Tag Archives: Customer Solutions

Building an ARM64 Rust development environment using AWS Graviton2 and AWS CDK

Post Syndicated from Alistair McLean original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/building-an-arm64-rust-development-environment-using-aws-graviton2-and-aws-cdk/

2020 was the year that ARM chips made the headlines by moving from largely mobile form factors into the cloud thanks to AWS Graviton2, allowing you to have up to 40% better price performance over comparable current generation x86 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) and Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) instances.

We speak to customers daily about Graviton2. One recurring question we hear is “Graviton2 is great, but how can my team develop for ARM natively without the complexity of cross-compilation or having to buy custom hardware on premises?” This post seeks to answer that question by setting up the Visual Studio Code-based Code Server IDE, running on a Graviton2 EC2 instance that enables native development in a cost-effective and secure manner accessed via your browser.

The Rust programming language has gained a huge amount of popularity recently. This post aims to show that you can use this environment for Rust development as well as hundreds of other supported languages. AWS has committed to supporting the Rust community and using the language to deliver fast and robust services to customers at scale, and we want to enable our customers to do the same.

We also include instructions for building and installing the rust-analyzer and CodeLLDB debugger plugins to add additional language features.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates our solution architecture.

Architecture of the solution showing components and their linkages

The solution consists of an EC2 Graviton2 instance located in a private VPC subnet routed through an AWS Global Accelerator accelerator to provide routing optimization and keep packet loss, jitter, and latency lower by up to 60%. An internal facing Application Load Balancer containing the AWS Certificate Manager certificate decrypts and forwards traffic to this instance.

Code Server queries AWS Secrets Manager to initially set the login password on startup and allow for continued password-based authentication and easy password rotation. The EC2 instance has access to the internet through a NAT gateway and has no public IP address or key pair associated, and is accessible only through AWS Systems Manager Session Manager.


For this walkthrough, the following are prerequisites:

AWS CDK stack

In order to deploy our architecture, I use the AWS CDK. As a developer, it’s more intuitive to me to define my infrastructure using a language and tooling with which I am familiar. I can also do things like environment variable injection and scripting as part of the stack creation to add stack parameters and customization points.

The AWS CDK application is comprised of five stacks. Each stack defines a separate part of the architecture:

  • Networking – Defines a VPC across two Availability Zones with the CIDR range of your choice. The routing and public/private subnet creation is done for us as part of the default configuration.
  • Certificate – This is the reason for the domain prerequisite. It’s a best practice to encrypt web applications using TLS, and for that we need a certificate and therefore a domain. This stack creates a certificate for the subdomain you specify as part of the stack creation and DNS validation in Route 53.
  • Amazon EC2 configuration – This defines both our AMI and the instance type and configuration. In this case, we’re using Amazon Linux 2 ARM64 edition. Here we also set the instance-managed roles that allow Session Manager connectivity and Secrets Manager access.
  • ALB configuration – Here we define the internal load balancer and specify the listener, certificate, and target configuration. I have injected the Amazon EC2 configuration as part of the class constructor so that I can reference it directly as a target.
  • Global accelerator configuration – Finally, the accelerator is defined here with two ports open, the ALB we defined in the ALB stack as a target, and most importantly adds in a CNAME DNS entry pointing to the DNS name of the accelerator.

Walkthrough overview

This walkthrough uses the AWS CDK command line tools to deploy the stack. Session Manager is enabled to allow access to the EC2 instance and configure the Code Server application and associated plugins.

The walkthrough specifically covers the following steps:

  1. Deploy the AWS CDK stacks via CloudShell to build out the application infrastructure and associated IAM roles.
  2. Launch Code Server via the official Docker container with the commands to get and set the password stored in Secrets Manager.
  3. Log in and build the rust-analyzer and CodeLLDB plugins from a terminal to allow for debugging within a “Hello World” application.

Start CloudShell and install the appropriate tooling

In this section, I use dummy values for the domain, the VPC CIDR, AWS Region, and the secret password. You need to submit real values as appropriate.

Sign in to CloudShell and enter the following commands:

sudo yum groupinstall -y "Development Tools"
sudo npm install aws-cdk -g
git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/cdk-graviton2-alb-aga-route53.git
cd cdk-graviton2-alb-aga-route53
python3 -m venv .
source bin/activate
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
export VPC_CIDR=”” #Substitute your CIDR here.
export CDK_DEPLOY_ACCOUNT=`aws sts get-caller-identity | jq -r '.Account'`
export R53_DOMAIN=”code-server.example.com” #Substitute your domain here.
cdk deploy --all

The deploy step takes around 10-15 mins to run and prompts a couple of times to add resources like security groups and IAM roles.

Log in to the new instance using Session Manager

Install the latest version of the Session Manager plugin for the AWS CLI:

cd ~
curl "https://s3.amazonaws.com/session-manager-downloads/plugin/latest/linux_64bit/session-manager-plugin.rpm" -o "session-manager-plugin.rpm"
sudo yum install -y session-manager-plugin.rpm

Now start a session, logging into the newly created EC2 instance and log in as ec2-user:

aws ssm start-session --target i-1234xyz7890abc #Substitute the instance id we just created here
#Once session is active:
sudo su - ec2-user

Add the password as a secret and start the container

Enter the following code to add the password as a secret in Secrets Manager and start the container:

aws secretsmanager create-secret --name CodeServerProd --secret-string Password123abc # Substitute the appropriate password here.
sudo docker run -d --name=code-server -e PUID=1000 -e PGID=1000 -e PASSWORD=`aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id CodeServerProd | jq -r '.SecretString'` -p 8080:8080 -v /home/ec2-user/.config:/config --restart unless-stopped codercom/code-server

Access and configure the web application for Rust development

So far, we have accomplished the following:

  • Created the infrastructure in the diagram via AWS CDK deployment
  • Configured the EC2 instance to run Docker and added this to the systemctl startup scripts
  • Created a secret in Secrets Manager to use as the application login password
  • Instantiated a Docker container running Code Server

Next, we access the running container via the web interface and install the required development tools.

Log in to the Code Server web application

To log in to the Code Server web application, complete the following steps:

  1. Browse to https://code-server.example.com, where example.com is the name of the domain you supplied in the AWS CDK step.
  2. Log in using the password you created in Secrets Manager.
  3. Create a new terminal by choosing the hamburger icon and, under Terminal, choosing New Terminal.
  4. Issue the following commands into the terminal to install the Rust programming language:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y build-essential npm clang lldb
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env

Install the rust-analyzer plugin

Open the extensions panel and enter Rust Analyzer in the search bar. Then install the plugin.

Install the debugger

Go back to the extensions panel in the Code Server application and enter CodeLLDB into the search bar. Then install this extension.

Create a sample application and open it in the Code Server window

To create and use our sample application, complete the following steps:

  • In the existing Code Server terminal, enter the following:
mkdir -p ~/src/
cd ~/src
cargo new helloworld --bin
  • Open the newly created folder in Code Server verifying that the helloworld directory was successfully created.

Open File or Folder dialog in Code Server

  • Rust-analyzer runs when you open up src/main.rs and index the file.
  • You can run the program by choosing Run in the editor.

Main Code Server editor window showing helloworld Rust program code.

  • Similarly, to launch the debugger, choose Debug in the editor.

Code Server Debugger view


If the CloudShell session times out, you need to reset your environment variables in order to re-deploy, modify, and delete the stack deployment.

Clean up

This stack incurs an estimated monthly cost of $143.00.

To delete the stack, log in to CloudShell and enter the following commands:

cd cdk-graviton2-alb-aga-route53
source bin/activate

# Re-set the environment variables again if required
export VPC_CIDR=”” #Substitute your CIDR here.
export CDK_DEPLOY_ACCOUNT=`aws sts get-caller-identity | jq -r '.Account'`
export R53_DOMAIN=”code-server.example.com” #Substitute your domain here.
cdk destroy --all

This destroys all the resources created in the first step. You can verify this by browsing to the AWS CloudFormation console and noting the deletion of all the stacks.


AWS is a place where builders can reinvent the future. The future of development means supporting different chipsets depending on different business requirements. This post is designed to enable development targeting the ARM64 microarchitecture by utilizing AWS Graviton2. Happy building!

Author bio

Author portrait

Alistair is a Principal Solutions Architect at AWS focused on EdTech customers. Originally from the west coast of Scotland, Alistair now lives in Fairfield, Connecticut, with his wife and two daughters and enjoys spending time with his family, skiing, golfing, cycling, and using his pellet smoker.

How Amazon CodeGuru Profiler helps Coursera create high-quality online learning experiences

Post Syndicated from Adnan Bilwani original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/coursera-codeguru-profiler/

This guest post was authored by Rana Ahsan and Chris Liu, Software Engineers at Coursera, and edited by Dave Sanderson and Adnan Bilwani, at AWS.

Coursera was launched in 2012 by two Stanford Computer Science professors, Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng, with a vision of providing universal access to world-class learning. It’s now one of the world’s leading online learning platforms with more than 77 million registered learners. Coursera partners with over 200 leading university and industry partners to offer a broad catalog of content and credentials, including Guided Projects, courses, Specializations, certificates, and accredited bachelor’s and master’s degrees. More than 6,000 institutions have used Coursera to transform their talent by upskilling and reskilling their employees, citizens, and students in the high-demand data science, technology, and business skills required to compete in today’s economy.

Coursera’s challenge

About a year and a half ago, we were debugging some performance bottlenecks for our microservices where some requests were too slow and often resulted in server errors due to timeout. Even after digging into the logs and looking through existing performance metrics of the underlying systems, we couldn’t determine the cause or explain the behavior. To compound the matter, we saw the issues across multiple applications, leading to a concern that the issue resided in code shared across applications.

To dig deeper into the problem, we started doing manual reviews of the code for the applications associated with these failures. This process turned out to be too laborious and time-consuming.

We also started building out our debugging solution utilizing shell scripts to capture a snapshot of the system and application state so we could analyze the details of these bottlenecks. Although the scripts provided some valuable insights, we started to run into issues of scale. The process of deploying the tooling and collecting the data became tedious and cumbersome. At the same time, the more data we received back from our scripts, the more demand we saw for this level of detail.

Solution with Amazon CodeGuru

It was at this point we decided to look into CodeGuru Profiler to determine if it could provide the same insights as our tooling while reducing the administrative burden associated with deploying, aggregating, and analyzing the data.

Quickly after deploying CodeGuru Profiler, we started to get valuable and actionable data regarding the issue. The profiler highlighted a high CPU usage during the deserialization process used for application communications (see the following screenshot). This confirmed our suspicions that the issue was indeed in the shared code, but it was also an unexpected find, because JSON deserialization is widespread and it hadn’t hit our radar as a potential candidate for the issue.

Flame graph highlighted high CPU usage

The deserialization performance was causing slow processing time for each request and increasing the overall communication latency. This led to performance degradation by causing the calls to slowly stack up over time until the request would time out. With CodeGuru Profiler, we were also able to establish a relationship between the size of the JSON document and the high CPU usage. As the document size increased, so did CPU usage. In some cases, this resulted in a resource starvation situation on the system, which in turn could cause other processes on the instance to crash, resulting in a sudden failure.

In addition to the performance and application instances failures, the high CPU usage during deserialization was quietly driving up costs. Because the issue was in shared code, the wasteful resource consumption was contributing to the need for additional instances to be added into the application cluster in order to meet throughput requirements.


The details from CodeGuru Profiler enabled us to see and understand the underlying cause and move forward with a solution. Because the code is in the critical communication path for our microservices and shared across many applications, we decided to replace the JSON serialization with an alternative object serialization approach that was much more performant.

To get a deeper understanding of the performance impact of this change, we deployed the original code to a test environment. We used CodeGuru Profiler to evaluate the performance of the JSON and native object serialization. After we ran the same battery of tests against the new code, the deserialization CPU usage dropped between 30–40%.

Flame graph displayed lower CPU usage after changes

This resulted in a corresponding decrease in serialization-deserialization latency of 5–50% depending on response payload size and workload.

As we roll out this optimization across our fleet, we anticipate seeing significant improvements in the performance and stability of our microservices platform as well as a reduction in CPU utilization cost.


CodeGuru Profiler provides additional application insights and helps us troubleshoot other issues in our applications, including resolving a case of flaky I/O errors and improving tail latency by recommending a different thread-pooling strategy.

CodeGuru Profiler was easy to maintain and scale across our fleet. It quickly identified these performance issues in our production environment and helped us verify and understand the impact of possible resolutions prior to releasing the code back into production.


About the authors

Rana Ahsan is a Staff Software Engineer at Coursera
Chris Liu is a Staff Software Engineer at Coursera
Adnan Bilwani is a Sr. Specialist Builders Experience at AWS
Dave Sanderson is a Sr. Technical Account Manager at AWS


Integrate GitHub monorepo with AWS CodePipeline to run project-specific CI/CD pipelines

Post Syndicated from Vivek Kumar original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/integrate-github-monorepo-with-aws-codepipeline-to-run-project-specific-ci-cd-pipelines/

AWS CodePipeline is a continuous delivery service that enables you to model, visualize, and automate the steps required to release your software. With CodePipeline, you model the full release process for building your code, deploying to pre-production environments, testing your application, and releasing it to production. CodePipeline then builds, tests, and deploys your application according to the defined workflow either in manual mode or automatically every time a code change occurs. A lot of organizations use GitHub as their source code repository. Some organizations choose to embed multiple applications or services in a single GitHub repository separated by folders. This method of organizing your source code in a repository is called a monorepo.

This post demonstrates how to customize GitHub events that invoke a monorepo service-specific pipeline by reading the GitHub event payload using AWS Lambda.


Solution overview

With the default setup in CodePipeline, a release pipeline is invoked whenever a change in the source code repository is detected. When using GitHub as the source for a pipeline, CodePipeline uses a webhook to detect changes in a remote branch and starts the pipeline. When using a monorepo style project with GitHub, it doesn’t matter which folder in the repository you change the code, CodePipeline gets an event at the repository level. If you have a continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline for each of the applications and services in a repository, all pipelines detect the change in any of the folders every time. The following diagram illustrates this scenario.


GitHub monorepo folder structure


This post demonstrates how to customize GitHub events that invoke a monorepo service-specific pipeline by reading the GitHub event payload using Lambda. This solution has the following benefits:

  • Add customizations to start pipelines based on external factors – You can use custom code to evaluate whether a pipeline should be triggered. This allows for further customization beyond polling a source repository or relying on a push event. For example, you can create custom logic to automatically reschedule deployments on holidays to the next available workday.
  • Have multiple pipelines with a single source – You can trigger selected pipelines when multiple pipelines are listening to a single GitHub repository. This lets you group small and highly related but independently shipped artifacts such as small microservices without creating thousands of GitHub repos.
  • Avoid reacting to unimportant files – You can avoid triggering a pipeline when changing files that don’t affect the application functionality (such as documentation, readme, PDF, and .gitignore files).

In this post, we’re not debating the advantages or disadvantages of a monorepo versus a single repo, or when to create monorepos or single repos for each application or project.


Sample architecture

This post focuses on controlling running pipelines in CodePipeline. CodePipeline can have multiple stages like test, approval, and deploy. Our sample architecture considers a simple pipeline with two stages: source and build.


Github monorepo - CodePipeline Sample Architecture

This solution is made up of following parts:

  • An Amazon API Gateway endpoint (3) is backed by a Lambda function (5) to receive and authenticate GitHub webhook push events (2)
  • The same function evaluates incoming GitHub push events and starts the pipeline on a match
  • An Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket (4) stores the CodePipeline-specific configuration files
  • The pipeline contains a build stage with AWS CodeBuild


Normally, after you create a CI/CD pipeline, it automatically triggers a pipeline to release the latest version of your source code. From then on, every time you make a change in your source code, the pipeline is triggered. You can also manually run the last revision through a pipeline by choosing Release change on the CodePipeline console. This architecture uses the manual mode to run the pipeline. GitHub push events and branch changes are evaluated by the Lambda function to avoid commits that change unimportant files from starting the pipeline.


Creating an API Gateway endpoint

We need a single API Gateway endpoint backed by a Lambda function with the responsibility of authenticating and validating incoming requests from GitHub. You can authenticate requests using HMAC security or GitHub Apps. API Gateway only needs one POST method to consume GitHub push events, as shown in the following screenshot.


Creating an API Gateway endpoint


Creating the Lambda function

This Lambda function is responsible for authenticating and evaluating the GitHub events. As part of the evaluation process, the function can parse through the GitHub events payload, determine which files are changed, added, or deleted, and perform the appropriate action:

  • Start a single pipeline, depending on which folder is changed in GitHub
  • Start multiple pipelines
  • Ignore the changes if non-relevant files are changed

You can store the project configuration details in Amazon S3. Lambda can read this configuration to decide what needs to be done when a particular folder is matched from a GitHub event. The following code is an example configuration:


    "GitHubRepo": "SampleRepo",

    "GitHubBranch": "main",

    "ChangeMatchExpressions": "ProjectA/.*",

    "IgnoreFiles": "*.pdf;*.md",

    "CodePipelineName": "ProjectA - CodePipeline"


For more complex use cases, you can store the configuration file in Amazon DynamoDB.

The following is the sample Lambda function code in Python 3.7 using Boto3:

def lambda_handler(event, context):

    import json
    modifiedFiles = event["commits"][0]["modified"]
    #full path
    for filePath in modifiedFiles:
        # Extract folder name
        folderName = (filePath[:filePath.find("/")])

    #start the pipeline
    if len(folderName)>0:
        # Codepipeline name is foldername-job. 
        # We can read the configuration from S3 as well. 
        returnCode = start_code_pipeline(folderName + '-job')

    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': json.dumps('Modified project in repo:' + folderName)

def start_code_pipeline(pipelineName):
    client = codepipeline_client()
    response = client.start_pipeline_execution(name=pipelineName)
    return True

cpclient = None
def codepipeline_client():
    import boto3
    global cpclient
    if not cpclient:
        cpclient = boto3.client('codepipeline')
    return cpclient

Creating a GitHub webhook

GitHub provides webhooks to allow external services to be notified on certain events. For this use case, we create a webhook for a push event. This generates a POST request to the URL (API Gateway URL) specified for any files committed and pushed to the repository. The following screenshot shows our webhook configuration.

Creating a GitHub webhook2


In our sample architecture, two pipelines monitor the same GitHub source code repository. A Lambda function decides which pipeline to run based on the GitHub events. The same function can have logic to ignore unimportant files, for example any readme or PDF files.

Using API Gateway, Lambda, and Amazon S3 in combination serves as a general example to introduce custom logic to invoke pipelines. You can expand this solution for increasingly complex processing logic.


About the Author

Vivek Kumar

Vivek is a Solutions Architect at AWS based out of New York. He works with customers providing technical assistance and architectural guidance on various AWS services. He brings more than 23 years of experience in software engineering and architecture roles for various large-scale enterprises.




Gaurav is a Solutions Architect at AWS. He works with digital native business customers providing architectural guidance on AWS services.





Nitin is a Solutions Architect at AWS. He works with digital native business customers providing architectural guidance on AWS services.





Field Notes: How FactSet Uses ‘microAccounts’ to Reduce Developer Friction and Maintain Security at Scale

Post Syndicated from Tarik Makota original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/field-notes-how-factset-uses-microaccounts-to-reduce-developer-friction-and-maintain-security-at-scale/

This is post was co-written by FactSet’s Cloud Infrastructure team, Gaurav Jain, Nathan Goodman, Geoff Wang, Daniel Cordes, Sunu Joseph and AWS Solution Architects, Amit Borulkar and Tarik Makota.

FactSet considers developer self-service and DevOps essential for realizing cloud benefits.  As part of their cloud adoption journey, they wanted developers to have a frictionless infrastructure provisioning experience while maintaining standardization and security of their cloud environment.  To achieve their objectives, they use what they refer to as a ‘microAccounts approach’. In their microAccount approach, each AWS account is allocated for one project and is owned by a single team.

In this blog, we describe how FactSet manages 1000+ AWS accounts at scale using the microAccounts approach. First, we cover the core concepts of their approach. Then we outline how they manage access and permissions. Finally, we show how they manage their networking implementation and how they use automation to manage their AWS Cloud infrastructure.

How FactSet started with AWS

They started their cloud adoption journey with what they now call a ‘macroAccounts’ approach. In the early days they would set up a handful of AWS accounts. These macroAccounts were then shared across several different application teams and projects.   They have hundreds of application teams along with thousands of developers and they quickly experienced the challenges of a macroAccounts approach. These include the following:

  1. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies and resource tagging were complex to design in order to maintain least privilege. For example, if a developer desired the ability to start/stop Amazon EC2 instances, they would need to ensure that they are limited to starting/stopping only their own instances.  This complexity kept increasing as developers wanted to automate their workflows using constructs such as AWS Lambda functions, and containers.
  2. They had difficulty in properly attributing cloud costs across departments.  More importantly they kept going back and forth on: how do we establish accountability and transparency around spends by groups, projects, or teams?
  3. It was difficult to track and manage impact of infrastructure change to FactSet applications. For example, how is maintenance off underlying security group or IAM policy affecting FactSet applications?
  4. Significant effort was required in managing service quotas and limits across various applications being under single AWS account.

FactSet’s solution – microAccounts

Recognizing the issues, they decided to take a different approach to AWS account management. Instead of creating a few shared macro-accounts, they decided to create one AWS account per project (microAccounts) with clearly defined ownership and product allocation.  An analogy might be that macro-accounts were like leaving the main door of a house open but locking individual closets and rooms to limit access. This is opposed to safeguarding the entry to the house but largely leaving individual closets and rooms open for the tenant to manage.

Benefits of microAccounts

They have been operating their AWS Cloud infrastructure using microAccounts for about two years now. Benefits of the microAccount approach include:

1.      Access & Permissions: By associating an account with a project they simplified which services are allowed, which resources that development team can access, and are able to ensure that those permissions cascade properly to underlying resources.  The following diagram shows their microAccount strategy.


Tagging versus microAccount strategy

Figure 1 – Tagging versus microAccount strategy

2.      Service Quotas & Limits: Given most service quotas are account specific, microAccounts allow their developers to plan limits based on their application needs.  In a shared account configuration, there was no mechanism to limit separate teams from using up a larger portion of the service quota, leaving other teams with less.  These limits extend beyond infrastructure provisioning to run time tasks like Lambda concurrency, API throttling limits on parameter store and more.

3.      AWS Service Permissions: microAccounts allowed FactSet to easily implement least privilege across services. By using IAM service control policies (SCPs) they limit what AWS services an account can access.  They start with a default set of services and based on business need we can grant a specific account access to other non-common services without having to worry about those services creeping into other use cases.  For example, they disable storage gateway by default, but can allow access for a specific account if needed.

4.      Blast Radius Containment:  microAccounts provides the ability to create safety boundaries. This is in the event of any stability and security issues, they stay isolated within that specific application (AWS account) and they don’t affect operations of other applications.

5.     Cost Attributions:  Clearly defined account ownership provides a simple and straightforward way to attribute costs to a specific team, project, or product.  They don’t have to enforce the tagging individual resources for cost purposes. AWS account acts like an application resource group so all resources in the account are implicitly tagged.

6.      Account Notifications & Operations:  Single threaded account ownership allows FactSet to automatically relay any required notification to right developers.  Moreover, given that account ownership is fundamental in defining who is allowed access to the account, there is a high level of confidence in the validity of this mapping as opposed to relying on just tagging.

7.      Account Standards & Extensions: we manage microAccounts through a CI/CD pipeline which allows us to standardize and extend without interruptions.  For example, all their microAccounts are provisioned with a standard AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key, an AWS Backup Vault & policy, private Amazon Route 53 zone, AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store with network information for Terraform or AWS CloudFormation templates.

8.      Developer Experience: microAccount automation and guardrails allow developers to get started quickly instead of spending time debugging things like correct SCP/IAM permissions and more. Developers tend to work across multiple applications and their experience has improved as they have a standard set of expectations for their AWS environment. This is particularly useful as they move from application to application.

Access and permissions for microAccounts

FactSet creates every AWS account with a standard set of IAM roles and permissions. Furthermore, each account has its own SCP which defines the list of services allowed in the account.  Based on application needs, they can extend the permissions.  Interactive roles are mapped to an ActiveDirectory (AD) group, and membership of the AD group is managed by the development teams themselves.  Standard roles are:

  • DevOps Role – Interactive role used to provision and manage infrastructure.
  • Developer Role – Interactive role used to read/write data (and some infrastructure)
  • ReadOnly Role – Interactive role with read-only access to the account.  This can be granted to account supervisors, product developers, and other similar roles.
  • Support Roles – Interactive roles for certain admin teams to assist account owners if needed
  • ServiceExecutionRole – Role that can be attached to entities such as Lambda functions, CodeBuild, EC2 instances, and has similar permissions to a developer role.
IAM Role Privileges

Figure 2 – IAM Role Privileges

Networking for microAccounts

  • FactSet leverages AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM) to share appropriate subnets with each account.  Each microAccount provisioned has access to subnets by sing AWS Shared VPCs.  They create a single VPC per business unit per environment (Dev, Prod, UAT, and Shared Services) in each region.  RAM enabled them to easily and securely share AWS resources with any AWS account within their AWS Organization.  When an account is created they allocate appropriate subnets to that account.
  • They use AWS Transit Gateway to manage inter-VPC routing and communication across multiple VPCs in a region.  They didn’t want to limit our ability to scale up quickly.  AWS Transit Gateway is a single place to land their AWS Direct Connect circuits in each Region.  It provides them with a consolidated place to manage routing tables that propagated to each VPC when they are attached.


VPC Sharing for microAccounts

Figure 3 – VPC Sharing for microAccounts

Automation & Config Management for microAccounts

To create frictionless self-service cloud infrastructure early on, FactSet realized that automation is a must.  Their infrastructure automation uses source-control as a source of truth for defining each microAccount. This helps them ensure repeatable and standardized account provisioning process, as well as flexibility to adjust specific settings and permissions on per account needs.

Account provisioning flow

Figure 4 – Account provisioning flow

By default, their accounts are only enabled in a small set of Regions.  They control it via the following policy block.  If they add new Region(s), they would implement that change in source-control and automated enforcement checks would add it to SCP.

    "Sid": "DenyOtherRegions",
    "Effect": "Deny",
    "Action": "*",
    "Resource": "*",
    "Condition": {
        "StringNotEquals": {
            "aws:RequestedRegion": ["us-east-1","eu-west-2"]
        "ForAllValues:StringNotLike": {
            "aws:PrincipalArn": [

Lessons Learned

During their journey to adopt microAccounts, FactSet came across some new challenges that are worth highlighting:

  1. IAM role creation: Their DevOps Role can create new IAM roles within the account.  To ensure that newly created role complies with least-privilege principles, they attach a standard permission boundary which limits its permissions to not extend beyond DevOps level.
  2. Account Deletion: While AWS provides APIs for account creation, currently there is no API to delete or rename an account.  This is not an issue since only a small percentage of accounts had to be deleted because of a cancelled project for example.
  3. Account Creation / Service Activation: Although automation is used to provision accounts it can still take time for all services in account to be fully activated.  Some services like Amazon EC2 have asynchronous processes to be activated in a new account.
  4. Account Email, Root Password, and MFA: Upon account creation, they don’t set up a root password or MFA.  That is only setup on the primary (master) account.  Given each account requires a unique email address, they leverage Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) to create a new email address with cloud administrator team as the recipients.  When they need to log in as root (very unusual), they go through the process of password reset before logging in.
  5. Service Control Policies: There were two primary challenges related to SCPs:
    • SCP is a property in the primary (master) account that is attached to a child microAccount.  However, they also wanted to manage SCP like any other account config and store it in source-control along with other account configuration.  This required IAM role used by our automation to have special permissions to be able to create/attach/detach SCPs in the primary (master) account.
    • There is a hard limit of 1000 SCPs in the primary (master) account.  If you have a SCP per account, this would limit you to 1000 microAccounts.  They solved this by re-using SCPs across accounts with same policies.  Content of a policy is hashed to create a unique SCP identifier, and accounts with same hashes are attached to same SCP.
  6. Sharing data (typically S3) across microAccounts: they leverage a concept of “trusted-accounts” to allow other accounts access to an account’s resources including S3 and KMS keys.
  7. It may feel like an anti-pattern to have resources with static costs like Application Load Balancers (ALB) and KMS for individual projects as opposed to a shared pool.  The list of resources with a base cost is small as most of the services are largely priced based on usage.  For FactSet, resource isolation is a key benefit of microAccounts, and therefore outweighs some of these added costs.
  8. Central Inventory & Logging: With 100s of accounts, it is worth investing in a more centralized inventory and AWS CloudTrail logs collection system.
  9. Costs, Reserved Instances (RI), and Savings Plans: FactSet found AWS Cost Explorer at the level of your primary (master) account to be a great tool for cost-transparency.  They leverage AWS Cost Explorer’s API to import that data into their internal cost transparency tools.  RIs and Savings Plans are managed centrally and leverage automatic sharing between accounts within the same master (primary) organization.


The microAccounts approach provides FactSet with the agility to operate according to specific needs of different teams and projects in the enterprise. They are currently deploying in twelve AWS Regions with automated AWS account provisioning happening in minutes and drift checks executing multiple times throughout the day. This frees up their developers to focus on solving business problems to maximize the benefits of cloud computing, so that their business can innovate and accelerate their clients’ digital transformations.

Their experience operating regulated infrastructure in the cloud demonstrated that microAccounts are pivotal for managing cloud at scale. With microAccounts they were able to accelerate projects onboarded to cloud by 5X, reduce number of IAM permission tickets by 10X, and experienced 3X fewer stability issues. We hope that this blog post provided useful insights to help determine if the microAccount strategy is a good fit for you.

In their own words, FactSet creates flexible, open data and software solutions for tens of thousands of investment professionals around the world, which provides instant access to financial data and analytics that investors use to make crucial decisions. At FactSet, we are always working to improve the value that our products provide.

Recommended Reading:

Defining an AWS Multi-Account Strategy for telecommunications companies

Why should I set up a multi-account AWS environment?

Field Notes provides hands-on technical guidance from AWS Solutions Architects, consultants, and technical account managers, based on their experiences in the field solving real-world business problems for customers.


How FactSet automates thousands of AWS accounts at scale

Post Syndicated from Amit Borulkar original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/factset-automation-at-scale/

This post is by FactSet’s Cloud Infrastructure team, Gaurav Jain, Nathan Goodman, Geoff Wang, Daniel Cordes, Sunu Joseph, and AWS Solution Architects Amit Borulkar and Tarik Makota. In their own words, “FactSet creates flexible, open data and software solutions for tens of thousands of investment professionals around the world, which provides instant access to financial data and analytics that investors use to make crucial decisions. At FactSet, we are always working to improve the value that our products provide.”

At FactSet, our operational goal to use the AWS Cloud is to have high developer velocity alongside enterprise governance. Assigning AWS accounts per project enables the agility and isolation boundary needed by each of the project teams to innovate faster. As existing workloads are migrated and new workloads are developed in the cloud, we realized that we were operating close to thousands of AWS accounts. To have a consistent and repeatable experience for diverse project teams, we automated the AWS account creation process, various service control policies (SCP) and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies and roles associated with the accounts, and enforced policies for ongoing configuration across the accounts. This post covers our automation workflows to enable governance for thousands of AWS accounts.

AWS account creation workflow

To empower our project teams to operate in the AWS Cloud in an agile manner, we developed a platform that enables AWS account creation with the default configuration customized to meet FactSet’s governance policies. These AWS accounts are provisioned with defaults such as a virtual private cloud (VPC), subnets, routing tables, IAM roles, SCP policies, add-ons for monitoring and load-balancing, and FactSet-specific governance. Developers and project team members can request a micro account for their product via this platform’s website, or do so programmatically using an API or wrap-around custom Terraform modules. The following screenshot shows a portion of the web interface that allows developers to request an AWS account.

FactSet service catalog
Continue reading How FactSet automates thousands of AWS accounts at scale

Building a Controlled Environment Agriculture Platform

Post Syndicated from Ashu Joshi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/building-a-controlled-environment-agriculture-platform/

This post was co-written by Michael Wirig, Software Engineering Manager at Grōv Technologies.

A substantial percentage of the world’s habitable land is used for livestock farming for dairy and meat production. The dairy industry has leveraged technology to gain insights that have led to drastic improvements and are continuing to accelerate. A gallon of milk in 2017 involved 30% less water, 21% less land, a 19% smaller carbon footprint, and 20% less manure than it did in 2007 (US Dairy, 2019). By focusing on smarter water usage and sustainable land usage, livestock farming can grow to provide sustainable and nutrient-dense food for consumers and livestock alike.

Grōv Technologies (Grōv) has pioneered the Olympus Tower Farm, a fully automated Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) system. Unique amongst vertical farming startups, Grōv is growing cattle feed to improve that sustainable use of land for livestock farming while increasing the economic margins for dairy and beef producers.

The challenges of CEA

The set of growing conditions for a CEA is called a “recipe,” which is a combination of ingredients like temperature, humidity, light, carbon dioxide levels, and water. The optimal recipe is dynamic and is sensitive to its ingredients. Crops must be monitored in near-real time, and CEAs should be able to self-correct in order to maintain the recipe. To build a system with these capabilities requires answers to the following questions:

  • What parameters are needed to measure for indoor cattle feed production?
  • What sensors enable the accuracy and price trade-offs at scale?
  • Where do you place the sensors to ensure a consistent crop?
  • How do you correlate the data from sensors to the nutrient value?

To progress from a passively monitored system to a self-correcting, autonomous one, the CEA platform also needs to address:

  • How to maintain optimum crop conditions
  • How the system can learn and adapt to new seed varieties
  • How to communicate key business drivers such as yield and dry matter percentage

Grōv partnered with AWS Professional Services (AWS ProServe) to build a digital CEA platform addressing the challenges posed above.

Olympus Tower - Grov Technologies

Tower automation and edge platform

The Olympus Tower is instrumented for measuring recipe ingredients by combining the mechanical, electrical, and domain expertise of the Grōv team with the IoT edge and sensor expertise of the AWS ProServe team. The teams identified a primary set of features such as height, weight, and evenness of the growth to be measured at multiple stages within the Tower. Sensors were also added to measure secondary features such as water level, water pH, temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide.

The teams designed and developed a purpose-built modular and industrial sensor station. Each sensor station has sensors for direct measurement of the features identified. The sensor stations are extended to support indirect measurement of features using a combination of Computer Vision and Machine Learning (CV/ML).

The trays with the growing cattle feed circulate through the Olympus Tower. A growth cycle starts on a tray with seeding, circulates through the tower over the cycle, and returns to the starting position to be harvested. The sensor station at the seeding location on the Olympus Tower tags each new growth cycle in a tray with a unique “Grow ID.” As trays pass by, each sensor station in the Tower collects the feature data. The firmware, jointly developed for the sensor station, uses AWS IoT SDK to stream the sensor data along with the Grow ID and metadata that’s specific to the sensor station. This information is sent every five minutes to an on-site edge gateway powered by AWS IoT Greengrass. Dedicated AWS Lambda functions manage the lifecycle of the Grow IDs and the sensor data processing on the edge.

The Grōv team developed AWS Greengrass Lambda functions running at the edge to ingest critical metrics from the operation automation software running the Olympus Towers. This information provides the ability to not just monitor the operational efficiency, but to provide the hooks to control the feedback loop.

The two sources of data were augmented with site-level data by installing sensor stations at the building level or site level to capture environmental data such as weather and energy consumption of the Towers.

All three sources of data are streamed to AWS IoT Greengrass and are processed by AWS Lambda functions. The edge software also fuses the data and correlates all categories of data together. This enables two major actions for the Grōv team – operational capability in real-time at the edge and enhanced data streamed into the cloud.

Grov Technologies - Architecture

Cloud pipeline/platform: analytics and visualization

As the data is streamed to AWS IoT Core via AWS IoT Greengrass. AWS IoT rules are used to route ingested data to store in Amazon Simple Sotrage Service (Amazon S3) and Amazon DynamoDB. The data pipeline also includes Amazon Kinesis Data Streams for batching and additional processing on the incoming data.

A ReactJS-based dashboard application is powered using Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda functions to report relevant metrics such as daily yield and machine uptime.

A data pipeline is deployed to analyze data using Amazon QuickSight. AWS Glue is used to create a dataset from the data stored in Amazon S3. Amazon Athena is used to query the dataset to make it available to Amazon QuickSight. This provides the extended Grōv tech team of research scientists the ability to perform a series of what-if analyses on the data coming in from the Tower Systems beyond what is available in the react-based dashboard.

Data pipeline - Grov Technologies

Completing the data-driven loop

Now that the data has been collected from all sources and stored it in a data lake architecture, the Grōv CEA platform established a strong foundation for harnessing the insights and delivering the customer outcomes using machine learning.

The integrated and fused data from the edge (sourced from the Olympus Tower instrumentation, Olympus automation software data, and site-level data) is co-related to the lab analysis performed by Grōv Research Center (GRC). Harvest samples are routinely collected and sent to the lab, which performs wet chemistry and microbiological analysis. Trays sent as samples to the lab are associated with the results of the analysis with the sensor data by corresponding Grow IDs. This serves as a mechanism for labeling and correlating the recipe data with the parameters used by dairy and beef producers – dry matter percentage, micro and macronutrients, and the presence of myco-toxins.

Grōv has chosen Amazon SageMaker to build a machine learning pipeline on its comprehensive data set, which will enable fine tuning the growing protocols in near real-time. Historical data collection unlocks machine learning use cases for future detection of anomalous sensors readings and sensor health monitoring, as well.

Because the solution is flexible, the Grōv team plans to integrate data from animal studies on their health and feed efficiency into the CEA platform. Machine learning on the data from animal studies will enhance the tuning of recipe ingredients that impact the animals’ health. This will give the farmer an unprecedented view of the impact of feed nutrition on the end product and consumer.


Grōv Technologies and AWS ProServe have built a strong foundation for an extensible and scalable architecture for a CEA platform that will nourish animals for better health and yield, produce healthier foods and to enable continued research into dairy production, rumination and animal health to empower sustainable farming practices.

Snowflake: Running Millions of Simulation Tests with Amazon EKS

Post Syndicated from Keith Joelner original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/snowflake-running-millions-of-simulation-tests-with-amazon-eks/

This post was co-written with Brian Nutt, Senior Software Engineer and Kao Makino, Principal Performance Engineer, both at Snowflake.

Transactional databases are a key component of any production system. Maintaining data integrity while rows are read and written at a massive scale is a major technical challenge for these types of databases. To ensure their stability, it’s necessary to test many different scenarios and configurations. Simulating as many of these as possible allows engineers to quickly catch defects and build resilience. But the Holy Grail is to accomplish this at scale and within a timeframe that allows your developers to iterate quickly.

Snowflake has been using and advancing FoundationDB (FDB), an open-source, ACID-compliant, distributed key-value store since 2014. FDB, running on Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) and Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS), has proven to be extremely reliable and is a key part of Snowflake’s cloud services layer architecture. To support its development process of creating high quality and stable software, Snowflake developed Project Joshua, an internal system that leverages Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), Amazon EC2 Spot Instances, and AWS PrivateLink to run over one hundred thousand of validation and regression tests an hour.

About Snowflake

Snowflake is a single, integrated data platform delivered as a service. Built from the ground up for the cloud, Snowflake’s unique multi-cluster shared data architecture delivers the performance, scale, elasticity, and concurrency that today’s organizations require. It features storage, compute, and global services layers that are physically separated but logically integrated. Data workloads scale independently from one another, making it an ideal platform for data warehousing, data lakes, data engineering, data science, modern data sharing, and developing data applications.

Snowflake architecture

Developing a simulation-based testing and validation framework

Snowflake’s cloud services layer is composed of a collection of services that manage virtual warehouses, query optimization, and transactions. This layer relies on rich metadata stored in FDB.

Prior to the creation of the simulation framework, Project Joshua, FDB developers ran tests on their laptops and were limited by the number they could run. Additionally, there was a scheduled nightly job for running further tests.

Joshua at Snowflake

Amazon EKS as the foundation

Snowflake’s platform team decided to use Kubernetes to build Project Joshua. Their focus was on helping engineers run their workloads instead of spending cycles on the management of the control plane. They turned to Amazon EKS to achieve their scalability needs. This was a crucial success criterion for Project Joshua since at any point in time there could be hundreds of nodes running in the cluster. Snowflake utilizes the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler to dynamically scale worker nodes in minutes to support a tests-based queue of Joshua’s requests.

With the integration of Amazon EKS and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), Snowflake is able to control access to the required resources. For example: the database that serves Joshua’s test queues is external to the EKS cluster. By using the Amazon VPC CNI plugin, each pod receives an IP address in the VPC and Snowflake can control access to the test queue via security groups.

To achieve its desired performance, Snowflake created its own custom pod scaler, which responds quicker to changes than using a custom metric for pod scheduling.

  • The agent scaler is responsible for monitoring a test queue in the coordination database (which, coincidentally, is also FDB) to schedule Joshua agents. The agent scaler communicates directly with Amazon EKS using the Kubernetes API to schedule tests in parallel.
  • Joshua agents (one agent per pod) are responsible for pulling tests from the test queue, executing, and reporting results. Tests are run one at a time within the EKS Cluster until the test queue is drained.

Achieving scale and cost savings with Amazon EC2 Spot

A Spot Fleet is a collection—or fleet—of Amazon EC2 Spot instances that Joshua uses to make the infrastructure more reliable and cost effective. ​ Spot Fleet is used to reduce the cost of worker nodes by running a variety of instance types.

With Spot Fleet, Snowflake requests a combination of different instance types to help ensure that demand gets fulfilled. These options make Fleet more tolerant of surges in demand for instance types. If a surge occurs it will not significantly affect tasks since Joshua is agnostic to the type of instance and can fall back to a different instance type and still be available.

For reservations, Snowflake uses the capacity-optimized allocation strategy to automatically launch Spot Instances into the most available pools by looking at real-time capacity data and predicting which are the most available. This helps Snowflake quickly switch instances reserved to what is most available in the Spot market, instead of spending time contending for the cheapest instances, at the cost of a potentially higher price.

Overcoming hurdles

Snowflake’s usage of a public container registry posed a scalability challenge. When starting hundreds of worker nodes, each node needs to pull images from the public registry. This can lead to a potential rate limiting issue when all outbound traffic goes through a NAT gateway.

For example, consider 1,000 nodes pulling a 10 GB image. Each pull request requires each node to download the image across the public internet. Some issues that need to be addressed are latency, reliability, and increased costs due to the additional time to download an image for each test. Also, container registries can become unavailable or may rate-limit download requests. Lastly, images are pulled through public internet and other services in the cluster can experience pulling issues.

​For anything more than a minimal workload, a local container registry is needed. If an image is first pulled from the public registry and then pushed to a local registry (cache), it only needs to pull once from the public registry, then all worker nodes benefit from a local pull. That’s why Snowflake decided to replicate images to ECR, a fully managed docker container registry, providing a reliable local registry to store images. Additional benefits for the local registry are that it’s not exclusive to Joshua; all platform components required for Snowflake clusters can be cached in the local ECR Registry. For additional security and performance Snowflake uses AWS PrivateLink to keep all network traffic from ECR to the workers nodes within the AWS network. It also resolved rate-limiting issues from pulling images from a public registry with unauthenticated requests, unblocking other cluster nodes from pulling critical images for operation.


Project Joshua allows Snowflake to enable developers to test more scenarios without having to worry about the management of the infrastructure. ​ Snowflake’s engineers can schedule thousands of test simulations and configurations to catch bugs faster. FDB is a key component of ​the Snowflake stack and Project Joshua helps make FDB more stable and resilient. Additionally, Amazon EC2 Spot has provided non-trivial cost savings to Snowflake vs. running on-demand or buying reserved instances.

If you want to know more about how Snowflake built its high performance data warehouse as a Service on AWS, watch the This is My Architecture video below.

The Satellite Ear Tag that is Changing Cattle Management

Post Syndicated from Karen Hildebrand original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/the-satellite-ear-tag-that-is-changing-cattle-management/

Most cattle are not raised in cities—they live on cattle stations, large open plains, and tracts of land largely unpopulated by humans. It’s hard to keep connected with the herd. Cattle don’t often carry their own mobile phones, and they don’t pay a mobile phone bill. Naturally, the areas in which cattle live, often do not have cellular connectivity or reception. But they now have one way to stay connected: a world-first satellite ear tag.

Ceres Tag co-founders Melita Smith and David Smith recognized the problem given their own farming background. David explained that they needed to know simple things to begin with, such as:

  • Where are they?
  • How many are out there?
  • What are they doing?
  • What condition are they in?
  • Are they OK?

Later, the questions advanced to:

  • Which are the higher performing animals that I want to keep?
  • Where do I start when rounding them up?
  • As assets, can I get better financing and insurance if I can prove their location, existence, and condition?

To answer these questions, Ceres Tag first had to solve the biggest challenge, and it was not to get cattle to carry their mobile phones and pay mobile phone bills to generate the revenue needed to get greater coverage. David and Melita knew they needed help developing a new method of tracking, but in a way that aligned with current livestock practices. Their idea of a satellite connected ear tag came to life through close partnership and collaboration with CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency. They brought expertise to the problem, and rallied together teams of experts across public and private partnerships, never accepting “that’s not been done before” as a reason to curtail their innovation.


Figure 1: How Ceres Tag works in practice

Thinking Big: Ceres Tag Protocol

Melita and David constructed their idea and brought the physical hardware to reality. This meant finding strategic partners to build hardware, connectivity partners that provided global coverage at a cost that was tenable to cattle operators, integrations with existing herd management platforms and a global infrastructure backbone that allowed their solution to scale. They showed resilience, tenacity and persistence that are often traits attributed to startup founders and lifelong agricultural advocates. Explaining the purpose of the product often requires some unique approaches to defining the value proposition while fundamentally breaking down existing ways of thinking about things. As David explained, “We have an internal saying, ‘As per Ceres Tag protocol …..’ to help people to see the problem through a new lens.” This persistence led to the creation of an easy to use ear tagging applicator and a two-prong smart ear tag. The ear tag connects via satellite for data transmission, providing connectivity to more than 120 countries in the world and 80% of the earth’s surface.

The Ceres Tag applicator, smart tag, and global satellite connectivity

Figure 2: The Ceres Tag applicator, smart tag, and global satellite connectivity

Unlocking the blocker: data-driven insights

With the hardware and connectivity challenges solved, Ceres Tag turned to how the data driven insights would be delivered. The company needed to select a technology partner that understood their global customer base, and what it means to deliver a low latency solution for web, mobile and API-driven solutions. David, once again knew the power in leveraging the team around him to find the best solution. The evaluation of cloud providers was led by Lewis Frost, COO, and Heidi Perrett, Data Platform Manager. Ceres Tag ultimately chose to partner with AWS and use the AWS Cloud as the backbone for the Ceres Tag Management System.

Ceres Tag conceptual diagram

Figure 3: Ceres Tag conceptual diagram

The Ceres Tag Management System houses the data and metadata about each tag, enabling the traceability of that tag throughout each animal’s life cycle. This includes verification as to whom should have access to their health records and history. Based on the nature of the data being stored and transmitted, security of the application is critical. As a startup, it was important for Ceres Tag to keep costs low, but to also to be able to scale based on growth and usage as it expands globally.

Ceres Tag is able to quickly respond to customers regardless of geography, routing traffic to the appropriate end point. They accomplish this by leveraging Amazon CloudFront as the Content Delivery Network (CDN) for traffic distribution of front-end requests and Amazon Route 53 for DNS routing. A multi-Availability Zone deployment and AWS Application Load Balancer distribute incoming traffic across multiple targets, increasing the availability of your application.

Ceres Tag is using AWS Fargate to provide a serverless compute environment that matches the pay-as-you-go usage-based model. AWS also provides many advanced security features and architecture guidance that has helped to implement and evaluate best practice security posture across all of the environments. Authentication is handled by Amazon Cognito, which allows Ceres Tag to scale easily by supporting millions of users. It leverages easy-to-use features like sign-in with social identity providers, such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon, and enterprise identity providers via SAML 2.0.

The data captured from the ear tag on the cattle is will be ingested via AWS PrivateLink. By providing a private endpoint to access your services, AWS PrivateLink ensures your traffic is not exposed to the public internet. It also makes it easy to connect services across different accounts and VPCs to significantly simplify your network architecture. In leveraging a satellite connectivity provider running on AWS, Ceres Tag will benefit from the AWS Ground Station infrastructure leveraged by the provider in addition to the streaming IoT database.


Agile website delivery with Hugo and AWS Amplify

Post Syndicated from Nigel Harris original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/agile-website-delivery-with-hugo-and-aws-amplify/

In this post, we show how you can rapidly configure and deploy a website using Hugo (an AWS Cloud9 integrated development environment (IDE) for content editing), AWS CodeCommit for source code control, and AWS Amplify to implement a source code-controlled, automated deployment process.

When hosting a website on AWS, you can choose from several options. One popular option is to use Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to host a static website. If you prefer full access to the infrastructure hosting your website, you can use the NGINX Quick Start to quickly deploy web server infrastructure using AWS CloudFormation.

Static website generators such as Hugo and MkDocs accelerate the website content generation process, and can be a valuable tool when trying to rapidly deliver technical documentation or similar content. Typically, the content creation process requires programming in HTML and CSS.

Hugo is written in Go and available under the Apache 2.0 license. It provides several themes (collections of layouts) that accelerate website creation by drastically reducing the need to focus on format. You can author content in Markdown and output in multiple languages and formats (including ebook formats). Excellent examples of public websites built using Hugo include Digital.gov and Kubernetes.io.


Solution overview

This solution illustrates how to provision a hosted, source code-controlled Hugo generated website using CodeCommit and Amplify Console. The provisioned website is configured with a custom subdomain and an SSL certificate. We use an AWS Cloud9 IDE to enable content creation in the cloud.


Setting up an AWS Cloud9 IDE

Start by provisioning an AWS Cloud9 IDE. AWS Cloud9 environments run using Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). You need to provision your AWS Cloud9 environment into an existing public subnet in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) within your AWS account. You can complete this in the following steps:

1. Access your AWS account using with an identity with administrative privileges. If you don’t have an AWS account, you can create one.

2. Create a new AWS Cloud9 environment using the wizard on the AWS Cloud9 console.

3. Enter a name for your desktop and an optional description.

4. Choose Next step.

Naming your Cloud 9 environment

5. In the Environment settings section, for Environment type, select Create a new EC2 instance for environment (direct access).

6. For Instance type, select your preferred instance type (the default, t2.micro, works for this use case)

7. Under Network settings, for Network (VPC), choose a VPC that you wish to deploy your AWS Cloud9 instance into. You may wish to use your default VPC, which is suitable for the purpose of this tutorial.

8. Choose a public subnet from this VPC for deployment.

Cloud9 Settings

9. Leave all other settings unchanged and choose Next step.
10. Review your choices and choose Create environment.

Environment creation takes a few minutes to complete. When the environment is ready, you receive access to the AWS Cloud9 IDE in your browser. We return to it shortly to develop content for your Hugo website.

Your Cloud9 Desktop

Configuring a source code repository to track content changes

Static website generators enable rapid changes to website content and layout. Source control management (SCM) systems provide a revision history for your code, and allow you to revert to previous versions of a project when unintended changes are introduced. SCM systems become increasingly important as the velocity of change and the number of team members introducing change increases.

You now create a source code repository to track changes to your content. You use CodeCommit, a fully-managed source control service that hosts secure Git-based repositories.

1. In a new browser, sign in to the CodeCommit Console and create a new repository.

2. For Repository name, enter amplify-website.

3. For Description, enter an appropriate description.

4. Choose Create.

Create repository

Repository creation takes just a few moments.

5. In the Connection steps section, choose the appropriate method to connect to your repository based on how you accessed your AWS account.

For this post, I signed in to my AWS account using federated access, so I choose the HTTPS Git Remote CodeCommit (HTTPS-GRC) tab. This is the recommended connection method for this sign-in type. You can also configure a connection to your repository using SSH or Git credentials over HTTPS. SSH and Git credentials over HTTPS are appropriate methods if you have signed in to your AWS account as an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user. The Amazon CodeCommit console provides additional information regarding each of these connection types, including links to supporting documentation.

Connect to Repo


Configuring and deploying an example website

You’re now ready to configure and deploy your website.

1. Return to the browser with your AWS Cloud9 IDE and place your cursor in the lower terminal pane of the IDE.

The terminal pane provides Bash shell access on the EC2 instance running AWS Cloud9.

You now create a Hugo website. The website design is based on Hugo-theme-learn. Themes are collections of Hugo layouts that take all the hassle out of building your website. Learn is a multilingual-ready theme authored by Mathieu Cornic, designed for building technical documentation websites.

Hugo provides a variety of themes on their website. Many of the themes include bundled example website content that you can easily adapt by following the accompanying theme documentation.

2. Enter the following code to download an existing example website stored as a .zip file, extract it, and commit the contents into CodeCommit from your AWS Cloud9 IDE:

cd ~/environment
aws s3 cp s3://ee-assets-prod-us-east-1/modules/3c5ba9cb6ff44465b96993d210f67147/v1/example-website.zip ~/environment/example-website.zip
unzip example-website.zip
rm example-website.zip

The following screenshot shows your output.

example website copy commands


Next, we run commands to create a directory to host your website and copy files into place from the example website to get started. We then create a new default branch called main (formerly referred to as the master branch), local to our AWS Cloud9 instance. We then copy files into place from the example website. After adding and committing them locally, we push all our changes to the remote Amazon Codecommit repository.

3. Enter the following code:

mkdir ~/environment/amplify-website/
cd ~/environment/amplify-website/
git init
git remote add origin codecommit::us-east-1://amplify-website
git remote -v
git checkout -b main
cp -rp ~/environment/example-website/* ~/environment/amplify-website/
git add *
git commit -am "first commit"
git push -u origin main

Deployment and hosting is achieved by using Amplify Console, a static web hosting service that accelerates your application release cycle by providing a simple CI/CD workflow for building and deploying static web applications.

4. On the Amplify console, under Deploy, choose Get Started.

Amplify banner

5. On the Get started with the Amplify Console page, select AWS CodeCommit as your source code repository.

6. Choose Continue.

Amplify get started page

7. On the Add repository branch page, for Recently updated repositories, choose your repository.

8. For Branch, choose main.

9. Choose Next.

add branch

On the Configure build settings page, Amplify automatically uses the amplify.yml file for build settings for your deployment. You committed this into your source code repository in the previous step. The amplify.yml file is detected from the root of your website directory structure.

10. Choose Next.

Amplify configure build settings

11. On the review page, choose Save and deploy.

Amplify builds and deploys your Amplify website within minutes, and shows you its progress. When deployment is complete, you can access the website to see the sample content.

amplify website

The following screenshot shows your example website.

sample website


Promoting changes to the website

We can now update the line of text in the home page and commit and publish this change.

1. Return to the browser with your AWS Cloud9 IDE and place your cursor in the lower terminal pane of the IDE.

2. On the navigation pane, choose the file ~/environment/amplify-website/workshop/content/_index.en.md.

The contents of the file open under a new tab in the upper pane.

3. Change the string First Line of Text to First Update to Website.

content change

4. From the File menu, choose Save to save the changes you have made to the _index.en.md file.

save content changes

5. Commit the changes and push to CodeCommit by running the following command in the lower terminal pane in AWS Cloud9:

git add *; git commit -am "homepage update"; git push origin main

The output in your AWS Cloud9 terminal should appear similar to the following screenshot.

commit output

6. Return to the Amplify Console and observe how the committed change in CodeCommit is automatically detected. Amplify runs deployment steps to push your changes to the website.

amplify deploy changes

7. Access the URL of your website after this update is complete to verify that the first line of text on your home page has changed.

updated website

You can repeat this process to make source-code controlled, automated changes to your website.

Adding a custom domain

Adding a custom domain to your Amplify configuration makes it easier for clients to access your content. You can register new domains using Amazon Route 53 or, if you have an existing domain registered outside of AWS, you can integrate it with Route 53 and Amplify. For our use case, the domain www.hugoonamplify.com is a registered a domain name using a third-party registrar (NameCheap). You can manage DNS configurations for domains registered outside of AWS using Route 53.

Start by configuring a public hosted zone in Route 53.

1. On the Route 53 console, choose Hosted zones.

2. Choose Create hosted zone.

hosted zones

3. For Domain name, enter hugoonamplify.com.

4. For Description, enter an appropriate description.

5. For Type, select Public hosted zone.

hosted zones configuration

6. Choose Create hosted zone.

7. Save the addresses of the name servers that respond to client DNS lookup requests for the custom domain.

create hosted zone

8. In a separate browser, access the console of your DNS registrar.

9. Configure a custom DNS name servers setting on the console of the third-party domain name registrar.

This configuration specifies the Route 53 assigned name servers as authoritative DNS for our custom domain. For this use case, propagation of this change may take up to 48 hours.

namecheap console

10. Use https://who.is to verify that the AWS name servers are listed correctly for your custom domain to internet clients.

whois lookup

You can now set up your custom domain in Amplify. Amplify helps you configure DNS and set up SSL for your desired custom domain.

domain management

11. On the Amplify Console, under App settings, choose Domain management.

12. Choose Add domain.

13. For Domain, enter your custom domain name (hugoonamplify.com).

14. Choose Configure domain.

15. For Subdomain, I only want to set up www and choose to exclude the root of my custom domain.

16. Choose Save.

Amplify begins the process of creating the SSL certificates. Amplify sends a notification that it’s issuing an SSL certificate to secure traffic to the custom domain.

ssl domain management

After a few moments, it proceeds to SSL configuration and indicates that ownership of domain is in progress.

ssl domain management configuration

Amplify verifies domain ownership by creating a sample CNAME record in your hosted zone file. When ownership is verified, the domain is propagated onto an Amazon CloudFront distribution managed by the Amplify service, and domain activation is complete.

ssl domain management configured

Clients can now access the website using the custom domain name www.hugoonaplify.com.

access website via custom domain


Establishing a subdomain for development

You can create a development website in Amplify that is aligned to a development code branch in CodeCommit that enables testing changes prior to production release.

1. Access the AWS Cloud9 IDE and use the terminal to enter the following commands to create a development branch and push changes to CodeCommit using the current content from the main branch with a single content change:

git checkout -b development
git branch
git remote -v
git add *; git commit -am "first development commit";
git push -u origin development

2. Open and edit the file ~/environment/amplify-website/workshop/content/_index.en.md and change the string Update to Website to something else.

Alternatively, run the following Unix sed command from the terminal in AWS Cloud9 to make that content change:

sed -i 's/Update to Website/Update to Development/g' ~/environment/amplify-website/workshop/content/_index.en.md

3. Commit and push your change with the following code:

git add *; git commit -am "second development commit"; git push -u origin development

You now configure a subdomain in Amplify to allow developers to review changes.

4. Return to the amplify-website app.

5. Choose Connect branch.

connect branch

6. For Branch, choose the development branch you created and committed code into.

7. Choose Next.

add development branch

Amplify builds a second website based on the contents of the development branch. You can see the instance of your website matched to the development code branch on Amplify Console.

amplify two branches

8. Access the domain management menu item in your Amplify application to add a friendly subdomain.

9. Edit the domain and add a subdomain item with a name of your choice (for example, dev).

10. Associate it to the development branch containing the committed code and content changes.

11. Choose Add.

add dev domain

You can access the subdomain to verify the changes.

verify domain

Controlling access to development

You may wish to restrict access to new content as it’s deployed into the development website.

1. On Amplify Console, choose your application.

2. Choose Access control.

3. Under Access control settings, choose your preferred settings.

You have the option to restrict access globally or on a branch-by-branch basis. For this use case, we create a simple password protection for a user named developer on the development branch and site.

access control settings


Cleaning up

Unless you plan to keep the website you have constructed, you can quickly clean up provisioned assets and avoid any unnecessary costs.

1. On Amplify Console, select the app you created.

2. From the Actions drop-down menu, choose Delete app.

3. In the pop-up window, confirm the deletion.

4. On the CodeCommit dashboard, select the repository you created.

5. Choose Delete.

6. In the pop-up window, confirm the deletion.

7. On the AWS Cloud9 dashboard, select the IDE you created.

8. Choose Delete.

9. In the pop-up window, confirm the deletion.



Hugo is a powerful tool that enables accelerated delivery of content in a variety of formats including image portfolios, online resume presentation, blogging, and technical documentation. Amplify Console provides a convenient, easy-to-use, static web hosting service that can greatly accelerate delivery of static content.

When combining Hugo with Amplify Console, you can rapidly deploy websites in minutes with features such as friendly URLS, environments matched to code branches, and encryption (SSL). Visit gohugo.io to find out more about Hugo. For more information about how Amplify Console can help you rapidly deploy Hugo and other modern web applications, see the AWS Amplify Console User Guide.

Nigel Harris

Nigel Harris

Nigel Harris is an Enterprise Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He works with AWS customers to provide guidance and technical assistance on AWS architectures.

Mercado Libre: How to Block Malicious Traffic in a Dynamic Environment

Post Syndicated from Gaston Ansaldo original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/mercado-libre-how-to-block-malicious-traffic-in-a-dynamic-environment/

Blog post contributors: Pablo Garbossa and Federico Alliani of Mercado Libre


Mercado Libre (MELI) is the leading e-commerce and FinTech company in Latin America. We have a presence in 18 countries across Latin America, and our mission is to democratize commerce and payments to impact the development of the region.

We manage an ecosystem of more than 8,000 custom-built applications that process an average of 2.2 million requests per second. To support the demand, we run between 50,000 to 80,000 Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) instances, and our infrastructure scales in and out according to the time of the day, thanks to the elasticity of the AWS cloud and its auto scaling features.

Mercado Libre

As a company, we expect our developers to devote their time and energy building the apps and features that our customers demand, without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure that the apps are built upon. To achieve this separation of concerns, we built Fury, our platform as a service (PaaS) that provides an abstraction layer between our developers and the infrastructure. Each time a developer deploys a brand new application or a new version of an existing one, Fury takes care of creating all the required components such as Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group (ASG), and EC2) instances. Fury also manages a per-application Git repository, CI/CD pipeline with different deployment strategies, such like blue-green and rolling upgrades, and transparent application logs and metrics collection.

Fury- MELI PaaS

For those of us on the Cloud Security team, Fury represents an opportunity to enforce critical security controls across our stack in a way that’s transparent to our developers. For instance, we can dictate what Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) are vetted for use in production (such as those that align with the Center for Internet Security benchmarks). If needed, we can apply security patches across all of our fleet from a centralized location in a very scalable fashion.

But there are also other attack vectors that every organization that has a presence on the public internet is exposed to. The AWS recent Threat Landscape Report shows a 23% YoY increase in the total number of Denial of Service (DoS) events. It’s evident that organizations need to be prepared to quickly react under these circumstances.

The variety and the number of attacks are increasing, testing the resilience of all types of organizations. This is why we started working on a solution that allows us to contain application DoS attacks, and complements our perimeter security strategy, which is based on services such as AWS Shield and AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF). In this article, we will walk you through the solution we built to automatically detect and block these events.

The strategy we implemented for our solution, Network Behavior Anomaly Detection (NBAD), consists of four stages that we repeatedly execute:

  1. Analyze the execution context of our applications, like CPU and memory usage
  2. Learn their behavior
  3. Detect anomalies, gather relevant information and process it
  4. Respond automatically

Step 1: Establish a baseline for each application

End user traffic enters through different AWS CloudFront distributions that route to multiple Elastic Load Balancers (ELBs). Behind the ELBs, we operate a fleet of NGINX servers from where we connect back to the myriad of applications that our developers create via Fury.

MELI Architecture - nomaly detection project-step 1

Step 1: MELI Architecture – Anomaly detection project

We collect logs and metrics for each application that we ship to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and Datadog. We then partition these logs using AWS Glue to make them available for consumption via Amazon Athena. On average, we send 3 terabytes (TB) of log files in parquet format to S3.

Based on this information, we developed processes that we complement with commercial solutions, such as Datadog’s Anomaly Detection, which allows us to learn the normal behavior or baseline of our applications and project expected adaptive growth thresholds for each one of them.

Anomaly detection

Step 2: Anomaly detection

When any of our apps receives a number of requests that fall outside the limits set by our anomaly detection algorithms, an Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) event is emitted, which triggers a workflow in the Anomaly Analyzer, a custom-built component of this solution.

Upon receiving such an event, the Anomaly Analyzer starts composing the so-called event context. In parallel, the Data Extractor retrieves vital insights via Athena from the log files stored in S3.

The output of this process is used as the input for the data enrichment process. This is responsible for consulting different threat intelligence sources that are used to further augment the analysis and determine if the event is an actual incident or not.

At this point, we build the context that will allow us not only to have greater certainty in calculating the score, but it will also help us validate and act quicker. This context includes:

  • Application’s owner
  • Affected business metrics
  • Error handling statistics of our applications
  • Reputation of IP addresses and associated users
  • Use of unexpected URL parameters
  • Distribution by origin of the traffic that generated the event (cloud providers, geolocation, etc.)
  • Known behavior patterns of vulnerability discovery or exploitation
Step 2: MELI Architecture - Anomaly detection project

Step 2: MELI Architecture – Anomaly detection project

Step 3: Incident response

Once we reconstruct the context of the event, we calculate a score for each “suspicious actor” involved.

Step 3: MELI Architecture - Anomaly detection project

Step 3: MELI Architecture – Anomaly detection project

Based on these analysis results we carry out a series of verifications in order to rule out false positives. Finally, we execute different actions based on the following criteria:

Manual review

If the outcome of the automatic analysis results in a medium risk scoring, we activate a manual review process:

  1. We send a report to the application’s owners with a summary of the context. Based on their understanding of the business, they can activate the Incident Response Team (IRT) on-call and/or provide feedback that allows us to improve our automatic rules.
  2. In parallel, our threat analysis team receives and processes the event. They are equipped with tools that allow them to add IP addresses, user-agents, referrers, or regular expressions into Amazon WAF to carry out temporary blocking of “bad actors” in situations where the attack is in progress.

Automatic response

If the analysis results in a high risk score, an automatic containment process is triggered. The event is sent to our block API, which is responsible for adding a temporary rule designed to mitigate the attack in progress. Behind the scenes, our block API leverages AWS WAF to create IPSets. We reference these IPsets from our custom rule groups in our web ACLs, in order to block IPs that source the malicious traffic. We found many benefits in the new release of AWS WAF, like support for Amazon Managed Rules, larger capacity units per web ACL as well as an easier to use API.


By leveraging the AWS platform and its powerful APIs, and together with the AWS WAF service team and solutions architects, we were able to build an automated incident response solution that is able to identify and block malicious actors with minimal operator intervention. Since launching the solution, we have reduced YoY application downtime over 92% even when the time under attack increased over 10x. This has had a positive impact on our users and therefore, on our business.

Not only was our downtime drastically reduced, but we also cut the number of manual interventions during this type of incident by 65%.

We plan to iterate over this solution to further reduce false positives in our detection mechanisms as well as the time to respond to external threats.

About the authors

Pablo Garbossa is an Information Security Manager at Mercado Libre. His main duties include ensuring security in the software development life cycle and managing security in MELI’s cloud environment. Pablo is also an active member of the Open Web Application Security Project® (OWASP) Buenos Aires chapter, a nonprofit foundation that works to improve the security of software.

Federico Alliani is a Security Engineer on the Mercado Libre Monitoring team. Federico and his team are in charge of protecting the site against different types of attacks. He loves to dive deep into big architectures to drive performance, scale operational efficiency, and increase the speed of detection and response to security events.

Improving customer experience and reducing cost with CodeGuru Profiler

Post Syndicated from Rajesh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/improving-customer-experience-and-reducing-cost-with-codeguru-profiler/

Amazon CodeGuru is a set of developer tools powered by machine learning that provides intelligent recommendations for improving code quality and identifying an application’s most expensive lines of code. Amazon CodeGuru Profiler allows you to profile your applications in a low impact, always on manner. It helps you improve your application’s performance, reduce cost and diagnose application issues through rich data visualization and proactive recommendations. CodeGuru Profiler has been a very successful and widely used service within Amazon, before it was offered as a public service. This post discusses a few ways in which internal Amazon teams have used and benefited from continuous profiling of their production applications. These uses cases can provide you with better insights on how to reap similar benefits for your applications using CodeGuru Profiler.

Inside Amazon, over 100,000 applications currently use CodeGuru Profiler across various environments globally. Over the last few years, CodeGuru Profiler has served as an indispensable tool for resolving issues in the following three categories:

  1. Performance bottlenecks, high latency and CPU utilization
  2. Cost and Infrastructure utilization
  3. Diagnosis of an application impacting event

API latency improvement for CodeGuru Profiler

What could be a better example than CodeGuru Profiler using itself to improve its own performance?
CodeGuru Profiler offers an API called BatchGetFrameMetricData, which allows you to fetch time series data for a set of frames or methods. We noticed that the 99th percentile latency (i.e. the slowest 1 percent of requests over a 5 minute period) metric for this API was approximately 5 seconds, higher than what we wanted for our customers.


CodeGuru Profiler is built on a micro service architecture, with the BatchGetFrameMetricData API implemented as set of AWS Lambda functions. It also leverages other AWS services such as Amazon DynamoDB to store data and Amazon CloudWatch to record performance metrics.

When investigating the latency issue, the team found that the 5-second latency spikes were happening during certain time intervals rather than continuously, which made it difficult to easily reproduce and determine the root cause of the issue in pre-production environment. The new Lambda profiling feature in CodeGuru came in handy, and so the team decided to enable profiling for all its Lambda functions. The low impact, continuous profiling capability of CodeGuru Profiler allowed the team to capture comprehensive profiles over a period of time, including when the latency spikes occurred, enabling the team to better understand the issue.
After capturing the profiles, the team went through the flame graphs of one of the Lambda functions (TimeSeriesMetricsGeneratorLambda) and learned that all of its CPU time was spent by the thread responsible to publish metrics to CloudWatch. The following screenshot shows a flame graph during one of these spikes.

TimeSeriesMetricsGeneratorLambda taking 100% CPU

As seen, there is a single call stack visible in the above flame graph, indicating all the CPU time was taken by the thread invoking above code. This helped the team immediately understand what was happening. Above code was related to the thread responsible for publishing the CloudWatch metrics. This thread was publishing these metrics in a synchronized block and as this thread took most of the CPU, it caused all other threads to wait and the latency to spike. To fix the issue, the team simply changed the TimeSeriesMetricsGeneratorLambda Lambda code, to publish CloudWatch metrics at the end of the function, which eliminated contention of this thread with all other threads.


After the fix was deployed, the 5 second latency spikes were gone, as seen in the following graph.

Latency reduction for BatchGetFrameMetricData API

Cost, infrastructure and other improvements for CAGE

CAGE is an internal Amazon retail service that does royalty aggregation for digital products, such as Kindle eBooks, MP3 songs and albums and more. Like many other Amazon services, CAGE is also customer of CodeGuru Profiler.

CAGE was experiencing latency delays and growing infrastructure cost, and wanted to reduce them. Thanks to CodeGuru Profiler’s always-on profiling capabilities, rich visualization and recommendations, the team was able to successfully diagnose the issues, determine the root cause and fix them.


With the help of CodeGuru Profiler, the CAGE team identified several reasons for their degraded service performance and increased hardware utilization:

  • Excessive garbage collection activity – The team reviewed the service flame graphs (see the following screenshot) and identified that a lot of CPU time was spent getting garbage collection activities, 65.07% of the total service CPU.

Excessive garbage collection activities for CAGE

  • Metadata overhead – The team followed CodeGuru Profiler recommendation to identify that the service’s DynamoDB responses were consuming higher CPU, 2.86% of total CPU time. This was due to the response metadata caching in the AWS SDK v1.x HTTP client that was turned on by default. This was causing higher CPU overhead for high throughput applications such as CAGE. The following screenshot shows the relevant recommendation.

Response metadata recommendation for CAGE

  • Excessive logging – The team also identified excessive logging of its internal Amazon ION structures. The team initially added this logging for debugging purposes, but was unaware of its impact on the CPU cost, taking 2.28% of the overall service CPU. The following screenshot is part of the flame graph that helped identify the logging impact.

Excessive logging in CAGE service

The team used these flame graphs and CodeGuru Profiler provided recommendations to determine the root cause of the issues and systematically resolve them by doing the following:

  • Switching to a more efficient garbage collector
  • Removing excessive logging
  • Disabling metadata caching for Dynamo DB response


After making these changes, the team was able to reduce their infrastructure cost by 25%, saving close to $2600 per month. Service latency also improved, with a reduction in service’s 99th percentile latency from approximately 2,500 milliseconds to 250 milliseconds in their North America (NA) region as shown below.

CAGE Latency Reduction

The team also realized a side benefit of having reduced log verbosity and saw a reduction in log size by 55%.

Event Analysis of increased checkout latency for Amazon.com

During one of the high traffic times, Amazon retail customers experienced higher than normal latency on their checkout page. The issue was due to one of the downstream service’s API experiencing high latency and CPU utilization. While the team quickly mitigated the issue by increasing the service’s servers, the always-on CodeGuru Profiler came to the rescue to help diagnose and fix the issue permanently.


The team analyzed the flame graphs from CodeGuru Profiler at the time of the event and noticed excessive CPU consumption (69.47%) when logging exceptions using Log4j2. See the following screenshot taken from an earlier version of CodeGuru Profiler user interface.

Excessive CPU consumption when logging exceptions using Log4j2

With CodeGuru Profiler flame graph and other metrics, the team quickly confirmed that the issue was due to excessive exception logging using Log4j2. This downstream service had recently upgraded to Log4j2 version 2.8, in which exception logging could be expensive, due to the way Log4j2 handles class-loading of certain stack frames. Log4j 2.x versions enabled class loading by default, which was disabled in 1.x versions, causing the increased latency and CPU utilization. The team was not able to detect this issue in pre-production environment, as the impact was observable only in high traffic situations.


After they understood the issue, the team successfully rolled out the fix, removing the unnecessary exception trace logging to fix the issue. Such performance issues and many others are proactively offered as CodeGuru Profiler recommendations, to ensure you can proactively learn about such issues with your applications and quickly resolve them.


I hope this post provided a glimpse into various ways CodeGuru Profiler can benefit your business and applications. To get started using CodeGuru Profiler, see Setting up CodeGuru Profiler.
For more information about CodeGuru Profiler, see the following:

Investigating performance issues with Amazon CodeGuru Profiler

Optimizing application performance with Amazon CodeGuru Profiler

Find Your Application’s Most Expensive Lines of Code and Improve Code Quality with Amazon CodeGuru


Architecting a Data Lake for Higher Education Student Analytics

Post Syndicated from Craig Jordan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/architecting-data-lake-for-higher-education-student-analytics/

One of the keys to identifying timely and impactful actions is having enough raw material to work with. However, this up-to-date information typically lives in the databases that sit behind several different applications. One of the first steps to finding data-driven insights is gathering that information into a single store that an analyst can use without interfering with those applications.

For years, reporting environments have relied on a data warehouse stored in a single, separate relational database management system (RDBMS). But now, due to the growing use of Software as a service (SaaS) applications and NoSQL database options, data may be stored outside the data center and in formats other than tables of rows and columns. It’s increasingly difficult to access the data these applications maintain, and a data warehouse may not be flexible enough to house the gathered information.

For these reasons, reporting teams are building data lakes, and those responsible for using data analytics at universities and colleges are no different. However, it can be challenging to know exactly how to start building this expanded data repository so it can be ready to use quickly and still expandable as future requirements are uncovered. Helping higher education institutions address these challenges is the topic of this post.

About Maryville University

Maryville University is a nationally recognized private institution located in St. Louis, Missouri, and was recently named the second fastest growing private university by The Chronicle of Higher Education. Even with its enrollment growth, the university is committed to a highly personalized education for each student, which requires reliable data that is readily available to multiple departments. University leaders want to offer the right help at the right time to students who may be having difficulty completing the first semester of their course of study. To get started, the data experts in the Office of Strategic Information and members of the IT Department needed to create a data environment to identify students needing assistance.

Critical data sources

Like most universities, Maryville’s student-related data centers around two significant sources: the student information system (SIS), which houses student profiles, course completion, and financial aid information; and the learning management system (LMS) in which students review course materials, complete assignments, and engage in online discussions with faculty and fellow students.

The first of these, the SIS, stores its data in an on-premises relational database, and for several years, a significant subset of its contents had been incorporated into the university’s data warehouse. The LMS, however, contains data that the team had not tried to bring into their data warehouse. Moreover, that data is managed by a SaaS application from Instructure, called “Canvas,” and is not directly accessible for traditional extract, transform, and load (ETL) processing. The team recognized they needed a new approach and began down the path of creating a data lake in AWS to support their analysis goals.

Getting started on the data lake

The first step the team took in building their data lake made use of an open source solution that Harvard’s IT department developed. The solution, comprised of AWS Lambda functions and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets, is deployed using AWS CloudFormation. It enables any university that uses Canvas for their LMS to implement a solution that moves LMS data into an S3 data lake on a daily basis. The following diagram illustrates this portion of Maryville’s data lake architecture:

The data lake for the Learning Management System data

Diagram 1: The data lake for the Learning Management System data

The AWS Lambda functions invoke the LMS REST API on a daily schedule resulting in Maryville’s data, which has been previously unloaded and compressed by Canvas, to be securely stored into S3 objects. AWS Glue tables are defined to provide access to these S3 objects. Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) informs stakeholders the status of the data loads.

Expanding the data lake

The next step was deciding how to copy the SIS data into S3. The team decided to use the AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) to create daily snapshots of more than 2,500 tables from this database. DMS uses a source endpoint for secure access to the on-premises database instance over VPN. A target endpoint determines the specific S3 bucket into which the data should be written. A migration task defines which tables to copy from the source database along with other migration options. Finally, a replication instance, a fully managed virtual machine, runs the migration task to copy the data. With this configuration in place, the data lake architecture for SIS data looks like this:

Diagram 2: Migrating data from the Student Information System

Diagram 2: Migrating data from the Student Information System

Handling sensitive data

In building a data lake you have several options for handling sensitive data including:

  • Leaving it behind in the source system and avoid copying it through the data replication process
  • Copying it into the data lake, but taking precautions to ensure that access to it is limited to authorized staff
  • Copying it into the data lake, but applying processes to eliminate, mask, or otherwise obfuscate the data before it is made accessible to analysts and data scientists

The Maryville team decided to take the first of these approaches. Building the data lake gave them a natural opportunity to assess where this data was stored in the source system and then make changes to the source database itself to limit the number of highly sensitive data fields.

Validating the data lake

With these steps completed, the team turned to the final task, which was to validate the data lake. For this process they chose to make use of Amazon Athena, AWS Glue, and Amazon Redshift. AWS Glue provided multiple capabilities including metadata extraction, ETL, and data orchestration. Metadata extraction, completed by Glue crawlers, quickly converted the information that DMS wrote to S3 into metadata defined in the Glue data catalog. This enabled the data in S3 to be accessed using standard SQL statements interactively in Athena. Without the added cost and complexity of a database, Maryville’s data analyst was able to confirm that the data loads were completing successfully. He was also able to resolve specific issues encountered on particular tables. The SQL queries, written in Athena, could later be converted to ETL jobs in AWS Glue, where they could be triggered on a schedule to create additional data in S3. Athena and Glue enabled the ETL that was needed to transform the raw data delivered to S3 into prepared datasets necessary for existing dashboards.

Once curated datasets were created and stored in S3, the data was loaded into an AWS Redshift data warehouse, which supported direct access by tools outside of AWS using ODBC/JDBC drivers. This capability enabled Maryville’s team to further validate the data by attaching the data in Redshift to existing dashboards that were running in Maryville’s own data center. Redshift’s stored procedure language allowed the team to port some key ETL logic so that the engineering of these datasets could follow a process similar to approaches used in Maryville’s on-premises data warehouse environment.


The overall data lake/data warehouse architecture that the Maryville team constructed currently looks like this:

The complete architecture

Diagram 3: The complete architecture

Through this approach, Maryville’s two-person team has moved key data into position for use in a variety of workloads. The data in S3 is now readily accessible for ad hoc interactive SQL workloads in Athena, ETL jobs in Glue, and ultimately for machine learning workloads running in EC2, Lambda or Amazon Sagemaker. In addition, the S3 storage layer is easy to expand without interrupting prior workloads. At the time of this writing, the Maryville team is both beginning to use this environment for machine learning models described earlier as well as adding other data sources into the S3 layer.


The solution described in this post resulted from the collaborative effort of Christine McQuie, Data Engineer, and Josh Tepen, Cloud Engineer, at Maryville University, with guidance from Travis Berkley and Craig Jordan, AWS Solutions Architects.

Integrating AWS CloudFormation Guard into CI/CD pipelines

Post Syndicated from Sergey Voinich original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/integrating-aws-cloudformation-guard/

In this post, we discuss and build a managed continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline that uses AWS CloudFormation Guard to automate and simplify pre-deployment compliance checks of your AWS CloudFormation templates. This enables your teams to define a single source of truth for what constitutes valid infrastructure definitions, to be compliant with your company guidelines and streamline AWS resources’ deployment lifecycle.

We use the following AWS services and open-source tools to set up the pipeline:

Solution overview

The CI/CD workflow includes the following steps:

  1. A code change is committed and pushed to the CodeCommit repository.
  2. CodePipeline automatically triggers a CodeBuild job.
  3. CodeBuild spins up a compute environment and runs the phases specified in the buildspec.yml file:
  4. Clone the code from the CodeCommit repository (CloudFormation template, rule set for CloudFormation Guard, buildspec.yml file).
  5. Clone the code from the CloudFormation Guard repository on GitHub.
  6. Provision the build environment with necessary components (rust, cargo, git, build-essential).
  7. Download CloudFormation Guard release from GitHub.
  8. Run a validation check of the CloudFormation template.
  9. If the validation is successful, pass the control over to CloudFormation and deploy the stack. If the validation fails, stop the build job and print a summary to the build job log.

The following diagram illustrates this workflow.

Architecture Diagram

Architecture Diagram of CI/CD Pipeline with CloudFormation Guard


For this walkthrough, complete the following prerequisites:

Creating your CodeCommit repository

Create your CodeCommit repository by running a create-repository command in the AWS CLI:

aws codecommit create-repository --repository-name cfn-guard-demo --repository-description "CloudFormation Guard Demo"

The following screenshot indicates that the repository has been created.

CodeCommit Repository

CodeCommit Repository has been created

Populating the CodeCommit repository

Populate your repository with the following artifacts:

  1. A buildspec.yml file. Modify the following code as per your requirements:
version: 0.2
    # Definining CloudFormation Teamplate and Ruleset as variables - part of the code repo
    CF_TEMPLATE: "cfn_template_file_example.yaml"
    CF_ORG_RULESET:  "cfn_guard_ruleset_example"
      - apt-get update
      - apt-get install build-essential -y
      - apt-get install cargo -y
      - apt-get install git -y
      - echo "Setting up the environment for AWS CloudFormation Guard"
      - echo "More info https://github.com/aws-cloudformation/cloudformation-guard"
      - echo "Install Rust"
      - curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh -s -- -y
       - echo "Pull GA release from github"
       - echo "More info https://github.com/aws-cloudformation/cloudformation-guard/releases"
       - wget https://github.com/aws-cloudformation/cloudformation-guard/releases/download/1.0.0/cfn-guard-linux-1.0.0.tar.gz
       - echo "Extract cfn-guard"
       - tar xvf cfn-guard-linux-1.0.0.tar.gz .
       - echo "Validate CloudFormation template with cfn-guard tool"
       - echo "More information https://github.com/aws-cloudformation/cloudformation-guard/blob/master/cfn-guard/README.md"
       - cfn-guard-linux/cfn-guard check --rule_set $CF_ORG_RULESET --template $CF_TEMPLATE --strict-checks
    - cfn_template_file_example.yaml
  name: guard_templates
  1. An example of a rule set file (cfn_guard_ruleset_example) for CloudFormation Guard. Modify the following code as per your requirements:
#CFN Guard rules set example

#List of multiple references
let allowed_azs = [us-east-1a,us-east-1b]
let allowed_ec2_instance_types = [t2.micro,t3.nano,t3.micro]
let allowed_security_groups = [sg-08bbcxxc21e9ba8e6,sg-07b8bx98795dcab2]

#EC2 Policies
AWS::EC2::Instance AvailabilityZone IN %allowed_azs
AWS::EC2::Instance ImageId == ami-0323c3dd2da7fb37d
AWS::EC2::Instance InstanceType IN %allowed_ec2_instance_types
AWS::EC2::Instance SecurityGroupIds == ["sg-07b8xxxsscab2"]
AWS::EC2::Instance SubnetId == subnet-0407a7casssse558

#EBS Policies
AWS::EC2::Volume AvailabilityZone == us-east-1a
AWS::EC2::Volume Encrypted == true
AWS::EC2::Volume Size == 50 |OR| AWS::EC2::Volume Size == 100
AWS::EC2::Volume VolumeType == gp2
  1. An example of a CloudFormation template file (.yaml). Modify the following code as per your requirements:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Description: "EC2 instance with encrypted EBS volume for AWS CloudFormation Guard Testing"


    Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
      ImageId: 'ami-0323c3dd2da7fb37d'
      AvailabilityZone: 'us-east-1a'
      KeyName: "your-ssh-key"
      InstanceType: 't3.micro'
      SubnetId: 'subnet-0407a7xx68410e558'
        - 'sg-07b8b339xx95dcab2'
          Device: '/dev/sdf'
          VolumeId: !Ref EBSVolume
       - Key: Name
         Value: cfn-guard-ec2

   Type: AWS::EC2::Volume
     Size: 100
     AvailabilityZone: 'us-east-1a'
     Encrypted: true
     VolumeType: gp2
       - Key: Name
         Value: cfn-guard-ebs
   DeletionPolicy: Snapshot

    Description: The Instance ID
    Value: !Ref EC2Instance
    Description: The Volume ID
    Value: !Ref  EBSVolume
AWS CodeCommit

Optional CodeCommit Repository Structure

The following screenshot shows a potential CodeCommit repository structure.

Creating a CodeBuild project

Our CodeBuild project orchestrates around CloudFormation Guard and runs validation checks of our CloudFormation templates as a phase of the CI process.

  1. On the CodeBuild console, choose Build projects.
  2. Choose Create build projects.
  3. For Project name, enter your project name.
  4. For Description, enter a description.
AWS CodeBuild

Create CodeBuild Project

  1. For Source provider, choose AWS CodeCommit.
  2. For Repository, choose the CodeCommit repository you created in the previous step.
AWS CodeBuild

Define the source for your CodeBuild Project

To setup CodeBuild environment we will use managed image based on Ubuntu 18.04

  1. For Environment Image, select Managed image.
  2. For Operating system, choose Ubuntu.
  3. For Service role¸ select New service role.
  4. For Role name, enter your service role name.
CodeBuild Environment

Setup the environment, the OS image and other settings for the CodeBuild

  1. Leave the default settings for additional configuration, buildspec, batch configuration, artifacts, and logs.

You can also use CodeBuild with custom build environments to help you optimize billing and improve the build time.

Creating IAM roles and policies

Our CI/CD pipeline needs two AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles to run properly: one role for CodePipeline to work with other resources and services, and one role for AWS CloudFormation to run the deployments that passed the validation check in the CodeBuild phase.

Creating permission policies

Create your permission policies first. The following code is the policy in JSON format for CodePipeline:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "iam:PassRole",
            "Resource": "*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEqualsIfExists": {
                    "iam:PassedToService": [

To create your policy for CodePipeline, run the following CLI command:

aws iam create-policy --policy-name CodePipeline-Cfn-Guard-Demo --policy-document file://CodePipelineServiceRolePolicy_example.json

Capture the policy ARN that you get in the output to use in the next steps.

The following code is the policy in JSON format for AWS CloudFormation:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole",
            "Resource": "*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "iam:AWSServiceName": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

Create the policy for AWS CloudFormation by running the following CLI command:

aws iam create-policy --policy-name CloudFormation-Cfn-Guard-Demo --policy-document file://CloudFormationRolePolicy_example.json

Capture the policy ARN that you get in the output to use in the next steps.

Creating roles and trust policies

The following code is the trust policy for CodePipeline in JSON format:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": "codepipeline.amazonaws.com"
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

Create your role for CodePipeline with the following CLI command:

aws iam create-role --role-name CodePipeline-Cfn-Guard-Demo-Role --assume-role-policy-document file://RoleTrustPolicy_CodePipeline.json

Capture the role name for the next step.

The following code is the trust policy for AWS CloudFormation in JSON format:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": "cloudformation.amazonaws.com"
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

Create your role for AWS CloudFormation with the following CLI command:

aws iam create-role --role-name CF-Cfn-Guard-Demo-Role --assume-role-policy-document file://RoleTrustPolicy_CloudFormation.json

Capture the role name for the next step.


Finally, attach the permissions policies created in the previous step to the IAM roles you created:

aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name CodePipeline-Cfn-Guard-Demo-Role  --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::<AWS Account Id >:policy/CodePipeline-Cfn-Guard-Demo"

aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name CF-Cfn-Guard-Demo-Role  --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::<AWS Account Id>:policy/CloudFormation-Cfn-Guard-Demo"

Creating a pipeline

We can now create our pipeline to assemble all the components into one managed, continuous mechanism.

  1. On the CodePipeline console, choose Pipelines.
  2. Choose Create new pipeline.
  3. For Pipeline name, enter a name.
  4. For Service role, select Existing service role.
  5. For Role ARN, choose the service role you created in the previous step.
  6. Choose Next.
CodePipeline Setup

Setting Up CodePipeline environment

  1. In the Source section, for Source provider, choose AWS CodeCommit.
  2. For Repository name¸ enter your repository name.
  3. For Branch name, choose master.
  4. For Change detection options, select Amazon CloudWatch Events.
  5. Choose Next.
AWS CodePipeline Source

Adding CodeCommit to CodePipeline

  1. In the Build section, for Build provider, choose AWS CodeBuild.
  2. For Project name, choose the CodeBuild project you created.
  3. For Build type, select Single build.
  4. Choose Next.
CodePipeline Build Stage

Adding Build Project to Pipeline Stage

Now we will create a deploy stage in our CodePipeline to deploy CloudFormation templates that passed the CloudFormation Guard inspection in the CI stage.

  1. In the Deploy section, for Deploy provider, choose AWS CloudFormation.
  2. For Action mode¸ choose Create or update stack.
  3. For Stack name, choose any stack name.
  4. For Artifact name, choose BuildArtifact.
  5. For File name, enter the CloudFormation template name in your CodeCommit repository (In case of our demo it is cfn_template_file_example.yaml).
  6. For Role name, choose the role you created earlier for CloudFormation.
CodePipeline - Deploy Stage

Adding deploy stage to CodePipeline

22. In the next step review your selections for the pipeline to be created. The stages and action providers in each stage are shown in the order that they will be created. Click Create pipeline. Our CodePipeline is ready.

Validating the CI/CD pipeline operation

Our CodePipeline has two basic flows and outcomes. If the CloudFormation template complies with our CloudFormation Guard rule set file, the resources in the template deploy successfully (in our use case, we deploy an EC2 instance with an encrypted EBS volume).

CloudFormation Deployed

CloudFormation Console

If our CloudFormation template doesn’t comply with the policies specified in our CloudFormation Guard rule set file, our CodePipeline stops at the CodeBuild step and you see an error in the build job log indicating the resources that are non-compliant:

[EBSVolume] failed because [Encrypted] is [false] and the permitted value is [true]
[EC2Instance] failed because [t3.2xlarge] is not in [t2.micro,t3.nano,t3.micro] for [InstanceType]
Number of failures: 2

Note: To demonstrate the above functionality I changed my CloudFormation template to use unencrypted EBS volume and switched the EC2 instance type to t3.2xlarge which do not adhere to the rules that we specified in the Guard rule set file

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources that we have created during the walkthrough:

  • CloudFormation stack resources that were deployed by the CodePipeline
  • CodePipeline that we have created
  • CodeBuild project
  • CodeCommit repository


In this post, we covered how to integrate CloudFormation Guard into CodePipeline and fully automate pre-deployment compliance checks of your CloudFormation templates. This allows your teams to have an end-to-end automated CI/CD pipeline with minimal operational overhead and stay compliant with your organizational infrastructure policies.

Field Notes: Implementing Hardware-in-the-Loop for Autonomous Driving Development on AWS

Post Syndicated from Bryan Berezdivin original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/field-notes-implementing-hardware-in-the-loop-for-autonomous-driving-development-on-aws/

Automotive customers use AWS as their platform for advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving (AD) development to accelerate their development cycles and experience faster time-to-market.  In the blog post, Autonomous Vehicle and ADAS development on AWS Part 1: Achieving Scale, we illustrated how software in the loop (SiL) and hardware in the loop (HiL) simulations are part of the workflow used to develop and validate safe AD and ADAS functionality. In this post, I run through some of the more common questions and patterns for implementing HiL on AWS, while looking at some of the differences from running your development all on-premises.

HiL simulations leverage test drive data and derived synthetic data to develop and validate various functions in the AD software stack.  Test drive log data is ingested and stored in Amazon S3 for use for HiL simulations in parallel with other AD development workloads including visualization, processing, labeling, analysis, and model and algorithm development.

As such, we see customers exist in a hybrid context with their HiL workloads running on-premises to support customized equipment. For ADAS and ADS customers, this poses a few questions and considerations:

  • What are the recommendations to deploy HiL for AD on AWS?
  • How is this different from what customers were used to on-premises?

For hybrid customers, there are assumptions and misconceptions:

  • Do I need to replicate the test drive data locally, and if so, what are the considerations and consequences?

For the purposes of brevity, the remainder of this blog post will use the term AD development to encompass ADAS and AD unless specifically called out.

HiL Building Blocks

Simulations and validations make up an important aspect of AD development. According to Rand’s analysis, there is a need to demonstrate safe driving on billions of miles for an autonomous vehicle to have a lower failure rate than a human driver. While this analysis is statistically derived for fully autonomous driving (SAE Level 5), it demonstrates a need for further validation on millions of miles. This pattern is reflected in most ADAS and AD development projects, where software in the loop (SiL) and HiL are used for verification and validation.

The following diagram is an illustration of the ISO 26262 V-Model, a product development approach for matching requirements with corresponding tests, where HiL simulation is required for much of system level testing and validation phases on the right side of the overlaid V-Model.

Figure 1: V-Model as defined by ISO-26262

Figure 1: V-Model as defined by ISO-26262

HiL simulations require a few key elements. The main component is the device under test (DUT), such as one or more electronic control units (ECUs) running the AD software stack. HiL simulations allow customers to put the device under test (DUT) under the rigor of real-world signals found in a vehicle. By providing more accurate environments and scenarios for the DUT, it can be fine-tuned for key performance indicators (KPIs) such as power utilization, response time, and accuracy.

The DUT is connected to a “HIL Rig,” a high performance server with multiple expansion boards to connect to various components of the AD system. The various interfaces are identified in Figure 2:  High Level Hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) System and Interfaces and include Controller Area Network (CAN), Automotive Ethernet, Low Voltage Differential Signal (LVDS), and PCIExpress. These interfaces emulate the vehicular topology for testing purposes and allow system level validation of the DUT.

The HiL Rigs and the corresponding software tooling are offered by companies like Elektrobit, dSpace, National Instruments, and Opal-RT. The HiL systems facilitate time synchronized inputs and outputs to the DUT and measures system performance. These solutions have optimizations for large-scale operations aligned with faster validation cycles for customers. This latter point is relevant when a project requires validation across a large number of miles. Elektrobit provides the ability to orchestrate and deploy large HiL server farms that can be deployed to work in parallel. The larger server farms allow parallel HiL simulations to reduce the time to validate thousands of miles of drive time and assess the key performance indicators (KPIs) for the feature sets. Results can be acted on more quickly and reduce the overall development time.

Figure 2: High Level Hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) System and Interfaces

Figure 2: High Level Hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) System and Interfaces

The HIL system loads sensor data derived from test drive logs. These logs vary in format, but often are captured and stored as MDF4, ADTF, rosbag, or other data logger proprietary formats. These are then processed for HIL simulations to implement open-loop and closed-loop simulations.

  • Open loop simulations refer to replay of log data from test drives.
  • Closed-loop simulations rely on the behavior of the system as inputs vary based on new outputs of the simulation.

Both open loop and closed loop simulations are part of autonomous driving development, but open-loop simulations require the largest datasets (multiple petabytes on average) due to reliance on the log data from test drives making them a primary concern for deploying HiL in a hybrid manner.

Overview of Solution

Architectures for supporting HIL simulations with AWS for AD development vary based primarily on the networking available at HiL locations. A common pattern for AWS customers is to have the HiL systems directly interfacing with Amazon S3 over high-bandwidth network links leveraging AWS Direct Connect. This is the simplest approach to deploying HiL and avoids hybrid data management of the petabytes of data in Amazon S3 to a local storage system.

AWS Direct Connect provides customers options to deploy their HIL rigs at their data center or in AWS colocation facilities with low latency connections. AWS has the largest number of Direct Connection locations and points-of-presence (POPs) to enable low latency connectivity to any of the >24 AWS Regions. The following diagram illustrates a reference architecture leveraging a direct interface from the HiL systems and Amazon S3.

Figure 3 : Reference Architecture for Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) Direct to Amazon S3

As shown in Figure 3, we illustrate the common interfaces, topology, and AWS services used for autonomous driving customers.

  • Amazon S3 is used to store and analyze the test drive logs used by the HiL simulations and also the results from the simulation runs for further analysis.
  • Metadata of test drive data is populated in various database and analytics services, referred to as the data catalogues, with metadata crawlers and processing pipelines that extract from the drive log and test result data on Amazon S3.
  • The data catalogues provide flexible search interfaces for developers and validation engineers or advanced analytics tools. These systems provide keyword search in Amazon Elasticsearch or SQL queries in Amazon Redshift or Amazon RDS and noSQL interfaces using Amazon DynamoDB. Amazon Partner Network solutions for these database and analysis tools are common as well, such as those in AWS Marketplace.
  • Validation engineer, data scientists, or developers use these data catalogues to find scenarios for testing. These personas also use the HiL management interfaces to configure and orchestrate the HiL simulation runs on the scenarios identified and ensure traceability.
  • HiL management systems control the HiL Rigs that interface to the DUT and implement the HiL simulations using the test drive logs. The HiL management system then writes results back to S3 for further analysis via various tool chains.

A common question AWS customers have is how to determine an optimal hybrid architecture using this approach. The primary factors are properly sized network links to accommodate data sets used by the HiL simulations as well as low latency network links between Amazon S3 and the HiL rigs. As a result, a key factor is ensuring use of an AWS region for your AWS storage that is in close proximity to your HiL testing site(s).

Based on current HiL implementations, open-loop simulations can sustain latencies of 30-50 ms RTT. AWS has numerous AWS Direct Connect locations in co-location facilities with latencies <5ms RTT. Sizing for these network links can be calculated based on the expected dataset sizes and the interval of time targeted for simulation run. We show a basic formula used for network sizing.

Average_Throughput (Gbps) = Average_Dataset_Size(GB)*8 / Time_Interval (seconds)

As an example, for a scenario where an average of 20PB is needed by the HIL rig every 2 weeks, we require ~200Gbps for the AWS Direct Connect bandwidth.

Figure 4 shows an example of a high-level architecture supported by Elektrobit with multiple EB 9101 test racks grouped together. This architecture supports multiple ECUs to be tested at once, leveraging drive log data in Amazon S3. This system is controlled with a central management software that allows optimal orchestration to keep the Elektrobit HiL system running optimally.

Use cases include:

  • The automated replay of all relevant sensor data with high time precision to ECU
  • Capture of ECU responses including debug data
  • Integration of customer components inside the HiL rack for visualization or post-processing.

Another common question from AWS customers is whether this architecture is supported for their HiL implementation. Many HiL providers are adding AWS functionality to their software and hardware stacks in response to customers transitioning to cloud for the development platforms.  Some vendors still require Amazon S3 as a supported interface in their HiL Rigs. The work needed to accommodate Amazon S3 is usually a small level of effort for any developer by using Amazon SDKs on the HiL rig software stack. If there is a project where this is needed, contact the AWS account teams and your HiL vendors to ensure a successful and cost efficient project implementation.

Figure 4: Elektrobit HiL Architecture with AWS

Figure 4: Elektrobit HiL Architecture with AWS

An alternative HiL solution shown in Figure 5 includes Amazon S3 as the primary storage for drive log data and the scale out NAS storage system is located on-premises operating as a cache for the HIL rigs. This is common when the networking options at the HIL site are limited in bandwidth or latency to handle the target datasets and time windows.

AWS customers calculate the size of the cache to transfer the entire dataset over the intended time interval. Following is a simple calculation to demonstrate this.

Cache_Size(GB) = Average_Dataset_Size(GB) - Average_Throughput (Gbps) /8 * Time_Interval (seconds)

In this example, a customer has 40 Gbps AWS Direct Connect available and a 10PB dataset needed for HIL simulations every 2 weeks. Using the preceding formula there is a need for local cache of four PB capable of high read-rates.

Figure 5: Reference Architecture for Hardware-in-the Loop (HiL) with Local Cache to Amazon S3

Figure 5: Reference Architecture for Hardware-in-the Loop (HiL) with Local Cache to Amazon S3

In this hybrid architecture there is a need to orchestrate the data movement in line with the needs of the HIL simulation data set. This requires third party software generally or built in functionality into workflow orchestration tools like Apache Airflow. At CES 2019, Dell EMC and AWS illustrated a solution for this hybrid architecture documented in this short solution brief using Isilon as the scale out NAS storage system and DataIQ as the data movement and orchestration mechanism.

Any of these architectures can be cost-optimized, and AWS has programs and pricing options for Amazon Direct Connect as well as the other AWS services involved. There are Enterprise Agreements and Migration Acceleration Programs (MAP)  in line with the holistic AD development platform needs, that reduce the costs for hybrid architecture functionality needed in the HiL solutions. One common need is support for AWS Direct Connect “flat rate” pricing option to accommodate the data transfer out (DTO) needs for the HiL workload. If you need details on these programs for your AD development project, contact your AWS account team.


In this blog post, we discussed two common architectural patterns for supporting HiL simulations for ADAS and Autonomous Driving development. These help customers decide on the right networking, storage, and hybrid topologies for these systems.

HiL systems directly interfacing with Amazon S3 is the most common pattern as you see with Elektrobit HiL solutions, but for customers with limited network links the use of a local cache is an option. Autonomous driving customers looking to increase velocity in their SAE Level 2-5 development programs with HiL simulations have achieved success with AWS as the development platform using these patterns. AWS has a team dedicated to autonomous driving, so contact your AWS account team to get a more prescriptive solution for your HiL or related ADAS and AD development needs.

Also, check out the Automotive issue of the AWS Architecture Monthly Magazine.

Field Notes provides hands-on technical guidance from AWS Solutions Architects, consultants, and technical account managers, based on their experiences in the field solving real-world business problems for customers.

Architecture Monthly Magazine: AWS Solutions

Post Syndicated from Annik Stahl original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/architecture-monthly-magazine-aws-solutions/

Architecture Monthly - October 2020 - AWS SolutionsFor October’s issue of AWS Architecture Monthly Magazine, we decided to do a deep dive into the AWS Solutions Library, a virtual treasure trove of cloud-based solutions for dozens of technical and business problems. Whether you want to combine pre-built, well-architected multi-service patterns to create your own solution, deploy vetted architecture directly into your AWS account, or get help deploying vetted architecture from AWS Competency Partners, we can help. Our expert runs us though the various offerings you can take advantage of, and some of our other guest writers will go more deeply into the individual options.

In this month’s AWS Solutions issue

  • Ask an Expert: Tom Begley, Manager, AWS Solutions Builder
  • Customer Success Story: App8: Helping Restaurants Succeed during COVID-19
  • AWS Solutions Implementations: Detailed architectures, a deployment guide, and instructions for both automated and manual deployment
  • AWS Solutions Constructs: Building faster and more confidently with vetted architecture patterns
  • AWS Solutions Consulting Offers: Enhancing the AWS Solutions Library to address customer needs
  • Related Videos: Watch what AWS Solutions can do for you

How to access the magazine

We hope you’re enjoying Architecture Monthly, and we’d like to hear from you—leave us star rating and comment on the Amazon Kindle Newsstand page or contact us anytime at [email protected].

Architecture Patterns for Red Hat OpenShift on AWS

Post Syndicated from Ryan Niksch original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/architecture-patterns-for-red-hat-openshift-on-aws/

Editor’s note: Although this blog post and its accompanying code make use of the word “Master,” Red Hat is making open source code more inclusive by eradicating “problematic language.” Read more about this.


Red Hat OpenShift is an application platform that provides customers with turnkey application platform that is much more than a simple Kubernetes orchestration.

OpenShift customers choose AWS as their cloud of choice because of the efficiency, security, and reliability, scalability, and elasticity it provides. Customers seeking to modernize their business, process, and application stacks are drawn to the rich AWS service and feature sets.

As such, we see some customers migrate from on-premises to AWS or exist in a hybrid context with application workloads running in various locations. For OpenShift customers, this poses a few questions and considerations:

  • What are the recommendations for the best way to deploy OpenShift on AWS?
  • How is this different from what customers were used to on-premises?
  • How does this ensure resilience and availability?
  • Do customers need a multi-region, multi-account approach?

For hybrid customers, there are assumptions and misconceptions:

  • Where does the control plane exist?
  •  Is there replication, and if so, what are the considerations and ramifications?

In this post I will run through some of the more common questions and patterns for OpenShift on AWS, while looking at some of the terminology and conceptual differences of AWS. I’ll explore migration and hybrid use cases and address some misconceptions.

OpenShift building blocks

On AWS, OpenShift 4x is the norm. To that effect, I will focus on OpenShift 4, but many of the considerations will apply to both OpenShift 3 and OpenShift 4.

Let’s unpack some of the OpenShift building blocks. An OpenShift cluster consists of Master, infrastructure, and worker nodes. The Master forms the control plane and infrastructure nodes cater to a routing layer and additional functions, such as logging, monitoring etc. Worker nodes are the nodes that customer application container workloads will exist on.

When deployed on-premises, OpenShift nodes will be placed in separate network subnets. Depending on distance, latency, etc., a single OpenShift cluster may span two data centers that have some nodes in a subnet in one data center and other subnets in a different data center. This applies to customers with data centers within a few miles of each other with high-speed connectivity. An alternative would be an OpenShift cluster in each data center.

AWS concepts and terminology

At AWS, the concept of “region” is a geolocation, such as EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) or APAC (Asian Pacific) rather than a data center or specific building. An Availability Zone (AZ) is the closest construct on AWS that maps to a physical data center. Within each region you will find multiple (typically three or more) AZs. Note that a single AZ will contain multiple physical data centers but we treat it as a single point of failure. For example, an event that impacts an AZ would be expected to impact all the data centers within that AZ. To this effect, customers should deploy workloads spanning multiple AZs to protect against any event that would impact a single AZ.

Read more about Regions, Availability Zones, and Edge Locations.

Deploying OpenShift

When deploying an OpenShift cluster on AWS, we recommend starting with three Master nodes spread across three AWS AZs and three worker nodes spread across three AZs. This allows for the combination of resilience and availably constructs provided by AWS as well as Red Hat OpenShift. The OpenShift installer provides a means of deploying the underlying AWS infrastructure in two ways: IPI Installer-provisioned infrastructure and UPI user-provisioned infrastructure. Both Red Hat and AWS collect customer feedback and use this to drive recommended patterns that are then included in the OpenShift installer. As such, the OpenShift installer IPI mode becomes a living reference architecture for deploying OpenShift on AWS.

Deploying OpenShift

The installer will require inputs for the environment on which it’s being deployed. In this case, since I am deploying on AWS, I will need to provide the AWS region, AZs, or subnets that related to the AZs, as well as EC2 instance type. The installer will then generate a set of ignition files that will be used during the deployment of OpenShift:

apiVersion: v1
baseDomain: example.com 
  hyperthreading: Enabled   
  name: master
      - us-west-2a
      - us-west-2b
      - us-west-2c
        iops: 4000
        size: 500
        type: io1
      type: m5.xlarge 
  replicas: 3
- hyperthreading: Enabled 
  name: worker
        iops: 2000
        size: 500
        type: io1 
      type: m5.xlarge
      - us-west-2a
      - us-west-2b
      - us-west-2c
  replicas: 3
  name: test-cluster 
  - cidr:
    hostPrefix: 23
  - cidr:
  networkType: OpenShiftSDN
    region: us-west-2 
      adminContact: jdoe
      costCenter: 7536
pullSecret: '{"auths": ...}' 
fips: false 
sshKey: ssh-ed25519 AAAA... 

What does this look like at scale?

For larger implementations, we would see additional worker nodes spread across three or more AZs. As more worker nodes are added, use of the control plane increases. Initially scaling up the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance type to a larger instance type is an effective way of addressing this. It’s possible to add more Master nodes, and we recommend that an odd number of nodes are maintained. It is more common to see scaling out of the infrastructure nodes before there is a need to scale Masters. For large-scale implementations, infrastructure functions such as the router, monitoring, and logging functions can be moved to separate EC2 instances from the Master nodes, as well as from each other. It is important to spread the routing layer across multiple AZs, which is critical to maintaining availability and resilience.

The process of resource separation is now controlled by infrastructure machine sets within OpenShift. An infrastructure machine set would need to be defined, then the infrastructure role edited to be moved from the default to this new infrastructure machine set. Read about this in greater detail.

OpenShift in a multi-account context

Using AWS accounts as a means of separation is a common well-architected pattern. AWS Organizations and AWS Control Tower are services that are commonly adopted as part of a multi-account strategy. This is very much the case when looking to enable teams to use their own accounts and when an account vending process is needed to cater for self-service account provisioning.

OpenShift in a multi-account context

OpenShift clusters are deployed into multiple accounts. An OpenShift dev cluster is deployed into an AWS Dev account. This account would typically have AWS Developer Support associated with it. A separate production OpenShift cluster would be provisioned into an AWS production account with AWS Enterprise Support. Enterprise support provides for faster support case response times, and you get the benefit of dedicated resources such as a technical account manager and solutions architect.

CICD pipelines and processes are then used to control the application life cycle from code to dev to production. The pipelines would push the code to different OpenShift cluster end points at different stages of the life cycle.

Hybrid use case implementation

A common misconception of hybrid implementations is that there is a single cluster or control plan that has worker nodes in various locations. For example, there could be a cluster where the Master and infrastructure nodes are deployed in one location, but also worker nodes registered with this cluster that exist on-premises as well as in the cloud.

Having a single customer control plane for a hybrid implementation, even if technically possible, introduces undesired risks.

There is the potential to take multiple environments with very different resilience characteristics and make them interdependent of each other. This can result in performance and reliability issues, and these may increase not only the possibility of the risk manifesting, but also increase in the impact or blast radius.

Instead, hybrid implementations will see separate OpenShift clusters deployed into various locations. A customer may deploy clusters on-premises to cater for a workload that can’t be migrated to the cloud in the short term. Separate OpenShift clusters can then deployed into accounts in AWS for workloads on the cloud. Customers can also deploy separate OpenShift clusters in different AWS regions to cater for proximity to the consuming customer.

Though adding multiple clusters doesn’t add significant administrative overhead, there is a desire to be able to gain visibility and telemetry to all the deployed clusters from a central location. This may see the OpenShift clusters registered with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Manager for Kubernetes.


Take advantage of the IPI model, not only as a guide but to also save time. Make AWS Organizations, AWS Control Tower, and the AWS Service catalog part of your cloud and hybrid strategies. These will not only speed up migrations but also form building blocks for a modernized business with a focus of enabling prescriptive self-service. Consider Red Hat advanced cluster manager for multi cluster management.

Automated CloudFormation Testing Pipeline with TaskCat and CodePipeline

Post Syndicated from Raleigh Hansen original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/automated-cloudformation-testing-pipeline-with-taskcat-and-codepipeline/

Researchers at Academic Medical Centers (AMCs) use programs such as Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI) and Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) to interact with healthcare data. Our internal team at AWS has provided solutions such as OHDSI-on-AWS and REDCap environments on AWS to help clinicians analyze healthcare data in the AWS Cloud. Occasionally, these solutions break due to a change in some portion of the solution (e.g. updated services). The Automated Solutions Testing Pipeline enables our team to take a proactive approach to discovering these breaks and their cause in order to expedite the repair process.

OHDSI-on-AWS provides these AMCs with the ability to store and analyze observational health data in the AWS cloud. REDCap is a web application for managing surveys and databases with HIPAA-compliant environments. Using our solutions, these programs can be spun up easily on the AWS infrastructure using AWS CloudFormation templates.

Updates to AWS services and other program libraries can cause the CloudFormation template to fail during deployment. Other times, the outputs may not be operating correctly, or the template may not work on every AWS region. This can create a negative customer experience. Some customers may discover this kind of break and decide to not move forward with using the solution. Other customers may not even realize the solution is broken, so they might be unknowingly working with an uncooperative environment. Furthermore, we cannot always provide fast support to the customers who contact us about broken solutions. To meet our team’s needs and the needs of our customers, we decided to focus our efforts on taking a CI/CD approach to maintain these solutions. We developed the Automated Testing Pipeline which regularly tests solution deployment and changes to source files.

This post shows the features of the Automated Testing Pipeline and provides resources to help you get started using it with your AWS account.

Overview of Automated Testing Pipeline Solution

The Automated Testing Pipeline solution as a whole is designed to automatically deploy CloudFormation templates, run tests against the deployed environments, send notifications if an issue is discovered, and allow for insightful testing data to be easily explored.

CloudFormation templates to be tested are stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. Custom test scripts and TaskCat deployment configuration are stored in an AWS CodeCommit repository.

The pipeline is triggered in one of three ways: an update to the CloudFormation Template in S3, an Amazon CloudWatch events rule, and an update to the testing source code repository. Once the pipeline has been triggered, AWS CodeBuild pulls the source code to deploy the CloudFormation template, test the deployed environment, and store the results in an S3 bucket. If any failures are discovered, subscribers to the failure topic are notified. The following diagram shows its overall architecture.

Diagram of Automated Testing Pipeline architecture

Diagram of Automated Testing Pipeline architecture

In order to create the Automated Testing Pipeline, two interns collaborated over the course of 5 weeks to produce the architecture and custom test scripts. We divided the work of constructing a serverless architecture and writing out test scripts for the output urls for OHDSI-on-AWS and REDCap environments on AWS.

The following tasks were completed to build out the Automated Testing Pipeline solution:

  • Setup AWS IAM roles for accessing AWS resources securely
  • Create CloudWatch events to trigger AWS CodePipeline
  • Setup CodePipeline and CodeBuild to run TaskCat and testing scripts
  • Configure TaskCat to deploy CloudFormation solutions in various AWS Regions
  • Write test scripts to interact with CloudFormation solutions’ deployed environments
  • Subscribe to receive emails detailing test results
  • Create a CloudFormation template for the Automated Testing Pipeline

The architecture can be extended to test any CloudFormation stack. For this particular use case, we wrote the test scripts specifically to test the urls output by the CloudFormation solutions. The Automated Testing Pipeline has the following features:

  • Deployed in a single AWS Region, with the exception of the tested CloudFormation solution
  • Has a serverless architecture operating at the AWS Region level
  • Deploys a pipeline which can deploy and test the CloudFormation solution
  • Creates CloudWatch events to activate the pipeline on a schedule or when the solution is updated
  • Creates an Amazon SNS topic for notifying subscribers when there are errors
  • Includes code for running TaskCat and scripts to test solution functionality
  • Built automatically in minutes
  • Low in cost with free tier benefits

The pipeline is triggered automatically when an event occurs. These events include a change to the CloudFormation solution template, a change to the code in the testing repository, and an alarm set off by a regular schedule. Additional events can be added in the CloudWatch console.

When the pipeline is triggered, the testing environment is set up by CodeBuild. CodeBuild uses a build specification file kept within our source repository to set up the environment and run the test scripts. We created a CodeCommit repository to host the test scripts alongside the build specification. The build specification includes commands run TaskCat — an open-source tool for testing the deployment of CloudFormation templates. TaskCat provides the ability to test the deployment of the CloudFormation solution, but we needed custom test scripts to ensure that we can interact with the deployed environment as expected. If the template is successfully deployed, CodeBuild handles running the test scripts against the CloudFormation solution environment. In our case, the environment is accessed via urls output by the CloudFormation solution.

We used a Selenium WebDriver for interacting with the web pages given by the output urls. This allowed us to programmatically navigate a headless web browser in the serverless environment and gave us the ability to use text output by JavaScript functions to understand the state of the test. You can see this interaction occurring in the code snippet below.

def log_in(driver, user, passw, link, btn_path, title):
    """Enter username and password then submit to log in

        :param driver: webdriver for Chrome page
        :param user: username as String
        :param passw: password as String
        :param link: url for page being tested as String
        :param btn_path: xpath to submit button
        :param title: expected page title upon successful sign in
        :return: success String tuple if log in completed, failure description tuple String otherwise
        # post username and password data
        driver.find_element_by_xpath("//input[ @name='username' ]").send_keys(user)
        driver.find_element_by_xpath("//input[ @name='password' ]").send_keys(passw)

        # click sign in button and wait for page update
    except NoSuchElementException:
        return 'FAILURE', 'Unable to access page elements'

        WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(ec.url_changes(link))
        WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(ec.title_is(title))
    except TimeoutException as e:
        print("Timeout occurred (" + e + ") while attempting to sign in to " + driver.current_url)
        if "Sign In" in driver.title or "invalid user" in driver.page_source.lower():
            return 'FAILURE', 'Incorrect username or password'
            return 'FAILURE', 'Sign in attempt timed out'

    return 'SUCCESS', 'Sign in complete'

We store the test results in JSON format for ease of parsing. TaskCat generates a dashboard which we customize to display these test results. We are able to insert our JSON results into the dashboard in order to make it easy to find errors and access log files. This dashboard is a static html file that can be hosted on an S3 bucket. In addition, messages are published to topics in SNS whenever an error occurs which provide a link to this dashboard.

Dashboard containing descriptions of tests and their results

Customized TaskCat dashboard

In true CI/CD fashion, this end-to-end design automatically performs tasks that would otherwise be performed manually. We have shown how deploying solutions, testing solutions, notifying maintainers, and providing a results dashboard are all actions handled entirely by the Automated Testing Pipeline.

Getting Started with the Automated Testing Pipeline

Prerequisite tasks to complete before deploying the pipeline:

Once the prerequisite tasks are completed, the pipeline is ready to be deployed. Detailed information about deployment, altering the source code to fit your use case, and troubleshooting issues can be found at the GitHub page for the Automated Testing Pipeline.

For those looking to jump right into deployment, click the Launch Stack button below.

Button to click to deploy the Automated Testing Pipeline via CloudFormation

Tasks to complete after deployment:

  • Subscribe to SNS topic for error messages
  • Update the code to match the parameters and CloudFormation template that were chosen
  • Skip this step if you are testing OHDSI-on-AWS. Upload the desired CloudFormation template to the created source S3 Bucket
  • Push the source code to the created CodeCommit Repository

After the code is pushed to the CodeCommit repository and the CloudFormation template has been uploaded to S3, the pipeline will run automatically. You can visit the CodePipeline console to confirm that the pipeline is running with an “in progress” status.

You may desire to alter various aspects of the Automated Testing Pipeline to better fit your use case. Listed below are some actions you can take to modify the solution to fit your needs:

  • Go to CloudWatch Events and update rules for automatically started the pipeline.
  • Scale out testing by providing custom testing scripts or altering the existing ones.
  • Test a different CloudFormation template by uploading it to the source S3 bucket created and configuring the pipeline accordingly. Custom test scripts will likely be required for this use case.

Challenges Addressed by the Automated Testing Pipeline

The Automated Testing Pipeline directly addresses the challenges we faced with maintaining our OHDSI and REDCap solutions. Additionally, the pipeline can be used whenever there is a need to test CloudFormation templates that are being used on a regular basis or are distributed to other users. Listed below is the set of specific challenges we faced maintaining CloudFormation solutions and how the pipeline addresses them.

Table describing challenges faced with their direct solution offered by Testing Pipeline

The desire to better serve our customers guided our decision to create the Automated Testing Pipeline. For example, we know that source code used to build the OHDSI-on-AWS environment changes on occasion. Some of these changes have caused the environment to stop functioning correctly. This left us with cases where our customers had to either open an issue on GitHub or reach out to AWS directly for support. Our customers depend on OHDSI-on-AWS functioning properly, so fixing issues is of high priority to our team. The ability to run tests regularly allows us to take action without depending on notice from our customers. Now, we can be the first ones to know if something goes wrong and get to fixing it sooner.

“This automation will help us better monitor the CloudFormation-based projects our customers depend on to ensure they’re always in working order.” — James Wiggins, EDU HCLS SA Manager

Cleaning Up

If you decide to quit using the Automated Testing Pipeline, follow the steps below to get rid of the resources associated with it in your AWS account.

  • Delete CloudFormation solution root Stack
  • Delete pipeline CloudFormation Stack
  • Delete ATLAS S3 Bucket if OHDSI-on-AWS was chosen

Deleting the pipeline CloudFormation stack handles removing the resources associated with its architecture. Depending on the CloudFormation template chosen for testing, additional resources associated with it may need to be removed. Visit our GitHub page for more information on removing resources.


The ability to continuously test preexisting solutions on AWS has great benefits for our team and our customers. The automated nature of this testing frees up time for us and our customers, and the dashboard makes issues more visible and easier to resolve. We believe that sharing this story can benefit anyone facing challenges maintaining CloudFormation solutions in AWS. Check out the Getting Started with the Automated Testing Pipeline section of this post to deploy the solution.

Additional Resources

More information about the key services and open-source software used in our pipeline can be found at the following documentation pages:

About the Authors

Raleigh Hansen is a former Solutions Architect Intern on the Academic Medical Centers team at AWS. She is passionate about solving problems and improving upon existing systems. She also adores spending time with her two cats.

Dan Le is a former Solutions Architect Intern on the Academic Medical Centers team at AWS. He is passionate about technology and enjoys doing art and music.

Fundbox: Simplifying Ways to Query and Analyze Data by Different Personas

Post Syndicated from Annik Stahl original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/fundbox-simplifying-ways-to-query-and-analyze-data-by-different-personas/

Fundbox is a leading technology platform focused on disrupting the $21 trillion B2B commerce market by building the world’s first B2B payment and credit network. With Fundbox, sellers of all sizes can quickly increase average order volumes (AOV) and improve close rates by offering more competitive net terms and payment plans to their SMB buyers. With heavy investments in machine learning and the ability to quickly analyze the transactional data of SMB’s, Fundbox is reimagining B2B payments and credit products in new category-defining ways.

Learn how how the company simplified the way different personas in the organization query and analyze data by building a self-service data orchestration platform. The platform architecture is entirely serverless, which simplifies the ability to scale and adopt to unpredictable demand. The platform was built using AWS Step Functions, AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Fargate, and other AWS Serverless managed services.

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