Tag Archives: Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

Deploying low-latency hybrid cloud storage on AWS Local Zones using AWS Storage Gateway

Post Syndicated from maceneff original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/deploying-low-latency-hybrid-cloud-storage-on-aws-local-zones-using-aws-storage-gateway/

This blog post is written by Ruchi Nigam, Senior Cloud Support Engineer and Sumit Menaria, Senior Hybrid SA.

AWS Local Zones are a type of infrastructure deployment that places compute, storage, database, and other select AWS services close to large population and industry centers. With Local Zones close to large population centers in metro areas, customers can achieve the low latency required for use cases like video analytics, online gaming, virtual workstations, live streaming, remote healthcare, and augmented and virtual reality. They can also help customers operating in regulated sectors like healthcare, financial services, mining and resources, and public sector that might have preferences or requirements to keep data within a geographic boundary. In addition to low-latency and residency benefits, Local Zones can help organizations migrate additional workloads to AWS, supporting a hybrid cloud migration strategy and simplifying IT operations.

Your hybrid cloud migration strategy may involve storage requirements for data coming in from various on-premises sources, file sharing within the organization or backup on-premises files. These storage requirements can be met by using Amazon FSx for a feature-rich, high performance file system. You can deploy your workload in the nearest Local Zones and use Amazon FSx in the parent AWS Region for a cost-effective solution with four widely-used file systems: NetApp ONTAP, OpenZFS, Windows File Server, and Lustre.

If your workloads need low-latency access to your storage solution and operate in locations which are not close to an AWS Region, then you can consider AWS Storage Gateway as a set of hybrid cloud storage services to get access to virtually unlimited cloud storage in the region. There are options to deploy Storage Gateway directly in your on-premises environment as a virtual machine (VM) (VMware ESXi, Microsoft Hyper-V, Linux KVM) or as a pre-configured standalone hardware appliance. But you can also deploy it on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance in Local Zones or the Region, depending where your data sources and users are. Deploying Storage Gateway on Amazon EC2 in Local Zones provides low latency access via local cache for your applications while taking away the undifferentiated heavy lifting of management of the power, space, and hardware for deploying it in the on-premises environment. Before choosing an appropriate location, you must note any data residency requirements with which you must comply. There may be situations where the Local Zone’s parent Region is in the same country. However, it is recommended to work with your compliance and security teams for confirmation, as the objects are stored in the Amazon S3 service in the Region.

Depending on your use cases you can choose among four different deployment options: Amazon S3 File Gateway, Amazon FSx File Gateway , Tape Gateway, and Volume Gateway.



Use Case

S3 File Gateway


Allow on-premises or EC2 instances to store files as objects in Amazon S3 and access them via NFS or SMB mount points

Volume Gateway Stored Mode


Asynchronous replication of on-premises data to Amazon S3

Volume Gateway Cached Mode


Primary data stored in Amazon S3 with frequently accessed data cached locally on-premises

Tape Gateway


Replace on-premises physical tapes with AWS-backed virtual tapes. Provides virtual media changer and tape drives to use with existing backup applications

FSx File Gateway


Low-latency, efficient connection for remote users when moving on-premises Windows file systems into the cloud.

We expand on how you can deploy Amazon S3 File Gateway in a Local Zones specific setup. However, a similar approach can be used for other deployment options.

Amazon S3 File Gateway on Local Zones

Amazon S3 File Gateway provides a seamless way to connect to the cloud to store application data files and backup images as durable objects in Amazon S3 cloud storage. Amazon S3 File Gateway supports a file interface into Amazon S3 and combines a service and a virtual software appliance. The gateway offers Server Message Block (SMB) or Network File System (NFS)-based access to data in Amazon S3 with local caching. This can be used for both on-premises and data-intensive Amazon EC2-based applications in Local Zones that require file protocol access to Amazon S3 object storage.


Amazon S3 File Gateway on Local Zones architecture setup

In the previous architecture, Client connects to the Storage Gateway EC2 instance over a private/public connection. Storage Gateway EC2 instance can access the S3 bucket in the Region via the Storage Gateway service endpoint. The File Share associated with the Storage Gateway presents the S3 bucket as a locally mounted drive for the client to use.

There are few things we must note while deploying file gateway on Amazon EC2 in a Local Zone.

  • Since there are selected EC2 instance types available in the Local Zones, identify the instance types available in your desired Local Zone and select the appropriate one which meets the file gateway requirements from a memory perspective.

For example, to list the EC2 instance types offered in the ‘us-east-1-bos-la’ Availability Zone (AZ), use the following command:

aws ec2 describe-instance-type-offerings —location-type
"availability-zone" —filters Name=location,Values=us-east-1-bos-
1a —region us-east-1
  • Choose a supported instance type and EBS volumes in the Local Zone.
  • Add another 150GiB storage apart from the root volume for cache storage.
  • Review and make sure that the Security Group has correct firewall ports open – SMB/NFS ports, HTTP port (for activation) are open in ingress.
  • For activation, if you must access the Storage Gateway over the Public network, then you must assign a Public IP address to the EC2 instance. If you plan to use an Elastic IP address, then make sure that you select the network-border group specific to the Local Zone.
  • For private connectivity, you can use an AWS Direct Connect connection at the supported Local Zones and also enable VPC endpoint for connectivity between Storage Gateway and service endpoints.

Setting up Amazon S3 File Gateway

1.      Navigate to the Storage Gateway console and select the Create Gateway button. In the Gateway options, select the Gateway type as Amazon S3 File Gateway.

Step-1 Select the Gateway type

2.      Under Platform options, select Amazon EC2 and select the option to Customize your settings.

Step-2 Platform options and customize settings

Then, select the Launch instance button and complete launching the EC2 instance to be used as the Storage Gateway. Navigating to the launch instance wizard picks up the verified file gateway Amazon Machine Image (AMI) available in the Region. However, you can also find the AMI using the following AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) command:

aws --region us-east-1 ssm get-parameter --name

3.      After launching the EC2 instance, check Confirm set up gateway and select Next.

Step-3 Confirm set up gateway

4.      Under Gateway connection options, choose the IP address radio button and enter the Public IP of the EC2 instance launched in Step 2.

Step-4 Gateway connection options

5.      For the Storage Gateway Service endpoint connection, you can create a VPC endpoint for Storage Gateway and specify the VPC endpoint ID from the dropdown selections for a private connection between the gateway and AWS Storage Services. Alternatively, you can choose the Publicly accessible option.

Step-5 Service endpoint connection options

6.      Review and activate the storage gateway.

Step-6 Review and activate

7.      Once the gateway is activated, you can allocate cache storage from the local disks. It is recommended to only use Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes for the gateway storage.

Step-7 Configure cache storage

Once the gateway is configured, the next steps show how to create a file share that can be accessed using the NFS or the SMB protocol.

8.      A File Gateway can host multiple NFS and SMB file shares. For this example, we configure the NFS file share type. You can also select the corresponding S3 bucket in the Region which is going to be used for storing the data.

Step 7 - Create file share

Once the file share is created, you can see the list of mount commands to be used on different clients.

Example mount commands for different clients

On a Linux Client, use the following steps to mount the previously created NFS file share. Make sure you replace the IP address, S3 bucket name, and mount path with names specific to your configuration.

sudo mount -t nfs -o nolock,hard /my-

You can verify that the file share has been mounted by running the following command:

$ df -TH
Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs devtmpfs 497M 0 497M 0% /dev
tmpfs tmpfs 506M 476k 506M 1% /run
tmpfs tmpfs 506M 0 506M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/xvda1 xfs 8.6G 7.3G 1.4G 85% / nfs4 9.3E 0 9.3E 0% /your-mount-path
tmpfs tmpfs 102M 0 102M 0% /run/user/0
tmpfs tmpfs 102M 0 102M 0% /run/user/1000

Now you can also list the S3 objects as files on the locally mounted drive.

Terminal output listing files on Storage Gateway

For reference, here are the objects stored in the S3 bucket in the Region.

Objects stored in S3 bucket in the Region

To see a recently added object in the S3 bucket, select Refresh cache under the Actions options of the file share.

Depending on the client location, performance for access to the cached files is better as compared to direct access to the files in the parent Region. The clients can be either in your on-premises and accessed via Direct Connect to the Local Zone, or workload within the Local Zone, which can mount the file gateway for local access from the VPC.

Furthermore, you can look at Amazon S3 File Gateway performance for clients to select the appropriate EC2 instance type and EBS volume size and monitor Cache hit, Read/Write Time, and other performance metrics of the storage gateway by using CloudWatch Metrics.

Cleaning Up

  1. Unmount the File Gateway from the local machine: unmount /your-mount-path
  2. Delete the Storage Gateway from the Storage Gateway console
  3. Delete the VPC Endpoint created for Storage Gateway service
  4. Delete the EC2 instance from the Amazon EC2 console
  5. Delete the files added to the S3 bucket from the Amazon S3 console


By deploying Amazon Storage Gateway on Local Zones, you can utilize the scalability, security, and cost-effectiveness of the AWS cloud, and simultaneously provide low-latency and high-performance access for on-premises applications and users. This can accelerate the migration your storage workloads to cloud while providing your users with low latency access via Local Zones in a truly hybrid manner. Read more about AWS Storage Gateway and AWS Local Zones in their respective documentation.

Get started managing partitions for Amazon S3 tables backed by the AWS Glue Data Catalog

Post Syndicated from Anderson dos Santos original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/get-started-managing-partitions-for-amazon-s3-tables-backed-by-the-aws-glue-data-catalog/

Large organizations processing huge volumes of data usually store it in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and query the data to make data-driven business decisions using distributed analytics engines such as Amazon Athena. If you simply run queries without considering the optimal data layout on Amazon S3, it results in a high volume of data scanned, long-running queries, and increased cost.

Partitioning is a common technique to lay out your data optimally for distributed analytics engines. By partitioning your data, you can restrict the amount of data scanned by downstream analytics engines, thereby improving performance and reducing the cost for queries.

In this post, we cover the following topics related to Amazon S3 data partitioning:

  • Understanding table metadata in the AWS Glue Data Catalog and S3 partitions for better performance
  • How to create a table and load partitions in the Data Catalog using Athena
  • How partitions are stored in the table
  • Different ways to add partitions in a table on the Data Catalog
  • Partitioning data stored in Amazon S3 while ingestion and catalog

Understanding table metadata in the Data Catalog and S3 partitions for better performance

A table in the AWS Glue Data Catalog is the metadata definition that organizes the data location, data type, and column schema, which represents the data in a data store. Partitions are data organized hierarchically, defining the location where the data for a particular partition resides. Partitioning your data allows you to limit the amount of data scanned by S3 SELECT, thereby improving performance and reducing cost.

There are a few factors to consider when deciding the columns on which to partition. For example, if you’re using columns as filters, don’t use a column that is partitioning too finely, or don’t choose a column where your data is heavily skewed to one partition value. You can partition your data by any column. Partition columns are usually designed by a common query pattern in your use case. For example, a common practice is to partition the data based on year/month/day because many queries tend to run time series analyses in typical use cases. This often leads to a multi-level partitioning scheme. Data is organized in a hierarchical directory structure based on the distinct values of one or more columns.

Let’s look at an example of how partitioning works.

Files corresponding to a single day’s worth of data are placed under a prefix such as s3://my_bucket/logs/year=2023/month=06/day=01/.

If your data is partitioned per day, every day you have a single file, such as the following:

  • s3://my_bucket/logs/year=2023/month=06/day=01/file1_example.json
  • s3://my_bucket/logs/year=2023/month=06/day=02/file2_example.json
  • s3://my_bucket/logs/year=2023/month=06/day=03/file3_example.json

We can use a WHERE clause to query the data as follows:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE year=2023 AND month=06 AND day=01

The preceding query reads only the data inside the partition folder year=2023/month=06/day=01 instead of scanning through the files under all partitions. Therefore, it only scans the file file1_example.json.

Systems such as Athena, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, and now AWS Glue can use these partitions to filter data by value, eliminating unnecessary (partition) requests to Amazon S3. This capability can improve the performance of applications that specifically need to read a limited number of partitions. For more information about partitioning with Athena and Redshift Spectrum, refer to Partitioning data in Athena and Creating external tables for Redshift Spectrum, respectively.

How to create a table and load partitions in the Data Catalog using Athena

Let’s begin by understanding how to create a table and load partitions using DDL (Data Definition Language) queries in Athena. Note that to demonstrate the various methods of loading partitions into the table, we need to delete and recreate the table multiple times throughout the following steps.

First, we create a database for this demo.

  1. On the Athena console, choose Query editor.

If this is your first time using the Athena query editor, you need to configure and specify an S3 bucket to store the query results.

  1. Create a database with the following command:
CREATE DATABASE partitions_blog;

  1. In the Data pane, for Database, choose the database partitions_blog.
  2. Create the table impressions following the example in Hive JSON SerDe. Replace <myregion> in s3://<myregion>.elasticmapreduce/samples/hive-ads/tables/impressions with the Region identifier where you run Athena (for example, s3://us-east-1.elasticmapreduce/samples/hive-ads/tables/impressions).
  3. Run the following query to create the table:
    requestbegintime string,
    adid string,
    impressionid string,
    referrer string,
    useragent string,
    usercookie string,
    ip string,
    number string,
    processid string,
    browsercookie string,
    requestendtime string,
    timers struct
    threadid string, 
    hostname string,
    sessionid string
PARTITIONED BY (dt string)
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hive.hcatalog.data.JsonSerDe'
LOCATION 's3://us-east-1.elasticmapreduce/samples/hive-ads/tables/impressions';

The following screenshot shows the query in the query editor.

  1. Run the following query to review the data:
SELECT * FROM impressions;

You can’t see any results because the partitions aren’t loaded yet.

If the partition isn’t loaded into a partitioned table, when the application downloads the partition metadata, the application will not be aware of the S3 path that needs to be queried. For more information, refer to Why do I get zero records when I query my Amazon Athena table.

  1. Load the partitions using the command MSCK REPAIR TABLE.

The MSCK REPAIR TABLE command was designed to manually add partitions that are added to or removed from the file system, such as HDFS or Amazon S3, but are not present in the metastore.

  1. Query the table again to see the results.

After the MSCK REPAIR TABLE command scans Amazon S3 and adds partitions to AWS Glue for Hive-compatible partitions, the records under the registered partitions are now returned.

How partitions are stored in the table metadata

We can list the table partitions in Athena by running the SHOW PARTITIONS command, as shown in the following screenshot.

We also can see the partition metadata on the AWS Glue console. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose Tables in the navigation pane under Data Catalog.
  2. Choose the impressions table in the partitions_blog database.
  3. On the Partitions tab, choose View Properties next to a partition to view its details.

The following screenshot shows an example of the partition properties.

We can also get the partitions using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) command get-partitions, as shown in the following screenshot.

From the get-partitions, the element “Values” defines the partition value and “Location” defines the S3 path to be queried by the application:

"Values": [

When querying the data from the partition dt="2009-04-12-19-05", the application lists and reads only the files in the S3 path s3://us-east-1.elasticmapreduce/samples/hive-ads/tables/impressions/dt="2009-04-12-19-05".

Different ways to add partitions in a table on the Data Catalog

There are multiple ways to load partitions into the table. You can create tables and partitions directly using the AWS Glue API, SDKs, AWS CLI, DDL queries on Athena, using AWS Glue crawlers, or using AWS Glue ETL jobs.

For the next examples, we need to drop and recreate the table. Run the following command in the Athena query editor:

DROP table impressions;

After that, recreate the table:

    requestbegintime string,
    adid string,
    impressionid string,
    referrer string,
    useragent string,
    usercookie string,
    ip string,
    number string,
    processid string,
    browsercookie string,
    requestendtime string,
    timers struct
    threadid string, 
    hostname string,
    sessionid string
PARTITIONED BY (dt string)
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hive.hcatalog.data.JsonSerDe'
LOCATION 's3://us-east-1.elasticmapreduce/samples/hive-ads/tables/impressions';

Creating partitions individually

If the data arrives in an S3 bucket at a scheduled time, for example every hour or once a day, you can individually add partitions. One way of doing so is by running an ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION DDL query on Athena.

We use Athena for this query as an example. You can do the same from Hive on Amazon EMR, Spark on Amazon EMR, AWS Glue for Apache Spark jobs, and more.

To load partitions using Athena, we need to use the ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION command, which can create one or more partitions in the table. ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION supports partitions created on Amazon S3 with camel case (s3://bucket/table/dayOfTheYear=20), Hive format (s3://bucket/table/dayoftheyear=20), and non-Hive style partitioning schemes used by AWS CloudTrail logs, which use separate path components for date parts, such as s3://bucket/data/2021/01/26/us/6fc7845e.json.

To load partitions into a table, you can run the following query in the Athena query editor:

ALTER TABLE impressions 
  ADD PARTITION (dt = '2009-04-12-19-05');

Refer to ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION for more information.

Another option is using AWS Glue APIs. AWS Glue provides two APIs to load partitions into table create_partition() and batch_create_partition(). For the API parameters, refer to CreatePartition.

The following example uses the AWS CLI:

aws glue create-partition \
    --database-name partitions_blog \
    --table-name impressions \
    --partition-input '{
                                "InputFormat": "org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat",
                                "SerdeInfo": {
                                    "SerializationLibrary": "org.apache.hive.hcatalog.data.JsonSerDe"

Both commands (ALTER TABLE in Athena and the AWS Glue API create-partition) will create partition enhancing from the table definition.

Load multiple partitions using MSCK REPAIR TABLE

You can load multiple partitions in Athena. MSCK REPAIR TABLE is a DDL statement that scans the entire S3 path defined in the table’s Location property. Athena lists the S3 path searching for Hive-compatible partitions, then loads the existing partitions into the AWS Glue table’s metadata. A table needs to be created in the Data Catalog, and the data source must be from Amazon S3 before it can run. You can create a table with AWS Glue APIs or by running a CREATE TABLE statement in Athena. After the table creation, run MSCK REPAIR TABLE to load the partitions.

The parameter DDL query timeout in the service quotas defines how long a DDL statement can run. The runtime increases accordingly to the number of folders or partitions in the S3 path.

The MSCK REPAIR TABLE command is best used when creating a table for the first time or when there is uncertainty about parity between data and partition metadata. It supports folders created in lowercase and using Hive-style partitions format (for example, year=2023/month=6/day=01). Because MSCK REPAIR TABLE scans both the folder and its subfolders to find a matching partition scheme, you should keep data for separate tables in separate folder hierarchies.

Every MSCK REPAIR TABLE command lists the entire folder specified in the table location. If you add new partitions frequently (for example, every 5 minutes or every hour), consider scheduling an ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION statement to load only the partitions defined in the statement instead of scanning the entire S3 path.

The partitions created in the Data Catalog by MSCK REPAIR TABLE enhance the schema from the table definition. Note that Athena doesn’t charge for DDL statements, making MSCK REPAIR TABLE a more straightforward and affordable way to load partitions.

Add multiple partitions using an AWS Glue crawler

An AWS Glue crawler offers more features when loading partitions into the table. A crawler automatically identifies partitions in Amazon S3, extracts metadata, and creates table definitions in the Data Catalog. Crawlers can crawl the following file-based and table-based data stores.

Crawlers can help automate table creation and loading partitions into tables. They are charged per hour, and bill per second. You can optimize the crawler’s performance by altering parameters like the sample size or by specifying it to crawl new folders only.

If the schema of the data changes, the crawler will update the table and partition schemas accordingly. The crawler configuration options have parameters such as update the table definition in the Data Catalog, add new columns only, and ignore the change and don’t update the table in the Data Catalog, which tell the crawler how to update the table when needed and evolve the table schema.

Crawlers can create and update multiple tables from the same data source. When an AWS Glue crawler scans Amazon S3 and detects multiple directories, it uses a heuristic to determine where the root for a table is in the directory structure and which directories are partitions for the table.

To create an AWS Glue crawler, complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose Crawlers in the navigation pane under Data Catalog.
  2. Choose Create crawler.
  3. Provide a name and optional description, then choose Next.
  4. Under Data source configuration, select Not yet and choose Add a data source.
  5. For Data source, choose S3.
  6. For S3 path, enter the path of the impression data (s3://us-east-1.elasticmapreduce/samples/hive-ads/tables/impressions).
  7. Select a preference for subsequent crawler runs.
  8. Choose Add an S3 data source.
  9. Select your data source and choose Next.
  10. Under IAM role, either choose an existing AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role or choose Create new IAM role.
  11. Choose Next.
  12. For Target database, choose partitions_blog.
  13. For Table name prefix, enter crawler_.

We use the table prefix to add a custom prefix in front of the table name. For example, if you leave the prefix field empty and start the crawler on s3://my-bucket/some-table-backup, it creates a table with the name some-table-backup. If you add crawler_ as a prefix, it a creates table called crawler_some-table-backup.

  1. Choose your crawler schedule, then choose Next.
  2. Review your settings and create the crawler.
  3. Select your crawler and choose Run.

Wait for the crawler to finish running.

You can go to Athena and check the table was created:

SHOW PARTITIONS crawler_impressions;

Partitioning data stored in Amazon S3 while ingestion and cataloging

The previous examples work with data that already exists in Amazon S3. If you’re using AWS Glue jobs to write data on Amazon S3, you have the option to create partitions with DynamicFrames by enabling the “enableUpdateCatalog=True” parameter. Refer to Creating tables, updating the schema, and adding new partitions in the Data Catalog from AWS Glue ETL jobs for more information.

DynamicFrame supports native partitioning using a sequence of keys, using the partitionKeys option when you create a sink. For example, the following Python code writes out a dataset to Amazon S3 in Parquet format into directories partitioned by the ‘year’ field. After ingesting the data and registering partitions from the AWS Glue job, you can utilize these partitions from queries running on other analytics engines such as Athena.

## Create partitioned table in Glue Data Catalog using DynamicFrame

#Read Dataset
datasource0 = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog(
      database = "default", 
      table_name = "flight_delays_pq", 
      transformation_ctx = "datasource0")

#Create Sink
sink = glueContext.getSink(
    partitionKeys=[ "year"])
sink.setFormat("parquet", useGlueParquetWriter=True)

sink.setCatalogInfo(catalogDatabase="default", catalogTableName="test_table")

#Write data, create table and add partitions


This post showed multiple methods for partitioning your Amazon S3 data, which helps reduce costs by avoiding unnecessary data scanning and also improves the overall performance of your processes. We further described how AWS Glue makes effective metadata management for partitions possible, allowing you to optimize your storage and query operations in AWS Glue and Athena. These partitioning methods can help optimize scanning high volumes of data or long-running queries, as well as reduce the cost of scanning.

We hope you try out these options!

About the authors

Anderson Santos is a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He works with AWS Enterprise customers to provide guidance and technical assistance, helping them improve the value of their solutions when using AWS.

Arun Pradeep Selvaraj is a Senior Solutions Architect and is part of Analytics TFC at AWS. Arun is passionate about working with his customers and stakeholders on digital transformations and innovation in the cloud while continuing to learn, build and reinvent. He is creative, fast-paced, deeply customer-obsessed and leverages the working backwards process to build modern architectures to help customers solve their unique challenges.

Patrick Muller is a Senior Solutions Architect and a valued member of the Datalab. With over 20 years of expertise in analytics, data warehousing, and distributed systems, he brings extensive knowledge to the table. Patrick’s passion lies in evaluating new technologies and assisting customers with innovative solutions. During his free time, he enjoys watching soccer.

Deploying an automated Amazon CloudWatch dashboard for AWS Outposts using AWS CDK

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/deploying-an-automated-amazon-cloudwatch-dashboard-for-aws-outposts-using-aws-cdk/

This post is written by Enrico Liguori, Networking Solutions Architect, Hybrid Cloud and Sumeeth Siriyur, Sr. Hybrid Cloud Solutions Architect.

AWS Outposts is a fully managed service that brings the same AWS infrastructure, services, APIs, and tools to virtually any data center, colocation space, manufacturing floor, or on-premises facility where it might be needed. With Outposts, you can run some AWS services on-premises and connect to a broad range of services available in the local AWS Region. Outposts supports workloads requiring low latency, local data processing, data residency, and application migration.

Outposts capacity is driven as per your compute and storage requirements to run workloads. You can monitor Outposts resources using metrics gathered by Amazon CloudWatch. Using these metrics, you can effectively monitor and manage the Outposts resources as they would in the Region, levereging cloud native tools such as CloudWatch dashboards. Check the Monitoring best practices for AWS Outposts blog post to dive deep into the available monitoring options for Outposts.

CloudWatch dashboards are customizable home pages in the CloudWatch console that can be used to monitor resources running on Outposts in a single view. For example, you can monitor in a single pane the number Amazon EC2 instances used per EC2 instance type, the available capacity of Amazon EBS volumes and Amazon S3 buckets, and the operational status of the service link of Outposts.

As a you start deploying additional Outposts resources as a part of their capacity expansion, they must all be integrated and visualized within CloudWatch in an automated way. Traditionally CloudWatch dashboards are built manually and may be time consuming to tune. This post provides also an overview of building CloudWatch dashboards in an automated way using AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK).


CloudWatch metrics available to monitor Outposts resources and capacity

CloudWatch metrics for Outposts are available to customers in all public AWS Regions and AWS GovCloud (US) at no additional cost. We can classify the available metrics in two main categories:

To identify the metrics published under the service specific namespaces, we can leverage metadata in the form of tags. A tag is a label that you assign to an AWS resource and consists of a key and an optional value. For the purpose of the monitoring strategy described in this post, we use a tag that contains the OutpostID of the Outpost where the resource is deployed. In this way, we can easily filter the CloudWatch metrics that we would like to show in our dashboard.

To enforce the assignment of tags to our resources we can implement a tagging strategy using AWS tag Policies and Service Control Policies (SCPs).

The following sections describe two different methods to build a CloudWatch dashboard that includes the different types of metrics described so far. In both cases, we see how particularly useful the presence of tags is to identify the service-specific metrics.

Manual approach to building a CloudWatch dashboard for Outposts

This section describes a manual (i.e., non-automated) approach to building a dashboard that could summarize both the capacity utilization metrics and the service specific metrics for your resources running on Outposts.

The benefit of this approach is that we can implement a fully operational dashboard directly from the CloudWatch console. However, it will simultaneously require more effort to properly tune the dashboard to satisfy your monitoring requirements.

You can start creating the dashboard opening the CloudWatch console and following the steps listed in the public documentation.

To display a metric under AWS/Outposts namespace we can choose any of the widgets available. Based on the nature of the data, we can choose different types of Widgets such as Number, Line, Gauge, Explorer, or you can even build your own custom widget.

Together with the Widget type, we must select Outposts namespace in the metric graph dialog box and then navigate to the specific metric of interest.

In case we are creating the dashboard in a different account than the Outposts owner, we must select the right account in the View data drop-down menu to see the Outposts metric in which we are interested.

View data drop-down menu

After selecting one or more metrics we can select Create widget button.

For the service specific metrics, we recommend using the explorer widget. In this way, we can utilize the tagging strategy described earlier to automatically identify the metrics belonging to the resources running on Outposts. Check the documentation page for a step-by-step guide for creating an explorer widget based on tags.

Automated outpost dashboard

After we’ve seen how to build a dashboard manually from the console, in this secton we describe an automated approach to deploy a dashboard for Outposts through AWS CDK.

AWS CDK is an open source software development framework to model and provision your cloud application resources using familiar programming languages, including TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, C#, and Java. For the solution in this post, we use Python.

Architecture overview

The AWS CDK stack described in this post, assumes that the resources running on Outposts (EC2 instances, S3 buckets, Application Load Balancers (ALBs), and RDS instances) are tagged using the tagging strategy described earlier.

Specifying a tag name and a tag value in a configuration file automatically discovers the resources with that tag and adds the related metrics to the CloudWatch dashboard.

Together with the service specific metrics, it creates a series of widgets that we can use to monitor the capacity available and utilized in each Outpost that belongs to the account where the script is running.

The workflow is made of the following phases:

  1. The AWS CDK stack creates an AWS CodeCommit repository and uploads its own code into it. The code contains a series of modules, one for each section of the CloudWatch dashboard. A section of the dashboard contains one or more widgets showing the metrics of a specific service.
  2. To maintain the CloudWatch dashboard always up-to-date with the resources matching the tag, it creates a pipeline in AWS CodePipeline that can dynamically create and or update the dashboard. The pipeline runs the code in the CodeCommit repository and is made of two stages. In the first one, the build stage, it builds the dependencies needed by the AWS CDK stack. In the second stage, the Deploy stage, it loads and runs the modules used to build the dashboard.
  3. Each module contains the code to automatically discover the tagged resources of a specific service. This discovery phase uses standard AWS APIs called through the Python SDK Boto3.
  4. Based on the results of the discovery phase, AWS CDK produces an AWS CloudFormation template containing the definition of the CloudWatch dashboard sections. The template is submitted to CloudFormation.
  5. CloudFormation creates or, if already defined, updates the CloudWatch dashboard.
  6. Together with the dashboard, the AWS CDK script also contains the definition of a CloudWatch Event that, once deployed, triggers the pipeline each time a resource tagged with the specified tag is created or destroyed.


To implement the solution presented in this post, you must configure:

  1. git as distributed version control system.
  2. In case it is the first time that you’re using AWS CDK in this account and region, you must:

a. Install the AWS CDK, and its prerequisites, following these instructions.

b. Go through the AWS CDK bootstrapping process. This is required only for the first time that we use AWS CDK in a specific AWS environment (an AWS environment is a combination of an AWS account and Region).

How to install

Step 1: Clone the AWS CDK code hosted on GitHub with:

$ git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/automated-cloudwatch-dashboard.git

Step 2: enter the directory using the following:

$ cd  automated-cloudwatch-dashboard/

Step 3: Install the needed Python dependencies with:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 4: Modify the configuration file

Before deploying the stack, we must modify the configuration file to specify the tag we use for identifying our resources running on Outposts. Open the file with the name config.yaml with your preferred text editor and specify:

      • A name for the dashboard. The default name used is Automated-CloudWatch-Dashboard.
      • Replace <tag_name> placeholder following the tag_name variable with the tag name used to tag the resources that you want to include in the dashboard.
      • Replace <tag_value> placeholder under tag_values variable with the tag value that you used.

Here is an example config.yaml configuration file:

dashboard_name: Automated-CloudWatch-Dahsboard
tag_name: OutpostID
  - op-1234567890abcdefg 

Stack deployment

We can deploy the stack with the following:

$ cdk deploy

At the end of the deployment process, the pipeline that creates the dashboard is provisioned. You can now go to your CloudWatch console to view it.

Automated Outposts dashboard overview

Now that we have built our dashboard, let’s review each section:

  1. Outpost capacity

Outpost Capacity diagram

The AWS CDK stacks define a capacity section for each Outpost available to the AWS account where the script runs.

In this section, we find four widgets showing metrics published under the AWS/Outpost namespace. The first widget shows for each EC2 instance type available on the Outposts the number of instances utilized and available for that instance type. In the second row, we can visualize the available capacity for the Amazon EBS volumes and for the S3 buckets. The last widget shows the operational status of the service link of Outposts.

2. EC2 instances

CPU, Network, and Disk Utilization for an EC2 instance diagram

In this section of the dashboard, we find the metrics showing the CPU, Network, and Disk Utilization for an EC2 instance. It has defined a section of this type for each EC2 instance with a tag assigned matching the name and the value specified in the configuration file of the script.

3. Application Load Balancer

The ALB section aggregates metrics showing the operational status of a load balancer hosted on Outposts

The ALB section aggregates metrics showing the operational status of a load balancer hosted on Outposts. A section of this type is defined for each ALB with an assigned tag matching the one specified in the configuration file.

4. S3 buckets

The S3 buckets section diagram

The S3 buckets section is defined only once and aggregates the utilization metrics for all S3 buckets with an assigned tag.

5. AutoScaling group

The AutoScaling group section diagram

The AutoScaling group section can be used to monitor the number of instances in service in a specific AS group with a tag assigned. This section is defined once and can aggregate the metrics for multiple AutoScaling groups.

Clean up

To terminate the resources that we created in this post, run the following:

$ cdk destroy

Then, go to the Cloudformation console and delete the stack with the name “Deploy-AutomatedCloudWatchDashboard”.


In conclusion, this post demonstrates a manual way of creating CloudWatch Metrics dashboard using the CloudWatch console and an automated way using AWS CDK. The automated approach is also scalable by automatically discovering any new resources added to the existing Outposts in the your environment without any changes to the code.

New – Amazon S3 Dual-Layer Server-Side Encryption with Keys Stored in AWS Key Management Service (DSSE-KMS)

Post Syndicated from Irshad Buchh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-amazon-s3-dual-layer-server-side-encryption-with-keys-stored-in-aws-key-management-service-dsse-kms/

Today, we are launching Amazon S3 dual-layer server-side encryption with keys stored in AWS Key Management Service (DSSE-KMS), a new encryption option in Amazon S3 that applies two layers of encryption to objects when they are uploaded to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. DSSE-KMS is designed to meet National Security Agency CNSSP 15 for FIPS compliance and Data-at-Rest Capability Package (DAR CP) Version 5.0 guidance for two layers of CNSA encryption. Using DSSE-KMS, you can fulfill regulatory requirements to apply multiple layers of encryption to your data.

Amazon S3 is the only cloud object storage service where customers can apply two layers of encryption at the object level and control the data keys used for both layers. DSSE-KMS makes it easier for highly regulated customers to fulfill rigorous security standards, such as US Department of Defense (DoD) customers.

With DSSE-KMS, you can specify dual-layer server-side encryption (DSSE) in the PUT or COPY request for an object or configure your S3 bucket to apply DSSE to all new objects by default. You can also enforce DSSE-KMS using IAM and bucket policies. Each layer of encryption uses a separate cryptographic implementation library with individual data encryption keys. DSSE-KMS helps protect sensitive data against the low probability of a vulnerability in a single layer of cryptographic implementation.

DSSE-KMS simplifies the process of applying two layers of encryption to your data, without having to invest in infrastructure required for client-side encryption. Each layer of encryption uses a different implementation of the 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard with Galois Counter Mode (AES-GCM) algorithm. DSSE-KMS uses the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) to generate data keys, allowing you to control your customer managed keys by setting permissions per key and specifying key rotation schedules. With DSSE-KMS, you can now query and analyze your dual-encrypted data with AWS services such as Amazon Athena, Amazon SageMaker, and more.

With this launch, Amazon S3 now offers four options for server-side encryption:

  1. Server-side encryption with Amazon S3 managed keys (SSE-S3)
  2. Server-side encryption with AWS KMS (SSE-KMS)
  3. Server-side encryption with customer-provided encryption keys (SSE-C)
  4. Dual-layer server-side encryption with keys stored in KMS (DSSE-KMS)

Let’s see how DSSE-KMS works in practice.

Create an S3 Bucket and Turn on DSSE-KMS
To create a new bucket in the Amazon S3 console, I choose Buckets in the navigation pane. I choose Create bucket, and I select a unique and meaningful name for the bucket. Under Default encryption section, I choose DSSE-KMS as the encryption option. From the available AWS KMS keys, I select a key for my requirements. Finally, I choose Create bucket to complete the creation of the S3 bucket, encrypted by DSSE-KMS encryption settings.


Upload an Object to the DSSE-SSE enabled S3 Bucket
In the Buckets list, I choose the name of the bucket that I want to upload an object to. On the Objects tab for the bucket, I choose Upload. Under Files and folders, I choose Add files. I then choose a file to upload, and then choose Open. Under Server-side encryption, I choose Do not specify an encryption key. I then choose Upload.

Server Side Encryption

Once the object is uploaded to the S3 bucket, I notice that the uploaded object inherits the Server-side encryption settings from the bucket.

Server Side Encryption Setting

Download a DSSE-KMS Encrypted Object from an S3 Bucket
I select the object that I previously uploaded and choose Download or choose Download as from the Object actions menu. Once the object is downloaded, I open it locally, and the object is decrypted automatically, requiring no change to client applications.

Now Available
Amazon S3 dual-layer server-side encryption with keys stored in AWS KMS (DSSE-KMS) is available today in all AWS Regions. You can get started with DSSE-KMS via the AWS CLI or AWS Management Console. To learn more about all available encryption options on Amazon S3, visit the Amazon S3 User Guide. For pricing information on DSSE-KMS, visit the Amazon S3 pricing page (Storage tab) and the AWS KMS pricing page.

— Irshad

Managing data confidentiality for Scope 3 emissions using AWS Clean Rooms

Post Syndicated from Sundeep Ramachandran original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/managing-data-confidentiality-for-scope-3-emissions-using-aws-clean-rooms/

Scope 3 emissions are indirect greenhouse gas emissions that are a result of a company’s activities, but occur outside the company’s direct control or ownership. Measuring these emissions requires collecting data from a wide range of external sources, like raw material suppliers, transportation providers, and other third parties. One of the main challenges with Scope 3 data collection is ensuring data confidentiality when sharing proprietary information between third-party suppliers. Organizations are hesitant to share information that could potentially be used by competitors. This can make it difficult for companies to accurately measure and report on their Scope 3 emissions. And the result is that it limits their ability to manage climate-related impacts and risks.

In this blog, we show how to use AWS Clean Rooms to share Scope 3 emissions data between a reporting company and two of their value chain partners (a raw material purchased goods supplier and a transportation provider). Data confidentially requirements are specified by each organization before participating in the data AWS Clean Rooms collaboration (see Figure 1).

Data confidentiality requirements of reporting company and value chain partners

Figure 1. Data confidentiality requirements of reporting company and value chain partners

Each account has confidential data described as follows:

  • Column 1 lists the raw material Region of origin. This is business confidential information for supplier.
  • Column 2 lists the emission factors at the raw material level. This is sensitive information for the supplier.
  • Column 3 lists the mode of transportation. This is business confidential information for the transportation provider.
  • Column 4 lists the emissions in transporting individual items. This is sensitive information for the transportation provider.
  • Rows in column 5 list the product recipe at the ingredient level. This is trade secret information for the reporting company.

Overview of solution

In this architecture, AWS Clean Rooms is used to analyze and collaborate on emission datasets without sharing, moving, or revealing underlying data to collaborators (shown in Figure 2).

Architecture for AWS Clean Rooms Scope 3 collaboration

Figure 2. Architecture for AWS Clean Rooms Scope 3 collaboration

Three AWS accounts are used to demonstrate this approach. The Reporting Account creates a collaboration in AWS Clean Rooms and invites the Purchased Goods Account and Transportation Account to join as members. All accounts can protect their underlying data with privacy-enhancing controls to contribute data directly from Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) using AWS Glue tables.

The Purchased Goods Account includes users who can update the purchased goods bucket. Similarly, the Transportation Account has users who can update the transportation bucket. The Reporting Account can run SQL queries on the configured tables. AWS Clean Rooms only returns results complying with the analysis rules set by all participating accounts.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

Although Amazon S3 and AWS Clean Rooms are free-tier eligible, a low fee applies to AWS Glue. Clean-up actions are provided later in this blog post to minimize costs.


We configured the S3 buckets for each AWS account as follows:

  • Reporting Account: reportingcompany.csv
  • Purchased Goods Account: purchasedgood.csv
  • Transportation Account: transportation.csv

Create an AWS Glue Data Catalog for each S3 data source following the method in the Glue Data Catalog Developer Guide. The AWS Glue tables should match the schema detailed previously in Figure 1, for each respective account (see Figure 3).

Configured AWS Glue table for ‘Purchased Goods’

Figure 3. Configured AWS Glue table for ‘Purchased Goods’

Data consumers can be configured to ingest, analyze, and visualize queries (refer back to Figure 2). We will tag the Reporting Account Glue Database as “reporting-db” and the Glue Table as “reporting.” Likewise, the Purchased Goods Account will have “purchase-db” and “purchase” tags.


Additional actions are recommended to secure each account in a production environment. To configure encryption, review the Further Reading section at the end of this post, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles, and Amazon CloudWatch.


This walkthrough consists of four steps:

  1. The Reporting Account creates the AWS Clean Rooms collaboration and invites the Purchased Goods Account and Transportation Account to share data.
  2. The Purchased Goods Account and Transportation Account accepts this invitation.
  3. Rules are applied for each collaboration account restricting how data is shared between AWS Clean Rooms collaboration accounts.
  4. The SQL query is created and run in the Reporting Account.

1. Create the AWS Clean Rooms collaboration in the Reporting Account

(The steps covered in this section require you to be logged into the Reporting Account.)

  • Navigate to the AWS Clean Rooms console and click Create collaboration.
  • In the Details section, type “Scope 3 Clean Room Collaboration” in the Name field.
  • Scroll to the Member 1 section. Enter “Reporting Account” in the Member display name field.
  • In Member 2 section, enter “Purchased Goods Account” for your first collaboration member name, with their account number in the Member AWS account ID box.
  • Click Add another member and add “Transportation Account” as the third collaborator with their AWS account number.
  • Choose the “Reporting Account” as the Member who can query and receive result in the Member abilities section. Click Next.
  • Select Yes, join by creating membership now. Click Next.
  • Verify the collaboration settings on the Review and Create page, then select Create and join collaboration and create membership.

Both accounts will then receive an invitation to accept the collaboration (see Figure 4). The console reveals each member status as “Invited” until accepted. Next, we will show how the invited members apply query restrictions on their data.

New collaboration created in AWS Clean Rooms

Figure 4. New collaboration created in AWS Clean Rooms

2. Accept invitations and configure table collaboration rules

Steps in this section are applied to the Purchased Goods Account and Transportation Account following collaboration environment setup. For brevity, we will demonstrate steps using the Purchased Goods Account. Differences for the Transportation Account are noted.

  • Log in to the AWS account owning the Purchased Goods Account and accept the collaboration invitation.
  • Open the AWS Clean Rooms console and select Collaborations on the left-hand navigation pane, then click Available to join.
  • You will see an invitation from the Scope 3 Clean Room Collaboration. Click on Scope 3 Clean Room Collaboration and then Create membership.
  • Select Tables, then Associate table. Click Configure new table.

The next action is to associate the Glue table created from the purchasedgoods.csv file. This sequence restricts access to the origin_region column (transportation_mode for the Transportation Account table) in the collaboration.

  • In the Scope 3 Clean Room Collaboration, select Configured tables in the left-hand pane, then Configure new table. Select the AWS Glue table associated with purchasedgoods.csv (shown in Figure 5).
  • Select the AWS Glue Database (purchase-db) and AWS Glue Table (purchase).
  • Verify the correct table section by toggling View schema from the AWS Glue slider bar.
  • In the Columns allowed in collaboration section, select all fields except for origin_region. This action prevents the origin_region column being accessed and viewed in the collaboration.
  • Complete this step by selecting Configure new table.
Purchased Goods account table configuration

Figure 5. Purchased Goods account table configuration

  • Select Configure analysis rule (see Figure 6).
  • Select Aggregation type then Next.
  • Select SUM as the Aggregate function and s3_upstream_purchased_good for the column.
  • Under Join controls, select Specify Join column. Select “item” from the list of options. This permits SQL join queries to execute on the “item” column. Click Next.
Table rules for the Purchased Goods account

Figure 6. Table rules for the Purchased Goods account

  • The next page specifies the minimum number of unique rows to aggregate for the “join” command. Select “item” for Column name and “2” for the Minimum number of distinct values. Click Next.
  • To confirm the table configuration query rules, click Configure analysis rule.
  • The final step is to click Associate to collaboration and select Scope 3 Clean Room Collaboration in the pulldown menu. Select Associate table after page refresh.

The procedure in this section is repeated for the Transportation Account, with the following exceptions:

  1. The columns shared in this collaboration are item, s3_upstream_transportation, and unit.
  2. The Aggregation function is a SUM applied on the s3_upstream_transportation column.
  3. The item column has an Aggregation constraint minimum of two distinct values.

3. Configure table collaboration rules inside the Reporting Account

At this stage, member account tables are created and shared in the collaboration. The next step is to configure the Reporting Account tables in the Reporting Account’s AWS account.

  • Navigate to AWS Clean Rooms. Select Configured tables, then Configure new table.
  • Select the Glue database and table associated with the file reportingcompany.csv.
  • Under Columns allowed in collaboration, select All columns, then Configure new table.
  • Configure collaboration rules by clicking Configure analysis rule using the Guided workflow.
  • Select Aggregation type, then Next.
  • Select SUM as the Aggregate function and ingredient for the column (see Figure 7).
  • Only SQL join queries can be executed on the ingredient column by selecting it in the Specify join columns section.
  • In the Dimension controls, select product. This option permits grouping by product name in the SQL query. Select Next.
  • Select None in the Scalar functions section. Click Next. Read more about scalar functions in the AWS Clean Rooms User Guide.
Table rules for the Reporting account

Figure 7. Table rules for the Reporting account

  • On the next page, select ingredient for Column name and 2 for the Minimum number of distinct values. Click Next. To confirm query control submission, select Configure analysis rule on the next page.
  • Validate the setting in the Review and Configure window, then select Next.
  • Inside the Configured tables tab, select Associate to collaboration. Assign the table to the Scope 3 Clean Rooms Collaboration.
  • Select the Scope 3 Clean Room Collaboration in the dropdown menu. Select Choose collaboration.
    On the Scope 3 Clean Room Collaboration page, select reporting, then Associate table.

4. Create and run the SQL query

Queries can now be run inside the Reporting Account (shown in Figure 8).

Query results in the Clean Rooms Reporting Account

Figure 8. Query results in the Clean Rooms Reporting Account

  • Select an S3 destination to output the query results. Select Action, then Set results settings.
  • Enter the S3 bucket name, then click Save changes.
  • Paste this SQL snippet inside the query text editor (see Figure 8):

  r.product AS “Product”,
SUM(p.s3_upstream_purchased_good) AS “Scope_3_Purchased_Goods_Emissions”,
SUM(t.s3_upstream_transportation) AS “Scope_3_Transportation_Emissions”
reporting r
  INNER JOIN purchase p ON r.ingredient = p.item
  INNER JOIN transportation t ON p.item = t.item

  • Click Run query. The query results should appear after a few minutes on the initial query, but will take less time for subsequent queries.


This example shows how Clean Rooms can aggregate data across collaborators to produce total Scope 3 emissions for each product from purchased goods and transportation. This query was performed between three organizations without revealing underlying emission factors or proprietary product recipe to one another. This alleviates data confidentially concerns and improves sustainability reporting transparency.

Clean Up

The following steps are taken to clean up all resources created in this walkthrough:

  • Member and Collaboration Accounts:
    1. AWS Clean Rooms: Disassociate and delete collaboration tables
    2. AWS Clean Rooms: Remove member account in the collaboration
    3. AWS Glue: Delete the crawler, database, and tables
    4. AWS IAM: Delete the AWS Clean Rooms service policy
    5. Amazon S3: Delete the CSV file storage buckets
  • Collaboration Account only:
    1. Amazon S3: delete the SQL query bucket
    2. AWS Clean Rooms: delete the Scope 3 Clean Room Collaboration

Further Reading:

Security Practices

Improve operational efficiencies of Apache Iceberg tables built on Amazon S3 data lakes

Post Syndicated from Avijit Goswami original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/improve-operational-efficiencies-of-apache-iceberg-tables-built-on-amazon-s3-data-lakes/

Apache Iceberg is an open table format for large datasets in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and provides fast query performance over large tables, atomic commits, concurrent writes, and SQL-compatible table evolution. When you build your transactional data lake using Apache Iceberg to solve your functional use cases, you need to focus on operational use cases for your S3 data lake to optimize the production environment. Some of the important non-functional use cases for an S3 data lake that organizations are focusing on include storage cost optimizations, capabilities for disaster recovery and business continuity, cross-account and multi-Region access to the data lake, and handling increased Amazon S3 request rates.

In this post, we show you how to improve operational efficiencies of your Apache Iceberg tables built on Amazon S3 data lake and Amazon EMR big data platform.

Optimize data lake storage

One of the major advantages of building modern data lakes on Amazon S3 is it offers lower cost without compromising on performance. You can use Amazon S3 Lifecycle configurations and Amazon S3 object tagging with Apache Iceberg tables to optimize the cost of your overall data lake storage. An Amazon S3 Lifecycle configuration is a set of rules that define actions that Amazon S3 applies to a group of objects. There are two types of actions:

  • Transition actions – These actions define when objects transition to another storage class; for example, Amazon S3 Standard to Amazon S3 Glacier.
  • Expiration actions – These actions define when objects expire. Amazon S3 deletes expired objects on your behalf.

Amazon S3 uses object tagging to categorize storage where each tag is a key-value pair. From an Apache Iceberg perspective, it supports custom Amazon S3 object tags that can be added to S3 objects while writing and deleting into the table. Iceberg also let you configure a tag-based object lifecycle policy at the bucket level to transition objects to different Amazon S3 tiers. With the s3.delete.tags config property in Iceberg, objects are tagged with the configured key-value pairs before deletion. When the catalog property s3.delete-enabled is set to false, the objects are not hard-deleted from Amazon S3. This is expected to be used in combination with Amazon S3 delete tagging, so objects are tagged and removed using an Amazon S3 lifecycle policy. This property is set to true by default.

The example notebook in this post shows an example implementation of S3 object tagging and lifecycle rules for Apache Iceberg tables to optimize storage cost.

Implement business continuity

Amazon S3 gives any developer access to the same highly scalable, reliable, fast, inexpensive data storage infrastructure that Amazon uses to run its own global network of web sites. Amazon S3 is designed for 99.999999999% (11 9’s) of durability, S3 Standard is designed for 99.99% availability, and Standard – IA is designed for 99.9% availability. Still, to make your data lake workloads highly available in an unlikely outage situation, you can replicate your S3 data to another AWS Region as a backup. With S3 data residing in multiple Regions, you can use an S3 multi-Region access point as a solution to access the data from the backup Region. With Amazon S3 multi-Region access point failover controls, you can route all S3 data request traffic through a single global endpoint and directly control the shift of S3 data request traffic between Regions at any time. During a planned or unplanned regional traffic disruption, failover controls let you control failover between buckets in different Regions and accounts within minutes. Apache Iceberg supports access points to perform S3 operations by specifying a mapping of bucket to access points. We include an example implementation of an S3 access point with Apache Iceberg later in this post.

Increase Amazon S3 performance and throughput

Amazon S3 supports a request rate of 3,500 PUT/COPY/POST/DELETE or 5,500 GET/HEAD requests per second per prefix in a bucket. The resources for this request rate aren’t automatically assigned when a prefix is created. Instead, as the request rate for a prefix increases gradually, Amazon S3 automatically scales to handle the increased request rate. For certain workloads that need a sudden increase in the request rate for objects in a prefix, Amazon S3 might return 503 Slow Down errors, also known as S3 throttling. It does this while it scales in the background to handle the increased request rate. Also, if supported request rates are exceeded, it’s a best practice to distribute objects and requests across multiple prefixes. Implementing this solution to distribute objects and requests across multiple prefixes involves changes to your data ingress or data egress applications. Using Apache Iceberg file format for your S3 data lake can significantly reduce the engineering effort through enabling the ObjectStoreLocationProvider feature, which adds an S3 hash [0*7FFFFF] prefix in your specified S3 object path.

Iceberg by default uses the Hive storage layout, but you can switch it to use the ObjectStoreLocationProvider. This option is not enabled by default to provide flexibility to choose the location where you want to add the hash prefix. With ObjectStoreLocationProvider, a deterministic hash is generated for each stored file and a subfolder is appended right after the S3 folder specified using the parameter write.data.path (write.object-storage-path for Iceberg version 0.12 and below). This ensures that files written to Amazon S3 are equally distributed across multiple prefixes in your S3 bucket, thereby minimizing the throttling errors. In the following example, we set the write.data.path value as s3://my-table-data-bucket, and Iceberg-generated S3 hash prefixes will be appended after this location:

CREATE TABLE my_catalog.my_ns.my_table
( id bigint,
data string,
category string)
( 'write.object-storage.enabled'=true,
PARTITIONED BY (category);

Your S3 files will be arranged under MURMUR3 S3 hash prefixes like the following:

2021-11-01 05:39:24 809.4 KiB 7ffbc860/my_ns/my_table/00328-1642-5ce681a7-dfe3-4751-ab10-37d7e58de08a-00015.parquet
2021-11-01 06:00:10 6.1 MiB 7ffc1730/my_ns/my_table/00460-2631-983d19bf-6c1b-452c-8195-47e450dfad9d-00001.parquet
2021-11-01 04:33:24 6.1 MiB 7ffeeb4e/my_ns/my_table/00156-781-9dbe3f08-0a1d-4733-bd90-9839a7ceda00-00002.parquet

Using Iceberg ObjectStoreLocationProvider is not a foolproof mechanism to avoid S3 503 errors. You still need to set appropriate EMRFS retries to provide additional resiliency. You can adjust your retry strategy by increasing the maximum retry limit for the default exponential backoff retry strategy or enabling and configuring the additive-increase/multiplicative-decrease (AIMD) retry strategy. AIMD is supported for Amazon EMR releases 6.4.0 and later. For more information, refer to Retry Amazon S3 requests with EMRFS.

In the following sections, we provide examples for these use cases.

Storage cost optimizations

In this example, we use Iceberg’s S3 tags feature with the write tag as write-tag-name=created and delete tag as delete-tag-name=deleted. This example is demonstrated on an EMR version emr-6.10.0 cluster with installed applications Hadoop 3.3.3, Jupyter Enterprise Gateway 2.6.0, and Spark 3.3.1. The examples are run on a Jupyter Notebook environment attached to the EMR cluster. To learn more about how to create an EMR cluster with Iceberg and use Amazon EMR Studio, refer to Use an Iceberg cluster with Spark and the Amazon EMR Studio Management Guide, respectively.

The following examples are also available in the sample notebook in the aws-samples GitHub repo for quick experimentation.

Configure Iceberg on a Spark session

Configure your Spark session using the %%configure magic command. You can use either the AWS Glue Data Catalog (recommended) or a Hive catalog for Iceberg tables. In this example, we use a Hive catalog, but we can change to the Data Catalog with the following configuration:


Before you run this step, create a S3 bucket and an iceberg folder in your AWS account with the naming convention <your-iceberg-storage-blog>/iceberg/.

Update your-iceberg-storage-blog in the following configuration with the bucket that you created to test this example. Note the configuration parameters s3.write.tags.write-tag-name and s3.delete.tags.delete-tag-name, which will tag the new S3 objects and deleted objects with corresponding tag values. We use these tags in later steps to implement S3 lifecycle policies to transition the objects to a lower-cost storage tier or expire them based on the use case.

%%configure -f { "conf":{ "spark.sql.extensions":"org.apache.iceberg.spark.extensions.IcebergSparkSessionExtensions", "spark.sql.catalog.dev":"org.apache.iceberg.spark.SparkCatalog", "spark.sql.catalog.dev.catalog-impl":"org.apache.iceberg.hive.HiveCatalog", "spark.sql.catalog.dev.io-impl":"org.apache.iceberg.aws.s3.S3FileIO", "spark.sql.catalog.dev.warehouse":"s3://&amp;amp;lt;your-iceberg-storage-blog&amp;amp;gt;/iceberg/", "spark.sql.catalog.dev.s3.write.tags.write-tag-name":"created", "spark.sql.catalog.dev.s3.delete.tags.delete-tag-name":"deleted", "spark.sql.catalog.dev.s3.delete-enabled":"false" } }

Create an Apache Iceberg table using Spark-SQL

Now we create an Iceberg table for the Amazon Product Reviews Dataset:

spark.sql(""" DROP TABLE if exists dev.db.amazon_reviews_iceberg""")
spark.sql(""" CREATE TABLE dev.db.amazon_reviews_iceberg (
marketplace string,
customer_id string,
review_id string,
product_id string,
product_parent string,
product_title string,
star_rating int,
helpful_votes int,
total_votes int,
vine string,
verified_purchase string,
review_headline string,
review_body string,
review_date date,
year int)
USING iceberg
location 's3://<your-iceberg-storage-blog>/iceberg/db/amazon_reviews_iceberg'
PARTITIONED BY (years(review_date))""")

In the next step, we load the table with the dataset using Spark actions.

Load data into the Iceberg table

While inserting the data, we partition the data by review_date as per the table definition. Run the following Spark commands in your PySpark notebook:

df = spark.read.parquet("s3://amazon-reviews-pds/parquet/product_category=Electronics/*.parquet")


Insert a single record into the same Iceberg table so that it creates a partition with the current review_date:

spark.sql("""insert into dev.db.amazon_reviews_iceberg values ("US", "99999999","R2RX7KLOQQ5VBG","B00000JBAT","738692522","Diamond Rio Digital",3,0,0,"N","N","Why just 30 minutes?","RIO is really great",date("2023-04-06"),2023)""")

You can check the new snapshot is created after this append operation by querying the Iceberg snapshot:

spark.sql("""SELECT * FROM dev.db.amazon_reviews_iceberg.snapshots""").show()

You will see an output similar to the following showing the operations performed on the table.

Check the S3 tag population

You can use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or the AWS Management Console to check the tags populated for the new writes. Let’s check the tag corresponding to the object created by a single row insert.

On the Amazon S3 console, check the S3 folder s3://your-iceberg-storage-blog/iceberg/db/amazon_reviews_iceberg/data/ and point to the partition review_date_year=2023/. Then check the Parquet file under this folder to check the tags associated with the data file in Parquet format.

From the AWS CLI, run the following command to see that the tag is created based on the Spark configuration spark.sql.catalog.dev.s3.write.tags.write-tag-name":"created":

xxxx@3c22fb1238d8 ~ % aws s3api get-object-tagging --bucket your-iceberg-storage-blog --key iceberg/db/amazon_reviews_iceberg/data/review_date_year=2023/00000-43-2fb892e3-0a3f-4821-a356-83204a69fa74-00001.parquet

You will see an output, similar to the below, showing the associated tags for the file

{ "VersionId": "null", "TagSet": [{ "Key": "write-tag-name", "Value": "created" } ] }

Delete a record and expire a snapshot

In this step, we delete a record from the Iceberg table and expire the snapshot corresponding to the deleted record. We delete the new single record that we inserted with the current review_date:

spark.sql("""delete from dev.db.amazon_reviews_iceberg where review_date = '2023-04-06'""")

We can now check that a new snapshot was created with the operation flagged as delete:

spark.sql("""SELECT * FROM dev.db.amazon_reviews_iceberg.snapshots""").show()

This is useful if we want to time travel and check the deleted row in the future. In that case, we have to query the table with the snapshot-id corresponding to the deleted row. However, we don’t discuss time travel as part of this post.

We expire the old snapshots from the table and keep only the last two. You can modify the query based on your specific requirements to retain the snapshots:

spark.sql ("""CALL dev.system.expire_snapshots(table => 'dev.db.amazon_reviews_iceberg', older_than => DATE '2024-01-01', retain_last => 2)""")

If we run the same query on the snapshots, we can see that we have only two snapshots available:

spark.sql("""SELECT * FROM dev.db.amazon_reviews_iceberg.snapshots""").show()

From the AWS CLI, you can run the following command to see that the tag is created based on the Spark configuration spark.sql.catalog.dev.s3. delete.tags.delete-tag-name":"deleted":

xxxxxx@3c22fb1238d8 ~ % aws s3api get-object-tagging --bucket avijit-iceberg-storage-blog --key iceberg/db/amazon_reviews_iceberg/data/review_date_year=2023/00000-43-2fb892e3-0a3f-4821-a356-83204a69fa74-00001.parquet

You will see output similar to below showing the associated tags for the file

{ "VersionId": "null", "TagSet": [ { "Key": "delete-tag-name", "Value": "deleted" }, { "Key": "write-tag-name", "Value": "created" } ] }

You can view the existing metadata files from the metadata log entries metatable after the expiration of snapshots:

spark.sql("""SELECT * FROM dev.db.amazon_reviews_iceberg.metadata_log_entries""").show()

The snapshots that have expired show the latest snapshot ID as null.

Create S3 lifecycle rules to transition the buckets to a different storage tier

Create a lifecycle configuration for the bucket to transition objects with the delete-tag-name=deleted S3 tag to the Glacier Instant Retrieval class. Amazon S3 runs lifecycle rules one time every day at midnight Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), and new lifecycle rules can take up to 48 hours to complete the first run. Amazon S3 Glacier is well suited to archive data that needs immediate access (with milliseconds retrieval). With S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval, you can save up to 68% on storage costs compared to using the S3 Standard-Infrequent Access (S3 Standard-IA) storage class, when the data is accessed once per quarter.

When you want to access the data back, you can bulk restore the archived objects. After you restore the objects back in S3 Standard class, you can register the metadata and data as an archival table for query purposes. The metadata file location can be fetched from the metadata log entries metatable as illustrated earlier. As mentioned before, the latest snapshot ID with Null values indicates expired snapshots. We can take one of the expired snapshots and do the bulk restore:

spark.sql("""CALL dev.system.register_table(table => 'db.amazon_reviews_iceberg_archive', metadata_file => 's3://avijit-iceberg-storage-blog/iceberg/db/amazon_reviews_iceberg/metadata/00000-a010f15c-7ac8-4cd1-b1bc-bba99fa7acfc.metadata.json')""").show()

Capabilities for disaster recovery and business continuity, cross-account and multi-Region access to the data lake

Because Iceberg doesn’t support relative paths, you can use access points to perform Amazon S3 operations by specifying a mapping of buckets to access points. This is useful for multi-Region access, cross-Region access, disaster recovery, and more.

For cross-Region access points, we need to additionally set the use-arn-region-enabled catalog property to true to enable S3FileIO to make cross-Region calls. If an Amazon S3 resource ARN is passed in as the target of an Amazon S3 operation that has a different Region than the one the client was configured with, this flag must be set to ‘true‘ to permit the client to make a cross-Region call to the Region specified in the ARN, otherwise an exception will be thrown. However, for the same or multi-Region access points, the use-arn-region-enabled flag should be set to ‘false’.

For example, to use an S3 access point with multi-Region access in Spark 3.3, you can start the Spark SQL shell with the following code:

spark-sql --conf spark.sql.catalog.my_catalog=org.apache.iceberg.spark.SparkCatalog \
--conf spark.sql.catalog.my_catalog.warehouse=s3://my-bucket2/my/key/prefix \
--conf spark.sql.catalog.my_catalog.catalog-impl=org.apache.iceberg.aws.glue.GlueCatalog \
--conf spark.sql.catalog.my_catalog.io-impl=org.apache.iceberg.aws.s3.S3FileIO \
--conf spark.sql.catalog.my_catalog.s3.use-arn-region-enabled=false \
--conf spark.sql.catalog.test.s3.access-points.my-bucket1=arn:aws:s3::123456789012:accesspoint:mfzwi23gnjvgw.mrap \
--conf spark.sql.catalog.test.s3.access-points.my-bucket2=arn:aws:s3::123456789012:accesspoint:mfzwi23gnjvgw.mrap

In this example, the objects in Amazon S3 on my-bucket1 and my-bucket2 buckets use the arn:aws:s3::123456789012:accesspoint:mfzwi23gnjvgw.mrap access point for all Amazon S3 operations.

For more details on using access points, refer to Using access points with compatible Amazon S3 operations.

Let’s say your table path is under mybucket1, so both mybucket1 in Region 1 and mybucket2 in Region have paths of mybucket1 inside the metadata files. At the time of the S3 (GET/PUT) call, we replace the mybucket1 reference with a multi-Region access point.

Handling increased S3 request rates

When using ObjectStoreLocationProvider (for more details, see Object Store File Layout), a deterministic hash is generated for each stored file, with the hash appended directly after the write.data.path. The problem with this is that the default hashing algorithm generates hash values up to Integer MAX_VALUE, which in Java is (2^31)-1. When this is converted to hex, it produces 0x7FFFFFFF, so the first character variance is restricted to only [0-8]. As per Amazon S3 recommendations, we should have the maximum variance here to mitigate this.

Starting from Amazon EMR 6.10, Amazon EMR added an optimized location provider that makes sure the generated prefix hash has uniform distribution in the first two characters using the character set from [0-9][A-Z][a-z].

This location provider has been recently open sourced by Amazon EMR via Core: Improve bit density in object storage layout and should be available starting from Iceberg 1.3.0.

To use, make sure the iceberg.enabled classification is set to true, and write.location-provider.impl is set to org.apache.iceberg.emr.OptimizedS3LocationProvider.

The following is a sample Spark shell command:

spark-shell --conf spark.driver.memory=4g \
--conf spark.executor.cores=4 \
--conf spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=true \
--conf spark.sql.catalog.my_catalog=org.apache.iceberg.spark.SparkCatalog \
--conf spark.sql.catalog.my_catalog.warehouse=s3://my-bucket/iceberg-V516168123 \
--conf spark.sql.catalog.my_catalog.catalog-impl=org.apache.iceberg.aws.glue.GlueCatalog \
--conf spark.sql.catalog.my_catalog.io-impl=org.apache.iceberg.aws.s3.S3FileIO \
--conf spark.sql.catalog.my_catalog.table-override.write.location-provider.impl=org.apache.iceberg.emr.OptimizedS3LocationProvider

The following example shows that when you enable the object storage in your Iceberg table, it adds the hash prefix in your S3 path directly after the location you provide in your DDL.

Define the table write.object-storage.enabled parameter and provide the S3 path, after which you want to add the hash prefix using write.data.path (for Iceberg Version 0.13 and above) or write.object-storage.path (for Iceberg Version 0.12 and below) parameters.

Insert data into the table you created.

The hash prefix is added right after the /current/ prefix in the S3 path as defined in the DDL.

Clean up

After you complete the test, clean up your resources to avoid any recurring costs:

  1. Delete the S3 buckets that you created for this test.
  2. Delete the EMR cluster.
  3. Stop and delete the EMR notebook instance.


As companies continue to build newer transactional data lake use cases using Apache Iceberg open table format on very large datasets on S3 data lakes, there will be an increased focus on optimizing those petabyte-scale production environments to reduce cost, improve efficiency, and implement high availability. This post demonstrated mechanisms to implement the operational efficiencies for Apache Iceberg open table formats running on AWS.

To learn more about Apache Iceberg and implement this open table format for your transactional data lake use cases, refer to the following resources:

About the Authors

Avijit Goswami is a Principal Solutions Architect at AWS specialized in data and analytics. He supports AWS strategic customers in building high-performing, secure, and scalable data lake solutions on AWS using AWS managed services and open-source solutions. Outside of his work, Avijit likes to travel, hike in the San Francisco Bay Area trails, watch sports, and listen to music.

Rajarshi Sarkar is a Software Development Engineer at Amazon EMR/Athena. He works on cutting-edge features of Amazon EMR/Athena and is also involved in open-source projects such as Apache Iceberg and Trino. In his spare time, he likes to travel, watch movies, and hang out with friends.

Prashant Singh is a Software Development Engineer at AWS. He is interested in Databases and Data Warehouse engines and has worked on Optimizing Apache Spark performance on EMR. He is an active contributor in open source projects like Apache Spark and Apache Iceberg. During his free time, he enjoys exploring new places, food and hiking.

How Zoom implemented streaming log ingestion and efficient GDPR deletes using Apache Hudi on Amazon EMR

Post Syndicated from Sekar Srinivasan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-zoom-implemented-streaming-log-ingestion-and-efficient-gdpr-deletes-using-apache-hudi-on-amazon-emr/

In today’s digital age, logging is a critical aspect of application development and management, but efficiently managing logs while complying with data protection regulations can be a significant challenge. Zoom, in collaboration with the AWS Data Lab team, developed an innovative architecture to overcome these challenges and streamline their logging and record deletion processes. In this post, we explore the architecture and the benefits it provides for Zoom and its users.

Application log challenges: Data management and compliance

Application logs are an essential component of any application; they provide valuable information about the usage and performance of the system. These logs are used for a variety of purposes, such as debugging, auditing, performance monitoring, business intelligence, system maintenance, and security. However, although these application logs are necessary for maintaining and improving the application, they also pose an interesting challenge. These application logs may contain personally identifiable data, such as user names, email addresses, IP addresses, and browsing history, which creates a data privacy concern.

Laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) require organizations to retain application logs for a specific period of time. The exact length of time required for data storage varies depending on the specific regulation and the type of data being stored. The reason for these data retention periods is to ensure that companies aren’t keeping personal data longer than necessary, which could increase the risk of data breaches and other security incidents. This also helps ensure that companies aren’t using personal data for purposes other than those for which it was collected, which could be a violation of privacy laws. These laws also give individuals the right to request the deletion of their personal data, also known as the “right to be forgotten.” Individuals have the right to have their personal data erased, without undue delay.

So, on one hand, organizations need to collect application log data to ensure the proper functioning of their services, and keep the data for a specific period of time. But on the other hand, they may receive requests from individuals to delete their personal data from the logs. This creates a balancing act for organizations because they must comply with both data retention and data deletion requirements.

This issue becomes increasingly challenging for larger organizations that operate in multiple countries and states, because each country and state may have their own rules and regulations regarding data retention and deletion. For example, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) in Canada and the Australian Privacy Act in Australia are similar laws to GDPR, but they may have different retention periods or different exceptions. Therefore, organizations big or small must navigate this complex landscape of data retention and deletion requirements, while also ensuring that they are in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Zoom’s initial architecture

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of Zoom skyrocketed as more and more people were asked to work and attend classes from home. The company had to rapidly scale its services to accommodate the surge and worked with AWS to deploy capacity across most Regions globally. With a sudden increase in the large number of application endpoints, they had to rapidly evolve their log analytics architecture and worked with the AWS Data Lab team to quickly prototype and deploy an architecture for their compliance use case.

At Zoom, the data ingestion throughput and performance needs are very stringent. Data had to be ingested from several thousand application endpoints that produced over 30 million messages every minute, resulting in over 100 TB of log data per day. The existing ingestion pipeline consisted of writing the data to Apache Hadoop HDFS storage through Apache Kafka first and then running daily jobs to move the data to persistent storage. This took several hours while also slowing the ingestion and creating the potential for data loss. Scaling the architecture was also an issue because HDFS data would have to be moved around whenever nodes were added or removed. Furthermore, transactional semantics on billions of records were necessary to help meet compliance-related data delete requests, and the existing architecture of daily batch jobs was operationally inefficient.

It was at this time, through conversations with the AWS account team, that the AWS Data Lab team got involved to assist in building a solution for Zoom’s hyper-scale.

Solution overview

The AWS Data Lab offers accelerated, joint engineering engagements between customers and AWS technical resources to create tangible deliverables that accelerate data, analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), serverless, and container modernization initiatives. The Data Lab has three offerings: the Build Lab, the Design Lab, and Resident Architect. During the Build and Design Labs, AWS Data Lab Solutions Architects and AWS experts supported Zoom specifically by providing prescriptive architectural guidance, sharing best practices, building a working prototype, and removing technical roadblocks to help meet their production needs.

Zoom and the AWS team (collectively referred to as “the team” going forward) identified two major workflows for data ingestion and deletion.

Data ingestion workflow

The following diagram illustrates the data ingestion workflow.

Data Ingestion Workflow

The team needed to quickly populate millions of Kafka messages in the dev/test environment to achieve this. To expedite the process, we (the team) opted to use Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK), which makes it simple to ingest and process streaming data in real time, and we were up and running in under a day.

To generate test data that resembled production data, the AWS Data Lab team created a custom Python script that evenly populated over 1.2 billion messages across several Kafka partitions. To match the production setup in the development account, we had to increase the cloud quota limit via a support ticket.

We used Amazon MSK and the Spark Structured Streaming capability in Amazon EMR to ingest and process the incoming Kafka messages with high throughput and low latency. Specifically, we inserted the data from the source into EMR clusters at a maximum incoming rate of 150 million Kafka messages every 5 minutes, with each Kafka message holding 7–25 log data records.

To store the data, we chose to use Apache Hudi as the table format. We opted for Hudi because it’s an open-source data management framework that provides record-level insert, update, and delete capabilities on top of an immutable storage layer like Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Additionally, Hudi is optimized for handling large datasets and works well with Spark Structured Streaming, which was already being used at Zoom.

After 150 million messages were buffered, we processed the messages using Spark Structured Streaming on Amazon EMR and wrote the data into Amazon S3 in Apache Hudi-compatible format every 5 minutes. We first flattened the message array, creating a single record from the nested array of messages. Then we added a unique key, known as the Hudi record key, to each message. This key allows Hudi to perform record-level insert, update, and delete operations on the data. We also extracted the field values, including the Hudi partition keys, from incoming messages.

This architecture allowed end-users to query the data stored in Amazon S3 using Amazon Athena with the AWS Glue Data Catalog or using Apache Hive and Presto.

Data deletion workflow

The following diagram illustrates the data deletion workflow.

Data Deletion Workflow

Our architecture allowed for efficient data deletions. To help comply with the customer-initiated data retention policy for GDPR deletes, scheduled jobs ran daily to identify the data to be deleted in batch mode.

We then spun up a transient EMR cluster to run the GDPR upsert job to delete the records. The data was stored in Amazon S3 in Hudi format, and Hudi’s built-in index allowed us to efficiently delete records using bloom filters and file ranges. Because only those files that contained the record keys needed to be read and rewritten, it only took about 1–2 minutes to delete 1,000 records out of the 1 billion records, which had previously taken hours to complete as entire partitions were read.

Overall, our solution enabled efficient deletion of data, which provided an additional layer of data security that was critical for Zoom, in light of its GDPR requirements.

Architecting to optimize scale, performance, and cost

In this section, we share the following strategies Zoom took to optimize scale, performance, and cost:

  • Optimizing ingestion
  • Optimizing throughput and Amazon EMR utilization
  • Decoupling ingestion and GDPR deletion using EMRFS
  • Efficient deletes with Apache Hudi
  • Optimizing for low-latency reads with Apache Hudi
  • Monitoring

Optimizing ingestion

To keep the storage in Kafka lean and optimal, as well as to get a real-time view of data, we created a Spark job to read incoming Kafka messages in batches of 150 million messages and wrote to Amazon S3 in Hudi-compatible format every 5 minutes. Even during the initial stages of the iteration, when we hadn’t started scaling and tuning yet, we were able to successfully load all Kafka messages consistently under 2.5 minutes using the Amazon EMR runtime for Apache Spark.

Optimizing throughput and Amazon EMR utilization

We launched a cost-optimized EMR cluster and switched from uniform instance groups to using EMR instance fleets. We chose instance fleets because we needed the flexibility to use Spot Instances for task nodes and wanted to diversify the risk of running out of capacity for a specific instance type in our Availability Zone.

We started experimenting with test runs by first changing the number of Kafka partitions from 400 to 1,000, and then changing the number of task nodes and instance types. Based on the results of the run, the AWS team came up with the recommendation to use Amazon EMR with three core nodes (r5.16xlarge (64 vCPUs each)) and 18 task nodes using Spot fleet instances (a combination of r5.16xlarge (64 vCPUs), r5.12xlarge (48 vCPUs), r5.8xlarge (32 vCPUs)). These recommendations helped Zoom to reduce their Amazon EMR costs by more than 80% while meeting their desired performance goals of ingesting 150 million Kafka messages under 5 minutes.

Decoupling ingestion and GDPR deletion using EMRFS

A well-known benefit of separation of storage and compute is that you can scale the two independently. But a not-so-obvious advantage is that you can decouple continuous workloads from sporadic workloads. Previously data was stored in HDFS. Resource-intensive GDPR delete jobs and data movement jobs would compete for resources with the stream ingestion, causing a backlog of more than 5 hours in upstream Kafka clusters, which was close to filling up the Kafka storage (which only had 6 hours of data retention) and potentially causing data loss. Offloading data from HDFS to Amazon S3 allowed us the freedom to launch independent transient EMR clusters on demand to perform data deletion, helping to ensure that the ongoing data ingestion from Kafka into Amazon EMR is not starved for resources. This enabled the system to ingest data every 5 minutes and complete each Spark Streaming read in 2–3 minutes. Another side effect of using EMRFS is a cost-optimized cluster, because we removed reliance on Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes for over 300 TB storage that was used for three copies (including two replicas) of HDFS data. We now pay for only one copy of the data in Amazon S3, which provides 11 9s of durability and is relatively inexpensive storage.

Efficient deletes with Apache Hudi

What about the conflict between ingest writes and GDPR deletes when running concurrently? This is where the power of Apache Hudi stands out.

Apache Hudi provides a table format for data lakes with transactional semantics that enables the separation of ingestion workloads and updates when run concurrently. The system was able to consistently delete 1,000 records in less than a minute. There were some limitations in concurrent writes in Apache Hudi 0.7.0, but the Amazon EMR team quickly addressed this by back-porting Apache Hudi 0.8.0, which supports optimistic concurrency control, to the current (at the time of the AWS Data Lab collaboration) Amazon EMR 6.4 release. This saved time in testing and allowed for a quick transition to the new version with minimal testing. This enabled us to query the data directly using Athena quickly without having to spin up a cluster to run ad hoc queries, as well as to query the data using Presto, Trino, and Hive. The decoupling of the storage and compute layers provided the flexibility to not only query data across different EMR clusters, but also delete data using a completely independent transient cluster.

Optimizing for low-latency reads with Apache Hudi

To optimize for low-latency reads with Apache Hudi, we needed to address the issue of too many small files being created within Amazon S3 due to the continuous streaming of data into the data lake.

We utilized Apache Hudi’s features to tune file sizes for optimal querying. Specifically, we reduced the degree of parallelism in Hudi from the default value of 1,500 to a lower number. Parallelism refers to the number of threads used to write data to Hudi; by reducing it, we were able to create larger files that were more optimal for querying.

Because we needed to optimize for high-volume streaming ingestion, we chose to implement the merge on read table type (instead of copy on write) for our workload. This table type allowed us to quickly ingest the incoming data into delta files in row format (Avro) and asynchronously compact the delta files into columnar Parquet files for fast reads. To do this, we ran the Hudi compaction job in the background. Compaction is the process of merging row-based delta files to produce new versions of columnar files. Because the compaction job would use additional compute resources, we adjusted the degree of parallelism for insertion to a lower value of 1,000 to account for the additional resource usage. This adjustment allowed us to create larger files without sacrificing performance throughput.

Overall, our approach to optimizing for low-latency reads with Apache Hudi allowed us to better manage file sizes and improve the overall performance of our data lake.


The team monitored MSK clusters with Prometheus (an open-source monitoring tool). Additionally, we showcased how to monitor Spark streaming jobs using Amazon CloudWatch metrics. For more information, refer to Monitor Spark streaming applications on Amazon EMR.


The collaboration between Zoom and the AWS Data Lab demonstrated significant improvements in data ingestion, processing, storage, and deletion using an architecture with Amazon EMR and Apache Hudi. One key benefit of the architecture was a reduction in infrastructure costs, which was achieved through the use of cloud-native technologies and the efficient management of data storage. Another benefit was an improvement in data management capabilities.

We showed that the costs of EMR clusters can be reduced by about 82% while bringing the storage costs down by about 90% compared to the prior HDFS-based architecture. All of this while making the data available in the data lake within 5 minutes of ingestion from the source. We also demonstrated that data deletions from a data lake containing multiple petabytes of data can be performed much more efficiently. With our optimized approach, we were able to delete approximately 1,000 records in just 1–2 minutes, as compared to the previously required 3 hours or more.


In conclusion, the log analytics process, which involves collecting, processing, storing, analyzing, and deleting log data from various sources such as servers, applications, and devices, is critical to aid organizations in working to meet their service resiliency, security, performance monitoring, troubleshooting, and compliance needs, such as GDPR.

This post shared what Zoom and the AWS Data Lab team have accomplished together to solve critical data pipeline challenges, and Zoom has extended the solution further to optimize extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs and resource efficiency. However, you can also use the architecture patterns presented here to quickly build cost-effective and scalable solutions for other use cases. Please reach out to your AWS team for more information or contact Sales.

About the Authors

Sekar Srinivasan is a Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS focused on Big Data and Analytics. Sekar has over 20 years of experience working with data. He is passionate about helping customers build scalable solutions modernizing their architecture and generating insights from their data. In his spare time he likes to work on non-profit projects focused on underprivileged Children’s education.

Chandra DhandapaniChandra Dhandapani is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS, where he specializes in creating solutions for customers in Analytics, AI/ML, and Databases. He has a lot of experience in building and scaling applications across different industries including Healthcare and Fintech. Outside of work, he is an avid traveler and enjoys sports, reading, and entertainment.

Amit Kumar Agrawal is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS, based out of San Francisco Bay Area. He works with large strategic ISV customers to architect cloud solutions that address their business challenges. During his free time he enjoys exploring the outdoors with his family.

Viral Shah is a Analytics Sales Specialist working with AWS for 5 years helping customers to be successful in their data journey. He has over 20+ years of experience working with enterprise customers and startups, primarily in the data and database space. He loves to travel and spend quality time with his family.

How Novo Nordisk built distributed data governance and control at scale

Post Syndicated from Jonatan Selsing original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-novo-nordisk-built-distributed-data-governance-and-control-at-scale/

This is a guest post co-written with Jonatan Selsing and Moses Arthur from Novo Nordisk.

This is the second post of a three-part series detailing how Novo Nordisk, a large pharmaceutical enterprise, partnered with AWS Professional Services to build a scalable and secure data and analytics platform. The first post of this series describes the overall architecture and how Novo Nordisk built a decentralized data mesh architecture, including Amazon Athena as the data query engine. The third post will show how end-users can consume data from their tool of choice, without compromising data governance. This will include how to configure Okta, AWS Lake Formation, and a business intelligence tool to enable SAML-based federated use of Athena for an enterprise BI activity.

When building a scalable data architecture on AWS, giving autonomy and ownership to the data domains are crucial for the success of the platform. By providing the right mix of freedom and control to those people with the business domain knowledge, your business can maximize value from the data as quickly and effectively as possible. The challenge facing organizations, however, is how to provide the right balance between freedom and control. At the same time, data is a strategic asset that needs to be protected with the highest degree of rigor. How can organizations strike the right balance between freedom and control?

In this post, you will learn how to build decentralized governance with Lake Formation and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) using attribute-based access control (ABAC). We discuss some of the patterns we use, including Amazon Cognito identity pool federation using ABAC in permission policies, and Okta-based SAML federation with ABAC enforcement on role trust policies.

Solution overview

In the first post of this series, we explained how Novo Nordisk and AWS Professional Services built a modern data architecture based on data mesh tenets. This architecture enables data governance on distributed data domains, using an end-to-end solution to create data products and providing federated data access control. This post dives into three elements of the solution:

  • How IAM roles and Lake Formation are used to manage data access across data domains
  • How data access control is enforced at scale, using a group membership mapping with an ABAC pattern
  • How the system maintains state across the different layers, so that the ecosystem of trust is configured appropriately

From the end-user perspective, the objective of the mechanisms described in this post is to enable simplified data access from the different analytics services adopted by Novo Nordisk, such as those provided by software as a service (SaaS) vendors like Databricks, or self-hosted ones such as JupyterHub. At the same time, the platform must guarantee that any change in a dataset is immediately reflected at the service user interface. The following figure illustrates at a high level the expected behavior.

High-level data platform expected behavior

Following the layer nomenclature established in the first post, the services are created and managed in the consumption layer. The domain accounts are created and managed in the data management layer. Because changes can occur from both layers, continuous communication in both directions is required. The state information is kept in the virtualization layer along with the communication protocols. Additionally, at sign-in time, the services need information about data resources required to provide data access abstraction.

Managing data access

The data access control in this architecture is designed around the core principle that all access is encapsulated in isolated IAM role sessions. The layer pattern that we described in the first post ensures that the creation and curation of the IAM role policies involved can be delegated to the different data management ecosystems. Each data management platform integrated can use their own data access mechanisms, with the unique requirement that the data is accessed via specific IAM roles.

To illustrate the potential mechanisms that can be used by data management solutions, we show two examples of data access permission mechanisms used by two different data management solutions. Both systems utilize the same trust policies as described in the following sections, but have a completely different permission space.

Example 1: Identity-based ABAC policies

The first mechanism we discuss is an ABAC role that provides access to a home-like data storage area, where users can share within their departments and with the wider organization in a structure that mimics the organizational structure. Here, we don’t utilize the group names, but instead forward user attributes from the corporate Active Directory directly into the permission policy through claim overrides. We do this by having the corporate Active Directory as the identity provider (IdP) for the Amazon Cognito user pool and mapping the relevant IdP attributes to user pool attributes. Then, in the Amazon Cognito identity pool, we map the user pool attributes to session tags to use them for access control. Custom overrides can be included in the claim mapping, through the use of a pre token generation Lambda trigger. This way, claims from AD can be mapped to Amazon Cognito user pool attributes and then ultimately used in the Amazon Cognito identity pool to control IAM role permissions. The following is an example of an IAM policy with sessions tags:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringLike": {
                    "s3:prefix": [
            "Action": "s3:ListBucket",
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": "s3:GetObject*",
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow"

This role is then embedded in the analytics layer (together with the data domain roles) and assumed on behalf of the user. This enables users to mix and match between data domains—as well as utilizing private and public data paths that aren’t necessarily tied to any data domain. For more examples of how ABAC can be used with permission policies, refer to How to scale your authorization needs by using attribute-based access control with S3.

Example 2: Lake Formation name-based access controls

In the data management solution named Novo Nordisk Enterprise Datahub (NNEDH), which we introduced in the first post, we use Lake Formation to enable standardized data access. The NNEDH datasets are registered in the Lake Formation Data Catalog as databases and tables, and permissions are granted using the named resource method. The following screenshot shows an example of these permissions.

Lakeformation named resource method for permissions management

In this approach, data access governance is delegated to Lake Formation. Every data domain in NNEDH has isolated permissions synthesized by NNEDH as the central governance management layer. This is a similar pattern to what is adopted for other domain-oriented data management solutions. Refer to Use an event-driven architecture to build a data mesh on AWS for an example of tag-based access control in Lake Formation.

These patterns don’t exclude implementations of peer-to-peer type data sharing mechanisms, such as those that can be achieved using AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM), where a single IAM role session can have permissions that span across accounts.

Delegating role access to the consumption later

The following figure illustrates the data access workflow from an external service.

Data access workflow from external service

The workflow steps are as follows:

  1. A user authenticates on an IdP used by the analytics tool that they are trying to access. A wide range of analytics tools are supported by Novo Nordisk platform, such as Databricks and JupyterHub, and the IdP can be either SAML or OIDC type depending on the capabilities of the third-party tool. In this example, an Okta SAML application is used to sign into a third-party analytics tool, and an IAM SAML IdP is configured in the data domain AWS account to federate with the external IdP. The third post of this series describes how to set up an Okta SAML application for IAM role federation on Athena.
  2. The SAML assertion obtained during the sign-in process is used to request temporary security credentials of an IAM role through the AssumeRole operation. In this example, the SAML assertion is used onAssumeRoleWithSAMLoperation. For OpenID Connect-compatible IdPs, the operationAssumeRoleWithWebIdentitymust be used with the JWT. The SAML attributes in the assertion or the claims in the token can be generated at sign-in time, to ensure that the group memberships are forwarded, for the ABAC policy pattern described in the following sections.
  3. The analytics tool, such as Databricks or JupyterHub, abstracts the usage of the IAM role session credentials in the tool itself, and data can be accessed directly according to the permissions of the IAM role assumed. This pattern is similar in nature to IAM passthrough as implemented by Databricks, but in Novo Nordisk it’s extended across all analytics services. In this example, the analytics tool accesses the data lake on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) through Athena queries.

As the data mesh pattern expands across domains covering more downstream services, we need a mechanism to keep IdPs and IAM role trusts continuously updated. We come back to this part later in the post, but first we explain how role access is managed at scale.

Attribute-based trust policies

In previous sections, we emphasized that this architecture relies on IAM roles for data access control. Each data management platform can implement its own data access control method using IAM roles, such as identity-based policies or Lake Formation access control. For data consumption, it’s crucial that these IAM roles are only assumable by users that are part of Active Directory groups with the appropriate entitlements to use the role. To implement this at scale, the IAM role’s trust policy uses ABAC.

When a user authenticates on the external IdP of the consumption layer, we add in the access token a claim derived from their Active Directory groups. This claim is propagated by theAssumeRoleoperation into the trust policy of the IAM role, where it is compared with the expected Active Directory group. Only users that belong to the expected groups can assume the role. This mechanism is illustrated in the following figure.

Architecture of the integration with the identity provider

Translating group membership to attributes

To enforce the group membership entitlement at the role assumption level, we need a way to compare the required group membership with the group memberships that a user comes with in their IAM role session. To achieve this, we use a form of ABAC, where we have a way to represent the sum of context-relevant group memberships in a single attribute. A single IAM role session tag value is limited to 256 characters. The corresponding limit for SAML assertions is 100,000 characters, so for systems where a very large number of either roles or group-type mappings are required, SAML can support a wider range of configurations.

In our case, we have opted for a compression algorithm that takes a group name and compresses it to a 4-character string hash. This means that, together with a group-separation character, we can fit 51 groups in a single attribute. This gets pushed down to approximately 20 groups for OIDC type role assumption due to the PackedPolicySize, but is higher for a SAML-based flow. This has shown to be sufficient for our case. There is a risk that two different groups could hash to the same character combination; however, we have checked that there are no collisions in the existing groups. To mitigate this risk going forward, we have introduced guardrails in multiples places. First, before adding new groups entitlements in the virtualization layer, we check if there’s a hash collision with any existing group. When a duplicated group is attempted to be added, our service team is notified and we can react accordingly. But as stated earlier, there is a low probability of clashes, so the flexibility this provides outweighs the overhead associated with managing clashes (we have not had any yet). We additionally enforce this at SAML assertion creation time as well, to ensure that there are no duplicated groups in the users group list, and in cases of duplication, we remove both entirely. This means malicious actors can at most limit the access of other users, but not gain unauthorized access.

Enforcing audit functionality across sessions

As mentioned in the first post, on top of governance, there are strict requirements around auditability of data accesses. This means that for all data access requests, it must be possible to trace the specific user across services and retain this information. We achieve this by setting (and enforcing) a source identity for all role sessions and make sure to propagate enterprise identity to this attribute. We use a combination of Okta inline hooks and SAML session tags to achieve this. This means that the AWS CloudTrail logs for an IAM role session have the following information:

    "eventName": "AssumeRoleWithSAML",
    "requestParameters": {
        "SAMLAssertionlD": "id1111111111111111111111111",
        "roleSessionName": "[email protected]",
        "principalTags": {
            "nn-initials": "user",
            "department": "NNDepartment",
            "GroupHash": "xxxx",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "cost-center": "9999"
        "sourceIdentity": "[email protected]",
        "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/your-assumed-role",
        "principalArn": "arn:aws:iam,111111111111:saml-provider/your-saml-provider",

On the IAM role level, we can enforce the required attribute configuration with the following example trust policy. This is an example for a SAML-based app. We support the same patterns through OpenID Connect IdPs.

We now go through the elements of an IAM role trust policy, based on the following example:

    "Version": "2008-10-17",
    "Statement": {
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": {
            "Federated": [SAML_IdP_ARN]
        "Action": [
        "Condition": {
            "StringEquals": {
                "SAML:aud": "https://signin.aws.amazon.com/saml"
            "StringLike": {
                "sts:SourceIdentity": "*@novonordisk.com",
                "aws:RequestTag/GroupHash": ["*xxxx*"]
            "StringNotLike": {
                "sts:SourceIdentity": "*"

The policy contains the following details:

  • ThePrincipalstatement should point to the list of apps that are served through the consumption layer. These can be Azure app registrations, Okta apps, or Amazon Cognito app clients. This means that SAML assertions (in the case of SAML-based flows) minted from these applications can be used to run the operationAssumeRoleWithSamlif the remaining elements are also satisfied.
  • TheActionstatement includes the required permissions for theAssumeRolecall to succeed, including adding the contextual information to the role session.
  • In the first condition, the audience of the assertion needs to be targeting AWS.
  • In the second condition, there are twoStringLikerequirements:
    • A requirement on the source identity as the naming convention to follow at Novo Nordisk (users must come with enterprise identity, following our audit requirements).
    • Theaws:RequestTag/GroupHashneeds to bexxxx, which represents the hashed group name mentioned in the upper section.
  • Lastly, we enforce that sessions can’t be started without setting the source identity.

This policy enforces that all calls are from recognized services, include auditability, have the right target, and enforces that the user has the right group memberships.

Building a central overview of governance and trust

In this section, we discuss how Novo Nordisk keeps track of the relevant group-role relations and maps these at sign-in time.


In Novo Nordisk, all accesses are based on Active Directory group memberships. There is no user-based access. Because this pattern is so central, we have extended this access philosophy into our data accesses. As mentioned earlier, at sign-in time, the hooks need to be able to know which roles to assume for a given user, given this user’s group membership. We have modeled this data in Amazon DynamoDB, where just-in-time provisioning ensures that only the required user group memberships are available. By building our application around the use of groups, and by having the group propagation done by the application code, we avoid having to make a more general Active Directory integration, which would, for a company the size of Novo Nordisk, severely impact the application, simply due to the volume of users and groups.

The DynamoDB entitlement table contains all relevant information for all roles and services, including role ARNs and IdP ARNs. This means that when users log in to their analytics services, the sign-in hook can construct the required information for the Roles SAML attribute.

When new data domains are added to the data management layer, the data management layer needs to communicate both the role information and the group name that gives access to the role.

Single sign-on hub for analytics services

When scaling this permission model and data management pattern to a large enterprise such as Novo Nordisk, we ended up creating a large number of IAM roles distributed across different accounts. Then, a solution is required to map and provide access for end-users to the required IAM role. To simplify user access to multiple data sources and analytics tools, Novo Nordisk developed a single sign-on hub for analytics services. From the end-user perspective, this is a web interface that glues together different offerings in a unified system, making it a one-stop tool for data and analytics needs. When signing in to each of the analytical offerings, the authenticated sessions are forwarded, so users never have to reauthenticate.

Common for all the services supported in the consumption layer is that we can run a piece of application code at sign-in time, allowing sign-in time permissions to be calculated. The hooks that achieve this functionality can, for instance, be run by Okta inline hooks. This means that each of the target analytics services can have custom code to translate relevant contextual information or provide other types of automations for the role forwarding.

The sign-in flow is demonstrated in the following figure.


The workflow steps are as follows:

  1. A user accesses an analytical service such as Databricks in the Novo Nordisk analytics hub.
  2. The service uses Okta as the SAML-based IdP.
  3. Okta invokes an AWS Lambda-based SAML assertion inline hook.
  4. The hook uses the entitlement database, converting application-relevant group memberships into role entitlements.
  5. Relevant contextual information is returned from the entitlement database.
  6. The Lambda-based hook adds new SAML attributes to the SAML assertion, including the hashed group memberships and other contextual information such as source identity.
  7. A modified SAML assertion is used to sign users in to the analytical service.
  8. The user can now use the analytical tool with active IAM role sessions.

Synchronizing role trust

The preceding section gives an overview of how federation works in this solution. Now we can go through how we ensure that all participating AWS environments and accounts are in sync with the latest configuration.

From the end-user perspective, the synchronization mechanism must ensure that every analytics service instantiated can access the data domains assigned to the groups that the user belongs to. Also, changes in data domains—such as granting data access to an Active Directory group—must be effective immediately to every analytics service.

Two event-based mechanisms are used to maintain all the layers synchronized, as detailed in this section.

Synchronize data access control on the data management layer with changes to services in the consumption layer

As describe in the previous section, the IAM roles used for data access are created and managed by the data management layer. These IAM roles have a trust policy providing federated access to the external IdPs used by the analytics tools of the consumption layer. It implies that for every new analytical service created with a different IDP, the IAM roles used for data access on data domains must be updated to trust this new IdP.

Using NNEDH as an example of a data management solution, the synchronization mechanism is demonstrated in the following figure.

Synchronization mechanism in a data management solution

Taking as an example a scenario where a new analytics service is created, the steps in this workflow are as follows:

  1. A user with access to the administration console of the consumption layer instantiates a new analytics service, such as JupyterHub.
  2. A job running on AWS Fargate creates the resources needed for this new analytics service, such as an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance for JupyterHub, and the IdP required, such as a new SAML IdP.
  3. When the IdP is created in the previous step, an event is added in an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic with its details, such as name and SAML metadata.
  4. In the NNEDH control plane, a Lambda job is triggered by new events on this SNS topic. This job creates the IAM IdP, if needed, and updates the trust policy of the required IAM roles in all the AWS accounts used as data domains, adding the trust on the IdP used by the new analytics service.

In this architecture, all the update steps are event-triggered and scalable. This means that users of new analytics services can access their datasets almost instantaneously when they are created. In the same way, when a service is removed, the federation to the IdP is automatically removed if not used by other services.

Propagate changes on data domains to analytics services

Changes to data domains, such as the creation of a new S3 bucket used as a dataset, or adding or removing data access to a group, must be reflected immediately on analytics services of the consumption layer. To accomplish it, a mechanism is used to synchronize the entitlement database with the relevant changes made in NNEDH. This flow is demonstrated in the following figure.

Changes propagation flow

Taking as an example a scenario where access to a specific dataset is granted to a new group, the steps in this workflow are as follows:

  1. Using the NNEDH admin console, a data owner approves a dataset sharing request that grants access on a dataset to an Active Directory group.
  2. In the AWS account of the related data domain, the dataset components such as the S3 bucket and Lake Formation are updated to provide data access to the new group. The cross-account data sharing in Lake Formation uses AWS RAM.
  3. An event is added in an SNS topic with the current details about this dataset, such as the location of the S3 bucket and the groups that currently have access to it.
  4. In the virtualization layer, the updated information from the data management layer is used to update the entitlement database in DynamoDB.

These steps make sure that changes on data domains are automatically and immediately reflected on the entitlement database, which is used to provide data access to all the analytics services of the consumption layer.


Many of these patterns rely on the analytical tool to support a clever use of IAM roles. When this is not the case, the platform teams themselves need to develop custom functionality at the host level to ensure that role accesses are correctly controlled. This, for example, includes writing custom authenticators for JupyterHub.


This post shows an approach to building a scalable and secure data and analytics platform. It showcases some of the mechanisms used at Novo Nordisk and how to strike the right balance between freedom and control. The architecture laid out in the first post in this series enables layer independence, and exposes some extremely useful primitives for data access and governance. We make heavy use of contextual attributes to modulate role permissions at the session level, which provide just-in-time permissions. These permissions are propagated at a scale, across data domains. The upside is that a lot of the complexity related to managing data access permission can be delegated to the relevant business groups, while enabling the end-user consumers of data to think as little as possible about data accesses and focus on providing value for the business use cases. In the case of Novo Nordisk, they can provide better outcomes for patients and acceleration innovation.

The next post in this series describes how end-users can consume data from their analytics tool of choice, aligned with the data access controls detailed in this post.

About the Authors

Jonatan Selsing is former research scientist with a PhD in astrophysics that has turned to the cloud. He is currently the Lead Cloud Engineer at Novo Nordisk, where he enables data and analytics workloads at scale. With an emphasis on reducing the total cost of ownership of cloud-based workloads, while giving full benefit of the advantages of cloud, he designs, builds, and maintains solutions that enable research for future medicines.

Hassen Riahi is a Sr. Data Architect at AWS Professional Services. He holds a PhD in Mathematics & Computer Science on large-scale data management. He works with AWS customers on building data-driven solutions.

Alessandro Fior is a Sr. Data Architect at AWS Professional Services. He is passionate about designing and building modern and scalable data platforms that accelerate companies to extract value from their data.

Moses Arthur comes from a mathematics and computational research background and holds a PhD in Computational Intelligence specialized in Graph Mining. He is currently a Cloud Product Engineer at Novo Nordisk, building GxP-compliant enterprise data lakes and analytics platforms for Novo Nordisk global factories producing digitalized medical products.

Anwar RizalAnwar Rizal is a Senior Machine Learning consultant based in Paris. He works with AWS customers to develop data and AI solutions to sustainably grow their business.

Kumari RamarKumari Ramar is an Agile certified and PMP certified Senior Engagement Manager at AWS Professional Services. She delivers data and AI/ML solutions that speed up cross-system analytics and machine learning models, which enable enterprises to make data-driven decisions and drive new innovations.

Amazon S3 Compatible Storage on AWS Snowball Edge Compute Optimized Devices Now Generally Available

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-s3-compatible-storage-on-aws-snowball-edge-compute-optimized-devices-now-generally-available/

We have added a collection of purpose-built services to the AWS Snow Family for customers, such as Snowball Edge in 2016 and Snowcone in 2020. These services run compute intensive workloads and stores data in edge locations with denied, disrupted, intermittent, or limited network connectivity and for transferring large amounts of data from on-premises and rugged or mobile environments.

Each new service is optimized for space- or weight-constrained environments, portability, and flexible networking options. For example, Snowball Edge devices have three options for device configurations. AWS Snowball Edge Compute Optimized provides a suitcase-sized, secure, and rugged device that customers can deploy in rugged and tactical edge locations to run their compute applications. Customers modernize their edge applications in the cloud use AWS compute services and storage services such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), and then deploy these applications on Snow devices at the edge.

We heard from customers that they also needed access to local object store to run applications at the edge, such as 5G mobile core and real-time data analytics, to process end-user transactions, and they had limited storage infrastructure availability in these environments. Although the Amazon S3 Adapter for Snowball enables the basic storage and retrieval of objects on a Snow device, customers wanted access to a broader set of Amazon S3 APIs, including flexibility at scale, local bucket management, object tagging, and S3 event notifications.

Today, we’re announcing the general availability of Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow for our Snowball Edge Compute Optimized devices. This makes it easy for you to store data and run applications with local S3 buckets that require low latency processing at the edge.

With Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow, you can use an expanded set of Amazon S3 APIs to easily build applications on AWS and deploy them on Snowball Edge Compute Optimized devices. This eliminates the need to re-architect applications for each deployment. You can manage applications requiring Amazon S3 compatible storage across the cloud, on-premises, and at the edge in connected and disconnected environments with a consistent experience.

Moreover, you can use AWS OpsHub, a graphical user interface, to manage your Snow Family services and Amazon S3 compatible storage on the devices at the edge or remotely from a central location. You can also use Amazon S3 SDK or AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to create and manage S3 buckets, get S3 event notifications using MQTT, and local service notifications using SMTP, just as you do in AWS Regions.

With Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow, we are now able to address various use cases in limited network environments, giving customers secure, durable local object storage. For example, customers in the intelligence community and in industrial IoT deploy applications such as video analytics in rugged and mobile edge locations.

Getting Started with S3 Compatible Storage on Snowball Edge Compute Optimized
To order new Amazon S3 enabled Snowball Edge devices, create a job in the AWS Snow Family console. You can replace an existing Snow device or cluster with new replacement devices that support S3 compatible storage.

In Step 1 – Job type, input your job name and choose Local compute and storage only. In Step 2 – Compute and storage, choose your preferred Snowball Edge Compute Optimized device.

Select Amazon S3 compatible storage, a new option for S3 compatible storage. The current S3 Adapter solution is on deprecation path, and we recommend migrating workloads to use Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow.

When you select Amazon S3 compatible storage, you can configure Amazon S3 compatible storage capacity for a single device or for a cluster. The Amazon S3 storage capacity depends on the quantity and type of Snowball Edge device.

  • For single-device deployment, you can provision granular Amazon S3 capacity up to a maximum of 31 TB on a Snowball Edge Compute Optimized device.
  • For a cluster setup, all storage capacity on a device is allocated to Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow. You can provision a maximum of 500 TB on a 16 node cluster of Snowball Edge Compute Optimized devices.

When you provide all necessary job details and create your job, you can see the status of the delivery of your device in the job status section.

Manage S3 Compatible Storage on Snow with OpsHub
Once your device arrives at your site, power it on, and connect it to your network. To manage your device, download, install, and launch the OpsHub application in your laptop. After installation, you can unlock the device and start managing it and using supported AWS services locally.

OpsHub provides a dashboard that summarizes key metrics, such as storage capacity and active instances on your device. It also provides a selection of AWS services that are supported on the Snow Family devices.

Log in to OpsHub, then choose Manage Storage. This takes you to the Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow landing page.

For Start service setup type, choose Simple if your network uses dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP). With this option, the virtual network interface cards (VNICs) are created automatically on each device when you start the service. When your network uses static IP addresses, you need to create VNICs for each device manually, so choose the Advanced option.

Once the service starts, you’ll see its status is active with a list of endpoints. The following example shows the service activated in a single device:

Choose Create bucket if you want the new S3 bucket in your device. Otherwise, you can upload files to your selected bucket. New uploaded objects have destination URLs such as s3-snow://test123/test_file with the unique bucket name in the device or cluster.

You can also use the bucket lifecycle rule to define when to trigger object deletion based on age or date. Choose Create lifecycle rule in the Management tab to add a new lifecycle rule.

You can select either Delete objects or Delete incomplete multipart uploads as a rule action. Configure the rule trigger that schedules deletion based on a specific date or object’s age. In this example, I set two days to delete objects after being uploaded.

You can also use the Amazon S3 SDK/CLI for all API operations supported by S3 for Snowball Edge. To learn more, see API Operations Supported on Amazon S3 for Snowball Edge in the AWS documentation.

Things to know
Keep these things in mind regarding additional features and considerations when you use Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow:

  • Capacity: If you fully utilize Amazon S3 capacity on your device or cluster, your write (PUT) requests return an insufficient capacity error. Read (GET) operations continue to function normally. To monitor the available Amazon S3 capacity, you can use the OpsHub S3 on the Snow page or use the describe-service CLI command. Upon detecting insufficient capacity on the Snow device or cluster, you must free up space by deleting data or transferring data to an S3 bucket in the Region or another on-premises device.
  • Resiliency: Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow stores data redundantly across multiple disks on each Snow device and multiple devices in your cluster, with built-in protection against correlated hardware failures. In the event of a disk or device failure within the quorum range, Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow continues to operate until hardware is replaced. Additionally, Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow continuously scrubs data on the device to make sure of data integrity and recover any corrupted data. For workloads that require local storage, the best practice is to back up your data to further protect your data stored on Snow devices.
  • Notifications: Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow continuously monitors the health status of the device or cluster. Background processes respond to data inconsistencies and temporary failures to heal and recover data to make sure of resiliency. In the case of nonrecoverable hardware failures, Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow can continue operations and provides proactive notifications through emails, prompting you to work with AWS to replace failed devices. For connected devices, you have the option to enable the “Remote Monitoring” feature, which will allow AWS to monitor service health online and proactively notify you of any service issues.
  • Security: Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow supports encryption using server-side encryption with Amazon S3 managed encryption keys (SSE-S3) or customer-provided keys (SSE-C) and authentication and authorization using Snow IAM actions namespace (s3:*) to provide you with distinct controls for data stored on your Snow devices. Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow doesn’t support object-level access control list and bucket policies. Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow defaults to Bucket Owner is Object Owner, making sure that the bucket owner has control over objects in the bucket.

Now Available
Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow is now generally available for AWS Snowball Edge Compute Optimized devices in all AWS Commercial and GovCloud Regions where AWS Snow is available.

To learn more, see the AWS Snowball Edge Developer Guide and send feedback to AWS re:Post for AWS Snowball or through your usual AWS support contacts.


Week in Review: Terraform in Service Catalog, AWS Supply Chain, Streaming Response in Lambda, and Amplify Library for Swift – April 10, 2023

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/week-in-review-terraform-in-service-catalog-aws-supply-chain-streaming-response-in-lambda-and-amplify-library-for-swift-april-10-2023/

The AWS Summit season has started. AWS Summits are free technical and business conferences happening in large cities across the planet. This week, we were happy to welcome our customers and partners in Sydney and Paris. In France, 9,973 customers and partners joined us for the day to meet and exchange ideas but also to attend one of the more than 145 technical breakout sessions and the keynote. This is the largest cloud computing event in France, and I can’t resist sharing a picture from the main room during the opening keynote.

AWS Summit Paris keynote

There are AWS Summits on all continents ; you can find the list and the links for registration here https://aws.amazon.com/events/summits. The next on my agenda are listed at the end of this post.

These two Summits did not slow down our services teams. I counted 44 new capabilities since last Monday. Here are the few that caught my attention.

Last Week on AWS

AWS Lambda response streaming – Response streaming is a new invocation pattern that lets functions progressively stream response payloads back to clients. You can use Lambda response payload streaming to send response data to callers as it becomes available. Response streaming also allows you to build functions that return larger payloads and perform long-running operations while reporting incremental progress (within the 15 minutes execution period). My colleague Julian wrote an incredibly detailed blog post to help you to get started.

AWS Supply Chain Now Generally Available – AWS Supply Chain is a cloud application that mitigates risk and lowers costs with unified data and built-in contextual collaboration. It connects to your existing enterprise resource planning (ERP) and supply chain management systems to bring you ML-powered actionable insights into your supply chain.

AWS Service Catalog Supports Terraform Templates – With AWS Service Catalog, you can create, govern, and manage a catalog of infrastructure as code (IaC) templates that are approved for use on AWS. You can now define AWS Service Catalog products and their resources using either AWS CloudFormation or Hashicorp Terraform and choose the tool that better aligns with your processes and expertise.

Amazon S3 enforces two security best practices and brings new visibility into object replication status – As announced on December 13, 2022, Amazon S3 is now deploying two new default bucket security settings by automatically enabling S3 Block Public Access and disabling S3 access control lists (ACLs) for all new S3 buckets. Amazon S3 also adds a new Amazon CloudWatch metric that can be used to diagnose and correct S3 Replication configuration issues more quickly. The OperationFailedReplication metric, available in both the Amazon S3 console and in Amazon CloudWatch, gives you per-minute visibility into the number of objects that did not replicate to the destination bucket for each of your replication rules.

AWS Security Hub launches four security best practicesAWS Security Hub has released 4 new controls for its National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) SP 800-53 Rev. 5 standard. These controls conduct fully-automatic security checks against Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), Amazon Redshift, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). To use these controls, you should first turn on the NIST standard.

AWS Cloud Operation Competency Partners – AWS Cloud Operations covers five fundamental solution areas: Cloud Governance, Cloud Financial Management, Monitoring and Observability, Compliance and Auditing, and Operations Management. The new competency enables customers to select validated AWS Partners who offer comprehensive solutions with an integrated approach across multiple areas.

Amplify Library for Swift on macOS – Amplify is an open-source, client-side library making it easier to access a cloud backend from your front-end application code. It provides language-specific constructs to abstract low-level details of the cloud API. It helps you to integrate services such as analytics, object storage, REST or GraphQL APIs, user authentication, geolocation and mapping, and push notifications. You can now write beautiful macOS applications that connect to the same cloud backend as their iOS counterparts.

X in Y Jeff started this section a while ago to list the expansion of new services and capabilities to additional Regions. I noticed 11 Regional expansions this week:

Upcoming AWS Events
And to finish this post, I recommend you check your calendars and sign up for these AWS-led events:

Dot Net Developer Day.Net Developer Day.NET Enterprise Developer Day EMEA 2023 (April 25) is a free, one-day virtual conference providing enterprise developers with the most relevant information to swiftly and efficiently migrate and modernize their .NET applications and workloads on AWS.

AWS re:Inforce 2023 – Now register AWS re:Inforce, in Anaheim, California, June 13–14. AWS Chief Information Security Officer CJ Moses will share the latest innovations in cloud security and what AWS Security is focused on. The breakout sessions will provide real-world examples of how security is embedded into the way businesses operate. To learn more and get the limited discount code to register, see CJ’s blog post of Gain insights and knowledge at AWS re:Inforce 2023 in the AWS Security Blog.

AWS Global Summits – Check your calendars and sign up for the AWS Summit close to where you live or work: Seoul (May 3–4), Berlin and Singapore (May 4), Stockholm (May 11), Hong Kong (May 23), Amsterdam (June 1), London (June 7), Madrid (June 15), and Milano (June 22).

AWS Community Day – Join community-led conferences driven by AWS user group leaders close to your city: Lima (April 15), Helsinki (April 20), Chicago (June 15), Manila (June 29–30), and Munich (September 14). Recently, we have been bringing together AWS user groups from around the world into Meetup Pro accounts. Find your group and its meetups in your city!

You can browse all upcoming AWS-led in-person and virtual events, and developer-focused events such as AWS DevDay.

Stay Informed
That was my selection for this week! To better keep up with all of this news, don’t forget to check out the following resources:

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!

— seb

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Introducing AWS Lambda response streaming

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-aws-lambda-response-streaming/

Today, AWS Lambda is announcing support for response payload streaming. Response streaming is a new invocation pattern that lets functions progressively stream response payloads back to clients.

You can use Lambda response payload streaming to send response data to callers as it becomes available. This can improve performance for web and mobile applications. Response streaming also allows you to build functions that return larger payloads and perform long-running operations while reporting incremental progress.

In traditional request-response models, the response needs to be fully generated and buffered before it is returned to the client. This can delay the time to first byte (TTFB) performance while the client waits for the response to be generated. Web applications are especially sensitive to TTFB and page load performance. Response streaming lets you send partial responses back to the client as they become ready, improving TTFB latency to within milliseconds. For web applications, this can improve visitor experience and search engine rankings.

Other applications may have large payloads, like images, videos, large documents, or database results. Response streaming lets you transfer these payloads back to the client without having to buffer the entire payload in memory. You can use response streaming to send responses larger than Lambda’s 6 MB response payload limit up to a soft limit of 20 MB.

Response streaming currently supports the Node.js 14.x and subsequent managed runtimes. You can also implement response streaming using custom runtimes. You can progressively stream response payloads through Lambda function URLs, including as an Amazon CloudFront origin, along with using the AWS SDK or using Lambda’s invoke API. You can also use Amazon API Gateway and Application Load Balancer to stream larger payloads.

Writing response streaming enabled functions

Writing the handler for response streaming functions differs from typical Node handler patterns. To indicate to the runtime that Lambda should stream your function’s responses, you must wrap your function handler with the streamifyResponse() decorator. This tells the runtime to use the correct stream logic path, allowing the function to stream responses.

This is an example handler with response streaming enabled:

exports.handler = awslambda.streamifyResponse(
    async (event, responseStream, context) => {
        responseStream.write(“Hello, world!”);

The streamifyResponse decorator accepts the following additional parameter, responseStream, besides the default node handler parameters, event, and context.

The new responseStream object provides a stream object that your function can write data to. Data written to this stream is sent immediately to the client. You can optionally set the Content-Type header of the response to pass additional metadata to your client about the contents of the stream.

Writing to the response stream

The responseStream object implements Node’s Writable Stream API. This offers a write() method to write information to the stream. However, we recommend that you use pipeline() wherever possible to write to the stream. This can improve performance, ensuring that a faster readable stream does not overwhelm the writable stream.

An example function using pipeline() showing how you can stream compressed data:

const pipeline = require("util").promisify(require("stream").pipeline);
const zlib = require('zlib');
const { Readable } = require('stream');

exports.gzip = awslambda.streamifyResponse(async (event, responseStream, _context) => {
    // As an example, convert event to a readable stream.
    const requestStream = Readable.from(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(event)));
    await pipeline(requestStream, zlib.createGzip(), responseStream);

Ending the response stream

When using the write() method, you must end the stream before the handler returns. Use responseStream.end() to signal that you are not writing any more data to the stream. This is not required if you write to the stream with pipeline().

Reading streamed responses

Response streaming introduces a new InvokeWithResponseStream API. You can read a streamed response from your function via a Lambda function URL or use the AWS SDK to call the new API directly.

Neither API Gateway nor Lambda’s target integration with Application Load Balancer support chunked transfer encoding. It therefore does not support faster TTFB for streamed responses. You can, however, use response streaming with API Gateway to return larger payload responses, up to API Gateway’s 10 MB limit. To implement this, you must configure an HTTP_PROXY integration between your API Gateway and a Lambda function URL, instead of using the LAMBDA_PROXY integration.

You can also configure CloudFront with a function URL as origin. When streaming responses through a function URL and CloudFront, you can have faster TTFB performance and return larger payload sizes.

Using Lambda response streaming with function URLs

You can configure a function URL to invoke your function and stream the raw bytes back to your HTTP client via chunked transfer encoding. You configure the Function URL to use the new InvokeWithResponseStream API by changing the invoke mode of your function URL from the default BUFFERED to RESPONSE_STREAM.

RESPONSE_STREAM enables your function to stream payload results as they become available if you wrap the function with the streamifyResponse() decorator. Lambda invokes your function using the InvokeWithResponseStream API. If InvokeWithResponseStream invokes a function that is not wrapped with streamifyResponse(), Lambda does not stream the response and instead returns a buffered response which is subject to the 6 MB size limit.

Using AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) or AWS CloudFormation, set the InvokeMode property:

    Type: AWS::Lambda::Url
      TargetFunctionArn: !Ref StreamingFunction
      AuthType: AWS_IAM
      InvokeMode: RESPONSE_STREAM

Using generic HTTP client libraries with function URLs

Each language or framework may use different methods to form an HTTP request and parse a streamed response. Some HTTP client libraries only return the response body after the server closes the connection. These clients do not work with functions that return a response stream. To get the benefit of response streams, use an HTTP client that returns response data incrementally. Many HTTP client libraries already support streamed responses, including the Apache HttpClient for Java, Node’s built-in http client, and Python’s requests and urllib3 packages. Consult the documentation for the HTTP library that you are using.

Example applications

There are a number of example Lambda streaming applications in the Serverless Patterns Collection. They use AWS SAM to build and deploy the resources in your AWS account.

Clone the repository and explore the examples. The README file in each pattern folder contains additional information.

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/serverless-patterns/ 
cd serverless-patterns

Time to first byte using write()

  1. To show how streaming improves time to first bite, deploy the lambda-streaming-ttfb-write-sam pattern.
  2. cd lambda-streaming-ttfb-write-sam
  3. Use AWS SAM to deploy the resources to your AWS account. Run a guided deployment to set the default parameters for the first deployment.
  4. sam deploy -g --stack-name lambda-streaming-ttfb-write-sam

    For subsequent deployments you can use sam deploy.

  5. Enter a Stack Name and accept the initial defaults.
  6. AWS SAM deploys a Lambda function with streaming support and a function URL.

    AWS SAM deploy --g

    AWS SAM deploy –g

    Once the deployment completes, AWS SAM provides details of the resources.

    AWS SAM resources

    AWS SAM resources

    The AWS SAM output returns a Lambda function URL.

  7. Use curl with your AWS credentials to view the streaming response as the URL uses AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for authorization. Replace the URL and Region parameters for your deployment.
curl --request GET https://<url>.lambda-url.<Region>.on.aws/ --user AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE:wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY --aws-sigv4 'aws:amz:<Region>:lambda'

You can see the gradual display of the streamed response.

Using curl to stream response from write () function

Using curl to stream response from write () function

Time to first byte using pipeline()

  1. To try an example using pipeline(), deploy the lambda-streaming-ttfb-pipeline-sam pattern.
  2. cd ..
    cd lambda-streaming-ttfb-pipeline-sam
  3. Use AWS SAM to deploy the resources to your AWS account. Run a guided deployment to set the default parameters for the first deploy.
  4. sam deploy -g --stack-name lambda-streaming-ttfb-pipeline-sam
  5. Enter a Stack Name and accept the initial defaults.
  6. Use curl with your AWS credentials to view the streaming response. Replace the URL and Region parameters for your deployment.
curl --request GET https://<url>.lambda-url.<Region>.on.aws/ --user AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE:wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY --aws-sigv4 'aws:amz:<Region>:lambda'

You can see the pipelined response stream returned.

Using curl to stream response from function

Using curl to stream response from function

Large payloads

  1. To show how streaming enables you to return larger payloads, deploy the lambda-streaming-large-sam application. AWS SAM deploys a Lambda function, which returns a 7 MB PDF file which is larger than Lambda’s non-stream 6 MB response payload limit.
  2. cd ..
    cd lambda-streaming-large-sam
    sam deploy -g --stack-name lambda-streaming-large-sam
  3. The AWS SAM output returns a Lambda function URL. Use curl with your AWS credentials to view the streaming response.
curl --request GET https://<url>.lambda-url.<Region>.on.aws/ --user AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY --aws-sigv4 'aws:amz:<Region>:lambda' -o SVS401-ri22.pdf -w '%{content_type}'

This downloads the PDF file SVS401-ri22.pdf to your current directory and displays the content type as application/pdf.

You can also use API Gateway to stream a large payload with an HTTP_PROXY integration with a Lambda function URL.

Invoking a function with response streaming using the AWS SDK

You can use the AWS SDK to stream responses directly from the new Lambda InvokeWithResponseStream API. This provides additional functionality such as handling midstream errors. This can be helpful when building, for example, internal microservices. Response streaming is supported with the AWS SDK for Java 2.x, AWS SDK for JavaScript v3, and AWS SDKs for Go version 1 and version 2.

The SDK response returns an event stream that you can read from. The event stream contains two event types. PayloadChunk contains a raw binary buffer with partial response data received by the client. InvokeComplete signals that the function has completed sending data. It also contains additional metadata, such as whether the function encountered an error in the middle of the stream. Errors can include unhandled exceptions thrown by your function code and function timeouts.

Using the AWS SDK for Javascript v3

  1. To see how to use the AWS SDK to stream responses from a function, deploy the lambda-streaming-sdk-sam pattern.
  2. cd ..
    cd lambda-streaming-sdk-sam
    sam deploy -g --stack-name lambda-streaming-sdk-sam
  3. Enter a Stack Name and accept the initial defaults.
  4. AWS SAM deploys three Lambda functions with streaming support.

  • HappyPathFunction: Returns a full stream.
  • MidstreamErrorFunction: Simulates an error midstream.
  • TimeoutFunction: Function times out before stream completes.
  • Run the SDK example application, which invokes each Lambda function and outputs the result.
  • npm install @aws-sdk/client-lambda
    node index.mjs

    You can see each function and how the midstream and timeout errors are returned back to the SDK client.

    Streaming midstream error

    Streaming midstream error

    Streaming timeout error

    Streaming timeout error

    Quotas and pricing

    Streaming responses incur an additional cost for network transfer of the response payload. You are billed based on the number of bytes generated and streamed out of your Lambda function over the first 6 MB. For more information, see Lambda pricing.

    There is an initial maximum response size of 20 MB, which is a soft limit you can increase. There is a maximum bandwidth throughput limit of 16 Mbps (2 MB/s) for streaming functions.


    Today, AWS Lambda is announcing support for response payload streaming to send partial responses to callers as the responses become available. This can improve performance for web and mobile applications. You can also use response streaming to build functions that return larger payloads and perform long-running operations while reporting incremental progress. Stream partial responses through Lambda function URLs, or using the AWS SDK. Response streaming currently supports the Node.js 14.x and subsequent runtimes, as well as custom runtimes.

    There are a number of example Lambda streaming applications in the Serverless Patterns Collection to explore the functionality.

    Lambda response streaming support is also available through many AWS Lambda Partners such as Datadog, Dynatrace, New Relic, Pulumi and Lumigo.

    For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

    Optimizing fleet utilization with Amazon Location Service and HERE Technologies

    Post Syndicated from Mahesh Geeniga original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/optimizing-fleet-utilization-with-amazon-location-service-and-here-technologies/

    The fleet management market is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 15.5 percent—from 25.5 billion US dollars in 2022 to USD 52.4 billion in 2027. Optimizing how your organization uses its vehicle fleet is important for logistics and service providers such as last mile, middle mile, and field services.

    In this post, we demonstrate how to build and run a solution for many-to-many vehicle routing using HERE Tour Planning and Amazon Location Service. HERE Technologies is a data provider for Amazon Location Service and provides it with map rendering, geocoding, search, and routing. HERE Tour Planning expands on functionality such as geocoding, basic routing, and matrix routing to consider parameters such as time windows, job requirements or priorities, vehicle capabilities, range, and traffic information. They also support immediate re-planning when conditions change.

    The architecture described in this post can help you optimize your fleets for delivering shipments, such as perishable items on pallets, from a central distribution center to multiple retail locations. The architecture uses the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) to help you provision and version control your infrastructure. The architecture also uses Event Driven Architecture (EDA) based on AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB. It uses Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and DynamoDB to store the artifacts generated and integrates with Amazon Location Service to plot the routes visually on a map for each delivery driver.

    Solution overview

    This post will help you:

    • Configure the many-to-many vehicle routing architecture using HERE Tour Planning and Amazon Location Service
    • Submit a HERE Tour Planning problem
    • Generate an optimized solution file
    • Run a React app that:
      • Generates a list of routes for each vehicle in the fleet
      • Allows drivers to select and view routes in detail

    The following diagram outlines how the architecture works.

    Many-to-many vehicle routing architecture

    Figure 1. Many-to-many vehicle routing architecture using HERE Tour Planning and Amazon Location Service

    Let’s explore the steps in the diagram.

    1. The fleet operator uploads the tour requirements file to an Amazon S3 bucket.
    2. The upload invokes a Lambda function to process the new Tour Request. If the HERE API key is present, it calls the HERE Tour Planning API.
    3. The HERE Tour Planning API calculates the solution to the routing problem.
    4. The driver uses the React app to select a vehicle, which requests a route.
    5. The invoked Lambda function uses Amazon Location Service to calculate the route and render it in the React app.


    This walkthrough requires the following installations and resources:

    • Have an AWS account
    • Install the AWS Amplify CLI (command-line interface)
    • Install the AWS CDK CLI
    • Install the AWS CLI
      • Configure and authenticate the AWS CLI to interact with your AWS account.
    • Have your preferred integrated development environment (IDE), such as Visual Studio Code
    • Have GitHub repository access
      • git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-here-optimize-fleet-utilization
    • Have a HERE API Key (optional)
      • This is needed to invoke the HERE Tour Planning API for generating solutions to new routing problems.
      • The GitHub sample repository includes a problem and pre-solved solution file, so you don’t need to acquire a HERE API key to learn about these offerings.
      • To acquire an API key, create a free account on the HERE Platform, then follow the instructions in the HERE Tour Planning documentation to create your API key.
      • There can be additional charges based on API key use. For more details, see the HERE Tour Planning section within HERE service rates.


    Provision the infrastructure

    1. The architecture uses NPM node modules. Run the following commands to install the dependencies:
      • # AWS Lambda function dependencies
        cd lib/lambda/calculate-route
        npm install
      • # Sample Frontend application dependencies
        cd frontend/here-driver-app
        npm install
    2. If you have never used AWS CDK in your AWS account, you must first bootstrap the solution, which creates Amazon S3 buckets and metadata to support AWS CDK operations. Note: Architectural components described in this article are covered under AWS Free Tier and HERE Free monthly usage, but additional charges can occur based on usage beyond the Free Tier limits. We recommend following the Cleanup instructions after completing the walkthrough.
        • From the root of the repository, run the following command to generate the needed infrastructure:
          • cdk bootstrap
        • Output similar to the following indicates that you successfully bootstrapped the AWS account with what AWS CDK requires.

          Successful bootstrap of AWS account with AWS CDK requirements

          Figure 2. Successful bootstrap of AWS account with AWS CDK requirements

    3. Deploy the infrastructure for this solution by running the following command. This provisions much of the infrastructure required for this solution such as DynamoDB, Lambda functions, and Amazon S3 buckets:
      • cdk deploy
    4. Next, Amplify provisions the remaining resources to complete the architecture. Navigate to the folder for the frontend by running the following command:
      • cd frontend/here-driver-app
    5. Run the following series of Amplify commands to create the remaining resources, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon Cognito, and Amazon Location Service. For additional details, see Clone sample Amplify project.
    6. To accept the defaults, run the following command:
      • amplify init
    7. To push the infrastructure out to the AWS account, run the following command:
      • amplify push
    8. To publish the environment, run the following command:
      • amplify publish

    Create problem and generate architecture files

    The next step is to create the HERE Tour Planning problem file and submit it to the HERE Tour Planning API to solve. Note: You can either sign up for the HERE Developer program to receive an API key to test this solution live or use the problem and pre-solved solution provided in the /data folder of the repository.

    1. Open the Amazon S3 bucket that the previous step created.
    2. Upload a problem file (in JSON format) to the bucket.
    3. An Amazon S3 event notification invokes a Lambda function that performs a synchronous call to the HERE Tour Planning API and generates vehicle routing problem solution file in JSON format.
    4. The Lambda function saves the solution file to the Amazon S3 bucket and additional details about the solution to a DynamoDB table.
    5. The delivery drivers can use the example React app to view the list of vehicles and the routes.
    Creating a problem file and submitting it to HERE Tour Planning API

    Figure 3. Creating a problem file and submitting it to HERE Tour Planning API


    The next step is to run the React Frontend app to see the results. Access to the app and the API Gateway is secured with Amazon Cognito.

    1. To run the web application, run the following command:
      • npm start
    2. A local web server runs on http://localhost:3000.
    3. To use the system, the user must authenticate. Amazon Cognito allows users to sign in or create a new account.
    4. After you authenticate, the Home screen displays a list of available vehicles and routes.

      Available vehicles and routes

      Figure 4. Available vehicles and routes

    Choose a vehicle to see the detail of the route. Each red marker is a stop.

    Vehicle route details

    Figure 5. Vehicle route details


    To avoid incurring future charges, delete all resources created.

    1. Run the following commands to delete the application in AWS Amplify. As an alternative, you can use the Amplify console to delete Amplify resources:
      • cd frontend/here-driver-app
        amplify pull
        amplify delete
    2. With AWS CDK, run the following command to delete the AWS CloudFormation stack that was used to provision the resources. Note: You can leave the AWS CLI, Amplify CLI, and CDK CLI installed on your computer for future development:
      • cdk destroy


    In this post, using shipment delivery from a central distribution center use case, we’ve demonstrated how you can build your own serverless solution for optimizing middle and last mile operations. The solution uses multi-vehicle and multi-stop optimization services provided by HERE Tour Planning and Amazon Location Service to visualize the generated routes for each delivery vehicle driver. For additional details about HERE’s offerings on AWS Marketplace, see AWS Marketplace: HERE Technologies.

    Serverless ICYMI Q1 2023

    Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/serverless-icymi-q1-2023/

    Welcome to the 21st edition of the AWS Serverless ICYMI (in case you missed it) quarterly recap. Every quarter, we share all the most recent product launches, feature enhancements, blog posts, webinars, live streams, and other interesting things that you might have missed!


    In case you missed our last ICYMI, check out what happened last quarter here.

    Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, ChatGPT, and DALL-E are creating significant interest in the industry at the moment. Find out how to integrate serverless services with ChatGPT and DALL-E to generate unique bedtime stories for children.

    Example notification of a story hosted with Next.js and App Runner

    Example notification of a story hosted with Next.js and App Runner

    Serverless Land is a website maintained by the Serverless Developer Advocate team to help you build serverless applications and includes workshops, code examples, blogs, and videos. There is now enhanced search functionality so you can search across resources, patterns, and video content.


    ServerlessLand search

    AWS Lambda

    AWS Lambda has improved how concurrency works with Amazon SQS. You can now control the maximum number of concurrent Lambda functions invoked.

    The launch blog post explains the scaling behavior of Lambda using this architectural pattern, challenges this feature helps address, and a demo of maximum concurrency in action.

    Maximum concurrency is set to 10 for the SQS queue.

    Maximum concurrency is set to 10 for the SQS queue.

    AWS Lambda Powertools is an open-source library to help you discover and incorporate serverless best practices more easily. Lambda Powertools for .NET is now generally available and currently focused on three observability features: distributed tracing (Tracer), structured logging (Logger), and asynchronous business and application metrics (Metrics). Powertools is also available for Python, Java, and Typescript/Node.js programming languages.

    To learn more:

    Lambda announced a new feature, runtime management controls, which provide more visibility and control over when Lambda applies runtime updates to your functions. The runtime controls are optional capabilities for advanced customers that require more control over their runtime changes. You can now specify a runtime management configuration for each function with three settings, Automatic (default), Function update, or manual.

    There are three new Amazon CloudWatch metrics for asynchronous Lambda function invocations: AsyncEventsReceived, AsyncEventAge, and AsyncEventsDropped. You can track the asynchronous invocation requests sent to Lambda functions to monitor any delays in processing and take corrective actions if required. The launch blog post explains the new metrics and how to use them to troubleshoot issues.

    Lambda now supports Amazon DocumentDB change streams as an event source. You can use Lambda functions to process new documents, track updates to existing documents, or log deleted documents. You can use any programming language that is supported by Lambda to write your functions.

    There is a helpful blog post suggesting best practices for developing portable Lambda functions that allow you to port your code to containers if you later choose to.

    AWS Step Functions

    AWS Step Functions has expanded its AWS SDK integrations with support for 35 additional AWS services including Amazon EMR Serverless, AWS Clean Rooms, AWS IoT FleetWise, AWS IoT RoboRunner and 31 other AWS services. In addition, Step Functions also added support for 1000+ new API actions from new and existing AWS services such as Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon Athena. For the full list of added services, visit AWS SDK service integrations.

    Amazon EventBridge

    Amazon EventBridge has launched the AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) for EventBridge and Pipes . This allows you to manage EventBridge resources, such as event buses, rules, and pipes, using the Kubernetes API and resource model (custom resource definitions).

    EventBridge event buses now also support enhanced integration with Service Quotas. Your quota increase requests for limits such as PutEvents transactions-per-second, number of rules, and invocations per second among others will be processed within one business day or faster, enabling you to respond quickly to changes in usage.


    The AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) Command Line Interface (CLI) has added the sam list command. You can now show resources defined in your application, including the endpoints, methods, and stack outputs required to test your deployed application.

    AWS SAM has a preview of sam build support for building and packaging serverless applications developed in Rust. You can use cargo-lambda in the AWS SAM CLI build workflow and AWS SAM Accelerate to iterate on your code changes rapidly in the cloud.

    You can now use AWS SAM connectors as a source resource parameter. Previously, you could only define AWS SAM connectors as a AWS::Serverless::Connector resource. Now you can add the resource attribute on a connector’s source resource, which makes templates more readable and easier to update over time.

    AWS SAM connectors now also support multiple destinations to simplify your permissions. You can now use a single connector between a single source resource and multiple destination resources.

    In October 2022, AWS released OpenID Connect (OIDC) support for AWS SAM Pipelines. This improves your security posture by creating integrations that use short-lived credentials from your CI/CD provider. There is a new blog post on how to implement it.

    Find out how best to build serverless Java applications with the AWS SAM CLI.

    AWS App Runner

    AWS App Runner now supports retrieving secrets and configuration data stored in AWS Secrets Manager and AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Parameter Store in an App Runner service as runtime environment variables.

    AppRunner also now supports incoming requests based on HTTP 1.0 protocol, and has added service level concurrency, CPU and Memory utilization metrics.

    Amazon S3

    Amazon S3 now automatically applies default encryption to all new objects added to S3, at no additional cost and with no impact on performance.

    You can now use an S3 Object Lambda Access Point alias as an origin for your Amazon CloudFront distribution to tailor or customize data to end users. For example, you can resize an image depending on the device that an end user is visiting from.

    S3 has introduced Mountpoint for S3, a high performance open source file client that translates local file system API calls to S3 object API calls like GET and LIST.

    S3 Multi-Region Access Points now support datasets that are replicated across multiple AWS accounts. They provide a single global endpoint for your multi-region applications, and dynamically route S3 requests based on policies that you define. This helps you to more easily implement multi-Region resilience, latency-based routing, and active-passive failover, even when data is stored in multiple accounts.

    Amazon Kinesis

    Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose now supports streaming data delivery to Elastic. This is an easier way to ingest streaming data to Elastic and consume the Elastic Stack (ELK Stack) solutions for enterprise search, observability, and security without having to manage applications or write code.

    Amazon DynamoDB

    Amazon DynamoDB now supports table deletion protection to protect your tables from accidental deletion when performing regular table management operations. You can set the deletion protection property for each table, which is set to disabled by default.

    Amazon SNS

    Amazon SNS now supports AWS X-Ray active tracing to visualize, analyze, and debug application performance. You can now view traces that flow through Amazon SNS topics to destination services, such as Amazon Simple Queue Service, Lambda, and Kinesis Data Firehose, in addition to traversing the application topology in Amazon CloudWatch ServiceLens.

    SNS also now supports setting content-type request headers for HTTPS notifications so applications can receive their notifications in a more predictable format. Topic subscribers can create a DeliveryPolicy that specifies the content-type value that SNS assigns to their HTTPS notifications, such as application/json, application/xml, or text/plain.

    EDA Visuals collection added to Serverless Land

    The Serverless Developer Advocate team has extended Serverless Land and introduced EDA visuals. These are small bite sized visuals to help you understand concept and patterns about event-driven architectures. Find out about batch processing vs. event streaming, commands vs. events, message queues vs. event brokers, and point-to-point messaging. Discover bounded contexts, migrations, idempotency, claims, enrichment and more!


    EDA Visuals

    To learn more:

    Serverless Repos Collection on Serverless Land

    There is also a new section on Serverless Land containing helpful code repositories. You can search for code repos to use for examples, learning or building serverless applications. You can also filter by use-case, runtime, and level.

    Serverless Repos Collection

    Serverless Repos Collection

    Serverless Blog Posts


    Jan 12 – Introducing maximum concurrency of AWS Lambda functions when using Amazon SQS as an event source

    Jan 20 – Processing geospatial IoT data with AWS IoT Core and the Amazon Location Service

    Jan 23 – AWS Lambda: Resilience under-the-hood

    Jan 24 – Introducing AWS Lambda runtime management controls

    Jan 24 – Best practices for working with the Apache Velocity Template Language in Amazon API Gateway


    Feb 6 – Previewing environments using containerized AWS Lambda functions

    Feb 7 – Building ad-hoc consumers for event-driven architectures

    Feb 9 – Implementing architectural patterns with Amazon EventBridge Pipes

    Feb 9 – Securing CI/CD pipelines with AWS SAM Pipelines and OIDC

    Feb 9 – Introducing new asynchronous invocation metrics for AWS Lambda

    Feb 14 – Migrating to token-based authentication for iOS applications with Amazon SNS

    Feb 15 – Implementing reactive progress tracking for AWS Step Functions

    Feb 23 – Developing portable AWS Lambda functions

    Feb 23 – Uploading large objects to Amazon S3 using multipart upload and transfer acceleration

    Feb 28 – Introducing AWS Lambda Powertools for .NET


    Mar 9 – Server-side rendering micro-frontends – UI composer and service discovery

    Mar 9 – Building serverless Java applications with the AWS SAM CLI

    Mar 10 – Managing sessions of anonymous users in WebSocket API-based applications

    Mar 14 –
    Implementing an event-driven serverless story generation application with ChatGPT and DALL-E


    Serverless Office Hours – Tues 10AM PT

    Weekly office hours live stream. In each session we talk about a specific topic or technology related to serverless and open it up to helping you with your real serverless challenges and issues. Ask us anything you want about serverless technologies and applications.


    Jan 10 – Building .NET 7 high performance Lambda functions

    Jan 17 – Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow at Scale

    Jan 24 – Using Terraform with AWS SAM

    Jan 31 – Preparing your serverless architectures for the big day


    Feb 07- Visually design and build serverless applications

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    Feb 21 – Refactoring to Serverless

    Feb 28 – EDA visually explained


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    Jan 19 – Step functions Distributed map – Run 10k parallel serverless executions!

    Jan 26 – Step Functions Intrinsic Functions – Do simple data processing directly from the state machines!


    Feb 02 – Unlock the Power of EventBridge Pipes: Integrate Across Platforms with Ease!

    Feb 09 – Amazon EventBridge Pipes: Enrichment and filter of events Demo with AWS SAM

    Feb 16 – AWS App Runner – Deploy your apps from GitHub to Cloud in Record Time

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    Mar 23 – 8 Reasons You Should Choose DynamoDB for Your Next Project and How to Get Started

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    Build event-driven data pipelines using AWS Controllers for Kubernetes and Amazon EMR on EKS

    Post Syndicated from Victor Gu original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/build-event-driven-data-pipelines-using-aws-controllers-for-kubernetes-and-amazon-emr-on-eks/

    An event-driven architecture is a software design pattern in which decoupled applications can asynchronously publish and subscribe to events via an event broker. By promoting loose coupling between components of a system, an event-driven architecture leads to greater agility and can enable components in the system to scale independently and fail without impacting other services. AWS has many services to build solutions with an event-driven architecture, such as Amazon EventBridge, Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), and AWS Lambda.

    Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) is becoming a popular choice among AWS customers to host long-running analytics and AI or machine learning (ML) workloads. By containerizing your data processing tasks, you can simply deploy them into Amazon EKS as Kubernetes jobs and use Kubernetes to manage underlying computing compute resources. For big data processing, which requires distributed computing, you can use Spark on Amazon EKS. Amazon EMR on EKS, a managed Spark framework on Amazon EKS, enables you to run Spark jobs with benefits of scalability, portability, extensibility, and speed. With EMR on EKS, the Spark jobs run using the Amazon EMR runtime for Apache Spark, which increases the performance of your Spark jobs so that they run faster and cost less than open-source Apache Spark.

    Data processes require a workflow management to schedule jobs and manage dependencies between jobs, and require monitoring to ensure that the transformed data is always accurate and up to date. One popular orchestration tool for managing workflows is Apache Airflow, which can be installed in Amazon EKS. Alternatively, you can use the AWS-managed version, Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (Amazon MWAA). Another option is to use AWS Step Functions, which is a serverless workflow service that integrates with EMR on EKS and EventBridge to build event-driven workflows.

    In this post, we demonstrate how to build an event-driven data pipeline using AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) and EMR on EKS. We use ACK to provision and configure serverless AWS resources, such as EventBridge and Step Functions. Triggered by an EventBridge rule, Step Functions orchestrates jobs running in EMR on EKS. With ACK, you can use the Kubernetes API and configuration language to create and configure AWS resources the same way you create and configure a Kubernetes data processing job. Because most of the managed services are serverless, you can build and manage your entire data pipeline using the Kubernetes API with tools such as kubectl.

    Solution overview

    ACK lets you define and use AWS service resources directly from Kubernetes, using the Kubernetes Resource Model (KRM). The ACK project contains a series of service controllers, one for each AWS service API. With ACK, developers can stay in their familiar Kubernetes environment and take advantage of AWS services for their application-supporting infrastructure. In the post Microservices development using AWS controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) and Amazon EKS blueprints, we show how to use ACK for microservices development.

    In this post, we show how to build an event-driven data pipeline using ACK controllers for EMR on EKS, Step Functions, EventBridge, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). We provision an EKS cluster with ACK controllers using Terraform modules. We create the data pipeline with the following steps:

    1. Create the emr-data-team-a namespace and bind it with the virtual cluster my-ack-vc in Amazon EMR by using the ACK controller.
    2. Use the ACK controller for Amazon S3 to create an S3 bucket. Upload the sample Spark scripts and sample data to the S3 bucket.
    3. Use the ACK controller for Step Functions to create a Step Functions state machine as an EventBridge rule target based on Kubernetes resources defined in YAML manifests.
    4. Use the ACK controller for EventBridge to create an EventBridge rule for pattern matching and target routing.

    The pipeline is triggered when a new script is uploaded. An S3 upload notification is sent to EventBridge and, if it matches the specified rule pattern, triggers the Step Functions state machine. Step Functions calls the EMR virtual cluster to run the Spark job, and all the Spark executors and driver are provisioned inside the emr-data-team-a namespace. The output is saved back to the S3 bucket, and the developer can check the result on the Amazon EMR console.

    The following diagram illustrates this architecture.


    Ensure that you have the following tools installed locally:

    Deploy the solution infrastructure

    Because each ACK service controller requires different AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles for managing AWS resources, it’s better to use an automation tool to install the required service controllers. For this post, we use Amazon EKS Blueprints for Terraform and the AWS EKS ACK Addons Terraform module to provision the following components:

    • A new VPC with three private subnets and three public subnets
    • An internet gateway for the public subnets and a NAT Gateway for the private subnets
    • An EKS cluster control plane with one managed node group
    • Amazon EKS-managed add-ons: VPC_CNI, CoreDNS, and Kube_Proxy
    • ACK controllers for EMR on EKS, Step Functions, EventBridge, and Amazon S3
    • IAM execution roles for EMR on EKS, Step Functions, and EventBridge

    Let’s start by cloning the GitHub repo to your local desktop. The module eks_ack_addons in addon.tf is for installing ACK controllers. ACK controllers are installed by using helm charts in the Amazon ECR public galley. See the following code:

    cd examples/usecases/event-driven-pipeline
    terraform init
    terraform plan
    terraform apply -auto-approve #defaults to us-west-2

    The following screenshot shows an example of our output. emr_on_eks_role_arn is the ARN of the IAM role created for Amazon EMR running Spark jobs in the emr-data-team-a namespace in Amazon EKS. stepfunction_role_arn is the ARN of the IAM execution role for the Step Functions state machine. eventbridge_role_arn is the ARN of the IAM execution role for the EventBridge rule.

    The following command updates kubeconfig on your local machine and allows you to interact with your EKS cluster using kubectl to validate the deployment:

    aws eks --region $region update-kubeconfig --name event-driven-pipeline-demo

    Test your access to the EKS cluster by listing the nodes:

    kubectl get nodes
    # Output should look like below
    NAME                                        STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
    ip-10-1-10-64.us-west-2.compute.internal    Ready    <none>   19h     v1.24.9-eks-49d8fe8
    ip-10-1-10-65.us-west-2.compute.internal    Ready    <none>   19h     v1.24.9-eks-49d8fe8
    ip-10-1-10-7.us-west-2.compute.internal     Ready    <none>   19h     v1.24.9-eks-49d8fe8
    ip-10-1-10-73.us-west-2.compute.internal    Ready    <none>   19h     v1.24.9-eks-49d8fe8
    ip-10-1-11-96.us-west-2.compute.internal    Ready    <none>   19h     v1.24.9-eks-49d8fe8
    ip-10-1-12-197.us-west-2.compute.internal   Ready    <none>   19h     v1.24.9-eks-49d8fe8

    Now we’re ready to set up the event-driven pipeline.

    Create an EMR virtual cluster

    Let’s start by creating a virtual cluster in Amazon EMR and link it with a Kubernetes namespace in EKS. By doing that, the virtual cluster will use the linked namespace in Amazon EKS for running Spark workloads. We use the file emr-virtualcluster.yaml. See the following code:

    apiVersion: emrcontainers.services.k8s.aws/v1alpha1
    kind: VirtualCluster
      name: my-ack-vc
      name: my-ack-vc
        id: event-driven-pipeline-demo  # your eks cluster name
        type_: EKS
            namespace: emr-data-team-a # namespace binding with EMR virtual cluster

    Let’s apply the manifest by using the following kubectl command:

    kubectl apply -f ack-yamls/emr-virtualcluster.yaml

    You can navigate to the Virtual clusters page on the Amazon EMR console to see the cluster record.

    Create an S3 bucket and upload data

    Next, let’s create a S3 bucket for storing Spark pod templates and sample data. We use the s3.yaml file. See the following code:

    apiVersion: s3.services.k8s.aws/v1alpha1
    kind: Bucket
      name: sparkjob-demo-bucket
      name: sparkjob-demo-bucket
    kubectl apply -f ack-yamls/s3.yaml

    If you don’t see the bucket, you can check the log from the ACK S3 controller pod for details. The error is mostly caused if a bucket with the same name already exists. You need to change the bucket name in s3.yaml as well as in eventbridge.yaml and sfn.yaml. You also need to update upload-inputdata.sh and upload-spark-scripts.sh with the new bucket name.

    Run the following command to upload the input data and pod templates:

    bash spark-scripts-data/upload-inputdata.sh

    The sparkjob-demo-bucket S3 bucket is created with two folders: input and scripts.

    Create a Step Functions state machine

    The next step is to create a Step Functions state machine that calls the EMR virtual cluster to run a Spark job, which is a sample Python script to process the New York City Taxi Records dataset. You need to define the Spark script location and pod templates for the Spark driver and executor in the StateMachine object .yaml file. Let’s make the following changes (highlighted) in sfn.yaml first:

    • Replace the value for roleARN with stepfunctions_role_arn
    • Replace the value for ExecutionRoleArn with emr_on_eks_role_arn
    • Replace the value for VirtualClusterId with your virtual cluster ID
    • Optionally, replace sparkjob-demo-bucket with your bucket name

    See the following code:

    apiVersion: sfn.services.k8s.aws/v1alpha1
    kind: StateMachine
      name: run-spark-job-ack
      name: run-spark-job-ack
      roleARN: "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxx:role/event-driven-pipeline-demo-sfn-execution-role"   # replace with your stepfunctions_role_arn
      - key: owner
        value: sfn-ack
      definition: |
          "Comment": "A description of my state machine",
          "StartAt": "input-output-s3",
          "States": {
            "input-output-s3": {
              "Type": "Task",
              "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::emr-containers:startJobRun.sync",
              "Parameters": {
                "VirtualClusterId": "f0u3vt3y4q2r1ot11m7v809y6",  
                "ExecutionRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxx:role/event-driven-pipeline-demo-emr-eks-data-team-a",
                "ReleaseLabel": "emr-6.7.0-latest",
                "JobDriver": {
                  "SparkSubmitJobDriver": {
                    "EntryPoint": "s3://sparkjob-demo-bucket/scripts/pyspark-taxi-trip.py",
                    "EntryPointArguments": [
                    "SparkSubmitParameters": "--conf spark.executor.instances=10"
                "ConfigurationOverrides": {
                  "ApplicationConfiguration": [
                     "Classification": "spark-defaults",
                    "Properties": {
                      "spark.driver.memory": "10g",
                      "spark.executor.memory": "10g",
                      "spark.local.dir" : "/data1,/data2"

    You can get your virtual cluster ID from the Amazon EMR console or with the following command:

    kubectl get virtualcluster -o jsonpath={.items..status.id}
    # result:
    f0u3vt3y4q2r1ot11m7v809y6  # VirtualClusterId

    Then apply the manifest to create the Step Functions state machine:

    kubectl apply -f ack-yamls/sfn.yaml

    Create an EventBridge rule

    The last step is to create an EventBridge rule, which is used as an event broker to receive event notifications from Amazon S3. Whenever a new file, such as a new Spark script, is created in the S3 bucket, the EventBridge rule will evaluate (filter) the event and invoke the Step Functions state machine if it matches the specified rule pattern, triggering the configured Spark job.

    Let’s use the following command to get the ARN of the Step Functions state machine we created earlier:

    kubectl get StateMachine -o jsonpath={.items..status.ackResourceMetadata.arn}
    # result
    arn: arn:aws:states:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx:stateMachine:run-spark-job-ack # sfn_arn

    Then, update eventbridge.yaml with the following values:

    • Under targets, replace the value for roleARN with eventbridge_role_arn

    Under targets, replace arn with your sfn_arn

    • Optionally, in eventPattern, replace sparkjob-demo-bucket with your bucket name

    See the following code:

    apiVersion: eventbridge.services.k8s.aws/v1alpha1
    kind: Rule
      name: eb-rule-ack
      name: eb-rule-ack
      description: "ACK EventBridge Filter Rule to sfn using event bus reference"
      eventPattern: | 
          "source": ["aws.s3"],
          "detail-type": ["Object Created"],
          "detail": {
            "bucket": {
              "name": ["sparkjob-demo-bucket"]    
            "object": {
              "key": [{
                "prefix": "scripts/"
        - arn: arn:aws:states:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx:stateMachine:run-spark-job-ack # replace with your sfn arn
          id: sfn-run-spark-job-target
          roleARN: arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxx:role/event-driven-pipeline-demo-eb-execution-role # replace your eventbridge_role_arn
            maximumRetryAttempts: 0 # no retries
        - key:owner
          value: eb-ack

    By applying the EventBridge configuration file, an EventBridge rule is created to monitor the folder scripts in the S3 bucket sparkjob-demo-bucket:

    kubectl apply -f ack-yamls/eventbridge.yaml

    For simplicity, the dead-letter queue is not set and maximum retry attempts is set to 0. For production usage, set them based on your requirements. For more information, refer to Event retry policy and using dead-letter queues.

    Test the data pipeline

    To test the data pipeline, we trigger it by uploading a Spark script to the S3 bucket scripts folder using the following command:

    bash spark-scripts-data/upload-spark-scripts.sh

    The upload event triggers the EventBridge rule and then calls the Step Functions state machine. You can go to the State machines page on the Step Functions console and choose the job run-spark-job-ack to monitor its status.

    For the Spark job details, on the Amazon EMR console, choose Virtual clusters in the navigation pane, and then choose my-ack-vc. You can review all the job run history for this virtual cluster. If you choose Spark UI in any row, you’re redirected the Spark history server for more Spark driver and executor logs.

    Clean up

    To clean up the resources created in the post, use the following code:

    aws s3 rm s3://sparkjob-demo-bucket --recursive # clean up data in S3
    kubectl delete -f ack-yamls/. #Delete aws resources created by ACK
    terraform destroy -target="module.eks_blueprints_kubernetes_addons" -target="module.eks_ack_addons" -auto-approve -var region=$region
    terraform destroy -target="module.eks_blueprints" -auto-approve -var region=$region
    terraform destroy -auto-approve -var region=$regionterraform destroy -auto-approve -var region=$region


    This post showed how to build an event-driven data pipeline purely with native Kubernetes API and tooling. The pipeline uses EMR on EKS as compute and uses serverless AWS resources Amazon S3, EventBridge, and Step Functions as storage and orchestration in an event-driven architecture. With EventBridge, AWS and custom events can be ingested, filtered, transformed, and reliably delivered (routed) to more than 20 AWS services and public APIs (webhooks), using human-readable configuration instead of writing undifferentiated code. EventBridge helps you decouple applications and achieve more efficient organizations using event-driven architectures, and has quickly become the event bus of choice for AWS customers for many use cases, such as auditing and monitoring, application integration, and IT automation.

    By using ACK controllers to create and configure different AWS services, developers can perform all data plane operations without leaving the Kubernetes platform. Also, developers only need to maintain the EKS cluster because all the other components are serverless.

    As a next step, clone the GitHub repository to your local machine and test the data pipeline in your own AWS account. You can modify the code in this post and customize it for your own needs by using different EventBridge rules or adding more steps in Step Functions.

    About the authors

    Victor Gu is a Containers and Serverless Architect at AWS. He works with AWS customers to design microservices and cloud native solutions using Amazon EKS/ECS and AWS serverless services. His specialties are Kubernetes, Spark on Kubernetes, MLOps and DevOps.

    Michael Gasch is a Senior Product Manager for AWS EventBridge, driving innovations in event-driven architectures. Prior to AWS, Michael was a Staff Engineer at the VMware Office of the CTO, working on open-source projects, such as Kubernetes and Knative, and related distributed systems research.

    Peter Dalbhanjan is a Solutions Architect for AWS based in Herndon, VA. Peter has a keen interest in evangelizing AWS solutions and has written multiple blog posts that focus on simplifying complex use cases. At AWS, Peter helps with designing and architecting variety of customer workloads.

    AWS Week in Review – March 20, 2023

    Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-march-20-2023/

    This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

    A new week starts, and Spring is almost here! If you’re curious about AWS news from the previous seven days, I got you covered.

    Last Week’s Launches
    Here are the launches that got my attention last week:

    Picture of an S3 bucket and AWS CEO Adam Selipsky.Amazon S3 – Last week there was AWS Pi Day 2023 celebrating 17 years of innovation since Amazon S3 was introduced on March 14, 2006. For the occasion, the team released many new capabilities:

    Amazon Linux 2023 – Our new Linux-based operating system is now generally available. Sébastien’s post is full of tips and info.

    Application Auto Scaling – Now can use arithmetic operations and mathematical functions to customize the metrics used with Target Tracking policies. You can use it to scale based on your own application-specific metrics. Read how it works with Amazon ECS services.

    AWS Data Exchange for Amazon S3 is now generally available – You can now share and find data files directly from S3 buckets, without the need to create or manage copies of the data.

    Amazon Neptune – Now offers a graph summary API to help understand important metadata about property graphs (PG) and resource description framework (RDF) graphs. Neptune added support for Slow Query Logs to help identify queries that need performance tuning.

    Amazon OpenSearch Service – The team introduced security analytics that provides new threat monitoring, detection, and alerting features. The service now supports OpenSearch version 2.5 that adds several new features such as support for Point in Time Search and improvements to observability and geospatial functionality.

    AWS Lake Formation and Apache Hive on Amazon EMR – Introduced fine-grained access controls that allow data administrators to define and enforce fine-grained table and column level security for customers accessing data via Apache Hive running on Amazon EMR.

    Amazon EC2 M1 Mac Instances – You can now update guest environments to a specific or the latest macOS version without having to tear down and recreate the existing macOS environments.

    AWS Chatbot – Now Integrates With Microsoft Teams to simplify the way you troubleshoot and operate your AWS resources.

    Amazon GuardDuty RDS Protection for Amazon Aurora – Now generally available to help profile and monitor access activity to Aurora databases in your AWS account without impacting database performance

    AWS Database Migration Service – Now supports validation to ensure that data is migrated accurately to S3 and can now generate an AWS Glue Data Catalog when migrating to S3.

    AWS Backup – You can now back up and restore virtual machines running on VMware vSphere 8 and with multiple vNICs.

    Amazon Kendra – There are new connectors to index documents and search for information across these new content: Confluence Server, Confluence Cloud, Microsoft SharePoint OnPrem, Microsoft SharePoint Cloud. This post shows how to use the Amazon Kendra connector for Microsoft Teams.

    For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

    Other AWS News
    A few more blog posts you might have missed:

    Example of a geospatial query.Women founders Q&A – We’re talking to six women founders and leaders about how they’re making impacts in their communities, industries, and beyond.

    What you missed at that 2023 IMAGINE: Nonprofit conference – Where hundreds of nonprofit leaders, technologists, and innovators gathered to learn and share how AWS can drive a positive impact for people and the planet.

    Monitoring load balancers using Amazon CloudWatch anomaly detection alarms – The metrics emitted by load balancers provide crucial and unique insight into service health, service performance, and end-to-end network performance.

    Extend geospatial queries in Amazon Athena with user-defined functions (UDFs) and AWS Lambda – Using a solution based on Uber’s Hexagonal Hierarchical Spatial Index (H3) to divide the globe into equally-sized hexagons.

    How cities can use transport data to reduce pollution and increase safety – A guest post by Rikesh Shah, outgoing head of open innovation at Transport for London.

    For AWS open-source news and updates, here’s the latest newsletter curated by Ricardo to bring you the most recent updates on open-source projects, posts, events, and more.

    Upcoming AWS Events
    Here are some opportunities to meet:

    AWS Public Sector Day 2023 (March 21, London, UK) – An event dedicated to helping public sector organizations use technology to achieve more with less through the current challenging conditions.

    Women in Tech at Skills Center Arlington (March 23, VA, USA) – Let’s celebrate the history and legacy of women in tech.

    The AWS Summits season is warming up! You can sign up here to know when registration opens in your area.

    That’s all from me for this week. Come back next Monday for another Week in Review!


    Realtime monitoring of microservices and cloud-native applications with IBM Instana SaaS on AWS

    Post Syndicated from Eduardo Monich Fronza original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/realtime-monitoring-of-microservices-and-cloud-native-applications-with-ibm-instana-saas-on-aws/

    Customers are adopting microservices architecture to build innovative and scalable applications on Amazon Web Services (AWS). These microservices applications are deployed across multiple AWS services, and customers are looking for comprehensive observability solutions that can help them effectively monitor and manage the performance of their applications in real-time.

    IBM Instana is a fully automated application performance management (APM) solution, available to customers as a fully managed software as a service (SaaS) solution on AWS. It is specifically designed to help customers address the challenges of monitoring microservices and cloud-native applications in real-time. It uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide detailed insights into the health and behavior of applications, allowing developers and IT teams to gain real-time insights into their microservices applications, optimize performance, and quickly identify and troubleshoot issues.

    This post explains the capabilities of IBM Instana to automatically collect observability metrics, traces, and events from microservices deployed on AWS cloud, as well as on-premises, to provide full visibility into the performance of individual components and applications as a whole.

    IBM Instana solution overview

    IBM Instana is designed to be highly scalable and adaptable to changing microservices applications environments. Its architecture (Figure 1) consists of several components that work together to provide comprehensive monitoring for microservices and cloud-native applications.

    Instana’s main building blocks are host agents and agent sensors that are deployed in a customer’s AWS account and responsible for collecting, aggregating, and sending detailed monitoring information of applications and AWS services to the Instana SaaS backend.

    The Instana SaaS backend services provide several key components, including data collectors, storage services, analytics engines, and user interfaces. It allows customers to process and analyze data in real-time, generate actionable insights, have a comprehensive view of their applications and infrastructure performance, enabling them to quickly identify and resolve issues and improve their overall operations.

    IBM Instana architecture on AWS

    Figure 1. IBM Instana architecture on AWS

    Monitoring data

    Instana monitors and observes microservices and cloud-native applications by collecting beacons, traces, and one-second metrics:

    • Beacons are small monitoring payloads that are transmitted by a JavaScript agent to the Instana servers, modeling specific events occurring within the lifecycle of a page view of a website; for example, page loading, resource retrieval, and HTTP requests.
    • Traces are detailed records of the requests and transactions that flow through a microservice architecture. They record the sequence of events that occur when a request is processed, including the services that are involved, the duration of each service, and any errors or exceptions that occur. Instana automatically correlates traces across services to provide a complete view of an entire transaction. This allows for easy identification and diagnosis of performance issues.
    • Metrics are numerical values that represent the performance and resource utilization of a microservice or infrastructure component. Metrics are collected by Instana Agents and sent to the Instana backend at regular intervals. Instana Agents collect hundreds of different metrics, including (but not limited to) CPU usage, memory usage, network traffic, and disk I/O.

    This information is captured by Instana agents and sensors, which also collect application configurations and events, plus discover application building blocks, including clusters, containers, and services.

    IBM Instana agents and sensors

    The Instana host agent is a lightweight software component that collects and aggregates data from various sensors before sending the data to the Instana backend. It can be deployed to AWS services, including Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), AWS Fargate, AWS Lambda, or Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA). A single host agent, one per host, is used to collect data from monitored systems.

    Once Instana agents are running, they automatically detect applications and services, such as containers running on Amazon EKS, and processes like Nginx, NodeJS, Spring Boot, Postgres, Elasticsearch, or Cassandra. For each component detected, different Instana sensors are automatically downloaded, installed, and configured to monitor the environment.

    Instana sensors are small programs that are designed to attach and monitor one specific technology and pass their data to the agent. They are automatically managed, updated, loaded, and unloaded by the host agent.

    These sensors can monitor several different AWS services like Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Aurora, Amazon Simple Queue Service, and Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka. They collect data—like request and error rates, latency, CPU utilization—via AWS APIs and Amazon CloudWatch.

    Instana also provides sensors to collect data from applications running on AWS, like IBM MQ, IBM Db2, or Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. Review IBM’s full list of supported technologies and AWS services.

    Instana also provides tracers, which are used with runtimes like Java, .NET, NodeJS, plus others. They modify code execution to capture logs, traces at request level, and send those back to the Instana agent.

    With the use of sensors, the host agent collects configuration data and monitors the applications it has detected. The host agent also handles communications with the Instana SaaS backend services. It collects, aggregates and sends logs, traces and records metrics (such as response times, error rates, and resource utilization) every second to the Instana SaaS backend in real-time, using secure and efficient communication protocols.

    IBM Instana SaaS

    The Instana SaaS backend is the heart of the Instana APM solution and responsible for processing, storing, and analyzing the monitoring data collected from the Instana agents and sensors installed in the customer’s infrastructure.

    It consists of several components and services that work together to provide real-time monitoring and analysis of microservices applications, including:

    • Data collectors: Receive and process data from the Instana agents and sensors, and store it in the Instana backend for further analysis.
    • Analytics engine: Analyzes the data collected by the agents and sensors to provide insights into the performance and health of the microservices applications.
    • User interface: Web-based interface that customers use to view and analyze their monitoring data.
    • Alerting engine: Generates alerts when thresholds or anomalies are detected in the monitoring data.
    • Data storage: Time-series database that stores the monitoring data collected by the agents and sensors. Allows customers to query and analyze the data in real-time.
    • Integrations: Integrates with various third-party tools, such as Slack, PagerDuty, and ServiceNow, providing seamless alerting and incident management.

    IBM Instana backend: making sense of the situation in real time

    The Instana SaaS platform automatically ingests data from agents and continuously updates a dependency map (Figure 2). This map presents every dependency in context, giving users an easy way to understand the interrelationships between application components and services.

    This understanding enables users to identify the upstream and downstream impacts of any issue, ensuring that they stay informed about any potential impacts.

    An example of an IBM Instana dependency map

    Figure 2. An example of an IBM Instana dependency map

    Instana traces every request end-to-end without sampling. The traces are analyzed in real-time, providing metrics that make any performance problems immediately visible. In the event of an incident, Instana can illustrate how a single issue can generate a ripple effect and impact a number of directly and indirectly connected services. Using the relationship information from the Dynamic Graph, Instana’s automatic root-cause analysis can precisely aggregate the individual issues into a single incident.

    Applications monitoring with IBM Instana

    Figure 3. Applications monitoring with IBM Instana

    Developers, IT operations, or site reliability engineers (SREs) can access the Instana backend end-user monitoring interface (Figure 3) or end-user monitoring (EUM) interface (Figure 4) to view monitoring data of their workloads. These can be websites, mobile applications, AWS services, and infrastructure levels. From this UI, these personas can access service dashboards that show key performance indicators (KPIs), like response time and error rate.

    End-user monitoring with IBM Instana

    Figure 4. End-user monitoring with IBM Instana

    The following actions demonstrate how an EUM for a JavaScript application, deployed to Amazon S3 can be completed:

    • Developers inject Instana JavaScript code (Figure 5) into the static website (HTML).
    • When a user visits the website, the JavaScript agent sends beacons to the Instana backend.
    • Dashboards show specific events of the website lifecycle, including page loading, JS errors, and HTTP requests.
    • Teams access Instana UI to check performance matrices. They can configure Smart Alerts with custom alerting policies based on specific metrics and KPIs.
    • Smart Alerts can send alerts via various channels, such as email, Slack, or IBM Watson AIOps Webhook.
    • In case of an incident, teams can use Instana to retrieve various performance metrics for root-cause analysis.
    • Developers can resolve the issues and apply the patch.
    IBM Instana EUM JavaScript agent

    Figure 5. IBM Instana EUM JavaScript agent

    Instana also offers Smart Alerts (Figure 6) to provide a more intuitive process of managing alerts. With Smart Alerts, customers can automatically generate alerting configurations using relevant KPIs and automatic threshold detection for use cases like website slowness or website errors.

    IBM Instana Smart Alerts

    Figure 6. IBM Instana Smart Alerts


    In this post, we discussed how IBM Instana provides a comprehensive monitoring solution with the right tools to help you implement a real-time observability and monitoring solution. It allows you to gain insight into your microservices and cloud-native applications, including visibility into AWS services, containers, on-premises infrastructure, and other technologies. Instana can quickly identify and resolve issues before they impact end-users, ensuring that your applications are performing optimally.

    As an IT administrator, developer, or business owner, IBM Instana on AWS give a deeper understanding of your applications and help you make data-driven decisions to improve overall performance.

    Additional resources

    Celebrate Amazon S3’s 17th birthday at AWS Pi Day 2023

    Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/celebrate-amazon-s3s-17th-birthday-at-aws-pi-day-2023/

    AWS Pi Day 2023 is live today starting at 13:00 PDT; join us on the AWS on Air channel on Twitch.

    On this day 17 years ago, we launched a very simple object storage service. It allowed developers to create, list, and delete private storage spaces (known as buckets), upload and download files, and manage their access permissions. The service was available only through a REST and SOAP API. It was designed to provide highly durable data storage with 99.999999999 percent data durability (that’s 11 nines!).

    Fast forward to 2023, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) holds more than 280 trillion objects and averages over 100 million requests per second. To protect data integrity, Amazon S3 performs over four billion checksum computations per second. Over the years, we added many capabilities, such as a range of storage classes, to store your colder data cost effectively. Every day, you restore on average more than 1 petabyte from the S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval and S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage classes. Since launch, you have saved $1 billion from using Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering. In 2015, we added the possibility of replicating your data across Regions. Every week, Amazon S3 Replication moves more than 100 petabytes of data. Amazon S3 is also at the core of hundreds of thousands of data lakes. It also has become a critical component of a growing ecosystem of serverless applications. Every day, Amazon S3 sends over 125 billion event notifications to serverless applications. Altogether, Amazon S3 is helping people around the world securely store and extract value from their data.

    AWS Pi Day 2023 Small

    To celebrate Amazon S3‘s birthday AWS is hosting the AWS Pi Day event for the third consecutive year. This live online event starts at 13:00 PDT today (March 14, 2023) on the AWS On Air channel on Twitch and will feature four hours of fresh educational content from AWS experts. We will discuss not only Amazon S3 best practices, we will also dive into the latest innovations across AWS data services, from storage to analytics and AI/ML. Tune in to learn how to get the most out of your data by making it more secure, available, accessible, and connected, and to help you respond to rapid growth and changing demand. You will also learn how to optimize your data costs, automate your cost savings, eliminate operational complexity, and get new insights from your data. Have a look at the full agenda on the registration page.

    At AWS, we innovate on your behalf. During the last few weeks, we announced a 99.99 percent SLA for Amazon MemoryDB for Redis, enhanced I/O multiplexing for Amazon ElastiCache for Redis, and encryption by default for new objects on Amazon S3.

    But we are not stopping there, and today we take the occasion of this celebration to announce seven new capabilities across our data services.

    Mountpoint for Amazon S3 (alpha release): an open-source file client for Amazon S3
    Mountpoint for Amazon S3 is an open-source file client for Amazon S3 that you can install on your compute instance. It translates local file storage API calls to REST API calls on objects in Amazon S3. When using Mountpoint for Amazon S3, data lake applications that access objects using file APIs can achieve high single-instance transfer rates, saving on compute costs.

    You can get started with Mountpoint for Amazon S3 by mounting an Amazon S3 bucket at a local mount point on your compute instance. Once mounted, applications read objects as files available locally. Mountpoint for Amazon S3 supports sequential and random read operations on existing S3 objects. It is available to download for Linux operating systems as an alpha release and is not yet intended for production workloads. Instead, we want to collect your feedback early and incorporate your input into the design and implementation. To get started, visit the Mountpoint for Amazon S3 GitHub repo, read the technical launch blog, and share your feedback.

    Now Generally Available: AWS Data Exchange for Amazon S3
    AWS Data Exchange for Amazon S3 enables you to easily find, subscribe to, and use third-party data files for faster time to insight, storage cost optimization, simplified data licensing management, and more. Data Exchange subscribers can directly use files from data providers’ Amazon S3 buckets for their analysis with AWS services without needing to create or manage copies to their account. Data providers can license in-place access to data hosted in their Amazon S3 buckets.

    To learn more about how data providers can simplify and scale access management to multiple data subscribers, you can read this blog.

    AWS Data Exchange for S3

    Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Points now support replicated datasets that span multiple AWS accounts
    We launched Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Points in September 2021. We added failover control in November 2022. Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Points now support datasets that are replicated across multiple AWS accounts. Cross-account Multi-Region Access Points simplify object storage access for applications that span both AWS Regions and accounts, avoiding the need for complex request routing logic in your application. They provide a single global endpoint for your multi-Region applications and dynamically route S3 requests based on policies that you define. This helps you to easily implement multi-Region resilience, latency-based routing, and active/passive failover, even when your data is stored in multiple AWS accounts.

    You can learn more about S3 Multi-Region Access Points on the Amazon S3 FAQs.

    Aliases for S3 Object Lambda Access Points as CloudFront origin
    Amazon S3 Object Lambda, launched in March 2021, lets you add your own code to S3 GET, HEAD, and LIST API requests to modify data as it is returned to an application. With today’s launch of aliases for S3 Object Lambda Access Points any application that requires an S3 bucket name can easily present different views of data depending on the requester. You can now use an S3 Object Lambda Access Point alias as an origin for your Amazon CloudFront distribution to modify the data requested. For example, you can dynamically transform an image depending on the device that a user is visiting from, such as a desktop or a smartphone.

    If you want to learn more, my colleague Danilo wrote a blog post with more details and code examples.

    Simplify private connectivity from on-premises networks
    Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) interface endpoints for Amazon S3 now offer private DNS options that can help you more easily route Amazon S3 requests to the lowest-cost endpoint in your VPC. With private DNS for Amazon S3, your on-premises applications can use AWS PrivateLink to access Amazon S3 over an interface endpoint, while requests from your in-VPC applications access Amazon S3 using gateway endpoints. Routing requests like this helps you take advantage of the lowest-cost private network path without having to make code or configuration changes to your clients.

    S3 private connectivity

    You can learn more on the AWS PrivateLink for Amazon S3 documentation.

    Local Amazon S3 Replication on Outposts
    Amazon S3 on Outposts now supports S3 replication on Outposts. This extends S3’s fully managed approach to replication to S3 on Outposts buckets. It helps you meet your data residency and data redundancy requirements. With local S3 Replication on Outposts, you can create and configure replication rules to automatically replicate your S3 objects to another Outpost or to another bucket on the same Outpost. During replication, your S3 on Outposts objects are always sent over your local gateway, and objects do not travel back to the AWS Region. S3 Replication on Outposts provides an easy and flexible way to automatically replicate data within a specific data perimeter to address your data redundancy and compliance requirements.

    Amazon OpenSearch Security Analytics
    The new Amazon OpenSearch Service’s security analytics capability enables your Security Operations (SecOps) teams to detect potential threats quickly while having the tools to help with security investigations on historical data—all with lower data storage costs. Like many other advanced capabilities of Amazon OpenSearch Service, there is no additional charge for security analytics.

    You can learn more about Amazon OpenSearch security analytics by reading this blog post.

    Join Us Online Today
    You will learn more about these launches and about AWS data services in general. We have also prepared some live demos. We designed the AWS Pi Day event for system administrators, engineers, developers, and architects. Our sessions will bring you the latest and greatest information on storage, security, backup, archiving, training and certification, and more.

    And to dive deeper, get Pi Day started early by attending AWS Innovate: Data and AI/ML Edition to learn about cutting-edge machine learning tools, strategies for building future-proof applications, and making data-driven decisions for your organization. Don’t miss Swami Sivasubramanian‘s keynote, starting at 9:00 PDT.

    Join us today on the AWS Pi Day live stream. Kevin Miller, VP and GM of Amazon S3, will kick off the event with a keynote at 13:00 PDT.

    See you there!

    — seb

    New – Use Amazon S3 Object Lambda with Amazon CloudFront to Tailor Content for End Users

    Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-use-amazon-s3-object-lambda-with-amazon-cloudfront-to-tailor-content-for-end-users/

    With S3 Object Lambda, you can use your own code to process data retrieved from Amazon S3 as it is returned to an application. Over time, we added new capabilities to S3 Object Lambda, like the ability to add your own code to S3 HEAD and LIST API requests, in addition to the support for S3 GET requests that was available at launch.

    Today, we are launching aliases for S3 Object Lambda Access Points. Aliases are now automatically generated when S3 Object Lambda Access Points are created and are interchangeable with bucket names anywhere you use a bucket name to access data stored in Amazon S3. Therefore, your applications don’t need to know about S3 Object Lambda and can consider the alias to be a bucket name.

    Architecture diagram.

    You can now use an S3 Object Lambda Access Point alias as an origin for your Amazon CloudFront distribution to tailor or customize data for end users. You can use this to implement automatic image resizing or to tag or annotate content as it is downloaded. Many images still use older formats like JPEG or PNG, and you can use a transcoding function to deliver images in more efficient formats like WebP, BPG, or HEIC. Digital images contain metadata, and you can implement a function that strips metadata to help satisfy data privacy requirements.

    Architecture diagram.

    Let’s see how this works in practice. First, I’ll show a simple example using text that you can follow along by just using the AWS Management Console. After that, I’ll implement a more advanced use case processing images.

    Using an S3 Object Lambda Access Point as the Origin of a CloudFront Distribution
    For simplicity, I am using the same application in the launch post that changes all text in the original file to uppercase. This time, I use the S3 Object Lambda Access Point alias to set up a public distribution with CloudFront.

    I follow the same steps as in the launch post to create the S3 Object Lambda Access Point and the Lambda function. Because the Lambda runtimes for Python 3.8 and later do not include the requests module, I update the function code to use urlopen from the Python Standard Library:

    import boto3
    from urllib.request import urlopen
    s3 = boto3.client('s3')
    def lambda_handler(event, context):
      object_get_context = event['getObjectContext']
      request_route = object_get_context['outputRoute']
      request_token = object_get_context['outputToken']
      s3_url = object_get_context['inputS3Url']
      # Get object from S3
      response = urlopen(s3_url)
      original_object = response.read().decode('utf-8')
      # Transform object
      transformed_object = original_object.upper()
      # Write object back to S3 Object Lambda

    To test that this is working, I open the same file from the bucket and through the S3 Object Lambda Access Point. In the S3 console, I select the bucket and a sample file (called s3.txt) that I uploaded earlier and choose Open.

    Console screenshot.

    A new browser tab is opened (you might need to disable the pop-up blocker in your browser), and its content is the original file with mixed-case text:

    Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service that offers...

    I choose Object Lambda Access Points from the navigation pane and select the AWS Region I used before from the dropdown. Then, I search for the S3 Object Lambda Access Point that I just created. I select the same file as before and choose Open.

    Console screenshot.

    In the new tab, the text has been processed by the Lambda function and is now all in uppercase:


    Now that the S3 Object Lambda Access Point is correctly configured, I can create the CloudFront distribution. Before I do that, in the list of S3 Object Lambda Access Points in the S3 console, I copy the Object Lambda Access Point alias that has been automatically created:

    Console screenshot.

    In the CloudFront console, I choose Distributions in the navigation pane and then Create distribution. In the Origin domain, I use the S3 Object Lambda Access Point alias and the Region. The full syntax of the domain is:


    Console screenshot.

    S3 Object Lambda Access Points cannot be public, and I use CloudFront origin access control (OAC) to authenticate requests to the origin. For Origin access, I select Origin access control settings and choose Create control setting. I write a name for the control setting and select Sign requests and S3 in the Origin type dropdown.

    Console screenshot.

    Now, my Origin access control settings use the configuration I just created.

    Console screenshot.

    To reduce the number of requests going through S3 Object Lambda, I enable Origin Shield and choose the closest Origin Shield Region to the Region I am using. Then, I select the CachingOptimized cache policy and create the distribution. As the distribution is being deployed, I update permissions for the resources used by the distribution.

    Setting Up Permissions to Use an S3 Object Lambda Access Point as the Origin of a CloudFront Distribution
    First, the S3 Object Lambda Access Point needs to give access to the CloudFront distribution. In the S3 console, I select the S3 Object Lambda Access Point and, in the Permissions tab, I update the policy with the following:

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "Service": "cloudfront.amazonaws.com"
                "Action": "s3-object-lambda:Get*",
                "Resource": "arn:aws:s3-object-lambda:REGION:ACCOUNT:accesspoint/NAME",
                "Condition": {
                    "StringEquals": {
                        "aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws:cloudfront::ACCOUNT:distribution/DISTRIBUTION-ID"

    The supporting access point also needs to allow access to CloudFront when called via S3 Object Lambda. I select the access point and update the policy in the Permissions tab:

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Id": "default",
        "Statement": [
                "Sid": "s3objlambda",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "Service": "cloudfront.amazonaws.com"
                "Action": "s3:*",
                "Resource": [
                "Condition": {
                    "ForAnyValue:StringEquals": {
                        "aws:CalledVia": "s3-object-lambda.amazonaws.com"

    The S3 bucket needs to allow access to the supporting access point. I select the bucket and update the policy in the Permissions tab:

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "AWS": "*"
                "Action": "*",
                "Resource": [
                "Condition": {
                    "StringEquals": {
                        "s3:DataAccessPointAccount": "ACCOUNT"

    Finally, CloudFront needs to be able to invoke the Lambda function. In the Lambda console, I choose the Lambda function used by S3 Object Lambda, and then, in the Configuration tab, I choose Permissions. In the Resource-based policy statements section, I choose Add permissions and select AWS Account. I enter a unique Statement ID. Then, I enter cloudfront.amazonaws.com as Principal and select lambda:InvokeFunction from the Action dropdown and Save. We are working to simplify this step in the future. I’ll update this post when that’s available.

    Testing the CloudFront Distribution
    When the distribution has been deployed, I test that the setup is working with the same sample file I used before. In the CloudFront console, I select the distribution and copy the Distribution domain name. I can use the browser and enter https://DISTRIBUTION_DOMAIN_NAME/s3.txt in the navigation bar to send a request to CloudFront and get the file processed by S3 Object Lambda. To quickly get all the info, I use curl with the -i option to see the HTTP status and the headers in the response:

    curl -i https://DISTRIBUTION_DOMAIN_NAME/s3.txt
    HTTP/2 200 
    content-type: text/plain
    content-length: 427
    x-amzn-requestid: a85fe537-3502-4592-b2a9-a09261c8c00c
    date: Mon, 06 Mar 2023 10:23:02 GMT
    x-cache: Miss from cloudfront
    via: 1.1 a2df4ad642d78d6dac65038e06ad10d2.cloudfront.net (CloudFront)
    x-amz-cf-pop: DUB56-P1
    x-amz-cf-id: KIiljCzYJBUVVxmNkl3EP2PMh96OBVoTyFSMYDupMd4muLGNm2AmgA==

    It works! As expected, the content processed by the Lambda function is all uppercase. Because this is the first invocation for the distribution, it has not been returned from the cache (x-cache: Miss from cloudfront). The request went through S3 Object Lambda to process the file using the Lambda function I provided.

    Let’s try the same request again:

    curl -i https://DISTRIBUTION_DOMAIN_NAME/s3.txt
    HTTP/2 200 
    content-type: text/plain
    content-length: 427
    x-amzn-requestid: a85fe537-3502-4592-b2a9-a09261c8c00c
    date: Mon, 06 Mar 2023 10:23:02 GMT
    x-cache: Hit from cloudfront
    via: 1.1 145b7e87a6273078e52d178985ceaa5e.cloudfront.net (CloudFront)
    x-amz-cf-pop: DUB56-P1
    x-amz-cf-id: HEx9Fodp184mnxLQZuW62U11Fr1bA-W1aIkWjeqpC9yHbd0Rg4eM3A==
    age: 3

    This time the content is returned from the CloudFront cache (x-cache: Hit from cloudfront), and there was no further processing by S3 Object Lambda. By using S3 Object Lambda as the origin, the CloudFront distribution serves content that has been processed by a Lambda function and can be cached to reduce latency and optimize costs.

    Resizing Images Using S3 Object Lambda and CloudFront
    As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, one of the use cases that can be implemented using S3 Object Lambda and CloudFront is image transformation. Let’s create a CloudFront distribution that can dynamically resize an image by passing the desired width and height as query parameters (w and h respectively). For example:


    For this setup to work, I need to make two changes to the CloudFront distribution. First, I create a new cache policy to include query parameters in the cache key. In the CloudFront console, I choose Policies in the navigation pane. In the Cache tab, I choose Create cache policy. Then, I enter a name for the cache policy.

    Console screenshot.

    In the Query settings of the Cache key settings, I select the option to Include the following query parameters and add w (for the width) and h (for the height).

    Console screenshot.

    Then, in the Behaviors tab of the distribution, I select the default behavior and choose Edit.

    There, I update the Cache key and origin requests section:

    • In the Cache policy, I use the new cache policy to include the w and h query parameters in the cache key.
    • In the Origin request policy, use the AllViewerExceptHostHeader managed policy to forward query parameters to the origin.

    Console screenshot.

    Now I can update the Lambda function code. To resize images, this function uses the Pillow module that needs to be packaged with the function when it is uploaded to Lambda. You can deploy the function using a tool like the AWS SAM CLI or the AWS CDK. Compared to the previous example, this function also handles and returns HTTP errors, such as when content is not found in the bucket.

    import io
    import boto3
    from urllib.request import urlopen, HTTPError
    from PIL import Image
    from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
    s3 = boto3.client('s3')
    def lambda_handler(event, context):
        object_get_context = event['getObjectContext']
        request_route = object_get_context['outputRoute']
        request_token = object_get_context['outputToken']
        s3_url = object_get_context['inputS3Url']
        # Get object from S3
            original_image = Image.open(urlopen(s3_url))
        except HTTPError as err:
        # Get width and height from query parameters
        user_request = event['userRequest']
        url = user_request['url']
        parsed_url = urlparse(url)
        query_parameters = parse_qs(parsed_url.query)
            width, height = int(query_parameters['w'][0]), int(query_parameters['h'][0])
        except (KeyError, ValueError):
            width, height = 0, 0
        # Transform object
        if width > 0 and height > 0:
            transformed_image = original_image.resize((width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
            transformed_image = original_image
        transformed_bytes = io.BytesIO()
        transformed_image.save(transformed_bytes, format='JPEG')
        # Write object back to S3 Object Lambda

    I upload a picture I took of the Trevi Fountain in the source bucket. To start, I generate a small thumbnail (200 by 150 pixels).


    Picture of the Trevi Fountain with size 200x150 pixels.

    Now, I ask for a slightly larger version (400 by 300 pixels):


    Picture of the Trevi Fountain with size 400x300 pixels.

    It works as expected. The first invocation with a specific size is processed by the Lambda function. Further requests with the same width and height are served from the CloudFront cache.

    Availability and Pricing
    Aliases for S3 Object Lambda Access Points are available today in all commercial AWS Regions. There is no additional cost for aliases. With S3 Object Lambda, you pay for the Lambda compute and request charges required to process the data, and for the data S3 Object Lambda returns to your application. You also pay for the S3 requests that are invoked by your Lambda function. For more information, see Amazon S3 Pricing.

    Aliases are now automatically generated when an S3 Object Lambda Access Point is created. For existing S3 Object Lambda Access Points, aliases are automatically assigned and ready for use.

    It’s now easier to use S3 Object Lambda with existing applications, and aliases open many new possibilities. For example, you can use aliases with CloudFront to create a website that converts content in Markdown to HTML, resizes and watermarks images, or masks personally identifiable information (PII) from text, images, and documents.

    Customize content for your end users using S3 Object Lambda with CloudFront.


    Implementing an event-driven serverless story generation application with ChatGPT and DALL-E

    Post Syndicated from David Boyne original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/implementing-an-event-driven-serverless-story-generation-application-with-chatgpt-and-dall-e/

    This post demonstrates how to integrate AWS serverless services with artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, ChatGPT, and DALL-E. This full stack event-driven application showcases a method of generating unique bedtime stories for children by using predetermined characters and scenes as a prompt for ChatGPT.

    Every night at bedtime, the serverless scheduler triggers the application, initiating an event-driven workflow to create and store new unique AI-generated stories with AI-generated images and supporting audio.

    These datasets are used to showcase the story on a custom website built with Next.js hosted with AWS App Runner. After the story is created, a notification is sent to the user containing a URL to view and read the story to the children.

    Example notification of a story hosted with Next.js and App Runner

    Example notification of a story hosted with Next.js and App Runner

    By integrating AWS services with AI technologies, you can now create new and innovative ideas that were previously unimaginable.

    The application mentioned in this blog post demonstrates examples of point-to-point messaging with Amazon EventBridge pipes, publish/subscribe patterns with Amazon EventBridge and reacting to change data capture events with DynamoDB Streams.

    Understanding the architecture

    The following image shows the serverless architecture used to generate stories:

    Architecture diagram for Serverless bed time story generation with ChatGPT and DALL-E

    Architecture diagram for Serverless bed time story generation with ChatGPT and DALL-E

    A new children’s story is generated every day at configured time using Amazon EventBridge Scheduler (Step 1). EventBridge Scheduler is a service capable of scaling millions of schedules with over 200 targets and over 6000 API calls. This example application uses EventBridge scheduler to trigger an AWS Lambda function every night at the same time (7:15pm). The Lambda function is triggered to start the generation of the story.

    EventBridge scheduler triggers Lambda function every day at 7:15pm (bed time)

    EventBridge scheduler triggers Lambda function every day at 7:15pm (bed time)

    The “Scenes” and “Characters” Amazon DynamoDB tables contain the characters involved in the story and a scene that is randomly selected during its creation. As a result, ChatGPT receives a unique prompt each time. An example of the prompt may look like this:

    Write a title and a rhyming story on 2 main characters called Parker and Jackson. The story needs to be set within the scene haunted woods and be at least 200 words long


    After the story is created, it is then saved in the “Stories” DynamoDB table (Step 2).

    Scheduler triggering Lambda function to generate the story and store story into DynamoDB

    Scheduler triggering Lambda function to generate the story and store story into DynamoDB

    Once the story is created this initiates a change data capture event using DynamoDB Streams (Step 3). This event flows through point-to-point messaging with EventBridge pipes and directly into EventBridge. Input transforms are then used to convert the DynamoDB Stream event into a custom EventBridge event, which downstream consumers can comprehend. Adopting this pattern is beneficial as it allows us to separate contracts from the DynamoDB event schema and not having downstream consumers conform to this schema structure, this mapping allows us to remain decoupled from implementation details.

    EventBridge Pipes connecting DynamoDB streams directly into EventBridge.

    EventBridge Pipes connecting DynamoDB streams directly into EventBridge.

    Upon triggering the StoryCreated event in EventBridge, three targets are triggered to carry out several processes (Step 4). Firstly, AI Images are processed, followed by the creation of audio for the story. Finally, the end user is notified of the completed story through Amazon SNS and email subscriptions. This fan-out pattern enables these tasks to be run asynchronously and in parallel, allowing for faster processing times.

    EventBridge pub/sub pattern used to start async processing of notifications, audio, and images.

    EventBridge pub/sub pattern used to start async processing of notifications, audio, and images.

    An SNS topic is triggered by the `StoryCreated` event to send an email to the end user using email subscriptions (Step 6). The email consists of a URL with the id of the story that has been created. Clicking on the URL takes the user to the frontend application that is hosted with App Runner.

    Using SNS to notify the user of a new story

    Using SNS to notify the user of a new story

    Example email sent to the user

    Example email sent to the user

    Amazon Polly is used to generate the audio files for the story (Step 6). Upon triggering the `StoryCreated` event, a Lambda function is triggered, and the story description is used and given to Amazon Polly. Amazon Polly then creates an audio file of the story, which is stored in Amazon S3. A presigned URL is generated and saved in DynamoDB against the created story. This allows the frontend application and browser to retrieve the audio file when the user views the page. The presigned URL has a validity of two days, after which it can no longer be accessed or listened to.

    Lambda function to generate audio using Amazon Polly, store in S3 and update story with presigned URL

    Lambda function to generate audio using Amazon Polly, store in S3 and update story with presigned URL

    The `StoryCreated` event also triggers another Lambda function, which uses the OpenAI API to generate an AI image using DALL-E based on the generated story (Step 7). Once the image is generated, the image is downloaded and stored in Amazon S3. Similar to the audio file, the system generates a presigned URL for the image and saves it in DynamoDB against the story. The presigned URL is only valid for two days, after which it becomes inaccessible for download or viewing.

    Lambda function to generate images, store in S3 and update story with presigned URL.

    Lambda function to generate images, store in S3 and update story with presigned URL.

    In the event of a failure in audio or image generation, the frontend application still loads the story, but does not display the missing image or audio at that moment. This ensures that the frontend can continue working and provide value. If you wanted more control and only trigger the user’s notification event once all parallel tasks are complete the aggregator messaging pattern can be considered.

    Hosting the frontend Next.js application with AWS App Runner

    Next.js is used by the frontend application to render server-side rendered (SSR) pages that can access the stories from the DynamoDB table, which are then hosted with AWS App Runner after being containerized.

    Next.js application hosted with App Runner, with permissions into DynamoDB table.

    Next.js application hosted with App Runner, with permissions into DynamoDB table.

    AWS App Runner enables you to deploy containerized web applications and APIs securely, without needing any prior knowledge of containers or infrastructure. With App Runner, developers can concentrate on their application, while the service handles container startup, running, scaling, and load balancing. After deployment, App Runner provides a secure URL for clients to begin making HTTP requests against.

    With App Runner, you have two primary options for deploying your container: source code connections or source images. Using source code connections grants App Runner permission to pull the image file directly from your source code, and with Automatic deployment configured, it can redeploy the application when changes are made. Alternatively, source images provide App Runner with the image’s location in an image registry, and this image is deployed by App Runner.

    In this example application, CDK deploys the application using the DockerImageAsset construct with the App Runner construct. Once deployed, App Runner builds and uploads the frontend image to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) and deploys it. Downstream consumers can access the application using the secure URL provided by App Runner. In this example, the URL is used when the SNS notification is sent to the user when the story is ready to be viewed.

    Giving the frontend container permission to DynamoDB table

    To grant the Next.js application permission to obtain stories from the Stories DynamoDB table, App Runner instance roles are configured. These roles are optional and can provide the necessary permissions for the container to access AWS services required by the compute service.

    If you want to learn more about AWS App Runner, you can explore the free workshop.

    Design choices and assumptions

    The DynamoDB Time to Live (TTL) feature is ideal for the short-lived nature of daily generated stories. DynamoDB handle the deletion of stories after two days by setting the TTL attribute on each story. Once a story is deleted, it becomes inaccessible through the generated story URLs.

    Using Amazon S3 presigned URLs is a method to grant temporary access to a file in S3. This application creates presigned URLs for the audio file and generated images that last for 2 days, after which the URLs for the S3 items become invalid.

    Input transforms are used between DynamoDB streams and EventBridge events to decouple the schemas and events consumed by downstream targets. Consuming the events as they are is known as the “conformist” pattern, and couples us to implementation details of DynamoDB streams with downstream EventBridge consumers. This allows the application to remain decoupled from implementation details and remain flexible.


    The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has significantly increased in various industries. ChatGPT, a large language model that can understand and generate human-like responses in natural language, and DALL-E, an image generation system that can create realistic images based on textual descriptions, are examples of such technology. These systems have demonstrated the potential for AI to provide innovative solutions and transform the way we interact with technology.

    This blog post explores ways in which you can utilize AWS serverless services with ChatGTP and DALL-E to create a story generation application fronted by a Next.js application hosted with App Runner. EventBridge Scheduler is used to trigger the story creation process then react to change data capture events with DynamoDB streams and EventBridge Pipes, and use Amazon EventBridge to fan out compute tasks to process notifications, images, and audio files.

    You can find the documentation and the source code for this application in GitHub.

    For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

    Simplify data loading into Type 2 slowly changing dimensions in Amazon Redshift

    Post Syndicated from Vaidy Kalpathy original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/simplify-data-loading-into-type-2-slowly-changing-dimensions-in-amazon-redshift/

    Thousands of customers rely on Amazon Redshift to build data warehouses to accelerate time to insights with fast, simple, and secure analytics at scale and analyze data from terabytes to petabytes by running complex analytical queries. Organizations create data marts, which are subsets of the data warehouse and usually oriented for gaining analytical insights specific to a business unit or team. The star schema is a popular data model for building data marts.

    In this post, we show how to simplify data loading into a Type 2 slowly changing dimension in Amazon Redshift.

    Star schema and slowly changing dimension overview

    A star schema is the simplest type of dimensional model, in which the center of the star can have one fact table and a number of associated dimension tables. A dimension is a structure that captures reference data along with associated hierarchies, while a fact table captures different values and metrics that can be aggregated by dimensions. Dimensions provide answers to exploratory business questions by allowing end-users to slice and dice data in a variety of ways using familiar SQL commands.

    Whereas operational source systems contain only the latest version of master data, the star schema enables time travel queries to reproduce dimension attribute values on past dates when the fact transaction or event actually happened. The star schema data model allows analytical users to query historical data tying metrics to corresponding dimensional attribute values over time. Time travel is possible because dimension tables contain the exact version of the associated attributes at different time ranges. Relative to the metrics data that keeps changing on a daily or even hourly basis, the dimension attributes change less frequently. Therefore, dimensions in a star schema that keeps track of changes over time are referred to as slowly changing dimensions (SCDs).

    Data loading is one of the key aspects of maintaining a data warehouse. In a star schema data model, the central fact table is dependent on the surrounding dimension tables. This is captured in the form of primary key-foreign key relationships, where the dimension table primary keys are referred by foreign keys in the fact table. In the case of Amazon Redshift, uniqueness, primary key, and foreign key constraints are not enforced. However, declaring them will help the optimizer arrive at optimal query plans, provided that the data loading processes enforce their integrity. As part of data loading, the dimension tables, including SCD tables, get loaded first, followed by the fact tables.

    SCD population challenge

    Populating an SCD dimension table involves merging data from multiple source tables, which are usually normalized. SCD tables contain a pair of date columns (effective and expiry dates) that represent the record’s validity date range. Changes are inserted as new active records effective from the date of data loading, while simultaneously expiring the current active record on a previous day. During each data load, incoming change records are matched against existing active records, comparing each attribute value to determine whether existing records have changed or were deleted or are new records coming in.

    In this post, we demonstrate how to simplify data loading into a dimension table with the following methods:

    • Using Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to host the initial and incremental data files from source system tables
    • Accessing S3 objects using Amazon Redshift Spectrum to carry out data processing to load native tables within Amazon Redshift
    • Creating views with window functions to replicate the source system version of each table within Amazon Redshift
    • Joining source table views to project attributes matching with dimension table schema
    • Applying incremental data to the dimension table, bringing it up to date with source-side changes

    Solution overview

    In a real-world scenario, records from source system tables are ingested on a periodic basis to an Amazon S3 location before being loaded into star schema tables in Amazon Redshift.

    For this demonstration, data from two source tables, customer_master and customer_address, are combined to populate the target dimension table dim_customer, which is the customer dimension table.

    The source tables customer_master and customer_address share the same primary key, customer_id, and will be joined on the same to fetch one record per customer_id along with attributes from both tables. row_audit_ts contains the latest timestamp at which the particular source record was inserted or last updated. This column helps identify the change records since the last data extraction.

    rec_source_status is an optional column that indicates if the corresponding source record was inserted, updated, or deleted. This is applicable in cases where the source system itself provides the changes and populates rec_source_status appropriately.

    The following figure provides the schema of the source and target tables.

    Let’s look closer at the schema of the target table, dim_customer. It contains different categories of columns:

    • Keys – It contains two types of keys:
      • customer_sk is the primary key of this table. It is also called the surrogate key and has a unique value that is monotonically increasing.
      • customer_id is the source primary key and provides a reference back to the source system record.
    • SCD2 metadatarec_eff_dt and rec_exp_dt indicate the state of the record. These two columns together define the validity of the record. The value in rec_exp_dt will be set as ‘9999-12-31’ for presently active records.
    • Attributes – Includes first_name, last_name, employer_name, email_id, city, and country.

    Data loading into a SCD table involves a first-time bulk data loading, referred to as the initial data load. This is followed by continuous or regular data loading, referred to as an incremental data load, to keep the records up to date with changes in the source tables.

    To demonstrate the solution, we walk through the following steps for initial data load (1–7) and incremental data load (8–12):

    1. Land the source data files in an Amazon S3 location, using one subfolder per source table.
    2. Use an AWS Glue crawler to parse the data files and register tables in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.
    3. Create an external schema in Amazon Redshift to point to the AWS Glue database containing these tables.
    4. In Amazon Redshift, create one view per source table to fetch the latest version of the record for each primary key (customer_id) value.
    5. Create the dim_customer table in Amazon Redshift, which contains attributes from all relevant source tables.
    6. Create a view in Amazon Redshift joining the source table views from Step 4 to project the attributes modeled in the dimension table.
    7. Populate the initial data from the view created in Step 6 into the dim_customer table, generating customer_sk.
    8. Land the incremental data files for each source table in their respective Amazon S3 location.
    9. In Amazon Redshift, create a temporary table to accommodate the change-only records.
    10. Join the view from Step 6 and dim_customer and identify change records comparing the combined hash value of attributes. Populate the change records into the temporary table with an I, U, or D indicator.
    11. Update rec_exp_dt in dim_customer for all U and D records from the temporary table.
    12. Insert records into dim_customer, querying all I and U records from the temporary table.


    Before you get started, make sure you meet the following prerequisites:

    Land data from source tables

    Create separate subfolders for each source table in an S3 bucket and place the initial data files within the respective subfolder. In the following image, the initial data files for customer_master and customer_address are made available within two different subfolders. To try out the solution, you can use customer_master_with_ts.csv and customer_address_with_ts.csv as initial data files.

    It’s important to include an audit timestamp (row_audit_ts) column that indicates when each record was inserted or last updated. As part of incremental data loading, rows with the same primary key value (customer_id) can arrive more than once. The row_audit_ts column helps identify the latest version of such records for a given customer_id to be used for further processing.

    Register source tables in the AWS Glue Data Catalog

    We use an AWS Glue crawler to infer metadata from delimited data files like the CSV files used in this post. For instructions on getting started with an AWS Glue crawler, refer to Tutorial: Adding an AWS Glue crawler.

    Create an AWS Glue crawler and point it to the Amazon S3 location that contains the source table subfolders, within which the associated data files are placed. When you’re creating the AWS Glue crawler, create a new database named rs-dimension-blog. The following screenshots show the AWS Glue crawler configuration chosen for our data files.

    Note that for the Set output and scheduling section, the advanced options are left unchanged.

    Running this crawler should create the following tables within the rs-dimension-blog database:

    • customer_address
    • customer_master

    Create schemas in Amazon Redshift

    First, create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role named rs-dim-blog-spectrum-role. For instructions, refer to Create an IAM role for Amazon Redshift.

    The IAM role has Amazon Redshift as the trusted entity, and the permissions policy includes AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess and AWSGlueConsoleFullAccess, because we’re using the AWS Glue Data Catalog. Then associate the IAM role with the Amazon Redshift cluster or endpoint.

    Instead, you can also set the IAM role as the default for your Amazon Redshift cluster or endpoint. If you do so, in the following create external schema command, pass the iam_role parameter as iam_role default.

    Now, open Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2 and create an external schema passing the newly created IAM role and specifying the database as rs-dimension-blog. The database name rs-dimension-blog is the one created in the Data Catalog as part of configuring the crawler in the preceding section. See the following code:

    create external schema spectrum_dim_blog 
    from data catalog 
    database 'rs-dimension-blog' 
    iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::<accountid>:role/rs-dim-blog-spectrum-role';

    Check if the tables registered in the Data Catalog in the preceding section are visible from within Amazon Redshift:

    select * 
    from spectrum_dim_blog.customer_master 
    limit 10;
    select * 
    from spectrum_dim_blog.customer_address 
    limit 10;

    Each of these queries will return 10 rows from the respective Data Catalog tables.

    Create another schema in Amazon Redshift to host the table, dim_customer:

    create schema rs_dim_blog;

    Create views to fetch the latest records from each source table

    Create a view for the customer_master table, naming it vw_cust_mstr_latest:

    create view rs_dim_blog.vw_cust_mstr_latest as with rows_numbered as (
        row_number() over(
          partition by customer_id 
          order by 
            row_audit_ts desc
        ) as rnum 
      rnum = 1 with no schema binding;

    The preceding query uses row_number, which is a window function provided by Amazon Redshift. Using window functions enables you to create analytic business queries more efficiently. Window functions operate on a partition of a result set, and return a value for every row in that window. The row_number window function determines the ordinal number of the current row within a group of rows, counting from 1, based on the ORDER BY expression in the OVER clause. By including the PARTITION BY clause as customer_id, groups are created for each value of customer_id and ordinal numbers are reset for each group.

    Create a view for the customer_address table, naming it vw_cust_addr_latest:

    create view rs_dim_blog.vw_cust_addr_latest as with rows_numbered as (
        row_number() over(
          partition by customer_id 
          order by 
            row_audit_ts desc
        ) as rnum 
      rnum = 1 with no schema binding;

    Both view definitions use the row_number window function of Amazon Redshift, ordering the records by descending order of the row_audit_ts column (the audit timestamp column). The condition rnum=1 fetches the latest record for each customer_id value.

    Create the dim_customer table in Amazon Redshift

    Create dim_customer as an internal table in Amazon Redshift within the rs_dim_blog schema. The dimension table includes the column customer_sk, that acts as the surrogate key column and enables us to capture a time-sensitive version of each customer record. The validity period for each record is defined by the columns rec_eff_dt and rec_exp_dt, representing record effective date and record expiry date, respectively. See the following code:

    create table rs_dim_blog.dim_customer (
      customer_sk bigint, 
      customer_id bigint, 
      first_name varchar(100), 
      last_name varchar(100), 
      employer_name varchar(100), 
      email_id varchar(100), 
      city varchar(100), 
      country varchar(100), 
      rec_eff_dt date, 
      rec_exp_dt date
    ) diststyle auto;

    Create a view to consolidate the latest version of source records

    Create the view vw_dim_customer_src, which consolidates the latest records from both source tables using left outer join, keeping them ready to be populated into the Amazon Redshift dimension table. This view fetches data from the latest views defined in the section “Create views to fetch the latest records from each source table”:

    create view rs_dim_blog.vw_dim_customer_src as 
      rs_dim_blog.vw_cust_mstr_latest as m 
      left join rs_dim_blog.vw_cust_addr_latest as a on m.customer_id = a.customer_id 
    order by 
      m.customer_id with no schema binding;

    At this point, this view fetches the initial data for loading into the dim_customer table that we are about to create. In your use-case, use a similar approach to create and join the required source table views to populate your target dimension table.

    Populate initial data into dim_customer

    Populate the initial data into the dim_customer table by querying the view vw_dim_customer_src. Because this is the initial data load, running row numbers generated by the row_number window function will suffice to populate a unique value in the customer_sk column starting from 1:

    insert into rs_dim_blog.dim_customer 
      row_number() over() as customer_sk, 
      cast('2022-07-01' as date) rec_eff_dt, 
      cast('9999-12-31' as date) rec_exp_dt 

    In this query, we have specified ’2022-07-01’ as the value in rec_eff_dt for all initial data records. For your use-case, you can modify this date value as appropriate to your situation.

    The preceding steps complete the initial data loading into the dim_customer table. In the next steps, we proceed with populating incremental data.

    Land ongoing change data files in Amazon S3

    After the initial load, the source systems provide data files on an ongoing basis, either containing only new and change records or a full extract containing all records for a particular table.

    You can use the sample files customer_master_with_ts_incr.csv and customer_address_with_ts_incr.csv, which contain changed as well as new records. These incremental files need to be placed in the same location in Amazon S3 where the initial data files were placed. Please see section “Land data from source tables”. This will result in the corresponding Redshift Spectrum tables automatically reading the additional rows.

    If you used the sample file for customer_master, after adding the incremental files, the following query shows the initial as well as incremental records:

    order by 

    In case of full extracts, we can identify deletes occurring in the source system tables by comparing the previous and current versions and looking for missing records. In case of change-only extracts where the rec_source_status column is present, its value will help us identify deleted records. In either case, land the ongoing change data files in the respective Amazon S3 locations.

    For this example, we have uploaded the incremental data for the customer_master and customer_address source tables with a few customer_id records receiving updates and a few new records being added.

    Create a temporary table to capture change records

    Create the temporary table temp_dim_customer to store all changes that need to be applied to the target dim_customer table:

    create temp table temp_dim_customer (
      customer_sk bigint, 
      customer_id bigint, 
      first_name varchar(100), 
      last_name varchar(100), 
      employer_name varchar(100), 
      email_id varchar(100), 
      city varchar(100), 
      country varchar(100), 
      rec_eff_dt date, 
      rec_exp_dt date, 
      iud_operation character(1)

    Populate the temporary table with new and changed records

    This is a multi-step process that can be combined into a single complex SQL. Complete the following steps:

    1. Fetch the latest version of all customer attributes by querying the view vw_dim_customer_src:
        coalesce(first_name, '') || coalesce(last_name, '') || coalesce(employer_name, '') || coalesce(email_id, '') || coalesce(city, '') || coalesce(country, ''), 512
      ) as hash_value, 
      current_date rec_eff_dt, 
      cast('9999-12-31' as date) rec_exp_dt 

    Amazon Redshift offers hashing functions such as sha2, which converts a variable length string input into a fixed length character output. The output string is a text representation of the hexadecimal value of the checksum with the specified number of bits. In this case, we pass a concatenated set of customer attributes whose change we want to track, specifying the number of bits as 512. We’ll use the output of the hash function to determine if any of the attributes have undergone a change. This dataset will be called newver (new version).

    Because we landed the ongoing change data in the same location as the initial data files, the records retrieved from the preceding query (in newver) include all records, even the unchanged ones. But because of the definition of the view vw_dim_customer_src, we get only one record per customerid, which is its latest version based on row_audit_ts.

    1. In a similar manner, retrieve the latest version of all customer records from dim_customer, which are identified by rec_exp_dt=‘9999-12-31’. While doing so, also retrieve the sha2 value of all customer attributes available in dim_customer:
        coalesce(first_name, '') || coalesce(last_name, '') || coalesce(employer_name, '') || coalesce(email_id, '') || coalesce(city, '') || coalesce(country, ''), 512
      ) as hash_value, 
      rec_exp_dt = '9999-12-31';

    This dataset will be called oldver (old or existing version).

    1. Identify the current maximum surrogate key value from the dim_customer table:
      max(customer_sk) as maxval 

    This value (maxval) will be added to the row_number before being used as the customer_sk value for the change records that need to be inserted.

    1. Perform a full outer join of the old version of records (oldver) and the new version (newver) of records on the customer_id column. Then compare the old and new hash values generated by the sha2 function to determine if the change record is an insert, update, or delete:
    case when oldver.customer_id is null then 'I'
    when newver.customer_id is null then 'D'
    when oldver.hash_value != newver.hash_value then 'U'
    else 'N' end as iud_op

    We tag the records as follows:

    • If the customer_id is non-existent in the oldver dataset (oldver.customer_id is null), it’s tagged as an insert (‘I').
    • Otherwise, if the customer_id is non-existent in the newver dataset (newver.customer_id is null), it’s tagged as a delete (‘D').
    • Otherwise, if the old hash_value and new hash_value are different, these records represent an update (‘U').
    • Otherwise, it indicates that the record has not undergone any change and therefore can be ignored or marked as not-to-be-processed (‘N').

    Make sure to modify the preceding logic if the source extract contains rec_source_status to identify deleted records.

    Although sha2 output maps a possibly infinite set of input strings to a finite set of output strings, the chances of collision of hash values for the original row values and changed row values are very unlikely. Instead of individually comparing each column value before and after, we compare the hash values generated by sha2 to conclude if there has been a change in any of the attributes of the customer record. For your use-case, we recommend you choose a hash function that works for your data conditions after adequate testing. Instead, you can compare individual column values if none of the hash functions satisfactorily meet your expectations.

    1. Combining the outputs from the preceding steps, let’s create the INSERT statement that captures only change records to populate the temporary table:
    insert into temp_dim_customer (
      customer_sk, customer_id, first_name, 
      last_name, employer_name, email_id, 
      city, country, rec_eff_dt, rec_exp_dt, 
    ) with newver as (
          coalesce(first_name, '') || coalesce(last_name, '') || coalesce(employer_name, '') || coalesce(email_id, '') || coalesce(city, '') || coalesce(country, ''), 512
        ) as hash_value, 
        current_date rec_eff_dt, 
        cast('9999-12-31' as date) rec_exp_dt 
    oldver as (
          coalesce(first_name, '') || coalesce(last_name, '') || coalesce(employer_name, '') || coalesce(email_id, '') || coalesce(city, '') || coalesce(country, ''), 512
        ) as hash_value, 
        rec_exp_dt = '9999-12-31'
    maxsk as (
        max(customer_sk) as maxval 
    allrecs as (
        coalesce(oldver.customer_id, newver.customer_id) as customer_id, 
        case when oldver.customer_id is null then 'I' when newver.customer_id is null then 'D' when oldver.hash_value != newver.hash_value then 'U' else 'N' end as iud_op, 
        oldver full 
        outer join newver on oldver.customer_id = newver.customer_id
      (maxval + (row_number() over())) as customer_sk, 
      iud_op != 'N';

    Expire updated customer records

    With the temp_dim_customer table now containing only the change records (either ‘I’, ‘U’, or ‘D’), the same can be applied on the target dim_customer table.

    Let’s first fetch all records with values ‘U’ or ‘D’ in the iud_op column. These are records that have either been deleted or updated in the source system. Because dim_customer is a slowly changing dimension, it needs to reflect the validity period of each customer record. In this case, we expire the presently active recorts that have been updated or deleted. We expire these records as of yesterday (by setting rec_exp_dt=current_date-1) matching on the customer_id column:

      rec_exp_dt = current_date - 1 
      customer_id in (
          temp_dim_customer as t 
          iud_operation in ('U', 'D')
      and rec_exp_dt = '9999-12-31';

    Insert new and changed records

    As the last step, we need to insert the newer version of updated records along with all first-time inserts. These are indicated by ‘U’ and ‘I’, respectively, in the iud_op column in the temp_dim_customer table:

    insert into rs_dim_blog.dim_customer (
      customer_sk, customer_id, first_name, 
      last_name, employer_name, email_id, 
      city, country, rec_eff_dt, rec_exp_dt
      iud_operation in ('I', 'U');

    Depending on the SQL client setting, you might want to run a commit transaction; command to verify that the preceding changes are persisted successfully in Amazon Redshift.

    Check the final output

    You can run the following query and see that the dim_customer table now contains both the initial data records plus the incremental data records, capturing multiple versions for those customer_id values that got changed as part of incremental data loading. The output also indicates that each record has been populated with appropriate values in rec_eff_dt and rec_exp_dt corresponding to the record validity period.

    order by 

    For the sample data files provided in this article, the preceding query returns the following records. If you’re using the sample data files provided in this post, note that the values in customer_sk may not match with what is shown in the following table.

    In this post, we only show the important SQL statements; the complete SQL code is available in load_scd2_sample_dim_customer.sql.

    Clean up

    If you no longer need the resources you created, you can delete them to prevent incurring additional charges.


    In this post, you learned how to simplify data loading into Type-2 SCD tables in Amazon Redshift, covering both initial data loading and incremental data loading. The approach deals with multiple source tables populating a target dimension table, capturing the latest version of source records as of each run.

    Refer to Amazon Redshift data loading best practices for further materials and additional best practices, and see Updating and inserting new data for instructions to implement updates and inserts.

    About the Author

    Vaidy Kalpathy is a Senior Data Lab Solution Architect at AWS, where he helps customers modernize their data platform and defines end to end data strategy including data ingestion, transformation, security, visualization. He is passionate about working backwards from business use cases, creating scalable and custom fit architectures to help customers innovate using data analytics services on AWS.