All posts by Danilo Poccia

AWS Lake Formation – General Availability of Cell-Level Security and Governed Tables with Automatic Compaction

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original

A data lake can help you break down data silos and combine different types of analytics into a centralized repository. You can store all of your structured and unstructured data in this repository. However, setting up and managing data lakes involve a lot of manual, complicated, and time-consuming tasks. AWS Lake Formation makes it easy to set up a secure data lake in days instead of weeks or months.

Today, I am excited to share the general availability of some new features that simplify even further loading data, optimizing storage, and managing access to a data lake:

  • Governed Tables – A new type of Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) tables that makes it simple and reliable to ingest and manage data at any scale. Governed tables support ACID transactions that let multiple users concurrently and reliably insert and delete data across multiple governed tables. ACID transactions also let you run queries that return consistent and up-to-date data. In case of errors in your extract, transform, and load (ETL) processes, or during an update, changes are not committed and will not be visible.
  • Storage Optimization with Automatic Compaction for governed tables – When this option is enabled, Lake Formation automatically compacts small S3 objects in your governed tables into larger objects to optimize access via analytics engines, such as Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift Spectrum. By using automatic compaction, you don’t have to implement custom ETL jobs that read, merge, and compress data into new files, and then replace the original files.
  • Granular Access Control with Row and Cell-Level Security – You can control access to specific rows and columns in query results and within AWS Glue ETL jobs based on the identity of who is performing the action. In this way, you don’t have to create (and keep updated) subsets of your data for different roles and legislations. This works for both governed and traditional S3 tables.

Using Governed Tables, ACID Transactions, and Automatic Compaction
In the Lake Formation console, I can enable governed data access and management at table creation. Automatic compaction is enabled by default, and it can be disabled using the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) or AWS SDKs.

Console screenshot.

Governed tables have a manifest that tracks the S3 objects that are part of the table’s data. I can use the UpdateTableObjects API to keep the manifest updated when adding new objects to the table, and I can call it using the AWS CLI and SDKs. This API is implicitly used by the AWS Glue ETL library.

Moreover, I have access to new Lake Formation APIs to start, commit, or cancel a transaction. I can use these APIs to wrap data loading, data transformation, and output consistent and up-to-date data.

Using Row and Cell-Level Security
There are many use cases where, for a table, you want to restrict access to specific columns, rows, or a combination that depends on the role of the user accessing the data. For example, a company with offices in the US, Germany, and France can create a filter for analysts based in the European Union (EU) to limit access to EU-based customers.

Console screenshot.

The filter can enforce that some columns, such as date of birth (dob) and phone, are not accessible to those analysts. Moreover, access to individual rows can be filtered by using filter expressions. You can configure row filter expressions with a SQL-compatible syntax based on the open-source PartiQL language. In this case, only rows with country equal to Germany or France (country='DE' OR country='FR') are visible.

Console screenshot.

Availability and Pricing
These new features are available today in the following AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Europe (Ireland), US East (Ohio), and Asia Pacific (Tokyo).

When querying governed tables, or tables secured with row and cell-level security, you pay by the amount of data scanned (with a 10MB minimum). When using governed tables, transaction metadata is charged by the number of S3 objects tracked, and you pay for the number of transaction requests. Automatic compaction is charged based on the data processed. For more information, see the AWS Lake Formation pricing page.

While implementing these features, we introduced a new Lake Formation Storage API that is integrated with tools such as AWS Glue, Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, and Amazon QuickSight. You can use this storage API directly in your applications to query tables with a SQL-like syntax (joins are not supported) and get the benefits of governed tables and cell-level security.

See the detailed blog series published during the preview to learn more:

Effective data lakes using AWS Lake Formation

Take advantage of these new features to simplify the creation and management of your data lake.


New – AWS Control Tower Account Factory for Terraform

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original

AWS Control Tower makes it easier to set up and manage a secure, multi-account AWS environment. AWS Control Tower uses AWS Organizations to create what is called a landing zone, bringing ongoing account management and governance based on our experience working with thousands of customers.

If you use AWS CloudFormation to manage your infrastructure as code, you can customize your AWS Control Tower landing zone using Customizations for AWS Control Tower, a solution that helps you deploy custom templates and policies to individual accounts and organizational units (OUs) within your organization.

But what if you use Terraform to manage your AWS infrastructure?

Today, I am happy to share the availability of AWS Control Tower Account Factory for Terraform (AFT), a new Terraform module maintained by the AWS Control Tower team that allows you to provision and customize AWS accounts through Terraform using a deployment pipeline. The source code for the development pipeline can be stored in AWS CodeCommit, GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, or BitBucket. With AFT, you can automate the creation of fully functional accounts that have access to all the resources they need to be productive. The module works with Terraform open source, Terraform Enterprise, and Terraform Cloud.

Architectural diagram.

Let’s see how this works in practice.

Using AWS Control Tower Account Factory for Terraform
First, I create a file that uses the AWS Control Tower Account Factory for Terraform (AFT) module:

module "aft" {
  source = "[email protected]:aws-ia/terraform-aws-control_tower_account_factory.git"

  # Required Parameters
  ct_management_account_id    = "123412341234"
  log_archive_account_id      = "234523452345"
  audit_account_id            = "345634563456"
  aft_management_account_id   = "456745674567"
  ct_home_region              = "us-east-1"
  tf_backend_secondary_region = "us-west-2"

  # Optional Parameters
  terraform_distribution = "oss"
  vcs_provider           = "codecommit"

  # Optional Feature Flags
  aft_feature_delete_default_vpcs_enabled = false
  aft_feature_cloudtrail_data_events      = false
  aft_feature_enterprise_support          = false

The first six parameters are required. As a prerequisite, I need to pass the ID of four AWS accounts in my AWS organization:

  • ct_management_account_id – AWS Control Tower management account
  • log_archive_account_id – Log Archive account
  • audit_account_id – Audit account
  • aft_management_account_id – AFT management account

Then, I have to pass two AWS Regions:

  • ct_home_region – The Region from which this module will be executed. This must be the same Region where AWS Control Tower is deployed.
  • tf_backend_secondary_region – The backend primary Region is the same as the AFT Region. This parameter defines the secondary Region to replicate to. AFT creates a backend for state tracking for its own state. It is also used for Terraform when using the open-source version.

The other parameters are optional and are set to their default value in the previous file:

  • terraform_distribution – To select between Terraform open source (default), Enterprise, or Cloud
  • vcs_provider – To choose the version control system to use between AWS CodeCommit (default), GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, or BitBucket.

These feature flags are disabled by default and can be omitted unless you want to enable them:

  • aft_feature_delete_default_vpcs_enabled – To automatically delete the default VPC for new accounts.
  • aft_feature_cloudtrail_data_events – To enable AWS CloudTrail data events for new accounts. Be aware that this option, usually required for compliance in highly regulated environments, can have an impact on your costs.
  • aft_feature_enterprise_support – To automatically enroll new accounts with Enterprise Support (if you have an Enterprise Support Plan).

First, I initialize the project and download the plugins:

terraform init

Then, I use AWS Single Sign-On to log in with the AWS Control Tower management account and start the deployment:

terraform apply

I confirm with a yes and, after some time, the deployment is complete.

Now, I use AWS SSO again to log in with the AFT management account. In the AWS CodeCommit console, I find four repositories that I can use to customize the accounts created with AFT.

Console screenshot.

These repositories are used by pipelines managed by AWS CodePipeline to automate the account creation:

  • xaft-account-request – This is where I place requests for accounts provisioned and managed by AFT.
  • aft-global-customizations – I can use this repository to customize all provisioned accounts with customer-defined resources. The resources can be created through Terraform or through Python.
  • aft-account-customizations – Here, I can customize provisioned accounts depending on the value of the account_customizations_name parameter in the aft-account-request repository. In this way, I can create different sets of customizations depending on the role the account will be used for.
  • aft-account-provisioning-customizations – This repository uses AWS Step Functions to customize the provisioning process for new accounts and simplify the integration with additional environments. State machines can use AWS Lambda functions, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) or AWS Fargate tasks, custom activities hosted either on AWS or on-premises, or Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) and Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) to communicate with external applications.

Currently, these four repositories are all empty. To start, I use the code in the sources/aft-customizations-repos folder in the GitHub repo of the AFT Terraform module.

Using the example in the aft-account-request repository, I prepare a template to create a couple of AWS accounts. One of the two accounts is for a software developer.

To help software developers be productive quickly, I create a specific account customization. In the template, I set the parameter account_customizations_name equal to developer-customization.

Then, in the aft-account-customizations repository, I create a developer-customization folder where I put a Terraform template to automatically create an AWS Cloud9 EC2-based development environment for new accounts of that type. Optionally, I can extend that with my Python code, for example, to invoke internal or external APIs. Using this approach, all new accounts for software developers will have their development environment ready as they go through the delivery pipeline.

I push the changes to the main branch (first for the aft-account-customizations repository, then for the aft-account-request). This triggers the execution of the pipeline. After a few minutes, the two new accounts are ready to be used.

You can customize accounts created by AFT based on your unique requirements. For example, you can provide each account with its own specific security setup (such as IAM roles or security groups) and storage (for example, pre-configured Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets).

Availability and Pricing
AWS Control Tower Account Factory for Terraform (AFT) works in any Region where AWS Control Tower is available. There are no additional costs when using AFT. You pay for the services used by the solution. For example, when you set up AWS Control Tower, you will begin to incur costs for AWS services configured to set up your landing zone and mandatory guardrails.

When building this solution, we worked together with HashiCorp. Armon Dadgar, HashiCorp Co-Founder and CTO, told us: “Managing cloud environments with hundreds or thousands of users can be a complex and time-consuming process. Using a software delivery pipeline integrating Terraform and AWS Control Tower makes it easier to achieve consistent governance and compliance requirements across all accounts.”

The pipeline provides an account creation process that monitors when account provisioning is complete and then triggers additional Terraform modules to enhance the account with further customizations. You can configure the pipeline to use your own custom Terraform modules or pick from pre-published Terraform modules for common products and configurations.

Simplify and standardize AWS account creation using AWS Control Tower Account Factory for Terraform.


Introducing Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs – Set Up, Monitor, and Efficiently Run Hybrid Quantum-Classical Workloads

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original

I find quantum computing fascinating! At its simplest level, it extends the concept of bits, that have 0 or 1 values, with quantum bits, or qubits, that can have a combination of two different (quantum) states.

Two characteristics make qubits really interesting:

  • When you look at the value of a qubit, you get only one of the two possible states with a probability that depends on how its own states are combined.
  • Multiple qubits can be “connected” together (this is called quantum entanglement) so that by changing the state of one, even just by reading its value, you alter the states of the others.

These characteristics come from low-level properties described by quantum mechanics, a fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at atomic and subatomic scales. Luckily, we don’t need a degree in quantum mechanics to use quantum computing in the same way we don’t need to be expert in semiconductors to use an ordinary computer.

Using qubits, researchers are designing new algorithms that have the potential to be much faster than what classical computers can achieve. To help speed up scientific research and software development for quantum computing, we introduced Amazon Braket at re:Invent 2019. A fully managed quantum computing service, Amazon Braket allows you to build, test, and run quantum algorithms on simulators and quantum computers.

Hybrid Algorithms and Quantum Processing Units (QPUs)
Quantum algorithms, which would be transformational in many different areas, require the execution of hundreds of thousands to millions of quantum gates. Unfortunately, the current generation of QPUs suffer from noise, creating errors that limit operations to only a few hundreds or thousands of gates before the errors take over.

To help solve this, we can take inspiration from machine learning: instead of using fixed quantum circuits, the logic that implements the algorithm, we let the algorithm “learn” by adjusting the parameters that tune the circuit to have a better chance of solving a given problem by adapting to the noise in a particular device (think of them as “self-learning quantum algorithms”).

This is similar to computer vision: instead of hand-crafting the features to distinguish a dog from a cat (which is notoriously difficult for a computer), machine learning algorithms “learn” the right features by iteratively adjusting parameters of a neural network.

A rapidly emerging area of research in quantum computing uses QPUs, the processors used by quantum computers, in the same way as GPUs are used in machine learning: Quantum circuits are parameterized, initialized with some values, and then run on the QPU. Like the weights in a neural network, these parameters are then iteratively adjusted based on the results of the computation. These so-called hybrid algorithms rely on rapid, iterative computations between classical computers and QPUs.

Architectural diagram.

To run hybrid algorithms, you need to manually set up a classical infrastructure, install the required software, and manage the interaction between your quantum and classical compute processes for the duration of your hybrid algorithm. You then need to build custom monitoring solutions to visualize the progress of your algorithm to make sure it converges to the solution as expected or intervene if necessary to adjust the parameters of the algorithm.

Another big challenge is that QPUs are shared, inelastic resources, and you compete with others for access. This can slow down the execution of your algorithm. A single large workload from another customer can bring the algorithm to a halt, potentially extending your total runtime for hours. This is not only inconvenient but also impacts the quality of the results because today’s QPUs need periodic re-calibration, which can invalidate the progress of a hybrid algorithm. In the worst case, the algorithm fails, wasting budget and time.

Introducing Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs
Today, I am happy to introduce Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs, a new capability of Amazon Braket that simplifies the process of setting up, monitoring, and efficiently executing hybrid quantum-classical algorithms. Jobs are fully managed so you can avoid extensive infrastructure and software management and confidently execute your algorithms quickly and predictably, with on-demand priority access to QPUs.

When you create a job, Amazon Braket spins up the job instance (providing a CPU environment based on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance), executes the algorithm (using quantum hardware or simulators), and releases the resources once the job is completed so that you only pay for what you use. You can also define custom metrics for algorithms, which are automatically logged by Amazon CloudWatch and displayed in near real-time in the Amazon Braket console as the algorithm runs. This provides you with live insights into how your algorithm is progressing, creating the opportunity to adjust your algorithm as necessary and innovate more quickly.

Architectural diagram.

To run hybrid algorithms as jobs, you can define your algorithm using the Amazon Braket SDK or with PennyLane, an open-source library for hybrid quantum computing. Let’s see how that works in practice with a couple of examples.

Using Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs
Before building a trainable quantum algorithm, let’s get started by running a series of fixed quantum operations, what we’ll refer to as quantum tasks. I use Python and the Amazon Braket SDK to define a circuit that constructs what is called a bell state, a state which has a fifty-fifty chance of resolving to each of two states. It’s the quantum computing equivalent of tossing a coin.

Here’s the content of the file:

import os

from import AwsDevice
from braket.circuits import Circuit
from import save_job_result

def start_here():

    print("Test job started!")

    device = AwsDevice(os.environ["AMZN_BRAKET_DEVICE_ARN"])

    results = []
    bell = Circuit().h(0).cnot(0, 1)
    for count in range(5):
        task =, shots=100)

    save_job_result({ "measurement_counts": results })
    print("Test job completed!")

This script uses the environment variable AMZN_BRAKET_DEVICE_ARN to instantiate the device that I select when creating the job.

Quantum computing is probabilistic. For this reason, circuits need to be evaluated multiple times to get accurate results. A single run is called a shot. The higher the number of shots, the better the accuracy of the result. In this case, the circuit is run for 100 shots.

I use the save_job_result function to store the results of my job so that I can analyze them at the end.

In the Amazon Braket console, I choose Jobs on the left panel and then Create job. To start, I give the job a name.

Console screenshot.

Then, I pass the file with the algorithm. The CPU component of the hybrid algorithm runs in a container, and I can choose which container image to use. For example, I can use a pre-built container image that includes software my algorithm depends on, such as PennyLane, TensorFlow, or PyTorch, or bring my own custom image. I select the Base container image because I don’t have external dependencies.

I leave all other settings to their default value. In this way, I use the SV1 simulator, rather than quantum hardware, to run the quantum tasks.

After some time, the job has completed, and I follow the link to the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) console to download the result. As expected, for each of the five tasks, the results show that the proportion of the 00 and 11 states is roughly 50:50. The proportions vary slightly because of the probabilistic nature of quantum computing.

    "braketSchemaHeader": {
        "name": "braket.jobs_data.persisted_job_data",
        "version": "1"
    "dataDictionary": {
        "measurement_counts": [
                "00": 51,
                "11": 49
                "00": 44,
                "11": 56
                "11": 51,
                "00": 49
                "00": 56,
                "11": 44
                "00": 49,
                "11": 51
    "dataFormat": "plaintext"

This example is quite basic because I am not running any classical logic other than initiating tasks. To see the real value, let’s see how it works with a hybrid algorithm where we tweak the parameters of the quantum circuit iteratively from task to task.

Using Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs with Hybrid Algorithms
For a more advanced example, I use a well-known example of an actual hybrid algorithm, called the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA), included in the examples provided by Amazon Braket when creating a notebook from the Braket console. QAOA is a quantum algorithm that produces approximate solutions for combinatorial optimization problems. You can also find the example in this GitHub repo.

In this case, I am using QAOA to solve the Max-Cut problem: when partitioning nodes of a graph in two, what is the maximum number of edges connecting nodes between the two parts? For example, in the figure below, there are six nodes connected by eight edges. The thick yellow line partitions the nodes into two sets by crossing six edges.

In the QAOA example, the tuning of parameters that are used to run the successive rounds of quantum tasks is optimized in a classical computing environment (such as an EC2 instance) using tools like TensorFlow or PyTorch. In one of the notebook cells, I can choose which interface to use to tune the parameters as well as the other hyperparameters in a similar way to what I’d do for machine learning training.

Braket jobs then coordinates running the classical and quantum computing parts of the algorithm and the exchange of parameters and results between them. I can just sit back and relax as I watch my algorithm converge, ready to retrieve my results from S3, as before, for deeper analysis.

Running Hybrid Algorithms in Local Mode
To test and debug hybrid algorithms quickly, the Amazon Braket SDK can run jobs in local mode. With local mode, Braket jobs are run locally on your machine (for example, your laptop). In this way, you can get fast feedback and iterate quickly during the development of your algorithms.

To run a job in local mode, you just need to replace AwsQuantumJob with LocalQuantumJob. Note that AwsQuantumJob is imported from , while LocalQuantumJob is imported from

Availability and Pricing
Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs are available today in all AWS Regions where Amazon Braket is available. For more information, see the AWS Regional Services List.

With Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs, you only pay for the resources you use. There is no need to deploy, configure, and manage classical infrastructure, making it easy to experiment and improve algorithms iteratively. For more information, see the Amazon Braket pricing page.

Instead of relying on theoretical studies, you can start to use quantum computers as the primary tool to understand and improve hybrid algorithms and test their applicability for industry and research use cases. In this way, you can focus on your research and not deal with setting up and coordinating these different compute resources for your experiments.

During the development of this new capability, we talked with customers and partners to understand their needs. “As application developers, Braket Hybrid Jobs gives us the opportunity to explore the potential of hybrid variational algorithms with our customers,” says Vic Putz head of engineering at QCWare. “We are excited to extend our integration with Amazon Braket and the ability to run our own proprietary algorithms libraries in custom containers means we can innovate quickly in a secure environment. The operational maturity of Amazon Braket and the convenience of priority access to different types of quantum hardware means we can build this new capability into our stack with confidence.”

Simplify running hybrid quantum-classical workloads with Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs.


New for AWS Compute Optimizer – Resource Efficiency Metrics to Estimate Savings Opportunities and Performance Risks

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original

By applying the knowledge drawn from Amazon’s experience running diverse workloads in the cloud, AWS Compute Optimizer identifies workload patterns and recommends optimal AWS resources.

Today, I am happy to share that AWS Compute Optimizer now delivers resource efficiency metrics alongside its recommendations to help you assess how efficiently you are using AWS resources:

  • A dashboard shows you savings and performance improvement opportunities at the account level. You can dive into resource types and individual resources from the dashboard.
  • The Estimated monthly savings (On-Demand) and Savings opportunity (%) columns estimate the possible savings for over-provisioned resources. You can sort your recommendations using these two columns to quickly find the resources on which to focus your optimization efforts.
  • The Current performance risk column estimates the bottleneck risk with the current configuration for under-provisioned resources.

These efficiency metrics are available for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), AWS Lambda, and Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) at the resource and AWS account levels.

For multi-account environments, Compute Optimizer continuously calculates resource efficiency metrics at individual account level in an AWS organization to help identify teams with low cost-efficiency or possible performance risks. This lets you to create goals and track progress over time. You can quickly understand just how resource-efficient teams and applications are, easily prioritize recommendation evaluation and adoption by engineering team, and establish a mechanism that drives a cost-aware culture and accountability across engineering teams.

Using Resource Efficiency Metrics in AWS Compute Optimizer
You can opt in using the AWS Management Console or the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) to start using Compute Optimizer. You can enroll the account that you’re currently signed in to or all of the accounts within your organization. Depending on your choice, Compute Optimizer analyzes resources that are in your individual account or for each account in your organization, and then generates optimization recommendations for those resources.

To see your savings opportunity in Compute Optimizer, you should also opt in to AWS Cost Explorer and enable the rightsizing recommendations in the AWS Cost Explorer preferences page. For more details, see Getting started with rightsizing recommendations.

I already enrolled some time ago, and in the Compute Optimizer console I see the overall savings opportunity for my account.

Console screenshot.

Below that, I have a recap of the performance improvement opportunity. This includes an overview of the under-provisioned resources, as well as the performance risks that they pose by resource type.

Console screenshot.

Let’s dive into some of those savings. In the EC2 instances section, Compute Optimizer found 37 over-provisioned instances.

Console screenshot.

I follow the 37 instances link to get recommendations for those resources, and then sort the table by Estimated monthly savings (On-Demand) descending.

Console screenshot.

On the right, in the same table, I see which is the current instance type, the recommended instance type based on Computer Optimizer estimates, the difference in pricing, and if there are platform differences between the current and recommended instance types.

Console screenshot.

I can select each instance to further drill down into the metrics collected, as well as the other possible instance types suggested by Computer Optimizer.

Back to the Compute Optimizer Dashboard, in the Lambda functions section, I see that eight functions have under-provisioned memory.

Console screenshot.

Again, I follow the 8 functions link to get recommendations for those resources, and then sort the table by Current performance risk. In my case, the risk is always low, but different values can help prioritize your activities.

Console screenshot.

Here, I see the current and recommended configured memory for those Lambda functions. I can select each function to get a view of the metrics collected. Choosing the memory allocated to Lambda functions is an optimization process that balances speed (duration) and cost. See Profiling functions with AWS Lambda Power Tuning in the documentation for more information.

Availability and Pricing
You can use resource efficiency metrics with AWS Compute Optimizer in any AWS Region where it is offered. For more information, see the AWS Regional Services List. There is no additional charge for this new capability. See the AWS Compute Optimizer pricing page for more information.

This new feature lets you implement a periodic workflow to optimize your costs:

  • You can start by reviewing savings opportunities for all of your accounts to identify which accounts have the highest savings opportunity.
  • Then, you can drill into those accounts with the highest savings opportunity. You can refer to the estimated monthly savings to see which recommendations can drive the largest absolute cost impact.
  • Finally, you can communicate optimization opportunities and priority order to the teams using those accounts.

Start using AWS Compute Optimizer today to find and prioritize savings opportunities in your AWS account or organization.


New for AWS Compute Optimizer – Enhanced Infrastructure Metrics to Extend the Look-Back Period to Three Months

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original

By using machine learning to analyze historical utilization metrics, AWS Compute Optimizer recommends optimal AWS resources for your workloads to reduce costs and improve performance. Over-provisioning resources can lead to unnecessary infrastructure costs, and under-provisioning resources can lead to poor application performance. Compute Optimizer helps you choose optimal configurations for three types of AWS resources: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes, and AWS Lambda functions, based on your utilization data. Today, I am happy to share that AWS Compute Optimizer now supports recommendation preferences where you can opt in or out of features that enhance resource-specific recommendations.

For EC2 instances, AWS Compute Optimizer analyzes Amazon CloudWatch metrics from the past 14 days to generate recommendations. For this reason, recommendations weren’t relevant for a subset of workloads that had monthly or quarterly patterns. For those workloads, you had to look for unoptimized resources and determine the right resource configurations over a longer period of time. This can be time-consuming and requires deep cloud expertise, especially for large organizations.

With the launch of recommendation preferences, Compute Optimizer now offers enhanced infrastructure metrics, a new paid recommendation preference feature that enhances recommendation quality for EC2 instances and Auto Scaling groups. Activating it extends the metrics look-back period to three months. You can activate enhanced infrastructure metrics for individual resources or at the AWS account or AWS organization level.

Let’s see how that works in practice.

Using Enhanced Infrastructure Metrics with AWS Compute Optimizer
Here, I am using the management account of my AWS organization to see organization-level preferences. In the left pane of the Compute Optimizer console, I choose Accounts. Here, there is a new section to set up Organization level preferences for enhanced infrastructure metrics. The console warns me that this is a paid feature.

I want to activate enhanced infrastructure metrics for EC2 instances running in the US East (N. Virginia) Region for all accounts in my organization. I choose the Edit button. For Resource type, I select EC2 instances. For Region, I select US East (N. Virginia). I check that the flag is active and save.

Console screenshot.

If I select one of the AWS accounts on this page, I can choose View preferences and override the setting for that specific account. For example, I can disable accounts that I use for testing because EC2 instances there are created automatically by a CI/CD pipeline and are usually terminated within a few hours.

Console screenshot.

In the console Dashboard, I look at the overall recommendations for EC2 instances and Auto Scaling groups.

Console screenshot.

In the EC2 instances box, I choose View recommendations and then one of the instances. With the Edit button, I can activate or inactivate enhanced infrastructure metrics for this specific resource. Here, I can also see if, considering all settings at organization, account, and resource level, enhanced infrastructure metrics is actually active or not for this specific EC2 instance. I see Active (pending) here because I’ve just changed the setting and it may take a few hours for Compute Optimizer to consider my updated preferences in its recommendations.

Console screenshot.

Below, I see the recommended options for the instance. Considering the current workload, I should change instance type and size from c3.2xlarge to r5d.large and save some money.

Console screenshot.

In a few hours, Compute Optimizer updates its recommendations based on the latest three months of CloudWatch metrics. In this way, I get better suggestions for workloads that have monthly or quarterly activities.

Availability and Pricing
You can activate enhanced infrastructure metrics in the AWS Compute Optimizer account preferences page for all the accounts in your organization or for individual accounts. If you need more granular controls, you can activate (or deactivate) for an individual resource (Auto Scaling group or EC2 instance) in the resource detail page. You can also activate enhanced infrastructure metrics using the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) or AWS SDKs.

Default preferences in Compute Optimizer (with 14-day look-back) are free. Enabling enhanced infrastructure metrics costs $0.0003360215 per resource per hour and is charged based on the number of hours per month the resource is running. For a resource running a full 31-day month, that’s $0.25. For more information, see the Compute Optimizer pricing page.

Use enhanced infrastructure metrics to generate recommendations with Compute Optimizer based on metrics from the past three months.


New – Amazon EC2 R6i Memory-Optimized Instances Powered by the Latest Generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original

In August, we introduced the general-purpose Amazon EC2 M6i instances powered by the latest generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors (code-named Ice Lake) with an all-core turbo frequency of 3.5 GHz. Compute-optimized EC2 C6i instances were also made available last month.

Today, I am happy to share that we are expanding our sixth-generation x86-based offerings to include memory-optimized Amazon EC2 R6i instances.

Here’s a quick recap of the advantages of the new R6i instances compared to R5 instances:

  • A larger instance size (r6i.32xlarge) with 128 vCPUs and 1,024 GiB of memory that makes it easier and more cost-efficient to consolidate workloads and scale up applications
  • Up to 15 percent improvement in compute price/performance
  • Up to 20 percent higher memory bandwidth
  • Up to 40 Gbps for Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) and 50 Gbps for networking which is 2x more than R5 instances
  • Always-on memory encryption.

R6i instances are SAP Certified and are an ideal fit for memory-intensive workloads such as SQL and NoSQL databases, distributed web scale in-memory caches like Memcached and Redis, in-memory databases, and real-time big data analytics like Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark clusters.

Compared to M6i and C6i instances, the only difference is in the amount of memory that is included per vCPU. R6i instances are available in ten sizes:

Name vCPUs Memory
Network Bandwidth
EBS Throughput
r6i.large 2 16 Up to 12.5 Up to 10
r6i.xlarge 4 32 Up to 12.5 Up to 10
r6i.2xlarge 8 64 Up to 12.5 Up to 10
r6i.4xlarge 16 128 Up to 12.5 Up to 10
r6i.8xlarge 32 256 12.5 10
r6i.12xlarge 48 384 18.75 15
r6i.16xlarge 64 512 25 20
r6i.24xlarge 96 768 37.5 30
r6i.32xlarge 128 1024 50 40
r6i.metal 128 1024 50 40

Like M6i and C6i instances, these new R6i instances are built on the AWS Nitro System, which is a collection of building blocks that offloads many of the traditional virtualization functions to dedicated hardware, delivering high performance, high availability, and highly secure cloud instances.

As with all sixth generation EC2 instances, you may need to upgrade your Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) for optimal networking performance. For more information, see this article about migrating an EC2 instance to a sixth-generation instance in the AWS Knowledge Center.

R6i instances support Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) on r6i.32xlarge and r6i.metal instances for workloads that benefit from lower network latency, such as HPC and video processing.

Availability and Pricing
EC2 R6i instances are available today in four AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), US East (Ohio), Europe (Ireland). As usual with EC2, you pay for what you use. For more information, see the EC2 pricing page.


New – Attribute-Based Instance Type Selection for EC2 Auto Scaling and EC2 Fleet

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original

The first AWS service I used, more than ten years ago, was Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). Over time, EC2 has added a wide selection of instance types optimized to fit different use cases, with a varying combination of CPU/GPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity to give you the flexibility to choose the appropriate mix of resources for your applications.

One of the key advantages of the cloud is elasticity. With EC2 Fleet, you can synchronously request capacity across multiple instance types and purchase options, launching your instances across multiple Availability Zones, using the On-Demand, Reserved, and Spot Instances together. With EC2 Auto Scaling, you can automatically add or remove EC2 instances according to conditions you define and add advanced instance management capabilities such as warm pools, instance refresh, and health checks. With these tools, you need to manually update your configurations to benefit from the newest EC2 instances. Also, when you use EC2 Spot Instances to optimize your costs, it is important that you select multiple instance types to access the highest amount of Spot capacity. Until now, there was no easy way to build and maintain instance type configurations in a flexible way.

Today, I am happy to share that we are introducing attribute-based instance type selection (ABS), a new feature that lets you express your instance requirements as a set of attributes, such as vCPU, memory, and storage. Your requirements are translated by ABS to all matching instance types, simplifying the creation and maintenance of instance type configurations. This also allows you to automatically use newer generation instance types when they are released and access a broader range of capacity via EC2 Spot Instances. EC2 Fleet and EC2 Auto Scaling select and launch instances that fit the specified attributes, removing the need to manually pick instance types.

ABS is ideal for flexible workloads and frameworks, such as when running containers or web fleets, processing big data, and implementing continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) tooling. When using Spot Instances, instead of picking and entering tens of instance types and sizes, you can now just use a simple attribute config to cover all of them and include new ones as they come out.

How Attribute-Based Instance Type Selection Works
With ABS, you replace the list of instance types with your instance requirements. You can specify instance requirements inside a launch template or in the EC2 Fleet or EC2 Auto Scaling requests as a launch template override.

ABS works in two steps:

  • First, ABS determines a list of instance types based on specified attributes, AWS Region, Availability Zone, and price.
  • Then, EC2 Auto Scaling or EC2 Fleet applies the selected allocation strategy to that list.

For Spot Instances, ABS supports the capacity-optimized and the lowest-price allocation strategies.

For On-Demand Instances, ABS supports the lowest-price allocation strategy. EC2 Auto Scaling or EC2 Fleet will resolve ABS attributes to a list of instance types and will launch the lowest priced instance first to fulfill the On-Demand portion of the capacity request, moving to the next lowest priced instance if needed.

By default ABS enables price protection to keep your spending under control. Price protection makes ABS avoid provisioning overly expensive instance types even if they happen to fit the attributes you selected and keeps the prices of provisioned instances within certain boundaries. With price protection enabled, ABS doesn’t select instance types whose price is above price protection thresholds. There are two separate thresholds for Spot and On-Demand instances that you can optionally customize.

Let’s see how ABS works in practice with a couple of examples.

Using Attribute-Based Instance Type Selection with EC2 Auto Scaling
I use the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) with the --generate-cli-skeleton parameter to generate a file in YAML format with all the parameters accepted by the CreateAutoScalingGroup API.

aws autoscaling create-auto-scaling-group \
    --generate-cli-skeleton yaml-input > create-asg.yaml

In the YAML file, there is a new InstanceRequirements section that can be used to override the configuration of the launch template. These are all the attributes I can choose from with some sample values:

  VCpuCount:  # [REQUIRED] 
    Min: 0
    Max: 0
  MemoryMiB: # [REQUIRED] 
    Min: 0
    Max: 0
  - amd
    Min: 0.0
    Max: 0.0
  - ''
  - previous
  SpotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice: 0
  OnDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice: 0
  BareMetal: required  #  Valid values are: included, excluded, required.
  BurstablePerformance: excluded #  Valid values are: included, excluded, required.
  RequireHibernateSupport: true
    Min: 0
    Max: 0
  LocalStorage: required  #  Valid values are: included, excluded, required.
  - ssd
    Min: 0.0
    Max: 0.0
    Min: 0
    Max: 0
  - inference
    Min: 0
    Max: 0
  - amazon-web-services
  - a100
    Min: 0
    Max: 0

Instead of providing a list of overrides, each having an InstanceType attribute with a single instance type selected, I can now select the instance types based on my requirements. I can specify the minimum and maximum amount of vCPUs, and the range of memory. Optionally, I can ask for a minimum amount of memory per vCPUs.

There are many more attributes that I can select from. For example, I can include, exclude, or require the use of bare metal or burstable instances. I can add networking or storage requirements. If necessary, I can ask for GPU or FPGA accelerators, and so on.

In my case, I ask for instances with two to four vCPUs and at least 2048 MiB of memory. Previously, it would have taken about 40 overrides, one for each instance type that meets these requirements, but with ABS, I just have to specify three parameters in the InstanceRequirements section. This is the full configuration file I am going to use to create the Auto Scaling group:

AutoScalingGroupName: 'my-asg' # [REQUIRED] 
      LaunchTemplateId: 'lt-0537239d9aef10a77'
    - InstanceRequirements:
        VCpuCount: # [REQUIRED] 
          Min: 2
          Max: 4
        MemoryMiB: # [REQUIRED] 
          Min: 2048
    OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity: 50
    SpotAllocationStrategy: 'capacity-optimized'
MinSize: 0 # [REQUIRED] 
MaxSize: 100 # [REQUIRED] 
DesiredCapacity: 4
VPCZoneIdentifier: 'subnet-e76a128a,subnet-e66a128b,subnet-e16a128c'

I create the Auto Scaling group passing the configuration file with the --cli-input-yaml parameter:

aws autoscaling create-auto-scaling-group \
    --cli-input-yaml file://my-create-asg.yaml

After a few minutes, four EC2 instances (corresponding to my DesiredCapacity) are running in the EC2 console. In the list, I find both C3 and C5a instances, spanning both time and CPU manufacturer.

Console screenshot.

Of those instances, 50 percent is On-Demand (based on the OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity option in the InstancesDistribution section). In the Spot Request tab of the EC2 console, I see the two requests:

Console screenshot.

As expected, all instance types follow my requirements and have size large. However, I quickly realize my application needs more compute capacity in each instance. I update the Auto Scaling group with the new requirements, asking for more vCPUs (between four and six):

aws autoscaling update-auto-scaling-group \
    --auto-scaling-group-name my-asg \
    --mixed-instances-policy '{
        "LaunchTemplate": {
            "Overrides": [
                    "InstanceRequirements": {
                    "VCpuCount":{"Min": 4, "Max": 6},
                    "MemoryMiB":{"Min": 2048} }
                } ]
        } }' 

Then, I start the instance refresh of the Auto Scaling group:

aws autoscaling start-instance-refresh \
    --auto-scaling-group-name my-asg

EC2 Auto Scaling performs a rolling replacement of the instances based on the new requirements. After a few minutes, all instances have been replaced by new ones with size xlarge, and I have a mix of C5, C5a, and M3 instances running. All previous instances have been terminated.

Console screenshot.

Similar to before, two of the new instances are launched using Spot requests. The previous Spot requests have been closed.

Console screenshot.

How to Preview Matching Instances without Launching Them
To better understand how the new ABS works, I use the new EC2 GetInstanceTypesFromInstanceRequirements API. This API returns the list of instance types matching my requirements.

First, I create the YAML parameter file:

aws ec2 get-instance-types-from-instance-requirements --generate-cli-skeleton yaml-input > requirements.yaml

I edit the file with the same requirements I used to update the Auto Scaling group. This time, I also ask to use current generation instances:

ArchitectureTypes:  # [REQUIRED] 
- x86_64
VirtualizationTypes: # [REQUIRED] 
- hvm
InstanceRequirements: # [REQUIRED] 
    Min: 4
    Max: 6
    Min: 2048
    - current

Note that here I had to specify the type of architecture (x86_64) and virtualization (hvm). When creating the Auto Scaling group, this information was provided by the Amazon Machine Images (AMI) used by the launch template.

Now, let’s preview all the instance types selected by these requirements:

aws ec2 get-instance-types-from-instance-requirements \
    --cli-input-yaml file://requirements.yaml \
    --output table

||             InstanceTypes            ||
||             InstanceType             ||
||  c4.xlarge                           ||
||  c5.xlarge                           ||
||  c5a.xlarge                          ||
||  c5ad.xlarge                         ||
||  c5d.xlarge                          ||
||  c5n.xlarge                          ||
||  d2.xlarge                           ||
||  d3.xlarge                           ||
||  d3en.xlarge                         ||
||  g3s.xlarge                          ||
||  g4ad.xlarge                         ||
||  g4dn.xlarge                         ||
||  i3.xlarge                           ||
||  i3en.xlarge                         ||
||  inf1.xlarge                         ||
||  m4.xlarge                           ||
||  m5.xlarge                           ||
||  m5a.xlarge                          ||
||  m5ad.xlarge                         ||
||  m5d.xlarge                          ||
||  m5dn.xlarge                         ||
||  m5n.xlarge                          ||
||  m5zn.xlarge                         ||
||  m6i.xlarge                          ||
||  p2.xlarge                           ||
||  r4.xlarge                           ||
||  r5.xlarge                           ||
||  r5a.xlarge                          ||
||  r5ad.xlarge                         ||
||  r5b.xlarge                          ||
||  r5d.xlarge                          ||
||  r5dn.xlarge                         ||
||  r5n.xlarge                          ||
||  x1e.xlarge                          ||
||  z1d.xlarge                          ||

Using this new EC2 API, I can quickly test different requirements and see how they map to instance types. When new instance types are released, they are automatically added to the list if they match my requirements.

Availability and Pricing
You can use attribute-based instance type selection (ABS) with EC2 Auto Scaling and EC2 Fleet today in all public and GovCloud AWS Regions, with the exception of those based in China where we need more time. You can configure ABS using the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), AWS SDKs, AWS Management Console, and AWS CloudFormation. There is no additional charge for using ABS; you only pay the standard EC2 pricing for the provisioned instances. For more information on price protection, see the EC2 Auto Scaling documentation.

This new feature makes it easy to use flexible instance type configurations instead of long lists of instance types. In this way, you can automatically use newer generation instance types when they are released in the Region. Also, you can easily access more capacity with your Spot requests.

Simplify your EC2 instance type configurations with attribute-based instance type selection.


AWS Lambda Functions Powered by AWS Graviton2 Processor – Run Your Functions on Arm and Get Up to 34% Better Price Performance

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original

Many of our customers (such as Formula One, Honeycomb, Intuit, SmugMug, and Snap Inc.) use the Arm-based AWS Graviton2 processor for their workloads and enjoy better price performance. Starting today, you can get the same benefits for your AWS Lambda functions. You can now configure new and existing functions to run on x86 or Arm/Graviton2 processors.

With this choice, you can save money in two ways. First, your functions run more efficiently due to the Graviton2 architecture. Second, you pay less for the time that they run. In fact, Lambda functions powered by Graviton2 are designed to deliver up to 19 percent better performance at 20 percent lower cost.

With Lambda, you are charged based on the number of requests for your functions and the duration (the time it takes for your code to execute) with millisecond granularity. For functions using the Arm/Graviton2 architecture, duration charges are 20 percent lower than the current pricing for x86. The same 20 percent reduction also applies to duration charges for functions using Provisioned Concurrency.

In addition to the price reduction, functions using the Arm architecture benefit from the performance and security built into the Graviton2 processor. Workloads using multithreading and multiprocessing, or performing many I/O operations, can experience lower execution time and, as a consequence, even lower costs. This is particularly useful now that you can use Lambda functions with up to 10 GB of memory and 6 vCPUs. For example, you can get better performance for web and mobile backends, microservices, and data processing systems.

If your functions don’t use architecture-specific binaries, including in their dependencies, you can switch from one architecture to the other. This is often the case for many functions using interpreted languages such as Node.js and Python or functions compiled to Java bytecode.

All Lambda runtimes built on top of Amazon Linux 2, including the custom runtime, are supported on Arm, with the exception of Node.js 10 that has reached end of support. If you have binaries in your function packages, you need to rebuild the function code for the architecture you want to use. Functions packaged as container images need to be built for the architecture (x86 or Arm) they are going to use.

To measure the difference between architectures, you can create two versions of a function, one for x86 and one for Arm. You can then send traffic to the function via an alias using weights to distribute traffic between the two versions. In Amazon CloudWatch, performance metrics are collected by function versions, and you can look at key indicators (such as duration) using statistics. You can then compare, for example, average and p99 duration between the two architectures.

You can also use function versions and weighted aliases to control the rollout in production. For example, you can deploy the new version to a small amount of invocations (such as 1 percent) and then increase up to 100 percent for a complete deployment. During rollout, you can lower the weight or set it to zero if your metrics show something suspicious (such as an increase in errors).

Let’s see how this new capability works in practice with a few examples.

Changing Architecture for Functions with No Binary Dependencies
When there are no binary dependencies, changing the architecture of a Lambda function is like flipping a switch. For example, some time ago, I built a quiz app with a Lambda function. With this app, you can ask and answer questions using a web API. I use an Amazon API Gateway HTTP API to trigger the function. Here’s the Node.js code including a few sample questions at the beginning:

const questions = [
      "Are there more synapses (nerve connections) in your brain or stars in our galaxy?",
    answers: [
      "More stars in our galaxy.",
      "More synapses (nerve connections) in your brain.",
      "They are about the same.",
    correctAnswer: 1,
      "Did Cleopatra live closer in time to the launch of the iPhone or to the building of the Giza pyramids?",
    answers: [
      "To the launch of the iPhone.",
      "To the building of the Giza pyramids.",
      "Cleopatra lived right in between those events.",
    correctAnswer: 0,
      "Did mammoths still roam the earth while the pyramids were being built?",
    answers: [
      "No, they were all exctint long before.",
      "Mammooths exctinction is estimated right about that time.",
      "Yes, some still survived at the time.",
    correctAnswer: 2,

exports.handler = async (event) => {

  const method = event.requestContext.http.method;
  const path = event.requestContext.http.path;
  const splitPath = path.replace(/^\/+|\/+$/g, "").split("/");

  console.log(method, path, splitPath);

  var response = {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: "",

  if (splitPath[0] == "questions") {
    if (splitPath.length == 1) {
      response.body = JSON.stringify(Object.keys(questions));
    } else {
      const questionId = splitPath[1];
      const question = questions[questionId];
      if (question === undefined) {
        response = {
          statusCode: 404,
          body: JSON.stringify({ message: "Question not found" }),
      } else {
        if (splitPath.length == 2) {
          const publicQuestion = {
            question: question.question,
            answers: question.answers.slice(),
          response.body = JSON.stringify(publicQuestion);
        } else {
          const answerId = splitPath[2];
          if (answerId == question.correctAnswer) {
            response.body = JSON.stringify({ correct: true });
          } else {
            response.body = JSON.stringify({ correct: false });

  return response;

To start my quiz, I ask for the list of question IDs. To do so, I use curl with an HTTP GET on the /questions endpoint:

$ curl https://<api-id>

Then, I ask more information on a question by adding the ID to the endpoint:

$ curl https://<api-id>
  "question": "Did Cleopatra live closer in time to the launch of the iPhone or to the building of the Giza pyramids?",
  "answers": [
    "To the launch of the iPhone.",
    "To the building of the Giza pyramids.",
    "Cleopatra lived right in between those events."

I plan to use this function in production. I expect many invocations and look for options to optimize my costs. In the Lambda console, I see that this function is using the x86_64 architecture.

Console screenshot.

Because this function is not using any binaries, I switch architecture to arm64 and benefit from the lower pricing.

Console screenshot.

The change in architecture doesn’t change the way the function is invoked or communicates its response back. This means that the integration with the API Gateway, as well as integrations with other applications or tools, are not affected by this change and continue to work as before.

I continue my quiz with no hint that the architecture used to run the code has changed in the backend. I answer back to the previous question by adding the number of the answer (starting from zero) to the question endpoint:

$ curl https://<api-id>
  "correct": true

That’s correct! Cleopatra lived closer in time to the launch of the iPhone than the building of the Giza pyramids. While I am digesting this piece of information, I realize that I completed the migration of the function to Arm and optimized my costs.

Changing Architecture for Functions Packaged Using Container Images
When we introduced the capability to package and deploy Lambda functions using container images, I did a demo with a Node.js function generating a PDF file with the PDFKit module. Let’s see how to migrate this function to Arm.

Each time it is invoked, the function creates a new PDF mail containing random data generated by the faker.js module. The output of the function is using the syntax of the Amazon API Gateway to return the PDF file using Base64 encoding. For convenience, I replicate the code (app.js) of the function here:

const PDFDocument = require('pdfkit');
const faker = require('faker');
const getStream = require('get-stream');

exports.lambdaHandler = async (event) => {

    const doc = new PDFDocument();

    const randomName =;

    doc.text(randomName, { align: 'right' });
    doc.text(faker.address.streetAddress(), { align: 'right' });
    doc.text(faker.address.secondaryAddress(), { align: 'right' });
    doc.text(faker.address.zipCode() + ' ' +, { align: 'right' });
    doc.text('Dear ' + randomName + ',');
    for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    doc.text(, { align: 'right' });

    pdfBuffer = await getStream.buffer(doc);
    pdfBase64 = pdfBuffer.toString('base64');

    const response = {
        statusCode: 200,
        headers: {
            'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(pdfBase64),
            'Content-Type': 'application/pdf',
            'Content-disposition': 'attachment;filename=test.pdf'
        isBase64Encoded: true,
        body: pdfBase64
    return response;

To run this code, I need the pdfkit, faker, and get-stream npm modules. These packages and their versions are described in the package.json and package-lock.json files.

I update the FROM line in the Dockerfile to use an AWS base image for Lambda for the Arm architecture. Given the chance, I also update the image to use Node.js 14 (I was using Node.js 12 at the time). This is the only change I need to switch architecture.

COPY app.js package*.json ./
RUN npm install
CMD [ "app.lambdaHandler" ]

For the next steps, I follow the post I mentioned previously. This time I use random-letter-arm for the name of the container image and for the name of the Lambda function. First, I build the image:

$ docker build -t random-letter-arm .

Then, I inspect the image to check that it is using the right architecture:

$ docker inspect random-letter-arm | grep Architecture

"Architecture": "arm64",

To be sure the function works with the new architecture, I run the container locally.

$ docker run -p 9000:8080 random-letter-arm:latest

Because the container image includes the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator, I can test the function locally:

$ curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" -d '{}'

It works! The response is a JSON document containing a base64-encoded response for the API Gateway:

    "statusCode": 200,
    "headers": {
        "Content-Length": 2580,
        "Content-Type": "application/pdf",
        "Content-disposition": "attachment;filename=test.pdf"
    "isBase64Encoded": true,
    "body": "..."

Confident that my Lambda function works with the arm64 architecture, I create a new Amazon Elastic Container Registry repository using the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI):

$ aws ecr create-repository --repository-name random-letter-arm --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true

I tag the image and push it to the repo:

$ docker tag random-letter-arm:latest
$ aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
$ docker push

In the Lambda console, I create the random-letter-arm function and select the option to create the function from a container image.

Console screenshot.

I enter the function name, browse my ECR repositories to select the random-letter-arm container image, and choose the arm64 architecture.

Console screenshot.

I complete the creation of the function. Then, I add the API Gateway as a trigger. For simplicity, I leave the authentication of the API open.

Console screenshot.

Now, I click on the API endpoint a few times and download some PDF mails generated with random data:

Screenshot of some PDF files.

The migration of this Lambda function to Arm is complete. The process will differ if you have specific dependencies that do not support the target architecture. The ability to test your container image locally helps you find and fix issues early in the process.

Comparing Different Architectures with Function Versions and Aliases
To have a function that makes some meaningful use of the CPU, I use the following Python code. It computes all prime numbers up to a limit passed as a parameter. I am not using the best possible algorithm here, that would be the sieve of Eratosthenes, but it’s a good compromise for an efficient use of memory. To have more visibility, I add the architecture used by the function to the response of the function.

import json
import math
import platform
import timeit

def primes_up_to(n):
    primes = []
    for i in range(2, n+1):
        is_prime = True
        sqrt_i = math.isqrt(i)
        for p in primes:
            if p > sqrt_i:
            if i % p == 0:
                is_prime = False
        if is_prime:
    return primes

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    start_time = timeit.default_timer()
    N = int(event['queryStringParameters']['max'])
    primes = primes_up_to(N)
    stop_time = timeit.default_timer()
    elapsed_time = stop_time - start_time

    response = {
        'machine': platform.machine(),
        'elapsed': elapsed_time,
        'message': 'There are {} prime numbers <= {}'.format(len(primes), N)
    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': json.dumps(response)

I create two function versions using different architectures.

Console screenshot.

I use a weighted alias with 50% weight on the x86 version and 50% weight on the Arm version to distribute invocations evenly. When invoking the function through this alias, the two versions running on the two different architectures are executed with the same probability.

Console screenshot.

I create an API Gateway trigger for the function alias and then generate some load using a few terminals on my laptop. Each invocation computes prime numbers up to one million. You can see in the output how two different architectures are used to run the function.

$ while True
    curl https://<api-id>\?max\=1000000

{"machine": "aarch64", "elapsed": 1.2595275060011772, "message": "There are 78498 prime numbers <= 1000000"}
{"machine": "aarch64", "elapsed": 1.2591725109996332, "message": "There are 78498 prime numbers <= 1000000"}
{"machine": "x86_64", "elapsed": 1.7200910530000328, "message": "There are 78498 prime numbers <= 1000000"}
{"machine": "x86_64", "elapsed": 1.6874686619994463, "message": "There are 78498 prime numbers <= 1000000"}
{"machine": "x86_64", "elapsed": 1.6865161940004327, "message": "There are 78498 prime numbers <= 1000000"}
{"machine": "aarch64", "elapsed": 1.2583248640003148, "message": "There are 78498 prime numbers <= 1000000"}

During these executions, Lambda sends metrics to CloudWatch and the function version (ExecutedVersion) is stored as one of the dimensions.

To better understand what is happening, I create a CloudWatch dashboard to monitor the p99 duration for the two architectures. In this way, I can compare the performance of the two environments for this function and make an informed decision on which architecture to use in production.

Console screenshot.

For this particular workload, functions are running much faster on the Graviton2 processor, providing a better user experience and much lower costs.

Comparing Different Architectures with Lambda Power Tuning
The AWS Lambda Power Tuning open-source project, created by my friend Alex Casalboni, runs your functions using different settings and suggests a configuration to minimize costs and/or maximize performance. The project has recently been updated to let you compare two results on the same chart. This comes in handy to compare two versions of the same function, one using x86 and the other Arm.

For example, this chart compares x86 and Arm/Graviton2 results for the function computing prime numbers I used earlier in the post:


The function is using a single thread. In fact, the lowest duration for both architectures is reported when memory is configured with 1.8 GB. Above that, Lambda functions have access to more than 1 vCPU, but in this case, the function can’t use the additional power. For the same reason, costs are stable with memory up to 1.8 GB. With more memory, costs increase because there are no additional performance benefits for this workload.

I look at the chart and configure the function to use 1.8 GB of memory and the Arm architecture. The Graviton2 processor is clearly providing better performance and lower costs for this compute-intensive function.

Availability and Pricing
You can use Lambda Functions powered by Graviton2 processor today in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), EU (London), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo).

The following runtimes running on top of Amazon Linux 2 are supported on Arm:

  • Node.js 12 and 14
  • Python 3.8 and 3.9
  • Java 8 (java8.al2) and 11
  • .NET Core 3.1
  • Ruby 2.7
  • Custom Runtime (provided.al2)

You can manage Lambda Functions powered by Graviton2 processor using AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) and AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). Support is also available through many AWS Lambda Partners such as AntStack, Check Point, Cloudwiry, Contino, Coralogix, Datadog, Lumigo, Pulumi, Slalom, Sumo Logic, Thundra, and Xerris.

Lambda functions using the Arm/Graviton2 architecture provide up to 34 percent price performance improvement. The 20 percent reduction in duration costs also applies when using Provisioned Concurrency. You can further reduce your costs by up to 17 percent with Compute Savings Plans. Lambda functions powered by Graviton2 are included in the AWS Free Tier up to the existing limits. For more information, see the AWS Lambda pricing page.

You can find help to optimize your workloads for the AWS Graviton2 processor in the Getting started with AWS Graviton repository.

Start running your Lambda functions on Arm today.


New – Amazon Genomics CLI Is Now Open Source and Generally Available

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original

Less than 70 years separate us from one of the greatest discoveries of all time: the double helix structure of DNA. We now know that DNA is a sort of a twisted ladder composed of four types of compounds, called bases. These four bases are usually identified by an uppercase letter: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). One of the reasons for the double helix structure is that when these compounds are at the two sides of the ladder, A always bonds with T, and C always bonds with G.

If we unroll the ladder on a table, we’d see two sequences of “letters”, and each of the two sides would carry the same genetic information. For example, here are two series (AGCT and TCGA) bound together:

A – T
G – C
C – G
T – A

These series of letters can be very long. For example, the human genome is composed of over 3 billion letters of code and acts as the biological blueprint of every cell in a person. The information in a person’s genome can be used to create highly personalized treatments to improve the health of individuals and even the entire population. Similarly, genomic data can be use to track infectious diseases, improve diagnosis, and even track epidemics, food pathogens and toxins. This is the emerging field of environmental genomics.

Accessing genomic data requires genome sequencing, which with recent advances in technology, can be done for large groups of individuals, quickly and more cost-effectively than ever before. In the next five years, genomics datasets are estimated to grow and contain more than a billion sequenced genomes.

How Genomics Data Analysis Works
Genomics data analysis uses a variety of tools that need to be orchestrated as a specific sequence of steps, or a workflow. To facilitate developing, sharing, and running workflows, the genomics and bioinformatics communities have developed specialized workflow definition languages like WDL, Nextflow, CWL, and Snakemake.

However, this process generates petabytes of raw genomic data and experts in genomics and life science struggle to scale compute and storage resources to handle data at such massive scale.

To process data and provide answers quickly, cloud resources like compute, storage, and networking need to be configured to work together with analysis tools. As a result, scientists and researchers often have to spend valuable time deploying infrastructure and modifying open-source genomics analysis tools instead of making contributions to genomics innovations.

Introducing Amazon Genomics CLI
A couple of months ago, we shared the preview of Amazon Genomics CLI, a tool that makes it easier to process genomics data at petabyte scale on AWS. I am excited to share that the Amazon Genomics CLI is now an open source project and is generally available today. You can use it with publicly available workflows as a starting point and develop your analysis on top of these.

Amazon Genomics CLI simplifies and automates the deployment of cloud infrastructure, providing you with an easy-to-use command line interface to quickly setup and run genomics workflows on AWS. By removing the heavy lifting from setting up and running genomics workflows in the cloud, software developers and researchers can automatically provision, configure and scale cloud resources to enable faster and more cost-effective population-level genetics studies, drug discovery cycles, and more.

Amazon Genomics CLI lets you run your workflows on an optimized cloud infrastructure. More specifically, the CLI:

  • Includes improvements to genomics workflow engines to make them integrate better with AWS, removing the burden to manually modify open-source tools and tune them to run efficiently at scale. These tools work seamlessly across Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS), and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), helping you to scale compute and storage and at the same time optimize your costs using features like EC2 Spot Instances.
  • Eliminates the most time-consuming tasks like provisioning storage and compute capacities, deploying the genomics workflow engines, and tuning the clusters used to execute workflows.
  • Automatically increases or decreases cloud resources based on your workloads, which eliminates the risk of buying too much or too little capacity.
  • Tags resources so that you can use tools like AWS Cost & Usage Report to understand the costs related to your genomics data analysis across multiple AWS services.

The use of Amazon Genomics CLI is based on these three main concepts:

Workflow – These are bioinformatics workflows written in languages like WDL or Nextflow. They can be either single script files or packages of multiple files. These workflow script files are workflow definitions and combined with additional metadata, like the workflow language the definition is written in, form a workflow specification that is used by the CLI to execute workflows on appropriate compute resources.

Context – A context encapsulates and automates time-consuming tasks to configure and deploy workflow engines, create data access policies, and tune compute clusters (managed using AWS Batch) for operation at scale.

Project – A project links together workflows, datasets, and the contexts used to process them. From a user perspective, it handles resources related to the same problem or used by the same team.

Let’s see how this works in practice.

Using Amazon Genomics CLI
I follow the instructions to install Amazon Genomics CLI on my laptop. Now, I can use the agc command to manage genomic workloads. I see the available options with:

$ agc --help

The first time I use it, I activate my AWS account:

$ agc account activate

This creates the core infrastructure that Amazon Genomics CLI needs to operate, which includes an S3 bucket, a virtual private cloud (VPC), and a DynamoDB table. The S3 bucket is used for durable metadata, and the VPC is used to isolate compute resources.

Optionally, I can bring my own VPC. I can also use one of my named profiles for the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI). In this way, I can customize the AWS Region and the AWS account used by the Amazon Genomics CLI.

I configure my email address in the local settings. This wil be used to tag resources created by the CLI:

$ agc configure email [email protected]

There are a few demo projects in the examples folder included by the Amazon Genomics CLI installation. These projects use different engines, such as Cromwell or Nextflow. In the demo-wdl-project folder, the agc-project.yaml file describes the workflows, the data, and the contexts for the Demo project:

name: Demo
schemaVersion: 1
      language: wdl
      version: 1.0
    sourceURL: workflows/hello
      language: wdl
      version: 1.0
    sourceURL: workflows/read
      language: wdl
      version: 1.0
    sourceURL: workflows/haplotype
      language: wdl
      version: 1.0
    sourceURL: workflows/words
  - location: s3://gatk-test-data
    readOnly: true
  - location: s3://broad-references
    readOnly: true
      - type: wdl
        engine: cromwell

    requestSpotInstances: true
      - type: wdl
        engine: cromwell

For this project, there are four workflows (hello, read, words-with-vowels, and haplotype). The project has read-only access to two S3 buckets and can run workflows using two contexts. Both contexts use the Cromwell engine. One context (spotCtx) uses Amazon EC2 Spot Instances to optimize costs.

In the demo-wdl-project folder, I use the Amazon Genomics CLI to deploy the spotCtx context:

$ agc context deploy -c spotCtx

After a few minutes, the context is ready, and I can execute the workflows. Once started, a context incurs about $0.40 per hour of baseline costs. These costs don’t include the resources created to execute workflows. Those resources depend on your specific use case. Contexts have the option to use spot instances by adding the requestSpotInstances flag to their configuration.

I use the CLI to see the status of the contexts of the project:

$ agc context status


Now, let’s look at the workflows included in this project:

$ agc workflow list

2021-09-24T11:15:29+01:00 𝒊  Listing workflows.
WORKFLOWNAME words-with-vowels

The simplest workflow is hello. The content of the hello.wdl file is quite understandable if you know any programming language:

version 1.0
workflow hello_agc {
    call hello {}
task hello {
    command { echo "Hello Amazon Genomics CLI!" }
    runtime {
        docker: "ubuntu:latest"
    output { String out = read_string( stdout() ) }

The hello workflow defines a single task (hello) that prints the output of a command. The task is executed on a specific container image (ubuntu:latest). The output is taken from standard output (stdout), the default file descriptor where a process can write output.

Running workflows is an asynchronous process. After submitting a workflow from the CLI, it is handled entirely in the cloud. I can run multiple workflows at a time. The underlying compute resources will automatically scale and I will be charged only for what I use.

Using the CLI, I start the hello workflow:

$ agc workflow run hello -c spotCtx

2021-09-24T13:03:47+01:00 𝒊  Running workflow. Workflow name: 'hello', Arguments: '', Context: 'spotCtx'

The workflow was successfully submitted, and the last line is the workflow execution ID. I can use this ID to reference a specific workflow execution. Now, I check the status of the workflow:

$ agc workflow status

2021-09-24T13:04:21+01:00 𝒊  Showing workflow run(s). Max Runs: 20
WORKFLOWINSTANCE	spotCtx	fcf72b78-f725-493e-b633-7dbe67878e91	true	RUNNING	2021-09-24T12:03:53Z	hello

The hello workflow is still running. After a few minutes, I check again:

$ agc workflow status

2021-09-24T13:12:23+01:00 𝒊  Showing workflow run(s). Max Runs: 20
WORKFLOWINSTANCE	spotCtx	fcf72b78-f725-493e-b633-7dbe67878e91	true	COMPLETE	2021-09-24T12:03:53Z	hello

The workflow has terminated and is now complete. I look at the workflow logs:

$ agc logs workflow hello

2021-09-24T13:13:08+01:00 𝒊  Showing the logs for 'hello'
2021-09-24T13:13:12+01:00 𝒊  Showing logs for the latest run of the workflow. Run id: 'fcf72b78-f725-493e-b633-7dbe67878e91'
Fri, 24 Sep 2021 13:07:22 +0100	download: s3://agc-123412341234-eu-west-1/scripts/1a82f9a96e387d78ae3786c967f97cc0 to tmp/tmp.498XAhEOy/batch-file-temp
Fri, 24 Sep 2021 13:07:22 +0100	*** LOCALIZING INPUTS ***
Fri, 24 Sep 2021 13:07:23 +0100	download: s3://agc-123412341234-eu-west-1/project/Demo/userid/danilop20tbvT/context/spotCtx/cromwell-execution/hello_agc/fcf72b78-f725-493e-b633-7dbe67878e91/call-hello/script to agc-024700040865-eu-west-1/project/Demo/userid/danilop20tbvT/context/spotCtx/cromwell-execution/hello_agc/fcf72b78-f725-493e-b633-7dbe67878e91/call-hello/script
Fri, 24 Sep 2021 13:07:23 +0100	*** COMPLETED LOCALIZATION ***
Fri, 24 Sep 2021 13:07:23 +0100	Hello Amazon Genomics CLI!
Fri, 24 Sep 2021 13:07:23 +0100	*** DELOCALIZING OUTPUTS ***
Fri, 24 Sep 2021 13:07:24 +0100	upload: ./hello-rc.txt to s3://agc-123412341234-eu-west-1/project/Demo/userid/danilop20tbvT/context/spotCtx/cromwell-execution/hello_agc/fcf72b78-f725-493e-b633-7dbe67878e91/call-hello/hello-rc.txt
Fri, 24 Sep 2021 13:07:25 +0100	upload: ./hello-stderr.log to s3://agc-123412341234-eu-west-1/project/Demo/userid/danilop20tbvT/context/spotCtx/cromwell-execution/hello_agc/fcf72b78-f725-493e-b633-7dbe67878e91/call-hello/hello-stderr.log
Fri, 24 Sep 2021 13:07:25 +0100	upload: ./hello-stdout.log to s3://agc-123412341234-eu-west-1/project/Demo/userid/danilop20tbvT/context/spotCtx/cromwell-execution/hello_agc/fcf72b78-f725-493e-b633-7dbe67878e91/call-hello/hello-stdout.log
Fri, 24 Sep 2021 13:07:25 +0100	*** COMPLETED DELOCALIZATION ***
Fri, 24 Sep 2021 13:07:25 +0100	*** EXITING WITH RETURN CODE ***
Fri, 24 Sep 2021 13:07:25 +0100	0

In the logs, I find as expected the Hello Amazon Genomics CLI! message printed by workflow.

I can also look at the content of hello-stdout.log on S3 using the information in the log above:

aws s3 cp s3://agc-123412341234-eu-west-1/project/Demo/userid/danilop20tbvT/context/spotCtx/cromwell-execution/hello_agc/fcf72b78-f725-493e-b633-7dbe67878e91/call-hello/hello-stdout.log -

Hello Amazon Genomics CLI!

It worked! Now, let’s look for at more complex workflows. Before I change project, I destroy the context for the Demo project:

$ agc context destroy -c spotCtx

In the gatk-best-practices-project folder, I list the available workflows for the project:

$ agc workflow list

2021-09-24T11:41:14+01:00 𝒊  Listing workflows.
WORKFLOWNAME	bam-to-unmapped-bams
WORKFLOWNAME	cram-to-bam
WORKFLOWNAME	gatk4-basic-joint-genotyping
WORKFLOWNAME	gatk4-data-processing
WORKFLOWNAME	gatk4-germline-snps-indels
WORKFLOWNAME	gatk4-rnaseq-germline-snps-indels
WORKFLOWNAME	interleaved-fastq-to-paired-fastq
WORKFLOWNAME	paired-fastq-to-unmapped-bam
WORKFLOWNAME	seq-format-validation

In the agc-project.yaml file, the gatk4-data-processing workflow points to a local directory with the same name. This is the content of that directory:

$ ls gatk4-data-processing


This workflow processes high-throughput sequencing data with GATK4, a genomic analysis toolkit focused on variant discovery.

The directory contains a MANIFEST.json file. The manifest file describes which file contains the main workflow to execute (there can be more than one WDL file in the directory) and where to find input parameters and options. Here’s the content of the manifest file:

  "mainWorkflowURL": "processing-for-variant-discovery-gatk4.wdl",
  "inputFileURLs": [
  "optionFileURL": "options.json"

In the gatk-best-practices-project folder, I create a context to run the workflows:

$ agc context deploy -c spotCtx

Then, I start the gatk4-data-processing workflow:

$ agc workflow run gatk4-data-processing -c spotCtx

2021-09-24T12:08:22+01:00 𝒊  Running workflow. Workflow name: 'gatk4-data-processing', Arguments: '', Context: 'spotCtx'

After a couple of hours, the workflow has terminated:

$ agc workflow status

2021-09-24T14:06:40+01:00 𝒊  Showing workflow run(s). Max Runs: 20
WORKFLOWINSTANCE	spotCtx	630e2d53-0c28-4f35-873e-65363529c3de	true	COMPLETE	2021-09-24T11:08:28Z	gatk4-data-processing

I look at the logs:

$ agc logs workflow gatk4-data-processing

Fri, 24 Sep 2021 14:02:32 +0100	*** DELOCALIZING OUTPUTS ***
Fri, 24 Sep 2021 14:03:45 +0100	upload: ./NA12878.hg38.bam to s3://agc-123412341234-eu-west-1/project/GATK/userid/danilop20tbvT/context/spotCtx/cromwell-execution/PreProcessingForVariantDiscovery_GATK4/630e2d53-0c28-4f35-873e-65363529c3de/call-GatherBamFiles/NA12878.hg38.bam
Fri, 24 Sep 2021 14:03:46 +0100	upload: ./NA12878.hg38.bam.md5 to s3://agc-123412341234-eu-west-1/project/GATK/userid/danilop20tbvT/context/spotCtx/cromwell-execution/PreProcessingForVariantDiscovery_GATK4/630e2d53-0c28-4f35-873e-65363529c3de/call-GatherBamFiles/NA12878.hg38.bam.md5
Fri, 24 Sep 2021 14:03:47 +0100	upload: ./NA12878.hg38.bai to s3://agc-123412341234-eu-west-1/project/GATK/userid/danilop20tbvT/context/spotCtx/cromwell-execution/PreProcessingForVariantDiscovery_GATK4/630e2d53-0c28-4f35-873e-65363529c3de/call-GatherBamFiles/NA12878.hg38.bai
Fri, 24 Sep 2021 14:03:48 +0100	upload: ./GatherBamFiles-rc.txt to s3://agc-123412341234-eu-west-1/project/GATK/userid/danilop20tbvT/context/spotCtx/cromwell-execution/PreProcessingForVariantDiscovery_GATK4/630e2d53-0c28-4f35-873e-65363529c3de/call-GatherBamFiles/GatherBamFiles-rc.txt
Fri, 24 Sep 2021 14:03:49 +0100	upload: ./GatherBamFiles-stderr.log to s3://agc-123412341234-eu-west-1/project/GATK/userid/danilop20tbvT/context/spotCtx/cromwell-execution/PreProcessingForVariantDiscovery_GATK4/630e2d53-0c28-4f35-873e-65363529c3de/call-GatherBamFiles/GatherBamFiles-stderr.log
Fri, 24 Sep 2021 14:03:50 +0100	upload: ./GatherBamFiles-stdout.log to s3://agc-123412341234-eu-west-1/project/GATK/userid/danilop20tbvT/context/spotCtx/cromwell-execution/PreProcessingForVariantDiscovery_GATK4/630e2d53-0c28-4f35-873e-65363529c3de/call-GatherBamFiles/GatherBamFiles-stdout.log
Fri, 24 Sep 2021 14:03:50 +0100	*** COMPLETED DELOCALIZATION ***
Fri, 24 Sep 2021 14:03:50 +0100	*** EXITING WITH RETURN CODE ***
Fri, 24 Sep 2021 14:03:50 +0100	0

Results have been written to the S3 bucket created during the account activation. The name of the bucket is in the logs but I can also find it stored as a parameter by AWS Systems Manager. I can save it in an environment variable with the following command:

$ export AGC_BUCKET=$(aws ssm get-parameter \
  --name /agc/_common/bucket \
  --query 'Parameter.Value' \
  --output text)

Using the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), I can now explore the results on the S3 bucket and get the outputs of the workflow.

Before looking at the results, I remove the resources that I don’t need by stopping the context. This will destroy all compute resources, but retain data in S3.

$ agc context destroy -c spotCtx

Additional examples on configuring different contexts and running additional workflows are provided in the documentation on GitHub.

Availability and Pricing
Amazon Genomics CLI is an open source tool, and you can use it today in all AWS Regions with the exception of AWS GovCloud (US) and Regions located in China. There is no cost for using the AWS Genomics CLI. You pay for the AWS resources created by the CLI.

With the Amazon Genomics CLI, you can focus on science instead of architecting infrastructure. This gets you up and running faster, enabling research, development, and testing workloads. For production workloads that scale to several thousand parallel workflows, we can provide recommended ways to leverage additional Amazon services, like AWS Step Functions, just reach out to our account teams for more information.


New for AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry – Tracing Support is Now Generally Available

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original

Last year before re:Invent, we introduced the public preview of AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry, a secure distribution of the OpenTelemetry project supported by AWS. OpenTelemetry provides tools, APIs, and SDKs to instrument, generate, collect, and export telemetry data to better understand the behavior and the performance of your applications. Yesterday, upstream OpenTelemetry announced tracing stability milestone for its components. Today, I am happy to share that support for traces is now generally available in AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry.

Using OpenTelemetry, you can instrument your applications just once and then send traces to multiple monitoring solutions.

You can use AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry to instrument your applications running on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), and AWS Lambda, as well as on premises. Containers running on AWS Fargate and orchestrated via either ECS or EKS are also supported.

You can send tracing data collected by AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry to AWS X-Ray, as well as partner destinations such as:

You can use auto-instrumentation agents to collect traces without changing your code. Auto-instrumentation is available today for Java and Python applications. Auto-instrumentation support for Python currently only covers the AWS SDK. You can instrument your applications using other programming languages (such as Go, Node.js, and .NET) with the OpenTelemetry SDKs.

Let’s see how this works in practice for a Java application.

Visualizing Traces for a Java Application Using Auto-Instrumentation
I create a simple Java application that shows the list of my Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets and my Amazon DynamoDB tables:

package com.example.myapp;


import java.util.List;

 * Hello world!
public class App {

    public static void listAllTables(DynamoDbClient ddb) {

        System.out.println("DynamoDB Tables:");

        boolean moreTables = true;
        String lastName = null;

        while (moreTables) {
            try {
                ListTablesResponse response = null;
                if (lastName == null) {
                    ListTablesRequest request = ListTablesRequest.builder().build();
                    response = ddb.listTables(request);
                } else {
                    ListTablesRequest request = ListTablesRequest.builder().exclusiveStartTableName(lastName).build();
                    response = ddb.listTables(request);

                List<String> tableNames = response.tableNames();

                if (tableNames.size() > 0) {
                    for (String curName : tableNames) {
                        System.out.format("* %s\n", curName);
                } else {
                    System.out.println("No tables found!");

                lastName = response.lastEvaluatedTableName();
                if (lastName == null) {
                    moreTables = false;
            } catch (DynamoDbException e) {


    public static void listAllBuckets(S3Client s3) {

        System.out.println("S3 Buckets:");

        ListBucketsRequest listBucketsRequest = ListBucketsRequest.builder().build();
        ListBucketsResponse listBucketsResponse = s3.listBuckets(listBucketsRequest);
        listBucketsResponse.buckets().stream().forEach(x -> System.out.format("* %s\n",;


    public static void listAllBucketsAndTables(S3Client s3, DynamoDbClient ddb) {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Region region = Region.EU_WEST_1;

        S3Client s3 = S3Client.builder().region(region).build();
        DynamoDbClient ddb = DynamoDbClient.builder().region(region).build();

        listAllBucketsAndTables(s3, ddb);


I package the application using Apache Maven. Here’s the Project Object Model (POM) file managing dependencies such as the AWS SDK for Java 2.x that I use to interact with S3 and DynamoDB:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

I use Maven to create an executable Java Archive (JAR) file that includes all dependencies:

$ mvn clean compile assembly:single

To run the application and get tracing data, I need two components:

In one terminal, I run the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Collector using Docker:

$ docker run --rm -p 4317:4317 -p 55680:55680 -p 8889:8888 \
         -e AWS_REGION=eu-west-1 \
         -e AWS_PROFILE=default \
         -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws \
         --name awscollector

The collector is now ready to receive traces and forward them to a monitoring platform. By default, the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Collector sends traces to AWS X-Ray. I can change the exporter or add more exporters by editing the collector configuration. For example, I can follow the documentation to configure OLTP exporters to send telemetry data using the OLTP protocol. In the documentation, I also find how to configure other partner destinations. [[ It would be great it we had a link for the partner section, I can find only links to a specific partner ]]

I download the latest version of the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Auto-Instrumentation Java Agent. Now, I run my application and use the agent to capture telemetry data without having to add any specific instrumentation the code. In the OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES environment variable I set a name and a namespace for the service: [[ Are and service.namespace being used by X-Ray? I couldn’t find them in the service map ]]

$,service.namespace=MyTeam \
  java -javaagent:otel/aws-opentelemetry-agent.jar \
       -jar myapp/target/myapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

As expected, I get the list of my S3 buckets globally and of the DynamoDB tables in the Region.

To generate more tracing data, I run the previous command a few times. Each time I run the application, telemetry data is collected by the agent and sent to the collector. The collector buffers the data and then sends it to the configured exporters. By default, it is sending traces to X-Ray.

Now, I look at the service map in the AWS X-Ray console to see my application’s interactions with other services:

Console screenshot.

And there they are! Without any change in the code, I see my application’s calls to the S3 and DynamoDB APIs. There were no errors, and all the circles are green. Inside the circles, I find the average latency of the invocations and the number of transactions per minute.

Adding Spans to a Java Application
The information automatically collected can be improved by providing more information with the traces. For example, I might have interactions with the same service in different parts of my application, and it would be useful to separate those interactions in the service map. In this way, if there is an error or high latency, I would know which part of my application is affected.

One way to do so is to use spans or segments. A span represents a group of logically related activities. For example, the listAllBucketsAndTables method is performing two operations, one with S3 and one with DynamoDB. I’d like to group them together in a span. The quickest way with OpenTelemetry is to add the @WithSpan annotation to the method. Because the result of a method usually depends on its arguments, I also use the @SpanAttribute annotation to describe which arguments in the method invocation should be automatically added as attributes to the span.

    public static void listAllBucketsAndTables(@SpanAttribute("title") String title, S3Client s3, DynamoDbClient ddb) {



To be able to use the @WithSpan and @SpanAttribute annotations, I need to import them into the code and add the necessary OpenTelemetry dependencies to the POM. All these changes are based on the OpenTelemetry specifications and don’t depend on the actual implementation that I am using, or on the tool that I will use to visualize or analyze the telemetry data. I have only to make these changes once to instrument my application. Isn’t that great?

To better see how spans work, I create another method that is running the same operations in reverse order, first listing the DynamoDB tables, then the S3 buckets:

    public static void listTablesFirstAndThenBuckets(@SpanAttribute("title") String title, S3Client s3, DynamoDbClient ddb) {



The application is now running the two methods (listAllBucketsAndTables and listTablesFirstAndThenBuckets) one after the other. For simplicity, here’s the full code of the instrumented application:

package com.example.myapp;


import java.util.List;

import io.opentelemetry.extension.annotations.SpanAttribute;
import io.opentelemetry.extension.annotations.WithSpan;

 * Hello world!
public class App {

    public static void listAllTables(DynamoDbClient ddb) {

        System.out.println("DynamoDB Tables:");

        boolean moreTables = true;
        String lastName = null;

        while (moreTables) {
            try {
                ListTablesResponse response = null;
                if (lastName == null) {
                    ListTablesRequest request = ListTablesRequest.builder().build();
                    response = ddb.listTables(request);
                } else {
                    ListTablesRequest request = ListTablesRequest.builder().exclusiveStartTableName(lastName).build();
                    response = ddb.listTables(request);

                List<String> tableNames = response.tableNames();

                if (tableNames.size() > 0) {
                    for (String curName : tableNames) {
                        System.out.format("* %s\n", curName);
                } else {
                    System.out.println("No tables found!");

                lastName = response.lastEvaluatedTableName();
                if (lastName == null) {
                    moreTables = false;
            } catch (DynamoDbException e) {


    public static void listAllBuckets(S3Client s3) {

        System.out.println("S3 Buckets:");

        ListBucketsRequest listBucketsRequest = ListBucketsRequest.builder().build();
        ListBucketsResponse listBucketsResponse = s3.listBuckets(listBucketsRequest);
        listBucketsResponse.buckets().stream().forEach(x -> System.out.format("* %s\n",;


    public static void listAllBucketsAndTables(@SpanAttribute("title") String title, S3Client s3, DynamoDbClient ddb) {




    public static void listTablesFirstAndThenBuckets(@SpanAttribute("title") String title, S3Client s3, DynamoDbClient ddb) {




    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Region region = Region.EU_WEST_1;

        S3Client s3 = S3Client.builder().region(region).build();
        DynamoDbClient ddb = DynamoDbClient.builder().region(region).build();

        listAllBucketsAndTables("My S3 buckets and DynamoDB tables", s3, ddb);
        listTablesFirstAndThenBuckets("My DynamoDB tables first and then S3 bucket", s3, ddb);


And here’s the updated POM that includes the additional OpenTelemetry dependencies:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

I compile my application with these changes and run it again a few times:

$ mvn clean compile assembly:single

$,service.namespace=MyTeam \
  java -javaagent:otel/aws-opentelemetry-agent.jar \
       -jar myapp/target/myapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Now, let’s look at the X-Ray service map, computed using the additional information provided by those annotations.

Console screenshot.

Now I see the two methods and the other services they invoke. If there are errors or high latency, I can easily understand how the two methods are affected.

In the Traces section of the X-Ray console, I look at the Raw data for some of the traces. Because the title argument was annotated with @SpanAttribute, each trace has the value of that argument in the metadata section.

Console screenshot.

Collecting Traces from Lambda Functions
The previous steps work on premises, on EC2, and with applications running in containers. To collect traces and use auto-instrumentation with Lambda functions, you can use the AWS managed OpenTelemetry Lambda Layers (a few examples are included in the repository).

After you add the Lambda layer to your function, you can use the environment variable OPENTELEMETRY_COLLECTOR_CONFIG_FILE to pass your own configuration to the collector. More information on using AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry with AWS Lambda is available in the documentation.

Availability and Pricing
You can use AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry to get telemetry data from your application running on premises and on AWS. There are no additional costs for using AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry. Depending on your configuration, you might pay for the AWS services that are destinations for OpenTelemetry data, such as AWS X-Ray, Amazon CloudWatch, and Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP).

To learn more, you are invited to this webinar on Thursday, October 7 at 10:00 am PT / 1:00 pm EDT / 7:00 pm CEST.

Simplify the instrumentation of your applications and improve their observability using AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry today.


Introducing Amazon MSK Connect – Stream Data to and from Your Apache Kafka Clusters Using Managed Connectors

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original

Apache Kafka is an open-source platform for building real-time streaming data pipelines and applications. At re:Invent 2018, we announced Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka, a fully managed service that makes it easy to build and run applications that use Apache Kafka to process streaming data.

When you use Apache Kafka, you capture real-time data from sources such as IoT devices, database change events, and website clickstreams, and deliver it to destinations such as databases and persistent storage.

Kafka Connect is an open-source component of Apache Kafka that provides a framework for connecting with external systems such as databases, key-value stores, search indexes, and file systems. However, manually running Kafka Connect clusters requires you to plan and provision the required infrastructure, deal with cluster operations, and scale it in response to load changes.

Today, we’re announcing a new capability that makes it easier to manage Kafka Connect clusters. MSK Connect allows you to configure and deploy a connector using Kafka Connect with a just few clicks. MSK Connect provisions the required resources and sets up the cluster. It continuously monitors the health and delivery state of connectors, patches and manages the underlying hardware, and auto-scales connectors to match changes in throughput. As a result, you can focus your resources on building applications rather than managing infrastructure.

MSK Connect is fully compatible with Kafka Connect, which means you can migrate your existing connectors without code changes. You don’t need an MSK cluster to use MSK Connect. It supports Amazon MSK, Apache Kafka, and Apache Kafka compatible clusters as sources and sinks. These clusters can be self-managed or managed by AWS partners and 3rd parties as long as MSK Connect can privately connect to the clusters.

Using MSK Connect with Amazon Aurora and Debezium
To test MSK Connect, I want to use it to stream data change events from one of my databases. To do so, I use Debezium, an open-source distributed platform for change data capture built on top of Apache Kafka.

I use a MySQL-compatible Amazon Aurora database as the source and the Debezium MySQL connector with the setup described in this architectural diagram:

Architectural diagram.

To use my Aurora database with Debezium, I need to turn on binary logging in the DB cluster parameter group. I follow the steps in the How do I turn on binary logging for my Amazon Aurora MySQL cluster article.

Next, I have to create a custom plugin for MSK Connect. A custom plugin is a set of JAR files that contain the implementation of one or more connectors, transforms, or converters. Amazon MSK will install the plugin on the workers of the connect cluster where the connector is running.

From the Debezium website, I download the MySQL connector plugin for the latest stable release. Because MSK Connect accepts custom plugins in ZIP or JAR format, I convert the downloaded archive to ZIP format and keep the JARs files in the main directory:

$ tar xzf debezium-connector-mysql-1.6.1.Final-plugin.tar.gz
$ cd debezium-connector-mysql
$ zip -9 ../ *
$ cd ..

Then, I use the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) to upload the custom plugin to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket in the same AWS Region I am using for MSK Connect:

$ aws s3 cp s3://my-bucket/path/

On the Amazon MSK console there is a new MSK Connect section. I look at the connectors and choose Create connector. Then, I create a custom plugin and browse my S3 buckets to select the custom plugin ZIP file I uploaded before.

Console screenshot.

I enter a name and a description for the plugin and then choose Next.

Console screenshot.

Now that the configuration of the custom plugin is complete, I start the creation of the connector. I enter a name and a description for the connector.

Console screenshot.

I have the option to use a self-managed Apache Kafka cluster or one that is managed by MSK. I select one of my MSK cluster that is configured to use IAM authentication. The MSK cluster I select is in the same virtual private cloud (VPC) as my Aurora database. To connect, the MSK cluster and Aurora database use the default security group for the VPC. For simplicity, I use a cluster configuration with auto.create.topics.enable set to true.

Console screenshot.

In Connector configuration, I use the following settings:

database.history.kafka.bootstrap.servers=<bootstrap servers>
database.history.consumer.sasl.mechanism=AWS_MSK_IAM required;
database.history.producer.sasl.mechanism=AWS_MSK_IAM required;

Some of these settings are generic and should be specified for any connector. For example:

  • connector.class is the Java class of the connector.
  • tasks.max is the maximum number of tasks that should be created for this connector.

Other settings are specific to the Debezium MySQL connector:

  • The database.hostname contains the writer instance endpoint of my Aurora database.
  • The is a logical name of the database server. It is used for the names of the Kafka topics created by Debezium.
  • The database.include.list contains the list of databases hosted by the specified server.
  • The database.history.kafka.topic is a Kafka topic used internally by Debezium to track database schema changes.
  • The database.history.kafka.bootstrap.servers contains the bootstrap servers of the MSK cluster.
  • The final eight lines (database.history.consumer.* and database.history.producer.*) enable IAM authentication to access the database history topic.

In Connector capacity, I can choose between autoscaled or provisioned capacity. For this setup, I choose Autoscaled and leave all other settings at their defaults.

Console screenshot.

With autoscaled capacity, I can configure these parameters:

  • MSK Connect Unit (MCU) count per worker – Each MCU provides 1 vCPU of compute and 4 GB of memory.
  • The minimum and maximum number of workers.
  • Autoscaling utilization thresholds – The upper and lower target utilization thresholds on MCU consumption in percentage to trigger auto scaling.

Console screenshot.

There is a summary of the minimum and maximum MCUs, memory, and network bandwidth for the connector.

Console screenshot.

For Worker configuration, you can use the default one provided by Amazon MSK or provide your own configuration. In my setup, I use the default one.

In Access permissions, I create a IAM role. In the trusted entities, I add to allow MSK Connect to assume the role.

The role is used by MSK Connect to interact with the MSK cluster and other AWS services. For my setup, I add:

The Debezium connector needs access to the cluster configuration to find the replication factor to use to create the history topic. For this reason, I add to the permissions policy the kafka-cluster:DescribeClusterDynamicConfiguration action (equivalent Apache Kafka’s DESCRIBE_CONFIGS cluster ACL).

Depending on your configuration, you might need to add more permissions to the role (for example, in case the connector needs access to other AWS resources such as an S3 bucket). If that is the case, you should add permissions before creating the connector.

In Security, the settings for authentication and encryption in transit are taken from the MSK cluster.

Console screenshot.

In Logs, I choose to deliver logs to CloudWatch Logs to have more information on the execution of the connector. By using CloudWatch Logs, I can easily manage retention and interactively search and analyze my log data with CloudWatch Logs Insights. I enter the log group ARN (it’s the same log group I used before in the IAM role) and then choose Next.

Console screenshot.

I review the settings and then choose Create connector. After a few minutes, the connector is running.

Testing MSK Connect with Amazon Aurora and Debezium
Now let’s test the architecture I just set up. I start an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance to update the database and start a couple of Kafka consumers to see Debezium in action. To be able to connect to both the MSK cluster and the Aurora database, I use the same VPC and assign the default security group. I also add another security group that gives me SSH access to the instance.

I download a binary distribution of Apache Kafka and extract the archive in the home directory:

$ tar xvf kafka_2.13-2.7.1.tgz

To use IAM to authenticate with the MSK cluster, I follow the instructions in the Amazon MSK Developer Guide to configure clients for IAM access control. I download the latest stable release of the Amazon MSK Library for IAM:

$ wget

In the ~/kafka_2.13-2.7.1/config/ directory I create a file to configure a Kafka client to use IAM authentication:

# Sets up TLS for encryption and SASL for authN.
security.protocol = SASL_SSL

# Identifies the SASL mechanism to use.
sasl.mechanism = AWS_MSK_IAM

# Binds SASL client implementation.
sasl.jaas.config = required;

# Encapsulates constructing a SigV4 signature based on extracted credentials.
# The SASL client bound by "sasl.jaas.config" invokes this class.
sasl.client.callback.handler.class =

I add a few lines to my Bash profile to:

  • Add Kafka binaries to the PATH.
  • Add the MSK Library for IAM to the CLASSPATH.
  • Create the BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS environment variable to store the bootstrap servers of my MSK cluster.
$ cat >> ~./bash_profile
export PATH=~/kafka_2.13-2.7.1/bin:$PATH
export CLASSPATH=/home/ec2-user/aws-msk-iam-auth-1.1.0-all.jar
export BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=<bootstrap servers>

Then, I open three terminal connections to the instance.

In the first terminal connection, I start a Kafka consumer for a topic with the same name as the database server (ecommerce-server). This topic is used by Debezium to stream schema changes (for example, when a new table is created).

$ cd ~/kafka_2.13-2.7.1/
$ --bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS \
                            --consumer.config config/ \
                            --topic ecommerce-server --from-beginning

In the second terminal connection, I start another Kafka consumer for a topic with a name built by concatenating the database server (ecommerce-server), the database (ecommerce), and the table (orders). This topic is used by Debezium to stream data changes for the table (for example, when a new record is inserted).

$ cd ~/kafka_2.13-2.7.1/
$ --bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS \
                            --consumer.config config/ \
                            --topic ecommerce-server.ecommerce.orders --from-beginning

In the third terminal connection, I install a MySQL client using the MariaDB package and connect to the Aurora database:

$ sudo yum install mariadb
$ mysql -h <aurora-database-writer-instance-endpoint> -u <database-user> -p

From this connection, I create the ecommerce database and a table for my orders:


USE ecommerce

       order_id VARCHAR(255),
       customer_id VARCHAR(255),
       item_description VARCHAR(255),
       price DECIMAL(6,2),

These database changes are captured by the Debezium connector managed by MSK Connect and are streamed to the MSK cluster. In the first terminal, consuming the topic with schema changes, I see the information on the creation of database and table:

Struct{source=Struct{version=1.6.1.Final,connector=mysql,name=ecommerce-server,ts_ms=1629202831473,db=ecommerce,server_id=1980402433,file=mysql-bin-changelog.000003,pos=9828,row=0},databaseName=ecommerce,ddl=CREATE DATABASE ecommerce,tableChanges=[]}
Struct{source=Struct{version=1.6.1.Final,connector=mysql,name=ecommerce-server,ts_ms=1629202878811,db=ecommerce,table=orders,server_id=1980402433,file=mysql-bin-changelog.000003,pos=10002,row=0},databaseName=ecommerce,ddl=CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id VARCHAR(255), customer_id VARCHAR(255), item_description VARCHAR(255), price DECIMAL(6,2), order_date DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ),tableChanges=[Struct{type=CREATE,id="ecommerce"."orders",table=Struct{defaultCharsetName=latin1,primaryKeyColumnNames=[],columns=[Struct{name=order_id,jdbcType=12,typeName=VARCHAR,typeExpression=VARCHAR,charsetName=latin1,length=255,position=1,optional=true,autoIncremented=false,generated=false}, Struct{name=customer_id,jdbcType=12,typeName=VARCHAR,typeExpression=VARCHAR,charsetName=latin1,length=255,position=2,optional=true,autoIncremented=false,generated=false}, Struct{name=item_description,jdbcType=12,typeName=VARCHAR,typeExpression=VARCHAR,charsetName=latin1,length=255,position=3,optional=true,autoIncremented=false,generated=false}, Struct{name=price,jdbcType=3,typeName=DECIMAL,typeExpression=DECIMAL,length=6,scale=2,position=4,optional=true,autoIncremented=false,generated=false}, Struct{name=order_date,jdbcType=93,typeName=DATETIME,typeExpression=DATETIME,position=5,optional=true,autoIncremented=false,generated=false}]}}]}

Then, I go back to the database connection in the third terminal to insert a few records in the orders table:

INSERT INTO orders VALUES ("123456", "123", "A super noisy mechanical keyboard", "50.00", "2021-08-16 10:11:12");
INSERT INTO orders VALUES ("123457", "123", "An extremely wide monitor", "500.00", "2021-08-16 11:12:13");
INSERT INTO orders VALUES ("123458", "123", "A too sensible microphone", "150.00", "2021-08-16 12:13:14");

In the second terminal, I see the information on the records inserted into the orders table:

Struct{after=Struct{order_id=123456,customer_id=123,item_description=A super noisy mechanical keyboard,price=50.00,order_date=1629108672000},source=Struct{version=1.6.1.Final,connector=mysql,name=ecommerce-server,ts_ms=1629202993000,db=ecommerce,table=orders,server_id=1980402433,file=mysql-bin-changelog.000003,pos=10464,row=0},op=c,ts_ms=1629202993614}
Struct{after=Struct{order_id=123457,customer_id=123,item_description=An extremely wide monitor,price=500.00,order_date=1629112333000},source=Struct{version=1.6.1.Final,connector=mysql,name=ecommerce-server,ts_ms=1629202993000,db=ecommerce,table=orders,server_id=1980402433,file=mysql-bin-changelog.000003,pos=10793,row=0},op=c,ts_ms=1629202993621}
Struct{after=Struct{order_id=123458,customer_id=123,item_description=A too sensible microphone,price=150.00,order_date=1629115994000},source=Struct{version=1.6.1.Final,connector=mysql,name=ecommerce-server,ts_ms=1629202993000,db=ecommerce,table=orders,server_id=1980402433,file=mysql-bin-changelog.000003,pos=11114,row=0},op=c,ts_ms=1629202993630}

My change data capture architecture is up and running and the connector is fully managed by MSK Connect.

Availability and Pricing
MSK Connect is available in the following AWS Regions: Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), EU (Frankfurt), EU (Ireland), EU (London), EU (Paris), EU (Stockholm), South America (Sao Paulo), US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon). For more information, see the AWS Regional Services List.

With MSK Connect you pay for what you use. The resources used by your connectors can be scaled automatically based on your workload. For more information, see the Amazon MSK pricing page.

Simplify the management of your Apache Kafka connectors today with MSK Connect.


Amazon Managed Grafana Is Now Generally Available with Many New Features

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original

In December, we introduced the preview of Amazon Managed Grafana, a fully managed service developed in collaboration with Grafana Labs that makes it easy to use the open-source and the enterprise versions of Grafana to visualize and analyze your data from multiple sources. With Amazon Managed Grafana, you can analyze your metrics, logs, and traces without having to provision servers, or configure and update software.

During the preview, Amazon Managed Grafana was updated with new capabilities. Today, I am happy to announce that Amazon Managed Grafana is now generally available with additional new features:

  • Grafana has been upgraded to version 8 and offers new data sources, visualizations, and features, including library panels that you can build once and re-use on multiple dashboards, a Prometheus metrics browser to quickly find and query metrics, and new state timeline and status history visualizations.
  • To centralize the querying of additional data sources within an Amazon Managed Grafana workspace, you can now query data using the JSON data source plugin. You can now also query Redis, SAP HANA, Salesforce, ServiceNow, Atlassian Jira, and many more data sources.
  • You can use Grafana API keys to publish your own dashboards or give programmatic access to your Grafana workspace. For example, this is a Terraform recipe that you can use to add data sources and dashboards.
  • You can enable single sign-on to your Amazon Managed Grafana workspaces using Security Assertion Markup Language 2.0 (SAML 2.0). We have worked with these identity providers (IdP) to have them integrated at launch: CyberArk, Okta, OneLogin, Ping Identity, and Azure Active Directory.
  • All calls from the Amazon Managed Grafana console and code calls to Amazon Managed Grafana API operations are captured by AWS CloudTrail. In this way, you can have a record of actions taken in Amazon Managed Grafana by a user, role, or AWS service. Additionally, you can now audit mutating changes that occur in your Amazon Managed Grafana workspace, such as when a dashboard is deleted or data source permissions are changed.
  • The service is available in ten AWS Regions (full list at the end of the post).

Let’s do a quick walkthrough to see how this works in practice.

Using Amazon Managed Grafana
In the Amazon Managed Grafana console, I choose Create workspace. A workspace is a logically isolated, highly available Grafana server. I enter a name and a description for the workspace, and then choose Next.

Console screenshot.

I can use AWS Single Sign-On (AWS SSO) or an external identity provider via SAML to authenticate the users of my workspace. For simplicity, I select AWS SSO. Later in the post, I’ll show how SAML authentication works. If this is your first time using AWS SSO, you can see the prerequisites (such as having AWS Organizations set up) in the documentation.

Console screenshot.

Then, I choose the Service managed permission type. In this way, Amazon Managed Grafana will automatically provision the necessary IAM permissions to access the AWS Services that I select in the next step.

Console screenshot.

In Service managed permission settings, I choose to monitor resources in my current AWS account. If you use AWS Organizations to centrally manage your AWS environment, you can use Grafana to monitor resources in your organizational units (OUs).

Console screenshot.

I can optionally select the AWS data sources that I am planning to use. This configuration creates an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables Amazon Managed Grafana to access those resources in my account. Later, in the Grafana console, I can set up the selected services as data sources. For now, I select Amazon CloudWatch so that I can quickly visualize CloudWatch metrics in my Grafana dashboards.

Here I also configure permissions to use Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP) as a data source and have a fully managed monitoring solution for my applications. For example, I can collect Prometheus metrics from Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) and Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) environments, using AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry or Prometheus servers as collection agents.

Console screenshot.

In this step I also select Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) as a notification channel. Similar to the data sources before, this option gives Amazon Managed Grafana access to SNS but does not set up the notification channel. I can do that later in the Grafana console. Specifically, this setting adds SNS publish permissions to topics that start with grafana to the IAM role created by the Amazon Managed Grafana console. If you prefer to have tighter control on permissions for SNS or any data source, you can edit the role in the IAM console or use customer-managed permissions for your workspace.

Finally, I review all the options and create the workspace.

After a few minutes, the workspace is ready, and I find the workspace URL that I can use to access the Grafana console.

Console screenshot.

I need to assign at least one user or group to the Grafana workspace to be able to access the workspace URL. I choose Assign new user or group and then select one of my AWS SSO users.

Console screenshot.

By default, the user is assigned a Viewer user type and has view-only access to the workspace. To give this user permissions to create and manage dashboards and alerts, I select the user and then choose Make admin.

Console screenshot.

Back to the workspace summary, I follow the workspace URL and sign in using my AWS SSO user credentials. I am now using the open-source version of Grafana. If you are a Grafana user, everything is familiar. For my first configurations, I will focus on AWS data sources so I choose the AWS logo on the left vertical bar.

Console screenshot.

Here, I choose CloudWatch. Permissions are already set because I selected CloudWatch in the service-managed permission settings earlier. I select the default AWS Region and add the data source. I choose the CloudWatch data source and on the Dashboards tab, I find a few dashboards for AWS services such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), AWS Lambda, Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), and CloudWatch Logs.

Console screenshot.

I import the AWS Lambda dashboard. I can now use Grafana to monitor invocations, errors, and throttles for Lambda functions in my account. I’ll save you the screenshot because I don’t have any interesting data in this Region.

Using SAML Authentication
If I don’t have AWS SSO enabled, I can authenticate users to the Amazon Managed Grafana workspace using an external identity provider (IdP) by selecting the SAML authentication option when I create the workspace. For existing workspaces, I can choose Setup SAML configuration in the workspace summary.

First, I have to provide the workspace ID and URL information to my IdP in order to generate IdP metadata for configuring this workspace.

Console screenshot.

After my IdP is configured, I import the IdP metadata by specifying a URL or copying and pasting to the editor.

Console screenshot.

Finally, I can map user permissions in my IdP to Grafana user permissions, such as specifying which users will have Administrator, Editor, and Viewer permissions in my Amazon Managed Grafana workspace.

Console screenshot.

Availability and Pricing
Amazon Managed Grafana is available today in ten AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Europe (Ireland), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (London), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and Asia Pacific (Seoul). For more information, see the AWS Regional Services List.

With Amazon Managed Grafana, you pay for the active users per workspace each month. Grafana API keys used to publish dashboards are billed as an API user license per workspace each month. You can upgrade to Grafana Enterprise to have access to enterprise plugins, support, and on-demand training directly from Grafana Labs. For more information, see the Amazon Managed Grafana pricing page.

To learn more, you are invited to this webinar on Thursday, September 9 at 9:00 am PDT / 12:00 pm EDT / 6:00 pm CEST.

Start using Amazon Managed Grafana today to visualize and analyze your operational data at any scale.


New for AWS CloudFormation – Quickly Retry Stack Operations from the Point of Failure

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original

One of the great advantages of cloud computing is that you have access to programmable infrastructure. This allows you to manage your infrastructure as code and apply the same practices of application code development to infrastructure provisioning.

AWS CloudFormation gives you an easy way to model a collection of related AWS and third-party resources, provision them quickly and consistently, and manage them throughout their lifecycles. A CloudFormation template describes your desired resources and their dependencies so you can launch and configure them together as a stack. You can use a template to create, update, and delete an entire stack as a single unit instead of managing resources individually.

When you create or update a stack, your action might fail for different reasons. For example, there can be errors in the template, in the parameters of the template, or issues outside the template, such as AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permission errors. When such an error occurs, CloudFormation rolls back the stack to the previous stable condition. For a stack creation, that means deleting all resources created up to the point of the error. For a stack update, it means restoring the previous configuration.

This rollback to the previous state is great for production environments, but doesn’t make it easy to understand the reason for the error. Depending on the complexity of your template and the number of resources involved, you might spend lots of time waiting for all the resources to roll back before you can update the template with the right configuration and retry the operation.

Today, I am happy to share that now CloudFormation allows you to disable the automatic rollback, keep the resources successfully created or updated before the error occurs, and retry stack operations from the point of failure. In this way, you can quickly iterate to fix and remediate errors and greatly reduce the time required to test a CloudFormation template in a development environment. You can apply this new capability when you create a stack, when you update a stack, and when you execute a change set. Let’s see how this works in practice.

Quickly Iterate to Fix and Remediate a CloudFormation Stack
For one of my applications, I need to set up an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, an Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue, and an Amazon DynamoDB table that is streaming item-level changes to an Amazon Kinesis data stream. For this setup, I write down the first version of the CloudFormation template.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Description: A sample template to fix & remediate
    Type: Number
    Description: The number of shards for the Kinesis stream
    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
    Type: AWS::SQS::Queue
    Type: AWS::Kinesis::Stream
      ShardCount: !Ref ShardCountParameter
    Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table
      BillingMode: PAY_PER_REQUEST
        - AttributeName: "ArtistId"
          AttributeType: "S"
        - AttributeName: "Concert"
          AttributeType: "S"
        - AttributeName: "TicketSales"
          AttributeType: "S"
        - AttributeName: "ArtistId"
          KeyType: "HASH"
        - AttributeName: "Concert"
          KeyType: "RANGE"
        StreamArn: !GetAtt MyStream.Arn
    Value: !Ref MyBucket
    Description: The name of my S3 bucket
    Value: !GetAtt MyQueue.QueueName
    Description: The name of my SQS queue
    Value: !Ref MyStream
    Description: The name of my Kinesis stream
    Value: !Ref MyTable
    Description: The name of my DynamoDB table

Now, I want to create a stack from this template. On the CloudFormation console, I choose Create stack. Then, I upload the template file and choose Next.

Console screenshot.

I enter a name for the stack. Then, I fill the stack parameters. My template file has one parameter (ShardCountParameter) used to configure the number of shards for the Kinesis data stream. I know that the number of shards should be greater or equal to one, but by mistake, I enter zero and choose Next.

Console screenshot.

To create, modify, or delete resources in the stack, I use an IAM role. In this way, I have a clear boundary for the permissions that CloudFormation can use for stack operations. Also, I can use the same role to automate the deployment of the stack later in a standardized and reproducible environment.

In Permissions, I select the IAM role to use for the stack operations.

Console screenshot.

Now it’s time to use the new feature! In the Stack failure options, I select Preserve successfully provisioned resources to keep, in case of errors, the resources that have already been created. Failed resources are always rolled back to the last known stable state.

Console screenshot.

I leave all other options at their defaults and choose Next. Then, I review my configurations and choose Create stack.

The creation of the stack is in progress for a few seconds, and then it fails because of an error. In the Events tab, I look at the timeline of the events. The start of the creation of the stack is at the bottom. The most recent event is at the top. Properties validation for the stream resource failed because the number of shards (ShardCount) is below the minimum. For this reason, the stack is now in the CREATE_FAILED status.

Console screenshot.

Because I chose to preserve the provisioned resources, all resources created before the error are still there. In the Resources tab, the S3 bucket and the SQS queue are in the CREATE_COMPLETE status, while the Kinesis data stream is in the CREATE_FAILED status. The creation of the DynamoDB table depends on the Kinesis data stream to be available because the table uses the data stream in one of its properties (KinesisStreamSpecification). As a consequence of that, the table creation has not started yet, and the table is not in the list.

Console screenshot.

The rollback is now paused, and I have a few new options:

Retry – To retry the stack operation without any change. This option is useful if a resource failed to provision due to an issue outside the template. I can fix the issue and then retry from the point of failure.

Update – To update the template or the parameters before retrying the stack creation. The stack update starts from where the last operation was interrupted by an error.

Rollback – To roll back to the last known stable state. This is similar to default CloudFormation behavior.

Console screenshot.

Fixing Issues in the Parameters
I quickly realize the mistake I made while entering the parameter for the number of shards, so I choose Update.

I don’t need to change the template to fix this error. In Parameters, I fix the previous error and enter the correct amount for the number of shards: one shard.

Console screenshot.

I leave all other options at their current values and choose Next.

In Change set preview, I see that the update will try to modify the Kinesis stream (currently in the CREATE_FAILED status) and add the DynamoDB table. I review the other configurations and choose Update stack.

Console screenshot.

Now the update is in progress. Did I solve all the issues? Not yet. After some time, the update fails.

Fixing Issues Outside the Template
The Kinesis stream has been created, but the IAM role assumed by CloudFormation doesn’t have permissions to create the DynamoDB table.

Console screenshots.

In the IAM console, I add additional permissions to the role used by the stack operations to be able to create the DynamoDB table.

Console screenshot.

Back to the CloudFormation console, I choose the Retry option. With the new permissions, the creation of the DynamoDB table starts, but after some time, there is another error.

Fixing Issues in the Template
This time there is an error in my template where I define the DynamoDB table. In the AttributeDefinitions section, there is an attribute (TicketSales) that is not used in the schema.

Console screenshot.

With DynamoDB, attributes defined in the template should be used either for the primary key or for an index. I update the template and remove the TicketSales attribute definition.

Because I am editing the template, I take the opportunity to also add MinValue and MaxValue properties to the number of shards parameter (ShardCountParameter). In this way, CloudFormation can check that the value is in the correct range before starting the deployment, and I can avoid further mistakes.

I select the Update option. I choose to update the current template, and I upload the new template file. I confirm the current values for the parameters. Then, I leave all other options to their current values and choose Update stack.

This time, the creation of the stack is successful, and the status is UPDATE_COMPLETE. I can see all resources in the Resources tab and their description (based on the Outputs section of the template) in the Outputs tab.

Console screenshot.

Here’s the final version of the template:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Description: A sample template to fix & remediate
    Type: Number
    MinValue: 1
    MaxValue: 10
    Description: The number of shards for the Kinesis stream
    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
    Type: AWS::SQS::Queue
    Type: AWS::Kinesis::Stream
      ShardCount: !Ref ShardCountParameter
    Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table
      BillingMode: PAY_PER_REQUEST
        - AttributeName: "ArtistId"
          AttributeType: "S"
        - AttributeName: "Concert"
          AttributeType: "S"
        - AttributeName: "ArtistId"
          KeyType: "HASH"
        - AttributeName: "Concert"
          KeyType: "RANGE"
        StreamArn: !GetAtt MyStream.Arn
    Value: !Ref MyBucket
    Description: The name of my S3 bucket
    Value: !GetAtt MyQueue.QueueName
    Description: The name of my SQS queue
    Value: !Ref MyStream
    Description: The name of my Kinesis stream
    Value: !Ref MyTable
    Description: The name of my DynamoDB table

This was a simple example, but the new capability to retry stack operations from the point of failure already saved me lots of time. It allowed me to fix and remediate issues quickly, reducing the feedback loop and increasing the number of iterations that I can do in the same amount of time. In addition to using this for debugging, it is also great for incremental interactive development of templates. With more sophisticated applications, the time saved will be huge!

Fix and Remediate a CloudFormation Stack Using the AWS CLI
I can preserve successfully provisioned resources with the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) by specifying the --disable-rollback option when I create a stack, update a stack, or execute a change set. For example:

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name my-stack \
    --template-body file://my-template.yaml -–disable-rollback
aws cloudformation update-stack --stack-name my-stack \
    --template-body file://my-template.yaml --disable-rollback
aws cloudformation execute-change-set --stack-name my-stack --change-set-name my-change-set \
    --template-body file://my-template.yaml --disable-rollback

For an existing stack, I can see if the DisableRollback property is enabled with the describe stack command:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name my-stack

I can now update stacks in the CREATE_FAILED or UPDATE_FAILED status. To manually roll back a stack that is in the CREATE_FAILED or UPDATE_FAILED status, I can use the new rollback stack command:

aws cloudformation rollback-stack --stack-name my-stack

Availability and Pricing
The capability for AWS CloudFormation to retry stack operations from the point of failure is available at no additional charge in the following AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia, Ohio), US West (Oregon, N. California), AWS GovCloud (US-East, US-West), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland, London, Milan, Paris, Stockholm), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong, Mumbai, Osaka, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo), Middle East (Bahrain), Africa (Cape Town), and South America (São Paulo).

Do you prefer to define your cloud application resources using familiar programming languages such as JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Java, C#, and Go? Good news! The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) team is planning to add support for the new capabilities described in this post in the next couple of weeks.

Spend less time to fix and remediate your CloudFormation stacks with the new capability to retry stack operations from the point of failure.


Introducing Amazon MemoryDB for Redis – A Redis-Compatible, Durable, In-Memory Database Service

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original

Interactive applications need to process requests and respond very quickly, and this requirement extends to all the components of their architecture. That is even more important when you adopt microservices and your architecture is composed of many small independent services that communicate with each other.

For this reason, database performance is critical to the success of applications. To reduce read latency to microseconds, you can put an in-memory cache in front of a durable database. For caching, many developers use Redis, an open-source in-memory data structure store. In fact, according to Stack Overflow’s 2021 Developer Survey, Redis has been the most loved database for five years.

To implement this setup on AWS, you can use Amazon ElastiCache for Redis, a fully managed in-memory caching service, as a low latency cache in front of a durable database service such as Amazon Aurora or Amazon DynamoDB to minimize data loss. However, this setup requires you to introduce custom code in your applications to keep the cache in sync with the database. You’ll also incur costs for running both a cache and a database.

Introducing Amazon MemoryDB for Redis
Today, I am excited to announce the general availability of Amazon MemoryDB for Redis, a new Redis-compatible, durable, in-memory database. MemoryDB makes it easy and cost-effective to build applications that require microsecond read and single-digit millisecond write performance with data durability and high availability.

Instead of using a low-latency cache in front of a durable database, you can now simplify your architecture and use MemoryDB as a single, primary database. With MemoryDB, all your data is stored in memory, enabling low latency and high throughput data access. MemoryDB uses a distributed transactional log that stores data across multiple Availability Zones (AZs) to enable fast failover, database recovery, and node restarts with high durability.

MemoryDB maintains compatibility with open-source Redis and supports the same set of Redis data types, parameters, and commands that you are familiar with. This means that the code, applications, drivers, and tools you already use today with open-source Redis can be used with MemoryDB. As a developer, you get immediate access to many data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, geospatial indexes, and streams. You also get access to advanced features such as built-in replication, least recently used (LRU) eviction, transactions, and automatic partitioning. MemoryDB is compatible with Redis 6.2 and will support newer versions as they are released in open source.

One question you might have at this point is how MemoryDB compares to ElastiCache because both services give access to Redis data structures and API:

  • MemoryDB can safely be the primary database for your applications because it provides data durability and microsecond read and single-digit millisecond write latencies. With MemoryDB, you don’t need to add a cache in front of the database to achieve the low latency you need for your interactive applications and microservices architectures.
  • On the other hand, ElastiCache provides microsecond latencies for both reads and writes. It is ideal for caching workloads where you want to accelerate data access from your existing databases. ElastiCache can also be used as a primary datastore for use cases where data loss might be acceptable (for example, because you can quickly rebuild the database from another source).

Creating an Amazon MemoryDB Cluster
In the MemoryDB console, I follow the link on the left navigation pane to the Clusters section and choose Create cluster. This opens Cluster settings where I enter a name and a description for the cluster.

Console screenshot.

All MemoryDB clusters run in a virtual private cloud (VPC). In Subnet groups I create a subnet group by selecting one of my VPCs and providing a list of subnets that the cluster will use to distribute its nodes.

Console screenshot.

In Cluster settings, I can change the network port, the parameter group that controls the runtime properties of my nodes and clusters, the node type, the number of shards, and the number of replicas per shard. Data stored in the cluster is partitioned across shards. The number of shards and the number of replicas per shard determine the number of nodes in my cluster. Considering that for each shard there is a primary node plus the replicas, I expect this cluster to have eight nodes.

For Redis version compatibility, I choose 6.2. I leave all other options to their default and choose Next.

Console screenshot.

In the Security section of Advanced settings I add the default security group for the VPC I used for the subnet group and choose an access control list (ACL) that I created before. MemoryDB ACLs are based on Redis ACLs and provide user credentials and permissions to connect to the cluster.

Console screenshot.

In the Snapshot section, I leave the default to have MemoryDB automatically create a daily snapshot and select a retention period of 7 days.

Console screenshot.

For Maintenance, I leave the defaults and then choose Create. In this section I can also provide an Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic to be notified of important cluster events.

Console screenshot.

After a few minutes, the cluster is running and I can connect using the Redis command line interface or any Redis client.

Using Amazon MemoryDB as Your Primary Database
Managing customer data is a critical component of many business processes. To test the durability of my new Amazon MemoryDB cluster, I want to use it as a customer database. For simplicity, let’s build a simple microservice in Python that allows me to create, update, delete, and get one or all customer data from a Redis cluster using a REST API.

Here’s the code of my implementation:

from flask import Flask, request
from flask_restful import Resource, Api, abort
from rediscluster import RedisCluster
import logging
import os
import uuid

host = os.environ['HOST']
port = os.environ['PORT']
db_host = os.environ['DBHOST']
db_port = os.environ['DBPORT']
db_username = os.environ['DBUSERNAME']
db_password = os.environ['DBPASSWORD']


redis = RedisCluster(startup_nodes=[{"host": db_host, "port": db_port}],
            decode_responses=True, skip_full_coverage_check=True,
            ssl=True, username=db_username, password=db_password)

if"Connected to Redis")

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

class Customers(Resource):

    def get(self):
        key_mask = "customer:*"
        customers = []
        for key in redis.scan_iter(key_mask):
            customer_id = key.split(':')[1]
            customer = redis.hgetall(key)
            customer['id'] = customer_id
        return customers

    def post(self):
        customer_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        key = "customer:" + customer_id
        redis.hset(key, mapping=request.json)
        customer = request.json
        customer['id'] = customer_id
        return customer, 201

class Customers_ID(Resource):

    def get(self, customer_id):
        key = "customer:" + customer_id
        customer = redis.hgetall(key)
        if customer:
            customer['id'] = customer_id
            return customer

    def put(self, customer_id):
        key = "customer:" + customer_id
        redis.hset(key, mapping=request.json)
        return '', 204

    def delete(self, customer_id):
        key = "customer:" + customer_id
        return '', 204

api.add_resource(Customers, '/customers')
api.add_resource(Customers_ID, '/customers/<customer_id>')

if __name__ == '__main__':, port=port)

This is the requirements.txt file, which lists the Python modules required by the application:


The same code works with MemoryDB, ElastiCache, or any Redis Cluster database.

I start a Linux Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance in the same VPC as the MemoryDB cluster. To be able to connect to the MemoryDB cluster, I assign the default security group. I also add another security group that gives me SSH access to the instance.

I copy the and requirements.txt files onto the instance and then install the dependencies:

pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt

Now, I start the microservice:


In another terminal connection, I use curl to create a customer in my database with an HTTP POST on the /customers resource:

curl -i --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST \
     --data '{"name": "Danilo", "address": "Somewhere in London",
              "phone": "+1-555-2106","email": "[email protected]", "balance": 1000}' \

The result confirms that the data has been stored and a unique ID (a UUIDv4 generated by the Python code) has been added to the fields:

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 172
Server: Werkzeug/2.0.1 Python/3.7.10
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2021 18:16:58 GMT

{"name": "Danilo", "address": "Somewhere in London",
 "phone": "+1-555-2106", "email": "[email protected]",
 "balance": 1000, "id": "3894e683-1178-4787-9f7d-118511686415"}

All the fields are stored in a Redis Hash with a key formed as customer:<id>.

I repeat the previous command a couple of times to create three customers. The customer data is the same, but each one has a unique ID.

Now, I get a list of all customer with an HTTP GET to the /customers resource:

curl -i http://localhost:8080/customers

In the code there is an iterator on the matching keys using the SCAN command. In the response, I see the data for the three customers:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 526
Server: Werkzeug/2.0.1 Python/3.7.10
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2021 18:20:11 GMT

[{"name": "Danilo", "address": "Somewhere in London",
"phone": "+1-555-2106", "email": "[email protected]",
"balance": "1000", "id": "1d734b6a-56f1-48c0-9a7a-f118d52e0e70"},
{"name": "Danilo", "address": "Somewhere in London",
"phone": "+1-555-2106", "email": "[email protected]",
"balance": "1000", "id": "89bf6d14-148a-4dfa-a3d4-253492d30d0b"},
{"name": "Danilo", "address": "Somewhere in London",
"phone": "+1-555-2106", "email": "[email protected]",
"balance": "1000", "id": "3894e683-1178-4787-9f7d-118511686415"}]

One of the customers has just spent all his balance. I update the field with an HTTP PUT on the URL of the customer resource that includes the ID (/customers/<id>):

curl -i --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --request PUT \
     --data '{"balance": 0}' \

The code is updating the fields of the Redis Hash with the data of the request. In this case, it’s setting the balance to zero. I verify the update by getting the customer data by ID:

curl -i http://localhost:8080/customers/3894e683-1178-4787-9f7d-118511686415

In the response, I see that the balance has been updated:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 171
Server: Werkzeug/2.0.1 Python/3.7.10
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2021 18:32:15 GMT

{"name": "Danilo", "address": "Somewhere in London",
"phone": "+1-555-2106", "email": "[email protected]",
"balance": "0", "id": "3894e683-1178-4787-9f7d-118511686415"}

That’s the power of Redis! I was able to create the skeleton of a microservice with just a few lines of code. On top of that, MemoryDB gives me the durability and the high availability I need in production without the need to add another database in the backend.

Depending on my workload, I can scale my MemoryDB cluster horizontally, by adding or removing nodes, or vertically, by moving to larger or smaller node types. MemoryDB supports write scaling with sharding and read scaling by adding replicas. My cluster continues to stay online and support read and write operations during resizing operations.

Availability and Pricing
Amazon MemoryDB for Redis is available today in US East (N. Virginia), EU (Ireland), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), and South America (Sao Paulo) with more AWS Regions coming soon.

You can create a MemoryDB cluster in minutes using the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), or AWS SDKs. AWS CloudFormation support will be coming soon. For the nodes, MemoryDB currently supports R6g Graviton2 instances.

To migrate from ElastiCache for Redis to MemoryDB, you can take a backup of your ElastiCache cluster and restore it to a MemoryDB cluster. You can also create a new cluster from a Redis Database Backup (RDB) file stored on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

With MemoryDB, you pay for what you use based on on-demand instance hours per node, volume of data written to your cluster, and snapshot storage. For more information, see the MemoryDB pricing page.

Learn More
Check out the video below for a quick overview.

Start using Amazon MemoryDB for Redis as your primary database today.


New – Amazon EC2 M6i Instances Powered by the Latest-Generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original

Last year, we introduced the sixth generation of EC2 instances powered by AWS-designed Graviton2 processors. We’re now expanding our sixth-generation offerings to include x86-based instances, delivering price/performance benefits for workloads that rely on x86 instructions.

Today, I am happy to announce the availability of the new general purpose Amazon EC2 M6i instances, which offer up to 15% improvement in price/performance versus comparable fifth-generation instances. The new instances are powered by the latest generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors (code-named Ice Lake) with an all-core turbo frequency of 3.5 GHz.

You might have noticed that we’re now using the “i” suffix in the instance type to specify that the instances are using an Intel processor. We already use the suffix “a” for AMD processors (for example, M5a instances) and “g” for Graviton processors (for example, M6g instances).

Compared to M5 instances using an Intel processor, this new instance type provides:

  • A larger instance size (m6i.32xlarge) with 128 vCPUs and 512 GiB of memory that makes it easier and more cost-efficient to consolidate workloads and scale up applications.
  • Up to 15% improvement in compute price/performance.
  • Up to 20% higher memory bandwidth.
  • Up to 40 Gbps for Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) and 50 Gbps for networking.
  • Always-on memory encryption.

M6i instances are a good fit for running general-purpose workloads such as web and application servers, containerized applications, microservices, and small data stores. The higher memory bandwidth is especially useful for enterprise applications, such as SAP HANA, and high performance computing (HPC) workloads, such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD).

M6i instances are also SAP-certified. For over eight years SAP customers have been relying on the Amazon EC2 M-family of instances for their mission critical SAP workloads. With M6i instances, customers can achieve up to 15% better price/performance for SAP applications than M5 instances.

M6i instances are available in nine sizes (the m6i.metal size is coming soon):

Name vCPUs Memory
Network Bandwidth
EBS Throughput
m6i.large 2 8 Up to 12.5 Up to 10
m6i.xlarge 4 16 Up to 12.5 Up to 10
m6i.2xlarge 8 32 Up to 12.5 Up to 10
m6i.4xlarge 16 64 Up to 12.5 Up to 10
m6i.8xlarge 32 128 12.5 10
m6i.12xlarge 48 192 18.75 15
m6i.16xlarge 64 256 25 20
m6i.24xlarge 96 384 37.5 30
m6i.32xlarge 128 512 50 40

The new instances are built on the AWS Nitro System, which is a collection of building blocks that offloads many of the traditional virtualization functions to dedicated hardware, delivering high performance, high availability, and highly secure cloud instances.

For optimal networking performance on these new instances, upgrade your Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) drivers to version 3. For more information, see this article about how to get maximum network performance on sixth-generation EC2 instances.

M6i instances support Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) on the m6i.32xlarge size for workloads that benefit from lower network latency, such as HPC and video processing.

Availability and Pricing
EC2 M6i instances are available today in six AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), US East (Ohio), Europe (Ireland), Europe (Frankfurt), and Asia Pacific (Singapore). As usual with EC2, you pay for what you use. For more information, see the EC2 pricing page.


AWS Named as a Leader for the 11th Consecutive Year in 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure & Platform Services (CIPS)

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original

In my job at AWS I have the privilege of working with many different teams, all focused to help our customers lower costs, become more agile, and innovate faster. It’s greatly rewarding to see these efforts recognized by our customers and by leading analysts.

Last year Gartner introduced a new Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Services (CIPS), expanding the scope of their Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) to include additional platform as a service (PaaS) capabilities, and extend coverage for areas such as managed database services, serverless computing, and developer tools.

Today, I am happy to share that AWS has been named as a Leader for the eleventh consecutive year and has secured the highest and furthest position on the ability to execute and completeness of vision axes in the 2021 Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Services.

An image showing AWS Named as a Leader in the 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure & Platform Services

Whether you’re a business leader, developer, or technology enthusiast, we hope this report can serve as a guide to choosing a cloud provider that meets your needs and helps you accomplish more.

Access the full report to see the features and factors that customers examine when choosing a cloud provider.


Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure & Platform Services, Raj Bala, Bob Gill, Dennis Smith, Kevin Ji, David Wright, 27 July 2021. Gartner and Magic Quadrant are registered trademarks of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Threat Protection with Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM Powered by AWS

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original

IT security teams need to have a real-time understanding of what’s happening with their infrastructure and applications. They need to be able to find and correlate data in this continuous flood of information to identify unexpected behaviors or patterns that can lead to a security breach.

To simplify and automate this process, many solutions have been implemented over the years. For example:

  • Security information management (SIM) systems collect data such as log files into a central repository for analysis.
  • Security event management (SEM) platforms simplify data inspection and the interpretation of logs or events.

Many years ago these two approaches were merged to address both information analysis and interpretation of events. These security information and event management (SIEM) platforms provide real-time analysis of security alerts generated by applications, network hardware, and domain specific security tools such as firewalls and endpoint protection tools).

Today, I’d like to introduce a solution created by one of our partners: Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM powered by AWS. Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM provides deep security analytics and contextualized threat data across multi-cloud and hybrid environments to reduce the time to detect and respond to threats. You can use this solution to quickly detect and respond to the higher-priority issues, including malicious activities that negatively impact your business or brand. The solution comes with more than 300 out-of-the-box integrations, including key AWS services, and can help reduce time and effort required to conduct compliance audits for regulations such as PCI and HIPAA.

Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM is available in AWS Marketplace and you can use a free trial to evaluate the solution. Before having a look at how this works in practice, let’s see how it’s being used.

Customer Case Study – Medidata
I had the chance to meet a very interesting customer to talk about how they use Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM. Scott Sumner is the VP and CISO at Medidata, a company that is redefining what’s possible in clinical trials. Medidata is processing patient data for clinical trials of the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines, so you can see why security is a priority for them. With such critical workloads, the company must keep the trust of the people participating in those trials.

Scott told me, “There is an old saying: If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” In fact, when he joined Medidata in 2015, one of the first things Scott did was to implement a SIEM. Medidata has been using Sumo Logic for more than five years now. They appreciate that it’s a cloud-native solution, and that has made it easier for them to follow the evolution of the tool over the years.

“Not having transparency in the environment you process data is not good for security professionals.” Scott wanted his team to be able to respond quickly and, to do so, they needed to be able to look at a single screen that displays all IP calls, network flows, and any relevant information. For example, Medidata has very aggressive checks for security scans and any kind of external access. To do so, they have to look not just at the perimeter, but at the entire environment. Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM allows them to react without breaking anything in their corporate environment, including the resources they have in more than 45 AWS accounts.

“One of the metrics that is floated around by security specialists is that you have up to five hours to respond to a tentative intrusion,” Scott says. “With Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM, we can match that time aggressively, and most of the times we respond within five minutes.” The ability to respond quickly allows Medidata to keep patient trust. This is very important for them, because delaying a clinical trial can affect people’s health.

Medidata security response is managed by a global team through three levels. Level 1 is covered by a partner who is empowered to block simple attacks. For the next level of escalation, Level 2, Medidata has a team in each region. Beyond that there is Level 3: a hardcore team of forensics examiners distributed across the US, Europe, and Asia who deal with more complicated attacks.

Availability is also important to Medidata. In addition to providing the Cloud SIEM functionality, Sumo Logic helps them monitor availability issues, such as web server failover, and very quickly figure out possible problems as they happen. Interestingly, they use Sumo Logic to better understand how applications talk with each other. These different use cases don’t complicate their setup because the security and application teams are segregated and use Sumo Logic as a single platform to share information seamlessly between the two teams when needed.

I asked Scott Sumner if Medidata was affected by the move to remote work in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s an important topic for them because at that time Medidata was already involved in clinical trials to fight the pandemic. “We were a mobile environment anyway. A significant part of the company was mobile before. So, we were ready and not being impacted much by working remotely. All our tools are remote, and that helped a lot. Not sure we’d done it easily with an on-premises solution.”

Now, let’s see how this solution works in practice.

Setting Up Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM
In AWS Marketplace I search for “Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM” and look at the product page. I can either subscribe or start the one-month free trial. The free trial includes 1GB of log ingest for security and observability. There is no automatic conversion to paid offer when the free trials expires. After the free trial I have the option to either buy Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM from AWS Marketplace or remain as a free user. I create and accept the contract and set up my Sumo Logic account.

Console screenshot.

In the setup, I choose the Sumo Logic deployment region to use. The Sumo Logic documentation provides a table that describes the AWS Regions used by each Sumo Logic deployment. I need this information later when I set up the integration between AWS security services and Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM. For now, I select US2, which corresponds to the US West (Oregon) Region in AWS.

When my Sumo Logic account is ready, I use the Sumo Logic Security Integrations on AWS Quick Start to deploy the required integrations in my AWS account. You’ll find the source files used by this Quick Start in this GitHub repository. I open the deployment guide and follow along.

This architecture diagram shows the environment deployed by this Quick Start:

Architectural diagram.

Following the steps in the deployment guide, I create an access key and access ID in my Sumo Logic account, and write down my organization ID. Then, I launch the Quick Start to deploy the integrations.

The Quick Start uses an AWS CloudFormation template to create a stack. First, I check that I am in the right AWS Region. I use US West (Oregon) because I am using US2 with Sumo Logic. Then, I leave all default values and choose Next. In the parameters, I select US2 as my Sumo Logic deployment region and enter my Sumo Logic access ID, access key, and organization ID.

Console screenshot.

After that, I enable and configure the integrations with AWS security services and tools such as AWS CloudTrail, Amazon GuardDuty, VPC Flow Logs, and AWS Config.

Console screenshot.

If you have a delegate administrator with GuardDuty, you can enabled multiple member accounts as long as they are a part of the same AWS organization. With that, all findings from member accounts are vended to the delegate administrator and then to Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM through the GuardDuty events processor.

In the next step, I leave the stack options to their default values. I review the configuration and acknowledge the additional capabilities required by this stack (such as the creation of IAM resources) and then choose Create stack.

When the stack creation is complete, the integration with Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM is ready. If I had a hybrid architecture, I could connect those resources for a single point of view and analysis of my security events.

Using Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM
To see how the integration with AWS security services works, and how security events are handled by the SIEM, I use the amazon-guardduty-tester open-source scripts to generate security findings.

First, I use the included CloudFormation template to launch an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) private subnet. The stack also includes a bastion host to provide external access. When the stack has been created, I write down the IP addresses of the two instances from the stack output.

Console screenshot.

Then, I use SSH to connect to the EC2 instance in the private subnet through the bastion host. There are easy-to-follow instructions in the README file. I use the script, installed in the instance by CloudFormation, to generate security findings for my AWS account.

$ ./

SSH screenshot.

GuardDuty processes these findings and the events are sent to Sumo Logic through the integration I just set up. In the Sumo Logic GuardDuty dashboard, I see the threats ready to be analyzed and addressed.

Console screenshot.

Availability and Pricing
Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM powered by AWS is a multi-tenant Software as a Service (SaaS) available in AWS Marketplace that ingests data over HTTPS/TLS 1.2 on the public internet. You can connect data from any AWS Region and from multi-cloud and hybrid architectures for a single point of view of your security events.

Start a free trial of Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM and see how it can help your security team.

Read the Sumo Logic team’s blog post here for more information on the service. 


Amazon Redshift ML Is Now Generally Available – Use SQL to Create Machine Learning Models and Make Predictions from Your Data

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original

With Amazon Redshift, you can use SQL to query and combine exabytes of structured and semi-structured data across your data warehouse, operational databases, and data lake. Now that AQUA (Advanced Query Accelerator) is generally available, you can improve the performance of your queries by up to 10 times with no additional costs and no code changes. In fact, Amazon Redshift provides up to three times better price/performance than other cloud data warehouses.

But what if you want to go a step further and process this data to train machine learning (ML) models and use these models to generate insights from data in your warehouse? For example, to implement use cases such as forecasting revenue, predicting customer churn, and detecting anomalies? In the past, you would need to export the training data from Amazon Redshift to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, and then configure and start a machine learning training process (for example, using Amazon SageMaker). This process required many different skills and usually more than one person to complete. Can we make it easier?

Today, Amazon Redshift ML is generally available to help you create, train, and deploy machine learning models directly from your Amazon Redshift cluster. To create a machine learning model, you use a simple SQL query to specify the data you want to use to train your model, and the output value you want to predict. For example, to create a model that predicts the success rate for your marketing activities, you define your inputs by selecting the columns (in one or more tables) that include customer profiles and results from previous marketing campaigns, and the output column you want to predict. In this example, the output column could be one that shows whether a customer has shown interest in a campaign.

After you run the SQL command to create the model, Redshift ML securely exports the specified data from Amazon Redshift to your S3 bucket and calls Amazon SageMaker Autopilot to prepare the data (pre-processing and feature engineering), select the appropriate pre-built algorithm, and apply the algorithm for model training. You can optionally specify the algorithm to use, for example XGBoost.

Architectural diagram.

Redshift ML handles all of the interactions between Amazon Redshift, S3, and SageMaker, including all the steps involved in training and compilation. When the model has been trained, Redshift ML uses Amazon SageMaker Neo to optimize the model for deployment and makes it available as a SQL function. You can use the SQL function to apply the machine learning model to your data in queries, reports, and dashboards.

Redshift ML now includes many new features that were not available during the preview, including Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) support. For example:

Architectural diagram.

  • You can also create SQL functions that use existing SageMaker endpoints to make predictions (remote inference). In this case, Redshift ML is batching calls to the endpoint to speed up processing.

Before looking into how to use these new capabilities in practice, let’s see the difference between Redshift ML and similar features in AWS databases and analytics services.

ML Feature Data Training
from SQL
using SQL Functions
Amazon Redshift ML

Data warehouse

Federated relational databases

S3 data lake (with Redshift Spectrum)

Yes, using
Amazon SageMaker Autopilot
Yes, a model can be imported and executed inside the Amazon Redshift cluster, or invoked using a SageMaker endpoint.
Amazon Aurora ML Relational database
(compatible with MySQL or PostgreSQL)

Yes, using a SageMaker endpoint.

A native integration with Amazon Comprehend for sentiment analysis is also available.

Amazon Athena ML

S3 data lake

Other data sources can be used through Athena Federated Query.

No Yes, using a SageMaker endpoint.

Building a Machine Learning Model with Redshift ML
Let’s build a model that predicts if customers will accept or decline a marketing offer.

To manage the interactions with S3 and SageMaker, Redshift ML needs permissions to access those resources. I create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role as described in the documentation. I use RedshiftML for the role name. Note that the trust policy of the role allows both Amazon Redshift and SageMaker to assume the role to interact with other AWS services.

From the Amazon Redshift console, I create a cluster. In the cluster permissions, I associate the RedshiftML IAM role. When the cluster is available, I load the same dataset used in this super interesting blog post that my colleague Julien wrote when SageMaker Autopilot was announced.

The file I am using (bank-additional-full.csv) is in CSV format. Each line describes a direct marketing activity with a customer. The last column (y) describes the outcome of the activity (if the customer subscribed to a service that was marketed to them).

Here are the first few lines of the file. The first line contains the headers.

age,job,marital,education,default,housing,loan,contact,month,day_of_week,duration,campaign,pdays,previous,poutcome,emp.var.rate,cons.price.idx,cons.conf.idx,euribor3m,nr.employed,y 56,housemaid,married,basic.4y,no,no,no,telephone,may,mon,261,1,999,0,nonexistent,1.1,93.994,-36.4,4.857,5191.0,no

I store the file in one of my S3 buckets. The S3 bucket is used to unload data and store SageMaker training artifacts.

Then, using the Amazon Redshift query editor in the console, I create a table to load the data.

CREATE TABLE direct_marketing (
	education VARCHAR NOT NULL, 
	credit_default VARCHAR NOT NULL, 
	day_of_week VARCHAR NOT NULL, 
	duration DECIMAL NOT NULL, 
	campaign DECIMAL NOT NULL, 
	previous DECIMAL NOT NULL, 
	poutcome VARCHAR NOT NULL, 
	emp_var_rate DECIMAL NOT NULL, 
	cons_price_idx DECIMAL NOT NULL, 
	cons_conf_idx DECIMAL NOT NULL, 
	euribor3m DECIMAL NOT NULL, 
	nr_employed DECIMAL NOT NULL, 

I load the data into the table using the COPY command. I can use the same IAM role I created earlier (RedshiftML) because I am using the same S3 bucket to import and export the data.

COPY direct_marketing 
FROM 's3://my-bucket/direct_marketing/bank-additional-full.csv' 
IAM_ROLE 'arn:aws:iam::123412341234:role/RedshiftML'
REGION 'us-east-1';

Now, I create the model straight form the SQL interface using the new CREATE MODEL statement:

CREATE MODEL direct_marketing
FROM direct_marketing
FUNCTION predict_direct_marketing
IAM_ROLE 'arn:aws:iam::123412341234:role/RedshiftML'
  S3_BUCKET 'my-bucket'

In this SQL command, I specify the parameters required to create the model:

  • FROM – I select all the rows in the direct_marketing table, but I can replace the name of the table with a nested query (see example below).
  • TARGET – This is the column that I want to predict (in this case, y).
  • FUNCTION – The name of the SQL function to make predictions.
  • IAM_ROLE – The IAM role assumed by Amazon Redshift and SageMaker to create, train, and deploy the model.
  • S3_BUCKET – The S3 bucket where the training data is temporarily stored, and where model artifacts are stored if you choose to retain a copy of them.

Here I am using a simple syntax for the CREATE MODEL statement. For more advanced users, other options are available, such as:

  • MODEL_TYPE – To use a specific model type for training, such as XGBoost or multilayer perceptron (MLP). If I don’t specify this parameter, SageMaker Autopilot selects the appropriate model class to use.
  • PROBLEM_TYPE – To define the type of problem to solve: regression, binary classification, or multiclass classification. If I don’t specify this parameter, the problem type is discovered during training, based on my data.
  • OBJECTIVE – The objective metric used to measure the quality of the model. This metric is optimized during training to provide the best estimate from data. If I don’t specify a metric, the default behavior is to use mean squared error (MSE) for regression, the F1 score for binary classification, and accuracy for multiclass classification. Other available options are F1Macro (to apply F1 scoring to multiclass classification) and area under the curve (AUC). More information on objective metrics is available in the SageMaker documentation.

Depending on the complexity of the model and the amount of data, it can take some time for the model to be available. I use the SHOW MODEL command to see when it is available:

SHOW MODEL direct_marketing

When I execute this command using the query editor in the console, I get the following output:

Console screenshot.

As expected, the model is currently in the TRAINING state.

When I created this model, I selected all the columns in the table as input parameters. I wonder what happens if I create a model that uses fewer input parameters? I am in the cloud and I am not slowed down by limited resources, so I create another model using a subset of the columns in the table:

CREATE MODEL simple_direct_marketing
        SELECT age, job, marital, education, housing, contact, month, day_of_week, y
 	  FROM direct_marketing
FUNCTION predict_simple_direct_marketing
IAM_ROLE 'arn:aws:iam::123412341234:role/RedshiftML'
  S3_BUCKET 'my-bucket'

After some time, my first model is ready, and I get this output from SHOW MODEL. The actual output in the console is in multiple pages, I merged the results here to make it easier to follow:

Console screenshot.

From the output, I see that the model has been correctly recognized as BinaryClassification, and F1 has been selected as the objective. The F1 score is a metrics that considers both precision and recall. It returns a value between 1 (perfect precision and recall) and 0 (lowest possible score). The final score for the model (validation:f1) is 0.79. In this table I also find the name of the SQL function (predict_direct_marketing) that has been created for the model, its parameters and their types, and an estimation of the training costs.

When the second model is ready, I compare the F1 scores. The F1 score of the second model is lower (0.66) than the first one. However, with fewer parameters the SQL function is easier to apply to new data. As is often the case with machine learning, I have to find the right balance between complexity and usability.

Using Redshift ML to Make Predictions
Now that the two models are ready, I can make predictions using SQL functions. Using the first model, I check how many false positives (wrong positive predictions) and false negatives (wrong negative predictions) I get when applying the model on the same data used for training:

SELECT predict_direct_marketing, y, COUNT(*)
  FROM (SELECT predict_direct_marketing(
                   age, job, marital, education, credit_default, housing,
                   loan, contact, month, day_of_week, duration, campaign,
                   pdays, previous, poutcome, emp_var_rate, cons_price_idx,
                   cons_conf_idx, euribor3m, nr_employed), y
          FROM direct_marketing)
 GROUP BY predict_direct_marketing, y;

The result of the query shows that the model is better at predicting negative rather than positive outcomes. In fact, even if the number of true negatives is much bigger than true positives, there are much more false positives than false negatives. I added some comments in green and red to the following screenshot to clarify the meaning of the results.

Console screenshot.

Using the second model, I see how many customers might be interested in a marketing campaign. Ideally, I should run this query on new customer data, not the same data I used for training.

  FROM direct_marketing
 WHERE predict_simple_direct_marketing(
           age, job, marital, education, housing,
           contact, month, day_of_week) = true;

Wow, looking at the results, there are more than 7,000 prospects!

Console screenshot.

Availability and Pricing
Redshift ML is available today in the following AWS Regions: US East (Ohio), US East (N Virginia), US West (Oregon), US West (San Francisco), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), Europe (Paris), Europe (Stockholm), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and South America (São Paulo). For more information, see the AWS Regional Services list.

With Redshift ML, you pay only for what you use. When training a new model, you pay for the Amazon SageMaker Autopilot and S3 resources used by Redshift ML. When making predictions, there is no additional cost for models imported into your Amazon Redshift cluster, as in the example I used in this post.

Redshift ML also allows you to use existing Amazon SageMaker endpoints for inference. In that case, the usual SageMaker pricing for real-time inference applies. Here you can find a few tips on how to control your costs with Redshift ML.

To learn more, you can see this blog post from when Redshift ML was announced in preview and the documentation.

Start getting better insights from your data with Redshift ML.


Introducing Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Studio – Quickly Interact with Streaming Data Using SQL, Python, or Scala

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original

The best way to get timely insights and react quickly to new information you receive from your business and your applications is to analyze streaming data. This is data that must usually be processed sequentially and incrementally on a record-by-record basis or over sliding time windows, and can be used for a variety of analytics including correlations, aggregations, filtering, and sampling.

To make it easier to analyze streaming data, today we are pleased to introduce Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Studio.

Now, from the Amazon Kinesis console you can select a Kinesis data stream and with a single click start a Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook powered by Apache Zeppelin and Apache Flink to interactively analyze data in the stream. Similarly, you can select a cluster in the Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka console to start a notebook to analyze data in Apache Kafka streams. You can also start a notebook from the Kinesis Data Analytics Studio console and connect to custom sources.

Architectural diagram.

In the notebook, you can interact with streaming data and get results in seconds using SQL queries and Python or Scala programs. When you are satisfied with your results, with a few clicks you can promote your code to a production stream processing application that runs reliably at scale with no additional development effort.

For new projects, we recommend that you use the new Kinesis Data Analytics Studio over Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL Applications. Kinesis Data Analytics Studio combines ease of use with advanced analytical capabilities, which makes it possible to build sophisticated stream processing applications in minutes. Let’s see how that works in practice.

Using Kinesis Data Analytics Studio to Analyze Streaming Data
I want to get a better understanding of the data sent by some sensors to a Kinesis data stream.

To simulate the workload, I use this Python script. You don’t need to know Python to use Kinesis Data Analytics Studio. In fact, I am going to use SQL in the following steps. Also, you can avoid any coding and use the Amazon Kinesis Data Generator user interface (UI) to send test data to Kinesis Data Streams or Kinesis Data Firehose. I am using a Python script to have finer control over the data that is being sent.

import datetime
import json
import random
import boto3

STREAM_NAME = "my-input-stream"

def get_random_data():
    current_temperature = round(10 + random.random() * 170, 2)
    if current_temperature > 160:
        status = "ERROR"
    elif current_temperature > 140 or random.randrange(1, 100) > 80:
        status = random.choice(["WARNING","ERROR"])
        status = "OK"
    return {
        'sensor_id': random.randrange(1, 100),
        'current_temperature': current_temperature,
        'status': status,

def send_data(stream_name, kinesis_client):
    while True:
        data = get_random_data()
        partition_key = str(data["sensor_id"])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    kinesis_client = boto3.client('kinesis')
    send_data(STREAM_NAME, kinesis_client)

This script sends random records to my Kinesis data stream using JSON syntax. For example:

{'sensor_id': 77, 'current_temperature': 93.11, 'status': 'OK', 'event_time': '2021-05-19T11:20:00.978328'}
{'sensor_id': 47, 'current_temperature': 168.32, 'status': 'ERROR', 'event_time': '2021-05-19T11:20:01.110236'}
{'sensor_id': 9, 'current_temperature': 140.93, 'status': 'WARNING', 'event_time': '2021-05-19T11:20:01.243881'}
{'sensor_id': 27, 'current_temperature': 130.41, 'status': 'OK', 'event_time': '2021-05-19T11:20:01.371191'}

From the Kinesis console, I select a Kinesis data stream (my-input-stream) and choose Process data in real time from the Process drop-down. In this way, the stream is configured as a source for the notebook.

Console screenshot.

Then, in the following dialog box, I create an Apache Flink – Studio notebook.

I enter a name (my-notebook) and a description for the notebook. The AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions to read from the Kinesis data stream I selected earlier (my-input-stream) are automatically attached to the IAM role assumed by the notebook.

Console screenshot.

I choose Create to open the AWS Glue console and create an empty database. Back in the Kinesis Data Analytics Studio console, I refresh the list and select the new database. It will define the metadata for my sources and destinations. From here, I can also review the default Studio notebook settings. Then, I choose Create Studio notebook.

Console screenshot.

Now that the notebook has been created, I choose Run.

Console screenshot.

When the notebook is running, I choose Open in Apache Zeppelin to get access to the notebook and write code in SQL, Python, or Scala to interact with my streaming data and get insights in real time.

In the notebook, I create a new note and call it Sensors. Then, I create a sensor_data table describing the format of the data in the stream:


CREATE TABLE sensor_data (
    sensor_id INTEGER,
    current_temperature DOUBLE,
    status VARCHAR(6),
    event_time TIMESTAMP(3),
    WATERMARK FOR event_time AS event_time - INTERVAL '5' SECOND
PARTITIONED BY (sensor_id)
    'connector' = 'kinesis',
    'stream' = 'my-input-stream',
    'aws.region' = 'us-east-1',
    '' = 'LATEST',
    'format' = 'json',
    'json.timestamp-format.standard' = 'ISO-8601'

The first line in the previous command tells to Apache Zeppelin to provide a stream SQL environment (%flink.ssql) for the Apache Flink interpreter. I can also interact with the streaming data using a batch SQL environment (%flink.bsql), or Python (%flink.pyflink) or Scala (%flink) code.

The first part of the CREATE TABLE statement is familiar to anyone who has used SQL with a database. A table is created to store the sensor data in the stream. The WATERMARK option is used to measure progress in the event time, as described in the Event Time and Watermarks section of the Apache Flink documentation.

The second part of the CREATE TABLE statement describes the connector used to receive data in the table (for example, kinesis or kafka), the name of the stream, the AWS Region, the overall data format of the stream (such as json or csv), and the syntax used for timestamps (in this case, ISO 8601). I can also choose the starting position to process the stream, I am using LATEST to read the most recent data first.

When the table is ready, I find it in the AWS Glue Data Catalog database I selected when I created the notebook:

Console screenshot.

Now I can run SQL queries on the sensor_data table and use sliding or tumbling windows to get a better understanding of what is happening with my sensors.

For an overview of the data in the stream, I start with a simple SELECT to get all the content of the sensor_data table:


SELECT * FROM sensor_data;

This time the first line of the command has a parameter (type=update) so that the output of the SELECT, which is more than one row, is continuously updated when new data arrives.

On the terminal of my laptop, I start the script:

$ python3

At first I see a table that contains the data as it comes. To get a better understanding, I select a bar graph view. Then, I group the results by status to see their average current_temperature, as shown here:

Notebook screenshot.

As expected by the way I am generating these results, I have different average temperatures depending on the status (OK, WARNING, or ERROR). The higher the temperature, the greater the probability that something is not working correctly with my sensors.

I can run the aggregated query explicitly using a SQL syntax. This time, I want the result computed on a sliding window of 1 minute with results updated every 10 seconds. To do so, I am using the HOP function in the GROUP BY section of the SELECT statement. To add the time to the output of the select, I use the HOP_ROWTIME function. For more information, see how group window aggregations work in the Apache Flink documentation.


SELECT sensor_data.status,
       COUNT(*) AS num,
       AVG(sensor_data.current_temperature) AS avg_current_temperature,
       HOP_ROWTIME(event_time, INTERVAL '10' second, INTERVAL '1' minute) as hop_time
  FROM sensor_data
 GROUP BY HOP(event_time, INTERVAL '10' second, INTERVAL '1' minute), sensor_data.status;

This time, I look at the results in table format:

Notebook screenshot.

To send the result of the query to a destination stream, I create a table and connect the table to the stream. First, I need to give permissions to the notebook to write into the stream.

In the Kinesis Data Analytics Studio console, I select my-notebook. Then, in the Studio notebooks details section, I choose Edit IAM permissions. Here, I can configure the sources and destinations used by the notebook and the IAM role permissions are updated automatically.

Console screenshot.

In the Included destinations in IAM policy section, I choose the destination and select my-output-stream. I save changes and wait for the notebook to be updated. I am now ready to use the destination stream.

In the notebook, I create a sensor_state table connected to my-output-stream.


CREATE TABLE sensor_state (
    status VARCHAR(6),
    num INTEGER,
    avg_current_temperature DOUBLE,
    hop_time TIMESTAMP(3)
'connector' = 'kinesis',
'stream' = 'my-output-stream',
'aws.region' = 'us-east-1',
'' = 'LATEST',
'format' = 'json',
'json.timestamp-format.standard' = 'ISO-8601');

I now use this INSERT INTO statement to continuously insert the result of the select into the sensor_state table.


INSERT INTO sensor_state
SELECT sensor_data.status,
    COUNT(*) AS num,
    AVG(sensor_data.current_temperature) AS avg_current_temperature,
    HOP_ROWTIME(event_time, INTERVAL '10' second, INTERVAL '1' minute) as hop_time
FROM sensor_data
GROUP BY HOP(event_time, INTERVAL '10' second, INTERVAL '1' minute), sensor_data.status;

The data is also sent to the destination Kinesis data stream (my-output-stream) so that it can be used by other applications. For example, the data in the destination stream can be used to update a real-time dashboard, or to monitor the behavior of my sensors after a software update.

I am satisfied with the result. I want to deploy this query and its output as a Kinesis Analytics application. To do so, I need to provide an S3 location to store the application executable.

In the configuration section of the console, I edit the Deploy as application configuration settings. There, I choose a destination bucket in the same region and save changes.

Console screenshot.

I wait for the notebook to be ready after the update. Then, I create a SensorsApp note in my notebook and copy the statements that I want to execute as part of the application. The tables have already been created, so I just copy the INSERT INTO statement above.

From the menu at the top right of my notebook, I choose Build SensorsApp and export to Amazon S3 and confirm the application name.

Notebook screenshot.

When the export is ready, I choose Deploy SensorsApp as Kinesis Analytics application in the same menu. After that, I fine-tune the configuration of the application. I set parallelism to 1 because I have only one shard in my input Kinesis data stream and not a lot of traffic. Then, I run the application, without having to write any code.

From the Kinesis Data Analytics applications console, I choose Open Apache Flink dashboard to get more information about the execution of my application.

Apache Flink console screenshot.

Availability and Pricing
You can use Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Studio today in all AWS Regions where Kinesis Data Analytics is generally available. For more information, see the AWS Regional Services List.

In Kinesis Data Analytics Studio, we run the open-source versions of Apache Zeppelin and Apache Flink, and we contribute changes upstream. For example, we have contributed bug fixes for Apache Zeppelin, and we have contributed to AWS connectors for Apache Flink, such as those for Kinesis Data Streams and Kinesis Data Firehose. Also, we are working with the Apache Flink community to contribute availability improvements, including automatic classification of errors at runtime to understand whether errors are in user code or in application infrastructure.

With Kinesis Data Analytics Studio, you pay based on the average number of Kinesis Processing Units (KPU) per hour, including those used by your running notebooks. One KPU comprises 1 vCPU of compute, 4 GB of memory, and associated networking. You also pay for running application storage and durable application storage. For more information, see the Kinesis Data Analytics pricing page.

Start using Kinesis Data Analytics Studio today to get better insights from your streaming data.


New for Amazon CodeGuru – Python Support, Security Detectors, and Memory Profiling

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original

Amazon CodeGuru is a developer tool that helps you improve your code quality and has two main components:

  • CodeGuru Reviewer uses program analysis and machine learning to detect potential defects that are difficult to find in your code and offers suggestions for improvement.
  • CodeGuru Profiler collects runtime performance data from your live applications, and provides visualizations and recommendations to help you fine-tune your application performance.

Today, I am happy to announce three new features:

  • Python Support for CodeGuru Reviewer and Profiler (Preview) – You can now use CodeGuru to improve applications written in Python. Before this release, CodeGuru Reviewer could analyze Java code, and CodeGuru Profiler supported applications running on a Java virtual machine (JVM).
  • Security Detectors for CodeGuru Reviewer – A new set of detectors for CodeGuru Reviewer to identify security vulnerabilities and check for security best practices in your Java code.
  • Memory Profiling for CodeGuru Profiler – A new visualization of memory retention per object type over time. This makes it easier to find memory leaks and optimize how your application is using memory.

Let’s see these functionalities in more detail.

Python Support for CodeGuru Reviewer and Profiler (Preview)
Python Support for CodeGuru Reviewer is available in Preview and offers recommendations on how to improve the Python code of your applications in multiple categories such as concurrency, data structures and control flow, scientific/math operations, error handling, using the standard library, and of course AWS best practices.

You can now also use CodeGuru Profiler to collect runtime performance data from your Python applications and get visualizations to help you identify how code is running on the CPU and where time is consumed. In this way, you can detect the most expensive lines of code of your application. Focusing your tuning activities on those parts helps you reduce infrastructure cost and improve application performance.

Let’s see the CodeGuru Reviewer in action with some Python code. When I joined AWS eight years ago, one of the first projects I created was a Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) interface to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) called yas3fs (Yet Another S3-backed File System). It was inspired by the more popular s3fs-fuse project but rewritten from scratch to implement a distributed cache synchronized by Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) notifications (now, thanks to the many contributors, it’s using S3 event notifications). It was also a good excuse for me to learn more about Python programming and S3. It’s a personal project that at the time made available as open source. Today, if you need a shared file system, you can use Amazon Elastic File System (EFS).

In the CodeGuru console, I associate the yas3fs repository. You can associate repositories from GitHub, including GitHub Enterprise Cloud and GitHub Enterprise Server, Bitbucket, or AWS CodeCommit.

After that, I can get a code review from CodeGuru in two ways:

  • Automatically, when I create a pull request. This is a great way to use it as you and your team are working on a code base.
  • Manually, creating a repository analysis to get a code review for all the code in one branch. This is useful to start using GodeGuru with an existing code base.

Since I just associated the whole repository, I go for a full analysis and write down the branch name to review (apologies, I was still using master at the time, now I use main for new projects).

After a few minutes, the code review is completed, and there are 14 recommendations. Not bad, but I can definitely improve the code. Here’s a few of the recommendations I get. I was using exceptions and global variables too much at the time.

Security Detectors for CodeGuru Reviewer
The new CodeGuru Reviewer Security Detector uses automated reasoning to analyze all code paths and find potential security issues deep in your Java code, even ones that span multiple methods and files and that may involve multiple sequences of operations. To build this detector, we used learning and best practices from Amazon’s 20+ years of experience.

The Security Detector is also identifying security vulnerabilities in the top 10 Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) categories, such as weak hash encryption.

If the security detector discovers an issue, it offers a suggested remediation along with an explanation. In this way, it’s much easier to follow security best practices for AWS APIs, such as those for AWS Key Management Service (KMS) and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), and for common Java cryptography and TLS/SSL libraries.

With help from the security detector, security engineers can focus on architectural and application-specific security best-practices, and code reviewers can focus their attention on other improvements.

Memory Profiling for CodeGuru Profiler
For applications running on a JVM, CodeGuru Profiler can now show the Heap Summary, a consolidated view of memory retention during a time frame, tracking both overall sizes and number of objects per object type (such as String, int, char[], and custom types). These metrics are presented in a timeline graph, so that you can easily spot trends and peaks of memory utilization per object type.

Here are a couple of scenarios where this can help:

Memory Leaks – A constantly growing memory utilization curve for one or more object types may indicate a leak (intended here as unnecessary retention of memory objects by the application), possibly leading to out-of-memory errors and application crashes.

Memory Optimizations – Having a breakdown of memory utilization per object type is a step beyond traditional memory utilization monitoring, based solely on JVM-level metrics like total heap usage. By knowing that an unexpectedly high amount of memory has been associated with a specific object type, you can focus your analysis and optimization efforts on the parts of your application that are responsible for allocating and referencing objects of that type.

For example, here is a graph showing how memory is used by a Java application over an interval of time. Apart from the total capacity available and the used space, I can see how memory is being used by some specific object types, such as byte[], java.lang.UUID, and the entries of a java.util.LinkedHashMap. The continuous growth over time of the memory retained by these object types is suspicious. There is probably a memory leak I have to investigate.

In the table just below, I have a longer list of object types allocating memory on the heap. The first three are selected and for that reason are shown in the graph above. Here, I can inspect other object types and select them to see their memory usage over time. It looks like the three I already selected are the ones with more risk of being affected by a memory leak.

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These new features are available today in all regions where Amazon CodeGuru is offered. For more information, please see the AWS Regional Services table.

There are no pricing changes for Python support, security detectors, and memory profiling. You pay for what you use without upfront fees or commitments.

Learn more about Amazon CodeGuru and start using these new features today to improve the code quality of your applications.  
