Tag Archives: Compute

Reserving EC2 Capacity across Availability Zones by utilizing On Demand Capacity Reservations (ODCRs)

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/reserving-ec2-capacity-across-availability-zones-by-utilizing-on-demand-capacity-reservations-odcrs/

This post is written by Johan Hedlund, Senior Solutions Architect, Enterprise PUMA.

Many customers have successfully migrated business critical legacy workloads to AWS, utilizing services such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs), as well as the use of Multiple Availability Zones (AZs), Regions for Business Continuity, and High Availability.

These critical applications require increased levels of availability to meet strict business Service Level Agreements (SLAs), even in extreme scenarios such as when EC2 functionality is impaired (see Advanced Multi-AZ Resilience Patterns for examples). Following AWS best practices such as architecting for flexibility will help here, but for some more rigid designs there can still be challenges around EC2 instance availability.

In this post, I detail an approach for Reserving Capacity for this type of scenario to mitigate the risk of the instance type(s) that your application needs being unavailable, including code for building it and ways of testing it.

Baseline: Multi-AZ application with restrictive instance needs

To focus on the problem of Capacity Reservation, our reference architecture is a simple horizontally scalable monolith. This consists of a single executable running across multiple instances as a cluster in an Auto Scaling group across three AZs for High Availability.

Architecture diagram featuring an Auto Scaling Group spanning three Availability Zones within one Region for high availability.

The application in this example is both business critical and memory intensive. It needs six r6i.4xlarge instances to meet the required specifications. R6i has been chosen to meet the required memory to vCPU requirements.

The third-party application we need to run, has a significant license cost, so we want to optimize our workload to make sure we run only the minimally required number of instances for the shortest amount of time.

The application should be resilient to issues in a single AZ. In the case of multi-AZ impact, it should failover to Disaster Recovery (DR) in an alternate Region, where service level objectives are instituted to return operations to defined parameters. But this is outside the scope for this post.

The problem: capacity during AZ failover

In this solution, the Auto Scaling Group automatically balances its instances across the selected AZs, providing a layer of resilience in the event of a disruption in a single AZ. However, this hinges on those instances being available for use in the Amazon EC2 capacity pools. The criticality of our application comes with SLAs which dictate that even the very low likelihood of instance types being unavailable in AWS must be mitigated.

The solution: Reserving Capacity

There are 2 main ways of Reserving Capacity for this scenario: (a) Running extra capacity 24/7, (b) On Demand Capacity Reservations (ODCRs).

In the past, another recommendation would have been to utilize Zonal Reserved Instances (Non Zonal will not Reserve Capacity). But although Zonal Reserved Instances do provide similar functionality as On Demand Capacity Reservations combined with Savings Plans, they do so in a less flexible way. Therefore, the recommendation from AWS is now to instead use On Demand Capacity Reservations in combination with Savings Plans for scenarios where Capacity Reservation is required.

The TCO impact of the licensing situation rules out the first of the two valid options. Merely keeping the spare capacity up and running all the time also doesn’t cover the scenario in which an instance needs to be stopped and started, for example for maintenance or patching. Without Capacity Reservation, there is a theoretical possibility that that instance type would not be available to start up again.

This leads us to the second option: On Demand Capacity Reservations.

How much capacity to reserve?

Our failure scenario is when functionality in one AZ is impaired and the Auto Scaling Group must shift its instances to the remaining AZs while maintaining the total number of instances. With a minimum requirement of six instances, this means that we need 6/2 = 3 instances worth of Reserved Capacity in each AZ (as we can’t know in advance which one will be affected).

Illustration of number of instances required per Availability Zone, in order to keep the total number of instances at six when one Availability Zone is removed. When using three AZs there are two instances per AZ. When using two AZs there are three instances per AZ.

Spinning up the solution

If you want to get hands-on experience with On Demand Capacity Reservations, refer to this CloudFormation template and its accompanying README file for details on how to spin up the solution that we’re using. The README also contains more information about the Stack architecture. Upon successful creation, you have the following architecture running in your account.

Architecture diagram featuring adding a Resource Group of On Demand Capacity Reservations with 3 On Demand Capacity Reservations per Availability Zone.

Note that the default instance type for the AWS CloudFormation stack has been downgraded to t2.micro to keep our experiment within the AWS Free Tier.

Testing the solution

Now we have a fully functioning solution with Reserved Capacity dedicated to this specific Auto Scaling Group. However, we haven’t tested it yet.

The tests utilize the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), which we execute using AWS CloudShell.

To interact with the resources created by CloudFormation, we need some names and IDs that have been collected in the “Outputs” section of the stack. These can be accessed from the console in a tab under the Stack that you have created.

Example of outputs from running the CloudFormation stack. AutoScalingGroupName, SubnetForManuallyAddedInstance, and SubnetsToKeepWhenDroppingASGAZ.

We set these as variables for easy access later (replace the values with the values from your stack):

export SUBNET_FOR_MANUALLY_ADDED_INSTANCE=subnet-03045a72a6328ef72
export SUBNETS_TO_KEEP=subnet-03045a72a6328ef72,subnet-0fd00353b8a42f251

How does the solution react to scaling out the Auto Scaling Group beyond the Capacity Reservation?

First, let’s look at what happens if the Auto Scaling Group wants to Scale Out. Our requirements state that we should have a minimum of six instances running at any one time. But the solution should still adapt to increased load. Before knowing anything about how this works in AWS, imagine two scenarios:

  1. The Auto Scaling Group can scale out to a total of nine instances, as that’s how many On Demand Capacity Reservations we have. But it can’t go beyond that even if there is On Demand capacity available.
  2. The Auto Scaling Group can scale just as much as it could when On Demand Capacity Reservations weren’t used, and it continues to launch unreserved instances when the On Demand Capacity Reservations run out (assuming that capacity is in fact available, which is why we have the On Demand Capacity Reservations in the first place).

The instances section of the Amazon EC2 Management Console can be used to show our existing Capacity Reservations, as created by the CloudFormation stack.

Listing of consumed Capacity Reservations across the three Availability Zones, showing two used per Availability Zone.

As expected, this shows that we are currently using six out of our nine On Demand Capacity Reservations, with two in each AZ.

Now let’s scale out our Auto Scaling Group to 12, thus using up all On Demand Capacity Reservations in each AZ, as well as requesting one extra Instance per AZ.

aws autoscaling set-desired-capacity \
--auto-scaling-group-name $AUTOSCALING_GROUP_NAME \
--desired-capacity 12

The Auto Scaling Group now has the desired Capacity of 12:

Group details of the Auto Scaling Group, showing that Desired Capacity is set to 12.

And in the Capacity Reservation screen we can see that all our On Demand Capacity Reservations have been used up:

Listing of consumed Capacity Reservations across the three Availability Zones, showing that all nine On Demand Capacity Reservations are used.

In the Auto Scaling Group we see that – as expected – we weren’t restricted to nine instances. Instead, the Auto Scaling Group fell back on launching unreserved instances when our On Demand Capacity Reservations ran out:

Listing of Instances in the Auto Scaling Group, showing that the total count is 12.

How does the solution react to adding a matching instance outside the Auto Scaling Group?

But what if someone else/another process in the account starts an EC2 instance of the same type for which we have the On Demand Capacity Reservations? Won’t they get that Reservation, and our Auto Scaling Group will be left short of its three instances per AZ, which would mean that we won’t have enough reservations for our minimum of six instances in case there are issues with an AZ?

This all comes down to the type of On Demand Capacity Reservation that we have created, or the “Eligibility”. Looking at our Capacity Reservations, we can see that they are all of the “targeted” type. This means that they are only used if explicitly referenced, like we’re doing in our Target Group for the Auto Scaling Group.

Listing of existing Capacity Reservations, showing that they are of the targeted type.

It’s time to prove that. First, we scale in our Auto Scaling Group so that only six instances are used, resulting in there being one unused capacity reservation in each AZ. Then, we try to add an EC2 instance manually, outside the target group.

First, scale in the Auto Scaling Group:

aws autoscaling set-desired-capacity \
--auto-scaling-group-name $AUTOSCALING_GROUP_NAME \
--desired-capacity 6

Listing of consumed Capacity Reservations across the three Availability Zones, showing two used reservations per Availability Zone.

Listing of Instances in the Auto Scaling Group, showing that the total count is six

Then, spin up the new instance, and save its ID for later when we clean up:

export MANUALLY_CREATED_INSTANCE_ID=$(aws ec2 run-instances \
--image-id resolve:ssm:/aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/amzn2-ami-hvm-x86_64-gp2 \
--instance-type t2.micro \
--query 'Instances[0].InstanceId' --output text) 

Listing of the newly created instance, showing that it is running.

We still have the three unutilized On Demand Capacity Reservations, as expected, proving that the On Demand Capacity Reservations with the “targeted” eligibility only get used when explicitly referenced:

Listing of consumed Capacity Reservations across the three Availability Zones, showing two used reservations per Availability Zone.

How does the solution react to an AZ being removed?

Now we’re comfortable that the Auto Scaling Group can grow beyond the On Demand Capacity Reservations if needed, as long as there is capacity, and that other EC2 instances in our account won’t use the On Demand Capacity Reservations specifically purchased for the Auto Scaling Group. It’s time for the big test. How does it all behave when an AZ becomes unavailable?

For our purposes, we can simulate this scenario by changing the Auto Scaling Group to be across two AZs instead of the original three.

First, we scale out to seven instances so that we can see the impact of overflow outside the On Demand Capacity Reservations when we subsequently remove one AZ:

aws autoscaling set-desired-capacity \
--auto-scaling-group-name $AUTOSCALING_GROUP_NAME \
--desired-capacity 7

Then, we change the Auto Scaling Group to only cover two AZs:

aws autoscaling update-auto-scaling-group \
--auto-scaling-group-name $AUTOSCALING_GROUP_NAME \
--vpc-zone-identifier $SUBNETS_TO_KEEP

Give it some time, and we see that the Auto Scaling Group is now spread across two AZs, On Demand Capacity Reservations cover the minimum six instances as per our requirements, and the rest is handled by instances without Capacity Reservation:

Network details for the Auto Scaling Group, showing that it is configured for two Availability Zones.

Listing of consumed Capacity Reservations across the three Availability Zones, showing two Availability Zones using three On Demand Capacity Reservations each, with the third Availability Zone not using any of its On Demand Capacity Reservations.

Listing of Instances in the Auto Scaling Group, showing that there are 4 instances in the eu-west-2a Availability Zone.


It’s time to clean up, as those Instances and On Demand Capacity Reservations come at a cost!

  1. First, remove the EC2 instance that we made:
    aws ec2 terminate-instances --instance-ids $MANUALLY_CREATED_INSTANCE_ID
  2. Then, delete the CloudFormation stack.


Using a combination of Auto Scaling Groups, Resource Groups, and On Demand Capacity Reservations (ODCRs), we have built a solution that provides High Availability backed by reserved capacity, for those types of workloads where the requirements for availability in the case of an AZ becoming temporarily unavailable outweigh the increased cost of reserving capacity, and where the best practices for architecting for flexibility cannot be followed due to limitations on applicable architectures.

We have tested the solution and confirmed that the Auto Scaling Group falls back on using unreserved capacity when the On Demand Capacity Reservations are exhausted. Moreover, we confirmed that targeted On Demand Capacity Reservations won’t risk getting accidentally used by other solutions in our account.

Now it’s time for you to try it yourself! Download the IaC template and give it a try! And if you are planning on using On Demand Capacity Reservations, then don’t forget to look into Savings Plans, as they significantly reduce the cost of that Reserved Capacity..

Best practices to optimize your Amazon EC2 Spot Instances usage

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/best-practices-to-optimize-your-amazon-ec2-spot-instances-usage/

This blog post is written by Pranaya Anshu, EC2 PMM, and Sid Ambatipudi, EC2 Compute GTM Specialist.

Amazon EC2 Spot Instances are a powerful tool that thousands of customers use to optimize their compute costs. The National Football League (NFL) is an example of customer using Spot Instances, leveraging 4000 EC2 Spot Instances across more than 20 instance types to build its season schedule. By using Spot Instances, it saves 2 million dollars every season! Virtually any organization – small or big – can benefit from using Spot Instances by following best practices.

Overview of Spot Instances

Spot Instances let you take advantage of unused EC2 capacity in the AWS cloud and are available at up to a 90% discount compared to On-Demand prices. Through Spot Instances, you can take advantage of the massive operating scale of AWS and run hyperscale workloads at a significant cost saving. In exchange for these discounts, AWS has the option to reclaim Spot Instances when EC2 requires the capacity. AWS provides a two-minute notification before reclaiming Spot Instances, allowing workloads running on those instances to be gracefully shut down.

In this blog post, we explore four best practices that can help you optimize your Spot Instances usage and minimize the impact of Spot Instances interruptions: diversifying your instances, considering attribute-based instance type selection, leveraging Spot placement scores, and using the price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy. By applying these best practices, you’ll be able to leverage Spot Instances for appropriate workloads and ultimately reduce your compute costs. Note for the purposes of this blog, we will focus on the integration of Spot Instances with Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups.


Spot Instances can be used for various stateless, fault-tolerant, or flexible applications such as big data, containerized workloads, CI/CD, web servers, high-performance computing (HPC), and AI/ML workloads. However, as previously mentioned, AWS can interrupt Spot Instances with a two-minute notification, so it is best not to use Spot Instances for workloads that cannot handle individual instance interruption — that is, workloads that are inflexible, stateful, fault-intolerant, or tightly coupled.

Best practices

  1. Diversify your instances

The fundamental best practice when using Spot Instances is to be flexible. A Spot capacity pool is a set of unused EC2 instances of the same instance type (for example, m6i.large) within the same AWS Region and Availability Zone (for example, us-east-1a). When you request Spot Instances, you are requesting instances from a specific Spot capacity pool. Since Spot Instances are spare EC2 capacity, you want to base your selection (request) on as many spare pools of capacity as possible in order to increase your likelihood of getting Spot Instances. You should diversify across instance sizes, generations, instance types, and Availability Zones to maximize your savings with Spot Instances. For example, if you are currently using c5a.large in us-east-1a, consider including c6a instances (newer generation of instances), c5a.xl (larger size), or us-east-1b (different Availability Zone) to increase your overall flexibility. Instance diversification is beneficial not only for selecting Spot Instances, but also for scaling, resilience, and cost optimization.

To get hands-on experience with Spot Instances and to practice instance diversification, check out Amazon EC2 Spot Instances workshops. And once you’ve diversified your instances, you can leverage AWS Fault Injection Simulator (AWS FIS) to test your applications’ resilience to Spot Instance interruptions to ensure that they can maintain target capacity while still benefiting from the cost savings offered by Spot Instances. To learn more about stress testing your applications, check out the Back to Basics: Chaos Engineering with AWS Fault Injection Simulator video and AWS FIS documentation.

  1. Consider attribute-based instance type selection

We have established that flexibility is key when it comes to getting the most out of Spot Instances. Similarly, we have said that in order to access your desired Spot Instances capacity, you should select multiple instance types. While building and maintaining instance type configurations in a flexible way may seem daunting or time-consuming, it doesn’t have to be if you use attribute-based instance type selection. With attribute-based instance type selection, you can specify instance attributes — for example, CPU, memory, and storage — and EC2 Auto Scaling will automatically identify and launch instances that meet your defined attributes. This removes the manual-lift of configuring and updating instance types. Moreover, this selection method enables you to automatically use newly released instance types as they become available so that you can continuously have access to an increasingly broad range of Spot Instance capacity. Attribute-based instance type selection is ideal for workloads and frameworks that are instance agnostic, such as HPC and big data workloads, and can help to reduce the work involved with selecting specific instance types to meet specific requirements.

For more information on how to configure attribute-based instance selection for your EC2 Auto Scaling group, refer to Create an Auto Scaling Group Using Attribute-Based Instance Type Selection documentation. To learn more about attribute-based instance type selection, read the Attribute-Based Instance Type Selection for EC2 Auto Scaling and EC2 Fleet news blog or check out the Using Attribute-Based Instance Type Selection and Mixed Instance Groups section of the Launching Spot Instances workshop.

  1. Leverage Spot placement scores

Now that we’ve stressed the importance of flexibility when it comes to Spot Instances and covered the best way to select instances, let’s dive into how to find preferred times and locations to launch Spot Instances. Because Spot Instances are unused EC2 capacity, Spot Instances capacity fluctuates. Correspondingly, it is possible that you won’t always get the exact capacity at a specific time that you need through Spot Instances. Spot placement scores are a feature of Spot Instances that indicates how likely it is that you will be able to get the Spot capacity that you require in a specific Region or Availability Zone. Your Spot placement score can help you reduce Spot Instance interruptions, acquire greater capacity, and identify optimal configurations to run workloads on Spot Instances. However, it is important to note that Spot placement scores serve only as point-in-time recommendations (scores can vary depending on current capacity) and do not provide any guarantees in terms of available capacity or risk of interruption.  To learn more about how Spot placement scores work and to get started with them, see the Identifying Optimal Locations for Flexible Workloads With Spot Placement Score blog and Spot placement scores documentation.

As a near real-time tool, Spot placement scores are often integrated into deployment automation. However, because of its logging and graphic capabilities, you may find it to be a valuable resource even before you launch a workload in the cloud. If you are looking to understand historical Spot placement scores for your workload, you should check out the Spot placement score tracker, a tool that automates the capture of Spot placement scores and stores Spot placement score metrics in Amazon CloudWatch. The tracker is available through AWS Labs, a GitHub repository hosting tools. Learn more about the tracker through the Optimizing Amazon EC2 Spot Instances with Spot Placement Scores blog.

When considering ideal times to launch Spot Instances and exploring different options via Spot placement scores, be sure to consider running Spot Instances at off-peak hours – or hours when there is less demand for EC2 Instances. As you may assume, there is less unused capacity – Spot Instances – available during typical business hours than after business hours. So, in order to leverage as much Spot capacity as you can, explore the possibility of running your workload at hours when there is reduced demand for EC2 instances and thus greater availability of Spot Instances. Similarly, consider running your Spot Instances in “off-peak Regions” – or Regions that are not experiencing business hours at that certain time.

On a related note, to maximize your usage of Spot Instances, you should consider using previous generation of instances if they meet your workload needs. This is because, as with off-peak vs peak hours, there is typically greater capacity available for previous generation instances than current generation instances, as most people tend to use current generation instances for their compute needs.

  1. Use the price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy

Once you’ve selected a diversified and flexible set of instances, you should select your allocation strategy. When launching instances, your Auto Scaling group uses the allocation strategy that you specify to pick the specific Spot pools from all your possible pools. Spot offers four allocation strategies: price-capacity-optimized, capacity-optimized, capacity-optimized-prioritized, and lowest-price. Each of these allocation strategies select Spot Instances in pools based on price, capacity, a prioritized list of instances, or a combination of these factors.

The price-capacity-optimized strategy launched in November 2022. This strategy makes Spot Instance allocation decisions based on the most capacity at the lowest price. It essentially enables Auto Scaling groups to identify the Spot pools with the highest capacity availability for the number of instances that are launching. In other words, if you select this allocation strategy, we will find the Spot capacity pools that we believe have the lowest chance of interruption in the near term. Your Auto Scaling groups then request Spot Instances from the lowest priced of these pools.

We recommend you leverage the price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy for the majority of your workloads that run on Spot Instances. To see how the price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy selects Spot Instances in comparison with lowest-price and capacity-optimized allocation strategies, read the Introducing the Price-Capacity-Optimized Allocation Strategy for EC2 Spot Instances blog post.


If you’ve explored the different Spot Instances workshops we recommended throughout this blog post and spun up resources, please remember to delete resources that you are no longer using to avoid incurring future costs.


Spot Instances can be leveraged to reduce costs across a wide-variety of use cases, including containers, big data, machine learning, HPC, and CI/CD workloads. In this blog, we discussed four Spot Instances best practices that can help you optimize your Spot Instance usage to maximize savings: diversifying your instances, considering attribute-based instance type selection, leveraging Spot placement scores, and using the price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy.

To learn more about Spot Instances, check out Spot Instances getting started resources. Or to learn of other ways of reducing costs and improving performance, including leveraging other flexible purchase models such as AWS Savings Plans, read the Increase Your Application Performance at Lower Costs eBook or watch the Seven Steps to Lower Costs While Improving Application Performance webinar.

AWS Nitro System gets independent affirmation of its confidential compute capabilities

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/aws-nitro-system-gets-independent-affirmation-of-its-confidential-compute-capabilities/

This blog post was written By Anthony Liguori, VP/Distinguished Engineer, EC2 AWS.

Customers around the world trust AWS to keep their data safe, and keeping their workloads secure and confidential is foundational to how we operate. Since the inception of AWS, we have relentlessly innovated on security, privacy tools, and practices to meet, and even exceed, our customers’ expectations.

The AWS Nitro System is the underlying platform for all modern AWS compute instances which has allowed us to deliver the data isolation, performance, cost, and pace of innovation that our customers require. It’s a pioneering design of specialized hardware and software that protects customer code and data from unauthorized access during processing.

When we launched the Nitro System in 2017, we delivered a unique architecture that restricts any operator access to customer data. This means no person or even service from AWS, can access data when it is being used in an Amazon EC2 instance. We knew that designing the system this way would present several architectural and operational challenges for us. However, we also knew that protecting customers’ data in this way was the best way to support our customer’s needs.

When AWS made its Digital Sovereignty Pledge last year, we committed to providing greater transparency and assurances to customers about how AWS services are designed and operated, especially when it comes to handling customer data. As part of that increased transparency, we engaged NCC Group, a leading cybersecurity consulting firm based in the United Kingdom, to conduct an independent architecture review of the Nitro System and the security assurances we make to our customers. NCC has now issued its rand affirmed our claims.

The report states, “As a matter of design, NCC Group found no gaps in the Nitro System that would compromise [AWS] security claims.” Specifically, the report validates the following statements about our Nitro System production hosts:

  1. There is no mechanism for a cloud service provider employee to log in to the underlying host.
  2. No administrative API can access customer content on the underlying host.
  3. There is no mechanism for a cloud service provider employee to access customer content stored on instance storage and encrypted EBS volumes.
  4. There is no mechanism for a cloud service provider employee to access encrypted data transmitted over the network.
  5. Access to administrative APIs always requires authentication and authorization.
  6. Access to administrative APIs is always logged.
  7. Hosts can only run tested and signed software that is deployed by an authenticated and authorized deployment service. No cloud service provider employee can deploy code directly onto hosts.

The report details NCC’s analysis for each of these claims. You can also find additional details about the scope, methodology, and steps that NCC used to evaluate the claims.

How Nitro System protects customer data

At AWS, we know that our customers, especially those who have sensitive or confidential data, may have worries about putting that data in the cloud. That’s why we’ve architected the Nitro System to ensure that your confidential information is as secure as possible. We do this in several ways:

There is no mechanism for any system or person to log in to Amazon EC2 servers, read the memory of EC2 instances, or access any data on encrypted Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes.

If any AWS operator, including those with the highest privileges, needs to perform maintenance work on the EC2 server, they can do so only by using a strictly limited set of authenticated, authorized, and audited administrative APIs. Critically, none of these APIs have the ability to access customer data on the EC2 server. These restrictions are built into the Nitro System itself, and no AWS operator can circumvent these controls and protections.

The Nitro System also protects customers from AWS system software through the innovative design of our lightweight Nitro Hypervisor, which manages memory and CPU allocation. Typical commercial hypervisors provide administrators with full access to the system, but with the Nitro System, the only interface operators can use is a restricted API. This means that customers and operators cannot interact with the system in unapproved ways and there is no equivalent of a “root” user. This approach enhances security and allows AWS to update systems in the background, fix system bugs, monitor performance, and even perform upgrades without impacting customer operations or customer data. Customers are unaffected during system upgrades, and their data remains protected.

Finally, the Nitro System can also provide customers an extra layer of data isolation from their own operators and software. AWS created  , which allow for isolated compute environments, which is ideal for organizations that need to process personally identifiable information, as well as healthcare, financial, and intellectual property data within their compute instances. These enclaves do not share memory or CPU cores with the customer instance. Further, Nitro Enclaves have cryptographic attestation capabilities that let customers verify that all of the software deployed has been validated and not compromised.

All of these prongs of the Nitro System’s security and confidential compute capabilities required AWS to invest time and resources into building the system’s architecture. We did so because we wanted to ensure that our customers felt confident entrusting us with their most sensitive and confidential data, and we have worked to continue earning that trust. We are not done and this is just one step AWS is taking to increase the transparency about how our services are designed and operated. We will continue to innovate on and deliver unique features that further enhance our customers’ security without compromising on performance.

Learn more:

Watch Anthony speak about AWS Nitro System Security here.

Build efficient, cross-Regional, I/O-intensive workloads with Dask on AWS

Post Syndicated from Patrick O'Connor original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/build-efficient-cross-regional-i-o-intensive-workloads-with-dask-on-aws/

Welcome to the era of data. The sheer volume of data captured daily continues to grow, calling for platforms and solutions to evolve. Services such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) offer a scalable solution that adapts yet remains cost-effective for growing datasets. The Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative (ASDI) uses the capabilities of Amazon S3 to provide a no-cost solution for you to store and share climate science workloads across the globe. Amazon’s Open Data Sponsorship Program allows organizations to host free of charge on AWS.

Over the last decade, we’ve seen a surge in data science frameworks coming to fruition, along with mass adoption by the data science community. One such framework is Dask, which is powerful for its ability to provision an orchestration of worker compute nodes, thereby accelerating complex analysis on large datasets.

In this post, we show you how to deploy a custom AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) solution that extends Dask’s functionality to work inter-Regionally across Amazon’s global network. The AWS CDK solution deploys a network of Dask workers across two AWS Regions, connecting into a client Region. For more information, refer to Guidance for Distributed Computing with Cross Regional Dask on AWS and the GitHub repo for open-source code.

After deployment, the user will have access to a Jupyter notebook, where they can interact with two datasets from ASDI on AWS: Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6 (CMIP6) and ECMWF ERA5 Reanalysis. CMIP6 focuses on the sixth phase of global coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model ensemble; ERA5 is the fifth generation of ECMWF atmospheric reanalyses of the global climate, and the first reanalysis produced as an operational service.

This solution was inspired by work with a key AWS customer, the UK Met Office. The Met Office was founded in 1854 and is the national meteorological service for the UK. They provide weather and climate predictions to help you make better decisions to stay safe and thrive. A collaboration between the Met Office and EUMETSAT, detailed in Data Proximate Computation on a Dask Cluster Distributed Between Data Centres, highlights the growing need to develop a sustainable, efficient, and scalable data science solution. This solution achieves this by bringing compute closer to the data, rather than forcing the data to come closer to compute resources, which adds cost, latency, and energy.

Solution overview

Each day, the UK Met Office produces up to 300 TB of weather and climate data, a portion of which is published to ASDI. These datasets are distributed across the world and hosted for public use. The Met Office would like to enable consumers to make the more of their data to help inform critical decisions on addressing issues such as better preparation for climate change-induced wildfires and floods, and reducing food insecurity through better crop yield analysis.

Traditional solutions in use today, particularly with climate data, are time consuming and unsustainable, replicating datasets cross Regions. Unnecessary data transfer on the petabyte scale is costly, slow, and consumes energy.

We estimated that if this practice were adopted by the Met Office users, the equivalent of 40 homes’ daily power consumption could be saved every day, and they could also reduce the transfer of data between regions.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

The solution can be broken into three major segments: client, workers, and network. Let’s dive into each and see how they come together.


The client represents the source Region where data scientists connect. This Region (Region A in the diagram) contains an Amazon SageMaker notebook, an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain, and a Dask scheduler as key components. System administrators have access to the built-in Dask dashboard exposed via an Elastic Load Balancer.

Data scientists have access to the Jupyter notebook hosted on SageMaker. The notebook is able to connect and run workloads on the Dask scheduler. The OpenSearch Service domain stores metadata on the datasets connected at the Regions. Notebook users can query this service to retrieve details such as the correct Region of Dask workers without needing to know the data’s Regional location beforehand.


Each of the worker Regions (Regions B and C in the diagram) is comprised of an Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) cluster of Dask workers, an Amazon FSx for Lustre file system, and a standalone Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance. FSx for Lustre allows Dask workers to access and process Amazon S3 data from a high-performance file system by linking your file systems to S3 buckets. It provides sub-millisecond latencies, up to hundreds of GBs/s of throughput, and millions of IOPS. A key feature of Lustre is that only the file system’s metadata is synced. Lustre manages the balance of files to be loaded in and kept warm, based on demand.

Worker clusters scale based on CPU usage, provision additional workers in extended periods of demand, and scale down as resources become idle.

Each night at 0:00 UTC, a data sync job prompts the Lustre file system to resync with the attached S3 bucket, and pulls an up-to-date metadata catalog of the bucket. Subsequently, the standalone EC2 instance pushes these updates into OpenSearch Service respective to that Region’s index. OpenSearch Service provides the necessary information to the client as to which pool of workers should be called upon for a particular dataset.


Networking forms the crux of this solution, utilizing Amazon’s internal backbone network. By using AWS Transit Gateway, we’re able to connect each of the Regions to each other without needing to traverse the public internet. Each of the workers are able to connect dynamically into the Dask scheduler, allowing data scientists to run inter-regional queries through Dask.


The AWS CDK package uses the TypeScript programming language. Follow the steps in Getting Started for AWS CDK to set up your local environment and bootstrap your development account (you’ll need to bootstrap all Regions specified in the GitHub repo).

For a successful deployment, you’ll need Docker installed and running on your local machine.

Deploy the AWS CDK package

Deploying an AWS CDK package is straightforward. After you install the prerequisites and bootstrap your account, you can proceed with downloading the code base.

  1. Download the GitHub repository:
    # Command to clone the repository
    git clone https://github.com/aws-solutions-library-samples/distributed-compute-on-aws-with-cross-regional-dask.git
    cd distributed-compute-on-aws-with-cross-regional-dask

  2. Install node modules:
    npm install

  3. Deploy the AWS CDK:
    npx cdk deploy --all

The stack can take over an hour and a half to deploy.

Code walkthrough

In this section, we inspect some of the key features of the code base. If you’d like to inspect the full code base, refer to the GitHub repository.

Configure and customize your stack

In the file bin/variables.ts, you’ll find two variable declarations: one for the client and one for workers. The client declaration is a dictionary with a reference to a Region and CIDR range. Customizing these variables will change both the Region and CIDR range of where client resources will deploy.

The worker variable copies this same functionality; however, it’s a list of dictionaries to accommodate adding or subtracting datasets the user wishes to include. Additionally, each dictionary contains the added fields of dataset and lustreFileSystemPath. Dataset is used to specify the connecting S3 URI for Lustre to connect to. The lustreFileSystemPath variable is used as a mapping for how the user wants that dataset to map locally on the worker file system. See the following code:

export const client: IClient = { region: "eu-west-2", cidr: "" };

export const workers: IWorker[] = [
    region: "us-east-1",
    cidr: "",
    // The public s3 dataset on https://registry.opendata.aws/ you wish to connect to
    dataset: "s3://era5-pds",
    lustreFileSystemPath: "era5-pds",

Dynamically publish the scheduler IP

A challenge inherent to the cross-Regional nature of this project was maintaining a dynamic connection between the Dask workers and the scheduler. How could we publish an IP address, which is capable of changing, across AWS Regions? We were able to accomplish this through the use of AWS Cloud Map and associate-vpc-with-hosted-zone. The service abstracts allowing AWS to manage this DNS namespace privately. See the following code:

     * Below we initialise a private namespace which will keep track of the changing schedulers IP
     * The workers will need this IP to connect to, so instead of tracking it statically, they can
     * Simply reference the DNS which will resolve to the IP every time
    const PrivateNP = new PrivateDnsNamespace(this, "local-dask", {
      name: "local-dask",
      vpc: this.vpc,
    // Other regions will have to associate-vpc-with-hosted-zone to access this namespace
    new StringParameter(this, "PrivateNP Param", {
      parameterName: `privatenp-hostedid-param-${this.region}`,
      stringValue: PrivateNP.namespaceHostedZoneId,
    this.schedulerDisovery = new Service(this, "Scheduler Discovery", {
      name: "Dask-Scheduler",
      namespace: PrivateNP,

Jupyter notebook UI

The Jupyter notebook hosted on SageMaker provides scientists with a ready-made environment for deployment to easily connect and experiment on the loaded datasets. We used a lifecycle configuration script to provision the notebook with a preconfigured developer environment and example code base. See the following code:

  // The Sagemaker Notebook
  new CfnNotebookInstance(this, "Dask Notebook", {
    notebookInstanceName: "Dask-Notebook",
    rootAccess: "Disabled",
    directInternetAccess: "Disabled",
    defaultCodeRepository: repo.repositoryCloneUrlHttp,
    instanceType: "ml.t3.2xlarge",
    roleArn: role.roleArn,
    subnetId: this.vpc.privateSubnets[0].subnetId,
    securityGroupIds: [SagemakerSec.securityGroupId],
    lifecycleConfigName: lifecycle.notebookInstanceLifecycleConfigName,
    kmsKeyId: nbKey.keyId,
    platformIdentifier: "notebook-al2-v1",
    volumeSizeInGb: 50,

Dask worker nodes

When it comes to the Dask workers, greater customizability is provided, more specifically on instance type, threads per container, and scaling alarms. By default, the workers provision on instance type m5d.4xlarge, mount to the Lustre file system on launch, and subdivide its workers and threads dynamically to ports. All this is optionally customizable. See the following code:

capacity: {
  instanceType: new InstanceType("m5d.4xlarge"),
  minCapacity: 0,
  maxCapacity: 12,
  vpcSubnets: {
    subnetType: SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_EGRESS,

command: [
  `pip3 install --upgrade xarray[complete] intake_esm s3fs eccodes git+https://github.com/gjoseph92/dask-worker-pools.git@main && dask worker Dask-Scheduler.local-dask:8786 --worker-port 9000:${
    9000 + NWORKERS - 1
  } --nanny-port ${9000 + NWORKERS}:${
    9000 + NWORKERS * 2 - 1
  } --resources pool-${
  }=1 --nworkers ${NWORKERS} --nthreads ${THREADS} --no-dashboard`,


To assess performance, we use a sample computation and plotting of air temperature at 2 meters based on the difference between CMIP6 prediction for a month and ERA5 mean air temperature for 10 years. We set a benchmark of two workers in each Region and assess the difference in time reduction as additional workers were added. In theory, as the solution scales, there should be a productive material difference in reducing overall time.

The following table summarizes our dataset details.

Dataset Variables Disk Size Xarray Dataset Size Region
ERA5 2011–2020 (120 netcdf files) 53.5GB 364.1 GB us-east-1
variable_ids = ['tas'] # tas is air temperature at 2m above surface
table_id = 'Amon' # Monthly data from Atmosphere 
grid = 'gn' 
experiment_id = 'ssp245' 
activity_ids = ['ScenarioMIP', 'CMIP'] 
institution_id = 'MOHC'

1.13GB 0.11 GB us-west-2

The following table shows the results collected, showcasing the time (in seconds) for each computation and prediction in three stages in computing CMIP6 prediction, ERA5, and difference.

. . Number of Workers
Compute Region 2(CMIP) + 2(ERA) 2(CMIP) + 4(ERA) 2(CMIP) + 8(ERA)


+ 12(ERA)

CMIP6 (predicted_tas_regridded) us-west-2 11.8 11.5 11.2 11.6
ERA5 (historic_temp_regridded) us-east-1 1512 711 427 202
Difference (propogated pool) us-west-2 and us-east-1 1527 906 469 251

The following graph visualizes the performance and scale.

From our experiment, we observed a linear improvement on computation for the ERA5 dataset as the number of workers increased. As the numbers of workers increased, computation times were at times halved.

Jupyter notebook

As part of the solution launch, we deploy a preconfigured Jupyter notebook to help test the cross-Regional Dask solution. The notebook demonstrates the removed worry of needing to know the Regional location of datasets, instead querying a catalog through a series of Jupyter notebooks running in the background.

To get started, follow the instructions in this section.

The code for the notebooks can be found in lib/SagemakerCode with the primary notebook being ux_notebook.ipynb. This notebook calls upon other notebooks, triggering helper scripts. ux_notebook is designed to be the entry point for scientists, without the need for going elsewhere.

To get started, open this notebook in SageMaker after you have deployed the AWS CDK. The AWS CDK creates a notebook instance with all of the files in the repository loaded and backed up to an AWS CodeCommit repository.

To run the application, open and run the first cell of ux_notebook. This cell runs the get_variables notebook in the background, which prompts you for an input for the data you would like to select. We include an example; however, note that questions will only appear after the previous option has been selected. This is intentional in limiting the drop-down choices and is optionally configurable by editing the get_variables notebook.

The preceding code stores variables globally so that other notebooks can retrieve and load your selection of choices. For demonstration, the next cell should output the save variables from before.

Next, a prompt for further data specifications appears. This cell refines the data you’re after by presenting the IDs of tables in human-readable format. Users select as if it were a form, but the titles map to tables in the background that help the system retrieve the appropriate datasets.

After you have stored all your choices and selection cells, load the data into the Regions by running the cell in the Getting the data set section. The %%capture command will suppress unnecessary outputs from the get_data notebook. Note you may remove this to inspect outputs from the other notebooks. Data is then retrieved in the backend.

While other notebooks are being run in the background, the only touchpoint for the user is the ux_notebook. This is to abstract the tedious process of importing data into a format any user is able to follow with ease.

With the data now loaded, we can start interacting with it. The following cells are examples of calculations you may run on weather data. Using xarrays, we import, calculate, and then plot those datasets.

Our sample illustrates a plot of predictive data retrieving data, running the computation, and plotting the results in under 7.5 seconds—orders of magnitude faster than a typical approach.

Under the hood

The notebooks get_catalog_input and get_variables use the library ipywidgets to display widgets such as drop-downs and multi-box selections. These options are saved globally using the %%store command so that they can be accessed from the ux_notebook. One of the options prompts you on whether you want historical data, predictive data, or both. This variable is passed to the get_data notebook to determine which subsequent notebooks to run.

The get_data notebook first retrieves the shared OpenSearch Service domain saved to AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. This domain allows our notebook to run a query on collecting information that will indicate where the selected datasets are stored Regionally. With those datasets located Regionally, the notebook will make a connection attempt to the Dask scheduler, passing the information collected from OpenSearch Service. The Dask scheduler in turn will be able to call on workers in the correct Regions.

How to customize and continue development

These notebooks are meant to be an example of how you can create a way for users to interface and interact with the data. The notebook in this post serves as an illustration for what’s possible, and we invite you to continue building upon the solution to further improve user engagement. The core part of this solution is the backend technology, but without some mechanism to interact with that backend, users won’t realize the full potential of the solution.

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources. Let’s destroy our deployed solution with the following command:

npx cdk destroy –all


This post showcases the extension of Dask inter-Regionally on AWS, and a possible integration with public datasets on AWS. The solution was built as a generic pattern, and further datasets can be loaded in to accelerate high I/O analyses on complex data.

Data is transforming every field and every business. However, with data growing faster than most companies can keep track of, collecting data and getting value out of that data is challenging. A modern data strategy can help you create better business outcomes with data. AWS provides the most complete set of services for the end-to-end data journey to help you unlock value from your data and turn it into insight.

To learn more about the various ways to use your data on the cloud, visit the AWS Big Data Blog. We further invite you to comment with your thoughts on this post, and whether this is a solution you plan on trying out.

About the Authors

 Patrick O’Connor is a WWSO Prototyping Engineer based in London. He is a creative problem-solver, adaptable across a wide range of technologies, such as IoT, serverless tech, 3D spatial tech, and ML/AI, along with a relentless curiosity on how technology can continue to evolve everyday approaches.

Chakra Nagarajan is a Principal Machine Learning Prototyping SA with 21 years of experience in machine learning, big data, and high-performance computing. In his current role, he helps customers solve real-world complex business problems by building prototypes with end-to-end AI/ML solutions in cloud and edge devices. His ML specialization includes computer vision, natural language processing, time series forecasting, and personalization.

Val Cohen is a senior WWSO Prototyping Engineer based in London. A problem solver by nature, Val enjoys writing code to automate processes, build customer obsessed tools, and create infrastructure for various applications for her global customer base. Val has experience across a wide variety of technologies, such as front-end web development, backend work, and AI/ML.

Niall Robinson is Head of product futures at the UK Met Office. He and his team explore new ways the Met Office can provide value through product innovation and strategic partnerships. He’s had a varied career, leading a multidisciplinary informatics R&D team, academic research in data science, and field scientist along with climate modeler expertise.

Best Practices for managing data residency in AWS Local Zones using landing zone controls

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/best-practices-for-managing-data-residency-in-aws-local-zones-using-landing-zone-controls/

This blog post is written by Abeer Naffa’, Sr. Solutions Architect, Solutions Builder AWS, David Filiatrault, Principal Security Consultant, and Jared Thompson Hybrid Edge SA Specialist.

In this post, we discuss how you can leverage AWS Control Tower landing zone and AWS Organizations custom policies – guardrails – at the root level, known as Service Control Policies (SCPS) to enable certain data residency requirements on AWS Local Zones. Using the suggested controls lets you limit the ability to store data, process data outside a geographic location, and keep your data within specific Local Zone(s).

Data residency is a critical consideration for organizations that collect and store sensitive information, such as Personal Identifiable Information (PII), financial data, and healthcare data. With the rise of cloud computing and the global nature of the Internet, it can be challenging for organizations to make sure that their data is being stored and processed in compliance with local laws and regulations.

One potential solution for addressing data residency challenges with AWS is utilizing Local Zones, which places AWS infrastructure in large metro areas. This enables organizations to store and process data in specific geographic locations. By using Local Zones, organizations can architect their environment to meet data residency requirements when an AWS Region is unavailable within the same legal jurisdiction. Local Zones can be configured to utilize landing zone to further adhere to data residency requirements.

A landing zone is a well-architected, multi-account AWS environment that is scalable and secure. This is a starting point from which your organization can quickly launch and deploy workloads and applications with confidence in your security and infrastructure environment.

When leveraging a Local Zone to meet data residency requirements, you must have control over the in-scope data movement from the Local Zones to the AWS Region. This can be accomplished by implementing landing zone best practices and the suggested guardrails. The main focus of this post is the custom policies that restrict data snapshots, prohibit data creation within the Region, and limit data transfer to the Region. Furthermore, this post covers which prerequisites organizations should consider before implementing these guardrails.


Landing zones best practices and custom guardrails can help when data must remain in a specific locality where the Local Zone is also located. This can be completed by defining and enforcing policies for data storage and usage within the landing zone organization that you set up. The following prerequisites should be considered before implementing the suggested guardrails:

  1. AWS Local Zones

Local Zones are enabled through the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) console or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

You can start using available AWS services on the designated Local Zone directly from the console. Moreover, you can manage the Local Zone using the same tools and interfaces that you use in AWS Region.

2. AWS Control Tower landing zone

AWS Control Tower is a managed service that provides a pre-packaged set of best-practice blueprints for setting up and governing multi-account AWS environments. You must have Control Tower fully implemented in your environment before you can deploy custom guardrails.

Control Tower launches a key resource associated with your account, called a landing zone, which serves as a home for your organizations and their accounts.

Note that Control Tower relies on Organizations to create and manage multi-account structures.

  1. Set up the data residency guardrails

Using Organizations, you must make sure that the Local Zone is enabled within a workload account in the landing zones.

Figure 1 Landing Zones Accelerator Local Zones workload on AWS high level Architecture

Figure 1: Landing Zones Accelerator – Local Zones workload on AWS high level Architecture

Utilizing Local Zones for regulated components

The availability of Local Zones provides an excellent opportunity to meet data residency requirements and comply with local regulations that restrict the use of the Region outside of your required geo-political boundary. By leveraging Local Zones, organizations can maintain compliance while utilizing AWS services to support their business needs. AWS owns and manages the infrastructure, including hardware, software, and networking for Local Zones. However, as part of the shared responsibility model, customers are responsible for the security of their applications and data, including access control, data encryption, etc.

You must also comply with all applicable regulations and security standards, such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, and GDPR. You should conduct regular security assessments and implement appropriate security controls to protect their applications and data.

In this post, we consider a scenario where there is a single Local Zones location in a metro. However, you must analyze the specific requirements of your workloads and the relevant regulations that apply to determine the most appropriate high availability configurations for your case.

Local Zones workload data residency guardrails

Organizations provides central governance and management for multiple accounts. Central security administrators use SCPs with Organizations to establish controls to which all AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) principals (users and roles) adhere.

Now you can use SCPs to set permission guardrails. The suggested preventative controls that leverage the implementation of SCPs for data residency on Local Zones are shown in the next paragraph. SCPs let you set permission guardrails by defining the maximum available permissions for IAM entities in an account and all accounts within the Organization root or Organizational Unit (OU). If an SCP denies an action for an account, then none of the entities in any member account, including the member account’s root user, can take that action, even if their IAM permissions let them. The guardrails set in SCPs apply to all IAM entities in the account, which include all users, roles, and the account root user.

 Upon finalizing these prerequisites, you can create the guardrails for the chosen OU.

Note that although the following guidelines serve as helpful guardrails – SCPs – for data residency, you should consult internally with legal and security teams for specific organizational requirements.

 To exercise better control over the workload in Local Zones and prevent data transfer from Local Zones or data storage outside of the Local Zones, consider implementing the following guardrails:

  1. When your data residency requirements require restricting data transfer/saving to the Region, consider the following guardrails:

a. Deny copying data from Local Zones to the Region for Amazon EC2), Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), Amazon ElastiCache, and data sync “DenyCopyToRegion”.

As the available services in Local Zones can vary based on location, you must review the services available in the chosen Local Zone and Adjust the SCPs accordingly.

b. Deny Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) put action to the Region “DenyPutObjectToRegionalBuckets”.

If your data residency requirements mandate restrictions on data storage in the Region, then consider implementing this guardrail to prevent the use of Amazon S3 in the Region.

c. If your data residency requirements mandate restrictions on data storage in the Region, then consider implementing “DenyDirectTransferToRegion”

Out of Scope is metadata such as tags or operational data such as AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) keys.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "DenyCopyToRegion",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*",
      "Effect": "Deny"
      "Sid": "DenyDirectTransferToRegion",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*",
      "Effect": "Deny"
      "Sid": "DenyPutObjectToRegionalBuckets",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::*"],
      "Effect": "Deny"
  1. If your data residency requirements require limitations on data storage in the Region, then consider implementing this guardrail “DenyAllSnapshots” to restrict the use of snapshots in the Region.

Note that the following guardrail restricts the creation of snapshots on AWS Outposts as well. If you’re using Outposts in the same AWS account, then you may need to customize this guardrail to make sure that it aligns with your organization’s specific needs and requirements. For more information on data residency considerations for Outposts, please refer to Architecting for data residency with AWS Outposts rack and landing zone guardrails.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [

      "Sid": "DenyAllSnapshots",
  1. This guardrail helps prevent the launch of EC2 instances or the creation of network interfaces by subnet as opposed to Local Zones You should keep data residency workloads within the Local Zones rather than the Region to make sure of better control over regulated workloads. This approach can help your organization achieve better control over data residency workloads and improve governance over your Organization.

 Make sure to update the Local Zones subnets < localzones_subnet_arns>.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Sid": "DenyNotLocalZonesSubnet",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": [
    "Condition": {
      "ForAllValues:ArnNotEquals": {
        "ec2:Subnet": ["<localzones_subnet_arns>"]

Additional considerations

When implementing data residency guardrails on Local Zones, consider backup and disaster recovery strategies to make sure that your data is protected in the event of an outage or other unexpected events. This may include creating regular backups of your data, implementing disaster recovery plans and procedures, and using redundancy and failover systems to minimize the impact of any potential disruptions. Additionally, you should make sure that your backup and disaster recovery systems are compliant with any relevant data residency regulations and requirements. You should also test your backup and disaster recovery systems regularly to make sure that they are functioning as intended.

Additionally, the provided SCPs for Local Zones in the above example do not block the “logs:PutLogEvents”. Therefore, even if you implemented data residency guardrails on Local Zones, the application may log data to Amazon CloudWatch Logs in the Region.


By default, application-level logs on Local Zones are not automatically sent to CloudWatch Logs in the Region. You can configure CloudWatch Logs agent on Local Zones to collect and send your application-level logs to CloudWatch Logs.

logs:PutLogEvents does transmit data to the Region, but it is not blocked by the provided SCPs, as it’s expected that most use cases still want to be able to use this logging API. However, if blocking is desired, then add the action to the first recommended guardrail. If you want specific roles to be allowed, then combine with the ArnNotLike condition example referenced in the Customization Guide.


The combined use of Local Zones and the suggested guardrails via Organizations policies enables you to exercise better control over the movement of the data. By creating a landing zone for your organization, you can apply SCPs to your Local Zones that will help make sure that your data remains within a specific geographic location, as required by the data residency regulations.

Note that, although custom guardrails can help you manage data residency on Local Zones, it’s critical to thoroughly review your policies, procedures, and configurations. This lets you make sure that they are compliant with all relevant data residency regulations and requirements. Regularly testing and monitoring your systems can help make sure that your data is protected and your organization stays compliant.


Optimizing Amazon EC2 Spot Instances with Spot Placement Scores

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/optimizing-amazon-ec2-spot-instances-with-spot-placement-scores/

This blog post is written by Steve Cole, Principal Specialist SA, and Robert McCone, Sr. Specialist SA.

Getting the compute resources you need, even vCPUS numbering in the millions, and completing a workload using Amazon EC2 Spot Instances is just a configuration away. In this post you will learn how to use Spot placement scores to reduce interruptions, acquire greater capacity, and identify optimal configurations, times, and locations to run workloads on Spot Instances. Amazon EC2 Spot Instances let you take advantage of unused EC2 capacity in the AWS cloud and are available at up to a 90% discount compared to On-Demand prices. Spot placement scores is a feature that many customers use to identify optimal instance types or to choose the best Availability Zone (AZ) for ephemeral work like data analytics or high-performance computing. As a real-time tool, Spot placement scores are often integrated into deployment automation. However, because of its logging and graphic capabilities, you may find it be a valuable resource even before you launch a workload into the cloud. Now available through AWS Labs, a Github repository hosting tools for customers, the Spot placement score tracker tackles the undifferentiated heavy lifting and can do this for any customer.

About Spot placement score

Spot placement scores are a feature available through AWS APIs – also implemented in the Amazon EC2 Spot requests console – that uses internal capacity and interruption data to scrutinize the size and shape of a Spot Instance request and responds with a “likelihood of success” rating of 1 to imply lower likelihood of success and 10 to imply higher likelihood of success. The score represents confidence in being able to acquire the desired capacity (size) using the instance configuration (shape) for the next few hours. The shape of the request can be a list of specific instances or can be requirements-based with attribute-based instance type selection. The size of the request can be instance count, number of vCPUs, or GB of RAM. It’s based on known capacity, allocation strategies, and the trending of capacities over time.

Before the release of Spot placement score, customers could track the trends of their existing workloads and configurations. This might have helped them to anticipate capacity constraints over time, but the ability to do something more meaningful when assessing configurations was something customers requested often. With the launch of Spot placement score, that capability was delivered and enabled customers to receive guidance on how a configuration change might affect the effectiveness of Spot Instances in a workload.

Customers immediately recognized the power of this new feature and started writing tooling around their workloads to incorporate the new functionality provided by Spot placement scores. For examples, customers leveraged Spot placement scores to find the highest scoring AZ in a region for work that requires low latency within a cluster. Customers running data analytics with services like Amazon EMR could more confidently launch clusters on Spot Instances. This reduces costs and the time necessary to process data because of fewer interruptions. Financial customers, health care and life sciences, and high tech were some of the early adopters of this strategy.

Benefits of Spot placement scores

One specific customer used tools like the Spot instance advisor and Spot pricing history tools to make decisions about what instances to run every night. If the customer’s analytics workload received too many interruptions, then it would inevitably be relaunched using On-Demand Instances, increasing costs and time-to-complete. The addition of Spot placement scores to the customer’s tooling allowed for more informed decisions about which configurations worked best and, more specifically, which AZ(s) to use. Ultimately, this led not only to higher confidence in using Spot instances, but also to significant cost savings over time.

Other customers tracked Spot placement scores over time with regular queries stored in time series databases to identify not only the best configuration or location, but also the best time-of-day or day-of-week to run their workloads. Different configurations of instance types were queried through automation and the results were logged into a time series database that could then be presented as graphs. These graphs were scrutinized, configurations were tuned, and ultimately these customers could take greater advantage of the cost optimization that Spot instances offer through fewer interruptions by running their workloads where and when scores were higher.

AWS was interested in how this solved problems for customers, and after some more research with customers and design ideation, led to the creation of an OSS tool that AWS has recently released: Spot placement score tracker. Spot placement score tracker helps customers evaluate different configurations against multiple times and locations. It’s an AWS-native solution that leverages the Spot placement score API along with AWS Lambda and Amazon CloudWatch to create a dashboard that enables any AWS customer to benefit from this model without having to write it themselves.

How to use the Spot placement score tracker

The project provides Infrastructure as Code (IaC) automation using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) to deploy the infrastructure and permissions required to run Lambda. This gets executed every five minutes to collect the placement scores of as many diversified configurations as defined.

Architectural diagram: CDK building connections between EventBridge, Lambda, S3, and CloudWatch to generate dashboards

After installing the CloudWatch dashboard, and given some time to collect and record data, you will be provided valuable insights in an intuitive graph such as those in the following example.

Sample CloudWatch dashboard with four graphs showing Spot placement score results over time for different configurations

Insights available through the Spot placement score tracker

The first thing you may notice by observing data over time is that instance diversification is the primary driver of high placement scores. This has always been a best practice for the use of Spot Instances, and it extends to On-Demand Instances as well. In short, if you can only run on one instance type, then the likelihood of experiencing interruptions is far greater than if you can run on six or twelve. Sometimes the simple inclusion of -a, -d, and -n instance types (e.g. m5.large, m5a.large, m5d.large, m5d.large), previous generations (e.g., m5.large, m4.large), different sizes in a container environment (e.g., m5.large, m5.xlarge, m5.2xlarge), and even the inclusion of AWS Graviton will have a material impact on placement scores, which equates to fewer interruptions. This ultimately leads to more efficient use of resources through less restarted processes, resulting in increased efficiency and reduced costs.

The second insight that you can realize through the use of placement scores over time is identifying the optimal AZ in which an ephemeral process can be placed. Perhaps the best use case for this type of insight is data analytics clusters that are launched to complete many calculations overnight. This is common in financial institutions for various reasons including risk analysis and compliance, but could apply to medical research examining results of experiments during the day as well as other situations where a 24/7 presence isn’t required by the workload. These customers are typically using a single AZ to allow for faster communication between nodes and to reduce data transfer costs. Therefore, the ability for Spot placement scores to provide different scores for different AZs is highly advantageous.

Third, with access to placement scores over time, it becomes possible to identify exactly how large a workload’s footprint can be. By submitting identical configurations to Spot placement scores but with different sizes, you can surface the ideal workload size. Not too small, where perhaps the job takes too long to complete, but also not so large that the interruptions are too frequent and cause restarts too often. This can benefit not only ephemeral workloads, but also persistent clusters or fleets by understanding what the lowest score would be over time and giving you solid information regarding what they can expect from Spot Instances and where. This might inform you to be ready to launch On-Demand Instances to compensate when Spot Instance availability is lower. This can also help to forecast pricing and inform decisions about the consideration of AWS Savings Plans or On-Demand Capacity Reservations.

Finally, analyzing Spot placement scores over time can provide regional scoring. Through this lens it’s possible for you to identify entire regions that they may have overlooked without the knowledge that Spot Instances outside the your primary region(s) might offer lower interruptions during daylight hours due to them being off-peak. When it’s possible to place a workload in another region, unconstrained by local data access requirements, it’s quite possible to harness the compute of a significant footprint in locations that are otherwise un(der)-utilized. Workloads that require less data transfer and more compute can benefit tremendously from access to Spot Instances in other regions. For example, things like build servers might run extraordinarily well in Europe during North American business hours and the reduction in compute cost might offset the data transfer to complete the job.


Spot placement scores can be used to make decisions about how, when, and where Spot Instances can be most efficiently utilized to deliver business needs, and at greatly reduced prices. We’re very excited to release this tool to enable you to tap into information which was previously unavailable and make data-driven decisions for your business. The information in this post, combined with the output of placement scores over time, is a significant evolution.

Install the Spot placement score tracker today, configure it to match an existing Spot workload, and see how you might perform at different times or different locations.  Explore more robust options and discover greater capacity and lower interruptions. Or investigate how On-Demand workloads could migrate to Spot Instances.

Optimizing GPU utilization for AI/ML workloads on Amazon EC2

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/optimizing-gpu-utilization-for-ai-ml-workloads-on-amazon-ec2/

­­­­This blog post is written by Ben Minahan, DevOps Consultant, and Amir Sotoodeh, Machine Learning Engineer.

Machine learning workloads can be costly, and artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) teams can have a difficult time tracking and maintaining efficient resource utilization. ML workloads often utilize GPUs extensively, so typical application performance metrics such as CPU, memory, and disk usage don’t paint the full picture when it comes to system performance. Additionally, data scientists conduct long-running experiments and model training activities on existing compute instances that fit their unique specifications. Forcing these experiments to be run on newly provisioned infrastructure with proper monitoring systems installed might not be a viable option.

In this post, we describe how to track GPU utilization across all of your AI/ML workloads and enable accurate capacity planning without needing teams to use a custom Amazon Machine Image (AMI) or to re-deploy their existing infrastructure. You can use Amazon CloudWatch to track GPU utilization, and leverage AWS Systems Manager Run Command to install and configure the agent across your existing fleet of GPU-enabled instances.


First, make sure that your existing Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances have the Systems Manager Agent installed, and also have the appropriate level of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions to run the Amazon CloudWatch Agent. Next, specify the configuration for the CloudWatch Agent in Systems Manager Parameter Store, and then deploy the CloudWatch Agent to our GPU-enabled EC2 instances. Finally, create a CloudWatch Dashboard to analyze GPU utilization.

Architecture Diagram depicting the integration between AWS Systems Manager with RunCommand Arguments stored in SSM Parameter Store, your Amazon GPU enabled EC2 instance with installed Amazon CloudWatch Agen­t, and Amazon CloudWatch Dashboard that aggregates and displays the ­reported metrics.

  1. Install the CloudWatch Agent on your existing GPU-enabled EC2 instances.
  2. Your CloudWatch Agent configuration is stored in Systems Manager Parameter Store.
  3. Systems Manager Documents are used to install and configure the CloudWatch Agent on your EC2 instances.
  4. GPU metrics are published to CloudWatch, which you can then visualize through the CloudWatch Dashboard.


This post assumes you already have GPU-enabled EC2 workloads running in your AWS account. If the EC2 instance doesn’t have any GPUs, then the custom configuration won’t be applied to the CloudWatch Agent. Instead, the default configuration is used. For those instances, leveraging the CloudWatch Agent’s default configuration is better suited for tracking resource utilization.

For the CloudWatch Agent to collect your instance’s GPU metrics, the proper NVIDIA drivers must be installed on your instance. Several AWS official AMIs including the Deep Learning AMI already have these drivers installed. To see a list of AMIs with the NVIDIA drivers pre-installed, and for full installation instructions for Linux-based instances, see Install NVIDIA drivers on Linux instances.

Additionally, deploying and managing the CloudWatch Agent requires the instances to be running. If your instances are currently stopped, then you must start them to follow the instructions outlined in this post.

Preparing your EC2 instances

You utilize Systems Manager to deploy the CloudWatch Agent, so make sure that your EC2 instances have the Systems Manager Agent installed. Many AWS-provided AMIs already have the Systems Manager Agent installed. For a full list of the AMIs which have the Systems Manager Agent pre-installed, see Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) with SSM Agent preinstalled. If your AMI doesn’t have the Systems Manager Agent installed, see Working with SSM Agent for instructions on installing based on your operating system (OS).

Once installed, the CloudWatch Agent needs certain permissions to accept commands from Systems Manager, read Systems Manager Parameter Store entries, and publish metrics to CloudWatch. These permissions are bundled into the managed IAM policies AmazonEC2RoleforSSM, AmazonSSMReadOnlyAccess, and CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy. To create a new IAM role and associated IAM instance profile with these policies attached, you can run the following AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) commands, replacing <REGION_NAME> with your AWS region, and <INSTANCE_ID> with the EC2 Instance ID that you want to associate with the instance profile:

aws iam create-role --role-name CloudWatch-Agent-Role --assume-role-policy-document  '{"Statement":{"Effect":"Allow","Principal":{"Service":"ec2.amazonaws.com"},"Action":"sts:AssumeRole"}}'
aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name CloudWatch-Agent-Role --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2RoleforSSM
aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name CloudWatch-Agent-Role --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMReadOnlyAccess
aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name CloudWatch-Agent-Role --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy
aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name CloudWatch-Agent-Instance-Profile
aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile --instance-profile-name CloudWatch-Agent-Instance-Profile --role-name CloudWatch-Agent-Role
aws ec2 associate-iam-instance-profile --region <REGION_NAME> --instance-id <INSTANCE_ID> --iam-instance-profile Name=CloudWatch-Agent-Instance-Profile

Alternatively, you can attach the IAM policies to your existing IAM role associated with an existing IAM instance profile.

aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name <ROLE_NAME> --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2RoleforSSM
aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name <ROLE_NAME> --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMReadOnlyAccess
aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name <ROLE_NAME> --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy
aws ec2 associate-iam-instance-profile --region <REGION_NAME> --instance-id <INSTANCE_ID> --iam-instance-profile Name=<INSTANCE_PROFILE>

Once complete, you should see that your EC2 instance is associated with the appropriate IAM role.

An Amazon EC2 Instance with the CloudWatch-Agent-Role IAM Role attached

This role should have the AmazonEC2RoleforSSM, AmazonSSMReadOnlyAccess and CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy IAM policies attached.

The CloudWatch-Agent-Role IAM Role’s attached permission policies, Amazon EC2 Role for SSM, CloudWatch Agent Server ¬Policy, and Amazon SSM Read Only Access

Configuring and deploying the CloudWatch Agent

Before deploying the CloudWatch Agent onto our EC2 instances, make sure that those agents are properly configured to collect GPU metrics. To do this, you must create a CloudWatch Agent configuration and store it in Systems Manager Parameter Store.

Copy the following into a file cloudwatch-agent-config.json:

    "agent": {
        "metrics_collection_interval": 60,
        "run_as_user": "cwagent"
    "metrics": {
        "aggregation_dimensions": [
        "append_dimensions": {
            "AutoScalingGroupName": "${aws:AutoScalingGroupName}",
            "ImageId": "${aws:ImageId}",
            "InstanceId": "${aws:InstanceId}",
            "InstanceType": "${aws:InstanceType}"
        "metrics_collected": {
            "cpu": {
                "measurement": [
                "metrics_collection_interval": 60,
                "resources": [
                "totalcpu": false
            "disk": {
                "measurement": [
                "metrics_collection_interval": 60,
                "resources": [
            "diskio": {
                "measurement": [
                "metrics_collection_interval": 60,
                "resources": [
            "mem": {
                "measurement": [
                "metrics_collection_interval": 60
            "swap": {
                "measurement": [
                "metrics_collection_interval": 60
            "nvidia_gpu": {
                "measurement": [
                "metrics_collection_interval": 60

Run the following AWS CLI command to deploy a Systems Manager Parameter CloudWatch-Agent-Config, which contains a minimal agent configuration for GPU metrics collection. Replace <REGION_NAME> with your AWS Region.

aws ssm put-parameter \
--region <REGION_NAME> \
--name CloudWatch-Agent-Config \
--type String \
--value file://cloudwatch-agent-config.json

Now you can see a CloudWatch-Agent-Config parameter in Systems Manager Parameter Store, containing your CloudWatch Agent’s JSON configuration.

CloudWatch-Agent-Config stored in Systems Manager Parameter Store

Next, install the CloudWatch Agent on your EC2 instances. To do this, you can leverage Systems Manager Run Command, specifically the AWS-ConfigureAWSPackage document which automates the CloudWatch Agent installation.

  1. Run the following AWS CLI command, replacing <REGION_NAME> with the Region into which your instances are deployed, and <INSTANCE_ID> with the EC2 Instance ID on which you want to install the CloudWatch Agent.
aws ssm send-command \
--query 'Command.CommandId' \
--region <REGION_NAME> \
--instance-ids <INSTANCE_ID> \
--document-name AWS-ConfigureAWSPackage \
--parameters '{"action":["Install"],"installationType":["In-place update"],"version":["latest"],"name":["AmazonCloudWatchAgent"]}'

2. To monitor the status of your command, use the get-command-invocation AWS CLI command. Replace <COMMAND_ID> with the command ID output from the previous step, <REGION_NAME> with your AWS region, and <INSTANCE_ID> with your EC2 instance ID.

aws ssm get-command-invocation --query Status --region <REGION_NAME> --command-id <COMMAND_ID> --instance-id <INSTANCE_ID>

3.Wait for the command to show the status Success before proceeding.

$ aws ssm send-command \
	 --query 'Command.CommandId' \
    --region us-east-2 \
    --instance-ids i-0123456789abcdef \
    --document-name AWS-ConfigureAWSPackage \
    --parameters '{"action":["Install"],"installationType":["Uninstall and reinstall"],"version":["latest"],"additionalArguments":["{}"],"name":["AmazonCloudWatchAgent"]}'


$ aws ssm get-command-invocation --query Status --region us-east-2 --command-id 5d8419db-9c48-434c-8460-0519640046cf --instance-id i-0123456789abcdef


Repeat this process for all EC2 instances on which you want to install the CloudWatch Agent.

Next, configure the CloudWatch Agent installation. For this, once again leverage Systems Manager Run Command. However, this time the AmazonCloudWatch-ManageAgent document which applies your custom agent configuration is stored in the Systems Manager Parameter Store to your deployed agents.

  1. Run the following AWS CLI command, replacing <REGION_NAME> with the Region into which your instances are deployed, and <INSTANCE_ID> with the EC2 Instance ID on which you want to configure the CloudWatch Agent.
aws ssm send-command \
--query 'Command.CommandId' \
--region <REGION_NAME> \
--instance-ids <INSTANCE_ID> \
--document-name AmazonCloudWatch-ManageAgent \
--parameters '{"action":["configure"],"mode":["ec2"],"optionalConfigurationSource":["ssm"],"optionalConfigurationLocation":["/CloudWatch-Agent-Config"],"optionalRestart":["yes"]}'

2. To monitor the status of your command, utilize the get-command-invocation AWS CLI command. Replace <COMMAND_ID> with the command ID output from the previous step, <REGION_NAME> with your AWS region, and <INSTANCE_ID> with your EC2 instance ID.

aws ssm get-command-invocation --query Status --region <REGION_NAME> --command-id <COMMAND_ID> --instance-id <INSTANCE_ID>

3. Wait for the command to show the status Success before proceeding.

$ aws ssm send-command \
    --query 'Command.CommandId' \
    --region us-east-2 \
    --instance-ids i-0123456789abcdef \
    --document-name AmazonCloudWatch-ManageAgent \
    --parameters '{"action":["configure"],"mode":["ec2"],"optionalConfigurationSource":["ssm"],"optionalConfigurationLocation":["/CloudWatch-Agent-Config"],"optionalRestart":["yes"]}'


$ aws ssm get-command-invocation --query Status --region us-east-2 --command-id 9a4a5c43-0795-4fd3-afed-490873eaca63 --instance-id i-0123456789abcdef


Repeat this process for all EC2 instances on which you want to install the CloudWatch Agent. Once finished, the CloudWatch Agent installation and configuration is complete, and your EC2 instances now report GPU metrics to CloudWatch.

Visualize your instance’s GPU metrics in CloudWatch

Now that your GPU-enabled EC2 Instances are publishing their utilization metrics to CloudWatch, you can visualize and analyze these metrics to better understand your resource utilization patterns.

The GPU metrics collected by the CloudWatch Agent are within the CWAgent namespace. Explore your GPU metrics using the CloudWatch Metrics Explorer, or deploy our provided sample dashboard.

  1. Copy the following into a file, cloudwatch-dashboard.json, replacing instances of <REGION_NAME> with your Region:
    "widgets": [
            "height": 10,
            "width": 24,
            "y": 16,
            "x": 0,
            "type": "metric",
            "properties": {
                "metrics": [
                    [{"expression": "SELECT AVG(nvidia_smi_utilization_gpu) FROM SCHEMA(\"CWAgent\", InstanceId) GROUP BY InstanceId","id": "q1"}]
                "view": "timeSeries",
                "stacked": false,
                "region": "<REGION_NAME>",
                "stat": "Average",
                "period": 300,
                "title": "GPU Core Utilization",
                "yAxis": {
                    "left": {"label": "Percent","max": 100,"min": 0,"showUnits": false}
            "height": 7,
            "width": 8,
            "y": 0,
            "x": 0,
            "type": "metric",
            "properties": {
                "metrics": [
                    [{"expression": "SELECT AVG(nvidia_smi_utilization_gpu) FROM SCHEMA(\"CWAgent\", InstanceId)", "label": "Utilization","id": "q1"}]
                "view": "gauge",
                "stacked": false,
                "region": "<REGION_NAME>",
                "stat": "Average",
                "period": 300,
                "title": "Average GPU Core Utilization",
                "yAxis": {"left": {"max": 100, "min": 0}
                "liveData": false
            "height": 9,
            "width": 24,
            "y": 7,
            "x": 0,
            "type": "metric",
            "properties": {
                "metrics": [
                    [{ "expression": "SEARCH(' MetricName=\"nvidia_smi_memory_used\" {\"CWAgent\", InstanceId} ', 'Average')", "id": "m1", "visible": false }],
                    [{ "expression": "SEARCH(' MetricName=\"nvidia_smi_memory_total\" {\"CWAgent\", InstanceId} ', 'Average')", "id": "m2", "visible": false }],
                    [{ "expression": "SEARCH(' MetricName=\"mem_used_percent\" {CWAgent, InstanceId} ', 'Average')", "id": "m3", "visible": false }],
                    [{ "expression": "100*AVG(m1)/AVG(m2)", "label": "GPU", "id": "e2", "color": "#17becf" }],
                    [{ "expression": "AVG(m3)", "label": "RAM", "id": "e3" }]
                "view": "timeSeries",
                "stacked": false,
                "region": "<REGION_NAME>",
                "stat": "Average",
                "period": 300,
                "yAxis": {
                    "left": {"min": 0,"max": 100,"label": "Percent","showUnits": false}
                "title": "Average Memory Utilization"
            "height": 7,
            "width": 8,
            "y": 0,
            "x": 8,
            "type": "metric",
            "properties": {
                "metrics": [
                    [ { "expression": "SEARCH(' MetricName=\"nvidia_smi_memory_used\" {\"CWAgent\", InstanceId} ', 'Average')", "id": "m1", "visible": false } ],
                    [ { "expression": "SEARCH(' MetricName=\"nvidia_smi_memory_total\" {\"CWAgent\", InstanceId} ', 'Average')", "id": "m2", "visible": false } ],
                    [ { "expression": "100*AVG(m1)/AVG(m2)", "label": "Utilization", "id": "e2" } ]
                "sparkline": true,
                "view": "gauge",
                "region": "<REGION_NAME>",
                "stat": "Average",
                "period": 300,
                "yAxis": {
                    "left": {"min": 0,"max": 100}
                "liveData": false,
                "title": "GPU Memory Utilization"

2. run the following AWS CLI command, replacing <REGION_NAME> with the name of your Region:

aws cloudwatch put-dashboard \
    --region <REGION_NAME> \
    --dashboard-name My-GPU-Usage \
    --dashboard-body file://cloudwatch-dashboard.json

View the My-GPU-Usage CloudWatch dashboard in the CloudWatch console for your AWS region..

An example CloudWatch dashboard, My-GPU-Usage, showing the GPU usage metrics over time.

Cleaning Up

To avoid incurring future costs for resources created by following along in this post, delete the following:

  1. My-GPU-Usage CloudWatch Dashboard
  2. CloudWatch-Agent-Config Systems Manager Parameter
  3. CloudWatch-Agent-Role IAM Role


By following along with this post, you deployed and configured the CloudWatch Agent across your GPU-enabled EC2 instances to track GPU utilization without pausing in-progress experiments and model training. Then, you visualized the GPU utilization of your workloads with a CloudWatch Dashboard to better understand your workload’s GPU usage and make more informed scaling and cost decisions. For other ways that Amazon CloudWatch can improve your organization’s operational insights, see the Amazon CloudWatch documentation.

Streaming Android games from cloud to mobile with AWS Graviton-based Amazon EC2 G5g instances

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/streaming-android-games-from-cloud-to-mobile-with-aws-graviton-based-amazon-ec2-g5g-instances/

This blog post is written by Vincent Wang, GCR EC2 Specialist SA, Compute.

Streaming games from the cloud to mobile devices is an emerging technology that allows less powerful and less expensive devices to play high-quality games with lower battery consumption and less storage capacity. This technology enables a wider audience to enjoy high-end gaming experiences from their existing devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs.

To load games for streaming on AWS, it’s necessary to use Android environments that can utilize GPU acceleration for graphics rendering and optimize for network latency. Cloud-native products, such as the Anbox Cloud Appliance or Genymotion available on the AWS Marketplace, can provide a cost-effective containerized solution for game streaming workloads on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).

For example, Anbox Cloud’s virtual device infrastructure can run games with low latency and high frame rates. When combined with the AWS Graviton-based Amazon EC2 G5g instances, which offer a cost reduction of up to 30% per-game stream per-hour compared to x86-based GPU instances, it enables companies to serve millions of customers in a cost-efficient manner.

In this post, we chose the Anbox Cloud Appliance to demonstrate how you can use it to stream a resource-demanding game called Genshin Impact. We use a G5g instance along with a mobile phone to run the streamed game inside of a Firefox browser application.


Graviton-based instances utilize fewer compute resources than x86-based instances due to the 64-bit architecture of Arm processors used in AWS Graviton servers. As shown in the following diagram, Graviton instances eliminate the need for cross-compilation or Android emulation. This simplifies development efforts and reduces time-to-market, thereby lowering the cost-per-stream. With G5g instances, customers can now run their Android games natively, encode CPU or GPU-rendered graphics, and stream the game over the network to multiple mobile devices.

Architecture difference when running Android on X86-based instance and Graviton-based instance.

Figure 1: Architecture difference when running Android on X86-based instance and Graviton-based instance.

Real-time ray-traced rendering is required for most modern games to deliver photorealistic objects and environments with physically accurate shadows, reflections, and refractions. The G5g instance, which is powered by AWS Graviton2 processors and NVIDIA T4G Tensor Core GPUs, provides a cost-effective solution for running these resource-intensive games.


Architecture of Android Streaming Game.

Figure 2: Architecture of Android Streaming Game.

When streaming games from a mobile device, only input data (touchscreen, audio, etc.) is sent over the network to the game streaming server hosted on a G5g instance. Then, the input is directed to the appropriate Android container designated for that particular client. The game application running in the container processes the input and updates the game state accordingly. Then, the resulting rendered image frames are sent back to the mobile device for display on the screen. In certain games, such as multiplayer games, the streaming server must communicate with external game servers to reflect the full game state. In these cases, additional data is transferred to and from game servers and back to the mobile client. The communication between clients and the streaming server is performed using the WebRTC network protocol to minimize latency and make sure that users’ gaming experience isn’t affected.

The Graviton processor handles compute-intensive tasks, such as the Android runtime and I/O transactions on the streaming server. However, for resource-demanding games, the Nvidia GPU is utilized for graphics rendering. To scale effortlessly, the Anbox Cloud software can be utilized to manage and execute several game sessions on the same instance.


First, you need an Ubuntu single sign-on (SSO) account. If you don’t have one yet, you may create one from Ubuntu One website. Then you need an Android mobile phone with Firefox or Chrome browser installed to play the streaming games.


We can install Anbox Cloud Appliance in the AWS Marketplace. Select the Arm variant so that it works on Graviton-based instances. If the subscription doesn’t work on the first try, then you receive an email which guides you to a page where you can try again.

Figure 3: Subscribe Anbox Cloud Appliance in AWS Marketplace.

Figure 3: Subscribe Anbox Cloud Appliance in AWS Marketplace.

In this demonstration, we select G5g.xlarge in the Instance type section and leave all settings with default values, except the storage as per the following:

  1. A root disk with minimum 50 GB (required)
  2. An additional Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume with at least 100 GB (recommended)

For the Genshin Impact demo, we recommend a specific amount of storage. However, when deploying your Android applications, you must select an appropriate storage size based on the package size. Additionally, you should choose an instance size based on the resources that you plan to utilize for your gaming sessions, such as CPU, memory, and networking. In our demo, we launched only one session from a single mobile device.

Launch the instance and wait until it reaches running status. Then you can secure shell (SSH) to the instance to configure the Android environment.

Install Anbox cloud

To make sure of the security and reliability of some of the package repositories used, we update the CUDA Linux GPG Repository Key. View this Nvidia blog post for more details on this procedure.

$ sudo apt-key del 7fa2af80

$ wget

https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu2004/sbsa/cuda keyring_1.0-1_all.deb

$ sudo dpkg -i cuda-keyring_1.0-1_all.deb

As the Android in Anbox Cloud Appliance is running in an LXD container environment, upgrade LXD to the latest version.

  $ sudo snap refresh –channel=5.0/stable lxd

Install the Anbox Cloud Appliance software using the following command and selecting the default answers:

  $ sudo anbox-cloud-appliance init

Watch the status page at https://$(ec2_public_DNS_name) for progress information.

Figure 4: The status of deploying Anbox Cloud.

Figure 4: The status of deploying Anbox Cloud.

The initialization process takes approximately 20 minutes. After it’s complete, register the Ubuntu SSO account previously created, then follow the instructions provided to finalize the process.

  $ anbox-cloud-appliance dashboard register <your Ubuntu SSO email address>

Stream an Android game application

Use the sample from the following repo to setup the service on the streaming server:

  $ git clone https://github.com/anbox-cloud/cloud-gaming-demo.git

Build the Flutter web UI:

$ sudo snap install flutter –classic

$ cd cloud-gaming-demo/ui && flutter build web && cd ..

$ mkdir -p backend/service/static

$ cp -av ui/build/web/* backend/service/static

Then build the backend service which processes requests and interacts with the Anbox Stream Gateway to create instances of game applications. Start by preparing the environment:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip

$ sudo pip3 install virtualenv

$ cd backend && virtualenv venv

Create the configuration file for the backend service so that it can access the Anbox Stream Gateway. There are two parameters to set: gateway-URL and gateway-token. The gateway token can be obtained from the following command:

$ anbox-cloud-appliance gateway account create <account-name>

Create a file called config.yaml that contains the two values:

gateway-url: https:// <EC2 public DNS name>

gateway-token: <gateway_token>

Add the following line to the activate hook in the backend/venv/bin/ directory so that the backend service can read config.yaml on its startup:

$ export CONFIG_PATH=<path_to_config_yaml>

Now we can launch the backend service which will be served by default on TCP port 8002.


In the next steps, we download a game and build it via Anbox Cloud. We need an Android APK and a configuration file. Create a folder under the HOME directory and create a manifest.yaml file in the folder. In this example, we must add the following details in the file. You can refer to the Anbox Cloud documentation for more information on the format.

name: genshin

instance-type: g10.3


cpus: 10

memory: 25GB

disk-size: 50GB

gpu-slots: 15

features: [“enable_virtual_keyboard”]

Select an APK for the arm64-v8a architecture which is natively supported on Graviton. In this example, we download Genshin Impact, an action role-playing game developed and published by miHoYo. You must supply your own Android APK if you want to try these steps. Download the APK into the folder and rename it to app.apk. Overall, the final layout of the game folder should look as follows:


├── app.apk

└── manifest.yaml

Run the following command from the folder to create the application:

$ amc application create  .

Wait until the application status changes to ready. You can monitor the status with the following command:

$ amc application ls

Edit the following:

  1. Update the gameids variable defined in the ui/lib/homepage.dart file to include the name of the game (as declared in the manifest file).
  2. Insert a new key/value pair to the static appNameMap and appDesMap variables defined in the lib/api/application.dart file.
  3. Provide a screenshot of the game (in jpeg format), rename it to <game-name>.jpeg, and put it into the ui/lib/assets directory.

Then, re-build the web UI, copy the contents from the ui/build/web folder to the backend/service/static directory, and refresh the webpage.

Test the game

Using your mobile phone, open the Firefox browser or another browser that supports WebRTC. Type the public DNS name of the G5g instance with the 8002 TCP port, and you should see something similar to the following:

Figure 5: The webpage of the Android streaming game portal.

Figure 5: The webpage of the Android streaming game portal.

Select the Play now button, wait a moment for the application to be setup on the server side, and then enjoy the game.

Figure 6: The screen capture of playing Android streaming game.

Figure 6: The screen capture of playing Android streaming game.


Please cancel the subscription of the Anbox Cloud Appliance in the AWS Marketplace, you can follow the AWS Marketplace Buyer Guide for more details, then terminate the G5g.xlarge instance to avoid incurring future costs.


In this post, we demonstrated how a resource-intensive Android game runs natively on a Graviton-based G5g instance and is streamed to an Arm-based mobile device. The benefits include better price-performance, reduced development effort, and faster time-to-market. One way to run your games efficiently on the cloud is through software available on the AWS Marketplace, such as the Anbox Cloud Appliance, which was showcased as an example method.

To learn more about AWS Graviton, visit the official product page and the technical guide.

Amazon EC2 Inf2 Instances for Low-Cost, High-Performance Generative AI Inference are Now Generally Available

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-ec2-inf2-instances-for-low-cost-high-performance-generative-ai-inference-are-now-generally-available/

Innovations in deep learning (DL), especially the rapid growth of large language models (LLMs), have taken the industry by storm. DL models have grown from millions to billions of parameters and are demonstrating exciting new capabilities. They are fueling new applications such as generative AI or advanced research in healthcare and life sciences. AWS has been innovating across chips, servers, data center connectivity, and software to accelerate such DL workloads at scale.

At AWS re:Invent 2022, we announced the preview of Amazon EC2 Inf2 instances powered by AWS Inferentia2, the latest AWS-designed ML chip. Inf2 instances are designed to run high-performance DL inference applications at scale globally. They are the most cost-effective and energy-efficient option on Amazon EC2 for deploying the latest innovations in generative AI, such as GPT-J or Open Pre-trained Transformer (OPT) language models.

Today, I’m excited to announce that Amazon EC2 Inf2 instances are now generally available!

Inf2 instances are the first inference-optimized instances in Amazon EC2 to support scale-out distributed inference with ultra-high-speed connectivity between accelerators. You can now efficiently deploy models with hundreds of billions of parameters across multiple accelerators on Inf2 instances. Compared to Amazon EC2 Inf1 instances, Inf2 instances deliver up to 4x higher throughput and up to 10x lower latency. Here’s an infographic that highlights the key performance improvements that we have made available with the new Inf2 instances:

Performance improvements with Amazon EC2 Inf2

New Inf2 Instance Highlights
Inf2 instances are available today in four sizes and are powered by up to 12 AWS Inferentia2 chips with 192 vCPUs. They offer a combined compute power of 2.3 petaFLOPS at BF16 or FP16 data types and feature an ultra-high-speed NeuronLink interconnect between chips. NeuronLink scales large models across multiple Inferentia2 chips, avoids communication bottlenecks, and enables higher-performance inference.

Inf2 instances offer up to 384 GB of shared accelerator memory, with 32 GB high-bandwidth memory (HBM) in every Inferentia2 chip and 9.8 TB/s of total memory bandwidth. This type of bandwidth is particularly important to support inference for large language models that are memory bound.

Since the underlying AWS Inferentia2 chips are purpose-built for DL workloads, Inf2 instances offer up to 50 percent better performance per watt than other comparable Amazon EC2 instances. I’ll cover the AWS Inferentia2 silicon innovations in more detail later in this blog post.

The following table lists the sizes and specs of Inf2 instances in detail.

Instance Name
vCPUs AWS Inferentia2 Chips Accelerator Memory NeuronLink Instance Memory Instance Networking
inf2.xlarge 4 1 32 GB N/A 16 GB Up to 15 Gbps
inf2.8xlarge 32 1 32 GB N/A 128 GB Up to 25 Gbps
inf2.24xlarge 96 6 192 GB Yes 384 GB 50 Gbps
inf2.48xlarge 192 12 384 GB Yes 768 GB 100 Gbps

AWS Inferentia2 Innovation
Similar to AWS Trainium chips, each AWS Inferentia2 chip has two improved NeuronCore-v2 engines, HBM stacks, and dedicated collective compute engines to parallelize computation and communication operations when performing multi-accelerator inference.

Each NeuronCore-v2 has dedicated scalar, vector, and tensor engines that are purpose-built for DL algorithms. The tensor engine is optimized for matrix operations. The scalar engine is optimized for element-wise operations like ReLU (rectified linear unit) functions. The vector engine is optimized for non-element-wise vector operations, including batch normalization or pooling.

Here is a short summary of additional AWS Inferentia2 chip and server hardware innovations:

  • Data Types – AWS Inferentia2 supports a wide range of data types, including FP32, TF32, BF16, FP16, and UINT8, so you can choose the most suitable data type for your workloads. It also supports the new configurable FP8 (cFP8) data type, which is especially relevant for large models because it reduces the memory footprint and I/O requirements of the model. The following image compares the supported data types.AWS Inferentia2 Supported Data Types
  • Dynamic Execution, Dynamic Input Shapes – AWS Inferentia2 has embedded general-purpose digital signal processors (DSPs) that enable dynamic execution, so control flow operators don’t need to be unrolled or executed on the host. AWS Inferentia2 also supports dynamic input shapes that are key for models with unknown input tensor sizes, such as models processing text.
  • Custom Operators – AWS Inferentia2 supports custom operators written in C++. Neuron Custom C++ Operators enable you to write C++ custom operators that natively run on NeuronCores. You can use standard PyTorch custom operator programming interfaces to migrate CPU custom operators to Neuron and implement new experimental operators, all without any intimate knowledge of the NeuronCore hardware.
  • NeuronLink v2 – Inf2 instances are the first inference-optimized instance on Amazon EC2 to support distributed inference with direct ultra-high-speed connectivity—NeuronLink v2—between chips. NeuronLink v2 uses collective communications (CC) operators such as all-reduce to run high-performance inference pipelines across all chips.

The following Inf2 distributed inference benchmarks show throughput and cost improvements for OPT-30B and OPT-66B models over comparable inference-optimized Amazon EC2 instances.

Amazon EC2 Inf2 Benchmarks

Now, let me show you how to get started with Amazon EC2 Inf2 instances.

Get Started with Inf2 Instances
The AWS Neuron SDK integrates AWS Inferentia2 into popular machine learning (ML) frameworks like PyTorch. The Neuron SDK includes a compiler, runtime, and profiling tools and is constantly being updated with new features and performance optimizations.

In this example, I will compile and deploy a pre-trained BERT model from Hugging Face on an EC2 Inf2 instance using the available PyTorch Neuron packages. PyTorch Neuron is based on the PyTorch XLA software package and enables the conversion of PyTorch operations to AWS Inferentia2 instructions.

SSH into your Inf2 instance and activate a Python virtual environment that includes the PyTorch Neuron packages. If you’re using a Neuron-provided AMI, you can activate the preinstalled environment by running the following command:

source aws_neuron_venv_pytorch_p37/bin/activate

Now, with only a few changes to your code, you can compile your PyTorch model into an AWS Neuron-optimized TorchScript. Let’s start with importing torch, the PyTorch Neuron package torch_neuronx, and the Hugging Face transformers library.

import torch
import torch_neuronx from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification
import transformers

Next, let’s build the tokenizer and model.

name = "bert-base-cased-finetuned-mrpc"
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(name)
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(name, torchscript=True)

We can test the model with example inputs. The model expects two sentences as input, and its output is whether or not those sentences are a paraphrase of each other.

def encode(tokenizer, *inputs, max_length=128, batch_size=1):
    tokens = tokenizer.encode_plus(
    return (
        torch.repeat_interleave(tokens['input_ids'], batch_size, 0),
        torch.repeat_interleave(tokens['attention_mask'], batch_size, 0),
        torch.repeat_interleave(tokens['token_type_ids'], batch_size, 0),

# Example inputs
sequence_0 = "The company Hugging Face is based in New York City"
sequence_1 = "Apples are especially bad for your health"
sequence_2 = "Hugging Face's headquarters are situated in Manhattan"

paraphrase = encode(tokenizer, sequence_0, sequence_2)
not_paraphrase = encode(tokenizer, sequence_0, sequence_1)

# Run the original PyTorch model on examples
paraphrase_reference_logits = model(*paraphrase)[0]
not_paraphrase_reference_logits = model(*not_paraphrase)[0]

print('Paraphrase Reference Logits: ', paraphrase_reference_logits.detach().numpy())
print('Not-Paraphrase Reference Logits:', not_paraphrase_reference_logits.detach().numpy())

The output should look similar to this:

Paraphrase Reference Logits:     [[-0.34945598  1.9003887 ]]
Not-Paraphrase Reference Logits: [[ 0.5386365 -2.2197142]]

Now, the torch_neuronx.trace() method sends operations to the Neuron Compiler (neuron-cc) for compilation and embeds the compiled artifacts in a TorchScript graph. The method expects the model and a tuple of example inputs as arguments.

neuron_model = torch_neuronx.trace(model, paraphrase)

Let’s test the Neuron-compiled model with our example inputs:

paraphrase_neuron_logits = neuron_model(*paraphrase)[0]
not_paraphrase_neuron_logits = neuron_model(*not_paraphrase)[0]

print('Paraphrase Neuron Logits: ', paraphrase_neuron_logits.detach().numpy())
print('Not-Paraphrase Neuron Logits: ', not_paraphrase_neuron_logits.detach().numpy())

The output should look similar to this:

Paraphrase Neuron Logits: [[-0.34915772 1.8981738 ]]
Not-Paraphrase Neuron Logits: [[ 0.5374032 -2.2180378]]

That’s it. With just a few lines of code changes, we compiled and ran a PyTorch model on an Amazon EC2 Inf2 instance. To learn more about which DL model architectures are a good fit for AWS Inferentia2 and the current model support matrix, visit the AWS Neuron Documentation.

Available Now
You can launch Inf2 instances today in the AWS US East (Ohio) and US East (N. Virginia) Regions as On-Demand, Reserved, and Spot Instances or as part of a Savings Plan. As usual with Amazon EC2, you pay only for what you use. For more information, see Amazon EC2 pricing.

Inf2 instances can be deployed using AWS Deep Learning AMIs, and container images are available via managed services such as Amazon SageMaker, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), and AWS ParallelCluster.

To learn more, visit our Amazon EC2 Inf2 instances page, and please send feedback to AWS re:Post for EC2 or through your usual AWS Support contacts.

— Antje

Implementing up-to-date images with automated EC2 Image Builder pipelines

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/implementing-up-to-date-images-with-automated-ec2-image-builder-pipelines/

This blog post is written by Devin Gordon, Senior Solutions Architect, WWPS, and Brad Watson, Senior Solutions Architect, WWPS.

Amazon EC2 Image Builder is a service designed to simplify the creation and deployment of customized Virtual Machine (VM) and container images on AWS or on-premises. The posts Automate OS Image Build Pipelines with EC2 Image Builder and Quickly build STIG-compliant Amazon Machine Images using Amazon EC2 Image Builder show how you can create secure images using EC2 Image Builder pipelines.

In this post, we demonstrate how to automatically keep your base or standard images current, incorporating patches and any other changes using EC2 Image Builder pipelines. We also demonstrate how to keep workload-specific images current using Cascading Pipelines, a feature of EC2 Image Builder.

Dependency updates

You can use the Dependency update feature of EC2 Image Builder pipelines to automatically update your standard image based on changes to your build components.

When you create an EC2 Image Builder pipeline, you can choose to run the pipeline on a schedule, either using a schedule builder or a CRON expression (a method of defining minute, hour, day and month for scheduling). Furthermore, you can choose to only run the pipeline if a component in the pipeline or the source image has changed. This is referred to as a dependency update as shown in the following image.

Figure 1 An example EC2 Image Builder pipeline schedule with dependency update settings

Figure 1: An example EC2 Image Builder pipeline schedule with dependency update settings

When you select “Run pipeline at the scheduled time if there are dependency updates,” your pipeline only executes if the Base AMI or any Build or Test components have changed. The version of your components must be updated for this capability to work. Amazon-provided components include versioning out of the box. Here is an example of three versions of an Amazon-provided Build component that apply Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) baselines to Linux images.

Figure 2 Different versions of one Amazon-managed Build component

Figure 2: Different versions of one Amazon-managed Build component

When a new STIG baseline build component is released, the component’s version is incremented. If a pipeline includes this type of versioned Build component and utilizes the dependency updates capability, then the pipeline automatically runs at the next scheduled interval after the component is updated. Pipelines utilizing this capability will run when the base AMI changes or when a Build or Test component changes.


To receive notifications about the pipeline execution, you can enable an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic from within EC2 Image Builder. Under the Infrastructure Configuration section of the EC2 Image Builder pipeline, identify an SNS topic as shown in the following image.

Figure 3 An example SNS topic for sending pipeline execution notifications

Figure 3: An example SNS topic for sending pipeline execution notifications

The SNS topic receives a notification if a pipeline runs and completes with a status of AVAILABLE or FAILED. This occurs even when a pipeline execution is triggered by a component change that you didn’t directly initiate, such as when a new version of an Amazon-managed build component is released.

Even if no other aspects of the infrastructure configuration are used in the pipeline (instance type, security group, subnet, etc.), the SNS topic capability can be used to send a notification when the pipeline executes. With this in mind, you can leverage Amazon SNS to make sure that you’re always notified of any pipeline executions as well as trigger AWS Lambda functions for automation.

Cascading pipelines

Cascading Pipelines are a feature of EC2 Image Builder that you can use to create workload-specific images from a standard secured image (aka “gold image”) of an organization. The following image shows how you can use Cascading Pipelines to keep workload specific images updated.

Figure 4 An example workflow for a EC2 Image Builder Cascading Pipelines

Figure 4: An example workflow for a EC2 Image Builder Cascading Pipelines

You create a gold image pipeline for a hardened base operating system (OS) using the steps outlined in Automate OS Image Build Pipelines with EC2 Image Builder. This pipeline could include a base OS, OS patches, Build components to harden the OS (such as STIG or CIS baselines), as well as any additional software required by the organization (agents, etc.). Do not include application- or workload-specific software in the pipeline. Infrastructure or distribution components may not be included in the pipeline to maintain flexibility for using the gold image. For example, you typically wouldn’t want to include VPC configurations in your golden AMI build because that would constrain the AMI to a particular VPC.

To create a Cascading Pipeline that uses the gold image for applications or workloads, in the Base Image section of the EC2 Image Builder console, choose Select Managed Images.

Figure 5 Selecting the base image of a pipeline

Figure 5: Selecting the base image of a pipeline

Then, select “Images Owned by Me” and under Image Name, select the EC2 Image Builder pipeline used to create the gold image. Moreover, select “Use Latest Available OS Version” under Auto-versioning options to make sure that the Cascading Pipeline is executed any time there is a change to the base image.

Figure 6 Choosing the base golden image from a previous pipeline execution

Figure 6: Choosing the base golden image from a previous pipeline execution

Use this configuration to maintain images for each application or workload which utilizes the gold image. Any time that an update is made to the gold image, application pipelines execute, thus providing updated images. To send notifications, SNS topics are enabled on each workload-specific pipeline.

In this post, we demonstrated how to automatically update images for any changes using EC2 Image Builder pipelines. We also demonstrated how to keep workload specific images using Cascading Pipelines. Using these features, you can make sure that your organization stays up-to-date on the latest OS patches and dependency changes, without requiring human intervention. For more information on EC2 Image Builder, see the official documentation.

Amazon GuardDuty Now Supports Amazon EKS Runtime Monitoring

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-guardduty-now-supports-amazon-eks-runtime-monitoring/

Since Amazon GuardDuty launched in 2017, GuardDuty has been capable of analyzing tens of billions of events per minute across multiple AWS data sources, such as AWS CloudTrail event logs, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) Flow Logs, and DNS query logs, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) data plane events, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) audit logs, and Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) login events to protect your AWS accounts and resources.

In 2020, GuardDuty added Amazon S3 protection to continuously monitor and profile S3 data access events and configurations to detect suspicious activities in Amazon S3. Last year, GuardDuty launched Amazon EKS protection to monitor control plane activity by analyzing Kubernetes audit logs from existing and new EKS clusters in your accounts, Amazon EBS malware protection to scan malicious files residing on an EC2 instance or container workload using EBS volumes, and Amazon RDS protection to identify potential threats to data stored in Amazon Aurora databases—recently generally available.

GuardDuty combines machine learning (ML), anomaly detection, network monitoring, and malicious file discovery using various AWS data sources. When threats are detected, GuardDuty automatically sends security findings to AWS Security Hub, Amazon EventBridge, and Amazon Detective. These integrations help centralize monitoring for AWS and partner services, automate responses to malware findings, and perform security investigations from GuardDuty.

Today, we are announcing the general availability of Amazon GuardDuty EKS Runtime Monitoring to detect runtime threats from over 30 security findings to protect your EKS clusters. The new EKS Runtime Monitoring uses a fully managed EKS add-on that adds visibility into individual container runtime activities, such as file access, process execution, and network connections.

GuardDuty can now identify specific containers within your EKS clusters that are potentially compromised and detect attempts to escalate privileges from an individual container to the underlying Amazon EC2 host and the broader AWS environment. GuardDuty EKS Runtime Monitoring findings provide metadata context to identify potential threats and contain them before they escalate.

Configure EKS Runtime Monitoring in GuardDuty
To get started, first enable EKS Runtime Monitoring with just a few clicks in the GuardDuty console.

Once you enable EKS Runtime Monitoring, GuardDuty can start monitoring and analyzing the runtime-activity events for all the existing and new EKS clusters for your accounts. If you want GuardDuty to deploy and update the required EKS-managed add-on for all the existing and new EKS clusters in your account, choose Manage agent automatically. This will also create a VPC endpoint through which the security agent delivers the runtime events to GuardDuty.

If you configure EKS Audit Log Monitoring and runtime monitoring together, you can achieve optimal EKS protection both at the cluster control plane level, and down to the individual pod or container operating system level. When used together, threat detection will be more contextual to allow quick prioritization and response. For example, a runtime-based detection on a pod exhibiting suspicious behavior can be augmented by an audit log-based detection, indicating the pod was unusually launched with elevated privileges.

These options are default, but they are configurable, and you can uncheck one of the boxes in order to disable EKS Runtime Monitoring. When you disable EKS Runtime Monitoring, GuardDuty immediately stops monitoring and analyzing the runtime-activity events for all the existing EKS clusters. If you had configured automated agent management through GuardDuty, this action also removes the security agent that GuardDuty had deployed.

Manage GuardDuty Agent Manually
If you want to manually deploy and update the EKS managed add-on, including the GuardDuty agent, per cluster in your account, uncheck Manage agent automatically in the EKS protection configuration.

When managing the add-on manually, you are also responsible for creating the VPC endpoint through which the security agent delivers the runtime events to GuardDuty. In the VPC endpoint console, choose Create endpoint. In the step, choose Other endpoint services for Service category, enter com.amazonaws.us-east-1.guardduty-data for Service name in the US East (N. Virginia) Region, and choose Verify service.

After the service name is successfully verified, choose VPC and subnets where your EKS cluster resides. Under Additional settings, choose Enable DNS name. Under Security groups, choose a security group that has the in-bound port 443 enabled from your VPC (or your EKS cluster).

Add the following policy to restrict VPC endpoint usage to the specified account only:

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Action": "*",
			"Resource": "*",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Principal": "*"
			"Condition": {
				"StringNotEquals": {
					"aws:PrincipalAccount": "123456789012"
			"Action": "*",
			"Resource": "*",
			"Effect": "Deny",
			"Principal": "*"

Now, you can install the Amazon GuardDuty EKS Runtime Monitoring add-on for your EKS clusters. Select this add-on in the Add-ons tab in your EKS cluster profile on the Amazon EKS console.

When you enable EKS Runtime Monitoring in GuardDuty and deploy the Amazon EKS add-on for your EKS cluster, you can view the new pods with the prefix amazon-guardduty-agent. GuardDuty now starts to consume runtime-activity events from all EC2 hosts and containers in the cluster. GuardDuty then analyzes these events for potential threats.

These pods collect various event types and send them to the GuardDuty backend for threat detection and analysis. When managing the add-on manually, you need to go through these steps for each EKS cluster that you want to monitor, including new EKS clusters. To learn more, see Managing GuardDuty agent manually in the AWS documentation.

Checkout EKS Runtime Security Findings
When GuardDuty detects a potential threat and generates a security finding, you can view the details of the corresponding findings. These security findings indicate either a compromised EC2 instance, container workload, an EKS cluster, or a set of compromised credentials in your AWS environment.

If you want to generate EKS Runtime Monitoring sample findings for testing purposes, see Generating sample findings in GuardDuty in the AWS documentation. Here is an example of potential security issues: a newly created or recently modified binary file in an EKS cluster has been executed.

The ResourceType for an EKS Protection finding type could be an Instance, EKSCluster, or Container. If the Resource type in the finding details is EKSCluster, it indicates that either a pod or a container inside an EKS cluster is potentially compromised. Depending on the potentially compromised resource type, the finding details may contain Kubernetes workload details, EKS cluster details, or instance details.

The Runtime details such as process details and any required context describe information about the observed process, and the runtime context describes any additional information about the potentially suspicious activity.

To remediate a compromised pod or container image, see Remediating Kubernetes security issues discovered by GuardDuty in the AWS documentation. This document describes the recommended remediation steps for each resource type. To learn more about security finding types, see GuardDuty EKS Runtime Monitoring finding types in the AWS documentation.

Now Available
You can now use Amazon GuardDuty for EKS Runtime Monitoring. For a full list of Regions where EKS Runtime Monitoring is available, visit region-specific feature availability.

The first 30 days of GuardDuty for EKS Runtime Monitoring are available at no additional charge for existing GuardDuty accounts. If you enabled GuardDuty for the first time, EKS Runtime Monitoring is not enabled by default, and needs to be enabled as described above. After the trial period ends in the GuardDuty, you can see the estimated cost of EKS Runtime Monitoring. To learn more, see the GuardDuty pricing page.

For more information, see the Amazon GuardDuty User Guide and send feedback to AWS re:Post for Amazon GuardDuty or through your usual AWS support contacts.


Building diversified and cost-optimized EC2 server groups in Spinnaker

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-diversified-and-cost-optimized-ec2-server-groups-in-spinnaker/

This blog post is written by Sandeep Palavalasa, Sr. Specialist Containers SA, and Prathibha Datta-Kumar, Software Development Engineer

Spinnaker is an open source continuous delivery platform created by Netflix for releasing software changes rapidly and reliably. It enables teams to automate deployments into pipelines that are run whenever a new version is released with proven deployment strategies that are faster and more dependable with zero downtime. For many AWS customers, Spinnaker is a critical piece of technology that allows developers to deploy their applications safely and reliably across different AWS managed services.

Listening to customer requests on the Spinnaker open source project and in the Amazon EC2 Spot Instances integrations roadmap, we have further enhanced Spinnaker’s ability to deploy on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). The enhancements make it easier to combine Spot Instances with On-Demand, Reserved, and Savings Plans Instances to optimize workload costs with performance. You can improve workload availability when using Spot Instances with features such as allocation strategies and proactive Spot capacity rebalancing, when you are flexible about Instance types and Availability Zones. Combinations of these features offer the best possible experience when using Amazon EC2 with Spinnaker.

In this post, we detail the recent enhancements, along with a walkthrough of how you can use them following the best practices.

Amazon EC2 Spot Instances

EC2 Spot Instances are spare compute capacity in the AWS Cloud available at steep discounts of up to 90% when compared to On-Demand Instance prices. The primary difference between an On-Demand Instance and a Spot Instance is that a Spot Instance can be interrupted by Amazon EC2 with a two-minute notification when Amazon EC2 needs the capacity back. Amazon EC2 now sends rebalance recommendation notifications when Spot Instances are at an elevated risk of interruption. This signal can arrive sooner than the two-minute interruption notice. This lets you proactively replace your Spot Instances before it’s interrupted.

The best way to adhere to Spot best practices and instance fleet management is by using an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group When using Spot Instances in Auto Scaling group, enabling Capacity Rebalancing helps you maintain workload availability by proactively augmenting your fleet with a new Spot Instance before a running instance is interrupted by Amazon EC2.

Spinnaker concepts

Spinnaker uses three key concepts to describe your services, including applications, clusters, and server groups, and how your services are exposed to users is expressed as Load balancers and firewalls.

An application is a collection of clusters, a cluster is a collection of server groups, and a server group identifies the deployable artifact and basic configuration settings such as the number of instances, autoscaling policies, metadata, etc. This corresponds to an Auto Scaling group in AWS. We use Auto Scaling groups and server groups interchangeably in this post.

Spinnaker and Amazon EC2 Integration

In mid-2020, we started looking into customer requests and gaps in the Amazon EC2 feature set supported in Spinnaker. Around the same time, Spinnaker OSS added support for Amazon EC2 Launch Templates. Thanks to their effort, we could follow-up and expand the Amazon EC2 feature set supported in Spinnaker. Now that we understand the new features, let’s look at how to use some of them in the following tutorial spinnaker.io.

Here are some highlights of the features contributed recently:

Feature Why use it? (Example use cases)
  Multiple Instance Types   Tap into multiple capacity pools to achieve and maintain the desired scale using Spot Instances.
  Combining On-Demand and Spot Instances

  – Control the proportion of On-Demand and Spot Instances launched in your sever group.

– Combine Spot Instances with Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances or Savings Plans.

  Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling allocation strategies   Reduce overall Spot interruptions by launching from Spot pools that are optimally chosen based on the available Spot capacity, using capacity-optimized Spot allocation strategy.
  Capacity rebalancing   Improve your workload availability by proactively shifting your Spot capacity to optimal pools by enabling capacity rebalancing along with capacity-optimized allocation strategy.
  Improved support for burstable performance instance types with custom credit specification   Reduce costs by preventing wastage of CPU cycles.

We recommend using Spinnaker stable release 1.28.x for API users and 1.29.x for UI users. Here is the Git issue for related PRs and feature releases.

Now that we understand the new features, let’s look at how to use some of them in the following tutorial.

Example tutorial: Deploy a demo web application on an Auto Scaling group with On-Demand and Spot Instances

In this example tutorial, we setup Spinnaker to deploy to Amazon EC2, create an Application Load Balancer, and deploy a demo application on a server group diversified across multiple instance types and purchase options – this case On-Demand and Spot Instances.

We leverage Spinnaker’s API throughout the tutorial to create new resources, along with a quick guide on how to deploy the same using Spinnaker UI (Deck) and leverage UI to view them.


As a prerequisite to complete this tutorial, you must have an AWS Account with an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) User that has the AdministratorAccess configured to use with AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

1. Spinnaker setup

We will use the AWS CloudFormation template setup-spinnaker-with-deployment-vpc.yml to setup Spinnaker and the required resources.

1.1 Create an Secure Shell(SSH) keypair used to connect to Spinnaker and EC2 instances launched by Spinnaker.

AWS_REGION=us-west-2 # Change the region where you want Spinnaker deployed
aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name ${EC2_KEYPAIR_NAME} --region ${AWS_REGION} --query KeyMaterial --output text > ~/${EC2_KEYPAIR_NAME}.pem
chmod 600 ~/${EC2_KEYPAIR_NAME}.pem

1.2 Deploy the Cloudformation stack.

SPINNAKER_VERSION=1.29.1 # Change the version if newer versions are available
ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query "Account" --output text)

# Download template
curl -o setup-spinnaker-with-deployment-vpc.yml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/awslabs/ec2-spot-labs/master/ec2-spot-spinnaker/setup-spinnaker-with-deployment-vpc.yml

# deploy stack
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file setup-spinnaker-with-deployment-vpc.yml \
    --stack-name ${STACK_NAME} \
    --parameter-overrides NumberOfAZs=${NUMBER_OF_AZS} \
    AvailabilityZones=${AVAILABILITY_ZONES} \
    EC2KeyPairName=${EC2_KEYPAIR_NAME} \
    SpinnakerVersion=${SPINNAKER_VERSION} \
    SpinnakerS3BucketName=${S3_BUCKET_NAME} \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --region ${AWS_REGION}

1.3 Connecting to Spinnaker

1.3.1 Get the SSH command to port forwarding for Deck – the browser-based UI (9000) and Gate – the API Gateway (8084) to access the Spinnaker UI and API.

SPINNAKER_INSTANCE_DNS_NAME=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK_NAME} --region ${AWS_REGION} --query "Stacks[].Outputs[?OutputKey=='SpinnakerInstance'].OutputValue" --output text)
echo 'ssh -A -L 9000:localhost:9000 -L 8084:localhost:8084 -L 8087:localhost:8087 -i ~/'${EC2_KEYPAIR_NAME}' ubuntu@$'{SPINNAKER_INSTANCE_DNS_NAME}''

1.3.2 Open a new terminal and use the SSH command (output from the previous command) to connect to the Spinnaker instance. After you successfully connect to the Spinnaker instance via SSH, access the Spinnaker UI here and API here.

2. Deploy a demo web application

Let’s make sure that we have the environment variables required in the shell before proceeding. If you’re using the same terminal window as before, then you might already have these variables.

AWS_REGION=us-west-2 # use the same region as before
VPC_ID=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK_NAME} --region ${AWS_REGION} --query "Stacks[].Outputs[?OutputKey=='VPCID'].OutputValue" --output text)

2.1 Create a Spinnaker Application

We start by creating an application in Spinnaker, a placeholder for the service that we deploy.

curl 'http://localhost:8084/tasks' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
--data-raw \
            "email":"[email protected]",
   "description":"Create Application: demoapp"

Spin Create Server Group

2.2 Create an Application Load Balancer

Let’s create an Application Load Balanacer and a target group for port 80, spanning the three availability zones in our public subnet. We use the Demo-ALB-SecurityGroup for Firewalls to allow public access to the ALB on port 80.

As Spot Instances are interrupted with a two minute warning, you must adjust the Target Group’s deregistration delay to a slightly lower time. Recommended values are 90 seconds or less. This allows time for in-flight requests to complete and gracefully close existing connections before the instance is interrupted.

curl 'http://localhost:8084/tasks' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
--data-binary \
   "description":"Create Load Balancer: demoapp",

Spin Create ALB

2.3 Create a server group

Before creating a server group (Auto Scaling group), here is a brief overview of the features used in the example:

      • onDemandBaseCapacity (default 0): The minimum amount of your ASG’s capacity that must be fulfilled by On-Demand instances (can also be applied toward Reserved Instances or Savings Plans). The example uses an onDemandBaseCapacity of three.
      • onDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity (default 100): The percentages of On-Demand and Spot Instances for additional capacity beyond OnDemandBaseCapacity. The example uses onDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity of 10% (i.e. 90% Spot).
      • spotAllocationStrategy: This indicates how you want to allocate instances across Spot Instance pools in each Availability Zone. The example uses the recommended Capacity Optimized strategy. Instances are launched from optimal Spot pools that are chosen based on the available Spot capacity for the number of instances that are launching.
      • launchTemplateOverridesForInstanceType: The list of instance types that are acceptable for your workload. Specifying multiple instance types enables tapping into multiple instance pools in multiple Availability Zones, designed to enhance your service’s availability. You can use the ec2-instance-selector, an open source AWS Command Line Interface(CLI) tool to narrow down the instance types based on resource criteria like vcpus and memory.
      • capacityRebalance: When enabled, this feature proactively manages the EC2 Spot Instance lifecycle leveraging the new EC2 Instance rebalance recommendation. This increases the emphasis on availability by automatically attempting to replace Spot Instances in an ASG before they are interrupted by Amazon EC2. We enable this feature in this example.

Learn more on spinnaker.io: feature descriptions and use cases and sample API requests.

Let’s create a server group with a desired capacity of 12 instances diversified across current and previous generation instance types, attach the previously created ALB, use Demo-EC2-SecurityGroup for the Firewalls which allows http traffic only from the ALB, use the following bash script for UserData to install httpd, and add instance metadata into the index.html.

2.3.1 Save the userdata bash script into a file user-date.sh.

Note that Spinnaker only support base64 encoded userdata. We use base64 bash command to encode the file contents in the next step.

cat << "EOF" > user-data.sh
yum update -y
yum install httpd -y
echo "<html>
        <title>Demo Application</title>
        <style>body {margin-top: 40px; background-color: #Gray;} </style>
        <h2>You have reached a Demo Application running on</h2>
            <li>instance-id: <b> `curl` </b></li>
            <li>instance-type: <b> `curl` </b></li>
            <li>instance-life-cycle: <b> `curl` </b></li>
            <li>availability-zone: <b> `curl` </b></li>
</html>" > /var/www/html/index.html
systemctl start httpd
systemctl enable httpd

2.3.2 Create the server group by running the following command. Note we use the KeyPairName that we created as part of the prerequisites.

curl 'http://localhost:8084/tasks' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
-d \
	"healthCheckType": "ELB",
	"capacityRebalance": true,

         "amiName":"'"$(aws ec2 describe-images --owners amazon --filters "Name=name,Values=amzn2-ami-hvm-2*x86_64-gp2" --query 'reverse(sort_by(Images, &CreationDate))[0].Name' --region ${AWS_REGION} --output text)"'",
         "base64UserData":"'"$(base64 user-data.sh)"'",,
   "description":"Create New server group in cluster demoapp"

Spin Create ServerGroup

Spinnaker creates an Amazon EC2 Launch Template and an ASG with specified parameters and waits until the ALB health check passes before sending traffic to the EC2 Instances.

The server group and launch template that we just created will look like this in Spinnaker UI:

Spin View ServerGroup

The UI also displays capacity type, such as the purchase option for each instance type in the Instance Information section:

Spin View ServerGroup Purchase Options 1Spin View ServerGroup Purchase Options 2

3. Access the application

Copy the Application Load Balancer URL by selecting the tree icon in the right top corner of the server group, and access it in a browser. You can refresh multiple times to see that the requests are going to different instances every time.

Spin Access App

Congratulations! You successfully deployed the demo application on an Amazon EC2 server group diversified across multiple instance types and purchase options.

Moreover, you can clone, modify, disable, and destroy these server groups, as well as use them with Spinnaker pipelines to effectively release new versions of your application.

Cost savings

Check the savings you realized by deploying your demo application on EC2 Spot Instances by going to EC2 console > Spot Requests > Saving Summary.

Spin Spot Savings


To avoid incurring any additional charges, clean up the resources created in the tutorial.

Frist, delete the server group, application load balancer and application in Spinnaker.

curl 'http://localhost:8084/tasks' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
--data-raw \
   "description":"Deleting ServerGroup, ALB and Application: demoapp"

Wait for Spinnaker to delete all of the resources before proceeding further. You can confirm this either on the Spinnaker UI or AWS Management Console.

Then delete the Spinnaker infrastructure by running the following command:

aws ec2 delete-key-pair --key-name ${EC2_KEYPAIR_NAME} --region ${AWS_REGION}
rm ~/${EC2_KEYPAIR_NAME}.pem
aws s3api delete-objects \
--bucket ${S3_BUCKET_NAME} \
--delete "$(aws s3api list-object-versions \
--bucket ${S3_BUCKET_NAME} \
--query='{Objects: Versions[].{Key:Key,VersionId:VersionId}}')" #If error occurs, there are no Versions and is OK
aws s3api delete-objects \
--bucket ${S3_BUCKET_NAME} \
--delete "$(aws s3api list-object-versions \
--bucket ${S3_BUCKET_NAME} \
--query='{Objects: DeleteMarkers[].{Key:Key,VersionId:VersionId}}')" #If error occurs, there are no DeleteMarkers and is OK
aws s3 rb s3://${S3_BUCKET_NAME} --force #Delete Bucket
aws cloudformation delete-stack --region ${AWS_REGION} --stack-name ${STACK_NAME}


In this post, we learned about the new Amazon EC2 features recently added to Spinnaker, and how to use them to build diversified and optimized Auto Scaling Groups. We also discussed recommended best practices for EC2 Spot and how they can improve your experience with it.

We would love to hear from you! Tell us about other Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) platforms that you want to use with EC2 Spot and/or Auto Scaling Groups by adding an issue on the Spot integrations roadmap.

AWS Week in Review – March 20, 2023

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-march-20-2023/

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

A new week starts, and Spring is almost here! If you’re curious about AWS news from the previous seven days, I got you covered.

Last Week’s Launches
Here are the launches that got my attention last week:

Picture of an S3 bucket and AWS CEO Adam Selipsky.Amazon S3 – Last week there was AWS Pi Day 2023 celebrating 17 years of innovation since Amazon S3 was introduced on March 14, 2006. For the occasion, the team released many new capabilities:

Amazon Linux 2023 – Our new Linux-based operating system is now generally available. Sébastien’s post is full of tips and info.

Application Auto Scaling – Now can use arithmetic operations and mathematical functions to customize the metrics used with Target Tracking policies. You can use it to scale based on your own application-specific metrics. Read how it works with Amazon ECS services.

AWS Data Exchange for Amazon S3 is now generally available – You can now share and find data files directly from S3 buckets, without the need to create or manage copies of the data.

Amazon Neptune – Now offers a graph summary API to help understand important metadata about property graphs (PG) and resource description framework (RDF) graphs. Neptune added support for Slow Query Logs to help identify queries that need performance tuning.

Amazon OpenSearch Service – The team introduced security analytics that provides new threat monitoring, detection, and alerting features. The service now supports OpenSearch version 2.5 that adds several new features such as support for Point in Time Search and improvements to observability and geospatial functionality.

AWS Lake Formation and Apache Hive on Amazon EMR – Introduced fine-grained access controls that allow data administrators to define and enforce fine-grained table and column level security for customers accessing data via Apache Hive running on Amazon EMR.

Amazon EC2 M1 Mac Instances – You can now update guest environments to a specific or the latest macOS version without having to tear down and recreate the existing macOS environments.

AWS Chatbot – Now Integrates With Microsoft Teams to simplify the way you troubleshoot and operate your AWS resources.

Amazon GuardDuty RDS Protection for Amazon Aurora – Now generally available to help profile and monitor access activity to Aurora databases in your AWS account without impacting database performance

AWS Database Migration Service – Now supports validation to ensure that data is migrated accurately to S3 and can now generate an AWS Glue Data Catalog when migrating to S3.

AWS Backup – You can now back up and restore virtual machines running on VMware vSphere 8 and with multiple vNICs.

Amazon Kendra – There are new connectors to index documents and search for information across these new content: Confluence Server, Confluence Cloud, Microsoft SharePoint OnPrem, Microsoft SharePoint Cloud. This post shows how to use the Amazon Kendra connector for Microsoft Teams.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
A few more blog posts you might have missed:

Example of a geospatial query.Women founders Q&A – We’re talking to six women founders and leaders about how they’re making impacts in their communities, industries, and beyond.

What you missed at that 2023 IMAGINE: Nonprofit conference – Where hundreds of nonprofit leaders, technologists, and innovators gathered to learn and share how AWS can drive a positive impact for people and the planet.

Monitoring load balancers using Amazon CloudWatch anomaly detection alarms – The metrics emitted by load balancers provide crucial and unique insight into service health, service performance, and end-to-end network performance.

Extend geospatial queries in Amazon Athena with user-defined functions (UDFs) and AWS Lambda – Using a solution based on Uber’s Hexagonal Hierarchical Spatial Index (H3) to divide the globe into equally-sized hexagons.

How cities can use transport data to reduce pollution and increase safety – A guest post by Rikesh Shah, outgoing head of open innovation at Transport for London.

For AWS open-source news and updates, here’s the latest newsletter curated by Ricardo to bring you the most recent updates on open-source projects, posts, events, and more.

Upcoming AWS Events
Here are some opportunities to meet:

AWS Public Sector Day 2023 (March 21, London, UK) – An event dedicated to helping public sector organizations use technology to achieve more with less through the current challenging conditions.

Women in Tech at Skills Center Arlington (March 23, VA, USA) – Let’s celebrate the history and legacy of women in tech.

The AWS Summits season is warming up! You can sign up here to know when registration opens in your area.

That’s all from me for this week. Come back next Monday for another Week in Review!


Architecting for data residency with AWS Outposts rack and landing zone guardrails

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/architecting-for-data-residency-with-aws-outposts-rack-and-landing-zone-guardrails/

This blog post was written by Abeer Naffa’, Sr. Solutions Architect, Solutions Builder AWS, David Filiatrault, Principal Security Consultant, AWS and Jared Thompson, Hybrid Edge SA Specialist, AWS.

In this post, we will explore how organizations can use AWS Control Tower landing zone and AWS Organizations custom guardrails to enable compliance with data residency requirements on AWS Outposts rack. We will discuss how custom guardrails can be leveraged to limit the ability to store, process, and access data and remain isolated in specific geographic locations, how they can be used to enforce security and compliance controls, as well as, which prerequisites organizations should consider before implementing these guardrails.

Data residency is a critical consideration for organizations that collect and store sensitive information, such as Personal Identifiable Information (PII), financial, and healthcare data. With the rise of cloud computing and the global nature of the internet, it can be challenging for organizations to make sure that their data is being stored and processed in compliance with local laws and regulations.

One potential solution for addressing data residency challenges with AWS is to use Outposts rack, which allows organizations to run AWS infrastructure on premises and in their own data centers. This lets organizations store and process data in a location of their choosing. An Outpost is seamlessly connected to an AWS Region where it has access to the full suite of AWS services managed from a single plane of glass, the AWS Management Console or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).  Outposts rack can be configured to utilize landing zone to further adhere to data residency requirements.

The landing zones are a set of tools and best practices that help organizations establish a secure and compliant multi-account structure within a cloud provider. A landing zone can also include Organizations to set policies – guardrails – at the root level, known as Service Control Policies (SCPs) across all member accounts. This can be configured to enforce certain data residency requirements.

When leveraging Outposts rack to meet data residency requirements, it is crucial to have control over the in-scope data movement from the Outposts. This can be accomplished by implementing landing zone best practices and the suggested guardrails. The main focus of this blog post is on the custom policies that restrict data snapshots, prohibit data creation within the Region, and limit data transfer to the Region.


Landing zone best practices and custom guardrails can help when data needs to remain in a specific locality where the Outposts rack is also located.  This can be completed by defining and enforcing policies for data storage and usage within the landing zone organization that you set up. The following prerequisites should be considered before implementing the suggested guardrails:

1. AWS Outposts rack

AWS has installed your Outpost and handed off to you. An Outpost may comprise of one or more racks connected together at the site. This means that you can start using AWS services on the Outpost, and you can manage the Outposts rack using the same tools and interfaces that you use in AWS Regions.

2. Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS

We recommend using Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS (LZA) to deploy a landing zone for your organization. Make sure that the accelerator is configured for the appropriate Region and industry. To do this, you must meet the following prerequisites:

    • A clear understanding of your organization’s compliance requirements, including the specific Region and industry rules in which you operate.
    • Knowledge of the different LZAs available and their capabilities, such as the compliance frameworks with which you align.
    • Have the necessary permissions to deploy the LZAs and configure it for your organization’s specific requirements.

Note that LZAs are designed to help organizations quickly set up a secure, compliant multi-account environment. However, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, and you must align it with your organization’s specific requirements.

3. Set up the data residency guardrails

Using Organizations, you must make sure that the Outpost is ordered within a workload account in the landing zone.

Figure 1 Landing Zone Accelerator Outposts workload on AWS high level Architecture

Figure 1: Landing Zone Accelerator – Outposts workload on AWS high level Architecture

Utilizing Outposts rack for regulated components

When local regulations require regulated workloads to stay within a specific boundary, or when an AWS Region or AWS Local Zone isn’t available in your jurisdiction, you can still choose to host your regulated workloads on Outposts rack for a consistent cloud experience. When opting for Outposts rack, note that, as part of the shared responsibility model, customers are responsible for attesting to physical security, access controls, and compliance validation regarding the Outposts, as well as, environmental requirements for the facility, networking, and power. Utilizing Outposts rack requires that you procure and manage the data center within the city, state, province, or country boundary for your applications’ regulated components, as required by local regulations.

Procuring two or more racks in the diverse data centers can help with the high availability for your workloads. This is because it provides redundancy in case of a single rack or server failure. Additionally, having redundant network paths between Outposts rack and the parent Region can help make sure that your application remains connected and continue to operate even if one network path fails.

However, for regulated workloads with strict service level agreements (SLA), you may choose to spread Outposts racks across two or more isolated data centers within regulated boundaries. This helps make sure that your data remains within the designated geographical location and meets local data residency requirements.

In this post, we consider a scenario with one data center, but consider the specific requirements of your workloads and the regulations that apply to determine the most appropriate high availability configurations for your case.

Outposts rack workload data residency guardrails

Organizations provide central governance and management for multiple accounts. Central security administrators use SCPs with Organizations to establish controls to which all AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) principals (users and roles) adhere.

Now, you can use SCPs to set permission guardrails.  A suggested preventative controls for data residency on Outposts rack that leverage the implementation of SCPs are shown as follows. SCPs enable you to set permission guardrails by defining the maximum available permissions for IAM entities in an account. If an SCP denies an action for an account, then none of the entities in the account can take that action, even if their IAM permissions let them. The guardrails set in SCPs apply to all IAM entities in the account, which include all users, roles, and the account root user.

Upon finalizing these prerequisites, you can create the guardrails for the Outposts Organization Unit (OU).

Note that while the following guidelines serve as helpful guardrails – SCPs – for data residency, you should consult internally with legal and security teams for specific organizational requirements.

 To exercise better control over workloads in the Outposts rack and prevent data transfer from Outposts to the Region or data storage outside the Outposts, consider implementing the following guardrails. Additionally, local regulations may dictate that you set up these additional guardrails.

  1. When your data residency requirements require restricting data transfer/saving to the Region, consider the following guardrails:

a. Deny copying data from Outposts to the Region for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), Amazon ElastiCache and data sync “DenyCopyToRegion”.

b. Deny Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) put action to the Region “DenyPutObjectToRegionalBuckets”.

If your data residency requirements mandate restrictions on data storage in the Region,  consider implementing this guardrail to prevent  the use of S3 in the Region.

Note: You can use Amazon S3 for Outposts.

c. If your data residency requirements mandate restrictions on data storage in the Region, consider implementing “DenyDirectTransferToRegion” guardrail.

Out of Scope is metadata such as tags, or operational data such as KMS keys.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "DenyCopyToRegion",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*",
      "Effect": "Deny"
      "Sid": "DenyDirectTransferToRegion",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*",
      "Effect": "Deny"
      "Sid": "DenyPutObjectToRegionalBuckets",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::*"],
      "Effect": "Deny"
  1. If your data residency requirements require limitations on data storage in the Region, consider implementing this guardrail “DenySnapshotsToRegion” and “DenySnapshotsNotOutposts” to restrict the use of snapshots in the Region.

a. Deny creating snapshots of your Outpost data in the Region “DenySnapshotsToRegion”

 Make sure to update the Outposts “<outpost_arn_pattern>”.

b. Deny copying or modifying Outposts Snapshots “DenySnapshotsNotOutposts”

Make sure to update the Outposts “<outpost_arn_pattern>”.

Note: “<outpost_arn_pattern>” default is arn:aws:outposts:*:*:outpost/*

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [

      "Sid": "DenySnapshotsToRegion",

      "Sid": "DenySnapshotsNotOutposts",          

  1. This guardrail helps to prevent the launch of Amazon EC2 instances or creation of network interfaces in non-Outposts subnets. It is advisable to keep data residency workloads within the Outposts rather than the Region to ensure better control over regulated workloads. This approach can help your organization achieve better control over data residency workloads and improve governance over your AWS Organization.

Make sure to update the Outposts subnets “<outpost_subnet_arns>”.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Sid": "DenyNotOutpostSubnet",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": [
    "Condition": {
      "ForAllValues:ArnNotEquals": {
        "ec2:Subnet": ["<outpost_subnet_arns>"]

Additional considerations

When implementing data residency guardrails on Outposts rack, consider backup and disaster recovery strategies to make sure that your data is protected in the event of an outage or other unexpected events. This may include creating regular backups of your data, implementing disaster recovery plans and procedures, and using redundancy and failover systems to minimize the impact of any potential disruptions. Additionally, you should make sure that your backup and disaster recovery systems are compliant with any relevant data residency regulations and requirements. You should also test your backup and disaster recovery systems regularly to make sure that they are functioning as intended.

Additionally, the provided SCPs for Outposts rack in the above example do not block the “logs:PutLogEvents”. Therefore, even if you implemented data residency guardrails on Outpost, the application may log data to CloudWatch logs in the Region.


By default, application-level logs on Outposts rack are not automatically sent to Amazon CloudWatch Logs in the Region. You can configure CloudWatch logs agent on Outposts rack to collect and send your application-level logs to CloudWatch logs.

logs: PutLogEvents does transmit data to the Region, but it is not blocked by the provided SCPs, as it’s expected that most use cases will still want to be able to use this logging API. However, if blocking is desired, then add the action to the first recommended guardrail. If you want specific roles to be allowed, then combine with the ArnNotLike condition example referenced in the previous highlight.


The combined use of Outposts rack and the suggested guardrails via AWS Organizations policies enables you to exercise better control over the movement of the data. By creating a landing zone for your organization, you can apply SCPs to your Outposts racks that will help make sure that your data remains within a specific geographic location, as required by the data residency regulations.

Note that, while custom guardrails can help you manage data residency on Outposts rack, it’s critical to thoroughly review your policies, procedures, and configurations to make sure that they are compliant with all relevant data residency regulations and requirements. Regularly testing and monitoring your systems can help make sure that your data is protected and your organization stays compliant.


New – Use Amazon S3 Object Lambda with Amazon CloudFront to Tailor Content for End Users

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-use-amazon-s3-object-lambda-with-amazon-cloudfront-to-tailor-content-for-end-users/

With S3 Object Lambda, you can use your own code to process data retrieved from Amazon S3 as it is returned to an application. Over time, we added new capabilities to S3 Object Lambda, like the ability to add your own code to S3 HEAD and LIST API requests, in addition to the support for S3 GET requests that was available at launch.

Today, we are launching aliases for S3 Object Lambda Access Points. Aliases are now automatically generated when S3 Object Lambda Access Points are created and are interchangeable with bucket names anywhere you use a bucket name to access data stored in Amazon S3. Therefore, your applications don’t need to know about S3 Object Lambda and can consider the alias to be a bucket name.

Architecture diagram.

You can now use an S3 Object Lambda Access Point alias as an origin for your Amazon CloudFront distribution to tailor or customize data for end users. You can use this to implement automatic image resizing or to tag or annotate content as it is downloaded. Many images still use older formats like JPEG or PNG, and you can use a transcoding function to deliver images in more efficient formats like WebP, BPG, or HEIC. Digital images contain metadata, and you can implement a function that strips metadata to help satisfy data privacy requirements.

Architecture diagram.

Let’s see how this works in practice. First, I’ll show a simple example using text that you can follow along by just using the AWS Management Console. After that, I’ll implement a more advanced use case processing images.

Using an S3 Object Lambda Access Point as the Origin of a CloudFront Distribution
For simplicity, I am using the same application in the launch post that changes all text in the original file to uppercase. This time, I use the S3 Object Lambda Access Point alias to set up a public distribution with CloudFront.

I follow the same steps as in the launch post to create the S3 Object Lambda Access Point and the Lambda function. Because the Lambda runtimes for Python 3.8 and later do not include the requests module, I update the function code to use urlopen from the Python Standard Library:

import boto3
from urllib.request import urlopen

s3 = boto3.client('s3')

def lambda_handler(event, context):

  object_get_context = event['getObjectContext']
  request_route = object_get_context['outputRoute']
  request_token = object_get_context['outputToken']
  s3_url = object_get_context['inputS3Url']

  # Get object from S3
  response = urlopen(s3_url)
  original_object = response.read().decode('utf-8')

  # Transform object
  transformed_object = original_object.upper()

  # Write object back to S3 Object Lambda


To test that this is working, I open the same file from the bucket and through the S3 Object Lambda Access Point. In the S3 console, I select the bucket and a sample file (called s3.txt) that I uploaded earlier and choose Open.

Console screenshot.

A new browser tab is opened (you might need to disable the pop-up blocker in your browser), and its content is the original file with mixed-case text:

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service that offers...

I choose Object Lambda Access Points from the navigation pane and select the AWS Region I used before from the dropdown. Then, I search for the S3 Object Lambda Access Point that I just created. I select the same file as before and choose Open.

Console screenshot.

In the new tab, the text has been processed by the Lambda function and is now all in uppercase:


Now that the S3 Object Lambda Access Point is correctly configured, I can create the CloudFront distribution. Before I do that, in the list of S3 Object Lambda Access Points in the S3 console, I copy the Object Lambda Access Point alias that has been automatically created:

Console screenshot.

In the CloudFront console, I choose Distributions in the navigation pane and then Create distribution. In the Origin domain, I use the S3 Object Lambda Access Point alias and the Region. The full syntax of the domain is:


Console screenshot.

S3 Object Lambda Access Points cannot be public, and I use CloudFront origin access control (OAC) to authenticate requests to the origin. For Origin access, I select Origin access control settings and choose Create control setting. I write a name for the control setting and select Sign requests and S3 in the Origin type dropdown.

Console screenshot.

Now, my Origin access control settings use the configuration I just created.

Console screenshot.

To reduce the number of requests going through S3 Object Lambda, I enable Origin Shield and choose the closest Origin Shield Region to the Region I am using. Then, I select the CachingOptimized cache policy and create the distribution. As the distribution is being deployed, I update permissions for the resources used by the distribution.

Setting Up Permissions to Use an S3 Object Lambda Access Point as the Origin of a CloudFront Distribution
First, the S3 Object Lambda Access Point needs to give access to the CloudFront distribution. In the S3 console, I select the S3 Object Lambda Access Point and, in the Permissions tab, I update the policy with the following:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Service": "cloudfront.amazonaws.com"
            "Action": "s3-object-lambda:Get*",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3-object-lambda:REGION:ACCOUNT:accesspoint/NAME",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws:cloudfront::ACCOUNT:distribution/DISTRIBUTION-ID"

The supporting access point also needs to allow access to CloudFront when called via S3 Object Lambda. I select the access point and update the policy in the Permissions tab:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Id": "default",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "s3objlambda",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Service": "cloudfront.amazonaws.com"
            "Action": "s3:*",
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "ForAnyValue:StringEquals": {
                    "aws:CalledVia": "s3-object-lambda.amazonaws.com"

The S3 bucket needs to allow access to the supporting access point. I select the bucket and update the policy in the Permissions tab:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "*"
            "Action": "*",
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "s3:DataAccessPointAccount": "ACCOUNT"

Finally, CloudFront needs to be able to invoke the Lambda function. In the Lambda console, I choose the Lambda function used by S3 Object Lambda, and then, in the Configuration tab, I choose Permissions. In the Resource-based policy statements section, I choose Add permissions and select AWS Account. I enter a unique Statement ID. Then, I enter cloudfront.amazonaws.com as Principal and select lambda:InvokeFunction from the Action dropdown and Save. We are working to simplify this step in the future. I’ll update this post when that’s available.

Testing the CloudFront Distribution
When the distribution has been deployed, I test that the setup is working with the same sample file I used before. In the CloudFront console, I select the distribution and copy the Distribution domain name. I can use the browser and enter https://DISTRIBUTION_DOMAIN_NAME/s3.txt in the navigation bar to send a request to CloudFront and get the file processed by S3 Object Lambda. To quickly get all the info, I use curl with the -i option to see the HTTP status and the headers in the response:

curl -i https://DISTRIBUTION_DOMAIN_NAME/s3.txt

HTTP/2 200 
content-type: text/plain
content-length: 427
x-amzn-requestid: a85fe537-3502-4592-b2a9-a09261c8c00c
date: Mon, 06 Mar 2023 10:23:02 GMT
x-cache: Miss from cloudfront
via: 1.1 a2df4ad642d78d6dac65038e06ad10d2.cloudfront.net (CloudFront)
x-amz-cf-pop: DUB56-P1
x-amz-cf-id: KIiljCzYJBUVVxmNkl3EP2PMh96OBVoTyFSMYDupMd4muLGNm2AmgA==


It works! As expected, the content processed by the Lambda function is all uppercase. Because this is the first invocation for the distribution, it has not been returned from the cache (x-cache: Miss from cloudfront). The request went through S3 Object Lambda to process the file using the Lambda function I provided.

Let’s try the same request again:

curl -i https://DISTRIBUTION_DOMAIN_NAME/s3.txt

HTTP/2 200 
content-type: text/plain
content-length: 427
x-amzn-requestid: a85fe537-3502-4592-b2a9-a09261c8c00c
date: Mon, 06 Mar 2023 10:23:02 GMT
x-cache: Hit from cloudfront
via: 1.1 145b7e87a6273078e52d178985ceaa5e.cloudfront.net (CloudFront)
x-amz-cf-pop: DUB56-P1
x-amz-cf-id: HEx9Fodp184mnxLQZuW62U11Fr1bA-W1aIkWjeqpC9yHbd0Rg4eM3A==
age: 3


This time the content is returned from the CloudFront cache (x-cache: Hit from cloudfront), and there was no further processing by S3 Object Lambda. By using S3 Object Lambda as the origin, the CloudFront distribution serves content that has been processed by a Lambda function and can be cached to reduce latency and optimize costs.

Resizing Images Using S3 Object Lambda and CloudFront
As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, one of the use cases that can be implemented using S3 Object Lambda and CloudFront is image transformation. Let’s create a CloudFront distribution that can dynamically resize an image by passing the desired width and height as query parameters (w and h respectively). For example:


For this setup to work, I need to make two changes to the CloudFront distribution. First, I create a new cache policy to include query parameters in the cache key. In the CloudFront console, I choose Policies in the navigation pane. In the Cache tab, I choose Create cache policy. Then, I enter a name for the cache policy.

Console screenshot.

In the Query settings of the Cache key settings, I select the option to Include the following query parameters and add w (for the width) and h (for the height).

Console screenshot.

Then, in the Behaviors tab of the distribution, I select the default behavior and choose Edit.

There, I update the Cache key and origin requests section:

  • In the Cache policy, I use the new cache policy to include the w and h query parameters in the cache key.
  • In the Origin request policy, use the AllViewerExceptHostHeader managed policy to forward query parameters to the origin.

Console screenshot.

Now I can update the Lambda function code. To resize images, this function uses the Pillow module that needs to be packaged with the function when it is uploaded to Lambda. You can deploy the function using a tool like the AWS SAM CLI or the AWS CDK. Compared to the previous example, this function also handles and returns HTTP errors, such as when content is not found in the bucket.

import io
import boto3
from urllib.request import urlopen, HTTPError
from PIL import Image

from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs

s3 = boto3.client('s3')

def lambda_handler(event, context):

    object_get_context = event['getObjectContext']
    request_route = object_get_context['outputRoute']
    request_token = object_get_context['outputToken']
    s3_url = object_get_context['inputS3Url']

    # Get object from S3
        original_image = Image.open(urlopen(s3_url))
    except HTTPError as err:

    # Get width and height from query parameters
    user_request = event['userRequest']
    url = user_request['url']
    parsed_url = urlparse(url)
    query_parameters = parse_qs(parsed_url.query)

        width, height = int(query_parameters['w'][0]), int(query_parameters['h'][0])
    except (KeyError, ValueError):
        width, height = 0, 0

    # Transform object
    if width > 0 and height > 0:
        transformed_image = original_image.resize((width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
        transformed_image = original_image

    transformed_bytes = io.BytesIO()
    transformed_image.save(transformed_bytes, format='JPEG')

    # Write object back to S3 Object Lambda


I upload a picture I took of the Trevi Fountain in the source bucket. To start, I generate a small thumbnail (200 by 150 pixels).


Picture of the Trevi Fountain with size 200x150 pixels.

Now, I ask for a slightly larger version (400 by 300 pixels):


Picture of the Trevi Fountain with size 400x300 pixels.

It works as expected. The first invocation with a specific size is processed by the Lambda function. Further requests with the same width and height are served from the CloudFront cache.

Availability and Pricing
Aliases for S3 Object Lambda Access Points are available today in all commercial AWS Regions. There is no additional cost for aliases. With S3 Object Lambda, you pay for the Lambda compute and request charges required to process the data, and for the data S3 Object Lambda returns to your application. You also pay for the S3 requests that are invoked by your Lambda function. For more information, see Amazon S3 Pricing.

Aliases are now automatically generated when an S3 Object Lambda Access Point is created. For existing S3 Object Lambda Access Points, aliases are automatically assigned and ready for use.

It’s now easier to use S3 Object Lambda with existing applications, and aliases open many new possibilities. For example, you can use aliases with CloudFront to create a website that converts content in Markdown to HTML, resizes and watermarks images, or masks personally identifiable information (PII) from text, images, and documents.

Customize content for your end users using S3 Object Lambda with CloudFront.


New – Amazon Lightsail for Research with All-in-One Research Environments

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-amazon-lightsail-for-research-with-all-in-one-research-environments/

Today we are announcing the general availability of Amazon Lightsail for Research, a new offering that makes it easy for researchers and students to create and manage a high-performance CPU or a GPU research computer in just a few clicks on the cloud. You can use your preferred integrated development environments (IDEs) like preinstalled Jupyter, RStudio, Scilab, VSCodium, or native Ubuntu operating system on your research computer.

You no longer need to use your own research laptop or shared school computers for analyzing larger datasets or running complex simulations. You can create your own research environments and directly access the application running on the research computer remotely via a web browser. Also, you can easily upload data to and download from your research computer via a simple web interface.

You pay only for the duration the computers are in use and can delete them at any time. You can also use budgeting controls that can automatically stop your computer when it’s not in use. Lightsail for Research also includes all-inclusive prices of compute, storage, and data transfer, so you know exactly how much you will pay for the duration you use the research computer.

Get Started with Amazon Lightsail for Research
To get started, navigate to the Lightsail for Research console, and choose Virtual computers in the left menu. You can see my research computers naming “channy-jupyter” or “channy-rstudio” already created.

Choose Create virtual computer to create a new research computer, and select which software you’d like preinstalled on your computer and what type of research computer you’d like to create.

In the first step, choose the application you want installed on your computer and the AWS Region to be located in. We support Jupyter, RStudio, Scilab, and VSCodium. You can install additional packages and extensions through the interface of these IDE applications.

Next, choose the desired virtual hardware type, including a fixed amount of compute (vCPUs or GPUs), memory (RAM), SSD-based storage volume (disk) space, and a monthly data transfer allowance. Bundles are charged on an hourly and on-demand basis.

Standard types are compute-optimized and ideal for compute-bound applications that benefit from high-performance processors.

Name vCPUs Memory Storage Monthly data
transfer allowance*
Standard XL 4 8 GB 50 GB 0.5TB
Standard 2XL 8 16 GB 50 GB 0.5TB
Standard 4XL 16 32 GB 50 GB 0.5TB

GPU types provide a high-performance platform for general-purpose GPU computing. You can use these bundles to accelerate scientific, engineering, and rendering applications and workloads.

Name GPU vCPUs Memory Storage Monthly data
transfer allowance*
GPU XL 1 4 16 GB 50 GB 1 TB
GPU 2XL 1 8 32 GB 50 GB 1 TB
GPU 4XL 1 16 64 GB 50 GB 1 TB

* AWS created the Global Data Egress Waiver (GDEW) program to help eligible researchers and academic institutions use AWS services by waiving data egress fees. To learn more, see the blog post.

After making your selections, name your computer and choose Create virtual computer to create your research computer. Once your computer is created and running, choose the Launch application button to open a new window that will display the preinstalled application you selected.

Lightsail for Research Features
As with existing Lightsail instances, you can create additional block-level storage volumes (disks) that you can attach to a running Lightsail for Research virtual computer. You can use a disk as a primary storage device for data that requires frequent and granular updates. To create your own storage, choose Storage and Create disk.

You can also create Snapshots, a point-in-time copy of your data. You can create a snapshot of your Lightsail for Research virtual computers and use it as baselines to create new computers or for data backup. A snapshot contains all of the data that is needed to restore your computer from the moment when the snapshot was taken.

When you restore a computer by creating it from a snapshot, you can easily create a new one or upgrade your computer to a larger size using a snapshot backup. Create snapshots frequently to protect your data from corrupt applications or user errors.

You can use Cost control rules that you define to help manage the usage and cost of your Lightsail for Research virtual computers. You can create rules that stop running computers when average CPU utilization over a selected time period falls below a prescribed level.

For example, you can configure a rule that automatically stops a specific computer when its CPU utilization is equal to or less than 1 percent for a 30-minute period. Lightsail for Research will then automatically stop the computer so that you don’t incur charges for running computers.

In the Usage menu, you can view the cost estimate and usage hours for your resources during a specified time period.

Now Available
Amazon Lightsail for Research is now available in the US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), Europe (Paris), Europe (Stockholm), and Europe (Sweden) Regions.

Now you can start using it today. To learn more, see the Amazon Lightsail for Research User Guide, and please send feedback to AWS re:Post for Amazon Lightsail or through your usual AWS support contacts.


AWS Week in Review – February 27, 2023

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-february-27-2023/

A couple days ago, I had the honor of doing a live stream on generative AI, discussing recent innovations and concepts behind the current generation of large language and vision models and how we got there. In today’s roundup of news and announcements, I will share some additional information—including an expanded partnership to make generative AI more accessible, a blog post about diffusion models, and our weekly Twitch show on Generative AI. Let’s dive right into it!

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week:

Integrated Private Wireless on AWS – The Integrated Private Wireless on AWS program is designed to provide enterprises with managed and validated private wireless offerings from leading communications service providers (CSPs). The offerings integrate CSPs’ private 5G and 4G LTE wireless networks with AWS services across AWS Regions, AWS Local Zones, AWS Outposts, and AWS Snow Family. For more details, read this Industries Blog post and check out this eBook. And, if you’re attending the Mobile World Congress Barcelona this week, stop by the AWS booth at the Upper Walkway, South Entrance, at the Fira Barcelona Gran Via, to learn more.

AWS Glue Crawlers – Now integrate with Lake Formation. AWS Glue Crawlers are used to discover datasets, extract schema information, and populate the AWS Glue Data Catalog. With this Glue Crawler and Lake Formation integration, you can configure a crawler to use Lake Formation permissions to access an S3 data store or a Data Catalog table with an underlying S3 location within the same AWS account or another AWS account. You can configure an existing Data Catalog table as a crawler’s target if the crawler and the Data Catalog table reside in the same account. To learn more, check out this Big Data Blog post.

AWS Glue Crawlers now support integration with AWS Lake Formation

Amazon SageMaker Model Monitor – You can now launch and configure Amazon SageMaker Model Monitor from the SageMaker Model Dashboard using a code-free point-and-click setup experience. SageMaker Model Dashboard gives you unified monitoring across all your models by providing insights into deviations from expected behavior, automated alerts, and troubleshooting to improve model performance. Model Monitor can detect drift in data quality, model quality, bias, and feature attribution and alert you to take remedial actions when such changes occur.

Amazon EKS – Now supports Kubernetes version 1.25. Kubernetes 1.25 introduced several new features and bug fixes, and you can now use Amazon EKS and Amazon EKS Distro to run Kubernetes version 1.25. You can create new 1.25 clusters or upgrade your existing clusters to 1.25 using the Amazon EKS console, the eksctl command line interface, or through an infrastructure-as-code tool. To learn more about this release named “Combiner,” check out this Containers Blog post.

Amazon Detective – New self-paced workshop available. You can now learn to use Amazon Detective with a new self-paced workshop in AWS Workshop Studio. AWS Workshop Studio is a collection of self-paced tutorials designed to teach practical skills and techniques to solve business problems. The Amazon Detective workshop is designed to teach you how to use the primary features of Detective through a series of interactive modules that cover topics such as security alert triage, security incident investigation, and threat hunting. Get started with the Amazon Detective Workshop.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Here are some additional news items and blog posts that you may find interesting:

🤗❤☁ AWS and Hugging Face collaborate to make generative AI more accessible and cost-efficient – This previous week, we announced an expanded collaboration between AWS and Hugging Face to accelerate the training, fine-tuning, and deployment of large language and vision models used to create generative AI applications. Generative AI applications can perform a variety of tasks, including text summarization, answering questions, code generation, image creation, and writing essays and articles. For more details, read this Machine Learning Blog post.

If you are interested in generative AI, I also recommend reading this blog post on how to Fine-tune text-to-image Stable Diffusion models with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart. Stable Diffusion is a deep learning model that allows you to generate realistic, high-quality images and stunning art in just a few seconds. This blog post discusses how to make design choices, including dataset quality, size of training dataset, choice of hyperparameter values, and applicability to multiple datasets.

AWS open-source news and updates – My colleague Ricardo writes this weekly open-source newsletter in which he highlights new open-source projects, tools, and demos from the AWS Community. Read edition #146 here.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

Build On AWS - Generative AI#BuildOn Generative AI – Join our weekly live Build On Generative AI Twitch show. Every Monday morning, 9:00 US PT, my colleagues Emily and Darko take a look at aspects of generative AI. They host developers, scientists, startup founders, and AI leaders and discuss how to build generative AI applications on AWS.

In today’s episode, my colleague Chris walked us through an end-to-end ML pipeline from data ingestion to fine-tuning and deployment of generative AI models. You can watch the video here.

AWS Pi Day 2023 SmallAWS Pi Day – Join me on March 14 for the third annual AWS Pi Day live, virtual event hosted on the AWS On Air channel on Twitch as we celebrate the 17th birthday of Amazon S3 and the cloud.

We will discuss the latest innovations across AWS Data services, from storage to analytics and AI/ML. If you are curious about how AI can transform your business, register here and join my session.

AWS Innovate Data and AI/ML edition – AWS Innovate is a free online event to learn the latest from AWS experts and get step-by-step guidance on using AI/ML to drive fast, efficient, and measurable results. Register now for EMEA (March 9) and the Americas (March 14).

You can browse all upcoming AWS-led in-person, virtual events and developer focused events such as Community Days.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!

— Antje

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Developing portable AWS Lambda functions

Post Syndicated from Pascal Vogel original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/developing-portable-aws-lambda-functions/

This blog post is written by Uri Segev, Principal Serverless Specialist Solutions Architect

When developing new applications or modernizing existing ones, you might face a dilemma: which compute technology to use? A serverless compute service such as AWS Lambda or maybe containers? Often, serverless can be the better approach thanks to automatic scaling, built-in high availability, and a pay-for-use billing model. However, you may hesitate to choose serverless for reasons such as:

  • Perceived higher cost or difficulty in estimating cost
  • It is a paradigm shift, which requires learning to bridge the knowledge gap
  • Misconceptions about Lambda capabilities and use cases
  • Concern that using Lambda will result in lock-in
  • Existing investments in non-serverless platforms and tooling

This blog post suggests best practices for developing portable Lambda functions that allow you to easily port your code to containers if you later choose to. By doing so, you can avoid lock-in and try out the serverless approach in a risk-free way.

Each section of this blog post describes what you need to consider when writing portable code and the steps needed to migrate this code from Lambda to containers, if you later choose to do so.

Best practices for portable Lambda functions

Separate business logic and Lambda handler

Lambda functions are event-driven in nature. When a specific event happens, it invokes the Lambda function by calling its handler method. The handler method receives an event object which contains information regarding the reason for the function invocation. Once the function execution completes, it returns from the handler method. Whatever is returned from the handler is the function’s return value.

To write portable code, we recommend using the handler method only as an interface between the Lambda runtime (event object) and the business logic. Using Hexagonal architecture terminology, the handler should be a driving adapter making calls into the port, which is the interface exposed by the business logic The handler should extract all required information from the event object and then call a separate method that implements the business logic.

When that method returns, the handler constructs the result in the format expected by the function invoker and returns it. We also recommend splitting the handler code and the business logic code into separate files. Should you choose to migrate to containers later, you simply migrate your business logic code files with no additional changes.

The following pseudocode shows a Lambda handler that extracts information from the event object and calls the business logic. Once the business logic is done, the handler places the response in the function’s return value:

import business_logic

# The Lambda handler extracts needed information from the event
# object and invokes the business logic
handler(event, context) {
  # Extract needed information from event object payload = event[‘payload’]

  # Invoke business logic
  result = do_some_logic(payload)
  # Construct result for API Gateway
  return {
    statusCode: 200,
	body: result

The following pseudocode shows the business logic. It’s located in a separate file and is unaware that it is being invoked from a Lambda function. It is pure logic.

# This is the business logic. It knows nothing about who invokes it.
do_some_logic(data) {
result = "This is my result."
  return result

This approach also makes it easier to run unit tests on the business logic without the need to construct event objects and to invoke the Lambda handler.

If you migrate to containers later, you include the business logic files in your container with new interface code as described in the following section.

Event source integration

One benefit of Lambda functions is the event source integration. For instance, if you integrate Lambda with Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), the Lambda service will take care of polling the queue, invoking the Lambda function and deleting the messages from the queue when done. By using this integration, you need to write less boilerplate code. You can focus only on implementing business logic and not the integration with the event source.

The following pseudocode shows how the Lambda handler looks like for an SQS event source:

import business_logic

handler(event, context) {
  entries = []
  # Iterate over all the messages in the event object
  for message in event[‘Records’] {
    # Call the business logic to process a single message
    success = handle_message(message)

    # Start building the response
    if Not success {
      'itemIdentifier': message['messageId']

  # Notify Lambda about failed items.
  if (let(entries) > 0) {
    return {
      'batchItemFailures': entries

As you can see in the previous code, the Lambda function has almost no knowledge that it is being invoked from SQS. There are no SQS API calls. It only knows the structure of the event object, which is specific to SQS.

When moving to a container, the integration responsibility moves from the Lambda service to you, the developer. There are different event sources in AWS, and each of them will require a different approach for consuming events and invoking business logic. For example, if the event source is Amazon API Gateway, your application will need to create an HTTP server that listens on an HTTP port and waits for incoming requests in order to invoke the business logic.

If the event source is Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, your application will need to run a poller that reads records from the shards, keep track of processed records, handle the case of a change in the number of shards in the stream, retry on errors, and more. Regardless of the event source, if you follow the previous recommendations, you will not need to change anything in the business logic code.

The following pseudocode shows how the integration with SQS will look like in a container. Note that you will lose some features such as batching, filtering, and, of course, automatic scaling.

import aws_sdk
import business_logic

QUEUE_URL = os.environ['QUEUE_URL']
BATCH_SIZE = os.environ.get('BATCH_SIZE', 1)
sqs_client = aws_sdk.client('sqs')

main() {
  # Infinite loop to poll for messages from SQS
  while True {

    # Receive a batch of messages from the queue
    response = sqs_client.receive_message(
      QueueUrl = QUEUE_URL,
      MaxNumberOfMessages = BATCH_SIZE,
      WaitTimeSeconds = 20 )

    # Loop over the messages in the batch
    entries = []
    i = 1
    for message in response.get('Messages',[]) {
      # Process a single message
      success = handle_message(message)

      # Append the message handle to an array that is later
      # used to delete processed messages
      if success {
            'Id': f'index{i}',
            'ReceiptHandle': message['receiptHandle']
        i += 1

    # Delete all the processed messages
    if (len(entries) > 0) {
        QueueUrl = QUEUE_URL,
        Entries = entries

Another point to consider here is Lambda destinations. If your function is invoked asynchronously and you configured a destination for your function, you will need to include that in the interface code. It will need to catch any business logic error and, based on that, invoke the right destination.

Package functions as containers

Lambda supports packaging functions as .zip files and container images. To develop portable code, we recommend using container images as your default packaging method. Even though you package the function as a container image, you can’t run it on other container platforms such as Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). However, by packaging it this way, the migration to containers later will be easier as you are already using the same tools and you already created a Dockerfile that will require minimal changes.

An example Dockerfile for Lambda looks like this:

FROM public.ecr.aws/lambda/python:3.9
COPY *.py requirements.txt ./
RUN python3.9 -m pip install -r requirements.txt -t .
CMD ["app.lambda_handler"]

If you move to containers later, you will need to change the Dockerfile to use a different base image and adapt the CMD line that defines how to start the application. This is in addition to the code changes described in the previous section.

The corresponding Dockerfile for the container will look like this:

FROM python:3.9
COPY *.py requirements.txt ./
RUN python3.9 -m pip install -r requirements.txt -t .
CMD ["python", "./app.py"]

The deployment pipeline also needs to change as we deploy to a different target. However, building the artifacts remains the same.

Single invocation per instance

Lambda functions run in their own isolated runtime environment. Each environment handles a single request at a time which works great for Lambda. However, if you migrate your application to containers, you will likely invoke the business logic from multiple threads in a single process at the same time.

This section discusses aspects of moving from a single invocation to multiple concurrent invocations within the same process.

Static variables

Static variables are those that are instantiated once and then reused across multiple invocations. Examples of such variables are database connections or configuration information.

For function optimization, and specifically for reducing cold starts and the duration of warm function invocations, we recommend initializing all static variables outside the function handler and storing them in global variables so that further invocations will reuse them.

We recommend using an initialization function that you write as part of the business logic module and that you invoke from outside the handler. This function saves information in global variables that the business logic code reuses across invocations.

The following pseudocode shows the Lambda function:

import business_logic

# Call the initialization code

handler(event, context) {
  # Call the business logic

And the business logic code will look like this:

# Global variables used to store static data
var config

initialize() {
  config = read_Config()

do_some_logic(data) {
  # Do something with config object

The same also applies to containers. You will usually initialize static variables when the process starts and not for every single request. When moving to containers, all you need to do is call the initialization function before starting the main application loop.

import business_logic

# Call the initialization code

main() {
  while True {
    # Call the business logic

As you can see, there are no changes in the business logic code.

Database connections

As Lambda functions share nothing between the runtime environments, unlike containers they can’t rely on connection pools when connecting to a relational database. For this reason, we created Amazon RDS Proxy, which acts as a centralized connection pool used by many functions.

To write portable Lambda functions, we recommend using a connection pool object with a single connection. Your business logic code will always ask for a connection from the pool when making a database request. You will still need to use RDS Proxy.

If you later move to containers, you can increase the number of connections in the pool to a larger number with no further changes and the application will scale without overwhelming the database.

File system

Lambda functions come with a writable /tmp folder in the size of 512 MB to 10 GB. As each function instance runs in an isolated runtime environment, developers usually use fixed file names for files stored in that folder. If you run the same business logic code in a container in multiple threads, the different threads will overwrite the files created by others.

We recommended using unique file names in each invocation. Append a UUID or another random number to the file name. Delete the files once you are done with them to avoid running out of space.

If you move your code to containers later, there is nothing to do.

Portable web applications

If you develop a web application, there is another way to achieve portability. You can use the AWS Lambda Web Adapter project to host a web app inside a Lambda function. This way you can develop a web application with familiar frameworks (e.g., Express.js, Next.js, Flask, Spring Boot, Laravel, or anything that uses HTTP 1.1/1.0), and run it on Lambda. If you package your web application as a container, the same Docker image can run on Lambda (using the web adapter) and containers.

Porting from containers to Lambda

This blog post demonstrates how to develop portable Lambda functions you can easily port to containers. Taking these recommendations into consideration can also help develop portable code in general, which allows you to port containers to Lambda functions.

Some things to consider:

  • Separate the business logic from the interface code in the container. The interface code should interact with the event sources and invoke the business logic.
  • As Lambda functions only have a /tmp writable folder, replicate this in your containers (even though you could write to different locations).


This blog post suggests best practices for developing Lambda functions that allow you to gain the benefits of a serverless approach without risking lock-in.

By following these best practices for separating business logic from Lambda handlers, packaging functions as containers, handling Lambda’s single invocation per instance, and more, you can develop portable Lambda functions. As a consequence, you will be able to port your code from Lambda to containers with minimal effort if you choose to move to containers later.

Refer to these best practices and code samples to ease the adoption of a serverless approach when developing your next application.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

How to create custom health checks for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Fleet

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/how-to-create-custom-health-checks-for-your-amazon-ec2-auto-scaling-fleet/

This blog post is written by Gaurav Verma, Cloud Infrastructure Architect, Professional Services AWS.

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling helps you maintain application availability and lets you automatically add or remove Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances according to the conditions that you define. You can use dynamic and predictive scaling to scale-out and scale-in EC2 instances. Auto Scaling helps to maintain the self-healing Amazon EC2 environment for an application where Auto Scaling can use the status of Amazon EC2 health checks to determine if an instance is faulty and needs replacement. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling provides three types of health checks, which are discussed below.

EC2 Status check: AWS provides two types of health checks for EC2 instances: System status check and instance status check. System status checks monitor the AWS system on which an instance is running. If the problem is with underlying system, AWS will fix the problem. Instance status check monitors the software and network configuration of an instance. If the instance status check fails, then you can fix the problem by following the steps in the troubleshoot instances with failed status checks documentation.

Elastic Load Balancer Health Check: Auto Scaling groups are generally connected to Elastic Load Balancers (ELB). ELB provides the application-level health check by monitoring the endpoint (a webpage, or a health page in a web application) of an application. ELB health check monitors the application and marks the instance unhealthy if there is no response from an instance in the configured time.

Custom Health Check: You can use custom health checks to mark any instance as unhealthy if the instance fails for the check you define. Custom health checks can be used to implement various user requirements, such as the presence of instance tags added upon completion of a required workflow. The user data script is executed at instance boot time, and it can perform additional investigation into whether or not the user requirements are met before confirming that the instance is ready to accept load. For example, this approach could be used to confirm that the instance was successfully integrated with other parts of a complex application stack.

In some cases, a customer may add multiple checks either in the Amazon EC2 AMI or in the boot sequence to keep the instance secure and compliant. These checks can increase the boot time for the EC2 instance, and they can reboot the EC2 instance multiple times before an instance can be marked as compliant. Therefore, in some cases, an EC2 instance boot period can take forty to fifty minutes or longer.

If an EC2 instance isn’t marked as healthy within a defined time, Auto Scaling will mark an instance unhealthy, even though the instance wasn’t yet ready for evaluation. Custom health checks can help manage these situations. You can write the Amazon EC2 user data script to perform the custom health check and force Auto Scaling to wait until the instance is truly healthy (i.e., functional, secure, and compliant).

This blog describes a method to write a custom health check. We write an Amazon EC2 user data script to perform the custom health check and automate it for future EC2 instances in the Auto Scaling group. This script can wait for an instance to successfully complete the boot process and then mark the instance as healthy.


You must have an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role for Amazon EC2 with an Auto Scaling policy, which has these two actions allowed for the Auto Scaling group:



Furthermore, we use the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling lifecycle hooks. Lifecycle hooks let you create a solutions that are aware of events in Auto Scaling instance lifecycle, and then perform a custom action on instances when the lifecycle event occurs. As mentioned previously, typically a custom health check is needed when determining the workload readiness of an instance would be longer than the usual boot time for an EC2 instance that Auto Scaling assumes. Therefore, we utilize lifecycle hooks to keep the checks running until the instance is marked healthy.

Create custom health check

Let’s look at an example where an instance can only be marked as healthy if the instance has a tag with the key “Compliance-Check” and value “Successful”. Until this tag is both (a) present and (b) carries the value “Successful”, the instance shouldn’t be marked as “InService”.

  1. Create the Auto Scaling launch template for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling. Name your Launch template “test”. In the additional configuration for user data, use this shell script as text.

The Following script will install the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to interact with the AWS tagging and Auto Scaling APIs. Then, the script will run the while loop until the instance has a tag with the key “Compliance-Check” and value “Successful”. Once the instance has a tag, it will mark the instance as healthy and the instance will move into the “InService” state.

curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip"
unzip awscliv2.zip
sudo ./aws/install
#get instance id

#Checking instance status
while true
readystatus=$(aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids $instance --filters "Name=tag: Compliance-Check,Values= Successful" |grep -i $instance)
if [[ $readystatus = *"InstanceId"* ]]; then
        echo $readystatus >> /home/ec2-user/user-script-output.txt
        aws autoscaling set-instance-health --instance-id $instance --health-status Healthy
        aws autoscaling complete-lifecycle-action --lifecycle-action-result CONTINUE --instance-id $instance --lifecycle-hook-name test --auto-scaling-group-name my-asg
	aws autoscaling set-instance-health --instance-id $instance --health-status Unhealthy
	sleep 5  

  1. Create an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group using the AWS CLI with the “test” launch template that you just created and a predefined lifecycle hook. First, create a JSON file “config.json” in a system where you will run the AWS command to create the Auto Scaling group.
    "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg",
    "LaunchTemplate": {"LaunchTemplateId": "lt-1234567890abcde12"} ,
    "MinSize": 2,
    "MaxSize": 4,
    "DesiredCapacity": 2,
    "VPCZoneIdentifier": "subnet-12345678, subnet-90123456",
    "NewInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn": true,
    "LifecycleHookSpecificationList": [
            "LifecycleHookName": "test",
            "LifecycleTransition": "autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCHING",
            "HeartbeatTimeout": 300,
            "DefaultResult": "ABANDON"
    "Tags": [
            "ResourceId": "my-asg",
            "ResourceType": "auto-scaling-group",
            "Key": "Compliance-Check",
            "Value": "UnSuccessful",
            "PropagateAtLaunch": true

To create the Auto Scaling group with the AWS CLI, you must run the following command at the same location where you saved the preceding JSON file. Make sure to replace the relevant subnets that you intend to use in the VPCZoneIdentifier.

>> aws autoscaling create-auto-scaling-group –cli-input-json file://config.json

This command will create the Auto Scaling group with a configuration defined in the JSON file. This Auto Scaling group should have two instances and a lifecycle hook called “test” with a 300 second wait period at the time of launch of an instance.


Now is the time to test the newly-created instances with a custom health check. Instances in Auto Scaling should be in the “Pending:Wait” stage, not the “InService” stage. Instances will be in this stage for approximately five minutes because we have a lifecycle hook time of 300 seconds in the config.json file.

If the workload readiness evaluation takes more than 300 seconds in your environment, then you can increase the lifecycle hook period to as long as 7200 seconds.

Change the tag value for one instance from “UnSuccessful” to “Successful”. If you’ve changed the tag within the five minutes of instances creation, then the instance should be in the “InService” state and marked as healthy.

Change Compliance-Check value from "UnSuccessful" to "Successful".

This test is a simulation of the situation where the health check of an instance depends on the tag values, and the tag values are only updated if the instance passes all of the checks as per the organization standards. Here we change the tag value manually, but in a real use case scenario, this value would be changed by the booting process when instances are marked as compliant.

Another test case could be that an instance should be marked as healthy if it’s added to the configuration management database, but not before that. For these checks, you can use the API with the curl command and look for the desired result. An example to call an API is in the above script, where it calls the AWS API to get the instance ID.

In case your custom health check script needs more than 7200 seconds, you can use this command to increase the lifecycle hook time:

>> aws autoscaling record-lifecycle-action-heartbeat –lifecycle-hook-name <lh_
name> –auto-scaling-group-name <asg_name> –instance-id <instance_id>

This command will give you the extra time equal to the time that you have configured in the life cycle hook.


Once you successfully test the solution, to avoid ongoing charges for resources you created, you should delete the resources.

To delete the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group, run the following command:

aws autoscaling delete-auto-scaling-group --auto-scaling-group-name my-asg

To delete the launch template, run the following command:

aws ec2 delete-launch-template --launch-template-id lt-1234567890abcde12

Delete the role and policy as well if you no longer need it.


EC2 Auto Scaling custom health checks are useful when system or instance health is insufficient, and you want instances to be marked as healthy only after additional checks. Typically, because of these different checks, the Amazon EC2 boot period can be longer than usual, and this may impact the scale-out process when an application needs more resources.

You can start by exploring EC2 Auto Scaling warm pools for these environments. You can keep the healthy marked instances in the warm pool in the Stopped stage. Then, these instances can be brought into the main pool at the time of scale-out without spending time on the boot process and lengthy health check. If you enable scale-in protection, then these healthy instances can move back to the warm pool at the time of scale-in rather than being terminated altogether.

How to choose between CoIP and Direct VPC routing modes on AWS Outposts rack

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/how-to-choose-between-coip-and-direct-vpc-routing-modes-on-aws-outposts-rack/

This blog post is written by Sumit Menaria, Senior Hybrid Solutions Architect AWS WWSO Core Services.

AWS Outposts Rack is a fully-managed service that extends AWS infrastructure, services, APIs, and tools to customer premises. By providing local access to AWS managed infrastructure and services, Outposts rack enables customers to build and run applications on premises using the same programming interfaces as in AWS Regions, while using local compute and storage resources for low latency, local data processing, and data residency needs.

There are various data sources on premises that you might want to connect from your Outpost. These sources can include field devices, on-premises databases, mainframes, storage arrays, or end users. Each Outpost supports a single Local Gateway (LGW) construct, which enables connectivity from your Outpost subnets to an on-premises network. Note that this post is specific to Outposts racks and a different method of local communication is used for AWS Outposts servers.

Two different options for facilitating communication between your Outpost based resources and on-premises network: Direct VPC routing and customer-owned IP pool. Both of these are mutually exclusive options, and routing works differently based on your choice of the mode. The two modes are the attributes of the LGW route table that your Outpost subnets’ VPC is associated with, which specifies the communication mode for the Outpost subnets.

Direct VPC routing mode

Direct VPC routing uses the private IP address of the instances in the VPC CIDR block to facilitate communication with your on-premises network. These addresses are advertised to your on-premises network with Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). Advertisement via BGP is only for the private IP addresses that belong to the subnets on your Outpost and have a route pointing to the LGW via the subnet’s route table. This type of routing is the default mode for Outposts Rack. In this mode, the LGW doesn’t perform Network Address Translation (NAT) for instances. Furthermore, you don’t have to assign an Elastic IP address to your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance from a (CoIP) to enable communication with your on-premises resources.

A diagram showing how an EC2 instance on an Outpost communicates with on-premises network using direct VPC routing mode

In this diagram, when the instance Y wants to communicate with an on-premises server, it traverses the LGW and can talk to the on-premises server using its source address ( in the Subnet CIDR range ( that is advertised over BGP from the LGW to the Customer Network Device. Similarly when the on-premises server wants to initiate communication with the Outpost based EC2 instance, it uses the instance’s private IP address ( as the destination IP address to set up the connection.

CoIP mode

Utilizing CoIP mode means that you must provide a separate IP address range from your on-premises IP space for AWS to create an address pool, known as a CoIP. With CoIP, when an Outpost based resources, such as EC2 instances, Application Load Balancer (ALB), or Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) instances, need to communicate to your on-premises network, the Local Gateway will perform 1:1 NAT from the resource’s private IP address from the Outpost subnet range to an IP address from the CoIP pool. The subnet-to-CoIP address mapping is done by assigning an Elastic IP (EIP) from the CoIP address range allocated for resources such as EC2 instances. To enable the communication with the CoIP pool from the on-premises network, and then the LGW advertises the CoIP pool through BGP over its peering with the Customer Network Device.

A diagram showing how an EC2 instance on an Outpost communicates with on-premises network using CoIP mode

In this diagram, when the instance Y wants to talk to an on-premises server, the traffic traverses the LGW and the source IP address ( of the instance gets translated to an IP address ( in the CoIP range that is associated with the instance. Similarly, when the on-premises server initiates the communication, the request will be sent with the CoIP address ( of the instance as the destination IP address. This will be changed to the instance’s private IP address ( via NAT at the LGW. The CoIP pool ( is advertised via BGP to the Customer Network Device to provide the route to the on-premises environment for reaching the Outpost based resources.

When to choose CoIP routing mode

CoIP is particularly useful when you want to isolate your Outpost based workloads from the on-premises infrastructure and only need specific resources on the Outpost to be able to communicate to the on-premises infrastructure. This is useful in situations where large enterprise networks have hundreds of IP pools allocated and there is a high chance of overlap between IP addresses allocated to Outpost based VPCs/Subnets and those allocated to on-premises infrastructure. Furthermore, CoIP can act as another layer of security, as you may choose to allocate the CoIP addresses to only the resources which must communicate with the on-premises network. Then you can allocate for the rest of them using the subnet private IP address range for communication within the Outpost or Region based resources.

This means that you don’t need to have the number of IPs in the CoIP pool be equal to the number of resources on your Outpost. For example, you may choose to configure a /26 CoIP range and a /22 pool for subnets to meet your workload requirements.

CoIP mode can also be useful when using an external ALB on Outpost and you want to make it routable through the local internet connectivity. By using a smaller internet routable CoIP address range assignment for your external ALB, you can route traffic to the ALB on the Outpost without needing to traverse through the internet gateway (IGW) in the parent Region.

When to choose Direct VPC routing mode

You can choose Direct VPC routing if you don’t want the operational overhead of managing the additional IP pools for NAT between your Outpost based resources and on-premises network. There are also few applications which may not work well if there is an NAT of IPs between the two endpoints communicating with each other. Some examples you may see are Active Directory communication with on-premises based servers, or iSCSI mount of your instances as an additional storage to on-premises Storage Area Network (SAN). These applications may not work or may need additional tuning if they encounter NATed IP addresses between an Outpost based client on an EC2 instance and on-premises based server for a two-way communication.

When Direct VPC routing mode is used, multiple VPCs can be associated to an Outpost LGW route table, and the Outpost subnets with the LGW as the route target, are automatically advertised to the on-premises network through BGP. Therefore, you must make sure that appropriate IP planning is in place to avoid any overlap of the Outpost VPC/Subnet IP range with the on-premises IP range, as they are directly advertised from LGW toward the Customer Network Device. Having overlapping IP subnets in your network can lead to undesired effects on your application connectivity and you must pay special attention when allocating IP pools for your on-premises and Outpost based VPC address space. You can use Amazon VPC IP Address Manager (IPAM) to plan the IP space of your VPCs and CoIP pools, as well as add on-premises based IP Pools using manual allocation.


You can select either Direct VPC routing or CoIP mode for routing through an Outpost Local Gateway. Since this selection affects the routing for all of the subnets on your Outpost associated with the LGW route table, it should be selected based on your workload requirements and existing IP infrastructure planning. You can also change the LGW route table mode at a later stage. However, that involves network disruption and the creation of a new LGW route table. To learn more about Outposts Racks routing, visit the LGW Route table documentation.