Tag Archives: Containers

Build and deploy .NET web applications to ARM-powered AWS Graviton 2 Amazon ECS Clusters using AWS CDK

Post Syndicated from Matt Laver original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/build-and-deploy-net-web-applications-to-arm-powered-aws-graviton-2-amazon-ecs-clusters-using-aws-cdk/

With .NET providing first-class support for ARM architecture, running .NET applications on an AWS Graviton processor provides you with more choices to help optimize performance and cost. We have already written about .NET 5 with Graviton benchmarks; in this post, we explore how C#/.NET developers can take advantages of Graviton processors and obtain this performance at scale with Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS).

In addition, we take advantage of infrastructure as code (IaC) by using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) to define the infrastructure .

The AWS CDK is an open-source development framework to define cloud applications in code. It includes constructs for Amazon ECS resources, which allows you to deploy fully containerized applications to AWS.

Architecture overview

Our target architecture for our .NET application running in AWS is a load balanced ECS cluster, as shown in the following diagram.

Show load balanced Amazon ECS Cluster running .NET application

Figure: Show load balanced Amazon ECS Cluster running .NET application

We need to provision many components in this architecture, but this is where the AWS CDK comes in. AWS CDK is an open source-software development framework to define cloud resources using familiar programming languages. You can use it for the following:

  • A multi-stage .NET application container build
  • Create an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) repository and push the Docker image to it
  • Use IaC written in .NET to provision the preceding architecture

The following diagram illustrates how we use these services.

Show pplication and Infrastructure code written in .NET

Figure: Show Application and Infrastructure code written in .NET

Setup the development environment

To deploy this solution on AWS, we use the AWS Cloud9 development environment.

  1. On the AWS Cloud9 console, choose Create environment.
  2. For Name, enter a name for the environment.
  3. Choose Next step.
  4. On the Environment settings page, keep the default settings:
    1. Environment type – Create a new EC2 instance for the environment (direct access)
    2. Instance type – t2.micro (1 Gib RAM + 1 vCPU)
    3. Platform – Amazon Linux 2(recommended)
    Show Cloud9 Environment settings

    Figure: Show Cloud9 Environment settings

  5. Choose Next step.
  6. Choose Create environment.

When the Cloud9 environment is ready, proceed to the next section.

Install the .NET SDK

The AWS development tools we require will already be setup in the Cloud9 environment, however the .NET SDK will not be available.

Install the .NET SDK with the following code from the Cloud9 terminal:

curl -sSL https://dot.net/v1/dotnet-install.sh | bash /dev/stdin -c 5.0
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/bin:$HOME/.dotnet

Verify the expected version has been installed:

dotnet --version
Show installed .NET SDK version

Figure: Show installed .NET SDK version

Clone and explore the example code

Clone the example repository:

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-cdk-dotnet-graviton-ecs-example.git

This repository contains two .NET projects, the web application, and the IaC application using the AWS CDK.

The unit of deployment in the AWS CDK is called a stack. All AWS resources defined within the scope of a stack, either directly or indirectly, are provisioned as a single unit.

The stack for this project is located within /cdk/src/Cdk/CdkStack.cs. When we read the C# code, we can see how it aligns with the architecture diagram at the beginning of this post.

First, we create a virtual private cloud (VPC) and assign a maximum of two Availability Zones:

var vpc = new Vpc(this, "DotNetGravitonVpc", new VpcProps { MaxAzs = 2 });

Next, we define the cluster and assign it to the VPC:

var cluster = new Cluster(this, "DotNetGravitonCluster", new ClusterProp { Vpc = vpc });

The Graviton instance type (c6g.4xlarge) is defined in the cluster capacity options:

    new AddCapacityOptions
        InstanceType = new InstanceType("c6g.4xlarge"),
        MachineImage = EcsOptimizedImage.AmazonLinux2(AmiHardwareType.ARM)

Finally, ApplicationLoadBalancedEC2Service is defined, along with a reference to the application source code:

new ApplicationLoadBalancedEc2Service(this, "Service",
    new ApplicationLoadBalancedEc2ServiceProps
        Cluster = cluster,
        MemoryLimitMiB = 8192,
        DesiredCount = 2,
        TaskImageOptions = new ApplicationLoadBalancedTaskImageOptions
            Image = ContainerImage.FromAsset(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), @"../app")),                        

With about 30 lines of AWS CDK code written in C#, we achieve the following:

  • Build and package a .NET application within a Docker image
  • Push the Docker image to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR)
  • Create a VPC with two Availability Zones
  • Create a cluster with a Graviton c6g.4xlarge instance type that pulls the Docker image from Amazon ECR

The AWS CDK has several useful helpers, such as the FromAsset function:

Image =  ContainerImage.FromAsset(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), @"../app")),  

The ContainerImage.FromAsset function instructs the AWS CDK to build the Docker image from a Dockerfile, automatically create an Amazon ECR repository, and upload the image to the repository.

For more information about the ContainerImage class, see ContainerImage.

Build and deploy the project with the AWS CDK Toolkit

The AWS CDK Toolkit, the CLI command cdk, is the primary tool for interaction with AWS CDK apps. It runs the app, interrogates the application model you defined, and produces and deploys the AWS CloudFormation templates generated by the AWS CDK.

If an AWS CDK stack being deployed uses assets such as Docker images, the environment needs to be bootstrapped. Use the cdk bootstrap command from the /cdk directory:

cdk bootstrap

Now you can deploy the stack into the AWS account with the deploy command:

cdk deploy

The AWS CDK Toolkit synthesizes fresh CloudFormation templates locally before deploying anything. The first time this runs, it has a changeset that reflects all the infrastructure defined within the stack and prompts you for confirmation before running.

When the deployment is complete, the load balancer DNS is in the Outputs section.

Show stack outputs

Figure: Show stack outputs

You can navigate to the load balancer address via a browser.

Browser navigating to .NET application

Figure: Show browser navigating to .NET application

Tracking the drift

Typically drift is a change that happens outside of the Infrastructure as Code, for example, code updates to the .NET application.

To support changes, the AWS CDK Toolkit queries the AWS account for the last deployed CloudFormation template for the stack and compares it with the locally generated template. Preview the changes with the following code:

cdk diff

If a simple text change within the application’s home page HTML is made (app/webapp/Pages/Index.cshtml), a difference is detected within the assets, but not all the infrastructure as per the first deploy.

Show cdk diff output

Figure: Show cdk diff output

Running cdk deploy again now rebuilds the Docker image, uploads it to Amazon ECR, and refreshes the containers within the ECS cluster.

cdk deploy
Show browser navigating to updated .NET application

Figure: Show browser navigating to updated .NET application

Clean up

Remove the resources created in this post with the following code:

cdk destroy


Using the AWS CDK to provision infrastructure in .NET provides rigor, clarity, and reliability in a language familiar to .NET developers. For more information, see Infrastructure as Code.

This post demonstrates the low barrier to entry for .NET developers wanting to apply modern application development practices while taking advantage of the price performance of ARM-based processors such as Graviton.

To learn more about building and deploying .NET applications on AWS visit our .NET Developer Center.

About the author

Author Matt Laver


Matt Laver is a Solutions Architect at AWS working with SMB customers in the UK. He is passionate about DevOps and loves helping customers find simple solutions to difficult problems.


Getting Started with Amazon ECS Anywhere – Now Generally Available

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/getting-started-with-amazon-ecs-anywhere-now-generally-available/

Since Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) was launched in 2014, AWS has released other options for running Amazon ECS tasks outside of an AWS Region such as AWS Wavelength, an offering for mobile edge devices or AWS Outposts, a service that extends to customers’ environments using hardware owned and fully managed by AWS.

But some customers have applications that need to run on premises due to regulatory, latency, and data residency requirements or the desire to leverage existing infrastructure investments. In these cases, customers have to install, operate, and manage separate container orchestration software and need to use disparate tooling across their AWS and on-premises environments. Customers asked us for a way to manage their on-premises containers without this added complexity and cost.

Following Jeff’s preannouncement last year, I am happy to announce the general availability of Amazon ECS Anywhere, a new capability in Amazon ECS that enables customers to easily run and manage container-based applications on premises, including virtual machines (VMs), bare metal servers, and other customer-managed infrastructure.

With ECS Anywhere, you can run and manage containers on any customer-managed infrastructure using the same cloud-based, fully managed, and highly scalable container orchestration service you use in AWS today. You no longer need to prepare, run, update, or maintain your own container orchestrators on premises, making it easier to manage your hybrid environment and leverage the cloud for your infrastructure by installing simple agents.

ECS Anywhere provides consistent tooling and APIs for all container-based applications and the same Amazon ECS experience for cluster management, workload scheduling, and monitoring both in the cloud and on customer-managed infrastructure. You can now enjoy the benefits of reduced cost and complexity by running container workloads such as data processing at edge locations on your own hardware maintaining reduced latency, and in the cloud using a single, consistent container orchestrator.

Amazon ECS Anywhere – Getting Started
To get started with ECS Anywhere, register your on-premises servers or VMs (also referred to as External instances) in the ECS cluster. The AWS Systems Manager Agent, Amazon ECS container agent, and Docker must be installed on these external instances. Your external instances require an IAM role that permits them to communicate with AWS APIs. For more information, see Required IAM permissions in the ECS Developer Guide.

To create a cluster for ECS Anywhere, on the Create Cluster page in the ECS console, choose the Networking Only template. This option is for use with either AWS Fargate or external instance capacity. We recommend that you use the AWS Region that is geographically closest to the on-premises servers you want to register.

This creates an empty cluster to register external instances. On the ECS Instances tab, choose Register External Instances to get activation codes and an installation script.

On the Step 1: External instances activation details page, in Activation key duration (in days), enter the number of days the activation key should remain active. The activation key can be used for up to 1,000 activations. In Number of instances, enter the number of external instances you want to register to your cluster. In Instance role, enter the IAM role to associate with your external instances.

Choose Next step to get a registration command.

On the Step 2: Register external instances page, copy the registration command. Run this command on the external instances you want to register to your cluster.

Paste the registration command in your on-premise servers or VMs. Each external instance is then registered as an AWS Systems Manager managed instance, which is then registered to your Amazon ECS clusters.

Both x86_64 and ARM64 CPU architectures are supported. The following is a list of supported operating systems:

  • CentOS 7, CentOS 8
  • RHEL 7
  • Fedora 32, Fedora 33
  • openSUSE Tumbleweed
  • Ubuntu 18, Ubuntu 20
  • Debian 9, Debian 10
  • SUSE Enterprise Server 15

When the ECS agent has started and completed the registration, your external instance will appear on the ECS Instances tab.

You can also add your external instances to the existing cluster. In this case, you can see both Amazon EC2 instances and external instances are prefixed with mi-* together.

Now that the external instances are registered to your cluster, you are ready to create a task definition. Amazon ECS provides the requiresCompatibilities parameter to validate that the task definition is compatible with the the EXTERNAL launch type when creating your service or running your standalone task. The following is an example task definition:

	"requiresCompatibilities": [
	"containerDefinitions": [{
		"name": "nginx",
		"image": "public.ecr.aws/nginx/nginx:latest",
		"memory": 256,
		"cpu": 256,
		"essential": true,
		"portMappings": [{
			"containerPort": 80,
			"hostPort": 8080,
			"protocol": "tcp"
	"networkMode": "bridge",
	"family": "nginx"

You can create a task definition in the ECS console. In Task Definition, choose Create new task definition. For Launch type, choose EXTERNAL and then configure the task and container definitions to use external instances.

On the Tasks tab, choose Run new task. On the Run Task page, for Cluster, choose the cluster to run your task definition on. In Number of tasks, enter the number of copies of that task to run with the EXTERNAL launch type.

Or, on the Services tab, choose Create. Configure service lets you specify copies of your task definition to run and maintain in a cluster. To run your task in the registered external instance, for Launch type, choose EXTERNAL. When you choose this launch type, load balancers, tag propagation, and service discovery integration are not supported.

The tasks you run on your external instances must use the bridge, host, or none network modes. The awsvpc network mode isn’t supported. For more information about each network mode, see Choosing a network mode in the Amazon ECS Best Practices Guide.

Now you can run your tasks and associate a mix of EXTERNAL, FARGATE, and EC2 capacity provider types with the same ECS service and specify how you would like your tasks to be split across them.

Things to Know
Here are a couple of things to keep in mind:

Connectivity: In the event of loss of network connectivity between the ECS agent running on the on-premises servers and the ECS control plane in the AWS Region, existing ECS tasks will continue to run as usual. If tasks still have connectivity with other AWS services, they will continue to communicate with them for as long as the task role credentials are active. If a task launched as part of a service crashes or exits on its own, ECS will be unable to replace it until connectivity is restored.

Monitoring: With ECS Anywhere, you can get Amazon CloudWatch metrics for your clusters and services, use the CloudWatch Logs driver (awslogs) to get your containers’ logs, and access the ECS CloudWatch event stream to monitor your clusters’ events.

Networking: ECS external instances are optimized for running applications that generate outbound traffic or process data. If your application requires inbound traffic, such as a web service, you will need to employ a workaround to place these workloads behind a load balancer until the feature is supported natively. For more information, see Networking with ECS Anywhere.

Data Security: To help customers maintain data security, ECS Anywhere only sends back to the AWS Region metadata related to the state of the tasks or the state of the containers (whether they are running or not running, performance counters, and so on). This communication is authenticated and encrypted in transit through Transport Layer Security (TLS).

ECS Anywhere Partners
ECS Anywhere integrates with a variety of ECS Anywhere partners to help customers take advantage of ECS Anywhere and provide additional functionality for the feature. Here are some of the blog posts that our partners wrote to share their experiences and offerings. (I am updating this article with links as they are published.)

Now Available
Amazon ECS Anywhere is now available in all commercial regions except AWS China Regions where ECS is supported. With ECS Anywhere, there are no minimum fees or upfront commitments. You pay per instance hour for each managed ECS Anywhere task. ECS Anywhere free tier includes 2200 instance hours per month for six months per account for all regions. For more information, see the pricing page.

To learn more, see ECS Anywhere in the Amazon ECS Developer Guide. Please send feedback to the AWS forum for Amazon ECS or through your usual AWS Support contacts.

Get started with the Amazon ECS Anywhere today.


Update. Watch a cool demo of ECS Anywhere to operate a Raspberry Pi cluster at home office and read its deep-dive blog post.

Field Notes: Accelerate Research with Managed Jupyter on Amazon SageMaker

Post Syndicated from Mrudhula Balasubramanyan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/field-notes-accelerate-research-with-managed-jupyter-on-amazon-sagemaker/

Research organizations across industry verticals have unique needs. These include facilitating stakeholder collaboration, setting up compute environments for experimentation, handling large datasets, and more. In essence, researchers want the freedom to focus on their research, without the undifferentiated heavy-lifting of managing their environments.

In this blog, I show you how to set up a managed Jupyter environment using custom tools used in Life Sciences research. I show you how to transform the developed artifacts into scripted components that can be integrated into research workflows. Although this solution uses Life Sciences as an example, it is broadly applicable to any vertical that needs customizable managed environments at scale.

Overview of solution

This solution has two parts. First, the System administrator of an organization’s IT department sets up a managed environment and provides researchers access to it. Second, the researchers access the environment and conduct interactive and scripted analysis.

This solution uses AWS Single Sign-On (AWS SSO), Amazon SageMaker, Amazon ECR, and Amazon S3. These services are architected to build a custom environment, provision compute, conduct interactive analysis, and automate the launch of scripts.


The architecture and detailed walkthrough are presented from both an admin and researcher perspective.

Architecture from an admin perspective

Architecture from admin perspective


In order of tasks, the admin:

  1. authenticates into AWS account as an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user with admin privileges
  2. sets up AWS SSO and users who need access to Amazon SageMaker Studio
  3. creates a Studio domain
  4. assigns users and groups created in AWS SSO to the Studio domain
  5. creates a SageMaker notebook instance shown generically in the architecture as Amazon EC2
  6. launches a shell script provided later in this post to build and store custom Docker image in a private repository in Amazon ECR
  7. attaches the custom image to Studio domain that the researchers will later use as a custom Jupyter kernel inside Studio and as a container for the SageMaker processing job.

Architecture from a researcher perspective

Architecture from a researcher perspective

In order of tasks, the researcher:

  1. authenticates using AWS SSO
  2. SSO authenticates researcher to SageMaker Studio
  3. researcher performs interactive analysis using managed Jupyter notebooks with custom kernel, organizes the analysis into script(s), and launches a SageMaker processing job to execute the script in a managed environment
  4. the SageMaker processing job reads data from S3 bucket and writes data back to S3. The user can now retrieve and examine results from S3 using Jupyter notebook.


For this walkthrough, you should have:

  • An AWS account
  • Admin access to provision and delete AWS resources
  • Researchers’ information to add as SSO users: full name and email

Set up AWS SSO

To facilitate collaboration between researchers, internal and external to your organization, the admin uses AWS SSO to onboard to Studio.

For admins: follow these instructions to set up AWS SSO prior to creating the Studio domain.

Onboard to SageMaker Studio

Researchers can use just the functionality they need in Amazon SageMaker Studio. Studio provides managed Jupyter environments with sharable notebooks for interactive analysis, and managed environments for script execution.

When you onboard to Studio, a home directory is created for you on Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) which provides reliable, scalable storage for large datasets.

Once AWS SSO has been setup, follow these steps to onboard to Studio via SSO. Note the Studio domain id (ex. d-2hxa6eb47hdc) and the IAM execution role (ex. AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole-20201156T214222) in the Studio Summary section of Studio. You will be using these in the following sections.

Provision custom image

At the core of research is experimentation. This often requires setting up playgrounds with custom tools to test out ideas. Docker images are an effective[CE1] [BM2]  way to package those tools and dependencies and deploy them quickly. They also address another critical need for researchers – reproducibility.

To demonstrate this, I picked a Life Sciences research problem that requires custom Python packages to be installed and made available to a team of researchers as Jupyter kernels inside Studio.

For the custom Docker image, I picked a Python package called Pegasus. This is a tool used in genomics research for analyzing transcriptomes of millions of single cells, both interactively as well as in cloud-based analysis workflows.

In addition to Python, you can provision Jupyter kernels for languages such as R, Scala, Julia, in Studio using these Docker images.

Launch an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance

To build and push custom Docker images to ECR, you use an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance. Note that this is not part of SageMaker Studio and unrelated to Studio notebooks. It is a fully managed machine learning (ML) Amazon EC2 instance inside the SageMaker service that runs the Jupyter Notebook application, AWS CLI, and Docker.

  • Use these instructions to launch a SageMaker notebook instance.
  • Once the notebook instance is up and running, select the instance and navigate to the IAM role attached to it. This role comes with IAM policy ‘AmazonSageMakerFullAccess’ as a default. Your instance will need some additional permissions.
  • Create a new IAM policy using these instructions.
  • Copy the IAM policy below to paste into the JSON tab.
  • Fill in the values for <region-id> (ex. us-west-2), <AWS-account-id>, <studio-domain-id>, <studio-domain-iam-role>. Name the IAM policy ‘sagemaker-notebook-policy’ and attach it to the notebook instance role.
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "additionalpermissions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
  • Start a terminal session in the notebook instance.
  • Once you are done creating the Docker image and attaching to Studio in the next section, you will be shutting down the notebook instance.

Create private repository, build, and store custom image, attach to SageMaker Studio domain

This section has multiple steps, all of which are outlined in a single bash script.

  • First the script creates a private repository in Amazon ECR.
  • Next, the script builds a custom image, tags, and pushes to Amazon ECR repository. This custom image will serve two purposes: one as a custom Python Jupyter kernel used inside Studio, and two as a custom container for SageMaker processing.
  • To use as a custom kernel inside SageMaker Studio, the script creates a SageMaker image and attaches to the Studio domain.
  • Before you initiate the script, fill in the following information: your AWS account ID, Region (ex. us-east-1), Studio IAM execution role, and Studio domain id.
  • You must create four files: bash script, Dockerfile, and two configuration files.
  • Copy the following bash script to a file named ‘pegasus-docker-images.sh’ and fill in the required values.

# Pegasus python packages from Docker hub



executionrole=<fill-in-execution-role ex. AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole-xxxxx>

domainid=<fill-in-Studio-domain-id ex. d-xxxxxxx>

if aws ecr describe-repositories | grep 'sagemaker-custom'
    echo 'repo already exists! Skipping creation'
    aws ecr create-repository --repository-name sagemaker-custom

aws ecr get-login-password --region $region | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $accountid.dkr.ecr.$region.amazonaws.com

docker build -t sagemaker-custom:pegasus-1.0 .

docker tag sagemaker-custom:pegasus-1.0 $accountid.dkr.ecr.$region.amazonaws.com/sagemaker-custom:pegasus-1.0

docker push $accountid.dkr.ecr.$region.amazonaws.com/sagemaker-custom:pegasus-1.0

if aws sagemaker list-images | grep 'pegasus-1'
    echo 'Image already exists! Skipping creation'
    aws sagemaker create-image --image-name pegasus-1 --role-arn arn:aws:iam::$accountid:role/service-role/$executionrole
    aws sagemaker create-image-version --image-name pegasus-1 --base-image $accountid.dkr.ecr.$region.amazonaws.com/sagemaker-custom:pegasus-1.0

if aws sagemaker list-app-image-configs | grep 'pegasus-1-config'
    echo 'Image config already exists! Skipping creation'
   aws sagemaker create-app-image-config --cli-input-json file://app-image-config-input.json

aws sagemaker update-domain --domain-id $domainid --cli-input-json file://default-user-settings.json

Copy the following to a file named ‘Dockerfile’.

FROM cumulusprod/pegasus-terra:1.0

USER root

Copy the following to a file named ‘app-image-config-input.json’.

    "AppImageConfigName": "pegasus-1-config",
    "KernelGatewayImageConfig": {
        "KernelSpecs": [
                "Name": "python3",
                "DisplayName": "Pegasus 1.0"
        "FileSystemConfig": {
            "MountPath": "/root",
            "DefaultUid": 0,
            "DefaultGid": 0

Copy the following to a file named ‘default-user-settings.json’.

    "DefaultUserSettings": {
        "KernelGatewayAppSettings": { 
           "CustomImages": [ 
                 "ImageName": "pegasus-1",
                 "ImageVersionNumber": 1,
                 "AppImageConfigName": "pegasus-1-config"

Launch ‘pegasus-docker-images.sh’ in the directory with all four files, in the terminal of the notebook instance. If the script ran successfully, you should see the custom image attached to the Studio domain.

Amazon SageMaker dashboard


Perform interactive analysis

You can now launch the Pegasus Python kernel inside SageMaker . If this is your first time using Studio, you can get a quick tour of its UI.

For interactive analysis, you can use publicly available notebooks in Pegasus tutorial from this GitHub repository. Review the license before proceeding.

To clone the repository in Studio, open a system terminal using these instructions. Initiate $ git clone https://github.com/klarman-cell-observatory/pegasus

  • In the directory ‘pegasus’, select ‘notebooks’ and open ‘pegasus_analysis.ipynb’.
  • For kernel choose ‘Pegasus 1.0 (pegasus-1/1)’.
  • You can now run through the notebook and examine the output generated. Feel free to work through the other notebooks for deeper analysis.

Pagasus tutorial

At any point during experimentation, you can share your analysis along with results with your colleagues using these steps. The snapshot that you create also captures the notebook configuration such as instance type and kernel, to ensure reproducibility.

Formalize analysis and execute scripts

Once you are done with interactive analysis, you can consolidate your analysis into a script to launch in a managed environment. This is an important step, if you want to later incorporate this script as a component into a research workflow and automate it.

Copy the following script to a file named ‘pegasus_script.py’.

BSD 3-Clause License

Copyright (c) 2018, Broad Institute
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
  list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
  this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
  and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

* Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
  contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
  this software without specific prior written permission.



import pandas as pd
import pegasus as pg

if __name__ == "__main__":
    BASE_DIR = "/opt/ml/processing"
    data = pg.read_input(f"{BASE_DIR}/input/MantonBM_nonmix_subset.zarr.zip")
    pg.qc_metrics(data, percent_mito=10)
    df_qc = pg.get_filter_stats(data)
    pd.DataFrame(df_qc).to_csv(f"{BASE_DIR}/output/qc_metrics.csv", header=True, index=False)

The Jupyter notebook following provides an example of launching a processing job using the script in SageMaker.

  • Create a notebook in SageMaker Studio in the same directory as the script.
  • Copy the following code to the notebook and name it ‘sagemaker_pegasus_processing.ipynb’.
  • Select ‘Python 3 (Data Science)’ as the kernel.
  • Launch the cells.
import boto3
import sagemaker
from sagemaker import get_execution_role
from sagemaker.processing import ScriptProcessor, ProcessingInput, ProcessingOutput
region = boto3.Session().region_name
sagemaker_session = sagemaker.session.Session()
role = sagemaker.get_execution_role()
bucket = sagemaker_session.default_bucket()

prefix = 'pegasus'

account_id = boto3.client('sts').get_caller_identity().get('Account')
ecr_repository = 'research-custom'
tag = ':pegasus-1.0'

uri_suffix = 'amazonaws.com'
if region in ['cn-north-1', 'cn-northwest-1']:
    uri_suffix = 'amazonaws.com.cn'
processing_repository_uri = '{}.dkr.ecr.{}.{}/{}'.format(account_id, region, uri_suffix, ecr_repository + tag)

script_processor = ScriptProcessor(command=['python3'],
!wget https://storage.googleapis.com/terra-featured-workspaces/Cumulus/MantonBM_nonmix_subset.zarr.zip

local_path = "MantonBM_nonmix_subset.zarr.zip"

s3 = boto3.resource("s3")

base_uri = f"s3://{bucket}/{prefix}"
input_data_uri = sagemaker.s3.S3Uploader.upload(

code_uri = sagemaker.s3.S3Uploader.upload(

                      inputs=[ProcessingInput(source=input_data_uri, destination='/opt/ml/processing/input'),],
                      outputs=[ProcessingOutput(source="/opt/ml/processing/output", destination=f"{base_uri}/output")]
script_processor_job_description = script_processor.jobs[-1].describe()

output_path = f"{base_uri}/output"

The ‘output_path’ is the S3 prefix where you will find the results from SageMaker processing. This will be printed as the last line after execution. You can examine the results either directly in S3 or by copying the results back to your home directory in Studio.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, shut down the SageMaker notebook instance. Detach image from the Studio domain, delete image in Amazon ECR, and delete data in Amazon S3.


In this blog, I showed you how to set up and use a unified research environment using Amazon SageMaker. Although the example pertained to Life Sciences, the architecture and the framework presented are generally applicable to any research space. They strive to address the broader research challenges of custom tooling, reproducibility, large datasets, and price predictability.

As a logical next step, take the scripted components and incorporate them into research workflows and automate them. You can use SageMaker Pipelines to incorporate machine learning into your workflows and operationalize them.

Field Notes provides hands-on technical guidance from AWS Solutions Architects, consultants, and technical account managers, based on their experiences in the field solving real-world business problems for customers.

Field Notes: Running a Stateful Java Service on Amazon EKS

Post Syndicated from Tom Cheung original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/field-notes-running-a-stateful-java-service-on-amazon-eks/

This post was co-authored  by Tom Cheung, Cloud Infrastructure Architect, AWS Professional Services and Bastian Klein, Solutions Architect at AWS.

Containerization helps to create secure and reproducible runtime environments for applications. Container orchestrators help to run containerized applications by providing extended deployment and scaling capabilities, among others. Because of this, many organizations are installing such systems as a platform to run their applications on. Organizations often start their container adaption with new workloads that are well suited for the way how orchestrators manage containers.

After they gained their first experiences with containers, organizations start migrating their existing applications to the same container platform to simplify the infrastructure landscape and unify their deployment mechanisms.  Migrations come with some challenges, as the applications were not designed to run in a container environment. Many of the existing applications work in a stateful manner. They are persisting files to the local storage and make use of stateful sessions. Both requirements need to be met for the application to properly work in the container environment.

This blog post shows how to run a stateful Java service on Amazon EKS with the focus on how to handle stateful sessions You will learn how to deploy the service to Amazon EKS and how to save the session state in an Amazon ElastiCache Redis database. There is a GitHub Repository that provides all sources that are mentioned in this article. It contains AWS CloudFormation templates that will setup the required infrastructure, as well as the Java application code along with the Kubernetes resource templates.

The Java code used in this blog post and the GitHub Repository are based on a Blog Post from Java In Use: Spring Boot + Session Management Example Using Redis. Our thanks for this content contributed under the MIT-0 license to the Java In Use author.

Overview of architecture

Kubernetes is a popular Open Source container orchestrator that is widely used. Amazon EKS is the managed Kubernetes offering by AWS and used in this example to run the Java application. Amazon EKS manages the Control Plane for you and gives you the freedom to choose between self-managed nodes, managed nodes or AWS Fargate to run your compute.

The following architecture diagram shows the setup that is used for this article.

Container reference architecture


  • There is a VPC composed of three public subnets, three subnets used for the application and three subnets reserved for the database.
  • For this application, there is an Amazon ElastiCache Redis database that stores the user sessions and state.
  • The Amazon EKS Cluster is created with a Managed Node Group containing three t3.micro instances per default. Those instances run the three Java containers.
  • To be able to access the website that is running inside the containers, Elastic Load Balancing is set up inside the public subnets.
  • The Elastic Load Balancing (Classic Load Balancer) is not part of the CloudFormation templates, but will automatically be created by Amazon EKS, when the application is deployed.


Here are the high-level steps in this post:

  • Deploy the infrastructure to your AWS Account
  • Inspect Java application code
  • Inspect Kubernetes resource templates
  • Containerization of the Java application
  • Deploy containers to the Amazon EKS Cluster
  • Testing and verification


If you do not want to set this up on your local machine, you can use AWS Cloud9.

Deploying the infrastructure

To deploy the infrastructure, you first need to clone the Github repository.

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-eks-example-for-stateful-java-service.git

This repository contains a set of CloudFormation Templates that set up the required infrastructure outlined in the architecture diagram. This repository also contains a deployment script deploy.sh that issues all the necessary CLI commands. The script has one required argument -p that reflects the aws cli profile that should be used. Review the Named Profiles documentation to set up a profile before continuing.

If the profile is already present, the deployment can be started using the following command:

./deploy.sh -p <profile name>

The creation of the infrastructure will roughly take 30 minutes.

The below table shows all configurable parameters of the CloudFormation template:

parameter name table

This template is initiating several steps to deploy the infrastructure. First, it validates all CloudFormation templates. If the validation was successful, an Amazon S3 Bucket is created and the CloudFormation Templates are uploaded there. This is necessary because nested stacks are used. Afterwards the deployment of the main stack is initiated. This will automatically trigger the creation of all nested stacks.

Java application code

The following code is a Java web application implemented using Spring Boot. The application will persist session data at Amazon ElastiCache Redis, which enables the app to become stateless. This is a crucial part of the migration, because it allows you to use Kubernetes horizontal scaling features with Kubernetes resources like Deployments, without the need to use sticky load balancer sessions.

This is the Java ElastiCache Redis implementation by Spring Data Redis and Spring Boot. It allows you to configure the host and port of the deployed Redis instance. Because this is environment-specific information, it is not configured in the properties file It is injected as environment variables during runtime.


public class Config {

    private String host;
    private Integer port;

    public String getHost() {
        return host;

    public void setHost(String host) {
        this.host = host;

    public Integer getPort() {
        return port;

    public void setPort(Integer port) {
        this.port = port;

    public LettuceConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory() {

        return new LettuceConnectionFactory(new RedisStandaloneConfiguration(this.host, this.port));



Containerization of Java application


FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine

MAINTAINER Tom Cheung <email address>, Bastian Klein<email address>
VOLUME /target

RUN addgroup -S spring && adduser -S spring -G spring
USER spring:spring
ARG DEPENDENCY=target/dependency
COPY ${DEPENDENCY}/org /app/org

ENTRYPOINT ["java","-Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom","-cp","app:app/lib/*", "com/amazon/aws/SpringBootSessionApplication"]


This is the Dockerfile to build the container image for the Java application. OpenJDK 8 is used as the base container image. Because of the way Docker images are built, this sample explicitly does not use a so-called ‘fat jar’. Therefore, you have separate image layers for the dependencies and the application code. By leveraging the Docker caching mechanism, optimized build and deploy times can be achieved.

Kubernetes Resources

After reviewing the application specifics, we will now see which Kubernetes Resources are required to run the application.

Kubernetes uses the concept of config maps to store configurations as a resource within the cluster. This allows you to define key value pairs that will be stored within the cluster and which are accessible from other resources.


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: java-ms
  namespace: default
  host: "***.***.0001.euc1.cache.amazonaws.com"
  port: "6379"

In this case, the config map is used to store the connection information for the created Redis database.

To be able to run the application, Kubernetes Deployments are used in this example. Deployments take care to maintain the state of the application (e.g. number of replicas) with additional deployment capabilities (e.g. rolling deployments).


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: java-ms
  # labels so that we can bind a Service to this Pod
    app: java-ms
  replicas: 3
      app: java-ms
        app: java-ms
      - name: java-ms
        image: bastianklein/java-ms:1.2
        imagePullPolicy: Always
            cpu: "500m" #half the CPU free: 0.5 Core
            memory: "256Mi"
            cpu: "1000m" #max 1.0 Core
            memory: "512Mi"
          - name: SPRING_REDIS_HOST
                name: java-ms
                key: host
          - name: SPRING_REDIS_PORT
                name: java-ms
                key: port
        - containerPort: 8080
          name: http
          protocol: TCP

Deployments are also the place for you to use the configurations stored in config maps and map them to environment variables. The respective configuration can be found under “env”. This setup relies on the Spring Boot feature that is able to read environment variables and write them into the according system properties.

Now that the containers are running, you need to be able to access those containers as a whole from within the cluster, but also from the internet. To be able to route traffic cluster internally Kubernetes has a resource called Service. Kubernetes Services get a Cluster internal IP and DNS name assigned that can be used to access all containers that belong to that Service. Traffic will, by default, be distributed evenly across all replicas.


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: java-ms
  type: LoadBalancer
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 80 # Port for LB, AWS ELB allow port 80 only  
      targetPort: 8080 # Port for Target Endpoint
    app: java-ms

The “selector“ defines which Pods belong to the services. It has to match the labels assigned to the pods. The labels are assigned in the “metadata” section in the deployment.

Deploy the Java service to Amazon EKS

Before the deployment can start, there are some steps required to initialize your local environment:

  1. Update the local kubeconfig to configure the kubectl with the created cluster
  2. Update the k8s-resources/config-map.yaml to the created Redis Database Address
  3. Build and package the Java Service
  4. Build and push the Docker image
  5. Update the k8s-resources/deployment.yaml to use the newly created image

These steps can be automatically executed using the init.sh script located in the repository. The script needs following parameter:

  1.  -u – Docker Hub User Name
  2.  -r – Repository Name
  3.  -t – Docker image version tag

A sample invocation looks like this: ./init.sh -u bastianklein -r java-ms -t 1.2

This information is used to concatenate the full docker repository string. In the preceding example this would resolve to bastianklein/java-ms:1.2, which will automatically be pushed to your Docker Hub repository. If you are not yet logged in to docker on the command line execute docker login and follow the displayed steps before executing the init.sh script.

As everything is set up, it is time to deploy the Java service. The below list of commands first deploys all Kubernetes resources and then lists pods and services.

kubectl apply -f k8s-resources/

This will output:

configmap/java-ms created
deployment.apps/java-ms created
service/java-ms created


Now, list the freshly created pods by issuing kubectl get pods.

NAME                                                READY       STATUS                             RESTARTS   AGE

java-ms-69664cc654-7xzkh   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          1s

java-ms-69664cc654-b9lxb   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          1s


Let’s also review the created service kubectl get svc.

NAME            TYPE                   CLUSTER-IP         EXTERNAL-IP                                                        PORT(S)                   AGE            SELECTOR

java-ms          LoadBalancer         ***-***.eu-central-1.elb.amazonaws.com         80:32300/TCP       33s               app=java-ms

kubernetes     ClusterIP                 <none>                                                                      443/TCP                 2d1h            <none>


What we can see here is that the Service with name java-ms has an External-IP assigned to it. This is the DNS Name of the Classic Loadbalancer that is created behind the scenes. If you open that URL, you should see the Website (this might take a few minutes for the ELB to be provisioned).

Testing and verification

The webpage that opens should look similar to the following screenshot. In the text field you can enter text that is saved on clicking the “Save Message” button. This text will be listed in the “Messages” as shown in the following screenshot. These messages are saved as session data and now persists at Amazon ElastiCache Redis.

screenboot session example

By destroying the session, you will lose the saved messages.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, you should delete all created resources after you are finished with testing. The repository contains a destroy.sh script. This script takes care to delete all deployed resources.

The script requires one parameter -p that requires the aws cli profile name that should be used: ./destroy.sh -p <profile name>


This post showed you the end-to-end setup of a stateful Java service running on Amazon EKS. The service is made scalable by saving the user sessions and the according session data in a Redis database. This solution requires changing the application code, and there are situations where this is not an option. By using StatefulSets as Kubernetes Resource in combination with an Application Load Balancer and sticky sessions, the goal of replicating the service can still be achieved.

We chose to use a Kubernetes Service in combination with a Classic Load Balancer. For a production workload, managing incoming traffic with a Kubernetes Ingress and an Application Load Balancer might be the better option. If you want to know more about Kubernetes Ingress with Amazon EKS, visit our Application Load Balancing on Amazon EKS documentation.

Field Notes provides hands-on technical guidance from AWS Solutions Architects, consultants, and technical account managers, based on their experiences in the field solving real-world business problems for customers.

Scaling Zabbix with containers

Post Syndicated from Robert Silva original https://blog.zabbix.com/scaling-zabbix-with-containers/13155/

In this post, a new approach with Zabbix in High Availability is explained, as well as discussed challenges when implementing Zabbix using Docker Swarm with CI / CD and such technologies as Containers, Docker Swarm, Gitlab, and CI/CD.


I. Zabbix project requirements (0:33)
II. New approach (3:06)

III. Compose file and Deploy (8:08)
IV. Notes (16:32)
V. Gitlab CI/CD (20:34)
VI. Benefits of the architecture (24:57)
VII. Questions & Answers (25:53)

Zabbix project requirements

The first time using Docker was a challenge. The Zabbix environment needed to meet the following requirements:

  • to monitor more than 3,000 NVPS;
  • to be fault-tolerant;
  • to be resilient;
  • to scale the environment horizontally.

There are five ways to install Zabbix — using packages, compiling, Docker, cloud, or appliance.

We used virtual machines or physical servers to install Zabbix directly on the operation system. In this scenario, it is necessary to install the operating system and update it to improve performance. Then you need to install Zabbix, configure the backup of the configuration files and the database.

However, with such an installation, when the services are unavailable as Zabbix Server or Zabbix frontend is down, the usual solution is a human intervention to restart the service or the server, create a new instance, or restore the backup.

Still, we don’t need to assign a specialist to manually solve such issues. The services must be able to restore themselves.

To create a more intelligent environment, we can use some standard solutions — Corosync and Pacemaker. However, there are better solutions for High Availability.

New approach

Zabbix can be deployed using advanced technologies, such as:

  • Docker,
  • Docker Swarm,
  • Reverse Proxy,
  • GIT,
  • CI/CD.

Initially, the instance was divided into various components.

Initial architecture


HAProxy is responsible for receiving incoming connections and directing them to the nodes of the Docker Swarm cluster. So, with each attempt to access the Zabbix frontend, the request is sent to the HAProxy. And it will detect where there is the service listening to HAProxy and redirect the request.

Accessing the frontend.domain

We are sending the request to the HAProxy address to check which nodes are available. If a node is unavailable, the HAProxy will not send the requests to these nodes anymore.

HAProxy configuration file (haproxy.cfg)

When you configure load balancing using HAProxy, two types of nodes need to be defined: frontend and backend. Here, the traefik service is used as an example.

HAProxy listens for connections by the frontend node. In the frontend, we configure the port to receive communications and associate the backend to it.

frontend traefik
mode http
option forwardfor
monitor-uri /health
default_backend backend_traefik

HAProxy can forward requests by the backend nodes. In the backend we define, which services are using the traefik service, the check mode, the servers running the application, and the port to listen to. 

backend backend_traefik
mode http
cookie Zabbix prefix
server DOCKERHOST1 cookie DOCKERHOST1 check
server DOCKERHOST2 cookie DOCKERHOST2 check
server DOCKERHOST3 cookie DOCKERHOST3 check
stats admin if TRUE
option tcp-check

We also can define where the Zabbix Server can run. Here, we have only one Zabbix Server container running.

frontend zabbix_server
mode tcp
default_backend backend_zabbix_server
backend backend_zabbix_server
mode tcp
server DOCKERHOST1 check
server DOCKERHOST2 check
server DOCKERHOST3 check
stats admin if TRUE
option tcp-check

NFS Server

NFS Server is responsible for storing the mapped files in the containers.

NFS Server

After installing the packages, you need to run the following commands to configure the NFS Server and NFS Client:

NFS Server

mkdir /data/data-docker
vim /etc/exports
/data/data-docker/ *(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)

NFS Client

vim /etc/fstab :/data/data-docker /mnt/data-docker nfs defaults 0 0

Hosts Docker and Docker Swarm

Hosts Docker and Docker Swarm are responsible for running and orchestrating the containers.

Swarm consists of one or more nodes. The cluster can be of two types:

  • Managers that are responsible for managing the cluster and can perform workloads.
  • Workers that are responsible for performing the services or the loads.

Reverse Proxy

Reverse Proxy, another essential component of this architecture, is responsible for receiving an HTTP and HTTPS connections, identifying destinations, and redirecting to the responsible containers.

Reverse Proxy can be executed using nginx and traefik.

In this example, we have three containers running traefik. After receiving the connection from HAProxy, it will search for a destination container and send the package to it.

Compose file and Deploy

The Compose file — ./docker-compose.yml — a YAML file defining services, networks, and volumes. In this file, we determine what image of Zabbix Server is used, what network the container is going to connect to, what are the service names, and other necessary service settings.

Reverse Proxy

Here is the example of configuring Reverse Proxy using traefik.

image: traefik:v2.2.8
- node.role == manager
replicas: 1
condition: on-failure
# Dashboard traefik
- "traefik.enable=true"
- "traefik.http.services.justAdummyService.loadbalancer.server.port=1337"
- "traefik.http.routers.traefik.tls=true"
- "traefik.http.routers.traefik.rule=Host(`zabbix-traefik.mydomain`)"
- "traefik.http.routers.traefik.service=api@internal"


traefik: — the name of the service (in the first line).
image: — here, we can define which image we can use.
deploy: — rules for creating the deploy.
constraints: — a place of deployment.
replicas: — how many replicas we can create for this service.
restart_policy: — which policy to use if the service has a problem.
labels: — defining labels for traefik, including the rules for calling the service.

Then we can define how to configure authentication for the dashboard and how to redirect all HTTP connections to HTTPS.

# Auth Dashboard - "traefik.http.routers.traefik.middlewares=traefik-auth" - "traefik.http.middlewares.traefik-auth.basicauth.users=admin:" 
# Redirect all HTTP to HTTPS permanently - "traefik.http.routers.http_catchall.rule=HostRegexp(`{any:.+}`)" - "traefik.http.routers.http_catchall.entrypoints=web" - "traefik.http.routers.http_catchall.middlewares=https_redirect" - "traefik.http.middlewares.https_redirect.redirectscheme.scheme=https" - "traefik.http.middlewares.https_redirect.redirectscheme.permanent=true"

Finally, we define the command to be executed after the container is started.

- "--api=true"
- "--log.level=INFO"
- "--providers.docker.endpoint=unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
- "--providers.docker.swarmMode=true"
- "--providers.docker.exposedbydefault=false"
- "--providers.file.directory=/etc/traefik/dynamic"
- "--entrypoints.web.address=:80"
- "--entrypoints.websecure.address=:443"

Zabbix Server

Zabbix Server configuration can be defined in this environment — the name of the Zabbix Server, image, OS, etc.

image: zabbix/zabbix-server-mysql:centos-5.0-latest
- ./envs/zabbix-server/common.env
- "monitoring-network"
- /mnt/data-docker/zabbix-server/externalscripts:/usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts:ro
- /mnt/data-docker/zabbix-server/alertscripts:/usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts:ro
- "10051:10051"
<<: *template-deploy
- "traefik.enable=false"

In this case, we can use environment 5.0. Here, we can define, for instance, database address, database username, number of pollers we will start, the path for external and alert scripts, and other options.

In this example, we use two volumes — for external scripts and for alert scripts that must be stored in the NFS Server.

For this Zabbix, Server traefik is not enabled.


For the frontend, we have another option, for instance, using the Zabbix image.

image: zabbix/zabbix-web-nginx-mysql:alpine-5.0.1
- ./envs/zabbix-frontend/common.env
- "monitoring-network"
<<: *template-deploy
replicas: 5
- "traefik.enable=true"
- "traefik.http.routers.zabbix-frontend.tls=true"
- "traefik.http.routers.zabbix-frontend.rule=Host(`frontend.domain`)"
- "traefik.http.routers.zabbix-frontend.entrypoints=web"
- "traefik.http.routers.zabbix-frontend.entrypoints=websecure"
- "traefik.http.services.zabbix-frontend.loadbalancer.server.port=8080"

Here, 5 replicas mean that we can start 5 Zabbix frontends. This can be used for more extensive environments, which also means that we have 5 containers and 5 connections.

Here, to access the frontend, we can use the ‘frontend.domain‘ name. If we use a different name, access to the frontend will not be available.

The load balancer server port defines to which port the container is listening and where the official Zabbix frontend image is stored.


Up to now, deployment has been done manually. You needed to connect to one of the services with the Docker Swarm Manager function, enter the NFS directory, and deploy the service:

# docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yaml zabbix

where -c defines the compose file’s name and ‘zabbix‘ — the name of the stack.


Docker Image

Typically, Docker official images from Zabbix are used. However, for the Zabbix Server and Zabbix Proxy is not enough. In production environments, additional patches are needed — scripts, ODBC drivers to monitor the database. You should learn to work with Docker and to create custom images.


When creating environments using Docker, you should be careful. The Docker environment has some internal networks, which can be in conflict with the physical network. So, it is necessary to change the default networks — Docker network overlay and Docker bridge.

Custom image

Example of customizing the Zabbix image to install ODBC drive.

FROM zabbix/zabbix-proxy-sqlite3:${ZABBIX_BASE}-${ZABBIX_VERSION}
ENV ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64
ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64/lib
ENV PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64/lib

Then we install ODBC drivers. This script allows for using ODBC drivers for Oracle, MySQL, etc.

# Install ODBC 
COPY ./drivers-oracle- /root/ 
COPY odbc.sh /root 
RUN chmod +x /root/odbc.sh && \ 

Then we install Python packages.

# Install Python3 
COPY requirements.txt /requirements.txt
RUN yum install -y epel-release && \ 
yum search python3 && \ 
yum install -y python36 python36-pip && \ 
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
# Install SNMP 
RUN yum install -y net-snmp-utils net-snmp wget vim telnet traceroute

With this image, we can monitor databases, network devices, HTTP connections, etc.

To complete the image customization, we need to:

  1. build the image,
  2. push to the registry,
  3. deploy the services.

This process is performed manually and should be automated.

Gitlab CI/CD

With CI/CD, you don’t need to run the process manually to create the image and deploy the services.

1. Create a repository for each component.

  • Zabbix Server
  • Frontend
  • Zabbix Proxy

2. Enable pipelines.
3. Create .gitlab-ci.yml.

Creating .gitlab-ci.yml file

Benefits of the architecture

  • If any Zabbix component stops, Docker Swarm will automatically start a new service/container.
  • We don’t need to connect to the terminal to start the environment.
  • Simple deployment.
  • Simple administration.

Questions & Answers

Question. Can such a Docker approach be used in extremely large environments?

Answer. Docker Swarm is already used to monitor extremely large environments with over 90,000 and over 50 proxies.

Question. Do you think it’s possible to set up a similar environment with Kubernetes?

Answer. I think it is possible, though scaling Zabbix with Kubernetes is more complex than with Docker Swarm. 

Building PHP Lambda functions with Docker container images

Post Syndicated from Benjamin Smith original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-php-lambda-functions-with-docker-container-images/

At re:Invent 2020, AWS announced that you can package and deploy AWS Lambda functions as container images. Packaging AWS Lambda functions as container images brings some notable benefits for developers running custom runtimes, such as PHP. This blog post explains those benefits and shows how to use the new container image support for Lambda functions to build serverless PHP applications.


Many PHP developers are familiar with building applications as containers to create a portable artifact for easier deployment. Packaging applications as containers helps to maintain consistent PHP versions, package versions, and configurations settings across multiple environments.

The new container image support for Lambda allows you to use familiar container tooling to build your applications. It also allows you to transition your applications into a serverless event-driven model. This brings the benefits of having no infrastructure to manage, automated scalability and a pay-per-use billing.

The advantages of an event-driven model for PHP applications are explained across the blog series “The serverless LAMP stack”. It explores the concepts, methods, and reasons for creating serverless applications with PHP. The architectural patterns and service limits in this blog series apply to functions packaged using both container image and zip archive formats, with some key exceptions:

Zip archive Container image
Maximum package size 250 MB 10 GB
Lambda layers Supported Include in image
Lambda Extensions Supported Include in image

Custom runtimes with container images

For custom runtimes such as PHP, Lambda provides base images containing the required Amazon Linux or Amazon Linux 2 operating system. Extend this to include your own runtime by implementing the Lambda Runtime API in a bootstrap file.

Before container image support for Lambda, a custom runtime is packaged using the .zip format. This required the developer to:

  1. Set up an Amazon Linux environment compatible with the Lambda execution environment.
  2. Install compilation dependencies and compile a version of PHP.
  3. Save the compiled PHP binary together with a bootstrap file and package as a .zip.
  4. Publish the .zip as a runtime layer.
  5. Add the runtime layer to a Lambda function.

Any edits to the custom runtime such as new packages, PHP versions, modules, or dependences require the process to be repeated. This process can be time consuming and prone to error.

Creating a custom PHP runtime using the new container image support for Lambda can simplify changing the runtime environment. Dockerfiles allow you to have a fully scripted, faster, and portable build process without setting up an Amazon Linux environment.

This GitHub repository contains a custom PHP runtime for Lambda functions packaged as a container image. The following Dockerfile uses the base image for Amazon Linux provided by AWS. The instructions perform the following:

  • Install system-wide Linux packages (zip, curl, tar).
  • Download and compile PHP.
  • Download and install composer dependency manager and dependencies.
  • Move PHP binaries, bootstrap, and vendor dependencies into a directory that Lambda can read from.
  • Set the container entrypoint.
#Lambda base image Amazon Linux
FROM public.ecr.aws/lambda/provided as builder 
# Set desired PHP Version
ARG php_version="7.3.6"
RUN yum clean all && \
    yum install -y autoconf \
                bison \
                bzip2-devel \
                gcc \
                gcc-c++ \
                git \
                gzip \
                libcurl-devel \
                libxml2-devel \
                make \
                openssl-devel \
                tar \
                unzip \

# Download the PHP source, compile, and install both PHP and Composer
RUN curl -sL https://github.com/php/php-src/archive/php-${php_version}.tar.gz | tar -xvz && \
    cd php-src-php-${php_version} && \
    ./buildconf --force && \
    ./configure --prefix=/opt/php-7-bin/ --with-openssl --with-curl --with-zlib --without-pear --enable-bcmath --with-bz2 --enable-mbstring --with-mysqli && \
    make -j 5 && \
    make install && \
    /opt/php-7-bin/bin/php -v && \
    curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | /opt/php-7-bin/bin/php -- --install-dir=/opt/php-7-bin/bin/ --filename=composer

# Prepare runtime files
# RUN mkdir -p /lambda-php-runtime/bin && \
    # cp /opt/php-7-bin/bin/php /lambda-php-runtime/bin/php
COPY runtime/bootstrap /lambda-php-runtime/
RUN chmod 0755 /lambda-php-runtime/bootstrap

# Install Guzzle, prepare vendor files
RUN mkdir /lambda-php-vendor && \
    cd /lambda-php-vendor && \
    /opt/php-7-bin/bin/php /opt/php-7-bin/bin/composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle

###### Create runtime image ######
FROM public.ecr.aws/lambda/provided as runtime
# Layer 1: PHP Binaries
COPY --from=builder /opt/php-7-bin /var/lang
# Layer 2: Runtime Interface Client
COPY --from=builder /lambda-php-runtime /var/runtime
# Layer 3: Vendor
COPY --from=builder /lambda-php-vendor/vendor /opt/vendor

COPY src/ /var/task/

CMD [ "index" ]

To deploy this Lambda function, follow the instructions in the GitHub repository.

All runtime-related instructions are saved in the Dockerfile, which makes the custom runtime simpler to manage, update, and test. You can add additional Linux packages by appending to the yum install command. To install alternative PHP versions, change the php_version argument. Import additional PHP modules by adding to the compile command.

View the complete application in the following file tree:

┣ runtime/
┃ ┗ bootstrap
┣ src/
┃ ┗ index.php
┗ Dockerfile

The Lambda function code is stored in the src directory in a file named index.php. This contains the Lambda function handler “index()”.

A bootstrap file is in the ‘runtime’ directory. This uses the Lambda runtime API to communicate with the Lambda execution environment.

The shebang hash sequence at the beginning of the bootstrap script instructs Lambda to run the file with the PHP executable, set by the Dockerfile.

All environment variables used in the bootstrap are set by the Lambda execution environment when running in the AWS Cloud. When running locally, the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator (RIE) sets these values.


Testing locally with the Lambda RIE

Using container image support for Lambda makes it easier for PHP developers to test Lambda functions locally. The previous container image example builds from the Lambda base image provided by AWS. This base image contains the Lambda RIE.

This is a proxy for Lambda’s Runtime and Extensions APIs. It acts as a lightweight web server that converts HTTP requests to JSON events and maintains functional parity with the Lambda Runtime API in the AWS Cloud. This allows developers to test functions locally using familiar tools such as cURL and the Docker CLI.

  1. Build the previous custom runtime image using the Docker build command:
    docker build -t phpmyfuntion .
  2. Run the function locally using the Docker run command, bound to port 9000:
    docker run -p 9000:8080 phpmyfuntion:latest
  3. This command starts up a local endpoint at:
  4. Post an event to this endpoint using a curl command. The Lambda function payload is provided by using the -d flag. This is a valid Json object required by the Runtime Interface Emulator:
    curl "http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" -d '{"queryStringParameters": {"name":"Ben"}}'
  5. A 200 status response is returned:

Building web applications with Bref container images

Bref is an open source runtime Lambda layer for PHP. Using the bref-fpm layer, you can build applications with traditional PHP frameworks such as Symfony and Laravel. Bref’s implementation of the FastCGI protocol returns an HTTP response instead of a JSON response. When using the zip archive format to package Lambda functions, Bref’s custom runtime is provided to the function as a Lambda layer. Functions packaged as container images do not support adding Lambda layers to the function configuration. In addition to runtime layers, Bref also provides a number of Docker images. These images use the Lambda runtime API to form a runtime interface client that communicates with the Lambda execution environment.

The following example shows how to compose a Dockerfile that uses the bref php-74-fpm container image:

# Uses PHP 74-fpm.0, as the base image
FROM bref/php-74-fpm
# download composer for dependency management
RUN curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
# install bref using composer
RUN php composer.phar require bref/bref
# copy the project files into a Location that the Lambda service can read from
COPY . /var/task
#set the function handler entry point
CMD _HANDLER=index.php /opt/bootstrap
  1. The first line sets the base image to use bref/php-74-fpm.
  2. Composer, a dependency manager for PHP is installed.
  3. Composer’s require command is used to add the bref package to the composer.json file.
  4. The project files are then copied into the /var/task directory, where the function code runs from.
  5. The function handler is set along with Bref’s bootstrap file.

The steps to build and deploy this image to the Amazon Elastic Container Registry are the same for any runtime, and explained in this announcement blog post.


The new container image support for Lambda functions allows developers to package Lambda functions of up to 10 GB in size. Using the container image format and a Dockerfile can make it easier to build and update functions with custom runtimes such as PHP.

Developers can include specific language versions, modules, and package dependencies. The Amazon Linux and Amazon Linux 2 base images give developers a starting point to customize the runtime. With the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator, it’s simpler for developers to test Lambda functions locally. PHP developers can use existing third-party images, such as bref-fpm, to create web applications in a single Lambda function.

Visit serverlessland.com for more information on building serverless PHP applications.

Optimizing Lambda functions packaged as container images

Post Syndicated from Rob Sutter original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/optimizing-lambda-functions-packaged-as-container-images/

AWS Lambda launched support for packaging and deploying functions as container images at re:Invent 2020. In this post you learn how to build container images that reduce image size as well as build, deployment, and update time. Lambda container images have unique characteristics to consider for optimization. This means that the techniques you use to optimize container images for Lambda functions are slightly different from those you use for other environments.

To understand how to optimize container images, it helps to understand how container images are packaged, as well as how the Lambda service retrieves, caches, deploys, and retires container images.

Pre-requisites and assumptions

This post assumes you have access to an IAM user or role in an AWS account and a version of the tar utility on your machine. You must also install Docker and the AWS SAM CLI and start Docker.

Lambda container image packaging

Lambda container images are packaged according to the Open Container Initiative (OCI) Image Format specification. The specification defines how programs build and package individual layers into a single container image. To explore an example of the OCI Image Format, open a terminal and perform the following steps:

  1. Create an AWS SAM application.
    sam init –name container-images
  2. Choose 1 to select an AWS quick start template, then choose 2 to select container image as the packaging format, and finally choose 9 to use the amazon-go1.x-base image.
    Image showing the suggested choices for a sam init command
  3. After the AWS SAM CLI generates the application, enter the following commands to change into the new directory and build the Lambda container image
    cd container-images
    sam build
  4. AWS SAM builds your function and packages it as helloworldfunction:go1.x-v1. Export this container image to a tar archive and extract the filesystem into a new directory to explore the image format.
    docker save helloworldfunction:go1.x-v1 &gt; oci-image.tar
    mkdir -p image
    tar xf oci-image.tar -C image

The image directory contains several subdirectories, a container metadata JSON file, a manifest JSON file, and a repositories JSON file. Each subdirectory represents a single layer, and contains a version file, its own metadata JSON file, and a tar archive of the files that make up the layer.

Image of the result of running the tree command in a terminal window

The manifest.json file contains a single JSON object with the name of the container metadata file, a list of repository tags, and a list of included layers. The list of included layers is ordered according to the build order in your Dockerfile. The metadata JSON file in each subfolder also contains a mapping from each layer to its parent layer or final container.

Your function should have layers similar to the following. A separate layer is created any time files are added to the container image. This includes FROM, RUN, ADD, and COPY statements in your Dockerfile and base image Dockerfiles. Note that the specific layer IDs, layer sizes, number, and composition of layers may change over time.

ID Size Description Your function’s Dockerfile step
5fc256be… 641 MB Amazon Linux
c73e7f67… 320 KB Third-party licenses
de5f5100… 12 KB Lambda entrypoint script
2bd3c722… 7.8 MB AWS Lambda RIE
5d9d381b… 10.0 MB AWS Lambda runtime
cb832ffc… 12 KB Bootstrap link
1fcc74e8… 560 KB Lambda runtime library FROM public.ecr.aws/lambda/go:1
acb8dall… 9.6 MB Function code COPY –from=build-image /go/bin/ /var/task/

Runtimes generate a filesystem image by destructively overlaying each image layer over its parent. This means that any changes to one layer require all child layers to be recreated. In the following example, if you change the layer cb832ffc... then the layers 1fcc74e8… and acb8da111… are also considered “dirty” and must be recreated from the new parent image. This results in a new container image with eight layers, the first five the same as the original image, and the last three newly built, each with new IDs and parents.

Representation of a container image with eight layers, one of which is updated requiring two additional child layers to be updated also.

The layered structure of container images informs several decisions you make when optimizing your container images.

Strategies for optimizing container images

There are four main strategies for optimizing your container images. First, wherever possible, use the AWS-provided base images as a starting point for your container images. Second, use multi-stage builds to avoid adding unnecessary layers and files to your final image. Third, order the operations in your Dockerfile from most stable to most frequently changing. Fourth, if your application uses one or more large layers across all of your functions, store all of your functions in a single repository.

Use AWS-provided base images

If you have experience packaging traditional applications for container runtimes, using AWS-provided base images may seem counterintuitive. The AWS-provided base images are typically larger than other minimal container base images. For example, the AWS-provided base image for the Go runtime public.ecr.aws/lambda/go:1 is 670 MB, while alpine:latest, a popular starting point for building minimal container images, is only 5.58 MB. However, using the AWS-provided base images offers three advantages.

First, the AWS-provided base images are cached pro-actively by the Lambda service. This means that the base image is either nearby in another upstream cache or already in the worker instance cache. Despite being much larger, the deployment time may still be shorter when compared to third-party base images, which may not be cached. For additional details on how the Lambda service caches container images, see the re:Invent 2021 talk Deep dive into AWS Lambda security: Function isolation.

Second, the AWS-provided base images are stable. As the base image is at the bottom layer of the container image, any changes require every other layer to be rebuilt and redeployed. Fewer changes to your base image mean fewer rebuilds and redeployments, which can reduce build cost.

Finally, the AWS-provided base images are built on Amazon Linux and Amazon Linux 2. Depending on your chosen runtime, they may already contain a number of utilities and libraries that your functions may need. This means that you do not need to add them in later, saving you from creating additional layers that can cause more build steps leading to increased costs.

Use multi-stage builds

Multi-stage builds allow you to build your code in larger preliminary images, copy only the artifacts you need into your final container image, and discard the preliminary build steps. This means you can run any arbitrarily large number of commands and add or copy files into the intermediate image, but still only create one additional layer in your container image for the artifact. This reduces both the final size and the attack surface of your container image by excluding build-time dependencies from your runtime image.

AWS SAM CLI generates Dockerfiles that use multi-stage builds.

FROM golang:1.14 as build-image
WORKDIR /go/src
COPY go.mod main.go ./
RUN go build -o ../bin

FROM public.ecr.aws/lambda/go:1
COPY --from=build-image /go/bin/ /var/task/

# Command can be overwritten by providing a different command in the template directly.
CMD ["hello-world"]

This Dockerfile defines a two-stage build. First, it pulls the golang:1.14 container image and names it build-image. Naming intermediate stages is optional, but it makes it easier to refer to previous stages when packaging your final container image. Note that the golang:1.14 image is 810 MB, is not likely to be cached by the Lambda service, and contains a number of build tools that you should not include in your production images. The build-image stage then builds your function and saves it in /go/bin.

The second and final stage begins from the public.ecr.aws/lambda/go:1 base image. This image is 670 MB, but because it is an AWS-provided image, it is more likely to be cached on worker instances. The COPY command copies the contents of /go/bin from the build-image stage into /var/task in the container image, and discards the intermediate stage.

Build from stable to frequently changing

Any time a layer in an image changes, all layers that follow must be rebuilt, repackaged, redeployed, and recached by the Lambda service. In practice, this means that you should make your most frequently occurring changes as late in your Dockerfile as possible.

For example, if you have a stable Lambda function that uses a frequently updated machine learning model to make predictions, add your function to the container image before adding the machine learning model. However, if you have a function that changes frequently but relies on a stable Lambda extension, copy the extension into the image first.

If you put the frequently changing component early in your Dockerfile, all the build steps that follow must be re-run every time that component changes. If one of those actions is costly, for example, compiling a large library or running a complex simulation, these repetitions add unnecessary time and cost to your deployment pipeline.

Use a single repository for functions with large layers

When you create an application with multiple Lambda functions, you either store the container images in a single Amazon ECR repository or in multiple repositories, one for each function. If your application uses one or more large layers across all of your functions, store all of your functions in a single repository.

ECR repositories compare each layer of a container image when it is pushed to avoid uploading and storing duplicates. If each function in your application uses the same large layer, such as a custom runtime or machine learning model, that layer is stored exactly once in a shared repository. If you use a separate repository for each function, that layer is duplicated across repositories and must be uploaded separately to each one. This costs you time and network bandwidth.


Packaging your Lambda functions as container images enables you to use familiar tooling and take advantage of larger deployment limits. In this post you learn how to build container images that reduce image size as well as build, deployment, and update time. You learn some of the unique characteristics of Lambda container images that impact optimization. Finally, you learn how to think differently about image optimization for Lambda functions when compared to packaging traditional applications for container runtimes.

For more information on how to build serverless applications, including source code, blogs, videos, and more, visit the Serverless Land website.

Evolving Container Security With Linux User Namespaces

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/evolving-container-security-with-linux-user-namespaces-afbe3308c082

By Fabio Kung, Sargun Dhillon, Andrew Spyker, Kyle, Rob Gulewich, Nabil Schear, Andrew Leung, Daniel Muino, and Manas Alekar

As previously discussed on the Netflix Tech Blog, Titus is the Netflix container orchestration system. It runs a wide variety of workloads from various parts of the company — everything from the frontend API for netflix.com, to machine learning training workloads, to video encoders. In Titus, the hosts that workloads run on are abstracted from our users. The Titus platform maintains large pools of homogenous node capacity to run user workloads, and the Titus scheduler places workloads. This abstraction allows the compute team to influence the reliability, efficiency, and operability of the fleet via the scheduler. The hosts that run workloads are called Titus “agents.” In this post, we describe how Titus agents leverage user namespaces to improve the overall security of the Titus agent fleet.

Titus’s Multi-Tenant Clusters

The Titus agent fleet appears to users as a homogenous pool of capacity. Titus internally employs a cellular bulkhead architecture for scalability, so the fleet is composed of multiple cells. Many bulkhead architectures partition their cells on tenants, where a tenant is defined as a team and their collection of applications. We do not take this approach, and instead, we partition our cells to balance load. We do this for reliability, scalability, and efficiency reasons.

Titus is a multi-tenant system, allowing multiple teams and users to run workloads on the system, and ensuring they can all co-exist while still providing guarantees about security and performance. Much of this comes down to isolation, which comes in multiple forms. These forms include performance isolation (ensuring workloads do not degrade one another’s performance), capacity isolation (ensuring that a given tenant can acquire resources when they ask for them), fault isolation (ensuring that the failure of a part of the system doesn’t cause the whole system to fail), and security isolation (ensuring that the compromise of one tenant’s workload does not affect the security of other tenants). This post focuses on our approaches to security isolation.

Secure Multi-tenancy

One of Titus’s biggest concerns with multi-tenancy is security isolation. We want to allow different kinds of containers from different tenants to run on the same instance. Security isolation in containers has been a contentious topic. Despite the risks, we’ve chosen to leverage containers as part of our security boundary. To offset the risks brought about by the container security boundary, we employ some additional protections.

The building blocks of multi-tenancy are Linux namespaces, the very technology that makes LXC, Docker, and other kinds of containers possible. For example, the PID namespace makes it so that a process can only see PIDs in its own namespace, and therefore cannot send kill signals to random processes on the host. In addition to the default Docker namespaces (mount, network, UTS, IPC, and PID), we employ user namespaces for added layers of isolation. Unfortunately, these default namespace boundaries are not sufficient to prevent container escape, as seen in CVEs like CVE-2015–2925. These vulnerabilities arise due to the complexity of interactions between namespaces, a large number of historical decisions during kernel development, and leaky abstractions like the proc filesystem in Linux. Composing these security isolation primitives correctly is difficult, so we’ve looked to other layers for additional protection.

Running many different workloads multi-tenant on a host necessitates the prevention lateral movement, a technique in which the attacker compromises a single piece of software running in a container on the system, and uses that to compromise other containers on the same system. To mitigate this, we run containers as unprivileged users — making it so that users cannot use “root.” This is important because, in Linux, UID 0 (or root’s privileges), do not come from the mere fact that the user is root, but from capabilities. These capabilities are tied to the current process’s credentials. Capabilities can be added via privilege escalation (e.g., sudo, file capabilities) or removed (e.g., setuid, or switching namespaces). Various capabilities control what the root user can do. For example, the CAP_SYS_BOOT capability controls the ability of a given user to reboot the machine. There are also more common capabilities that are granted to users like CAP_NET_RAW, which allows a process the ability to open raw sockets. A user can automatically have capabilities added when they execute specific files via file capabilities. For example, on a stock Ubuntu system, the ping command needs CAP_NET_RAW:

One of the most powerful capabilities in Linux is CAP_SYS_ADMIN, which is effectively equivalent to having superuser access. It gives the user the ability to do everything from mounting arbitrary filesystems, to accessing tracepoints that can expose vital information about the Linux kernel. Other powerful capabilities include CAP_CHOWN and CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE, which grant the capability to manipulate file permissions.

In the kernel, you’ll often see capability checks spread throughout the code, which looks something like this:

Notice this function doesn’t check if the user is root, but if the task has the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability before allowing it to execute.

Docker takes the approach of using an allow-list to define which capabilities a container receives. These can be extended or attenuated by the user. Even the default capabilities that are defined in the Docker profile can be abused in certain situations. When we looked into running workloads as unprivileged users without many of these capabilities, we found that it was a non-starter. Various pieces of software used elevated capabilities for FUSE, low-level packet monitoring, and performance tracing amongst other use cases. Programs will usually start with capabilities, perform any activities that require those capabilities, and then “drop” them when the process no longer needs them.

User Namespaces

Fortunately, Linux has a solution — User Namespaces. Let’s go back to that kernel code example earlier. The pcrlock function called the capable function to determine whether or not the task was capable. This function is defined as:

This checks if the task has this capability relative to the init_user_ns. The init_user_ns is the namespace that processes are initialially spawned in, as it’s the only user namespace that exists at kernel startup time. User namespaces are a mechanism to split up the init_user_ns UID space. The interface to set up the mappings is via a “uid_map” and “gid_map” that’s exposed via /proc. The mapping looks something like this:

This allows UIDs in user-namespaced containers to be mapped to host UIDs. A variety of translations occur, but from the container’s perspective, everything is from the perspective of the UID ranges (otherwise known as extents) that are mapped. This is powerful in a few ways:

  1. It allows you to make certain UIDs off-limits to the container — if a UID is not mapped in the user namespace to a real UID, and you try to examine a file on disk with it, it will show up as overflowuid / overflowgid, a UID and GID specified in /proc/sys to indicate that it cannot be mapped into the current working space. Also, the container cannot setuid to a UID that can access files owned by that “outside uid.”
  2. From the user namespace’s perspective, the container’s root user appears to be UID 0, and the container can use the entire range of UIDs that are mapped into that namespace.
  3. Kernel subsystems can then proceed to call ns_capable with the specific user namespace that is tied to the resource. Many capability checks are now done to a user namespace that is relative to the resource being manipulated. This, in turn, allows processes to exercise certain privileges without having any privileges in the init user namespace. Even if the mapping is the same across many different namespaces, capability checks are still done relative to a specific user namespace.

One critical aspect of understanding how permissions work is that every namespace belongs to a specific user namespace. For example, let’s look at the UTS namespace, which is responsible for controlling the hostname:

The namespace has a relationship with a particular user namespace. The ability for a user to manipulate the hostname is based on whether or not the process has the appropriate capability in that user namespace.

Let’s Get Into It

We can examine how the interaction of namespaces and users work ourselves. To set the hostname in the UTS namespace, you need to have CAP_SYS_ADMIN in its user namespace. We can see this in action here, where an unprivileged process doesn’t have permission to set the hostname:

The reason for this is that the process does not have CAP_SYS_ADMIN. According to /proc/self/status, the effective capability set of this process is empty:

Now, let’s try to set up a user namespace, and see what happens:

Immediately, you’ll notice the command prompt says the current user is root, and that the id command agrees. Can we set the hostname now?

We still cannot set the hostname. This is because the process is still in the initial UTS namespace. Let’s see if we can unshare the UTS namespace, and set the hostname:

This is now successful, and the process is in an isolated UTS namespace with the hostname “foo.” This is because the process now has all of the capabilities that a traditional root user would have, except they are relative to the new user namespace we created:

If we inspect this process from the outside, we can see that the process still runs as the unprivileged user, and the hostname in the original outside namespace hasn’t changed:

From here, we can do all sorts of things, like mount filesystems, create other new namespaces, and in fact, we can create an entire container environment. Notice how no privilege escalation mechanism was used to perform any of these actions. This approach is what some people refer to as “rootless containers.”

Road to Implementation

We began work to enable user namespaces in early 2017. At the time we had a naive model that was simpler. This simplicity was possible because we were running without user namespaces:

This approach mirrored the process layout and boundaries of contemporary container orchestration systems. We had a shared metrics daemon on the machine that reached in and polled metrics from the container. User access was done by exposing an SSH daemon, and automatically doing nsenter on the user’s behalf to drop them into the container. To expose files to the container we would use bind mounts. The same mechanism was used to expose configuration, such as secrets.

This had the benefit that much of our software could be installed in the host namespace, and only manage files in the that namespace. The container runtime management system (Titus) was then responsible for configuring Docker to expose the right files to the container via bind mounts. In addition to that, we could use our standard metrics daemons on the host.

Although this model was easy to reason about and write software for, it had several shortcomings that we addressed by shifting everything to running inside of the container’s unprivileged user namespace. The first shortcoming was that all of the host daemons now needed to be aware of the UID translation, and perform the proper setuid or chown calls to transition across the container boundary. Second, each of these transitions represented a security risk. If the SSH daemon only partially transitioned into the container namespace by changing into the container’s pid namespace, it would leave its /proc accessible. This could then be used by a malicious attacker to escape.

With user namespaces, we can improve our security posture and reduce the complexity of the system by running those daemons in the container’s unprivileged user namespace, which removes the need to cross the namespace boundaries. In turn, this removes the need to correctly implement a cross-namespace transition mechanism thus, reducing the risk of introducing container escapes.

We did this by moving aspects of the container runtime environment into the container. For example, we run an SSH daemon per container and a metrics daemon per container. These run inside of the namespaces of the container, and they have the same capabilities and lifecycle as the workloads in the container. We call this model “System Services” — one can think of it as a primordial version of pods. By the end of 2018, we had moved all of our containers to run in unprivileged user namespaces successfully.

Why is this useful?

This may seem like another level of indirection that just introduces complexity, but instead, it allows us to leverage an extremely useful concept — “unprivileged containers.” In unprivileged containers, the root user starts from a baseline in which they don’t automatically have access to the entire system. This means that DAC, MAC, and seccomp policies are now an extra layer of defense against accessing privileged aspects of the system — not the only layer. As new privileges are added, we do not have to add them to an exclusion list. This allows our users to write software where they can control low-level system details in their own containers, rather than forcing all of the complexity up into the container runtime.

Use Case: FUSE

Netflix internally uses a purpose built FUSE filesystem called MezzFS. The purpose of this filesystem is to provide access to our content for a variety of encoding tools. Most of these encoding tools are designed to interact with the POSIX filesystem API. Our Media Cloud Engineering team wanted to leverage containers for a new platform they were building, called Archer. Archer, in turn, uses MezzFS, which needs FUSE, and at the time, FUSE required that the user have CAP_SYS_ADMIN in the initial user namespace. To accommodate the use case from our internal partner, we had to run them in a dedicated cluster where they could run privileged containers.

In 2017, we worked with our partner, Kinvolk, to have patches added to the Linux kernel that allowed users to safely use FUSE from non-init user namespaces. They were able to successfully upstream these patches, and we’ve been using them in production. From our user’s perspective, we were able to seamlessly move them into an unprivileged environment that was more secure. This simplified operations, as this workload was no longer considered exceptional, and could run alongside every other workload in the general node pool. In turn, this allowed the media encoding team access to a massive amount of compute capacity from the shared clusters, and better reliability due to the homogeneous nature of the deployment.

Use Case: Unintended Privileges

Many CVEs related to granting containers unintended privileges have been released in the past few years:

CVE-2020–15257: Privilege escalation in containerd

CVE-2019–5736: Privilege escalation via overwriting host runc binary

CVE-2018–10892: Access to /proc/acpi, allowing an attacker to modify hardware configuration

There will certainly be more vulnerabilities in the future, as is to be expected in any complex, quickly evolving system. We already use the default settings offered by Docker, such as AppArmor, and seccomp, but by adding user namespaces, we can achieve a superior defense-in-depth security model. These CVEs did not affect our infrastructure because we were using user namespaces for all of our containers. The attenuation of capabilities in the init user namespace performed as intended and stopped these attacks.

The Future

There are still many bits of the Kernel that are receiving support for user namespaces or enhancements making user namespaces easier to use. Much of the work left to do is focused on filesystems and container orchestration systems themselves. Some of these changes are slated for upcoming kernel releases. Work is being done to add unprivileged mounts to overlayfs allowing for nested container builds in a user namespace with layers. Future work is going on to make the Linux kernel VFS layer natively understand ID translation. This will make user namespaces with different ID mappings able to access the same underlying filesystem by shifting UIDs through a bind mount. Our partners at Kinvolk are also working on bringing user namespaces to Kubernetes.

Today, a variety of container runtimes support user namespaces. Docker can set up machine-wide UID mappings with separate user namespaces per container, as outlined in their docs. Any OCI compliant runtime such as Containerd / runc, Podman, and systemd-nspawn support user namespaces. Various container orchestration engines also support user namespaces via their underlying container runtimes, such as Nomad and Docker Swarm.

As part of our move to Kubernetes, Netflix has been working with Kinvolk on getting user namespaces to work under Kubernetes. You can follow this work via the KEP discussion here, and Kinvolk has more information about running user namespaces under Kubernetes on their blog. We look forward to evolving container security together with the Kubernetes community.

Evolving Container Security With Linux User Namespaces was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Using container image support for AWS Lambda with AWS SAM

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/using-container-image-support-for-aws-lambda-with-aws-sam/

At AWS re:Invent 2020, AWS Lambda released Container Image Support for Lambda functions. This new feature allows developers to package and deploy Lambda functions as container images of up to 10 GB in size. With this release, AWS SAM also added support to manage, build, and deploy Lambda functions using container images.

In this blog post, I walk through building a simple serverless application that uses Lambda functions packaged as container images with AWS SAM. I demonstrate creating a new application and highlight changes to the AWS SAM template specific to container image support. I then cover building the image locally for debugging in addition to eventual deployment. Finally, I show using AWS SAM to handle packaging and deploying Lambda functions from a developer’s machine or a CI/CD pipeline.

Push to invoke lifecycle

Push to invoke lifecycle

The process for creating a Lambda function packaged as a container requires only a few steps. A developer first creates the container image and tags that image with the appropriate label. The image is then uploaded to an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository using docker push.

During the Lambda create or update process, the Lambda service pulls the image from ECR, optimizes the image for use, and deploys the image to the Lambda service. Once this, and any other configuration processes are complete, the Lambda function is then in Active status and ready to be invoked. The AWS SAM CLI manages most of these steps for you.


The following tools are required in this walkthrough:

Create the application

Use the terminal and follow these steps to create a serverless application:

  1. Enter sam init.
  2. For Template source, select option one for AWS Quick Start Templates.
  3. For Package type, choose option two for Image.
  4. For Base image, select option one for amazon/nodejs12.x-base.
  5. Name the application demo-app.
Demonstration of sam init

Demonstration of sam init

Exploring the application

Open the template.yaml file in the root of the project to see the new options available for container image support. The AWS SAM template has two new values that are required when working with container images. PackageType: Image tells AWS SAM that this function is using container images for packaging.

AWS SAM template

AWS SAM template

The second set of required data is in the Metadata section that helps AWS SAM manage the container images. When a container is created, a new tag is added to help identify that image. By default, Docker uses the tag, latest. However, AWS SAM passes an explicit tag name to help differentiate between functions. That tag name is a combination of the Lambda function resource name, and the DockerTag value found in the Metadata. Additionally, the DockerContext points to the folder containing the function code and Dockerfile identifies the name of the Dockerfile used in building the container image.

In addition to changes in the template.yaml file, AWS SAM also uses the Docker CLI to build container images. Each Lambda function has a Dockerfile that instructs Docker how to construct the container image for that function. The Dockerfile for the HelloWorldFunction is at hello-world/Dockerfile.

Local development of the application

AWS SAM provides local development support for zip-based and container-based Lambda functions. When using container-based images, as you modify your code, update the local container image using sam build. AWS SAM then calls docker build using the Dockerfile for instructions.

Dockerfile for Lambda function

Dockerfile for Lambda function

In the case of the HelloWorldFunction that uses Node.js, the Docker command:

  1. Pulls the latest container base image for nodejs12.x from the Amazon Elastic Container Registry Public.
  2. Copies the app.js code and package.json files to the container image.
  3. Installs the dependencies inside the container image.
  4. Sets the invocation handler.
  5. Creates and tags new version of the local container image.

To build your application locally on your machine, enter:

sam build

The results are:

Results for sam build

Results for sam build

Now test the code by locally invoking the HelloWorldFunction using the following command:

sam local invoke HelloWorldFunction

The results are:

Results for sam local invoke

Results for sam local invoke

You can also combine these commands and add flags for cached and parallel builds:

sam build --cached --parallel && sam local invoke HelloWorldFunction

Deploying the application

There are two ways to deploy container-based Lambda functions with AWS SAM. The first option is to deploy from AWS SAM using the sam deploy command. The deploy command tags the local container image, uploads it to ECR, and then creates or updates your Lambda function. The second method is the sam package command used in continuous integration and continuous delivery or deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, where the deployment process is separate from the artifact creation process.

AWS SAM package tags and uploads the container image to ECR but does not deploy the application. Instead, it creates a modified version of the template.yaml file with the newly created container image location. This modified template is later used to deploy the serverless application using AWS CloudFormation.

Deploying from AWS SAM with the guided flag

Before you can deploy the application, use the AWS CLI to create a new ECR repository to store the container image for the HelloWorldFunction.

Run the following command from a terminal:

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name demo-app-hello-world \
--image-tag-mutability IMMUTABLE --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true

This command creates a new ECR repository called demo-app-hello-world. The –image-tag-mutability IMMUTABLE option prevents overwriting tags. The –image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true enables automated vulnerability scanning whenever a new image is pushed to the repository. The output is:

Amazon ECR creation output

Amazon ECR creation output

Make a note of the repositoryUri as you need it in the next step.

Before you can push your images to this new repository, ensure that you have logged in to the managed Docker service that ECR provides. Update the bracketed tokens with your information and run the following command in the terminal:

aws ecr get-login-password --region <region> | docker login --username AWS \
--password-stdin <account id>.dkr.ecr.<region>.amazonaws.com

You can also install the Amazon ECR credentials helper to help facilitate Docker authentication with Amazon ECR.

After building the application locally and creating a repository for the container image, you can deploy the application. The first time you deploy an application, use the guided version of the sam deploy command and follow these steps:

  1. Type sam deploy --guided, or sam deploy -g.
  2. For Stack Name, enter demo-app.
  3. Choose the same Region that you created the ECR repository in.
  4. Enter the Image Repository for the HelloWorldFunction (this is the repositoryUri of the ECR repository).
  5. For Confirm changes before deploy and Allow SAM CLI IAM role creation, keep the defaults.
  6. For HelloWorldFunction may not have authorization defined, Is this okay? Select Y.
  7. Keep the defaults for the remaining prompts.
Results of sam deploy --guided

Results of sam deploy –guided

AWS SAM uploads the container images to the ECR repo and deploys the application. During this process, you see a changeset along with the status of the deployment. When the deployment is complete, the stack outputs are then displayed. Use the HelloWorldApi endpoint to test your application in production.

Deploy outputs

Deploy outputs

When you use the guided version, AWS SAM saves the entered data to the samconfig.toml file. For subsequent deployments with the same parameters, use sam deploy. If you want to make a change, use the guided deployment again.

This example demonstrates deploying a serverless application with a single, container-based Lambda function in it. However, most serverless applications contain more than one Lambda function. To work with an application that has more than one Lambda function, follow these steps to add a second Lambda function to your application:

  1. Copy the hello-world directory using the terminal command cp -R hello-world hola-world
  2. Replace the contents of the template.yaml file with the following
    AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
    Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
    Description: demo app
        Timeout: 3
        Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
          PackageType: Image
              Type: Api
                Path: /hello
                Method: get
          DockerTag: nodejs12.x-v1
          DockerContext: ./hello-world
          Dockerfile: Dockerfile
        Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
          PackageType: Image
              Type: Api
                Path: /hola
                Method: get
          DockerTag: nodejs12.x-v1
          DockerContext: ./hola-world
          Dockerfile: Dockerfile
        Description: "API Gateway endpoint URL for Prod stage for Hello World function"
        Value: !Sub "https://${ServerlessRestApi}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}.amazonaws.com/Prod/hello/"
        Description: "API Gateway endpoint URL for Prod stage for Hola World function"
        Value: !Sub "https://${ServerlessRestApi}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}.amazonaws.com/Prod/hola/"
  3. Replace the contents of hola-world/app.js with the following
    let response;
    exports.lambdaHandler = async(event, context) => {
        try {
            response = {
                'statusCode': 200,
                'body': JSON.stringify({
                    message: 'hola world',
        catch (err) {
            return err;
        return response
  4. Create an ECR repository for the HolaWorldFunction
    aws ecr create-repository --repository-name demo-app-hola-world \
    --image-tag-mutability IMMUTABLE --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true
  5. Run the guided deploy to add the second repository:
    sam deploy -g

The AWS SAM guided deploy process allows you to provide the information again but prepopulates the defaults with previous values. Update the following:

  1. Keep the same stack name, Region, and Image Repository for HelloWorldFunction.
  2. Use the new repository for HolaWorldFunction.
  3. For the remaining steps, use the same values from before. For Lambda functions not to have authorization defined, enter Y.
Results of sam deploy --guided

Results of sam deploy –guided

Deploying in a CI/CD pipeline

Companies use continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines to automate application deployment. Because the process is automated, using an interactive process like a guided AWS SAM deployment is not possible.

Developers can use the packaging process in AWS SAM to prepare the artifacts for deployment and produce a separate template usable by AWS CloudFormation. The package command is:

sam package --output-template-file packaged-template.yaml \
--image-repository 5555555555.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/demo-app

For multiple repositories:

sam package --output-template-file packaged-template.yaml \ 
--image-repositories HelloWorldFunction=5555555555.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/demo-app-hello-world \
--image-repositories HolaWorldFunction=5555555555.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/demo-app-hola-world

Both cases create a file called packaged-template.yaml. The Lambda functions in this template have an added tag called ImageUri that points to the ECR repository and a tag for the Lambda function.

Packaged template

Packaged template

Using sam package to generate a separate CloudFormation template enables developers to separate artifact creation from application deployment. The deployment process can then be placed in an isolated stage allowing for greater customization and observability of the pipeline.


Container image support for Lambda enables larger application artifacts and the ability to use container tooling to manage Lambda images. AWS SAM simplifies application management by bringing these tools into the serverless development workflow.

In this post, you create a container-based serverless application in using command lines in the terminal. You create ECR repositories and associate them with functions in the application. You deploy the application from your local machine and package the artifacts for separate deployment in a CI/CD pipeline.

To learn more about serverless and AWS SAM, visit the Sessions with SAM series at s12d.com/sws and find more resources at serverlessland.com.


Field Notes: Managing an Amazon EKS Cluster Using AWS CDK and Cloud Resource Property Manager

Post Syndicated from Raj Seshadri original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/field-notes-managing-an-amazon-eks-cluster-using-aws-cdk-and-cloud-resource-property-manager/

This post is contributed by Bill Kerr and Raj Seshadri

For most customers, infrastructure is hardly done with CI/CD in mind. However, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) should be a best practice for DevOps professionals when they provision cloud-native assets. Microservice apps that run inside an Amazon EKS cluster often use CI/CD, so why not the cluster and related cloud infrastructure as well?

This blog demonstrates how to spin up cluster infrastructure managed by CI/CD using CDK code and Cloud Resource Property Manager (CRPM) property files. Managing cloud resources is ultimately about managing properties, such as instance type, cluster version, etc. CRPM helps you organize all those properties by importing bite-sized YAML files, which are stitched together with CDK. It keeps all of what’s good about YAML in YAML, and places all of the logic in beautiful CDK code. Ultimately this improves productivity and reliability as it eliminates manual configuration steps.

Architecture Overview

In this architecture, we create a six node Amazon EKS cluster. The Amazon EKS cluster has a node group spanning private subnets across two Availability Zones. There are two public subnets in different Availability Zones available for use with an Elastic Load Balancer.

EKS architecture diagram

Changes to the primary (master) branch triggers a pipeline, which creates CloudFormation change sets for an Amazon EKS stack and a CI/CD stack. After human approval, the change sets are initiated (executed).

CloudFormation sets


Get ready to deploy the CloudFormation stacks with CDK

First, to get started with CDK you spin up a AWS Cloud9 environment, which gives you a code editor and terminal that runs in a web browser. Using AWS Cloud9 is optional but highly recommended since it speeds up the process.

Create a new AWS Cloud9 environment

  1. Navigate to Cloud9 in the AWS Management Console.
  2. Select Create environment.
  3. Enter a name and select Next step.
  4. Leave the default settings and select Next step again.
  5. Select Create environment.

Download and install the dependencies and demo CDK application

In a terminal, let’s review the code used in this article and install it.

# Install TypeScript globally for CDK
npm i -g typescript

# If you are running these commands in Cloud9 or already have CDK installed, then
skip this command
npm i -g aws-cdk

# Clone the demo CDK application code
git clone https://github.com/shi/crpm-eks

# Change directory
cd crpm-eks

# Install the CDK application
npm i

Create the IAM service role

When creating an EKS cluster, the IAM role that was used to create the cluster is also the role that will be able to access it afterwards.

Deploy the CloudFormation stack containing the role

Let’s deploy a CloudFormation stack containing a role that will later be used to create the cluster and also to access it. While we’re at it, let’s also add our current user ARN to the role, so that we can assume the role.

# Deploy the EKS management role CloudFormation stack
cdk deploy role --parameters AwsArn=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Arn --output text)

# It will ask, "Do you wish to deploy these changes (y/n)?"
# Enter y and then press enter to continue deploying

Notice the Outputs section that shows up in the CDK deploy results, which contains the role name and the role ARN. You will need to copy and paste the role ARN (ex. arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/eks-role-us-east-
1) from your Outputs when deploying the next stack.

Example Outputs:
role.ExportsOutputRefRoleFF41A16F = eks-role-us-east-1
role.ExportsOutputFnGetAttRoleArnED52E3F8 = arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/eksrole-us-east-1

Create the EKS cluster

Now that we have a role created, it’s time to create the cluster using that role.

Deploy the stack containing the EKS cluster in a new VPC

Expect it to take over 20 minutes for this stack to deploy.

# Deploy the EKS cluster CloudFormation stack
cdk deploy eks -r ROLE_ARN

# It will ask, "Do you wish to deploy these changes (y/n)?"
# Enter y and then press enter to continue deploying

Notice the Outputs section, which contains the cluster name (ex. eks-demo) and the UpdateKubeConfigCommand. The UpdateKubeConfigCommand is useful if you already have kubectl installed somewhere and would rather use your own to interact with the cluster instead of using Cloud9’s.

Example Outputs:
eks.ExportsOutputRefControlPlane70FAD3FA = eks-demo
eks.UpdateKubeConfigCommand = aws eks update-kubeconfig --name eks-demo --region
us-east-1 --role-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/eks-role-us-east-1
eks.FargatePodExecutionRoleArn = arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/eks-cluster-

Navigate to this page in the AWS console if you would like to see your cluster, which is now ready to use.

Configure kubectl with access to cluster

If you are following along in Cloud9, you can skip configuring kubectl.

If you prefer to use kubectl installed somewhere else, now would be a good time to configure access to the newly created cluster by running the UpdateKubeConfigCommand mentioned in the Outputs section above. It requires that you have the AWS CLI installed and configured.

aws eks update-kubeconfig --name eks-demo --region us-east-1 --role-arn

# Test access to cluster
kubectl get nodes

Leveraging Infrastructure CI/CD

Now that the VPC and cluster have been created, it’s time to turn on CI/CD. This will create a cloned copy of github.com/shi/crpm-eks in CodeCommit. Then, an AWS CloudWatch Events rule will start watching the CodeCommit repo for changes and triggering a CI/CD pipeline that builds and validates CloudFormation templates, and executes CloudFormation change sets.

Deploy the stack containing the code repo and pipeline

# Deploy the CI/CD CloudFormation stack
cdk deploy cicd

# It will ask, "Do you wish to deploy these changes (y/n)?"
# Enter y and then press enter to continue deploying

Notice the Outputs section, which contains the CodeCommit repo name (ex. eks-ci-cd). This is where the code now lives that is being watched for changes.

Example Outputs:
cicd.ExportsOutputFnGetAttLambdaRoleArn275A39EB =
cicd.ExportsOutputFnGetAttRepositoryNameC88C868A = eks-ci-cd

Review the pipeline for the first time

Navigate to this page in the AWS console and you should see a new pipeline in progress. The pipeline is automatically run for the first time when it is created, even though no changes have been made yet. Open the pipeline and scroll down to the Review stage. You’ll see that two change sets were created in parallel (one for the EKS stack and the other for the CI/CD stack).

CICD image

  • Select Review to open an approval popup where you can enter a comment.
  • Select Reject or Approve. Following the Review button, the blue link to the left of Fetch: Initial commit by AWS CodeCommit can be selected to see the infrastructure code changes that triggered the pipeline.

review screen

Go ahead and approve it.

Clone the new AWS CodeCommit repo

Now that the golden source that is being watched for changes lives in a AWS CodeCommit repo, we need to clone that repo and get rid of the repo we’ve been using up to this point.

If you are following along in AWS Cloud9, you can skip cloning the new repo because you are just going to discard the old AWS Cloud9 environment and start using a new one.

Now would be a good time to clone the newly created repo mentioned in the preceding Outputs section Next, delete the old repo that was cloned from GitHub at the beginning of this blog. You can visit this repository to get the clone URL for the repo.

Review this documentation for help with accessing your private AWS CodeCommit repo using HTTPS.

Review this documentation for help with accessing your repo using SSH.

# Clone the CDK application code (this URL assumes the us-east-1 region)
git clone https://git-codecommit.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/eks-ci-cd

# Change directory
cd eks-ci-cd

# Install the CDK application
npm i

# Remove the old repo
rm -rf ../crpm-eks

Deploy the stack containing the Cloud9 IDE with kubectl and CodeCommit repo

If you are NOT using Cloud9, you can skip this section.

To make life easy, let’s create another Cloud9 environment that has kubectl preconfigured and ready to use, and also has the new CodeCommit repo checked out and ready to edit.

# Deploy the IDE CloudFormation stack
cdk deploy ide

Configuring the new Cloud9 environment

Although kubectl and the code are now ready to use, we still have to manually configure Cloud9 to stop using AWS managed temporary credentials in order for kubectl to be able to access the cluster with the management role. Here’s how to do that and test kubectl:

1. Navigate to this page in the AWS console.
2. In Your environments, select Open IDE for the newly created environment (possibly named eks-ide).
3. Once opened, navigate at the top to AWS Cloud9 -> Preferences.
4. Expand AWS SETTINGS, and under Credentials, disable AWS managed temporary credentials by selecting the toggle button. Then, close the Preferences tab.
5. In a terminal in Cloud9, enter aws configure. Then, answer the questions by leaving them set to None and pressing enter, except for Default region name. Set the Default region name to the current region that you created everything in. The output should look similar to:

AWS Access Key ID [None]:
AWS Secret Access Key [None]:
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]:

6. Test the environment

kubectl get nodes

If everything is working properly, you should see two nodes appear in the output similar to:

NAME                           STATUS ROLES  AGE   VERSION
ip-192-168-102-69.ec2.internal Ready  <none> 4h50m v1.17.11-ekscfdc40
ip-192-168-69-2.ec2.internal   Ready  <none> 4h50m v1.17.11-ekscfdc40

You can use kubectl from this IDE to control the cluster. When you close the IDE browser window, the Cloud9 environment will automatically shutdown after 30 minutes and remain offline until the next time you reopen it from the AWS console. So, it’s a cheap way to have a kubectl terminal ready when needed.

Delete the old Cloud9 environment

If you have been following along using Cloud9 the whole time, then you should have two Cloud9 environments running at this point (one that was used to initially create everything from code in GitHub, and one that is now ready to edit the CodeCommit repo and control the cluster with kubectl). It’s now a good time to delete the old Cloud9 environment.

  1. Navigate to this page in the AWS console.
  2. In Your environments, select the radio button for the old environment (you named it when creating it) and select Delete.
  3. In the popup, enter the word Delete and select Delete.

Now you should be down to having just one AWS Cloud9 environment that was created when you deployed the ide stack.

Trigger the pipeline to change the infrastructure

Now that we have a cluster up and running that’s defined in code stored in a AWS CodeCommit repo, it’s time to make some changes:

  • We’ll commit and push the changes, which will trigger the pipeline to update the infrastructure.
  • We’ll go ahead and make one change to the cluster nodegroup and another change to the actual CI/CD build process, so that both the eks-cluster stack as well as the eks-ci-cd stack get changed.

1.     In the code that was checked out from AWS CodeCommit, open up res/compute/eks/nodegroup/props.yaml. At the bottom of the file, try changing minSize from 1 to 4, desiredSize from 2 to 6, and maxSize from 3 to 6 as seen in the following screenshot. Then, save the file and close it. The res (resource) directory is your well organized collection of resource properties files.

AWS Cloud9 screenshot

2.     Next, open up res/developer-tools/codebuild/project/props.yaml and find where it contains computeType: ‘BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL’. Try changing BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL to BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM. Then, save the file and close it.

3.     Commit and push the changes in a terminal.

cd eks-ci-cd
git add .
git commit -m "Increase nodegroup scaling config sizes and use larger build
git push

4.     Visit https://console.aws.amazon.com/codesuite/codepipeline/pipelines in the AWS console and you should see your pipeline in progress.

5.     Wait for the Review stage to become Pending.

a.       Following the Approve action box, click the blue link to the left of “Fetch: …” to see the infrastructure code changes that triggered the pipeline. You should see the two code changes you committed above.

3.     After reviewing the changes, go back and select Review to open an approval popup.

4.     In the approval popup, enter a comment and select Approve.

5.     Wait for the pipeline to finish the Deploy stage as it executes the two change sets. You can refresh the page until you see it has finished. It should take a few minutes.

6.     To see that the CodeBuild change has been made, scroll up to the Build stage of the pipeline and click on the AWS CodeBuild link as shown in the following screenshot.

AWS Codebuild screenshot

7.     Next,  select the Build details tab, and you should determine that your Compute size has been upgraded to 7 GB memory, 4 vCPUs as shown in the following screenshot.

project config


8.     By this time, the cluster nodegroup sizes are probably updated. You can confirm with kubectl in a terminal.

# Get nodes
kubectl get nodes

If everything is ready, you should see six (desired size) nodes appear in the output similar to:

NAME                            STATUS   ROLES     AGE     VERSION
ip-192-168-102-69.ec2.internal  Ready    <none>    5h42m   v1.17.11-ekscfdc40
ip-192-168-69-2.ec2.internal    Ready    <none>    5h42m   v1.17.11-ekscfdc40
ip-192-168-43-7.ec2.internal    Ready    <none>    10m     v1.17.11-ekscfdc40
ip-192-168-27-14.ec2.internal   Ready    <none>    10m     v1.17.11-ekscfdc40
ip-192-168-36-56.ec2.internal   Ready    <none>    10m     v1.17.11-ekscfdc40
ip-192-168-37-27.ec2.internal   Ready    <none>    10m     v1.17.11-ekscfdc40

Cluster is now manageable by code

You now have a cluster than can be maintained by simply making changes to code! The only resources not being managed by CI/CD in this demo, are the management role, and the optional AWS Cloud9 IDE. You can log into the AWS console and edit the role, adding other Trust relationships in the future, so others can assume the role and access the cluster.

Clean up

Do not try to delete all of the stacks at once! Wait for the stack(s) in a step to finish deleting before moving onto the next step.

1. Navigate to this page in the AWS console.
2. Delete the two IDE stacks first (the ide stack spawned another stack).
3. Delete the ci-cd stack.
4. Delete the cluster stack (this one takes a long time).
5. Delete the role stack.

Additional resources

Cloud Resource Property Manager (CRPM) is an open source project maintained by SHI, hosted on GitHub, and available through npm.


In this blog, we demonstrated how you can spin up an Amazon EKS cluster managed by CI/CD using CDK code and Cloud Resource Property Manager (CRPM) property files. Making updates to this cluster is easy as modifying the property files and updating the AWS CodePipline. Using CRPM can improve productivity and reliability because it eliminates manual configurations steps.

Field Notes provides hands-on technical guidance from AWS Solutions Architects, consultants, and technical account managers, based on their experiences in the field solving real-world business problems for customers
Bill Kerr

Bill Kerr

Bill Kerr is a senior developer at Stratascale who has worked at startup and Fortune 500 companies. He’s the creator of CRPM and he’s a super fan of CDK and cloud infrastructure automation.

Working with Lambda layers and extensions in container images

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/working-with-lambda-layers-and-extensions-in-container-images/

In this post, I explain how to use AWS Lambda layers and extensions with Lambda functions packaged and deployed as container images.

Previously, Lambda functions were packaged only as .zip archives. This includes functions created in the AWS Management Console. You can now also package and deploy Lambda functions as container images.

You can use familiar container tooling such as the Docker CLI with a Dockerfile to build, test, and tag images locally. Lambda functions built using container images can be up to 10 GB in size. You push images to an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository, a managed AWS container image registry service. You create your Lambda function, specifying the source code as the ECR image URL from the registry.

Lambda container image support

Lambda container image support

Lambda functions packaged as container images do not support adding Lambda layers to the function configuration. However, there are a number of solutions to use the functionality of Lambda layers with container images. You take on the responsible for packaging your preferred runtimes and dependencies as a part of the container image during the build process.

Understanding how Lambda layers and extensions work as .zip archives

If you deploy function code using a .zip archive, you can use Lambda layers as a distribution mechanism for libraries, custom runtimes, and other function dependencies.

When you include one or more layers in a function, during initialization, the contents of each layer are extracted in order to the /opt directory in the function execution environment. Each runtime then looks for libraries in a different location under /opt, depending on the language. You can include up to five layers per function, which count towards the unzipped deployment package size limit of 250 MB. Layers are automatically set as private, but they can be shared with other AWS accounts, or shared publicly.

Lambda Extensions are a way to augment your Lambda functions and are deployed as Lambda layers. You can use Lambda Extensions to integrate functions with your preferred monitoring, observability, security, and governance tools. You can choose from a broad set of tools provided by AWS, AWS Lambda Ready Partners, and AWS Partners, or create your own Lambda Extensions. For more information, see “Introducing AWS Lambda Extensions – In preview.”

Extensions can run in either of two modes, internal and external. An external extension runs as an independent process in the execution environment. They can start before the runtime process, and can continue after the function invocation is fully processed. Internal extensions run as part of the runtime process, in-process with your code.

Lambda searches the /opt/extensions directory and starts initializing any extensions found. Extensions must be executable as binaries or scripts. As the function code directory is read-only, extensions cannot modify function code.

It helps to understand that Lambda layers and extensions are just files copied into specific file paths in the execution environment during the function initialization. The files are read-only in the execution environment.

Understanding container images with Lambda

A container image is a packaged template built from a Dockerfile. The image is assembled or built from commands in the Dockerfile, starting from a parent or base image, or from scratch. Each command then creates a new layer in the image, which is stacked in order on top of the previous layer. Once built from the packaged template, a container image is immutable and read-only.

For Lambda, a container image includes the base operating system, the runtime, any Lambda extensions, your application code, and its dependencies. Lambda provides a set of open-source base images that you can use to build your container image. Lambda uses the image to construct the execution environment during function initialization. You can use the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) CLI or native container tools such as the Docker CLI to build and test container images locally.

Using Lambda layers in container images

Container layers are added to a container image, similar to how Lambda layers are added to a .zip archive function.

There are a number of ways to use container image layering to add the functionality of Lambda layers to your Lambda function container images.

Use a container image version of a Lambda layer

A Lambda layer publisher may have a container image format equivalent of a Lambda layer. To maintain the same file path as Lambda layers, the published container images must have the equivalent files located in the /opt directory. An image containing an extension must include the files in the /opt/extensions directory.

An example Lambda function, packaged as a .zip archive, is created with two layers. One layer contains shared libraries, and the other layer is a Lambda extension from an AWS Partner.

aws lambda create-function –region us-east-1 –function-name my-function \

aws lambda create-function --region us-east-1 --function-name my-function \  
    --role arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/lambda-role \
    --layers \
        "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:layer:shared-lib-layer:1" \
        "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:987654321987:extensions-layer:1" \

The corresponding Dockerfile syntax for a function packaged as a container image includes the following lines. These pull the container image versions of the Lambda layers and copy them into the function image. The shared library image is pulled from ECR and the extension image is pulled from Docker Hub.

FROM public.ecr.aws/myrepo/shared-lib-layer:1 AS shared-lib-layer
# Layer code
COPY --from=shared-lib-layer /opt/ .

FROM aws-partner/extensions-layer:1 as extensions-layer
# Extension  code
WORKDIR /opt/extensions
COPY --from=extensions-layer /opt/extensions/ .

Copy the contents of a Lambda layer into a container image

You can use existing Lambda layers, and copy the contents of the layers into the function container image /opt directory during docker build.

You need to build a Dockerfile that includes the AWS Command Line Interface to copy the layer files from Amazon S3.

The Dockerfile to add two layers into a single image includes the following lines to copy the Lambda layer contents.

FROM alpine:latest


RUN apk add aws-cli curl unzip

RUN mkdir -p /opt

RUN curl $(aws lambda get-layer-version-by-arn --arn arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:1234567890123:layer:shared-lib-layer:1 --query 'Content.Location' --output text) --output layer.zip
RUN unzip layer.zip -d /opt
RUN rm layer.zip

RUN curl $(aws lambda get-layer-version-by-arn --arn arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:987654321987:extensions-layer:1 --query 'Content.Location' --output text) --output layer.zip
RUN unzip layer.zip -d /opt
RUN rm layer.zip

To run the AWS CLI, specify your AWS_ACCESS_KEY, and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and include the required AWS_DEFAULT_REGION as command-line arguments.

docker build . -t layer-image1:latest \
--build-arg AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 \

This creates a container image containing the existing Lambda layer and extension files. This can be pushed to ECR and used in a function.

Build a container image from a Lambda layer

You can repackage and publish Lambda layer file content as container images. Creating separate container images for different layers allows you to add them to multiple functions, and share them in a similar way as Lambda layers.

You can create a separate container image containing the files from a single layer, or combine the files from multiple layers into a single image. If you create separate container images for layer files, you then add these images into your function image.

There are two ways to manage language code dependencies. You can pre-build the dependencies and copy the files into the container image, or build the dependencies during docker build.

In this example, I migrate an existing Python application. This comprises a Lambda function and extension, from a .zip archive to separate function and extension container images. The extension writes logs to S3.

You can choose how to store images in repositories. You can either push both images to the same ECR repository with different image tags, or push to different repositories. In this example, I use separate ECR repositories.

To set up the example, visit the GitHub repo and follow the instructions in the README.md file.

The existing example extension uses a makefile to install boto3 using pip install with a requirements.txt file. This is migrated to the docker build process. I must add a Python runtime to be able to run pip install as part of the build process. I use python:3.8-alpine as a minimal base image.

I create separate Dockerfiles for the function and extension. The extension Dockerfile contains the following lines.

FROM python:3.8-alpine AS installer
#Layer Code
COPY extensionssrc /opt/
COPY extensionssrc/requirements.txt /opt/
RUN pip install -r /opt/requirements.txt -t /opt/extensions/lib

FROM scratch AS base
WORKDIR /opt/extensions
COPY --from=installer /opt/extensions .

I build, tag, login, and push the extension container image to an existing ECR repository.

docker build -t log-extension-image:latest  .
docker tag log-extension-image:latest 123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/log-extension-image:latest
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin 123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
docker push 123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/log-extension-image:latest

The function Dockerfile contains the following lines, which add the files from the previously created extension image to the function image. There is no need to run pip install for the function as it does not require any additional dependencies.

FROM 123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/log-extension-image:latest AS layer
FROM public.ecr.aws/lambda/python:3.8
# Layer code
COPY --from=layer /opt/ .
# Function code
WORKDIR /var/task
COPY app.py .
CMD ["app.lambda_handler"]

I build, tag, and push the function container image to a separate existing ECR repository. This creates an immutable image of the Lambda function.

docker build -t log-extension-function:latest  .
docker tag log-extension-function:latest 123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/log-extension-function:latest
docker push 123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/log-extension-function:latest

The function requires a unique S3 bucket to store the logs files, which I create in the S3 console. I create a Lambda function from the ECR repository image, and specify the bucket name as a Lambda environment variable.

aws lambda create-function --region us-east-1  --function-name log-extension-function \
--package-type Image --code ImageUri=123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/log-extension-function:latest \
--role "arn:aws:iam:: 123456789012:role/lambda-role" \
--environment  "Variables": {"S3_BUCKET_NAME": "s3-logs-extension-demo-logextensionsbucket-us-east-1"}

For subsequent extension code changes, I need to update both the extension and function images. If only the function code changes, I need to update the function image. I push the function image as the :latest image to ECR. I then update the function code deployment to use the updated :latest ECR image.

aws lambda update-function-code --function-name log-extension-function --image-uri 123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/log-extension-function:latest

Using custom runtimes with container images

With .zip archive functions, custom runtimes are added using Lambda layers. With container images, you no longer need to copy in Lambda layer code for custom runtimes.

You can build your own custom runtime images starting with AWS provided base images for custom runtimes. You can add your preferred runtime, dependencies, and code to these images. To communicate with Lambda, the image must implement the Lambda Runtime API. We provide Lambda runtime interface clients for all supported runtimes, or you can implement your own for additional runtimes.

Running extensions in container images

A Lambda extension running in a function packaged as a container image works in the same way as a .zip archive function. You build a function container image including the extension files, or adding an extension image layer. Lambda looks for any external extensions in the /opt/extensions directory and starts initializing them. Extensions must be executable as binaries or scripts.

Internal extensions modify the Lambda runtime startup behavior using language-specific environment variables, or wrapper scripts. For language-specific environment variables, you can set the following environment variables in your function configuration to augment the runtime command line.

  • JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS (Java Corretto 8 and 11)
  • NODE_OPTIONS (Node.js 10 and 12)

An example Lambda environment variable for JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS:


Wrapper scripts delegate the runtime start-up to a script. The script can inject and alter arguments, set environment variables, or capture metrics, errors, and other diagnostic information. The following runtimes support wrapper scripts: Node.js 10 and 12, Python 3.8, Ruby 2.7, Java 8 and 11, and .NET Core 3.1

You specify the script by setting the value of the AWS_LAMBDA_EXEC_WRAPPER environment variable as the file system path of an executable binary or script, for example:



You can now package and deploy Lambda functions as container images in addition to .zip archives. Lambda functions packaged as container images do not directly support adding Lambda layers to the function configuration as .zip archives do.

In this post, I show a number of solutions to use the functionality of Lambda layers and extensions with container images, including example Dockerfiles.

I show how to migrate an existing Lambda function and extension from a .zip archive to separate function and extension container images. Follow the instructions in the README.md file in the GitHub repository.

For more serverless learning resources, visit https://serverlessland.com.

New for AWS Lambda – Container Image Support

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-for-aws-lambda-container-image-support/

With AWS Lambda, you upload your code and run it without thinking about servers. Many customers enjoy the way this works, but if you’ve invested in container tooling for your development workflows, it’s not easy to use the same approach to build applications using Lambda.

To help you with that, you can now package and deploy Lambda functions as container images of up to 10 GB in size. In this way, you can also easily build and deploy larger workloads that rely on sizable dependencies, such as machine learning or data intensive workloads. Just like functions packaged as ZIP archives, functions deployed as container images benefit from the same operational simplicity, automatic scaling, high availability, and native integrations with many services.

We are providing base images for all the supported Lambda runtimes (Python, Node.js, Java, .NET, Go, Ruby) so that you can easily add your code and dependencies. We also have base images for custom runtimes based on Amazon Linux that you can extend to include your own runtime implementing the Lambda Runtime API.

You can deploy your own arbitrary base images to Lambda, for example images based on Alpine or Debian Linux. To work with Lambda, these images must implement the Lambda Runtime API. To make it easier to build your own base images, we are releasing Lambda Runtime Interface Clients implementing the Runtime API for all supported runtimes. These implementations are available via native package managers, so that you can easily pick them up in your images, and are being shared with the community using an open source license.

We are also releasing as open source a Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator that enables you to perform local testing of the container image and check that it will run when deployed to Lambda. The Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator is included in all AWS-provided base images and can be used with arbitrary images as well.

Your container images can also use the Lambda Extensions API to integrate monitoring, security and other tools with the Lambda execution environment.

To deploy a container image, you select one from an Amazon Elastic Container Registry repository. Let’s see how this works in practice with a couple of examples, first using an AWS-provided image for Node.js, and then building a custom image for Python.

Using the AWS-Provided Base Image for Node.js
Here’s the code (app.js) for a simple Node.js Lambda function generating a PDF file using the PDFKit module. Each time it is invoked, it creates a new mail containing random data generated by the faker.js module. The output of the function is using the syntax of the Amazon API Gateway to return the PDF file.

const PDFDocument = require('pdfkit');
const faker = require('faker');
const getStream = require('get-stream');

exports.lambdaHandler = async (event) => {

    const doc = new PDFDocument();

    const randomName = faker.name.findName();

    doc.text(randomName, { align: 'right' });
    doc.text(faker.address.streetAddress(), { align: 'right' });
    doc.text(faker.address.secondaryAddress(), { align: 'right' });
    doc.text(faker.address.zipCode() + ' ' + faker.address.city(), { align: 'right' });
    doc.text('Dear ' + randomName + ',');
    for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    doc.text(faker.name.findName(), { align: 'right' });

    pdfBuffer = await getStream.buffer(doc);
    pdfBase64 = pdfBuffer.toString('base64');

    const response = {
        statusCode: 200,
        headers: {
            'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(pdfBase64),
            'Content-Type': 'application/pdf',
            'Content-disposition': 'attachment;filename=test.pdf'
        isBase64Encoded: true,
        body: pdfBase64
    return response;

I use npm to initialize the package and add the three dependencies I need in the package.json file. In this way, I also create the package-lock.json file. I am going to add it to the container image to have a more predictable result.

$ npm init
$ npm install pdfkit
$ npm install faker
$ npm install get-stream

Now, I create a Dockerfile to create the container image for my Lambda function, starting from the AWS provided base image for the nodejs12.x runtime:

FROM amazon/aws-lambda-nodejs:12
COPY app.js package*.json ./
RUN npm install
CMD [ "app.lambdaHandler" ]

The Dockerfile is adding the source code (app.js) and the files describing the package and the dependencies (package.json and package-lock.json) to the base image. Then, I run npm to install the dependencies. I set the CMD to the function handler, but this could also be done later as a parameter override when configuring the Lambda function.

I use the Docker CLI to build the random-letter container image locally:

$ docker build -t random-letter .

To check if this is working, I start the container image locally using the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator:

$ docker run -p 9000:8080 random-letter:latest

Now, I test a function invocation with cURL. Here, I am passing an empty JSON payload.

$ curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" -d '{}'

If there are errors, I can fix them locally. When it works, I move to the next step.

To upload the container image, I create a new ECR repository in my account and tag the local image to push it to ECR. To help me identify software vulnerabilities in my container images, I enable ECR image scanning.

$ aws ecr create-repository --repository-name random-letter --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true
$ docker tag random-letter:latest 123412341234.dkr.ecr.sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/random-letter:latest
$ aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin 123412341234.dkr.ecr.sa-east-1.amazonaws.com
$ docker push 123412341234.dkr.ecr.sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/random-letter:latest

Here I am using the AWS Management Console to complete the creation of the function. You can also use the AWS Serverless Application Model, that has been updated to add support for container images.

In the Lambda console, I click on Create function. I select Container image, give the function a name, and then Browse images to look for the right image in my ECR repositories.

Screenshot of the console.

After I select the repository, I use the latest image I uploaded. When I select the image, the Lambda is translating that to the underlying image digest (on the right of the tag in the image below). You can see the digest of your images locally with the docker images --digests command. In this way, the function is using the same image even if the latest tag is passed to a newer one, and you are protected from unintentional deployments. You can update the image to use in the function code. Updating the function configuration has no impact on the image used, even if the tag was reassigned to another image in the meantime.

Screenshot of the console.

Optionally, I can override some of the container image values. I am not doing this now, but in this way I can create images that can be used for different functions, for example by overriding the function handler in the CMD value.

Screenshot of the console.

I leave all other options to their default and select Create function.

When creating or updating the code of a function, the Lambda platform optimizes new and updated container images to prepare them to receive invocations. This optimization takes a few seconds or minutes, depending on the size of the image. After that, the function is ready to be invoked. I test the function in the console.

Screenshot of the console.

It’s working! Now let’s add the API Gateway as trigger. I select Add Trigger and add the API Gateway using an HTTP API. For simplicity, I leave the authentication of the API open.

Screenshot of the console.

Now, I click on the API endpoint a few times and download a few random mails.

Screenshot of the console.

It works as expected! Here are a few of the PDF files that are generated with random data from the faker.js module.

Output of the sample application.


Building a Custom Image for Python
Sometimes you need to use your custom container images, for example to follow your company guidelines or to use a runtime version that we don’t support.

In this case, I want to build an image to use Python 3.9. The code (app.py) of my function is very simple, I just want to say hello and the version of Python that is being used.

import sys
def handler(event, context): 
    return 'Hello from AWS Lambda using Python' + sys.version + '!'

As I mentioned before, we are sharing with you open source implementations of the Lambda Runtime Interface Clients (which implement the Runtime API) for all the supported runtimes. In this case, I start with a Python image based on Alpine Linux. Then, I add the Lambda Runtime Interface Client for Python (link coming soon) to the image. Here’s the Dockerfile:

# Define global args
ARG FUNCTION_DIR="/home/app/"

# Stage 1 - bundle base image + runtime
# Grab a fresh copy of the image and install GCC
FROM python:${RUNTIME_VERSION}-alpine${DISTRO_VERSION} AS python-alpine
# Install GCC (Alpine uses musl but we compile and link dependencies with GCC)
RUN apk add --no-cache \

# Stage 2 - build function and dependencies
FROM python-alpine AS build-image
# Install aws-lambda-cpp build dependencies
RUN apk add --no-cache \
    build-base \
    libtool \
    autoconf \
    automake \
    libexecinfo-dev \
    make \
    cmake \
# Include global args in this stage of the build
# Create function directory
RUN mkdir -p ${FUNCTION_DIR}
# Copy handler function
# Optional – Install the function's dependencies
# RUN python${RUNTIME_VERSION} -m pip install -r requirements.txt --target ${FUNCTION_DIR}
# Install Lambda Runtime Interface Client for Python
RUN python${RUNTIME_VERSION} -m pip install awslambdaric --target ${FUNCTION_DIR}

# Stage 3 - final runtime image
# Grab a fresh copy of the Python image
FROM python-alpine
# Include global arg in this stage of the build
# Set working directory to function root directory
# Copy in the built dependencies
COPY --from=build-image ${FUNCTION_DIR} ${FUNCTION_DIR}
# (Optional) Add Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator and use a script in the ENTRYPOINT for simpler local runs
COPY https://github.com/aws/aws-lambda-runtime-interface-emulator/releases/latest/download/aws-lambda-rie /usr/bin/aws-lambda-rie
RUN chmod 755 /usr/bin/aws-lambda-rie
COPY entry.sh /
ENTRYPOINT [ "/entry.sh" ]
CMD [ "app.handler" ]

The Dockerfile this time is more articulated, building the final image in three stages, following the Docker best practices of multi-stage builds. You can use this three-stage approach to build your own custom images:

  • Stage 1 is building the base image with the runtime, Python 3.9 in this case, plus GCC that we use to compile and link dependencies in stage 2.
  • Stage 2 is installing the Lambda Runtime Interface Client and building function and dependencies.
  • Stage 3 is creating the final image adding the output from stage 2 to the base image built in stage 1. Here I am also adding the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator, but this is optional, see below.

I create the entry.sh script below to use it as ENTRYPOINT. It executes the Lambda Runtime Interface Client for Python. If the execution is local, the Runtime Interface Client is wrapped by the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator.

if [ -z "${AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API}" ]; then
    exec /usr/bin/aws-lambda-rie /usr/local/bin/python -m awslambdaric
    exec /usr/local/bin/python -m awslambdaric

Now, I can use the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator to check locally if the function and the container image are working correctly:

$ docker run -p 9000:8080 lambda/python:3.9-alpine3.12

Not Including the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator in the Container Image
It’s optional to add the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator to a custom container image. If I don’t include it, I can test locally by installing the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator in my local machine following these steps:

  • In Stage 3 of the Dockerfile, I remove the commands copying the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator (aws-lambda-rie) and the entry.sh script. I don’t need the entry.sh script in this case.
  • I use this ENTRYPOINT to start by default the Lambda Runtime Interface Client:
    ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/local/bin/python", “-m”, “awslambdaric” ]
  • I run these commands to install the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator in my local machine, for example under ~/.aws-lambda-rie:
mkdir -p ~/.aws-lambda-rie
curl -Lo ~/.aws-lambda-rie/aws-lambda-rie https://github.com/aws/aws-lambda-runtime-interface-emulator/releases/latest/download/aws-lambda-rie
chmod +x ~/.aws-lambda-rie/aws-lambda-rie

When the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator is installed on my local machine, I can mount it when starting the container. The command to start the container locally now is (assuming the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator is at ~/.aws-lambda-rie):

docker run -d -v ~/.aws-lambda-rie:/aws-lambda -p 9000:8080 \
       --entrypoint /aws-lambda/aws-lambda-rie lambda/python:3.9-alpine3.12
       /lambda-entrypoint.sh app.handler

Testing the Custom Image for Python
Either way, when the container is running locally, I can test a function invocation with cURL:

curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" -d '{}'

The output is what I am expecting!

"Hello from AWS Lambda using Python3.9.0 (default, Oct 22 2020, 05:03:39) \n[GCC 9.3.0]!"

I push the image to ECR and create the function as before. Here’s my test in the console:

Screenshot of the console.

My custom container image based on Alpine is running Python 3.9 on Lambda!

Available Now
You can use container images to deploy your Lambda functions today in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Europe (Ireland), Europe (Frankfurt), South America (São Paulo). We are working to add support in more Regions soon. The container image support is offered in addition to ZIP archives and we will continue to support the ZIP packaging format.

There are no additional costs to use this feature. You pay for the ECR repository and the usual Lambda pricing.

You can use container image support in AWS Lambda with the console, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), AWS SDKs, AWS Serverless Application Model, and solutions from AWS Partners, including Aqua Security, Datadog, Epsagon, HashiCorp Terraform, Honeycomb, Lumigo, Pulumi, Stackery, Sumo Logic, and Thundra.

This new capability opens up new scenarios, simplifies the integration with your development pipeline, and makes it easier to use custom images and your favorite programming platforms to build serverless applications.

Learn more and start using container images with AWS Lambda.


Preview: AWS Proton – Automated Management for Container and Serverless Deployments

Post Syndicated from Alex Casalboni original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/preview-aws-proton-automated-management-for-container-and-serverless-deployments/

Today, we are excited to announce the public preview of AWS Proton, a new service that helps you automate and manage infrastructure provisioning and code deployments for serverless and container-based applications.

Maintaining hundreds – or sometimes thousands – of microservices with constantly changing infrastructure resources and configurations is a challenging task for even the most capable teams.

AWS Proton enables infrastructure teams to define standard templates centrally and make them available for developers in their organization. This allows infrastructure teams to manage and update infrastructure without impacting developer productivity.

How AWS Proton Works
The process of defining a service template involves the definition of cloud resources, continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, and observability tools. AWS Proton will integrate with commonly used CI/CD pipelines and observability tools such as CodePipeline and CloudWatch. It also provides curated templates that follow AWS best practices for common use cases such as web services running on AWS Fargate or stream processing apps built on AWS Lambda.

Infrastructure teams can visualize and manage the list of service templates in the AWS Management Console.

This is what the list of templates looks like.

AWS Proton also collects information about the deployment status of the application such as the last date it was successfully deployed. When a template changes, AWS Proton identifies all the existing applications using the old version and allows infrastructure teams to upgrade them to the most recent definition, while monitoring application health during the upgrade so it can be rolled-back in case of issues.

This is what a service template looks like, with its versions and running instances.

Once service templates have been defined, developers can select and deploy services in a self-service fashion. AWS Proton will take care of provisioning cloud resources, deploying the code, and health monitoring, while providing visibility into the status of all the deployed applications and their pipelines.

This way, developers can focus on building and shipping application code for serverless and container-based applications without having to learn, configure, and maintain the underlying resources.

This is what the list of deployed services looks like.

Available in Preview
AWS Proton is now available in preview in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and Europe (Ireland); it’s free of charge, as you only pay for the underlying services and resources. Check out the technical documentation.

You can get started using the AWS Management Console here.


Amazon Elastic Container Registry Public: A New Public Container Registry

Post Syndicated from Martin Beeby original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-ecr-public-a-new-public-container-registry/

In November, we announced that we intended to create a public container registry, and today at AWS re:Invent, we followed through on that promise and launched Amazon Elastic Container Registry Public (ECR Public).

ECR Public allows you to store, manage, share, and deploy container images for anyone to discover and download globally. You have long been able to host private container images on AWS with Amazon Elastic Container Registry, and now with the release of ECR Public, you can host public ones too, enabling anyone (with or without an AWS account) to browse and pull your published container artifacts.

As part of the announcement, a new website allows you to browse and search for public container images, view developer provided details, and discover the commands you need to pull containers.

If you check the website out now, you will see we have hosted some of our container images on the registry, including including the Amazon EKS Distro images. We also have hundreds of images from partners such as Bitnami, Canonical and HashiCorp.

Publishing A Container
Before I can upload a container, I need to create a repository. There is now a Public tab in the Repositories section of the Elastic Container Registry console. In this tab, I click the button Create repository.

I am taken to the Create repository screen, where I select that I would like the repository to be public.

I give my repository the name news-blog and upload a logo that will be used on the gallery details page. I provide a description and select Linux as the Content type, There is also an option to select the CPU architectures that the image supports, if you have a multi-architecture image you can select more than one architecture type. The content types are used for filtering on the gallery website, this will enable people using the gallery to filter their searches by architecture and operating system support.

I enter some markdown in the About section. The text I enter here will be displayed on the gallery page and would ordinarily explain what’s included in the repository, any licensing details, or other relevant information. There is also a Usage section where I enter some sample text to explain how to use my image and that I created the repository for a demo. Finally, I click Create repository.

Back at the repository page, I now have one public repository. There is also a button that says View push commands. I click on this so I can learn more about how to push containers to the repository.

I follow the four steps contained in this section. The first step helps me authenticate with ECR Public so that I can push containers to my repository. Steps two, three, and four show me how to build, tag, and push my container to ECR Public.

The application that I have containerized is a simple app that runs and outputs a terminal message. I use the docker CLI to push my container to my repository, it’s quite a small container, so it only takes a minute or two.

Once complete, I head over to the ECR Public gallery and can see that my image is now publicly available for anyone to pull.

Pulling A Container
You pull containers from ECR Public using the familiar docker pull command with the URL of the image.

You can easily find this URL on the ECR Public website, where the image URL is displayed along with other published information. Clicking on the URL copies the image URL to your clipboard for an easy copy-paste.

ECR Public image URLs are in the format public.ecr.aws/<namespace>/<image>:<tag>

For example, if I wanted to pull the image I uploaded earlier, I would open my terminal and run the following command (please note: you will need docker installed locally to run these commands).

docker pull public.ecr.aws/r6g9m2o3/news-blog:latest

I have now download the Docker Image onto my machine, and I can run the container using the following command:

docker run public.ecr.aws/r6g9m2o3/news-blog:latest

My application runs and writes a message from Jeff Barr. If you are wondering about the switches and parameters I have used on my docker run command, it’s to make sure that the log is written in color because we wouldn’t want to miss out on Jeff’s glorious purple hair.

Nice to Know
ECR Public automatically replicates container images across two AWS Regions to reduce download times and improve availability. Therefore, using public images directly from ECR Public may simplify your build process if you were previously creating and managing local copies. ECR Public caches image layers in Amazon CloudFront, to improve pull performance for a global audience, especially for popular images.

ECR Public also has some nice integrations that will make working with containers easier on AWS. For example, ECR Public will automatically notify services such as AWS CodeBuild to rebuild an application when a public container image changes.

All AWS customers will get 50 GB of free storage each month, and if you exceed that limit, you will pay nominal charges. Check out the pricing page for details.

Anyone who pulls images anonymously will get 500 GB of free data bandwidth each month, after which they can sign up or sign in to an AWS account to get more. Simply authenticating with an AWS account increases free data bandwidth up to 5 TB each month when pulling images from the internet.

Finally, workloads running in AWS will get unlimited data bandwidth from any region when pulling publicly shared images from ECR Public.

Verification and Namespaces
You can create a custom namespace such as your organization or project name to be used in a ECR Public URL subdomain unless it’s a reserved namespace. Namespaces such as sagemaker and eks that identify AWS services are reserved. Namespaces that identify AWS Marketplace sellers are also reserved.

Available Today
ECR Public is available today and you can find out more over on the product page. Visit the gallery to explore and use available public container software and log into the ECR Console to share containers publicly.

Happy Containerizing!

— Martin

Automate thousands of mainframe tests on AWS with the Micro Focus Enterprise Suite

Post Syndicated from Kevin Yung original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/automate-mainframe-tests-on-aws-with-micro-focus/

Micro Focus – AWS Advanced Technology Parnter, they are a global infrastructure software company with 40 years of experience in delivering and supporting enterprise software.

We have seen mainframe customers often encounter scalability constraints, and they can’t support their development and test workforce to the scale required to support business requirements. These constraints can lead to delays, reduce product or feature releases, and make them unable to respond to market requirements. Furthermore, limits in capacity and scale often affect the quality of changes deployed, and are linked to unplanned or unexpected downtime in products or services.

The conventional approach to address these constraints is to scale up, meaning to increase MIPS/MSU capacity of the mainframe hardware available for development and testing. The cost of this approach, however, is excessively high, and to ensure time to market, you may reject this approach at the expense of quality and functionality. If you’re wrestling with these challenges, this post is written specifically for you.

To accompany this post, we developed an AWS prescriptive guidance (APG) pattern for developer instances and CI/CD pipelines: Mainframe Modernization: DevOps on AWS with Micro Focus.

Overview of solution

In the APG, we introduce DevOps automation and AWS CI/CD architecture to support mainframe application development. Our solution enables you to embrace both Test Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior Driven Development (BDD). Mainframe developers and testers can automate the tests in CI/CD pipelines so they’re repeatable and scalable. To speed up automated mainframe application tests, the solution uses team pipelines to run functional and integration tests frequently, and uses systems test pipelines to run comprehensive regression tests on demand. For more information about the pipelines, see Mainframe Modernization: DevOps on AWS with Micro Focus.

In this post, we focus on how to automate and scale mainframe application tests in AWS. We show you how to use AWS services and Micro Focus products to automate mainframe application tests with best practices. The solution can scale your mainframe application CI/CD pipeline to run thousands of tests in AWS within minutes, and you only pay a fraction of your current on-premises cost.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

Mainframe DevOps On AWS Architecture Overview, on the left is the conventional mainframe development environment, on the left is the CI/CD pipelines for mainframe tests in AWS

Figure: Mainframe DevOps On AWS Architecture Overview


Best practices

Before we get into the details of the solution, let’s recap the following mainframe application testing best practices:

  • Create a “test first” culture by writing tests for mainframe application code changes
  • Automate preparing and running tests in the CI/CD pipelines
  • Provide fast and quality feedback to project management throughout the SDLC
  • Assess and increase test coverage
  • Scale your test’s capacity and speed in line with your project schedule and requirements

Automated smoke test

In this architecture, mainframe developers can automate running functional smoke tests for new changes. This testing phase typically “smokes out” regression of core and critical business functions. You can achieve these tests using tools such as py3270 with x3270 or Robot Framework Mainframe 3270 Library.

The following code shows a feature test written in Behave and test step using py3270:

# home_loan_calculator.feature
Feature: calculate home loan monthly repayment
  the bankdemo application provides a monthly home loan repayment caculator 
  User need to input into transaction of home loan amount, interest rate and how many years of the loan maturity.
  User will be provided an output of home loan monthly repayment amount

  Scenario Outline: As a customer I want to calculate my monthly home loan repayment via a transaction
      Given home loan amount is <amount>, interest rate is <interest rate> and maturity date is <maturity date in months> months 
       When the transaction is submitted to the home loan calculator
       Then it shall show the monthly repayment of <monthly repayment>

    Examples: Homeloan
      | amount  | interest rate | maturity date in months | monthly repayment |
      | 1000000 | 3.29          | 300                     | $4894.31          |


# home_loan_calculator_steps.py
import sys, os
from py3270 import Emulator
from behave import *

@given("home loan amount is {amount}, interest rate is {rate} and maturity date is {maturity_date} months")
def step_impl(context, amount, rate, maturity_date):
    context.home_loan_amount = amount
    context.interest_rate = rate
    context.maturity_date_in_months = maturity_date

@when("the transaction is submitted to the home loan calculator")
def step_impl(context):
    # Setup connection parameters
    tn3270_host = os.getenv('TN3270_HOST')
    tn3270_port = os.getenv('TN3270_PORT')
	# Setup TN3270 connection
    em = Emulator(visible=False, timeout=120)
    em.connect(tn3270_host + ':' + tn3270_port)
	# Screen login
    em.fill_field(10, 44, 'b0001', 5)
	# Input screen fields for home loan calculator
    em.fill_field(8, 46, context.home_loan_amount, 7)
    em.fill_field(10, 46, context.interest_rate, 7)
    em.fill_field(12, 46, context.maturity_date_in_months, 7)

    # collect monthly replayment output from screen
    context.monthly_repayment = em.string_get(14, 46, 9)

@then("it shall show the monthly repayment of {amount}")
def step_impl(context, amount):
    print("expected amount is " + amount.strip() + ", and the result from screen is " + context.monthly_repayment.strip())
assert amount.strip() == context.monthly_repayment.strip()

To run this functional test in Micro Focus Enterprise Test Server (ETS), we use AWS CodeBuild.

We first need to build an Enterprise Test Server Docker image and push it to an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) registry. For instructions, see Using Enterprise Test Server with Docker.

Next, we create a CodeBuild project and uses the Enterprise Test Server Docker image in its configuration.

The following is an example AWS CloudFormation code snippet of a CodeBuild project that uses Windows Container and Enterprise Test Server:

    Type: AWS::CodeBuild::Project
      Name: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}BddTestBankDemo'
          Status: ENABLED
        Type: CODEPIPELINE
        EncryptionDisabled: true
        ComputeType: BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE
        Image: !Sub "${EnterpriseTestServerDockerImage}:latest"
        ImagePullCredentialsType: SERVICE_ROLE
      ServiceRole: !Ref CodeBuildRole
        Type: CODEPIPELINE
        BuildSpec: bdd-test-bankdemo-buildspec.yaml

In the CodeBuild project, we need to create a buildspec to orchestrate the commands for preparing the Micro Focus Enterprise Test Server CICS environment and issue the test command. In the buildspec, we define the location for CodeBuild to look for test reports and upload them into the CodeBuild report group. The following buildspec code uses custom scripts DeployES.ps1 and StartAndWait.ps1 to start your CICS region, and runs Python Behave BDD tests:

version: 0.2
      - |
        # Run Command to start Enterprise Test Server
        CD C:\

        py -m pip install behave

        Write-Host "waiting for server to be ready ..."
        do {
          Write-Host "..."
          sleep 3  
        } until(Test-NetConnection -Port 9270 | ? { $_.TcpTestSucceeded } )

        CD C:\tests\features
        MD C:\tests\reports
        $Env:Path += ";c:\wc3270"

        $address=(Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily Ipv4 | where { $_.IPAddress -Match "172\.*" })
        $Env:TN3270_HOST = $address.IPAddress
        $Env:TN3270_PORT = "9270"
        behave.exe --color --junit --junit-directory C:\tests\reports
      - '**/*'
    base-directory: "C:\\tests\\reports"

In the smoke test, the team may run both unit tests and functional tests. Ideally, these tests are better to run in parallel to speed up the pipeline. In AWS CodePipeline, we can set up a stage to run multiple steps in parallel. In our example, the pipeline runs both BDD tests and Robot Framework (RPA) tests.

The following CloudFormation code snippet runs two different tests. You use the same RunOrder value to indicate the actions run in parallel.

        - Name: Tests
            - Name: RunBDDTest
                Category: Build
                Owner: AWS
                Provider: CodeBuild
                Version: 1
                ProjectName: !Ref BddTestBankDemoStage
                PrimarySource: Config
                - Name: DemoBin
                - Name: Config
              RunOrder: 1
            - Name: RunRbTest
                Category: Build
                Owner: AWS
                Provider: CodeBuild
                Version: 1
                ProjectName : !Ref RpaTestBankDemoStage
                PrimarySource: Config
                - Name: DemoBin
                - Name: Config
              RunOrder: 1  

The following screenshot shows the example actions on the CodePipeline console that use the preceding code.

Screenshot of CodePipeine parallel execution tests using a same run order value

Figure – Screenshot of CodePipeine parallel execution tests

Both DBB and RPA tests produce jUnit format reports, which CodeBuild can ingest and show on the CodeBuild console. This is a great way for project management and business users to track the quality trend of an application. The following screenshot shows the CodeBuild report generated from the BDD tests.

CodeBuild report generated from the BDD tests showing 100% pass rate

Figure – CodeBuild report generated from the BDD tests

Automated regression tests

After you test the changes in the project team pipeline, you can automatically promote them to another stream with other team members’ changes for further testing. The scope of this testing stream is significantly more comprehensive, with a greater number and wider range of tests and higher volume of test data. The changes promoted to this stream by each team member are tested in this environment at the end of each day throughout the life of the project. This provides a high-quality delivery to production, with new code and changes to existing code tested together with hundreds or thousands of tests.

In enterprise architecture, it’s commonplace to see an application client consuming web services APIs exposed from a mainframe CICS application. One approach to do regression tests for mainframe applications is to use Micro Focus Verastream Host Integrator (VHI) to record and capture 3270 data stream processing and encapsulate these 3270 data streams as business functions, which in turn are packaged as web services. When these web services are available, they can be consumed by a test automation product, which in our environment is Micro Focus UFT One. This uses the Verastream server as the orchestration engine that translates the web service requests into 3270 data streams that integrate with the mainframe CICS application. The application is deployed in Micro Focus Enterprise Test Server.

The following diagram shows the end-to-end testing components.

Regression Test the end-to-end testing components using ECS Container for Exterprise Test Server, Verastream Host Integrator and UFT One Container, all integration points are using Elastic Network Load Balancer

Figure – Regression Test Infrastructure end-to-end Setup

To ensure we have the coverage required for large mainframe applications, we sometimes need to run thousands of tests against very large production volumes of test data. We want the tests to run faster and complete as soon as possible so we reduce AWS costs—we only pay for the infrastructure when consuming resources for the life of the test environment when provisioning and running tests.

Therefore, the design of the test environment needs to scale out. The batch feature in CodeBuild allows you to run tests in batches and in parallel rather than serially. Furthermore, our solution needs to minimize interference between batches, a failure in one batch doesn’t affect another running in parallel. The following diagram depicts the high-level design, with each batch build running in its own independent infrastructure. Each infrastructure is launched as part of test preparation, and then torn down in the post-test phase.

Regression Tests in CodeBuoild Project setup to use batch mode, three batches running in independent infrastructure with containers

Figure – Regression Tests in CodeBuoild Project setup to use batch mode

Building and deploying regression test components

Following the design of the parallel regression test environment, let’s look at how we build each component and how they are deployed. The followings steps to build our regression tests use a working backward approach, starting from deployment in the Enterprise Test Server:

  1. Create a batch build in CodeBuild.
  2. Deploy to Enterprise Test Server.
  3. Deploy the VHI model.
  4. Deploy UFT One Tests.
  5. Integrate UFT One into CodeBuild and CodePipeline and test the application.

Creating a batch build in CodeBuild

We update two components to enable a batch build. First, in the CodePipeline CloudFormation resource, we set BatchEnabled to be true for the test stage. The UFT One test preparation stage uses the CloudFormation template to create the test infrastructure. The following code is an example of the AWS CloudFormation snippet with batch build enabled:

        - Name: SystemsTest
            - Name: Uft-Tests
                Category: Build
                Owner: AWS
                Provider: CodeBuild
                Version: 1
                ProjectName : !Ref UftTestBankDemoProject
                PrimarySource: Config
                BatchEnabled: true
                CombineArtifacts: true
                - Name: Config
                - Name: DemoSrc
                - Name: TestReport                
              RunOrder: 1

Second, in the buildspec configuration of the test stage, we provide a build matrix setting. We use the custom environment variable TEST_BATCH_NUMBER to indicate which set of tests runs in each batch. See the following code:

version: 0.2
  fast-fail: true
      ignore-failure: false
            - 1
            - 2
            - 3 

After setting up the batch build, CodeBuild creates multiple batches when the build starts. The following screenshot shows the batches on the CodeBuild console.

Regression tests Codebuild project ran in batch mode, three batches ran in prallel successfully

Figure – Regression tests Codebuild project ran in batch mode

Deploying to Enterprise Test Server

ETS is the transaction engine that processes all the online (and batch) requests that are initiated through external clients, such as 3270 terminals, web services, and websphere MQ. This engine provides support for various mainframe subsystems, such as CICS, IMS TM and JES, as well as code-level support for COBOL and PL/I. The following screenshot shows the Enterprise Test Server administration page.

Enterprise Server Administrator window showing configuration for CICS

Figure – Enterprise Server Administrator window

In this mainframe application testing use case, the regression tests are CICS transactions, initiated from 3270 requests (encapsulated in a web service). For more information about Enterprise Test Server, see the Enterprise Test Server and Micro Focus websites.

In the regression pipeline, after the stage of mainframe artifact compiling, we bake in the artifact into an ETS Docker container and upload the image to an Amazon ECR repository. This way, we have an immutable artifact for all the tests.

During each batch’s test preparation stage, a CloudFormation stack is deployed to create an Amazon ECS service on Windows EC2. The stack uses a Network Load Balancer as an integration point for the VHI’s integration.

The following code is an example of the CloudFormation snippet to create an Amazon ECS service using an Enterprise Test Server Docker image:

    - EtsTaskDefinition
    - EtsContainerSecurityGroup
    - EtsLoadBalancerListener
      Cluster: !Ref 'WindowsEcsClusterArn'
      DesiredCount: 1
          ContainerName: !Sub "ets-${AWS::StackName}"
          ContainerPort: 9270
          TargetGroupArn: !Ref EtsPort9270TargetGroup
      HealthCheckGracePeriodSeconds: 300          
      TaskDefinition: !Ref 'EtsTaskDefinition'
    Type: "AWS::ECS::Service"

          Image: !Sub "${AWS::AccountId}.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/systems-test/ets:latest"
            LogDriver: awslogs
              awslogs-group: !Ref 'SystemsTestLogGroup'
              awslogs-region: !Ref 'AWS::Region'
              awslogs-stream-prefix: ets
          Name: !Sub "ets-${AWS::StackName}"
          cpu: 4096
          memory: 8192
              ContainerPort: 9270
          - "powershell.exe"
          - '-F'
          - .\StartAndWait.ps1
          - 'bankdemo'
          - C:\bankdemo\
          - 'wait'
      Family: systems-test-ets
    Type: "AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition"

Deploying the VHI model

In this architecture, the VHI is a bridge between mainframe and clients.

We use the VHI designer to capture the 3270 data streams and encapsulate the relevant data streams into a business function. We can then deliver this function as a web service that can be consumed by a test management solution, such as Micro Focus UFT One.

The following screenshot shows the setup for getCheckingDetails in VHI. Along with this procedure we can also see other procedures (eg calcCostLoan) defined that get generated as a web service. The properties associated with this procedure are available on this screen to allow for the defining of the mapping of the fields between the associated 3270 screens and exposed web service.

example of VHI designer to capture the 3270 data streams and encapsulate the relevant data streams into a business function getCheckingDetails

Figure – Setup for getCheckingDetails in VHI

The following screenshot shows the editor for this procedure and is initiated by the selection of the Procedure Editor. This screen presents the 3270 screens that are involved in the business function that will be generated as a web service.

VHI designer Procedure Editor shows the procedure

Figure – VHI designer Procedure Editor shows the procedure

After you define the required functional web services in VHI designer, the resultant model is saved and deployed into a VHI Docker image. We use this image and the associated model (from VHI designer) in the pipeline outlined in this post.

For more information about VHI, see the VHI website.

The pipeline contains two steps to deploy a VHI service. First, it installs and sets up the VHI models into a VHI Docker image, and it’s pushed into Amazon ECR. Second, a CloudFormation stack is deployed to create an Amazon ECS Fargate service, which uses the latest built Docker image. In AWS CloudFormation, the VHI ECS task definition defines an environment variable for the ETS Network Load Balancer’s DNS name. Therefore, the VHI can bootstrap and point to an ETS service. In the VHI stack, it uses a Network Load Balancer as an integration point for UFT One test integration.

The following code is an example of a ECS Task Definition CloudFormation snippet that creates a VHI service in Amazon ECS Fargate and integrates it with an ETS server:

    - EtsService
    Type: AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition
      Family: systems-test-vhi
      NetworkMode: awsvpc
        - FARGATE
      ExecutionRoleArn: !Ref FargateEcsTaskExecutionRoleArn
      Cpu: 2048
      Memory: 4096
        - Cpu: 2048
          Name: !Sub "vhi-${AWS::StackName}"
          Memory: 4096
            - Name: esHostName 
              Value: !GetAtt EtsInternalLoadBalancer.DNSName
            - Name: esPort
              Value: 9270
          Image: !Ref "${AWS::AccountId}.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/systems-test/vhi:latest"
            - ContainerPort: 9680
            LogDriver: awslogs
              awslogs-group: !Ref 'SystemsTestLogGroup'
              awslogs-region: !Ref 'AWS::Region'
              awslogs-stream-prefix: vhi


Deploying UFT One Tests

UFT One is a test client that uses each of the web services created by the VHI designer to orchestrate running each of the associated business functions. Parameter data is supplied to each function, and validations are configured against the data returned. Multiple test suites are configured with different business functions with the associated data.

The following screenshot shows the test suite API_Bankdemo3, which is used in this regression test process.

the screenshot shows the test suite API_Bankdemo3 in UFT One test setup console, the API setup for getCheckingDetails

Figure – API_Bankdemo3 in UFT One Test Editor Console

For more information, see the UFT One website.

Integrating UFT One and testing the application

The last step is to integrate UFT One into CodeBuild and CodePipeline to test our mainframe application. First, we set up CodeBuild to use a UFT One container. The Docker image is available in Docker Hub. Then we author our buildspec. The buildspec has the following three phrases:

  • Setting up a UFT One license and deploying the test infrastructure
  • Starting the UFT One test suite to run regression tests
  • Tearing down the test infrastructure after tests are complete

The following code is an example of a buildspec snippet in the pre_build stage. The snippet shows the command to activate the UFT One license:

version: 0.2
# . . .
      - |
        # Activate License
        $process = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -RedirectStandardOutput LicenseInstall.log -Wait -File 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Unified Functional Testing\bin\HP.UFT.LicenseInstall.exe' -ArgumentList @('concurrent', 10600, 1, ${env:AUTOPASS_LICENSE_SERVER})        
        Get-Content -Path LicenseInstall.log
        if (Select-String -Path LicenseInstall.log -Pattern 'The installation was successful.' -Quiet) {
          Write-Host 'Licensed Successfully'
        } else {
          Write-Host 'License Failed'
          exit 1

The following command in the buildspec deploys the test infrastructure using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI)

aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name $stack_name `
--template-file cicd-pipeline/systems-test-pipeline/systems-test-service.yaml `
--parameter-overrides EcsCluster=$cluster_arn `
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Because ETS and VHI are both deployed with a load balancer, the build detects when the load balancers become healthy before starting the tests. The following AWS CLI commands detect the load balancer’s target group health:

$vhi_health_state = (aws elbv2 describe-target-health --target-group-arn $vhi_target_group_arn --query 'TargetHealthDescriptions[0].TargetHealth.State' --output text)
$ets_health_state = (aws elbv2 describe-target-health --target-group-arn $ets_target_group_arn --query 'TargetHealthDescriptions[0].TargetHealth.State' --output text)          

When the targets are healthy, the build moves into the build stage, and it uses the UFT One command line to start the tests. See the following code:

$process = Start-Process -Wait  -NoNewWindow -RedirectStandardOutput UFTBatchRunnerCMD.log `
-FilePath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Unified Functional Testing\bin\UFTBatchRunnerCMD.exe" `
-ArgumentList @("-source", "${env:CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR_DemoSrc}\bankdemo\tests\API_Bankdemo\API_Bankdemo${env:TEST_BATCH_NUMBER}")

The next release of Micro Focus UFT One (November or December 2020) will provide an exit status to indicate a test’s success or failure.

When the tests are complete, the post_build stage tears down the test infrastructure. The following AWS CLI command tears down the CloudFormation stack:

	  	- |
		  Write-Host "Clean up ETS, VHI Stack"
		  aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name $stack_name
          aws cloudformation wait stack-delete-complete --stack-name $stack_name

At the end of the build, the buildspec is set up to upload UFT One test reports as an artifact into Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). The following screenshot is the example of a test report in HTML format generated by UFT One in CodeBuild and CodePipeline.

UFT One HTML report shows regression testresult and test detals

Figure – UFT One HTML report

A new release of Micro Focus UFT One will provide test report formats supported by CodeBuild test report groups.


In this post, we introduced the solution to use Micro Focus Enterprise Suite, Micro Focus UFT One, Micro Focus VHI, AWS developer tools, and Amazon ECS containers to automate provisioning and running mainframe application tests in AWS at scale.

The on-demand model allows you to create the same test capacity infrastructure in minutes at a fraction of your current on-premises mainframe cost. It also significantly increases your testing and delivery capacity to increase quality and reduce production downtime.

A demo of the solution is available in AWS Partner Micro Focus website AWS Mainframe CI/CD Enterprise Solution. If you’re interested in modernizing your mainframe applications, please visit Micro Focus and contact AWS mainframe business development at [email protected].


Micro Focus


Peter Woods

Peter Woods

Peter has been with Micro Focus for almost 30 years, in a variety of roles and geographies including Technical Support, Channel Sales, Product Management, Strategic Alliances Management and Pre-Sales, primarily based in Europe but for the last four years in Australia and New Zealand. In his current role as Pre-Sales Manager, Peter is charged with driving and supporting sales activity within the Application Modernization and Connectivity team, based in Melbourne.

Leo Ervin

Leo Ervin

Leo Ervin is a Senior Solutions Architect working with Micro Focus Enterprise Solutions working with the ANZ team. After completing a Mathematics degree Leo started as a PL/1 programming with a local insurance company. The next step in Leo’s career involved consulting work in PL/1 and COBOL before he joined a start-up company as a technical director and partner. This company became the first distributor of Micro Focus software in the ANZ region in 1986. Leo’s involvement with Micro Focus technology has continued from this distributorship through to today with his current focus on cloud strategies for both DevOps and re-platform implementations.

Kevin Yung

Kevin Yung

Kevin is a Senior Modernization Architect in AWS Professional Services Global Mainframe and Midrange Modernization (GM3) team. Kevin currently is focusing on leading and delivering mainframe and midrange applications modernization for large enterprise customers.

Creating multi-architecture Docker images to support Graviton2 using AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodePipeline

Post Syndicated from Tyler Lynch original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/creating-multi-architecture-docker-images-to-support-graviton2-using-aws-codebuild-and-aws-codepipeline/

This post provides a clear path for customers who are evaluating and adopting Graviton2 instance types for performance improvements and cost-optimization.

Graviton2 processors are custom designed by AWS using 64-bit Arm Neoverse N1 cores. They power the T4g*, M6g*, R6g*, and C6g* Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance types and offer up to 40% better price performance over the current generation of x86-based instances in a variety of workloads, such as high-performance computing, application servers, media transcoding, in-memory caching, gaming, and more.

More and more customers want to make the move to Graviton2 to take advantage of these performance optimizations while saving money.

During the transition process, a great benefit AWS provides is the ability to perform native builds for each architecture, instead of attempting to cross-compile on homogenous hardware. This has the benefit of decreasing build time as well as reducing complexity and cost to set up.

To see this benefit in action, we look at how to build a CI/CD pipeline using AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild that can build multi-architecture Docker images in parallel to aid you in evaluating and migrating to Graviton2.

Solution overview

With CodePipeline and CodeBuild, we can automate the creation of architecture-specific Docker images, which can be pushed to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR). The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

Solution overview architectural diagram

The steps in this process are as follows:

  1. Create a sample Node.js application and associated Dockerfile.
  2. Create the buildspec files that contain the commands that CodeBuild runs.
  3. Create three CodeBuild projects to automate each of the following steps:
    • CodeBuild for x86 – Creates a x86 Docker image and pushes to Amazon ECR.
    • CodeBuild for arm64 – Creates a Arm64 Docker image and pushes to Amazon ECR.
    • CodeBuild for manifest list – Creates a Docker manifest list, annotates the list, and pushes to Amazon ECR.
  4. Automate the orchestration of these projects with CodePipeline.


The prerequisites for this solution are as follows:

  • The correct AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role permissions for your account allowing for the creation of the CodePipeline pipeline, CodeBuild projects, and Amazon ECR repositories
  • An Amazon ECR repository named multi-arch-test
  • A source control service such as AWS CodeCommit or GitHub that CodeBuild and CodePipeline can interact with
  • The source code repository initialized and cloned locally

Creating a sample Node.js application and associated Dockerfile

For this post, we create a sample “Hello World” application that self-reports the processor architecture. We work in the local folder that is cloned from our source repository as specified in the prerequisites.

  1. In your preferred text editor, add a new file with the following Node.js code:

# Hello World sample app.
const http = require('http');

const port = 3000;

const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
  res.statusCode = 200;
  res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
  res.end(`Hello World. This processor architecture is ${process.arch}`);

server.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Server running on processor architecture ${process.arch}`);
  1. Save the file in the root of your source repository and name it app.js.
  2. Commit the changes to Git and push the changes to our source repository. See the following code:

git add .
git commit -m "Adding Node.js sample application."
git push

We also need to create a sample Dockerfile that instructs the docker build command how to build the Docker images. We use the default Node.js image tag for version 14.

  1. In a text editor, add a new file with the following code:

# Sample nodejs application
FROM node:14
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package*.json app.js ./
RUN npm install
CMD ["node", "app.js"]
  1. Save the file in the root of the source repository and name it Dockerfile. Make sure it is Dockerfile with no extension.
  2. Commit the changes to Git and push the changes to our source repository:

git add .
git commit -m "Adding Dockerfile to host the Node.js sample application."
git push

Creating a build specification file for your application

It’s time to create and add a buildspec file to our source repository. We want to use a single buildspec.yml file for building, tagging, and pushing the Docker images to Amazon ECR for both target native architectures, x86, and Arm64. We use CodeBuild to inject environment variables, some of which need to be changed for each architecture (such as image tag and image architecture).

A buildspec is a collection of build commands and related settings, in YAML format, that CodeBuild uses to run a build. For more information, see Build specification reference for CodeBuild.

The buildspec we add instructs CodeBuild to do the following:

  • install phase – Update the yum package manager
  • pre_build phase – Sign in to Amazon ECR using the IAM role assumed by CodeBuild
  • build phase – Build the Docker image using the Docker CLI and tag the newly created Docker image
  • post_build phase – Push the Docker image to our Amazon ECR repository

We first need to add the buildspec.yml file to our source repository.

  1. In a text editor, add a new file with the following build specification:

version: 0.2
            - yum update -y
            - echo Logging in to Amazon ECR...
            - $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION)
            - echo Build started on `date`
            - echo Building the Docker image...          
            - docker build -t $IMAGE_REPO_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG .
            - docker tag $IMAGE_REPO_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG      
            - echo Build completed on `date`
            - echo Pushing the Docker image...
            - docker push $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG
  1. Save the file in the root of the repository and name it buildspec.yml.

Because we specify environment variables in the CodeBuild project, we don’t need to hard code any values in the buildspec file.

  1. Commit the changes to Git and push the changes to our source repository:

git add .
git commit -m "Adding CodeBuild buildspec.yml file."
git push

Creating a build specification file for your manifest list creation

Next we create a buildspec file that instructs CodeBuild to create a Docker manifest list, and associate that manifest list with the Docker images that the buildspec file builds.

A manifest list is a list of image layers that is created by specifying one or more (ideally more than one) image names. You can then use it in the same way as an image name in docker pull and docker run commands, for example. For more information, see manifest create.

As of this writing, manifest creation is an experimental feature of the Docker command line interface (CLI).

Experimental features provide early access to future product functionality. These features are intended only for testing and feedback because they may change between releases without warning or be removed entirely from a future release. Experimental features must not be used in production environments. For more information, Experimental features.

When creating the CodeBuild project for manifest list creation, we specify a buildspec file name override as buildspec-manifest.yml. This buildspec instructs CodeBuild to do the following:

  • install phase – Update the yum package manager
  • pre_build phase – Sign in to Amazon ECR using the IAM role assumed by CodeBuild
  • build phase – Perform three actions:
    • Set environment variable to enable Docker experimental features for the CLI
    • Create the Docker manifest list using the Docker CLI
    • Annotate the manifest list to add the architecture-specific Docker image references
  • post_build phase – Push the Docker image to our Amazon ECR repository and use docker manifest inspect to echo out the contents of the manifest list from Amazon ECR

We first need to add the buildspec-manifest.yml file to our source repository.

  1. In a text editor, add a new file with the following build specification:

version: 0.2
# Based on the Docker documentation, must include the DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL environment variable
# https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/manifest/    

            - yum update -y
            - echo Logging in to Amazon ECR...
            - $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION)
            - echo Build started on `date`
            - echo Building the Docker manifest...   
            - export DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL=enabled       
            - docker manifest create $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME:latest-arm64v8 $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME:latest-amd64    
            - docker manifest annotate --arch arm64 $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME:latest-arm64v8
            - docker manifest annotate --arch amd64 $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME:latest-amd64

            - echo Build completed on `date`
            - echo Pushing the Docker image...
            - docker manifest push $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME
            - docker manifest inspect $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME
  1. Save the file in the root of the repository and name it buildspec-manifest.yml.
  2. Commit the changes to Git and push the changes to our source repository:

git add .
git commit -m "Adding CodeBuild buildspec-manifest.yml file."
git push

Setting up your CodeBuild projects

Now we have created a single buildspec.yml file for building, tagging, and pushing the Docker images to Amazon ECR for both target native architectures: x86 and Arm64. This file is shared by two of the three CodeBuild projects that we create. We use CodeBuild to inject environment variables, some of which need to be changed for each architecture (such as image tag and image architecture). We also want to use the single Docker file, regardless of the architecture. We also need to ensure any third-party libraries are present and compiled correctly for the target architecture.

For more information about third-party libraries and software versions that have been optimized for Arm, see the Getting started with AWS Graviton GitHub repo.

We use the same environment variable names for the CodeBuild projects, but each project has specific values, as detailed in the following table. You need to modify these values to your numeric AWS account ID, the AWS Region where your Amazon ECR registry endpoint is located, and your Amazon ECR repository name. The instructions for adding the environment variables in the CodeBuild projects are in the following sections.

Environment Variable x86 Project values Arm64 Project values manifest Project values
1 AWS_DEFAULT_REGION us-east-1 us-east-1 us-east-1
2 AWS_ACCOUNT_ID 111111111111 111111111111 111111111111
3 IMAGE_REPO_NAME multi-arch-test multi-arch-test multi-arch-test
4 IMAGE_TAG latest-amd64 latest-arm64v8 latest

The image we use in this post uses architecture-specific tags with the term latest. This is for demonstration purposes only; it’s best to tag the images with an explicit version or another meaningful reference.

CodeBuild for x86

We start with creating a new CodeBuild project for x86 on the CodeBuild console.

CodeBuild looks for a file named buildspec.yml by default, unless overridden. For these first two CodeBuild projects, we rely on that default and don’t specify the buildspec name.

  1. On the CodeBuild console, choose Create build project.
  2. For Project name, enter a unique project name for your build project, such as node-x86.
  3. To add tags, add them under Additional Configuration.
  4. Choose a Source provider (for this post, we choose GitHub).
  5. For Environment image, choose Managed image.
  6. Select Amazon Linux 2.
  7. For Runtime(s), choose Standard.
  8. For Image, choose aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard:3.0.

This is a x86 build image.

  1. Select Privileged.
  2. For Service role, choose New service role.
  3. Enter a name for the new role (one is created for you), such as CodeBuildServiceRole-nodeproject.

We reuse this same service role for the other CodeBuild projects associated with this project.

  1. Expand Additional configurations and move to the Environment variables
  2. Create the following Environment variables:
Name Value Type
1 AWS_DEFAULT_REGION us-east-1 Plaintext
2 AWS_ACCOUNT_ID 111111111111 Plaintext
3 IMAGE_REPO_NAME multi-arch-test Plaintext
4 IMAGE_TAG latest-amd64 Plaintext
  1. Choose Create build project.

Attaching the IAM policy

Now that we have created the CodeBuild project, we need to adjust the new service role that was just created and attach an IAM policy so that it can interact with the Amazon ECR API.

  1. On the CodeBuild console, choose the node-x86 project
  2. Choose the Build details
  3. Under Service role, choose the link that looks like arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/service-role/CodeBuildServiceRole-nodeproject.

A new browser tab should open.

  1. Choose Attach policies.
  2. In the Search field, enter AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPowerUser.
  3. Select AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPowerUser.
  4. Choose Attach policy.

CodeBuild for arm64

Now we move on to creating a new (second) CodeBuild project for Arm64.

  1. On the CodeBuild console, choose Create build project.
  2. For Project name, enter a unique project name, such as node-arm64.
  3. If you want to add tags, add them under Additional Configuration.
  4. Choose a Source provider (for this post, choose GitHub).
  5. For Environment image, choose Managed image.
  6. Select Amazon Linux 2.
  7. For Runtime(s), choose Standard.
  8. For Image, choose aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-aarch64-standard:2.0.

This is an Arm build image and is different from the image selected in the previous CodeBuild project.

  1. Select Privileged.
  2. For Service role, choose Existing service role.
  3. Choose CodeBuildServiceRole-nodeproject.
  4. Select Allow AWS CodeBuild to modify this service role so it can be used with this build project.
  5. Expand Additional configurations and move to the Environment variables
  6. Create the following Environment variables:
Name Value Type
1 AWS_DEFAULT_REGION us-east-1 Plaintext
2 AWS_ACCOUNT_ID 111111111111 Plaintext
3 IMAGE_REPO_NAME multi-arch-test Plaintext
4 IMAGE_TAG latest-arm64v8 Plaintext
  1. Choose Create build project.

CodeBuild for manifest list

For the last CodeBuild project, we create a Docker manifest list, associating that manifest list with the Docker images that the preceding projects create, and pushing the manifest list to ECR. This project uses the buildspec-manifest.yml file created earlier.

  1. On the CodeBuild console, choose Create build project.
  2. For Project name, enter a unique project name for your build project, such as node-manifest.
  3. If you want to add tags, add them under Additional Configuration.
  4. Choose a Source provider (for this post, choose GitHub).
  5. For Environment image, choose Managed image.
  6. Select Amazon Linux 2.
  7. For Runtime(s), choose Standard.
  8. For Image, choose aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard:3.0.

This is a x86 build image.

  1. Select Privileged.
  2. For Service role, choose Existing service role.
  3. Choose CodeBuildServiceRole-nodeproject.
  4. Select Allow AWS CodeBuild to modify this service role so it can be used with this build project.
  5. Expand Additional configurations and move to the Environment variables
  6. Create the following Environment variables:
Name Value Type
1 AWS_DEFAULT_REGION us-east-1 Plaintext
2 AWS_ACCOUNT_ID 111111111111 Plaintext
3 IMAGE_REPO_NAME multi-arch-test Plaintext
4 IMAGE_TAG latest Plaintext
  1. For Buildspec name – optional, enter buildspec-manifest.yml to override the default.
  2. Choose Create build project.

Setting up CodePipeline

Now we can move on to creating a pipeline to orchestrate the builds and manifest creation.

  1. On the CodePipeline console, choose Create pipeline.
  2. For Pipeline name, enter a unique name for your pipeline, such as node-multi-architecture.
  3. For Service role, choose New service role.
  4. Enter a name for the new role (one is created for you). For this post, we use the generated role name CodePipelineServiceRole-nodeproject.
  5. Select Allow AWS CodePipeline to create a service role so it can be used with this new pipeline.
  6. Choose Next.
  7. Choose a Source provider (for this post, choose GitHub).
  8. If you don’t have any existing Connections to GitHub, select Connect to GitHub and follow the wizard.
  9. Choose your Branch name (for this post, I choose main, but your branch might be different).
  10. For Output artifact format, choose CodePipeline default.
  11. Choose Next.

You should now be on the Add build stage page.

  1. For Build provider, choose AWS CodeBuild.
  2. Verify the Region is your Region of choice (for this post, I use US East (N. Virginia)).
  3. For Project name, choose node-x86.
  4. For Build type, select Single build.
  5. Choose Next.

You should now be on the Add deploy stage page.

  1. Choose Skip deploy stage.

A pop-up appears that reads Your pipeline will not include a deployment stage. Are you sure you want to skip this stage?

  1. Choose Skip.
  2. Choose Create pipeline.

CodePipeline immediately attempts to run a build. You can let it continue without worry if it fails. We are only part of the way done with the setup.

Adding an additional build step

We need to add the additional build step for the Arm CodeBuild project in the Build stage.

  1. On the CodePipeline console, choose node-multi-architecture pipeline
  2. Choose Edit to start editing the pipeline stages.

You should now be on the Editing: node-multi-architecture page.

  1. For the Build stage, choose Edit stage.
  2. Choose + Add action.

Editing node-multi-architecture

  1. For Action name, enter Build-arm64.
  2. For Action provider, choose AWS CodeBuild.
  3. Verify your Region is correct.
  4. For Input artifacts, select SourceArtifact.
  5. For Project name, choose node-arm64.
  6. For Build type, select Single build.
  7. Choose Done.
  8. Choose Save.

A pop-up appears that reads Saving your changes cannot be undone. If the pipeline is running when you save your changes, that execution will not complete.

  1. Choose Save.

Updating the first build action name

This step is optional. The CodePipeline wizard doesn’t allow you to enter your Build action name during creation, but you can update the Build stage’s first build action to have consistent naming.

  1. Choose Edit to start editing the pipeline stages.
  2. Choose the Edit icon.
  3. For Action name, enter Build-x86.
  4. Choose Done.
  5. Choose Save.

A pop-up appears that says Saving your changes cannot be undone. If the pipeline is running when you save your changes, that execution will not complete.

  1. Choose Save.

Adding the project

Now we add the CodeBuild project for manifest creation and publishing.

  1. On the CodePipeline console, choose node-multi-architecture pipeline.
  2. Choose Edit to start editing the pipeline stages.
  3. Choose +Add stage below the Build
  4. Set the Stage name to Manifest
  5. Choose +Add action group.
  6. For Action name, enter Create-manifest.
  7. For Action provider, choose AWS CodeBuild.
  8. Verify your Region is correct.
  9. For Input artifacts, select SourceArtifact.
  10. For Project name, choose node-manifest.
  11. For Build type, select Single build.
  12. Choose Done.
  13. Choose Save.

A pop-up appears that reads Saving your changes cannot be undone. If the pipeline is running when you save your changes, that execution will not complete.

  1. Choose Save.

Testing the pipeline

Now let’s verify everything works as planned.

  1. In the pipeline details page, choose Release change.

This runs the pipeline in stages. The process should take a few minutes to complete. The pipeline should show each stage as Succeeded.

Pipeline visualization

Now we want to inspect the output of the Create-manifest action that runs the CodeBuild project for manifest creation.

  1. Choose Details in the Create-manifest

This opens the CodeBuild pipeline.

  1. Under Build logs, we should see the output from the manifest inspect command we ran as the last step in the buildspec-manifest.yml See the following sample log:

[Container] 2020/10/07 16:47:39 Running command docker manifest inspect $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME
   "schemaVersion": 2,
   "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json",
   "manifests": [
         "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json",
         "size": 1369,
         "digest": "sha256:238c2762212ff5d7e0b5474f23d500f2f1a9c851cdd3e7ef0f662efac508cd04",
         "platform": {
            "architecture": "amd64",
            "os": "linux"
         "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json",
         "size": 1369,
         "digest": "sha256:0cc9e96921d5565bdf13274e0f356a139a31d10e95de9ad3d5774a31b8871b05",
         "platform": {
            "architecture": "arm64",
            "os": "linux"

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, clean up the resources created as part of this post.

  1. On the CodePipeline console, choose the pipeline node-multi-architecture.
  2. Choose Delete pipeline.
  3. When prompted, enter delete.
  4. Choose Delete.
  5. On the CodeBuild console, choose the Build project node-x86.
  6. Choose Delete build project.
  7. When prompted, enter delete.
  8. Choose Delete.
  9. Repeat the deletion process for Build projects node-arm64 and node-manifest.

Next we delete the Docker images we created and pushed to Amazon ECR. Be careful to not delete a repository that is being used for other images.

  1. On the Amazon ECR console, choose the repository multi-arch-test.

You should see a list of Docker images.

  1. Select latest, latest-arm64v8, and latest-amd64.
  2. Choose Delete.
  3. When prompted, enter delete.
  4. Choose Delete.

Finally, we remove the IAM roles that we created.

  1. On the IAM console, choose Roles.
  2. In the search box, enter CodePipelineServiceRole-nodeproject.
  3. Select the role and choose Delete role.
  4. When prompted, choose Yes, delete.
  5. Repeat these steps for the role CodeBuildServiceRole-nodeproject.


To summarize, we successfully created a pipeline to create multi-architecture Docker images for both x86 and arm64. We referenced them via annotation in a Docker manifest list and stored them in Amazon ECR. The Docker images were based on a single Docker file that uses environment variables as parameters to allow for Docker file reuse.

For more information about these services, see the following:

About the Authors


Tyler Lynch photo

Tyler Lynch
Tyler Lynch is a Sr. Solutions Architect focusing on EdTech at AWS.




Alistair McLean photo

Alistair McLean

Alistair is a Principal Solutions Architect focused on State and Local Government and K12 customers at AWS.



Snowflake: Running Millions of Simulation Tests with Amazon EKS

Post Syndicated from Keith Joelner original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/snowflake-running-millions-of-simulation-tests-with-amazon-eks/

This post was co-written with Brian Nutt, Senior Software Engineer and Kao Makino, Principal Performance Engineer, both at Snowflake.

Transactional databases are a key component of any production system. Maintaining data integrity while rows are read and written at a massive scale is a major technical challenge for these types of databases. To ensure their stability, it’s necessary to test many different scenarios and configurations. Simulating as many of these as possible allows engineers to quickly catch defects and build resilience. But the Holy Grail is to accomplish this at scale and within a timeframe that allows your developers to iterate quickly.

Snowflake has been using and advancing FoundationDB (FDB), an open-source, ACID-compliant, distributed key-value store since 2014. FDB, running on Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) and Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS), has proven to be extremely reliable and is a key part of Snowflake’s cloud services layer architecture. To support its development process of creating high quality and stable software, Snowflake developed Project Joshua, an internal system that leverages Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), Amazon EC2 Spot Instances, and AWS PrivateLink to run over one hundred thousand of validation and regression tests an hour.

About Snowflake

Snowflake is a single, integrated data platform delivered as a service. Built from the ground up for the cloud, Snowflake’s unique multi-cluster shared data architecture delivers the performance, scale, elasticity, and concurrency that today’s organizations require. It features storage, compute, and global services layers that are physically separated but logically integrated. Data workloads scale independently from one another, making it an ideal platform for data warehousing, data lakes, data engineering, data science, modern data sharing, and developing data applications.

Snowflake architecture

Developing a simulation-based testing and validation framework

Snowflake’s cloud services layer is composed of a collection of services that manage virtual warehouses, query optimization, and transactions. This layer relies on rich metadata stored in FDB.

Prior to the creation of the simulation framework, Project Joshua, FDB developers ran tests on their laptops and were limited by the number they could run. Additionally, there was a scheduled nightly job for running further tests.

Joshua at Snowflake

Amazon EKS as the foundation

Snowflake’s platform team decided to use Kubernetes to build Project Joshua. Their focus was on helping engineers run their workloads instead of spending cycles on the management of the control plane. They turned to Amazon EKS to achieve their scalability needs. This was a crucial success criterion for Project Joshua since at any point in time there could be hundreds of nodes running in the cluster. Snowflake utilizes the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler to dynamically scale worker nodes in minutes to support a tests-based queue of Joshua’s requests.

With the integration of Amazon EKS and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), Snowflake is able to control access to the required resources. For example: the database that serves Joshua’s test queues is external to the EKS cluster. By using the Amazon VPC CNI plugin, each pod receives an IP address in the VPC and Snowflake can control access to the test queue via security groups.

To achieve its desired performance, Snowflake created its own custom pod scaler, which responds quicker to changes than using a custom metric for pod scheduling.

  • The agent scaler is responsible for monitoring a test queue in the coordination database (which, coincidentally, is also FDB) to schedule Joshua agents. The agent scaler communicates directly with Amazon EKS using the Kubernetes API to schedule tests in parallel.
  • Joshua agents (one agent per pod) are responsible for pulling tests from the test queue, executing, and reporting results. Tests are run one at a time within the EKS Cluster until the test queue is drained.

Achieving scale and cost savings with Amazon EC2 Spot

A Spot Fleet is a collection—or fleet—of Amazon EC2 Spot instances that Joshua uses to make the infrastructure more reliable and cost effective. ​ Spot Fleet is used to reduce the cost of worker nodes by running a variety of instance types.

With Spot Fleet, Snowflake requests a combination of different instance types to help ensure that demand gets fulfilled. These options make Fleet more tolerant of surges in demand for instance types. If a surge occurs it will not significantly affect tasks since Joshua is agnostic to the type of instance and can fall back to a different instance type and still be available.

For reservations, Snowflake uses the capacity-optimized allocation strategy to automatically launch Spot Instances into the most available pools by looking at real-time capacity data and predicting which are the most available. This helps Snowflake quickly switch instances reserved to what is most available in the Spot market, instead of spending time contending for the cheapest instances, at the cost of a potentially higher price.

Overcoming hurdles

Snowflake’s usage of a public container registry posed a scalability challenge. When starting hundreds of worker nodes, each node needs to pull images from the public registry. This can lead to a potential rate limiting issue when all outbound traffic goes through a NAT gateway.

For example, consider 1,000 nodes pulling a 10 GB image. Each pull request requires each node to download the image across the public internet. Some issues that need to be addressed are latency, reliability, and increased costs due to the additional time to download an image for each test. Also, container registries can become unavailable or may rate-limit download requests. Lastly, images are pulled through public internet and other services in the cluster can experience pulling issues.

​For anything more than a minimal workload, a local container registry is needed. If an image is first pulled from the public registry and then pushed to a local registry (cache), it only needs to pull once from the public registry, then all worker nodes benefit from a local pull. That’s why Snowflake decided to replicate images to ECR, a fully managed docker container registry, providing a reliable local registry to store images. Additional benefits for the local registry are that it’s not exclusive to Joshua; all platform components required for Snowflake clusters can be cached in the local ECR Registry. For additional security and performance Snowflake uses AWS PrivateLink to keep all network traffic from ECR to the workers nodes within the AWS network. It also resolved rate-limiting issues from pulling images from a public registry with unauthenticated requests, unblocking other cluster nodes from pulling critical images for operation.


Project Joshua allows Snowflake to enable developers to test more scenarios without having to worry about the management of the infrastructure. ​ Snowflake’s engineers can schedule thousands of test simulations and configurations to catch bugs faster. FDB is a key component of ​the Snowflake stack and Project Joshua helps make FDB more stable and resilient. Additionally, Amazon EC2 Spot has provided non-trivial cost savings to Snowflake vs. running on-demand or buying reserved instances.

If you want to know more about how Snowflake built its high performance data warehouse as a Service on AWS, watch the This is My Architecture video below.

Lightsail Containers: An Easy Way to Run your Containers in the Cloud

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/lightsail-containers-an-easy-way-to-run-your-containers-in-the-cloud/

When I am delivering an introduction to the AWS Cloud for developers, I usually spend a bit of time to mention and to demonstrate Amazon Lightsail. It is by far the easiest way to get started on AWS. It allows you to get your application running on your own virtual server in a matter of minutes. Today, we are adding the possibility to deploy your container-based workloads on Amazon Lightsail. You can now deploy your container images to the cloud with the same simplicity and the same bundled pricing Amazon Lightsail provides for your virtual servers.

Amazon Lightsail is an easy-to-use cloud service that offers you everything needed to deploy an application or website, for a cost effective and easy to understand monthly plan. It is ideal to deploy simple workloads, websites, or to get started with AWS. The typical Lightsail customers range from developers to small businesses or startups who are looking to get quickly started in the cloud and AWS. At any time, you can later adopt the broad AWS Services when you are getting more familiar with the AWS cloud.

Under the hood, Lightsail is powered by Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), Application Load Balancer, and other AWS services. It offers the level of security, reliability, and scalability you are expecting from AWS.

When deploying to Lightsail, you can choose between six operating systems (4 Linux distributions, FreeBSD, or Windows), seven applications (such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Plesk…), and seven stacks (such as Node.js, Lamp, GitLab, Django…). But what about Docker containers?

Starting today, Amazon Lightsail offers an simple way for developers to deploy their containers to the cloud. All you need to provide is a Docker image for your containers and we automatically containerize it for you. Amazon Lightsail gives you an HTTPS endpoint that is ready to serve your application running in the cloud container. It automatically sets up a load balanced TLS endpoint, and take care of the TLS certificate. It replaces unresponsive containers for you automatically, it assigns a DNS name to your endpoint, it maintains the old version till the new version is healthy and ready to go live, and more.

Let’s see how it works by deploying a simple Python web app as a container. I assume you have the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and Docker installed on your laptop. Python is not required, it will be installed in the container only.

I first create a Python REST API, using the Flask simple application framework. Any programming language and any framework that can run inside a container works too. I just choose Python and Flask because they are simple and elegant.

You can safely copy /paste the following commands:

mkdir helloworld-python
cd helloworld-python
# create a simple Flask application in helloworld.py
echo "

from flask import Flask, request
from flask_restful import Resource, Api

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

class Greeting (Resource):
   def get(self):
      return { "message" : "Hello Flask API World!" }
api.add_resource(Greeting, '/') # Route_1

if __name__ == '__main__':

"  > helloworld.py

Then I create a Dockerfile that contains the steps and information required to build the container image:

# create a Dockerfile
echo '
FROM python:3
ADD helloworld.py /
RUN pip install flask
RUN pip install flask_restful
CMD [ "python", "./helloworld.py"]
 '  > Dockerfile

Now I can build my container:

docker build -t lightsail-hello-world .

The build command outputs many lines while it builds the container, it eventually terminates with the following message (actual ID differs):

Successfully built 7848e055edff
Successfully tagged lightsail-hello-world:latest

I test the container by launching it on my laptop:

docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 lightsail-hello-world

and connect a browser to localhost:8080

Testing Flask API in the container

When I am satisfied with my app, I push the container to Docker Hub.

docker tag lightsail-hello-world sebsto/lightsail-hello-world
docker login
docker push sebsto/lightsail-hello-world

Now that I have a container ready on Docker Hub, let’s create a Lightsail Container Service.

I point my browser to the Amazon Lightsail console. I can see container services already deployed and I can manage them. To create a new service, I click Create container service:Lighsail Container Console

On the next screen, I select the size of the container I want to use, in terms of vCPU and memory available to my application. I also select the number of container instances I want to run in parallel for high availability or scalability reasons. I can change the number of container instances or their power (vCPU and RAM) at any time, without interrupting the service. Both these parameters impact the price AWS charges you per month. The price is indicated and dynamically adjusted on the screen, as shown on the following video.

Lightsail choose capacity

Slightly lower on the screen, I choose to skip the deployment for now. I give a name for the service (“hello-world“). I click Create container service.

Lightsail container name

Once the service is created, I click Create your first deployment to create a deployment. A deployment is a combination of a specific container image and version to be deployed on the service I just created.

I chose a name for my image and give the address of the image on Docker Hub, using the format user/<my container name>:tag. This is also where I have the possibility to enter environment variables, port mapping, or a launch command.

My container is offering a network service on port TCP 8080, so I add that port to the deployment configuration. The Open Ports configuration specifies which ports and protocols are open to other systems in my container’s network. Other containers or virtual machines can only connect to my container when the port is explicitly configured in the console or EXPOSE‘d in my Dockerfile. None of these ports are exposed to the public internet.

But in this example, I also want Lightsail to route the traffic from the public internet to this container. So, I add this container as an endpoint of the hello-world service I just created. The endpoint is automatically configured for TLS, there is no certificate to install or manage.

I can add up to 10 containers for one single deployment. When ready, I click Save and deploy.

Lightsail Deployment

After a while, my deployment is active and I can test the endpoint.

Lightsail Deployment Active

The endpoint DNS address is available on the top-right side of the console. If I must, I can configure my own DNS domain name.

Lightsail endpoint DNSI open another tab in my browser and point it at the https endpoint URL:

Testing Container DeploymentWhen I must deploy a new version, I use the console again to modify the deployment. I spare you the details of modifying the application code, build, and push a new version of the container. Let’s say I have my second container image version available under the name sebsto/lightsail-hello-world:v2. Back to Amazon Lightsail console, I click Deployments, then Modify your Deployments. I enter the full name, including the tag, of the new version of the container image and click Save and Deploy.

Lightsail Deploy updated VersionAfter a while, the new version is deployed and automatically activated.

Lightsail deployment sucesful

I open a new tab in my browser and I point it to the endpoint URI available on the top-right corner of Amazon Lightsail console. I observe the JSON version is different. It now has a version attribute with a value of 2.

lightsail v2 is deployed

When something goes wrong during my deployment, Amazon Lightsail automatically keeps the last deployment active, to avoid any service interruption. I can also manually activate a previous deployment version to reverse any undesired changes.

I just deployed my first container image from Docker Hub. I can also manage my services and deploy local container images from my laptop using the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI). To push container images to my Amazon Lightsail container service directly from my laptop, I must install the LightSail Controler Plugin. (TL;DR curl, cp and chmod are your friends here, I also maintain a DockerFile to use the CLI inside a container.)

To create, list, or delete a container service, I type:

aws lightsail create-container-service --service-name myservice --power nano --scale 1

aws lightsail get-container-services
   "containerServices": [{
      "containerServiceName": "myservice",
      "arn": "arn:aws:lightsail:us-west-2:012345678901:ContainerService/1b50c121-eac7-4ee2-9078-425b0665b3d7",
      "createdAt": "2020-07-31T09:36:48.226999998Z",
      "location": {
         "availabilityZone": "all",
         "regionName": "us-west-2"
      "resourceType": "ContainerService",
      "power": "nano",
      "powerId": "",
      "state": "READY",
      "scale": 1,
      "privateDomainName": "",
      "isDisabled": false,
      "roleArn": ""

aws lightsail delete-container-service --service myservice

I can also use the CLI to deploy container images directly from my laptop. Be sure lightsailctl is installed.

# Build the new version of my image (v3)
docker build -t sebsto/lightsail-hello-world:v3 .

# Push the new image.
aws lightsail push-container-image --service-name hello-world --label hello-world --image sebsto/lightsail-hello-world:v3

After a while, I see the output:

Image "sebsto/lightsail-hello-world:v3" registered.
Refer to this image as ":hello-world.hello-world.1" in deployments.

I create a lc.json file to hold the details of the deployment configuration. it is aligned to the options I see on the console. I report the name given by the previous command on the image property:

  "serviceName": "hello-world",
  "containers": {
     "hello-world": {
        "image": ":hello-world.hello-world.1",
        "ports": {
           "8080": "HTTP"
  "publicEndpoint": {
     "containerName": "hello-world",
     "containerPort": 8080

Finally, I create a new service version with:
aws lightsail create-container-service-deployment --cli-input-json file://lc.json

I can query the deployment status with
aws lightsail get-container-services

"nextDeployment": {
   "version": 4,
   "state": "ACTIVATING",
   "containers": {
      "hello-world": {
      "image": ":hello-world.hello-world.1",
      "command": [],
      "environment": {},
      "ports": {
         "8080": "HTTP"

After a while, the status  becomes  ACTIVE, and I can test my endpoint.

curl https://hello-world.nxxxxxxxxxxx.lightsail.ec2.aws.dev/
{"message": "Hello Flask API World!", "version": 3}

If you plan to later deploy your container to Amazon ECS or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service, no changes are required. You can pull the container image from your repository, just like you do with Amazon Lightsail.

You can deploy your containers on Lightsail in all AWS Regions where Amazon Lightsail is available. As of today, this is US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), and Europe (Paris).

As usual when using Amazon Lightsail, pricing is easy to understand and predictable. Amazon Lightsail Containers have a fixed price per month per container, depending on the size of the container (the vCPU/memory combination you use). You are charged on the prorated hours you keep the service running. The price per month is the maximum price you will be charged for running your service 24h/7. The prices are identical in all AWS Regions. They are ranging from $7 / month for a Nano container (512MB memory and 0.25 vCPU) to $160 / month for a X-Large container (8GB memory and 4 vCPU cores). This price not only includes the container itself, but also the load balancer, the DNS, and a generous data transfer tier. The details and prices for other AWS Regions are on the Lightsail pricing page.

I can’t wait to discover what solutions you will build and deploy on Amazon Lightsail Containers!

— seb

Register for the Modern Applications Online Event

Post Syndicated from Rachel Richardson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/register-for-the-modern-applications-online-event/

Earlier this year we hosted the first serverless themed virtual event, the Serverless-First Function. We enjoyed the opportunity to virtually connect with our customers so much that we want to do it again. This time, we’re expanding the scope to feature serverless, containers, and front-end development content. The Modern Applications Online Event is scheduled for November 4-5, 2020.

This free, two-day event addresses how to build and operate modern applications at scale across your organization, enabling you to become more agile and respond to change faster. The event covers topics including serverless application development, containers best practices, front-end web development and more. If you missed the containers or serverless virtual events earlier this year, this is great opportunity to watch the content and interact directly with expert moderators. The full agenda is listed below.

Register now

Organizational Level Operations

Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM PT

Move fast and ship things: Using serverless to increase speed and agility within your organization
In this session, Adrian Cockcroft demonstrates how you can use serverless to build modern applications faster than ever. Cockcroft uses real-life examples and customer stories to debunk common misconceptions about serverless.

Eliminating busywork at the organizational level: Tips for using serverless to its fullest potential 
In this session, David Yanacek discusses key ways to unlock the full benefits of serverless, including building services around APIs and using service-oriented architectures built on serverless systems to remove the roadblocks to continuous innovation.

Faster Mobile and Web App Development with AWS Amplify
In this session, Brice Pellé, introduces AWS Amplify, a set of tools and services that enables mobile and front-end web developers to build full stack serverless applications faster on AWS. Learn how to accelerate development with AWS Amplify’s use-case centric open-source libraries and CLI, and its fully managed web hosting service with built-in CI/CD.

Built Serverless-First: How Workgrid Software transformed from a Liberty Mutual project to its own global startup
Connected through a central IT team, Liberty Mutual has embraced serverless since AWS Lambda’s inception in 2014. In this session, Gillian McCann discusses Workgrid’s serverless journey—from internal microservices project within Liberty Mutual to independent business entity, all built serverless-first. Introduction by AWS Principal Serverless SA, Sam Dengler.

Market insights: A conversation with Forrester analyst Jeffrey Hammond & Director of Product for Lambda Ajay Nair
In this session, guest speaker Jeffrey Hammond and Director of Product for AWS Lambda, Ajay Nair, discuss the state of serverless, Lambda-based architectural approaches, Functions-as-a-Service platforms, and more. You’ll learn about the high-level and enduring enterprise patterns and advancements that analysts see driving the market today and determining the market in the future.

AWS Fargate Platform Version 1.4
In this session we will go through a brief introduction of AWS Fargate, what it is, its relation to EKS and ECS and the problems it addresses for customers. We will later introduce the concept of Fargate “platform versions” and we will then dive deeper into the new features that the new platform version 1.4 enables.

Persistent Storage on Containers
Containerizing applications that require data persistence or shared storage is often challenging since containers are ephemeral in nature, are scaled in and out dynamically, and typically clear any saved state when terminated. In this session you will learn about Amazon Elastic File System (EFS), a fully managed, elastic, highly-available, scalable, secure, high-performance, cloud native, shared file system that enables data to be persisted separately from compute for your containerized applications.

Security Best Practices on Amazon ECR
In this session, we will cover best practices with securing your container images using ECR. Learn how user access controls, image assurance, and image scanning contribute to securing your images.

Application Level Design

Thursday, November 5, 2020, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM PT

Building a Live Streaming Platform with Amplify Video
In this session, learn how to build a live-streaming platform using Amplify Video and the platform powering it, AWS Elemental Live. Amplify video is an open source plugin for the Amplify CLI that makes it easy to incorporate video streaming into your mobile and web applications powered by AWS Amplify.

Building Serverless Web Applications
In this session, follow along as Ben Smith shows you how to build and deploy a completely serverless web application from scratch. The application will span from a mobile friendly front end to complex business logic on the back end.

Automating serverless application development workflows
In this talk, Eric Johnson breaks down how to think about CI/CD when building serverless applications with AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway. This session will cover using technologies like AWS SAM to build CI/CD pipelines for serverless application back ends.

Observability for your serverless applications
In this session, Julian Wood walks you through how to add monitoring, logging, and distributed tracing to your serverless applications. Join us to learn how to track platform and business metrics, visualize the performance and operations of your application, and understand which services should be optimized to improve your customer’s experience.

Happy Building with AWS Copilot
The hard part’s done. You and your team have spent weeks pouring over pull requests, building micro-services and containerizing them. Congrats! But what do you do now? How do you get those services on AWS? Copilot is a new command line tool that makes building, developing and operating containerized apps on AWS a breeze. In this session, we’ll talk about how Copilot helps you and your team set up modern applications that follow AWS best practices

CDK for Kubernetes
The CDK for Kubernetes (cdk8s) is a new open-source software development framework for defining Kubernetes applications and resources using familiar programming languages. Applications running on Kubernetes are composed of dozens of resources maintained through carefully maintained YAML files. As applications evolve and teams grow, these YAML files become harder and harder to manage. It’s also really hard to reuse and create abstractions through config files — copying & pasting from previous projects is not the solution! In this webinar, the creators of cdk8s show you how to define your first cdk8s application, define reusable components called “constructs” and generally say goodbye (and thank you very much) to writing in YAML.

Machine Learning on Amazon EKS
Amazon EKS has quickly emerged as a leading choice for machine learning workloads. In this session, we’ll walk through some of the recent ML related enhancements the Kubernetes team at AWS has released. We will then dive deep with walkthroughs of how to optimize your machine learning workloads on Amazon EKS, including demos of the latest features we’ve contributed to popular open source projects like Spark and Kubeflow

Deep Dive on Amazon ECS Capacity Providers
In this talk, we’ll dive into the different ways that ECS Capacity Providers can enable teams to focus more on their core business, and less on the infrastructure behind the scenes. We’ll look at the benefits and discuss scenarios where Capacity Providers can help solve the problems that customers face when using container orchestration. Lastly, we’ll review what features have been released with Capacity Providers, as well as look ahead at what’s to come.

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