Tag Archives: AWS CloudFormation

Continually assessing application resilience with AWS Resilience Hub and AWS CodePipeline

Post Syndicated from Scott Bryen original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/continually-assessing-application-resilience-with-aws-resilience-hub-and-aws-codepipeline/

As customers commit to a DevOps mindset and embrace a nearly continuous integration/continuous delivery model to implement change with a higher velocity, assessing every change impact on an application resilience is key. This blog shows an architecture pattern for automating resiliency assessments as part of your CI/CD pipeline. Automatically running a resiliency assessment within CI/CD pipelines, development teams can fail fast and understand quickly if a change negatively impacts an applications resilience. The pipeline can stop the deployment into further environments, such as QA/UAT and Production, until the resilience issues have been improved.

AWS Resilience Hub is a managed service that gives you a central place to define, validate and track the resiliency of your AWS applications. It is integrated with AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS), a chaos engineering service, to provide fault-injection simulations of real-world failures. Using AWS Resilience Hub, you can assess your applications to uncover potential resilience enhancements. This will allow you to validate your applications recovery time (RTO), recovery point (RPO) objectives and optimize business continuity while reducing recovery costs. Resilience Hub also provides APIs for you to integrate its assessment and testing into your CI/CD pipelines for ongoing resilience validation.

AWS CodePipeline is a fully managed continuous delivery service for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates. You can use AWS CodePipeline to model and automate your software release processes. This enables you to increase the speed and quality of your software updates by running all new changes through a consistent set of quality checks.

Continuous resilience assessments

Figure 1 shows the resilience assessments automation architecture in a multi-account setup. AWS CodePipeline, AWS Step Functions, and AWS Resilience Hub are defined in your deployment account while the application AWS CloudFormation stacks are imported from your workload account. This pattern relies on AWS Resilience Hub ability to import CloudFormation stacks from a different accounts, regions, or both, when discovering an application structure.

High-level architecture pattern for automating resilience assessments

Figure 1. High-level architecture pattern for automating resilience assessments

Add application to AWS Resilience Hub

Begin by adding your application to AWS Resilience Hub and assigning a resilience policy. This can be done via the AWS Management Console or using CloudFormation. In this instance, the application has been created through the AWS Management Console. Sebastien Stormacq’s post, Measure and Improve Your Application Resilience with AWS Resilience Hub, walks you through how to add your application to AWS Resilience Hub.

In a multi-account environment, customers typically have dedicated AWS workload account per environment and we recommend you separate CI/CD capabilities into another account. In this post, the AWS Resilience Hub application has been created in the deployment account and the resources have been discovered using an CloudFormation stack from the workload account. Proper permissions are required to use AWS Resilience Hub to manage application in multiple accounts.

Adding application to AWS Resilience Hub

Figure 2. Adding application to AWS Resilience Hub

Create AWS Step Function to run resilience assessment

Whenever you make a change to your application CloudFormation, you need to update and publish the latest version in AWS Resilience Hub to ensure you are assessing the latest changes. Now that AWS Step Functions SDK integrations support AWS Resilience Hub, you can build a state machine to coordinate the process, which will be triggered from AWS Code Pipeline.

AWS Step Functions is a low-code, visual workflow service that developers use to build distributed applications, automate IT and business processes, and build data and machine learning pipelines using AWS services. Workflows manage failures, retries, parallelization, service integrations, and observability so developers can focus on higher-value business logic.

AWS Step Function for orchestrating AWS SDK calls

Figure 3. AWS Step Function for orchestrating AWS SDK calls

  1. The first step in the workflow is to update the resources associated with the application defined in AWS Resilience Hub by calling ImportResourcesToDraftApplication.
  2. Check for the import process to complete using a wait state, a call to DescribeDraftAppVersionResourcesImportStatus and then a choice state to decide whether to progress or continue waiting.
  3. Once complete, publish the draft application by calling PublishAppVersion to ensure we are assessing the latest version.
  4. Once published, call StartAppAssessment to kick-off a resilience assessment.
  5. Check for the assessment to complete using a wait state, a call to DescribeAppAssessment and then a choice state to decide whether to progress or continue waiting.
  6. In the choice state, use assessment status from the response to determine if the assessment is pending, in progress or successful.
  7. If successful, use the compliance status from the response to determine whether to progress to success or fail.
    • Compliance status will be either “PolicyMet” or “PolicyBreached”.
  8. If policy breached, publish onto SNS to alert the development team before moving to fail.

Create stage within code pipeline

Now that we have the AWS Step Function created, we need to integrate it into our pipeline. The post Fine-grained Continuous Delivery With CodePipeline and AWS Step Functions demonstrates how you can trigger a step function from AWS Code Pipeline.

When adding the stage, you need to pass the ARN of the stack which was deployed in the previous stage as well as the ARN of the application in AWS Resilience Hub. These will be required on the AWS SDK calls and you can pass this in as a literal.

AWS CodePipeline stage step function input

Figure 4. AWS CodePipeline stage step function input

Example state using the input from AWS CodePipeline stage

Figure 5. Example state using the input from AWS CodePipeline stage

For more information about these AWS SDK calls, please refer to the AWS Resilience Hub API Reference documents.

Customers often run their workloads in lower environments in a less resilient way to save on cost. It’s important to add the assessment stage at the appropriate point of your pipeline. We recommend adding this to your pipeline after the deployment to a test environment which mirrors production but before deploying to production. By doing this you can fail fast and halt changes which will lower resilience in production.

A note on service quotas: AWS Resilience Hub allows you to run 20 assessments per month per application. If you need to increase this quota, please raise a ticket with AWS Support.


In this post, we have seen an approach to continuously assessing resilience as part of your CI/CD pipeline using AWS Resilience Hub, AWS CodePipeline and AWS Step Functions. This approach will enable you to understand fast if a change will weaken resilience.

AWS Resilience Hub also generates recommended AWS FIS Experiments that you can deploy and use to test the resilience of your application. As well as assessing the resilience, we also recommend you integrate running these tests into your pipeline. The post Chaos Testing with AWS Fault Injection Simulator and AWS CodePipeline demonstrates how you can active this.

Automate your validated dataset deployment using Amazon QuickSight and AWS CloudFormation

Post Syndicated from Jeremy Winters original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/automate-your-validated-dataset-deployment-using-amazon-quicksight-and-aws-cloudformation/

A lot of the power behind business intelligence (BI) and data visualization tools such as Amazon QuickSight comes from the ability to work interactively with data through a GUI. Report authors create dashboards using GUI-based tools, then in just a few clicks can share the dashboards with business users and decision-makers. This workflow empowers authors to create and manage the QuickSight resources and dashboards they’re responsible for providing.

Developer productivity is a great benefit of UI-based development, but enterprise customers often need to consider additional factors in their BI implementation:

  • Promoting objects through environments (development, testing, production, and so on)
  • Scaling for hundreds of authors and thousands of users
  • Implementing data security, such as row-level and column-level rules to filter the data elements visible to specific users
  • Regulatory requirements, processes, and compliance controls.

Approaches such as source control-backed CI/CD pipelines allow you to address compliance requirements and security gates with automation. For example, a hypothetical build pipeline for a Java Springboot application may enable developers to build and deploy freely to a dev environment, but the code must pass tests and vulnerability scans before being considered for promotion to upper environments. A human approval step then takes place before the code is released into production. Processes such as this provide quality, consistency, auditability, and accountability for the code being released.

The QuickSight API provides functionality for automation pipelines. Pipeline developers can use the API to migrate QuickSight resources from one environment to another. The API calls that facilitate handling QuickSight datasets enables inspection of the JSON representation of the dataset definition.

This post presents an example of how a QuickSight administrator can automate data resource management and security validation through use of the QuickSight API and AWS CloudFormation.

Solution overview

The model implements security rules that rely on naming conventions for tables and columns as an integral part of the security model. Instead of relying on naming conventions, you may want to use a lookup table or similar approach to store the relationships between data tables and security tables.

We guide you through the following steps:

  1. Create relational database tables to be secured.
  2. Create a QuickSight dataset in your dev account.
  3. Generate a CloudFormation template using a Python script that allows you to enforce row-level and column-level security in each environment. You can customize this script to the needs of your organization.
  4. Use the generated CloudFormation template to deploy through dev, test, and prod using your change management process.

You can use AWS CloudFormation to manage several types of QuickSight resources, but dataset resources are a critical junction for security, so they are our focus in this post.

To implement data security rules in a large organization, controls must be in place to agree upon and implement the rules from a process perspective. This post dives deep into using code to validate security aspects of your QuickSight deployment, but data security requires more than code. The approaches put forward are intended as a part of a larger change management process, much of which is based around human review and approval.

In addition to having a change management process in place, we suggest managing your AWS resources using a CI/CD pipeline. The nature of change management and CI/CD processes can vary greatly, and are outside the scope of this post.


This post assumes a basic command of the following:

We don’t go into the broader picture of integrating into a full CI/CD process, so an understanding of CI/CD is helpful, but not required.

Security rules for your organization

Before we can write a script to confirm security rules have been applied correctly, we need to know what the security rules actually are. This means we need to determine the following:

  • What – What is the data we are trying to secure? Which fields in the database are sensitive? Which field values will be used to filter access?
  • Who – Who are the users and groups that should be provided access to the data and fields we have identified?

In concrete terms, we need to match identities (users and groups) to actual data values (used in row-level security) and sensitive fields (for column-level security). Identities such as users and groups typically correlate to entities in external systems such as Active Directory, but you can use native QuickSight users and groups.

For this post, we define the following rules that indicate the relationship between database objects (tables and fields) and how they should be secured. Keep in mind that these example rules may not apply to every organization. Security should be developed to match your requirements and processes.

  • Any field name with _sensitive appended to it is identified as containing sensitive data. For example, a column named salary_usd_sensitive should be restricted. For our scenario, we say that the user should be a member of the QuickSight restricted group in order to access sensitive fields. No other groups are allowed access to these fields.
  • For a given table, a companion table with _rls appended to the name contains the row-level security rules used to secure the table. In this model, the row-level security rules for the employees table are found in the employees_rls table.
  • Row-level security rules must be sourced 100% from the underlying data store. This means that you can’t upload rules via the QuickSight console, or use custom SQL in QuickSight to create the rules. Rules can be provided as views (if supported by the underlying data store) as long as the view definition is managed using a change management process.
  • The dataset name should match the name of the underlying database table.

These rules rely on a well-structured change management process for the database. If users and developers have access to change database objects in production, the rules won’t carry much weight. For examples of automated schema management using open-source CI/CD tooling, refer to Deploy, track, and roll back RDS database code changes using open source tools Liquibase and Jenkins and How to Integrate Amazon RDS Schema Changes into CI/CD Pipelines with GitLab and Liquibase.

From the QuickSight perspective, our database becomes the source of the “what” and “who” we discussed earlier. QuickSight doesn’t own the security rules, it merely implements the rules as defined in the database.

Security rule management with database objects

For this post, we source data from a Postgres database using a read-only user created for QuickSight.

First, we create our schema and a data table with a few rows inserted:

create schema if not exists ledger;

--the table we are securing
drop table if exists ledger.transactions;
create table if not exists ledger.transactions (
    txn_id integer,
    txn_type varchar(100),
    txn_desc varchar(100),
    txn_amt float,
    department varchar(100),
    discount_sensitive float

insert into ledger.transactions (
(1, 'expense', 'commission', -1000.00, 'field sales', 0.0),
(2, 'revenue', 'widgets',  15000.00, 'field sales', 1000.00),
(3, 'revenue', 'interest', 1000.00, 'corporate', 0.0),
(4, 'expense', 'taxes', -1234.00, 'corporate', 0.0),
(5, 'revenue', 'doodads', 1000.00, 'field sales', 100.0)

Note the field discount_sensitive. In our security model, any field name with _sensitive appended to it is identified as containing sensitive data. This information is used later when we implement column-level security. In our example, we have the luxury of using naming conventions to tag the sensitive fields, but that isn’t always possible. Other options could involve the use of SQL comments, or creating a table that provides a lookup for sensitive fields. Which method you choose depends upon your data and requirements, and should be supported by a change management process.

Row-level security table

The following SQL creates a table containing the row-level security rules for the ledger.transactions table, then inserts rules that match the example discussed earlier:

drop table if exists ledger.transactions_rls;
create table ledger.transactions_rls (
    groupname varchar(100),
    department varchar(1000)

insert into ledger.transactions_rls (groupname, department) 
('restricted', null), --null indicates all values
('anybody', 'field sales');

For more information about how to restrict access to a dataset using row-level security, refer to Using row-level security (RLS) with user-based rules to restrict access to a dataset

These rules match the specified QuickSight user groups to values in the department field of the transactions table.

Our last step in Postgres is to create a user that has read-only access to our tables. All end-user or SPICE refresh queries from QuickSight are run using this user. See the following code:

drop role if exists qs_user;
create role qs_user login password 'GETABETTERPASSSWORD';
grant connect on database quicksight TO qs_user;
grant usage on schema ledger to qs_user;
grant select on ledger.transactions to qs_user;
grant select on ledger.transactions_rls to qs_user;

Create user groups

Our security model provides permissions based on group membership. Although QuickSight allows for these groups to be sourced from external systems such as Active Directory, our example uses native QuickSight groups.

We create our groups using the following AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) commands. Take note of the restricted group we’re creating; this is the group we use to grant access to sensitive data columns.

aws quicksight create-group \
--aws-account-id YOUR_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID_HERE \
--namespace default \
--group-name restricted

aws quicksight create-group \
--aws-account-id YOUR_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID_HERE \
--namespace default \
--group-name anybody

You can also add a user to your group with the following code:

aws quicksight create-group-membership \
--aws-account-id YOUR_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID_HERE \
--namespace default \
--group-name anybody \
--member-name [email protected]

The Python script

Now that we have set up our database and groups, we switch focus to the Python script used for the following actions:

  • Extracting the definition of a manually created dataset using the QuickSight API
  • Ensuring that the dataset definition meets security standards
  • Restructuring the dataset definition into the format of a CloudFormation template
  • Writing the CloudFormation template to a JSON file

In the header of the script, you can see the following variables, which you should set to values in your own AWS environment:

# Parameters for the source data set
region_name = 'AWS_REGION_NAME'
aws_account_id = "AWS_ACCOUNT_ID"
source_data_set_id = "ID_FOR_THE_SOURCE_DATA_SET"

# Parameters are used when creating the cloudformation template
target_data_set_name = "DATA_SET_DISPLAY_NAME"
target_data_set_id = "NEW_DATA_SET_ID"
template_file_name = "dataset.json"

QuickSight datasets have a name and an ID. The name is displayed in the QuickSight UI, and the ID is used to reference the dataset behind the scenes. The ID must be unique for a given account and Region, which is why QuickSight uses UUIDs by default, but you can use any unique string.

Create the datasets

You can use the QuickSight GUI or Public API to create a dataset for the transactions_rls and transactions tables. For instructions, refer to Creating a dataset from a database. Connect to the database, create the datasets, then apply transactions_rls as the row-level security for the transactions dataset. You can use the following list-data-sets AWS CLI call to verify that your tables were created successfully:

$ aws quicksight list-data-sets --aws-account-id YOURACCOUNT            
    "DataSetSummaries": [
            "Arn": "arn:aws:quicksight:us-west-2:YOURACCOUNT:dataset/<ID>",
            "DataSetId": "<ID>",
            "Name": "transactions",
            "CreatedTime": "2021-09-15T15:41:56.716000-07:00",
            "LastUpdatedTime": "2021-09-15T16:38:03.658000-07:00",
            "ImportMode": "SPICE",
            "RowLevelPermissionDataSet": {
                "Namespace": "default",
                "Arn": "arn:aws:quicksight:us-west-2: YOURACCOUNT:dataset/<RLS_ID>",
                "PermissionPolicy": "GRANT_ACCESS",
                "FormatVersion": "VERSION_1",
                "Status": "ENABLED"
            "RowLevelPermissionTagConfigurationApplied": false,
            "ColumnLevelPermissionRulesApplied": true
            "Arn": "arn:aws:quicksight:us-west-2: YOURACCOUNT:dataset/<RLS_ID>",
            "DataSetId": "<RLS_ID>",
            "Name": "transactions_rls",
            "CreatedTime": "2021-09-15T15:42:37.313000-07:00",
            "LastUpdatedTime": "2021-09-15T15:42:37.520000-07:00",
            "ImportMode": "SPICE",
            "RowLevelPermissionTagConfigurationApplied": false,
            "ColumnLevelPermissionRulesApplied": false

Script overview

Our script is based around the describe_data_set method of the Boto3 QuickSight client. This method returns a Python dictionary containing all the attributes associated with a dataset resource. Our script analyzes these dictionaries, then coerces them into the structure required for dataset creation using AWS CloudFormation. The structure of the describe_data_set method and the AWS::QuickSight::DataSet CloudFormation resource are very similar, but not quite identical.

The following are the top-level fields in the response for the Boto3 QuickSight client describe_data_set method:

    'DataSet': {
        'Arn': 'string',
        'DataSetId': 'string',
        'Name': 'string',
        'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'LastUpdatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'PhysicalTableMap': {},
        'LogicalTableMap': {...},
        'OutputColumns': [...],
        'ImportMode': 'SPICE'|'DIRECT_QUERY',
        'ConsumedSpiceCapacityInBytes': 123,
        'ColumnGroups': [...],
        'FieldFolders': {...},
        'RowLevelPermissionDataSet': {...},
        'ColumnLevelPermissionRules': [...]
    'RequestId': 'string',
    'Status': 123

Our script converts the response from the API to the structure required for creating a dataset using AWS CloudFormation.

The following are the top-level fields in the AWS::QuickSight::DataSet CloudFormation resource:

  "Type" : "AWS::QuickSight::DataSet",
  "Properties" : {
      "AwsAccountId" : String,
      "ColumnGroups" : [ ColumnGroup, ... ],
      "ColumnLevelPermissionRules" : [ ColumnLevelPermissionRule, ... ],
      "DataSetId" : String,
      "FieldFolders" : {Key : Value, ...},
      "ImportMode" : String,
      "IngestionWaitPolicy" : IngestionWaitPolicy,
      "LogicalTableMap" : {Key : Value, ...},
      "Name" : String,
      "Permissions" : [ ResourcePermission, ... ],
      "PhysicalTableMap" : {Key : Value, ...},
      "RowLevelPermissionDataSet" : RowLevelPermissionDataSet,
      "Tags" : [ Tag, ... ]

The key differences between both JSON structures are as follows:

  • describe_data_set contains Arn, CreatedTime, and LastUpdatedTime, which are useful fields but only relevant to an existing resource
  • AWS CloudFormation requires AwsAccountId when creating the resource
  • AWS CloudFormation accepts tags for the dataset, but describe_data_set doesn’t provide them
  • The AWS CloudFormation Permissions property allows for assigning AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions at the time of creation

Our script is able to selectively choose the top-level properties we want from the describe_data_set response, then add the fields that AWS CloudFormation requires for resource creation.

Validate security

Before the script creates the CloudFormation template, it performs validations to ensure that our dataset conforms to the defined security rules.

The following is the snippet from our script that performs validation for row-level security:

if 'RowLevelPermissionDataSet' in describe_response['DataSet']:
    if describe_response['DataSet']['RowLevelPermissionDataSet'] is None:
        raise Exception("row level permissions must be applied!")
        # now we look up the rls data set so that we can confirm that it conforms to our rules
        rls_dataset_id = describe_response['DataSet']['RowLevelPermissionDataSet']['Arn'].split('/')[-1]
        rls_response = client.describe_data_set(
            AwsAccountId = aws_account_id,
            DataSetId = rls_dataset_id
        rls_table_map = rls_response['DataSet']['PhysicalTableMap']

        # rls table must not be custom SQL
        if 'CustomSql' in rls_table_map[list(rls_table_map.keys())[0]]:
            raise Exception("RLS data set can not contain custom SQL!")

        # confirm that the database table name is what we expect it to be 
        if rls_response['DataSet']['Name'] != describe_response['DataSet']['Name'] + '_rls':
            raise Exception("RLS data set name must match pattern tablename_rls!")

The steps in the code are as follows:

  1. Ensure that any row-level security is applied (this is the bare minimum).
  2. Look up the dataset that contains the row-level security rules using another Boto3 call.
  3. Confirm that the row-level security dataset is not custom SQL.
  4. Confirm that the name of the table is as expected, with _rls appended to the name of the table being secured.

The use of custom SQL for sourcing row-level security rules isn’t secure in our case, because a QuickSight developer could use SQL to alter the underlying rules. Because of this, our model requires that a physical table from the dataset is used as the row-level security rule source. Of course, it’s possible to use a view in the database to provide the rules. A view is okay because the definition (in our scenario) is governed by a change management process, as opposed to the custom SQL, which the QuickSight developer can create.

The rules being implemented for your specific organization will be different. You may need to connect to a database directly from your Python script in order to validate the dataset was created in a secure manner. Regardless of your actual rules, the describe_data_set API method provides you the details you need to begin validation of the dataset.

Column-level security

Our model for column-level security indicates that any database field name that ends in _sensitive should only be accessible to members of a QuickSight group named restricted. Instead of validating that the dataset has the column-level security rules applied correctly, we simply enforce the rules directly in two steps:

  1. Identify the sensitive fields.
  2. Create a dictionary and add it to our dataset with the key ColumnLevelPermissionRules.

To identify the sensitive fields, we create a list and iterate through the input columns of the physical table:

sensitive_fields = []
input_columns = physical_table_map[list(physical_table_map.keys())[0]]["RelationalTable"]["InputColumns"]
for input_column in input_columns:
    field_name = input_column['Name']
    if field_name[-10:len(field_name)] == '_sensitive':

The result is a list of sensitive fields. We can then take this list and integrate it into the dataset through the use of a dictionary:

if len(sensitive_fields) > 0:
    data_set["ColumnLevelPermissionRules"] = [
            "Principals": [
                {"Ref": "RestrictedUserGroupArn"}
            "ColumnNames": sensitive_fields

Instead of specifying a specific principal, we reference the CloudFormation template parameter RestrictedUserGroupArn. The ARN for the restricted group is likely to vary, especially if you’re deploying to another AWS account. Using a template parameter allows us to specify the ARN at the time of dataset creation in the new environment.

Access to the dataset QuickSight resources

The Permissions structure is added to the definition for each dataset:

"Permissions": [
        "Principal": {
            "Ref": "QuickSightAdminPrincipal"
        "Actions": [

A value for the QuickSightAdminPrincipal CloudFormation template parameter is provided at the time of stack creation. The preceding structure provides the principal access to manage the QuickSight dataset resource itself. Note that this is not the same as data access (though an admin user could manually remove the row-level security rules). Row-level and column-level security rules indicate whether a given user has access to specific data, whereas these permissions allow for actions on the definition of the dataset, such as the following:

  • Updating or deleting the dataset
  • Changing the security permissions
  • Initiating and monitoring SPICE refreshes

End-users don’t require this access in order to use a dashboard created from the dataset.

Run the script

Our script requires you to specify the dataset ID, which is not the same as the dataset name. To determine the ID, use the AWS CLI list-data-sets command.

To set the script parameters, you can edit the following lines to match your environment:

# parameters for the source data set
region_name = 'us-west-2'
aws_account_id = "<YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID>"
source_data_set_id = "<SOURCE_DATA_SET_ID>"

# parameters for the target data set
target_data_set_name = "DATA_SET_PRESENTATION_NAME"
target_data_set_id = "NEW_DATA_SET_ID"

The following snippet runs the Python script:

$ quicksight_security % python3 data_set_to_cf.py                                                       
row level security validated!
the following sensitive fields were found: ['discount_sensitive']
cloudformation template written to dataset.json
cli-input-json file written to params.json

CloudFormation template

Now that the security rules have been validated, our script can generate the CloudFormation template. The describe_response_to_cf_data_set method accepts a describe_data_set response as input (along with a few other parameters) and returns a dictionary that reflects the structure of an AWS::QuickSight::DataSet CloudFormation resource. Our code uses this method once for the primary dataset, and again for the _rls rules. This method handles selecting values from the response, prunes some unnecessary items (such as empty tag lists), and replaces a few values with CloudFormation references. These references allow us to provide parameter values to the template, such as QuickSight principals and the data source ARN.

You can view the template using the cat command:

$ quicksight_security % cat dataset.json 
    "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
    "Description": "Creates a QuickSight Data Set",
    "Parameters": {
        "DataSourceArn": {
            "Type": "String",
            "Description": "ARN for Postgres data source resource"
        "QuickSightOwnerPrincipal": {
            "Type": "String",
            "Description": "ARN for a QuickSight principal who will be granted API access to the datasets"
        "RestrictedUserGroupArn": {
            "Type": "String",
            "Description": "ARN for a QuickSight principal who will be granted access to sensitive fields"
    "Resources": {
        "NewDataSet": {
            "Type": "AWS::QuickSight::DataSet",
            "Properties": {
                "DataSetId": "NEW_DATA_SET_ID",
                "Name": "DATA_SET_PRESENTATION_NAME",
                "AwsAccountId": {
                    "Ref": "AWS::AccountId"
                "Permissions": [
                        "Principal": {
                            "Ref": "QuickSightAdminPrincipal"
                        "Actions": [
                "FieldFolders": {},
                "ImportMode": "DIRECT_QUERY",
                "LogicalTableMap": {
                    "e2305db4-2c79-4ac4-aff5-224b8c809767": {
                        "Alias": "transactions",
                        "DataTransforms": [
                                "ProjectOperation": {
                                    "ProjectedColumns": [
                        "Source": {
                            "PhysicalTableId": "someguid-2c79-4ac4-aff5-224b8c809767"
                "PhysicalTableMap": {
                    "e2305db4-2c79-4ac4-aff5-224b8c809767": {
                        "RelationalTable": {
                            "DataSourceArn": {
                                "Ref": "DataSourceArn"
                            "Schema": "ledger",
                            "Name": "transactions",
                            "InputColumns": [
                                    "Name": "txn_id",
                                    "Type": "INTEGER"
                                    "Name": "txn_type",
                                    "Type": "STRING"
                                    "Name": "txn_desc",
                                    "Type": "STRING"
                                    "Name": "txn_amt",
                                    "Type": "DECIMAL"
                                    "Name": "department",
                                    "Type": "STRING"
                                    "Name": "discount_sensitive",
                                    "Type": "DECIMAL"
                "RowLevelPermissionDataSet": {
                    "Namespace": "default",
                    "Arn": {
                        "Fn::GetAtt": [
                    "PermissionPolicy": "GRANT_ACCESS",
                    "FormatVersion": "VERSION_1"
                "ColumnLevelPermissionRules": [
                        "Principals": [
                                "Ref": "RestrictedUserGroupArn"
                        "ColumnNames": [
        "NewDataSetRLS": {
            "Type": "AWS::QuickSight::DataSet",
            "Properties": {
                "DataSetId": "NEW_DATA_SET_ID_rls",
                "Name": "DATA_SET_PRESENTATION_NAME_rls",
                "AwsAccountId": {
                    "Ref": "AWS::AccountId"
                "Permissions": [
                        "Principal": {
                            "Ref": "QuickSightAdminPrincipal"
                        "Actions": [
                "FieldFolders": {},
                "ImportMode": "SPICE",
                "LogicalTableMap": {
                    "someguid-51d7-43c4-9f8c-c60a286b0507": {
                        "Alias": "transactions_rls",
                        "DataTransforms": [
                                "ProjectOperation": {
                                    "ProjectedColumns": [
                        "Source": {
                            "PhysicalTableId": "someguid-51d7-43c4-9f8c-c60a286b0507"
                "PhysicalTableMap": {
                    "someguid-51d7-43c4-9f8c-c60a286b0507": {
                        "RelationalTable": {
                            "DataSourceArn": {
                                "Ref": "DataSourceArn"
                            "Schema": "ledger",
                            "Name": "transactions_rls",
                            "InputColumns": [
                                    "Name": "groupname",
                                    "Type": "STRING"
                                    "Name": "department",
                                    "Type": "STRING"

You can deploy this template directly into AWS via the CloudFormation console. You are required to provide the following parameters:

  • DataSourceArn – A QuickSight dataset is a reference to a table or other database object. In order for this object to be accessed, we need to specify a QuickSight data source resource that facilitates the connection.
  • QuickSightAdminPrincipal – The IAM principal allowing access to the data source resource via AWS API calls. You can exclude the IAM permissions from this script and template if your existing security policies automatically provide access to the appropriate users and groups.
  • RestrictedUserGroupArn – The ARN of the QuickSight group that is granted access to the sensitive columns.

You can also deploy the template using the AWS CLI. Although it’s possible to pass in all the parameters directly via the command line, you may find it a bit clunky when entering long values. To simplify this, our script generates a params.json file structured to capture all the parameters required by the template:

    "Parameters": [
            "ParameterKey": "DataSourceArn",
            "ParameterValue": "YOUR_DATA_SOURCE_ARN_HERE"
            "ParameterKey": "QuickSightAdminPrincipal",
            "ParameterValue": "YOUR_ADMIN_GROUP_PRINCIPAL_HERE"
            "ParameterKey": "RestrictedUserGroupArn",
            "ParameterValue": "YOUR_RESTRICTED_USER_GROUP_ARN_HERE"

Use the following command to build the stack, with params.json as input:

aws cloudformation create-stack \
--stack-name SecuredDataSet \
--template-body file://dataset.json \
--cli-input-json file://params.json

You can use the AWS CloudFormation console to monitor the stack progress. When the creation is complete, you should see your new dataset in QuickSight!


Though the functionality is relatively new, I consider the API and AWS CloudFormation capabilities to be one of QuickSight’s biggest strengths. Automated validation and enforcement of security rules allows for scale and better security. Being able to manage dataset definitions using AWS CloudFormation provides repeatability, and all of this sets you up for automation. The API and AWS CloudFormation provide tooling to customize QuickSight to suit your workflow, bringing BI into your organization’s cloud management strategy.

If you are looking for related information about dashboard management and migration in QuickSight, refer to Migrate Amazon QuickSight across AWS accounts.

About the Author

Jeremy Winters is an Architect in the AWS Data Lab, where he helps customers design and build data applications to meet their business needs. Prior to AWS, Jeremy built cloud and data applications for consulting customers across a variety of industries.

Manage application security and compliance with the AWS Cloud Development Kit and cdk-nag

Post Syndicated from Rodney Bozo original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/manage-application-security-and-compliance-with-the-aws-cloud-development-kit-and-cdk-nag/

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is an important part of Cloud Applications. Developers rely on various Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools to identify security/compliance issues and mitigate these issues early on, before releasing their applications to production. Additionally, SAST tools often provide reporting mechanisms that can help developers verify compliance during security reviews.

cdk-nag integrates directly into AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) applications to provide identification and reporting mechanisms similar to SAST tooling.

This post demonstrates how to integrate cdk-nag into an AWS CDK application to provide continual feedback and help align your applications with best practices.

Overview of cdk-nag

cdk-nag (inspired by cfn_nag) validates that the state of constructs within a given scope comply with a given set of rules. Additionally, cdk-nag provides a rule suppression and compliance reporting system. cdk-nag validates constructs by extending AWS CDK Aspects. If you’re interested in learning more about the AWS CDK Aspect system, then you should check out this post.

cdk-nag includes several rule sets (NagPacks) to validate your application against. As of this post, cdk-nag includes the AWS Solutions, HIPAA Security, NIST 800-53 rev 4, NIST 800-53 rev 5, and PCI DSS 3.2.1 NagPacks. You can pick and choose different NagPacks and apply as many as you wish to a given scope.

cdk-nag rules can either be warnings or errors. Both warnings and errors will be displayed in the console and compliance reports. Only unsuppressed errors will prevent applications from deploying with the cdk deploy command.

You can see which rules are implemented in each of the NagPacks in the Rules Documentation in the GitHub repository.


This walkthrough will setup a minimal AWS CDK v2 application, as well as demonstrate how to apply a NagPack to the application, how to suppress rules, and how to view a report of the findings. Although cdk-nag has support for Python, TypeScript, Java, and .NET AWS CDK applications, we’ll use TypeScript for this walkthrough.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

  • A local installation of and experience using the AWS CDK.

Create a baseline AWS CDK application

In this section you will create and synthesize a small AWS CDK v2 application with an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. If you are unfamiliar with using the AWS CDK, then learn how to install and setup the AWS CDK by looking at their open source GitHub repository.

  1. Run the following commands to create the AWS CDK application:
mkdir CdkTest
cd CdkTest
cdk init app --language typescript
  1. Replace the contents of the lib/cdk_test-stack.ts with the following:
import { Stack, StackProps } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { Bucket } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3';

export class CdkTestStack extends Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);
    const bucket = new Bucket(this, 'Bucket')
  1. Run the following commands to install dependencies and synthesize our sample app:
npm install
npx cdk synth

You should see an AWS CloudFormation template with an S3 bucket both in your terminal and in cdk.out/CdkTestStack.template.json.

Apply a NagPack in your application

In this section, you’ll install cdk-nag, include the AwsSolutions NagPack in your application, and view the results.

  1. Run the following command to install cdk-nag:
npm install cdk-nag
  1. Replace the contents of the bin/cdk_test.ts with the following:
#!/usr/bin/env node
import 'source-map-support/register';
import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { CdkTestStack } from '../lib/cdk_test-stack';
import { AwsSolutionsChecks } from 'cdk-nag'
import { Aspects } from 'aws-cdk-lib';

const app = new cdk.App();
// Add the cdk-nag AwsSolutions Pack with extra verbose logging enabled.
Aspects.of(app).add(new AwsSolutionsChecks({ verbose: true }))
new CdkTestStack(app, 'CdkTestStack', {});
  1. Run the following command to view the output and generate the compliance report:
npx cdk synth

The output should look similar to the following (Note: SSE stands for Server-side encryption):

[Error at /CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource] AwsSolutions-S1: The S3 Bucket has server access logs disabled. The bucket should have server access logging enabled to provide detailed records for the requests that are made to the bucket.

[Error at /CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource] AwsSolutions-S2: The S3 Bucket does not have public access restricted and blocked. The bucket should have public access restricted and blocked to prevent unauthorized access.

[Error at /CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource] AwsSolutions-S3: The S3 Bucket does not default encryption enabled. The bucket should minimally have SSE enabled to help protect data-at-rest.

[Error at /CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource] AwsSolutions-S10: The S3 Bucket does not require requests to use SSL. You can use HTTPS (TLS) to help prevent potential attackers from eavesdropping on or manipulating network traffic using person-in-the-middle or similar attacks. You should allow only encrypted connections over HTTPS (TLS) using the aws:SecureTransport condition on Amazon S3 bucket policies.

Found errors

Note that applying the AwsSolutions NagPack to the application rendered several errors in the console (AwsSolutions-S1, AwsSolutions-S2, AwsSolutions-S3, and AwsSolutions-S10). Furthermore, the cdk.out/AwsSolutions-CdkTestStack-NagReport.csv contains the errors as well:

Rule ID,Resource ID,Compliance,Exception Reason,Rule Level,Rule Info
"AwsSolutions-S1","CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource","Non-Compliant","N/A","Error","The S3 Bucket has server access logs disabled."
"AwsSolutions-S2","CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource","Non-Compliant","N/A","Error","The S3 Bucket does not have public access restricted and blocked."
"AwsSolutions-S3","CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource","Non-Compliant","N/A","Error","The S3 Bucket does not default encryption enabled."
"AwsSolutions-S5","CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource","Compliant","N/A","Error","The S3 static website bucket either has an open world bucket policy or does not use a CloudFront Origin Access Identity (OAI) in the bucket policy for limited getObject and/or putObject permissions."
"AwsSolutions-S10","CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource","Non-Compliant","N/A","Error","The S3 Bucket does not require requests to use SSL."

Remediating and suppressing errors

In this section, you’ll remediate the AwsSolutions-S10 error, suppress the  AwsSolutions-S1 error on a Stack level, suppress the  AwsSolutions-S2 error on a Resource level errors, and not remediate the  AwsSolutions-S3 error and view the results.

  1. Replace the contents of the lib/cdk_test-stack.ts with the following:
import { Stack, StackProps } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { Bucket } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3';
import { NagSuppressions } from 'cdk-nag'

export class CdkTestStack extends Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);
    // The local scope 'this' is the Stack. 
    NagSuppressions.addStackSuppressions(this, [
        id: 'AwsSolutions-S1',
        reason: 'Demonstrate a stack level suppression.'
    // Remediating AwsSolutions-S10 by enforcing SSL on the bucket.
    const bucket = new Bucket(this, 'Bucket', { enforceSSL: true })
    NagSuppressions.addResourceSuppressions(bucket, [
        id: 'AwsSolutions-S2',
        reason: 'Demonstrate a resource level suppression.'
  1. Run the cdk synth command again:
npx cdk synth

The output should look similar to the following:

[Error at /CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource] AwsSolutions-S3: The S3 Bucket does not default encryption enabled. The bucket should minimally have SSE enabled to help protect data-at-rest.

Found errors

The cdk.out/AwsSolutions-CdkTestStack-NagReport.csv contains more details about rule compliance, non-compliance, and suppressions.

Rule ID,Resource ID,Compliance,Exception Reason,Rule Level,Rule Info
"AwsSolutions-S1","CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource","Suppressed","Demonstrate a stack level suppression.","Error","The S3 Bucket has server access logs disabled."
"AwsSolutions-S2","CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource","Suppressed","Demonstrate a resource level suppression.","Error","The S3 Bucket does not have public access restricted and blocked."
"AwsSolutions-S3","CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource","Non-Compliant","N/A","Error","The S3 Bucket does not default encryption enabled."
"AwsSolutions-S5","CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource","Compliant","N/A","Error","The S3 static website bucket either has an open world bucket policy or does not use a CloudFront Origin Access Identity (OAI) in the bucket policy for limited getObject and/or putObject permissions."
"AwsSolutions-S10","CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource","Compliant","N/A","Error","The S3 Bucket does not require requests to use SSL."

Moreover, note that the resultant cdk.out/CdkTestStack.template.json template contains the cdk-nag suppression data. This provides transparency with what rules weren’t applied to an application, as the suppression data is included in the resources.

  "Metadata": {
    "cdk_nag": {
      "rules_to_suppress": [
          "id": "AwsSolutions-S1",
          "reason": "Demonstrate a stack level suppression."
  "Resources": {
    "BucketDEB6E181": {
      "Type": "AWS::S3::Bucket",
      "UpdateReplacePolicy": "Retain",
      "DeletionPolicy": "Retain",
      "Metadata": {
        "aws:cdk:path": "CdkTestStack/Bucket/Resource",
        "cdk_nag": {
          "rules_to_suppress": [
              "id": "AwsSolutions-S2",
              "reason": "Demonstrate a resource level suppression."

Reflecting on the Walkthrough

In this section, you learned how to apply a NagPack to your application, remediate/suppress warnings and errors, and review the compliance reports. The reporting and suppression systems provide mechanisms for the development and security teams within organizations to work together to identify and mitigate potential security/compliance issues. Security can choose which NagPacks developers should apply to their applications. Then, developers can use the feedback to quickly remediate issues. Security can use the reports to validate compliances. Furthermore, developers and security can work together to use suppressions to transparently document exceptions to rules that they’ve decided not to follow.

Advanced usage and further reading

This section briefly covers some advanced options for using cdk-nag.

Unit Testing with the AWS CDK Assertions Library

The Annotations submodule of the AWS CDK assertions library lets you check for cdk-nag warnings and errors without AWS credentials by integrating a NagPack into your application unit tests. Read this post for further information about the AWS CDK assertions module. The following is an example of using assertions with a TypeScript AWS CDK application and Jest for unit testing.

import { Annotations, Match } from 'aws-cdk-lib/assertions';
import { App, Aspects, Stack } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { AwsSolutionsChecks } from 'cdk-nag';
import { CdkTestStack } from '../lib/cdk_test-stack';

describe('cdk-nag AwsSolutions Pack', () => {
  let stack: Stack;
  let app: App;
  // In this case we can use beforeAll() over beforeEach() since our tests 
  // do not modify the state of the application 
  beforeAll(() => {
    // GIVEN
    app = new App();
    stack = new CdkTestStack(app, 'test');

    // WHEN
    Aspects.of(stack).add(new AwsSolutionsChecks());

  // THEN
  test('No unsuppressed Warnings', () => {
    const warnings = Annotations.fromStack(stack).findWarning(

  test('No unsuppressed Errors', () => {
    const errors = Annotations.fromStack(stack).findError(

Additionally, many testing frameworks include watch functionality. This is a background process that reruns all of the tests when files in your project have changed for fast feedback. For example, when using the AWS CDK in JavaScript/Typescript, you can use the Jest CLI watch commands. When Jest watch detects a file change, it attempts to run unit tests related to the changed file. This can be used to automatically run cdk-nag-related tests when making changes to your AWS CDK application.

CDK Watch

When developing in non-production environments, consider using AWS CDK Watch with a NagPack for fast feedback. AWS CDK Watch attempts to synthesize and then deploy changes whenever you save changes to your files. Aspects are run during synthesis. Therefore, any NagPacks applied to your application will also run on save. As in the walkthrough, all of the unsuppressed errors will prevent deployments, all of the messages will be output to the console, and all of the compliance reports will be generated. Read this post for further information about AWS CDK Watch.


In this post, you learned how to use cdk-nag in your AWS CDK applications. To learn more about using cdk-nag in your applications, check out the README in the GitHub Repository. If you would like to learn how to create your own rules and NagPacks, then check out the developer documentation. The repository is open source and welcomes community contributions and feedback.


Arun Donti

Arun Donti is a Senior Software Engineer with Twitch. He loves working on building automated processes and tools that enable builders and organizations to focus on and deliver their mission critical needs. You can find him on GitHub.

Use the AWS Toolkit for Azure DevOps to automate your deployments to AWS

Post Syndicated from Mahmoud Abid original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/use-the-aws-toolkit-for-azure-devops-to-automate-your-deployments-to-aws/

Many developers today seek to improve productivity by finding better ways to collaborate, enhance code quality and automate repetitive tasks. We hear from some of our customers that they would like to leverage services such as AWS CloudFormation, AWS CodeBuild and other AWS Developer Tools to manage their AWS resources while continuing to use their existing CI/CD pipelines which they are familiar with. These services range from popular open-source solutions, such as Jenkins, to paid commercial solutions, such as Azure DevOps Server (formerly Team Foundation Server (TFS)).

In this post, I will walk you through an example to leverage the AWS Toolkit for Azure DevOps to deploy your Infrastructure as Code templates, i.e. AWS CloudFormation stacks, directly from your existing Azure DevOps build pipelines.

The AWS Toolkit for Azure DevOps is a free-to-use extension for hosted and on-premises Microsoft Azure DevOps that makes it easy to manage and deploy applications using AWS. It integrates with many AWS services, including Amazon S3, AWS CodeDeploy, AWS Lambda, AWS CloudFormation, Amazon SQS and others. It can also run commands using the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell module as well as the AWS CLI.

Solution Overview

The solution described in this post consists of leveraging the AWS Toolkit for Azure DevOps to manage resources on AWS via Infrastructure as Code templates with AWS CloudFormation:

Solution high-level overview

Figure 1. Solution high-level overview

Prerequisites and Assumptions

You will need to go through three main steps in order to set up your environment, which are summarized here and detailed in the toolkit’s user guide:

  • Install the toolkit into your Azure DevOps account or choose Download to install it on an on-premises server (Figure 2).
  • Create an IAM User and download its keys. Keep the principle of least privilege in mind when associating the policy to your user.
  • Create a Service Connection for your project in Azure DevOps. Service connections are how the Azure DevOps tooling manages connecting and providing access to Azure resources. The AWS Toolkit also provides a user interface to configure the AWS credentials used by the service connection (Figure 3).

In addition to the above steps, you will need a sample AWS CloudFormation template to use for testing the deployment such as this sample template creating an EC2 instance. You can find more samples in the Sample Templates page or get started with authoring your own templates.

AWS Toolkit for Azure DevOps in the Visual Studio Marketplace

Figure 2. AWS Toolkit for Azure DevOps in the Visual Studio Marketplace

A new Service Connection of type “AWS” will appear after installing the extension

Figure 3. A new Service Connection of type “AWS” will appear after installing the extension

Model your CI/CD Pipeline to Automate Your Deployments on AWS

One common DevOps model is to have a CI/CD pipeline that deploys an application stack from one environment to another. This model typically includes a Development (or integration) account first, then Staging and finally a Production environment. Let me show you how to make some changes to the service connection configuration to apply this CI/CD model to an Azure DevOps pipeline.

We will create one service connection per AWS account we want to deploy resources to. Figure 4 illustrates the updated solution to showcase multiple AWS Accounts used within the same Azure DevOps pipeline.

Solution overview with multiple target AWS accounts

Figure 4. Solution overview with multiple target AWS accounts

Each service connection will be configured to use a single, target AWS account. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Create an IAM User for every AWS target account and supply the access key ID and secret access key for that user.
  2. Alternatively, create one central IAM User and have it assume an IAM Role for every AWS deployment target. The AWS Toolkit extension enables you to select an IAM Role to assume. This IAM Role can be in the same AWS account as the IAM User or in a different accounts as depicted in Figure 5.
Use a single IAM User to access all other accounts

Figure 5. Use a single IAM User to access all other accounts

Define Your Pipeline Tasks

Once a service connection for your AWS Account is created, you can now add a task to your pipeline that references the service connection created in the previous step. In the example below, I use the CloudFormation Create/Update Stack task to deploy a CloudFormation stack using a template file named my-aws-cloudformation-template.yml:

- task: CloudFormationCreateOrUpdateStack@1
  displayName: 'Create/Update Stack: Development-Deployment'
    awsCredentials: 'development-account'
    regionName:     'eu-central-1'
    stackName:      'my-stack-name'
    useChangeSet:   true
    changeSetName:  'my-stack-name-change-set'
    templateFile:   'my-aws-cloudformation-template.yml'
    templateParametersFile: 'development/parameters.json'
    captureStackOutputs: asVariables
    captureAsSecuredVars: false

I used the service connection that I’ve called development-account and specified the other required information such as the templateFile path for the AWS CloudFormation template. I also specified the optional templateParametersFile path because I used template parameters in my template.

A template parameters file is particularly useful if you need to use custom values in your CloudFormation templates that are different for each stack. This is a common case when deploying the same application stack to different environments (Development, Staging, and Production).

The task below will to deploy the same template to a Staging environment:

- task: CloudFormationCreateOrUpdateStack@1
  displayName: 'Create/Update Stack: Staging-Deployment'
    awsCredentials: 'staging-account'
    regionName:     'eu-central-1'
    stackName:      'my-stack-name'
    useChangeSet:   true
    changeSetName:  'my-stack-name-changeset'
    templateFile:   'my-aws-cloudformation-template.yml'
    templateParametersFile: 'staging/parameters.json'
    captureStackOutputs: asVariables
    captureAsSecuredVars: false

The differences between Development and Staging deployment tasks are the service connection name and template parameters file path used. Remember that each service connection points to a different AWS account and the corresponding parameter values are specific to the target environment.

Use Azure DevOps Parameters to Switch Between Your AWS Accounts

Azure DevOps lets you define reusable contents via pipeline templates and pass different variable values to them when defining the build tasks. You can leverage this functionality so that you easily replicate your deployment steps to your different environments.

In the pipeline template snippet below, I use three template parameters that are passed as input to my task definition:

# File pipeline-templates/my-application.yml

  deploymentEnvironment: ''         # development, staging, production, etc
  awsCredentials:        ''         # service connection name
  region:                ''         # the AWS region


- task: CloudFormationCreateOrUpdateStack@1
  displayName: 'Create/Update Stack: Staging-Deployment'
    awsCredentials: '${{ parameters.awsCredentials }}'
    regionName:     '${{ parameters.region }}'
    stackName:      'my-stack-name'
    useChangeSet:   true
    changeSetName:  'my-stack-name-changeset'
    templateFile:   'my-aws-cloudformation-template.yml'
    templateParametersFile: '${{ parameters.deploymentEnvironment }}/parameters.json'
    captureStackOutputs: asVariables
    captureAsSecuredVars: false

This template can then be used when defining your pipeline with steps to deploy to the Development and Staging environments. The values passed to the parameters will control the target AWS Account the CloudFormation stack will be deployed to :

# File development/pipeline.yml

container: amazon/aws-cli

    - master
- template: ../pipeline-templates/my-application.yml  
    deploymentEnvironment: 'development'
    awsCredentials:        'deployment-development'
    region:                'eu-central-1'
- template: ../pipeline-templates/my-application.yml  
    deploymentEnvironment: 'staging'
    awsCredentials:        'deployment-staging'
    region:                'eu-central-1'

Putting it All Together

In the snippet examples below, I defined an Azure DevOps pipeline template that builds a Docker image, pushes it to Amazon ECR (using the ECR Push Task) , creates/updates a stack from an AWS CloudFormation template with a template parameter files, and finally runs a AWS CLI command to list all Load Balancers using the AWS CLI Task.

The template below can be reused across different AWS accounts by simply switching the value of the defined parameters as described in the previous section.

Define a template containing your AWS deployment steps:

# File pipeline-templates/my-application.yml

  deploymentEnvironment: ''         # development, staging, production, etc
  awsCredentials:        ''         # service connection name
  region:                ''         # the AWS region


# Build a Docker image
  - task: Docker@1
    displayName: 'Build docker image'
      dockerfile: 'Dockerfile'
      imageName: 'my-application:${{parameters.deploymentEnvironment}}'

# Push Docker Image to Amazon ECR
  - task: ECRPushImage@1
    displayName: 'Push image to ECR'
      awsCredentials: '${{ parameters.awsCredentials }}'
      regionName:     '${{ parameters.region }}'
      sourceImageName: 'my-application'
      repositoryName: 'my-application'
# Deploy AWS CloudFormation Stack
- task: CloudFormationCreateOrUpdateStack@1
  displayName: 'Create/Update Stack: My Application Deployment'
    awsCredentials: '${{ parameters.awsCredentials }}'
    regionName:     '${{ parameters.region }}'
    stackName:      'my-application'
    useChangeSet:   true
    changeSetName:  'my-application-changeset'
    templateFile:   'cfn-templates/my-application-template.yml'
    templateParametersFile: '${{ parameters.deploymentEnvironment }}/my-application-parameters.json'
    captureStackOutputs: asVariables
    captureAsSecuredVars: false
# Use AWS CLI to perform commands, e.g. list Load Balancers 
 - task: AWSShellScript@1
    displayName: 'AWS CLI: List Elastic Load Balancers'
    awsCredentials: '${{ parameters.awsCredentials }}'
    regionName:     '${{ parameters.region }}'
    scriptType:     'inline'
    inlineScript:   'aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers'

Define a pipeline file for deploying to the Development account:

# File development/azure-pipelines.yml

container: amazon/aws-cli

- name:  deploymentEnvironment
  value: 'development'
- name:  awsCredentials
  value: 'deployment-development'
- name:  region
  value: 'eu-central-1'  

    - master
    - dev
    - "${{ variables.deploymentEnvironment }}/*"  
- template: ../pipeline-templates/my-application.yml  
    deploymentEnvironment: ${{ variables.deploymentEnvironment }}
    awsCredentials:        ${{ variables.awsCredentials }}
    region:                ${{ variables.region }}

(Optionally) Define a pipeline file for deploying to the Staging and Production accounts

<p># File staging/azure-pipelines.yml</p>
container: amazon/aws-cli

- name:  deploymentEnvironment
  value: 'staging'
- name:  awsCredentials
  value: 'deployment-staging'
- name:  region
  value: 'eu-central-1'  

    - master
    - "${{ variables.deploymentEnvironment }}/*"  
- template: ../pipeline-templates/my-application.yml  
    deploymentEnvironment: ${{ variables.deploymentEnvironment }}
    awsCredentials:        ${{ variables.awsCredentials }}
    region:                ${{ variables.region }}
# File production/azure-pipelines.yml

container: amazon/aws-cli

- name:  deploymentEnvironment
  value: 'production'
- name:  awsCredentials
  value: 'deployment-production'
- name:  region
  value: 'eu-central-1'  

    - master
    - "${{ variables.deploymentEnvironment }}/*"  
- template: ../pipeline-templates/my-application.yml  
    deploymentEnvironment: ${{ variables.deploymentEnvironment }}
    awsCredentials:        ${{ variables.awsCredentials }}
    region:                ${{ variables.region }}


After you have tested and verified your pipeline, you should remove any unused resources by deleting the CloudFormation stacks to avoid unintended account charges. You can delete the stack manually from the AWS Console or use your Azure DevOps pipeline by adding a CloudFormationDeleteStack task:

- task: CloudFormationDeleteStack@1
  displayName: 'Delete Stack: My Application Deployment'
    awsCredentials: '${{ parameters.awsCredentials }}'
    regionName:     '${{ parameters.region }}'
    stackName:      'my-application'       


In this post, I showed you how you can easily leverage the AWS Toolkit for AzureDevOps extension to deploy resources to your AWS account from Azure DevOps and Azure DevOps Server. The story does not end here. This extension integrates directly with others services as well, making it easy to build your pipelines around them:

  • AWSCLI – Interact with the AWSCLI (Windows hosts only)
  • AWS Powershell Module – Interact with AWS through powershell (Windows hosts only)
  • Beanstalk – Deploy ElasticBeanstalk applications
  • CodeDeploy – Deploy with CodeDeploy
  • CloudFormation – Create/Delete/Update CloudFormation stacks
  • ECR – Push an image to an ECR repository
  • Lambda – Deploy from S3, .net core applications, or any other language that builds on Azure DevOps
  • S3 – Upload/Download to/from S3 buckets
  • Secrets Manager – Create and retrieve secrets
  • SQS – Send SQS messages
  • SNS – Send SNS messages
  • Systems manager – Get/set parameters and run commands

The toolkit is an open-source project available in GitHub. We’d love to see your issues, feature requests, code reviews, pull requests, or any positive contribution coming up.


Mahmoud Abid

Mahmoud Abid is a Senior Customer Delivery Architect at Amazon Web Services. He focuses on designing technical solutions that solve complex business challenges for customers across EMEA. A builder at heart, Mahmoud has been designing large scale applications on AWS since 2011 and, in his spare time, enjoys every DIY opportunity to build something at home or outdoors.

Govern CI/CD best practices via AWS Service Catalog

Post Syndicated from César Prieto Ballester original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/govern-ci-cd-best-practices-via-aws-service-catalog/


AWS Service Catalog enables organizations to create and manage Information Technology (IT) services catalogs that are approved for use on AWS. These IT services can include resources such as virtual machine images, servers, software, and databases to complete multi-tier application architectures. AWS Service Catalog lets you centrally manage deployed IT services and your applications, resources, and metadata , which helps you achieve consistent governance and meet your compliance requirements. In addition,  this configuration enables users to quickly deploy only approved IT services.

In large organizations, as more products are created, Service Catalog management can become exponentially complicated when different teams work on various products. The following solution simplifies Service Catalog products provisioning by considering elements such as shared accounts, roles, or users who can run portfolios or tags in the form of best practices via Continuous Integrations and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) patterns.

This post demonstrates how Service Catalog Products can be delivered by taking advantage of the main benefits of CI/CD principles along with reducing complexity required to sync services. In this scenario, we have built a CI/CD Pipeline exclusively using AWS Services and the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) Framework to provision the necessary Infrastructure.

Customers need the capability to consume services in a self-service manner, with services built on patterns that follow best practices, including focus areas such as compliance and security. The key tenants for these customers are: the use of infrastructure as code (IaC), and CI/CD. For these reasons, we built a scalable and automated deployment solution covered in this post.Furthermore, this post is also inspired from another post from the AWS community, Building a Continuous Delivery Pipeline for AWS Service Catalog.

Solution Overview

The solution is built using a unified AWS CodeCommit repository with CDK v1 code, which manages and deploys the Service Catalog Product estate. The solution supports the following scenarios: 1) making Products available to accounts and 2) provisioning these Products directly into accounts. The configuration provides flexibility regarding which components must be deployed in accounts as opposed to making a collection of these components available to account owners/users who can in turn build upon and provision them via sharing.

Figure shows the pipeline created comprised of stages

The pipeline created is comprised of the following stages:

  1. Retrieving the code from the repository
  2. Synthesize the CDK code to transform it into a CloudFormation template
  3. Ensure the pipeline is defined correctly
  4. Deploy and/or share the defined Portfolios and Products to a hub account or multiple accounts

Deploying and using the solution

Deploy the pipeline

We have created a Python AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) v1 application hosted in a Git Repository. Deploying this application will create the required components described in this post. For a list of the deployment prerequisites, see the project README.

Clone the repository to your local machine. Then, bootstrap and deploy the CDK stack following the next steps.

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-cdk-service-catalog-pipeline
cd aws-cdk-service-catalog
pip install -r requirements.txt
cdk bootstrap aws://account_id/eu-west-1
cdk deploy

The infrastructure creation takes around 3-5 minutes to complete deploying the AWS CodePipelines and repository creation. Once CDK has deployed the components, you will have a new empty repository where we will define the target Service Catalog estate. To do so, clone the new repository and push our sample code into it:

git clone https://git-codecommit.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/service-catalog-repo
git checkout -b main
cd service-catalog-repo
cp -aR ../cdk-service-catalog-pipeline/* .
git add .
git commit -am "First commit"
git push origin main

Review and update configuration

Our cdk.json file is used to manage context settings such as shared accounts, permissions, region to deploy, etc.

shared_accounts_ecs: AWS account IDs where the ECS portfolio will be shared
shared_accounts_storage: AWS account IDs where the Storage portfolio will be shared
roles: ARN for the roles who will have permissions to access to the Portfolio
users: ARN for the users who will have permissions to access to the Portfolio
groups: ARN for the groups who will have permissions to access to the Portfolio
hub_account: AWS account ID where the Portfolio will be created
pipeline_account: AWS account ID where the main Infrastructure Pipeline will be created
region: the AWS region to be used for the deployment of the account

There are two mechanisms that can be used to create Service Catalog Products in this solution: 1) providing a CloudFormation template or 2) declaring a CDK stack (that will be transformed as part of the pipeline). Our sample contains two Products, each demonstrating one of these options: an Amazon Elastic Container Services (ECS) deployment and an Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) product.

These Products are automatically shared with accounts specified in the shared_accounts_storage variable. Each product is managed by a CDK Python file in the cdk_service_catalog folder.

Figure shows Pipeline stages that AWS CodePipeline runs through

Figure shows Pipeline stages that AWS CodePipeline runs through

Figure shows Pipeline stages that AWS CodePipeline runs through

The Pipeline stages that AWS CodePipeline runs through are as follows:

  1. Download the AWS CodeCommit code
  2. Synthesize the CDK code to transform it into a CloudFormation template
  3. Auto-modify the Pipeline in case you have made manual changes to it
  4. Display the different Portfolios and Products associated in a Hub account in a Region or in multiple accounts

Adding new Portfolios and Products

To add a new Portfolio to the Pipeline, we recommend creating a new class under cdk_service_catalog similar to cdk_service_catalog_ecs_stack.py from our sample. Once the new class is created with the products you wish to associate, we instantiate the new class inside cdk_pipelines.py, and then add it inside the wave in the stage. There are two ways to create portfolio products. The first one is by creating a CloudFormation template, as can be seen in the Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) example.  The second way is by creating a CDK stack that will be transformed into a template, as can be seen in the Storage example.

Product and Portfolio definition:

class ECSCluster(servicecatalog.ProductStack):
    def __init__(self, scope, id):
        super().__init__(scope, id)
        # Parameters for the Product Template
        cluster_name = cdk.CfnParameter(self, "clusterName", type="String", description="The name of the ECS cluster")
        container_insights_enable = cdk.CfnParameter(self, "container_insights", type="String",default="False",allowed_values=["False","True"],description="Enable Container Insights")
        vpc = cdk.CfnParameter(self, "vpc", type="AWS::EC2::VPC::Id", description="VPC")
        ecs.Cluster(self,"ECSCluster_template", enable_fargate_capacity_providers=True,cluster_name=cluster_name.value_as_string,container_insights=bool(container_insights_enable.value_as_string),vpc=vpc)
              cdk.Tags.of(self).add("key", "value")

Clean up

The following will help you clean up all necessary parts of this post: After completing your demo, feel free to delete your stack using the CDK CLI:

cdk destroy --all


In this post, we demonstrated how Service Catalog deployments can be accelerated by building a CI/CD pipeline using self-managed services. The Portfolio & Product estate is defined in its entirety by using Infrastructure-as-Code and automatically deployed based on your configuration. To learn more about AWS CDK Pipelines or AWS Service Catalog, visit the appropriate product documentation.



César Prieto Ballester

César Prieto Ballester is a Senior DevOps Consultant at AWS. He enjoys automating everything and building infrastructure using code. Apart from work, he plays electric guitar and loves riding his mountain bike.

Daniel Mutale

Daniel Mutale is a Cloud Infrastructure Architect at AWS Professional Services. He enjoys creating cloud based architectures and building out the underlying infrastructure to support the architectures using code. Apart from work, he is an avid animal photographer and has a passion for interior design.

Raphael Sack

Raphael is a technical business development manager for Service Catalog & Control Tower. He enjoys tinkering with automation and code and active member of the management tools community.

Leverage DevOps Guru for RDS to detect anomalies and resolve operational issues

Post Syndicated from Kishore Dhamodaran original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/leverage-devops-guru-for-rds-to-detect-anomalies-and-resolve-operational-issues/

The Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is a popular choice among organizations running critical applications that supports online transaction processing (OLTP) use-cases. But managing the RDBMS database comes with its own challenges. AWS has made it easier for organizations to operate these databases in the cloud, thereby addressing the undifferentiated heavy lifting with managed databases (Amazon Aurora, Amazon RDS). Although using managed services has freed up engineering from provisioning hardware, database setup, patching, and backups, they still face the challenges that come with running a highly performant database. As applications scale in size and sophistication, it becomes increasingly challenging for customers to detect and resolve relational database performance bottlenecks and other operational issues quickly.

Amazon RDS Performance Insights is a database performance tuning and monitoring feature, that lets you quickly assess your database load and determine when and where to take action. Performance Insights lets non-experts in database administration diagnose performance problems with an easy-to-understand dashboard that visualizes database load. Furthermore, Performance Insights expands on the existing Amazon RDS monitoring features to illustrate database performance and help analyze any issues that affect it. The Performance Insights dashboard also lets you visualize the database load and filter the load by waits, SQL statements, hosts, or users.

On Dec 1st, 2021, we announced Amazon DevOps Guru for RDS, a new capability for Amazon DevOps Guru. It’s a fully-managed machine learning (ML)-powered service that detects operational and performance related issues for Amazon Aurora engines. It uses the data that it collects from Performance Insights, and then automatically detects and alerts customers of application issues, including database problems. When DevOps Guru detects an issue in an RDS database, it publishes an insight in the DevOps Guru dashboard. The insight contains an anomaly for the resource AWS/RDS. If DevOps Guru for RDS is turned on for your instances, then the anomaly contains a detailed analysis of the problem. DevOps Guru for RDS also recommends that you perform an investigation, or it provides a specific corrective action. For example, the recommendation might be to investigate a specific high-load SQL statement or to scale database resources.

In this post, we’ll deep-dive into some of the common issues that you may encounter while running your workloads against Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition databases, with simulated performance issues. We’ll also look at how DevOps Guru for RDS can help identify and resolve these issues. Simulating a performance issue is resource intensive, and it will cost you money to run these tests. If you choose the default options that are provided, and clean up your resources using the following clean-up instructions, then it will cost you approximately $15 to run the first test only. If you wish to run all of the tests, then you can choose “all” in the Tests parameter choice. This will cost you approximately $28 to run all three tests.


To follow along with this walkthrough, you must have the following prerequisites:

  • An AWS account with a role that has sufficient access to provision the required infrastructure. The account should also not have exceeded its quota for the resources being deployed (VPCs, Amazon Aurora, etc.).
  • Credentials that enable you to interact with your AWS account.
  • If you already have Amazon DevOps Guru turned on, then make sure that it’s tagged properly to detect issues for the resource being deployed.

Solution overview

You will clone the project from GitHub and deploy an AWS CloudFormation template, which will set up the infrastructure required to run the tests. If you choose to use the defaults, then you can run only the first test. If you would like to run all of the tests, then choose the “all” option under Tests parameter.

We simulate some common scenarios that your database might encounter when running enterprise applications. The first test simulates locking issues. The second test simulates the behavior when the AUTOCOMMIT property of the database driver is set to: True. This could result in statement latency. The third test simulates performance issues when an index is missing on a large table.

Solution walk through

Clone the repo and deploy resources

  1. Utilize the following command to clone the GitHub repository that contains the CloudFormation template and the scripts necessary to simulate the database load. Note that by default, we’ve provided the command to run only the first test.
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-devops-guru-rds.git
    cd amazon-devops-guru-rds
    aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name DevOpsGuru-Stack \
        --template-body file://DevOpsGuruMySQL.yaml \
        --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
        --parameters ParameterKey=Tests,ParameterValue=one \

    If you wish to run all four of the tests, then flip the ParameterValue of the Tests ParameterKey to “all”.

    If Amazon DevOps Guru is already enabled in your account, then change the ParameterValue of the EnableDevOpsGuru ParameterKey to “n”.

    It may take up to 30 minutes for CloudFormation to provision the necessary resources. Visit the CloudFormation console (make sure to choose the region where you have deployed your resources), and make sure that DevOpsGuru-Stack is in the CREATE_COMPLETE state before proceeding to the next step.

  2. Navigate to AWS Cloud9, then choose Your environments. Next, choose DevOpsGuruMySQLInstance followed by Open IDE. This opens a cloud-based IDE environment where you will be running your tests. Note that in this setup, AWS Cloud9 inherits the credentials that you used to deploy the CloudFormation template.
  3. Open a new terminal window which you will be using to clone the repository where the scripts are located.

  1. Clone the repo into your Cloud9 environment, then navigate to the directory where the scripts are located, and run initial setup.
git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-devops-guru-rds.git
cd amazon-devops-guru-rds/scripts
sh setup.sh 
# NOTE: If you are running all test cases, use sh setup.sh all command instead. 
source ~/.bashrc
  1. Initialize databases for all of the test cases, and add random data into them. The script to insert random data takes approximately five hours to complete. Your AWS Cloud9 instance is set up to run for up to 24 hours before shutting down. You can exit the browser and return between 5–24 hours to validate that the script ran successfully, then continue to the next step.
source ./connect.sh test 1
USE devopsgurusource;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test1 (id int, filler char(255), timer timestamp);
python3 ct.py

If you chose to run all test cases, and you ran the sh setup.sh all command in Step 4, open two new terminal windows and run the following commands to insert random data for test cases 2 and 3.

# Test case 2 – Open a new terminal window to run the commands
cd amazon-devops-guru-rds/scripts
source ./connect.sh test 2
USE devopsgurusource;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test1 (id int, filler char(255), timer timestamp);
python3 ct.py
# Test case 3 - Open a new terminal window to run the commands
cd amazon-devops-guru-rds/scripts
source ./connect.sh test 3
USE devopsgurusource;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test1 (id int, filler char(255), timer timestamp);
python3 ct.py
  1. Return between 5-24 hours to run the next set of commands.
  1. Add an index to the first database.
source ./connect.sh test 1
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test1_pk ON test1(id);
INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (-1, 'locker', current_timestamp);
  1. If you chose to run all test cases, and you ran the sh setup.sh all command in Step 4, add an index to the second database. NOTE: Do no add an index to the third database.
source ./connect.sh test 2
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test1_pk ON test1(id);
INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (-1, 'locker', current_timestamp);

DevOps Guru for RDS uses Performance Insights, and it establishes a baseline for the database metrics. Baselining involves analyzing the database performance metrics over a period of time to establish a “normal” behavior. DevOps Guru for RDS then uses ML to detect anomalies against the established baseline. If your workload pattern changes, then DevOps Guru for RDS establishes a new baseline that it uses to detect anomalies against the new “normal”. For new database instances, DevOps Guru for RDS takes up to two days to establish an initial baseline, as it requires an analysis of the database usage patterns and establishing what is considered a normal behavior.

  1. Allow two days before you start running the following tests.

Scenario 1: Locking Issues

In this scenario, multiple sessions compete for the same (“locked”) record, and they must wait for each other.
In real life, this often happens when:

  • A database session gets disconnected due to a (i.e., temporary network) malfunction, while still holding a critical lock.
  • Other sessions become stuck while waiting for the lock to be released.
  • The problem is often exacerbated by the application connection manager that keeps spawning additional sessions (because the existing sessions don’t complete the work on time), thus creating a distinct “inclined slope” pattern that you’ll see in this scenario.

Here’s how you can reproduce it:

  1. Connect to the database.
cd amazon-devops-guru-rds/scripts
source ./connect.sh test 1
  1. In your MySQL, enter the following SQL, and don’t exit the shell.
UPDATE test1 SET timer=current_timestamp WHERE id=-1;
-- Do NOT exit!
  1. Open a new terminal, and run the command to simulate competing transactions. Give it approximately five minutes before you run the commands in this step.
cd amazon-devops-guru-rds/scripts
source ./connect.sh test 1
python3 locking_scenario.py 1 1200 2
  1. After the program completes its execution, navigate to the Amazon DevOps Guru console, choose Insights, and then choose RDS DB Load Anomalous. You’ll notice a summary of the insight under Description.

Shows navigation to Amazon DevOps Guru Insights and RDS DB Load Anomalous screen to find the summary description of the anomaly.

  1. Choose the View Recommendations link on the top right, and observe the databases for which it’s showing the recommendations.
  2. Next, choose View detailed analysis for database performance anomaly for the following resources.
  3. Under To view a detailed analysis, choose a resource name, choose the database associated with the first test.

 Shows the detailed analysis of the database performance anomaly. The database experiencing load is chosen, and a graphical representation of how the Average active sessions (AAS) spikes, which Amazon DevOps Guru is able to identify.

  1. Observe the recommendations under Analysis and recommendations. It provides you with analysis, recommendations, and links to troubleshooting documentation.

Shows a different section of the detailed analysis screen that provides Analysis and recommendations and links to the troubleshooting documentation.

In this example, DevOps Guru for RDS has detected a high and unusual spike of database load, and then marked it as “performance anomaly”.

Note that the relative size of the anomaly is significant: 490 times higher than the “typical” database load, which is why it’s deemed: “HIGH severity”.

In the analysis section, note that a single “wait event”, wait/synch/mutex/innodb/aurora_lock_thread_slot_futex, is dominating the entire spike. Moreover, a single SQL is “responsible” (or more precisely: “suffering”) from this wait event at the time of the problem. Select the wait event name and see a simple explanation of what’s happening in the database. For example, it’s “record locking”, where multiple sessions are competing for the same database records. Additionally, you can select the SQL hash and see the exact text of the SQL that’s responsible for the issue.

If you’re interested in why DevOps Guru for RDS detected this problem, and why these particular wait events and an SQL were selected, the Why is this a problem? and Why do we recommend this? links will provide the answer.

Finally, the most relevant part of this analysis is a View troubleshooting doc link. It references a document that contains a detailed explanation of the likely causes for this problem, as well as the actions that you can take to troubleshoot and address it.

Scenario 2: Autocommit: ON

In this scenario, we must run multiple batch updates, and we’re using a fairly popular driver setting: AUTOCOMMIT: ON.

This setting can sometimes lead to performance issues as it causes each UPDATE statement in a batch to be “encased” in its own “transaction”. This leads to data changes being frequently synchronized to disk, thus dramatically increasing batch latency.

Here’s how you can reproduce the scenario:

  1. On your Cloud9 terminal, run the following commands:
cd amazon-devops-guru-rds/scripts
source ./connect.sh test 2
python3 batch_autocommit.py 50 1200 1000 10000000
  1. Once the program completes its execution, or after an hour, navigate to the Amazon DevOps Guru console, choose Insights, and then choose RDS DB Load Anomalous. Then choose Recommendations and choose View detailed analysis for database performance anomaly for the following resources. Under To view a detailed analysis, choose a resource name, choose the database associated with the second test.

  1. Observe the recommendations under Analysis and recommendations. It provides you with analysis, recommendations, and links to troubleshooting documentation.

Shows a different section of the detailed analysis screen that provides Analysis and recommendations and links to the troubleshooting documentation.

Note that DevOps Guru for RDS detected a significant (and unusual) spike of database load and marked it as a HIGH severity anomaly.

The spike looks similar to the previous example (albeit, “smaller”), but it describes a different database problem (“COMMIT slowdowns”). This is because of a different database wait event that dominates the spike: wait/io/aurora_redo_log_flush.

As in the previous example, you can select the wait event name to see a simple description of what’s going on, and you can select the SQL hash to see the actual statement that is slow. Furthermore, just as before, the View troubleshooting doc link references the document that describes what you can do to troubleshoot the problem further and address it.

Scenario 3: Missing index

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you drop a frequently accessed index on a large table?

In this relatively simple scenario, we’re testing exactly that – an index gets dropped causing queries to switch from fast index lookups to slow full table scans, thus dramatically increasing latency and resource use.

Here’s how you can reproduce this problem and see it for yourself:

  1. On your Cloud9 terminal, run the following commands:
cd amazon-devops-guru-rds/scripts
source ./connect.sh test 3
python3 no_index.py 50 1200 1000 10000000
  1. Once the program completes its execution, or after an hour, navigate to the Amazon DevOps Guru console, choose Insights, and then choose RDS DB Load Anomalous. Then choose Recommendations and choose View detailed analysis for database performance anomaly for the following resources. Under To view a detailed analysis, choose a resource name, choose the database associated with the third test.

Shows the detailed analysis of the database performance anomaly. The database experiencing load is chosen and a graphical representation of how the Average active sessions (AAS) spikes which Amazon DevOps Guru is able to identify.

  1. Observe the recommendations under Analysis and recommendations. It provides you with analysis, recommendations, and links to troubleshooting documentation.

Shows a different section of the detailed analysis screen that provides Analysis and recommendations and links to the troubleshooting documentation.

As with the previous examples, DevOps Guru for RDS detected a high and unusual spike of database load (in this case, ~ 50 times larger than the “typical” database load). It also identified that a single wait event, wait/io/table/sql/handler, and a single SQL, are responsible for this issue.

The analysis highlights the SQL that you must pay attention to, and it links a detailed troubleshooting document that lists the likely causes and recommended actions for the problems that you see. While it doesn’t tell you that the “missing index” is the real root cause of the issue (this is planned in future versions), it does offer many relevant details that can help you come to that conclusion yourself.


On your terminal where you originally ran the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) command to create the CloudFormation resources, run the following command:

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name DevOpsGuru-Stack


In this post, you learned how to leverage DevOps Guru for RDS to alert you of any operational issues with recommendations. You simulated some of the commonly encountered, real-world production issues, such as locking contentions, AUTOCOMMIT, and missing indexes. Moreover, you saw how DevOps Guru for RDS helped you detect and resolve these issues. Try this out, and let us know how DevOps Guru for RDS was able to address your use-case.


Kishore Dhamodaran

Kishore Dhamodaran is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. Kishore helps strategic customers with their cloud enterprise strategy and migration journey, leveraging his years of industry and cloud experience.

Simsek Mert

Simsek Mert is a Cloud Application Architect with AWS Professional Services.
Simsek helps customers with their application architecture, containers, serverless applications, leveraging his over 20 years of experience.

Maxym Kharchenko

Maxym Kharchenko is a Principal Database Engineer at AWS. He builds automated monitoring tools that use machine learning to discover and explain performance problems in relational databases.

Jared Keating

Jared Keating is a Senior Cloud Consultant with Amazon Web Services Professional Services. Jared assists customers with their cloud infrastructure, compliance, and automation requirements drawing from his over 20 years of experience in IT.

How to unit test and deploy AWS Glue jobs using AWS CodePipeline

Post Syndicated from Praveen Kumar Jeyarajan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/how-to-unit-test-and-deploy-aws-glue-jobs-using-aws-codepipeline/

This post is intended to assist users in understanding and replicating a method to unit test Python-based ETL Glue Jobs, using the PyTest Framework in AWS CodePipeline. In the current practice, several options exist for unit testing Python scripts for Glue jobs in a local environment. Although a local development environment may be set up to build and unit test Python-based Glue jobs, by following the documentation, replicating the same procedure in a DevOps pipeline is difficult and time consuming.

Unit test scripts are one of the initial quality gates used by developers to provide a high-quality build. One must reuse these scripts during regression testing to make sure that all of the existing functionality is intact, and that new releases don’t disrupt key application functionality. The majority of the regression test suites are expected to be integrated with the DevOps Pipeline for its execution. Unit testing an application code is a fundamental task that evaluates  whether each (unit) code written by a programmer functions as expected. Unit testing of code provides a mechanism to determine that software quality hasn’t been compromised. One of the difficulties in building Python-based Glue ETL tasks is their ability for unit testing to be incorporated within DevOps Pipeline, especially when there are modernization of mainframe ETL process to modern tech stacks in AWS

AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it easy to discover, prepare, and combine data for analytics, machine learning (ML), and application development. AWS Glue provides all of the capabilities needed for data integration. This means that you can start analyzing your data and putting it to use in minutes rather than months. AWS Glue provides both visual and code-based interfaces to make data integration easier.


GitHub Repository

Amazon ECR Image URI for Glue Library

Solution overview

A typical enterprise-scale DevOps pipeline is illustrated in the following diagram. This solution describes how to incorporate the unit testing of Python-based AWS Glue ETL processes into the AWS DevOps Pipeline.

Figure 1 Solution Overview

The GitHub repository aws-glue-jobs-unit-testing has a sample Python-based Glue job in the src folder. Its associated unit test cases built using the Pytest Framework are accessible in the tests folder. An AWS CloudFormation template written in YAML is included in the deploy folder. As a runtime environment, AWS CodeBuild utilizes custom container images. This feature is used to build a project utilizing Glue libraries from Public ECR repository, that can run the code package to demonstrate unit testing integration.

Solution walkthrough

Time to read  7 min
Time to complete  15-20 min
Learning level  300
Services used
AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild, Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) Public Repositories, AWS CloudFormation

The container image at the Public ECR repository for AWS Glue libraries includes all of the binaries required to run PySpark-based AWS Glue ETL tasks locally, as well as unit test them. The public container repository has three image tags, one for each AWS Glue version supported by AWS Glue. To demonstrate the solution, we use the image tag glue_libs_3.0.0_image_01 in this post. To utilize this container image as a runtime image in CodeBuild, copy the Image URI corresponding to the image tag that you intend to use, as shown in the following image.

Figure 2 Select Glue Library from Public ECR

The aws-glue-jobs-unit-testing GitHub repository contains a CloudFormation template, pipeline.yml, which deploys a CodePipeline with CodeBuild projects to create, test, and publish the AWS Glue job. As illustrated in the following, use the copied image URL from Amazon ECR public to create and test a CodeBuild project.

    Type: AWS::CodeBuild::Project
        Type: CODEPIPELINE
      BadgeEnabled: false
        ComputeType: BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE
        Image: "public.ecr.aws/glue/aws-glue-libs:glue_libs_3.0.0_image_01"
        ImagePullCredentialsType: CODEBUILD
        PrivilegedMode: false
      Name: !Sub "${RepositoryName}-${BranchName}-build"
      ServiceRole: !GetAtt CodeBuildRole.Arn  

The pipeline performs the following operations:

  1. It uses the CodeCommit repository as the source and transfers the most recent code from the main branch to the CodeBuild project for further processing.
  2. The following stage is build and test, in which the most recent code from the previous phase is unit tested and the test report is published to CodeBuild report groups.
  3. If all of the test results are good, then the next CodeBuild project is launched to publish the code to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.
  4. Following the successful completion of the publish phase, the final step is to deploy the AWS Glue task using the CloudFormation template in the deploy folder.

Deploying the solution

Set up

Now we’ll deploy the solution using a CloudFormation template.

  • Using the GitHub Web, download the code.zip file from the aws-glue-jobs-unit-testing repository. This zip file contains the GitHub repository’s src, tests, and deploy folders. You may also create the zip file yourself using command-line tools, such as git and zip. To create the zip file on Linux or Mac, open the terminal and enter the following commands.
git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-glue-jobs-unit-testing.git
cd aws-glue-jobs-unit-testing
git checkout master
zip -r code.zip src/ tests/ deploy/
  • Sign in to the AWS Management Console and choose the AWS Region of your choice.
  • Create an Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see How Do I Create an S3 Bucket? in the AWS documentation.
  • Upload the downloaded zip package, code.zip, to the Amazon S3 bucket that you created.

In this example, I created an Amazon S3 bucket named aws-glue-artifacts-us-east-1 in the N. Virginia (us-east-1) Region, and used the console to upload the zip package from the GitHub repository to the Amazon S3 bucket.

Figure 3 Upload code.zip file to S3 bucket

Creating the stack

  1.  In the CloudFormation console, choose Create stack.
  2. On the Specify template page, choose Upload a template file, and then choose the pipeline.yml template, downloaded from the GitHub repository

Figure 4 Upload pipeline.yml template to create a new CloudFormation stack

  1. Specify the following parameters:.
  • Stack name: glue-unit-testing-pipeline (Choose a stack name of your choice)
  • ApplicationStackName: glue-codepipeline-app (This is the name of the CloudFormation stack that will be created by the pipeline)
  • BranchName: master (This is the name of the branch to be created in the CodeCommit repository to check-in the code from the Amazon S3 bucket zip file)
  • BucketName: aws-glue-artifacts-us-east-1 (This is the name of the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the zip file. This bucket will also be used by the pipeline for storing code artifacts)
  • CodeZipFile: lambda.zip (This is the key name of the sample code Amazon S3 object. The object should be a zip file)
  • RepositoryName: aws-glue-unit-testing (This is the name of the CodeCommit repository that will be created by the stack)
  • TestReportGroupName: glue-unittest-report (This is the name of the CodeBuild test report group that will be created to store the unit test reports)

Figure 5 Fill parameters for stack creation

  1. Choose Next, and again Next.
  1. On the Review page, under Capabilities, choose the following options:
  • I acknowledge that CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.

Figure 6 Acknowledge IAM roles creation

  1. Choose Create stack to begin the stack creation process. Once the stack creation is complete, the resources that were created are displayed on the Resources tab. The stack creation takes approximately 5-7 minutes.

Figure 7 Successful completion of stack creation

The stack automatically creates a CodeCommit repository with the initial code checked-in from the zip file uploaded to the Amazon S3 bucket. Furthermore, it creates a CodePipeline view using the CodeCommit repository as the source. In the above example, the CodeCommit repository is aws-glue-unit-test, and the pipeline is aws-glue-unit-test-pipeline.

Testing the solution

To test the deployed pipeline, open the CodePipeline console and select the pipeline created by the CloudFormation stack. Select the Release Change button on the pipeline page.

Figure 8 Choose Release Change on pipeline page

The pipeline begins its execution with the most recent code in the CodeCommit repository.

When the Test_and_Build phase is finished, select the Details link to examine the execution logs.

Figure 9 Successfully completed the Test_and_Build stage

Select the Reports tab, and choose the test report from Report history to view the unit execution results.

Figure 10 Test report from pipeline execution

Finally, after the deployment stage is complete, you can see, run, and monitor the deployed AWS Glue job on the AWS Glue console page. For more information, refer to the Running and monitoring AWS Glue documentation

Figure 11 Successful pipeline execution


To avoid additional infrastructure costs, make sure that you delete the stack after experimenting with the examples provided in the post. On the CloudFormation console, select the stack that you created, and then choose Delete. This will delete all of the resources that it created, including CodeCommit repositories, IAM roles/policies, and CodeBuild projects.


In this post, we demonstrated how to unit test and deploy Python-based AWS Glue jobs in a pipeline with unit tests written with the PyTest framework. The approach is not limited to CodePipeline, and it can be used to build up a local development environment, as demonstrated in the Big Data blog. The aws-glue-jobs-unit-testing GitHub repository contains the example’s CloudFormation template, as well as sample AWS Glue Python code and Pytest code used in this post. If you have any questions or comments regarding this example, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


Praveen Kumar Jeyarajan

Praveen Kumar Jeyarajan is a PraveenKumar is a Senior DevOps Consultant in AWS supporting Enterprise customers and their journey to the cloud. He has 11+ years of DevOps experience and is skilled in solving myriad technical challenges using the latest technologies. He holds a Masters degree in Software Engineering. Outside of work, he enjoys watching movies and playing tennis.

Vaidyanathan Ganesa Sankaran

Vaidyanathan Ganesa Sankaran is a Sr Modernization Architect at AWS supporting Global Enterprise customers on their journey towards modernization. He is specialized in Artificial intelligence, legacy Modernization and Cloud Computing. He holds a Masters degree in Software Engineering and has 12+ years of Modernization experience. Outside work, he loves conducting training sessions for college grads and professional starter who wants to learn cloud and AI. His hobbies are playing tennis, philately and traveling.

Extend your pre-commit hooks with AWS CloudFormation Guard

Post Syndicated from Joaquin Manuel Rinaudo original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/extend-your-pre-commit-hooks-with-aws-cloudformation-guard/

Git hooks are scripts that extend Git functionality when certain events and actions occur during code development. Developer teams often use Git hooks to perform quality checks before they commit their code changes. For example, see the blog post Use Git pre-commit hooks to avoid AWS CloudFormation errors for a description of how the AWS Integration and Automation team uses various pre-commit hooks to help reduce effort and errors when they build AWS Quick Starts.

This blog post shows you how to extend your Git hooks to validate your AWS CloudFormation templates against policy-as-code rules by using AWS CloudFormation Guard. This can help you verify that your code follows organizational best practices for security, compliance, and more by preventing you from commit changes that fail validation rules.

We will also provide patterns you can use to centrally maintain a list of rules that security teams can use to roll out new security best practices across an organization. You will learn how to configure a pre-commit framework by using an example repository while you store Guard rules in both a central Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket or in versioned code repositories (such as AWS CodeCommit, GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab).


To complete the steps in this blog post, first perform the following installations.

  1. Install AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).
  2. Install the Git CLI.
  3. Install the pre-commit framework by running the following command.
    pip install pre-commit
  4. Install the Rust programming language by following these instructions.
  5. (Windows only) Install the version of Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools 2019 that provides just the Visual C++ build tools. 

Solution walkthrough

In this section, we walk you through an exercise to extend a Java service on an Amazon EKS example repository with Git hooks by using AWS CloudFormation Guard. You can choose to upload your Guard rules in either a separate GitHub repository or your own S3 bucket.

First, download the sample repository that you will add the pre-commit framework to.

To clone the test repository

  • Clone the repo to a local directory by running the following command in your local terminal.

    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-eks-example-for-stateful-java-service.git

Next, create Guard rules that reflect the organization’s policy-as-code best practices and store them in an S3 bucket.

To set up an S3 bucket with your Guard rules

  1. Create an S3 bucket by running the following command in the AWS CLI.

    aws s3 mb s3://<account-id>-cfn-guard-rules --region <aws-region>

    where <account-id> is the ID of the AWS account you’re using and <aws-region> is the AWS Region you want to use.

  2. (Optional) Alternatively, you can follow the Getting started with Amazon S3 tutorial to create the bucket and upload the object (as described in step 4 that follows) by using the AWS Management Console.

    When you store your Guard rules in an S3 bucket, you can make the rules accessible to other member accounts in your organization by using the aws:PrincipalOrgID condition and setting the value to your organization ID in the bucket policy.

  3. Create a file that contains a Guard rule named rules.guard, with the following content.
    let eks_cluster = Resources.* [ Type == 'AWS::EKS::Cluster' ]
    rule eks_public_disallowed when %eks_cluster !empty {
          %eks_cluster.Properties.ResourcesVpcConfig.EndpointPublicAccess == false

    This rule will verify that public endpoints are disabled by checking that resources that are created by using the AWS::EKS::Cluster resource type have the EndpointPublicAccess property set to false. For more information about authoring your own rules using Guard domain-specific language (DSL), see Introducing AWS CloudFormation Guard 2.0.

  4. Upload the rule set to your S3 bucket by running the following command in the AWS CLI.

    aws s3 cp rules.guard s3://<account-id>-cfn-guard-rules/rules/rules.guard

In the next step, you will set up the pre-commit framework in the repository to run CloudFormation Guard against code changes.

To configure your pre-commit hook to use Guard

  1. Run the following command to create a new branch where you will test your changes.
    git checkout -b feature/guard-hook
  2. Navigate to the root directory of the project that you cloned earlier and create a .pre-commit-config.yaml file with the following configuration.
      - repo: local
          -   id: cfn-guard-rules
              name: Rules for AWS
              description: Download Organization rules
              entry: aws s3 cp --recursive s3://<account-id>-cfn-guard-rules/rules  guard-rules/org-rules/
              language: system
              pass_filenames: false
          -   id: cfn-guard
              name: AWS CloudFormation Guard
              description: Validate code against your Guard rules
              entry: bash -c 'for template in "$@"; do cfn-guard validate -r guard-rules -d "$template" || SCAN_RESULT="FAILED"; done; if [[ "$SCAN_RESULT" = "FAILED" ]]; then exit 1; fi'
              language: rust
              files: \.(json|yaml|yml|template\.json|template)$
                - cli:cfn-guard

    You will need to replace the <account-id> placeholder value with the AWS account ID you entered in the To set up an S3 bucket with your Guard rules procedure.

    This hook configuration uses local pre-commit hooks to download the latest version of Guard rules from the bucket you created previously. This allows you to set up a centralized set of Guard rules across your organization.

    Alternatively, you can create and use a code repository such as GitHub, AWS CodeCommit, or Bitbucket to keep your rules in version control. To do so, replace the command in the Download Organization rules step of the .pre-commit-config.yaml file with:

    bash -c ‘if [ -d guard-rules/org-rules ]; then cd guard-rules/org-rules && git pull; else git clone <guard-rules-repository-target> guard-rules/org-rules; fi’

    Where <guard-rules-repository-target> is the HTTPS or SSH URL of your repository. This command will clone or pull the latest rules from your Git repo by using your Git credentials.

    The hook will also install Guard as an additional dependency by using a Rust hook. Using Guard, it will run the code changes in the repository directory against the downloaded rule set. When misconfigurations are detected, the hook stops the commit.

    You can further extend your organization rules with your own Guard rules by adding them to the cfn-guard-rules folder. You should commit these rules in your repository and add cfn-guard-rules/org-rules/* to your .gitignore file.

  3. Run a pre-commit install command to install the hooks you just created.

Finally, test that the pre-commit’s Guard hook fails commits of code changes that do not follow organizational best practices.

To test pre-commit hooks

  1. Add EndpointPublicAccess: true in cloudformation/eks.template.yaml, as shown following. This describes the test-only intent (meaning that you want to detect and flag errors in your rule) of adding public access to the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) cluster.
        Type: AWS::EKS::Cluster
          Name: java-app-demo-cluster
            EndpointPublicAccess: true
              - !Ref EKSControlPlaneSecurityGroup

  2. Add your changes with the git add command.

    git add .pre-commit-config.yaml

    git add cloudformation/eks.template.yaml

  3. Commit changes with the following command.

    git commit -m bad config

    You should see the following error that disallows the commit to the local repository and shows which one of your Guard rules failed.

    amazon-eks-controlplane.template.yaml Status = FAIL
    FAILED rules
    rules.guard/eks_public_disallowed    FAIL
    Evaluation of rules rules.guard against data amazon-eks-controlplane.template.yaml
    [/Resources/EKS/Properties/ResourcesVpcConfig/EndpointPublicAccess] in data
    [eks.template.yaml] is not compliant with [rules.guard/eks_public_disallowed] 
    because provided value [true] did not match expected value [false]. 
    Error Message []

  4. (Optional) You can also test hooks before committing by using the pre-commit run command to see similar output.


To avoid incurring ongoing charges, follow these cleanup steps to delete the resources and files you created as you followed along with this blog post.

To clean up resources and files

  1. Remove your local repository.
    rm -rf /path/to/repository
  2. Delete the S3 bucket you created by running the following command.
    aws s3 rb s3://<account-id>-cfn-guard-rules --force
  3. (Optional) Remove the pre-commit hooks framework by running this command.
    pip uninstall pre-commit


In this post, you learned how to use AWS CloudFormation Guard with the pre-commit framework locally to validate your infrastructure-as-code solutions before you push remote changes to your repositories.

You also learned how to extend the solution to use a centralized list of security rules that is stored in versioned code repositories (GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab) or an S3 bucket. And you learned how to further extend the solution with your own rules. You can find examples of rules to use in Guard’s Github repository or refer to write preventative compliance rules for AWS CloudFormation templates the cfn-guard way. You can then further configure other repositories to prevent misconfigurations by using the same Guard rules.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the KMS re:Post or contact AWS Support.

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Joaquin Manuel Rinaudo

Joaquin is a Senior Security Architect with AWS Professional Services. He is passionate about building solutions that help developers improve their software quality. Prior to AWS, he worked across multiple domains in the security industry, from mobile security to cloud and compliance related topics. In his free time, Joaquin enjoys spending time with family and reading science-fiction novels.

How MarketAxess® uses AWS Developer Tools to create scalable and secure CI/CD pipelines

Post Syndicated from Aaron Lima original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/how-marketaxess-uses-aws-developer-tools-to-create-scalable-and-secure-ci-cd-pipelines/

Very often,  enterprise organizations strive to adopt modern DevOps practices, tofocus on governance and security without sacrificing development velocity. In this guest post, Prashant Joshi, Senior Cloud Engineer at MarketAxess, explains how they use the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), AWS CodePipeline, and AWS CodeBuild to simplify the developer experience by dynamically provisioning pipelines and maintaining governance at MarketAxess.

Problem Statement

MarketAxess is a financial technology company that operates an e-trading platform, for institutional credit markets. As MarketAxess adopted DevOps firm-wide, we struggled to ensure pipeline consistency. We had developers using static code analysis and linting, but it wasn’t enforced. As more teams began to adopt DevOps practices, the importance of providing consistency over code quality, security scanning, and artifact management grew. However, we were challenged with increasing our engineering workforce and implementing best practices in the various pipelines. As a small team, we needed a way to reliably manage and scale pipelines while reducing engineering overhead. We thought about the DevOps tenets, as well as the importance of automation, and we decided to build automation that would provision pipelines for development teams.  These pipelines included best practices for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD). We wanted to build this automation with self-service, so that teams can get started developing a solution to a business problem, without having to spend too much time around the CI/CD aspects of their projects.

We chose the AWS CDK to deploy AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources, and used an API webhook using AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway for integration. In this post, we provide an example of how these services can be used to create dynamic cross account CI/CD pipelines.


In developing our solution, we wanted to accomplish three main goals:

  1. Standardization and Governance of Pipelines – We wanted to ensure consistent practices in each team’s pipeline to make sure of code quality and security.
  2. Simplified Developer Interaction – We wanted developers to focus mainly on interacting with the code repository for their project.
  3. Improve Management of Dynamically Provisioned Pipelines – Knowing that we would need to make changes, improvements, and enhancements, we wanted tools and a process that was flexible.

We achieved these goals using AWS CDK to automate the creation of CodePipeline and define mandatory actions in the pipeline. We also created a webhook using API Gateway to integrate with our Bitbucket repositories to automatically trigger the automation. The pipelines can dynamically be provisioned or updated based on the YAML manifest file submitted to the repository. We process the manifest file with Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) Fargate tasks, because we had containerized the processing components using Docker. However, with the release of container support in Lambda, we are now considering this as a potential replacement. These pipelines run CI stages based on the programing language defined by development teams in the manifest file, and they deploy a tested versioned artifact to the corresponding environments via standard Software Defined Lifecycle (SDLC) practices. As a part of CI stages, we semantically version our code and tag our commits accordingly. This lets us trace commit to pipeline execution. The following architecture diagram shows a CloudFormation pipeline generated via AWS CDK.

CloudFormation Pipeline Architecture Diagram

The process flow is as follows:

  1. Developer pushes a change to the repository.
  2. A webhook is triggered when the Pull Request is merged that creates or modifies the pipeline based on the manifest file submitted to the repository.
  3. This triggers a Lambda function that performs the following:
    1. Clones the repository from Internally hosted BitBucket repos.
    2. Uploads the repository to the source Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, which is encrypted using Customer Managed Keys (CMK) with the AWS Key Management Service (KMS).
    3. An ECS Task is run, and a manifest file is passed which gives the project parameters. Pipelines are built according to these project parameters.
  4. An ECS Task processes the metadata file and runs cdk Logic, finally it triggers the pipeline.
    1. As source code is progressed through the pipeline, the build stage output to the artifact bucket. Pipeline artifacts are encrypted with a CMK. The IAM roles in the target account only have access to this bucket.

Additionally, through the power of the IAM integration with CodePipeline, the team could implement session tags with IAM roles and Okta to make sure that independent teams only approve pipelines, which are owned by respective teams. Furthermore, we use attribute-based tags to protect the production environment from unauthorized actions, so that deployment to production can only come through the pipeline.

The AWS CDK-based pipelines let MarketAxess enable teams to independently build and obtain immediate feedback, while still centrally governing CI and CD patterns. The solution took six months of two DevOps engineers working full time to build the cdk structure and support for the core languages and their corresponding CI and CD stages. We continue to iterate on the cdk code base and pipelines, incorporating feedback from our development community to ensure developer satisfaction.

Simplified Developer Interaction

Although we were enforcing standards via the automation, we still wanted to give development teams autonomy through a simple mechanism. We wanted developers to interact with our pipeline creation process through a pipeline manifest file that they submitted to their repository. An example of the manifest file schema is in the following screenshot:

Manifest File Schema

As shown above, the manifest lets developers define custom application configurations, while preserving consistent quality gates. This manifest is checked in to source control, and upon a commit to the code repository it triggers our automation. This lets our pipelines mutate on manifest file changes, and it makes sure that the latest commit goes through the latest quality gates. Each repository gets its own pipeline, and, to maintain the security of the pipeline, we used IAM Session Tags with Okta. We tag each pipeline and its associated resources with a unique attribute that is mapped to the development team so that they only have access to their pipelines, and only authorized individuals may approve production deployments.

Using AWS CDK, AWS CodePipeline, and other AWS Services, we have been able to improve the stability and quality of the code being delivered. CodePipeline and AWS CDK have helped us develop a cloud native pipeline solution that meets our governance best practices and compliance requirements. We met our three goals, and we can iterate and change easily moving forward.


Organizations that achieve the automation and self-service ideals of DevOps can build, release, and deploy features and apps to users faster and at higher levels of quality. In this post, we saw a real-life example of using Infrastructure as Code with AWS CDK to build a service that helps maintain governance and helps developers get work done. Here are two other posts that demonstrate using AWS Service Catalog to create secure DevOps pipelines or DevOps pipelines that deploy containerized applications.

Prashant Joshi

Prashant Joshi

Prashant Joshi is a Senior Cloud Engineer working in the Cloud Foundation team at MarketAxess. MarketAxess is a registered trademark of MarketAxess Holdings Inc.

Creating a Multi-Region Application with AWS Services – Part 3, Application Management and Monitoring

Post Syndicated from Joe Chapman original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/creating-a-multi-region-application-with-aws-services-part-3-application-management-and-monitoring/

In Part 1 of this series, we built a foundation for your multi-Region application using AWS compute, networking, and security services. In Part 2, we integrated AWS data and replication services to move and sync data between AWS Regions.

In Part 3, we cover AWS services and features used for messaging, deployment, monitoring, and management.

Developer tools

Automation that uses infrastructure as code (IaC) removes manual steps to create and configure infrastructure. It offers a repeatable template that can deploy consistent environments in different Regions.

IaC with AWS CloudFormation StackSets uses a single template to create, update, and delete stacks across multiple accounts and Regions in a single operation. When writing an AWS CloudFormation template, you can change the deployment behavior by pairing parameters with conditional logic. For example, you can set a “standby” parameter that, when “true,” limits the number of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances in an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group deployed to a standby Region.

Applications with deployments that span multiple Regions can use cross-Region actions in AWS CodePipeline for a consistent release pipeline. This way you won’t need to set up different actions in each Region. EC2 Image Builder and Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) have cross-Region copy features to help with consistent AMI and image deployments, as covered in Part 1.

Event-driven architecture

Decoupled, event-driven applications produce a more extensible and maintainable architecture by having each component perform its specific task independently.

Amazon EventBridge, a serverless event bus, can send events between AWS resources. By utilizing cross-Region event routing, you can share events between workloads in different Regions (Figure 1) and accounts. For example, you can share health and utilization events across Regions to determine which Regional workload deployment is best suited for requests.

EventBridge routing events from one Region to event buses in other Regions

Figure 1. EventBridge routing events from one Region to event buses in other Regions

If your event-driven application relies on pub/sub messaging, Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) can fan out to multiple destinations. When the destination targets are Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queues or AWS Lambda functions, Amazon SNS can notify recipients in different Regions. For example, you can send messages to a central SQS queue that processes orders for a multi-Region application.

Monitoring and observability

Observability becomes even more important as the number of resources and deployment locations increases. Being able to quickly identify the impact and root cause of an issue will influence recovery activities, and ensuring your observability stack is resilient to failures will help you make these decisions. When building on AWS, you can pair the health of AWS services with your application metrics to obtain a more complete view of the health of your infrastructure.

AWS Health dashboards and APIs show account-specific events and scheduled activities that may affect your resources. These events cover all Regions, and can expand to include all accounts in your AWS Organization. EventBridge can monitor events from AWS Health to take immediate actions based on an event. For example, if multiple services are reporting as degraded, you could set the EventBridge event target to an AWS Systems Manager automated runbook that prepares your disaster recovery (DR) application for failover.

AWS Trusted Advisor offers actionable alerts to optimize cost, increase performance, and improve security and fault tolerance. Trusted Advisor shows results across all Regions and can generate a report that shows an aggregated view of all check results across all accounts within an organization.

To maintain visibility over an application deployed across multiple Regions and accounts, you can create a Trusted Advisor dashboard and an operations dashboard with AWS Systems Manager Explorer. The operations dashboard offers a unified view of resources, such as Amazon EC2, Amazon CloudWatch, and AWS Config data. You can combine the metadata with Amazon Athena to create a multi-Region and multi-account inventory view of resources.

You can view metrics from applications and resources deployed across multiple Regions in the CloudWatch console. This makes it easy to create graphs and dashboards for multi-Region applications. Cross-account functionality is also available in CloudWatch, so you can create a centralized view of dashboards, alarms, and metrics across your organization.

Amazon OpenSearch Service aggregates unstructured and semi-structured log files, messages, metrics, documents, configuration data, and more. Cross-cluster replication replicates indices, mappings, and metadata in an active-passive setup from one OpenSearch Service domain to another. This reduces latency across Regions and ensures high availability of your data.

AWS Resilience Hub assesses and tracks the resiliency of your application. It checks how well an application will maintain availability when performing a Regional failover. For example, it can check if an application has cross-Region replication configured on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets or that Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) instances have a cross-Region read-replica. Figure 2 shows an output of a Resilience Hub assessment. It recommends use of Route 53 Application Recovery Controller (covered in Part 1) to ensure the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group in a Region is scaled and ready to accept traffic before we fail over to it.

Resilience Hub recommendations

Figure 2. Resilience Hub recommendations

Management: Governance

Growing an application into a new country means there may be additional data privacy laws and regulations to follow. These will vary depending on the country, and we encourage you to investigate with your legal team to fully understand how this affects your application.

AWS Control Tower supports data compliance by providing guardrails to control and meet data residency requirements. These guardrails are a collection of Service Control Policies (SCPs) and AWS Config rules. You can implement them independently of AWS Control Tower if needed. Additional security-centric multi-Region services are covered in part 1.

AWS Config provides a detailed view of the configuration and history of AWS resources. An AWS Config aggregator collects configuration and compliance data from multiple accounts and Regions into a central account. This centralized view offers a comprehensive view of the compliance and actions on resources, regardless of which account or Region they reside in.

Management: Operations

Several AWS Systems Manager capabilities allow for easier administration of AWS resources, especially as applications grow. Systems Manager Automation simplifies common maintenance and deployment tasks for AWS resources with automated runbooks. These runbooks automate actions on resources across Regions and accounts. You can pair Systems Manager Automation with Systems Manager Patch Manager to ensure instances maintain the latest patches across accounts and Regions. Figure 3 shows Systems Manager running several automation documents on a multi-Region architecture.

Using Systems Manager automation from a central operations AWS account to automate actions across multiple Regions

Figure 3. Using Systems Manager automation from a central operations AWS account to automate actions across multiple Regions

Bringing it together

At the end of each part of this blog series, we build on a sample application based on the services covered. This shows you how to bring these services together to build a multi-Region application with AWS services. We don’t use every service mentioned, just those that fit the use case.

We built this example to expand to a global audience. It requires high availability across Regions, and favors performance over strict consistency. We have chosen the following services covered in this post to accomplish our goals, building on our foundation from part 1 and part 2:

  • CloudFormation StackSets to deploy everything with IaC. This ensures the infrastructure is deployed consistently across Regions.
  • AWS Config rules provide a centralized place to monitor, record, and evaluate the configuration of our resources.
  • For added observability, we created dashboards with CloudWatch dashboard, Personal Health dashboard, and Trusted Advisor dashboard.
Building an application with multi-Region services

Figure 4. Building an application with multi-Region services

While our primary objective is expanding to a global audience, we note that some of the services such as CloudFormation StackSets rely on Region 1. Each Regional deployment is set up for static stability, but if there were an outage in Region 1 for an extended period of time, our DR playbook would outline how to make CloudFormation changes in Region 2.


Many AWS services have features to help you build and manage a multi-Region architecture, but identifying those capabilities across 200+ services can be overwhelming.

In this 3-part blog series, we’ve explored AWS services with features to assist you in building multi-Region applications. In Part 1, we built a foundation with AWS security, networking, and compute services. In Part 2, we added in data and replication strategies. Finally, in Part 3, we examined application and management layers.

Ready to get started? We’ve chosen some AWS Solutions, AWS Blogs, and Well-Architected labs to help you!

Other posts in this series

Related information

Dream11: Blocking application attacks using AWS WAF at scale

Post Syndicated from Vatsal Shah original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/dream11-blocking-application-attacks-using-aws-waf-at-scale/

As the world’s largest fantasy sports platforms with more than 120 million registered users, Dream11 runs multiple contests simultaneously while processing millions of user requests per minute. Their user-centric and data-driven teams make it a priority to ensure that the Dream11 application (app) remains protected against all kinds of threats and vulnerabilities.

Introduction to AWS WAF Security Automations

AWS WAF is a web application firewall that helps protect apps and APIs against common web exploits and bots. These attacks may affect availability, compromise security, or consume excessive resources. AWS WAF gives you control over how traffic reaches your applications. You can create security rules that control bot traffic and block common attack patterns, such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting (XSS.)

AWS WAF Security Automations use AWS CloudFormation to quickly configure AWS WAF rules that help block the following common types of attacks:

  • SQL injection
  • Cross-site scripting
  • HTTP floods
  • Scanners and probes
  • Known attacker origins (IP reputation lists)
  • Bots and scrapers

In this blog post, we will explain how Dream11 uses AWS WAF Security Automations to protect its application from scanners and probes attacks.

Scanner and probe automation

To understand the scanner and probe automation, let’s look at a realistic attack scenario for a standard app that is protected by AWS WAF. Let’s assume that a malicious user is trying to scan the app and identify loopholes using their custom tool. They plan to conduct injection attacks (such as SQLi, XSS) or directory brute force attacks.

The app, secured by AWS WAF, has rules in place to block requests if certain signatures and patterns are matched. AWS WAF cannot have all possible payload lists for each attack vector. This means that after some trial and errors, an attacker may find the payload that doesn’t get blocked by AWS WAF and try to exploit the vulnerability.

In this case, what if AWS WAF can detect the behavior of malicious user IPs and block it for a certain time period? Wouldn’t it be great if AWS WAF blocks the IP of a malicious user after receiving a couple of malicious requests? That way, new requests coming from that IP will be blocked without AWS WAF having to check all the rules in the web ACL. Any successful bypass attempts will also get blocked from that IP. Rather than permanently blocking the IP, this feature blocks the offending IP for a certain time period, discouraging the attacker from any further attempts. It acts as a first step of incident response. Here’s where automation can help.

Scanner and probe automation monitors Amazon CloudFront logs and analyses HTTP status codes for requests coming from different IPs. Based on the configured threshold of HTTP status codes, scanner and probe automation will update the malicious IP directly to the AWS WAF rule IPSet. It then blocks subsequent requests from that IP for a configured period of time.

The AWS WAF Security Automations solution creates an AWS WAF rule, an AWS Lambda function, and a Scanner and Probes Amazon Athena query. The Athena query parses Amazon CloudFront or Application Load Balancer access logs at regular intervals. It counts the number of bad requests per minute from unique source IP addresses. The Lambda function updates the AWS WAF IPSet rule to block further scans from IP addresses with a high error rate.

Scanner and probe solution

Solution architecture for scanner and probe automation (xxx represents the numbers as defined by the use case)

Figure 1. Solution architecture for scanner and probe automation (xxx represents the numbers as defined by the use case)

The workflow of the solution is as follows, shown in Figure 1:

  • CloudFront logs are pushed to the Amazon S3 bucket
  • Log Parser Lambda will run the Athena query to find the error code threshold for each unique IP
  • If the HTTP error threshold is crossed for any IP, the Lambda function will update the IP into an AWS WAF IPSet for a certain time
  • The IPSet is unblocked automatically after the time period is over

Customizing the AWS WAF Security Automation solution

Scanner and probe automation with rules will block traffic if the error rate for a particular IP crosses the threshold. It then adds the IP in the blocked IPSet. This IP is blocked for a configurable amount of time (for example, 12 hours, 2 days, 1 week).

During the customization of AWS WAF for Dream11, there were instances which required exceptions to the preceding rule. One was to prevent internal services/gateway IPs from getting blocked by the security automation. We needed to customize the rules for these predefined thresholds. For example: the solution should block the external traffic, but exclude any internal IP addresses.

The Dream11 Security team customized the Lambda logic to approve all internal NAT gateway IPs. Scanner and probe automation ignores these IPs even if there is a high number of errors from the approved IPs. Sample code is as follows:

log.info("[update_ip_set] \tIgnore the approved IP ")

if ip_type == "IPV4" and source_ip not in outstanding_requesters['ApprovedIPs']:  
elif ip_type == "IPV6" and source_ip not in outstanding_requesters['ApprovedIPs']:                     addresses_v6.append(source_ip)

Note: Create a JSON file with list of approved IPs and store it in APP_ACCESS_LOG_BUCKET
We will use the same S3 bucket to put our office-approved IPs as xyz.json file where we store our CloudFront access logs. This is configurable during CloudFormation template for Security Automation.

Code explanation:

  1. The custom code first validates the particular IP for which the error threshold is crossed against the approved IPs.
  2. If the IP belongs to the IPV4 or IPV6 format and isn’t an approved IP, it will be appended to the blocked IPSet for a certain period of time.

The customization of the Lambda function provides a security automation solution that doesn’t block any legitimate request. At the same time, it provides protection against scanner and probe attacks. AWS WAF security automation is an open-source solution and is hosted on GitHub.


In this blog post, we’ve given a brief overview of how you can reduce attacks by using AWS WAF Security Automations against scanners and probes. We’ve also illustrated the customization implemented by the Dream11 security team.

By automating your security operations, you will improve effective incident response. You can prioritize threats and handle cyber attacks automatically with automated courses of action. This reduces the need for human intervention, reduces response time, and addresses security issues without manual effort.

After implementing this at Dream11, we were able to create custom, application-specific rules that blocked attack patterns. This has provided application availability, secure resources, and has prevented excessive resource consumption. With this solution, we are able to provide the best fantasy sports experience for over 120 million users.

Read more about Security Automations in AWS WAF.

Using DevOps Automation to Deploy Lambda APIs across Accounts and Environments

Post Syndicated from Subrahmanyam Madduru original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/using-devops-automation-to-deploy-lambda-apis-across-accounts-and-environments/

by Subrahmanyam Madduru – Global Partner Solutions Architect Leader, AWS, Sandipan Chakraborti – Senior AWS Architect, Wipro Limited, Abhishek Gautam – AWS Developer and Solutions Architect, Wipro Limited, Arati Deshmukh – AWS Architect, Infosys

As more and more enterprises adopt serverless technologies to deliver their business capabilities in a more agile manner, it is imperative to automate release processes. Multiple AWS Accounts are needed to separate and isolate workloads in production versus non-production environments. Release automation becomes critical when you have multiple business units within an enterprise, each consisting of a number of AWS accounts that are continuously deploying to production and non-production environments.

As a DevOps best practice, the DevOps engineering team responsible for build-test-deploy in a non-production environment should not release the application and infrastructure code on to both non-production and production environments.  This risks introducing errors in application and infrastructure deployments in production environments. This in turn results in significant rework and delays in delivering functionalities and go-to-market initiatives. Deploying the code in a repeatable fashion while reducing manual error requires automating the entire release process. In this blog, we show how you can build a cross-account code pipeline that automates the releases across different environments using AWS CloudFormation templates and AWS cross-account access.

Cross-account code pipeline enables an AWS Identity & Access Management (IAM) user to assume an IAM Production role using AWS Secure Token Service (Managing AWS STS in an AWS Region – AWS Identity and Access Management) to switch between non-production and production deployments based as required. An automated release pipeline goes through all the release stages from source, to build, to deploy, on non-production AWS Account and then calls STS Assume Role API (cross-account access) to get temporary token and access to AWS Production Account for deployment. This follow the least privilege model for granting role-based access through IAM policies, which ensures the secure automation of the production pipeline release.

Solution Overview

In this blog post, we will show how a cross-account IAM assume role can be used to deploy AWS Lambda Serverless API code into pre-production and production environments. We are building on the process outlined in this blog post: Building a CI/CD pipeline for cross-account deployment of an AWS Lambda API with the Serverless Framework by programmatically automating the deployment of Amazon API Gateway using CloudFormation templates. For this use case, we are assuming a single tenant customer with separate AWS Accounts to isolate pre-production and production workloads.  In Figure 1, we have represented the code pipeline workflow diagramatically for our use case.

Figure 1. AWS cross-account CodePipeline for production and non-production workloads

Figure 1. AWS cross-account AWS CodePipeline for production and non-production workloads

Let us describe the code pipeline workflow in detail for each step noted in the preceding diagram:

  1. An IAM user belonging to the DevOps engineering team logs in to AWS Command-line Interface (AWS CLI) from a local machine using an IAM secret and access key.
  2. Next, the  IAM user assumes the IAM role to the corresponding activities – AWS Code Commit, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, AWS CodePipeline Execution and deploys the code for pre-production.
  3. A typical AWS CodePipeline comprises of build, test and deploy stages. In the build stage, the AWS CodeBuild service generates the Cloudformation template stack (template-export.yaml) into Amazon S3.
  4. In the deploy stage, AWS CodePipeline uses a CloudFormation template (a yaml file) to deploy the code from an S3 bucket containing the application API endpoints via Amazon API Gateway in the pre-production environment.
  5. The final step in the pipeline workflow is to deploy the application code changes onto the Production environment by assuming STS production IAM role.

Since the AWS CodePipeline is fully automated, we can use the same pipeline by switching between  pre-production and production accounts. These accounts assume the IAM role appropriate to the target environment and deploy the validated build to that environment using CloudFormation templates.


Here are the pre-requisites before you get started with implementation.

  • A user  with appropriate privileges (for example: Project Admin) in a production AWS account
  • A user with appropriate privileges (for example: Developer Lead) in a pre-production AWS account such as development
  • A CloudFormation template for deploying infrastructure in the pre-production account
  • Ensure your local machine has AWS CLI installed and configured 

Implementation Steps

In this section, we show how you can use AWS CodePipeline to release a serverless API in a secure manner to pre-production and production environments. AWS CloudWatch logging will be used to monitor the events on the AWS CodePipeline.

1. Create Resources in a pre-production account

In this step, we create the required resources such as a code repository, an S3 bucket, and a KMS key in a pre-production environment.

  • Clone the code repository into your CodeCommit. Make necessary changes to index.js and ensure the buildspec.yaml is there to build the artifacts.
    • Using codebase (lambda APIs) as input, you output a CloudFormation template, and environmental configuration JSON files (used for configuring Production and other non-Production environments such as dev, test). The build artifacts are packaged using AWS Serverless Application Model into a zip file and uploads it to an S3 bucket created for storing artifacts. Make note of the repository name as it will be required later.
  • Create an S3 bucket in a Region (Example: us-east-2). This bucket will be used by the pipeline for get and put artifacts. Make a note of the bucket name.
    • Make sure you edit the bucket policy to have your production account ID and the bucket name. Refer to AWS S3 Bucket Policy documentation to make changes to Amazon S3 bucket policies and permissions.
  • Navigate to AWS Key Management Service (KMS) and create a symmetric key.
  • Then create a new secret, configure the KMS key and provide access to development and production account. Make a note of the ARN for the key.

2. Create IAM Roles in the Production Account and required policies

In this step, we create roles and policies required to deploy the code.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
      "Resource": [
        "Your KMS Key ARN you created in Development Account"

Once you’ve created both policies, attach them to the previously created cross-account role.

3. Create a CloudFormation Deployment role

In this step, you need to create another IAM role, “CloudFormationDeploymentRole” for Application deployment. Then attach the following four policies to it.

Policy 1: For Cloudformation to deploy the application in the Production account

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-2:940679525002:stack/DevOps-Automation-API*/*"        }

Policy 2: For Cloudformation to perform required IAM actions

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*"

Policy 3: Lambda function service invocation policy

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:Your_Production_AccountID:function:SampleApplication*"

Policy 4: API Gateway service invocation policy

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:apigateway:*::/restapis/*/resources/*/methods/*/responses/*"
      "Sid": "VisualEditor2",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:apigateway:*::/restapis/*"
      "Sid": "VisualEditor3",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:apigateway:*::/restapis/*/resources/*/methods/*"

Make sure you also attach the S3 read/write access and KMS policies created in Step-2, to the CloudFormationDeploymentRole.

4. Setup and launch CodePipeline

You can launch the CodePipeline either manually in the AWS console using “Launch Stack” or programmatically via command-line in CLI.

On your local machine go to terminal/ command prompt and launch this command:

aws cloudformation deploy –template-file <Path to pipeline.yaml> –region us-east-2 –stack-name <Name_Of_Your_Stack> –capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM –parameter-overrides ArtifactBucketName=<Your_Artifact_Bucket_Name>  ArtifactEncryptionKeyArn=<Your_KMS_Key_ARN>  ProductionAccountId=<Your_Production_Account_ID>  ApplicationRepositoryName=<Your_Repository_Name> RepositoryBranch=master

If you have configured a profile in AWS CLI,  mention that profile while executing the command:

–profile <your_profile_name>

After launching the pipeline, your serverless API gets deployed in pre-production as well as in the production Accounts. You can check the deployment of your API in production or pre-production Account, by navigating to the API Gateway in the AWS console and looking for your API in the Region where it was deployed.

Figure 2. Check your deployment in pre-production/production environment

Figure 2. Check your deployment in pre-production/production environment

Then select your API and navigate to stages, to view the published API with an endpoint. Then validate your API response by selecting the API link.

Figure 3. Check whether your API is being published in pre-production/production environment

Figure 3. Check whether your API is being published in pre-production/production environment

Alternatively you can also navigate to your APIs by navigating through your deployed application CloudFormation stack and selecting the link for API in the Resources tab.


If you are trying this out in your AWS accounts, make sure to delete all the resources created during this exercise to avoid incurring any AWS charges.


In this blog, we showed how to build a cross-account code pipeline to automate releases across different environments using AWS CloudFormation templates and AWS Cross Account Access. You also learned how serveless APIs can be securely deployed across pre-production and production accounts. This helps enterprises automate release deployments in a repeatable and agile manner, reduce manual errors and deliver business cababilities more quickly.

Expanding Your EC2 Possibilities By Utilizing the CPU Launch Options

Post Syndicated from limillan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/expanding-your-ec2-possibilities-by-utilizing-the-cpu-launch-options/

This post is written by: Matthew Brunton, Senior Solutions Architect – WWPS

To ensure our customers have the appropriate machines available for their workloads, AWS offers a wide range of hardware options that include hundreds of types of instances that help customers achieve the best price performance for their workloads.  In some specialized circumstances, our customers need an even wider range of options, or more flexibility. This could be driven by a desire to optimize licensing costs, or the customer wanting more hardware configuration options. Some high performance workloads can improve by turning off simultaneous multithreading. In our AWS Well Architected Framework – High Performance Computing Lens we have the following recommendation “Unless an application has been tested with hyperthreading enabled, it is recommended that hyperthreading be disabled”. With these factors in mind, AWS offers the ability to configure some options regarding the CPU configuration in launched instances.

Our larger instance types that have a higher number of cores, and offer multithreaded cores will translate to a larger combination of potential options. The valid combinations of cores and threads per core can be found here. To consider utilizing the CPU options for both cores and threads per core, you will need to consider instance types that have multiple CPU’s and/or cores.

You can specify numerous CPU options for some of our larger instances via the console, command line interface, or the API. Moreover, you can remove CPUs from the launch configuration, or deactivate threading within CPUs that have multiple threads per core. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) FAQ’s for the Optimize CPU’s feature can be found here. You should be aware that this feature is only available during instance launch and cannot be modified after launch. The launch options persist after you reboot, stop, or start an instance.

You can easily determine how many CPUs and threads a machine has. There are numerous ways to see this via the AWS Management Console and the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI).

Within the AWS Management Console, under the ‘Instance Details’ section, opening up the ‘Host and placement group’ item reveals the number of vCPUs that your machine has.

Instance Details showing the number of vCPU's a particular EC2 machine has

Figure 1: Console details showing number of vCPU’s

This information is also available using the AWS CLI as follows:

aws ec2 describe-instances --region us-east-1 --filters "Name=instance-type,Values='c6i.*large'"

    "Instances": [
            "Monitoring": {
                "State": "disabled"
            "PrivateDnsName": "ip-172-31-44-121.ec2.internal",
 "PrivateIpAddress": "",                              
 "State": {
                "Code": 16, 
                "Name": "running"
            "EbsOptimized": false, 
            "LaunchTime": "2021-11-22T01:46:58+00:00",
            "ProductCodes": [], 
            "VpcId": " vpc-7f7f1502", 
            "CpuOptions": { "CoreCount": 32, "ThreadsPerCore": 1 }, 
            "StateTransitionReason": "", 

Figure 2: ec2 describe-instances cli output

A handy AWS CLI command ‘describe-instance-types’ will show the list of valid cores, the possible threads-per-core, and the default values for the vCPUs and cores. These are listed in the ‘DefaultVCpus’ and ‘DefaultCores’ items in the returned JSON listed as follows.

aws ec2 describe-instance-types --region us-east-1 --filters "Name=instance-type,Values='c6i.*'"
    "InstanceTypes": [
            "InstanceType": "c6i.4xlarge",
            "CurrentGeneration": true,
            "FreeTierEligible": false,
            "SupportedUsageClasses": [
            "SupportedRootDeviceTypes": [
            "SupportedVirtualizationTypes": [
            "BareMetal": false,
            "Hypervisor": "nitro",
            "ProcessorInfo": {
                "SupportedArchitectures": [
                "SustainedClockSpeedInGhz": 3.5
            "VCpuInfo": { "DefaultVCpus": 16, "DefaultCores": 8, "DefaultThreadsPerCore": 2, "ValidCores": [ 2, 4, 6, 8 ], "ValidThreadsPerCore": [ 1, 2 ] },
            "MemoryInfo": {
                "SizeInMiB": 32768


Figure 3: ec2 describe-instance-types cli output

To utilize the AWS CLI to launch one or multiple instances, you should use the run instances CLI command.

The following is the shorthand syntax:

aws ec2 run-instances --image-id xxx --instance-type xxx --cpu-options “CoreCount=xx,ThreadsPerCore=xx” --key-name xxx --region xxx

For example, the following command launches a 32-core machine with only 1 thread per core instead of the standard 2 threads per core:

aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-0c2b8ca1dad447f8a --instance-type c6i.16xlarge
--cpu-options " CoreCount =32, ThreadsPerCore =1" --key-name MyKeyPair --region xxx

If you are using the CPU options parameters in CloudFormation templates, then the following applies:


The following is an example of the YAML syntax for specifying the CPU configuration.

    Type: "AWS::EC2::Instance"
      InstanceType: xxx
      ImageId: xxx
CoreCount: xx
ThreadsPerCore: x

As can be seen in the following table, there are a number of valid CPU core options, as well as the option to set one or two threads per core for each CPU for certain instance types. This significantly opens up the number of combinations and permutations to meet your specific workload need. In the case of the c6i instance listed in the following table, there are an additional 32 CPU core and threading combinations available to customers.

Instance type Default vCPUs Default CPU cores Default threads per core Valid CPU cores Valid threads per core
c6i.16xlarge 64 32 2 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 1, 2

Figure 4: Valid Core and Thread Launch Options

Note that you still pay the same amount for the EC2 instance, even if you deactivate some of the cores or threads.


This approach can let customers customize the EC2 hardware options even further to ensure a wider range of CPU/memory combinations over and above the already extensive AWS instance options. This lets customers finely tune hardware for their exact application requirements, whether that is running High Performance workloads or trying to save money where license restrictions mean you can benefit from a specific CPU configuration.

We have run through various scenarios in this post, which detailed how to launch instances with alternate CPU configurations, easily check the current configuration of your running instances via our API and console, and how to configure the options in CloudFormation templates.

We love to see our customers maximizing the flexibility of the AWS platform to deliver outstanding results. Have a look at some of your High Performance workloads and give the threading options a try, or take a deep dive into any of your more expensive licenses to see if you could benefit from an alternate CPU configuration. In order to get started, check out our detailed developer documentation for the optimize CPU options.

Deploy and Manage Gitlab Runners on Amazon EC2

Post Syndicated from Sylvia Qi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/deploy-and-manage-gitlab-runners-on-amazon-ec2/

Gitlab CI is a tool utilized by many enterprises to automate their Continuous integration, continuous delivery and deployment (CI/CD) process. A Gitlab CI/CD pipeline consists of two major components: A .gitlab-ci.yml file describing a pipeline’s jobs, and a Gitlab Runner, an application that executes the pipeline jobs.

Setting up the Gitlab Runner is a time-consuming process. It involves provisioning the necessary infrastructure, installing the necessary software to run pipeline workloads, and configuring the runner. For enterprises running hundreds of pipelines across multiple environments, it is essential to automate the Gitlab Runner deployment process so as to be deployed quickly in a repeatable, consistent manner.

This post will guide you through utilizing Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) to automate Gitlab Runner deployment and administrative tasks on Amazon EC2. With IaC, you can quickly and consistently deploy the entire Gitlab Runner architecture by running a script. You can track and manage changes efficiently. And, you can enforce guardrails and best practices via code. The solution presented here also offers autoscaling so that you save costs by terminating resources when not in use. You will learn:

  • How to deploy Gitlab Runner quickly and consistently across multiple AWS accounts.
  • How to enforce guardrails and best practices on the Gitlab Runner through IaC.
  • How to autoscale Gitlab Runner based on workloads to ensure best performance and save costs.

This post comes from a DevOps engineer perspective, and assumes that the engineer is familiar with the practices and tools of IaC and CI/CD.

Overview of the solution

The following diagram displays the solution architecture. We use AWS CloudFormation to describe the infrastructure that is hosting the Gitlab Runner. The main steps are as follows:

  1. The user runs a deploy script in order to deploy the CloudFormation template. The template is parameterized, and the parameters are defined in a properties file. The properties file specifies the infrastructure configuration, as well as the environment in which to deploy the template.
  2. The deploy script calls CloudFormation CreateStack API to create a Gitlab Runner stack in the specified environment.
  3. During stack creation, an EC2 autoscaling group is created with the desired number of EC2 instances. Each instance is launched via a launch template, which is created with values from the properties file. An IAM role is created and attached to the EC2 instance. The role contains permissions required for the Gitlab Runner to execute pipeline jobs. A lifecycle hook is attached to the autoscaling group on instance termination events. This ensures graceful instance termination.
  4. During instance launch, CloudFormation uses a cfn-init helper script to install and configure the Gitlab Runner:
    1. cfn-init installs the Gitlab Runner software on the EC2 instance.
    2. cfn-init configures the Gitlab Runner as a docker executor using a pre-defined docker image in the Gitlab Container Registry. The docker executor implementation lets the Gitlab Runner run each build in a separate and isolated container. The docker image contains the software required to run the pipeline workloads, thereby eliminating the need to install these packages during each build.
    3. cfn-init registers the Gitlab Runner to Gitlab projects specified in the properties file, so that these projects can utilize the Gitlab Runner to run pipelines.
  1. The user may repeat the same steps to deploy Gitlab Runner into another environment.

Architecture diagram previously explained in post.


This walkthrough will demonstrate how to deploy the Gitlab Runner, and how easy it is to conduct Gitlab Runner administrative tasks via this architecture. We will walk through the following tasks:

  • Build a docker executor image for the Gitlab Runner.
  • Deploy the Gitlab Runner stack.
  • Update the Gitlab Runner.
  • Terminate the Gitlab Runner.
  • Add/Remove Gitlab projects from the Gitlab Runner.
  • Autoscale the Gitlab Runner based on workloads.

The code in this post is available at https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-ec2-gitlab-runner.git


For this walkthrough, you need the following:

  • A Gitlab account (all tiers including Gitlab Free self-managed, Gitlab Free SaaS, and higher tiers). This demo uses gitlab.com free tire.
  • A Gitlab Container Registry.
  • Git client to clone the source code provided.
  • An AWS account with local credentials properly configured (typically under ~/.aws/credentials).
  • The latest version of the AWS CLI. For more information, see Installing, updating, and uninstalling the AWS CLI.
  • Docker is installed and running on the localhost/laptop.
  • Nodejs and npm installed on the localhost/laptop.
  • A VPC with 2 private subnets and that is connected to the internet via NAT gateway allowing outbound traffic.
  • The following IAM service-linked role created in the AWS account: AWSServiceRoleForAutoScaling
  • An Amazon S3 bucket for storing Lambda deployment packages.
  • Familiarity with Git, Gitlab CI/CD, Docker, EC2, CloudFormation and Amazon CloudWatch.

Build a docker executor image for the Gitlab Runner

The Gitlab Runner in this solution is implemented as docker executor. The Docker executor connects to Docker Engine and runs each build in a separate and isolated container via a predefined docker image. The first step in deploying the Gitlab Runner is building a docker executor image. We provided a simple Dockerfile in order to build this image. You may customize the Dockerfile to install your own requirements.

To build a docker image using the sample Dockerfile:

  1. Create a directory where we will store our demo code. From your terminal run:
mkdir demo-repos && cd demo-repos
  1. Clone the source code repository found in the following location:
git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-ec2-gitlab-runner.git
  1. Create a new project on your Gitlab server. Name the project any name you like.
  2. Clone your newly created repo to your laptop. Ignore the warning about cloning an empty repository.
git clone <your-repo-url>
  1. Copy the demo repo files into your newly created repo on your laptop, and push it to your Gitlab repository. You may customize the Dockerfile before pushing it to Gitlab.
cp -r amazon-ec2-gitlab-runner/* <your-repo-dir>
cd <your-repo-dir>
git add .
git commit -m “Initial commit”
git push
  1. On the Gitlab console, go to your repository’s Package & Registries -> Container Registry. Follow the instructions provided on the Container Registry page in order to build and push a docker image to your repository’s container registry.

Deploy the Gitlab Runner stack

Once the docker executor image has been pushed to the Gitlab Container Registry, we can deploy the Gitlab Runner. The Gitlab Runner infrastructure is described in the Cloudformation template gitlab-runner.yaml. Its configuration is stored in a properties file called sample-runner.properties. A launch template is created with the values in the properties file. Then it is used to launch instances. This architecture lets you deploy Gitlab Runner to as many environments as you like by utilizing the configurations provided in the appropriate properties files.

During the provisioning process, utilize a cfn-init helper script to run a series of commands to install and configure the Gitlab Runner.

              command: sudo yum -y install docker
              command: sudo service docker start
              command: sudo wget -O /usr/bin/gitlab-runner https://gitlab-runner-downloads.s3.amazonaws.com/latest/binaries/gitlab-runner-linux-amd64
              command: sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/gitlab-runner
              command: sudo useradd --comment 'GitLab Runner' --create-home gitlab-runner --shell /bin/bash
              command: sudo gitlab-runner install --user=gitlab-runner --working-directory=/home/gitlab-runner
              command: !Sub 'aws configure set default.region ${AWS::Region}'
              command: !Sub 
                - |
                  for GitlabGroupToken in `aws ssm get-parameters --names /${AWS::StackName}/ci-tokens --query 'Parameters[0].Value' | sed -e "s/\"//g" | sed "s/,/ /g"`;do
                      sudo gitlab-runner register \
                      --non-interactive \
                      --url "${GitlabServerURL}" \
                      --registration-token $GitlabGroupToken \
                      --executor "docker" \
                      --docker-image "${DockerImagePath}" \
                      --description "Gitlab Runner with Docker Executor" \
                      --locked="${isLOCKED}" --access-level "${ACCESS}" \
                      --docker-volumes "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" \
                      --tag-list "${RunnerEnvironment}-${RunnerVersion}-docker"
                - isLOCKED: !FindInMap [GitlabRunnerRegisterOptionsMap, !Ref RunnerEnvironment, isLOCKED]
                  ACCESS: !FindInMap [GitlabRunnerRegisterOptionsMap, !Ref RunnerEnvironment, ACCESS]                              
              command: sudo gitlab-runner start

The helper script ensures that the Gitlab Runner setup is consistent and repeatable for each deployment. If a configuration change is required, users simply update the configuration steps and redeploy the stack. Furthermore, all changes are tracked in Git, which allows for versioning of the Gitlab Runner.

To deploy the Gitlab Runner stack:

  1. Obtain the runner registration tokens of the Gitlab projects that you want registered to the Gitlab Runner. Obtain the token by selecting the project’s Settings > CI/CD and expand the Runners section.
  2. Update the sample-runner.properties file parameters according to your own environment. Refer to the gitlab-runner.yaml file for a description of these parameters. Rename the file if you like. You may also create an additional properties file for deploying into other environments.
  3. Run the deploy script to deploy the runner:
cd <your-repo-dir>
./deploy-runner.sh <properties-file> <region> <aws-profile> <stack-name> 

<properties-file> is the name of the properties file.

<region> is the region where you want to deploy the stack.

<aws-profile> is the name of the CLI profile you set up in the prerequisites section.

<stack-name> is the name you chose for the CloudFormation stack.

For example:

./deploy-runner.sh sample-runner.properties us-east-1 dev amazon-ec2-gitlab-runner-demo

After the stack is deployed successfully, you will see the Gitlab Runner autoscaling group created in the EC2 console:

After the stack is deployed successfully, you will see the Gitlab Runner autoscaling group created in the EC2 console.

Under your Gitlab project Settings > CICD > Runners > Available specific runners, you will see the fully configured Gitlab Runner. The green circle indicates that the Gitlab Runner is ready for use.

Now go to your Gitlab project Settings  CICD  Runners  Available specific runners, you will see the fully configured Gitlab Runner. The green circle indicates that the Gitlab Runner is ready for use.

Updating the Gitlab Runner

There are times when you would want to update the Gitlab Runner. For example, updating the instance VolumeSize in order to resolve a disk space issue, or updating the AMI ID when a new AMI becomes available.

Utilizing the properties file and launch template makes it easy to update the Gitlab Runner. Simply update the Gitlab Runner configuration parameters in the properties file. Then, run the deploy script to udpate the Gitlab Runner stack. To ensure that the changes take effect immediately (e.g., existing instances are replaced by new instances with the new configuration), we utilize an AutoscalingRollingUpdate update policy to automatically update the instances in the autoscaling group.

        MinInstancesInService: !Ref MinInstancesInService
        MaxBatchSize: !Ref MaxBatchSize
        PauseTime: "PT5M"
        WaitOnResourceSignals: true
          - HealthCheck
          - ReplaceUnhealthy
          - AZRebalance
          - AlarmNotification
          - ScheduledActions

The policy tells CloudFormation that when changes are detected in the launch template, update the instances in batch size of MaxBatchSize, while keeping a number of instances (specified in MinInstanceInService) in service during the update.

Below is an example of updating the Gitlab Runner instance type.

To update the instance type of the runner instance:

  1. Update the “InstanceType” parameter in the properties file.


  1. Run the deploy-runner.sh script to update the CloudFormation stack:
cd <your-repo-dir>
./deploy-runner.sh <properties-file> <region> <aws-profile> <stack-name> 

In the CloudFormation console, you will see that the launch template is updated first, then a rolling update is initiated. The instance type update requires a replacement of the original instance, so a temporary instance was launched and put in service. Then, the temporary instance was terminated when the new instance was launched successfully.

In the CloudFormation console, you will see that the launch template is updated first, then a rolling update is initiated. The instance type update requires a replacement of the original instance, so a temporary instance was launched and put in service. Then, the temporary instance was terminated when the new instance was launched successfully.

After the update is complete, you will see that on the Gitlab project’s console, the old Gitlab Runner, ez_5x8Rv, is replaced by the new Gitlab Runner, N1_UQ7yc.

After the update is complete, you will see that on the Gitlab project’s console, the old Gitlab Runner, ez_5x8Rv, is replaced by the new Gitlab Runner, N1_UQ7yc.

Terminate the Gitlab Runner

There are times when an autoscaling group instance must be terminated. For example, during an autoscaling scale-in event, or when the instance is being replaced by a new instance during a stack update, as seen previously. When terminating an instance, you must ensure that the Gitlab Runner finishes executing any running jobs before the instance is terminated, otherwise your environment could be left in an inconsistent state. Also, we want to ensure that the terminated Gitlab Runner is removed from the Gitlab project. We utilize an autoscaling lifecycle hook to achieve these goals.

The lifecycle hook works like this: A CloudWatch event rule actively listens for the EC2 Instance-terminate events. When one is detected, the event rule triggers a Lambda function. The Lambda function calls SSM Run Command to run a series of commands on the EC2 instances, via a SSM Document. The commands include stopping the Gitlab Runner gracefully when all running jobs are finished, de-registering the runner from Gitlab projects, and signaling the autoscaling group to terminate the instance.

The lifecycle hook works like this: A CloudWatch event rule actively listens for the EC2 Instance-terminate events. When one is detected, the event rule triggers a Lambda function. The Lambda function calls SSM Run Command to run a series of commands on the EC2 instances, via a SSM Document. The commands include stopping the Gitlab Runner gracefully when all running jobs are finished, de-registering the runner from Gitlab projects, and signaling the autoscaling group to terminate the instance.

There are also times when you want to terminate an instance manually. For example, when an instance is suspected to not be functioning properly. To terminate an instance from the Gitlab Runner autoscaling group, use the following command:

aws autoscaling terminate-instance-in-auto-scaling-group \
    --instance-id="${InstanceId}" \
    --no-should-decrement-desired-capacity \
    --region="${region}" \

The above command terminates the instance. The lifecycle hook ensures that the cleanup steps are conducted properly, and the autoscaling group launches another new instance to replace the old one.

Note that if you terminate the instance by using the “ec2 terminate-instance” command, then the autoscaling lifecycle hook actions will not be triggered.

Add/Remove Gitlab projects from the Gitlab Runner

As new projects are added to your enterprise, you may want to register them to the Gitlab Runner, so that those projects can utilize the Gitlab Runner to run pipelines. On the other hand, you would want to remove the Gitlab Runner from a project if it no longer wants to utilize the Gitlab Runner, or if it qualifies to utilize the Gitlab Runner. For example, if a project is no longer allowed to deploy to an environment configured by the Gitlab Runner. Our architecture offers a simple way to add and remove projects from the Gitlab Runner. To add new projects to the Gitlab Runner, update the RunnerRegistrationTokens parameter in the properties file, and then rerun the deploy script to update the Gitlab Runner stack.

To add new projects to the Gitlab Runner:

  1. Update the RunnerRegistrationTokens parameter in the properties file. For example:
  1. Update the Gitlab Runner stack. This updates the SSM parameter which stores the tokens.
cd <your-repo-dir>
./deploy-runner.sh <properties-file> <region> <aws-profile> <stack-name> 
  1. Relaunch the instances in the Gitlab Runner autoscaling group. The new instances will use the new RunnerRegistrationTokens value. Run the following command to relaunch the instances:
./cycle-runner.sh <runner-autoscaling-group-name> <region> <optional-aws-profile>

To remove projects from the Gitlab Runner, follow the steps described above, with just one difference. Instead of adding new tokens to the RunnerRegistrationTokens parameter, remove the token(s) of the project that you want to dissociate from the runner.

Autoscale the runner based on custom performance metrics

Each Gitlab Runner can be configured to handle a fixed number of concurrent jobs. Once this capacity is reached for every runner, any new jobs will be in a Queued/Waiting status until the current jobs complete, which would be a poor experience for our team. Setting the number of concurrent jobs too high on our runners would also result in a poor experience, because all jobs leverage the same CPU, memory, and storage in order to conduct the builds.

In this solution, we utilize a scheduled Lambda function that runs every minute in order to inspect the number of jobs running on every runner, leveraging the Prometheus Metrics endpoint that the runners expose. If we approach the concurrent build limit of the group, then we increase the Autoscaling Group size so that it can take on more work. As the number of concurrent jobs decreases, then the scheduled Lambda function will scale the Autoscaling Group back in an effort to minimize cost. The Scaling-Up operation will ignore the Autoscaling Group’s cooldown period, which will help ensure that our team is not waiting on a new instance, whereas the Scale-Down operation will obey the group’s cooldown period.

Here is the logical sequence diagram for the work:

Sequence diagram

For operational monitoring, the Lambda function also publishes custom CloudWatch Metrics for the count of active jobs, along with the target and actual capacities of the Autoscaling group. We can utilize this information to validate that the system is working properly and determine if we need to modify any of our autoscaling parameters.

For operational monitoring, the Lambda function also publishes custom CloudWatch Metrics for the count of active jobs, along with the target and actual capacities of the Autoscaling group. We can utilize this information to validate that the system is working properly and determine if we need to modify any of our autoscaling parameters.

Congratulations! You have completed the walkthrough. Take some time to review the resources you have deployed, and practice the various runner administrative tasks that we have covered in this post.


Problem: I deployed the CloudFormation template, but no runner is listed in my repository.

Possible Cause: Errors have been encountered during cfn-init, causing runner registration to fail. Connect to your runner EC2 instance, and check /var/log/cfn-*.log files.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete every resource provisioned in this demo by deleting the CloudFormation stack created in the “Deploy the Gitlab Runner stack” section.


This article demonstrated how to utilize IaC to efficiently conduct various administrative tasks associated with a Gitlab Runner. We deployed Gitlab Runner consistently and quickly across multiple accounts. We utilized IaC to enforce guardrails and best practices, such as tracking Gitlab Runner configuration changes, terminating the Gitlab Runner gracefully, and autoscaling the Gitlab Runner to ensure best performance and minimum cost. We walked through the deploying, updating, autoscaling, and terminating of the Gitlab Runner. We also saw how easy it was to clean up the entire Gitlab Runner architecture by simply deleting a CloudFormation stack.

About the authors

Sylvia Qi

Sylvia is a Senior DevOps Architect focusing on architecting and automating DevOps processes, helping customers through their DevOps transformation journey. In her spare time, she enjoys biking, swimming, yoga, and photography.

Sebastian Carreras

Sebastian is a Senior Cloud Application Architect with AWS Professional Services. He leverages his breadth of experience to deliver bespoke solutions to satisfy the visions of his customer. In his free time, he really enjoys doing laundry. Really.

Monitor AWS resources created by Terraform in Amazon DevOps Guru using tfdevops

Post Syndicated from Harish Vaswani original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/monitor-aws-resources-created-by-terraform-in-amazon-devops-guru-using-tfdevops/

This post was written in collaboration with Kapil Thangavelu, CTO at Stacklet

Amazon DevOps Guru is a machine learning (ML) powered service that helps developers and operators automatically detect anomalies and improve application availability. DevOps Guru utilizes machine learning models, informed by years of Amazon.com and AWS operational excellence to identify anomalous application behavior (e.g., increased latency, error rates, resource constraints) and surface critical issues that could cause potential outages or service disruptions. DevOps Guru’s anomaly detectors can also proactively detect anomalous behavior even before it occurs, helping you address issues before they happen; insights provide recommendations to mitigate anomalous behavior.

When you enable DevOps Guru, you can configure its coverage to determine which AWS resources you want to analyze. As an option, you can define the coverage boundary by selecting specific AWS CloudFormation stacks. For each stack you choose, DevOps Guru analyzes operational data from the supported resources to detect anomalous behavior. See Working with AWS CloudFormation stacks in DevOps Guru for more details.

For Terraform users, Stacklet developed an open-source tool called tfdevops, which converts Terraform state to an importable CloudFormation stack, which allows DevOps Guru to start monitoring the encapsulated AWS resources. Note that tfdevops is not a tool to convert Terraform into CloudFormation. Instead, it creates the CloudFormation stack containing the imported resources that are specified in the Terraform module and enables DevOps Guru to monitor the resources in that CloudFormation stack.

In this blog post, we will explain how you can configure and use tfdevops, to easily enable DevOps Guru for your existing AWS resources created by Terraform.

Solution overview

tfdevops performs the following steps to import resources into Amazon DevOps Guru:

  • It translates terraform state into an AWS CloudFormation template with a retain deletion policy
  • It creates an AWS CloudFormation stack with imported resources
  • It enrolls the stack into Amazon DevOps Guru

For illustration purposes, we will use a sample serverless application that includes some of the components DevOps Guru and tfdevops supports. This application consists of an Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue, and an AWS Lambda function that processes messages in the SQS queue. It also includes an Amazon DynamoDB table that the Lambda function uses to persist or to read data, and an Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic to where the Lambda function publishes the results of its processing. The following diagram depicts our sample application:

The architecture diagram shows a sample application containing an Amazon SQS queue, an AWS Lambda function, an Amazon SNS topic and an Amazon DynamoDB table.


Before getting started, make sure you have these prerequisites:


Follow these steps to monitor your AWS resources created with Terraform templates by using tfdevops:

  1. Install tfdevops following the instructions on GitHub
  2. Create a Terraform module with the resources supported by tfdevops
  3. Deploy the Terraform to your AWS account to create the resources in your account

Below is a sample Terraform module to create a sample AWS Lambda function, an Amazon DynamoDB table, an Amazon SNS topic and an Amazon SQS queue.

# IAM role for the lambda function
resource "aws_iam_role" "lambda_role" {
 name   = "iam_role_lambda_function"
 assume_role_policy = <<EOF
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": "lambda.amazonaws.com"
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Sid": ""

# IAM policy for logging from the lambda function
resource "aws_iam_policy" "lambda_logging" {

  name         = "iam_policy_lambda_logging_function"
  path         = "/"
  description  = "IAM policy for logging from a lambda"
  policy = <<EOF
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:*:*:*",
      "Effect": "Allow"

# Policy attachment for the role
resource "aws_iam_role_policy_attachment" "policy_attach" {
  role        = aws_iam_role.lambda_role.name
  policy_arn  = aws_iam_policy.lambda_logging.arn

# Generates an archive from the source
data "archive_file" "default" {
  type        = "zip"
  source_dir  = "${path.module}/src/"
  output_path = "${path.module}/myzip/python.zip"

# Create a lambda function
resource "aws_lambda_function" "basic_lambda_function" {
  filename                       = "${path.module}/myzip/python.zip"
  function_name                  = "basic_lambda_function"
  role                           = aws_iam_role.lambda_role.arn
  handler                        = "index.lambda_handler"
  runtime                        = "python3.8"
  depends_on                     = [aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.policy_attach]

# Create a DynamoDB table
resource "aws_dynamodb_table" "sample_dynamodb_table" {
  name           = "sample_dynamodb_table"
  hash_key       = "sampleHashKey"
  billing_mode   = "PAY_PER_REQUEST"

  attribute {
    name = "sampleHashKey"
    type = "S"

# Create an SQS queue
resource "aws_sqs_queue" "sample_sqs_queue" {
  name          = "sample_sqs_queue"

# Create an SNS topic
resource "aws_sns_topic" "sample_sns_topic" {
  name = "sample_sns_topic"
  1. Run tfdevops to convert to CloudFormation template, deploy the stack and enable DevOps Guru

The following command generates a CloudFormation template locally from a Terraform state file:

tfdevops cfn -d ~/path/to/terraform/module --template mycfn.json --resources importable-ids.json

The following command deploys the CloudFormation template, creates a CloudFormation stack, imports resources, and activates DevOps Guru on the stack:

tfdevops deploy --template mycfn.json --resources importable-ids.json
  1. After tfdevopsfinishes the deployment, you can already see the stack in the CloudFormation dashboard.

CloudFormation dashboard showing the stack, GuruStack, created by tfdevops

tfdevops imports the existing resources in the Terraform module into AWS CloudFormation. Note, that these are not new resources and would have no additional cost implications for the resources itself. See Bringing existing resources into CloudFormation management to learn more about importing resources into CloudFormation.

Resources view for GuruStack listing the imported resources in GuruStack

  1. Your stack also appears at the DevOps Guru dashboard, indicating that DevOps Guru is monitoring your resources, and will alarm in case it detects anomalous behavior. Insights are co-related sequence of events and trails, grouped together to provide you with prescriptive guidance and recommendations to root-cause and resolve issues more quickly. See Working with insights in DevOps Guru to learn more about DevOps Guru insights.

Amazon DevOps Guru Dashboard displays the system health summary and system health overview of each CloudFormation stack. GuruStack is marked as healthy with 0 reactive insights and 0 proactive insights.

Note that when you use the tfdevops tool, it automatically enables DevOps Guru on the imported stack.

Amazon DevOps Guru Analyze resources displays the analysis coverage option selected. GuruStack is the selected stack for analysis

  1. Clean up – delete the stack

CloudFormation Stacks menu showing GuruStack as selected. The stack can be deleted by pressing the Delete button.


This blog post demonstrated how to enable DevOps Guru to monitor your AWS resources created by Terraform. Using the Stacklet’s tfdevops tool, you can create a CloudFormation stack from your Terraform state, and use that to define the coverage boundary for DevOps Guru. With that, if your resources have unexpected or unusual behavior, DevOps Guru will notify you and provide prescriptive recommendations to help you quickly fix the issue.

If you want to experiment DevOps Guru, AWS offers a free tier for the first three months that includes 7,200 AWS resource hours per month for free on each resource group A and B. Also, you can Estimate Amazon DevOps Guru resource analysis costs from the AWS Management Console. This feature scans selected resources to automatically generate a monthly cost estimate. Furthermore, refer to Gaining operational insights with AIOps using Amazon DevOps Guru to learn more about how DevOps Guru helps you increase your applications’ availability, and check out this workshop for a hands-on walkthrough of DevOps Guru’s main features and capabilities. To learn more about proactive insights, see Generating DevOps Guru Proactive Insights for Amazon ECS. To learn more about anomaly detection, see Anomaly Detection in AWS Lambda using Amazon DevOps Guru’s ML-powered insights.

About the authors

Harish Vaswani

Harish Vaswani is a Senior Cloud Application Architect at Amazon Web Services. He specializes in architecting and building cloud native applications and enables customers with best practices in their cloud journey. He is a DevOps and Machine Learning enthusiast. Harish lives in New Jersey and enjoys spending time with this family, filmmaking and music production.

Rafael Ramos

Rafael is a Solutions Architect at AWS, where he helps ISVs on their journey to the cloud. He spent over 13 years working as a software developer, and is passionate about DevOps and serverless. Outside of work, he enjoys playing tabletop RPG, cooking and running marathons.

Optimize Cost by Automating the Start/Stop of Resources in Non-Production Environments

Post Syndicated from Ashutosh Pateriya original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/optimize-cost-by-automating-the-start-stop-of-resources-in-non-production-environments/

Co-authored with Nirmal Tomar, Principal Consultant, Infosys Technologies Ltd.

Ease of creating on-demand resources on AWS can sometimes lead to over-provisioning or under-utilization of AWS resources like Amazon EC2 and Amazon RDS. This can lead to higher costs that can often be avoided with proper planning and monitoring.  Non-critical environments, like development and test are often not monitored on a regular basis and can result in under-utilization of AWS resources.

In this blog, we discuss a common AWS cost optimization strategy, which is an automated and deployable solution to schedule the start/stop of AWS resources. For this example, we are considering non-production environments because in most scenarios these do not need to be available at all time. By following this solution, cloud architects can automate the start/stop of services per their usage pattern and can save up to 70% of costs while running their non-production environment.

The solution outlined here is designed to automatically stop and start the following AWS services based on your needs; Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, Amazon EC2, Auto Scaling groups, AWS Beanstalk, and Amazon EKS. The solution is automated using AWS Step functions, AWS Lambda, AWS Cloud​Formation Templates, Amazon EventBridge and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).

In this solution, we also provide an option to exclude specific Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the aforementioned services. This helps cloud architects to exclude the start/stop function for various use cases like in a QA environment when they don’t want to stop Aurora or they want to start RDS in a Development environment. The solution can be used to start/stop the services mentioned previously on a scheduled interval but can also be used for other applicable services like Amazon ECS, Amazon SageMaker Notebook Instances, Amazon Redshift and many more.

Note – Don’t set up this solution in a production or other environment where you require continuous service availability.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

  • An AWS account with permission to spin up required resources.
  • A running Amazon Aurora instance in the source AWS account.


To set up this solution, proceed with the following two steps:

  1. Set up the step function workflow to stop services using a CloudFormation template. On a scheduled interval, this workflow will run and stop the chosen services.
  2. Set up the step function workflow to start services using a  CloudFormation template. On a scheduled interval, this workflow will run and start services as configured during the CloudFormation setup.

1. Stop Services using the Step Function workflow for a predefined duration

Figure 1 – Architecture showing the AWS Step Functions Workflow to stop services

Figure 1 – Architecture showing the AWS Step Functions Workflow to stop services

The AWS Lambda functions involved in this workflow:

  • StopAuroraCluster:  This Lambda function will stop all Aurora Cluster setup across Region including read replica.
  • StopRDSInstances:  This Lambda function will stop all RDS Instances except the Aurora setup across the Region.
  • ScaleDownEKSNodeGroups: This Lambda function will downsize all nodegroups to zero instance across the Region.
  • ScaleDownASG: This Lambda function will downsize all Auto Scaling groups including the Elastic Beanstalk Auto Scaling group to zero instance across Region. We can edit CloudFormation templates to include the custom value.
  • StopEC2Instances: This Lambda function will stop all EC2 instances set up across the Region.

Using the following AWS CloudFormation Template, we set up the required services and workflow:

a. Launch the template in the source account and source Region:

Launch Stack

Specify stack details screenshot

b.     Fill out the preceding form with the following details and select Next.

Stack name:  Stack Name which you want to create.

ExcludeAuroraClusterArnListInCommaSeprated: Comma separated Aurora clusters ARN which enterprises don’t want to stop, keep the default value if there is no exclusion list.

e.g.  arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:111111111111:cluster:aurorcluster1, arn:aws:rds:us-east-2:111111111111:cluster:auroracluster2

ExcludeRDSDBInstancesArnListInCommaSeprated: Comma separated DB instances ARN which enterprises don’t want to stop, keep the default value if there is no exclusion list.

e.g.   arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:111111111111:db:rds-instance-1, arn:aws:rds:us-east-2:111111111111:db:rds-instance-2

ExcludeEKSClusterNodeGroupsArnListInCommaSeprated: Comma separated EKS Clusters ARN which enterprises don’t want to stop, leave it with default value if there is no exclusion list.

e.g.   arn:aws:eks:us-east-2:111111111111:cluster/testcluster

ExcludeAutoScalingGroupIncludingBeanstalkListInCommaSeprated: Comma separated Beanstalk and other Auto Clusters groups ARN (except Amazon EKS) which enterprises don’t want to stop, keep the default value if there is no exclusion list.

e.g.  arn:aws:autoscaling:us-east-1:111111111111:autoScalingGroup:6d5af669-eb3b-4530-894b-e314a667f2e7:autoScalingGroupName/test-0-ASG

ExcludeEC2InstancesIdListInCommaSeprated: Comma separated EC2 instance ID’s which you don’t want to stop, keep the default value if there is no exclusion list.

e.g.  i-02185df0872f0f852, 0775f7e39513c50dd

ScheduleExpression: Schedule a cron expression when you want to run this workflow. Sample expressions are available in this guide, Schedule expressions using rate or cron.

c.     Select IAM role to launch this template.  As a best practice, select the AWS CloudFormation service role to manage AWS services and resources  available to each user.

Permissions screenshot

d.     Acknowledge that you want to create various resources including IAM roles/policies and select Create Stack.

d. Acknowledge to create various resources including IAM roles/policies and select Create Stack.

2. Start Services using the Step Function workflow in pre-configured time

Figure 2 – Architecture showing the AWS Step Functions Workflow to start services

Figure 2 – Architecture showing the AWS Step Functions Workflow to start services

The  Lambda functions involved in this workflow:

  • StartAuroraCluster:  This Lambda function will start all Aurora Cluster setup across Region including read-replica.
  • StartRDSInstances:  This Lambda function will start all RDS Instances except for the Aurora setup across the Region.
  • ScaleUpEKSNodeGroups: This Lambda function will upsize all nodegroups to minimum 2 and maximum 4 instances across Region. We can edit CloudFormation templates for custom value.
  • ScaleUpASG: This Lambda function will Scale up all Auto Scaling group including Elastic Beanstalk Auto Scaling group to minimum 2 and maximum 4 instances across the Region. We can edit CloudFormation templates for custom value.
  • StartEC2Instances: This Lambda function will start all EC2 instances setup across the Region.

Using the following AWS CloudFormation template, we set up the required services and workflow:

a. Launch the template in the source account and source Region:

Launch Stack

b. Fill out the preceding form with the following details and select Next.

Stack details screenshot

Stack name:  Stack Name which you want to create.

ExcludeAuroraClusterArnListInCommaSeprated: Comma separated Aurora clusters the ARN which you don’t want to start, keep the default value if there is no exclusion list.

For example:  arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:111111111111:cluster:aurorcluster1, arn:aws:rds:us-east-2:111111111111:cluster:auroracluster2

ExcludeRDSDBInstancesArnListInCommaSeprated: Comma separated databaseinstances ARN which you don’t want to start, keep default value if there is no exclusion list.

For example:   arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:111111111111:db:rds-instance-1, arn:aws:rds:us-east-2:111111111111:db:rds-instance-2

ExcludeEKSClusterNodeGroupsArnListInCommaSeprated: Comma separated EKS Clusters ARN which you don’t want to start, keep the default value if there is no exclusion list.

For example:   arn:aws:eks:us-east-2:111111111111:cluster/testcluster

ExcludeAutoScalingGroupIncludingBeanstalkListInCommaSeprated: Comma separated Beanstalk and other Auto Clusters groups ARN (except EKS) which you don’t want to start, keep the default value if there is no exclusion list.

For example:  arn:aws:autoscaling:us-east-1:111111111111:autoScalingGroup:6d5af669-eb3b-4530-894b-e314a667f2e7:autoScalingGroupName/test-0-ASG

ExcludeEC2InstancesIdListInCommaSeprated: Comma separated EC2 instance ID s you  don’t want to start, keep the default value if there is no exclusion list.

For example:  i-02185df0872f0f852, 0775f7e39513c50dd

ScheduleExpression: Schedule a cron expression when you want to run this workflow. Sample expressions are available in this guide, Schedule expressions using rate or cron.

c.     Select IAM role to launch this template.  As a best practice, select the AWS CloudFormation service role to manage AWS services and resources available to each user.

Permissions screenshot

d. Acknowledge that you want to create various resources including IAM roles and policies and select Create Stack.

Acknowledgement screenshot

Cleaning up

Delete any unused resources to avoid incurring future charges.


In this blog post, we outlined a solution to help you optimize cost by automating the stop/start of AWS services in non-production environments. Cost Optimization and Cloud Financial Management are ongoing initiatives. We hope you found this solution helpful and encourage you to explore additional ways to optimize cost on the AWS Architecture Center.

Nirmal Tomar

Nirmal Tomar

Nirmal is a principal consultant with Infosys, assisting vertical industries on application migration and modernization to the public cloud. He is the part of the Infosys Cloud CoE team and leads various initiatives with AWS. Nirmal has a keen interest in industry and cloud trends, and in working with hyperscalers to build differentiated offerings. Nirmal also specializes in cloud native development, managed containerization solutions, data analytics, data lakes, IoT, AI, and machine learning solutions.

Optimize your IoT Services for Scale with IoT Device Simulator

Post Syndicated from Ajay Swamy original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/optimize-your-iot-services-for-scale-with-iot-device-simulator/

The IoT (Internet of Things) has accelerated digital transformation for many industries. Companies can now offer smarter home devices, remote patient monitoring, connected and autonomous vehicles, smart consumer devices, and many more products. The enormous volume of data emitted from IoT devices can be used to improve performance, efficiency, and develop new service and business models. This can help you build better relationships with your end consumers. But you’ll need an efficient and affordable way to test your IoT backend services without incurring significant capex by deploying test devices to generate this data.

IoT Device Simulator (IDS) is an AWS Solution that manufacturing companies can use to simulate data, test device integration, and improve the performance of their IoT backend services. The solution enables you to create hundreds of IoT devices with unique attributes and properties. You can simulate data without configuring and managing physical devices.

An intuitive UI to create and manage devices and simulations

IoT Device Simulator comes with an intuitive user interface that enables you to create and manage device types for data simulation. The solution also provides you with a pre-built autonomous car device type to simulate a fleet of connected vehicles. Once you create devices, you can create simulations and generate data (see Figure 1.)

Figure 1. The landing page UI enables you to create devices and simulation

Figure 1. The landing page UI enables you to create devices and simulation

Create devices and simulate data

With IDS, you can create multiple device types with varying properties and data attributes (see Figure 2.) Each device type has a topic where simulation data is sent. The supported data types are object, array, sinusoidal, location, Boolean, integer, float, and more. Refer to this full list of data types. Additionally, you can import device types via a specific JSON format or use the existing automotive demo to pre-populate connected vehicles.

Figure 2. Create multiple device types and their data attributes

Figure 2. Create multiple device types and their data attributes

Create and manage simulations

With IDS, you can create simulations with one device or multiple device types (see Figure 3.) In addition, you can specify the number of devices to simulate for each device type and how often data is generated and sent.

Figure 3. Create simulations for multiple devices

Figure 3. Create simulations for multiple devices

You can then run multiple simulations (see Figure 4) and use the data generated to test your IoT backend services and infrastructure. In addition, you have the flexibility to stop and restart the simulation as needed.

Figure 4. Run and stop multiple simulations

Figure 4. Run and stop multiple simulations

You can view the simulation in real time and observe the data messages flowing through. This way you can ensure that the simulation is working as expected (see Figure 5.) You can stop the simulation or add a new simulation to the mix at any time.

Figure 5. Observe your simulation in real time

Figure 5. Observe your simulation in real time

IoT Device Simulator architecture

Figure 6. IoT Device Simulator architecture

Figure 6. IoT Device Simulator architecture

The AWS CloudFormation template for this solution deploys the following architecture, shown in Figure 6:

  1. Amazon CloudFront serves the web interface content from an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.
  2. The Amazon S3 bucket hosts the web interface.
  3. Amazon Cognito user pool authenticates the API requests.
  4. An Amazon API Gateway API provides the solution’s API layer.
  5. AWS Lambda serves as the solution’s microservices and routes API requests.
  6. Amazon DynamoDB stores simulation and device type information.
  7. AWS Step Functions include an AWS Lambda simulator function to simulate devices and send messages.
  8. An Amazon S3 bucket stores pre-defined routes that are used for the automotive demo (which is a pre-built example in the solution).
  9. AWS IoT Core serves as the endpoint to which messages are sent.
  10. Amazon Location Service provides the map display showing the location of automotive devices for the automotive demo.

The IoT Device Simulator console is hosted on an Amazon S3 bucket, which is accessed via Amazon CloudFront. It uses Amazon Cognito to manage access. API calls, such as retrieving or manipulating information from the databases or running simulations, are routed through API Gateway. API Gateway calls the microservices, which will call the relevant service.

For example, when creating a new device type, the request is sent to API Gateway, which then routes the request to the microservices Lambda function. Based on the request, the microservices Lambda function recognizes that it is a request to create a device type and saves the device type to DynamoDB.

Running a simulation

When running a simulation, the microservices Lambda starts a Step Functions workflow. First, the request contains information about the simulation to be run, including the unique device type ID. Then, using the unique device type ID, Step Functions retrieves all the necessary information about each device type to run the simulation. Once all the information has been retrieved, the simulator Lambda function is run. The simulator Lambda function uses the device type information, including the message payload template. The Lambda function uses this template to build the message sent to the IoT topic specified for the device type.

When running a custom device type, the simulator generates random information based on the values provided for each attribute. For example, when the automotive simulation is run, the simulation runs a series of calculations to simulate an automobile moving along a series of pre-defined routes. Pre-defined routes are created and stored in an S3 bucket, when the solution is launched. The simulation retrieves the routes at random each time the Lambda function runs. Automotive demo simulations also show a map generated from Amazon Location Service and display the device locations as they move.

The simulator exits once the Lambda function has completed or has reached the fifteen-minute execution limit. It then passes all the necessary information back to the Step Function. Step Functions then enters a choice state and restarts the Lambda function if it has not yet surpassed the duration specified for the simulation. It then passes all the pertinent information back to the Lambda function so that it can resume where it left off. The simulator Lambda function also checks DynamoDB every thirty seconds to see if the user has manually stopped the simulation. If it has, it will end the simulation early. Once the simulation is complete, the Step Function updates the DynamoDB table.

The solution enables you to launch hundreds of devices to test backend infrastructure in an IoT workflow. The solution contains an Import/Export feature to share device types. Exporting a device type generates a JSON file that represents the device type. The JSON file can then be imported to create the same device type automatically. The solution allows the viewing of up to 100 messages while the solution is running. You can also filter the messages by topic and device and see what data each device emits.


IoT Device Simulator is designed to help customers test device integration and IoT backend services more efficiently without incurring capex for physical devices. This solution provides an intuitive web-based graphic user interface (GUI) that enables customers to create and simulate hundreds of connected devices. It is not necessary to configure and manage physical devices or develop time-consuming scripts. Although we’ve illustrated an automotive application in this post, this simulator can be used for many different industries, such as consumer electronics, healthcare equipment, utilities, manufacturing, and more.

Get started with IoT Device Simulator today.

Anomaly Detection in AWS Lambda using Amazon DevOps Guru’s ML-powered insights

Post Syndicated from Harish Vaswani original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/anomaly-detection-in-aws-lambda-using-amazon-devops-gurus-ml-powered-insights/

Critical business applications are monitored in order to prevent anomalies from negatively impacting their operational performance and availability. Amazon DevOps Guru is a Machine Learning (ML) powered solution that aids operations by detecting anomalous behavior and providing insights and recommendations for how to address the root cause before it impacts the customer.

This post demonstrates how Amazon DevOps Guru can detect an anomaly following a critical AWS Lambda function deployment and its remediation recommendations to fix such behavior.

Solution Overview

Amazon DevOps Guru lets you monitor resources at the region or AWS CloudFormation level. This post will demonstrate how to deploy an AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) stack, and then enable Amazon DevOps Guru to monitor the stack.

You will utilize the following services:

  • AWS Lambda
  • Amazon EventBridge
  • Amazon DevOps Guru

The architecture diagram shows an AWS SAM stack containing AWS Lambda and Amazon EventBridge resources, as well as Amazon DevOps Guru monitoring the resources in the AWS SAM stack.

Figure 1: Amazon DevOps Guru monitoring the resources in an AWS SAM stack

The architecture diagram shows an AWS SAM stack containing AWS Lambda and Amazon EventBridge resources, as well as Amazon DevOps Guru monitoring the resources in the AWS SAM stack.

This post simulates a real-world scenario where an anomaly is introduced in the AWS Lambda function in the form of latency. While the AWS Lambda function execution time is within its timeout threshold, it is not at optimal performance. This anomalous execution time can result in larger compute times and costs. Furthermore, this post demonstrates how Amazon DevOps Guru identifies this anomaly and provides recommendations for remediation.

Here is an overview of the steps that we will conduct:

  1. First, we will deploy the AWS SAM stack containing a healthy AWS Lambda function with an Amazon EventBridge rule to invoke it on a regular basis.
  2. We will enable Amazon DevOps Guru to monitor the stack, which will show the AWS Lambda function as healthy.
  3. After waiting for a period of time, we will make changes to the AWS Lambda function in order to introduce an anomaly and redeploy the AWS SAM stack. This anomaly will be identified by Amazon DevOps Guru, which will mark the AWS Lambda function as unhealthy, provide insights into the anomaly, and provide remediation recommendations.
  4. After making the changes recommended by Amazon DevOps Guru, we will redeploy the stack and observe Amazon DevOps Guru marking the AWS Lambda function healthy again.

This post also explores utilizing Provisioned Concurrency for AWS Lambda functions and the best practice approach of utilizing Warm Start for variables reuse.


Before beginning, note the costs associated with each resource. The AWS Lambda function will incur a fee based on the number of requests and duration, while Amazon EventBridge is free. With Amazon DevOps Guru, you only pay for the data analyzed. There is no upfront cost or commitment. Learn more about the pricing per resource here.


To complete this post, you need the following prerequisites:

Getting Started

We will set up an application stack in our AWS account that contains an AWS Lambda and an Amazon EventBridge event. The event will regularly trigger the AWS Lambda function, which simulates a high-traffic application. To get started, please follow the instructions below:

  1. In your local terminal, clone the amazon-devopsguru-samples repository.
git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-devopsguru-samples.git
  1.  In your IDE of choice, open the amazon-devopsguru-samples repository.
  2. In your terminal, change directories into the repository’s subfolder amazon-devopsguru-samples/generate-lambda-devopsguru-insights.
cd amazon-devopsguru-samples/generate-lambda-devopsguru-insights
  1. Utilize the SAM CLI to conduct a guided deployment of lambda-template.yaml.
sam deploy --guided --template lambda-template.yaml
    Stack Name [sam-app]: DevOpsGuru-Sample-AnomalousLambda-Stack
    AWS Region [us-east-1]: us-east-1
    #Shows you resources changes to be deployed and require a 'Y' to initiate deploy
    Confirm changes before deploy [y/N]: y
    #SAM needs permission to be able to create roles to connect to the resources in your template
    Allow SAM CLI IAM role creation [Y/n]: y
    Save arguments to configuration file [Y/n]: y
    SAM configuration file [samconfig.toml]: y
    SAM configuration environment [default]: default

You should see a success message in your terminal, such as:

Successfully created/updated stack - DevOpsGuru-Sample-AnomalousLambda-Stack in us-east-1.

Enabling Amazon DevOps Guru

Now that we have deployed our application stack, we can enable Amazon DevOps Guru.

  1. Log in to your AWS Account.
  2. Navigate to the Amazon DevOps Guru service page.
  3. Click “Get started”.
  4. In the “Amazon DevOps Guru analysis coverage” section, select “Choose later”, then click “Enable”.

Amazon DevOps Guru analysis coverage menu which asks which AWS resources to analyze. The “Choose later” option is selected.

Figure 2.1: Amazon DevOps Guru analysis coverage menu

  1. On the left-hand menu, select “Settings”
  2. In the “DevOps Guru analysis coverage” section, click on “Manage”.
  3. Select the “Analyze all AWS resources in the specified CloudFormation stacks in this Region” radio button.
  4. The stack created in the previous section should appear. Select it, click “Save”, and then “Confirm”.

Amazon DevOps Guru analysis coverage menu which asks which AWS resources to analyze. The “Analyze all AWS resources in the specified CloudFormation stacks in this Region” option is selected and CloudFormation stacks are displayed to choose from.

Figure 2.2: Amazon DevOps Guru analysis coverage resource selection

Before moving on to the next section, we must allow Amazon DevOps Guru to baseline the resources and benchmark the application’s normal behavior. For our serverless stack with two resources, we recommend waiting two hours before carrying out the next steps. When enabled in a production environment, depending upon the number of resources selected for monitoring, it can take up to 24 hours for Amazon DevOps Guru to complete baselining.

Once baselining is complete, the Amazon DevOps Guru dashboard, an overview of the health of your resources, will display the application stack, DevOpsGuru-Sample-AnomalousLambda-Stack, and mark it as healthy, shown below.

Amazon DevOps Guru Dashboard displays the system health summary and system health overview of each CloudFormation stack. The DevOpsGuru-Sample-AnomalousLambda-Stack is marked as healthy with 0 reactive insights and 0 proactive insights.

Figure 2.3: Amazon DevOps Guru Healthy Dashboard

Enabling SNS

If you would like to set up notifications upon the detection of an anomaly by Amazon DevOps Guru, then please follow these additional instructions.

Amazon DevOps Guru Specify an SNS topic menu which enables notifications for important DevOps Guru events. No SNS topics are currently configured.

Figure 3: Amazon DevOps Guru Specify an SNS topic

Invoking an Anomaly

Once Amazon DevOps Guru has identified the stack as healthy, we will update the AWS Lambda function with suboptimal code. This update will simulate an update to critical business applications which are causing the anomalous performance.

  1. Open the amazon-devopsguru-samples repository in your IDE.
  2. Open the file generate-lambda-devopsguru-insights/lambda-code.py
  3. Uncomment lines 7-8 and save the file. These lines of code will produce an anomaly due to the function’s increased runtime.
  4. Deploy these updates to your stack by running:
cd generate-lambda-devopsguru-insights 
sam deploy --template lambda-template.yaml -stack-name DevOpsGuru-Sample-AnomalousLambda-Stack

Anomaly Overview

Shortly after, Amazon DevOps Guru will generate a reactive insight from the sample stack. This insight contains recommendations, metrics, and events related to anomalous behavior. View the unhealthy stack status in the Dashboard.

Amazon DevOps Guru Dashboard displays the system health summary and system health overview of each CloudFormation stack. The DevOpsGuru-Sample-AnomalousLambda-Stack is marked as unhealthy with 1 reactive insights and 0 proactive insights.

Figure 4.1: Amazon DevOps Guru Unhealthy Dashboard

By clicking on the “Ongoing reactive insight” within the tile, you will be brought to the Insight Details page. This page contains an array of useful information to help you understand and address anomalous behavior.

Insight overview

Utilize this section to get a high-level overview of the insight. You can see that the status of the insight is ongoing, 1 AWS CloudFormation stack is affected, the insight started on Sept-08-2021, it does not have an end time, and it was last updated on Sept-08-2021.

Amazon DevOps Guru Insight Details page has multiple information sections. The Insight overview is the first section which displays the status is ongoing, there is 1 affected stack, the start time and last updated time. The end time is empty as the insight is ongoing.

Figure 4.2: Amazon DevOps Guru Ongoing Reactive Insight Overview

Aggregated metrics

The Aggregated metrics tab displays metrics related to the insight. The table is grouped by AWS CloudFormation stacks and subsequent resources that created the metrics. In this example, the insight was a product of an anomaly in the “duration p50” metric generated by the “DevOpsGuruSample-AnomalousLambda” AWS Lambda function.

AWS Lambda duration metrics derive from a percentile statistic utilized to exclude outlier values that skew average and maximum statistics. The P50 statistic is typically a great middle estimate. It is defined as 50% of estimates exceed the P50 estimate and 50% of estimates are less than the P50 estimate.

The red lines on the timeline indicate spans of time when the “duration p50” metric emitted unusual values. Click the red line in the timeline in order to view detailed information.

  • Choose View in CloudWatch to see how the metric looks in the CloudWatch console. For more information, see Statistics and Dimensions in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.
  • Hover over the graph in order to view details about the anomalous metric data and when it occurred.
  • Choose the box with the downward arrow to download a PNG image of the graph.

Amazon DevOps Guru Insight Details page contains aggregated metrics. The Duration p50 metric is selected and displayed in graph form.

Figure 4.3: Amazon DevOps Guru Ongoing Reactive Insight Aggregated Metrics

Graphed anomalies

The Graphed anomalies tab displays detailed graphs for each of the insight’s anomalies. Because our insight was comprised of a single anomaly, there is one tile with details about unusual behavior detected in related metrics.

  • Choose View all statistics and dimensions in order to see details about the anomaly. In the window that opens, you can:
  • Choose View in CloudWatch in order to see how the metric looks in the CloudWatch console.
  • Hover over the graph to view details about the anomalous metric data and when it occurred.
  • Choose Statistics or Dimension in order to customize the graph’s display. For more information, see Statistics and Dimensions in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

Amazon DevOps Guru Insight Details page contains Graphed anomalies. The p50 metric of the AWS/Lambda duration in displayed in graph form.

Figure 4.4: Amazon DevOps Guru Ongoing Reactive Insight Graphed Anomaly

Related events

In Related events, view AWS CloudTrail events related to your insight. These events help understand, diagnose, and address the underlying cause of the anomalous behavior. In this example, the events are:

  1. CreateFunction – when we created and deployed the AWS SAM template containing our AWS Lambda function.
  2. CreateChangeSet – when we pushed updates to our stack via the AWS SAM CLI.
  3. UpdateFunctionCode – when the AWS Lambda function code was updated.

Continuation of figure 4.4

Figure 4.5: Amazon DevOps Guru Ongoing Reactive Insight Related Events


The final section in the Insight Detail page is Recommendations. You can view suggestions that might help you resolve the underlying problem. When Amazon DevOps Guru detects anomalous behavior, it attempts to create recommendations. An insight might contain one, multiple, or zero recommendations.

In this example, the Amazon DevOps Guru recommendation matches the best resolution to our problem-provisioned concurrency.

Amazon DevOps Guru Insight Details page contains Recommendations. The suggested recommendation is to configure provisioned concurrency for the AWS Lambda.

Figure 4.6: Amazon DevOps Guru Ongoing Reactive Insight Recommendations

Understanding what happened

Amazon DevOps Guru recommends enabling Provisioned Concurrency for the AWS Lambda functions in order to help it scale better when responding to concurrent requests. As mentioned earlier, Provisioned Concurrency keeps functions initialized by creating the requested number of execution environments so that they can respond to invocations. This is a suggested best practice when building high-traffic applications, such as the one that this sample is mimicking.

In the anomalous AWS Lambda function, we have sample code that is causing delays. This is analogous to application initialization logic within the handler function. It is a best practice for this logic to live outside of the handler function. Because we are mimicking a high-traffic application, the expectation is to receive a large number of concurrent requests. Therefore, it may be advisable to turn on Provisioned Concurrency for the AWS Lambda function. For Provisioned Concurrency pricing, refer to the AWS Lambda Pricing page.

Resolving the Anomaly

To resolve the sample application’s anomaly, we will update the AWS Lambda function code and enable provisioned concurrency for the AWS Lambda infrastructure.

  1. Opening the sample repository in your IDE.
  2. Open the file generate-lambda-devopsguru-insights/lambda-code.py.
  3. Move lines 7-8, the code forcing the AWS Lambda function to respond slowly, above the lambda_handler function definition.
  4. Save the file.
  5. Open the file generate-lambda-devopsguru-insights/lambda-template.yaml.
  6. Uncomment lines 15-17, the code enabling provisioned concurrency in the sample AWS Lambda function.
  7. Save the file.
  8. Deploy these updates to your stack.
cd generate-lambda-devopsguru-insights 
sam deploy --template lambda-template.yaml --stack-name DevOpsGuru-Sample-AnomalousLambda-Stack       

After completing these steps, the duration P50 metric will emit more typical results, thereby causing Amazon DevOps Guru to recognize the anomaly as fixed, and then close the reactive insight as shown below.

Amazon DevOps Guru Insight Summary page displays the reactive insight has been closed.

Figure 5: Amazon DevOps Guru Closed Reactive Insight

Clean Up

When you are finished walking through this post, you will have multiple test resources in your AWS account that should be cleaned up or un-provisioned in order to avoid incurring any further charges.

  1. Opening the sample repository in your IDE.
  2. Run the below AWS SAM CLI command to delete the sample stack.
cd generate-lambda-devopsguru-insights 
sam delete --stack-name DevOpsGuru-Sample-AnomalousLambda-Stack 


As seen in the example above, Amazon DevOps Guru can detect anomalous behavior in an AWS Lambda function, tie it to relevant events that introduced that anomaly, and provide recommendations for remediation by using its pre-trained ML models. All of this was possible by simply enabling Amazon DevOps Guru to monitor the resources with minimal configuration changes and no previous ML expertise. Start using Amazon DevOps Guru today.

About the authors

Harish Vaswani

Harish Vaswani is a Senior Cloud Application Architect at Amazon Web Services. He specializes in architecting and building cloud native applications and enables customers with best practices in their cloud journey. He is a DevOps and Machine Learning enthusiast. Harish lives in New Jersey and enjoys spending time with this family, filmmaking and music production.

Caroline Gluck

Caroline Gluck is a Cloud Application Architect at Amazon Web Services based in New York City, where she helps customer design and build cloud native Data Science applications. Caroline is a builder at heart, with a passion for serverless architecture and Machine Learning. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, cooking, and spending time with family and friends.

Generating DevOps Guru Proactive Insights for Amazon ECS

Post Syndicated from Trishanka Saikia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/generate-devops-guru-proactive-insights-in-ecs-using-container-insights/

Monitoring is fundamental to operating an application in production, since we can only operate what we can measure and alert on. As an application evolves, or the environment grows more complex, it becomes increasingly challenging to maintain monitoring thresholds for each component, and to validate that they’re still set to an effective value. We not only want monitoring alarms to trigger when needed, but also want to minimize false positives.

Amazon DevOps Guru is an AWS service that helps you effectively monitor your application by ingesting vended metrics from Amazon CloudWatch. It learns your application’s behavior over time and then detects anomalies. Based on these anomalies, it generates insights by first combining the detected anomalies with suspected related events from AWS CloudTrail, and then providing the information to you in a simple, ready-to-use dashboard when you start investigating potential issues. Amazon DevOpsGuru makes use of the CloudWatch Containers Insights to detect issues around resource exhaustion for Amazon ECS or Amazon EKS applications. This helps in proactively detecting issues like memory leaks in your applications before they impact your users, and also provides guidance as to what the probable root-causes and resolutions might be.

This post will demonstrate how to simulate a memory leak in a container running in Amazon ECS, and have it generate a proactive insight in Amazon DevOps Guru.

Solution Overview

The following diagram shows the environment we’ll use for our scenario. The container “brickwall-maker” is preconfigured as to how quickly to allocate memory, and we have built this container image and published it to our public Amazon ECR repository. Optionally, you can build and host the docker image in your own private repository as described in step 2 & 3.

After creating the container image, we’ll utilize an AWS CloudFormation template to create an ECS Cluster and an ECS Service called “Test” with a desired count of two. This will create two tasks using our “brickwall-maker” container image. The stack will also enable Container Insights for the ECS Cluster. Then, we will enable resource coverage for this CloudFormation stack in Amazon DevOpsGuru in order to start our resource analysis.

Architecture Diagram showing the service “Test” using the container “brickwall-maker” with a desired count of two. The two ECS Task’s vended metrics are then processed by CloudWatch Container Insights. Both, CloudWatch Container Insights and CloudTrail, are ingested by Amazon DevOps Guru which then makes detected insights available to the user. [Image: DevOpsGuruBlog1.png]V1: DevOpsGuruBlog1.drawio (https://api.quip-amazon.com/2/blob/fbe9AAT37Ge/LdkTqbmlZ8uNj7A44pZbnw?name=DevOpsGuruBlog1.drawio&s=cVbmAWsXnynz) V2: DevOpsGuruBlog1.drawio (https://api.quip-amazon.com/2/blob/fbe9AAT37Ge/SvsNTJLEJOHHBls_kV7EwA?name=DevOpsGuruBlog1.drawio&s=cVbmAWsXnynz) V3: DevOpsGuruBlog1.drawio (https://api.quip-amazon.com/2/blob/fbe9AAT37Ge/DqKTxtQvmOLrzM3KcF_oTg?name=DevOpsGuruBlog1.drawio&s=cVbmAWsXnynz)

Source provided on GitHub:

  • DevOpsGuru.yaml
  • EnableDevOpsGuruForCfnStack.yaml
  • Docker container source


1. Create your IDE environment

In the AWS Cloud9 console, click Create environment, give your environment a Name, and click Next step. On the Environment settings page, change the instance type to t3.small, and click Next step. On the Review page, make sure that the Name and Instance type are set as intended, and click Create environment. The environment creation will take a few minutes. After that, the AWS Cloud9 IDE will open, and you can continue working in the terminal tab displayed in the bottom pane of the IDE.

Install the following prerequisite packages, and ensure that you have docker installed:

sudo yum install -y docker
sudo service docker start 
docker --version
Clone the git repository in order to download the required CloudFormation templates and code:

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-devopsguru-brickwall-maker

Change to the directory that contains the cloned repository

cd amazon-devopsguru-brickwall-maker

2. Optional : Create ECR private repository

If you want to build your own container image and host it in your own private ECR repository, create a new repository with the following command and then follow the steps to prepare your own image:

aws ecr create-repository —repository-name brickwall-maker

3. Optional: Prepare Docker Image

Authenticate to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) in the target region

aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-northeast-1 | \
    docker login --username AWS --password-stdin \

In the above command, as well as in the following shown below, make sure that you replace 123456789012 with your own account ID.

Build brickwall-maker Docker container:

docker build -t brickwall-maker .

Tag the Docker container to prepare it to be pushed to ECR:

docker tag brickwall-maker:latest 123456789012.dkr.ecr.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/brickwall-maker:latest

Push the built Docker container to ECR

docker push 123456789012.dkr.ecr.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/brickwall-maker:latest

4. Launch the CloudFormation template to deploy your ECS infrastructure

To deploy your ECS infrastructure, run the following command (replace your own private ECR URL or use our public URL) in the ParameterValue) to launch the CloudFormation template :

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name myECS-Stack \
--template-body file://DevOpsGuru.yaml \
--parameters ParameterKey=ImageUrl,ParameterValue=public.ecr.aws/p8v8e7e5/myartifacts:brickwallv1

5. Enable DevOps Guru to monitor the ECS Application

Run the following command to enable DevOps Guru for monitoring your ECS application:

aws cloudformation create-stack \
--stack-name EnableDevOpsGuruForCfnStack \
--template-body file://EnableDevOpsGuruForCfnStack.yaml \
--parameters ParameterKey=CfnStackNames,ParameterValue=myECS-Stack

6. Wait for base-lining of resources

This step lets DevOps Guru complete the baselining of the resources and benchmark the normal behavior. For this particular scenario, we recommend waiting two days before any insights are triggered.

Unlike other monitoring tools, the DevOps Guru dashboard would not present any counters or graphs. In the meantime, you can utilize CloudWatch Container Insights to monitor the cluster-level, task-level, and service-level metrics in ECS.

7. View Container Insights metrics

  • Open the CloudWatch console.
  • In the navigation pane, choose Container Insights.
  • Use the drop-down boxes near the top to select ECS Services as the resource type to view, then select DevOps Guru as the resource to monitor.
  • The performance monitoring view will show you graphs for several metrics, including “Memory Utilization”, which you can watch increasing from here. In addition, it will show the list of tasks in the lower “Task performance” pane showing the “Avg CPU” and “Avg memory” metrics for the individual tasks.

8. Review DevOps Guru insights

When DevOps Guru detects an anomaly, it generates a proactive insight with the relevant information needed to investigate the anomaly, and it will list it in the DevOps Guru Dashboard.

You can view the insights by clicking on the number of insights displayed in the dashboard. In our case, we expect insights to be shown in the “proactive insights” category on the dashboard.

Once you have opened the insight, you will see that the insight view is divided into the following sections:

  • Insight Overview with a basic description of the anomaly. In this case, stating that Memory Utilization is approaching limit with details of the stack that is being affected by the anomaly.
  • Anomalous metrics consisting of related graphs and a timeline of the predicted impact time in the future.
  • Relevant events with contextual information, such as changes or updates made to the CloudFormation stack’s resources in the region.
  • Recommendations to mitigate the issue. As seen in the following screenshot, it recommends troubleshooting High CPU or Memory Utilization in ECS along with a link to the necessary documentation.

The following screenshot illustrates an example insight detail page from DevOps Guru

 An example of an ECS Service’s Memory Utilization approaching a limit of 100%. The metric graph shows the anomaly starting two days ago at about 22:00 with memory utilization increasing steadily until the anomaly was reported today at 18:08. The graph also shows a forecast of the memory utilization with a predicted impact of reaching 100% the next day at about 22:00.

Potentially related events on a timeline and below them a list of recommendations. Two deployment events are shown without further details on a timeline. The recommendations table links to one document on how to troubleshoot high CPU or memory utilization in Amazon ECS.


This post describes how DevOps Guru continuously monitors resources in a particular region in your AWS account, as well as proactively helps identify problems around resource exhaustion such as running out of memory, in advance. This helps IT operators take preventative actions even before a problem presents itself, thereby preventing downtime.

Cleaning up

After walking through this post, you should clean up and un-provision the resources in order to avoid incurring any further charges.

  1. To un-provision the CloudFormation stacks, on the AWS CloudFormation console, choose Stacks. Select the stack name, and choose Delete.
  2. Delete the AWS Cloud9 environment.
  3. Delete the ECR repository.

About the authors

Trishanka Saikia

Trishanka Saikia is a Technical Account Manager for AWS. She is also a DevOps enthusiast and works with AWS customers to design, deploy, and manage their AWS workloads/architectures.

Gerhard Poul

Gerhard Poul is a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services based in Vienna, Austria. Gerhard works with customers in Austria to enable them with best practices in their cloud journey. He is passionate about infrastructure as code and how cloud technologies can improve IT operations.

Automate Amazon Redshift Cluster management operations using AWS CloudFormation

Post Syndicated from Anusha Challa original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/automate-amazon-redshift-cluster-management-operations-using-aws-cloudformation/

Amazon Redshift is the fastest and most widely used cloud data warehouse. Tens of thousands of customers run business-critical workloads on Amazon Redshift. Amazon Redshift offers many features that enable you to build scalable, highly performant, cost-effective, and easy-to-manage workloads. For example, you can scale an Amazon Redshift cluster up or down based on your workload requirements, pause clusters when not in use to suspend on-demand billing, and enable relocation. You can automate these management activities either using the Amazon Redshift API, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or AWS CloudFormation.

AWS CloudFormation helps you model and set up your AWS resources so that you can spend less time managing those resources and more time focusing on your applications that run in AWS. You create a template that describes all the AWS resources that you want, and AWS CloudFormation takes care of provisioning and configuring those resources for you.

In this post, we walk through how to use AWS CloudFormation to automate some of the most common Amazon Redshift cluster management operations:

  • Create an Amazon Redshift cluster via the following methods:
    • Restore a cluster from a snapshot
    • Create an encrypted Amazon Redshift cluster
  • Perform cluster management operations:
    • Pause or resume a cluster
    • Perform elastic resize or classic resize
    • Add or remove Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles to cluster permissions
    • Rotate encryption keys
    • Modify snapshot retention period for automated and manual snapshots
    • Enable or disable snapshot copy to another AWS Region
    • Create a parameter group with required workload management (WLM) configuration and associate it to the Amazon Redshift cluster
    • Enable concurrency scaling by modifying WLM configuration
    • Enable or disable audit logging

For a complete list of operations that you can automate using AWS CloudFormation, see Amazon Redshift resource type reference.

Benefits of using CloudFormation templates

Many of our customers build fully automated production environments and use AWS CloudFormation to aid automation. AWS CloudFormation offers an easy way to create and manage AWS Infrastructure, by treating infrastructure as code. CloudFormation templates create infrastructure resources in a group called a stack, and allow you to define and customize all components. CloudFormation templates introduce the ability to implement version control, and the ability to quickly and reliably replicate your infrastructure. This significantly simplifies your continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines and keeps multiple environments in sync. The CloudFormation template becomes a repeatable, single source of truth for your infrastructure. You can create CloudFormation templates in YAML and JSON formats. The templates provided in this post use YAML format. Amazon Redshift clusters are one of the resources that you can provision and manage using AWS CloudFormation.

Create an Amazon Redshift cluster using AWS CloudFormation

With AWS CloudFormation, you can automate Amazon Redshift cluster creation. In this section, we describe two additional ways of creating Amazon Redshift clusters: by restoring from an existing snapshot or creating using default options. In the next section, we describe how you can manage the lifecycle of a cluster by performing cluster management operations using AWS CloudFormation.

Restore an Amazon Redshift cluster from a snapshot

Snapshots are point-in-time backups of a cluster. Amazon Redshift periodically takes automated snapshots of the cluster. You can also take a snapshot manually any time. A snapshot contains data from any databases that are running on the cluster. Snapshots enable data protection, and you can also use them to build new environments to perform application testing, data mining, and more. When you start a new development or enhancement project, you may want to build a new Amazon Redshift cluster that has the same code and data as that of your production, so you can develop and test your code there before deploying it. To do this, create the new cluster by restoring from your production cluster’s snapshot.

You can use AWS CloudFormation to automate the restore operation. If you have multiple projects with different timelines or requirements, you can build multiple Amazon Redshift clusters in an automatic and scalable fashion using AWS CloudFormation.

To create a new Amazon Redshift cluster by restoring from an existing snapshot, create a CloudFormation stack using a CloudFormation template that has the AWS::Redshift::Cluster resource with the following mandatory properties:

  • SnapshotIdentifier – The name of the snapshot from which to create the new cluster
  • ClusterIdentifier – A unique identifier of your choice for the cluster
  • NodeType – The node type to be provisioned for the cluster
  • ClusterType – The type of the cluster, either single-node or multi-node (recommended for production workloads)
  • NumberofNodes – The number of compute nodes in the cluster
  • DBName – The name of the first database to be created in the new cluster
  • MasterUserName – The user name associated with the admin user account for the cluster that is being created
  • MasterUserPassword – The password associated with the admin user account for the cluster that is being created

The following is a sample CloudFormation template that restores a snapshot with identifier cfn-blog-redshift-snapshot and creates a two-node Amazon Redshift cluster with identifier cfn-blog-redshift-cluster and node type ra3.4xlarge:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Redshift CFN Blog Cluster Stack
    NoEcho: true
    Type: String
    Description: Enter Master User Password 
    Type: "AWS::Redshift::Cluster"
      SnapshotIdentifier: "cfn-blog-redshift-snapshot"
      ClusterIdentifier: "cfn-blog-redshift-cluster"
      ClusterType: "multi-node"
      NodeType: "ra3.4xlarge"
      NumberOfNodes: "2"
      DBName: "dev"
      MasterUsername: "username"
      Encrypted: true
      MasterUserPassword: !Ref MasterUserPasswordParam
    Value: !Ref RedshiftCluster

Create an encrypted Amazon Redshift cluster

You can enable database encryption for your clusters to protect data at rest.

Use the following sample CloudFormation template to create an encrypted Amazon Redshift cluster. This template has basic properties only to make this walkthrough easy to understand. For your production workload, we recommend following the best practices as described in the post Automate Amazon Redshift cluster creation using AWS CloudFormation.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Redshift CFN Blog Cluster Stack
    NoEcho: true
    Type: String
    Description: Enter Master User Password. Must be 8-64 characters long. Must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number. Can be any printable ASCII character except “/”, ““”, or “@”.
    Type: "AWS::Redshift::Cluster"
      ClusterIdentifier: "cfn-blog-redshift-cluster"
      ClusterType: "multi-node"
      NodeType: "ra3.4xlarge"
      NumberOfNodes: "2"
      DBName: "dev"
      MasterUsername: "username"
      Encrypted: true
      MasterUserPassword: !Ref MasterUserPasswordParam
    Value: !Ref RedshiftCluster

In AWS CloudFormation, create a stack using this template. When the creation of CloudFormation stack is complete, you can see a new encrypted Amazon Redshift cluster called cfn-blog-redshift-cluster. For the rest of this post, we use this CloudFormation template as the base and explore how to modify the template to perform various Amazon Redshift management operations.

To create a new CloudFormation stack that uses the preceding template via the AWS CloudFormation console, complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS CloudFormation console, choose Create Stack.
  2. On the drop-down menu, choose With new resources (standard).
  3. For Prepare template, choose Template is ready.
  4. For Specify template, choose Upload a template file.
  5. Save the provided CloudFormation template in a .yaml file and upload it.
  6. Choose Next.
  7. Enter a name for the stack. For this post, we use RedshiftClusterStack-CFNBlog.
  8. Choose Next.
  9. Choose Next again.
  10. Choose Create Stack.

To create the CloudFormation stack using the AWS CLI, run the following command:

aws cloudformation create-stack \
--stack-name RedshiftClusterStack-CFNBlog \
--template-body <<CloudFormation template’s file name>> \

The status of the stack changes to CREATE_IN_PROGRESS. After the Amazon Redshift cluster is created, the status changes to CREATE_COMPLETE. Navigate to the Amazon Redshift console to verify that the cluster is created and the status is Available.

Perform cluster management operations

Amazon Redshift customers have the flexibility to perform various cluster operations to implement workload security, perform cost-optimization, and manage scale. Often, we see our customers perform these operations in all their environments, such as DEV, QA, and PROD, to keep them in sync. You can automate these operations using CloudFormation stack updates by updating the CloudFormation template you used to create the cluster.

To perform these management operations using CloudFormation stack updates, you can create your initial CloudFormation stack in one of the two ways:

  • If your cluster isn’t already created, you can create it using AWS CloudFormation.
  • If you have an existing cluster, create a CloudFormation stack with the using existing resources option. Provide a template of the existing cluster and have a CloudFormation stack associated with the resource.

Each subsequent cluster management operation is an update to the base CloudFormation stack’s template. CloudFormation stack updates enable you to make changes to a stack’s resources by performing an update to the stack instead of deleting it and creating a new stack. Update to either add, modify, or remove relevant property values in the AWS::Redshift::Cluster resource to trigger the respective Amazon Redshift cluster management operation. AWS CloudFormation compares the changes you submit with the current state of your stack and applies only the changes. For a summary of the update workflow, see How does AWS CloudFormation work?

The following steps describe how to perform a CloudFormation stack update on the RedshiftClusterStack-CFNBlog stack that you created in the previous section.

  1. On the AWS CloudFormation console, choose Stacks in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose the stack you want to update (for this post, RedshiftClusterStack-CFNBlog).
  3. Choose Update.
  4. In the Prerequisite – Prepare template section, choose Replace current template.
  5. For Specify template, choose Upload a template file.
  6. Make changes to your current CloudFormation template based on the operation you wish to perform on the Amazon Redshift cluster.
  7. Save the updated CloudFormation template .yaml file and upload it.
  8. Choose Next.
  9. Choose Next again.
  10. Choose Next again.
  11. Choose Update Stack.

To update CloudFormation stack using the AWS CLI, run the following command:

aws cloudformation update-stack \
--stack-name RedshiftClusterStack-CFNBlog \
--template-body <<Updated CloudFormation template’s file name>> \

In this section, we look at some AWS CloudFormation properties available for Amazon Redshift clusters and dive deep to understand how to update the CloudFormation template and add, remove, or modify these properties to automate some of the most common cluster management operations. We use the RedshiftClusterStack-CFNBlog stack that you created in the previous section as an example.

Pause or resume cluster

If an Amazon Redshift cluster isn’t being used for a certain period of time, you can pause it easily and suspend on-demand billing. For example, you can suspend on-demand billing on a cluster that is used for development when it’s not in use. While the cluster is paused, you’re only charged for the cluster’s storage. This adds significant flexibility in managing operating costs for your Amazon Redshift clusters. You can resume a paused cluster when you’re ready to use it. To pause a cluster, update the cluster’s current CloudFormation stack template to add a new property called ResourceAction with the value pause-cluster. To pause the cluster created using the RedshiftClusterStack-CFNBlog stack, you can perform a stack update and use the following updated CloudFormation template:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Redshift CFN Blog Cluster Stack
    NoEcho: true
    Type: String
    Description: Enter Master User Password
    Type: "AWS::Redshift::Cluster"
      #Added this property to pause cluster
      ResourceAction: "pause-cluster"
      ClusterIdentifier: "cfn-blog-redshift-cluster"
      ClusterType: "multi-node"
      NodeType: "ra3.4xlarge"
      NumberOfNodes: "2"
      DBName: "dev"
      MasterUsername: "username"
      Encrypted: true
      MasterUserPassword: !Ref MasterUserPasswordParam
    Value: !Ref RedshiftCluster

Follow the steps in the previous section to update the stack. When the stack update operation is in progress, the cluster’s status changes from Available to Modifying, Pausing.

When the stack update is complete, the cluster’s status changes to Paused.

When you’re ready to use the cluster, you can resume it. To resume the cluster, update the cluster’s current CloudFormation stack template and change the value of the ResourceAction property to resume-cluster. You can use the following template to perform a stack update operation to resume the cluster created using the RedshiftClusterStack-CFNBlog stack:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Redshift CFN Blog Cluster Stack
    NoEcho: true
    Type: String
    Description: Enter Master User Password
    Type: "AWS::Redshift::Cluster"
      #Added this property to resume cluster
      ResourceAction: "resume-cluster"
      ClusterIdentifier: "cfn-blog-redshift-cluster"
      ClusterType: "multi-node"
      NodeType: "ra3.4xlarge"
      NumberOfNodes: "2"
      DBName: "dev"
      MasterUsername: "username"
      Encrypted: true
      MasterUserPassword: !Ref MasterUserPasswordParam
    Value: !Ref RedshiftCluster

Follow the steps in the previous section to update the stack. When the stack update is in progress, the cluster’s status changes from Paused to Modifying, Resuming.

When the stack update is complete, the cluster’s status changes to Available.

Perform elastic resize or classic resize

Data warehouse workloads often have changing needs. You may add a new line of business and thereby ingest more data into the data warehouse, or you may have a new analytics application for your business users and add new ETL processes to support it. When your compute requirements change due to changing needs, you can resize your Amazon Redshift cluster using one of the following approaches:

  • Elastic resize – This changes the node type, number of nodes, or both. Typically, it completes within 10–15 minutes when adding or removing nodes of the same type. Cross-instance elastic resize can take up to 45 minutes. We recommend using elastic resize whenever possible, because it completes much more quickly than classic resize. Elastic resize has some growth and reduction limits on the number of nodes.
  • Classic resize – You can also use classic resize to change the node type, number of nodes, or both. We recommend this option only when you’re resizing to a configuration that isn’t available through elastic resize, because it takes considerably more time depending on your data size.

You can automate both elastic resize and classic resize operations on Amazon Redshift clusters using AWS CloudFormation. The default resize operation when initiated using a CloudFormation stack update is elastic resize. If elastic resize isn’t possible for your configuration, AWS CloudFormation throws an error. You can force the resize operation to be classic resize by specifying the value of the property Classic to Boolean true in the CloudFormation template provided in the update stack operation. If you don’t provide this parameter or set the value to false, the resize type is elastic. To initiate the resize operation, update the cluster’s current CloudFormation stack template and change the value of NodeType and NumberOfNodes properties as per your requirement.

To perform an elastic resize from the initial two-node RA3 4xlarge configuration to NumberOfNodes:2 and NodeType:ra3.16xlarge configuration on the Amazon Redshift cluster cfn-blog-redshift-cluster, you can update the current template of the RedshiftClusterStack-CFNBlog stack as shown in the following CloudFormation template:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Redshift CFN Blog Cluster Stack
    NoEcho: true
    Type: String
    Description: Enter Master User Password
    Type: "AWS::Redshift::Cluster"
      ResourceAction: "resume-cluster"
      ClusterIdentifier: "cfn-blog-redshift-cluster"
      ClusterType: "multi-node"
      #Modified the below 2 properties to perform elastic resize
      NodeType: "ra3.16xlarge"
      NumberOfNodes: "2"
      DBName: "dev"
      MasterUsername: "username"
      Encrypted: true
      MasterUserPassword: !Ref MasterUserPasswordParam
    Value: !Ref RedshiftCluster

Alternatively, if you want to force this resize to be a classic resize, use the following CloudFormation template to update the RedshiftClusterStack-CFNBlog stack. This template has an additional property, Classic with Boolean value true, to initiate classic resize, in addition to having updated NodeType and NumberOfNodes properties.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Redshift CFN Blog Cluster Stack
    NoEcho: true
    Type: String
    Description: Enter Master User Password
    Type: "AWS::Redshift::Cluster"
      ResourceAction: "resume-cluster"
      ClusterIdentifier: "cfn-blog-redshift-cluster"
      ClusterType: "multi-node"
      #Modified the below 3 properties to perform classic resize
      NodeType: "ra3.16xlarge"
      NumberOfNodes: "2"
      Classic: true
      DBName: "dev"
      MasterUsername: "username"
      Encrypted: true
      MasterUserPassword: !Ref MasterUserPasswordParam
    Value: !Ref RedshiftCluster

Follow the steps earlier in this post to update the stack. For both elastic resize and classic resize, when the stack update is in progress, the cluster’s status changes from Available to Resizing.

Add or remove IAM roles to cluster permissions

Your Amazon Redshift cluster needs permissions to access other AWS services on your behalf. For the required permissions, add IAM roles to cluster permissions. You can add up to 10 IAM roles. For instructions on creating roles, see Create an IAM role.

To add IAM roles to the cluster, update the cluster’s current CloudFormation stack template and add the IamRoles property with a list of IAM roles you want to add. For example, to add IAM roles cfn-blog-redshift-role-1 and cfn-blog-redshift-role-2 to the cluster cfn-blog-redshift-cluster, you can update the RedshiftClusterStack-CFNBlog stack using the following CloudFormation template. In this template, the new array property IamRoles has been added with values cfn-blog-redshift-role-1 and cfn-blog-redshift-role-2.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Redshift CFN Blog Cluster Stack
    NoEcho: true
    Type: String
    Description: Enter Master User Password
    Type: "AWS::Redshift::Cluster"
      ResourceAction: "resume-cluster"
      ClusterIdentifier: "cfn-blog-redshift-cluster"
      ClusterType: "multi-node"
      NodeType: "ra3.4xlarge"
      NumberOfNodes: "2"
      #Added IAMRoles property with ARNs for 2 roles
      IamRoles: [
                    !Sub "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/cfn-blog-redshift-role-1",
                    !Sub "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/cfn-blog-redshift-role-2"
      DBName: "dev"
      MasterUsername: "username"
      Encrypted: true
      MasterUserPassword: !Ref MasterUserPasswordParam
    Value: !Ref RedshiftCluster

Now, if you want to remove the IAM role cfn-blog-redshift-role-2 from the cfn-blog-redshift-cluster cluster, you can perform another CloudFormation stack update on RedshiftClusterStack-CFNBlog using the following CloudFormation template. This template contains only those IAM roles you want to retain.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Redshift CFN Blog Cluster Stack
    NoEcho: true
    Type: String
    Description: Enter Master User Password
    Type: "AWS::Redshift::Cluster"
      ResourceAction: "resume-cluster"
      ClusterIdentifier: "cfn-blog-redshift-cluster"
      ClusterType: "multi-node"
      NodeType: "ra3.4xlarge"
      NumberOfNodes: "2"
      #Updated IAMRoles property to remove role-2
      IamRoles: [
                    !Sub "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/cfn-blog-redshift-role-1"
      DBName: "dev"
      MasterUsername: "username"
      Encrypted: true
      MasterUserPassword: !Ref MasterUserPasswordParam
    Value: !Ref RedshiftCluster

Follow the steps earlier in this post to update the stack. When the stack update is in progress, the cluster’s status changes from Available to Available, Modifying.

Navigate to cluster’s properties tab and the Cluster Permissions section to validate that the IAM roles were associated to the cluster after the stack update is complete.

Rotate encryption keys on the cluster

You can enable database encryption for your Amazon Redshift clusters to protect data at rest. You can rotate encryption keys using AWS CloudFormation. To rotate encryption keys, update the base CloudFormation template to add the RotateEncryptionKey property and set it to Boolean true. For example, you can use the following CloudFormation template to rotate the encryption key for cfn-blog-redshift-cluster by performing an update on the CloudFormation stack RedshiftClusterStack-CFNBlog:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Redshift CFN Blog Cluster Stack
    NoEcho: true
    Type: String
    Description: Enter Master User Password
    Type: "AWS::Redshift::Cluster"
      ResourceAction: "resume-cluster"
      ClusterIdentifier: "cfn-blog-redshift-cluster"
      ClusterType: "multi-node"
      NodeType: "ra3.4xlarge"
      NumberOfNodes: "2"
      #Added RotateEncryptionKey property
      RotateEncryptionKey: true
      DBName: "dev"
      MasterUsername: "username"
      Encrypted: true
      MasterUserPassword: !Ref MasterUserPasswordParam
    Value: !Ref RedshiftCluster

Follow the steps earlier in this post to update the stack. When the stack update is in progress, the cluster’s status changes from Available to Modifying, Rotating Keys. It takes approximately 2 minutes to rotate the encryption keys.

Modify the snapshot retention period for automated and manual snapshots

Amazon Redshift takes periodic automated snapshots of the cluster. By default, automated snapshots are retained for 24 hours. You can change the retention period of automated snapshots to 0–35 days. Amazon Redshift deletes automated snapshots at the end of a snapshot’s retention period, when you disable automated snapshots for the cluster or delete the cluster.

If you set the automated snapshot retention period to 0 days, the automated snapshots feature is disabled and any existing automated snapshots are deleted. Exercise caution before setting the automated snapshot retention period to 0.

You can take manual snapshots of the cluster any time. By default, manual snapshots are retained indefinitely, even after you delete the cluster. You can also specify the retention period when you create a manual snapshot. When the snapshot retention period is modified on automated snapshots, it applies to both existing and new automated snapshots. In contrast, when the snapshot retention period is modified on manual snapshots, it applies to new manual snapshots only.

To modify the retention period on snapshots, update your current cluster’s CloudFormation stack template. Add or update the AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod property with an integer value (must be between 0–35) indicating the new retention period in days for automated snapshots, and the ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod property with an integer value (must be between 1–3653) indicating the new retention period in days for manual snapshots.

The following CloudFormation template sets the AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod to 7 days and ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod to 90 days on cfn-blog-redshift-cluster when you update the current CloudFormation stack RedshiftClusterStack-CFNBlog:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Redshift CFN Blog Cluster Stack
    NoEcho: true
    Type: String
    Description: Enter Master User Password
    Type: "AWS::Redshift::Cluster"
      ResourceAction: "resume-cluster"
      ClusterIdentifier: "cfn-blog-redshift-cluster"
      ClusterType: "multi-node"
      NodeType: "ra3.4xlarge"
      NumberOfNodes: "2"
      #Add snapshot retention properties
      AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod: 7
      ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod: 90
      DBName: "dev"
      MasterUsername: "username"
      Encrypted: true
      MasterUserPassword: !Ref MasterUserPasswordParam
    Value: !Ref RedshiftCluster

Enable or disable snapshot copies to another Region

You can configure your Amazon Redshift cluster to copy all new manual and automated snapshots for a cluster to another Region. You can choose how long to keep copied automated or manual snapshots in the destination Region. If the cluster is encrypted, because AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) keys are specific to a Region, you must configure a snapshot copy grant for a primary key in the destination Region. For information on how to create a snapshot copy grant, see Copying AWS KMS–encrypted snapshots to another AWS Region. Make sure that the snapshot copy grant is created before enabling snapshot copy to another Region using CloudFormation templates.

To enable snapshot copy to another Region, update your current cluster’s CloudFormation stack template and add or update the following properties:

  • DestinationRegion – Required to enable snapshot copy. It specifies the destination Region that snapshots are automatically copied to.
  • SnapshotCopyRetentionPeriod – Optional. Modifies the number of days to retain snapshots in the destination Region. If this property is not specified, the retention period is the same as that of the source Region. By default, this operation only modifies the retention period of existing and new copied automated snapshots. To change the retention period of copied manual snapshots using this property, set the SnapshotCopyManual property to true.
  • SnapshotCopyManual – Indicates whether to apply the snapshot retention period to newly copied manual snapshots instead of automated snapshots. If you set this option, only newly copied manual snapshots have the new retention period.
  • SnapshotCopyGrantName – The name of the snapshot copy grant.

To copy snapshots taken from cfn-blog-redshift-cluster into the Region us-west-1 and to modify the retention period of the newly copied manual snapshots to 90 days, update the current CloudFormation stack RedshiftClusterStack-CFNBlog with the following CloudFormation template:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Redshift CFN Blog Cluster Stack
    NoEcho: true
    Type: String
    Description: Enter Master User Password
    Type: "AWS::Redshift::Cluster"
      ResourceAction: "resume-cluster"
      ClusterIdentifier: "cfn-blog-redshift-cluster"
      ClusterType: "multi-node"
      NodeType: "ra3.4xlarge"
      NumberOfNodes: "2"
      #Add cross-region snapshot copy properties
      DestinationRegion: "us-west-1"
      SnapshotCopyGrantName: "cfn-blog-redshift-cross-region-snapshot-copy-grant"
      SnapshotCopyManual: true
      SnapshotCopyRetentionPeriod: 90
      DBName: "dev"
      MasterUsername: "username"
      Encrypted: true
      MasterUserPassword: !Ref MasterUserPasswordParam
    Value: !Ref RedshiftCluster

To disable cross-Region snapshot copy, update your current CloudFormation stack’s template and remove the properties DestinationRegion, SnapshotCopyRetentionPeriod, SnapshotCopyManual and SnapshotCopyGrantName.

Create a parameter group with required WLM configuration and assign it to an Amazon Redshift cluster

You can use AWS CloudFormation to create an Amazon Redshift parameter group and associate it to an Amazon Redshift cluster. If you don’t associate a parameter group, the default parameter group is assigned, which has the defaults for parameter values and WLM configuration. When you create a new parameter group, it also has the defaults for parameters, unless you override them. The following CloudFormation template overrides the default values for the require_ssl and wlm_json_configuration parameters. The WLM configuration is specified in JSON format. In this template, automatic WLM configuration is defined on cfn-blog-redshift-cluster with three queues: etl_queue, reporting_queue, and the default queue, with the following specifications:

  • Priority for etl_queue is set to highest. It’s configured to route all queries run by users belonging to the group named etl_group to etl_queue.
  • Priority for reporting_queue is set to normal. It’s configured to route all queries run by users belonging to any group name with the word report in it or any query having a query group with the word report in it to the reporting_queue.
  • The following three query monitoring rules are defined to protect reporting_queue from bad queries:
    • When query runtime is greater than 7,200 seconds (2 hours), the query is stopped.
    • If a query has a nested loop join with more than 1,000,000 rows, its priority is changed to lowest.
    • If any query consumes more than 50% CPU utilization, it is logged.
  • All other queries are routed to the default queue. Priority for default_queue is set to lowest.
  • The following three query monitoring rules are defined to protect the default queue from bad queries:
    • If a query has a nested loop join with more than 1,000,000 rows, it is stopped.
    • If a query has a large return set and is returning more than 1,000,000 rows, it is stopped.
    • If more than 10 GB spilled to disk for a query, it is stopped.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Redshift CFN Blog Cluster Stack
    NoEcho: true
    Type: String
    Description: Enter Master User Password
  #Add parameter group resource
    Type: "AWS::Redshift::ClusterParameterGroup"
      Description: "CFNBlog-Redshift-Cluster-parameter-group"
      ParameterGroupFamily: "redshift-1.0"
          ParameterName: "require_ssl"
          ParameterValue: "true"
          ParameterName: "wlm_json_configuration"
          ParameterValue: "[
                              \"name\":\"Default queue\",
    Type: "AWS::Redshift::Cluster"
      ResourceAction: "resume-cluster"
      ClusterIdentifier: "cfn-blog-redshift-cluster"
      ClusterType: "multi-node"
      NodeType: "ra3.4xlarge"
      NumberOfNodes: "2"
      DBName: "dev"
      MasterUsername: "username"
      Encrypted: true
      MasterUserPassword: !Ref MasterUserPasswordParam
      #Add parameter to associate parameter group
      ClusterParameterGroupName: !Ref RedshiftClusterParameterGroup
    Value: !Ref RedshiftCluster

Enable concurrency scaling by modifying WLM configuration

Concurrency scaling is an autoscaling feature of Amazon Redshift that enables you to support virtually unlimited concurrent users. When you turn on concurrency scaling, Amazon Redshift automatically adds additional cluster capacity to process an increase in both read queries and write queries.

You can enable concurrency scaling at an individual WLM queue level. To enable concurrency scaling using AWS CloudFormation, update you current stack’s CloudFormation template and change the parameter value for wlm_json_configuration to add a property called concurrency_scaling and set its value to auto.

The following CloudFormation template sets concurrency scaling to auto on reporting_queue. It also overrides the value for the max_concurrency_scaling_clusters parameter from default 1 to 5.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Redshift CFN Blog Cluster Stack
    NoEcho: true
    Type: String
    Description: Enter Master User Password
    Type: "AWS::Redshift::ClusterParameterGroup"
      Description: "CFNBlog-Redshift-Cluster-parameter-group"
      ParameterGroupFamily: "redshift-1.0"
          ParameterName: "require_ssl"
          ParameterValue: "true"
        #add parameter to change default value for max number of concurrency scaling clusters parameter
          ParameterName: "max_concurrency_scaling_clusters"
          ParameterValue: "5"
        #Updated wlm configuration to set concurrency_scaling to auto
          ParameterName: "wlm_json_configuration"
          ParameterValue: "[
                              \"name\":\"Default queue\",
    Type: "AWS::Redshift::Cluster"
      ResourceAction: "resume-cluster"
      ClusterIdentifier: "cfn-blog-redshift-cluster"
      ClusterType: "multi-node"
      NodeType: "ra3.4xlarge"
      NumberOfNodes: "2"
      DBName: "dev"
      MasterUsername: "username"
      Encrypted: true
      MasterUserPassword: !Ref MasterUserPasswordParam
      ClusterParameterGroupName: !Ref RedshiftClusterParameterGroup
    Value: !Ref RedshiftCluster

Enable or disable audit logging

When you enable audit logging, Amazon Redshift creates and uploads the connection log, user log, and user activity logs to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). You can automate enabling and disabling audit logging using AWS CloudFormation. To enable audit logging, update the base CloudFormation template to add the LoggingProperties property with the following sub-properties:

  • BucketName – The name of an existing S3 bucket where the log files are to be stored.
  • S3KeyPrefix – The prefix applied to the log file names

Also update the parameter group to change the value of the enable_user_activity_logging parameter to true.

To enable audit logging on cfn-blog-redshift-cluster and deliver log files to BucketName: cfn-blog-redshift-cluster-audit-logs with the S3KeyPrefix:cfn-blog, update the current CloudFormation stack RedshiftClusterStack-CFNBlog with the following CloudFormation template:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Redshift CFN Blog Cluster Stack
    NoEcho: true
    Type: String
    Description: Enter Master User Password
    Type: "AWS::Redshift::ClusterParameterGroup"
      Description: "CFNBlog-Redshift-Cluster-parameter-group"
      ParameterGroupFamily: "redshift-1.0"
          ParameterName: "require_ssl"
          ParameterValue: "true"
          ParameterName: "max_concurrency_scaling_clusters"
          ParameterValue: "5"
        #add parameter to enable user activity logging
          ParameterName: "enable_user_activity_logging"
          ParameterValue: "true"
    Type: "AWS::Redshift::Cluster"
      ResourceAction: "resume-cluster"
      ClusterIdentifier: "cfn-blog-redshift-cluster"
      ClusterType: "multi-node"
      NodeType: "ra3.4xlarge"
      NumberOfNodes: "2"
      DBName: "dev"
      MasterUsername: "username"
      Encrypted: true
      MasterUserPassword: !Ref MasterUserPasswordParam
      #Add LoggingProperties and its sub-properties
          BucketName: "cfn-blog-redshift-cluster-audit-logs"
          S3KeyPrefix: "cfn-blog/"
      ClusterParameterGroupName: !Ref RedshiftClusterParameterGroup
    Value: !Ref RedshiftCluster

Follow the steps earlier in this post to update the stack. To disable audit logging, update the cluster’s CloudFormation stack template and remove the LoggingProperties property.

Concurrent operations

You can perform multiple cluster management operations using a single CloudFormation stack update. For example, you can perform elastic resize and rotate encryption keys on the cfn-blog-redshift-cluster using the following CloudFormation template. This template updates the values for NodeType and NumberOfNodes, which results in an elastic resize operation, and also sets the RotateEncryptionKey parameter value to Boolean true, which results in the encryption key rotation.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Redshift CFN Blog Cluster Stack
    NoEcho: true
    Type: String
    Description: Enter Master User Password
    Type: "AWS::Redshift::Cluster"
      ResourceAction: "resume-cluster"
      ClusterIdentifier: "cfn-blog-redshift-cluster"
      ClusterType: "multi-node"
      # Change Node type, number of nodes and rotate encryption
      NodeType: "ra3.16xlarge"
      NumberOfNodes: "2"
      RotateEncryptionKey: true
      DBName: "dev"
      MasterUsername: "username"
      Encrypted: true
      MasterUserPassword: !Ref MasterUserPasswordParam
    Value: !Ref RedshiftCluster


You have now learned how to automate management operations on Amazon Redshift clusters using AWS CloudFormation. For a full list of properties you can update using this process, see Properties. For more sample CloudFormation templates, see Amazon Redshift template snippets.

About the Authors

Anusha Challa is a Senior Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. She has over a decade of experience in building large-scale data warehouses, both on-premises and in the cloud. She provides architectural guidance to our customers on end-to-end data warehousing implementations and migrations.

Shweta Yakkali is a Software Engineer for Amazon Redshift, where she works on developing features for Redshift Cloud infrastructure. She is passionate about innovations in cloud infrastructure and enjoys learning new technologies and building enhanced features for Redshift. She holds M.S in Computer Science from Rochester Institute of Technology, New York. Outside of work, she enjoys dancing, painting and playing badminton.

Zirui Hua is a Software Development Engineer for Amazon Redshift, where he works on developing next generation features for Redshift. His main focuses are on networking and proxy of database. Outside of work, he likes to play tennis and basketball.