouping all the downloads into a common table, so we disable the update here.
  20. For File format settings, select Parquet format and select Preserve source data types in Parquet output. Parquet is a columnar format to optimize subsequent querying.
  21. Select Add a timestamp to the file name for Filename preference. This will allow you to easily find data files downloaded at a specific date and time.
    An image of the Amazon AppFlow configuration, reflecting the completion of the prior steps.
  22. For now, select Run on Demand for the Flow trigger to run the full load flow manually. You will schedule downloads in a later step when implementing CDC.
  23. Choose Next.
    An image of the Amazon AppFlow Flow Trigger configuration, reflecting the completion of the prior steps.
  24. On the Map data fields page, select Manually map fields.
  25. For Source to destination field mapping, choose the drop-down box under Source field name and select Map all fields directly. This will bring down all fields as they are received, because we will instead implement data preparation in later steps.
    An image of the Amazon AppFlow configuration, reflecting the completion of steps 24 & 25.
  26. Under Partition and aggregation settings, you can set up the partitions in a way that works for your use case. For this example, we use a daily partition, so select Date and time and choose Daily.
  27. For Aggregation settings, leave it as the default of Don’t aggregate.
  28. Choose Next.
    An image of the Amazon AppFlow configuration, reflecting the completion of steps 26-28.
  29. On the Add filters page, you can create filters to only download specific data. For this example, you download all the data, so choose Next.
  30. Review and choose Create flow.
  31. When the flow is created, choose Run flow to start the initial data seeding. After some time, you should receive a banner indicating the run finished successfully.
    An image of the Amazon AppFlow configuration, reflecting the completion of step 31.

Review seed data

At this stage in the process, you now have data in your S3 environment. When new data files are created in the S3 bucket, it will automatically run an AWS Glue crawler to catalog the new data. You can see if it’s complete by reviewing the Step Functions state machine for a Succeeded run status. There is a link to the state machine on the CloudFormation stack’s Resources tab, which will redirect you to the Step Functions state machine.

A image showing the CloudFormation resources tab of the stack, with a link to the AWS Step Functions workflow.

When the state machine is complete, it’s time to review the raw Jira data with Athena. The database is as you specified in the CloudFormation stack (jiralake by default), and the table name is jira_raw. If you kept the default AWS Glue database name of jiralake, the Athena SQL is as follows:

SELECT * FROM "jiralake"."jira_raw" limit 10;

If you explore the data, you’ll notice that most of the data you would want to work with is actually packed into a column called fields. This means the data is not available as columns in your Athena queries, making it harder to select, filter, and sort individual fields within an Athena SQL query. This will be addressed in the next steps.

An image demonstrating the Amazon Athena query SELECT * FROM "jiralake"."jira_raw" limit 10;

Set up CDC and unpack the fields columns

To add the ongoing CDC and reformat the data for analytics, we introduce a DataBrew job to transform the data and filter to the most recent version of each record as changes come in. You can do this by updating the CloudFormation stack with a flag that includes the CDC and data transformation steps.

  1. On the AWS CloudFormation console, return to the stack.
  2. Choose Update.
  3. Select Use current template and choose Next.
    An image showing Amazon CloudFormation, with steps 1-3 complete.
  4. For SetupOrCDC, choose CDC, then choose Next. This will enable both the CDC steps and the data transformation steps for the Jira data.
    An image showing Amazon CloudFormation, with step 4 complete.
  5. Continue choosing Next until you reach the Review section.
  6. Select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources, then choose Submit.
    An image showing Amazon CloudFormation, with step 5-6 complete.
  7. Return to the Amazon AppFlow console and open your flow.
  8. On the Actions menu, choose Edit flow. We will now edit the flow trigger to run an incremental load on a periodic basis.
  9. Select Run flow on schedule.
  10. Configure the desired repeats, as well as start time and date. For this example, we choose Daily for Repeats and enter 1 for the number of days you’ll have the flow trigger. For Starting at, enter 01:00.
  11. Select Incremental transfer for Transfer mode.
  12. Choose Updated on the drop-down menu so that changes will be captured based on when the records were updated.
  13. Choose Save. With these settings in our example, the run will happen nightly at 1:00 AM.
    An image showing the Flow Trigger, with incremental transfer selected.

Review the analytics data

When the next incremental load occurs that results in new data, the Step Functions workflow will start the DataBrew job and populate a new staged analytical data table named jira_data in your Data Catalog database. If you don’t want to wait, you can trigger the Step Functions workflow manually.

The DataBrew job performs data transformation and filtering tasks. The job unpacks the key-values from the Jira JSON data and the raw Jira data, resulting in a tabular data schema that facilitates use with BI and AI/ML tools. As Jira items are changed, the changed item’s data is resent, resulting in multiple versions of an item in the raw data feed. The DataBrew job filters the raw data feed so that the resulting data table only contains the most recent version of each item. You could enhance this DataBrew job to further customize the data for your needs, such as renaming the generic Jira custom field names to reflect their business meaning.

When the Step Functions workflow is complete, we can query the data in Athena again using the following query:

SELECT * FROM "jiralake"."jira_data" limit 10;

You can see that in our transformed jira_data table, the nested JSON fields are broken out into their own columns for each field. You will also notice that we’ve filtered out obsolete records that have been superseded by more recent record updates in later data loads so the data is fresh. If you want to rename custom fields, remove columns, or restructure what comes out of the nested JSON, you can modify the DataBrew recipe to accomplish this. At this point, the data is ready to be used by your analytics tools, such as Amazon QuickSight.

An image demonstrating the Amazon Athena query SELECT * FROM "jiralake"."jira_data" limit 10;

Clean up

If you would like to discontinue this solution, you can remove it with the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon AppFlow console, deactivate the flow for Jira, and optionally delete it.
  2. On the Amazon S3 console, select the S3 bucket for the stack, and empty the bucket to delete the existing data.
  3. On the AWS CloudFormation console, delete the CloudFormation stack that you deployed.


In this post, we created a serverless incremental data load process for Jira that will synchronize data while handling custom fields using Amazon AppFlow, AWS Glue, and Step Functions. The approach uses Amazon AppFlow to incrementally load the data into Amazon S3. We then use AWS Glue and Step Functions to manage the extraction of the Jira custom fields and load them in a format to be queried by analytics services such as Athena, QuickSight, or Redshift Spectrum, or AI/ML services like Amazon SageMaker.

To learn more about AWS Glue and DataBrew, refer to Getting started with AWS Glue DataBrew. With DataBrew, you can take the sample data transformation in this project and customize the output to meet your specific needs. This could include renaming columns, creating additional fields, and more.

To learn more about Amazon AppFlow, refer to Getting started with Amazon AppFlow. Note that Amazon AppFlow supports integrations with many SaaS applications in addition to the Jira Cloud.

To learn more about orchestrating flows with Step Functions, see Create a Serverless Workflow with AWS Step Functions and AWS Lambda. The workflow could be enhanced to load the data into a data warehouse, such as Amazon Redshift, or trigger a refresh of a QuickSight dataset for analytics and reporting.

In future posts, we will cover how to unnest parent-child relationships within the Jira data using Athena and how to visualize the data using QuickSight.

About the Authors

Tom Romano is a Sr. Solutions Architect for AWS World Wide Public Sector from Tampa, FL, and assists GovTech and EdTech customers as they create new solutions that are cloud native, event driven, and serverless. He is an enthusiastic Python programmer for both application development and data analytics, and is an Analytics Specialist. In his free time, Tom flies remote control model airplanes and enjoys vacationing with his family around Florida and the Caribbean.

Shane Thompson is a Sr. Solutions Architect based out of San Luis Obispo, California, working with AWS Startups. He works with customers who use AI/ML in their business model and is passionate about democratizing AI/ML so that all customers can benefit from it. In his free time, Shane loves to spend time with his family and travel around the world.

Perform continuous vulnerability scanning of AWS Lambda functions with Amazon Inspector

Post Syndicated from Manjunath Arakere original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/perform-continuous-vulnerability-scanning-of-aws-lambda-functions-with-amazon-inspector/

This blog post demonstrates how you can activate Amazon Inspector within one or more AWS accounts and be notified when a vulnerability is detected in an AWS Lambda function.

Amazon Inspector is an automated vulnerability management service that continually scans workloads for software vulnerabilities and unintended network exposure. Amazon Inspector scans mixed workloads like Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances and container images located in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR). At re:Invent 2022, we announced Amazon Inspector support for Lambda functions and Lambda layers to provide a consolidated solution for compute types.

Only scanning your functions for vulnerabilities before deployment might not be enough since vulnerabilities can appear at any time, like the widespread Apache Log4j vulnerability. So it’s essential that workloads are continuously monitored and rescanned in near real time as new vulnerabilities are published or workloads are changed.

Amazon Inspector scans are intelligently initiated based on the updates to Lambda functions or when new Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) are published that are relevant to your function. No agents are needed for Amazon Inspector to work, which means you don’t need to install a library or agent in your Lambda functions or layers. When Amazon Inspector discovers a software vulnerability or network configuration issue, it creates a finding which describes the vulnerability, identifies the affected resource, rates the severity of the vulnerability, and provides remediation guidance.

In addition, Amazon Inspector integrates with several AWS services, such as Amazon EventBridge and AWS Security Hub. You can use EventBridge to build automation workflows like getting notified for a specific vulnerability finding or performing an automatic remediation with the help of Lambda or AWS Systems Manager.

In this blog post, you will learn how to do the following:

  1. Activate Amazon Inspector in a single AWS account and AWS Region.
  2. See how Amazon Inspector automated discovery and continuous vulnerability scanning works by deploying a new Lambda function with a vulnerable package dependency.
  3. Receive a near real-time notification when a vulnerability with a specific severity is detected in a Lambda function with the help of EventBridge and Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).
  4. Remediate the vulnerability by using the recommendation provided in the Amazon Inspector dashboard.
  5. Activate Amazon Inspector in multiple accounts or Regions through AWS Organizations.

Solution architecture

Figure 1 shows the AWS services used in the solution and how they are integrated.

Figure 1: Solution architecture overview

Figure 1: Solution architecture overview

The workflow for the solution is as follows:

  1. Deploy a new Lambda function by using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM).
  2. Amazon Inspector scans when a new vulnerability is published or when an update to an existing Lambda function or a new Lambda function is deployed. Vulnerabilities are identified in the deployed Lambda function.
  3. Amazon EventBridge receives the events from Amazon Inspector and checks against the rules for specific events or filter conditions.
  4. In this case, an EventBridge rule exists for the Amazon Inspector findings, and the target is defined as an SNS topic to send an email to the system operations team.
  5. The EventBridge rule invokes the target SNS topic with the event data, and an email is sent to the confirmed subscribers in the SNS topic.
  6. The system operations team receives an email with detailed information on the vulnerability, the fixed package versions, the Amazon Inspector score to prioritize, and the impacted Lambda functions. By using the remediation information from Amazon Inspector, the team can now prioritize actions and remediate.


To follow along with this demo, we recommend that you have the following in place:

  • An AWS account.
  • A command line interface: AWS CloudShell or AWS CLI. In this post, we recommend the use of CloudShell because it already has Python and AWS SAM. However, you can also use your CLI with AWS CLI, SAM, and Python.
  • An AWS Region where Amazon Inspector Lambda code scanning is available.
  • An IAM role in that account with administrator privileges.

The solution in this post includes the following AWS services: Amazon Inspector, AWS Lambda, Amazon EventBridge, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), Amazon SNS, AWS CloudShell and AWS Organizations for activating Amazon Inspector at scale (multi-accounts).

Step 1: Activate Amazon Inspector in a single account in the Region

The first step is to activate Amazon Inspector in your account in the Region you are using.

To activate Amazon Inspector

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Open AWS CloudShell. CloudShell inherits the credentials and permissions of the IAM principal who is signed in to the AWS Management Console. CloudShell comes with the CLIs and runtimes that are needed for this demo (AWS CLI, AWS SAM, and Python).
  3. Use the following command in CloudShell to get the status of the Amazon Inspector activation.
    aws inspector2 batch-get-account-status

  4. Use the following command to activate Inspector in the default Region for resource type LAMBDA. Other allowed values for resource types are EC2, ECR and LAMDA_CODE.
    aws inspector2 enable --resource-types '["LAMBDA"]'

  5. Use the following command to verify the status of the Amazon Inspector activation.
    aws inspector2 batch-get-account-status

You should see a response that shows that Amazon Inspector is enabled for Lambda resources, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Amazon Inspector status after you enable Lambda scanning

Figure 2: Amazon Inspector status after you enable Lambda scanning

Step 2: Create an SNS topic and subscription for notification

Next, create the SNS topic and the subscription so that you will be notified of each new Amazon Inspector finding.

To create the SNS topic and subscription

  1. Use the following command in CloudShell to create the SNS topic and its subscription and replace <REGION_NAME>, <AWS_ACCOUNTID> and <[email protected]> by the relevant values.
    aws sns create-topic --name amazon-inspector-findings-notifier; 
    aws sns subscribe \
    --topic-arn arn:aws:sns:<REGION_NAME>:<AWS_ACCOUNTID>:amazon-inspector-findings-notifier \
    --protocol email --notification-endpoint <[email protected]>

  2. Check the email inbox you entered for <[email protected]>, and in the email from Amazon SNS, choose Confirm subscription.
  3. In the CloudShell console, use the following command to list the subscriptions, to verify the topic and email subscription.
    aws sns list-subscriptions

    You should see a response that shows subscription details like the email address and ARN, as shown in Figure 3.

    Figure 3: Subscribed email address and SNS topic

    Figure 3: Subscribed email address and SNS topic

  4. Use the following command to send a test message to your subscribed email and verify that you receive the message by replacing <REGION_NAME> and <AWS_ACCOUNTID>.
    aws sns publish \
        --topic-arn "arn:aws:sns:<REGION_NAME>:<AWS_ACCOUNTID>:amazon-inspector-findings-notifier" \
        --message "Hello from Amazon Inspector2"

Step 3: Set up Amazon EventBridge with a custom rule and the SNS topic as target

Create an EventBridge rule that will invoke your previously created SNS topic whenever Amazon Inspector finds a new vulnerability with a critical severity.

To set up the EventBridge custom rule

  1. In the CloudShell console, use the following command to create an EventBridge rule named amazon-inspector-findings with filters InspectorScore greater than 8 and severity state set to CRITICAL.
    aws events put-rule \
        --name "amazon-inspector-findings" \
        --event-pattern "{\"source\": [\"aws.inspector2\"],\"detail-type\": [\"Inspector2 Finding\"],\"detail\": {\"inspectorScore\": [ { \"numeric\": [ \">\", 8] } ],\"severity\": [\"CRITICAL\"]}}"

    Refer to the topic Amazon EventBridge event schema for Amazon Inspector events to customize the event pattern for your application needs.

  2. To verify the rule creation, go to the EventBridge console and in the left navigation bar, choose Rules.
  3. Choose the rule with the name amazon-inspector-findings. You should see the event pattern as shown in Figure 4.
    Figure 4: Event pattern for the EventBridge rule to filter on CRITICAL vulnerabilities.

    Figure 4: Event pattern for the EventBridge rule to filter on CRITICAL vulnerabilities.

  4. Add the SNS topic you previously created as the target to the EventBridge rule. Replace <REGION_NAME>, <AWS_ACCOUNTID>, and <RANDOM-UNIQUE-IDENTIFIER-VALUE> with the relevant values. For RANDOM-UNIQUE-IDENTIFIER-VALUE, create a memorable and unique string.
    aws events put-targets \
        --rule amazon-inspector-findings \
        --targets "Id"="<RANDOM-UNIQUE-IDENTIFIER-VALUE>","Arn"="arn:aws:sns:<REGION_NAME>:<AWS_ACCOUNTID>:amazon-inspector-findings-notifier"

    Important: Save the target ID. You will need this in order to delete the target in the last step.

  5. Provide permission to enable Amazon EventBridge to publish to SNS topic amazon-inspector-findings-notifier
    aws sns set-topic-attributes --topic-arn "arn:aws:sns:<REGION_NAME>:<AWS_ACCOUNTID>:amazon-inspector-findings-notifier" \
    --attribute-name Policy \
    --attribute-value "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Id\":\"__default_policy_ID\",\"Statement\":[{\"Sid\":\"PublishEventsToMyTopic\",\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Principal\":{\"Service\":\"events.amazonaws.com\"},\"Action\":\"sns:Publish\",\"Resource\":\"arn:aws:sns:<REGION_NAME>:<AWS_ACCOUNTID>:amazon-inspector-findings-notifier\"}]}"

Step 4: Deploy the Lambda function to the AWS account by using AWS SAM

In this step, you will use Serverless Application Manager (SAM) quick state templates to build and deploy a Lambda function with a vulnerable library, in order to generate findings. Learn more about AWS SAM.

To deploy the Lambda function with a vulnerable library

  1. In the CloudShell console, use a prebuilt “hello-world” AWS SAM template to deploy the Lambda function.
    sam init --runtime python3.7 --dependency-manager pip --app-template hello-world --name sam-app

  2. Use the following command to add the vulnerable package python-jwt==3.3.3 to the Lambda function.
    cd sam-app;
    echo -e 'requests\npython-jwt==3.3.3' > hello_world/requirements.txt

  3. Use the following command to build the application.
    sam build

  4. Use the following command to deploy the application with the guided option.
    sam deploy --guided

    This command packages and deploys the application to your AWS account. It provides a series of prompts. You may respond to the prompts with the:

    1. Stack name you want
    2. Set the default options, except for the
      1. HelloWorldFunction may not have authorization defined, Is this okay? [y/N]: prompt. Here, input y and press Enter and
      2. Deploy this changeset? [y/N]: prompt. Here, input y and press Enter.

Step 5: View Amazon Inspector findings

Amazon Inspector will automatically generate findings when scanning the Lambda function previously deployed. To view those findings, follow the steps below.

To view Amazon Inspector findings for the vulnerability

  1. Navigate to the Amazon Inspector console.
  2. In the left navigation menu, choose All findings to see all of the Active findings, as shown in Figure 5.

    Due to the custom event pattern rule in Amazon EventBridge, even though there are multiple findings for the vulnerable package python-jwt==3.3.3, you will be notified only for the finding that has InspectorScore greater than 8 and severity CRITICAL.

  3. Choose the title of each finding to see detailed information about the vulnerability.
    Figure 5: Example of findings from the Amazon Inspector console

    Figure 5: Example of findings from the Amazon Inspector console

Step 6: Remediate the vulnerability by applying the fixed package version

Now you can remediate the vulnerability by updating the package version as suggested by Amazon Inspector.

To remediate the vulnerability

  1. In the Amazon Inspector console, in the left navigation menu, choose All Findings.
  2. Choose the title of the vulnerability to see the finding details and the remediation recommendations.
    Figure 6: Amazon Inspector finding for python-jwt, with the associated remediation

    Figure 6: Amazon Inspector finding for python-jwt, with the associated remediation

  3. To remediate, use the following command to update the package version to the fixed version as suggested by Amazon Inspector.
    cd /home/cloudshell-user/sam-app;
    echo -e "requests\npython-jwt==3.3.4" > hello_world/requirements.txt

  4. Use the following command to build the application.
    sam build

  5. Use the following command to deploy the application with the guided option.
    sam deploy --guided

    This command packages and deploys the application to your AWS account. It provides a series of prompts. You may respond to the prompts with the

    1. Stack name you want
    2. Set the default options, except for the
      1. HelloWorldFunction may not have authorization defined, Is this okay? [y/N]: prompt. Here, input y and press Enter and
      2. Deploy this changeset? [y/N]: prompt. Here, input y and press Enter.
  6. Amazon Inspector automatically rescans the function after its deployment and reevaluates the findings. At this point, you can navigate back to the Amazon Inspector console, and in the left navigation menu, choose All findings. In the Findings area, you can see that the vulnerabilities are moved from Active to Closed status.

    Due to the custom event pattern rule in Amazon EventBridge, you will be notified by email with finding status as CLOSED.

    Figure 7: Inspector rescan results, showing no open findings after remediation

    Figure 7: Inspector rescan results, showing no open findings after remediation

(Optional) Step 7: Activate Amazon Inspector in multiple accounts and Regions

To benefit from Amazon Inspector scanning capabilities across the accounts that you have in AWS Organizations and in your selected Regions, use the following steps:

To activate Amazon Inspector in multiple accounts and Regions

  1. In the CloudShell console, use the following command to clone the code from the aws-samples inspector2-enablement-with-cli GitHub repo.
    cd /home/cloudshell-user;
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/inspector2-enablement-with-cli.git;
    cd inspector2-enablement-with-cli

  2. Follow the instructions from the README.md file.
  3. Configure the file param_inspector2.json with the relevant values, as follows:
    • inspector2_da: The delegated administrator account ID for Amazon Inspector to manage member accounts.
    • scanning_type: The resource types (EC2, ECR, LAMBDA) to be enabled by Amazon Inspector.
    • auto_enable: The resource types to be enabled on every account that is newly attached to the delegated administrator.
    • regions: Because Amazon Inspector is a regional service, provide the list of AWS Regions to enable.
  4. Select the AWS account that would be used as the delegated administrator account (<DA_ACCOUNT_ID>).
  5. Delegate an account as the admin for Amazon Inspector by using the following command.
    ./inspector2_enablement_with_awscli.sh -a delegate_admin -da <DA_ACCOUNT_ID>

  6. Activate the delegated admin by using the following command:
    ./inspector2_enablement_with_awscli.sh -a activate -t <DA_ACCOUNT_ID> -s all

  7. Associate the member accounts by using the following command:
    ./inspector2_enablement_with_awscli.sh -a associate -t members

  8. Wait five minutes.
  9. Enable the resource types (EC2, ECR, LAMBDA) on your member accounts by using the following command:
    ./inspector2_enablement_with_awscli.sh -a activate -t members

  10. Enable Amazon Inspector on the new member accounts that are associated with the organization by using the following command:
    ./inspector2_enablement_with_awscli.sh -auto_enable

  11. Check the Amazon Inspector status in your accounts and in multiple selected Regions by using the following command:
    ./inspector2_enablement_with_awscli.sh -a get_status

There are other options you can use to enable Amazon Inspector in multiple accounts, like AWS Control Tower and Terraform. For the reference architecture for Control Tower, see the AWS Security Reference Architecture Examples on GitHub. For more information on the Terraform option, see the Terraform aws_inspector2_enabler resource page.

Step 8: Delete the resources created in the previous steps

AWS offers a 15-day free trial for Amazon Inspector so that you can evaluate the service and estimate its cost.

To avoid potential charges, delete the AWS resources that you created in the previous steps of this solution (Lambda function, EventBridge target, EventBridge rule, and SNS topic), and deactivate Amazon Inspector.

To delete resources

  1. In the CloudShell console, enter the sam-app folder.
    cd /home/cloudshell-user/sam-app

  2. Delete the Lambda function and confirm by typing “y” when prompted for confirmation.
    sam delete

  3. Remove the SNS target from the Amazon EventBridge rule.
    aws events remove-targets --rule "amazon-inspector-findings" --ids <RANDOM-UNIQUE-IDENTIFIER-VALUE>

    Note: If you don’t remember the target ID, navigate to the Amazon EventBridge console, and in the left navigation menu, choose Rules. Select the rule that you want to delete. Choose CloudFormation, and copy the ID.

  4. Delete the EventBridge rule.
    aws events delete-rule --name amazon-inspector-findings

  5. Delete the SNS topic.
    aws sns delete-topic --topic-arn arn:aws:sns:<REGION_NAME>:<AWS_ACCOUNTID>:amazon-inspector-findings-notifier

  6. Disable Amazon Inspector.
    aws inspector2 disable --resource-types '["LAMBDA"]'

    Follow the new few steps to roll back changes only if you have performed the activities listed in Step 7: Activate Amazon Inspector in multiple accounts and Regions.

  7. In the CloudShell console, enter the folder inspector2-enablement-with-cli.
    cd /home/cloudshell-user/inspector2-enablement-with-cli

  8. Deactivate the resource types (EC2, ECR, LAMBDA) on your member accounts.
    ./inspector2_enablement_with_awscli.sh -a deactivate -t members -s all

  9. Disassociate the member accounts.
    ./inspector2_enablement_with_awscli.sh -a disassociate -t members

  10. Deactivate the delegated admin account.
    ./inspector2_enablement_with_awscli.sh -a deactivate -t <DA_ACCOUNT_ID> -s all

  11. Remove the delegated account as the admin for Amazon Inspector.
    ./inspector2_enablement_with_awscli.sh -a remove_admin -da <DA_ACCOUNT_ID>


In this blog post, we discussed how you can use Amazon Inspector to continuously scan your Lambda functions, and how to configure an Amazon EventBridge rule and SNS to send out notification of Lambda function vulnerabilities in near real time. You can then perform remediation activities by using AWS Lambda or AWS Systems Manager. We also showed how to enable Amazon Inspector at scale, activating in both single and multiple accounts, in default and multiple Regions.

As of the writing this post, a new feature to perform code scans for Lambda functions is available. Amazon Inspector can now also scan the custom application code within a Lambda function for code security vulnerabilities such as injection flaws, data leaks, weak cryptography, or missing encryption, based on AWS security best practices. You can use this additional scanning functionality to further protect your workloads.

If you have feedback about this blog post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have question about this blog post, start a new thread on the Amazon Inspector forum or contact AWS Support.

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Manjunath Arakere

Manjunath Arakere

Manjunath is a Senior Solutions Architect in the Worldwide Public Sector team at AWS. He works with Public Sector partners to design and scale well-architected solutions, and he supports their cloud migrations and application modernization initiatives. Manjunath specializes in migration, modernization and serverless technology.

Stéphanie Mbappe

Stéphanie Mbappe

Stéphanie is a Security Consultant with Amazon Web Services. She delights in assisting her customers at every step of their security journey. Stéphanie enjoys learning, designing new solutions, and sharing her knowledge with others.

How to Receive Alerts When Your IAM Configuration Changes

Post Syndicated from Dylan Souvage original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-receive-alerts-when-your-iam-configuration-changes/

July 27, 2023: This post was originally published February 5, 2015, and received a major update July 31, 2023.

As an Amazon Web Services (AWS) administrator, it’s crucial for you to implement robust protective controls to maintain your security configuration. Employing a detective control mechanism to monitor changes to the configuration serves as an additional safeguard in case the primary protective controls fail. Although some changes are expected, you might want to review unexpected changes or changes made by a privileged user. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a service that primarily helps manage access to AWS services and resources securely. It does provide detailed logs of its activity, but it doesn’t inherently provide real-time alerts or notifications. Fortunately, you can use a combination of AWS CloudTrail, Amazon EventBridge, and Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) to alert you when changes are made to your IAM configuration. In this blog post, we walk you through how to set up EventBridge to initiate SNS notifications for IAM configuration changes. You can also have SNS push messages directly to ticketing or tracking services, such as Jira, Service Now, or your preferred method of receiving notifications, but that is not discussed here.

In any AWS environment, many activities can take place at every moment. CloudTrail records IAM activities, EventBridge filters and routes event data, and Amazon SNS provides notification functionality. This post will guide you through identifying and setting alerts for IAM changes, modifications in authentication and authorization configurations, and more. The power is in your hands to make sure you’re notified of the events you deem most critical to your environment. Here’s a quick overview of how you can invoke a response, shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Simple architecture diagram of actors and resources in your account and the process for sending notifications through IAM, CloudTrail, EventBridge, and SNS.

Figure 1: Simple architecture diagram of actors and resources in your account and the process for sending notifications through IAM, CloudTrail, EventBridge, and SNS.

Log IAM changes with CloudTrail

Before we dive into implementation, let’s briefly understand the function of AWS CloudTrail. It records and logs activity within your AWS environment, tracking actions such as IAM role creation, deletion, or modification, thereby offering an audit trail of changes.

With this in mind, we’ll discuss the first step in tracking IAM changes: establishing a log for each modification. In this section, we’ll guide you through using CloudTrail to create these pivotal logs.

For an in-depth understanding of CloudTrail, refer to the AWS CloudTrail User Guide.

In this post, you’re going to start by creating a CloudTrail trail with the Management events type selected, and read and write API activity selected. If you already have a CloudTrail trail set up with those attributes, you can use that CloudTrail trail instead.

To create a CloudTrail log

  1. Open the AWS Management Console and select CloudTrail, and then choose Dashboard.
  2. In the CloudTrail dashboard, choose Create Trail.
    Figure 2: Use the CloudTrail dashboard to create a trail

    Figure 2: Use the CloudTrail dashboard to create a trail

  3. In the Trail name field, enter a display name for your trail and then select Create a new S3 bucket. Leave the default settings for the remaining trail attributes.
    Figure 3: Set the trail name and storage location

    Figure 3: Set the trail name and storage location

  4. Under Event type, select Management events. Under API activity, select Read and Write.
  5. Choose Next.
    Figure 4: Choose which events to log

    Figure 4: Choose which events to log

Set up notifications with Amazon SNS

Amazon SNS is a managed service that provides message delivery from publishers to subscribers. It works by allowing publishers to communicate asynchronously with subscribers by sending messages to a topic, a logical access point, and a communication channel. Subscribers can receive these messages using supported endpoint types, including email, which you will use in the blog example today.

For further reading on Amazon SNS, refer to the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.

Now that you’ve set up CloudTrail to log IAM changes, the next step is to establish a mechanism to notify you about these changes in real time.

To set up notifications

  1. Open the Amazon SNS console and choose Topics.
  2. Create a new topic. Under Type, select Standard and enter a name for your topic. Keep the defaults for the rest of the options, and then choose Create topic.
    Figure 5: Select Standard as the topic type

    Figure 5: Select Standard as the topic type

  3. Navigate to your topic in the topic dashboard, choose the Subscriptions tab, and then choose Create subscription.
    Figure 6: Choose Create subscription

    Figure 6: Choose Create subscription

  4. For Topic ARN, select the topic you created previously, then under Protocol, select Email and enter the email address you want the alerts to be sent to.
    Figure 7: Select the topic ARN and add an endpoint to send notifications to

    Figure 7: Select the topic ARN and add an endpoint to send notifications to

  5. After your subscription is created, go to the mailbox you designated to receive notifications and check for a verification email from the service. Open the email and select Confirm subscription to verify the email address and complete setup.

Initiate events with EventBridge

Amazon EventBridge is a serverless service that uses events to connect application components. EventBridge receives an event (an indicator of a change in environment) and applies a rule to route the event to a target. Rules match events to targets based on either the structure of the event, called an event pattern, or on a schedule.

Events that come to EventBridge are associated with an event bus. Rules are tied to a single event bus, so they can only be applied to events on that event bus. Your account has a default event bus that receives events from AWS services, and you can create custom event buses to send or receive events from a different account or AWS Region.

For a more comprehensive understanding of EventBridge, refer to the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.

In this part of our post, you’ll use EventBridge to devise a rule for initiating SNS notifications based on IAM configuration changes.

To create an EventBridge rule

  1. Go to the EventBridge console and select EventBridge Rule, and then choose Create rule.
    Figure 8: Use the EventBridge console to create a rule

    Figure 8: Use the EventBridge console to create a rule

  2. Enter a name for your rule, keep the defaults for the rest of rule details, and then choose Next.
    Figure 9: Rule detail screen

    Figure 9: Rule detail screen

  3. Under Target 1, select AWS service.
  4. In the dropdown list for Select a target, select SNS topic, select the topic you created previously, and then choose Next.
    Figure 10: Target with target type of AWS service and target topic of SNS topic selected

    Figure 10: Target with target type of AWS service and target topic of SNS topic selected

  5. Under Event source, select AWS events or EventBridge partner events.
    Figure 11: Event pattern with AWS events or EventBridge partner events selected

    Figure 11: Event pattern with AWS events or EventBridge partner events selected

  6. Under Event pattern, verify that you have the following selected.
    1. For Event source, select AWS services.
    2. For AWS service, select IAM.
    3. For Event type, select AWS API Call via CloudTrail.
    4. Select the radio button for Any operation.
    Figure 12: Event pattern details selected

    Figure 12: Event pattern details selected

Now that you’ve set up EventBridge to monitor IAM changes, test it by creating a new user or adding a new policy to an IAM role and see if you receive an email notification.

Centralize EventBridge alerts by using cross-account alerts

If you have multiple accounts, you should be evaluating using AWS Organizations. (For a deep dive into best practices for using AWS Organizations, we recommend reading this AWS blog post.)

By standardizing the implementation to channel alerts from across accounts to a primary AWS notification account, you can use a multi-account EventBridge architecture. This allows aggregation of notifications across your accounts through sender and receiver accounts. Figure 13 shows how this works. Separate member accounts within an AWS organizational unit (OU) have the same mechanism for monitoring changes and sending notifications as discussed earlier, but send notifications through an EventBridge instance in another account.

Figure 13: Multi-account EventBridge architecture aggregating notifications between two AWS member accounts to a primary management account

Figure 13: Multi-account EventBridge architecture aggregating notifications between two AWS member accounts to a primary management account

You can read more and see the implementation and deep dive of the multi-account EventBridge solution on the AWS samples GitHub, and you can also read more about sending and receiving Amazon EventBridge notifications between accounts.

Monitor calls to IAM

In this blog post example, you monitor calls to IAM.

The filter pattern you selected while setting up EventBridge matches CloudTrail events for calls to the IAM service. Calls to IAM have a CloudTrail eventSource of iam.amazonaws.com, so IAM API calls will match this pattern. You will find this simple default filter pattern useful if you have minimal IAM activity in your account or to test this example. However, as your account activity grows, you’ll likely receive more notifications than you need. This is when filtering only the relevant events becomes essential to prioritize your responses. Effectively managing your filter preferences allows you to focus on events of significance and maintain control as your AWS environment grows.

Monitor changes to IAM

If you’re interested only in changes to your IAM account, you can modify the event pattern inside EventBridge, the one you used to set up IAM notifications, with an eventName filter pattern, shown following.

"eventName": [

This filter pattern will only match events from the IAM service that begin with Add, Change, Create, Deactivate, Delete, Enable, Put, Remove, Update, or Upload. For more information about APIs matching these patterns, see the IAM API Reference.

To edit the filter pattern to monitor only changes to IAM

  1. Open the EventBridge console, navigate to the Event pattern, and choose Edit pattern.
    Figure 14: Modifying the event pattern

    Figure 14: Modifying the event pattern

  2. Add the eventName filter pattern from above to your event pattern.
    Figure 15: Use the JSON editor to add the eventName filter pattern

    Figure 15: Use the JSON editor to add the eventName filter pattern

Monitor changes to authentication and authorization configuration

Monitoring changes to authentication (security credentials) and authorization (policy) configurations is critical, because it can alert you to potential security vulnerabilities or breaches. For instance, unauthorized changes to security credentials or policies could indicate malicious activity, such as an attempt to gain unauthorized access to your AWS resources. If you’re only interested in these types of changes, use the preceding steps to implement the following filter pattern.

    "eventName": [

This filter pattern matches calls to IAM that modify policy or create, update, upload, and delete IAM elements.


Monitoring IAM security configuration changes allows you another layer of defense against the unexpected. Balancing productivity and security, you might grant a user broad permissions in order to facilitate their work, such as exploring new AWS services. Although preventive measures are crucial, they can potentially restrict necessary actions. For example, a developer may need to modify an IAM role for their task, an alteration that could pose a security risk. This change, while essential for their work, may be undesirable from a security standpoint. Thus, it’s critical to have monitoring systems alongside preventive measures, allowing necessary actions while maintaining security.

Create an event rule for IAM events that are important to you and have a response plan ready. You can refer to Security best practices in IAM for further reading on this topic.

If you have questions or feedback about this or any other IAM topic, please visit the IAM re:Post forum. You can also read about the multi-account EventBridge solution on the AWS samples GitHub and learn more about sending and receiving Amazon EventBridge notifications between accounts.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Dylan Souvage

Dylan Souvage

Dylan is a Solutions Architect based in Toronto, Canada. Dylan loves working with customers to understand their business and enable them in their cloud journey. In his spare time, he enjoys martial arts, sports, anime, and traveling to warm, sunny places to spend time with his friends and family.

Abhra Sinha

Abhra Sinha

Abhra is a Toronto-based Enterprise Solutions Architect at AWS. Abhra enjoys being a trusted advisor to customers, working closely with them to solve their technical challenges and help build a secure, scalable architecture on AWS. In his spare time, he enjoys Photography and exploring new restaurants.

A side-by-side comparison of Apache Spark and Apache Flink for common streaming use cases

Post Syndicated from Deepthi Mohan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/a-side-by-side-comparison-of-apache-spark-and-apache-flink-for-common-streaming-use-cases/

Apache Flink and Apache Spark are both open-source, distributed data processing frameworks used widely for big data processing and analytics. Spark is known for its ease of use, high-level APIs, and the ability to process large amounts of data. Flink shines in its ability to handle processing of data streams in real-time and low-latency stateful computations. Both support a variety of programming languages, scalable solutions for handling large amounts of data, and a wide range of connectors. Historically, Spark started out as a batch-first framework and Flink began as a streaming-first framework.

In this post, we share a comparative study of streaming patterns that are commonly used to build stream processing applications, how they can be solved using Spark (primarily Spark Structured Streaming) and Flink, and the minor variations in their approach. Examples cover code snippets in Python and SQL for both frameworks across three major themes: data preparation, data processing, and data enrichment. If you are a Spark user looking to solve your stream processing use cases using Flink, this post is for you. We do not intend to cover the choice of technology between Spark and Flink because it’s important to evaluate both frameworks for your specific workload and how the choice fits in your architecture; rather, this post highlights key differences for use cases that both these technologies are commonly considered for.

Apache Flink offers layered APIs that offer different levels of expressiveness and control and are designed to target different types of use cases. The three layers of API are Process Functions (also known as the Stateful Stream Processing API), DataStream, and Table and SQL. The Stateful Stream Processing API requires writing verbose code but offers the most control over time and state, which are core concepts in stateful stream processing. The DataStream API supports Java, Scala, and Python and offers primitives for many common stream processing operations, as well as a balance between code verbosity or expressiveness and control. The Table and SQL APIs are relational APIs that offer support for Java, Scala, Python, and SQL. They offer the highest abstraction and intuitive, SQL-like declarative control over data streams. Flink also allows seamless transition and switching across these APIs. To learn more about Flink’s layered APIs, refer to layered APIs.

Apache Spark Structured Streaming offers the Dataset and DataFrames APIs, which provide high-level declarative streaming APIs to represent static, bounded data as well as streaming, unbounded data. Operations are supported in Scala, Java, Python, and R. Spark has a rich function set and syntax with simple constructs for selection, aggregation, windowing, joins, and more. You can also use the Streaming Table API to read tables as streaming DataFrames as an extension to the DataFrames API. Although it’s hard to draw direct parallels between Flink and Spark across all stream processing constructs, at a very high level, we could say Spark Structured Streaming APIs are equivalent to Flink’s Table and SQL APIs. Spark Structured Streaming, however, does not yet (at the time of this writing) offer an equivalent to the lower-level APIs in Flink that offer granular control of time and state.

Both Flink and Spark Structured Streaming (referenced as Spark henceforth) are evolving projects. The following table provides a simple comparison of Flink and Spark capabilities for common streaming primitives (as of this writing).

. Flink Spark
Row-based processing Yes Yes
User-defined functions Yes Yes
Fine-grained access to state Yes, via DataStream and low-level APIs No
Control when state eviction occurs Yes, via DataStream and low-level APIs No
Flexible data structures for state storage and querying Yes, via DataStream and low-level APIs No
Timers for processing and stateful operations Yes, via low level APIs No

In the following sections, we cover the greatest common factors so that we can showcase how Spark users can relate to Flink and vice versa. To learn more about Flink’s low-level APIs, refer to Process Function. For the sake of simplicity, we cover the four use cases in this post using the Flink Table API. We use a combination of Python and SQL for an apples-to-apples comparison with Spark.

Data preparation

In this section, we compare data preparation methods for Spark and Flink.

Reading data

We first look at the simplest ways to read data from a data stream. The following sections assume the following schema for messages:

symbol: string,
price: int,
timestamp: timestamp,
    name: string,
    employees_count: int

Reading data from a source in Spark Structured Streaming

In Spark Structured Streaming, we use a streaming DataFrame in Python that directly reads the data in JSON format:

spark = ...  # spark session

# specify schema
stock_ticker_schema = ...

# Create a streaming DataFrame
df = spark.readStream \
    .format("kafka") \
    .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "mybroker1:port") \
    .option("topic", "stock_ticker") \
    .select(from_json(col("value"), stock_ticker_schema).alias("ticker_data")) \

Note that we have to supply a schema object that captures our stock ticker schema (stock_ticker_schema). Compare this to the approach for Flink in the next section.

Reading data from a source using Flink Table API

For Flink, we use the SQL DDL statement CREATE TABLE. You can specify the schema of the stream just like you would any SQL table. The WITH clause allows us to specify the connector to the data stream (Kafka in this case), the associated properties for the connector, and data format specifications. See the following code:

# Create table using DDL

CREATE TABLE stock_ticker (
  symbol string,
  price INT,
  timestamp TIMESTAMP(3),
  company_info STRING,
  WATERMARK FOR timestamp AS timestamp - INTERVAL '3' MINUTE
) WITH (
 'connector' = 'kafka',
 'topic' = 'stock_ticker',
 'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'mybroker1:port',
 'properties.group.id' = 'testGroup',
 'format' = 'json',
 'json.fail-on-missing-field' = 'false',
 'json.ignore-parse-errors' = 'true'

JSON flattening

JSON flattening is the process of converting a nested or hierarchical JSON object into a flat, single-level structure. This converts multiple levels of nesting into an object where all the keys and values are at the same level. Keys are combined using a delimiter such as a period (.) or underscore (_) to denote the original hierarchy. JSON flattening is useful when you need to work with a more simplified format. In both Spark and Flink, nested JSONs can be complicated to work with and may need additional processing or user-defined functions to manipulate. Flattened JSONs can simplify processing and improve performance due to reduced computational overhead, especially with operations like complex joins, aggregations, and windowing. In addition, flattened JSONs can help in easier debugging and troubleshooting data processing pipelines because there are fewer levels of nesting to navigate.

JSON flattening in Spark Structured Streaming

JSON flattening in Spark Structured Streaming requires you to use the select method and specify the schema that you need flattened. JSON flattening in Spark Structured Streaming involves specifying the nested field name that you’d like surfaced to the top-level list of fields. In the following example, company_info is a nested field and within company_info, there’s a field called company_name. With the following query, we’re flattening company_info.name to company_name:

stock_ticker_df = ...  # Streaming DataFrame w/ schema shown above

stock_ticker_df.select("symbol", "timestamp", "price", "company_info.name" as "company_name")

JSON flattening in Flink

In Flink SQL, you can use the JSON_VALUE function. Note that you can use this function only in Flink versions equal to or greater than 1.14. See the following code:

   JSON_VALUE(company_info, 'lax $.name' DEFAULT NULL ON EMPTY) AS company_name

The term lax in the preceding query has to do with JSON path expression handling in Flink SQL. For more information, refer to System (Built-in) Functions.

Data processing

Now that you have read the data, we can look at a few common data processing patterns.


Data deduplication in stream processing is crucial for maintaining data quality and ensuring consistency. It enhances efficiency by reducing the strain on the processing from duplicate data and helps with cost savings on storage and processing.

Spark Streaming deduplication query

The following code snippet is related to a Spark Streaming DataFrame named stock_ticker. The code performs an operation to drop duplicate rows based on the symbol column. The dropDuplicates method is used to eliminate duplicate rows in a DataFrame based on one or more columns.

stock_ticker = ...  # Streaming DataFrame w/ schema shown above


Flink deduplication query

The following code shows the Flink SQL equivalent to deduplicate data based on the symbol column. The query retrieves the first row for each distinct value in the symbol column from the stock_ticker stream, based on the ascending order of proctime:

SELECT symbol, timestamp, price
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY symbol ORDER BY proctime ASC) AS row_num
  FROM stock_ticker)
WHERE row_num = 1


Windowing in streaming data is a fundamental construct to process data within specifications. Windows commonly have time bounds, number of records, or other criteria. These time bounds bucketize continuous unbounded data streams into manageable chunks called windows for processing. Windows help in analyzing data and gaining insights in real time while maintaining processing efficiency. Analyses or operations are performed on constantly updating streaming data within a window.

There are two common time-based windows used both in Spark Streaming and Flink that we will detail in this post: tumbling and sliding windows. A tumbling window is a time-based window that is a fixed size and doesn’t have any overlapping intervals. A sliding window is a time-based window that is a fixed size and moves forward in fixed intervals that can be overlapping.

Spark Streaming tumbling window query

The following is a Spark Streaming tumbling window query with a window size of 10 minutes:

stock_ticker = ...  # Streaming DataFrame w/ schema shown above

# Get max stock price in tumbling window
# of size 10 minutes
visitsByWindowAndUser = visits
   .withWatermark("timestamp", "3 minutes")
      window(stock_ticker.timestamp, "10 minutes"),

Flink Streaming tumbling window query

The following is an equivalent tumbling window query in Flink with a window size of 10 minutes:

SELECT symbol, MAX(price)
    TUMBLE(TABLE stock_ticker, DESCRIPTOR(timestamp), INTERVAL '10' MINUTES))
  GROUP BY ticker;

Spark Streaming sliding window query

The following is a Spark Streaming sliding window query with a window size of 10 minutes and slide interval of 5 minutes:

stock_ticker = ...  # Streaming DataFrame w/ schema shown above

# Get max stock price in sliding window
# of size 10 minutes and slide interval of size
# 5 minutes

visitsByWindowAndUser = visits
   .withWatermark("timestamp", "3 minutes")
      window(stock_ticker.timestamp, "10 minutes", "5 minutes"),

Flink Streaming sliding window query

The following is a Flink sliding window query with a window size of 10 minutes and slide interval of 5 minutes:

SELECT symbol, MAX(price)
    HOP(TABLE stock_ticker, DESCRIPTOR(timestamp), INTERVAL '5' MINUTES, INTERVAL '10' MINUTES))
  GROUP BY ticker;

Handling late data

Both Spark Structured Streaming and Flink support event time processing, where a field within the payload can be used for defining time windows as distinct from the wall clock time of the machines doing the processing. Both Flink and Spark use watermarking for this purpose.

Watermarking is used in stream processing engines to handle delays. A watermark is like a timer that sets how long the system can wait for late events. If an event arrives and is within the set time (watermark), the system will use it to update a request. If it’s later than the watermark, the system will ignore it.

In the preceding windowing queries, you specify the lateness threshold in Spark using the following code:

.withWatermark("timestamp", "3 minutes")

This means that any records that are 3 minutes late as tracked by the event time clock will be discarded.

In contrast, with the Flink Table API, you can specify an analogous lateness threshold directly in the DDL:

WATERMARK FOR timestamp AS timestamp - INTERVAL '3' MINUTE

Note that Flink provides additional constructs for specifying lateness across its various APIs.

Data enrichment

In this section, we compare data enrichment methods with Spark and Flink.

Calling an external API

Calling external APIs from user-defined functions (UDFs) is similar in Spark and Flink. Note that your UDF will be called for every record processed, which can result in the API getting called at a very high request rate. In addition, in production scenarios, your UDF code often gets run in parallel across multiple nodes, further amplifying the request rate.

For the following code snippets, let’s assume that the external API call entails calling the function:

response = my_external_api(request)

External API call in Spark UDF

The following code uses Spark:

class Predict(ScalarFunction):
def open(self, function_context):

with open("resources.zip/resources/model.pkl", "rb") as f:
self.model = pickle.load(f)

def eval(self, x):
return self.model.predict(x)

External API call in Flink UDF

For Flink, assume we define the UDF callExternalAPIUDF, which takes as input the ticker symbol symbol and returns enriched information about the symbol via a REST endpoint. We can then register and call the UDF as follows:

callExternalAPIUDF = udf(callExternalAPIUDF(), result_type=DataTypes.STRING())

    callExternalAPIUDF(symbol) as enriched_symbol
FROM stock_ticker;

Flink UDFs provide an initialization method that gets run one time (as opposed to one time per record processed).

Note that you should use UDFs judiciously as an improperly implemented UDF can cause your job to slow down, cause backpressure, and eventually stall your stream processing application. It’s advisable to use UDFs asynchronously to maintain high throughput, especially for I/O-bound use cases or when dealing with external resources like databases or REST APIs. To learn more about how you can use asynchronous I/O with Apache Flink, refer to Enrich your data stream asynchronously using Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink.


Apache Flink and Apache Spark are both rapidly evolving projects and provide a fast and efficient way to process big data. This post focused on the top use cases we commonly encountered when customers wanted to see parallels between the two technologies for building real-time stream processing applications. We’ve included samples that were most frequently requested at the time of this writing. Let us know if you’d like more examples in the comments section.

About the author

Deepthi Mohan is a Principal Product Manager on the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics team.

Karthi Thyagarajan was a Principal Solutions Architect on the Amazon Kinesis team.

Simplify external object access in Amazon Redshift using automatic mounting of the AWS Glue Data Catalog

Post Syndicated from Maneesh Sharma original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/simplify-external-object-access-in-amazon-redshift-using-automatic-mounting-of-the-aws-glue-data-catalog/

Amazon Redshift is a petabyte-scale, enterprise-grade cloud data warehouse service delivering the best price-performance. Today, tens of thousands of customers run business-critical workloads on Amazon Redshift to cost-effectively and quickly analyze their data using standard SQL and existing business intelligence (BI) tools.

Amazon Redshift now makes it easier for you to run queries in AWS data lakes by automatically mounting the AWS Glue Data Catalog. You no longer have to create an external schema in Amazon Redshift to use the data lake tables cataloged in the Data Catalog. Now, you can use your AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) credentials or IAM role to browse the Glue Data Catalog and query data lake tables directly from Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2 or your preferred SQL editors.

This feature is now available in all AWS commercial and US Gov Cloud Regions where Amazon Redshift RA3, Amazon Redshift Serverless, and AWS Glue are available. To learn more about auto-mounting of the Data Catalog in Amazon Redshift, refer to Querying the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

Enabling easy analytics for everyone

Amazon Redshift is helping tens of thousands of customers manage analytics at scale. Amazon Redshift offers a powerful analytics solution that provides access to insights for users of all skill levels. You can take advantage of the following benefits:

  • It enables organizations to analyze diverse data sources, including structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data, facilitating comprehensive data exploration
  • With its high-performance processing capabilities, Amazon Redshift handles large and complex datasets, ensuring fast query response times and supporting real-time analytics
  • Amazon Redshift provides features like Multi-AZ (preview) and cross-Region snapshot copy for high availability and disaster recovery, and provides authentication and authorization mechanisms to make it reliable and secure
  • With features like Amazon Redshift ML, it democratizes ML capabilities across a variety of user personas
  • The flexibility to utilize different table formats such as Apache Hudi, Delta Lake, and Apache Iceberg (preview) optimizes query performance and storage efficiency
  • Integration with advanced analytical tools empowers you to apply sophisticated techniques and build predictive models
  • Scalability and elasticity allow for seamless expansion as data and workloads grow

Overall, Amazon Redshift empowers organizations to uncover valuable insights, enhance decision-making, and gain a competitive edge in today’s data-driven landscape.

Amazon Redshift Top Benefits

Amazon Redshift Top Benefits

The new automatic mounting of the AWS Glue Data Catalog feature enables you to directly query AWS Glue objects in Amazon Redshift without the need to create an external schema for each AWS Glue database you want to query. With automatic mounting the Data Catalog, Amazon Redshift automatically mounts the cluster account’s default Data Catalog during boot or user opt-in as an external database, named awsdatacatalog.

Relevant use cases for automatic mounting of the AWS Glue Data Catalog feature

You can use tools like Amazon EMR to create new data lake schemas in various formats, such as Apache Hudi, Delta Lake, and Apache Iceberg (preview). However, when analysts want to run queries against these schemas, it requires administrators to create external schemas for each AWS Glue database in Amazon Redshift. You can now simplify this integration using automatic mounting of the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

Solution overview

You can now use SQL clients like Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2 to browse and query awsdatacatalog. In Query Editor V2, to connect to the awsdatacatalog database, choose the following:

Complete the following high-level steps to integrate the automatic mounting of the Data Catalog using Query Editor V2 and a third-party SQL client:

  1. Provision resources with AWS CloudFormation to populate Data Catalog objects.
  2. Connect Redshift Serverless and query the Data Catalog as a federated user using Query Editor V2.
  3. Connect with Redshift provisioned cluster and query the Data Catalog using Query Editor V2.
  4. Configure permissions on catalog resources using AWS Lake Formation.
  5. Federate with Redshift Serverless and query the Data Catalog using Query Editor V2 and a third-party SQL client.
  6. Discover the auto-mounted objects.
  7. Connect with Redshift provisioned cluster and query the Data Catalog as a federated user using a third-party client.
  8. Connect with Amazon Redshift and query the Data Catalog as an IAM user using third-party clients.

The following diagram illustrates the solution workflow.


You should have the following prerequisites:

Provision resources with AWS CloudFormation to populate Data Catalog objects

In this post, we use an AWS Glue crawler to create the external table ny_pub stored in Apache Parquet format in the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) location s3://redshift-demos/data/NY-Pub/. In this step, we create the solution resources using AWS CloudFormation to create a stack named CrawlS3Source-NYTaxiData in either us-east-1 (use the yml download or launch stack) or us-west-2 (use the yml download or launch stack). Stack creation performs the following actions:

  • Creates the crawler NYTaxiCrawler along with the new IAM role AWSGlueServiceRole-RedshiftAutoMount
  • Creates automountdb as the AWS Glue database

When the stack is complete, perform the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, under Data Catalog in the navigation pane, choose Crawlers.
  2. Open NYTaxiCrawler and choose Run crawler.

After the crawler is complete, you can see a new table called ny_pub in the Data Catalog under the automountdb database.

Alternatively, you can follow the manual instructions from the Amazon Redshift labs to create the ny_pub table.

Connect with Redshift Serverless and query the Data Catalog as a federated user using Query Editor V2

In this section, we use an IAM role with principal tags to enable fine-grained federated authentication to Redshift Serverless to access auto-mounting AWS Glue objects.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Create an IAM role and add following permissions. For this post, we add full AWS Glue, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon S3 permissions for demo purposes. In an actual production scenario, it’s recommended to apply more granular permissions.

  2. On the Tags tab, create a tag with Key as RedshiftDbRoles and Value as automount.
  3. In Query Editor V2, run the following SQL statement as an admin user to create a database role named automount:
    Create role automount;

  4. Grant usage privileges to the database role:
    GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE awsdatacatalog to role automount;

  5. Switch the role to automountrole by passing the account number and role name.
  6. In the Query Editor v2, choose your Redshift Serverless endpoint (right-click) and choose Create connection.
  7. For Authentication, select Federated user.
  8. For Database, enter the database name you want to connect to.
  9. Choose Create connection.

You’re now ready to explore and query the automatic mounting of the Data Catalog in Redshift Serverless.

Connect with Redshift provisioned cluster and query the Data Catalog using Query Editor V2

To connect with Redshift provisioned cluster and access the Data Catalog, make sure you have completed the steps in the preceding section. Then complete the following steps:

  1. Connect to Redshift Query Editor V2 using the database user name and password authentication method. For example, connect to the dev database using the admin user and password.
  2. In an editor tab, assuming the user is present in Amazon Redshift, run the following SQL statement to grant an IAM user access to the Data Catalog:
    GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE awsdatacatalog to "IAMR:automountrole";

  3. As an admin user, choose the Settings icon, choose Account settings, and select Authenticate with IAM credentials.
  4. Choose Save.
  5. Switch roles to automountrole by passing the account number and role name.
  6. Create or edit the connection and use the authentication method Temporary credentials using your IAM identity.

For more information about this authentication method, see Connecting to an Amazon Redshift database.

You are ready to explore and query the automatic mounting of the Data Catalog in Amazon Redshift.

Discover the auto-mounted objects

This section illustrates the SHOW commands for discovery of auto-mounted objects. See the following code:

// Discovery of Glue databases at the schema level 

// Discovery of Glue tables 
 Syntax: SHOW TABLES FROM SCHEMA awsdatacatalog.<glue_db_name>;
Example: SHOW TABLES FROM SCHEMA awsdatacatalog.automountdb;

// Disocvery of Glue table columns 
 Syntax: SHOW COLUMNS FROM TABLE awsdatacatalog.<glue_db_name>.<glue_table_name>;
Example: SHOW COLUMNS FROM TABLE awsdatacatalog.automountdb.ny_pub;

Configure permissions on catalog resources using AWS Lake Formation

To maintain backward compatibility with AWS Glue, Lake Formation has the following initial security settings:

  • The Super permission is granted to the group IAMAllowedPrincipals on all existing Data Catalog resources
  • The Use only IAM access control setting is enabled for new Data Catalog resources

These settings effectively cause access to Data Catalog resources and Amazon S3 locations to be controlled solely by IAM policies. Individual Lake Formation permissions are not in effect.

In this step, we will configure permissions on catalog resources using AWS Lake Formation. Before you create the Data Catalog, you need to update the default settings of Lake Formation so that access to Data Catalog resources (databases and tables) is managed by Lake Formation permissions:

  1. Change the default security settings for new resources. For instructions, see Change the default permission model.
  2. Change the settings for existing Data Catalog resources. For instructions, see Upgrading AWS Glue data permissions to the AWS Lake Formation model.

For more information, refer to Changing the default settings for your data lake.

Federate with Redshift Serverless and query the Data Catalog using Query Editor V2 and a third-party SQL client

With Redshift Serverless, you can connect to awsdatacatalog from a third-party client as a federated user from any identity provider (IdP). In this section, we will configure permission on catalog resources for Federated IAM role in AWS Lake Formation. Using AWS Lake Formation with Redshift, currently permission can be applied on IAM user or IAM role level.

To connect as a federated user, we will be using Redshift Serverless. For setup instructions, refer to Single sign-on with Amazon Redshift Serverless with Okta using Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2 and third-party SQL clients.

There are additional changes required on following resources:

  1. In Amazon Redshift, as an admin user, grant the usage to each federated user who needs access on awsdatacatalog:
    GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE awsdatacatalog to "IAMR:[email protected]";

If the user doesn’t exist in Amazon Redshift, you may need to create the IAM user with the password disabled as shown in the following code and then grant usage on awsdatacatalog:

Create User "IAMR:[email protected]" with password disable;
  1. On the Lake Formation console, assign permissions on the AWS Glue database to the IAM role that you created as part of the federated setup.
    1. Under Principals, select IAM users and roles.
    2. Choose IAM role oktarole.
    3. Apply catalog resource permissions, selecting automountdb database and granting appropriate table permissions.
  2. Update the IAM role used in the federation setup. In addition to the permissions added to the IAM role, you need to add AWS Glue permissions and Amazon S3 permissions to access objects from Amazon S3. For this post, we add full AWS Glue and AWS S3 permissions for demo purposes. In an actual production scenario, it’s recommended to apply more granular permissions.

Now you’re ready to connect to Redshift Serverless using the Query Editor V2 and federated login.

  1. Use the SSO URL from Okta and log in to your Okta account with your user credentials. For this demo, we log in with user Ethan.
  2. In the Query Editor v2, choose your Redshift Serverless instance (right-click) and choose Create connection.
  3. For Authentication, select Federated user.
  4. For Database, enter the database name you want to connect to.
  5. Choose Create connection.
  6. Run the command select current_user to validate that you are logged in as a federated user.

User Ethan will be able to explore and access awsdatacatalog data.

To connect Redshift Serverless with a third-party client, make sure you have followed all the previous steps.

For SQLWorkbench setup, refer to the section Configure the SQL client (SQL Workbench/J) in Single sign-on with Amazon Redshift Serverless with Okta using Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2 and third-party SQL clients.

The following screenshot shows that federated user ethan is able to query the awsdatacatalog tables using three-part notation:

Connect with Redshift provisioned cluster and query the Data Catalog as a federated user using third-party clients

With Redshift provisioned cluster, you can connect with awsdatacatalog from a third-party client as a federated user from any IdP.

To connect as a federated user with the Redshift provisioned cluster, you need to follow the steps in the previous section that detailed how to connect with Redshift Serverless and query the Data Catalog as a federated user using Query Editor V2 and a third-party SQL client.

There are additional changes required in IAM policy. Update the IAM policy with the following code to use the GetClusterCredentialsWithIAM API:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "iam:ListGroups",
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "redshift:GetClusterCredentialsWithIAM",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:redshift:us-east-2:01234567891:dbname:redshift-cluster-1/dev"

Now you’re ready to connect to Redshift provisioned cluster using a third-party SQL client as a federated user.

For SQLWorkbench setup, refer to the section Configure the SQL client (SQL Workbench/J) in the post Single sign-on with Amazon Redshift Serverless with Okta using Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2 and third-party SQL clients.

Make the following changes:

  • Use the latest Redshift JDBC driver because it only supports querying the auto-mounted Data Catalog table for federated users
  • For URL, enter jdbc:redshift:iam://<cluster endpoint>:<port>:<databasename>?groupfederation=true. For example, jdbc:redshift:iam://redshift-cluster-1.abdef0abc0ab.us-east-2.redshift.amazonaws.com:5439/dev?groupfederation=true.

In the preceding URL, groupfederation is a mandatory parameter that allows you to authenticate with the IAM credentials.

The following screenshot shows that federated user ethan is able to query the awsdatacatalog tables using three-part notation.

Connect and query the Data Catalog as an IAM user using third-party clients

In this section, we provide instructions to set up a SQL client to query the auto-mounted awsdatacatalog.

Use three-part notation to reference the awsdatacatalog table in your SELECT statement. The first part is the database name, the second part is the AWS Glue database name, and the third part is the AWS Glue table name:

SELECT * FROM awsdatacatalog.<aws-glue-db-name>.<aws-glue-table-name>;

You can perform various scenarios that read the Data Catalog data and populate Redshift tables.

For this post, we use SQLWorkbench/J as the SQL client to query the Data Catalog. To set up SQL Workbench/J, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a new connection in SQL Workbench/J and choose Amazon Redshift as the driver.
  2. Choose Manage drivers and add all the files from the downloaded AWS JDBC driver pack .zip file (remember to unzip the .zip file).

You must use the latest Redshift JDBC driver because it only supports querying the auto-mounted Data Catalog table.

  1. For URL, enter jdbc:redshift:iam://<cluster endpoint>:<port>:<databasename>?profile=<profilename>&groupfederation=true. For example, jdbc:redshift:iam://redshift-cluster-1.abdef0abc0ab.us-east-2.redshift.amazonaws.com:5439/dev?profile=user2&groupfederation=true.

We are using profile-based credentials as an example. You can use any AWS profile or IAM credential-based authentication as per your requirement. For more information on IAM credentials, refer to Options for providing IAM credentials.

The following screenshot shows that IAM user johndoe is able to list the awsdatacatalog tables using the SHOW command.

The following screenshot shows that IAM user johndoe is able to query the awsdatacatalog tables using three-part notation:

If you get the following error while using groupfederation=true, you need to use the latest Redshift driver:

Something unusual has occurred to cause the driver to fail. Please report this exception:Authentication with plugin is not supported for group federation [SQL State=99999]

Clean up

Complete the following steps to clean up your resources:

  1. Delete the IAM role automountrole.
  2. Delete the CloudFormation stack CrawlS3Source-NYTaxiData to clean up the crawler NYTaxiCrawler, the automountdb database from the Data Catalog, and the IAM role AWSGlueServiceRole-RedshiftAutoMount.
  3. Update the default settings of Lake Formation:
    1. In the navigation pane, under Data catalog, choose Settings.
    2. Select both access control options choose Save.
    3. In the navigation pane, under Permissions, choose Administrative roles and tasks.
    4. In the Database creators section, choose Grant.
    5. Search for IAMAllowedPrincipals and select Create database permission.
    6. Choose Grant.


Note the following considerations:

  • The Data Catalog auto-mount provides ease of use to analysts or database users. The security setup (setting up the permissions model or data governance) is owned by account and database administrators.
    • To achieve fine-grained access control, build a permissions model in AWS Lake Formation.
    • If the permissions have to be maintained at the Redshift database level, leave the AWS Lake Formation default settings as is and then run grant/revoke in Amazon Redshift.
  • If you are using a third-party SQL editor, and your query tool does not support browsing of multiple databases, you can use the “SHOW“ commands to list your AWS Glue databases and tables. You can also query awsdatacatalog objects using three-part notation (SELECT * FROM awsdatacatalog.<aws-glue-db-name>.<aws-glue-table-name>;) provided you have access to the external objects based on the permission model.


In this post, we introduced the automatic mounting of AWS Glue Data Catalog, which makes it easier for customers to run queries in their data lakes. This feature streamlines data governance and access control, eliminating the need to create an external schema in Amazon Redshift to use the data lake tables cataloged in AWS Glue Data Catalog. We showed how you can manage permission on auto-mounted AWS Glue-based objects using Lake Formation. The permission model can be easily managed and organized by administrators, allowing database users to seamlessly access external objects they have been granted access to.

As we strive for enhanced usability in Amazon Redshift, we prioritize unified data governance and fine-grained access control. This feature minimizes manual effort while ensuring the necessary security measures for your organization are in place.

For more information about automatic mounting of the Data Catalog in Amazon Redshift, refer to Querying the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

About the Authors

Maneesh Sharma is a Senior Database Engineer at AWS with more than a decade of experience designing and implementing large-scale data warehouse and analytics solutions. He collaborates with various Amazon Redshift Partners and customers to drive better integration.

Debu-PandaDebu Panda is a Senior Manager, Product Management at AWS. He is an industry leader in analytics, application platform, and database technologies, and has more than 25 years of experience in the IT world.

Rohit Vashishtha is a Senior Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS based in Dallas, Texas. He has 17 years of experience architecting, building, leading, and maintaining big data platforms. Rohit helps customers modernize their analytic workloads using the breadth of AWS services and ensures that customers get the best price/performance with utmost security and data governance.

Five actionable steps to GDPR compliance (Right to be forgotten) with Amazon Redshift

Post Syndicated from Kishore Tata original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/five-actionable-steps-to-gdpr-compliance-right-to-be-forgotten-with-amazon-redshift/

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) right to be forgotten, also known as the right to erasure, gives individuals the right to request the deletion of their personally identifiable information (PII) data held by organizations. This means that individuals can ask companies to erase their personal data from their systems and any third parties with whom the data was shared. Organizations must comply with these requests provided that there are no legitimate grounds for retaining the personal data, such as legal obligations or contractual requirements.

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud. It is designed for analyzing large volumes of data and performing complex queries on structured and semi-structured data. Many customers are looking for best practices to keep their Amazon Redshift analytics environment compliant and have an ability to respond to GDPR right to forgotten requests.

In this post, we discuss challenges associated with implementation and architectural patterns and actionable best practices for organizations to respond to the right to be forgotten request requirements of the GDPR for data stored in Amazon Redshift.

Who does GDPR apply to?

The GDPR applies to all organizations established in the EU and to organizations, whether or not established in the EU, that process the personal data of EU individuals in connection with either the offering of goods or services to data subjects in the EU or the monitoring of behavior that takes place within the EU.

The following are key terms we use when discussing the GDPR:

  • Data subject – An identifiable living person and resident in the EU or UK, on whom personal data is held by a business or organization or service provider
  • Processor – The entity that processes the data on the instructions of the controller (for example, AWS)
  • Controller – The entity that determines the purposes and means of processing personal data (for example, an AWS customer)
  • Personal data – Information relating to an identified or identifiable person, including names, email addresses, and phone numbers

Implementing the right to be forgotten can include the following challenges:

  • Data identification – One of the main challenges is identifying all instances of personal data across various systems, databases, and backups. Organizations need to have a clear understanding of where personal data is being stored and how it is processed to effectively fulfill the deletion requests.
  • Data dependencies – Personal data can be interconnected and intertwined with other data systems, making it challenging to remove specific data without impacting the integrity of functionality of other systems or processes. It requires careful analysis to identify data dependencies and mitigate any potential risks or disruptions.
  • Data replication and backups – Personal data can exist in multiple copies due to data replication and backups. Ensuring the complete removal of data from all these copies and backups can be challenging. Organizations need to establish processes to track and manage data copies effectively.
  • Legal obligations and exemptions – The right to be forgotten is not absolute and may be subject to legal obligations or exemptions. Organizations need to carefully assess requests, considering factors such as legal requirements, legitimate interests, freedom of expression, or public interest to determine if the request can be fulfilled or if any exceptions apply.
  • Data archiving and retention – Organizations may have legal or regulatory requirements to retain certain data for a specific period. Balancing the right to be forgotten with the obligation to retain data can be a challenge. Clear policies and procedures need to be established to manage data retention and deletion appropriately.

Architecture patterns

Organizations are generally required to respond to right to be forgotten requests within 30 days from when the individual submits a request. This deadline can be extended by a maximum of 2 months taking into account the complexity and the number of the requests, provided that the data subject has been informed about the reasons for the delay within 1 month of the receipt of the request.

The following sections discuss a few commonly referenced architecture patterns, best practices, and options supported by Amazon Redshift to support your data subject’s GDPR right to be forgotten request in your organization.

Actionable Steps

Data management and governance

Addressing the challenges mentioned requires a combination of technical, operational, and legal measures. Organizations need to develop robust data governance practices, establish clear procedures for handling deletion requests, and maintain ongoing compliance with GDPR regulations.

Large organizations usually have multiple Redshift environments, databases, and tables spread across multiple Regions and accounts. To successfully respond to a data subject’s requests, organizations should have a clear strategy to determine how data is forgotten, flagged, anonymized, or deleted, and they should have clear guidelines in place for data audits.

Data mapping involves identifying and documenting the flow of personal data in an organization. It helps organizations understand how personal data moves through their systems, where it is stored, and how it is processed. By creating visual representations of data flows, organizations can gain a clear understanding of the lifecycle of personal data and identify potential vulnerabilities or compliance gaps.

Note that putting a comprehensive data strategy in place is not in scope for this post.

Audit tracking

Organizations must maintain proper documentation and audit trails of the deletion process to demonstrate compliance with GDPR requirements. A typical audit control framework should record the data subject requests (who is the data subject, when was it requested, what data, approver, due date, scheduled ETL process if any, and so on). This will help with your audit requests and provide the ability to roll back in case of accidental deletions observed during the QA process. It’s important to maintain the list of users and systems who may get impacted during this process to ensure effective communication.

Data discovery and findability

Findability is an important step of the process. Organizations need to have mechanisms to find the data under consideration in an efficient and quick manner for timely response. The following are some patterns and best practices you can employ to find the data in Amazon Redshift.


Consider tagging your Amazon Redshift resources to quickly identify which clusters and snapshots contain the PII data, the owners, the data retention policy, and so on. Tags provide metadata about resources at a glance. Redshift resources, such as namespaces, workgroups, snapshots, and clusters can be tagged. For more information about tagging, refer to Tagging resources in Amazon Redshift.

Naming conventions

As a part of the modeling strategy, name the database objects (databases, schemas, tables, columns) with an indicator that they contain PII so that they can be queried using system tables (for example, make a list of the tables and columns where PII data is involved). Identifying the list of tables and users or the systems that have access to them will help streamline the communication process. The following sample SQL can help you find the databases, schemas, and tables with a name that contains PII:

pg_catalog.pg_namespace.nspname AS schema_name,
pg_catalog.pg_class.relname AS table_name,
pg_catalog.pg_attribute.attname AS column_name,
pg_catalog.pg_database.datname AS database_name
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON pg_catalog.pg_namespace.oid = pg_catalog.pg_class.relnamespace
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute ON pg_catalog.pg_class.oid = pg_catalog.pg_attribute.attrelid
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_database ON pg_catalog.pg_attribute.attnum > 0
pg_catalog.pg_attribute.attname LIKE '%PII%';

SELECT datname
FROM pg_database
WHERE datname LIKE '%PII%';

SELECT table_schema, table_name, column_name
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE column_name LIKE '%PII%'

Separate PII and non-PII

Whenever possible, keep the sensitive data in a separate table, database, or schema. Isolating the data in a separate database may not always be possible. However, you can separate the non-PII columns in a separate table, for example, Customer_NonPII and Customer_PII, and then join them with an unintelligent key. This helps identify the tables that contain non-PII columns. This approach is straightforward to implement and keeps non-PII data intact, which can be useful for analysis purposes. The following figure shows an example of these tables.

PII-Non PII Example Tables

Flag columns

In the preceding tables, rows in bold are marked with Forgotten_flag=Yes. You can maintain a Forgotten_flag as a column with the default value as No and update this value to Yes whenever a request to be forgotten is received. Also, as a best practice from HIPAA, do a batch deletion once in a month. The downstream and upstream systems need to respect this flag and include this in their processing. This helps identify the rows that need to be deleted. For our example, we can use the following code:

Delete from Customer_PII where forgotten_flag=“Yes”

Use Master data management system

Organizations that maintain a master data management system maintain a golden record for a customer, which acts as a single version of truth from multiple disparate systems. These systems also contain crosswalks with several peripheral systems that contain the natural key of the customer and golden record. This technique helps find customer records and related tables. The following is a representative example of a crosswalk table in a master data management system.

Example of a MDM Records

Use AWS Lake Formation

Some organizations have use cases where you can share the data across multiple departments and business units and use Amazon Redshift data sharing. We can use AWS Lake Formation tags to tag the database objects and columns and define fine-grained access controls on who can have the access to use data. Organizations can have a dedicated resource with access to all tagged resources. With Lake Formation, you can centrally define and enforce database-, table-, column-, and row-level access permissions of Redshift data shares and restrict user access to objects within a data share.

By sharing data through Lake Formation, you can define permissions in Lake Formation and apply those permissions to data shares and their objects. For example, if you have a table containing employee information, you can use column-level filters to help prevent employees who don’t work in the HR department from seeing sensitive information. Refer to AWS Lake Formation-managed Redshift shares for more details on the implementation.

Use Amazon DataZone

Amazon DataZone introduces a business metadata catalog. Business metadata provides information authored or used by businesses and gives context to organizational data. Data discovery is a key task that business metadata can support. Data discovery uses centrally defined corporate ontologies and taxonomies to classify data sources and allows you to find relevant data objects. You can add business metadata in Amazon DataZone to support data discovery.

Data erasure

By using the approaches we’ve discussed, you can find the clusters, databases, tables, columns, snapshots that contain the data to be deleted. The following are some methods and best practices for data erasure.

Restricted backup

In some use cases, you may have to keep data backed up to align with government regulations for a certain period of time. It’s a good idea to take the backup of the data objects before deletion and keep it for an agreed-upon retention time. You can use AWS Backup to take automatic or manual backups. AWS Backup allows you to define a central backup policy to manage the data protection of your applications. For more information, refer to New – Amazon Redshift Support in AWS Backup.

Physical deletes

After we find the tables that contain the data, we can delete the data using the following code (using the flagging technique discussed earlier):

Delete from Customer_PII where forgotten_flag=“Yes”

It’s a good practice to delete data at a specified schedule, such as once every 25–30 days, so that it is simpler to maintain the state of the database.

Logical deletes

You may need to keep data in a separate environment for audit purposes. You can employ Amazon Redshift row access policies and conditional dynamic masking policies to filter and anonymize the data.

You can use row access policies on Forgotten_flag=No on the tables that contain PII data so that the designated users can only see the necessary data. Refer to Achieve fine-grained data security with row-level access control in Amazon Redshift for more information about how to implement row access policies.

You can use conditional dynamic data masking policies so that designated users can see the redacted data. With dynamic data masking (DDM) in Amazon Redshift, organizations can help protect sensitive data in your data warehouse. You can manipulate how Amazon Redshift shows sensitive data to the user at query time without transforming it in the database. You control access to data through masking policies that apply custom obfuscation rules to a given user or role. That way, you can respond to changing privacy requirements without altering the underlying data or editing SQL queries.

Dynamic data masking policies hide, obfuscate, or pseudonymize data that matches a given format. When attached to a table, the masking expression is applied to one or more of its columns. You can further modify masking policies to only apply them to certain users or user-defined roles that you can create with role-based access control (RBAC). Additionally, you can apply DDM on the cell level by using conditional columns when creating your masking policy.

Organizations can use conditional dynamic data masking to redact sensitive columns (for example, names) where the forgotten flag column value is TRUE, and the other columns display the full values.

Backup and restore

Data from Redshift clusters can be transferred, exported, or copied to different AWS services or outside of the cloud. Organizations should have an effective governance process to detect and remove data to align with the GDPR compliance requirement. However, this is beyond the scope of this post.

Amazon Redshift offers backups and snapshots of the data. After deleting the PII data, organizations should also purge the data from their backups. To do so, you need to restore the snapshot to a new cluster, remove the data, and take a fresh backup. The following figure illustrates this workflow.

It’s good practice to keep the retention period at 29 days (if applicable) so that the backups are cleared after 30 days. Organizations can also set the backup schedule to a certain date (for example, the first of every month).

Backup and Restore


It’s important to communicate to the users and processes who may be impacted by this deletion. The following query helps identify the list of users and groups who have access to the affected tables:

nspname AS schema_name,
relname AS table_name,
attname AS column_name,
usename AS user_name,
groname AS group_name
FROM pg_namespace
JOIN pg_class ON pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace
JOIN pg_attribute ON pg_class.oid = pg_attribute.attrelid
LEFT JOIN pg_group ON pg_attribute.attacl::text LIKE '%' || groname || '%'
LEFT JOIN pg_user ON pg_attribute.attacl::text LIKE '%' || usename || '%'
pg_attribute.attname LIKE '%PII%'
AND (usename IS NOT NULL OR groname IS NOT NULL);

Security controls

Maintaining security is of great importance in GDPR compliance. By implementing robust security measures, organizations can help protect personal data from unauthorized access, breaches, and misuse, thereby helping maintain the privacy rights of individuals. Security plays a crucial role in upholding the principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of personal data. AWS offers a comprehensive suite of services and features that can support GDPR compliance and enhance security measures.

The GDPR does not change the AWS shared responsibility model, which continues to be relevant for customers. The shared responsibility model is a useful approach to illustrate the different responsibilities of AWS (as a data processor or subprocessor) and customers (as either data controllers or data processors) under the GDPR.

Under the shared responsibility model, AWS is responsible for securing the underlying infrastructure that supports AWS services (“Security of the Cloud”), and customers, acting either as data controllers or data processors, are responsible for personal data they upload to AWS services (“Security in the Cloud”).

AWS offers a GDPR-compliant AWS Data Processing Addendum (AWS DPA), which enables you to comply with GDPR contractual obligations. The AWS DPA is incorporated into the AWS Service Terms.

Article 32 of the GDPR requires that organizations must “…implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk, including …the pseudonymization and encryption of personal data[…].” In addition, organizations must “safeguard against the unauthorized disclosure of or access to personal data.” Refer to the Navigating GDPR Compliance on AWS whitepaper for more details.


In this post, we delved into the significance of GDPR and its impact on safeguarding privacy rights. We discussed five commonly followed best practices that organizations can reference for responding to GDPR right to be forgotten requests for data that resides in Redshift clusters. We also highlighted that the GDPR does not change the AWS shared responsibility model.

We encourage you to take charge of your data privacy today. Prioritizing GPDR compliance and data privacy will not only strengthen trust, but also build customer loyalty and safeguard personal information in digital era. If you need assistance or guidance, reach out to an AWS representative. AWS has teams of Enterprise Support Representatives, Professional Services Consultants, and other staff to help with GDPR questions. You can contact us with questions. To learn more about GDPR compliance when using AWS services, refer to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Center. To learn more about the right to be forgotten, refer to Right to Erasure.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is not a legal advice. It is intended to showcase commonly followed best practices. It is crucial to consult with your organization’s privacy officer or legal counsel and determine appropriate solutions.

About the Authors

YaduKishore ProfileYadukishore Tatavarthi  is a Senior Partner Solutions Architect supporting Healthcare and life science customers at Amazon Web Services. He has been helping the customers over the last 20 years in building the enterprise data strategies, advising customers on cloud implementations, migrations, reference architecture creation, data modeling best practices, data lake/warehouses architecture, and other technical processes.

Sudhir GuptaSudhir Gupta is a Principal Partner Solutions Architect, Analytics Specialist at AWS with over 18 years of experience in Databases and Analytics. He helps AWS partners and customers design, implement, and migrate large-scale data & analytics (D&A) workloads. As a trusted advisor to partners, he enables partners globally on AWS D&A services, builds solutions/accelerators, and leads go-to-market initiatives

Deepak SinghDeepak Singh is a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services with 20+ years of experience in Data & AIA. He enjoys working with AWS partners and customers on building scalable analytical solutions for their business outcomes. When not at work, he loves spending time with family or exploring new technologies in analytics and AI space.

Near-real-time analytics using Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon DynamoDB

Post Syndicated from Poulomi Dasgupta original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/near-real-time-analytics-using-amazon-redshift-streaming-ingestion-with-amazon-kinesis-data-streams-and-amazon-dynamodb/

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, scalable cloud data warehouse that accelerates your time to insights with fast, easy, and secure analytics at scale. Tens of thousands of customers rely on Amazon Redshift to analyze exabytes of data and run complex analytical queries, making it the widely used cloud data warehouse. You can run and scale analytics in seconds on all your data without having to manage your data warehouse infrastructure.

You can use the Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion capability to update your analytics databases in near-real time. Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion simplifies data pipelines by letting you create materialized views directly on top of data streams. With this capability in Amazon Redshift, you can use SQL (Structured Query Language) to connect to and directly ingest data from data streams, such as Amazon Kinesis Data Streams or Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) data streams, and pull data directly to Amazon Redshift.

In this post, we discuss a solution that uses Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion to provide near-real-time analytics.

Overview of solution

We walk through an example pipeline to ingest data from an Amazon DynamoDB source table in near-real time using Kinesis Data Streams in combination with Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion. We also walk through using PartiQL in Amazon Redshift to unnest nested JSON documents and build fact and dimension tables that are used in your data warehouse refresh. The solution uses Kinesis Data Streams to capture item-level changes from an application DynamoDB table.

As shown in the following reference architecture, DynamoDB table data changes are streamed into Amazon Redshift through Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion for near-real-time analytics dashboard visualization using Amazon QuickSight.

The process flow includes the following steps:

  1. Create a Kinesis data stream and turn on the data stream from DynamoDB to capture item-level changes in your DynamoDB table.
  2. Create a streaming materialized view in your Amazon Redshift cluster to consume live streaming data from the data stream.
  3. The streaming data gets ingested into a JSON payload. Use a combination of a PartiQL statement and dot notation to unnest the JSON document into data columns of a staging table in Amazon Redshift.
  4. Create fact and dimension tables in the Amazon Redshift cluster and keep loading the latest data at regular intervals from the staging table using transformation logic.
  5. Establish connectivity between a QuickSight dashboard and Amazon Redshift to deliver visualization and insights.


You must have the following:

Set up a Kinesis data stream

To configure your Kinesis data stream, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a Kinesis data stream called demo-data-stream. For instructions, refer to Step 1 in Set up streaming ETL pipelines.

Configure the stream to capture changes from the DynamoDB table.

  1. On the DynamoDB console, choose Tables in the navigation pane.
  2. Open your table.
  3. On the Exports and streams tab, choose Turn on under Amazon Kinesis data stream details.

  1. For Destination Kinesis data stream, choose demo-data-stream.
  2. Choose Turn on stream.

Item-level changes in the DynamoDB table should now be flowing to the Kinesis data stream.

  1. To verify if the data is entering the stream, on the Kinesis Data Streams console, open demo-data-stream.
  2. On the Monitoring tab, find the PutRecord success – average (Percent) and PutRecord – sum (Bytes) metrics to validate record ingestion.

Set up streaming ingestion

To set up streaming ingestion, complete the following steps:

  1. Set up the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role and trust policy required for streaming ingestion. For instructions, refer to Steps 1 and 2 in Getting started with streaming ingestion from Amazon Kinesis Data Streams.
  2. Launch the Query Editor v2 from the Amazon Redshift console or use your preferred SQL client to connect to your Amazon Redshift cluster for the next steps.
  3. Create an external schema:
IAM_ROLE { default | 'iam-role-arn' };
  1. To use case-sensitive identifiers, set enable_case_sensitive_identifier to true at either the session or cluster level.
  2. Create a materialized view to consume the stream data and store stream records in semi-structured SUPER format:
    SELECT approximate_arrival_timestamp,
    json_parse(kinesis_data) as payload    
    FROM demo_schema."demo-data-stream";
  1. Refresh the view, which triggers Amazon Redshift to read from the stream and load data into the materialized view:

You can also set your streaming materialized view to use auto refresh capabilities. This will automatically refresh your materialized view as data arrives in the stream. See CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW for instructions on how to create a materialized view with auto refresh.

Unnest the JSON document

The following is a sample of a JSON document that was ingested from the Kinesis data stream to the payload column of the streaming materialized view demo_stream_vw:

  "awsRegion": "us-east-1",
  "eventID": "6d24680a-6d12-49e2-8a6b-86ffdc7306c1",
  "eventName": "INSERT",
  "userIdentity": null,
  "recordFormat": "application/json",
  "tableName": "sample-dynamoDB",
  "dynamodb": {
    "ApproximateCreationDateTime": 1657294923614,
    "Keys": {
      "pk": {
        "S": "CUSTOMER#CUST_123"
      "sk": {
        "S": "TRANSACTION#2022-07-08T23:59:59Z#CUST_345"
    "NewImage": {
      "completionDateTime": {
        "S": "2022-07-08T23:59:59Z"
      "OutofPockPercent": {
        "N": 50.00
      "calculationRequirements": {
        "M": {
          "dependentIds": {
            "L": [
                "M": {
                  "sk": {
                    "S": "CUSTOMER#2022-07-08T23:59:59Z#CUST_567"
                  "pk": {
                    "S": "CUSTOMER#CUST_123"
                "M": {
                  "sk": {
                    "S": "CUSTOMER#2022-07-08T23:59:59Z#CUST_890"
                  "pk": {
                    "S": "CUSTOMER#CUST_123"
      "Event": {
        "S": "SAMPLE"
      "Provider": {
        "S": "PV-123"
      "OutofPockAmount": {
        "N": 1000
      "lastCalculationDateTime": {
        "S": "2022-07-08T00:00:00Z"
      "sk": {
        "S": "CUSTOMER#2022-07-08T23:59:59Z#CUST_567"
      "OutofPockMax": {
        "N": 2000
      "pk": {
        "S": "CUSTOMER#CUST_123"
    "SizeBytes": 694
  "eventSource": "aws:dynamodb"

We can use dot notation to unnest the JSON document. But in addition to that, we should use a PartiQL statement to handle arrays if applicable. For example, in the preceding JSON document, there is an array under the element:


The following SQL query uses a combination of dot notation and a PartiQL statement to unnest the JSON document:

substring(a."payload"."dynamodb"."Keys"."pk"."S"::varchar, position('#' in "payload"."dynamodb"."Keys"."pk"."S"::varchar)+1) as Customer_ID,
substring(a."payload"."dynamodb"."Keys"."sk"."S"::varchar, position('#TRANSACTION' in "payload"."dynamodb"."Keys"."sk"."S"::varchar)+1) as Transaction_ID,
substring(b."M"."sk"."S"::varchar, position('#CUSTOMER' in b."M"."sk"."S"::varchar)+1) Dependent_ID,
a."payload"."dynamodb"."NewImage"."OutofPockMax"."N"::int as OutofPocket_Max,
a."payload"."dynamodb"."NewImage"."OutofPockPercent"."N"::decimal(5,2) as OutofPocket_Percent,
a."payload"."dynamodb"."NewImage"."OutofPockAmount"."N"::int as OutofPock_Amount,
a."payload"."dynamodb"."NewImage"."Provider"."S"::varchar as Provider,
a."payload"."dynamodb"."NewImage"."completionDateTime"."S"::timestamptz as Completion_DateTime,
a."payload"."eventName"::varchar Event_Name,
from demo_stream_vw a
left outer join a."payload"."dynamodb"."NewImage"."calculationRequirements"."M"."dependentIds"."L" b on true;

The query unnests the JSON document to the following result set.

Precompute the result set using a materialized view

Optionally, to precompute and store the unnested result set from the preceding query, you can create a materialized view and schedule it to refresh at regular intervals. In this post, we maintain the preceding unnested data in a materialized view called mv_demo_super_unnest, which will be refreshed at regular intervals and used for further processing.

To capture the latest data from the DynamoDB table, the Amazon Redshift streaming materialized view needs to be refreshed at regular intervals, and then the incremental data should be transformed and loaded into the final fact and dimension table. To avoid reprocessing the same data, a metadata table can be maintained at Amazon Redshift to keep track of each ELT process with status, start time, and end time, as explained in the following section.

Maintain an audit table in Amazon Redshift

The following is a sample DDL of a metadata table that is maintained for each process or job:

create table MetaData_ETL
JobName varchar(100),
StartDate timestamp, 
EndDate timestamp, 
Status varchar(50)

The following is a sample initial entry of the metadata audit table that can be maintained at job level. The insert statement is the initial entry for the ELT process to load the Customer_Transaction_Fact table:

insert into MetaData_ETL 
('Customer_Transaction_Fact_Load', current_timestamp, current_timestamp,'Ready' );

Build a fact table with the latest data

In this post, we demonstrate the loading of a fact table using specific transformation logic. We are skipping the dimension table load, which uses similar logic.

As a prerequisite, create the fact and dimension tables in a preferred schema. In following example, we create the fact table Customer_Transaction_Fact in Amazon Redshift:

CREATE TABLE public.Customer_Transaction_Fact (
Transaction_ID character varying(500),
Customer_ID character varying(500),
OutofPocket_Percent numeric(5,2),
OutofPock_Amount integer,
OutofPocket_Max integer,
Provider character varying(500),
completion_datetime timestamp

Transform data using a stored procedure

We load this fact table from the unnested data using a stored procedure. For more information, refer to Creating stored procedures in Amazon Redshift.

Note that in this sample use case, we are using transformation logic to identify and load the latest value of each column for a customer transaction.

The stored procedure contains the following components:

  • In the first step of the stored procedure, the job entry in the MetaData_ETL table is updated to change the status to Running and StartDate as the current timestamp, which indicates that the fact load process is starting.
  • Refresh the materialized view mv_demo_super_unnest, which contains the unnested data.
  • In the following example, we load the fact table Customer_Transaction_Fact using the latest data from the streaming materialized view based on the column approximate_arrival_timestamp, which is available as a system column in the streaming materialized view. The value of approximate_arrival_timestamp is set when a Kinesis data stream successfully receives and stores a record.
  • The following logic in the stored procedure checks if the approximate_arrival_timestamp in mv_demo_super_unnest is greater than the EndDate timestamp in the MetaData_ETL audit table, so that it can only process the incremental data.
  • Additionally, while loading the fact table, we identify the latest non-null value of each column for every Transaction_ID depending on the order of the approximate_arrival_timestamp column using the rank and min
  • The transformed data is loaded into the intermediate staging table
  • The impacted records with the same Transaction_ID values are deleted and reloaded into the Customer_Transaction_Fact table from the staging table
  • In the last step of the stored procedure, the job entry in the MetaData_ETL table is updated to change the status to Complete and EndDate as the current timestamp, which indicates that the fact load process has completed successfully.

See the following code:

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE SP_Customer_Transaction_Fact()
AS $$

set enable_case_sensitive_identifier to true;

--Update metadata audit table entry to indicate that the fact load process is running
update MetaData_ETL
set status = 'Running',
StartDate = getdate()
where JobName = 'Customer_Transaction_Fact_Load';

refresh materialized view mv_demo_super_unnest;

drop table if exists Customer_Transaction_Fact_Stg;

--Create latest record by Merging records based on approximate_arrival_timestamp
create table Customer_Transaction_Fact_Stg as
min(case when m.rank_Customer_ID =1 then m.Customer_ID end) Customer_ID,
min(case when m.rank_OutofPocket_Percent =1 then m.OutofPocket_Percent end) OutofPocket_Percent,
min(case when m.rank_OutofPock_Amount =1 then m.OutofPock_Amount end) OutofPock_Amount,
min(case when m.rank_OutofPocket_Max =1 then m.OutofPocket_Max end) OutofPocket_Max,
min(case when m.rank_Provider =1 then m.Provider end) Provider,
min(case when m.rank_Completion_DateTime =1 then m.Completion_DateTime end) Completion_DateTime
select *,
rank() over(partition by Transaction_ID order by case when mqp.Customer_ID is not null then 1 end, approximate_arrival_timestamp desc ) rank_Customer_ID,
rank() over(partition by Transaction_ID order by case when mqp.OutofPocket_Percent is not null then 1 end, approximate_arrival_timestamp desc ) rank_OutofPocket_Percent,
rank() over(partition by Transaction_ID order by case when mqp.OutofPock_Amount is not null then 1 end, approximate_arrival_timestamp  desc )  rank_OutofPock_Amount,
rank() over(partition by Transaction_ID order by case when mqp.OutofPocket_Max is not null then 1 end, approximate_arrival_timestamp desc ) rank_OutofPocket_Max,
rank() over(partition by Transaction_ID order by case when mqp.Provider is not null then 1 end, approximate_arrival_timestamp  desc ) rank_Provider,
rank() over(partition by Transaction_ID order by case when mqp.Completion_DateTime is not null then 1 end, approximate_arrival_timestamp desc )  rank_Completion_DateTime
from mv_demo_super_unnest mqp
where upper(mqp.event_Name) <> 'REMOVE' and mqp.approximate_arrival_timestamp > (select mde.EndDate from MetaData_ETL mde where mde.JobName = 'Customer_Transaction_Fact_Load') 
) m
group by m.Transaction_ID 
order by m.Transaction_ID

--Delete only impacted Transaction_ID from Fact table
delete from Customer_Transaction_Fact  
where Transaction_ID in ( select mqp.Transaction_ID from Customer_Transaction_Fact_Stg mqp);

--Insert latest records from staging table to Fact table
insert into Customer_Transaction_Fact
select * from Customer_Transaction_Fact_Stg; 

--Update metadata audit table entry to indicate that the fact load process is completed
update MetaData_ETL
set status = 'Complete',
EndDate = getdate()
where JobName = 'Customer_Transaction_Fact_Load';
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Additional considerations for implementation

There are several additional capabilities that you could utilize to modify this solution to meet your needs. Many customers utilize multiple AWS accounts, and it’s common that the Kinesis data stream may be in a different AWS account than the Amazon Redshift data warehouse. If this is the case, you can utilize an Amazon Redshift IAM role that assumes a role in the Kinesis data stream AWS account in order to read from the data stream. For more information, refer to Cross-account streaming ingestion for Amazon Redshift.

Another common use case is that you need to schedule the refresh of your Amazon Redshift data warehouse jobs so that the data warehouse’s data is continuously updated. To do this, you can utilize Amazon EventBridge to schedule the jobs in your data warehouse to run on a regular basis. For more information, refer to Creating an Amazon EventBridge rule that runs on a schedule. Another option is to use Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2 to schedule the refresh. For details, refer to Scheduling a query with query editor v2.

If you have a requirement to load data from a DynamoDB table with existing data, refer to Loading data from DynamoDB into Amazon Redshift.

For more information on Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion capabilities, refer to Real-time analytics with Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion.

Clean up

To avoid unnecessary charges, clean up any resources that you built as part of this architecture that are no longer in use. This includes dropping the materialized view, stored procedure, external schema, and tables created as part of this post. Additionally, make sure you delete the DynamoDB table and delete the Kinesis data stream.


After following the solution in this post, you’re now able to build near-real-time analytics using Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion. We showed how you can ingest data from a DynamoDB source table using a Kinesis data stream in order to refresh your Amazon Redshift data warehouse. With the capabilities presented in this post, you should be able to increase the refresh rate of your Amazon Redshift data warehouse in order to provide the most up-to-date data in your data warehouse for your use case.

About the authors

Poulomi Dasgupta is a Senior Analytics Solutions Architect with AWS. She is passionate about helping customers build cloud-based analytics solutions to solve their business problems. Outside of work, she likes travelling and spending time with her family.

Matt Nispel is an Enterprise Solutions Architect at AWS. He has more than 10 years of experience building cloud architectures for large enterprise companies. At AWS, Matt helps customers rearchitect their applications to take full advantage of the cloud. Matt lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and in his free time enjoys spending time with friends and family.

Dan Dressel is a Senior Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. He is passionate about databases, analytics, machine learning, and architecting solutions. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with family, nature walking, and playing foosball.

Improved scalability and resiliency for Amazon EMR on EC2 clusters

Post Syndicated from Ravi Kumar Singh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/improved-scalability-and-resiliency-for-amazon-emr-on-ec2-clusters/

Amazon EMR is the cloud big data solution for petabyte-scale data processing, interactive analytics, and machine learning using open-source frameworks such as Apache Spark, Apache Hive, and Presto. Customers asked us for features that would further improve the resiliency and scalability of their Amazon EMR on EC2 clusters, including their large, long-running clusters. We have been hard at work to meet those needs. Over the past 12 months, we have worked backward from customer requirements and launched over 30 new features that improve the resiliency and scalability of your Amazon EMR on EC2 clusters. This post covers some of these key enhancements across three main areas:

  • Improved cluster utilization with optimized scaling experience
  • Minimized interruptions with enhanced resiliency and availability
  • Improved cluster resiliency with upgraded logging and debugging capabilities

Let’s dive into each of these areas.

Improved cluster utilization with optimized scaling experience

Customers use Amazon EMR to run diverse analytics workloads with varying SLAs, ranging from near-real-time streaming jobs to exploratory interactive workloads and everything in between. To cater to these dynamic workloads, you can resize your clusters either manually or by enabling automatic scaling. You can also use the Amazon EMR managed scaling feature to automatically resize your clusters for optimal performance at the lowest possible cost. To ensure swift cluster resizes, we implemented multiple improvements that are available in the latest Amazon EMR releases:

  • Enhanced resiliency of cluster scaling workflow to EC2 Spot Instance interruptions – Many Amazon EMR customers use EC2 Spot Instances for their Amazon EMR on EC2 clusters to reduce costs. Spot Instances are spare Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) compute capacity offered at discounts of up to 90% compared to On-Demand pricing. However, Amazon EC2 can reclaim Spot capacity with a two-minute warning, which can lead to interruptions in workload. We identified an issue where the cluster’s scaling operation gets stuck when over a hundred core nodes launched on Spot Instances are reclaimed by Amazon EC2 throughout the life of the cluster. Starting with Amazon EMR version 6.8.0, we mitigated this issue by fixing a gap in the process HDFS uses to decommission nodes that caused the scaling operations to get stuck. We contributed this improvement back to the open-source community, enabling seamless recovery and efficient scaling in the event of Spot interruptions.
  • Improve cluster utilization by recommissioning recently decommissioned nodes for Spark workloads within seconds – Amazon EMR allows you to scale down your cluster without affecting your workload by gracefully decommissioning core and task nodes. Furthermore, to prevent task failures, Apache Spark ensures that decommissioning nodes are not assigned any new tasks. However, if a new job is submitted immediately before these nodes are fully decommissioned, Amazon EMR will trigger a scale-up operation for the cluster. This results in these decommissioning nodes to be immediately recommissioned and added back into the cluster. Due to a gap in Apache Spark’s recommissioning logic, these recommissioned nodes would not accept new Spark tasks for up to 60 minutes. We enhanced the recommissioning logic, which ensures recommissioned nodes would start accepting new tasks within seconds, thereby improving cluster utilization. This improvement is available in Amazon EMR release 6.11 and higher.
  • Minimized cluster scaling interruptions due to disk over-utilization – The YARN ResourceManager exclude file is a key component of Apache Hadoop that Amazon EMR uses to centrally manage cluster resources for multiple data-processing frameworks. This exclude file contains a list of nodes to be removed from the cluster to facilitate a cluster scale-down operation. With Amazon EMR release 6.11.0, we improved the cluster scaling workflow to reduce scale-down failures. This improvement minimizes failures due to partial updates or corruption in the exclude file caused by low disk space. Additionally, we built a robust file recovery mechanism to restore the exclude file in case of corruption, ensuring uninterrupted cluster scaling operations.

Minimized interruptions with enhanced resiliency and availability

Amazon EMR offers high availability and fault tolerance for your big data workloads. Let’s look at a few key improvements we launched in this area:

  • Improved fault tolerance to hardware reconfiguration – Amazon EMR offers the flexibility to decouple storage and compute. We observed that customers often increase the size of or add incremental block-level storage to their EC2 instances as their data processing volume and concurrency grow. Starting with Amazon EMR release 6.11.0, we made the EMR cluster’s local storage file system more resilient to unpredictable instance reconfigurations such as instance restarts. By addressing scenarios where an instant restart could result in the block storage device name to change, we eliminated the risk of the cluster becoming inoperable or losing data.
  • Reduce cluster startup time for Kerberos-enabled EMR clusters with long-running bootstrap actions – Multiple customers use Kerberos for authentication and run long-running bootstrap actions on their EMR clusters. In Amazon EMR 6.9.0 and higher releases, we fixed a timing sequence mismatch issue that occurs between Apache BigTop and the Amazon EMR on EC2 cluster startup sequence. This timing sequence mismatch occurs when a system attempts to perform two or more operations at the same time instead of doing them in the proper sequence. This issue caused certain cluster configurations to experience instance startup timeouts. We contributed a fix to the open-source community and made additional improvements to the Amazon EMR startup sequence to prevent this condition, resulting in cluster start time improvements of up to 200% for such clusters.

Improved cluster resiliency with upgraded logging and debugging capabilities

Effective log management is essential to ensure log availability and maintain the health of EMR clusters. This becomes especially critical when you’re running multiple custom client tools and third-party applications on your Amazon EMR on EC2 clusters. Customers depend on EMR logs, in addition to EMR events, to monitor cluster and workload health, troubleshoot urgent issues, simplify security audit, and enhance compliance. Let’s look at a few key enhancements we made in this area:

  • Upgraded on-cluster log management daemon – Amazon EMR now automatically restarts the log management daemon if it’s interrupted. The Amazon EMR on-cluster log management daemon archives logs to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and deletes them from instance storage. This minimizes cluster failures due to disk over-utilization, while allowing the log files to remain accessible even after the cluster or node stops. This upgrade is available in Amazon EMR release 6.10.0 and higher. For more information, see Configure cluster logging and debugging.
  • Enhanced cluster stability with improved log rotation and monitoring – Many of our customers have long-running clusters that have been operating for years. Some open-source application logs such as Hive and Kerberos logs that are never rotated can continue to grow on these long-running clusters. This could lead to disk over-utilization and eventually result in cluster failures. We enabled log rotation for such log files to minimize disk, memory, and CPU over-utilization scenarios. Furthermore, we expanded our log monitoring to include additional log folders. These changes, available starting with Amazon EMR version 6.10.0, minimize situations where EMR cluster resources are over-utilized, while ensuring log files are archived to Amazon S3 for a wider variety of use cases.


In this post, we highlighted the improvements that we made in Amazon EMR on EC2 with the goal to make your EMR clusters more resilient and stable. We focused on improving cluster utilization with the improved and optimized scaling experience for EMR workloads, minimized interruptions with enhanced resiliency and availability for Amazon EMR on EC2 clusters, and improved cluster resiliency with upgraded logging and debugging capabilities. We will continue to deliver further enhancements with new Amazon EMR releases. We invite you to try new features and capabilities in the latest Amazon EMR releases and get in touch with us through your AWS account team to share your valuable feedback and comments. To learn more and get started with Amazon EMR, check out the tutorial Getting started with Amazon EMR.

About the Authors

Ravi Kumar is a Senior Product Manager for Amazon EMR at Amazon Web Services.

Kevin Wikant is a Software Development Engineer for Amazon EMR at Amazon Web Services.

End-to-end development lifecycle for data engineers to build a data integration pipeline using AWS Glue

Post Syndicated from Noritaka Sekiyama original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/end-to-end-development-lifecycle-for-data-engineers-to-build-a-data-integration-pipeline-using-aws-glue/

Data is a key enabler for your business. Many AWS customers have integrated their data across multiple data sources using AWS Glue, a serverless data integration service, in order to make data-driven business decisions. To grow the power of data at scale for the long term, it’s highly recommended to design an end-to-end development lifecycle for your data integration pipelines. The following are common asks from our customers:

  • Is it possible to develop and test AWS Glue data integration jobs on my local laptop?
  • Are there recommended approaches to provisioning components for data integration?
  • How can we build a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline for our data integration pipeline?
  • What is the best practice to move from a pre-production environment to production?

To tackle these asks, this post defines the development lifecycle for data integration and demonstrates how software engineers and data engineers can design an end-to-end development lifecycle using AWS Glue, including development, testing, and CI/CD, using a sample baseline template.

End-to-end development lifecycle for a data integration pipeline

Today, it’s common to define not only data integration jobs but also all the data components in code. This means that you can rely on standard software best practices to build your data integration pipeline. The software development lifecycle on AWS defines the following six phases: Plan, Design, Implement, Test, Deploy, and Maintain.

In this section, we discuss each phase in the context of data integration pipeline.


In the planning phase, developers collect requirements from stakeholders such as end-users to define a data requirement. This could be what the use cases are (for example, ad hoc queries, dashboard, or troubleshooting), how much data to process (for example, 1 TB per day), what kinds of data, how many different data sources to pull from, how much data latency to accept to make it queryable (for example, 15 minutes), and so on.


In the design phase, you analyze requirements and identify the best solution to build the data integration pipeline. In AWS, you need to choose the right services to achieve the goal and come up with the architecture by integrating those services and defining dependencies between components. For example, you may choose AWS Glue jobs as a core component for loading data from different sources, including Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), then integrating them and preprocessing and enriching data. Then you may want to chain multiple AWS Glue jobs and orchestrate them. Finally, you may want to use Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight to present the enriched data to end-users.


In the implementation phase, data engineers code the data integration pipeline. They analyze the requirements to identify coding tasks to achieve the final result. The code includes the following:

  • AWS resource definition
  • Data integration logic

When using AWS Glue, you can define the data integration logic in a job script, which can be written in Python or Scala. You can use your preferred IDE to implement AWS resource definition using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) or AWS CloudFormation, and also the business logic of AWS Glue job scripts for data integration. To learn more about how to implement your AWS Glue job scripts locally, refer to Develop and test AWS Glue version 3.0 and 4.0 jobs locally using a Docker container.


In the testing phase, you check the implementation for bugs. Quality analysis includes testing the code for errors and checking if it meets the requirements. Because many teams immediately test the code you write, the testing phase often runs parallel to the development phase. There are different types of testing:

  • Unit testing
  • Integration testing
  • Performance testing

For unit testing, even for data integration, you can rely on a standard testing framework such as pytest and ScalaTest. To learn more about how to achieve unit testing locally, refer to Develop and test AWS Glue version 3.0 and 4.0 jobs locally using a Docker container.


When data engineers develop a data integration pipeline, you code and test on a different copy of the product than the one that the end-users have access to. The environment that end-users use is called production, whereas other copies are said to be in the development or the pre-production environment.

Having separate build and production environments ensures that you can continue to use the data integration pipeline even while it’s being changed or upgraded. The deployment phase includes several tasks to move the latest build copy to the production environment, such as packaging, environment configuration, and installation.

The following components are deployed through the AWS CDK or AWS CloudFormation:

  • AWS resources
  • Data integration job scripts for AWS Glue

AWS CodePipeline helps you to build a mechanism to automate deployments among different environments, including development, pre-production, and production. When you commit your code to AWS CodeCommit, CodePipeline automatically provisions AWS resources based on the CloudFormation templates included in the commit and uploads script files included in the commit to Amazon S3.


Even after you deploy your solution to a production environment, it’s not the end of your project. You need to monitor the data integration pipeline continuously and keep maintaining and improving it. More specifically, you also need to fix bugs, resolve customer issues, and manage software changes. In addition, you need to monitor the overall system performance, security, and user experience to identify new ways to improve the existing data integration pipeline.

Solution overview

Typically, you have multiple accounts to manage and provision resources for your data pipeline. In this post, we assume the following three accounts:

  • Pipeline account – This hosts the end-to-end pipeline
  • Dev account – This hosts the integration pipeline in the development environment
  • Prod account – This hosts the data integration pipeline in the production environment

If you want, you can use the same account and the same Region for all three.

To start applying this end-to-end development lifecycle model to your data platform easily and quickly, we prepared the baseline template aws-glue-cdk-baseline using the AWS CDK. The template is built on top of AWS CDK v2 and CDK Pipelines. It provisions two kinds of stacks:

  • AWS Glue app stack – This provisions the data integration pipeline: one in the dev account and one in the prod account
  • Pipeline stack – This provisions the Git repository and CI/CD pipeline in the pipeline account

The AWS Glue app stack provisions the data integration pipeline, including the following resources:

  • AWS Glue jobs
  • AWS Glue job scripts

The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

At the time of publishing of this post, the AWS CDK has two versions of the AWS Glue module: @aws-cdk/aws-glue and @aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha, containing L1 constructs and L2 constructs, respectively. The sample AWS Glue app stack is defined using aws-glue-alpha, the L2 construct for AWS Glue, because it’s straightforward to define and manage AWS Glue resources. If you want to use the L1 construct, refer to Build, Test and Deploy ETL solutions using AWS Glue and AWS CDK based CI/CD pipelines.

The pipeline stack provisions the entire CI/CD pipeline, including the following resources:

The following diagram illustrates the pipeline workflow.

Every time the business requirement changes (such as adding data sources or changing data transformation logic), you make changes on the AWS Glue app stack and re-provision the stack to reflect your changes. This is done by committing your changes in the AWS CDK template to the CodeCommit repository, then CodePipeline reflects the changes on AWS resources using CloudFormation change sets.

In the following sections, we present the steps to set up the required environment and demonstrate the end-to-end development lifecycle.


You need the following resources:

Initialize the project

To initialize the project, complete the following steps:

  1. Clone the baseline template to your workplace:
    $ git clone [email protected]:aws-samples/aws-glue-cdk-baseline.git
    $ cd aws-glue-cdk-baseline.git

  2. Create a Python virtual environment specific to the project on the client machine:
    $ python3 -m venv .venv

We use a virtual environment in order to isolate the Python environment for this project and not install software globally.

  1. Activate the virtual environment according to your OS:
    • On MacOS and Linux, use the following command:
      $ source .venv/bin/activate

    • On a Windows platform, use the following command:
      % .venv\Scripts\activate.bat

After this step, the subsequent steps run within the bounds of the virtual environment on the client machine and interact with the AWS account as needed.

  1. Install the required dependencies described in requirements.txt to the virtual environment:
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
    $ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

  2. Edit the configuration file default-config.yaml based on your environments (replace each account ID with your own):
    awsAccountId: 123456789101
    awsRegion: us-east-1
    awsAccountId: 123456789102
    awsRegion: us-east-1
    awsAccountId: 123456789103
    awsRegion: us-east-1

  3. Run pytest to initialize the snapshot test files by running the following command:
    $ python3 -m pytest --snapshot-update

Bootstrap your AWS environments

Run the following commands to bootstrap your AWS environments:

  1. In the pipeline account, replace PIPELINE-ACCOUNT-NUMBER, REGION, and PIPELINE-PROFILE with your own values:
    $ cdk bootstrap aws://<PIPELINE-ACCOUNT-NUMBER>/<REGION> --profile <PIPELINE-PROFILE> \
    --cloudformation-execution-policies arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess

  2. In the dev account, replace PIPELINE-ACCOUNT-NUMBER, DEV-ACCOUNT-NUMBER, REGION, and DEV-PROFILE with your own values:
    $ cdk bootstrap aws://<DEV-ACCOUNT-NUMBER>/<REGION> --profile <DEV-PROFILE> \
    --cloudformation-execution-policies arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess \

  3. In the prod account, replace PIPELINE-ACCOUNT-NUMBER, PROD-ACCOUNT-NUMBER, REGION, and PROD-PROFILE with your own values:
    $ cdk bootstrap aws://<PROD-ACCOUNT-NUMBER>/<REGION> --profile <PROD-PROFILE> \
    --cloudformation-execution-policies arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess \

When you use only one account for all environments, you can just run the cdk bootstrap command one time.

Deploy your AWS resources

Run the command using the pipeline account to deploy the resources defined in the AWS CDK baseline template:

$ cdk deploy --profile <PIPELINE-PROFILE>

This creates the pipeline stack in the pipeline account and the AWS Glue app stack in the development account.

When the cdk deploy command is completed, let’s verify the pipeline using the pipeline account.

On the CodePipeline console, navigate to GluePipeline. Then verify that GluePipeline has the following stages: Source, Build, UpdatePipeline, Assets, DeployDev, and DeployProd. Also verify that the stages Source, Build, UpdatePipeline, Assets, DeployDev have succeeded, and DeployProd is pending. It can take about 15 minutes.

Now that the pipeline has been created successfully, you can also verify the AWS Glue app stack resource on the AWS CloudFormation console in the dev account.

At this step, the AWS Glue app stack is deployed only in the dev account. You can try to run the AWS Glue job ProcessLegislators to see how it works.

Configure your Git repository with CodeCommit

In an earlier step, you cloned the Git repository from GitHub. Although it’s possible to configure the AWS CDK template to work with GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, or Bitbucket, for this post, we use CodeCommit. If you prefer those third-party Git providers, configure the connections and edit pipeline_stack.py to define the variable source to use the target Git provider using CodePipelineSource.

Because you already ran the cdk deploy command, the CodeCommit repository has already been created with all the required code and related files. The first step is to set up access to CodeCommit. The next step is to clone the repository from the CodeCommit repository to your local. Run the following commands:

$ mkdir aws-glue-cdk-baseline-codecommit
$ cd aws-glue-cdk-baseline-codecommit
$ git clone ssh://git-codecommit.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/aws-glue-cdk-baseline

In the next step, we make changes in this local copy of the CodeCommit repository.

End-to-end development lifecycle

Now that the environment has been successfully created, you’re ready to start developing a data integration pipeline using this baseline template. Let’s walk through end-to-end development lifecycle.

When you want to define your own data integration pipeline, you need to add more AWS Glue jobs and implement job scripts. For this post, let’s assume the use case to add a new AWS Glue job with a new job script to read multiple S3 locations and join them.

Implement and test in your local environment

First, implement and test the AWS Glue job and its job script in your local environment using Visual Studio Code.

Set up your development environment by following the steps in Develop and test AWS Glue version 3.0 and 4.0 jobs locally using a Docker container. The following steps are required in the context of this post:

  1. Start Docker.
  2. Pull the Docker image that has the local development environment using the AWS Glue ETL library:
    $ docker pull public.ecr.aws/glue/aws-glue-libs:glue_libs_4.0.0_image_01

  3. Run the following command to define the AWS named profile name:

  4. Run the following command to make it available with the baseline template:
    $ cd aws-glue-cdk-baseline/

  5. Run the Docker container:
    $ docker run -it -v ~/.aws:/home/glue_user/.aws -v $WORKSPACE_LOCATION:/home/glue_user/workspace/ -e AWS_PROFILE=$PROFILE_NAME -e DISABLE_SSL=true 
    --rm -p 4040:4040 -p 18080:18080 
    --name glue_pyspark public.ecr.aws/glue/aws-glue-libs:glue_libs_4.0.0_image_01 pyspark

  6. Start Visual Studio Code.
  7. Choose Remote Explorer in the navigation pane, then choose the arrow icon of the workspace folder in the container public.ecr.aws/glue/aws-glue-libs:glue_libs_4.0.0_image_01.

If the workspace folder is not shown, choose Open folder and select /home/glue_user/workspace.

Then you will see a view similar to the following screenshot.

Optionally, you can install AWS Tool Kit for Visual Studio Code, and start Amazon CodeWhisperer to enable code recommendations powered by machine learning model. For example, in aws_glue_cdk_baseline/job_scripts/process_legislators.py, you can put comments like “# Write a DataFrame in Parquet format to S3”, press Enter key, then CodeWhisperer will recommend a code snippet similar to the following:

CodeWhisperer on Visual Studio Code

Now you install the required dependencies described in requirements.txt to the container environment.

  1. Run the following commands in the terminal in Visual Studio Code:
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
    $ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

  2. Implement the code.

Now let’s make the required changes for a new AWS Glue job here.

  1. Edit the file aws_glue_cdk_baseline/glue_app_stack.py. Let’s add the following new code block after the existing job definition of ProcessLegislators in order to add the new AWS Glue job JoinLegislators:
            self.new_glue_job = glue.Job(self, "JoinLegislators",
                        path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "job_scripts/join_legislators.py")
                description="a new example PySpark job",
                    "--input_path_orgs": config[stage]['jobs']['JoinLegislators']['inputLocationOrgs'],
                    "--input_path_persons": config[stage]['jobs']['JoinLegislators']['inputLocationPersons'],
                    "--input_path_memberships": config[stage]['jobs']['JoinLegislators']['inputLocationMemberships']
                    "environment": self.environment,
                    "artifact_id": self.artifact_id,
                    "stack_id": self.stack_id,
                    "stack_name": self.stack_name

Here, you added three job parameters for different S3 locations using the variable config. It is the dictionary generated from default-config.yaml. In this baseline template, we use this central config file for managing parameters for all the Glue jobs in the structure <stage name>/jobs/<job name>/<parameter name>. In the proceeding steps, you provide those locations through the AWS Glue job parameters.

  1. Create a new job script called aws_glue_cdk_baseline/job_scripts/join_legislators.py:
    import sys
    from pyspark.context import SparkContext
    from awsglue.context import GlueContext
    from awsglue.job import Job
    from awsglue.transforms import Join
    from awsglue.utils import getResolvedOptions
    class JoinLegislators:
        def __init__(self):
            params = []
            if '--JOB_NAME' in sys.argv:
            args = getResolvedOptions(sys.argv, params)
            self.context = GlueContext(SparkContext.getOrCreate())
            self.job = Job(self.context)
            if 'JOB_NAME' in args:
                jobname = args['JOB_NAME']
                self.input_path_orgs = args['input_path_orgs']
                self.input_path_persons = args['input_path_persons']
                self.input_path_memberships = args['input_path_memberships']
                jobname = "test"
                self.input_path_orgs = "s3://awsglue-datasets/examples/us-legislators/all/organizations.json"
                self.input_path_persons = "s3://awsglue-datasets/examples/us-legislators/all/persons.json"
                self.input_path_memberships = "s3://awsglue-datasets/examples/us-legislators/all/memberships.json"
            self.job.init(jobname, args)
        def run(self):
            dyf = join_legislators(self.context, self.input_path_orgs, self.input_path_persons, self.input_path_memberships)
            df = dyf.toDF()
    def read_dynamic_frame_from_json(glue_context, path):
        return glue_context.create_dynamic_frame.from_options(
                'paths': [path],
                'recurse': True
    def join_legislators(glue_context, path_orgs, path_persons, path_memberships):
        orgs = read_dynamic_frame_from_json(glue_context, path_orgs)
        persons = read_dynamic_frame_from_json(glue_context, path_persons)
        memberships = read_dynamic_frame_from_json(glue_context, path_memberships)
        orgs = orgs.drop_fields(['other_names', 'identifiers']).rename_field('id', 'org_id').rename_field('name', 'org_name')
        dynamicframe_joined = Join.apply(orgs, Join.apply(persons, memberships, 'id', 'person_id'), 'org_id', 'organization_id').drop_fields(['person_id', 'org_id'])
        return dynamicframe_joined
    if __name__ == '__main__':

  2. Create a new unit test script for the new AWS Glue job called aws_glue_cdk_baseline/job_scripts/tests/test_join_legislators.py:
    import pytest
    import sys
    import join_legislators
    from pyspark.context import SparkContext
    from awsglue.context import GlueContext
    from awsglue.job import Job
    from awsglue.utils import getResolvedOptions
    @pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True)
    def glue_context():
        args = getResolvedOptions(sys.argv, ['JOB_NAME'])
        context = GlueContext(SparkContext.getOrCreate())
        job = Job(context)
        job.init(args['JOB_NAME'], args)
    def test_counts(glue_context):
        dyf = join_legislators.join_legislators(glue_context, 
        assert dyf.toDF().count() == 10439

  3. In default-config.yaml, add the following under prod and dev:
          inputLocationOrgs: "s3://awsglue-datasets/examples/us-legislators/all/organizations.json"
          inputLocationPersons: "s3://awsglue-datasets/examples/us-legislators/all/persons.json"
          inputLocationMemberships: "s3://awsglue-datasets/examples/us-legislators/all/memberships.json"

  4. Add the following under "jobs" in the variable config in tests/unit/test_glue_app_stack.py, tests/unit/test_pipeline_stack.py, and tests/snapshot/test_snapshot_glue_app_stack.py (no need to replace S3 locations):
                "JoinLegislators": {
                    "inputLocationOrgs": "s3://path_to_data_orgs",
                    "inputLocationPersons": "s3://path_to_data_persons",
                    "inputLocationMemberships": "s3://path_to_data_memberships"

  5. Choose Run at the top right to run the individual job scripts.

If the Run button is not shown, install Python into the container through Extensions in the navigation pane.

  1. For local unit testing, run the following command in the terminal in Visual Studio Code:
    $ cd aws_glue_cdk_baseline/job_scripts/
    $ python3 -m pytest

Then you can verify that the newly added unit test passed successfully.

  1. Run pytest to initialize the snapshot test files by running following command:
    $ cd ../../
    $ python3 -m pytest --snapshot-update

Deploy to the development environment

Complete following steps to deploy the AWS Glue app stack to the development environment and run integration tests there:

  1. Set up access to CodeCommit.
  2. Commit and push your changes to the CodeCommit repo:
    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "Add the second Glue job"
    $ git push

You can see that the pipeline is successfully triggered.

Integration test

There is nothing required for running the integration test for the newly added AWS Glue job. The integration test script integ_test_glue_app_stack.py runs all the jobs including a specific tag, then verifies the state and its duration. If you want to change the condition or the threshold, you can edit assertions at the end of the integ_test_glue_job method.

Deploy to the production environment

Complete the following steps to deploy the AWS Glue app stack to the production environment:

  1. On the CodePipeline console, navigate to GluePipeline.
  2. Choose Review under the DeployProd stage.
  3. Choose Approve.

Wait for the DeployProd stage to complete, then you can verify the AWS Glue app stack resource in the dev account.

Clean up

To clean up your resources, complete following steps:

  1. Run the following command using the pipeline account:
    $ cdk destroy --profile <PIPELINE-PROFILE>

  2. Delete the AWS Glue app stack in the dev account and prod account.


In this post, you learned how to define the development lifecycle for data integration and how software engineers and data engineers can design an end-to-end development lifecycle using AWS Glue, including development, testing, and CI/CD, through a sample AWS CDK template. You can get started building your own end-to-end development lifecycle for your workload using AWS Glue.

About the author

Noritaka Sekiyama is a Principal Big Data Architect on the AWS Glue team. He works based in Tokyo, Japan. He is responsible for building software artifacts to help customers. In his spare time, he enjoys cycling with his road bike.

Build data integration jobs with AI companion on AWS Glue Studio notebook powered by Amazon CodeWhisperer

Post Syndicated from Noritaka Sekiyama original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/build-data-integration-jobs-with-ai-companion-on-aws-glue-studio-notebook-powered-by-amazon-codewhisperer/

Data is essential for businesses to make informed decisions, improve operations, and innovate. Integrating data from different sources can be a complex and time-consuming process. AWS offers AWS Glue to help you integrate your data from multiple sources on serverless infrastructure for analysis, machine learning (ML), and application development. AWS Glue provides different authoring experiences for you to build data integration jobs. One of the most common options is the notebook. Data scientists tend to run queries interactively and retrieve results immediately to author data integration jobs. This interactive experience can accelerate building data integration pipelines.

Recently, AWS announced general availability of Amazon CodeWhisperer. Amazon CodeWhisperer is an AI coding companion that uses foundational models under the hood to improve developer productivity. This works by generating code suggestions in real time based on developers’ comments in natural language and prior code in their integrated development environment (IDE). AWS also announced the Amazon CodeWhisperer Jupyter extension to help Jupyter users by generating real-time, single-line, or full-function code suggestions for Python notebooks on Jupyter Lab and Amazon SageMaker Studio.

Today, we are excited to announce that AWS Glue Studio notebooks now support Amazon CodeWhisperer for AWS Glue users to improve your experience and help boost development productivity. Now, in your Glue Studio notebook, you can write a comment in natural language (in English) that outlines a specific task, such as “Create a Spark DataFrame from a json file.”. Based on this information, CodeWhisperer recommends one or more code snippets directly in the notebook that can accomplish the task. You can quickly accept the top suggestion, view more suggestions, or continue writing your own code.

This post demonstrates how the user experience on AWS Glue Studio notebook has been changed with the Amazon CodeWhisperer integration.


Before going forward with this tutorial, you need to complete the following prerequisites:

  1. Set up AWS Glue Studio.
  2. Configure an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to interact with Amazon CodeWhisperer. Attach the following policy to your IAM role for the AWS Glue Studio notebook:
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Sid": "CodeWhispererPermissions",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*"

Getting Started

Let’s get started. Create a new AWS Glue Studio notebook job by completing the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose Notebooks under ETL jobs in the navigation pane.
  2. Select Jupyter Notebook and choose Create.
  3. For Job name, enter codewhisperer-demo.
  4. For IAM Role, select your IAM role that you configured as a prerequisite.
  5. Choose Start notebook.

A new notebook is created with sample cells.

At the bottom, there is a menu named CodeWhisperer. By choosing this menu, you can see the shortcuts and several options, including disabling auto-suggestions.

Let’s try your first recommendation by Amazon CodeWhisperer. Note that this post contains examples of recommendations, but you may see different code snippets recommended by Amazon CodeWhisperer.

Add a new cell and enter your comment to describe what you want to achieve. After you press Enter, the recommended code is shown.

If you press Tab, then code is chosen. If you press arrow keys, then you can select other recommendations. You can learn more in User actions.

Now let’s read a JSON file from Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Enter the following code comment into a notebook cell and press Enter:

# Create a Spark DataFrame from a json file

CodeWhisperer will recommend a code snippet similar to the following:

def create_spark_df_from_json(spark, file_path):
    return spark.read.json(file_path)

Now use this method to utilize the suggested code snippet:

df = create_spark_df_from_json(spark, "s3://awsglue-datasets/examples/us-legislators/all/persons.json")

The proceeding code returns the following output:

|birth_date|     contact_details|death_date|family_name|gender|given_name|                  id|         identifiers|               image|              images|               links|              name|         other_names|       sort_name|
|1944-10-15|                null|      null|    Collins|  male|   Michael|0005af3a-9471-4d1...|[{C000640, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|       Mac Collins|[{bar, Mac Collin...|Collins, Michael|
|1969-01-31|[{fax, 202-226-07...|      null|   Huizenga|  male|      Bill|00aa2dc0-bfb6-441...|[{Bill Huizenga, ...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|     Bill Huizenga|[{da, Bill Huizen...|  Huizenga, Bill|
|1959-09-28|[{phone, 202-225-...|      null|    Clawson|  male|    Curtis|00aca284-9323-495...|[{C001102, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (comm...|      Curt Clawson|[{bar, Curt Claws...| Clawson, Curtis|
|1930-08-14|                null|2001-10-26|    Solomon|  male|    Gerald|00b73df5-4180-441...|[{S000675, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|    Gerald Solomon|[{null, Gerald B....| Solomon, Gerald|
|1960-05-28|[{fax, 202-225-42...|      null|     Rigell|  male|    Edward|00bee44f-db04-4a7...|[{R000589, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|   E. Scott Rigell|[{null, Scott Rig...|  Rigell, Edward|
|1951-05-20|[{twitter, MikeCr...|      null|      Crapo|  male|   Michael|00f8f12d-6e27-4a2...|[{Mike Crapo, bal...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (da),...|        Mike Crapo|[{da, Mike Crapo,...|  Crapo, Michael|
|1926-05-12|                null|      null|      Hutto|  male|      Earl|015d77c8-6edb-4ed...|[{H001018, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|        Earl Hutto|[{null, Earl Dewi...|     Hutto, Earl|
|1937-11-07|                null|2015-11-19|      Ertel|  male|     Allen|01679bc3-da21-482...|[{E000208, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|       Allen Ertel|[{null, Allen E. ...|    Ertel, Allen|
|1916-09-01|                null|2007-11-24|     Minish|  male|    Joseph|018247d0-2961-423...|[{M000796, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|     Joseph Minish|[{bar, Joseph Min...|  Minish, Joseph|
|1957-08-04|[{phone, 202-225-...|      null|    Andrews|  male|    Robert|01b100ac-192e-4b5...|[{A000210, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...| Robert E. Andrews|[{null, Rob Andre...| Andrews, Robert|
|1957-01-10|[{fax, 202-225-57...|      null|     Walden|  male|      Greg|01bc21bf-8939-487...|[{Greg Walden, ba...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (comm...|       Greg Walden|[{bar, Greg Walde...|    Walden, Greg|
|1919-01-17|                null|1987-11-29|      Kazen|  male|   Abraham|02059c1e-0bdf-481...|[{K000025, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|Abraham Kazen, Jr.|[{null, Abraham K...|  Kazen, Abraham|
|1960-01-11|[{fax, 202-225-67...|      null|     Turner|  male|   Michael|020aa7dd-54ef-435...|[{Michael R. Turn...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (comm...| Michael R. Turner|[{null, Mike Turn...| Turner, Michael|
|1942-06-28|                null|      null|      Kolbe|  male|     James|02141651-eca2-4aa...|[{K000306, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|         Jim Kolbe|[{ca, Jim Kolbe, ...|    Kolbe, James|
|1941-03-08|[{fax, 202-225-79...|      null|  Lowenthal|  male|      Alan|0231c6ef-6e92-49b...|[{Alan Lowenthal,...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...| Alan S. Lowenthal|[{null, Alan Lowe...| Lowenthal, Alan|
|1952-01-09|[{fax, 202-225-93...|      null|    Capuano|  male|   Michael|0239032f-be5c-4af...|[{Michael Capuano...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|Michael E. Capuano|[{null, Mike Capu...|Capuano, Michael|
|1951-10-19|[{fax, 202-225-56...|      null|   Schrader|  male|      Kurt|0263f619-eff8-4e1...|[{Kurt Schrader, ...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|     Kurt Schrader|[{bar, Kurt Schra...|  Schrader, Kurt|
|1947-06-13|[{fax, 202-225-69...|      null|     Nadler|  male|   Jerrold|029e793d-ec40-4a1...|[{N000002, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|    Jerrold Nadler|[{ca, Jerrold Nad...| Nadler, Jerrold|
|1970-02-03|[{fax, 202-225-82...|      null|     Graves|  male|       Tom|02b621fc-0523-449...|[{Tom Graves, bal...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|        Tom Graves|[{bar, Tom Graves...|     Graves, Tom|
|1932-05-09|                null|      null|   McMillan|  male|      John|03018f7c-f866-419...|[{M000566, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|     John McMillan|[{null, Alex McMi...|  McMillan, John|
only showing top 20 rows

As you can see from the result, you can quickly utilize the code snippet recommended by Amazon CodeWhisperer.

Examples of code recommendations

In this section, we provide additional examples of code recommendations. Note that these are just our examples, and different code snippets may be suggested by Amazon CodeWhisperer.

Add a column with a calculation

In extract, transform, and load (ETL) use cases, it’s common to add new columns from existing columns. When we need to add columns to our Spark DataFrame, we can articulate with a high level of detail to Amazon CodeWhisperer what type of column we need added and its respective attributes:

# Add age column to a given person DataFrame
# age is calculated from current date and birth_date. When death_date is not null, then use death_date to calculate age

Amazon CodeWhisperer will recommend a code snippet similar to the following:

def add_age_column(df):
    # Use current date to calculate age
    current_date = current_timestamp()
    # Use birth_date column to calculate age
    df = df.withColumn("age", datediff(current_date, df.birth_date) / 365)
    # Use death_date column to calculate age
    df = df.withColumn("age", when(df.death_date.isNull(), df.age).otherwise(datediff(df.death_date, df.birth_date) / 365))
    return df

It can be utilized as follows:

df = add_age_column(df)

The preceding code returns the following output:

|birth_date|     contact_details|death_date|family_name|gender|given_name|                  id|         identifiers|               image|              images|               links|              name|         other_names|       sort_name|               age|        current_date|
|1944-10-15|                null|      null|    Collins|  male|   Michael|0005af3a-9471-4d1...|[{C000640, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|       Mac Collins|[{bar, Mac Collin...|Collins, Michael| 78.71506849315068|2023-06-14 06:12:...|
|1969-01-31|[{fax, 202-226-07...|      null|   Huizenga|  male|      Bill|00aa2dc0-bfb6-441...|[{Bill Huizenga, ...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|     Bill Huizenga|[{da, Bill Huizen...|  Huizenga, Bill|  54.4027397260274|2023-06-14 06:12:...|
|1959-09-28|[{phone, 202-225-...|      null|    Clawson|  male|    Curtis|00aca284-9323-495...|[{C001102, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (comm...|      Curt Clawson|[{bar, Curt Claws...| Clawson, Curtis| 63.75342465753425|2023-06-14 06:12:...|
|1930-08-14|                null|2001-10-26|    Solomon|  male|    Gerald|00b73df5-4180-441...|[{S000675, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|    Gerald Solomon|[{null, Gerald B....| Solomon, Gerald| 71.24931506849315|2023-06-14 06:12:...|
|1960-05-28|[{fax, 202-225-42...|      null|     Rigell|  male|    Edward|00bee44f-db04-4a7...|[{R000589, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|   E. Scott Rigell|[{null, Scott Rig...|  Rigell, Edward|63.087671232876716|2023-06-14 06:12:...|
|1951-05-20|[{twitter, MikeCr...|      null|      Crapo|  male|   Michael|00f8f12d-6e27-4a2...|[{Mike Crapo, bal...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (da),...|        Mike Crapo|[{da, Mike Crapo,...|  Crapo, Michael| 72.11780821917809|2023-06-14 06:12:...|
|1926-05-12|                null|      null|      Hutto|  male|      Earl|015d77c8-6edb-4ed...|[{H001018, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|        Earl Hutto|[{null, Earl Dewi...|     Hutto, Earl| 97.15616438356165|2023-06-14 06:12:...|
|1937-11-07|                null|2015-11-19|      Ertel|  male|     Allen|01679bc3-da21-482...|[{E000208, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|       Allen Ertel|[{null, Allen E. ...|    Ertel, Allen| 78.08493150684932|2023-06-14 06:12:...|
|1916-09-01|                null|2007-11-24|     Minish|  male|    Joseph|018247d0-2961-423...|[{M000796, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|     Joseph Minish|[{bar, Joseph Min...|  Minish, Joseph|  91.2904109589041|2023-06-14 06:12:...|
|1957-08-04|[{phone, 202-225-...|      null|    Andrews|  male|    Robert|01b100ac-192e-4b5...|[{A000210, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...| Robert E. Andrews|[{null, Rob Andre...| Andrews, Robert|  65.9041095890411|2023-06-14 06:12:...|
|1957-01-10|[{fax, 202-225-57...|      null|     Walden|  male|      Greg|01bc21bf-8939-487...|[{Greg Walden, ba...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (comm...|       Greg Walden|[{bar, Greg Walde...|    Walden, Greg| 66.46849315068494|2023-06-14 06:12:...|
|1919-01-17|                null|1987-11-29|      Kazen|  male|   Abraham|02059c1e-0bdf-481...|[{K000025, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|Abraham Kazen, Jr.|[{null, Abraham K...|  Kazen, Abraham| 68.91232876712328|2023-06-14 06:12:...|
|1960-01-11|[{fax, 202-225-67...|      null|     Turner|  male|   Michael|020aa7dd-54ef-435...|[{Michael R. Turn...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (comm...| Michael R. Turner|[{null, Mike Turn...| Turner, Michael|63.465753424657535|2023-06-14 06:12:...|
|1942-06-28|                null|      null|      Kolbe|  male|     James|02141651-eca2-4aa...|[{K000306, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|         Jim Kolbe|[{ca, Jim Kolbe, ...|    Kolbe, James| 81.01643835616439|2023-06-14 06:12:...|
|1941-03-08|[{fax, 202-225-79...|      null|  Lowenthal|  male|      Alan|0231c6ef-6e92-49b...|[{Alan Lowenthal,...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...| Alan S. Lowenthal|[{null, Alan Lowe...| Lowenthal, Alan| 82.32328767123288|2023-06-14 06:12:...|
|1952-01-09|[{fax, 202-225-93...|      null|    Capuano|  male|   Michael|0239032f-be5c-4af...|[{Michael Capuano...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|Michael E. Capuano|[{null, Mike Capu...|Capuano, Michael| 71.47671232876712|2023-06-14 06:12:...|
|1951-10-19|[{fax, 202-225-56...|      null|   Schrader|  male|      Kurt|0263f619-eff8-4e1...|[{Kurt Schrader, ...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|     Kurt Schrader|[{bar, Kurt Schra...|  Schrader, Kurt|  71.7013698630137|2023-06-14 06:12:...|
|1947-06-13|[{fax, 202-225-69...|      null|     Nadler|  male|   Jerrold|029e793d-ec40-4a1...|[{N000002, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|    Jerrold Nadler|[{ca, Jerrold Nad...| Nadler, Jerrold| 76.05479452054794|2023-06-14 06:12:...|
|1970-02-03|[{fax, 202-225-82...|      null|     Graves|  male|       Tom|02b621fc-0523-449...|[{Tom Graves, bal...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|        Tom Graves|[{bar, Tom Graves...|     Graves, Tom|53.394520547945206|2023-06-14 06:12:...|
|1932-05-09|                null|      null|   McMillan|  male|      John|03018f7c-f866-419...|[{M000566, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|     John McMillan|[{null, Alex McMi...|  McMillan, John| 91.15890410958905|2023-06-14 06:12:...|
only showing top 20 rows

Sort and extract records

You can use Amazon CodeWhisperer for sorting data and extracting records within a Spark DataFrame as well:

# Show top 5 oldest persons from DataFrame
# Use age column

Amazon CodeWhisperer will recommend a code snippet similar to the following:

def get_oldest_person(df):
    return df.orderBy(desc("age")).limit(5)

It can be utilized as follows:


The preceding code returns the following output:

|birth_date|contact_details|death_date|family_name|gender|given_name|                  id|         identifiers|               image|              images|               links|           name|         other_names|      sort_name|               age|        current_date|
|1919-08-22|           null|      null|       Winn|  male|    Edward|942d20ed-d838-436...|[{W000636, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|Larry Winn, Jr.|[{null, Larry Win...|   Winn, Edward|103.88219178082191|2023-06-14 06:13:...|
|1920-03-23|           null|      null|      Smith|  male|      Neal|84a9cbe4-651b-46d...|[{S000596, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|     Neal Smith|[{null, Neal Edwa...|    Smith, Neal| 103.2958904109589|2023-06-14 06:13:...|
|1920-09-17|           null|      null|       Holt|female|  Marjorie|8bfb671a-3147-4bc...|[{H000747, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...|  Marjorie Holt|[{bar, Marjorie H...| Holt, Marjorie| 102.8082191780822|2023-06-14 06:13:...|
|1921-03-05|           null|      null|     Bedell|  male|   Berkley|896f0ce3-afe4-4ea...|[{B000298, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (de),...| Berkley Bedell|[{ca, Berkley Bed...|Bedell, Berkley|102.34520547945205|2023-06-14 06:13:...|
|1921-06-23|           null|      null|    Findley|  male|      Paul|2811f793-1108-4fb...|[{F000123, biogui...|https://theunited...|[{https://theunit...|[{Wikipedia (azb)...|   Paul Findley|[{azb, پاول فایند...|  Findley, Paul|102.04383561643836|2023-06-14 06:13:...|

Generate sample datasets in a Spark DataFrame

Amazon CodeWhisperer is powerful enough to generate sample Spark DataFrames as well, which can be done like so:

# Generate sample Spark DataFrame of country name and country code
# First column name is country_name, and second column name is country_code

Amazon CodeWhisperer will recommend a code snippet similar to the following:

def get_country_code_df(spark):
    return spark.createDataFrame(
        [("United States", "US"), ("United Kingdom", "UK"), ("Canada", "CA")],
        ["country_name", "country_code"]

It can be utilized as follows:

df = get_country_code_df(spark)

The preceding code returns the following output:

|  country_name|country_code|
| United States|          US|
|United Kingdom|          UK|
|        Canada|          CA|

Generate transformations in SQL

We can also use Amazon CodeWhisperer to create a code snippet for transformation in SQL and create a new table from the SQL query results (CTAS) like so:

# Generate CTAS query by selecting all the records in a table with grouping by a given column

Amazon CodeWhisperer will recommend a code snippet similar to following:

def generate_ctas_query_with_group_by(table_name, group_by_col):
    ctas_query = "CREATE TABLE " + table_name + " AS SELECT * FROM " + table_name + " GROUP BY " + group_by_col
    return ctas_query


In this post, we demonstrated how AWS Glue Studio notebook integration with Amazon CodeWhisperer helps you build data integration jobs faster. This integration is available today in US East (N. Virginia). You can start using the AWS Glue Studio notebook with Amazon CodeWhisperer to accelerate building your data integration jobs. To get started with AWS Glue, visit AWS Glue.

Learn more

To learn more about using AWS Glue notebooks and Amazon CodeWhisperer, check out the following video.

About the authors

Noritaka Sekiyama is a Principal Big Data Architect on the AWS Glue team. He works based in Tokyo, Japan. He is responsible for building software artifacts to help customers. In his spare time, he enjoys cycling with his road bike.

Gal blog picGal Heyne is a Product Manager for AWS Glue with a strong focus on AI/ML, data engineering, and BI, and is based in California. She is passionate about developing a deep understanding of customers’ business needs and collaborating with engineers to design easy-to-use data products. In her spare time, she enjoys playing card games.

Configure monitoring, limits, and alarms in Amazon Redshift Serverless to keep costs predictable

Post Syndicated from Satesh Sonti original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/configure-monitoring-limits-and-alarms-in-amazon-redshift-serverless-to-keep-costs-predictable/

Amazon Redshift Serverless makes it simple to run and scale analytics in seconds. It automatically provisions and intelligently scales data warehouse compute capacity to deliver fast performance, and you pay only for what you use. Just load your data and start querying right away in the Amazon Redshift Query Editor or in your favorite business intelligence (BI) tool. Redshift Serverless measures data warehouse capacity in Redshift Processing Units (RPUs), and you can configure base RPUs anywhere between 8–512. You can start with your preferred RPU capacity or defaults and adjust anytime later.

In this post, we share how you can monitor your workloads running on Redshift Serverless through three approaches: the Redshift Serverless console, Amazon CloudWatch, and system views. We also show how to set up guardrails via alerts and limits for Redshift Serverless to keep your costs predictable.

Method 1: Monitor through the Redshift Serverless console

You can view all user queries, including Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements, Data Definition Language (DDL) statements, and Data Control Language (DCL), through the Redshift Serverless console. You can also view the RPU consumption to run these workloads on a single page. You can also apply filters based on time, database, users, and type of queries.

Prerequisites for monitoring access

A superuser has access to monitor all workloads and resource consumption by default. If other users need monitoring access through the Redshift Serverless console, then the superuser can provide necessary access by performing the following steps:

  1. Create a policy with necessary privileges and assign this policy to required users or roles.
  2. Grant query monitoring permission to the user or role.

For more information, refer to Granting access to monitor queries.

Query monitoring

In this section, we walk through the Redshift Serverless console to see query history, database performance, and resource usage. We also go through monitoring options and how to set filters to narrow down results using filter attributes.

  1. On the Redshift Serverless console, under Monitoring in the navigation pane, choose Query and database monitoring.
  2. Open the workgroup you want to monitor.
  3. In the Metric filters section, expand Additional filtering options.
  4. You can set filters for time range, aggregation time interval, database, query category, SQL, and users.

Query and database monitoring

Two tabs are available, Query history and Database performance. Use the Query history tab for obtaining details at a per-query level, and the Database performance tab for reviewing performance aggregated across queries. Both these tabs are filtered based off the selections you made.

Under Query history, you will see the Query runtime graph. Use this graph to look into query concurrency (queries that are running in the same time frame). You can choose a query to view more query run details, for example, queries that took longer to run than you expected.

Query runtime monitoring dashbaord

In the Queries and loads section, you can see all queries by default, but you can also filter by status to view completed, running, and failed queries.

Query history screen

Navigate to the Database Performance tab in the Query and database monitoring section to view the following:

  • Queries completed per second – Average number of queries completed per second
  • Queries duration –Average amount of time to complete a query
  • Database connections – Number of active database connections
  • Running and Queued queries – Total number of running and queued queries at a Resource monitoring

To monitor your resources, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Redshift Serverless console, choose Resource monitoring under Monitoring in the navigation pane.

The default workgroup will be selected by default, but you can choose the workgroup you would like to monitor.

  1. In the Metric filters section, expand Additional filtering options.
  2. Choose a 1-minute time interval (for example) and review the results.

You can also try different ranges to see the results.

Screen to apply metric filters

On the RPU capacity used graph, you can see how Redshift Serverless is able to scale RPUs in a matter of minutes. This gives a visual representation of peaks and lows in your consumption over your chosen period of time.

RPU capacity consumption

You also see the actual compute usage in terms of RPU-seconds for the workload you ran.
RPU Seconds consumed

Method 2: Monitor metrics in CloudWatch

Redshift Serverless publishes serverless endpoint performance metrics to CloudWatch. The Amazon Redshift CloudWatch metrics are data points for operational monitoring. These metrics enable you to monitor performance of your serverless workgroups (compute) and usage of namespaces (data). CloudWatch allows you to centrally monitor your serverless endpoints in one AWS account, or also cross-account and cross-Region.

  • On the CloudWatch console, under Metrics in the navigation pane, choose All metrics.
  • On the Browse tab, choose AWS/Redshift-Serverless to get to a collection of metrics for Redshift Serverless usage.

Redshift Serverless in Amazon CloudWatch

  • Choose Workgroup to view workgroup-related metrics.

Workgroups and Namespaces

From the list, you can check your particular workgroup and the metrics available (in this example, ComputeSeconds and ComputeCapacity). You should see the graph is updated and charting your data.

Redshift Serverless Workgroup Metrics

  • To name the graph, choose the pencil icon next to the graph title and enter a graph name (for example, dataanalytics-serverless), then choose Apply.

Rename CloudWatch Graph

  • On the Browse tab, choose AWS/Redshift-Serverless and choose Namespace this time.
  • Select the namespace you want to monitor and the metrics of interest.

Redshift Serverless Namespace Metrics

You can add additional metrics to your graph. To centralize monitoring, you can add these metrics to an existing CloudWatch dashboard or a new dashboard.

  • On the Actions menu, choose Add to dashboard.

Redshift Serverless Namespace Metrics

Method 3: Granular monitoring using system views

System views in Redshift Serverless are used to monitor workload performance and RPU usage at a granular level over a period of time. These query monitoring system views have been simplified to include monitoring for DDL, DML, COPY, and UNLOAD queries. For a complete list of system views and their uses, refer to Monitoring views.

SQL Notebook

You can download the SQL notebook with most used system views queries. These queries help to answer most frequently asked monitoring questions listed below.

  • How to monitor queries based on status?
  • How to monitor specific query elapsed time breakdown details?
  • How to monitor workload breakdown by query count, and percentile run time?
  • How to monitor detailed steps involved in query execution?
  • How to monitor Redshift serverless usage cost by day?
  • How to monitor data loads (copy commands)?
  • How to monitor number of sessions, and connections?

You can import this in Query Editor V2.0 and run the queries connecting to the Redshift Serverless workgroup you would like to monitor.

Set limits to control costs

When you are creating your serverless endpoint, the base capacity is defaulted to 128 RPUs. However, you can change it at creation time or later via the Redshift Serverless console.

  1. On the details page of your serverless workgroup, choose the Limits tab.
  2. In the Base capacity section, choose Edit.
  3. You can specify Base capacity from 8–512 RPUs, in increments of 8.

Each RPU provides 16 GB memory, so the lowest base 8 RPU is compute with 128 GB memory, and highest base 512 RPU is compute with 8 TB memory.

Edit base RPU capacity

Usage limits

To configure usage capacity limits to limit your overall Redshift Serverless bill, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Usage limits section, choose Manage usage limits.
  2. To control RPU usage, set the maximum RPU-hours by frequency. You can set Frequency to Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.
  3. For Usage limit (RPU hours), enter your preferred value.
  4. For Action, choose Alert, Log to system table, or Turn off user queries.

Set RPU usage limit

Optionally, you can select an existing Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic or create a new SNS topic, and subscribe via email to this SNS topic to be notified when usage limits have been met.

Query monitoring rules for Redshift Serverless

To prevent wasteful resource utilization and runaway costs caused by poorly rewritten queries, you can implement query monitoring rules via query limits on your Redshift Serverless workgroup. For more information, refer to WLM query monitoring rules. The query monitoring rules in Redshift Serverless stop queries that meet the limit that has been set up in the rule. To receive notifications and automate notifications on Slack, refer to Automate notifications on Slack for Amazon Redshift query monitoring rule violations.

To set up query limits, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Redshift Serverless console, choose Workgroup configuration in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose a workgroup to monitor.
  3. On the workgroup details page, under Query monitoring rules, choose Manage query limits.

You can add up to 10 query monitoring rules to each serverless workgroup.

Set query limits

The serverless workgroup will go to a Modifying state each time you add or remove a limit.

Let’s take an example where you have to create a serverless workgroup for your dashboards. You know that dashboard queries typically complete in under a minute. If any dashboard query takes more than a minute, it could indicate a poorly written query or a query that hasn’t been tested well, and has incorrectly been released to production.

For this use case, we set a rule with Limit type as Query execution time and Limit (seconds) as 60.

Set required limit

The following screenshot shows the Redshift Serverless metrics available for setting up query monitoring rules.

Query Monitoring Metrics on CloudWatch

Configure alarms

Alarms are very useful because they enable you to make proactive decisions about your Redshift Serverless endpoint. Any usage limits that you set up will automatically show as alarms on the Redshift Serverless console, and are created as CloudWatch alarms.

Additionally, you can set up one or more CloudWatch alarms on any of the metrics listed in Amazon Redshift Serverless metrics.

For example, setting an alarm for DataStorage over a threshold value would keep track of the storage space that your serverless namespace is using for your data.

To create an alarm for your Redshift Serverless instance, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Redshift Serverless console, under Monitoring in the navigation pane, choose Alarms.
  2. Choose Create alarm.

Set Alarms from console

  1. Choose your level of metrics to monitor:
    • Workgroup
    • Namespace
    • Snapshot storage

If we select Workgroup, we can choose from the workgroup-level metrics shown in the following screenshot.

Workgroup Level Metrics

The following screenshot shows how we can set up alarms at the namespace level along with various metrics that are available to use.

Namespace Level Metrics

The following screenshot shows the metrics available at the snapshot storage level.

Snapshot level metrics

If you are starting new, then please start with most commonly used metrics listed below. Please also Create a billing alarm to monitor your estimated AWS charges.

  • ComputeSeconds
  • ComputeCapacity
  • DatabaseConnections
  • EstimatedCharges
  • DataStorage
  • QueriesFailed


After you define your alarm, provide a name and a description, and choose to enable notifications.

Amazon Redshift uses an SNS topic to send alarm notifications. For instructions to create an SNS topic, refer to Creating an Amazon SNS topic. You must subscribe to the topic to receive the messages published to it. For instructions, refer to Subscribing to an Amazon SNS topic.

You can also monitor event notifications to be aware of the changes in your Redshift Serverless Datawarehouse. Please refer Amazon Redshift Serverless event notifications with Amazon EventBridge for further details.

Clean up

To clean up your resources, delete the workgroup and namespace you used for trying the monitoring approaches discussed in this post.



In this post, we covered how to perform monitoring activities on Redshift Serverless through the Redshift Serverless console, system views, and CloudWatch, and how to keep costs predictable. Try the monitoring approaches discussed in this post and let us know your feedback in the comments.

About the Authors

Satesh Sonti is a Sr. Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect based out of Atlanta, specialized in building enterprise data platforms, data warehousing, and analytics solutions. He has over 17 years of experience in building data assets and leading complex data platform programs for banking and insurance clients across the globe.

Harshida Patel is a Specialist Principal Solutions Architect, Analytics with AWS.

Raghu Kuppala is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect experienced working in the databases, data warehousing, and analytics space. Outside of work, he enjoys trying different cuisines and spending time with his family and friends.

Ashish Agrawal is a Sr. Technical Product Manager with Amazon Redshift, building cloud-based data warehouses and analytics cloud services. Ashish has over 24 years of experience in IT. Ashish has expertise in data warehouses, data lakes, and platform as a service. Ashish has been a speaker at worldwide technical conferences.

Query your Apache Hive metastore with AWS Lake Formation permissions

Post Syndicated from Aarthi Srinivasan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/query-your-apache-hive-metastore-with-aws-lake-formation-permissions/

Apache Hive is a SQL-based data warehouse system for processing highly distributed datasets on the Apache Hadoop platform. There are two key components to Apache Hive: the Hive SQL query engine and the Hive metastore (HMS). The Hive metastore is a repository of metadata about the SQL tables, such as database names, table names, schema, serialization and deserialization information, data location, and partition details of each table. Apache Hive, Apache Spark, Presto, and Trino can all use a Hive Metastore to retrieve metadata to run queries. The Hive metastore can be hosted on an Apache Hadoop cluster or can be backed by a relational database that is external to a Hadoop cluster. Although the Hive metastore stores the metadata of tables, the actual data of the table could be residing on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) of the Hadoop cluster, or any other Hive-supported data stores.

Because Apache Hive was built on top of Apache Hadoop, many organizations have been using the software from the time they have been using Hadoop for big data processing. Also, Hive metastore provides flexible integration with many other open-source big data software like Apache HBase, Apache Spark, Presto, and Apache Impala. Therefore, organizations have come to host huge volumes of metadata of their structured datasets in the Hive metastore. A metastore is a critical part of a data lake, and having this information available, wherever it resides, is important. However, many AWS analytics services don’t integrate natively with the Hive metastore, and therefore, organizations have had to migrate their data to the AWS Glue Data Catalog to use these services.

AWS Lake Formation has launched support for managing user access to Apache Hive metastores through a federated AWS Glue connection. Previously, you could use Lake Formation to manage user permissions on AWS Glue Data Catalog resources only. With the Hive metastore connection from AWS Glue, you can connect to a database in a Hive metastore external to the Data Catalog, map it to a federated database in the Data Catalog, apply Lake Formation permissions on the Hive database and tables, share them with other AWS accounts, and query them using services such as Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, Amazon EMR, and AWS Glue ETL (extract, transform, and load). For additional details on how the Hive metastore integration with Lake Formation works, refer to Managing permissions on datasets that use external metastores.

Use cases for Hive metastore integration with the Data Catalog include the following:

  • An external Apache Hive metastore used for legacy big data workloads like on-premises Hadoop clusters with data in Amazon S3
  • Transient Amazon EMR workloads with underlying data in Amazon S3 and the Hive metastore on Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) clusters.

In this post, we demonstrate how to apply Lake Formation permissions on a Hive metastore database and tables and query them using Athena. We illustrate a cross-account sharing use case, where a Lake Formation steward in producer account A shares a federated Hive database and tables using LF-Tags to consumer account B.

Solution overview

Producer account A hosts an Apache Hive metastore in an EMR cluster, with underlying data in Amazon S3. We launch the AWS Glue Hive metastore connector from AWS Serverless Application Repository in account A and create the Hive metastore connection in account A’s Data Catalog. After we create the HMS connection, we create a database in account A’s Data Catalog (called the federated database) and map it to a database in the Hive metastore using the connection. The tables from the Hive database are then accessible to the Lake Formation admin in account A, just like any other tables in the Data Catalog. The admin continues to set up Lake Formation tag-based access control (LF-TBAC) on the federated Hive database and share it to account B.

The data lake users in account B will access the Hive database and tables of account A, just like querying any other shared Data Catalog resource using Lake Formation permissions.

The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

The solution consists of steps in both accounts. In account A, perform the following steps:

  1. Create an S3 bucket to host the sample data.
  2. Launch an EMR 6.10 cluster with Hive. Download the sample data to the S3 bucket. Create a database and external tables, pointing to the downloaded sample data, in its Hive metastore.
  3. Deploy the application GlueDataCatalogFederation-HiveMetastore from AWS Serverless Application Repository and configure it to use the Amazon EMR Hive metastore. This will create an AWS Glue connection to the Hive metastore that shows up on the Lake Formation console.
  4. Using the Hive metastore connection, create a federated database in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.
  5. Create LF-Tags and associate them to the federated database.
  6. Grant permissions on the LF-Tags to account B. Grant database and table permissions to account B using LF-Tag expressions.

In account B, perform the following steps:

  1. As a data lake admin, review and accept the AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM) invites for the shares from account A.
  2. The data lake admin then sees the shared database and tables. The admin creates a resource link to the database and grants fine-grained permissions to a data analyst in this account.
  3. Both the data lake admin and the data analyst query the Hive tables that are available to them using Athena.

Account A has the following personas:

  • hmsblog-producersteward – Manages the data lake in the producer account A

Account B has the following personas:

  • hmsblog-consumersteward – Manages the data lake in the consumer account B
  • hmsblog-analyst – A data analyst who needs access to selected Hive tables


To follow the tutorial in this post, you need the following:

Lake Formation and AWS CloudFormation setup in account A

To keep the setup simple, we have an IAM admin registered as the data lake admin. Complete the following steps:

  1. Sign into the AWS Management Console and choose the us-west-2 Region.
  2. On the Lake Formation console, under Permissions in the navigation pane, choose Administrative roles and tasks.
  3. Choose Manage Administrators in the Data lake administrators section.
  4. Under IAM users and roles, choose the IAM admin user that you are logged in as and choose Save.
  5. Choose Launch Stack to deploy the CloudFormation template:
  6. Choose Next.
  7. Provide a name for the stack and choose Next.
  8. On the next page, choose Next.
  9. Review the details on the final page and select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources.
  10. Choose Create.

Stack creation takes about 10 minutes. The stack establishes the producer account A setup as follows:

  • Creates an S3 data lake bucket
  • Registers the data lake bucket to Lake Formation with the Enable catalog federation flag
  • Launches an EMR 6.10 cluster with Hive and runs two steps in Amazon EMR:
    • Downloads the sample data from public S3 bucket to the newly created bucket
    • Creates a Hive database and four external tables for the data in Amazon S3, using a HQL script
  • Creates an IAM user (hmsblog-producersteward) and sets this user as Lake Formation administrator
  • Creates LF-Tags (LFHiveBlogCampaignRole = Admin, Analyst)

Review CloudFormation stack output in account A

To review the output of your CloudFormation stack, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the console as the IAM admin user you used earlier to run the CloudFormation template.
  2. Open the CloudFormation console in another browser tab.
  3. Review and note down the stack Outputs tab details.
  4. Choose the link under Value for ProducerStewardCredentials.

This will open the AWS Secrets Manager console.

  1. Choose Retrieve value and note down the credentials of hmsblog-producersteward.

Set up a federated AWS Glue connection in account A

To set up a federated AWS Glue connection, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the AWS Serverless Application Repository console in another browser tab.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Available applications.
  3. Select Show apps that create custom IAM roles or resource policies.
  4. In the search bar, enter Glue.

This will list various applications.

  1. Choose the application named GlueDataCatalogFederation-HiveMetastore.

This will open the AWS Lambda console configuration page for a Lambda function that runs the connector application code.

To configure the Lambda function, you need details of the EMR cluster launched by the CloudFormation stack.

  1. On another tab of your browser, open the Amazon EMR console.
  2. Navigate to the cluster launched for this post and note down the following details from the cluster details page:
    1. Primary node public DNS
    2. Subnet ID
    3. Security group ID of the primary node

  3. Back on the Lambda configuration page, under Review, configure, and deploy, in the Application settings section, provide the following details. Leave the rest as the default values.
    1. For GlueConnectionName, enter hive-metastore-connection.
    2. For HiveMetastoreURIs enter thrift://<Primary-node-public-DNS-of your-EMR>:9083. For example, thrift://ec2-54-70-203-146.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:9083, where 9083 is the Hive metastore port in EMR cluster.
    3. For VPCSecurityGroupIds, enter the security group ID of the EMR primary node.
    4. For VPCSubnetIds, enter the subnet ID of the EMR cluster.
  4. Choose Deploy.

Wait for the Create Completed status of the Lambda application. You can review the details of the Lambda application on the Lambda console.

  1. Open Lake Formation console and in the navigation pane, choose Data sharing.

You should see hive-metastore-connection under Connections.

  1. Choose it and review the details.
  2. In the navigation pane, under Administrative roles and tasks, choose LF-Tags.

You should see the created LF-tag LFHiveBlogCampaignRole with two values: Analyst and Admin.

  1. Choose LF-Tag permissions and choose Grant.
  2. Choose IAM users and roles and enter hmsblog-producersteward.
  3. Under LF-Tags, choose Add LF-Tag.
  4. Enter LFHiveBlogCampaignRole for Key and enter Analyst and Admin for Values.
  5. Under Permissions, select Describe and Associate for LF-Tag permissions and Grantable permissions.
  6. Choose Grant.

This gives LF-Tags permissions for the producer steward.

  1. Log out as the IAM administrator user.

Grant Lake Formation permissions as producer steward

Complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the console as hmsblog-producersteward, using the credentials from the CloudFormation stack Output tab that you noted down earlier.
  2. On the Lake Formation console, in the navigation pane, choose Administrative roles and tasks.
  3. Under Database creators, choose Grant.
  4. Add hmsblog-producersteward as a database creator.
  5. In the navigation pane, choose Data sharing.
  6. Under Connections, choose the hive-metastore-connection hyperlink.
  7. On the Connection details page, choose Create database.
  8. For Database name, enter federated_emrhivedb.

This is the federated database in the local AWS Glue Data Catalog that will point to a Hive metastore database. This is a one-to-one mapping of a database in the Data Catalog to a database in the external Hive metastore.

  1. For Database identifier, enter the name of the database in the EMR Hive metastore that was created by the Hive SQL script. For this post, we use emrhms_salesdb.
  2. Once created, select federated_emrhivedb and choose View tables.

This will fetch the database and table metadata from the Hive metastore on the EMR cluster and display the tables created by the Hive script.

Now you associate the LF-Tags created by the CloudFormation script on this federated database and share it to the consumer account B using LF-Tag expressions.

  1. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  2. Select federated_emrhivedb and on the Actions menu, choose Edit LF-Tags.
  3. Choose Assign new LF-Tag.
  4. Enter LFHiveBlogCampaignRole for Assigned keys and Admin for Values, then choose Save.
  5. In the navigation pane, choose Data lake permissions.
  6. Choose Grant.
  7. Select External accounts and enter the consumer account B number.
  8. Under LF-Tags or catalog resources, choose Resource matched by LF-Tags.
  9. Choose Add LF-Tag.
  10. Enter LFHiveBlogCampaignRole for Key and Admin for Values.
  11. In the Database permissions section, select Describe for Database permissions and Grantable permissions.
  12. In the Table permissions section, select Select and Describe for Table permissions and Grantable permissions.
  13. Choose Grant.
  14. In the navigation pane, under Administrative roles and tasks, choose LF-Tag permissions.
  15. Choose Grant.
  16. Select External accounts and enter the account ID of consumer account B.
  17. Under LF-Tags, enter LFHiveBlogCampaignRole for Key and enter Analyst and Admin for Values.
  18. Under Permissions, select Describe and Associate under LF-Tag permissions and Grantable permissions.
  19. Choose Grant and verify that the granted LF-Tag permissions display correctly.
  20. In the navigation pane, choose Data lake permissions.

You can review and verify the permissions granted to account B.

  1. In the navigation pane, under Administrative roles and tasks, choose LF-Tag permissions.

You can review and verify the permissions granted to account B.

  1. Log out of account A.

Lake Formation and AWS CloudFormation setup in account B

To keep the setup simple, we use an IAM admin registered as the data lake admin.

  1. Sign into the AWS Management Console of account B and select the us-west-2 Region.
  2. On the Lake Formation console, under Permissions in the navigation pane, choose Administrative roles and tasks.
  3. Choose Manage Administrators in the Data lake administrators section.
  4. Under IAM users and roles, choose the IAM admin user that you are logged in as and choose Save.
  5. Choose Launch Stack to deploy the CloudFormation template:
  6. Choose Next.
  7. Provide a name for the stack and choose Next.
  8. On the next page, choose Next.
  9. Review the details on the final page and select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources.
  10. Choose Create.

Stack creation should take about 5 minutes. The stack establishes the producer account B setup as follows:

  • Creates an IAM user hmsblog-consumersteward and sets this user as Lake Formation administrator
  • Creates another IAM user hmsblog-analyst
  • Creates an S3 data lake bucket to store Athena query results, with ListBucket and write object permissions to both hmsblog-consumersteward and hmsblog-analyst

Note down the stack output details.

Accept resource shares in account B

Sign in to the console as hmsblog-consumersteward and complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS CloudFormation console, navigate to the stack Outputs tab.
  2. Choose the link for ConsumerStewardCredentials to be redirected to the Secrets Manager console.
  3. On the Secrets Manager console, choose Retrieve secret value and copy the password for the consumer steward user.
  4. Use the ConsoleIAMLoginURL value from the CloudFormation template Output to log in to account B with the consumer steward user name hmsblog-consumersteward and the password you copied from Secrets Manager.
  5. Open the AWS RAM console in another browser tab.
  6. In the navigation pane, under Shared with me, choose Resource shares to view the pending invitations.

You should see two resource share invitations from producer account A: one for a database-level share and one for a table-level share.

  1. Choose each resource share link, review the details, and choose Accept.

After you accept the invitations, the status of the resource shares changes from Pending to Active.

  1. Open the Lake Formation console in another browser tab.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.

You should see the shared database federated_emrhivedb from producer account A.

  1. Choose the database and choose View tables to review the list of tables shared under that database.

You should see the four tables of the Hive database that is hosted on the EMR cluster in the producer account.

Grant permissions in account B

To grant permissions in account B, complete the following steps as hmsblog-consumersteward:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, in the navigation pane, choose Administrative roles and tasks.
  2. Under Database creators, choose Grant.
  3. For IAM users and roles, enter hmsblog-consumersteward.
  4. For Catalog permissions, select Create database.
  5. Choose Grant.

This allows hmsblog-consumersteward to create a database resource link.

  1. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  2. Select federated_emrhivedb and on the Actions menu, choose Create resource link.
  3. Enter rl_federatedhivedb for Resource link name and choose Create.
  4. Choose Databases in the navigation pane.
  5. Select the resource link rl_federatedhivedb and on the Actions menu, choose Grant.
  6. Choose hmsblog-analyst for IAM users and roles.
  7. Under Resource link permissions, select Describe, then choose Grant.
  8. Select Databases in the navigation pane.
  9. Select the resource link rl_federatedhivedb and on the Actions menu, choose Grant on target.
  10. Choose hmsblog-analyst for IAM users and roles.
  11. Choose hms_productcategory and hms_supplier for Tables.
  12. For Table permissions, select Select and Describe, then choose Grant.
  13. In the navigation pane, choose Data lake permissions and review the permissions granted to hms-analyst.

Query the Apache Hive database of the producer from the consumer Athena

Complete the following steps:

  1. On the Athena console, navigate to the query editor.
  2. Choose Edit settings to configure the Athena query results bucked.
  3. Browse and choose the S3 bucket hmsblog-athenaresults-<your-account-B>-us-west-2 that the CloudFormation template created.
  4. Choose Save.

hmsblog-consumersteward has access to all four tables under federated_emrhivedb from the producer account.

  1. In the Athena query editor, choose the database rl_federatedhivedb and run a query on any of the tables.

You were able to query an external Apache Hive metastore database of the producer account through the AWS Glue Data Catalog and Lake Formation permissions using Athena from the recipient consumer account.

  1. Sign out of the console as hmsblog-consumersteward and sign back in as hmsblog-analyst.
  2. Use the same method as explained earlier to get the login credentials from the CloudFormation stack Outputs tab.

hmsblog-analyst has Describe permissions on the resource link and access to two of the four Hive tables. You can verify that you see them on the Databases and Tables pages on the Lake Formation console.

On the Athena console, you now configure the Athena query results bucket, similar to how you configured it as hmsblog-consumersteward.

  1. In the query editor, choose Edit settings.
  2. Browse and choose the S3 bucket hmsblog-athenaresults-<your-account-B>-us-west-2 that the CloudFormation template created.
  3. Choose Save.
  4. In the Athena query editor, choose the database rl_federatedhivedb and run a query on the two tables.
  5. Sign out of the console as hmsblog-analyst.

You were able to restrict sharing the external Apache Hive metastore tables using Lake Formation permissions from one account to another and query them using Athena. You can also query the Hive tables using Redshift Spectrum, Amazon EMR, and AWS Glue ETL from the consumer account.

Clean up

To avoid incurring charges on the AWS resources created in this post, you can perform the following steps.

Clean up resources in account A

There are two CloudFormation stacks associated with producer account A. You need to delete the dependencies and the two stacks in the correct order.

  1. Log in as the admin user to producer account B.
  2. On the Lake Formation console, choose Data lake permissions in the navigation pane.
  3. Choose Grant.
  4. Grant Drop permissions to your role or user on federated_emrhivedb.
  5. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  6. Select federated_emrhivedb and on the Actions menu, choose Delete to delete the federated database that is associated with the Hive metastore connection.

This makes the AWS Glue connection’s CloudFormation stack ready to be deleted.

  1. In the navigation pane, choose Administrative roles and tasks.
  2. Under Database creators, select Revoke and remove hmsblog-producersteward permissions.
  3. On the CloudFormation console, delete the stack named serverlessrepo-GlueDataCatalogFederation-HiveMetastore first.

This is the one created by your AWS SAM application for the Hive metastore connection. Wait for it to complete deletion.

  1. Delete the CloudFormation stack that you created for the producer account set up.

This deletes the S3 buckets, EMR cluster, custom IAM roles and policies, and the LF-Tags, database, tables, and permissions.

Clean up resources in account B

Complete the following steps in account B:

  1. Revoke permission to hmsblog-consumersteward as database creator, similar to the steps in the previous section.
  2. Delete the CloudFormation stack that you created for the consumer account setup.

This deletes the IAM users, S3 bucket, and all the permissions from Lake Formation.

If there are any resource links and permissions left, delete them manually in Lake Formation from both accounts.


In this post, we showed you how to launch the AWS Glue Hive metastore federation application from AWS Serverless Application Repository, configure it with a Hive metastore running on an EMR cluster, create a federated database in the AWS Glue Data Catalog, and map it to a Hive metastore database on the EMR cluster. We illustrated how to share and access the Hive database tables for a cross-account scenario and the benefits of using Lake Formation to restrict permissions.

All Lake Formation features such as sharing to IAM principals within same account, sharing to external accounts, sharing to external account IAM principals, restricting column access, and setting data filters work on federated Hive database and tables. You can use any of the AWS analytics services that are integrated with Lake Formation, such as Athena, Redshift Spectrum, AWS Glue ETL, and Amazon EMR to query the federated Hive database and tables.

We encourage you to check out the features of the AWS Glue Hive metastore federation connector and explore Lake Formation permissions on your Hive database and tables. Please comment on this post or talk to your AWS Account Team to share feedback on this feature.

For more details, see Managing permissions on datasets that use external metastores.

About the authors

Aarthi Srinivasan is a Senior Big Data Architect with AWS Lake Formation. She likes building data lake solutions for AWS customers and partners. When not on the keyboard, she explores the latest science and technology trends and spends time with her family.

How to manage certificate lifecycles using ACM event-driven workflows

Post Syndicated from Shahna Campbell original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-manage-certificate-lifecycles-using-acm-event-driven-workflows/

With AWS Certificate Manager (ACM), you can simplify certificate lifecycle management by using event-driven workflows to notify or take action on expiring TLS certificates in your organization. Using ACM, you can provision, manage, and deploy public and private TLS certificates for use with integrated AWS services like Amazon CloudFront and Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), as well as for your internal resources and infrastructure. For a full list of integrated services, see Services integrated with AWS Certificate Manager.

By implementing event-driven workflows for certificate lifecycle management, you can help increase the visibility of upcoming and actual certificate expirations, and notify application teams that their action is required to renew a certificate. You can also use event-driven workflows to automate provisioning of private certificates to your internal resources, like a web server based on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).

In this post, we describe the ACM event types that Amazon EventBridge supports. EventBridge is a serverless event router that you can use to build event-driven applications at scale. ACM publishes these events for important occurrences, such as when a certificate becomes available, approaches expiration, or fails to renew. We also highlight example use cases for the event types supported by ACM. Lastly, we show you how to implement an event-driven workflow to notify application teams that they need to take action to renew a certificate for their workloads. You can also use these types of workflows to send the relevant event information to AWS Security Hub or to initiate certificate automation actions through AWS Lambda.

To view a video walkthrough and demo of this workflow, see AWS Certificate Manager: How to create event-driven certificate workflows.

ACM event types and selected use cases

In October 2022, ACM released support for three new event types:

  • ACM Certificate Renewal Action Required
  • ACM Certificate Expired 
  • ACM Certificate Available

Before this release, ACM had a single event type: ACM Certificate Approaching Expiration. By default, ACM creates Certificate Approaching Expiration events daily for active, ACM-issued certificates starting 45 days prior to their expiration. To learn more about the structure of these event types, see Amazon EventBridge support for ACM. The following examples highlight how you can use the different event types in the context of certificate lifecycle operations.

Notify stakeholders that action is required to complete certificate renewal

ACM emits an ACM Certificate Renewal Action Required event when customer action must be taken before a certificate can be renewed. For instance, if permissions aren’t appropriately configured to allow ACM to renew private certificates issued from AWS Private Certificate Authority (AWS Private CA), ACM will publish this event when automatic renewal fails at 45 days before expiration. Similarly, ACM might not be able to renew a public certificate because an administrator needs to confirm the renewal by email validation, or because Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) record changes prevent automatic renewal through domain validation. ACM will make further renewal attempts at 30 days, 15 days, 3 days, and 1 day before expiration, or until customer action is taken, the certificate expires, or the certificate is no longer eligible for renewal. ACM publishes an event for each renewal attempt.

It’s important to notify the appropriate parties — for example, the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) team, security engineers, or application developers — that they need to take action to resolve these issues. You might notify them by email, or by integrating with your workflow management system to open a case that the appropriate engineering or support teams can track.

Notify application teams that a certificate for their workload has expired

You can use the ACM Certificate Expired event type to notify application teams that a certificate associated with their workload has expired. The teams should quickly investigate and validate that the expired certificate won’t cause an outage or cause application users to see a message stating that a website is insecure, which could impact their trust. To increase visibility for support teams, you can publish this event to Security Hub or a support ticketing system. For an example of how to publish these events as findings in Security Hub, see Responding to an event with a Lambda function.

Use automation to export and place a renewed private certificate

ACM sends an ACM Certificate Available event when a managed public or private certificate is ready for use. ACM publishes the event on issuance, renewal, and import. When a private certificate becomes available, you might still need to take action to deploy it to your resources, such as installing the private certificate for use in an EC2 web server. This includes a new private certificate that AWS Private CA issues as part of managed renewal through ACM. You might want to notify the appropriate teams that the new certificate is available for export from ACM, so that they can use the ACM APIs, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or AWS Management Console to export the certificate and manually distribute it to your workload (for example, an EC2-based web server). For integrated services such as ELB, ACM binds the renewed certificate to your resource, and no action is required.

You can also use this event to invoke a Lambda function that exports the private certificate and places it in the appropriate directory for the relevant server, provide it to other serverless resources, or put it in an encrypted Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket to share with a third party for mutual TLS or a similar use case.

How to build a workflow to notify administrators that action is required to renew a certificate

In this section, we’ll show you how to configure notifications to alert the appropriate stakeholders that they need to take an action to successfully renew an ACM certificate.

To follow along with this walkthrough, make sure that you have an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with the appropriate permissions for EventBridge and Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS). When a rule runs in EventBridge, a target associated with that rule is invoked, and in order to make API calls on Amazon SNS, EventBridge needs a resource-based IAM policy.

The following IAM permissions work for the example below (and for tidying up afterwards):

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:events:*:*:*"
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": "*",
      "Condition": {
        "StringLike": {
          "iam:PassedToService": "events.amazonaws.com"

The following is a sample resource-based policy that allows EventBridge to publish to an Amazon SNS topic. Make sure to replace <region>, <account-id>, and <topic-name> with your own data.

  "Sid": "PublishEventsToMyTopic",
  "Effect": "Allow",
  "Principal": {
    "Service": "events.amazonaws.com"
  "Action": "sns:Publish",
  "Resource": "arn:aws:sns:<region>:<account-id>:<topic-name>"

The first step is to create an SNS topic by using the console to link multiple endpoints such as AWS Lambda and Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), or send a notification to an email address.

To create an SNS topic

  1. Open the Amazon SNS console.
  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Topics.
  3. Choose Create Topic.
  4. For Type, choose Standard.
  5. Enter a name for the topic, and (optional) enter a display name.
  6. Choose the triangle next to the Encryption — optional panel title.
    1. Select the Encryption toggle (optional) to encrypt the topic. This will enable server-side encryption (SSE) to help protect the contents of the messages in Amazon SNS topics.
    2. For this demonstration, we are going to use the default AWS managed KMS key. Using Amazon SNS with AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) provides encryption at rest, and the data keys that encrypt the SNS message data are stored with the data protected. To learn more about SNS data encryption, see Data encryption.
  7. Keep the defaults for all other settings.
  8. Choose Create topic.

When the topic has been successfully created, a notification bar appears at the top of the screen, and you will be routed to the page for the newly created topic. Note the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) listed in the Details panel because you’ll need it for the next section.

Next, you need to create a subscription to the topic to set a destination endpoint for the messages that are pushed to the topic to be delivered.

To create a subscription to the topic

  1. In the Subscriptions section of the SNS topic page you just created, choose Create subscription.
  2. On the Create subscription page, in the Details section, do the following:
    1. For Protocol, choose Email.
    2. For Endpoint, enter the email address where the ACM Certificate Renewal Action Required event alerts should be sent.
    3. Keep the default Subscription filter policy and Redrive policy settings for this demonstration.
    4. Choose Create subscription.
  3. To finalize the subscription, an email will be sent to the email address that you entered as the endpoint. To validate your subscription, choose Confirm Subscription in the email when you receive it.
  4. A new web browser will open with a message verifying that the subscription status is Confirmed and that you have been successfully subscribed to the SNS topic.

Next, create the EventBridge rule that will be invoked when an ACM Certificate Renewal Action Required event occurs. This rule uses the SNS topic that you just created as a target.

To create an EventBridge rule

  1. Navigate to the EventBridge console.
  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Rules.
  3. Choose Create rule.
  4. In the Rule detail section, do the following:
    1. Define the rule by entering a Name and an optional Description.
    2. In the Event bus dropdown menu, select the default event bus.
    3. Keep the default values for the rest of the settings.
    4. Choose Next.
  5. For Event source, make sure that AWS events or EventBridge partner events is selected, because the event source is ACM.
  6. In the Sample event panel, under Sample events, choose ACM Certificate Renewal Action Required as the sample event. This helps you verify your event pattern.
  7. In the Event pattern panel, for Event Source, make sure that AWS services is selected. 
  8. For AWS service, choose Certificate Manager.
  9. Under Event type, choose ACM Certificate Renewal Action Required.
  10. Choose Test pattern.
  11. In the Event pattern section, a notification will appear stating Sample event matched the event pattern to confirm that the correct event pattern was created.
  12. Choose Next.
  13. In the Target 1 panel, do the following:
    1. For Target types, make sure that AWS service is selected.
    2. Under Select a target, choose SNS topic.
    3. In the Topic dropdown list, choose your desired topic.
    4. Choose Next.
  14. (Optional) Add tags to the topic.
  15. Choose Next.
  16. Review the settings for the rule, and then choose Create rule.

Now you are listening to this event and will be notified when a customer action must be taken before a certificate can be renewed.

For another example of how to use Amazon SNS and email notifications, see How to monitor expirations of imported certificates in AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). For an example of how to use Lambda to publish findings to Security Hub to provide visibility to administrators and security teams, see Responding to an event with a Lambda function. Other options for responding to this event include invoking a Lambda function to export and distribute private certificates, or integrating with a messaging or collaboration tool for ChatOps.


In this blog post, you learned about the new EventBridge event types for ACM, and some example use cases for each of these event types. You also learned how to use these event types to create a workflow with EventBridge and Amazon SNS that notifies the appropriate stakeholders when they need to take action, so that ACM can automatically renew a TLS certificate.

By using these events to increase awareness of upcoming certificate lifecycle events, you can make it simpler to manage TLS certificates across your organization. For more information about certificate management on AWS, see the ACM documentation or get started using ACM today in the AWS Management Console.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Shahna Campbell

Shahna Campbell

Shahna is a solutions architect at AWS, working within the specialist organization with a focus on security. Previously, Shahna worked within the healthcare field clinically and as an application specialist. Shahna is passionate about cybersecurity and analytics. In her free time she enjoys hiking, traveling, and spending time with family.

Mani Subramanian

Manikandan Subramanian

Manikandan is a principal engineer at AWS Cryptography. His primary focus is on public key infrastructure (PKI), and he helps ensure secure communication using TLS certificates for AWS customers. Mani is also passionate at designing APIs, is an API bar raiser, and has helped launch multiple AWS services. Outside of work, Mani enjoys cooking and watching Formula One.

Zach Miller

Zach Miller

Zach is a Senior Security Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. His background is in data protection and security architecture, focused on a variety of security domains, including cryptography, secrets management, and data classification. Today, he is focused on helping enterprise AWS customers adopt and operationalize AWS security services to increase security effectiveness and reduce risk.

How to write and execute integration tests for AWS CDK applications

Post Syndicated from Svenja Raether original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/how-to-write-and-execute-integration-tests-for-aws-cdk-applications/

Automated integration testing validates system components and boosts confidence for new software releases. Performing integration tests on resources deployed to the AWS cloud enables the validation of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies, service limits, application configuration, and runtime code. For developers that are currently leveraging AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) as their Infrastructure as Code tool, there is a testing framework available that makes integration testing easier to implement in the software release.

AWS CDK is an open-source framework for defining and provisioning AWS cloud infrastructure using supported programming languages. The framework includes constructs for writing and running unit and integration tests. The assertions construct can be used to write unit tests and assert against the generated CloudFormation templates. CDK integ-tests construct can be used for defining integration test cases and can be combined with CDK integ-runner for executing these tests. The integ-runner handles automatic resource provisioning and removal and supports several customization options. Unit tests using assertion functions are used to test configurations in the CloudFormation templates before deploying these templates, while integration tests run assertions in the deployed resources. This blog post demonstrates writing automated integration tests for an example application using AWS CDK.

Solution Overview

Architecture Diagram for the serverless data enrichment application

Figure 1: Serverless data enrichment application

The example application shown in Figure 1 is a sample serverless data enrichment application. Data is processed and enriched in the system as follows:

  1. Users publish messages to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic. Messages are encrypted at rest using an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer-managed key.
  2. Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue is subscribed to the Amazon SNS topic, where published messages are delivered.
  3. AWS Lambda consumes messages from the Amazon SQS queue, adding additional data to the message. Messages that cannot be processed successfully are sent to a dead-letter queue.
  4. Successfully enriched messages are stored in an Amazon DynamoDB table by the Lambda function.
Architecture diagram for the integration test with one assertion

Figure 2: Integration test with one assertion

For this sample application, we will use AWS CDK’s integration testing framework to validate the processing for a single message as shown in Figure 2. To run the test, we configure the test framework to do the following steps:

  1. Publish a message to the Amazon SNS topic. Wait for the application to process the message and save to DynamoDB.
  2. Periodically check the Amazon DynamoDB table and verify that the saved message was enriched.


The following are the required to deploy this solution:

The structure of the sample AWS CDK application repository is as follows:

  • /bin folder contains the top-level definition of the AWS CDK app.
  • /lib folder contains the stack definition of the application under test which defines the application described in the section above.
  • /lib/functions contains the Lambda function runtime code.
  • /integ-tests contains the integration test stack where we define and configure our test cases.

The repository is a typical AWS CDK application except that it has one additional directory for the test case definitions. For the remainder of this blog post, we focus on the integration test definition in /integ-tests/integ.sns-sqs-ddb.ts and walk you through its creation and the execution of the integration test.

Writing integration tests

An integration test should validate expected behavior of your AWS CDK application. You can define an integration test for your application as follows:

  1. Create a stack under test from the CdkIntegTestsDemoStack definition and map it to the application.
    // CDK App for Integration Tests
    const app = new cdk.App();
    // Stack under test
    const stackUnderTest = new CdkIntegTestsDemoStack(app, ‘IntegrationTestStack’, {
      setDestroyPolicyToAllResources: true,
        “This stack includes the application’s resources for integration testing.”,
  2. Define the integration test construct with a list of test cases. This construct offers the ability to customize the behavior of the integration runner tool. For example, you can force the integ-runner to destroy the resources after the test run to force the cleanup.
    // Initialize Integ Test construct
    const integ = new IntegTest(app, ‘DataFlowTest’, {
      testCases: [stackUnderTest], // Define a list of cases for this test
      cdkCommandOptions: {
        // Customize the integ-runner parameters
        destroy: {
          args: {
            force: true,
      regions: [stackUnderTest.region],
  3. Add an assertion to validate the test results. In this example, we validate the single message flow from the Amazon SNS topic to the Amazon DynamoDB table. The assertion publishes the message object to the Amazon SNS topic using the AwsApiCall method. In the background this method utilizes a Lambda-backed CloudFormation custom resource to execute the Amazon SNS Publish API call with the AWS SDK for JavaScript.
     * Assertion:
     * The application should handle single message and write the enriched item to the DynamoDB table.
    const id = 'test-id-1';
    const message = 'This message should be validated';
     * Publish a message to the SNS topic.
     * Note - SNS topic ARN is a member variable of the
     * application stack for testing purposes.
    const assertion = integ.assertions
      .awsApiCall('SNS', 'publish', {
        TopicArn: stackUnderTest.topicArn,
        Message: JSON.stringify({
          id: id,
          message: message,
  4. Use the next helper method to chain API calls. In our example, a second Amazon DynamoDB GetItem API call gets the item whose primary key equals the message id. The result from the second API call is expected to match the message object including the additional attribute added as a result of the data enrichment.
     * Validate that the DynamoDB table contains the enriched message.
          .awsApiCall('DynamoDB', 'getItem', {
            TableName: stackUnderTest.tableName,
            Key: { id: { S: id } },
           * Expect the enriched message to be returned.
              Item: { id: { S: id, },
                message: { S: message, },
                additionalAttr: { S: 'enriched', },
  5. Since it may take a while for the message to be passed through the application, we run the assertion asynchronously by calling the waitForAssertions method. This means that the Amazon DynamoDB GetItem API call is called in intervals until the expected result is met or the total timeout is reached.
     * Timeout and interval check for assertion to be true.
     * Note - Data may take some time to arrive in DynamoDB.
     * Iteratively executes API call at specified interval.
            totalTimeout: Duration.seconds(25),
            interval: Duration.seconds(3),
  6. The AwsApiCall method automatically adds the correct IAM permissions for both API calls to the AWS Lambda function. Given that the example application’s Amazon SNS topic is encrypted using an AWS KMS key, additional permissions are required to publish the message.
    // Add the required permissions to the api call
      Effect: 'Allow',
      Action: [
      Resource: [stackUnderTest.kmsKeyArn],

The full code for this blog is available on this GitHub project.

Running integration tests

In this section, we show how to run integration test for the introduced sample application using the integ-runner to execute the test case and report on the assertion results.

Install and build the project.

npm install 

npm run build

Run the following command to initiate the test case execution with a list of options.

npm run integ-test

The directory option specifies in which location the integ-runner needs to recursively search for test definition files. The parallel-regions option allows to define a list of regions to run tests in. We set this to us-east-1 and ensure that the AWS CDK bootstrapping has previously been performed in this region. The update-on-failed option allows to rerun the integration tests if the snapshot fails. A full list of available options can be found in the integ-runner Github repository.

Hint: if you want to retain your test stacks during development for debugging, you can specify the no-clean option to retain the test stack after the test run.

The integ-runner initially checks the integration test snapshots to determine if any changes have occurred since the last execution. Since there are no previous snapshots for the initial run, the snapshot verification fails. As a result, the integ-runner begins executing the integration tests using the ephemeral test stack and displays the result.

Verifying integration test snapshots...

  NEW        integ.sns-sqs-ddb 2.863s

Snapshot Results: 

Tests:    1 failed, 1 total

Running integration tests for failed tests...

Running in parallel across regions: us-east-1
Running test <your-path>/cdk-integ-tests-demo/integ-tests/integ.sns-sqs-ddb.js in us-east-1
  SUCCESS    integ.sns-sqs-ddb-DemoTest/DefaultTest 587.295s
       AssertionResultsAwsApiCallDynamoDBgetItem - success

Test Results: 

Tests:    1 passed, 1 total
The AWS CloudFormation console deploys the IntegrationTestStack and DataFlowDefaultTestDeployAssert stack

Figure 3: AWS CloudFormation deploying the IntegrationTestStack and DataFlowDefaultTestDeployAssert stacks

The integ-runner generates two AWS CloudFormation stacks, as shown in Figure 3. The IntegrationTestStack stack includes the resources from our sample application, which serves as an isolated application representing the stack under test. The DataFlowDefaultTestDeployAssert stack contains the resources required for executing the integration tests as shown in Figure 4.

AWS CloudFormation displays the resources for the DataFlowDefaultTestDeployAssert stack

Figure 4: AWS CloudFormation resources for the DataFlowDefaultTestDeployAssert stack

Cleaning up

Based on the specified RemovalPolicy, the resources are automatically destroyed as the stack is removed. Some resources such as Amazon DynamoDB tables have the default RemovalPolicy set to Retain in AWS CDK. To set the removal policy to Destroy for the integration test resources, we leverage Aspects.

 * Aspect for setting all removal policies to DESTROY
class ApplyDestroyPolicyAspect implements cdk.IAspect {
  public visit(node: IConstruct): void {
    if (node instanceof CfnResource) {
Deleting AWS CloudFormation stack from the AWS Console

Figure 5: Deleting AWS CloudFormation stacks from the AWS Console

If you set the no-clean argument as part of the integ-runner CLI options, you need to manually destroy the stacks. This can be done from the AWS Console, via AWS CloudFormation as shown in Figure 5 or by using the following command.

cdk destroy --all

To clean up the code repository build files, you can run the following script.

npm run clean


The AWS CDK integ-tests construct is a valuable tool for defining and conducting automated integration tests for your AWS CDK applications. In this blog post, we have introduced a practical code example showcasing how AWS CDK integration tests can be used to validate the expected application behavior when deployed to the cloud. You can leverage the techniques in this guide to write your own AWS CDK integration tests and improve the quality and reliability of your application releases.

For information on how to get started with these constructs, please refer to the following documentation.

Call to Action

Integ-runner and integ-tests constructs are experimental and subject to change. The release notes for both stable and experimental modules are available in the AWS CDK Github release notes. As always, we welcome bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests on the aws-cdk GitHub repository to further shape these alpha constructs based on your feedback.

About the authors

Iris Kraja

Iris is a Cloud Application Architect at AWS Professional Services based in New York City. She is passionate about helping customers design and build modern AWS cloud native solutions, with a keen interest in serverless technology, event-driven architectures and DevOps. Outside of work, she enjoys hiking and spending as much time as possible in nature.

Svenja Raether

Svenja is an Associate Cloud Application Architect at AWS Professional Services based in Munich.

Ahmed Bakry

Ahmed is a Security Consultant at AWS Professional Services based in Amsterdam. He obtained his master’s degree in Computer Science at the University of Twente and specialized in Cyber Security. And he did his bachelor degree in Networks Engineering at the German University in Cairo. His passion is developing secure and robust applications that drive success for his customers.

Philip Chen

Philip is a Senior Cloud Application Architect at AWS Professional Services. He works with customers to design cloud solutions that are built to achieve business goals and outcomes. He is passionate about his work and enjoys the creativity that goes into architecting solutions.

Dimensional modeling in Amazon Redshift

Post Syndicated from Bernard Verster original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/dimensional-modeling-in-amazon-redshift/

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed and petabyte-scale cloud data warehouse that is used by tens of thousands of customers to process exabytes of data every day to power their analytics workload. You can structure your data, measure business processes, and get valuable insights quickly can be done by using a dimensional model. Amazon Redshift provides built-in features to accelerate the process of modeling, orchestrating, and reporting from a dimensional model.

In this post, we discuss how to implement a dimensional model, specifically the Kimball methodology. We discuss implementing dimensions and facts within Amazon Redshift. We show how to perform extract, transform, and load (ELT), an integration process focused on getting the raw data from a data lake into a staging layer to perform the modeling. Overall, the post will give you a clear understanding of how to use dimensional modeling in Amazon Redshift.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

In the following sections, we first discuss and demonstrate the key aspects of the dimensional model. After that, we create a data mart using Amazon Redshift with a dimensional data model including dimension and fact tables. Data is loaded and staged using the COPY command, the data in the dimensions is loaded using the MERGE statement, and facts will be joined to the dimensions where insights are derived from. We schedule the loading of the dimensions and facts using the Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2. Lastly, we use Amazon QuickSight to gain insights on the modeled data in the form of a QuickSight dashboard.

For this solution, we use a sample dataset (normalized) provided by Amazon Redshift for event ticket sales. For this post, we have narrowed down the dataset for simplicity and demonstration purposes. The following tables show examples of the data for ticket sales and venues.

According to the Kimball dimensional modeling methodology, there are four key steps in designing a dimensional model:

  1. Identify the business process.
  2. Declare the grain of your data.
  3. Identify and implement the dimensions.
  4. Identify and implement the facts.

Additionally, we add a fifth step for demonstration purposes, which is to report and analyze business events.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

Identify the business process

In simple terms, identifying the business process is identifying a measurable event that generates data within an organization. Usually, companies have some sort of operational source system that generates their data in its raw format. This is a good starting point to identify various sources for a business process.

The business process is then persisted as a data mart in the form of dimensions and facts. Looking at our sample dataset mentioned earlier, we can clearly see the business process is the sales made for a given event.

A common mistake made is using departments of a company as the business process. The data (business process) needs to be integrated across various departments, in this case, marketing can access the sales data. Identifying the correct business process is critical—getting this step wrong can impact the entire data mart (it can cause the grain to be duplicated and incorrect metrics on the final reports).

Declare the grain of your data

Declaring the grain is the act of uniquely identifying a record in your data source. The grain is used in the fact table to accurately measure the data and enable you to roll up further. In our example, this could be a line item in the sales business process.

In our use case, a sale can be uniquely identified by looking at the transaction time when the sale took place; this will be the most atomic level.

Identify and implement the dimensions

Your dimension table describes your fact table and its attributes. When identifying the descriptive context of your business process, you store the text in a separate table, keeping the fact table grain in mind. When joining the dimensions table to the fact table, there should only be a single row associated to the fact table. In our example, we use the following table to be separated into a dimensions table; these fields describe the facts that we will measure.

When designing the structure of the dimensional model (the schema), you can either create a star or snowflake schema. The structure should closely align with the business process; therefore, a star schema is best fit for our example. The following figure shows our Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).

In the following sections, we detail the steps to implement the dimensions.

Stage the source data

Before we can create and load the dimensions table, we need source data. Therefore, we stage the source data into a staging or temporary table. This is often referred to as the staging layer, which is the raw copy of the source data. To do this in Amazon Redshift, we use the COPY command to load the data from the dimensional-modeling-in-amazon-redshift public S3 bucket located on the us-east-1 Region. Note that the COPY command uses an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with access to Amazon S3. The role needs to be associated with the cluster. Complete the following steps to stage the source data:

  1. Create the venue source table:
CREATE TABLE public.venue (
    venueid bigint,
    venuename character varying(100),
    venuecity character varying(30),
    venuestate character(2),
    venueseats bigint
  1. Load the venue data:
COPY public.venue
FROM 's3://redshift-blogs/dimensional-modeling-in-amazon-redshift/venue.csv'
IAM_ROLE '<Your IAM role arn>'
REGION 'us-east-1'
  1. Create the sales source table:
CREATE TABLE public.sales (
    salesid integer,
    venueid character varying(256),
    saletime timestamp without time zone,
    qtysold BIGINT,
    commission numeric(18,2),
    pricepaid numeric(18,2)
  1. Load the sales source data:
COPY public.sales
FROM 's3://redshift-blogs/dimensional-modeling-in-amazon-redshift/sales.csv'
IAM_ROLE '<Your IAM role arn>'
REGION 'us-east-1'
  1. Create the calendar table:
CREATE TABLE public.DimCalendar(
    dateid smallint,
        caldate date,
        day varchar(20),
        week smallint,
        month varchar(20),
        qtr varchar(20),
        year smallint,
        holiday boolean
  1. Load the calendar data:
COPY public.DimCalendar
FROM 's3://redshift-blogs/dimensional-modeling-in-amazon-redshift/date.csv'
IAM_ROLE '<Your IAM role arn>'
REGION 'us-east-1'

Create the dimensions table

Designing the dimensions table can depend on your business requirement—for example, do you need to track changes to the data over time? There are seven different dimension types. For our example, we use type 1 because we don’t need to track historical changes. For more about type 2, refer to Simplify data loading into Type 2 slowly changing dimensions in Amazon Redshift. The dimensions table will be denormalized with a primary key, surrogate key, and a few added fields to indicate changes to the table. See the following code:

create schema SalesMart;
CREATE TABLE SalesMart.DimVenue( 
    "VenueSkey" int IDENTITY(1,1) primary key
    ,"VenueName" VARCHAR NULL
    ,"VenueCity" VARCHAR NULL
    ,"VenueState" VARCHAR NULL
    ,"VenueSeats" INT NULL
    ,"InsertedDate" DATETIME NOT NULL
    ,"UpdatedDate" DATETIME NOT NULL
diststyle AUTO;

A few notes on creating the dimensions table creation:

  • The field names are transformed into business-friendly names
  • Our primary key is VenueID, which we use to uniquely identify a venue at which the sale took place
  • Two additional rows will be added, indicating when a record was inserted and updated (to track changes)
  • We are using an AUTO distribution style to give Amazon Redshift the responsibility to choose and adjust the distribution style

Another important factor to consider in dimensional modelling is the usage of surrogate keys. Surrogate keys are artificial keys that are used in dimensional modelling to uniquely identify each record in a dimension table. They are typically generated as a sequential integer, and they don’t have any meaning in the business domain. They offer several benefits, such as ensuring uniqueness and improving performance in joins, because they’re typically smaller than natural keys and as surrogate keys they don’t change over time. This allows us to be consistent and join facts and dimensions more easily.

In Amazon Redshift, surrogate keys are typically created using the IDENTITY keyword. For example, the preceding CREATE statement creates a dimension table with a VenueSkey surrogate key. The VenueSkey column is automatically populated with unique values as new rows are added to the table. This column can then be used to join the venue table to the FactSaleTransactions table.

A few tips for designing surrogate keys:

  • Use a small, fixed-width data type for the surrogate key. This will improve performance and reduce storage space.
  • Use the IDENTITY keyword, or generate the surrogate key using a sequential or GUID value. This will ensure that the surrogate key is unique and can’t be changed.

Load the dim table using MERGE

There are numerous ways to load your dim table. Certain factors need to be considered—for example, performance, data volume, and perhaps SLA loading times. With the MERGE statement, we perform an upsert without needing to specify multiple insert and update commands. You can set up the MERGE statement in a stored procedure to populate the data. You then schedule the stored procedure to run programmatically via the query editor, which we demonstrate later in the post. The following code creates a stored procedure called SalesMart.DimVenueLoad:

AS $$
MERGE INTO SalesMart.DimVenue USING public.venue as MergeSource
ON SalesMart.DimVenue.VenueId = MergeSource.VenueId
SET VenueName = ISNULL(MergeSource.VenueName, 'Unknown')
, VenueCity = ISNULL(MergeSource.VenueCity, 'Unknown')
, VenueState = ISNULL(MergeSource.VenueState, 'Unknown')
, VenueSeats = ISNULL(MergeSource.VenueSeats, -1)
, UpdatedDate = GETDATE()
, VenueName
, VenueCity
, VenueState
, VenueSeats
, UpdatedDate
, InsertedDate
ISNULL(MergeSource.VenueId, -1)
, ISNULL(MergeSource.VenueName, 'Unknown')
, ISNULL(MergeSource.VenueCity, 'Unknown')
, ISNULL(MergeSource.VenueState, 'Unknown')
, ISNULL(MergeSource.VenueSeats, -1)
, ISNULL(GETDATE() , '1900-01-01')
, ISNULL(GETDATE() , '1900-01-01')
LANGUAGE plpgsql;

A few notes on the dimension loading:

  • When a record in inserted for the first time, the inserted date and updated date will be populated. When any values change, the data is updated and the updated date reflects the date when it was changed. The inserted date remains.
  • Because the data will be used by business users, we need to replace NULL values, if any, with more business-appropriate values.

Identify and implement the facts

Now that we have declared our grain to be the event of a sale that took place at a specific time, our fact table will store the numeric facts for our business process.

We have identified the following numerical facts to measure:

  • Quantity of tickets sold per sale
  • Commission for the sale

Implementing the Fact

There are three types of fact tables (transaction fact table, periodic snapshot fact table, and accumulating snapshot fact table). Each serves a different view of the business process. For our example, we use a transaction fact table. Complete the following steps:

  1. Create the fact table
CREATE TABLE SalesMart.FactSaleTransactions( 
    CalendarDate date NOT NULL
    ,SaleTransactionTime DATETIME NOT NULL
    ,VenueSkey INT NOT NULL
    ,QuantitySold BIGINT NOT NULL
    ,SaleComission NUMERIC NOT NULL
) diststyle AUTO;

An inserted date with a default value is added, indicating if and when a record was loaded. You can use this when reloading the fact table to remove the already loaded data to avoid duplicates.

Loading the fact table consists of a simple insert statement joining your associated dimensions. We join from the DimVenue table that was created, which describes our facts. It’s best practice but optional to have calendar date dimensions, which allow the end-user to navigate the fact table. Data can either be loaded when there is a new sale, or daily; this is where the inserted date or load date comes in handy.

We load the fact table using a stored procedure and use a date parameter.

  1. Create the stored procedure with the following code. To keep the same data integrity that we applied in the dimension load, we replace NULL values, if any, with more business appropriate values:
create or replace procedure SalesMart.FactSaleTransactionsLoad(loadate datetime)
language plpgsql
/*** Delete records loaded for the day, should there be any ***/
Delete from SalesMart.FactSaleTransactions
where cast(InsertedDate as date) = CAST(loadate as date);
RAISE INFO 'Deleted rows for load date: %', loadate;
/*** Insert records ***/
INSERT INTO SalesMart.FactSaleTransactions (
    ISNULL(c.caldate, '1900-01-01') as CalendarDate
    ,ISNULL(a.saletime, '1900-01-01') as SaleTransactionTime
    ,ISNULL(b.VenueSkey, -1) as VenueSkey
    ,ISNULL(a.qtysold, 0) as QuantitySold
    ,ISNULL(a.commission, 0) as SaleComission
    public.sales as a
LEFT JOIN SalesMart.DimVenue as b
on a.venueid = b.venueid
LEFT JOIN public.DimCalendar as c
on to_char(a.saletime,'YYYYMMDD') = to_char(c.caldate,'YYYYMMDD');
--Optional filter, should you want to load only the latest data from source
--where cast(a.saletime as date) = cast(loadate as date);
  1. Load the data by calling the procedure with the following command:
call SalesMart.FactSaleTransactionsLoad(getdate())

Schedule the data load

We can now automate the modeling process by scheduling the stored procedures in Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2. Complete the following steps:

  1. We first call the dimension load and after the dimension load runs successfully, the fact load begins:
----Insert Dim Loads
call SalesMart.DimVenueLoad();

----Insert Fact Loads. They will only run if the DimLoad is successful
call SalesMart.FactSaleTransactionsLoad(getdate());

If the dimension load fails, the fact load will not run. This ensures consistency in the data because we don’t want to load the fact table with outdated dimensions.

  1. To schedule the load, choose Schedule in Query Editor V2.

  1. We schedule the query to run every day at 5:00 AM.
  2. Optionally, you can add failure notifications by enabling Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) notifications.

Report and analysis the data in Amazon Quicksight

QuickSight is a business intelligence service that makes it easy to deliver insights. As a fully managed service, QuickSight lets you easily create and publish interactive dashboards that can then be accessed from any device and embedded into your applications, portals, and websites.

We use our data mart to visually present the facts in the form of a dashboard. To get started and set up QuickSight, refer to Creating a dataset using a database that’s not autodiscovered.

After you create your data source in QuickSight, we join the modeled data (data mart) together based on our surrogate key skey. We use this dataset to visualize the data mart.

Our end dashboard will contain the insights of the data mart and answer critical business questions, such as total commission per venue and dates with the highest sales. The following screenshot shows the final product of the data mart.

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete any resources you created as part of this post.


We have now successfully implemented a data mart using our DimVenue, DimCalendar, and FactSaleTransactions tables. Our warehouse is not complete; as we can expand the data mart with more facts and implement more marts, and as the business process and requirements grow over time, so will the data warehouse. In this post, we gave an end-to-end view on understanding and implementing dimensional modeling in Amazon Redshift.

Get started with your Amazon Redshift dimensional model today.

About the Authors

Bernard Verster is an experienced cloud engineer with years of exposure in creating scalable and efficient data models, defining data integration strategies, and ensuring data governance and security. He is passionate about using data to drive insights, while aligning with business requirements and objectives.

Abhishek Pan is a WWSO Specialist SA-Analytics working with AWS India Public sector customers. He engages with customers to define data-driven strategy, provide deep dive sessions on analytics use cases, and design scalable and performant analytical applications. He has 12 years of experience and is passionate about databases, analytics, and AI/ML. He is an avid traveler and tries to capture the world through his camera lens.

Protect APIs with Amazon API Gateway and perimeter protection services

Post Syndicated from Pengfei Shao original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/protect-apis-with-amazon-api-gateway-and-perimeter-protection-services/

As Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers build new applications, APIs have been key to driving the adoption of these offerings. APIs simplify client integration and provide for efficient operations and management of applications by offering standard contracts for data exchange. APIs are also the front door to hosted applications that need to be effectively secured, monitored, and metered to provide resilient infrastructure.

In this post, we will discuss how to help protect your APIs by building a perimeter protection layer with Amazon CloudFront, AWS WAF, and AWS Shield and putting it in front of Amazon API Gateway endpoints. Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed AWS service that you can use to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure REST, HTTP, and WebSocket APIs at any scale.

Solution overview

CloudFront, AWS WAF, and Shield provide a layered security perimeter that co-resides at the AWS edge and provides scalable, reliable, and high-performance protection for applications and content. For more information, see the AWS Best Practices for DDoS Resiliency whitepaper.

By using CloudFront as the front door to APIs that are hosted on API Gateway, globally distributed API clients can get accelerated API performance. API Gateway endpoints that are hosted in an AWS Region gain access to scaled distributed denial of service (DDoS) mitigation capacity across the AWS global edge network.

When you protect CloudFront distributions with AWS WAF, you can protect your API Gateway API endpoints against common web exploits and bots that can affect availability, compromise security, or consume excessive resources. AWS Managed Rules for AWS WAF help provide protection against common application vulnerabilities or other unwanted traffic, without the need for you to write your own rules. AWS WAF rate-based rules automatically block traffic from source IPs when they exceed the thresholds that you define, which helps to protect your application against web request floods, and alerts you to sudden spikes in traffic that might indicate a potential DDoS attack.

Shield mitigates infrastructure layer DDoS attacks against CloudFront distributions in real time, without observable latency. When you protect a CloudFront distribution with Shield Advanced, you gain additional detection and mitigation against large and sophisticated DDoS attacks, near real-time visibility into attacks, and integration with AWS WAF. When you configure Shield Advanced automatic application layer DDoS mitigation, Shield Advanced responds to application layer (layer 7) attacks by creating, evaluating, and deploying custom AWS WAF rules.

To take advantage of the perimeter protection layer built with CloudFront, AWS WAF, and Shield, and to help avoid exposing API Gateway endpoints directly, you can use the following approaches to restrict API access through CloudFront only. For more information about these approaches, see the Security Overview of Amazon API Gateway whitepaper.

  1. CloudFront can insert the X-API-Key header before it forwards the request to API Gateway, and API Gateway validates the API key when receiving the requests. For more information, see Protecting your API using Amazon API Gateway and AWS WAF — Part 2.
  2. CloudFront can insert a custom header (not X-API-Key) with a known secret that is shared with API Gateway. An AWS Lambda custom request authorizer that is configured in API Gateway validates the secret. For more information, see Restricting access on HTTP API Gateway Endpoint with Lambda Authorizer.
  3. CloudFront can sign the request with AWS Signature Version 4 by using Lambda@Edge before it sends the request to API Gateway. Configured AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) authorization in API Gateway validates the signature and verifies the identity of the requester.

Although the X-API-Key header approach is straightforward to implement at a lower cost, it’s only applicable to customers who are using REST API endpoints. If the X-API-Key header already exists, CloudFront will overwrite it. The custom header approach addresses this limitation, but it has an additional cost due to the use of the Lambda authorizer. With both approaches, there is an operational overhead for managing keys and rotating the keys periodically. Also, it isn’t a security best practice to use long-term secrets for authorization.

By using the AWS Signature Version 4 approach, you can minimize this type of operational overhead through the use of requests signed with Signature Version 4 in Lambda@Edge. The signing uses temporary credentials that AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) provides, and built-in API Gateway IAM authorization performs the request signature validation. There is an additional Lambda@Edge cost in this approach. This approach supports the three API endpoint types available in API Gateway — REST, HTTP, and WebSocket — and it helps secure requests by verifying the identity of the requester, protecting data in transit, and protecting against potential replay attacks. We describe this approach in detail in the next section.

Solution architecture

Figure 1 shows the architecture of the Signature Version 4 solution.

Figure 1: High-level flow of a client request with sequence of events

Figure 1: High-level flow of a client request with sequence of events

The sequence of events that occurs when the client sends a request is as follows:

  1. A client sends a request to an API endpoint that is fronted by CloudFront.
  2. AWS WAF inspects the request at the edge location according to the web access control list (web ACL) rules that you configured. With Shield Advanced automatic application-layer mitigation enabled, when Shield Advanced detects a DDoS attack and identifies the attack signatures, Shield Advanced creates AWS WAF rules inside an associated web ACL to mitigate the attack.
  3. CloudFront handles the request and invokes the Lambda@Edge function before sending the request to API Gateway.
  4. The Lambda@Edge function signs the request with Signature Version 4 by adding the necessary headers.
  5. API Gateway verifies the Lambda@Edge function with the necessary permissions and sends the request to the backend.
  6. An unauthorized client sends a request to an API Gateway endpoint, and it receives the HTTP 403 Forbidden message.

Solution deployment

The sample solution contains the following main steps:

  1. Preparation
  2. Deploy the CloudFormation template
  3. Enable IAM authorization in API Gateway
  4. Confirm successful viewer access to the CloudFront URL
  5. Confirm that direct access to the API Gateway API URL is blocked
  6. Review the CloudFront configuration
  7. Review the Lambda@Edge function and its IAM role
  8. Review the AWS WAF web ACL configuration
  9. (Optional) Protect the CloudFront distribution with Shield Advanced

Step 1: Preparation

Before you deploy the solution, you will first need to create an API Gateway endpoint.

To create an API Gateway endpoint

  1. Choose the following Launch Stack button to launch a CloudFormation stack in your account.

    Select this image to open a link that starts building the CloudFormation stack

    Note: The stack will launch in the US East (N. Virginia) Region (us-east-1). To deploy the solution to another Region, download the solution’s CloudFormation template, and deploy it to the selected Region.

    When you launch the stack, it creates an API called PetStoreAPI that is deployed to the prod stage.

  2. In the Stages navigation pane, expand the prod stage, select GET on /pets/{petId}, and then copy the Invoke URL value of https://api-id.execute-api.region.amazonaws.com/prod/pets/{petId}. {petId} stands for a path variable.
  3. In the address bar of a browser, paste the Invoke URL value. Make sure to replace {petId} with your own information (for example, 1), and press Enter to submit the request. A 200 OK response should return with the following JSON payload:
      "id": 1,
      "type": "dog",
      "price": 249.99

In this post, we will refer to this API Gateway endpoint as the CloudFront origin.

Step 2: Deploy the CloudFormation template

The next step is to deploy the CloudFormation template of the solution.

The CloudFormation template includes the following:

  • A CloudFront distribution that uses an API Gateway endpoint as the origin
  • An AWS WAF web ACL that is associated with the CloudFront distribution
  • A Lambda@Edge function that is used to sign the request with Signature Version 4 and that the CloudFront distribution invokes before the request is forwarded to the origin on the CloudFront distribution
  • An IAM role for the Lambda@Edge function

To deploy the CloudFormation template

  1. Choose the following Launch Stack button to launch a CloudFormation stack in your account.

    Select this image to open a link that starts building the CloudFormation stack

    Note: The stack will launch in the US East N. Virginia Region (us-east-1). To deploy the solution to another Region, download the solution’s CloudFormation template, provide the required parameters, and deploy it to the selected Region.

  2. On the Specify stack details page, update with the following:
    1. For Stack name, enter APIProtection
    2. For the parameter APIGWEndpoint, enter the API Gateway endpoint in the following format. Make sure to replace <Region> with your own information.


  3. Choose Next to continue the stack deployment.

It takes a couple of minutes to finish the deployment. After it finishes, the Output tab lists the CloudFront domain URL, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: CloudFormation template output

Figure 2: CloudFormation template output

Step 3: Enable IAM authorization in API Gateway

Before you verify the solution, you will enable IAM authorization on the API endpoint first, which enforces Signature Version 4 verification at API Gateway. The following steps are applied for a REST API; you could also enable IAM authorization on an HTTP API or WebSocket API.

To enable IAM authorization in API Gateway

  1. In the API Gateway console, choose the name of your API.
  2. In the Resources pane, choose the GET method for the resource /pets. In the Method Execution pane, choose Method Request.
  3. Under Settings, for Authorization, choose the pencil icon (Edit). Then, in the dropdown list, choose AWS_IAM, and choose the check mark icon (Update).
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the resource /pets/{petId}.
  5. Deploy your API so that the changes take effect. When deploying, choose prod as the stage.
Figure 3: Enable IAM authorization in API Gateway

Figure 3: Enable IAM authorization in API Gateway

Step 4: Confirm successful viewer access to the CloudFront URL

Now that you’ve deployed the setup, you can verify that you are able to access the API through the CloudFront distribution.

To confirm viewer access through CloudFront

  1. In the CloudFormation console, choose the APIProtection stack.
  2. On the stack Outputs tab, copy the value for the CFDistribution entry and append /prod/pets to it, then open the URL in a new browser tab or window. The result should look similar to the following, which confirms successful viewer access through CloudFront.
    Figure 4: Successful API response when accessing API through CloudFront distribution

    Figure 4: Successful API response when accessing API through CloudFront distribution

Step 5: Confirm that direct access to the API Gateway API URL is blocked

Next, verify whether direct access to the API Gateway API endpoint is blocked.

Copy your API Gateway endpoint URL and append /prod/pets to it, then open the URL in a new browser tab or window. The result should look similar to the following, which confirms that direct viewer access through API Gateway is blocked.

Figure 5: API error response when attempting to access API Gateway directly

Figure 5: API error response when attempting to access API Gateway directly

Step 6: Review CloudFront configuration

Now that you’ve confirmed that access to the API Gateway endpoint is restricted to CloudFront only, you will review the CloudFront configuration that enables this restriction.

To review the CloudFront configuration

  1. In the CloudFormation console, choose the APIProtection stack. On the stack Resources tab, under the CFDistribution entry, copy the distribution ID.
  2. In the CloudFront console, select the distribution that has the distribution ID that you noted in the preceding step. On the Behaviors tab, select the behavior with path pattern Default (*).
  3. Choose Edit and scroll to the Cache key and origin requests section. You can see that Origin request policy is set to AllViewerExceptHostHeader, which allows CloudFront to forward viewer headers, cookies, and query strings to origins except the Host header. This policy is intended for use with the API Gateway origin.
  4. Scroll down to the Function associations – optional section.
    Figure 6: CloudFront configuration – Function association with origin request

    Figure 6: CloudFront configuration – Function association with origin request

    You can see that a Lambda@Edge function is associated with the origin request event; CloudFront invokes this function before forwarding requests to the origin. You can also see that the Include body option is selected, which exposes the request body to Lambda@Edge for HTTP methods like POST/PUT, and the request payload hash will be used for Signature Version 4 signing in the Lambda@Edge function.

Step 7: Review the Lambda@Edge function and its IAM role

In this step, you will review the Lambda@Edge function code and its IAM role, and learn how the function signs the request with Signature Version 4 before forwarding to API Gateway.

To review the Lambda@Edge function code

  1. In the CloudFormation console, choose the APIProtection stack.
  2. On the stack Resources tab, choose the Sigv4RequestLambdaFunction link to go to the Lambda function, and review the function code. You can see that it follows the Signature Version 4 signing process and uses an AWS access key to calculate the signature. The AWS access key is a temporary security credential provided when the IAM role for Lambda is being assumed.

To review the IAM role for Lambda

  1. In the CloudFormation console, choose the APIProtection stack.
  2. On the stack Resources tab, choose the Sigv4RequestLambdaFunctionExecutionRole link to go to the IAM role. Expand the permission policy to review the permissions. You can see that the policy allows the API Gateway endpoint to be invoked.
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
                "Effect": "Allow"

Because IAM authorization is enabled, when API Gateway receives the request, it checks whether the client has execute-api:Invoke permission for the API and route before handling the request.

Step 8: Review AWS WAF web ACL configuration

In this step, you will review the web ACL configuration in AWS WAF.

AWS Managed Rules for AWS WAF helps provide protection against common application vulnerabilities or other unwanted traffic. The web ACL for this solution includes several AWS managed rule groups as an example. The Amazon IP reputation list managed rule group helps to mitigate bots and reduce the risk of threat actors by blocking problematic IP addresses. The Core rule set (CRS) managed rule group helps provide protection against exploitation of a wide range of vulnerabilities, including some of the high risk and commonly occurring vulnerabilities described in the OWASP Top 10. The Known bad inputs managed rule group helps to reduce the risk of threat actors by blocking request patterns that are known to be invalid and that are associated with exploitation or discovery of vulnerabilities, like Log4J.

AWS WAF supports rate-based rules to block requests originating from IP addresses that exceed the set threshold per 5-minute time span, until the rate of requests falls below the threshold. We have used one such rule in the following example, but you could layer the rules for better security posture. You can configure multiple rate-based rules, each with a different threshold and scope (like URI, IP list, or country) for better protection. For more information on best practices for AWS WAF rate-based rules, see The three most important AWS WAF rate-based rules.

To review the web ACL configuration

  1. In the CloudFormation console, choose the APIProtection stack.
  2. On the stack Outputs tab, choose the EdgeLayerWebACL link to go to the web ACL configuration, and then choose the Rules tab to review the rules for this web ACL. On the Rules tab, you can see that the web ACL includes the following rule and rule groups.
    Figure 7: AWS WAF web ACL configuration

    Figure 7: AWS WAF web ACL configuration

  3. Choose the Associated AWS resources tab. You should see that the CloudFront distribution is associated to this web ACL.

Step 9: (Optional) Protect the CloudFront distribution with Shield Advanced

In this optional step, you will protect your CloudFront distribution with Shield Advanced. This adds additional protection on top of the protection provided by AWS WAF managed rule groups and rate-based rules in the web ACL that is associated with the CloudFront distribution.

Note: Proceed with this step only if you have subscribed to an annual subscription to Shield Advanced.

AWS Shield is a managed DDoS protection service that is offered in two tiers: AWS Shield Standard and AWS Shield Advanced. All AWS customers benefit from the automatic protection of Shield Standard, at no additional cost. Shield Standard helps defend against the most common, frequently occurring network and transport layer DDoS attacks that target your website or applications. AWS Shield Advanced is a paid service that requires a 1-year commitment—you pay one monthly subscription fee, plus usage fees based on gigabytes (GB) of data transferred out. Shield Advanced provides expanded DDoS attack protection for your applications.

Besides providing visibility and additional detection and mitigation against large and sophisticated DDoS attacks, Shield Advanced also gives you 24/7 access to the Shield Response Team (SRT) and cost protection against spikes in your AWS bill that might result from a DDoS attack against your protected resources. When you use both Shield Advanced and AWS WAF to help protect your resources, AWS waives the basic AWS WAF fees for web ACLs, rules, and web requests for your protected resources. You can grant permission to the SRT to act on your behalf, and also configure proactive engagement so that SRT contacts you directly when the availability and performance of your application is impacted by a possible DDoS attack.

Shield Advanced automatic application-layer DDoS mitigation compares current traffic patterns to historic traffic baselines to detect deviations that might indicate a DDoS attack. When you enable automatic application-layer DDoS mitigation, if your protected resource doesn’t yet have a history of normal application traffic, we recommend that you set to Count mode until a history of normal application traffic has been established. Shield Advanced establishes baselines that represent normal traffic patterns after protecting resources for at least 24 hours and is most accurate after 30 days. To mitigate against application layer attacks automatically, change the AWS WAF rule action to Block after you’ve established a normal traffic baseline.

To help protect your CloudFront distribution with Shield Advanced

  1. In the WAF & Shield console, in the AWS Shield section, choose Protected Resources, and then choose Add resources to protect.
  2. For Resource type, select CloudFront distribution, and then choose Load resources.
  3. In the Select resources section, select the CloudFront distribution that you used in Step 6 of this post. Then choose Protect with Shield Advanced.
  4. In the Automatic application layer DDoS mitigation section, choose Enable. Leave the AWS WAF rule action as Count, and then choose Next.
  5. (Optional, but recommended) Under Associated health check, choose one Amazon Route 53 health check to associate with the protection, and then choose Next. The Route 53 health check is used to enable health-based detection, which can improve responsiveness and accuracy in attack detection and mitigation. Associating the protected resource with a Route 53 health check is also one of the prerequisites to be protected with proactive engagement. You can create the health check by following these best practices.
  6. (Optional) In the Select SNS topic to notify for DDoS detected alarms section, select the SNS topic that you want to use for notification for DDoS detected alarms, then choose Next.
  7. Choose Finish configuration.

With automatic application-layer DDoS mitigation configured, Shield Advanced creates a rule group in the web ACL that you have associated with your resource. Shield Advanced depends on the rule group for automatic application-layer DDoS mitigation.

To review the rule group created by Shield Advanced

  1. In the CloudFormation console, choose the APIProtection stack. On the stack Outputs tab, look for the EdgeLayerWebACL entry.
  2. Choose the EdgeLayerWebACL link to go to the web ACL configuration.
  3. Choose the Rules tab, and look for the rule group with the name that starts with ShieldMitigationRuleGroup, at the bottom of the rule list. This rule group is managed by Shield Advanced, and is not viewable.
    Figure 8: Shield Advanced created rule group for DDoS mitigation

    Figure 8: Shield Advanced created rule group for DDoS mitigation


Here are some further considerations as you implement this solution:


In this blog post, we introduced managing public-facing APIs through API Gateway, and helping protect API Gateway endpoints by using CloudFront and AWS perimeter protection services (AWS WAF and Shield Advanced). We walked through the steps to add Signature Version 4 authentication information to the CloudFront originated API requests, providing trusted access to the APIs. Together, these actions present a best practice approach to build a DDoS-resilient architecture that helps protect your application’s availability by preventing many common infrastructure and application layer DDoS attacks.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Pengfei Shao

Pengfei Shao

Pengfei is a Senior Technical Account Manager at AWS based in Stockholm, with more than 20 years of experience in Telecom and IT industry. His main focus is to help AWS Enterprise Support customers to remain operationally healthy, secure, and cost efficient in AWS. He is also focusing on AWS Edge Services domain, and loves to work with customers to solve their technical challenges.

Manoj Gupta

Manoj Gupta

Manoj is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. He’s passionate about building well-architected cloud-focused solutions by using AWS services with security, networking, and serverless as his primary focus areas. Before AWS, he worked in application and system architecture roles, building solutions across various industries. Outside of work, when he gets free time, he enjoys the outdoors and walking trails with his family.

Migrate data from Google Cloud Storage to Amazon S3 using AWS Glue

Post Syndicated from Qiushuang Feng original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/migrate-data-from-google-cloud-storage-to-amazon-s3-using-aws-glue/

Today, we are pleased to announce a new AWS Glue connector for Google Cloud Storage that allows you to move data bi-directionally between Google Cloud Storage and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

We’ve seen that there is a demand to design applications that enable data to be portable across cloud environments and give you the ability to derive insights from one or more data sources. One of the data sources you can now quickly integrate with is Google Cloud Storage, a managed service for storing both unstructured data and structured data. With this connector, you can bring the data from Google Cloud Storage to Amazon S3.

In this post, we go over how the new connector works, introduce the connector’s functions, and provide you with key steps to set it up. We provide you with prerequisites, share how to subscribe to this connector in AWS Marketplace, and describe how to create and run AWS Glue for Apache Spark jobs with it.

AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it simple to discover, prepare, and combine data for analytics, machine learning, and application development. AWS Glue natively integrates with various data stores such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Apache Kafka, along with AWS data stores such as Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon S3. AWS Glue Marketplace connectors allow you to discover and integrate additional data sources, such as software as a service (SaaS) applications and your custom data sources. With just a few clicks, you can search and select connectors from AWS Marketplace and begin your data preparation workflow in minutes.

How the connector works

This connector relies on the Spark DataSource API in AWS Glue and calls Hadoop’s FileSystem interface. The latter has implemented libraries for reading and writing various distributed or traditional storage. This connector also includes the Google Cloud Storage Connector for Hadoop, which lets you run Apache Hadoop or Apache Spark jobs directly on data in Google Cloud Storage. AWS Glue loads the library from the Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) repository during initialization (as a connector), reads the connection credentials using AWS Secrets Manager, and reads data source configurations from input parameters. When AWS Glue has internet access, the Spark job in AWS Glue can read from and write to Google Cloud Storage.

Solution overview

The following architecture diagram shows how AWS Glue connects to Google Cloud Storage for data ingestion.

In the following sections, we show you how to create a new secret for Google Cloud Storage in Secrets Manager, subscribe to the AWS Glue connector, and move data from Google Cloud Storage to Amazon S3.


You need the following prerequisites:

  • An account in Google Cloud and your data path in Google Cloud Storage. Prepare the GCP account keys file in advance and upload them to the S3 bucket. For instructions, refer to Create a service account key.
  • A Secrets Manager secret to store a Google Cloud secret.
  • An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role for the AWS Glue job with the following policies:
    • AWSGlueServiceRole, which allows the AWS Glue service role access to related services.
    • AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly, which provides read-only access to Amazon EC2 Container Registry repositories. This policy is for using AWS Marketplace’s connector libraries.
    • A Secrets Manager policy, which provides read access to the secret in Secrets Manager.
    • An S3 bucket policy for the S3 bucket that you need to load ETL (extract, transform, and load) data from Google Cloud Storage.

We assume that you are already familiar with the key concepts of Secrets Manager, IAM, and AWS Glue. Regarding IAM, these roles should be granted the permissions needed to communicate with AWS services and nothing more, according to the principle of least privilege.

Create a new secret for Google Cloud Storage in Secrets Manager

Complete the following steps to create a secret in Secrets Manager to store the Google Cloud Storage credentials:

  1. On the Secrets Manager console, choose Store a new secret.
  2. For Secret type, select Other type of secret.
  3. Enter your key as keyS3Uri and the value as your key file in the s3 bucket, for example, s3://keys/project-gcs-connector **.json.
  4. Leave the rest of the options at their default.
  5. Choose Next.
  6. Provide a name for the secret, such as googlecloudstorage_credentials.
  7. Follow the rest of the steps to store the secret.

Subscribe to the AWS Glue connector for Google Cloud Storage

To subscribe to the connector, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Google Cloud Storage Connector for AWS Glue on AWS Marketplace.
  2. On the product page for the connector, use the tabs to view information about the connector. If you decide to purchase this connector, choose Continue to Subscribe.
  3. Review the pricing terms and the seller’s End User License Agreement, then choose Accept Terms.
  4. Continue to the next step by choosing Continue to Configuration.
  5. On the Configure this software page, choose the fulfillment options and the version of the connector to use. We have provided two options for the Google Cloud Storage Connector, AWS Glue 3.0 and AWS Glue 4.0. In this example, we focus on AWS Glue 4.0. After selecting Glue 3.0 or Glue 4.0, select corresponding AWS Glue version when you configure the AWS Glue job.
  6. Choose Continue to Launch.
  7. On the Launch this software page, you can review the Usage Instructions provided by AWS. When you’re ready to continue, choose Activate the Glue connector in AWS Glue Studio.

The console will display the Create marketplace connection page in AWS Glue Studio.

Move data from Google Cloud Storage to Amazon S3

To move your data to Amazon S3, you must configure the custom connection and then set up an AWS Glue job.

Create a custom connection in AWS Glue

An AWS Glue connection stores connection information for a particular data store, including login credentials, URI strings, virtual private cloud (VPC) information, and more. Complete the following steps to create your connection:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose Connectors in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create connection.
  3. For Connector, choose Google Cloud Storage Connector for AWS Glue.
  4. For Name, enter a name for the connection (for example, GCSConnection).
  5. Enter an optional description.
  6. For AWS secret, enter the secret you created (googlecloudstorage_credentials).
  7. Choose Create connection and activate connector.

The connector and connection information is now visible on the Connectors page.

Create an AWS Glue job and configure connection options

Complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose Connectors in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose the connection you created (GCSConnection).
  3. Choose Create job.
  4. On the Node properties tab in the node details pane, enter the following information:
    • For Name, enter Google Cloud Storage Connector for AWS Glue. This name should be unique among all the nodes for this job.
    • For Node type, choose the Google Cloud Storage Connector.
  5. On the Data source properties tab, provide the following information:
    • For Connection, choose the connection you created (GCSConnection).
    • For Key, enter path, and for Value, enter your Google Cloud Storage URI (for example, gs://bucket/covid-csv-data/).
    • Enter another key-value pair. For Key, enter fileFormat. For Value, enter csv, because our sample data is this format.
  6. On the Job details tab, for IAM Role, choose the IAM role mentioned in the prerequisites.
  7. For Glue version, choose your AWS Glue version.
  8. Continue to create your ETL job. For instructions, refer to Creating ETL jobs with AWS Glue Studio.
  9. Choose Run to run your job.

After the job succeeds, we can check the logs in Amazon CloudWatch.

The data is ingested into Amazon S3, as shown in the following screenshot.                        

We are now able to import data from Google Cloud Storage to Amazon S3.

Scaling considerations

In this example, we set the AWS Glue capacity as 10 DPU (Data Processing Units). A DPU is a relative measure of processing power that consists of 4 vCPUs of compute capacity and 16 GB of memory. To scale your AWS Glue job, you can increase the number of DPU, and also take advantage of Auto Scaling. With Auto Scaling enabled, AWS Glue automatically adds and removes workers from the cluster depending on the workload. This removes the need for you to experiment and decide on the number of workers to assign for your AWS Glue ETL jobs. If you choose the maximum number of workers, AWS Glue will adapt the right size of resources for the workload.

Clean up

To clean up your resources, complete the following steps:

  1. Remove the AWS Glue job and secret in Secrets Manager with the following command:
    aws glue delete-job —job-name <your_job_name> aws glue delete-connection —connection-name <your_connection_name>
    aws secretsmanager delete-secret —secret-id <your_secretsmanager_id> 

  2. Cancel the Google Cloud Storage Connector for AWS Glue’s subscription:
    • On the AWS Marketplace console, go to the Manage subscriptions page.
    • Select the subscription for the product that you want to cancel.
    • On the Actions menu, choose Cancel subscription.
    • Read the information provided and select the acknowledgement check box.
    • Choose Yes, cancel subscription.
  3. Delete the data in the S3 buckets.


In this post, we showed how to use AWS Glue and the new connector for ingesting data from Google Cloud Storage to Amazon S3. This connector provides access to Google Cloud Storage, facilitating cloud ETL processes for operational reporting, backup and disaster recovery, data governance, and more.

This connector enables your data to be portable across Google Cloud Storage and Amazon S3. We welcome any feedback or questions in the comments section.


About the authors

Qiushuang Feng is a Solutions Architect at AWS, responsible for Enterprise customers’ technical architecture design, consulting, and design optimization on AWS Cloud services. Before joining AWS, Qiushuang worked in IT companies such as IBM and Oracle, and accumulated rich practical experience in development and analytics.

Noritaka Sekiyama is a Principal Big Data Architect on the AWS Glue team. He is passionate about architecting fast-growing data environments, diving deep into distributed big data software like Apache Spark, building reusable software artifacts for data lakes, and sharing knowledge in AWS Big Data blog posts.

 Greg Huang is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS with expertise in technical architecture design and consulting for the China G1000 team. He is dedicated to deploying and utilizing enterprise-level applications on AWS Cloud services. He possesses nearly 20 years of rich experience in large-scale enterprise application development and implementation, having worked in the cloud computing field for many years. He has extensive experience in helping various types of enterprises migrate to the cloud. Prior to joining AWS, he worked for well-known IT enterprises such as Baidu and Oracle.

Maciej Torbus is a Principal Customer Solutions Manager within Strategic Accounts at Amazon Web Services. With extensive experience in large-scale migrations, he focuses on helping customers move their applications and systems to highly reliable and scalable architectures in AWS. Outside of work, he enjoys sailing, traveling, and restoring vintage mechanical watches.

Automate secure access to Amazon MWAA environments using existing OpenID Connect single-sign-on authentication and authorization

Post Syndicated from Ajay Vohra original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/automate-secure-access-to-amazon-mwaa-environments-using-existing-openid-connect-single-sign-on-authentication-and-authorization/

Customers use Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (Amazon MWAA) to run Apache Airflow at scale in the cloud. They want to use their existing login solutions developed using OpenID Connect (OIDC) providers with Amazon MWAA; this allows them to provide a uniform authentication and single sign-on (SSO) experience using their adopted identity providers (IdP) across AWS services. For ease of use for end-users of Amazon MWAA, organizations configure a custom domain endpoint to their Apache Airflow UI endpoint. For teams operating and managing multiple Amazon MWAA environments, securing and customizing each environment is a repetitive but necessary task. Automation through infrastructure as code (IaC) can alleviate this heavy lifting to achieve consistency at scale.

This post describes how you can integrate your organization’s existing OIDC-based IdPs with Amazon MWAA to grant secure access to your existing Amazon MWAA environments. Furthermore, you can use the solution to provision new Amazon MWAA environments with the built-in OIDC-based IdP integrations. This approach allows you to securely provide access to your new or existing Amazon MWAA environments without requiring AWS credentials for end-users.

Overview of Amazon MWAA environments

Managing multiple user names and passwords can be difficult—this is where SSO authentication and authorization comes in. OIDC is a widely used standard for SSO, and it’s possible to use OIDC SSO authentication and authorization to access Apache Airflow UI across multiple Amazon MWAA environments.

When you provision an Amazon MWAA environment, you can choose public or private Apache Airflow UI access mode. Private access mode is typically used by customers that require restricting access from only within their virtual private cloud (VPC). When you use public access mode, the access to the Apache Airflow UI is available from the internet, in the same way as an AWS Management Console page. Internet access is needed when access is required outside of a corporate network.

Regardless of the access mode, authorization to the Apache Airflow UI in Amazon MWAA is integrated with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). All requests made to the Apache Airflow UI need to have valid AWS session credentials with an assumed IAM role that has permissions to access the corresponding Apache Airflow environment. For more details on the permissions policies needed to access the Apache Airflow UI, refer to Apache Airflow UI access policy: AmazonMWAAWebServerAccess.

Different user personas such as developers, data scientists, system operators, or architects in your organization may need access to the Apache Airflow UI. In some organizations, not all employees have access to the AWS console. It’s fairly common that employees who don’t have AWS credentials may also need access to the Apache Airflow UI that Amazon MWAA exposes.

In addition, many organizations have multiple Amazon MWAA environments. It’s common to have an Amazon MWAA environment setup per application or team. Each of these Amazon MWAA environments can be run in different deployment environments like development, staging, and production. For large organizations, you can easily envision a scenario where there is a need to manage multiple Amazon MWAA environments. Organizations need to provide secure access to all of their Amazon MWAA environments using their existing OIDC provider.

Solution Overview

The solution architecture integrates an existing OIDC provider to provide authentication for accessing the Amazon MWAA Apache Airflow UI. This allows users to log in to the Apache Airflow UI using their OIDC credentials. From a system perspective, this means that Amazon MWAA can integrate with an existing OIDC provider rather than having to create and manage an isolated user authentication and authorization through IAM internally.

The solution architecture relies on an Application Load Balancer (ALB) setup with a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) with public (internet) or private access. This ALB provides SSO access to multiple Amazon MWAA environments. The user-agent (web browser) call flow for accessing an Apache Airflow UI console to the target Amazon MWAA environment includes the following steps:

  1. The user-agent resolves the ALB domain name from the Domain Name System (DNS) resolver.
  2. The user-agent sends a login request to the ALB path /aws_mwaa/aws-console-sso with a set of query parameters populated. The request uses the required parameters mwaa_env and rbac_role as placeholders for the target Amazon MWAA environment and the Apache Airflow role-based access control (RBAC) role, respectively.
  3. Once it receives the request, the ALB redirects the user-agent to the OIDC IdP authentication endpoint. The user-agent authenticates with the OIDC IdP with the existing user name and password.
  4. If user authentication is successful, the OIDC IdP redirects the user-agent back to the configured ALB with a redirect_url with the authorization code included in the URL.
  5. The ALB uses the authorization code received to obtain the access_token and OpenID JWT token with openid email scope from the OIDC IdP. It then forwards the login request to the Amazon MWAA authenticator AWS Lambda function with the JWT token included in the request header in the x-amzn-oidc-data parameter.
  6. The Lambda function verifies the JWT token found in the request header using ALB public keys. The function subsequently authorizes the authenticated user for the requested mwaa_env and rbac_role stored in an Amazon DynamoDB table. The use of DynamoDB for authorization here is optional; the Lambda code function is_allowed can be customized to use other authorization mechanisms.
  7. The Amazon MWAA authenticator Lambda function redirects the user-agent to the Apache Airflow UI console in the requested Amazon MWAA environment with the login token in the redirect URL. Additionally, the function provides the logout functionality.

Amazon MWAA public network access mode

For the Amazon MWAA environments configured with public access mode, the user agent uses public routing over the internet to connect to the ALB hosted in a public subnet.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture with a numbered call flow sequence for internet network reachability.

Amazon MWAA public network access mode architecture diagram

Amazon MWAA private network access mode

For Amazon MWAA environments configured with private access mode, the user agent uses private routing over a dedicated AWS Direct Connect or AWS Client VPN to connect to the ALB hosted in a private subnet.

The following diagram shows the solution architecture for Client VPN network reachability.

Amazon MWAA private network access mode architecture diagram

Automation through infrastructure as code

To make setting up this solution easier, we have released a pre-built solution that automates the tasks involved. The solution has been built using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) using the Python programming language. The solution is available in our GitHub repository and helps you achieve the following:

  • Set up a secure ALB to provide OIDC-based SSO to your existing Amazon MWAA environment with default Apache Airflow Admin role-based access.
  • Create new Amazon MWAA environments along with an ALB and an authenticator Lambda function that provides OIDC-based SSO support. With the customization provided, you can define the number of Amazon MWAA environments to create. Additionally, you can customize the type of Amazon MWAA environments created, including defining the hosting VPC configuration, environment name, Apache Airflow UI access mode, environment class, auto scaling, and logging configurations.

The solution offers a number of customization options, which can be specified in the cdk.context.json file. Follow the setup instructions to complete the integration to your existing Amazon MWAA environments or create new Amazon MWAA environments with SSO enabled. The setup process creates an ALB with an HTTPS listener that provides the user access endpoint. You have the option to define the type of ALB that you need. You can define whether your ALB will be public facing (internet accessible) or private facing (only accessible within the VPC). It is recommended to use a private ALB with your new or existing Amazon MWAA environments configured using private UI access mode.

The following sections describe the specific implementation steps and customization options for each use case.


Before you continue with the installation steps, make sure you have completed all prerequisites and run the setup-venv script as outlined within the README.md file of the GitHub repository.

Integrate to a single existing Amazon MWAA environment

If you’re integrating with a single existing Amazon MWAA environment, follow the guides in the Quick start section. You must specify the same ALB VPC as that of your existing Amazon MWAA VPC. You can specify the default Apache Airflow RBAC role that all users will assume. The ALB with an HTTPS listener is configured within your existing Amazon MWAA VPC.

Integrate to multiple existing Amazon MWAA environments

To connect to multiple existing Amazon MWAA environments, specify only the Amazon MWAA environment name in the JSON file. The setup process will create a new VPC with subnets hosting the ALB and the listener. You must define the CIDR range for this ALB VPC such that it doesn’t overlap with the VPC CIDR range of your existing Amazon MWAA VPCs.

When the setup steps are complete, implement the post-deployment configuration steps. This includes adding the ALB CNAME record to the Amazon Route 53 DNS domain.

For integrating with Amazon MWAA environments configured using private access mode, there are additional steps that need to be configured. These include configuring VPC peering and subnet routes between the new ALB VPC and the existing Amazon MWAA VPC. Additionally, you need to configure network connectivity from your user-agent to the private ALB endpoint resolved by your DNS domain.

Create new Amazon MWAA environments

You can configure the new Amazon MWAA environments you want to provision through this solution. The cdk.context.json file defines a dictionary entry in the MwaaEnvironments array. Configure the details that you need for each of the Amazon MWAA environments. The setup process creates an ALB VPC, ALB with an HTTPS listener, Lambda authorizer function, DynamoDB table, and respective Amazon MWAA VPCs and Amazon MWAA environments in them. Furthermore, it creates the VPC peering connection between the ALB VPC and the Amazon MWAA VPC.

If you want to create Amazon MWAA environments with private access mode, the ALB VPC CIDR range specified must not overlap with the Amazon MWAA VPC CIDR range. This is required for the automatic peering connection to succeed. It can take between 20–30 minutes for each Amazon MWAA environment to finish creating.

When the environment creation processes are complete, run the post-deployment configuration steps. One of the steps here is to add authorization records to the created DynamoDB table for your users. You need to define the Apache Airflow rbac_role for each of your end-users, which the Lambda authorizer function matches to provide the requisite access.

Verify access

Once you’ve completed with the post-deployment steps, you can log in to the URL using your ALB FQDN. For example, If your ALB FQDN is alb-sso-mwaa.example.com, you can log in to your target Amazon MWAA environment, named Env1, assuming a specific Apache Airflow RBAC role (such as Admin), using the following URL: https://alb-sso-mwaa.example.com/aws_mwaa/aws-console-sso?mwaa_env=Env1&rbac_role=Admin. For the Amazon MWAA environments that this solution created, you need to have appropriate Apache Airflow rbac_role entries in your DynamoDB table.

The solution also provides a logout feature. To log out from an Apache Airflow console, use the normal Apache Airflow console logout. To log out from the ALB, you can, for example, use the URL https://alb-sso-mwaa.example.com/logout.

Clean up

Follow the readme documented steps in the section Destroy CDK stacks in the GitHub repo, which shows how to clean up the artifacts created via the AWS CDK deployments. Remember to revert any manual configurations, like VPC peering connections, that you might have made after the deployments.


This post provided a solution to integrate your organization’s OIDC-based IdPs with Amazon MWAA to grant secure access to multiple Amazon MWAA environments. We walked through the solution that solves this problem using infrastructure as code. This solution allows different end-user personas in your organization to access the Amazon MWAA Apache Airflow UI using OIDC SSO.

To use the solution for your own environments, refer to Application load balancer single-sign-on for Amazon MWAA. For additional code examples on Amazon MWAA, refer to Amazon MWAA code examples.

About the Authors

Ajay Vohra is a Principal Prototyping Architect specializing in perception machine learning for autonomous vehicle development. Prior to Amazon, Ajay worked in the area of massively parallel grid-computing for financial risk modeling.

Jaswanth Kumar is a customer-obsessed Cloud Application Architect at AWS in NY. Jaswanth excels in application refactoring and migration, with expertise in containers and serverless solutions, coupled with a Masters Degree in Applied Computer Science.

Aneel Murari is a Sr. Serverless Specialist Solution Architect at AWS based in the Washington, D.C. area. He has over 18 years of software development and architecture experience and holds a graduate degree in Computer Science. Aneel helps AWS customers orchestrate their workflows on Amazon Managed Apache Airflow (MWAA) in a secure, cost effective and performance optimized manner.

Parnab Basak is a Solutions Architect and a Serverless Specialist at AWS. He specializes in creating new solutions that are cloud native using modern software development practices like serverless, DevOps, and analytics. Parnab works closely in the analytics and integration services space helping customers adopt AWS services for their workflow orchestration needs.

Introducing field-based coloring experience for Amazon QuickSight

Post Syndicated from Bhupinder Chadha original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/introducing-field-based-coloring-experience-for-amazon-quicksight/

Color plays a crucial role in visualizations. It conveys meaning, captures attention, and enhances aesthetics. You can quickly grasp important information when key insights and data points pop with color. However, it’s important to use color judiciously to enhance readability and ensure correct interpretation. Color should also be accessible and consistent to enable users to establish visual patterns and comprehend data effectively.

In line with data visualization best practices, Amazon QuickSight is announcing the launch of field-based coloring options, which provides a fresh approach to configuring colors across visuals in addition to the visual-level color settings. With field-based colors, you can now enjoy the following benefits:

  • Consistent coloring across visuals using the same Color field
  • The ability to assign custom colors to dimension values at the field level
  • The ability to persist default color consistency during visual interactions, such as filtering and sorting

Consistent coloring experience across visuals

At present, users in QuickSight can either assign colors to their charts using themes or the on-visual menu. In addition to these options, the launch of field-based coloring allows authors to specify colors on a per-field basis, simplifying the process of setting colors and ensuring consistency across all visuals that use the same field. The following example shows that, before this feature was available, both charts using the color field Ship region displayed different colors across the field values.

With the implementation of field colors, authors now have the capability to maintain consistent color schemes across visuals that utilize the same field. This is achieved by defining distinct colors for each field value, which ensures uniformity throughout. In contrast to the previous example, both charts now showcase consistent colors for the Ship region field.

Consistent coloring experience with visual interaction

In the past, the default coloring logic used to be based on the sorting order, which means that colors would stay the same for a given sort order. However, this caused inconsistency because the same values could display different colors when the sorting order changed or when they were filtered. The following example shows that the colors for each segment field (Online, In-Store, and Catalog) on the donut chart differ from the colors on the bar chart after sorting.

The assigned colors persist and remain unchanged during any visual interaction, such as sorting or filtering, by defining field-based colors. Notice that, after sorting the donut chart another way, the legend order changes, but the colors remain the same.

How to customize field colors

In this section, we demonstrate the various ways you can customize field colors.

Edit field color

There are two ways to add or edit field-based color:

  • Fields list pane – Select the field in your analysis and choose Edit field colors from the context menu. This allows you to choose your own colors for each value.
  • On-visual menu – To define or modify colors another way, you can simply select the legend or the desired data point. Access the context menu and choose Edit field colors. This opens the Edit field colors pane, which is filtered to display the selected value and allows for easy and convenient color customization.

Note the following considerations:

  • Colors defined at a visual level override field-based colors.
  • You can assign colors to a maximum of 50 values per field. If you want more than 50, you’ll need to reset a previously assigned color to continue.

Reset visual color

If your visuals have colors assigned through the on-visual menu, the field-based colors aren’t visible. This is because on-visual colors take precedence over the field-based color settings. However, you can easily reset the visual-based colors to reveal the underlying field-based colors in such cases.

Reset field colors

If you want to change the color of a specific value, simply choose the reset icon next to the edited color. Alternatively, if you want to reset all colors, choose Reset colors at the bottom. This restores all edited values to their default color assignment.

Unused color (stale color assignment)

When values that you’ve assigned colors to no longer appear in data, QuickSight labels the values as unused. You can view the unused color assignments and choose to delete them if you’d like.


Field-based coloring options in QuickSight simplify the process of achieving consistent and visually appealing visuals. The persistence of default colors during interactions, such as filtering and sorting, enhances the user experience. Start using field-based coloring today for consistent coloring experience and to enable better comparisons and pattern recognition for effective data interpretation and decision-making.

About the author

Bhupinder Chadha is a senior product manager for Amazon QuickSight focused on visualization and front end experiences. He is passionate about BI, data visualization and low-code/no-code experiences. Prior to QuickSight he was the lead product manager for Inforiver, responsible for building a enterprise BI product from ground up. Bhupinder started his career in presales, followed by a small gig in consulting and then PM for xViz, an add on visualization product.