Tag Archives: Security, Identity & Compliance

Secure and automated domain membership management for EC2 instances with no internet access

Post Syndicated from Rakesh Singh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/secure-and-automated-domain-membership-management-for-ec2-instances-with-no-internet-access/

In this blog post, I show you how to deploy an automated solution that helps you fully automate the Active Directory join and unjoin process for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances that don’t have internet access.

Managing Active Directory domain membership for EC2 instances in Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud is a typical use case for many organizations. In a dynamic environment that can grow and shrink multiple times in a day, adding and removing computer objects from an Active Directory domain is a critical task and is difficult to manage without automation.

AWS seamless domain join provides a secure and reliable option to join an EC2 instance to your AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory. It’s a recommended approach for automating joining a Windows or Linux EC2 instance to the AWS Managed Microsoft AD or to an existing on-premises Active Directory using AD Connector, or a standalone Simple AD directory running in the AWS Cloud. This method requires your EC2 instances to have connectivity to the public AWS Directory Service endpoints. At the time of writing, Directory Service doesn’t have PrivateLink endpoint support. This means you must allow traffic from your instances to the public Directory Service endpoints via an internet gateway, network address translation (NAT) device, virtual private network (VPN) connection, or AWS Direct Connect connection.

At times, your organization might require that any traffic between your VPC and Directory Service—or any other AWS service—not leave the Amazon network. That means launching EC2 instances in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) with no internet access and still needing to join and unjoin the instances from the Active Directory domain. Provided your instances have network connectivity to the directory DNS addresses, the simplest solution in this scenario is to run the domain join commands manually on the EC2 instances and enter the domain credentials directly. Though this process can be secure—as you don’t need to store or hardcode the credentials—it’s time consuming and becomes difficult to manage in a dynamic environment where EC2 instances are launched and terminated frequently.

VPC endpoints enable private connections between your VPC and supported AWS services. Private connections enable you to privately access services by using private IP addresses. Traffic between your VPC and other AWS services doesn’t leave the Amazon network. Instances in your VPC don’t need public IP addresses to communicate with resources in the service.

The solution in this blog post uses AWS Secrets Manager to store the domain credentials and VPC endpoints to enable private connection between your VPC and other AWS services. The solution described here can be used in the following scenarios:

  1. Manage domain join and unjoin for EC2 instances that don’t have internet access.
  2. Manage only domain unjoin if you’re already using seamless domain join provided by AWS, or any other method for domain joining.
  3. Manage only domain join for EC2 instances that don’t have internet access.

This solution uses AWS CloudFormation to deploy the required resources in your AWS account based on your choice from the preceding scenarios.

Note: If your EC2 instances can access the internet, then we recommend using the seamless domain join feature and using scenario 2 to remove computers from the Active Directory domain upon instance termination.

The solution described in this blog post is designed to provide a secure, automated method for joining and unjoining EC2 instances to an on-premises or AWS Managed Microsoft AD domain. The solution is best suited for use cases where the EC2 instances don’t have internet connectivity and the seamless domain join option cannot be used.

How this solution works

This blog post includes a CloudFormation template that you can use to deploy this solution. The CloudFormation stack provisions an EC2 Windows instance running in an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group that acts as a worker and is responsible for joining and unjoining other EC2 instances from the Active Directory domain. The worker instance communicates with other required AWS services such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Secrets Manager, and Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) using VPC endpoints. The stack also creates all of the other resources needed for this solution to work.

Figure 1 shows the domain join and unjoin workflow for EC2 instances in an AWS account.

Figure 1: Workflow for joining and unjoining an EC2 instance from a domain with full protection of Active Directory credentials

Figure 1: Workflow for joining and unjoining an EC2 instance from a domain with full protection of Active Directory credentials

The event flow in Figure 1 is as follows:

  1. An EC2 instance is launched or terminated in an account.
  2. An Amazon CloudWatch Events rule detects if the EC2 instance is in running or terminated state.
  3. The CloudWatch event triggers an AWS Lambda function that looks for the tag JoinAD: true to check if the instance needs to join or unjoin the Active Directory domain.
  4. If the tag value is true, the Lambda function writes the instance details to an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue.
  5. A standalone, highly secured EC2 instance acts as a worker and polls the Amazon SQS queue for new messages.
  6. Whenever there’s a new message in the queue, the worker EC2 instance invokes scripts on the remote EC2 instance to add or remove the instance from the domain based on the instance operating system and state.

In this solution, the security of the Active Directory credentials is enhanced by storing them in Secrets Manager. To secure the stored credentials, the solution uses resource-based policies to restrict the access to only intended users and roles.

The credentials can only be fetched dynamically from the EC2 instance that’s performing the domain join and unjoin operations. Any access to that instance is further restricted by a custom AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy created by the CloudFormation stack. The following policies are created by the stack to enhance security of the solution components.

  1. Resource-based policies for Secrets Manager to restrict all access to the stored secret to only specific IAM entities (such as the EC2 IAM role).
  2. An S3 bucket policy to prevent unauthorized access to the Active Directory join and remove scripts that are stored in the S3 bucket.
  3. The IAM role that’s used to fetch the credentials from Secrets Manager is restricted by a custom IAM policy and can only be assumed by the worker EC2 instance. This prevents every entity other than the worker instance from using that IAM role.
  4. All API and console access to the worker EC2 instance is restricted by a custom IAM policy with an explicit deny.
  5. A policy to deny all but the worker EC2 instance access to the credentials in Secrets Manager. With the worker EC2 instance doing the work, the EC2 instances that need to join the domain don’t need access to the credentials in Secrets Manager or to scripts in the S3 bucket.

Prerequisites and setup

Before you deploy the solution, you must complete the following in the AWS account and Region where you want to deploy the CloudFormation stack.

  1. AWS Managed Microsoft AD with an appropriate DNS name (for example, test.com). You can also use your on premises Active Directory, provided it’s reachable from the Amazon VPC over Direct Connect or AWS VPN.
  2. Create a DHCP option set with on-premises DNS servers or with the DNS servers pointing to the IP addresses of directories provided by AWS.
  3. Associate the DHCP option set with the Amazon VPC that you’re going to use with this solution.
  4. Any other Amazon VPCs that are hosting EC2 instances to be domain joined must be peered with the VPC that hosts the relevant AWS Managed Microsoft AD. Alternatively, AWS Transit Gateway can be used to establish this connectivity.
  5. Make sure to have the latest AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) installed and configured on your local machine.
  6. Create a new SSH key pair and store it in Secrets Manager using the following commands. Replace <Region> with the Region of your deployment. Replace <MyKeyPair> with any custom name or leave it default.


aws ec2 create-key-pair --region <Region> --key-name <MyKeyPair> --query 'KeyMaterial' --output text > adsshkey
aws secretsmanager create-secret --region <Region> --name "adsshkey" --description "my ssh key pair" --secret-string file://adsshkey


aws ec2 create-key-pair --region <Region> --key-name <MyKeyPair>  --query 'KeyMaterial' --output text | out-file -encoding ascii -filepath adsshkey
aws secretsmanager create-secret --region <Region> --name "adsshkey" --description "my ssh key pair" --secret-string file://adsshkey

Note: Don’t change the name of the secret, as other scripts in the solution reference it. The worker EC2 instance will fetch the SSH key using GetSecretValue API to SSH or RDP into other EC2 instances during domain join process.

Deploy the solution

With the prerequisites in place, your next step is to download or clone the GitHub repo and store the files on your local machine. Go to the location where you cloned or downloaded the repo and review the contents of the config/OS_User_Mapping.json file to validate the instance user name and operating system mapping. Update the file if you’re using a user name other than the one used to log in to the EC2 instances. The default user name used in this solution is ec2-user for Linux instances and Administrator for Windows.

The solution requires installation of some software on the worker EC2 instance. Because the EC2 instance doesn’t have internet access, you must download the latest Windows 64-bit version of the following software to your local machine and upload it into the solution deployment S3 bucket in subsequent steps.

Note: This step isn’t required if your EC2 instances have internet access.

Once done, use the following steps to deploy the solution in your AWS account:

Steps to deploy the solution:

  1. Create a private Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket using this documentation to store the Lambda functions and the domain join and unjoin scripts.
  2. Once created, enable versioning on this bucket using the following documentation. Versioning lets you keep multiple versions of your objects in one bucket and helps you easily retrieve and restore previous versions of your scripts.
  3. Upload the software you downloaded to the S3 bucket. This is only required if your instance doesn’t have internet access.
  4. Upload the cloned or downloaded GitHub repo files to the S3 bucket.
  5. Go to the S3 bucket and select the template name secret-active-dir-solution.json, and copy the object URL.
  6. Open the CloudFormation console. Choose the appropriate AWS Region, and then choose Create Stack. Select With new resources.
  7. Select Amazon S3 URL as the template source, paste the object URL that you copied in Step 5, and then choose Next.
  8. On the Specify stack details page, enter a name for the stack and provide the following input parameters. You can modify the default values to customize the solution for your environment.
    • ADUSECASE – From the dropdown menu, select your required use case. There is no default value.
    • AdminUserId – The canonical user ID of the IAM user who manages the Active Directory credentials stored in Secrets Manager. To learn how to find the canonical user ID for your IAM user, scroll down to Finding the canonical user ID for your AWS account in AWS account identifiers.
    • DenyPolicyName – The name of the IAM policy that restricts access to the worker EC2 instance and the IAM role used by the worker to fetch credentials from Secrets Manager. You can keep the default value or provide another name.
    • InstanceType – Instance type to be used when launching the worker EC2 instance. You can keep the default value or use another instance type if necessary.
    • Placeholder – This is a dummy parameter that’s used as a placeholder in IAM policies for the EC2 instance ID. Keep the default value.
    • S3Bucket – The name of the S3 bucket that you created in the first step of the solution deployment. Replace the default value with your S3 bucket name.
    • S3prefix – Amazon S3 object key where the source scripts are stored. Leave the default value as long as the cloned GitHub directory structure hasn’t been changed.
    • SSHKeyRequired – Select true or false based on whether an SSH key pair is required to RDP into the EC2 worker instance. If you select false, the worker EC2 instance will not have an SSH key pair.
    • SecurityGroupId – Security group IDs to be associated with the worker instance to control traffic to and from the instance.
    • Subnet – Select the VPC subnet where you want to launch the worker EC2 instance.
    • VPC – Select the VPC where you want to launch the worker EC2 instance. Use the VPC where you have created the AWS Managed Microsoft AD.
    • WorkerSSHKeyName – An existing SSH key pair name that can be used to get the password for RDP access into the EC2 worker instance. This isn’t mandatory if you’re using user name and password based login or AWS Systems Manager Session Manager. This is required only if you have selected true for the SSHKeyRequired parameter.
    Figure 2: Defining the stack name and input parameters for the CloudFormation stack

    Figure 2: Defining the stack name and input parameters for the CloudFormation stack

  9. Enter values for all of the input parameters, and then choose Next.
  10. On the Options page, keep the default values and then choose Next.
  11. On the Review page, confirm the details, acknowledge that CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names, and choose Create Stack.
  12. Once the stack creation is marked as CREATE_COMPLETE, the following resources are created:
    • An EC2 instance that acts as a worker and runs Active Directory join scripts on the remote EC2 instances. It also unjoins instances from the domain upon instance termination.
    • A secret with a default Active Directory domain name, user name, and a dummy password. The name of the default secret is myadcredV1.
    • A Secrets Manager resource-based policy to deny all access to the secret except to the intended IAM users and roles.
    • An EC2 IAM profile and IAM role to be used only by the worker EC2 instance.
    • A managed IAM policy called DENYPOLICY that can be assigned to an IAM user, group, or role to restrict access to the solution resources such as the worker EC2 instance.
    • A CloudWatch Events rule to detect running and terminated states for EC2 instances and trigger a Lambda function that posts instance details to an SQS queue.
    • A Lambda function that reads instance tags and writes to an SQS queue based on the instance tag value, which can be true or false.
    • An SQS queue for storing the EC2 instance state—running or terminated.
    • A dead-letter queue for storing unprocessed messages.
    • An S3 bucket policy to restrict access to the source S3 bucket from unauthorized users or roles.
    • A CloudWatch log group to stream the logs of the worker EC2 instance.

Test the solution

Now that the solution is deployed, you can test it to check if it’s working as expected. Before you test the solution, you must navigate to the secret created in Secrets Manager by CloudFormation and update the Active Directory credentials—domain name, user name, and password.

To test the solution

  1. In the CloudFormation console, choose Services, and then CloudFormation. Select your stack name. On the stack Outputs tab, look for the ADSecret entry.
  2. Choose the ADSecret link to go to the configuration for the secret in the Secrets Manager console. Scroll down to the section titled Secret value, and then choose Retrieve secret value to display the default Secret Key and Secret Value as shown in Figure 3.

    Figure 3: Retrieve value in Secrets Manager

    Figure 3: Retrieve value in Secrets Manager

  3. Choose the Edit button and update the default dummy credentials with your Active Directory domain credentials.(Optional) Directory_ou is used to store the organizational unit (OU) and directory components (DC) for the directory; for example, OU=test,DC=example,DC=com.

Note: instance_password is an optional secret key and is used only when you’re using user name and password based login to access the EC2 instances in your account.

Now that the secret is updated with the correct credentials, you can launch a test EC2 instance and determine if the instance has successfully joined the Active Directory domain.

Create an Amazon Machine Image

Note: This is only required for Linux-based operating systems other than Amazon Linux. You can skip these steps if your instances have internet access.

As your VPC doesn’t have internet access, for Linux-based systems other than Amazon Linux 1 or Amazon Linux 2, the required packages must be available on the instances that need to join the Active Directory domain. For that, you must create a custom Amazon Machine Image (AMI) from an EC2 instance with the required packages. If you already have a process to build your own AMIs, you can add these packages as part of that existing process.

To install the package into your AMI

  1. Create a new EC2 Linux instance for the required operating system in a public subnet or a private subnet with access to the internet via a NAT gateway.
  2. Connect to the instance using any SSH client.
  3. Install the required software by running the following command that is appropriate for the operating system:
    • For CentOS:
      yum -y install realmd adcli oddjob-mkhomedir oddjob samba-winbind-clients samba-winbind samba-common-tools samba-winbind-krb5-locator krb5-workstation unzip

    • For RHEL:
      yum -y  install realmd adcli oddjob-mkhomedir oddjob samba-winbind-clients samba-winbind samba-common-tools samba-winbind-krb5-locator krb5-workstation python3 vim unzip

    • For Ubuntu:
      apt-get -yq install realmd adcli winbind samba libnss-winbind libpam-winbind libpam-krb5 krb5-config krb5-locales krb5-user packagekit  ntp unzip python

    • For SUSE:
      sudo zypper -n install realmd adcli sssd sssd-tools sssd-ad samba-client krb5-client samba-winbind krb5-client python

    • For Debian:
      apt-get -yq install realmd adcli winbind samba libnss-winbind libpam-winbind libpam-krb5 krb5-config krb5-locales krb5-user packagekit  ntp unzip

  4. Follow Manually join a Linux instance to install the AWS CLI on Linux.
  5. Create a new AMI based on this instance by following the instructions in Create a Linux AMI from an instance.

You now have a new AMI that can be used in the next steps and in future to launch similar instances.

For Amazon Linux-based EC2 instances, the solution will use the mechanism described in How can I update yum or install packages without internet access on my EC2 instances to install the required packages and you don’t need to create a custom AMI. No additional packages are required if you are using Windows-based EC2 instances.

To launch a test EC2 instance

  1. Navigate to the Amazon EC2 console and launch an Amazon Linux or Windows EC2 instance in the same Region and VPC that you used when creating the CloudFormation stack. For any other operating system, make sure you are using the custom AMI created before.
  2. In the Add Tags section, add a tag named JoinAD and set the value as true. Add another tag named Operating_System and set the appropriate operating system value from:
    • FEDORA
    • RHEL
    • CENTOS
    • UBUNTU
    • DEBIAN
    • SUSE
  3. Make sure that the security group associated with this instance is set to allow all inbound traffic from the security group of the worker EC2 instance.
  4. Use the SSH key pair name from the prerequisites (Step 6) when launching the instance.
  5. Wait for the instance to launch and join the Active Directory domain. You can now navigate to the CloudWatch log group named /ad-domain-join-solution/ created by the CloudFormation stack to determine if the instance has joined the domain or not. On successful join, you can connect to the instance using a RDP or SSH client and entering your login credentials.
  6. To test the domain unjoin workflow, you can terminate the EC2 instance launched in Step 1 and log in to the Active Directory tools instance to validate that the Active Directory computer object that represents the instance is deleted.

Solution review

Let’s review the details of the solution components and what happens during the domain join and unjoin process:

1) The worker EC2 instance:

The worker EC2 instance used in this solution is a Windows instance with all configurations required to add and remove machines to and from an Active Directory domain. It can also be used as an Active Directory administration tools instance. This instance is continuously running a bash script that is polling the SQS queue for new messages. Upon arrival of a new message, the script performs the following tasks:

  1. Check if the instance is in running or terminated state to determine if it needs to be added or removed from the Active Directory domain.
  2. If the message is from a newly launched EC2 instance, then this means that this instance needs to join the Active Directory domain.
  3. The script identifies the instance operating system and runs the appropriate PowerShell or bash script on the remote EC2.
  4. Similarly, if the instance is in terminated state, then the worker will run the domain unjoin command locally to remove the computer object from the Active Directory domain.
  5. If the worker fails to process a message in the SQS queue, it sends the unprocessed message to a backup queue for debugging.
  6. The worker writes logs related to the success or failure of the domain join to a CloudWatch log group. Use /ad-domain-join-solution to filter for all other logs created by the worker instance in CloudWatch.

2) The worker bash script running on the instance:

This script polls the SQS queue every 5 seconds for new messages and is responsible for following activities:

  • Fetching Active Directory join credentials (user name and password) from Secrets Manager.
  • If the remote EC2 instance is running Windows, running the Invoke-Command PowerShell cmdlet on the instance to perform the Active Directory join operation.
  • If the remote EC2 instance is running Linux, running realm join command on the instance to perform the Active Directory join operation.
  • Running the Remove-ADComputer command to remove the computer object from the Active Directory domain for terminated EC2 instances.
  • Storing domain-joined EC2 instance details—computer name and IP address—in an Amazon DynamoDB table. These details are used to check if an instance is already part of the domain and when removing the instance from the Active Directory domain.

More information

Now that you have tested the solution, here are some additional points to be noted:

  • The Active Directory join and unjoin scripts provided with this solution can be replaced with your existing custom scripts.
  • To update the scripts on the worker instance, you must upload the modified scripts to the S3 bucket and the changes will automatically synchronize on the instance.
  • This solution works with single account, Region, and VPC combination. It can be modified to use across multiple Regions and VPC combinations.
  • For VPCs in a different account or Region, you must share your AWS Managed Microsoft AD with another AWS account when the networking prerequisites have been completed.
  • The instance user name and operating system mapping used in the solution is based on the default user name used by AWS.
  • You can use AWS Systems Manager with VPC endpoints to log in to EC2 instances that don’t have internet access.

The solution is protecting your Active Directory credentials and is making sure that:

  • Active Directory credentials can be accessed only from the worker EC2 instance.
  • The IAM role used by the worker EC2 instance to fetch the secret cannot be assumed by other IAM entities.
  • Only authorized users can read the credentials from the Secrets Manager console, through AWS CLI, or by using any other AWS Tool—such as an AWS SDK.

The focus of this solution is to demonstrate a method you can use to secure Active Directory credentials and automate the process of EC2 instances joining and unjoining from an Active Directory domain.

  • You can associate the IAM policy named DENYPOLICY with any IAM group or user in the account to block that user or group from accessing or modifying the worker EC2 instance and the IAM role used by the worker.
  • If your account belongs to an organization, you can use an organization-level service control policy instead of an IAM-managed policy—such as DENYPOLICY—to protect the underlying resources from unauthorized users.


In this blog post, you learned how to deploy an automated and secure solution through CloudFormation to help secure the Active Directory credentials and also manage adding and removing Amazon EC2 instances to and from an Active Directory domain. When using this solution, you incur Amazon EC2 charges along with charges associated with Secrets Manager pricing and AWS PrivateLink.

You can use the following references to help diagnose or troubleshoot common errors during the domain join or unjoin process.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

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Rakesh Singh

Rakesh is a Technical Account Manager with AWS. He loves automation and enjoys working directly with customers to solve complex technical issues and provide architectural guidance. Outside of work, he enjoys playing soccer, singing karaoke, and watching thriller movies.

Use tags to manage and secure access to additional types of IAM resources

Post Syndicated from Michael Switzer original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/use-tags-to-manage-and-secure-access-to-additional-types-of-iam-resources/

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) now enables Amazon Web Services (AWS) administrators to use tags to manage and secure access to more types of IAM resources, such as customer managed IAM policies, Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) providers, and virtual multi-factor authentication (MFA) devices. A tag is an attribute that consists of a key and an optional value that you can attach to an AWS resource. With this launch, administrators can attach tags to additional IAM resources to identify resource owners and grant fine-grained access to these resources at scale using attribute-based access control. For example, a security administrator in an AWS organization can now attach tags to all customer managed policies and then create a single policy for local administrators within the member accounts, which grants them permissions to manage only those customer managed policies that have a matching tag.

In this post, I first discuss the additional IAM resources that now support tags. Then I walk you through two use cases that demonstrate how you can use tags to identify an IAM resource owner, and how you can further restrict access to AWS resources based on prefixes and tag values.

Which IAM resources now support tags?

In addition to IAM roles and IAM users that already support tags, you can now tag more types of IAM resources. The following table shows other IAM resources that now support tags. The table also highlights which of the IAM resources support tags on the IAM console level and at the API/CLI level.

IAM resources Support tagging at IAM console Support tagging at API and CLI level
Customer managed IAM policies Yes Yes
Instance profiles No Yes
OpenID Connect Provider Yes Yes
SAML providers Yes Yes
Server certificates No Yes
Virtual MFAs No Yes

Fine-grained resource ownership and access using tags

In the next sections, I will walk through two examples of how to use tagging to classify your IAM resources and define least-privileged access for your developers. In the first example, I explain how to use tags to allow your developers to declare ownership of a customer managed policy they create. In the second example, I explain how to use tags to enforce least privilege allowing developers to only pass IAM roles with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance profiles they create.

Example 1: Use tags to identify the owner of a customer managed policy

As an AWS administrator, you can require your developers to always tag the customer managed policies they create. You can then use the tag to identify which of your developers owns the customer managed policies.

For example, as an AWS administrator you can require that your developers in your organization to tag any customer managed policy they create. To achieve this, you can require the policy creator to enter their username as the value for the key titled Owner on resource tag creation. By enforcing tagging on customer managed policies, administrators can now easily identify the owner of these IAM policy types.

To enforce customer managed policy tagging, you first grant your developer the ability to create IAM customer managed policies, and include a conditional statement within the IAM policy that requires your developer to apply their AWS user name in the tag value field titled Owner when they create the policy.

Step 1: Create an IAM policy and attach it to your developer role

Following is a sample IAM policy (TagCustomerManagedPolicies.json) that you can assign to your developer. You can use this policy to follow along with this example in your own AWS account. For your own policies and commands, replace the instances of <AccountNumber> in this example with your own AWS account ID.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "TagCustomerManagedPolicies",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::: <AccountNumber>:policy/Developer-*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:RequestTag/Owner": "${aws:username}"

This policy requires the developer to enter their AWS user name as the tag value to declare AWS resource ownership during customer managed policy creation. The TagCustomerManagedPolicies.json also requires the developer to name any customer managed policy they create with the Developer- prefix.

Create the TagCustomerManagedPolicies.json file, then create a managed policy using the the following CLI command:

$aws iam create-policy --policy-name TagCustomerManagedPolicies --policy-document file://TagCustomerManagedPolicies.json

When you create the TagCustomerManagedPolicies.json policy, attach the policy to your developer with the following command. Assume your developer has an IAM user profile and their AWS user name is JohnA.

$aws iam attach-user-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::<AccountNumber>:policy/TagCustomerManagedPolicies --user-name JohnA

Step 2: Ensure the developer uses appropriate tags when creating IAM policies

If your developer attempts to create a customer managed policy without applying their AWS user name as the value for the Owner tag and fails to name the customer managed policy with the required prefix Developer-, this IAM policy will not allow the developer to create this AWS resource. The error received by the developer is shown in the following example.

$ aws iam create-policy --policy-name TestPolicy --policy-document file://Developer-TestPolicy.json 

An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the CreatePolicy operation: User: arn:aws:iam::<AccountNumber>:user/JohnA is not authorized to perform: iam:CreatePolicy on resource: policy TestPolicy

However, if your developer applies their AWS user name as the value for the Owner tag and names the policy with the Developer- prefix, the IAM policy will enable your developer to successfully create the customer managed policy, as shown in the following example.

$aws iam create-policy --policy-name Developer-TestPolicy --policy-document file://Developer-TestPolicy.json --tags '{"Key": "Owner", "Value": "JohnA"}'

  "Policy": {
    "PolicyName": "Developer-Test_policy",
    "PolicyId": "<PolicyId>",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::<AccountNumber>:policy/Developer-Test_policy",
    "Path": "/",
    "DefaultVersionId": "v1",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "Owner",
        "Value": "JohnA"
    "AttachmentCount": 0,
    "PermissionsBoundaryUsageCount": 0,
    "IsAttachable": true,
    "CreateDate": "2020-07-27T21:18:10Z",
    "UpdateDate": "2020-07-27T21:18:10Z"

Example 2: Use tags to control which IAM roles your developers attach to an instance profile

Amazon EC2 enables customers to run compute resources in the cloud. AWS developers use IAM instance profiles to associate IAM roles to EC2 instances hosting their applications. This instance profile is used to pass an IAM role to an EC2 instance to grant it privileges to invoke actions on behalf of an application hosted within it.

In this example, I show how you can use tags to control which IAM roles your developers can add to instance profiles. You can use this as a starting point for your own workloads, or follow along with this example as a learning exercise. For your own policies and commands, replace the instances of <AccountNumber> in this example with your own AWS account ID.

Let’s assume your developer is running an application on their EC2 instance that needs read and write permissions to objects within various developer owned Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets. To allow your application to perform these actions, you need to associate an IAM role with the required S3 permissions to an instance profile of your EC2 instance that is hosting your application.

To achieve this, you will do the following:

  1. Create a permissions boundary policy and require your developer to attach the permissions boundary policy to any IAM role they create. The permissions boundary policy defines the maximum permissions your developer can assign to any IAM role they create. For examples of how to use permissions boundary policies, see Add Tags to Manage Your AWS IAM Users and Roles.
  2. Grant your developer permissions to create and tag IAM roles and instance profiles. Your developer will use the instance profile to pass the IAM role to their EC2 instance hosting their application.
  3. Grant your developer permissions to create and apply IAM permissions to the IAM role they create.
  4. Grant your developer permissions to assign IAM roles to instance profiles of their EC2 instances based on the Owner tag they applied to the IAM role and instance profile they created.

Step 1: Create a permissions boundary policy

First, create the permissions boundary policy (S3ActionBoundary.json) that defines the maximum S3 permissions for the IAM role your developer creates. Following is an example of a permissions boundary policy.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "S3ActionBoundary",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::Developer-*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:RequestedRegion": "us-east-1"

When used as a permissions boundary, this policy enables your developers to grant permissions to some S3 actions, as long as two requirements are met. First, the S3 bucket must begin with the Developer prefix. Second, the region used to make the request must be US East (N. Virginia).

Similar to the previous example, you can create the S3ActionBoundary.json, then create a managed IAM policy using the following CLI command:

$aws iam create-policy --policy-name S3ActionBoundary --policy-document file://S3ActionBoundary.json

Step 2: Grant your developer permissions to create and tag IAM roles and instance profiles

Next, create the IAM permission (DeveloperCreateActions.json) that allows your developer to create IAM roles and instance profiles. Any roles they create will not be allowed to exceed the permissions of the boundary policy we created in step 1, and any resources they create must be tagged according to the guideline we established earlier. Following is an example DeveloperCreateActions.json policy.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "CreateRole",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "iam:CreateRole",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::<AccountNumber>:role/Developer-*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:RequestTag/Owner": "${aws:username}",
                    "iam:PermissionsBoundary": "arn:aws:iam::<AccountNumber>:policy/S3ActionBoundary"
            "Sid": "CreatePolicyandInstanceProfile",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:RequestTag/Owner": "${aws:username}"
            "Sid": "TagActionsAndAttachActions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:ResourceTag/Owner": "${aws:username}"

I will walk through each statement in the policy to explain its function.

The first statement CreateRole allows creating IAM roles. The Condition element of the policy requires your developer to apply their AWS user name as the Owner tag to any IAM role or instance profile they create. It also requires your developer to attach the S3ActionBoundary as a permissions boundary policy to any IAM role they create.

The next statement CreatePolicyAndInstanceProfile allows creating IAM policies and instance profiles. The Condition element requires your developer to name any IAM role or instance profile they create with the Developer- prefix, and to attach the Owner tag to the resources they create.

The last statement TagActionsAndAttachActions allows tagging managed policies, instance profiles and roles with the Owner tag. It also allows attaching role policies, so they can configure the permissions for the roles they create. The Resource and Condition elements of the policy require the developer to use the Developer- prefix and their AWS user name as the Owner tag, respectively.

Once you create the DeveloperCreateActions.json file locally, you can create it as an IAM policy and attach it to your developer role using the following CLI commands:

$aws iam create-policy --policy-name DeveloperCreateActions --policy-document file://DeveloperCreateActions.json 

$aws iam attach-user-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::<AccountNumber>:policy/DeveloperCreateActions --user-name JohnA

With the preceding policy, your developer can now create an instance profile, an IAM role, and the permissions they will attach to the IAM role. For example, if your developer creates an instance profile and doesn’t apply their AWS user name as the Owner tag, the IAM Policy will prevent the resource creation process from occurring render an error as shown in the following example.

$aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name Developer-EC2-InstanceProfile

An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the CreateInstanceProfile operation: User: arn:aws:iam::<AccountNumber>:user/JohnA is not authorized to perform: iam:CreateInstanceProfile on resource: arn:aws:iam::<AccountNumber>:instance-profile/Developer-EC2

When your developer names the instance profile with the prefix Developer- and includes their AWS user name as value for the Owner tag in the create request, the IAM policy allows the create action to occur as shown in the following example.

$aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name Developer-EC2-InstanceProfile --tags '{"Key": "Owner", "Value": "JohnA"}'

    "InstanceProfile": {
        "Path": "/",
        "InstanceProfileId":" AIPAR3HKUNWB24NBA3HRC",
        "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::<AccountNumber>:instance-profile/Developer-EC2-InstanceProfile",
        "CreateDate": "2020-07-30T21:24:30Z",
        "Roles": [],
        "Tags": [
                "Key": "Owner",
                "Value": "JohnA"


Let’s assume your developer creates an IAM role called Developer-EC2. The Developer-EC2 role has your developer’s AWS user name (JohnA) as the Owner tag. The developer has the S3ActionBoundaryPolicy.json as their permissions boundary policy and the Developer-ApplicationS3Access.json policy as the permissions policy that your developer will pass to their EC2 instance to allow it to call S3 on behalf of their application. This is shown in the following example.

<Details of the role trust policy – RoleTrustPolicy.json>
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Service": "ec2.amazonaws.com"
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
<Details of IAM role permissions – Developer-ApplicationS3Access.json>

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "S3Access",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::Developer-*"

<Your developer creates IAM role with a permissions boundary policy and a role trust policy>

$aws iam create-role --role-name Developer-EC2
--assume-role-policy-document file://RoleTrustPolicy.json
--permissions-boundary arn:aws:iam::<AccountNumber>:policy/S3ActionBoundary --tags '{"Key": "Owner", "Value": "JohnA"}'

<Your developer creates IAM policy for the newly created IAM role>
$aws iam create-policy –-policy-name Developer-ApplicationS3Access –-policy-document file://Developer-ApplicationS3Access.json --tags '{"Key": "Owner", "Value": "JohnA"}'

<Your developer attaches newly created IAM policy to the newly created IAM role >
$aws iam attach-role-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::<AccountNumber>:policy/Developer-ApplicationS3Access --role-name Developer-EC2

Step 3: Grant your developer permissions to create and apply IAM permissions to the IAM role they create

By using the AddRoleAssociateInstanceProfile.json IAM Policy provided below, you are allowing your developers the permissions to pass their new IAM role to an instance profile they create. They need to follow these requirements because the DeveloperCreateActions.json permission, which you already assigned to your developer in an earlier step, allows your developer to only administer resources that are properly prefixed with Developer- and have their user name assigned to the resource tag. The following example shows details of the AddRoleAssociateInstanceProfile.json policy.

< AddRoleAssociateInstanceProfile.json>
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "AddRoleToInstanceProfile",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:ResourceTag/Owner": "${aws:username}"
            "Sid": "AssociateInstanceProfile",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "ec2:AssociateIamInstanceProfile",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:<AccountNumber>:instance/Developer-*"

Once you create the DeveloperCreateActions.json file locally, you can create it as an IAM policy and attach it to your developer role using the following CLI commands:

$aws iam create-policy –-policy-name AddRoleAssociateInstanceProfile –-policy-document file://AddRoleAssociateInstanceProfile.json

$aws iam attach-user-policy –-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::<AccountNumber>:policy/ AddRoleAssociateInstanceProfile –-user-name Developer

If your developer’s AWS user name is the Owner tag for the Developer-EC2-InstanceProfile instance profile and the Developer-EC2 IAM role, then AWS allows your developer to add the Developer-EC2 role to the Developer-EC2-InstanceProfile instance profile. However, if your developer attempts to add the Developer-EC2 role to an instance profile they don’t own, AWS won’t allow the action, as shown in the following example.

aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile --instance-profile-name EC2-access-Profile --role-name Developer-EC2

An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the AddRoleToInstanceProfile operation: User: arn:aws:iam::<AccountNumber>:user/Developer is not authorized to perform: iam:AddRoleToInstanceProfile on resource: instance profile EC2-access-profile

When your developer adds the IAM role to the instance profile they own, the IAM policy allows the action, as shown in the following example.

aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile --instance-profile-name Developer-EC2-InstanceProfile --role-name Developer-EC2

You can verify this by checking which instance profiles contain the Developer-EC2 role, as follows.

$aws iam list-instance-profiles-for-role --role-name Developer-EC2

    "InstanceProfiles": [
            "InstanceProfileId": "AIDGPMS9RO4H3FEXAMPLE",
            "Roles": [
                    "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": "<URL-encoded-JSON>",
                    "RoleId": "AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE",
                    "CreateDate": "2020-06-07T20: 42: 15Z",
                    "RoleName": "Developer-EC2",
                    "Path": "/",
            "Path": "/",

Step 4: Grant your developer permissions to add IAM roles to instance profiles based on the Owner tag

Your developer can then associate the instance profile (Developer-EC2-InstanceProfile) to their EC2 instance running their application, by using the following command.

aws ec2 associate-iam-instance-profile --instance-id i-1234567890EXAMPLE --iam-instance-profile Name="Developer-EC2-InstanceProfile"

    "IamInstanceProfileAssociation": {
        "InstanceId": "i-1234567890EXAMPLE",
        "State": "associating",
        "AssociationId": "iip-assoc-0dbd8529a48294120",
        "IamInstanceProfile": {
            "Id": "AIDGPMS9RO4H3FEXAMPLE",
            "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::<AccountNumber>:instance-profile/Developer-EC2-InstanceProfile"


You can use tags to manage and secure access to IAM resources such as IAM roles, IAM users, SAML providers, server certificates, and virtual MFAs. In this post, I highlighted two examples of how AWS administrators can use tags to grant access at scale to IAM resources such as customer managed policies and instance profiles. For more information about the IAM resources that support tagging, see the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) User Guide.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS IAM forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Michael Switzer

Mike is the product manager for the Identity and Access Management service at AWS. He enjoys working directly with customers to identify solutions to their challenges, and using data-driven decision making to drive his work. Outside of work, Mike is an avid cyclist and outdoorsperson. He holds a master’s degree in computational mathematics from the University of Washington.



Special thanks to Derrick Oigiagbe who made significant contributions to this post.

Mitigate data leakage through the use of AppStream 2.0 and end-to-end auditing

Post Syndicated from Chaim Landau original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/mitigate-data-leakage-through-the-use-of-appstream-2-0-and-end-to-end-auditing/

Customers want to use AWS services to operate on their most sensitive data, but they want to make sure that only the right people have access to that data. Even when the right people are accessing data, customers want to account for what actions those users took while accessing the data.

In this post, we show you how you can use Amazon AppStream 2.0 to grant isolated access to sensitive data and decrease your attack surface. In addition, we show you how to achieve end-to-end auditing, which is designed to provide full traceability of all activities around your data.

To demonstrate this idea, we built a sample solution that provides a data scientist with access to an Amazon SageMaker Studio notebook using AppStream 2.0. The solution deploys a new Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) with isolated subnets, where the SageMaker notebook and AppStream 2.0 instances are set up.

Why AppStream 2.0?

AppStream 2.0 is a fully-managed, non-persistent application and desktop streaming service that provides access to desktop applications from anywhere by using an HTML5-compatible desktop browser.

Each time you launch an AppStream 2.0 session, a freshly-built, pre-provisioned instance is provided, using a prebuilt image. As soon as you close your session and the disconnect timeout period is reached, the instance is terminated. This allows you to carefully control the user experience and helps to ensure a consistent, secure environment each time. AppStream 2.0 also lets you enforce restrictions on user sessions, such as disabling the clipboard, file transfers, or printing.

Furthermore, AppStream 2.0 uses AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles to grant fine-grained access to other AWS services such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Redshift, Amazon SageMaker, and other AWS services. This gives you both control over the access as well as an accounting, via Amazon CloudTrail, of what actions were taken and when.

These features make AppStream 2.0 uniquely suitable for environments that require high security and isolation.

Why SageMaker?

Developers and data scientists use SageMaker to build, train, and deploy machine learning models quickly. SageMaker does most of the work of each step of the machine learning process to help users develop high-quality models. SageMaker access from within AppStream 2.0 provides your data scientists and analysts with a suite of common and familiar data-science packages to use against isolated data.

Solution architecture overview

This solution allows a data scientist to work with a data set while connected to an isolated environment that doesn’t have an outbound path to the internet.

First, you build an Amazon VPC with isolated subnets and with no internet gateways attached. This ensures that any instances stood up in the environment don’t have access to the internet. To provide the resources inside the isolated subnets with a path to commercial AWS services such as Amazon S3, SageMaker, AWS System Manager you build VPC endpoints and attach them to the VPC, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Network Diagram

Figure 1: Network Diagram

You then build an AppStream 2.0 stack and fleet, and attach a security group and IAM role to the fleet. The purpose of the IAM role is to provide the AppStream 2.0 instances with access to downstream AWS services such as Amazon S3 and SageMaker. The IAM role design follows the least privilege model, to ensure that only the access required for each task is granted.

During the building of the stack, you will enable AppStream 2.0 Home Folders. This feature builds an S3 bucket where users can store files from inside their AppStream 2.0 session. The bucket is designed with a dedicated prefix for each user, where only they have access. We use this prefix to store the user’s pre-signed SagaMaker URLs, ensuring that no one user can access another users SageMaker Notebook.

You then deploy a SageMaker notebook for the data scientist to use to access and analyze the isolated data.

To confirm that the user ID on the AppStream 2.0 session hasn’t been spoofed, you create an AWS Lambda function that compares the user ID of the data scientist against the AppStream 2.0 session ID. If the user ID and session ID match, this indicates that the user ID hasn’t been impersonated.

Once the session has been validated, the Lambda function generates a pre-signed SageMaker URL that gives the data scientist access to the notebook.

Finally, you enable AppStream 2.0 usage reports to ensure that you have end-to-end auditing of your environment.

To help you easily deploy this solution into your environment, we’ve built an AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) application and stacks, using Python. To deploy this solution, you can go to the Solution deployment section in this blog post.

Note: this solution was built with all resources being in a single AWS Region. The support of multi Region is possible but isn’t part of this blog post.

Solution requirements

Before you build a solution, you must know your security requirements. The solution in this post assumes a set of standard security requirements that you typically find in an enterprise environment:

  • User authentication is provided by a Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) identity provider (IdP).
  • IAM roles are used to access AWS services such as Amazon S3 and SageMaker.
  • AWS IAM access keys and secret keys are prohibited.
  • IAM policies follow the least privilege model so that only the required access is granted.
  • Windows clipboard, file transfer, and printing to local devices is prohibited.
  • Auditing and traceability of all activities is required.

Note: before you will be able to integrate SAML with AppStream 2.0, you will need to follow the AppStream 2.0 Integration with SAML 2.0 guide. There are quite a few steps and it will take some time to set up. SAML authentication is optional, however. If you just want to prototype the solution and see how it works, you can do that without enabling SAML integration.

Solution components

This solution uses the following technologies:

  • Amazon VPC – provides an isolated network where the solution will be deployed.
  • VPC endpoints – provide access from the isolated network to commercial AWS services such as Amazon S3 and SageMaker.
  • AWS Systems Manager – stores parameters such as S3 bucket names.
  • AppStream 2.0 – provides hardened instances to run the solution on.
  • AppStream 2.0 home folders – store users’ session information.
  • Amazon S3 – stores application scripts and pre-signed SageMaker URLs.
  • SageMaker notebook – provides data scientists with tools to access the data.
  • AWS Lambda – runs scripts to validate the data scientist’s session, and generates pre-signed URLs for the SageMaker notebook.
  • AWS CDK – deploys the solution.
  • PowerShell – processes scripts on AppStream 2.0 Microsoft Windows instances.

Solution high-level design and process flow

The following figure is a high-level depiction of the solution and its process flow.

Figure 2: Solution process flow

Figure 2: Solution process flow

The process flow—illustrated in Figure 2—is:

  1. A data scientist clicks on an AppStream 2.0 federated or a streaming URL.
    1. If it’s a federated URL, the data scientist authenticates using their corporate credentials, as well as MFA if required.
    1. If it’s a streaming URL, no further authentication is required.
  2. The data scientist is presented with a PowerShell application that’s been made available to them.
  3. After starting the application, it starts the PowerShell script on an AppStream 2.0 instance.
  4. The script then:
    1. Downloads a second PowerShell script from an S3 bucket.
    2. Collects local AppStream 2.0 environment variables:
      1. AppStream_UserName
      2. AppStream_Session_ID
      3. AppStream_Resource_Name
    3. Stores the variables in the session.json file and copies the file to the home folder of the session on Amazon S3.
  5. The PUT event of the JSON file into the Amazon S3 bucket triggers an AWS Lambda function that performs the following:
    1. Reads the session.json file from the user’s home folder on Amazon S3.
    2. Performs a describe action against the AppStream 2.0 API to ensure that the session ID and the user ID match. This helps to prevent the user from manipulating the local environment variable to pretend to be someone else (spoofing), and potentially gain access to unauthorized data.
    3. If the session ID and user ID match, a pre-signed SageMaker URL is generated and stored in session_url.txt, and copied to the user’s home folder on Amazon S3.
    4. If the session ID and user ID do not match, the Lambda function ends without generating a pre-signed URL.
  6. When the PowerShell script detects the session_url.txt file, it opens the URL, giving the user access to their SageMaker notebook.

Code structure

To help you deploy this solution in your environment, we’ve built a set of code that you can use. The code is mostly written in Python and for the AWS CDK framework, and with an AWS CDK application and some PowerShell scripts.

Note: We have chosen the default settings on many of the AWS resources our code deploys. Before deploying the code, you should conduct a thorough code review to ensure the resources you are deploying meet your organization’s requirements.

AWS CDK application – ./app.py

To make this application modular and portable, we’ve structured it in separate AWS CDK nested stacks:

  • vpc-stack – deploys a VPC with two isolated subnets, along with three VPC endpoints.
  • s3-stack – deploys an S3 bucket, copies the AppStream 2.0 PowerShell scripts, and stores the bucket name in an SSM parameter.
  • appstream-service-roles-stack – deploys AppStream 2.0 service roles.
  • appstream-stack – deploys the AppStream 2.0 stack and fleet, along with the required IAM roles and security groups.
  • appstream-start-fleet-stack – builds a custom resource that starts the AppStream 2.0 fleet.
  • notebook-stack – deploys a SageMaker notebook, along with IAM roles, security groups, and an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) encryption key.
  • saml-stack – deploys a SAML role as a placeholder for SAML authentication.

PowerShell scripts

The solution uses the following PowerShell scripts inside the AppStream 2.0 instances:

  • sagemaker-notebook-launcher.ps1 – This script is part of the AppStream 2.0 image and downloads the sagemaker-notebook.ps1 script.
  • sagemaker-notebook.ps1 – starts the process of validating the session and generating the SageMaker pre-signed URL.

Note: Having the second script reside on Amazon S3 provides flexibility. You can modify this script without having to create a new AppStream 2.0 image.

Deployment Prerequisites

To deploy this solution, your deployment environment must meet the following prerequisites:

Note: We used AWS Cloud9 with Amazon Linux 2 to test this solution, as it comes preinstalled with most of the prerequisites for deploying this solution.

Deploy the solution

Now that you know the design and components, you’re ready to deploy the solution.

Note: In our demo solution, we deploy two stream.standard.small AppStream 2.0 instances, using Windows Server 2019. This gives you a reasonable example to work from. In your own environment you might need more instances, a different instance type, or a different version of Windows. Likewise, we deploy a single SageMaker notebook instance of type ml.t3.medium. To change the AppStream 2.0 and SageMaker instance types, you will need to modify the stacks/data_sandbox_appstream.py and stacks/data_sandbox_notebook.py respectively.

Step 1: AppStream 2.0 image

An AppStream 2.0 image contains applications that you can stream to your users. It’s what allows you to curate the user experience by preconfiguring the settings of the applications you stream to your users.

To build an AppStream 2.0 image:

  1. Build an image following the Create a Custom AppStream 2.0 Image by Using the AppStream 2.0 Console tutorial.

    Note: In Step 1: Install Applications on the Image Builder in this tutorial, you will be asked to choose an Instance family. For this example, we chose General Purpose. If you choose a different Instance family, you will need to make sure the appstream_instance_type specified under Step 2: Code modification is of the same family.

    In Step 6: Finish Creating Your Image in this tutorial, you will be asked to provide a unique image name. Note down the image name as you will need it in Step 2 of this blog post.

  2. Copy notebook-launcher.ps1 to a location on the image. We recommend that you copy it to C:\AppStream.
  3. In Step 2—Create an AppStream 2.0 Application Catalog—of the tutorial, use C:\Windows\System32\Windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe as the application, and the path to notebook-launcher.ps1 as the launch parameter.

Note: While testing your application during the image building process, the PowerShell script will fail because the underlying infrastructure is not present. You can ignore that failure during the image building process.

Step 2: Code modification

Next, you must modify some of the code to fit your environment.

Make the following changes in the cdk.json file:

  • vpc_cidr – Supply your preferred CIDR range to be used for the VPC.

    Note: VPC CIDR ranges are your private IP space and thus can consist of any valid RFC 1918 range. However, if the VPC you are planning on using for AppStream 2.0 needs to connect to other parts of your private network (on premise or other VPCs), you need to choose a range that does not conflict or overlap with the rest of your infrastructure.

  • appstream_Image_name – Enter the image name you chose when you built the Appstream 2.0 image in Step 1.a.
  • appstream_environment_name – The environment name is strictly cosmetic and drives the naming of your AppStream 2.0 stack and fleet.
  • appstream_instance_type – Enter the AppStream 2.0 instance type. The instance type must be part of the same instance family you used in Step 1 of the To build an AppStream 2.0 image section. For a list of AppStream 2.0 instances, visit https://aws.amazon.com/appstream2/pricing/.
  • appstream_fleet_type – Enter the fleet type. Allowed values are ALWAYS_ON or ON_DEMAND.
  • Idp_name – If you have integrated SAML with this solution, you will need to enter the IdP name you chose when creating the SAML provider in the IAM Console.

Step 3: Deploy the AWS CDK application

The CDK application deploys the CDK stacks.

The stacks include:

  • VPC with isolated subnets
  • VPC Endpoints for S3, SageMaker, and Systems Manager
  • S3 bucket
  • AppStream 2.0 stack and fleet
  • Two AppStream 2.0 stream.standard.small instances
  • A single SageMaker ml.t2.medium notebook

Run the following commands to deploy the AWS CDK application:

  1. Install the AWS CDK Toolkit.
    npm install -g aws-cdk

  2. Create and activate a virtual environment.
    python -m venv .datasandbox-env
    source .datasandbox-env/bin/activate

  3. Change directory to the root folder of the code repository.
  4. Install the required packages.
    pip install -r requirements.txt

  5. If you haven’t used AWS CDK in your account yet, run:
    cdk bootstrap

  6. Deploy the AWS CDK stack.
    cdk deploy DataSandbox

Step 4: Test the solution

After the stack has successfully deployed, allow approximately 25 minutes for the AppStream 2.0 fleet to reach a running state. Testing will fail if the fleet isn’t running.

Without SAML

If you haven’t added SAML authentication, use the following steps to test the solution.

  1. In the AWS Management Console, go to AppStream 2.0 and then to Stacks.
  2. Select the stack, and then select Action.
  3. Select Create streaming URL.
  4. Enter any user name and select Get URL.
  5. Enter the URL in another tab of your browser and test your application.


If you are using SAML authentication, you will have a federated login URL that you need to visit.

If everything is working, your SageMaker notebook will be launched as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: SageMaker Notebook

Figure 3: SageMaker Notebook

Note: if you receive a web browser timeout, verify that the SageMaker notebook instance “Data-Sandbox-Notebook” is currently in InService status.


Auditing for this solution is provided through AWS CloudTrail and AppStream 2.0 Usage Reports. Though CloudTrail is enabled by default, to collect and store the CloudTrail logs, you must create a trail for your AWS account.

The following logs will be available for you to use, to provide auditing.

Connecting the dots

To get an accurate idea of your users’ activity, you have to correlate some logs from different services. First, you collect the login information from CloudTrail. This gives you the user ID of the user who logged in. You then collect the Amazon S3 put from CloudTrail, which gives you the IP address of the AppStream 2.0 instance. And finally, you collect the AppStream 2.0 usage report which gives you the IP address of the AppStream 2.0 instance, plus the user ID. This allows you to connect the user ID to the activity on Amazon S3. For auditing & controlling exploration activities with SageMaker, please visit this GitHub repository.

Though the logs are automatically being collected, what we have shown you here is a manual way of sifting through those logs. For a more robust solution on querying and analyzing CloudTrail logs, visit Querying AWS CloudTrail Logs.

Costs of this Solution

The cost for running this solution will depend on a number of factors like the instance size, the amount of data you store, and how many hours you use the solution. AppStream 2.0 is charged per instance hour and there is one instance in this example solution. You can see details on the AppStream 2.0 pricing page. VPC endpoints are charged by the hour and by how much data passes through them. There are three VPC endpoints in this solution (S3, System Manager, and SageMaker). VPC endpoint pricing is described on the Privatelink pricing page. SageMaker Notebooks are charged based on the number of instance hours and the instance type. There is one SageMaker instance in this solution, which may be eligible for free tier pricing. See the SageMaker pricing page for more details. Amazon S3 storage pricing depends on how much data you store, what kind of storage you use, and how much data transfers in and out of S3. The use in this solution may be eligible for free tier pricing. You can see details on the S3 pricing page.

Before deploying this solution, make sure to calculate your cost using the AWS Pricing Calculator, and the AppStream 2.0 pricing calculator.


Congratulations! You have deployed a solution that provides your users with access to sensitive and isolated data in a secure manner using AppStream 2.0. You have also implemented a mechanism that is designed to prevent user impersonation, and enabled end-to-end auditing of all user activities.

To learn about how Amazon is using AppStream 2.0, visit the blog post How Amazon uses AppStream 2.0 to provide data scientists and analysts with access to sensitive data.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Chaim Landau

As a Senior Cloud Architect at AWS, Chaim works with large enterprise customers, helping them create innovative solutions to address their cloud challenges. Chaim is passionate about his work, enjoys the creativity that goes into building solutions in the cloud, and derives pleasure from passing on his knowledge. In his spare time, he enjoys outdoor activities, spending time in nature, and immersing himself in his books.


JD Braun

As a Data and Machine Learning Engineer, JD helps organizations design and implement modern data architectures to deliver value to their internal and external customers. In his free time, he enjoys exploring Minneapolis with his fiancée and black lab.

Top 10 blog posts of 2020

Post Syndicated from Maddie Bacon original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/top-10-posts-of-2020/

The AWS Security Blog endeavors to provide our readers with a reliable place to find the most up-to-date information on using AWS services to secure systems and tools, as well as thought leadership, and effective ways to solve security issues. In turn, our readers have shown us what’s most important for securing their businesses. To that end, we’re happy to showcase the top 10 most popular posts of 2020:

The top 10 posts of 2020

  1. Use AWS Lambda authorizers with a third-party identity provider to secure Amazon API Gateway REST APIs
  2. How to use trust policies with IAM roles
  3. How to use G Suite as external identity provider AWS SSO
  4. Top 10 security items to improve in your AWS account
  5. Automated response and remediation with AWS Security Hub
  6. How to add authentication single page web application with Amazon Cognito OAuth2 implementation
  7. Get ready for upcoming changes in the AWS Single Sign-On user sign-in process
  8. TLS 1.2 to become the minimum for all AWS FIPS endpoints
  9. How to use KMS and IAM to enable independent security controls for encrypted data in S3
  10. Use AWS Firewall Manager VPC security groups to protect your applications hosted on EC2 instances

If you’re new to AWS, or just discovering the Security Blog, we’ve also compiled a list of older posts that customers continue to find useful:

The top five posts of all time

  1. Where’s My Secret Access Key?
  2. Writing IAM Policies: How to Grant Access to an Amazon S3 Bucket
  3. How to Restrict Amazon S3 Bucket Access to a Specific IAM Role
  4. IAM Policies and Bucket Policies and ACLs! Oh, My! (Controlling Access to S3 Resources)
  5. Securely Connect to Linux Instances Running in a Private Amazon VPC

Though these posts were well received, we’re always looking to improve. Let us know what you’d like to read about in the Comments section below.

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Maddie Bacon

Maddie (she/her) is a technical writer for AWS Security with a passion for creating meaningful content. She previously worked as a security reporter and editor at TechTarget and has a BA in Mathematics. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, traveling, and all things Harry Potter.


Anna Brinkmann

Anna manages the Security Blog and enjoys poking her nose into all the details involved in the blog. If you have feedback about the blog, she’s always available on Slack to hear about it. Anna spends her days drinking lots of black tea, cutting extraneous words, and working to streamline processes.

Use new account assignment APIs for AWS SSO to automate multi-account access

Post Syndicated from Akhil Aendapally original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/use-new-account-assignment-apis-for-aws-sso-to-automate-multi-account-access/

In this blog post, we’ll show how you can programmatically assign and audit access to multiple AWS accounts for your AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) users and groups, using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) and AWS CloudFormation.

With AWS SSO, you can centrally manage access and user permissions to all of your accounts in AWS Organizations. You can assign user permissions based on common job functions, customize them to meet your specific security requirements, and assign the permissions to users or groups in the specific accounts where they need access. You can create, read, update, and delete permission sets in one place to have consistent role policies across your entire organization. You can then provide access by assigning permission sets to multiple users and groups in multiple accounts all in a single operation.

AWS SSO recently added new account assignment APIs and AWS CloudFormation support to automate access assignment across AWS Organizations accounts. This release addressed feedback from our customers with multi-account environments who wanted to adopt AWS SSO, but faced challenges related to managing AWS account permissions. To automate the previously manual process and save your administration time, you can now use the new AWS SSO account assignment APIs, or AWS CloudFormation templates, to programmatically manage AWS account permission sets in multi-account environments.

With AWS SSO account assignment APIs, you can now build your automation that will assign access for your users and groups to AWS accounts. You can also gain insights into who has access to which permission sets in which accounts across your entire AWS Organizations structure. With the account assignment APIs, your automation system can programmatically retrieve permission sets for audit and governance purposes, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Automating multi-account access with the AWS SSO API and AWS CloudFormation

Figure 1: Automating multi-account access with the AWS SSO API and AWS CloudFormation


In this walkthrough, we’ll illustrate how to create permission sets, assign permission sets to users and groups in AWS SSO, and grant access for users and groups to multiple AWS accounts by using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) and AWS CloudFormation.

To grant user permissions to AWS resources with AWS SSO, you use permission sets. A permission set is a collection of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies. Permission sets can contain up to 10 AWS managed policies and a single custom policy stored in AWS SSO.

A policy is an object that defines a user’s permissions. Policies contain statements that represent individual access controls (allow or deny) for various tasks. This determines what tasks users can or cannot perform within the AWS account. AWS evaluates these policies when an IAM principal (a user or role) makes a request.

When you provision a permission set in the AWS account, AWS SSO creates a corresponding IAM role on that account, with a trust policy that allows users to assume the role through AWS SSO. With AWS SSO, you can assign more than one permission set to a user in the specific AWS account. Users who have multiple permission sets must choose one when they sign in through the user portal or the AWS CLI. Users will see these as IAM roles.

To learn more about IAM policies, see Policies and permissions in IAM. To learn more about permission sets, see Permission Sets.

Assume you have a company, Example.com, which has three AWS accounts: an organization management account (ExampleOrgMaster), a development account (ExampleOrgDev), and a test account (ExampleOrgTest). Example.com uses AWS Organizations to manage these accounts and has already enabled AWS SSO.

Example.com has the IT security lead, Frank Infosec, who needs PowerUserAccess to the test account (ExampleOrgTest) and SecurityAudit access to the development account (ExampleOrgDev). Alice Developer, the developer, needs full access to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) through the development account (ExampleOrgDev). We’ll show you how to assign and audit the access for Alice and Frank centrally with AWS SSO, using the AWS CLI.

The flow includes the following steps:

  1. Create three permission sets:
    • PowerUserAccess, with the PowerUserAccess policy attached.
    • AuditAccess, with the SecurityAudit policy attached.
    • EC2-S3-FullAccess, with the AmazonEC2FullAccess and AmazonS3FullAccess policies attached.
  2. Assign permission sets to the AWS account and AWS SSO users:
    • Assign the PowerUserAccess and AuditAccess permission sets to Frank Infosec, to provide the required access to the ExampleOrgDev and ExampleOrgTest accounts.
    • Assign the EC2-S3-FullAccess permission set to Alice Developer, to provide the required permissions to the ExampleOrgDev account.
  3. Retrieve the assigned permissions by using Account Entitlement APIs for audit and governance purposes.

    Note: AWS SSO Permission sets can contain either AWS managed policies or custom policies that are stored in AWS SSO. In this blog we attach AWS managed polices to the AWS SSO Permission sets for simplicity. To help secure your AWS resources, follow the standard security advice of granting least privilege access using AWS SSO custom policy while creating AWS SSO Permission set.

Figure 2: AWS Organizations accounts access for Alice and Frank

Figure 2: AWS Organizations accounts access for Alice and Frank

To help simplify administration of access permissions, we recommend that you assign access directly to groups rather than to individual users. With groups, you can grant or deny permissions to groups of users, rather than having to apply those permissions to each individual. For simplicity, in this blog you’ll assign permissions directly to the users.


Before you start this walkthrough, complete these steps:

Use the AWS SSO API from the AWS CLI

In order to call the AWS SSO account assignment API by using the AWS CLI, you need to install and configure AWS CLI v2. For more information about AWS CLI installation and configuration, see Installing the AWS CLI and Configuring the AWS CLI.

Step 1: Create permission sets

In this step, you learn how to create EC2-S3FullAccess, AuditAccess, and PowerUserAccess permission sets in AWS SSO from the AWS CLI.

Before you create the permission sets, run the following command to get the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS SSO instance and the Identity Store ID, which you will need later in the process when you create and assign permission sets to AWS accounts and users or groups.

aws sso-admin list-instances

Figure 3 shows the results of running the command.

Figure 3: AWS SSO list instances

Figure 3: AWS SSO list instances

Next, create the permission set for the security team (Frank) and dev team (Alice), as follows.

Permission set for Alice Developer (EC2-S3-FullAccess)

Run the following command to create the EC2-S3-FullAccess permission set for Alice, as shown in Figure 4.

aws sso-admin create-permission-set --instance-arn '<Instance ARN>' --name 'EC2-S3-FullAccess' --description 'EC2 and S3 access for developers'
Figure 4: Creating the permission set EC2-S3-FullAccess

Figure 4: Creating the permission set EC2-S3-FullAccess

Permission set for Frank Infosec (AuditAccess)

Run the following command to create the AuditAccess permission set for Frank, as shown in Figure 5.

aws sso-admin create-permission-set --instance-arn '<Instance ARN>' --name 'AuditAccess' --description 'Audit Access for security team on ExampleOrgDev account'
Figure 5: Creating the permission set AuditAccess

Figure 5: Creating the permission set AuditAccess

Permission set for Frank Infosec (PowerUserAccess)

Run the following command to create the PowerUserAccess permission set for Frank, as shown in Figure 6.

aws sso-admin create-permission-set --instance-arn '<Instance ARN>' --name 'PowerUserAccess' --description 'Power User Access for security team on ExampleOrgDev account'
Figure 6: Creating the permission set PowerUserAccess

Figure 6: Creating the permission set PowerUserAccess

Copy the permission set ARN from these responses, which you will need when you attach the managed policies.

Step 2: Assign policies to permission sets

In this step, you learn how to assign managed policies to the permission sets that you created in step 1.

Attach policies to the EC2-S3-FullAccess permission set

Run the following command to attach the amazonec2fullacess AWS managed policy to the EC2-S3-FullAccess permission set, as shown in Figure 7.

aws sso-admin attach-managed-policy-to-permission-set --instance-arn '<Instance ARN>' --permission-set-arn '<Permission Set ARN>' --managed-policy-arn 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/amazonec2fullaccess'
Figure 7: Attaching the AWS managed policy amazonec2fullaccess to the EC2-S3-FullAccess permission set

Figure 7: Attaching the AWS managed policy amazonec2fullaccess to the EC2-S3-FullAccess permission set

Run the following command to attach the amazons3fullaccess AWS managed policy to the EC2-S3-FullAccess permission set, as shown in Figure 8.

aws sso-admin attach-managed-policy-to-permission-set --instance-arn '<Instance ARN>' --permission-set-arn '<Permission Set ARN>' --managed-policy-arn 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/amazons3fullaccess'
Figure 8: Attaching the AWS managed policy amazons3fullaccess to the EC2-S3-FullAccess permission set

Figure 8: Attaching the AWS managed policy amazons3fullaccess to the EC2-S3-FullAccess permission set

Attach a policy to the AuditAccess permission set

Run the following command to attach the SecurityAudit managed policy to the AuditAccess permission set that you created earlier, as shown in Figure 9.

aws sso-admin attach-managed-policy-to-permission-set --instance-arn '<Instance ARN>' --permission-set-arn '<Permission Set ARN>' --managed-policy-arn 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/SecurityAudit'
Figure 9: Attaching the AWS managed policy SecurityAudit to the AuditAccess permission set

Figure 9: Attaching the AWS managed policy SecurityAudit to the AuditAccess permission set

Attach a policy to the PowerUserAccess permission set

The following command is similar to the previous command; it attaches the PowerUserAccess managed policy to the PowerUserAccess permission set, as shown in Figure 10.

aws sso-admin attach-managed-policy-to-permission-set --instance-arn '<Instance ARN>' --permission-set-arn '<Permission Set ARN>' --managed-policy-arn 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/PowerUserAccess'
Figure 10: Attaching AWS managed policy PowerUserAccess to the PowerUserAccess permission set

Figure 10: Attaching AWS managed policy PowerUserAccess to the PowerUserAccess permission set

In the next step, you assign users (Frank Infosec and Alice Developer) to their respective permission sets and assign permission sets to accounts.

Step 3: Assign permission sets to users and groups and grant access to AWS accounts

In this step, you assign the AWS SSO permission sets you created to users and groups and AWS accounts, to grant the required access for these users and groups on respective AWS accounts.

To assign access to an AWS account for a user or group, using a permission set you already created, you need the following:

  • The principal ID (the ID for the user or group)
  • The AWS account ID to which you need to assign this permission set

To obtain a user’s or group’s principal ID (UserID or GroupID), you need to use the AWS SSO Identity Store API. The AWS SSO Identity Store service enables you to retrieve all of your identities (users and groups) from AWS SSO. See AWS SSO Identity Store API for more details.

Use the first two commands shown here to get the principal ID for the two users, Alice (Alice’s user name is [email protected]) and Frank (Frank’s user name is [email protected]).

Alice’s user ID

Run the following command to get Alice’s user ID, as shown in Figure 11.

aws identitystore list-users --identity-store-id '<Identity Store ID>' --filter AttributePath='UserName',AttributeValue='[email protected]'
Figure 11: Retrieving Alice’s user ID

Figure 11: Retrieving Alice’s user ID

Frank’s user ID

Run the following command to get Frank’s user ID, as shown in Figure 12.

aws identitystore list-users --identity-store-id '<Identity Store ID>'--filter AttributePath='UserName',AttributeValue='[email protected]'
Figure 12: Retrieving Frank’s user ID

Figure 12: Retrieving Frank’s user ID

Note: To get the principal ID for a group, use the following command.

aws identitystore list-groups --identity-store-id '<Identity Store ID>' --filter AttributePath='DisplayName',AttributeValue='<Group Name>'

Assign the EC2-S3-FullAccess permission set to Alice in the ExampleOrgDev account

Run the following command to assign Alice access to the ExampleOrgDev account using the EC2-S3-FullAccess permission set. This will give Alice full access to Amazon EC2 and S3 services in the ExampleOrgDev account.

Note: When you call the CreateAccountAssignment API, AWS SSO automatically provisions the specified permission set on the account in the form of an IAM policy attached to the AWS SSO–created IAM role. This role is immutable: it’s fully managed by the AWS SSO, and it cannot be deleted or changed by the user even if the user has full administrative rights on the account. If the permission set is subsequently updated, the corresponding IAM policies attached to roles in your accounts won’t be updated automatically. In this case, you will need to call ProvisionPermissionSet to propagate these updates.

aws sso-admin create-account-assignment --instance-arn '<Instance ARN>' --permission-set-arn '<Permission Set ARN>' --principal-id '<user/group ID>' --principal-type '<USER/GROUP>' --target-id '<AWS Account ID>' --target-type AWS_ACCOUNT
Figure 13: Assigning the EC2-S3-FullAccess permission set to Alice on the ExampleOrgDev account

Figure 13: Assigning the EC2-S3-FullAccess permission set to Alice on the ExampleOrgDev account

Assign the AuditAccess permission set to Frank Infosec in the ExampleOrgDev account

Run the following command to assign Frank access to the ExampleOrgDev account using the EC2-S3- AuditAccess permission set.

aws sso-admin create-account-assignment --instance-arn '<Instance ARN>' --permission-set-arn '<Permission Set ARN>' --principal-id '<user/group ID>' --principal-type '<USER/GROUP>' --target-id '<AWS Account ID>' --target-type AWS_ACCOUNT
Figure 14: Assigning the AuditAccess permission set to Frank on the ExampleOrgDev account

Figure 14: Assigning the AuditAccess permission set to Frank on the ExampleOrgDev account

Assign the PowerUserAccess permission set to Frank Infosec in the ExampleOrgTest account

Run the following command to assign Frank access to the ExampleOrgTest account using the PowerUserAccess permission set.

aws sso-admin create-account-assignment --instance-arn '<Instance ARN>' --permission-set-arn '<Permission Set ARN>' --principal-id '<user/group ID>' --principal-type '<USER/GROUP>' --target-id '<AWS Account ID>' --target-type AWS_ACCOUNT
Figure 15: Assigning the PowerUserAccess permission set to Frank on the ExampleOrgTest account

Figure 15: Assigning the PowerUserAccess permission set to Frank on the ExampleOrgTest account

To view the permission sets provisioned on the AWS account, run the following command, as shown in Figure 16.

aws sso-admin list-permission-sets-provisioned-to-account --instance-arn '<Instance ARN>' --account-id '<AWS Account ID>'
Figure 16: View the permission sets (AuditAccess and EC2-S3-FullAccess) assigned to the ExampleOrgDev account

Figure 16: View the permission sets (AuditAccess and EC2-S3-FullAccess) assigned to the ExampleOrgDev account

To review the created resources in the AWS Management Console, navigate to the AWS SSO console. In the list of permission sets on the AWS accounts tab, choose the EC2-S3-FullAccess permission set. Under AWS managed policies, the policies attached to the permission set are listed, as shown in Figure 17.

Figure 17: Review the permission set in the AWS SSO console

Figure 17: Review the permission set in the AWS SSO console

To see the AWS accounts, where the EC2-S3-FullAccess permission set is currently provisioned, navigate to the AWS accounts tab, as shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18: Review permission set account assignment in the AWS SSO console

Figure 18: Review permission set account assignment in the AWS SSO console

Step 4: Audit access

In this step, you learn how to audit access assigned to your users and group by using the AWS SSO account assignment API. In this example, you’ll start from a permission set, review the permissions (AWS-managed policies or a custom policy) attached to the permission set, get the users and groups associated with the permission set, and see which AWS accounts the permission set is provisioned to.

List the IAM managed policies for the permission set

Run the following command to list the IAM managed policies that are attached to a specified permission set, as shown in Figure 19.

aws sso-admin list-managed-policies-in-permission-set --instance-arn '<Instance ARN>' --permission-set-arn '<Permission Set ARN>'
Figure 19: View the managed policies attached to the permission set

Figure 19: View the managed policies attached to the permission set

List the assignee of the AWS account with the permission set

Run the following command to list the assignee (the user or group with the respective principal ID) of the specified AWS account with the specified permission set, as shown in Figure 20.

aws sso-admin list-account-assignments --instance-arn '<Instance ARN>' --account-id '<Account ID>' --permission-set-arn '<Permission Set ARN>'
Figure 20: View the permission set and the user or group attached to the AWS account

Figure 20: View the permission set and the user or group attached to the AWS account

List the accounts to which the permission set is provisioned

Run the following command to list the accounts that are associated with a specific permission set, as shown in Figure 21.

aws sso-admin list-accounts-for-provisioned-permission-set --instance-arn '<Instance ARN>' --permission-set-arn '<Permission Set ARN>'
Figure 21: View AWS accounts to which the permission set is provisioned

Figure 21: View AWS accounts to which the permission set is provisioned

In this section of the post, we’ve illustrated how to create a permission set, assign a managed policy to the permission set, and grant access for AWS SSO users or groups to AWS accounts by using this permission set. In the next section, we’ll show you how to do the same using AWS CloudFormation.

Use the AWS SSO API through AWS CloudFormation

In this section, you learn how to use CloudFormation templates to automate the creation of permission sets, attach managed policies, and use permission sets to assign access for a particular user or group to AWS accounts.

Sign in to your AWS Management Console and create a CloudFormation stack by using the following CloudFormation template. For more information on how to create a CloudFormation stack, see Creating a stack on the AWS CloudFormation console.

//start of Template//
    "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
    "Description": "AWS CloudFormation template to automate multi-account access with AWS Single Sign-On (Entitlement APIs): Create permission sets, assign access for AWS SSO users and groups to AWS accounts using permission sets. Before you use this template, we assume you have enabled AWS SSO for your AWS Organization, added the AWS accounts to which you want to grant AWS SSO access to your organization, signed in to the AWS Management Console with your AWS Organizations management account credentials, and have the required permissions to use the AWS SSO console.",
    "Parameters": {
      "InstanceARN" : {
        "Type" : "String",
        "AllowedPattern": "arn:aws:sso:::instance/(sso)?ins-[a-zA-Z0-9-.]{16}",
        "Description" : "Enter AWS SSO InstanceARN. Ex: arn:aws:sso:::instance/ssoins-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "ConstraintDescription": "must be the name of an existing AWS SSO InstanceARN associated with the management account."
      "ExampleOrgDevAccountId" : {
        "Type" : "String",
        "AllowedPattern": "\\d{12}",
        "Description" : "Enter 12-digit Developer AWS Account ID. Ex: 123456789012"
      "ExampleOrgTestAccountId" : {
        "Type" : "String",
        "AllowedPattern": "\\d{12}",
        "Description" : "Enter 12-digit AWS Account ID. Ex: 123456789012"
      "AliceDeveloperUserId" : {
        "Type" : "String",
        "AllowedPattern": "^([0-9a-f]{10}-|)[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}$",
        "Description" : "Enter Developer UserId. Ex: 926703446b-f10fac16-ab5b-45c3-86c1-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
        "FrankInfosecUserId" : {
            "Type" : "String",
            "AllowedPattern": "^([0-9a-f]{10}-|)[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}$",
            "Description" : "Enter Test UserId. Ex: 926703446b-f10fac16-ab5b-45c3-86c1-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "Resources": {
        "EC2S3Access": {
            "Type" : "AWS::SSO::PermissionSet",
            "Properties" : {
                "Description" : "EC2 and S3 access for developers",
                "InstanceArn" : {
                    "Ref": "InstanceARN"
                "ManagedPolicies" : ["arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/amazonec2fullaccess","arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/amazons3fullaccess"],
                "Name" : "EC2-S3-FullAccess",
                "Tags" : [ {
                    "Key": "Name",
                    "Value": "EC2S3Access"
                 } ]
        "SecurityAuditAccess": {
            "Type" : "AWS::SSO::PermissionSet",
            "Properties" : {
                "Description" : "Audit Access for Infosec team",
                "InstanceArn" : {
                    "Ref": "InstanceARN"
                "ManagedPolicies" : [ "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/SecurityAudit" ],
                "Name" : "AuditAccess",
                "Tags" : [ {
                    "Key": "Name",
                    "Value": "SecurityAuditAccess"
                 } ]
        "PowerUserAccess": {
            "Type" : "AWS::SSO::PermissionSet",
            "Properties" : {
                "Description" : "Power User Access for Infosec team",
                "InstanceArn" : {
                    "Ref": "InstanceARN"
                "ManagedPolicies" : [ "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/PowerUserAccess"],
                "Name" : "PowerUserAccess",
                "Tags" : [ {
                    "Key": "Name",
                    "Value": "PowerUserAccess"
                 } ]
        "EC2S3userAssignment": {
            "Type" : "AWS::SSO::Assignment",
            "Properties" : {
                "InstanceArn" : {
                    "Ref": "InstanceARN"
                "PermissionSetArn" : {
                    "Fn::GetAtt": [
                "PrincipalId" : {
                    "Ref": "AliceDeveloperUserId"
                "PrincipalType" : "USER",
                "TargetId" : {
                    "Ref": "ExampleOrgDevAccountId"
                "TargetType" : "AWS_ACCOUNT"
          "SecurityAudituserAssignment": {
            "Type" : "AWS::SSO::Assignment",
            "Properties" : {
                "InstanceArn" : {
                    "Ref": "InstanceARN"
                "PermissionSetArn" : {
                    "Fn::GetAtt": [
                "PrincipalId" : {
                    "Ref": "FrankInfosecUserId"
                "PrincipalType" : "USER",
                "TargetId" : {
                    "Ref": "ExampleOrgDevAccountId"
                "TargetType" : "AWS_ACCOUNT"
          "PowerUserAssignment": {
            "Type" : "AWS::SSO::Assignment",
            "Properties" : {
                "InstanceArn" : {
                    "Ref": "InstanceARN"
                "PermissionSetArn" : {
                    "Fn::GetAtt": [
                "PrincipalId" : {
                    "Ref": "FrankInfosecUserId"
                "PrincipalType" : "USER",
                "TargetId" : {
                    "Ref": "ExampleOrgTestAccountId"
                "TargetType" : "AWS_ACCOUNT"
//End of Template//

When you create the stack, provide the following information for setting the example permission sets for Frank Infosec and Alice Developer, as shown in Figure 22:

  • The Alice Developer and Frank Infosec user IDs
  • The ExampleOrgDev and ExampleOrgTest account IDs
  • The AWS SSO instance ARN

Then launch the CloudFormation stack.

Figure 22: User inputs to launch the CloudFormation template

Figure 22: User inputs to launch the CloudFormation template

AWS CloudFormation creates the resources that are shown in Figure 23.

Figure 23: Resources created from the CloudFormation stack

Figure 23: Resources created from the CloudFormation stack


To delete the resources you created by using the AWS CLI, use these commands.

Run the following command to delete the account assignment.

delete-account-assignment --instance-arn '<Instance ARN>' --target-id '<AWS Account ID>' --target-type 'AWS_ACCOUNT' --permission-set-arn '<PermissionSet ARN>' --principal-type '<USER/GROUP>' --principal-id '<user/group ID>'

After the account assignment is deleted, run the following command to delete the permission set.

delete-permission-set --instance-arn '<Instance ARN>' --permission-set-arn '<PermissionSet ARN>'

To delete the resource that you created by using the CloudFormation template, go to the AWS CloudFormation console. Select the appropriate stack you created, and then choose delete. Deleting the CloudFormation stack cleans up the resources that were created.


In this blog post, we showed how to use the AWS SSO account assignment API to automate the deployment of permission sets, how to add managed policies to permission sets, and how to assign access for AWS users and groups to AWS accounts by using specified permission sets.

To learn more about the AWS SSO APIs available for you, see the AWS Single Sign-On API Reference Guide.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS SSO forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Akhil Aendapally

Akhil is a Solutions Architect at AWS focused on helping customers with their AWS adoption. He holds a master’s degree in Network and Computer Security. Akhil has 8+ years of experience working with different cloud platforms, infrastructure automation, and security.


Yuri Duchovny

Yuri is a New York-based Solutions Architect specializing in cloud security, identity, and compliance. He supports cloud transformations at large enterprises, helping them make optimal technology and organizational decisions. Prior to his AWS role, Yuri’s areas of focus included application and networking security, DoS, and fraud protection. Outside of work, he enjoys skiing, sailing, and traveling the world.


Ballu Singh

Ballu is a principal solutions architect at AWS. He lives in the San Francisco Bay area and helps customers architect and optimize applications on AWS. In his spare time, he enjoys reading and spending time with his family.


Nir Ozeri

Nir is a Solutions Architect Manager with Amazon Web Services, based out of New York City. Nir specializes in application modernization, application delivery, and mobile architecture.

New IRAP report is now available on AWS Artifact for Australian customers

Post Syndicated from Henry Xu original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/new-irap-report-is-now-available-on-aws-artifact-for-australian-customers/

We are excited to announce that a new Information Security Registered Assessors Program (IRAP) report is now available on AWS Artifact. The new IRAP documentation pack brings new services in scope, and includes a Cloud Security Control Matrix (CSCM) for specific information to help customers assess each applicable control that is required by the Australian Government Information Security Manual (ISM).

The scope of the new IRAP report includes a reassessment of 92 services, and adds 5 additional services: Amazon Macie, AWS Backup, AWS CodePipeline, AWS Control Tower, and AWS X-Ray. With the additional 5 services in scope of this cycle, we now have a total of 97 services assessed at the PROTECTED level. This provides more capabilities for our Australian government customers to deploy workloads at the PROTECTED level across security, storage, developer tools, and governance. For the full list of services, see the AWS Services in Scope page and select the IRAP tab. All services in scope for IRAP are available in the Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region.

We developed IRAP documentation pack in accordance with the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC)’s cloud security guidance and their Anatomy of a Cloud Assessment and Authorisation framework, which addresses guidance within the Attorney-General’s Department’s Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF), and the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA)’s Secure Cloud Strategy.

We created the IRAP documentation pack to help Australian government agencies and their partners to plan, architect, and risk assess their workload based on AWS Cloud services. Please reach out to your AWS representatives to let us know what additional services you would like to see in scope for coming IRAP assessments. We strive to bring more services into the scope of the IRAP PROTECTED level, based on your requirements.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Artifact forum.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Henry Xu

Henry is an APAC Audit Program Manager in AWS Security Assurance, currently based in Canberra, Australia. He manages our regional compliance programs, including IRAP assessments. With experiences across leadership and technical roles in both public and private sectors, he is passionate about secure cloud adoption. Outside of AWS, Henry enjoys time with his family, and he loves dancing.

Over 40 services require TLS 1.2 minimum for AWS FIPS endpoints

Post Syndicated from Janelle Hopper original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/over-40-services-require-tls-1-2-minimum-for-aws-fips-endpoints/

In a March 2020 blog post, we told you about work Amazon Web Services (AWS) was undertaking to update all of our AWS Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) endpoints to a minimum of Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 across all AWS Regions. Today, we’re happy to announce that over 40 services have been updated and now require TLS 1.2:

These services no longer support using TLS 1.0 or TLS 1.1 on their FIPS endpoints. To help you meet your compliance needs, we are updating all AWS FIPS endpoints to a minimum of TLS 1.2 across all Regions. We will continue to update our services to support only TLS 1.2 or later on AWS FIPS endpoints, which you can check on the AWS FIPS webpage. This change doesn’t affect non-FIPS AWS endpoints.

When you make a connection from your client application to an AWS service endpoint, the client provides its TLS minimum and TLS maximum versions. The AWS service endpoint will always select the maximum version offered.

What is TLS?

TLS is a cryptographic protocol designed to provide secure communication across a computer network. API calls to AWS services are secured using TLS.

What is FIPS 140-2?

The FIPS 140-2 is a US and Canadian government standard that specifies the security requirements for cryptographic modules that protect sensitive information.

What are AWS FIPS endpoints?

All AWS services offer TLS 1.2 encrypted endpoints that can be used for all API calls. Some AWS services also offer FIPS 140-2 endpoints for customers who need to use FIPS validated cryptographic libraries to connect to AWS services.

Why are we upgrading to TLS 1.2?

Our upgrade to TLS 1.2 across all Regions reflects our ongoing commitment to help customers meet their compliance needs.

Is there more assistance available to help verify or update client applications?

If you’re using an AWS software development kit (AWS SDK), you can find information about how to properly configure the minimum and maximum TLS versions for your clients in the following AWS SDK topics:

You can also visit Tools to Build on AWS and browse by programming language to find the relevant SDK. AWS Support tiers cover development and production issues for AWS products and services, along with other key stack components. AWS Support doesn’t include code development for client applications.

If you have any questions or issues, you can start a new thread on one of the AWS forums, or contact AWS Support or your technical account manager (TAM).

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

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Janelle Hopper

Janelle Hopper is a Senior Technical Program Manager in AWS Security with over 15 years of experience in the IT security field. She works with AWS services, infrastructure, and administrative teams to identify and drive innovative solutions that improve AWS’ security posture.


Marta Taggart

Marta is a Seattle-native and Senior Program Manager in AWS Security, where she focuses on privacy, content development, and educational programs. Her interest in education stems from two years she spent in the education sector while serving in the Peace Corps in Romania. In her free time, she’s on a global hunt for the perfect cup of coffee.

Verified episode 3: In conversation with Noopur Davis from Comcast

Post Syndicated from Stephen Schmidt original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/verified-episode-3-in-conversation-with-noopur-davis-from-comcast/

2020 emphasized the value of staying connected with our customers. On that front, I’m proud to bring you the third episode of our new video series, Verified. The series showcases conversations with security leaders discussing trends and lessons learned in cybersecurity, privacy, and the cloud. In episode three, I’m talking to Noopur Davis, Executive Vice President and Chief Product and Information Security Officer at Comcast. As you can imagine, she had a busy 2020, as Comcast owns and operates Comcast Business and Xfinity, among others. During our conversation, we spoke about Comcast’s commitment to proactive security, with leaders setting a high bar for technology and decision-making.

Additionally, Noopur shared her journey in becoming a security leader at Comcast, talking about career growth, creating a security culture, diversity and inclusion, and measuring impact. During our conversation, she also detailed the importance of embedding security into the development lifecycle: “At Comcast, we stood up a Cloud Center of Excellence that included network engineering, security engineering and cloud engineering as equal partners. We came together to ensure we had the governance, technology, implementation, and rollout set up. Through this collaboration, everything came together. Collaboration is how this happens—the security team has to be embedded with other key technology teams.”

Noopur also recognized the heroic efforts of Comcast’s team responsible for security and increasing network bandwidth to meet the new work-from-home realities introduced by the pandemic. These efforts included dramatically accelerating timelines to meet pace of demand. “The network has never been more important. People are now doing everything over the network. I’m so proud to say that all the investment over the years that Comcast made in the network has stood up to this new reality. We added 35 terabits per second of capacity to get ready for increased demand. Our frontline people that did this work during the pandemic are really the heroes of Comcast. We also had programs underway that were accelerated by months. We did things in weeks that weren’t planned to be done for months.”

Stay tuned for future episodes of Verified here on the AWS Security Blog. You can watch episode one, an interview with Jason Chan, Vice President of Information Security at Netflix and episode two, an interview with Emma Smith, Vodafone’s Global Cybersecurity Director, on YouTube. If you have an idea or a topic you’d like covered in this series, please drop us a comment below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Steve Schmidt

Steve is Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer for AWS. His duties include leading product design, management, and engineering development efforts focused on bringing the competitive, economic, and security benefits of cloud computing to business and government customers. Prior to AWS, he had an extensive career at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, where he served as a senior executive and section chief. He currently holds 11 patents in the field of cloud security architecture. Follow Steve on Twitter.

AWS is the first global cloud service provider to comply with the new K-ISMS-P standard

Post Syndicated from Seulun Sung original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/aws-is-the-first-global-cloud-service-provider-to-comply-with-the-new-k-isms-p-standard/

We’re excited to announce that Amazon Web Services (AWS) has achieved certification under the Korea-Personal Information & Information Security Management System (K-ISMS-P) standard (effective from December 16, 2020 to December 15, 2023). The assessment by the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) covered the operation of infrastructure (including compute, storage, networking, databases, and security) in the AWS Asia Pacific (Seoul) Region. AWS was the first global cloud service provider (CSP) to obtain K-ISMS certification (the previous version of K-ISMS-P) back in 2017. Now AWS is the first global CSP to achieve compliance with the K-ISMS portion of the new K-ISMS-P standard.

Sponsored by KISA and affiliated with the Korean Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT), K-ISMS-P serves as a standard for evaluating whether enterprises and organizations operate and manage their information security management systems consistently and securely, such that they thoroughly protect their information assets. The new K-ISMS-P standard combined the K-ISMS and K-PIMS (Personal Information Management System) standards with updated control items. Accordingly, the new K-ISMS certification and K-ISMS-P certification (personal information–focused) are introduced under the updated standard.

In this year’s audit, 110 services running in the Asia Pacific (Seoul) Region are included. The newly launched Availability Zone in 2020 is also added to the certification scope.

This certification helps enterprises and organizations across South Korea, regardless of industry, meet KISA compliance requirements more efficiently. Achieving this certification demonstrates the proactive approach AWS has taken to meet compliance set by the South Korean government and to deliver secure AWS services to customers. In addition, we’ve launched Quick Start and Operational Best Practices (conformance pack) pages to provide customers with a compliance framework that they can utilize for their K-ISMS-P compliance needs. Enterprises and organizations can use these toolkits and AWS certification to reduce the effort and cost of getting their own K-ISMS-P certification. You can download the AWS K-ISMS certification under the K-ISMS-P standard from AWS Artifact. To learn more about the AWS K-ISMS certification, see the AWS K-ISMS page. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact your AWS Account Manager.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Seulun Sung

Seulun is a Security Audit Program Manager at AWS, leading security certification programs, with a focus on the K-ISMS-P program in South Korea. She has a decade of experience in deploying global policies and processes to local Regions and helping customers adopt regulations. She is passionate about helping to build customers’ trust and provide them assurance on cloud security.

Best practices and advanced patterns for Lambda code signing

Post Syndicated from Cassia Martin original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/best-practices-and-advanced-patterns-for-lambda-code-signing/

Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently released Code Signing for AWS Lambda. By using this feature, you can help enforce the integrity of your code artifacts and make sure that only trusted developers can deploy code to your AWS Lambda functions. Today, let’s review a basic use case along with best practices for lambda code signing. Then, let’s dive deep and talk about two advanced patterns—one for centralized signing and one for cross account layer validation. You can use these advanced patterns to use code signing in a distributed ownership model, where you have separate groups for developers writing code and for groups responsible for enforcing specific signing profiles or for publishing layers.

Secure software development lifecycle

For context of what this capability gives you, let’s look at the secure software development lifecycle (SDLC). You need different kinds of security controls for each of your development phases. An overview of the secure SDLC development stages—code, build, test, deploy, and monitor—, along with applicable security controls, can be found in Figure 1. You can use code signing for Lambda to protect the deployment stage and give a cryptographically strong hash verification.

Figure 1: Code signing provides hash verification in the deployment phase of a secure SDLC

Figure 1: Code signing provides hash verification in the deployment phase of a secure SDLC

Adding Security into DevOps and Implementing DevSecOps Using AWS CodePipeline provide additional information on building a secure SDLC, with a particular focus on the code analysis controls.

Basic pattern:

Figure 2 shows the basic pattern described in Code signing for AWS Lambda and in the documentation. The basic code signing pattern uses AWS Signer on a ZIP file and calls a create API to install the signed artifact in Lambda.

Figure 2: The basic code signing pattern

Figure 2: The basic code signing pattern

The basic pattern illustrated in Figure 2 is as follows:

  1. An administrator creates a signing profile in AWS Signer. A signing profile is analogous to a code signing certificate and represents a publisher identity. Administrators can provide access via AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for developers to use the signing profile to sign their artifacts.
  2. Administrators create a code signing configuration (CSC)—a new resource in Lambda that specifies the signing profiles that are allowed to sign code and the signature validation policy that defines whether to warn or reject deployments that fail the signature checks. CSC can be attached to existing or new Lambda functions to enable signature validations on deployment.
  3. Developers use one of the allowed signing profiles to sign the deployment artifact—a ZIP file—in AWS Signer.
  4. Developers deploy the signed deployment artifact to a function using either the CreateFunction API or the UpdateFunctionCode API.

Lambda performs signature checks before accepting the deployment. The deployment fails if the signature checks fail and you have set the signature validation policy in the CSC to reject deployments using ENFORCE mode.

Code signing checks

Code signing for Lambda provides four signature checks. First, the integrity check confirms that the deployment artifact hasn’t been modified after it was signed using AWS Signer. Lambda performs this check by matching the hash of the artifact with the hash from the signature. The second check is the source mismatch check, which detects if a signature isn’t present or if the artifact is signed by a signing profile that isn’t specified in the CSC. The third, expiry check, will fail if a signature is past its point of expiration. The fourth is the revocation check, which is used to see if anyone has explicitly marked the signing profile used for signing or the signing job as invalid by revoking it.

The integrity check must succeed or Lambda will not run the artifact. The other three checks can be configured to either block invocation or generate a warning. These checks are performed in order until one check fails or all checks succeed. As a security leader concerned about the security of code deployments, you can use the Lambda code signing checks to satisfy different security assurances:

  • Integrity – Provides assurance that code has not been tampered with, by ensuring that the signature on the build artifact is cryptographically valid.
  • Source mismatch – Provides assurance that only trusted entities or developers can deploy code.
  • Expiry – Provides assurance that code running in your environment is not stale, by making sure that signatures were created within a certain date and time.
  • Revocation – Allows security administrators to remove trust by invalidating signatures after the fact so that they cannot be used for code deployment if they have been exposed or are otherwise no longer trusted.

The last three checks are enforced only if you have set the signature validation policy—UntrustedArtifactOnDeployment parameter—in the CSC to ENFORCE. If the policy is set to WARN, then failures in any of the mismatch, expiry, and revocation checks will log a metric called a signature validation error in Amazon CloudWatch. The best practice for this setting is to initially set the policy to WARN. Then, you can monitor the warnings, if any, and update the policy to enforce when you’re confident in the findings in CloudWatch.

Centralized signing enforcement

In this scenario, you have a security administrators team that centrally manages and approves signing profiles. The team centralizes signing profiles in order to enforce that all code running on Lambda is authored by a trusted developer and isn’t tampered with after it’s signed. To do this, the security administrators team wants to enforce that developers—in the same account—can only create Lambda functions with signing profiles that the team has approved. By owning the signing profiles used by developer teams, the security team controls the lifecycle of the signatures and the ability to revoke the signatures. Here are instructions for creating a signing profile and CSC, and then enforcing their use.

Create a signing profile

To create a signing profile, you’ll use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). Start by logging in to your account as the central security role. This is an administrative role that is scoped with permissions needed for setting up code signing. You’ll create a signing profile to use for an application named ABC. These example commands are written with prepopulated values for things like profile names, IDs, and descriptions. Change those as appropriate for your application.

To create a signing profile

  1. Run this command:
    aws signer put-signing-profile --platform-id "AWSLambda-SHA384-ECDSA" --profile-name profile_for_application_ABC

    Running this command will give you a signing profile version ARN. It will look something like arn:aws:signer:sa-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:/signing-profiles/profile_for_application_ABC/XXXXXXXXXX. Make a note of this value to use in later commands.

    As the security administrator, you must grant the developers access to use the profile for signing. You do that by using the add-profile-permission command. Note that in this example, you are explicitly only granting permission for the signer:StartSigningJob action. You might want to grant permissions to other actions, such as signer:GetSigningProfile or signer:RevokeSignature, by making additional calls to add-profile-permission.

  2. Run this command, replacing <role-name> with the principal you’re using:
    aws signer add-profile-permission \
    --profile-name profile_for_application_ABC \
    --action signer:StartSigningJob \
    --principal <role-name> \
    --statement-id testStatementId

Create a CSC

You also want to make a CSCwith the signing profile that you, as the security administrator, want all your developers to use.

To create a CSC

Run this command, replacing <signing-profile-version-arn> with the output from Step 1 of the preceding procedure—Create a signing profile:

aws lambda create-code-signing-config \
--description "Application ABC CSC" \
--allowed-publishers SigningProfileVersionArns=<signing-profile-version-arn> \
--code-signing-policies "UntrustedArtifactOnDeployment"="Enforce"

Running this command will give you a CSCARN that will look something like arn:aws:lambda:sa-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:code-signing-config:approved-csc-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Make a note of this value to use later.

Write an IAM policy using the new CSC

Now that the security administrators team has created this CSC, how do they ensure that all the developers use it? Administrators can use IAM to grant access to the CreateFunction API, while using the new lambda:CodeSigningConfig condition key with the CSC ARN you created. This will ensure that developers can create functions only if code signing is enabled.

This IAM policy will allow the developer roles to create Lambda functions, but only when they are using the approved CSC. The additional clauses Deny the developers from creating their own signing profiles or CSCs, so that they are forced to use the ones provided by the central team.

To write an IAM policy

Run the following command. Replace <code-signing-config-arn> with the CSC ARN you created previously.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*",
      "Condition": {
        "ForAnyValue:StringEquals": {
          "lambda:CodeSigningConfig": ["<code-signing-config-arn>"]
         "Effect": "Deny", 
         "Action": [
         "Resource": "*"

Create a signed Lambda function

Now, the developers have permission to create new Lambda functions, but only if the functions are configured with the approved CSC. The approved CSC can specify the settings for Lambda signing policies, and lists exactly what profiles are approved for signing the function code with. This means that developers in that account will only be able to create functions if the functions are signed with a profile approved by the central team and the developer permissions have been added to the signing profile used.

To create a signed Lambda function

  1. Upload any Lambda code file to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket with the name main-function.zip. Note that your S3 bucket must be version enabled.
  2. Sign the zipped Lambda function using AWS Signer and the following command, replacing <lambda-bucket> and <version-string> with the correct details from your uploaded main-function.zip.
    aws signer start-signing-job \ 
    --source 's3={bucketName=<lambda-bucket>, version=<version-string>, key=main-function.zip}' \
    --destination 's3={bucketName=<lambda-bucket>, prefix=signed-}' \
    --profile-name profile_for_application_ABC

  3. Download the newly created ZIP file from your Lambda bucket. It will be called something like signed-XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX.zip.
  4. For convenience, rename it to signed-main-function.zip.
  5. Run the following command, replacing <lambda-role> with the ARN of your Lambda execution role, and replacing <code-signing-config-arn> with the result of the earlier procedure Create a CSC.
    aws lambda create-function \
        --function-name "signed-main-function" \
        --runtime "python3.8" \
        --role <lambda-role> \
        --zip-file "fileb://signed-main-function.zip" \
        --handler lambda_function.lambda_handler \ 
        --code-signing-config-arn <code-signing-config-arn>

Cross-account centralization

This pattern supports the use case where the security administrators and the developers are working in the same account. You might want to implement this across different accounts, which requires creating CSCs in specific accounts where developers need to deploy and update Lambda functions. To do this, you can use AWS CloudFormation StackSets to deploy CSCs. Stack sets allow you to roll out CloudFormation stacks across multiple AWS accounts. Use AWS CloudFormation StackSets for Multiple Accounts in an AWS Organization illustrates how to use an AWS CloudFormation template for deployment to multiple accounts.

The security administrators can detect and react to any changes to the stack set deployed CSCs by using drift detection. Drift detection is an AWS CloudFormation feature that detects unmanaged changes to the resources deployed using StackSets. To complete the solution, Implement automatic drift remediation for AWS CloudFormation using Amazon CloudWatch and AWS Lambda shares a solution for taking automated remediation when drift is detected in a CloudFormation stack.

Cross-account validation for Lambda layers

So far, you have the tools to sign your own Lambda code so that no one can tamper with it, and you’ve reviewed a pattern where one team creates and owns the signing profiles to be used by different developers. Let’s look at one more advanced pattern where you publish code as a signed Lambda layer in one account, and you then use it in a Lambda function in a separate account. A Lambda layer is an archive containing additional code that you can include in a function.

For this, let’s consider how to set up code signing when you’re using layers across two accounts. Layers allow you to use libraries in your function without needing to include them in your deployment package. It’s also possible to publish a layer in one account, and have a different account consume that layer. Let’s act as a publisher of a layer. In this use case, you want to use code signing so that consumers of your layer can have the security assurance that no one has tampered with the layer. Note that if you enable code signing to verify signatures on a layer, Lambda will also verify the signatures on the function code. Therefore, all of your deployment artifacts must be signed, using a profile listed in the CSC attached to the function.

Figure 3 illustrates the cross-account layer pattern, where you sign a layer in a publishing account and a function uses that layer in another consuming account.

Figure 3: This advanced pattern supports cross-account layers

Figure 3: This advanced pattern supports cross-account layers

Here are the steps to build this setup. You’ll be logging in to two different accounts, your publishing account and your consuming account.

Make a publisher signing profile

Running this command will give you a profile version ARN. Make a note of the value returned to use in a later step.

To make a publisher signing profile

  1. In the AWS CLI, log in to your publishing account.
  2. Run this command to make a signing profile for your publisher:
    aws signer put-signing-profile --platform-id "AWSLambda-SHA384-ECDSA" --profile-name publisher_approved_profile1

Sign your layer code using signing profile

Next, you want to sign your layer code with this signing profile. For this example, use the blank layer code from this GitHub project. You can make your own layer by creating a ZIP file with all your code files included in a directory supported by your Lambda runtime. AWS Lambda layers has instructions for creating your own layer.

You can then sign your layer code using the signing profile.

To sign your layer code

  1. Name your Lambda layer code file blank-python.zip and upload it to your S3 bucket.
  2. Sign the zipped Lambda function using AWS Signer with the following command. Replace <lambda-bucket> and <version-string> with the details from your uploaded blank-python.zip.
    aws signer start-signing-job \ 
    --source 's3={bucketName=<lambda-bucket>, version=<version-string>, key=blank-python.zip}' \
    --destination 's3={bucketName=<lambda-bucket>, prefix=signed-}' \
    --profile-name publisher_approved_profile1

Publish your signed layer

Now publish the resulting, signed layer. Note that the layers themselves don’t have signature validation on deployment. However, the signatures will be checked when they’re added to a function.

To publish your signed layer

  1. Download your new signed ZIP file from your S3 bucket, and rename it signed-layer.zip.
  2. Run the following command to publish your layer:
    aws lambda publish-layer-version \
    --layer-name lambda_signing \
    --zip-file "fileb://signed-layer.zip" \
    --compatible-runtimes python3.8 python3.7        

This command will return information about your newly published layer. Search for the LayerVersionArn and make a note of it for use later.

Grant read access

For the last step in the publisher account, you must grant read access to the layer using the add-layer-version-permission command. In the following command, you’re granting access to an individual account using the principal parameter.

(Optional) You could instead choose to grant access to all accounts in your organization by using “*” as the principal and adding the organization-id parameter.

To grant read access

  • Run the following command to grant read access to your layer, replacing <consuming-account-id> with the account ID of your second account:
    aws lambda add-layer-version-permission \
    --layer-name lambda_signing \
    --version-number 1 \
    --statement-id for-consuming-account \
    --action lambda:GetLayerVersion \
    --principal <consuming-account-id> 	

Create a CSC

It’s time to switch your AWS CLI to work with the consuming account. This consuming account can create a CSC for their Lambda functions that specifies what signing profiles are allowed.

To create a CSC

  1. In the AWS CLI, log out from your publishing account and into your consuming account.
  2. The consuming account will need a signing profile of its own to sign the main Lambda code. Run the following command to create one:
    aws signer put-signing-profile --platform-id "AWSLambda-SHA384-ECDSA" --profile-name consumer_approved_profile1

  3. Run the following command to create a CSC that allows code to be signed either by the publisher or the consumer. Replace <consumer-signing-profile-version-arn> with the profile version ARN you created in the preceding step. Replace <publisher-signing-profile-version-arn> with the signing profile from the Make a publisher signing profile procedure. Make a note of the CSC returned by this command to use in later steps.
    aws lambda create-code-signing-config \
    --description "Allow layers from publisher" \
    --allowed-publishers SigningProfileVersionArns="<publisher-signing-profile-version-arn>,<consumer-signing-profile-version-arn>" \
    --code-signing-policies "UntrustedArtifactOnDeployment"="Enforce"

Create a Lambda function using the CSC

When creating the function that uses the signed layer, you can pass in the CSC that you created. Lambda will check the signature on the function code in this step.

To create a Lambda function

  1. Use your own lambda code function, or make a copy of blank-python.zip, and rename it consumer-main-function.zip.) Upload consumer-main-function.zip to a versioned S3 bucket in your consumer account.

    Note: If the S3 bucket doesn’t have versioning enabled, the procedure will fail.

  2. Sign the function with the signing profile of the consumer account. Replace <consumers-lambda-bucket> and <version-string> in the following command with the name of the S3 bucket you uploaded the consumer-main-function.zip to and the version.
    aws signer start-signing-job \ 
    --source 's3={bucketName=<consumers-lambda-bucket>, version=<version-string>, key=consumer-main-function.zip}' \
    --destination 's3={bucketName=<consumers-lambda-bucket>, prefix=signed-}' \
    --profile-name consumer_approved_profile1

  3. Download your new file and rename it to signed-consumer-main-function.zip.
  4. Run the following command to create a new Lambda function, replacing <lambda-role> with a valid Lambda execution role and <code-signing-config-arn> with the value returned from the previous procedure: Creating a CSC.
    aws lambda create-function \
        --function-name "signed-consumer-main-function" \
        --runtime "python3.8" \
        --role <lambda-role> \
        --zip-file "fileb://signed-consumer-main-function.zip" \
        --handler lambda_function.lambda_handler \ 
        --code-signing-config <code-signing-config-arn>

  5. Finally, add the signed layer from the publishing account into the configuration of that function. Run the following command, replacing <lamba-layer-arn> with the result from the preceding step Publish your signed layer.
    aws lambda update-function-configuration \
    --function-name "signed-consumer-main-function" \
    --layers "<lambda-layer-arn>"   

Lambda will check the signature on the layer code in this step. If the signature of any deployed layer artifact is corrupt, the Lambda function stops you from attaching the layer and deploying your code. This is true regardless of the mode you choose—WARN or ENFORCE. If you have multiple layers to add to your function, you must sign all layers invoked in a Lambda function.

This capability allows layer publishers to share signed layers. A publisher can sign all layers using a specific signing profile and ask all the layer consumers to use that signing profile as one of the allowed profiles in their CSCs. When someone uses the layer, they can trust that the layer comes from that publisher and hasn’t been tampered with.


You’ve learned some best practices and patterns for using code signing for AWS Lambda. You know how code signing fits in the secure SDLC, and what value you get from each of the code signing checks. You also learned two patterns for using code signing for distributed ownership—one for centralized signing and one for cross account layer validation. No matter your role—as a developer, as a central security team, or as a layer publisher—you can use these tools to help enforce the integrity of code artifacts in your organization.

You can learn more about Lambda code signing in Configure code signing for AWS Lambda.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Lambda forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Cassia Martin

Cassia is a Security Solutions Architect in New York City. She works with large financial institutions to solve security architecture problems and to teach them cloud tools and patterns. Cassia has worked in security for over 10 years, and she has a strong background in application security.

How to approach threat modeling

Post Syndicated from Darran Boyd original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-approach-threat-modeling/

In this post, I’ll provide my tips on how to integrate threat modeling into your organization’s application development lifecycle. There are many great guides on how to perform the procedural parts of threat modeling, and I’ll briefly touch on these and their methodologies. However, the main aim of this post is to augment the existing guidance with some additional tips on how to handle the people and process components of your threat modeling approach, which in my experience goes a long way to improving the security outcomes, security ownership, speed to market, and general happiness of all involved. Furthermore, I’ll also provide some guidance specific to when you’re using Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Let’s start with a primer on threat modeling.

Why use threat modeling

IT systems are complex, and are becoming increasingly more complex and capable over time, delivering more business value and increased customer satisfaction and engagement. This means that IT design decisions need to account for an ever-increasing number of use cases, and be made in a way that mitigates potential security threats that may lead to business-impacting outcomes, including unauthorized access to data, denial of service, and resource misuse.

This complexity and number of use-case permutations typically makes it ineffective to use unstructured approaches to find and mitigate threats. Instead, you need a systematic approach to enumerate the potential threats to the workload, and to devise mitigations and prioritize these mitigations to make sure that the limited resources of your organization have the maximum impact in improving the overall security posture of the workload. Threat modeling is designed to provide this systematic approach, with the aim of finding and addressing issues early in the design process, when the mitigations have a low relative cost compared to later in the lifecycle.

The AWS Well-Architected Framework calls out threat modeling as a specific best practice within the Security Pillar, under the area of foundational security, under the question SEC 1: How do you securely operate your workload?:

“Identify and prioritize risks using a threat model: Use a threat model to identify and maintain an up-to-date register of potential threats. Prioritize your threats and adapt your security controls to prevent, detect, and respond. Revisit and maintain this in the context of the evolving security landscape.”

Threat modeling is most effective when done at the workload (or workload feature) level, in order to ensure that all context is available for assessment. AWS Well-Architected defines a workload as:

“A set of components that together deliver business value. The workload is usually the level of detail that business and technology leaders communicate about. Examples of workloads are marketing websites, e-commerce websites, the back-ends for a mobile app, analytic platforms, etc. Workloads vary in levels of architectural complexity, from static websites to architectures with multiple data stores and many components.”

The core steps of threat modeling

In my experience, all threat modeling approaches are similar; at a high level, they follow these broad steps:

  1. Identify assets, actors, entry points, components, use cases, and trust levels, and include these in a design diagram.
  2. Identify a list of threats.
  3. Per threat, identify mitigations, which may include security control implementations.
  4. Create and review a risk matrix to determine if the threat is adequately mitigated.

To go deeper into the general practices associated with these steps, I would suggest that you read the SAFECode Tactical Threat Modeling whitepaper and the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Threat Modeling Cheat Sheet. These guides are great resources for you to consider when adopting a particular approach. They also reference a number of tools and methodologies that are helpful to accelerate the threat modeling process, including creating threat model diagrams with the OWASP Threat Dragon project and determining possible threats with the OWASP Top 10, OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS) and STRIDE. You may choose to adopt some combination of these, or create your own.

When to do threat modeling

Threat modeling is a design-time activity. It’s typical that during the design phase you would go beyond creating a diagram of your architecture, and that you may also be building in a non-production environment—and these activities are performed to inform and develop your production design. Because threat modeling is a design-time activity, it occurs before code review, code analysis (static or dynamic), and penetration testing; these all come later in the security lifecycle.

Always consider potential threats when designing your workload from the earliest phases—typically when people are still on the whiteboard (whether physical or virtual). Threat modeling should be performed during the design phase of a given workload feature or feature change, as these changes may introduce new threats that require you to update your threat model.

Threat modeling tips

Ultimately, threat modeling requires thought, brainstorming, collaboration, and communication. The aim is to bridge the gap between application development, operations, business, and security. There is no shortcut to success. However, there are things I’ve observed that have meaningful impacts on the adoption and success of threat modeling—I’ll be covering these areas in the following sections.

1. Assemble the right team

Threat modeling is a “team sport,” because it requires the knowledge and skill set of a diverse team where all inputs can be viewed as equal in value. For all listed personas in this section, the suggested mindset is to start from your end-customers’ expectations, and work backwards. Think about what your customers expect from this workload or workload feature, both in terms of its security properties and maintaining a balance of functionality and usability.

I recommend that the following perspectives be covered by the team, noting that a single individual can bring more than one of these perspectives to the table:

The Business persona – First, to keep things grounded, you’ll want someone who represents the business outcomes of the workload or feature that is part of the threat modeling process. This person should have an intimate understanding of the functional and non-functional requirements of the workload—and their job is to make sure that these requirements aren’t unduly impacted by any proposed mitigations to address threats. Meaning that if a proposed security control (that is, mitigation) renders an application requirement unusable or overly degraded, then further work is required to come to the right balance of security and functionality.

The Developer persona – This is someone who understands the current proposed design for the workload feature, and has had the most depth of involvement in the design decisions made to date. They were involved in design brainstorming or whiteboarding sessions leading up to this point, when they would typically have been thinking about threats to the design and possible mitigations to include. In cases where you are not developing your own in-house application (e.g. COTS applications) you would bring in the internal application owner.

The Adversary persona – Next, you need someone to play the role of the adversary. The aim of this persona is to put themselves in the shoes of an attacker, and to critically review the workload design and look for ways to take advantage of a design flaw in the workload to achieve a particular objective (for example, unauthorized sharing of data). The “attacks” they perform are a mental exercise, not actual hands-on-keyboard exploitation. If your organization has a so-called Red Team, then they could be a great fit for this role; if not, you may want to have one or more members of your security operations or engineering team play this role. Or alternately, bring in a third party who is specialized in this area.

The Defender persona – Then, you need someone to play the role of the defender. The aim of this persona is to see the possible “attacks” designed by the adversary persona as potential threats, and to devise security controls that mitigate the threats. This persona also evaluates whether the possible mitigations are reasonably manageable in terms of on-going operational support, monitoring, and incident response.

The AppSec SME persona – The Application Security (AppSec) subject matter expert (SME) persona should be the most familiar with the threat modeling process and discussion moderation methods, and should have a depth of IT security knowledge and experience. Discussion moderation is crucial for the overall exercise process to make sure that the overall objectives of the process are kept on-track, and that the appropriate balance between security and delivery of the customer outcome is maintained. Ultimately, it’s this persona who endorses the threat model and advises the scope of the actions beyond the threat modeling exercise—for example, penetration testing scope.

2. Have a consistent approach

In the earlier section, I listed some of the popular threat modeling approaches, and which one you select is not as important as using it consistently both within and across your teams.

By using a consistent approach and format, teams can move faster and estimate effort more accurately. Individuals can learn from examples, by looking at threat models developed by other team members or other teams—saving them from having to start from scratch.

When your team estimates the effort and time required to create a threat model, the experience and time taken from previous threat models can be used to provide more accurate estimations of delivery timelines.

Beyond using a consistent approach and format, consistency in the granularity and relevance of the threats being modeled is key. Later in this post I describe a recommendation for creating a catalog of threats for reuse across your organization.

Finally, and importantly, this approach allows for scalability: if a given workload feature that’s undergoing a threat modeling exercise is using components that have an existing threat model, then the threat model (or individual security controls) of those components can be reused. With this approach, you can effectively take a dependency on a component’s existing threat model, and build on that model, eliminating re-work.

3. Align to the software delivery methodology

Your application development teams already have a particular workflow and delivery style. These days, Agile-style delivery is most popular. Ensure that the approach you take for threat modeling integrates well with both your delivery methodology and your tools.

Just like for any other deliverable, capture the user stories related to threat modeling as part of the workload feature’s sprint, epic, or backlog.

4. Use existing workflow tooling

Your application development teams are already using a suite of tools to support their delivery methodology. This would typically include collaboration tools for documentation (for example, a team wiki), and an issue-tracking tool to track work products through the software development lifecycle. Aim to use these same tools as part of your security review and threat modeling workflow.

Existing workflow tools can provide a single place to provide and view feedback, assign actions, and view the overall status of the threat modeling deliverables of the workload feature. Being part of the workflow reduces the friction of getting the project done and allows threat modeling to become as commonplace as unit testing, QA testing, or other typical steps of the workflow.

By using typical workflow tools, team members working on creating and reviewing the threat model can work asynchronously. For example, when the threat model reviewer adds feedback, the author is notified, and then the author can address the feedback when they have time, without having to set aside dedicated time for a meeting. Also, this allows the AppSec SME to more effectively work across multiple threat model reviews that they may be engaged in.

Having a consistent approach and language as described earlier is an important prerequisite to make this asynchronous process feasible, so that each participant can read and understand the threat model without having to re-learn the correct interpretation each time.

5. Break the workload down into smaller parts

It’s advisable to decompose (break down) the workload into features and perform the threat modeling exercise at the feature level, rather than create a single threat model for an entire workload. This approach has a number of key benefits:

  1. Having smaller chunks of work allows more granular tracking of progress, which aligns well with development teams that are following Agile-style delivery, and gives leadership a constant view of progress.
  2. This approach tends to create threat models that are more detailed, which results in more findings being identified.
  3. Decomposing also opens up the opportunity for the threat model to be reused as a dependency for other workload features that use the same components.
  4. By considering threat mitigations for each component, at the overall workload level this means that a single threat may have multiple mitigations, resulting in an improved resilience against those threats.
  5. Issues with a single threat model, for example a critical threat which is not yet mitigated, does not become launch blocking for the entire workload, but rather just for the individual feature.

The question then becomes, how far should you decompose the workload?

As a general rule, in order to create a threat model, the following context is required, at a minimum:

  • One asset. For example, credentials, customer records, and so on.
  • One entry point. For example, Amazon API Gateway REST API deployment.
  • Two components. For example, a web browser and an API Gateway REST API; or API Gateway and an AWS Lambda function.

Creating a threat model for a given AWS service (for example, API Gateway) in isolation wouldn’t fully meet this criteria—given that the service is a single component, there is no movement of the data from one component to another. Furthermore, the context of all the possible use cases of the service within a workload isn’t known, so you can’t comprehensively derive the threats and mitigations. AWS performs threat modeling of the multiple features that make up a given AWS service. Therefore, for your workload feature that leverages a given AWS service, you wouldn’t need to threat model the AWS service, but instead consider the various AWS service configuration options and your own workload-specific mitigations when you look to mitigate the threats you’ve identified. I go into more depth on this in the “Identify and evaluate mitigations” section, where I go into the concept of baseline security controls.

6. Distribute ownership

Having a central person or department responsible for creation of threat models doesn’t work in the long run. These central entities become bottlenecks and can only scale up with additional head count. Furthermore, centralized ownership doesn’t empower those who are actually designing and implementing your workload features.

Instead, what scales well is distributed ownership of threat model creation by the team that is responsible for designing and implementing each workload feature. Distributed ownership scales and drives behavior change, because now the application teams are in control, and importantly they’re taking security learnings from the threat modeling process and putting those learnings into their next feature release, and therefore constantly improving the security of their workload and features.

This creates the opportunity for the AppSec SME (or team) to effectively play the moderator and security advisor role to all the various application teams in your organization. The AppSec SME will be in a position to drive consistency, adoption, and communication, and to set and raise the security bar among teams.

7. Identify entry points

When you look to identify entry points for AWS services that are components within your overall threat model, it’s important to understand that, depending on the type of AWS service, the entry points may vary based on the architecture of the workload feature included in the scope of the threat model.

For example, with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), the possible types of entry-points to an S3 bucket are limited to what is exposed through the Amazon S3 API, and the service doesn’t offer the capability for you, as a customer, to create additional types of entry points. In this Amazon S3 example, as a customer you make choices about how these existing types of endpoints are exposed—including whether the bucket is private or publicly accessible.

On the other end of the spectrum, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) allows customers to create additional types of entry-points to EC2 instances (for example, your application API), besides the entry-point types that are provided by the Amazon EC2 API and those native to the operating system running on the EC2 instance (for example, SSH or RDP).

Therefore, make sure that you’re applying the entry points that are specific to the workload feature, in additional to the native endpoints for AWS services, as part of your threat model.

8. Come up with threats

Your aim here is to try to come up with answers to the question “What can go wrong?” There isn’t any canonical list that lists all the possible threats, because determining threats depends on the context of the workload feature that’s under assessment, and the types of threats that are unique to a given industry, geographical area, and so on.

Coming up with threats requires brainstorming. The brainstorming exercise can be facilitated by using a mnemonic like STRIDE (Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information Disclosure, Denial of Service, and Elevation of Privilege), or by looking through threat lists like the OWASP Top 10 or HiTrust Threat Catalog to get the ideas flowing.

Through this process, it’s recommended that you develop and contribute to a threat catalog that is contextual to your organization and will accelerate the brainstorming process going forward, as well as drive consistency in the granularity of threats that you model.

9. Identify and evaluate mitigations

Here, your aim is to identify the mitigations (security controls) within the workload design and evaluate whether threats have been adequately addressed. Keep in mind that there are typically multiple layers of controls and multiple responsibilities at play.

For your own in-house applications and code, you would want to review the mitigations you’ve included in your design—including, but not limited to, input validation, authentication, session handling, and bounds handling.

Consider all other components of your workload (for example, software as a service (SaaS), infrastructure supporting your COTS applications, or components hosted within your on-premises data centers) and determine the security controls that are part of the workload design.

When you use AWS services, Security and Compliance is a shared responsibility between AWS and you as our customer. This is described on the AWS Shared Responsibility Model page.

This means, for the portions of the AWS services that you’re using that are the responsibility of AWS (Security of the Cloud), the security controls are managed by AWS, along with threat identification and mitigation. The distribution of responsibility between AWS (Security of the Cloud) and you (Security in the Cloud) depends on which AWS service you use. Below, I provide examples of infrastructure, container, and abstracted AWS services to show how your responsibility for identifying and mitigating threats can vary:

  • Amazon EC2 is a good example of an infrastructure service, where you are able to access a virtual server in the cloud, you get to choose the operating system, and you have control of the service and all aspects you run on it—so you would be responsible for mitigating the identified threats.
  • Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) is a representative example of a container service, where there is no operating system exposed for you, and instead AWS exposes the selected database engine to you (for example, MySQL). AWS is responsible for the security of the operating system in this example, and you don’t need to devise mitigations. However, the database engine is under your control as well as all aspects above it, so you would need to consider mitigations for these areas. Here, AWS is taking on a larger portion of the responsibility compared to infrastructure services.
  • Amazon S3, AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS), and Amazon DynamoDB are examples of an abstracted service where AWS exposes the entire service control plane and data plane to you through the service API. Again, here there are no operating systems, database engines, or platforms exposed to you—these are an AWS responsibility. However, the API actions and associated policies are under your control and so are all aspects above the API level, so you should be considering mitigations for these. For this type of service, AWS takes a larger portion of responsibility compared to container and infrastructure types of services.

While these examples do not encompass all types of AWS services that may be in your workload, they demonstrate how your Security and Compliance responsibilities under the Shared Responsibility Model will vary in this context. Understanding the balance of responsibilities between AWS and yourself for the types of AWS services in your workload helps you scope your threat modeling exercise to the mitigations that are under your control, which are typically a combination of AWS service configuration options and your own workload-specific mitigations. For the AWS portion of the responsibility, you will find that AWS services are in-scope of many compliance programs, and the audit reports are available for download for AWS customers (at no cost) from AWS Artifact.

Regardless of which AWS services you’re using, there’s always an element of customer responsibility, and this should be included in your workload threat model.

Specifically, for security control mitigations for the AWS services themselves, you’d want to consider security controls across domains, including these domains: Identity and Access Management (Authentication/Authorization), Data Protection (At-Rest, In-Transit), Infrastructure Security, and Logging and Monitoring. AWS services each have a dedicated security chapter in the documentation, which provides guidance on the security controls to consider as mitigations. When capturing these security controls and mitigations in your threat model, you should aim to include references to the actual code, IAM policies, and AWS CloudFormation templates located in the workload’s infrastructure-as-code repository, and so on. This helps the reviewer or approver of your threat model to get an unambiguous view of the intended mitigation.

As in the case for threat identification, there’s no canonical list enumerating all the possible security controls. Through the process described here, you should consciously develop baseline security controls that align to your organization’s control objectives, and where possible, implement these baseline security controls as platform-level controls, including AWS service-level configurations (for example, encryption at rest) or guardrails (for example, through service control policies). By doing this, you can drive consistency and scale, so that these implemented baseline security controls are automatically inherited and enforced for other workload features that you design and deploy.

When you come up with the baseline security controls, it’s important to note that the context of a given workload feature isn’t known. Therefore, it’s advisable to consider these controls as a negotiable baseline that you can deviate from, provided that when you perform the workload threat modeling exercise, you find that the threat that the baseline control was designed to mitigate isn’t applicable, or there are other mitigations or compensating controls that adequately mitigate the threat. Compensating controls and mitigating factors could include: reduced data asset classification, non-human access, or ephemeral data/workload.

To learn more about how to start thinking about baseline security controls as part of your overall cloud security governance, have a look at the How to think about cloud security governance blog post.

10. Decide when enough is enough

There’s no perfect answer to this question. However, it’s important to have a risk-based perspective on the threat modeling process to create a balanced approach, so that the likelihood and impact of a risk are appropriately considered. Over-emphasis on “let’s build and ship it” could lead to significant costs and delays later. Conversely, over-emphasis on “let’s mitigate every conceivable threat” could lead to the workload feature shipping late (or never), and your customers might move on. In the recommendation I made earlier in the “Assemble the right team” section, the selection of personas is deliberate to make sure that there’s a natural tension between shipping the feature, and mitigating threats. Embrace this healthy tension.

11. Don’t let paralysis stop you before you start

Earlier in the “Break the workload down into smaller parts” section, I gave the recommendation that you should scope your threat models down to a workload feature. You may be thinking to yourself, “We’ve already shipped <X number> of features, how do we threat model those?” This is a completely reasonable question.

My view is that rather than go back to threat model features that are already live, aim to threat model any new features that you are working on now and improve the security properties of the code you ship next, and for each feature you ship after that. During this process you, your team, and your organization will learn—not just about threat modeling—but how to communicate effectively with one another. Make adjustments, iterate, improve. Sometime in the future, when you’re routinely providing high quality, consistent and reusable threat models for your new features, you can start putting activities to perform threat modeling for existing features into your backlog.


Threat modeling is an investment—in my view, it’s a good one, because finding and mitigating threats in the design phase of your workload feature can reduce the relative cost of mitigation, compared to finding the threats later. Consistently implementing threat modeling will likely also improve your security posture over time.

I’ve shared my observations and tips for practical ways to incorporate threat modeling into your organization, which center around communication, collaboration, and human-led expertise to find and address threats that your end customer expects. Armed with these tips, I encourage you to look across the workload features you’re working on now (or have in your backlog) and decide which ones will be the first you’ll threat model.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

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Darran Boyd

Darran is a Principal Security Solutions Architect at AWS, responsible for helping customers make good security choices and accelerating their journey to the AWS Cloud. Darran’s focus and passion is to deliver strategic security initiatives that unlock and enable our customers at scale.

Masking field values with Amazon Elasticsearch Service

Post Syndicated from Prashant Agrawal original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/masking-field-values-with-amazon-elasticsearch-service/

Amazon Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES) is a fully managed service that you can use to deploy, secure, and run Elasticsearch cost-effectively at scale. The service provides support for open-source Elasticsearch APIs, managed Kibana, and integration with Logstash and other AWS services. Amazon ES provides a deep security model that spans many layers of interaction and supports fine-grained access control at the cluster, index, document, and field level, on a per-user basis. The service’s security plugin integrates with federated identity providers for Kibana login.

A common use case for Amazon ES is log analytics. Customers configure their applications to store log data to the Elasticsearch cluster, where the data can be queried for insights into the functionality and use of the applications over time. In many cases, users reviewing those insights should not have access to all the details from the log data. The log data for a web application, for example, might include the source IP addresses of incoming requests. Privacy rules in many countries require that those details be masked, wholly or in part. This post explains how to set up field masking within your Amazon ES domain.

Field masking is an alternative to field-level security that lets you anonymize the data in a field rather than remove it altogether. When creating a role, add a list of fields to mask. Field masking affects whether you can see the contents of a field when you search. You can use field masking to either perform a random hash or pattern-based substitution of sensitive information from users, who shouldn’t have access to that information.

When you use field masking, Amazon ES creates a hash of the actual field values before returning the search results. You can apply field masking on a per-role basis, supporting different levels of visibility depending on the identity of the user making the query. Currently, field masking is only available for string-based fields. A search result with a masked field (clientIP) looks like this:

  "_index": "web_logs",
  "_type": "_doc",
  "_id": "1",
  "_score": 1,
  "_source": {
    "agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:6.0a1) Gecko/20110421 Firefox/6.0a1",
    "bytes": 0,
    "clientIP": "7e4df8d4df7086ee9c05efe1e21cce8ff017a711ee9addf1155608ca45d38219",
    "host": "www.example.com",
    "extension": "txt",
    "geo": {
      "src": "EG",
      "dest": "CN",
      "coordinates": {
        "lat": 35.98531194,
        "lon": -85.80931806
    "machine": {
      "ram": 17179869184,
      "os": "win 7"

To follow along in this post, make sure you have an Amazon ES domain with Elasticsearch version 6.7 or higher, sample data loaded (this example uses the web logs data supplied by Kibana), and access to Kibana through a role with administrator privileges for the domain.

Configure field masking

Field masking is managed by defining specific access controls within the Kibana visualization system. You’ll need to create a new Kibana role, define the fine-grained access-control privileges for that role, specify which fields to mask, and apply that role to specific users.

You can use either the Kibana console or direct-to-API calls to set up field masking. In our first example, we’ll use the Kibana console.

To configure field masking in the Kibana console

  1. Log in to Kibana, choose the Security pane, and then choose Roles, as shown in Figure 1.

    Figure 1: Choose security roles

    Figure 1: Choose security roles

  2. Choose the plus sign (+) to create a new role, as shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2: Create role

    Figure 2: Create role

  3. Choose the Index Permissions tab, and then choose Add index permissions, as shown in Figure 3.

    Figure 3: Set index permissions

    Figure 3: Set index permissions

  4. Add index patterns and appropriate permissions for data access. See the Amazon ES documentation for details on configuring fine-grained access control.
  5. Once you’ve set Index Patterns, Permissions: Action Groups, Document Level Security Query, and Include or exclude fields, you can use the Anonymize fields entry to mask the clientIP, as shown in Figure 4.

    Figure 4: Anonymize field

    Figure 4: Anonymize field

  6. Choose Save Role Definition.
  7. Next, you need to create one or more users and apply the role to the new users. Go back to the Security page and choose Internal User Database, as shown in Figure 5.

    Figure 5: Select Internal User Database

    Figure 5: Select Internal User Database

  8. Choose the plus sign (+) to create a new user, as shown in Figure 6.

    Figure 6: Create user

    Figure 6: Create user

  9. Add a username and password, and under Open Distro Security Roles, select the role es-mask-role, as shown in Figure 7.

    Figure 7: Select the username, password, and roles

    Figure 7: Select the username, password, and roles

  10. Choose Submit.

If you prefer, you can perform the same task by using the Amazon ES REST API using Kibana dev tools.

Use the following API to create a role as described in below snippet and shown in Figure 8.

PUT _opendistro/_security/api/roles/es-mask-role
  "cluster_permissions": [],
  "index_permissions": [
      "index_patterns": [
      "dls": "",
      "fls": [],
      "masked_fields": [
      "allowed_actions": [

Sample response:

  "status": "CREATED",
  "message": "'es-mask-role' created."
Figure 8: API to create Role

Figure 8: API to create Role

Use the following API to create a user with the role as described in below snippet and shown in Figure 9.

PUT _opendistro/_security/api/internalusers/es-mask-user
  "password": "xxxxxxxxxxx",
  "opendistro_security_roles": [

Sample response:

  "status": "CREATED",
  "message": "'es-mask-user' created."
Figure 9: API to create User

Figure 9: API to create User

Verify field masking

You can verify field masking by running a simple search query using Kibana dev tools (GET web_logs/_search) and retrieving the data first by using the kibana_user (with no field masking), and then by using the es-mask-user (with field masking) you just created.

Query responses run by the kibana_user (all access) have the original values in all fields, as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Retrieval of the full clientIP data with kibana_user

Figure 10: Retrieval of the full clientIP data with kibana_user

Figure 11, following, shows an example of what you would see if you logged in as the es-mask-user. In this case, the clientIP field is hidden due to the es-mask-role you created.

Figure 11: Retrieval of the masked clientIP data with es-mask-user

Figure 11: Retrieval of the masked clientIP data with es-mask-user

Use pattern-based field masking

Rather than creating a hash, you can use one or more regular expressions and replacement strings to mask a field. The syntax is <field>::/<regular-expression>/::<replacement-string>.

You can use either the Kibana console or direct-to-API calls to set up pattern-based field masking. In the following example, clientIP is masked in such a way that the last three parts of the IP address are masked by xxx using the pattern is clientIP::/[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$/::xxx.xxx.xxx>. You see only the first part of the IP address, as shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12: Anonymize the field with a pattern

Figure 12: Anonymize the field with a pattern

Run the search query to verify that the last three parts of clientIP are masked by custom characters and only the first part is shown to the requester, as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13: Retrieval of the masked clientIP (according to the defined pattern) with es-mask-user

Figure 13: Retrieval of the masked clientIP (according to the defined pattern) with es-mask-user


Field level security should be the primary approach for ensuring data access security – however if there are specific business requirements that cannot be met with this approach, then field masking may offer a viable alternative. By using field masking, you can selectively allow or prevent your users from seeing private information such as personally identifying information (PII) or personal healthcare information (PHI). For more information about fine-grained access control, see the Amazon Elasticsearch Service Developer Guide.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon Elasticsearch Service forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Prashant Agrawal

Prashant is a Search Specialist Solutions Architect with Amazon Elasticsearch Service. He works closely with team members to help customers migrate their workloads to the cloud. Before joining AWS, he helped various customers use Elasticsearch for their search and analytics use cases.

Use AWS Secrets Manager to simplify the management of private certificates

Post Syndicated from Maitreya Ranganath original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/use-aws-secrets-manager-to-simplify-the-management-of-private-certificates/

AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) lets you easily provision, manage, and deploy public and private Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) certificates for use with Amazon Web Services (AWS) services and your internal connected resources. For private certificates, AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority (ACM PCA) can be used to create private CA hierarchies, including root and subordinate CAs, without the investment and maintenance costs of operating an on-premises CA. With these CAs, you can issue custom end-entity certificates or use the ACM defaults.

When you manage the lifecycle of certificates, it’s important to follow best practices. You can think of a certificate as an identity of a service you’re connecting to. You have to ensure that these identities are secure and up to date, ideally with the least amount of manual intervention. AWS Secrets Manager provides a mechanism for managing certificates, and other secrets, at scale. Specifically, you can configure secrets to automatically rotate on a scheduled basis by using pre-built or custom AWS Lambda functions, encrypt them by using AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) keys, and automatically retrieve or distribute them for use in applications and services across an AWS environment. This reduces the overhead of manually managing the deployment, creation, and secure storage of these certificates.

In this post, you’ll learn how to use Secrets Manager to manage and distribute certificates created by ACM PCA across AWS Regions and accounts.

We present two use cases in this blog post to demonstrate the difference between issuing private certificates with ACM and with ACM PCA. For the first use case, you will create a certificate by using the ACM defaults for private certificates. You will then deploy the ACM default certificate to an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance that is launched in the same account as the secret and private CA. In the second scenario, you will create a custom certificate by using ACM PCA templates and parameters. This custom certificate will be deployed to an EC2 instance in a different account to demonstrate cross-account sharing of secrets.

Solution overview

Figure 1 shows the architecture of our solution.

Figure 1: Solution architecture

Figure 1: Solution architecture

This architecture includes resources that you will create during the blog walkthrough and by using AWS CloudFormation templates. This architecture outlines how these services can be used in a multi-account environment. As shown in the diagram:

  1. You create a certificate authority (CA) in ACM PCA to generate end-entity certificates.
  2. In the account where the issuing CA was created, you create secrets in Secrets Manager.
    1. There are several required parameters that you must provide when creating secrets, based on whether you want to create an ACM or ACM PCA issued certificate. These parameters will be passed to our Lambda function to make sure that the certificate is generated and stored properly.
    2. The Lambda rotation function created by the CloudFormation template is attached when configuring secrets rotation. Initially, the function generates two Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM) encoded files containing the certificate and private key, based on the provided parameters, and stores those in the secret. Subsequent calls to the function are made when the secret needs to be rotated, and then the function stores the resulting Certificate PEM and Private Key PEM in the desired secret. The function is written using Python, the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3), and OpenSSL. The flow of the function follows the requirements for rotating secrets in Secrets Manager.
  3. The first CloudFormation template creates a Systems Manager Run Command document that can be invoked to install the certificate and private key from the secret on an Apache Server running on EC2 in Account A.
  4. The second CloudFormation template deploys the same Run Command document and EC2 environment in Account B.
    1. To make sure that the account has the ability to pull down the certificate and private key from Secrets Manager, you need to update the key policy in Account A to give Account B access to decrypt the secret.
    2. You also need to add a resource-based policy to the secret that gives Account B access to retrieve the secret from Account A.
    3. Once the proper access is set up in Account A, you can use the Run Command document to install the certificate and private key on the Apache Server.

In a multi-account scenario, it’s common to have a central or shared AWS account that owns the ACM PCA resource, while workloads that are deployed in other AWS accounts use certificates issued by the ACM PCA. This can be achieved in two ways:

  1. Secrets in Secrets Manager can be shared with other AWS accounts by using resource-based policies. Once shared, the secrets can be deployed to resources, such as EC2 instances.
  2. You can share the central ACM PCA with other AWS accounts by using AWS Resource Access Manager or ACM PCA resource-based policies. These two options allow the receiving AWS account or accounts to issue private certificates by using the shared ACM PCA. These issued certificates can then use Secrets Manager to manage the secret in the child account and leverage features like rotation.

We will focus on first case for sharing secrets.

Solution cost

The cost for running this solution comes from the following services:

  • AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority (ACM PCA)
    Referring to the pricing page for ACM PCA, this solution incurs a prorated monthly charge of $400 for each CA that is created. A CA can be deleted the same day it’s created, leading to a charge of around $13/day (400 * 12 / 365.25). In addition, there is a cost for issuing certificates using ACM PCA. For the first 1000 certificates, this cost is $0.75. For this demonstration, you only need two certificates, resulting in a total charge of $1.50 for issuing certificates using ACM PCA. In all, the use of ACM PCA in this solution results in a charge of $14.50.
  • Amazon EC2
    The CloudFormation templates create t2.micro instances that cost $0.0116/hour, if they’re not eligible for Free Tier.
  • Secrets Manager
    There is a 30-day free trial for Secrets Manager, which is initiated when the first secret is created. After the free trial has completed, it costs $0.40 per secret stored per month. You will use two secrets for this solution and can schedule these for deletion after seven days, resulting in a prorated charge of $0.20.
  • Lambda
    Lambda has a free usage tier that allows for 1 million free requests per month and 400,000 GB-seconds of compute time per month. This fits within the usage for this blog, making the cost $0.
    A single key created by one of the CloudFormation templates costs $1/month. The first 20,000 requests to AWS KMS are free, which fits within the usage of the test environment. In a production scenario, AWS KMS would charge $0.03 per 10,000 requests involving this key.

There are no charges for Systems Manager Run Command.

See the “Clean up resources” section of this blog post to get information on how to delete the resources that you create for this environment.

Deploy the solution

Now we’ll walk through the steps to deploy the solution. The CloudFormation templates and Lambda function code can be found in the AWS GitHub repository.

Create a CA to issue certificates

First, you’ll create an ACM PCA to issue private certificates. A common practice we see with customers is using a subordinate CA in AWS that is used to issue end-entity certificates for applications and workloads in the cloud. This subordinate can either point to a root CA in ACM PCA that is maintained by a central team, or to an existing on-premises public key infrastructure (PKI). There are some considerations when creating a CA hierarchy in ACM.

For demonstration purposes, you need to create a CA that can issue end-entity certificates. If you have an existing PKI that you want to use, you can create a subordinate CA that is signed by an external CA that can issue certificates. Otherwise, you can create a root CA and begin building a PKI on AWS. During creation of the CA, make sure that ACM has permissions to automatically renew certificates, because this feature will be used in later steps.

You should have one or more private CAs in the ACM console, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: A private CA in the ACM PCA console

Figure 2: A private CA in the ACM PCA console

You will use two CloudFormation templates for this architecture. The first is launched in the same account where your private CA lives, and the second is launched in a different account. The first template generates the following: a Lambda function used for Secrets Manager rotation, an AWS KMS key to encrypt secrets, and a Systems Manager Run Command document to install the certificate on an Apache Server running on EC2 in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). The second template launches the same Systems Manager Run Command document and EC2 environment.

To deploy the resources for the first template, select the following Launch Stack button. Make sure you’re in the N. Virginia (us-east-1) Region.

Select the Launch Stack button to launch the template

The template takes a few minutes to launch.

Use case #1: Create and deploy an ACM certificate

For the first use case, you’ll create a certificate by using the ACM defaults for private certificates, and then deploy it.

Create a Secrets Manager secret

To begin, create your first secret in Secrets Manager. You will create these secrets in the console to see how the service can be set up and used, but all these actions can be done through the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or AWS SDKs.

To create a secret

  1. Navigate to the Secrets Manager console.
  2. Choose Store a new secret.
  3. For the secret type, select Other type of secrets.
  4. The Lambda rotation function has a set of required parameters in the secret type depending on what kind of certificate needs to be generated.For this first secret, you’re going to create an ACM_ISSUED certificate. Provide the following parameters.

    Key Value
    CA_ARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your certificate-issuing CA in ACM PCA
    COMMON_NAME The end-entity name for your certificate (for example, server1.example)
    ENVIRONMENT TEST (You need this later on to test the renewal of certificates. If using this outside of the blog walkthrough, set it to something like DEV or PROD.)
  5. For Encryption key, select CAKey, and then choose Next.
  6. Give the secret a name and optionally add tags or a description. Choose Next.
  7. Select Enable automatic rotation and choose the Lambda function that starts with <CloudFormation Stack Name>-SecretsRotateFunction. Because you’re creating an ACM-issued certificate, the rotation will be handled 60 days before the certificate expires. The validity is set to 365 days, so any value higher than 305 would work. Choose Next.
  8. Review the configuration, and then choose Store.
  9. This will take you back to a list of your secrets, and you will see your new secret, as shown in Figure 3. Select the new secret.

    Figure 3: The new secret in the Secrets Manager console

    Figure 3: The new secret in the Secrets Manager console

  10. Choose Retrieve secret value to confirm that CERTIFICATE_PEM, PRIVATE_KEY_PEM, CERTIFICATE_CHAIN_PEM, and CERTIFICATE_ARN are set in the secret value.

You now have an ACM-issued certificate that can be deployed to an end entity.

Deploy to an end entity

For testing purposes, you will now deploy the certificate that you just created to an Apache Server.

To deploy the certificate to the Apache Server

  1. In a new tab, navigate to the Systems Manager console.
  2. Choose Documents at the bottom left, and then choose the Owned by me tab.
  3. Choose RunUpdateTLS.
  4. Choose Run command at the top right.
  5. Copy and paste the secret ARN from Secrets Manager and make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces.
  6. Select Choose instances manually, and then choose ApacheServer.
  7. Select CloudWatch output to track progress.
  8. Choose Run.

The certificate and private key are now installed on the server, and it has been restarted.

To verify that the certificate was installed

  1. Navigate to the EC2 console.
  2. In the dashboard, choose Running Instances.
  3. Select ApacheServer, and choose Connect.
  4. Select Session Manager, and choose Connect.
  5. When you’re logged in to the instance, enter the following command.
    openssl s_client -connect localhost:443 | openssl x509 -text -noout

    This will display the certificate that the server is using, along with other metadata like the certificate chain and validity period. For the validity period, note the Not Before and Not After dates and times, as shown in figure 4.

    Figure 4: Server certificate

    Figure 4: Server certificate

Now, test the rotation of the certificate manually. In a production scenario, this process would be automated by using maintenance windows. Maintenance windows allow for the least amount of disruption to the applications that are using certificates, because you can determine when the server will update its certificate.

To test the rotation of the certificate

  1. Navigate back to your secret in Secrets Manager.
  2. Choose Rotate secret immediately. Because you set the ENVIRONMENT key to TEST in the secret, this rotation will renew the certificate. When the key isn’t set to TEST, the rotation function pulls down the renewed certificate based on its rotation schedule, because ACM is managing the renewal for you. In a couple of minutes, you’ll receive an email from ACM stating that your certificate was rotated.
  3. Pull the renewed certificate down to the server, following the same steps that you used to deploy the certificate to the Apache Server.
  4. Follow the steps that you used to verify that the certificate was installed to make sure that the validity date and time has changed.

Use case #2: Create and deploy an ACM PCA certificate by using custom templates

Next, use the second CloudFormation template to create a certificate, issued by ACM PCA, which will be deployed to an Apache Server in a different account. Sign in to your other account and select the following Launch Stack button to launch the CloudFormation template.

Select the Launch Stack button to launch the template

This creates the same Run Command document you used previously, as well as the EC2 and Amazon VPC environment running an Apache Server. This template takes in a parameter for the KMS key ARN; this can be found in the first template’s output section, shown in figure 5.

Figure 5: CloudFormation outputs

Figure 5: CloudFormation outputs

While that’s completing, sign in to your original account so that you can create the new secret.

To create the new secret

  1. Follow the same steps you used to create a secret, but change the secret values passed in to the following.

    Key Value
    CA_ARN The ARN of your certificate-issuing CA in ACM PCA
    COMMON_NAME You can use any name you want, such as server2.example

    For testing purposes, use arn:aws:acm-pca:::template/EndEntityCertificate/V1

    This template ARN determines what type of certificate is being created and your desired path length. For more information, see Understanding Certificate Templates.

    (You can also use TYPE_DSA)
    KEY_SIZE 2048
    (You can also use 1024 or 4096)
    SIGNING_HASH sha256
    (You can also use sha384 or sha512)
    (You can also use ECDSA if the key type for your issuing CA is set to ECDSA P256 or ECDSA P384)
  2. Add the following resource policy during the name and description step. This gives your other account access to pull this secret down to install the certificate on its Apache Server.
      "Version" : "2012-10-17",
      "Statement" : [ {
        "Effect" : "Allow",
        "Principal" : {
          "AWS" : "<ARN in output of second CloudFormation Template>"
        "Action" : "secretsmanager:GetSecretValue",
        "Resource" : "*"
      } ]

  3. Finish creating the secret.

After the secret has been created, the last thing you need to do is add permissions to the KMS key policy so that your other account can decrypt the secret when installing the certificate on your server.

To add AWS KMS permissions

  1. Navigate to the AWS KMS console, and choose CAKey.
  2. Next to the key policy name, choose Edit.
  3. For the Statement ID (SID) Allow use of the key, add the ARN of the EC2 instance role in the other account. This can be found in the CloudFormation templates as an output called ApacheServerInstanceRole, as shown in Figure 5. The Statement should look something like this:
                "Sid": "Allow use of the key",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "AWS": [
                        "arn:aws:iam::<AccountID with CA>:role/<Apache Server Instance Role>",
                        "arn:aws:iam:<Second AccountID>:role/<Apache Server Instance Role>"
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*"

Your second account now has permissions to pull down the secret and certificate to the Apache Server. Follow the same steps described in the earlier section, “Deploy to an end entity.” Test rotating the secret the same way, and make sure the validity period has changed. You may notice that you didn’t get an email notifying you of renewal. This is because the certificate isn’t issued by ACM.

In this demonstration, you may have noticed you didn’t create resources that pull down the secret in different Regions, just in different accounts. If you want to deploy certificates in different Regions from the one where you create the secret, the process is exactly the same as what we described here. You don’t need to do anything else to accomplish provisioning and deploying in different Regions.

Clean up resources

Finally, delete the resources you created in the earlier steps, in order to avoid additional charges described in the section, “Solution cost.”

To delete all the resources created:

  1. Navigate to the CloudFormation console in both accounts, and select the stack that you created.
  2. Choose Actions, and then choose Delete Stack. This will take a few minutes to complete.
  3. Navigate to the Secrets Manager console in the CA account, and select the secrets you created.
  4. Choose Actions, and then choose Delete secret. This won’t automatically delete the secret, because you need to set a waiting period that allows for the secret to be restored, if needed. The minimum time is 7 days.
  5. Navigate to the Certificate Manager console in the CA account.
  6. Select the certificates that were created as part of this blog walkthrough, choose Actions, and then choose Delete.
  7. Choose Private CAs.
  8. Select the subordinate CA you created at the beginning of this process, choose Actions, and then choose Disable.
  9. After the CA is disabled, choose Actions, and then Delete. Similar to the secrets, this doesn’t automatically delete the CA but marks it for deletion, and the CA can be recovered during the specified period. The minimum waiting period is also 7 days.


In this blog post, we demonstrated how you could use Secrets Manager to rotate, store, and distribute private certificates issued by ACM and ACM PCA to end entities. Secrets Manager uses AWS KMS to secure these secrets during storage and delivery. You can introduce additional automation for deploying the certificates by using Systems Manager Maintenance Windows. This allows you to define a schedule for when to deploy potentially disruptive changes to EC2 instances.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Secrets Manager forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Maitreya Ranganath

Maitreya is an AWS Security Solutions Architect. He enjoys helping customers solve security and compliance challenges and architect scalable and cost-effective solutions on AWS.


Blake Franzen

Blake is a Security Solutions Architect with AWS in Seattle. His passion is driving customers to a more secure AWS environment while ensuring they can innovate and move fast. Outside of work, he is an avid movie buff and enjoys recreational sports.

re:Invent – New security sessions launching soon

Post Syndicated from Marta Taggart original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/reinvent-new-security-sessions-launching-soon/

Where did the last month go? Were you able to catch all of the sessions in the Security, Identity, and Compliance track you hoped to see at AWS re:Invent? If you missed any, don’t worry—you can stream all the sessions released in 2020 via the AWS re:Invent website. Additionally, we’re starting 2021 with all new sessions that you can stream live January 12–15. Here are the new Security, Identity, and Compliance sessions—each session is offered at multiple times, so you can find the time that works best for your location and schedule.

Protecting sensitive data with Amazon Macie and Amazon GuardDuty – SEC210
Himanshu Verma, AWS Speaker

Tuesday, January 12 – 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM PST
Tuesday, January 12 – 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM PST
Wednesday, January 13 – 3:00 AM to 3:30 AM PST

As organizations manage growing volumes of data, identifying and protecting your sensitive data can become increasingly complex, expensive, and time-consuming. In this session, learn how Amazon Macie and Amazon GuardDuty together provide protection for your data stored in Amazon S3. Amazon Macie automates the discovery of sensitive data at scale and lowers the cost of protecting your data. Amazon GuardDuty continuously monitors and profiles S3 data access events and configurations to detect suspicious activities. Come learn about these security services and how to best use them for protecting data in your environment.

BBC: Driving security best practices in a decentralized organization – SEC211
Apurv Awasthi, AWS Speaker
Andrew Carlson, Sr. Software Engineer – BBC

Tuesday, January 12 – 1:15 PM to 1:45 PM PST
Tuesday, January 12 – 9:15 PM to 9:45 PM PST
Wednesday, January 13 – 5:15 AM to 5:45 AM PST

In this session, Andrew Carlson, engineer at BBC, talks about BBC’s journey while adopting AWS Secrets Manager for lifecycle management of its arbitrary credentials such as database passwords, API keys, and third-party keys. He provides insight on BBC’s secrets management best practices and how the company drives these at enterprise scale in a decentralized environment that has a highly visible scope of impact.

Get ahead of the curve with DDoS Response Team escalations – SEC321
Fola Bolodeoku, AWS Speaker

Tuesday, January 12 – 3:30 PM to 4:00 PM PST
Tuesday, January 12 – 11:30 PM to 12:00 AM PST
Wednesday, January – 7:30 AM to 8:00 AM PST

This session identifies tools and tricks that you can use to prepare for application security escalations, with lessons learned provided by the AWS DDoS Response Team. You learn how AWS customers have used different AWS offerings to protect their applications, including network access control lists, security groups, and AWS WAF. You also learn how to avoid common misconfigurations and mishaps observed by the DDoS Response Team, and you discover simple yet effective actions that you can take to better protect your applications’ availability and security controls.

Network security for serverless workloads – SEC322
Alex Tomic, AWS Speaker

Thursday, January 14 -1:30 PM to 2:00 PM PST
Thursday, January 14 – 9:30 PM to 10:00 PM PST
Friday, January 15 – 5:30 AM to 6:00 AM PST

Are you building a serverless application using services like Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Aurora, and Amazon SQS? Would you like to apply enterprise network security to these AWS services? This session covers how network security concepts like encryption, firewalls, and traffic monitoring can be applied to a well-architected AWS serverless architecture.

Building your cloud incident response program – SEC323
Freddy Kasprzykowski, AWS Speaker

Wednesday, January 13 – 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM PST
Wednesday, January 13 – 5:00 PM to 5:30 PM PST
Thursday, January 14 – 1:00 AM to 1:30 AM PST

You’ve configured your detection services and now you’ve received your first alert. This session provides patterns that help you understand what capabilities you need to build and run an effective incident response program in the cloud. It includes a review of some logs to see what they tell you and a discussion of tools to analyze those logs. You learn how to make sure that your team has the right access, how automation can help, and which incident response frameworks can guide you.

Beyond authentication: Guide to secure Amazon Cognito applications – SEC324
Mahmoud Matouk, AWS Speaker

Wednesday, January 13 – 2:15 PM to 2:45 PM PST
Wednesday, January 13 – 10:15 PM to 10:45 PM PST
Thursday, January 14 – 6:15 AM to 6:45 AM PST

Amazon Cognito is a flexible user directory that can meet the needs of a number of customer identity management use cases. Web and mobile applications can integrate with Amazon Cognito in minutes to offer user authentication and get standard tokens to be used in token-based authorization scenarios. This session covers best practices that you can implement in your application to secure and protect tokens. You also learn about new Amazon Cognito features that give you more options to improve the security and availability of your application.

Event-driven data security using Amazon Macie – SEC325
Neha Joshi, AWS Speaker

Thursday, January 14 – 8:00 AM to 8:30 AM PST
Thursday, January 14 – 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM PST
Friday, January 15 – 12:00 AM to 12:30 AM PST

Amazon Macie sensitive data discovery jobs for Amazon S3 buckets help you discover sensitive data such as personally identifiable information (PII), financial information, account credentials, and workload-specific sensitive information. In this session, you learn about an automated approach to discover sensitive information whenever changes are made to the objects in your S3 buckets.

Instance containment techniques for effective incident response – SEC327
Jonathon Poling, AWS Speaker

Thursday, January 14 – 10:15 AM to 10:45 AM PST
Thursday, January 14 – 6:15 PM to 6:45 PM PST
Friday, January 15 – 2:15 AM to 2:45 AM PST

In this session, learn about several instance containment and isolation techniques, ranging from simple and effective to more complex and powerful, that leverage native AWS networking services and account configuration techniques. If an incident happens, you may have questions like “How do we isolate the system while preserving all the valuable artifacts?” and “What options do we even have?”. These are valid questions, but there are more important ones to discuss amidst a (possible) incident. Join this session to learn highly effective instance containment techniques in a crawl-walk-run approach that also facilitates preservation and collection of valuable artifacts and intelligence.

Trusted connects for government workloads – SEC402
Brad Dispensa, AWS Speaker

Wednesday, January 13 – 11:15 AM to 11:45 AM PST
Wednesday, January 13 – 7:15 PM to 7:45 PM PST
Thursday, January 14 – 3:15 AM to 3:45 AM PST

Cloud adoption across the public sector is making it easier to provide government workforces with seamless access to applications and data. With this move to the cloud, we also need updated security guidance to ensure public-sector data remain secure. For example, the TIC (Trusted Internet Connections) initiative has been a requirement for US federal agencies for some time. The recent TIC-3 moves from prescriptive guidance to an outcomes-based model. This session walks you through how to leverage AWS features to better protect public-sector data using TIC-3 and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). Also, learn how this might map into other geographies.

I look forward to seeing you in these sessions. Please see the re:Invent agenda for more details and to build your schedule.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Marta Taggart

Marta is a Seattle-native and Senior Program Manager in AWS Security, where she focuses on privacy, content development, and educational programs. Her interest in education stems from two years she spent in the education sector while serving in the Peace Corps in Romania. In her free time, she’s on a global hunt for the perfect cup of coffee.

Deploy an automated ChatOps solution for remediating Amazon Macie findings

Post Syndicated from Nick Cuneo original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/deploy-an-automated-chatops-solution-for-remediating-amazon-macie-findings/

The amount of data being collected, stored, and processed by Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers is growing at an exponential rate. In order to keep pace with this growth, customers are turning to scalable cloud storage services like Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to build data lakes at the petabyte scale. Customers are looking for new, automated, and scalable ways to address their data security and compliance requirements, including the need to identify and protect their sensitive data. Amazon Macie helps customers address this need by offering a managed data security and data privacy service that uses machine learning and pattern matching to discover and protect your sensitive data that is stored in Amazon S3.

In this blog post, I show you how to deploy a solution that establishes an automated event-driven workflow for notification and remediation of sensitive data findings from Macie. Administrators can review and approve remediation of findings through a ChatOps-style integration with Slack. Slack is a business communication tool that provides messaging functionality, including persistent chat rooms known as channels. With this solution, you can streamline the notification, investigation, and remediation of sensitive data findings in your AWS environment.


Before you deploy the solution, make sure that your environment is set up with the following prerequisites:

Important: This solution uses various AWS services, and there are costs associated with these resources after the Free Tier usage. See the AWS pricing page for details.

Solution overview

The solution architecture and workflow are detailed in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Solution overview

Figure 1: Solution overview

This solution allows for the configuration of auto-remediation behavior based on finding type and finding severity. For each finding type, you can define whether you want the offending S3 object to be automatically quarantined, or whether you want the finding details to be reviewed and approved by a human in Slack prior to being quarantined. In a similar manner, you can define the minimum severity level (Low, Medium, High) that a finding must have before the solution will take action. By adjusting these parameters, you can manage false positives and tune the volume and type of findings about which you want to be notified and take action. This configurability is important because customers have different security, risk, and regulatory requirements.

Figure 1 details the services used in the solution and the integration points between them. Let’s walk through the full sequence from the detection of sensitive data to the remediation (quarantine) of the offending object.

  1. Macie is configured with sensitive data discovery jobs (scheduled or one-time), which you create and run to detect sensitive data within S3 buckets. When Macie runs a job, it uses a combination of criteria and techniques to analyze objects in S3 buckets that you specify. For a full list of the categories of sensitive data Macie can detect, see the Amazon Macie User Guide.
  2. For each sensitive data finding, an event is sent to Amazon EventBridge that contains the finding details. An EventBridge rule triggers a Lambda function for processing.
  3. The Finding Handler Lambda function parses the event and examines the type of the finding. Based on the auto-remediation configuration, the function either invokes the Finding Remediator function for immediate remediation, or sends the finding details for manual review and remediation approval through Slack.
  4. Delegated security and compliance administrators monitor the configured Slack channel for notifications. Notifications provide high-level finding information, remediation status, and a link to the Macie console for the finding in question. For findings configured for manual review, administrators can choose to approve the remediation in Slack by using an action button on the notification.
  5. After an administrator chooses the Remediate button, Slack issues an API call to an Amazon API Gateway endpoint, supplying both the unique identifier of the finding to be remediated and that of the Slack user. API Gateway proxies the request to a Remediation Handler Lambda function.
  6. The Remediation Handler Lambda function validates the request and request signature, extracts the offending object’s location from the finding, and makes an asynchronous call to the Finding Remediator Lambda function.
  7. The Finding Remediator Lambda function moves the offending object from the source bucket to a designated S3 quarantine bucket with restricted access.
  8. Finally, the Finding Remediator Lambda function uses a callback URL to update the original finding notification in Slack, indicating that the offending object has now been quarantined.

Deploy the solution

Now we’ll walk through the steps for configuring Slack and deploying the solution into your AWS environment by using the AWS CDK. The AWS CDK is a software development framework that you can use to define cloud infrastructure in code and provision through AWS CloudFormation.

The deployment steps can be summarized as follows:

  1. Configure a Slack channel and app
  2. Check the project out from GitHub
  3. Set the configuration parameters
  4. Build and deploy the solution
  5. Configure Slack with an API Gateway endpoint

To configure a Slack channel and app

  1. In your browser, make sure you’re logged into the Slack workspace where you want to integrate the solution.
  2. Create a new channel where you will send the notifications, as follows:
    1. Choose the + icon next to the Channels menu, and select Create a channel.
    2. Give your channel a name, for example macie-findings, and make sure you turn on the Make private setting.

      Important: By providing Slack users with access to this configured channel, you’re providing implicit access to review Macie finding details and approve remediations. To avoid unwanted user access, it’s strongly recommended that you make this channel private and by invite only.

  3. On your Apps page, create a new app by selecting Create New App, and then enter the following information:
    1. For App Name, enter a name of your choosing, for example MacieRemediator.
    2. Select your chosen development Slack workspace that you logged into in step 1.
    3. Choose Create App.
    Figure 2: Create a Slack app

    Figure 2: Create a Slack app

  4. You will then see the Basic Information page for your app. Scroll down to the App Credentials section, and note down the Signing Secret. This secret will be used by the Lambda function that handles all remediation requests from Slack. The function uses the secret with Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) authentication to validate that requests to the solution are legitimate and originated from your trusted Slack channel.

    Figure 3: Signing secret

    Figure 3: Signing secret

  5. Scroll back to the top of the Basic Information page, and under Add features and functionality, select the Incoming Webhooks tile. Turn on the Activate Incoming Webhooks setting.
  6. At the bottom of the page, choose Add New Webhook to Workspace.
    1. Select the macie-findings channel you created in step 2, and choose Allow.
    2. You should now see webhook URL details under Webhook URLs for Your Workspace. Use the Copy button to note down the URL, which you will need later.

      Figure 4: Webhook URL

      Figure 4: Webhook URL

To check the project out from GitHub

The solution source is available on GitHub in AWS Samples. Clone the project to your local machine or download and extract the available zip file.

To set the configuration parameters

In the root directory of the project you’ve just cloned, there’s a file named cdk.json. This file contains configuration parameters to allow integration with the macie-findings channel you created earlier, and also to allow you to control the auto-remediation behavior of the solution. Open this file and make sure that you review and update the following parameters:

  • autoRemediateConfig – This nested attribute allows you to specify for each sensitive data finding type whether you want to automatically remediate and quarantine the offending object, or first send the finding to Slack for human review and authorization. Note that you will still be notified through Slack that auto-remediation has taken place if this attribute is set to AUTO. Valid values are either AUTO or REVIEW. You can use the default values.
  • minSeverityLevel – Macie assigns all findings a Severity level. With this parameter, you can define a minimum severity level that must be met before the solution will trigger action. For example, if the parameter is set to MEDIUM, the solution won’t take any action or send any notifications when a finding has a LOW severity, but will take action when a finding is classified as MEDIUM or HIGH. Valid values are: LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH. The default value is set to LOW.
  • slackChannel – The name of the Slack channel you created earlier (macie-findings).
  • slackWebHookUrl – For this parameter, enter the webhook URL that you noted down during Slack app setup in the “Configure a Slack channel and app” step.
  • slackSigningSecret – For this parameter, enter the signing secret that you noted down during Slack app setup.

Save your changes to the configuration file.

To build and deploy the solution

  1. From the command line, make sure that your current working directory is the root directory of the project that you cloned earlier. Run the following commands:
    • npm install – Installs all Node.js dependencies.
    • npm run build – Compiles the CDK TypeScript source.
    • cdk bootstrap – Initializes the CDK environment in your AWS account and Region, as shown in Figure 5.

      Figure 5: CDK bootstrap output

      Figure 5: CDK bootstrap output

    • cdk deploy – Generates a CloudFormation template and deploys the solution resources.

    The resources created can be reviewed in the CloudFormation console and can be summarized as follows:

    • Lambda functions – Finding Handler, Remediation Handler, and Remediator
    • IAM execution roles and associated policy – The roles and policy associated with each Lambda function and the API Gateway
    • S3 bucket – The quarantine S3 bucket
    • EventBridge rule – The rule that triggers the Lambda function for Macie sensitive data findings
    • API Gateway – A single remediation API with proxy integration to the Lambda handler
  2. After you run the deploy command, you’ll be prompted to review the IAM resources deployed as part of the solution. Press y to continue.
  3. Once the deployment is complete, you’ll be presented with an output parameter, shown in Figure 6, which is the endpoint for the API Gateway that was deployed as part of the solution. Copy this URL.

    Figure 6: CDK deploy output

    Figure 6: CDK deploy output

To configure Slack with the API Gateway endpoint

  1. Open Slack and return to the Basic Information page for the Slack app you created earlier.
  2. Under Add features and functionality, select the Interactive Components tile.
  3. Turn on the Interactivity setting.
  4. In the Request URL box, enter the API Gateway endpoint URL you copied earlier.
  5. Choose Save Changes.

    Figure 7: Slack app interactivity

    Figure 7: Slack app interactivity

Now that you have the solution components deployed and Slack configured, it’s time to test things out.

Test the solution

The testing steps can be summarized as follows:

  1. Upload dummy files to S3
  2. Run the Macie sensitive data discovery job
  3. Review and act upon Slack notifications
  4. Confirm that S3 objects are quarantined

To upload dummy files to S3

Two sample text files containing dummy financial and personal data are available in the project you cloned from GitHub. If you haven’t changed the default auto-remediation configurations, these two files will exercise both the auto-remediation and manual remediation review flows.

Find the files under sensitive-data-samples/dummy-financial-data.txt and sensitive-data-samples/dummy-personal-data.txt. Take these two files and upload them to S3 by using either the console, as shown in Figure 8, or AWS CLI. You can choose to use any new or existing bucket, but make sure that the bucket is in the same AWS account and Region that was used to deploy the solution.

Figure 8: Dummy files uploaded to S3

Figure 8: Dummy files uploaded to S3

To run a Macie sensitive data discovery job

  1. Navigate to the Amazon Macie console, and make sure that your selected Region is the same as the one that was used to deploy the solution.
    1. If this is your first time using Macie, choose the Get Started button, and then choose Enable Macie.
  2. On the Macie Summary dashboard, you will see a Create Job button at the top right. Choose this button to launch the Job creation wizard. Configure each step as follows:
    1. Select S3 buckets: Select the bucket where you uploaded the dummy sensitive data file. Choose Next.
    2. Review S3 buckets: No changes are required, choose Next.
    3. Scope: For Job type, choose One-time job. Make sure Sampling depth is set to 100%. Choose Next.
    4. Custom data identifiers: No changes are required, choose Next.
    5. Name and description: For Job name, enter any name you like, such as Dummy job, and then choose Next.
    6. Review and create: Review your settings; they should look like the following sample. Choose Submit.
Figure 9: Configure the Macie sensitive data discovery job

Figure 9: Configure the Macie sensitive data discovery job

Macie will launch the sensitive data discovery job. You can track its status from the Jobs page within the Macie console.

To review and take action on Slack notifications

Within five minutes of submitting the data discovery job, you should expect to see two notifications appear in your configured Slack channel. One notification, similar to the one in Figure 10, is informational only and is related to an auto-remediation action that has taken place.

Figure 10: Slack notification of auto-remediation for the file containing dummy financial data

Figure 10: Slack notification of auto-remediation for the file containing dummy financial data

The other notification, similar to the one in Figure 11, requires end user action and is for a finding that requires administrator review. All notifications will display key information such as the offending S3 object, a description of the finding, the finding severity, and other relevant metadata.

Figure 11: Slack notification for human review of the file containing dummy personal data

Figure 11: Slack notification for human review of the file containing dummy personal data

(Optional) You can review the finding details by choosing the View Macie Finding in Console link in the notification.

In the Slack notification, choose the Remediate button to quarantine the object. The notification will be updated with confirmation of the quarantine action, as shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12: Slack notification of authorized remediation

Figure 12: Slack notification of authorized remediation

To confirm that S3 objects are quarantined

Finally, navigate to the S3 console and validate that the objects have been removed from their original bucket and placed into the quarantine bucket listed in the notification details, as shown in Figure 13. Note that you may need to refresh your S3 object listing in the browser.

Figure 13: Slack notification of authorized remediation

Figure 13: Slack notification of authorized remediation

Congratulations! You now have a fully operational solution to detect and respond to Macie sensitive data findings through a Slack ChatOps workflow.

Solution cleanup

To remove the solution and avoid incurring additional charges from the AWS resources that you deployed, complete the following steps.

To remove the solution and associated resources

  1. Navigate to the Macie console. Under Settings, choose Suspend Macie.
  2. Navigate to the S3 console and delete all objects in the quarantine bucket.
  3. Run the command cdk destroy from the command line within the root directory of the project. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to remove the solution. Press y.


In this blog post, I showed you how to integrate Amazon Macie sensitive data findings with an auto-remediation and Slack ChatOps workflow. We reviewed the AWS services used, how they are integrated, and the steps to configure, deploy, and test the solution. With Macie and the solution in this blog post, you can substantially reduce the heavy lifting associated with detecting and responding to sensitive data in your AWS environment.

I encourage you to take this solution and customize it to your needs. Further enhancements could include supporting policy findings, adding additional remediation actions, or integrating with additional findings from AWS Security Hub.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon Macie forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Nick Cuneo

Nick is an Enterprise Solutions Architect at AWS who works closely with Australia’s largest financial services organisations. His previous roles span operations, software engineering, and design. Nick is passionate about application and network security, automation, microservices, and event driven architectures. Outside of work, he enjoys motorsport and is found most weekends in his garage wrenching on cars.

Signing executables with HSM-backed certificates using multiple Windows instances

Post Syndicated from Karim Hamdy Abdelmonsif Ibrahim original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/signing-executables-with-hsm-backed-certificates-using-multiple-windows-instances/

Customers use code signing certificates to digitally sign software, documents, and other certificates. Signing is a cryptographic tool that lets users verify that the code hasn’t been altered and that the software, documents or other certificates can be trusted.

This blog post shows you how to configure your applications so you can use a key pair already on your hardware security module (HSM) to generate signatures using any Windows instance. Many customers use multiple Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances to sign workloads using the same key pair. You must configure these instances to use a pre-existing key pair from the HSM. In this blog post, I show you how to create a key container on a new Windows instance from an existing key pair in AWS CloudHSM, and then update the certificate store to associate the newly imported certificate with the new container. I also show you how to use a common application to sign executables with this key pair.

Every certificate is associated with a key pair, which includes a private key and a public key. You can only trust a signature if you can be sure that the private key has remained confidential and can be used only by the owner of the certificate. You achieve this goal by generating the key pair on an HSM and securely storing the private key on the HSM. Enterprise certificate authority (CA) or public key infrastructure (PKI) applications are configured to use this private key in the HSM whenever they need to use the corresponding certificate to sign. This configuration is generally handled transparently between the application and the HSM on the Windows instance your application is running on. The process gets tricky when you want to use multiple Windows instances to sign using the same key pair. This is especially true if your current EC2 instance that acts as a Windows Server CA, which you used to issue the HSM-backed certificate, is deleted and you have a backup of the HSM-backed certificate.

Before we get into the details, you need to know about a library called the key storage provider (KSP). Windows systems use KSP libraries to connect applications to an HSM. For each HSM brand, such as CloudHSM, you need a corresponding KSP to run operations that involve cryptographic keys stored on that HSM. From your application, select the KSP that corresponds with the HSM you want to use to store (or use) your keys. All KSPs associate keys on their HSM with metadata in the Microsoft ecosystem using key containers. Key containers map the metadata in certificates with metadata on the HSM, which allows the application to properly address keys. The list of certificates available for Microsoft utilities to sign with is contained in a trust store. To use the same key pair across multiple Windows instances, you must copy the key containers to each instance—or create a new key container from an existing key pair in each instance—and import the corresponding certificate into the trust store for each instance.


The solution in this post assumes that you’ve completed the steps in Signing executables with Microsoft SignTool.exe using AWS CloudHSM-backed certificates. You should already have your HSM-backed certificate on one Windows instance.

Before you implement the solution, you must:

  1. Install the AWS CloudHSM client on the new instance and make sure that you can interact with HSM in your CloudHSM cluster.
  2. Verify the CloudHSM KSP and CNG providers installation on your new instance.
  3. Set the login credentials for the HSM on your system. Set credentials through Windows Credentials Manager. I recommend that you reboot your instance after setting up the credentials.

Note: The login credentials identify a crypto user (CU) in the HSM that has access to the key pair in CloudHSM.

Architectural overview


Figure 1: Architectural overview

Figure 1: Architectural overview

This diagram shows a virtual private cloud (VPC) that contains an EC2 instance running Windows Server 2016 that resides on private subnet 1. This instance will run the CloudHSM client software and will use your HSM-backed certificate with a key pair already on your HSM to sign executable files. The instance can be accessed through a VPN connection. It will also have security groups that enable RDP access for your on-premises network. Private subnet 2 hosts the elastic network interface for the CloudHSM cluster, which has a single HSM.

Out of scope

The focus of this blog post is how to use an HSM-backed certificate with a key pair already on your HSM to sign executable files from any Windows instance using Microsoft SignTool.exe. This post isn’t intended to represent any best practices for implementing code signing or Amazon EC2. For more information, see the NIST cybersecurity whitepaper Security Considerations for Code Signing and Best practices for Amazon EC2, respectively.

Deploy the solution

To deploy the solution, you use certutil, import_key, and SignTool. Certutil is a Microsoft tool that helps you examine your system for available certificates and key containers. Import_key—a tool provided by CloudHSM—generates a local key container for a key pair that’s on your HSM. To complete the process, use SignTool—a Microsoft tool that enables Windows users to digitally sign files, and verifies signatures in files and timestamps files.

You will need the following:

Certificates or key material Purpose
<my root certificate>.cer Root certificate
<my signed certificate>.cer HSM-backed signing certificate
<signed certificate in base64>.cer HSM-backed signing certificate in base64 format
<public key handle> Public key handle of the signing certificate
<private key handle> Private key handle of the signing certificate

Import the HSM-backed certificate and its RootCA chain certificate into the new instance

Before you can use third-party tools such as SignTool to generate signatures using the HSM-backed certificate, you must move the signing certificate file to the Personal certificate store in the new Windows instance.

To do that, you copy the HSM-backed certificate that your application uses for signing operations and its root certificate chain from the original instance to the new Windows instance.

If you issued your signing certificate through a private CA (like in my example), you must deploy a copy of the root CA certificate and any intermediate certificates from the private CA to any systems you want to use to verify the integrity of your signed file.

To import the HSM-backed certificate and root certificate

  1. Sign in to the Windows Server that has the private CA that you used to issue your signing certificate. Then, run the following certutil command to export the root CA to a new file. Replace <my root certificate> with a name that you can remember easily.
    C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>certutil -ca.cert <my root certificate>.cer
    CA cert[0]: 3 -- Valid
    CA cert[0]:
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    CertUtil: -ca.cert command completed successfully.

  2. Copy the <my root certificate>.cer file to your new Windows instance and run the following certutil command. This moves the root certificate from the file into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store in Windows. You can verify that it exists by running certlm.msc and viewing the Trusted Root Certification Authorities certificates.
    C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>certutil -addstore "Root" <my root certificate>.cer
    Root "Trusted Root Certification Authorities"
    Signature matches Public Key
    Certificate "MYRootCA" added to store.
    CertUtil: -addstore command completed successfully.

  3. Copy the HSM-backed signing certificate from the original instance to the new one, and run the following certutil command. This moves the certificate from the file into the Personal certificate store in Windows.
    C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>certutil -addstore "My" <my signed certificate>.cer
    My "Personal"
    Certificate "www.mydomain.com" added to store.
    CertUtil: -addstore command completed successfully.

  4. Verify that the certificate exists in your Personal certificate store by running the following certutil command. The following sample output from certutil shows the serial number. Take note of the certificate serial number to use later.
    C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>certutil -store my
    my "Personal"
    ================ Certificate 0 ================
    Serial Number: <certificate serial number>
    Issuer: CN=MYRootCA
     NotBefore: 2/5/2020 1:38 PM
     NotAfter: 2/5/2021 1:48 PM
    Subject: CN=www.mydomain.com, OU=Certificate Management, O=Information Technology, L=Houston, S=Texas, C=US
    Non-root Certificate
    Cert Hash(sha1): 5aaef93e7e972b1187363d880cfa3f71507c2e24
    No key provider information
    Cannot find the certificate and private key for decryption.
    CertUtil: -store command completed successfully.

Retrieve the key handles of the RSA key pair on the HSM

In this step, you retrieve the key handles of the existing public and private key pair on your CloudHSM in order to use that key pair to create a key container on the new Windows instance.

One way to get the key handles of an existing key pair on the CloudHSM is to use the modulus value. Since the certificate and its public and private keys all must have the same modulus value and you have the signing certificate already, you view its modulus value using the OpenSSL tool. Then, you use the findKey command in key_mgmt_util to search for the public and private key handles on the HSM using the value of the certificate modulus.

To retrieve the key handles

  1. Download the OpenSSL for Windows installation package.

    Note: In my example, I downloaded Win64OpenSSL-1_1_1d.exe.

  2. Right-click on the downloaded file and choose Run as administrator.
  3. Follow the installation instructions, accepting all default settings. Then choose Install.
    1. If the error message “The Win64 Open SSL Installation Project setup has detected that the following critical component is missing…”—shown in Figure 2—appears, you need to install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables to complete this procedure.

      Figure 2: OpenSSL installation error message

      Figure 2: OpenSSL installation error message

    2. Choose Yes to download and install the required Microsoft Visual C++ package on your system.
    3. Run the OpenSSL installer again and follow the installation instructions, accepting all default settings. Then choose Install.
  4. Choose Finish when the installation is complete.

    With the installation complete, OpenSSL for Windows can be found as OpenSSL.exe in C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin. Always open the program as the administrator.

  5. On the new CloudHSM client instance, copy your certificate to C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin and run the command certutil -encode <my signed certificate>.cer <signed certificate in base64>.cer to export the certificate using base64 .cer format. This exports the certificate to a file with the name you enter in place of <signed certificate in base64>.
    C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin>certutil -encode <my signed certificate>.cer <signed certificate in base64>.cer
    Input Length = 1066
    Output Length = 1526
    CertUtil: -encode command completed successfully.

  6. Run the command openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in <signed certificate in base64>.cer to view the certificate modulus.
    C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin>openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in <signed certificate in base64>.cer

  7. Save the certificate modulus in a text file named modulus.txt.
  8. Run the key_mgmt_util command line tool, and log in as the CU, as described in Getting Started with key_mgmt_util. Replace <cu username> and <cu password> with the username and password of the CU.
    Command: loginHSM -u CU -s <CU username> -p <CU password>
         	Cfm3LoginHSM returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
            Cluster Error Status
            Node id 13 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
            Node id 14 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS

  9. Run the following findKey command to find the public key handle that has the same RSA modulus that you generated previously. Enter the path to the modulus.txt file that you created in step 7. Take note of the public key handle that’s returned so that you can use it in the following steps.
    Command: findKey -c 2 -m C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\modulus.txt
            Total number of keys present: 1
            Number of matching keys from start index 0::0
            Handles of matching keys:
            <public key handle>
            Cluster Error Status
            Node id 13 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
            Node id 14 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
            Cfm3FindKey returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS

  10. Run the following findKey command to find the private key handle that has the same RSA modulus that you generated previously. Enter the path to the modulus.txt file that you created in step 7. Take note of the private key handle that’s returned so that you can use it in the following steps.
    Command: findKey -c 3 -m C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\modulus.txt
            Total number of keys present: 1
            Number of matching keys from start index 0::0
            Handles of matching keys:
            <private key handle>
            Cluster Error Status
            Node id 13 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
            Node id 14 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
            Cfm3FindKey returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS

Create a new key container for the existing public and private key pair in the CloudHSM

To use the same key pair across new Windows instances, you must copy over the key containers to each instance, or create a new key container from an existing key pair in the key storage provider of each instance. In this step, you create a new key container to hold the public key of the certificate and its corresponding private key metadata. To create a new key container from an existing public and private key pair in the HSM, first make sure to start the CloudHSM client daemon. Then, use the import_key.exe utility, which is included in CloudHSM version 3.0 and later.

To create a new key container

  1. Run the following import_key.exe command, replacing <private key handle> and <public key handle> with the public and private key handles you created in the previous procedure. This creates the HSM key pair in a new key container in the key storage provider.
    C:\Program Files\Amazon\CloudHSM>import_key.exe -from HSM –privateKeyHandle <private key handle> -publicKeyHandle <public key handle>
    Represented 1 keypairs in Cavium Key Storage Provider.

    Note: If you get the error message n3fips_password is not set, make sure that you set the login credentials for the HSM on your system.

  2. You can verify the new key container by running the following certutil command to list the key containers in your key storage provider (KSP). Take note of the key container name to use in the following steps.
    C:\Program Files\Amazon\CloudHSM>certutil -key -csp "Cavium Key Storage provider"
    Cavium Key Storage provider:
      <key container name>
    CertUtil: -key command completed successfully.

Update the certificate store

Now you have everything in place: the imported certificate in the Personal certificate store of the new Windows instance and the key container that represents the key pair in CloudHSM. In this step, you associate the certificate to the key container that you made a note of earlier.

To update the certificate store

  1. Create a file named repair.txt as shown following.

    Note: You must use the key container name of your certificate that you got in the previous step as the input for the repair.txt file.

    11 = "" ; Add friendly name property
    2 = "{text}" ; Add Key Provider Information property
    _continue_="Container=<key container name>&"
    _continue_="Provider=Cavium Key Storage Provider&"

  2. Make sure that the CloudHSM client daemon is still running. Then, use the certutil verb -repairstore to update the certificate serial number that you took note of earlier, as shown in the following command. The following sample shows the command and output. See the Microsoft documentation for information about the – repairstore verb.
    certutil -repairstore my <certificate serial number> repair.txt
    C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>certutil -repairstore my <certificate serial number> repair.txt
    my "Personal"
    ================ Certificate 0 ================
    Serial Number: <certificate serial number>
    Issuer: CN=MYRootCA
     NotBefore: 2/5/2020 1:38 PM
     NotAfter: 2/5/2021 1:48 PM
    Subject: CN=www.mydomain.com, OU=Certificate Management, O=Information Technology, L=Houston, S=Texas, C=US
    Non-root Certificate
    Cert Hash(sha1): 5aaef93e7e972b1187363d880cfa3f71507c2e24
    CertUtil: -repairstore command completed successfully.

  3. Run the following certutil command to verify that your certificate has been associated with the new key container successfully.
    C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>certutil -store my
    my "Personal"
    ================ Certificate 0 ================
    Serial Number: <certificate serial number>
    Issuer: CN=MYRootCA
     NotBefore: 2/5/2020 1:38 PM
     NotAfter: 2/5/2021 1:48 PM
    Subject: CN=www.mydomain.com, OU=Certificate Management, O=Information Technology, L=Houston, S=Texas, C=US
    Non-root Certificate
    Cert Hash(sha1): 5aaef93e7e972b1187363d880cfa3f71507c2e24
      Key Container = CNGRSAPriv-3145768-3407903-26dd1d
      Provider = Cavium Key Storage Provider
    Private key is NOT exportable
    Encryption test passed
    CertUtil: -store command completed successfully.

Now you can use this certificate and its corresponding private key with any third-party signing tool on Windows.

Use the certificate with Microsoft SignTool

Now that you have everything in place, you can use the certificate to sign a file using the Microsoft SignTool.

To use the certificate

  1. Get the thumbprint of your certificate. To do this, right-click PowerShell and choose Run as administrator. Enter the following command:
    PS C:\>Get-ChildItem -path cert:\LocalMachine\My

    If successful, you should see output similar to the following.

    PSParentPath: Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\Certificate::LocalMachine\My
    Thumbprint                                Subject
    ----------                                -------
    <thumbprint>   CN=www.mydomain.com, OU=Certificate Management, O=Information Technology, L=Ho...

  2. Copy the thumbprint. You need it to perform the actual signing operation on a file.
  3. Download and install one of the following versions of the Microsoft Windows SDK on your Windows EC2 instance:Microsoft Windows 10 SDK
    Microsoft Windows 8.1 SDK
    Microsoft Windows 7 SDK

    Install the latest applicable Windows SDK package for your operating system. For example, for Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 or later versions, you should install the Microsoft Windows 10 SDK.

  4. To open the SignTool application, navigate to the application directory within PowerShell. This is usually:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\<SDK version>\bin\<version number>\<CPU architecture>\signtool.exe

  5. When you’ve located the directory, sign your file by running the following command. Remember to replace <thumbprint> and <test.exe> with your own values. <test.exe> can be any executable file in your directory.
    PS C:\>.\signtool.exe sign /v /fd sha256 /sha1 <thumbprint> /sm /as C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\<test.exe>

    You should see a message like the following:

    Done Adding Additional Store
    Successfully signed: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\<test.exe>
    Number of files successfully Signed: 1
    Number of warnings: 0
    Number of errors: 0

  6. (Optional) To verify the signature on the file, you can use SignTool.exe with the verify option by using the following command.
    PS C:\>.\signtool.exe verify /v /pa C:\Users\Administrators\Desktop\<test.exe>

    If successful, you should see output similar to the following.

    Number of files successfully Verified: 1


In this post, I walked you through the process of using an HSM-backed certificate on a new Windows instance for signing operations. You used the import_key.exe utility to create a new key container from an existing private/public key pair in CloudHSM. Then, you updated the certificate store to associate your certificate with the key container. Finally, you saw how to use the HSM-backed certificate with the new key container to sign executable files. As you continue to use this solution, it’s important to keep Microsoft Windows SDK, CloudHSM client software, and any other installed software up-to-date.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS CloudHSM forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Karim Hamdy Abdelmonsif Ibrahim

Karim is a Cloud Support Engineer II at AWS and a subject matter expert for AWS Shield. He’s an avid pentester and security enthusiast who’s worked in IT for almost 11 years. He obtained OSCP, OSWP, CISSP, CEH, ECSA, CISM, and AWS Certified Security Specialist certifications. Outside of work, he enjoys jet skiing, hanging out with friends, and watching space documentaries.

How to visualize multi-account Amazon Inspector findings with Amazon Elasticsearch Service

Post Syndicated from Moumita Saha original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-visualize-multi-account-amazon-inspector-findings-with-amazon-elasticsearch-service/

Amazon Inspector helps to improve the security and compliance of your applications that are deployed on Amazon Web Services (AWS). It automatically assesses Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances and applications on those instances. From that assessment, it generates findings related to exposure, potential vulnerabilities, and deviations from best practices.

You can use the findings from Amazon Inspector as part of a vulnerability management program for your Amazon EC2 fleet across multiple AWS Regions in multiple accounts. The ability to rank and efficiently respond to potential security issues reduces the time that potential vulnerabilities remain unresolved. This can be accelerated within a single pane of glass for all the accounts in your AWS environment.

Following AWS best practices, in a secure multi-account AWS environment, you can provision (using AWS Control Tower) a group of accounts—known as core accounts, for governing other accounts within the environment. One of the core accounts may be used as a central security account, which you can designate for governing the security and compliance posture across all accounts in your environment. Another core account is a centralized logging account, which you can provision and designate for central storage of log data.

In this blog post, I show you how to:

  1. Use Amazon Inspector, a fully managed security assessment service, to generate security findings.
  2. Gather findings from multiple Regions across multiple accounts using Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) and Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS).
  3. Use AWS Lambda to send the findings to a central security account for deeper analysis and reporting.

In this solution, we send the findings to two services inside the central security account:

Solution overview

Overall architecture

The flow of events to implement the solution is shown in Figure 1 and described in the following process flow.

Figure 1: Solution overview architecture

Figure 1: Solution overview architecture

Process flow

The flow of this architecture is divided into two types of processes—a one-time process and a scheduled process. The AWS resources that are part of the one-time process are triggered the first time an Amazon Inspector assessment template is created in each Region of each application account. The AWS resources of the scheduled process are triggered at a designated interval of Amazon Inspector scan in each Region of each application account.

One-time process

  1. An event-based Amazon CloudWatch rule in each Region of every application account triggers a regional AWS Lambda function when an Amazon Inspector assessment template is created for the first time in that Region.

    Note: In order to restrict this event to trigger the Lambda function only the first time an assessment template is created, you must use a specific user-defined tag to trigger the Attach Inspector template to SNS Lambda function for only one Amazon Inspector template per Region. For more information on tags, see the Tagging AWS resources documentation.

  2. The Lambda function attaches the Amazon Inspector assessment template (created in application accounts) to the cross-account Amazon SNS topic (created in the security account). The function, the template, and the topic are all in the same AWS Region.

    Note: This step is needed because Amazon Inspector templates can only be attached to SNS topics in the same account via the AWS Management Console or AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

Scheduled process

  1. A scheduled Amazon CloudWatch Event in every Region of the application accounts starts the Amazon Inspector scan at a scheduled time interval, which you can configure.
  2. An Amazon Inspector agent conducts the scan on the EC2 instances of the Region where the assessment template is created and sends any findings to Amazon Inspector.
  3. Once the findings are generated, Amazon Inspector notifies the Amazon SNS topic of the security account in the same Region.
  4. The Amazon SNS topics from each Region of the central security account receive notifications of Amazon Inspector findings from all application accounts. The SNS topics then send the notifications to a central Amazon SQS queue in the primary Region of the security account.
  5. The Amazon SQS queue triggers the Send findings Lambda function (as shown in Figure 1) of the security account.

    Note: Each Amazon SQS message represents one Amazon Inspector finding.

  6. The Send findings Lambda function assumes a cross-account role to fetch the following information from all application accounts:
    1. Finding details from the Amazon Inspector API.
    2. Additional Amazon EC2 attributes—VPC, subnet, security group, and IP address—from EC2 instances with potential vulnerabilities.
  7. The Lambda function then sends all the gathered data to a central S3 bucket and a domain in Amazon ES—both in the central security account.

These Amazon Inspector findings, along with additional attributes on the scanned instances, can be used for further analysis and visualization via Kibana—a data visualization dashboard for Amazon ES. Storing a copy of these findings in an S3 bucket gives you the opportunity to forward the findings data to outside monitoring tools that don’t support direct data ingestion from AWS Lambda.


The following resources must be set up before you can implement this solution:

  1. A multi-account structure. To learn how to set up a multi-account structure, see Setting up AWS Control Tower and AWS Landing zone.
  2. Amazon Inspector agents must be installed on all EC2 instances. See Installing Amazon Inspector agents to learn how to set up Amazon Inspector agents on EC2 instances. Additionally, keep note of all the Regions where you install the Amazon Inspector agent.
  3. An Amazon ES domain with Kibana authentication. See Getting started with Amazon Elasticsearch Service and Use Amazon Cognito for Kibana access control.
  4. An S3 bucket for centralized storage of Amazon Inspector findings.
  5. An S3 bucket for storage of the Lambda source code for the solution.

Set up Amazon Inspector with Amazon ES and S3

Follow these steps to set up centralized Amazon Inspector findings with Amazon ES and Amazon S3:

  1. Upload the solution ZIP file to the S3 bucket used for Lambda code storage.
  2. Collect the input parameters for AWS CloudFormation deployment.
  3. Deploy the base template into the central security account.
  4. Deploy the second template in the primary Region of all application accounts to create global resources.
  5. Deploy the third template in all Regions of all application accounts.

Step 1: Upload the solution ZIP file to the S3 bucket used for Lambda code storage

  1. From GitHub, download the file Inspector-to-S3ES-crossAcnt.zip.
  2. Upload the ZIP file to the S3 bucket you created in the central security account for Lambda code storage. This code is used to create the Lambda function in the first CloudFormation stack set of the solution.

Step 2: Collect input parameters for AWS CloudFormation deployment

In this solution, you deploy three AWS CloudFormation stack sets in succession. Each stack set should be created in the primary Region of the central security account. Underlying stacks are deployed across the central security account and in all the application accounts where the Amazon Inspector scan is performed. You can learn more in Working with AWS CloudFormation StackSets.

Before you proceed to the stack set deployment, you must collect the input parameters for the first stack set: Central-SecurityAcnt-BaseTemplate.yaml.

To collect input parameters for AWS CloudFormation deployment

  1. Fetch the account ID (CentralSecurityAccountID) of the AWS account where the stack set will be created and deployed. You can use the steps in Finding your AWS account ID to help you find the account ID.
  2. Values for the ES domain parameters can be fetched from the Amazon ES console.
    1. Open the Amazon ES Management Console and select the Region where the Amazon ES domain exists.
    2. Select the domain name to view the domain details.
    3. The value for ElasticsearchDomainName is displayed on the top left corner of the domain details.
    4. On the Overview tab in the domain details window, select and copy the URL value of the Endpoint to use as the ElasticsearchEndpoint parameter of the template. Make sure to exclude the https:// at the beginning of the URL.

      Figure 2: Details of the Amazon ES domain for fetching parameter values

      Figure 2: Details of the Amazon ES domain for fetching parameter values

  3. Get the values for the S3 bucket parameters from the Amazon S3 console.
    1. Open the Amazon S3 Management Console.
    2. Copy the name of the S3 bucket that you created for centralized storage of Amazon Inspector findings. Save this bucket name for the LoggingS3Bucket parameter value of the Central-SecurityAcnt-BaseTemplate.yaml template.
    3. Select the S3 bucket used for source code storage. Select the bucket name and copy the name of this bucket for the LambdaSourceCodeS3Bucket parameter of the template.

      Figure 3: The S3 bucket where Lambda code is uploaded

      Figure 3: The S3 bucket where Lambda code is uploaded

  4. On the bucket details page, select the source code ZIP file name that you previously uploaded to the bucket. In the detail page of the ZIP file, choose the Overview tab, and then copy the value in the Key field to use as the value for the LambdaCodeS3Key parameter of the template.

    Figure 4: Details of the Lambda code ZIP file uploaded in Amazon S3 showing the key prefix value

    Figure 4: Details of the Lambda code ZIP file uploaded in Amazon S3 showing the key prefix value

Note: All of the other input parameter values of the template are entered automatically, but you can change them during stack set creation if necessary.

Step 3: Deploy the base template into the central security account

Now that you’ve collected the input parameters, you’re ready to deploy the base template that will create the necessary resources for this solution implementation in the central security account.

Prerequisites for CloudFormation stack set deployment

There are two permission modes that you can choose from for deploying a stack set in AWS CloudFormation. If you’re using AWS Organizations and have all features enabled, you can use the service-managed permissions; otherwise, self-managed permissions mode is recommended. To deploy this solution, you’ll use self-managed permissions mode. To run stack sets in self-managed permissions mode, your administrator account and the target accounts must have two IAM roles—AWSCloudFormationStackSetAdministrationRole and AWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRole—as prerequisites. In this solution, the administrator account is the central security account and the target accounts are application accounts. You can use the following CloudFormation templates to create the necessary IAM roles:

To deploy the base template

  1. Download the base template (Central-SecurityAcnt-BaseTemplate.yaml) from GitHub.
  2. Open the AWS CloudFormation Management Console and select the Region where all the stack sets will be created for deployment. This should be the primary Region of your environment.
  3. Select Create StackSet.
    1. In the Create StackSet window, select Template is ready and then select Upload a template file.
    2. Under Upload a template file, select Choose file and select the Central-SecurityAcnt-BaseTemplate.yaml template that you downloaded earlier.
    3. Choose Next.
  4. Add stack set details.
    1. Enter a name for the stack set in StackSet name.
    2. Under Parameters, most of the values are pre-populated except the values you collected in the previous procedure for CentralSecurityAccountID, ElasticsearchDomainName, ElasticsearchEndpoint, LoggingS3Bucket, LambdaSourceCodeS3Bucket, and LambdaCodeS3Key.
    3. After all the values are populated, choose Next.
  5. Configure StackSet options.
    1. (Optional) Add tags as described in the prerequisites to apply to the resources in the stack set that these rules will be deployed to. Tagging is a recommended best practice, because it enables you to add metadata information to resources during their creation.
    2. Under Permissions, choose the Self service permissions mode to be used for deploying the stack set, and then select the AWSCloudFormationStackSetAdministrationRole from the dropdown list.

      Figure 5: Permission mode to be selected for stack set deployment

      Figure 5: Permission mode to be selected for stack set deployment

    3. Choose Next.
  6. Add the account and Region details where the template will be deployed.
    1. Under Deployment locations, select Deploy stacks in accounts. Under Account numbers, enter the account ID of the security account that you collected earlier.

      Figure 6: Values to be provided during the deployment of the first stack set

      Figure 6: Values to be provided during the deployment of the first stack set

    2. Under Specify regions, select all the Regions where the stacks will be created. This should be the list of Regions where you installed the Amazon Inspector agent. Keep note of this list of Regions to use in the deployment of the third template in an upcoming step.
      • Though an Amazon Inspector scan is performed in all the application accounts, the regional Amazon SNS topics that send scan finding notifications are created in the central security account. Therefore, this template is created in all the Regions where Amazon Inspector will notify SNS. The template has the logic needed to handle the creation of specific AWS resources only in the primary Region, even though the template executes in many Regions.
      • The order in which Regions are selected under Specify regions defines the order in which the stack is deployed in the Regions. So you must make sure that the primary Region of your deployment is the first one specified under Specify regions, followed by the other Regions of stack set deployment. This is required because global resources are created using one Region—ideally the primary Region—and so stack deployment in that Region should be done before deployment to other Regions in order to avoid any build dependencies.

        Figure 7: Showing the order of specifying the Regions of stack set deployment

        Figure 7: Showing the order of specifying the Regions of stack set deployment

  7. Review the template settings and select the check box to acknowledge the Capabilities section. This is required if your deployment template creates IAM resources. You can learn more at Controlling access with AWS Identity and Access Management.

    Figure 8: Acknowledge IAM resources creation by AWS CloudFormation

    Figure 8: Acknowledge IAM resources creation by AWS CloudFormation

  8. Choose Submit to deploy the stack set.

Step 4: Deploy the second template in the primary Region of all application accounts to create global resources

This template creates the global resources required for sending Amazon Inspector findings to Amazon ES and Amazon S3.

To deploy the second template

  1. Download the template (ApplicationAcnts-RolesTemplate.yaml) from GitHub and use it to create the second CloudFormation stack set in the primary Region of the central security account.
  2. To deploy the template, follow the steps used to deploy the base template (described in the previous section) through Configure StackSet options.
  3. In Set deployment options, do the following:
    1. Under Account numbers, enter the account IDs of your application accounts as comma-separated values. You can use the steps in Finding your AWS account ID to help you gather the account IDs.
    2. Under Specify regions, select only your primary Region.

      Figure 9: Select account numbers and specify Regions

      Figure 9: Select account numbers and specify Regions

  4. The remaining steps are the same as for the base template deployment.

Step 5: Deploy the third template in all Regions of all application accounts

This template creates the resources in each Region of all application accounts needed for scheduled scanning of EC2 instances using Amazon Inspector. Notifications are sent to the SNS topics of each Region of the central security account.

To deploy the third template

  1. Download the template InspectorRun-SetupTemplate.yaml from GitHub and create the final AWS CloudFormation stack set. Similar to the previous stack sets, this one should also be created in the central security account.
  2. For deployment, follow the same steps you used to deploy the base template through Configure StackSet options.
  3. In Set deployment options:
    1. Under Account numbers, enter the same account IDs of your application accounts (comma-separated values) as you did for the second template deployment.
    2. Under Specify regions, select all the Regions where you installed the Amazon Inspector agent.

      Note: This list of Regions should be the same as the Regions where you deployed the base template.

  4. The remaining steps are the same as for the second template deployment.

Test the solution and delivery of the findings

After successful deployment of the architecture, to test the solution you can wait until the next scheduled Amazon Inspector scan or you can use the following steps to run the Amazon Inspector scan manually.

To run the Amazon Inspector scan manually for testing the solution

  1. In any one of the application accounts, go to any Region where the Amazon Inspector scan was performed.
  2. Open the Amazon Inspector console.
  3. In the left navigation menu, select Assessment templates to see the available assessments.
  4. Choose the assessment template that was created by the third template.
  5. Choose Run to start the assessment immediately.
  6. When the run is complete, Last run status changes from Collecting data to Analysis Complete.

    Figure 10: Amazon Inspector assessment run

    Figure 10: Amazon Inspector assessment run

  7. You can see the recent scan findings in the Amazon Inspector console by selecting Assessment runs from the left navigation menu.

    Figure 11: The assessment run indicates total findings from the last Amazon Inspector run in this Region

    Figure 11: The assessment run indicates total findings from the last Amazon Inspector run in this Region

  8. In the left navigation menu, select Findings to see details of each finding, or use the steps in the following section to verify the delivery of findings to the central security account.

Test the delivery of the Amazon Inspector findings

This solution delivers the Amazon Inspector findings to two AWS services—Amazon ES and Amazon S3—in the primary Region of the central security account. You can either use Kibana to view the findings sent to Amazon ES or you can use the findings sent to Amazon S3 and forward them to the security monitoring software of your preference for further analysis.

To check whether the findings are delivered to Amazon ES

  1. Open the Amazon ES Management Console and select the Region where the Amazon ES domain is located.
  2. Select the domain name to view the domain details.
  3. On the domain details page, select the Kibana URL.

    Figure 12: Amazon ES domain details page

    Figure 12: Amazon ES domain details page

  4. Log in to Kibana using your preferred authentication method as set up in the prerequisites.
    1. In the left panel, select Discover.
    2. In the Discover window, select a Region to view the total number of findings in that Region.

      Figure 13: The total findings in Kibana for the chosen Region of an application account

      Figure 13: The total findings in Kibana for the chosen Region of an application account

To check whether the findings are delivered to Amazon S3

  1. Open the Amazon S3 Management Console.
  2. Select the S3 bucket that you created for storing Amazon Inspector findings.
  3. Select the bucket name to view the bucket details. The total number of findings for the chosen Region is at the top right corner of the Overview tab.

    Figure 14: The total security findings as stored in an S3 bucket for us-east-1 Region

    Figure 14: The total security findings as stored in an S3 bucket for us-east-1 Region

Visualization in Kibana

The data sent to the Amazon ES index can be used to create visualizations in Kibana that make it easier to identify potential security gaps and plan the remediation accordingly.

You can use Kibana to create a dashboard that gives an overview of the potential vulnerabilities identified in different instances of different AWS accounts. Figure 15 shows an example of such a dashboard. The dashboard can help you rank the need for remediation based on criteria such as:

  • The category of vulnerability
  • The most impacted AWS accounts
  • EC2 instances that need immediate attention
Figure 15: A sample Kibana dashboard showing findings from Amazon Inspector

Figure 15: A sample Kibana dashboard showing findings from Amazon Inspector

You can build additional panels to visualize details of the vulnerability findings identified by Amazon Inspector, such as the CVE ID of the security vulnerability, its description, and recommendations on how to remove the vulnerabilities.

Figure 16: A sample Kibana dashboard panel listing the top identified vulnerabilities and their details

Figure 16: A sample Kibana dashboard panel listing the top identified vulnerabilities and their details


By using this solution to combine Amazon Inspector, Amazon SNS topics, Amazon SQS queues, Lambda functions, an Amazon ES domain, and S3 buckets, you can centrally analyze and monitor the vulnerability posture of EC2 instances across your AWS environment, including multiple Regions across multiple AWS accounts. This solution is built following least privilege access through AWS IAM roles and policies to help secure the cross-account architecture.

In this blog post, you learned how to send the findings directly to Amazon ES for visualization in Kibana. These visualizations can be used to build dashboards that security analysts can use for centralized monitoring. Better monitoring capability helps analysts to identify potentially vulnerable assets and perform remediation activities to improve security of your applications in AWS and their underlying assets. This solution also demonstrates how to store the findings from Amazon Inspector in an S3 bucket, which makes it easier for you to use those findings to create visualizations in your preferred security monitoring software.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Moumita Saha

Moumita is a Security Consultant with AWS Professional Services working to help enterprise customers secure their workloads in the cloud. She assists customers in secure cloud migration, designing automated solutions to protect against cyber threats in the cloud. She is passionate about cyber security, data privacy, and new, emerging cloud-security technologies.

AWS publishes FINMA ISAE 3000 Type 2 attestation report for the Swiss financial industry

Post Syndicated from Niyaz Noor original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/aws-publishes-finma-isae-3000-type-2-attestation-report-for-the-swiss-financial-industry/

Gaining and maintaining customer trust is an ongoing commitment at Amazon Web Services (AWS). Our customers’ industry security requirements drive the scope and portfolio of compliance reports, attestations, and certifications we pursue. Following up on our announcement in November 2020 of the new EU (Zurich) Region, AWS is pleased to announce the issuance of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) ISAE 3000 Type 2 attestation report.

The FINMA ISAE 3000 Type 2 report, conducted by an independent third-party audit firm, provides Swiss financial industry customers with the assurance that the AWS control environment is appropriately designed and implemented to address key operational risks, as well as risks related to outsourcing and business continuity management. Additionally, the report provides customers with important guidance on complementary user entity controls (CUECs), which customers should consider implementing as part of the shared responsibility model to help them comply with FINMA’s control objectives. The report covers the period from 4/1/2020 to 9/30/2020, with a total of 124 AWS services and 22 global Regions included in the scope. A full list of certified services and Regions are presented within the published FINMA report.

The report covers the five core FINMA circulars that are applicable to Swiss banks and insurers in the context of outsourcing arrangements to the cloud. These FINMA circulars are intended to assist regulated financial institutions in understanding approaches to due diligence, third-party management, and key technical and organizational controls that should be implemented in cloud outsourcing arrangements, particularly for material workloads. The report’s scope covers, in detail, the requirements of the following FINMA circulars:

  • 2018/03 “Outsourcing – banks and insurers” (31.10.2019);
  • 2008/21 “Operational Risks – Banks” – Principle 4 Technology Infrastructure (31.10.2019);
  • 2008/21 “Operational Risks – Banks” – Appendix 3 Handling of electronic Client Identifying Data (31.10.2019);
  • 2013/03 “Auditing” (04.11.2020) – Information Technology (21.04.2020);
  • Business Continuity Management (BCM) minimum standards proposed by the Swiss Insurance Association (01.06.2015) and Swiss Bankers Association (29.08.2013);

The alignment of AWS with FINMA requirements demonstrates our continuous commitment to meeting the heightened expectations for cloud service providers set by Swiss financial services regulators and customers. Customers can use the FINMA report to conduct their due diligence, which may minimize the effort and costs required for compliance. The FINMA report for AWS is now available free of charge to AWS customers within the AWS Artifact. More information on how to download the FINMA report is available here.

Some useful resources related to FINMA:

As always, AWS is committed to bringing new services into the scope of our FINMA program in the future based on customers’ architectural and regulatory needs. Please reach out to your AWS account team if you have questions about the FINMA report.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

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Niyaz Noor

Niyaz is a Security Audit Program Manager at AWS, leading multiple security certification programs across the Asia Pacific, Japan, and Europe Regions. During his career, he has helped multiple cloud service providers obtain global and regional security certification. He is passionate about delivering programs that build customers’ trust and provide them assurance on cloud security.